diff --git "a/MIMIC_classification_report-generation_test.tsv" "b/MIMIC_classification_report-generation_test.tsv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/MIMIC_classification_report-generation_test.tsv" @@ -0,0 +1,3024 @@ +0 there are relatively low lung volumes . no definite focal consolidation is seen . mid lung atelectasisscarring is again seen . mild cardiomegaly is again seen . mediastinal contours are unremarkable . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17147859 52077543 b6ce62d8-12124de8-769cb0d0-07e96bef-ca38036d +1 consolidation in the left lung continues to improve . now one can see mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema . moderate right pleural effusion is smaller . heart size is normal, and there is no mediastinal vascular engorgement . feeding tube with the wire stylet in place ends in the upper stomach . a left internal jugular swan-ganz catheter ends in the right pulmonary artery . there is no pneumothorax . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16334516 59155553 b9835d4b-d30d7c67-ffa9e3ae-98c8543d-e8fc42d8 +2 portable frontal chest radiograph there is a subtle ill-defined opacity in the right upper lung which may represent focal aspiration . there is no pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is evident . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits given the ap technique . no subdiaphragmatic free air is identified . retained contrast is seen within the transverse colon . Lung Opacity 18835687 50547182 423fc237-2b2e1394-e5255f87-97ae0a26-96fd38d9 +3 analysis is performed in direct comparison with the next preceding pa and lateral chest examination of . whereas the described changes in the right hemithorax are stable, the left-sided basal pleural density has decreased markedly and the left-sided diaphragmatic contour is now identified both on frontal and lateral view . no evidence of pneumothorax in the apical areas on either side . successful thoracocentesis removing major portion of left-sided pleural effusion . no pneumothorax following thoracocentesis . Pleural Effusion 13023326 52971492 ccb75760-a2c8e314-d3d63bc2-17217a91-123a376d +4 the dual-chamber transvenous pacemaker leads are in the appropriate position in the right atrium and right ventricle . no pneumothorax, mediastinal widening or evidence of hemothorax . no pleural effusion . mild cardiomegaly stable . left mild basilar atelectasis . no evidence of pneumonia . dual-chamber transvenous pacemaker leads are in appropriate positions . no evidence of pneumothorax, mediastinal widening, or evidence of hemothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 19075045 57617376 f15b72a4-0e6020a3-cf98cd7c-c8f430f5-1a7d3aa9 +5 the lungs are clear . no right pleural effusion . no large left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . stable mild cardiomegaly . mediastinal contour and hila are unremarkable . midline sternotomy wires again demonstrate disruption of the second sternotomy . additional sternotomy wires are intact . an enteric feeding tube is seen coursing midline with tip in stomach . a left chest wall pacer device lead tips are in the right atrium and right ventricle . right picc tip is in the mid svc . . stable mild cardiomegaly . . enteric feeding tube tip in stomach, still containing stylet . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 18487334 59763018 e8f94964-26bbd138-d2b7248a-e4fd514a-35beb87c +6 previous edema in the left lung has cleared . there has been no appreciable change in the extent of the large right hydropneumothorax with near collapse of the right lung and moderate leftward shift of the lower portion of the mediastinum and downward displacement of the right hemidiaphragm . findings were discussed by telephone earlier this morning with the house officer caring for this patient, dr . . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumothorax 14387068 56460885 3af2079b-5efadc60-7a5c217f-b733fcbc-346b0893 +7 following repositioning, the coiled dobbhoff tube in the mid esophagus has resolved . the distal end is within the stomach . right internal jugular sheath is at upper svc . patient is following median sternotomy for mitral valve replacement and sternal sutures are intact . mild-to-moderate right pleural effusion associated with adjacent lung atelectasis is unchanged since prior radiograph from . no other interval changes in the lung . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18224196 55169735 58d7d80b-3610f757-0e540435-44dbf9dd-12c5b583 +8 small bilateral pleural effusions are increased in size compared to most recent prior exam . there is no focal consolidation . the lungs are hyperinflated with emphysematous changes as seen on prior ct . heart size is increased, similar compared to prior . . increased small bilateral pleural effusions . . cardiomegaly . . hyperinflated lungs corresponding with known emphysema . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . by telephone at am . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 18224196 56094236 eb810218-60a5a044-852328e8-4cdeeaef-1befd540 +9 there is little change . again there are low lung volumes that accentuate the transverse diameter of the enlarged heart . bilateral basilar atelectatic changes, more prominent on the right . specifically, the tip of the swan-ganz catheter is in the right pulmonary artery at the mediastinal border . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 19075045 52513249 5f626d47-f0333190-ef348062-b306b136-d126da29 +10 et tube tip is . cm above the carinal . right internal jugular line tip is at the level of cavoatrial junction . ng tube tip is in the stomach . cardiomegaly is substantial . there is vascular congestion . there are bibasal opacities concerning for infectious process . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15131736 52920123 66a9bbd8-4711cfe3-80145c82-d9611044-07ee1359 +11 on the hyperinflated . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . apical pleural thickening bilaterally is stable . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . the imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable . the bones are intact . clips in the left upper quadrant are noted . cervical fusion hardware is noted . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15114531 55107790 39c36e59-7b5c308e-a9153759-84676a45-4cadadf0 +12 there is no evidence of left pneumothorax following the recent procedure . left juxtahilar mass is again demonstrated with adjacent parenchymal opacities which likely represent post-obstructive atelectasis and pneumonia . as compared to the recent radiograph, the left upper lobe opacity appears more dense, possibly due to progressive post-obstructive abnormalities, but co-existing hemorrhage or aspiration are certainly possible in the setting of a recent procedure . short-term followup radiograph may be helpful in this regard . Atelectasis&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18067737 56427859 805c8f03-c6d068dd-c95f546c-e1dfe872-324866d0 +13 there is a marked improvement the lung volumes have increased, reflecting improved ventilation . the signs indicative of fluid overload have overall decreased . a potentially pre-existing small left pleural effusion combined to an area of retrocardiac atelectasis has completely resolved . the size and border of the cardiac silhouette can be better determined than previously . no new opacities . unchanged course and position of the pacemaker leads . the sternal wires are constant . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13896515 51579601 a0515f0c-c19071ab-16f20abd-4732f05d-bbf91504 +14 pa and lateral chest views have been obtained with patient in upright position . heart size and mediastinal structures are unchanged . the previously described remaining pleural densities along the upper right lateral chest wall in the shoulder area show diminished thickness of the pleural density surrounding the operative area . postoperative localized apical pneumothorax has diminished further and is now barely cm wide, also showing increasing pleural scar formation . no new abnormalities are seen . the left hemithorax is unchanged, though no evidence of new pulmonary abnormalities . progression of postoperative healing, status post right upper lobectomy accomplished via vats extended to thoracotomy intervention . No Finding 19991135 50286241 a8c08cbf-15ac0dac-b76a40a0-dab826c7-18015767 +15 frontal chest radiograph a nasogastric tube terminates within the stomach . a right-sided hemodialysis catheter terminates at the right atrium . a left-sided picc terminates at the cavoatrial junction . bilateral pleural catheters have been removed . the patient is post median sternotomy and mitral valve repair . an enlarged cardiac contour is unchanged since the prior exam . there is no pneumothorax or focal consolidation . small bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged since the most recent exam . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 50610932 9ae19357-ed8ab74b-7c794e86-235ab6b4-b0b98b54 +16 comparison to prior study of at am . portable ap upright chest film, at is submitted . . interval placement of a nasogastric tube, which is seen coursing below the diaphragm with the tip not identified . persistent marked thoracolumbar scoliosis markedly distorting the thoracic cage . lungs appear grossly clear . the cardiomediastinal contours are difficult to assess given the patient positioning on the current examination superimposed on the scoliosis . no evidence of pulmonary edema, pleural effusions or pneumothorax . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 18110020 56470564 8ec25d32-d8679702-2fb2e638-24c54c84-34d1ee79 +17 portable supine chest film at am . is submitted right internal jugular central line has its tip in the proximal superior vena cava . there is a feeding tube coursing below the stomach with the tip not identified . lung volumes remain low, and there is pulmonary vascular congestion likely reflecting a fluid replete state . linear opacity at the left base may represent an area of subsegmental atelectasis . the left costophrenic angle is not entirely included on the study . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are likely unchanged given differences in positioning and technique between studies . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19623993 57032173 0e064bcb-a3b8ea89-90e85aa8-525a773b-7c2718a7 +18 the patient has received a pectoral pacemaker . the course of the pacemaker leads is unremarkable, there is no evidence of fracture or displacement . the signs indicative of mild pulmonary edema, present on the previous examination, have decreased . no evidence of pneumothorax . unchanged mild retrocardiac atelectasis and moderate cardiomegaly . status post sternotomy . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 19759491 50152324 ae135fa3-eb593692-9f19fe95-cdc9b703-28b87ac4 +19 right ij catheter tip is in the upper svc . subclavian large catheter tip is in unchanged position, in the lower right atrium towards the ivc junction . moderate left pleural effusion has increased . left lower lobe retrocardiac opacities have increased . small-to-moderate right pleural effusion with adjacent atelectasis are probably unchanged allowing the difference in positioning of the patient . pulmonary edema has markedly improved . widened mediastinum is unchanged . cardiac silhouette is obscured by pleuroparenchymal abnormalities, probably unchanged . there is no evident pneumothorax . findings of enlarging left pleural effusion were discussed with by phone on at pm . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 59963711 bcb39e0c-aa48bfc8-50a5f824-1f4b73e1-4a1f3235 +20 previous mild pulmonary edema has resolved . severe cardiomegaly stable . no appreciable pleural effusion or focal pulmonary abnormality . cardiopulmonary support devices in standard locations unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 18487334 53333931 0f0038e8-aa61d68a-c46ef78e-4ee08f4b-d4a8e62d +21 single frontal portable view of the chest there is no definite pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette with diffuse interstitial markings is unchanged from prior . as previously suggested, this may reflect chronic interstitial lung disease with superimposed pulmonary vascular congestion . a right-side central line terminates in the right atrium . although the exam is limited by overlying trauma board, there is no displaced rib fracture . Edema&&Lung Opacity 13475033 59918608 8fd47aef-a0002ac5-00dd791e-784fc4a3-a7bc5026 +22 the lead positions of the dual-chamber pacemaker is unchanged compared to the prior exam . there is moderate cardiomegaly . the lungs demonstrate moderate pulmonary edema but no evidence of pleural effusions or pneumothorax . mild atelectatic changes at the lung bases are unchanged . incidental note is made of chronic stable calcified scarring in the left apex . there are no new parenchymal opacities . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . unchanged lead positions from recently inserted dual-chamber pacemaker . No Finding&&Support Devices 11893091 55255832 68d1a72f-0552bded-deae306a-343f5d03-ccf9853f +23 persistent pulmonary opacities, vascular engorgement and septal lines refkect mild pulmonary edema . small left pleural effusion cannot be excluded . low lung volumes limit assessment of cardiomediastinal silhouette though the cardiac size appears mildly enlarged . unchanged mild pulmonary edema with likely small left pleural effusion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19159236 55511619 7e424a42-38f2b8c3-7cdac166-95452e5b-2ada132a +24 mild interstitial pulmonary edema has worsened, moderate left pleural effusion has increased . no focal pulmonary abnormalities . heart size is normal . et tube and left internal jugular line are in standard placements . nasogastric tube ends in the upper stomach . esophageal manometer or temperature probe in place at the level of the carina . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12433421 57365217 ea76870d-7fdf2c99-bec8634e-1362050a-edc3c8fd +25 a left pectoral pacemaker device with leads through the left transvenous approach end into the right atrium and right ventricle respectively . the patient is status post median sternotomy with intact sternal sutures . heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . left lung is remarkable for mild left basal atelectasis . right lung is clear . no pneumonia or pulmonary edema . there is no pleural abnormality . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 17163861 51731956 354f8abd-01f7f413-cb068ad1-1d47c651-7a17c514 +26 in comparison to prior study, there is new medial right basilar and left basilar retrocardiac opacity . given the clinical history, this is concerning for aspiration, possibly developing pneumonia . there is no associated effusion, pneumothorax or apparent pneumomediastinum . the upper lungs remain well aerated . hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged, with marked calcification and tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . degenerative changes are noted in the thoracic spine . no free air is seen in the included upper abdomen . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 12699874 58039469 f27661c7-7cd1d2eb-6116d719-a906e894-7623f8b4 +27 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding similar study obtained four hours earlier during the same day . again identified is status post right upper lobectomy with moderately elevated right-sided diaphragm and local chest wall emphysema in the right shoulder area . no pneumothorax has developed since the preceding study, and no new infiltrates are seen . stable chest findings as seen on portable followup examination, status post right upper lobectomy . No Finding 19991135 54103833 6ce54ac9-077864fe-84217f97-5f43c4e3-f0578456 +28 et tube ends . cm above carina . the patient had a recent left lower lobe lobectomy with the chest tube that projects in upper hemithorax without any visible pneumothorax . left pleural effusion is small if any . the lung volumes are low with mild mediastinal and cardiac enlargement . conclusion there is no pneumothorax . the patient had recent left lower lung lobectomy with usual change . No Finding 12530259 55949339 b76a59ce-cd4c3882-2bf6437f-89cd9378-adc0be20 +29 lordotic positioning . there has been interval removal of et and ng tubes . there is cardiomegaly and upper zone redistribution with mild diffuse vascular blurring, suggesting chf with interstitial edema . there is atelectasis at the left base, improved compared with -- the left hemidiaphragm is now visible . minimal blunting of the left costophrenic angle . calcified granulomas of the left upper zone again noted . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema 12185775 57648356 07a6c75c-9ee2bcc2-076307a1-e6000602-0ee483bb +30 a left hilar mass is noted, which appears new compared with prior exam of . there is also increased vascular markings in the remaining lung fields as well as a new left-sided pleural effusion . there is mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly which appears to be slightly worsened compared with prior exam . there is no pneumothorax . sternotomy wires are intact . multiple surgical clips are noted in the left hemithorax . . new left hilar mass . a ct is recommended for further assessment . . cardiomegaly associated to increased vascular markings and pleural effusion suggests pulmonary vascular congestion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion 11879886 53021526 27a4f085-5eaad330-a1153870-3ec2cd19-20a604cd +31 portable ap radiograph of the chest was compared to . there is interval increase in right pleural effusion, currently large, associated with atelectasisconsolidation . interstitial pulmonary edema has slightly progressed and there are also newprogressing opacities in the left mid and lower lung that might reflect infectious process as well . the left internal jugular line tip is in the persistent left svc, unchanged in appearance . the replaced valves, tricuspid and aortic are redemonstrated . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19182863 56745275 d59037ae-76814c45-ab38e8da-7b58f204-debaa6b9 +32 the heart is normal in size . there is new lobular thickening of the right upper mediastinum and also a nodular appearance to the right hilum . widespread opacity is present in the right middle lobe . elsewhere, the lungs appear clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . minimal degenerative changes are noted along the mid thoracic spine . widespread right middle lobe opacity worrisome for pneumonia, but a post-obstructive pneumonitis should be considered, noting abnormal contours of the right upper mediastinum and right hilum . evaluation with chest ct, preferably with intravenous contrast, is recommended to evaluate further to consider the possibly of coinciding malignancy . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15204620 57187080 b9d07ae5-876bb931-85ce766f-8dc425d4-5948363d +33 again, there is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with diffuse prominence of interstitial markings . this could reflect chronic interstitial lung disease, possibly with superimposed elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . central line remains in place . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13475033 52361758 08c5db2c-71dd02c9-c4a04334-3b52c7a9-afa08832 +34 there are diffusely increased interstitial markings throughout the lungs which are hyperinflated . there is no effusion or pneumothorax . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but unchanged . multiple vascular stents are again identified . numerous punctate calcifications in the left upper quadrant are compatible with splenic granulomas . no acute osseous abnormalities identified . increased interstitial markings throughout the lungs bilaterally which can be seen in the setting of atypical infection or interstitial edema, likely superimposed on underlying emphysema . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19061282 51835823 6b316ff1-09afc29c-706a4def-20612025-cb976104 +35 the lungs are clear of focal consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax . the heart is enlarged, similar to prior . right upper extremity vascular stent is partially visualized . multiple thoracic compression deformities are again seen . no definite acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13475033 54655485 69392c89-8fa3a6e8-6c3bc53f-f09b09e2-a33a44e3 +36 there is mild pulmonary edema . a moderate right pleural effusion is not significantly changed . a consolidation at right base is not definitive on this examination however is confirmed on the subsequent ct . no pneumothorax is seen . there is moderate cardiomegaly with tortuosity of the aorta . the patient is status post median sternotomy with cabg and valve replacements . mild pulmonary edema with right pleural effusion . consolidation at right base is not definitive on this examination however is confirmed on the subsequent ct . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 57198058 23944c5d-05acde48-c46484e1-0c68641c-e9ad6fd2 +37 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate slight interval increase in the opacity in the lingula . there is a new area of atelectasis at the left base . there is slight blunting of the right costophrenic angle, which likely represents atalectasis . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . no new or additional foci of consolidation are noted . there is no pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or pulmonary edema . slight interval increase of lingular opacity, and new area of atelectasis at bilateral bases . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 16435402 52353624 b05e2bad-8b5b414e-de701c91-cd96ce95-3dd20d77 +38 single ap view of the chest no endotracheal tube is seen . patient is status post right upper lung surgery with unchanged appearance of the right hemithorax and evidence of right sided volume loss . lungs are clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are unremarkable . no pulmonary edema is present . these results were communicated with dr of the ed by dr at pm via telephone on the date of the study . the wrong requisition was entered . the clinical history is year old women with shortness of breath . No Finding 19907884 58635342 38c9787f-8f9a7af2-3814ee5a-ebd8ba86-d55e4279 +39 pulmonary edema superimposed on background chronic biapical fibrocalcific process . effusion and atelectasis in the right base . the overall appearances are probably little improved from prior study . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13849733 51332489 6060ae56-99a2e711-2c686d45-24f7adcb-e3ea3454 +40 the study is somewhat limited due to motion artifact . the lungs are well expanded . indistinct vasculature and cardiomegaly suggests mild pulmonary edema, although some of the haziness could be due to technique . hazy opacities are seen in the left upper lung and right lung base, which could reflect atelectasis or focal edema, although cannot exclude pneumonia or aspiration in the right clinical setting . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . . mild pulmonary edema . . opacities in the left upper lobe and right lung base, which could reflect atelectasis or focal edema, although cannot exclude pneumonia or aspiration in the right clinical setting . re-assessment after diuresis is recommended . cardiomegaly . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13896515 58127477 106523df-7e5cdd25-a3523b28-f80e71b7-4ed5143c +41 as compared to the prior radiograph performed yesterday morning, there has been slight interval improvement in extent of interstitial pulmonary edema . there are no large pleural effusions . there is no pneumothorax . persistent moderate cardiomegaly . median sternotomy wires are intact . left pectoral pacemaker is unchanged in visualized . slight interval improvement in interstitial pulmonary edema . Edema 13896515 58373469 f1324f6e-a72d0eb7-dbe2b51f-8da51dcb-822e61dc +42 mild pulmonary edema is present . left lower lung opacity is likely a combination of small atelectasis and probably a small effusion . right small pleural effusion is presumed . heart size is mildly enlarged, and the pulmonary vasculature is minimally congested . a right central line tip ends at lower svc . mild pulmonary edema . left lower lung opacity is likely a combination of atelectasis and effusion and right lung base atelectasis is minimal . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 18855147 54353466 71836ad3-c65f5072-d88d098b-00ab4c24-98994b02 +43 pa and lateral views of the chest interstitial opacities within the right upper lobe are thought to represent recurrent pneumonia . pneumonia was noted in this area on but had essentially cleared on . the right lower lobe nodule is unchanged in size through . there is no pneumothorax . a small right pleural effusion and right apical scarring persists . the neo esophagus is not distended . the mediastinal silhouette is normal in contour . recurrent right upper lobe pneumonia . Pneumonia 14295224 58198778 cb2f4f2e-e36e5b5c-fabde40d-22a6a15f-4a4b48ad +44 there is similar moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . the pulmonary vasculature is engorged and indistinct including upper zone redistribution . fissures are thickened . a linear opacity in the left mid lung appears unchanged and suggests minor scarring or atelectasis . a left subclavian venous stent is again demonstrated . there has been no significant change . findings suggesting mild pulmonary edema . similar cardiomegaly . stable mediastinal contours . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 13473495 51168408 a274e07c-68b358c4-454f3eab-c28f2256-061b00e2 +45 interval worsening moderate pulmonary edema . right moderate pleural effusion has also slightly increased . small left effusion persists . left lower lobe parenchymal opacity in the superior segment is now obscured by increasing pulmonary edema . moderate cardiomegaly . no pneumothorax . worsening moderate pulmonary edema as well as right moderate effusion . left lower lobe parenchymal opacity in the superior segment is now obscured by increasing pulmonary edema . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 58000887 7d620442-deb05a77-a0f55a7e-f9f1d0e1-99509e35 +46 chest pa and lateral radiograph demonstrates decreased size of the left upper lobe opacity possibly due to resolution of hemorrhage, now measuring . in the craniocaudal dimension compared to . cm on prior study . there is persisitent if not increased streaky retrocardiac opacities, possibly related to aspiration . no definitive opacification concerning for pneumonia . minimal left costophrenic angle blunting, likely represents small left pleural effusion . no osseous abnormalities identified . interval decrease in size of left upper lobe opacity, possibly reflecting resolution of prior hemorrhage . likely small left pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19404187 50682888 08da513d-5325ee2d-d57746d8-762cf929-bf1c0fa4 +47 upright ap view of the chest the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours are normal . the pulmonary vascularity is normal . there are streaky opacities in the lung bases, most likely reflective of atelectasis . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is visualized . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 14504940 55011437 93df2443-2b80a0f4-6c12dc92-910966a7-3da34ae3 +48 the patient is status first median sternotomy . again, there is fracture of at least the first and second sternal wires, the upper wire was seen to be fractured on the prior study, although the second wire was not clearly fractured at that time . there is left base atelectasis . no definite focal consolidation is seen . there are low lung volumes, which accentuate the bronchovascular markings . there is minimal blunting of the right costophrenic angle, although no definite pleural effusion is seen on the lateral view . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . . left mid to lower lung atelectasis . low lung volumes . . the patient is status post sternotomy with fracture of at least the first and second sternotomy wires and possibly the lower most sternotomy wire . Atelectasis&&Fracture 18088200 56018459 f268f466-63237ff9-71f67025-2f256fa0-8f9c0e56 +49 there is a new et tube . cm above the carina . there is pulmonary vascular redistribution that is worsened in the interval with alveolar infiltrates bilaterally and dense retrocardiac opacity that could be due to volume lossinfiltrateeffusion . the heart size is moderately enlarged . ng tube tip is in the stomach . there is a small right effusion . . et tube in good location . . increased chf . an underlying infectious infiltrate cannot be excluded . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15131736 58833368 e01e8de2-d5095cb4-f851985e-df9c203c-89326fdb +50 comparison is made to previous study from . there is a stent seen within the esophagus which is unchanged in position . there is again seen consolidation at the right lower lobe, stable . right-sided pleural effusion is also unchanged . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 19016834 50657342 7f51e1cc-fc9208cc-470c70a3-9528d87c-9f33be5b +51 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in upright position . the findings on the portable ap single chest view remains the same . thus, bilateral pleural effusions exist and the pulmonary vasculature remains congested similar as it was on all three postoperative and follow up examinations . as on the next previous study, the patient is extubated . right internal jugular approach central venous line remains in unchanged position . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 54537743 5c03570c-7b4fd4a2-4faf7ff0-ab71c1af-e7dec254 +52 cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum are stable . small bilateral pleural effusions have minimally increased . bibasilar atelectasis have increased . mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema is present . patient has known emphysema and bilateral calcified pleural plaques that are better seen in prior ct from . the sternal wires are aligned . patient is status post cabg . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 13078497 58645963 873534d1-56db4ca5-99ce7bc9-e5c568ef-fa59f01b +53 no evidence of pathologic parenchymal opacities on the basis of the technically limited examination . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette, unchanged coiling of the nasogastric tube in the stomach . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 18110020 53957798 474305f3-1346d14f-d554552c-d0606af0-2edf1cb9 +54 right internal jugular line tip is at the level of cavoatrial junction . the patients replaced cardiac valves are redemonstrated, unchanged . overall, there is substantial interval improvement in pulmonary edema since the prior study . right basal atelectasis has improved . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Support Devices 19182863 51214818 181aa53a-d204d3a4-e3e99340-92bb8c76-0f690e54 +55 the dobbhoff tube has been pulled back somewhat . the opaque tip is in the mid body of the stomach, pointing laterally . little overall change in the appearance of the heart and lungs . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 14387068 54023727 d395c594-96025cff-7e6af4ad-ca08ac10-032bd500 +56 there are lower lung volumes . pacer device is essentially unchanged . continued prominence of the cardiac silhouette with elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . small bilateral pleural effusions with bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13921768 58798180 bef80876-2290f20a-fadfeb2b-c23b9250-0c95d76d +57 since the prior exam, there appears to be increased interstitial prominence, although no overt pulmonary edema . stable bronchiectasis and scarring is again noted at the right base . there is no dense consolidation . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . severe cardiomegaly is present . a pacemaker is in place with wires in unchanged position . the patient is status post a cabg . the sternal wires are intact . there are severe degenerative changes of the bilateral shoulders . . mild interval increase in interstitial prominence without definite pulmonary edema . . stable right lower lobe scarring and bronchiectasis . Lung Opacity 12110863 55875120 c12759af-b70b6882-d6cca08e-8811c264-7caf797c +58 there has been placement of an og feeding tube which is coiled within the stomach with the tip pointing towards the fundus . compared to the most recent prior radiograph, there has been no significant change . moderate loculated right pleural effusion, is unchanged . left mid and lower lung opacities are stable . there is no pneumothorax . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable . og tube coiled within the stomach with the tip pointing towards the fundus . otherwise, no significant interval change . these findings were reported to dr . by dr . telephone at pm . No Finding&&Support Devices 14387068 59638609 f4ed24b7-7ce4f984-cadc1a40-43fde803-53ae7d9b +59 there are fibronodular changes again seen in the upper zones, consistent with the clinical diagnosis of sarcoidosis . no evidence of acute focal pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . No Finding 14147787 51143208 84bda4d0-5f9d3ab4-fe155b80-2e70766a-60672585 +60 frontal lateral views chest performed . a left upper extremity picc has been removed . the cardiac silhouette remains chronically and moderately enlarged . there are small to moderate bilateral pleural effusions which have increased in size from prior . additionally, enlargement of the azygous vein with indistinctness of the pulmonary vasculature is consistent with congestive failure . more focal appearing consolidations are seen in the middle lobe and a lower lobe, probably left . there is no pneumothorax . the imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable . . moderate pulmonary edema with small to moderate bilateral pleural effusions . . opacities within one of the lower lobes, probably the left, and in the middle lobe could represent more focal consolidations . either repeating the study after diuresis or obtaining oblique views would be helpful in clarification . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . at am on . Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 56956118 577e3751-aef1bbf3-e970d911-b1ad5a8e-af1b41d3 +61 tiny left apical pneumothorax is stable or slightly improved . the rest of the exam is unchanged with mild pulmonary edema and left middle lung opacity related to recent bal . prior sternotomy was done for aortic, mitral and tricuspid valve repair . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . conclusion left minimal apical pneumothorax is unchanged or slightly improved . the rest of the exam is stable . Pneumothorax 19182863 52374902 155e0867-6925a927-7f73fa2f-6e5438bb-dc6ae8fc +62 there is still a large right pleural fluid collection, now with a smaller component of air, at the base of the right lung which is severely restricted by severe pleural thickening which has worsened along the costal and particularly along the right mediastinal pleural surface . it would be helpful in our evaluation to know whether the nature of the right pleural effusion was infectious, malignant, are otherwise inflammatory . left lung is well inflated and clear . heart is not enlarged . vascular clips denote prior surgery at the level of the gastroesophageal junction . Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 11569093 54749599 4a15096e-ded396cd-2f74c587-afc7d7b0-c226c5cb +63 status post thoracic closure . no evidence of pneumothorax . no pleural effusions . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged bilateral soft tissue air collections . No Finding 17770657 59202511 a09b7aaa-77f7ca90-d3e26f5c-782a561e-499254d6 +64 since the prior examination there is little change . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . there is a moderate subpulmonic pleural effusion as better demonstrated on the prior lateral radiograph . there is a new small left layering pleural effusion . there are no new focal opacities concerning for pneumonia . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable demonstrating mild tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . heart size is within normal limits . pulmonary vascularity is normal . no evidence of pneumothorax . little change in subpulmonic right pleural effusion as better demonstrated on radiographs from am . Pleural Effusion 10959054 50128467 ca220440-2b8510e6-fd0298b7-ab4fc422-434e558f +65 portable radiograph obtained for the purpose of dobbhoff tube assessment demonstrates the tip of a dobbhoff tube terminating in the distal stomach . No Finding&&Support Devices 14841168 51958195 e098de1a-7399b454-7d99f39c-193c0665-82223533 +66 there is a large focal consolidation involving the right lower lobe which may also involve the right middle lobe with associated moderate pleural fluid on the right side, all of which are new findings since the prior study . there is increased pulmonary vascular engorgement from the prior study and the cardiac silhouette is enlarged as seen on the prior study but increased in size . no pneumothorax is seen . a right-sided port is unchanged in position with the tip terminating in the low svc . the mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . probable lobar pneumonia involving the right lower lobe and possibly the right middle lobe with associated parapneumonic effusion . findings consistent with heart failure . findings were communicated by dr . by phone at am . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16826047 55960520 33ecbdf2-35c3aa31-e848a7b9-a49131b4-0690b4a3 +67 in comparison to previous radiograph of day earlier, marked cardiomegaly persists, accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and slight improvement in pulmonary edema . interval worsening of right retrocardiac opacity, likely due to atelectasis . persistent small pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 59523783 c6e5e02a-e2e30f50-3bb2f2f2-ab3882d4-b94c8610 +68 since the earliest postoperative study earlier today on following median sternotomy and dual-valve replacements, there has been no change in the essentially normal postoperative cardiomediastinal silhouette . left lower lobe collapse however has progressed . small left pleural effusion is presumed . right pleural effusion is minimal if any and there is no pneumothorax, basal pleural tube in place . et tube, midline drains are in standard placements . swan-ganz catheter ends in the right descending pulmonary artery and should be withdrawn several centimeters to avoid inadvertent cannulation of the middle lobe or superior segmental lower lobe pulmonary arteries . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18224196 57481340 3627c932-73fba01b-b50c256b-fe25f602-a175bb99 +69 support lines and tubes are unchanged in position . heart size is enlarged . there has been atelectasiscollapse of the right lower lobe since prior . there is mild to moderate pulmonary edema and subsegmental atelectasis in the left lung . there are no pneumothoraces . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 14851532 56151362 9aa39b17-1e7fadb7-8b82c0a2-f73018d2-7ac798d1 +70 the endotracheal tube, left ij line, and transvenous right atrial biventricular pacer leads are unchanged in position . mild cardiomegaly, mild pulmonary edema, and low lung volumes are stable . no new pneumothorax or pleural effusion . no significant change since the radiograph from the prior day . No Finding 13896515 53943549 7301509c-ae57fc65-dab3994c-b7d85ab5-8506df82 +71 tip of the newly positioned endotracheal tube is in standard placement roughly cm above the carina . overlying apparatus obscures the upper lungs, but pulmonary vascular engorgement in the apices has worsened appreciably, accompanied by increase in moderate cardiomegaly, all suggesting cardiac decompensation, perhaps in the setting of hypotension . there is no florid pulmonary edema, large pleural effusion or any indication of pneumothorax . upper enteric tube passes into the stomach and out of view . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 18906643 50767671 f60e6301-358d7f2f-b52c2c0c-ffea6e75-c35bdbe2 +72 in the left perihilar region, there is a hazy opacification consistent with pneumonia . there is no pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . there is elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, which is stable from the prior exam . left perihilar pneumonia . recommend followup radiographs after treatment to ensure resolution . Pneumonia 12530259 51770967 dd9cfc23-b05701f2-26215d83-46297578-48e163ea +73 the largely fissural right pleural effusion has increased minimally since . accompanying increase in moderate cardiomegaly and mediastinal vascular caliber suggests a component of early cardiac decompensation may be present . there is no pneumothorax . right subclavian infusion port ends in the mid svc . there is no appreciable left pleural effusion . the right pleural drainage catheter has not migrated since a petct on shows it cannulates the right interlobar fissures from which the loculated pleural effusion should be accessible . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 57414582 8db7bace-d0275263-d4c4cdf2-a7b97382-76817caf +74 lateral aspect left lower chest is excluded from the examination . remaining pleural surfaces show no pneumothorax and minimal if any pleural effusion . nasogastric tube passes into the stomach and out of the field of view . swan-ganz catheter tip is partially obscured by cardiac motion, but is probably in the right pulmonary artery in standard placement . right pleural, left pleural, midline drains in place . pulmonary vascular congestion and moderate postoperative widening of the cardiomediastinal silhouette are unchanged . there is more atelectasis in the right lower lobe, left lower lobe atelectasis is mild-to-moderate . there is probably no pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10886362 58072789 22626212-038a564e-86e62d8b-9d61ea9c-daa48afc +75 pa and lateral chest radiographs linear opacities within the left lung base appear unchanged compared to recent prior examination and are consistent with plate-like atelectasis or scarring . flattened hemidiaphragms and hyperexpansion of the lungs suggest underlying obstructive pulmonary disease . no confluent consolidation is identified . there is no vascular congestion or pulmonary edema . a trace left pleural effusion is newly identified . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . a prosthetic cardiac valve is again noted . there is no pneumothorax . median sternotomy wires appear grossly intact . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13606683 56883120 919158fb-4f0d9b66-46719ab6-5d584449-1a3ad8de +76 swan-ganz catheter has been advanced to the region of the right ventricular outflow tract . other indwelling devices are unchanged in position . cardiac silhouette has slightly decreased in size and pulmonary edema has improved with mild residual interstitial edema remaining as well as a small right effusion . bilateral chest tubes remain in place, with no visible pleural line to suggest pneumothorax . however, slightly deep left costophrenic sulcus associated with lucency in this region could potentially represent a basilar pneumothorax on this supine radiograph . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 13135946 56745473 11deb911-a4fe401f-1955bb16-6adc7f50-673dec83 +77 severe cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular and hilar vascular engorgement are chronic, consistent with global heart failure and pulmonary hypertension . i do not think there is acute pulmonary edema, appreciable pleural effusion or evidence of pneumonia . asbestos-related pleural calcifications noted . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 17838301 55607397 ee320893-4029e55f-63eb67d9-b7889903-20c23ab3 +78 the lungs are clear, the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hila are normal . a gastric pull up is again seen . there is no pleural effusion and no pneumothorax . a bony coalition is seen at the posterior and th ribs, unchanged from the prior study . no acute displaced rib fractures are seen . rib detail views with pain markers might be considered for further workup . No Finding&&Support Devices 14295224 51954230 d162120b-8bfaf7bf-a5c9e4c5-ab6b8617-14987b73 +79 all the monitoring and support devices are unchanged within standard position . patient is after sternotomy for cardiac surgery . lung volume is still low but the left upper lobe opacification is reduced, likely for reabsorption of edema component . also, the left base pleural effusion is reduced . the right basilar opacification is slightly increased for increased pleural effusion . heart is still mildly enlarged . there is no pneumothorax . reduced left upper lobe opacification likely for reduced edema component . reduced left base pleural effusion, but increase in the right base . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19075045 52680917 ff4c00a4-74c0b483-307446fe-e534b390-224db689 +80 a feeding tube is seen within the stomach . accounting for the positional differences due to patients rotation, there has been no change in the cardiomediastinal silhouette . stable calcification of the aortic knob is noted . since the prior radiograph, there has been a slight increase in size of the left pleural effusion . there is no effusion on the right . the left pulmonary mass is unchanged . there is no new consolidation . stable right lower rib fractures are unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . slight increase in size of small left pleural effusion . no new opacities to suggest aspiration . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15185305 50281752 97766a6d-6ee96b98-90cacba0-3eb50d93-77416ad1 +81 supine portable ap view of the chest provided . there is mild opacity obscuring the left heart border which is most likely atelectasis and less likely attributable to pneumonia . no large effusion or pneumothorax . the heart and mediastinal contour is stable . no bony abnormalities . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17720924 53687124 41479840-5d9f3cf1-ac29c4be-7007cfb9-37e379f3 +82 pa and lateral views of the chest show stability of the moderate right pleural effusion with complete collapse of right middle lobe and lower lobe . right upper lobe and left lung are still clear . median wires are related to sternotomy in patient with history of aortic valve replacement and are unchanged . heart size is stable . there is no pneumothorax . little change . No Finding 19182863 52415062 47c8159c-71388595-84bf105d-5a7e99e4-077fb801 +83 heart size is normal . mediastinum is normal . lungs are essentially clear except for minimal right basal atelectasis . no evidence of pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax is seen within the limitations of the study technique . No Finding 16848073 55938803 9528bf70-0da47cb5-e9dba3c0-608485c6-9923e87e +84 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . the lungs are hyperinflated consistent with emphysema . diffuse bilateral multifocal plate-like atelectases are unchanged . lung nodules describe in prior ct of are below resolution of this radiograph . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . there is no evidence of pneumonia or chf . sternal hardware is again noted and unchanged . patient is status post cabg . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Support Devices 17770657 57198284 783d751b-6d4cbb69-809e26a9-d116cb4e-4f3dee59 +85 again, there are low lung volumes . mild blunting of the costophrenic angles may in part relate to low lung volumes with likely trace pleural effusions . additional subtle bibasilar opacities likely represent atelectasis . the patient is rotated to the right . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are similar with the cardiac silhouette possibly slightly less prominent as compared to the prior study . no evidence of pneumothorax is seen . chronic deformity of the right clavicle is again noted . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15438386 59891992 b6efc4df-c96de5ed-5551d21b-f99936ca-082ca79e +86 moderate pulmonary edema has worsened, severe cardiomegaly is larger . severe left lower lobe consolidation, either edema or atelectasis is unchanged . small to moderate bilateral pleural effusions are presumed . no pneumothorax . et tube and transesophageal drainage tube in standard placements . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15131736 57446337 6a88bbb2-ff756840-e3f513d9-ff4d1499-f9628163 +87 the lungs are hyperinflated with markedly widened ap diameter of the chest which is compatible with emphysema . an area of presumed scarring at the right lung base appears stable from most recent prior exam . there is no new consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax seen . cardiomediastinal silhouette appears stable . bony structures intact . copd, scarring at the right lung base . no definite signs of pneumonia or chf . Lung Opacity 19016834 55946640 ed9628e5-62ce1427-67e04f11-6daf5632-424ef2d1 +88 the et tube tip is cm above the carina . the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of mid svc . cardiomegaly is unchanged, moderate to severe . the patient continues to be in mild pulmonary edema . right upper lobe opacity appears to be unchanged, representing right upper lobe consolidation, better appreciated on the chest ct obtained on . left basal consolidation is better appreciated on ct and obscured by the cardiomegaly and pleural effusion on the current radiograph . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11022245 56303122 afed4c34-cf95e16b-371ce2be-99427d54-2013960b +89 the et tube tip is . cm above the carina . the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of mid svc . ng tube passes below the diaphragm terminating in the stomach . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged in appearance . interstitial opacities are mild, unchanged . cardiomegaly is unchanged, but there is interval improvement of left lower lung consolidation . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18906643 55518268 04019275-6df0e119-fde98da9-3cc92686-761b70c5 +90 the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . there is unchanged evidence of the known massive irritated right lung process . slightly progressive opacifications in the periphery of the left lung . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 52073913 0cffed1b-3516a67c-ea383eec-75212689-2620504f +91 the patient has had a prior sternal resection with consequent deformity of the anterior chest wall . the trachea is central . the cardiomediastinal contour is within normal limits . coronary artery bypass graft clips are seen . a spiculated opacity in the right upper lung is less conspicuous than on the prior chest radiograph from a more ill-defined opacity in the left mid lung is similar in appearance . both of these opacities were seen on the prior ct chest . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion seen . the visualized bony structures are demineralized but otherwise unremarkable in appearance . no acute cardiopulmonary process seen . multifocal parenchymal opacities were present on prior imaging and consistent with the patients known multifocal adenocarcinoma . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 14851532 58644358 cad294ec-5e2a00a5-5080644b-2dcc1bb7-3c743d0a +92 low lung volumes are seen which limit assessment . there is a an opacity, which obscures the right heart border, concerning for an early developing right middle lobe pneumonia . the remainder of the lungs are clear without pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart is normal in size . normal cardiomediastinal silhouette . possible early developing right middle lobe pneumonia . Pneumonia 15659181 59060938 84c1b3da-67a19397-d61bf966-069c630f-75a2038f +93 no focal consolidation is seen . there is minor basilar atelectasis . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . linear radiopaque structure projecting over the left hemidiaphragm may be external to the patient or surgical clips . additional surgical clips are noted in the left mid hemithorax and upper hemithorax . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14794396 54133231 2f40daa6-51dad1b2-e683d1c3-cdf10946-d37ae69f +94 stable cardiomegaly accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial edema . persistent small left pleural effusion with adjacent left basilar atelectasis and or consolidation . questionable small right pleural effusion which could be confirmed or excluded by standard pa and lateral radiographs when the patients condition permits . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19759491 54372986 f2566882-96120f55-11c10432-9c3d638d-2b4fc411 +95 right ij line and bilateral chest tubes, sternal wires and mediastinal clips are unchanged . a tiny left apical lateral pneumothorax is visualized . the right pneumothorax is probably still present but is very difficult to see . both of these are smaller than on the film from the prior day . continues to be retrocardiac opacity and volume lossinfiltrate in both lower lungs . Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16043240 53861171 a0c83599-da2ea7b7-03944f49-45a6b253-31fa3b34 +96 single portable chest radiograph demonstrates a large rounded opacity in the left lower lung, correlating with known left lung mass, better visualized on the pet-ct . no focal opacification concerning for pneumonia . bibasilar atelectasis is evident . coarse linear interstitial markings in left upper lobe may reflect emphysematous change . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . prominent pericardial fat pads are evident otherwise, cardiomediastinal contours are normal . no pneumothorax . large left lower lobe mass, better evaluated on prior ct . Lung Lesion 11378150 55743226 fd480467-a520cdee-c10d86b1-219b21f7-64bb593d +97 a focus of scarring in the right upper lobe is better assessed on the prior ct from . increase in interstitial markings, which could indicate mild interstitial edema or atypical infection . heart size remains stable . no pneumothorax . mild interstitial opacity could represent an atypical pneumonia or edema . otherwise, no change . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13263843 53038880 3c34e348-938dd3fa-3c42bcb9-a7da976b-030bc4b0 +98 right lower lung opacities are increased since , concerning for worsening or new pneumonia . the left lung is essentially clear . mild bibasilar atelectasis is noted . the heart size is stable . the right hemodialysis catheter tip is seen in the right atrium . no pneumothorax or pulmonary edema . increased right lower lung pneumonia since , possibly involving the right lower lobe and right middle lobe . . Pneumonia 16508811 52933806 7d75166a-47342cde-9303b619-7fff892c-486713f7 +99 pa and lateral views of the chest moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with a left ventricular predominance is unchanged . the aorta remains tortuous, and the hilar contours are stable . pulmonary vascularity is not engorged . there is minimal atelectasis within the lung bases, but no focal consolidation is present . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . Atelectasis 17398573 53325824 6a31f7f3-592b6144-a0b7e38c-d11761b4-bd2bf9e3 +100 in comparison with the most recent examination, lung volumes slightly lower . the cardiac silhouette is stably enlarged . again noted is a mild indistinctness of the pulmonary vasculature with superimposed opacities bilaterally, more confluent on the left than previously noted, consistent with superimposed pneumonia . possible mild edema with superimposed pneumonia . Edema&&Pneumonia 16508811 50382515 29a9ca2f-50292418-e78e2999-12755e18-3103a476 +101 the monitoring and support devices remain in place . diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications are essentially unchanged . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15378103 59287720 ae716843-fde7cd99-a5fb83a1-9d5eb9d9-ffb02e30 +102 the right picc line tip is at the level of mid svc . heart size and mediastinum are unremarkable . lungs are essentially clear except for right upper lobe suprahilar opacity, seen on radiograph, but not seen on radiograph . this might potentially represent summation of shadows, but slowly progressing infectious process in this location cannot be excluded . correlation with chest ct might be considered . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . right upper lobe draining catheter is partially imaged . Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14147380 57782283 73d4997e-feb25b04-950b45f1-533d848a-d9f29409 +103 cardiomegaly is substantial, unchanged . enema catheter in pacemaker leads in replaced valve are unchanged . there is interval improvement in interstitial pulmonary edema currently mild . small bilateral pleural effusions are noted . there is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19759491 55578653 6d3bfa82-e23e5cc3-0ffb37e5-cd4bd075-a922da89 +104 moderate cardiomegaly has increased in size over the past three days following extubation . greater opacity in the left mid lung laterally could be new pleural effusion or early consolidation, even mild asymmetric edema given severe and extensive lung scarring and pleural thickening and chronic areas of atelectasis which would tend to distribute edema in idiosyncratic fashion . chronic engorgement of the mediastinal veins is also more pronounced today . no pneumothorax or layering pleural effusion is present . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 15809646 52573647 554fad67-08d3ea82-687b0b92-4825e624-b17ef914 +105 a frontal and lateral view of the chest demonstrate a diffuse interstitial abnormality . there are no focal areas of consolidation to suggest pneumonia . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . peristent diffuse interstitial abnormalies . no evidence of pneumonia . No Finding 12303667 56230969 b8ec370f-450e80d9-25461f27-72d3da41-d6e10bae +106 heart size and mediastinum are stable . lungs are clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . bronchiectasis at demonstrated on the prior ct chest are minimal end seen in the left lower lobe with interval resolution of previously demonstrated infectious process . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 15192710 53951719 042b8e55-50d27345-7b393528-2e2d0294-10141795 +107 the patient is status post median sternotomy, cabg, and vascular stenting . heart is mildly enlarged but stable . the mediastinal and hilar contours are similar with mild unfolding of thoracic aorta . new consolidative process is noted within the right upper lobe compatible with pneumonia . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . small pleural effusion on the right is present . no pneumothorax is identified . degenerative changes involving the left glenohumeral and bilateral acromioclavicular joints are noted . right upper lobe pneumonia . followup radiographs after treatment are recommended to ensure resolution of this finding . Pneumonia 19150427 53412826 1cbba3f1-9473d496-6a09bade-908af686-5568c136 +108 two views of the chest the lungs are extremely low in volume but appear clear . the cardiac silhouette is obscured by an elevated left hemidiaphragm, unchanged . the hilar contours and pleural surfaces appear normal . no definite pleural effusions are present . No Finding 18338007 57273388 880f55b2-21e9c680-823ecd8e-9ac3a7b2-836baabb +109 there is interval progression in parenchymal opacities bilaterally with complete opacification of both lungs with more ground-glass appearance in the upper and mid lungs and more consolidative appearance in the lower lobes, most likely related to bilateral pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . the et tube tip is cm above the carina . the ng tube tip passes below the diaphragm terminating in the stomach . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13078497 56504249 d87590d9-95b66369-39f99a0f-0df301b7-61463d4e +110 lower lung volumes seen on the current exam . streaky predominantly right-sided mid and lower lung opacities are seen, most likely due to atelectasis . the lungs are otherwise clear . please note the patients arms are partly obscuring the visualization of the lungs on the lateral view . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . median sternotomy wires again noted . degenerative changes at the right shoulder are identified . no definite acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17318449 58959180 038426f2-7b990f98-24487e3e-2bd7a156-4761c39a +111 patient is status post left pneumonectomy . there is expected lucent left hemithorax and slight leftward shift of the cardiomediastinal silhouette and right lung hyperinflation . cardiomediastinal silhouette itself is stable, with borderline cardiomegaly . in the right lung, no chf, focal infiltrate, or effusion . left-sided chest tube now present . curvilinear density over the left mid thoracic spine appears to represent a spinal epidural catheter terminating at the level of t for which clinical correlation is requested . No Finding 12410066 51144460 4076e969-56f5b8aa-66ad39cc-833e7f03-cd0854e9 +112 ap upright portable chest radiograph is obtained . overall, there is no significant change from the recent ct performed with innumerable metastatic nodularity involving both lungs and large consolidation occupying the right lower lung with a small to moderate right pleural effusion . there is no new area of atelectasis or new area of confluent opacity to suggest a superimposed pneumonia, though given the extensive underlying lung disease, a subtle acute process would be impossible to exclude . heart size cannot be assessed . mediastinal contour is stable . no pneumothorax is seen . bony structures appear stable . known metastatic lesions involving the inferior scapulae are not clearly visualized as well as the recently diagnosed nondisplaced fracture involving the right posterior eighth rib . overall stable exam with extensive metastatic disease to the lungs with right pleural effusion and right basal consolidation . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 19890786 57664750 ba7962b1-c57c8310-baaa8f93-1ae65fab-edcaa58b +113 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . the heart is mild to moderately enlarged, unchanged . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . mild pulmonary vascular engorgement is present, not significantly changed compared to the prior radiograph . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . bibasilar airspace opacities are likely reflective of atelectasis . mild pulmonary vascular engorgement . No Finding 18906643 57135264 742a919c-4e4a6e34-f49de182-4a0dafcf-8b3c101b +114 there is no major change . the monitoring and support devices are in unchanged position . small bilateral pleural effusions with evidence of relatively extensive bilateral probably atelectatic consolidations . mild-to-moderate fluid overload . no newly appeared focal parenchymal opacities . extensive calcifications and tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10975446 55911959 f64708b2-5173902f-9397bc55-1a8502c8-8be61ec4 +115 there has been interval intubation, with endotracheal tube tip terminating about cm above the carina . exam is otherwise remarkable for very slight improvement in widespread bilateral alveolar opacities, particularly when compared to the chest radiograph of . bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13078497 52864337 61767c51-5b13fe95-8ee32eb0-6dc19ea8-be684efc +116 portable ap view of the chest the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . the heart size is moderately enlarged but unchanged . the aorta is diffusely calcified . there is mild pulmonary edema, new from the prior study . small bilateral pleural effusions are present . there is no pneumothorax . minimal atelectasis is seen at the lung bases . degenerative changes of the right glenohumeral joint are present . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15419510 52189004 1b6cfbee-901f801d-651c11f8-2c84bb31-91883814 +117 endotracheal tube terminates approximately . cm above the carina and is adequately placed . right internal jugular line ends at mid svc . a feeding tube is seen to course below the diaphragm into the stomach however, the distal end is beyond the radiographic view . left lower lung opacities reflecting combination of atelectasis and mild pleural effusion is unchanged since . mildly enlarged heart and mediastinal contours are stable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15338518 53282269 6fef2911-a06fa6dd-c764a4a5-f0d84931-368a51c4 +118 there is little change in the appearance of the heart and lungs . specifically, following esophagoscopy there is no evidence of mediastinal gas or acute pneumonia . Cardiomegaly 16848073 53447402 11fac305-a3d8a8fe-cd1ad4a0-fc2a287f-0e061474 +119 there is right middle lobe consolidation involving the medial segment . otherwise, the lungs are clear . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette appears normal . bony structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . pneumonia involving the medial segment of the right middle lobe . Pneumonia 15857729 56277244 d8b6b619-9e181de2-c46adb2d-08194ead-eefd7108 +120 comparison is made with prior study performed the same day earlier in the morning . large right pleural effusion is probably unchanged allowing the difference in positioning of the patient . there has been interval worsening of right lower lobe and right middle lobe atelectasis . there is no evident pneumothorax . left pigtail catheter is in unchanged position at the base . ng tube tip is in the stomach . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . nodular lung opacities in the left upper lobe are new , could be superimposition of normal structures or focal areas of atelectasis . attention in followup is recommended . left picc tip is in the mid-to-lower svc . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16319601 58175667 801f696c-49628491-d2cfaf1b-3aaa17ff-dbbcfe32 +121 right chest wall port-a-cath again noted with catheter tip extending to the upper svc region . midline sternotomy wires are again noted . there is a calcified ovoid structure projecting over the mediastinum likely a calcified lymph node . there is mild basilar atelectasis noted bilaterally . no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . no large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . bibasilar atelectasis . no convincing evidence for pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Pneumonia 11413236 59735304 1a0662d4-8bee75af-c5c452a9-4b43c737-b74d27c1 +122 the patient is status post sternotomy . a port-a-cath terminates at the cavoatrial junction . the heart is at the upper limits of normal size . a calcified lymph node is seen along the aortopulmonary window . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours do not appear significantly changed . the lung volumes are low . there is persistent patchy opacification in the left lower lobe, which appears somewhat more dense and compressed, perhaps coinciding with differences in lung volumes rather than a true interval change however . in fact, left basilar opacities are more similar to , where lungs volumes were somewhat lower than on the more recent prior examination . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . bony structures are unremarkable . persistent left basilar opacification, suspected to represent primarily atelectasis . however, the possibility of superimposed pneumonia could be considered in the appropriate clinical setting versus increased atelectasis associated with low lung volumes . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11413236 55108847 a8ad38e3-9a288818-536ed867-e22718fb-0d0833f5 +123 the lungs are clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no displaced fractures are identified . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19623993 51014967 afa46108-e06269ce-05deb812-e12dad4d-ef863113 +124 there is little overall change in the diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications, most prominent in the right mid and lower zones . monitoring and support devices remain in place . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 52177303 cb020c62-235d3656-7939457a-45aec9ae-05c91e36 +125 there has been placement of a nasogastric tube with tip in the distal stomach . otherwise, there is little overall change with large right and moderate left pleural effusion with enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11934114 52625540 fee52ef3-e8e58680-e83b3d50-fa52077b-106381ff +126 the patients overlying chin obscures the medial bilateral upper lobes . the cardiac silhouette remains enlarged . prominence of the pulmonary arteries is partially imaged and again seen . evidence of diaphragmaticpleural plaques is seen bilaterally suggesting prior asbestos exposure . the patients chin overlies the bilateral medial upper lobes, obscuring the view . given this, the cardiac silhouette is persistently enlarged . there is again prominence of the pulmonary arteries . pulmonary vascular congestion appears improved . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 17838301 57676222 8a1b28a3-0922cd6a-282ceb83-59fd9271-ebf56ff4 +127 lung volumes are low . moderate cardiomegaly is re- demonstrated . there is mild pulmonary edema, perhaps minimally worse compared to the previous exam . small bilateral pleural effusions may be present, and bibasilar opacities likely reflect areas of atelectasis . no large pneumothorax is present though assessment of the left apex is slightly obscured due to the patients neck and soft tissues projecting over this region . degenerative changes of the left glenohumeral joint are noted . low lung volumes . mild pulmonary edema and probable small bilateral pleural effusions with bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 57865645 f5f335c8-148fbc15-8bb36e82-d7f364d8-066a5b50 +128 the lungs are clear of focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is no pulmonary edema . lucency of the upper lobes may reflect emphysema . the heart is normal in size . posterior spinal fixation hardware is noted along the lower thoracic spine with re- demonstration of multiple compression deformities . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14353044 57917788 866da04c-e24c3141-42311ab2-6a52b25a-82cf9674 +129 there is little overall change . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is again seen . cardiac silhouette is within normal limits . there is some prominence of the central pulmonary vessels on the right, possibly relating to pulmonary artery hypertension . no evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion or pleural effusion . mild retrocardiac opacification most likely represents atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 15161734 54589789 8e47794e-3468eb94-04f479d6-7a76f0c5-05ad69ec +130 multiple calcified granulomas are noted throughout the lungs bilaterally and, unchanged since the prior study . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . degenerative changes are again seen along the spine . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16553329 51229730 d642ad26-82bef23a-5b41c13c-5f34e5e1-f45e10aa +131 the heart is moderately enlarged . the aortic arch is calcified . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . the lung volumes are low . calcified pleural plaques are present . there is no definite pleural effusion or pneumothorax . band-like opacity in the left mid lung suggests minor atelectasis or scarring . pulmonary vessels are somewhat engorged centrally suggesting pulmonary venous hypertension if not frank pulmonary edema . there is a confluent right basilar opacity worrisome for pneumonia . . focal right basilar opacity worrisome for pneumonia . . mildly prominent pulmonary vasculature suggesting pulmonary venous hypertension, but not frank pulmonary edema . . moderate cardiomegaly . . calcified pleural plaques . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17838301 51266767 474c4fbb-14f486fd-a3c9e647-da14a57d-dcf9e39a +132 a left pectoral pacemaker is unchanged with three leads in the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus, as before . there has been interval removal of the endotracheal tube from . the cardiac silhouette remains severely enlarged . partial calcification of the aortic knob is redemonstrated . the mediastinal contours are unchanged . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion or interstitial edema . a moderate right pleural effusion is appreciated on the lateral view with mild right basilar atelectasis . there is no left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is seen . diffuse dense calcification of the abdominal aorta is noted . . no pulmonary edemavascular congestion . . moderate right pleural effusion and mild right basilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 12595991 50452688 252da14d-35e528cc-fd8defb9-1ba9e403-6b8cd31c +133 lateral views of the chest were obtained . the lungs appear clear bilaterally . the previously detected opacity in the left lower lung appears to have resolved, though evaluation on a chest radiograph is suboptimal to assess complete resolution . would recommend non-emergent ct of the chest to ensure resolution of the previously detected lingular opacity as well as multiple additional lung nodules described in detail on prior ct chest . cardiomediastinal sillouhette appears normal . bony structures are intact . no acute findings . given findings on ct dated , a nonemergent month fu chest ct is appropriate to ensure complete resolution andor stability of nodules per guidelines . No Finding&&Support Devices 14213287 56237499 db368d36-8c00c286-fd73c287-46b788dc-3238c890 +134 endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina . nasogastric tube passes into the stomach . there is a left-sided hemodialysis catheter, which extends to the low svc . lung volumes remain low . there are bilateral pleural effusions, increased . there is diffuse hazy parenchymal opacity, most compatible with pulmonary edema in the setting of central vascular congestion and cardiomegaly . there is no new focal opacity to suggest pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 14841168 56264253 3ced14b8-2accf862-b2eab013-efdf4f2d-991f75eb +135 there is opacity seen in the region of the lingula, corresponding to the consolidation seen on the prior chest ct . given the patients symptoms and history of a lingular infiltrate, this most likely represents a residual area of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia . no additional foci of consolidation are noted . there is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema . the heart size is normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . lingular opacity likely representing a residual focus of cryptogenic organizing pneumonia . recommend followup chest radiograph in months following treatment to document resolution . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16435402 58955981 5aa672e1-1a4bfdc1-770847af-e76adb3d-a2d61d6a +136 frontal and lateral views of the chest were slightly limited due to patients body habitus . lung volumes are low, which accentuate bronchovascular markings . mild pulmonary edema is unchanged . there is mild thickening of the minor fissure . bibasilar opacities are noted . there is no pleural effusion . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . a dual-chamber dialysis catheter tip projects over proximal right atrium . stable mild pulmonary edema and moderate cardiomegaly . bibasilar opacities may represent atelectasis or infection in the appropriate clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13473495 54050506 8aad1160-9cbc4ec4-577f8737-8784924b-ef451f49 +137 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate low lung volumes . moderate pulmonary edema is present . costophrenic angles are obscured, suggestive of small pleural effusions . moderate cardiomegaly is noted . hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . aortic arch calcifications are seen with tortuosity of the descending aorta . there is no pneumothorax . moderate pulmonary edema and cardiomegaly, with associated small bilateral pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 11512104 56889771 def6f212-4f61456d-60919d0b-c6cddaaf-db3f108a +138 the patient has received a new orogastric tube, which ends into the stomach but its distal end is looped with its tip reaching up to the fundus of the stomach approximately . endotracheal tube tip is cm above the carina and is appropriately positioned . right internal jugular line tip is approximately at the level of the lower svccavoatrial junction . bilateral lung volumes are low . mild diffuse haze in both lungs could be mild pulmonary edema, but given the low lung volumes, its appearance and severity may be exaggerated . prominent hilus and azygos distension suggest increased venous pressure . bi-basal opacity is due to combination of small effusion and accompanying atelectasis . heart size is mild-to-moderately large, unchanged since prior studies . increased retrocardiac density reflecting left lower lung atelectasis has worsened . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16055653 58996292 84350c37-9b9580be-c60fc9a8-a1221a71-b90ec487 +139 frontal and lateral chest radiographs again demonstrate a vascular stent and surgical clips . moderate to severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . there is no definite focal consolidation . pleural and parenchymal scarring have been more fully evaluated by cta of the chest of . a small right pleural effusion is seen . there is no appreciable pneumothorax . the visualized upper abdomen is unremarkable . rightward deviation of the trachea is consistent with left lobe thyroid enlargement . no definite focal consolidation . small right pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion 14236258 52034094 92c14d77-ecf00fa7-99e8dbe5-0a1591ae-be39eec7 +140 the cardiomediastinal silhouette, pulmonary vasculature, and aorta are within normal limits . there is an airspace opacity lateral to the right heart border on frontal projection . right clavicular orthopedic side plate is unchanged . small right lower lobe pneumonia . notification initial interpretation was no acute process, however upon attending review a small right lower lobe opacities suggestive of pneumonia was found . the change in interpretation was emailed to the emergency department qa nurses by dr . on at . Pneumonia 15881535 58897728 7fae1179-39697856-a9795bb4-19feb4f6-b065f924 +141 the lung fields appear clear without evidence of pneumonia . a large hiatus hernia is present . bony lesions are seen in all areas as on the prior occasion . no failure is present . costophrenic angles are sharp . fractured left clavicle again noted . No Finding 18659631 57233393 1072c678-fa1edea2-a74424cb-595778ce-39f7fe0e +142 a supine portable frontal chest radiograph demonstrates low lung volumes with increased prominence of the cardiac silhouette and bronchovascular crowding . there is been interval placement of a right internal jugular catheter, with the tip likely within the proximal right atrium . there is persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . no definite focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is identified . the visualized upper abdomen is unremarkable . . low lung volumes . no definite focal consolidation identified . . a right internal jugular catheter terminates within the proximal right atrium . this catheter can be pulled back approximately - cm to place the tip in the distal svc, if desired . No Finding&&Support Devices 19907884 51612287 32c5499f-c7a8f116-bc3516cf-55127c10-d77b160c +143 diffuse bilateral lung consolidations, larger on the right side, have increased in the left lower lobe consistent with worsening multifocal pneumonia . there is no evident pneumothorax . tracheostomy tube is in standard position . right picc tip is in the mid svc . esophageal stent is in unchanged position . right lower opacity is unchanged, is a combination of a pneumonic consolidation . previously present fluid collection in the right lower lung is difficult to evaluate . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13964474 59690708 734482e4-382f7097-45a64d86-648f641c-2179f006 +144 generalized chronic interstitial fibrosis and coarse interstitial markings compatible with interstitial lung disease is unchanged . there is no superimposed consolidation suggestive of pneumonia . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . there is no free air beneath the right hemidiaphragm . Lung Opacity 13475033 51842805 70e841c4-5db69600-a5ae730e-bd97e1d0-49246a22 +145 compared to the prior film, i doubt significant interval change . again seen is increased retrocardiac density consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation . no gross left effusion . the left hemidiaphragm may be slightly elevated . an et tube is present, tip approximately . cm above the carina . an ng tube is present, tip extending beneath the diaphragm overlying the fundus . again noted are stents of the right subclavian and left innominate vessels, with the tip of the right ij sheath projecting over the right subclavian mesh stent . incidental note is again made of innumerable calcifications in the spleen thought to represent granulomas and diffusely increased density of the bones . No Finding 19061282 51715673 2e2e7a5d-da7ea8dc-7b5aae28-24978ba4-346238f9 +146 supine ap view of the chest low lung volumes are present . the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . cardiac silhouette size is mildly enlarged . thoracic aorta remains calcified . there continues to be mild pulmonary vascular congestion . persistent streaky opacities at the lung bases appear slightly improved compared to the prior study, and likely reflect atelectasis . there are adjacent small bilateral pleural effusions, though the size of the effusions appearing slightly improved compared to the most recent prior study . no pneumothorax is identified . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . slight interval improvement in mild pulmonary vascular congestion, small bilateral pleural effusions, and bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflecting atelectasis . please note that infection at the lung bases cannot be completely excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12952223 54586308 c618f7c6-63bae7bd-d89233fa-c06b5734-3efeed2c +147 cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . pulmonary vasculature is normal . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11924226 56091680 efd6465a-dbaa29e8-244c7d40-06f432d7-c7150e7d +148 the patient is status post median sternotomy . left-sided pacer device is seen with leads extending to the expected positions of the right atrium and right ventricle . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . mediastinal contours are unremarkable . there may be minimal central vascular engorgement without overt pulmonary edema . no large pleural effusion is seen . there is no evidence of pneumothorax or focal consolidation . the lungs appear relatively hyperinflated . relatively hyperinflated lungs, suggesting copd . possible minimal central pulmonary vascular engorgement without overt pulmonary edema . no focal consolidation . mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly 16043637 54280501 bc25fa99-0d3766cc-7704edb7-5c7a4a63-dc65480a +149 portable ap radiograph of the chest is obtained with the patient in the upright position . support and monitoring devices are unchanged . diffuse parenchymal opacities are less dense and lungs are better aerated . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . no pleural effusions and no pneumothorax . decreased pulmonary parenchymal opacities and better aeration bilaterally . Lung Opacity 18855147 52556177 f7bf15c4-c1338417-c196f03f-0fd1e2df-055ce821 +150 a bedside ap radiograph of the chest demonstrates surgical sutures and volume loss in the right upper lobe, consistent with the patients prior history of lobectomy . the lungs are hyperinflated, consistent with copd . the lungs, however, are clear . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the aorta is stably tortuous, and the heart size is normal . pulmonary vascularity is normal, and there is no pulmonary edema . no acute findings to explain patients desaturation event . stable chronic findings as outlined above . No Finding 16622813 59644344 3960bfee-3d775493-bb08f568-81bff471-ef4dfaa5 +151 new pigtail is in right lower hemithorax with significant improvement of subpulmonic effusion . left lower lung pneumonia with small pleural effusion is slightly worse than but improved since . patient had right upper lobe lobectomy and radiation therapy for cancer, this was better assessed in recent ct scan . conclusion there is no pneumothorax after pigtail placement . right subpulmonic pleural effusion has significantly improved . Pleural Effusion 13263843 51718410 feeef719-f6a236d0-bd85a338-4d4729c9-d91fdf3d +152 diffuse lung opacities, larger on the left side, have worsened on the right . this could be due to trali or ards . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged with mild cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum . lines and tubes are in unchanged standard position . small bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . patient has known fibrosis in the right lower lobe . sternal wires are aligned . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Support Devices 15378103 57806038 d45c4a49-a6851be0-0312740e-161eac2e-2badc9f5 +153 compared to the prior exam there is no significant interval change . the endotracheal tube is . cm above the carina . severe bilateral alveolar infiltrate is unchanged . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13078497 54325875 0095c967-0422b8fb-9e031c60-f8d09b55-d7fc7d09 +154 evidence of previous cabg . the heart remains enlarged . some vascular congestion appears to be present suggesting mild failure . no focal areas of consolidation are seen, but focal pneumonia is not entirely excluded . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia 16672854 55024789 d5380e43-b9ca5dee-fb28ec1b-21f2d76b-af26d998 +155 a left pectoral pacemaker is noted with a single intact lead . the heart is mildly enlarged . mild central pulmonary vascular congestion is noted . bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect atelectasis . there is no lobar consolidation, large pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . mild cardiomegaly and central pulmonary vascular congestion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 18570152 56605732 a445c04c-f8447b3a-f83c989c-97f7024d-ba4c2370 +156 new endotracheal tube is seen appropriately positioned terminating no less than . cm above the carina . there are low lung volumes bilaterally with moderate pulmonary edema . small quantity of bilateral pleural effusion is seen . cardiomediastinal silhouette is somewhat obscured but is stable and within normal limits . appropriately placed et tube . moderate pulmonary edema . these findings were reported to dr . via phone by . Edema&&Support Devices 12185775 54211038 f2a7f664-bfff0efe-5bb44ad4-469f58a4-0e6b7892 +157 single ap view of the chest . postoperative changes again seen in the right thoracic cavity . compared to prior, there appears to be less aerated lung on the right which could be due to enlarging effusion with possible underlying parenchymal abnormality . in addition, there is persistent left basilar opacity not significantly changed given differences in technique . superiorly, the left lung remains clear . right picc and right pleural catheter are again noted . . persistent left basilar opacity, compared to . this could represent atelectasis although infection is not excluded . . less aerated lung on the right when compared to prior, potentially due to collecting pleural fluid although developing parenchymal abnormalities are also possible . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13263843 53474620 5d12427f-41fd4e5e-6db33536-0d265b21-1b800caf +158 lungs are clear . right lung base is elevated, probably due to a moderate amount of subpulmonic right pleural effusion . lateral view shows a tiny left pleural effusion as well . there is no subpulmonic free air . Pleural Effusion 11880923 55514554 031f7904-9bf7d478-6ebc3f26-2ddf2209-700c9c83 +159 there is a dual lead pacemakericd device whose leads terminate in the right atrium and ventricle, respectively, without significant change . the heart is again moderately enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . the lungs are clear . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . calcified enthesopathy projects along the greater tuberosity of the left humerus . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 18417750 57175390 50da6cea-7757397e-e0e5175b-5dfd32f3-3183a4d4 +160 ap upright portable chest radiograph is obtained . a left chest wall pacer device is again seen with lead tips extending into the right atrium and ventricle . abandoned pacing leads are also seen in the right chest wall, extending into the right heart, not significantly changed . the heart is mildly enlarged . the lungs appear clear without definite signs of pneumonia or chf . no large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the overall cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . no acute findings in the chest . stable mild cardiomegaly . multiple pacer wires are unchanged in position . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 11293517 55525523 4c51a119-6f346625-6da3ca60-c048486b-db7e21e6 +161 pulmonary vasculature is more engorged, but there is no pulmonary edema or pleural effusion . moderate cardiomegaly and mediastinal vascular engorgement are chronic . no pneumothorax . no focal pulmonary consolidation . Cardiomegaly 18906643 59089386 2b3fd304-e1ad171f-32d25706-9ceaaa09-5c2e0711 +162 the right picc line tip is at the level of mid svc . heart size and mediastinum are stable, unremarkable . left lower lobe linear opacities and small right lower lobe opacities most likely represent atelectasis but attention to this area to exclude the possibility of developing infection is recommended . in the left suprahilar area, there is more nodular opacity noted than on the prior study . although it might reflect summation of shadows, it should also be followed to exclude the possibility of developing infectious process . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14147380 52177069 84935982-fad67bfc-5d9710eb-129f88db-8f8c8df3 +163 there is an increase in extent of the pre-existing bilateral pleural effusions . the signs of moderate pulmonary edema are unchanged . increasing extent of the pre-existing basilar areas of atelectasis . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged monitoring and support devices . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18615099 59417593 62969c3a-e3c22e1f-1e3ca640-6a048fac-c5b86dbe +164 there is a biventricular pacericd with leads terminating in the coronary sinus and right ventricle . the right atrial lead takes an unusual course, directed posteriorly . while this appears unchanged from the prior study on the frontal view, an aberrant location should be considered . there is no evidence of lead fracture or displacement . aortic valve prosthesis is again noted . sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are present . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . there has been further improvement in the mild pulmonary edema . further aeration of the left lung base is consistent with resolving atelectasis and pleural effusions . there is no pneumothorax . lead intended for the right atrium is directed unusually posteriorly . while this lead is likely in the right atrium, correlation with electrophysiology measurements would be helpful . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . at am on by telephone minutes after discovery . No Finding 19759491 54010994 bd9e6004-1c524f7f-ef858f02-2076cac1-7e6c370a +165 the right pneumothorax is slightly larger than on . partial right lower lobe collapse and mild pleural effusion on the right are unchanged . also unchanged is the position of the right-sided chest tube and the right port-a-cath . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly without pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16826047 57381701 ee027160-ec55fd25-2991f88d-cfc0fb94-bfe15a07 +166 frontal and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . the lungs are clear of confluent consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . calcified granuloma again seen in the left mid lung . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable in configuration . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15612622 51711520 3457e40c-876244f2-a9b678c4-5af63665-49377d02 +167 surgical hardware in the lower c-spine noted . clips in the left upper quadrant are present . there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 15114531 52114176 076a4be2-5c874ed2-8924ba25-a91078bf-433b46a2 +168 since the prior study performed on , lungs are now better aerated . bibasilar opacities persist, although or less consolidated in appearance compared to the prior radiograph . there is no new consolidation . mild pulmonary vascular congestion . no pneumothorax . marked cardiomegaly is stable . improving lung volumes and bibasilar opacities since , may represent resolving infection or atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15131736 53749286 a43142f0-504e9beb-f5710f72-fb264e8b-1a8d6b9c +169 the lungs are hypoinflated, accounting for vascular crowding but no evidence of focal opacities . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . the cardiac size is top normal . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . a right subclavian stent is noted and unchanged from prior examination . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 14744884 54330512 f9dce1d5-9980fc56-0112f0b6-88e9a45f-48e80619 +170 right apical parenchymal opacity is unchanged in extent . the right basal parenchymal scarring is also unchanged . minimal left parenchymal scarring . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . no evidence of pulmonary edema, a linear lucency at the left lung apex, mimicking a pneumothorax, is in fact outside of the patient . unchanged course and position of the monitoring and support devices . Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 17032538 51325572 8a8201f1-257d3a16-561099bb-c8e95167-e3b3b8e1 +171 sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are unchanged as is the prosthetic aortic valve . the heart size is within normal limits . the mediastinal contours appear unremarkable . there continues to be opacity projecting over the heart on the frontal view with air bronchograms which correlates with increased opacity in the retrocardiac space . there is no pneumothorax . left lower lobe pneumonia . Pneumonia 16773796 58084420 7494cb49-099d351b-0e03726b-10674f3a-b482faaa +172 the endotracheal tube tip sits cm above the carina . a left-sided ij central venous catheter tip sits in the left brachiocephalic vein . the right-sided ij central venous catheter tip sits in the upper svc . the heart size is large but stable . the mediastinal contours are within normal limits . there continue to be bibasilar and perihilar opacities as well as a more rounded confluent opacity in the right upper lung . these findings likely represent increased pulmonary edema as well as right upper and lower lobe consolidations . retrocardiac opacity is also compatible with a left lower lobe consolidation . the costophrenic angles are excluded from the study limiting assessment for subtle pleural effusion . there is no large pneumothorax . . lines and tubes in place . . increased pulmonary edema with right upper lobe and bibasilar consolidations . Consolidation&&Edema&&Support Devices 11022245 50146341 b418d709-571d80f6-35f680e3-16a938ff-bde93b89 +173 mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema with left pleural effusion and subsequent left basal and retrocardiac atelectasis . the pigtail catheter at the bases of the right hemithorax . no evidence of pneumothorax, but areas of right basal atelectasis are present . moderate cardiomegaly . no interval appearance of new parenchymal opacities . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13755940 59900684 4fe3e961-a3a02576-db1e637e-60077803-2a154636 +174 severe cardiomegaly has increased since with right and left atrial enlargement, consistent with right heart decompensation . lung volumes are low with a possibly small left pleural effusion . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . a left subclavian vascular stent is new since the prior exam . increased cardiomegaly . no focal consolidation . Cardiomegaly 13473495 56817456 1a48fcb9-1ba60fd5-37d6cc93-9996cbca-e4a827ee +175 heart size and mediastinum are stable . no definitive focal consolidation is demonstrated . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . focal narrowing of the mid trachea is noted and might potentially be related to prior intubation . no definitive evidence of infectious process within the limitations of this study technique . if clinically warranted, correlation with chest ct might be considered . No Finding 13475033 56721487 9c119cc4-8b633d5b-b1c3b4c6-82ee52b6-ff4477dd +176 in comparison with study of earlier in this date, there is little interval change . substantial opacification of the left hemithorax persists with the right lung being essentially clear . no appreciable pneumothorax . gas within soft tissues is seen in the supraclavicular level on the left . ij catheter is unchanged . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 12530259 56383568 f636619c-a5d5b893-e807be46-77d7e8f9-26f324c7 +177 moderately severe pulmonary edema has not worsened since earlier in the day, though moderate right and small left pleural effusions have increased . moderate cardiomegaly has remained stable over the past several days, but has progressed substantially since and could be due to cardiomegaly andor pericardial effusion . dual-channel catheter, presumably for hemodialysis ends in the right atrium . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 52824127 8312c3a4-f0043050-3db9e48c-8b180ed0-faf4d335 +178 the lungs are clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . median sternotomy wires are again noted with fractures of the superior most wires . no acute osseous abnormalities identified . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15518538 53078789 d18abe57-80923646-8d3f05f6-dafedd8b-289ed541 +179 comparison is made with prior studies performed earlier the same day . ng tube tip is at the level of the hemidiaphragm and should be advanced for more standard position . this finding was discussed by phone on at pm . with . et tube tip is . cm above the carina . left ij catheter tip is in the lower svc . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . large bibasilar consolidations and opacities in the upper lobes bilaterally are better seen in prior ct performed the same day earlier in the morning . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10933609 52247073 3391a4a6-64cc1ac6-443cb01a-5a13d4c2-c6b2a84d +180 et tube ends . cm above carina . ng tube is in the stomach, and left jugular line ends in upper svc . there is no pneumothorax, and left chest tube is in unchanged position in upper hemithorax . left upper lobe that was collapsed yesterday is more aerated and left lung pulmonary edema has significantly improved . there is some residual small basilar atelectasis and small pleural effusion, if any . mild subcutaneous air has improved . right lung is unremarkable . mediastinal and cardiac contours are unchanged . conclusion patient with recent left lower lobe lobectomy . aeration and edema of remaining left upper lung has improved . Edema 12530259 53558787 6f5d182a-b2c3bddf-246d41a2-17fe9e4f-8240e407 +181 there is increasing pulmonary edema that is now mild-to-moderate in extent . in addition, atelectatic changes are seen at both lung bases as well as at the bases of the right upper lobe . status post cabg . the lateral radiograph shows mild-to-moderate pleural effusion . no pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19150427 59450064 54035728-03eb01c3-1af39698-5f789e6f-686ca166 +182 compared to chest radiographs since , most recently . greater wall thickening in the regions of bilateral upper lobe scarring and traction bronchiectasis with respect to raises possibility of superinfection . lower lungs grossly clear . heart size normal . no pleural effusion . calcifications noted in central lymph nodes, but there is no evidence of increased adenopathy . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14147787 58168356 a0d2c039-f522ccd9-d97c1582-07999a4b-ffdb3140 +183 feeding tube tip is in the stomach . there are no other acute changes from the same day earlier in the morning . No Finding&&Support Devices 18110020 54704786 ad9e2456-f98c1352-b904fc3d-bc109888-81830f7f +184 comparison is made with multiple prior studies including the most recent one . there is no evident pneumothorax . extensive bilateral subcutaneous emphysema is unchanged . patient has known severe emphysema . multifocal lung opacities, larger in the left upper lobe, right mid and right lower lungs, are stable . there are no new lung abnormalities or pleural effusions . tracheostomy tube is in standard position . right mid thoracic chest tube is in unchanged position . a catheter projecting in the right lower lateral hemithorax is likely outside the patient . left subclavian catheter tip is in the upper svc . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16751749 55021041 c37f2402-7d049ecf-cfaf867c-840f40a1-d8e14aae +185 a left central venous catheter is seen terminating in the lower svc . again seen is elevation of the right hemidiaphragm and small pleural effusion and atelectasis at the base of the right lung . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are grossly unchanged . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . thoracolumbar fusion hardware is seen unchanged in appearance . small pleural effusion and atelectasis at the base of the right lung . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 14353044 59081164 09c081f1-c1f32700-e71bf5b1-b0dc10ee-1e584a9c +186 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from earlier the same day at pm . interval placement of nasogastric tube is seen, noting that the tube can only be identified to the mid portion of the mediastinum and should be advanced . endotracheal tube tip is approximately cm from the carina . otherwise, there has been no change . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 19159236 58268220 166ed666-3cf27b16-96e71ab7-5c3cb2e9-2f2c90d1 +187 there is again evidence of mild pulmonary edema, more prominent on the right . more focal area of opacification at the base medially with poor definition of the right heart border raises the possibility of a middle lobe pneumonia . right pleural thickening or loculated effusion is again seen . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 11474065 57848354 d09562d7-3ddb8397-a8101476-43ad0118-5fae5eb9 +188 cardiomediastinal contours are normal . the lungs are clear . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the osseous structures are unremarkable surgical clips project in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen . external device obscures partially the left hilum no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities . No Finding 15114531 54918942 2a443c5b-911d577f-f0f52f16-9d2662c4-4c3a0fad +189 the lungs are hyperinflated . there is an increased opacity in the left upper lobe likely atelectasis, attention on follow-up studies needed there is no pneumothorax . cardiac size is mildly enlarged . lines and tubes in standard positions, no change . again seen in the median sternotomy wires . patient status post mvr and avr . increased opacity in the left upper lobe may be atelectasis but attention on follow-up studies is needed . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 18224196 53536595 a30e6be6-cdb72787-3efd0ffc-438f4522-1a95c8da +190 heart size is normal when allowances are made for prominent bilateral pericardial fat pads, shown to better detail on ct abdomen of . mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits and without change . lungs are remarkable for upper lobe predominant emphysema, more severe in the right upper lobe than the left . no new focal lung abnormalities were detected, and there are no pleural effusions . mild compression deformity in the mid thoracic spine is unchanged . stable radiographic appearance of the chest with upper lobe predominant emphysema . no evidence of pneumonia . if symptoms persist, consider a chest ct for more complete evaluation if warranted clinically . No Finding 11213613 52818853 60b7b7e2-29b9d91d-f3fd7cd8-8eca0ccf-2ac86d24 +191 median sternotomy wires are intact . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . tortuous aorta with minimal calcifications again noted . no airspace consolidation . mild bilateral pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial edema . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . mild pulmonary edema and moderate cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 16957952 51725523 4ada6367-cb70c4dd-8f2b5739-ef9da5fa-f1c91813 +192 hyperinflation indicates copd . . and , previous pulmonary vascular congestion and mild pulmonary edema have both cleared . lobulation at the apex of the left hemi thorax along the mediastinal border is residual of slowly resolving hematoma . small bilateral pleural effusions are also resolving . heart size normal . No Finding 14851532 56316578 6a69146c-06c97494-0560bf85-9106a119-4dad5197 +193 subcutaneous emphysema in the right chest wall has diminished slightly since removal of the right pleural tube . there is still a small pocket of air and fluid, or clot in the right upper chest alongside the surgical rib fracture . right lung is diffusely edematous, perhaps from hilar lymphatic or venous congestion . left lung is hyperinflated due to emphysema and clear of any focal abnormality . the heart is normal size . fullness in the postoperative right hilus has improved since . lateral view shows persistence of an anterior air and fluid collection, which on the frontal view is at the level of the third anterior interspace . Edema&&Fracture 19991135 57096024 4998e40c-698af874-8c293856-85757f55-1a4817e4 +194 there is no evidence of pneumothorax . continued low lung volumes with substantial mass in the right paratracheal region . Lung Lesion 10046166 57977208 e2856783-ffa5ec26-043b0303-21aeddc6-b11b2876 +195 ap and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . the lungs are hyperinflated . linear opacity in the left lung base is suggestive of scarring . there is no evidence of consolidation or effusion . cardiac silhouette is enlarged, but stable . median sternotomy wires are again noted . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . hyperinflation without evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . no evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion . No Finding 13606683 51927179 ec2a3c71-3c6943bf-1e4be2be-21077cf2-5f0a9978 +196 right ij central venous catheter is seen with its tip in the expected location of the mid svc . there is airspace consolidation in the right lower lung concerning for pneumonia . the left lung is mostly clear . no large effusion is seen . no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . . right ij positioned appropriately with tip in the mid svc . . right lower lobe consolidation concerning for pneumonia . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 15857729 51551684 8dc7bad7-d7cdbfe7-7231abb5-65e3168d-12e734c2 +197 prior sternotomy . since yesterdays examination, the swan-ganz catheter has been removed . et tube and ng tube remain and are satisfactory . right chest tube is also unchanged . no pneumothorax identified . no change in appearance of the lung fields . No Finding&&Support Devices 13896515 55693385 b2661e27-0bced84e-02aa73ae-d1c58697-15ce7b75 +198 the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . there is again substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary vascular congestion and bilateral pleural effusions, more prominent on the right . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18460230 53225676 250bb626-f805c9f6-d82488e1-019d8362-ddb9eae6 +199 the patient is status post median sternotomy, cabg, and mitral valve replacement . the heart is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal contours are unchanged with calcification of the aortic knob again noted . mild pulmonary edema appears progressed compared to the prior exam with small bilateral pleural effusions, also minimally increased compared to the prior exam . left basilar opacification likely reflects atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax . no acute osseous abnormalities are identified . slight interval worsening of mild pulmonary edema with small bilateral pleural effusions . left basilar opacity likely reflects atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19759491 58459168 8fbf70c6-38be49b6-19536bcd-74b5e494-4ed5093f +200 left pectoral pacemaker with leads overlying the right atrium and right ventricle . right picc line terminates at least at the mid svc and the tip is obscured by overlying pacer leads . there is no pneumothorax . top normal cardiac size . normal hilar and mediastinal structures . no pneumonia, no pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . right picc line can be traced to the mid svc, beyond that the line is obscured by overlying pacer leads . No Finding&&Support Devices 16043637 51946836 3084f617-e040a88c-2e4bb84f-d190e19b-fc86d543 +201 a single portable frontal upright view of the chest is provided . external pacing wires and electronics partially obscure the view . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . lung volumes have slightly increased . mild pulmonary edema persists . there is no focal consolidation, large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . sternotomy wires are noted . moderate cardiomegaly and mild pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 12475198 50639335 e4cb9fd1-a291ed0a-a3be1461-78de463c-57194e49 +202 frontal and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . again seen is biapical fibrotic changes . previously seen perihilar and right basilar opacities, have resolved . there is no effusion or new consolidation . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . orthopedic hardware projects over the right glenoid fossa . persistent biapical fibrosis without superimposed acute consolidation . Pleural Other 10933609 57290683 9d8483b4-460ba2c2-3a8322ea-4d7df3ca-e1789d06 +203 minimal edema persists in the left lung . large region of consolidation inferior to the central lungs and pleural scarring has not cleared . heart size is normal . et tube is in standard placement . feeding tube ends in the upper stomach . denser right pleural thickening is chronic, but more pronounced today than in . no pneumothorax . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Other&&Support Devices 17032538 50829485 b8f743d0-49b92246-83708dd6-caec53a5-fa07d8f5 +204 portable supine chest film at is submitted . . left subclavian picc line with its tip in the mid-to-distal svc . endotracheal tube has its tip . cm above the carina . a right internal jugular large-bore catheter has its tip in the right atrium, unchanged . gastric tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm with the tip not identified . . bilateral pleural pigtail catheters are again seen and are unchanged in position . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable in this postoperative patient status post median sternotomy with mitral valve annuloplasty . increasing opacity at right lung base and the costophrenic angle which could represent accumulating fluid or an area of evolving pneumonia . clinical correlation is advised . no evidence of pulmonary edema . patchy opacities at left base likely reflects atelectasis . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15259244 56972683 1b4e1f55-4fa1febf-abf7ed18-4531ddc4-2081f4ae +205 moderately severe opacification in the left mid and lower lung zones is probably edema, also affecting the right lower lung and accompanied by a moderate right pleural effusion . emphysema is severe . thickening of the right apical pleural surface is chronic . a large reticulated opacity projecting over the right mid lung could be unusual atelectasis or bronchiectasis or even a pleural calcification present in . inferior to it is scarring in the right mid lung . and i discussed the findings and their clinical significance by telephone at the time of dictation . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 17032538 54097861 744a983f-6e2d9a27-ed516cc1-1ec2dea6-d65f542b +206 there has been placement of a pacer lead extending into the coronary sinus system . there is continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with increasing pulmonary vascular congestion . retrocardiac opacification is consistent with volume loss in the left lower lobe and probable small pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13896515 53789660 ebb4833f-b98cb523-ee32fa0a-90c24211-81d147e0 +207 portable frontal chest radiographs demonstrate intubated patient, the tip of the endotracheal tube is positioned . cm from the level of the carina . an orogastric tube is in place and is coiled within the fundus of the stomach . there is airspace opacification of the right lung with relative sparing of the apex, as well as basilar left lung opacity . linear atelectasis is seen in the right mid lung . the left lung is relatively clear . a focal nodular opacity is seen in the left upper lung measuring mm . there is linear atelectasis in the left lower lung . there is no definite effusion . there is no pneumothorax . the heart size is enlarged, the mediastinal contours appear grossly unremarkable on this portable film . . bilateral airspace opacity consistent with lobar pneumonia . . nodular opacity in the left lung apex, recommend attention on followup . . moderate cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11022245 50078440 816f21ae-13fa33ff-7a4ea5d9-e246fa18-f09a32ff +208 frontal and lateral views of the chest compared to previous exam from . the lungs are clear of consolidation, effusion or pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . right-sided vascular stent is again noted . osseous and soft tissue structures are otherwise unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14744884 58480173 90e0275c-fdf15b9e-fa00d384-ace49c70-f4727012 +209 left-sided pacer device is stable in position . left-sided central venous catheter is also stable in position . enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette is again seen . patient is status post median sternotomy and cardiac valve replacement . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestioninterstitial edema and a small left pleural effusion . trace right pleural effusion is difficult to exclude . evidence of old left-sided rib fractures is seen . left-sided pacer device is stable in position . left-sided central venous catheter is also stable in position . enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette is again seen . patient is status post median sternotomy and cardiac valve replacement . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestioninterstitial edema and a small left pleural effusion . trace right pleural effusion is difficult to exclude . evidence of old left-sided rib fractures is seen . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19759491 58128416 4d570d20-1f80af86-1855ab56-6d99bc9a-cd105562 +210 there bilateral regions of consolidation, at the right lung and left mid to lower lung . findings are most concerning for bilateral infection . moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is unchanged . multiple vascular stents are also noted . no acute osseous abnormalities . splenic calcifications are again noted . bilateral parenchymal opacities, right greater than left compatible with pneumonia in the proper clinical setting . recommendations repeat after treatment will be necessary to document resolution . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19061282 59509358 596ada03-4cd1298c-35965d3c-db44850a-0baa9257 +211 the lungs are moderately well inflated . there is a new subtle right lower lobe opacity is noted . no pulmonary edema . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart is top-normal in size, unchanged since prior examination . mediastinal contour and hila are unremarkable . intact median sternotomy wires and mitral valve prosthesis are noted . a left anterior chest wall pacer device lead tips are in the right atrium and right ventricle . new subtle right lower lobe opacity . differential diagnosis includes atelectasis, early pneumonia or aspiration pneumonia clinical correlation recommended . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16043637 55098650 10b7a5e0-c721996a-b5046563-dd86ee1f-5d1caa58 +212 the lung volumes are low . unchanged chronic elevation of right hemidiaphragm . no evidence of focal consolidation . no pulmonary edema . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . trace, if any, bilateral pleural effusions . no pneumothoraces . the single lead left icd is intact without any lead terminating in the right ventricle . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14556809 52736852 2dfbf7e0-85ed2f34-4c60e220-a5f1fa98-464b3ce2 +213 large cardiomediastinal silhouette has not changed appreciably since at least , early postoperatively . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is comparable to the preoperative appearance . small bilateral pleural effusions persist . there is no longer any pulmonary edema . et tube and left internal jugular line are in standard placements and a nasogastric tube passes into the stomach and out of view . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10715477 55183572 9197e8a6-688e955b-b870d598-a611016b-66ef0b8e +214 two frontal images of the chest demonstrate well-expanded lungs that are clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . there is cervical fixation hardware noted along the cervical spine . otherwise, osseous structures are unremarkable . essentially normal chest radiograph with no evidence of pneumonia . No Finding 15114531 54953521 bd752951-5d4e5b88-c3f34820-c9e7fcd4-1d2b4af7 +215 the course of the left internal jugular vein catheter is constant . constant extensive left parenchymal opacity and extensive right apicolateral consolidation . moderate elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with small pleural effusion . unchanged aspect of the left heart border . no pneumothorax, no new opacities . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11569093 57204814 0d2a50a2-3711662a-d7838521-4dc58d09-3732a3ad +216 portable chest radiograph at is submitted . left sided single lead pacer unchanged in position . right internal jugular central line with tip in the proximal right atrium . there continue be small stable bilateral pleural effusions with decrease in the amount of loculated fluid on the left . status post median sternotomy with stable cardiac and mediastinal contours . interval appearance of mild interstitial edema . bibasilar patchy opacities likely reflect atelectasis . no obvious pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 54943123 c97cba0f-be9c81e1-e3b2f294-5af9f1ac-aa4dab80 +217 two semi-upright views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . there are hazy bibasilar opacities suggestive of layering effusions . linear opacity in the right mid lung abutting surgical chain sutures are seen, potentially scarring or contribution from fluid within the fissure . linear opacity in the left mid to lower lung is again seen suggestive of scarring or atelectasis . there is cephalization of the vasculature and prominence of the azygos vein . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . osseous and soft tissue structures are also unchanged . ivc filter is seen within the abdomen . bilateral pleural effusions and pulmonary vascular congestion . post-surgical changes seen in the right lung . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16334516 55649635 fa76addb-604afc82-2fed6189-2657d8ca-8464dc84 +218 there is little overall change . the two right chest tubes remain in place and there is no evidence of pneumothorax . opacification at the right base with blunting of the costophrenic angle is again seen . the left lung is clear and there is evidence of old healed rib fractures . Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13352405 58143212 06dffd2d-fb7ae39b-dc116fd7-677c6133-de43815b +219 midline sternotomy wires noted . stable elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is again seen with chronic right basal atelectasis . subtle retrocardiac linear density may represent focal areas of scarring as this appears unchanged from prior exam . no convincing signs of pneumonia or chf . no large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . no acute findings . No Finding 17327592 59568059 0edc4350-79bed040-c995383a-424e4573-a701ab07 +220 left hilarperihilar opacity corresponds to patients known perihilar mass, better assessed on ct . old-appearing rib deformities on the left may relate to prior fractures, metastatic disease not excluded, although better evaluated on ct . extensive vascular calcification is seen projecting over the upper hemithorax bilaterally . no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . left perihilar opacity corresponding to known pulmonary mass again seen . otherwise, no acute cardiopulmonary process . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 19389041 58489635 3dc71595-c47bd185-73aaa5e1-d15818c0-c6096a22 +221 the left lung is essentially clear . No Finding 13263843 54433794 9f64f457-6bee0c2c-6e676bd6-a7ebab4f-3eb5dbbb +222 there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable and top-normal in size . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 11052273 59032183 1d1ad085-bc04d368-4062c6ff-8388f25c-c9acb192 +223 there is interval extubation of the patient with removal of the ng tube but with swan-ganz catheter still in place with its tip projecting at the level of the right ventricle outflow tract . the patient continues to be with enlarged cardiac silhouette, unchanged since the prior study with bibasal areas of atelectasis . interval development of perihilar vascular engorgement is consistent with fluid overloadmild pulmonary edema . bilateral pleural effusion cannot be excluded, mild . no appreciable pneumothorax is seen . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11212873 51796690 51953a44-cce00b99-06369eea-4bc1bbcd-45ee7fd6 +224 moderate cardiomegaly persists . there are new diffuse bilateral hazy opacities suggestive of moderate increase in pulmonary central venous pressure . mid sternotomy wires appear intact . lungs are without focal consolidation . bilateral small pleural effusions may be present . no acute fracture is identified . new bilateral hazy opacities with persistent moderate cardiomegaly . these findings are likely representative of moderate pulmonary edema due to congestive heart failure . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 16672854 50801992 e75af3b7-a3b4f881-b1f68642-609d0775-916ece62 +225 compared with at am, the overall appearance is similar . again seen are et tube, an ng tube and right ij line, all in nominal alignment . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is less prominent, but this is likely related to differences in technique . hazy opacity at both lung bases and increased retrocardiac density are essentially unchanged . upper zone redistribution is again noted . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13881772 52722388 1d2cf428-cb86995f-d8bd58a7-2811dcec-fadf009b +226 moderate cardiomegaly partially obscures lower lung zones . there are no pulmonary findings to suggest pneumonia . pulmonary vascular congestion is stable, but there is no pulmonary edema . fissural loculation of pleural fluid along the left chest wall laterally has not changed appreciably over several days . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18906643 58824000 e3c80a40-fc49e72a-6cd50354-445adf30-3d360387 +227 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to , obtained at am . the et tube tip is approximately . cm above the carina . the right internal jugular line tip is at the mid low svc . heart size and mediastinum are grossly unchanged in appearance . right pleural effusion is enlarged, unchanged since the most recent prior . small amount of left pleural effusion is most likely present . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12736592 50820057 d0abd39a-1f812f05-b0d99e71-5f3d984a-c46b559f +228 the pre-existing mild interstitial fluid overload has decreased . unchanged are the retrocardiac areas of atelectasis, the large perihilar right-sided opacity as well as the likely presence of bilateral small pleural effusions . the monitoring and support devices are constant . the known rib fractures are better appreciated on the ct examination from . no evidence of pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15185305 50399800 ddf73353-2bd13067-b8238f63-0ee1fa88-b917f360 +229 severely enlarged cardiac silhouette is again seen . small left greater than right pleural effusions remain . mediastinal and hilar contours are similar . no displaced fracture is seen . . no displaced fracture, however, if clinical concern for fracture persists of the ribs, suggest dedicated rib series, which is more sensitive . . persistent severe enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and small bilateral pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion 13473781 59454336 f39b05b1-f544e51a-cfe317ca-b66a4aa6-1c1dc22d +230 the patient has undergone a right thoracocentesis . the extent of the right pleural effusion has substantially decreased . there is an opacity at the right lung base, likely reflecting reexpansion lung edema . no evidence of pneumothorax . no change in appearance of the left lung and of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16826047 58248690 e92d9801-97dad88a-dce9c2c1-ac9d93ac-c7134e12 +231 ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm passing the stomach . et tube is in standard position . right ij catheter tip is at the confluence of the brachiocephalic vein . left lower lobe opacity has increased consistent with increasing atelectasis and small pleural effusion . right lower lobe atelectasis is unchanged . there is no evident pneumothorax . cardiomegaly is stable, accentuated by the projection . opacities superior to the hila bilaterally, larger on the left side, have minimally increased on the right, but markedly improved from . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10268877 51779078 db9eeee7-1e5ceadf-dc9a6548-0f43c246-e7c97602 +232 the only focal pulmonary abnormality is a band of atelectasis in the right mid lung . there are no findings to suggest active pneumonia . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is chronic, but there is no pulmonary vascular engorgement, edema, or pleural effusion . disc degeneration is seen at several levels in the thoracolumbar spine . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 17147859 59519248 1129d3bb-924babcc-6bcb3caf-4a76b42e-b4b64f89 +233 again seen is the bilateral small pleural effusions and left base atelectasis . cardiac silhouette is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . again noted is the median sternotomy wires, valve replacements, and dobhoff tube in expected positions . changes in the right proximal humerus consistent with previous fracture better seen on shoulder radiographs from . no significant change in appearance of small bilateral pleural effusions and left base atelectasis since . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 18224196 50780353 90e79548-fcbab121-6100c047-b413fab9-912f13a5 +234 note is made that the study was obtained yesterday at pm . and brought to our attention today at am . there is linear vertical lucency running parallel to the right border of the spine, continuing from the level of the carina upwards towards the neck and might potentially reflect air within the mediastinum . alternatively, it can represent air within the neoesophagus but that is less likely . there is interval improvement of the right mid lung consolidation . the bulging contour of the right mid mediastinum most likely reflects dilated neoesophagus . there is new left lower lung opacity that potentially might reflect aspiration . heart size is unremarkable . at am . with the recommendation to repeat chest radiograph to exclude the possibility of pneumomediastinum and discover of the findings was made hour ago and dr . was immediately paged . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 19016834 53651717 2ca44c56-b3b82e54-003fcd78-a48535a0-12e2ed43 +235 the extensive right pleural effusion is constant in distribution and extent . also constant are the relatively massive subsequent parenchymal opacities in the right hemithorax . on the left, there is no visible change, the appearance of the left heart border, the left costophrenic sinus and the structure of the lung parenchyma is constant . no pneumothorax . no pleural effusions . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16826047 51795923 25ee6ef1-1e086650-4b388d67-99cae82c-8b65717e +236 comparison radiograph available from . frontal and lateral chest radiographs the heart size is top normal . the hilar and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . there is no pneumothorax, focal consolidation, or pleural effusion . No Finding 19028690 56321718 73008a4b-9fd383b4-3d289f58-d78bef2a-065b5789 +237 persistent largely unchanged left upper lobe, right upper lobe and left lower lobe peribronchial consolidation . there are stable low lung volumes . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable within normal limits . the pleural surfaces are unremarkable . persistent bilateral peribronchial consolidations which might represent post-pneumonic fibrosisinflammation, organizing pneumonia, wegeners granulomatosis, or less likely residual infection . followup examination as clinically warranted is recommended . Consolidation&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 10933609 55438657 4a706f94-eae311b0-de845977-dcc52bde-4615615e +238 frontal and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate minimal blunting of the bilateral costophrenic angles . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . the heart size is moderately enlarged, and there are post-surgical changes of median sternotomy and cabg . there is an indistinct appearance of the pulmonary vasculature, consistent with mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema . . mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema, without focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . there may be small bilateral pleural effusions, with a small degree of bilateral atelectasis . . the heart is moderately enlarged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13078497 51153042 c8a6b25d-257241cf-19fa30f5-20bedbc5-b371e581 +239 cardiomediastinal contours are normal . there are bilateral perihilar plate-like atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . moderate degenerative changes are noted in the c-spine . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 19028690 59630883 3a6ea7f8-a5379f3d-93b5a474-49f4c0e9-a37c0156 +240 the picc line tip is at the level of mid svc . pleural effusion is demonstrated on the right, but substantially decreased after placement of the pigtail catheter . left pleural effusion is unchanged . the patient is in mild interstitial pulmonary edema . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13263843 53789417 e78b86cd-f7e154ee-4481e547-c07f5b95-c4b92d03 +241 comparison is made to the patients previous study of . a single portable upright chest film, at is submitted . . right internal jugular central line has its tip in the superior vena cava . a right basilar pigtail catheter has been placed and is incompletely visualized on the current examination . . interval decrease in size of a right pleural effusion with residual patchy basilar opacity, which could reflect residual compressive atelectasis, reexpansion pulmonary edema, contusion, and less likely pneumonia . persistent left pleural effusion with retrocardiac opacity, which most likely reflects partial lower lobe compressive atelectasis, although pneumonia cannot be excluded . no evidence of pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . heart remains enlarged . cervical fusion hardware is seen projecting over the mid cervical spine . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13755940 51099690 e53aee72-582b01ea-a370ca39-62ce5b25-e0eed2b3 +242 et tube and right internal jugular line are in unchanged position . heart size and mediastinum are stable . improvement in aeration of the lung bases is demonstrated except for still present minimal left basal atelectasis and most likely present small left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17439310 54590636 f98090a5-828d97cc-91675b56-fa42c115-a9cf55cb +243 tracheostomy tube is in standard position . left subclavian line ends at the level of the mid svc . extensive bilateral subcutaneous emphysema is unchanged . given the extent of subcutaneous emphysema, presence of small pneumothorax cannot be certainly identified . the patient has known severe pulmonary emphysema, better evaluated on chest ct dated . multifocal lung opacities are stable . right mid thoracic chest tube is similar in position . heart size and mediastinal contours have similar appearance . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16751749 57505283 4ac477ad-67469958-ec8c37e7-547c1f59-9a0137e7 +244 the et tube tip is cm above the carina . the esophageal stent is in place, unchanged since the prior study . the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of superior svc . there is redemonstration of pneumoperitoneum, at least mild-to-moderate, grossly unchanged since the prior study . extensive parenchymal consolidations are unchanged as well, predominantly involving the right mid and lower lung and then the left mid lobe . Consolidation&&Support Devices 13964474 57225010 728ba54e-f806376b-641fb213-f018e8b4-60149648 +245 frontal images of the chest demonstrate well-expanded lungs which are clear . there is a left-sided pleural effusion . there is no effusion on the right . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . sternotomy wires and mitral valve ring again noted . visualized osseous structures are unremarkable . left pleural effusion . otherwise, unremarkable chest x-ray . Pleural Effusion 15259244 52798218 bc28ea67-0dc950d7-d5c81ea4-c8640ac1-e0a88e8d +246 lower lung volumes, likely reflecting a lesser inspiratory effort . moderate cardiomegaly with retrocardiac atelectasis and small bilateral pleural effusions . no newly occurred focal parenchymal opacities . no pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 15758946 57586513 15a43747-b7f52373-15c7623d-8ec7b6f7-c1fd59aa +247 in comparison to chest radiograph, support and monitoring devices are unchanged in position . mild cardiomegaly is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion . patchy bibasilar opacities likely reflect atelectasis, but aspiration and developing infectious pneumonia are additional considerations . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18487334 52779908 501a71e8-c63c6501-4de1111d-c931b2b6-261814fe +248 the patient has taken a much better inspiration . again there and is evidence of multiple old healed rib fractures on the right . calcified hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes again are consistent with known sarcoidosis . no evidence of acute focal pneumonia or vascular congestion or pleural effusion . Fracture 15776774 50323961 a582694c-9ecb47ce-40948acb-e0ef8797-d08a41a6 +249 there is continued diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications consistent with worsening effusions, volume loss, and increased pulmonary vascular congestion . possibility of supervening pneumonia must be seriously considered in the appropriate clinical setting, though this is difficult to evaluate in view of the substrate of extensive pulmonary changes . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15259244 56723838 28674cfd-a09cd562-c2ee2007-8a9a2145-bc7be12c +250 there is again evidence of severe copd with apparent bullous changes in the apices . old healed rib fractures are noted on the right . however, there is no evidence of acute pneumonia or vascular congestion at this time . Fracture 19991135 56918032 ebe1c050-b5cd68d5-7eb2b544-8906f022-e95300a4 +251 continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema . opacification at the left base may reflect effusion and atelectasis . hemodialysis catheter again extends to probably the upper portion of the right atrium . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17340686 54716590 e4f6de95-2089560c-4df114b1-deac3d24-a6bc53f7 +252 single ap portable chest radiograph is obtained . tracheostomy tube is present . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . there is a hazy veil-like opacity in the right upper lung zone which may be consolidation, atelectasis or artifact . heart size appears enlarged however, this may be technical due to ap view . bony structures are intact . limited study with hazy opacity in the right upper and mid lungs which may be infectious in etiology, atelectasis or artifact . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10268877 59301985 f2ea048e-52ada468-199a5a64-06f14cb3-76e57312 +253 again visualized is a stable right lower lobe opacity consistent with small to moderate right pleural effusion . improved asymmetric edema is noted on the left . there is no evidence of new consolidation or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette remains stable . osseous structures remain normal . . stable small to moderal right pleural effusion . . improved asymmetric edema is noted on the left . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 53923012 96e29c8f-cbe25758-3c1d7c4e-4f3ed96e-857a1bc7 +254 the patient has prior history of gastric pull-through with radiation therapy for esophageal cancer . right upper lobe consolidation in posterior segment has slightly improved . the lungs are hyperinflated . mm right lower lobe nodule is unchanged since . small right pleural effusion is stable since . there is no pneumothorax . mediastinal and cardiac contours are normal . conclusion right upper lobe infiltrate has improved since . there is no new lung consolidation . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 14295224 53458437 78a4e7a2-9072e849-a90eb438-518cd14b-3ea197d4 +255 the patient is status post median sternotomy and coronary bypass surgery . heart remains enlarged, and is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion . interval improved aeration at both lung bases with improving atelectasis and decreasing pleural effusions . no new areas of consolidation within either lung . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12952223 52774948 c383b852-eac5f445-af9853bb-aaadded6-9b28a98c +256 right internal jugular catheter ends at svc . orogastric feeding tube is seen to course below the diaphragm into the stomach, however distal end is beyond the view of radiograph . bilateral lung volumes are low . lower lung atelectasis and presumed small left pleural effusion is unchanged . given the low lung volumes, assessment for mild or early pulmonary edema is limited . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19623993 59094609 dd1b3904-39c994bb-d70efb14-d51f63a7-7848565c +257 the heart appears borderline in size . the aorta is tortuous with patchy calcification . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . the lungs appear clear . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . a mild compression deformity of the t vertebral body appears unchanged . a severe compression deformity of l vertebra plana appears unchanged with stable alignment abnormality . the bones appear demineralized . no evidence of acute disease . stable compression fractures . Fracture 19454978 54362315 c1835b44-25f4ae1d-7fe2caf9-d07d4f59-ab0150b4 +258 analysis is performed in direct comparison with the next preceding similar chest examination . there is status post sternotomy and aortic valve replacement identifying the metallic components of a porcine aortic valve stenosis in place . these findings are rather unchanged . the heart size has increased slightly . no typical new configurational abnormality can be identified . the pulmonary vasculature is not congested, nor is there evidence . marked left atrial enlargement when comparing the posterior cardiac wall in relation to the aortic valve prosthesis on the lateral view . the pulmonary vasculature is not congested . on the other hand, the pulmonary vasculature shows again the previously described marked irregular peripheral distribution that coincides with low positioned and flattened diaphragms . marked increase of chest diameter in depth is noted on the lateral view and related to a markedly increased kyphotic curvature with multiple wedge compressed vertebral bodies in the mid portion of the thoracic spine . as before, one sees multiple peripheral small linear densities and areas of increased translucency rather typical for advanced copd . comparison with the next preceding study does not disclose any new discrete parenchymal infiltrate . also, the lateral and posterior pleural sinuses remain free from any significant fluid accumulation . bilateral apical pleural thickenings are again seen and have not undergone any significant interval change . multiple rib deformities as before indicative of previously sustained local rib fractures . comparison with the next preceding chest examination demonstrates on the frontal view increase of the heart shadow . this coincides also with a more prominent visibility of the azygos vein in the right tracheobronchial angulation . thus, these findings could suggest a volume increase of the right ventricle and thereto related elevated right-sided filling pressure, a suggestion which matches information that the would recommend the performance of an echocardiogram to look for possible right ventricular strain, tricuspid incompetence and elevated right-sided filling pressure . patient has developed new pedal edema . to confirm this suspicion,an echocardiogram could be helpful . no acute new parenchymal infiltrates in these advanced findings of of copdno evidence of pulmonary venous congestion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other&&Support Devices 17392550 53641457 6029ba23-5d73e768-c1fe417b-73eb330f-9c507e77 +259 severe cardiomegaly persists and the presence of a left pleural effusion cannot be excluded . in addition to these findings, todays image shows mild pulmonary edema . left retrocardiac atelectasis . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13473781 53148581 790aef7d-e4cf7dd2-82d3a1e4-111fdcc4-3d8cedd7 +260 there is again enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with extensive bilateral pleural effusions and compressive atelectasis combined with pulmonary vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15380734 51191114 1fcd995b-1ec680c3-bba45110-e0430c14-bc44fbde +261 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate normal cardiomediastinal silhouette . the lungs appear hyperexpanded, in keeping with known emphysema . previously seen left lower lobe opacity has resolved on the frontal view but may persist on lateral view obscuring the posterior costophrenic angle, which could represent a component of residual infection andor atelectasis . there is trace basilar atelectasis on the right . there is no large effusion . eventration is seen on the right, unchanged . bibasilar dependent atelectasis . persistent probable left lower lobe posterior opacity which could represent atelectasis or a component of residual infection, to be clinically correlated . followup after treatment recommending to document resolution . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11052935 51137224 c8913af9-734e331d-173b2e64-3bd029ab-fb2771ae +262 the endotracheal tube has been pulled back . the tip of the tube now projects cm above the carina . there is increasing diffuse opacity at the left lung base, likely caused by a small pleural effusion . no other relevant changes . no pneumothorax . unchanged aspect of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13881772 51265927 4d91911d-7ed6ea7f-18ae148c-fb6fdc45-798771a7 +263 pacer leads, median sternotomy wires, mediastinal clips unchanged from same day radiograph . cardiac silhouette stably enlarged . mild increased interstitial markings, primarily on the right, compatible with worsening interstitial edema . there are small bilateral pleural effusions, with bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13921768 50259315 40e0dc90-fdd63c47-3a4502b4-c7dd49d6-b903b2b9 +264 as compared to the previous examination, the patient has been intubated . the tip of the endotracheal tube projects . cm above the carina . the patient also has received a nasogastric tube, the course of the tube is unremarkable, the tip of the tube does not display on the image . the ventriculoperitoneal shunt and the left subclavian access line are unchanged . there is no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . the lung volumes are increased, with subsequent decrease in severity and extent of a pre-existing right basal medial parenchymal opacity . no newly appeared parenchymal opacities, unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . no pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11906222 55124994 a7b100cd-08c2be2d-a32c2dac-020c1d75-1bd5b887 +265 portable ap supine chest film at is submitted . . right internal jugular dual-lumen catheter remains unchanged in position . the heart remains enlarged and the mediastinal contours are stable . there is coarsening of the interstitium . no evidence of pulmonary edema, focal airspace consolidation to suggest pneumonia . no large pneumothorax . there is deformity of the right lateral rib cage consistent with previous rib fractures . no acute bony abnormality is appreciated . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18855147 52042427 d8358039-56377194-16d2e4ae-7f54b999-53da73f7 +266 very severe subcutaneous emphysema of the entire torso has not improved . the overlying subcutaneous gas makes it difficult to detect pneumothorax but i see no good evidence of any nor is there any appreciable pleural effusion . the hematoma around the pulmonary laceration of the right pleural tube is slightly smaller today than it was on but stable since . a region of hemorrhage in the axillary region in the left mid lung has been stable for the past several days . edema or pneumonia in the right lower lung is stable . emphysema is severe . tracheostomy tube and left subclavian line are in standard placements . the heart is normal size . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16751749 59245308 bcf2cc18-3401053b-113ae6db-daa24d50-08934ad9 +267 there still diffuse increase in interstitial markings bilaterally consistent with chronic interstitial lung disease . no new focal consolidation is seen . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are grossly stable . no significant interval change . stable diffuse increase in interstitial markings consistent with chronic lung disease . Lung Opacity 13475033 56055109 f7995b00-70025839-1b735979-92983f8a-5fb639f8 +268 there is stable mild pulmonary vascular engorgement . no evidence of pulmonary edema . there are no focal consolidations . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . heart size is top normal . stable mild pulmonary vascular engorgement . heart size is top normal . no evidence of pneumonia . No Finding 14177219 52589781 2583e77d-666ff867-9384b210-c059e9e6-31c7da01 +269 single frontal view of the chest in semi-erect position demonstrates stable position of a dual-channel central venous catheter with tip terminating in the upper right atrium . the patient is slightly rotated to the left . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . multiple clips are seen overlying the right apex . rightward upper tracheal displacement is related to known enlarged left thyroid lobe as seen on ct dated . the lungs are clear with trace, if any, basilar atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . multiple remote fractures are seen on the left posteriorly, unchanged . no definite evidence to suggest pneumonia or fluid overload . Pneumonia 14236258 55227594 947b8eee-91990d6d-31a05ac0-0f30e40e-c54fedee +270 a single portable chest film was obtained . a tip of a newly placed ng tube is now seen around the level of the diaphragmatic hiatus . lung volumes are low, accentuating the pulmonary vasculature . replaced ng tube tip near the gastroesophageal junction . it should be advanced further into the stomach and a repeat film taken before use . telephone at on . No Finding&&Support Devices 13979643 56291217 384cf52b-9692fbc2-b3a9f35b-7afe21a3-e935fdb1 +271 moderate cardiomegaly is chronic, and improved since . lungs are low in volume but clear . definition of the airway to the left lower lobe bronchus is poor, as it was on , but a torso ct on showed the bronchus displaced by the large heart, but patent . normal mediastinal and hilar contours and pleural surfaces . Cardiomegaly 14727722 54416722 2b1a5138-f3160270-992271a6-a4c40f13-eadcb090 +272 portable ap chest radiograph right ij line tip projects over the expected region of the upper svc . right-sided picc tip projects over the expected region of the cavoatrial junction . et tube is approximately . cm above the carina . a feeding tube is noted with tip in the expected region of the proximal gastric antrum with side ports within the body of the stomach . severe cardiomegaly is again noted . right-sided pleural effusion is unchanged from the prior examination . the opacification at the left lung base is unchanged from the most recent prior examination may represent pleural effusion with atelectasis, however infectious process such as pneumonia cannot be excluded in the correct clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11204646 59896422 cc1b3c0f-8e71ad32-d08ab6a1-41e21695-76317bb0 +273 moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . pacer leads are in stable position . hemodialysis catheter terminates in the right atrium, unchanged . the lungs are essentially clear, and the right lung base is partially obscured by the overlying pacemaker generator . prosthetic valves and sternal wires are unchanged . blunting of left costophrenic angle likely indicates a small pleural effusion . . stable moderate cardiomegaly and a likely small left pleural effusion . . hemodialysis catheter terminating in the right atrium . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19759491 59146382 8c248d5f-8700e4e5-23cf46b2-e930bffd-cc41a993 +274 assessment is slightly limited by patient rotation . the endotracheal tube tip terminates approximately cm from the carina . an enteric tube tip is within the stomach . cardiac silhouette size appears mildly enlarged but unchanged . assessment of the mediastinal and hilar contours is limited . pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . streaky bibasilar airspace opacities may reflect areas of atelectasis . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . marked degenerative changes are noted involving the right glenohumeral joint . limited examination due to patient rotation . endotracheal and enteric tubes in standard positions . streaky bibasilar opacities, likely atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16524406 54985612 cae34b8f-cef454bf-250bd88e-8bef265d-9a3f0172 +275 comparison is made with prior study performed minutes earlier . et tube is in standard position . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . right chest tube projected in the right mid lung is in unchanged position . left subclavian catheter tip is in unchanged position with tip in the upper svc . there are no other acute interval changes . No Finding&&Support Devices 16751749 50833716 a591be11-255de340-3ac24e9b-fd6f9e96-878103e2 +276 the lungs are clear of consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . left chest wall dual lead pacing device is again seen . moderate cardiomegaly is again noted . upper thoracic dextroscoliosis is seen . no acute fracture identified based on this nondedicated exam . surgical clips seen in the upper abdomen . cardiomegaly without acute cardiopulmonary process . Cardiomegaly 10754184 56348027 c979aaaa-4bb31072-c9884178-6e3ced8b-edf531fa +277 subcutaneous emphysema is severe in the thoracoabdominal wall and neck . i do not see pneumomediastinum for certain, and no pneumothorax, though i suspect this is not an erect chest radiograph which would be required to exclude that . lung volumes are quite low, exaggerating what is probably mild edema seen best on the right, and mild cardiomegaly . large mediastinal lymph node calcification in the ap window is noted . was paged to recommend repeat examination primarily to exclude pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 11413236 50855550 a94ddbc2-40a2c88a-c00a1b50-4a09d704-8ebb8115 +278 ap and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . dual-lumen left subclavian line is in stable position . the lungs are clear of consolidation . trace blunting of the left costophrenic angle again seen . there is no right-sided pleural effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . surgical clips project over the thoracic inlet bilaterally . osseous structures again notable for bilateral, old posterior healed rib fractures and mild wedging of mid thoracic vertebral bodies, unchanged since . degenerative changes again seen at the shoulders bilaterally including calcification in the region of the right coracoclavicular region . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14236258 55564287 91db5745-87b0042c-4728fa53-e5352d85-501dae1c +279 a right upper lobe consolidation with air bronchograms is similar to . focal tubular lucency within the opacity is new and may reflect cavitation, dilated airways or spared lung parenchyma . opacity in the right lower lobe has progressed since the prior study . there is no effusion or pneumothorax . cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . there is mild thickening of the left major fissure . non-resolving right upper lobe pneumonia superimposed on bilateral juxtahilar scarring which could be due to prior granulomatous process such as tb or sarcoid . consider ct to further evaluate the right upper lobe and to exclude central necrosis, as well as to further characterize for causes of non-resolving pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 54694185 ff86990a-2b9b1ae4-abec4188-55d0170a-72142dca +280 pa and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate no interval change from . small right pleural effusion, adjacent atelectasis, and scar formation are stable . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . the left hemithorax is unremarkable . stable small right pleural effusion compared to . this study neither suggests nor excludes the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism . Pleural Effusion 18309149 59608718 c418a7ea-f382ef9c-a8aa6045-d0ecf7cb-87214437 +281 semi-upright portable ap view of the chest provided . the heart is massively enlarged . there are trace pleural effusions . increased opacity in the right mid-to-lower lung is concerning for pneumonia . the left lung appears essentially clear . no pneumothorax . the mediastinal contour appears normal . bony structures are intact . massive cardiomegaly with trace bilateral pleural effusions . opacity within the right mid-to-lower lung is concerning for pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15857729 55715754 e539ba13-0f60a2b9-c5777304-ac5661fd-236f33a8 +282 there continues to be markedly severe s-shaped scoliosis of the thoracolumbar spine . the endogastric tube courses inferiorly into the stomach with its sideport well below the ge junction however, the ng tube does appear kinked in the segment that is just - cm upstream from the sideport . the right picc tip is in the lower svc . within the limits of a severely scoliotic patient, the cardiac and mediastinal contours appear normal . the lungs demonstrate mild retrocardiac atelectasis . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . . ng tube kinked within the stomach - consider minimal retraction to reposition . . severe scoliosis with mild retrocardiac atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 18110020 54224166 f9939219-9d47f1d2-245483ba-56d3429b-896a3f2e +283 there has been some interval improved aeration in the left upper lobe that now permits visualization of the aortic knob and the previously described appearance of question widened mediastinum is now seen to have represented the left upper lobe infiltrate . there continues to be a dense left upper lobe infiltrate with more hazy opacity of the remainder of the left lung that could be due in part to layering effusion . there are increased patchy areas of infiltrate in the right lung . there is pulmonary vascular re-distribution and ill-defined vasculature consistent with fluid overload . the heart size is mildly enlarged . swan-ganz catheter tip is in the main pulmonary artery . the et tube is cm above the carina . left chest tube and mediastinal drains are unchanged . the dual-lead pacemaker is unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19075045 56319561 7f667ba3-a9265ab9-a860e1b3-2fdf36b2-bf3b1ae1 +284 portable ap upright view of the chest provided . midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . there are lower lung opacities which is potential concern for pneumonia . there is no large effusion or pneumothorax . mild central hilar congestion is somewhat improved from prior exam . the heart size is top normal . the mediastinal contour is unchanged . no definite signs of pneumothorax . bony structures appear grossly intact . lower lung opacities which could represent atelectasis versus pneumonia . possible mild congestion . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16672854 57282583 350c270f-70f4a764-33a53729-ec529c84-cd886aa9 +285 the lungs are hyperinflated but clear of consolidation . linear opacity in the right mid to upper lung is compatible with scarring as well as changes of the posterior right ribs which are chronic . blunting of the right lateral posterior costophrenic angle is chronic, potentially due to scarring or trace effusion . blunting of the left posterior costophrenic angle suggests small pleural effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . prominent retrocardiac opacity on the right is compatible with a neo esophagus . no acute osseous abnormalities . new trace left pleural effusion . otherwise, no significant interval change . Pleural Effusion 14295224 56185390 2434d6b8-4828302e-7923908c-d6ea3b85-b4cfc271 +286 there has been interval placement of a dobbhoff tube, which is coiled within the pharynx . there is a left-sided picc line with tip terminating at the cavoatrial junction . there is interval removal of the right-sided central venous sheath . no pneumothorax evident . there is stable small right pleural effusion . right lower lung opacification likely represents combination of atelectasis and layering pleural effusion . stable calcified granuloma projects over right mid lung . a nodular opacity projecting over left upper lung corresponds with nipple evident on the , chest ct . . dobbhoff tube coiled in esophagus with tip in pharynx . recommend withdrawal . . no evidence of pneumothorax . . stable right pleural effusion and basilar atelectasis . communicated these findings to dr at on via telephone . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16319601 50891752 e3462cbd-2ad9049e-4bc04cbf-4f3005ab-3c4c0678 +287 patient is status post median sternotomy and cardiac valve replacement . dual lead left-sided pacemaker stable in position . a right port-a-cath terminates in the low svc without evidence of pneumothorax . no focal consolidation or pleural effusion is seen . there is minimal lateral right basilar atelectasisscarring . no pulmonary edema is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16043637 54793306 c9696dea-5c1429f6-f7f379f6-a8b0af2c-8d29d931 +288 previous mild pulmonary edema has improved, small bilateral pleural effusions have decreased, but left lower lobe atelectasis has worsened . heart size top normal . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12433421 59409427 7f267ae9-96a871a2-d6201f05-95d76d1d-0e0ce72b +289 the lung volumes have improved . cardiomegaly is severe, pulmonary vasculature is engorged, and left infrahilar consolidation is likely . pleural effusions are presumed, but not large . no pneumothorax . right internal jugular introducer ends at the origin of the svc . et tube in standard placement . esophageal drainage tube passes into the stomach and out of view . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15131736 51479309 879a6090-bc908584-faa34013-2ab152cc-c80f9feb +290 cardiac silhouette is enlarged and accompanied by widened vascular pedicle, pulmonary vascular congestion and moderate pulmonary edema . a more confluent area of opacity in the left retrocardiac region could reflect atelectasis or clinically suspected aspiration . followup radiographs after diuresis may be helpful to ensure clearing of edema and to exclude underlying aspiration or infectious pneumonia . small pleural effusions are also demonstrated . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15393401 52299108 4bb046fd-97a72e50-21955713-67e2c1c0-ee97bbc4 +291 comparison is to at . a portable ap chest film dated at am . . right internal jugular introducer catheter has its tip in the cavoatrial junction . endotracheal tube has its tip approximately cm above the carina . nasogastric tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm with the tip not identified . a right subclavian picc line has its tip at least to level of the mid superior vena cava, unchanged . . bilateral diffuse airspace process appears unchanged with the exception of loculated fluid within the horizontal fissure . these findings may reflect moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema, though bilateral infectious process cannot be entirely excluded . the right costophrenic angle is not entirely included on the current examination . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19757720 54364406 c655764b-a45dc3cd-b0352fcf-f496ec60-32cdb429 +292 single ap upright image of the chest was obtained . there is a left basilar opacity . no right sided pleural effusion . no pulmonary edema . unchanged markedly dilated cardiac silhouette . no pneumothorax . no bony abnormality . no free air below the hemidiaphragm . left basilar opacity possibly due to pneumonia, effusion, atelectasis or a combination of the above . stable severe cardiomegaly . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13473781 50453286 ae4c4185-418ae838-935a5921-92daeeca-f8194630 +293 there is moderate pulmonary edema, but no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . heart size is top-normal, stable . mediastinal contours are within normal limits . osseous structures are intact . . moderate pulmonary edema without pleural effusions . . top-normal heart size . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 12810135 59870920 9e0fc31a-ce25b7bc-30362279-d96a0c0c-f6d54e86 +294 prior right picc is no longer visualized . lower lung volumes are seen on the current exam . the lungs remain clear of besides mild retrocardiac opacity . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . degenerative changes are seen at the shoulders . retrocardiac opacity, potentially atelectasis, infection is not excluded . consider repeat with pa and lateral . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19454978 50297024 674352c6-0c0645c1-b23ec675-6af58553-7af149b1 +295 there is a right ij central venous line with distal lead tip at the cavoatrial junction, stable . there are extensive large pleural effusions, right side worse than left . atelectasis at the left lung base and poor inspiratory effort is again visualized . no pneumothoraces are seen . there is mild underlying pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 57273961 c8502a35-a270d52b-bd1e0d87-6a535418-3c742175 +296 the monitoring and support devices remain in place . there may be mild increased aeration in the left upper zone . retrocardiac opacification is consistent with volume loss in the left lower lobe . hazy opacification bilaterally is consistent with pleural effusions, and there is some increase in pulmonary venous pressure . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19075045 56483572 c148002c-a0674884-d784b291-762232a4-a10fa5aa +297 chest portable comparison is made to prior examination of . the et tube has been removed . a small right apical pneumothorax is identified . there is a small amount of subcutaneous emphysema in the right supraclavicular region in the neck, which is not significantly changed . again noted are hazy opacities in the right hemithorax and these are stable . by dr . by telephone on at am, time of discovery am . Pneumothorax 17112432 57935403 f05b9731-d6bf3b29-6197f242-4cc974a3-fe0f5b56 +298 one portable supine view of the chest . the endotracheal tube ends in the right internal jugular line and is in unchanged position . no ng tube is seen . the lung findings are unchanged compared to minutes earlier . No Finding&&Support Devices 16409152 57976054 eae82e15-d009faf9-ea670371-7404ef86-edfc3065 +299 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . linear retrocardiac densities were seen previously and may represent atelectasis . lung volumes are low, exaggerating pulmonary vasculature and hila . heart and mediastinal contours appear similar compared to prior . there is no evidence for free intraperitoneal air below the diaphragms . low lung volumes without radiographic evidence for acute process . bibasilar atelectasis . no evidence of free air beneath the diaphragms . Atelectasis 13120957 55681597 d53ea806-f9b5f637-2a0ee3e9-a8409e3d-56e8cf0f +300 status post cabg, right internal jugular vein catheter . small left pleural effusion with left retrocardiac atelectasis . no pneumonia . no pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15272972 55355224 f4c84687-90ca8c27-94ff047f-739ca07b-e7f169d4 +301 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . when compared to prior, there has been significant interval enlargement of bilateral pleural effusions which are now moderate in size . underlying airspace disease is also possible . superiorly, however, the lungs are grossly clear . cardiac silhouette is difficult to assess given the size of effusions . osseous and soft tissue structures are unchanged . significant interval increase in the bilateral pleural effusions since prior exam with possible underlying airspace disease not excluded . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 10410641 56839020 5644c5de-1ae5b48c-edb63079-e8230bfa-79dfbf13 +302 right subclavian line has been withdrawn from the low to the mid svc . right basal atelectasis has improved . lungs are clear, though pulmonary vasculature is now mildly engorged . moderate cardiomegaly is chronic . indentation of the cervical trachea is mild and unchanged . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 11474065 54030442 bcd7e653-bdbda5eb-c1e8c446-d66776b2-7e86ed00 +303 portable semi-upright radiograph of the chest demonstrates low lung volumes with resulting bronchovascular crowding . an area of increased opacification of the left base may represent artifact from patient positioning or atelectasis, however superimposed infection cannot be excluded . there is a probable small left-sided pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . increased opacification of the left base may represent artifact from patient positioning or atelectasis, however superimposed infection cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14841168 54393658 7c70e574-d72b406a-b5eddc73-e53c3242-c9c99c9b +304 the lung volumes have increased, likely reflecting improved ventilation . the transparency of the lung parenchyma on the right has increased more than on the left . on the left, there are unchanged areas of left basal atelectasis and a moderate left pleural effusion . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . no newly appeared parenchymal opacities . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 12074041 57679936 467d9162-e7cce16e-70dfaa79-1867728f-1db6394e +305 there are parenchymal opacities in the right middle lobe . there are also - opacities in the region of the lingula . dual-chamber pacer in the left upper chest terminates in the right atrium and ventricle, stable . mild cardiomegaly and tortuous aorta is unchanged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . hyperexpansion and flattened hemidiphragms suggest copd . right middle lobe and lingular pneumonia . Pneumonia 13762730 58807210 e3555bac-cb4ffa77-657be5f9-38bcdc9b-0b46292b +306 the heart size is enlarged . the mediastinal contours demonstrate engorgement of the central venous vasculature . additionally small bilateral pleural effusions are present with basilar atelectasis . there does not appear to be appreciable interstitial edema . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomegaly and small bilateral pleural effusions but no evidence of chf . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 11204646 50533006 d6fbe6a9-57f6ae9d-07f24e69-1c032794-76d80d8f +307 heart size is borderline enlarged with a left ventricular predominance . the aorta is unfolded . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . calcified nodule in the left mid lung field is similar, compatible with a granuloma . lungs are clear without focal consolidation . pulmonary vasculature is normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there are multilevel moderate degenerative changes in the thoracic spine . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 15612622 58857549 5c2bf1b4-d3738135-b0f5cea4-bfa67dda-166feb65 +308 comparison is made to the prior study of . portable ap upright chest film, at is submitted . . interval placement of a right internal jugular dialysis catheter, which has its tip in the right atrium and is in similar position to that on prior study dated . . the previously seen left effusion has decreased in size . there is a diffuse bilateral interstitial process, which likely reflects a component of mild pulmonary edema . the heart remains borderline enlarged . mediastinal contours are unchanged . no pneumothorax . no focal airspace consolidation to suggest pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15259244 54251102 c9f72311-636e3e48-e91cc14d-ba98d9ce-c823252f +309 compared to prior chest radiographs, through . right lung is low in volume but clear, although the pulmonary vessels are engorged . severe cardiomegaly and mediastinal venous distension are stable . hilar enlargement reflects pulmonary arterial hypertension . most of the left lower lung is obscured by the large part but there is at least atelectasis . left pleural effusion is small . no pneumothorax . et tube is in standard placement, feeding tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . right pic line ends in the mid svc . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 51715383 3e8684a6-648033ea-79431638-c694d922-dadb2370 +310 there has been interval development of diffuse, mild to moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . a focal opacity seen in the right middle lobe may represent an early pnemonia in the appropriate clinical setting . redemonstrated is stable moderate cardiomegaly with small bilateral pleural effusions . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . the patient is status post cabg with median sternotomy wires aligned and intact . a transvenous pacemaker is seen with leads terminating in right atrium and right ventricle . . probable right middle lobe pneumonia . recommend palateral chest radiographs to confirm and further characterize the opacity . . mild to moderate, diffuse interstitial pulmonary edema . . stable moderate cardiomegaly with small bilateral pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19075045 58669896 e8fe1d63-cd1aba2f-a7c06ed9-9add34f1-736fa06f +311 the et tube is now cm above the carina . there continues to be pulmonary vascular redistribution and areas of alveolar infiltrate consistent with fluid overload . swan-ganz catheter tip is in the pulmonary outflow tract . cardiac pacemaker is unchanged . the left ij line tip is in the svc . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10886362 51423353 9192ac1a-8d64bbf3-4b035831-96f59abc-903b2aaa +312 the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable, with moderate cardiomegaly . multiple intact sternotomy wires, mediastinal surgical clips, and prosthetic aortic valve are noted . there is minimal improvement in a chronic moderate-sized left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is seen . faint opacity right base laterally appears to represent residua from xray . bibasal opacities, left greater than right, likely represents atelectasis . ppossible background chronic lung disease . faint opacity over left upper quadrant of abdomen may represent residual contrast in te stomach . no free air seen beneath the diaphragm . no obvious displaced rib fractures are seen . if there is a high clinical concern for a nondisplaced rib fracture, dedicated rib series scan be performed with a marker placed at the site of maximum tenderness . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 15259244 50282926 ede252ee-83066d8a-376961c0-b07de3b1-0dfeb1e0 +313 moderate pulmonary edema has progressed since yesterday . bibasilar atelectasis is unchanged . mild cardimegally is similar . median sternotomy wires are intact and mediastinal clips are in expected positions . progression of moderate pulmonary edema . Edema 12952223 54128066 88fa75e4-2f2e9c03-71433ae3-1d8780f4-1e2eae3c +314 there is little change in the appearance of heart and lungs . nasogastric tube coils within the fundus of the stomach with the tip in the upper to mid body of this organ . No Finding&&Support Devices 18110020 50243114 cde578b4-835fd6d8-52f31743-1cefcefc-0fa3157d +315 the endotracheal tube and nasogastric tubes have been removed . there is no significant change in the pulmonary edema . there are no new areas of consolidation with some persistent density in the right lung base . there is no pneumothorax . Consolidation&&Edema 15131736 58698919 4b3c3806-311dc11c-5c89f911-3f5b98e5-e5291eb6 +316 the lungs are well expanded and show a new right and left lower lobe opacity . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged, unchanged . the mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are unremarkable . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . multiple right ventricular and right atrium leads are noted, unchanged . a left-sided pacer is also unchanged in position . new bibasilar opacities could represent atelectasis, sequelae of aspiration or pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11293517 57001251 bba7f682-33b9288a-712a4870-190d5eb1-2045568c +317 moderately severe pulmonary edema has changed in distribution but not in overall severity since . a small concurrent pneumonia would not be appreciated . small bilateral pleural effusions are presumed . moderate cardiomegaly and mediastinal vascular engorgement are unchanged, and recurrent . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 17340686 50365719 46501b98-e0a88786-27dbb719-b9a7468c-376d9f6a +318 there is moderate cardiomegaly, but no pulmonary edema . there is no pleural effusion and no pneumothorax . there is a plate-like lingular atelectasis . moderate cardiomegaly, but no pulmonary edema . no pneumonia . Cardiomegaly 18512911 59232798 8f3afa87-cb2c2fec-210903d7-8faa6559-a7b6bf8e +319 there has been placement of a long intestinal tube that appears to extend well into the body of the stomach, then curl back on itself into the fundus with the tip pointed distally . persistent opacification at the left base consistent with atelectasis and effusion . engorgement of the pulmonary vessels is consistent with elevated pulmonary venous pressure . left central catheter again extends to the lower portion of the svc . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13979643 56225769 be6da065-d1ae7d5e-8c62d864-d943a731-d9a38c86 +320 the dobhoff tube can be seen only to the level of the distal esophagus, were crosses the lower margin of the image, to evaluate the tip, a view of the upper abdomen must be obtained using abdominal technique . the area of increased opacification at the right base seen previously is not appreciated at this time . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18487334 53404392 6814b280-d33103fb-57bac34d-4b2fe11e-850ad502 +321 severe cardiomegaly is chronic and mediastinal veins are generally dilated . moderate right pleural effusion increased in compared to , moderate in size and subsequently unchanged . left lung is grossly clear . et tube in standard placement . nasogastric tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . a right subclavian picc line can be traced into the right atrium, but the tip is quite indistinct . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 51807337 53f16e4e-347b6971-9312cbfa-d05f1ca8-6046ec2f +322 lungs are hyperinflated, consistent with copd . there is cardiomegaly . the patient is status post sternotomy, with prosthetic valve . there is upper zone redistribution and diffuse vascular blurring, consistent with chf . there is a moderate to moderately large left effusion layering along the left chest wall and left apex, with underlying collapse andor consolidation . minimal blunting of the right costophrenic angle is present . there is atelectasis at the right base . there is straightening of the ap window on the left and prominence of the right hilum . this could reflect pulmonary hypertension . a dual lumen right-sided catheter is present, distal tip overlying the right atrium . a slightly displaced left posterolateral third rib fracture again noted, unchanged . this was present on a chest x-ray dated . . continued chf, probably slightly worse compared with . . left pleural fluidthickening, left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation, overall similar . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15259244 58869711 995e2d81-54b60cfa-a52c5f7a-4d97f982-645e4731 +323 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is seen . heart and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . posterior right seventh rib fracture is incompletely evaluated due to overlying anterior rib . no radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process . old right posterior seventh rib fracture . findings discussed with by by telephone at pm . on at the time of discovery of these findings . Fracture 13866940 52775752 91aa37d1-c2d7d819-bea91a37-602f27c2-ab6984ae +324 et tube in standard placement . nasogastric tube passes into the stomach and out of view . no pneumothorax . leftward mediastinal shift suggests a new opacification at the base of the left lung is atelectasis . the right lung is clear . left jugular line ends at the origin of the svc . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10268877 53368667 aebc8b32-83f9db36-e7859808-602b3b39-66bb2765 +325 there is a very large hydropneumothorax on the right side . there is compression of the lung parenchyma . there is also some mediastinal shift to the left side . the left lung appears well aerated without focal consolidation, pleural effusions or pneumothoraces . the right base has increased in the size with pleural effusion, however, this may be secondary to patient positioning . there is a pleural-based catheter at the right base . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 51227270 2001d733-0290af9c-11d2f658-a475b597-45f1095a +326 a frontal semi-upright view of the chest was obtained portably . the endotracheal tube ends at the level of the inferior clavicular heads and is no less than cm above the carina . the nasogastric tube follows the expected course, although the tip is not visualized . low lung volumes result in bronchovascular crowding . new opacification of both lower lobes despite no change in lung volumes compared to the prior study is concerning for pneuomonia . the upper lung zones are clear . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax, although the left lung apex is obscured by the chin . the azygous vein is bigger than before with increased caliber of the left upper lobe vessels . the right hilus is chronically enlarged . cardiac silhouette is stable . flattening of the right humeral head may be due to avascular necrosis . degenerative change is seen in the left shoulder girdle . . endotracheal tube is no less than cm above the carina . given that the patients chin is down on the radiograph, the ett could be advanced -cm for better seating . . bilateral lower lobe opacification, concerning for pneumonia . . mild congestive heart failure . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15161734 57523636 6620c86d-6be6ba2b-c1c0beb1-2b89f89b-a0a59da4 +327 a portable erect frontal chest radiograph again demonstrates multiple sternal wires, which are intact . heart size remains mildly enlarged . the lungs are fairly well-aerated, without focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the visualized upper abdomen is unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16957952 50482541 9370636b-c15ba900-6d4fa453-e8725bf7-124cf815 +328 pa and lateral views of the chest mild cardiomegaly is unchanged compared to the prior study . aortic knob calcifications are again noted . the mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . previously noted pattern of mild pulmonary vascular congestion has essentially resolved . streaky opacity in the right lung base likely reflects atelectasis . no pleural effusion, focal consolidation or pneumothorax is identified . no acute osseous abnormality is seen . no definite evidence for congestive heart failure . patchy streaky opacity in the right lung base likely reflects atelectasis though infection is difficult to exclude . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 11052273 53537165 f9f7d4af-2d90cb81-2541b729-6aab0e3f-06acb455 +329 the heart is normal in size . the aortic arch is calcified . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is a nodular focus projecting over the right lower lung, probably a nipple shadow, although not visualized on prior radiographs . otherwise the lung fields appear clear . . no evidence of acute disease . . newly apparent nodular focus projecting along the right lower lung, probably a nipple shadow, although a pulmonary nodule should be considered . when clinically appropriate, repeat pa view with nipple markers is recommended . Lung Lesion&&Support Devices 15182529 56993533 c3827619-5b104baa-e1895045-007f9978-837ef55e +330 portable ap upright chest film, at is submitted . . right internal jugular dialysis catheter again having its tip within the right atrium in similar position as compared to multiple prior studies . there is increasing bibasilar and perihilar airspace opacities, which likely reflect worsening moderate pulmonary edema . there are likely layering effusions, left greater than right . diffuse pneumonia would be less likely given the rapidity of interval change . no pneumothorax is seen . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are unchanged, with the heart being stably enlarged . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15259244 59671026 87694c3c-e07ea01b-0ee35fd8-55a7defd-8e318d65 +331 a right tunneled hemodialysis catheter is unchanged in position with its tip in the right atrium . the heart remains severely enlarged . the lungs are well expanded and clear . there is no pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the mediastinal contours are normal . severe cardiomegaly is unchanged, there is no edema or acute chest abnormality . Cardiomegaly 12963531 57210258 5f17fe93-aaa0c148-72ccdc7f-ad2268b1-56572a09 +332 lines and tubes right ij line terminates in the svc . lungs well inflated with unchanged bilateral lower zone linear and hazy opacities . pleura small left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . mediastinum stable cardiomegaly and prominence of hilar vasculature . bony thorax no interval change persistent, unchanged pulmonary edema . Edema 16508811 53845981 0762369f-af8531f3-09fc45b2-f00d90c9-88e6ff7d +333 new endotracheal tube ends less than cm above the carina and should be withdrawn . cm for optimal placement . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . lung volumes are lower and greater opacification in the left lower lobe is attributable to new atelectasis . no pneumothorax or appreciable pleural effusion . right internal jugular line ends just below the superior cavoatrial junction, as before . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19454978 50916783 a83a9a0b-f3f4d97f-3a796f51-aca87088-8244d6b5 +334 there is a swan-ganz catheter whose distal lead tip is in the main pulmonary outflow tract . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . there is again seen moderate right-sized pleural effusion which is stable . there is some improvement in the pulmonary vascular edema . there are no pneumothoraces identified . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 56680924 3433048d-a6c5dc75-1a99a0b6-1f89a734-ef0b39b8 +335 there is no change or evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . no pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . No Finding 11673948 57018476 9fbe751e-040f98f7-66f9047b-8c7b8554-28250c9c +336 a right internal jugular catheter is in stable position . the heart is enlarged but stable in size . pulmonary vascular congestion mild edema is minimally improved from the prior examination but persists . there is no focal consolidation or pleural effusion identified . mild pulmonary edema, improving from the prior examination on . bibasilar opacities are most consistent with edema however underlying infection should be considered in the appropriate setting . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16508811 59258574 524967a5-136b039a-0f60c1fe-2450be2a-a34378a7 +337 previous pulmonary edema has cleared . severe cardiomegaly and dilatation of the hilar and peripheral pulmonary vasculature have improved . pleural effusions are small if any . no pneumothorax . right pic line ends at the origin of the svc . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15131736 51943302 312fff58-774c36da-dcef46b3-9256ea6d-7f4495b3 +338 there is persistent opacification projecting in the lateral aspect of the right upper lobe demonstrated along the fissure on the lateral view that is mildly improved since . there is associated overlying pleural abnormality relating to healing rib fractures . there are no new areas of focal opacification . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable demonstrating moderate cardiomegaly and tortuosity of thoracic aorta . a large hiatal hernia is unchanged . pulmonary vascularity is not increased . there are extensive rib fractures of varying ages . in addition there is lytic destruction of several right-sided lower thoracic ribs . there is an old left clavicular fracture . there are multiple wedge compression deformities of the thoracolumbar spine grossly stable since . . persistent right upper lobe opacification has only mildly improved since . . multiple rib fractures of varying age and an old left clavicular fracture with lytic destruction of the several right lower thoracic ribs more apparent since . Fracture&&Lung Opacity 18659631 59284918 af8f292e-eecbb702-9aeef1d2-46861e97-709d3307 +339 there has been interval progression of consolidation in the right lung, consistent with worsening of right lung multifocal pneumonia . patient has known collapse of the right middle lobe . multiple spiculated lung nodules in the left lung are better seen in prior ct . opacities in the left lower lobe have minimally increased . small left pleural effusion has increased . right large pleural effusion is probably unchanged, though difficult to evaluate . cardiomediastinal contours are obscured by pleuroparenchymal abnormalities on the right . right picc tip is in the mid svc . there is no evident pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13263843 54800318 79fdd45e-7af2a61f-364d419f-be8d7b7e-ddce9027 +340 there is unchanged evidence of bilateral pleural effusions . mild interstitial lung edema . moderate cardiomegaly with bilateral areas of atelectasis . no newly occurred focal parenchymal opacity suggesting pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15109122 58611036 be8079bf-2ab5656d-d2cf6c18-8b9c6ea9-072acfe8 +341 comparison is made with prior study performed two hours earlier . pulmonary edema has almost completely resolved . widened mediastinum has improved . et tube tip is . cm above the carina . swan-ganz catheter tip is in the main pulmonary artery . ng tube tip is in the stomach . mediastinal and bilateral chest tubes are in place . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the fifth sternal wire has slightly changed position, and attention in this area should be paid in followup studies . the other sternal wires are aligned . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13135946 55409720 3b24f327-81d52457-be771314-08a42897-5e8c9dd8 +342 frontal and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . the lungs remain clear of consolidation or effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged and notable for median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips . osseous and soft tissue structures are notable for mild height loss at the lower thoracic vertebral body level, unchanged from prior . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16957952 55095340 7958accd-21d0f8fa-0a0f1a50-fbb2ce69-5128a4a4 +343 there is little change and no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . the heart is normal in size, and there is no acute pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . the right picc line has been removed and the cervical fusion is again seen . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 59999832 0636d0c0-a771097e-ac0c52a9-9124a5d0-95b0bc51 +344 lungs are normally expanded . there is no focal airspace opacity to suggest pneumonia . the heart is mildly enlarged, but unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are stable with tortuosity of the aorta and mild prominence of the pulmonary artery, better seen on prior ct of the chest . small bilateral pleural effusions persist . there is no pneumothorax . compression deformity of t is unchanged . stable small bilateral pleural effusions and mildly enlarged cardiac silhouette similar to prior . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 19454978 59760473 92ed1b87-016202fb-06cb6d9b-524f6193-a2cafa9c +345 previous moderately severe pulmonary edema has improved . severe cardiomegaly and pulmonary artery dilatation are chronic . poor aeration at the base of the left lung is persistent, either atelectasis or pneumonia . pleural effusion is presumed, but not large . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15131736 50494700 36147048-4907c6d9-99ef69b7-c4b50592-a5f2a9cd +346 heterogeneous pulmonary opacification has worsened in both lungs . this is largely pulmonary edema, but more focal abnormalities in the axillary portion of the left lung and at the right lung base could be concurrent pneumonia . in addition, chest radiographs from suggest concurrent substantial interstitial lung disease . mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly is stable . endotracheal tube is no less than cm from the carina, with the chin in neutral position . care must be taken that it not advance inadvertently . a left subclavian infusion port ends in the right atrium . was paged at the time of dictation . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10439781 53479699 86d7a0e2-a6e5e874-ed2fed4c-1c2ffbf1-4f1621e3 +347 there is substantial decrease in the right pleural effusion . although no clinical evidence is presented, this could be a reflection of interval thoracentesis . no evidence of pneumothorax . the remainder of the study is essentially unchanged . Pleural Effusion 13263843 51947296 92d470e7-32490114-834a55ac-2baa551a-40bfb365 +348 pa and lateral views of the chest the cardiac silhouette size is normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . hyperinflation of lungs with emphysematous changes , most pronounced within the lung apices is again demonstrated . ill-defined patchy opacity within the right lower lobe appears slightly improved when compared to the prior study, but persists . additionally, continued patchy ill-defined opacity within the left lower lobe is not significantly changed in the interval . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . there is no pulmonary vascular engorgement . scarring within the left upper lobe is stable . there is no pneumothorax . multilevel degenerative changes of the thoracic spine are redemonstrated . slight interval improvement in ill-defined patchy opacity within the right lower lobe likely representing pneumonia . patchy opacity in the left lower lobe may be reflective of atelectasis, though infection in this region also cannot be excluded, but appears relatively unchanged compared to the prior study . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11052935 53884408 50ca584b-f859bda7-fd523d01-28a67cc1-ac2b5c55 +349 comparison is made with the next preceding similar study obtained four hours earlier during the same day . the previously described right-sided chest tube remains in unchanged position . no pneumothorax has developed and there is no evidence of significantly increased pleural densities during this interval . the right-sided chest wall emphysema described earlier has regressed . no new abnormalities are seen . left-sided hemithorax is unremarkable . Support Devices 19991135 59381316 d122eb74-bc404dd2-45a05cd3-18505b72-5058fbdd +350 lung volumes are low . linear horizontal scarring in the right middle lobe is unchanged since . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged . no new consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax is present . no acute cardiopulmonary process . discussed with dr phone at . No Finding 17147859 55301691 d8f6df8b-a89ccea2-63bada22-1566fcf0-126ceeb7 +351 comparison is made to the prior study from . there are chest tubes with the distal tips at the right base and right apex . the previously seen pigtail catheter at the right base has been removed . there is a persistent moderate-sized right pleural effusion . no pneumothoraces are seen . there are low lung volumes . cardiac silhouette is within normal limits . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13352405 59616378 ad2bd086-921f17c8-b1dd649c-09b63b13-1c0ae6e7 +352 in comparison with the study of earlier in this date, there is little change in the diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacities with prominent right and probably small left effusion . the endotracheal tube remains in position . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13964474 56999137 171e85cb-282b0f3f-e2cb30e8-b7aaa1ca-3e4422d5 +353 there are small-to-moderate bilateral pleural effusions with overlying atelectasis . mild-to-moderate interstitial edema is also seen . no evidence of pneumothorax is seen . there is minimal biapical pleural thickening . accurate assessment of the cardiac silhouette size is difficult due to the bilateral pleural effusions . small-to-moderate bilateral pleural effusions with overlying atelectasis along with interstitial edema consistent with fluid overload . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13881772 56217980 430828eb-7dec0d0c-7b255eae-3baecf25-4a61cddb +354 bilateral interstitial opacities likely represent interstitial edema . there is no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . cardiomegaly persists . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . leftward scoliosis of the thoracic size stable . cardiomegaly and interstitial opacities, likely due to interstitial edema . if the diagnosis is in doubt clinically, followup radiographs after diuresis may be helpful to exclude the possibility of an atypical interstitial pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13475033 59862902 02ed59f0-43d0aa6f-4bf3340b-c891b4b8-42ea5f9b +355 cardiomediastinal contours appear unchanged from . patient is status post right upper thoracoplasty with rib resections . left lung shows no focal consolidation . pulmonary edema is improved since the prior exam . improved pulmonary edema . Edema 13263843 59488278 2490c254-7417637a-6aa79f1e-ce072f64-173c1e05 +356 the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . a right internal jugular central venous catheter is unchanged in position with the tip terminating in the low svc . a small caliber left ij line is also noted . the lung volumes are slightly decreased . there is slight elevation of the left hemidiaphragm compared to the right . the cardiac silhouette remains enlarged but stable . the mediastinal contours are prominent postoperatively . there is mild calcification of the aortic knob . mild to moderate pulmonary edema is increased from the most recent prior study . there is increased streaky opacification at the right lung base compared to the most recent prior study . in the absence of aspiration, this most likely reflects atelectasis . mild opacification of the left lung base is unchanged and compatible with mild atelectasis . no significant pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . . mild to moderate pulmonary edema, increased from . . small right pleural effusion and bibasilar atelectasis on the right greater than the left . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 58365706 eec556a6-1c46381e-1b9492b9-f747e8ec-048b888a +357 there is mild cardiomegaly and moderate pulmonary edema as well as small right greater than left pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . severe degenerative changes at the right glenohumeral joint . moderate pulmonary edema . Edema 19715857 50848970 c8cfc832-b771f3f4-0862618d-c5b40b2a-86706006 +358 pa and lateral views of the chest are obtained . there is mild atelectasis at the left lung base . the previously seen endotracheal tube and nasogastric tube are no longer present on this study . there is no evidence of pneumonia, pleural effusion or pulmonary edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . conclusion no acute cardiopulmonary disease . mild atelectasis of the left lung base . Atelectasis 13700088 58916510 6f76af94-e325cbe7-266c1d35-9c931f0e-e0a1a2b5 +359 current study demonstrates enlarged heart, replaced aortic valve and substantial mitral annulus calcifications, unchanged since the prior study . cardiomegaly is unchanged . there is diffuse interstitial opacities as well as engorgement of azygos vein as well as bilateral small pleural effusions, findings most likely consistent with interstitial pulmonary edema . an additional left lower lobe pneumonia is a possibility and potentially other areas of infection are present obscured by the interstitial pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19759491 51878257 c91e9a5a-31b9ea3e-ec8615ca-48493c7e-d9e9b82e +360 a right internal jugular hemodialysis catheter ends in the low svc . sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are seen . bilateral layering pleural effusions are unchanged . no pneumothorax . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . bibasilar atelectasis . there is decreased interstitial edema and pulmonary vascular congestion . . stable bilateral layering pleural effusions . decreased pulmonary edema . . no evidence for pneumonia or active or nonactive tuberculosis . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 57166957 9e0b006b-70cbcb07-0aaf5bd7-5faf6256-c93f4008 +361 transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads appear in standard placement . cardiomediastinal silhouette remains mildly enlarged but stable . the aorta appears somewhat tortuous with atherosclerotic calcifications . the lungs are clear with no evidence of consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . median sternotomy wires appear aligned and intact . no acute fractures are identified . mild bilateral acromio-clavicular degenerative changes are noted . no acute cardiopulmonary process . stable mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly 15144601 55421522 d918062a-d0a7bedc-45270789-08ad2dec-e2c2ca87 +362 single portable ap view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . the lungs are clear of focal consolidation . there is, however, persistent blunting of the right costophrenic angle, potentially due to pleural thickening especially in the setting of multiple prior healed right rib fractures . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . no visualized free air below the diaphragm . no acute cardiopulmonary process . no visualized free air . No Finding 12136799 50323020 234b22c4-55fb91a9-44f7a42f-b764d462-018d3bb9 +363 cardiac silhouette is markedly enlarged, but stable in size, with indwelling right atrial and right ventricular pacing leads unchanged in position . the lungs are well expanded and grossly clear except for a small calcified granuloma at the left lung apex . there are no pleural effusions or acute skeletal findings . stable marked cardiomegaly without evidence of pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly 13762730 54472974 0ff0bb39-4a3b9b22-0150d88d-040cd9e6-c1d6078b +364 patient status post coronary artery bypass graft . median sternotomy wires are intact . numerous surgical clips project over the mediastinum and around the heart . the heart is not enlarged . mediastinal hilar contours are normal . calcification and tortuosity of the thoracic aorta is re- demonstrated . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is no pulmonary edema . the lungs are hyperexpanded with flattening of the hemidiaphragms as before . . left basilar opacity is resolved . . copd . Lung Opacity 17962324 50935375 41df0913-e1804610-248fbdd1-6c00cbe1-01bebf5e +365 one portable ap upright view of the chest . low lung volumes . mild left basilar atelectasis . right lung is clear . no vascular congestion or pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . moderate cardiomegaly . no evidence of pneumonia . no pleural effusion . . mild left basilar atelectasis . . moderate cardiomegaly . no vascular congestion or pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 17533771 56679657 135f75db-12a94b0c-6c6aab28-36eee09d-648f5827 +366 there relatively low lung volumes . there is increased opacity projecting over the right hemi thorax likely due to increased right pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis, underlying infectious process not excluded . possible trace left pleural effusion . the cardiac silhouette is top-normal to mildly enlarged . mediastinal contours are unremarkable . no pneumothorax is seen . increased opacity projecting over the right hemi thorax likely due to increased right pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis, underlying infectious process not excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 10959054 53881360 32ec8188-8c334483-81cb6b13-428e8019-c0db3517 +367 right hilar and perihilar opacification appears unchanged and suggests a site of treated malignancy . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . the lungs appear otherwise clear . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . stable appearance of the chest no evidence of a superimposed acute process . No Finding 12433541 50247294 7e530d0e-05f64408-24c921b8-1929b8f8-29ec99fd +368 there has been interval increase in the pulmonary edema, greater on the right than on the left . there are bilateral small pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis . there is stable widening of the mediastinum . a right chest tube is seen and unchanged from the prior exams . there are multiple overlying wires . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . . worsening of the patients pulmonary edema, more severe on the right than on the left . . bibasilar pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16848073 51339993 3d99ed96-dc2263d9-e1073168-b827579b-63b897ec +369 streaky linear opacities are again seen in the mid-to-upper lungs in an unchanged pattern suggestive of scarringfibrosis . no new consolidation, effusion, pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette appears normal . bony structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . no acute findings . stable scarring in the bilateral mid-to-upper lungs . Lung Opacity 14147787 57886251 eca4fc13-1e4006db-4372cf2e-ed001e18-a7050d3e +370 there has been slight clearing of the aspiration pneumonia since the prior chest x-ray of . no new foci are present . No Finding 10933609 53512860 3e25d193-509147d7-b305908a-51e0da17-7cb23fda +371 compared to chest radiographs . subsegmental atelectasis in the right middle lobe is new and could be due to bronchial narrowing from bronchitis . severe cardiomegaly is chronic, but there is no pulmonary or mediastinal vascular congestion and no pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 17147859 52321096 e8a8bd48-feafd477-16f9cfa0-575478d2-bc2c5cbb +372 low lung volumes are present which accentuate the size of the cardiac silhouette which is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . ill-defined somewhat nodular opacities are noted within the upper lobes bilaterally, more pronounced on the left, similar to that seen on the prior ct . known smaller nodules within the lower lobes bilaterally are better assessed on prior ct . minimal atelectasis is seen at the left lung base . no pleural effusion, focal consolidation or pneumothorax is identified . multiple clips are noted within the left upper abdomen compatible with prior nephrectomy . no acute osseous abnormalities demonstrated . ill-defined nodular opacities within the upper lobes, more pronounced on the left, are similar compared to the prior ct, and again may reflect a drug related pneumonitis . no focal consolidation identified . minimal atelectasis in the left lung base . Atelectasis&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 14794396 58369249 4fe5756d-bd504c0e-ec57e8bd-d9d21f15-a2cd65f3 +373 previous mild but asymmetric pulmonary edema continues to improve . the residual opacification in the right upper lobe raises concern for pneumonia . heart size is normal . there is no pleural effusion . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 56267214 dc460b17-20bafc45-b91e6c92-311eb0ad-7ea1a883 +374 comparison to prior study dated at . . persistent consolidation in the right middle lobe which likely reflects post-obstructive pneumonia . more patchy opacity at the left base represents patchy atelectasis, although aspiration or pneumonia in this vicinity should also be considered . no evidence of pulmonary edema . a right hilar and right paratracheal soft tissue opacity represents lymphadenopathy when correlated with ct images of . no pneumothorax . no acute bony abnormality appreciated . overall cardiac size is likely stable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15204620 56397547 e4ecf4d9-5ce7b0e1-e325db2b-85ecca33-c69c8031 +375 there is redemonstration of a right pleural catheter, with its tip projecting over the posterior pleural space . a moderate loculated right pleural effusion is slightly increased in size compared to the most recent radiograph from . heterogeneous opacities in the right mid to lower lung are slightly increased, possibly partially due to overlying pleural fluid, although atelectasis or infection in this region is certainly possible . there is borderline pulmonary edema . mild cardiomegaly is not significantly changed . there is no definite left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is seen . there is evidence of central adenopathy, increased compared to prior radiographs from . . increased moderate right loculated pleural effusion . unchanged positioning of a right pleural catheter . . slight increase in right mid to lower lung heterogeneous opacities, likely partially due to increased pleural fluid, although atelectasis or infection in this region is certainly possible . . borderline pulmonary edema . . unchanged mild cardiomegaly . . increased central adenopathy compared to prior radiographs from . further evaluation could be performed with ct, if clinically indicated . findings and recommendations were discussed with dr . by dr . via telephone on the day of the study . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16826047 57424140 2d93fd96-9b0fecad-1fdab811-37caf33a-3874a948 +376 on the current exam, there is no evidence of confluent consolidation . linear opacities at the left lung base most suggestive of scarring . icreased interstitial markings are seen compatible chronic underlying lung disease, not significantly changed since . trace bilateral effusions . cardiac silhouette is enlarged and also notable for a prosthetic aortic valve . no acute osseous abnormality detected . chronic lung disease without definite superimposed acute process . No Finding 13606683 58568223 a3a06d4a-738a23e2-049e6887-d1e5cc2f-c1573666 +377 there are relatively low lung volumes . mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is unchanged . there has been interval removal of endotracheal and nasogastric tubes . there is pulmonary vascular congestion . no large pleural effusions are seen, although a trace effusion on the left would be difficult to exclude . no pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac silhouette remains enlarged . pulmonary vascular congestion with persistent enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . no large pleural effusion is seen, although a small left pleural effusion would be difficult to exclude . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15131736 51229977 4ffa9df0-24b7231c-3f67bde1-d9698406-f27658a3 +378 left-sided dual-chamber pacemaker device is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle, unchanged . mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is similar . the aorta remains tortuous and diffusely calcified . pulmonary vasculature is not engorged, and hilar contours are unchanged . lungs are hyperinflated with emphysematous changes again noted in the upper lobes . scarring in the lung apices is similar . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . clips are seen in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . emphysema . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 18929056 54328164 f562ddad-3fb08dd0-f299d5c8-61447a92-3111dfa5 +379 the lung volumes are low and there is chronic lung disease, which is relatively unchanged since . no new focal opacities are seen compared to the chest radiograph however, right upper lobe consolidation is unchanged and may represent old pneumonia . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart and mediastinal contours are normal . no new focal opacities are seen . right upper lobe consolidation was present on and could represent an old pneumonia or chronic changes . the lung volumes remain low . comment discussed with . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 59243134 bb067a71-304abf94-bb1611d4-e8ac9115-189005f3 +380 left sided dual lumen catheter tip terminates within the proximal right atrium, unchanged . mild to moderate cardiomegaly is similar . the aorta remains tortuous and diffusely calcified . mild pulmonary edema is unchanged compared to the prior study . there is likely a small right pleural effusion, without evidence for pneumothorax . no acute osseous abnormalities detected . mild pulmonary edema, not significantly changed from the prior exam with trace right pleural effusion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 17340686 54477721 56b0777b-ec731ed4-e7b2af82-7cedbe31-65605bf9 +381 portable ap chest radiograph cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged from . bilateral low lung volumes are noted with mild crowding of bronchovascular markings . indistinct pulmonary vascular markings suggestive of mild fluid overload pattern are again noted . trace left pleural effusion cannot be completely excluded . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 53405597 1b6de453-c29f3bea-062b74e0-18018703-0456f192 +382 moderate cardiomegaly is stable . mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema has improved . right lower lobe aeration has improved . left lower lobe opacities have minimally improved, consistent with atelectasis, edema and pleural effusion . enlargement of the pulmonary arteries is again noted . et tube is in standard position . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . left ij catheter tip is in the upper-to-mid svc . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10268877 51051449 c32a83d9-d6134d67-b859a63c-c8d7c7a5-588358e3 +383 tip of intra-aortic balloon pump terminates about cm below the superior aspect of the aortic knob, and a swan-ganz catheter continues to terminate in the region of the distal right interlobar pulmonary artery . other indwelling devices are in standard and unchanged position . persistent cardiomegaly accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and improving asymmetrical pulmonary edema . bilateral pleural effusions have also decreased in size . apparent moderate elevation of left hemidiaphragm could potentially represent a subpulmonic component of left pleural effusion . consider a left lateral decubitus radiograph if warranted clinically . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13606683 51871239 b9ebeb06-2f7bc1bd-93527eb7-36325430-6bd74fce +384 an endotracheal tube is in appropriate position with the tip terminating mm above the carina . a left-sided picc line is unchanged in position with the tip projecting over the cavoatrial junction . a right internal jugular large-bore central catheter is unchanged in position with the tip terminating in the right atrium . an og tube is in appropriate position . bilateral pleural pigtail catheters are unchanged in position in the lower lobes . increased opacification in the left lower lobe could be a combination of left-sided pleural effusion with associated atelectasis or in the appropriate clinical setting, focal consolidation . a small right-sided pleural effusion is stable with persistent opacity in the peripheral right lower lobe most likely atelectasis . the patient is status post median sternotomy with an atrial valve prosthesis consistent with bentall procedure . the mediastinal contours are stable . the cardiac silhouette is severely enlarged with an apparent gradual increase in size from prior studies which is concerning for pericardial effusion . increased opacification of the left lower lobe is most likely a small left-sided pleural effusion with associated atelectasis in this postoperative patient . stable small right-sided pleural effusion with associated atelectasis . increased size of enlarged cardiac silhouette over multiple priors and when compared to baseline raises the possibility of pericardial effusion . findings were communicated by dr . to of cardiac surgery by phone at pm on . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15259244 58966181 438f1b70-14b9e3c9-bd4e7c92-e6463ffc-e5aec56d +385 there is continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with vascular congestion and large pleural effusions, more prominent on the left with underlying substantial compressive atelectasis . dual-channel dialysis catheter remains in place . there has been insertion of a left subclavian catheter . the tip of this is difficult to evaluate because it is superimposed on the dialysis catheter . it definitely extends at least to the lower portion of the svc . to more precisely demonstrate the tip of this catheter, oblique views would be necessary . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 54865295 2f01c6ef-54b9b5f8-0f452502-c6cd3871-48a2c872 +386 post-sternotomy wires are unchanged including two upper broken sternal wires . left mediastinal shift is persistent, expected . surgical fracture of the left sixth rib related to lobectomy is redemonstrated . lung is well aerated . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . right lung is unremarkable . satisfactory appearance after surgery . No Finding 11378150 54147285 28905df6-b5221808-9da88146-e62944a2-7fb81888 +387 a dobbhoff tube ends into the stomach however, coiled in the mid esophagus . right internal jugular sheath tip is at upper svc . there is evidence of prior median sternotomy for mitral valve replacement and tricuspid valvuloplasty . allowing for differences in technique, mild-to-moderate right pleural effusion has minimally increased, while moderate left pleural effusion with complaining left lower lung atelectasis is unchanged over last hours . very mild pulmonary vascular congestion is unchanged . post-operative cardiomediastinal silhouette has an expected post-op appearance and stable . there is no pneumothorax . the findings regarding dobbhoff tube was already communicated by dr . with by phone at pm . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18224196 58314226 4fbab26c-0355ac52-0e5488f4-490701fc-88f483cf +388 the right dialysis catheter has been removed . the left ij line with tip in the svc is unchanged . ng tube has been removed . there continues to be moderate cardiomegaly and opacity projecting over the left mid lung that could represent loculated effusion . there is a small left effusion seen obscuring the left cp angle that is increased compared to prior and there is bibasilar volume loss . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18906643 52874765 2e8c5b5c-9271aa86-6e8f8585-b9dde222-7db00264 +389 there is continued substantial pulmonary edema with bilateral effusions and compressive atelectasis in a patient with previous cabg and dual-channel pacemaker device in place . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18615099 54992879 b74e11fc-805d197f-bbcb7e01-986abcbe-6152c60b +390 there are changes related to emphysema . there is superimposed mild interstitial pulmonary edema and small bilateral effusions with bibasilar atelectasis . there are no new focally occurring opacities concerning for pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable demonstrating marked cardiomegaly . there is tortuosity of the thoracic aorta, which contains atherosclerotic calcification . mild interstitial pulmonary edema . Edema 15186992 59749696 4ce9e5bc-91147696-d0c4b6cd-fc5ffa18-c485b700 +391 new endotracheal tube is in standard placement . feeding tube passes into the stomach and out of view as before . right pic line ends in the mid-to-low svc . bibasilar atelectasis moderate-to-severe on the left, mild on the right, unchanged . previous mild pulmonary edema has resolved over the past three hours, but there has been an increase in the small-to-moderate left pleural effusion . heart size is normal . mediastinal vasculature is not dilated . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13031876 50510286 ff2efa2a-247e7e02-2a1deddd-82479afe-136446a9 +392 there is severe extremely irregular opacifications of both lungs, more severe on the right, has improved since at , . the nodular appearance of the lungs is probably due to severe peribronchial infiltration in the setting of emphysema . the interval improvement is more likely due to resolution of a component of pulmonary edema . small left pleural effusion is presumed, but not significant . there is no pneumothorax . heart is partially obscured and its size is indeterminate . transvenous right atrial and ventricular pacer defibrillator leads follow their expected courses . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12475198 53378145 ba5b5b5f-13d50976-7e931ab9-b5cae769-76a2d17e +393 the ng tube tip passes below the diaphragm, terminating in the stomach . the heart size and mediastinum are grossly unchanged . note is made that the head is obscuring upper chest . minimal left basal opacity is unchanged as well . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15438386 55060674 5f7fabe4-ef89e705-401654db-7da95115-a824cf01 +394 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to prior study obtained the same day earlier . the dobbhoff tube passes below the diaphragm with its tip being at least at the distal stomach . right upper abdomen drain is in place . the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of superior svc . the left internal jugular line crosses the midline with its tip continuing towards the right brachiocephalic vein and should be repositioned . No Finding&&Support Devices 19623993 52709220 6105c9cd-e224ad35-761201b7-d737ed68-59c229d9 +395 the heart is of normal size with normal cardiomediastinal contours . left perihilar opacity is again seen, compatible with known mass and parenchymal scarring as seen on ct . a small left pleural effusion is present . no pneumothorax . leads of a left chest wall pacer terminate in the right atrium and right ventricle . the osseous structures are unremarkable . no appreciable change since , allowing for difference in modality . left perihilar opacity, compatible with known mass and scarring . small left pleural effusion . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 18067737 58327706 b973beee-a64f055b-a96181c0-05105bc5-25dcc796 +396 enteric tube is seen coursing below the level of the diaphragm, coiling in the stomach . there has been interval placement of an endotracheal tube, terminating approximately cm above the level of the carina . a left-sided internal jugular central venous catheter has also been placed in the interval, terminating in the proximal svc . there has been interval development of left lower lobe atelectasis with possible effusion . there is also increase in perihilar opacity suggesting pulmonary edema . scattered areas of linear opacity again seen due to scarringatelectasis . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are grossly stable . again, the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . . endotracheal and enteric tubes in appropriate position . . interval placement of a left-sided ij central venous catheter terminating in the proximal svc without evidence of pneumothorax . . interval development of left base opacity, likely combination of left lower lobe collapse and pleural effusion . increased perihilar opacities suggest pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16334516 53653168 c9028d9d-b5be82c7-94f4e115-fcd0cbb2-bdc86018 +397 mild cardiomegaly is new, but there is no pulmonary edema or pleural effusion . aside from mild left infrahilar atelectasis, lungs are clear and there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . left upper quadrant drain in place . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 17962324 58141612 b5f871d3-8702f640-44c08eed-e1b45081-74211f61 +398 single frontal portable view of the chest . endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina . the side port of a nasogastric tube is below the diaphragm . pulmonary vasculature is ill-defined, compatible with severe pulmonary edema . hazy opacity overlying both lungs and blunting of the costophrenic angles are compatible with bilateral pleural effusions . no lobar consolidation or pneumothorax . mild cardiomegaly is similar to prior . leads of a left chest wall pacer terminates in the right atrium and ventricle . median sternotomy wires and numerous mediastinal clips are intact . severe pulmonary edema with bilateral pleural effusions . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18615099 56961814 61ae8e67-88ced0e9-c454f0c6-1cb71dd6-26e77a9e +399 this examination was centered in the thoracoabdominal region . the ng tube tip is in the stomach . when compared to prior study , small bilateral effusions larger on the left side have decreased . pulmonary edema has resolved . bibasilar atelectases, larger on the right side, have improved on the left . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . left picc tip is in the svc . of note, the apices of the lungs were not included in this examination . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13979643 57130836 2c418fdf-dbd4bdb4-f0a46833-6fd3f24f-a1fb71de +400 there are substantially lower lung volumes . the tip of the nasogastric tube is in the upper stomach with the side hole probably just above the gastroesophageal junction . the tube could easily be pushed forward about cm . low lung volumes may account for much of the prominence of the transverse diameter of the heart and fullness of pulmonary vessels, though some elevation of pulmonary venous pressure could well be present . some atelectatic changes are seen in the retrocardiac region . no change in the appearance of the cervical fusion . metallic anchors are seen about the right shoulder . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 13031876 51631521 e16a3994-29f6fa7c-062b1eb7-a8c902f3-83a49faa +401 multilevel degenerative changes in the thoracic spine . interval fracture of the right humeral surgical neck, with an overriding fracture fragment . this appears subacute, with partially corticated margins . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture&&Pleural Other 12110863 59358922 fba838cc-fa4eb8b6-b3e8de64-e89c00ab-1bb9216a +402 since the prior exam, there is increased opacity at the right lung base which could represent a combination of atelectasis and effusion, though underlying pneumonia is difficult to exclude in the correct clinical setting . lung volumes and evaluation for mild pulmonary edema is limited . there is no overt edema . no pneumothorax is seen . bony structures appear intact . increased opacity at the right lung base, likely a combination of effusion and atelectasis, though underlying pneumonia difficult to exclude . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19844485 53504804 5b433593-d02544b5-225e12eb-2d963391-108a1692 +403 patient rotation slightly limits assessment . endotracheal tube tip terminates approximately cm from the carina . enteric tube is seen coursing through the stomach with side port in the stomach, and tip off the inferior borders of the film . the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . left-sided aicd lead terminates in the right ventricle . there is moderate enlargement of cardiac silhouette . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is present . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . . endotracheal tube and enteric tubes in standard positions . . mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema&&Support Devices 11540283 51114398 ff4180bc-fa800289-1e6a39c6-4c38b356-ad513e6a +404 right ij line extends into the mid svc . median sternotomy wires are in unchanged alignment . there are small bilateral pleural effusions, greater on the left, which are little changed . however, vascular congestion and pulmonary edema has decreased . hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . no pneumothorax or new opacity to suggest pneumonia . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15272972 52062769 78de0f59-b436260e-9d46d449-56c7de3b-ff3655cd +405 the patient is intubated . the tip of the endotracheal tube projects approximately cm above the carina . the patient also has a nasogastric tube, the tube could be slightly advanced, given that the sidehole is at the level of the gastroesophageal junction . no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . as compared to the previous image, the size of the cardiac silhouette remains moderately enlarged and signs of mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema are seen . a right and left pleural effusion with subsequent areas of atelectasis has newly developed . no other parenchymal changes . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 15393401 52258598 b50c5a50-2713d6bf-b6a084a7-d2b96375-54cc29d2 +406 compared to chest radiographs since , most recently . lungs are well expanded and clear . cardiomediastinal and hilar silhouettes and pleural surfaces are normal . stabilization hardware projects over the lower cervical spine, along with vascular clips . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 51865597 ea89b622-63cd1a03-7338ee75-9ccef395-57d58bdc +407 portable semi-erect frontal chest radiograph lung volumes are low resulting in bronchovascular crowding . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion, though no overt interstitial edema . no confluent consolidation is identified . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged from prior . median sternotomy wires from prior cabg appear grossly intact on this frontal chest radiograph . . mild pulmonary vascular congestion, though no overt interstitial edema . unchanged mild cardiomegal . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 17318449 54808796 a13f355f-dafd65c3-ab50b75f-03d32b03-0a659e44 +408 there are bilateral pigtail catheters at the bases . there has been a substantial decrease in effusion on the right with reexpansion of the lung . on the left, there has been no decrease in effusion with increased amount of opacification along the left lateral chest wall . some of this may represent loculated rather than free effusions . monitoring and support devices remain in place, and there is again evidence of vascular congestion and cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 58685714 ecc315d7-39f7e590-405c1a1f-5a8f026d-560ba339 +409 a bedside ap radiograph of the chest demonstrates interval clearance of the large right pleural effusion with diffuse opacification of the right middle and lower lobes, likely secondary to re-expansion atelectasis . there is now a new small left pleural effusion which was not present four days ago . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomegaly is stable . interval widening of the upper mediastinal silhouette secondary to central venous engorgement is suggestive of hypervolemia . there is no pulmonary edema . a right chest wall central venous catheter is appropriately positioned in the lower svc . the right chest tube is also appropriately positioned, in the right lower pleural space, including the side port . . the chest tube is appropriately positioned and there is no pneumothorax . . interval clearance of large right pleural effusion with re-expansion atelectasis of the right middle and lower lobes . . new small left pleural effusion not present on the prior study . . findings suggestive of mild hypervolemia . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 51777321 8b71881c-c896b1ec-9e6c08d8-6f61075a-c98e7454 +410 the heart remains enlarged . the aorta is markedly tortuous . increased interstitial markings are seen throughout the lungs, similar to prior, and most compatible with edema . no pneumothorax or consolidation or pleural effusion . there is diffuse demineralization . incidental note is made of a right cervical rib . sternotomy sutures project over the mediastinum . ekg leads overlie the chest wall . . mild pulmonary edema . . no pneumonia . Edema 16957952 59684377 cc94c95e-0ab572e9-4530d0e6-f22f983e-4b10755a +411 new right-sided port-a-cath terminates near the cavoatrial junction . left pectoral pacemaker with dual leads seen extending into in the region of the right atrium and right ventricle . median sternotomy wires and prosthetic cardiac valve are noted . there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is top normal . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16043637 58576963 37281a6b-d40f025d-51681f11-e078aa8f-3c6452d2 +412 as compared to the previous examination, the left central venous access line has been removed . there is a marked increase in interstitial markings and increase in vascular diameters . increasing retrocardiac atelectasis and likely new left pleural effusion . overall, moderate predominantly interstitial pulmonary edema is present . no other relevant changes . at the time of dictation, pm, the referring physician, . was notified by telephone and the findings were discussed on . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16772702 52474242 8d88d859-5ae2eefd-3af51dce-25f4fd2d-15e047c7 +413 mild pulmonary edema has improved since . atelectasis in the left mid and lower lung zones is severe and unchanged . pleural effusions are small if any . the heart is top normal size . mediastinal veins are mildly dilated . feeding tube and nasogastric tube passes into the stomach and out of view . left internal jugular line ends at the junction of brachiocephalic veins, but is pointed upward towards the right brachiocephalic vein, crossing the right internal jugular line which ends in the upper svc . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19623993 57199757 50c4c252-0054801a-aa949595-362953d3-23b18e2e +414 the ett is cm above the carina . there is a right ij swan-ganz catheter with tip in the right main pulmonary artery . the ng tube tip is in the stomach . there are bilateral pleural effusions and bilateral lower lobe volume loss there is a dense left upper lobe infiltrate . heart size is moderately enlarged . there is pulmonary vascular redistribution with ill-defined vascularity . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 53391606 cb0066e2-7af933a5-97947108-f34228af-7b0bf717 +415 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . heart size is top normal . pacing leads appear to be similarly positioned compared to prior . there is no evidence for pulmonary edema . multiple prior right rib fractures are seen the th rib fracture demonstrates persist linear lucency, raising the possibility of incomplete healing . sternal wires appear intact . . no radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process . . possible delayed healing of the right th rib fracture . correlation for pain at this location is recommended . discussed with dr . by dr . by phone at am . Fracture 18487334 53377112 1d5931ea-ae06916c-5082d79e-ce203e51-6581ddc9 +416 pulmonary vascular congestion is mild, but persistent . relative enlargement of the cardiac silhouette compared to suggests some increase in moderate cardiomegaly andor pericardial effusion . if there is pericardial effusion it is probably not hemodynamically significant but that determination would require echocardiography . small right pleural effusion which increased between and is stable . a left pleural abnormality could be due to a combination of pleural thickening and small effusion, is unchanged since . transvenous right ventricular pacer lead is unchanged in position, tip projecting over the floor of the right ventricle close to the anticipated location of the apex . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Support Devices 11607628 52246418 c154b276-3e9ecb31-b2fe9540-94554c09-d541d5fa +417 following left chest tube placement, left tension pneumothorax has substantially resolved . small residual pneumothorax persists, but no evidence of tension . small amount of pneumopericardium is likely related to recent surgery . minimal atelectasis is present in the left lung base . there is no pleural effusion . patient is status post median sternotomy, and sternal sutures are intact . postoperative mediastinal widening and mildly enlarged heart size are stable . endotracheal tube ends approximately . cm above the carina . consider retracting the et tube by cm for appropriate seating . orogastric tube ends into the stomach, and a swan-ganz catheter through the right internal jugular approach terminates approximately in the right main pulmonary artery . following left chest tube placement, a left pneumothorax has markedly decreased in size with small residual basilar pneumothorax . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16875792 58068113 f6eee07f-b610f72b-a8832d42-b5472b4d-7cc97271 +418 a small to moderate right pleural effusion is new compared to most recent study . a right lower lobe opacity has persisted since may represent pneumonia . left lung is clear . there is no left pleural effusion . aortic and mitral valve replacement and tricuspid annuloplasty are seen . sternotomy wires are in place . no pneumothorax . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . . increased right pleural effusion, now small to moderate . . right lower lobe opacity may represent pneumonia . the other opacities in the right lung have resolved . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19182863 56775180 b9fa87e8-60fe2f5e-ead3ccb6-7ad496d8-8233efbd +419 moderate cardiomegaly is stable . note is made of aortic and coronary artery calcifications, notably in the lad . generalized chronic interstitial abnormalities remain unchanged . no focal pulmonary abnormality is identified to suggest pneumonia . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . unchanged chronic interstitial abnormalities with no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13475033 58757097 87839031-cf5f44d0-580a18ad-b86bcca4-c95455c5 +420 support lines and tubes are unchanged in position . heart size is enlarged but unchanged . there has been worsening of the opacities at the lung bases, right worse than left . there remains mild prominence of the pulmonary interstitial markings suggestive of mild fluid overload, stable . no pneumothoraces are seen . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16508811 55453302 fbe2b85e-495d3c4a-efdfbec7-0fd71f4d-058b81ff +421 the endotracheal tube, the nasogastric tube, and the left internal jugular vein catheter are unchanged . the right hemodialysis catheter has been removed . the signs of moderate to massive fluid overload, combined to a rounded opacity at the right lung base, are unchanged in extent and severity . no larger pleural effusions . no new parenchymal opacities . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 17340686 55232811 b1e23843-fd96303d-eaefd4f1-7b0a4357-08877685 +422 an et tube is present, in satisfactory position approximately . cm above the carina . an ng tube is present, extending beneath diaphragm, off film . a dual-lumen catheter is present, with tips over the mid and distal svc . clips noted overlying the right hilum . allowing for lordotic positioning, no pneumothorax is detected . there is probable background copd . there is cardiomegaly with a calcified aorta . there is upper zone redistribution and diffuse vascular blurring, consistent with chf . there is tenting andor fluid tracking at the right lung base . no gross effusion is identified . compared with one day earlier, , at am, the overall appearance is similar . there has been possible slight improvement in the chf findings and in basilar aeration . the cardiomediastinal silhouette may also be slightly improved . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 18855147 59697114 1d27a19c-ea617441-d83e08b5-cfc02f93-4e212162 +423 right picc can be follow to the upper-to-mid svc, the tip is not clearly visualized . cardiomediastinal contours are normal . the lungs are clear . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 55783830 55f894b1-3ca82dcd-410935e9-581ee95c-1273b576 +424 there is slightly rotated positioning . an et tube is present, tip in satisfactory position approximately a . cm above the carina . a right ij line is present, tip over distal svc . multiple lines and tubing overlie the chest . again seen is marked cardiomegaly . in this setting, the presence of a pericardial effusion cannot be excluded . there is upper zone redistribution and diffuse vascular blurring, consistent with chf and interstitial edema . probable moderate right and small-to-moderate left effusions, with underlying collapse andor consolidation . compared with at am . and allowing for differences in positioning, i doubt significant interval change . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 57013017 70c5d38c-8e98476f-411c89a0-7a50a63c-df1c40fb +425 comparison is made to the prior study from . the feeding tube, left ij catheter and endotracheal tube are unchanged in position . there is persistent cardiomegaly . there is unchanged left retrocardiac opacity . there are no signs for overt pulmonary edema . there is a small right-sided pleural effusion as well . overall, these findings are stable . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11607628 57673768 b83e699f-f3106ae1-2e81b3c2-289d9017-3ddb459c +426 endotracheal tube has been repositioned, now terminating about . cm above the carina . heart remains enlarged . rapid improvement in pulmonary edema, which is nearly resolved . more confluent opacity in right upper lobe is also improving, but difficult to fully assess due to patient rotation . calcified pleural plaques are present, indicative of prior asbestos exposure . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 17838301 56581318 8663aaa6-c83d78b8-ff43e08f-5ea79d11-e7cca33e +427 one portable ap view of the chest . compared to prior study on , there is increased pulmonary edema . there is borderline cardiomegaly . no pneumothorax or focal consolidation . no pleural effusion . increased pulmonary edema compared to . these findings were discussed with dr . on by telephone . Edema 13896515 50183767 c85e209c-a1fec74b-431277e7-6032eb3a-95fe7881 +428 there has been interval improved appearance of the lungs with more well- defined vasculature and decreased left effusion . however, there continues to be a dense left upper lobe infiltrate . it is unclear how much of this is due to volume lossretained secretions or if there could be an underlying infectious infiltrate . there continue to be patchy areas of alveolar edema however, the overall appearance of the lungs is markedly improved compared to the study from the prior day . the supporting devices, lines and tubes appear similar compared to prior . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19075045 52129079 cbb5ad98-f607de54-6bb0cb49-b19365ae-791d9d25 +429 a single ap radiograph of the chest was acquired . there is redemonstration of a right tunneled internal jugular central venous catheter, ending in the mid-to-low svc . there is a small quantity of fluid within the minor fissure . there is minimal linear left mid lung atelectasis . there is also subsegmental bilateral lower lung atelectasis . the heart is moderately enlarged, as seen on the prior radiograph from . there are no definite pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is seen . . minimal left mid and bibasilar atelectasis . no focal consolidation . . moderate cardiomegaly, as seen on the prior chest radiograph from . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 13473495 53131726 1b09adcd-7bd70867-f05e7f34-ad26a085-cf236edb +430 single lead left-sided pacemaker is stable in position . cardiac silhouette size is top-normal . mediastinal contours are stable and unremarkable . no focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . degenerative changes are partially imaged along the spine . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 18893199 53527484 711f27df-b3aacd5a-c3fb842d-dcadab6d-36569853 +431 portable ap radiograph of the chest w as compared to , there is interval development of pleural effusion as well as substantial progression of right basal consolidations . the findings have been already demonstrated on , chest ct . overall, as compared to ct there is no substantial change demonstrated on the current chest radiograph . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 16662264 50991057 73c41d4f-3d37dadd-90729029-8999920d-77f956eb +432 blunting of the right costophrenic angle is unchanged and might be consistent with thickening of the pleura since no appreciable pleural effusion is demonstrated . heart size and mediastinum are stable . lungs are clear with improved aeration as compared to the prior study . there is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 16848073 54293117 aac36650-9ed388fe-1dea8afb-ba02389c-5a62c2cc +433 as far as i can tell, given the severe anatomic distortion of the chest cage and its contents, lungs were clear on . small region of opacification may have been developing lateral to the left hilus on , and today there is a suggestion of some new opacification at the base of the lung, but these observations are far from certain . i am not even confident that conventional radiographs, should the patient be able to cooperate for them, would clarify the issue . ct scanning, if feasible, would certainly confirm if the lungs are clear, but in the absence of a baseline study it might be difficult to distinguish atelectasis from pneumonia . pleural effusion is minimal if any . heart is probably not enlarged . nasogastric tube is looped in the stomach . right pic line ends in the mid svc . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18110020 57554917 6235b1fc-c21d03f8-be2bbeff-8fe43d75-2e28779b +434 there is continued opacification of the right base . it is not significantly worsened since the prior exam . this may be due to a combination of pleural effusion, atelectasis, and aspiration . in the proper clinical setting, pneumonia cannot be excluded . there is a stable moderate right pleural effusion . there is a small left pleural effusion . no new consolidation is identified . there is no pulmonary edema or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . an esophageal stent is unchanged in position . a drain is present overlying the mid abdomen . . unchanged opacification at the right base . this may be due to atelectasis or aspiration . in the proper clinical setting, pneumonia cannot be excluded . . stable moderate right and small left pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19016834 54233043 914b17d9-ffa084b2-cf81dd9b-6a125b63-3a69dd01 +435 there is no significant interval change since the prior radiograph performed yesterday evening . a biventricular pacer defibrillator is visualized . the hemodialysis catheter is unchanged in position and terminates in the right atrium . there is persistent mild pulmonary vascular congestion accompanied by interstitial pulmonary edema . no new areas of focal consolidation are identified . left lung base opacity is probably due to a combination of a small pleural effusion and adjacent atelectasis . a small right pleural effusion is also noted . stable cardiomegaly . . stable pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial edema . . left lung base opacity is probably due to a combination of small left pleural effusion and adjacent atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19759491 51323886 856ccba6-265c59c6-d6f7dcf6-78eea3ea-b33762d5 +436 portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . dual-lead pacing device again seen . faint bibasilar opacities are seen, particularly in the retrocardiac region which are nonspecific and given low lung volumes could represent atelectasis . there is no definite large pleural effusion . cardiac silhouette is stable as are the osseous and soft tissue structures . no definite acute cardiopulmonary process however, pa and lateral may offer additional detail if desired . No Finding 18615099 59612133 a0ff876f-331fe46d-c522fdea-c26a2300-676e3cfa +437 as compared to the previous examination from , the rounded pleural opacity should not be mistaken for a mass on the right, caused by encapsulated pleural effusion, has almost completely resolved . the right pleural effusion has decreased in extent . however, there is elevation of the hemidiaphragm, a small basal pleural effusion and subsequent areas of atelectasis . on the left, the lung parenchyma now appears normal . healed left rib fractures are visible . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . mild tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion 13352405 59873070 3c333c52-c86e232a-705001ae-b328c40c-41096f34 +438 the lungs are clear . there is no left effusion or pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable in configuration . no acute osseous abnormality detected . cardiomegaly without acute cardiopulmonary process . Cardiomegaly 19454978 56426309 5432fbd3-085280d8-b2452bf4-52defb60-99f287db +439 status post spinal stabilization, left subclavian access line . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette, elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with subsequent areas of atelectasis seen on both the frontal and the lateral radiograph . no newly appeared parenchymal opacities . no larger pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 14353044 53138800 b9850dc4-c0036cbc-c577eb21-c259db2c-2d9368a6 +440 right pectoral infusion port terminates in upper svc . sternotomy wires are intact . lung volume is low . mild bibasilar opacities likely reflect atelectasis . calcification at the ap window likely reflect calcified lymph nodes in a unchanged from before . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . mild cardiomegaly is similar to before . no convincing radiographic evidence for pneumonia is identified . mild bibasilar opacities are likely atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 11413236 53994053 bf7c2bb6-a8ce931b-a0037382-88c9ab10-ef166969 +441 there are continued areas of increased opacification bilaterally consistent with some combination of aspiration and volume loss . increasing prominence of pulmonary vessels is consistent with overhydration or worsening cardiac function . monitoring and support devices are in unchanged position, with the right picc line again at the cavoatrial junction or in the right atrium . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16313531 58147681 8d361e7d-f4f46fc7-956ef2b6-bc506025-0df660c3 +442 the tracheostomy tube midline and unchanged . the right subclavian and brachiocephalic vein stent appears similar to prior . the left brachiocephalic stent is unchanged . the vascular catheter coursing through the ivc terminates in svc . the diffuse bilateral lung opacities have increased slightly . this is concerning for multifocal pneumonia . the opacities in the left lung appears or nodule and discrete . with known history of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, nodular metastases is on the differential . bilateral lower lobe atelectasis is stable . the mild to moderate right pleural effusion is stable . minimal pleural effusion in the left lung . no pneumothorax . mediastinal silhouette is unchanged . splenic ossification is again seen and unchanged . the visualized vertebrae appear more sclerotic which could represent osseous metastases . . increased diffuse opacification is concerning for multifocal pneumonia . . the left lung discrete nodular opacities are also worrisome for nodular metastases . . the sclerotic vertebrae are concerning for osseous metastases . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19061282 59190819 24b1563d-4e7efd6d-c06b429d-2ea5af54-95e60968 +443 the et tube tip is approximately cm above the carina . the ng tube tip is in the stomach . heart size and mediastinum appear to be unchanged since . vascular engorgement and bibasal consolidations are unchanged as well . right picc line tip is at the cavoatrial junction . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 15131736 56028927 b6b79d26-76a917b5-08130023-1a42cc2e-2eeb048c +444 pa and lateral chest radiographs air-fluid levels are identified within the previously visualized retrocardiac opacity, findings consistent with a stable moderate hiatal hernia . the lungs are clear . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . there is no vascular congestion or pleural effusions . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . No Finding 14608347 54135185 59f7b1a5-e3b803cc-ec6d1131-1e8caefd-eed8e970 +445 overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are likely stable given patient rotation . calcified hilar nodes are consistent with known sarcoidosis . there continues to be deformity of the right upper chest wall with some right lateral pleural thickening and scarring with volume loss at the right medial lung base . however, there has been interval obscuration of the lateral aspect of the left hemidiaphragm which when correlated with the recent ct may reflect an early pneumonia or aspiration . clinical correlation is recommended . no pneumothorax . no pulmonary edema . no obvious pleural effusions . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 11474065 56570382 da99191c-5176d7bc-b809d55a-4429a7cd-ae8b21e9 +446 frontal radiograph of the chest demonstrates stable mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . normal mediastinal and hilar contours . compared to the prior study of the bilateral pleural effusions have resolved . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax present . no pulmonary edema . the lungs remain hyperinflated . Cardiomegaly 13881772 52661101 693bd533-69dbe685-2d5a9d4a-dfb5e67b-2b70b394 +447 low lung volumes are present . this accentuates the size of the cardiac silhouette which is likely mildly enlarged . mediastinal and hilar contours are likely within normal limits . a right brachiocephalic venous stent is re- demonstrated . there is crowding of the bronchovascular structures with probable mild pulmonary vascular congestion . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . low lung volumes with mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema 14744884 57996680 49e45fba-5b48f519-adb35266-68939cbb-dfda8e0f +448 comparison is made to previous study from . central venous catheter with distal lead tip in the mid svc is again seen . heart size is within normal limits . there is mild improved aeration of pulmonary edema . there remains blunting of bilateral cp angles, right side worse than left consistent with small pleural effusions . there is improved aeration at the left base as well . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18855147 59030328 baafe7cb-474127df-e3251e9e-6341cd2a-e650e8da +449 comparison is made with prior studies . large hydropneumothorax is present with increase in the component of the pleural component . collapse of the right lung is grossly unchanged . the cardiomediastinum is shifted towards the left side . mild vascular congestion of the left lung is unchanged . cardiac size is normal . et tube is in unchanged position . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . right basal pigtail catheter is in place . findings were discussed with dr by phone on at pm . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 57868625 49d23b84-4594fc1d-966aab33-6f25d4ab-0af232fe +450 there are low lung volumes . the lungs are clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . left central line terminates in the right atrium . median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are noted . a calcified lymph node is noted in the ap window . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11413236 51503417 86f89f10-d6932134-162d3d5b-689149a3-81dd2b70 +451 and no focal opacity to suggest pneumonia is seen . there is bibasilar atelectasis and small bilateral pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is present . the heart size is top normal . there are remote right sided rib fractures . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion 17439310 54772630 5ffe4561-fd5efe80-1fb3d78d-8d867983-fd9561af +452 continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette in a patient with intact midline sternal wires after cabg . no evidence of vascular congestion . the overall discordancy raises possibility of cardiomyopathy . calcification is again seen in coronary vessels . no evidence of acute focal pneumonia . Cardiomegaly 18828251 56632211 81045bbb-0ff47e0f-e6832f53-a8620841-66e813f0 +453 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . left-sided pacemaker device is noted with single lead terminating in the right ventricle, unchanged . the aortic knob is calcified and aorta remains mildly tortuous . there is new mild pulmonary vascular congestion . hyperinflation of the lungs is re- demonstrated . new consolidative opacity within the right upper lobe is concerning for pneumonia . and ill-defined nodular opacity within the right upper lung field measuring up to mm is also new, and likely infectious in etiology . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . no acute osseous abnormality is seen . there are multilevel degenerative changes in the thoracic spine . new right upper lobe pneumonia . mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema&&Pneumonia 13291370 56991236 cf080221-83e85abe-e7849064-2dae1076-601c8319 +454 the nasogastric tube is at the level of the pylorus . nasoenteric tube is in place, the tip is out of the image but appears to be post-pyloric . the endotracheal tube has been removed . a new left central venous access line projects over the confluence of the brachiocephalic veins . minimal loss in lung transparency, potentially caused by fluid overload . no evidence of pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 19623993 50438261 d4d5dc4c-6021744f-fa9497e5-157fa69b-f68ddb75 +455 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . tracheostomy tube is in standard position . right subclavian catheter tip is in the lower svc . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . bibasilar opacities are unchanged, larger on the right side . this could be atelectasis but superimposed infection cannot be excluded . small bilateral pleural effusions previously seen are less conspicuous in this examination . there are no new lung abnormalities . there is mild vascular congestion . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13135946 55451827 58578d45-f79852d7-bbc291c6-3ecd360f-65584281 +456 following the procedure, there is no evidence of pneumothorax . there are lower lung volumes with evidence of bilateral pleural effusions, more prominent on the right with compressive atelectasis at the bases . retrocardiac opacification is again consistent with volume loss in the left lower lobe . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12847817 56524359 aff4536f-731bfbe8-e4a91fc5-06868b90-fbdb4737 +457 as compared to the previous image, the patient has received an external pacemaker . the tip of the pacemaker is in expected correct position, as documented on the previous fluoroscopy . unchanged position of the other monitoring and support devices . moderate cardiomegaly with signs of mild pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . left apical pleural calcification . mild atelectasis at the left lung bases . no evidence of pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 11893091 50901361 1d2eae56-aca1446e-78e09b18-02818224-5f58634a +458 sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are unchanged . the cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . there is increased consolidation of the left lower lung as well as in the upper lung . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the right lung is clear . left lung consolidation, compatible with pneumonia . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 16773796 50535279 8ecf5181-09dec4e6-27b43fca-3b8999bf-6d25f591 +459 severe infiltrative pulmonary abnormality, stable on the left, more coalescent on the right . this is probably diffuse pneumonia or pulmonary hemorrhage in a patient with emphysema . heart size is large but indeterminate because heart borders are obscured by lung abnormality . transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer defibrillator leads follow their expected courses . small if not moderate bilateral pleural effusion is presumed . there is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12475198 54377872 c10a5364-1d030517-1045826d-0914fda6-b9c30acc +460 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest . there is no obvious lobar airspace consolidation . increased perihilar opacities and interstitial markings are consistent with mild pulmonary edema . the heart size is minimally enlarged . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . although the patient is somewhat rotated, rightward deviation of the trachea is likely secondary to tortuous aorta . marked kyphosis of the spine is unchanged . there is a stable moderate-large hiatal hernia . mild decompensated congestive heart failure . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15896572 58423258 f11d267a-fb7c10b3-abbbef5e-66e9412c-99b8c90d +461 there is chronic blunting of the left lateral costophrenic angle potentially due to atelectasis or small effusion . there may be mild vascular congestion but without overt edema . linear left basilar opacity is likely atelectasis . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . no acute osseous abnormalities . peg tube projects over the abdomen . vascular congestion without overt edema . Edema 16853729 56958096 ea644819-f1117ff7-4f06774f-336c60f0-51a50fd0 +462 single portable ap radiograph was provided . there is increased opacity at the right base which may be due to infectious process or aspiration . rounded density projecting over the right ninth posterior rib is likely a nipple shadow and can be followed on subsequent radiographs . a chronic moderate-sized left pleural effusion is similar in appearance to the prior study . overlying opacities are likely atelectasis . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . median sternotomy wires are intact . new opacity at the right base may represent infection or aspiration . stable moderate left pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12538508 58740782 d423cd88-d0739c64-5212e268-96f30c3b-7bd9f6ae +463 the monitoring and support devices remain in place . there is again substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with congestive failure . mild blunting of the left costophrenic angle . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 13896515 59666373 97d5dca2-592bf7a2-9513cf15-b692dc63-7e494cd2 +464 right lung is entirely airless, function of worsening pleural effusion and atelectasis . severe opacification of the left lung has a distinctly nodular quality which could be due to collections of fluid in bullae, or multiple septic emboli . heart is enlarged but hard to assess because the right border is obscured by pleural and parenchymal abnormalities in the right chest . right jugular line ends over the region of the low svc . no pneumothorax . findings were discussed by telephone with the house officer caring for this patient at the time of dictation . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14471276 51837713 7fcfad8c-62cf43c4-53d85ee1-2c8bb890-c7773830 +465 the study is somewhat limited due to patient rotation . the heart remains moderate to severely enlarged . mediastinal widening is unchanged compared to the prior studies . the pulmonary vascularity is normal . small right pleural effusion has decreased in the interval . left lung is clear . there is minimal atelectasis in the right lung . no pneumothorax is present . no acute osseous abnormality is seen . interval decrease in size of small right pleural effusion with mild right basilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 11204646 55611611 a4849658-ce9b054b-b59e436d-df3b5ab8-80025982 +466 since , bilateral small pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis are unchanged . no new focal consolidation is identified . no pneumothorax . unchanged mild cardiomegaly . tip of the endotracheal to is seen . cm above the carina . right double-lumen central line terminates in the right atrium . a feeding tube is seen in the stomach . left pectoral pacemaker is seen with transvenous leads in the right ventricle . left chest tube positioning has been adjusted . median sternotomy wires are intact and well aligned . . unchanged bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis since . . all support devices are in appropriate position . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 56666007 0f55eb03-9eb3edde-1c46e2fb-60625b8b-86fdba40 +467 rounded bilateral mid lung opacities are again seen, grossly unchanged and likely reflect consolidative infectious process given history of septic emboli . there is unchanged bibasilar opacification, which is likely atelectasis with left greater than right effusions . cardiac silhouette is markedly enlarged, similar to the most recent prior . left picc terminates in the cavoatrial junction . median sternotomy wires are intact . . unchanged bilateral mid lung opacities likely reflect infectious process given history of septic emboli . . unchanged or slightly increased left greater than right pleural effusion and associated atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11022245 58274962 f7ba6691-53545537-20c8b2dc-79dbd392-36f05d15 +468 the patient is status post mitral valve replacement and probably coronary artery bypass graft surgery . the heart is mildly enlarged . there is patchy basilar opacification suggesting a combination of atelectasis and pleural effusion . streaky left upper lobe opacity suggests minor atelectasis or scarring which is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . no free air is demonstrated . patchy left basilar opacity, highly suggestive of atelectasis in association with a small-to-moderate suspected pleural effusion, although opacification is not entirely specific as the etiology . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15259244 51877138 bbfadd26-26a1370d-69d5f8f9-5b210fd9-a89a0589 +469 ap upright and lateral views of the chest were provided . a vascular stent is again noted in the region of the svc, left brachiocephalic vein . there is blunting of the right cp angle which could indicate a small effusion . no overt signs of edema or pneumonia . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . degenerative changes again noted at the left glenohumeral joint . small right pleural effusion . otherwise unremarkable . Pleural Effusion 14236258 52998742 8ee276bc-f8413bb2-79639432-b58d2a14-2d9f78c0 +470 cardiomegaly is substantial . right basal consolidation is new and concerning for infectious process . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pneumonia 18767957 52987117 33aac685-1abdf680-75cd5689-530f4138-195db35f +471 pa and lateral views of the chest there are low lung volumes . the heart size is within normal limits . peribronchial opacities bilaterally are similar when compared to the prior study . previously noted left lower lobe opacity appears improved when compared to the prior exam, suggestive of resolving pneumonia . no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . radiopaque densities projecting over the right shoulder joint are unchanged as is a surgical clip within the left upper quadrant of the abdomen . Pneumonia 10933609 52402828 e19a6258-3792982e-db47dccd-c9961bb6-e0aeba69 +472 compared to prior chest radiographs is since , most recently at . the tip of the new et tube is above the clavicles no less than . cm from the carina with the chin elevated . this is probably acceptable . moderate bilateral pleural effusions, stable on the right, decreased on the left . no pneumothorax . moderate enlargement of cardiac silhouette . transvenous pacemaker lead traverses the persistent left-sided svc, termination not unchanged . esophageal drainage tube ends in nondistended stomach . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 58250250 05a2438b-6777cb93-a97597e4-6b1ba817-01bbe697 +473 comparison is made to the patients prior study of . portable ap upright chest film, at is submitted . . the patient is status post median sternotomy with a mitral valve replacement . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable in this postoperative patient . a dobbhoff feeding tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm with the tip not completely identified on this study . a right internal jugular sheath remains in place, unchanged . there are bilateral effusions, left much greater than right, with associated airspace disease, which most likely reflects compressive atelectasis, although pneumonia cannot be entirely excluded . the interstitium appears somewhat coarsened, but no overt pulmonary edema is seen . no pneumothorax . overall, there has been no significant interval change . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18224196 54459875 ae60e1b1-f9d562ba-0ac12b85-a554cdd0-beebdc8f +474 there is a new dense right central opacity approximately cm x cm on frontal view . given the rapid onset of this finding, the differential is limited to airspace consolidation atelectasis . given previous radiographic evidence of slow neo-esophagealgastric emptying, it is possible that patient had aspirated contrast material . this would also explain the dense opacity seen on lateral projection . however, other radiopaque fluid, such as fluid, pus, , be filling the airspace in this region . adjacent to this dense opacity are ill-defined peripheral opacities which is not matched on the contralateral side . the left lung is unremarkable . there is no pleural effusion pneumothorax . there is pronounced flattening of the hemidiaphragms . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged and within normal limits . the pleural surfaces are unremarkable . large dense right central opacity which represent collapse airspace consolidation with adjacent area of asymmetric pulmonary edema . given history of lymphadenopathy, collapse could be secondary to nodal compression of an airway . alternatively, given recent history of oral contrast and poor gastric emptying, opacity represent aspirated contrast material . consolidation also be secondary to a fistula between the neo-esophagus and the right lung . if this finding represent consolidation, the radiopaque material cannot be identified definitely and represent , fluid pus . ct imaging is highly recommended for further evaluation of this finding . these findings were discussed with dr . via phone by . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 19016834 50975397 6ba63140-f35853ba-1c3f30d6-79e8a6d9-972b8b3a +475 the heart size and mediastinal contours are prominent but similar to prior studies . the lungs are clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14727722 55687833 b6a6935d-4971116a-88062d67-ad36e7ac-0fc76bdf +476 right internal jugular line ends at lower svccavoatrial junction . patient is status post median sternotomy for cabg with borderline-sized heart and sternal sutures are intact . since , left lower lung atelectasis, mild-to-moderate pleural effusion and mild right pleural effusion have improved . mediastinal and hilar contours are in normal limits . since , bilateral lower lung atelectasis, mild-to-moderate left and mild right pleural effusions have improved . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 11565803 59027235 0f1b4789-8c43bc5c-ec9ef921-5cd7c4a7-5acfae4d +477 ap portable semi upright view of the chest . midline sternotomy wires, left chest wall pacer with leads extending to the region of the right atrium and right ventricle and prosthetic cardiac valve are again seen . the lungs are clear . no focal consolidation, large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiomediastinal silhouette appears grossly unchanged allowing for differences in technique . bony structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . no acute findings . No Finding 16043637 59826830 d531af35-5e195d3a-0756d7c2-7e3aff86-d6c94461 +478 semi-upright ap view of the chest cardiac silhouette size remains top normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged, with calcification of the aortic knob . there continues to be minimal patchy opacities in the lung bases which may reflect atelectasis . no pulmonary vascular engorgement is definitively noted . small bilateral pleural effusions may be present, but no pneumothorax is identified . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 19159236 52514701 1fa07d59-1b6609db-c7feef15-3888f71e-17d91291 +479 the generalized increase in interstitial structures is unchanged as compared to the previous image, there is a history of known interstitial lung disease . the lung volumes are low . moderate cardiomegaly with elongation of the descending aorta . no pleural effusions . no pneumonia . no overt pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 13475033 52994496 6facf396-7379189e-2e080917-b29d6209-25eb040b +480 pa and lateral views of the chest provided demonstrate no focal consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . bony structures are intact . there is no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . mild degenerative change in the mid thoracic spine noted on the lateral projection . no signs of pneumonia . No Finding 11924226 56051681 417162c9-a460e98a-56bf6ab3-b6c591a2-86230b6d +481 comparison is made with prior study performed minutes earlier . there has been reposition of right chest tube, now is less kinked . left chest tube is also less kinked . the side port is just at the entrance of the pleural cavity . there is extensive bilateral subcutaneous emphysema . cardiac size is normal . patient has severe emphysema . multifocal lung opacities in the left upper lobe, right upper lobe and in the right lower lobe have increased in the right lower lobe, consistent with multifocal pneumonia andor hemorrage as seen in ct performed two hours after this study . there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion . et tube is in standard position . left subclavian catheter tip is in the mid svc . ng tube tip is in the stomach . cardiomediastinum is midline . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16751749 53325992 4133d13c-b7509603-e76013d9-06a54774-fb044ffb +482 moderate cardiomegaly is comparable, but pulmonary vascular congestion and upper lobe redistribution of blood flow have developed . there is no pulmonary edema or appreciable pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia 11052273 58377417 97cfb5fb-f151949c-ec5357b7-3b5b1046-5ef2a77c +483 portable ap chest radiograph . the et tube is in appropriate position . ng tube courses below the diaphragm and terminates outside the field of view . note is made of a right subclavian vein stent . there are low lung volumes and mild pulmonary edema . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . . et tube and ng tube are in appropriate position . . mild pulmonary edema . Edema&&Support Devices 14744884 54052607 a7086ff1-0170e249-78abab05-8879d1bc-4bf53b97 +484 portable ap upright chest radiograph is obtained . evaluation is somewhat limited given the underpenetrated technique . there is stable prominence of the right hilar structures with slight upward retraction of the right hila again noted . a small right effusion is again noted . mild congestion is difficult to exclude . the heart is top normal in size . bony structures appear intact . stable prominence and upward retraction of the right pulmonary hilum in this patient with known lung cancer . right pleural effusion and probable mild interstitial edema . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19720782 58510466 4d50716a-ce9e59d8-2bccee5f-9fd75a55-f12cd66a +485 bronchial wall thickening or peribronchial infiltration in the lower lungs where most pronounced bronchiectasis is have worsened since consistent either with a flare of bronchiectasis or development of peribronchial pneumonia . heart size is normal . there is no pleural effusion, no pneumothorax . feeding tube ends in the upper stomach . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10402372 52241282 917859c3-e459ee3b-965451a4-1d4a3e3b-cdbac544 +486 a portable frontal chest radiograph demonstrates an endotracheal tube terminating in the mid thoracic trachea, intact sternal wires, a left chest wall pacer device with the lead projecting over the right ventricle, right central catheter terminating in the upper right atrium, enteric tube terminating in the stomach, and interval placement of a left chest tube which projects over the left lung base . there is no appreciable pneumothorax . bilateral small pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis is unchanged compared to the most recent chest radiograph on . no new focal consolidation is identified . the visualized upper abdomen is unremarkable . interval placement of a left chest tube, without appreciable pneumothorax . bilateral small pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis are unchanged compared to . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 55023208 121a82e4-e8fcc625-76d8bd71-defee5fe-3f48af2b +487 the patient has taken a somewhat better inspiration . nevertheless, lines are still low . there is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with vascular congestion and bilateral effusions with compressive atelectasis . nasogastric tube extends to the distal stomach . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18079481 56374996 7e35b00e-b26953b2-8748806e-5162f99f-feffc6b2 +488 frontal and lateral chest radiographs a left lower lobe opacity demonstrating multiple air bronchograms is concerning for consolidation . there is no pneumothorax . there is a small left pleural effusion . the heart is moderately enlarged, as seen on the examination . Cardiomegaly&&Pneumonia 16855430 53939178 97dce762-0f106b37-190de5f9-33071881-9d9e0b6d +489 the entire upper part of the chest missing on the current image . the basal parts of the right and left hemithorax are unchanged . there is bullous disease at the lung bases . the tip of the dobbhoff catheter projects over the middle parts of the stomach . the size of the cardiac silhouette is within the upper range of normal . no evidence of pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 17032538 59715122 a9c449db-9cd2fe30-50cd41c6-aa9508ea-806361eb +490 the patient is status post coronary artery bypass graft surgery . a dual-lead pacemakericd device appears unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . the heart appears mildly enlarged . a widespread interstitial abnormality suggests mild vascular congestion . although there is increased relative opacification of the left mid lung compared to the right, an asymmetric pattern of pulmonary edema has been seen on prior radiographs such as . findings most suggestive of mild-to-moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . Edema 18615099 57276121 dd3bb5f4-72efaaca-854cacfc-e1b8f92d-745973bd +491 there is a newly appeared small retrocardiac atelectasis . small bilateral pleural effusions might also have newly occurred . no overt pulmonary edema . unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette and the mediastinum . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 14641474 56168637 fd15e7bf-1621a059-9416c9b7-f74f9113-61918f0f +492 pa and lateral views of the chest swan-ganz catheter has been removed, and a right-sided port-a-cath is noted with tip in the lower svc . consolidative opacity within the right lower lobe is concerning for pneumonia . there is elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with lateralization of the diaphragmatic peak suggesting a subpulmonic effusion . the cardiac silhouette size is top normal . there is mild prominence of the pulmonary vascular markings . no left-sided pleural effusion is seen, and there is no pneumothorax . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16826047 50453673 76c350ea-1a3f5c17-77dc0d18-f3ac57a7-27bd14f8 +493 there are again bilateral pleural effusions, which may be increasing on the right . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, possibly with mild elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 12847817 51265355 98799e4e-1081c047-ad705716-d7734aa8-600d7924 +494 the monitoring and support devices are constant . no evidence of pneumothorax . no other acute interval changes . No Finding&&Support Devices 11204646 59171234 016991da-a5224d79-0a00be4e-485841d2-f9e917e8 +495 two views of the chest the lungs are well expanded and clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette, hilar contours, and pleural surfaces are normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . sternal wires are intact . No Finding 10274145 58307391 638f2c7f-1ddfe2c3-062f8057-b3e8a5aa-17b03955 +496 a generalized increase in opacification of the lower lungs accompanied by persistence of previous acute enlargement of the heart suggests much of the interval change over the past four days is due to worsening pulmonary edema and pleural effusions, moderate on both sides . given those findings, early pneumonia would be difficult to detect, but does not have to be invoked to explain the changes we see . patient has had right upper thoracoplasty with rib resections, in association with the described lobectomy . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13263843 55748723 f8cdc217-0b1f1e62-649813f5-30f60097-a04abd77 +497 a dual lead pacemakericd device with two leads appears unchanged . the patient is status post endovascular aortic valve replacement . mitral annular calcifications are present . the heart is moderately enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . a mild new interstitial abnormality suggests vascular congestion, but no focal opacities are identified . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the patient is again status post vertebroplasty of the t vertebral body which demonstrates a fragmented moderate compression deformity with slight retropulsion of the dominant posterior fragment, but not significantly changed . prior posterior fusion involving t and t also appears unchanged . a moderate biconcave l compression deformity appears unchanged . findings suggesting mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema 18417750 50640370 e8f40dc1-eb1d35c9-581a0b09-a78294c8-1a9ab9f1 +498 the tip of a right-sided picc line is difficult to visualize but is probably unchanged . the lung volumes remain low . there is an extensive consolidation in the right lower lung, probably in the right lower lobe . the appearance is fairly similar to the more recent prior radiographs allowing for differences in technique although pulmonary vasculature is somewhat less prominent . it is difficult to exclude small pleural effusions but no definite pleural effusion is seen . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged, including cardiac enlargement . . persistent consolidation in the right lower lung worrisome for pneumonia . follow-up radiographs are recommended to show resolution within eight weeks . . findings suggesting mild vascular congestion but seemingly improved . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pneumonia 16055653 54823444 e2706168-aad7b524-06ccdf55-031e9a4f-5c0bdcb8 +499 frontal and lateral chest radiographs the patient is status post median sternotomy and prosthetic valve placement . the heart is mildly enlarged . the central pulmonary vessels are engorged and congested . patchy bibasilar opacities are present, and there are multiple kerley b lines, representing moderate interstitial edema . a tiny left pleural effusion is present . there is no pneumothorax . Edema 16672854 52891865 e51c0403-d316954a-0ea8f97b-063b0ac1-c4fb078e +500 the increased opacification at the left base has substantially cleared . the suspected area of opacification at the right base laterally is barely perceptible at this time . substantial hyperexpansion of the lungs with upper lobe predominant emphysema is again noted and there is little change in the appearance of the cardiomediastinal silhouette . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 11052935 56673612 ab104077-b39a8fcb-8c1d8fd5-5a8badb0-be5353a1 +501 lung volumes are slightly low, as before, with persistent mild pulmonary vascular congestion and mild cardiomegaly . no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia is identified . there is no pneumothorax . a metallic right subclavian vein stent is unchanged . stable mild pulmonary vascular congestion and mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 14744884 57120452 b7013a8b-6c5dab19-f07b823e-d65d3507-a7548d2f +502 the heart is normal in size . the aorta is tortuous . allowing for differences in technique, mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . there is volume loss in the right hemithorax with scarring at the right apex that is presumably post-surgical . mild chronic-appearing compression deformities are poorly visualized along the upper thoracic spine although unlikely to represent acute fractures, there may be some increase in the degree of attenuated body heights at one or more levels since the prior ct from several years ago . mild mid thoracic vertebral compression fractures, similar to slightly increased since the prior ct from although not fully characterized, probably chronic . if symptoms refer to the thoracic spine, further imaging assessment could be given consideration . Fracture 16622813 53002522 f54d71e9-cb078a0e-41326b2e-d8a5e132-77b9f33a +503 the bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged in extent and distribution . also unchanged is the moderate cardiomegaly as well as the signs indicative of mild fluid overload . no focal parenchymal opacities have newly occurred in the lung parenchyma . the old healed left rib fractures are unchanged . the nasogastric tube has been removed in the interval . the right picc line is in unchanged position . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11934114 51139077 4fc6f280-2eae00ca-b8720682-3d0a8eee-b2dbb3c6 +504 endotracheal tube terminates approximately . cm above the carina and is adequately positioned . feeding tube is seen to course below the diaphragm into the stomach however, distal end is out of the radiographic view . right mid and lower lung and left lower lung opacities concerning for multifocal pneumonia have worsened since . an coexisting component pulmonary edema is possible . no other interval changes . scarring in the right lower lungs and right apical dense pleural thickening are unchanged . small bilateral pleural effusions are similar . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17032538 58641137 6ec78bca-9eb86302-16367715-1a68dd88-f70084c0 +505 lung volumes are low with secondary crowding of the bronchovascular markings . there is however superimposed pulmonary edema which may have progressed since prior although changes could in part be to lower lung volumes . enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is also noted, again not significantly changed . more dense left basilar opacity, particularly on the frontal view could be combination of atelectasis noting that infection is difficult to exclude . . cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema which may have progressed since prior although some changes may be accounted for by lower lung volumes on the current exam . left basilar opacity, potentially atelectasis noting that infection would also be possible . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15131736 51468636 73d09a2f-e8077206-2a03b426-badcd185-81f46a4f +506 monitoring and support devices remain in place . continued prominence of the cardiac silhouette with evidence of some elevated pulmonary venous pressure . retrocardiac opacification persists, as does some mild atelectatic changes on the right . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15338518 50989504 a3b5f140-09ecc379-5729bd0f-98abe246-f9eea2ed +507 compare to prior chest radiographs since , most recently . et tube in standard placement . right pic line ends in the upper right atrium . feeding tube passes into the stomach and out of view . moderate enlargement cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . left hilar enlargement is probably due to chronic pulmonary arterial dilatation but pulmonary vascular engorgement has improved since and there is no edema . left lower lobe atelectasis is mild . pleural effusions are small if any . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 53426458 93cda90a-dff91783-8c5eaa57-5242ceca-f2ba281a +508 the patient is status post median sternotomy as well as cabg . chronic interstitial changes are noted in the lungs, which have somewhat increased, which may be related to interstitial edema . however, this is not accompanied by any pleural effusion or evidence of pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . multiple veterbral compression deformities are present at the thoracolumbar junction . diffuse increased interstitial markings related to chronic lung disease, slightly increased, likely related to superimposed edema . Edema&&Lung Opacity 16957952 56986984 b3068b62-93af079c-28037ceb-5f8b41e3-8d9c5e81 +509 the dobbhoff tube was pulled back . the course of the tube is now unremarkable . the tip of the tube projects over the middle parts of the stomach . there is no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . in the interval, the pre-existing picc line malpositioned in the right axillary vein is still unchanged the signs indicative of fluid overload have minimally decreased, no newly appeared focal parenchymal opacities . No Finding&&Support Devices 13031876 51083465 50ce474f-a6c1b7fd-18d97f9e-98effe01-c29ad3be +510 homogeneous opacification of the right lower hemithorax medially could be due to either consolidation in the right lower lobe or posteriorly layering pleural effusion, best evaluated with an upright chest radiograph when feasible . left lung is clear . heart size is normal . mediastinal and hilar silhouettes are normal, and the costopleural surfaces are unremarkable . no evidence of pneumothorax . et tube is in standard placement, and a nasogastric tube passes into the stomach and out of view . intraaortic balloon pump ends midway between the upper margin of the left main bronchus and the apex of the aortic knob, approximately . cm from the latter . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17288844 52302794 e12f3c50-f3483123-b58a8f99-6e949bb7-98729b1a +511 there is a somewhat heterogeneous but generally diffuse mild interstitial abnormality suggesting slight pulmonary congestion . one of two views shows a slightly more confluent right upper lobe opacity of uncertain significance, quite vague, and there is also focal left infrahilar opacity . there is no definite pleural effusion or pneumothorax . findings suggesting mild vascular congestion . more focal patchy right upper lobe and left infrahilar opacities of uncertain significance but possibly due to coinciding atelectasis or scarring . if developing infection is a clinical consideration then short-term followup radiographs could be considered . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10975446 59969148 66cab843-95809cae-6a67db82-36faecab-8a75c30e +512 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . dual-lead left-sided pacemaker is again seen with leads extending to the expected positions of the right atrium and likely right ventricle . there is blunting of the left costophrenic angle most consistent with a small left pleural effusion . left base opacity may be due to combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis, although consolidation is not excluded . there is mild central pulmonary vascular congestion . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . mediastinal contours are similar compared to . there is diffuse osteopenia . left pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis . left base opacity may be due to combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis, although consolidation is not excluded . mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 18615099 59480739 04d8b146-8f27fd48-e07afc43-464529fc-57350e1b +513 the lungs appear clear . a pacemaker is seen projecting over the left chest with a wire appropriately placed in the right atrium . the cardiomediastinal silhouette, hilar contours, and pleural structures are normal . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . other than the pacemaker, no radio-opaque metallic foreign object is identified in chest radiograph . . pacemaker seen projecting over the left chest with a wire appropriately placed in the right atrium . other than the pacemaker, no radiopaque metallic foreign object is identified . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding&&Support Devices 18893199 53091268 0d8631a3-76f811f9-2cdcf377-22f2f8eb-4d5a97e4 +514 a small region of new opacification has developed at the lateral aspect of the right middle lobe . this could be early pneumonia . lung volumes remain severely low, particularly the right lung above the elevated right hemidiaphragm which obscures a substantially consolidated right lower lobe, suffering from collapse or pneumonia p the condition of the left lower lobe is similar and . all of the basal pulmonary abnormalities have developed since . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . pleural effusions are presumed, but not substantial . right internal jugular line ends close to the inferior cavoatrial junction . transvenous atrial biventricular pacer defibrillator leads are continuous from the left pectoral generator, and unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12595991 52170957 4d837b55-e381fd19-f31d9007-733a21e2-276bf002 +515 the lungs are hypoinflated with crowding of vasculature . there is progression of severe vascular engorgement with peribronchial cuffing as well as bilateral perihilar opacities with interval increase in small left pleural effusion . no right pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . a right picc tip is seen at least up to the low svc . . moderate pulmonary edema with stable moderate cardiomegaly and increased small left pleural effusion . . in order to exclude pneumonia a repeat pa and lateral chest radiograph once the edema has resolved should be considered as current underlying parenchymal disease limits evaluation . . a right picc tip is seen at least up to the low svc . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15131736 58318333 947ce661-ea81059f-7da8d1e6-033e612e-ba93f7fd +516 there is unchanged evidence of a small right pleural effusion . in addition, an area of parenchymal opacity at the right lung base has newly appeared . this opacity is likely caused by a basal atelectasis . known status post valvular replacement . normal alignment of sternal wires . unchanged left lateral aspect of the second rib . no evidence of pneumothorax . no other acute lung changes . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 56282491 f08f01b8-22e9d374-4b8af575-e8a913dd-c93812ec +517 recurrence of left suprahilar consolidation could be due to return of atelectasis or development of pneumonia in the region of prior aspiration . right lower lobe atelectasis has been present for several days, not improved . there is no pulmonary edema . mild cardiac enlargement has increased, but pulmonary vasculature is not engorged and there is no appreciable pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . right jugular line ends close to the superior cavoatrial junction . findings were discussed by telephone with at am . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14851532 58345071 552535b0-f25af20e-f0731a45-c3c4dec8-3f85e93b +518 pa and lateral chest radiograph demonstrate a right chest port, its tip which projects within the upper superior vena cava, unchanged in position relative to prior study . median sternotomy wires appear intact . cardiomediastinal silhouette appears stable relative to prior examination . heart size is mildly enlarged . there is no evidence of pulmonary edema . nodular opacities within the in right infrahilar region likely reflect vascular shadows . lung volumes are low . bibasilar atelectasis is moderate . there is no focal opacity convincing for infectious process . calcification on the ap window could be due to calcified nodes . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . overall stable appearance of the chest with low lung volumes and basilar atelectasis . Atelectasis 11413236 57361873 7634db9d-273d50e3-b619164d-90d11c3f-2a46ab37 +519 moderate cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular engorgement are chronic . there is no pulmonary edema, consolidation, or pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly 14177219 55111273 a8175445-d55b2d93-a5a3a22c-7662cb0a-6519b608 +520 portable frontal chest radiograph an opacity projecting over the right hilum is unchanged from prior examination is consistent with paramediastinal radiation changes . there is a persistent loculated right pleural effusion, unchanged in size from prior . the left lung remains clear . no pneumothorax is evident . there is pulmonary vascular congestion, though no overt pulmonary edema . cardiac size is within normal limits and unchanged . Lung Lesion 19720782 55515719 b378a3b5-08a7504a-631c758a-059fd7ba-eea6caf2 +521 right-sided chest tube remains in place, with a small right apicolateral pneumothorax which has minimally decreased in size since the recent study . multifocal pulmonary opacities in the right lung appear unchanged allowing for differences in lung volumes, and multiple right rib fractures are again demonstrated . within the left lung, an area of patchy opacity in the retrocardiac region has slightly worsened . . slight decrease in small right apical pneumothorax with chest tube in place . . multifocal right-sided pulmonary opacities consistent with contusion in the setting of recent rib fractures . coexisting laceration injury seen to better detail on recent ct . Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 17112432 59522601 efe3cdc5-c0ced06a-212a5901-9c1ee7c7-bbbe0e6b +522 there are new heterogenous parenchymal opacities involving the right upper lobe and right lower lobe, compatible with patients recent history of aspiration . opacity along the medial aspect of the right apex likely represents post-radiation changes, and was noted as far back as the ct torso . small right pleural effusion is not significantly changed from prior . the left lung is essentially clear . no pneumothorax . the mediastinum, hila and heart are within normal limits . . new heterogenous parenchymal opacities in the rul and rll, compatible with aspiration pneumonia . . stable post-radiation changes in right paramediastinal lung . notification findings telephoned to dr . by dr . on at pm, time of discovery . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14295224 54581813 b019f6c5-62bfcfe4-13976b55-788794c1-c400accb +523 ap and lateral supine views of the chest were reviewed and compared to prior . in the mid portion fo the left lung, a focus of ill-defined linear opacities likely represents scarring from prior left lower lobe abscess . otherwise, the lungs are clear bilaterally without vascular congestion, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . there is no concerning bone or soft tissue lesions . No Finding 19748558 53711569 e340b826-77b272b0-563eb16a-9d61d7c8-debd50bf +524 there is hilar congestion and diffuse bilateral ground glass opacities, most predominant at the bases, slightly improved from prior exam, and most consistent with pulmonary edema . an underlying pneumonia cannot be fully excluded . there are trace bilateral pleural effusions . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is moderately enlarged and unchanged from the prior exam . the mediastinal contours are normal . bilateral ground glass opacities and small bilateral pleural effusions are consistent with moderate pulmonary edema . in the proper clinical setting, a pneumonia cannot be excluded . can consider a repeat chest radiograph after diuresis . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 17189198 54225810 a02fc8d7-4d89d7b2-2bcaaf26-ebd72059-2e9d5341 +525 final addendum addendum right subclavian picc line extends to the mid portion of the svc on the study . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16508811 50936626 a25b5ac3-3b72b7c3-74275421-5dc344b8-b3a2cd7c +526 in the background of severe interstitial lung disease, which is predominantly reflected in fine reticulation of the lung periphery on each side, there are patchy superimposed opacities in the right upper lung as well as the left mid and lower lung worrisome for superimposed pneumonia . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lung volume are again low . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged, allowing for differences in technique . multifocal opacities worrisome for pneumonia superimposed on severe underlying interstitial lung disease although recent prior radiographs are not available for comparison and progression of chronic lung disease could be considered as an alternative, acute superimposed pneumonia seems most likely . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10867202 59071382 da5580a4-d85e8eac-795ffec6-41e6d24b-273b3747 +527 in comparison with the study of earlier in this date, the endotracheal tube has been removed, as has the nasogastric tube . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with some element of elevated pulmonary venous pressure . opacification at the right base is consistent with collapse in the right middle and lower lobe with possible pleural effusion . less prominent left basilar opacification is consistent with some volume loss in the left lower lobe and probable small effusion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 59956491 721e19bf-893cd83c-ea610180-ee56a931-b0b7c146 +528 there is unchanged evidence of moderate cardiomegaly and a right pleural effusion . the signs indicative of fluid overload have increased in extent, best visible in the left upper lung . there is minimal blunting of the left costophrenic sinus, potentially indicative of the presence of a small pleural effusion . no evidence of pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 11204646 59345943 9f6c9e7b-4ccd8468-517c7976-e5deee18-02e95e8a +529 when compared to prior study, , small-to-moderate right pleural effusion has markedly decreased in size . small left pleural effusion has also decreased in size . cardiomegaly is unchanged . mediastinal contours are stable . there are no new lung abnormalities . patient has known emphysema . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 18224196 52946760 c2bb8990-9789045a-070071f0-a817d725-cfb2472c +530 in comparison to the recent radiograph of day earlier, subcutaneous emphysema has slightly decreased in extent, and pneumomediastinum also appears improved . heterogeneous opacities in the right lung have slightly worsened in the right upper lobe and slightly improved at the right lung base . left basilar opacities have nearly resolved, and a small left pleural effusion has decreased in size . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 11474065 52511628 d77fc718-e1eacd2f-2fa45ea8-a06418df-85ae6300 +531 since the prior study the pseudotumor fluid in the major fissure on the right has resolved . post treatment changes including elevation of the right hilus and coarse interstitial changes indicative of radiation fibrosis are again noted, a chronic finding . obscuration of the right hemidiaphragm is likely a function of atelectasis and a small pleural effusion . the left lung is largely clear . heart size and mediastinal contours are stable . heavily calcified aortic arch is again noted . . resolution of fluid in the right major fissure . . small right pleural effusion and right basilar atelectasis . . chronic treatment-related changes in the right lung . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 19720782 51067581 0bfb85a2-fe62f571-fb0c092b-b592a4d6-60a8b4ff +532 in comparison with the study of from an outside institution, there is little change . cardiac silhouette is within normal limits and there is no evidence of acute pneumonia, vascular congestion or pleural effusion . probable dense calcification of the mitral annulus . No Finding 16553329 53049033 4765eb14-526b941e-eca533c4-4036ca47-964e3982 +533 chest frontal and lateral radiographs demonstrate unremarkable cardiomediastinal and hilar contours . lungs are clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax evident . minimal degenerative change at right acromioclavicular joint . no osseous abnormality is identified . no acute intrathoracic process . no overt evidence of pcp . No Finding 18835687 59203230 38e5d885-855b370d-ff1f67a4-ece45a25-cc36e325 +534 right upper lobe pneumonia continues to clear . tiny right pleural effusion is smaller . hyperinflation indicates copd . heart size normal . right apical pleural scarring unchanged . Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 14295224 52321575 655fe8bc-af25268c-f206b4d3-5d5ed0cb-8d545266 +535 ap and lateral views of the chest show no consolidation, pulmonary edema, or pneumothorax . there is a possible trace left pleural effusion . a small nodule in the left mid lung zone is stable measuring mm and likely due to prior granulomatous disease, as also seen on chest ct from . cardiac size is at the upper limits of normal . the mediastinal contours are normal . . no evidence of pneumonia . . possible trace left pleural effusion . . stable left mid lung nodule is likely prior granulomatous disease . Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 50718199 a77d2e8f-c6ecaa1e-c2b76bec-23469463-3e9de1f1 +536 compared to prior chest radiographs through . small to moderate bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged, following removal of the left pigtail pleural drainage catheter . there is no pneumothorax . moderate cardiomegaly increased slightly with persistent pulmonary vascular congestion . no definite pulmonary edema . transvenous pacer lead traverses a left svc to the right ventricular apex . patient has had median sternotomy and probable tricuspid valve repair . healed chronic left upper rib fractures noted . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 57618911 73ee1dc8-28fc5f5b-76e543d9-70afa724-b6dc8113 +537 pa and lateral chest radiograph sternotomy wires are midline and intact . bilateral interstitial edema has decreased since the most recent prior examination . cardiomegaly is stable . surgical clips in the mediastinum, unchanged . opacification at the left lung base is resolved . minimal opacification right lung base concerning likely related to infection or edema is improved compared to the prior examination . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11879886 51551069 58fedcf0-3247be4c-33428852-1d9d9fed-c613aa80 +538 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . tracheostomy tube and postoperative changes of left upper lobectomy are again seen . right basilar opacity silhouettes the right hemidiaphragm . superiorly, the right lung is clear and appearance of the left lung is stable . cardiomediastinal silhouette remains stable as do the osseous and soft tissue structures . right basilar opacity silhouetting the hemidiaphragm, possibly due to any combination of effusion, atelectasis or consolidation . clinical correlation recommended . two-view chest x-ray may also offer additional detail . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 10885696 59532499 33cbca42-cc8136d7-714fe7b7-c6fd6342-7bfbd4f1 +539 there is some decrease in the opacification at the right base . chest tubes remain in place, and there is no evidence of pneumothorax . some residual atelectasis and effusion are noted . the possibility of supervening pneumonia at the right base could not be excluded . the left lung is essentially clear with mild atelectatic changes at the base . subcutaneous emphysema persists along the right lateral upper abdominal wall . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18309149 54224807 21e742f7-ee50e64f-508ad946-db407641-972bfa79 +540 single portable view of the chest at pm . is compared to previous exam from earlier the same day at pm . left-sided chest tube is seen with tip projecting over the left lung apex . although there is increased lucency in the left hemithorax, no discrete pleural line is identified based on this supine film . there is left chest wall subcutaneous gas seen . otherwise, there has been no change . left-sided chest tube now seen with tip overlying the left lung apex . No Finding&&Support Devices 12736592 50957430 3056f052-ff3c284f-0d46f60a-7d4ee6af-498142fb +541 pulmonary edema is mild and new since . increased opacity at left lung base is either atelectasis andor combination of atelectasis and edema . left pleural effusion is presumed and small and is also new since . heart size is normal . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . mild-to-moderate atherosclerotic calcification is present in the aortic arch . mild pulmonary edema and presumed small left pleural effusion, new since . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 10650001 55609649 6bad4c60-b2e3becf-a99801f7-aac3757c-2b669f35 +542 there is a new moderate left and small right pleural effusion . right lower lobe atelectasis has slightly worsened . there is an indistinct haziness over the right lower lung field which may represent layering effusion . there is stable bilateral apical pneumothoraces . ij catheter is seen in unchanged position terminating within the upper right atrium . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable and demonstrates a mildly enlarged heart . stable cardiomediastinum with no evidence of failure . worsening bilateral pleural effusion and atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 16043240 55694501 9cb7472a-803c242b-a9526718-19d7b53c-e332df01 +543 the tip of the swan-ganz catheter is now projected over the mediastinal border of the right pulmonary artery . the patient has taken a slightly better inspiration with little overall change in the appearance of the heart and lungs . prosthetic device in the right shoulder is again seen . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 19075045 55710466 a1cd58cf-bef24282-3f8dd017-ac556cfc-92537bf4 +544 there is continued opacification of most of the left hemithorax . right lung remains essentially clear . left ij catheter again extends to the brachiocephalic vein close to the junction with the superior vena cava . the supraclavicular gas on the left is decreasing . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 12530259 52715750 968192ec-09ed8f86-65cb3129-91dbad60-4710e7fb +545 comparison is made to the prior study performed two hours earlier . interval placement of a nasogastric tube, whose distal tip and sideport are below the gastroesophageal junction . endotracheal tube and right ij central line are in unchanged position . there is persistent cardiomegaly . there is a left retrocardiac opacity . there is prominence of the pulmonary vascular markings, consistent with mild pulmonary edema . there is some atelectasis at the left lung base . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10268877 58267855 95efb462-e05c1ac9-3c5319d6-bafdcede-df6db042 +546 moderate cardiomegaly is stable . pacer leads are in unchanged position . hd catheter is in standard position . there is no pneumothorax . mild vascular congestion has minimally improved . retrocardiac opacities are a combination of small effusion and adjacent atelectasis, stable . sternal wires and valve replacement are again note . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19759491 52929450 c5ba12eb-19b106cb-51fb3665-486c18e6-65a1a778 +547 there is cardiomegaly . there are diffusely increased interstitial markings present throughout the lung parenchyma, not significantly changed from prior study . unchanged gentle dorsal kyphosis and wedge fractures are also noted . the appearances are consistent with pulmonary edema . an old left clavicular fracture is observed . moderate pulmonary edema is suggested . Edema 13475033 51347202 893e71a8-87c6c1ff-1e2204e9-40f4c0c5-973e72c1 +548 the lungs are clear of focal consolidation, effusion, or pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged, similar to priors . hypertrophic changes noted in the spine . median sternotomy wires are again noted . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17318449 57272372 3e95e1d8-dfda84b0-7eded0f8-e83090e4-12e3ff68 +549 a dual lumen left subclavian central venous catheter terminates in the right atrium unchanged from prior exam . the heart size is stably enlarged . vascular calcifications are seen along the aortic arch . there is perihilar and basilar prominence of the pulmonary vasculature compatible with fluid overload . mild interstitial abnormalities are unchanged from prior exam . there is blunting of the bilateral posterior costovertebral angles likely representing a very small effusions . patchy consolidations in the right middle lobe may represent pneumonia in the right clinical circumstances . . right middle lobe patchy consolidation which could reflect infectious process . . perihilar and basilar vascular prominence compatible with fluid overload . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pneumonia 17340686 51203739 e023c3e4-39101fc9-0c1d4cb4-1566e997-0080096e +550 pa and lateral views of the chest are obtained . since the prior exam, there has been removal of the left and right picc lines . linear subsegmental right lower lung atelectasis is noted . there is no evidence of pneumonia or chf . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable with mild cardiomegaly redemonstrated . degenerative changes at the right shoulder are moderate . an l compression fracture is stable from a ct from . there is increased vertebral body loss of height involving a compression fracture at t compared with a prior radiograph . this compression though is new compared with the ct dated . subsegmental right lung base atelectasis . increasing loss of vertebral body height at t . stable l compression fracture . right shoulder humeral djd . interval removal of picc lines . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Support Devices 18512911 53933599 81662f3f-0c97fb86-66099abe-260ad401-e1d61e16 +551 the right internal jugular central venous catheter is malpositioned, coursing cephalad within the right internal jugular vein, tip off of the superior borders of the film . remainder of the exam is unchanged . malposition right internal jugular central venous catheter coursing cephalad within the neck . No Finding&&Support Devices 14851532 54675277 33e89953-a3344800-0b12cc28-ae13c39f-f350e654 +552 the extensive bilateral parenchymal opacities, bilateral pleural effusions, cardiomegaly, and basal atelectasis are unchanged . no new opacities . unchanged monitoring and support devices . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10975446 56122911 71472bea-4861bb4b-57725cca-447baed5-d7d18080 +553 there are increased diffuse bilateral interstitial opacities, consistent with edema . additionally, small bilateral pleural effusions are present . no pneumothorax is seen . the heart size is mildly enlarged . there are calcifications of the aortic arch . a left subclavian vascular stent is seen, new from the prior examination . a stent in the left arm is inchanged . pulmonary edema . small bilateral pleural effusions . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16772702 57167682 8e9b736c-1abf5111-086c325e-36cc49cf-82791ceb +554 the picc ends in the upper svc . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal, although evaluation is somewhat limited by patients rotation . there is a moderate right pleural effusion, similar in size from the previous study on . no left pleural effusion is present . there is no consolidation or pneumothorax . tip ends in the upper svc . results were communicated with the iv team at am . on via telephone by dr . . No Finding 11204646 57940242 cdd198d4-7b34ff26-cdf455d8-f2c979c2-93535229 +555 the lungs are clear of focal consolidation, effusion, or pulmonary edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . median sternotomy wires again noted . hypertrophic changes seen in the spine . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17318449 53591854 fd6e4f88-f10a601f-5ab99df7-15c792e7-3edf3e2c +556 comparison is made with prior study performed hours earlier . there is minimal decrease in still large amount of air in the pleural cavity in the right upper hemithorax . two right chest tubes are in unchanged positions . right subcutaneous emphysema is new . cardiac size is normal . cardiomediastinal silhouette is midline . widened mediastinum, a post-op change, is stable . et tube is in standard position . right lower lobe has better aeration . there is persistent opacity in the right middle lobe . mild interstitial edema has improved . the patient has known emphysema . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19991135 51478737 e9fed58f-81080573-29e7c963-c3bae1ff-a15dab90 +557 the cardiac silhouette is less prominent and the pulmonary vascularity is substantially improved . mild atelectatic changes are seen at the bases . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 15032623 52225063 ee2fe22f-087ea688-eacd294b-68409208-45f2430d +558 et tube tip is cm above the carina . ng tube tip is in the stomach . heart size and mediastinal contours are stable . bilateral pleural effusions are noted as well as most likely present mild pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax is seen . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 52630381 81e8871e-6dcf3fbb-f5b0f14f-bc932fbe-4ea03e27 +559 frontal and lateral chest radiographs heterogeneous consolidation within the mid-to-upper left lung corresponds with opacity of concern on prior chest ct, suspicious for reccurrence of malignancy . additional concerning nodules seen on prior ct are not well characterized on this radiographic examination . linear opacities in the lung bases and right mid lung likely reflect areas of subsegmental atelectasis . prominence of the interstitium is likely related to technique . no overt pulmonary edema is evident blunting of the bilateral costophrenic angles may be due to small bilateral pleural effusions . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . . heterogeneous opacity in the left mid lung, concerning for primary lung malignancy, better characterized on recent prior ct . . possible small bilateral pleural effusions . no overt pulmonary edema . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 57001723 5828d9a8-9cf90a1a-c0941ded-b106d21c-4625544a +560 moderate cardiomegaly, mediastinal venous engorgement and mild interstitial edema have all worsened indicative of cardiac decompensation . no focal pulmonary abnormality is present to suggest pneumonia, nor is there is substantial pleural effusion or any indication of pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax 13475033 53018485 25fd1806-d10b52d5-9a3103c0-66e21a5f-36fb5086 +561 bilateral lung volumes are low . since , mild pulmonary vascular congestion and pulmonary edema has worsened . small bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . mildly enlarged heart size and some mediastinal widening is worse than before . status post median sternotomy with intact sternal sutures . mild pulmonary edema, mild pulmonary edema and mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly with some mediastinal widening is worsened since . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 16672854 50841626 e8ee2b4d-8ea54f5a-fbbd13ae-b0322e55-8d89e12b +562 the lungs are hyperinflated, consistent with copd . the patient is status post sternotomy . heart size is at the upper limits of normal or slightly enlarged . the pulmonary hila are slightly prominent with a tapered configuration, which could reflect pulmonary hypertension . there is biapical fibronodular scarring, probably with retraction of the hila . no chf, focal consolidation or effusion is identified . Lung Opacity 17392550 57779343 04df00d4-612ef140-93265d75-e89c65e2-d6451eb9 +563 comparison is made to the prior study from . there is a right basilar chest tube . there remains a moderate to large right-sided pleural effusion which is stable in size . there is a right-sided port-a-cath with distal lead tip in distal svc . there is stable cardiomegaly . the left lung is clear . overall, there is no appreciable change . no pneumothoraces are seen . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 54140146 d2f3ca46-8acb3e22-648cbc5d-db7450d3-d3a634a6 +564 cervical fusion hardware is noted . lungs are hyperinflated . there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . tiny clips seen in the left upper quadrant . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 15114531 53909940 3a00ab90-4563967d-ad46d969-ae884a78-c7f2dd2b +565 pa and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate low lung volumes and distended bowel as described on concurrent ct abdomenpelvis . there are patchy opacities suggesting minor dependent bibasilar atelectasis . there is persistent cardiomegaly . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . suggestion of pulmonary venous hypertension is unchanged from prior radiograph . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 10532326 53897449 0df9bbe7-ea299297-6717c3a6-4faece0e-15ca4a73 +566 a permanent pacer is again noted with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle in satisfactory position . the metallic portion of an aortic valve prosthesis is again visualized . sternotomy wires are also present . heart size remains normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lungs are clear . . expected normal position of permanent pacer electrodes . . stable chest radiograph, no pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 16043637 57929429 4121b513-0b19d16a-eae78b94-9ad9e2c6-d0f50262 +567 there has been substantial improvement in the degree of pulmonary edema with only mild residual elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . persistent opacification at the bases is consistent with pleural effusion and volume loss, especially in the retrocardiac region . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13586204 50270173 8dbd2003-7d7887eb-6d6e4bad-7b02ceed-acdeda24 +568 ap and lateral views of the chest were provided . the lungs appear clear . eventration of the right hemidiaphragm noted . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . bony structures are intact . old left clavicular shaft deformity noted . prior study is dated . No Finding 13475033 59116034 748c4a64-47da4847-4a87a967-a4bec5ab-352fc0c9 +569 frontal and lateral chest radiographs a right-sided hemodialysis catheter terminates at the right atrium . again seen are reticular interstitial opacities distributed evenly across both lungs, stable over multiple prior radiographs, previously attributed to chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis on the chest ct from . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . the central pulmonary vessels appear more prominent since the study . superimposed mild edema cannot be excluded . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . again seen reticular interstitial opacities distributed evenly across both lungs, stable over multiple prior radiographs, previously attributed to chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis . mild superimposed fluid overload cannot be excluded no focal consolidation . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 13475033 59787158 b0a3c7f8-26d03d87-2b85a969-b02fab24-22c44433 +570 lung volumes are somewhat low, which accentuates bronchovascular markings but the lungs appear clear . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified . no osseous abnormalities are identified . low lung volumes . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 19748558 56664513 f6996351-b7330fe0-c77b11b0-628b7301-475c940f +571 an esophageal stent, right picc line and tracheostomy tube are in standard position . necrotizing pneumonia in right lower lung is unchanged . a pigtail catheter is present in the right lower chest . as compared to the prior radiograph from , the coiled tip of this catheter is more medially placed . diffuse airspace opacities in the right upper lung are unchanged, whereas in the left lung, the airspace opacities and ill-defined mid lung consolidations have minimally decreased over last hourscardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13964474 53353191 67f96700-fa7ae0b7-52f52249-55e93d91-53fcc6c8 +572 there has been removal of pleural fluid from the left hemithorax . no evidence of pneumothorax . coalescent areas in the left upper and lower zones could well reflect regions of consolidation . the right lung is essentially clear . right ij central catheter extends to the lower portion of the svc . Consolidation&&Support Devices 19404187 58274681 2105a3d5-135b0241-ad3232b4-24f593cc-3d0862a6 +573 compared to the study from the prior day, there has been some interval increase in the left-sided effusion . there continues to be volume loss at both bases . right-sided picc line tip is in the distal svc . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16313531 59994014 605a5651-5fb67eb8-b56ccc7e-8fce40db-0924c841 +574 diffuse increase in interstitial markings as well as pulmonary vessel engorgement are suggestive of moderate to severe pulmonary edema . cardiac silhouette is moderately enlarged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . moderate to severe pulmonary edema . Edema 13475033 52240207 c5f6b48e-5ca7ae46-4fab692c-24718944-688b465f +575 the patient has undergone a right thoracotomy and decortication . three right chest tubes are in situ . there is a minimal right basal pneumothorax at the site of chest tube insertion . no evidence of tension . mild right basal postoperative atelectasis . in the interval, the patient has been intubated, the tip of the tube projects . cm above the carina . moderate cardiomegaly, unremarkable and unchanged left lung . Atelectasis&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 13352405 50344973 ce1985cc-a6c42ebf-5ff6ebaa-52ca117e-11ae0c1c +576 a right picc ends in the low svc . heart size is mildly enlarged . there is no overt pulmonary edema . there is no focal lung consolidation . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . stable mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Pneumonia 16508811 56646773 e54056af-0e47378b-d4809463-9d218a22-17591156 +577 subtle linear density in the left mid to lower lung is most compatible with platelike atelectasis . no convincing evidence for pneumonia or edema . no large effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 19623993 50373067 66607c54-01766ee9-0296b1fd-b642145d-24ea1577 +578 as a consequence, the structures at the lung bases appear denser than on the previous image . however, there are no new parenchymal opacities or abnormalities noted . moderate cardiomegaly persists . the right chest tube has been removed . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 14851532 55077014 ff9478db-4ce6ed74-e3b6d8f2-320694e0-e8a21817 +579 lung volumes are decreased compared to the prior exam . heart size remains within normal limits . mediastinal contour is unchanged . within the right upper lobe and perihilar region, there is chronic opacification compatible with radiation fibrosis . mild pulmonary edema is demonstrated with perhaps slight enlargement of a moderate size right pleural effusion which is partially loculated superiorly and medially . right basilar opacification may reflect atelectasis but infection is not excluded . no pneumothorax is seen . mild pulmonary edema with moderate right pleural effusion, perhaps slightly increased compared to the prior study . chronic opacity within the right upper lobe and perihilar region is compatible with radiation fibrosis . right basilar opacity may reflect atelectasis but infection is not completely excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 19720782 57890092 38d03b04-0d7ed79f-2cf5f34d-96d831d3-227a44aa +580 there is mild cardiomegaly . no chf or definite focal infiltrate . minimal crowding of vessels in the right cardiophrenic angle likely reflects atelectasis . no effusion . compared with and allowing for technical differences, i doubt significant interval change . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 19623993 59732891 1b2918e7-7299bc31-009a6db9-9ac44163-479cf007 +581 since the prior study, there is little change in opacification of the right lung base, likely combination of atelectasis and effusion, moderate cardiomegaly, and location of pacemaker leads and prosthetic aortic and tricuspid valves . infection at the right lung base cannot be excluded . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . unchanged mild cardiomegaly, mild pulmonary vascular congestion, and small right pleural effusion with adjacent right basilar opacification, likely atelectasis but infection cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19182863 55563866 1b28921d-4ff1da35-9168d4d3-3ae39a1f-15dedb6c +582 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate new pulmonary and mediastinal vascular congestion, perihilar haziness and chronic moderate cardiomegaly . new right infrahilar consolidation could be regional edema or concurrent pneumonia . the leads of an atriobiventricular icd are unchanged in position, as are two additional right sided right ventricular leads which cross the chest wall from right to the left pectoral pacemaker . there is no pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . . acute exacerbation of recurrent chf . possible right lower lobe pneumonia in the . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia 11293517 56805129 d8e53bde-7150419c-176ca653-637955cb-4fed0efd +583 portable frontal view of the chest demonstrates low lung volumes . there is no pneumothorax . the left costophrenic angle is obscured, suggestive of a small pleural effusion . retrocardiac opacity is noted, more conspicuous from prior exam . there is no right pleural effusion . there is apparent thickening of the minor fissure . calcified lymph nodes within the ap window are again noted . the hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . the heart size is top normal . there is no pulmonary edema . port-a-cath tip projects over cavoatrial junction . partially imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable . retrocardiac opacity is more conspicuous from exam, which likely represents atelectasis or infection in the appropriate clinical setting . possible small left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11413236 59798652 09b5b0a8-2cb137c2-240ac597-66295226-2b2af51c +584 multifocal consolidations, larger on the right lung are unchanged as well as complex right lower lobe fluid collection . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . there is no evident pneumothorax . lines, tubes, and esophageal stent are in unchanged standard position . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13964474 51994168 6417dbb4-5d20a66b-bc8a091b-85f4b83f-4543f0a8 +585 normal heart lungs hila and pleural surfaces . distention of the azygos vein is a long-standing finding in this patient, probably of no clinical significance . No Finding 19623993 56454351 cb8d35f1-a0181bde-a8292078-9c949b30-f3ba3ace +586 has compared to the prior study there is no substantial change in multifocal opacities with minimal improvement at the level of the left mid lung . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged . no interval development or increase in pleural effusion demonstrate . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 13921768 56900002 d025d08b-868642d3-1968cca6-f44c2f1d-4c1dd9c7 +587 borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without evidence of pulmonary edema or pleural effusions . small pericardial fat pad on the left . known and healed left rib fracture . no evidence of pneumonia . mild tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture 19565388 54621108 a9510716-02da91b0-61532c26-a65b2efc-c9dfa6f1 +588 pa and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous chest x ray from and chest ct from . there is a large right lower lung opacity, compatible with pleural effusion . given relatively mild mediastinal shift to the left, there must be components of atelectasis in the right lower and right middle lobes with possible superimposed consolidation . the right upper lobe is grossly clear . small left pleural effusion is also seen however, the left lung remains grossly clear . there is a rounded density projecting in the retrosternal clear space on the lateral . cardiomediastinal silhouette is difficult to assess, however, is slightly shifted towards the left . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . new large right-sided pleural effusion with underlying atelectasis and possible consolidation in the middle and lower lobes . ct scan may offer additional detail of underlying parenchymal abnormalities . small left-sided pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 10410641 53850317 20f54ecb-20a32ed8-5f27bfe6-e9d07de1-ce76357e +589 there is still an area of increased density in the left upper lobe projecting over the anterior aspect of the second rib measuring approximately . cm, improved from . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . improving left upper lung zone consolidation compared to . Consolidation 19404187 57780214 480f169c-15ef13a4-4ca3b85d-181a240e-edc79169 +590 the lung volumes are low, accentuating the heart size, which is persistently mildly enlarged . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . the right subclavian vein stent is in place . there is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or focal consolidation worrisome for pneumonia . no evidence of subdiaphragmatic free air . mild pulmonary vascular congestion and stable mild cardiomegaly . no subdiaphragmatic free air . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 14744884 57238617 2dbc33d8-a5b00a49-a6bfeea2-cff69532-91a4aac1 +591 relatively wide mediastinum, caused by mediastinal lipomatosis documented on a pet-ct examination from . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . no evidence of pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, or pneumonia . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 17257913 52072042 e872e235-dee5ac10-dfd4a5e4-e40a9a02-73e5ee8a +592 ap portable view of the chest moderate left pleural effusion, essentially unchanged since prior exam . left lung base consolidation is present . no large right pleural effusion is seen . peripheral right lung base opacity is more conspicuous since prior exam . moderate cardiomegaly persists and mild interstitial pulmonary edema is relatively similar . hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . aortic valve calcifications are seen . multiple surgical clips project over cardiac silhouette compatible with prior cabg . sternotomy wires appear intact . the mitral valve prosthesis is in place . there is no pneumothorax . . in comparison to exam, moderate left pleural effusion, mild interstitial pulmonary edema, and cardiomegaly is unchanged . . left lung base consolidation, likely collapse or superimposed infection . . right lung base peripheral opacity more conspicuous since prior exam and may represent infection, infarction or organizing pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15259244 55259608 6973b010-49ac25bb-d2e035bc-667938df-855b7f4c +593 the lungs are clear . there is no consolidation, effusion, or edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . multiple fractured median sternotomy wires are again noted . no acute osseous abnormalities, old healed left anterior rib fractures are noted . surgical clips in the right upper quadrant suggest prior cholecystectomy . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19499595 57390903 8f866521-2083f0bb-a12df756-24346ecd-5e484e40 +594 ap upright and lateral views of the chest provided . vascular stent is seen in the region of the right brachiocephalic vein . the heart is moderately enlarged . there is mild interstitial pulmonary edema . previously noted et and ng tubes have been removed . no large pleural effusion . mediastinal contour is stable . bony structures are sclerotic which could reflect renal osteodystrophy . mild cardiomegaly with mild interstitial pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 14744884 50952862 2343dc55-38e48c6b-7156e38e-160821ce-be18c5a3 +595 the monitoring and support devices remain in place . continued substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with bilateral pleural effusions, compressive basilar atelectasis, and moderate pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12189285 54523680 f2b4864c-c60e842d-258889c6-61e08bca-a7990195 +596 the dobbhoff tube tip is in the proximal stomach . note is made that the lung apices were excluded from the field of view . the known chronic changes in the right lung and in the left lung base are redemonstrated . heart size and mediastinal silhouette appear unchanged . the patients et tube is not clearly seen, extubated . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 17032538 55502536 5653278e-a63fbb15-f2942f21-627563af-20b8e76e +597 right picc line ends at mid svc . left-sided pacer defibrillator with leads through the left transvenous approach is seen to end in the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus . minimal right basal atelectasis is unchanged . there are no other lung opacities of concern . top normal heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . right picc line ends at mid svc . small bibasilar atelectasis is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 12475198 56545860 c54b631c-b7726bc9-2bb21f6f-25f9eee0-57a0d6a6 +598 heart size is normal . the aorta is tortuous . unchanged widening of the mediastinum attributable to mediastinal lipomatosis is re- demonstrated . hilar contours are unremarkable . pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . lungs are clear . no pleural effusion, focal consolidation or pneumothorax is demonstrated . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 17337033 56541072 66fece2b-2fccf418-d23f1eda-9dde45e2-d85df8da +599 compared to the prior study there is no significant interval change . no change . No Finding 15131736 56589755 5561133e-55a2fb38-51a45d25-98a90295-40203962 +600 enlarged left effusion is minimally increased, allowing for difference in positing of the patient . lines and tubes are in unchanged standard position . there are low lung volumes . cardiomegaly is stable . widened mediastinum has minimally increased . right lower lobe atelectasis has markedly improved . there is no pneumothorax . right shoulder arthroplasty is again noted . left upper lobe opacity is unchanged . mild vascular congestion is stable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19075045 53059312 7b21ad7a-37b07365-275b2da4-a938c9e4-5342d9d8 +601 cardiac silhouette remains enlarged, accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion . interstitial edema has improved in the interval . bibasilar atelectasis is again demonstrated, with improvement on the left . bilateral small pleural effusions are also evident as well as multiple calcified granulomas in the left lung . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 51682896 996aed23-e2ca70b1-ece8d46f-47a6d9f9-dbb95bfe +602 portable frontal chest radiograph previously identified linear opacities in the left lung base have improved compared to recent prior examination from . however, a new confluent opacity in the right lung base is concerning for recurrent pneumonia, likely due to aspiration . the upper lungs are clear . there is no pneumothorax . there is no vascular congestion or large pleural effusion . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 19565653 51006959 b5599aff-71fe317d-6e792fbc-d586d408-3b18b394 +603 moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . pulmonary vascular redistribution is mild, and there is no pulmonary edema or pleural effusion . transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads are in standard placement . spinal stabilization hardware in place in the low thoracic spine, with transpedicle screws in a fractured vertebral body, just below moderately wedged vertebral body, comparable in appearance to . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture&&Support Devices 18417750 56026588 db56756a-36970d83-92b338a6-23a982c5-fe090973 +604 comparison is made with prior study, ct, . tracheostomy tube is in a standard position . esophageal stent is noted . there has been interval worsening of diffuse multifocal consolidation, the largest in the right lower lobe . there is no evident pneumothorax or enlarging pleural effusions . cardiac size is normal . the mediastinum is unchanged . Consolidation 13964474 50634232 509fd9e1-43b8892b-e1fc8e15-f4cb2ac1-b2e65974 +605 right central venous catheter terminates in the right atrium . left pectoral pacemaker and its leads are in unchanged position . sternotomy wires are intact . mild bibasilar opacities are likely atelectasis in setting of low lung volumes . enlarged pulmonary vessels are slightly larger compared to . mildly enlarged cardiac silhouette is similar to before . trachea is mildly deviated to the left with luminal narrowing, similar to . . slightly increased pulmonary vascular congestion compared to . . trachea is mildly deviated to the left with luminal narrowing, similar to but increased compared to . possible etiologies may include enlarged thyroid or other mass . notification the impression . was discussed with , md . Edema&&Lung Lesion 19075045 55300369 f3d507c2-a374ec9a-30b7c848-c991828c-333297ff +606 mild cardiomegaly and mediastinal contours are unchanged . the patient is status post cabg . multiple bilateral lung nodules are unchanged . there are no new lung abnormalities, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion . mediastinal wires are aligned . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 16773796 50173735 af678ce2-4efcb795-3e500be1-4aab8bb8-a811632d +607 no central venous line visualized . no pneumothorax identified . otherwise, stable examination with unchanged left base retrocardiac opacification likely representing a combination of atelectasis and effusion . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . unchanged exam . no pneumothorax . No Finding 15259244 56680584 ef97e724-84de20c9-3e73a8b5-65a01e95-2f82137a +608 a cluster of heterogeneous opacities in the right lower lung has has continued to grow since . otherwise, the lungs are clear . moderate cardiomegaly, including severe left atrial enlargement is chronic there is no pulmonary vascular congestion or edema . the thoracic aorta is heavily calcified . there may be a new small, right pleural effusions or pneumothorax . slowly progressive chronic right pneumonia, could be exogenous lipoid pneumonia, but tuberculosis is in the differential . ct scanning recommended . nurse and i discussed the findings and their clinical significance by telephone at the time of dictation . Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18874374 58085167 4d9de708-0d2bc7fe-d09123f4-cddd314f-81bceaad +609 pa and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . compared to prior, there has been no significant interval change . there is no evidence of focal consolidation . increased interstitial markings on one of the lateral views resolves on the second lateral view, likely due to improved inspiratory effort . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged, as are the osseous and soft tissue structures . calcific densities projecting over the neck and left upper quadrant are unchanged, as are the vascular stents . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19061282 50010466 144f46e1-630ba5e3-82d84674-9f0575c5-6017bdd1 +610 there is persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with a superimposed right basilar opacity suggestive of an effusion, similar in size when compared to prior . there is also pulmonary vascular congestion, increased compared to prior . there is no definite focal consolidation . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . elevation of the right hilum with increased density in the right paratracheal region compatible with prior post-treatment changes, better characterized on prior ct . persistent right-sided effusion and pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19720782 55652987 8f27588d-1bdebd8f-27072fe7-d51a60d5-c6968fcf +611 temporary pacemaker wire appears in appropriate position . sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are stable . the mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no acute cardiopulmonary process . temporary pacemaker appears in appropriate position . mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 12475198 58466988 20ac90a4-87044528-f3284c7b-e22cd4ff-feeeb0df +612 ap upright and lateral chest radiographs were obtained . known interstitial lung disease contributes to a bilateral perihilar interstitial abnormality . in addition to the chronic findings there is bilateral ground-glass opacity and interstitial thickening, predominantly radiating from the hila . cardiomegaly remains moderate . aortic arch calcifications are unchanged . a right-sided picc line terminates in the low svc . a left chest port-a-cath terminates in the right atrium . vertebroplasty changes are stable . new pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities on top of chronic pulmonary fibrosis most likely represents pulmonary edema . infection is less likely . Edema&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 10439781 50501762 58c735ba-cc7d2492-f290f622-154bc6f2-5fdc853c +613 ap upright portable radiograph was obtained . nasogastric tube, left internal jugular central venous catheter, and endotracheal tube which terminates cm above the carina are in unchanged position . left basilar consolidation is decreased with mild pulmonary edema . the heart and mediastinum are unremarkable with calcification of the aortic knob . moderate-to-severe degenerative change is seen in the shoulders . enlarged left pulmonary arterial contour could reflect pulmonary arterial hypertension . Consolidation&&Edema 10268877 53021891 046bbbe6-823f11ab-c43a868b-b3342241-8cf3254b +614 cervical spinal hardware again noted . clips noted in the upper abdomen . there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 15114531 52731689 b91c97ed-5177ed0b-fa1759b1-28b3e6ac-e518d525 +615 as seen on multiple prior exams, there is generalized chronic interstitial fibrosis manifested by coarsened interstitial markings which is compatible with provided clinical history of ild . there is no superimposed consolidation to suggest pneumonia . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . an old left mid shaft clavicle deformity is again noted . no acute bony abnormalities . no superimposed pneumonia in this patient with known ild . No Finding 13475033 51820068 10a3cd75-c86d7f2a-f350e7bc-b872fc06-79271f33 +616 the heart size is normal . the hilar and mediastinal contours are unremarkable . the lungs are well expanded and clear . the patient is status post median sternotomy with aortic valve repair . there is a pacer with the leads terminating appropriately in the right atrium and right ventricle . there is an aortic valve prosthesis . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there are no focal consolidations . no acute abnormalities identified to explain patients cough and asthma flare . No Finding 16043637 59440363 368f87de-9f5ace1d-685ab2ab-845aa8b8-5fd1e2ed +617 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to fluoroscopic spot views . current ap radiograph of the chest demonstrates no evidence of pneumothorax . right basal opacities are demonstrated most likely representing a combination of known nodular process, consolidation and post-procedure atelectasis . no interval development of pleural effusion is demonstrated . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 11474065 58468356 a92c319b-35630ca5-b7bea7b5-225b1bce-39e89eca +618 there is a a mild increase in extent and severity of the pre-existing parenchymal opacities . most likely, the opacities reflect a combination of pulmonary edema and pneumonia . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly and normal alignment of the sternal wires as well as normal course of the pacemaker wires . there is unchanged blunting of the left costophrenic sinus, potentially resulting from a small left pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12475198 57980363 b28c193b-b49d6d0c-3105d352-5dc8e17f-3d0e39cd +619 chest radiographs there is a new consolidation in the retrocardiac left lung base, concerning for pneumonia or aspiration . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . the mediastinal silhouette is unchanged . multiple intact mediastinal wires relate to prior sternotomy . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 17318449 55484286 e9683fa3-283e5f0c-c05c217c-b320d070-4a8e9fc0 +620 lung volumes are mildly decreased . blunting of the bilateral costophrenic angles has not changed since at least . cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . there is no evidence of pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum . no acute cardiopulmonary process, pneumothorax, or pneumomediastinum . Pneumothorax 16848073 50416709 33afaafe-a1605f54-f33616de-424605bf-7c961442 +621 pa and lateral chest radiograph is compared to prior study dated . there has been little interval change with no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia identified . lungs are hyperinflated . patient is status post radiation therapy to the right lung . previously seen right lower lung sub cm nodular opacity is not definitely visualized . cardiomediastinal contours are stable . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . visualized osseous structures demonstrates no acute abnormality . no acute intrathoracic abnormality . hyperinflated lungs with chronic radiation changes . No Finding 14295224 58409548 84ee4f3c-27c6c5ff-e84f61b7-1ab68ce3-99820e85 +622 pacemaker leads terminate in right atrium and ventricle . right picc line tip is at the level of mid svc . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged . no interval progression of minimal left basal opacity demonstrated . there is no pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 18487334 50016413 edf64680-6038da78-f6693f72-535ac2bb-feee4c8b +623 heart size is enlarged but stable . there are chronic coarsened interstitial markings . the opacity in the left suprahilar region is partially attributed to postsurgical scarring as well as the previously seen consolidation, however is not well evaluated on this single frontal projection . right pleural effusion is increased, now small to moderate . . increased right pleural effusion since the prior radiographs . . moderate cardiomegaly, stable . . left suprahilar opacity is attributed to postsurgical scarring and a previously seen consolidation, however is less well evaluated on the current radiograph . frontal and lateral projections can be obtained for further evaluation as needed . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 57086484 f9af4910-694f5e1f-75e4a512-0bd1c6dc-e4616d88 +624 et tube is in standard position . the tip is . cm above the carina . large right hydropneumothorax and collapse of the right lung is unchanged . there is mild vascular congestion seen in the left lung . the cardiomediastinum is midline . right basal pigtail catheter is in place . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 53200737 904ed560-196507e7-79c10549-789f9b1e-f0ee6cf7 +625 pa and lateral chest radiographs again seen are two cavitary lesions in the right lung, with the largest in the right perihilar region, now measuring at least cm in craniocaudal . this lesion is slightly larger since the prior study where it measured cm . an airfluid level is seen in this lesion . the smaller cavitary lesion in the right upper lobe is stable . no new cavitary lesion is seen . multiple areas of ground glass opacities, with more confluent consolidation in the left upper lobe are similar to the prior ct . no pleural effusions or pneumothorax is seen . . cavitary lesions in the right lung, consistent with known aspergillosis, with interval increase in the size of the largest lesion since . . stable multifocal ground glass opacities, with more confluent consolidation in the left upper lobe . Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 17270742 50255843 a14d938c-b4edf238-b00dca2d-348b1732-ab6959a5 +626 portable ap chest radiograph demonstrates stable positioning of the left picc . pulmonary edema has cleared significantly since . however, there still is a moderate pleural effusion and opacification of the on the left lower lung . mild cardiomegaly is stable . there is no pneumothorax . significant improvement of pulmonary edema from . persistence of left lower lung opacification and pleural effusion makes infection most likely, given this patients history . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16855430 55801123 6de51358-d77c44f7-19d5cd49-0d32b6fa-15f71ae5 +627 frontal and lateral chest radiograph there are diffuse interstitial opacities which are new since the prior examination . though likely due to interstitial pulmonary edema given evidence of prior cardiac surgery, there is no evidence of central venous engorgement, cardiomegaly or pleural effusions . an alternative possibility would be atypical infection in the appropriate clinical circumstance . no confluent consolidation is identified . there is no pneumothorax . mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits and unchanged from prior . mild cardiomegaly is stable . post-surgical changes from prior cabg are unchanged . median sternotomy wires appear grossly intact . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11879886 54357764 94795c9f-9f6f801d-ed57d02c-5e9e02be-b35bf9a1 +628 moderate bilateral pleural effusion, left-greater-than-right, increased since . pulmonary vascular congestion borderline pulmonary edema and mild to moderate cardiac enlargement are unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13881772 56214455 aaae2ccb-5195b34a-97d13c9d-2f9ad735-44a7d31a +629 there is little change . again there is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette in a patient with previous aortic valve replacement and dual-channel pacer device with leads in the appropriate position . there may be mild elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . no evidence of acute focal pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16043637 50775862 0396bbb8-89af3082-08140a7c-6f9e487e-44400561 +630 the right venous introduction sheath has been removed and a left picc line has been inserted . the course of the line is unremarkable, the tip of the line projects over the mid svc . there is no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . the pre-existing bilateral parenchymal opacities, mostly caused by pleural effusions and subsequent atelectasis, have decreased in extent . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11022245 56258422 848b0d7f-e95a86d4-0c40c933-7b2dc937-ac3d74c6 +631 frontal and lateral chest radiographs the heart size is top normal . the hilar and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . there is no pneumothorax, focal consolidation, or pleural effusion . a round well-circumscribed left retrocardiac opacity corresponds to a known large hiatal hernia . No Finding 14608347 59114520 3f0f5cbb-59b29982-c936c70b-36a6c86d-23da1915 +632 there are slightly increased hazy opacities at the right lung base . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are unchanged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . median sternotomy wires, left chest pacemaker, as well as cardiac valve replacement are unchanged . slight increased hazy opacities at the right lung base which may reflect developing consolidation in the appropriate clinical setting . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 16043637 50848467 d4e70647-9bed282e-fd4e5b2f-d659e2f5-2b751fc4 +633 cardiomediastinal contours are stable in appearance with persistent very large hiatal hernia . linear areas of atelectasis are present in both mid lung regions, and atelectasis is also identified in the lower lungs adjacent to the large hiatal hernia . no areas of consolidation are evident . small pleural effusions are present bilaterally . bones are diffusely demineralized, and multilevel compression deformities are present, most marked at the thoracolumbar junction and upper lumbar region, with similar appearance in the thoracic spine to recent ct of . the patient is status post vertebroplasty procedures in the upper lumbar spine . large hiatal hernia . multifocal atelectasis and small pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 15541869 55266015 176e0588-2fc59c9a-096765cc-a04685eb-e860762a +634 low lung volumes are seen compatible with patients history of fibrosis . diffusely increased interstitial markings are seen throughout the lungs, but these appear overall slightly worse when compared to prior . cardiomediastinal silhouette is grossly unchanged . no acute osseous abnormality is detected . findings compatible with pulmonary fibrosis with likely superimposed edema . please note that infection cannot be excluded and clinical correlation is necessary . Edema&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 10867202 51707133 bb795051-0e639ffa-dbded494-287ec2f7-1a213bd1 +635 there is no new consolidation . right lower lobe pneumonia that was present in prior exams has significantly improved . esophageal stent is in unchanged position . there is no pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax . there is no pleural effusion . mediastinal and cardiac contours are stable . conclusion there is no radiologic evidence of new pneumonia . Pneumonia 19016834 55157144 405581ff-6e5fc337-04c3cddc-f4b5bffe-992dd6f7 +636 frontal chest radiograph again seen is marked elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, with adjacent compressive atelectasis . gas is seen within the splenic flexure . there is mild central pulmonary vascular congestion with mild interstitial edema, new since . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the heart size is normal . Edema 18338007 58103596 aa9371dd-52fdb59b-0cafade1-142e3fc3-116591ab +637 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to prior study obtained the same day earlier . the dobbhoff tube tip is currently in the stomach . the heart size and mediastinum is stable, but there is substantial interval improvement in pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13031876 52130325 aa2e2a96-6ab4170e-539eb20c-0b4b2fc8-ee2502ad +638 the heart is normal in size . the mediastinal contours appear stable . again seen is a rounded opacity superimposed along the right cardiac border that appears similar to decreased and was previously shown to correspond to fluid and consolidation on the recent prior chest ct . there is a small persistent left-sided pleural effusion, but substantially decreased . a moderate right-sided pleural effusion has also decreased in size and is now small to moderate . there is a vague nodular opacity projecting over the right upper lung that is similar to better defined compared to the recent prior chest radiographs and may correspond to nodular focus along the right minor fissure seen on the ct study . patchy basilar opacities are nonspecific, but could be seen with a resolving infection or atelectasis associated with effusions . decreased pleural effusions . better defined nodule projecting over the right upper lung, of recent onset and potentially infectious or inflammatory in etiology . attention on followup radiographs is recommended to show resolution . Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16662264 54325260 8e24f563-9ef7ca91-17190c86-0d7d6406-35d94599 +639 the patient has a history of chronic interstitial lung disease with waxing and waning pulmonary edema and infection . today it is largely unchanged with diffuse infiltrative and interstitial opacities stable since . bilateral pleural effusion is essentially the same . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable and demonstrates mild cardiomegaly . there is no pneumothorax . enteric tube is seen once again, entering the stomach and then out of field of view . right-sided picc terminates within the mid svc . an endotracheal tube terminates no less than cm from the carina . study is essentially unchanged from priors with unchanged diffuse infiltrative and interstitial opacities . Lung Opacity 13078497 55575670 b93327f5-228e6c2c-3dde8c34-4ed1cae0-997d5fc4 +640 single portable semi upright ap image of the chest . the lungs are well expanded and clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged from prior exam with prominence of the right pulmonary artery again noted . the apparent enlargement of the aorta is due to adjacent atelectasis, as seen on recent ct . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19454978 59371821 603b6fc2-24054d99-32b7b09a-fd1fec08-ca0b306f +641 few opacifications have been present on numerous previous films . there is an increased density around the right chest tube which was not present on the chest x-ray of though was present on the prior chest x-ray of am . this is thought to probably represent atelectasis but could represent an area of infection . No Finding 16751749 58084217 4161612b-04b736ab-f5965aae-1028ae0b-6bf634ae +642 the patient is status of previous radiation therapy in the right lung, with associated geographically marginated radiation fibrosis in the right paramediastinal and hilar regions with associated volume loss in the right lung . pleural thickening at the right apex and right costophrenic angle also appear stable . heterogeneous lung opacities in the right lung on the radiograph have resolved . no new areas of consolidation are identified . a sub cm nodular opacity is seen in the periphery of the right lower lung and appears unchanged from radiograph, corresponding to a subpleural nodule on ct of . . resolution of pneumonia since radiograph . no evidence of recurrence pneumonia . No Finding 14295224 57142346 12f2d9bf-89dc902e-a9cd6aaa-22c63b63-c5abd408 +643 a persistent patchy opacification in the left mid and lower lung fields, unchanged from the prior exam . the right lower lung aeration has improved from the prior exam with resolution of the previously seen opacity . multiple small nodules are seen bilaterally, consistent with the patients known history of metastatic renal cell carcinoma . no new opacifications are present . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . . improvement in right lower lobe aeration with resolution of previously seen opacity . . persistent left mid and lower lung opacification . . multiple pulmonary nodules, consistent with known history of metastatic renal cell carcinoma . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 12702423 59289980 6a3ffb5c-a406d8c7-ed1414d0-d1521e7f-48b48a9a +644 the patient is status post right thoracotomy . apparent decrease in postoperative right pleural effusion and slight improvement in right basilar atelectasis . otherwise, no relevant changes since recent study . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 11474065 52736624 e81bcf8f-2499df37-89d72ab3-6180b4ca-88ade891 +645 the monitoring and support devices are in unchanged position . there are improved lung volumes, notably on the left, potentially reflecting increased ventilatory pressure . currently, there is no overt pulmonary edema . atelectatic changes are seen at both lung bases, right more than left, no new parenchymal opacities, unchanged moderate cardiomegaly with tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15809646 52030252 bdbdde19-6dd4e8f3-1636aed1-04e54b76-0009a601 +646 a frontal upright view of the chest was obtained portably . since , miild interstitial edema persists, but has improved . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . heart size is stable . aortic tortuosity is unchanged . the left humeral head appears inferiorly subluxed with respect to the glenoid however is not visualized adequately on this film and may partially be positional . no pneumonia . improved but persistent mild interstitial edema . possible subluxationdislocation of left glenohumeral joint for which dedicated shoulder films can futher characterize . Edema 13475033 56081681 0325340c-c95a8b30-4a454b66-d20de6cb-d5353596 +647 no previous images . the nasogastric tube is not coiled, however it extends only to the distal esophagus . this information has been conveyed to dr . , who is covering for dr . , by telephone at on . the heart is normal in size and there is no evidence of pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . No Finding&&Support Devices 14213287 57975962 b7bd32a8-4cf22df1-81612a8c-d36d71b4-2787c2b5 +648 there is no pneumothorax or appreciable right pleural effusion . however, consolidation in the right middle lobe and more heterogeneous opacification in the right lower lobe may have increased since the previous study . extensive adenopathy in the right hilus and particularly in the paratracheal mediastinum suggests two diagnostic possibilities, obstructing malignancy or primary tuberculosis . left lung is grossly clear and the heart size is normal . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15204620 57426287 a18c7507-2e69a04b-701ddbf9-526439aa-c754e39b +649 the new right basal pneumothorax, located at the site of the tube insertions, is no longer visible . the pleural space appears to be filled with a small amount of fluid . the position of the three right chest tubes is constant . markedly increasing is the cervical and right pleural soft tissue air collection . unchanged appearance of the left lung and of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 13352405 59156265 41ee9261-0756cf99-574bf302-f275f3e5-a8e33f13 +650 ap and lateral views of the chest were obtained . the lateral view is suboptimal due to overlying soft tissues due to patients inability to move right arm, secondary to chronic right humeral head deformity and severe osteoarthritis of the right glenohumeral joint . a left port-a-cath is again seen, terminating at the cavoatrial junction . the heart is moderately enlarged, as before . the lung volumes are low, and there is mild fluid overload with small bilateral pleural effusions . there is no pneumothorax or focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . bibasilar atelectasis is present . . moderate cardiomegaly with mild fluid overload and small bilateral pleural effusions . no definite evidence of pneumonia . . chronic deformity of the right humeral head with severe osteoarthritis of the right glenohumeral joint . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 17340686 58908940 39ca48e7-53f0eca0-ce297a4a-84fa12a4-cb30308f +651 single portable view of the chest demonstrates normal lung volumes . costophrenic angles are minimally blunted, suggestive of trace pleural effusions . bibasilar opacities obscure hemidiaphragms . right lung base opacity is more conspicuous on todays exam . moderate pulmonary edema . hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . heart is mildly enlarged . moderate pulmonary edema with mild cardiomegaly and possible trace pleural effusions, progressed from exam . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 11893091 55430447 2773b5c2-bd9e0357-064af3b4-ddc4997e-61ff380f +652 stent catheters in both brachiocephalic veins, joining at the origin of the svc, have not narrowed or migrated since . severe hyperinflation reflects emphysema . heart size is top-normal, improved since . there is no focal pulmonary abnormality . previous left lower lobe atelectasis has resolved and there is no pleural effusion . severe renal osteodystrophy is responsible for the appearance of the thoracic spine . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 19061282 54735623 e87655af-053bad7e-3bd0b4e8-0ca44de9-652ca403 +653 the right internal jugular vein catheter has been pulled back . the tip of the catheter now projects above the clavicle . the catheter should be repositioned to ensure a correct position in the mid svc . therefore, advancement of the catheter by approximately cm would be required . No Finding&&Support Devices 19454978 56894057 f7078882-7927ae24-2cb5194e-a4ea0c05-99f8ea08 +654 comparison is . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . interval appearance of patchy opacity at the left base could represent early pneumonia, although aspiration or patchy atelectasis would also be in the differential . clinical correlation is advised . no evidence of pulmonary edema, pneumothorax or pleural effusions . no acute bony abnormality . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11052273 53407845 e8da4f53-f62c1459-cc4b5add-8a21431c-c2395de1 +655 the monitoring and support devices remain in place . no definite pneumothorax, though this could be difficult to detect in view of the extremely large amount of subcutaneous gas . No Finding&&Support Devices 16751749 54136532 cb1f8e7a-37c1dd98-3ded7ccb-0f29a540-71ff7d2d +656 heart size and mediastinum are grossly stable . bibasal consolidations are unchanged . there is interval progression of vascular congestion but no overt worsening of consolidations concerning for pneumonia demonstrated . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumonia 19454978 50082220 9ea9d7ed-af25b8f5-d58509f4-3b363917-c3e443af +657 ap and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . previously identified left picc line is no longer seen . lower lung volumes seen on the current exam . there are indistinct pulmonary vascular markings suggestive of fluid overload . there are also possible small bilateral pleural effusions noting that lateral view is limited secondary to patients arms obscuring visualization . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable . degenerative changes noted at the acromioclavicular joints bilaterally . finding suggestive of pulmonary vascular congestion with possible small bilateral pleural effusions . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 58581234 3c172ae3-82504f6a-6de0bc7a-28294cec-278aa9d6 +658 comparison is made to prior study of . portable ap chest film of at hours is submitted . . status post median sternotomy for cabg with stable cardiac enlargement and calcification of the aorta consistent with atherosclerosis . relatively lower lung volumes with no focal airspace consolidation appreciated . crowding of the pulmonary vasculature with possible minimal perihilar edema, but no overt pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 10183775 52835225 7f6d7289-9941e757-2663be13-0dde50f8-5d2670aa +659 there has been placement of a nasogastric tube with its tip in the body of the esophagus . the side hole is in the region of the gastroesophageal junction and the tube should be advanced several centimeters . pulmonary vessels are less well defined than on the previous study, consistent with some mild increase in pulmonary venous pressure . No Finding&&Support Devices 18855147 58301804 bb31f02a-26cfe8cb-d6444793-d24a3c7a-3ba6afb6 +660 the lung volumes continue to be low . moderate atelectasis at both the left and the right lung bases . moderate cardiomegaly, unchanged as compared to the previous image . currently no evidence is seen of pneumonia or pulmonary edema . the patient has received the nasogastric tube . the course of the tube is unremarkable, the tip of the tube projects over the proximal parts of the stomach . the pacemaker is in unchanged position . gastric overinflation, seen on the previous image, has substantially decreased . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12595991 56983444 99417741-ca740461-763a545e-baf5aa74-65bf4e43 +661 the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . the heart size is normal . the aorta is diffusely calcified . the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . the lungs are hyperinflated with relative lucency within the lung apices, compatible with emphysema . previously described nodular opacities on ct are not well demonstrated on the current radiograph . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . multiple compression deformities of the thoracic spine are unchanged as well as old bilateral rib deformities . no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . emphysema . previously noted nodular opacities seen on ct not clearly visualized on the current radiograph . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17392550 51791247 9adf1edf-b9cd0878-60c0cc62-6a5125d2-d77223ee +662 pa and lateral chest radiographs again seen is a large pleural effusion, with likely a loculated component on the right, with compressive atelectasis of major portions of the right lower and middle lobes . there is no pneumothorax . the left lung is well expanded and clear . the cardiac size is within normal limits . the hilar and mediastinal contours are normal . large right pleural effusion again seen, stable to slightly increased, likely loculated, with compressive atelectasis of major portions of the right middle and lower lobes . if the cause of the pleural effusion has not been established, recommended a ct of the chest with contrast, after thoracentesis to rule out an underlying mass . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 12699874 51280998 f46ebce4-270dbbd9-24602b65-695b054c-bcd8093c +663 pa and lateral chest radiographs the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours are unremarkable . both lungs are clear with no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . mild hyperinflated lungs are noted with flattening of the hemidiaphragms . No Finding 19389547 53982700 b2ad1391-f9791757-01f3acb5-d501ad40-abc9a837 +664 comparison study of , there is again extensive opacification involving much of the right hemithorax . this is consistent with a previous study showing substantial loculation of right pleural fluid collection with underlying extensive volume loss . prominence of markings on the left most likely represents redistribution of blood flow to non-aerated regions on the right . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13263843 57887570 9b916224-1f793e77-0cc55cc4-1f3c9fe5-7eab98cb +665 esophageal stent has not migrated from earlier position, starting at the level of the sternal notch . it is intact as to caliber . et tube and right internal jugular line are in standard placements . very large pneumoperitoneum is essentially unchanged . large scale aspiration to the axillary region of the left lung has improved, but mild pulmonary edema is probably present . heart size is normal . as before, the right lower hemithorax is entirely replaced by a large cavitary pneumonia, inseparable from the pleural space containing residual contrast agent, presumably employed to define the pulmonary or esophagopleural fistula . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13964474 57204056 f46e8d2c-be685657-0321ae36-1093f777-379d385b +666 there are even lower lung volumes . the head of the patient somewhat obscures the upper mediastinum . nasogastric tube remains in place, though the endotracheal tube appears to have been removed . there is evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion with blunted costophrenic angles that could reflect atelectasis and effusion . on this study, it is impossible to exclude a supervening pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18079481 54683624 32f086b1-c463fbe9-679d7bcb-50ac810a-fc5cab93 +667 in comparison to radiograph, there has been decrease in the severity of the pulmonary edema with residual mild edema remaining . moderate left pleural effusion and adjacent left retrocardiac atelectasis and or consolidation have slightly worsened . no other relevant change . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13896515 53679398 4f32b256-67629057-efe5e52b-06323e27-46eeb15b +668 since most recent chest radiograph, there has been interval placement of a right ij central venous catheter which terminates projecting over the right atrium . there is no pneumothorax . lungs are clear . persistent elevation the right hemidiaphragm is noted . radiopaque lucencies overlie the right upper mediastinum . right ij central venous catheter terminates projecting over the right atrium . no pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 19907884 53905237 d9e22f16-a5b260d1-2a5aee7a-4cd66d44-b590afb8 +669 the patient is status post median sternotomy . the previously seen left lower lobe focus of consolidation is no longer seen . there is mild right base atelectasis . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable the cardiac silhouette is not enlarged . the aorta remains calcified and tortuous . evidence of dish is seen along the spine . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17318449 56456060 eb015667-db827ca3-eadd5d39-1e4f2e30-bf09f5b6 +670 there is increased opacity in the right lung, particularly projecting over the base . right lung base nodule is less well seen on the current exam, potentially projectional, and adequate comparison for interval change is not possible on this exam . post-radiation changes are again seen in the right paratracheal region . there is also subtle opacity at the left lung base in the retrocardiac region . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . no acute osseous abnormalities identified . bridging of the posterior right and th ribs are again seen . bibasilar right greater than left opacities, new since prior, which could represent infection or potentially aspiration . no other change since prior . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14295224 59790228 dadf469d-f8a75d8f-24e452d6-a7394bb7-ace0708c +671 comparison is made to the prior study . mild-to-severe cardiomegaly is partially obscured by the bilateral mild pleural effusions and atelectasis . there is mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema . transvenous pacemaker leads terminate in standard position in the right ventricle . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12074041 56121920 d834b686-fc38fc45-187ea122-4e655952-20a720bd +672 well expanded and clear lungs . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . heart size, mediastinal contour, and hila are within normal limits . visualized upper abdomen is unremarkable . normal chest radiograph . no pleural effusion or pneumonia . No Finding 11924226 50241018 c2af2ab3-6a11cbae-d9fa4d64-21ab221e-cf6f2146 +673 portable semi-erect frontal chest radiograph a left port-a-cath terminates in the right atrium, unchanged from prior . lung volumes are extremely low resulting in bronchovascular crowding and limited evaluation of the lung bases . diffuse interstitial opacities have increased, and despite the low lung volumes, findings are consistent with superimposed pulmonary edema on a background of pulmonary fibrosis . no large pleural effusion is evident . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . high density material within multiple mid thoracic vertebral bodies is likely related to prior kyphoplasty, unchanged from prior . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Other 10439781 51129150 1d74ca1d-12ac2785-bd84a322-376f04bc-b9fdaa99 +674 heart size is normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . pulmonary vascularity is normal . nodular area of opacification in the left mid lung field was not clearly demonstrated on the prior radiograph . no other areas of focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax are demonstrated . healed fracture of the left th rib is seen, superior to the left nipple shadow . numerous radiopaque circular ovoid structures are seen within the upper abdomen, likely reflecting ingested pills within the bowel . clips are noted in the upper abdomen related to prior cholecystectomy . rounded opacity in the left mid lung field, possibly reflecting an area of infection . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16435402 51293673 4b64a5b1-add48a29-703a757c-e888cd6b-4684205e +675 there is mild enlargement of cardiac silhouette . the mediastinal contours are unchanged . there is mild pulmonary vascular engorgement and small bilateral pleural effusions which have decreased in size compared to the previous exam . patchy bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect atelectasis, but infection is not fully excluded . no pneumothorax is demonstrated . multilevel degenerative changes are noted in the thoracic spine . small bilateral pleural effusions, mild pulmonary vascular engorgement, and bibasilar atelectasis . infection, however, within the lung bases cannot be completely excluded . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16553329 51580913 5033a612-cecd8c09-fda1ffcf-89bbc30e-147ecb44 +676 the patient has received an endotracheal tube . the tube projects . cm above the carina . the lung volumes are low . the right internal jugular vein catheter is unchanged . the pre-existing parenchymal opacities at the lung bases are minimally improved . no new opacities . no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16055653 57513742 636c3d85-735bc7ab-f85f38f5-8b782e04-3f94239f +677 postoperative widening of the cardiomediastinal silhouette continues to improve . lungs low in volume but clear . pleural effusion is small if any on the left . no pneumothorax . transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads in standard placements . a right subclavian line passes into the right atrium, but the tip is indistinct . no pneumothorax . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15144601 55341919 b10086a9-a4ddd90e-8d225a77-9c7b3e0b-261c474f +678 . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13078497 50736883 7818c621-96de3398-2d9b9d86-9c6dd223-0513fab7 +679 there is mild pulmonary edema . there is atelectasis at the left lung which is stable . the heart size is enlarged but unchanged . there is also a more focal opacity at the right base which may represent atelectasis or developing infiltrate . the sternotomy wires and the spinal hardware is grossly intact . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 14434800 52682048 0d9ee316-000a9e0c-be78c74d-62923605-0315f8e4 +680 lung volumes are low . no focal consolidation is identified . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are stable . there is a calcified prevascular lymph node . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . a left chest port-a-cath terminates at the level of the upper svc, as before . patient is status post median sternotomy . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11413236 55420069 6eb1afd3-d7b2eea4-6367e332-aa78e2dd-387ee425 +681 the heart and mediastinum are normal . the lung fields are clear . no areas of pneumonia are identified . a picc line is present with the tip in the upper svc . there is no pneumothorax . No Finding 15857729 56895158 c855dbbc-7d247e08-21f25260-20ed7254-73ac858a +682 as compared to previous studies there is no change in the cardiomediastinal silhouette including mild cardiomegaly . mild interstitial pulmonary edema is unchanged . compression fracture of the lower thoracic vertebral body is present . aorta is extremely tortuous . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture 16957952 52307593 f44cd0b1-41c1556c-8cb1b4db-632a0833-ed413255 +683 the left-sided chest tube has been removed . no pneumothorax is visualized . lung volumes are low and there is continuedincreased infiltrate in the left upper lung . there continues to be retrocardiac opacity and a layering left effusion . vascular plethora and patchy areas of alveolar edema are also seen on the right . the et tube is . cm above the carina . the ng tube is in the stomach . markedly worsened appearance of the left upper lung . No Finding 19075045 57544155 b6243df3-d51d165a-8d436de1-245fac16-bbd54062 +684 widespread ground-glass pulmonary opacification, probably edema, has recurred after earlier improvement between . though the most likely explanation is cardiac, conceivably transfusion of blood products or new medication could be responsible . the greater opacification in the left lower lobe is most readily explained by atelectasis in the setting of a very large left heart, but pneumonia due to aspiration would be radiographically indistinguishable . small left pleural effusion is stable . there is no pneumothorax . transvenous right ventricular pacer defibrillator lead, left ventricular lead, and the posteriorly positioned right atrial lead are all unchanged in their respective positions as far as one can tell from a solitary frontal radiograph . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19759491 59644580 d2ff69b9-d6534a05-a33ca72e-8d998fcf-78a65663 +685 there has been placement of a left ij catheter that extends to the upper portion of the svc . no evidence of pneumothorax . otherwise, little change . No Finding&&Support Devices 10715477 59089311 0cdeff10-c7e75e12-5c067cb6-eab4e635-50d1144c +686 the right hemothorax that pre-existed has slightly decreased in extent but is still visible . the pneumothorax is limited to the apicolateral parts of the right hemithorax . there is no evidence of tension . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly with bilateral pleural effusions and areas of atelectasis . mild fluid overload . status post cabg . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 12952223 51183783 8753dd62-80681aa9-11dcf353-7d254056-7c7675c7 +687 a left pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis remains present . left base retrocardiac opacity likely represents combination of atelectasis and effusion, although underlying consolidation is difficult to exclude . patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . no definite focal consolidation is seen in the right lung . the patient is status post median sternotomy and cardiac valve replacement . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . left pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis, underlying consolidation is difficult to exclude . Atelectasis&&Consolidation 15259244 54434271 e8149721-c9e4afbc-7a9dde4a-3c9f7362-fec663a4 +688 upright ap and lateral views of the chest left-sided dual-chamber pacemaker device is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . the heart size is normal . the aorta remains tortuous and calcified . again demonstrated are fibrotic changes within the right lung base which appear similar when compared to the prior radiograph . there is likely minimal atelectasis in the left lung base . no pulmonary edema, focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is identified . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . No Finding 15378103 55675760 aa615bc7-e32c0c72-a1f0ee3f-0a7f4a52-5e7078c2 +689 a dual-lead left pectoral pacemaker device has its leads terminating at expected locations in the right atrium and right ventricle . no pneumothorax . bilateral pleural effusions and bibasal atelectases are mild . bilateral lungs are remarkable for mild vascular and interstitial prominence, likely congestion . normal heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged in appearance since . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13762730 55828202 428c4099-c29bb97d-e06be8f3-614d3b6e-d343eee7 +690 there is little overall change . again there is increased opacification in the left mid and lower lung zones . although this could merely represent extensive atelectasis, in the appropriate clinical setting superimposed pneumonia would have to be seriously considered . continued low lung volumes with enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14841168 56921440 d47b1887-47d16d76-fc1df56f-5a5cd514-a9f91c9e +691 there is a minimal decrease in extent of a pre-existing small right pleural effusion . interstitial markings, on the other hand, are slightly increased, potentially reflecting increased interstitial fluid contents . unchanged of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged basal areas of atelectasis, unchanged right venous introduction sheath . also unchanged are left lung calcified granulomas . overall, the findings indicate a mild increase in pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 56614076 45e31ec5-029d54e9-1acec167-663a1397-bccb2493 +692 no significant change compared to the prior exam . the lungs are well-expanded and clear . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette, hila, and pleura are within normal limits . no acute osseous abnormality . no acute cardiopulmonary process, including no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . No Finding 14855790 52432749 b2187498-bd6044fd-89eafb88-63b96bdd-2794d412 +693 the tip of an endotracheal tube is . cm from the carina . there is stable moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . the mediastinum is normal . a small left pleural effusion is unchanged . an adjacent persistent hazy opacification at the left base likely represents atelectasis . the right lung is clear . there is no pneumothorax . persistent left basilar atelectasis and small left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 13031876 53831546 8e011dfc-c2e23780-6e926bd4-fdef5895-a403ee8f +694 perihilar opacification in the left lung which developed between and has improved, probably resolving pneumonia . lung volumes remain quite low, but discrete atelectasis in the left lower lobe is not as pronounced today as it was on . heart is moderately enlarged and the thoracic aorta is generally dilated and heavily calcified, but not acutely changed . et tube and right internal jugular line are in standard placements and transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads are unchanged in their positions following their expected courses . nasogastric tube ends in the distal stomach . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13649937 56825873 537f8439-9fc144bc-2e4220b4-1fb7bc02-5cb4bcc9 +695 lungs are clear without focal consolidation, effusion, or edema . mild cardiomegaly is similar compared to prior . coronary artery stents and median sternotomy wires are noted . no acute osseous abnormalities . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19150427 51511674 bf73d8b0-3e093d0f-dd91f13c-0d6e276b-53136b54 +696 monitoring and support devices remain in place . widespread airspace opacities, more prominent on the right, are consistent with diffuse pneumonia . the known abscess in the right lower lobe is better seen in detail on recent ct scan . pigtail catheter is again seen at the base of the lung on the right, presumably within the abscess cavity . little change in the moderate pleural effusion . little change . No Finding 13964474 55485079 7299f098-d62bc751-9fe83648-b69333fb-38bddb75 +697 portable upright ap view of the chest study is limited as the left costophrenic angle is excluded from the field-of-view . left-sided dual-chamber pacemaker with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle is unchanged . again noted is a left upper lobe paramediastinal mass . opacification in the left lung base likely reflects a combination of a moderate-to-large pleural effusion and adjacent atelectasis . the right lung is grossly clear . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion . no significant interval change from the prior exam . no evidence of congestive heart failure . persistent left pleural effusion and left basilar opacity likely reflective of atelectasis . left upper lobe paramediastinal mass compatible with known malignancy . Atelectasis&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 18067737 53583954 0efbdb11-4a6e04cf-2acc8b02-8b0ee7b6-36a1e507 +698 the lungs well expanded . coarse reticular interstitial opacities are again noted bilaterally, consistent with chronic interstitial lung disease . no evidence acute pulmonary edema . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is top-normal in size . unchanged tortuous aorta chronic interstitial lung disease . no evidence of acute pulmonary edema . Lung Opacity 13475033 58198532 94420d61-059622c4-a869e720-aa8d1a7b-6910f91c +699 pa and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . the lungs are now clear without focal consolidation or effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19800337 51584806 b800c916-3b94102e-b30f93af-af52c677-167e5233 +700 pa and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . the lungs are clear of focal consolidation . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . note is made of a vascular stent in the right subclavian area . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . no free air is seen below the diaphragm . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14744884 51696222 5d9cf85d-134469a1-4ea8049e-fd8251d2-d8281018 +701 mild interstitial pulmonary edema is new . exacerbation at the base of the right lung may be due to asymmetric deposition of edema due to the persistent elevation of the right lung base and poor aeration in the lower lobes . the elevation of the right lung base is primarily due to a large chronic right pleural effusion . the elevated and enlarged right hilus, adjacent radiation fibrosis and apical pleural thickening are chronic . a second region of more focal edema in the right upper lobe sitting on the minor fissure is probably due to disturbed lymphatic drainage from the radiated lung . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . small size of nodules in the left lung on chest cta yesterday, i am surprised at the prominence of such nodules today in the mid lung . it would be prudent to repeat this chest radiograph later in the day to exclude the development of nodular infection . was paged at am . when the findings were realized . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 19720782 54254493 244ae491-3e0f01f5-8506784c-32d65ab2-f96e30b6 +702 a vascular stent is again noted in the left brachiocephalic vein and svc, stable in position . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . prominence of the right hilum is grossly stable . subtle prominence of perihilar vasculature may be due to mild vascular congestion . the right basilar opacity is stable as compared to the prior study from . right basilar opacity is stable as compared to the prior study from . no large pleural effusion . possible mild vascular congestion . Edema&&Lung Opacity 14236258 55400628 5d37e278-47fa9e3a-5fa3bbcf-a9b2cfae-74ed3559 +703 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to prior study obtained the day before . the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of cavoatrial junction . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged . mild interstitial edema is re-demonstrated associated with bilateral pleural effusions and left more than right basal opacities . infection is a possibility, although atelectasis would be another alternative . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17669276 52198118 cefdaf4b-0a87c4c2-7ab7899a-6c885be5-80d5be19 +704 there is moderate cardiomegaly . left lower lobe consolidation has increased, worrisome for worsening pneumonia . there is also increase of loss of volume in the left lower lobe . right picc tip is in the mid-to-lower svc . et tube is in a standard position . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . right lower lobe medial opacities are likely atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10268877 55809473 9dedb45c-ce21220f-3df796c5-b8039ee0-6a854155 +705 the already improved post-operative widening of the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . moderate right pleural effusion and moderately severe right basal atelectasis are unchanged, but previous left lower lobe atelectasis and left pleural effusion are improved . there is no pulmonary edema or pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 16875792 50022945 4331c9eb-f6e0c046-8c50bffc-6f363a16-02f0f87f +706 the swan-ganz catheter, left-sided pacemaker, endotracheal tube, feeding tube and mediastinal wires are all unchanged in position . there is a confluent area of opacity in the left upper lobe which is stable . there is an increase in opacity at the right base, which may be due to developing infiltrate or atelectasis . there is an unchanged left retrocardiac area which may represent underlying infiltrate andor pleural effusion . there is a left ventricular prominence . no pneumothoraces are present . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19075045 52020406 7ab74669-cc831f4c-a2b5b2bd-b7212ec9-7b926c3d +707 ap upright and lateral views of the chest provided . there is top-normal heart size with tiny left pleural effusion . calcified nodular structures in the left upper lung and right mid to lower lung likely represent calcified granulomas . there is no evidence of pneumonia or chf . mediastinal contour stable . bony structures intact . top normal heart size, tiny left effusion . Pleural Effusion 16553329 57667161 9cc3281f-64ff9f26-d2f759b1-ee26296f-50d416d4 +708 the appearance of the lungs is stable . there is diffuse increase in interstitial markings bilaterally, similar to prior, consistent with chronic lung disease . no focal consolidation is seen . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no significant interval change . No Finding 13475033 56231194 e919ccde-cbde9eef-ec83c6fe-361b22e6-fea7aa96 +709 the previously seen chest tube has been removed without evidence of pneumothorax . the right loculated pleural effusion remains . the right hemithorax appears less opacified due to improved position of the patient, but mild residual diffuse opacification remains . the cardiac silhouette remains enlarged . no pneumothorax after chest tube removal . No Finding&&Support Devices 11474065 53907259 c9f4d430-e4b86819-292b0c15-3b043b8f-eda461f1 +710 following thoracocentesis and pigtail catheter placement positioned at the right lung base, a large right pleural effusion has decreased but still at least moderate amount of right pleural fluid accompanying complete collapse of the right lower lobe and possibly at least partial collapse of the right upper lobe is persisting . an ill-defined opacity in the left suprahilar region which was new on radiograph is likely an aspiration pneumonia . left lower lung is clear . mild mediastinal shift to the left side owing to the right pleural effusion still persists, but better since yesterday . there is no demonstrable pneumothorax . following thoracocentesis and right pigtail catheter placement, large right pleural effusion has decreased, but still at least moderate pleural effusion persists and accompanies complete collapse of the right lower lobe and possibly a partial collapse of the right upper lobe . ill-defined left suprahilar opacity which was new on is likely aspiration pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14387068 51265253 7f2e0501-621b2ad0-0969b247-d16c6c18-12077b6d +711 semi-upright ap view of the chest the heart size appears moderately enlarged . the mediastinum demonstrates tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . there is perihilar haziness with vascular indistinctness, compatible with mild pulmonary edema . hazy opacities in both lung bases likely reflect small layering bilateral pleural effusions with associated bibasilar atelectasis . no large pneumothorax is identified . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13700088 59542064 44265749-00dd7405-287e7f77-b68607f3-663cc2f7 +712 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to obtained am . there has been interval decrease in the right pleural effusion that could be potentially related to thoracocentesis post-sternotomy wires are stable as well as cardiomediastinal silhouette and replaced tricuspid valve . small amount of left pleural effusion is most likely present . minimal opacity in the left lower lung is noted, might potentially be part of the overall vascular congestion, attention after diuresis is recommended . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 58170172 47bb3903-f0ad177e-b50a04af-583fbb5e-379aec00 +713 the patient is rotated to the right . the patent esophageal stent has migrated in position with the superior portion now projecting over the right lung apex . also, since the prior study, there has been development of significant opacity projecting over the right hemithorax which may be due to a combination of pleural effusion and consolidation . the left lung is clear . the cardiac silhouette is not enlarged . ed aware at the time of the dictation . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19016834 56647535 f49301d7-6e0b977b-e4fe5357-229f8407-66ff773c +714 portable ap upright chest radiograph was obtained . compared to the scout radiograph from a torso ct from , there is increased opacity in the left lower lung, concerning for worsening effusion and consolidation . extensive nodularity in the lungs is compatible with known metastatic disease . heart size cannot be assessed . bony structures appear unchanged . increasing opacity in the left lower lung, concerning for worsening consolidation and effusion . extensive metastatic disease within the chest . refer to subsequent ct for further details . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12702423 51244261 bceb45d9-799ac7a7-effd7ba0-71a61a33-92e4f08a +715 there are bilateral pleural effusions, new from prior exam with subjacent consolidation which could represent compressive atelectasis . the possibility of pneumonia is not excluded . there is no pneumothorax . the heart is top-normal in size . a vascular stent is again noted in the left brachiocephalic vein . the imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air is seen below the right hemidiaphragm . bilateral pleural effusions with adjacent consolidation new from prior exam raises concern for fluid overload . correlate with renal function . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 12847817 53234157 a235e413-ace39b4e-97962e04-aed60fc7-c71c87ed +716 the patient is status post coronary artery bypass graft surgery . the heart is at the upper limits of normal size . the aortic arch is partly calcified . the pulmonary vasculature is minimally prominent suggesting pulmonary venous hypertension or slight congestion without frank congestive heart failure . there is also a patchy right infrahilar opacity, suspected to represent minor streaky atelectasis . a linear opacity seen posteriorly on the lateral view probably is due to stable scarring in the left lower lobe . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . thin anterior flowing syndesmophytes are present along the lateral and anterior aspects of the visualized thoracic spine, which could be seen with idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis . . findings suggesting minimal congestion or pulmonary venous hypertension, new on this study . . patchy right basilar opacity suspected to represent minor atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 17318449 51654271 0e02f05c-dfa11803-7fd610f9-7011086c-eeeeb1fb +717 a right internal jugular central venous catheter tip terminates in the mid svc . no pneumothorax is identified . moderate to severe cardiomegaly persists . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . a septal closure device is noted again . there is a small right pleural effusion with atelectatic changes in the right lung base . left lung remains clear . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 53737003 fc346a9c-a6343b2b-98bdb36b-5a813740-aa659cba +718 the right lung is clear . there is new diffuse patchy opacities throughout the left upper lobe and lingula . the left hemidiaphragm is slightly elevated . there is a more dense opacity compared to the prior study and is concerning for either a mass or more confluent consolidation . prior radiation changes are also seen within the left lung . there is a small pleural effusion on the left . the mediastinal and cardiac contours on the left are blurred by superimposed lung opacification . the right mediastinal and hilar and cardiac contours are normal . pacemaker is in place with biventricular leads in the appropriate position . left upper lobe opacification with mild volume loss concerning for pneumonic consolidation and possibly post-obstructive pneumonitis associated with a new central mass, radiation stricture, or mucus plug . more central denser opacity may represent mass or particularly dense area of consolidation . ct is recommended to better assess if needed clinically, preferably with intravenous contrast if no contraindications exist . these findings were discussed with dr . on by telephone . Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 18067737 58001075 8faff40c-536b8347-b1b760e0-182dc706-77835a8e +719 there are persistent bilateral small to moderate pleural effusions . there is marked cardiomegaly with mild to moderate pulmonary vascular congestion . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax is seen . suture line in the right lower lobe and left-sided vascular stent are unchanged . no bony abnormality is identified . . persistent bilateral pleural effusions . . marked cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular congestion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12847817 53469163 fb3ef8ae-36255356-cb0d2269-7e268b4a-a253c3bf +720 ap portable frontal chest radiograph there is a new large confluent consolidation within the right upper lung, findings concerning for pneumonia given the clinical history in immunocompromised state of the patient . the exact lobar distribution is difficult to assess on this single frontal view only . the remainder of the lungs is clear . there is no pneumothorax, vascular congestion, or pleural effusions . mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged from prior . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 18835687 53924742 04b94a16-2f255dc1-135c9cbd-82107f89-2d706167 +721 pa and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate that the right pleural effusion, which had been drained on the radiograph, has returned to the size it was on . in addition, there is right middle and lower lobe collapse . there is no shift of mediastinal structures . the visible lung fields are clear . there is no pneumothorax or left-sided effusion . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . pulmonary vascularity is normal . there is a right-sided chest wall port with the catheter terminating in the low svc . reaccumulation of moderate right pleural effusion . note findings were communicated to dr . by dr . telephone on at am . Pleural Effusion 16826047 53010349 299e5b56-5569fb81-d1129251-b7cb6071-ab3dc20b +722 there is no substantial change in the position of the pigtail catheter . no evidence of pneumothorax is present on the current image . moderate overinflation, normal size of the cardiac silhouette, unchanged course and position of the left-sided picc line . No Finding&&Support Devices 17770657 52284173 f99f8714-5e5a416e-ab4d7b84-1c4f38b2-32864a70 +723 orogastric tube is seen to course below the diaphragm into the stomach and is appropriate . right picc line ends at cavoatrial junction . mild-to-moderate right pleural effusion with associated lung atelectasis is unchanged since prior radiograph from , acquired two to three hours apart . mild to moderately enlarged heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . pleural effusion if any is minimal on the left side . left lower lung atelectasis is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11934114 58725099 f1a86b6c-1907b6f9-4893b125-c7f89eee-604fbd73 +724 there is a subtle but new opacity at the right lung base, in the medial aspect of the lung . the opacities located in an area of bronchiectasis . given the clinical presentation, pneumonia must be suspected . the referring physician, . was paged for notification at the time of dictation, pm . on and the findings were discussed over the telephone . otherwise, the radiograph is unchanged, extensive overinflation with bronchiectasis but no pleural effusions or other parenchymal changes . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged position of the nasogastric tube . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10402372 50879902 09bcae55-47d8afaa-5cd21ca4-2cc83c46-d432bd6d +725 there is a large right hydropneumothorax with a moderate amount of fluid . it is difficult to compare size however, copared to the prior ct chest, it appears mostly unchanged . there is no evidence of tension as is supported by the fact that the trachea, the aortic knob, and the left heart border appear in similar position as radiograph prior to the pneumothorax on . hazy opacities are seen involving the right middle and lower lobes . the localized nature of this process more likely represents hemorrhage or infectious process rather than reexpansion edema . the left lung is clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . there are no acute bony abnormalities . . large right hydropneumothorax, most likely unchanged in size from recent ct . no evidence of tension . . hazy opacities involving the right middle and lower lobes most likely represents hemorrhage or infectious process . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . telephone at am . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax 12699874 55849664 ced7abec-82b5f4e3-6be372fb-d6226a24-9e91b7ba +726 there is little change and no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . no pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . the cardiac silhouette is at the upper limits of normal in size or slightly enlarged . Cardiomegaly 14727722 59022336 f3f953d7-e6a719c7-2e5e731b-3181955e-30e32f42 +727 the multiple areas of increased opacification in the right hemithorax are again seen, with the apparent loculated pleural collection in the upper zone laterally appearing somewhat more prominent . the left lung remains clear . Lung Opacity 16826047 50043446 2155d1bd-3cd88831-6b690bee-e3ac34ae-4b25fa8a +728 lungs are clear bilaterally . no effusion or pneumothorax is seen . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . no acute findings . No Finding 13881772 53598647 0ac370ca-d14e45b3-07c05241-b3a551b3-4cde1652 +729 comparison is made to previous study from . there is an endotracheal tube whose distal tip is cm above the carina, appropriately sited . there is a left ij line with distal lead tip in the mid svc slightly oblique to the svc wall . there is a right-sided subclavian catheter with the distal lead tip in the distal svc . the heart size is within normal limits . there are bilateral pleural effusions and a left retrocardiac opacity . there is no overt pulmonary edema or pneumothoraces . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 53737059 839c423e-0ad4e63c-cb7783d9-5a24793c-930b2b72 +730 a left-sided chest tube is present . there is subcutaneous emphysema along the left chest wall . left mediastinal surgical clips again noted . there is probable small pneumothorax at left lung apex . there is retrocardiac density with obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm, increased compared with the prior stidy . this likely represents a combination of elevated left hemidiaphragm, left lower lobe collapseconsolidation, and a small left effusion . the right lung is grossly clear, without pneumothorax, frank consolidation or gross effusion . minimal linear atelectasis in the right mid zone is noted . there s possible minimal upper zone redistribution, but i doubt overt chf . compared with at pm, the et tube has been removed . the tiny left pneumothorax is new or better seen . the opacification at the left base is new . findnigs were discussed with dr . at approximately pm on the day of the exam , phone . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 12530259 51917429 617522b0-48f733b6-4112032c-69d6ff78-b2d433e8 +731 portable upright chest radiograph demonstrates a known left hilar mass . there is no effusion, or definite pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette and mediastinal contours are otherwise unremarkable . no pneumothorax status post biopsy of known left hilar mass . Lung Lesion 12530259 56218099 20d18a78-8f7cd753-628b5cf4-7d43c522-c3e8f53e +732 pa and lateral views of the chest were reviewed . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . rca stent is noted . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . flattened hemidiaphragms with widened ap diameter are consistent with emphysematous changes . extensive parenchymal opacities with distortion in both apices and chain sutures in the right upper lobe are reflective of known malignancy and post treatment changes . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . there is no pulmonary edema . no acute process in a patient with known non-small cell lung cancer with extensive post treatment changes and emphysema . No Finding 14851532 51210610 9428e731-163d993c-618d497c-871a84b1-39a4138e +733 atrio-biventricular icd leads are in standard placements . there is no pneumothorax, mediastinal widening or attendant pleural effusion . small left pleural effusion, moderate cardiomegaly and vascular congestion in the lower lungs are all unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13606683 52305481 39c0aa47-d1bbe85e-ce60e6c7-48015716-b4e39643 +734 analysis performed in direct comparison with the next preceding portable chest examination of , ie . hours earlier during the same day . the patient has now been intubated and ett seen in the trachea to terminate some cm above the level of the carina . no pneumothorax has developed . identified is also an intra-aortic balloon pump device in the aorta with the metallic tip reaching just to the lower contour of the aortic arch . thus, the position is appropriate . no pneumothorax has developed in comparison with the previous study . remarkable finding is a diffuse haze over the right hemithorax, more marked than on the left side . this may be explained by a shift of the interstitial edema pattern seen already on previous examination as faintly detectable interstitial edema . an explanation could be that the patient during the latest examination interval was mostly located on the right side explaining gravitational forces . there is no evidence of overall deterioration of the pulmonary congestion nor is there evidence of any new parenchymal infiltrate . an og tube passes well through the esophagus and reaches into the stomach . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 17288844 53298293 c6b71b77-d56881b6-ee8c63bc-6ee0be88-89856367 +735 since the examination from , right basilar nodular opacification is improved . there is a persistence of a moderate layering pulmonary effusion on the right . in addition, there is increased opacification in the right lower lobe, improved since . there are no new focal opacities concerning for pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable, with mild cardiomegaly . pulmonary vascularity is not increased . moderate layering right subpulmonic pleural effusion . otherwise, mild improvement in right basilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 10959054 59281953 47aa8fda-9852d351-ef7343e7-38ee20f2-b982b15d +736 a new feeding tube ends in the stomach . left pic line ends in the svc . lungs are low in volume . previous mild pulmonary edema has resolved . heart size normal . no pneumothorax . pleural effusion is small if any . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13979643 55324135 4fe2791a-5a6ddb9b-d73fb7f6-bdb8d5ad-01ab723d +737 moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . in the lateral view there is increased opacity of the posterior segment of one of the lower lobes likely the right, consistent with pneumonia . atelectasis in the left mid lung have increased . mediastinum is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . several wedge-shaped deformities in lower thoracic vertebral bodies and upper lumbar vertebral body are again noted . Pneumonia 18512911 59995405 16fd3cf3-d29c1429-19334155-3ffd9fd5-a25b09bf +738 comparison is made with prior studies including chest ct, and chest , . cardiomediastinum is shifted towards the right, as before . left picc tip is in the mid-to-lower svc . there has been interval increase in air component in the right basal hydropneumothoraxempyema . adjacent consolidation is unchanged . diffuse lung opacities have worsened, consistent with worsening pulmonary edema superimposed on multifocal pneumonia . ng tube tip is in the duodenum . cardiac size is normal . mediastinal lymphadenopathy is better seen in prior ct . right basal pigtail catheter is unchanged . Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 58601585 027ed427-b023757e-7391ee80-7a5da2fb-b3ae0b4e +739 the patient is intubated, the ett terminating in the trachea cm above the level of the carina . no pneumothorax has developed . an ng tube has been placed, seen to reach well below the diaphragm including its side port . there is mild elevation of the left-sided hemidiaphragm, but no evidence of acute pulmonary infiltrates or major atelectasis is identified . the pulmonary vasculature is not congested . there exists no prior chest examination or records available for comparison . intubated, ng tube in place, no acute pulmonary infiltrates or chf . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 16015751 54842270 7536f4a6-1fbe0f20-f19b428c-ed5f66a2-68198980 +740 an et tube is present, approximately cm above the carina . an ng tube is present, tip extending beneath diaphragm off film . left mediastinal drain and left-sided chest tubes are present . a right ij central line tip overlies the mid svc . no pneumothorax detected . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is prominen,t but unchanged . there is upper zone re-distribution, diffuse vascular blurring, interstitial and minimal alveolar edema, consistent with chf . there is dense retrocardiac density, consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation . small joint effusions . multiple mediastinal clips and right-sided vertical density noted . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17770657 59339513 81283cfb-7bfa242e-22317b9e-f2979399-2788b211 +741 single upright ap image of the chest . the lungs are well expanded . there is opacity in the right lung base which could represent patchy atelectasis, early pneumonia or aspiration . clinical correlation is advised . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is mildly enlarged, similar prior exams . status post median sternotomy . opacity at right lung base which could represent patchy atelectasis, pneumonia or aspiration . clinical correlation is advised . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19150427 59375093 6698971c-6ec76761-85ca680f-24dfc39f-790eb123 +742 a dual-lead pacemakericd appears unchanged with leads terminating in the right atrium and ventricle, respectively . the heart is normal in size . there is increase in right infrahilar opacity probably correlating with focal right lower lobe opacity . this is superimposed on a probably more chronic interstitial abnormality at the lung bases, which is greater on the right than left . there is no definite pleural effusion or pneumothorax . right lower lobe opacity suggesting pneumonia or aspiration . suspected moderate interstitial disease at the lung bases . follow-up radiographs are recommended . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16848073 50943671 9c4e6c30-f517fbdf-d045185b-4f7d3c4b-5cb54b42 +743 there is no pneumothorax . if any, there is a small right pleural effusion . et tube is in standard position . ng tube tip is in stomach . swan-ganz catheter tip is in the right main pulmonary artery . a left chest tube removed in place . left lower lobe retrocardiac atelectasis is unchanged . left upper lobe opacity is new consistent with atelectasis . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 55603183 fb0f6c35-db1388f9-9fe71fcd-def5b9cc-d088eb40 +744 comparison to prior study dated at . portable ap upright chest film, at is submitted . . interval extubation, removal of the nasogastric tube, removal of mediastinal drains and removal of left basilar chest tube . right internal jugular central line has its tip in the distal superior vena cava, unchanged . . persistent low lung volumes with patchy bibasilar opacities and a probable layering left effusion . these findings likely reflect compressive atelectasis . no pneumothorax is seen . status post median sternotomy with stable postoperative cardiac and mediastinal contours . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12810135 50049540 e973d1f1-67f0309d-c6f961a4-02eda522-e311557e +745 ap and lateral chest radiographs there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . a subtle ill-defined opacity in the right upper lung may reflect overlapping shadows, though an underlying parenchymal process may be present . follow-up radiographs are recommended to assess for interval change . linear scarring within the right mid lung is unchanged from prior . linear opacities within the bilateral lung bases likely reflect areas of subsegmental atelectasis . there is stable mild elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, unchanged from prior . the thoracic aorta is tortuous . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . mild pulmonary vascular congestion . subtle opacity in the right upper lung, possibly representing a confluence of shadows, but follow-up radiographs are recommended to assess for interval change . Edema&&Lung Opacity 13979643 54753684 2ff152b9-2b4549f1-9fc64fbd-baf8d8e4-cafcdbee +746 the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lungs are well expanded and clear . pulmonary vasculature is within normal limits . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 18767957 59375123 ee7e973e-09b18407-53d2a8d5-becd082f-6debca86 +747 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate low lung volumes, which accentuate bronchovascular markings . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . heart size is top normal . partially imaged upper abdomen demonstrates prominent air-filled large bowel loops . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13202100 50109176 89b0ebca-d32862e8-5268f3d8-5b946fe8-a2876759 +748 new heterogeneous opacification in the right lower lung at least some of which is in the middle lobe, obscuring the right heart border, the remainder at the base, is all new since , considered pneumonia until proved otherwise . new anterior chest wall drains are noted . heart is normal size . the hyperinflation and vascular deficiency of emphysema are longstanding . a ring shadow in the left upper lung at the level of the aortic arch is more prominent today than it has been since an abnormality in this region was demonstrated on chest ct scanning in . there may be a second similar region in the right lower lung at the level of the sixth anterior rib . these findings are suggestive of active bronchiectasis, which can be seen with mycobacterial infection, either tuberculosis or atypical species . there is no appreciable pleural effusion . , was paged at am, one minute following recognition of the findings . findings were discussed ten minutes later with the np caring for the patient . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17770657 54721212 51150936-2cf82a04-6fa1a638-e1577644-0ba4c3a3 +749 the heart is again mild-to-moderately enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unremarkable . there is patchy opacity in the right infrahilar region suggestive of minor atelectasisscarring, but widespread opacities and pleural effusions have resolved . no pneumothorax is demonstrated . no evidence for acute disease . No Finding 11569042 54093116 44d21fe9-7d185d5f-00927b0f-11bf3dce-45b85640 +750 the heart continues to be enlarged, and there are chronic interstitial markings . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or overt pulmonary edema is seen . there is leftward scoliosis of the thoracic spine . cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly 13475033 53354417 3851190a-af79fb41-4c2b3b1e-b4269325-f8a2fb78 +751 ap upright and lateral views of the chest were obtained . subtle patchy right base opacity is seen, which could be due to infection or aspiration . no consolidation is seen on the left . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16050730 57637607 9b148afe-84b1cee1-f5157098-7afc39cf-7d78784c +752 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . dual-lumen right subclavian central line is again seen with tip at the ra-svc junction . increased interstitial markings seen throughout the lungs are again noted and suggestive of chronic interstitial disease . right mid lung opacity has resolved . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable as are the osseous and soft tissue structures . no acute cardiopulmonary process . persistent increased interstitial markings in the lungs compatible with chronic interstitial disease . interval resolution of the right mid lung opacity since prior . Lung Opacity 13475033 58495524 5e8e548c-59b6fa70-d71716fa-d03c9e0b-2dc443eb +753 the bilateral upper lobe scarring including traction bronchiectasis is more evident today than it was on , consistent with and progression of pulmonary sarcoidosis . there is no evidence of central adenopathy or any pleural abnormalit . Lung Opacity 14147787 55391430 7a52e00c-0cd9dc20-34963936-2a8e2811-cdd867d0 +754 in comparison to prior radiograph of day earlier, there has been little change in the appearance of the chest except for interval improvement in the previously noted atelectasis in the right upper and left lower lobes . Atelectasis 14841168 54292875 db7deae0-c131f372-8a041d5f-81013233-74ccf3f3 +755 severe cardiomegaly is probably stable, but mild pulmonary edema, more pronounced in the right lung is new, accompanied by at least small bilateral pleural effusion . dual-channel right supraclavicular dialysis catheter set ends in the right atrium . trans-subclavian atrial biventricular pacer defibrillator leads are continuous from the right axillary power pack . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19759491 53350789 3480ade8-6825b33b-dc07898d-97d83f8a-c743b07b +756 portable semi-upright radiograph of the chest demonstrates low lung volumes with resultant bronchovascular crowding . clearing of the right base is consistent with decrease in size of the pleural effusion and improved aeration . persistent retrocardiac opacity corresponds to atelectasis and probable left pleural effusion . there is moderate pulmonary edema . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . monitoring and support devices are in the appropriate position . . moderate pulmonary edema . . stable retrocardiac opacity, consistent with small pleural effusion and atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12595991 55463602 bf9f8403-f941bbb9-13c134ff-ac80d6b9-e8442bdf +757 ap upright and lateral views of the chest were provided . left chest wall pacer pack is again seen with leads extending into the right heart . abandoned pacing leads are also noted in the right chest wall extending into the right heart . the heart remains moderately enlarged . lung volumes are low, with equivocal ground-glass opacity on the frontal view, which appears less conspicuous on the lateral view most likely attributable to underpenetrated technique . no gross evidence for pneumonia or pulmonary edema . no large effusions are seen . there is no pneumothorax . bony structures are intact . limited study demonstrating moderate cardiomegaly and no overt edema or pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia 11293517 50845269 f24dcfb8-8d336748-8d0d5686-a52f7cc9-2aefd3a6 +758 the heart size is enlarged similar to prior study . its rounded shape raises a question of cardiomyopathy and less likely pericardial effusion . sternotomy wi . Cardiomegaly 18828251 59257021 f608cced-6b58fb15-27c96aec-bee65e84-0155c300 +759 pa and lateral views of the chest are compared to multiple prior exams including ct torso from with most recent x-ray from . when compared to most recent exam, there has been near complete resolution of the right upper lung opacity . there is evidence of scarring at the upper lobes bilaterally with retraction of the hila and some nodular densities, particularly in the left upper lung . these have been seen on multiple prior exams . minimal blunting of the left posterior costophrenic angle may represent trace effusion . there is no large confluent consolidation . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable as are the osseous structures, noting multiple orthopedic screws projecting over the right glenoid . essentially complete resolution of the right upper lobe opacity seen on prior . findings suggestive of underlying chronic upper lobe scarring, although superimposed acute infectious process, particularly on the left, is not completely excluded . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 58929044 dda9463c-13653db6-03e65f74-74ef0b98-4cceb8c9 +760 there is continued extensive bilateral pulmonary opacification, worse on the right . the findings could reflect some combination of widespread pneumonia, severe pulmonary edema, an even ards . monitoring and support devices remain in place . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19757720 56399963 fa3c5d61-58bb9992-05e07467-d6f5340b-7253e398 +761 ap upright portable chest radiograph obtained . there is a new right ij central venous catheter with its tip residing in the high svc . bibasilar opacities are unchanged . no pneumothorax . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15370732 54694272 e13035e9-35e026e1-d7d54018-e342a349-93752c81 +762 there is again enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with a pacer device in place . no definite vascular congestion, raising the possibility of underlying cardiomyopathy or pericardial effusion . no acute focal pneumonia . the right picc line has been removed . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 11293517 53430284 ac50a7e7-7e116074-b42ad5c9-c2a852c3-3c61019d +763 the right internal jugular line has been inserted with its tip being at the cavoatrial junction . the ng tube tip passes below the diaphragm terminating in the stomach . the et tube tip is approximately cm above the carina . bibasal opacities appear unchanged . mild pulmonary edema is still present . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15161734 57529728 752f7b9f-81a342bd-682bae18-572716d6-eada830a +764 dual lead left-sided pacemaker is stable in position with leads extending to the expected positions of the right atrium and right ventricle . the patient is status post median sternotomy . there is minimal left base atelectasis . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no displaced fracture is seen . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17163861 56013519 0f513599-eb6bddc9-4306d15d-46c7c0c2-a3c6c854 +765 moderately severe pulmonary edema has worsened . small right pleural effusion is probably new . heart size is normal . a focal consolidation would not be appreciated . nasogastric tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13031876 59018724 58d3a7e8-1cc861cc-3428518f-8b578623-d3be6ba1 +766 clinical indication -year-old with respiratory distress, status post endotracheal tube placement and orogastric tube placement . comparison is made to the patients previous study dated at am . portable semi-erect chest from at is submitted . . interval placement of an endotracheal tube, which has its tip approximately to cm above the carina but appears to be in satisfactory position . there is a nasogastric tube coursing below the diaphragm, which appears to be coiled within the proximal stomach . lungs again are hyperinflated suggesting underlying emphysema, and there are stable postoperative changes on the right side . both pulmonary arteries remain prominent, consistent with underlying pulmonary artery hypertension . heart remains within normal limits in size . the aorta appears somewhat dilated and unfolded on the current examination, likely related to marked patient rotation to the right . no evidence of pneumothorax . Support Devices 16622813 55353288 a249c5ba-c1c92f36-682ef4b1-98f3bd56-7d2f6932 +767 frontal chest radiograph a new endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina . there is a new orogastric tube terminating within the stomach . again seen is a confluent right mid lower zone opacity with a central rounded lucency, which may reflect cavitary lesion or abscess . no underlying consolidations are present . there is no pneumothorax . . et tube terminating . cm above the carina . orogastric tube terminating within the stomach . . unchanged appearance of middle and lower lobe opacities with central lucency suggestive of cavitation or abscess . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 51648837 4460b78c-d6c33b0d-eb6264df-74386a2b-371f79ec +768 comparison is made with prior studies including ct , chest x-ray , and . there are persistent low lung volumes . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . widened mediastinum due to tortuous aorta is stable . left lower lobe opacities are consistent with atelectasis . there are left perihilar and right lower atelectasis . rib fractures on the right side in the seventh and eighth ribs are more conspicuous than before . there is no pneumothorax . there is no evidence of acute or chronic tb . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity 16853729 50336040 be9ef580-3556eb15-d35c2bfb-f8249147-9fa04f25 +769 lungs are grossly clear . there are no new lung opacities which are of concern . there is no evidence to suggest pleural effusion or pneumothorax . severe scoliosis is noted . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . the nasogastric tube tip is in the stomach and right picc line is approximately at the mid svc . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18110020 59044985 2d45a143-1df013b8-730bd381-c219de78-7ad22f77 +770 tip of the endotracheal tube is at the upper margin of the clavicles, cm from the carina . it could be advanced cm for more secured seating . severe cardiomegaly is worse . mild interstitial edema persists . severe opacification of the left lower lung could be atelectasis and pleural effusion but raises concern for pneumonia . pleural effusion, at least moderate on the right, is unchanged . no pneumothorax . swan-ganz catheter ends in the right pulmonary artery and a nasogastric tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12185775 57463116 552b9cdb-02b1e116-417a8a56-d2f54f1e-865a2a0c +771 the lung volumes are normal . mild bilateral apical scarring . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without pulmonary edema . no overt pneumonia . small basal lung nodule projecting over the right costophrenic sinus, unchanged as compared to the previous examination . no inflammatory or edematous change in the lung parenchyma . normal appearance of the mediastinum . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 19549821 56573421 bc763820-6af428a2-67311ece-8d067825-f6282dba +772 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate a transsubclavian right atrial and ventricular pacer defibrillator leads in standard position with no pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or mediastinal widening . lung volumes remain low . the heart is stably enlarged . icd leads end in the right atrium and right ventricle . no evidence of bleeding or pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 12475198 59735543 92b3ce9d-9a7bb494-1dec6d0b-93cf4386-82995e53 +773 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to prior study from and several prior studies dating back to . the et tube tip is . cm above the carina . the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of superior mid svc . the picc line tip is not clearly seen, most likely at the level of mid low svc . the ng tube passes below the diaphragm terminating in the stomach most likely . there is no change in extensive opacification of the right lung ,left lung and in particular, left lower lobe consolidation . no interval development of pneumothorax or interval increase in pleural effusion can be documented . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19757720 54045154 d5cabbb7-94d369a5-63b100a0-ee367e8e-e320832b +774 the lungs are hyperinflated . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . small focal opacity projects over the lateral right lower hemithorax, may represent overlapping structures, but further evaluation is recommended with shallow obliques to assess for possible pulmonary nodule . heart size is normal . mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . . no acute intrathoracic process . . small focal opacity projects over the lateral right lower hemithorax . shallow obliques off the frontal view are recommended for further evaluation . findings and recommendations discussed with dr . covering for dr . , by phone at pm . Lung Opacity 11052935 55372843 d4800b11-08ea5ece-04ba7667-a463e711-378c3893 +775 post-operative changes are again seen in the left hemithorax with shift of the mediastinum to this side . chest tube remains in place and there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the right lung is essentially clear except for some residual atelectatic change at the base . the gas along the upper chest border on the left and subcutaneous tissues is decreasing . there appears to be some increase in the extensive opacification in the left hemithorax . this could reflect additional pleural fluid, though in the appropriate clinical setting, the possibility of supervening pneumonia would have to be considered . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11378150 50979785 7d987f2a-f684bbcb-c1e27bf0-0cb90406-cf56be90 +776 there are low lung volumes and bronchovascular crowding . there is prominence of the hila suggesting pulmonary vascular engorgement with possible mild pulmonary vascular congestion . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . left infrahilar and left basilar opacity may relate to vascular crowding, although infectious process cannot be excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . there are right paramediastinal surgical clips . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19907884 52269494 be142141-0e637201-65d2ff88-43edd072-198d4dc7 +777 there has been interval decrease in ground-glass opacity bilaterally compared to prior study of at pm, which represents decrease in pulmonary edema . there has been interval decrease in observed cardiomegaly . there is bilateral small amount of pleural effusion . there are no areas of focal consolidations and no pneumothorax . the pleural surfaces are unremarkable . the endotracheal tube is no less than . cm from the carina, could be advanced cm for optimal placement . interval reduction in pulmonary edema and cardiomegaly . et tube can be advanced cm for optimal placement . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 13078497 58895837 aed9fe49-bb7468b2-ba4f60dd-25410316-df9b9d8c +778 since the prior radiograph two days prior, there has been worsening mild pulmonary edema . there is no consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged with a normal postoperative appearance . sternal wires and the prosthetic cardiac valve are unchanged in appearance . . worsening mild pulmonary edema . . no pneumothorax . results were discussed with dr . at on via telephone by dr . minutes after the findings were discovered . Edema 19182863 51621424 d85667b8-c62dec2e-998b6abd-7f553ce3-75954004 +779 right basilar opacity without any corresponding opacity seen on the lateral view likely represents atelectasis . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15659181 50701107 08b3a2f5-6a4527a8-cea348a9-b559b9e1-42a62261 +780 comparison is made to the patients previous study of . portable ap upright chest film, at is submitted . there are persistent and slightly worsening opacities in the left upper and mid lung and right lower lung which would be concerning either for worsening edema or pneumonia . chain sutures are again identified abutting the minor fissure consistent with prior surgery . bilateral effusions, left greater than right, are again seen . persistent retrocardiac opacity may reflect compressive atelectasis, although infection in this region cannot be excluded . the patient is status post median sternotomy for cabg, but assessment of cardiac and mediastinal contours is difficult due to the patients marked rotation on the current examination . left internal jugular central line continues to have its tip in the mid svc . linear calcifications in the left upper hemithorax are felt to likely be pleural in etiology . a portion of the inferior vena caval filter is imaged at the edge of the study . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16334516 52224512 8a2e287f-a1d2adab-ab39ac3c-c8e1077c-c3811102 +781 upright ap and lateral views of the chest the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . left-sided dual-chamber pacemaker is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . there is mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette which is stable . the aorta remains tortuous . there is mild pulmonary edema and a small right pleural effusion . previously noted left pleural effusion is not clearly seen on the current study . patchy ill-defined opacity in the right base persists and is likely due to atelectasis, though infection cannot be excluded . there is no pneumothorax . no acute osseous abnormalities are present . mild pulmonary edema with small right pleural effusion and right basilar opacification, possibly reflecting atelectasis, though infection is not excluded . previously noted small left pleural effusion appears resolved . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15378103 51347031 4a04164c-bf7a47b2-39273bf3-6f841e34-278431eb +782 the degree of pulmonary vascular congestion may have slightly decreased in this patient with continued substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . the possibility of supervening interstitial lung disease is difficult to assess on plain radiograph, but was apparent on the ct study of . no acute focal pneumonia . central catheter remains in place . some improvement in still prominent pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema 10439781 55725911 2e5ac89a-e2d5d8c6-8cbf02bc-ec6e4725-9339a9cc +783 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to , obtained at am . current study demonstrates interval redevelopment of interstitial pulmonary edema seen in perihilar areas and lower lobes . it obscures currently the appearance of the left upper lobe consolidation, but no interval worsening of the left upper lobe consolidation demonstrated . small amount of pleural effusion cannot be excluded . pacemaker defibrillator leads are in unchanged position . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13606683 54400622 fad8bdac-78afc435-8cab7288-0938d17b-0d2be00b +784 portable semi-upright radiograph of the chest demonstrates a stable cardiomediastinal silhouette as seen on prior examinations, with mediastinal widening . an elevated right hemidiaphragm is again seen . the left lung base is not visualized . no focal consolidation is identified in the visualized lung fields . given supine technique, it is difficult assess for pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no significant change since recent prior . No Finding 14841168 59947539 b90427be-b8e2a5b2-d96a239f-5b791587-230e2fe5 +785 the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours appear unchanged . multifocal opacities which persist in the upper lungs with volume loss suggest chronic scarring without definite superimposed disease . blunting of the left posterior costophrenic sulcus is unchanged, suggesting either trace pleural effusion or pleural thickening . bony structures are unremarkable . stable appearance of the chest . No Finding 10933609 54300688 21f6f51a-c6b2fab8-8c228bb8-1a8f8c46-d568b413 +786 unchanged monitoring and support devices . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly with signs of mild fluid overload . left and right basal atelectasis . potential small-to-moderate right pleural effusion . no left pleural effusion . no interval appearance of new parenchymal opacities . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 52365850 ffd311aa-b1ad24f7-29b178ef-4423264a-d0298e46 +787 since the prior study, the previously described right upper lobe nodularity has improved, with residual left upper lobe opacities, possibly repesenting postinflammatory scarring . there is no large pleural effusion, focal pneumonia, or pneumothorax . left apical clips are unchanged in position . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . postsurgical changes in the upper abdomen are related to prior left nephrectomy . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . improved biapical opacities as compared to prior radiograph in early . small pulmonary nodules are better assessed on prior chest ct from . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 14794396 51199892 2e11d19f-7fd45c8b-fd747233-8ee0a18d-191447d3 +788 portable ap chest radiograph demonstrates a dobbhoff tube in the lower thorax . the radiopaque tip is terminating above the diaphragm . left basilar atelectasis and pleural effusion is unchanged from . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . there is no pneumothorax . dobbhoff tube terminates in the distal esophagus . by phone at pm . No Finding&&Support Devices 18079481 56238840 45dc8b2b-703d5d88-d0e05f85-35cc43ba-84b1f4be +789 endotracheal tube, nasogastric tube, right hemodialysis catheter and right-sided surgical drain are in unchanged position with interval removal of left-sided swan with sheath still within the left internal jugular vein . asymmetric right greater than left pulmonary edema and moderate pleural effusion are unchanged with progressive right sided volume loss and rightward shift of the mediastinum over the past films . the heart size is top normal in size with normal cardiomediastinal contours . progressive right sided volume loss since intubation could be due to mucous plugging iwith unchanged right effusion and vascular congestion . by dr . at on by phone . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 11880923 50969842 4db2b802-44d922f7-c712342d-b8af15be-7ac7a0ed +790 there are low lung volumes . there is elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . there is a large area of atelectasis in the periphery of the left lower lobe . there is a right chest tube . there is no pneumothorax . if any, there is a small right pleural effusion . there is mild atelectasis in the right lower lobe . the mediastinum is slightly widened . cardiac size is stable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19389547 59607772 6aa507c8-091eb714-e018466d-28671eeb-4bb67070 +791 frontal chest radiograph an endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina . again seen is a markedly elevated right hemidiaphragm . there is mild central pulmonary vascular congestion with interstitial edema . small bilateral pleural effusions are present, larger on the right . an orogastric tube extends into the stomach . since the prior examination, there has been worsening of mild-to-moderate interstitial edema and pulmonary vascular congestion . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is unchanged . . et tube terminating . cm above the carina . orogastric tube terminating within the stomach . . interval worsening of mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema . . unchanged marked right hemidiaphragm elevation . Edema&&Support Devices 11569093 59234239 382dbe73-cac300e6-08430cac-cec951a4-86e9e1e1 +792 compared with with pm . and allowing for technical differences, i doubt significant interval change . No Finding 16848073 57686985 760376cf-c8d2ce52-f0bcb949-d108c9d1-49df600a +793 interstitial prominence has increased compared to prior, suggestive of mild edema . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax is detected . tiny right pleural effusion appears new compared to prior . heart and mediastinal contours appear stable with mild cardiomegaly . new mild interstitial edema and tiny right pleural effusion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13475033 55316579 f067c77a-54a4358e-ff4a3ce6-75df62e9-a3be270f +794 when compared with multiple prior studies, there is bilateral upper lung scarring with slight retraction of the bronchovasculature . there is no definite sign of new consolidation with relative opacity at the right heart border on the frontal view, not convincing for pneumonia . lung volumes are low . heart and mediastinal contours appear stable . no effusion or pneumothorax . stable chest radiograph with upper lung scarring . subtle opacity in the right lower lung, likely crowding of bronchovasculature . Lung Opacity 10933609 54870311 7acf30bd-0ed39a38-bb6159dd-2ed09689-dd05ba98 +795 the patient is status post right thoracotomy with a worsening loculated right pleural effusion along the lateral and anterior pleura . there is diffusely increased hazy opacification of the right hemithorax, mainly due to the oblique positioning of the patient . lung volumes are low with secondary widening of the cardiomediastinal silhouette . there is only mild vascular congestion . there is no pneumothorax . unchanged chest tube . . since yesterday morning, only minimal worsening of the right pleural effusion and atelectasis . . diffusely increased hazy opacification of the right hemithorax, is mainly due to the oblique positioning of the patient . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 11474065 54696391 f292b1a8-2e6fdb2c-a2e020b7-ae3b0cc9-9e3866d1 +796 the right and left pleural effusions are virtually unchanged . they are mild-to-moderate in extent . the effusions are at the source of bilateral areas of compression atelectasis . unchanged borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . no evidence of pneumonia . unchanged right internal jugular vein catheter and left pectoral pacemaker . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15378103 57681546 1f7d224a-19e6cfa7-5627f007-83212a22-be1faf67 +797 the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . right-sided pacemakeraicd device is again noted with leads terminating in the right atrium, right ventricle, and the region of the coronary sinus, unchanged . enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is moderate, and similar compared to the previous study . the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . there continues to be upper zone vascular redistribution, similar when compared to the previous study compatible with mild pulmonary vascular engorgement . lungs remain hyperinflated compatible with copd . linear opacities in the lung bases are compatible with scarring . small bilateral pleural effusions are relatively unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . mild pulmonary vascular congestion, similar compared to the previous study with small bilateral pleural effusions . scarring within the lung bases . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13606683 55832727 64f99800-8450e0a6-9bcd9fa5-3fe8ad9f-9c164aa4 +798 the endotracheal tube is in unchanged position . the nasogastric tube and the right central venous access line are also unchanged . there are bilaterally increasing pleural effusions with subsequent increasing areas of basal atelectasis . the overall lung volumes remain low . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . known pulmonary metastatic disease . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16409152 57478725 df2afec3-bcff5990-a6f64c83-6bb93795-d38a1ec8 +799 the patient has received a new dobbhoff tube . the tip of the tube projects over the middle parts of the stomach . the course of the tube is unremarkable . there is no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . otherwise, the radiographic appearance of the thoracic organs is similar to the previous examination . No Finding&&Support Devices 14841168 54146597 d89f6431-69df909d-747f1354-8a38a37f-5835e7aa +800 heart size is upper limits of normal . there has been improvement of the pulmonary edema . there remains vague opacities at the lung bases . this may be due to resolving pulmonary edema versus atelectasis versus residual infiltrate . there are no pneumothoraces . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 18767957 51612379 1f39a0e5-eb257452-7629c4fc-d3d059e7-17bf34f5 +801 no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the patient is status post median sternotomy with multiple fractured sternal wires including the third superior most and additional more inferior as also seen previously . cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . there may be slight prominence of the main pulmonary artery, which may be in part related to patient positioning, however, underlying pulmonary hypertension is not excluded . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture 19499595 57088454 faafd86d-6a1d4047-0cf76260-da7b281c-eba9d436 +802 increased interstitial markings seen throughout the lungs, not significantly changed since prior . there is no focal consolidation nor effusion . there is moderate cardiac enlargement and tortuosity of the descending thoracic aorta . compression deformity of several upper lumbar vertebral bodies are again noted . no acute osseous abnormalities . cardiomegaly with pulmonary vascular congestion but no overt edema . Cardiomegaly 16957952 58025986 ac61125d-0a43dbdc-3c290b21-1ded59a4-0131570a +803 moderate pulmonary edema with moderate cardiomegaly but without pleural effusions . overall low lung volumes . retrocardiac atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15131736 53904896 2482c720-f75763bb-00774ba9-894119a7-24bd15a6 +804 the parenchymal consolidation surrounding the right hilus has moderately decreased in extent and severity . the changed likely reflect resolving pneumonia . moderate cardiomegaly persists . no other pathologic parenchymal process . the radiograph also continues to show multiple cervical soft tissue calcifications as well as punctate splenic calcifications and at diffusely increased bone density, suggesting renal osteodystrophy . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pneumonia 19061282 54993114 7cbc9371-93ae74a8-4d6234b9-a496d3e4-8812a350 +805 ap and lateral chest radiographs were obtained . the lungs are well expanded and the central pulmonary vasculature is more indistinct . cephalization of the upper lobe pulmonary vasculature has progressed since . small bilateral pleural effusions are new . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . sternotomy wires and vascular clips are in unchanged positions . indistinct pulmonary vasculature and small pleural effusions are consistent with worsening of mild chf since . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18828251 53348686 35deb322-043ec12f-b33e7567-530c7a88-8b213991 +806 moderate atelectasis in the retrocardiac lung regions . no new parenchymal opacities . unchanged position of the endotracheal tube and nasogastric tube . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15131736 54626336 9b42f01f-2bbe3c2e-1348a6c8-33031532-1a82c013 +807 there are lower lung volumes with secondary mild widening of cardiomediastinal silhouette . there is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax or focal lung consolidation . there are bibasilar opacities which are better seen on the subsequent ct abd, may represent aspiration or atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 10975446 56820999 28a61df7-4fa64f79-11a7bc9c-789dd22b-171b52b3 +808 a mild diffuse interstitial abnormality persists, possibly reflecting known airways abnormalities previously imaged by ct . there are no new focal opacities . no effusion and no pneumothorax . the hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion or pulmonary edema . chronic deformity of the distal right clavicle is unchanged from prior studies . there is mild compression deformity of two mid-thoracic vertebral bodies, similarly stable . no new fractures are identified . little change in diffuse interstitial prominence, without new focal parenchymal opacity . chronic osseous changes involving the distal right clavicle and mid-thoracic vertebral bodies are again noted . Lung Opacity 19765968 52279876 c5b9a963-19ad5c79-7e658aef-87d2cec2-8d00ddc7 +809 dense consolidation in all the basal segments of the left lower lobe has progressed since . this could be either chronic collapse, or less likely chronic collapse with a component of pneumonia . right lung is clear . left pleural effusion, small if any, is a function of the persistent basal atelectasis . heart size is normal . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15114531 50027153 4347b81b-2a702858-6a330ca4-e115c0ac-f1017427 +810 study is essentially unchanged from immediately prior study dated . middle lobe and lingular infiltrate are once again observed and essentially unchanged . there has been a slight interval decrease of bilateral pleural effusions . no new areas of consolidation are appreciated . no pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable and within normal limits . unchanged bilateral pneumonia with decreased pleural effusions . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16662264 57833493 21dd100a-bf76f673-4ee97c34-87797534-1ff8583e +811 an area of scarring in the right lower lung appears unchanged . remainder both lungs appear relatively clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stably prominent . no pneumothorax . chronic right upper rib cage deformity and chronic changes related to vertebroplasty in the lower t-spine . no convincing evidence for pneumonia or edema . Edema&&Pneumonia 11474065 59083645 7bcd081b-869f44f4-57a93477-646a8796-ee97546c +812 there may be slightly less fluid in an air and fluid collection at the base of the right hemithorax lying just superior to a pigtail drain . with conventional radiographs, much less a single frontal view, it is impossible to say how the position of the tube relates to pleural collections . right middle lobe is probably still collapsed . left lung shows mild pulmonary vascular congestion as before, and a small left pleural effusion is stable . heart size is normal . right pic line ends low in the svc . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14387068 50084331 5d8d15d2-dc99cbe5-5c910973-385d5e29-82320f37 +813 dobhoff tube has been repositioned and now passes below the diaphragm and crosses the midline, likely within the second portion of the duodenum . the wire is still in place . exam is otherwise unchanged . dobbhoff tube below the diaphragm and likely post-pyloric . No Finding&&Support Devices 17770657 50170341 0e3f8459-2b944097-bffb91c8-6578b8ac-e143b9a2 +814 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . there is a prominent right mediastinal fat pad . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . cardiomegaly is stable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17398573 51522722 4a102c0d-0f7d000d-98e8aac0-7509e4c8-b9d60545 +815 coronary stent projects over the heart . a stent projects over the right upper arm . there is again noted to be coarsened prominent interstitial markings throughout both lungs which could reflect underlying fibrosis versus interstitial pulmonary edema . no large effusion or pneumothorax . no convincing evidence for pneumonia . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . a chronic left clavicular midshaft deformity is noted . prominent bilateral interstitial opacities could reflect interstitial lung disease versus interstitial edema . please correlate clinically . Edema&&Lung Opacity 13475033 51351077 c8d8a6ba-39f605e7-31f65aff-3edf85bf-f9e26e9b +816 the patient has received a new right internal jugular vein catheter . the course of the catheter is unremarkable, the tip of the catheter projects over the lower svc . there is no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . otherwise unchanged radiographic appearance . No Finding&&Support Devices 19454978 53537107 854781b3-f371e22e-df201d6f-78f736e1-07330978 +817 and on initial radiograph, a line near the right apex is seen . this was further evaluated by repositioning and repeat radiograph demonstrating the absence of this line which most likely represented a skin fold . no pneumothorax is identified . the examination overall is unchanged with known severe emphysema and multifocal opacities . extensive subcutaneous emphysema is also not significantly changed . right-sided chest tube, right-sided central venous line and tracheostomy tube are unchanged . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16751749 51987558 eafdbeaa-59012e3f-a57953ad-06e738fb-b38b3f1d +818 frontal and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . the heart size is moderately enlarged, there are moderate bilateral pleural effusion . there is no lobar consolidation . the aortic contour is mildly tortuous . embolic coiling material is seen in the mid abdomen on the lateral view . moderate pulmonary edema, cardiac silhouette enlargement, and pleural effusions suggest chf . no evidence of lobar pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 17189198 55198163 84ffb901-893b00a7-7f2090be-d5cf6a4e-c34ab763 +819 lung volumes remain low, accentuating the cardiac silhouette and bronchovascular structures . with this limitation in mind, cardiomediastinal contours are stable in appearance . persistent elevation of left hemidiaphragm with adjacent atelectasis at the left lower lobe . right retrocardiac atelectasis is also similar to the prior study . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 18338007 51909516 f0de6eac-d8d4cc43-59d26e49-46200472-34fa5de1 +820 the right picc line has been pulled back . the tip appears to project over the right subclavian vein, the does not reach the superior vena cava . placement of a is required . no other relevant changes . no pneumothorax . mild cardiomegaly, left pleural effusion and moderate pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13896515 56302138 54140bf8-0a93e22f-fcdfa610-39ed40a3-a0e0136d +821 the pre-existing and pre-described right lower lobe pneumonia has substantially increased in extent and severity . there now is a large area of parenchymal consolidation at the right lung bases, potentially associated with a small right pleural effusion . the size of the cardiac silhouette is minimally enlarged . the retrocardiac atelectasis has newly occurred . unchanged tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14295224 51689739 0096fc1d-7c100751-e1c8cb03-c461efb4-1c6b0f8e +822 the cardiomediastinal silhouettes are grossly stable . no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the bilateral rib deformities are due to prior fractures . compression deformities along the thoracic spine are grossly stable compared to . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture 18079481 56876464 a82741ea-8169b7a6-82642ef9-7c78cbbe-95583ecb +823 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged in position with persistent widening of right mediastinal contour, a change in appearance from a standard pa and lateral chest radiograph of but similar to the radiograph . this could potentially be due to accentuation of tortuous vascular structures by low lung volumes and portable semi-erect technique, but attention to this area on repeat study with improved inspiratory volume would be helpful to exclude a mediastinal mass or hemorrhage . slight improvement in bibasilar atelectasis . no new areas of lung opacification . persistent small bilateral pleural effusions, seen to better detail on recent abdominal ct of the same date . multiple bilateral healed rib fractures . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 18079481 56171502 7314ab8f-787ccb0b-f465183a-18649a4d-0d37cc0e +824 right internal jugular central venous catheter tip terminates in the midlow svc . assessment of the left hemithorax is obscured due to the patients hand projecting over this region . no pneumothorax is identified on this supine exam . lung volumes are low . heart size remains mildly enlarged . no large pleural effusion is seen . again demonstrated are streaky opacities in the right lung base . no acute osseous abnormalities seen . limited exam . right internal jugular central venous catheter tip in the midlower svc . no large pneumothorax seen on this supine exam . No Finding&&Support Devices 16050730 59066796 6d5d81f0-24db4698-0b10ede2-80628bfa-6c5de5f8 +825 small right pleural effusion is stable to slightly increased compared to prior and tracks into the fissures . opacity in the right mid to lower lung field is new compared to . retrocardiac linear opacities likely represent basilar atelectasis . small right upper lobe perihilar opacity appears stable . heart and mediastinal contours are stable . no pneumothorax is detected . new right lower lung opacity compared to , concerning for pneumonia, with stable to slightly increased small right pleural effusion . by by telephone at pm . on at the time of initial review of the study . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11880923 57292244 9bb86127-fb575908-ca75aaee-e4e15b0b-b804e9d3 +826 there are low lung volumes . et tube is in the standard position . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . a right picc tip is in the right atrium, unchanged . cardiomegaly is stable . mild pulmonary edema and bibasilar consolidations, larger on the left side, are grossly unchanged . if any, there is a small left pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10268877 54571214 6b65d2d1-52308eab-5ad5e512-81319db7-b4855e54 +827 there is a new left subclavian line with tip at the cavoatrial junction . lung volumes are low . the right lower lobe opacities unchanged . there continues to be cardiomegaly, pulmonary vascular redistribution, ill-defined vascularity, and retrocardiac opacity compatible with chf . the ng tube and large bore right ij line are unchanged . the et tube is cm above the carina . there is no pneumothorax . new left central line . no pneumothorax . No Finding 17340686 54614605 e38221a2-36d9eedb-5a9af804-2eba7cb0-ea8d7ffd +828 right-sided port-a-cath tip terminates at the junction of the svc and right atrium . patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . lung volumes are low with mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, unchanged . mediastinal and hilar contours are similar . there is mild pulmonary edema, slightly improved in the interval . patchy opacities in the lung bases may reflect areas of atelectasis, but infection particularly in the left lung base cannot be completely excluded . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is demonstrated . elevation of the left hemidiaphragm is again noted . no acute osseous abnormality is visualized . slight improvement in mild pulmonary edema . patchy opacities in the lung bases may reflect atelectasis, but infection particularly in the left lung base cannot be completely excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11022245 50126222 0ae07ada-41d03c2a-ec74ae48-d0c17cec-343ae6fa +829 bibasilar opacities with blunting of the costophrenic angles which could be due to effusions . there are indistinct pulmonary vascular markings . relatively lentiform-shaped opacity over the right mid lung is suggestive of fluid within the fissure . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged, similar to prior . atherosclerotic calcifications are noted . pulmonary vascular congestion, small effusions with probable fluid in the right fissure . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 11052273 54389393 d7395617-98bb6ef8-6f0187e5-2c3df909-6f3a57c4 +830 the patient is now intubated . the tip of the endotracheal tube projects approximately . cm above the carinal . the lung volumes have increased . nonetheless, the severity in extent of the bilateral parenchymal opacities, predominating in the perihilar areas, is unchanged . moderate cardiomegaly with retrocardiac atelectasis . no pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15857729 59652151 9fe1d7c8-517e71cd-ac942a65-345092b2-8bbb82c0 +831 vague opacity projecting over the right midlower lung the which is new since prior . elsewhere, the lungs are clear . there is no layering effusion . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but similar in configuration . multiple vascular stents are again noted projecting over the svc, left brachiocephalic vein and left upper extremity . surgical clips project over the lower neck . no acute osseous abnormalities . vague right midlower opacity, nonspecific the could represent infection in the proper clinical setting . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14236258 58255867 0f33dea2-1c4e6245-7b21b568-ef0299e9-03c0863a +832 review of frontal and lateral views were remarkable for bilateral lower lung bronchiectasis with peribronchial opacities . in the right lower and medial lung, peribronchial opacities have improved since . there are no new opacities . lungs are mildly hyperinflated . heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . no pleural effusion . bilateral lower lobe bronchiectasis with improved right lower medial lung peribronchial consolidation . Consolidation 10402372 56446284 510e2767-2a04a9c8-afb492f8-57d38e8e-75d5d488 +833 posterior fixation hardware in the thoracic spine is several years old . elevation of the right lung base has been increasing slowly over the past years . small right pleural effusion is comparable to , slightly larger than on . left subclavian line ends in the distal svc . heart size is normal . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . right basilar linear atelectasis is unchanged . no consolidation or pulmonary edema is present . no evidence of cardiac decompensation . chronic unexplained elevation, right lung base and chronic, small to moderate right pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion 14353044 53086061 8c4ad17a-c6ec16dc-137e714a-10dc9541-499191a1 +834 on the current film, the et tube extends to the origin of the right main stem bronchus and should be retracted approximately - cm . an ng tube is present, sideport in the region of the ge junction or immediately distal to it and tip overlying the stomach . again seen are diffuse bilateral somewhat patchy alveolar infiltrates throughout the entire right lung and through most of the left lung, with relative sparing of the left upper zone . possible slight interval improvement in the appearance of the infiltrates, as the previously seen right middle lobe bronchograms are less apparent . no gross effusion . . et tube at origin of right main stem bronchus . findings called to the ordering clinician, dr , at the time of discovery at pm . on the day of the exam and discussed with her shortly thereafter , phone . ng tube tip overlying stomach, but sideport is at or immediately distal to the ge junction . No Finding&&Support Devices 16662264 50752207 3fee0682-231a4968-00593ef2-652c36ae-98495700 +835 cardiomegaly is moderate and unchanged . mediastinal silhouette is unchanged including mild mediastinal widening potentially reflecting known mediastinal lipomatosis . left lung opacities are slightly more conspicuous as compared to the previous study and are concerning for infectious process . there is mild vascular enlargement but no overt pulmonary edema . followup of the patient after antibiotic therapy is recommended for documentation of resolution . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14841168 53733833 d50e8844-70b979c1-018fdf07-8a21dee8-bea92072 +836 both lungs are well expanded . very ill-defined opacity is seen on the lateral view only in the posteroinferior lung overlying the lower thoracic spine which is concerning for pneumonia . otherwise, lungs are clear . heart size is top normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . there are no interstitial abnormalities . there is no pleural effusion . very faint and ill-defined opacity evident only on the lateral view in the posterior-inferior lung overlying the lower thoracic spine is concerning for pneumonia . these findings were discussed with dr . on at pm . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16826047 59712299 cfba203e-fe166598-71452568-2adea590-f7158b8f +837 enlargement of the cardiac silhouette persists with chronic interstitial prominence as seen on recent ct . the possibility of some element of elevated pulmonary venous pressure must be considered . no focal consolidation . Cardiomegaly 13475033 57951979 fd6509f0-c39f57c5-744a9382-37db12e6-fa9b1784 +838 a spiculated and cavitary nodule in the left mid lung at the level of the third left anterior rib measuring . cm in diameter appears slightly larger than on the prior radiograph and corresponds to a known left upper lobe lesion on prior ct of . it is morphologically concerning for a primary lung cancer and less likely an indolent granulomatous infection . lungs are otherwise clear, with no new focal areas of consolidation to suggest the presence of an acute pneumonia . lungs are otherwise remarkable for linear scar versus atelectasis in the mid lung regions . sclerosis of medial left clavicle, likely due to prior trauma, is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13450581 57882993 f39a0cd8-fb45cb6e-63f5fa30-21668913-0ac228d3 +839 patient is rotated slightly to the right . the patient is status post median sternotomy . enlargement of the cardiomediastinal silhouette is grossly stable as compared to the prior study . there are small bilateral pleural effusions . interstitial prominence suggests interstitial edema . left retrocardiac opacity is seen which may be due to combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis, although focal consolidation is not excluded . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 17669276 52930189 00f1a123-51de83f7-4d563a12-f705f4f0-4683b4eb +840 in comparison with study of earlier in this date, the tip of the endotracheal tube measures approximately . cm above the carina . nasogastric tube extends into the stomach, with the tip crossing the lower margin of the image . increased opacification is seen at the right base medially . it is unclear whether this represents crowding of pulmonary vessels, atelectasis, or, in the appropriate clinical setting, a developing consolidation . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18517718 56047116 26cd4845-5c52d871-e5d996d0-a2113787-630c0309 +841 the questionned retrocardiac abnormality is a large part of the stomach passing through a hiatus hernia, as seen on the chest radiograph, . evaluating possible mass in the stomach would require ct scanning . lungs are clear of pneumonia . expanded right anterior rib ends should not be mistaken for lung nodules . heart size is normal . azygous distention is new, suggesting increased intravascular volume, but there is no pulmonary edema or pleural effusion . Lung Lesion 14608347 55317494 748c169c-828f1222-57447816-e11e5338-53a98735 +842 mild pulmonary edema is new . left lower lobe retrocardiac opacities have increased, consistent with increasing atelectasis . cardiomediastinum is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . if any, there is a small right pleural effusion . ng tube tip is in the stomach . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18517718 52043785 cb101618-fcbfd3af-8a1c1df2-ed58ac80-04fe691d +843 tracheostomy tube, esophageal stent and picc remain in place . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . widespread airspace opacities affecting the right lung to greater degree than the left are again demonstrated, and are concerning for widespread infection . known abscess in right lower lobe is seen to better detail on recent ct . pigtail pleural catheter is present in the lower right hemithorax, presumably within the abscess . moderate right pleural effusion is unchanged . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13964474 56134201 57a0381a-0454897e-b498f4de-dc3d8b24-a305b687 +844 diffuse predominantly reticular opacities, diffusely distributed through the lung, without evidence of other focal parenchymal abnormality . no evidence of pneumonia . no pleural effusions . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . mild tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 12303667 56901171 8be5e566-84d421c6-72d46c14-79091c67-73751f9f +845 the lung volumes are stable . a new right lower lung opacification . the cardio mediastinal and hilar borders are stable . the pleural surfaces are stable . the left pacemaker is intact with leads in appropriate positions . again seen, is destruction in the second sternotomy wire . the og tube appears to be malpositioned proximally lying in the proximal fundus of the stomach . the right picc line terminates in the mid svc . the osseous structures are stable . . new right lower lung opacity may represent aspiration, less likely atelectasis . . malpositioning of the og tube . recommend advancement of the tube . recommendations advancement of the og tube . notification attempts were made to contact the referring physician, however been successful . therefore, the impression above was entered by dr . on at into the department of radiology critical communications system for direct communication to the referring provider . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18487334 57881979 ff8b2af5-e8c313a0-9caec8e9-f6a90929-3b53792a +846 the cardiomediastinal contours are within normal limits and without change . interval decrease in size of right pleural effusion with residual small effusion remaining . adjacent atelectasis in the right mid and lower lung has improved with residual linear atelectasis remaining . minimal linear atelectasis is also present in the left lower lobe . no focal areas of consolidation are identified to suggest the presence of pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14353044 50273882 ae80e1b1-1e1e539f-5e6839cf-76c7451a-19b7e2a2 +847 cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . pulmonary vasculature is normal . lungs appear clear . the previously noted patchy opacity within the right lower lobe seen on ct is not well visualized on the current exam . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . cervical spinal fusion hardware is partially imaged . several clips are noted within the left upper quadrant of the abdomen . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . of note, the patchy opacity within the right lower lobe seen on prior ct is not visualized on the current radiograph . Lung Opacity 15114531 53595850 5d38b235-8992ecec-2b630078-d290f396-00fdf5db +848 single ap view of the chest provided . a right atrioventricular pacemaker appears unchanged . the right lung is hypoinflated in relation to the left lung . there is mild vascular congestion consistent with fluid overload . no pneumothorax . small, bilateral pleural effusions are seen with associated bibasilar atelectasis . hilar contours are normal . the aorta is tortuous . severe s-shaped is unchanged . . there is mild vascular congestion consistent with mild fluid overload . . opacification of the right upper lung could be due to asymmetric pulmonary edema, scapula projecting over the lung or in the appropriate clinical setting pneumonia . . small, bilateral pleural effusions and associated bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13921768 50966773 794214ee-e57ac38e-8e01e79b-648f4673-7b7f3e7c +849 two portable upright view of the chest are compared to previous exam from . there is new right lung base opacity compatible with at least some component of pleural effusion with probable underlying airspace disease . the left lung remains essentially clear, noting mild scarring versus atelectasis at the lung base . left subclavian central line is seen with tip at the cavoatrial junction . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . posterior spinal fixation hardware is partially visualized . right basilar opacity in part due to pleural effusion with possible underlying airspace disease . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14353044 56193921 930d1abf-e069b3d3-a6503794-fe52c8f6-d8c0f1e1 +850 mild pulmonary edema has worsened . left lower lobe remains densely consolidated or collapsed . moderate to severe cardiomegaly unchanged . indwelling et tube, right internal jugular line, and nasogastric tube are in standard placements . no pneumothorax . pleural effusion is likely, but not substantial in size . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15131736 57776801 668168bb-d505142b-df37a7a6-f4d12e0f-ba63c1f6 +851 pa and lateral views of the chest the heart is moderately enlarged . the aortic knob is calcified . the mediastinal and hilar contours are relatively unchanged, though there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion, which is worse compared to the prior study . no large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there is minimal patchy opacity in the retrocardiac region likely reflecting atelectasis . no acute osseous abnormalities are seen . Edema 15131736 59654928 4db0b107-b92cf8bd-4725e810-1ceb5f96-fcbd4d2a +852 the et tube tip is cm above the carina . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged including the areas of atelectasis, bilateral pleural effusions, and mild vascular engorgement . no pneumothorax is seen . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 51273136 184a9e7a-6c077522-edb3c396-b40dbd57-ffb02b71 +853 ap and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . there is engorgement of the central pulmonary vasculature with indistinct pulmonary vascular markings seen peripherally . there is no large confluent consolidation or effusion . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable . osseous and soft tissue structures are unchanged . findings suggestive of pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema 15131736 50036264 4ef84da8-ff83a551-31f0aa42-d17ba6a2-c6561835 +854 left transvenous pacemaker leads are in standard position . top normal heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . new left internal jugular line ends at the mid svc . core- valve prosthesis is unchanged in position . mild bibasilar atelectasis is unchanged . there are no new lung opacities which are concerning for pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13221453 52022822 b9f6d23e-fa8de1ca-1144b6a0-d8b4fe4b-9c13592e +855 despite the right pleurx catheter in place, there is still a substantial layering pleural effusion with compressive atelectasis at the right base . the left lung is essentially clear at this time . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with minimal if any vascular congestion . no acute focal pneumonia on the left . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 51435164 c8b95c4e-1ab26289-9107ecb6-6e70a749-ec02c584 +856 portable ap chest radiograph demonstrates severe cardiomegaly, both interstitial and alveolar edema as well as small bilateral pleural effusions . a more confluent opacity is seen in the right middle lobe . there is no pneumothorax . atherosclerotic calcifications are noted in the aortic arch . marked pulmonary edema . follow up cxr after diuresis may be helpful to exclude underlying pneumonia in right middle lobe . Edema 11893091 53774431 79eee504-b1b60ab8-5e8dd843-b6ed87aa-670747b1 +857 right lower lobe opacity is worrisome for consolidation, possibly due to pneumonia . along the superior aspect of the right lower lung consolidation, there is a -cm nodular opacity, projecting between the posterior right sixth and seventh ribs, which could relate to consolidation or an underlying pulmonary nodule is not excluded . recommend followup chest radiograph after appropriate therapy and if finding remains, chest ct . there is also a left suprahilar opacity, which could be a second site of infection or relate to mild volume overload . there is central pulmonary vascular engorgement . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . single-lead left-sided pacemaker is seen with leads in the expected position of the right ventricle . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . right lower lobe and left infrahilar opacities, right greater than left, in the appropriate clinical setting, raises concern for pneumonia . recommend followup to resolution . possible . cm nodular opacity along the superior aspect of the right lower lung opacity, could relate to consolidation, but pulmonary nodule not excluded . recommend followup chest radiographs after appropriate therapy and if finding remains, chest ct . left suprahilar opacity, which could be a second site of infection or relate to mild volume overload . pulmonary vascular engorgement . enlarged cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18570152 59698565 615687f6-9c68c0c3-ea00fb31-0987abc8-6d4be9c7 +858 the ij catheter has been removed and replaced with a right subclavian catheter that extends to the lower portion of the svc . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pacer-defibrillator in place . mild indistinctness of pulmonary vessels could reflect some elevated pulmonary venous pressure . the retrocardiac area is not optimally seen, though there is only mild atelectasis . bilateral chest tubes are in place and there is no evidence of pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 15144601 55001785 b0b2d70b-d96be717-6c1cbd4c-fcf2bcd9-e8d42293 +859 the heart is markedly enlarged, as seen on prior radiographs from . there is haziness of the hila with diffuse, but predominantly mid and lower lung heterogeneous opacities, consistent with moderate pulmonary edema, likely with both interstitial and alveolar components . the descending thoracic aorta is slightly tortuous, as before . there may be small bilateral pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . moderate pulmonary edema, likely cardiogenic in nature given marked enlargement of the heart . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13762730 50664785 db39cf32-d22fb990-e46ba7c8-c73f9b0b-c77db2a1 +860 left-sided central venous line is again seen similar in position, terminating in the low svc . again seen is elevation of the right hemidiaphragm and blunting of the right costophrenic angle which could be due to a trace right pleural effusion . there is overlying right basilar atelectasis . minor left basilar atelectasis is also seen . no new focal consolidation is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . the aortic knob is calcified . spinal surgical hardware is noted . no significant interval change . No Finding 14353044 57988469 cd77c46e-224eaafc-a386ab71-e1f0d17d-b743688b +861 left-sided port-a-cath is again seen, terminating at the distal svccavoatrial junction . persistent blunting of the right costophrenic angle is seen . chain sutures are again noted in the right mid lung . no new focal consolidation, large pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable, as are hilar contours . old right rib deformity is again seen involving posterior right eighth rib . known lesion in the right scapula is better assessed on ct . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15758946 50020371 a767b7c0-6bdaee42-8ca0cd60-7b89ffb1-3bbbba27 +862 a right internal jugular central line ends in the upper svc . the swan-ganz catheter has been removed . a new consolidation at the right base is concerning for possible pneumonia, aspiration, or less likely infarction . small bilateral pleural effusions are stable . calcified granulomas in the left mid lung zone are unchanged . . new right basilar consolidation is most concerning for pneumonia or aspiration . less likely, it may be infarction . . stable small bilateral pleural effusions . . mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is unchanged . results were discussed with at on via telephone by dr . . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12185775 53930112 b738cf47-6ae04cdf-25d11841-ddcb8d78-fe7feceb +863 feeding tube with a wire stylet in place ends in the lower esophagus and would need to be advanced at least cm to move all the side ports into the stomach . was paged as requested . moderate bilateral pleural effusions and left lower lobe atelectasis have worsened . upper lungs are clear . heart size normal . no pneumothorax . probe is unchanged in position at the gastroesophageal junction and a nasogastric drainage tube still ends in the upper esophagus . right internal jugular line tip is low in the svc . et tube in standard placement . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13881772 55058518 48d78c08-a2ca4095-efd2e551-da6b1010-e90a62ef +864 an endotracheal tube, ng tube, and right upper extremity picc with its tip at the cavoatrial junction are unchanged . there is no change in left lower lobe opacity . there is no large pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette remains moderately enlarged, mediastinal contours are notable for calcification of the aortic arch . mild residual retrocardiac opacification remains, pneumonia vs . atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10268877 57976739 d6010cbd-efa41b72-2fbc0daf-8fa1dc40-bdd4fe35 +865 the right basal opacity appears to be still present, although improved since the prior study and might reflect interval decrease in size of infectious process . repeated evaluation in four weeks is recommended . the finding is still persistent, assessment with chest ct would be required to exclude the possibility of post-obstructive pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19800337 53142730 181d43c2-cde3b96e-33411986-ba61fdd2-46dc6d41 +866 portable ap view of the chest demonstrates low lung volumes . a moderate-to-large loculated right pleural effusion is longstanding, but appears increased in size from prior exam . moderate loculated left pleural effusion is unchanged from prior . bibasilar opacities are noted . there is prominence of the right mediastinum, suggestive of vascular congestion . aortic arch calcifications are noted . heart size is top normal . mild pulmonary edema is present . sternotomy wires are noted . multiple surgical clips project over left cardiac border . moderate-to-large loculated right pleural effusion appears increased in size from prior exam . moderate left pleural effusion is unchanged . bibasilar opacities likely represent atelectasis or infection in the appropriate clinical setting . mild pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16360107 58395298 a797fb72-ac31496e-fb500d8f-daa52795-1800ca2e +867 supine ap view of the chest right internal jugular central venous catheter tip terminates in the svc . no pneumothorax is present . patient is status post median sternotomy, cabg, and mitral valve repair . there is continued opacification of the left lung base . small bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right are again noted . there is mild pulmonary edema . subacute left posterior third rib fracture is present . streaky opacity in the right lung base may reflect atelectasis . right internal jugular central venous catheter tip in the svc . no interval change in mild pulmonary edema with continued left basilar consolidation possibly reflecting atelectasis or infection, with small bilateral pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15259244 54770541 b267e44d-493a0dca-420b4fd5-a91a1026-c3386cac +868 chest pa and lateral radiograph demonstrates unremarkable mediastinal and hilar contours . stable mild cardiomegaly evident . increased opacity overlying the right diaphragm on background of right lower lung atelectasis, may indicate pneumonia . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax evident . stable l and t compression fractures . stable degenerative changes of the right shoulder . increased opacity of right lower lung may reflect worsening atelectasis, though in proper clinical setting, pneumonia is a possibility . no pleural effusion evident . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18512911 56917340 c4b67dd3-d40261f4-896ca5c9-acc7cde5-d93ec993 +869 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to obtained at pm . the et tube tip is . cm above the carina . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged in position . the new esophageal stent is unchanged . there is interval increase in left pleural effusion, small-to-moderate currently, although it might be reflecting different position of the patient . right lung opacification is unchanged . the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of mid svc . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19016834 51427581 3f1c5c54-e3cae103-4b1e822d-3b6c863b-9191faaa +870 since the prior exam, there is a new thin linear density along the left apex, which may represent a pneumothorax . alternatively, it could be a skinfold . additionally, there are worsening basilar opacities, right more than left, likely due to pulmonary edema from re-expansion after the right thoracentesis . patchy bilateral opacities are otherwise not significantly changed . there is stable small left effusion . the right costophrenic angle is somewhat obscured by overlying monitoring lines, though there is likely a small right effusion . there is no right pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . . linear opacity along the left apex extending down laterally may represent a new pneumothorax . alternatively, it could represent a skinfold . recommend a repeat chest radiograph for further clarification . . increasing basilar opacities, likely from worsening re-expansion edema . there is a stable small left pleural effusion and likely a small residual right pleural effusion . scattered bilateral opacities are otherwise unchanged, likely reflective of the known multifocal pneumonia . results were discussed with dr . resident at pm . on via telephone by dr . at the time the findings were discovered . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax 16662264 53233378 dcdd32f6-e80f7f1f-0c2448f5-0816540b-3b890ebf +871 compared to most recent prior exam, there has been interval improvement in bilateral pleural effusions small pleural effusions remaining . there has been interval improvement in interstitial edema with mild residual vascular engorgement and very mild bibasilar interstitial edema . heart size continues to be enlarged . no pneumothorax is detected . previously noted abdominal stent is incompletely imaged . interval improvement in interstitial edema and bilateral pleural effusions with mild interstitial edemavascular engorgement and small bilateraly pleural effusions remaining . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 17189198 57397512 7d2e3c50-e0ca79fb-74b46922-68f9cb02-e05269e5 +872 right-sided port-a-cath tip terminates in the svc . large right pleural effusion which is loculated appears slightly increased compared to the prior study . right basilar opacification could reflect compressive atelectasis though infection is not excluded . chest tube is again noted with tip projecting over the right lung base . there is mild leftward shift of mediastinal structures, slightly increased compared to the prior study . cardiac and mediastinal contours otherwise are unchanged . streaky left basilar opacity likely reflects atelectasis . no pneumothorax is identified, and no pulmonary edema is seen . no acute osseous abnormalities detected . large right loculated pleural effusion, slightly increased in size with increasing right basilar opacification suggestive of atelectasis though infection is not excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16826047 57080795 196c8e5f-ab6084a7-145ac6ef-54b05747-9768ba0f +873 heart size is normal . lung fields are clear . the superior mediastinum appears slightly widened, but this may be projectional . patient is mildly rotated . followup films in four to six weeks time are recommended to keep this area under observation . because of varying degrees of rotation, comparison to the previous examination of is difficult . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 11924226 56990167 dc00203a-4168ce8c-d79d47d2-eef8780b-d3fe037a +874 the patient is status post sternotomy . the heart is moderately enlarged . layering pleural effusions are present . these are difficult to directly compare to the prior study, because of suspected differences in positioning, but the appearance is probably fairly similar . coinciding compressive atelectasis is likely . mild interstitial opacification suggests mild vascular congestion, new since the prior study . prior vertebroplasties have been performed . findings suggesting mild interstitial pulmonary edema and persistent bilateral pleural effusions, probably at least moderate in size . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 17669276 56894803 2e82b549-d2fb6a33-4747e742-d21b905f-813ff996 +875 the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . at low lung volumes there is moderate cardiomegaly and mild fluid overload but no overt pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . no visible pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 12475198 59310626 b92a4a75-b5345ec3-917fc5be-e7953fb5-d91be228 +876 consolidative opacities involving the left upper lobe and right middle lobe are suspicious for multifocal pneumonia . small left effusion may also be present . there is no pulmonary edema . the heart is top normal in size with normal cardiomediastinal silhouette . right shoulder does not appear well seated in the glenoid and correlation with exam findings and dedicated shoulder radiographs is recommended . large hiatal hernia is unchanged . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . by phone at on . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16360985 55698800 88633d62-dc511693-f8ff40bf-fbf31a2e-2760a8e3 +877 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to obtained at am . the patient continues to be in pulmonary edema, moderate . port-a-cath catheter is unchanged in position . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged as well . no substantial interval increase in pleural effusion is demonstrated . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10439781 56653253 7bc78455-41c1debf-80eb11b0-d8ff58b8-e4e2496d +878 slight hyperinflation, chest cta prior to surgery did not show emphysema . it did show mild to moderately severe bronchiectasis, particularly in the left lower lobe . postoperatively, left lower lobe consolidation is probably due to atelectasis, stable since . there is new peribronchial opacification on the right, conceivably aspiration . exacerbation of bronchiectasis is another possibility . there is no pulmonary edema, and the upper lungs are clear . tiny left pleural effusion is of no clinical significance . heart size is normal . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 10402372 58117612 34fcf711-355f24f3-53a8dbc6-97730735-1d046d5a +879 comparison is made to the prior study performed at am . there is a right-sided catheter with the distal lead tip at the cavoatrial junction . there is a left ij central venous line with the distal lead tip in the mid svc . the endotracheal tube tip is . cm above the carina . the feeding tube whose distal tip is below the ge junction . these tubes are all unchanged in position . there is stable cardiomegaly . there is mild improved aeration at the lung bases . there remain bilateral pleural effusions . there are no signs for overt pulmonary edema or pneumothoraces . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 11880923 59196954 e3ba16c1-e0005eef-0c0e37cd-1ad23c91-beac16e8 +880 mild pulmonary edema on the right and moderate pulmonary edema on the left have worsened since , both slightly less severe than on when there was also asymmetry . heart size is normal . small right and moderate left pleural effusions are stable . left internal jugular line ends in the mid svc . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16334516 56389775 70cc5d8f-bbf4b758-e95c371a-f0e2a6b1-09a32c70 +881 no relevant change as compared to the previous examination, the postoperative changes in the left upper lung and the scarring in the perihilar portions of the right lung are constant in distribution and appearance . there currently is no evidence of pleural effusions on the lateral and frontal radiograph . status post cabg . moderate elongation of the descending aorta . no pneumonia . No Finding 14851532 58584546 2c699f50-503e7098-01ecae7c-d395875a-02612502 +882 frontal and lateral chest the lungs are well expanded . lingular opacity and right basilar linear atelectasis are unchanged from . no new opacity is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . heart size is normal . mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . requested wet read provided to dr . by phone . Lung Opacity 16435402 57153483 1497c1a7-0f52e042-8b3ffade-b8b71145-17eae73d +883 this study was not made available for my interpretation until today, . increased opacity at the right lung base is likely due to overlapping vascular structures . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . heart size is top normal . mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . no acute intrathoracic process . ct is more sensitive for detection of mass lesions . Lung Lesion 18767957 56290236 ecd3a847-44218ca9-e9039305-57d97776-45c6a231 +884 low lung volumes are again noted . chronic changes compatible with patients pulmonary fibrosis are noted . more severely affected areas seen at the bases, left greater than right . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . no acute osseous abnormalities identified . findings again compatible with patients known pulmonary fibrosis without definite superimposed acute process, noting that subtle change would be difficult to detect based on a portable film . Pleural Other 10867202 59535316 38ea1228-340e5c29-16578c7c-9c80eaed-1bb35307 +885 ap upright and lateral views of the chest providedthere is diffuse pulmonary edema which is moderate in extent . compare to prior, appearance is more compatible with pulmonary edema then a pneumonia . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stably prominent . hila remain congested . trace pleural fluid outlines the fissures . moderate pulmonary edema, stable cardiomegaly, trace pleural fluid . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16508811 52110166 3c683456-9107fcf5-4722c784-358a526d-54f47984 +886 indwelling support and monitoring devices remain in standard position . cardiac silhouette remains enlarged, and is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and mild edema . improving opacities at both lung bases may reflect improving atelectasis in the setting of interval decrease in size of adjacent pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18906643 56188866 197dd856-31ef9250-0c7a8773-b83b65ef-167e2eea +887 the right internal jugular dialysis catheter terminates within the right atrium . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the cardiac silhouette is severely enlarged, but unchanged . the hilar structures are unremarkable . there is no pleural effusion . there is a chronic subclincal pulmonary edema appearance to the pulmonary vascularity without evidence for acute volume overload . satisfactory right internal jugular dialysis catheter position without pneumothorax . unchanged severe cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 12963531 54527138 eb52937f-7fa55b40-86540246-ca98fc35-a5a9b68a +888 no focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is seen . heart and mediastinal contours are stable . there has been interval resolution of the previously seen pulmonary edema . a right subclavian hemodialysis catheter is seen with tip projecting over the expected location of the right atrium . there is a small right pleural effusion . small right pleural effusion with interval resolution of pulmonary edema since . No Finding 15259244 53532692 bb03b651-512952bc-0ea27cd3-c61b8255-0b80bbb5 +889 heart is upper limits of normal size given ap technique . mediastinal contours are stable . there are scattered radiopaque nodular opacities within both lungs suggestive of prior granulomatous infection . the perihilar vasculature is somewhat prominent . small layering bilateral effusions suggestive of mild vascular congestion . no overt pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . no evidence of focal pneumonia . degenerative changes in the thoracic spine with no acute bony abnormality identified . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax 16553329 50643762 d021c1f9-134fd8f8-e73a3e87-387d59f4-ea4ea7a6 +890 the reduced volume of the right hemithorax with areas of lateral pleural thickening . the areas of pleural thickening are constant, size and morphology . unchanged perihilar areas of fibrosis . unchanged size and aspect of the cardiac silhouette, no pathologic changes in the left lung . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Other 19389547 59044011 daf22278-c7ef9cb8-31e6569f-0e1541a4-153d1977 +891 cardiac size is normal . multiple bilateral lung nodules are again noted . patient is status post cabg . no esophageal stent is noted . either one stent is seen in the stomach that is coiled or two stents are present in the stomach . this is difficult to evaluate, given the technique . Lung Lesion&&Support Devices 16773796 52436523 96cda79d-ce622999-1de435f1-addeda4d-cdc26979 +892 the presence of extensive subcutaneous emphysema reduces the sensitivity of chest radiography for detecting pneumothoraces . with this limitation in mind, no pneumothorax is identified . left chest tube has been removed since the prior study, and right chest tube is unchanged in position . endotracheal tube remains in standard position, but cuff appears slightly overdistended . heart size is normal . worsening heterogeneous airspace opacities in right lower lobe are concerning for aspiration or evolving infectious pneumonia . numerous air-fluid levels are again demonstrated in the left upper lobe lateral to the left hilum, and may reflect hemorrhage or infection within a bullae . an adjacent area of consolidation is present in this region as well . as compared to the recent study of , the degree of subcutaneous emphysema has worsened, and is particularly more marked in the neck, axilla and lateral chest wall as compared to the prior studies . . no evidence of pneumothorax following removal of left-sided chest tube, but extensive subcutaneous emphysema reduces the sensitivity of radiography for detecting pneumothoraces . . worsening right lower lobe airspace opacity, concerning for developing pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . . progressive diffuse subcutaneous emphysema . . severe emphysema . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax 16751749 57862102 4a5bbca6-64ed6abf-84645068-6a7688bd-9a9910d4 +893 chest pa and lateral radiograph demonstrates a markedly elevated right hemidiaphragm with adjacent compressive atelectasis or consolidation . minimal blunting of the posterior costophrenic angle may indicate a small right pleural effusion . left lung is clear . cardiomediastinal borders are unremarkable . right hemidiaphragm elevation with opacification posteriorly suggesting extensive adjacent lung atelectasis, though cannot exclude developing infectious process . possible right pleural effusion as well . if findings do not resolve on subsequent radiography, evaluation with chest ct could be considered, preferably with intravenous contrast if possible . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11569093 51983905 ab1e1361-80eb18db-60ce9d49-0c7e8e71-477b3559 +894 opacity over the right mid-to-lower lateral lung appears similar, likely corresponding to known loculated pleural effusion catheter within the effusion appears similarly positioned . right port-a-cath terminates in the low svc, similar to prior . no new consolidation, left effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is detected . heart size is persistently enlarged, likely exaggerated by low lung volumes . stable-appearing loculated right pleural effusion with corresponding catheter . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 57308128 5d60432d-9a9f7b91-2a3f88ee-8f0c574e-de8f7187 +895 the patient had left lower lobe lobectomy in . expected stable surgical changes are seen in the left lung with volume loss and mild pleural thickening . there is no pneumothorax . the right lung is unremarkable . mediastinal and cardiac contours are not enlarged . conclusion the exam is stable since with expected changes after left lower lobe lobectomy . No Finding 12530259 53225437 ed9e09e7-e22ee204-4a73ca03-dc121d89-5ca5a446 +896 there has been a substantial increase in the degree of right pleural effusion, which extends upward on the frontal view to almost the level of the carina . there may be mild shift of the mediastinum to the left, though there is probably substantial volume loss in the right lower lung . the left lung is essentially clear . otherwise, little change . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 55667092 357764ae-3c98ec1b-8c94907d-641d3d01-5bae8280 +897 semi-upright portable ap view of the chest was provided . please note, due to marked scoliosis, evaluation is limited . there is a severe rotatory dextroscoliosis of the lower thoraciclumbar spine . the lungs appear grossly clear bilaterally without large consolidation, effusion, or definite signs of pneumothorax . heart size cannot be assessed . no definite signs of fracture . severe scoliotic deformity without definite signs of aspiration or fracture . Fracture 18110020 51285349 d9e22dc4-c2df3c29-6bbda3ee-d5d33e26-c93e5f4e +898 heart size and mediastinum are stable . no change in mild cardiomegaly and prominence of the main pulmonary arteries present . mild vascular congestion is present but there is no overt pulmonary edema . no appreciable pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 11052273 57433211 f0f60c0b-52abfabd-2b92739a-f825fa77-74c719e9 +899 the monitoring and support devices, including the esophageal stent are in constant position . constant right pigtail catheter . the bilateral severe parenchymal opacities are unchanged . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 55513654 634557d1-cf60366d-474c0152-9a7b5559-72f0bc1e +900 comparison is made with prior studies performed a day earlier . allowing the difference in positioning of the patient, large right pleural effusion is either stable or minimally increased . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . cardiomegaly cannot be assessed . mild pulmonary edema is new . port-a-cath and right pleural catheter are in place . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 51426470 f277a782-19eae246-7886e1cf-23cb06bd-7b9d64ff +901 the heart size is enlarged but similar to prior exam . the mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . the lung volumes are low with bibasilar atelectasis, more pronounced on the left than the right and there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is no evidence of pulmonary edema or thickened septal lines . multiple compression fractures of the lower thoracic spine have not changed since prior ct . cardiomegaly and low lung volumes with bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 18512911 56663989 74539665-467d0bc8-6f5c9920-f9b6e911-a6f92f44 +902 in comparison with the study , there has been placement of an endotracheal tube with its tip approximately . cm above the carina . nasogastric tube extends to the lower body of the stomach . continued low lung volumes . there is increase in the size and indistinctness of pulmonary vessels, consistent with elevated pulmonary venous pressure possibly related to over-hydration . the -channel pacer device remains in place . the left ij catheter again crosses the midline to extend to the right subclavian or internal jugular system . Edema&&Support Devices 12595991 59402852 39fd5a3b-600c7c44-8426c20e-dafdd287-f5b59fca +903 ap and lateral chest radiographs are provided . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . median sternotomy wires are intact . surgical clips are seen along the left heart border . there are degenerative changes throughout the thoracic spine and at the right acromioclavicular joint . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15032623 52019812 c1ca2269-888c6d31-99903c19-c02256b7-390f38a1 +904 the lung volumes are normal . mild cardiomegaly with tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . no current pulmonary edema . minimal atelectasis at the right lung base but no evidence of pneumonia . no pleural effusions . normal aspect of the mediastinal structures . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 12810135 50981777 14d22854-f75c9939-e36fa170-315d2ccb-2fc011e3 +905 cardiomediastinal contours are stable . patchy and linear opacity has developed at the left lung base, and may reflect atelectasis although coexisting aspiration or infectious pneumonia is possible . band-like linear atelectasis at the right base has worsened in the interval . otherwise, no short-interval change since recent study . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19061282 56963912 c9d87d11-a862527b-17c66e14-b5598f4f-2f5d28c5 +906 a right subclavian central line is present, tip at svcra junction overlying the uppermost ra . status post sternotomy . mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly . small to moderate left effusion with underlying collapse andor consolidation . upper zone re-distribution and mild diffuse vascular blurring . small right effusion . prosthetic valve and additional mediastinal or upper abdominal clips noted . compraed with , overall appearances are similar, but chf findings may be slightly worse and the left effusion is probably slightly larger . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 51657622 cbac2f9e-cc7b29cb-4abb137c-1d89c1ea-a6c56689 +907 tracheostomy tube is in standard position . left subclavian line ends at mid svc . small lucency near the left lung apex could conceivably be a small pneumothorax, however, given the extent of bilateral severe subcutaneous emphysema, this may represent skin fold and moreover detection of small pneumothorax in this sitting is difficult . otherwise, the overall extent of bilateral subcutaneous emphysema is unchanged . multifocal lung opacities are similar . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16751749 50795677 aaf8a24a-aa94d1ac-0c8bf9e2-7a786f52-61f413f3 +908 since consolidation has largely cleared from the right lung base since , this was presumably either dependent edema alone or dependent edema and atelectasis . minimal interstitial edema remains, but the left lower lobe is much better aerated today . the heart is mildly to moderately enlarged . no pneumothorax . dual-channel dialysis line ends in the right atrium . No Finding 15259244 59654440 981f5956-9dbb9f69-8b7bbf12-b872f7a3-16f09cf4 +909 compared to the most recent prior radiograph, there has been no significant change . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . again seen is minimal bibasilar atelectasis . there is no pleural effusion or focal consolidation . the cardiac silhouette is stable, and there is mild tortuosity of the aorta . median sternotomy wires and clips are unchanged . subcutaneous air in the left soft tissues is again seen . no significant interval change . No Finding 12736592 54548144 ddace369-8c8f0353-59316221-492cdda4-f6bfe724 +910 there continues to be elevation of the left hemidiaphragm with left effusion and an alveolar infiltrate in the left mid lung . however, overall the aeration on the left is much improved . the right lung is clear . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12530259 52210830 da3efe68-9a328a1b-4d20e7f8-0152154a-e945badd +911 moderate cardiomegaly is stable . mild generalized interstitial pulmonary abnormality is longstanding, probably not edema or infection . there is no appreciable pleural effusion . atherosclerotic calcification of the aortic arch and proximal head and neck vessels is heavy . several longstanding fractures of left middle ribs posteriorly are non-united . there is also the suggestion of lytic lesions in several left ribs, particularly the eight . clinical correlation advised . findings posted to the online record of critical results reporting for notification of the referring physician . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Fracture&&Pneumonia 17206933 56118817 0a48d5b4-3f3aff93-e685c884-b13d2c6c-2c2ab46b +912 comparison to . no relevant change . lung volumes are low . the monitoring and support devices are in stable correct position . moderate cardiomegaly with mild fluid overload but no overt pulmonary edema . minimal pleural fluid along the minor fissure on the right . no evidence of pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 56506968 431a17b6-190ff348-b3f07795-8b75e49c-9c2e5030 +913 comparison is performed with the next preceding similar study of . heart size and mediastinal structures unchanged . on the right base, the previously described two pleural chest tubes remain in unaltered position . the degree of pleural densities blunting the lateral and posterior pleural sinus has regressed mildly . no new pulmonary abnormalities are present . no pneumothorax has developed . left-sided hemithorax is unremarkable as before . mild regression of pleural densities right base in a patient with known empyema, still with chest two draining and tubes . no pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 13352405 55629622 982578b4-18516c2a-5faf15d7-e4641de2-eca3ad55 +914 basilar opacity seen on the lateral view best corresponds to a retrocardiac opacity suspicious for developing left lower lobe pneumonia or aspiration event in the setting of altered mental status . chronic peribronchiolar opacities seen bilaterally are similar in distribution and slightly more apparent due to lower lung volumes and ap technique . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart size is normal with normal cardiomediastinal silhouette . left lower lobe opacity likely reflects pneumonia or aspiration . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 56058164 67106e2c-168fd4e2-52fbcc7d-4c4b2f27-5499c157 +915 triple lead pacing device along the right chest wall is again noted with leads in unchanged position . mitral valvular replacement again noted . prominence of the interstitial markings are again seen without evidence of focal consolidation or overt pulmonary edema . there is no large pleural effusion noting persistent probable fluid within the major fissure on the lateral . degree of cardiomegaly has not changed . no acute osseous abnormalities detected . findings is compatible with mild interstitial edema . Edema 19759491 58191597 73f1035a-9d57466e-92c2b0b1-5ee3d31c-78ad1ad4 +916 compared with prior radiographs on , there is slight increase in opacity in the left lower lung adjacent to the left heart border, with improved right basilar opacity . there is a small right pleural effusion, slightly decreased from prior . no pneumothorax . there is no overt pulmonary edema . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . slightly increased opacity at the left lower lung adjacent to the left heart border, with decrease in right basilar opacity compared with prior . slight decrease in small right pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 54545268 078b8107-6b122d1a-325d9a89-33038b55-a20ebabc +917 bedside upright ap radiograph of the chest demonstrates little interval change when compared to prior study performed hours ago . there is minimal, stable enlargement of the cardiomediastinal contours consistent with mild chronic heart failure . persistent obscuration of the pulmonary vascular markings in the right lung base is consistent with trace pulmonary edema . bibasilar atelectasis is still present . the lungs are otherwise clear . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . a left internal jugular central venous catheter, an endotracheal tube, and an orogastric tube are unchanged and appropriately positioned . the chronic findings of atherosclerotic calcification of the aortic arch and bilateral glenohumeral joint degenerative changes are once again noted . . mild chronic congestive heart failure with stable trace pulmonary edema at the right lung base . . stable bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema 10268877 54103072 46258faf-c930aa13-1b09c523-4972126b-47bba114 +918 portable upright view of the chest demonstrates low lung volumes, which accentuate bronchovascular markings . there is near-complete resolution of bilateral pleural effusions seen on exam . there is no pneumothorax or focal consolidation . streaky opacity in the left juxtahilar region along with mild prominence of the pulmonary vascularity likely reflects mild interstitial edema, which is improved compared to the prior study . heart is mildly enlarged . mediastinal contour is slightly widened, which is most likely due to low lung volumes and patient positioning . post-surgical changes related to median sternotomy and cabg are again noted . . low lung volumes . mild interstitial pulmonary edema, improved from the previous exam . . near-complete interval resolution of bilateral pleural effusions since . . prominent mediastinal silhouette is most likely due to low lung volumes and patients positioning . a repeat conventional pa and lateral radiographs will be helpful, when tolerated . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 18615099 53424979 469c319a-57c55551-e71b3f83-73849157-a180b0ee +919 previously identified left-sided picc line remains in unchanged position . an ng tube is seen to be curled up in the epipharynx area and the tip of the line reaches just in the upper portion of the esophagus, terminating to cm above the level of the carina . adjustment of ng tube is required . ref . physician was paged at pm . case was discussed and tube had been withdrawn completely . No Finding&&Support Devices 13979643 54505002 dc4cccd3-1c855845-e52e1419-7da6cc73-c40f3f5b +920 a longstanding left upper lobe oval nodule has been present since at least and has not changed since at least when a chest ct report termed it benign . sclerosis at the right first costochondral junction as well as post-surgical changes from a wedge resection in the right upper lobe are all stable since . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hila are normal . there is no pleural effusion and no pneumothorax . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is chronic or recurrent . no acute cardiothoracic process including no evidence of pneumonia . No Finding 16334516 59804376 ab08af63-948a2416-3f9f6080-5d16badd-02c43b45 +921 single portable chest radiograph demonstrates a vague opacification projecting over the lingula in the region of the previously noted mass . finding is likely a combination of residual mass and a small, not unexpected hemorrhage . no pneumothorax identified . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . minimal atelectatic changes are noted in the right lung base . no osseous abnormality evident . no pneumothorax . faint opacification over lingula is combination of residual mass and small amount of unexpected postoperative hemorrhage . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 16435402 57635079 16b32195-cb3e0995-d4cf9ac1-4af71b24-8d42365f +922 cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable with the cardiac silhouette mild-to-moderately enlarged . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . degenerative changes are seen along the spine . mild pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiomegaly . pulmonary nodules documented on ct from are better appreciated on that study . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Lesion 19844485 53788698 e9f8beb8-4ee1436c-72c497d0-1bc5a42c-e9cfb483 +923 compared with the earlier study, a new endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina . lobe lung volumes are re- demonstrated, with cardiomegaly, mild to moderate pulmonary edema, and persistent hilar congestion . no large pleural effusions or pneumothorax on this limited scan . a presumed enteric tube courses be low the left hemidiaphragm another view . et tube tip positioned cm above the carina . ng tube extends inferiorly, tip not seen . persistent pulmonary edema . Edema&&Support Devices 15131736 58145542 b031566e-064ee571-7c0e1804-9509e4ce-e8c2fd74 +924 upright ap and lateral views of the chest the patient is status post median sternotomy, cabg, vascular stenting . the heart size is mildly enlarged, but stable . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . the pulmonary vascularity is not engorged . the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is visualized . no acute osseous abnormality is seen . No Finding 19150427 56901180 27be8e47-777aa20b-bdfc0d00-edfb3263-1cebe4df +925 the dobbhoff tube tip passes below the diaphragm, terminating at the distal duodenumproximal jejunum . right central venous line tip is at the cavoatrial junction . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged . left internal jugular line tip is at the junction of left brachiocephalic vein and svc . there is interval increase in the right lower lung atelectasis as well as slight increase in bilateral pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is seen . pulmonary edema is present, moderate . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 50889423 5fe74fb9-978c6718-4181ec01-234b0987-85e6ce3b +926 there is obscuration of the left heart border, likely scarring from prior infection . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart size is normal . the mediastinal and hilar structures are unremarkable . Lung Opacity 16662264 59191421 39a0863f-9a6a4e94-41b1b286-8536e7dc-75252ad8 +927 unchanged appearance of the left postoperative lung with decrease in size of the hemithorax . unchanged opacities at the right lung base, potentially caused by atelectasis or, possibly, aspiration . short-term further radiographic followup should be performed . no larger pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 10885696 52654095 eee70ea1-a4bb5ad0-eb92e7e6-ac788ab6-922f880b +928 again seen are stable bilateral linear opacities in the upper lungs with suggestion of local fibrosis . there is no evidence of fibrosis in other lung zones or progression of disease . there is no hilar adenopathy, focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . no newly appeared micronodules . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . stable bilateral upper lung opacities, most likely local fibrosis . no evidence of disease progression . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other 14147787 59631450 5b73306f-64ed83f7-dc6e0957-f8d1a9b2-bdd393f3 +929 pa and lateral views of the chest demonstrate interval increase in size of right pleural effusion, along with complete atelectasis of the right middle and lower lobes, raising concern for bronchial obstruction . the right upper lobe and left lung are grossly clear . the heart size is unchanged . median sternotomy wires and post-surgical changes associated with aortic valve replacement are unchanged . interval increase in right pleural effusion with complete atelectasis of the right middle and lower lobes, raising concern for bronchial obstruction . the above findings were communicated to dr . by dr . telephone at pm, min after discovery . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 52356800 7d705bf2-0c6a9344-d86b9381-311c9eb2-e4b1ab6c +930 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . left-sided dual-chamber pacemaker is noted with leads terminating in right atrium and right ventricle, unchanged . cardiomegaly is similar . there is continued mild to moderate pulmonary edema, slightly improved compared to the prior exam . small layering bilateral pleural effusions also may be slightly decreased in the interval . bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax . no acute osseous abnormalities are visualized . . mild to moderate congestive heart failure, slightly improved in the interval, with layering small bilateral pleural effusions . . bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect compressive atelectasis . infection cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 18615099 55695509 2d13a8b7-f90c5932-218e4fdf-056b5c2f-550c0a09 +931 single frontal view of the chest demonstrates a left pectoral cardiac pacer with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . the heart is top normal in size . the mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . there are increased perihilar streaky opacities, which suggests pulmonary edema . right suprahilar pulmonary mass is redemonstrated, better correlated on cross-sectional imaging . there is dense retrocardiac probable atelectasis and small left pleural effusion . mild pulmonary edema . small left effusion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13067703 59557085 35526265-ad9db1b3-08d311e6-d1193a33-473315c3 +932 the right-sided chest tube is in unchanged position . unchanged massive soft tissue air collection . an intrathoracic pneumothorax cannot be detected . unchanged opacity at the right lung base and in the left lung apex . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16751749 54355730 15f11dc8-bf0efa42-bfe3db80-e0bf6c95-1ae84951 +933 there has been complete clearing of the areas of consolidation bilaterally . no evidence of vascular congestion, pleural effusion, or acute focal pneumonia . No Finding 19800337 50788655 0a5e513b-7a7ee423-b8c4a49e-66eb48ce-2ad0011a +934 right picc terminates at in mid svc . there is no consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal and hilar silhouettes are normal size . cervical spine hardware is partially included . no radiographic evidence of pneumonia . No Finding 15114531 59942551 4e536fbd-1d3c1f99-c3494ba6-918a4177-3e3b72ff +935 severely enlarged heart is stable . bilateral small pleural effusions, left side more than right, and mild bibasal atelectasis is present . no evidence of pneumonia . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 13473781 57035793 c4d46e0f-fba1a258-b4b5722e-5aec1b56-de6931be +936 mild right pleural effusion . substantial cardiomegaly with tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . mild fluid overload . no pneumonia . minimal areas of atelectasis at both the right and the left bases . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 19454978 57439770 52b231f0-b5da5c5b-5a030c08-1b4c1c46-99c6b79e +937 the et tube tip is . cm above the carina . ng tube tip is in the stomach . there is left retrocardiac opacity, unchanged since the prior study . minimal interstitial pulmonary edema is unchanged . no interval development of pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10268877 50214117 0ae61039-a3a12c67-9f740931-e24e8c00-776d83f0 +938 there is slight interval decrease in pleural effusion, in particular on the right where the subpulmonic component is most likely substantial . the mediastinal contour is unremarkable, consistent with neoesophagus . lungs are essentially clear . small amount of left pleural effusion still present . Pleural Effusion 16848073 57816818 4ef6ed7d-7e5c2651-ceb2b69c-d9738889-3c732c77 +939 ap semi-erect and lateral chest radiograph evaluation is limited due to significant patient rotation to the right . median sternotomy wires appear intact . moderately severe enlargement of the cardiac silhouette appears grossly unchanged . evaluation of the mediastinum is limited due to the significant patient rotation . there is mild interstitial pulmonary edema . the appearance is similar to recent portable radiograph from . blunting of the bilateral costophrenic angles is chronic and are compatible with persistent small pleural effusions . no confluent consolidation or pneumothorax is present . evidence of prior vertebroplasty in the mid thoracic spine is unchanged from prior . . limited examination due to poor patient positioning . . mild interstitial pulmonary edema is similar to recent prior examination with small bilateral pleural effusions . . stable moderately severe cardiomegaly . . no confluent consolidation or pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 17669276 53398424 8011d9cb-8f3ea017-86ad36bd-5e7380ff-32005f00 +940 except for minimal bibasilar atelectasis, the lungs are clear . mild cardiac congestionis stable . cardiac contour is normal . the upper mediastinum appears widened due to the lordotic view . chest ct in only showed mediastinal fat in this region . conclusion there is no evidence of pneumonia . No Finding 17720924 57474951 d958a1d3-977c9fd6-0296ff8d-bf5c5aa9-8894c621 +941 there is mild blunting of the right cp angle which could reflect a tiny effusion or pleural thickening . the lungs are otherwise clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . tiny right pleural effusion versus pleural thickening . Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 14295224 55167612 a55b384b-7dd7a06c-b48b46f4-b7522c74-c7f156b3 +942 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged including mild cardiomegaly . there is similar elevation of the left hemidiaphragm with persistent unchanged vague left mid to lower lung opacity which may indicate some degree of chronic atelectasis and, particularly given lack of change, isnot suspicious for an acute superimposed process . the lungs appear otherwise clear . old left-sided rib fractures are also unchanged . there has been no significant change . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . No Finding 15446959 52616494 647c3bd0-6e8ea0e4-e367edee-d6eefb00-174fcf42 +943 cardiomediastinal contours are normal . the lungs are hyperinflated . patient has known bronchiectasis in the lower lobes bilaterally . bronchial wall thickening has worsened in the lower lobes bilaterally . faint patchy peribronchial opacities in the lower lobes, right greater than left, have also minimally increased . this is consistent with worsening inflammatory or infectious process . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10402372 53941324 fac91686-0b3af505-de09585a-0b7529e2-2d4defc6 +944 comparison is made to prior study performed a day earlier . lines and tubes are in unchanged standard position . multifocal consolidations in the right upper and lower lobes bilaterally left greater than right are unchanged . severe cardiomegaly is stable . there are no new lung abnormalities . probably small right pleural effusion is unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11022245 55512076 d5d3964c-238d57c2-52e7bc5c-5233980d-1f0a2e2a +945 the pacer unit leads are unchanged in position . the endotracheal tube tip sits cm above the carina . the endogastric tube side port sits just below the ge junction . a prosthetic mitral valve is noted . the heart size is stable . there has been minimal improvement in the diffuse ground-glass opacities . blunting of both costophrenic angles suggests small pleural effusions along with predominantly retrocardiac atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax . slightly improved pulmonary opacities compatible with moderate pulmonary edema versus pulmonary hemorrhage . Edema&&Lung Opacity 18322589 51044625 0d930f0a-46f813a9-db3b137b-05142eef-eca3c5a7 +946 no significant change in comparison to . no pulmonary edema . mild retrocardiac opacity unchanged, likely atelectasis . stable severe cardiomegaly . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . ett measures . cm above the carina . right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads in standard positions and contiguous with the left pectoral generator . ng tube tip terminates in the stomach . right ij catheter tip in the mid svc . no significant interval change compared to chest radiograph from . No Finding 18487334 50701063 8421105f-75a36b56-fb945313-e4f6d3a0-e2876c01 +947 comparison . no relevant change . minimal right and moderate left pleural effusion, the left pleural effusion is slightly increasing . moderate cardiomegaly . signs of mild pulmonary edema . no new focal parenchymal opacities . unchanged alignment of the sternal wires, unchanged . left pectoral pacemaker . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 55740020 7576b31f-3445c62b-0b2c892b-4ec42aea-61ada0c6 +948 ap upright portable radiograph of the chest demonstrates a mildly enlarged heart with mild pulmonary edema and mild bibasilar atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . there is a cardiac pacemaker in place, unchanged in position . there are numerous mediastinal surgical clips as well as sternal cerclage wires in place . mild pulmonary edema, mild cardiomegaly, mild bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema 18615099 59152117 01c5daed-cf6a5552-a23ad3f6-5850acca-d9619ea2 +949 pa and lateral chest radiographs again demonstrate compression fractures involving the t and t vertebral bodies . of note, the t vertebral has worsened compared to . the lung volumes are low with probable bibasilar atelectasis, particularly along the right heart border, where there is some increase in conjunction with reduced lung volumes . there is no focal consolidation or pleural effusion . the heart size is normal . . no definite pneumonia suspected atelectasis in the right infrahilar region, perhaps somewhat increased in association with reduced lung volumes . . worsening t compression fracture compared to . Atelectasis&&Fracture 13978244 56696460 a86906cf-710c164d-b996484a-ac9ade58-dbcff302 +950 heart size is enlarged but stable . there remains moderate pulmonary edema which is unchanged . there is an unchanged left retrocardiac opacity . there are likely small bilateral effusions . there are no pneumothoraces . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 56644987 498f05dc-57343a1b-c611226d-832d85bd-a088cd1e +951 frontal and lateral views of chest were obtained . dual-lead left-sided pacemaker is again seen with leads extending to the expected positions of the right atrium and right ventricle . left perihilar opacity is again seen, grossly similar in appearance, consistent with known mass and parenchymal scarring . there is persistent blunting of the left costophrenic angle which appears slightly increased since the prior study . left retrocardiac opacity may relate to combination of effusion and atelectasis, however underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . the right lung is clear . . left pleural effusion which appears increased since the prior study . left retrocardiac opacity may relate to combination of effusion and atelectasis, however underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . . left perihilar opacity consistent with known mass and parenchymal scarring . grossly stable appearance of the left perihilar region . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 18067737 58056585 ce6c73a2-bfbdbdf8-f7f014a2-bfffc5e3-232d2d80 +952 ap portable upright chest radiograph was provided . loculated right pleural effusion is again seen, with compressive lower lobe atelectasis unchanged . there is right perihilar opacity which likely reflects known fibrosis as seen on prior ct . new consolidation is seen . no pneumothorax . overall, cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . unchanged appearance of the chest with findings of right pleural effusion, loculated and lower lobe atelectasis as well as right perihilar fibrosis is unchanged . please refer to subsequent cta chest for further details . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 19720782 53035658 5932603f-64abd8a2-713ef8b9-907f95b0-106004c5 +953 there has been interval placement of left-sided picc, which terminates in the low svc . previously seen right-sided picc which is curled in the right axilla is no longer seen . there is also interval removal of previously seen right-sided internal jugular central venous catheter . the patient is status post median sternotomy . the cardiac silhouette remains moderately enlarged . mediastinal contours are stable, with the aorta tortuous and unfolded . there appears to have been slight interval increase in bilateral pleural effusions which may in part relate to differences in patient position . there are increased perihilar opacities suggesting pulmonary edema . left base retrocardiac opacity may be due to combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis however, underlying consolidation is not excluded . no pneumothorax is seen . persistent moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . bilateral pleural effusions, likely slightly increased . increased perihilar opacities most likely related to pulmonary edema however, an atypical infection is not entirely excluded in appropriate clinical setting . left basilar opacity may represent combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis however, underlying consolidation is not excluded . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 17669276 58950601 44af3e4a-0cc1e98d-377c1626-46bc8189-2c995eb3 +954 right internal jugular line tip is at the level of cavoatrial junction . post-sternotomy wires are unremarkable . the patient is still in volume overload but it has improved since the prior study . bilateral pleural effusions are large associated with bibasilar atelectasis . no pneumothorax is demonstrated . since the prior study, there has been interval decrease in the right pleural effusion consistent with reported history of thoracocentesis, although effusion is still at least moderate . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 57927198 d7539f3d-8434d8d9-45deaba6-7524faea-7412f5dc +955 moderate cardiomegaly is a stable . small bilateral effusions are decreased on the right and stable on the left . bibasilar adjacent atelectasis have improved on the right . pulmonary edema has almost completely resolved . there is no pneumothorax . multiple bilateral ill-defined nodular opacities and a larger opacity in the left mid lung were better evaluated on ct . continued followup is recommended . patient has known emphysema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 58144042 c973cc75-e43e939d-63395fb7-0e75eeb1-8abb0081 +956 diffuse interstitial opacities have progressed since . the hila are indistinct . there is a new small left pleural effusion . moderate cardiomegaly is similar . aortic arch calcifications are similar . there is a stable convex left thoracic scoliosis . thoracic vertebral compression fractures and old left clavicle fracture are unchanged . moderate to severe interstitial pulmonary edema is worse compared with . Edema 13475033 52606958 55339975-113cd016-3378dc51-976067bf-8b4e471f +957 the lungs remain hyperinflated . again seen is biapical scarring and evidence of bullous disease . there is increased opacity at the lateral right lung base which could relate to underlying scarring and is likely similar in appearance to ct from scout view . however, underlying infectious process cannot be entirely excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable as compared to . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16751749 53647250 fccc3e79-097ee8e0-2e6dd2f2-272cc880-9a0ef87b +958 pa and lateral chest compared to chest radiographs since , most recently at pm, and ct scanning of the chest on pm . on , for ct-guided transthoracic needle aspiration . small bilateral pleural effusions were present prior to needle aspiration, and are not complications of the procedure . there is no pneumothorax . large area of consolidation with a mass-like quality in the lingula has grown appreciably since , most of which was hemorrhage associated with transbronchial biopsy on . reviewing the series of chest radiographs and chest ct scans since , the findings suggest granulomatous infection not malignancy, particularly fungal pathogens, such as coccidioidomycosis or cryptococcosis, alternatively mycobacterial infection, actinomycosis, or nocardia . Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16435402 55968926 09a1e64f-23ae347f-cda48fff-8cd6e499-65b4bed0 +959 aeration in the previously atelectatic or consolidated left upper lobe has improved, improvement in the left lung base is less pronounced . both are presumably due to atelectasis but radiographically one could not exclude clearing pneumonia . moderate left pleural effusion is still present . moderate enlargement of the heart is unchanged . right lung shows milder atelectasis but is otherwise clear . there is no pulmonary edema or pneumothorax . transvenous right atrioventricular pacer leads are in standard placements . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19075045 52124955 f2623666-d215e0db-d9e21905-b5e17801-8f754dd9 +960 portable ap chest radiograph moderate-to-severe chronic cardiomegaly is unchanged . the lung volumes are extremely low resulting in crowding of the bronchovascular markings . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is present, with improvement in the previously seen pulmonary edema . no consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen in this study . Edema 15131736 54359651 a8398d17-610399a9-7f2059be-9b8fe9f8-b05f3290 +961 a dialysis catheter terminates in the right atrium . there is a vascular stent projecting over the left chest apex which probably corresponds to a left subclavian venous stent . the heart is again moderately enlarged . the lung volumes are low . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lungs appear clear . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 13473495 57447816 23fdc685-8851eb9b-b5ee438b-0f486c37-4677e1ed +962 the left lung is relatively well aerated and clear . the right hemithorax is markedly opacified with volume loss, circumferential pleural thickening and pleural fluid with near complete opacification of the right lung with right basal pleural catheter noted . hydropneumothorax previously seen is not as well evaluated on this not fully upright film . cardiac contours are somewhat obscured but unremarkable . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 11569093 59433529 3d9581e4-1ca59a74-f2f5dfee-2599dad8-491fc6a0 +963 there has been development of diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications with widening of the vascular pedicle . in view of the injury to the manubrium, this most likely represents congestive failure, possibly exacerbated by large amounts of fluid replacement . bilateral pleural effusions are seen with compressive atelectasis at the bases . in view of the multiple traumas, the possibility of fat embolism syndrome would have to be considered if diuretic therapy is insufficient to cause clearing of the radiographic findings . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13586204 51189125 7394806d-330706a4-f0e6ba1f-7d857d57-2492e480 +964 widespread bilateral parenchymal opacities, combined to an enlarged cardiac silhouette . the monitoring and support devices are in constant position . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13078497 55557117 8a429357-0b188f6b-54307015-8a57c7cd-31b1ed38 +965 the patient is status post left pneumonectomy procedure . there is expected leftward shift of the cardiomediastinal contours . slight increase in amount of fluid in the lower left hemithorax, but majority of the pneumonectomy space remains gas-filled . right lung is overexpanded, and note is made of linear atelectasis at the right base . subcutaneous emphysema persists in the left chest wall . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 12410066 51727838 9d674775-c0b3be98-7ed72cdd-47852026-4ca978b4 +966 in comparison with earlier study of this date, the nasogastric tube extends well into the stomach with the tip beyond the lower limit of the image . the dobbhoff tube has been removed . No Finding&&Support Devices 15338518 59291942 035b3c94-500ee35c-10e923c5-3a5a2324-348b48c2 +967 ap and lateral views of the chest the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours are normal . pulmonary vascularity is normal, and the lungs are clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . clips are noted within the upper abdomen compatible with prior cholecystectomy . No Finding 16435402 51143879 4a11826b-f6d01af0-18890057-960c5a8c-f24fc5f0 +968 et tube and right internal jugular line are in standard placements . mild pulmonary edema has improved since . moderate bilateral pleural effusion and moderate cardiomegaly are stable . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10975446 56616764 f76c2a78-65248647-1c1b4bdf-9896fb2b-f5c2ab8d +969 upright ap view of the chest an endotracheal tube and right internal jugular central venous catheter have been removed . a left internal jugular catheter follows a normal course terminating at the confluence of the left brachiocephalic and svc . surgical clips and mediastinal drains are noted in situ . lungs are hyperexpanded . there is no new consolidation . right mid lung triangular opacity persists and probably represents fissural fluid . subtle right basilar opacity is similar to the prior exam, probably fluid . left effusion and atelectasis have improved . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17770657 50844481 608b0d80-17eff322-aea174f9-714f31a8-41683ee7 +970 moderate cardiomegaly is stable . pacer lead is in a standard position in the right ventricle . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . et tube tip is in standard position . there is no pneumothorax or large effusion . patient is status post cabg . mild vascular congestion has minimally improved . increasing opacities in the lower lobes, left greater than right are consistent with worsening atelectasis, aspiration cannot be totally excluded . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11540283 56385625 17d85861-7a43410c-8f9b5b54-4629da0d-5647276d +971 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . as on prior, low lung volumes are seen . within this limitation, the lungs are grossly clear . linear opacity at the right lung base is suggestive of subsegmental atelectasis . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . dual-lead pacing device is again seen . degenerative changes seen at the right glenohumeral joint . surgical clips seen in the right upper quadrant . no acute cardiopulmonary process based on this limited, portable examination . No Finding 12369221 50178679 861f9946-68cebd2f-e11dbfba-aaad1909-7ccc759e +972 ap portable semi upright view of the chest . endotracheal tube is been placed with its tip located approximately . cm above the carina . an ng tube courses into the left upper abdomen . the lungs appear clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . bony structures are intact . ett tip positioned . cm above the carina . ng tube positioned with tip in the stomach . No Finding&&Support Devices 18224196 56373683 02c9f4f3-ce818858-04a867b4-0c5c1823-e247eb67 +973 a left pectoral pacemaker is noted with a single intact lead . mild pulmonary edema is improved from chest x-ray . there is a small right pleural effusion . there is no lobar consolidation or pneumothorax . the heart is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal borders and hilar structures are normal . mild pulmonary edema and small right pleural effusion which is improved as compared to chest x-ray . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18570152 54399607 68e2da8e-4b0cc570-5f6dac62-dd096bf8-ce452663 +974 endotracheal tube and other support and monitoring devices are in standard position . status post removal of sternal wires . mass-like opacity at left lung apex appears similar to previous studies and has been more fully evaluated by ct of . pulmonary vascular congestion is again demonstrated as well as mild interstitial edema . moderate right and small left pleural effusions are similar with adjacent basilar lung opacities . Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 55969579 94afdd5f-dc06961f-690e6029-5a69f579-0be3a0a9 +975 the et tube is . cm above the carina . the ng tube tip is off the film, at least in the stomach . right ij cordis tip is in the proximal svc . the heart size is moderately enlarged . there is ill-defined vasculature and alveolar infiltrate, right greater than left . this is markedly increased compared to the film from two hours prior and likely represents fluid overload . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10268877 50042142 4c3c1335-0fce9b11-027c582b-a0ed8d89-ca614d90 +976 there has been improvement in mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema with decreased interstitial markings compared to most recent prior study . small bilateral pleural effusions have resolved . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . heart size is moderately enlarged and stable . a left chest wall port-a-cath terminates in the ra . the patient is status post multiple vertebroplasties . improved but not resolved mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema . Edema 10439781 56140154 fd8df0f3-08320e37-c337efdf-505d4348-76e89a9e +977 there is again enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . however, the pulmonary edema has substantially improved . blunting of the costophrenic angles process . there is an area of increased opacification in the right perihilar region, which could represent a new region of consolidation . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 13975291 58304701 772a5436-29f7b5fa-5ad23833-0939fd67-e58a599f +978 right chest wall triple lead pacing device is again seen as well as a dual lumen right-sided central venous catheter . prosthetic mitral valve is noted . degree of cardiomegaly is unchanged . persistent mild pulmonary edema is again noted . retrocardiac opacity may be accentuated by portable technique, grossly unchanged from prior . there is no large effusion . old healed left lateral rib fractures identified . persistent mild pulmonary edema . more confluent retrocardiac opacity potentially due to atelectasis accentuated by portable technique . consider pa and lateral if patient is amenable to further characterize . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 19759491 58917922 7fab0be6-9ffd373a-a2ef5222-4aaf90ed-c4afea69 +979 the patient was extubated with removal of the supporting devices . mediastinal and cardiac contours are unchanged, but enlarged . bilateral pleural effusion is most likely present and small . minimal vascular congestion is noted, but no overt edema is seen . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12733339 59488681 33c926ca-af4fc716-ced32c6c-5734ba7a-2d690062 +980 a pacerdefibrillator unit projects over the left chest with a lead terminating in the right ventricle . the heart size is mildly enlarged, although this may be exaggerated by ap technique . the mediastinal contours demonstrate calcified atherosclerotic disease of the aortic knob . the hilar contours demonstrate mild vascular engorgement . the lungs also demonstrate widespread hazy opacity, compatible with pulmonary edema . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . degenerative changes are present in the bilateral glenohumeral joints . pulmonary edema . Edema 12074041 52969052 b4a1b5bb-c12e1164-ded8460a-ccc5b283-abc72a43 +981 unchanged extent of moderate bilateral pleural effusions and moderate pulmonary edema . unchanged monitoring and support devices . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12433421 54607940 d714d837-b94d4724-3105ec18-ec20dde4-57c58bf4 +982 overlying ekg leads are present . cardiomegaly is again noted with interval development of hilar congestion and mild interstitial pulmonary edema . asymmetric opacity in the right lung is concerning for a superimposed pneumonia . no large effusion is seen . no pneumothorax . bony structures appear intact . mild cardiomegaly, hilar congestion, probable mild interstitial pulmonary edema . right-sided pulmonary opacities concerning for pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16508811 54970692 983faa39-85b84785-39cbeb3d-01519146-5be82c3b +983 there is a right upper extremity picc with the tip of which is in the mid svc . the lungs are notable for slight increased left lower lobe opacity with air bronchograms seen on the lateral view . the pulmonary vasculature is normal . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . . slight increase in prominence of airspace opacity in left lower lobe might represent developing or resolving infection . . mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . interval placement of picc, the tip of which is in the mid svc . at am . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16508811 59206877 d69cce11-46d26bdd-72a95d03-473ab83c-553c9c91 +984 a left ij swan-ganz catheter is present . as before, the tip lies relatively distal in the right pulmonary artery . clinical correlation to assess for possible retraction is requested . a mesh-like stent extends along the expected course of the left subclavian and brachiocephalic vessels . compared with the earlier film, there may have been slight interval improvement in the upper zone redistribution and vascular engorgement . otherwise, no gross interval change is detected . again seen is mild vascular prominence and opacity at the right base which is likely a combination of pleural fluid, possible elevated hemidiaphragm, and underlying collapse andor consolidation . there is also increased retrocardiac density, consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation and a small left effusion . the left effusion is slightly more apparent on the current exam . no pneumothorax is detected . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12847817 59739662 33ccb602-aba645d8-4359cbd7-39568ada-b906f1d4 +985 single ap view of the chest is provided . there has been interval placement of a right internal jugular line with tip residing in the distal svc . there is no pneumothorax . again seen are irregularly marginated opacities in the left and right lung zones . chronic pleural thickening is unchanged from prior . again seen is mild cardiomegaly . there is no pleural effusion . interval placement of right internal jugular line with tip in the distal svc . no pneumothorax . unchanged appearance of the lungs . No Finding&&Support Devices 15809646 57611237 a231b16b-dd2f002a-f99f05d9-20a0f431-bbeee698 +986 in comparison with the study , there is little change . the inner low lung volumes with enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and tortuosity of the aorta . no vascular congestion or acute focal pneumonia . multiple old healed rib fractures are again seen bilaterally . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture 18079481 54655227 a38b4a62-5deaca1f-e0321ec0-146245c7-e41f6981 +987 there are low lung volumes . bibasilar atelectasis have minimally improved . mild vascular congestion has minimally improved . there are no new lung abnormalities or pneumothorax . bilateral pleural effusions are small . right picc tip is at the cavoatrial junction . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14147380 54232769 57fce1b0-808d43b3-38a72d47-a9e8bb62-3237e1a6 +988 there has been interval placement of a nasogastric tube with its side port below the ge junction . the left-sided picc tip terminates at the mid to upper svc . otherwise, the heart size is unchanged, and there is bibasilar atelectasis . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . appropriate positioning of endogastric tube . No Finding&&Support Devices 13979643 52325695 9bb9ac9f-5c0710a7-9ff3aaa6-12658f5a-ddbe2f3b +989 pulmonary vascular engorgement has improved . there is no mediastinal widening . the heart is unchanged in size, probably mildly enlarged, but obscured by mediastinal fat deposition . the postoperative appearance of the left hemithorax including bulbous left hilus is also longstanding . large scale atelectasis in the right lower lobe has also been a feature since mid , probably progressed to complete collapse . tracheostomy tube in standard placement . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 10885696 56441444 f50a6967-0c476fd1-f6b7ff3a-5cdaaa5f-c072b628 +990 endotracheal tube tip terminates approximately . cm from the carina . orogastric tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm, with the tip not well visualized . the heart remains severely enlarged . there is mild pulmonary edema which has progressed compared to the previous study with a probable layering left pleural effusion . persistent bibasilar airspace opacities again may reflect atelectasis, aspiration or infection . there is no large pneumothorax on this supine study . low lying endotracheal tube with tip terminating approximately . cm above the carina . orogastric tube courses below the diaphragm . worsening mild pulmonary edema with layering left pleural effusion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13473495 54861751 b53f680b-da2b71cb-81533dc8-2bfa0ee3-f1450be5 +991 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . lower lung volumes are seen on the current exam . there is, however, suggestion of diffuse increased interstitial markings with more confluent opacities at the lung bases . while these could be due to impart atelectasis, underlying edema or infection is also suspected . cardiac silhouette is unchanged, as are the osseous and soft tissue structures . bilateral parenchymal opacities, worse at the bases, left greater than right, suggestive of underlying edema or bilateral infection superimposed on atelectasis . pa and lateral with better inspiratory effort may help further characterize . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19159236 53822449 85e6c011-1020a8b3-3145216e-1aed7acb-abe82459 +992 cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged including prominence of the main pulmonary artery consistent with pulmonary hypertension and overall cardiomegaly . bilateral, right more than left pleural effusions are unchanged, larger on the right and moderate-to-large on the left . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . there is bilateral vascular engorgement seen in the perihilar areas with interstitial prominence, consistent with mild interstitial pulmonary edema, most likely chronic findingas compared to , the degree of interstitial edema has improved slightly . unchanged appearance of the stent in the left brachiocephalic artery is noted . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 12847817 55528877 c45f4a37-92c5b7e4-84967783-d67f3d31-c1be91c5 +993 dobbhoff tube courses into the proximal duodenum and out of view . left picc terminates in the mid-to-distal svc . a combination of opacity and lucency at the right base is compatible with known empyema and associated atelectasis . confluent opacification in the left lung is increased from the previous examination and likely reflects a combination of progressed new pneumonia as well as edema in the setting of increased right-sided opacities, prominent interstitial lines, and fullness of the pulmonary vessels . the heart size is also slightly increased from the previous examination . no pneumothorax is identified . . increased opacity of both lungs compatible with mild to moderate pulmonary edema superimposed on existing, perhaps slightly worsened, left sided pneumonia . . unchanged appearance to right basal empyema and accompanying atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14387068 59024525 855b1f9b-cacca17f-ff431f6d-3e9c2ba3-65382faf +994 comparison to . the patient has received a left chest tube, the left pleural effusion has minimally decreased but is still present . subsequent atelectasis on the left is unchanged . moderate pulmonary edema persist in almost unchanged manner . stable borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13896515 50433627 9ffd35db-e8513d0b-320dab7d-17429141-c3c6f7d3 +995 portable chest radiograph demonstrates interval placement of endotracheal tube with tip cm above the carina . nasogastric tube seen coursing into the stomach and out of view . no pneumothorax identified . otherwise, unchanged exam with hyperinflation of lungs and severe bullous emphysematous changes identified in the upper lungs, particularly on the left . increased opacity at the lateral right lung base thought to represent scarring versus infectious process on prior study is better evaluated on current study and appears to be consistent with scarring, unchanged from . no pleural effusions evident . status post intubation with tip cm above carina . no pneumothorax . relative opacity at lateral right lung base thought to represent scarring versus infectious process on prior study is better evaluated on current study and appears to be consistent with scarring, unchanged from . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16751749 57955448 14047a00-16ef4559-fd349a7f-fc7d9ef5-2667ceaf +996 right-sided port-a-cath terminates in the mid svc as before . heart is top-normal in size . mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . lung volumes are low over the lungs are clear without focal consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 11413236 53410264 01162a03-2f26a872-9c7a120b-f5ce80a2-46b2577b +997 the right basilar opacity has cleared . no evidence of acute pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . No Finding 19800337 54891883 398b9c15-85897d9b-b04d11e2-25092267-47db634a +998 single ap portable erect view of the chest was obtained . relatively increase in opacity projecting over the right lung base is seen, which raises concern for underlying consolidation . dedicated pa and lateral views of the chest would be helpful for further evaluation . left lung is clear . slight blunting of the right costophrenic angle likely relates to overlying soft tissue . no overt pulmonary edema is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . right-sided vascular stent is unchanged in position . no evidence of free air is seen beneath the hemidiaphragms . right base opacity could be due to consolidation from pneumonia . pa and lateral views of the chest would be helpful for further evaluation . no evidence of free air beneath the diaphragms . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14744884 53924935 99aeda2e-665dd4de-645bda53-e43dbd3e-e3b45e9f +999 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . heart and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . lungs are again noted to be hyperinflated . stable chest radiographs without acute change . No Finding 10402372 58736291 c4713b43-d31ad200-30f7309b-ba7d87e3-b69db479 +1000 there is unchanged opacity in the left mid lung which likely represents residual scarring in this patient with prior pneumonia in this region . nipple shadows are noted bilaterally . no definite signs of acute consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax . no signs of pulmonary edema . the heart size and mediastinal contour are unremarkable . the bony structures are intact . vague opacity residua in the left mid to lower lung likely represents scarring in this patient with history of pneumonia in this region . no acute findings . Lung Opacity 16435402 57334765 1f37fa7f-bbfdda2f-9ae5bac4-0027124f-f462fe0b +1001 the nasogastric tube is in adequate position and there is a resolution of the gastric distention . there is still mild bibasilar atelectasis . there are no pneumothorax no pleural effusion . the cardiac and mediastinal contour are unchanged . conclusion the nasogastric tube is in adequate position and there is resolution of the gastric distention . No Finding&&Support Devices 10532326 51742525 ef191125-3db31590-77881dc9-a6302910-7a35821f +1002 pulmonary edema had improved substantially between and , but there is substantially worse consolidation in the right lower and left upper lobes today than on . whether this is recurrence of pulmonary edema or concurrent pneumonia is radiographically indeterminate . at least small bilateral pleural effusion is presumed . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is longstanding . left pic line ends in the upper svc . findings were discussed by telephone with dr . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16855430 58154356 c4d33fe5-ac2ec3d5-49786015-e5ea7a4d-04c82de3 +1003 single frontal image of the chest was obtained . again seen is a partially collapsed right lung with increased density at the inferior border of the lung, consistent with pleural effusion versus pleural thickening . below the inferior border of the right lung is again seen a hydropneumothorax with an air-fluid level . there again appear to be some small opacities within the partially collapsed right lung . the left lung is seen again to be clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . unchanged chest radiograph from previous imaging . No Finding 11569093 59413372 fef81fa7-75d8ca91-07651606-538e5b40-bb00dbff +1004 there appears to be further increase in the substantial right pleural effusion . there is evidence of compressive atelectasis at the base . some opacification just above the level of the effusion on the frontal view could possibly be a manifestation of consolidation in the appropriate clinical setting . remainder of this study is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13849733 59249240 87ab8784-89bb34a7-0cd83f89-8208e8d6-8ceaaf76 +1005 vague nodular opacity projecting over the right lower lung represents atelectasis, less likely pneumonia . no large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . imaged osseous structures appear intact . no free air is seen below the right hemidiaphragm . vague nodular opacity projecting over the right lower lung is most likely secondary to atelectasis . consider repeat radiograph with more optimal inspiratory effort to further assess . Atelectasis&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 19800337 53459280 be1ddefb-9327567f-aef38bd8-e918043d-91c40219 +1006 pa and lateral views of the chest provided demonstrate an aicd projecting over the left chest wall with leads extending into the region of the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus . cardiomegaly is moderate . the lungs are clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . atherosclerotic calcification at the aortic knob . bony structures intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . moderate cardiomegaly with aicd in unchanged position . no evidence of congestive heart failure or pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 12595991 50291999 09a7bc78-861b7d8a-bf31a633-67e32681-cec68e43 +1007 frontal and lateral chest radiographs a left-sided pacemaker projects leads into the right atrium and ventricle . multiple intact sternal wires denote prior history of median sternotomy . the heart size is top normal . the hilar and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . the lungs were slightly underinflated, however there is no pneumothorax, focal consolidation, or pleural effusion . a large gastric air bubble is seen, with mild elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . no free air is present . there is mild leftward deviation of the upper trachea, which appears new . . no acute intrathoracic process . . no free intraabdominal air . . mild leftward deviation of the trachea . please correlate with physical examination . No Finding 17163861 55133499 bd8fc3e9-687db5d6-574cb5a6-b78d18b2-2f5fb4de +1008 portable upright chest radiograph demonstrates an interval increase in size of a now moderate left pleural effusion with left basilar atelectasis . there is a smaller right pleural effusion with associated right basilar atelectasis . pulmonary edema is improved . moderate to severe cardiomegaly is unchanged, the mediastinal contours are normal . a right ij catheter tip is unchanged projecting over the lower svc . median sternotomy wires, and mitral valve prosthesis are unchanged . increasing left greater than right pleural effusions, represent residua of improved congestive heart failure . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15259244 54223010 fd10e506-04541266-88f11cc7-b24b4822-8cf8bc4b +1009 exam is limited by patient positioning as well as the patients chin and neck obscuring the lung apices . low lung volumes are present . heart size is moderately enlarged . atherosclerotic calcifications are noted at the aortic knob . mediastinal contours are unremarkable . crowding of bronchovascular structures is present with possible mild pulmonary vascular congestion . small left pleural effusion is likely present . patchy bibasilar opacities may reflect atelectasis . no large pneumothorax is present . there are hypertrophic changes noted in the thoracic spine . low lung volumes with probable bibasilar atelectasis . infection at the lung bases cannot be excluded in the correct clinical setting . mild pulmonary vascular congestion and trace left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15131736 52937624 d9cc9107-872f0471-6fba0396-edc86cf6-6e1a2a4e +1010 there has been interval placement of a large-bore dual-lumen right central venous catheter, distal aspect not well seen, but likely terminating at the cavoatrial junctionproximal right atrium . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . there is a left base opacity, likely represents combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis . there is a moderate pulmonary vascular congestion . no pneumothorax seen . left base opacity likely represents combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis although underlying consolidation cannot be entirely excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . the above findings with mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and pulmonary vascular congestion suggest fluid overloadchf . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15840907 56097707 3de6e01e-157ea365-d2474e3c-ab60b297-9e6bcadc +1011 heart size is normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . the pulmonary vascularity is normal . streaky bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect atelectasis . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . multiple old right-sided rib fractures are re- visualized . bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 17720924 58847709 99afae49-8d95e258-a1717ce5-74e8f9fa-715ae11a +1012 the lung volumes have slightly decreased . the multiple pre-existing parenchymal opacities, notably at the right lung base and in the left perihilar areas, are constant in extent and severity . moderate cardiomegaly . mild elongation of the descending aorta . no overt pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . the right internal jugular vein catheter continues to be in correct position . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 14851532 57089146 aaaa9831-9d16cbd6-73e400af-8f17ddaf-44968eda +1013 there is a dominant area of patchy opacity in the right upper zone . this is slightly more pronounced than on the prior film, though much of this may be accounted for by differences in film technique . there is minimal increased interstitial marking in the left suprahilar and right infrahilar regions, which is similar to the prior film . no new area of opacity or confluent consolidation is identified . no effusion . again seen are low inspiratory volumes . the lateral view, however, suggests anterior hyperinflation . incidental note made of a surgical anchor over the right glenoid . equivocal slight worsening of the opacity in the right upper zone . otherwise, no interval change identified . compared to a radiograph from , the opacity in the right upper zone has improved, as have changes at the right cardiophrenic region . Lung Opacity 10933609 54537700 406539e1-fd9fe3f2-6192f2a5-e24d2d07-5ff88d1d +1014 a left-sided picc line passes through a left brachiocephalic stent and terminates at the distal superior vena cava . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . a moderate-sized pleural effusion on the right freely layers . there is also a small left-sided layering pleural effusion . substantial coinciding right basilar atelectasis seems to involve collapse of all or much of the right middle lobe and substantial elements of the right lower lobe . there is no shift of mediastinal structures . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12847817 53606038 399fb314-aac34ecd-b7b71a40-3b2ac5e3-9dcdaa7a +1015 there has been interval removal of a right internal jugular central venous catheter . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are grossly stable given differences in patient position . mild prominence of the hila suggest central pulmonary vascular engorgement with mild peribronchial cuffing . no definite focal consolidation is seen . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . central pulmonary vascular engorgement without overt pulmonary edema . no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . Pneumonia 16050730 50776901 b57f6693-0b6cfcff-9a77d958-c0a4c1f5-fab766d2 +1016 low lung volumes . the lungs are clear . mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . the hila are normal . there is no pleural effusion and no pneumothorax . no acute cardiothoracic process . No Finding 18767957 53273257 55249a04-13ab44b1-04c4b5e6-803f6e35-0c091a7d +1017 pa and lateral views of the chest demonstrate no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size . the pulmonary vascular markings are within normal limits . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 18893199 56948056 ee1b7363-7791f3b8-05250aa7-b16ae53b-f1d3e209 +1018 diffusely enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable and chronic dating back to . compared with most recent prior radiograph, bibasilar opacities have resolved . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there is no evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion . no acute intrathoracic process . stable chronic severely enlarged cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly 13473781 59379638 93b163fa-7f80655a-ef8a0aa1-a7f79efd-6feebd5f +1019 the pre-existing right lower lobe pneumonia has substantially increased in extent and severity . the opacity now extends up to the level of the right hilus . in addition, a left upper lobe predominant similar opacity has developed, showing air bronchograms and an alveolar pattern of radiodensity . finally, there is evidence of left retrocardiac atelectasis . moderate cardiomegaly persists . unchanged course and position of the right internal jugular vein catheter . at the time of dictation and observation, , on the , the referring physician . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15857729 50947201 e05c237c-fb8a0000-33d30826-2a3cf122-3e58c1f4 +1020 mild left base atelectasisscarring is seen . no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there may be mild pulmonary vascular congestion . mitral annulus calcification is re- demonstrated . the cardiac silhouette remains top-normal in size . mediastinal contours are unremarkable . possible mild vascular congestion . no definite focal consolidation . Edema 16508811 51162875 cd5bb1b2-3fb23145-b033324b-a7cb4c43-c1641cc9 +1021 cardiomediastinal contours are stable in appearance . lungs remain hyperinflated . a subtle area of increased opacity has developed at the left lung base and could reflect acute aspiration, developing pneumonia, or atelectasis . other findings including postoperative appearance of the right hemithorax and enlarged hilar structures due to a combination of enlarged pulmonary arteries and right hilar lymphadenopathy appear unchanged since the recent chest radiograph . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16622813 59142109 9cc2f017-fb143b0b-85dffa52-fbe2bdfe-eb8ed83c +1022 ap upright and lateral views of the chest were provided . midline sternotomy wires are again noted . patient is rotated somewhat limiting the evaluation of the cardiomediastinal silhouette, though cardiomediastinal silhouette appears grossly stable . there are small layering bilateral effusions with mild interstitial edema . overall, there has been no significant change from prior study . bony structures are intact . mild interstitial edema, stable cardiomegaly with small bilateral effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 17669276 52841174 4eab5702-5e51a961-a59e4e84-b5aa758f-4e367b89 +1023 frontal chest radiograph the heart is moderately enlarged . the aorta is mildly calcified and tortuous . the central pulmonary vessels are engorged and hazy, accompanied by patchy interstitial opacities, most dense at the left base . an et tube terminates . cm above the carina . an orogastric tube terminates within the stomach . there is no pneumothorax or large effusion . . extensive bilateral patchy pulmonary opacities . in the setting of central vascular congestion, this is most likely severe pulmonary edema, but pneumonia cannot be excluded, particularly at the left base . . et tube terminating . cm above the carina . orogastric tube within the stomach . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12185775 55494760 e6b4a152-bc73f001-84e7b150-4191779a-754f8459 +1024 extensive emphysematous lung parenchymal destruction in both upper lobes, right more than left . subsequent distortion of vascular and airway structures at the lung bases . no pulmonary edema . no pneumonia . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly 15186992 59053386 d17e21ba-cf76b4d5-e90b2776-43be3667-dacf2f6f +1025 the patient is status post median sternotomy and mitral valve replacement . the cardiac silhouette remains enlarged . aortic knob is calcified . there is blunting of the left costophrenic angle again seen, consistent with pleural effusion . there is slight increase in markings in the right lung base, this may be artifactual, although underlying consolidation is not excluded . . left pleural effusion again seen . . slight increased opacity in the right lung base may be artifactual, although an early consolidation is not excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15259244 54437537 6f3ad43a-df5c6fdb-9ca593fc-13d161a4-8869dd8f +1026 since most recent prior radiograph a swan-ganz catheter, feeding tube, right ij central line have been removed and et tube hav been removed . lung volumes are low . there are now new bilateral large bibasilar opacities consistent with atelectasis . there are unchanged bilateral pleural effusions . there is new mild pulmonary edema . a right chest tube is in place . there are median sternotomy wires and stable moderate cardiomegaly . . removal of multiple monitoring and support devices . . new mild pulmonary edema . Edema&&Support Devices 12952223 51455625 77f8b16c-dc92cae8-c7cbef7d-dd25244a-9176e253 +1027 heart size is normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . pulmonary vascularity is normal . the lungs are hyperinflated with severe emphysema . punctate calcified granulomas are seen within the lung bases . linear opacities in the lung bases likely reflect scarring or subsegmental atelectasis . residual patchy opacity within the left upper lobe likely reflects scarring, as seen on the prior chest ct . no new consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . scarring within the lung apices is again noted . there is diffuse demineralization of the osseous structures . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . severe emphysema . residual left upper lobe opacity likely reflects scarring, as seen on the prior chest ct, with bibasilar linear opacities either reflecting subsegmental atelectasis or scarring . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 11052935 57502393 2f142040-3d2b5cf2-a37622c9-4909cb67-92fad10f +1028 the nasogastric tube has been advanced . the tip of the tube, however, is directed towards the gastroesophageal junction . no evidence of complications, no other relevant changes . No Finding&&Support Devices 13979643 57345846 98a6b1be-37d7c0d7-9de7d63b-c95bf9a0-17713dcd +1029 the heart is at the upper limits of normal size . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged, including calcification and unfolding along the aorta . there is similar moderate relative elevation of the right hemidiaphragm compared to the left . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . there is again a coarse reticular abnormality favoring the bases and peripheral aspects of the lung, most consistent with pulmonary fibrosis . parenchymal findings appear stable allowing for small differences in technique . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lateral view depicts air-fluid level in the mediastinum suggesting esophageal fluid which could be seen with esophageal dysmotility that may accompany crest syndrome . in addition, there is a cluster of small densities, possibly pill fragments, three altogether projecting near the expected site of the gastroesophageal junction . the bones appear demineralized . . stable findings of chronic interstitial lung disease without definite evidence for superimposed process . . air-fluid level in the esophagus which could be seen with known crest syndrome . in addition, there is a cluster of small densities, possibly pill fragments, three altogether, projecting near the expected site of the gastroesophageal junction . clinical correlation regarding any potential aspiration risk is recommended . Lung Opacity 19640059 51233560 fcf2656a-1407b4d0-e029e995-c324e158-e2b9ce15 +1030 the lungs are clear of focal consolidation or large effusion, noting that the right costophrenic angle is excluded from the field of view on the lateral view . no overt pulmonary edema . cardiomediastinal silhouette is enlarged but stable . median sternotomy wires are again noted . hypertrophic changes seen in the spine . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17318449 55782701 9e39cc45-a2ff14d4-3339ec28-dae4711c-f856e2b8 +1031 by , the patient has largely cleared the extensive consolidation affecting all of the left lung and the right upper lung at the beginning of . residual peribronchial opacification in the upper lungs was probably scarring, and persists . there may be a very slight increase in the pleural perfusion of abnormality in the left upper lung, but not enough to call pneumonia, and the lower lungs are essentially clear . heart size is normal . mediastinal and hilar silhouettes are unremarkable and no pleural abnormality . feeding tube follows the same course through either a medially displaced stomach or postoperative gastric remnant . no pleural abnormality . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10933609 57053258 7f53537b-fa6d85dc-ba21f7bb-f4c04a3c-177aeed6 +1032 tip of the endotracheal tube is just at the thoracic inlet with the chin flexed, no less than cm from the carina . to avoid inadvertent extubation with extension of the neck it should be advanced to cm for more secured seating . enteric tube passes into the stomach and out of view . right jugular line ends in the mid svc . no pneumothorax . right lower lobe is now completely collapsed . there may be developing consolidation at the left lung base . followup recommended for possible pneumonia . at least a small right pleural effusion is presumed . lucency outlining the left mediastinal contour from the aortic knob to the hilus has been present since chest radiographs , presumably represents paraseptal emphysema . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15161734 53462360 aada2247-29840013-b9823ba1-08f3f7f8-795716fd +1033 pa and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . the aorta is mildly tortuous, unchanged . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 18835687 50822353 42cb7646-ac2acc5b-504f6247-07366b48-3d2bd573 +1034 cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged, with the heart size within normal limits . a rounded consolidative opacity within the lingula is mildly smaller compared to the prior study, measuring approximately . cm, previously . no pulmonary vascular congestion is present . there is a small left pleural effusion, slightly increased compared to the prior study . no pneumothorax is identified . cholecystectomy clips are noted in the right upper quadrant . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . slight interval decrease in size of lingular consolidative opacity with interval increase in size of a small left pleural effusion . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16435402 57661470 8a783cbe-d52d08bc-f2c3bbf8-9b3be898-4872449b +1035 there is little overall change in the appearance of the heart and lungs . continued hyperexpansion without evidence of acute focal pneumonia, though there are atelectatic changes at the left base . there is subcutaneous gas along the chest walls bilaterally that was not appreciated on the prior study . this information was telephoned to the nurse in the icu taking care of the patient on at upon noticing the abnormality . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 17770657 53115889 13a5d3b6-8cf4d79a-807319e4-1292cd55-39f57349 +1036 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in supine position . the patient is now intubated, the ett terminating in the trachea some cm above the level of the carina . a right internal jugular approach sheath has been placed carrying a swan-ganz catheter, tip of which reaches the central portion of the pulmonary artery . an ng tube reaches well into the stomach . mediastinal drainage tubes from below are seen . there is a left-sided pneumothorax measuring up to cm in width in the apical area but extending along the chest lateral wall as well . when comparison is made with the next preceding pa and lateral chest examination of , considerable degree of mediastinal shift towards the right is identified . also noted is that the sternotomy wires have a somewhat different appearance indicating that the patient has since then undergone new cardiac operation and new sternotomy wire placement . the presently described findings show an acute pneumothorax with tension component . a telephone call was placed to extension . contact with the responsible cardiac surgeon was established . the described findings were communicated verbally and the surgeon assured that the situation would be attended immediately . telephone call was given at pm . of . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16875792 50476602 b00146a8-daf7d7b9-b5b42300-46be81dc-b7c723c0 +1037 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to prior study obtained the same day earlier . the et tube tip is cm above the carina . the right subclavian line tip is at the level of cavoatrial junction . the dobbhoff tube tip is in the stomach . heart size and mediastinum are stable . there is substantial interval improvement of pulmonary edema . left lower lobe opacity and bilateral pleural effusions are noted . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 54379083 e98b0a69-33b404ea-93dbba08-08c5acd7-3f06fe8e +1038 the patient has received a nasogastric tube . the tip projects over the middle parts of the stomach . no complications, notably no pneumothorax . the apical lung regions are not included on the image . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 17163861 51599732 c2d5f938-8ac36872-dfac1b06-126c490e-6f63e582 +1039 the lung volumes have decreased . the relatively extensive bilateral parenchymal opacities, mainly caused by pulmonary edema, are slightly progressive . moderate cardiomegaly and retrocardiac atelectasis persists . the monitoring and support devices continue to be correctly positioned . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15131736 50383259 7dea99ce-f65ab6a2-cd11e9ee-34a5071f-c8877a75 +1040 comparison is made with prior study performed seven hours earlier . cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum are stable . there is new total collapse of the left lower lobe . there is no pneumothorax . bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . mild pulmonary edema is stable . multiple calcified lung nodules in the left upper lobe are again noted findings discussed with dr by phone, at p . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 59303778 c56f8951-02281b89-f74c14f3-806db927-c57c3c7a +1041 comparison is made to the previous study from . there is a right-sided picc line with distal lead tip in the mid svc . dobbhoff tube is seen . there is again seen hydropneumothorax in the right base . there is loculated fluid along the right apex as well as well as right-sided volume loss . a small left-sided pleural effusion is seen . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 53051445 c78782df-1b7c8dd3-106b9075-7374ae77-130d785a +1042 there is little overall change . again there is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary vascular congestion and hazy opacification of the right hemithorax suggesting layering pleural effusion . right ij catheter again extends to the mid-to-lower portion of the svc . mild atelectatic changes are seen at the bases . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 53597008 0fbc52f8-e1f7ad4b-73a2039c-cb06f96e-e187e1f7 +1043 there is a newly appeared right pleural effusion, as suspected . the left costophrenic sinus is also mildly blunted, so that the presence of a small pleural effusion is likely . the size of the cardiac silhouette as well as the multifocal bilateral right predominant parenchymal opacities are unchanged in extent and severity . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16662264 56404316 ce1f47b6-0118a2a3-259807fd-a6713c05-84e92c9f +1044 compared with the radiograph of , the lungs are more clear, without focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . lungs are slightly hyperexpanded . left-sided pacemaker with lead projecting of the right ventricle is unchanged in position . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . notification the above findings were communicated via telephone by dr . at on , min after discovery . Pneumonia 18570152 57576479 bdc767d8-f9566903-2dda971f-c7110e57-164c5277 +1045 there lungs are low in volume but without focal consolidation . diffuse opacities likely reflect mild pulmonary edema . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac size and cardiac silhouette are obscured by low lung volumes . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unremarkable . mild pulmonary edema . repeat imaging after diuresis is recommended to evaluate for concomitant pneumonia . Edema&&Pneumonia 19159236 54259835 88723780-1ba2f066-c81f8785-f1b6c689-360af444 +1046 new mild pulmonary arteries cephalization with increased interstitial markings are compatible with mild interstitial edema . mild cardiac enlargement is stable . there are bibasilar opacities that could be explained in part by small bilateral pleural effusion and atelectasis however, pneumonia or aspiration cannot be excluded . there is no pneumothorax . conclusion . new mild interstitial edema with stable mild cardiomegaly . . bibasilar opacities could be in part explained by small pleural effusion and atelectasis . however, aspiration or pneumonia cannot be excluded . this has been verbally discussed with referring physician . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12074041 56502688 765fd687-06776030-fe337975-2739eab4-decbb9c2 +1047 the lungs are clear . the hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . there is no pneumothorax . there is no pleural effusion . pulmonary vascularity is normal . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14855790 53565184 886b46d2-5577e6fc-fe1bb0e6-08228079-9b623407 +1048 left picc enters a left-sided superior vena cava and subsequently courses vertically to terminate in the lower left hemithorax, just above the level of the diaphragm . withdrawal by approximately cm could be performed to ensure positioning within the lower left superior vena cava . cardiac silhouette remains enlarged . opacities involving the right middle and right lower lobe appear slightly improved and may reflect atelectasis andor infectious consolidation . moderate right pleural effusion with subpulmonic and intrafissural components is unchanged as well as a small left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19182863 55177624 b4d823ad-b9f7d3f3-47e57646-bd49ea72-8e3c5bd0 +1049 comparison is also made with outside ct from . cardiomegaly cannot be assesed . mediastinal lymphadenopathy is better seen in prior ct . sternal wires are aligned . pacer leads are in standard position . diffuse bilateral lung consolidations are new from , unchanged from consistent with multifocal pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . left effusion is small . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12475198 52368505 add53357-1e2c3208-14598e99-b52076d5-4f606b89 +1050 cardiomediastinal contours are normal . the lungs are grossly clear . there is no evidence of pneumonia, chf, pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the mitral annulus is calcified . No Finding 16508811 58582715 a7c2113c-b5445d48-45d2238f-d7cfa15c-6fd2383a +1051 pa and lateral chest views have been obtained with patient in upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding portable ap single chest view of . right-sided chest tube remains in place terminating somewhat lower than on the preceding study in the apical area . the second lower right chest tube remains in unchanged position . small amount of right-sided pleural effusion persists blunting the lateral and posterior pleural sinus . no new parenchymal infiltrates are seen, and no significant pneumothorax has developed in the apical area . the left-sided hemithorax remains unchanged with no new infiltrates . as before, there are local rib deformities apparently related to previous old trauma as already observed on previous chest ct . stable appearance of right-sided postoperative small apical pneumothorax and pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 13352405 59589248 60781ae0-7016f7ed-54a825ab-7509c1b0-9b9b2725 +1052 as compared to prior chest radiograph from earlier today, there has been interval placement of an endotracheal tube, terminating . cm above the carina . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . as before, there is mild pulmonary edema . lungs are otherwise clear . there is no focal consolidation, pneumothorax or pleural effusion . . endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina . . unchanged mild pulmonary edema . findings discussed with by via telephone on at am . Edema&&Support Devices 15857729 53656059 f3627f06-7f8dc376-299731cc-3607780e-44c820e4 +1053 ap and lateral views of the chest provided . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . trace right pleural effusion and bibasilar atelectasis are again seen . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm and aortic knob calcification are not significantly changed . diffuse osteopenia, spinal fusion hardware, and multiple compression deformities are re- demonstrated . trace right pleural effusion and bibasilar atelectasis are again seen . no acute intrathoracic process . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 14353044 55615214 5e56226b-f483939b-5c83520e-f030d297-124a879a +1054 the patient has received an esophageal stent . the stent is in correct position according to radiographic criteria . the patient, however, developed free intra-abdominal air . the monitoring and support devices are unchanged, with the exception of the nasogastric tube, this has been removed . the parenchymal opacities seen in both lungs, right more than left, have not substantially changed . the observation of free intra-abdominal air was made at am, , at the time of dictation . at this same time point, the referring physician, . , covered by dr . , was paged for notification and the findings were subsequently discussed over the telephone . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 58308524 4c6b5299-3ebba16c-f51ce5aa-b087e79c-2ac29f2d +1055 newly placed endotracheal tube terminates approximately . cm above the carina, and a nasogastric tube courses below the diaphragm . a -cm diameter rounded lucency is identified lateral to the endotracheal tube and nasogastric tube to the left of midline . although potentially representing an over-distended endotracheal tube cuff, the position is more lateral than expected for this condition . alternative possibilities include an air-filled diverticulum arising from the trachea or esophagus . findings were communicated by telephone with dr . on at pm . at the time of discovery . exam is otherwise remarkable for persistent cardiomegaly and worsening congestive heart failure with increasing perihilar edema and persistent small right pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11893091 57330158 07ec545e-2a913153-c28cae67-2c38c3b4-c1d7e30a +1056 comparison is made with prior study, ct . mild cardiomegaly is stable . large right supraclavicular catheter tip is in the cavoatrial junction . there is no evidence of pneumothorax or pleural effusion . new right mid lung opacity could be due to small area of hemorrhage . diffuse peripheral interstitial, right greater than left abnormality consistent with interstitial lung disease is unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13475033 56556080 4cf1a7d7-deccbdb0-b66e87d3-5a2dee67-bea0829f +1057 comparison is made to the prior study from . there are two right-sided chest tubes with distal tips at the apex and at the base . these are unchanged in position . no pneumothoraces are seen on either side . there is elevation of the right hemidiaphragm and volume loss on the right side . no signs for overt pulmonary edema is seen . there is some atelectasis at the lung bases . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Support Devices 13352405 55492069 40b2ad97-b8cd3c49-7a1658b6-79be29bb-676d3481 +1058 the patient is status post cabg with intact sternotomy wires . the hilar and mediastinal contours appear to be stable with evidence of a tortuous aorta . there is stable mild cardiomegaly . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there appears to be a subtle increase in opacification in the retrocardiac region, superimposed on a stable mild background of interstitial abnormality, best seen on the lateral view . stable diffuse increased interstitial markings with an interval increase in opacification in the retrocardiac region, best seen on the lateral view, which could be secondary to overlap of structures, however an acute infectious process is not excluded . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16957952 59962443 93e655d4-f85397d7-f5a5bd25-3ff6da79-c4342fc6 +1059 comparison is made with prior study performed hours earlier . ng tube has been advanced, now the tip is out of view below the diaphragm . there are persistent low lung volumes . et tube is in standard position . the pacer lead tip is in the right ventricle . there is no pneumothorax . left pleural effusion is small associated with stable retrocardiac opacities consistent with atelectasis . mild vascular congestion is stable . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19565388 57394992 369d8e0f-25c12a70-b223ef0d-3098e3cd-92006477 +1060 there are relatively low lung volumes . mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm persists . there is persistent right base atelectasis . no new focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . no significant interval change . No Finding 14312560 52078894 cfc2ef1b-a194024a-6147d0d3-6d42379a-575c395f +1061 there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 18343726 55741690 2a5046e4-c023b60a-61a89d1b-464d705c-e2b1eae7 +1062 cardiac size is top normal . right lower lobe opacity could be due to atelectasis or pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15857729 52244948 2e3227a1-0011c4de-8fd10de2-ea626fd3-2dc6c2c1 +1063 lung volumes remain low, accentuating the cardiac silhouette and bronchovascular structures . there is persistent elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . adjacent atelectasis of the left lower lobe has slightly improved . right retrocardiac atelectasis remains unchanged . there are small bilateral pleural effusions . . slight improvement of left basal atelectasis . . small bilateral pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 18338007 52162827 459cfba0-0e5fabcb-a6cd2ff8-887d8f8c-59a166aa +1064 compared to prior radiograph, there is widened appearance of the mediastinum which may be technical in nature . lung volumes are low and there is bilateral atelectasis at the bases . there is no pleural effusion or definite focal consolidation . there may be some mild pulmonary congestion . post-traumatic changes are seen at the distal right clavicle . . widened appearance of the mediastinum . recommend repeat upright pa radiograph when patient is more stable . . atelectasis at the bases and low lung volumes . possible mild pulmonary congestion . these findings were discussed with by dr . telephone at pm . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 17439310 55803590 42f9b759-e6e7ad97-975fc45e-f1a03ce4-1f252352 +1065 ap and lateral views of the chest were reviewed . the heart size is top normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . mild prominence of the pulmonary vasculature is consistent with mild pulmonary edema . mild pulmonary edema . Edema 16050730 57265603 38708899-5132e206-88cb58cf-d55a7065-6cbc983d +1066 the heart is mild-to-moderately enlarged . upper mediastinal contours are stable . lung volumes are low and there is bibasilar atelectasis, but no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . compression deformity in the mid thoracic spine is similar to prior . pneumobilia in the right upper quadrant is incidentally noted . stable cardiomegaly . low lung volumes with bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 19454978 53305461 bfa3c5fe-e3616a0b-f2cede25-46b58e40-679b44d1 +1067 portable ap chest radiograph small bilateral pleural effusions improved on the right and increased on the left since the most recent prior examination of . increased opacification at the left lung base may represent underlying infection . moderate-to-severe enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is chronic and unchanged . bilateral low lung volumes are noted with crowding of bronchovascular markings . a supraclavicular dialysis catheter ends in the right atrium . in the interim since the most recent prior examination, there has been removal of the left-sided picc tip . sternotomy wires are midline and intact . patient is status post left mitral valve repair . . bilateral pleural effusions, improved on the right compared to the prior examination, but worsened on the left . increased opacification at the left lung base may represent underlying infection . . low lung volumes with crowding of bronchovascular markings and minimal increased pulmonary vascular engorgement . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15259244 54517823 515703bc-4c8240a5-4b5d0a83-1f8c8dda-289ce799 +1068 two leads of a three-lead right pectoral icd pacemaker can be traced to the standard positions in the right atrium and right ventricle, the third lead, intended left ventricular lead, passes into the coronary sinus, but its tip is not visible . conventional chest radiographs should be able with show it . there is no pneumothorax or attributable pleural effusion or mediastinal widening . mild cardiomegaly is chronic . hyperinflation indicates copd . small left pleural effusion or pleural thickening is unchanged since prior studies . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Support Devices 13606683 56497798 9d32e96f-dcc52f72-a7262f7a-298b9e97-39fc55bb +1069 . stable right pleural effusion and right basilar opacity, without convincing evidence of new pneumonia . . stable cardiomegaly . . stable compression deformity of mid thoracic vertebral body . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 18460230 55751115 839692be-04ae989a-2d56b63c-541abfe9-f8be40ec +1070 the degree of pulmonary congestion is similar or slightly more pronounced . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with bilateral effusions and bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18079481 56778521 2598d2a4-fec32ad4-e6bb68b9-b6c86b6e-ec0a7008 +1071 the lungs are relatively hyperinflated . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . the pulmonary vasculature is not engorged and there is no overt pulmonary edema . the cardiac silhouette is top normal in size, as before . a left pectoral pacemaker is in place with dual leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . the mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . Pneumonia 11893091 53024166 8854ac17-02cbb55b-6797803e-0247f114-8e114394 +1072 comparison is made to the patients previous study dated . . dobbhoff feeding tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm with the tip not completely identified but positioned within the stomach proximally . it does not appear to be significantly changed . bilateral lower lobe bronchiectasis is stable . no focal airspace consolidation is seen to suggest an acute pneumonia . no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are unchanged . lungs remain hyperinflated . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 10402372 52824884 1bfd4f62-e1254bfb-54b0a6ac-29453546-2c0e7100 +1073 there has been placement of a right basilar chest tube with clearing of almost all of the pleural effusion . no evidence of pneumothorax . the remainder of the study is essentially unchanged . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 59762556 c9479a79-1b877264-b3222893-a2b4e2b9-8eba1e3f +1074 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to at am . the left internal jugular line, right central hemodialysis catheter are unchanged in appearance and position . cardiomegaly, moderate-to-severe is unchanged . bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . mild interstitial pulmonary edema cannot be excluded but overall no substantial change radiographically from the prior examination has been seen . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12189285 52939782 42c2c190-38498880-cb567499-34810fb4-46a63137 +1075 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in upright position . there is no evidence of pneumothorax in the apical area on either left or right side . in comparison with the next preceding chest examination of , at that time described pulmonary abnormalities including a left lower lobe mass persists . no evidence of pneumothorax following transbronchial biopsy intervention . No Finding 19389041 51467319 7701efe6-56cfaf62-917ec157-bf142818-4a6993ee +1076 frontal and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . stable mild cardiomegaly identified . mild interstitial edema noted no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no osseous abnormality identified . stable positioning of atrioventricular icd leads . abandoned leads again noted in the right chest wall . surgical clips project over the upper mediastinum . mild cardiomegaly with mild interstitial pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 11293517 55831566 40994464-b17516cf-be885c02-984e9fa1-79da2ac8 +1077 there is now a tracheal stent with its lower border at the mid clavicular level . there is better inspiration with continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . right basilar opacification persists, consistent with a combination of known nodular process, consolidation, and post-procedure atelectasis . there is mild fullness of the pulmonary vessels, consistent with mild elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 11474065 59691021 c9355375-ab810bbd-434a7359-567930d2-984ba8aa +1078 new alveolar consolidation is seen around left upper lobe cavitary lesion compatible with important bleeding after biopsy . right lung is unremarkable . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . mediastinal and cardiac contour are within normal limits . conclusion new consolidation is seen around left upper lobe cavitary lesion compatible with important hemorrhage post-biopsy . was contacted at pm . with the results . time of the exam am . Consolidation&&Lung Lesion 13450581 59529409 8ab13ae3-2d580227-ac6e610c-f2e5c694-60d57d41 +1079 pa and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . dual-lead pacing device is again seen with lead tips in stable position . right upper lobesuprahilar opacity with fiducial marker is again seen, not significantly changed from exam from two weeks prior . left side pleural effusion which is seen with loculation posteriorly . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion without frank pulmonary edema . free air seen below the right hemidiaphragm is compatible with daily peritoneal dialysis . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . mild pulmonary vascular congestion without evidence of overt pulmonary edema . at least partially loculated left-sided pleural effusion with possible adjacent atelectasis . free air below the diaphragm compatible with peritoneal dialysis . right suprahilar mass as above . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion 13067703 58611846 320c382c-ac349a5d-0bd44e5e-5e5cd679-682ea75e +1080 a left-sided dual-lead pacemaker is present, with lead tips over the right atrium and right ventricle . the patient is status post sternotomy, with mediastinal clips . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is prominent, but probably unchanged . again seen is patchy opacity in the left upper zone left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation and probable small left effusion . there is minimal atelectasis at the right lung base . portion of a right shoulder prosthesis incidentally noted . overall similar to the most recent prior film . pleural fluid at the left lung base may be slightly increased . Pleural Effusion 19075045 56350217 14200531-39fee1a8-8d9a8e5b-6371c2b4-a4440c1e +1081 the right port-a-cath reservoir projects over the right chest and is currently accessed the catheter tip ends in the lower svc . there has been interval placement of sternotomy wires, which are intact . the heart size is within normal limits and the mediastinal hilar contours do not appear widened . calcified ap window node again seen . the lungs demonstrate left bailar opacity which is more linear in configuration on the lateral view . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . left costophrenic angle opacity, somewhat linear on the lateral view, more suggestive of atelectasis or scarring, less likely small focus of consolidation . no pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 11413236 51161513 2e0c4b42-d1ef618d-2b25304c-1b6ef8a5-29e7671d +1082 upright ap and lateral chest radiographs were obtained . the lungs are low in volume, which obscure the right lower lung calcified granuloma . no focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart is normal in size with post-surgical changes including intact mediastinal wires . No Finding 10046166 51738740 3a8a17fc-3cd357d9-83466363-91dc5a06-a401e5ed +1083 upright ap and lateral views of the chest right-sided port-a-cath tip terminates within the svc . calcified prevascular lymph node is redemonstrated . a moderate-to-large right pleural effusion appears similar when compared to the prior reference chest radiograph, and has increased when compared to the prior chest radiograph of . previously noted right upper lobe consolidation persists, and may be slightly improved when compared to the prior study . no pneumothorax is demonstrated . left basilar atelectatic changes are present . the mediastinal contours appear unchanged, and assessment of the cardiac silhouette size is difficult given the presence of the moderate-to-large right pleural effusion . no acute osseous abnormality is seen . Pleural Effusion 14969719 51427095 95e57a26-a6de4499-4dddba72-f21f0627-c864e681 +1084 comparison is made to previous study from . there is unchanged cardiomegaly . there has been some improvement of aeration at the right lung base . there remain bilateral pleural effusions and a left retrocardiac opacity . no pneumothoraces are present . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12847817 55410068 34a9c77c-75d0076f-b1afc9bf-6a0be3b9-0bf021d1 +1085 there is a rounded opacity in the right upper lobe, approximately cm . there is no effusion or pneumothorax . the pulmonary vasculature is within normal limits . there is partial visualization of anterior fusion hardware of the cervical spine . the heart size is magnified by portable technique, the mediastinal contours are unremarkable . right apical rounded opacity concerning for infection or malignancy . recommend repeat dedicated ap and lateral chest radiograph, or ct for further evaluation . these recommendations were discussed with dr . the micu at am by phone . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13031876 50882034 cbd0493a-45581768-2a4a0cdc-ed7b4ccf-20000354 +1086 the three chest tubes are now on waterseal . the appearance of the right hemithorax, including the clips and soft tissue collection of air is unchanged as compared to the previous examination . there is increased gas filling of colon interposed between the chest wall and the liver . no current evidence of pneumothorax . unchanged normal appearance of the cardiac silhouette and of the left lung . no other changes . No Finding&&Support Devices 13352405 55680047 22582d1c-114af91c-83312668-0af5831e-ceacf04b +1087 cardiac size is top normal . new opacities in the lower lobes bilaterally and worsening consolidations in the perihilar regions right greater than left and right upper lobe are consistent with aspiration . there is some component of basilar atelectasis . et tube is in a standard position . cm above the carina . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10933609 54853227 c3994ff3-e8774cd2-b7a4c40c-959819fa-d8d942b6 +1088 previous mild pulmonary edema has cleared from the right lung, improving on the left . small left pleural effusion has increased . no appreciable right pleural effusion . moderate cardiomegaly has improved . tip of the endotracheal tube is no less than . cm above the carina, in standard placement . swan-ganz catheter ends in the right descending pulmonary artery and care should be taken that it not advance any further when it is not in the wedge position . nasogastric tube passes into the distal stomach and out of view . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12185775 57164346 135f90e3-562abed8-10d18797-fc0fc641-ea889ffb +1089 linear opacities in the upper lungs are noted with associated retraction of the hila likely reflecting scarring in this patient with prior pneumonia . subtle opacity in the left lower lobe retrocardiac region is of unclear etiology . no large effusion or pneumothorax . old left lower rib fractures are noted . areas of scarring in the upper lungs . subtle opacity in left lower lobe . please correlate with ct chest performed earlier same day for further details . Lung Opacity 10933609 55447530 92fe0d65-6cd5e4b6-22dbcaec-949cb8bd-1c28d956 +1090 again seen is a large right hydropneumothorax without evidence of tension, mostly unchanged from the prior radiograph . there is slightly improved aeration of the right middle and lower lobes . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . the left lung is clear . . stable large right hydropneumothorax without tension . . improving aeration in the right middle and lower lobes . Pneumothorax 12699874 57974904 6d9766ff-d338bb04-cdbfb5a8-a6aefc8e-d28602a0 +1091 chest portable comparison is made to prior examination of . the lung volumes are low . the heart size is therefore likely adequate . there is some widening of the mediastinum although again this is likely due to poor inspiratory effort . there is hazy opacity and vascular haziness in both lungs consistent with interstitial edema . an et tube is identified . cm from the carina in correct position . a pacemaker lead in the right ventricle and a second lead in the right atrium . there is a subclavian line with its tip in the distal svc . an ng tube is noted coursing through the esophagus into the stomach . the tip of the ng tube is not identified on this film . . tubes and lines in adequate position as described above . . pulmonary edema involving both lungs . . widening of the mediastinum and possible cardiomegaly are likely due to low lung volumes . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13067703 51140369 a9fa9dcf-791d8328-1f38b677-e6d7a2aa-56b111e5 +1092 the lung volumes have increased, likely reflecting improved ventilation . no focal parenchymal opacities suggesting pneumonia . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . normal appearance of the hilar and mediastinal structures . no lung nodules or masses . dating back to previous exams from , the left hilus has always been slightly rounder and denser than on the right . however, no pathologic contours are seen and the appearance of the hilus is unchanged with respect to size . Pneumonia 19800337 51102831 19254d2e-12f84a8a-3d9be406-77b33fc9-ff7ed852 +1093 previous right pleural thickening is improving, following tracheobronchoplasty via right thoracotomy . posterior rib osteotomy, unchanged in relative position . normal postoperative cardiomediastinal silhouette, including borderline cardiomegaly predating surgery . lungs grossly clear . lateral view shows prior cementoplasty, vertebral bodies thoracolumbar spine . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Other 11474065 57723670 965cab94-dee35b99-bf9616fc-1707a75d-e2368901 +1094 in comparison with the previous study, the tip of the endotracheal tube lies approximately cm above the carina . little change in the appearance of heart and lungs . No Finding&&Support Devices 18855147 52163179 e556173d-1f21a53c-e214118c-39d134bc-23638059 +1095 lung volumes are low which accentuates bronchovascular markings and the transverse diameter of the heart . given that, the heart is top-normal to minimally enlarged . the pulmonary vasculature is mildly engorged and there is mild edema . a right basal opacity suggests atelectasis however infection should be considered . no pleural effusion is identified . the left lung is clear . markedly low lung volumes . thank basal opacity suggests atelectasis and mild edema . infection or aspiration should be considered in the appropriate setting . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18309149 58786693 8a31b2b4-ae7e2d63-755cd377-936102cb-9bb02fac +1096 frontal chest radiograph endotracheal tube is . cm above the carina . the enteric tube is within the esophagus but appears to terminate at the gastroesophageal junction . exact position could be determined with an abdominal radiograph if necessary . extensive carotid calcifications are noted . multifocal opacities within the lungs, predominantly in the left upper lobe, are consistent with pneumonia . sutures and scarring are seen in the left upper lung, likely from prior surgery . the heart is mildly enlarged and there is mild pulmonary edema . there are small to moderate bilateral pleural effusions . there is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14851532 57432047 17c17bf4-5c86a90d-dd7f7b90-cfa93c69-b37cdca4 +1097 a right-sided tunneled dialysis catheter terminates in the right atrium . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . there is redemonstration of peribronchial cuffing and increased interstitial markings, likely secondary to pulmonary edema . increased bilateral lung opacities refelct growing nodules . there is a new region of consolidation above the minor fissure which could refelct an early infectious process . . right-sided tunnel dialysis catheter terminates in the right atrium . . increased bilateral lung opacities reflect growing nodules . . new region of consolidation above the minor fissure is concerning for an acute infectious process . short interval followup recommended . Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17340686 56598807 9b4f1964-734c3d45-d58e0850-71a0baee-535ae2c8 +1098 comparison is made with prior study performed hours before . there are new kinked bilateral chest tubes . cardiomediastinal is unchanged and midline . increasing opacity in the right upper and lower lobes is consistent with infection . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . new left upper lobe opacity could represent infection or hemorrage . ng tube tip is out of view, below the diaphragm . subcutaneous emphysema is new . severe emphysema with multiple bullae is better seen in ct . et tube is in standard position, the cuff seems overinfalted . left subclavian catheter is unchange . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16751749 51100533 76a5e5ee-2113aefe-e8d472a9-dff5f008-b1263281 +1099 comparison is made with the next preceding similar examination of . the previously identified residual local pleural thickenings and scar formations as well as mild elevation of the right-sided diaphragm again noted following the previously performed decortication procedure . comparison between the two examinations demonstrates further marked reduction of the postoperative scar formations . mild blunting of the lateral and posterior pleural sinus on the right side persists, but there is no evidence of any remaining free fluid . no new abnormalities are seen . left-sided hemithorax is unremarkable . further postoperative improvement . followup at somewhat greater time interval may show final resolution . No Finding 18309149 50546279 89fbc7f3-542fde0d-c914db57-f46e285f-22e70ae1 +1100 heart size and mediastinum are stable in appearance including left mediastinal shift, expected . no evidence of pneumothorax or interval increase of pleural effusion is demonstrated . post-sternotomy wires appear unchanged including two upper broken wires . the chronic interstitial changes are unchanged as well . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 11378150 53538021 f57fb82c-9e2e5835-423ff895-f31965f4-9a066b95 +1101 cardiomegaly is accompanied by improving pulmonary vascular congestion and decreasing pulmonary edema . left retrocardiac opacity has substantially improved, likely a combination of atelectasis and effusion . a more confluent opacity at the right lung base persists, and could be due to asymmetrically resolving edema, but pneumonia should be considered in the appropriate clinical setting . small right pleural effusion is likely unchanged, with pigtail pleural catheter remaining in place and no visible pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14851532 59364971 39922ca1-cb122a2e-5f5f5b94-65973906-45a1b814 +1102 linear opacities of the lung bases bilaterally likely reflect atelectasis . hyperlucency of the upper zones is reflective of emphysema . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . heart size and mediastinal contours are normal . osseous structures are demineralized diffusely with a compression deformity in the mid thoracic spine which is unchanged from . emphysema and bibasilar atelectasis . no evidence of pneumonia . Atelectasis 11213613 55481818 229975a2-d2e6a791-a66a597a-9b370606-8323c2cd +1103 the cardiac silhouette is within normal limits and there is no vascular congestion, pleural effusion, or acute focal pneumonia . the vague opacification in the left lower zone is unchanged and probably represents pleural plaquing . Lung Opacity 16435402 50515450 221d35b8-df2b99dc-be23b128-b7f8e7e7-4e76e5ae +1104 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable, with the cardiac silhouette mildly enlarged . . the right subclavian brachiocephalic stent appears grossly unchanged . the bones are noted to be somewhat sclerotic on prior imaging, thought to be related to renal osteodystrophy . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14744884 52667466 fe314fbf-50e95159-d593c5dd-390f58f6-7a7cb04b +1105 comparison is made to prior study from at am . there is a dobhoff tube whose distal tip is below the gastroesophageal junction . there is endotracheal tube whose tip is cm above the carina . there is a right-sided central venous catheter with the distal lead tip in the mid svc . there are bilateral pleural effusions and left retrocardiac opacity, which is stable . there is also some pulmonary vascular congestion which is unchanged . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 51080537 352d3cd6-62973415-eb038984-1a3b871f-3d226e60 +1106 there again are low lung volumes that accentuate the transverse diameter of the heart . there again are probably atelectatic changes at the bases . no definite acute focal pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 13978244 52706130 0aca2329-7932adb6-984bd8e0-a597477e-92276d94 +1107 the heart is of normal size with stable cardiomediastinal contours . prominence of the superior mediastinum is compatible with mediastinal lipomatosis seen on chest ct . lungs are clear . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . no displaced rib fracture is visualized . no radiopaque foreign body . no evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17337033 51074951 5b3a073e-8c070064-383e87bc-900d5646-a15c9576 +1108 there is little change in the appearance of the heart and lungs and the pacer device . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 13921768 53004850 c836e7ff-0f43d4ff-f91fabcf-b1522150-030daf2c +1109 large right pleural effusion has progressed slowly since . also, increased his moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and a smaller left pleural effusion . pulmonary vascular congestion is present, but i would not say there is pulmonary edema . consolidation in the left lower lobe could be atelectasis or pneumonia . it developed between and . right pic line ends in the mid svc . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11934114 58600769 60fa6a80-205ed57c-835e6296-1969c8b7-58eeaacf +1110 there again there is evidence of upper low fibrosis and traction bronchiectasis consistent with the clinical diagnosis of sarcoidosis . however, no evidence of acute focal pneumonia or vascular congestion . Pleural Other 14147787 56678203 a418be70-ef72fa03-c22364d3-1ff688ee-a54559ec +1111 moderate elevation of right-sided hemidiaphragm as before . two chest tubes entered from the lower lateral chest wall terminate in unchanged position, draining the area of the previous empyema . the lowermost of the two tubes is in unchanged position, whereas the higher ending tube has been withdrawn by a few centimeters, but still remains in place . the size of the pleural density that forms a triangular thickening of the right lateral and posterior pleural space has decreased slightly in comparison with the next previous study . there is no evidence of any new cavitation, loculated pneumothorax or other new parenchymal abnormalities . the left-sided hemithorax remains completely unchanged and within normal limits . mild regression of pleural thickenings, no new abnormalities, no pneumothorax . Pleural Other 13352405 51233388 c95ac9a4-70c1c602-421eacbd-bb29c3f1-7ab0862c +1112 heart size remains mildly enlarged . aortic knob is calcified . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . previously noted left upper lobe mass appears more vague with surrounding ill-defined opacity, possibly related to infection . there is a lingular opacity which is new compared to the prior study, and could reflect an area of infection . the right lung is grossly clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . . lingular opacity is concerning for infection in the correct clinical setting . . previously seen left upper lobe mass appears more vague with adjacent ill-defined opacity which could reflect post-treatment changes . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13450581 51153135 842c80c2-40a8d117-9d30e18e-4548b4b6-99f871ed +1113 severe cardiomegaly is chronic, as is a large hiatus hernia, generally to the right of midline . there is no radiographic evidence of pulmonary edema or pneumonia and no appreciable pleural effusion is present . thoracic aorta is heavily calcified and tortuous but not focally aneurysmal . Cardiomegaly 15896572 51237274 2cdb2a27-7c2b2d98-f15e16f6-14f179ab-c34735ea +1114 right picc terminates near the right subclavian and internal jugular vein confluence with its tip pointing slightly superiorly in the direction of internal jugular vein . left pectoral pacemaker has its leads terminating in right atrium and the right ventricles . there is no consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal size . right picc terminates near the right subclavian and internal jugular vein confluence with its tip pointing slightly superiorly in the direction of internal jugular vein . No Finding&&Support Devices 16043637 57440750 27e83fc9-b156bdac-0ec31eb2-21403864-d2def4c7 +1115 the right picc line is in unchanged position . unchanged evidence of mild fluid overload and retrocardiac atelectasis . no overt pulmonary edema . no pneumonia . moderate cardiomegaly . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 15131736 56993005 32fc392a-9a450d85-3d0a2229-e89958e6-49584ed9 +1116 compared with the study of , there has been placement of a hemodialysis catheter that extends into the right atrium . the other monitoring and support devices are essentially unchanged . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with some elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . probable bilateral pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18906643 56201710 58742345-8a241152-4b4d44c2-4b3196da-324efa44 +1117 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is seen . heart size is normal . there is persistent aortic tortuosity . no rib fracture is detected, although sensitivity is low on routine chest radiography . no acute findings . No Finding 19623993 58679736 03c9f091-1ac40a2e-362d8a50-c5e3a9c0-eaea0cd2 +1118 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . as on prior, the lungs are hyperinflated with parenchymal changes suggestive of emphysema, particularly at the left lung apex . increased interstitial markings are identified at the left lung base . elsewhere, the lungs are grossly clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . linear patchy at the right lung base is compatible with atelectasis versus scarring . increased interstitial markings at the left lung base, potentially due to chronic changes however, in the proper clinical setting, component of infection is also possible . two views of the chest may help further characterize . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11052935 59503672 146e8390-fd657795-492c6a0b-7aaa1bef-06c08c00 +1119 mild pulmonary edema and mediastinal venous engorgement are new . heart size is normal but increased, and moderate left pleural effusion is larger while small right pleural effusion is stable . et tube is in standard placement . nasogastric tube ends in the stomach . right jugular line ends at the junction of brachiocephalic veins . left central venous infusion port ends in the region of the superior cavoatrial junction . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15758946 52981971 b2f5bef1-dc067a8c-521f6348-16787841-eb270634 +1120 the lungs are hypoinflated . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . there is pulmonary vascular congestion and mild pulmonary edema . a left retrocardiac opacity likely reflects pleural effusion with adjacent atelectasis . an underlying left basilar consolidation cannot be excluded . calcifications are noted along the aortic arch . . congestive heart failure with cardiomegaly and mild pulmonary edema . . probable left pleural effusion with adjacent atelectasis, though an underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 57642788 97365c4c-68d2ec4d-fbc504dc-02498793-2914b5de +1121 there has been interval removal of the ett and dobhoff . there is an orogastric tube seen with the tip and side hole below the diaphragm . there is a right-sided picc line, which is unchanged in positioning . there are ill-defined opacities at the left base, which likely represent atelectasis, but an underlying lower lobe pneumonia cannot be excluded . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is enlarged but stable . the left hilum is prominent, likely reflecting pulmonary hypertension . the pulmonary vasculature is normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . . appropriately positioned orogastric tube and picc line . . ill-defined left basilar opacities, which likely represent atelectasis, but an underlying left lower lobe pneumonia cannot be excluded . . stable enlargement of the cardiomediastinal silhouette and left hilum . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14841168 59941702 df381e4e-bf31f79a-d78a3d63-8b19d21e-bf14cc6d +1122 sclerotic bones, splenic granulomas, vascular stents, and moderate cardiomegaly are again visualized . there is dense retrocardiac opacification compatible with volume loss infiltrateeffusion . there is also an infiltrate of right lower lobe partially obscuring the right hemidiaphragm . other patchy alveolar infiltrates are seen in the right upper lobe and left mid lung . overall the appearance is worsened compared to prior new bilateral lower lobe volume lossinfiltrate . infection is of concern . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19061282 51030152 9bb1fe4e-c234466a-72525367-a54b28d3-b91d05fe +1123 the heart size and mediastinum are stable . right pleural effusion has increased in the interim, moderate . replaced what appear to be tricuspid and aortic valves are redemonstrated . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the left internal jugular line most likely continues into the left svc given its position . fracture of the second rib on the left is noted, seen on the multiple previous studies . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 56361895 8df48300-1f93b8ff-42f9e66d-0678758d-fe0aa039 +1124 mild pulmonary edema which developed between and accompanied by increasing moderate cardiomegaly has partially cleared, but there has been increase in moderate right pleural effusion . new partial consolidation in the right lower lobe consistent with acute pneumonia . the region of chronic bronchiectasis in the left supra hilar lung, with an appearance strongly suggestive radiation fibrosis, is unchanged from . there is no evidence of active infection in that location . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 14851532 54171810 8eb4a26d-a860ddfd-44a66c3f-49fcc3f5-9e3142a2 +1125 the patient has had a prior left lower lobectomy . since the prior exam, nodular pleural thickening encasing the left lung has increased at the expense of aeration of the left lung with stable elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . central adenopathy in the left hilus and adjacent mediastinum has also progressed . the right lung is clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . progression of left pleural and nodal metastases . No Finding 12530259 57147904 ef905e68-392ffa59-22123661-7afd32ae-30f983d5 +1126 right internal jugular line ends at lower svc whereas the dialysis catheter through the left subclavian approach ends at mid svc . moderate right pleural effusion and bilateral lower lung atelectasis are unchanged . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is stable . enlarged heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 52842984 799b532b-5d5f4a41-fe352b84-83e78fa1-73e7b283 +1127 right internal jugular line tip terminates at the level of cavoatrial junction . ng tube tip is in the stomach . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . right pleural effusion is unchanged . mild vascular congestion is present . no focal consolidations to suggest pneumonia . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14851532 58585627 42c22f15-803b9ea1-709d9163-e1ec1da8-df4d6d86 +1128 left pectoral pacemaker with dual leads seen extending into in the region of the right atrium and right ventricle . a right-sided picc line is noted to terminate in the right subclavian vein . median sternotomy wires and prosthetic cardiac valve are noted . there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . a chronic compression deformity in the upper lumbar spine appears stable from . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 16043637 57880955 1b969967-88c2b36b-65da30a7-644c09d3-96356c51 +1129 enteric tube tip is in the mid stomach, new since prior . improved bilateral perihilar, bibasilar opacities . sternotomy, valve replacement . bilateral shoulder arthroplasties . cardiac pacemaker . right ij central line tip near cavoatrial junction . postoperative changes in the spine, with hardware in place . degenerative changes spine . enteric tube tip in the mid stomach . improved pulmonary opacities . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19075045 58577683 2d0d0cce-dd111287-ec34ac38-90e1c536-17d3bdd9 +1130 there is again evidence of previous median sternotomy and cabg with post-surgical changes on the right with blunting of the costophrenic angle . no evidence of acute pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . No Finding 15272972 55987882 3c2ceb4b-9a71f26f-29f23ca1-471edb79-e24b6136 +1131 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . scattered parenchymal opacities within both lungs are not significantly changed compared to the most recent chest radiograph from , correlating to areas of post-treatment change and known neoplastic disease . there is no focal consolidation . the heart size is normal . the mediastinal contours are normal . there are no definite pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is seen . left-sided rib deformities are redemonstrated . suture chain is seen within the left upper lung, as before . no acute cardiac or pulmonary findings . No Finding 14851532 51895071 4c8cfdf2-2ceef04b-440ed4a3-a43a738c-f031c582 +1132 a left-sided hickman catheter terminates over the expected location of the cavoatrial junction . the distal tip is not well visualized, therefore function of the catheter should be assessed clinically . thoracolumbar hardware appears in standard unchanged position, though is incompletely evaluated on this single frontal view . compared to the prior examination, the aeration of the lungs has significantly improved . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . there is no vascular congestion or pleural effusions . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . No Finding 14353044 50620677 0b9184ba-a570a2c0-10adfa1b-8c804f0a-280b0de1 +1133 there is chronic blunting of the right lateral costophrenic angle potentially due to scarring . the lungs are clear without consolidation or effusion . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are noted . atherosclerotic calcifications noted within the tortuous thoracic aorta . no acute osseous abnormalities identified . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15032623 56426120 d62b71ce-51a1757d-79a7f8cd-a73c6266-19484978 +1134 subtle linear opacity in the right upper lobe likely represents atelectasis . the lungs are otherwise clear . the hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . pulmonary vascularity is normal . no evidence of pneumonia . clear lungs . No Finding 15857729 55746776 ae4c91eb-797ef162-94445cf7-b657d732-2344c20d +1135 one portable upright ap view of the chest . the right picc line has been pulled back and now ends proximal to the junction of the right subclavian and right internal jugular vein . mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly is stable . mild pulmonary venous engorgement and mediastinal widening is stable . there is no pulmonary edema or pneumonia . pleural effusions are small if any . . no evidence of pneumonia . . right picc line has been pulled back now and now ends just proximal to the junction of the right subclavian and right internal jugular vein . . mild pulmonary venous engorgement and mild mediastinal widening are stable . No Finding&&Support Devices 14841168 58204843 7b714b4a-a32cd9a3-99984154-eacb273a-b64ec97a +1136 interval intubation with tip of endotracheal tube terminating cm above the carinal appear cardiomegaly is accompanied by pulmonary vascular engorgement and development of severe diffuse airspace disease throughout the right lung and patchy multifocal airspace opacities in the left lung . differential diagnosis includes multifocal pneumonia, widespread aspiration, pulmonary hemorrhage, and or pulmonary edema . small right pleural effusion is present . there is no visible pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13473495 53797803 edbccca2-c4fb443b-76458df4-ebb5c146-da6f90f7 +1137 the heart shows stable cardiomegaly . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . the previously described left mid upper lung opacity has improved in appearance . the left lower lobe consolidation appears similar . subtle blunting of the left costophrenic angle may also indicate a trace amount of pleural fluid in that locale . there is no pneumothorax . improving right upper lobe consolidation stable appearance of the left lower lobe consolidation with probable trace pleural effusion on the left . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 15792940 58501970 6a53a787-2e1025f2-59359f42-140f8938-45899305 +1138 frontal and lateral views of the chest were provided . midline sternotomy wires are again noted . the heart is poorly assessed, though remains enlarged . there are at least small bilateral pleural effusions . there may be mild interstitial edema . no pneumothorax . bony structures are demineralized with kyphotic angulation in the lower t-spine again noted . limited exam with small bilateral effusions, cardiomegaly, and possible mild interstitial edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 17669276 52816124 a044ddbb-f45fc0ce-2f0a6955-8242603e-184c26b0 +1139 heart size and mediastinum are stable . right basal consolidation is even more conspicuous than on the prior study . left basal consolidation has progressed . findings are concerning for development of bibasal infection . no pulmonary edema is currently seen . postsurgical changes in the right hemi thorax are overall stable including subcutaneous air in the right upper chest wall and associated hematoma . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumonia 11474065 55570024 aa483dd9-3aa43e2a-f7cfb7e5-7205952e-ddfc95fd +1140 patient has been intubated . the tip of the endotracheal tube ends cm above the carina . the nasogastric tube ends in the stomach . right subclavian vein line tip projects over the mid-to-low svc . moderate-to-severe right pleural effusion . atelectatic right basal lung . moderate cardiomegaly and mild fluid overload . the left pectoral pacemaker is constant . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18417750 52622865 fe10d1ed-22968c1c-23c84bf4-ddc23640-bc64a3ed +1141 frontal and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . when compared to prior, there has been interval improvement in the appearance of the pulmonary edema . indistinct pulmonary vascular markings persist as well as small right and moderate left pleural effusions . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable in configuration . osseous and soft tissue structures are unchanged . interval improvement of the findings compatible with congestive failure when compared to previous exam from with persistent bilateral left greater than right pleural effusions and pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16772702 58773373 ba4bbaf8-52c6f0c8-d6922907-95d9b63b-f10069d0 +1142 the patient is status post sternotomy . a port-a-cath terminates in the right atrium . the heart is mildly enlarged . calcified mediastinal lymph nodes are unchanged . the lung volumes are low . streaky basilar opacities suggest minor atelectasis . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cholecystectomy clips project over the right upper quadrant . low lung volumes and streaky basilar opacities, most suggestive of minor atelectasis . no definite evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 11413236 53836642 5a57f9ad-cca470ce-4338e8a1-bd61ba63-c40ce753 +1143 portable semi-upright chest radiograph the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable, with stable severe cardiomegaly . no pulmonary consolidation, edema or pneumothorax is seen . a small left pleural effusion is present . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 13473781 57373953 b201c59c-783b3811-27abc766-9831d333-e648e28e +1144 the left-sided picc line tip the is not visualized due to overlap of the pacer wires . dual lead pacemaker is in similar position . the patient has had prior sternotomy and aortic valve repair . the lungs are clear, no interstitial edema or consolidation . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is not enlarged . no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . no radiographic evidence of acute intrathoracic disease . No Finding 16043637 58144724 cd986c7a-427ddb9f-9727cd08-4715c210-8b6ffc50 +1145 one portable supine ap view of the chest . right internal jugular catheter ends near the cavoatrial junction . ng tube is seen in the stomach with last side port below the ge junction . the lung findings are unchanged compared to study done two hours prior . No Finding&&Support Devices 16409152 51031461 20106d63-2c479e81-0d61595c-25ef9723-cba07432 +1146 lung volumes are low . no focal opacity to suggest pneumonia is seen . no pleural effusion, overt pulmonary edema or pneumothorax is present . the heart size is at the upper limits of normal, unchanged . a right-sided vascular stent is seen within the brachiocephalic vein . no evidence of acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 14744884 57048625 a23f7cc0-2cc8da91-5f864f5b-6672534c-98f63cd8 +1147 comparison is made to the patients previous study of selected images from a ct study dated . a portable ap upright chest film dated at is submitted . . interval removal of the sternal wires with placement of new sternal closure devices, mediastinal and tubes . lungs are well inflated with linear streaky opacities seen at the left base likely representing scarring andor subsegmental atelectasis . no evidence of pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, pleural effusions or focal airspace consolidation to suggest pneumonia . slight lucency at the left apex is felt to be related to underlying emphysema rather than representing a pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 17770657 57661627 0acd838c-5dafe19b-8d9fbbe4-3367ef1b-c28e2b42 +1148 mild asymmetric pulmonary edema has improved slightly since . there may be a region of consolidation at the right base which has developed over the past hr . conventional radiographs would be helpful to see if there is right lower lobe pneumonia . region of chronic abnormality in the left upper lobe is highlighted by the edema . mild cardiomegaly stable . pleural effusions small if any . right jugular line ends in the mid svc . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14851532 51818744 60b550de-e91988cd-eb265e25-8c98e078-fc12db16 +1149 lung volumes are lower than on the prior study with volume loss in both lower lobes and bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left . underlying infectious infiltrate in the lower lobes cannot be excluded . compared to the prior study, the pulmonary appearance in the lower lobes is worsened . right-sided picc line tip is in the svc . there is no pneumothorax . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12952223 51592807 d7e9f055-751c8d65-66226fcf-da86917c-6f5082a5 +1150 mild cardiomegaly is similar to prior . there is mild pulmonary congestion without overt pulmonary edema . no focal pulmonary consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . the osseous structures are unremarkable . the leads of an atriobiventricular icd are in similar position to prior . mild pulmonary congestion . Edema 11293517 55101140 eae9552c-edf076af-61e6ad23-f29e7eb7-2dc91ede +1151 there is a diffuse reticular nodular pattern throughout both lungs which indicate mild pulmonary edema, though some component of underlying interstitial lung disease is not excluded . no large effusion or pneumothorax . a focal eventration of the right hemidiaphragm is noted medially . the overall cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . old left clavicular midshaft deformity noted . diffuse reticular nodular pattern of the lungs suggests interstitial edema, though underlying chronic lung disease not excluded . Edema 13475033 57429813 2518c7ca-5bc35dd2-e35d9b4f-c44f6549-ee3b0443 +1152 since the prior study, an endotracheal tube has been placed . its tip is . cm from the carina . a picc ends in the mid svc . a feeding tube overlies the stomach with the tip out of view . a pleural effusion on the left is small . a persistent consolidation at the left base is unchanged and likely reflects chronic atelectasis . there are no new opacities . there is no pneumothorax . cervical hardware and right humeral soft tissue anchors are unchanged . . endotracheal tube . cm from the carina . . persistent left pleural effusion and atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13031876 54922650 17c72825-5e526be7-2960df0b-bf160fda-b97951bf +1153 monitoring and supporting devices are in standard positions . bilateral, confluent, airspace opacities, right side more than left are unchanged since . as mentioned previously, these opacities are likely from combination of pulmonary edema, hemorrhage or pleural effusion . enlarged heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours have similar appearance . increased retrocardiac density reflecting left lower lung atelectasis is similar . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19757720 57361288 c72bf2bc-e22e489c-44cc5b8c-04c75d9e-5533e141 +1154 comparison is made with prior study performed three hours earlier and ct performed two hours earlier . severe emphysema is better seen in prior ct . left upper lobe, right upper and right lower lobe consolidations are unchanged . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . cardiac size is normal . lines and tubes are in unchanged standard positions . extensive bilateral subcutaneous emphysema is unchanged . Consolidation&&Support Devices 16751749 53880759 bf6b9ef8-5d5b0363-9ff18917-5b4c91ff-849a090d +1155 unchanged alignment of the pacemaker wires . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly without pulmonary edema or acute parenchymal changes . known scars and mild chronic parenchymal alterations, better documented on the ct examination from . the right pectoral pacemaker and its leads are in unchanged position . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13606683 53940581 c49e5abd-d37fecd3-1fd78a6d-9249f8ad-e8eec581 +1156 an endotracheal tube approximately cm from the carina and at the level of the clavicular head is in proper position . a feeding tube is seen within the stomach with the tip out of the field of view . a left chest tube is present . mediastinal drains are in place . sternal wires with a stabilizing device are present . a swan-ganz catheter is seen within the right atrium, but the distal tip cannot be traced further due to the overlying structures . the cardiomediastinal silhouette has the normal postoperative appearance . there is mild bibasilar atelectasis and right upper lobe atelectasis . there are no pleural effusions or pulmonary edema . the previously seen pulmonary edema has resolved . there is no pneumothorax . . bibasilar and right upper lobe atelectasis . . endotracheal tube, chest tube, mediastinal drains and swan-ganz catheter appear to be in the proper positions . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 11212873 59983953 3470d736-53ab4170-ab83b760-57a5b839-c7302405 +1157 cardiomegaly is stable . there are low lung volumes . left lower lobe collapse is unchanged . right perihilar opacities have improved . right upper lobe opacities also improved . mild-to-moderate right pleural effusion is probably unchanged allowing for the differences in positioning of the patient . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . et tube tip in a standard position . the tip is . cm above the carina . there is no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16313531 57570449 56a7703d-e485b8f2-cedb0b12-8138943c-86df9465 +1158 mild cardiomegaly and mediastinal contours are stable . perihilar vascular congestion appears similar in severity compared to the prior exam . chronic loculated bilateral pleural effusions are long-standing with persistent bibasilar opacities likely representing atelectasis and scarring . no new focal consolidation or pneumothorax . fragmented and misaligned sternotomy wires are unchanged, as are mediastinal clips . stable appearance of the chest with mild congestion, cardiomegaly, chronic loculated pleural effusions, and persistent bibasilar opacities . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 53942185 b900fc21-dda79088-8dc65796-63160053-790a5628 +1159 a right pleural effusion has increased since and is now large . the left lung is clear . no left effusion or pneumothorax is present . a right-sided port-a-cath tip remains in the mid svc . cardiomegaly is unchanged . significant progression of a large right pleural effusion . discussed with dr phone at . Pleural Effusion 16826047 57361130 92e316b6-8facf11c-bce58686-26309d9a-afc8bed3 +1160 pa and lateral chest radiograph a feeding tube is noted with the tip not clearly visualized in the field of view provided . a right picc tip projects over the level of the low svc . hyperexpanded lungs with decreased vascularity appear consistent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . opacification within the right middle lobe appears consistent with loculated fissural effusion evident on the prior ct, slightly more prominent on todays study compared to the prior examination . minimal opacification at bilateral lung bases is stable to slightly improved compared to the prior radiograph of obtained at . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17770657 58760728 dc130e93-8226ed32-f9924895-6be11d35-3d395b3c +1161 there is no change in position of the monitoring and support devices . the tip of the endotracheal tube is quite high and would benefit from advancement by to cm . moderate cardiomegaly persists . there is unchanged evidence of mild pulmonary edema . there also is retrocardiac atelectasis and the presence of a small right pleural effusion cannot be excluded . no new parenchymal opacities . no pneumothorax . unchanged normal alignment of the sternal wires . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18906643 56289226 4853dd84-ab86c09a-c204f25e-0a6f5d96-c03fc2f9 +1162 there are small bilateral pleural effusions with fluid extending into the major and minor fissures bilaterally . there is no focal consolidation . rounded densities projecting over the peripheral right upper lung zone on the ap view may represent pulmonary nodules . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestioninterstitial edema . the cardiac silhouette is mild-to-moderately enlarged, but stable . the mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . partial calcification of the aortic knob is noted . . small bilateral pleural effusions . . mild pulmonary vascular congestioninterstitial edema . . right upper lobe densities, for which followup chest ct could be considered on a non-urgent basis . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15393401 53386512 efea65d1-1ef297f0-129ff6e4-c843bd43-2db0b71d +1163 heart size and mediastinum are unremarkable . lungs are essentially clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is demonstrated . hyperinflation of the upper lungs most likely reflects emphysema . no nodular opacity along the right lower lung is currently demonstrated, most likely reflecting nipple shadow on the prior examination . No Finding 15182529 57527174 e337d4c3-16ff3087-0094492f-365edc12-31b45f47 +1164 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unremarkable . the large right perihilar consolidation, likely representing infection, has improved since the most recent prior examination of . minimal air-fluid level is noted within the neoesophagus on the lateral view . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 19016834 56012267 daf6cf16-a484b5dd-18011dd3-da52fe5d-68986a14 +1165 there is little overall change in the appearance of the cardiomediastinal silhouette . mild atelectatic changes are seen especially at the right base . little change in the degree of pleural fluid . central catheter has been removed . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 56593920 c5faee40-351cd77d-cb9145ad-278c11ed-e7f9b874 +1166 et tube is in standard position . right ij catheter tip is in the upper svc . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . esophageal stent is unchanged . multifocal consolidations consistent with pneumonia that are diffuse, larger in the right perihilar and right lower lobe regions are unchanged . pneumoperitoneum is again noted . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13964474 53373086 3c4b1fb7-4341bbc7-88b0ddcd-b5d45344-8288e24b +1167 the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . subtle linear horizontally oriented opacities in the left costophrenic angle appear improved compared to prior exams and likely reflect the sequelae of resolving atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax . a small left pleural effusion is seen . small left pleural effusion and improving atelectasis, but no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 15192710 58836461 dc93422b-fd5ec685-19eb4eba-fb31f8d0-b60d8b47 +1168 ap view of the chest a vascular stent is again noted in the left brachiocephalic vein and svc, in unchanged position . compared to the most recent prior study of , the lung volumes have decreased . there is no new opacity concerning for pneumonia . linear scarring or atelectasis in the right mid lung field is similar . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . there are degenerative changes within the left glenohumeral joint . old healed right rib fractures are again noted . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14236258 51115148 8a8519a4-3254cb1a-775d799a-d0d1bd38-8b776ba6 +1169 there is continued elevation of the left hemidiaphragm with left pleural abnormality, unchanged since the prior exam . there is no evidence of pneumonia, pneumothorax or pulmonary edema . the heart is top normal in size . conclusion no acute cardiopulmonary disease . elevation of the left hemidiaphragm and left pleural abnormality which may represent either a loculated effusion or pleural thickening, is unchanged since prior exam . Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 12530259 51979149 19c665a6-5b2ac8ce-afabbb92-17bfdb7d-3db41a78 +1170 comparison to prior study at . a single portable upright chest film on at is submitted . . postoperative appearance to left hemithorax is stable . there is a patchy opacity at the right base which could reflect a combination of a layering effusion with atelectasis, although an acute infectious process cannot be excluded . overall, however, there is not significant interval change since . no pneumothorax . cardiac and mediastinal contours is difficult to assess due to the postoperative state of the patient as well as patient positioning on the current examination . no evidence of pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 10885696 52894975 91612855-728b71c5-52138016-9cb33506-c5fc594e +1171 the monitoring and support devices are in unchanged position . there is a slight increase in extent of a right pleural effusion that is now moderate . the left retrocardiac atelectasis is unchanged . no other relevant changes . no pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17770657 54392557 f0f0f362-66be2ab0-3210b813-23d16481-c7a59206 +1172 new nasogastric tube ends in the upper stomach . severe cardiomegaly and hilar and pulmonary vascular engorgement persists but mild interstitial edema is improving . note is made of asbestos-related pleural calcifications, particularly along with diaphragmatic surfaces . right jugular line ends low in the svc . pleural effusions are small if any . lung apices excluded from this examination . the other pleural surfaces show no pleural air . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17838301 56219969 4311ab39-fdf14b78-f7e1cb44-06f554ac-a50702b8 +1173 there is little change in the appearance of the moderate right and small left pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis in this patient with radiographic evidence of chronic pulmonary disease as well as previous cabg procedure . no evidence of acute focal pneumonia or vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 12658295 58521232 a6a6000b-26fecffe-b90ded19-73b8a48f-6e3f7557 +1174 there is a left pacemaker with appropriately positioned right atrial and right ventricular leads . the heart is moderately enlarged, increased in size compared to . there is pulmonary venous congestion with cephalization and predominantly perihilar heterogeneous opacities, consistent with mild interstitial pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . possible slight loss of height of a upper mid thoracic vertebral body would be unchanged compared to . mild interstitial pulmonary edema thought to be cardiogenic in etiology given increased moderate cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 11928692 54164323 5475bdcc-37f6b853-142a043b-3e6572f9-5b71d475 +1175 left subclavian catheter tip is at the confluence of the brachiocephalic vein . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal contours are normal . there is mild vascular congestion . right upper lobe opacity is grossly unchanged . residual contrast in the bowel loops, partially imaged in the upper abdomen . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18835687 50256977 00de6142-4e8c886c-86883a2b-ead5cc20-23399659 +1176 there has been previous median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . icd pacing device remains in place, with unchanged position of leads in the right atrium, right ventricle and an additional lead for biventricular pacing . moderate cardiomegaly is stable in appearance, is accompanied by upper zone vascular redistribution and mild interstitial edema . the latter superimposed upon chronic pleural and parenchymal scarring within the mid and lower lungs bilaterally . lung volumes are increased, in keeping with history of copd . there are questionable small bilateral pleural effusions present . congestive heart failure with interstitial edema superimposed upon chronic changes of emphysema and pleural-parenchymal scarring . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 13606683 57242265 af6c2c8b-de4ab155-e59a3a03-1f473d61-d357be8d +1177 the patient has a left-sided picc line . the tip of the line is at the level of the mid svc . a nasogastric tube is new, the tip is not visible on the image but the sidehole projects - cm below the gastroesophageal junction . mild fluid overload with small left pleural effusion . mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13979643 57818938 a5d9f091-f420153d-6e818031-8ca6c1c0-1694ca63 +1178 upright ap and lateral views of the chest right-sided dual-lumen hemodialysis catheter is noted with tip terminating at the junction of the svc and right atrium . the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg, with multiple broken median sternotomy wires redemonstrated . heart size is top normal . there are low lung volumes, with crowding of the bronchovascular structures and likely mild pulmonary vascular congestion . bilateral pleural effusions are again noted, which appear loculated laterally and are similar in size when compared to the prior study . patchy opacities at the lung bases most likely reflect atelectasis . no pneumothorax is identified . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . the mediastinal contour is unchanged with aortic knob calcifications again noted . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 55999205 9b3b2ac9-c7621799-9c520077-028dc771-d93cf2d7 +1179 there is a diffuse mild interstitial abnormality, unchanged from prior chest radiographs, and likely chronic . there is no evidence of consolidation or edema . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is evidence of stable pulmonary hypertension and vascular engorgement . the aorta is calcified and tortuous . the mediastinal contours are otherwise normal . the heart is moderately enlarged . a left port-a-cath is present with the tip in the right atrium . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . stable diffuse interstitial abnormality, moderate cardiomegaly, vascular engorgement and secondary signs of pulmonary hypertension . Cardiomegaly 17340686 52578479 53f32ceb-f05afd4e-d67f0e46-129e6b89-26b170b5 +1180 patient is status post median sternotomy and cardiac valve replacement . dual lead left-sided pacemaker is seen with leads extending to the expected position of the right atrium and right ventricle . there may be minimal basilar atelectasis . no focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16043637 56104633 378d7d48-0cfa19a3-361e40d3-6bd71394-bca64527 +1181 a right internal jugular hemodialysis catheter ends in the right atrium . the size of the cardiac silhouette is at the upper limits of normal . sternal wires are intact . a moderate right pleural effusion is slightly bigger . there has been slight increase in the pulmonary edema . opacification at the right base persists and may be a pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . . increasing pulmonary edema and enlargement of the moderate right pleural effusion . . possible right lower lobe pneumonia is unchanged . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15094735 57678258 cff0405e-7c684aeb-122051b9-dec202c9-1dfbb41e +1182 following removal of a right-sided chest tube, there is no visible pneumothorax . remaining indwelling devices are unchanged in position, and there is stable cardiomegaly . pulmonary vascular congestion has worsened in the interval with increasing predominantly interstitial edema . bibasilar patchy atelectasis is also noted . . no pneumothorax following tube removal . . worsening pulmonary edema . Edema&&Support Devices 13896515 56199247 56941204-63c3a811-c32c65ee-fd5dc81e-ef6dc8e0 +1183 portable upright chest radiograph demonstrates interval increase in bibasilar opacity, without large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette remains mildly enlarged, the mediastinal contours are normal . the pulmonary vasculature is mildly engorged . there is no edema . bibasilar opacities, likely atelectases, and mild pulmonary vascular engorgement . if there is clinical concern for infection, recommend repeat dedicated ap and lateral views in the department . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18512911 55001746 86d4ab20-e9abbc54-b65af50f-128d2b48-d9884715 +1184 the pre-existing opacity in the right lung apex has completely resolved . however, opacities at both lung bases are still present . the opacities appear less dense than on the previous image . currently, no evidence of pulmonary edema is present . the size of the cardiac silhouette is at the upper range of normal . there is no evidence of pleural effusions on the frontal and lateral images . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 16508811 50598243 2e619f64-89aad18a-fa15db10-86ed910e-e1d9fb82 +1185 compared to prior examination there is interval development of multifocal opacities, in particular in the left mid and lower lung as well as at the right mid and infrahilar area, findings highly worrisome for interval development of multifocal infection . bilateral pleural effusion, bibasilar atelectasis are suspected as well . dobbhoff tube tip is in the stomach . cervical spine fixation device is redemonstrated . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13031876 50629857 3c58546c-0dbf3603-a97cbc6f-c4f6379f-46f0775b +1186 cardiomegaly is stable . pacer leads are in standard position . mild vascular congestion is stable, asymmetric worse on the right . small bilateral effusions are unchanged . sternal wires are aligned . patient is status post cab . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13921768 50877377 bc930c3b-03f10f77-32ff77d5-13f5f708-5a1ce695 +1187 a picc line has been removed . the heart is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lungs appear clear . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 16508811 54723356 cf48760b-bc0b549d-17be5069-3e7b5248-e5f62e37 +1188 as compared to the previous examination, the lung volumes have increased, potentially reflecting improved ventilation . there are still signs indicative of mild pulmonary edema . in addition, there is a small right medial basal atelectasis . moderate cardiomegaly . no evidence of pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13978244 52400635 b4099aa9-794a51a6-50ff7979-a10ba3fb-0747eb19 +1189 semi-upright portable ap view of the chest was obtained . mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is unchanged . the heart is grossly within normal limits and stable in size . there is no definite pleural effusion or focal consolidation . mediastinal contour is stable . no pneumothorax . bony structures appear intact . grossly stable exam with no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 13978244 55980966 f1a28150-66237dd6-699fd87a-ac1c6ec6-61f0f104 +1190 there is asymmetry and volume loss of the right hemithorax and mediastinal shift to the right and diffusely increased opacification of the right hemithorax, which might represent early infection along with volume loss . there is no pneumothorax . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13263843 52063347 9aaaaf2a-75b77833-5da35513-6c289824-edd9e84c +1191 position of the endotracheal tube is unchanged . the exact position of the nasogastric tube cannot be determined on current chest x-ray but appears to be in a satisfactory position on the recently obtained chest ct . tip of the endotracheal tube currently lies . cm from the carinal angle . the lung fields remain clear . No Finding&&Support Devices 13700088 57798512 7502e61e-9548ae94-78e53cb0-47f06975-6a4a0cd6 +1192 moderate cardiomegaly is stable . transvenous pacemaker leads are in unchanged standard position . et tube tip is . cm above the carina . ng tube tip is in the stomach . left lower lobe opacity has worsened, consistent with worsening atelectasis and small left pleural effusion . right lower lobe opacity has increased consistent with increasing right lower lobe atelectasis . if any, there is a small right pleural effusion . moderate pulmonary edema is stable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18322589 56081926 75f9f886-f3756d63-abb8d1f9-11e61578-a1c734a4 +1193 the cardiac, hilar, and mediastinal contours are normal . the pulmonary vascularity is normal . mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is unchanged with mild tenting of the diaphragm suggestive of mild volume loss . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 19907884 59741915 484ad440-175df0f1-5dfa85f0-c66c85d9-8b671d66 +1194 the monitoring and support devices are constant . there is unchanged evidence of extensive bilateral parenchymal opacities . the extent and the severity of these opacities have not changed . unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15378103 53117169 5ecd8878-ac3a84b5-6b82b286-c4e20569-9b9f5df3 +1195 large-bore right-sided central venous catheter is stable in position, terminating and the proximal right atrium . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . there is moderate pulmonary vascular congestion . bibasilar opacities are felt to more likely relate to vascular congestion rather than consolidation, however in the appropriate clinical setting, underlying pneumonia is difficult to exclude . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . moderate pulmonary vascular congestion . bibasilar opacities are felt to more likely relate to vascular congestion rather than consolidation, however in the appropriate clinical setting, underlying pneumonia is difficult to exclude . Edema&&Lung Opacity 16508811 50706776 77ab84c4-ba890f3a-4d161cb1-8516d2ff-ba5e1842 +1196 heart size and mediastinum are stable . previously demonstrated multifocal consolidations have resolved . small amount of pleural effusion is present . right lower lung pulmonary nodule appears to be slightly increased as compared to the prior study and might potentially be further assessed with a chest ct . no appreciable pleural effusion is demonstrated . no pneumothorax is seen . scarring in the right upper lobe is noted . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14295224 57630991 fdce2841-ba70c298-a83fb5a1-71e58044-dd1115a4 +1197 there are new bibasilar opacities compatible with right middle lobe and lingular pneumonia . elsewhere, the lungs are clear and there is no effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no acute osseous abnormality . right middle lobe and lingular pneumonia . recommend repeat after treatment to document resolution . Pneumonia 16662264 56661236 a10dea57-90f876f4-c66af250-6fb45322-6ef88ddc +1198 a pacemakericd device with two leads appears unchanged . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . the pacer device overlaps persistent opacification of the left costophrenic angle that is probably unchanged, however, likely reflecting a combination of atelectasis and a small loculated pleural effusion . there is persistent thickening of the minor fissure with possible fluid and atelectasis with a small right-sided pleural effusion . nodular suprahilar opacification on the right is associated with treated malignancy with an associated fiducial seed and appears stable . there is no pneumothorax . free air is no longer apparent on this study . findings suggesting mild fluid overload including pleural effusions, but no definite superimposed process . Pleural Effusion 13067703 55049183 c826ff67-cd70843b-c8ce2e1a-49f768a6-5738d4cc +1199 the heart is moderately enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged, allowing for differences in technique . a band-like opacity projecting over the left mid lung suggests minor atelectasis or scarring . more generally, there is mild increased opacification with indistinct pulmonary vascularity suggesting mild pulmonary vascular congestion without definite focal opacities . calcified pleural plaques are suspected . findings consistent with mild pulmonary edema . Edema 17838301 58936592 b9d3a2a8-efad6e43-fd5c9461-389ea619-4454f98c +1200 endotracheal tube and nasogastric tube remain in standard position . swan-ganz catheter has been slightly withdrawn, with tip terminating in the central right hilar region . left sided catheter has been removed, with no visible pneumothorax . cardiac silhouette remains mildly enlarged, but previously reported mild edema has nearly resolved . bibasilar retrocardiac atelectasis is present with some improvement on the left, and small left pleural effusion is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12185775 58095298 90eaadd7-6de5ffd4-601d0a6b-6495e636-4f893187 +1201 severe cardiomegaly and mediastinal vascular engorgement are stable . pulmonary edema is mild, but small bilateral pleural effusions have increased . no pneumothorax . et tube is in standard placement . right central venous line ends just proximal to the origin of the svc . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 55583412 94baae89-465cf7b4-d12f450e-b149838d-67c2edb4 +1202 the patient has been extubated since the last exam . the right central line and left jugular line are in the same position . there is a feeding tube . the surgical catheter in the upper right abdomen has been also removed . stability of the left mild pleural effusion with atelectasis, but worsening of the mild pleural effusion and atelectasis on the right . the mediastinal and cardiac contours are stable and normal . there is no pneumothorax . conclusion the patient has been extubated since the previous exam . slight deterioration of a mild pleural effusion and atelectasis on the right side . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 11880923 55238105 3bc5aaef-73a4b1b2-8a55d3ee-28d357d6-6c94acb0 +1203 the lungs are clear . the hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . pulmonary vascularity is normal . a dual-lead pacemaker is present . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17163861 52169517 dd7f3873-773c451c-3500ff51-f62851f4-3a6116a9 +1204 there is a new left ij catheter with tip in the mid-svc . there is no pneumothorax . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is stable . moderate-to-large bilateral pleural effusions have increased with increasing bibasilar atelectasis, larger on the right side . mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema has worsened . right central catheter tip is in the right atrium . the appearance of the sternal wires is unchanged . patient is status post cabg . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12189285 56010471 37c4fc49-424cf73f-548972b1-dab98549-2ae26c18 +1205 a single portable frontal upright view of the chest was obtained . the right internal jugular central venous catheter has been pulled back now terminating in the mid svc . otherwise there is no substantial change over this short-interval followup . right internal jugular central venous catheter has been pulled back, now terminating in the mid svc . No Finding&&Support Devices 12595991 59048499 372f588f-f2061650-9cc50694-12a70654-dd425821 +1206 interval improvement in the severity of severe interstitial lung abnormality, at least in the left lung, is due to recent decrease in the component of reversible pulmonary edema, aside from severe pulmonary fibrosis . right lung has not appreciably improved . pleural effusions small if any . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly stable . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 10867202 59191972 bea5fb24-e1d13af2-d70b5be5-fb32e7b8-15828f56 +1207 overlying ekg leads are present . minimal platelike left basal atelectasis is noted . otherwise lungs are clear without focal consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax . no signs of congestion or edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 11673948 53339862 c375e421-68a1e118-133cd727-71b1be6f-8d62fa58 +1208 cardiomediastinal contours are stable in appearance . enlargement of hila is consistent with a combination of enlarged pulmonary arteries and right hilar lymph node enlargement as demonstrated on recent ct . lungs are overinflated, but demonstrate no focal areas of consolidation . postoperative changes in right hemithorax related to previous lobectomy are stable . no evidence of pneumonia . No Finding 16622813 57243655 e71e1f01-11b4f60d-139fce5f-3eed20e2-1b61e149 +1209 the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . there is again prominence of the cardiac silhouette with some indistinctness and pulmonary vessels consistent with elevated pulmonary venous pressure . calcified granulomas are again noted in the left mid lung . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 12185775 58100629 8d36f63d-6e725615-3f005c82-5e0213ba-13cc3761 +1210 cardiomegaly is substantial, unchanged since the prior study, but there is interval improvement in interstitial pulmonary edema . still present right basal opacity might reflect the residua as well as a combination of pleural effusion with atelectasis . no pneumothorax is seen . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15393401 57869215 ae1cb3e4-7807870b-ebd61015-6285477f-253c9637 +1211 the lungs are normally expanded except for mild atelectasis at the lung bases . opacities project over the spine on the lateral radiograph . the heart is slightly smaller since the study of , however there is still moderate cardiomegaly . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is no pulmonary edema . mild rightward deviation of the trachea is likely secondary to known enlargement of the thyroid, left greater than right . moderate cardiomegaly smaller since the prior study . opacity projecting over the spine on the lateral radiograph may reflect pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15857729 56216565 de9e7463-d51a6b2a-2601990d-3ca399d2-0f7a8df4 +1212 the lungs are free of focal consolidations, pleural effusions or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . median sternotomy wires are intact . no evidence of pneumonia . No Finding 15032623 54572206 3358b4e8-14a2bc35-f84f23f1-d2e9e486-dd707de1 +1213 there is again extensive post-surgical changes in the right hemithorax with elevation of the hemidiaphragm with tenting as well as displacement of the trachea to the right . the degree of right effusion has decreased . the left lung is essentially clear, though there is again prominence of interstitial markings consistent with some elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . central line remains in place . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13263843 57439643 c365e493-6ff6870f-caa75db4-c926e87a-f62d82d8 +1214 the lungs are moderately well inflated with no pulmonary edema or lobar consolidation . newly placed ng tube terminates in the proximal stomach and could be advanced by approximately - cm . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged compared to the prior radiograph . lines and tubes also remain unchanged compared to the prior radiograph . old healed fractures involving the right posterior lower ribs noted . . newly placed ng tube terminates in the proximal stomach and could be advanced by approximately - cm . . well inflated lungs with no pulmonary edema or lobar consolidation . recommendations advancement of the newly placed ng tube by approximately - cm . No Finding&&Support Devices 18487334 59001506 37d75746-aa6bbc7a-bbbf7bd9-3bb0f97b-3bd37684 +1215 comparison multiple chest radiographs from to a pre-operative study from . semi-upright portable radiograph of the chest there has been interval widening of the mediastinum due to vascular engorgement . in addition, there is new bilateral interstitial edema . a possible left pleural effusion and atelectasis obscure the left cardiac and hemidiaphragmatic contours more than the prior day . the small right pleural effusion and basilar atelectasis is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . the support and indwelling lines are unchanged and in their expected locations . mild acute congestive heart failure . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 10715477 59170987 74501968-2251dd66-a1905203-8ff7c470-9c45dcb6 +1216 heart size and mediastinum appears stable . there is no definitive evidence of pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax . lungs are essentially clear . blunting of the right costophrenic angle is unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 16848073 50996108 f67d7028-171364e2-05112546-2528cbd1-52c791fe +1217 interstitial pulmonary edema is noted, moderate, minimally worse than on the prior study . cardiomediastinal silhouette and pacemaker leads are unchanged . right picc line tip is at the level of the cavoatrial junction . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13896515 51691897 d901a9f6-27dda78a-1ff8e05e-69f9de4f-38ccb2a1 +1218 cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged, and accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and mild interstitial edema . patchy opacities persist at the bases, and likely reflect atelectasis . followup radiographs may be helpful to exclude pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 10975446 50572011 d25f054a-e8199cdc-c669cb2e-ebcfb082-54c205b7 +1219 severe cardiomegaly and very large pulmonary arteries are chronic . lungs are grossly clear . no appreciable pleural effusion . right pic line ends in the low svc . esophageal drainage tube passes into the stomach and out of view . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 15131736 54730459 725b3b1f-cc1d9a66-0292de54-7bea58ed-5b724b75 +1220 lung volumes are relatively low with bibasilar atelectasis . superiorly, lungs are clear . there is no overt edema nor effusion . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . prosthetic aortic valve and left chest wall dual lead pacing device are unchanged . there is a new dual lumen right-sided central venous catheter with distal tip in the right atrium . bilateral shoulder arthroplasties are noted as well as lumbar fixation hardware . . low lung volumes without definite acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19075045 57932391 2c34a6e4-968a506c-a8b39537-c46c370e-184792f4 +1221 redemonstrated is a reticular interstitial pattern consistent with known . lung volumes are low . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . hardware is seen in the lumbar spine . no acute process . chronic interstitial changes cw . No Finding 12303667 53999109 ba5d48f0-3105c3a1-1e049eec-c72ac120-415942b0 +1222 status post spinal reconstruction with according postoperative devices in situ . right internal jugular vein catheter in correct position . cutaneous clips . the lung volumes are low . there is atelectasis in the retrocardiac lung region . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without evidence of pulmonary edema or pleural effusions . no focal parenchymal opacities indicating pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13914812 57142742 19685c5a-8abf83ed-143d0e05-53e3ce3c-d35eec35 +1223 there is interval progression in upper lobe opacities, bilateral, with is similar areas of distribution but involving more substantial amount of lung parenchyma . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged . the differential diagnosis might include cryptogenic organizing pneumonia as previously suggested as well as potentially sarcoidosis . correlation with tissue diagnosis is recommended . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14794396 59249979 7356a3c4-b08d7964-33f10497-0dc8f50e-4c20aa7f +1224 cardiac silhouette remains enlarged, and is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and a mild interstitial edema . left retrocardiac opacity has slightly improved, could reflect improving atelectasis or a resolving pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . adjacent small left pleural effusion is also slightly smaller . no visible pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19759491 50269116 d21a9727-19732ca3-04b1e396-f706bb33-063c90b8 +1225 ap upright and lateral views of the chest providedleft chest wall pacer device is again noted with leads extending into the region of the right atrium and right ventricle . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged with atherosclerotic calcifications along the aortic knob and unfolded thoracic aorta again noted . the lungs appear clear . no focal consolidation, large effusion or pneumothorax . no signs of congestion or edema . chronic left ribcage deformities again noted . stable mild cardiomegaly . no signs of pneumonia or edema . Cardiomegaly 18929056 59886749 a31cf547-a85da812-785f9396-ec422967-38d69e1c +1226 since most recent prior radiograph, there has been resolution of opacity in the right mid lung . again seen are chronic pleural changes on the right and thickening of the minor fissure . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . left hemithorax is unremarkable . . stable chronic pleural changes on the right . . resolved opacity in the right mid lung zone . Lung Opacity 18309149 53423060 74e72ac6-d04d2e9a-135b0911-cce87e45-cdf6d625 +1227 post-treatment asymmetric appearance of the right hemithorax is unchanged with upper right rib resection and volume loss with rightward mediastinal shift and right hemidiaphragm elevation . suture chains project over the right hemithorax . the opacification at the right lung has decreased from . the left lung is clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . the cardiac silhouette is normal in size . the thoracic aorta is slightly unfolded . degenerative changes are again seen in the thoracic spine . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . stable post-treatment appearance of the right hemithorax with slightly decreased opacification of the right lung from . Lung Opacity 13263843 55312260 22ebe993-418ddc79-44f5af39-3e2d7039-df6bd5fc +1228 the heart size is within normal limits . mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . the previously described resolving right upper lobe pneumonia has improved . there is increasing density over most of the left lung with a small left-sided pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . anchors are present within the right glenoid . improving right upper lobe pneumonia and increasing left lung opacity concerning for worsening or new pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 57695180 c11514bb-319a3161-c0c85326-68094c62-0220f4f4 +1229 left-sided dual lumen subclavian central venous catheter tip terminates within the proximal right atrium, coursing through a vascular stent within the left brachiocephalic vein and superior vena cava . cardiac silhouette size is normal . mild rightward deviation of the trachea with left superior mediastinal mass compatible with a known thyroid goiter is unchanged . hilar contours are unchanged . pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . subsegmental atelectasis is noted in the lung bases without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is demonstrated . marked degenerative changes of the left glenohumeral joints and remote right posterior rib are re- demonstrated . no pulmonary edema or pneumonia . No Finding 14236258 50717913 3cc05f00-8fba02b7-e911f543-5d48de64-b69bda76 +1230 there is prominence of the right paratracheal stripe consistent with known enlarged lymph node . heart size and mediastinum are otherwise unchanged in the short interim . calcified granuloma in the right lower lobe is redemonstrated . no new abnormalities within the lungs seen . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 10046166 56173345 da33ac9f-b047f007-dd9e0ac7-81b4a35e-bb2b6b5b +1231 cardiac silhouette is upper limits of normal in size, similar to recent chest radiograph of , but slightly increased from the earlier radiograph of . on the lateral chest radiograph, there are apparent small bilateral pleural effusions, new since . minimal adjacent basilar lung opacities are present . the remainder of the lungs are clear except for unchanged relatively symmetrical bi-apical scarring . small bilateral pleural effusions with minimal adjacent basilar lung opacities, which likely reflect atelectasis . no definite pneumonia, but followup radiographs may be helpful if symptoms persist in order to exclude a subtle basilar pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19549821 54696287 9a4ccf98-58c3f0da-81d2cd90-38c242fb-cc48af1b +1232 the endotracheal tube tip sits cm above the carina . a right-sided central venous catheter tip sits at the cavoatrial junction . an endogastric tube courses inferiorly below the ge junction . a pacer defibrillator unit projects over the left chest with leads in the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus . sternotomy wires, prosthetic valve, and cabg material are unchanged . the heart size is at the upper limits of normal . the mediastinal contours are within normal limits . the lungs demonstrate stable appearance of interstitial edema, and small bilateral pleural effusions with associated atelectasis are present . there is no pneumothorax . stable mild interstitial edema with small bilateral pleural effusions with associated atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18322589 58137643 9b9cce32-6e61e5c8-31b59b5f-9aa235c9-7fc98cb1 +1233 ap portable semi upright view of the chest . lung volumes are low limiting assessment . there is increased bibasilar atelectasis and bronchovascular crowding . overall cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . the right upper extremity access picc line appears in unchanged position extending to the level of the cavoatrial junction . mild congestion is difficult to exclude in the correct clinical setting . no overt signs of edema . increasing bibasilar atelectasis . possible mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Edema 11022245 58402174 8d3d599d-c63f3e85-fcd2ddbe-2e931945-482b1161 +1234 no current evidence of pneumothorax . unchanged aspect of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged mild bilateral air inclusion in the soft tissues . Cardiomegaly 17770657 52978683 79d6fa76-8cc30af0-1dba3386-66e2a784-e134a348 +1235 single portable view of the chest compared to previous exam from . right subclavian line is seen with catheter tip in the lower svc . there is no visualized pneumothorax . previously seen right picc and left subclavian lines are no longer seen . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . new right subclavian line with tip in the lower svc . no pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 18835687 55728799 aa546728-20bdd90f-5ff37933-03763e88-8460fa7e +1236 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . analysis is performed in direct comparison with the next preceding similar study dated . a right-sided picc line is again identified . it is now seen to terminate overlying the right-sided mediastinal structures at the level of the carina . thus, it has been withdrawn by approximately cm in comparison with the preceding examination and is now in good position in the mid portion of the svc provided good venous flow has been established . no pneumothorax or any other placement-related complications identified . cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular congestive pattern with some pleural densities in left base as before . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 12185775 55200248 35405ddd-e3962eab-c0815341-608847ce-234f9d06 +1237 . interval placement of a right internal jugular swan-ganz catheter which has its tip in the right interlobar artery . there has been interval placement of a nasogastric tube which courses below the diaphragm with the tip not identified . interval placement of an endotracheal tube, which has its tip approximately cm above the carina . heart remains enlarged, which most likely reflects cardiomegaly, although pericardial effusion cannot be excluded . the mediastinum appears widened but this is likely related to patient rotation . there are bilateral layering effusions with retrocardiac consolidation likely reflecting partial lower lobe atelectasis . in addition, there has been interval appearance of moderate pulmonary and interstitial edema . no large pneumothorax is seen . the patient is status post median sternotomy with an aortic valve replacement . a right-sided pacer remains in place . right internal jugular central line also is unchanged in position . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13606683 57077344 a158a187-8bc54174-4245141b-7afe393b-40c6e701 +1238 the endotracheal tube sits cm above the carina . the endogastric tube tip sits within the stomach, although a portion of the weighted tip sits above the ge junction . the heart size is within normal limits . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unremarkable . the lungs continue to demonstrate heterogeneous opacity in the right mid and lower portion, which may represent an area of scarring . additionally, more scattered punctate densities throughout the right and left lung are compatible with calcified pleural plaques as confirmed by the visualized chest portion of the abdominal and pelvic ct from . trace bilateral pleural effusions . there is no pneumothorax . . lines and tubes as described above . . right mid and lower lung scarring and trace bilateral pleural effusions . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17032538 53570653 39af0cd9-82745eb4-2fe05152-1dfd448e-8725c801 +1239 cardiomegaly is mild, similar to prior . prominent interstitial lung markings are compatible with known lung fibrosis . indistinct pulmonary vascular markings are similar to prior and compatible with mild pulmonary edema . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the catheter of the left chest wall port terminates in the right atrium . multiple vertebroplasties are similar to prior . no displaced rib fracture is identified . mild pulmonary edema superimposed on known lung fibrosis . severe chronic cardiomegaly and pulmonary hypertension . no displaced rib fracture . multiple vertebroplasties, similar to prior . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Other 10439781 56498272 cbf70dce-197f82f4-7b8613a7-c0b0b099-d1de4726 +1240 again identified is a left juxta-hilar mass adjacent to a fiducial seed and a right hilar mass . multiple other nodules are also identified but better delineated on recent ct . otherwise, the lungs are without a focal consolidation or pneumothorax . a small right pleural effusion is noted . an overlying left subclavian central line is visualized in place . there is stable elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . no free air is noted in the abdomen . findings consistent with known intrathoracic malignancy . no evidence of infection or other acute process . No Finding 12145137 54833205 61b4d5e0-66a2bcaf-6c4d6c19-6b735e59-b1390cb2 +1241 there is continued substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with elevated pulmonary venous pressure . probable bilateral layering pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis at the bases . in the appropriate clinical setting, supervening pneumonia would have to be seriously considered . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13473495 53000263 021e1de7-890774b9-f2aa1f31-53b8b7b8-eb9c4fd2 +1242 comparison to prior study of . portable ap upright chest film of at hours is submitted . . relatively low lung volumes with scattered linear opacities at the bases and in the left mid lung, likely reflecting subsegmental atelectasis . crowding of the pulmonary vasculature with no evidence of overt pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . no pleural effusions . . interval removal of the right internal jugular central line . spinal hardware overlies the lower cervical spine . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15321868 54552753 67ba33ad-ec43cf26-e563d64a-3069ed2e-c5844c0c +1243 one portable ap upright view of the chest . in the left mid and lower lung, there is an opacity concerning for pneumonia . the right lung appears clear . there is no pleural effusion on the right . there is no evidence of pneumothorax in either lung . the left hemidiaphragm is not well seen and a small left pleural effusion cannot be ruled out . left mid and lower lung opacities concerning for pneumonia . probable small left pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16313531 57149976 9899772e-b051b74d-f68faa87-f45ebf9b-3fcd4d7b +1244 again, the bones are diffusely sclerotic . the somewhat limits assessment for underlying focal consolidation, however, previously seen multifocal consolidations bilaterally on have significantly decreased in the interval . no definite new focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is moderately enlarged . mediastinal contours are stable . several vascular stents are re- demonstrated . osseous sclerosis limits assessment for underlying focal consolidation . interval decrease in pulmonary consolidations compared to . no definite new focal consolidation . moderate cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation 19061282 55403688 407f8ab5-8827f7ad-75133d25-50cf5e18-f830a187 +1245 single ap portable frontal view of the chest was obtained . again seen is asymmetry and volume loss and opacification of the right hemithorax . postoperative changes of the right hemithorax are noted . right hemithorax opacification again likely represents combination of radiation changes and volume loss . given differences in patient position, there appears to be slight decrease in the opacification of the right lung . the left lung is clear aside from mild left base atelectasis . cardiac silhouette is not enlarged . mediastinal contours are similar to slightly less prominent as compared to the prior study . hilar contours are similar in appearance . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 13263843 52974031 d73fc335-ef582778-b33761ad-1003aef6-8129d67d +1246 comparison is made to previous study from . there is an endotracheal tube whose tip is low, cm above the carina . this could be pulled back to cm for more optimal placement . there is a nasogastric tube whose distal tip is poorly seen due to technique but is at least to the level of the ge junction . there is a left-sided central venous catheter with distal lead tip at the cavoatrial junction, unchanged . there is unchanged cardiomegaly . there is again seen pulmonary vascular congestion which is stable . . low et tube . this could be pulled back cm for more optimal placement . . nasogastric tube tip is not well seen due to technique but is at least to the level of ge junction . recommend repeat cxr or abdominal films for further evaluation of the distal tip . . unchanged persistent pulmonary edema . . stable cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 14841168 51131705 7ab14399-04914a4f-ecbeb632-86169815-b8874a50 +1247 previous mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema has substantially cleared . the residual opacification in the left lung base is a candidate for possible pneumonia, and should be followed . pleural effusions are small and unchanged . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . mediastinal vascular engorgement has improved slightly . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19715857 58400851 e1eb5589-20b5223f-dfff33dd-0d4ed3f6-19b045fd +1248 there is no pneumothorax . small bilateral pleural effusions are larger today than on when the patient was and mild pulmonary edema . the irregular left perihilar opacity conforming to persistent consolidation the superior segment left lower lobe is more prominent today than before . it needs to be evaluated as it possible indolent infection or even malignancy . there is no pulmonary edema today . borderline cardiomegaly is chronic . right pic line ends in the lower svc . evaluation of the retro sternal fluid collection would require repeat chest ct scanning, since the conventional radiographs have consistently under estimated the size of that abnormality . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14851532 55268779 3b728ba8-286ccc7c-03fe6ea5-cd414e08-a5ee38c1 +1249 there is some improved inspiration . continued enlargement of cardiac silhouette with tortuosity of the a or a . mild elevation of pulmonary venous pressure with small bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis . pacer leads are in good position and there again are surgical clips in the left axillary region . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13921768 59679445 6e061299-d827a367-715485b9-dc146072-974eb92a +1250 patient is status post median sternotomy and cardiac valve replacementthe lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . cardiac silhouette is mild to moderately enlarged . no pulmonary edema is seen . mediastinal contours are unremarkable . cardiomegaly . no pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly 19499595 52825626 00dbc849-560058de-e051c029-8cd120fe-9a4f3202 +1251 the heart size and mediastinum are stable . the right upper lobe consolidation appears to be progressed, concerning for developing infectious process such as right upper lobe pneumonia, and potentially there is also a focus of infection in the right lower lobe . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumonia 10933609 51826402 1ccba7cb-19cab96d-3af214af-04c55ded-7842012a +1252 the three chest tubes remain stable in position compared to the prior study . the appearance of the right hemithorax including the clips is unchanged as compared to the previous examination however, it appears that the soft tissue collection of air has increased in size . there is increased gas filling of colon interposed between the chest wall and the liver, and continued elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . unchanged normal appearance of the cardiac silhouette and the left lung . no current evidence of pneumothorax . findings remain stable compared to the previous study with the exception of increased air with the soft tissues of the right lateral chest wall . No Finding 13352405 56801982 dedc8034-9860140a-df88abb0-b9b2fab5-3265641f +1253 there is a new focal parenchymal opacity in the right upper lobe . in the appropriate clinical setting, this opacity represents a pneumonia . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . status post sternotomy . pacemaker wires in situ . no larger pleural effusions . status post valvular repair . at the time of dictation and observation, , on the , the referring physician . min later, the findings were discussed with over the telephone . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16043637 55161126 1944fc3b-e15f09ec-eafd2e68-fa2452be-6505ea41 +1254 single ap supine portable view of the chest was obtained . a large bore left-sided central venous catheter is seen extending to the right atrium . there is moderate pulmonary edema with possible trace bilateral pleural effusions . relative more confluent opacity in the right lung base is again seen, worrisome for consolidation which has been present over multiple prior radiographs and could relate to the pulmonary edema . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . surgical clips seen in the upper abdomen . Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17340686 59566680 c19b01bf-e57e7aee-f251430e-9a1d156e-acbf7677 +1255 comparison is made with prior study performed nine hours earlier . there is no evident pneumothorax . there has been improved atelectasis in the left lower lobe and improved subcutaneous emphysema in the left chest wall, otherwise there are no acute interval changes . Atelectasis 12736592 56294295 d732824a-2a53ee39-1a60037a-d31d8e45-54dd3a99 +1256 there is again biapical thickening and adjacent pulmonary parenchymal scarring with tortuosity of the aorta . mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is again seen . no evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion or acute focal pneumonia . Lung Opacity 19914761 52697084 a4a72137-eea8a09f-a1ac8c72-4c948dd3-57236f6e +1257 compared with the prior film, i doubt significant interval change . again seen is some patchy opacity at the left lung base and cardiophrenic regions . there is upper zone redistribution, without other evidence of chf . again seen is cardiomegaly, with stable cardiomediastinal silhouette . left-sided pacemaker-type device and additional abandoned leads are unchanged . no pneumothorax is detected . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11293517 54700382 fe378922-7456a91f-d442d29f-89e17975-2360f005 +1258 the patient is status post right upper chest wall resection, right upper lobectomy with right apical scarring and upward traction of the right hilum from radiation fibrosis, all unchanged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the left lung is clear . heart size is normal . interval resolution of right pleural effusion . No Finding 13263843 56749558 f6a45850-afbc320a-ab118fd9-85e788d6-d88d5060 +1259 the bilateral parenchymal opacities have decreased in extent and severity . no new opacities . the lung volumes remain low . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . no larger pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 12475198 56329592 2807416a-1e2f3ee5-da0d8c38-d898df41-666df4df +1260 indwelling support and monitoring devices are unchanged in position, and cardiomediastinal contours are stable allowing for positional differences . left retrocardiac atelectasis has improved, but an area of confluent increased opacity in the right infrahilar region is new . the latter may reflect atelectasis, aspiration, or developing infection . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10268877 52199665 f1b12ac7-37699f77-a605ccbb-0eee65fd-e2f0351d +1261 there has been interval decrease in size of the left pleural effusion, which is now moderate in severity . small right pleural effusion is present . bilateral consolidations, more dense on the left, persist . no pneumothorax is seen . extensive nodularity is consistent with known metastatic disease . interval decrease in size of left pleural effusion, which is still moderate in severity . Pleural Effusion 12702423 53795595 def3b450-db2f7c7f-a082b686-800a5de0-6b74e997 +1262 right-sided chest tube remains in place, with slight increase in size of a small right pleural effusion, but no visible pneumothorax . bibasilar linear atelectasis has slightly worsened, and there is a persistent small left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19389547 57356552 85817777-b9158c6e-b0d376b5-d21f2744-f3a04234 +1263 there are diffuse bilateral interstitial markings, overall unchanged since . this is consistent with chronic lung disease . no new areas of focal consolidation or pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . heart size is top normal, stable from prior . atherosclerotic calcifications are seen in the coronary arteries, better appreciated on the lateral view . . no acute intrathoracic process . stable bilateral interstitial markings, likely chronic lung disease . . coronary artery calcifications . Lung Opacity 13475033 55339618 5037ce6f-1b5a2beb-cefbe169-b7e53cbf-427eaf91 +1264 there is again some enlargement of the cardiac silhouette without definite vascular congestion, pleural effusion, or acute focal pneumonia . Cardiomegaly 11052273 52056685 833353ab-ca676eba-dc9127a5-675bc9a1-79e5737d +1265 endotracheal tube has been removed . there remains a left ij central venous line with the distal lead tip at the cavoatrial junction . cardiac silhouette is enlarged . there are diffuse airspace opacities bilaterally, more confluent within the right lung . findings are consistent with pulmonary edema, although multifocal pneumonia should also be considered . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10933609 59018975 ca5edfd1-791faa24-0e6c7747-b17088d0-d90a8fc2 +1266 single portable frontal view of the chest lung volumes are low resulting in vascular crowding . however, despite this, there is evidence of mild to moderate pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiac silhouette is enlarged despite the portable technique . probable small bilateral pleural effusions . no focal consolidation is seen to suggest pneumonia . no pneumothorax is evident although the lung apices are obscured by overlying soft tissue . Edema 15131736 57531802 308bf948-d05f2a1d-2c32a818-2df09584-d17283f6 +1267 compared to there is increased opacification within the right lower lobe with silhouetting of the right hemidiaphragm . this may represent right lower lobe atelectasis, however infectious process or asymmetric edema cannot be excluded . additional areas of opacification in the right upper lung may represent asymmetric pulmonary edema . cardiac silhouette is enlarged likely representing volume overload . a pa and lateral chest radiograph may be obtained to help localize area of consolidation . a chest ct with contrast should be obtained once the patient is more stable to rule out presence of underlying mass . is at on via telephone . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15840907 57339166 38b3b47d-6984aed6-acb1ea60-2c93049b-1ccdfc91 +1268 et tube is in standard position . right ij catheter tip is in the mid svc . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . of note, the lower aspects of the hemidiaphragms were not included on the film . cardiomegaly is obscured by lung abnormalities . diffuse bilateral pulmonary consolidations, severe on the right and moderate on the left, are unchanged . as mentioned in prior studies, these findings are a combination of pulmonary edema, pulmonary hemorrhage and pleural effusions . there are no new lung abnormalities . the main pulmonary artery is enlarged . cardiac silhouette is obscured by lung abnormalities . No Finding 19757720 51034858 3e2089f9-a5133cb9-a2ccafcd-956a95d1-c2af1f26 +1269 in comparison to the recent radiograph of day earlier, the position of the dobhoff tube in the stomach is not appreciably changed . heart size remains normal, and lungs are clear . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 56753331 3fc3893f-6a756dad-3cfcb050-5d1e7080-9ef06032 +1270 there is little overall change . substantial cardiomegaly with bilateral opacifications most likely reflecting pulmonary edema . the possibility of supervening pneumonia would have to be raised in the appropriate clinical setting . central catheter remains in place . slight impression on the lower cervical trachea on the right could possibly represent a small thyroid mass . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10439781 51441976 3d0754cf-6b313d54-5c41bc32-9f042b6f-4f2f7051 +1271 compared to the previous radiograph, there is no relevant change . the left internal jugular vein catheter has been removed, the nasogastric tube remains in place . unchanged borderline size of the cardiac silhouette with minimal fluid overload . an area of atelectasis at the left lung bases is constant . there is no evidence of interval appearance of pneumonia . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 19623993 58826933 3cdc8349-0fc6e527-5c2ba552-1ec32b7b-0e53822f +1272 status post gastrectomy, postoperative widening of the right upper mediastinum with creation of a double contour . unchanged small right pleural effusion with subsequent areas of atelectasis . no recent or acute changes, no edema, no pneumonia . constant size of the cardiac silhouette . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 16848073 59336512 8e086f17-1ab22133-89a28c98-fdd1bab2-fb852083 +1273 a right internal jugular venous catheter tip projects within the mid svc . an enteric feeding tube tip is demonstrated in the region of the pylorus . since the prior examination there has been interval worsening of now moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . there are small bilateral pleural effusions . there is left retrocardiac atelectasis . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable, demonstrating moderate cardiomegaly . . interval worsening of now moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . . dobbhoff tube tip is demonstrated in the region of the pylorus and a post-pyloric position cannot be confirmed . Edema&&Support Devices 19623993 51406657 8213e26d-d00f0c0f-5125e457-8602815c-1ccc2765 +1274 ap upright and lateral views of the chest are obtained . midline sternotomy wires, mediastinal clips, and aicd device are unchanged . there is pulmonary vascular congestion and mild pulmonary edema . small bilateral pleural effusions are also noted, new . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . no pneumothorax . bony structures are intact . findings compatible with congestive heart failure . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15207316 52767831 425d59af-b3a07390-48699ce4-edd9cf7d-3b4faafe +1275 one portable ap semi-erect view of the chest . severe pulmonary edema is unchanged . bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . sternotomy wires and mitral valve hardware are in appropriate position . right atrial transvenous pacer lead still passes posteriorly in the right atrium ending at the inferior cavoatrial junction, a nonstandard position . the right ventricular lead is in appropriate position . . unchanged severe pulmonary edema . bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . . right atrial lead still ends at the inferior cavoatrial junction . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18322589 57120453 5cc8a35c-430e95e2-0ece986e-69a22503-cc4bf39e +1276 previous moderate pulmonary edema has nearly resolved, but small bilateral pleural effusions remain . heart is normal size . there is no pneumothorax . patient has had right upper chest wall resection, and presumed radiation accounting for elevation of the right hilus and scarring at the lung apex . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13263843 57452809 2a18ff9e-bcc1e679-a9be811c-4cd490dc-fa3faf63 +1277 the patient is rotated with his neck turned to the right . the tip of the tracheostomy tube appears appropriately positioned and unchanged . the configuration of the right subclavian vein and brachiocephalic vein stent appears similar to the prior chest ct with kinking of the stent at the level of the clavicle . the configuration of the left brachiocephalic vein stent is also similar to the prior ct . bilateral right worse than left parenchymal opacities have progressed from the prior radiograph as well as ct, again concerning for multifocal infection andor metastases . a right pleural effusion may be trace . the left pleural effusion may have resolved in the interim . no pneumothorax . the heart is normal in size . mild prominence of the right mediastinum may correspond to the known mild ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm on prior ct . the size of the mediastinum is similar to the prior exam . calcified right mediastinal lymph node is unchanged . catheter projecting over the lower portion of the svc is unchanged . coils projecting over the left upper abdomen are also unchanged . coarse calcifications projecting over the left upper abdomen are unchanged from the prior radiograph in correspond to splenic calcifications on the prior ct . coarse calcifications in the soft tissue of the neck are unchanged from prior ct neck . . interval progression of bilateral, right worse than left parenchymal opacities again concerning for multifocal infection andor metastases . . similar appearance of the mediastinum . . probable small right pleural effusion, new from the prior exam . . position of vascular stents with kinking of the right brachiocephalicaxillary vein stent is similar to the prior chest ct . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19061282 51863042 1c038d27-c6193e6a-d4588595-a78608bd-565e11fa +1278 single frontal portable view of the chest left chest tube has been removed . there is no pneumothorax . right cvl is unchanged . lung findings are stable from the study performed one hour prior . No Finding 16875792 58566283 f7bbdf2d-8612cba0-b5619cfe-072a43c1-6438f2be +1279 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . the heart appears mildly enlarged . there is slight unfolding of the thoracic aorta . the lungs appear clear . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . mild relative elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is similar . although this study does not include a dedicated rib series, no fracture is identified . no definite evidence of injury . No Finding 19623993 57448721 5b9d3fcb-ec593910-a4df74dc-05deda2c-9719c9ea +1280 the right costophrenic angle is not included on the images . again seen is a large area of right mid-to-lower lung opacity which is better assessed on prior ct from . there is a moderate right pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis, an underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . streaky and fibrotic opacities are seen in the right lung involving the upper, mid and lower lung fields, most noted in the left mid lung field, also seen on the prior study . left apical pleural thickening and calcifications are again seen, consistent with chronic change . no large left pleural effusion is seen . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . multiple old right-sided rib deformitiesfractures are again seen . a left sided vascular stent is again partially imaged . . right costophrenic angle not fully included on the images . given this, large area of right mid-to-lower lung opacity is again seen, likely representing combination of pleural effusion, atelectasis and possible underlying consolidation . increased right perihilar opacity . areas of patchy and fibrotic opacities in the left lung again seen, may be chronic . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13849733 58936335 9db9d5b2-ca959890-19e93b7b-dd184ea9-9bdabe28 +1281 the heart is of top normal size with stable cardiomediastinal contours . the lungs are hyperinflated with flattened diaphragms . streaky left lung base opacity is similar to prior and compatible with atelectasis . a trace right pleural effusion is similar to prior . no pneumothorax . sternotomy wires, mediastinal clips, and two valvular prostheses are similar to prior . trace right pleural effusion and left base atelectasis, similar to . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 18224196 50633646 23a461cb-eb3f1804-b272899e-c6e30098-39682b9c +1282 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . degenerative changes are seen along the spine . no acute cardiopulmonary process . no evidence of pneumonia . the mediastinum is not widened . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 14504940 58521372 4e5ddaa7-63711567-067f2a36-70ca8cbf-3684164e +1283 no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are grossly stable given differences in technique and inspiration . pulmonary vascular congestion is seen . slight prominence of the left hilum has been seen over several prior studies in likely relates to vascular structures . no definite focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema&&Pneumonia 14841168 53366281 3ed3bb4b-239e165f-32a0305f-6e40b696-afdec18d +1284 the monitoring and support devices, including the nasogastric tube, the left internal jugular vein catheter and the right double-lumen catheter, are unchanged . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . extensive right lower lung opacities, combined to a right pleural effusion . left retrocardiac atelectatic changes, accompanied by a small left pleural effusion . no newly appeared parenchymal opacities . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 58862282 cd611c14-18a02010-13493fd2-e8f3a50a-fc345827 +1285 there is improvement of ventilation, as reflected by decrease in extent of the parenchymal opacities . at the lung bases, the opacities, however, are still evident . moderate cardiomegaly, mild fluid overload, no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 12952223 57259586 c23b378d-83c12bd1-41434eef-579d522e-0862b804 +1286 an extensive right hilar lung mass is associated with radiation fibrosis, better delineated on ct . an additional component of postobstructive pneumonia may be present . retrocardiac opacity, left pleural effusion, and left plueral thickening are also new . no pneumothorax is present . . large right hilar lung mass and radiation fibrosis . additional post-obstructive pneumonia in the right upper and lower lobes is possible but hard to delineate . . new left retrocardiac opacity, small left effusion, and pleural thickening . findings were discussed with , rn, via telephone at and again with dr at . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 12433541 54729238 7e1f323f-a2ad8df6-c4803950-58e8a9d6-7058b48e +1287 the cardiac size is normal . new density in the retrosternal clear space suggests the presence of an anterior mediastinal lesion, of note in prior ct there were enlarge lymph nodes in this location . the pulmonary vasculature is normal . the lungs are clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . basilar atelectasis is noted . several wedge shaped compression fractures are long standing no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . density in the retrosternal space suggests the presence of an anterior mediastinal lesion . ct is recommended for further evaluation recommendations ct chest notification the findings were discussed by dr . with dr . No Finding 15659181 53130454 878ffc5b-fbc8c37b-45a5b548-6883c9d4-5fa06364 +1288 the lungs are hyperinflated but clear of focal consolidation . there is relative increased lucency in the right upper lung which is similar compared to prior . elsewhere, interstitial markings are somewhat more prominent when compared to prior suggesting pulmonary vascular congestion . there is no focal consolidation suspicious for pneumonia nor pleural effusion . cardiac silhouette is moderately enlarged . median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are noted . no acute osseous abnormalities . pulmonary vascular congestion without overt edema or focal consolidation . Edema 17962324 50545797 c768ecd2-dec91075-b6e6d204-6a9d0da8-e1ce939a +1289 pa and lateral chest radiographs in comparison to the prior study, there has been no significant interval change in the left hilar mass with volume loss and opacification in left upper lobe, which likely represents postobstructive pneumoniacollapse . the right lung is clear . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . no significant interval change since the prior study in the extensive left upper lobe consolidation and hilar mass . no large pleural effusions . Consolidation&&Lung Lesion 18067737 58232231 f33df19b-40b70f49-e2089e24-af20049c-136fb213 +1290 the patient is rotated to the right . nevertheless, there is no appreciable cardiomegaly . lungs are grossly clear, and pleural effusions are minimal, if any . caliber of the mediastinum is difficult to assess, however, because of rotation . there could be distention of the azygos and other mediastinal veins . if that determination is important to make regarding the presence of pericardial effusion, then a repeat film should be obtained with careful attention to proper positioning . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 14641474 58836797 29fa67ed-eafe7bd7-b310f744-078a1939-72c2aacb +1291 the et tube tip is approximately cm above the carina . the patient is substantially rotated which precludes assessment of the chest . within those limitations, there is most likely no change in the right pleural effusion, moderate and no evidence of pulmonary edema . the patient is most likely after placement of interatrial septal defect closure device . the left internal jugular line and the right internal jugular line are in appropriate positions . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 59646951 8bc5adc6-1e5dc4bc-b2fd436a-6c72b0a6-52ffe3c5 +1292 upright ap and lateral views of the chest a left subclavian central venous catheter tip terminates in the svc . cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits, with mild aortic arch calcifications . subsegmental atelectasis is most pronounced in the lung bases . hazy focal opacity is noted at the confluence of the left first anterior rib with the left fifth posterior rib, which appears unchanged, and no discrete nodular opacity was seen on the prior cta of the chest from . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there is diffuse demineralization of the osseous structures, with unchanged posterior fusion hardware in the thoracic spine spanning two adjacent compression deformities . Atelectasis 14353044 56321140 200f5a93-8ca89ca4-c8399b9c-c65fba89-1fb40abc +1293 supine ap view of the chest endotracheal tube tip terminates approximately cm from the carina . a nasogastric tube is seen, with the tip at least to the level of the gastroesophageal junction, and off the inferior borders of the film . cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged, with evidence of mild pulmonary edema and small bilateral layering pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is identified . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13700088 51819517 2b48fff3-ec94225d-0c7dc92c-383e271f-ff7c44bd +1294 the patient is somewhat oblique, limiting the evaluation . however, there is no evidence of pneumothorax . overall, probably little change . No Finding 11474065 58952033 418536fe-ce5ff76a-25c69892-fa4beedf-88916c53 +1295 endotracheal tube tip terminates approximately . cm from the carina . an orogastric tube tip is noted within the distal stomach . lung volumes are low . heart size is normal . mediastinal contours are unremarkable . crowding of the bronchovascular structures is noted, and mild pulmonary vascular congestion is likely present . additionally, more focal somewhat linear opacities within both upper lobes appear to be associated with fibrotic changes . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified, although the right costophrenic angle is excluded from the field of view . diffuse gaseous distention of the bowel loops are noted within the upper abdomen . no acute osseous abnormality seen . surgical anchors are noted projecting over the right shoulder . . standard positions of the endotracheal and orogastric tubes . . focal, somewhat linear opacities within both upper lobes which may be due to a chronic interstitial process . correlation with prior imaging is recommended . aspiration or infection, however, cannot be completely excluded . . mild pulmonary vascular congestion in the setting of low lung volumes . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10933609 50636786 8452bd2c-ba775d23-e46872fa-f0e9c5bd-63897743 +1296 heart size is borderline enlarged but unchanged . mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . pulmonary vasculature is normal . hyperinflation of the lungs with bullous emphysematous changes are again noted in the upper lobes . lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . pulmonary vasculature is normal . right-sided rib cage deformities are chronic . partially visualized is cervical spinal fusion hardware . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . bullous emphysema . No Finding 19991135 54742755 1b02ffa5-a6da06e3-9063b9ef-5e540245-c18323b5 +1297 the chest findings are completely stable, and there is no evidence of new pulmonary parenchymal infiltrates that could represent a pneumonia . heart size is also unchanged, and no evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion or pleural effusion exists . no pneumothorax in the apical area . stable chest findings, no evidence of new acute pulmonary infectious process that could account for unexplained leukocytosis . No Finding 15192710 56918682 e8bee7e8-3d046a2b-a495f848-e8247e92-8a180494 +1298 a new enteric catheter ends either at the gastric antrum or first portion of the duodenum . lung volumes are low, causing exaggeration of the heart size and accentuation of the pulmonary vasculature . the lungs are clear . the heart size is normal . the descending thoracic aorta is slightly tortuous . there are no pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is seen . . no acute cardiac or pulmonary process . . new enteric catheter ends either in the gastric antrum or first portion of the duodenum . No Finding&&Support Devices 15438386 54350641 76e72399-4ee134f7-c1d4538e-8c0a7451-bacc3a48 +1299 right upper and lower lobe opacities are new since the prior day, with indistinctness of the pulmonary vessels, suggesting pulmonary edema . however, concurrent pneumonia cannot be excluded, in the correct clinical setting . the right picc line terminates in the lower svc, and the et tube terminates . cm above the carina . unchanged calcified pulmonary granulomas in the left lung . no pneumothorax . stable cardiomediastinal borders . new right upper and lower lobe opacities with indistinctness of the pulmonary vessels suggests pulmonary edema . however, in the correct clinical setting, concurrent pneumonia cannot be excluded . notification the above findings were communicated via telephone by dr . at on , min after discovery . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 12185775 57024984 98bf2cef-0c6a64e5-89934255-e10b6ef7-c38474b7 +1300 the dobbhoff tube appears to be in the oropharynx with the tip seen projecting over the mouth floor . pulmonary edema is present . bilateral pleural effusions are noted . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16334516 50030496 569f5628-f5c36d3e-40a91b60-1fe58583-1f997220 +1301 the patient has received a nasogastric tube . the course of the tube is unremarkable, the tip of the tube projects over the middle parts of the stomach, the side port is at the level of the gastroesophageal junction . the tube could be advanced by approximately cm . no evidence of complications . the radiograph is otherwise unchanged . No Finding&&Support Devices 13031876 51040656 8ed93a6c-a257c9c3-b7011ef7-9fd0fc17-8b045b94 +1302 the heart size is normal with normal cardiomediastinal contours . there is residual opacity in the left lower lobe, decreased in size since , when it was seen to correspond to a cavitary lesion . there is a persistent vague opacity in the right upper lobe, seen on the previous chest ct, which may represent sequelae of prior infection or persistent inflammation . there is new opacity at the right cardiophrenic angle, which may be atelectasis but could also represent pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . the pulmonary vasculature is unremarkable . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the osseous structures are normal . there has been interval removal of a picc . no radiopaque foreign bodies are present . . new right cardiophrenic angle opacity, which may represent pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . . persistent right upper lobe and improved left lower lobe opacities . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19748558 51391219 e585ac0f-fc079ecc-ae54b1f8-1121c4b0-52a0b7f0 +1303 the lungs are hyperinflatedwell expanded . costochondral calcification is noted . no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13881772 57977763 c3eeff7f-5128e28a-d1f3fadb-2db97e3e-c47fbc96 +1304 clips project over the upper aspect of the abdomen . the dialysis catheter tip sits in the superior right atrium . the heart size is at the upper limits of normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . perihilar opacities represent pulmonary edema, slightly worse than prior exam . a subtle nodular opacity is present in the left suprahilar region and is new from . blunting of the bilateral costophrenic angle suggests small amount of pleural effusion . . cardiomegaly with worsening pulmonary edema . . subtle left suprahilar nodular opacity may represent a focal area of edema repeat imaging after diuresis may be considered . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 17340686 58528625 253ff311-29b03520-fb3b41cc-943dee43-7ac172d5 +1305 heart size and mediastinum are unremarkable . right picc line tip is at the level of low svc . lungs are essentially clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . left upper quadrant surgical clips are redemonstrated, unchanged . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 52411503 a5d43c71-b0543e47-518c2349-26b2fed4-a34fd3bc +1306 the pre-existing opacities at the right lung base have improved . the left lung base is unchanged . overall, the signs indicative of pulmonary edema have slightly decreased in severity but they are still clearly present . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly and left calcified lung granulomas . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 12185775 53053450 9911ed32-2bf726d7-dfcdceb1-dc248f4e-b62bb269 +1307 endotracheal tube is seen with tip within cm of the carina and should be withdrawn . enteric tube is seen with tip at the gastric fundus, side port likely just beyond the ge junction . low lung volumes are seen . surgical chain sutures project over the right mid lung with associated linear opacity, potentially atelectasis . increased opacity at the right perihilar region . median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are identified . linear opacity at the left lung base may represent atelectasis . the bones are diffusely osteopenic . endotracheal tube within cm of the carina and should be withdrawn . right mid lung surgical chain sutures with associated linear opacity, potentially atelectasis or scarring . increased density in the right hilar region, for which dedicated pa and lateral suggested when patient is amenable . additional film had been taken at the time of this dictation . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16334516 57879373 39291b24-1045b1ed-af35c04e-d467233c-9c0a3be0 +1308 there is a new moderate-to-large right-sided pleural effusion with volume loss suggesting extensive coinciding parenchymal atelectasis, substantially increased since the prior studies . there is a persistent patchy left basilar opacity, but with general improvement in aeration of the left lower lobe and resolution of a small left-sided pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . a mild interstitial abnormality in each lung suggests mild fluid overload . post-operative changes are noted along the right chest wall including rib deformities, as seen previously . substantial increase in right-sided pleural effusion with volume loss . Pleural Effusion 13263843 57474634 5a8173dc-ba88a84f-b2bdec60-eb030b78-73682cd4 +1309 there are continued multifocal areas of consolidation with abscess formation especially at the right base . monitoring and support devices remain in place . Consolidation&&Support Devices 13964474 57106816 f0707946-32499bba-77b6424d-f14642eb-587039a5 +1310 heart size remains enlarged . hilar contours are unchanged . endotracheal tube, upper enteric tube and left picc remain in unchanged position . widespread multifocal parenchymal opacities remain unchanged from immediate prior study . subtle lobulated lucencies in the right mid lung are suggestive of pneumatoceles . left-sided pleural effusion is improved . there is no pneumothorax . multifocal lung infection persists, with possible pneumatoceles, but with some improvement of left pleural effusion . if clinical improvement is uncertain, ct may be helpful to document changes . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16662264 50111035 432f5b8d-dbf9d5f6-b2ae5422-ee46f656-00caa39c +1311 there is no evidence of pneumothorax following unsuccessful cvp attempt . cardiac silhouette is enlarged and there is increased prominence of ill-defined pulmonary vessels, consistent with elevated pulmonary venous pressure . the elevation of the right hemidiaphragmatic contour is more prominent on this examination . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 14841168 55807374 3dd7fadc-472e29be-47a89d67-912975dd-439fad53 +1312 the patient was extubated in the meantime interval . heart size and mediastinum are unremarkable but there is interval development of interstitial pulmonary edema, associated with bilateral pleural effusions, small, but appear to be increased since the prior study . the worsening in the right lower lung although most likely associated with edema, can potentially represent interval development of right lower lobe pneumonia . attention to this area on the subsequent radiographs is recommended and if clinical symptoms of pneumonia are present, it should be treated as pneumonia . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16015751 52795401 75420d75-4f45654a-e63a41a1-da1ad953-680cdde5 +1313 there has been mild interval decrease of a still moderate right pleural effusion . there is increased opacification involving the right mid lung zone, likely atelectasis and effusion . there are stable fibrotic changes involving both lungs with left apical scarring compatible with known prior tuberculosis exposure . there are no new focally occurring opacities concerning for pneumonia . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable, with the heart size within the upper limits of normal . pulmonary vascularity is not increased . there are multiple healed right rib deformities . status post right-sided thoracentesis with still a moderate layering right pleural effusion . no evidence of pneumothorax . Pleural Effusion 13849733 58414605 b80c8698-bd19b3ad-2bfa7ec4-e5c4a4ae-ddc9c4f4 +1314 upright ap and lateral views of the chest there are low lung volumes . the heart size is normal . the aorta remains slightly tortuous with vascular calcifications noted . there is crowding of the bronchovascular structures, but no overt pulmonary edema is present . patchy opacities in the lower lobes may reflect areas of developing infection or atelectasis . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are multilevel degenerative changes of the thoracic spine . multiple clips are again noted within the left axilla . degenerative changes of both acromioclavicular joints are noted . old right-sided rib deformities are visualized . low lung volumes with mild patchy opacities in the lung bases . this could reflect atelectasis, but infection cannot be completely excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18978682 54629839 8c75550e-9aac921d-95015c3f-ac9bc81b-13abd432 +1315 a portable ap radiograph of the chest demonstrates resolution of the small right-sided pneumothorax . there is a small layering right-sided pleural effusion which is similar in size to the prior study . the chest tube is unchanged . a small amount of subcutaneous emphysema on the right is unchanged . there is no left-sided effusion or pneumothorax . severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . the hilar and mediastinal contours are normal . there is very mild interstitial pulmonary edema which is slightly decreased from yesterday . . small right pneumothorax has resolved . . small right pleural effusion is stable . . mild interstitial pulmonary edema has minimally improved . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16826047 52819811 4f49b2cf-afac9d76-538a44c3-0d040070-15d0571b +1316 loculated fluid right base and chronic fluid in left base . there is probably a small amount of increased fluid over the prior radiograph . there is cardiomegaly and unusually orientated sternal wires probably reflecting sternal dehiscence . Cardiomegaly 12189285 50770541 f65bb572-2af0f780-91ab57cd-38f9c60e-6f908c45 +1317 there is again diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications, more prominent on the right . although this could represent severe pulmonary edema, the possibility of supervening pneumonia or even developing ards must be considered . monitoring and support devices remain in place . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19757720 55489891 5db1ff54-6a22902f-51402f15-27dc7310-21a1183c +1318 the lungs are hyperinflated but clear of consolidation . nodular opacities at the lung bases are compatible with nipple shadows as opposed to pulmonary nodules . cardiac silhouette is unchanged . mitral annular calcifications are again noted . old healed left lower rib fractures are again noted no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13881772 50211839 711d6472-5ff3166e-7741ea62-00213982-c3a8a67b +1319 in comparison with the study of earlier in this date, there is little interval change . small left apical pneumothorax persists . Pneumothorax 19182863 58403484 a90a82d0-03e68c29-c64d2bbe-96653ba7-bb772dd9 +1320 right-sided chest tube has been removed . there is a hydropneumothorax in the inferior right chest . the amount of fluid has increased compared to the study from two days prior . the thick irregular pleural disease around the right lung is again visualized . the left lung is clear . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumothorax 11569093 53825501 aa48f5aa-bc33341a-d09fad73-1b881cf5-ec400de4 +1321 ap upright and lateral views the chest provided . cardiomegaly again noted with hilar congestion without overt signs of edema . no large effusion or pneumothorax . no convincing signs of pneumonia . bony structures are intact . mediastinal contour stable . cardiomegaly with mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 16050730 57294152 31b932ba-757c9228-940b6753-513b8ecb-705d05b5 +1322 a dual-lead left-sided aicd is again seen with leads extending to the expected positions of the right atrium and right ventricle . the right costophrenic angle is not fully included on the image . there are bilateral pleural effusions, which may be at least partially loculated . right upper lobesuprahilar opacity underlying fiducial seed has increased since the prior study, raising concern for progression of malignancy . streaky right infrahilar opacity underlying chain sutures, may relate to chronic changes, although appears to have increased since the prior study . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . . increased nodular opacity in the medial right apexright suprahilar region underlying fiducial seeds, worrisome for progression of malignancy . . bilateral left greater than right pleural effusion, which is likely loculated at least on the left . . right infrahilar streaky opacity may relate to prior surgerychronic changes but more acute component not excluded . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13067703 51807934 d7f19d0e-f85e6043-96b8d9b9-fd64fd5b-7594b0ea +1323 there has been a decrease in density of the perihilar opacities, which may represent a combination of pulmonary edema and pneumonia . no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal contours are stable . decrease in extent and density of the perihilar opacities since . this likely represents a decrease in pulmonary edema with remaining residual opacities likely representing pneumonia . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18309149 52901628 02277520-0c2f2dfc-48595e9d-67e7b3d0-51eb5d78 +1324 the lungs are moderately well inflated . there is unchanged mild prominence of lung vasculature without frank pulmonary edema . mild cardiomegaly . no pleural effusions . left upper chest wall pacemaker and pacer wires, right-sided central venous catheter terminating at the cavoatrial junction, sternotomy sutures, bilateral humeral prosthesis, all remain unchanged compared to the prior radiograph . . mild prominence of lung vasculature without pulmonary edema . . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . No Finding 19075045 52521827 959366ef-34cddc43-1c3e238c-99503ed8-b5fc863c +1325 the heart is normal in size . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear within normal limits . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lungs appear clear . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 19748558 51371355 de6f3d70-eadfcea2-4074743a-28118cf6-707e9cfd +1326 in comparison with the study , there is continued substantial increase size of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary edema that may be minimally better than on the previous study . in the appropriate clinical setting, the possibility of superimposed pneumonia could not be excluded, especially in the absence of a lateral view . central catheter again extends to the mid to lower svc . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15131736 54335229 de8ba3a7-575f2651-ec81a20e-b45631f7-2acc972a +1327 there is new almost complete collapse of the left lower lobe . there is no pneumothorax . small right and moderate left pleural effusions are unchanged . cardiomediastinum is shifted towards the left side . left ij catheter tip is in the upper to mid svc . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11607628 52802608 4785f611-3df41361-06251ad6-a56655b1-6b5a088a +1328 opacification at the base of the right lung is due substantially to moderate right pleural effusion present for at least a week, but there is new consolidation at the upper margin of this abnormality concerning for pneumonia, and mild pulmonary edema has developed since . severe cardiomegaly is more pronounced and atelectasis at the left lung base unchanged . small left pleural effusion is presumed . left-sided central venous catheter ends in the mid svc . no pneumothorax . was paged at am . when the findings were recognized and we discussed the findings by telephone a minute later . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14851532 59207607 9f03f488-52d9e9df-006302a9-227c8b18-48e15125 +1329 double-lumen left-sided dialysis catheter is seen terminating in the right atrium, stable in position . there is stable enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . the aortic knob remains calcified . there is prominence of the pulmonary vasculature, similar to prior . there may be small bilateral pleural effusions . the lateral view is suboptimal due to patients overlying arm and a posterior lung consolidation is not excluded . no evidence of pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17340686 58351865 f2166859-f4629ed4-014033b5-930fc410-8a9f51c9 +1330 the right-sided pleural drain is unchanged in position . the loculated pleural effusion within the right hemithorax are again seen, and appears minimally increased in size . right perihilar mass is better seen on the recent ct . there has been interval increase in mild pulmonary edema . costophrenic angle on the lateral view is blunted, which is new compared to prior study indicating a new left pleural effusion . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is difficult to assess but appears largely unchanged . interval development of mild pulmonary edema and likely increase in size of moderate sized loculated pleural effusion on the right . new small left pleural effusion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16826047 54920051 d2e3dff5-381ea801-b587e5f8-7a35a88a-9c9b66a5 +1331 heart size and mediastinum are stable . the right upper lung and left upper lung opacities are better appreciated on the previous examination as well as lower lobe opacities . no evidence of pneumothorax is present . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 16848073 55592328 b0b25621-e94059fd-7edf2e6e-78f2c194-f085dc8c +1332 chronic moderate loculated pleural effusions are essentially unchanged, accompanied by persistent basilar opacification, probably rounded atelectasis . in the remainder of the lungs, in the upper lobes, there are no findings to suggest pneumonia or cardiac decompensation . heart is top normal size, not appreciably changed . fragmentation and misalignment of sternal wires has not progressed since . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 57086341 e3878a3c-d7eccddd-4784c189-6b006b3b-e58c987a +1333 views of the chest . right picc has been removed . the lungs are well expanded and clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart is normal in size with normal mediastinal contours . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 15857729 52057634 0d200bb3-f8564775-b6f65f57-a21dd9b7-d25d90ff +1334 compared with the prior film, inspiratory volumes are lower . a right ij line is present, tip overlying distal svc, new compared with the prior film . left-sided pacemaker is present, with lead tips over the right atrium and right ventricle . prosthetic aortic valve again noted . the cardio mediastinal silhouette, including mild cardiomegaly, is unchanged . there is possible minimal upper zone redistribution . there is bibasilar atelectasis . no frank consolidation or gross effusion identified . incidental note made of partially imaged bilateral shoulder prostheses . as above . No Finding 19075045 55652630 a4ced79c-68a99c35-e4a2aa15-21423671-0559dedf +1335 pa and lateral views of the chest pain . the lungs are clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . no acute osseous abnormalities detected . stent is identified in the upper abdomen . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15857729 59698726 91031e5e-6f1e3df2-774ccea8-0e77fbca-e12d0749 +1336 cardiomegaly is substantial . replaced mitral valve is in unchanged position . the central venous line and the pacemaker are unchanged, but there is interval progression of interstitial opacities, concerning for interval development of interstitial pulmonary edema . on , approximately five minutes after the findings were made . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19759491 50570852 d38829e5-de299cae-0949b857-f5286934-49f3fde5 +1337 a right internal jugular line ends at upper svc, swan-ganz catheter through the left internal jugular approach ends approximately in the main pulmonary artery and endotracheal tube terminating . cm above the carina, all are appropriate in position . two feeding tubes are seen coursing below the diaphragm into the stomach however, their distal end is off the radiograph view . two abdomen drains, one in the right hypochondriac region and other in epigastric region are unchanged in course and position . bilateral lung volumes are low . small right pleural effusion and lower lung atelectasis has improved . increased retrocardiac density obscuring the left hemidiaphragm margins suggesting low lung atelectasis is unchanged . small left pleural effusion is stable . top normal heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19623993 56908039 85023ebc-975e666f-4be00ab3-0de8159d-71962698 +1338 compared to the previous radiograph, the lung volumes have increased, reflecting improved ventilation . there is minimal atelectasis at both lung bases but no evidence of a focal parenchymal opacity suggesting pneumonia . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . no hilar or mediastinal abnormalities . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 12340737 58757200 6eb24aca-5687f160-c7d0c498-3d8a1abf-05bf0b8c +1339 there is a small apical pneumothorax on the right, there may be minimal residual basilar pneumothorax . extensive subcutaneous gas is seen bilaterally, much more prominent on the left . Pneumothorax 12736592 59091975 e1e69a8a-e168c0b4-3d6c41a5-108dc21b-9f8205cd +1340 as compared to the previous image, the patient is now in moderate pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . unchanged cardiomegaly and low lung volumes . unchanged left pectoral pacemaker position . no pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 13896515 51050206 3eb5d0cd-b53603ab-1055c1ab-0136cead-bd105e22 +1341 compared to prior study there is no significant interval change . No Finding 15131736 53690114 a0cd68a8-1dc96fff-377965f8-4882b5d1-4563578d +1342 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding similar study dated . status post sternotomy and bypass surgery with marked cardiomegaly remains unchanged . unchanged position of permanent pacer in left anterior axillary position, icd device electrode terminating in right ventricle and additional dual right atrial and right ventricular endovascular eletrodes as before . additional thin wire electrode reaching obtuse marginal vein via coronary sinus for lv facing . pulmonary congestive pattern observed on multiple portable chest examinations during the last weeks persist . in comparison with the next preceding image of no significant interval change is identified . no pneumothorax is present . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 15207316 50162885 ffe15776-720f5fb1-efcda596-e36276d8-5e97941e +1343 cardiac silhouette size is normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . the pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is unchanged . multiple clips are again noted in the right paramediastinal region . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 19907884 57258004 6e2797cc-f1c60fb3-30a651cc-c23cf3d1-b15803bb +1344 no significant change within the airspace opacity at the left mid lung zone . again seen medial right base airspace opacity, unchanged right ij port-a-cath is unchanged in position . sternotomy wires . cardiac valve replacement is noted . heart is enlarged, unchanged . again seen prominent bilateral hilar in haziness the pulmonary vascular consistent pulmonary vascular congestion . this preliminary report was reviewed with dr . , radiologist . no change in the left midlung airspace opacity or in the airspace opacity at the right medial lung base . Lung Opacity 11022245 52391187 df81aa63-051ce829-f15a7ba0-391d8fb4-f81549e5 +1345 rounded right midlung opacity compatible with previously described septic embolus is decreased in size from the prior study . left midlung rounded consolidation is more conspicuous than previously seen . potential etiologies include developing pneumonia, additional septic embolus or collection of fissural fluid, though the lateral argues against the latter . small left pleural effusion is noted along with left greater than right bibasilar atelectasis . marked enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is similar to the study from though notably larger than the immediate post-procedure study from . left picc is in satisfactory position in the superior cavoatrial junction . median sternotomy wires and aortic valve replacement are also noted . . more conspicuous left midlung opacity concerning for developing pneumonia or septic embolus . . improved small left pleural effusion and left greater than right bibasilar atelectasis . findings were discussed by telephone with , np, by dr . on at . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11022245 53978610 957e4fa0-2b741119-9fb1f79c-62130589-86d6cbed +1346 there is little interval change and no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . no vascular congestion, pleural effusion, or acute focal pneumonia . of incidental note is an azygous fissure, of no clinical significance . No Finding 19028690 51378502 0a788d46-a00044c9-e0df1484-22595fd9-1b836a06 +1347 port-a-cath is unchanged in position with its tip positioned in the expected location of the mid svc . a right pleural drain is in place with increased opacity in the right lung and probable increase in size of the loculated right pleural effusion . findings are concerning for a superimposed consolidationpneumonia . the left lung remains essentially clear . the heart is difficult to assess given the effacement of the right heart border . the prominence of the mediastinum may reflect in part adjacent loculated pleural fluid . no pneumothorax is seen . increased right pleural loculated effusion with chest tube in place . increasing consolidation in the right lung is concerning for pneumonia . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16826047 58248722 ef34a791-15321a3d-aa9eca93-84157fc9-6fccd907 +1348 comparison is made with prior study , . mild cardiomegaly is stable . the aorta is tortuous . left lower lobe opacity has improved, consistent with improving pneumonia . right lower lobe opacity has increased, likely due to increasing atelectasis including a more focal elongated dense small opacity in the right lower lobe medially that has worsened . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . wedge-shaped deformity in a mid thoracic vertebral body is unchanged . improving pneumonia in the left lower lobe . worsening opacity in the right lower lobe which could be due to increasing atelectasis, but developing pneumonia cannot be excluded and followup is recommended . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11213613 50567642 2ae448b2-53515c0d-312135f4-a7a50238-20ffa8b0 +1349 one portable ap upright view of the chest . the right apical opacity is stable and concerning for either a nodule or infection . there are low lung volumes which exaggerates the bibasilar atelectasis . anterior fusion hardware is seen . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . . right apical opacity concerning for either infection or nodule . . other than low lung volumes, no significant change compared to most recent study . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13031876 57045066 b1286b1b-54d1211b-a25a3203-41c53701-f8ba9413 +1350 in comparison with the study of earlier on this date, there is slightly less subcutaneous gas along the right chest wall . little change in the small amount of subcutaneous gas along the left chest wall . No Finding 17770657 56030465 6e7ba50c-a093a0ce-c9809007-6ffac781-93024486 +1351 right upper lobe pneumonia continues to develop . pulmonary edema is clearing . bibasilar consolidation, unchanged since , could be more pneumonia or combination of edema and basal atelectasis . the heart is partially obscured, probably moderately enlarged . small-to-moderate bilateral pleural effusions unchanged . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16508811 58303567 10c8ac36-a2853890-23c30e54-90a676c0-9a66c8eb +1352 manage although there are no prior chest radiographs available for review, this study is read in conjunction with chest ct scans most recently . multiple lung nodules range in diameter up to . cm, left lower lobe . left hilar enlargement conforms to adenopathy . there is no pleural effusion . the heart is mildly enlarged . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Lesion 14794396 54335521 b9515644-3201e291-84f9839a-308ca0a6-fb3dc5c3 +1353 portable ap semi-upright chest radiograph shows decreased degree of inspiration compared to recent prior studies . taking this into consideration, no focal parenchymal consolidation is seen to suggest new pneumonia . the heart and mediastinal structures and bony structures are unremarkable . positioning of right-sided picc line is unchanged . Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14727722 57592473 40903370-03c46950-d892c4a4-e3e64eb3-250703a9 +1354 frontal and lateral chest radiograph demonstrates mildly hypoinflated lungs with bilateral perihilar reticular interstitial opacities consistent with vascular crowding and prominence of interstitial markings bilaterally, similar to previous examination and characterized as interstitial lung disease on ct chest dated . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no new focal opacity . abnormal contour or of the right hemidiaphragm is stable since . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . limited study of the upper abdomen is unremarkable and visualized osseous structures are notable for diffuse osteopenia and a chronic healed left mid clavicular fracture . kyphosis is again noted with multiple thoracic compression fractures, unchanged from previous examination . stable prominence of interstitial markings bilaterally consistent with interstitial lung disease, best assessed on ct chest dated . no evidence of pneumonia . Lung Opacity 13475033 59915934 4584e73d-af69492e-8ad8e520-97439184-5c788f58 +1355 when compared to prior, there has been no significant interval change . lungs are grossly clear . there is no large effusion or edema . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . rightward deviation of the trachea at the thoracic inlet is compatible with known underlying left-sided thyroid enlargement . surgical clips seen projecting over the thoracic inlet . left chest wall dual lumen central venous catheter is now seen . multiple vascular stents project over the left upper extremity and mediastinum . severe degenerative changes noted at the shoulders bilaterally . old healed right posterior rib fractures are also noted . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14236258 59438963 099dc924-692466a3-cd889469-1d9dee6c-3a61f779 +1356 there is interval placement of a left internal jugular catheter with tip terminating in the upper svc . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal and hilar silhouettes are stable . there is stable scarring or atelectasis at the left lung base as well as calcifications at the costochondral junction . the lungs are otherwise clear . new left ij catheter with tip in the upper svc, no pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 18224196 55108041 d504dbe8-1c4f781c-0df439c0-f9d111e3-383d8361 +1357 the lungs are well expanded and clear . coarsened interstitial markings are unchanged . cardiomediastinal silhouette is slightly enlarged but unchanged from prior exam . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . an old fracture of the left clavicle is noted . no acute cardiopulmonary process . unchanged cardiomediastinal silhouette . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 13475033 53358228 10c89fd8-d213373d-7803e8df-fe8a4a8d-2d9a9503 +1358 on the prior study, there was a femoral swan-ganz catheter that is no longer visualized . it is off the film . it has likely been pulled back . left ij line tip is in the svc . cardiac pacer with wires is again visualized . et tube is unchanged . bilateral pleural effusions have increased in size compared to the prior study . the heart size is moderately enlarged and is larger than on the prior exam . there is pulmonary vascular redistribution with perihilar haze . the overall impression is that of worsening chf . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10886362 56034024 fdd8adcf-96e61323-ef98915c-c91ab8b9-7bf45f5e +1359 a portable supine frontal chest radiograph demonstrates a right internal jugular catheter, which now terminates in the low svc . lung volumes remain low, without definite focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . repositioned right internal jugular catheter, which now terminates in the low svc . No Finding&&Support Devices 19907884 57885384 838d96da-8d9d8d8d-2aacafdf-9f280c96-573b74db +1360 comparison is made to previous study from five hours earlier . bilateral pleural effusions are again seen, right side worse than left . there is cardiomegaly . there is mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema with prominence of pulmonary interstitial markings . there is a right ij catheter with distal lead tip in the right atrium . this could be pulled back cm for more optimal placement . there is calcification adjacent to the soft tissues of the right shoulder which can be seen with calcific tendinitis or tumoral calcinosis . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 50802157 ceeb934a-c305e7cc-8fb84dc9-13a7b24c-ef709a44 +1361 the inspiratory lung volumes are appropriate . there is improved pulmonary vascular engorgement since the prior study of and no pulmonary edema . the lungs are clear without pleural effusion, focal consolidation or pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is normal in size . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged with persistent prominence of the azygos vein . no acute cardiopulmonary process . improved pulmonary vascular engorgement since . No Finding 19623993 54507407 a839e43c-1d7f9788-1f4d11ef-8bf9c279-74ebcc3f +1362 there has been placement of a new right-sided subclavian central line with the distal lead tip in the right atrium . heart size is enlarged but stable . there are moderate bilateral pleural effusions . the right-sided appears partially loculated . bibasilar opacities are also seen and unchanged . there is mild pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16360107 56101582 c1580ec9-32506bce-3fcc607e-df23d243-031e5cb4 +1363 no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute lung changes . no pneumothorax . no pleural effusions . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . normal hilar and mediastinal contours . No Finding 19800337 56050160 00c3905c-c62bcac5-af952060-8b2bd330-cc4848ac +1364 the pre-existing mild pulmonary edema has increased in severity and is now moderate . this is reflected by increased vascular diameters and left predominant perihilar haze . no pleural effusions . no focal parenchymal opacity suggesting pneumonia . the areas of left basal atelectasis are constant in appearance . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pneumonia 18615099 53498293 93f5ae76-d350d7b5-e47e23fd-d455db66-00627ccc +1365 there are increased interstitial markings bilaterally not significantly changed from , but no focal opacities . heart size is top normal . the aorta is tortuous . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . sternotomy wires as well as mediastinal surgical clips from prior cabg are re-demonstrated and unchanged in position . diffuse increased interstitial markings are compatible with minimal interstitial edema . no focal opacities concerning for pneumonia . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16957952 59610928 b5d3da06-fd20e016-8b1924e1-3ff9ceed-fb365036 +1366 portable ap upright chest radiograph is obtained . lung volumes are low . there is mild ground-glass opacity involving both lungs concerning for pulmonary edema . no large pleural effusions are seen, though trace effusions are likely present . heart size appears top normal . no pneumothorax . bones appear intact . pulmonary edema, likely with trace pleural effusions . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 54733030 d240a096-eb1996ea-8a08a168-367aa57b-96adf6ad +1367 no definite proof of pneumonia . unchanged borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without evidence of overt pulmonary edema . minimal atelectasis at the left lung base and minimal bilateral pleural effusions restricted to the dorsal costophrenic sinuses, better appreciated on the lateral than on the frontal radiograph . known skeletal changes . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 19765968 50775929 b4e5e6d9-372dda3f-636a7faa-cac88b07-a21496fe +1368 bibasilar atelectasis is mild . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . moderate cardiomegaly, severe pulmonary artery dilatation and moderate pulmonary vascular congestion are similar . mild basilar atelectasis . chronic moderate cardiomegaly and probable pulmonary hypertension . recurrent cardiac decompensation . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 19454978 50810335 b52282c3-1c808e3a-7ffee928-83083ac2-8cff0c2d +1369 pa and lateral chest radiograph a large right and a moderate-sized left pleural effusion, have increased since the prior study . consolidation has worsened at both lung bases, concerning for pneumonia, particularly on the right . mild pulmonary edema is new . moderate to severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 18224196 56822629 ccd9df65-03a33fd6-372e070c-1b36c943-a18d8378 +1370 new feeding tube, without a wire stylet, ends in the mid esophagus just below the level of the carina . moderate-to-large right pleural effusion is probably increased in volume, but comparison is difficult because patient is supine on this study, erect on the earlier study today . consolidation at both lung bases is probably due to worsening atelectasis but of course pneumonia and large scale aspiration are not excluded . patient is rotated to her left which distorts the cardiac silhouette, probably mildly enlarged but unchanged . the left rib fractures are in various stages of healing . thoracic aorta is tortuous and heavily calcified . no pneumothorax . i discussed these findings by telephone at the time of dictation . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11934114 50921864 07b49600-045da45b-0a9a9c85-40312bf9-29eb90ba +1371 the extent of substantial patient or respiratory motion greatly degrades the image, making it very difficult to adequately assess the pulmonary vascularity and the lungs . a repeat study is recommended . No Finding 14841168 51745439 f66fce26-7c002d5f-2c12f63f-8dd12c3a-92ec73bf +1372 increased retrocardiac density and the left lower lung opacity, which likely represents a combination of atelectasis andor consolidation has minimally worsened since . on single frontal view, if any of this represents infection cannot be ruled out and needs further clinical correlation . right lung is clear . a right internal jugular line sheath ends at upper svc . heart size is mild-to-moderately enlarged and unchanged . mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19565388 58520961 49d5c433-1f63df75-aa22694c-c8e8079d-d23cdaa9 +1373 there has been interval removal of the right-sided port-a-cath . the heart size is within normal limits as well as the mediastinal contours . there is no evidence of pneumomediastinum . there is no pneumothorax . mild bibasilar atelectasis is present with a small right pleural effusion . . no evidence of pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax . . mild bibasilar atelectasis with small right pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 19016834 56061315 0ac2b288-52510797-df0a6b75-70a649b5-d526e4dd +1374 there are faint bibasilar opacities with possible bronchial wall thickening which are nonspecific but similar to that seen on . these findings are in the same distribution as seen previously on . otherwise, cardiac silhouette is within normal limits . the aorta is unremarkable . osseous structures demonstrate degenerative changes of bilateral glenohumeral joints . bibasilar faint opacities and bronchial wall thickening . these findings are nonspecific and may be seen with bronchiectasis, an infectious process, or bronchiolitis obliterans as previously noted . further evaluation may be obtained with ct if necessary . these findings were discussed by dr . with dr . telephone at pm . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15192710 55395733 fb97dc99-52ef2345-cca09851-57c3d33d-c0fcf34c +1375 comparison is made with prior study performed five hours earlier . cardiac size is top normal . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . diffuse bilateral lung opacities have minimally improved in the right upper lobe . there are no other interval changes . Lung Opacity 14081759 52995335 b3281e41-ce38300f-dce229b7-74d8e99e-aac1c9c5 +1376 comparison to prior study, at . a single portable erect chest film, at am . . a feeding tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm with the tip not definitively identified on this examination . . there is a right-sided loculated pleural opacity, which most likely represents loculated fluid and does not appear to be significantly changed . there is volume loss with shift of the mediastinum to the right and aeration of only a portion of the right lung . a more focal oval consolidation in the left upper-to-mid lung is also seen suggestive of pneumonia, but is not significantly changed . more patchy opacity at the left base may reflect other areas of pneumonia or patchy atelectasis . no pneumothorax . no evidence of pulmonary edema . overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are likely stable given differences in positioning . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14387068 57293911 a3dbcc01-a336ba92-1a8702d2-124e81f5-6a525305 +1377 moderate right pleural effusion is reaccumulating after apparent removal of the right pigtail pleural drain, while displacement of the right hemidiaphragm downwards and the mediastinum leftwards suggest increasing positive pressure in the right hemithorax . left lung is over-perfused and now mildly edematous . was paged, covered by , at the time of dictation . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 14387068 56469870 92666ac1-70ccc2f3-66bc3d47-ed08bd0e-d444a359 +1378 comparison is made to the previous study from . there is a very tiny right apical pneumothorax following removal of the right-sided chest tube . there is persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with atelectasis at the right lung base and a right-sided pleural effusion . a rounded opacity is seen in the right suprahilar region and is stable . the left lung is relatively clear aside from atelectasis at the left lung base and a small left-sided pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 13352405 57908576 833af053-d28a9f68-f624c5c0-dae1203f-3952d8a4 +1379 low lung volumes with bilateral pleural effusions and relatively extensive areas of bilateral basal atelectasis . mild fluid overload might be present . no newly appeared focal parenchymal opacities . the right internal jugular vein catheter and the sternal wires are in constant position . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 57876776 26d9c6a6-23aadec2-4f13a9f7-d2bfdb99-ba5c03ff +1380 lung volumes are low . no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is seen . peripheral opacity in the left lung base appears improved from the prior study, and may represent residual atelectasis with scarring . heart and mediastinal contours are stable with unchanged calcified aorticopulmonary window lymph node compatible with prior granulomatous disease . right-sided port-a-cath is similarly positioned . sternal wires appear intact on these views . the patient is status post cabg . no radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11413236 55277653 aef6ded2-a74cef0f-acdbb6d6-a96e3909-9fc8c2e9 +1381 the ng tube extends inferiorly beyond the diaphragm into the fundus of the stomach . again seen is moderate cardiomegaly . the pulmonary vascular congestion is stable . there are no new focal consolidations . the fissural loculation of pleural fluid along the left chest wall has not changed compared to the prior exam . there is no pneumothorax . ng tube extends below the diaphragm into the fundus of the stomach . No Finding&&Support Devices 18906643 58406467 ef578547-4e4219db-c1753821-922ec956-1d6e6770 +1382 new heterogeneous opacity of the left lower lung is consistent with left lower lobe pneumonia . right lung volume loss status post thoracotomy is similar to prior exam . chain sutures overlying the lateral right lung and right hilum, and scarring of the right lung base are unchanged . heart size and cardiomediastinal contours are stable . . left lower lobe pneumonia . . stable changes status post right thoracotomy with right upper lobe lobectomy and apical radiation fibrosis . Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 13263843 55413705 41bee34e-e9476a64-f28f2775-7d097a58-d88789f6 +1383 the monitoring and support devices are constant in position . the pre-existing right basal opacity, with maximum in the infrahilar area, is not substantially changed . on the left, there is decreased visibility of the left hemidiaphragm, suggesting the appearance of either atelectasis or small left pleural effusion . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly . the right costophrenic sinus is unremarkable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10268877 57873452 f8e1f272-c87c4a00-60025a33-09d9a7ea-c1125ac6 +1384 interval placement of icd pacing device, with icd lead in the right ventricle, additional leads overlying the expected location of the right atrium and a lead for biventricular pacing . pa and lateral chest radiographs would be helpful to confirm appropriate lead positioning when the patients condition allows . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . cardiomegaly is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and apparent asymmetrical pattern of pulmonary edema, left greater than right . moderate left pleural effusion is also demonstrated . this may be reevaluated at the time of standard pa and lateral chest exam . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13896515 50464024 bacfc58a-88a0d80f-0f80cf67-aaf650c5-90e661d7 +1385 lung volume has increased, with reduced opacification of the right lung base, probably for reduced atelectasis . there are no consolidations suspicious for pneumonia . heart size is still enlarged with mild enlargement of vascular pedicle, normal post-cardiac surgery findings . there is mild vascular congestion . metallic clips are inline and intact . right pectoral pacemaker has two leads following their expected courses and ending in the right atrium and right ventricle . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . patient has had avr . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19075045 51128200 3d369d5e-63a6e5b5-2da13aad-a02c9aa2-42d8e9fd +1386 small region of opacification in the left mid lung could be atelectasis or early pneumonia . lungs are otherwise clear . there is no pleural effusion . heart size is probably top normal, but difficult to assess given severe chest cage deformity by virtue of scoliosis . right pic line ends in the mid svc and a nasogastric tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18110020 53051689 98137eef-20e5fe78-d9065728-7b29c856-f6a77003 +1387 left picc is unchanged in position compared to the prior radiograph . it enters via a left-sided approach, and makes a vertical descent at the level of the aortic arch, in keeping with known left-sided superior vena cava . the tip of the catheter continues to terminate just above the level of the diaphragm to the left of midline, and could be withdrawn approximately cm to ensure positioning within the lower left superior vena cava . cardiomediastinal contours are stable in appearance . moderate right pleural effusion with subpulmonic component has slightly increased in size . adjacent area of opacity within the right middle and lower lobe has also slightly worsened . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 59847128 22353454-97e7e0d1-d2711b39-b8159585-512d3c23 +1388 ap view of the chest . right picc is seen with tip at the upper svc . relatively low lung volumes are seen . the lungs however remain clear without consolidation, effusion or pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiac silhouette appears moderately enlarged, likely accentuated due to low lung volumes and ap technique . right picc in the upper svc . No Finding&&Support Devices 15857729 58732756 c536f749-2326f755-6a65f28f-469affd2-26392ce9 +1389 lungs are fully expanded and aside from a small linear band of atelectasis or scarring in the left lower lobe, essentially clear . effacement of the aortopulmonic window is a long-standing feature, not clinically significant . cardiomediastinal and hilar silhouettes are otherwise normal . there is no pleural abnormality . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 11924226 53372149 7e445e5a-27e30425-98d438f2-9619da9c-e53b8453 +1390 there is little change since . a right subclavian approach port tip remains in the lower svc . two chest tubes overlie the right base with lucency demonstrated about one, which may represent a small basilar pneumothorax . there is a moderate right pleural effusion with pleural fluid demonstrated layering along the apex and also demonstrated along medially adjacent to the mediastinum . there is persistent asymmetric opacification with increased asymmetric pulmonary vascularity involving the right lung . there is moderate right lower lobe atelectasis and minimal left basilar atelectasis . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable . a calcified lymph node is demonstrated in the region of the aortopulmonary window, stable since . evaluation of her heart size is limited in the setting of diffuse right-sided central opacification . no significant change since . a moderate right pleural effusion and asymmetric opacification involving the right hemithorax is likely related to progressive changes related to her known disease processand or a component of asymmetric edema . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14969719 59937017 ea9b867c-c8a2b175-f813e34d-9ae7229d-23ab7c24 +1391 new, small region of peribronchial opacification in the left lung just superior and lateral to the left hilus, could be early pneumonia . lungs elsewhere are clear . cardiomediastinal and hilar silhouettes and pleural surfaces are normal . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15114531 59791814 31639564-55c66aa7-7df2435c-cd3f159f-35b723f1 +1392 a portable frontal chest radiograph demonstrate an unchanged cardiomediastinal silhouette, which is top-normal in size . bilateral opacities are consistent with moderate pulmonary edema . no definite focal consolidation or pneumothorax is identified . there are likely trace bilateral pleural effusions . moderate pulmonary edema . Edema 18767957 50744964 1ef64d55-b80da23e-67810283-ad56b0ab-22c83b5b +1393 right internal jugular line terminates at the junction of the brachiocephalic trunk and left port-a-catheter ends at lower svccavoatrial junction . mild-to-moderate left and minimal right pleural effusion associated with lower lung atelectasis are unchanged since . mild pulmonary congestion is similar . heart size is normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15758946 59924609 f92f8eca-d4526790-a1842ee9-1c5b4666-a0e18256 +1394 left-sided port-a-catheter is similar in position, terminating at the cavoatrialright atrial junction . patient has diffuse increase in interstitial markings bilaterally consistent with patients underlying history of chronic interstitial lung disease with likely overlying pulmonary edema improved since , but similar in appearance as compared to . no definite focal consolidation or pleural effusion . multilevel vertebroplasties are seen along the thoracic spine, similar to prior . pulmonary edema superimposed on known lung fibrosis . Edema&&Pleural Other 10439781 55811525 3ea6406a-214fd5a4-1e6e4b0e-195445b8-1ea913b3 +1395 the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . lung volumes have decreased . a pre-existing small left pleural effusion has increased in extent . the low lung volumes contribute to crowding of the vascular and bronchial structures at the lung bases . slight patient rotation to the left also emphasizes the extent of the pre-existing left parenchymal opacity . the sternal wires are of unchanged alignment . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16334516 50913309 f1939ee3-c5f53319-6a12cc79-3a32f440-2cec4540 +1396 pa and lateral chest views have been obtained with patient in upright position . the heart size is unchanged and remains within normal limits . the thoracic aorta and mediastinal structures are unremarkable . the pulmonary vasculature is not congested . on previous examinations identified multifocal parenchymal infiltrates have further undergone marked regression . there remain, however, some mostly linear densities in the areas of the previous infiltrates in the right middle lobe and left lingular area . no new acute abnormalities are seen, no pleural effusion is identified nor is there any pneumothorax in the apical area . further improvement of previously identified multifocal pneumonic infiltrates . as there persist a few remnants further followup is recommended to ascertain stability . Lung Opacity 16662264 54504950 d3b0d36d-5201ca16-3476454c-0e031e78-004217a2 +1397 there is mild hyperexpansion likely due to underlying obstructive lung disease . minimal left base atelectasis is evident . no focal consolidation or superimposed edema is noted . mediastinum is unremarkable . the cardiac silhouette is within normal limits for size . no effusion or pneumothorax is noted . degenerative changes are seen throughout the thoracic spine and in bilateral shoulders . clips are evident posteriorly in the medial left upper quadrant . likely underlying obstructive lung disease . no superimposed acute process identified . No Finding 15338518 58005336 c9411698-f64564b3-5ea07940-87d583ad-154d647b +1398 comparison to at . a single portable supine chest film at am . marked thoracolumbar scoliosis which markedly distorts the appearance of the thoracic cavity . however, given differences in positioning between studies, the lungs remain clear . no pulmonary edema or pleural effusions are appreciated . overall, cardiac size is stable . scattered air is seen in nondistended loops of bowel . Cardiomegaly 18110020 57746739 5f26481a-d3858281-c46fc79d-2f850d48-53f84f5d +1399 the heart size remains unchanged and is within normal limits . unremarkable position of previously described left-sided picc line terminating in mid portion of svc . the pulmonary vasculature is not congested and no pneumothorax can be identified . on previous examinations remaining multifocal density have generally improved . in particular, a lesion identified on the last examination overlying the right upper lobe area laterally third right intercostal space has cleared up almost completely . densities located in the right middle lobe as well as those seen in the left upper lobe lingula persist, but have also undergone a slight improvement . again, no pneumothorax has developed, no new infiltrates are seen and the lateral and posterior pleural sinuses remain free from any pleural effusion . improvement of multifocal infiltrates but persistent densities in right middle lobe and peripheral lingula . further followup examination must be guided by patients symptomatology . Lung Opacity 16662264 57219522 c190fb7d-da5b3a51-5f074369-736f62a6-589d6474 +1400 there is little change in the monitoring and support devices including a persistent left superior vena cava . heart and lungs are essentially unchanged . no reaccumulation of left effusion or pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 19182863 57188350 334a4b19-e795f613-8d2902bb-9395ee99-28f4cf54 +1401 there is unchanged alignment of the sternal wires . the valvular replacement is unchanged . unchanged lung volumes with, however, improved transparency at the lung bases and reduction in extent of the pre-existing interstitial opacities . in the lung apices however, signs of minimal basal apical blood flow redistribution remain present . unchanged borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . minimal dorsal pleural effusions, seen on the lateral radiograph only . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 51148398 0346b4e3-a2e79a1e-8ec8970d-712bb522-84ed88dc +1402 portable ap chest radiograph is obtained with patient in the upright position . cardiomediastinal contours are stable . on the left, there are unchanged areas of basal atelectasis and a moderate left pleural effusion that is unchanged . there is improvement in the pulmonary edema with persistence of mid right lung hazy opacification laterally, possibly suggesting consolidation in this region . as edema apperas to be improving, persistent right opacification is concerning for consolidation and pneumonia should be considered in the appropriate clinical context . Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 12074041 53353190 172a847d-d8c6570a-3cb0cff9-cb4ca0bd-3a8b93f1 +1403 a single portable ap semi-upright view of the chest was obtained . right ij central venous catheter projects over the right atrium . an icd pacing device with biventricular leads appears unchanged in position . lung volumes remain low with right basilar atelectasis . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . there is no focal consolidation or pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . . interval placement of a right ij catheter with tip in the right atrium, consider pulling back by cm for optimal placement . . otherwise, no substantial changes compared to the prior examination . No Finding&&Support Devices 12595991 59808558 d06735eb-af56afba-fcf0d03b-004b6c6c-93909724 +1404 there is progressive decrease in the opacification at the bases, consistent with the clinical diagnosis of resolving pneumonia . however, there is still some opacification especially at the left base and overlying the cardiac silhouette . this is consistent with a lingular consolidation . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16662264 56513752 4dc103db-597e938a-f6b0373d-e7703fa2-94e9efdd +1405 the tip of the endotracheal tube is cm above the carina . this could be pulled back cm for more optimal placement . the right-sided central line has the distal lead tip in the cavoatrial junction, stable . the right ij central line has the distal lead tip in the mid svc . it is pulled back slightly it is now oblique to the svc wall . there are again seen bilateral pleural effusions and left retrocardiac opacity . there is likely an unchanged element of mild fluid overload, stable . the nasogastric tube side port is again at the ge junction . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 51876627 237483cb-a677cdd0-002483d2-76d60cbd-57b82bb8 +1406 the monitoring and support devices remain unchanged . there appears to be some increasing haziness of the right hemithorax, which would be consistent with some increasing pleural effusion . however, this is difficult to assess since it could reflect changes in patient position . the pulmonary vessels appear more engorged than on the previous study and there continues to be substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18460230 53631792 369dc5bd-70bd89d0-2d90fa80-f319ec1d-fb2802aa +1407 comparison multiple chest radiographs from back to . pa and lateral views of the chest the right loculated pleural effusion has decreased in size from . there is a little to no remaining effusion on the left and there has been interval resolution of the mild interstitial pulmonary edema . there are no focal consolidations to suggest active infectious process . there is no pneumothorax . the hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . the hemidiaphragms are flattened and the ap diameter is increased . . no evidence of pneumothorax or other procedural complication . . smaller right loculated effusion . . resolution of mild interstitial pulmonary edema . . stable radiographic evidence of copd . Pleural Effusion 19016834 56630223 d915fd90-d34450bb-ed88704e-ead739d2-470fa99f +1408 ap and lateral views of the chest demonstrates unchanged cardiomegaly . the patient is area of rounded atelectasis in the left mid lobe appears to have somewhat resolved . no focal opacities concerning for infection . left lower lobe atelectasis is present . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is possible minimal increased left lung hazy opacity which could be due to edema . possible mild edema . Edema 15809646 57526648 eb48e944-d1f04023-e3dc8926-7ddd1131-a91ef09a +1409 a new right picc line has been inserted . the tip projects over the mid svc . the course is unremarkable . there is no evidence of complication, notably no pneumothorax . otherwise, the radiograph is unchanged . No Finding&&Support Devices 19075045 53961269 8183f090-2b6765ef-92984c04-0bd04826-f32d16dd +1410 et tube tip is . cm above the carina . ng tube tip is in the stomach . left central venous line tip is at the level of mid svc . heart size and mediastinum are enlarged . pulmonary edema has substantially improved since the prior study . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 12185775 50729749 42ca390f-5819f578-c74fd59e-a7561a1a-0040b454 +1411 a right internal jugular approach central venous catheter tip projects within the mid svc . a left internal jugular approach swan-ganz catheter tip is within the main pulmonary artery . an endotracheal tube is . cm above the carina . enteric feeding tube courses below the diaphragm . a right basilar chest tube is in stable position . interstitial pulmonary edema is improved, with remaining mild pulmonary vascular congestion . there is bibasilar opacification, likely atelectasis with low lung volumes . there are no new focal opacities concerning for pneumonia . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable . there is moderate cardiomegaly . improvement in interstitial edema with otherwise no significant change . Edema 19623993 54937394 27dd77c0-a8c3f1a1-f33fb0c9-928377b3-b5ae13f7 +1412 there are no prior studies available for comparison . there is moderate cardiomegaly . there is tortuosity of the aortic arch and is most likely dilated . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . there is mild vascular congestion . right lower lobe opacities are likely atelectasis . several old left rib fractures are noted . . likely aortic aneurysm, when clinically feasible, ct with contrast is recommended . . mild vascular congestion . . right lower lobe atelectasis . . cardiomegaly . findings were discussed with by phone at pm on . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema 17168993 50844004 f247ce2e-c31bcf04-9a2b6df8-40d590b5-a96518b7 +1413 there is continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with congestive failure . poor definition of the hemidiaphragms is consistent with bilateral pleural effusion and compressive atelectasis . there is an area of more coalescent opacification in the right upper zone that is asymmetric with the opposite side . in the appropriate clinical setting, this could well represent a developing focus of pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16508811 57231469 2d1e6273-8e13a27a-10e404d2-b5ff44ae-03ad30ce +1414 a left ij swan-ganz catheter is present, tip overlying the distal right pulmonary artery . clinical correlation is requested, as this lies relatively distal . allowing for considerable differences in technique, the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . upper zone re-distribution and mild vascular plethora is similar . moderate-sized right effusion, with underlying collapse or consolidation at the right base, and increased retrocardiac density consistent with lower lobe collapse andor consolidation are essentially unchanged . extreme left costophrenic angle is excluded from the film, but no gross effusion is identified . no pneumothorax detected . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12847817 57961005 e5016e53-efcd5086-45dab98d-ead14337-5b2b24b4 +1415 compared with earlier the same day , there is somewhat improved aeration in the left lung . a dense opacity previously seen in the left mid and upper zones now shows partial aeration with residual patchy opacity . the left hemidiaphragm is likely still elevated . no definite pneumothorax is identified . subcutaneous emphysema again noted . left chest tube is present, unchanged . aside from some atelectasis at the right base and possible minimal blunting of the right costophrenic angle, the right lung remains grossly clear . mediastinum remains midline . the tracheal contour is grossly unchanged . No Finding 12530259 54186218 fbad1142-d5b71f5c-b7c34de3-9e985bf2-02239890 +1416 there is little change in the appearance of the mediastinum with no evidence of post-procedure pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax . there is some indistinctness of pulmonary markings at the right base, raising the possibility of some elevated pulmonary venous pressure . blunting of the costophrenic angles is seen bilaterally . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 16848073 55956580 2672a5f6-256a738f-b6a24dbc-0e439c1c-d27f0b35 +1417 mild cardiomegaly has worsened since accompanied by increasing pulmonary vascular engorgement, indicating greater intravascular volume or mild biventricular heart failure is developing . right infrahilar consolidation consistent with pneumonia is unchanged . et tube in standard placement . swan-ganz catheter ends in the main pulmonary artery, right jugular introducer ends in the upper svc, and a nasogastric tube ending in the upper stomach would need to be advanced at least cm to move all the side ports below the diaphragm . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14312560 50617748 513c2a6c-c081efd7-5d2b0a10-5ae31d2c-1664a879 +1418 the pre-existing pulmonary edema has minimally decreased in severity and extent . low lung volumes and moderate to massive cardiomegaly persists . no pleural effusions . no pneumonia . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15131736 57913253 e81642df-ca0321d7-9a90c5ce-db185fb3-f79598ce +1419 there are new opacities in the superior segment of the left lower lobe and in the right lower lobe, most consistent with multifocal pneumonia . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . new multifocal pneumonia in the right and left lower lobes . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . on by telephone at the time of discovery . Pneumonia 16508811 53708518 92afaf0a-1599ea5d-299de00c-663008be-231fd983 +1420 dual-lead left-sided pacer device is again seen, unchanged in position . the patient is status post median sternotomy . the cardiac silhouette remains mild-to-moderately enlarged . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . mild left basilar atelectasis is seen without definite focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 15144601 51244891 ce4d53fc-3f17c875-c053c0b1-43ce1358-096e6002 +1421 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . esophageal stent is in unchanged position . right lower lobe pneumonic consolidation is unchanged . aeration of the left lower lobe has improved . there is no pneumothorax . right pleural effusion is small and stable . pneumoperitoneum is less conspicuous than before . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 19016834 53515169 af20fb83-3a400800-9bd658e7-a793f80f-3762604f +1422 compared to the previous radiograph, the patient has been intubated . the tip of the endotracheal tube projects . cm above the carina . the pre-existing cardiomegaly with signs of moderate fluid overload is unchanged . the patient has also received a nasogastric tube . the tube shows a normal course . the tip is not included in the image, but likely positioned in the stomach . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 15131736 50142753 8bd29787-5b4afe07-79a4efa4-193d9424-42eea377 +1423 the hemodialysis catheter has been removed . severe cardiomegaly with moderate pulmonary fluid overload persists, larger pleural effusions are not present . there currently is no indication for pneumonia . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13473495 59693688 c87c7c06-4d0a740d-c4c78513-1e63bfe1-7b9e08f8 +1424 there has been interval removal of a previously seen right central venous catheter . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac silhouette is top normal to mildly enlarged . the aortic knob is calcified . no overt pulmonary edema is seen . no findings to suggest pneumonia . Pneumonia 13975291 51140249 0b573d4b-fece5236-ea941b33-c752a0ab-b5cfdd68 +1425 portable upright ap view of the chest patient is status post esophagectomy and gastric pull-through procedure with a stent redemonstrated within the neoesophagus . cardiac silhouette size is normal . the mediastinal contour is similar . there is persistent opacification of the right lung base with a small right pleural effusion, not significantly changed in size . left lung is clear . there is no pneumothorax . no pulmonary vascular congestion is present . there is continued opacification of the right lung base, possibly reflecting a combination of pleural effusion with atelectasis, though infection cannot be excluded . small right pleural effusion is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19016834 51719671 7d45bb0a-531ab42d-d3820493-112d47e5-6eafa5a1 +1426 moderately severe pulmonary edema is worsening, accompanied by increasing small-to-moderate bilateral pleural effusions and progressive moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly . right jugular line ends in the upper right atrium . et tube is in standard placement . no pneumothorax . thoracic aorta is heavily calcified and at least tortuous if not dilated, but probably not acutely changed . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10975446 55185117 0d768fcf-0bb1bca1-eb1fe1d6-686b876b-675a2e95 +1427 heart is normal size . there has been an increase in pulmonary vascular plethora and mild interstitial abnormality, could be early edema, but there is no evidence of pleural or pericardial effusion . no focal pulmonary abnormality is present . Edema 19028690 53266756 46b732fa-3e6e9bc7-4487868d-2db2ea7c-b27ecdd1 +1428 tip tip of the endotracheal tube is at least cm above the carina an should be advanced at least cm . house staff paged . esophageal drainage tube passes into the stomach and out of view . right brachiocephalic vein stent unchanged in position or appearance including mild central narrowing . lung volumes are improved substantially and any previous pulmonary edema has nearly resolved . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 14744884 52630162 0619df15-9da411e1-9a47d1bf-973bbcf8-97f09ae0 +1429 the patient remains intubated, the egd in unchanged position . the same holds for a previously described left subclavian central venous line terminating overlying the svc at the level cm above the carina . right-sided chest tube remains in place, also in unchanged position . extensive bilateral chest wall emphysema as before . no new local parenchymal infiltrates are seen, and the heart is not enlarged . stable chest findings with extensive bilateral chest wall emphysema . No Finding 16751749 50195073 a94afe1d-af9219e1-0a7b8d8c-96262c1c-2f5b9d27 +1430 a single portable frontal chest radiograph was obtained . the tip of a nasogastric tube terminates in the upper esophagus . lung volumes are low, accentuating the central pulmonary vasculature . small amount of fluid or thickening of the right minor fissure is unchanged . there is no new consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . there is a moderate amount of air in the stomach . nasogastric tube tip in the proximal esophagus . the tube should be removed and placement re-attempted . after discovery of the findings at on . No Finding&&Support Devices 13979643 57913072 581dfa62-66e36227-8f7c3128-aec0feaa-c7111e6e +1431 the endotracheal tube is low, with the tip terminating just above the carina . recommended retracting at least cm for optimum positioning . nasogastric tube ends in the proximal portion of the body of the stomach with sidehole at the level of the gastroesophageal junction, and recommended further advancement . a right ij approach venous pacer lead ends at the level of the right ventricle . the lung volumes are extremely low . mild pulmonary congestion is seen . small left pleural effusion with likely compressive atelectasis of the left lung base is noted . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable, with mild cardiomegaly . no pneumothorax is seen . old healing left rib fracture is again seen . . et tip terminating at the carina, recommended retraction . . ng tube sideholes are at the level of the gastroesophageal junction, recommended further advancement . . right ij approach venous pacer lead ends at the level of the right ventricle . . small left pleural effusion and left basal atelectasis . the above findings were discussed with dr at pm on via telephone . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19565388 56220925 0f20cabf-36c73318-eec1255d-ebc5dd0a-3389d19c +1432 pa and lateral chest radiographs there is blunting of the left costophrenic angle correlating with effusion better appreciated on the lateral projection . additionally, there is an ovoid lucent area in the retrocardiac region on the frontal projection seen anteriorly on the lateral projection suggesting a hydropneumothorax of uncertain etiology . the left lung appears clear without focal nodule, mass, or consolidation . in the right lung base is a small nodule measuring mm which may reflect a nipple shadow or alternatively a pulmonary parenchymal nodule or osseous lesion . the remainder of the lungs appear clear . no overt pulmonary edema or vascular congestion is identified . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . . concern for small left-sided hydropneumothorax of uncertain etiology . . mm right lower lobe pulmonary nodule . differential includes nipple shadow, osseous lesion, or pulmonary parenchymal nodule . followup radiographs with oblique projections and nipple markers could be considered . alternatively, ct of the chest could also be performed for further characterization of the left-sided pleural process and the right lower lobe nodule . . no confluent consolidation or pulmonary edema . communicated the above results to dr . at pm by telephone . Lung Lesion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 12433421 55644325 00791688-1fab1483-c2c6bc65-78567732-ff0cf7cc +1433 as compared to recent radiographs, there is interval development of right lower lobe opacity that might reflect interval development of atelectasis, potentially complicated by infectious process . there is also pleural effusion demonstrated, new . left upper lobe calcified granulomas are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12185775 51760501 a14afef8-c2d8e65e-bef0d58f-e5cc0cf9-ce597a39 +1434 the et tube is still slightly low, . cm above the carina . right ij line tip is at the cavoatrial junction . there are bilateral pleural effusions, vascular plethora, patchy areas of alveolar edema . the overall impression is that of chf and underlying infectious infiltrate cannot be excluded . compared to the prior study, the fluid status is slightly worse . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10975446 55747813 520be031-be2101c2-d3c096ac-08925edb-0177dee8 +1435 the right picc line has been pulled back . the line projects over the axillary vein . the newly placed dobbhoff tube is curled in the pharynx . both devices need to be repositioned . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . partial left lower lobe atelectasis . mild fluid overload . no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . at the time of dictation, pm, on , the referring physician, . , was paged for notification . findings were discussed over the telephone . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 13031876 54507675 3b7947ed-a2cd5417-8e4e8b35-e081b743-6844ceca +1436 lung volumes are reduced . diffuse interstitial opacities most pronounced within the periphery and lung bases with architectural distortion are unchanged compared to the previous chest ct and compatible with chronic interstitial lung disease, previously characterized as uip or fibrosing nsip . previously noted hazy opacities in both lungs has resolved . no new areas of focal consolidation are demonstrated . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . mild degenerative changes are noted in the thoracic spine . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are unchanged . findings compatible chronic interstitial lung disease, previously characterized on chest ct as uip or fibrosing nsip . no new areas of focal consolidation or pulmonary edema . Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 10867202 57761141 62cd4342-77a1737e-da11be7c-6914655a-20dc273b +1437 there is mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, increased from prior . small bilateral pleural effusions have increased from the prior . there is new mild pulmonary edema . bibasilar opacities likely reflect a combination of effusions and atelectasis although, underlying infection cannot be excluded . mild cardiomegaly, bilateral pleural effusions and pulmonary edema . bibasilar opacities likely reflect a combination of effusion atelectasis although, underlying infection cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16553329 59891116 17a72ae0-23c30abe-90d2e3d6-03c3c393-2cbeda3d +1438 portable ap chest radiograph . the swan-ganz catheter has been withdrawn cm, but still should be withdrawn an additional cm . there is otherwise no significant interval change . again noted is a vascular stent in the left subclavian artery and moderate bilateral pleural effusions, greater on the right . mild interstitial edema has not significantly changed . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12847817 56973241 6e155ca6-fbba81ca-123ca9ce-4d7817ed-a687f7be +1439 ap and lateral views of the chest were provided . lung volumes are low, similar to the prior study . the previously noted dense consolidation of the right upper lobe has improved with diffuse streaky opacities remaining . there are findings consistent with chronic lung disease such as sarcoidosis . prominence of the pulmonary interstitial markings is due to mild heart failure . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is notable for a tortuous aorta . bones are slightly osteopenic . . improving right upper lobe consolidation . . mild heart failure . . findings of chronic lung disease, most likely sarcoidosis . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema 10933609 50290463 f576c221-e516f6b2-ee125faa-a1af8c31-ed2991b8 +1440 the opacification at the right base is again consistent with known empyema . drainage tubes remain in place . left lung remains within normal limits . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13352405 53925537 33291277-e041bbda-50a4d443-2208be5e-06e2289d +1441 substantial amount of metastatic involvement of the lungs have increased in the interim since . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged as well as the replaced aortic valve . the stenting in the gastroesophageal junction is redemonstrated, as well as malpositioned stent which is most likely located in the stomach . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 16773796 50471313 578647f3-d342067e-7191625c-86464c45-87eeaa13 +1442 multifocal patchy opacities in the right middle, right upper, and bilateral lower lobes are concerning for pneumonia . the most severe consolidation is in the right middle lobe . the lungs are without pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . multifocal pneumonia most severe in the right middle lobe . with dr . Pneumonia 19800337 59700587 cc5ac61e-f2bd2109-93d1046f-d8eba485-5a753deb +1443 heart size and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . lungs are clear without focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . cervical spine fusion hardware and clips in the left upper abdomen are similar to prior . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15114531 57554056 b4ea00dd-29a8687d-10b1e7eb-d6d1cd5b-ebd65d6c +1444 rotated positioning . a dobbhoff tube is present -- the radiopaque tip overlies the upper stomach . focal density in the left upper quadrant appears to represent contrast in relation to the stomach near the ge junction an additional nasogastric type tube is present, tip extending beneath the diaphragm off film . an et tube is present -- the tip is obscured but appears to lie approximately . cm above the carina . the right subclavian central line tip overlies the distal svc . sternotomy wires, mediastinal and upper abdominal clips are present . there is upper zone redistribution and diffuse vascular blurring, consistent with chf . there is increased retrocardiac density, consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation . there are small-to-moderate bilateral effusions, with underlying collapse andor consolidation . . dobbhoff tube tip overlying stomach . residual contrast appears unchanged compared with at am . the absence of interval change is atypical and raises question of local pooling of contrast . clinical correlation requested . . bilateral effusions with underlying collapse andor consolidation, unchanged . . chf findings, also grossly unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 53363173 4d4debb7-b1377375-9b140439-417adb5f-b593b670 +1445 ap and lateral chest radiograph demonstrate mild cardiomegaly . interval worsening of patchy and linear bibasilar opacity . there are small bilateral pleural effusions . again demonstrated is pneumobilia within the right upper quadrant . a right internal jugular central line is identified its tip terminating in the right atrium . about the insertion site of the catheter, there is subcutaneous air noted . the trachea appears to be mildly displaced to the right compatible with known left sided thyroid nodule as demonstrated on ct dated . worsening bibasilar opacities, which may be due to atelectasis, with or without coexisting pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 19454978 55947692 5338edd0-50f5acc9-e2b17f61-df5423a3-36b08d58 +1446 since the prior radiograph of , pulmonary edema has resolved . a moderate left pleural effusion persists . pleural catheter has apparently been removed . no visible pneumothorax . Pleural Effusion 13896515 55597572 1f96d075-e46aa57f-d3aa1e67-42ce2b69-83381327 +1447 the three right-sided chest tubes are in unchanged position . there still is no evidence of a right pneumothorax, the soft tissue air collection in the right chest wall is reduced in extent and severity . unchanged appearance of the left lung, unchanged hyperexpanded right colonic flexure with elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . distended stomach with mild elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . Support Devices 13352405 55573533 73e90944-f811f9cb-ee08ddb9-7a4a4a84-34818999 +1448 right picc tip is in theright atrium . moderate to severe cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum are unchanged . sternal wires are aligned . pacer leads are in standard position . there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusions . mild fluid overload is unchange . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13896515 57811906 c9829806-80ccefe4-60749d0a-05402ead-54784a88 +1449 low lung volumes are again demonstrated . chronic interstitial abnormality is again seen as well as more focal opacities within the left lung base, left perihilar region, and right upper lobe which are not significantly changed when compared to the prior exam . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are relatively unchanged with marked calcification of the aortic knob . no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion is demonstrated . the right picc has been removed . assessment of the pulmonary vascularity is limited . relatively unchanged appearance of the chest compared to prior exam . persistent opacities within the right upper lobe, left lung base and left perihilar region are redemonstrated on a background of chronic interstitial lung disease which on the prior chest ct was thought to reflect uip or fibrosing nsip . as before, these more focal opacities may reflect progression of chronic interstitial lung disease, acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease, or possibly infection . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10867202 53652133 6a0e1f5d-e6e23298-495f2580-9ef21652-d843b243 +1450 the patient is status post coronary artery bypass graft surgery . there is a new moderate interstitial abnormality with peribronchial cuffing and indistinct vascular prominence, most consistent with mild-to-moderate pulmonary vascular congestion . the heart is mildly enlarged with a left ventricular configuration . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the bones are probably demineralized . a mild anterior wedge compression deformity along the lower thoracic spine appears unchanged . mild degenerative changes along the mid-to-lower thoracic spine are also similar . findings most consistent with mild-to-moderate pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema 16957952 57454413 158479af-cf9c24d6-99ee742e-bbb91960-bfa7f46c +1451 the patient is status post median sternotomy . right-sided port-a-cath tip terminates in the right atrium . lung volumes are low . this accentuates the cardiac silhouette size which is likely mildly enlarged . calcified mediastinal nodes are re- demonstrated reflective of prior granulomatous disease . mediastinal and hilar contours are otherwise unremarkable . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion . patchy bibasilar airspace opacities most likely reflect atelectasis . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no acute osseous abnormalities detected . low lung volumes with probable bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis 11413236 55972946 db1c4e24-acd97bc7-d5e97d65-04ffb3e5-9c036419 +1452 in the region of the lingular mass, there is a persistent opacity measuring approximately . cm and decreased in comparison to the postbiopsy opacity noted in but greater than expected for postoperative hemorrhage at this time and thus raising suspicion for a possible infectious process . otherwise, the right lung is clear . mediastinal and cardiac silhouettes appears normal . osseous structures are grossly unremarkable . in the region of the known lingular mass, there is a persistent opacity measuring approximately . cm which is decreased in comparison to the postbiopsy opacity noted in but greater than expected for postoperative hemorrhage at this time thus raising suspicion for a possible infectious process . these findings were discussed by dr . with dr . telephone at am on . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16435402 56116675 d439d39d-cacf925c-2737a0f6-204add42-44e8cd99 +1453 portable upright radiograph of the chest there is mild cephalization of the pulmonary vasculature which is suggestive of increased pulmonary venous pressures . the lungs are clear . rightward deviation of the trachea in the superior mediastinum is unchanged and due to the patients known history of thyromegaly . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart is not enlarged . a hemodialysis catheter terminates at the cavoatrial junction . again noted are multiple old left rib fractures as well as degenerative changes of the bilateral glenohumeral joints . No Finding 14236258 51196890 0e94f694-f43b9926-aae6e13a-c3d97e2d-3a975b5b +1454 a right-sided picc is seen with tip projecting over the mid svc . there is a tiny left pleural effusion, as seen on outside hospital abdominal ct dated . there is patchy opacity in the left lower lobe, improved compared with . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax is seen . heart and mediastinal contours are stable . pneumobilia and right upper quadrant drain are noted . right picc with tip projecting over the mid svc . patchy opacity in left lower lobe, improved compared with . pneumobilia and right upper quadrant drain . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 14147380 51464763 4c2fb727-6b6a721b-befb2d0a-f87fb73f-ee302214 +1455 two frontal views of the chest show greater opacification in the left lower lung which could represent new pneumonia, less likely asymmetric edema because edema has not worsened elsewhere . focal areas of possible hemorrhage in the right suprahilar and left lateral suprahilar lungs are unchanged, as well as the likely hematoma along the track of the right pleural tube . heart size normal . no detectable pneumothorax . extensive subcutaneous emphysema unchanged . tracheostomy tube in standard placement . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16751749 57387398 c2e5830a-4b63b683-99043c6b-d9c3e685-cd66aa23 +1456 the nasogastric tube has been removed . the lung volumes remain extremely low and areas of friable extensive atelectasis are seen at both lung bases . there is no pulmonary edema and no larger pleural effusions are visualized . mild cardiomegaly . unchanged position of the left pectoral pacemaker . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 12595991 52173177 465880ed-ec1f9352-286bce36-cb6b9286-50c2af29 +1457 comparison is made with prior study pet-ct . there is mild cardiomegaly . pacemaker leads are in a standard position . right picc tip is in the cavoatrial junction . the sternal wires are aligned . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . et tube is in a standard position . extensive bilateral dense consolidations are new from prior study, they can represent trali or ards . severe extensive pneumonia is in the radiologic differential diagnosis . if any, there is a small right pleural effusion . patient has known fibrosis in the right lower lobe . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15378103 55163409 fa5caeed-1ed5d77a-c60b51dc-3251debf-af961447 +1458 comparison is made to previous study from at am . there are again seen bilateral pleural effusions and a left retrocardiac opacity, stable . the right cordis and feeding tube are stable in position . aortic valve replacement is again seen and unchanged in position . there is mild prominence of pulmonary interstitial markings, which is stable . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18224196 56589683 cd70d994-3c669ab2-ccd5f3bc-4276428d-b7fa3155 +1459 the lung volumes have minimally decreased . in the retrocardiac lung areas there is a very subtle parenchymal opacity that projects over the spine on the lateral radiograph . in the light of the clinical history, this opacity is suspicious for pneumonia . there is no other lung parenchymal abnormality . no pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . normal hilar and mediastinal contours . at the time of dictation, dr . was paged to notification at am, . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11924226 56353295 cd42734e-8fe721ac-423f5e55-6f472c98-fa3838a2 +1460 as before et tube is in standard placement, nevertheless lung volumes are lower and there is new mild left lower lobe atelectasis . also new is pulmonary vascular congestion and early edema, even though heart size is normal and unchanged . there may be a small left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16015751 55645174 97772d75-88b9c893-d5ad4dd5-f7763053-ca0dd70a +1461 comparison is made to the patients prior study of . single portable ap chest film of at hours is submitted . . overall cardiac enlargement and stable cardiomediastinal contours . interval decrease in lung volumes with probable perihilar and mild pulmonary edema . no definite pleural effusions . no evidence of pneumothorax . no acute bony abnormality . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 19844485 52890842 a394c19b-0162826e-0284eb07-bdb3fa8c-6cdf1a8b +1462 tip of the new endotracheal tube is in standard placement . no pneumothorax or mediastinal widening . lung volumes are minimally lower than they were on , and there may be new small bilateral pleural effusion . extensive pulmonary nodulation due to metastasis is unchanged . there is no good evidence for new edema or consolidation except for suggestion of mild atelectasis at the base of the left lung . heart size is normal, unchanged . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16409152 54423575 20e44254-9f4485b6-a2900fa5-1137bf64-76cc897f +1463 two frontal views of the chest show new mild interstitial pulmonary edema . interval increase in mediastinal caliber therefore is probably due to distention of mediastinal veins . heart size is slightly larger but still within normal range . pleural effusions are minimal, if any . no focal pulmonary abnormality . no pneumothorax . et tube is in standard placement and a nasogastric tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19028690 53538935 2d6b1758-4d435266-6ef48a91-dd03791b-703f57d6 +1464 the extensive right lower lung opacity and the opacity along the right chest tube are constant . massive air collection in the soft tissues, leading to dissection into muscle tissue and subsequent display of multiple linear structures . there is no currently obvious pneumothorax . unchanged position of the monitoring and support devices, with exception of the nasogastric tube that has been removed in the interval . unchanged small cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16751749 57734204 b4cdbc46-c91c088a-014cfd36-cf752c93-ee08be9e +1465 there is increased opacification in the left lung base with obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm when compared to . again noted is hyperinflation and flattening of the diaphragms suggesting emphysema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . left lower lobe pneumonia, more apparent than on . Pneumonia 11052935 56129930 9870d11d-3a0d9c78-f49f71c6-58644dd5-ce1b85fb +1466 there is little overall change in the appearance of the monitoring and support devices and the diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications, again worse on the right . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 55218216 32eb07cd-6dba43b7-858fb880-1a9bc182-6360bd42 +1467 frontal radiograph of the chest demonstrates no evidence of free mediastinal air . there is no widening of the mediastinum . the lungs are well expanded . there is no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . conclusion no pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum . otherwise, unremarkable chest radiograph . the above findings were communicated to dr . by dr . page at , five minutes after discovery was made . No Finding 16848073 59657255 0211af7b-115fc73f-cf17f4b2-f1582601-de4a787a +1468 moderate cardiomegaly is stable . widened mediastinum with tortuous aorta is unchanged . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion, but no overt edema . no focal consolidation identified . no pneumothorax . moderate cardiomegaly . mild pulmonary vascular congestion, but no overt edema . Cardiomegaly 16853729 57739082 5e587c3b-2593ff0d-f7ac821e-4955e532-83ba9419 +1469 a right subclavian approach dialysis catheter is again noted with tip terminating in the right atrium . a left subclavian vein stent is visualized projecting over the left lung apex . moderate cardiomegaly is again visualized . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion . lung volumes are slightly low without focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . there is no overt pulmonary edema . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13473495 58858468 2c306616-b3005c87-d05f4dd6-a7f274c1-e15bf2a1 +1470 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . cardiac size is normal . the lungs are clear . there is no evidence of atelectasis, pneumothorax, pleural effusion or lung consolidation . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 19389547 55082399 c1e9b246-6477636a-838f88a9-d6004e1b-a1acc4ae +1471 cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum are unchanged . large right pleural effusion is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . there is mild improved vascular congestion . sternal wires, replaced aortic and tricuspid valves are again noted . displaced fractures of first, second and third left ribs are unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 54846230 ef80aef9-5a1e915b-1a9459ba-caabc17e-7743008a +1472 the heart size is stable and mildly enlarged . mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . the lungs show no consolidation or pulmonary edema . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the previously described right picc tip has been removed . no acute findings . mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly 16855430 54172798 51e9421b-c2f395da-5dd48889-7e307aca-1472d6a6 +1473 portable ap chest radiograph in the interim since the most recent prior examination, there has been development of a moderate amount of air within the pleural space . there is moderate fluid within the right pleural space . there is mild inflation of the right upper lobe with a collapsed right lower lobe . there is no shift of the mediastinum . the left lung shows no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the mediastinum appear unremarkable . moderate pneumothorax with moderate pleural effusion, inflated right upper lobe and collapsed right lower lobe . no significant shift of the mediastinum . at on via telephone . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 14387068 54176477 1de4e2d6-0112fe2a-07780296-bc4a23d6-fbcc2872 +1474 as compared to chest radiograph from the same day, nasogastric tube has been advanced with the first side port in the proximal stomach . endotracheal tube is cm from the carina . right-sided ij catheter in the low svc . overall no substantial change of the lungs with moderate right-sided effusion, small left effusion and moderate cardiomegaly . mild pulmonary vascular congestion unchanged . asymmetric opacity in the right lower lobe also may represent superimposed pneumonia . nasogastric tube has been advanced with the first side port in the body of the stomach . overall no substantial change of the lungs . No Finding&&Support Devices 14851532 54703104 86d32dd1-50a12d52-f95eadf5-8f436965-b8669247 +1475 comparison is made to the patients prior study of at am . . there continues to be bilateral interstitial process, but this has improved since the prior study, and is more similar to baseline of , therefore, likely reflecting chronic age-related or small airways changes . more focal patchy opacity at the left base likely reflects compressive atelectasis given the pleural effusion, although pneumonia can not be excluded . no pneumothorax is seen . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11893091 54669609 bc998aad-c88d87cc-d89c4aa6-63477af5-c75767d8 +1476 ap portable upright chest radiograph was provided . the lungs are hyperinflated with upper lobe lucency compatible with emphysema . no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax seen . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . bony structures are intact . severe emphysema without superimposed consolidation . Consolidation 11052935 58831403 2528f6e5-586bb3a0-e00e7283-5c594954-fe27b052 +1477 sternal wires, valve prosthesis, cardiac device, and mild cardiomegaly are unchanged . there is new left lower lobe infiltrate and small left effusion . there is also a small right effusion . new left lower lobe infiltrate and effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19759491 55187337 be022b6e-69a878a5-39db0aac-453cd12d-627ea0a0 +1478 following right thoracocentesis, a large right pleural effusion has substantially improved with residual mild-to-moderate fluid . mediastinum is central in position . ill-defined opacity in the right upper lung is consolidation unless proven otherwise . a . discrete, nodular opacity in the left mid lung is a calcified granuloma as demonstrated from ct component of petct dated . mild atelectasis is present in the right lower lung and middle lobe . right-sided port-a-cath ends at lower svc . . following thoracocentesis, large right pleural effusion has substantially resolved with residual mild-to-moderate fluid and minimal right lung base and middle lobe atelectasis . . opacity in the right upper lobe is consolidation unless otherwise proven . . -mm granuloma in the left mid lung . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 14969719 58351102 b758e8f4-574ee6a8-32a4c691-81f94a5b-96a0773c +1479 small areas of air fluid levels in the right apex have decreased . right chest tube remains in place . right subcutaneous emphysema is unchanged . right perihilar opacities have improved . aeration in the right lower lobe has improved . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax on the left . patient has known severe emphysema . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19991135 56228041 a062926a-2918aecc-14c2b674-37e2e4cf-dc0884d3 +1480 portable upright ap view of the chest left-sided dual-chamber pacemaker is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . the heart size is normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged, with mild calcification of the thoracic aorta . the lungs are clear . pulmonary vascularity is normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is visualized . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . No Finding 12369221 59986698 417d5c5e-b521f965-35306684-68e7deb2-cda06f5c +1481 the lung volumes are slightly low, causing accentuation of the pulmonary vasculature and exaggeration of the heart size . persistent right middle lobe heterogeneous opacity is concerning for chronic aspiration, although pneumonia could have a similar appearance . the lungs are otherwise clear . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . there are no pleural abnormalities . likely chronic aspiration involving the right middle lobe although pneumonia could have a similar appearance . otherwise, no acute cardiac or pulmonary process . Pneumonia 15659181 59037095 ffc87b00-0815c74e-636e48b5-42d8bca2-443af381 +1482 portable ap chest radiograph in the interim since the most recent prior chest radiograph of obtained at , there has been placement of a pigtail catheter . there is resolution of the right-sided pleural effusion . the moderate-to-large right pneumothorax is more visible . the right lung appears collapsed . there is no significant shift of mediastinum . portions of the left costophrenic angle are not included in field-of-view . within this limitation, the left lung shows no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . interval placement of pigtail catheter with resolution of right-sided pleural effusion with a moderate-to-large right pneumothorax with no significant shift of mediastinum and collapsed right lung . findings discussed with at on via telephone . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 51435896 dba61a64-de733cca-c91730b7-7870dfef-c173ffd9 +1483 an ap upright radiograph of the chest is provided . there is no significant change from the prior examination . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . chronic parenchymal opacities which are better demonstrated on the prior chest ct are also unchanged . there is no evidence of superimposed airspace opacification or pulmonary edema . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . median sternotomy cerclage wires are intact . the right pectoral aicd and its leads are unchanged . . stable moderate cardiomegaly . stable chronic parenchymal changes . . no evidence of acute pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly 13606683 53417168 63bc3ab0-da8f9dcb-006bcd2c-5af27843-de7a7597 +1484 there is no evidence of mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema, associated with a likely small pleural effusion on the right . newly occurred atelectasis at the right lung base . no other focal parenchymal opacities . at the time of dictation and observation, the referring physician, . was paged for notification on , am . covered by dr . . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 13881772 50646741 9d1a91d8-eb3582a2-bb42cc96-d27dd42d-b5592d9f +1485 the et tube, the esophageal stent are unchanged . the right internal jugular line has been discontinued . there is no definitive evidence of pneumoperitoneum . right mid lower lung opacification is unchanged as well as left mid lower lobe opacities . no appreciable pneumothorax is seen . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 50909414 22f15611-56e81b77-6ec98f91-5d740640-14d8260c +1486 left pleural effusion appears to be unchanged associated with small amount of right pleural effusion . left retrocardiac opacity most likely reflects atelectasis but infectious process cannot be excluded as well as aspiration . the rest of the lungs are clear . heart size and mediastinal silhouette are stable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12433421 59200772 91af0bee-3cac0612-4e8721e3-9dfdf4a1-ae5edab8 +1487 lungs appear grossly clear . subtle areas of scarring in the right mid lung not significantly changed from recent ct . no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . no effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . vertebroplasty changes at the lower thoracic spine noted . chronic right fourth rib resection noted . no acute findings . No Finding 11474065 58721487 859b40aa-1f46d6a7-7f299ecf-38260eb3-897580c1 +1488 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . the heart is normal in size . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lungs appear clear . the patient is status post anterior cervical fusion . surgical clips project over the left upper quadrant . there has been no significant change . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . No Finding 15114531 57377735 eaf779dc-f580b7b8-168b1b3c-53ee66c1-21268250 +1489 there has been placement of an endotracheal tube with its tip approximately . cm above the carina . other monitoring and support devices remain in place . diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications persist, as does a pleural air collection at the right base . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 14387068 53036982 983753d4-6a60ce18-3858cac6-ba36bba0-942df8a1 +1490 patient is status post median sternotomy and coronary artery bypass surgery . icd remains in place as well as a right picc . cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged, and accompanied by mild pulmonary vascular congestion . persistent patchy right basilar opacity and new patchy left lower lobe opacity as well as a persistent linear area of atelectasis in the left lower lobe . the etiology of the basilar opacities is uncertain, but could represent aspiration, infectious pneumonia, or a dependent distribution of edema in the setting of known upper lobe predominant emphysema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16059470 57952807 2b0c69d6-c2dc4934-db59e90a-2e58d454-ee26f72e +1491 pa and lateral views of the chest there are low lung volumes . this accentuates the size of the cardiac silhouette which is likely top normal . there is crowding of the bronchovascular structures but no evidence of pulmonary edema . the mediastinal and hilar contours are otherwise within normal limits . previously described subpleural left lower lobe opacity seen on prior chest radiograph which corresponds to an area of pleural fat on ct appears more prominent on the current exam . bilateral patchy opacities in the lung bases may reflect areas of infection or atelectasis . there are small bilateral pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is identified, and there are no acute osseous abnormalities . . ill-defined patchy opacities in lung bases which may represent areas of infection or atelectasis . small bilateral pleural effusions are present . . subpleural opacity in the left lower lobe appears more prominent on the current exam, and corresponds to an area of pleural fat as noted on the prior chest ct . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11212873 53762508 551bcedc-af6b269e-41826aa7-ff9d0f78-4825ae4f +1492 comparison is made with prior study of . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . pulmonary edema has markedly improved . retrocardiac opacities have improved . this could be due to atelectasis, but superimposed infection cannot be excluded . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax or enlarging pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10449297 54721755 2c7390b4-a9b82059-5a1fef21-94d721ee-f062ceb8 +1493 endotracheal tube has been minimally advanced, it currently projects . cm above the carina with its tip . the existing extensive bilateral parenchymal opacities are unchanged in extent . new bilateral pleural effusions might have developed . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly . unchanged right central venous access line and nasogastric tube . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13078497 58410688 b60d9052-3235c4b8-59510f55-a43f5ffd-e99a36d2 +1494 since , following insertion of a new right basal pleural tube, substantial volume of pleural effusion has been evacuated and a small pneumothorax has developed at the base and at the apex of the postoperative right lung . mild edema at the base of the left lung has increased . small left pleural effusion is unchanged . heart is mildly enlarged as before . apparent widening of the mediastinum is due to combination of chronic atelectasis and juxtamediastinal pleural fluid . it has not changed over several days . right pic line ends in the upper svc . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 13263843 50844750 e76f5f9e-dbd482e9-9bf04876-ac6e1cae-a59d9637 +1495 the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable . the aorta is again noted to be tortuous . the patient is status post cabg with median sternotomy wires in place . the second most superior median sternotomy wires again noted to be fractured . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lungs are well-expanded with stable scarring at the right costophrenic angle . there is no new focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . there is no overt pulmonary edema . the upper abdomen is unremarkable aside from surgical clips . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 10523725 59223989 a8d732de-7a28af8e-8a5a6a3f-c66be26f-ad23f1aa +1496 the lungs remain hyperinflated, suggesting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . hilar contours are also stable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . no significant interval change . please note that peribronchovascular ground-glass opacities at the left greater than right lung bases seen on the prior chest ct of were not appreciated on prior chest radiography on the same date and may still be present . additionally, several pulmonary nodules measuring up to mm are not not well appreciated on the current study-ct is more sensitive . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 10402372 51966612 b5da9d38-5e0c570b-e88b17c1-029654a9-a4f8a0b3 +1497 there is unchanged evidence of free intra-abdominal air . esophageal stent is in unchanged position . unchanged massive right parenchymal opacities . opacities on the left appeared to increase in severity . no other changes . Lung Opacity 13964474 55540365 0fa9b2f2-d7510ec8-dd44542a-5132940a-96ef2890 +1498 frontal semi-upright portable chest dialysis catheter ends in the right atrium, unchanged in position . peribronchial cuffing and increased interstitial markings are compatible with mild pulmonary edema, unchanged from the prior study . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . there is no substantial pleural effusion or pneumothorax . calcified granuloma again noted in the right lower lung . No Finding 17340686 53956186 e199d51c-58d0356d-8ed19c9f-64ddb8ec-cd3fdc7a +1499 pa and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . when compared to prior, there has been no significant interval change . again seen are predominantly linear bibasilar opacities, more apparent on the lateral view on todays exam . superiorly, the lungs remain clear . enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette is grossly stable given differences in technique and patient position . no significant interval change since exam from two days prior demonstrating persistent bibasilar opacities and enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 16853729 57835182 5320dce2-60fde2c2-0590fad0-36474905-b3318771 +1500 comparison to prior study of at . a single portable semi-erect chest film at is submitted . . left subclavian central line has its tip in the superior vena cava . endotracheal tube has its tip below the thoracic inlet, unchanged . nasogastric tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm . right chest tube remains in satisfactory position . . extensive subcutaneous emphysema which somewhat limits evaluation of the lungs . the lungs remain markedly hyperinflated consistent with known underlying emphysema . when compared to previous studies dating back to , the more focal airspace opacity in the left upper to mid lung has progressed and therefore is concerning for an evolving pneumonia . there has been interval decrease in elliptical opacity in the right mid lung near the chest tube likely representing fluid loculated within the horizontal fissure . no pneumothorax can be appreciated . overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are likely stable . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16751749 59143968 4fa7066f-1353fcd0-c894483b-a6140dd1-91994574 +1501 there is no pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, or deep cervical air . recommend repeat pa and lateral radiographs of the chest to verify these findings . the lungs are well expanded . there is no evidence of acute cardiac or pulmonary process . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . no pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, or deep cervical air . recommend repeat pa and lateral imaging later today to verify these findings . otherwise unremarkable chest radiograph . these findings were communicated to dr . by telephone by dr . . No Finding 16848073 53276158 e5d1a79a-101a6822-e589102f-05d0d1c7-fe74e5e5 +1502 a left picc has been re-positioned with the tip now terminating in the left brachiocephalic vein . replacement is recommended . there are persistent low lung volumes and increased opacification of the right lung base reflecting increased small bilateral pleural effusions and worsening atelectasis . left basilar atelectasis is also increased . there is no pneumothorax . the pulmonary vasculature is mildly engorged without overt pulmonary edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette remains mildly enlarged but stable . tortuosity of the thoracic aorta and calcification of the aortic knob is again seen . . retraction of the left picc with tip terminating in the left brachiocephalic vein in comparison to . replacement is recommended . . increased small bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis with decreased lung volumes from . . unchanged mild pulmonary vascular congestion . findings were reported by dr . telephone at pm . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16855430 52011718 9a29ce3a-c06e22b5-44f5cc18-85e115b8-cbc710d9 +1503 new et tube ends . cm above the carina . right jugular line is in lower svc . left upper lobe rounded atelectasis was better assessed in recent ct, and there is minimal chronic thickening of the pleura at the costodiaphragmatic angles . conclusion . tube and lines are in adequate position . . the remaining of the exam is unchanged without significant acute cardiopulmonary findings . No Finding&&Support Devices 15809646 54479348 5e2d7a5c-0cca16ec-3dff48d4-bab26e70-6bea7f6d +1504 as compared to the preoperative radiograph, there is a minimal decrease in overall lung volumes . as a consequence, a small retrocardiac atelectasis is seen . however, there is no evidence of pneumonia . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . the presence of a minimal left pleural effusion cannot be excluded . normal hilar and mediastinal contours . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 15338518 52944435 1ab129c3-79b49414-0d5287c9-5e9ab48a-b1cfae33 +1505 prominent bilateral interstitial lung markings are on changed . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart and mediastinum are magnified by the projection, but stable dating back to . regional bones and soft tissues are unremarkable . mildly prominent bilateral interstitial opacities which may be due do atypical infection reverses edema . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13475033 50920770 288e9b61-c5cfce3d-38a26f8f-2f3f97f6-fdf08c07 +1506 pa and lateral views of the chest left-sided aicdpacemaker device is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus, unchanged . mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is stable, with aortic knob calcifications re-demonstrated . the pulmonary vascularity is normal, and the lungs are clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are mild degenerative changes in the thoracic spine with anterior bridging osteophytes . No Finding 12595991 58621321 e3fc5bd6-0ebd345c-dd63d96c-6844627c-1b6cf82b +1507 patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve repair . a left-sided dual-chamber pacemaker device is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . heart size is normal . the aortic knob is calcified . mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . apart from minimal atelectasis in the lung bases, the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . there is no pulmonary edema . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . no acute osseous abnormalities demonstrated . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 16043637 51725613 5e6a1e77-fe7d7c1c-14f0897f-85cfc35e-7b7fd799 +1508 portable semi-erect ap chest radiograph demonstrates a dobbhoff tube seen descending in an uncomplicated course and terminating in the stomach in appropriate position . a left internal jugular line is seen at the level of the mid to low superior vena cava . there has been interval removal of swan ganz catheter . there is re- demonstration of left lung consolidations within the lower and upper lobe which appear unchanged when compared to chest radiograph dated . the right lung is grossly unchanged . there is no pneumothorax identified . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable in appearance . an ivc filter is identified adjacent to the spine in the right mid abdomen . dobbhoff tube in nondistended stomach . No Finding&&Support Devices 16334516 57884279 320ec4bc-eb78eb77-b0088c51-9c38d6dc-d4677778 +1509 swan-ganz catheter and enteric tube are not constant position . moderate cardiomegaly persists . lung volumes remain low . right pleural effusion appears smaller although this may be due to more upright positioning . worsening left retrocardiac opacity may reflect atelectasis or aspiration . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . the aortic arch is calcified . . persistent low lung volumes and small right pleural effusion . worsening left retrocardiac opacity could reflect atelectasis or aspiration . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 55060932 d05c84b4-68e7175f-6e3d46fb-1d4c825e-be9e4e29 +1510 again seen is mild cardiomegaly, pulmonary vascular redistribution and patchy alveolar infiltrates . the lateral film is limited by the arm projecting over the lateral lungs . there is increased opacity at both bases and it is unclear if this is due to atelectasis or focal infiltrate . the overall impression is that of pulmonary edema which is similar compared to the study from earlier the same day . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 12074041 53840157 ebfa6753-3f0b7933-ca42ef98-0ce8ca94-b03f6676 +1511 icd with biventricular pacing lead remains in place . stable cardiomegaly accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and new interstitial edema, superimposed upon chronic areas of linear scar in the mid and lower lungs . lungs are overinflated, suggestive of copd . small pleural effusions are present bilaterally . bones are diffusely demineralized . . congestive heart failure with interstitial edema and small pleural effusions . . hyperinflated lungs, in keeping with known emphysema on prior ct chest of . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13606683 53546263 1a329778-20bfaa24-80dfc02f-7f896fba-39d0dd88 +1512 there is now a right ij central venous catheter with tip projecting over the lower svc . remainder of the exam is unchanged noting bilateral parenchymal opacities . there is no pneumothorax . right ij central venous catheter tip projecting over the lower svc . No Finding&&Support Devices 14851532 59116935 00005197-869d72f3-66210bf4-fa2c9d83-b613c4e7 +1513 upright ap view of the chest evaluation of the study is somewhat limited by patient rotationthere are low lung volumes . the cardiac silhouette size is enlarged, similar when compared to the prior study . there is mild pulmonary edema with perihilar haziness and vascular indistinctness, not significantly different when compared to prior study . a small to moderate right pleural effusion is increased when compared to the prior exam . right basilar opacification may reflect atelectasis, though infection cannot be completely excluded . no pneumothorax is present . gaseous distention of the stomach noted . mild pulmonary edema with increased size of small to moderate right pleural effusion and right basilar opacity, possibly reflecting atelectasis but infection is not excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 10532326 52195893 445fdcdb-f4896587-4f3f5bf8-e3a051ad-290f10ae +1514 a mesh stent is seen traversing from the left upper abdomen across the midline and anteriorly . this is not in the esophagus . multiple pulmonary lung metastases are again noted . No Finding 16773796 53145122 a463b913-a54ea4ef-38bc3985-0d13db59-fa42b204 +1515 the heart size remains mildly enlarged . the aorta is tortuous . the patient is status post left lower lobectomy with elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . the left mid posterior chest wall deformity is again demonstrated with associated right basilar opacity compatible with changes from chest wall reconstruction . there is persistent left basilar atelectasis . right lung is clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is definitely visualized . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion . mild degenerative changes are noted in the thoracic spine . similar postoperative appearance of the left chest compared to the recent chest ct without acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 15446959 50714348 e5a35d58-daafa26b-836bd682-17f54c3c-a3f33527 +1516 there is increase in moderate left loculated pleural effusion . the left lung opacification has also increased, concerning for worsening infection . right upper lobe scarring is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . the mediastinal and cardiac contours are normal . by reviewing the initial chest x-ray of , there was scarring in bilateral upper lobes which could either reflect scarring from previous aspiration, but sarcoid could also be a possibility . conclusion . increase in moderate left loculated pleural effusion . . worsening of left lung pneumonia . wet read was done by dr . at pm, . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 10933609 51115198 16cf598d-2b1a30e2-627a4c64-25720237-cab9c186 +1517 there are no new lung opacities . right lower lobe lung nodule measuring mm is stable since the ct scan of . biapical post-radiation changes are also chronic . mediastinal and cardiac contours are stable . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . fusion between the posterior arch of the sixth and seventh right ribs is congenital . conclusion there is no significant change since prior exam . there is no pneumonia . No Finding 14295224 54583911 a4545835-8e2344ba-657ac4df-46fb4c91-d34c50ee +1518 frontal chest radiograph a right ij and left picc are unchanged in position . an ngt terminates within the stomach . the heart size is normal . the hilar and mediastinal contours are unchanged since the pm . examination . again seen is a lucency across the right minor fissure, representing a small pneumothorax, unchanged in appearance since the prior study . however, there has been an interval increase of a moderate-sized right pleural effusion . the left lung remains clear . a pigtail catheter is positioned at the left lung base . . unchanged small right pneumothorax tracking along the minor fissure . . interval increase of a moderate-sized right pleural effusion since the pm . study . . no left pneumothorax . the initial findings were discussed by dr . with dr . telephone at pm . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 16319601 53053588 8511e432-1707518d-687c14ac-488cb51f-b03fb332 +1519 two frontal images of the chest were obtained . this exam is limited by underpenetration due to patients body habitus and by rotation of the patient . there is increased vascular congestion since previous imaging . the right ij catheter is seen with the tip in the mid to low svc . no pneumothorax or other complications are identified . the relative radiolucency of the left lung compared to the right lung is likely an artifact secondary to patient rotation . there is no clear evidence of pleural effusion on this exam . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . worsening pulmonary vascular congestion . new right ij line with tip in the mid to low svc . Edema&&Support Devices 13473495 55720395 525f290c-cf5cb6e5-11ee38a0-a2a67848-2f55c7df +1520 the tracheostomy tube is in place . there are diffuse bilateral interstitial and alveolar infiltrates, with increased retrocardiac density . there is obscuration of the right hemidiaphragm, which i suspect reflects some layering pleural fluid superimposed on the diffuse process . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is enlarged, but stable . incidental note is made of degenerative changes in both shoulders and in the lower cervical spine . compared with at pm . the overall appearance is similar, though the right hemidiaphragm is less well seen on the current exam . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10268877 58694539 939d75ca-033409db-c7d21422-6f4813ef-6ead21a8 +1521 severe cardiomegaly is longstanding, though slightly improved since . pulmonary arteries are chronically enlarged indicating pulmonary arterial hypertension . moderate pulmonary edema and small right pleural effusion have increased since . transvenous right atrial and left ventricular pacer and right ventricular pacer defibrillator leads are in standard placements, unchanged . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15207316 54725023 5074824c-4ee15da0-f4e892d3-3ade326d-d8c8c508 +1522 portable ap chest radiograph the cardiac silhouette demonstrates borderline cardiomegaly . atelectasis is noted at the right lung base . there is no evidence of focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the diaphragms appear mildly flattened, and the lungs are hyperinflated, suggestive of copd . known granuloma is again noted within the left upper lobe . the aorta appears tortuous . Atelectasis 15612622 53971934 fa62fc78-9b66c0fd-aa7ee648-8b82e0fc-b0e5c0d4 +1523 there is continued pulmonary vascular congestion . increased opacification at the bases, especially on the right, could merely reflect atelectasis in a patient with low lung volumes . however, the possibility of superimposed aspiration would have to be considered in the appropriate clinical setting . monitoring and support devices remain in place . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19623993 54806202 34395a9b-ad2db3ef-2c80999f-d0c5077b-42fb9957 +1524 there is no longer any pulmonary edema . moderate left and small right pleural effusions are minimally increased since . left lower lobe opacification is more severe, probably atelectasis . the heart is normal size . mediastinal veins are borderline dilated, but the pulmonary vascularity is normal . right jugular line ends in the upper svc and left subclavian line in the lower . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15758946 56618601 dbbd8ca0-a3e78630-061e92f4-cc6ea2d3-05314ad2 +1525 there is little overall change . again there is moderate pulmonary edema with probable bilateral effusions and substantial volume loss in the left lower lobe . in the appropriate clinical setting, superimposed pneumonia would have to be considered . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15259244 52488909 2501dbf9-714acd96-ca4fba08-e02967b8-23f99f37 +1526 pa and lateral chest radiograph left ventricular pacemaker device is again noted with appropriately positioned right atrial and right ventricular leads . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged from . mild pulmonary venous congestion with cephalization and predominantly perihilar opacities consistent with mild interstitial pulmonary edema appears similar to chest radiograph of . there is no evidence of pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is linear atelectasis at the left lung base, similar to the prior examination . loss of height of a upper mid thoracic vertebral body is unchanged compared to . findings suggesting mild interstitial pulmonary edema along with mild cardiomegaly and linear atelectasis at the left lung base . no evidence of acute pneumonia or pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema 11928692 55947318 2c5c8a39-6ae3dd9e-2b4d5279-6bb07505-1b57f5ab +1527 there is unchanged elevation of the left hemidiaphragm with subsequent decrease in volume of the left hemithorax . otherwise, the lungs are more transparent than on the previous examination, likely to reflect improved ventilation . unchanged mild subpleural scarring bilaterally, but no evidence of acute lung changes . no evidence of larger pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . Pleural Other 18338007 51131475 52a90633-9e1c7301-df020424-ea6324fd-64b0c5f6 +1528 the inspiratory lung volumes are low . the cardiac silhouette is moderately enlarged, but stable from the prior study . the mediastinal and hilar contours are not significantly changed from the prior radiograph allowing for patient rotation on the current examination . no significant pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . a small amount of fluid is noted in the right minor fissure . mild pulmonary edema is present . a right dual-chamber dialysis catheter is in position with the tip terminating at the cavoatrial junction or proximal right atrium . the visualized upper abdomen is gasless . mild pulmonary edema . moderate cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13473495 56929753 2386d449-ff60da90-15b0f79f-2a63ae3d-146cb799 +1529 the patient is status post cabg with intact sternotomy wires . there is stable mild cardiomegaly . the aorta is tortuous and minimally calcified there is minimal linear atelectasis at the left lung base . there is no airspace consolidation or edema . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . no acute process . No Finding 16957952 52543396 f6300671-0644a211-45639c11-c0ef0484-67a8c5c0 +1530 single frontal view of the chest demonstrates interval placement of a right subclavian approach central venous catheter with tip in the lower svc . there is no pneumothorax . a left pectoral cardiac pacer is stable in location with the leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . the lung volumes are low, accentuating mild pulmonary edema . there is retrocardiac opacity and blunting in the left costophrenic angle which may reflect atelectasis and a small effusion . appropriate central line positioning without pneumothorax . other findings unchanged since preceding exam . No Finding&&Support Devices 13067703 57241942 72173005-a21c911f-2db2f17d-033364e2-aaee101d +1531 right-sided pleural effusion is again seen largely unchanged . there is left-sided ground glass opacity which has slightly improved consistent with improving pulmonary edema . endotracheal tube is seen in appropriate position, cm from the carina . ng tube is seen entering the stomach and out of field of view . incidental note of right lateral pleural calcification which is better seen on ct imaging . improving pulmonary edema with unchanged bilateral pleural effusions . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13078497 55206854 89211728-267e6ae0-5cf3d9d3-8ed03442-8764ee24 +1532 following extubation, lung volumes are the same, but atelectasis is worsened at the lung bases, particularly the right . there is no pneumothorax, and small pleural effusions are common . mild increase in borderline cardiac enlargement is also a common sequel to extubation . stomach is moderately-to-severely distended with air and fluid . right jugular sheath ends in the upper svc . was paged at pm . when the findings were recognized . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 58464643 4d43eeba-0e94bfc5-ca416d6f-449ceb69-688d7ae5 +1533 compared to chest radiographs since , most recently . heart size top- normal, improved . lungs clear . no pleural abnormality . mediastinal contours explained by benign fat deposition . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 13975291 58907220 496ca4eb-96600429-f794c4d3-8b1b7172-f615041e +1534 the et tube tip is cm above the carina . the temporary pacemaker leads terminate in the expected location of the right ventricle . the patient continues to be rotated . within the limitations, the appearance of the mediastinum is stable . left retrocardiac opacity cannot be excluded, most likely representing atelectasis . right upper lobe opacity is unchanged as well, with atelectasis or infectious process being a possibility . no interval development of pneumothorax or increase in pleural effusion has been demonstrated . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19565388 52284572 d8b4f432-f9b2ab7a-8362727d-579d538a-00b1edd5 +1535 subtle basilar opacities seen similar to the prior study may relate to nipple shadows and are not appreciated on the lateral view . no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16662264 55808828 a0b02b80-6dbd9219-a3aea9eb-20011893-d884618c +1536 the patient is status post coronary artery bypass graft surgery . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . mild background interstitial abnormality appears unchanged without superposition of any discrete focal opacity . findings are very similar to the prior examination . mild interstitial abnormality suggesting pulmonary vascular congestion, but little if at all changed from baseline . Edema 16957952 52529720 eaf0eb79-03580da7-ae1a0398-5fcef938-acdb31dd +1537 patient has received a new right dual-lumen dialysis catheter through the right internal jugular approach ending at mid svc . bilateral lung demonstrates increased interstitial marking and pulmonary vascular prominence likely from cardiac decompensation . heart size is mildly enlarged, but unchanged to prior studies . small pleural effusions seen on previous radiograph dated have resolved . no pneumothorax . no discrete opacities concerning for pneumonia . mediastinal silhouette is normal . prominent interstitial marking, mildly enlarged heart size and prominent vascular markings likely from cardiac decompensation . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 18855147 53815637 482e79ef-a82c1a49-c033fcfb-5111777e-a1d59d81 +1538 the heart size is normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged and within normal limits . right brachiocephalic venous stent is again demonstrated . lungs are clear and the pulmonary vascularity is normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 14744884 53941529 c541b4b9-e18c9d0c-428f0bcd-4b4fcf3c-ca7acd25 +1539 there is persistent pulmonary edema present and this is unchanged on the left side and slightly more pronounced on the right as compared to the earlier exam . there is stable cardiomegaly . there is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15131736 54622603 fe0232d1-c95b0422-80d78fe1-e50e1bd0-85e85cc2 +1540 the lungs are clear of consolidation or effusion . right pleural based thickening at the base laterally is again seen . there is no evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable in . no acute osseous abnormality detected . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 10523725 56078456 5c549479-dcb2c159-300ce6a6-b8362dc7-c43d8f1d +1541 there is overall little change compared with prior exam dated with slight decrease in hazy opacification of the right hemithorax and improvement in pulmonary vascular engorgement and small right pleural effusion although this could be attributable to upright positioning of the patient compared to semi erect positioning on the previous study . cardiac silhouette remains moderately enlarged . the right ij central venous catheter is unchanged in position with the tip projecting over the mid svc . mild bibasilar atelectasis is unchanged . little change since prior study with slightly improved appearance of the vascular congestion and right pleural effusion although this could be due to different technique . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 55146164 377bdbe0-9a73de16-b40c56a1-d44cdbcc-0051da03 +1542 moderately severe pulmonary edema has worsened again . the relatively greater opacification at the right lung base seen previously was due to a combination of edema, atelectasis and right pleural effusion, so it is not necessary to invoke possible pneumonia to explain the current radiographic findings . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is chronic . pulmonary vascular engorgement and distention of mediastinal veins have worsened . no pneumothorax . large calcified granulomas longstanding in the upper lungs . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12185775 51309585 42a56014-a47bf1c7-ea0611ef-536278b4-881a4f91 +1543 there is extensive cardiomegaly which is stable since the previous studies . there is mild pulmonary interstitial edema . there are bilateral pleural effusions, right side worse than left . the right-sided effusion is a layering component along the more medial aspect . there are no pneumothoraces identified . there are extensive degenerative changes of the thoracolumbar spine with loss of vertebral body height and areas of vertebroplasty . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 17669276 51318409 4669639e-0eb499f7-605cb393-d4ef9323-7f6c47df +1544 cardiac silhouette size is top normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion . there is a small right pleural effusion with chronic elevation of the right hemidiaphragm, unchanged compared to the previous exam . right basilar atelectasis is again demonstrated . no left-sided pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are multiple old left-sided rib fractures . multilevel degenerative changes are visualized in the thoracic spine . chronic left ac joint dislocation is re- demonstrated . relatively unchanged exam with continued small right pleural effusion, chronic elevation of the right hemidiaphragm and right basilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 13352405 58706366 e25c21c7-070fdd75-c67d52b8-9e091b7c-6c560ed4 +1545 as compared to the previous image, no relevant change is seen . status post sternotomy and valvular replacement . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . mild elongation of the descending aorta . left pectoral port-a-cath . no pneumonia, no pulmonary edema, no pleural effusions . the icd wires are in unchanged position, projecting over the right atrium and over the right ventricle . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16043637 55214075 8b1136e5-87e823d7-65c62300-10d83255-4f550379 +1546 there is a small right pleural effusion with some fluid seen tracking in the minor fissure and which may be partially loculated . scattered patchy opacities projecting predominantly over the right lung raises concern for an infection, less likely asymmetric edema . there is left basilar atelectasis . the lungs are relatively hyperinflated with flattening of the diaphragms, suggesting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are relatively stable . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 10959054 59557609 d6ee29da-bcb41124-a58ef710-c184f244-9d677f90 +1547 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding similar study obtained hours earlier during the same day . there is marked improvement of the previously identified massive pleural effusion occupying major portions of the right hemithorax . new pigtail end small caliber catheter is now seen on the right base and explains the evacuation of the pleural effusion that occurred during the interval . no pneumothorax has developed . the lung parenchyma on the right side appears free as this can be identified by the single ap chest view . on the left side, there is also a small caliber pigtail end catheter in the basal space of the pleura but no evidence of pleural effusion is seen . a previously described left-sided advanced picc line remain in unchanged appropriate position and terminating just cm below the level of the carina . an ng tube remains and is seen to point with the dobbhoff tip towards the pylorus . bilateral small caliber pigtail and pleural drainage lines in place . pleural effusions have practically been eliminated . no pneumothorax . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16319601 54613857 7776d1fb-792c88a8-721a0773-7d142590-639999fb +1548 comparison to . new platelike atelectasis at the right lung bases . the pre-existing right basal parenchymal opacity is stable . unchanged appearance of the heart and of the left lung . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18309149 59798967 4768d670-31d218ed-86c26700-a7daf75d-5fe57928 +1549 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . position of previously described right-sided picc line is unchanged, seen to terminate in mid portion of svc . no pneumothorax is present . pulmonary congestive pattern as before with perivascular haze and slightly more marked diffuse densities on the left base, similar as it was before . no significant interval change can be identified . no new abnormalities on the right base . stable chest findings, no new abnormalities . No Finding 13031876 58856677 fd82faa7-31410b18-fae37f67-70086b23-f1ead160 +1550 a small to moderate right pleural effusion is not significantly changed compared to the prior radiograph . associated consolidation at the right lung base is likely compressive atelectasis, although infection in this region cannot be excluded . there is a diffuse interstitial abnormality that has increased compared to the prior radiograph, likely mild pulmonary edema . the heart size remains top normal . the mediastinal contours are normal . prominence of the right hilar region is unchanged, compatible with postradiation fibrosis, better evaluated on the ct from . there is no pneumothorax . . unchanged small to moderate right pleural effusion . . right lower lung consolidative opacification, likely compressive atelectasis, although infection in this region cannot be excluded . . mild pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19720782 59642258 74634e78-46bff1c6-0f55af35-ffc09ea6-543ee803 +1551 a single portable chest radiograph was obtained . a dobbhoff tube projects over the stomach . the tip is folded back on itself and points towards the body of the stomach . lung volumes are low . retrocardiac atelectasis has increased slightly . no effusion, consolidation, or pneumothorax is present . dobbhoff tube in the stomach . the tip is folded back on itself and points towards the stomach body . No Finding&&Support Devices 19623993 54350292 da234986-086e6232-706fdd79-a63870a6-7801b85d +1552 a right transsubclavian right atrial pacer and right ventricular pacer defibrillator leads in standard placements, no pneumothorax, pleural effusion or mediastinal widening . previous mild pulmonary edema has improved, moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly has not . there may be a new small left pleural effusion . conventional radiographs recommended when feasible for further evaluation . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12475198 55620198 da0fe691-6fcfcca4-8246f750-cb8b78a2-eec222bc +1553 left picc is in stable position, tip in the mid svc . there has been interval progression of the bilateral parenchymal opacities more so on the left which appears more confluent in the perihilar region most compatible with pulmonary edema . more dense retrocardiac opacity silhouetting the hemidiaphragm suspicious for superimposed effusion . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but unchanged . progression of pulmonary edema and persistent left effusion . superimposed infection would be difficult to exclude . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 58797209 f63472c6-7fff6462-6df9fd25-2705bc5e-08edc54f +1554 portable ap upright view of the chest was provided . midline sternotomy wires are again noted . there is a left chest wall pacer with lead tip in the region of the right ventricle . the heart is top normal in size . the mediastinum is slightly prominent, stable, reflecting an unfolded thoracic aorta . aortic calcifications are present . increased perihilar opacity is noted as well as consolidation containing an air bronchogram within the right upper lobe . findings are concerning for pneumonia . no effusion is seen . there is no pneumothorax . the bony structures appear intact . perihilar and right upper lobe consolidation concerning for pneumonia . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 13291370 53346804 0dbe8ef1-802b094a-36fae3c2-0d15af98-7a5547ab +1555 tip of the new dobbhoff feeding tube, with a wire stylet in place, ends in the mid-to-low stomach . right internal jugular sheath ends at the junction of the brachiocephalic veins and the right supraclavicular dialysis catheter orifices are in the right atrium . a small-to-moderate right and moderate left pleural effusion are slightly larger than earlier in the day . left perihilar consolidation, probably atelectasis, is unchanged . there is probably no pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . moderate postoperative widening of the cardiomediastinal silhouette, which progressed after tracheal extubation is stable since earlier in the day, but should be followed to exclude mediastinal bleeding . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 51427308 cd20a77e-2332eb46-6c09f2d2-e0e8d1d9-8f18baf1 +1556 the heart is normal in size . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear within normal limits . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is a new opacity in the right lower lobe concerning for pneumonia, superimposed on preexisting patchy medial right middle lobe opacification that appears more chronic, also comparing to , although the lungs had been clear on earlier radiographs from . increasing right basilar opacity worrisome for pneumonia . follow-up radiographs are recommended within eight weeks in order to ensure resolution . if opacification were to persist, then chest ct should then be considered . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15659181 58778783 7954b023-74e12365-5c4fbe43-07ef3edc-a3caf1df +1557 bilateral apical chest tubes are in place . there is no evident pneumothorax or enlarging pleural effusions . bilateral subcutaneous emphysema has improved on the left . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . there are low lung volumes . bibasilar opacities have improved . there are no new lung abnormalities . sternal wires are aligned . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 12736592 59832157 6cae57f0-a273ce3b-37f19db1-4f1b9cd5-6584ad17 +1558 all pre-existing parenchymal opacities have completely resolved . the lung volumes are low . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette with no evidence of overt pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly 14794396 51900597 b94eec73-cb649388-7099d440-7f1bbf0c-f1a3b98d +1559 heart size is top-normal opacities in the upper lungs and at the left mid lung field are similar to previous study consistent with chronic areas of scarring with no new consolidations to suggest infectious process . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax has been demonstrate . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 14992360 52523882 690e5219-a0d2190e-2017488b-4a4feda7-4ef08c2d +1560 the patient has been intubated . the tip of the endotracheal tube projects . cm above the carina . the patient has also received a nasogastric tube . the course of the tube is unremarkable, the tip of the tube is not visible on the current image . the right internal jugular vein catheter is in unchanged position . the atelectatic opacity at the right lung base is slightly increasing . there also is a disruption in the air column of the right main bronchus, so that bronchoscopic evaluation or clearance of potentially present mucus might be indicated . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11204646 57844625 ae38c715-8eeb617e-ad8ab0a9-9f23fdef-9e43fccf +1561 single ap erect portable view of the chest was obtained . there has been interval placement of a left-sided chest tube which appears to terminate approximately at the level of the medial left diaphragm and may extend to the mediastinum . there has been re-expansion of the left lung with opacity in the left mid-to-lower lung which could be due to pulmonary hemorrhagecontusion, partial collapse, or less likely infection . subcutaneous emphysema is seen along the left chest wall . interval placement of left chest tube with reexpansion of the left lung, with opacityconsolidation in the left mid-to-lower lung fields with shift of the mediastinum to the left may be due to partial lung collapse, although underlying pulmonary contusionhemorrhage is may be present . the left chest tube appears to extend to the level of the medial left diaphragm and may encroach upon the mediastinum . left chest wall subcutaneous emphysema . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15192710 55815964 8556763c-b1bc6f79-edf4b821-e6261f21-f1f60684 +1562 there is stable appearance of the mediastinum and the heart . there is substantial improvement of bilateral bibasilar aeration with decrease in pleural effusion . there is right upper lobe opacity, less pronounced than on the prior study but still present and might reflect area of scarring, although pulmonary nodule not seen on the chest ct due to obscuration by the consolidations might be a possibility and should be followed in three months with chest radiograph . displaced first left rib fracture is redemonstrated . the rest of the ribs do not show substantial evidence of displacement . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13586204 54331436 e9db2620-0e24b6e8-95e9724b-676a2818-20b18e7a +1563 mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly is stable . there has been improvement in now mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema . there is no pneumothorax or enlarging pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13896515 58678573 020b5099-d3d7ffdf-de17c3ce-3474f286-010786e6 +1564 the heart remains moderately enlarged . the mediastinal contours are unchanged . there is moderate pulmonary edema, similar compared to the prior exam, with a small to moderate left pleural effusion, also relatively unchanged . probable small right pleural effusion is likely present . no pneumothorax is identified . left basilar opacification likely reflects compressive atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax or acute osseous abnormality . moderate pulmonary edema and unchanged small to moderate left and small right pleural effusions . retrocardiac opacity likely reflects compressive atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 54115583 b17112f4-c4b08b8b-00a18968-0495ad7f-80aab2f4 +1565 comparison to . no relevant change . the position of the endotracheal tube, of the left central venous access line and of the feeding tube is stable . moderate trach intracardiac atelectasis . mild cardiomegaly . mild pulmonary edema . a pre-existing right lower lung atelectasis has resolved . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 14841168 50796456 32857e2f-0b7d1d34-77083bdf-dc8f1be8-d456e85c +1566 the ng tube tip is in the stomach, which still has a large amount of air within it . there is volume loss at both bases and a probable small left effusion . there is pulmonary vascular re-distribution and mild cardiomegaly . left subclavian line tip is in the svc . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13979643 51912167 72495859-c12db810-4238b6ac-b6d8ab2d-76505b30 +1567 ap, lateral, and oblique radiographs of the chest are somewhat limited in the determination of the exact termination point of the right picc, which is difficult to visualize amongst the mediastinal structures . however, it appears to terminate in the lower portion of the svc . there has been marked improvement in the bilateral effusions and heterogeneous opacities when compared to the prior study . prominent interstitial lung markings reflect the patients baseline pulmonary fibrosis . there is no pneumothorax . the aorta is stably tortuous with atherosclerotic calcifications in the arch . . new right picc is difficult to visualize but likely ends within the lower svc . . marked interval improvement in what was likely multifocal pneumonia as well as near complete clearance of the bilateral pleural effusions compared to . . stable interstitial lung markings consistent with chronic pulmonary fibrosis . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10867202 57163975 97a5f522-bb4f6eac-5f7d4736-30880e7b-872ea26f +1568 heart is upper limits normal in size . the right subclavian vascular stent is unchanged . the lungs are clear without infiltrate or effusion . no significant interval change . no focal infiltrate . No Finding 14744884 59397956 ef98f5b9-a2a8261a-8138e17e-bc61edb2-729d5908 +1569 pa and lateral views of the chest the lungs are clear . there is mild, stable cardiomegaly . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . mild pulmonary vascular engorgement is stable . Cardiomegaly 14177219 57001920 0e7807f6-04937b8e-ac237c79-1200da23-76b0b8e3 +1570 increased focal opacification demonstrated within the left lower lobe in setting of known transbronchial biopsy is likely related to focal hemorrhage superimposed on known area of focal opacificationthough is out of proportion to expected . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . bronchiectasis of the left lower lobe is unchanged . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable demonstrating mild tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . heart size is within normal limits . incidentally noted is a benign bone island demonstrated within the left humeral head . interval increase in opacification in the left lower lobe that in the setting of known transbronchial biopsy is likely related to hemorrhage superimposed on the known previously noted focal opacification, though aspiration and interval progression of the disease process are also possibilities . no evidence of pneumothorax . Lung Opacity 15192710 55650924 f65458e7-7ef7e73f-fea3b7ca-40749fee-38fb4aeb +1571 since the prior radiograph there was interval insertion of right internal jugular line with its tip terminating in the level of cavoatrial junction . there is no evidence of pneumothorax or apical hematoma . the et tube tip is . cm above the carina . the replaced mitral valve and the pacemaker leads are in unchanged position . overall there is no change in widespread parenchymal opacities, bibasal atelectasis and pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18322589 51678067 69982ede-6e53070b-c053c36f-4d80ecf2-944f39c4 +1572 a port-a-cath terminating in the upper part of the superior vena cava appears unchanged since the more recent of the prior two studies . the patient is status post sternotomy . a calcified prevascular lymph node appears unchanged . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . the lung volumes are low . streaky basilar opacity consistent with minor scarring is similar in the lingula . there is no substantial parenchymal opacity . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 11413236 58971300 19cd7ef0-e01da8c2-54eba4e0-a3a25327-1ab839b7 +1573 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . mediastinal contours are stable . the hila are less prominent likely due to decrease in previous mild fluid overload . the heart is top normal to mildly enlarged . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 18767957 50227249 7618afaf-76046145-f7086e54-e915e61e-1241a1fa +1574 neither on the prior radiograph nor on the current study evidence of pneumothorax is seen on the right side . the patients head obscures the left apex and prevents assessment of that area . bilateral pleural effusions are demonstrated, but there is interval improvement of pulmonary edema . dilated right upper mediastinal contours relate to tortuous vessel as depicted by chest ct obtained at prior to the radiograph . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 12952223 54189049 8f77326f-be687abf-b18cafbf-e051af2c-5ec25d49 +1575 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . the air component of the hydropneumothorax in the right apical region has resolved, now there is only fluid in the pleural space . patient has known severe emphysema . the perihilar opacities have almost resolved . thoracostomy in the right sixth rib is again noted . multiple surgical chains projecting the right hilum . there is no evidence of pneumonia, chf or new lung opacity . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax 19991135 50634986 d8f5555c-d8bcf97c-3a9d5596-17b9f854-6e15d081 +1576 the heart size is unchanged in size, and a left cardiac pacer device is in stable position with its lead in appropriate position . the patient is status post aortic valve replacement and median sternotomy . the lungs are clear of focal consolidation, pleural effusion or overt pulmonary edema . a right picc terminates in the lower svc . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16043637 55430187 5f4fdb1c-97aed97d-fa4a3b1b-9da4ea33-e9df38ee +1577 there is no pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . a small right pleural effusion is unchanged . since the prior radiograph, there has been increased nodular peribronchial opacification, most readily explained by chronic aspiration . mild hazy opacification at the left base is unchanged and likely represents chronic atelectasis . . no pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum . . increasing peribronchial opacification at the right base likely represents aspiration, possibly pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19016834 56761306 460564da-f530de8e-fabb35c1-53d562ae-404235d0 +1578 moderate pulmonary edema has worsened and mild-to-moderate bilateral pleural effusions have increased sincen . bilateral lower lung opacities is combination of effusion, atelectasis and pulmonary edema . heart size is normal . bilateral hila are prominent due to an engorged pulmonary vasculature, however, mediastinum is unremarkable . moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema and bilateral mild-to-moderate pleural effusions, increased since . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16772702 53060219 ede20c8a-3e1c0c67-30c5c122-dfcf20cc-b8acc6ae +1579 ap upright and lateral views of the chest provided . vascular stents are noted in the left and right brachiocephalic vein . calcifications in the left upper quadrant correspond with the spleen . cardiomegaly is stable with interval increase in bilateral ground-glass opacity consistent with pulmonary edema . subtle nodularity in the right lower lung raises potential concern for a superimposed pneumonia . no large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the mediastinal contour is stable . mild hilar engorgement is noted . hyperdense appearance of the osseous structures are is consistent with renal osteodystrophy . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . cardiomegaly, mild edema, with possible superimposed pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia 19061282 55597534 1cbfd6d5-9adcc975-837ade15-105b6280-655efe4f +1580 pa and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . right chest wall port is again seen with catheter tip in the lower svc . right-sided pleural catheter is seen which appears to course in the fissure . significant amount of right-sided pleural effusion has slightly increased since prior with fluid also seen within the major fissure . no pneumothorax seen . there is underlying parenchymal opacity as well, potentially atelectasis however, infiltrate is also possible . left lung is grossly clear . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable in configuration . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . increase in size of right-sided pleural effusion with pleural catheter in place . expected associated right base atelectasis with possibility of infection not excluded . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16826047 59633653 1d7c427a-6e76e27f-2aa441d5-dc1ce213-c075b375 +1581 the lungs appear hyperinflated, but are without consolidation or parenchymal abnormality . the cardiomediastinal silhouette appears unremarkable . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . bilateral, stable, and symmetric apical pleural scarring is seen . surgical clips are seen in the left upper abdominal quadrant . no acute cardiopulmonary disease . No Finding 15114531 57132221 38a9b23d-4349cfb4-451a3bfd-346ed01f-b4360327 +1582 more dependent distribution of right pleural effusion is due to more positioning of the patient . previously questioned new right upper lobe consolidation is smaller than assumed . moderate cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular congestion persist . there is probably minimal pulmonary edema . et tube in standard placement . right jugular line ends in the upper svc . nasogastric tube ends at the diaphragm and would need to be advanced at least cm to move all side ports into the stomach . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 54548504 3f6f35af-03521081-03baee76-dd388d3b-a0fd1305 +1583 there may be some increasing opacification at the right base . it is unclear whether this represents slight increase in pleural fluid or merely difference in patient position . no evidence of pneumothorax . left lung is essentially clear . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16826047 57304735 6d68975e-d2edf733-8d606be2-0293f596-9d2ed6a6 +1584 moderate right pleural effusion has improved, pulmonary vascular engorgement has decreased slightly . there is no pulmonary edema or likely pneumonia . moderate to severe cardiac enlargement is stable . no pneumothorax . patient has had three valve replacements . sternal wires are aligned and intact . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 59761780 7f83f5d5-3afe2911-3b666b80-5dbde6e1-f2a9d980 +1585 ap single view of the chest has been obtained in this patient with semi-upright position . analysis is performed in direct comparison with the next preceding portable chest examination of . status post right upper lobectomy unchanged . cardiac enlargement as before may have even increased slightly . on previous examination identified small caliber pigtail end catheter in the right lateral pleural sinus is still present . the amount of pleural fluid density has increased mildly . no pneumothorax has developed . overall increased hazy appearance of the lung bases coinciding with perivascular haze in the pulmonary vessels is suggestive of increased chf in this patient . no new discrete local parenchymal infiltrates suggestive of pneumonia are identified . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13263843 52138943 de739d0b-2345495b-255f0e3b-00ccbf4c-ab4d3400 +1586 lung volumes are slightly low, causing exaggeration of the heart size and accentuation of the pulmonary vasculature . diffuse bilateral interstitial opacities are consistent with mild pulmonary edema . the heart is mildly enlarged, as before . the descending thoracic aorta is slightly tortuous, unchanged . there is a right tunneled ij catheter ending in the right atrium . no pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . stable mid-thoracic compression fracture . . mild interstitial pulmonary edema . . unchanged mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13475033 59968351 9eef23a6-9ec5cac1-17521310-3e505395-c63ed35d +1587 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . there is a diffuse interstitial abnormality, with a perihilar predominance, suggestive of mild interstitial pulmonary edema . moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is not significantly changed . a small left pleural effusion is not significantly changed . there is no definite right pleural effusion . the mediastinal contours are unchanged . there is a small hiatal hernia, not significantly changed . there is no pneumothorax . surgical clips project over the upper abdomen on the lateral radiograph . multilevel degenerative changes of the thoracolumbar spine are noted . anterior wedging of a lower thoracic vertebral body is not significantly changed . . mild interstitial pulmonary edema . no focal consolidation . . moderate cardiomegaly, not significantly changed . . unchanged small left pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 11512104 51244125 fc2119d4-3818479e-d3d0ace5-6704f713-0a4fd7c0 +1588 the previously visible right internal jugular vein catheter has been removed . the patient is still intubated, with an unchanged position of the endotracheal tube, nasogastric tube and the right picc line . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly . unchanged mild-to-moderate right pleural effusion, unchanged mild fluid overload and areas of moderate retrocardiac atelectasis . there is no newly occurred focal parenchymal opacity . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 54351633 4f7d591a-e6d9f7a8-05c5e886-421a776a-66a7a9eb +1589 previously reported right lower lobe pneumonia has nearly resolved with only mild residual peribronchiolar opacification remaining in the right infrahilar area . a small right pleural effusion has nearly resolved . localized bronchiectasis and scarring in the right upper lobe is similar to older studies . a small nodule at the right lung base is similar to previous ct of . postoperative changes in the chest are similar including post radiation alterations and findings related to previous esophagectomy and pull-up procedure . near resolution of right lower lobe pneumonia . additional followup chest x-ray in weeks may be helpful to document complete resolution or stability of residual right infrahilar opacity . Pneumonia 14295224 56592251 fd446187-4918e937-9c58f354-86463aca-af75d8a6 +1590 the patient is status post right thoracotomy . moderate layering right pleural effusion is present as well as right basilar atelectasis . left lung is grossly clear, but there is an apparent small left pleural effusion . subcutaneous emphysema is present in the right chest wall consistent with recent surgery . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 11474065 51394568 b0a2d047-4a01cf2e-c1d43e01-61ef7442-722d8f4e +1591 the patient is status post esophagectomy and gastric pull through . the lungs are hyperinflated . there are new patchy airspace opacities in the bilateral lung bases, concerning for aspiration . chronic medial right apex pleural thickening and triangular peripheral interstital opacities in the right mid lung field are again seen . a hazy opacity consistent with chronic scarring related to radiation treatment is again seen in the medial right upper lobe . an mm nodular opacity is again seen within the right lower lobe, unchanged from prior exam . there is atelectasis at the left lung base . a chronic right pleural effusion is again noted . there is no left pleural effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . there is no pneumothorax . visualized osseous structures are unremarkable . . new bibasilar patchy airspace opacities, concerning for aspiration pneumonia . . stable right upper lobe radiation treatment related changes and stable right lower lobe pulmonary nodule . . unchanged small right pleural effusion . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14295224 50071311 9d610a3e-d49aa652-74dee660-f60d66e8-8cb3cee5 +1592 compared to the previous radiograph, the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . a pre-existing right pleural effusion has slightly increased in extent . subsequent areas of atelectasis are bilaterally constant . constant appearance of the cardiac silhouette . no hilar or mediastinal abnormalities . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 56373739 a19573c3-98f76c03-5552fc10-4d2cb79e-bce663a8 +1593 the et tube tip is cm above the carina . the ng tube tip is in the stomach . the right picc line tip is at the mid svc level . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . there is improvement of left lower lobe atelectasis, but there is progression of left lower lobe predominantly multifocal opacities, highly concerning for infectious process or aspiration . small bilateral effusion cannot be excluded . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13031876 52544398 e710f16b-2b715eb0-92032ee6-259afceb-f365ac9a +1594 an opacity at the base of the right lung is not similar in appearance to chest radiograph on and may represent overlapping structures . however, an opacity in the retrocardiac clear space on the left is new . additionally, there is an opacity at the left posterior costophrenic the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . there is no pneumothorax . sternotomy wires and surgical clips are again seen and not significantly changed in appearance . left basilar opacity which could be compatible with infection . recommend repeat imaging after treatment . if no clincal concern for infection, consider chest ct for further evaluation . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17962324 59875098 9188d253-7432f199-b8668189-c4b015e6-24ed4f79 +1595 comparison is made to previous study from . there is a right-sided central venous line with distal tip at the cavoatrial junction . there is a feeding tube whose distal tip is below the ge junction . there is air-fluid level projecting over the right lower lobe consistent with the patients known empyema . the pigtail catheter at the right base is no longer seen . there is also a left-sided small pleural effusion . no pneumothoraces are seen . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14387068 55693842 839ef707-03863b69-f7079a97-b5b91539-90449683 +1596 the sharp pleural line is no longer seen in the left apical region . there may be a residual tiny pneumothorax in the left apex . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . mild indistinctness of pulmonary vessels suggests some elevated pulmonary venous pressure . retrocardiac opacification persists, consistent with some volume loss in the lower lobe . overlying wires obscure the lower portion of the right hemithorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax 19182863 58756659 2fc29ea1-355cc172-27d15937-3df170a0-932a4069 +1597 the endotracheal tube is too high, at the thoracic inlet . this finding was called to the ccu nurse, at pm . at the time of dictating this report by dr . . otherwise, the appearance of the lungs is unchanged . pacemaker and left ij line are unchanged . No Finding&&Support Devices 10886362 50301215 60c60c6e-1471b41d-d8ae011a-299592ea-7c39d5e7 +1598 comparison is made with prior study performed eleven hours earlier . there are lower lung volumes . bibasilar opacities are worsened, consistent with worsening pleural effusions and adjacent atelectasis . moderate pulmonary edema is stable with no pneumothorax . cardiomegaly is unchanged . right hd catheter is in unchanged position . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 58464159 93c7dad2-501ec9ee-b423b86d-71f2b828-1e3f0573 +1599 left-sided chest wall pacemaker appears in unchanged position, with leads terminating in the right ventricle and lead terminating in the right atrium . there is mild cardiomegaly, stable as compared to prior examination . there is redemonstration of prominent interstitial markings and mild hilar engorgement, which could be secondary to mild pulmonary edema . no new focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is redemonstration of right upper lobe scarring and upper zone lucency, reflecting known emphysema . a curvilinear lucency at posterior to the sternum on the lateral view may reflect a small pneumothorax . nodular opacity in the left mid lung is stable since . no acute osseous injury . . equivocal small right pneumothorax . short-term followup upright chest radiograph or ct recommended . . unchanged mild pulmonary edema superimposed on a background of moderate emphysema . no focal consolidation . with dr . Edema&&Pneumothorax 14992360 53426027 75dba8a3-5f23d588-d3d4556c-daef69cf-8ed524b4 +1600 there is substantial interval increase in right pleural effusion . there is also interstitial pulmonary edema that appears to be more pronounced . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . left internal jugular line tip is unchanged in appearance located within the persistent left svc . prominence of the pulmonary artery is re-demonstrated consistent with pulmonary hypertension . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 50878394 be5e433f-dac94987-b9ea5176-f3dc3125-517fe63d +1601 widening of the upper mediastinum to the right of the midline could be due to fluid filling in the esophagus, drained by an upper alimentary tube, ending in the lower third of the right paramedian mediastinum . et tube is in standard placement . lungs are well expanded . pulmonary edema is mild . extensive subcutaneous emphysema can be a normal finding this early after this type of surgery . there is no pneumothorax . the heart is normal size . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 16848073 56216095 cadd4a61-f20934b5-eb57e9f4-3b4f3b61-8718edab +1602 et tube is present . the tip is obscured but appears to lie in satisfactory position above the carina . an orogastric-type tube is present, tip extending beneath diaphragm off film . left ij central line tip overlies proximal svc . a dual-lumen right ij catheter appears to overlie the distal svc and svcra junction . no pneumothorax is detected . suspect background copd . heart size is borderline with left ventricular configuration . there is upper zone redistribution, without overt chf . there is increased retrocardiac opacity, with partial obscuration of the diaphragm, consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation . probable small left effusion . there is also a small right effusion with a small amount of associated collapse andor consolidation . compared with at pm, the pleural-parenchymal findings are quite similar, possibly minimally improved at the right base . the radiopaque tip of the dobhoff-type tube has been advanced and now extends off the film . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 50164479 e3e38420-1d7a57bd-dd17b115-35334f4f-c3d1695b +1603 there are new bilateral small pleural effusions and areas of bilateral parenchymal opacities at the lung bases . these changes are suggestive of atelectasis rather than pneumonia, given the symmetry of the appearance . however, close monitoring with radiographs should be performed . an apparent enlargement of the aortic knob is caused by the change in the patients head position . however, this change should also be received close attention on radiographic monitoring to be performed in the next hours . at the time of dictation and observation, am, on , the referring physician, . , was paged for notification . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19150427 52424977 1788a491-dde38c10-84084270-8ac256d3-7f69a1f6 +1604 there is an increase in interstitial markings and an increase in diameter of the pulmonary vasculature . in conjunction with the increased cardiac silhouette, these findings are suggestive of mild to moderate pulmonary edema . the presence of a minimal left pleural effusion cannot be excluded, given blunting of the left costophrenic sinus . at the time of observation and dictation, am, the referring physician . was paged for notification, on . given that no lateral radiograph was performed, the compression fractures cannot be evaluated . the findings were discussed over the telephone at am . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13978244 55677495 cddeb4e3-ad72632a-69704edb-de0e13c2-5df7f092 +1605 a known mass in the left upper lobe is not clearly identified . no new opacity pulmonary edema, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . no new opacity concerning for infection . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13450581 50580104 92a1d719-e7404cd8-e6e9d5c1-fce29388-120afc34 +1606 moderate left pleural effusion is considerably smaller than it was on , and mild interstitial pulmonary edema has improved . the postoperative enlargement of the cardiomediastinal silhouette has also improved . tip of the et tube at the thoracic inlet, is probably in standard placement . upper enteric drainage tube passes into the stomach and out of view . swan-ganz catheter ends in the proximal pulmonary artery . transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads in standard placements . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19075045 52664853 f90cf339-aa7d8134-75731035-a7d65403-efba5d83 +1607 one portable view . comparison with the previous study done . bilateral pulmonary opacities and pleural thickening andor fluid are re-demonstrated . the heart and mediastinal structures are unchanged . a right internal jugular catheter remains in place . No Finding 15809646 58808413 2756fb1d-45bdeff0-4f3cab91-67c49af9-04c378d9 +1608 multifocal parenchymal opacities, predominating on the right at the level of the hilus as well as in the retrocardiac and left lateral basal lung areas . the concern for multifocal pneumonia must be raised . in addition, a small left pleural effusion could be present . moderate cardiomegaly, no pulmonary edema . right internal jugular vein catheter in situ . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15792940 52559222 e1b1e9b3-4c57d726-b37866dd-872d5448-027a7484 +1609 cardiac silhouette remains mildly enlarged with dual-channel pacer and prosthetic aortic valve in a patient with intact midline sternal wires . no evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion, acute pneumonia, or pleural effusion at this time . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16043637 50063962 bc34419f-ff9f5a7d-e909fa2f-7f6b33c4-80d138b8 +1610 on upright portable chest radiograph there is continued increased lucency of the right upper lung however, the pleural fold is no longer evident . there is persistent bilateral subcutaneous gas in the soft tissues of the neck as well as persistent trace pneumomedistinum at the level of the trachea . lungs are clear . no pleural effusion . cardiac and hilar contours are unremarkable . equivocal findings of right pneumothorax . persistent pneumomediastinum or subcutaneous emphysema . Pneumothorax 16319601 59825509 4598aebc-969c6b3b-a13242a3-a9bd01f3-b870c101 +1611 sternotomy wires are unchanged . the heart and mediastinal contours are within normal limits and stable . there has been interval decrease in a left-sided pleural effusion with some persisting left basilar atelectasis . the right lung is clear . a line between the posterior aspects of the left third and fourth rib space is more compatible with a skin fold rather than the visceral pleura of the lung, so pneumothorax is not favored . however, given the recent instrumentation, if growing clinical concern for pneumothorax exists, short-interval followup may be considered . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 12538508 55670303 4639cd47-e73a89d3-48315552-a87979a8-7dd4f191 +1612 mild pulmonary edema has improved . new right pleural drain, following sternal debridement . small bilateral pleural effusions and severe left lower lobe atelectasis unchanged . heart size normal . et tube, swan-ganz catheter, upper enteric drainage tube, midline drains in standard placements . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 55244705 1cbf90c3-079d9678-607bf65b-a3840c0f-02de10b9 +1613 there is mild fluid overload and a plate-like atelectasis at the left lung bases that has minimally increased in extent . the pre-existing minimal left pleural effusion is unchanged . unchanged course of the nasogastric tube . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16853729 56382918 98bd2c4d-e47c5249-9e187925-65a4159d-5fb2cc1e +1614 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . no significant interval change . No Finding 16524406 54562273 db019b7e-d9ed7caa-dce2242f-4d94ffd2-276acfb6 +1615 the patient has taken a better inspiration . the enlargement of the cardiac silhouette persists with mild to moderate pulmonary edema and right pleural effusion with volume loss in the right middle and probably right lower lobes . the swan-ganz catheter is unchanged, with the tip projecting beyond the mediastinal border . it could be pulled back approximately cm for more optimal positioning . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 55657134 15f947b4-1be82012-29928936-17ccf8d3-135a3760 +1616 ap semi upright and lateral views of the chest provided . midline sternotomy wires again noted, the majority of which are extensively fragmented, unchanged . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . no large effusion or pneumothorax . no signs of congestion or edema . there is a linear density in the left mid lung which could represent a focus of scarring or atelectasis . chronic left rib deformities are again noted . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . clips in the right upper quadrant noted . as above . No Finding 19499595 55609137 c04f1959-6d763649-3561d2d3-baf924f7-bac2214b +1617 on the initial image, the dobbhoff tube tip is seen in the mid portion in the esophagus . on the second image, the dobbhoff tube has been advanced and is appropriately sited within the fundus and body of the stomach . there are old healed rib fractures on the right side . there is some atelectasis and some increased density at the left lung base . no pneumothoraces are seen . cardiac size is within normal limits . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11906222 57232140 64927291-fe42a66c-af054049-3d17501b-5de4163c +1618 the patient has received a new orogastric tube . the course of the tube is unremarkable, the tip of the tube projects over the middle parts of the stomach . there is no evidence of complications . the other monitoring and support devices are in unchanged position . the massive bilateral lung abnormalities are constant in appearance . No Finding&&Support Devices 13964474 51102601 01eaece3-70d48ee8-709d04c6-967fa1f4-a486c1fb +1619 comparison is made to the patients previous studies dated at . . left-sided nerve stimulating device remains in place . there has been interval removal of the right chest tube, where there is a stable small right apical pneumothorax . patchy opacities in the retrocardiac region as well as in the right upper and lower lung are likely unchanged given differences in technique . no pleural effusions are seen . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . no evidence of pulmonary edema . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 17112432 50407173 2a0ce644-defed4a1-f1d778d7-8da5ba60-b5d8e243 +1620 heart size is normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . dense atherosclerotic calcifications are noted at the aortic knob . atelectasis is noted in the lung bases without focal consolidation . mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is chronic with lateralization of the diaphragmatic apex, likely attributable to the presence of a small subpulmonic effusion . no pneumothorax is present . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion . diffuse gaseous distention of bowel loops are seen in the upper abdomen . posterior fixation hardware is noted within the thoracic spine with re- demonstration of diffuse osteopenia and multiple compression deformities . small right pleural effusion . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality otherwise demonstrated . Pleural Effusion 14353044 50710771 746e9051-aea1fe10-f765dc71-17daa29f-ae4a658d +1621 large fluid or pneumothorax on the right with air-fluid level in the posterior aspect of the lung . massive generalized right-sided pleural thickening with slight decrease of the right hemithorax . fibrotic changes of the lung parenchyma . on the left, there is no abnormality of the pleura or lung parenchyma . the left aspect of the heart border is unremarkable . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Other&&Pneumothorax 11569093 59718086 3e6f368b-a8391960-74c08b06-25d8dafc-0c6e61fe +1622 lung volumes are low . extensive bilateral opacities are unchanged from the prior examination and likely reflect the patient underlying severe interstitial lung disease . there is possibly increased opacification of the right lower lung, which may represent mild edema . hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . calcification of the aortic arch is noted . there is no pneumothorax . there is no pleural effusion . minimally increased opacification of the right lower lung may reflect mild edema superimposed on chronic severe interstitial lung disease . Edema&&Lung Opacity 10867202 51723789 bcb5e90b-c7d3f928-7bd202ee-4e772a8f-e2240e90 +1623 . new right upper lobe collapse and worsening pulmonary edema . this was discovered and called to dr . on at am . . multifocal pulmonary opacities may represent pneumonia or hemorrhage . . innumerable metastatic pulmonary nodules . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 12702423 53164365 25449c50-88b4c67a-5aab7423-4c477c4b-843d4f4c +1624 ap, upright and lateral views of the chest were provided . lung volumes are low, though there is evidence of pulmonary edema . small effusions are difficult to exclude . the heart is impossible to assess . previously noted endotracheal tube and ng tubes have been removed . the imaged osseous structures are intact . pulmonary edema with probable small bilateral effusions . limited exam . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 59361128 d8fc9055-45df8285-80757692-6ab96494-af6f56a0 +1625 et tube is not visualized on this study . temporary pacemaker is seen with lead in the right ventricle . since prior radiographs, lung volumes are low . opacity at the left base may represent atelectasis and small effusion . opacity at the right upper lung is improved . no pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19565388 58204690 fbd637bc-15953c2d-d5c723d3-e8c2ba4f-c1103de6 +1626 . nerve stimulating device is seen overlying the lateral left upper lung . right apical pneumothorax appears stable . patchy opacities in the right upper lobe in the right mid and lower lung are unchanged, which could reflect resolving contusions, although pneumonia cannot be entirely excluded . the left lung is essentially clear with the exception of a linear opacity in the retrocardiac region which may represent an area of subsegmental atelectasis or scarring . no evidence of pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . multiple right-sided rib fractures with associated pleural thickening are again noted . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 17112432 56998267 be319f71-2b1ab302-55580f5d-ffc6e9e0-9e90689a +1627 midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . there is a right chest wall port-a-cath with its tip in the mid svc . a calcific density in the region of the ap window corresponds with a calcified lymph node on prior ct . lung volumes are low limiting evaluation . there is bibasilar atelectasis with bronchovascular crowding . no convincing signs of pneumonia though evaluation is limited . no large effusion or pneumothorax . heart size is difficult to assess . mediastinal contour is stable . bony structures are intact . limited exam with given low lung volumes with bibasilar atelectasis, difficult to exclude a superimposed pneumonia . Atelectasis 11413236 51499550 d40ff923-1ae1c675-0bf6d047-42ce5585-8d8da7bb +1628 there is no change in the left pneumonectomy space which remains full of fluid . more superior posterior appciyt may represent debris or clot . there is stable shift of mediastinal structures to the left . the right lung is clear and hyperexpanded . mediastinal clips and left subcutaneous emphysema are unchanged . expected post-operative appearence of maturing pnuemonectomy space . No Finding 12410066 55755138 b3c74d2a-5af41aa3-b45b6c26-d2267e9d-7c4138ac +1629 chronic left-sided rib fractures are again noted . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged from . pleural thickening and blunting at the right costophrenic angle is again demonstrated, and is stable from the prior exam in and likely represents pleural scarring and a small pleural effusion . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax is identified . multiple chronic appearing left-sided rib fractures . no pneumothorax . blunting of the costophrenic angle on the right likely represents pleural scarring and a small effusion, not significantly changed from . Fracture&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 13352405 53780576 bced25e3-835951a9-cb1436cd-d095e342-730a3489 +1630 comparison is made to previous study from . there is unchanged cardiomegaly . there are again seen bilateral pleural effusions, right side worse than left . underlying consolidation at that location cannot be excluded . effusion on the left has improved slightly . there is some mild prominence of pulmonary interstitial markings without overt fluid overload . no pneumothoraces are seen . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 58589640 e8721312-3402fc01-b4761c82-db71f1ea-afe8e0c2 +1631 compared with at pm, there is slight increased hazy opacity at right greater than left bases, atelectasis . attention to these areas on followup films is recommended to exclude early pneumonic infiltrates . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and upper zone redistribution are unchanged . bilateral pigtail type catheters are present . no pneumothorax or gross effusion is detected on either side . there is elevation of the right hemidiaphragm, more pronounced than on the earlier film . a dobbhoff-type tube is present, radiopaque tip overlying the stomach . a left subclavian picc line tip overlies the distal svc . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16319601 58441911 70436a46-05756b2a-02e507fa-d6b6c39f-0770f3ca +1632 the opacification at the right base has decreased . this could reflect improving effusion and atelectasis, or merely be a manifestation of a more upright position of the patient . otherwise, little change . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19016834 53078046 f0b2495b-1f5bba25-28b2aff5-41d9fd3a-a364895f +1633 lung volumes are lower, small to moderate right pleural effusion and atelectasis in the right middle and lower lung zones have worsened . greater widening of the upper mediastinum could be due to distention of the neoesophagus . no pneumothorax . right pleural tube in place . subcutaneous emphysema in the right chest wall is probably improving since . mild-to-moderate pulmonary vascular engorgement is best appreciated in the left lung, increased since . nasogastric tube ends at the level of the diaphragm . right pleural tube unchanged in position . mild cardiomegaly stable . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16848073 57279525 414e1798-ab5aec7c-6beacfd6-c951f535-2bc666eb +1634 heart size and mediastinum are unchanged in appearance . interval decrease in right pleural effusion is demonstrated . no appreciable pneumothorax is seen after this study . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 13263843 51477948 62ead2ae-e6300763-500bb324-bc688f11-0083ba24 +1635 there is continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with increasing pulmonary edema . retrocardiac opacification again is consistent with volume loss in the left lower lobe with probable pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 50725635 734c67d2-b59dd146-cf5a3db9-59c50b7d-f735c758 +1636 there is no acute findings . there is no pneumonia . stability of the right middle lobe calcified nodule . there is no pneumothorax and no pleural effusion . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . consolidated fracture of the axillary portion of the seventh right rib degenrative changes of the right shoulder . conclusion there is no pneumonia . No Finding 19928916 53913561 585dc46b-7d735766-e8302451-9285b2c6-eb6c295a +1637 a single portable ap chest radiograph was obtained . the tip of a dobbhoff catheter projects over the stomach . the tip of a right picc line ends in the low svc . there is interval improved aeration of lungs with persistence of a right basilar loculated hydropneumothorax . a pigtail catheter remains in unchanged position . there is a small left pleural effusion . . dobbhoff tube in the stomach . . unchanged right basilar loculated hydropneumothorax . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 58866273 95aeb67d-dda857ec-1fa24d4f-f0b7d118-eaf906ea +1638 when compared to previous exams, there has been no significant interval change . right-sided chest tube remains in place . loculated fluid seen laterally similar to prior ct as well as within the major fissure where the chest tube is located . underlying parenchymal opacity again noted and based on scout film from prior ct has not significantly changed . there is no left-sided pleural effusion . focal left midlung opacity is unchanged from prior . cardiomediastinal silhouette is difficult to adequately assess given obscuration of the right heart border . no acute osseous abnormalities detected . no definite interval change . No Finding 16826047 56433442 d263e868-0cc6db67-58f15831-a2a8a9ac-4c59911c +1639 presenting with fevers and cough . comparisons chest radiograph from the back to . pa and lateral views of the chest there is a greater degree of right lower lobe consolidation which, in comparison to the radiographs, obscures the right hemidiaphragm to a greater degree . there is overlying right basilar atelectasis . the right hemidiaphragm is staby elevated . the remainder of the right lung is clear . there is stable left basilar atelectasis, but the left lung is otherwise clear . the hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . pulmonary vascular markings are normal . opacification of the right lower lobe consistent with atelectasis and, given the clinical presentation, aspiration pneumonia is probable . findings communicated to dr . by dr . telephone on at am . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19565653 58125581 060cf092-fe76bdf7-19fee515-26cbef2c-5c16ba6f +1640 ap view of the chest . a temporary pacemaker lead is unchanged and in appropriate position . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . temporary pacemaker lead is in appropriate position . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding&&Support Devices 12475198 58387960 8f34e6a7-a9a93480-381afaf2-33925be7-c183ae6f +1641 the patient is status post median sternotomy . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . evidence of dish is seen along the thoracic spine . no acute cardiopulmonary process . no significant interval change . No Finding 17318449 54809707 80b3c768-af7774d2-b929f0f3-cc00f7e1-a8bb88eb +1642 new right lung opacities, a represented as multiple pulmonary nodules, highly concerning for aspirationpneumonia . bleeding would be less likely . rest of the findings are unchanged . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11474065 55048341 e0e15315-038cc10d-12da55fb-533193ff-f67ce0bd +1643 the previously seen left lower lobe opacity has resolved . there is no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . there are no acute bony findings . resolved left lower lobe pneumonia . no new acute cardiopulmonary process . Pneumonia 18343726 53012323 ceb97930-fe5ec7d6-6ee4c8aa-56e46341-d0fbfd43 +1644 frontal radiograph of the chest . compared to the prior study, the patient has been extubated . there is no change in the right internal jugular central venous catheter . enteric tube has been removed . marked cardiomegaly is unchanged with pericardial effusion noted on recent ct . widened mediastinum is unchanged . degree of bilateral pulmonary vascular congestion and increased interstitial markings indicative of pulmonary edema is unchanged . left lower lobe ateleftasis or pneumonia, opacity . interval extubation and removal of enteric tube with unchanged severe cardiomegaly, moderate pericardial effusion, and moderate pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 14727722 59816233 5e2919b3-f5b224d9-f8a61359-61a65dbd-1f996976 +1645 small bilateral pleural effusions, including a fissural component in the right major fissure, have increased slightly since . there is no pulmonary edema and no pneumothorax . moderate-to-severe enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is chronic and unchanged . there is no appreciable pulmonary vascular engorgement . a dual-channel right supraclavicular dialysis set ends in the right atrium, and left picc line ends low in the svc . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 57809151 76ee4972-231e2314-e4e35ff5-8d2cd919-a98450dd +1646 endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina . nasogastric tube terminates within the body of the stomach . right internal jugular catheter ends in the lower svc . previously described right upper lung opacity is less conspicuous than on the prior . bibasilar opacities are larger and could reflect atelectasis or an aspiration event . worsening infection cannot be excluded . small left pleural effusion is likely also present . the heart is normal in size, normal cardiomediastinal silhouette . slight improvement of right upper lung opacity with increased bibasilar opacities possibly reflecting atelectasis or aspiration though worsening infection cannot be fully excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 12966004 55553875 d506da5a-b2dad80c-f31e282e-15154de3-b4385bea +1647 since the prior studies, there is reaccumulation of the right pleural effusion, at least moderate . post-sternotomy wires in a patient with history of replaced aortic and tricuspid valve are noted . there is no evidence of failure . the heart size and mediastinum are stable . no left pleural effusion is noted . no pneumothorax is seen . note again is made that there is unchanged appearance of displaced fractures of first, second, and third ribs on the left . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 54545153 c77042ae-4fa479fe-d1c13bb4-d811b2ee-781bb3a8 +1648 there is interval increase in bilateral upper lobe opacities, right greater than left . evidence of scarring is again seen with retraction of the hila bilaterally . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . evidence of a left-sided rib fracture is again seen, although not well evaluated . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . interval increase in bilateral upper lobe, right greater than left opacities raises concern for infectious process superimposed on chronic changes . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 50289849 ed54d9af-c03fa3e8-2c18f99d-c0c65bc5-98bf2656 +1649 ng tube tip is in the stomach . right internal jugular line tip is at the level of lower svc . distended stomach bubble is present . small to moderate right pleural effusion is present, unchanged . mild interstitial pulmonary edema is unchanged th . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 53685384 d3033719-9b507af8-6e6975ac-c32ea556-6f68613d +1650 right internal jugular line has been pulled back to the distal svc . mild edema still present in both lungs along with mild cardiomegaly and mediastinal vascular engorgement . more discrete consolidation in the right lower lung, where there is also a clear atelectasis, and in the infrahilar left lower lobe could be due to concurrent pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15321868 53118049 5ad9e573-14e0965d-8b13a6a1-42aa4edf-949f7839 +1651 there is no evidence of focal consolidation . there is left lower lobe atelectasis . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13700088 54082940 a0a7577d-53a8748e-450244b3-39cec864-8a18f0cf +1652 pain status post median sternotomy and cabg . several fractured wires are again seen . the cardiac silhouette remains top-normal to mildly enlarged . the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19499595 51527425 84dac834-d9f40739-755532a0-1ddab50a-cae07005 +1653 the lung volumes have increased . there is unchanged evidence of mild interstitial fluid overload . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . no pleural effusions . unchanged position and course of the right double-lumen catheter . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 18855147 54043642 b361a1e1-b9c3ab9d-c2cc8344-2903cfd8-3888d7b9 +1654 this radiograph was obtained for purposes of assessing a dobbhoff tube placement . the tube is identified to the level of the distal stomach, but the radiograph does not include the lower abdomen, and the tip cannot be visualized for this reason . additional abdominal radiograph may be helpful for this purpose if warranted clinically . exam is otherwise remarkable for moderate partially layering pleural effusions bilaterally, with adjacent lower lobe atelectasis andor consolidation . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13881772 57160250 db9446ce-77c54de3-b0148302-3a4c913e-fe9db438 +1655 allowing for differences in technique and projection, there has been little change in the appearance of the chest since the recent study of one day earlier . widespread heterogeneous areas of consolidation continue to affect the right lung more than the left . there has been slight worsening in the right lung base with otherwise no relevant changes . Consolidation 12475198 50620952 dca8209b-bd3fa52c-e5ca606b-9a0cfd8f-006336b3 +1656 the cardiomediastinal silhouette is prominent but stable . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged with prior coronary stenting noted . calcification at the aortic knob is unchanged . a large bore left-sided central venous catheter is unchanged in position with the tip terminating in the right atrium . the pulmonary vasculature is prominent with mild interstitial pulmonary edema, slightly improved from . there is increased right perihilar opacification from the most recent prior study also likely due to pulmonary edema . streaky opacities at the bilateral lung bases most likely reflect atelectasis however, superimposed infection is not excluded in the appropriate clinical context . there is a small right pleural effusion . no pneumothorax detected . radiopaque densities projecting over the left lateral lung base are likely external to the patient . there is no evidence of free air beneath the right hemidiaphragm . . mild pulmonary edema . increased opacification at the bilateral lung bases may be related in part to dependent pulmonary edema and atelectasis . . no widening of the mediastinum . stable cardiomegaly . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 17340686 50602713 09248f93-7275a552-c55b735a-29981340-e0b66153 +1657 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . multiple ekg leads project over the chest wall on both radiographs . a ventriculoperitoneal shunt courses along the right cervical and thoracic region, extending out of the field of view inferiorly . the lungs are clear . the heart size is normal . the mediastinal contours are normal . there are no pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is seen . multiple old right-sided rib fractures are redemonstrated . a severe compression deformity of a mid thoracic vertebral body is not significantly changed . no acute cardiac or pulmonary process . No Finding 11906222 59697640 20ae33e5-c3a0b30d-d737101f-b47e9ae1-d804765a +1658 previously seen pulmonary edema has resolved . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged, as well as the vascular stent and splenic calcifications . no free air demonstrated . no definitive pneumothorax is seen . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 19061282 52364562 4641a697-8f606459-f9c55881-5ef83f11-ea8af252 +1659 portable chest radiograph demonstrates unremarkable mediastinal, hilar and cardiac contours . there is improved aeration of the lung bases particularly on the right . no reaccumulation of pleural effusions or development of pneumothorax . dobbhoff tube is seen with tip in the mid stomach . left-sided picc line tip terminates in the distal svc . no reaccumulation of pleural fluid or development of pneumothorax . Pleural Effusion 16319601 59680684 2e87f158-0b24dcfb-c1faa72a-75f96efd-3e82f4c4 +1660 moderately severe interstitial pulmonary edema has worsened accompanied by new or increased small left pleural effusion . moderate cardiomegaly is chronic . there has been no change in the course or location of transvenous right atrial and left ventricular pacer leads and right ventricular pacer defibrillator leads originating from the left axillary generator . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13896515 50449690 985f40a6-13022580-845b32b1-fccaba5a-60bffb12 +1661 pa and lateral chest radiographs the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . the lungs are well expanded and clear, without focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . mild degenerative changes are seen in the thoracic spine . No Finding 15840907 54355585 df7b8cfc-12798a16-4d5f66d6-63417bad-c5e6fca0 +1662 frontal chest radiograph a right ij terminates at the superior cavoatrial junction . the heart is mildly enlarged . the hilar and mediastinal contours remain within normal limits . mild central pulmonary vascular congestion and pulmonary edema is unchanged since . a small right pleural effusion has enlarged . there is no pneumothorax or a focal consolidation . enlargement of a small right pleural effusion since am . unchanged mild central pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial edema . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 58598132 9f7a166b-fe5ab568-4dcfc13e-974262a9-8b6ccc98 +1663 comparison is made with prior study performed the same day earlier in the morning . there has been interval worsening in opacification in the left hemithorax this is consistent with increasing atelectasis of the remaining upper lobe and increasing pleural effusion . in the right lung, there are atelectasis in the lower lobe . left ij catheter is in unchanged standard position . left chest wall subcutaneous emphysema has also improved . cardiomediastinal structures are midline partially excluded by the pleural parenchymal abnormalities on the left . there is left apical pneumothorax probably unchanged . findings were discussed with dr by phone at am on . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 12530259 56521967 658f37a6-2df3c400-2edbe336-7e2bfeea-ae16d58d +1664 the right picc tip is in the lower svc . et tube is in the standard position . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . left lower lobe atelectasis has worsened . right lower lobe atelectasis has improved . there is no pulmonary edema or pneumothorax . of note, the left lateral cp angle was not included on the film . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 10268877 56063579 519f8e91-8489edf4-ff870026-b846bb39-f4746655 +1665 portable ap chest radiograph there is borderline cardiomegaly . there is no pneumothorax or focal consolidation . no large pleural effusion is seen . indistinct pulmonary vasculature is consistent with interstitial pulmonary edema, which is slightly increased since . Edema 13896515 56840019 3e9bfa41-70250cb0-d33887c3-436560fc-339ed2d6 +1666 left-sided dual lumen central venous catheter tip terminates in the low svc in courses through a stent within the left brachiocephalic and superior vena cava . a vascular stent is also noted within the left upper extremity . cardiac silhouette size is normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged unchanged with similar rightward deviation of the trachea due to a known left thyroid goiter again noted . the pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . minimal patchy opacities in the lung bases likely reflect areas of atelectasis . there may be trace bilateral pleural effusions, but no focal consolidation or pneumothorax is present . clips are noted about the neck . remote fractures of the right posterior ribs are again seen . bibasilar atelectasis with possible trace bilateral pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 14236258 53403421 209500b4-f8bc630b-f0a648c8-da518e7f-ab714f17 +1667 in comparison to radiograph, a tracheostomy tube is been placed, in standard position, with no visible pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum . heart has slightly decreased in size in the interval, and pulmonary vascular congestion and edema have resolved in the interval . there remains dense opacification in the left retrocardiac region accompanied by a a decreasing small left pleural effusion . a vascular catheter courses from the inferior vena cava and extends superiorly beyond the right atrium into the superior vena cava, terminating at the level of the right tracheobronchial angle . additional lateral chest radiograph may be helpful to determine precise positioning of the catheter . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19061282 59317044 f8f0ddd7-c4671c6e-c2f37429-85d69299-f23286bf +1668 the pre-existing right lung opacity has slightly increased in extent . in addition, there is blunting of the right costophrenic sinus, potentially suggestive of a new small pleural effusion . the findings would be consistent with a combination of pulmonary edema and pneumonia . the lung volumes remain low . unchanged massive cardiomegaly and mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema . no left pleural effusion . change in the right humeral head could indicate chronic right shoulder subluxation . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16055653 57222195 75a92fd3-de039272-23790693-7ddfce74-cb96a026 +1669 lung volumes are low . bilateral basilar interstitial abnormality is new . moderate cardiomegaly is similar . there is no effusion, consolidation, or pneumothorax . sternotomy wires are intact . acute interstitial pulmonary edema . Edema 17318449 53060440 cf5f1f4f-b4d8bc5b-dccb823c-51fa4849-94f65859 +1670 et tube tip is . cm above the carina, at the level of the lower medial clavicular heads . an ng tube is present -- tip and side port over the stomach . again seen are dense alveolar infiltrates in both lungs, densest at the right base and with relative sparing at the left upper zone . no supine film evidence of pneumothorax and no gross effusion identified . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16662264 54148527 a5e12fb0-a6b7eb2f-af54b5f2-9af3ca0e-342b0299 +1671 the lung volumes have slightly increased, likely reflecting improved ventilation . otherwise, the appearance of the lung parenchyma, the mediastinum and the cardiac silhouette, including the monitoring and support devices as well as sternal fixations, is stable . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 14851532 54299422 819e8838-813f6f6e-a6c5d098-e747a8aa-68e03a8b +1672 one portable ap upright view of the chest . right hemodialysis catheter ends in the right atrium . there is pulmonary edema and pulmonary vascular congestion . there is no focal parenchymal opacities concerning for pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . no definite pleural effusions . the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours are normal . moderate pulmonary edema . these findings were discussed with dr . at pm . on by telephone . Edema 15259244 53282268 e71f51f3-72341a6f-e930d575-66d2c3ef-339886c5 +1673 cart focal is substantial . mediastinal silhouette is stable . pulmonary edema has developed in the interim, extensive . it obscures previously seen asymmetric left suprahilar opacity that might reflect infectious process . followup of the left lung opacity concerning for infection is recommended . right pleural effusion is large and unchanged . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14851532 51078371 66e86adc-70548bf4-9981e744-42d0da07-838b4d2a +1674 pa and lateral views of the chest were compared to previous exam from . when compared to prior exam, there has been interval improved aeration of the left upper lung . left perihilar mass compatible with patients history of recurrent small cell carcinoma is again seen . persistent elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . right lung remains clear of focal consolidation . there is no right-sided pleural effusion . there is, however, probable small left pleural effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is otherwise unchanged . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . dual-lead pacing device again seen . interval improved aeration of the left upper lobe compared to previous exam from two weeks ago . otherwise, no acute change, noting left hilar mass compatible with patients known history of recurrent lung cancer . Lung Lesion 18067737 50431066 a6dc99c7-6d793ce2-188bd506-b751deab-79f8ebbb +1675 the heart is at the upper limits of normal size . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . hyperinflation is noted with persistent reticular opacities projecting over the left lower lung but markedly improved since the prior radiographs . thin flowing anterior syndesmophytes are present throughout the thoracic spine . this appearance has an association with spondyloarthropathies . . improving pneumonia . . thin spinal syndesmophytes suggesting the possibility of an inflammatory arthropathy such as could be seen with ankylosing spondylitis clinical correlation is suggested . Pneumonia 14081759 50184397 6631d848-2c0cb2c2-f85d6490-f5df355f-11011cb8 +1676 frontal and lateral views of the chest and additional views of the left-sided ribs were obtained . a bb marker projects over the lateral ninth and left ribs indicating patients site of concern . no displaced fracture is seen . the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . there may be very minimal left basilar linear atelectasisscarring . no acute cardiopulmonary process . no displaced rib fracture seen . Fracture 13448574 54759244 f762fbc6-ca1926fb-06f3ef2a-b996a151-66a3b743 +1677 compared to the film from earlier the same day, the appearance of the lungs with the patchy nodular infiltrates bilaterally is unchanged . the et tube is cm above the carina . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13078497 56888186 fdd036df-52fef6fa-3b7ff466-ad816cd9-f9fe7db7 +1678 pa and lateral views of the chest the cardiac silhouette size is normal . the mediastinal contour is unremarkable . there is enlargement of the right hilum suggestive of underlying lymphadenopathy . multiple nodules are demonstrated throughout both lungs, the largest within the right lung base measuring . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is present . there is likely minimal left lower lobe atelectasis . no acute osseous abnormalities are visualized . multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules compatible with metastatic disease . right hilar enlargement suggestive of underlying lymphadenopathy . ct of the chest is recommended for further evaluation . Lung Lesion 16409152 55851227 6e9a74d7-21c84522-a747db35-77dec447-6c76dd6e +1679 there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 19623993 58865157 879c5bd5-8fde6e6e-470c4bdb-323689b2-fac6fa7e +1680 pa and lateral chest radiograph the cardiac silhouette is top normal . there is no pneumothorax or focal consolidation . trace fluid within the right fissure is noted . there is indistinct pulmonary vasculature consistent with mild pulmonary edema . Edema 13896515 52852042 e196e03a-34fb9428-f771233d-53d2e101-d419be46 +1681 the monitoring and support devices, including the esophageal stent, and the right-sided pigtail catheter, are unchanged . the extensive known parenchymal opacities on the left and on the right are unchanged in extent and severity . there is no evidence of newly occurred focal parenchymal opacity . unchanged right pleural effusion, no left pleural effusion . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13964474 57999899 52481f07-4d1746a3-47375a8c-8b8d33cd-ca8e4e96 +1682 moderate bilateral pleural effusions, larger on the right than on the left, are unchanged . the previously noted pulmonary edema has resolved . there is no consolidation . mild right basilar atelectasis persists . there is no pneumothorax . moderate enlargement of the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . . stable moderate bilateral pleural effusions . . resolution of pulmonary edema . Pleural Effusion 18224196 55452685 4b21950a-5565f60b-5e86b9fd-fde33a71-2a564240 +1683 endotracheal tube terminates cm above the carina . the nasogastric tube passes into the stomach, and off the inferior margin of the film . there is a new right picc, which can be followed into the upper svc . the heart remains moderately enlarged, while vascular congestion, edema, and bilateral pleural effusions are little changed . there is no new opacity to suggest pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . persistent calcification of the aortic knob . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 54401838 22592a1d-d2060a7c-1e748138-5ac977c0-0d6a2587 +1684 cardiac silhouette size is normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged with evidence of prior esophagectomy and gastric pull-through . atherosclerotic calcifications within the aortic arch are re- demonstrated . ill-defined patchy opacities are noted involving the right mid and lower lung fields as well as to a lesser extent within the left lung base, findings which are suspicious for aspiration pneumonia . blunting of the costophrenic angles posteriorly on the lateral view suggests small bilateral pleural effusions, new in the interval . no pneumothorax or pulmonary vascular congestion is present . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . multifocal ill-defined patchy opacities involving the right mid lung field and both lung bases concerning for aspiration pneumonia . new small bilateral pleural effusions . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14295224 52764071 e3592dcd-ca0b0f88-415e34bf-6f5bb257-2502a74e +1685 there is no pneumothorax . moderate right pleural effusion is stable . small left pleural effusion and left lower lobe atelectasis or consolidation have increased . the cardiac silhouette is moderately enlarged . the pulmonary vasculature is normal and there is no pulmonary edema . right jugular line ends in the upper svc . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13755940 58666319 57b2666a-699fa6ab-57992ba2-54520a2e-7ee60ae6 +1686 left ij line with tip just crossing midline is again seen . there continues to be near-complete opacification of the left hemithorax . an air-fluid level is now seen with some improved aeration of the left upper lobe . the right lung is clear . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 12530259 59686145 f7004aaf-2d802820-6fb668c7-79ec741c-1147c01a +1687 enteric tube is seen coiled within the stomach, tip off the inferior field of view . the lungs are clear of focal consolidation . the cardiac silhouette is slightly enlarged, unchanged . no acute osseous abnormality detected noting degenerative changes at the right glenohumeral joint and possible post traumatic changes in the proximal left humerus, incompletely visualized . cardiomegaly without acute cardiopulmonary process . incompletely visualized changes of the proximal left humerus . please correlate clinically . Cardiomegaly 19549821 59966980 c810fda6-49f22def-580efb22-d9ed1837-c3e002b1 +1688 severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are similar . there is mild pulmonary vascular engorgement, also unchanged . bibasilar airspace opacities could reflect atelectasis though infection or aspiration cannot be excluded . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . mild pulmonary vascular engorgement and bibasilar opacities possibly reflecting atelectasis but infection or aspiration cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13473495 58878473 7e96d7f1-3095daed-1e42c172-37ea991c-747f03a3 +1689 there is a decreased though persistent right-sided hydropneumothorax with interval incomplete reexpansion of the right lung . no significant mediastinal shift identified with unremarkable mediastinal, hilar, and cardiac contours . right lower lung opacifications may reflect combination of reexpansion edema and atelectasis . minimal left lung atelectasis noted . improving right hydropneumothorax with right lower lung opacifications, atelectasis versus edema are likely . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax 14387068 50296389 36309315-d8541009-0bd1a6c7-61a61b57-a33c1b81 +1690 pa and lateral views of the chest are obtained . there is mild interstitial pulmonary edema without focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . heart size is grossly stable . central pulmonary vasculature appears engorged . bony structures are intact . mild chf . no signs of pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13700088 55908245 c8f77e9b-ae1d0935-5fc5b81a-bbae4b84-91567aec +1691 the patient is rotated with respect to the film . lung volumes are low and the left hemidiaphragm is markedly elevated, similar to prior . cardiomediastinal contours appear stable . indistinct appearance of the pulmonary vascular markings is compatible with mild interstitial edema . no focal consolidation, substantial pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . no radiopaque foreign body . mild pulmonary edema . Edema 18338007 50744319 36f6dd1e-fefeef89-03c80035-d373c61b-1a4e895b +1692 interval placement of feeding tube, which coils in the stomach, and subsequently courses cephalad with distal tip directed cephalad above the level of the clavicles within the proximal thoracic esophagus . exam is otherwise remarkable for improving pulmonary edema and slight decrease in mass-like opacity at left apex which has been more fully evaluated by prior ct . left retrocardiac opacity and bilateral pleural effusions appear similar . nurse was informed of the malposition of the feeding tube at pm . on by telephone at the time of discovery . Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 51373840 9bff71ab-e64fa16c-fb22884b-26584905-9f6b4cb7 +1693 pa and lateral chest compared to through , extent of peribronchial thickening and impaction of extensive bibasilar bronchiectasis may have increased slightly since the most recent prior lateral chest radiograph, . there is really no change in the appearance of the frontal views as recently as . generalized hyperinflation is due to emphysema . heart size is normal . there is no pulmonary edema, consolidation . a tiny right pleural effusion may be new, but probably not clinically significant . findings would therefore be attributed to decompensation of emphysema and bronchiectasis . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 10402372 54715839 b4220d24-884a0275-1552d547-a339b365-4417b9d5 +1694 left apical pneumothorax is tiny if any . the benefit of the lateral view . we can see that although the large region of opacification in the left lower lung is improving . there are actually two responsible abnormalities, a region of consolidation or atelectasis in the lingula, and a pleural collection in the left lower hemithorax adjacent to region of consolidation . one or both of these lesions is presumably a hematoma from recent transbronchial biopsy . pa and lateral views therefore are recommended for subsequent followup . right lung is clear . the heart is normal size . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax 15192710 58817744 b4090c18-9828842b-111e341f-0673f4ad-e42afebc +1695 the patient has received a right chest tube . the chest tube is in correct position . there is a substantial decrease in extent of the pre-existing right pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is seen . minimal air collection in the soft tissues at the site of drain insertion . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly, unchanged normal appearance of the left lung . right port-a-cath in situ . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 56785550 adae90d7-feef7abe-f9447062-dd02daab-bc446b77 +1696 during the examination interval, the two right-sided chest tubes have been removed . no pneumothorax has developed . pleural thickenings and blunting of lateral pleural sinus in right hemithorax persist rather unchanged . no new abnormalities . stable chest findings, no evidence of pneumothorax following chest tube removals . No Finding&&Support Devices 18309149 50035498 2d669c63-3ec31080-3ee62b8b-7002f5b5-bf8e73b6 +1697 heterogeneous opacification in the right lung, particularly the upper lobe has worsened . left lower lobe remains airless . overall findings are most consistent with spreading pneumonia and chronic left bronchial occlusion . small left pleural effusion is presumed . heart size top normal, decreased since . tip of the new endotracheal tube is at the level of the lower margin of the clavicles, no less than cm from the carina, standard placement . nasogastric tube ends in the mid stomach . no pneumothorax . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16313531 52300884 fe59a37b-153a2ffa-4552395e-09148941-f3badae1 +1698 pa and lateral chest radiograph a large-bore central catheter terminates in the expected location of the right atrium, unchanged from prior . the lungs are clear . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . there is no vascular congestion or pleural effusions . mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged though unchanged . mild indentation of the left trachea at the level of the clavicles is unchanged compared to prior chest ct from and likely reflects an underlying tracheal deformity as no compressive mass lesion is evident on the prior ct . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . stable mild cardiomegaly . . unchanged proximal tracheal deformity suggestive of underlying tracheomalacia . Cardiomegaly 13475033 54028344 4a5283d6-157b6054-3840ea3d-d27e7ba1-d6689022 +1699 mild opacity in the right lower lobe likely corresponds to an infectious process given the clinical concern . follow up is recommended . mild cardiomegaly and tortuous aorta are stable . opacities in the left hemithorax are consistent with post-operative changes, better evaluated by prior ct from . there is no pneumothorax or increasing pleural effusions . left hemidiaphragm is elevated as before . left perihilar opacities, though difficult to evaluate, are grossly unchanged from prior study . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15446959 51765753 532b41c5-aa84f4e3-0680a169-3354c664-82013589 +1700 the et tube tip is . cm above the carina . the ng tube tip is in the stomach . heart size and mediastinum are stable . there is interval progression of left lower lobe consolidation, a tendency has been demonstrated for last couple of days . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13031876 52075994 13f765a9-102224ff-2f70f012-43cbb0b5-05acd962 +1701 ap portable view of the chest . the lungs are relatively hyperinflated . linear opacities at the left lung base again suggestive of atelectasis versus scarring . indistinct pulmonary vascular markings are seen particularly in the left upper and right lower lung . this could be due to asymmetric mild interstitial edema in the setting of the background of chronic lung disease noting that infection is also possible . the cardiac silhouette appears slightly enlarged . median sternotomy wires again noted . asymmetric increased interstitial markings potentially due to edema superimposed on underlying chronic lung changes versus infection . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13606683 53357801 d829d785-9cf108d0-cc72151c-457d3b95-b2d38263 +1702 compared with earlier on the same day am, there has been progressive opacification of the left lung, with only a small residual lucent focus ~ . cm at the left lung apex . as before, there is evidence that the left hemidiaphragm is elevated, but now the mid portion of the lung is also opacified . there is slight leftward deviation of the trachea, new compared with at am . otherwise, the mediastinum remains midline . the lucency at the left lung apex may represent either a small amount of aerated lung or a small loculated ptx . no definite medial ptx component or penumomediastinum . however, the lateral edge of the descending aorta remains faintly visible . subcutaneous emphysema again noted, slightly improved . left chest tube again noted, unchanged . there is a slightly displaced fracture or osteotomy of the left posterior rib . in retrospect, this has been present since , but appears slightly more displaced on this study . the right lung shows mild vascular plethora, without overt chf . probable minimal atelectasis at the right lung base . however, the right lung remains grossly clear . rapid progressive opacification of the left upper and mid lung, with evidence of volume loss and persistent left hemidiaphragm elevation . clinical correlation is requested in this patient status post left lobectomy . difficult to determine whether a small pneumothorax or small amount of pneumomediastinum is still present . no fluid level detected to suggest hyrdropneumothorax . slightly displaced left posterior th rib fracture or osteotomy . note is made that the patient is sp thoracotomy . right lung clear except for mild vascular plethora and minimal basilar atelectasis . ordering house officer paged ar approximately pm on the day of the exam . Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax 12530259 54946834 4c91821b-955decb6-08bf90f3-372970dc-45cb6ac2 +1703 the endotracheal tube tip lies approximately . cm above the carina . nasogastric tube extends to at least the mid body of the stomach, where it crosses the inferior margin of the image . right ij catheter extends to about the level of the cavoatrial junction . change in appearance of the right pleural effusion may reflect differences in patient position . bilateral atelectasis and pulmonary edema are essentially unchanged . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 58055058 37e045d0-5af0d058-12f0ea0b-100224f6-7464d84d +1704 reappearance of moderate right pleural effusion obscures the right heart border . there is elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . the cardiac silhouette continues to be mildly enlarged with no signs of vascular congestion . no focal consolidation is seen . left internal jugular catheter ends in a known left persistent vena cava . reappearance of moderate right pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion 19182863 54167884 9f188b25-a57547b5-c0fafc1a-be325b3f-6cbae579 +1705 there is a right pleural effusion which is unchanged since prior exam . again seen is a right hilar opacity consistent with fibrosis, better assessed on recent ct . a subtle left lower lobe opacity is seen, which may represent atelectasis, but pneumonia cannot be excluded . the lungs are otherwise clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged from prior exam . visualized osseus structures are unremarkable . . subtle left lower lobe opacity, which may represent atelectasis, but pneumonia cannot be excluded . pa and lateral radiographs could allow for better assessment of this opacity . . stable right pulmonary effusion . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19720782 50043351 f4a818e5-89d51e2d-9f478ecb-8774a1bf-739673b3 +1706 severe right lung consolidation has developed or worsened appreciably since . interstitial abnormality in the left lung is more pronounced today than it was in , and could be mild edema . small left pleural effusion is unchanged since a torso ct on . right pic line ends in the upper svc . resected posterior right upper ribs noted . was paged to report these findings at am . as soon as they were discovered . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13263843 54651626 b87403e9-8463e40a-a104367f-cb96ab7e-b13e08a2 +1707 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is detected . heart and mediastinal contours are stable . known lung nodules are better assessed by ct . median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . no radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11879886 56855230 2aadeb6e-8b5af4b3-f3ddd4f9-8d552d40-d8a5e821 +1708 left subclavian catheter tip is in the upper svc . mild to moderate pulmonary edema has increased . no other interval change from prior study . Edema&&Support Devices 12185775 53768980 3398c38d-190a9992-bebb2e85-7ca0c527-214906cb +1709 there are some increasing atelectatic changes at the left base with some blunting of the costophrenic angle that could reflect a small amount of pleural fluid . otherwise, little change with no definite focal pneumonia or vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 15114531 56295717 63d37384-184136e7-97b99c44-25b314ac-ecd14631 +1710 a right port-a-cath and two right chest tubes are visible . the position of chest tubes are constant . the extent of the right pleural effusion is unchanged, the effusion is distributed in a slightly different manner . unchanged right basal atelectasis . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly . unremarkable left lung . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 52602627 543b4069-deab8e00-eacd542d-26643f2e-557d2591 +1711 chronic bilateral pleural effusions are again seen, decreased on the left . there is bibasilar atelectasis . the cardiac silhouette is top normal to mildly enlarged . the aorta is mildly calcified . patient is status post median sternotomy with the superior most wire again seen to be fractured . there is elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 52598379 4f4218c0-7e3de34f-abade5db-964b2d47-addcc964 +1712 the patient has taken a better inspiration . there is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with some evidence of elevated pulmonary venous pressure, though less prominent than on the previous study . intact midline sternal wires are seen in a patient with previous cabg procedure and a dual-channel pacemaker in place . axial clips are again seen . some mild atelectatic changes and possible small effusions are seen at the bases, as on prior study . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13921768 53713960 d8406953-e1473794-aadfa8d2-d7225820-6d7e558a +1713 an endotracheal tube terminates at the thoracic inlet in standard placement . lung volumes are low, but the lungs are grossly clear . there is no pneumothorax . old healed bilateral rib fractures are unchanged . the heart and mediastinum are magnified by the projection . endotracheal tube terminates at the thoracic inlet . grossly clear lungs . No Finding&&Support Devices 18079481 54657781 441735fc-34bd0286-fa539675-6602e72a-1fed5ed4 +1714 there is unchanged evidence of moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema . however, the interstitial component of the edema is more prominent on the current image . the presence of a small pleural effusion cannot be excluded . unchanged mild cardiomegaly . unchanged position of the left pectoral port-a-cath . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 10439781 52077644 5fb4fd93-f41ffe10-432dff5b-080386a2-de609585 +1715 portable ap upright chest radiograph is obtained . lungs are clear bilaterally . no signs of pneumonia or chf . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 18893199 58971994 44388ee4-a43ff605-7edf7add-37dd01f3-7596e2a5 +1716 lung volumes are low . cardiac and mediastinal silhouette is stable . there has been interval removal of right internal jugular central venous catheter . no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no overt pulmonary edema . low lung volumes without acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14727722 54717370 e5f2a417-f5d646ca-33f15b0f-5b7c75b3-2b9611d5 +1717 the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic and tricuspid valve surgery . stable appearance of cardiomediastinal contours . persistent interstitial edema . patchy and linear bibasilar atelectasis is also demonstrated as well as a small right pleural effusion . left internal jugular catheter remains in place within the left superior vena cava . . small right pleural effusion with adjacent right basilar atelectasis . . cardiomegaly and interstitial edema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 50903895 658ef774-35bbcbca-076591cf-e4bb58ca-243724d2 +1718 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . in comparison with the next preceding chest examination of , the ett has been removed . previously existing chest tube on the left side and advanced from below has been removed . no pneumothorax has developed in the apical area . mild obscuration of left-sided diaphragm suggestive of some postoperative small amount of pleural effusion, but no other new abnormalities are identified . a right-sided internal jugular approach central venous line remains in place . its termination point projects into the upper portion of the right atrium . this position is unchanged compared with the previous study . no evidence of pneumothorax following chest tube removal . No Finding&&Support Devices 11565803 58056251 04e57623-af378474-c0649f6f-0260ef77-8d56543d +1719 there is a new retrocardiac opacity . a right ij has been removed . small bilateral pleural effusions are seen . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged compared to prior . new retrocardiac opacity concerning for pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . notification the findings were relayed by text page by dr . with dr . in addition, the impression will be put in the critical dashboard . the impression above was entered by dr . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19454978 57331547 7d047120-d24a497e-fc26ea7e-6c3acc0c-ce5bc190 +1720 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . deshiscences among sternal wires appear unchanged . moderate bilateral pleural effusions appear stable a and seem to be due to chronic collections which were also characterized on prior ct with associated round atelectasis especially at the right lung base . there has been little if any change . although there is no evidence of acute process should be noted that background abnormalities may lower the sensitivity of chest radiography . stable chronic abnormalities including bilateral moderate loculated pleural effusions and areas of round atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 56241369 67a32863-338f2899-5e526d84-2639d564-a2204b9b +1721 a focal consolidation is noted within the right upper lobe . there is no evidence of pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema . mild cardiomegaly is stable . redemonstrated are right subclavian and left brachiocephalic vascular stents, unchanged in position from prior examination . new right upper lobe consolidation compatible with pneumonia . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 19061282 59941176 b8dfd605-1122ed45-3fd45f18-5d90932a-5f2dab90 +1722 no focal opacity to suggest pneumonia is seen . no pneumothorax or significant pleural effusion is present . no pulmonary edema is seen . there are multiple calcified nodules consistent with prior granulomatous disease . however, a right upper lobe nodule measuring mm is concerning . this previously measured mm on the ct , though comparison is limited across these modalities . the heart size is top normal . there is tortuosity and calcification of the thoracic aorta . a left-sided dual-lead pacemaker is unchanged . the patient is status post median sternotomy . surgical clips in the right upper quadrant are consistent with cholecystectomy . . no evidence of pneumonia . . right upper lobe nodule measuring mm on this examination . this measured mm on the prior ct, though comparison across modalities is limited . given the concerning appearance, this nodule would be better followed by dedicated ct . Lung Lesion 17763117 54066754 2562051f-7aa8f63a-d00bafea-ddf082c6-838ba1fd +1723 the tracheostomy tip is approximately . cm above the carina . the right subclavian line tip is at the level of mid svc . the patient is after placement of the percutaneous gastrostomy . the right chest tube is in place . substantial amount of subcutaneous air is seen, although minimally improved since the prior study . loculated air collections are noted bilaterally, unchanged in the short interim . prominence of the pulmonary arteries, consistent with pulmonary hypertension, as well as bullous changes in the apices, are redemonstrated . no definitive pneumothorax is seen . right lower lobe consolidation with internal areas of cavitation is better assessed on the ct torso obtained on . Consolidation&&Support Devices 16751749 57123927 9119a930-f6f4b42c-7a484c12-258d4a4a-b033a356 +1724 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding portable chest examination with the patient in supine position as of . again noted is status post sternotomy and significant enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . previously described permanent pacer in left axillary position with two intracavitary electrodes in unchanged location . unchanged position of left internal jugular approach central venous line terminating in upper portion of svc . no pneumothorax has developed . diffuse haze over both lung bases as before obliterating the diaphragmatic contours and indicative of bilateral pleural effusions partially layering posteriorly . the pulmonary venous congestive pattern persists . an intra-aortic balloon pump device is seen to terminate in the descending thoracic aorta about cm below the level of the lower thoracic arch contour . this is unchanged . no significant interval changes during the last hours interval . the described changes with postoperative status, chf, pleural effusion and intra-aortic balloon pump device in place is of course compatible with the patients hypoxia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10886362 54849848 9189763d-c3b6ee12-d0d89f14-29a0cb1f-e3dee331 +1725 no focal consolidation is seen there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14312560 55983006 8385af08-8516e6ef-1401e3b8-75199f0d-5e5877e1 +1726 the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours appear unchanged . the lung volumes are low . there is a patchy left basilar opacity obscuring the cardiac border and apex of the left hemidiaphragm, worrisome for pneumonia . elsewhere, the lungs appear clear . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . new left basilar opacity worrisome for pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 12074041 52874646 af39d55c-0622bc39-b9865798-29ff5a61-eb7cfb93 +1727 comparison is made with prior study and ct . there is a large amount of air in the right pleural space, despite the presence of two chest tubes . et tube tip is in standard position, cm above the carina . cardiac size is normal . widened mediastinum can be post-operative . patient has severe emphysema . left lower lobe opacities could represent mild interstitial edema . the remaining right lung is partially collapsed . surgical clips project in the right hilum, and mid lung . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19991135 54910031 d04bbcbd-5143439e-50ebe9a8-71380f67-44f8d127 +1728 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate heterogeneous opacities in the left mid lung . similar opacities are also seen in the right lung base . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . heart size is normal . no pulmonary edema . multifocal pneumonia . follow-up exam following resolution of the symptoms is recommended . Pneumonia 19748558 54913354 7ee153a9-e00f7cd0-8c44b852-d83a1175-db28c1e7 +1729 the lungs are hyperinflated and the diaphragms are flattened, consistent with copd . multiple surgical clips are seen about the mediastinum, consistent with prior surgery . a linear wire-like density is again noted in the retrosternal region, unchanged . previously seen anterior chest wall drains have been removed . on todays exam, the heart is not enlarged . the aorta is unfolded . there is prominence of a hila suggesting element of pulmonary hypertension, probably unchanged . there is some linear atelectasis andor scarring at both lung bases . ring-like opacity in the left upper zone seen on the prior study has resolved, with only minimal residual scarring . no chf or new focal infiltrate is detected . no effusions are identified . no pneumothorax is detected . relative lucency at the right base is thought to represent an artifact due to overlying soft tissues of the chest . . background copd, with suspected pulmonary hypertension . . status post sternotomy, with mediastinal clips . no chf . . no acute infiltrate identified . residual scarring noted, detailed above . . no pneumothorax detected . Lung Opacity 17770657 56969126 ca198d4c-70be63ec-5974f3e9-d6320a38-4eb83158 +1730 support and monitoring devices are in standard position, and cardiomediastinal contours are stable . mass-like area of consolidation at left apex appears slightly less dense and has been more fully evaluated by recent ct . moderate layering right pleural effusion and small left pleural effusion are similar, with adjacent bibasilar areas of atelectasis or consolidation . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 54155919 fb7ca346-c681578f-ca4991f6-03844d32-706f3694 +1731 there is little overall change in the degree of aeration of the lungs . some suggested increased opacification at the left costophrenic angle could reflect some increasing effusion . no evidence of pneumothorax . evidence of prior right upper lobe lobectomy and radiation therapy, better demonstrated on recent ct scan . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13263843 56506647 28c782b9-7eb7d267-5a9a998f-25d24646-e811e771 +1732 the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . lung volumes are increased compared to the most recent prior study . diffuse interstitial abnormality with small nodules not significantly changed . pulmonary vasculature is within normal limits . diffuse interstitial abnormalities, small nodules, with no appreciable progression . improved lung volumes . No Finding 12303667 54218896 e4e0e4ff-71138eac-7cef38bd-ce820887-d59037ff +1733 lung volumes are low compared to the previous study . left-sided aicd device is noted with single lead terminating in unchanged position in the right ventricle . heart size appears at least mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . there is crowding of the bronchovascular structures without overt pulmonary edema . streaky opacities in the lung bases likely reflect areas of atelectasis . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . low lung volumes with probable bibasilar atelectasis . no evidence of pulmonary edema . Atelectasis 14556809 50432000 7a75be73-77ed1349-e974ef60-e017dcfa-5be7d3fa +1734 the patient is after median sternotomy and cabg with stable appearance of heart and mediastinum . lungs are essentially clear with no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . elevated right hemidiaphragm is unchanged . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 15272972 55253443 bfabef8c-049764f6-b4560c11-45386b68-f02bcda5 +1735 in comparison with the study , there again are patchy areas of increased opacification at both bases, very worrisome for bilateral pneumonia . the remainder of the examination is unchanged . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16508811 53632136 cf4509de-e07c9ef6-ac4ef196-5d471150-97723ba4 +1736 pa and lateral views of the chest a large dilated, debris-filled, possibly fluid filled esophagus is again appreciated, abutting the right mediastinum, in this patient with known achalasia . the finding appears more prominent as compared to the right study of but similar to . there is a questionable air-fluid level in the proximal thoracic esophagus . the possibility of progressed slowed emptying of the esophagus is raised . there is no evidence of aspiration . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is difficult to assess . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 11569042 58961408 3ea573fe-97c9bfbd-53a4c4ff-bf9dc7f4-65fd2f0a +1737 moderate-to-severe overinflation with known areas of bronchiectasis and perifocal parenchymal opacities . the opacities are unchanged in distribution and severity . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . normal hilar and mediastinal structures . no newly appeared focal parenchymal changes . Lung Opacity 10402372 56711198 840febf0-f7f07a57-33f1bfa8-6a02494a-8dc4cb09 +1738 cardiac silhouette size remains mildly enlarged and multiple mediastinal clips from prior cabg are again noted . the aorta remains tortuous and diffusely calcified . pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . hilar contours are similar . ill-defined focal opacities are again noted within both upper lobes as well as within the left lower lobe, not substantially changed in the interval, and better assessed on the previous ct . no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . no acute osseous abnormalities detected . clips are noted within the midline upper abdomen . re- demonstration of multifocal parenchymal opacities compatible with adenocarcinoma, better assessed on the previous ct . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 14851532 56997833 ff9fed32-307dfd9e-3f70b114-c9234fbc-6a057052 +1739 a dual-lead pacemaker implanted in the left chest wall has two leads terminating in the expected location of the right atrium and right ventricle respectively . mild hyperexpansion is unchanged . a small right pleural effusion is new . there are no focal opacities to suggest pneumonia . mild cardiomegaly is stable . the hilar contours and pulmonary vasculature appear normal . the mediastinal silhouette is unchanged . tortuosity of the thoracic aorta is re-demonstrated . . small right pleural effusion is new however, there is no evidence of pneumonia and no other significant appreciable change . . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged . the above results were communicated via telephone by dr . at pm . as requested . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 10754184 56625924 e12e1dd7-9b6e4d27-63a06a72-937c9716-451f2db8 +1740 cardiac silhouette size is normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . as seen on the previous chest radiograph are ill-defined opacities within the left upper lobe and left lung base . the right lung is clear apart from subsegmental atelectasis or scarring at the right lung base . no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . cholecystectomy clips are seen in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen . ill-defined opacities within the left upper lobe and left lung base are unchanged from previous radiograph, and likely worse or new compared to the most recent chest ct . this could be due to an infectious etiology or cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, given that ground-glass opacities have been seen on prior chest cts in a waxing and waning fashion . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16435402 52314112 7bd2406e-7c8114ad-31d1b818-28c7e563-6a1a6176 +1741 no evidence of focal parenchymal opacities indicative of pneumonia . the orogastric tube has been removed . unchanged borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without pulmonary edema . the lateral radiograph reveals a minimal pleural effusion bilaterally, restricted to the dorsal parts of the costophrenic sinus . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14312560 59332489 ae39f4d0-b0da3b02-52929cd2-b6698aad-a681fd22 +1742 there has been interval removal of the right-sided central venous catheter . a port-a-cath visible on the left has its tip terminating in the cavoatrial junction . an ovoid lucency projects over the right tracheobronchial angle and a crescentic lucency is seen along the junction of the left heart border and aortic lumen and a small subdiaphragmatic crescentic lucency is also seen beneath the right hemidiaphragm . subcutaneous emphysema is seen along the right chest wall . overall, the lungs are clear . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . an old healed rib fracture is seen in the eighth posterolateral rib on the right . clips are seen in the epigastric region of the abdomen . mediastinal lucencies concerning for pneumomediastinum subcutaneous emphysema subdiaphragmatic free air, all new compared to prior study, and in the setting of recent surgery may reflect air dissecting along the fascial planes . correlate with other history of instrumentation or trauma . an initial report of these findings was given by dr . in person on . No Finding 15758946 51808820 35d6d97a-9cbb9f6a-78b7bf1d-f7a49df3-fa17a2b5 +1743 the lung volumes have increased, likely reflecting improved ventilation or increased ventilatory pressure . a pre-existing opacity in the right lung has almost completely resolved . on the left, atelectasis in the retrocardiac lung regions, a small perihilar opacity and a mild-to-moderate left pleural effusion, persist . no new parenchymal opacities . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16334516 50645830 0336687b-390c6d13-fe15ecd8-f66d495e-b90db625 +1744 heart size is normal . mediastinum is normal . there is interval placement of bravo ph capsule projecting over the expected location in the distal esophagus . surgical clips in the left upper abdomen are unchanged . lungs are clear and there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . overall, there is minimal interval change including left lower lobe linear opacity that might represent atelectasis, although small infectious process in this area cannot be excluded . note is also made of a large trachea, approaching . cm in coronal and cm in the sagittal diameter in this patient with known tracheomalacia . new left lower lobe linear opacity that might reflect developingresolving infectious involving infectious process versus atelectasis . tracheomegaly . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15114531 51380921 a628980c-8235948c-af0bf50a-9aec5850-fcd593fc +1745 moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged compared to exams dating back to , however appears slightly increased compared to exams from . there has been interval increase in moderate pulmonary vascular congestion and diffuse bilateral interstitial lung markings as well as peribronchiolar cuffing concerning for pulmonary edema . widening of the superior mediastinum is due to mediastinal lipomatosis and tortuous vessels as seen on the prior ct from . right-sided morgagni hernia is unchanged . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . compression deformities of the mid thoracic spine are unchanged compared to the prior exam . interval increase in moderate cardiomegaly with increased diffuse interstitial markings concerning for pulmonary edema, however an atypical infection is not excluded . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13475033 56512741 f0efdf99-db7193c1-b47f4ffa-dd90a48e-2071134d +1746 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from earlier the same day at pm . there has been interval placement of a left-sided chest tube projecting over the left lower hemithorax . there is overlying subcutaneous gas . lucency still persists adjacent to the mediastinum on the left . otherwise, there has been no change . multiple right-sided rib fractures are better seen on the prior exam . interval placement of a left-sided chest tube projecting over the left hemithorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 12736592 51566590 9fd949c5-ac707f23-cce74dc3-069335d6-c3d02d66 +1747 chest pa and lateral radiograph demonstrates unchanged cardiomediastinal and hilar contours . no overt pulmonary edema is evident though chronic mild interstitial abnormalities are stable . faint opacification projecting over the left mid lung may represent developing infectious process . there is no definitive correlate on the lateral radiograph . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax present . mild separation of superior aspect of sternotomy line with intact sternotomy sutures . faint increased opacification in left mid lung may indicate developing infectious process . could further evaluate with right anterior oblique view to further evaluate lung . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10274145 53356050 4e60f3da-37ed157d-a469a568-0b2ee907-4b01c924 +1748 there is unchanged evidence of bilateral chest tubes . known rib fractures, known soft tissue gas accumulations bilaterally . the presence of a minimal right apical pneumothorax cannot be excluded . no evidence of tension . minimal fluid overload, borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . no focal parenchymal opacity suggesting pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 12736592 52442135 ca418dad-d4092480-3bf56e1f-9b920db8-8b8361de +1749 heart size and mediastinum are stable . tortuous aorta is re-demonstrated . right pleural effusion appears to be unchangedminimally smaller since the prior study, again most likely loculated posteriorly and laterally . aeration of the right lower lung has minimally improved . left lung is essentially clear . multiple rib fractures are re-demonstrated bilaterally . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion 13352405 53475803 fc9d24b9-ab585ce7-32abcbae-b223b872-d70b72cf +1750 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged with cardiomegaly and tortuous aorta . there is no evidence of pneumonia . there is mild vascular congestion . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . there are mild degenerative changes in the thoracic spine . there is s-shaped scoliosis . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 13475033 50093179 4a021054-bbc5de8b-8b37348e-b2c5feec-9767dc05 +1751 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . the lungs are clear . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . there is blunting of the right costophrenic angle, consistent with scarring or a trace pleural effusion . there is no left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is seen . note is made of a gastric pull-through . . no acute cardiac or pulmonary process . . possible tiny right pleural effusion versus scarring . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16848073 53387141 1a0d4a94-6ef86f39-cbfdfcac-7dd9b3a7-a693ce1d +1752 severe cardiomegaly is a stable . mild vascular congestion is unchanged . retrocardiac opacities have improved consistent with improving atelectasis . if any there is a small left effusion . there is no pneumothora . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 54906849 87528f6b-d04a6330-74d35720-8c8af75d-54f79a11 +1753 there are moderately low lung volumes bilaterally with an increase in left lower lobe atelectasis . bilateral pleural effusions are seen . there is a stable enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette . a right ij catheter sheath is seen terminating in the mid svc . a right subclavian double-lumen catheter is seen to terminate within the right atrium . an ng tube is again seen entering the stomach and then out of the field of view . there is no pneumothorax . bilateral pleural effusion with stable cardiomediastinal silhouette . low lung volumes bilaterally with increased left mid and lower lung atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 15259244 57867628 88d66a2e-11751a81-a9daf8df-433b48ec-34cd1570 +1754 there are decreasing right lung volumes . an area of opacity at the right lung base could correspond to atelectasis or pneumonia . in addition, the lower region of the right hilus appears slightly denser than before, so that a hilar process cannot be excluded . the left lung appears unchanged . there is borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . an upright pa and lateral radiograph should be obtained . if this is still ambiguous, ct should be performed to rule out a right hilar process . at the time of dictation, , am, the referring physician, . , was being covered by dr . , was paged for notification . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13979643 58088902 3cbd3bc6-39526273-ad8ae42e-93fe3364-f9d21652 +1755 ap upright and lateral views of the chest were provided . there is a calcified nodule again seen projecting over the left mid lung as seen on prior ct . there is no focal consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax seen . the heart size is top normal . mediastinal contour is stable . tracheobronchial tree calcification is noted . bony structures appear intact . no acute traumatic injuries . No Finding 15612622 52026509 c84b7521-c75b5b52-ce5dc9c4-ec6fb779-a69ee6b1 +1756 one of the right chest tubes appears to have been removed . no definite pneumothorax is appreciated . post-surgical changes persist in the right hemithorax and there is extensive subcutaneous gas along the right lateral chest wall . No Finding&&Support Devices 19991135 58283482 f6a7a470-9e057a45-d244e0e5-3efe1422-bb946478 +1757 since prior radiograph, there has been development of small pleural effusion on the right with fluid within the fissure . opacity at the right base is similar as on prior radiographs and may represent atelectasis however, infection cannot be excluded . there is atelectasis at left lung base . peripheral left upper lobe opacity is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . there are degenerative changes in the thoracic spine . re-accumulation of small right pleural effusion with opacity at the right base, with non-specific consolidation at right lung base which could be infectious . follow-up to resolution . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12699874 54061371 72de19ce-ad49323e-c750d7aa-7aefad64-932f50e0 +1758 compared to the previous radiograph, there is no relevant change . the monitoring and support devices are in constant position . bilateral pleural effusions with slightly different distribution but overall unchanged extent . subsequent areas of predominantly basal atelectasis . no evidence of newly occurred focal parenchymal opacities . minimal fluid overload . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15758946 57083382 9f5b44e9-6f162589-6533517c-f73c712d-9cef61a7 +1759 mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly is accompanied by upper zone vascular redistribution, vascular indistinctness and mild interstitial edema . a slightly more confluent opacity at the right lung base medially may reflect asymmetrical dependent edema, but followup radiographs may be helpful to exclude a developing infection in this region . small bilateral pleural effusions have improved since previous study . calcified right hilar lymph nodes are unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 11893091 56555909 8a301a4d-4df7ca0e-b32741cd-f7fe73d9-4605a414 +1760 since the prior study, there has been interval increase in perihilar opacities, right greater than left, which may be due to infectious process with possible superimposed edema . the cardiac silhouette remains mildly enlarged with left ventricular configuration . the aortic knob is calcified . no large pleural effusion is seen, although trace effusions are difficult to exclude . no pneumothorax . interval development of right perihilar opacity while could relate to asymmetric edema, infectious process is also in the differential . no large pleural effusion however, trace bilateral pleural effusions difficult to exclude . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15393401 57486536 804b2558-1b928d2d-a41b4959-275e9da9-5ccdeca5 +1761 heart size remains mild to moderately enlarged . the mediastinal contour is unchanged . a a right subclavian vein stent appears unchanged . mild to moderate pulmonary edema is worse in the interval . patchy opacities in the lung bases likely reflect areas of atelectasis . minimal right pleural effusion is noted . no pneumothorax is identified . nodes osseous abnormalities detected . mild to moderate pulmonary edema, slightly worse in the interval with trace right pleural effusion and bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 14744884 50324889 d6326d09-908b90e7-7f3c10fc-620713fc-4e490c4a +1762 upright ap and lateral views of the chest the cardiac silhouette size is unchanged, and appears mildly enlarged . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable, and there is no evidence of pulmonary edema . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine . No Finding 19028690 55310022 ee0ef8eb-6e0b96dd-964fb803-b19c1c2c-cd735b21 +1763 hilar and mediastinal vascular engorgements have improved, mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly has not . substantial bibasilar opacification can be explained by atelectasis . pleural effusions are presumed but not appreciable . tip of the endotracheal tube at the thoracic inlet is no less than . cm from the carina and should be advanced cm for more secured seating . right internal jugular line ends in the mid-to-low svc, and a nasogastric tube passes far into the stomach . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16055653 51069079 de44206d-3a107422-191fdf32-35511457-92f6967c +1764 the patient is status post median sternotomy . in the interval since the prior study, there has been increase in the interstitial markings bilaterally and prominence of the hila suggesting moderate pulmonary edema . small pleural effusion may also be present . basilar opacities may relate to fluid overload however, infectious process is not excluded . moderate pulmonary edema . possible small pleural effusion seen posteriorly on the lateral view . underlying basilar infection not entirely excluded . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16672854 58255680 6c07c33a-7fa8c707-954343f0-26c7f512-379005a9 +1765 the patient has been extubated . parenchymal opacities in the left lung are similar to mildly worsened . a left internal jugular vein catheter terminates in the mid svc . the ng tube is no longer present . again seen is the large right subpulmonic effusion . the small left pleural effusion is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11569093 59995358 51b6ffe9-580e1dd3-9aa94073-a614dd4f-e41809b0 +1766 compared to the prior radiograph, lung volumes remain low . streaky opacity in the left lung base is likely atelectasis, and similar to the prior radiograph . no focal opacity identified at the left lung base on concurrent ct . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . no pneumothorax is identified . no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . Pneumonia 14841168 50792961 786239e7-5c2c7f97-0c5c6b36-f8e00af3-91804ffc +1767 heart size is normal . mediastinum is normal . there is interval improvement, but no complete resolution of the left lower lobe opacity . there are no new opacities noted to suggest new infectious process . there is no pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . . partial improvement of previously demonstrated left lower lobe pneumonia . reevaluation of the patient in four weeks with chest radiograph is recommended for documentation of complete resolution . if clinically warranted, assessment with chest ct might be considered . . suspected hiatal hernia . No Finding 18343726 55340847 093baa2b-62a8c5b2-9255859f-2edf2dcf-4f5ed090 +1768 there has been no significant interval change . re- demonstrated is diffuse increase and interstitial markings bilaterally consistent with chronic lung disease, grossly stable . no focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no significant interval change . No Finding 13475033 50956811 34c46b78-c751bfe6-f38375be-f360ffe3-d6a24fda +1769 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is no pulmonary edema . the heart is normal in size, and the mediastinal contours are normal . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15659181 51363438 6bee882f-357d1846-ca771638-0a877fc8-6d19d615 +1770 the previously seen right lower lobe opacification has decreased substantially . there has also been a mild decrease in the amount of vascular engorgement suggesting improvement in mild biventricular heart failure . in retrospect, given the rapid change, the opacification likely represented fluid overload . the heart size is at the upper limits of normal . the sternal wires are intact and midline . there is longstanding midline lucency in the manubrium and upper body is due to incomplete sternal fusion there is no evidence of other incision complications . a picc can be traced to the mid svc . . mild improvement of pulmonary vascular congestion . . less opacification at the right lower no evidence of pneumonia on todays radiograph . results were communicated with the surgery team by dr . . Edema 10274145 59166131 2cc38dd6-d1f5970f-055155bc-e9e8fccd-8ec98168 +1771 . endotracheal tube has its tip . cm above the carina . there has been interval repositioning of the dobbhoff feeding tube which now has its tip projected over the stomach . in addition, there has been interval placement of right subclavian picc line, which has its tip in the right atrium . pullback of approximately cm would be advised in order to position the tip in the mid to distal svc . the patient is status post median sternotomy with stable postoperative cardiac and mediastinal contours . there continued to be patchy opacities at both bases with some layering pleural fluid, likely suggestive of compressive atelectasis rather than bilateral pneumonia . clinical correlation is advised . no pneumothorax is seen . calcification of the aorta is consistent with atherosclerosis . the iv nurse, , was notified of the need for repositioning on by phone at pm . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 53389484 f0f2783b-afa3d964-f7b57c94-97500fd5-5b85adee +1772 there is persistent prominence of the left hilum which appears site less confluent as compared to , but more prominent as compared to chest radiograph from , underlying lymphadenopathy not excludedno focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . prominence of the left hilum appears slightly less confluent as compared to the prior study, but otherwise persists again, underlying lymphadenopathy is not entirely excluded, and could be further assessed for on nonurgent chest ct . no focal consolidation . No Finding 15659181 53619001 a9a7d29d-d6bfc7f0-0cf3ce22-1a6a9dbc-1df52ce1 +1773 status post thoracotomy, moderate cardiac enlargement and evidence of aortic valve prosthesis as well as tricuspid valve annuloplasty as before . the removal of the right-sided pleural effusion of the preceding day remains successful as the right-sided diaphragmatic contour and pleural sinus is free, demonstrating the pigtail-end catheter in unchanged position . no pneumothorax has developed . the pulmonary vascular pattern again demonstrates perivascular haze throughout which in comparison appears slightly increased again . this may have led to question a left-sided pneumonia, a diagnosis which is questionable . persistent successful status post right-sided thoracocentesis, mildly increasing pulmonary congestive pattern with perivascular haze . diagnosis of left-sided pneumonic infiltrate is questionable unless compelling clinical findings are present . Lung Opacity 19182863 51889790 404c92ca-507a2663-933cb795-d5538049-f6ed552e +1774 portable ap chest radiograph was reviewed in comparison to prior study dated . et tube tip, pacemaker leads, ng tube, replaced mitral valve are unchanged in appearance . there is also no change in the cardiomediastinal silhouette . interval improvement of pulmonary edema is demonstrated which is still at least moderate . bilateral pleural effusions are noted, small to moderate . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18322589 53572321 2fb974ec-04c5bfca-85b4c5fb-85b767ee-9ccd38d2 +1775 there is still enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with some elevation of pulmonary venous pressure, though substantially less than on the prior study . the more focal opacification at the left base is not appreciated at this time . there is fluid within one of the major fissures, though no substantial free pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 19759491 59691119 5ad83d61-44f64350-e0fe61c9-c78a0842-626ecb1f +1776 dual-lumen dialysis catheter tip is in the right atrium . the previously noted left internal jugular line has since been removed . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . patient is status post median sternotomy with fractured median sternotomy wires which appear in disarray representative of sternal nonunion . again visualized are small bilateral pleural effusions, greater on the right than the left with bibasilar atelectasis . . small ilateral pleural effusions with bibasilar atelectasis . no focal consolidations . . fractured and misaligned median sternotomy wires are stable, indicating chronic sternal nonunion . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion 12189285 59956784 a4398b56-ec603dc8-a33c3c3b-d4969bf3-6ae3e7b1 +1777 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . left-sided aicd is unchanged in position . patchy right lower lobe opacity is seen, worrisome for consolidation which could be due to infection or aspiration . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable with the cardiac silhouette top normal . patchy right lower lobe opacity is seen, worrisome for consolidation which could be due to infection or aspiration . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16059470 55714183 19e1160c-64331a2f-1c1287f4-deca2aae-a62a7beb +1778 single frontal view of the chest demonstrates evidence of prior cabg and median sternotomy . the lungs are mildly hyperinflated allowing for somewhat lordotic patient positioning, suggestive of emphysema . there is minimal interstitial edema . the heart is top normal in size . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . . mild interstitial pulmonary edema . . findings suggestive of underlying emphysema . Edema 17288844 52481016 c57c824d-1eddb1d5-5933f11b-3da0b20b-0bd14eef +1779 the patient has taken a better inspiration . the heart is normal in size and there is no vascular congestion, pleural effusion, or acute focal pneumonia . No Finding 14312560 57784780 2ad8c1ee-2b9971e8-22aef719-feb89bce-e6c1aa69 +1780 severe cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular congestion have increased, exaggerated by low lung volumes . there is no pulmonary edema or pneumonia . vascular deficiency in the lung apices, particularly the right suggests emphysema . transvenous right atrial and left ventricular pacer and right ventricular pacer defibrillator leads are unchanged in their respective positions . et tube in standard placement . no pneumothorax or appreciable pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 12595991 58608964 fab6875e-e58537aa-922ded04-7be27ddc-15a63067 +1781 pa and lateral upright chest radiographs were reviewed in comparison to prior study . there is interval expected increase in the left hemithorax effusion with more superior location of the air-fluid level . subcutaneous air on the left appears to be slightly decreased . right lung is essentially clear . left mediastinal shift appears as expected . there has been interval removal of the epidural anesthesia catheter . Pleural Effusion 12410066 51765454 c29fbf77-80a0a173-85f3cdfd-37459ee3-341a72e3 +1782 the apparent small pneumothorax tracking along the minor fissure is not definitely appreciated . there is hazy opacification of the right hemithorax with poor definition of the hemidiaphragm, consistent with layering pleural effusion and compressive atelectasis at the base . mild atelectatic changes are also seen on the left . the nasogastric tube has been removed . right ij catheter and left subclavian catheter remain in place . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16319601 53409681 f5ffe72f-2177cc32-4bf7c5fa-c241b35c-447b2120 +1783 the patient has been extubated . the nasogastric tube was removed . the left central venous access line persists . lung volumes are stable . mild to moderate fluid overload . improvement of a pre-existing right basal atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 14841168 55795536 df44930a-9212c400-9890cd67-b4f66cb6-c3319429 +1784 as compared to the previous image, no relevant change is seen . the alignment of the sternal wires and the course of the pacemaker wires is constant . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . mild elongation of the descending aorta . no pulmonary edema . the left picc line is difficult to evaluate, given that it parallels the radiodense pacemaker leads . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16043637 58121758 e84c9b1f-a3692bc5-ec24fb5f-c4874a9d-79cada2a +1785 ap and lateral views of the chest were provided . there is a moderate left pleural effusion, increased since the prior exam . there is a stable small right pleural effusion . the pulmonary vasculature is prominent consistent with pulmonary edema . opacity in the left lung most likely represents atelectasis . the heart size is top normal and there are aortic knob calcifications . there is no pneumothorax . increased left pleural effusion and pulmonary edema . left lung opacity most likely represents atelectasis, although an early developing infiltrate cannot be entirely excluded . recommend repeat radiographs after diuresis to rule out underlying infectious process . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15380734 55418359 5051fc01-30c7f31e-a08187d6-28940c33-8ba36cc3 +1786 the lungs are well inflated and clear . the cardiac silhouette is normal . the left hilum appears enlarged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . . no focal consolidation . . enlarged left hilum which could reflect hilar lymphadenopathy . ct is recommended for further evaluation . notification findings discussed with dr by dr phone at am on . No Finding 15659181 56771404 7c32ce35-7b1034c4-629b82bd-91ec7754-06210160 +1787 right mid and right lower lobe opacities are new, are worrisome for aspiration . left lower lobe atelectasis is unchanged . there are low lung volumes . small right pleural effusion is unchanged . cardiomediastinal contours are stable . there is no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13979643 55454852 be562971-612bb3bb-8057a83f-8874a5f4-59394944 +1788 as compared to prior study of day earlier, a moderate right pleural effusion appears slightly larger, but positional differences may contribute to this apparent change . partially loculated moderate left effusion is unchanged, and cardiomediastinal contours are stable . mild gastric distension in the upper abdomen is new . no other relevant changes . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 51140141 a08fd798-d0a9076f-264c3f63-acc21aa0-d648d9d2 +1789 portable upright radiograph of the chest there are ill-defined opacity at the bilateral lung bases which was not present on the prior examination . the remainder of the lungs are clear . the hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the pulmonary vascular markings appear normal . a right picc line terminates at the cavoatrial junction and incidental note is made of several old right rib fractures . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17720924 58728926 9df378ca-1a460144-f9bb32fc-35303d15-8b86f4c9 +1790 pulmonary vascular congestion in the left lung has worsened since and several nodular foci in the left lung have increased in size, though partially obscured by edema . right lung remains entirely collapsed . patient has had right upper thoracoplasty . heart is probably not enlarged . left pleural effusion is small, increased slightly since . right subclavian pic line ends in the upper svc . there is no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13263843 57878445 0c49c7b0-26167f04-e2cfa26a-15361a7f-6a33c4b8 +1791 again seen is the right middle lobe infiltrate . there is also left lingular infiltrate that is slightly increased in conspicuity compared to prior . there are small bilateral pleural effusions that have increased compared to prior . the patchy upper lobe infiltrate seen on ct is not as well visualized on the chest x-ray . bilateral pneumonia with increased effusion . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16662264 58623741 a03ac33d-fe835365-82973c3a-0bf2e738-fbb8a2f1 +1792 the lungs are hyperinflated but clear of focal consolidation or vascular congestion . previously bilateral effusions are no longer visualized . cardiomediastinal silhouette, osseous and soft tissue structures are unchanged . interval resolution of previously seen layering effusions . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13881772 58581962 f84cbcd6-8eef4c5e-b8c536b9-7121aa4e-7233d805 +1793 the heart remains mildly enlarged . there is mild interstitial pulmonary edema which is similar to prior exam . no large effusion is seen . eventration of the right hemidiaphragm is noted . mediastinal contour is stable . no focal consolidation suggestive of pneumonia . the bony structures appear intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . aortic calcifications are again noted . mild cardiomegaly and mild interstitial edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13475033 54830140 fd6d0847-90e245d6-5e8b9257-3f6a857c-cc3dccc6 +1794 the lungs are well expanded and clear . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . there is moderate aortic tortuosity, unchanged . a small right-sided pleural effusion is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . sternotomy wires are intact . multiple fractures in early stages of healing are noted in the right rib cage . stable small right sided pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion 12736592 57368679 f7349b90-c86e0ac7-2794b96b-e665dc2a-b3f47921 +1795 right pleural catheter has been removed with slight decrease in pleural effusion and no definite pneumothorax . small left effusion has decreased in size . atelectasis is seen at the right base, and no focal consolidation or pulmonary edema is seen . mild cardiomegaly persists, and the median sternotomy wires are intact . the left central venous line is in appropriate position in a known left-sided svc . right pleural catheter removed with decreased right effusion and no definite pneumothorax . No Finding 19182863 59504314 f04b1aeb-e42a14c0-ad437e4e-dee054c7-e24bbe86 +1796 right pic line has been pulled back to the low right axilla since . moderate right pleural effusion and large right hilar mass unchanged . new opacification at the base the left lung could be early edema or incipient pneumonia, particularly due to aspiration . heart size is normal . Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19720782 50799000 c0a270fd-e635e760-25105a1f-25fde453-b521148c +1797 lungs are clear . there is no consolidation, effusion, or edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no acute osseous abnormalities . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13120957 57697281 95133322-5ad8fb3e-dea16125-70e718db-6cef790a +1798 lung volumes have improved and pulmonary and mediastinal vascular engorgement have decreased since . there is no good evidence for pneumonia and pleural effusions are small if any . mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly unchanged . right pic line ends just before the junction of the brachiocephalic veins . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 50305989 2f10769e-95f1782e-58bcd178-a4cd46d2-cd832272 +1799 upright ap view of the chest there are low lung volumes . the heart size is normal . the aorta remains tortuous . there is crowding of the bronchovascular structures, but no overt pulmonary edema . linear opacities at the lung bases likely reflect atelectasis . possible trace left pleural effusion is present . no pneumothorax . no free air under the diaphragms . there is gaseous distention of the stomach . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 13979643 53102363 c063f72d-3383a805-adfef1af-05414ba2-9eba728c +1800 there are increased pulmonary vascular markings and redistribution . prominent azygos vein is also noted . there is mild cardiomegaly, unchanged . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . the ng tube courses through the esophagus and terminates outside the field of view . mild volume overload . No Finding 14312560 54145592 2e02dd1a-6c84da2d-c2df5435-9ac1ab07-f7351caa +1801 the cardiac silhouette is unchanged . there is increasing opacity at the right lung base . as previously noted, there is volume loss . this volume loss could now be accompanied by a small right pleural effusion . the left hemidiaphragm is also less visible, suggesting the potential for a small left pleural effusion . the monitoring and support devices, in particular the position of the endotracheal tube is constant . at the time of observation and dictation, am, on , the referring physician . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 52989952 d31b7429-f370f8c7-ceb83fb9-f7188520-153ffb88 +1802 there is unchanged evidence of mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema . the pre-existing scars in the lung parenchyma, notably at the left lung apex and left lung base are constant in appearance . constant size of the cardiac silhouette . no larger pleural effusions . the dobbhoff catheter has been pulled back . the catheter is now malpositioned in the esophagus and needs to be advanced by at least cm to ensure position in the stomach . unchanged position of the left picc line . unchanged alignment of the sternotomy wires . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16334516 54611996 dd28d7b2-1303acd7-f23b52ab-4c24a9ab-f7296720 +1803 heart size is enlarged, unchanged . post sternotomy wires are stable . pacemaker defibrillator leads terminate in right atrium and right ventricle, the pacemaker is left-sided . mediastinum is stable . bilateral interstitial changes at the need and lower lungs appear to be slightly improved . no pneumothorax or appreciable pleural effusion is seen . previously demonstrated multifocal consolidations have substantially improved and the currently seen changes might potentially represent the sequela or previous alveolar consolidations . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Support Devices 12475198 57980670 c6f1c4e9-f329ac22-634957fc-4f7f9884-fa9f9fc8 +1804 lung volumes are somewhat low . allowing for this, there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 19623993 52893597 61ed122d-80b347e7-d2269b6b-e28fb75e-e5585f0f +1805 there is moderate amount of right-sided subcutaneous emphysema which is similar in appearance compared to prior . right-sided chest tube is again visualized . there is no increase in the pneumothorax . bilateral parenchymal opacities are again visualized and not significantly changed . the tracheostomy tube is in standard location . right subclavian line tip is in the mid svc . Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16751749 55336208 1479bd69-820c7589-5e02e82e-b713275f-99aed79d +1806 large area of consolidation at the right lung base either pneumonia or blood aspiration has not improved appreciably since . the somewhat smaller region of presumed pulmonary hemorrhage in the axillary region of the left mid lung has remained stable . emphysema is responsible for severe hyperinflation . if there is any left pneumothorax it is medial, and unchanged . solitary right pleural tube traverses a sleeve-like opacity that is probably a hematoma . there is no appreciable right pleural effusion . the heart size is normal . et tube and left subclavian line are in standard placements and a nasogastric tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16751749 56723000 40abd28b-1aff0d0a-65b3fc64-515e3b46-9caef400 +1807 in the interval, the patient has been extubated . the right picc line persists . also, persisting is a left basal opacity, combined to a left retrocardiac atelectasis . the opacity could have an inflammatory component but shows no progression . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged normal appearance of the right lung . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13031876 53742043 3a3c2ff3-83520f66-952df228-3aa9936e-a98b9087 +1808 nasogastric tube terminates within the stomach . side port is just below the expected gastroesophageal junction level . endotracheal tube has been removed . cardiomediastinal contours are stable in appearance . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is new . minimal patchy right basilar opacity has slightly worsened, and left basilar atelectasis has improved . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18517718 55049074 34a10323-881113ce-bd77fb85-f57b5c48-160f4e7b +1809 right lower lobe opacities are present although compared to there has significantly improved . the time course of improvement does not fit well for pneumonia and more likely represented atelectasis superimposed with edema . the left lung is clear . cardiac size is stable . the patient is status post median sternotomy and valvular replacements . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19182863 58242694 bd31883a-45fff94f-a6b462e8-9b2d4696-f2d2a0e5 +1810 evaluate for consolidation, fluid overload, or other cause of chest pain . comparison none available . pa and lateral views of the chest there is central pulmonary vascular congestion with moderate pulmonary edema . the chronicity of these findings is unknown due to the lack of comparison studies . there is no focal consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion . congestive heart failure, likely acute . acute myocardial infarction should be ruled out as the cause of failure given patients young age and acuity of presentation . the patient was transferred to the emergency department for further evaluation . in the ed was contacted by dr . telephone on at . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 12658584 54766893 d978970a-5331f2f1-940f4bea-9da9bbf3-4724f2cf +1811 endotracheal tube ends approximately . cm above the carina and is appropriate in position . intraaortic balloon pump lies approximately . cm from the apex of the aortic arch . the patient is status post median sternotomy with intact sternal sutures . gastric tube courses below the diaphragm into the stomach however, its distal end is beyond the field of view . asymmetric, mild, right pulmonary edema has improved over last hours . normal heart size . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . there is no pleural effusion . asymmetric mild right pulmonary edema has improved over last hours . intraaortic balloon pump lies approximately . cm from the apex of aortic arch . Edema 17288844 51904170 cf6229c4-0dbb5dd3-64610954-17ed414a-c7d2837d +1812 there is stable mild cardiomegaly . the hilar and mediastinal contours are unremarkable . median sternotomy wires appear to be intact . there is a left-sided ij central venous line in appropriate position in a known left sided svc . there is a right-sided pigtail catheter, which appears to be in unchanged position . there has been a slight interval increase in the small right pleural effusion . there is a stable small left pleural effusion . no evidence of a pneumothorax . right-sided pigtail catheter appears to be in appropriate position, however there has been a slight interval increase in the small right pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 56024131 217ccc9a-8b9a6468-8d34855f-37b8c95a-fe29df0b +1813 a new nasogastric tube has been placed . the current tube shows a normal course and a correct position in the proximal parts of the stomach . there is no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . the other monitoring and support devices and the remaining appearance of the radiograph is constant . No Finding&&Support Devices 11880923 58556085 68f0511d-a790a0bc-cb8ef94a-c9af3e71-ab0c9352 +1814 the right hemidiaphragm is elevated . aside from linear atelectasis in the right base, the lungs are clear . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . cardiomediastinal contours are normal . the sternal wires are aligned . No Finding 17327592 51857131 23f44245-c3dac2e5-2fe37a44-0f33bdee-fb440ccf +1815 a right-sided port-a-cath tip sits in the lower portion of the svc . the heart and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . the lungs are largely clear with only minimal atelectasis in the right base in accordance with a small right pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . small right pleural effusion with associated atelectasis no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 19016834 53015743 2e15d44b-391ff16c-0474e263-a0536b97-de75b719 +1816 large opacity in the left upper lobe has resolved . now the left upper lobe lesion is again noted with a new fiducial seed . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . the right lung is clear . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 13450581 53613536 ce26e6f2-6bff880c-7e350e95-0571671b-15e0c25b +1817 pleural effusions bilaterally, right more than left, the distribution of which has changed, but not their overall extent . in the interval, the patient has been extubated . the other monitoring and support devices remain in place . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged mild fluid overload . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 58606191 44c09f7b-0aed1234-2a1a02ab-3e91e954-54be38b1 +1818 the patient has been extubated and lung volumes are lower . there has been a disproportional increase in caliber of the mediastinum, which could be due to bleeding or vascular engorgement due to cardiac tamponade . lung periphery shows no vascular engorgement, so left heart function is not incriminated . there is no pneumothorax or appreciable pleural effusion, left basal pleural tube is still in place . bibasilar atelectasis is only moderate and unchanged . right subclavian line ends in the right atrium . was paged as soon as this examination appeared for review and i discussed the findings with at the time of dictation . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 12124741 57169558 7ceecc91-32932b6b-bf0ae761-92a74cf7-fe124fbc +1819 a left-sided pacemaker is in appropriate position . sternotomy wires again seen . an aortic valve replacement is again noted . faint haziness over the lower lung fields bilaterally, likely from patients body habitus . this is unchanged . there is no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . no acute cardiopulmonary process, unchanged compared to . No Finding 16043637 52793175 1b3d4f71-68977c5e-a070ff6b-29584c84-b70bf667 +1820 there are low lung volumes . again seen bilateral loculated pleural effusions and right base opacity which may be due to atelectasis . there is persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are grossly stable . patient is status post median sternotomy with the superior two most wires again seen to be fractured deshiscence . again seen bilateral loculated pleural effusions and right base opacity which may be due to atelectasis . persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 54826768 1c6b6253-4298b326-603a70e5-89968c12-4c6900f8 +1821 the heart is moderately enlarged . there is a widespread interstitial abnormality with indistinct pulmonary vascularity and upper zone redistribution, most consistent with moderate pulmonary edema . there is no definite pleural effusion or pneumothorax . findings most consistent with moderate pulmonary edema . Edema 15131736 51125097 65b85d44-6bcf71a2-508b0589-a48d95ed-d4997747 +1822 as compared to the prior study, there is interval improvement in the reticular nodular opacities within the lungs with no evidence of new consolidation developed on the current examination . heart size is enlarged . tortuous aorta is redemonstrated, most likely related due to presence of scoliosis . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 13475033 52367439 d8b26443-22f41aab-1b372737-45d002d7-8bb1d226 +1823 as compared to the prior examination, there has been minimal interval change . redemonstrated is a pacemaker seen with leads extending to the right atrium and right ventricle . the patient is status post aortic valve replacement with sternotomy wires noted to be well aligned . there is minimal right-sided basilar atelectasis . unchanged from prior examination is a diffuse haziness seen overlying both lung fields, likely secondary to the patients body habitus . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary identified . stable, moderate cardiomegaly is noted . mediastinal contours are normal . no radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16043637 51177209 0240c2bd-1a2d54ea-8ccdf075-26529d30-cc00fd94 +1824 an et tube is present, in satisfactory position . an ng tube is present, tip beneath diaphragm, extending off film . a thin-caliber tube extends along the mediastinum, with the tip overlying the gastric fundus . an additional line overlying the mediastinum may lie outside the patient . a right ij central line is present, tip over distal svc . no pneumothorax is detected . there is mild cardiomegaly . there is some increased retrocardiac density consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation, and minimal atelectasis at the right base . no gross effusion . no chf . compared with at am, no definite interval change . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13881772 57115906 f7c1ec7a-0d984a70-7c3d7474-03681daa-d3cb5959 +1825 there has been previous median sternotomy and mitral valve replacement . a right internal jugular dialysis catheter continues to terminate in the right atrium, and biventricular pacericd leads are unchanged in position as well . stable cardiomegaly accompanied by worsening interstitial edema . additionally, a more confluent area of opacity is present in the left lower lobe, partially obscuring the left hemidiaphragm . this is concerning for developing pneumonia . small pleural effusions are present bilaterally . . left lower lobe consolidation suspicious for pneumonia . . worsening interstitial edema and small pleural effusions . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19759491 59984376 87f64c4d-93ab83e7-04f10c4b-a9ed71f7-d05889f2 +1826 lungs are low in volume . congestion of the pulmonary vasculature, small bilateral pleural effusions and presence of septal lines reflects mild pulmonary edema . consolidations in the right mid lung and retrocardiac location could reflect a concurrent pneumonia . cardiac size is top normal with a normal cardiomediastinal silhouette . . bilateral consolidations could reflect a multifocal infectious process . . bilateral small pleural effusions with mild pulmonary edema . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16662264 52307671 13b4969f-569b4e51-d63f9659-778309be-d1ef9815 +1827 portable upright chest radiograph demonstrates interval decrease in lung volumes, and interval development of moderate alveolar and interstitial pulmonary edema . there are no definite effusions . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette remains mildly enlarged . calcification of the aortic knob is unchanged . interval development of moderate pulmonary edema, compatible with cardiac decompensation . Edema 13896515 59108077 bfb7a467-e88452aa-9ca0804d-6b66419b-ebbeec35 +1828 pa and lateral chest radiograph is provided . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . bibasilar opacities are present, more prominent on the left, which most likely represents atelectasis . a pacemaker is seen with leads in appropriate positioning . there are surgical clips seen in the epigastric area . no acute cardiopulmonary process . bibasilar opacities most likely representing atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 18287845 57464511 64e9fab8-be276430-8b0b8d08-b7aff644-5d287946 +1829 the endotracheal tube, nasogastric tube and right internal jugular vein catheter are unchanged . the pre-existing pulmonary edema might have mildly improved, there is increased retrocardiac and right basal atelectasis . no pleural effusions . no major atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Support Devices 18906643 50110450 de63ae30-040537e7-cda1fd69-c64661bd-ab9be172 +1830 cardiomegaly is severe and unchanged . mediastinal silhouette is enlarged, unchanged as well . vascular congestion is severe . there is potentially mild interstitial edema overall similar to previous examination . no appreciable pleural effusion demonstrated . no focal consolidations that would explain suspected aspiration demonstrated . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 15131736 50927676 0e980298-0aa23b64-1ce41467-47d7e2a2-f9ed5194 +1831 there is a right chest port, with catheter extending into the low svc . small right pleural effusion has decreased from prior study . there is no apparent left pleural fluid . there is no pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum . hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . no parenchymal opacity to suggest pneumonia or aspiration . Pleural Effusion 19016834 59608214 e26df0e6-03380fa6-44f4ce97-dbb30b9d-c1bc0ec5 +1832 the contour of the elevated right hemidiaphragm and adjacent pleural thickening are unchanged since following removal of the short right pleural drainage catheter . region of atelectasis at the right lung base is best appreciated on the lateral view . lungs are otherwise clear . heart size is normal . there is no pneumothorax or definite increase in right pleural fluid volume . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 13352405 52659811 a2566d1b-00966175-0f4ab3bf-f1a2acbb-3061c18a +1833 frontal view of the chest was obtained . large bilateral pleural effusions are present with adjacent opacities most consistent with compressive atelectasis . cephalization and indistinct appearance of the pulmonary vasculature are consistent with pulmonary edema . heart size is not well assessed but appears enlarged . mediastinal contours are stable . pulmonary edema with bibasilar opacities consistent with moderate to large pleural effusions with adjacent atelectasis . superimposed infection cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16553329 55534474 02e9477c-659b97b0-28c5c1b2-6f4e0865-3e04a039 +1834 there is no focal consolidation, pe pulmonary edema, or pneumothorax . the lateral view radiograph suggests small bilateral pleural effusions in the posterior costophrenic sulcus . the cardiomediastinal silhouette, including mild cardiomegaly, is unchanged . a vascular stent projects over the left axilla, new from prior studies . probable small bilateral bold pleural effusions . otherwise, no acute cardiopulmonary process . Pleural Effusion 16553329 53481703 129b160a-a04df689-fd8a2f39-c04a597d-736a0245 +1835 there has been removal of a substantial amount of right pleural fluid . there has been re-expansion of the ipsilateral lung with no evidence of pneumothorax . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with some engorgement of pulmonary vessels consistent with elevated pulmonary venous pressure . Cardiomegaly 19182863 56367677 f0af6b21-c203468f-f3fc3442-bd92e0bb-bf562d09 +1836 moderate to severe cardiomegaly is stable . mild pulmonary edema has improved . retrocardiac opacities have improved consistent with improving atelectasis . there is no evident pneumothorax or increasing effusions . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 15131736 53318102 5698b16b-b25ed251-4149b897-8f2393c0-1a6fed9b +1837 heart size is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours unremarkable . calcified granulomas are noted within the left upper lung field . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax is present . the pulmonary vascularity is not engorged . there are small bilateral pleural effusions, best seen on the lateral view . no acute osseous abnormalities demonstrated . small bilateral pleural effusions . please note that chest cta is recommended if there is a concern for pulmonary embolism . Pleural Effusion 16553329 53158507 eb00136d-bf3de8a4-e4b112fb-e086aa9e-97dc80ff +1838 there is no interval change . there is again seen a nasogastric tube which is appropriately sited . there are bilateral pleural effusions and left retrocardiac opacity . there are no pneumothoraces or signs for overt pulmonary edema . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11934114 59763671 91c320f3-73212556-e2380f4b-f3331485-e35cf39e +1839 compared with at am, the bilateral pigtail catheters have been removed . the dobbhoff-type catheter is still present with radiopaque tip over stomach . the left subclavian picc line is present, with tip over distal svc . no reaccumulated effusions and no obvious pneumothorax is detected at this time . there is mild vascular plethora, without overt chf . minimal patchy atelectasis in the right cardiophrenic region and slight increased retrocardiac density is unchanged . a focal ~ . mm nodular density is seen in the left mid zone measuring immediately above the left anterior fourth rib, near its intersection with left posterior seventh rib . this is not fully characterized, but may correspond to an area of atelectasis seen on the chest ct . attention to this area o n follow-up films is requested . Atelectasis&&Lung Lesion&&Support Devices 16319601 58890811 b542ed36-509621f6-282a38be-7e4ac3dc-55592aa5 +1840 patient is known to have extensive metastatic disease within the chest with loculated left pleural effusion . overall appearance of the chest appears essentially stable compared with multiple prior exams . please note evaluation for subtle differences would be limited due to extensive underlying metastatic burden . heart size cannot be readily assessed . mediastinal contour appears grossly stable . no pneumothorax is seen . imaged osseous structures appear grossly intact . extensive metastatic disease in the chest, which appears grossly stable compared with prior exams . No Finding 12702423 51407808 005f2399-b87f52cf-d010c801-5426064b-05e4afd4 +1841 there is little change . currently, there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the lung volumes are normal . only at the right lung base, minimal atelectasis is seen . the image shows absence of pleural effusions and pulmonary edema . unchanged borderline size of the cardiac silhouette with moderate tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . the soft tissue air collection in the right chest wall is constant . unchanged sternal wires and clips after cabg . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12736592 51374401 8069ee50-f6767717-3fd52486-9653f799-3d94d99b +1842 the dobbhoff tube has been inserted, currently following appropriate course . the left perihilar mass noted on the prior study is now associated with widespread opacities surrounding it, which may reflect bleeding or aspiration or interval development of infection . bilateral pleural effusions have developed in the interim, small . no change in the right rib fractures is demonstrated, better assessed on the current study . retrocardiac atelectasis has progressed in the interim . given the multiple attempts to adjust the dobbhoff tube, the bibasilar opacities and the left perihilar opacity may reflect aspiration, but infectious process cannot be excluded and should be closely followed . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15185305 52381727 2b387f17-5b587878-eab57bc7-959a3a13-68001f85 +1843 frontal and lateral chest radiographs a large caliber left approach central venous catheter terminates in the right atrium, unchanged from prior . there is new opacification of the retrocardiac space which could reflect pneumonia or aspiration in the appropriate clinical circumstance . atelectasis is also within the differential . mild diffuse interstitial abnormality is unchanged compared to multiple prior radiographs . there is no large pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is evident . there is evidence of stable pulmonary hypertension and vascular engorgement, unchanged from prior . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . deformity of proximal right humerus appears chronic . . new retrocardiac opacity which could reflect aspiration, infection or atelectasis . . unchanged background interstitial abnormality and central vascular enlargement . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17340686 56349601 28846b1c-da929f47-35763299-12d7c8fa-da2e4559 +1844 lungs are well inflated . mild bilateral apical scarring noted . subtle peribronchial opacity only seen on frontal view in the left lung superior and lateral to the left hilus is unchanged since prior examination . the lungs are otherwise clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . heart size, mediastinal contour, and hila are unremarkable . visualized osseous structures are notable for anterior cervical spine fusion device . mediastinal clips are again seen within the left upper quadrant . persistent subtle peribronchial opacity in left lung is worrisome for early pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15114531 51986565 232aed3a-74900285-3fa279f4-43c5af2a-e8406c03 +1845 a right lower lobe nodule is similar in appearance to prior radiograph and ct, however true volume cannot be measured on radiography . otherwise, the lungs are clear . there is no additional nodule, consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the heart and mediastinal contours are normal . there is mild tortuosity of the descending aorta . osseous structures are unremarkable . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . -mm right lower lobe nodule . as per the patients ct , the patient is due to have a followup chest ct to assess right lower lobe nodule, to reassess right lower lung nodule . Lung Lesion 16015751 54907683 f9d601d7-0eb2306d-2e66934e-5db0f766-edb49564 +1846 a right-sided chest tube remains in unchanged position . there has been interval increase in extent of opacification of the right hemithorax, compatible with increasing size of a large layering right pleural effusion . additionally, right basilar atelectasis is noted . minimal patchy opacity in the left lung base may also reflect atelectasis . the heart size remains moderate to severely enlarged . mediastinal contours are relatively unchanged . mild element of pulmonary vascular congestion is likely present . no pneumothorax is identified . no acute osseous abnormalities are seen . increased size of large layering right pleural effusion with right basilar atelectasis . probable mild pulmonary vascular congestion and left basilar mild atelectasis . right-sided chest tube remains in unchanged position . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 59836321 1452c2ed-ce6c7d7b-02bcde56-a4636a4f-849b5534 +1847 previously seen left perihilar consolidation has resolved in the interval . the bilateral pleural effusions have also resolved . paratracheal opacity in the upper thorax, likely secondary to goiter seen on chest ct from , in conjunction with mediastinal nodes also seen on that study . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac silhouette is top normal to mildly enlarged, with left ventricular configuration . mediastinal contours are stable . there is an old rib deformityfracture of the posterior lateral left seventh rib, also seen on the prior chest ct . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . paratracheal opacity most likely relates to enlarged thyroid gland seen on chest ct from , and followup recommendations per that ct remains . Lung Opacity 13353878 57540712 e90de45f-b12a6a45-721981dc-7df46eae-aa3318e1 +1848 comparison is made to the patients prior study dated . . interval removal of a double-lumen right internal jugular large-bore catheter . the heart remains mildly enlarged . overall mediastinal contours are likely stable given patient rotation on the current study . lung volumes are somewhat low with no focal airspace consolidation to suggest pneumonia . some crowding of the perihilar vasculature, but no overt pulmonary edema . no effusions . no large pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 14841168 53576176 a916f2a6-990e0179-c6395681-9159f006-35377a30 +1849 unchanged extensive right pleural effusion with right pleural pigtail catheter . no evidence of right pneumothorax . unchanged normal appearance of the left lung and the left heart border . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18309149 51357526 243970e9-b0a7958c-31bb275a-b862a345-294f46b1 +1850 the patient has developed multifocal bilateral for pneumonia is, with accompanying bilateral small pleural effusions . the effusions are better visualized on the lateral and on the frontal film . normal lung volumes . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . normal hilar and mediastinal contours . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16662264 51370405 03549470-b3b9bbfa-9829200c-9e8fbdda-228a6817 +1851 comparison to previous studies dated at . single portable ap upright chest film at is submitted . . stable cardiac enlargement, status post median sternotomy for cabg . interval removal of the gastric tube, endotracheal tube and left internal jugular central line . persistent streaky opacities in both lungs which may reflect subsegmental atelectasis . in addition, there is perihilar vasculature indistinctness, which likely reflects persistent but improving perihilar edema . no large effusions . no evidence of pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13896515 52605645 6350bc28-5c2d7079-26abfdf4-fb25349a-5e8564d3 +1852 the patient has had prior esophagectomy with a gastric pull-through . a new right lower lobe airspace opacity is likely due to aspiration pneumonia . the left lung is clear . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . new right lower lobe aspiration pneumonia . with dr . Pneumonia 14295224 52692431 ac311552-a76f7711-c263444b-9819dc86-6fd39b27 +1853 the cardiac silhouette size is within normal limits . the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . the pulmonary vascularity is not engorged . streaky bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect atelectasis . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no acute osseous abnormality is identified . calcified vessels are seen within the left upper abdomen . mild bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis 13881772 50949626 1e457cbb-b441fc85-d8d29551-0cb1fed9-15dee5bd +1854 collapse has returned in the right lung, highlighting small-to-moderate air and fluid collection in the right lower hemithorax . mild pulmonary edema has worsened in the left lung and a small left pleural effusion has increased . a pleurx catheter projects over the right diaphragmatic region . right picc line ends in the upper svc . no pneumothorax on the left . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13263843 52332522 2c6c22f3-33a5cbf1-a81aa482-24c67693-17d97e01 +1855 heart size and mediastinum are grossly stable . interval increase in right pleural effusion is suspected, although in part it may be related to different character of that study being semi-erect as opposite to portable study on the prior examination as well as more symmetric and not rotated image acquisition . left retrocardiac opacity might reflect area of atelectasis, slightly worse since prior examination . it also might be due to large hiatal hernia . infectious process, developing in this location would be another possibility . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12736592 51043428 4acde369-1065a3cb-52a94a1e-fdc234c2-b18a2846 +1856 the lungs are grossly clear without focal consolidation, large effusion or overt pulmonary edema . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged but similar compared to prior . median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . known compression deformities in the spine are not clearly delineated on this exam . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16957952 59350509 e376439c-52cdf885-41f17afb-9a4a3fea-43c74d55 +1857 ap and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate very low lung volumes and probable bibasilar opacities, likely atelectasis, though consolidation cannot be excluded . bilateral small pleural effusions are also present . the cardiomediastinal silhouette appears widened due to low lung volumes . there is no pneumothorax . old right mid clavicular fracture is noted . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15438386 50994417 dd7b0ab6-fd3ea03d-b2a70c10-5eca94a7-a74d42be +1858 lung volumes remain low . heart size is mildly enlarged but unchanged . the aortic knob is calcified . diffuse parenchymal opacities with architectural distortion and bronchiectasis is re- demonstrate compatible with known chronic fibrotic lung disease, overall similar compared to the prior exam . no new areas of focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . no pulmonary edema is demonstrated . relatively similar appearance of diffuse chronic chronic lung disease . no new gross focal consolidation identified . Consolidation 10867202 50482798 13b3f835-9d35e2fb-bef55a2d-4bf1a470-21b7626c +1859 severe cardiomegaly persists . a left subclavian vascular stent is re- demonstrated . mediastinal contours are unchanged . there is pulmonary vascular congestion,slightly worse in the interval . a small amount of fluid is noted within the minor fissure . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is demonstrated . pulmonary vascular congestion, slightly worse in the interval . Edema 13473495 50319774 ac2bc5fb-c181f807-907ef393-692441ee-057ffb40 +1860 there are somewhat better lung volumes . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with extensive parenchymal opacities bilaterally consistent with known fibrotic lung disease . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 10867202 57513198 a4d62fc4-613c998d-9a906778-5703a1a3-21507e30 +1861 compared to the film from earlier the same day, there is no significant interval change . No Finding 10886362 54962274 68ea99a4-bd75cd2b-df54e0c2-ae1f3e13-c5a9bca4 +1862 there is decrease in the diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications . this most likely represents improving pulmonary vascular status . monitoring and support devices are unchanged . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16508811 51985577 92104a74-78d6ae95-2b62a235-6f522a7c-13202ce0 +1863 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . the heart remains moderately enlarged . aortic knob calcifications are again seen . low lung volumes are present with crowding of the bronchovascular structures . there is no overt pulmonary edema, with a small left pleural effusion likely present . retrocardiac opacity may reflect atelectasis . infection cannot be excluded . the right costophrenic angle is excluded, but no large right pleural effusion is demonstrated . there is no pneumothorax . left basilar opacity may reflect atelectasis but infection is not excluded . small left pleural effusion . low lung volumes . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 18828251 56693397 7e950526-ccc5960e-735b0f76-a80365d9-139f5bff +1864 there is notable interval improvement in the right pleural effusion . there is a dense opacification with a rounded contour below the aerated right residual lung . though the contour has the appearance of an elevated right hemidiaphragm, this appears to represent a large subpulmonic effusion when compared to chest ct . there is improved aeration of the right lung with residual opacifications likely representing combination of atelectasis and known malignancy cannot exclude superimposed infectious process . atelectatic changes are noted within the left lower lung with a slightly greater degree of collapse in the posterior medial subsegment . small left pleural effusion identified . abnormal contour of the right upper mediastinum is consistent with known malignancy . left-sided cardiomediastinal borders are unremarkable . interval mild improvement in right pleural effusion with likely a large residual subpulmonic pleural effusion . dense opacifications in the now apparent right residual lung likely represents a combination of atelectasis and known malignancy . small left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13263843 54904275 30fc1707-e38a1f76-d52f9649-78068351-e33cb1b3 +1865 the monitoring and support devices are in constant position . cad patch over the left hemithorax leads to increased opacity . unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged appearance of the lung parenchyma . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13881772 57674353 0d41d944-b75b4101-f204d112-11fcfa1c-96d2169d +1866 portable ap chest radiograph was compared to prior study obtained the same day earlier . the recently introduced dobbhoff tube tip is at the level of mid portion of the esophagus and should be further advanced . no changes in the appearance of the multifocal lung opacities and cardiomediastinal silhouette demonstrated . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13031876 58064262 230ac524-96234f88-f3c96285-860bdf99-6b6ad9d2 +1867 there is a new single lead pacemaker with the lead extending in the expected location for a persistent left-sided svc placement, with tip projecting over the expected location of the right ventricle . there is a moderate right pleural effusion that is slightly smaller than the prior exam . right ij cordis tip projects over the mid svc . the upper lungs are clear . the patient is status post sternotomy and valve replacement . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 59467289 c0c921be-f6f18f17-4191ce0a-02049b91-242e197b +1868 there has been placement of nasogastric tube whose tip and side port are below the gastroesophageal junction appropriately sited . there are again seen large bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left and a left retrocardiac opacity . these findings are stable . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11934114 52020944 df76c29b-3a305594-6510b7d9-7054ad7c-fb7278a0 +1869 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding pa and lateral chest examination of . comparison of the frontal views demonstrates increase of pulmonary parenchymal densities in the area of the biopsies, most likely caused by post-biopsy hemorrhages . no other new pulmonary abnormalities are seen, and most importantly, there is no evidence of any pneumothorax on this single view chest examination . No Finding 16662264 56986640 66e2a71f-4c89386c-3cd769ac-021891b7-e0b1bf2b +1870 the heart size and mediastinum are unremarkable . the lungs are essentially clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there is interval improvement of left lower lung opacity seen on the prior examination . Lung Opacity 15192710 52848963 4afda2b2-61dece87-deb99419-3918b8db-b52160b8 +1871 a portable ap semi-erect chest film at is submitted . . interval placement of a feeding tube, which courses below the diaphragm with the tip likely within the stomach . the patient is markedly rotated to the right, limiting evaluation of the cardiac and mediastinal contours . overall, however, there is a more focal airspace opacity in the left mid and lower lung, which may reflect asymmetric pulmonary edema or an infectious process, less likely atelectasis . clinical correlation is advised . possible layering left effusion . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10532326 59775769 d80a6738-8d88d0fb-04d18b57-35d87a21-0ec6ff6a +1872 there is little overall change in the peribronchial thickening and impaction with extensive bibasilar bronchiectasis . this is again extremely well seen on the lateral radiograph . hyperexpansion of the lungs is consistent with emphysema and the cardiac size is normal . no evidence of pulmonary edema . no evidence of acute focal pneumonia . little change in the severe bronchiectasis and emphysema . No Finding 10402372 59239338 df947133-0a0bb9b7-96bc6378-2eeb01c8-dcb9c4d5 +1873 right chest wall port is again seen . streaky left basilar and right upper lung opacities are seen suggestive of atelectasis or scarring . calcified mediastinal nodes are again seen . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no acute osseous abnormality detected . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11413236 58800563 4c940923-a59ab393-7984e607-b473ed13-af98d60c +1874 right internal jugular central line terminates in the mid svc . endotracheal tube is appropriately positioned . cm above the carina . a left picc terminates in the lower svc . again seen are moderate pleural effusions, similar to the previous exam . a vertical line in the right hemithorax represents a skinfold . there is no pneumothorax or focal consolidation . mild pulmonary edema is stable . cardiomegaly is unchanged . no significant interval change since the prior exam . No Finding 17669276 53637827 ce079139-3dd3fe97-6c8688b6-c1ff49b1-d8b8585f +1875 a portable ap upright view of the chest was obtained . again seen is a right-sided dialysis catheter terminating in the right atrium . heart is mildly enlarged . pulmonary vasculature is mildly engorged . a rounded opacity at the right base, present sicne , may represent asymmetric pulmonary edema, but other processes such as pulmonary abscess cannot be excluded . no large effusion, or pneumothorax . . mildly enlarged heart and pulmonary vascular engorgement, unchanged . . rounded right basilar opacity may represent asymmetric edema, but other processes such as abscess cannot be excluded . at a minimum follow up with conventional palateral radiographs is recommended, ideally ct should be considered . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 17340686 54124205 a63e169d-68ac0a93-f335ef61-a4d2e226-449d7927 +1876 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . the lungs are clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . no visualized free intraperitoneal air is seen below the diaphragm . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15857729 52428322 754c8b94-ddf3a484-279e5c47-973dad5c-3e52b57c +1877 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate stable mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . there is stable appearance of fragmentation and misalignment of the sternal wires . the chronic loculated pleural effusions are unchanged with persistent bibasilar opacification . there is slight increase in pulmonary vascular congestion compared to the prior study . no pneumothorax is detected . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 50456365 5d4e8798-538c8cb8-095c11a2-e34b3a85-0f96f1b3 +1878 single portable supine ap image of the chest . the right ij central line has been pulled back in the interval and now terminates in the superior direction junction . the lungs are well expanded . there has been interval mild increased cephalization of the pulmonary vessels, which may be partly or wholly due to supine positioning, making it difficult to evaluate for pulmonary edema . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . . right ij central line terminates in the superior cavoatrial junction . . interval mild increased cephalization of the pulmonary vessels, which may be partly or wholly due to supine positioning, making it difficult to evaluate for pulmonary edema . Edema&&Support Devices 19454978 53961391 97264070-c4f4a7bf-14e97575-719452ba-811afedf +1879 again seen is low position of the et tube, . cm above the carina . the appearance of the lungs is unchanged . right ij line tip at cavoatrial junction is unchanged . No Finding&&Support Devices 10975446 56390608 0baf5e16-bb057c79-97a74dac-e4631d48-f99f01d7 +1880 nasogastric tube has been withdrawn terminating at the gastroesophageal junction and would need to be advanced at least cm to move all the side ports into the stomach . severe thoracolumbar scoliosis distorts the shape of the chest cage which is quite small . borderline cardiomegaly is stable . right lung is clear . atelectasis at the base of the left could be due partially to chest cage deformity, and there might be a small left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18110020 59523573 6cbf6e4a-3f35b74e-ea811e34-73b49766-fa916b88 +1881 since prior exam, the patient has undergone a right thoracentesis . the right pleural effusion has nearly completely resolved . patchy interstitial opacity at the right base likely represents some reexpansion edema and residual atelectasis . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . a small left pleural effusion appears slightly larger than on the prior exam from earlier this morning . left basilar consolidation is likely atelectasis . other patchy bilateral opacities are unchanged, and consistent with the known pneumonia . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . . significant interval decrease in size of the right pleural effusion . no evidence of pneumothorax . . new right basilar consolidation is likely some reexpansion pulmonary edema . . slight interval enlargement of small left pleural effusion with associated atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16662264 54098643 cccfa82d-f56ed730-031b5dac-53bafa2b-f20378ad +1882 retrocardiac opacification could be due to atelectasis, although an infectious process cannot be excluded . there is minimal right basilar atelectasis . pulmonary vascular congestion is seen without evidence of interstitial pulmonary edema . a small left pleural effusion is possible . there is no right pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is seen . the heart size is normal . the mediastinal contours are normal . . left retrocardiac opacification could be atelectasis or infection . . pulmonary vascular congestion without evidence of interstitial edema . . possible small left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14608347 57261102 dd4d07ba-c78dcfab-fc8fc38e-e425a71b-29874f79 +1883 there is little change and no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . the heart is normal in size and lungs are clear without vascular congestion or pleural effusion . No Finding 13989850 54340460 6ef62beb-9dc09cbe-d856c78a-ffcdf46e-c41bf566 +1884 since , moderate-to-large right pleural effusion with right lung atelectasis and left lower lung volume loss reflected as increased retrocardiac density are unchanged . left upper lung is clear . mildly enlarged heart, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 11934114 53100359 dc63738e-e751f65e-82a68318-2d812b04-d30cf7f3 +1885 the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged but there is no evidence of vascular congestion or pleural effusion . no definite acute focal pneumonia . calcified granulomas are seen in the left lung and hilar region . Cardiomegaly 12185775 58139207 84a95f3a-a7060282-499a7492-bc0c8ebd-3fb68b34 +1886 moderate cardiomegaly is re- demonstrated . the aorta is tortuous . pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . patchy opacities are seen in the left lung base, potentially atelectasis but infection or aspiration cannot be excluded . streaky atelectasis is also demonstrated in the left lung base . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . no acute osseous abnormality is visualized . patchy left basilar opacity may reflect atelectasis, but infection or aspiration cannot be excluded in the correct clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17398573 51909919 cc9633ee-0f1c87c6-d3eab33a-ac1eccd5-1bd7608f +1887 the lungs are well expanded and clear . there is scarring in the left lung base, unchanged from prior exam . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . visualized osseous structures are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15182529 52917147 c2402f4a-6c5552e7-e0b4749a-2b88ba69-f59a01a6 +1888 opacification of the left lower lung is new since . the left main bronchus is so heavily calcified, it looks like a stent, but the lumens are opacified, particularly left lower lobe bronchuc suggesting large scale aspiration or retained secretions . right lung is low in volume but clear . the heart is mildly to moderately enlarged exaggerated by very low lung volumes . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 16313531 58455247 00c7d4e9-802b89b1-4bd840b3-e5fd2fc9-5d38566e +1889 cardiomegaly is stable . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . there is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax or pulmonary edema . scoliosis is again noted . an old left clavicular deformity is noted . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . no evidence of pneumothorax . No Finding 13475033 51830719 cfdc6369-be819fb3-b05a78fa-9695a910-82883c69 +1890 the right-sided chest tube is in unchanged position . no evidence of pneumothorax, no pleural effusion . minimal atelectasis at the left lung base . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . no pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 19389547 52600197 789709af-ab78dbbd-bd973f37-aa5edc4c-cb7f975a +1891 there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is unchanged from chest radiograph no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 19907884 54596345 a5bb1dd6-32ef2b29-b27f45f5-4980a5b0-34f11cf0 +1892 the et tube is . cm above the carina . the right lower lung opacity is again visualized . the heart is moderately enlarged . there is pulmonary vascular redistribution with ill-defined vascularity compatible fluid overload . an underlying infectious infiltrate cannot be excluded . ng tube tip is off the film, at least in the stomach . severe degenerative changes of the right humeral head are again seen . et tube . cm above the carina . No Finding&&Support Devices 17340686 56162656 3800242f-50b7f001-e4bbe30b-53ec3863-df4fe7dc +1893 the lungs are well expanded and show a right upper and right and left lower lobe opacity . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . no pleural effusions or pneumothorax is present . right upper and right and left lower lobe opacities are concerning for pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13881772 52834337 5f7c7fb3-6f209488-379bbb42-6c8cebf3-f91a4d93 +1894 the nasogastric tube shows a normal course . the tip of the tube projects over the proximal parts of the stomach, the sidehole is located at the gastroesophageal junction . the tube should be advanced by approximately cm to ensure position in the more central parts of the stomach . no complications, notably no pneumothorax . minimal atelectasis at the left lung base, that is unchanged . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 10532326 55414814 2f682808-399e26c2-81fe867a-d6b93077-913dccae +1895 there has been placement of a right ij catheter that extends to the lower portion of the svc . no evidence of pneumothorax or widening of the mediastinum . in comparison with the prior study, there are even lower lung volumes, but otherwise little change in the appearance of the heart and lungs . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16055653 56465441 807aa21b-591fc5c2-928a2b58-33af8636-1de7e3a9 +1896 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation, effusion, or overt pulmonary edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable given differences in positioning and technique . slight compression deformity of a lower thoracic vertebral body is unchanged . compressed lumbar vertebral body is obscured on this image . there is a sliver of lucency below the left hemidiaphragm on the frontal and adjacent to the right hemidiaphragm on the lateral . no definite acute cardiopulmonary process . sliver of free intraperitoneal air suspected, not unexpected within a few days after intra-abdominal surgery . No Finding 16957952 59427483 77283979-b7b02317-bf3cf53e-4068c643-ba29c7d7 +1897 dual-lead pacer is seen with leads in the right atrium and ventricle as before . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . hyperinflation is again seen compatible with preexisting chronic pulmonary disease . right middle and lower lobe opacities are redemonstrated without new lesions . there is a slight change in morphology with increased lucency of one of the more medial opacities . they are overall unchanged in distribution and as a whole slightly decreased in size . cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are unchanged . right basal nodules as a whole minimally decreased since the prior study . differential for these lesions includes amiodarone toxicity and cryptogenic organizing pneumonia . while chest radiographs are likely suitable for monitoring for change over time, a baseline ct examination can be obtained to allow for better characterization . Lung Lesion&&Pneumonia 10754184 51837636 2eb05c0b-30b37945-71fb6374-45cab675-82128ecc +1898 the right lower lobe consolidation has cleared . no evidence of acute focal pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . vascular shunts are again seen, as are the multiple rounded calcifications projecting over the spleen . No Finding 19061282 50529099 e56aa514-47bbf828-9caeef29-26cbcace-d4f3c1cc +1899 when compared to prior, there are persistent but potentially slightly less conspicuous bilateral increased interstitial markings throughout the lungs . there is no new consolidation or effusion . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is enlarged but stable . no acute osseous abnormalities identified, compression deformities in the thoracic spine were better seen on prior exam . old mid left clavicular fracture is again noted . perhaps mild interval improvement in the appearance of the increased interstitial markings throughout the lungs which persist . no new consolidation . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 13475033 51788121 598a87a7-0c33ee5b-7a11cdc4-ad0d69cf-a5ca8524 +1900 patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . heart size is normal . the mediastinal contours are unchanged . right hemidiaphragm remains elevated with associated right basilar atelectasis . pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . left lung is grossly clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is demonstrated . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . mild to moderate multilevel degenerative changes are noted in the thoracic spine . unchanged chronic elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with right basilar atelectasis . no new focal consolidation . Atelectasis&&Consolidation 17327592 52874049 a67e2e2b-c5902ccf-adf291f3-51b417af-5b71eeaa +1901 portable ap semi-upright radiograph is presented for review . endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina . nasogastric tube courses into the stomach and out of view . improved aeration is seen in the left base with some minimal residual atelectasis . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is seen without findings of edema . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 10268877 58011676 6dd4f93a-409046d9-76f232eb-f7cb1b45-834abf5c +1902 the heart appears at least mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . there is a new mild interstitial abnormality suggesting congestive heart failure ,and in addition, a small to moderate pleural effusion on the right and a small effusion on the left . fissures appear thickened . findings consistent with mild pulmonary edema including pulmonary pleural effusions . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13881772 51540424 3c6607cb-2b24a862-ba454139-42d40dec-a4aed625 +1903 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . bilateral pleural densities blunting the right-sided pleural sinus persist . so, evidence of pneumoperitoneum is still visible . no other new pulmonary abnormalities are seen, and there is no evidence of pneumothorax in the apical area . observe that the heart size is within normal limits . No Finding 19016834 59970698 02088c92-5c6bfe4f-9fd824af-09b698c6-a2ac2b87 +1904 frontal radiographs of the chest demonstrate unchanged cardiomegaly . lung volumes are low . there is pulmonary vascular congestion and moderate pulmonary edema increased from the prior . bibasilar and retrocardiac opacities likely representing combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis with moderate to large pleural effusion on the right increased in size underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . left vascular stent is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12847817 52295860 9e4ff803-49fb5448-9a9d7215-dda7fcf0-edfff263 +1905 frontal and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate stable cardiomegaly and tortuous aorta . no focal opacification concerning for pneumonia identified . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified . multiple thoracic compression deformities are unchanged since . dense calcifications are noted within the right coronary artery as well as the aorta . no acute cardiopulmonary process . stable cardiomegaly . stable thoracic compression fractures . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture 13475033 58306324 7b764993-32d1c941-d0ddfd50-1022cf30-82cdcfc7 +1906 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . there is new mild interstitial pulmonary edema . a small right pleural effusion may be minimally increased . there is also likely a trace left pleural effusion . there is no focal consolidation . the heart size is not significantly changed . there is no pneumothorax . midline sternotomy wires are noted . . new mild interstitial pulmonary edema . . minimally increased small right pleural effusion and trace left pleural effusion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 17669276 58214761 73ca3214-e0c93052-7e191b81-356439da-354da5eb +1907 there has been placement of a left subclavian pacer with leads in the right atrium and apex of the right ventricle . no evidence of post procedure pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette remains enlarged . the degree of pulmonary vascular congestion has decreased . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 12810135 53948906 54e6075a-d4d2c1d4-d742150c-7e4e64c8-f98b4179 +1908 there is increased opacity at the left lung base, with associated volume loss . this could represent worsening of effusion and atelectasis, though developing pneumonia cannot be excluded . additional increasec opacity in the right suprahilar region may reflect additional focus of airspace disease . elsewhere, the lungs remain well aerated . a small amount of right pleural fluid is present . heart size is persistenly enalrged . there is pulmonary vascular engorgement without frank edema, which is little changed from prior study . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16855430 54844091 efdbb954-7179fa49-509d0620-ab87eace-f42022d3 +1909 the lungs are mildly hyperinflated, as evidenced by flattening of the diaphragms on the lateral view . diffuse interstitial markings, compatible with known chronic interstitial lung disease, are unchanged . there is no pleural effusion or evidence of pulmonary edema . there is no focal airspace consolidation worrisome for pneumonia . mild to moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . a coronary artery stent is noted . there is a levoscoliosis of the thoracic spine . stable changes of chronic interstitial lung disease without evidence of a superimposed acute cardiopulmonary process . Lung Opacity 13475033 51345585 b7ae7112-d3ab965d-c43adc90-30533667-3b307ee3 +1910 this examination was centered in the thoracoabdominal region . the apices of the lungs were not included on the film . large right hydropneumothorax is grossly unchanged . right basal pigtail catheter is in place . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 57268374 b10b437e-7ddd8f3e-e403e6b0-aaa91576-737f857d +1911 there are low lung volumes . right upper lobe scarringchronic fibrosis in the right greater than left upper lobes are again seen . new since the prior study, there is left mid lung streaky opacity and to a lesser extent in the left lower lobe . no pleural effusion is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . stable right greater than left upper lobe fibrotic changes . new opacity in the left mid-to-lower lung raises concern for infectious process versus possibly asymmetric edema . recommend followup to resolution . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 55646831 e26fdf14-791d85bf-3beaee42-3ec8bcee-4a05efee +1912 an og tube is in place with the tip in the stomach . however, the sidehole appears to be above the esophagogastric junction . right ij catheter tip extends to the mid-to-lower portion of the svc . endotracheal tube remains in good position . there is increasing bilateral opacifications consistent with worsening pulmonary edema . moderate-to-large right and small left layering pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis at the bases . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19757720 59572378 13255e1f-91b7b172-02baaeee-340ec493-0e531681 +1913 there has been interval removal of a right-sided picc line . the cardiac silhouette remains enlarged . there has been resolution of bilateral pleural effusions . again visualized are two calcified left upper lobe granulomas . . resolution of bilateral pleural effusions . . heart size remains enlarged . this could be indicative of cardiomyopathy or a pericardial effusion . Cardiomegaly 12185775 53462705 d20291fc-8d626aa2-b3b2ef02-6f8b81ac-12f2432d +1914 hyperinflation reflects copd . heart size is normal . there is no pulmonary edema or appreciable pleural effusion . sternal augmentation and stabilization device unchanged in position . a small amount of retrosternal pneumomediastinum is to be expected . no evidence of bleeding . Support Devices 17770657 52930375 97bbae6e-3d8e3ff8-4be7f377-ce5fb58c-572b0bac +1915 pa and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate mild hyperinflation, consistent with known emphysema . additionally, interstitial edema, small right pleural effusion, and mild cardiomegaly are new when compared to . left basilar scarring and pleural thickening are chronic . median sternotomy wires and aortic prosthesis are unchanged . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . chf with interstitial edema superimposed upon baseline emphysema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13606683 55528477 242c5252-f4f60ea2-60a0a808-024076cc-54ea11ce +1916 cardiac size is normal . a small right pleural effusion is new . there are low lung volumes . persistent residual peribronchial opacities in the upper lobes bilaterally and medial left lower lobe have minimally improved from prior study . there are no new lung abnormalities . there is no evident pneumothorax . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 10933609 52866895 2584ab7b-dd93b49c-2783f1d8-ee64a307-80ff57b5 +1917 the patient is status post coronary artery bypass graft surgery . the sternum is not well assessed with this technique . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged, including mild cardiomegaly as well as calcification and tortuosity of the aorta . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the chest is probably hyperinflated to some degree . a coarse irregular reticular opacification in the left upper lung is a stable chronic-appearing but non-specific finding . streaky opacities at the left lung base suggest minor scarring . a stable focal nodular opacity projecting over the right upper lobe . as before, a small nipple shadow projects over the right mid chest . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 14851532 56271024 f403c773-516b1bf3-4068dd21-67aadc38-513ad05f +1918 ap semi upright view of the chest provided . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . right pleural effusion is similar to prior . there is a new moderate to large left pleural effusion . cardiomegaly is similar to prior . imaged osseous structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . . there is a new moderate to large left pleural effusion . . right pleural effusion is similar to prior . Pleural Effusion 19182863 57825235 fe58949c-440ecca2-acbe699f-ccfa0603-90cc7117 +1919 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg, with again most of the sternotomy wires seemed to be fractured . a left-sided aicd is stable in position . minimal left base atelectasisscarring is seen . there is blunting of the left costophrenic angle on the lateral view, which may be due to a trace pleural effusion . no pneumothorax or focal consolidation is seen . calcified nodule in right upper lobe is again consistent with granuloma . the cardiac silhouette is top normal . the aortic knob is calcified . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16059470 58625748 8b6b90be-a3f009d8-fcfdce19-97533664-0f73e66c +1920 the dobbhoff tube shows now normal course . the tip projects over the middle parts of the stomach . no complications, notably no pneumothorax . otherwise, the image is unchanged . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 15338518 50581506 37f7e3ca-93ef1bc3-81e615c8-a061addd-3a3b6dbf +1921 stable bilateral layering pleural effusions with bibasilar airspace process likely reflecting compressive atelectasis . there has been interval appearance of mild interstitial and pulmonary edema . left-sided pacer remains in place with the lead traversing a left superior vena cava to the right ventricular apex . status post median sternotomy with mitral annular ring . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 58039954 702ea80d-45e751b9-f310cea5-80c50417-c80de945 +1922 the patient has taken a much better inspiration . there is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion that is less prominent than on the previous study . retrocardiac opacification is consistent with volume loss in the lower lobe and there is blunting of both costophrenic angles . no evidence of pneumothorax . no acute focal pneumonia is identified . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 14851532 54199404 c1d88bcb-41125f69-0bde8f97-cf27b9f3-3e411312 +1923 there are low lung volumes which accentuate the bronchovascular markings . bibasilar opacities are seen, which most likely represent atelectasis, although aspiration or infection are not excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17897339 59433297 6acc427b-57dfcb76-42bfe32a-060177db-044a5c6f +1924 the pre-existing right upper lobe pneumonia is completely resolved . the pre-existing signs of mild fluid overload, however, are still present . the pre-existing cardiomegaly is unchanged . several calcified lung nodules are also unchanged . unchanged alignment of the sternal wires . no acute pneumonia, no pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Lesion&&Pneumonia 18828251 51246566 fe5ade20-832e5f10-2fcedcb6-4c3c8557-e8bfb513 +1925 small bilateral pleural effusions are seen on the lateral chest radiograph with the right pigtail catheter at the lung base . cardiomegaly continues to be seen with no pulmonary edema or focal consolidation . median sternotomy wires are intact, and left-sided ij central venous line is in appropriate position . small bilateral pleural effusions are seen . Pleural Effusion 19182863 59009773 4d9ec74c-58ee4dca-9bf9fe37-360c15ab-2b67b1a8 +1926 heart size and mediastinum are stable . lungs are clear with no new focal consolidations . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the right picc line tip is at the level of low svc . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 15114531 54440330 6e40a0ff-0f24e50f-e0dbabb8-6b7a3207-d50720d0 +1927 ap view of the chest patient is status post median sternotomy, cabg, and mitral valve replacement . a left-sided aicd device is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus . mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is redemonstrated, with unchanged tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . there is perihilar haziness with vascular indistinctness and diffuse alveolar opacities compatible with moderate pulmonary edema . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 18322589 58349137 f59791dd-2e8e1e7a-607b2f6e-18b713c7-aed09023 +1928 the previously identified bilateral basal parenchymal infiltrates have increased in extension and occupy also the periphery of the lungs mid field area . the lateral pleural sinuses remain free from any massive pleural effusion and no pneumothorax is seen in the apical area . comparison also indicates that the heart shadow has increased in size . remarkable is a more marked distention of the azygous vein, which would indicate increased right-sided cardiac filling pressure . nicu telephone was used for communication at pm . no contact was established with referring physician, , was reached by telephone, findings were transmitted . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16662264 53652977 b6259590-ac02402d-a7f53e0c-5ab10b89-b8c49017 +1929 examination centered at the diaphragm shows new nasogastric tube ending in the stomach . lung bases show persistent small-to-moderate bilateral pleural effusion . upper abdominal gas pattern is unremarkable . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12433421 53499416 ea90382d-329c4f3b-73ff1b45-e7f3f9f7-63cd342d +1930 relatively low lung volumes are seen . that said, there has been interval resolution of the previously seen right-sided pneumonia . the lungs are now clear . there is no effusion and no evidence of pulmonary edema . median sternotomy wires and coronary artery stents are identified . degree of cardiomegaly is unchanged . no acute osseous abnormalities . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19150427 52284383 4d33ac8f-8d9c4251-e9defb1a-a8f77096-4e2a228e +1931 the size of the large right parahilar air-fluid level is slightly decreased . overall, the massive and predominantly central bilateral parenchymal opacities of mixed morphology are stable in extent and severity . unchanged normal size of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged absence of pleural effusions . unchanged mild elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 17270742 51271572 fa46f7c1-2f7b2152-3371f918-8971f374-e6405bae +1932 chest pa and lateral radiograph demonstrates mild linear atelectasis and associated volume loss in the left lower lung base . no focal opacifications concerning for pneumonia identifiedstable blunting noted of the left costophrenic angle is likely due to pleural thickening and scarring . no definite pleural effusions evident . interval development of a fracture of the most inferior sternotomy suture . no acute process . interval development sternotomy suture fracture without evidence of dehiscence . Fracture 13606683 56272498 67e8e551-3fb614a6-58610388-c92da136-a8d32ff8 +1933 upright ap view of the chest the heart size is mildly enlarged . the aortic knob is calcified . there is mild pulmonary edema noted with perihilar haziness and vascular indistinctness . small bilateral pleural effusions are present, left greater than right, with bibasilar airspace opacities . no pneumothorax is identified . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . mild congestive heart failure with small bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar airspace opacities, likely reflecting atelectasis, though infection cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12952223 55062075 e652c211-269bf80b-7db4a010-71e01204-f164bb7c +1934 moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is again noted, unchanged . the aorta is mildly tortuous and demonstrates mild atherosclerotic calcification . hilar contours are within normal limits . previous pattern of mild interstitial pulmonary edema has nearly completely resolved, with no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified . there are multilevel degenerative changes in the thoracic spine, with slight loss of height of a low thoracicupper lumbar vertebral body, unchanged . multiple clips in the upper abdomen are unchanged . interval resolution in previous pattern of interstitial pulmonary edema . no radiographic evidence for pneumonia . Edema 11512104 53379869 294ebc2b-bda5301f-54062c24-9d36e9fe-0770d722 +1935 pa and lateral chest radiographs are provided . there is no focal consolidation, pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the lungs are hyperinflated . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . there is no free air under the right hemidiaphragm . there are no concerning osseous lesions . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19748558 59372049 baf21f49-b3c34e24-016e1cf0-2d79e385-87cef256 +1936 consistent with the given history, large-bore dual-lumen dialysis catheter from a right internal jugular approach is in stable and standard course and position from a right internal jugular approach . a left internal jugular central venous catheter device has been removed in the interval . no consolidation or edema is evident . the mediastinum is unremarkable . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . this is an interval change compared to the most recent prior study but has been noted on other prior studies . subtle blunting of the right costophrenic angle suggests a tiny effusion . no pneumothorax is evident . there are no displaced fractures . small bilateral pleural effusions . interval marked enlargement of the cardiac silhouette relative to the most recent prior exam . however, other more remote exams have demonstrated enlargement of the silhouette, thereby suggesting the possibility of waxing and waning pericardial effusion . correlate clinically . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 15259244 58008930 35b21042-72d1e131-7566b7a8-5f8005c0-b27fc76d +1937 portable ap view of the chest demonstrates confluent opacity in the right mid and lower lung . there is relative sparing of the right apex . rounded lucencies projecting over right hemithorax, are suggestive of cavities or abscess formation . small-to-moderate right pleural effusion is likely . ground-glass opacities most pronounced in the left mid lung zone . there is no large left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is seen . heart size is difficult to discern due to adjacent opacities . partially imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable . confluent opacity involving mid and lower right lung with round lucencies, suggestive of cavitation andor abscess formation . ground-glass opacification of the left mid lung . small-to-moderate right pleural effusion . findings concerning for infection with cavitary lesions in the right lower lung . correlation with ct exam from the outside hospital, which by report was performed at the osh . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13964474 54765591 6911b0d3-34d72504-00da42b3-d727c19f-52754910 +1938 endotracheal tube and nasogastric tube remain well positioned . there is a new right ij line, extending to the mid svc . no pneumothorax . stable diffuse opacity in the right hemithorax, compatible with layering effusion as seen on neck ct . no left effusion . bibasilar opacities are not significantly changed . stable hilar and cardiomediastinal contours . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12699874 51233868 5e44766b-fb081bc1-02952485-11552e37-ed98a6d3 +1939 ap upright portable chest radiograph obtained . there are bilateral small layering pleural effusions, not significantly changed from the prior chest radiograph . there is a metallic stent again noted in the region of the left subclavian vein . mild interstitial pulmonary edema is likely present . the heart and mediastinal contour appear stable . bony structures appear grossly intact . mild interstitial edema with bilateral small pleural effusions, essentially unchanged from the prior exam . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16772702 55198378 49c6a0af-c1fc71ef-9a008d1f-a69a11c6-ae390e99 +1940 pa and lateral chest radiographs right suprahilar opacity with its fiducial marker is stable for at least two months . small bilateral pleural abnormalities and a large region of rounded atelectasis in the left lower lobe are also unchanged . heart size, and mediastinal and pulmonary vascularity are normal and there is no edema . pacemaker leads are in unchanged positions, intact . No Finding 13067703 50999536 c1875b25-77500901-b90303e0-9b5c3aac-2b57b80c +1941 the lungs are well expanded and clear . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . sternotomy wires are again noted, with fracture of the two upper wires unchanged from prior exam . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15518538 55758533 44fd9408-57bb7612-99f6002c-71e76b77-a2040d14 +1942 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . suggestion of mitral anulus calcification is seen . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16508811 54074259 8b3bc5d6-b73f3699-9273fe20-4aac09c6-d0ef8954 +1943 comparison is made to the patients prior study of . single ap upright portable study dated at is submitted and compared to prior study of . . subtle streaky opacities at both lung bases likely reflect atelectasis, although an early pneumonia cannot be entirely excluded . no pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are . no acute bony abnormality . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax 19549821 59953900 a6af277c-9bba350e-4a71b3e8-137d82db-cb01dd0e +1944 portable ap radiograph of the chest was compared to and . since , there is interval progression of extensive consolidation involving almost the entire left lung, consistent with worsening pneumonia . since the radiograph obtained a day ago no appreciable change is demonstrated . most likely the patients pleural effusion was tapped on the right with currently decreased amount of right pleural effusion and presence of loculated basal pneumothorax . pigtail catheter is in place . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 58340268 2608e773-08c16868-0fac8b34-f79c46da-e7c1319e +1945 cardiac silhouette is within normal limits and there is no evidence of acute pneumonia or vascular congestion . mild atelectatic changes are suggested at the bases . specifically, no evidence of pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum following the procedure . Atelectasis 16848073 57765976 8f79faef-d6ab7ef3-75eb04f9-26fe138d-a9352552 +1946 the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no lobar consolidation is seen . there is subtle increased interstitial markings in the left mid lung zone, with possible mild peribronchial thickening . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there is persistent compression of a mid thoracic vertebral body . slight increase in interstitial markings in the left mid lung zone which may in part relate to peribronchial thickening although atypical infection not excluded . the remainder of the study is unchanged . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13475033 50641273 68bd5521-ca187f93-ae93cbe6-8bb8f491-3fb2dd0f +1947 a left-sided internal jugular catheter is stable in position . a right-sided internal jugular dialysis catheter is also stable . there is no pneumothorax . bibasilar pulmonary opacities are increasing from the prior examination done yesterday and are likely related to increasing pulmonary edema and atelectasis . bibasilar airspace opacities are increasing and are likely related to worsening pulmonary edema and atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 16508811 50818829 c2f49f11-42bbe227-0e97f6b4-10ea93f4-e05ef9fb +1948 right internal jugular line ends at cavoatrial junction . since , there are no relevant changes in the lungs . mediastinal and mild pulmonary vascular congestion, and left lower lobe atelectasis are unchanged . no evidence of pulmonary edema . thoracic aorta is generally large . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Support Devices 19454978 56732549 955b5b7c-e2c4d556-9acb1f7d-ca2828f9-f57d4c56 +1949 left-sided dual lumen dialysis catheter tip terminates in the proximal right atrium, unchanged . the heart is mild to moderately enlarged with left atrial prominence . mediastinal contours are unchanged . there is mild to moderate moderate pulmonary edema, with more focal opacity seen in the right lung base, new from the prior study . small bilateral pleural effusions are noted . there is no pneumothorax . no acute osseous abnormalities are visualized . clips are seen within the upper abdomen . mild to moderate pulmonary edema, similar compared to the prior study, with more focal opacity in the right lung base concerning for an area of infection . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17340686 53574399 fcacd1e7-993853b9-c2a8e32f-c4fff20c-7792291b +1950 compared to the prior study where right there is no significant interval change . median sternotomy wires are again visualized along with surgical clips degenerative changes throughout the thoracic spine . there is no focal infiltrate or effusion . no significant interval change . No Finding 15032623 58801080 924e87c2-147bd825-9fe46cda-0cd4a1e3-f76f63a0 +1951 single ap view of the chest was reviewed . there has been interval increase in the right pleural effusion, now moderate, with right basilar atelectasis . mild edema is also seen . there is no pneumothorax . the presence of the right pleural effusion limits assessment of the right cardiomediastinal contours, but the remainder of the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . median sternotomy wires are in similar configuration with aortic and tricuspid valve replacements . increase in right pleural effusion, now moderate, with underlying atelectasis . mild pulmonary edema . repeat chest radiograph after resolution of right pleural effusion is recommended to reassess the lungs and mediastinum . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 59041802 ffd60688-5da7c1d3-4229e284-c84ba788-c00f4302 +1952 the right picc line has migrated outward so that the tip is with in the axillary region, outside of the chest cavity . otherwise little change . No Finding&&Support Devices 16043637 58106953 3ce5c898-0662e770-176651fe-92d12c6e-a6d793f8 +1953 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . left-sided dual-chamber pacemaker device is present with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . mild pulmonary vascular engorgement is likely present, similar compared to the prior study . probable small bilateral pleural effusions are present . pleural thickening within the lung apices is is unchanged . no pneumothorax is identified . streaky bibasilar opacities likely reflect a combination of atelectasis with chronic fibrotic changes, more so in the right lung base . no pneumothorax is detected . no acute osseous abnormalities seen . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is unchanged . remote fracture of the proximal right humerus is again noted . mild pulmonary vascular congestion, similar compared to the previous exam, with probable small bilateral pleural effusions . bibasilar streaky airspace opacities could reflect a combination of atelectasis with chronic changes . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12110863 53008088 22a06cfc-11fababd-02d9a890-42cbc80e-34757e33 +1954 the endotracheal tube and nasogastric tubes have been removed . lung volumes are stable or even increased . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with some evidence of increased pulmonary venous pressure . pacemaker device remains in place . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 18417750 54413043 171a0854-5913620e-72072890-3fec961c-fc4bf535 +1955 the lungs are clear without consolidation or edema . an ill-defined density projecting adjacent to the cardiac apex is likely nipple shadow . mediastinum is unremarkable . the cardiac silhouette is within normal limits for size . no effusion or pneumothorax is noted . the visualized osseous structures are unremarkable . no acute pulmonary process . No Finding 16662264 54193371 f781fb92-d5c744fe-58574051-17d2e843-3ba0a211 +1956 compared to prior chest radiographs through . consolidation in the left lower lobe has been present for more than a week, improved slightly . this could be pneumonia, but atelectasis is more likely . severe cardiomegaly is stable . there is no longer any pulmonary edema . pleural effusion is likely, but not large . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14841168 59481059 b3a377e6-a4f90277-7bd8361f-bfc64687-a4ee054b +1957 severe cardiomegaly and mediastinal and hilar vascular engorgement persists but there has been very significant improvement in previous pulmonary edema, now only minimal, persisting at the base of the right lung . small right pleural effusion is likely . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 55958316 b570093b-0dc0e880-c0006423-ad6a31ed-d87e89fa +1958 the mediastinal contour is somewhat prominent, which likely in part reflect patients slight leftward rotation as no mediastinal mass was seen on prior ct . the lungs are hyperinflated compatible with copd . a calcified granuloma is again noted in the left mid lung . calcified lymph nodes in the left hilum are better assessed on the prior ct . heart size is top normal . no definite evidence of pneumonia or chf . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the imaged osseous structures appear intact . hyperinflated lungs without evidence of pneumonia or chf . slight mediastinal prominence likely reflects patients slight leftward rotation . No Finding 15612622 59063233 48a254ba-4d6ccab1-b254dcf7-a7f305bc-9aae746b +1959 previous pulmonary edema and pulmonary vascular engorgement have resolved . small right and small-to-moderate left pleural effusion are also decreasing . heart size normal . et tube, right internal jugular line, and a left subclavian infusion port are in standard placements . nasogastric tube passes into the stomach and out of view . no pneumothorax . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15758946 51850726 bb2896e3-7eeb9cba-9b026443-c0ee46b8-694ab8ed +1960 comparison to , . the position of the right picc line and of the endotracheal tube are stable and correct . the tip of the endotracheal tube projects approximately cm above the carina . increasing areas of right basal and left retrocardiac atelectasis . otherwise unchanged radiographic appearance of the lung and of the heart . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 11022245 57732352 7c113cab-8f9bee61-2b8ef272-d3fb769c-21b9dd1c +1961 endotracheal tube has been removed . indwelling swan-ganz catheter has ended in the right descending pulmonary artery for at least days an should not be advanced . moderate to severe cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular congestion persists . right pleural effusion is small to moderate depending upon the extent of atelectasis in the right middle and lower lobe which which could both be collapsed . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 56617468 53013423-847183db-f162b5ca-9a000174-6427b00e +1962 there is a linear opacity in the lower lung projecting over the middle mediastinum, which is nonspecific and seen on lateral view only, but may represent infection . linear opacity over the right lower lung likely represents linear atelectasis or scarring . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . heart and mediastinal contours are stable with persistent mild cardiomegaly . sternal wires and valve hardware are noted . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19182863 54839174 4d994f76-a7de771a-cf65cd0f-c1250201-f04a9626 +1963 the picc line tip is in the mid svc . there is bilateral lower lobe infiltrates, left greater than right bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right dense retrocardiac opacity and mild pulmonary vascular redistribution and alveolar infiltrate most marked on the right . compared to the prior study, there has been some progression of the lower lobe infiltrates . the overall impression is that of chf but an underlying infectious infiltrate cannot be excluded . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12185775 59668999 827f0d63-8f046ac6-10747136-2c3bac93-b95d8a29 +1964 the patient is status post median sternotomy again with a top normal-sized cardiac silhouette and mildly tortuous thoracic aorta . hilar contours are unremarkable . lung volumes are low with right base atelectasis as well as increased focal retrocardiac opacity with lateral posterior lower lobe correlate . right-sided port-a-cath is again demonstrated terminating at the cavoatrial junction . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is no overt pulmonary edema . calcified mediastinal lymph nodes are again noted . low lung volumes with a focal retrocardiac opacity with lower lobe correlate on lateral view . this may represent either atelectasis or infection, and correlation with clinical presentation is recommended . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11413236 52541396 46bdab14-1fa0233c-c0b0841d-4c0869de-6564ff0d +1965 there is a pleurx catheter in place . no evidence of pneumothorax . bibasilar opacification is consistent with atelectasis and effusion . indistinctness of pulmonary vessels is consistent with elevated pulmonary venous pressure . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10410641 59146650 05dad5f1-e33191fc-c4063ab8-15fcf471-3f82205d +1966 current study demonstrates persistent right lower lobe consolidation with right infrahilar opacity and small amount of pleural effusion . no evidence of cavitation is demonstrated . left lung is clear . given the persistence of the abnormality, chest ct might be considered to exclude the possibility of post-obstructive infectious process . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19016834 51549323 d1d3f29c-29490dfe-67ee738d-f029c586-6e269d50 +1967 there is unchanged cardiomegaly . there is improvement of the pulmonary interstitial edema . there remains a left retrocardiac opacity . no pneumothoraces are seen . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 15131736 52604478 687582eb-5fef8f7a-db199474-71f15674-1418c028 +1968 vascular stents are unchanged in position . no focal consolidation is seen . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no pulmonary edema is seen . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19061282 56970093 56800e51-37c27e17-e57356ac-463bc851-663bdfa9 +1969 moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is chronic . there is no pulmonary edema today or focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . conventional radiographs would probably be more revealing than bedside studies . pleural effusion minimal if any . no evidence of central lymph node enlargement . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 13473495 53743811 b68909bd-ab26c600-5bce4577-31a3f9ad-8bac4c2c +1970 heterogeneous opacities in the right upper lung and left lower lung are new compared to radiographs from and concerning for infection . a small to moderate left pleural effusion is substantially increased . there is no definite right pleural effusion . heart size is top normal . unfolding of the thoracic aorta is unchanged . aortic calcifications are again noted . segmental left rib fractures are unchanged . . new right upper and left lower lung heterogeneous opacities are concerning for pneumonia . . increased small to moderate left pleural effusion . by dr . via telephone on . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 17206933 51664027 ff6e7a7d-9a6dcd6f-295e7a94-b49fbcc3-502bd3ab +1971 ap upright and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate low lung volumes . when compared to radiograph dated , there has been little interval change . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours remain unchanged, the heart moderately enlarged . prominent vasculature and prominence of the hila is suggestive of pulmonary hypertension . obscuration of the bilateral costophrenic angles is consistent with likely small bilateral pleural effusions versus atelectasis . no acute osseous abnormalities identified . chronic moderate cardiomegaly and probably pulmonary hypertension, unchanged in appearance when compared to prior examination dated . no overt pulmonary edema or pneumonia . Cardiomegaly 15131736 59762262 69a388e4-94fb2974-fac79369-7a8ffbfd-0331e4d3 +1972 triple-lead left-sided aicd is again seen with leads extending to the expected position of the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus . the lead extending to the coronary sinus, the distal aspect of which is partially obscured by the overlying battery pack . there are extremely low lung volumes that accentuate the bronchovascular markings . the left lung base is obscured by patients overlying battery packs and not well evaluated . right basilar atelectasis is seen . there is blunting of the right costophrenic angle, which may be due to small pleural effusion . aortic knob calcification is again seen . the cardiac silhouette is grossly stable . there is gaseous distention of the stomach and possibly the colon . suboptimal evaluation of the left mid to lower lung due to overlying battery pack . if this is areas of high clinical concern, consider repeat with re-positioning of the patient . there are extremely low lung volumes . right basilar atelectasis is seen . blunting of the right costophrenic angle could be due to small pleural effusion . gaseous distention of the stomach and possibly of the bowel . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 12595991 54046592 6b246587-087f7413-b47b8a33-a9e5c257-20aaf460 +1973 portable ap chest radiograph was reviewed in comparison to . heart size is top normal and stable as well as tortuous aorta . lungs are clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . hyperinflation is noted on the right that might be consistent to substantial emphysema . No Finding 17962324 56599347 2e25b67d-2fe26860-9bd31e83-0ae5d783-44e5bc1e +1974 midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . the lungs appear clear bilaterally without definite signs of pneumonia or chf . the patient is known to have multiple pulmonary metastases which are not well seen . a lesion in the left lower lobe projects over the posterior margin of the heart on the lateral view . a nodular opacity is again noted in the left upper lobe . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . heart size is stable . mediastinal contour is also stable . bony structures appear intact . known lung metastases are again noted though better assessed on prior ct . no definite signs of superimposed acute process . No Finding 11879886 54972841 12fcd1f0-96b6eb00-a6a5ee27-7e8d19ee-63f16bc2 +1975 analysis is performed in direct comparison with the next preceding chest examination of . heart size is normal . relatively wide mediastinal and cardiac contours are compatible with previously on ct documented mediastinal lipomatosis . accessible aortic contours are unremarkable . the pulmonary vasculature is not congested . no signs of acute or chronic parenchymal infiltrates are present and the lateral and posterior pleural sinuses are free . skeletal structures of the thorax grossly unremarkable . in comparison with the next preceding study, no significant interval change can be identified . prominence of soft tissue structures surrounding the skeletal structures of the thorax are indicative of rather advanced adiposity . stable chest findings, no evidence of pulmonary congestion or acute parenchymal infiltrates in this patient with history of cough . Lung Opacity 17257913 57420525 614cf968-41dc136f-73eb6d42-6b73032b-e0dde637 +1976 large right pleural effusion has remained stable since . there is extensive new opacification in the left lung in a generally perihilar distribution, most readily explained by pulmonary edema though pulmonary hemorrhage and pneumonia could be contributory . heart is enlarged, but hard to assess because of adjacent right pleural effusion . right jugular line ends in the mid svc . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14471276 53261956 1c46590a-4ab8d375-c539829a-8adff157-efdba049 +1977 pa and lateral views of the chest demonstrate hyperexpansion of the lungs and relative flattening of the bilateral hemidiaphragms, consistent with emphysema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . there is no evidence of pulmonary edema, pleural effusion or focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . multilevel degenerative changes are present in the thoracic spine . bilateral nipple shadows should not be confused for pulmonary nodules . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . emphysema . No Finding 19549821 56042734 c7c68b52-54b2bc92-e88ecc8c-e4048535-e3dbb409 +1978 comparison is made with prior study performed one hour earlier . dobbhoff tube has been replaced, now tube tip is in the stomach . there are no other acute interval changes . No Finding&&Support Devices 11880923 50993278 0e77afe7-43ac6d41-4086ded7-baee7795-75274784 +1979 patient has had median sternotomy and mitral valve replacement and tricuspid valvular surgery . lungs are hyperinflated but clear . heart is not enlarged . small bilateral pleural effusions are stable, probably not clinically significant . there no findings in the lungs to suggest amiodarone toxicity . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18224196 52296113 e0112e51-895b5e80-732b15a1-fd8008b4-e8bf044d +1980 there is some improved aeration in the medial aspect of the left lung . however, substantial opacification persists in this hemithorax . right lung remains clear . Lung Opacity 12530259 54434117 240ac503-263c23a7-986ec4c8-17bf733c-143e5fd6 +1981 lung volumes continue to be low . bilateral loculated pleural effusions are again seen and grossly unchanged . a right basilar opacity may be due to atelectasis, but there is persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . compared with the prior study, increased interstitial lung markings suggest the presence of mild interstitial pulmonary edema . patient is post cabg with wondering median sternotomy wires, consistent with known chronic sternal dehiscence . . compared with the prior study, there is worsened interstitial pulmonary edema . . grossly unchanged bilateral loculated pleural effusions . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 53330219 b8375637-30c4d9cb-3bd3bb64-a6a4446a-c149911f +1982 the heart size is normal . the hilar and mediastinal contours are normal . obscuration of the right heart border would ordinarily suggest right middle lobe pneumonia, but there is no corresponding abnormality on the lateral view, and lungs are otherwise clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . because the abnormal appearance of the right middle lobe is seen only on the frontal view, if clinical findings warrant suspicion of early pneumonia, follow up chest radiographs should be obtained . Pneumonia 15659181 56790426 82d144fd-f088da1b-377b3165-5f6cfb78-e3e4ae80 +1983 there is little overall change . the endotracheal tube is not precisely seen on the study, suggesting that it may have its tip in the mid cervical region or higher . little change in the appearance of the heart and lungs . nasogastric tube extends well into the stomach with the tip distal to the cardioesophageal junction . the large central catheter tip is in the region of the mid portion of the svc . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 18855147 59227699 853f7149-553cb4b1-fe4e0131-75f81ca8-f910c92b +1984 ap upright portable chest radiograph obtained . midline sternotomy wires are again noted . there are tiny bilateral pleural effusions, slightly increased from prior exam . there is no definite sign of pneumonia or overt chf . the heart size is stable . mediastinal contour is widened reflecting an unfolded thoracic aorta . no pneumothorax . bony structures appear intact . small bilateral pleural effusions, mildly increased from prior . Pleural Effusion 17669276 58317281 137c9581-82049ac3-2bce7676-8032c119-9845711c +1985 moderate cardiomegaly is all stable compared to the prior exams dated back to at least . there has been an interval increase in bilateral moderate pulmonary edema with interstitial thickening and perihilar vascular congestion compared to the prior exam from . there may be small bilateral pleural effusions . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the visualized osseous structures are unremarkable . note is made of a left subclavian stent, overall unchanged in position compared to the prior exam . moderate pulmonary edema, overall increased compared to the prior exam from . Edema 13473495 57333607 9748d26b-62549e8c-0a4fec22-48ae4480-691c7013 +1986 a left pacer defibrillator unit has leads in the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus . the endotracheal tube seats . cm above the carina . midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are unchanged . right-sided central venous catheter tip seats at the cavoatrial junction . an endogastric tube courses inferiorly with its side port projecting over the stomach . the cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . bibasilar atelectasis persists with small bilateral pleural effusions . the lung parenchyma demonstrates minimally improved opacities, signifying improving edema or hemorrhage . there is no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18322589 55604705 e3f6ff40-982c86c0-0c5ce5f6-f79305f7-a1fbdeea +1987 the pulmonary vascular congestion has decreased . opacification at the right base is again consistent with effusion and volume loss . less prominent effusion and atelectasis is seen at the left base . right chest tube remains in place without pneumothorax . extensive opacification in the right paratracheal region is consistent with the known invasive esophageal tumor . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16848073 50955589 0c931dce-4d5b295c-0a68da5e-9d5c6169-3d3ef2da +1988 right lower lobe peribronchial consolidation is stable . retrocardiac atelectasis have markedly improved . cardiomegaly is stable . vascular stents in the mediastinum are again noted . tracheostomy tube is in standard position . large central catheter projects in the lower svc, a second large catheter tip projects in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen . there is no evident pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 19061282 57069327 8531a641-5f0bd3c1-b6e592c6-294f4e41-1dc643c3 +1989 there has been the development of areas of opacification at the left base most likely reflecting atelectasis and mild effusion . in the appropriate clinical setting, supervening pneumonia would have to be considered . port-a-cath remains in place . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11413236 53966135 30441716-407a53b5-7bec00c6-abac7a61-d6054dfd +1990 the lungs are clear without consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . left chest wall dual lead pacing device is seen with lead tips in the right atrium and right ventricular apex . median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . multiple bilateral rib fractures are noted, most of which appear chronic . there is non visualization of the cortical margin of the right posterior eighth rib fracture which raises possibility of acuity . multiple rib fractures identified bilaterally with possible acuity of the right posterior eighth rib fracture, to be correlated with patients site of pain . otherwise no acute cardiopulmonary process . Fracture 18487334 57241138 4bc5f178-5d714644-9cc072b9-d1ac0ed5-b4db2ba0 +1991 the left lung is clear . there is stable elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . mild atelectasis is noted in the right lung base along with basilar scarring, causing patchy opacity in the right lung base, better assessed on prior ct torso from . the heart size is normal . no pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . atelectasis and scarring is noted at the right lung base, better assessed on prior cta torso from . otherwise, no acute cardiopulmonary process . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 18309149 51907814 2b9d6438-d4549d50-64eabcc2-0159f860-4702ea69 +1992 comparison is made to prior study of . the endotracheal tube, feeding tube, and right ij central venous catheter are stable in position . there is again seen cardiomegaly and left retrocardiac opacity, which is unchanged . there are no pneumothoraces or signs for overt pulmonary edema . a small right-sided pleural effusion is also present . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11607628 56862577 54f4c142-ff4415c6-17466d42-d7531983-33acac69 +1993 compared to chest radiographs since , most recently . chronic moderate to severe non fibrotic interstitial pulmonary abnormality has been present for years . intermittent radiographic exacerbation has been attributed to volume overload . today the abnormality is comparable in severity to many previous examinations and less severe than some . that is not an indication of acute pneumonia or even pulmonary edema . moderate cardiomegaly is long-standing, also less severe today than at some times in the past and there is no pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly 13475033 56492056 b271e268-5ff07642-0d37e1c1-760b6df6-f50c46b0 +1994 the patient is rotated which somewhat limits evaluation . the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . heart size is moderately enlarged but unchanged . the aorta is tortuous and calcified . there is mild interstitial pulmonary edema, relatively unchanged . at least small bilateral pleural effusions are present . bibasilar airspace opacities may reflect compressive atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax . degenerative changes are noted in both glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints with narrowed acromial humeral intervals suggestive of underlying rotator cuff disease . there is evidence of prior vertebroplasty at the thoracolumbar junction . mild pulmonary edema and small bilateral pleural effusions, similar compared to the prior exam . persistent bibasilar airspace opacities could reflect compressive atelectasis but infection or aspiration cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 17669276 50926698 b7d77fd6-bf863ed1-0d7c7510-dde731ba-1e25abec +1995 comparison to at . portable ap upright chest film, at is submitted . . given patient rotation, the overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are likely stable . the heart remains moderately enlarged and the aorta remains unfolded and tortuous . there is no evidence of pulmonary edema . the lungs appear grossly clear . there is some blunting of the left costophrenic angle, which may reflect pleural thickening andor a small pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is seen . no focal airspace consolidation is seen to suggest pneumonia . prominent opacity in the right paratracheal region is felt to likely be vascular in etiology . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 16853729 51634830 9ef32bb6-e50747e2-dcc3e2c5-8eb088ab-1299485a +1996 compared to prior chest radiographs since , most recently . severe cardiomegaly is chronic . mediastinal veins were acutely distended and pulmonary edema, exaggerated by low lung volumes, had worsened between and . today lung volumes have improved, edema has decreased, but the severe cardiomegaly and mediastinal venous engorgement are still present . pleural effusions are presumed, but not large . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15131736 54323585 5b07d9a6-0d3955a8-5134f6fa-5357ca78-485cd5af +1997 comparison is made to the prior radiographs from . the right-sided picc line has been re-adjusted and the distal tip is now within the distal svc . the heart size is within normal limits . there is a small left-sided pleural effusion and left retrocardiac opacity . there is some atelectasis at the lung bases . no pneumothoraces are seen . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18978682 52752137 75130ab9-d00d9240-ca6e83c3-57d1ae06-ba5a458b +1998 there has been an increase in the bilateral pulmonary edema status post extubation as evidenced by increased dense opacification, which is now nearly confluent consistent with severe pulmonary edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is difficult to evaluate given intervening pulmonary edema opacity, however appears unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . there has been complete obscuration of the costophrenic angles suggestive of bilateral pleural effusions . right ij catheter is unchanged in position and ends in the upper svc . sternotomy wires are unchanged in position, aligned along the midline with no evidence of sternal dehiscence . worsening, now severe, bilateral pulmonary edema . supervening pneumonia can certainly not be excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . interval removal of endotracheal tube . cardiomediastinal silhouette stable . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumonia 13078497 50406925 c9fec029-7cff7a68-c85274cf-7a560cce-becdcb7e +1999 comparison is made to the prior study from . there is a right ij catheter with distal lead tip in the proximal right atrium . heart size is mildly enlarged but unchanged . there is a left retrocardiac opacity and bilateral pleural effusions which are small . there is mild pulmonary fluid overload . overall, these findings are stable . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19454978 56651744 495aa78d-7ad88491-fe7e2c29-d712e346-43f1b1a9 +2000 in comparison with these study of , there has been placement of a left ij swan- catheter with the tip in right pulmonary artery close to the mediastinal border . endotracheal tube and nasogastric tube have been removed . allowing for low lung volumes, there is little overall change in the appearance of the heart and lungs . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 19075045 54025444 a2082ebd-e2e4d325-ba2534ae-474619f3-c8f5ba9e +2001 the heart size is normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . the pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits . scattered calcifications within the upper lung fields bilaterally likely reflect the sequela of prior granulomatous disease . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there is likely minimal retrocardiac atelectasis . no acute osseous abnormalities are demonstrated . there are mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine as well as within the imaged left ac joint . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 16553329 53060980 81cfd2c3-1f5ca0a7-0c161ae2-ee73d31b-b51df559 +2002 the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . the lung volumes have increased, likely reflecting increased ventilatory pressure . the pre-existing combination of a right parenchymal opacity and diffusion has decreased in extent and severity . the retrocardiac lung parenchyma has also slightly increased in transparency . no evidence of new parenchymal opacities . a left pleural effusion is not present . in the left perihilar areas, there is minimal peribronchial cuffing and an increase in diameter of the vascular structures, so that mild pulmonary edema cannot be excluded . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 50940921 6ccb4ace-96b61a6d-da4ac48b-808f3b8e-7d4547a8 +2003 stable cardiomegaly . normal mediastinal and hilar contours . stable, subsegmental atelectasis in the right middle lobe . otherwise, the lungs are clear . pleural surfaces are normal . no evidence of an acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 17147859 50242373 60df340a-31a5266d-2f3912a7-3758a59c-9a5baa79 +2004 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable including calcification of the aortic arch and moderate tortuosity of the descending thoracic aorta . irregular opacification in the superior segment of the left lower lobe appears similar to the prior radiographs . nodularity in the right upper lobe also appears stable . however, on this study and since the more recent chest ct are bilateral pleural effusions as well as thickening of fissures an a mild interstitial abnormality predominantly visualized at the lung bases . new basilar reticulation, bilateral pleural effusions and thickened fissures all most suggestive of new mild pulmonary edema . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 57470809 b8bed4d3-d993a18e-0991e847-d35ed326-8aebc923 +2005 the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . there is minimal bibasilar atelectasis . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16043637 53520984 1cc3aae6-387f9950-c591a39d-320f3621-7c4e1b19 +2006 there is little change . specifically, no evidence of pneumothorax or displacement of pacer leads, which extend to the right atrium and apex of the right ventricle . No Finding 12810135 54423763 f3d55fb5-65898a76-c35f1782-805b2fd0-ffaa1772 +2007 mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema has worsened . nasogastric tube ends in the mid stomach . left pic line tip is in the mid svc . there is no pneumothorax . left pleural effusion is small on the left, if any . greater opacification in the right lower lobe and elsewhere could be combination of dependent edema and atelectasis but could also be an early focus of pneumonia . careful followup advised . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13979643 52684832 a9757208-a33ffdfd-f85aa4b3-e2f7e4ba-8c77011e +2008 the study is somewhat limited secondary to positioning . the patient is markedly rotated . again seen is a large-bore dual-lumen catheter from a left subclavian approach . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is again evident and slightly exaggerated . there is engorgement of the vascular pedicle and cephalization of the pulmonary vascularity, which is likely at least in part due to the supine positioning . linear atelectasis is seen in the retrocardiac left lower lobe . no focal consolidation is seen . the mediastinum again demonstrates a tortuous aorta exaggerated by the rotation . likewise, the cardiac silhouette is stable, but exaggerated . no large effusion is noted . blunting of the right costophrenic angle is relatively stable . there is no pneumothorax . limited study, but overall grossly stable . the slight engorgement is noted principally in the left hilar region may be in part due to recumbency . No Finding 14841168 51322686 4ab443e8-381a282a-dfe41cd5-8edde8bf-72cbeb68 +2009 lung volumes have improved since . cardiomegaly is chronic and severe, as are dilated pulmonary arteries, this examination neither suggests nor excludes the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism . there is no good evidence for edema or pneumonia and no appreciable pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly 15131736 54212695 435f9f3d-20761ab9-c5f2bca8-9d5b204f-3520a1a0 +2010 the position of the et tube, right picc line, and the ng tube are unchanged . extensive parenchymal consolidations appear to be minimally improved since the prior study . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13078497 54020063 fa1a0e84-a634126f-abeb0c16-873ec16b-221c189a +2011 as compared to the previous image, the nasogastric tube has been advanced . the tip of the tube now projects over the middle parts of the stomach . the stomach is markedly dilated . mildly distended small bowel loops . filter in the inferior vena cava . No Finding&&Support Devices 13979643 57065575 1982caee-73cd2f56-0f1d96b7-2b66f5fc-69c0c582 +2012 patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg with multiple fractured sternotomy wires again demonstrated, better seen on the prior ct . heart size remains mildly enlarged . mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . pulmonary vasculature is normal . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . biliary stent is seen within the upper abdomen on the lateral view . no acute osseous abnormalities present . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 19499595 51712579 cbcc7f2d-85037ab8-b4a6295b-36cbbacc-09003a12 +2013 pa and lateral chest views obtained with patient in upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding ap single view chest examination of . the heart size is at the upper limit of normal variation . the heart configuration suggests a relative prominence of the left ventricular contour, a finding which in conjunction with the moderately widened and elongated thoracic aorta suggests the possibility of systemic hypertension . there is no acute pulmonary congestion . in the right hemithorax pleural thickenings are identified and seen to clear along the lateral chest wall . this coincides with the previously described local resection of the posterior aspect of the fourth rib related to previously performed tracheal reconstruction . these post-operative changes have not undergone any significant interval change . no pneumothorax is present . on the lateral view the posterior pleural sinuses are free from any free fluid, pleural effusion . stable post-operative chest findings . no new acute infiltrates and no pneumothorax . Lung Opacity 11474065 57174042 0a8acf4e-79fa1809-f8cb320e-ec64a315-52784159 +2014 pa and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . as before, the lungs are hyperinflated, with flattening of the hemidiaphragms and enlargement of the retrosternal airspace, consistent with asthma andor copd . very subtle hazy opacities in the right lower lobe are new compared to the prior study from , possibly atelectasis or a very early pneumonia . a calcified left lung granuloma is unchanged . the lungs are otherwise clear . enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is not significantly changed . the mediastinal contours are normal aside from unchanged mild tortuosity of the descending thoracic aorta . there are no pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is seen . . likely right lower lobe atelectasis, although a very early pneumonia cannot be excluded . . findings consistent with copd . pertinent findings were discussed with dr . by at pm . via telephone on the day of the study . Atelectasis&&Pneumonia 15612622 50640881 98267606-76ec973b-5884e28c-692b590a-093841f0 +2015 severe elevation right hemidiaphragm which was new or substantially worsened on is unchanged . severe cardiomegaly stable . no pulmonary edema or appreciable pleural effusion . aside from right lower lobe atelectasiscommensurate with the elevated hemidiaphragm, lungs are clear . courses of the leads for the atrial biventricular pacer defibrillator system, a standard and no pneumothorax . unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 12595991 55907924 9c8bbef1-95e3b0fb-eea57c06-586fe950-918a79be +2016 monitoring and support devices are constant . constant cardiomegaly with relatively extensive retrocardiac atelectasis and the potential presence of a small left pleural effusion . mild pulmonary edema . areas of atelectasis at the right lung base . no newly occurred parenchymal opacities . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10268877 55430988 befa8b27-2bfd96b0-d50f7eda-deffa4f9-dd7e7314 +2017 the heart size is moderately enlarged . the mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are unchanged . a moderate to large right-sided pleural effusion is slightly increased in volume compared to prior examination with collapse of much of the right lower lobe and right middle lobe . there is also some consolidation at the base of the right upper lobe which could be due to compressive atelectasis . there is no left effusion . the upper lung zones appear clear . there is no pneumothorax . slightly increased moderate to large right-sided pleural effusion with collapse of much of the right middle lobe and right lower lobe . superimposed pneumonia cannot be excluded given the appropriate clinical circumstance . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12847817 53025898 e1463bfe-02353b8a-fe58ada7-b6000ba2-b57da915 +2018 ap and lateral views the chest were viewed . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable with severe cardiomegaly . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . a possible small nodule is the right mid lung zone could be evaluated electively with chest ct if indicated . no acute process . possible nodule in the right mid lung zone . nonurgent chest ct may be obtained for further evaluation . this recommendation with dr . telephone at am on . Lung Lesion 13473495 57665537 c6d9dcd8-49e961d7-227e2c94-92994086-9831113b +2019 compared to radiograph, cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular congestion are persistent findings . worsening patchy and linear opacities in the left mid and lower lung are likely due to atelectasis, and although coexisting infection is not fully excluded . no other relevant changes . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11052273 56107641 c92eb013-1e459dcb-d3e846b5-def9d7f0-42bed786 +2020 portable supine radiograph of the chest . there is diffuse indistinctness of the pulmonary vasculature, suggestive of mild interstitial pulmonary edema . although the heart size is likely exaggerated by the technique, there is moderate cardiomegaly which is stable from but not present on . the lungs are clear . the there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . chronic rightward tracheal deviation secondary to thyromegaly . . mild interstitial pulmonary edema . . apparent moderate cardiomegaly, unchanged from but new from , likely exaggarated by low lung volumes and techniqe but dilated cardiomyopathy or pericardial effusion should be considered . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15857729 52552967 9ce5a44f-66532667-66a23383-cbbb4b96-4a927036 +2021 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . since the very recent prior studies, there is a substantial new opacity in the right lower lobe concerning for pneumonia . the bones appear demineralized . there is mild-to-moderate rightward convex curvature again centered along the lower thoracic spine with incompletely characterized lumbar compression deformities . moderate degenerative changes are again noted along lower thoracic levels . findings consistent with pneumonia in the right lower lobe . depending on clinical circumstances, the possibility of aspiration could also be considered . Pneumonia 15612622 53964812 77986392-2dac3752-b145c42b-2ba010de-d49de562 +2022 previous right pleural effusion has cleared and moderate cardiomegaly has improved to mild . lungs are clear . hilar and mediastinal contours and pleural surfaces are unremarkable . Cardiomegaly 12658584 59756815 80e284b5-fdeeb82c-1b888818-0881ac87-eeaaeffa +2023 comparison is made with prior study performed a day before . right upper lobe opacity has increased concerning for increasing pneumoniaaspiration . there is also increase in opacities in the left lower lobe, consistent with aspiration . other multifocal consolidations in the left upper lobe, right perihilar region, and right lower lobe are unchanged . large right lower lobe fluid collection is unchanged allowing the difference in positioning of the patient . lines, tubes, and stent are in unchanged standard positions . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13964474 52510673 4d85d642-5e8316ad-ceed42bd-9bd4615a-20c66bf0 +2024 single semi-erect portable view of the chest was obtained . opacity projecting over the right mid to lower lung is likely due to pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis, underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . if want to know full extent of pleural effusion, consider decubitus views . there is a nodular opacity projecting over the lateral right lower hemithorax, most likely representing nipple shadow, although attention at followup once pleural effusion resolved is suggested . there is a small left pleural effusion . the cardiac silhouette is top normal to mildly enlarged . the aortic knob is calcified . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 11934114 51328698 f9a68aca-c5a51654-80b6c990-e35e78ae-63dcc3b2 +2025 pulmonary vascular congestion, hilar enlargement and moderate cardiomegaly are longstanding . there is no pulmonary edema . pleural effusions are small if any . thoracic aorta is heavily calcified, tortuous and generally large, but there is no evidence of focal aneurysm or interval change . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 10975446 53829371 d093e190-64d95289-7b99a592-ca302be2-6987d800 +2026 portable ap -degree upright view of the chest was reviewed and compared to the prior studies . an endotracheal tube ends cm above the carina . a left-sided internal jugular line ends in the upper svc and a right-sided internal jugular line ends in the mid superior vena cava . upper enteric tube passes into the stomach and off the radiograph . right upper lobe predominant pulmonary edema has improved on todays study, however, right upper lobe atelectasis persists . right middle lobe atelectasis is also unchanged . upper lung vascular redistribution and enlarged pulmonary arteries are chronic . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . a small right pleural effusion has increased . median sternotomy wires are aligned and intact . . minimal improvement in mild pulmonary edema, most prominent in the right upper lung . . unchanged atelectasis in the right upper and middle lobe . . increased small right pleural effusion . . unchanged moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18906643 59345475 2c2a8c78-1629add6-99b9b1e7-913212fa-faa7a8ac +2027 comparison to prior study of . portable ap chest film dated at hours is submitted for interpretation . note that the patient is markedly rotated to her right on the current examination which limits evaluation of the cardiac and mediastinal contours . . the lungs appear well inflated . there is prominent pulmonary vascularity suggestive of fluid-replete state, but no evidence of pulmonary or interstitial edema at this time . no pleural effusions . no evidence of pneumothorax . no acute bony abnormality . No Finding 16524406 56536310 924ee1f2-b4628f80-13244a4a-e74a358f-825abf61 +2028 cardiomediastinal contours are within normal limits and without change . minimal bibasilar atelectasis is present, but there are no new areas of consolidation to suggest the presence of a new site of pneumonia . nasogastric tube continues to terminate in the stomach, but side port is in close proximity to the gastroesophageal junction . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18517718 52573831 c1b6f0b0-c201e15c-84aa8630-f1c9dba3-2c2a1773 +2029 upright ap view of the chest the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . the lungs appear slightly hyperinflated, but no focal consolidation is present . left costophrenic angle is excluded from the field of view . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . multiple clips are demonstrated overlying the right breast and axillary region . No Finding 16435402 59788853 2e8951da-ac479fb3-79e5a820-7bb84b0f-5b41ef08 +2030 a frontal view of the chest was obtained . the patient is rotated . slightly increased retrocardiac opacity is likely atelectasis although infection cannot be excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . there is linear atelectasis in the left mid lung . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes and hilar contours are stable allowing for patient position . no upper abdominal or osseous abnormality is identified . retrocardiac opacity is likely atelectasis although infection cannot be excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . if further imaging evaluation is needed, a lateral view could be obtained . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16313531 58096693 5df5745b-a26b6124-07ab0ff7-a79cf0ca-d84b7fa1 +2031 lungs are hyperinflated, flattening of the diaphragms, suggesting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . -mm calcific focus in the left mid chest is stable . cardiac silhouette top normal to mildly enlarged . the aorta is tortuous . minimal lingular atelectasis is seen . there is also mild biapical pleural thickening . no focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the mediastinal contours are stable and do not appear widened . there is diffuse osteopenia . stable mediastinal contour which is not widened . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 15612622 50093776 b68832f5-cb74ec26-125ffe9e-4e092765-e97f8be0 +2032 single portable supine ap image of the chest . the right ij central line has been pulled back in the interval, but still terminates in the right atrium . the lungs are well expanded and clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . . right ij central line terminates in the right atrium . pullback of cm could be performed to have the tip located in the superior cavoatrial junction, if desired . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding&&Support Devices 19454978 53886138 9bdc75bb-bfb40b21-54ac066c-4c718750-ef2b4f22 +2033 the heart is normal in size . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is a vague nodular focus projecting over the right lateral lung measuring about mm in diameter . otherwise the lungs appear clear . vague nodular opacity projecting over the right mid lung, likely a nipple shadow, but confirmation with a repeat pa view with nipple markers is recommended when clinically appropriate . no evidence of acute disease . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16015751 57619468 3352c0d5-7f41c92d-b1178750-7dc794c6-979ffba3 +2034 mild cardiomegaly has been stable compared to exams dated back to at least . unchanged widening of the superior mediastinum is due to both mediastinal lipomatosis and tortuous vessels as seen on the prior ct from . re-demonstrated is a right-sided morgagni hernia . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no new focal consolidations concerning for pneumonia are identified . loss of a height of t vertebral body is not significantly changed compared to the prior ct from . visualized osseous structures are otherwise unremarkable . . no acute intrathoracic abnormalities identified . . persistent mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly 13475033 58680008 3f111bf1-0ce0a81f-76b66ed5-c8517077-9373dbea +2035 single frontal radiograph of the chest was performed and reveals no acute cardiopulmonary process . the cardiomediastinal and pleural structures are unremarkable . there is scarring in the upper lungs with superior traction of the hila . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . heart size is normal . surgical hardware is seen at the right glenohumeral joint and are seen within the abdomen with cardiophrenic angle may represent a small left pleural effusion as was previously seen approximately one month prior . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 10933609 57629869 93894f42-2000f601-7b1944a8-7c4c0711-3d3a2a9b +2036 as compared to the previous chest radiograph of day earlier, there is not been appreciable change in the appearance of the chest . No Finding 19182863 57967105 c1dd019a-29949553-f64d3355-1ab093c4-cd18e32c +2037 as compared to a previous radiograph, the tube is still relatively high and could be advanced by to cm . unchanged bilateral pleural effusions, unchanged moderate pulmonary edema and mild cardiomegaly . the nasogastric tube shows normal course . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12185775 59700205 b9ff10af-33a535a6-4ffd1888-a0611f65-784a39da +2038 there is an opacity at the base of the left lung that is consistent with a left lower lobe pneumonia . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . the pleural surfaces are clear without effusion or pneumothorax . left lower lobe pneumonia . Pneumonia 15114531 52266880 117eb2b7-898e9ead-83d83cb1-c1bd5852-60ba72f4 +2039 comparison is made with prior study performed six hours earlier . et tube has been repositioned, now the tip is in standard position, . cm above the carina . diffuse lung opacities have worsened in the left lower lobe, this new focal opacity in the left lower lobe could be due to atelectasis and or aspiration . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 12185775 53746608 366fb478-ae411f4e-e18c46c8-5c2b8704-e2f26465 +2040 lung volumes are low . heart size is mildly enlarged . mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . the pulmonary vascularity is not engorged . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is minimal atelectasis in the lung bases . there are multiple old remote bilateral rib fractures . mild loss of height of multiple thoracic vertebral bodies is present with diffuse demineralization, similar to the prior study . mild bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis 18079481 58357438 84d86cc8-682db79b-a57522b4-e65281b6-4d040d2f +2041 post-sternotomy wires and replaced most likely mitral valve are unchanged in appearance . no progression of interstitial pulmonary edema is demonstrated and might reflect need for dialysis . bilateral pleural effusions, right more than left, have developed in the interim, most likely small to moderate in size . no new focal consolidation to suggest infectious process is seen with re-assessment after dialysis is required . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15259244 51130329 b3a59eff-ce2b4a69-c5090087-1a2a391b-2605a57c +2042 moderately severe pulmonary edema is evenly distributed in the left lung . on the right, there is greater perihilar opacification extending into the lower lobe which could be asymmetric edema or concurrent pneumonia . a roughly spherical -mm wide opacity filling the apex of the right hemithorax should be considered a lung mass until proved otherwise . there is no appreciable pleural effusion . heart size is normal . pulmonary vasculature is engorged . bulge in the left lower mediastinal contour is probably due to hiatus hernia, but could be a paraspinal lesion . findings discussed by telephone at the time of dictation with dr . . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11569042 58517699 d9ebed54-0d6d34ff-31652ffe-bcd2f65d-009a29ee +2043 in comparison with a series of images from and , there has been progressive decrease in the pleural fluid in the left hemithorax, though some persists . elevation of the hemidiaphragm with mild shift of the mediastinum to the left is consistent with previous surgery . the right lung is clear and there is no vascular congestion . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 12530259 51322756 35b23c83-dd3843f8-b3df9c7a-694fec14-2972fec9 +2044 as compared to the previous examination from earlier today, has been re intubation . the tip of the endotracheal tube projects approximately cm above the carinal, the tube could be advanced by - cm . the other monitoring and support devices are in unchanged position . unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette and of the lung parenchyma . known right vascular stent . no evidence of pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 14744884 57843717 b6c0d2ce-6f3d53f3-df8a2161-37fbfb66-a1f871b4 +2045 the et tube tip was . cm above the carina . the ng tube tip is in the stomach . heart size and mediastinum are stable and there is substantial interval improvement in widespread parenchymal opacities, although they are still significantly involving the entire lungs . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16662264 54519421 f41b8b56-99c24f61-a0a4c8d3-c53f7f17-0467e007 +2046 the dobbhoff tip is malpositioned, continuing towards the right main bronchus . this position was corrected as demonstrated on the subsequent radiograph obtained minutes later . the right internal and right subclavian central venous lines are in unchanged position, terminating at the level of superior svc and right atrium respectively . the replaced mitral valve is in expected position . severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . the patient appears to be increased pulmonary edema as compared to the recent radiograph, associated with bilateral pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 51299369 bd1321c9-fbaf9718-c06fef48-a5c3ccaa-5d48ccd1 +2047 pulmonary edema on has almost entirely cleared, with a small perihilar residual and persistence of small bilateral pleural effusions . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is longstanding . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 50348450 449420e9-bd45dc1c-91a5471c-ef301a2d-f5734a2d +2048 the patient has received a new nasogastric tube . the tube shows a normal course, the tip is not included on the image . otherwise, there is no relevant change, with the exception of mild decrease of the pre-existing parenchymal opacities caused by pleural effusions and subsequent areas of atelectasis at both lung bases . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18322589 50924449 d1cd470b-709eb217-69977228-14bf4f2f-c0457196 +2049 lung volumes are low . mild to moderate enlargement cardiac silhouette is unchanged, accentuated by the presence of low lung volumes . the aorta remains tortuous . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . there is continued mild pulmonary vascular congestion without overt pulmonary edema . patchy and linear opacities in the lung bases likely reflect areas of atelectasis . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion is clearly evident . percutaneous gastrostomy catheter is incompletely imaged . low lung volumes with mild pulmonary vascular congestion and bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema 16853729 58771580 5ad11416-2d53dd53-96e1fcda-ca3b80c0-c0fb1e6f +2050 the lungs remain hyperinflated, consistent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . evidence of hiatal hernia is again seen . the aorta is calcified and tortuous . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . there is blunting of the right costophrenic angle which may be due to overlying soft tissue, though a small pleural effusion cannot be excluded . bibasilar atelectasis is seen without discrete focal consolidation . . cardiomegaly and minimal pulmonary vascular congestion . blunting of the right costophrenic angle may be due to overlying soft tissue, although a trace effusion cannot be excluded . . hiatal hernia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15896572 53128548 edbc95bb-75d52166-1e3ecf1b-24889c9f-9598b9a9 +2051 there is marked improvement in extent and severity of the pre-existing parenchymal opacities . unchanged borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . no pleural effusions . the nasogastric tube has been removed . endotracheal tube and the right internal jugular vein introduction sheath are in constant position . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10268877 51715880 1b966ed7-06a3bfa3-fee1b692-81c9a0b7-7678b5ec +2052 portable ap upright chest radiograph obtained . midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . there has been interval placement of a right ij central venous catheter with its tip located in the distal svc or cavoatrial junction . no pneumothorax . otherwise, no change . No Finding&&Support Devices 12736592 50141921 d50452d1-8652542d-f45133ab-196c1ef0-7bb886e0 +2053 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from earlier the same day at pm . there has been interval placement of a right-sided chest tube . left-sided chest tube is again seen with some persistent left basilar pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable as are the osseous and soft tissue structures which are better characterized by ct scan . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 12736592 55696171 f5108618-8f9b67ff-661df382-f791f1ad-7a660047 +2054 the tip of the endotracheal tube now measures approximately . cm above the carina . nasogastric tube again courses beyond the lower margin of the image in the distal stomach . the left hemidiaphragm is not as sharply seen and there is increased opacification in the retrocardiac region, consistent with volume loss in the left lower lobe and areas of plate-like atelectasis . continued mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10268877 54658698 b0cabafd-224d8d46-c113bb88-27e041f4-2ecf273b +2055 the lungs are probably slightly hyperinflated . prominence of the trachea is consistent with known tracheomalacia . the heart is at the upper limits of normal or slightly enlarged . no chf, focal infiltrate, or effusion is identified . minimal atelectasis at the left lung base is new compared with . c-spine fixation hardware seen at the edge of these films is new compared with . upper abdominal surgical clips noted . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 15114531 51118326 d36468b8-28879f9b-60f283a2-3c470f80-1d2c2b39 +2056 portable semi-erect chest film on at is submitted . . right internal jugular swan-ganz catheter with its tip in the right pulmonary artery, unchanged . endotracheal tube has its tip at the thoracic inlet in satisfactory position . nasogastric tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm . there is blunting of left costophrenic angle with some retrocardiac opacity likely reflecting a small effusion with patchy compressive atelectasis . pneumonia cannot be entirely excluded . improving with residual minimal interstitial edema . left upper and mid calcified nodules likely reflect granulomata . no pneumothorax . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12185775 50491354 11b1705d-30db94a7-a7782a30-f6fbb83d-d63373de +2057 semi-erect portable frontal chest radiograph minimally displaced right-sided rib fractures appear similar compared to prior trauma radiographs from and are better characterized on followup ct torso from the same day . known left-sided rib fractures are also better characterized on prior ct . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . linear opacities in the lung bases correspond with known subsegmental atelectasis including increased left basilar opacity since the prior radiographs . the left upper lung appears better aerated, however . new mild blunting of the bilateral costophrenic angles suggestive of developing small bilateral pleural effusions . a known manubrium fracture is not well characterized on this single frontal view . mediastinal contours appear similar compared to recent prior suggesting probable stability of the known retrosternal hematoma . hilar and cardiac contours are within normal limits . cervical spinal hardware is incompletely imaged . there has been interval placement of probable epidural catheter in the mid thoracic spine . . unchanged multiple rib fractures, better characterized on prior ct . no pneumothorax . . stable mediastinal contours, though incompletely evaluated manubrial fracture and retrosternal hematoma . . new left basilar opacity suggesting atelectasis . . suspected very small developing pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13586204 54712047 cd9d349b-0c057599-fc4663a0-98ae4d7c-774a31ce +2058 the patient remains intubated with the et tube tip is cm above the carina . the ng tube tip passes below the diaphragm with its tip not clearly seen on the current examination . the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of mid svc . the patient is in pulmonary edema, moderate, progressed since the prior study, associated bilateral pleural effusions . pleural calcifications are redemonstrated . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17838301 51924942 ce5b980a-39d861d4-c9184dee-08626cce-313eb439 +2059 comparison is made with prior studies including . small bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left, have increased in size . the lungs are grossly clear . there is no evident pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is unchanged including the tumor that distorts the right mediastinal and cardiac borders . No Finding 13023326 59569764 ca6c3a22-e08cabaf-4c95b666-384ca2dc-25e4e850 +2060 there is no pneumothorax, pleural effusion or evidence of hemorrhage in the lung or mediastinum . emphysema is severe . heart size is normal . the complex of nodule and large bullae in the axillary region of the right upper lobe is essentially unchanged . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion 19991135 57757467 727e2aa5-ddfdd2ff-b5723867-520a758e-c81ca8e2 +2061 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . fluid in the right fissure has resolved . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the lungs are hyperinflated consistent with emphysema . left lower lobe atelectasis is grossly unchanged . right lower lobe opacities have increased consistent with worsening pneumonia . multiple medistinal surgical clips are unchanged . anterior mediastinal tubes are in unchanged position . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17770657 53231312 e21e6bf0-7434a403-cec6f190-febf1e0a-d1b58336 +2062 heart size is enlarged, unchanged . mediastinum is stable . right lung opacity has improved, but there is still present right basal opacity that potentially might reflect infectious process . there is also left mid lung opacity which is new and might reflect additional focus of infection as well . followup of the patient with four weeks after completion of antibiotic therapy is required . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18512911 52125634 7091653d-d864c150-9da5f9ab-c3343eae-d86212ce +2063 cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . there is stable diffuse prominence of the interstitial markings . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . stable prominence of the interstitial markings bilaterally . no new focal consolidation seen . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 13475033 56836177 686a2b90-af0e2b68-75f6acc2-ea6fecdc-a69f5c88 +2064 there is no pulmonary edema . pneumonia in the superior segment left lower lobe is continuing to resolve . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . hyperinflation indicates emphysema . patient has had sternectomy . Pneumonia 14851532 57735649 5ed57121-75e45b45-cfdc4f14-e8706b9a-5413f693 +2065 mild pulmonary edema has improved and mediastinal vascular engorgement has decreased substantially . heart is normal size, unchanged . moderate left and small right pleural effusion have both improved, reflecting previous hemodynamic decompensation . right internal jugular, left subclavian infusion port are in standard placements . nasogastric tube ends in the stomach . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15758946 50697229 be78e28d-1c76d439-9b5e832e-b0935ea9-62e6cf91 +2066 large right pleural effusion has increased . there are worsening opacities in the right lower lobe, and right perihilar region which could be due to worsening atelectasis, but in the appropriate clinical setting, superimposed infection is also possible . there is no evident pneumothorax or pleural effusion on the left side . left pigtail catheter remains in place . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . left picc tip is in the lower svc . there is minimal atelectasis in the left mid lung . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16319601 51811901 e294dffe-151d42b4-1956add7-1160c620-1eac45cb +2067 the heart is moderately enlarged . the aortic arch is calcified . again noted is mild prominence of the main pulmonary artery contour in the aortopulmonary window . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is persistent minor atelectasis at the left lung base, but otherwise, the lungs appear clear . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . No Finding 19731864 55499739 06df3b11-81898aee-955508ec-3c40c0bd-2c592b21 +2068 sternotomy with valve prosthesis . endotracheal tube tip is cm above carina . right ij central line tip is near cavoatrial junction . cardiac pacemaker . there is worsening of left basilar opacity . left costophrenic angle is not fully seen . no pneumothorax . shallow inspiration accentuates heart size, pulmonary vascularity . pulmonary vascularity has mildly improved . improved right basilar, perihilar opacities . right shoulder arthroplasty . worsened left basilar opacity, may represent atelectasis, consider pneumonitis in the appropriate clinical setting . pulmonary vascularity has mildly improved . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 19075045 58071016 e043f870-1670fd0c-cf68f196-4f351347-4a665c39 +2069 cardiomegaly is stable . pulmonary edema is improved and is now moderate . there is no new focal consolidation or pneumothorax . moderate pulmonary edema, improved from prior . Edema 15131736 57124801 c2b22508-19420edd-b20d6189-f63a4ebf-54d99e64 +2070 lung volumes are somewhat low, however, no focal opacity to suggest pneumonia is seen . no pleural effusion, pulmonary edema or pneumothorax is present . a stent in the region of the left brachiocephalic vein is unchanged . surgical chain suture is noted in the right lower lobe . a calcification seen projecting over the cardiac silhouette to the left of the aorta is not clearly localized on this single frontal radiograph, however, was not present on the examination of . the heart size is normal . . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . . rounded calcification projecting over the cardiac silhouette not well localized on this single frontal radiograph . this could represent a calcified granuloma, however, was not present on the examination of . pa and lateral radiographs may be performed for further evaluation and localization . No Finding 12847817 58905647 1b02e072-fa368bfc-a9a77874-e1a0094e-7cac5d6a +2071 comparison is made with next preceding two-view chest examination obtained six hours earlier during the same day . heart size remains normal . no configurational abnormalities identified . unchanged appearance of thoracic aorta . no pulmonary vascular congestion is present . no new pulmonary parenchymal infiltrates are identified and the lateral and posterior pleural sinuses are free . there is evidence of a metallic fixation plate in the lower portion of the cervical spine and in the upper left abdominal quadrant surgical clips are noted cause of operation not identified . similar as on the preceding portable chest examination, a right-sided picc line is identified, seen to terminate in the svc at a level cm below the carina . no evidence of acute infiltrate in patient with history of productive cough . No Finding 15114531 55940912 a025f08e-de9dddc4-8716a1ac-899ce213-d7289c7a +2072 heart size and mediastinum are unchanged in appearance . widespread parenchymal opacities in the left hemithorax in the right upper lobe appear to be overall unchanged with some improvement in the left, most likely related to recent thoracocentesis . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . overall, multiple parenchymal abnormalities are better depicted on the chest ct from . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 10933609 55794889 f0bb1f2a-8ac4c2cb-b85dec90-1fc00f8e-931106fe +2073 pa and lateral views of the chest were obtained demonstrating clear well expanded lungs without focal consolidation, effusion, pneumothorax . there is no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . bony structures are intact . no signs of pneumonia or other acute process . No Finding 19623993 54625738 0f257273-0fa8c76f-737b4a98-eedda2aa-44d82e39 +2074 mild cardiomegaly is chronic . there is no pulmonary edema or vascular abnormality . lungs are low in volume, but clear of pneumonia . bilateral healed rib fractures noted . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture 18079481 50683984 e879a54e-7828601c-1bb4483c-39b8dd60-b49d41c7 +2075 single upright portable chest radiograph demonstrates unremarkable mediastinal, hilar and cardiac contours . however, subcutaneous emphhysema identified in the soft tissues of the neck and bilateral supraclaviaular region . linear lucency tracking along the trachea concerning for pneumomediastinum . there is a stable left picc line with tip at the cavoatrial junction . there is suggestion of a pleural fold approximately . cm from the apex with a paucity of lung markings in this region which may suggest a moderate-sized pneumothorax not evident on the prior study however, there appears to be no evidence of the expected associated volume loss . small rounded radiopaque density is noted projecting in the right mid lung and crossing a different bony structure than on prior study, indicating it is not within the bone and may represent a calcified granuloma . no pleural effusion evident . no osseous abnormality identified . subcutaneous emphysema at thoracic inlet . upper pneumomediastinum . possible moderate right pneumothorax . recommend repeat fully upright chest radiograph . communicated these findings to dr via telephone at on . Pneumothorax 16319601 57274207 5ca8e895-727feeb6-2817230e-65ce2e3b-5b8f315f +2076 the patient has undergone sternal rewiring . the patient is now extubated and the nasogastric tube and the swan-ganz catheter have been removed . the other monitoring and support devices are in unchanged position . lung volumes have slightly decreased, and small bilateral pleural effusions as well as areas of atelectasis are still visible . no pneumothorax is visualized . the obviously postoperative opacity at the upper medial left aspects of the mediastinum is constant in appearance . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 53313689 b83f6019-238aa535-591efc94-e0670815-dc1ea130 +2077 both the lungs are well expanded . no focal pulmonary opacity concerning for pneumonia . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart size is top normal . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16853729 55739720 53b32671-685e3433-612784a3-6c684cd8-e06dd901 +2078 the patient is status post median sternotomy as well as pacemaker placement with leads terminating in right atrium and ventricle . there is also a aortic valve prosthesis . the heart size remains normal . there are no focal opacities concerning for an infectious process . no pleural effusion and no pneumothorax . no evidence of acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 16043637 51392471 c02bdcc0-549bf4f3-5f78b267-f547a2ea-ad315318 +2079 cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . the patient is status post esophagectomy and gastric pull-through . chronic scarring within the medial aspect of the right upper lobe is compatible with post radiation changes . tenting of the right hemidiaphragm is compatible chronic volume loss in the right lung . worsening opacification within the right upper lobe is concerning for recurrent pneumonia or aspiration . mm nodular opacity within the right lower lobe is unchanged . the left lung is clear . blunting of the right costophrenic angle is chronic, and likely reflects a chronic small pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . no acute osseous abnormalities demonstrated . . worsening opacification within the right upper lobe which is concerning for recurrent pneumonia or aspiration . follow up radiographs are recommended after treatment to ensure resolution of this finding . . status post esophagectomy and gastric pull-through with right upper lobe medial scarring related to prior radiation treatment . . unchanged mm right lower lobe pulmonary nodule . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14295224 59920150 802aa49f-a2a5d56e-91eab903-012ba3a8-2bfc4156 +2080 since the prior study, there is slight improvement in the perihilar opacities with still present lower lobe opacities with slightly more confluent area in the right lower lobe . these findings overall are still concerning for interstitial pulmonary edema . there is a possibility of underlying metastatic disease that cannot be assessed on the current examination except for known right middle lobe nodular opacity projecting on the radiograph as well . Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 17340686 55275807 0b7b73cc-54f3192d-fe2a9118-3709076b-46329431 +2081 greater opacification involving the left chest with a gradient from top increasing to the diaphragmatic surface is probably a large pleural effusion, increased since . smaller right pleural effusion has also increased . the left lower lung is partially obscured and may be mildly atelectatic but otherwise unchanged . right lung is grossly normal . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . et tube in standard placement, left pic line in the low svc or at the superior cavoatrial junction . enteric drainage tube passes into the stomach and out of view . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16319601 55001052 7d1a5c64-703847ae-fbf3b643-c3e08a4b-4153d0d7 +2082 portable upright ap view of the chest the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . evaluation of the cardiac silhouette size is difficult due to the presence of a chronic, moderate-to-large left pleural effusion, which appears slightly increased in size when compared to prior study . there is persistent left basilar opacification, likely reflecting compressive atelectasis . the right lung demonstrates mild atelectasis at the lung base, but is otherwise clear . no pneumothorax is identified . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion . the aorta remains tortuous and calcified . moderate-to-large chronic left pleural effusion, slightly increased compared to the prior study with persistent left basilar opacification, likely reflecting compressive atelectasis, though infection cannot be completely excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12538508 51621137 0beab5cd-dd1bb454-0df993cf-f3c0ae3d-8f0e0c27 +2083 comparison to . unchanged monitoring and support devices that are all in correct position . moderate cardiomegaly persists . a fissure oral fluid accumulation on the right has completely resolved . left retrocardiac atelectasis and potential minimal left pleural effusion is stable . mild fluid overload is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 57731696 ebaf1946-49389902-bfa1191f-e932bc43-ece7d70d +2084 portable upright view of the chest demonstrates low lung volumes . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . heart size is top normal . hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . there is perihilar vascular congestion . interstitial markings are prominent, suggest possible mild interstitial pulmonary edema . right-sided port-a-cath is stable position projecting over cavoatrial junction . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 10650001 50124332 3878f00f-4b737c96-dff939c5-2f24a10d-23db2293 +2085 in comparison to , no relevant change is seen . old right rib fracture . known copd . mild overinflation . no pneumonia, no pleural effusions, no pulmonary edema . Fracture 19991135 56587463 7558ad38-de530501-5c2ff2a1-d74fe121-ba0cf77a +2086 the patient is status post prior median sternotomy and cabg . a left chest wall dual lead pacemaker is present . a right central venous catheter is unchanged, the tip extending to the superior cavoatrial junction . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified . mild unchanged central pulmonary vascular congestion . the size and appearance of the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . partially evaluated bilateral shoulder prostheses . unchanged central pulmonary vascular congestion without evidence for pulmonary edema . Edema 19075045 51398188 406ff57a-8c66ca32-af21faa2-a53b08d6-7b5a0bdf +2087 pa and lateral views of the chest a moderate-sized, loculated right pleural effusion is similar when compared to the prior study, though a small left pleural effusion appears to be new in the interval . again demonstrated is volume loss in the left lung with leftward shift of mediastinal structures and unchanged architectural distortion, bronchiectasis, and pleural thickening involving the left upper lobe . right basilar hazy opacity likely reflects compressive atelectasis . streaky opacity within the left lung base may also reflect an area of atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax . no acute osseous abnormality is seen . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion, and the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . . unchanged moderate loculated right pleural effusion, with new small left pleural effusion . . bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect atelectasis . . evidence of prior granulomatous infection . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13849733 52695304 8da031ac-a6a0b018-0f1bc1ef-3f1b915f-feba9e7a +2088 large right pleural effusion is increasing . concurrent increase in caliber of the cardiac silhouette could be due to worsening cardiomegaly or the development of pericardial effusion since mid . pleural fluid has exacted substantial atelectasis from the right middle and lower lobes to explain the failure of the mediastinum to have shifted appreciably into the left chest . previous mild pulmonary edema in the left lung has improved . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 51514260 9b185b4a-ebb47e2f-e969fede-cab4dc44-38b3d84b +2089 top-normal heart size is unchanged compared to prior exams dating back to . there is mild perihilar fullness, slightly improved compared to the prior exam . small bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left are persistent . coronary calcifications or stent are identified . scarring projecting over the mid left lung is persistent . mild bibasilar atelectasis is unchanged . right-sided picc line appears to terminate in the mid svc . there is no evidence of a pneumothorax . . persistent small bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left . . slight interval improvement in the mild to moderate pulmonary edema . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 58103833 445b99e9-01f5072d-77cc64c9-359902d0-e84c80c3 +2090 small left pleural effusion and worsening of bibasilar peribronchial infiltration indicate progressive infection . there is more internal debris in the large cavitary lesions in both upper lobes, which could be retained hemorrhage . the fluid contents of the very large right lung abscess have decreased suggesting continued internal aspiration, which may account for the worsening of bibasilar infiltration . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 17270742 55233589 a7911dd6-f061c0a0-424f7e91-c27237d4-97faf732 +2091 the three right-sided chest tubes are in unchanged position . there is no convincing evidence of right pneumothorax . extensive soft tissue air collection in the cervical and thoracic right-sided soft tissues . mild-to-moderate pleural effusions with areas of atelectasis at the right lung base . mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette, no left pleural effusion, normal-appearing left lung . the clips in the right chest wall are in unchanged position . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13352405 53207240 876608af-2d7efebf-d51bcb03-9b230997-e9f7797a +2092 there is a further mild increase in the otherwise extensive, diffuse and bilateral interstitial opacities . these opacities are accompanied by small bilateral pleural effusions and mild increase in diameters of the pulmonary vasculature . overall, despite the normal size of the cardiac silhouette, the findings are still strongly suggestive of interstitial lung edema . no additional newly appeared parenchymal opacities . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16772702 59293706 0b08c349-d6da596b-18713b4e-e42ab4c4-35971a4f +2093 the tip of the endotracheal tube now measures approximately . cm above the carina . other monitoring and support devices are essentially unchanged . the left hemidiaphragm is again poorly seen, consistent with volume loss in the lower lobe with probable effusion . this latter observation is supported by haziness of the left hemithorax, consistent with layering fluid . the right lung is essentially clear . overall, cardiac size remains enlarged . poor definition of pulmonary vessels is consistent with increased pulmonary venous pressure . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13649937 57936326 8d737f78-cdcd1c7a-d434e99f-2f86c50c-e24fdcfe +2094 the patient has been intubated . the tip of the endotracheal tube projects approximately . cm above the carinal . the course of the nasogastric tube is unremarkable, the tip projects over the middle parts of the stomach . the right internal jugular venous introduction sheet is unchanged . increasing atelectasis at the left lung bases . unchanged appearance of the right lung . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 19061282 59838108 82b52867-74eba7eb-689f334c-c20056f2-3590de32 +2095 mild cardiomegaly is similar to prior . pleural effusions have nearly completely resolved since the prior exam . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . left lung base linear opacities are compatible with scarring or atelectasis . a mitral valve prosthesis is noted . sternotomy wires are intact . osseous structures are unremarkable . left lung base atelectasis or scarring . near-complete interval resolution of bilateral pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 18224196 54882267 59a459f5-0bd58411-1d739d65-1d7477bf-92d830cb +2096 the patient has received a new nasogastric tube . the tube is coiled in the oropharynx and does not reach the esophagus . the stomach is moderately distended and filled with gas . known left carotid stent . the pre-existing signs indicative of interstitial lung edema have decreased . no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 18855147 52178503 f79f9dd9-f65e43a2-492aec2c-5859d568-299fa79d +2097 there is a new right pigtail catheter in the right lower hemithorax . the large right hydropneumothorax appears essentially unchanged from the prior exam within the limitations of technique . bilateral hazy opacification is suggestive of mild pulmonary edema . focal opacity in left upper lobe is consistent with pneumonia and similar to the prior study . ng tube is seen terminating in the stomach . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . . new right pigtail catheter . . no evidence for significant change in right hydropneumothorax . . focal opacity in left upper lobe, most likely pneumonia . . findings suggesting mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 54780158 859fa416-f6343ef9-59e07aef-7332f765-4e2be7d0 +2098 comparison multiple chest radiographs from to and baseline examination of . semi-upright ap view of the chest the endotracheal tube has been retracted to appropriate position approximately cm above the carina . the left ij central venous line and nasogastric tube are in unchanged and appropriate position . the pulmonary edema has resolved . the moderate, left greater than right bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . minimal cardiomegaly also stable . there is no pneumothorax . . endotracheal tube appropriately retracted to cm above the carina . . resolution of pulmonary edema . . stable moderate left greater than right bilateral pleural effusions . . stable mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11607628 50790949 eaa862a2-6c57e3ea-bad4024a-564f7f14-d963c808 +2099 mild pulmonary edema is clearing, but severe cardiomegaly and severe bibasilar atelectasis are not . pleural effusions are presumed but not large . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 50650921 54b04013-9b1c7ca0-452a3623-7e225698-0696e372 +2100 a pigtail was introduced into the right pleural cavity . the major part of the pre-existing right pleural effusion appears to be drained . however, a new air inclusion in the right basal pleural space . this pleural air does not manifest as an apical pneumothorax . in fact, in the apical and lateral parts of the right hemithorax, there is still abundant fluid visualized . the volume of the right hemithorax, overall, has not increased . however, a short-term followup is required to assess for potential developing tension . normally appearing lung parenchyma on the left . unchanged left heart border and tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 11569093 52011372 5f961326-0ccce927-f726948a-19e43255-88306b58 +2101 comparison is made to previous study from . there is an endotracheal tube whose distal tip is . cm above the carina appropriately sited . there is a left-sided ij line with distal lead tip in the mid svc . there is a nasogastric tube whose tip and sideport are below the ge junction . there is a persistent left retrocardiac opacity . there is some atelectasis at the left lung base . there is improved aeration at the right lung base . no pneumothoraces are seen . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10268877 54934220 2d0d0dd1-758ad05c-5f33e8fa-08a1e0dc-63d862be +2102 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to , and multiple prior studies dating back at least to the chest ct from . extensive parenchymal opacities appear to be unchanged since the prior study involving the entire lungs . there is small amount of bilateral pleural effusion most likely present . there is a right internal jugular line tip terminating at the level of superior svc . there is no substantial difference overall since the prior examination demonstrated . although the presumed diagnosis of this patient with pulmonary edema, other factors contributing to the parenchymal involvement such as diffuse widespread infection or ards should be clinically considered . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13078497 55700894 942513ab-2cb022a3-69e4a885-1f192714-5d54f844 +2103 lung volumes are slightly less as compared to the prior study . again, there is enlargement of the cardiomediastinal silhouette which is slightly more prominent as compared to the prior study, which may be due to ap techique and lower lung volumes . left-sided pacer device is stable . right-sided abandoned leads are also unchanged . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or evidence of pneumothorax . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 11293517 52833948 6f5a78a6-606c4fec-8ff6aaa9-b8ebe20c-88539ae6 +2104 severe infiltrative pulmonary abnormality has been present without appreciable change since , progressing on a substrate of chronic interstitial lung disease that worsened appreciably between and small-to-moderate bilateral pleural effusions and mild cardiomegaly are unchanged . no pneumothorax . et tube in standard placement . nasogastric tube passes into the stomach and out of view . a right jugular line ends just above the junction of brachiocephalic veins . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13078497 58231918 96a447ee-f2ddbe8e-c71c996f-b05a48a3-485f4469 +2105 comparison is made to previous study from . the dobbhoff tube has been removed . there has been placement of nasogastric tube whose tip and side port are well below the gastroesophageal junction in the distal body of the stomach . however, there is a loop in the distal nasogastric tube . the cardiac silhouette and mediastinum is prominent but stable . there is improvement of the atelectasis at the lung bases . there remains low lung volumes . there are no pneumothoraces . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 16853729 51121202 d0b136c5-f0844e8c-66112b7b-2c23ee98-5d07fb5c +2106 portable ap upright chest radiograph obtained . the heart is moderately enlarged and there is diffuse pulmonary edema . effusions are likely also present . pulmonary edema, cardiomegaly, likely pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 58141048 f1b89b54-27c193cd-47878997-195a1a2f-9d7bbffb +2107 the heart continues to be enlarged with mild pulmonary vascular congestion . increased ap diameter of the chest reflects copd . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . a left-sided cardiac pacing device has its leads over the right atrium and ventricle . prominence of the pulmonary artery is noted, reflecting pulmonary hypertension . cardiomegaly with mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 18929056 54801364 94c11798-961e79c2-6916a44a-2f90e301-46fa937d +2108 there is little change . evidence of previous surgery with an intact is midline sternal wires, but no evidence of pulmonary or skeletal metastases . No Finding 15272972 54092122 68710c1c-c25658b5-17ec54e1-6038ff18-c2cd7f78 +2109 comparison is made with prior study performed one hour earlier . dobbhoff tube tip projects in the right lower hemithorax most likely in a subsegmental bronchus . lung volumes are lower, there are no other interval changes . by phone on at pm . at the time of the interpretation of the study . No Finding&&Support Devices 11880923 52804047 c115eec1-f2d94bdd-80412327-e5bc01c5-988b885e +2110 enteric tube tip in the proximal stomach . right ij line tip mid svc . endotracheal tube tip in good position . sternotomy . there is cardiac pacemaker . minimal new left basilar atelectasis . suggestion of tiny left pleural effusion . enteric tube tip in the proximal stomach . No Finding&&Support Devices 18487334 54716295 ef4d5d47-62ec7452-7097cc7f-0096727c-ed1cb6cf +2111 pa and lateral chest radiograph the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . both lungs show mildly low lung volumes with crowding of bronchovascular markings . bibasilar atelectasis is noted . subclavianbrachiocephalic venous stent is unchanged in position . Atelectasis 14744884 59794546 002ec547-39998a44-001fa06f-b2d03591-048c0d40 +2112 the dobbhoff tube has been advanced distally from its position on prior abdominal radiograph . the tip of the dobhoff tube terminates in the region of the second portion of the duodenum . the heart remains mildly enlarged with bilateral hilar opacification . a right supraclavicular central venous catheter is noted terminating in the svc . there is no pneumothorax . there is no abdominal free air . post-pyloric positioning of the dobbhoff tube in the region of the second portion of the duodenum . No Finding&&Support Devices 19623993 51096107 5142f79d-ca2bee0e-d70061cd-e31c5917-98f78f0e +2113 support and monitoring devices are in standard position . cardiomegaly is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and worsening edema . increasing confluent opacity in the right perihilar and infrahilar regions may reflect asymmetrical edema or developing pneumonia . known right middle lobe mass is partially obscured by this process . moderate layering right pleural effusion and small left pleural effusion are also demonstrated . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17340686 55921730 fcefff91-22ab7055-235f085c-ea9ac8ad-bbdaa83c +2114 comparison to at . a portable ap upright chest film, at is submitted . . the dobbhoff feeding tube is seen coursing down into the stomach and then courses back up into the upper esophagus where the tip is positioned . removal with an attempt at repositioning of the dobbhoff feeding tube would be advised at this time . the endotracheal tube remains in place and the tip is difficult to identify as this is the location where the dobbhoff feeding tube appears to be coiled within the esophagus . however, it is likely unchanged in position . there has been median sternotomy . stable postoperative cardiac and mediastinal contours . there are layering effusions bilaterally with some associated patchy airspace disease, which most likely represents compressive atelectasis . overall, there has been interval improvement in the pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax is seen . results of this examination were conveyed directly to the patients nurse, , on at am . the patients nurse stated that the feeding tube has already been withdrawn and a new feeding tube has been put in place . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 58485731 abaf3f48-e5ba0e33-b7c52893-aa44a3b8-7aa9a7d2 +2115 the lungs are clear without consolidation or edema . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . the previously seen pneumonia from has resolved . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 18835687 51719198 91bd4888-7f1222f4-5b4fe46d-db77d37b-077c6f19 +2116 ap portable view of the chest is obtained . previously seen left juxtahilar opacity lateral to the fiducial seeds has decreased in size and persists since the prior study . no new focal consolidation is seenthere is prominence of the right hilum which is slightly increased since the prior study, which may relate to patient positioning, although underlying increased lymphadenopathy cannot be excluded . a left subclavian central venous catheter is again seen, unchanged in position . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . chronic right chest wall deformity again seen . . left suprahilar opacity and fiducial seeds are again seen, although appears slightly less prominentsmall in size, although as mentioned on the prior study, could be further evaluated by chest ct or pet-ct . . right hilum appears slightly more prominent as compared to the prior study, which may be due to patient positioning, although increased right hilar lymphadenopathy is not excluded . Lung Opacity 12145137 54100996 c875e4c8-ab736220-04569ba0-857889ce-042ea536 +2117 the heart is mildly enlarged . there is perihilar fullness with a new widespread mild interstitial abnormality, which includes fairly prominent patchy perihilar opacities . on the other hand, dense left basilar consolidation has nearly cleared . however, there are new patchy right basilar opacities in addition to background interstitial prominence . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . . interval clearance of left basilar consolidation . . patchy right basilar opacities, which could be seen with minor atelectasis, but given the context clinical correlation is suggested regarding any possibility for recurrent or new aspiration pneumonitis at the right lung base . . increased new interstitial abnormality, suggesting recurrence of fluid overload or mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema aspiration could also be considered . inflammation associated with atypical infectious process is probably less likely given the waxing and waning presentation . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16050730 57847867 9762049c-4ede04ad-3686cd0b-abfae75d-795cb083 +2118 ng tube tip is in the stomach . there are low lung volumes . bibasilar atelectases larger on the left side are grossly unchanged from prior study . left picc tip is in the mid-to-lower svc . mild pulmonary edema is stable . widened mediastinum is stable . residual contrast is seen in the loops . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 13979643 50000708 541c9d66-7525d9cf-90e766f7-fd80dc83-37b380d6 +2119 the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . the lungs are symmetrically expanded . slightly increased opacity at the right base may represent atelectasis however developing pneumonia cannot be excluded . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . slightly increased opacity at the right base may represent atelectasis however early consolidation cannot be excluded . clinical correlation is advised . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 13978244 56886005 3891bb0c-3698159b-42c6500c-2c690e15-10917f35 +2120 indwelling support and monitoring devices are in standard position . cardiac silhouette remains enlarged, and pulmonary edema continues to improve, with residual asymmetrical edema worse on the right than the left . small pleural effusions are not substantially changed . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10715477 52363927 701d2394-b800427d-91a53aa7-5fb33fd1-663b37c1 +2121 midline sternotomy wires are again noted . the left ij central venous catheter has been removed . there is improved aeration in the lung bases as compared with the prior exam . the heart is markedly enlarged, which appears grossly stable compared with prior exam . there is no sign of pneumonia or overt chf . bony structures are intact . aortic calcifications noted . stable cardiomegaly without signs of pneumonia or chf . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia 10715477 52467293 fbaf1e44-468cb5b9-2cd8fc25-a7f7e778-1dde8b89 +2122 the patient has received a right pigtail catheter inserted in the pleural cavity . extent of the previously present right pleural effusion has decreased . however, substantial portion of effusion remains . no complications, notably no pneumothorax . unchanged appearance of the left lung and the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 18309149 50336741 928e66f1-87ef1b9e-0ce33e37-760d835a-a539e8b9 +2123 one portable ap view of the chest . again seen is mild pulmonary edema, mostly on the right, with slight improvement compared to . right pleural thickening or loculated effusion is again seen and unchanged . there has been surgical removal of the right fourth rib posteriorly . . persistent but improved mild pulmonary edema compared to prior study on . . right pleural thickening or loculated effusion is stable . these findings were discussed with at pm on by telephone . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 11474065 59155076 ea2bfc51-e27284b8-51af06f3-06ed8266-9f18eb54 +2124 the lung volumes are low with bibasilar opacities silhouetting with the hemidiaphragms and diffuse vascular congestion . there is cardiomegaly and tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . likely small left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . findings compatible with pulmonary edema . likely bibasilar linear atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema 15131736 53091531 5cdfb771-109f66be-85ce962d-5d7f0653-ae3c1100 +2125 the endotracheal tube has been slightly pulled back . it now projects roughly cm above the carina . the lung parenchyma has minimally increased in transparency, potentially reflecting improved ventilation or higher respiratory pressures . small bilateral pleural effusions are likely . unchanged evidence of mild fluid overload and cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 56581630 ffa922f9-60c9f991-d3cb83aa-6f446e5e-f6be9611 +2126 moderate cardiomegaly, known left pectoral pacemaker . no pleural effusion . no current pulmonary edema . no pneumonia . multiple dot-like calcifications that are unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 17763117 53177649 9b350f75-7f987b20-092a7bbf-84be3535-8bc72c1f +2127 the lungs are clear of focal consolidation or pleural effusion . there are however increased interstitial markings throughout the lungs and enlarged cardiac silhouette which is unchanged from prior . there is no acute osseous abnormality detected . findings suggestive of interstitial edema . no superimposed acute consolidation or effusion . unchanged cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 18767957 59343122 8af32f0b-aeaad02d-8979cb3c-7935b38a-e1461335 +2128 small-to-moderate left pleural effusion has increased slightly over the past several days . moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette accompanied by mediastinal vascular engorgement is also slightly more pronounced . pulmonary vasculature is engorged but there is no edema . consolidation has been present without appreciable change in the left lower lobe since at least . mediastinum widened at the thoracic inlet by a combination of tortuous vessels and mediastinal fat deposition . right jugular introducer ends just above the junction with left brachiocephalic vein . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 50127750 23f0b24d-61c1f12c-eb2434aa-f6d2c69e-86a2cd20 +2129 the endotracheal tube terminates no less than . cm above the carina . an orogastric tube terminates within the stomach with the side port near the gastroesophageal junction . a left internal jugular central venous line terminates in the mid svc . a right subclavian triple-lumen catheter terminates in the lower svc . there has been interval reduction in heart size as well as marked improvement in pulmonary edema . small bilateral pleural effusions are slightly smaller . there is a persistent left retrocardiac opacity . there is no pneumothorax . . endotracheal tube is appropriately positioned, . cm above the carina . . the orogastric tube should be advanced by - cm to ensure that the side port is beyond the gastroesophageal junction . . improvement in decompensated congestive heart failure . . persistent retrocardiac opacity representing consolidation or atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11880923 56440140 421dff97-6d2b4aab-02ed28a8-54dd67f9-da2f957b +2130 bedside frontal radiograph centered at the diaphragm shows nasogastric tube ending in the proximal duodenum, and the distal portions of a transvenous right ventricular pacer defibrillator and left ventricular pacer leads, as well as a right picc lead that ends in the upper right atrium and retained epicardial leads . previous mild pulmonary edema has improved, but there is still substantial consolidation at the right lung base probably largely atelectasis . there is no appreciable pleural effusion in the imaged portion of the chest . the apices of the lungs are not included in this image . mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . intestinal gas pattern is unremarkable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Support Devices 18322589 58898395 b4a939d3-05849610-14a75408-ef6f57b3-c3a0f6fb +2131 there is slightly rotated positioning . compared with earlier the same day pm, there is progression of opacification of the right lung, with only a small partially aerated portion of the lung seen in the upper zone . there may be some volume loss on the right, though this is difficult to confirm, due to rotation . the left lung is grossly clear, with resolution of previously seen left base opacity . no left-sided chf, focal infiltrate, or effusion is identified at this timeclips noted over lower mediastinum . considerable interval increase in the degree of opacification of the right lung . this may represent a combination of pleural fluid and collapse andor consolidation . given the rapid change, is there reason to suspect mucous plugging findings discussed with the covering house officer, dr . , at ~ pm . on the day of the exam , phone . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 11569093 54721804 d87efb8c-2b6c913c-52f20a43-a8cbf2ba-2b20410d +2132 ap upright and lateral views of the chest were provided . in this patient with known achalasia and dilated esophagus, there is no change in the appearance of the dilated distal esophagus which contains ingested debris . there is no sign of aspiration . heart size cannot be readily assessed . no large pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . bony structures intact . dilated distal esophagus as seen previously containing ingested food contents . no signs of aspiration . please refer to prior ct torso for full descriptive details of esophageal abnormalities . No Finding 11569042 55883502 e03dd9c2-d0a3ddb0-0e9d72c3-1b4c5f92-9593c85f +2133 consistent with the given history, a chest tube is noted and is directed medially in the upper mediastinum with a location that is highly suggestive of intrafissural placement . there is increased lucency at the lung base, particularly outlining the right hemidiaphragm, which likely indicates a residual component of the pneumothorax . diffuse bilateral pulmonary nodules consistent with widespread metastatic disease are again present . there is air noted around a ray cage device in the lower thoracic spine, surrounded by posterior spinal stabilization rods . extensive surgical clips are noted within the medial left upper quadrant . it is difficult to discern the left hemidiaphragm . there is increased retrocardiac opacity, although similar to the prior exam . a port-a-cath is evident in stable and standard course and position . the osseous structures are difficult to assess, but are grossly stable . the course of the chest tube projecting over the right chest suggests an intrafissural position, which may limit the ability to evacuate the pneumothorax . a visceral pleural line remains evident and most apparent at the lung base with an extension of the air to the spinal hardware as noted on the ct earlier today . widespread metastatic disease of the lungs is again seen . there is no radiographic evidence currently of tension physiology . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 17704774 51526655 78ecaf71-9fdb0b43-b0134402-8c5e739f-2c6c0ea2 +2134 cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . interstitial opacities are similar . there is no interval increase in pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 14851532 55116033 22fe9215-499eca85-e1ae812f-e8e4bc0a-31234c00 +2135 right picc line tip is at the level of mid svc . cardiomegaly is substantial . the patient is in pulmonary edema . right mid lung consolidation cannot be excluded . bilateral pleural effusions are most likely present . no appreciable pneumothorax is seen . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15131736 51485773 474f9207-e0279fb3-96a3641e-438ab1d1-01b657e9 +2136 comparison is made with prior study and . there is no evident pneumothorax . cardiac size is top normal . the cardiomediastinum is midline, there is total reexpansion of the left lung . left perihilar opacities have almost resolved . there is some atelectasis though in the left upper lobe, increasing from prior study . the right lung is grossly clear . there is no pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 12410066 54151331 b90cb61d-b1b5ea1a-a31a7d69-c780a725-53c32bf6 +2137 the cardiac silhouette is normal in size . the hilar and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . there is mild atelectasis at the right lung base . no definite focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia is identified . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15659181 55562335 cd202e14-5a239c8c-8bba8f71-28fcffad-3ee8715f +2138 swan-ganz catheter is at the level of the right ventricle outflow tract . the port-a-cath catheter tip can be seen at the level of cavoatrial junction . there is enlargement of the left ventricle, unchanged . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . there is no appreciable pleural effusion demonstrated . there are mild right lower lobe opacities that might potentially reflect area of atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16826047 58211311 bb14208e-dd68a9a6-a211bb19-b3762b65-dbfc6379 +2139 dominant central cavitary lesions are similar in appearance . widespread preibronchial abnormality is worsened concerning for worsening infection . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion seen . heart is normal in size . stable cavitary lesions but worsening peribronchial opacities concerning for worsening airways-related infection . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17270742 50989704 8de65847-743ba591-16ca4044-0b5f1002-f1545e14 +2140 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to obtained at pm . diffuse parenchymal opacities are unchanged . tubes and lines are unchanged in position . no interval development of pneumothorax or increase in pleural effusion is demonstrated . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13078497 59434734 f6ffc380-e1eb4786-ef83de2d-ead9be69-83666d37 +2141 left chest wall dual lumen central venous catheter has been removed . there is a left brachiocephalicsuperior vena cava stent . the lungs are clear of consolidation or pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiac silhouette is enlarged likely exaggerated due to technique and positioning . multiple posterior healed right rib fractures are identified . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14236258 55328340 cb7831a4-b96e79a9-fb92a40e-661f84c9-35010799 +2142 when compared to radiograph dated , there has been interval removal of endotracheal tube and enteric feeding tube . a left-sided internal jugular catheter is seen terminating at the mid svc . there is no pneumothorax . lung volumes are persistently low with mild to moderate left-sided pleural effusion unchanged in appearance . cardiac silhouette is constant with sternotomy wires intact . no new focal consolidations . no new focal consolidations concerning for pneumonia . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 16334516 59014702 c09fde7b-fe3f3f21-4ea1ee09-6a8497f7-7e901050 +2143 enteric and et tubes are no longer visualized . degree of pulmonary edema perhaps minimally less extensive when compared to prior . cardiomegaly is again seen . retrocardiac region is not well-visualized potentially in part due to overlying soft tissues and atelectasis although underlying infection cannot be excluded . moderate pulmonary edema . retrocardiac opacity potentially in part technical although underlying infection can not be excluded . appearance is similar compared to prior . consider pa and lateral if patient is amenable . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15131736 59242045 1432843f-fca7eaa3-df3e65b3-c45419fa-71029980 +2144 heart size and mediastinum are unchanged including cardiomegaly, moderate . the bilateral pacemaker wires are unchanged in appearance . lungs are clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . overall, no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process seen . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 11293517 57114968 f3499bab-551f399f-54dd30a2-e6b1a38f-872a4405 +2145 frontal ap and lateral views of the chest were obtained . the patient is rotated . the left pectoral icd leads end in the expected locations of the right atrium and right ventricle . the patient is status post median sternotomy with intact wires . a right picc ends in the upper svc . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . opacity at the right cardiophrenic angle corresponds to mediastinal fat on ct . aortic knob calcifications are noted . there is pulmonary vascular engorgement and mild cardiomegaly . a nodule in the right upper lung is not well visualized on this study and is better evaluated on chest ct . multiple calcified granulomas are noted . pulmonary vascular engorgement without overt pulmonary edema . no pneumonia . No Finding 17763117 53418217 4c813a56-c3955f56-d8575305-9347eb08-6c581dc1 +2146 ap upright and lateral views of the chest are provided . dual-lead pacemaker is in unchanged position . a metallic stent projects over the heart in the expected location of the aortic valve . hardware is noted in the lower thoracic spine with evidence of vertebroplasty in a lower thoracic vertebral body . cardiomegaly is unchanged . there is no definite sign of pulmonary edema . no pleural effusion or signs of pneumonia . mediastinal contour is stable . bony structures appear unchanged . a wedge deformity is seen just above the level of vertebroplasty in the lower t-spine which is unchanged . cardiomegaly without signs of failure or edema . other findings as described above . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 18417750 59047668 9c04078c-dee8c858-bc2a105e-d5fb538e-ac5a7c69 +2147 right pleural scarring is chronic . lungs are clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Pleural Other 12136799 54457720 44a2ba52-bf35cfa7-d309c49c-306c1f3e-ba524d4a +2148 portable ap upright chest radiograph obtained . in this patient with known small cell lung cancer, there is stable soft tissue densityprominence of the right pulmonary hilum which is unchanged from prior exams . there is a small right pleural effusion which appears stable from prior exam and is somewhat loculated, tracking along the right lung apex . there is no overt evidence of pneumonia . there are subtle nodular opacities within the periphery of both lungs which are of unknown etiology or significance . overall heart size appears stable . bony structures are intact . stable right hilar prominence and right pleural effusion . subtle nodular opacities in the periphery of the lungs are indeterminant . nonemergent ct may be performed to further assess . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19720782 50371697 65275408-6db6d9a9-13c023c8-a6a96579-434dee3d +2149 lung volumes are low, limiting evaluation of the lung bases, with perihilar atelectasis . within this limitation, no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is seen . the aorta is tortuous . heart size is difficult to evaluate in the setting of markedly low lung volumes . a right-sided port-a-cath tip projects at the level of the cavoatrial junction, as seen previously . density in the aortopulmonary window appears similar compared to prior and likely corresponds to calcified nodes, as seen on prior ct . sternal wires appear intact . low lung volumes, limiting evaluation of the lung bases and heart size, without radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process on this single frontal view . Cardiomegaly 11413236 51568216 4ffe5eff-a5a604c2-4da5dcda-0801d405-88939c8f +2150 there is new mild interstitial edema . lateral view is suboptimal, but no focal consolidation or pneumothorax is appreciated . there is possibly a small left-sided pleural effusion . cardiomegaly and aortic tortuosity are again noted . pacing hardware is in similar position . interval development of interstitial pulmonary edema . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . by telephone at am . Edema 13762730 52603243 ea8f47d3-a878270a-7a5e0d98-b1d62b7e-6061c574 +2151 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate left pectoral single lead aicd with stable position of lead terminating in the right ventricle . the heart appears globular and enlarged, more pronounced as compared to , morphology suggestive of pericardial effusion . there is plate-like atelectasis in the left base with associated pleural effusion, which is decreased since preceding exam . there is no pneumothorax or frank edema . mild blunting of the right costophrenic angle is unchanged . . short interval development of massive cardiomegaly with globular configuration, concerning for pericardial effusion . . trace left effusion with plate-like atelectasis . possible trace right effusion, unchanged . findings reported to dr . by phone at am . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11607628 52356321 ae7fb131-28d05c98-90cbbc4c-f05c219a-1d0fed84 +2152 there is increase in the left upper lobe consolidation accompanied by increased prominence of pulmonary vessels consistent with elevated pulmonary venous pressure . there is a possible small pleural line that could be reflection of a small apical pneumothorax on the right, there is suggestion of a vessel running beyond this line in the far apical region, raising the possibility that this could represent merely a skinfold . Consolidation&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14992360 50857625 c644ef55-2c1480c0-fa4e0e08-a92b5aa0-5b7ceb6c +2153 small-to-moderate right pleural effusion has increased postoperatively since , but pulmonary vascular congestion has improved . heart size is normal . lungs are grossly clear . et tube is in standard placement, nasogastric tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . dual-channel dialysis catheter ends in the region of the superior cavoatrial junction . a catheter entering the right heart from a left jugular introducer has been withdrawn from the main pulmonary artery to the cavity of the right ventricle . a second introducer in the left jugular is unchanged in position . no pneumothorax or appreciable left pleural effusion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 55084084 627948e7-0ba4b65a-61e23ed8-9cdf34c6-1578bb43 +2154 cardiac silhouette remains enlarged . pulmonary vascular congestion has slightly improved and is more substantially improved compared to . left retrocardiac atelectasis has slightly decreased in extent, and a small left pleural effusion is also slightly smaller compared to the prior study . small right pleural effusion is not changed, and a minor area of opacity at the right base appears similar to the recent study but improvement compared to earlier radiographs . calcified granulomas in left upper lobe are unchanged . no new areas of consolidation are evident to suggest an acute pneumonia . no new areas of consolidation to suggest a source of infection . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 12185775 59200846 d1cb903c-16d23127-ba525151-91a0fa21-20a12246 +2155 as compared to previous radiograph, the patient has been extubated . otherwise, there is no relevant change . the bilateral massive parenchymal opacities are constant, constant moderate cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 10439781 53567394 5eae8395-ea7af71c-6d518498-6d193886-1c2d0853 +2156 low lung volumes seen on the current exam . there is secondary crowding of the bronchovascular markings . vague opacity again seen in the left mid to upper lung in the region of patients known underlying mass . lingular opacity is most compatible with a prominent fat pad . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . atherosclerotic calcifications again seen at the aortic arch . no definite acute cardiopulmonary process given portable technique and poor inspiratory effort . No Finding 13450581 52299675 1f3770d8-292e129a-67319735-0573718a-8fcb1e31 +2157 right internal jugular central venous catheter terminates in the low svc as before . enteric tube courses into the stomach . since the prior study the lungs appear better aerated bilaterally . moderate right pleural effusion is slightly decreased . left retrocardiac opacity is improving . the heart remains mildly enlarged . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . the aortic arch is calcified . there is no pneumothorax . improving lung aeration bilaterally with resolving left retrocardiac opacity and decreasing size of moderate right pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 59215725 c1f46658-8c56b8e3-70c04ec6-a15e02a0-31c42988 +2158 a left port-a-cath terminates within the mid svc . lower lung volumes are noted, leading to crowding of the bronchovascular structures . mild atelectasis is seen at the left lung base . a calcified lymph node is again noted within the aorticopulmonary window . there is no evidence of focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or frank pulmonary edema . the patient is status post median sternotomy, and cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11413236 58006032 6edd5960-4028d9f1-6f2353cb-61d0c6bf-5048c68e +2159 the patient was intubated . exact location of the ett tip is difficult to determine, given overlay by multiple metallic devices at the level of the sternum . however, the approximate location above the carina is cm . the other monitoring and support devices are constant . constant appearance of the lung parenchyma, the pleura, with a known right pleural effusion as well as of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 57629170 7fa40636-0f1e59a3-7231587d-33eea7f2-79d6fae8 +2160 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to prior study obtained on . et tube tip is . cm above the carina . right central venous line terminates at the level of cavoatrial junctionproximal right atrium . ng tube tip passes the diaphragm, most likely terminating in the stomach . right upper quadrant drain is in place . overall, no substantial change since the prior study has been demonstrated . No Finding&&Support Devices 11880923 51225417 b17b746f-83d45733-2eb4936d-2f91288c-413fe50f +2161 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13989850 53049402 135201b0-4fcaa92b-4ddb24bd-c100f251-566a7a5b +2162 low lung volumes are present . the heart size is normal . the mediastinal contours are unremarkable . the right picc has been removed . as before, there is continued upward retraction of the hila with bilateral upper lobe scarring, similar when compared to the prior study . findings may reflect prior sarcoidosis or tuberculosis . patchy opacity in the right lung base may reflect atelectasis . infection cannot be excluded . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . projecting over previous left upper quadrant of the abdomen is a surgical clip . bilateral upper lobe scarring with upward retraction of hila suggestive of sarcoidosis or prior tuberculosis which is similar compared to prior studies . patchy opacity in the right lung base may reflect atelectasis but infection cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10933609 56535476 fa80d52e-25c85b24-0302d3d0-f2052c45-6faebca9 +2163 there is mild cardiomegaly . the aorta is tortuous and calcified . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . there is a similar mild interstitial abnormality with prominence of central pulmonary vascularity, suggesting mild vascular congestion . in addition, patchy streaky opacities in the right mid and lower lung suggest a background of minor scarring or atelectasis . although evaluation is limited, there is no definite pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is demonstrated, although it is noted that the left lung apex is obscured by a flexed chin . essentially stable findings suggesting mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema 10975446 51473674 e0f5b52f-7723f470-e1b422a4-73ef70cb-2a76d9c3 +2164 bilateral pleural effusions are seen as well as persistent pulmonary edema . stable mild cardiomegaly noted . no interval changes are seen . pulmonary edema, small bilateral pleural effusions, mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 57663243 71bfff81-56c6477b-3432d360-6d1f41d2-8b2d7988 +2165 the lung volumes have increased . the right internal jugular vein introduction sheath has been removed . the pre-existing right pleural effusion has completely resolved . on the left, however, the pre-existing pleural effusion persists and has minimally increased in extent . there are subsequent areas of retrocardiac and basal atelectasis . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . two calcified lung nodules in the left apex . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 55391561 d3905d7d-0e7ed6e5-b6ec0f08-c5b5dcd8-ad786679 +2166 the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . there is improved ventilation of the lung bases, with almost complete resolution of a pre-existing small right basal atelectasis . no newly occurred focal parenchymal opacity suggesting pneumonia . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . no pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11906222 56779415 345c27ae-8dc96bd7-cd59fd7f-e18c90bc-71bf8122 +2167 the heart size is normal . lung volumes are low . biapical fibrotic changes with traction bronchiectasis is re- demonstrated . minimal blunting of the left costophrenic angle suggests a trace left pleural effusion . streaky bibasilar airspace opacities likely reflect atelectasis . no pneumothorax is identified . known fracture of the left th rib is not clearly delineated on this exam . clips are seen projecting over the left upper quadrant . no new fractures are seen . there is crowding of the bronchovascular structures but no overt pulmonary edema is demonstrated . chronic fibrotic changes within both lung apices . low lung volumes with probable bibasilar atelectasis, though infection or aspiration cannot be excluded . small left pleural effusion . known left th rib fracture is not clearly seen on the current exam . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 10933609 50205123 5df8c586-2f6adf15-722e6f13-ffa8a117-acd92b9a +2168 there is no evident pneumothorax or enlarging pleural effusions . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . there are low lung volumes . left picc tip is in the mid svc . ng tube tip is in the stomach . bibasilar atelectases, larger on the right side, are stable . calcified granulomas in the right upper lobe are again noted . ill-defined rounded opacity in the left upper lobe is persistent . when clinically feasible ct is recommended for further evaluation . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16319601 50623490 2cf87e9a-4f6ad24d-c073cac1-4fb3f677-79f26de4 +2169 there has been interval placement of a right pleural pigtail catheter projecting over the right lower chest and protruding no more than cm into the chest with associated interval decrease in size of a right pleural effusion . a right pleural effusion remains, with right basilar opacity likely representing persistent atelectasis . the cardiac silhouette is normal in size . the mediastinal contours are normal . the known prominent subcarinal node is not well appreciated . interval right pleural pigtail catheter placement, which projects of the lower right chest, and protrudes not more than . cm into the chest . there has been interval decrease in size of a right pleural effusion, persistent right basilar atelectasis is seen . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13352405 54232840 e3d8d85e-48f2c05f-b72dd0c6-fbd2ceea-656be377 +2170 pa and lateral chest radiograph demonstrates clear lungs bilaterally . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . visualized osseous structures demonstrates no acute abnormality . no air under the right hemidiaphragm is identified . no acute abnormalities . No Finding 14641474 58195876 a431832f-c2debb14-58876089-dc9b0d60-95e4c67f +2171 pa and lateral chest views were obtained with patient in upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding ap single view chest examination of as well as an ap and lateral chest examination of . the next previous portable chest examination observed mild regression of the right-sided pleural effusion following successful thoracocentesis was only temporary and fluid effusion has increased again however, not as much as it was on examination of . no new shift of mediastinum is identified and no pneumothorax is seen . no significant cardiac enlargement is observed and in the accessible pulmonary vasculature, no evidence of interstitial or alveolar edema can be identified . there is a small amount of pleural effusion accessing also on the left base but clearly less marked than on the right side . reoccurrence of right-sided pleural effusion in patient with history of pancreatic carcinoma . no radiographic evidence of chf, cardiac enlargement or fluid overload . Pleural Effusion 10410641 57107868 d471efcd-b9883de0-61154002-0ed78c74-1fe5a5e5 +2172 a left chest wall central line terminates in the right atrium . there is no pneumothorax . lung volumes are extremely low . prominence of the interstitial markings is likely due to mild pulmonary edema . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged as seen previously . there are no appreciable pleural effusions . degenerative changes are noted within the right humeral head . no evidence of pneumothorax . no significant change since the prior exam . No Finding 17340686 52185534 b0777bfe-820d4a8b-e6e4ec7a-7aacd190-f85113cf +2173 single portable view of the chest was obtained . there has been interval placement of a right transjugular central venous catheter, distal tip not well evaluated, appears to extend to the expected location of the mid svc, although exact location is not well evaluated on this study . there is diffuse opacification of the right hemithorax which maybe due to underlying fluid and consolidation . the esophageal stent has migrated projecting over the right apex as compared to the prior study of . the left lung is grossly clear . right ij extending to the expected location of the mid svc, although not well evaluated due to overlying opacity . no definite pneumothorax . right hemithorax nearly completely opacified which appears slightly increased as compared to the prior study, although in the prior study the patient was upright so there may be shift in fluid . the esophageal stent projects superiorly into the right apex, stable since the prior study but migrated in position as compared to . Lung Opacity 19016834 57441180 aab91d0b-db2c766c-d2a2b41b-1fed8561-7e2d060c +2174 there are stable fibrotic changes involving both lungs with left apical scarring related to known prior tuberculosis exposure . there is a stable moderate layering right pleural effusion since . there are no new focally occurring parenchymal opacities concerning for pneumonia . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable, with heart size within the upper limits of normal . pulmonary vascularity is not increased . stable layering moderate right pleural effusion since . Pleural Effusion 13849733 59560734 871b39ac-d22367db-2644f680-703ffc97-e29ad517 +2175 there is stable massive cardiomegaly which does not show any improvement in past hours . there is significant dilatation of the main pulmonary artery which also has not abated . lung volumes are low and unchanged with left-sided atelectasis essentially the same . there is no pneumothorax . ij catheter sheath is seen in position terminating within the mid svc . a supraclavicular triple-lumen catheter is seen terminating within the right atrium . moderate bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . no decrease in massive cardiomegaly or pulmonary artery dilatation . echocardiography is recommended to further evaluate this finding . these findings were reported to physician assistant, ms . , at pm . via phone by . Cardiomegaly 15259244 54007778 c249e803-7af4d888-0de68b91-d6fda68a-387c0f5d +2176 there is no focal consolidation, pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum . opacities at the bases are likely atelectasis . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 16848073 51836430 1d1bc795-245a8bf2-267d7b91-209d78ab-a1e3f52f +2177 the lungs are clear of confluent consolidation, effusion, or overt pulmonary edema . cardiomegaly is stable . enlarged pulmonary arteries are also seen, unchanged . atherosclerotic calcifications seen at the aortic arch . imoression cardiomegaly and enlarged pulmonary arteries without definite acute cardiopulmonary process . Cardiomegaly 15131736 59800551 f83f160f-ac1a55c0-b03c517c-05c99d7e-931e1444 +2178 there is little overall change . again there is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with indistinctness of pulmonary vessels consistent with mild elevation in pulmonary venous pressure . no evidence of pleural effusion or acute focal pneumonia . dual-channel pacer device remains in place with leads in appropriate position . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 16043637 56648385 0b71f9fb-3c56b3bf-52d2654d-3143a294-060a965c +2179 pa and lateral views of the chest demonstrate moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly, similar in comparison with the prior ap radiograph, but increased since . there is interval improvement in right lower lobe opacity since the prior study, however hazy opacification persists, difficult to discern whether new since the prior study or whether never fully resolved . infection vs assymetric pulmonary edema . the cardiac silhouette remains quite enlarged, which may be due to cardiomyopathy or pericardial effusion . coronary artery calcificationstenting is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . interval improvement in right lower lobe opacity since the prior study, however hazy opacification persists, difficult to discern whether new since the prior study or whether never fully resolved . infection vs assymetric pulmonary edema . recommend follow-up to resolution and consider chest ct to exclude an underlying lesion as was also suggested on prior chest radiograph from . cardiac silhouette remains quite enlarged, which may be due to cardiomyopathy or pericardial effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15840907 59748962 1dfc0e48-5089885c-04550c95-ad10c948-f2488a05 +2180 moderate right basilar atelectasis is similar . the left lung is well inflated . ground-glass opacification in the right lower and middle lobes has improved since prior exam of and significantly improved since . no pneumothorax is present . cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . improved aeration of the right lower and middle lobes with persistent ground-glass opacity . suggest continued chest x-ray followup in one month to evaluate for continued evolution . Lung Opacity 13964474 57561947 540eb477-f05ddda1-09bc6606-ab931f74-e466d39e +2181 pa and lateral views of the chest were provided demonstrating midline sternotomy wires and a dual-lead pacer which appear unchanged with lead extending into the region of the right atrium and right ventricle . lungs are clear without signs of pneumonia or edema . no effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette appears normal . the imaged bony structures are intact . no acute findings in the chest . No Finding 18487334 50674735 34385126-4e8184f2-e9ac8e38-eb0d5a59-31d37002 +2182 tip of the endotracheal tube at the upper margin of the clavicles is no less than cm from the carina, with the chin in neutral or elevation . it could be advanced safely mm to achieve better seating . moderate right pleural effusion stable . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly stable . upper lobe pulmonary vasculature mildly engorged, but no appreciable pulmonary edema . right pic line tip ends in the right atrium . right internal jugular dual-channel catheter ends in the upper svc . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 55470597 ea99a6c6-34280d75-9f1ddc1c-837b3a69-a94986ea +2183 bilateral lower lobe predominant airspace opacities have worsened, and may reflect evolving infectious pneumonia . peripheral interstitial opacities likely reflect coexisting interstitial edema . small left pleural effusion has increased in size, and a small right pleural effusion is new . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16508811 52670967 2905a219-0044b483-8315fff6-2258fe9f-a288ed45 +2184 one view of the chest the lungs are well expanded and shows a right lower lobe opacity . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . the mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 12658295 56477444 b5ba8da0-31b932cf-ce8505a8-183cf855-29f186d7 +2185 the patient is rotated slightly to the left . the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg with several sternotomy wires again seen to be fractured . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . multiple old anterior lateral left-sided rib deformities are again seen . no focal consolidation . no large pleural effusion . no evidence of pneumothorax . no significant interval change given differences in patient position . No Finding 19499595 57517941 4c9812bf-f392e749-e5a9e763-24de2d49-20271034 +2186 the degree of bilateral opacification may be slightly less prominent . substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette persists . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 17189198 54003688 2247b067-ee0f755a-9ea52034-1cc6095d-1d4ea3df +2187 portable frontal chest radiograph shows no significant change in previously described left lung opacification and volume loss, compatible with collapse, with elevation of a probably paralyzed left hemidiaphragm . the right lung remains clear . further evaluation with ct would provide a better evaluation of the airways to evaluate for cause of collapse . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 12530259 52583710 c76fb4a5-73d1b805-ea3945ae-5f50ad50-145ab073 +2188 a region of consolidation in the right lower lung has been abnormal since at least mid , and has improved but not cleared . moderate cardiomegaly is chronic . pulmonary vascular congestion, also longstanding . there is no pulmonary edema . pleural effusion is minimal if any . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 11474065 50017760 645dd223-bb4a40c3-d6a19aeb-fcd36a22-ca6478a3 +2189 post-surgical changes are again noted within the esophagus . bilateral pleural effusions are noted, right greater than left, and appear slightly decreased in comparison to prior study from yesterday . cardiomediastinal silhouette remains stable . the lungs are without any focal consolidations or pneumothoraces . slight decrease in bilateral pleural effusions with otherwise stable post-changes in comparison to prior study from yesterday . Pleural Effusion 16848073 51780481 79a1d194-0d324545-7c4ad0fc-c75075d7-91c97dc4 +2190 the heart size remains unchanged . the previously described pneumonic infiltrates located to the right middle lobe and left upper lobe lingula have progressed in extension . new additional parenchymal infiltrates are now also seen in the left upper lobe apical segment and a few scattered small patchy infiltrates are observed in the right hemithorax mid lung field as well . in addition, there is now clear blunting of the right and left lateral pleural sinuses extending into the posterior pleural sinuses as identified on the lateral view . the pulmonary vascular pattern does not show increased congestion in comparison with the previous study . progression of previously existing bilateral parenchymal infiltrates and newly developed additional infiltrates are observed . in addition, bilateral pleural effusions have developed in the absence of evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion . referring physician, , was paged for stat report at pm . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16662264 55847451 dc259d24-611aa4fd-ede77026-cf06f0b3-9c9ae10a +2191 the lungs are low in volume but clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette, hilar contours, and pleural surfaces are normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . note is made of left axillary clips . No Finding 18978682 52754826 a5fd5e55-4159fef2-6f0ac33c-f57ea303-1d5e8f7a +2192 pa and lateral views of the chest left-sided dual-chamber pacemaker leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle are noted . there is mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, which is stable . the aorta remains tortuous and diffusely calcified . pulmonary vascularity is normal . the lungs remain hyperinflated . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there is minimal atelectasis at the lung bases, but no areas of focal consolidation . no acute osseous abnormality is present . Atelectasis 18929056 56043376 928427f2-ea258174-1e7a326a-223e2d87-14e3a792 +2193 minimal edema persists in the right lower lung, considerable improvement since . mildly enlarged heart is unchanged . there is no appreciable pleural effusion and no pneumothorax or substantial atelectasis . et tube is in standard placement . nasogastric tube passes into the stomach and out of view . depending on clinical circumstances, the markedly unilateral pulmonary edema on could have been due to previous right decubitus positioning or concurrent pulmonary edema and a large pulmonary embolism preventing perfusion to the left lung . and i discussed those findings and their clinical significance by telephone at the time of dictation . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 17288844 53092956 930dd047-b21f81bf-197ca30e-463d627b-aedbcdc3 +2194 three right pleural tubes, two apical, one basal, are unchanged in their respective positions since , pm . nevertheless, moderate right pleural effusion is increasing and severe atelectasis or consolidation persists at the base of the right lung . borderline cardiomegaly is stable . left lung is grossly clear . right apical pneumothorax is miniscule . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 18309149 50853840 c1379178-96a24a21-fe62e710-94cf9946-111ded9a +2195 esophageal stent is again seen, appears more inferior in position as compared to the prior study . right perihilar chronic changes are seen . there is slight increase in the right mid lung opacity which could be due to underlying infection, possibly in the superior right lower lobes . no pneumothorax is seen . . inferior migration of patients esophageal stent as compared to the prior study . . slight increase in right mid lung patchy opacity may due to consolidation in the superior right lower lobe which could be due to an infection . the above findings were discussed with dr . on via telephone . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19016834 59584894 2f8885a1-06440c4f-d3013600-227e0bbf-1a438c73 +2196 et tube and nasogastric tube are in standard placements . midline drain ends at the level of the sternal notch . right jugular line tip in the mid svc . new paramedian drains could be superficial . moderate right pleural effusion has increased, and left lower lobe atelectasis is worsened . cardiomediastinal silhouette is essentially normal . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17770657 54995727 03f5be94-94356058-6e153b3e-9d89dc4b-bc540c4c +2197 single frontal portable view of the chest please note that the right costophrenic angle is excluded from view . vascular markings are seen extending to the lung apices bilaterally with no evidence of pneumothorax . the lungs remain clear . right picc and gastric tube are unchanged . No Finding 18110020 59221699 81450711-ce3a0e1f-48fce3df-720d7107-44bf0a49 +2198 portable ap semi-upright chest radiograph is obtained . there is pulmonary vascular congestion and mild pulmonary edema which is new from prior exam . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette appears stable . bony structures are intact . pulmonary edema . Edema 16772702 54001264 c6cd8924-91d9c0b3-cb90ad47-aa32d3f4-86a66ea8 +2199 since the prior study, there is interval progression of interstitial pulmonary edema . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged in appearance . there is also no change in the position of the tubes and lines . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 18855147 53707610 2dff1f81-10a9bf5a-27bc2fca-33511bd6-db94a774 +2200 a single portable upright view of the chest is provided . dobbhoff tube is seen curling within the stomach . right-sided picc terminates at the cavoatrial junction . right basilar loculated hydropneumothorax is again present with no change . right-sided pigtail catheter is in unchanged position . left lung is incompletely imaged, but appears clear . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 51664945 9196cf10-d7be030b-9eb57d37-e9f760c5-b583cca5 +2201 single frontal view of the chest demonstrates a right port-a-cath in unchanged position, terminating at the cavoatrial junction . median sternotomy wires are present, along with surgical clips in the left upper quadrant . the heart is mildly enlarged, but stable compared with prior examinations, with redemonstration of calcified mediastinal lymph nodes . a rounded opacity in the lower left lung likely correlates to a calcified granuloma as seen on ct of the chest from . there is no evidence of pneumonia, pleural effusion, pneumothorax or overt pulmonary edema . the lung volumes are low, accentuating bibasilar atelectasis . no subdiaphragmatic free air is present . no subdiaphragmatic free air or other acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11413236 59753947 8062997c-91b95843-31ddb21e-b92bf46a-73af4721 +2202 previous pulmonary edema is not recurred . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . heart is not enlarged . right pic line ends in the upper svc . Edema&&Support Devices 18110020 50971332 5ffb8e9f-1dc93608-ff50a406-6235935c-ab05fa59 +2203 there has been a lobectomy performed on the left . chest tube is in place and there is no definite pneumothorax . post-surgical opacification is seen at the left base consistent with atelectasis, effusion, and possible consolidation . the trachea has been pulled over to this side and there is mild mediastinal shift . atelectatic changes are seen at the right base . of incidental note is small amount of gas along the upper chest border on the left . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11378150 59467402 2dcfc978-4f2b7c37-42839158-5805b52a-43671df7 +2204 no relevant change is seen . constant alignment of the sternal wires . constant moderate cardiomegaly and clips of the cabg . the extent of the partly loculated bilateral pleural effusions is constant . the areas of atelectasis at the left and right base are constant . the mild pulmonary edema, pre-existing on the previous examination, is constant in severity . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 52437271 9e80889a-f414a035-63eed5d0-37d21607-88a2a076 +2205 opacifications within left lung base, the right mid lung zone as well as within the right lower lung zone appear consistent with multifocal areas of consolidation . the upper lung zones are relatively clear . surgical clips are noted within the upper mediastinum . chest tube remains in place . Pneumonia 17770657 54130139 7688e895-1ec37491-98ad4a70-8efc45b7-f8ba74da +2206 the left-sided chest tube is again seen, unchanged . compared with earlier the same day am, the small left apical pneumothorax is again noted, itself unchanged . however, on the current exam, air is noted along the medial surface of the left lung . this may represent a portion of the apical pneumothorax that is dissecting medially or, alternatively, a small pneumomediastinum . in retrospect, this may have been present on the earlier film, but is better seen on the current exam due to increased contrast . it was not clearly present on film . again seen is subcutaneous emphysema, which appears bmore pronounced . opacity at the left base shows some interval improvement, with the elevated left hemidiaphragm now better defined . some residual atelectasis andor consolidation and residual pleural fluid are likely present . small left apical ptx is unchanged, but small medial ptx vs pneumomediastinum along upper left lung medially . subcutaneous emphysema has likely also progressed . interval improvement in left base opacity . findings paged to the ordering house officer at approximately pm . on the day of exam . at approximately pm, findings were discussed with covering house officer , phone . Lung Opacity 12530259 54170209 c177928c-699001c4-7f0cb68c-de208759-e10a09ee +2207 minimal biapical scarring is unchanged . the lungs are otherwise clear without consolidation or edema . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19623993 51375357 8ce5c1e8-5314070b-aed98ebb-f5135400-c6c11c2f +2208 there is again substantial elevation of the right hemidiaphragmatic contour . opacification above this could reflect atelectasis, though in the appropriate clinical setting supervening pneumonia would have to be considered . some prominence of the cardiac silhouette persists in a patient with intact midline sternal wires . no evidence of vascular congestion and the left lung is essentially clear . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17327592 53734902 d43e3c28-8d1a4b0c-ef446460-413e4e0b-df3a80ef +2209 portable chest radiograph demonstrates interval insertion of a dobbhoff tube which is coiled within in the stomach and then turns back to terminate in the esophagus at the level of the clavicles . there is a left-sided picc line with tip terminating in the mid svc . there are multifocal opacifications, worst in the lung bases, which may represent atelectasis, though infectious process is consideration, possibly aspiration . dense opacification projecting over the right mid lung corresponds to a loculated fissural effusion evident on the prior ct . dobbhoff tube with tip coiled in stomach and tip terminating in the upper esophagus . multiple opacifications likely represent multifocal pneumonia, possibly due to aspiration . loculated pleural effusion in the right fissure . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17770657 51024049 0fef51dc-8e713f62-0c7f23dc-fb145074-68b8ec4b +2210 there are no old films available for comparison . the heart is moderately enlarged . there is a right ij cordis with tip in the upper svc . there is mild pulmonary vascular re-distribution, but no definite infiltrates or effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 10268877 54558182 672a57a9-30dbdb02-4e0a1676-fbf127b4-e2f52011 +2211 the lungs are hyperinflated but clear of consolidation . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . osseous structures are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11052935 57171514 1de015eb-891f1b02-f90be378-d6af1e86-df3270c2 +2212 there continues to be moderate cardiomegaly and volume loss at both bases . there is a small left effusion . there is no focal infiltrate . pacemaker and mitral valve replacement and sternotomy wires are unchanged no significant change . No Finding 19759491 53927305 dc433c13-ef033a1e-75763e20-db477b3f-da3e909b +2213 there is mild decrease in the still substantial opacification along the mid and lower lateral chest wall on the right, most likely reflecting a loculated effusion . apparent pleural catheter remains in place, as does the port-a-cath . little overall change in the appearance of the heart and lungs . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 51707663 7bc6a484-606eb095-e1f6f658-ef47cd8f-5c1d2c86 +2214 severe cardiomegaly is stable . widened mediastinum has minimally increased . bilateral effusions moderate in size have increased . moderate vascular congestion has worsened . bibasilar opacities larger on the left side have increased , a combination of atelectasis and effusion . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . et tube tip is in the standard position . right ij catheter tip is in the proximal svc . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14727722 59875077 1e26d8ef-0ea74c80-7ea8a0b8-18ef7113-3ea5c204 +2215 again seen are posterior fixation hardware in the thoracic spine, unchanged in position . elevation of the right diaphragm appear unchanged since . minimal right pleural effusion is seen . the lungs are clear . there is no evidence for pulmonary edema or focal pneumonia . the heart size is normal . the mediastinum and hilar contours are unchanged and normal . no pneumonia . No Finding 14353044 57674897 4e3be0c2-0bf7b260-9ee5b4e0-56975598-6b3bd28e +2216 right-sided double lumen central venous catheter tip terminates in the proximal right atrium . heart size is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . aeration of the lungs has markedly improved compared to the previous radiograph, with patchy opacities demonstrated in the lung bases, potentially infectious or atelectasis . no pleural effusion or focal consolidation is present . no acute osseous abnormalities detected . patchy opacities in the lung bases may reflect atelectasis however infection is not excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16508811 56381590 b4f28648-ad5e7b85-c9c36b5c-975bd159-3da2a25f +2217 pa and lateral views of the chest the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . the heart remains moderate to severely enlarged . the mediastinal contours are stable with aortic knob calcifications visualized . there is consolidative opacity within the right lung, most pronounced within the right upper lobe . additionally, ill-defined hazy opacity is noted within the left perihilar region . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax visualized . mild degenerative changes are seen within the thoracic spine . . consolidative opacity within the right upper lobe is concerning for pneumonia . . hazy opacity within the right lung base as well as within the left perihilar region may reflect superimposed pulmonary edema, though infection within the right lung base also is not excluded . Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18828251 50037292 10a6246b-f2e3ec72-8c956609-ee81d40f-4a962883 +2218 there is known scarring at the bases of the right upper lobe, associated with a minor degree of volume loss as well as scarring in the left lung, the level of the upper and lower hilus . status post sternotomy and cabg . lung volumes are low . there are no pleural effusions . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . no pulmonary edema . no pneumonia . Lung Opacity 16334516 52628998 21291544-3a540481-114dd644-ac5c71c2-69673493 +2219 pa and lateral chest views were obtained with the patient in upright position . analysis is performed in direct comparison with the next preceding pa and lateral chest examination of . previously described heart size, mediastinal structures, and permanent pacer with dual electrode system remain unchanged . the same holds also with the previously described loculated pleural effusion that blunts the left-sided lateral pleural sinus . parenchymal densities in the posterior portion of the left lower lobe remain unchanged as they present on the lateral view . the only significant difference is the appearance of substantial amount of subdiaphragmatic air which was not found on the preceding chest examination . telephone contact with referring physician, . , explained this finding as the patient is daily abdominal dialysis . stable chest findings . persistent loculated pleural density on the left base and parenchymal density occupying posterior portions of the left lower lobe . No Finding 13067703 58819781 b56a09de-a517e1c9-1e37badb-c8820169-834c4cd1 +2220 single portable upright chest radiograph was obtained . linear atelectasis at the right base is more discrete compared to prior exam . no consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax is present . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . a tiny right effusion is noted . surgical clips and sternotomy wires are intact . a left chest cardiac device has two leads in stable position . tiny right pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion 18615099 57137730 f0e11656-d359330e-8e7c2e5d-09c9d0d0-583da81f +2221 single lead pacing hardware is in similar position . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is again noted . linear opacity projecting over the right mid lung likely represents atelectasis . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . the heart size is mildly enlarged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 14556809 52810254 3555a31b-7de6859b-3d2e1279-2c0be9b8-f1030977 +2222 interval repositioning of left intra-aortic balloon pump, with tip now terminating . cm below the superior aspect of the aortic knob . swan-ganz catheter terminates within the right hilar region, likely in the distal interlobar pulmonary artery . this could be withdrawn a few centimeters for standard positioning . other indwelling devices are in standard position . stable cardiomegaly, accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and moderate edema with a mid and lower lung predominance in this patient with known upper lobe predominant emphysema . bilateral moderate pleural effusions are present, with interval increase in size on the left . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13606683 58789863 79931253-dc5d4f8a-ed5d56b8-d117d4ed-6e8ffc71 +2223 the severity of the pre-existing pulmonary edema has slightly worsened . the lung volumes have decreased . there are no larger pleural effusions . moderate cardiomegaly persists . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13896515 58469571 db0ff7a9-8860e50f-7b50f798-2e24594e-9c16c38d +2224 the monitoring and support devices are constant . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette with signs of pulmonary edema in addition the parenchymal opacities, likely represent pneumonia . the retrocardiac atelectasis, the presence of a small left pleural effusion cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19565388 59025691 704b81fb-eb6b3580-0bf2d329-f5aa33e7-5e85c2ae +2225 the patient has received a swan-ganz catheter . catheter shows a normal course, the tip, however, is located too much distal in the right pulmonary artery and must be pulled back by approximately cm . otherwise, the radiograph is unchanged, low lung volumes, mild cardiomegaly, vascular stents in situ . moderate to extensive right pleural effusion and mild left pleural effusion, both with evidence of atelectasis in the basal lung regions . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12847817 54656023 c9d61fcf-0566cce5-a12caae5-5c86b25f-20caac6a +2226 diffuse increased opacity of the right lung, with several air bronchograms . a pre-existing right pleural effusion seems to have moderately decreased . no changes in the left lung . unchanged monitoring and support devices . unchanged aspect of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19757720 50149345 dd0edd5f-bbfc870a-23c7b603-2ee5bd53-caedb97b +2227 rounded calcified nodule in the region of the posterior right lung base is seen and represents calcified granuloma on cts dating back to , likely secondary to prior granulomatous disease . previously seen pretracheal lymph node conglomerate and right hilar lymph nodes are better seenevaluated on ct . no focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable with possible slight decrease in right paratracheal prominence . no radiographic findings to suggest pneumonia . Pneumonia 10046166 57379357 e5ba5704-ce2f09d3-e28fe2a2-8a9aca96-86f4966a +2228 final addendum addendum interval increase in pleural effusion, as well as pneumoperitoneum were discussed with dr . the patient had a recent laparoscopic procedure to explain pneumoperitoneum . there is interval increase in pleural effusion on the right . there is also evidence of pneumoperitoneum . given the recent surgery, attention to exclude the possibility of perforated esophagus is required . Pleural Effusion 19016834 50600020 5bf49704-2e8accc0-671e467c-ff02da5d-9245891c +2229 the patient is rotated to the left . large area of opacification involving the right mid to lower lung suggests pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis, underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . there is also blunting of the left costophrenic angle which may be due to pleural effusion . the left retrocardiac opacity and obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm is seen, may be due to pleural effusion and atelectasis although underlying consolidation not excluded . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are shifted leftward of midline presumably due to patient positioningrotation . suggest repeat with better positioning when patient able . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 11934114 55027268 e32d8967-9d4234f1-98ac9b11-3c5e73f4-cc690e1a +2230 the lung volumes have slightly decreased . as a consequence, mild atelectasis are seen at the lung bases . no pleural effusions . no pulmonary edema . no pneumonia . Atelectasis 13484161 54526081 95906129-89721086-cc8154fa-07c91f7e-3c5ea511 +2231 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . chronic deformity of the upper right thorax relates to prior chest wall resection . suture chain along the right perihilar region is consistent with prior right upper lobectomy, as is right apical scarring and superior retraction of the right hilus . there is also suture chain noted along the lateral aspect of the upper right lung . there is no focal consolidation . there is no definite right pleural effusion . scarring is seen at the right lung base, not significantly changed . there is no left pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is seen . the heart size is normal . the mediastinal contour is unchanged . multilevel degenerative changes of the thoracic spine are noted . . no acute cardiac or pulmonary process . . chronic post-surgical changes of the right lung and chest wall, as described above . No Finding 13263843 59379876 f2519fc1-a453a942-fcb47d26-f30fa862-72fc2107 +2232 ap upright portable view of the chest was obtained . in the interval since the prior study, there has been development of a very large left pneumothorax with collapse of the left lung . there may be slight tension component . the right lung is clear . no pleural effusion . the left cardiac border appears somewhat flattened, which may be due to tension . interval development of large left pneumothorax . the above findings were discussed with dr . via telephone on . Pneumothorax 15192710 56661680 537866b5-4423c6f9-f01223bc-1a4b2a8a-a550fd36 +2233 there is prominence of the interstitial markings suggesting moderate interstitial edema . no large pleural effusion is seen . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . the aorta is tortuous . enlarged cardiac silhouette and moderate interstitial edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13484161 55799349 d45a4f1c-aa9b0b1d-714e476e-b6f28f01-34d6bcdc +2234 the hand of the patient obscures the lower half of the left chest . there is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with indistinctness of engorged pulmonary vessels, consistent with elevated pulmonary venous pressure . in the appropriate clinical setting, superimposed basilar pneumonia could be considered . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia 16050730 52052294 e6298e5b-366c6725-3be73135-100fb888-3168c3b2 +2235 the nasogastric tube has been removed . the double-lumen dialysis catheter on the right remains unchanged . unchanged mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly with signs of mild interstitial lung edema . no pleural effusions . no focal parenchymal opacity suggesting pneumonia . minimal atelectasis in the retrocardiac lung areas . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18855147 54198369 4055e006-3d0171d5-07ea571b-cf29d489-7847ba6e +2236 there are persistent, stable bilateral upper lung reticular nodular opacities consistent with history of sarcoidosis . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is seen . the heart size is normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . . no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . . stable bilateral upper lungs zone fibrosis consistent with history of sarcoidosis . Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 14147787 57740891 f8355430-64704941-eeb44da9-4b52d4e6-371c314e +2237 a hazy opacity is present in the right lung which may represent aspiration, pleural effusion or hemorrhage . retrocardiac opacity at the left base is unchanged . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . slight prominence of the pulmonary vasculature with cephalization and enlarged pulmonary arteries are consistent with mild pulmonary edema . tracheostomy tube is in place . there are no displaced rib fractures . . hazy opacity in the right lung which may represent aspiration versus pleural effusion or hemorrhage . . mild pulmonary edema . . no displaced rib fractures . Edema&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 10268877 53452091 e35d7c70-3f278882-4f133ee9-184f4d7e-fa32a4d7 +2238 no previous images . there is mild hyperexpansion of the lungs, suggesting some underlying chronic pulmonary disease . however, no evidence of acute pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . of incidental note is an old healed rib fracture on the right . Fracture 11906222 53854854 567bcd19-6ab220b4-8f8eb57b-5f94b009-a4007fc7 +2239 the heart is of normal size with normal cardiomediastinal contours . the known gastric pull-through for esophageal cancer is not distended . bony coalition between the posterior arch of the sixth and seventh right ribs is congenital . there is increased vague opacity in the right mid lung superimposed on the site of bony coalition . opacity in this area is increased since but is similar to , and may represent recurrent pneumonia . a right lower lobe nodule is similar in size through . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . the pulmonary vasculature is unremarkable . no radiopaque foreign body . right mid lung opacity, waxing and waning since , compatible with recurrent pneumonia . follow-up is recommended after therapy to exclude neoplasm given the patients history of malignancy . final impression was communicated via phone call to dr . by on at pm . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14295224 55779414 e12bad7a-760b3371-e15d9215-21ede9cc-79748575 +2240 mild pulmonary vascular congestion is present, and previously present mild pulmonary edema has resolved . there is no new focal opacity, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . mild pulmonary edema is improved from . Edema 15131736 51140617 fbc1d1b7-2217f22b-74904fff-5061c77a-930f05c8 +2241 elevation of the right lung base is unchanged . a moderate right pleural effusion is not significantly changed . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax, although the lung apices are partially obscured by overlying soft tissues of the neck . prominence of the right perihilar region is unchanged and compatible with radiation changes . the cardiomediastinal contours are stable . pulmonary vascular congestion is unchanged . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 19720782 52924835 45aa1a09-ed50dffa-f91421ee-590a536a-9867ca96 +2242 there are multiple bilateral rib fractures of varying age as well as old left clavicular fracture . large hiatal hernia . a heterogeneous opacity concerning for pneumonia is seen in the inferolateral right upper lobe . the left lung is clear . there is no pleural effusion . no pneumothorax . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion . the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours are normal . . right upper lobe pneumonia . . multiple rib fractures of varying age . old left clavicular fracture . . stable large hiatal hernia . these findings were discussed with dr . on by telephone . Fracture&&Pneumonia 18659631 59480672 4dab8652-904d5fa6-0cbdc7ce-b4ef75fa-17ddb82e +2243 patient is status post right upper lobectomy . as compared to prior chest radiograph from , there has been interval improvement of right pleural effusion . there is volume loss in the right hemithorax with associated cardiomediastinal shift to the right and tenting of the right hemidiaphragm . post-radiation changes are noted along the right perihilar region . left pleural effusion is stable and there is atelectasis at the left lung base . there are no new focal consolidations . there is no pneumothorax . sclerosis of the first and fourth rib as well as resection of the second and third rib are again noted, related to prior surgery . right picc terminates in the lower svc . interval decrease of right pleural effusion, stable left pleural effusion . no new focal consolidations . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 13263843 58319427 28e4376e-045edb59-84977ca1-d0deb357-1d35d4b9 +2244 no relevant change as compared to the previous image . moderate cardiomegaly . right picc line . no pleural effusions . no pneumonia, no pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 15131736 56905708 c35cd6f5-6d2f944e-e7517ba8-3d33af2c-aeb61176 +2245 the mediastinal and left chest tube has been removed and there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the overall appearance of the heart and lungs is essentially unchanged . persistent pulmonary vascular congestion with opacification, especially at the left base consistent with effusion and volume loss in the lower lobe . less prominent changes are seen at the right base . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 10886362 57211901 c5317373-5acdf384-4d5fee0f-423f29ef-22858502 +2246 in comparison with the previous study, there is now an endotracheal tube in place with its tip only about . cm above the carina . this information wasd conveyed to dr . . intestinal tube extends well into the stomach . left ij catheter tip is unchanged . the extensive right apical lateral consolidation has substantially cleared . the opacification involving much of the left lung has decreased . it is unclear whether this represents clearing pneumonia or possible decrease in asymmetric pulmonary edema . opacification at the left base silhouetting the hemidiaphragm is consistent with pleural effusion . right hemidiaphragmatic contour is elevated, possibly relating to pleural effusion, with streaks of atelectasis at the base . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11569093 58407493 967d441a-a13a3abb-92836835-665f96e3-d5916b82 +2247 the previously malpositioned picc line in the left jugular vein has been pulled back . however, on todays examination, the picc line appears to project over the right axillary region . the line should be completely withdrawn and repositioned . the previous right internal jugular vein catheter was removed . there is unchanged mild cardiomegaly at lower lung volumes . these low lung volumes are essentially caused by an elevation of the right hemidiaphragm, better appreciated on the lateral than on the frontal radiograph . no current evidence of larger pleural effusions, pulmonary edema, or pneumonia . unchanged pacemaker leads and left pectoral pacemaker generator . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 12595991 51474707 f2baee8f-ab9bb3f0-cd412d19-fa6f5014-d0388839 +2248 compared to the prior exam there is no significant interval change . No Finding 15131736 57823021 093c153e-d1acd85f-f43aa2c9-b469c946-c50bed41 +2249 the left upper lobe opacity has substantially increased in size as compared to prior chest ct most likely reflecting bronchoscopy hemorrhage . cm craniocaudal dimension to . cm in the craniocaudal dimension . there is new left retrocardiac opacity that might reflect small area of atelectasisaspiration . the rest of the lungs are clear . there is no appreciable pleural effusion and there is no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 19404187 59383411 9c428194-407d67aa-d8f7441b-6010da36-1768a83e +2250 the patient has undergone vats decortication . a total of three right-sided chest tubes are in situ . at the right lateral lung bases, at the site of chest tube insertion, there is evidence of a small basal pneumothorax . mild basal atelectasis on the right . mild right soft tissue air inclusions . the left lung is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 18309149 52707748 126d1e0c-613de8a4-7f1cfd82-86511457-4cc0543f +2251 low lung volumes are seen with secondary crowding of the bronchovascular markings . left chest wall port is seen with catheter tip within the right atrium . there is no large confluent consolidation or large effusion . calcified bilateral hilar nodes are identified . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits for technique and low inspiratory volume . no definite acute cardiopulmonary process given limitation of low lung volumes and portable technique . No Finding 11413236 59218667 722a3b68-5254c3ea-469c8294-7e6fb73d-46f35121 +2252 comparison is made with the next preceding portable ap single view chest examination of . the patient is now examined in standing upright position . there is status post sternotomy and significant cardiac enlargement as before . within the cardiac shadow, metallic portions of three different valve prostheses can be identified . one is a circular metallic ring in the position of the aortic valve, the second one a similar oval-shaped ring formation in the mitral valve position, and the third one an open circle rather typical for a tricuspid valve annuloplasty . correlating the position of these valves to the outer contours of the heart, one can state that there is remaining marked enlargement of the left atrium, but the increased distance between the tricuspid valvuloplasty and the anterior heart border speaks much in favor of a right ventricular enlargement as well as an enlarged right atrium . prominence of the ascending aortic contour is moderate . the pulmonary vasculature is presently not congested, and on previous portable examination identified edema pattern as well as evidence of right-sided pleural effusion has normalized . no new parenchymal abnormalities are seen, and no pneumothorax is identified in the apical area . again observed is a fractured second rib in the left apical area, apparently the result of previous sternotomy and intrathoracic cardiac intervention . when comparison is extended to the next preceding pa and lateral chest examination of , the patient is in better condition now as the cardiac enlargement has regressed and the pleural effusion has been absorbed completely . marked improvement of chf in patient with history of triple valve replacement . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 19182863 55598285 4d92da88-7369aa66-983734e4-bfcb6662-72f56c2d +2253 there is a severe increase in extent of the bilateral parenchymal opacities . these are strongly suggestive for severely increasing pulmonary edema . in addition, a small right pleural effusion has newly occurred . there is unchanged evidence of cardiomegaly . no pneumonia, retrocardiac atelectasis is present . at the time of dictation, , am, referring physician, . , was paged for notification . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 18322589 51231499 aedfcdd8-6438b27a-5d6b20d6-08c03afc-b40c0830 +2254 an ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . analysis is performed in direct comparison with the next preceding pa and lateral chest examination of . on the previous examination, the patient had a pigtail drainage catheter placed anteriorly to the chest wall in an apparent presternal soft tissue cavity in this patient with a history of sternal dehiscence . the pigtail catheter has been removed . on the present frontal single view examination, one can identify a thin-wall line apparently entering the right lower anterior chest wall reaching the superior portion of the thorax where it terminates overlying the infraclavicular junction . on this single chest view, no pneumothorax can be identified and no new pulmonary abnormalities are seen . unfortunately, the examination did not include a lateral view at this time, which is the essential component to evaluate the presternal anatomy in the patients anterior chest wall . the chest ct examination is reviewed from this study is apparent that the anterior chest wall cavity is filled with large amount of fluid, which communicates through the dehisced sternum into the mediastinal structures . additional lateral view is mandatory for evaluation of this unusual finding . potential drainage could be monitored under fluoroscopic control . No Finding&&Support Devices 17770657 57426879 86deb04a-2c61843d-5acda394-6b0cd2e7-40be9dd0 +2255 right-sided pleural catheter remains in place . a small lateral pneumothorax is present below the level of the minor fissure . additionally, a pleural effusion has increased in size and is partially layering on this semi-upright radiograph . a small loculated component has developed medially at the right apex as well . cardiac silhouette remains enlarged and is accompanied by mild pulmonary vascular congestion . worsening confluent opacity at the right lung base is probably due to atelectasis, though infection should also be considered in the appropriate clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16826047 55573557 386f3989-399f50ac-f80589aa-642b131d-16e64e70 +2256 the lung volumes are low . mild fullness in the right hila may indicate early developing infection in the correct clinical setting . opacity of the left base stable over multiple prior studies and most likely represents atelectasis . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . mild fullness in the right hila may indicate early developing infection in the correct clinical setting . Pneumonia 19454978 54452010 8adb9931-4175c4ce-48e51965-ef56eb3d-4c575d17 +2257 there is a right-sided picc line which ends in the mid svc . there has been interval increase in pulmonary vascular congestion without frank interstitial edema . no focal consolidations are identified . there is a small right-sided pleural effusion . the heart size is unchanged . the hilar and mediastinal contours are stable . there is no pneumothorax . interval increase in vascular engorgement . no frank interstitial edema . no focal consolidations identified . No Finding 14177219 57812270 efff7e71-8fb08183-a867eeaa-1bf8c237-82103b3e +2258 frontal and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . there is new multifocal consolidation in the right upper lobe, within the right perihilar region and possibly in the retrocardiac region as well . lungs are otherwise notable for parenchymal architectural distortion at the upper lungs bilaterally . there is no effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . multifocal regions of consolidation, new since exam from two weeks prior, compatible with pneumonia in the proper clinical setting . recommend repeat after treatment to document resolution . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 10933609 59225625 f79eadd6-c024fbbc-dec2a8a7-0d75c594-a53f0aa1 +2259 tip of the endotracheal tube is at the upper margin of the clavicles . with the chin in neutral or slight flexion the distance to the carina no less than mm is - cm above optimal placement . right internal jugular line ends in the upper svc . swan-ganz catheter traverses a left jugular introducer and ends in the right pulmonary artery . although the nasogastric tube passes into the stomach, a loop projecting over the midline at the upper margin of the film could be in the hypopharynx and should be evaluated clinically . mild pulmonary edema has improved . small bilateral pleural effusions are presumed . heart size is normal and the mediastinal veins are no longer engorged . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19623993 50961878 8b0cada7-ecc1d1e7-0910b65f-cf44db21-afca8926 +2260 pa and lateral chest views were obtained with the patient in upright position . previously described right subclavian approach port-a-cath system remains in unchanged position . the heart size and mediastinal structures are also unaltered and grossly within normal limits . the pulmonary vasculature is not congested . the previously described local pleural densities have further regressed, in particular a rather bulging prominence and thickening of the pleural space in the mid portion of the right lateral chest wall has regressed . basal right-sided pleural effusion blunting the lateral pleural sinus and extending into the posterior pleural sinus and corresponding posterior pleural space remain unchanged . no new abnormalities are identified . as before, general impression of copd persists . mild regression of previously identified mostly loculated pleural effusions . no new pulmonary or cardiovascular abnormalities . Pleural Effusion 19016834 57537037 ea1b22a8-7ee63c4a-1ad1ae64-defd894b-1a52dcac +2261 increasing left hemithorax opacity with linear areas of lucency which may represent air bronchograms . this finding is consistent with edema or developing consolidation . there are persistent low lung volumes . aorta is diffusely tortuous and calcified . pacer device with leads terminating within the right atrium, right ventricle of an enlarged heart is unchanged in position . endotracheal tube is seen terminating . cm from the carina . ng tube is seen entering the stomach and out of view of the radiograph . internal jugular catheter is seen in appropriate position within the low svc . increasing left-sided opacity which may represent increase in edema or developing consolidation . endotracheal tube is seen . cm from carina it is recommended that tube be withdrawn so that it terminates between and cm from the carina . these findings were reported to dr . by at am . Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13649937 58340193 dee14392-cc692fb3-6f2ebd41-a3c076db-05568231 +2262 comparison is made to prior study dated . portable upright chest film at is submitted . . interval appearance of bilateral layering pleural effusions and associated airspace opacity which most likely reflects compressive atelectasis, although a pneumonia or aspiration should also be considered . no evidence of pulmonary edema . status post median sternotomy with stable postoperative cardiac and mediastinal contours . right-sided pacer in place . no pneumothorax . relative paucity of vasculature in the apices suggests a component of underlying emphysema . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13606683 58039737 4a5f0ca9-a2d5198d-f01da2b2-1477e643-9b23e5ee +2263 mild pulmonary edema has improved, severe cardiomegaly has not . mediastinal veins are not particularly dilated . there is no large pleural effusion . dialysis catheter ends in the right atrium . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 12963531 52085657 f983cdd1-c3d0de12-3db3f665-cdadb3af-3ffd4c47 +2264 there has been placement of an endotracheal tube with the tip approximately . cm above the carina . the left swan-ganz catheter tip is in the proximal pulmonary artery . hemodialysis catheter tip remains in the right atrium . left ij catheter is in the region of the juncture with the left subclavian vein . abdominal drains are seen bilaterally . nasogastric tube extends only to the lower thoracic esophagus . it could be advanced - cm, which was conveyed to dr . by the resident on-call . mild indistinctness of pulmonary vessels suggests some elevated pulmonary venous pressure . Edema&&Support Devices 11880923 51034232 9a09516b-ceca3649-56487727-bbd3b10c-a0cbd7b8 +2265 moderately severe pulmonary edema which developed on has substantially improved . only a small residual remains, but there is still moderate left and small right pleural effusion . the heart is normal size, and mediastinal veins are no longer dilated . et tube, left subclavian infusion port, right internal jugular line are in standard placements . nasogastric tube would need to be advanced cm to move all the side ports into the stomach . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15758946 55901243 f329badd-5f934b2d-44503f43-93b04e89-810e8f0c +2266 the cardiac size is normal . the aorta is very tortuous, and appearance of the widened mediastinum is stable at least since . there is no evidence of pneumonia, chf, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 17337033 51304693 3b8fc3bd-66391218-68c48776-0cbde359-ec4f0e4d +2267 there has been increase in moderate right pleural effusion . if any there is a small left pleural effusion . there is mild stable vascular congestion . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . swan-ganz catheter tip is in the main pulmonary artery . there is no evident pneumothorax . left chest tube remains in unchanged position . sternal wires are in unchanged position . Pleural Effusion 13135946 52547146 d0ce0dbb-82f88ba2-6467498e-a4e23f78-c203cf06 +2268 top normal heart size and mild pulmonary vascular congestion have not changed appreciably . probably no pulmonary edema nor substantial pleural effusion, no evidence of intrathoracic infection . non-healed fracture noted in the anterior left fourth rib . Fracture 19765968 50660013 bc589c1d-1abbef0a-78f9c190-81bdf6e8-e1429133 +2269 cardiac size is top normal . right lower lobe opacity could be due to atelectasis but superimposed infection cannot be excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . widened mediastinum is unchanged from . there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19028690 52470466 3ed8d7a0-5e77fb18-5c0a7929-b75d0b38-7c3a1f98 +2270 with the exception of slight improved aeration at the left lung base, there has not been a substantial change in the appearance of the chest since the recent study of one day earlier . No Finding 15338518 56387971 2689618d-d2d66d76-59bc106d-e3cc0c85-91cc995f +2271 single ap portable view of the chest the lungs are clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are unremarkable . there are no pleural effusions noted . there are no pneumothoraces noted . the bones appear intact . No Finding 11924226 58367071 fe5dd4a7-d88ab43b-fe20fb3b-aa6f0fe1-c9efd533 +2272 the large right perihilar consolidation with surrounding ground glass has substantially improved in the interim . giving the absence of this abnormality on prior ct from , it most likely reflects substantial infectious process and should be closely followed for documentation of complete resolution . malignant involvement is substantially less likely . lateral view demonstrates air-fluid level in the neoesophagus, expected in appearance . small amount of right pleural effusion cannot be excluded, might be secondary to the infection . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19016834 56354256 6a6317b8-aaf9ba61-33753b9f-5d504bc8-94bae3e5 +2273 the left picc line tip is at the level of mid svc . heart size is enlarged . mediastinum is enlarged . perihilar interstitial opacities are noted . bilateral pleural effusion is present . right pigtail catheter tip is in place . no pneumothorax is seen . since the prior study, there is substantial interval progression of pulmonary edema . the apical opacity on the left is unchanged . Edema&&Lung Opacity 14851532 50686747 6da80776-b8a61cbe-7898eaa5-29b7ca8f-c0ea57e5 +2274 mild cardiomegaly is similar to prior . cardiomediastinal contours are stable . indistinct appearance of the pulmonary vasculature is compatible with pulmonary edema . nodular opacity projecting over the right mid lung is similar to . blunting of the right costophrenic angle and indistinctness of the left costophrenic angle are compatible with small bilateral pleural effusions . retrocardiac opacity may represent atelectasis though pneumonia is not excluded . no pneumothorax . dialysis catheter terminates in the right atrium . the right humeral head is chronically deformed and an adjacent calcified loose body is again seen . mild pulmonary edema, similar to , with small bilateral pleural effusion and retrocardiac opacity compatible with atelectasis, although pneumonia may be considered in the appropriate clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 17340686 51782829 6b0e83ab-6cdfeb29-98310cca-4b6aa8f5-8455fe63 +2275 there are low lung volumes and persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . low lung volumes and persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . no significant interval change . No Finding 19907884 57427881 92134f99-0e73faba-1280ad81-218c68ba-933a85c5 +2276 there is persistent opacification of the medial right lower lung . there is a small right pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is detected . there is no evidence for pulmonary edema . the aorta is tortuous . the patient is status post left upper lobectomy surgical changes with volume loss are evident . right lower lobe pneumonia, which has not cleared, and small right pleural effusion . No Finding 10885696 56443683 5b429228-9769c874-369577de-11d25077-c9ad1f2b +2277 there are continued low lung volumes . bilateral pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis at the bases persist . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is again seen . right ij catheter remains in place . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 58509428 a07fcdb2-cfd4c07c-10798b86-59623927-3210f2a2 +2278 ap semi-upright portable chest x-ray was provided . similar to the prior exam, there is a moderate-to-large right-sided pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis . underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . there has been interval improvement in the left pulmonary opacities . cardiomediastinal silhouette appears grossly stable from the prior study . there is no pneumothorax . stable moderate-to-large right-sided pleural effusion . underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . improvement in the left pulmonary edema . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 14471276 52991108 d1136eed-65e29502-7df50d94-26d66f4a-513b4e1c +2279 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . multiple calcified nodules throughout the lungs are unchanged . otherwise the lungs are clear . the lungs are mildly hyperexpanded . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . there are mild degenerative changes in the thoracic spine . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities . No Finding 12185775 53295276 31b151ec-75ddc4a9-e85ecaab-f72df771-c55ef3b5 +2280 again seen, is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . the hilar and mediastinal contours are stable . there has been interval improvement of the previously noted pulmonary edema . no new focal consolidation concerning for infection is identified . there are chronic areas of scarring in the left lower lobe, as well as a stable nodular opacity at the left heart border . post-sternotomy wires are seen intact . the pacemaker defibrillator leads are unchanged in position . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . overall interval improvement of the previous noted pulmonary edema . no pneumonia . Edema 13606683 50447060 b849e290-2a7cce04-71ba4fd8-ef1d13ad-15cdd04a +2281 frontal chest radiograph the lungs remain underinflated, resulting in bronchovascular crowding . again seen is mild pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial edema . multiple rib fractures are again seen . an endotracheal tube terminates cm above the carina, and the et tube cuff is hyperinflated . an orogastric tube terminates within the stomach . there is no pneumothorax . small pleural effusions are present . . et tube terminating cm above the carina . the endotracheal tube cuff is hyperinflated . . unchanged appearance of low lung volumes with superimposed mild interstitial edema and central vascular congestion . . orogastric tube terminating within the stomach . the initial findings were discussed by dr . with the icu nurse, via telephone at the time of interpretation, pm . Edema&&Support Devices 18079481 51858688 c405b126-03d888ca-314564ad-3797a458-30e53586 +2282 single frontal view of the chest . lung volumes are very low and marked elevation of the left greater than right hemidiaphragm is similar to prior . bibasilar atelectasis is unchanged . cardiomediastinal contours are stable . pulmonary vascular markings appear normal . no focal consolidation or large pleural effusion . low lung volumes without radiographic evidence of aspiration or focal consolidation . No Finding 18338007 52546911 65c9e42e-6093fd2c-66ffbba3-b6fa9d18-48594809 +2283 there is extensive pulmonary edema bilaterally . there are bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right . there is partial collapse of the left lung secondary to pleural effusion . part of the right pleural effusion appears to be in the fissure . cardiomediastinal silhouette is obscured by pulmonary edema and pleural effusions . extensive pulmonary edema . bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right . partial left lower lobe collapse secondary to effusion . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18615099 57165304 efeee902-a228cde6-a6a4b031-7c26bc53-842009b9 +2284 the picc line on the right has migrated slightly more proximally with the distal lead tip now in the proximal svc . heart size is within normal limits . there is a left retrocardiac opacity and a small left-sided pleural effusion . there is no signs for acute pulmonary edema or pneumothoraces . calcified granulomas are seen within the left upper lobe . as above . No Finding 12185775 53349756 f0d18848-8b3b0e31-92ab7c89-0a569510-bac46a4e +2285 lung volumes remain low . the previous noted left lower lung opacity is less conspicuous on this repeat study, and was likely artifactual due to rightward rotation . on the lateral view, there is now a retrocardiac opacity without clear correlate on the frontal view, which was also present on prior radiographs . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are unchanged . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . retrocardiac opacity without clear correlate on frontal radiograph of unclear significance . however in the appropriate clinical setting, this can represent pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14841168 51054780 e48e959d-10d7b785-3ba7d6d0-87d614c1-19ed06cc +2286 the heart size is at the upper limits of normal os slightly enlarged, increase in size compared to prior exam . the mediastinal contours demonstrate calcified atherosclerotic disease of the aortic knob, similar to prior exam . perihilar opacities are present as well as an engorged appearance of the pulmonary vasculature and interstitial edema . no definite large pleural effusion is present, and there is no pneumothorax . cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema, concerning for heart failure . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13896515 50246988 8f98b8f6-592203f8-128d7f76-bf2331d4-78b1c4af +2287 mild interstitial edema has recurred . moderate left lower lobe atelectasis is improved with mediastinum returning to the midline, but there is still a small to moderate left pleural effusion . the heart is not enlarged and the mediastinal vasculature is not engorged . et tube, right pic line are in standard placements and a feeding tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13031876 57019853 cc421e05-ba52c579-96137ca0-fa81a980-c78a2d2f +2288 mild pulmonary edema worsened slightly since earlier in the day . no pneumothorax . small left pleural effusion and moderate left basal atelectasis are unchanged . pulmonary artery catheter ends in the right pulmonary artery . transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads are unchanged in longstanding locations including the more medial than usual positioning of the tip of the right atrial lead . mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly comparable to the preoperative appearance . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10886362 53460154 b4391db8-8076224b-e326c566-f0ee0cd4-94341441 +2289 large bilateral pleural effusions have increased . bibasilar atelectasis have increased, more on the left . cardiomegaly and low lung volumes are stable . transvenous pacer leads terminate in the standard position in the right atrium and the right ventricle . mild pulmonary edema is new . sternal wires are aligned . right picc tip is obscured by transvenous pacer leads . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15109122 57990557 e51de97b-284b687e-ba74eec4-51cb1569-ab258ee6 +2290 an et tube is present -- the tip lies approximately . cm above the carina . right subclavian central line tip overlies the svcra junction . no pneumothorax is detected . status post sternotomy, with prosthetic valve and multiple clips in the mediastinum, near the thoracic inlet, and in the upper abdomen . unusual density overlying the gastric fundus may represent some residual oral contrast within the stomach . attention to this area on followup films is requested . there are bilateral effusions, with some underlying atelectasis . retrocardiac opacity is consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation . upper zone redistribution and mild diffuse vascular blurring likely reflects chf . interval placement of the et tube, tip in satisfactory position above the carina . otherwise, overall similar . radiopacity over stomach - residual contrast . clinical correlation requested . lll collpase consolidation . bilateral effusions . probable chf . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 58519194 a012623c-3d2f7d18-ccd7f833-c984c099-56fbef61 +2291 compared to the prior study there is interval increase in the cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular redistribution . there are patchy areas of alveolar infiltrate bilaterally compatible with fluid overload . the et tube is . cm above the carinal . large bore catheter tip is in the right atrium . ng tube is unchanged . no pneumothorax fluid overload . an underlying infectious infiltrate cant be excluded . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17340686 53739758 cfe95f11-8443d7dd-4d3b5c96-d6c7892c-e037193e +2292 comparison . no relevant change . low lung volumes with moderate cardiomegaly and mild pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . no pneumonia . moderate scoliosis with asymmetry of the ribcage . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 16050730 57723077 d4dae1e3-f77d7d94-06b441f0-f5f8ffab-230cd387 +2293 single frontal portable view of the chest the prior ng tube has been removed with a new ng tube placed which ends in the stomach . there has been interval placement of a g-tube . a right picc ends in the lower svc, stable . there are no new lung opacification to suggest pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette remains unchanged . No Finding 18110020 53663749 083a3e76-48cf31d2-b2f088df-9c323345-ef72f46f +2294 mild bibasilar atelectasis is seen . subtle opacity at the right lung base most likely represents atelectasis, less likely consolidation . no definite discrete focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is top normal to mildly enlarged . the aorta is calcified and tortuous . degenerative changes are seen along the spine . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 15438386 59022925 57f7f75e-91517fb3-4071303d-6f325ed5-5daca800 +2295 severe pulmonary edema is unchanged . cardiac size cannot be evaluated, is obscured by the lung abnormalities . there is persistent small right basal pneumothorax despite the presence of a pigtail catheter . small bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged allowing the difference in positioning of the patient . lines and tubes are in unchanged standard position . right lower lobe denser opacity consistent with a large area of atelectasis is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 58900575 1fe087b5-76e46847-985f4986-3046404a-2184844a +2296 the heart is again mild to moderately enlarged . the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours appear stable . there is no definite pleural effusion or pneumothorax . although not nearly as striking is the prior study, the pulmonary vascularity is indistinct, and the appearance suggests mild vascular congestion, without definite focal opacity . hemidiaphragms are flattened . fissures are minimally thickened . findings suggesting mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema 16855430 53829822 8b38d41a-f5185160-d311d652-8d19e4c2-9f97688a +2297 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . compared to prior, there has been no significant interval change . dense retrocardiac opacity is again seen silhouetting of the hemidiaphragm . the right lung remains grossly clear . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is unchanged . cardiac silhouette is enlarged, but stable and notable for a prosthetic device . no significant interval change since noting left basilar opacity due to combination of pleural effusion with underlying atelectasis and possible consolidation . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15259244 52697942 928a3662-7a9bc2d9-1808833b-79fd5d7b-76aabf9d +2298 the heart is enlarged . central pulmonary vascular congestion and mild pulmonary edema have slightly improved since . there is no pneumothorax . a small left pleural effusion is unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 56615285 64c24dca-a414a27f-c24e46d6-b41d673e-1a01d73e +2299 again, there is diffuse increase in interstitial markings bilaterally consistent with chronic interstitial lung disease . no new areas of focal consolidation are seen . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . chronic interstitial lung disease, stable since the prior study . Lung Opacity 13475033 55876368 031113f9-e2466fb7-08d11a74-231bed81-45441968 +2300 bilateral pleural effusion, moderate on the right and moderate-to-large on the left and severe bibasilar atelectasis have not improved since . pulmonary vasculature is engorged, but edema is minimal if any . severe cardiac enlargement is stable . dual-channel dialysis catheters ends in the right atrium . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 50903359 4a9977bd-7c6765ff-7951cc3c-36666101-51dfc3fa +2301 lung volumes are low . the heart remains mildly enlarged . aortic knob is calcified . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged, with a small hiatal hernia again noted . pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . multiple clips are seen in the right upper quadrant compatible with prior cholecystectomy . degenerative changes of the left glenohumeral joint are incompletely assessed . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11512104 52398109 5d4e5d0a-add681d2-faf8a518-e0062eff-6554d2d2 +2302 semi-upright portable chest radiograph demonstrates interval improved aeration of the bilateral upper lungs however, there is persistent if not slightly improved bibasilar opacifications, possibly due to atelectasis and bilateral pleural effusions, though superimposed infectious process is not excluded . improved aeration of upper lungs with stable if not slightly improved bibasilar opacifications, likely a combination of atelectasis and effusions, though pneumonia is not excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16855430 52509761 27c8aa21-0a66ebf9-667f13ca-9695345c-caa66257 +2303 in comparison to prior radiograph of day earlier, there has been improved aeration at both lung bases . no other relevant change since recent study . No Finding 14841168 52070116 93545eeb-752a09e2-3a5afc63-bbdfdacf-0161e920 +2304 again, low lung volumes are seen with relative elevation of the right hemidiaphragm which is unchanged . the lungs are clear without effusion, pulmonary vascular congestion or pneumothorax . again seen are surgical clips in the right paramediastinal region . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no acute osseous abnormality is detected . no free air is seen below the diaphragm . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19907884 59325966 c6db0413-f3266e66-031e9892-2809b536-c13cf9f2 +2305 rotated positioning . the patient is status post sternotomy, with cardiomegaly . there is upper zone redistribution and diffuse vascular blurring, consistent with chf . the left hemidiaphragm is elevated, likely accentuated by what appears to be air within the fundus, dilating the gastric fundus . aside from some increased retrocardiac density, no frank consolidation or gross effusion is identified . chf with upper zone redistribution and diffuse vascular blurring . minimal left lower lobe opacity also noted . of note, the chest ct from described innumerable pulmonary nodules . it would be difficult to distinguish interstitial metastatic disease from the findings on the current study, but the upper zone redistribution and overall blurring does appear more pronounced than on and that rapid change supports the diagnosis of chf . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11879886 56268607 da8cd0dd-573be530-0024ff8e-15e20b59-21e4a61d +2306 mild linear atelectasis in the right lung is unchanged . there is no new consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar silhouettes are normal . no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . Pneumonia 19623993 57254304 d8d6bec6-48c8a366-841c2d03-d9845540-66735bb4 +2307 compared to the study from the prior day, the dual-lead pacemaker is unchanged . there is increased cardiomegaly, which is moderate-to-severe . bilateral hazy vasculature, pulmonary vascular redistribution, and alveolar edema . there are small bilateral effusions, right greater than left and kerley b lines . compared to the prior exam, the chf is worsened . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11893091 57134673 8da4fdec-ab3ac0b3-1e702eda-3bfc96b5-1f8974b2 +2308 comparison to . no relevant change is seen . low lung volumes . stable correctly positioned monitoring and support devices . moderate cardiomegaly with retrocardiac atelectasis . minimal left pleural effusion . mild fluid overload but no overt pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19075045 59707249 bbad6bc5-31fe40b0-2bc52219-211c9426-e57faa9b +2309 upright frontal and lateral chest radiographs the patient is status post left upper lobectomy, with expected persistent left lung volume loss and shift of mediastinal structures . the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours are unchanged, allowing for differences in technique and rotation of the patient . biapical scarring is again seen . there is no pneumothorax or new consolidation . No Finding 10885696 57959841 a7fdae9e-97d1a4d6-df3c7f40-29a51d88-39463d76 +2310 right chest wall port-a-cath terminates in the upper svc . postoperative mediastinum, including calcified left suprahilar lymph node, and cardiomegaly are unchanged from . bibasilar atelectasis is mild . no evidence of pneumonia or pulmonary edema . No Finding 11413236 51943964 2f1eba54-06686151-156f45ff-76e953f6-03665181 +2311 swan-ganz catheter tip is in the distal right main pulmonary artery . cardiomegaly is stable . mild vascular congestion is unchanged . bibasilar opacities larger on the right are unchanged . there is no evident pneumothorax . pacer leads are in standard positio . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19075045 55863688 e9d9f329-da18eb49-3fe8868a-a0852356-4e2cc1a8 +2312 there again is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary edema, which appears to have slightly progressed . continued low lung volumes . pacer device remains in place . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 13896515 52607379 3ae4f21a-20a3c90a-520e7d42-5f306168-85d0d88e +2313 a left pectoral pacemaker is unchanged in position with two leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle as before . the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve repair with aortic valve prosthesis, unchanged in position and intact-appearing sternotomy wires . the cardiac silhouette and mediastinal contours are mildly increased in size in comparison to the most recent prior study likely attributable to slightly decreased lung volumes compared to the prior exam . the mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . hazy opacification of the bilateral lung bases is likely related to underpenetration of soft tissues on technique . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no overt pulmonary edema is present . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 16043637 54026146 39f8070e-150fed7a-edc48fc5-4957b38f-cd627a7e +2314 dual-chamber pacemaker and aortic valve are in stable position . sternal wires are intact . right upper extremity picc line terminates at the superior cavoatrial junction . there is slight elevation of the right hemidiaphragm, and seen on prior studies . no definite parenchymal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . heart size is mildly enlarged . . right upper extremity picc line terminates at the superior cavoatrial junction . . stable cardiomegaly . . no definite evidence of pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16043637 50654010 be4aa5f6-99ccaf97-2b5e3e91-41ef9449-536d6ae5 +2315 the right-sided picc line has been retracted and now terminates at the level of the mid clavicular line along the expected course of the right subclavian vein . the heart is mild-to-moderately enlarged with left ventricular configuration . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . persistent band-like opacities in the left mid lung suggest minor atelectasis or scarring . there is a patchy new nonspecific opacity in the right lower lung, although suggestive of minor atelectasis . developing pneumonia is difficult to exclude, however . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . severe degenerative changes involving the right shoulder are partly visualized . . retraction of picc line, which now terminates in the mid subclavian vein . . patchy right basilar opacity, although compatible with minor atelectasis . the possibility of developing pneumonia is not entirely excluded, however, and short-term followup radiographs could be considered if symptoms were to persist or worsen . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18512911 54242750 cb8f1bee-76ec4235-a62de65b-43589ff5-04413eab +2316 mild pulmonary edema and mediastinal and pulmonary vascular engorgement have improved since . small right pleural effusion has decreased . lobar collapse has not recurred . mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 53850178 cab19714-ab5c9c6b-9130cd3c-ca463b15-840b0cc4 +2317 single portable chest radiograph demonstrates no evidence of pneumothorax . there is a stable large right layering pleural effusion as well as bibasilar atelectasis . no focal opacification concerning for pneumonia identified . heart, mediastinal, and hilar borders are unremarkable . there is a left-sided picc line with tip at the cavoatrial junction as well as a right-sided venous sheath catheter terminating in the upper svc . no pneumothorax . stable right large pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion 16319601 55588562 a54a1c95-9ef227c1-e64321cb-98c9470d-761b66f8 +2318 single portable chest radiograph is provided . a left central line catheter tip terminates within the right atrium . compared to the previous exam there is increased radiodensiy in the right lower lung zone and since the left lower lung is difficult to evaluate, it is unclear if this is a unilateral process . the heart remains severely enlarged . multiple pulmonary nodules are better visualized in the prior ct . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . severe degenerative changes within the right shoulder are noted . increased radiodensity in the right lower lung zone which may represent asymmetric pulmonary edema or pneumonia . Edema&&Pneumonia 17340686 53239683 8d9be95b-acae4c91-b54b7471-ffba1791-2685235f +2319 portable ap chest radiograph demonstrates worsening bilateral pleural effusions and associated atelectasis, greater on the right . there is also worsening pulmonary vascular congestion . there is no pneumothorax . right internal jugular catheter probably terminates in the right atrium . worsening pulmonary edema and bilateral pleural effusions . results were relayed to , pa-c by phone at approximately pm . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12952223 50380203 ca3df6c0-8ce90248-b3cecb87-71db5654-312cdcf6 +2320 interval continue worsening of moderate pulmonary edema . increasing small bilateral effusions . no other interval change from prior study . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13473495 54904335 b32d0041-1490ad2c-bb80e629-0738da5e-cd128891 +2321 the cardiac silhouette size remains mildly enlarged . patient is status post right upper lobectomy and right upper chest wall resection with evidence of volume loss in the right lung and posttreatment changes in the right upper lung field, unchanged . left hilar enlargement is unchanged, with mild pulmonary vascular congestion present . moderate to large right pleural effusion and small left pleural effusion are again demonstrated, not significantly changed in the interval . right basilar opacification is similar . no pneumothorax is identified . the aorta remains tortuous and calcified . mild pulmonary vascular congestion with moderate to large right pleural effusion and small left pleural effusions . right basilar opacification may reflect atelectasis andor infection . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13263843 55058862 64b9eb3b-f34fa8a9-fc75f27f-53cc3b2c-eca0f252 +2322 small right pleural effusion has slightly increased in size compared to with associated right lung basilar atelectasis . lungs are otherwise clear without focal consolidation or pulmonary edema . left ij central venous line ends in a known left svc . the cardiac silhouette continues to be mildly enlarged, and the median sternotomy wires are intact . the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . small right pleural effusion has slightly increased since . Pleural Effusion 19182863 56466110 a7747cf0-5a042d25-ae9af09d-d8f2956d-ecfb087d +2323 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is detected . heart and mediastinal contours are unchanged compared to prior with mild central pulmonary vascular engorgement . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is again noted . single-lead pacer is seen in similar position . mild central pulmonar vascular engorgement . No Finding 14556809 53292802 f853039e-e541ff3f-875071bd-62705831-03bd8d9e +2324 there is interval worsening of now mild-to-moderate interstitial pulmonary edema and small-to-moderate bilateral layering pleural effusions . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . there is associated bibasilar atelectasis with no focal opacities concerning for pneumonia . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable demonstrating moderate cardiomegaly . note is made of multiple left-sided rib fractures that in retrospect can be demonstrated on radiographs from . . worsened now mild-to-moderate interstitial pulmonary edema and small-to-moderate bilateral layering pleural effusions . . left-sided rib fractures in retrospect apparent since at least . Edema&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion 11934114 57363067 d8bc7ccc-a2bac7c8-1dd6d0a5-5ed27c66-4f556bac +2325 single lead pacemaker in situ with the lead tip in the right ventricle . no cardiomegaly . no features of cardiac decompensation . prominent pulmonary arteries suggesting pulmonary arterial hypertension . no pleural effusion . consolidation in the left lower lobe . suspected left lower lobe pneumonia . Pneumonia 18570152 52210901 8328656b-7a7c59ec-fba66d3e-d4e3b7d3-2d5332bc +2326 portable frontal chest radiograph known heterogeneous consolidation in the left mid lung is not well seen on this single frontal view . additional known nodules are also not well characterized on this radiographic examination . linear opacities in the lung bases are similar compared to prior and likely reflect subsegmental atelectasis . no overt pulmonary edema is identified . increased attenuation in the right mid-lung could reflect pneumonia or asymmetric pulmonary edema . mild blunting of the bilateral costophrenic angles is unchanged and possibly due to small effusions or chronic pleural thickening . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . . unchanged subsegmental basilar atelectasis and possible small bilateral pleural effusions . . increased opacity in the right mid lung may reflect pneumonia or possibly asymmetric pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14851532 59839373 2c64848d-cd007bfa-b3e2c794-d206cd7b-26b4ec95 +2327 there is stable marked enlargement of the heart with mild pulmonary vascular congestion without overt edema . retrocardiac opacity with subtle air bronchograms could reflect left lower lobe pneumonia . small left pleural effusion cannot be excluded . there is no pneumothorax or right pleural effusion . possible left lower lobe pneumonia . if clinical status permits, pa and lateral radiographs would allow for better evaluation . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . at on by phone . Pneumonia 13473781 59067739 043df04d-931d53c9-ae497983-ce79d340-656e2354 +2328 lung volumes are low, similar when compared to the prior study . even allowing for the projection, the heart is enlarged . there is prominence of the pulmonary vasculature which appears hazy consistent with a degree of congestive heart failure . no overt pulmonary edema seen . left lower lobe atelectasis, unchanged . no consolidation or pneumothorax seen . findings consistent with congestive heart failure . appearances are grossly unchanged compared to the prior study . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15131736 52449022 526dc590-f658c26e-49300669-427e7124-ac0f1350 +2329 the patient is status post sternotomy and probably coronary artery bypass graft surgery . the heart is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged, including a prominent left-sided epicardial fat pad . the lung volumes are low . streaky lingular opacity suggesting minor atelectasis or scarring appears unchanged . minimal blunting of the right costophrenic sulcus is more suggestive of similar slight atelectatic change, less likely persistent trace pleural effusion . there has been no significant change . stable appearance of the chest . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 18088200 57801123 80f8c1cf-51619e01-2da83861-7c12a49d-f6858e53 +2330 the lungs are low in volume but appear clear aside from some retrocardiac atelectasis . the heart is normal in size . normal cardiomediastinal silhouette . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . no definite rib fractures are identified . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 17897339 58768954 b78b1110-28e93f4d-b7e0e8f6-22552c4c-b967810b +2331 a single portable semi-erect chest radiograph was obtained . aeration of the lungs has improved since . in particular the apices are better aerated . persistent alveolar opacity remains in a bibasilar predominance . small right effusion, if any, is unchanged . there is no new abnormality of the heart or mediastinum . there is no pneumothorax or consolidation . an endotracheal tube remains in the upper airway . an enteric catheter extends inferiorly out of field of view . right-sided picc line tip terminates in the low svc . pacemaker leads are in unchanged positions . median sternotomy wires are intact . improved aeration of the apices since . extensive bilateral dense consolidations remain at the bases . given rapid improvement, trali or ards are more likely etiologies than pneumonia . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 15378103 57432088 e18e6623-ee725070-b05a75c1-a11fea0c-9d3f0868 +2332 the patient has had median sternotomy and mitral valve replacement . heart size is normal . multiple lung nodules are almost certainly widespread pulmonary metastases developed between and . there is no pneumonia, pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . interval increase in caliber of the right paratracheal stripe is probably due to venous engorgement . Lung Lesion&&Support Devices 16773796 51214350 88569944-e427b76f-c9db3157-972a1ec1-4d0f7523 +2333 frontal view of the chest was obtained . a right subclavian central catheter terminates in the lower svc . metallic clips overlie the right upper quadrant . the heart is of normal size with normal cardiomediastinal contours . vague bibasilar opacities are nonspecific but may represent infection . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . vague bibasilar opacities, which may represent infection in the appropriate clinical setting . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18835687 50014127 73da0836-553a87de-58ef0562-f9c31de6-c47927ac +2334 ap upright portable view of the chest was obtained . there are small bilateral pleural effusions with overlying atelectasis . no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no pneumothorax . the aorta is calcified and tortuous . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . small bilateral pleural effusions with persistent mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 19454978 55065784 c2a99a61-6ccc4c17-7a976c51-c9961784-bdfe8a3e +2335 there has been no significant interval change . diffusely increased interstitial markings are again noted, potentially due to chronic disease . there is no confluent consolidation or effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . compression deformities in the lumbar spine are again noted . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 16957952 52796134 4732ed95-933b87bb-7e3ef418-22b2990f-9b0a9efa +2336 extensive right pleural effusion with areas of atelectasis and an unchanged left picc line . small nodular opacity, projecting over the border of the ventral aspect of the left fourth rib is unchanged since several examinations . Atelectasis&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16319601 51236160 d021e279-fc2a15cf-aa08b3db-9b75b05d-324ffb18 +2337 heart size is normal . previously present pulmonary edema has nearly completely resolved with only minimal residual interstitial edema remaining . pleural effusions have also decreased in size with small effusions remaining, left greater than right . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16772702 55845276 9470e916-1ba08135-e208f625-63d7a64b-2a009f98 +2338 the patient has taken a better inspiration . cardiac silhouette is within normal limits and there is no evidence of vascular congestion or pleural effusion . no acute pneumonia . multiple old healed rib fractures are seen . there again are calcified hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes, compatible with the sequela of known sarcoidosis . Fracture 15776774 57251948 0cdfb937-27e0834d-4d8d1c40-cee9e187-98390c95 +2339 right hemodialysis catheter again terminates in the right atrium . there is minimal increase in bilateral airspace opacities suggesting pulmonary edema . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . the pulmonary artery is enlarged . the aortic arch is calcified . previous rounded opacity at the right base is re-demonstrated . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . . moderate cardiomegaly and mild-to-moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . . round lesion at the right lung base is unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 17340686 52618697 a336fc81-7ee080cf-fe8b1be1-38aa5c12-add53acc +2340 ap portable upright chest radiograph was provided . midline sternotomy wires and left chest wall pacer device again noted with pacer lead extending into the region of the right atrium and right ventricle . multiple mediastinal clips are noted . as seen on prior high res ct, areas of scarring evidenced by subtle linear reticular opacity at the right lung base present . the heart is mildly enlarged . there is no definite effusion, though the left cp angle is excluded . no pneumothorax . no signs of chf or discrete signs of pneumonia . bony structures are intact . cardiomegaly with stable area of scarring at the right lung base . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 12110863 52268728 67412cf5-519f1711-72f5a403-2e6ec7fa-84dfa6b6 +2341 a right port catheter tip ends in the mid svc . sternal wires are intact and midline . there are small bilateral pleural effusions, slightly larger on the left than on the right . the cardiac silhouette is moderately enlarged . there is mild engorgement of the pulmonary vasculature . there has been improvement in the previously noted pulmonary edema with minimal residual edema . there is plate-like atelectasis seen in the left base . there is no consolidation or pneumothorax . . small bilateral pleural effusions . . improvement in pulmonary edema . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12124741 57320234 72a15dc0-cfcca17f-201baf20-76f2e298-e4123143 +2342 the monitoring and support devices are in unchanged position . moderate cardiomegaly with moderate right pleural effusion, accompanied by areas of bilateral basal atelectasis, right more than left . mild fluid overload . no newly appeared parenchymal opacities . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 58057712 d78cb088-c3cad3f2-7a6176d6-7a4ca5df-dbe9326c +2343 patient is status post cabg with median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . moderate-to-severe emphysema with apical predominance . mm nodular opacity in the right upper lobe has not changed . heart is top-normal in size . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . vertebroplasty changes are seen in the mid-thoracic spine . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 11016935 51683155 7e26f6a7-ec126822-1bcdc587-a3f5d439-b4715eae +2344 moderately sever bilateral pulmonary edema has worsened in comparison to prior radiograph acquired hours apart . severe emphysema is present . no new relevant findings in the lungs . heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 17032538 59221051 ad848298-a6a13b00-3540b2ac-2e0e927d-908befad +2345 minimal positional increase in density at the left lung bases . no evidence of pneumonia . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly 13989850 52009754 ea461ed9-98d6fcdc-bcffddd8-6b2f85a7-07d19d2e +2346 again seen are bilateral lower lobe opacities, left greater than right . these have slightly changed their appearance and still could be due to either volume loss or infectious infiltrate . there are probable small bilateral effusions . there is mild pulmonary vascular redistribution and mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 18512911 58891549 4a07ec47-07219c0a-f144f691-b0625175-f58f47d0 +2347 pa and lateral chest radiograph mild interstitial edema is identified . there is azygos engorgement . no pleural effusions are identified . moderate cardiomegaly is stable since prior examinations . moderate to severe lower thoracic compression fracture is again noted, slightly worse compared to the prior examination . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Fracture 16672854 54046805 53467c86-8205cb70-cc0e9d9c-e218feb5-36807cc9 +2348 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to obtained at pm . there is slight interval increase in the apical collection of the fluid that potentially might reflect accumulation of pleural effusion versus bleeding . the rest of the findings are unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . Pleural Effusion 14969719 59559249 13000d1f-353d86fd-4af88491-cf6e8f84-153def16 +2349 comparison is made to the next preceding portable chest examinations of . the patient remains intubated, the ett in unchanged position . same holds for the right internal jugular approach double-lumen catheter terminating in the mid portion of the svc . heart size is enlarged as before . the most significant interval change in comparison with the preceding studies is a markedly increased perivascular haze, peripheral kerley b lines on the bases, and beginning central edema around the hilar areas . no significant amount of pleural effusion can be identified in the lateral pleural sinuses, nor is there any pneumothorax in the apical area . increasing marked pulmonary congestion compatible with pulmonary edema . page was placed to referring physician, at pm . Edema 18855147 51493934 82fb374b-501cd085-de6db06c-337de2f5-3f5d1157 +2350 there is now no evidence of pneumothorax . previous change could have been simulated by a skinfold . the extensive bilateral predominantly basal parenchymal opacities are constant in appearance and severity . unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 16662264 58952060 ec537dc4-f5eeec2d-56cb7b79-4732911f-612e645a +2351 there again are bilateral pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis, much more prominent on the left . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with mild elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . pacer leads are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 57051632 d8d27634-c797ba3f-79f7384e-6dd55810-93915d51 +2352 again seen are bilateral loculated pleural effusions, consistent with prior ct in . median sternotomy wires and surgical clips are noted . ill-defined opacities at the right base are unchanged from multiple priors and most likely represent atelectasis . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . . chronic loculated pleural effusions and right basilar atelectasis, unchanged . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 16360107 57578542 124f973d-d060d2cb-f7f48073-f3b3298e-8e8bcfac +2353 there is little change in the diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications, more prominent on the right . endotracheal tube remains in place . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 58187408 03687e0f-cfea2f97-6062fceb-1c006210-6f147d31 +2354 in the left mid lung is a . cm rounded opacity with an air-fluid level concerning for a cavitary lesion . this was no present in the prior exam . the remainder of the lungs are unremarkable . there is no pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . no fracture is visualized . . -cm left-sided cavitary lesion . . no displaced rib fracture seen . results were discussed with dr . on via telephone by dr . . Fracture&&Lung Lesion 19748558 59041431 9905499f-c48f304d-f9efd154-a921881b-f71b7f86 +2355 single portable view of the chest there is no pneumothorax or definite pleural effusion . there is no focal airspace consolidation . the lung volumes are low . there is mild prominence of the pulmonary vasculature, albeit less than prior exam . despite technique, the heart size is enlarged, but unchanged from prior . sternotomy wires and cabg clips are noted . small granulomas are again seen in the right lung base . Cardiomegaly 18828251 55101327 92fd0922-955eb1c3-1cccf867-afd0d2e5-1e5a368b +2356 the right internal jugular approach venous catheter remains in the mid svc . an enteric feeding cord tube courses through the stomach out of field of view . there are scattered areas of linear atelectasis . there is persistent moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . there are no new focal opacities concerning for pneumonia . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable demonstrating moderate cardiomegaly . no significant interval change . moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . Edema 19623993 52548008 69185846-837b415c-5aa118ec-802f32df-bdc6985a +2357 there is no evidence of pneumothorax on either side which can be identified with this portable single view examination . comparison with the next previous study suggests that the right-sided massive pleural densities have changed in position slightly and as much, there is improved aeration of the right upper lobe area and the previously identified large pleural density in the right axillary area impressing on the aerated lung tissue has clearly decreased . on the other hand, it is impossible to assess whether the loculated pleural effusion has shifted more to the lower areas . again, portable chest examination does not allow assessment of the right-sided subhilar and parenchymal abnormalities . no new abnormalities are identified in the left hemithorax as there was no repeat lateral view, one cannot comment on the amount of pleural effusion on the left side identified on the preceding study . the draining pleurx catheter remains in place . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 52520063 88c6c717-a8632896-fd029484-3dee5f36-331a78dc +2358 comparison is made to prior study, . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . there are low lung volumes . left port-a-cath tip is in the right atrium . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema is stable . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 10439781 54623776 52814624-7ca716ba-f3cccedc-7b8a65a3-24083019 +2359 one ap portable view of the chest . endotracheal tube ends cm from the carina . nasogastric tube ends in the stomach . left aicd device leads terminate in the appropriate positions . after ett placement, there are increased lung volumes, and still severe pulmonary edema . cardiomegaly is stable . small right pleural effusion is stable . retrocardiac atelectasis is unchanged . no evidence of pneumonia . sternotomy wires are seen . . endotracheal tube ends cm from the carina . better lung volumes after intubation but still severe pulmonary edema . Edema&&Support Devices 18322589 56196471 3316f535-55fb94a2-9ced6576-f0cb4da1-83d82a05 +2360 there is no pneumonia or pulmonary edema . extensive intrathoracic malignancy includes scores of nodules of various sizes in the right lung which may have grown more numerous and enlarged over just a two-day interval . there is extensive bilateral hilar and mediastinal adenopathy and much larger confluent metastases in the left hemithorax with associated pleural thickening . there is no pneumothorax . Lung Lesion&&Pleural Other 12702423 54932317 d5bdde56-163d7da0-c0c9fbcd-b1e3b312-4ad7853c +2361 the heart is of normal size with stable cardiomediastinal contours . a small right pleural effusion is similar to the exam hours prior . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . there is small atelectasis at the right base . chronic-appearing right rib fractures are similar to prior . sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are intact . no relevant change from study hours prior . stable small right pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion 12736592 54232340 a160eb01-5f36fb58-b0a04a57-1773448e-934b5036 +2362 there has been placement of an orogastric tube that extends into the upper stomach . the side hole is just distal to the esophagogastric junction . other monitoring and support devices remain in place . little change in the bilateral parenchymal opacification, partly due to atelectasis and partly to pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13881772 59893280 63f5ab00-ca3eaded-279304bf-6d6bfcb6-52295e79 +2363 mild cardiomegaly has been stable compared to exams dated back to at least . there is increased mild pulmonary vascular congestion, otherwise the hilar and mediastinal contours are unremarkable . there has been an interval increase in diffuse interstitial markings throughout the lungs bilaterally, as well as new small bilateral pleural effusions . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the visualized osseous structures are unremarkable . diffuse bilateral interstitial opacities, very likely secondary to increased pulmonary edema from congestive heart failure, on a background of patients known chronic interstitial lung disease . short term follow up radiographs after diuresis is recommended to ensure resolution and to exclude other process such as atypical pneumonia or acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease . recommendations short term follow up radiographs to exclude atypical pneumonia . notification findings dw dr . by dr . at a on the day of the exam by phone . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13475033 50354419 473b3723-2a628ba8-ee2c35cc-2e8cd7b0-166f5104 +2364 prominent interstitial markings are again seen, not significantly changed . there is no overt pulmonary edema . there is no pleural effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . coronary artery calcifications andor stents are noted . chronic compression deformity in the lower thoracic spine . unchanged increased interstitial markings most likely due to chronic interstitial process although component of interstitial edema is possible . Edema&&Lung Opacity 13475033 56998787 ca74e920-4ca91dba-8ccc5185-617107a8-82e5a48a +2365 pa and lateral images of the chest . the lungs well expanded . bilateral upper lobe opacities consistent with chronic fibrosis are again seen, unchanged from prior exam . the lungs are otherwise clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . stable fibrotic changes in the upper lungs . No Finding 10933609 52624179 c89c7ca8-466643b7-e8480932-1b791a6f-4ae17f31 +2366 lung volumes are diminished which exaggerates the cardiomediastinal configuration . however, even accounting for this change, there has been a relative dramatic increase in the size of the cardiac silhouette with now somewhat globular morphology . ill-defined opacity is noted in the retrocardiac left lower lobe which is likely atelectasis given the volume loss . there is no focal consolidation . no definite effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the osseous structures are unremarkable . incidental note is made of internal fixation hardware, incompletely evaluated, involving the mid diaphysis of the right clavicle . tubing loops over the epigastric region and with the tip projecting at the dome of the left hemidiaphragm over the cardiac silhouette . interval enlargement of the cardiac silhouette even accounting for patient and technical factors . this likely signifies at least an increase in the size of the apparently known pericardial effusion . Cardiomegaly 15881535 56093476 210f9c01-9e0728bf-4b8ec9bf-34d1564e-16cf509c +2367 frontal views of the chest the cardiac silhouette is again noted to be markedly enlarged but unchanged from approximately four hours prior . again, this is consistent with an underlying pericardial effusion . further obscuration of the pulmonary vascularity indicates development of mild pulmonary edema . small bilateral pleural effusions are presumed . no pneumothorax . retrocardiac opacification is likely atelectasis, although pneumonia cannot be excluded . . severe cardiomegaly, unchanged from four hours prior and worrisome for underlying pericardial effusion . . interval development of mild pulmonary edema from . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15840907 50225181 2fba7496-4ddb5c26-026164b8-c3e4e111-e43f94f9 +2368 large bilateral effusions with associated consolidations are unchanged . cardiomediastinal contours are stable . the upper lungs are grossly clear . stable position of right central catheter and pacer lead . vascular congestion has improved . Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19182863 52921410 270ee8d2-c6faa805-d42cb329-a3cd5951-c4b26875 +2369 right pleural effusion appears to be slightly decreased, although still present . mediastinal contour is stable . small amount of left pleural effusion is unchanged . no appreciable pneumothorax is seen . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 16848073 50428004 9fc99576-0fb8a306-e51be584-113ca1f6-dd9e9cd7 +2370 the heart size is top normal . the hilar and mediastinal contours are normal . the lungs are hyperinflated, otherwise no focal consolidations concerning for pneumonia are identified . mild left basilar linear atelectasis scarring is again seen . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . incidental note is made of a mm lung nodule projecting over the right anterior second rib interspace . aortic annular calcifications are again noted . old healed left lower lobe rib fractures are stable . . no acute intrathoracic abnormalities identified . hyperinflated lungs . . mm lung nodule projecting over the anterior second right rib interspace, was not well seen on the prior exam . a ct may be helpful for further evaluation . . extensive aortic annular calcifications raise concern for aortic stenosis . notification were dw dr . by dr . by phone at a on the day of the exam . Lung Lesion 13881772 59217830 959ee516-d090d9d5-a95977ac-303cdde2-c9309e8c +2371 the left pic line is unchanged in position compared to the prior radiograph . it enters a left-sided approach and makes a descent at the level of the aortic arch in keeping with known left-sided superior vena cava . there is stable mild cardiomegaly . the hilar and mediastinal contours are unremarkable . there has been slight interval improvement of the large right pleural effusion associated with atelectasisconsolidation . there is no pneumothorax . the replaced valves tricuspid and aortic are redemonstrated . there has been mild improvement of the previously noted interstitial edema . there has been interval improvement in the opacities in the left mid and lower lungs . . slight interval improvement in the large right pleural effusion . . improvement in the previously noted bilateral pulmonary edema . . stable left lower lung opacities compared to the prior exam . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 57446197 e7917cda-a7acb02f-631867d3-7fc91d5b-db5cdeef +2372 there has been some decrease in the area of airspace consolidation in the left upper zone, consistent with some improvement in a left upper lobe pneumonia . the remainder of the study is unchanged . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 13896515 51236861 2cddaebd-e35f201c-ce55aa88-db2ae4c5-ead064b4 +2373 comparison is made with prior study performed four hours earlier . ng tube tip is in the stomach . there is increased atelectasis in the left lower lobe . otherwise, no other interval changes . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 13979643 50516010 7fd87264-5aad0a8e-dd249580-11d2cec0-4c595a17 +2374 there is no focal consolidation or effusion . there is a dominant nodule in the left perihilar region measuring approximately . additional smaller nodules project over the bilateral lung apices . given history of prior malignancy, underlying metastases would be of concern . nonurgent chest ct is suggested to further evaluate . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . left chest wall dual lead pacing device is seen as well as median sternotomy wires . chronic deformity of the proximal left humerus suggests prior fracture . bilateral pulmonary nodules concerning for metastatic disease . nonurgent chest ct is suggested to further evaluate . Lung Lesion 17163861 56902932 4e2deb58-2087d69f-a4c1a7c8-776af924-1bd0202d +2375 there is little overall change . again there is substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion with asymmetric edema, more prominent on the right . retrocardiac opacification with poor definition of the hemidiaphragm is consistent with volume loss in the lower lobe . there may well be small bilateral pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15393401 56556003 5cccf2bd-bfd996be-96074827-f468cba2-16a37ebd +2376 ap single view of the chest was obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding similar study of obtained at pm . findings on a new portable chest examination are practically identical with those of the previous study . position of pigtail end catheter in the right lower hemithorax unaltered . the same holds for the right-sided pleural effusion and the hydropneumothorax with rather high degree of right lung collapse . no new abnormalities identified . no significant mediastinal shift is observed . unchanged size and position of right-sided hydropneumothorax over the last -hour examination interval . Pneumothorax 14387068 54518631 647aafbc-96122ceb-7150d6ce-c281d11c-148e092c +2377 an et tube is present, tip in satisfactory position approximately . cm above the carina . an ng tube is present, tip extending beneath diaphragm off film . there are extensive mediastinal clips . mediastinal drain and linear metallic density overlying right heart are unchanged . there is hyperinflation suggesting copd . there is moderate cardiomegaly . prominence of both pulmonary hila, with suggestion of a tapered appearance, which could reflect pulmonary hypertension . there is upper zone redistribution and possible mild vascular plethora . left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation and a small left effusion . hazy opacity overlying the minor fissure is noted, atelectasis or small amount of layering fluid . there is atelectasis at the right base . no pneumothorax is detected . mediastinum remains midline . compared with at pm, chf findings and opacities at the right base are slightly improved . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17770657 58054788 a9a99a2a-c9d9d9ac-79deb41a-91e78881-d886c96d +2378 ap and lateral views of the chest were compared to previous exam . when compared to prior, previously seen right-sided pneumothorax is slightly smaller . there has, however, been interval enlargement of the right-sided pleural effusion . slight leftward deviation of the mediastinum is unchanged . the left lung remains clear . the cardiomediastinal contours are stable . the osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . slight interval decrease in size of right-sided pneumothorax however, interval enlargement of the right-sided pleural effusion . stable mild leftward deviation of the cardiomediastinal silhouette . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 14387068 53567752 58081a4f-fb575b5b-d178ec1c-b8b6a415-24868cdf +2379 moderate cardiomegaly has improved . combination of mediastinal fat and possible middle lobe atelectasis should not be mistaken for pneumonia . lungs are otherwise clear . there may be a very small new right pleural effusion . thoracic aorta is generally large and tortuous but not focally aneurysmal . no evidence of tuberculosis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 17398573 50918803 809123a3-3a8ec764-0d6f069f-d1b0935b-161bfff4 +2380 a portable semi-erect chest film at am . . right internal jugular central line with its tip in the distal superior vena cava . persistent low lung volumes with worsening opacities at both bases with associated indistinctness of the pulmonary vascularity . therefore, i would favor the presence of pulmonary edema rather than an infectious process . clinical correlation, however is advised . no pneumothorax is appreciated . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are difficult to assess given low lung volumes and patient rotation on the current examination . clips within the left upper quadrant are again seen . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12379369 51749906 3609ba5b-c6aace8b-4557ed37-bf396c15-50b6ba75 +2381 frontal chest radiograph there is moderate cardiomegaly which is new since . central pulmonary vessels are engorged, and there is mild interstitial edema with a large right pleural effusion . a trace left pleural effusion is also present . there is no pneumothorax . moderate cardiomegaly, new since , with large right and small left pleural effusions, central vascular congestion, and mild interstitial edema, concerning for cardiac decompensation . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18309149 51264956 0172482f-ff4eeb46-e6e40eaa-2659ae08-97fb1158 +2382 pa and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate clear lungs . there are bilateral nipple shadows overlying the lower lung fields, which should not be confused with an intrapulmonary process . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the hila and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . pulmonary vascularity is normal . callus formation around the posterior left eighth rib is consistent with remote history of fracture . cholecystectomy clips can once again be seen in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen . no evidence of pneumonia . note findings were communicated to dr . by dr . by telephone on at . No Finding 16435402 57889845 fe5bce5c-5c949faf-1120fe46-1ac9de4b-5c4f5072 +2383 the feeding tube extends below the level of the diaphragms but beyond the field of view of this radiograph, likely within the distal stomach . a left chest wall dual lead pacemaker is present . the tip of the right picc line extends to the level of the mid svc . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified . the size and appearance of the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . the feeding tube extends below the level the diaphragms but beyond the field of view of this radiograph, likely however within the distal stomach . no other significant interval change since the prior radiograph . No Finding&&Support Devices 18487334 50492868 f3c65ae4-81c03654-c3fe857f-dec24a17-a5a118b9 +2384 pa and lateral views of the chest are obtained . the previously noted right ij central venous catheter has been removed . midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are stable . there is slight elevation of the left hemidiaphragm with left basilar atelectasis with overall improvement in left basilar aeration compared with prior study . the right lung is clear . heart is top normal . mediastinal contour is stable . bony structures are intact . right ac joint arthropathy is again noted . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . persistent left lung base atelectasis . otherwise, unremarkable . Atelectasis 16043240 59721249 bffeb923-b2e49523-b66fa14c-e5d62eb0-93afffd1 +2385 opacification of the left hemithorax is a combination of increasing pleural effusion and a presumed increasing atelectasis in the remaining left upper lobe . cardiomediastinal contours are midline . there is probably a tiny residual left apical pneumothorax . the right lower lobe atelectasis has improved . left ij catheter tip is unchanged . left chest wall subcutaneous emphysema has improved . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 12530259 53979536 d10aee8d-b58fd31c-ac3debb5-48dda89f-2765b3de +2386 there is little change and no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . cardiac silhouette is mildly prominent, but there is no vascular congestion, pleural effusion, or acute focal pneumonia . Cardiomegaly 14727722 50268484 b74575dc-72fdefcf-956cda70-9feec40f-0ad80c33 +2387 right peripheral inserted catheter tip is reaching the axillary vein . it is not central . there is mild cardiomegaly . moderate pleural effusions on the left and small right effusions have increased on the left compared to . mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema has minimally increased . there is no pneumothorax . a stent projects in the left axillary region . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16772702 56873244 11cf8439-fffd1ea4-a0467c38-e71c3db4-caa074c5 +2388 the patient has had left lower lobectomy and posterior chest wall reconstruction . there has been no interval change since in the large fluid collection contained by the left chest wall graft . right lung is clear . the extent of leftward mediastinal shift is probably unchanged due to slight differences in patient positioning and the left hemidiaphragm remains elevated . heart is moderately enlarged . no pneumonia or pulmonary edema . No Finding 15446959 54692227 6bfb9064-03f991cd-bc8d36dd-fd64d740-edfaab18 +2389 endotracheal tube tip is still within cm of the carina . enteric tube seen with tip at the gastric fundus, side port not clearly identified on the current exam . right ij line in stable position . the appearance of the lungs is unchanged with hazy bilateral opacities, the streaky left basilar likely atelectasis and post-op changes in the right mid lung . prominence of the right hilum is unchanged . et tube within cm of the carina . this was discussed with dr . at pm . on by dr . at time of interpretation . No Finding&&Support Devices 16334516 57911714 dc1267a2-3ee022b5-d80f7ef1-f88a4e83-8d0de660 +2390 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . unchanged appearance of cardiac enlargement without typical configurational abnormality . mediastinal structures also unchanged . the pulmonary vasculature is not congested anymore and there is no evidence of pleural effusion as the lateral pleural sinuses are free . no new pulmonary parenchymal infiltrates can be identified . no pneumothorax is seen in the apical area . as before, a right internal jugular approach central venous line is seen and terminates in the mid portion of the svc . no evidence of new acute pulmonary infiltrates . observe that chest image quality is limited related to patients morbid obesity . Lung Opacity 13473495 58228725 5bc1f7d3-d0c163be-13a38541-42a5e89e-4c074884 +2391 stable cardiomegaly accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and worsening edema . a more confluent area of opacity in the right lower lobe could reflect a superimposed pneumonia given clinical suspicion for this entity . small to moderate right and small left pleural effusion are present, but there is no visible pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14851532 55671568 a182520b-602fa4e1-b77eda67-469d74a8-9403dc79 +2392 low lung volumes, borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . no pneumonia . no pleural effusions . no pulmonary edema . normal aspect of the hilar and mediastinal structures . Cardiomegaly 13989850 53791685 dcdc908d-8f4a46cf-0dff1d17-7bf04375-a24a33a8 +2393 elevation of the right lung base and hemidiaphragm has been pronounced since at least , accounting for atelectasis at the lung base . the right upper lung and the entire left lung are clear and the left lung is hyperinflated suggesting airway obstruction or emphysema . heart is normal size . there is no pneumonia or pulmonary edema . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Atelectasis 19565653 56188631 d2d3a213-793a92c9-4c2f0695-bf38104e-033b7d22 +2394 low lung volumes . moderate cardiomegaly with minimal fluid overload . no overt pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions . no pneumonia . Cardiomegaly 17340686 58040849 9cf8e1b3-4a4ea8dd-33fc8814-862d81e5-34c105d1 +2395 the previously seen pulmonary edema has resolved . there is no edema, pneumonia, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . bibasilar atelectasis is unchanged, including atelectasis in the retrocardiac region . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is stable . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . a feeding tube is seen in the stomach with the tip out of the field of view . . resolution of pulmonary edema . . stable bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis 18517718 54151404 6b1a712d-b6ee334a-b3bc78ad-38095ded-c4486183 +2396 ap and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . postoperative changes of left upper lobectomy are again seen with resection cavity completely opacified, without visualized pneumothorax . slightly increased linear right basilar opacity is seen . elsewhere, the lungs are hyperinflated but clear of confluent consolidation . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable as are the osseous and soft tissue structures . right basilar opacity may be due to atelectasis however, infection is not completely excluded . stable postoperative changes of left upper lobectomy . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11378150 52705433 70e31905-dd605e80-305f056b-4f88ec80-cbb4b3fb +2397 since the prior radiograph, there has been improvement in pulmonary edema . a small right pleural effusion is mostly resolved . there is some scarring seen at the right base . cardiomediastinal silhouette is slightly enlarged but unchanged . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . right dialysis catheter is seen, unchanged in position . interval improvement in pulmonary edema and small right pleural effusion . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 18855147 54616934 7cb35601-837df231-b3efc10a-3a761298-85f39d17 +2398 ap view of the chest right internal jugular central venous catheter tip terminates in the upper svc . left-sided port-a-cath tip terminates in the cavoatrial junction . cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are stable with unfolding of the thoracic aorta . surgical chain sutures are noted within the right mid lung field with adjacent scarring . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is visualized . multiple clips are seen within the left upper abdomen, compatible with prior nephrectomy . there are old right-sided rib fractures . No Finding&&Support Devices 15758946 58167653 3beddebe-77318989-f0a94514-750bd4e3-c009749d +2399 mild to moderate cardiomegaly is stable . compared to the prior radiograph, the degree of pulmonary edema is unchanged . no new focal consolidation or pneumothorax . persistent bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis . no change in the degree of pulmonary edema, with persistent bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 54867671 6cd580d7-5ec74248-17b89c75-a4a99d48-97e58fe4 +2400 the lungs are well expanded . moderate cardiomegaly has improved since . the mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . sternal wires are intact . mitral valve ring is noted . no definite pleural effusion is present . improved moderate cardiomegaly . no evidence of cardiac decompensation . Cardiomegaly 15259244 51811172 178a003a-0d5784da-664f8272-6c14ae7b-135dfadb +2401 examination is marked semi-upright . only upright views are sensitive for detection of small amounts of subdiaphragmatic gas . none is seen on this study . et tube and a dual-channel left supraclavicular central venous line are in standard placements respectively . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . previous mild pulmonary edema has improved . pulmonary and mediastinal vascular congestion and moderate-to-severe left lower lobe atelectasis persist . small amount of pleural effusion is presumed, left greater than right . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 51351495 5636d20b-bf2bc860-a877f98d-84cf4456-7d982baa +2402 the patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic and tricuspid valve repair . there has been interval developmentincrease in bilateral, right greater than left, pleural effusions with overlying atelectasis . right base opacity may relate to effusion and atelectasis, although underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . the cardiac silhouette remains mildly enlarged . the aorta is calcified and tortuous . displaced anterolateral left second rib fracture is again seen . there is minimal pulmonary vascular congestion . interval increasedevelopment of bilateral, right greater than left, pleural effusions with overlying atelectasis . right base opacity may be due to a combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis, however, underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . cardiomegaly and minimal pulmonary vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 59039129 62d1a94d-08be6886-1860ef56-16cc47a7-abbc574e +2403 lung volumes are low . elevation of the right hemidiaphragm appears similar . cardiomegaly is again noted . minimal linear left basilar opacity appears similar and likely represents atelectasis . of note, evaluation is slightly limited in the absence of lateral view . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen on this single view . no focal consolidation is seen on this single view . aortic calcifications are again noted . radiopaque material in the left abdomen may represent previously ingested oral contrast . stable frontal chest radiograph . limited evaluation in the setting of single frontal view lateral view would be helpful for more thorough evaluation . this was discussed with dr . by dr . by phone at pm . No Finding 10449297 56486000 144841f5-0126909a-cde81d66-1db1375d-b3ed7127 +2404 there is a left picc which terminates within the upper svc . the lungs are clear of focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart size is normal . the mediastinal contours are normal . no acute cardiopulmonary process . left picc terminates within the proximal svc . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 54616688 fd043f2e-fb851408-681f3799-13b1ec21-5a635d01 +2405 cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are unremarkable . residual hazy opacities persist at bilateral lung bases and inferior lingula from prior recent infection but are significantly improved from prior study . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is no new focal consolidation . the osseous structures are grossly unremarkable . hazy bibasilar opacities, likely the residua from recent prior infection greatly improved in appearance . no new focal consolidation . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16662264 56776331 ec2613ac-d859c02c-90a0d8c7-09a107c4-990690ec +2406 again seen is a dual lumen central venous catheter which terminates in the lower svc coursing through a brachiocephalicsvc stent . no definite consolidation is identified . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiac silhouette is top normal . there are likely small bilateral pleural effusions . no pneumothorax is present . mediastinal contour with rightward deviation of the trachea secondary to a thyroid goiter is again noted . as above . No Finding 14236258 59938198 e2a298e7-794b6f39-1efd0c79-f922ddff-2b8f0010 +2407 single ap view of the chest . low lung volumes again seen . interstitial opacities appear more conspicuous on the current exam which could be due to component of lower lung volumes and technique however superimposed component of interstitial edema is suspected . there is no confluent consolidation . the cardiac silhouette appears slightly enlarged compared to prior but some of this is may be due to lordotic positioning . median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . suspected component of interstitial edema superimposed on chronic interstitial process . cardiomegaly which has progressed since prior although some of this may be positional . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 13896515 53091413 1e758c6a-4edc885c-05366f8b-05549d3d-fa35c2cf +2408 evaluate for infiltrates . comparisons multiple chest radiographs from back to . portable supine radiograph of the chest lung volumes are low, despite endotracheal intubation . there is worsening engorgement of the mediastinal vasculature and central pulmonary vascular congestion . there is also new mild pulmonary edema and bibasilar atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . the endotracheal tube is in appropriate position approximately cm above the carina . a hemodialysis catheter terminates in the cavoatrial junction . . worsening pulmonary and mediastinal vascular congestion with low lung volumes and new mild pulmonary edema . . no evidence of pneumonia . Edema 14841168 55438661 a3c2266d-8b1ffac0-48100adb-18621806-7ba7faa5 +2409 single frontal portable view of the chest the right-sided picc has been repositioned and now ends in the mid svc . the ng tube courses to the stomach, although the tip is excluded from view . lung volumes remain low . retrocardiac opacity persists and is consistent with atelectasis and a small pleural effusion as seen on abdomenpelvis ct . pulmonary edema has resolved . no evidence of pneumonia . retrocardiac opacity is consistent with atelectasis and a small pleural effusion as seen on abdomenpelvis ct . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13031876 53555445 ab6185a7-10a51f83-2bb26ac5-db07531e-eb9d7b85 +2410 bilateral interstitial and airspace opacitification, predominantly basal has worsened substantially since . moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and hilar vasculature are chronic . small bilateral pleural effusions are presumed . recurrent, moderately severe, pulmonary edema, worsened since . bibasilar opacification, likely edema and atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 17189198 57840198 f2b84959-05a7275a-931bd2c9-4755b948-797561fe +2411 small right, moderate left pleural effusions both increased since . heart size top normal . edema, generally improved since is redeveloping in the left upper lung . mm right upper lobe nodule and the much larger mass at the left apex medially are presumably due to bronchogenic carcinoma . consolidated lung in the infrahilar portions of both lower lobes has not improved since . whether this is atelectasis alone or concurrent pneumonia is radiographically indeterminate . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14851532 58957750 ba4dca32-34db70b8-58f97bd4-a77b4632-6e2ee9ca +2412 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 18767957 56415175 88dd4b9d-f5dc2b18-5e9e6141-943b90b2-39b71300 +2413 since , there are no relevant changes in the lungs . mild to moderate right-sided pleural effusion is unchanged . mild mediastinal shift on the right side and cardiomediastinal silhouetteare similar . mild atelectasis in right lower lung is unchanged . no new relevant findings . right port-a-cath ends at lower svc and a right chest tube drain ends at right lung base . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14969719 50950402 9b81caad-45950b63-68fae78a-caa9bc51-74483a78 +2414 the cardiomediastinal contours show a mildly engorged azygous vein, but there is no pulmonary edema . there continues to be severely low lung volumes with chronic diaphragmatic elevation, more prominent on the left than the right, which obscures assessment of the heart and most of the lungs . the upper portions of the lungs are clear of consolidation . there is no pneumothorax . an anchor is noted in the right humeral head and a fracture through the proximal humeral neck is seen, similar in appearance to prior shoulder radiograph dated . the right ac joint continues to be widened . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture 18338007 57561035 0c0c6328-356ed105-d08d85dc-d48519a5-37ce609c +2415 postsurgical changes of a right upper lobectomy and right upper rib resection are unchanged . radiation changes are stable . there is associated volume loss with elevation and tenting of the right hemidiaphragm . there is atelectasis of the right middle lobe, unchanged from prior exams . the previously seen right lower lobe nodular opacities have improved since the prior studies in . there is no new opacification . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is shifted rightward due to volume loss, but otherwise normal in shape and contour . the osseous structures are unremarkable . . stable post-surgical and post-radiation changes of the right lung . . interval improvement of previously seen right lower lobe opacification . . no new opacity, effusion, or pneumothorax . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 13263843 57953072 414fca72-91452400-5dfedcd2-5363eab9-ff09d8c2 +2416 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to prior study obtained on . there is interval decrease in pleural effusion on the right, which is still present, at least moderate and loculated . there is no appreciable pneumothorax demonstrated although it can be obscured by loculated right apical fluid . left lung is essentially clear except for left mid lung opacity which is unchanged from the prior examination, corresponding to a consolidation seen on recent ct torso . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 14387068 51346944 f376a6b6-0447ef09-f99ba585-ac93baaf-321b89a9 +2417 pleurx catheter is again seen on the right with its tip at the level of the right sixth and seventh posterior rib interspace . there is persistent effusion and consolidation within the right lung, though there is slight improvement in the aeration in the right upper lung as compared with the prior chest radiograph . there is persistent loculated right pleural effusion for which a slight increased fluid component is seen along the right lateral upper lung . the left lung is unchanged and clear . heart size cannot be assessed due to effacement of the right heart border . bony structures appear intact . persistent consolidation and loculated right pleural effusion with pleurx catheter in unchanged position . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 57622301 d1d6666e-15233295-0295b986-083aa34f-88ba93b2 +2418 a right-sided large-bore central catheter is again seen, terminating in the right atrium, unchanged from the prior study . mild diffuse interstitial opacities are stable, thought to represent chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis on chest ct from . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable, with the cardiac silhouette mildly enlarged with the aorta calcified and tortuous . thoracic scoliosis is again seen . there is stable compression of a mid-to-lower thoracic vertebral body . again seen is mild indentation of the left trachea at the level of the clavicles, unchanged compared to multiple priors since . no significant interval change . No Finding 13475033 55135726 a2512fa8-095ec040-e32a3e91-1c4f753a-099de7a9 +2419 endotracheal tube terminates approximately - mm above the carina . consider retracting the endotracheal tube by approximately cm for better seating . orogastric tube is seen coursing into the stomach and is appropriate position . bilateral lung volumes remain low . multiple nodular opacities in bilateral lungs from known metastases are better evaluated on prior chest ct dated . mild bilateral lower lung atelectasis is unchanged . new peribronchial opacities in the left lower lung and right lung base are concerning for aspiration . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bilateral lower lung peribronchial opacities, new since , are concerning for an aspiration . pre-existing bibasal mild atelectasis is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 16409152 53967875 b197e096-c5bf8b0f-c2a04ee0-f6eb2370-9cb07b7c +2420 a new central venous catheter terminates in the left brachiocephalic vein . there is no pneumothorax . otherwise, there has been no significant short-term change . status post placement of new left internal jugular central venous catheter no pneumothorax identified . No Finding&&Support Devices 16508811 51274564 ee20ed6a-2dc0af0c-24d33cf6-5386e01a-c281e8c5 +2421 large right pleural effusion is unchanged in size . there is associated right basilar atelectasisscarring, also stable . healed right rib fractures are noted . on the left, there is persistent apical pleural thickening and apical scarring . linear opacities projecting over the lower lobe are also compatible with scarring, unchanged . there is no left pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are difficult to assess, but appear unchanged . vascular stent is seen in the left axillarysubclavian region . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 13849733 54538310 a1ab8f5f-581bbc83-95dcba8d-3f8da9e4-4df624e8 +2422 the picc extends only to the left brachiocephalic vein before its junction with the superior vena cava . continued low lung volumes may account for some of the prominence of the transverse diameter of the heart . bibasilar opacification most likely reflects atelectatic changes . possibility of supervening pneumonia would have to be considered in the appropriate clinical setting . the pulmonary vascular congestion is less prominent than on the prior study . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10268877 55785509 2b68ac0e-611f3a5f-ddd4047f-97ef55a1-538b75df +2423 portable upright chest film at is submitted . . the heart remains markedly enlarged which may reflect cardiomegaly, although a pericardial effusion should also be considered . there is prominence of the perihilar vasculature but no overt pulmonary edema on the current study . calcified diaphragmatic plaques are seen suggestive of prior asbestos exposure . no focal airspace consolidation is seen to suggest pneumonia . no pneumothorax . no pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly 17838301 58449130 4255ddc7-829f3037-52171b91-e25d271a-75bb4204 +2424 normal heart, lungs, hila, mediastinum and pleural surfaces . No Finding 19213022 58404829 3214e64d-afc36832-c264b9cd-9eb7a079-59a7eedd +2425 a newly placed nasogastric tube terminates in the distal stomach . the right ij central venous catheter and an et tube are unchanged in position . the bilateral lung apices have been excluded from the field of view, limiting assessment for pneumothorax . severe bilateral airspace opacities are unchanged . a small layering right pleural effusion is not appreciably changed . ng tube ends in distal stomach . remaining lines and tubes in satisfactory position . right lower lobe pneumonia with stable severe bilateral airspace opacities, which may be due to pulmonary edema or hemorrhage . moderate layering right pleural effusion not appreciably changed . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15857729 56676503 b128a59a-4eb90799-c8564692-8e582714-82706ad2 +2426 there is little overall change in the appearance of the heart and lungs . continued low lung volumes with bilateral pleural effusions and compressive atelectasis with some elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . in the appropriate clinical setting, supervening pneumonia would have to be considered . there has been removal of the right chest tube with no evidence of pneumothorax . the intestinal tube has also been removed . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12952223 59873563 b3e4ebe4-483b4cbe-499b39c6-b6299065-c14cba2d +2427 the cardiac silhouette is unremarkable . the right hilum is prominent, but stable in comparison to multiple priors . no definite pleural effusions identified . there is no pneumothorax . again seen is a left-sided aicd, with stable position of the single lead in the right ventricle . no acute intrathoracic abnormality . No Finding 14556809 53779297 ba22c676-fe74f3b9-b6e53609-c7281450-9f52ce69 +2428 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous film from earlier the same day at . new right ij line is seen with tip projecting over the mid svc . there is no visualized pneumothorax . endotracheal tube is approximately . cm from the carina and should be withdrawn several centimeters for optimal positioning . enteric tube is also slightly withdrawn with side port just proximal to the ge junction and should be advanced . right mid lung surgical chain sutures again seen . streaky right mid lung and left lung base opacities may be due to atelectasis . fullness of the soft tissues in the right hilar region are seen, the etiology of which is uncertain . given prior surgery there could be scarring or post-treatment changes, although underlying mass is possible, and dedicated imaging should be performed when patient is amenable . mediastinal clips with median sternotomy wires again noted . filter projecting over the ivc . new right ij line with tip projecting over the mid svc . no pneumothorax . endotracheal tube tip . cm from the carina and should be withdrawn for optimal positioning . ng tube side port proximal to the ge junction and should be advanced for optimal positioning . discussed by dr . with dr . the phone at pm . on at time of discovery . No Finding&&Support Devices 16334516 52385480 d2c67694-56bd35b7-4aad9a81-9c1ca076-546a019a +2429 low lung volumes are again noted . there are however persistently increased interstitial markings which appear slightly progressed compared to prior . there is no pleural effusion . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged, as on prior . left subclavian stent is again seen . pulmonary edema is slightly worse than on recent exam . Edema 13473495 55610892 e2639104-28411e18-bfafdd6f-8f7fed3a-0801198b +2430 the position of the nasogastric tube, endotracheal tube and left subclavian line appears unchanged . position of the right chest tube is also unchanged . a small right apical pneumothorax is present . no new infiltrates are seen . extensive subcutaneous emphysema is again noted . Pneumothorax 16751749 54214300 3b132e00-e784c635-410bd026-a7a98d77-878308f5 +2431 ap and lateral views of the chest the lungs are clear, without focal infiltrate, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the heart size is normal . the mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . a left mid clavicular fracture is noted and better characterized on dedicated clavicular films . a left lower lung opacity is likely a nipple shadow . Fracture 19213022 51320163 4977b9cb-187b6611-2a2cd5ec-75b12655-890f56b5 +2432 cardiomegaly is stable . vascular congestion has improved, now is mild . right lower lobe atelectasis has increased . aeration of the left hemidiaphragm has minimally improved . left ij catheter tip is in the mid svc . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . small bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10715477 51674154 79edb832-7fe769b7-54cdefca-41c39583-d11ca0dd +2433 degree of cardiomegaly is similar . atherosclerotic calcifications are again noted at the aortic arch . engorged central pulmonary vessels are again seen without evidence of overt pulmonary edema . retrocardiac region is likely obscured due to overlying soft tissues . cardiomegaly with pulmonary vascular congestion without overt pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15131736 50740166 96039f47-3e02e23d-f1c42efb-ed41fb27-4376aa85 +2434 the patient is status post median sternotomy . again, several of the sternal wires are fractured . no definite focal consolidation is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no significant interval change . No Finding 19499595 58177798 9b8c8c16-1ff93d63-c49fdc62-8256171e-4c4acb9d +2435 areas of streaky opacity are again seen in the upper lobes, minimally changed from , likely reflects residua of recent pneumonia vs . scarring . effusion is seen . no pneumothorax . no signs of pulmonary edema . the heart appears stable in size . the mediastinal contour is unchanged . bony structures are intact . anchors are partially imaged at the right glenoid . resolving bl upper lobe pneumonia . Pneumonia 10933609 52935265 9587ec7a-e6b7082f-0b22b670-b924b608-674375e2 +2436 there are low lung volumes . bibasilar atelectases are larger on the left side . cardiac size is top normal . right central catheter tip is at the cavoatrial junction . there is no pneumothorax . left lower lobe subpleural triangular opacity is again noted . sternal wires are aligned . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11413236 56440391 f657e490-c4ee9ad0-e9dfe8bd-62775c28-a599c37d +2437 there continues to be severe cardiomegaly and low lung volumes . aeration in the right is improved, but there continues to be areas of volume lossinfiltrate in both lower lungs . overall, the fluid status is slightly improved compared to the study from the prior day . an underlying infectious infiltrate, particularly in the lower lobes cannot be excluded . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13473495 58371511 da734734-eed7fe7d-743a3acd-22fb50e8-3bafca7a +2438 the et tube terminates . cm above the carina . there is an enteric tube which extends well below the diaphragm . again seen is severe cardiomegaly, stable since at least . the lung volumes continued to be low with evidence of elevated pulmonary venous pressure and moderate bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right . there appears to be slight interval worsening of the bibasilar atelectasis . there is no evidence of a pneumothorax . note is again made of stable elevation of the right hemidiaphragmatic contour . slight interval worsening of atelectasis at the left lung base . stable moderate bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 13473495 53351384 b740f79e-73da2f17-0d2dac03-2e639b9e-4e01c770 +2439 the heart size is mildly enlarged . prosthetic aortic valve is again visualized . sternal wires are seen . there is no focal infiltrate or effusion . there is some ill definition of the left heart border that could be due to rotation and fat pad, but a small underlying infiltrate cannot be excluded . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 16043637 50740442 bda348c8-c2a90c97-af289a1e-0d1b064c-564703d7 +2440 compared to the most recent prior study of , the appearance of the chest is unchanged . the patient is status post median sternotomy with multiple mediastinal surgical clips compatible with prior cabg . a mitral valve prosthesis is unchanged in position or appearance . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged but stable . the mediastinal contours are within normal limits and stable with minimal calcification of the aortic knob . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is unchanged . no significant pleural effusion is present . on the lateral radiograph, there is opacification along the fissure of the left lung corresponding to left basilar opacification on the frontal radiograph . this finding is unchanged from the prior study and may represent partial lobar collapse or fluid trapped within the fissure . no pneumothorax is detected . persistent mild edema and left lower lobe atelectasis vs fluid in the fissure . unchanged from . bronchial obstruction cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema 19759491 52749045 897059e3-92ae214b-1458e44d-75eb5510-5098e1f8 +2441 there is a new asymmetric perihilar opacification of the right mid lung . this is superimposed on moderate bilateral pleural effusions, similar to increased on the right and perhaps somewhat decreased on the left . increased opacification at the right lung base may also reflect increasing atelectasis associated with a pleural effusion, although an area of infection is not excluded . pulmonary vessels show upper zone redistribution and kerley lines are present suggesting coinciding mild congestive heart failure but generally similar in extent . new large area of focal right perihilar opacification, superimposed on pleural effusions as well as findings associated with mild pulmonary edema . the asymmetry suggests superimposed pneumonia as the etiology, or perhaps aspiration in the appropriate clinical setting alternatively asymmetric pulmonary edema could be considered . short-term follow-up radiographs may be helpful to reassess . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13881772 54920956 a2c767ad-f88d5b23-c8ac6a06-187b6f12-31b3b997 +2442 the lungs show mild bilateral lower lobe confluent opacities with a new opacity in the right upper lobe . the previously noted effusions have now resolved . the cardiomediastinal silhouette, hilar contours and pleural surfaces are normal . unchanged bilateral lower lobe opacities that could represent resolving pneumonia with a new focal opacity in the right upper lobe that is nodular in nature and should be re-imaged after adequate treatment to confirm resolution . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16662264 58598370 90700f34-2bf7712e-44ca9a85-f62ca3ec-083c083b +2443 the left chest tube has been slightly pulled distally . there is no change in the left lower lung opacity as well as subcutaneous air in the right chest wall . no pneumothorax is seen . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15192710 50868037 fee8113b-2d2bb8d6-2c1144c0-0c0e3d04-ad5597a4 +2444 comparison is made to the prior study from at am . there has been removal of the endotracheal tube . there is a right-sided ij catheter with distal lead tip at the cavoatrial junction . there is again seen some volume loss on the left side . there are no pneumothoraces . there is likely a left-sided pleural effusion as well as atelectasis . this is stable from the prior study . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19454978 52312858 93681764-ec39480e-0518b12c-199850c2-f15118ab +2445 diffuse interstitial opacities have not significantly changed from prior . posterior costophrenic angles are sharp . thickening along of the major fissures may represent fluid or pleural thickening . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable in configuration . right chest wall dual lead pacing device is again seen . there is a new right chest wall tunneled dual lumen catheter with distal tip in the right atrium . there is no new confluent consolidation . no acute osseous abnormality detected . no significant interval change since prior . diffusely increased interstitial markings compatible with interstitial edema versus chronic changes . no superimposed acute process . Edema&&Lung Opacity 19759491 52381425 971bdcae-04538cff-c7a81ae5-3f843c01-5162ca39 +2446 as before lung volumes are low and the heart is mildly enlarged . there is no pneumothorax, pleural effusion or consolidation . Cardiomegaly 19907884 57560204 29d26885-efc84164-2901f05a-89f605c8-9d4338ff +2447 the lungs are clear . the heart size is normal . mediastinal contours are normal . there are no pleural abnormalities . degenerative changes of the thoracic spine are seen . no acute cardiac or pulmonary process . No Finding 14855790 53038366 5d3b28e1-1aac3fe6-a4122890-9105accb-061b8489 +2448 the heart is normal in size . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear within normal limits and do not suggest substantial lymph node enlargement . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lungs appear clear . mild degenerative changes are similar along the thoracic spine . no evidence of acute disease . no convincing evidence for sarcoidosis . No Finding 13448574 53776243 52b95950-9baac352-83f0d8c5-1959eabc-a5a3ea0b +2449 comparison is made with prior study performed three hours earlier . cardiomegaly is stable . the lungs are clear . there is no pneumothorax . left pleural effusion is small . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 13484161 56546504 c771fda7-294984e2-40d6b8b3-eeec5c1c-95760ad3 +2450 there is mild to moderate cardiomegaly . there is a moderate left pleural effusion with no right pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . moderate pulmonary edema is seen, worse compared to the most recent prior study but similar compared to the study from . there has been interval removal of the right picc . left axillary pacemaker is again noted . . moderate left pleural effusion with moderate pulmonary edema, worsened compared to the most recent prior study . . mild to moderate cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13896515 55034480 2e5d54e8-b4da07e8-382932ca-35a87571-9089a9fb +2451 left upper lobe volume loss is similar to prior study . there is no new consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . leftward mediastinal shift is unchanged . posterior fracture of the left sixth rib is unchanged . fracture of the two uppermost mediastinal wires is stable . stable left lung volume loss after left upper lobe lobectomy . No Finding 11378150 55092691 3b9b84d5-b76eb1db-a43caa85-b33c92a4-4ed50db2 +2452 there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . cardiac size is normal . patient has severe emphysema . bilateral chest tubes are in unchanged position . multifocal consolidations in the upper lobe and lower lobe bilaterally, worse in the left upper lobe and right lower lobe have increased in the right lower lobe, consistent with multifocal pneumonia and or hemorrage . severe subcutaneous emphysema in bilateral chest wall is unchanged . et tube is in standard position . ng tube tip is in the stomach . there are no other changes from eight hours before . Consolidation&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16751749 57915081 e4c3ba18-a70b953e-2a8ca4d7-ea576b97-ced50e07 +2453 previous vascular congestion has improved, and moderate cardiomegaly is smaller . the left major fissure is delineated by a roughly cm long radiopacity superolateral to it . this could be either pneumonia in the left upper lobe or fissural pleural effusion . it has been present since . it may require ct scanning to distinguish between these two possibilities . left internal jugular line ends at the origin of the svc and a dual-channel right supraclavicular dialysis catheter ends in the right atrium . no pneumothorax . i discussed these findings by telephone . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18906643 56984180 39bea45f-8269a068-67fbcd81-495f87cc-bde587cb +2454 midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . the previously noted port-a-cath has been removed . the lungs are clear bilaterally without focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . bony structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . no acute findings in the chest . No Finding 12124741 53352013 783fc94d-12b747b1-600f2e10-c1c51d2a-97240f95 +2455 right ij access dialysis catheter again noted with its tip in the region of the right atrium . increased retrocardiac opacity raises concern for pneumonia . findings appear progressed from prior exam . the heart size is stable . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . mediastinal contour unchanged . hilar congestion again noted . . retrocardiac opacity concerning for pneumonia . . hilar congestion . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16508811 57988903 8d8b26e3-3c8ee293-aad9533f-8fc6f107-c58c3f36 +2456 extensive right pleural effusion, potentially combined with some degree of pleural thickening, relatively extensive atelectatic changes in the right lung bases . the extent of the ventilated lung parenchyma on the right is small and located around the right perihilar areas . unremarkable left heart border, moderate tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . normal appearance of the left lung without evidence of parenchymal changes or left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 11569093 50008596 2f108c10-c8669b9a-f7f02e0f-272d2904-dd0b345e +2457 pa and lateral views of the chest there is mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette which is unchanged . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . the pulmonary vascularity is not engorged . chronic interstitial abnormalities are again seen diffusely, more pronounced at the lung bases with fibrotic changes . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . there is diffuse calcification of the aorta . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . chronic interstitial lung disease, which on the prior ct of the chest from suggested usual interstitial pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19640059 57629666 2f7e40ab-fd3ebb8f-1f00d1a6-1aecdf69-793d8d35 +2458 a single ap chest view was obtained with patient in semi-upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding chest examination of . status post sternotomy and moderate cardiac enlargement as before . no pulmonary vascular congestion is identified . a significant new finding consists of bilateral nodular densities widely disseminated in both lungs, preferentially in the lower lobes . otherwise, no new chest abnormalities are identified on this single-view examination as the lateral pleural sinuses are free and there is no evidence of pneumothorax in the apical area . appearance of multiple nodular densities in both lungs highly suggestive of secondary metastases in this patient with history of gi bleed . referring physician, . was notified via page at pm . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Lesion 16773796 54715799 b8f0ce5f-ae088cd3-92d27847-3b4570bb-1305056f +2459 specifically, there is no evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion or acute focal pneumonia . cervical fusion device is seen . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 57221524 f43ed85f-f693419c-ca41ad14-854149c7-81bf7afe +2460 endotracheal tube is seen with tip approximately cm from the carina . otherwise, there has been no significant interval change . bilateral parenchymal opacities suggestive of edema are seen noting that infection cannot be excluded . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15131736 50677639 2f1dce28-88730e39-d63f2655-c6d7afd5-b3868e09 +2461 new endotracheal tube and left internal jugular line are in standard placements respectively . small bilateral pleural effusion, left greater than right, unchanged over nine hours . left lower lobe atelectasis, moderate-to-severe, unchanged . possible destructive lesion, anterior aspect, right fifth rib is without correlation on recent abdomen ct . suggest detailed rib views when feasible . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12433421 57966185 8b8058e3-2e73b083-ad0be703-248c6dde-e81698ed +2462 comparison is made with prior study performed hours earlier . new et tube tip is cm from the carina and could be withdrawn a couple of centimeters for more standard position . aeration of the lungs has improved . small right and small-to-moderate left pleural effusions are unchanged . there is less atelectasis in the left lower lobe . left ij catheter tip is in the upper to mid svc . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . cardiomegaly is stable . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11607628 52031993 c1016405-3f0dea97-b9f2b667-dcebc0d2-67732c57 +2463 there is again a small apical pneumothorax . areas of opacification in the right lower and left upper lung are decreasing . Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax 19182863 55691383 74c3dfed-ea7a4283-d0682584-6835d770-f9eff630 +2464 ng tube tip is in the stomach . et tube is in the standard position . right picc tip is at the cavoatrial junction . transvenous pacer leads are in standard position . cardiomegaly is stable . there are persistent low lung volumes . pulmonary edema has improved, now mild to moderate . bibasilar opacities, right greater than left, are a combination of pleural effusions and atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18322589 54432661 a6570b30-b8ae383d-4d11eb8e-49ea1084-6c57d8a8 +2465 in comparison with scout image from ct from , again seen is a large left perihilar mid-to-lower lung opacity which on the prior ct corresponded to innumerable pulmonary nodules, although superimposed infection cannot be excluded . nodular opacities in the right lung to a lesser extent than on the right are again seen . there is blunting of the left costophrenic angle likely corresponding to pleural effusion and is also seen on prior ct . left greater than right pulmonary opacities similar as compared to scout image from ct from , given differences in technique, although superimposed infectious process cannot be excluded . slight blunting of the left costophrenic angle is likely due to small left pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12702423 58466818 2dbe3e39-beef7811-9031988b-a6c7348b-c98a9ab6 +2466 allowing for the ap projection, there is good expansion of the right lung with no evidence of acute pneumonia or pneumothorax . fracture of the mid shaft of the right clavicle with overriding of the fragments and several rib fractures on the right are seen . Fracture 15938635 56495546 2f2f5511-1fc4dccc-bbc1203a-f97f7298-b099de12 +2467 prior right ij line is no longer visualized . there are new bibasilar regions of consolidation . indistinct pulmonary vascular markings seen more superiorly . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable in configuration . there is vertebral body height loss of a mid thoracic vertebral body and severe height loss in a lumbar vertebral body which based on frontal projection were likely present on . no acute osseous abnormality identified . bibasilar regions of consolidation compatible with infection in the proper clinical setting . superimposed component of vascular congestion . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pneumonia 19454978 52686545 3a0553aa-9c31867a-e614b9d9-628054fd-27e6053f +2468 the patient has received a dobbhoff catheter . the tip of the catheter projects over the middle parts of the stomach, the course of the catheter is unremarkable, there is no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . mild areas of atelectasis at the left and right lung bases . no evidence of other parenchymal opacities, notably no evidence of pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16853729 52489936 c9532e5b-e9cb7923-1d3cf2ef-05e252e8-dcf11149 +2469 the heart is at the upper limits of normal size . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . there is mild interstitial abnormality suggestive of slight fluid overload, but no focal consolidation . the lungs are hyperinflated . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . a moderate anterior wedge compression deformity situated along the lower thoracic spine appears unchanged since the prior studies . similar mild interstitial abnormality which could be seen with slight fluid overload . No Finding 13475033 51259731 a3c40907-043e8021-0482ce61-34670856-7cd45fdf +2470 endotracheal tube tip is . cm above carina . enteric tube tip in the proximal stomach . right ij central line tip in the low svc . cardiac pacemaker in place . there are chronic rib fractures . lungs are clear . surgical in the abdomen . enteric tube tip is in the proximal stomach . No Finding&&Support Devices 18487334 59981256 92a2a181-8f508ced-b3cb8aae-f4da8efa-3df4edc0 +2471 moderate cardiomegaly is longstanding . there is no particular vascular engorgement, no edema and no pleural effusion . transvenous right atrial pacer and right ventricular pacer defibrillator leads follow their expected courses, unchanged . new left pic line ends at the junction of brachiocephalic veins . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 17763117 59357257 937a086b-d6d3022b-88e3053e-885699b2-46431cc5 +2472 opacities at the right lung base have decreased compared to the preceding radiographs from and . the remainder of the lungs are clear . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged . the mediastinal contours are unchanged . blunting of the right costophrenic angle suggests a tiny effusion . there is no definite left-sided effusion . no pneumothorax . . decreased right basilar opacities, likely resolving atelectasis . . likely trace right pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16050730 54240852 525c7667-53fd7624-6f104340-1895a29c-1ee766f1 +2473 the lung parenchyma is diffusely increased in density . this is mainly caused by an increase in interstitial structures and subtle alveolar opacities . there are b lines and small effusions are still present . in combination with the obvious cardiomegaly, moderate-to-severe interstitial pulmonary edema is to be suspected . referring physician . was paged for notification at the time of dictation, am, on . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15419510 51288835 5ae25c72-34cb9d49-a4da40d2-b675e012-73e45602 +2474 pulmonary vascular congestion has worsened appreciably since pm . lung volumes remain exceedingly low from chronic elevation of the diaphragm . the heart is at least mildly enlarged, exaggerated by low lung volumes and mediastinal vasculature chronically dilated, is more distended today . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 18338007 54174765 6d7e8320-4a212d21-d96325bf-9360fb31-20719637 +2475 there is hazy left basilar opacity which has been seen on multiple previous examinations . elsewhere the lungs are clear of consolidation . enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is similar compared to prior and likely exaggerated by portable technique and prominent mediastinal fat . atherosclerotic calcifications noted throughout the aorta . persistent left lower lung opacity potentially atelectasis or scarring given findings on multiple priors . please note that superimposed infection is not entirely excluded . consider pa and lateral for further assessment if desired . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14841168 59573711 fb8b94a3-98ec59dc-d148e378-62063c90-58baaa12 +2476 the endotracheal tube has been removed . the patient has taken a slightly better inspiration . continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette without definite pulmonary edema . atelectatic changes are seen at the bases . some coarseness of interstitial markings raises the possibility of underlying chronic pulmonary disease . right ij catheter tip is in the mid-to-lower svc . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15809646 53528690 bed7c512-ac375506-2b7022e0-a8e257bc-dfe0c8c2 +2477 one semierect portable ap view of the chest . endotracheal tube ends cm from the carina . the right internal jugular line ends in the mid svc . a left subclavian line ends in the low svc . ng tube tip is out of view . the moderate left pleural effusion is unchanged . the right pleural effusion has increased and is now small to moderate in size . there is decrease in mild pulmonary vascular engorgement and no pulmonary edema . no opacities concerning for pneumonia . the heart and mediastinum are normal . no pneumothorax . . stable left moderate pleural effusion . increased right pleural effusion, now small to moderate in size . . no pulmonary edema . decrease in mild pulmonary vascular engorgement . Pleural Effusion 15758946 56167449 97e428ce-51d4215e-210ed55c-4327be47-4a10e46c +2478 the et tube is low, . cm above the carina . there are increased lung markings bilaterally in this patient with known bilateral basilar atelectasisinfiltrateaspiration . an ij line tip is at the cavoatrial junction . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10975446 53843466 f5694e30-74276190-ca787eed-b4262479-f73aec86 +2479 midline sternotomy wires and prosthetic cardiac valves are redemonstrated . the heart is stable and top normal in size . there is improvement in overall pulmonary aeration with minimal lower lung atelectasis . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion is seen . bony structures are intact . improved aeration in the lungs with no effusion and mild bibasilar atelectasis . No Finding 19182863 55661010 010357e5-15fa3bea-a68903e4-6326524d-9a77b7db +2480 comparison is made to previous study from . there is again seen a left-sided central venous line with the distal lead tip in the mid svc . there is again seen whiteout of the entire right lung . a pleural catheter is seen at the right base . there is some prominence of the pulmonary interstitial markings in the left lung without definite consolidation . overall, these findings appear relatively stable . there has been prior surgery in the right upper lung with removal of a portion of a rib . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13263843 58632637 1f47d792-eda2bffe-f8173c15-50577b80-bfbd2e17 +2481 small biapical pneumothorax unchanged since earlier in the day . pleural tubes removed . moderate left lower lobe atelectasis and small accompanying pleural effusion also stable . heart size top normal . normal postoperative cardiomediastinal silhouette . right jugular line ends in the upper right atrium, unchanged . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 16043240 50307780 05422169-24d04e58-5084d62b-7d1d9ce1-16bfe2af +2482 there is an irregular rounded opacity in the left mid lung zone, which was previously seen on and and thought to represent an area of round atelectasis which has resolved in the interim and recurred . bilateral pleural plaques and pleural thickening is unchanged from prior studies . increased hazy opacification of the lungs may represent mild pulmonary edema . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged but stable . prominence of the mediastinum is unchanged with tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . the lungs remain hyperinflated suggesting copd . . recurrent rounded atelectasis in the left mid lung as seen on the prior ct of . . asbestos related lung disease . . hazy opacification of the bilateral lungs may represent mild pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 15809646 57372388 f2029c31-2acb877f-a7000d23-c119d2f1-b5d4844b +2483 patient is status post median sternotomy . right-sided port-a-cath tip terminates in the upper svc, unchanged . cardiac silhouette remains moderately enlarged but unchanged . multiple calcified mediastinal lymph nodes are again demonstrated suggestive prior granulomatous disease . the mediastinal and hilar contours are otherwise unremarkable . lung volumes are persistently low with streaky atelectasis seen in the right lung base . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . persistently low lung volumes with streaky right basilar atelectasis . Atelectasis 11413236 51644170 68fca727-3938158e-eb97e5dc-141e63e2-53d66c78 +2484 lung volumes are lower exaggerating what is at least worsened moderate pulmonary edema . more focal areas of opacification in the lateral left mid lung and infrahilar right lung could be atelectasis and edema but pneumonia is of serious concern . the moderately enlarged cardiac silhouette and dilated pulmonary arteries are larger today, and there is more mediastinal vascular engorgement . dual channel right supraclavicular central venous line ends in the upper right atrium as before . there is no appreciable pleural effusion and no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17340686 53247313 54a9e5bc-2d3b9e9a-43c44b54-7c16e7b1-f923f86c +2485 since the prior study, there is no change in extremely irregular opacification of both lungs, mostly involving the right lung with slight interval improvement in particular in the right mid lung . this improvement, which is rapid, most likely reflects the element of pulmonary edema . pneumonia improvement over such a short period of time would be less likely, although still possible . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 12475198 52676650 fa8076ac-14c9330b-4614e083-9dad73d7-6d91e842 +2486 comparison is made to previous study from . the endotracheal tube and right-sided ij central venous line are unchanged in position and appropriately sited . there is also a left-sided subclavian catheter with distal lead tip in the proximal svc . there is stable cardiomegaly . there are again seen bilateral pleural effusions and a left retrocardiac opacity . there are no signs for overt pulmonary edema . there are no pneumothoraces . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 51866834 ae0ca9f1-a6aa65c0-b8754692-be29d5b4-8ce0e6ff +2487 heart size remains mildly enlarged . aortic knob is densely calcified . the mediastinal contour is unchanged . right hilar opacity is similar to the previous examinations . rounded opacity projecting over the right mid lung field likely reflects fluid loculated within the major fissure . a moderate right pleural effusion and trace left pleural effusion are noted, and there is mild pulmonary edema . patchy opacity in the lung bases may reflect atelectasis but infection or aspiration is not excluded . no pneumothorax is present . emphysematous changes are again seen in the lungs . . mild pulmonary edema and moderate size right and small left pleural effusions . small amount of fluid is loculated within the right major fissure . . patchy opacity in the lung bases may reflect atelectasis but infection or aspiration cannot be excluded . . unchanged chronic right hilar opacity . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19720782 57501180 6849debe-9dbcc764-0a6286d7-242f3a36-43c4b94c +2488 there are lower lung volumes . bibasilar atelectasis have increased . right port a cath tip is in the is confluence of the brachiocephalic vein . there is no pneumothorax . cardiomegaly is stabl . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 11413236 54517998 93173301-ef0856de-7bf3d950-005faeed-a2f8a466 +2489 overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . calcified hilar lymph nodes are consistent with known sarcoidosis . deformity of the right upper chest wall with some right lateral pleural thickening and scarring and volume loss in the right medial lung base are stable . the left hemidiaphragm is now better visualized and no developing airspace consolidation is appreciated . no pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . lower thoracic vertebroplasties best visualized on the lateral projection . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other 11474065 53521887 c1735f23-afbc50c0-23b33129-f274cfa7-737f29c2 +2490 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . the heart size remains moderately enlarged . the mediastinal contour is unremarkable and unchanged . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is improved compared to the previous exam . retrocardiac streaky opacity likely reflects atelectasis . blunting of the right costophrenic sulcus suggests that there may be a trace pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is identified . degenerative changes of the right glenohumeral joint with joint space narrowing and osteophytic spurring is present . mild pulmonary vascular congestion and retrocardiac atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema 16672854 57752575 3478fd3c-a34b3e6d-0a9a1cf3-726cb9cd-ec1381aa +2491 the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of low svc . heart size and mediastinum are stable . bibasal areas of atelectasis have progressed in the interim . there is interval improvement of the left perihilar opacity . no pneumothorax or interval increase in pleural effusion demonstrated . pleural plaques along the left chest wall are redemonstrated as well as the rib fractures . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 50625218 52d136b0-5d17c0a3-0a234b7d-4bd4ad14-707309d5 +2492 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate left pic catheter tip projecting over distal svccavoatrial junction . no pneumothorax . bilateral multifocal consolidations involving predominantly right lung, possibly also involving the lingula appear more conspicuous from exam . small bilateral pleural effusions are present . there is no pulmonary edema . hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . heart size is normal . the partially imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable . . multifocal consolidations, predominantly involving the right lung, possibly also involving the lingula, appear more conspicuous from exam, compatible with multifocal pneumonia . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 16662264 56007699 4d0cd285-e11ff67a-d4f1a9ed-0286ae1b-f74190b1 +2493 the patients chin obscures visualization of the lung apices . stable linear opacification in the left mid lung likely represents atelectasis or scarring . calcified bilateral pleural plaques are again seen . no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is detected . cardiomegaly persists . the aorta is tortuous with calcification . stable cardiomegaly without radiographic evidence for acute change . Cardiomegaly 17838301 50037760 0788829b-5419d8e4-5ce8eb81-87a77c03-98c15a1a +2494 cardiac size is normal . the aorta is tortuous . there is known severe emphysema . the patient is status post right upper lobe resection . small bilateral pleural effusions have minimally increased on the right . surgical chain projects in the right upper lobe . the lungs are grossly clear . no new abnormalities . Pleural Effusion 16622813 50921860 066a59e3-316782a3-2d4238bc-d5354678-1ec6dcd9 +2495 single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from . tracheostomy tube is again noted . left picc tip is not clearly delineated on the current exam . again there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . streaky opacities at the lung bases suggestive of atelectasis however infection cannot be excluded . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable as are the osseous and soft tissue structures . no significant interval change since prior . pulmonary vascular congestion . bibasilar opacities potentially due to atelectasis however, infection is not excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10268877 54137212 e279d10a-22b3d14a-0527c87a-bbd31c9b-de232422 +2496 the monitoring and support devices are constant . low lung volumes, borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . mild pulmonary edema . moderate retrocardiac atelectasis . no evidence of pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 19623993 55786650 12d4cda1-a51a4015-46e05368-b984cb4f-10b1be5c +2497 again seen is severe enlargement of the cardiac sillouhette . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . a right central venous catheter has been removed . severe enlargement of the cardiac siillouhette, unchanged, likely cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly 12963531 50827294 ddd9741c-9e15a25a-d4b08e32-9ee083c4-b7671def +2498 mild to moderate vascular congestion has increased . bibasilar atelectasis have increased . if any there is a small right effusion . no other interval change from prior study . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13473495 53400246 3b45981c-22a218c1-895088c8-70cb300c-bb013a16 +2499 ongoing filling of the left pneumectomy cavity with fluid . the position of the air-fluid level is comparable to yesterdays image . unchanged position of the mediastinum . unchanged appearance of the right lung . no evidence of pneumonia . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 12410066 53759718 49161810-83365478-dc512674-770d2cd4-ed6f7f77 +2500 et tube tip is cm above the carinal . ng tube tip is in the stomach . vascular congestion is mild to moderate . there is no appreciable pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . Edema&&Support Devices 15131736 52259319 f3ef0ecb-ccfce0d5-19aa565a-74bee17a-411e1628 +2501 the lateral views are somewhat underpenetrated in part due to the patients overlying arm . given this, there is persistent mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . minimal left basilar atelectasis is seen . there is no focal consolidation . no large pleural effusion is seen . slight blunting of the right costophrenic angle is chronic . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are grossly stable as comparison with . no overt pulmonary edema is seen . likely left basilar atelectasis . otherwise, no acute cardiopulmonary process . Atelectasis 14841168 57041570 cd4c13d7-949c45ee-8508ec30-c9fed36f-bea3a8f6 +2502 postoperative mediastinum with median sternotomy wires in place and multiple surgical clips . heart size is normal . diffuse right greater than left opacities have progressed compared to prior study in the background of emphysema . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . diffuse right greater than left pulmonary opacities likely representing pulmonary edema in the background of severe emphysema . Edema&&Lung Opacity 13921768 53297811 1816d50c-d9282769-fd97cb8d-d105e548-27569b20 +2503 the et tube tip is . cm above the carina . the right picc line tip is at the level of low svc . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . extensive consolidations throughout the lungs are demonstrated with slight improvement at the level of mid left lung . bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13078497 59307024 d60ada4f-e51bcc38-d167a258-52f452e1-8dc95433 +2504 moderate to severe cardiomegaly is chronic . compared to , pulmonary vascular congestion has improved and there is no pulmonary edema . small left pleural effusion is likely, also improved . patient has had median sternotomy and mitral valve replacement . right supraclavicular dual channel catheter, commonly used for hemodialysis, ends in the right atrium . transvenous left ventricular pacer and right ventricular pacer defibrillator leads are unchanged in their respective positions . the atrial lead cannot be traced . lateral view recommended . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19759491 53202055 c4d47932-145d1a89-7f6d200d-9b16a4d6-84c0d0f0 +2505 heart size is enlarged . mediastinum is stable . multifocal opacities are present, overall similar to previous study but potentially minimally improved . no appreciable pneumothorax . old rib fractures, unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity 14851532 50875682 264b88e4-6c089e5c-86f6e75e-aba9afc2-5effc446 +2506 interval placement of right internal jugular central venous catheter, with tip terminating in the body of the right atrium, with no visible pneumothorax . low lung volumes accentuate the cardiac silhouette and bronchovascular structures . even allowing for this factor, there are apparent new perihilar opacities, particularly in the right infrahilar region . this is concerning for acute aspiration given rapidity of development . bilateral upper lobe fibrosis is again demonstrated and may be due to sarcoid or other granulomatous process . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other&&Support Devices 10933609 51816597 b6958192-e9ba61f7-b0d3e5ab-5562c733-a0ad2714 +2507 pa and lateral chest radiographs were provided . lung volumes are significantly low . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . there is bibasilar atelectasis . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . median sternotomy wires are intact . a right chest wall port-a-cath terminates at the cavoatrial junction . there is no free air under the hemidiaphragms . osseous structures are intact . low lung volumes but no acute process and no evidence of free peritoneal air . No Finding 11413236 56921446 154a0276-f9cc72dc-9907f2e1-f1f11272-93cc90ff +2508 the et tube tip is . cm above the carina . the ng tube tip passes below the diaphragm terminating in the stomach . bilateral opacities appear to be unchanged, in particular involving lower lungs . cardiomegaly is severe and unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13473495 50904351 7fd5a9f9-eb754381-b51f8e5c-136df0a1-c34d6fc8 +2509 the right picc has been removed in the interim . the lungs are well-expanded and clear . no focal consolidation, effusion, edema, or pneumothorax . the heart size is normal . the mediastinum is not widened . surgical clips project over the left upper quadrant, unchanged . anterior spinal fixation in the lower cervical spine is partially imaged . multilevel degenerative changes in the thoracic spine are mild . rightward curvature of the thoracic spine could be positional though was also present on . no focal pneumonia . No Finding 15114531 59688743 09eef487-ce5f18a5-ba553a04-30f2617c-4f4a6692 +2510 views were obtained of the chest . innumerable pulmonary metastases are re-demonstrated and better assessed on the recent ct without intervally developed focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the esophageal stents again project over the upper abdomen consistent migration into the stomach as depicted on the recent ct . the heart and mediastinal contours are unchanged with postsurgical changes noted in the mediastinum . osseous abnormalities described in the recent ct are not well assessed on the current examination . innumerable pulmonary metastases and migrated esophageal stents, residing within the stomach, without evidence of acute process . No Finding 16773796 53607277 b1009aff-e698f80d-330e0345-8dc761eb-889e6c69 +2511 limited evaluation due to respiratory motion especially in the lower lungs . the previously seen right basilar patchy opacity appears improved . a granuloma is seen in the right upper lobe . the interstitial markings are slightly prominent due to patients known emphysematous changes of the lungs . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hila are normal . an icd device is seen . rue picc line ends in the distal svc . there are no displaced rib fractures . limited, negative . picc in appropriate position . limited evaluation due to motion artifact, repeat cxr might be considered . No Finding&&Support Devices 16059470 57192814 a78450bf-630d9aa5-d48a79f1-41a5d2c2-802321fb +2512 ap upright radiograph re-demonstrates satisfactorily positioned endotracheal tube, left subclavian catheter and nasogastric tube with slightly decreased lung volumes and possibly slight interval increase in degree of mild interstitial edema . left basal atelectasis is increased with slight right basal atelectasis and effusions not well seen on this study possibly due to positioning . enlarged pulmonary arteries suggest pulmonary arterial hypertension . Atelectasis&&Edema 10268877 51623828 9dcbd7ac-9d6ca173-f7e669fd-bb419597-97f58083 +2513 there has been a right thoracentesis with removal of a substantial amount of fluid from the pleural space . no evidence of pneumothorax . mild atelectatic changes at the right base . otherwise, little change . Atelectasis 19182863 50171741 27975aed-15b0a97c-df48c48f-85f941bc-eef08eea +2514 compared to the study from the prior day, there is no significant interval change . No Finding 13078497 58226576 fd439b65-e984a9f7-40022797-f1661b2b-8687abfc +2515 the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . opacification at the right base is unchanged, again consistent with collapse of the middle and lower lobes . the left lung remains clear . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 14841168 59061065 f74a6e2d-7ecce9f0-cf647641-73115c8d-2af49e3d +2516 in comparison to chest radiograph, a very subtle opacity has developed at the right lung base in could potentially represent an early focus of pneumonia . no other relevant change . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18487334 58899269 96f00041-94cc6063-63bfa4e2-d764e039-a73d562c +2517 pa and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exams from and . linear opacities at the left greater than right base are suggestive of subsegmental atelectasis . mildly indistinct pulmonary vascular markings are seen suggestive of mild failure however, there is no definite confluent consolidation . small left pleural effusion is seen . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable . again seen is a prosthetic valve . median sternotomy wires are again seen with fracture at the inferior most wire . osseous and soft tissue structures are otherwise unremarkable . mildly indistinct pulmonary vascular markings suggestive of mild failure without frank pulmonary edema . No Finding 13606683 58107496 d03946f6-e754867a-37047566-61f55fee-16408685 +2518 the left lung is well expanded and clear . the right lung shows a persistent right lower lobe opacity with an associated effusion, mildly progressed from the preceding radiograph . the cardiomediastinal silhouette, and hilar contours are normal . no pneumothorax is present . old bilateral rib fractures are noted . right lower lobe opacity, possibly atelectasis, with associated moderate sized effusion . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13352405 55176260 93ca5245-a3a6c687-b3723eb4-4e89b56b-3cda2cc7 +2519 left lower lobe collapse has improved . moderate bilateral pleural effusion is present, stable on the left, increased on the right and there is a suggestion of new consolidation in the right lower lobe that could be a large pneumonia . confirmation with conventional radiographs recommended when feasible . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12433421 51301343 c84df635-43b1c5bd-cbd8fd29-e41b2428-dae6a1b9 +2520 as similar to multiple prior exams, there is a relative hazy density in the bilateral hilar regions with pulmonary vascular indistinctness . the hemidiaphragms are not well defined . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is markedly enlarged with widening superiorly and an enlarged cardiac silhouette inferiorly . the patients chin overlies the lung apices, limiting the evaluation . no gross pneumothorax is seen . limited study due to body habitus . there are low lung volumes which result in bronchovascular crowding, but beyond that there is likely moderate pulmonary edema presumably cardiogenic in etiology . there may also be small bilateral pleural effusions . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16855430 58324748 c8591b84-dfb9bd0c-54f0a9f4-e5258ccd-4fec4b57 +2521 the lungs are low in volume but otehrwise clear . left hemidiaphragm is somewhat obscured in its lateral-most component, though this could be projectional . the left lung base is poorly imaged . there is no definite pleural effusion or pneumothorax . stable marked cardiomegaly is noted . questionable opacity in left base . when the patients clinical status improves, repeat evaluation by pa and lateral chest radiograph is recommended to exclude a pleural effusion or left basilar parenchymal process . Lung Opacity 12340737 51192088 eae9b998-2b29a12b-6d6fd4c2-8227ce7b-7f1c4262 +2522 comparison is made to the prior study from at am . there is again seen a very large right-sided hydropneumothorax . there is collapse of the right lung . a right basilar pleural catheter is again seen on the edge of the film . there has been decrease in the size of the pleural effusion density on the right however, this may be partially due to positioning . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14387068 57824615 d10ce07f-f461b9b2-314b3356-7fb190a4-1dac6294 +2523 no consolidation, pleural effusion or pulmonary edema is seen, and the cardiac silhouette continues to be mildly enlarged . right-sided cardiac device is stable in position with appropriate lead placement unchanged . median sternotomy wires are intact . resolution of previously seen pneumonia . No Finding 19759491 50910303 de862699-c552320b-11e6f6c8-5087a74f-98f0b80d +2524 lungs are low in volume but clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . a left subclavian port-a-cath is seen terminating in the superior cavoatrial junction . heart is top normal in size and normal cardiomediastinal silhouette . slight leftward deviation of the trachea is stable and perhaps due to thyroid enlargement . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 12124741 52979134 ebf694d1-74d14ed6-c1695437-a0c9b0f3-cb905ce8 +2525 lungs are clear . no evidence of pulmonary edema or pneumonia . focal opacity over anatomical region of lingula which is perceived only on frontal view represents a pericardial fat . heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no pulmonary edema . Lung Opacity 17720924 58245185 b2322fdd-cfe8ca16-f58f8a07-206b7440-5ff93a26 +2526 comparison with prior chest radiographs through with the most recent from . a new aicd device with lead positioned through the left transvenous approach end into the right ventricle and is appropriate . no focal lung opacities concerning for pneumonia . heart is top normal size . mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . no evidence of pneumothorax . Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11540283 51230608 e68bb7df-05039df8-44346b6b-c34ca52e-a92432c7 +2527 moderate pulmonary edema is new . bibasilar opacities are a combination of pleural effusion and atelectasis . cardiomegaly is stable . right hd catheter is in the standard position . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 50758061 43042279-0b8f5bb0-a45d17b6-f8d3b29f-0c787952 +2528 cardiac silhouette remains enlarged and is accompanied by persistent pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial edema . patchy bibasilar atelectasis also appears similar compared to the prior study . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema 10975446 58917552 34058be0-81c50b36-9b2c0874-23eca60a-7789a943 +2529 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion is seen . there is mild atelectasis seen at the right lung base . a left-sided pacer is present with wires terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . again noted is a metallic stent projecting over the expected location of the aortic valve . hardware is in the lower thoracic spine with evidence of vertebroplasty . the heart size is enlarged but unchanged . an unchanged wedge deformity is seen superior to the vertebroplasty . stable cardiomegaly without findings of failure . no acute intrathoracic process . Cardiomegaly 18417750 59381739 35901623-dfa281b0-60bd2a48-cb5eacfb-bbab810e +2530 the lungs are hyperinflated but without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . minor left basilar linear atelectasisscarring is again seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . no significant interval change . No Finding 13881772 58789310 c230ce72-acc26270-caefebe0-f6b07913-7033227d +2531 low lung volumes are present . the heart size is mildly enlarged . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged with similar fullness of the superior mediastinum attributable to mediastinal fat . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . there are multilevel degenerative changes in the thoracic spine . low lung volumes . otherwise no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19028690 50034238 96ea3d09-e928fb3b-dc086815-e0a3d015-45d3b08a +2532 right picc is no longer visualized . the lungs are clear of consolidation or effusion . cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable . all left posterior th rib fracture is identified . atherosclerotic calcifications noted at the aortic arch . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13353878 54783326 1a81259c-493d3b3c-de7e0965-b13a0f4c-d813d91d +2533 the newly placed dobhoff tube reaches till the lower esophagus and loops back all the way up to the cervical esophagus . consider repositioning the dobhoff tube . since , there are no relevant changes in the lungs . minimal left lower lung atelectasis has improved . no new lung opacities concerning for pneumonia . top normal heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are stable in appearance . no pleural effusion . on at pm . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15338518 50410691 a69bfb99-6db10b12-ba4c0c04-51f5d6ea-ecddb834 +2534 there is ill-defined opacity in the left upper lobe . there has been interval resolution of the left lower lobe consolidation . heart and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . no pneumothorax is seen . biapical pleural thickening is present . underlying emphysematous changes are noted . left upper lobe pneumonia . recurrent infection in an area that is chronically abnormal may be due to atypical mycobacterial infection . by dr . by telephone at pm . on at the time of discovery of these findings and at the time of wet read request . additional diagnostic consideration of atypical mycobacterical infection was discussed with dr . by dr . by phone at am . on after attending radiologist review . Pneumonia 11052935 50367895 43b6f8f9-f0d77b57-b2603100-48f5611a-a7405f03 +2535 the dobbhoff catheter was advanced . the tip now projects over the proximal parts of the stomach, there is no evidence of complication, notably no pneumothorax . otherwise, the radiograph is unchanged . No Finding&&Support Devices 18079481 50139124 64c4f3ac-5b12f9d8-de62c4d5-1980be49-28cd96f9 +2536 a nasogastric tube passes into the stomach . endotracheal tube terminates approximately cm from the carina . there is increased right mid lung atelectasis . bibasilar opacities were better demonstrated on prior radiographs . diffuse right lung opacity is compatible with layering pleural effusion as seen on subsequest ct of the neck . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12699874 52607450 ef172e96-8c4e23a8-160f096f-b5c584b5-f33c4c0b +2537 there has been interval intubation with the tip of the endotracheal tube positioned . cm above the carina . the right upper extremity access picc line is unchanged . there is increasing bibasilar atelectasis . as above . No Finding 11022245 55490259 9ca1e240-842fe6d2-5b26c6f5-a9523752-6603498e +2538 right pic line can be traced as far as the junction of the right subclavian and jugular veins . transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads are unchanged in their respective positions . extensive consolidation in the left lower lobe and accompanying small-to-moderate pleural effusion have varied in size, no larger today than on . mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly and a generally enlarged thoracic aorta are also stable . borderline edema persists in the right lung . nasogastric tube ends in the upper stomach . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13649937 51183691 2d35647b-697aa705-d56cc89e-da6818b0-3ebe0b23 +2539 as compared to the recent radiograph of earlier the same date, and endotracheal to tube has been placed with tip terminating . cm above the carinal . bibasilar opacities have rapidly worsened, particularly at the left lung base . a rapidly of the evolving aspiration or infectious pneumonia should be considered . moderate right and small left pleural effusions have slightly increased in size . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19720782 52336902 916efce3-8ded2d22-21ca5070-3c1635b7-84c51396 +2540 no appreciable pneumothorax or right pleural effusion following removal of the right basal pleural drain . mild pulmonary edema collected in the right lower lung . left lower lobe atelectasis is moderate-to-severe and small left pleural effusion is stable . normal post-operative cardiomediastinal silhouette including mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly, improved since pre-operative chest radiograph . nasogastric tube passes below the diaphragm and out of view . transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads are unchanged in their longstanding positions, including a more medial location than generally seen for the tip of the right atrial lead . swan-ganz or other pulmonary arterial line ends in the right pulmonary artery . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10886362 55957472 b2b5a3a4-24b4dc24-84c9e1a5-98f8a217-8c89ba2a +2541 there is no change in position of the monitoring and support devices . unchanged volume loss at the right lung base . unchanged disruption of the right bronchial air column, suggesting mucoid impaction . unchanged borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . no pneumothorax . no pulmonary edema . no evidence of pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 11204646 52079096 3ed3a641-a4156d57-ea055912-baebd6d1-30ae3af9 +2542 midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are unchanged . the heart size continues to be mildly enlarged . the lungs show increasing opacity with worsening pulmonary vasculature engorgement as well as right lower lung consolidation with air bronchograms, all compatible with worsening pulmonary edema . neither costophrenic sulcus is distinctly sharp, suggesting small pleural effusions . worsening pulmonary edema findings discussed with at am on by over the phone . Edema 17288844 54644366 adcf4325-aa59cd31-be329869-32fd0147-d3cd1387 +2543 left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation and chf with possible small bilateral effusions, similar to at am . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13031876 52519155 b7d847bc-3c2c9b05-dcc55b53-b7bd2a6c-f8496f99 +2544 views of the chest the lungs are well expanded and show bilateral middle lobe opacities . the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . bilateral pneumonia is in the right middle lobe and lingula . Pneumonia 16662264 51773416 0d3c825a-9753f20e-bc1e0aa5-f14f69e5-eaa3adee +2545 there is persistent opacification of the right lower lung field, likely due to known pleural effusion and atelectasis . small left pleural effusion is again noted . overall, there has been no significant interval change . endotracheal tube, left internal jugular catheter, and esophageal catheter are again seen in similar positions with esophageal catheter tip out of view . no pneumothorax is detected . stable chest radiograph . No Finding 11569093 51887095 7482f461-69260c1c-6d80e1ef-de9d3167-e122de4e +2546 right picc line ends at low svc . moderate right pleural effusion with adjacent lung atelectasis has decreased since . minimal left pleural effusion is unchanged . there are no new lung opacities of concern for pneumonia . heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . moderate right pleural effusion with adjacent lung atelectasis has improved since . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 11934114 52152296 67653b61-d4cdc144-670c5d2f-1d19f3a2-480d85a1 +2547 there are low lung volumes without focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is moderately enlarged, there is stable widening of the mediastinum . pulmonary vasculature appears normal . low lung volumes, without pneumonia or chf . moderate cardiac enlargement is stable in appearance . Cardiomegaly 19028690 59286076 3706cb8c-281ab1eb-f066978e-bce7d893-4b60bca9 +2548 compared to the previous radiograph, the left ij catheter has been removed . there are persistent bilateral pleural effusions along with unchanged opacification of right lung base . this suggests right middle and lower lobe collapse . comparison is limited by patient rotation on current imaging . opacification at the left lung base is unchanged, and pneumonia cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11569093 56389746 395a7197-bac16c22-5e75d329-e014f2a8-5d6432e9 +2549 portable ap radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to prior study obtained the same day earlier at am . since the prior study, there has been some degree of improvement in the right upper lobe collapse which is still present . right hilar fullness is noted, consistent with post-radiation changes known from prior chest ct from . rightward deviation of the trachea is unchanged . Atelectasis 12433541 51466579 dd006e88-448a1c0b-b26a6a12-d597b660-cb8279f5 +2550 endotracheal tube has been removed . small bilateral pleural effusion left greater than right not appreciably changed . there is new atelectasis at the base of the right lung . left lower lobe has been consistently consolidated and obliteration of the bronchial lumen has been attributed to either aspirate or mucoid impaction . right pic line ends in the mid to low svc . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16313531 55316723 c8432be1-b79e41da-834ae99a-c6cd0b0f-414d4eec +2551 lung volumes are low, leading to crowding of the bronchovascular structures . there is no evidence of focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or frank pulmonary edema . the heart remains moderately enlarged, although this is accentuated by ap technique and low lung volumes . calcified ap window node is again noted . a right-sided port-a-cath terminates within the upper-mid svc, unchanged in position from the prior exam . low lung volumes without evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11413236 53155287 85487fb8-4d1bb78d-357fad99-bd6075d5-8b2da39c +2552 the nasogastric tube is likely coursing through the dilated esophagus and terminates near the gastroesophageal junction . the course is better appreciated on the lateral than on the frontal radiograph and best correlated with a ct torso examination from , to reflect abnormal anatomy . No Finding&&Support Devices 11569042 56581797 4aeb5cd4-c071f14c-e4dcd046-420ce1ca-f6fedd70 +2553 interval improvement in interstitial edema . small bilateral effusions . suture lines are noted in the region of the left upper hemithorax . the opacity in the right upper lobe corresponds to the mass demonstrated better on recent ct . no pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, or focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . stable cardiomediastinal silhouette . incidental atherosclerosis in the left anterior descending artery . stable post-sternotomy changes . . interval improvement interstitial edema . . stable small bilateral effusions . . stable chronic changes which are followed on ct . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 56249524 0fd2483e-20dd0ce1-75329782-17d1ddfd-e4e835a7 +2554 cardiac size is top normal . new ill-defined opacity in the left lower lobe is consistent with an infectious process . the right lung is clear . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . mild degenerative changes are in the thoracic spine . findings were discussed by phone with dr . on . Pneumonia 18343726 54661616 57dd992a-c736b67a-5a1f24e1-fcef3aea-76faae84 +2555 single frontal portable view of the chest right cvl and left chest tube are stable in position . bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left, are unchanged . right lower lobe atelectasis is stable . left lower lobe atelectasis has mildly improved . post-operative cardiomediastinal widening is stable . there is no pneumothorax . previously seen pneumopericardium has resolved . findings were discussed with at am on , via telephone . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16875792 57849643 a466a1e2-24db4349-c068db9b-aae250f4-030ceb1e +2556 compared to the study from the prior evening, there is no significant interval change . No Finding 13979643 55303241 d5219b78-e506682e-a67ffdcb-c315cb81-f0638101 +2557 endotracheal tube has been withdrawn, tip now approximately . cm above the carina with the chin in neutral position . it could be withdrawn another mm to avoid inadvertent unilateral intubation when the chin and neck are in flexion mild pulmonary edema is continuing to improve, and previous left pleural effusion has virtually resolved . heart size normal . upper enteric drainage tube ends in the upper portion of a non-distended stomach but would need to be advanced at least cm to move all the side ports beyond the ge junction . right jugular line ends in the mid svc . no pneumothorax . heart size normal . Edema&&Support Devices 16334516 55866927 e5ff06eb-15534151-f0889a9a-1ef2a26f-14945911 +2558 diffuse interstitial opacities, predominantly in the right lung base and probably very mild in the left lung base are present . when compared to the prior chest ct from , these interstitial opacities appear new, and given the clinical history, likely represent lung infection atypical viral or asymmetric pulmonary edema . in view of history, a possibility of lymphangitic carcinomatosis also needs to be ruled out . compared with prior radiograph from , a dense opacity in the left perihilar region, likely radiation fibrosis has significantly improved over to , as demonstrated on series of chest cts . heart size is mildly larger and unchanged . irregularity of the hilar and mediastinal border is likely postradiation . ill-defined opacity in the left mid lung corresponds to scarring and atelectasis, as suggested on review of chest ct from . pleural effusion, if any, is minimal bilaterally . bilateral lower lung bases are remarkable for mild atelectasis . . diffuse interstitial opacities in the right lung and very mild in left lung base, in view of history most likely reflect lung infection or asymmetric pulmonary edema . a possibility of lymphangitic spread of malignancy also needs to be ruled out in view of clinical history . . irregularity of the mediastinal and hilar contours is attributed to the postradiation changes . . ill-defined opacity in the left mild lung is likely atelectasisscarring as suggested from a concurrent review of ct . follow-up radiograph is recommended at wks to monitor changes . above findings were discussed with dr . on at pm . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14722763 51766355 9e51895a-9f186f5a-4b0a5de3-44c03a40-204d048b +2559 the lung volumes have decreased . signs of chronic interstitial fluid overload . marked increase of the cardiac silhouette that is now moderately to severely increased . a central venous access line for dialysis has been placed over the right, the tip of the line projects over the right atrium . mild bilateral pleural effusions . no hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy . no pneumonia . no lung nodules or masses . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12963531 53443143 41d91119-e4864968-f736d803-6295f4df-29c302ea +2560 pa and lateral views of the chest there are low lung volumes . the heart size remains moderately enlarged . the aorta is tortuous but stable . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion with perihilar haziness . more focal opacities in the lung bases may reflect atelectasis, though infection in these regions cannot be completely excluded . small left pleural effusion appears similar compared to the prior study . no pneumothorax is identified . mild loss of height anteriorly of an upper lumbar vertebral body is unchanged . mild pulmonary vascular congestion and small left pleural effusion . more focal opacities in the lung bases may reflect atelectasis, though infection in these regions cannot be completely excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16853729 59219088 1fba2de2-36345a9e-ea2ef064-76c702c3-b80e6127 +2561 the patient has received a right internal jugular vein catheter . the course of the catheter is unremarkable, the tip of the catheter projects over the mid svc . there is no evidence of pneumothorax or other complication . in the interval, mild pulmonary edema has developed . the known opacity at the lateral aspects of the left hemithorax is constant . constant position of the nasogastric tube and of the sternal wires . at the time of observation and dictation, am, the referring physician . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18906643 53157312 f461329d-d6c1fb63-1dbb6294-4837e58c-53a0b617 +2562 compared with earlier the same day, a chest tube at the left lung base has been removed . no pneumothorax is identified . again noted is a right ij sheath over the proximal-most svc and a right subclavian central line with tip in region of svc-ra junction, unchanged . allowing for low inspiratory volumes, the cardiomediastinal silhouette is probably unchanged . left base collapse andor consolidation is stablesmall left pleural effusion is unchanged . there is also some increased opacity at the right base, with a small right effusion, which may be slightly worse . there is upper zone redistribution . i doubt overt chf . interval removal of left chest tube . no new pneumothorax or increase in left-sided effusion . equivocal slight increase in opacity at right base . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 12124741 53809636 1360763e-71ee973d-a29d16c9-9763397e-37844701 +2563 frontal and lateral views of the chest there is no pleural effusion, pneumothorax or focal airspace consolidation . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . the aorta is tortuous and calcified . the pulmonary vascularity is normal . a linear opacity in the left mid lung is probably scarring from prior pneumonia demonstrated in this region . parenchymal distortion and apical bullous changes are consistent with underlying emphysema . bilateral pleural thickening is redemonstrated, most pronounced at the apices and right upper hemithorax laterally . no new areas of parenchymal consolidation are noted . a left-sided pacemaker is present with wires terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . degenerative changes are seen in the thoracic spine . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14992360 50425233 d131f617-7810bf73-047f6e2e-16347ff4-e18183e6 +2564 heart size is normal . again demonstrated within the right upper lobe and perihilar region is a chronic area of opacification compatible with radiation fibrosis . streaky right lower lobe consolidative opacity is also chronic . mediastinal contours are unchanged with atherosclerotic calcifications noted at the aortic arch . mild pulmonary vascular engorgement is re- demonstrated . small bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left, are again noted . streaky left basilar opacity may reflect atelectasis but infection is not excluded . known spiculated nodule in the left upper lobe is better assessed on the previous ct . no pneumothorax is present . multilevel degenerative changes are again seen in the thoracic spine . no radiopaque foreign body identified . mild pulmonary vascular congestion with small bilateral pleural effusions, right greater than left . radiation fibrosis in the right upper lobe and right perihilar region and chronic consolidative opacity in the right lower lobe . streaky left basilar opacity may reflect atelectasis though infection cannot be completely excluded . no radiopaque foreign body identified . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 19720782 53342490 82c1c97a-b5708e95-baa8ec84-c1237993-93b67d8b +2565 greater opacification at the right lung base since is probably a combination of slight worsening of pulmonary edema that has substantially improved since earlier on has worsened slightly since am . moderate right pleural thickening or loculated fluid is stable since and earlier post-operative study . in the mid portion of the left lung is a flame-shaped region of opacity that could be an early pneumonia . small left pleural effusion and moderate cardiomegaly are stable . no pneumothorax . findings supported by subsequent chest radiograph am . on available at the time of this review . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11474065 56372001 a57921f1-082e4298-c45f0a33-97a652fc-627f468e +2566 linear bibasilar opacity is likely atelectasis . blunting of the left lateral costophrenic angle is again seen, potentially due to additional atelectasis or potentially small effusion . elsewhere, lungs are clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . old healed right posterior rib fracture is again noted . no acute osseous abnormality . bibasilar atelectasis . possible trace left pleural effusion . otherwise no acute cardiopulmonary process . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 16853729 54925240 28286aca-22f060d1-344a3628-b2cd36f8-df90a34a +2567 ap upright and lateral views of the chest were provided . the lungs are clear . the heart is normal in size . superior mediastinum appears widened, which could be due to thyroidal enlargement as seen on prior ct . bony structures appear intact . there are prominent anterior spurs noted, however, in the mid t-spine . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 13353878 56510605 c5d72977-09300b2f-a22239ad-2c5d50c8-0cc06cf6 +2568 chest pa and lateral radiograph demonstrates unremarkable mediastinal, hilar, and cardiac contours . lungs are clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax evident . there has been interval placement of a bravo ph capsule projecting in the expected location of the distal esophagus . surgical clips are seen in the upper abdomen . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 15114531 53975458 4f1bb588-0dc670a4-6ec07af4-aa421e00-6bd3d8db +2569 comparison is made to previous study from . there is a left-sided picc line with distal lead tip in the distal svc, appropriately sited . heart size is enlarged but stable . there is a persistent left retrocardiac opacity and likely left-sided pleural effusion . there is prominence of the pulmonary interstitial markings suggestive of minimal fluid overload, slightly worse than on the prior study . no pneumothoraces are seen . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16855430 57834224 bf3a5411-5e10c67b-da46d4e3-89978035-8577d0fe +2570 comparison to prior study of at . single portable ap upper chest from at am . . the right costophrenic angle is not entirely included on the study . the lungs appear hyperinflated suggesting underlying emphysema . there are multiple post-surgical changes on the right side, and there is prominent bilateral pulmonary arteries suggestive of pulmonary arterial hypertension . no focal airspace consolidation is appreciated to suggest pneumonia . no pneumothorax is seen . no pleural effusions . overall, cardiac contour is stable and within normal limits . no pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 16622813 52095390 5a90d178-7f241e16-96da79bd-735b668f-1f777ca8 +2571 the patient is status post sternotomy . a dual-lead pacemakericd device appears unchanged with leads again terminating in the right atrium and ventricle, respectively . there is patchy left basilar opacity, also obscuring the left lateral costophrenic sulcus, but somewhat decreased . elsewhere, the lungs remain clear . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . small osteophytes are present throughout the visualized thoracic spine . improving left basilar atelectasis . Atelectasis 17163861 50065267 83502e58-5ada1fba-450984b0-07c9ec9e-2b5b91b4 +2572 there is a -cm irregularly marginated mass in the lingula, which has grown since prior studies . other previous findings including the right lower lobe round atelectasis and bilateral pleural plaquespleural thickening appear similar to prior studies . the cardiac silhouette is stable and top normal in size . the aorta is slightly tortuous but stable in appearance . linear vertically oriented opacity seen in previous chest radiographs appears unchanged, most likely represent scarring adjacent to pleural plaques . lungs are hyperinflated suggesting copd . there is stable persistent blunting of the right costophrenic angle and stable interstitial opacities within the lower lungs . stable multilevel degenerative changes of the thoracic spine are noted . there are scattered areas of focal pleural thickening noted . irregularly marginated -cm mass in the lingula has grown since prior studies . although previously attributed to round atelectasis, its growth and margins raise the potential concern for a slowly growing lung adenocarcinoma . ct of the chest is recommended for further evaluation of this finding . these findings were discussed with dr . via phone at pm . by . Atelectasis&&Lung Lesion 15809646 52660908 2f0868eb-1a137784-02208ca9-db04ed1a-dfd94665 +2573 an endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina . in enteric tube terminates in the proximal stomach and could be advanced - cm for ideal positioning . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . low lung volumes . minimal elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is also stable . the left lung base is not visualized . increased opacity at the base of the left lung may reflect atelectasis . there is mild vascular congestion with mild pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . endotracheal tube . cm of the carina . enteric tube should be advanced - cm for ideal positioning . no pneumothorax . the left lung base is only partially imaged however opacity at the base of the left lung likely reflects atelectasis or aspiration . mild pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 14841168 54103570 1bc3bed7-2aa120b0-65805fec-266c7e92-f3eebc0a +2574 mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema is new . there is no pneumothorax . small-to-moderate left effusion has increased . small right effusion is stable . cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum are grossly unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 19454978 59405565 dfd72c95-382e12e2-f0574c76-793748ac-3dcf07f0 +2575 the monitoring and support devices are constant . constant size of the cardiac silhouette . constant right basal opacity, consisting of a combination of atelectasis and parenchymal consolidation . no new opacities . no pneumothorax . no larger left pleural effusion the lateral parts of the left sinus are not included on the image . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11880923 54089797 ced4ad92-0b5bdd09-b67b83a8-8f155ad4-de399934 +2576 small right pleural effusion, minimally larger than on . no pneumothorax . lungs essentially clear . marked enlargement and distortion of the cardiac silhouette by adjacent tumor is a longstanding phenomenon . there is no evidence of any hemodynamically significant pericardial involvement . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion 13023326 57583790 1cdaf07a-2bc25a95-58bb06b1-543156aa-39b0b6ef +2577 as compared to previous radiograph of , cardiomediastinal contours are stable in appearance . lungs are clear, with no new areas of consolidation to suggest the presence of pneumonia . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumonia 15114531 52382860 bbe6ecaf-aac06564-603fea4c-3e3026e0-8a5cb7c8 +2578 the monitoring and support devices are constant . moderate cardiomegaly with minimal fluid overload . retrocardiac atelectasis, combined to a small left pleural effusion . volume loss in the middle lobe . no newly appeared focal parenchymal opacities . no evidence of pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 52510525 c1bef603-3b1cf540-5d36a766-606c560d-9a61f31c +2579 available for comparison is the next preceding similar study obtained six hours earlier during the same day . the patient remains intubated, the ett in unchanged position . diffuse hazy densities over the right hemithorax appear unchanged . the previously described right-sided pleural chest tube remains, but has changed its position, it points more towards the mediastinum at the level of the hilum . no evidence of residual or newly developed pneumothorax . as before, there is some soft tissue emphysema in the axillary area and right lower neck . these findings are unchanged . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 17112432 56192054 d9a018f0-efb2820b-ed7a64b7-c05b8be3-12124812 +2580 portable ap upright chest radiograph was obtained . low lung volumes noted . allowing for this, the lungs appear clear . no large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiomediastinal silhouette appears normal . a calcified granuloma projects over the right lateral mid lung . bony structures are intact . no acute findings in the chest . No Finding 19928916 54375943 7022a121-c39c1e71-7fc1c7f7-d24120be-62decb00 +2581 a frontal upright view of the chest was obtained portably . interval removal of the right pigtail catheter with replacement with a right chest tube within the loculated right basilar pneumothorax, which is unchanged . volume loss in the right lung with surrounding pleural fluid is unchanged . the left lung is well expanded and clear without pneumothorax or effusion . surgical clips project over the epigastrium . aortic contour and left heart border are unchanged . unchanged right basilar pneumothorax . Pneumothorax 11569093 56084617 68a9dec9-436c84d0-572f0df9-18929544-6b237d3b +2582 portable upright ap chest radiograph left basilar opacities likely represent subsegmental atelectasis . the lung volumes are low but otherwise clear . there is no pneumothorax . no vascular congestion or large pleural effusions are evident . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . the colon is distended below the left hemidiaphragm . Atelectasis 17897339 57667222 13c8c746-5d1d71f5-af021e53-041a96c3-710e3730 +2583 since , there has been continued progressive consolidation involving the left lung with asymmetric opacification distributed throughout the right hemithorax most compatible with multifocal pneumonia . there are superimposed areas of bibasilar atelectasis . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable, with the heart borderline enlarged . there is tortuosity and atherosclerotic calcification within the thoracic aorta . increased asymmetric opacification involving the left lung compatible with worsening multifocal pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17206933 57571408 42ca3426-3c2dc573-7e2d42fe-aa2b9627-d888b47b +2584 there is increasing bilateral pulmonary opacifications consistent with worsening effusions, consistent with volume loss, and worsening pulmonary vascular congestion . the possibility of supervening pneumonia must be seriously considered in the appropriate clinical setting, and is difficult to evaluate due to the substrate of extensive pulmonary changes . dual-channel catheter, presumably due for hemodialysis ends in the right atrium . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15259244 54912258 2241b085-d8b05d1d-b5f91fce-e5b5e662-4e27dbc6 +2585 no relevant change as compared to the previous image . sternotomy wires and pacemaker in unchanged correct position . mild elongation of the descending aorta . status post valvular replacement . mild cardiomegaly . no pneumonia, no pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16043637 59044123 c055e51a-f8fe191f-bc7f8dd3-78c1727e-d50f9a14 +2586 ap view . there is evidence for increased density in the retrocardiac area in the left hemidiaphragm is indistinct . the lung bases are partially obscured by extensive costochondral calcification . the costophrenic sulci are blunted . bronchovascular markings are mildly increased, as before . the heart and mediastinal structures are unchanged as well . a double-lumen right internal jugular catheter has been inserted and terminates in the region of the lower superior vena cava . continued evidence of mild pulmonary vascular congestion and small pleural effusions . there is a suggestion of increased density in the retrocardiac area . this region could be better assessed by a lateral view if clinically indicated . a double-lumen right internal jugular catheter is in central position . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13881772 54247614 669b4965-be67a9dd-0ba00b96-3ed4d288-597c3f17 +2587 right internal jugular sheath ends at upper svc . a single mediastinal drain tube is present on the right side . the appearance of the post operative widened mediastinum is unchanged since . bilateral, confluent, lung opacities suggesting moderate pulmonary edema has improved asymmetrically on the left side, but unchanged on the right . pleural effusions, if any, is mild bilaterally . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10715477 51185902 b079d6bd-55655ce2-25867c4e-0deba6a1-8a159d08 +2588 single portable chest radiograph demonstrates dobbhoff tube coiled within the stomach with tip terminating within the mid esophagus . exam is otherwise unchanged . discussed these findings including those of the prior radiographs with , pa, at on at the time of discovery who reports the third and final radiograph demonstrated a well-positioned dobbhoff tube . No Finding&&Support Devices 17770657 52971146 486dfea4-dc27bc78-a4e9effa-c328c0ab-a8c3285e +2589 portable ap upright chest radiograph shows improved aeration at the right lung base, presumably status post right-sided thoracentesis . no pneumothorax is visible . the left hemidiaphragm remains obscured and there appears to be increased haziness of the mid and upper lung zone compared to the study from eight hours earlier . some of this may be exaggerated because of increased rotation . left-sided picc line tubing may be slightly pulled back and now is at the level of the mid superior vena cava . conclusion no visible pneumothorax status post thoracentesis presumably on the right . No Finding 14851532 53992179 bf704123-a17d33d9-d80aaea8-665e04f1-11a14368 +2590 dual lead left-sided pacemaker is again seen extending to the expected positions of the right atrium and right ventricle . no focal consolidation is seen . there is slight blunting of the posterior costophrenic angles which may be due to very trace pleural effusions . there is slight prominence of the interstitium which may be due to minimal interstitial edema . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . right proximal humerus hardware is seen but not well evaluated . possible trace pleural effusions and minimal interstitial edema . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19075045 59306733 74728f75-0a018add-11c546f2-e847b4e1-25501802 +2591 the right subclavian picc line extends to the mid-to-lower portion of the svc . bibasilar opacification has slightly decreased and the costophrenic angles are more sharply seen . tracheostomy tube remains in place, though the esophageal stent is no longer appreciated . of incidental note is residual contrast material within the colon . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 52265716 7fae50dc-e842fd35-6c58a208-ebb5638e-085450e9 +2592 the tip of the endotracheal tube projects cm above the carina . the tube could be advanced by cm . unchanged moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly with signs of mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema and a moderate right-sided pleural effusion . bilateral areas of atelectasis at the lung bases . no pneumothorax . right picc line in unchanged position . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 52759314 9b89dbe0-e7cb624a-a28136ca-4e93fa28-46f66f22 +2593 pa and lateral chest radiographs were provided . there is a subtle opacity in the right lower lobe that is concerning for early pneumonia . there is linear scarring in the left upper lobe from area of prior pneumonia that has resolved . the lungs are hyperinflated and the diaphragms are flattened, consistent with copd . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . there is no free air under the right hemidiaphragm . there are no acute osseous lesions . . possible early right lower lobe pneumonia . . left upper lobe scarring from prior pneumonia . . findings consistent with copd . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11052935 51882937 727f555b-ca31baa2-5a5d16fd-ca9b8960-5a9ce4e0 +2594 right picc terminates in the lower superior vena cava . right internal jugular catheter has been removed, with no visible pneumothorax . otherwise, similar radiographic appearance of the chest since recent study . No Finding&&Support Devices 19454978 57883497 8b277408-532884e8-ea3f5ba6-e619ee5e-8c820c0c +2595 pa and lateral views of the chest there are low lung volumes . the heart size is mildly enlarged . the aorta is unfolded . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion, with small amount of fluid seen within the fissures . additionally, patchy opacities in the lung bases likely reflect atelectasis . a small left pleural effusion is relatively unchanged compared to prior . no new areas of focal consolidation are present . there is no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13979643 52481248 c6264595-96860b66-fd1dfa5b-4697f3ba-214d913a +2596 compared to the prior exam, there is no significant interval change . No Finding 16751749 50090559 9756bc1b-1827e912-16df6958-c6ddb9e7-17098cf1 +2597 multifocal pneumonia including dense right lower lobe consolidation with abscess has not really changed much since . a pigtail catheter in the right lower lobe abscess is unchanged in position and presumably within the abscess cavity . residual stent is present . tracheostomy tube is in standard position . Consolidation&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13964474 55723242 c6fc2f03-81a6bf53-7ffb417f-7915891d-dbe2945c +2598 frontal and lateral chest radiographs consolidations within the right middle lobe and lingula are again seen, improved since . a focal right upper lobe consolidation is also less conspicuous . no new consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . there is associated right middle lobe volume loss with elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . a left-sided picc terminates at the cavoatrial junction . Pneumonia 16662264 53078182 a86e243b-eb7c225e-ad44bbf8-9125ef98-3d02d669 +2599 there is unchanged evidence of bilateral parenchymal opacities, constant on the right and minimally improving on the left . unchanged cardiomegaly and small bilateral pleural effusions . subsequent areas of basal atelectasis . unchanged position of the endotracheal tube and right-sided central venous access line . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10975446 53835190 32ddd325-e5d324e2-d240150b-5c00c3f0-fadd7c83 +2600 a single, frontal, pa radiograph of the chest was taken with the patient in upright position . there is mild interstitial edema and pulmonary vascular engorgement . no focal airspace consolidation is seen . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion . . no evidence of pneumonia . . mild congestive heart failure . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15131736 50083620 a652c914-9dee6fe8-96a798f8-8450007c-69a5592a +2601 the patient is status post coronary artery bypass graft surgery and apparently mitral valve replacement . the heart is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . there is a slight interstitial abnormality, suggestive of a state of very mild congestion, but no new focal opacity . a left-sided pleural effusion has resolved although mild scarring or atelectasis persists . bones are probably demineralized . findings suggesting mild pulmonary congestion . resolution of small left-side pleural effusion . Edema 15259244 53203970 42fd3d74-fe3267e7-82ffa036-96225174-327660f6 +2602 a new heterogeneous opacity is seen in the retrocardiac posterior left lower lobe suggestive of early infiltrate . the right lung is clear . the heart size is unchanged . there is no pulmonary edema, pleural effusions or pneumothorax . the cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours are normal . the mild compression deformities of two mid thoracic vertebral bodies are stable . no new fractures . new left lower lobe early pneumonia . these findings were discussed with dr . on by telephone . Pneumonia 19765968 59876822 ab062fe2-bf183eec-059ed8b1-b3b1917c-26fe6fdc +2603 the et and ng tubes have been removed . a right picc line terminates in the low svc . calcified left lung nodules are unchanged . the lungs are otherwise clear except for left basilar atelectasis . a small left pleural effusion has developed . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . no evidence of pulmonary edema . increased small left pleural effusion . stable moderate cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 57910301 a7d5115b-c9749937-8502636c-ce1d2580-57e370dc +2604 frontal and lateral chest radiographs the heart is mildly enlarged . again seen are widespread reticular opacities, denoting chronic interstitial disease, better seen on the ct examination from . no superimposed consolidation, pneumothorax, or pleural effusion is seen . No Finding 13475033 55966450 488be5c1-df6c98d6-5a8ab963-a827d34e-5a25ccc3 +2605 ap and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate stable bilateral low lung volumes with persistent elevation of the left hemidiaphragm with air distended bowel beneath . mediastinal contours are stable . the cardiac contour is not well evaluated due to elevation of the diaphragm . compared to prior study, there is increased pulmonary vascular congestion . no focal opacification concerning for pneumonia identified . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax evident . low lung volumes . no focal opacification concerning for pneumonia . mild prominence of the pulmonary vasculature may indicate mild volume overload . Pneumonia 18338007 50094334 ad2d9faa-b8c9c2ee-833f7217-e4abe541-ffbe0f8f +2606 the right pneumothorax has resolved . however, there has been continued increase in the pleural effusion which is now large and leaving only the right upper lobe aerated . there is no shift of mediastinal structures . there is no focal consolidation . the visualized portions of the cardiomediastinal silhouette are within normal limits . large right pleural effusion replacing the prior right pneumothorax seen on . results were relayed to by phone at pm . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 14387068 58911568 1b1b23db-a13b7b1e-1cdeca0e-a6d035c6-a4699be0 +2607 single ap semi-erect portable view of the chest was obtained . moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema is again seen . difficult to exclude underlying pleural effusions . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . there has been interval placement of a large-bore left-sided catheter, distal tip not optimally seen, but likely terminates in the cavoatrial junctionright atrium . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 17340686 57032496 f12f4aff-464794a0-43804b4b-647ac047-cc14b671 +2608 interval removal of a right-sided internal jugular central venous line . multiple metallic clips overlying the superior mediastinum are unchanged in position . lung volumes remain low leading to crowding of the bronchovascular structures . there is no evidence of focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19907884 55036801 6a92203f-216df921-4fce7d2a-acd7f2ac-ff08b6bf +2609 there is little change and no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . no plain radiographic evidence of interstitial lung disease . no hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy to radiographically suggest sarcoidosis . no acute focal pneumonia . No Finding 13448574 59329945 e8878eba-69ed4f98-5a498583-69912c0d-cf6a7773 +2610 appearance of the median sternotomy wires are unchanged . again noted is the biventricular icd implant one lead is seen in the right atrium, a second lead within the right ventricle but the tip of the third lead is not well visualized . there is slight improvement of underlying pulmonary edema compared to . again noted is a small left pleural effusion . the heart is enlarged . no evidence of pneumothorax . . interval biventricular icd placement . no evidence of pneumothorax . . slight improvement in pulmonary edema . Edema&&Support Devices 13896515 50498379 6a7ae1e7-25818d8d-e2aaca48-19d5034e-df932bae +2611 a port-a-cath terminates in the upper right atrium . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . fine reticulation associated with pulmonary fibrosis appears very similar within each lung in extent and distribution with no significant superimposed change . the lung volumes are low . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . multiple compression deformities including lower thoracic vertebroplasties appear unchanged . no evidence of acute disease . severe pulmonary fibrosis, not significantly changed . Pleural Other 10439781 56925922 bf36414d-6c371df9-7c7106e2-8b9991bc-f24f52d1 +2612 the patient has undergone right thoracocentesis . the right pleural effusion has almost completely been drained . there is no evidence for the presence of a right pneumothorax . the scars at the level of the right lung base and the left perihilar area and the left lung periphery are constant . the size of the cardiac silhouette is also unchanged . unchanged position of the right picc line . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 14851532 55391861 db947f2f-6fecfd69-1ed4dbf2-6e7c6fb8-a395c1b6 +2613 re- demonstrated is enlargement of the cardiomediastinal silhouette . there is elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . evaluation of the left lung base is less than optimal due to underpenetration from overlying body habitus although no definite focal consolidation is seen . pulmonary edema persists . no large pleural effusion seen . pulmonary edema and enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . no definite focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pneumonia 15131736 52718973 de92b434-5ef9d4ce-61d1d2b2-1b3efd95-949c6123 +2614 comparison is made to the patients prior study of , at . a single portable erect chest film at am . . right-sided internal jugular dual-lumen catheter is unchanged in position . there is worsening bilateral airspace and interstitial process, which most likely reflects worsening pulmonary and interstitial edema, possibly superimposed on underlying chronic interstitial changes . overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are difficult to assess given patient rotation on the current examination . no evidence of pneumothorax . probable small left layering pleural effusion . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18855147 57304510 6c24203f-eb2ae77d-f8dc8d4b-8ca91798-a6dddd76 +2615 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . as before, the patient is status post sternotomy, aortic valve replacement and bypass surgery . cardiomegaly as before . a right internal jugular approach central venous line remains in unchanged position and terminates in a location compatible with the upper portion of the right atrium . the diaphragmatic contours are bilaterally obscured and the lateral pleural sinuses are blunted . this is indicative of increasing pleural effusion in comparison with the previous portable postoperative chest examination . pulmonary vasculature remains congested with considerable perivascular haze . no pneumothorax is seen . the comparison is extended to multiple previous postoperative examinations, signs of pleural effusion and pulmonary congestion existed already earlier . on the preoperative chest examination of , significant cardiomegaly existed already at that time . the pleural spaces are practically free . continuing postoperative chf with bilateral pleural effusion apparently increasing slightly during latest examination interval . was informed via page . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12952223 52149367 89af9a9c-8f769cde-04b1cfb3-5ad98100-9e25d3a6 +2616 comparison is made to the patients prior study of at am a single portable semi-erect chest film at is submitted . the patient is markedly rotated to his left limiting evaluation of the cardiac and mediastinal contours . the heart remains enlarged . there has been interval removal of the endotracheal tube with placement of a tracheostomy tube, which has its tip at the thoracic inlet . the right subclavian picc line still has its tip in the distal svc . a nasogastric tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm with the tip projecting over the expected location in the stomach . patchy opacity in the retrocardiac region may reflect an area of atelectasis, although pneumonia cannot be entirely excluded . no evidence of pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . probable small layering left effusion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10268877 53883066 878341cc-7587aff2-e1f70246-3a29413e-36f37ddb +2617 compared with the recent radiographs, there has been interval improvement in the degree of pulmonary edema . the heart remains enlarged . no focal consolidation or pleural effusion . left-sided pacemaker remains in place . continued improvementresolution of pulmonary edema . no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . Edema&&Pneumonia 13896515 54879730 d974aeb8-59d6b3c0-b7dec6c1-a25cf20c-541f88c0 +2618 the lungs are clear . there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or edema . there is mild cardiomegaly and prosthetic valves . dense atherosclerotic calcifications noted in the thoracic aorta . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 18224196 59857884 832a229c-642318e5-0b042be6-fc394a0a-c8c99a46 +2619 previous pulmonary edema has not recurred . mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly is stable, and there is no change in the configuration of the thoracic aorta to suggest dissection, although that diagnosis is not excluded by the stable appearance on conventional chest radiographs . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion is present . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 12185775 52400146 4fe86d2a-a88e414b-d58dd0c1-51340b76-e7353509 +2620 the lateral images show that the right pleural effusion does not layer, which would be consistent with loculation . also, there is an increase in adjacent atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 13263843 52399735 d7a25de4-e2d563e2-93017e5e-4127bd89-0d081f33 +2621 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . the patient is status post median sternotomy with the superior most sternotomy wires again seen to be fractured . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15518538 59999362 fb713bef-44a802dc-179def5b-4baaedb7-991610c2 +2622 cardiomediastinal contours are normal . right lower lobe opacities have resolved . opacities in the lingula adjacent to a healed rib fractures are grossly unchanged . the lungs are hyperinflated . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . resolved opacities in the right lung ill-defined opacities in the lingula likely correspond to scarring, this is adjacent to healed rib fractures better seen in prior ct . Fracture&&Lung Opacity 16435402 56971397 9867f9b8-833b5f7f-18a67bac-b62caa15-7a215a2b +2623 single ap view of the chest . right chest wall port is again seen, catheter tip not clearly identified due to motion . the lungs are grossly clear . mild left basilar atelectasis versus scarring again noted . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . calcified ap window nodes are seen . osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 11413236 52164077 a17a8e28-46038399-4f9764d7-2338ca4c-6234bf11 +2624 in addition to previously discussed new right lower lobe opacity most likely representing atelectasis, there is interval development of pulmonary edema, moderate-to-severe, associated with bilateral pleural effusions . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12185775 50630947 ce406dad-094f4f88-1aa935f8-6d57f41b-219a6543 +2625 pa and lateral chest radiograph a right lower lobe lung nodule measuring mm is stable dating back to ct scan of . biapical post-radiation changes are unchanged . mediastinal and cardiac contours are stable . there is no pneumothorax . trace right pleural effusion cannot be excluded . bony coalition between the posterior arch of the sixth and seventh right ribs is congenital . vague opacity within the right middle lung is similar to findings of and may represent recurrent pneumonia . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14295224 55257496 7fb0f54f-a18826e9-05962b2b-66a603ac-a0991889 +2626 the lungs are well expanded and clear . area of increase density overlying the right hilum with a sharp lower margin is of unclear clinical significance . severe cardiomegaly is reidentified . the hilar contours are unremarkable . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . . area of increase density overlying the right hilum with a sharp lower margin is of unclear clinical significance . chest ct is recommended for further assessment . . severe cardiomegaly, unchanged . the impression was entered as an urgently flagged wet read on the ed dashboard by dr on at am after discussion with the attending as the patient was still in the ed . Cardiomegaly 12963531 58929701 db56399e-4f04b226-d9773c85-a6d565a6-04fe3904 +2627 the heart is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . there is an area of increased density which projects over the left cardiac border . otherwise, remaining lungs are clear . there are no pleural effusions, pulmonary edema, or pneumothorax . increased density along the left cardiac border for which further evaluation is recommended with oblique views . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . via telephone on at pm, at time of discovery . Lung Opacity 18767957 50753069 5c8c0263-8d94687e-2a7896c8-5682bae9-6aeefbc4 +2628 there is a right pleural effusion, the size of which is difficult to ascertain . there is unchanged bilateral lower lobe and right middle lobe collapse . the small left pleural effusion is unchanged . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are not well visualized . stable large right pleural effusion and increasing left pleural effusion . feasibility of of thoracentesis would best be evaluated with decubitus films . ultrasound guidance can also be considered . Pleural Effusion 10410641 56031350 74ab0576-165250aa-5fedc1a0-3f75f2c6-9f87fa70 +2629 there are low lung volumes . cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum are stable . extensive interstitial reticular abnormalities larger in the left perihilar and left lower lobe region are grossly unchanged allowing the difference in inspiratory effort of the patient without evidence of new abnormalities pneumothorax or effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 10867202 57033562 b7af070d-78068621-15eff16b-a70624dd-db393d15 +2630 there is a further improvement in extent and severity of the pre-existing pulmonary edema . edema is now mild . moderate cardiomegaly persists . no pleural effusions . no pneumonia, no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 18767957 55238104 92c32c82-12a62f9c-f28ef1de-aa6bdc04-c6946e9e +2631 there again is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary edema and bilateral pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis, worse on the right . ij catheter remains in place . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 58565744 f7444698-77590d7a-c6202efc-7ebaf856-eb1ee866 +2632 comparison to . the lung volumes remain relatively low and the cardiac silhouette is still substantially enlarged . however, the lung parenchyma has increased in transparent see, notably due to a decrease in extent of the pre-existing right pleural effusion and basilar atelectasis as well as an increase in radiolucency of the left upper lobe . no other relevant change is noted . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 55544509 ec82f84b-cccfc6e5-fa5fe314-b10d2e0f-0d272479 +2633 moderate pulmonary edema with small bilateral pleural effusions and areas of atelectasis at the lung bases . moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly . overall, low lung volumes . no newly appeared parenchymal opacities . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 59112340 e7f7234c-b9fe8996-8a54370a-0914218c-055c2477 +2634 the lungs are hyperinflated . an esophageal stent is in place . a right basilar opacity is significantly improved from . mild residual opacity may be scarring . no new opacity . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes and hilar contours are stable . blunting of the right costophrenic sulcus is unchanged . no left effusion or pneumothorax . loss of vertebral body height in the mid thoracic spine is unchanged . substantial clearing of the right lower lobe opacity . mild residual opacity is likely scarring rather than new pneumonia . no new opacity . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19016834 53458025 f3baaf80-a55a5d5c-780ab97b-5fade2b1-80096e7e +2635 dual-lead left-sided pacemaker terminates with leads in the proper position . chain sutures along the right lung base are again noted and appear stable . again visualized is a loculated small left pleural effusion as well as a small right pleural effusion, appearing stable in comparison to prior study . there is a new confluent patchy opacity in left lower lobe in comparison to the prior study, which may be representative of developing pneumonia . otherwise, the remainder of the lungs is clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette remains stable . the visualized osseous structures are stable . . stable small loculated left and small right pleural effusions . . heterogeneous opacity in the left lower lobe may be representative of developing pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13067703 59507972 2a04d342-b9a115ec-6a14561e-678580c9-d2feb9ec +2636 ap upright and lateral views of the chest provided . lung volumes are low with bibasilar atelectasis noted . perihilar bronchovascular crowding is also noted . the heart is likely within normal limits of size . no large effusion or pneumothorax . no convincing signs of pneumonia . bony structures are intact . limited, negative . No Finding 17147859 56619225 8146d764-df8a61cc-05eee7e7-2a09b0ca-af854e29 +2637 chest, single ap portable view the carina is not well delineated . allowing for this, the et tube lies approximately - . cm above the carina . an ng tube is present -- the tip extends beneath diaphragm, off film . additional tubing is looped over the upper abdomen in the midline . a right ij sheath is present, tip over distal ij, proximal to its point of confluence with the subclavian vessel . of note, a stent is present in this location . an additional stent is seen along the expected course of the left innominate vein . the lungs are hyperinflated . the heart lies to the left of midline, raising the question of some volume loss on the left side . there is increased retrocardiac density . there are prominent interstitial markings in both lungs, of uncertain etiology or significance . the hila are obscured by the interstitial markings . no gross effusion . innumerable calcific densities in the spleen suggest prior granulomatous disease . two calcified nodes are also seen along the expected course of the splenic artery . question also a calcified node in the neck . the bones appear diffusely dense . compared to , no definite change is detected . increased retrocardiac density consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation is again seen . . right ij sheath position appears slightly proximal to the right subclavian vein at the site where a stent is seen . there is also kinking of the sheath at the skin . correlation with specifics of clinical presentation is requestedtargeted review of the report from a chest ct refers to occlusion of the left subclavian vein stent . . left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation and minimal patchy opacity at the right base, unchanged . . extensive calcified granulomas, similar to prior . . diffusely increased osseous density . there is an extensive differential, which should be correlated with the clinical presentation . the differential includes changes due to osteodystrophy . in the appropriate clinical setting, osteosclerosis could have a similar appearance . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity 19061282 58645463 ac9317c6-52379372-d9464c93-abdb2215-2daad9f1 +2638 there has been no significant interval change . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . hilar contours are stable with possible minimal central vascular engorgement . no significant interval change . No Finding 18767957 56233609 9c67a2e3-68620391-2e5a5578-0433f757-1eba00c6 +2639 dual lead of left-sided pacemaker is again seen with leads extending to the expected positions of the right atrium and right ventricle, unchanged . patient is status post median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement, grossly stable . again seen is blunting of the left costophrenic angle suggesting pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis . underlying consolidation cannot be excluded . there is slight increase in opacity at the right lung base which may be due to atelectasis, although the appropriate clinical setting, early aspiration or pneumonia are not excluded . surgical clips are again seen projecting over the lateral right upper hemithorax . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 10850815 58393560 1bc3d3de-cd13c1cd-ce13e61d-5191632c-e3ae7b5c +2640 the heart is at the upper limits of normal size . linear calcification projects over the right lung apex . the lungs appear otherwise clear . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . vascular calcifications are widespread . no free air is demonstrated . there are moderate to severe degenerative changes involving each glenohumeral joints . mild degenerative changes are present along the visualized lower thoracic spine . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 12074041 54973829 f430ec0f-40b790de-a5178baf-9dd6c108-9fc32de6 +2641 the left chest wall pacemaker generator obscures portions of the left hemi thorax . no left chest tube is definitively visualized . lung volumes are lower with persistent retrocardiac opacity likely reflecting combination of effusion and atelectasisconsolidation . mild pulmonary edema appears stable . no chest tube visualized in the left hemithorax, possibly obscured by the pacemaker generator . recommendations consider repeat radiograph with pa and lateral technique . with dr . No Finding&&Support Devices 13896515 58088717 4f4c1ed7-5e3e7b32-534f3142-60dfa8a1-b5350381 +2642 there is continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . pulmonary vascularity is mildly engorged but less prominent than on the previous study . opacification at the bases with obscuration of the hemidiaphragms is consistent with bilateral layering effusions, more prominent on the left, with underlying compressive atelectasis . central catheter tip again extends to the upper to mid portion of the svc . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12185775 51826366 f9b1c946-2770d2d6-e7a89dc5-0e3d42e2-77117240 +2643 patient is known to have lymphangiomyomatosis . coarsened interstitial markings are compatible with known cystic lung disease . there is no superimposed consolidation to suggest pneumonia . no effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . bony structures are intact . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm . stable chronic lung disease compatible with . no superimposed pneumonia . No Finding 12303667 52329768 ab5d8429-a48d1b05-af73d020-ef1f6e53-30f8ae8d +2644 portable semi-upright radiograph of the chest demonstrates low lung volumes with resultant bronchovascular crowding . bibasilar consolidations may represent atelectasis or pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . there is a new lucency beneath the right hemidiaphragm concerning for intra-abdominal free air . right-sided picc line and to the mid svc . unchanged position of the aicd . no pneumothorax . . bibasilar consolidations may represent atelectasis or pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . . new lucency beneath the right hemidiaphragm is concerning for intra-abdominal free air . clinical correlation recommended . additional evaluation could be performed with repeat upright radiograph or left lateral decubitus radiograph . notification these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . telephone at on , minutes after discovery . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Pneumonia 12595991 58585557 036272e9-9052e7c2-444e59fd-86a7f36d-9dfe191a +2645 redemonstration of moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is noted . there is pulmonary vascular congestion consistent with edema . there is vague increased opacity at the left costophrenic angle which may reflect atelectasis versus a small pleural effusion . redemonstration of a left subclavian venous stent is again noted . there is no evidence of pneumoperitoneum . osseous structures are unchanged . . opacity at left costophrenic angle likely reflects atelectasis vs . pleural fluid . . pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13473495 52412265 a6aad5da-2b346586-e6b4b977-d71b3973-925a1eb1 +2646 et tube tip is . cm above the carinal . ng tube tip is in the stomach . cardiomegaly is substantial . vascular enlargement is severe with border lining interstitial pulmonary edema, unchanged . bilateral pleural effusions are most likely present . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15131736 52062934 f014bbdd-d959187e-caba9ce3-18da1106-ed34d3bc +2647 cardiac size is top normal . mediastinal contours are unremarkable . the lungs are clear . there is no evidence of pneumothorax or pleural effusion . spinal hardware is in place . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 57624554 cc20a4e8-45bd956d-683185d2-3f0e8eef-1e3d8993 +2648 left-sided pacer is again seen with three leads terminating over the expected location of the right atrium and right ventricle, respectively . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . there is diffuse air space process with more focal consolidation again seen in the left mid lung and at the lung bases . this is concerning for bilateral pneumoniaaspiration . in addition, the lungs remain hyperinflated and there is parenchymal distortion and apical bullous changes consistent with underlying emphysema . no pneumothorax is seen . there is blunting of the costophrenic angles which may represent chronic pleural thickening or small effusions . heart remains enlarged most likely representing cardiomegaly . in addition, the perihilar vasculature is somewhat more prominent and indistinct which suggests a component of superimposed perihilar edema . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14992360 58503033 32c1d55b-e82e8109-857245af-c7f729c8-050f2e67 +2649 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest is limited by underpenetration which is likely secondary to body habitus . the lungs appear clear, however it is not possible to exclude a consolidation in the lateral inferior costophrenic angles . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . the lungs appear clear, however it is not possible to exclude a consolidation in the lateral inferior costophrenic angles . No Finding 11928692 53222889 d1b9813f-08d920a6-85c9bb6f-c516c1ee-a56f9d38 +2650 there is no appreciable pneumothorax or pleural collection in the left chest following removal of the left pleural tube . right pleural tube still in place . left basal atelectasis is mild to moderate but unchanged . post-operative enlargement of the cardiomediastinal silhouette which improved between and is stable . no appreciable right pleural effusion . right subclavian line ends in the upper svc . transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacer leads unchanged in their respective positions . no pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 15144601 54398860 600bdfe3-0d53440d-a74bdb21-e9faee00-958ca49f +2651 heterogeneous left basilar opacities do not have a correlate on the lateral radiograph and are likely minimal atelectasis . the lungs are otherwise clear . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is not accompanied interstitial edema or pleural abnormality . mild to moderate cardiomegaly is chronic . the thoracic aorta is generally enlarged, very tortuous and moderately calcified but neither focally aneurysmal nor changed since at least . the patient has had midline sternotomy and cabg . a right cervical rib is seen . multilevel degenerative changes of the thoracic spine include unchanged wedging of a lower thoracic vertebral body . . mild left basal atelectasis no pneumonia . . chronic mild to moderate cardiomegaly and pulmonary venous hypertension, but no pulmonary edema . . chronically enlarged atherosclerotic thoracic aorta, with no focal aneurysm . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 16957952 57798090 3a8c9fa9-90b94fc1-484469e2-d0316be1-245e5d13 +2652 there is increasing left pleural effusion . in addition, there is increasing parenchymal opacity at the left lung base, potentially reflecting developing pneumonia . the pre-existing signs of mild pulmonary edema are constant in appearance . unchanged position of the sternal wires and the postoperative clips . unchanged left pectoral pacemaker . at the time of dictation and observation, am, on the , the referring physician, . findings were discussed minutes later over the telephone . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 18615099 50024272 fa9c8854-7c936fd0-4432d579-5cc2dc60-c78d9525 +2653 reference to prior studies is made . when compared to the most recent study, there is probably less overall congestive change, but this has revealed the lower lobe bronchial wall thickening . this is nonspecific, may reflect either failure or a bronchial infection . there is no pneumonia . the left lower lobe effusion may be marginally bigger than on the prior study . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16772702 50295031 8842c8de-2368b8c6-9d83207c-ccfaecfe-7ae284e6 +2654 interval placement of endotracheal tube terminating . cm above the carina, and a nasogastric tube terminating in the stomach . right internal jugular central venous catheter terminates in the proximal superior vena cava, with no visible pneumothorax . stable cardiomegaly accompanied by mild pulmonary vascular congestion . questionable small left pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14727722 57078645 8ead2e2f-a4d30f0e-d6091305-a771d78b-09e4f06d +2655 single frontal view of the chest demonstrates a left pectoral paceraicd with leads terminating in the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus . there has been interval removal of a right picc . prominent cardiac silhouette is unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . aortic arch calcifications are redemonstrated . the lungs are clear . no radiographic evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 12595991 52076561 bd31fe67-ad4d5454-2cfd7c09-13c04383-d38297ac +2656 there has been reaccumulation of pleural fluid at the right base with underlying compressive atelectasis following apparent thoracentesis . no evidence of pneumothorax . the remainder of the heart and lungs are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 12658295 57053848 32a7d189-41a4b4a2-2cbe2e58-67f6823b-94d7cb9b +2657 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged including stable cardiomegaly . there is no definite pleural effusion or pneumothorax . each hilum is mildly prominent, as before . prominence of each hilum is probably due to mild enlargement of central pulmonary arteries, not significantly changed . the lungs appear clear . similar enlargement of central pulmonary arteries, but no definite evidence for acute disease . No Finding 15131736 58470850 1b9a76c5-24e784cb-4a768979-edd5e575-042c91a0 +2658 right picc terminates in mid svc . left pectoral pacemaker has its leads terminating in right atrium and right ventricle . cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . prosthetic heart valve and median sternotomy wires are in unchanged position . there is no consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . right picc terminates in mid svc . no radiographic evidence of pneumonia . No Finding&&Support Devices 16043637 51017703 5764a70f-234a5a0d-42ae4b8f-b130f5c4-63dac3a1 +2659 bilateral lung volumes are lower . since yesterday, mild-to-moderately severe pulmonary edema has significantly improved . however, moderate right pleural effusion associated with right lower lung atelectasis and left lower lung atelectasis and small left pleural effusions are unchanged . the lung effusions and atelectasis obscuring the mediastinal border, thus assessment of the cardiomediastinum was limited . over last hours, mild pulmonary edema has significantly improved, moderate right and small left pleural effusion as well as bilateral lower lung atelectasis are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12952223 56354797 5c3a891f-05d81eb0-c4ade60a-d0b2c55e-b6856098 +2660 there is mild-to-moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . the heart is moderately enlarged but not significantly changed in size compared to . no definite pleural effusions are seen . there is no pneumothorax . mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema, likely cardiogenic . Edema 13473495 55153576 92ca8ae9-3cd416c1-c8b97c65-2d1a7560-3a11ae68 +2661 moderate cardiomegaly with tortuosity of the aorta and slight enlargement of the right hilus . this is likely due to pulmonary artery enlargement in the context of clinically evident pulmonary hypertension . minimal right pleural effusion . no left pleural effusion . no evidence of pulmonary edema or pneumonia . minimal areas of atelectasis at the right lung base . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 13978244 54843628 d1530705-a5f69e98-247896ff-71e118db-5ed1694c +2662 left upper lobe has collapsed again rendering the entire left lung airless . right lung is grossly clear . heart size is indeterminate . right pic line ends in the upper svc . stomach is moderately-to-severely distended . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16313531 56699078 efc15848-2e4788fd-35891eca-87c4c2a8-e9d28d15 +2663 there is little change in the substantial enlargement of the cardiomediastinal silhouette and moderate pulmonary edema with bilateral pleural effusions . monitoring and support devices remain in place . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10715477 50563564 8671643b-f06c27c8-91a43c5d-85161fe5-a1eb95b0 +2664 right internal jugular central venous catheter tip terminates in the mid svc . no pneumothorax is present . moderate cardiomegaly is again noted . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion, new since the prior study . there continued bibasilar patchy airspace opacities, not substantially changed in the interval . no large pleural effusion is present . right internal jugular central venous catheter tip in the mid svc . no pneumothorax . mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema&&Support Devices 17398573 52640725 6722c21a-9a65dc03-dbc8707e-83f326f7-09e1768c +2665 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . the lungs appear clear . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . a vascular stent, presumably within the right brachiocephalic vein, again projects over the medial right lung apex . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 14744884 50906117 3f80bbda-1c82f45d-788d2535-2c56bc02-94651d15 +2666 persistence of right middle lobe opacities obscuring the right heart border since is concerning for pneumonia . the rest of the lungs appear unchanged since . moderate bibasilar atelectasis is slightly improved . the heart size is exaggerated by compressive atelectasis . no pneumothorax . note is made of partial resection of the posterior rib . persistence of right middle lobe opacities since is concerning for pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11474065 50955371 835047f2-adf49b86-e80c6954-330c111c-da7aeea9 +2667 the left-sided pacemaker leads terminate in right atrium and right ventricle . heart size and mediastinum are unchanged . the right picc line tip is at the mid svc . minimal right basal atelectasis is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 19075045 51863226 afdc6101-9180ad47-d33f6956-0417a220-bd8284be +2668 the multifocal opacities on the current study appear to be progressed as compared to prior examination concerning for multifocal infection . there is small amount of right pleural effusion, slightly increased since the prior study . no definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is present, but it cannot be entirely excluded and reassessment of the patient after diuresis is recommended . the position of the pacemaker is slightly unclear, and although unchanged since prior examinations, still most likely is in the right ventricle . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13291370 57012952 13def5d7-feb09fc8-8219055b-5a1e8e13-789ecfcc +2669 comparison is made to the patients prior study of at am . a portable semi-erect chest film at is submitted . . interval placement of an intraaortic balloon pump, which has its tip within the aortic knob . pullback by approximately cm would be recommended to place the tip in the proximal descending aorta . the patients nurse, , was notified of this recommendation by phone on at pm . endotracheal tube, right internal jugular swan-ganz catheter, right internal jugular central line, right-sided pacemaker, and nasogastric tube are unchanged in position . the patient is status post median sternotomy with aortic valve replacement and the heart remains stably enlarged . there has been interval improvement in bilateral pulmonary edema with residual mild-to-moderate edema and layering bilateral effusions . there is retrocardiac opacity likely representing partial lower lobe atelectasis . no pneumothorax is appreciated . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13606683 59371598 e0c01c42-2132558f-c787b79d-98ea70a0-a03aeca7 +2670 large right and small-to-moderate left pleural effusions with adjacent atelectasis are unchanged . mild cardiomegaly and tortuous aorta are stable . the patient has been extubated . right ij catheter tip is at the cavoatrial junction . sternal wires are aligned . the patient is status post cabg . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12736592 53757292 b8991dd1-b02017c1-0315cf5a-47b0351c-5dc44ccc +2671 the right picc line tip is at the level of superior svc . heart size and mediastinum are unremarkable . right lung volume is relatively low, unchanged . the patient is after right upper lung surgery with unchanged appearance of the right hemithorax . no new consolidations to suggest interval development of infectious process is seen . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Consolidation&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19907884 58347871 8b9346c1-14e39176-24f6eec8-c0ab7ae7-df0ce0c9 +2672 the lateral radiograph is essentially nondiagnostic due to underpenetration likely due to patient body habitus . on frontal radiograph, lung volumes are low with bibasilar atelectasis . evaluation is somewhat limited due to patient body habitus . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . double-lumen central venous catheter appears similarly positioned . mild interstitial edema persists . no pneumothorax is seen . limited study with persistent mild interstitial edema and cardiomegaly . bibasilar opacities, atelectasis, can not exclude infection . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13473495 59702344 d52c36ac-6e608971-bbafb23d-06547ea6-1979d9e3 +2673 left picc tip is seen terminating in the region of the distal left brachiocephalic vein . tracheostomy tube is in unchanged standard position . the heart is moderately enlarged . marked calcification of the aortic knob is again present . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is similar . bibasilar streaky airspace opacities are minimally improved . previously noted left pleural effusion appears to have resolved . no pneumothorax is identified . percutaneous gastrostomy tube is seen in the left upper quadrant . . left picc tip appears to terminate in the distal left brachiocephalic vein . . mild pulmonary vascular congestion . . interval improvement in aeration of the lung bases with residual streaky opacity likely reflective of atelectasis . interval resolution of the left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10268877 50239281 0c69d156-6f5f3a89-7d361367-57f8c979-583ef198 +2674 the monitoring and support devices remain in place without definite pneumothorax . the left lung remains essentially clear except for some atelectatic changes at the base . extensive subcutaneous emphysema again persists along the right lateral chest wall . opacification along the mediastinal border on the right again could reflect collection of pleural fluid . the development of hematoma cannot be excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19991135 54602632 715d0cdc-ddee4d9b-b5a28b77-350e1063-bc606f0d +2675 bilateral lung volumes remain low . pulmonary vascular congestion has significantly decreased . over the last hours, the right lower lung opacity likely from atelectasis and effusion has significantly decreased . left retrocardiac opacity due to a left lower lung volume loss and probably associated small effusion is unchanged . mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . orogastric tube is seen to course below the diaphragm into the stomach and is appropriate . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18079481 52227426 18538733-4a1be639-4094697f-10affe45-2dcbc4f7 +2676 no focal opacities are noted in the right lung . chain sutures in the right upper lung region are from prior resection . there is a . cm nodule in the left mid lung is unchanged compared with prior exam . otherwise, there are no new focal opacities . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the sternotomy wires are intact and multiple surgical clips are noted in the lower thorax . external monitoring devices are noted . stable appearance of left lung nodule better characterized on ct chest dated . Lung Lesion 16334516 53602937 4e978740-b97d9a2c-f97c4610-4dd52d72-5cb121ef +2677 portable ap semi-upright view of the chest was provided . patient is quite rotated to the left which limits the evaluation . the heart is enlarged which could in part reflect leftward rotation . there is a left pleural effusion which is small in size . there is a small area of consolidation in the left upper lobe which could represent a small focus of pneumonia . mild pulmonary edema is present . atherosclerotic calcifications at the aortic knob noted . bony structures are intact . pulmonary edema, left upper lobe focal consolidation could represent pneumonia . small left pleural effusion . cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15541869 50553646 912e2ddc-d5d8cb35-d2736bcd-4a25d08f-ee68cba1 +2678 overlying trauma board limits evaluation . endotracheal tube tip terminates approximately cm from the carina . orogastric tube is noted within the stomach and the tip projects off the inferior borders of the film . bilateral chest tubes are noted terminating near the lung apices . left subclavian central venous catheter tip terminates within the upper svc . the heart size is normal . the superior mediastinum is widened . small bilateral pneumothoraces are present . minimal streaky opacity is noted in the left lung base, which could reflect atelectasis . more focal opacity is also seen within the left mid lung field, which is nonspecific . no pleural effusion is identified . there are multiple bilateral rib fractures noted . . lines and tubes in standard positions . . widened superior mediastinum . subsequent ct of the torso demonstrated an extensive type a aortic dissection . . small bilateral apical pneumothoraces . . streaky opacity left lung base may reflect atelectasis . more focal opacity in the left mid lung field is nonspecific but could reflect an area of aspiration or contusion . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 19914761 56042355 43fd9f86-bafca6c3-8e89eb75-eccccb60-bdf29257 +2679 feeding tube tip in the distal stomach . central line, endotracheal tube have been removed . sternotomy, valve replacements . small bilateral pleural effusions have worsened . left basilar atelectasis or infiltrate, worsened . right basilar atelectasis, worsened . increased heart size, more prominent . mildly prominent pulmonary vascularity . feeding tube tip in the distal stomach . worsened pulmonary findings . No Finding&&Support Devices 18224196 59144799 ba021d0f-a80b547a-f46e1b2b-5b0a8ce9-3507868f +2680 the monitoring and support devices, including the temporal right pacemaker, have all been removed . the patient is in unchanged moderate pulmonary edema, with moderate cardiomegaly but without pleural effusions . no newly appeared parenchymal opacities . unchanged mild atelectatic changes at the lung bases . no other relevant changes . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 11893091 53794474 f0e71e50-eb720bc4-ed412179-8b07b163-cd37195b +2681 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate low lung volumes, which accentuate bronchovascular markings . marked elevation of bilateral hemidiaphragms is longstanding . there is near-complete resolution of small bilateral pleural effusions seen on exam . there is no pulmonary edema . hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . heart size is top normal . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . in comparison to exam, there is interval near-complete resolution of bilateral pleural effusion . no pulmonary edema . No Finding 18338007 54013815 703e42a5-6b45dc45-ddce2dde-27e08236-58af4c95 +2682 continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary vascular congestion and bilateral pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis . central catheter remains in place . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12185775 56143620 b529320a-394d7b79-a3e8c3da-c28c6b94-7ec08b51 +2683 the patient has undergone right thoracocentesis . the extent of the pre-existing pleural effusion has substantially decreased . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the signs indicative of mild-to-moderate interstitial pulmonary edema are also improved, but the heart continues to be large and the contours of the left hilus continue to be bulging outwards . atelectasis at the left and right lung bases are unchanged . no evidence of pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 12847817 58371032 3c920897-9646c09a-68473fee-614861c4-7a9780f1 +2684 the monitoring and support devices are unchanged . slight progression of the bilateral basilar areas of atelectasis . minimal further enlargement of the cardiac silhouette . otherwise, the lung parenchyma is unchanged . no pneumothorax, no larger pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 18322589 52428827 f4adee4b-4f00cc47-63f9ed2a-b4432064-a81ec91c +2685 the patient remains intubated with the et tube tip being approximately . cm above the carina . the left internal jugular line tip is at the junction of brachiocephalic vein and svc . the right internal jugular line tip is at the level of superior svc . ng tube tip passes below the diaphragm terminating in the stomach . heart size and mediastinum are stable in appearance including cardiomegaly . minimal interstitial pulmonary edema is unchanged . bibasal left more than right areas of atelectasis associated with small bilateral pleural effusions are noted . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18906643 50566099 155bc756-c4c5c4a9-5db23266-7de1babe-65b89b7b +2686 again seen are chronic interstitial changes predominantly in the right lower and left mid and lower lungs . however, there is increased density of opacification in the right lower hemithorax concerning for developing infection . considerations include atypical infection, though asymmetric pulmonary edema is possible . given history of lung malignancy, lymphangitic carcinomatosis is also a consideration . underlying fibrotic changes are grossly similar with predominantly paramediastinal and lingular distribution . no pneumothorax or significant pleural effusion is seen . the heart size is enlarged, however, unchanged . of note, on the ct of , there was a small pericardial effusion . there are atherosclerotic calcifications of the aortic arch . diffuse interstitial opacities increased predominantly in the right lower lung, concerning for developing infection . given history of lung carcinoma, however, lymphangitic spread of carcinoma as well as asymmetric pulmonary edema are possibilities . Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14722763 56753518 ab680048-8257c201-858ba25c-718b230c-186cf3f4 +2687 compared to most recent prior exam, there has been little interval change . no new consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is appreciated on this single frontal view . heart size is enlarged . the aorta is calcified . right-sided hemodialysis catheter terminates in the right atrium, as seen previously . stable chest radiograph . no significant edema . No Finding 17340686 55469953 6ff741e9-6ea01eef-1bf10153-d1b6beba-590b6620 +2688 the heart is again mildly enlarged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . pleural effusions have more fully resolved . there is persistent patchy opacification of the right mid upper and left upper lungs, which are background findings . streaky left basilar opacity also has improved . pulmonary edema has more fully resolved . a picc line again terminates in the superior vena cava . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 14851532 50821093 f0c7fed9-f0dd13bd-29757304-7d67a895-423549b2 +2689 the evidence of pulmonary edema, of moderate severity, is unchanged . the patient has been extubated and the nasogastric tube has been removed . only the right internal jugular vein catheter persists . the ventilation at the left and right lung base is improved . there is unchanged evidence of scarring in the left mid lung and evidence of right basal pleural calcifications . no newly appeared focal parenchymal opacity suggesting pneumonia . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17838301 57255382 e5382fdb-74985bc4-2fb7ed30-c1708f5c-3f136ee4 +2690 cardiac silhouette is enlarged and accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion . persistent moderate right and small left pleural effusions with adjacent basilar lung opacities, which probably reflect atelectasis, although coexisting pneumonia is possible in the appropriate clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12952223 50551136 2ff42829-e2419fdc-267d447a-f0ece038-e2161c61 +2691 as compared to the prior study, there is redemonstration of the expected left mediastinal shift on this pa and lateral view . there is interval increase in the amount of fluid content of the left hemithorax with elevated air-fluid level as expected . several loculated air collections are still seen within the left hemithorax . right lung is clear . there is no right pleural effusion or pneumothorax . continued surveillance is recommended . No Finding 12410066 57525852 07a02d8b-728a76a1-cb80919e-78d7a90f-cf5a5fb2 +2692 heart size is normal . mediastinal widening is unchanged compatible with mediastinal lipomatosis with a tortuous aorta again noted . the hilar contours are unremarkable . pulmonary vasculature is normal . linear opacity within the lingula is compatible with subsegmental atelectasis . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . no acute osseous abnormality is identified . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 17337033 57289014 a30e7a85-23910be3-967d6653-109accd7-e4101dcf +2693 there is interval progression of left mid-lower lung opacities that appear to be more pronounced than on the prior chest ct from . in conjunction with severe emphysema, they most likely represent interval development of infectious processaspiration . there is minimal vascular engorgement, but no overt pulmonary edema . small amount of left pleural effusionpleural thickening is unchanged . heart size is enlarged, unchanged . post-sternotomy wires are unremarkable . the pacemaker defibrillator leads terminate in the expected location of right atrium, right ventricle, and left ventricle epicardial leads . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13606683 55496973 b3024f42-1bf6d070-0df335f6-854c6de4-e8edb406 +2694 there again is enlarged of the cardiac silhouette in a patient with intact midline sternal wires and pacemaker device in place . engorged and indistinct pulmonary vessels are consistent with increasing pulmonary venous congestion . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 13896515 50010747 77e614cb-6c987153-793f83ce-20c1f507-f6a49f49 +2695 since the prior examination, interstitial pulmonary edema is resolved . there are no focal opacities concerning for pneumonia . there is a trace left pleural effusion . there is no right effusion . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable demonstrating mild tortuosity of thoracic aorta and cardiomegaly . pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits . . no evidence of focal pneumonia . . interval resolution of interstitial pulmonary edema . No Finding 13484161 51009376 e120ed69-a974706b-30acf181-38be212f-48eb872d +2696 pa and lateral views of the chest comparison is made to . in comparison to prior exam, there is increase in the vascular markings consistent with cardiac failure . no sizeable pleural effusion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is top normal in size . the lungs show no focal opacities concerning for an infectious process . compression deformity at approximate t vertebrae . Edema 10449297 54773340 c030b6d3-bd30c805-6a5b4a1c-43939f5d-e533cace +2697 left lung lavage was recently done, explaining probably the increased density of left middle lung . there is a small left pneumothorax measuring to mm . mild pulmonary edema is new . pleural effusions are small, if any . minor fissure on the right side is slightly thickened with an atelectatic band in right lower lung . mediastinal and cardiac contours are moderately enlarged . aortic knob calcification is unchanged . patient had prior sternotomy for aortic valve, mitral valve and tricuspid valve repair . conclusion . left middle lung increased density is probably related to recent lavage . . left apical pneumothorax is small . . pulmonary edema is also mild . this has been discussed with . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumothorax 19182863 55145381 bce5d9b0-6d67ccea-45044d9d-e4136b2d-643464ce +2698 the monitoring and support devices are constant . low lung volumes . moderate cardiomegaly . mild to moderate pulmonary edema . no larger pleural effusions . retrocardiac atelectasis . no new focal parenchymal opacities . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15131736 53481305 374a4a0d-c236bc19-25ea8b17-2f7f41cb-2b323110 +2699 median sternotomy wires are again seen with fractures of the superior most wires . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . lungs are well expanded and clear . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15518538 59504476 70ad5a5e-35834f2a-a5619c1e-5deaac58-b6657063 +2700 the lung volumes are low . there is similar mild relative elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . the heart is at the upper limits of normal size . the lungs appear clear . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . there has been little if any change . no evidence of acute disease . No Finding 13202100 51265278 0d5def63-8ca29ddc-bf6bde42-fab8887f-19a6e96c +2701 there has been interval placement of a right ij approach tunneled hd catheter, the tip of which projects over the expected location of the right atrium . lung volumes remain somewhat low, and there is interval increase in bibasilar airspace opacity, right greater than left, concerning for right lower lobe pneumonia . small-moderate right greater than left pleural effusions are increased . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is top normal for size, and unchanged from prior . mediastinal contours remain normal . . interval hemodialysis catheter placement, the tip of which projects over the expected location of the right atrium . . new development of bilateral lower lobe atelectasis andor pneumonia, with moderate right and small left pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11880923 53367019 226379d0-ea16df78-cc85e54b-2f773a4c-8afb5ba2 +2702 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 15659181 56440919 7358c522-a008ba73-ad82f64d-377361fe-34cb3b0a +2703 low lung volumes and elevation of the left hemidiaphragm are similar to prior . pulmonary vascular markings are indistinct, compatible with mild pulmonary edema . left base atelectasis is present . no substantial pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal contours are stable . mild pulmonary edema with low lung volumes . Edema 18338007 58003864 20973f59-31a0c792-a3f0870b-bebcadce-934a76f3 +2704 there is no focal consolidation . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart is mildly enlarged . the mediastinal contours are normal . the median sternotomy wires are again seen, three of which are fractured . the wire located third from the top has a fracture fragment oriented posteriorly . the mediastinal clips are stable . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . three fractured median sternotomy wires . the wire located third from the top has a fracture fragment oriented posteriorly . Fracture 19499595 58099159 cf85ad05-11574785-5d5c24bc-5931200b-df7f068a +2705 mild pulmonary edema is improved from prior exam . dilated main pulmonary artery is seen, compatible with pulmonary arterial hypertension . no large effusion is seen on this supine film . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is moderately enlarged but stable . left-sided double lumen central venous catheter is seen with tip in the right atrium . degenerative changes are seen in the right humeral head, better characterized on the dedicated exam . surgical sutures are noted in the right upper quadrant . . mild pulmonary edema, improved from the prior study . . dilated main pulmonary artery, compatible with pulmonary arterial hypertension . Edema 17340686 52918822 b9b1f6e8-15e667f7-ded64b1b-841d8028-ebf79954 +2706 since the previous radiograph, there has been continued improvement in the previously described pulmonary edema . there are moderate bilateral effusions, which are unchanged . there are small bibasilar hazy opacities consistent with atelectasis . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . cervical hardware is again noted . . continued improvement in pulmonary edema . . moderate bilateral pleural effusions . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13586204 54073075 06da0b0e-ad407abe-e199913d-e079da96-22a7c445 +2707 the patient has taken a better inspiration . the heart is normal in size and there is again evidence of intact mediastinal wires and aortic valve replacement . specifically, no pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . No Finding&&Support Devices 16043637 59826977 9844f097-34ee5bca-c0ab33dd-1b830d21-0df9b00d +2708 compared with , at pm, the radiographic appearance is stable . again seen is background copd, with extensive parenchymal scarring, cardiomegaly, and moderately large right effusion with underlying collapse andor consolidation . increased opacity in the right infrahilar region and pleural thickening and scarring with retraction in the left upper zone as well as blunting of the left costophrenic angle and scarring at the left base . left vascular stent noted . prior old right-sided rib fractures again noted . copd with extensive pleuralparenchymal scarring, right effusion with underlying collapse andor consolidation, and right infrahilar opacity are unchanged compared with . the right-sided changes should be followed to conclusion to exclude underlying mass . the left apical scarring should also be followed over time to exclude an underlying neoplasm . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 13849733 51947909 bc8db468-b178d3ba-03bdb07d-16e95e5f-775875b8 +2709 there is increased prominence of opacification adjacent to the right lateral chest wall . it is unclear whether this could merely reflect change in degree of obliquity of the patient or whether there is a reason to suggest increased fluid within the pleural space . the right hemidiaphragm remains sharp and there is nothing to indicate layering pleural effusion . this information has been telephoned to dr . , was covering for dr . . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19389547 55499601 47168ca2-46fb63bc-f859ecb2-d1a48369-fbc2f3cf +2710 bilateral perihilar and right basal parenchymal opacities have completely resolved . the lung parenchyma is now free of infectious changes or atelectasis . no pulmonary edema . no pleural effusions, valvular calcifications . no pulmonary nodules or other neoplastic or infectious lesions . Pneumonia 16508811 52215519 9367b100-a7a0afff-943d155e-be050317-86dce692 +2711 no relevant change is seen of the sternal wiring . monitoring and support devices are constant in appearance . constant low lung volumes with bilateral small pleural effusions and subsequent areas of atelectasis . moderate cardiomegaly . no new parenchymal opacities . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 54726507 018a20b6-6f0efbba-f043405f-e1af115c-a30fa5ed +2712 comparison to prior study dated . portable erect chest film at is submitted . . right internal jugular dual-lumen large-bore catheter unchanged in position with the tip in the right atrium . overall, cardiac and mediastinal contours are stably enlarged given patients rotation . lung volumes are diminished . there is perihilar fullness and indistinctness of the pulmonary vasculature which would favor pulmonary edema rather than an acute infectious process . however, clinical correlation would be advised as this could reflect an atypical infection . no large effusions . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14841168 57693388 0ac866f1-b3bfe12a-db469934-8e3130a5-407a9e34 +2713 the ng tube tip passes below the diaphragm, most likely terminating in the stomach . there is no change in the appearance of the right chest tube, left subclavian line and et tube . extensive subcutaneous air collections are widespread throughout the entire chest . bilateral focal consolidations within the lungs appear unchanged . Consolidation&&Support Devices 16751749 57787040 3d1d93b1-6b91fadd-c1b40a43-382aef3b-639c3488 +2714 and moderate to severe pulmonary edema is increased from the prior examination . no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia is seen . no significant pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there is moderate cardiomegaly . a left-sided port is unchanged . there are multiple vertebroplasties . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 10439781 52737492 eae4f18b-52b36d2b-1d522da3-36dfb123-0de8cd13 +2715 bilateral pleural effusions of mild-to-moderate extent, left more than right, have newly appeared . bilaterally, these leads through mild basal areas of atelectasis . overall, the lung volumes have decreased . the tracheostomy tube, the nasogastric tube and the ecg leads are constant . on the right, the pre-existing right internal jugular vein catheter in the subclavian catheter has been replaced by a right-sided picc line . the tip of the picc line projects over the mid-to-lower svc . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . at the time of observation and dictation, am, the referring physician, . , was paged for notification, . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 56200127 b0ac58d9-2a6c6e67-a28d32ad-e75154c0-4a90359a +2716 the heart size is normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . the pulmonary vascularity is normal . diffuse increased interstitial markings are similar when compared to the prior study and compatible with the patients known history of lymphangiomyomatosis . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . no acute osseous abnormalities are visualized . partially imaged is fusion hardware within the lumbar spine . widening of the right acromioclavicular interval likely reflects remote trauma . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . chronic lung changes compatible with lymphangiomyomatosis . No Finding 12303667 51202805 f13c668b-a7cbd8c4-3de552f9-4c0921fe-7c8b4a12 +2717 previous mild pulmonary edema has cleared, moderate left and small-to-moderate right pleural effusion and substantial bibasilar atelectasis are still present and moderate enlargement of the postoperative cardiac silhouette which decreased from through is stable . no pneumothorax . right internal jugular sheath ends at the origin of the svc and a feeding tube passes into the stomach and out of view . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18224196 50425819 845cab57-7175f1f2-caf520b2-83bdf74a-434a7206 +2718 as compared to prior radiograph of day earlier, subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum are again demonstrated . bilateral pneumothoraces are not clearly identified on todays exam . heterogeneous opacities in the right lung are similar, and exam is otherwise remarkable for worsening left basilar atelectasis with adjacent small left pleural effusion . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 11474065 59648796 370db7dd-bdd6ffce-5e0e6b83-bc6f534f-61ce5045 +2719 a left pectoral dual-lead pacer with trans-subclavian lead extending to the right atrium and right ventricle is in unchanged position . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . hyperexpansion suggests underlying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . new from prior study, there are multifocal lower and middle lobe parenchymal opacities . given the provided history and the apparent lack of infectious symptoms, these could represent amiodarone toxicity . this suggestion is supported by the increased density of the liver from to . the hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion or pulmonary edema to suggest congestive failure . new multifocal parenchymal opacities in the lower and middle lobes bilaterally, which given concurrent increased hepatic density from to , could represent amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity . differential would includes infectious processes in the proper clinical setting or organizing pneumonia . ct could be considered for further evaluation . this was discussed with dr at noon by dr on via phone . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10754184 54594848 36d187c2-a2f1c238-25e77d89-19d5e8b8-ca837472 +2720 lines and tubes stable right ij line tip position . lungs low lung volumes with mild worsening of pulmonary edema . pleura small left pleural effusion . mediastinum stable cardiomegaly . bony thorax no change mild interval worsening of pulmonary edema with unchanged left pleural effusion and cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16508811 59842151 430e6100-bae3aa34-d72132a7-2c61b505-8d2056bb +2721 multiple right rib deformities are noted along the right lateral rib cage . areas of pleuroparenchymal scarring are noted in the underlying lung . otherwise, the lungs appear clear bilaterally without focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . bony structures appear stable without definite signs of an acute fracture . no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . stable deformity along the right lateral rib cage . no acute findings . No Finding 12136799 51835810 03da26e7-8b50eef0-1b7ebc08-6a620d75-b320cbc4 +2722 tip of the wire in the left pic line ends at the junction of brachiocephalic veins, and the catheter extends at least cm beyond that point into the upper svc . large bullae at the lung bases are responsible for atelectasis . heart is mildly enlarged, unchanged . lungs are otherwise clear, and there is no pulmonary vascular engorgement or edema . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 18512911 54657707 a93cd149-9d1bdad3-ca3f7d1d-1e6235b5-9cde6b9c +2723 frontal and lateral chest radiographs the patient is slightly rotated . the heart size is normal . the hilar and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . there has been interval increase in central pulmonary vessel prominence and interstial opacities, representing mild edema . increased linear atelectasis at the left base is seen . there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion . no free intrabdominal air is detected on this upright study . Edema 19028690 55086195 7b9c311b-b511e83b-75a5a6cf-d46efb9d-ac034314 +2724 comparison to . no relevant change . moderate cardiomegaly . low lung volumes . mild to moderate pulmonary edema . the right basilar atelectasis . retrocardiac atelectasis . no larger pleural effusions . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Support Devices 14841168 58881734 05497016-015d9fb6-1dcbc401-ad586ed8-ff4595d4 +2725 pa and lateral chest views have been obtained with patient in upright position . there is evidence of sternotomy and previous bypass surgery with moderate cardiac enlargement . the pulmonary vasculature demonstrates an upper zone redistribution pattern, but no conclusive evidence for interstitial or alveolar edema is present . bilateral pleural space thickenings are seen along the lateral lower chest walls measuring up to and cm at the bases . the pleural densities extend into the posterior compartments as identified on the lateral view . there is no evidence of new acute pulmonary parenchymal infiltrates . no evidence of pneumothorax exists in the apical area . when comparison is made with the next preceding portable chest examination of , the described mostly basal located pleural thickenings were similar and appear rather stable . the pulmonary vasculature appears, however, now slightly more congested . review of previous pa and lateral chest examinations from , and demonstrated that the pleural thickenings existed already at that time . considering the rather stable pleural thickenings could consider that they are at least in part organized and represent scar formations in this patient with history of end-stage renal disease . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other 16360107 52578881 535db340-f9e90089-14252bfc-a0e9b1d2-7b3b4baa +2726 the patient is status post sternotomy and both mitral and aortic valve replacements . moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . there is new mild-to-moderate relative elevation of the right hemidiaphragm which suggests volume loss and a patchy opacity in the right lower lobe has increased and is worrisome for pneumonic consolidation . there is probably also some degree of new opacification in the right middle lobe . a vague opacity is also new in the right suprahilar region in the right upper lobe, potentially an early focus of pneumonia . there is no definite pleural effusion . findings suggest multifocal pneumonia involving the right lung . Pneumonia 19182863 52786632 6a7b83c9-7b7c6ba9-09d85de8-a76f1aa7-4fd0e047 +2727 frontal and lateral views of the chest a dominant right cavitary lesion is stable in size but demonstrates slightly less fluid and more gas than on the study . the smaller cavitary lesion at the right lung apex is stable in appearance . the left upper lobe consolidation has slightly decreased in size although the small area of central lucency is stable in size . bilateral areas of ground-glass and patchy opacities appear overall stable in appearance and distribution . observed findings are consistent with widespread pulmonary infection . there are no new areas of consolidation . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Consolidation&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 17270742 59121133 9ec0cfcc-56c60789-9ba97090-78a9c166-1429115f +2728 lung volumes low with bibasilar atelectasis and increased bilateral alveolar opacities and bilateral pleural effusions . ng tube has been advanced now terminating in the stomach although the side port is difficult to visualize . other indwelling monitoring and support devices are stable and appropriate position . moderate pulmonary edema and small bilateral pleural effusions worse from . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15131736 56536391 108c4783-1499c826-2bf7748a-8beb06c1-d8a2c88f +2729 there is a mild-to-moderate left pneumothorax with rightward mediastinal shift more apparent than on portable chest radiograph at pm . the small right pneumothorax is stable . there is also a moderate left pleural effusion . bilateral pigtail catheters are in place . the heart size remains normal . there is no focal consolidation . . new mild-to-moderate left pneumothorax with mild rightward shift of the mediastinum . . stable right pneumothorax . . moderate left pleural effusion . the case was discussed by dr . with dr . . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 10410641 59980986 380fda55-d2283afd-511dcad7-803d3b6a-ed8c6b64 +2730 a port-a-cath type catheter is present, with lead tip over svcra junction . a right ij central line is present, replacing the previou sheath, with tip over proximal svc . the patient is status post sternotomy . there is enlargement of cardiomediastinal silhouette, unchanged compared with . there is upper zone redistribution and mild interstitial edema, improved . there is increased retrocardiac density, consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation, also slightly improved . hazy opacity at the right base is also slightly improved . probable small bilateral effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12124741 55477134 b057552d-dcaef0e0-258a2453-37c600b2-d8d2b31f +2731 the patient has been extubated . the nasogastric tube has been removed . there are moderate bilateral pleural effusions with relatively substantial areas of atelectasis . size of the cardiac silhouette cannot be determined . no evidence of new parenchymal opacities suggesting pneumonia . a left internal jugular vein catheter remains in situ . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11569093 54670469 a238199b-93d2aa00-f4451329-26e4438c-e170ad89 +2732 lung volumes are low which somewhat limits evaluation . fluid is noted tracking along the fissural surfaces . mild interstitial pulmonary edema is noted . there is no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable with an unfolded thoracic aorta . bony structures are stable with multiple lower thoracic and upper lumbar compression fractures better assessed on a prior ct torso from . ivc filter is partially visualized in the upper abdomen on the lateral view as well as surgical clips in the upper quadrant . interstitial pulmonary edema . Edema 13979643 57005451 a3ebe8b0-1678004d-48fa1d7d-c4d3b940-5f7a57d2 +2733 the lungs are clear of consolidation, effusion or pulmonary vascular congestion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable in configuration . vascular coronary stent is also notednodular opacity projecting over the right mid lung laterally is compatible with callous from prior rib fracture . chronic changes noted at the proximal left humerus suggestive of prior trauma . no acute osseous abnormality detected . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19549821 55593187 318e2d2a-cd564b66-987b939f-2b0ded80-8fc82ad2 +2734 the bilateral areas of atelectasis at the lung bases, left more than right, are present in unchanged manner . minimal postoperative opacity at the left lung base that should receive attention on further followups . the right internal jugular vein catheter is unchanged . no overt pulmonary edema . no evidence of pneumothorax . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 14851532 51478052 f9a786b3-b5473ac8-3f0d1596-bc19198f-2a6ccc1c +2735 the inspiratory lung volumes are decreased from the most recent prior study . increased opacification of the bilateral bases is likely reflective of atelectasis in the post-operative setting of low lung volumes . prominent lung markings raise the possibility of chronic lung disease . small bilateral pleural effusions are present . no pneumothorax is detected . the cardiac silhouette is likely within normal limits allowing for low lung volumes . no overt pulmonary edema is present . calcified hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes are re-demonstrated, compatible with sequela of known sarcoidosis . multiple healed right posterior rib fractures are again noted . . bibasilar opacities most likely represent atelectasis in the post-operative setting of low lung volumes . small pleural effusions . . stable calcified hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes compatible with known sarcoidosis . . suggestion of chronic lung disease . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15776774 55775814 8c9f9878-cdf131fc-776baece-6baeb337-8c4c2b2a +2736 the lung volumes have slightly decreased, which could potentially be caused by decreased ventilatory pressures . as a consequence, the bilateral parenchymal opacities appear slightly denser than on the previous image . the size of the cardiac silhouette is unchanged . no new parenchymal opacities have newly occurred . no pleural effusions are seen . the monitoring and support devices are constant . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15378103 55410841 93b9fbec-d0096ef4-0f25a638-a44849a5-58844ba5 +2737 there are lower lung volumes . engorgement and indistinctness of pulmonary vessels is consistent with worsening pulmonary vascular congestion . no definite acute focal pneumonia . Edema 11213613 52190468 70cdba5b-2e0ec97d-779d4d58-23a484e4-02ec1b1c +2738 the dobbhoff tube tip passes below the diaphragm . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . there is unchanged appearance of left perihilar mass . patient continues to be in mild interstitial edema . small bilateral pleural effusions are most likely present . overall no substantial change since the prior radiograph demonstrated . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15185305 58478940 dbdd8fb8-dce8cc76-b74aa4de-722deb19-bdcfe5ca +2739 there is complete resolution of the pre-existing pleural effusions . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly without evidence of pulmonary edema . small basal parenchymal scars but no evidence of recent pneumonia . moderate tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . calcified bronchial walls . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 10650001 56172325 edfd806e-5c672eea-1119d9d0-44c282a8-7c3d9730 +2740 there is again prominence of the superior mediastinum, which apparently reflects exuberant mediastinal fat on a prior ct of the chest . the atelectatic change at the left base seen previously is essentially cleared . no acute pneumonia at this time . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 17337033 58080029 3f88d0d6-bcbb5cb4-27d9e806-7b3903f8-2645e762 +2741 the patient has received a new nasogastric tube . the tube now shows a normal course . the tip of the tube is located in the proximal parts of the stomach . no repositioning is necessary . no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . otherwise, the image is unchanged . Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 18855147 56550578 3fb9a12d-133444d3-6e328120-7dc4d6ef-d0b6b9fd +2742 compared to the prior study there is no significant interval change . No Finding 16751749 58820049 a8be9459-c3237ba1-f460add2-4b61c40c-bcdfd92c +2743 a left upper extremity picc line is seen extending into the distal left brachiocephalic vein . lung volumes are markedly low . the heart is stably enlarged . there is no overt evidence for pneumonia or chf . no large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . bony structures appear grossly intact . limited, negative . left upper extremity picc line terminates in the distal left brachiocephalic vein . No Finding&&Support Devices 15131736 59175350 a3f94558-fcb3a66f-7b6f0be2-1c09857b-168fb462 +2744 the patient is status post left pneumonectomy procedure with expected leftward shift of cardiomediastinal contours . left chest tube has been removed . pneumonectomy space remains predominantly air-filled with a small amount of fluid in the lower left hemithorax . right lung is overexpanded and demonstrates linear atelectasis at the base . subcutaneous emphysema in the left chest wall has slightly decreased from the prior study . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 12410066 50100756 a6a7fb04-b48fccde-ae205333-f958732f-5ef1f1ee +2745 residual stellate left upper lobe opacity is most compatible with scarring . left mid lung granuloma is unchanged . otherwise, the lungs remain hyperexpanded compatible with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease without new opacity . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart is normal in size and cardiomediastinal contours . residual left upper lobe stellate opacity may reflect scarring after pneumonia . however, followup radiograph in weeks is recommended . findings were entered in the radiology departments online record for notification of critical results on . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11052935 53792271 f1af4079-d3abad02-2bdd2d45-9f43ee98-bb00dc90 +2746 patient is status post median sternotomy . left-sided pacer device is grossly stable in position . there is a moderate left pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis, left base consolidation is not excluded . similar pulmonary edema persists, possibly asymmetric on the left . no right pleural effusion is seen . there is no pneumothorax . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . moderate left pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis, underlying consolidation not excluded . similar pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 13896515 59828891 ac8313a2-9e5439a8-e287d978-72c66b71-8d91da34 +2747 there is moderate to severe pulmonary edema . there is a small left pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis . small right pleural effusion may also be present . subtle patchy right upper lobe opacity, underlying the ekg lead, may be due to developing consolidation or confluence of vessels . repeat with removalrepositioning of the ekg lead may be helpful for further evaluation . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16508811 53943140 8ca45b1d-11e7b3c4-81d757ce-5fa29549-4efce674 +2748 comparison to prior study dated at . single portable ap upright chest film at is submitted . . cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable given patient rotation on the current study . lungs are well inflated . there are minimal residual linear opacities at the left base and interval improvement in patchy opacity at the medial right base consistent with resolving atelectasis . no pulmonary edema . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity 19389547 55212349 76bdc5c2-cca422ab-3223abe7-7b01baa8-cca25210 +2749 as compared to prior chest radiograph from , there has been interval placement of a swan-ganz catheter with the tip slightly beyond the mediastinum . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged . irregular bilateral lung opacities are stable . chronic pleural thickening is unchanged . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . interval placement of swan-ganz catheter with tip slightly beyond the mediastinum, for which consideration of withdrawing a few centimeters is recommended . these findings were discussed with dr . by dr . telephone on at pm, at time of discovery . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 15809646 56431482 495e73be-71f5ed15-35bbd67d-363dfe60-32f375b6 +2750 there has been slight interval increase in size of bilateral pleural effusions which are now moderate to large . there is mild interstitial pulmonary edema again noted . the heart size remains enlarged, the mediastinal contours are normal with note of calcification of the aortic knob . a left chest pacemaker is stable in position . chf, with slight interval increase in size of bilateral pleural effusions, now moderate to large . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15109122 59599357 e1a199d2-0a67b663-57e4049b-c809b2ac-789cce80 +2751 progressive moderate pulmonary edema, best appreciated in the perihilar left lung, is accompanied by increased vascular caliber in the upper lobes and new small left pleural effusion . bibasilar consolidation has also increased, due either to worsening pneumonia or edema deposited in the pneumonia . the possibility that this consolidation is due to dependent edema alone should not be discarded . heart size top-normal unchanged . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16508811 52785638 927bc2f0-02ccbb86-23fd266d-6890d7ff-8a0a2ce5 +2752 there remains small residual consolidation in the lingula, which continues to decrease in size as compared to the prior studies . no definite focal consolidation is seen on the right . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . lingular consolidation persists but continues to decrease in size as compared to the prior study . Consolidation 16662264 56951123 0e20294a-a19790ed-687b001e-481e4273-f89dd2c4 +2753 on this study, the lungs are better expanded and the lungs appear clear . a right upper lobe granuloma is unchanged . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion is present . the cardiac silhouette, hilar and mediastinal contours appear normal . no acute cardiopulmonary findings . No Finding 19609215 59285132 8bedfff2-8d66e0f5-e4b03459-1e0fd124-b7efed95 +2754 the lungs appear hyperexpanded . there is mild increased pulmonary vascular congestion from . a small right pleural effusion is likely present with mild right basilar atelectasis . right base consolidation is not entirely excluded . no significant left pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . suture chain material and scarring in the left upper-to-mid lung zone is not significantly changed . multiple mediastinal surgical clips are compatible with history of cabg surgery . the cardiac silhouette is top normal in size but unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits with moderate tortuosity of the descending thoracic aorta . lobulation at the apex of the left hemi thorax along the mediastinal border is stable, residual of slowly resolving hematoma . . increased mild pulmonary vascular congestion from with small right pleural effusion and right basilar atelectasis . right basilar opacity may be combination of above, but underlying consolidation due to infection is not excluded . . staple, suture material and scar in the left upper-to-mid lung . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 14851532 51844819 5dfffffd-68cbd012-f3428c65-ebd2ffd8-57793a0c +2755 lung volumes are low . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . bibasilar atelectasis is present . there is mild left ventricular enlargement . bilateral rib fractures are noted . low lung volumes without acute findings . No Finding 18079481 56618763 ac34d85d-8a18bdb4-6a76e6b3-63e71de7-dd331e6c +2756 in comparison with the study of earlier in this date, there is increasing indistinctness of engorged pulmonary vessels, consistent with worsening vascular congestion . continued elevation of the right hemidiaphragmatic contour . it is unclear whether this represents a subpulmonic effusion or an intrinsic diaphragmatic abnormality or enlarged liver . left lung is essentially unchanged except for worsening pulmonary vascular congestion . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 11569093 52805540 ac8eedd7-c5de2735-141b666d-540b2d92-243ec57d +2757 the heart is of normal size with normal cardiomediastinal contours . the lung volumes are low . there are diffusely increased interstitial markings bilaterally, compatible with known lymphangioleiomyomatosis . no pleural effusion, pulmonary consolidation, or pneumothorax . the osseous structures are unremarkable . no radiopaque foreign body . no acute cardiopulmonary process . chronic interstitial changes compatible with known lymphangioleiomyomatosis . No Finding 12303667 58981887 be82eebb-cd25c088-b3c1ddfa-6ccf0b10-880a3a77 +2758 pa and lateral chest radiographs the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . in comparison to the prior study, a nodular opacity in the right upper lobe measuring approximately mm, is new . the left lung appears relatively clear . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . no acute osseous abnormality is detected . surgical clips are seen in the left paraspinal region in the abdomen, consistent with prior nephrectomy . new nodular opacity in the right upper lobe, concerning for metastatic disease, less likely infection in this patient with known history of rcc . a chest ct is recommended for further evaluation . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14794396 54917064 feab557c-84c132e2-a4172ea5-87289e6b-4c74334d +2759 no previous images . there is hyperexpansion of the lungs suggestive of chronic pulmonary disease . prominence of engorged and ill-defined pulmonary vessels is consistent with the clinical diagnosis of pulmonary vascular congestion, though in the absence of previous images it is difficult to determine whether any this appearance could reflect underlying chronic pulmonary disease . the possibility of supervening consolidation would be impossible to exclude on this single study, especially without a lateral view . no evidence of pneumothorax . Consolidation&&Edema 14081759 53482917 4d69cce1-fecc3019-ee62f6c0-dc12a81e-ae02844a +2760 no significant interval change . the lungs remain hyperinflated . no focal consolidation, edema, or pneumothorax . bilateral pleural effusions are small . the heart is normal in size . retrocardiac opacity on the right is consistent with neo esophagus . no acute osseous abnormality . small bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . no evidence of pneumonia . Pleural Effusion 14295224 55139599 b85ad152-d351373d-9b33bc0d-584cf132-a45e2d7a +2761 as compared to recent radiograph from a few hr earlier, the patient has reportedly undergone a tracheobronchial stent placement . extensive pneumomediastinum is new, and accompanied by subcutaneous emphysema in the supraclavicular, cervical and chest wall regions . small bilateral pneumothoraces are also demonstrated . cardiac silhouette demonstrates left ventricular configuration is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion . asymmetrically distributed heterogeneous opacities in the right mid and lower lobe could reflect asymmetrical edema, aspiration, or hemorrhage in the post procedural setting . pneumomediastinum and bilateral small pneumothoraces following tracheobronchial stent placement . the findings are concerning for tracheobronchial rupture . notification see documentation of notification in the wet read below . Pneumothorax 11474065 52522246 dd86cc8c-ae1e2c39-3bc3e62b-b15de0ae-652648de +2762 cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . there is no evident pneumothorax . a chest tube remains in place . right perihilar opacity is unchanged, likely fluid in the fissure, unchanged from prior . right lower lobe atelectasis has improved . small right pleural effusion has improved . left lower lobe atelectasis is unchanged . left ij catheter tip is in unchanged position . ng tube tip is out of view, below the diaphragm . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17770657 56170958 7f3d04fc-eb235975-0821b32d-fbb6dbbb-2261f682 +2763 ap upright and lateral views of the chest provided . there has been no significant change in the appearance of the chest . there is persistent interstitial opacity noted diffusely throughout both lungs likely representing interstitial pulmonary edema . no large effusion or pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette appears stable . no acute osseous abnormalities . chronic left midshaft clavicle deformity . no significant change in diffuse interstitial opacity likely reflecting interstitial pulmonary edema . Edema&&Lung Opacity 13475033 56833050 b73bf324-b73f2173-694c520e-85a82ce2-93e7be3d +2764 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-upright position . comparison is made with the next preceding similar study of the prior day . during the examination interval, the patient has received a permanent pacer capsule now seen in left anterior axillary position being connected to two intravascular electrodes terminating in right atrial appendage and right ventricular apical portion position . the heart size is unchanged and remains within normal limits . the metallic structure of an aortic valve prosthesis is seen in place as before . pulmonary vasculature is not congested, there are no new acute infiltrates and no pneumothorax is identified on either side . status post sternotomy and aortic valve replacement, newly implanted permanent pacer, unremarkable position of electrode termination and no pneumothorax . No Finding&&Support Devices 16043637 52726859 2c8df100-4309e350-7d82cb04-094d8978-ce88debf +2765 ap and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . the heart is massively enlarged, as before . small bilateral pleural effusions are not significantly changed . diffuse interstitial opacities with perihilar predominance are likely secondary to mild interstitial pulmonary edema, increased compared to radiographs from . no focal consolidations concerning for pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax . the mediastinal contours are stable . . mild interstitial pulmonary edema . . massive cardiomegaly, not significantly changed . . small bilateral pleural effusions, not significantly changed . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12963531 59505688 0fecd070-24b67744-93fe3cdb-429860a4-386b63f5 +2766 comparison to prior study of at . . the heart remains enlarged and there is unfolding and prominence to the aorta . there are subtle patchy opacities at both lung bases which may represent atelectasis in the setting of somewhat diminished lung volumes, although an early pneumonia cannot be entirely excluded . no pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . no evidence of pulmonary edema . calcification at the aortic knob consistent with atherosclerosis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15393401 52969022 fed84864-f68bc255-fce404b6-c38c836c-08a9985d +2767 there is a dialysis catheter in unchanged position with its tip extending into the right atrium . there is stable cardiomegaly with severe pulmonary edema . there are likely bilateral small effusions though these are poorly assessed . no pneumothorax . bony structure is intact . interval development of pulmonary edema . Edema 17340686 52923540 26429055-6f36df1c-a048f115-c1f04dc8-d04f9b02 +2768 normal cardiomediastinal and hilar contours . lungs are mildly hyperinflated and clear . there has been interval resolution of the opacity in the right cardiophrenic sulcus . pleural surfaces are normal . right clavicular hardware appears intact . there is severe anterior osteophytosis of the thoracic spine . no evidence of pneumonia . notification the findings were communicated to dr . by dr . text on at pm, minutes after discovery of the findings . No Finding 15881535 58215117 5fdb7189-ead5e2fd-71a6d19b-3862ce63-28bc762e +2769 ap and lateral chest radiographs the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable, with stable enlargement of the left pulmonary artery superimposed over the left upper lung . streaky opacities and volume loss in the right lower lobe, likely atelectasis, have been stable since the prior studies . no new consolidation, pulmonary edema, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there is stable volume loss in the left lung secondary to prior lobectomy . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 10885696 52937462 f1e6712c-61dabae0-6691539a-039dcbb7-6c467216 +2770 a portable frontal chest radiograph demonstrates low lung volumes, with exaggeration of the cardiac silhouette and bronchovascular crowding . even allowing for this, there is at least moderate cardiomegaly . bilateral opacities are likely related sella mild to moderate vascular congestion and pulmonary edema, as well as atelectasis . this is similar to slightly increased compared to . dense retrocardiac consolidation is likely related to edema, but superimposed consolidation cannot be excluded . there is no appreciable pneumothorax . the visualized upper abdomen is unremarkable . mild to moderate vascular congestion and pulmonary edema . possible bilateral pleural effusions with atelectasis . retrocardiac opacity which may be due in part to pulmonary edema and atelectasis limits evaluation of the left lower lung, and superimposed pneumonia cannot be excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15131736 55610477 676f47c0-d614cf37-78b5c5d0-274cd2aa-9d6211ac +2771 pa and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . there is volume loss on the right with associated elevation of the right hemidiaphragm, consistent with the provided history of prior right upper lobectomy . pleural densities along the right upper lateral chest wall are not significantly changed . similarly, opacity at the right apex along the superior mediastinum is not significantly changed, possibly loculated fluid in the pleural space . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . there is no left pleural effusion . no definite pneumothorax is seen . there is evidence of prior right thoracotomy, involving the right posterior sixth rib . cervical fusion hardware is incompletely assessed . . no significant interval change . . post-surgical changes on the right, as described above . No Finding 19991135 51777681 7cdd0c6e-d0263417-262f1fce-bd3d2712-99409e00 +2772 aside from granulomatous lymph node calcifications in the aortopulmonic window node, cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . linear scarring in the left mid lung is longstanding . lungs are otherwise clear . infusion port catheter tip projects over the region of the superior cavoatrial junction . no pleural abnormality . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11413236 50494220 741811fe-d3a0f32c-0f5c16f2-5ab6eace-f84f5233 +2773 low lung volumes account for bronchovascular crowding however mild fluid overload would be difficult to exclude . no focal opacities are identified . cardiac size is in the upper limits of normal . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . a new right ij line ends in the lower svccavoatrial junction . increased vascular markings may be due to mild fluid overload although assessment is limited due to low lung volumes . new right ij line ends in the lower svccavoatrial junction . No Finding&&Support Devices 14727722 56659228 46e392dd-8bae92bc-05e946e4-dad0f6d9-5866b783 +2774 in comparison with study , there is continued hyperexpansion of the lungs consistent with chronic pulmonary disease . the pulmonary vascular congestion has substantially decreased . much of the prominence of interstitial markings most likely represents chronic lung disease . atelectatic changes are seen at the left base with possible small effusion . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16772702 54896233 5cd0800c-77280a87-980a1cf6-b7765304-288d0a38 +2775 comparison to . moderate cardiomegaly . low lung volumes . areas of atelectasis at both the left and the right lung basis . no pleural effusions . no pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly 19075045 52355113 0126b395-890302f7-05e04391-5fdff456-bda0a891 +2776 there are substantially lower lung volumes which may account for much of the prominence of the transverse diameter of the heart . obliquity of the patient makes interpretation difficult . there is opacification silhouetting the outer aspect of the left hemidiaphragm, suggesting volume loss in the lower lobe with pleural effusion . no definite vascular congestion . specifically, there is no evidence of pneumothorax on this somewhat limited study . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 17439310 58060878 2ddeb88d-f8a15dea-6de598cd-b07bef82-d26381d6 +2777 there has been some interval clearing of the left upper lung which may reflect a component of edema however, infiltrative pulmonary abnormality of the right lung and left lower lung persist . heart size remains large but indeterminate because heart borders are obscured by the lung abnormality . likely small to moderate left pleural effusion unchanged . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 12475198 58891388 0c0e838d-f104a134-1cb0290a-1d03cf65-de502b0c +2778 two frontal images of the chest demonstrate improved atelectasis in the right upper lung and left lower lung from previous imaging . a hazy opacity over the left lung base suggests a layering pleural effusion . a small area of hazy opacity at the right costophrenic angle may represent a small layering pleural effusion . bilateral pulmonary vascular congestion is again seen, essentially unchanged . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . interval improvement in atelectasis . persistent vascular congestion and bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16334516 50121027 2687e47d-96929b39-f0f102b3-d5e17213-31865ec4 +2779 lung volumes are reduced . the left internal jugular central venous catheter has been removed . the heart size is borderline enlarged, but accentuated due to low inspiratory lung volumes . there is crowding of the bronchovascular structures with probable mild pulmonary vascular congestion . worsening consolidative opacity in the right upper lung field as well as focal opacities within the left upper and bilateral lower lung fields are concerning for multifocal pneumonia . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . no acute osseous abnormalities visualized . clips are demonstrated within the left upper quadrant of the abdomen . worsening multifocal opacities concerning for pneumonia . probable mild pulmonary vascular congestion . low lung volumes . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 55736427 1a734389-4bcb9234-220a253e-c22386fd-4f018ada +2780 there is moderate cardiomegaly which is unchanged compared to previous studies . the left hilum is enlarged but stable . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax are seen . there is an opacity of left lower lobe that likely reflects developing pneumonia versus atelectasis . left lower lobe opacification that represents developing pneumonia versus atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14841168 54062940 23e4102f-653bff1f-e3b35573-f3e54b6a-472f2c8a +2781 normal heart, lungs, hila, mediastinum and pleural surfaces . a right picc line ends in the region of the superior cavoatrial junction . patient has had a stabilization surgery of the lower cervical spine . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 53033654 92d9fd50-81412806-b71e4d05-9ef38071-6b25204c +2782 comparison is made with prior study performed seven hours earlier . there has been no interval change in low lung volumes, standard position of lines and tubes, mild cardiomegaly, widened mediastinum and mild vascular congestion . there is increase in bibasilar opacities, consistent with increasing atelectasis . small left pleural effusion is unchanged allowing the difference in positioning of the patient . right upper lobe opacity is likely atelectasis . there is no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19565388 54071126 00c905b2-337d5baa-2245ccaa-481b833c-f647e07a +2783 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is seen . lung volumes are slightly low . there may be an azygous lobe . pulmonary vascular prominence is again seen with interval improvement in mild interstitial edema . heart size is mildly enlarged . persistent pulmonary vascular prominence with interval improvement in mild interstitial edema . Edema 19028690 58640644 88599fd0-57288634-2d77f19e-73726d34-90158ecc +2784 the lungs are low in volume, but clear . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged . the mediastinal silhouette is normal . hilar and pulmonary vessels are chronically enlarged, but previous pulmonary edema has cleared . a left dialysis catheter ends in the right atrium . no pneumothorax or pleural effusion is present . Cardiomegaly 17340686 57971060 77911e4a-fb35c2ec-cd17f417-a514b2d2-47244970 +2785 comparison to . no relevant change is noted . stable alignment of the sternal wires . left pectoral port-a-cath in stable position . no pleural effusions . no pneumonia, no pulmonary edema . No Finding 18487334 50226423 e20fecce-83e539b8-cb06143a-49ca3124-35dd992d +2786 there is continued substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications consistent with worsening pulmonary edema and bilateral pleural effusion . an endotracheal tube is now in place with its tip approximately cm above the carina . nasogastric tube extends at least to the antrum of the stomach where it crosses the lower margin of the image . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13078497 55331519 5e868309-d66225ba-ff4f44dc-5e9aa433-7712e15d +2787 lung volumes are low . the heart is top-normal size given the lung volumes . there is crowding of the bronchovascular structures with probable mild pulmonary vascular congestion . patchy opacities in lung bases may reflect atelectasis . there are no large pleural effusions or pneumothorax . right brachiocephalicsubclavian stent is again demonstrated . low lung volumes which limits assessment of the lung bases . patchy opacities at the lung bases likely reflect atelectasis . mild pulmonary vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 14744884 53896301 3fb53bea-f1dad119-d26160af-4b106702-04691d32 +2788 the right and left chest tubes have been removed . lung volumes have increased, likely reflecting improved inspiration . the pre-existing miniscule right apical pneumothorax is no longer clearly visible . unchanged mild air collections in the left and right perithoracic soft tissues . minimal atelectasis at the right lung base . borderline size of the cardiac silhouette, no pulmonary edema . normal hilar and mediastinal structures . unchanged proximal right clavicular fracture . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Fracture&&Pneumothorax 12736592 57146595 d7203332-f3c8731e-27d35dc0-3cacfa03-24d07da7 +2789 moderate right pleural effusion is new, obscuring some of the right lower lung, but changing the contour of the lung base substantially since . postoperative left hemithorax is unchanged following left upper lobectomy . heart is partially obscured by postoperative contour changes . right middle lobe collapse seen on lateral chest films, and and on chest ct, , presumably unchanged . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 10885696 51545557 b83a98a1-69ae5692-5fc5b2eb-140a525a-abf289ab +2790 low lung volumes result in bronchovascular crowding . the left pectoral pacemaker leads end in the expected locations of the right atrium and right ventricle . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . bibasilar atelectasis is seen . the known fdg-avid nodules seen on recent pet-ct are below the threshold of detection on chest radiograph . heart size is within normal limits allowing for lung volumes . mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are stable . blunting of the right costophrenic sulcus is similar to , although no effusion is seen on ct . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 15370732 59990602 2d5f73c2-9a6138e2-d33b6539-067b7734-2b55b088 +2791 single ap portable view of the chest . no prior . the lungs are clear of large confluent consolidation . cardiac silhouette enlarged but could be accentuated by positioning and relatively low inspiratory effort . calcifications noted at the aortic arch . degenerative changes noted at the glenohumeral joints bilaterally . osseous and soft tissue structures otherwise unremarkable . no definite acute cardiopulmonary process . enlarged cardiac silhouette could be accentuated by patients positioning . Cardiomegaly 10268877 51513702 053e0fdd-17dbee89-17885e49-08249a30-7f829c9c +2792 the cardiac silhouette size is top normal . mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . focal opacities within the superior segment of the left lower lobe and right lung base are relatively unchanged compared to the previous exam and remain concerning for areas of multifocal pneumonia . small left pleural effusion may be present . there is no pulmonary edema or pneumothorax . clips are seen projecting over the right neck . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . persistent left lower lobe and right basilar opacities concerning for pneumonia . possible trace left pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16508811 56179563 dbb3e7c3-35a17f99-7bcd2d4c-57f5a932-d79a20cd +2793 there is increasing opacification at both bases with silhouetting of the right heart border and left hemidiaphragm . this is consistent with pneumonia involving the middle lobe and the left lower lobe . there is some indistinctness of pulmonary vessels, which could reflect some overhydration . monitoring and support devices remain in place . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13979643 55901932 f4c4784b-31b99106-b81f1b06-5297ab3a-8cc7ddaf +2794 mild interstitial pulmonary abnormality is new, and there is hazy opacification in the juxtahilar left mid and lower lung zones which could be due to pneumonia . heart size is normal . there is no appreciable pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 13135946 51924292 849c8a62-044aeedd-d82807e1-77d0a8f3-b9d0e893 +2795 one portable ap view of the chest . the swan-ganz catheter through a right internal jugular approach ends in the region of the main pulmonary artery . the left internal jugular catheter ends in the left brachiocephalic vein just before the svc . endotracheal tube ends cm from the carina . the previously seen moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema has slightly improved . the right upper lobe parenchymal opacity is unchanged . mild cardiomegaly is stable . mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . no pneumothorax . . slightly decreased pulmonary edema compared to most recent study, however right upper and lower lobe parenchymal opacities are more prominent and may represent pneumonia . . lines and tubes are in standard position . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 11022245 51656138 64988a4a-7c2cfce5-4e93b5ca-d55602d6-94c83006 +2796 there is no left subclavian line . an indwelling right subclavian line ends in the mid svc . there is no pneumothorax or appreciable pleural effusion . pulmonary vascular engorgement has improved, mild right lower lobe atelectasis has recurred . heart size is moderately enlarged, but improved since earlier study . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 11474065 58409843 c1d5b4f7-c4ed16c1-202cd868-0f06cd8a-25de3389 +2797 dual-lumen left-sided central venous catheter is seen with distal tip in the right atrium . given differences in technique, there has been no significant interval change in the degree of pulmonary edema when compared to prior . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . atherosclerotic calcifications again noted at the arch . no acute osseous abnormality is identified . pulmonary edema, unchanged from prior . Edema 17340686 59672442 67486f3c-a4ef806f-47d7541c-c1f00d2e-9c2f09fe +2798 compared with , a right-sided subclavian picc line has been placed . the tip overlies the svcra junction or upper right atrium . no pneumothorax is detected . there are slightly low inspiratory volumes . the heart is not enlarged . there are patchy interstial markings predominantly in both upper lobes, similar to findings on several prior ct scans and unchanged compared with cxr . ill-definition of both hila is likely secondary to obscuration by the interstial markings . there is minimal blunting of both costophrenic angles . no frank consolidation or gross effusion . no obvious pneumothorax . clips noted in the upper abdomen near the ge junction . picc line tip over svcra junction or upper right atrium . if clinically indicated, this could be retracted by approximately cm . chronic patchy interstial opacities both upper lobes, unchanged . no new infiltrate identified . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10933609 56304327 b9c18cbb-323135fb-0118b586-6d8846f0-a1099863 +2799 ap upright portable views of the chest were obtained . per the radiology technologist, x-ray was repeated due to patient kyphosis . the patients chin overlies the lung apices . again seen are increased interstitial markings, worse at the lung bases in this patient with history of known chronic interstitial pulmonary disease . opacity at the right lung base appears increased compared to the prior study and superimposed infectious process is not excluded . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . known chronic interstitial disease with increased interstitial markings seen at the lung bases . interval increase in right base opacity raises concern for a superimposed infectious process . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 19640059 58087032 f517acaa-8c49752c-968ae55b-9b6530f1-4dacc503 +2800 lungs are well expanded . blunting of the right costophrenic angle is unchanged and may reflect chronic pleural thickening . retrocardiac opacity is likely due to bochdalek hernia on previous ct . cardiomediastinal silhouette is otherwise unremarkable . retrocardiac opacity is likely due to atelectasis and posterior pleural fatsmall bochdalek hernia seen on ct of the chest from . please see subsequently obtained cta chest for further details . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 13978244 55719726 e2355bc9-8bf0bfaf-605c4222-bf3592b9-e1259f5b +2801 no relevant change in appearance of the lung parenchyma and the cardiac silhouette is seen . the position of the tip of the picc line remains difficult to determine, given that the line parallels the radiodense pacemaker leads . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16043637 55611959 2e0ac0a9-c4f5e463-bfc3a350-8515448c-2f9a7358 +2802 pa and lateral views of the chest patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . left-sided pacemaker device is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle, unchanged . the heart remains mildly enlarged but stable . the aorta is unfolded . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion, which is improved when compared to the prior exam . no new focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . there are mild degenerative changes in the thoracic spine . Edema 18615099 54265960 a0578edb-12a640ca-1ddab351-089c4d4c-00bb6f19 +2803 again seen are bibasilar and right perihilar atelectatic changes, similar compared to and also seen on the ct abdomen and pelvis from . there is mild cardiomegaly and mild vascular congestion, but no pulmonary edema . tortuous vessels widen the uppper mediastinum . chronic right rib fractures . unchanged atelectatic changes . no acute cardiothoracic process . Atelectasis 16853729 57605154 d5aa0315-53869b6c-10151e97-c12a5f0f-d369e178 +2804 portable supine ap chest radiograph the endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the level of the carina . there are multiple areas of increased radiodensity most severe in the right upper lung, but also within the medial right lower lung and in the retrocardiac region . findings are most concerning for multifocal pneumonia . there is no overt pulmonary edema or large pleural effusions . there is apparent mild widening of the mediastinal contours secondary to the supine technique . the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . there is no pneumothorax . please see concurrent chest ct report for additional details . . endotracheal tube in standard position . no pneumothorax . . multifocal opacities, most severe in the right upper lung, concerning for multifocal pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12966004 57399078 85904052-28d3a26a-9a756f5e-03c7a51b-3a9f5f19 +2805 a cardiac conduction device is contiguous with a lead which terminates in the right atrium . there is no focal consolidation . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 18893199 50170739 bb42be73-33be1577-a742e6e6-9c47b56b-95a9659e +2806 again seen is hyperinflation of the lungs consistent with emphysema . the previously seen pulmonary edema has resolved . the right-sided pleural effusion is stable . the small left pleural effusion is also stable . a cluster of elliptical opacities in the left lower lobe that were present on study on . there are linear opacities in the left lower lobe and lingula consistent with atelectasis that have improved compared to prior study . cardiomegaly is stable . . no focal consolidation . . resolution of pulmonary edema . . stable right and left pleural effusions . . cluster of elliptical opacities in the left lower lobe that were present on study in , recommend followup with conventional cxr when acute issues have resolved . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 18224196 57907009 060219ba-448fe7d4-8a19694c-92b20db5-74035416 +2807 there are low lung volumes, but the lungs are clear . the heart is top-normal in size . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 13700088 59646245 8ce33378-337bc3e6-2915b9bf-0ea16f16-2c986cfe +2808 a right internal jugular catheter tip projects within the mid svc . a right basilar pleurx catheter is in stable position . since the prior examination, there is increased apparent lucency demonstrated in the left aspect of the aortic knob, that though may be projectional, pneumomediastinum cannot be excluded . there is improvement in bibasilar opacification, likely atelectases . in addition, there is improvement in pulmonary vascular engorgement . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable . . apparent lucency demonstrated in the left aspect of the aortic knob, that though may be projectional, pneumomediastinum cannot be excluded . if of clinical concern, chest ct can be performed . . interval improvement in interstitial edema and bibasilar atelectasis . on via telephone by dr . . Atelectasis&&Edema 13755940 54060800 9678dc02-54a05e84-f5efffa5-bc62e0a2-83dac014 +2809 portable ap chest radiograph moderate bibasilar opacities persist, likely reflecting a combination of atelectasis and pleural effusions . the left-sided effusion is moderate and the right effusion is small both are unchanged compared to prior examination from . mild pulmonary edema is improved in the interval . there is no pneumothorax . a coarse linear opacity in the right upper lung is unchanged dating back to , and likely reflects vascular calcifications . grossly stable bibasilar opacities, likely a combination of atelectasis and bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right . improving mild pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 15380734 58155125 2bc6a85c-e37491cd-8408dde1-e5061580-b890fc2f +2810 comparison is made to prior study performed a day earlier . there has been interval marked enlargement of left pleural effusion that is layering and probably moderate . there is also increase in size in moderate right pleural effusion . cardiac size cannot be evaluated . it is obscured by pleural parenchymal abnormalities . et tube is in standard position . ng tube tip is in a distended stomach . left ij catheter tip is in the mid svc . there is no evident pneumothorax . there is worsening of bibasilar atelectasis larger on the right side . there is persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . there is mild pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11569093 54969173 ef7be867-0fa87b48-e5f67e5f-81dc3391-c2b7a900 +2811 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate well expanded lungs . there is obscuration of the left border, which may represent early lingular pneumonia, and is not definitely seen on the lateral view . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . obscuration of the left heart border which may represent early lingular pneumonia, and is not definitely seen on the lateral chest x-ray . comments these findings were submitted to the critical results dashboard at pm on . Pneumonia 16662264 55866796 4f39f3cc-21398fd5-98bdb9b6-55653602-c53fc011 +2812 there is slightly better inspiration . the left hemidiaphragm is not sharply seen and there is hazy opacification at the left base . this suggests a possible atelectasis and effusion . monitoring and support devices are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11880923 50720959 6aff92fc-a55af9c9-b11a0394-d2d62191-122cdf01 +2813 severe cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum are unchanged . pulmonary edema has markedly improved . retrocardiac opacities have improved consistent with improving atelectasis and small left effusion . there is no pneumothorax . lines and tubes are in standard position . calcified granulomas in the left upper lobe are again noted . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12185775 56494283 957c26f1-18da168e-71c98f71-7f791b2a-4cb759cb +2814 mild pulmonary edema is less severe today than it was on . small pleural effusions and moderate cardiomegaly are comparable . there is no pneumonia . very small right upper lobe lung nodule may be present projected over the intersection of the right first anterior and fifth posterior ribs . findings were discussed by dr . with dr . by telephone at the time of this dictation . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion 19844485 50240427 8830e4fd-71e68c81-f6292cf4-2a931e58-be84168d +2815 pa and lateral views of the chest demonstrate well-expanded lungs . in comparison to the prior study, there is interval obscuration of the right heart border and the medial right hemidiaphragm . correlation with the lateral view suggests that this is likely due to interval development of small bilateral pleural effusions . underlying consolidation is not excluded . no pneumothorax . cardiomediastinal silhouette is otherwise stable . of note, an air fluid level in a tubular structure posterior to the trachea on the lateral view is consistent with a dilated fluid-filled esophagus . . interval development of small bilateral pleural effusions . underlying consolidation not excluded . . dilated fluid-filled esophagus . comment discussed with dr . by dr . at am on . Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion 13881772 50019396 1908e913-d3051cf7-34f98451-4ed66f58-15582c1d +2816 there is increasing opacity in the left hemithorax, likely reflecting post-surgical changes . extensive gas collection in the soft tissues on the left is unchanged . unchanged position of the left chest tube . the right lung and the cardiac silhouette are constant in shape, the right lung remains normal . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 12530259 58704662 8f427f0a-04f15d74-7d27eb04-930290b5-286d1642 +2817 in the interval, the patient has been intubated . the tip of the endotracheal tube projects approximately . cm above the carina . in addition, the patient has received a nasogastric tube . the course of the tube is unremarkable, the tip of the tube is not included in the image . there is no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . moderate cardiomegaly with signs of minimal fluid overload . no pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 13700088 52081127 9f5e6fe5-3058dc34-5fb44a44-687509a4-af7f886f +2818 the patient has now received a right-sided picc line . the course of the line is unremarkable, the tip of the line projects over the mid svc . in the interval, the patient has developed a relatively widespread left middle and lower lung parenchymal opacity with air bronchograms, likely reflecting pneumonia . there is no evidence of complicating pleural effusions . at the time of dictation and observation, , , the referring physician . the referring physician was also sent an urgent email . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 16508811 52761853 444dfa8e-bb3ce9c4-55126266-43629bc2-fce21515 +2819 single frontal view of the chest cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . the heart remains moderately enlarged . there is mild blunting of the left costophrenic angle, again seen, which may reflect pleural thickening or small pleural effusion . vague opacities within the right-mid lung may represent atelctasis or early pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax or findings for pulmonary edema . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16853729 55797023 c9af77d2-fad3eeed-901b28fb-003041ad-d1ad165e +2820 feeding tube with a wire stylet in place passes into the stomach and out of view . comparing todays examination with many chest radiographs since , it looks like there is a mild degree of pulmonary edema superimposed on chronic interstitial lung disease . specifically, on the interstitial abnormality is comparable to that on , whereas at other times there has been at least a component of acute pulmonary edema . today, the findings are very similar to . severe cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular plethora are chronic . left subclavian infusion port ends in the mid-to-low svc . pleural effusion, if any, is minimal and there is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10439781 50277921 397252c6-f7b6111e-367341df-b8fc523c-599cfcbd +2821 analysis is performed in direct comparison with the next preceding portable chest examination of . heart size is unchanged . previously described moderate pulmonary congestive pattern with some upper zone re-distribution has normalized . presently no evidence of pulmonary interstitial alveolar edema and the lateral as well as posterior pleural sinuses are free from any fluid accumulation . no pneumothorax in the apical area . no acute infiltrates . lateral and posterior pleural sinuses are free . a previously described old calcified granuloma in the left upper lobe area is unchanged . no evidence of new acute pulmonary infiltrates . Lung Opacity 12185775 50953777 c9bd6dd6-c8328950-4f61c412-81766efb-2d9c193f +2822 moderate pulmonary edema unchanged since . emphysema, right pleural thickening and pleural calcification have been discussed on prior and subsequent radiographic reports . heart size is normal . et tube in standard placement . Edema&&Pleural Other&&Support Devices 17032538 58656783 e426b51e-f7222833-d8ee3136-30f0df83-872a415e +2823 the tracheal air column is not well defined and the etiology for this opacification remains uncertain . the appearance is similar to at pm . an ng tube is present, tip beneath diaphragm overlying stomach . a mediastinal drain is present . a right ij central line is present, tip over distal svc . a linear opacity overlies the upper cardiac silhouette to the right of the spine, unchanged compared with . multiple rings and surgical clips overlie the mediastinum . there is mild cardiomegaly, unchanged, with slight ill-definition of the mediastinal contours . there is patchy opacity at both lung bases . known bullous changes likely account for the rounded lucency at the left cardiac apex . allowing for this, no pneumothorax is detected . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 17770657 58353310 650aa0be-b9a59492-190d3ed4-96eb75e2-08bb0cb8 +2824 there is slightly less opacification at the left base . this is most consistent with atelectasis and effusion, though in the appropriate clinical setting, supervening pneumonia would have to be considered . specifically, no evidence of pneumothorax . no acute focal pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13586204 50830952 68e78cda-4586bb4f-29822ae6-fbe7ad84-af842685 +2825 extensive infiltrative pulmonary abnormality in the right lower lobe, and overlying pleural calcification are longstanding, but previous pulmonary edema in this location has improved if not resolved, leaving behind a small residual right pleural effusion . the left lung base was relatively clear on and also developed some edema, which has decreased since . given the severe scarring in these lungs, some pneumonia could be present and not appreciated, for example, just projecting over the right hilus, but in the left lung, there is no evidence of pneumonia . et tube is in standard placement . feeding tube ends in the upper stomach . the heart is not enlarged . right pleural thickening is most extensive at the apex and unchanged . no pneumothorax . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17032538 57983519 c620517c-54116688-14dadd50-6b22f911-d5812c38 +2826 the patient has received an endotracheal tube . the tip of the tube projects cm above the carina and should be pulled back by approximately - cm . there is no evidence of complications . the patient has also received a nasogastric tube, the course of the tube is unremarkable, the tip of the tube projects over the middle parts of the stomach . unchanged appearance of the lung parenchyma, the heart and the chest wall . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 12952223 54870443 4e2ae929-40713138-9d6a757e-deeed0b1-8062cd72 +2827 interstitial opacities in the right lung have minimally increased, likely due to edema . in the right upper hemithorax several air-fluid levels are more conspicuous than in prior studies . right perihilar opacity is grossly unchanged, allowing the difference in position of the patient . the left lung is clear . the right chest tube remains in unchanged position . right chest wall subcutaneous emphysema has improved . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19991135 56217968 ffefdc2e-52afbd37-6ec4e225-f67b3576-9b0d7c4e +2828 since , right chest and mediastinal drain tubes have been removed . there is no appreciable pneumothorax . left lower lung opacity obscuring the left cardiomediastinal border and the left lung base has minimally worsened since and is combination of moderate left effusion and left lower lung atelectasis . riight basal atelectasis and presumed small right pleural effusion is unchanged . there is no significant change in the upper mediastinal . right internal jugular sheath has its tip ending at the upper svc . there is evidence of prior median sternotomy and sternal sutures are intact . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18224196 58094975 fb85016a-bff648ee-d64f0e6d-8bf72ac1-ce274815 +2829 there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax . streaky opacities at the left lung base is most likely due to atelectasis . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . median sternotomy wires are intact . known compression deformities of l and l are partially imaged . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . known l and l compression deformities . No Finding 16957952 59502822 737016db-c820a9cb-11c8e000-a5eef752-c1d20274 +2830 one ap portable upright view of the chest . a previously seen cavity in the left lung is no longer present . in that location, there are linear interstitial opacities likely from fibrosis from scarring in that area or may represent pneumonia . mild bibasilar atelectasis . the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . there is no pneumothorax . there are low lung volumes . . linear opacities in the left mid lung may represent residual scarring from prior cavitary lesion or could represent new pneumonia . . right basilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15186992 50894711 adbfc9ce-b82d1181-fce57c7d-f71a436a-708693b0 +2831 there is persistent right base atelectasis scarring . no new focal consolidation is seen . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no significant interval change . No Finding 11474065 56451222 408936b5-77f25bee-8f73cc21-251fc7bc-013094dc +2832 the left pectoral pacer is unchanged in position, with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . median sternotomy wires are intact . the prostatic aortic valve is re-demonstrated . no evidence of pneumonia, pulmonary edema or pleural effusions . cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no evidence of pneumonia . No Finding 16043637 53154034 5cecf989-3c537ad2-d38c50a6-2ca6b9d1-743a7756 +2833 a right picc has been placed with the tip terminating in the proximal right atrium, which should be retracted cm to place in the low svc . the inspiratory lung volumes are decreased . there is mild right basilar atelectasis . calcified pulmonary granulomas are unchanged . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia, significant pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable . no acute osseous abnormality is detected . right picc terminating in the proximal right atrium should be retracted cm to place in the low svc . with dr . telephone on at pm, during discovery of the findings . No Finding&&Support Devices 12185775 56043671 d616d0a0-41025591-43cd391a-ee10bd11-29c865b3 +2834 comparison to . feeding tube and right internal jugular vein catheter are in correct position . unchanged moderate cardiomegaly with moderate right pleural effusion and mild to moderate pulmonary edema . no new focal parenchymal opacities . no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 59794465 e6250467-5024835a-ee6e25b1-59ef82bc-d2a286a5 +2835 moderate left and small right pleural effusions are again noted . left basilar opacity could be due to pleural fluid noting that underlying consolidation cannot be completely excluded . elsewhere the lungs are clear of consolidation . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . prosthetic valve and median sternotomy wires are noted . osseous and soft tissue structures are unchanged . bilateral effusions, larger on the left . underlying consolidation at the left lung base would be difficult to exclude . Pleural Effusion 15259244 59649088 32f9d0a6-a71c3e37-8285ac35-90d110a9-d3f838cf +2836 new picc line on the right is projecting with its tip somewhere in the mediastinum . appears to cross the midline, there is concern for potential arterial location . the initial line concerns were communicated over the telephone at the time of the wet read . repeat pa and lateral radiograph, taken approximately an hour after the radiograph demonstrated the picc line in the mid svc . potential small right pleural effusion . stable moderate cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 10715477 55878458 77961fbc-766a38fd-e7b726ed-43313009-06ed55d4 +2837 the lungs are clear, the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hila are normal . there is a tiny right pleural effusion . there is right hemidiaphragm eventration . nodular, rounded opacity at the left lung base likely represents nipple shadow . tiny right pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion 11880923 57045176 20826cb6-21536aea-251f6984-7d353fb1-029fb362 +2838 there are diffuse predominantly perihilar airspace opacities with slightly nodular appearance, which are new from prior studies . superimposed hilar adenopathy is difficult to exclude . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . the cardiomediastinal contours are within normal limits . no acute osseous abnormality is detected . diffuse perihilar opacities raise concren for widespread pneumonia, superimposed pulmonary edema may be present . differential diagnosis includes atypical pneumonia and pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia . immune status of patient . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18309149 52145612 2f04b963-317903c2-c937a1b3-84194e4c-5ce01852 +2839 et tube tip is . cm above the carinal . ng tube tip passes below the diaphragm terminating in the stomach . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . left the area hilar opacity is slightly more conspicuous and might be consistent with progressing infectious process . left lower lobe atelectasis is unchanged . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 14841168 50382908 661a83d2-e84a4cd7-d05d7218-a81de999-15a66bea +2840 the esophageal stent, the tracheostomy tube and the right picc line are in unchanged position . the extensive right and moderate left parenchymal opacities are unchanged in extent and severity . unchanged is the size of the cardiac silhouette . no newly appeared focal parenchymal opacities . no evidence of pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 59003925 b642c012-d253de87-93e521f3-9bd69ba7-d7827b8e +2841 the cardiac silhouette appears slightly increased in size and is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and minimal interstitial edema . a new more confluent opacity in the left lower lobe could reflect atelectasis, aspiration, or developing infectious pneumonia . small left pleural effusion is also demonstrated . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13881772 52186853 b68a7d7b-d7e76417-af2376cd-215c9620-c3934be4 +2842 heart size is normal . the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . the pulmonary vasculature is normal . lungs are clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . no acute fracture identified . if there is continued clinical concern for a rib fracture, a dedicated rib series is suggested . Fracture 14147380 55599778 e5c7d198-f0d2cb5b-1ad03a2c-33b67f48-db2dd55d +2843 there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or vascular congestion . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no acute osseous abnormalities identified . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19748558 53919021 6eaf56a0-ded30052-29edb3ad-20da2133-db0cf728 +2844 again noted is eventration of the right hemidiaphragm . an old left clavicular shaft deformity is unchanged . there is stable widening of the mediastinum likely secondary to fatty infiltration . there has been an interval increase in pulmonary vascular engorgement and mild bilateral interstitial edema . there also may be a subtle increase in bibasilar atelectasis . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette is stable . interval increase in pulmonary vascular engorgement and mild bilateral interstitial edema . Edema 13475033 54900154 3cf29b0e-f67cd860-ae12f2a8-622ccc27-2195ca85 +2845 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable with the cardiac silhouette persistently enlarged . two lead left-sided pacemaker is again seen, unchanged in position . there are slightly low lung volumes and there is persistent mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . slight blunting of the right costophrenic angle is stable . stable right base scarring is again seen . there is no evidence of pneumothorax . no overt pulmonary edema is seen . there may be mild pulmonary vascular congestion . stable cardiomegaly with possible mild pulmonary vascular congestion, without overt pulmonary edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 12110863 55498995 e538135c-ebad1b7e-5f239803-3d6bcf94-7c5fddc4 +2846 no focal consolidation or pulmonary edema . moderate cardiomegaly . no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . prior median sternotomy and cabg . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19150427 56013922 c874667d-3a322fbd-378b624c-a8b7113e-491c9160 +2847 patient has had median sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . sternal wires are aligned . cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . emphysema is moderate to severe and apical predominant . a mm nodular opacity projecting over the right second anterior rib could be a pleural calcification shown on the chest ct, or a new lung nodule a lordotic view might be definitive . lungs are otherwise clear of focal opacities . there is no pleural effusion or evidence of central adenopathy . cement and fusions are present in two lower thoracic vertebral bodies, with only minimal loss of height, unchanged since . findings were posted to the online record of critical radiology findings for direct notification of the referring physician, at the time of this dictation . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 11016935 54381763 d7455c33-4a0f90a6-565ee283-906f14b4-c737ba31 +2848 dual-lead left-sided pacemaker is again seen with leads extending to the expected positions of the right atrium and right ventricle . the lungs are hyperinflated, with flattening of the diaphragms, suggesting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . slight increased opacity at the right lung base, best seen on the frontal view may relate to atelectasis, although in the appropriate clinical setting, infectious process is not excluded . no overt pulmonary edema is seen . chest radiography is inappropriate for evaluation of pulmonary embolism . the aorta is calcified and tortuous . the cardiac silhouette is top normal to mildly enlarge . . hyperinflated lungs suggest chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . . slight increase in opacity at the right lung base may relate to atelectasis, although in the appropriate clinical setting, infectious process is not excluded . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18929056 58958987 0d6db000-b7832a09-4e80e472-89242ef5-20701513 +2849 cardiomediastinal contours are stable . lungs are clear except for linear bibasilar areas of atelectasis . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum 16043637 50065890 fb45550c-b18bc286-c44ccc22-7ef82df9-02181d75 +2850 evaluate for interval change . comparisons chest radiographs from dating back to . portable supine radiograph of the chest the small right pleural effusion and associated atelectasis is unchanged . there is suggestion of a new small left pleural effusion with persistent atelectasis obscuring the hemidiaphragm . mild cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular congestion are unchanged . the lungs are otherwise clear . there is no pneumothorax . a right ij central venous line terminates in the svc . there are subtle linear irregularities of several left ribs and at least one right rib which may indicate the presence of nondisplaced fractures . . persistent small right pleural effusion and probable new left effusion with associated atelectasis . . mild pulmonary vascular congestion and cardiomegaly unchanged . . possible rib fractures for which evaluation with a chest ct is recommended . findings were communicated to dr . by dr . by telephone on at . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Fracture&&Pleural Effusion 15338518 59124380 8d15d949-caaa05f3-1811c857-a95fc3d0-6bf995b2 +2851 there is a chronic diffuse interstitial abnormality, as seen on the ct from . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged . unchanged widening of the superior mediastinum is due to both mediastinal lipomatosis and tortuous vessels, as seen on the ct from . there is a small unchanged right-sided morgagni hernia . there are no pleural effusions . no pneumothorax . the tracheal configuration is unchanged . loss of height of a mid thoracic vertebral body is not significantly changed dating back through . . no acute cardiopulmonary findings . . unchanged mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly 13475033 59669144 41411ed9-2c9f6f41-b31a45f2-2ac7bb8f-2e25c279 +2852 again seen is right-sided volume loss with right pleural scarring seen, particularly at the right lung apex . patient is status post esophagectomy and again presumably radiation to the midline in the upper chest . fullness along the right cardiac border, slightly more prominent as compared to the prior study, likely relates to patients gastric pull-through as seen on ct . no definite new focal consolidation is seen . there is no new pleural effusion or pneumothorax . calcified hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes again seen . no new focal consolidation . postoperative changes in this patient status post esophagectomy with gastric pull-through . Consolidation 14295224 56348727 2c61f550-b2cf13d5-7166fc86-c7e9e336-2d1f9ae7 +2853 the lungs are clear . there is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . there is no vascular congestion or pleural effusions . mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is unchanged from prior . a moderate hiatal hernia is unchanged from prior . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . stable moderate cardiomegaly . . unchanged moderate hiatal herni . Cardiomegaly 13131470 53887723 f822bf04-bb6d44c7-d992163b-54e7d6ac-9355a7aa +2854 the lungs are clear, the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hila are normal . there is no pleural effusion and no pneumothorax . a replaced mitral valve is seen . no acute cardiothoracic process . No Finding 16116557 56362705 64613c7b-ce9fb911-c2eb42ab-41a905ea-97ce9a9d +2855 mild pulmonary edema has slightly increased . there is no significant pleural effusion . there is no pneumothorax . mediastinal and cardiac contours with moderate enlargement and stable . conclusion mild pulmonary edema has increased . Edema 14841168 51115444 da9e3e67-02622466-3838d301-ca677b26-64a2bee0 +2856 the inspiratory lung volumes are slightly decreased from the most recent prior study . the lungs are otherwise symmetrically expanded and clear without focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . mild biapical pleural thickening is noted . the pulmonary vasculature is not engorged and there is no overt pulmonary edema . the cardiac silhouette is normal in size allowing for slightly decreased lung volumes . the mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . the trachea is midline . there is no evidence of free air beneath the right hemidiaphragm . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . no free air beneath the right hemidiaphragm . No Finding 19623993 57012563 839682a6-30ec6c4c-12520bec-1825e8a9-d6a263d4 +2857 the heart is normal in size . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear within normal limits . pleural effusions have resolved . there is a patchy new opacity in the lateral segment of the right middle lobe, worrisome for pneumonia . however, elsewhere, the lungs appear clear . the osseous structures are unremarkable . new opacity in the right middle lobe suggesting pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16662264 56847326 42c0684d-a2f6f499-1215efe0-496a6638-f805c597 +2858 supine positioning . the carina is not well-delineated . the et tube lies between . and . cm above the carina . an ng tube is present, tip extending beneath diaphragm off film . a right ij sheath is present . left subclavian picc line tip overlies distal svc, unchanged . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . there are small to moderate bilateral effusions with underlying collapse andor consolidation . allowing for differences in patient position supine today, erect on the prior film, there is no definite interval change . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16319601 58752096 29741a10-fb3651ef-e1e30f35-43a96b90-7aef2f9b +2859 low lung volumes . two calcified granulomas in the left lung are unchanged . no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . there are small bilateral pleural effusions . cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable . degenerative changes are again seen in the spine . small bilateral pleural effusions . Pleural Effusion 12185775 54133721 91ba091c-cee12c63-ff22dde9-147ea7bb-418900c4 +2860 there is a new right ij central line with tip in the mid svc . there is no pneumothorax . the lungs remain clear . azygous fissure again noted . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable noting prominence of the upper mediastinum due to fat, unchanged . new right ij line . no pneumothorax . No Finding 19028690 57456610 51f5ce00-6a5bde30-814d9207-cc5f7a52-ceb3502a +2861 there has been interval placement of a right central dialysis catheter . bilateral hilar vascular prominence is re- demonstrated with subtle nodularity in the left upper lung likely representing confluence of vasculature though a true nodule difficult to exclude . there is no convincing sign of pneumonia or overt edema . small left effusion is present with basilar atelectasis . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . new hd catheter in place . prominent perihilar vascular markings with subtle nodularity in the left upper lobe requiring ct on a nonemergent basis to further assess . small left pleural effusion with basal atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16553329 50112134 7ddd8e36-8b7ad07a-2157c5f0-e30755e5-e0a8ad3f +2862 a right picc is present with distal tip in the mid svc . the heart size is top normal . calcification in aortic knob is again seen . there are small bilateral pleural effusions with bibasilar atelectasis . there is moderate pulmonary edema . there is no new focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . scarring projecting over the left mid lung is likely related to prior rib fractures . new small bilateral pleural effusions with mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema . Edema&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 57850217 2d53d7a6-952779d8-cf36815b-c0de03a5-65207ded +2863 with study of , there is little overall change . again there is substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with essentially normal pulmonary vasculature . this discordance suggests cardiomyopathy or possibly even pericardial effusion . no evidence of acute focal pneumonia . Cardiomegaly 19731864 57876331 a1e78eb5-72f569fd-f5c8c795-887b8a35-97d007e1 +2864 nasogastric tube terminates in the proximal stomach . cardiac silhouette remains enlarged, and aorta is tortuous and calcified . left perihilar and basilar opacities are again demonstrated, and likely represent a combination of pneumonia and atelectasis . improving atelectasis is noted at right lung base . small pleural effusions, left greater than right, are again demonstrated . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13649937 55303396 0a9230c4-21071085-666dec7b-8a690910-28b3502c +2865 leftward mediastinal shift suggests that the persistent consolidation in the left lower lobe is due to collapse, not pneumonia, accompanied by small increasing left pleural effusion . right lung is grossly clear . perihilar opacification in the left could be pneumonia but is more likely atelectasis as well . moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is stable . right jugular introducer ends at the junction of brachiocephalic veins . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 19565388 52949410 a443aa83-1d05b68f-6c199039-85500391-ea4904a1 +2866 pa and lateral views of the chest the right picc has been removed in the interval . there is moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette which is not significantly changed from the prior exam . the mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged, with continued widening of the mediastinum and aortic knob calcifications redemonstrated . mild pulmonary vascular congestion persists, and is not significantly changed in the interval . left basilar atelectasis is also noted, with a small right pleural effusion . no pneumothorax is identified . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 14841168 59299448 db46fb79-5ef144b5-a30257dc-a364a08f-731905ea +2867 portable ap chest radiograph was compared to . as compared to the prior study, there is interval minimal increase in vascular congestion . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . there is no change in the appearance of the dialysis catheter . small bilateral effusions are most likely present . there is no pneumothorax . no new consolidations to suggest infectious process demonstrated . Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 52794954 52e6e293-df5b1b69-a7d263ca-5400f4b2-f5c41027 +2868 single frontal view of the chest is obtained . large area of consolidation in the right lung base is highly worrisome for pneumonia . the left lung is clear . bilateral brachiocephalic stents are stable in position . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . innumerable rounded calcifications projecting over the spleen are again seen in this patient with history of prior granulomatous disease . right lower lung consolidation worrisome for infectionpneumonia . recommend followup to resolution to exclude underlying mass . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 19061282 55058349 429fa17a-9886b777-b604dcc3-2aa91a9f-3963b43a +2869 swan-ganz catheter has been advanced beyond the right hilum, and should be withdrawn for standard positioning, as discussed by telephone with dr . new airspace opacity distal to the catheter tip could potentially represent pulmonary hemorrhage, but other etiologies such as atelectasis or aspiration are also possible . improving atelectasis in left lower lobe and persistent small left pleural effusion . incidental calcified granulomas within the left upper lobe . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12185775 59751598 a6ad44a0-61a41d41-a06153a4-5873c31d-f35069fa +2870 mediastinal and cardiac structures are unchanged . thus, no evidence of cardiac enlargement . the pulmonary vasculature is not congested . right-sided status post decortication procedure as before . unchanged moderate degree of diaphragmatic elevation . the previously described two pleural drainage chest tubes remain in position . comparison shows that both tubes have been withdrawn by up to cm, but basically, the position is unaltered . no pneumothorax has developed . no remaining pneumothorax is seen in the apical areas . satisfactory findings on followup examinations . minor change in chest tube positions as expected . No Finding&&Support Devices 13352405 53273158 384b766e-a666fc50-5510a97f-c615a43c-1bfebe33 +2871 there is unchanged evidence of free intra-abdominal air . the esophageal stent is placed . no visible peg device on the current image . the monitoring and support devices are constant . unchanged massive right parenchymal and moderate left parenchymal opacities . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 13964474 52444360 e5d70de7-1db12ea3-95e5fb41-d5ac6e5d-a9c5b917 +2872 a small right apical and basal pneumothorax persists but is significantly decreased than on the prior study . a right pleurx catheter is in place and right pleural effusion has significantly decreased . there is no left pleural effusion . again seen is opacity in the left lung peripherally which corresponds to findings seen on recent chest ct . there is no focal consolidation . opacity at the right base is likely atelectasis . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . improved right pneumothorax which is now small . resolved right pleural effusion . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 12699874 54282937 7d02f691-c9e983ff-b7685488-825c036a-ebf5e8eb +2873 low lung volumes exaggerate the cardiomediastinal contours, however the heart size is top normal . there is mild bibasilar atelectasis . no focal consolidations concerning for pneumonia are identified . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the visualized osseous structures are unremarkable . mild bibasilar atelectasis . no focal consolidations concerning for pneumonia identified . Atelectasis&&Pneumonia 18767957 59366677 67d864d4-d51e968e-6523ea3d-51098156-ed3ea015 +2874 near complete opacification of the right lung with multiple air bronchograms that has neither increased nor decreased in the interval . unchanged widespread but less severe opacities on the left . unchanged monitoring and support devices . no newly appeared parenchymal opacities . the regions of the costophrenic sinuses are not included on the image . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 19757720 58495629 41015709-991752ad-b8bf5519-0dd588fd-dec4d029 +2875 swan-ganz catheter tip appears to be in the more distal aspect of the right main pulmonary artery . there are persistent low lung volumes . moderate cardiomegaly is stable . pacer leads are in standard position . there is no pneumothorax . if any there is small left effusion . bibasilar opacities have minimally improved . right perihilar opacity has almost completely resolved . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19075045 50645297 c3271fa5-173bb62f-8507daf0-46005d57-ba663779 +2876 the lungs are well expanded . right mid and lower lung opacities persist, but are much improved from . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax with interval resolution of the right apical pneumothorax . the heart size is normal . mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . fractures of the anterior first, and lateral right third and seventh ribs are seen on this study . a vagal nerve stimulator is in place . . interval resolution of right apical pneumothorax . . right rib fractures as above . Fracture 17112432 52349735 7e7b19ac-d29aedbe-10d9f138-4037688a-57615f21 +2877 single, ap, upright, portable view of the chest was obtained . there are increased interstitial marking . given history of pulmonary fibrosis on prior ct, although increased interstitial markings have significantly increased since the prior and there may be superimposed pulmonary edema . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . there is slight blunting of both costophrenic angles, felt most likely be due to overlying soft tissues, but a trace pleural effusions be difficult to exclude . no right pleural effusion is seen . there is no pneumothorax . increased markings bilaterally may be due to the combination of underlying pulmonary fibrosis and moderate pulmonary edema, superimposed infectious process cannot be excluded . Edema&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 16562430 51972257 03e4f490-80c314d6-8e4e9cee-cfdf8702-faac4644 +2878 moderate cardiomegaly is stable . large bilateral pleural effusions, larger on the left side, associated with bibasilar atelectasis are grossly unchanged . there is no pneumothorax . right subclavian catheter tip is at the cavoatrial junction . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 50356977 56cd4d0c-6480b613-33c96d36-ccd182ef-7ab9891a +2879 combination of moderate right pleural effusion and probable right middle and lower lobe collapse is unchanged over the past several days . chronic cardiomegaly is severe . pulmonary vasculature is minimally engorged in the left upper lobe but there is no pulmonary edema . left pleural effusion is small . no pneumothorax . swan-ganz catheter ends in the right descending pulmonary artery but has been withdrawn since . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 57281227 44272033-b5295be7-f0373b0f-729ae692-1e1a3ba0 +2880 the right-sided pleural effusion has minimally decreased . on the left, however, the effusion has substantially increased and leads to a near total opacification of the left hemithorax . subsequently, severe atelectatic changes are present . the swan-ganz catheter has been removed, the right internal jugular vein catheter has also been removed, a nasogastric tube, the endotracheal tube and a venous introduction sheath remains in situ . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11022245 57185571 c2ace888-d3f68f82-2d5b5dd6-07dc85c9-327c4bce +2881 severe scoliosis again noted, limiting evaluation of the lung parenchyma . the lungs are grossly clear . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . cardiac size is top normal . ng tube tip is in the stomach . right picc tip is in the lower svc . No Finding 18110020 59716296 7c499c84-2b72bcf9-4271a344-f85a3488-f06eca31 +2882 new endotracheal tube in standard placement . edema in the left lung appears less radiodense but this may be a function of better inflation following tracheal intubation . severe right lung scarring and concurrent emphysema make it difficult to determine if a concurrent pneumonia is present . heart size is normal . right pleural thickening is more pronounced now than it was in suggesting either a component of pleural effusion or pathologic pleural involvement . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17032538 58760787 a66051d0-9ed3a477-30455196-064ccf0d-b667f74e +2883 no relevant change as compared to the previous examination, moderate cardiomegaly . mild pulmonary edema . swan-ganz catheter in correct position . small right pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 56614061 bd63a995-5035baef-7f63c277-92915a7a-253995c5 +2884 the central venous catheter from a right ij approach tip is at the cavoatrial junction . the heart size is at the upper limits of normal . the mediastinal contours are within normal limits . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is seen . the lungs demonstrate improving consolidation of the retrocardiac space, either representing improving atelectasis or pneumonia . additionally, a new left upper lobe opacity is seen, concerning for a developing pneumonia . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . degenerative changes are seen in the spine . new left upper lobe opacity which may represent a developing pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . improving retrocardiac consolidation may represent improving atelectasis or pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 15840907 50031776 3309c1ea-ab3bd4ee-d7677769-da248132-c26d7c02 +2885 the lungs are low in volume but clear . the cardiac silhouette is unchanged compared to the previous examination . the mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . No Finding 16875792 52998783 66b2b4e8-470a1e57-77371a47-f3e6f263-0b7d1783 +2886 bilateral upper lobe scarring is seen with superior retraction of the hila . the lung volumes are relatively low . there is no evidence of superimposed acute process . cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . surgical clips in the upper abdomen again noted . osseous structures are essentially unremarkable noting probable right glenoid orthopedic hardware . bilateral upper lobe scarring unchanged without evidence of superimposed acute process . Lung Opacity 10933609 51002383 5668d9ef-e5b61aae-8a38e823-b668e8ba-837392e7 +2887 the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged, with the cardiac silhouette size at the upper limits of normal . right subclavian vascular stent is unchanged . the lungs are clear and the pulmonary vascularity is normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No Finding 14744884 53605259 60565158-58324362-cca18ef0-bb2bc393-750737fd +2888 the left subclavian catheter tip now lies probably within the right atrium . long intestinal tube remains in place . there is increased opacification of the right hemithorax with preservation of pulmonary markings, consistent with substantial right layering pleural effusion . underlying compressive atelectasis . the left lung is essentially clear . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16319601 52726134 c20654e3-3f4f8322-d732af7e-f214d42f-c16264fc +2889 there is little interval change . again, there is a left hilar mass with volume loss and opacification in the left upper lobe, consistent with a post-obstructive pneumonia or collapse . the right lung is essentially clear . Atelectasis&&Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 18067737 57632806 837cc5b5-e15e87de-3fc53c74-c391e8b0-c7e53396 +2890 the intestinal catheter has been removed . the right picc line again extends to the lower portion of the svc . continued bilateral basilar opacification is consistent with substantial effusions, more prominent on the left, and underlying compressive atelectasis . moderate cardiomegaly persists . no definite vascular congestion . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 18224196 51463307 0bef8ba1-43fc24e0-70fdb6e1-979af2ea-5243f4b6 +2891 since the prior exam, there is increasing opacification at the right base, which is most likely due to aspiration, given the acute change . otherwise, remaining lung fields are stable, including right lower lobe bronchiectasis and scarring . there is continued diffuse interstitial prominence . there is no definite pulmonary edema . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the heart is severely enlarged . post-cabg changes are stable . a pacemaker is in place . the wires are in appropriate position . increasing opacity in the right lower lung zone is worrisome for aspiration . stable interstitial prominence and right lower lobe scaring . Lung Opacity 12110863 50751429 7568a044-7f2b130e-9af97f69-17cda54e-cb366755 +2892 single supine ap portable view of the chest was obtained . again seen, there are increased diffuse interstitial opacities bilaterally, may be due to pulmonary edema, although appears less severe than on the prior study . slight blunting of the bilateral costophrenic angles may be due to small bilateral pleural effusions . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . left subclavian stent is again seen . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16772702 54541565 021c6321-4fe21bcf-a5fc07b5-10da56bf-8436fc83 +2893 as compared to prior chest radiograph from , right pleurx catheter remains in position and there is still substantial layering of pleural effusion with compressive atelectasis at the right base . there appears to be interval engorgement of pulmonary vessels, particularly on the left . the left hemidiaphragm is not as sharply seen, which could represent a small pleural effusion . stable cardiomegaly . unchanged right pleural effusion . stable cardiomegaly with pulmonary vascular congestion . possible small left pleural effusion . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 16826047 59395427 540bedcf-8202c1a0-6499b7ab-c43d0c66-a287c997 +2894 there is again enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with elevation of pulmonary venous pressure . opacification at the right base again is consistent with collapse of the right middle and lower lobe . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity 14851532 54414101 d4c3eb06-68dcce85-81bae663-853a3883-288dc307 +2895 single supine portable view of the chest was obtained . the patient is rotated to the right . cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . there is mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm . no definite focal consolidation is seen . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is improved . patchy opacity at the left lung base is seen nonspecific, but could be due to infection or aspiration . dedicated pa and lateral views if and when patient able, would be helpful for further evaluation . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . . patchy left base opacity could be due to aspiration or infection . . mild pulmonary vascular congestion has improved in the interval . stable cardiomediastinal silhouette . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14841168 51613553 41ac266f-165c8df4-32f6976e-54066ffd-f078337c +2896 ap and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from . postoperative changes of right upper lobectomy are again noted . there are new small bilateral pleural effusions . parenchymal opacity in the right upper lung and perihilar region have not significantly changed and could be in part due to post radiationtreatment changes . superiorly, the left lung is clear . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . degenerative changes of the right shoulder and post-thoracotomy changes on the right again noted . interval development of small bilateral pleural effusions . otherwise, no significant change . Pleural Effusion 13263843 55876844 eddb9933-b3f09de6-7a247c23-5008736e-5f1faba5 +2897 since , multifocal pneumonia has resolved and there is no new consolidation or other evidence of active intrathoracic infection . persistent blunting of the right posterior pleural sulcus could be due to scarring or a small chronic pleural effusion . the heart is no longer mildly enlarged and the neo esophagus, after esophagectomy, is no longer distended . mild pulmonary hyperinflation reflects emphysema . healed fractures of the posterior right sixth and seventh ribs should not be mistaken for a lung or pleural lesion . previous pneumonia resolved since . no evidence of current infection . emphysema . small right pleural effusion or pleural scarring, clinically insignificant . with dr . on the telephoneon at pm, minutes after discovery of the findings . Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 14295224 52124829 8a6b0550-8fa3b54b-4703a676-db84baf7-e4fe2d48 +2898 the patient was intubated in the meantime interval with the et tube tip being . cm above the carina . additional right internal jugular line has been inserted with its tip at the level of superior svc . the right picc line tip is low in the right atrium and should be pulled back approximately cm . heart size and mediastinum are grossly unchanged . bilateral, right more than left pleural effusion is seen, but most likely moderate to large on the right and small on the left, potentially slightly increased since the prior study . Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 55868782 2e1fb168-5279d839-de9821a0-45e5c887-44bbf786 +2899 there is no evidence of pneumothorax . little change in the appearance of the heart and lungs with continued low lung volumes, moderate cardiomegaly, elevated pulmonary venous pressure, and bilateral pleural effusions, more prominent on the left . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion 13473495 56526400 a960626f-d83c011c-0418381e-d4cf2323-e82c0290 +2900 vascular stents are again seen and stable from . there is no focal opacity, pleural effusions or overt signs of pulmonary edema . the cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . the bones are diffusely sclerotic, likely secondary to renal osteodystrophy . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 19061282 55793283 e4803482-51fd078d-b1b0c75c-e66487fe-0e881cdc +2901 the lungs are well expanded with little vascular engorgement . the heart size is normal . the minimal bibasilar atelectasis is unchanged . there is suggestion of a new mm left upper lobe nodule . additionally, the aortopulmonary window is bulging, new since . there is no apical pneumothorax or large pleural effusion . . there is no pulmonary edema and little vascular engorgement . . bulging of the aortopulmonary window, new since , and a newly identified mm left upper lobe nodule can be initially better evaluated with routine pa and lateral chest radiographs, and an additional lordotic view . was informed at on by dr . . Lung Lesion 17720924 56426152 a17b5dc8-d644c07f-3d06ab54-851e9dee-b8643fad +2902 the lung volumes have slightly increased . the pre-existing, predominantly perihilar opacities have substantially decreased in extent and severity . the remaining opacities are now predominating in the upper lobes and are located around the upper aspects of the left and right hilus . no newly appeared opacities . the left internal jugular vein catheter has been removed, the lateral radiograph shows evidence of a small left effusion, obliterating the dorsal aspects of the costophrenic sinus . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 10933609 59885828 f52047f3-b0ba5171-755f7044-afcf59b8-62848096 +2903 the right picc line is at the level of cavoatrial junctionproximal right atrium . in comparison to the prior study the appearance of the cardiac silhouette is increased, although it might reflect different rotation of the patient . the mediastinum is slightly widened . there is minimal vascular engorgement that might reflect mild degree of interstitial edema . right pleural effusion is unchanged, small to moderate . minimal amount of left pleural effusion cannot be excluded . atelectasis at the left lower lung is noted, linear, mild . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 11204646 52157373 9f006813-48c1cfef-f8053cc6-7cf6f90b-b38379a0 +2904 cardiac silhouette remains enlarged and is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and mild pulmonary edema . as compared to the recent study, there has been improved aeration at both lung bases . small pleural effusions persist . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 15207316 59143676 eb01562e-2c2a238a-fe9ab06f-74e7bb4d-a3352724 +2905 cardiomediastinal contours are normal . the lungs are hyperinflated suggesting the presence of copd . the hemidiaphragms are flattened . there is a small left pleural effusion . there is evidence of bronchial wall thickening in the lower lobes bilaterally, more so in the left consistent with bronchitis . of note, in ct, there was evidence of an infection process in the lower lobes bilaterally this has not worsened, probably improved . the comparison is difficult due to the difference in technique . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 10402372 52316568 e7179674-98666bd0-3463ad83-fb1cc95d-7a584b37 +2906 there is little interval change . post-surgical changes are again seen on the right with chest tubes in place and no evidence of pneumothorax . the left lung remains clear with evidence of prior rib fractures . Fracture&&Support Devices 13352405 54113050 9cafa042-7e42acc5-4e291de3-bf7be788-ef54e6cc +2907 a picc line ends in the mid-to-low svc . small bilateral pleural effusions seen only on the lateral view have decreased since . aside from minimal atelectasis at the posterior left lung base, the lungs are clear . the aorta is tortuous but not dilated . heart size is normal . . minimal left basal atelectasis . . small bilateral pleural effusions, decreased in size compared to . . no evidence of aspiration . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 13135946 52546073 1ec07497-ec6f4ace-baa95464-3ff6c941-6418e970 +2908 a new area of consolidation has developed in the left lower lobe, and is concerning for developing pneumonia considering the clinical suspicion for this entity . additional nonspecific patchy opacity at the periphery of the right lung base could reflect focal atelectasis, or an additional site of infection . severe upper lobe predominant emphysema is again demonstrated . cardiomediastinal contours are normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is evident . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11052935 50457087 f3686ece-bb54acba-7f3b1ce4-b9166b5f-cd9b52c2 +2909 chest pa and lateral radiographs redemonstrate mild interstitial edema and mild cardiomegaly . no signs of aspiration and no change from prior cxr . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 11293517 57774874 6eaa4765-962aa2b7-3cc2112a-79abf7d4-36999ea4 +2910 mild cardiomegaly is stable . mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema is new . there has been interval worsening in left perihilar consolidation, most likely consistent with pneumonia . continued followup is recommended until resolution . small bilateral pleural effusions, left greater than right, have increased . there is no evident pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 13353878 56538372 38fd10a6-9bc66421-6001dcd9-d1906370-18d01e97 +2911 compared with the immediate prior study of earlier on the same day there has been new or right middle lobe and right lower lobe collapse . there is likely trace associated layering right pleural effusion . the endotracheal tube terminates . cm from the carina . a left subclavian central venous catheter terminates the junction of the svc with the brachiocephalic vein . an enteric tube courses below the diaphragm and outside of the field of view . an inferior approach central venous catheter terminates in the ivc, unchanged . there is no left-sided pleural effusion or consolidation . . interval right middle lobe and right lower lobe collapse . . endotracheal tube terminates . cm from the carina . Atelectasis&&Support Devices 14841168 55926507 e3e6cc59-4cfa69f0-eb73c903-0346145f-f6ae821f +2912 midline sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again noted . heart is mildly enlarged, though this appears stable . the aorta is tortuous, also unchanged . there is mild interstitial edema without large effusions or pneumothorax . no definite signs of pneumonia . bony structures are demineralized . a mild wedge deformity of a vertebra at the thoracolumbar junction is noted . there is stable from prior . mild cardiomegaly with interstitial edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 16957952 56849860 8e067d88-2ea4ee8d-21db2c6b-f78701cb-91ad53f9 +2913 comparison is made with prior study performed seven hours earlier . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . there is a new right pigtail catheter in the right hemithorax . large known anterior air- fluid collection is not longer visualized, though would be better evaluated with a lateral radiograph to assess any residual air or fluid . cardiac size is top normal . small right perihilar and bilateral opacities largely on the right side are grossly unchanged consistent with infectious process . patient has known emphysema . there are no other acute interval changes . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17770657 52743281 7d360199-6d44109c-6aa33603-caf75a5d-941bd6b2 +2914 upright ap view of the chest left-sided pacemaker device is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus . the heart size is mildly enlarged . the aortic knob is calcified . there is mild pulmonary edema with perihilar haziness and vascular indistinctness, new from the prior study . focal opacities at lung bases may reflect areas of atelectasis though infection cannot be excluded . small bilateral pleural effusions may be present . no pneumothorax is identified . mild pulmonary edema with probable small bilateral pleural effusions . more focal opacities at lung bases may reflect atelectasis but infection cannot be completely excluded . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 12595991 51615087 29f643b7-e5408002-2f731ee3-cb5b8634-0d438145 +2915 pa and lateral views of the chest the patient is status post median sternotomy, cabg, and aortic valve replacement . the cardiac silhouette size and configuration is unchanged, as is the mediastinal and hilar contours . there are low lung volumes, which results in minimal bibasilar atelectasis and crowding of the bronchovascular structures . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax is present . there are mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine . cholecystectomy clips are noted in the upper abdomen . Atelectasis 16773796 56605773 5f058986-c0a46f7a-7d175c3e-c40f1bd2-e71884bf +2916 compared with at pm, i doubt significant interval change . again seen is the left sided tube, left lung hyperlucency, and left-sided volume loss, with compensatory slight hyperextension of the right lung, leftward shift of the mediastinum, and elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, consistent with pneumonectomy . minimal atelectasis or scarring at the right base is unchanged . epidural catheter again noted . Atelectasis&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 12410066 56130174 4f5bc759-411e9f5e-1bde471f-2d8e0359-d15caa34 +2917 there is marked scoliosis with convexity to the right, similar to prior examinations and with increased patient rotation to the right . in the interval from the prior examination, obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm may be due to pleural effusion and atelectasis, though a consolidation or pneumonia cannot be entirely excluded . there may be mild interstitial edema . patchy right lower lobe opacity may be due to infection or aspiration . no pneumothorax is seen . the heart is mildly enlarged . an endotracheal tube is in standard position with tip near the inferior margin of the clavicular heads . an esophageal catheter has been placed, coursing inferior to the diaphragm with side port within the stomach and tip out of view of the radiograph . a left-sided dual-lead pacemaker is in standard position . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13649937 53966692 019dff97-dd885742-7be6fc52-dfd21808-8513ba6d +2918 subtle increased density adjacent to the cardiac apex, with obscuration of the lower left cardiac border, has been present on multiple prior studies, and is thus likely chronic . no corresponding abnormality was identified on the lateral view performed one day prior . there is no further parenchymal opacity identified . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . there is no pulmonary vascular congestion or edema . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . no evidence of lobar pneumonia . opacity adjacent to the cardiac apex at the left base appears to be chronic, though if there is concern for developing pneumonia radiographic follow-up would be appropriate . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16662264 58701930 463d2a28-b411bb98-f7bda38e-7030ebb9-74a8a1e0 +2919 lateral view somewhat limited due to overlying motion artifact . the lungs are low in volume . there is no focal airspace consolidation to suggest pneumonia . a -cm calcified granuloma just below the medial aspect of the right hemidiaphragm is unchanged from prior study . no pleural effusions or pulmonary edema . there is no pneumothorax . the inferior sternotomy wire is fractured but unchanged . surgical clips and vascular markers in the thorax are related to prior cabg surgery . no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 10046166 50051329 abea5eb9-b7c32823-3a14c5ca-77868030-69c83139 +2920 the lungs are low in volume but clear . the cardiac silhouette is possibly mildly enlarged . low lung volumes may be responsible for mild widening of the mediastinal silhouette . the hilar contours and pleural surfaces are normal . no pleural effusion is present . a left-sided pacer terminates with its leads in the right atrium and right ventricle . non-standard placement of the right atrial lead is unchanged . mild cardiomegaly . no acute intrathoracic process . Cardiomegaly 18487334 56858524 70da9ce8-660f957c-cff2916f-1e067a32-1f7149f9 +2921 the lungs are clear of consolidation or effusion . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged but unchanged . no acute osseous abnormality is detected . right brachiocephalic venous stent is again noted . no acute cardiopulmonary process . No Finding 14744884 59332553 165711e8-c8b71f3b-2d2cbf76-dca067bc-f2ba9089 +2922 the lung fields are clear without focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax . heart and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . sternal wires and mitral valve replacement hardware are again seen . no radiographic evidence for acute process . No Finding 16116557 51951386 0bb60711-8098a084-5f12d2bb-e8739a70-870e72a1 +2923 comparison is made to the prior study from . an endotracheal tube has been placed and the distal tip is at the level of the aortic knob, cm above the carina . the swan-ganz catheter is unchanged . there is a persistent cardiomegaly . there is a right-sided pleural effusion . there is prominence of the pulmonary interstitial markings . no pneumothoraces are identified . Cardiomegaly&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 58348130 d1a588ba-df69fa21-41d67ef8-6ae29c22-17544175 +2924 frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest were obtained . lung volumes are slightly low . a moderate right pleural effusion has increased compared to the prior study from , likely with a subpulmonic component . a concomitant consolidative process at the right lung base cannot be excluded . there is mild pulmonary vascular congestion without frank interstitial edema . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged . the mediastinal contours are normal . there is no pneumothorax . a right port-a-cath ends in the mid-to-low svc . . moderate right pleural effusion with a likely subpulmonic component . a concomitant infectious process at the right base cannot be excluded . . unchanged mild cardiomegaly . . mild pulmonary vascular congestion without interstitial edema . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16826047 56712342 a9c772ae-200934a7-b6e1a70f-b42f3c60-9ddecf2b +2925 with the patients neck in flexed position, the endotracheal tube ending approximately cm above the carina is highly placed . consider advancing the endotracheal tube by additional cm for better seating . new left internal jugular line ends at the left vertebral margins and is likely within the left brachiocephalic trunk . considering advancing by additional . cm to cm . left picc line ends at lower svc . both lung volumes are low and remarkable for minimal bibasal atelectasis . no oacities concerning for pneumonia . a thin, curved, radioopaque structure is seen extending from right medial basal lung till right hypochrondriac region . its clinical significance was discussed with dr by phone on at pm, but my discussion led to conclude this as of uncertain nature . i recommend a lateral radiograph for further evaluation to see if this is a artifact or real . orogastric tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm into the stomach and is adequately placed . an abdominal drain tube is seen in the left upper abdomen . above findings were discussed with dr . by phone on at pm . Atelectasis&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 19907884 55906329 c76592b7-dc16f6ee-eddffb4d-e872e85b-672e7d59 +2926 removal of dialysis catheter with no evidence of pneumothorax . heart is mildly enlarged and is accompanied by vascular engorgement and new septal lines consistent with interstitial edema . small pleural effusions have increased in size in the interval . Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 15259244 50243155 3920cf42-8cd1362b-cbe6eaee-518b1fa6-a7358a5b +2927 ap upright and lateral views of the chest were obtained . elevated right hemidiaphragm is again noted . mild cardiomegaly is also stable . there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or overt signs of chf . mediastinal contour is stable . bony structures are intact . a mild scoliosis is again noted with a superior end plate compression deformity at the thoracolumbar junction . no acute intrathoracic process . No Finding 10449297 52837403 609ca0e0-3dcbf65f-38322c64-03e4fea0-3faa3a90 +2928 volume of the postoperative right lung has improved considerably, and the volume of the persistent right apical pleural space has decreased, though now it contains more fluid than air . subcutaneous emphysema has increased . two right pleural drains remain . left lung is clear . heart size is normal . greater fullness in the right lower tracheobronchial angle could be due to paramediastinal pleural fluid, but should be carefully followed to exclude a developing hematoma . in the interim, the patient has been extubated . heart size is normal . Pleural Effusion 19991135 50498205 d9661ff6-877ac981-a20a8810-92309d46-173008ad +2929 the patient is status post median sternotomy . right-sided port-a-cath is again seen without significant change in position, terminating at the cavoatrial junction . again, there are low lung volumes and minimal bibasilar atelectasis . ovoid calcification projecting over the left mediastinum is again seen . subcentimeter left lower lung rounded calcification is stable and may represent a calcified granuloma . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . there is no overt pulmonary edema . no significant interval change . No Finding 11413236 57332361 11bf7fcd-96d58d34-49415fcc-c20c2b7d-1f340544 +2930 a single-lead left-sided aicd is again seen with lead extending to the expected position of the right ventricle . there has been interval removal of a right internal jugular central venous catheter . there is minimal interstitial edema . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac silhouette remains mildly enlarged . the aorta is tortuous . no focal consolidation seen . minimal interstitial edema and mild cardiomegaly . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 12074041 51988570 a2f93b13-6b7f3079-3610454c-347f5e93-ad8f103b +2931 one view of the chest the lungs are hyperexpanded and show hyperlucency of the upper lobes consistent with known emphysema . asymmetric density is noted in the left lower lobe . the cardiomediastinal silhouette, hilar contours and pleural surfaces are normal . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . Pneumonia 11052935 57214202 4859ca51-f9aec9f3-e0959b5c-a6342b33-28811875 +2932 feeding tube, now without the wire stylet ends in the same place, upper stomach . the apex and lateral right lower hemithorax are excluded from this examination . remaining pleural surfaces are normal and the imaged lungs show no pneumonia or edema, but there are several small nodules and bronchiectasis in the right lower lobe . Lung Lesion&&Support Devices 10402372 57949791 080eb78a-c3c3f369-1eaacd39-7f6cc416-8810586c +2933 when compared to prior, there has been interval progression of the opacity in the left upper lobe . hazy opacity in the left lung base corresponds with lingular atelectasis versus scarring and superimposed left lower lobe ground-glass seen on prior chest ct . additional nodules previously described are not as clearly delineated by x-ray . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no acute osseous abnormalities . surgical clips in the right upper quadrant suggest prior cholecystectomy . left upper lobe consolidation has progressed since prior . this could be due to an infection however underlying malignancy cannot be excluded . follow-up by chest ct is suggested and can be performed as previously recommended in . Consolidation&&Pneumonia 16435402 58864570 218c9927-cdee34db-c4b93920-adfa83cb-cfb580c5 +2934 moderate to severe cardiomegaly is stable . pacer leads are in standard position . et tube is in standard position . left ij catheter tip is in the mid svc . right picc is in unchanged position . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . vascular congestion has improved . bibasilar atelectasis have improved . bilateral effusions right greater than left are unchanged improved pulmonary edema . Edema 12595991 50749866 9df33cee-a5533c4d-56048d41-edb2923b-6b01ac1f +2935 monitoring and support devices remain in place . widespread airspace opacities, more prominent on the right, are consistent with diffuse pneumonia . the known abscess in the right lower lobe is seen in better detail on recent ct . right pigtail catheter is seen at the base of the lung, presumably within the abscess cavity . little change in the moderate pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13964474 54413465 929b5959-0c447f88-a4f24482-1fa6681b-06dd8ec4 +2936 frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate a left pectoral dual-lead paceraicd with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . the heart is normal in size . there is mild thoracic aortic unfolding . atherosclerotic calcifications are seen in the arch . suspected right middle lobe mass is present since at least and previously evaluated on ct . right basilar fibrosis is also better demonstrated on prior ct . aerated upper lungs are clear . there is no pneumothorax, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . . probable right middle lobe mass, better assessed on prior ct . right bibasilar pulmonary fibrosis . Lung Lesion&&Pleural Other 15378103 55048387 7a56c5a4-63fabea2-e65cd08b-42dd34c4-a1867f86 +2937 new consolidation at the base the left lung could be either atelectasis or pneumonia, accompanied by stable small left pleural effusion . chest is otherwise unchanged, including normal size heart, minimally dilated upper lobe pulmonary vessels, but no pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16553329 56936171 8ad111d7-bd7f226a-d10f242f-59b1df46-5defb013 +2938 the lungs are clear without focal consolidation, effusion, or edema . left chest wall single lead pacing device is noted . mild cardiomegaly is noted . median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are seen . prior endotracheal and enteric tubes are no longer visualized . mild cardiomegaly without superimposed acute cardiopulmonary process . Cardiomegaly 11540283 58773579 4a6b6a7c-83ed2cdc-41c74d6e-ed8815a2-84ed02ff +2939 there is a right-sided picc line with distal lead tip at the cavoatrial junction . there are low lung volumes with atelectasis at the lung bases and a left retrocardiac opacity . this is unchanged . surgical clips within the left axilla are again seen . there are several healed old right-sided rib fractures . no pneumothoraces are seen . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 18978682 54392033 aa20f78f-53dce569-e7263012-3c4ab839-7abbabd4 +2940 the cardiac silhouette is enlarged with somewhat globular configuration, which may be due to pericardial effusion or cardiomyopathy . there is mild bibasilar atelectasis . no definite focal consolidation is seen, although a small retrocardiac consolidation is difficult to exclude . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the superior mediastinum remains prominent as it did on the prior study from . there is mid lung linear atelectasisscarring, best seen on the lateral view . the posterior costophrenic angles are not well seen which may be due to overlying soft tissue, though trace pleural effusions are not excluded . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14727722 53818162 8c410469-6d0fe4ba-0b72128d-15095daa-3e1623e9 +2941 cardiac size is top normal . the lungs are grossly clear . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . moderate degenerative changes are in the thoracic spine . No Finding 15840907 53731827 d89e6f21-a446eef4-a01c2b56-b8c103af-64774131 +2942 on the previous radiograph, extent of the known right pleural effusion has increased . the right pleural drain seems to be in unchanged position . the effusion now occupies a little bit more than of the right hemithorax . unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette . unchanged normal appearance of the left lung . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 16826047 59368305 c4043075-ef0f5e86-98cd490f-353abc47-c25c3a5f +2943 there is no change or evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . the lungs are clear and there is no vascular congestion or pleural effusion . of incidental note is dilatation of the trachea consistent with the patients known tracheomalacia . the esophageal capsule is no longer present and there are surgical clips in the upper abdomen . No Finding 15114531 51762961 550025f0-fb28013b-e174e563-a9c2dc35-c3f0b4d0 +2944 the right pleural effusion is moderate in size, loculated and unchanged in appearance or minimally decreased since the prior study . the left mediastinal shift is persistent, unchanged . architectural distortion, bronchiectasis, and pleural thickening in the left upper lobe is unchanged . Pleural Effusion&&Pleural Other 13849733 50947446 0add49e8-ece420fd-0cb46263-87fad39f-10abd60b +2945 the heart is mildly enlarged with a left ventricular configuration . there is similar unfolding of the thoracic aorta . the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged including a convexity along the right upper mediastinal contour . particularly since it appears stable over time, it can probably be attributed to tortuosity of the great vessels . at both lung bases, but more extensive on the right than left, there are patchy opacities, fairly streaky in nature but extensive . these are increased since the earlier examination and are accompanied by peribronchial cuffing . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . suspected mild loss in mid thoracic vertebral body heights appears unchanged and probably coincides with demineralization . the lower thoracic spine shows mild rightward convex curvature . there is wedging of an upper lumbar vertebral body which may be increased somewhat, although the apparent difference may be due to differences in orientation . . increasing bibasilar opacities which could be seen with lower airway inflammation or infection, although developing bronchopneumonia is not entirely excluded . . mild anterior wedge compression deformity of a vertebral body at the thoracolumbar junction, likely l although probably chronic, potentially increased somewhat . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16853729 55420918 10b653ab-46de5007-fc3c0784-46a5a718-df7713ba +2946 in comparison with the study in on, the hemodialysis catheter is been removed and replaced with a right subclavian picc line that extends to almost the junction of the brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava . otherwise, little change in the appearance of the heart and lungs except for lower lung volumes . Cardiomegaly&&Support Devices 16508811 54040548 e57f1292-5588d57d-2a9585b6-09d738a5-16b9c9f6 +2947 heart size remains mildly enlarged with a left ventricular predominance . the aorta is unfolded and diffusely calcified, with the hilar contours appearing stable . the lungs are clear without evidence of pulmonary vascular engorgement . a trace left pleural effusion may be present, but no right pleural effusion is seen . no pneumothorax is identified . an inferior vena cava filter is noted within the abdomen . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . no radiographic evidence for pneumonia . No Finding 13484161 55812727 0f3b10cd-b3e6a500-20370ada-6e3ab8b3-ad1019c5 +2948 as compared to prior chest radiograph from , there has been interval improvement of opacities along the right lower lung . there is bibasilar atelectasis . mild cardiomegaly is unchanged . there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . an et tube ends . cm above the carina . right jugular line is unchanged in position . interval improvement of opacities along the right lower lung with bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity 15809646 52673752 2cdf54d6-df90d07a-cbaaa135-454278cd-ffe7eb4e +2949 there is persistent bibasilar atelectasis . no new focal consolidation, large pleural effusion, or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no other significant interval change aside from possible decrease in small left pleural effusion noted on the prior study . Pleural Effusion 15393401 54128006 ba3fb88d-d17476f9-7e265acc-3818caee-7fe0f04e +2950 the endotracheal tube has been removed . the right ij catheter tip again lies at the level of the mid portion of the svc . streaks of atelectasis are seen at the left base, but the lungs are otherwise essentially clear and there is no evidence of vascular congestion . of incidental note is post-surgical or post-traumatic changes involving the distal right clavicle and several rib fractures on the right . Atelectasis&&Fracture&&Support Devices 17439310 59138498 0b5f3585-a53ebe18-3930e02f-271b3e7d-836cdf4a +2951 median sternotomy wires, aortic valve replacement, mediastinal surgical clips are again noted, no change in alignment . there is persistent opacity at the left lung base, though aeration is improved from two days prior . persistent linear opacities likely represent atelectasis . left pleural effusion is small . trace right pleural fluid is also present . lungs are otherwise well aerated . there is no focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . there is no vascular congestion or pulmonary edema . there is no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 12733339 53736575 946ab43b-aafbeb4c-99c6b132-43bf9624-4c09a5f4 +2952 the study of , the swan-ganz catheter has been removed and there is no evidence of pneumothorax . continued substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary vascular congestion that appears to be decreasing . the hazy opacification at the right base has substantially cleared and the hemidiaphragm is more sharply seen . this could represent improved pleural effusion, though it could merely be a manifestation of a more erect position of the patient . poor definition of the right heart border with basilar opacification is again consistent with substantial volume loss in the right middle and lower lobe . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14851532 52296776 8b5044a8-1b105a82-35dfd08e-befc2e5f-b2df474a +2953 the pre-existing left pleural effusion has massively increased in extent . the effusion occupies approximately half of the left hemithorax and causes substantial basal atelectasis . on the right, a small-to-moderate pleural effusion has newly occurred . in the ventilated parts of the lung parenchyma, there is no evidence of pneumonia . no pneumothorax . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion 12433421 51235553 222087fc-b3297c5c-72502065-cf9f3e90-6839efc7 +2954 comparison is made with prior study performed four hours earlier . new et tube is in the standard position . the tip is . cm above the carina . change in the density and opacities in the lungs bilaterally are consistent of shifting of pleural effusions . mild pulmonary edema is unchanged . there are no other interval changes . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 17669276 58567017 05a2607c-496ddc11-835abb3e-f87f6687-b2f581c7 +2955 ap portable semi upright view of the chest . lung volumes are low limiting assessment . the patients chin obscures the lung apices . allowing for limitations, the heart is enlarged with mild to moderate pulmonary edema noted . no large effusion . no gross bony abnormalities . mild to moderate pulmonary edema, mild cardiomegaly . limited exam . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15131736 55827546 6961188b-c38e2a5b-a99c020f-7b1d396a-86da5f49 +2956 the radiopaque portion of the dobbhoff tube overlies the ge junction and upper stomach . residual contrast again noted . an additional ng tube type tube is present, tip extending beneath diaphragm, off film . et tube in satisfactory position approximately . cm above the carina . right subclavian central line tip over distal svc . cardiomediastinal silhouette appears smaller . sternotomy wires and prosthetic valve noted . there is chf with interstitial edema . allowing for technical differences, this is fairly similar to the most recent prior film . there is a small-to-moderate left effusion, with underlying collapse andor consolidation . hazy density at the right base also likely reflects layering effusion, with some underlying atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13135946 58778519 a7c40dad-a0c662b4-98da13ed-35ffc92a-4862b305 +2957 large right pleural effusion persists following removal of the right pleural drain . there is no appreciable pneumothorax . large fissural fluid collection should not be mistaken for right lung mass . left lung is grossly clear . heart size normal . Lung Lesion&&Pleural Effusion 13352405 52426022 dbc771b6-00a9d1dc-3d5f7a54-acb63200-cc010192 +2958 thereis hyperinflation, consistent with background copd . there is increased diffuse parenchymal opacities bilaterally, more prominent at the bases consistent with mild pulmonary edema . there are small bilateral pleural effusions layering posteriorly, left greater than right . there is fluid in the major fissure seen on the lateral view . there is moderate cardiomegaly . no pneumothorax . the left hemidiaphragm is elevated laterally . moderate cardiomegaly, mild pulmonary edema and small bilateral pleural effusions consistent with chf . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 11052273 53702175 e35b1970-3dfc9412-ec657374-09990870-561ca892 +2959 low inspiratory volumes . there is a small left effusion and possibly a small right effusion . there is increased retrocardiac density and right infrahilar density consistent with lower lobe collapse andor consolidation . the superior mediastinum is not well demonstrated on this view due to lordotic positioning . there is upper zone redistribution, likely accentuated by low lung volumes . the degree of retrocardiac opacity is greater and the left effusion is new, compared with the film dated at pm . chondroid calcifications in the diaphysis of the right proximal humerus are noted, extending beyond the infeiror edge of this film, over a length of at least cm . in the absence of atypical upper arm pain, this likely represents a benign enchondroma . . bibasilar opacities, worse on the left, with possible new left effusion . . limited assessment of superior mediastinum due to lordotic positioning . . probable right humeral diaphysis enchondroma . when the patient is stable, recommend clinical correlation to exclude any right humeral atypical pain and baseline right humerus radiographs to include the entire lesion . Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 11569042 58093109 737fe166-1d61ed17-45d7d04d-b55e438d-4f23f221 +2960 endotracheal tube terminates . cm above the carina and right internal jugular line ending at mid svc are appropriate . no interval changes in the lungs since . bibasal atelectasis, left side more than right side, is unchanged . top normal heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are stable in appearance . no new lung opacities of concern . pleural effusion, if any, is mild on the left side and similar . Atelectasis&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19454978 50520166 7a61d475-697617d7-8f7bacca-80d56a97-5a83bbd7 +2961 there is a single-lead pacemakericd device whose lead terminates in the right ventricle as before . the tricuspid and aortic valves has been replaced . hazy opacities that are predominantly central within each lung suggest mild pulmonary edema . a persistent pleural effusion with loculated character appears unchanged on the right, with probable atelectasis opacifying a substantial portion of the right lower hemithorax, as before . there is probably a trace pleural effusion only on the left . no pneumothorax is demonstrated . findings suggesting mild pulmonary edema . similar moderate-sized right pleural effusion, probably loculated to some extent, with persistent lung opacification that can probably be attributed to associated atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19182863 54811277 89853b2a-bf88984c-37910d68-2401fca9-884951db +2962 the patient is status post sternotomy and aortic valve replacement . the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . the heart is at the upper limits of normal size . aside from band-like opacity in the left mid lung suggesting minor atelectasis, there is no focal abnormality, but a mild diffuse interstitial abnormality suggests slight congestion . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the patient is also status post posterior fusion of the lower thoracic spine and vertebroplasty findings suggesting mild vascular congestion . Edema 14434800 54259878 2ff8144f-c833baaa-899af187-89dbc6ce-3adfc088 +2963 there is diffuse increase in opacifications bilaterally . although some of this could represent volume overload, much of the opacification, especially on the left, is consistent with superimposed pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 16508811 58890549 ee316aaf-4836b322-7a19300e-e45cd9fd-b0399146 +2964 there are low lung volumes . bibasilar atelectases have increased on the left side . small left pleural effusion is minimally increased . mild pulmonary edema has increased . right lower lobe consolidation has improved . ng tube tip is out of view below the diaphragm . left picc tip is in the upper-to-mid svc . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13979643 55490963 0a69cc34-5b2f951d-97d57989-4fc060c7-52b94812 +2965 the pre-existing partly pleural partly parenchymal opacities on the right have completely resolved . there is an obviously post-surgical rib defect on the right at the level of the fifth rib . minimal scarring in the region of the middle lobe, but no acute changes . no pleural effusions . no pneumonia . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . Lung Opacity 19389547 53414987 d7fd94c9-c495c1e6-cfc0ccec-60cc9251-6dfbb8ff +2966 ap and lateral views of chest demonstrate a right upper lobe consolidation with some areas of air bronchogram . background multifocal opacities with volume loss and chronic scarring are unchanged . there is no large pleural effusion . cardiac size is normal . new right upper lobe consolidation worrisome for infection on background chronic scarring . Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10933609 54422699 53c18304-54fac49c-cabe4615-c2a37b60-8555c705 +2967 severe bilateral infiltrative pulmonary abnormality continues to worsen . small bilateral pleural effusions and moderate cardiomegaly suggest that at least some of this abnormality is due to pulmonary edema, but the widespread recurrent infiltrative pulmonary abnormality present to varying degrees on chest ct scans since suggests an underlying process such as chronic pulmonary drug toxicity . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 13078497 51021074 956ec432-03e9c40c-ff58e74d-db0b9443-71042da1 +2968 normal size of the cardiac silhouette . vertebral fixation device is in the cervical spine . no pneumonia, no pleural effusions . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . no pulmonary edema . No Finding&&Support Devices 15114531 50613163 705d8098-599ee69b-ab0b9267-00def4fb-b2410a5d +2969 left-sided pacer is re- demonstrated with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . the patient is status post median sternotomy, aortic valve replacement, and cabg . heart size is mildly enlarged, unchanged . mediastinal and hilar contours are similar . mild upper zone pulmonary vascular redistribution is likely chronic without overt pulmonary edema . lung volumes remain low with streaky opacities in the lung bases suggestive of atelectasis . no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . fusion hardware within the lumbar spine is partially imaged as well as hardware within the right humeral head . chronic mild pulmonary vascular congestion without overt pulmonary edema . bibasilar atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Edema 19075045 52690612 d9804d7c-635ee55c-7df369a2-fad70e3c-4b5af3fb +2970 portable ap chest radiograph is obtained with the patient in the semi-erect position . tracheostomy noted . cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged bulging of the pulmonary outflow tract reflects enlargement of pulmonary arteries and suggests underlying pulmonary arterial hypertension . pulmonary edema has slightly improved compared to the prior study . small right pleural effusion is unchanged . again bibasilar opacifications are noted and are suggestive of atelectasis or consolidation . . unchanged bibasilar opacities are consistent with atelectasis or consolidation and pneumonia should be considered in the appropriate clinical context . . improved pulmonary edema . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 10268877 57765703 2f8ca5e2-5a1e02ab-e84f7547-069743e9-0f08d9e0 +2971 interval worsening of subcutaneous emphysema accompanied by persistent pneumomediastinum and small bilateral pneumothoraces . heterogeneous opacities in the right lung have worsened in the interval, and note is also made of a new small right pleural effusion and persistent small left pleural effusion . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumothorax 11474065 53308168 d6b1f3db-eed8e0db-3a5d58a2-bfb0290f-f04dd972 +2972 nasogastric catheter is seen coursing through the dilated esophagus, consistent with achalasia, and appears to terminate in the esophagus at the level of the posterior costophrenic sulcus . otherwise, the exam is unchanged with unremarkable mediastinal, hilar and cardiac contours . lungs are clear . no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is evident . enteric catheter coursing through dilated esophagus, ending in the distal esophagus at the level of the right posterior costophrenic angle . No Finding&&Support Devices 11569042 57778607 aac431c4-71ce2760-10747748-4fd37654-0f440dd6 +2973 no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary edema is detected . heart and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . aortic calcifications are again noted . a shunt catheter courses along the right neck, right medial chest, and right abdomen, incompletely imaged . mid-thoracic vertebral body compression deformity is again noted . old right rib fractures are noted . hardware projecting over the lumbar spine at the inferior margin of the image is incompletely evaluated . stable chest radiographs without evidence for acute process . No Finding 11906222 52008677 59a291bb-a5b73755-8efc4039-1a4e13f2-887e46d2 +2974 the endotracheal tube ends approximately . cm above the carina . moderate cardiomegaly, is unchanged since the prior study . patchy consolidation of the right upper lobe along the mediastinal border is seen . pleural effusions, if any, are small . bilateral calcified pleural plaques are present . moderate pulmonary edema is noted . the gastric tube courses through the stomach, and out of view . . et tube ends . cm above the carina, and could be withdrawn a few cm for optimal positioning . . moderate pulmonary edema . right upper lobe paramediastinal consolidation, which may represent acute infection or asymmetric edema . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 17838301 50394941 bf2bacd5-b94c49e9-68a69f71-b5d6c169-1078cd4b +2975 the assessment of the position of the esophageal stent demonstrates minimal change as compared to the prior radiograph . right chest tube is in place . the right internal jugular line is in place . there is interval improvement in the left base aeration that is most likely consistent with resolution of aspirationatelectasis . no pneumothorax is appreciated . the et tube tip is in place . No Finding&&Support Devices 19016834 58876378 6bf94769-48631939-de27a1af-91b05e66-e770045a +2976 frontal radiograhs shows diffuse bilateral lung opacities, most pronounced in the left upper lobe in the perihilar region likely due to chf, less likely multifocal pna . postdiuresis films should be obtained . left retrocardiac opacity likely represents atelectasis . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 17206933 57141526 ec72dd86-36c802f0-20a909ca-8cbcc950-58733cd5 +2977 a vascular stent is seen in the left brachiocephalic vein and svc, unchanged in appearance from the prior examination . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . subtle opacities seen throughout both lungs, most notable at the base of the right lung obscuring the right heart border, are suggestive of multifocal infection . an area of focal opacity projected over the left mid lung could represent an additional area of consolidation . in addition, there is increased vascular congestion, that should be -re-assessed after diuresis . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . bilateral opacities as described above concerning for multifocal pneumonia . increased vascular congestion, that should be -re-assessed after diuresis . notification updated findings communicated dr . telephone on by dr . . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 14236258 55782151 95d5ba34-c754c542-a7da4947-9dce8e85-e0668736 +2978 there has been interval placement of an endotracheal tube, which is low lying with tip approximately . cm above the carina . an esophageal tube is in place coursing inferior to the diaphragm however, tip out of view of the radiograph . lung volumes remain low with mild pulmonary edema . no significant pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is enlarged, however, unchanged . interval placement of endotracheal tube with tip low lying, approximately . cm above the carina . mild pulmonary edema . distal tip of esophageal tube not within the field of view of radiograph . at pm, . Edema&&Support Devices 15131736 52404879 25bf2edc-f6ba2b7c-b60cce3d-7f3ba548-0606e88a +2979 there is increased retrocardiac density consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation . there is also atelectasis at the right lung base . no gross effusion . mild pulmonary vascular plethora, without overt chf . No Finding&&Support Devices 13881772 58739295 d581d98c-1d55ec95-27066557-bcd43551-e1ff2218 +2980 the cardiac silhouette remains mildly enlarged . in the interval since the prior study, there is increase in interstitial markings bilaterally, particularly centrally, worrisome for worsening pulmonary edema . right basilar opacity is again seen, which may be due to fluid overload, although an underlying consolidation is not excluded . small right pleural effusion was better seen on ct as was left lower lobe opacities . surgical clips are noted overlying the left upper mediastinum . aortic knob calcifications again seen . interval increase in interstitial markings bilaterally since the prior study raises concern for worsening pulmonary edema . small right pleural effusion, better assessed on preceding ct . left lower lobe opacities better seen on ct . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 14851532 55167068 8137d98b-e8a60482-a158cc07-096a8d02-978fa0cc +2981 compared to the prior film, i doubt significant interval change . again seen is a pacemaker, sternotomy wires, enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette, patchy opacity in left upper zone, increased retrocardiac density consistent with left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation, and a small-to-moderate layering left effusion . the right lung is grossly clear, with minimal vascular plethora, but no overt chf . patchy cardiophrenic opacity is slightly improved . no frank consolidation or effusion . No Finding 19075045 53104217 62e9edcc-50892c5b-d1908c61-edfdb644-33f323c6 +2982 the et tube tip is relatively low, cm above the carina but note is made that the patients neck is in flexion . there is no change in the extensive left lower lobe atelectasis and potential partial atelectasis of the left upper lobe . mild vascular engorgement is present . small-to-moderate amount of bilateral effusion is most likely present . Atelectasis&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 14841168 50133146 badff6d2-5cf4b0e2-87a2fc81-ec99b751-425d490a +2983 as compared to the previous exam, the patient has been extubated and the nasogastric tube has been removed . the extent of the pre-existing pleural effusions have bilaterally increased . there is moderate-to-extensive cardiomegaly with bilateral extensive areas of atelectasis . mild-to-moderate fluid overload . no focal parenchymal opacity suggest pneumonia . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 11022245 56603583 777626de-a55fbd7d-e30f8359-db74c619-80afa62d +2984 right picc is seen with tip best delineated on the lateral view within the lower svc . retrocardiac opacity persists but is improved since exam days prior . superiorly, the lungs are clear . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . no acute osseous abnormality is identified . surgical clips project over the left upper quadrant . cervical fixation hardware is identified . resolving left lower lobe opacity compared to exam from four days prior . right picc tip in the distal svc . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 15114531 52117264 78abcbc7-6b5aa7c5-013f4e3b-2fd7d3b6-6a5986ee +2985 endotracheal tube terminates cm above the carina . orogastric tube terminates in the stomach . right internal jugular catheter terminates in the mid svc . lungs are low in volume with stable right upper lung opacities which are better assessed on the recent chest ct but suspicious for pneumonia . there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . heart is normal in size . normal cardiomediastinal silhouette . . satisfactory position of monitoring and support devices . aside from et tube which is cm above the carina and can be slightly withdrawn . this finding was discussed with icu rn at by phone on by dr . . . unchanged right upper lung pulmonary opacities which could reflect pneumonia . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 12966004 59842808 bbdcb05c-156dd562-ae7470ee-946facfc-07efcfcd +2986 the heart continues to be moderately enlarged, and a left cardiac device is again seen with its leads in appropriate position . the mediastinal contours are stable, and the patient is status post median sternotomy . there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or overt pulmonary edema . moderate cardiomegaly without acute cardiopulmonary process . Cardiomegaly 15144601 56094879 b785c793-aaed777d-bf9e5f46-51f74f6e-d5c76d2d +2987 mild pulmonary edema is clearing . mild cardiomegaly stable . pleural effusions small if any . no pneumothorax . swan-ganz catheter still ends in the right pulmonary artery . left jugular line tip in the region of the superior cavoatrial junction . transvenous right atrial right ventricular pacer leads follow their expected courses from the left pectoral generator . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19075045 50174434 a84bccbe-728dfb05-43811a78-46904061-d629b3bb +2988 single portable upright ap image of the chest . the right ij central line terminates in the right atrium . the lungs are well expanded and clear . there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged from prior exam . . right ij central line terminates in right atrium . pullback of - cm could be performed to have the tip located in the superior cavoatrial junction, if desired . no pneumothorax . . no acute cardiopulmonary process . little cephalization edema supine positioning is repsonsible in part for distenstion vasculatrue makes it difficult to eval for pulm edema - just last one this way . Edema&&Support Devices 19454978 54844678 5180e323-2f458dd9-ed09ecb3-6528c63a-6b9b4f1f +2989 heart size and mediastinum are unremarkable . right lower lobe and left lower lobe bronchiectasis with bronchial wall thickening and endobronchial impaction overall appear unchanged since the prior examination with no evidence of interval progression of the infectious process . note is made that the left costophrenic angle was not included in the field of view . there is no appreciable pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the dobbhoff tube tip is in the stomach . substantial hyperinflation is redemonstrated . Lung Opacity&&Support Devices 10402372 52470229 91957a55-d594678a-9799fb94-c27276d6-17ecf65f +2990 the tip of the dobbhoff tube extends to about the level of the ligament of treitz . endotracheal tube has been removed and the right ij catheter extends to the lower svc or upper right atrium . there is some increased opacification in both lower zones . some of this reflects volume loss in the left lower lobe with probable vascular congestion . in the appropriate clinical setting, possibility of supervening pneumonia would have to be seriously considered . Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 13881772 53198721 b32da72c-ae689a0b-86c6297f-a34fb19e-fafd4351 +2991 evaluation limited due to underpenetration and low lung volumes . there is cardiomegaly with hilar congestion and mild pulmonary edema . no large effusion is seen the small effusions difficult to exclude . no overt signs of pneumonia though lung bases are suboptimally assessed . no large pneumothorax . cardiomegaly with hilar congestion and mild pulmonary edema . somewhat limited exam . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 15131736 50016102 b57face8-df2c3c57-2a99e6b1-4919f774-c8c3e93c +2992 pa and lateral images of the chest demonstrate interval worsening of left lung opacity . the entire left hemithorax is now again opacified . opacification is likely due to a large left pleural fluid collection in the setting of lobectomy versus less likely left lung collapse . there is persistent significant elevation of the left hemidiaphragm . the right lung is clear . there is no right pleural effusion . cardiac size cannot be assessed due to obscuration by the left hemithorax opacification . the mediastinum is not shifted . interval increase in the opacification of left hemithorax, likely consistent with large left pleural effusion . right lung is clear . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 12530259 51972716 02cab5e2-32c693a1-f28fc960-a42cc4a2-4d8d7c44 +2993 lateral views are limited due to motion despite repeat image . relatively low lung volumes are seen with secondary crowding of the bronchovascular markings . there is superimposed interstitial edema . there is no large effusion or definite consolidation . linear atelectasis seen in the mid lungs bilaterally . the cardiac silhouette is enlarged but not significantly changed . right-sided central venous catheter tip seen within the right atrium . left subclavian vascular stent is noted . interstitial edema . Edema 13473495 51300469 6cb983aa-64b252ae-99834c29-3233ef10-ba21f892 +2994 compared the prior study, there is increase in opacity at the right mid to lower lung difficult to exclude small left pleural effusion . pneumonia pneumothorax is seen . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . chronic deformity of the posterior right fourth rib . increase in opacity at the right mid to lower lung is nonspecific, could be due to infection and or aspiration . Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia 11474065 56896759 3b31865b-b41244e4-c46dbdca-c33ad6e4-3cca5768 +2995 lung apices are excluded on the frontal view limiting assessment . left chest wall pacemaker is again seen with intact appearance of leads - extending to the region of the right atrium and extending to the region of the right ventricle, unchanged in position . cardiomegaly is mild and stable . the aorta is mildly unfolded . mildly increased prominence of the interstitial markings with minimal hilar engorgement raises potential concern for mild congestionedema . no convincing signs of pneumonia . a nodular opacity in the left mid lung is stable from radiograph . right upper lobe scarring is also stable . no bony abnormalities are detected . findings consistent with mild pulmonary edema . Edema 14992360 52206840 9b21566f-2fa02275-f08686bc-4b67b21b-5dc922fb +2996 in comparison to chest radiograph, cardiomegaly is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and mild edema, with increasing small right and new small left pleural effusions . worsening left retrocardiac opacification could reflect atelectasis or infectious consolidation . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15131736 57458228 344efa4b-02fb5b16-9db4229a-51955f21-7522b595 +2997 ap portable erect ap view of the chest . diffuse bilateral mainly basilar parenchymal opacities consistent with moderate pulmonary edema . small bilateral pleural effusions . cardiomegaly is stable . mediastinum is still slightly widened due to mediastinal venous engorgement . moderate pulmonary edema and small bilateral pleural effusions and cardiomegaly consistent with congestive heart failure . Cardiomegaly&&Edema&&Pleural Effusion 19844485 53984746 f138d1b9-51f16615-50213e4d-c67d164b-78ea6c15 +2998 the cardiac and mediastinal contours appear stable . although less striking than on the last study, there is perihilar congestive change above that of an earlier baseline study from . there are also patchy opacities at both lung bases, more prominent in the retrocardiac area than at the right lung base, decreased from but retrocardiac opacity was not present in so is not necessarily chronic . findings suggest mild vascular congestion . opacities at the lung bases, particularly the left lower lobe, which are indeterminate as to etiology and chronicity . Edema&&Lung Opacity 16508811 51780323 93f1cff6-36f3e02f-d36cdf6d-ee6f284b-c618d6fd +2999 the nasogastric tube is now visible . it is coiled in the stomach but the tip is located in the middle parts of the stomach . no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . otherwise unchanged chest radiograph . unchanged cardiac silhouette . Cardiomegaly&&Pneumothorax&&Support Devices 11204646 59627448 79c87d15-f10d7ef5-8935e2df-e2ed9032-32668f44 +3000 an ng tube is present -- the tip is not well seen but probably overlies the lower mediastinum . an additional right-sided chest tube is present, unchanged . allowing for differences in positioning, the cardiomediastinal silhouette is probably unchanged . there is upper zone redistribution and mild chf, which appears improved compared with earlier the same day at am . irregular opacity over the right lung is slightly improved and the amount of pleural fluid on the right appears less . increased retrocardiac opacity and blunting of the left costophrenic angle is probably unchanged . no supine film evidence of pneumothorax is detected . leads overlie the left neck and upper chest . compared with earlier the same day, improvement in chf findings and in the right pleural effusion . patchy opacities throughout the right lung slightly improved, but persistent . left lower lobe collapse andor consolidation and small left effusion unchanged . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16848073 54330319 f87d7943-a25e6d95-2b683eb7-c03c1ff4-587591bc +3001 pulmonary edema is mild . large triangular opacity in the left mid lung is more likely malignant or infectious than traumatic . there is no appreciable pleural effusion or any pneumothorax . heart is normal size . multiple rib fractures are better displayed by the torso ct scan, most readily appreciated on the conventional chest radiograph in posterolateral and anterolateral aspects of right middle ribs . Edema&&Fracture&&Lung Opacity&&Pneumonia&&Support Devices 15185305 58286219 7c2b70be-625cb0d4-aaf7b0f6-84685c72-50a04089 +3002 left-sided consolidation involving the left upper lobes and possibly portions of the lingula and left lower lobe is seen . there is a trace left pleural effusion . subtle opacity at the right lung base of is more likely due to atelectasis bone additional site of infection is not excluded . prominence of the right hilum is stable . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . no pneumothorax is seen . large area of consolidation involving the left lung, worrisome for pneumonia . recommend followup to resolution . possible trace left pleural effusion . right base opacity may be due to atelectasis, of additional site infection is not excluded in the appropriate clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Consolidation&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 16508811 53183813 e07fa786-650ff653-81675db1-7d20a8f0-b4a5b8f3 +3003 cardiac silhouette remains moderately enlarged slightly increased from prior exam . there has been interval increase in central pulmonary vascular engorgement as well as interstitial edema . a focal right lower lung consolidation has increased in severity and is worrisome for pneumonia . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . a right internal jugular central venous catheter is unchanged in position . worsening pulmonary congestion and edema as well as worsening right lower lung consolidation worrisome for pneumonia . results were discussed over the telephone with dr . by at on at time of initial review . Consolidation&&Edema&&Pneumonia 19182863 53608469 1385f4a5-f1a65c0d-03e20ca7-6c7c7812-681c33fe +3004 the nodular opacity at the bases of the right upper lobe, that was clearly present at the last examination, has completely cleared . there currently is no evidence of lung nodules or lung masses suggestive of metastatic lung disease . the pleural surfaces are even . there is no evidence of pleural effusions . no evidence of rib abnormalities . clips are seen projecting over the medial aspect of the left lung apex, cranially to the aortic knob . normal size of the cardiac silhouette . normal hilar and mediastinal contours . clips projecting over the left upper quadrant . No Finding 14794396 58352022 ad690f59-42c11dc9-609bb394-37809e1b-d91c2652 +3005 the patient is status post median sternotomy and cabg . there is mild cardiomegaly which is unchanged . the mediastinal and hilar contours are relatively stable with tortuosity of the thoracic aorta again noted . there is mild diffuse calcification of the thoracic aorta . mild pulmonary vascular congestion is slightly increased when compared to the prior study . no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . there are no acute osseous abnormalities . degenerative spurring is seen within the left acromioclavicular joint as well as within the thoracic spine . mild pulmonary vascular congestion, slightly worse in the interval . Edema 17318449 55265250 9bfe49ac-87087878-1110949f-335e751c-ddc3d7fe +3006 mild pulmonary edema has worsened . whether perihilar consolidation in the upper lungs increased increase since is asymmetric pulmonary edema in a pattern patient has previously displayed or concurrent pneumonia is radiographically indeterminate . moderate cardiomegaly is chronic . an earlier focus of consolidation in the right lung base has not cleared, and a small region in the lingula partially obscuring heart border is more pronounced today . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Pneumonia 13921768 53517180 a680547a-378dc1fb-a9fa6a3d-6713949e-e0b69f0a +3007 there is persistent prominence of the hila suggesting vascular engorgement with possible mild increase in vascular congestion as compared to the prior study . no new focal consolidation is seen . there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . persistent prominence of the hila suggesting pulmonary vascular engorgementenlargement of the central pulmonary arteries, similar to prior, with possible mild increase in vascular congestion as compared to prior study . Edema 15131736 50165831 467886fc-bdd148bc-96415ce2-3ea24428-0ee1d9a1 +3008 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in sitting semi-erect position . there exists extensive thickening and calcified scar formations in both apical areas . no evidence of pneumothorax is present . in comparison with the next preceding chest examination of , no significant interval change can be identified . the left-sided hilar mass is present as before . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity 19389041 56852226 6211c262-9d3215ef-c9ecc9be-dab821ad-94ac069f +3009 comparison is made with the next preceding ap chest examination of . heart size remains normal . unremarkable appearance of aortic contours . similar as identified on the previous examination, there is a wide caliber -mm diameter stent occupying the esophagus and reaching from the upper thorax clavicular level down into the hiatus see also report on barium examination of neoesophagus of same day . there is a right-sided pleural effusion that blunts the right-sided lateral pleural sinus but extends into the posterior pleural spaces, occupying the area posterior to the stent prosthesis along the right posterior chest wall . the amount of pleural effusion has increased in comparison with the preceding ap single view chest examination of . the left-sided hemithorax demonstrates unchanged findings with regard to pulmonary vasculature and absence of any new acute infiltrates . no pneumothorax is identified in the apical area . Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 19016834 53124891 cd63e875-f4edd5c0-6b3cb2eb-aa774713-24cec640 +3010 bilateral moderate size pleural effusions are increased with increased interstitial markings and vascular congestion compatible with moderate to severe pulmonary edema . mid and lower lung right greater than left pulmonary opacities, may reflect atelectasis in this setting of effusions and pulmonary edema, however a in multifocal infectious process or aspiration cannot be excluded . moderate cardiomegaly persists unchanged . patient is status post median sternotomy and cardiac valve replacement . moderate to severe congestive failure with bilateral moderate-sized pleural effusions, increased . as these findings could mask an underlying infectious process, if clinical concern persists repeat imaging after diuresis is recommended . Pleural Effusion&&Pneumonia 15259244 54756918 641cc7ad-8d3dc0c6-ee97f6e1-7bf62c19-d12ac7bd +3011 ap single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in supine position . comparison is made with a previous similar examination of , which also was performed with the patient in supine position . moderate cardiac enlargement as before . heart size may have increased slightly . however, portable technique in supine position does not allow precise assessment . comparison with the next previous study clearly identifies a new parenchymal density in the left hemithorax in perihilar position extending into the left upper lobe . the previously identified left lower lobe linear densities suspicious for atelectasis persist . no new pulmonary abnormalities in the right hemithorax and no pneumothorax identified on either side . the patient is intubated and the ett terminates in the trachea some cm above the level of the carina . new parenchymal infiltrates in mid and left upper lung field . as patient apparently was in supine position during the last ten days, consider possibility of aspiration pneumonitis in this unusual location . Lung Opacity 14841168 56670181 5c6e01e3-164c30db-22196724-376748a3-d299a9eb +3012 a pacemaker defibrillator with right atrial and biventricular leads is again noted in unchanged position . a right internal jugular approach dialysis catheter present with tip in the right atrium . an aortic valve replacement is also noted . the patient is status post cabg . there is moderate cardiomegaly . the mediastinal and hilar contours are stable with aortic calcifications there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . the lungs are well-expanded with increased interstitial markings, consistent with mild edema . there is no focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . moderate cardiomegaly with mild edema . with dr . on the telephone on at am . Cardiomegaly&&Edema 19759491 50882471 283df983-fd666130-de72e26e-a2fb9b59-88a371f7 +3013 no additional line or monitoring devices visible on the current examination . the pre-existing swan-ganz catheter is in unchanged position . as on the previous report, it is noted that the the device needs to be pulled back by approximately cm, as it is located too far in the right pulmonary system . unchanged evidence of vascular stents and the right pleural effusion distributes in a different manner, but is overall unchanged in extent . the left lung appears unchanged . Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12847817 57348805 8967b4f7-73cc1f85-64b133a1-6fe7a386-01716d9f +3014 comparison is made with prior study of . there are persistent low lung volume . mild right pleural effusion is probably unchanged allowing the difference in position of the patient . small left pleural effusion is also unchanged . bilateral atelectases, larger on the right side, have increased on the right . there is no pneumothorax . the cardiac size cannot be evaluated, is obscured by the pleural parenchymal abnormalities . left picc tip can be followed to the mid svc . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 12952223 50702561 b7fbe6c5-f2486f77-e2ba42aa-5ad58645-6f620be5 +3015 portable chest radiograph demonstrates unremarkable mediastinal, hilar, and cardiac contours . minimal stable atelectasis noted in the bilateral lower lungs, right greater than left . bilateral chest tubes projecting over lung bases with no reaccumulation of pleural effusions or pneumothorax . other lines and tubes in appropriate position . no pleural effusions bilaterally . No Finding 16319601 51150576 bb664e62-f26a58fb-f3f6515a-0cb91fa0-2638766f +3016 the patient has received a right-sided picc line . the course of the line is unremarkable, the tip of the line projects over the mid-to-low svc . there is no evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax . unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette . moderate tortuosity of the thoracic aorta . small bilateral pleural effusions . Cardiomegaly&&Pleural Effusion&&Support Devices 19454978 57475408 f7d18e0b-557566af-9339243f-a8b26e9f-c974e2de +3017 previous multiple loculated right pleural effusions have not changed, and the intrafissural right pleural drainage catheter is stable in position . the cardiac silhouette continues to be mildly enlarged without pulmonary edema . tiny linear and nodular opacities have appeared in the left upper lobe since . multiloculated right pleural effusion unchanged since . new linear and nodular opacities in the left upper lobe may represent carcinomatosis . findings were relayed to dr . by dr . following review on at approximiately via telephone . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Effusion 16826047 50448867 7e6b2f67-75c969ed-bbc30375-abddcfdb-1f16d824 +3018 the picc line appears to be in the mid to lower portion of the svc . the overall appearance of the heart and lungs is essentially unchanged, though there is an artifact overlying a portion of the right lung . continued hyperexpansion of the lungs consistent with emphysema . atelectatic changes are seen at both bases . the possibility of supervening consolidation in the posterior aspect of one of the lower lobes would be difficult to unequivocally exclude in the appropriate clinical setting . Atelectasis&&Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Support Devices 17770657 52175266 6e436657-6f0023be-60aed3c6-bdcf88c4-bb1c2ffc +3019 again there is substantial cardiomegaly with bilateral opacifications that most likely represent pulmonary edema . more focal opacification at the right base medially could represent a developing consolidation . Cardiomegaly&&Consolidation&&Edema&&Lung Opacity 10439781 52831202 d43639b5-bec0c47c-8415bea0-3a2f74e5-627c89d4 +3020 ap and lateral upright chest radiographs were reviewed in comparison to and multiple prior radiographs dating back to , for example . the patient is after right chest surgery, radiation and most likely lobectomy . there is interval gradual progression of left basal opacity, concerning for infectious process that was previously obscured by pleural effusion and currently appears to be gradually progressing . the appearance of the right hemithorax is stable . no new additional abnormalities have been demonstrated . the right picc line tip is at the level of mid svc . Pneumonia 13263843 53450140 8d5ad6ce-5614528c-96b4dc9c-90955e74-7a3a722b +3021 in addition to the clear peribronchovascular infiltration and fibrosis in the upper lungs, less severe micro nodulation and early fibrosis is present in the lower lungs laterally and has progressed slightly since . although this could be a community acquired lung infection, i suspect sarcoid or other granulomatous infection . there is no pleural effusion or evidence of central lymph node enlargement in the heart is normal size . i do not see a focal opacity corresponding to the described lesion described in the requisition . if there is particular concern for a pulmonary nodule, other than sarcoidosis, ct scanning would be the only way to investigate it . Lung Lesion&&Lung Opacity&&Pleural Other&&Pneumonia 14147787 55240854 ba892f90-88618ff7-28ff47ef-ffe24fdc-ede9c315 +3022 since prior radiograph from , the mediastinal drain tube has been removed . there is no pneumothorax . both lung volumes are very low . bilateral, right side more than left side, moderate pulmonary edema has improved . widened cardiomediastinal silhouette is more than it was on however, this appearance could be exacerbation from low lung volumes . patient is status post median sternotomy with intact sternal sutures . Edema&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Support Devices 10715477 53818026 264b773c-cd573e36-8b42c4fd-971c4302-1946ed5a +3023 frontal and lateral views of the chest previously seen basal consolidations and diffuse abnormalities in the upper lungs have improved when compared to the study . however, moderate-sized bilateral pleural effusions have worsened from although appear stable from the chest ct of . there are no new areas of consolidation or evidence of pulmonary edema . cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . Consolidation&&Enlarged Cardiomediastinum&&Pleural Effusion 16662264 59606790 dfde1118-f8d0acbf-f1edeee7-1d568beb-a983654d