text,label "so i finally got tired of being anxious and depressed, crying daily, not leaving the house a few months ago and decided it was time to see a doctor again. I would only leave to work, and couldnt hold a job very long due to the anxiety(eventually stop going after successfully alienating myself from everyone) and went to see a psychiatrist. He started me on 40mg of fluoxetine and 50mg atenolol a day with 1mg lorazepam 3x daily as needed. I averaged about 2 of the lorazepam a day, some days 3 some days 1 or even 0, and 1 time i took 4(christmas with the family, not all at once but over the course of the evening) I went back after about 2 and a half months and he increased my atenolol to 100mg and switched me to .5mg alprazolam 1x a day(from the past i knew this wouldnt be an effective dose but he wouldnt listen) For the 2 and a half months i felt like i was leading a normal life, doing well in school, seeing friends again, working, going on dates(have a girlfriend who understands my anxiety and we met when i was drinking to deal with it so this is the worst shes ever seen me and wants me to find a new doctor) interacting with my family and not hiding in my room all day. With the switch to xanax ive gone back to my old ways of hiding away, crying, not eating, and have almsot purchased cigarettes again(quit smoking about 10 months ago).",1 "My best friend died last year, of a rare type of bacteria that killed him very quickly, a contagious disease. He was a year younger than me. I am still relatively young but also starting to get old, my age is in between somewhere. I can feel the medicine starting to work and I am not as anxious now. I have been typing for over half an hour.",1 And I'll get an intense feeling of impending doom. It lasts for less than a minute and then I'll fall back asleep. It usually happens during naps. I thought it was a seizure when it first happened. Has this happened to anyone else?,1 "I am employed full time. I have money, but I am trying to put all my money (minus transit pass, medication, and toiletries) towards an accelerated debt re-payment plan and get debt free by spring so I can get a lease. I need affordable options. What are some healthy things I can eat that are cost effective when you don't have access to a fridge? I have a small locker at work.",0 "So I've had PTSD a few years now, coming up on a decade as of December 2018, and in the last year or so I've undergone a lot of change, for the best. I figured since I've found these things to be very important in my fight against this, that I'd share them here. First thing first is to mention therapy. You've got to do it, and it's going to fucking hurt. Medication is also important if you need it.",0 "I used to always feel I loved him more than he does with me, that was a common fight. And it turned out to be sickly true. I care so much for that man, I place myself in his shoes and feeling the pain he must be feeling being alone. I know this is sick of me, but how do I stop this?! I shouldn’t feel bad for what he did right?!",1 Willing to pay a slightly higher rate of interest if it means being able to place the order for my supplies. Links to my art and/or printing business and any other info available upon request. Thanks for your time and consideration! ​ (EDIT: Forgot to mention that I have both PayPal and Venmo),0 "I relate to a lot of the symptoms, but what happened to me wasn't ""life threatening"" it was more of a childhood trauma that has a lot to do with growing up in a chaotic home. My brothers tried to kill himself twice, (TRIGGER WARNING: SUICIDE) and that vision of him holding the knife to his throat or choking himself with a belt WILL NEVER GET OUT OF MY HEAD. hence the reason I'm typing this at two am. It's really bad today and I have gotten zero sleep since midnight of last night. I just can't shake those images out of my head EVER.",1 "A LARGE portion of each of my check goes to making payments to this card but with the interest charges each month I budgeted and itll take me decades to pay it off and cost me thousands. I was in a tough spot, jobless, homeless, and had to rely on the card but now I need to find options on how to pay it off or get a lower interest rate. I have heard of those advertisements about taking out a personal loan with a lower rate and using that to pay off the card then just paying the personal loan off, are those viable options? What is my best option right now, these interest rate charges are killing me and I can barely make ends meet. Any advice would be deeply appreciated",1 "We will provide links to treatment resources throughout the study. 7. This study will include only participants who are 18 years and older. Please send us a private message if you are interested in participating. Once you contact us, we will send you a link to the screening questionnaire to see if you qualify and to tell you more about the study.",0 "Hi r/anxiety, So lately my anxiety/hypochondria has been through the roof. I convince myself that I have all of these symptoms and then my body actually feels like it produces them. I never know when something is actually wrong. Lately since my anxiety has gotten so bad I have begun biting my nails even worse than usual, picking my toe nails and picking any form of acne on my face or body.",1 "They took me to a Bar and bought me a beer.. ‘Tonight you sleep here’, miming sleep and pointing at a long wooden table. So night 1 was in a bar. And so it went, I’d arrive in some village at night and just be sitting on a curb waiting for some opportunity to arise when people would retire and I could sleep rough. Almost every second night, I seemed to be engaged by some local who would take me home: to sleep in a heavenly bed, to sleep in a barn, to sleep on a floor.. whatever, I was inside and it cost my small purse nothing.",0 "We haven't been able to afford haircuts or anything like that for a while, so my long, wavy hair is pretty 'nest' like and the idea of family photos is just about enough to tip my anxiety over the edge. I really can't thank you all enough. Even if you can't help at this time, just reading what I wrote and keeping us in your thoughts means so much. I make it a point to send some of my artwork to anyone that ends up helping out. (Let me know if I'm not allowed to write this part and I'll take it out.)",0 "How do I change the way I'm thinking about this so I can understand I shouldn't be catching feelings despite having sex with her? Which admittedly, I have been catching some feelings for her. But I want this to continue since I enjoy her company and we vibe well together. --- **tl;dr**: I met this cool girl that I might have feelings for but she told me she has no current intention to date, so we're really just FWB that hangout.",0 "Etc etc etc. "". My brain takes this one little choice -should I go back in the water- and blows it up so big that I spend 20 minutes trying to figure out what I should do, and I end up frozen unable to make ANY decision. Does this happen to anyone else? How do you deal with this?",1 " Hello, I'm a 34 year old Transgender woman trying to survive in Montana of all places. I not only have to fight gender dysphoria but also try to stay strong living in a community in which many openly hate people like me. I am trying to reach my goal of Facial Feminization Surgery, as well as Gender Confirmation Surgery (Bottom surgery) and Breast Augmentation with the first two being my main goals by far. I feel intense pressure to get these things done as soon as possible.",1 "How do I decide? I clicked with one guy, but he does talk therapy, doesn't really have a specific method like EMDR or CBT. There are many who use specific methods, and most didn't click, or had approaches I feel iffy about. Ultimately I think I just have to accept that no therapist will make this problem of living with CPTSD go away, and this is something I'll have to learn to live with. What tips do you have for picking therapists, or about therapy in general?",0 "A nasty one. Once it cleared up in a while I decided to take his advice and find a ride to brunswick. I asked around and the last person I asked said he was headed that way and I could join him and his wife, provided I showed some ID, I look younger than I am, so he assumed I was a runaway. When I rode to Brunswick he preached to me about God and told me he was from Florida. Another storm approached.",0 "I got out of an abusive relationship about three years ago. I had awful things happen to me before it, but it really was the absolute rock bottom. The man strangled me unconscious and beat me, and I wound up sleeping with a knife under my pillow, and then sleeping on the streets, constantly checking over my shoulder. But I got inpatient therapy and a network of supportive friends and I was all clear, and no contact with the guy whatsoever. I had a couple of nice flings, but after that I guess what I did was work on being alone and happy with it.",0 "My problem is, if I'm going to date anyone, they have to be aware that I struggle with PTSD and willing to at least be there for me when I need. I don't need coddling or protecting, I just need someone to hold my hand and let me cry it out, or help me through a flashback. I need someone who can *be* present and emotional, and someone I can feel comfortable having a conversation with about it. Everytime I have had a breakdown, and try to express things from the past, he audibly growls and talks about how pissed he is that it happened. He talks about what he'd do to my abusers if he ever found them.",1 "I don't know. Pretty sure. But my nose is stuffy from this stupid cold so it'd make sense that I'm having a hard time breathing from it. But I'm also having a hard time breathing through my mouth. I can't find my vapor rub anywhere, which is annoying the crap out of me because I feel like it'd help a little (the mintiness from brushing my teeth helped a tiny bit).",0 "I'm 35,husband 37 I always thought it would be ideal to have two kids.. My husband was on board with the idea hypothetically but now that it's actually the time to execute he is totally opposed to the idea His reasons are 1) He feels we can't afford it...He earns pretty well but I don't at the time. So we won't be able to actually build up a major college fund for her---- I feel that she can always take a loan later but she really can't loan a sibling.",0 "It did still worry me a little though. Then last night, I rushed to a doctor because I was getting severe chest pains and my heart was beating so fast. And today I've just been getting so many of my old symptoms back. Trouble breathing, choking sensations, weird body aches...you name it. I can't help but feel I've somehow taken two steps backward after doing so well.",1 "“Yeah I saw, I think he out to steal.” “That’s what I think, keep an eye out man this place ain’t bad but you gotta watch yourself.” *nods* Then I fell asleep. And woke up to a stolen charger.",0 "I clean the living room everyday. I take care of the kids, dinner, homework, put to bed, wash all the bottle stuff at night. I try to make our bed everyday, but have been slacking on that lately. I clean our room (although not nearly as often as I should), I take out garbage, I wash the counters and oven. I ask him to do the kitchen, which sometimes takes days for him to get to.",1 "Unfortunately, it also affects pretty much everything in my life, including working memory and everyday events. It didn't happen daily or even weekly, but I was always afraid that I might say or do something that can trigger it, so I always kept quiet and didn't say much, and I guess that's why my language did not develop properly either. The neuropsychologist I saw offered me books to read to learn more about my condition but did not give any other treatment options because the cause of my disorder was unknown. I was wondering if maybe now that I know why I most likely struggle with memory, I can go back to get more solid treatment options? If so, who should I see for help?",1 "I have replaced my bank card and everything else is canceled, but still haven't went to get a replacement license (another expense I don't really want to think of right now), so I am unable to get one of those free government phones. I am more than willing to repay you in any payment plan you come up with and I can put repayment to you as my second to top priority (I really need some new socks - they get priority, trust me on this, they took my socks and I'm on day 3). Anyway PM of you have any questions. I would be able to take PayPal, Cash App (I no longer have the card but can transfer to bank), a Kroger/Fry's egiftcard or an old T-Mobile phone / unlocked one if someone is local (around ) and wants to meet up even after hearing about my socks. I do have a police report number if anyone needed to verify.",0 "I'm 24 and have massive amounts of stress going on with job hunting. I live with parents who are constantly on my back and getting angry with me for not having a job. They keep trying to help me by saying ""oh this place is hiring and that place is hiring again."" I have tried all places where I live and every time I don't get an interview let alone hired. Even if they have a sign up that they are hiring, they tell me ""sorry we're not hiring right now.""",1 "I'm in need of quick assistance to make a purchase at a store next door to my condo. I planned on splitting an items cost across two cards and paid $3.40 on one card and went to put the rest $1.60 on my other card which shows it has the balance and more available but is declining for some reason. I would appreciate it if someone sent me $1.60 via google wallet, as it should transfer over within minutes allowing me to make my purchase. And in return/or before, I will send you $1.60 via bitcoin. At the current rate bitcoin is going, that amount should continue to increase in value.",0 So he leaned in and kissed me with tongue. I was embarrassed because that was my first kiss. Then the next time I saw him he stuck his fingers in me even though I said no and unzipped his pants. I kicked him off of me and rode my bike all the way home with blood running down my legs. I didn't tell my dad because I was afraid he would beat me.,1 "I was talking to my counselor today about my anxiety disorder, and he suggested to me that I try to reframe my anxiety as excitement, as they cause the same adrenal response. He suggested I view this adrenal response as simply “emotional arousal to something something novel.” This conversation caused me to have the revelation that for at least the past 5 years, I haven’t been able to experience anything “exciting” as something other than anxiety inducing. Things like first dates, roller coasters, etc. are all miserable for me because of my heightened nervous response.",1 "I was freaking out. I stood on my back porch for about 30 minutes hyperventilating before I could convince myself that ""I am in control!"" I was embarrassing ! I couldn't believe that I allowed myself to get so worked up. But it was not as embarrassing as It/ I would soon be.....",1 "I've been trying multiple medications for 20 years and I have literally tried them all. The highest doses possible of insomnia medication can't even put me to sleep. Multiple psychiatrist and even my pharmacist are stumped. Every SSRI, SNRI, tricyclic, beta blockers, benzos, group therapy, sleep studies, MRIs, blood work, CBT, EMDR, talk therapy, group therapy, art therapy, psychiatric hospitals, wilderness retreats, traveling, moved 6 times, I've been to college 3 times(no degree), have over 20 different jobs. It's like my brain is bound and determined to make me suffer.",1 "Eventually I reported the texts, as they kept coming, and I recieved verbal backlash from his friends for doing it (I live in a small community, running into him or his buddies all the time). Then, radio silence. I felt minor relief every day I didn't hear from him, or his friends. After his second appearance in court, he pled not guilty to charges of uttering threats and assault. I was shocked.",1 "I don't think I ever want to go back over there. I don't think I want to involve myself in all this, and I don't know if I can handle the responsibility of being friends with my friend anymore. I can't even call her out on her behavior or how she treats her boyfriend because to her, it's all HIS fault and it's his fault every single time. I've tried and tried and TRIED to encourage her to get help, more help than she's getting. I've tried to encourage her to try to go inpatient for awhile.",1 "Yes, you should! And we planned for that. Because the data is stored in an encrypted Google Firebase server, you can download the app again and use their same username and password to retrieve their plan. So if you go to Walmart to get a burner phone (or when we provide one, in some cases), you can install it on that device as well. Here's the [iOS ",0 "He has since gained back about three pounds, but he is still a far shot from what he used to be. He's going into the procedure tomorrow. The total cost is 1150 dollars, and to be honest, I'm a poor college student. The procedure will be put on a credit card, and I probably won't be paying it off for a long time. Blackie has been my cat for the last ten years, and without this treatment there is a good chance he will not make it past summer.",1 "Both of these were poor choices. It just exacerbated the situation. I had vases, game controllers, tv remote, coffee mugs, etc thrown at me on varied encounters. This is not an exaggerated list.. I tried to leave and she blocked the door with her body, threatening to kill herself on one such occassion.",1 "It’s like hes expecting my tummy is spilling over my jeans like a muffin(it’s not) I’m still a size small instead of an Xsmall like I used to be when 14 but that’s pretty fucking normal I reckon.its like god help me if I’m a medium right? Today I lashed out at him by saying omg dad it’s cuz I’m wearing these pants today ( the pants which are wide, loos high waisted and make ass look bigger), instead of skinny jeans so I obv gained like 10 pounds or tonnes of kilos or whatever overnight. Later on he said “it’s so easy to make you mad you shouldn’t react that way just cus you don’t think you’re fat” this made me think that he is doing this to get a rise out of me which isn’t cool for 55 yo dad or you know an adult. Or another reason is probably cuz he is getting older and living a sedentary lifestyle, it’s the holiday season and he put on weight he’s not doing anything about it and he’s taking it out on me, he’s a bit chubby but not like overly flabby it’s just most shirts don’t fit anymore. Anyway this part isn’t relevant to my relationship but I’d like to share anyway.",0 "**As some of you may have experienced; a potential symptom of anxiety is Depersonalisation/Derealisation; a sensation of losing control that has generated the greatest terror I have ever experienced. All of the notions I mention here are applicable to X anxiety but I use DPDR as the focus of my anxiety and the insights/reflections I have come to. ** I have had OCD, a fear of uncertainty, a desire for control and ""normality""/constancy since around 12 years old. A.K.A: Anxiety.",0 "And it only took me three doctors telling me this over the span of 10+ years for me to believe it. Given all the crazy symptoms I've had, and that I really trust and like my current doc, I'm willing to believe it. So here I am looking at a bottle of Escitalopram (5mg, Lexapro generic) thinking ""so... it's come to this"". I've always been a shy one, but I thought I could handle anxiety on my own. However, 3 years ago I hit a giant anxiety wall (not knowing that's what it was).",0 "I didn't phone a crisis line again, it was daylight by this point so I phoned the therapist. She talked me down for an hour, and got me to agree to go into my social workers office since I still couldn't calm down. She gave me a free appointment the next day. But when I went to it, though sympathetic, she made it clear I had to commit to stop drinking if we were going to get any meaningful work done. She said she wouldn't abandon me, she would sit with me, but that she couldn't ""be"" with me, affected as I was by the alcohol.",0 "I'm doing an article for a Mental Health Blog and I really want to write about people's stories on the importance on opening up/going to seek help from a professional. I would love to hear your experiences, why you went/started opening up, what you have learned, and how it has impacted your life! Of course everything you write will be anonymous on my post (I can even give you a pseudo name if you would like, just let me know)! Feel free to comment down below or message me if you want to be more private, thanks! :)",0 "There's a TL;DR at the bottom for those who wanna get to the point this gets kinda lengthy. Hi, I'm 19 and this is my first time posting here and I'm hoping at least one person can relate. Before a few months ago I never had to deal with anxiety really, but out of nowhere it hit me like a truck. I guess what's been causing it is relationship issues, but mostly health anxiety. My first major mistake was googling symptoms I started having, not realizing that it was normal for anxiety to cause physical symptoms.",1 "I'm trying to improve my Hebrew and I would really like to be able to pray while at home on Shabbat and Festivals. I live very far from the nearest Jewish community and it's very difficult to learn and become more observant on my own. Due to financial restrictions I have been unable to purchase my own Siddur. Wishlist link below but of course, if you have your own Siddur you would like to donate that's great too! ",0 "It was the same therapist I'd been seeing since I was little, when I was first diagnosed as ASD (at the time termed PDD-NOS, as I didn't *quite* fit the diagnostic requirements for Aspergers), and she, had honestly stopped being helpful. Just kept telling me to do the same things over and over, when I told her these solutions either didn't work, or in some cases (going out for a walk for the sake of it, rather than with an intended destination/goal, for instance) made things worse. Because if my mind's left to wander, without something to focus on, something to distract myself, it starts tearing itself apart, ripping open old wounds and rubbing salt in them; reminding me of all the shit I've screwed up in the past, ways I've failed or fallen short, and I end up worse off than when I started. So, I eventually stopped going. And then, eventually stopped taking my meds, mostly because of not having the money to afford them when my father walked out, and the house practically started falling down around our ears over a course of a couple years; the heating just before winter because we couldn't afford oil, then losing water due to burst pipes, then the gas and finally electricity due to nonpayment.",1 "My heart races and palpitates. I've gone on autopilot, but I've never experienced anything like an out of body experience. When this intense part fades I just get stuck in my head for the rest of the day, exhausted. Has anyone experienced something like this? How do you cope when ain't nobody got time for that?",0 "I won't defend myself, I know I shouldn't have raised my voice and I should have left much much earlier. I know who I am. That said.. Every day, I see a look that tells me a person I know loathes me. A thin veneer of social platitudes to cover a roiling hatred. I don't know what to write past this point.",1 "When it's abuse in the workplace, it seems like everyone just says, ""Oh, get over it, and don't be a baby. There's nothing wrong with you."" I actually had one women tell me that my husband's behavior was 'completely normal' and that 'everyone acts like that' (I was floored. I don't know one other person who goes through shit like this at work or who acts like that - WTF?). They just want to brush it off, and no one gives a shit.",1 "My question: how do I heal from this? As much as I wish there were a way to go back and fix my relationship with her, she deserves to heal from the damage I've done, and I have no right to ask for anything -- and so I won't. Lessons I've taken away: + I will **NEVER** do anything like this again. Too much pain for someone you love, and it's very hard to reconcile internally.",1 "I'm posting this one more time for anyone that didn't see it. Our location is in central Louisiana. A co-worker recently gave birth last week and her baby is in stable condition. She was initially told that her baby would have dwarfism and she was okay with that, as long as it was healthy. Later, they told her that her baby wouldn't survive at birth.",0 "I was in my front yard talking to him on the phone, when I refused to hang-up she had a temper tantrum and screamed loudly enough for the people outside to hear her say I ""got online and talked to little boys."" Her father refuses to do anything about her or the other daughter or treats me just as bad. I try to stand up for myself, I mean I am their uncle after all, but they just yell, scream and call me names anyway. After about 6 years of this happening I've become a virtual prisoner in my own house. I stay in my bedroom all day, on the computer, making things to sell or doing art.",1 "Hello. I am new here, but I thought I would share a a bit of my story. I came onto Reddit three months ago for the survivor subs. I have been in therapy five months, and it has helped a great deal. I never sought any help before, I had one bad experience with therapy a decade ago, and never went back, I didn't figure I was helpable.",0 "I thought. I just lived with it. Until it wasn't fine. Five years later. I've moved a few times since college, found a therapist and decided that medication would again be a good choice for me.",0 "What are you thankful for? For me: Today I'm feeling thankful for being alive. I'm very grateful for my family, our health, our safety, my jobs, my home. I have pain in my foot/leg from an injury I had surgery, as painful as it can be it has also made me grateful for being able to walk.",0 "During a night he came barged into me and my mom's room and started hitting her. I was so confuse and in tears I didn't know what to do, but cry. I didn't get much sleep that night. The abuse continue on for 4 years. There was peaceful time I thought the abuse stopped.",1 "I will not be sharing my credit details. Though hard, I will end my friendship with her. Might think about it if she apologizes but am not sure at this moment. I will cherish connections with more on my other friends who were super nice to let me know what's happening at home. It's really frustrating not being able to confront Jenna physically but as others mentioned, I hope others who've initially believed her will realize the truth.",0 "She approached me and started to say something but I interrupted saying, “If this is about my phone, I am under no obligation to share with you anything that is spoken between me and a therapist, and I do not care that this is during work, I have an emergency number to call at any time when I feel like I have to, and I felt like this was important as I don’t want to go back to the psych ward.” She stopped and just said “oh, ok sorry.” I understand that this may be a negative on my performance at work, and I may not be entirely right, but I have cut myself at work (not during work but after shift and right outside at my car) and the way I was feeling I needed emergency counseling. I have tried to have a conversation with her before about how I was feeling, but it didn’t go so well since she felt like I was being rude, so while I am open to trying again, I want to know how I should go about it again and/or should I get the manager involved? Thank you for reading and I appreciate any and all responses.",1 "The only person I live with is my husband. So basically she's trying to imply that I'm mad because my husband is abusing me (which he never has), not because I'm just sick of her shit. --- **tl;dr**: My alcoholic mother is a negative aspect of my life but she's guilting me into feeling sorry for her. I don't know what to do.",1 "We clicked well, we chilled in, we went out, we laughed and got to know each other. She was a daily texter type of person, good mornings and good nights and hearts often. Feb 12, while I was away during the week traveling for work, she texted me to say she liked me and to ask if I would go out with her (make it official, like bf/gf). I told her I liked her too but we should talk a bit more that weekend. Feb 15, she started a prescription for Zoloft, half dose to start.",0 "I know the rules say no self-fundraising posts but I thought this might be an exception. This is all going to MAPS Canada, a non-profit who's current goal is legalizing MDMA-assisted therapy. I thought this sub would be interested in supporting! This is the same ORG that is legalizing MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in the States with promising results. Link to page: ",0 Most of the residents in San Andres are elderly farmers who depend on the bus to travel to the main market in Oaxaca to sell their produce. I am worried seeing the people depend on taxis who are known to scam farmers out of their hard-earned money. The Go Fund Me page is And there is a Facebook page set up too: ,0 "I can't be having PTSD from something as mild as what happened even though I have pretty much all the symptoms. I feel I'm just lying to myself. I probably just want attention. I feel like a huge fraud... How am I even supposed to ""heal"" when I'm probably making everything up, I'm probably not broken, I'm just going to get yelled at again at the new therapy place like my last one because I'll be mute every session (don't even know why, I tell myself ""because I'm not ready to talk about it"" but it's been over 5 years since the last case and all this crap is minor, so it's probably just being ashamed over doing all this crap for god-knows-why when barely anything happened to me...), because ""I'm not trying"". I don't even know why I'm posting this, probably just begging for more attention, I've pushed the last true friend I had away a few days ago over my fears of therapy.",1 "I started noticing her internet behavior more over the past few months and it's been kind of bothering me. My girlfriend is a very intelligent and mature person, but when she gets online it's like she acts totally different. For one, she sends me screencaps of her ""trolling"" people. I mean, trolling? She's almost 30.",0 "Thing is, after we broke up we had sex a few times in August and September and as far as I'm aware she has slept with at least one other guy in this period too. The real question is what do i do now? I want to tell the guy about this, and wish someone would've done the same to me 2 years ago. But at the same time I'm one of her exes, is it really my fight to take? tl;dr: Ex probably cheated on her new boyfriend with me, should i tell him or just stay out of it?",0 "I used to take sleeping pills that had a bit of anti anxiety medicine in them but my pcp drug tested me and because I had been found to have been smoking weed , ( for my ptsd ), it was either stop coming their for the sleeping pills or weed. I chose weed mostly because I was pissed they drug tested me for one but also weed seems to do the best for me. Now im regretting that decision. I guess I need a new pcp huh? Anyway its a reddit until I dont feel like a deer in headlights kind of night so whoopee.",1 " I am willing to answer any questions and show proof. * Edit, the candies are because after 20++ years he finally stopped smoking and it helps the cravings. The apple juice helps him take his medication.",0 "I'm leaning more toward not responding but I haven't been able to let it go. I'm not sure what she even wanted, other than to talk to me before make a big decision for and her kids. I got a message pleading for a conversation, no explanation as to what. She apologized and stated that she wasn't trying to cause problems. She said he was in prison for something that happened a long time ago (looks like he was on felony probation and did something to get it revoked), sent pictures of her children, who are all one year older than the children him and I share, and told me his mother had passed.",0 "Or, if you would like further information, please message me. For your participation, you may choose to enter a raffle to win one of eight $25.00 gift cards.",0 "Hi everyone, Sorry to ask but today is my Mum’s birthday. This is the first month in ~6 where I haven’t been paid early, so until tomorrow I have no money. The issue is it’s my mum’s birth today, and she always wants a cake, but I am unable to give her one this year. A nice cake from my local supermarket is £10, and I will be paid by work tomorrow so I can repay you soon.",1 "Every minor detail feels just so overwhelming that I feel suffocated and panicky all the time. I imagine others here have gone through something similar, so I wanted to ask about your experience with grad school applications. How did you survive? How did you preserve your mental health, and do the best that you could? Thanks so much.",1 "When I ask him why he’s done this he says “Shut the fuck up.” He also “talks down” to me in bed, calling me slut, pig, and stupid. I am NOT into this and I never told him I was. When I am giving him fellatio he pushes my head down even when I am resisting and I choke. He has also pulled my hair, hit me and punched me.",1 "I feel like I've taken a giant step back. I'll address this in my next counseling session, but does anyone know if this sort of reaction is common during a recovery process? TL/DR: Abusive relationship led to a violated protection order. The subsequent criminal trial has made me question my emotional stability, and memories. Are the symptoms of CPTSD causing me to fail in my interactions on a day to day basis, or has there simply been a bizarre miscommunication?",1 "Normally, my anxiety is very well controlled. I meditate every morning for \~15 minutes and have been in therapy for the better part of the last 3 or 4 years. I feel WAY better than I used to, and on a day to day basis things are great. Buttt every once in a while (A handful of times a year, tops) something will realllly set me over the edge, and send me into an intense anxiety spiral where I compulsively ask 5 or so different friends for advice on what to do, post a lot of threads online about what I should do, and ruminate on the topic for days or weeks. Sometimes I'll have chats in messenger about whatever it is that will draw out over an entire 3-4 hour period.",0 It was all so quick and I try and recall now what happened and my brain jumbles up the details but he finally realized what he was doing to me and stopped. I am a small girl with a very thin build at 5'8 and 125 to 130 pounds maximum and he is a big guy at 6'5 and and 265 pounds and I had no chance of getting him to stop. He started immediately after hysterically crying because I started to hysterically cry and started to feel like I couldn't breath. He spent most of the night afterhysterically crying telling me he can't live with himself after this and how he would never put his hands on a woman but something in him just snapped but I don't know how to forgive him or let it go. I'm still so shocked by what happened I have managed to stop crying and calm down but I don't know how to move on from here.,1 "I really don’t know what to do about this, and I’m wondering if I’m even able to get over this fear. A traumatic experience compounded it in me as a kid, and I’ve been experiencing it for so long that it feels like second nature. It’s lkkely so ingrained with me that therapy won’t do much good. I need some help. If anyone can offer some, feel free.",1 And I'm feeling continuously happy for the first time in a long time. But I'm pretty sure it seems crazy to anyone watching. In short: Has anyone recovered from trauma and felt this way? Has anyone developed schizophrenia or a bipolar disorder and felt this way? Is it okay to accept this?,0 I’m just wondering how many of you have A LOT of triggers? I was abused extremely horribly as a teenager and into adulthood and I have horrible ptsd from it. I literally get triggered by everything and anything. Like someone could sneeze and it would sound similar to him and I’d freak. I freak out horribly about everything and the littlest things.,1 I’m noticing a pattern where my body is like rejecting my partner and I’m concerned it might be caused by my abuse at an early age. Should I seek counseling? But I’m afraid if I do I’m going to have to talk more about what happened and I’m going to break. I’ve talked to therapist before but whenever the topic of the abuse arises I tense up and can’t remember anything. I’m sorry if I’m rambling on it’s just a hard subject for me to talk about and I don’t know how to put into words the emotions I feel towards these events.,1 I am really feeling like there are no good men. They are all just horrible to women. I think I would rather be alone than deal with any man again. Has anyone else felt like this? Did your feelings ever change?,1 "Back in November of 2015, my Junior year of college, I was a hermit socially but had many great and supportive friends (funnily enough were 90% women). However, I was lonely as hell, had never dated, and it was driving me mad and depressing me. I didn't let it show though, except to one or two friends who knew me very well. In the month of november I started hanging out with an organic chemistry study group. Two particular women were part of this group.",0 "He was furious I'd 'kept' that from him. I had considered doing cam modelling though had never gone through with it (again before we even met) . He accused me of lying and keeping things from him. On top of that, he still expected sex all the time. I still liked it, but I was so stressed from the move and from the constant crying and fighting that my libido was down.",1 · Did your parent/parents not provide healthy meals or enough daily exercise or activities? · Why didn’t you change the habits when you became of age? · Do you cook? · Are you too busy? · Have you made a daily planner of your day to be able to notice where you have an opportunity to be able to prep meals and cook more?,0 I’ve been leaving lights on at night both in the main rooms and my bedroom. The fear is both physical and emotional. I’m so jumpy at work and at home. I feel like I’m seeing things everywhere and little waves of panic wash through me all day. I’m really just finding this incredibly difficult right now and needed to write it out I guess.,1 "the only thing I ever want is just to be in his arms. Basically, terrifies me back into his arms every fucking time. We'll say I love you, he'll hold me so tight. He's so warm, I'm craving soo bad to be in his arms rn tbh. I don't wanna go to sleep knowing hes not going to be in bed with me.",1 "I just got an email to schedule an interview for a job. I haven’t heard from the lady a few days after thinking it would take her a few days to figure a time for me to come in and email back. Nope she CALLED ME on the home phone instead today. First off I didn’t know because the caller ID said cellular call and usually I don’t answer those calls because their scams. I later looked up the number I have an app that tells if it’s a scam number, what business it is, landline etc.",0 "He was born addicted to several different drugs. He has ADHD and ODD I have a 9 year old. He has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Aspergers, and severe anxiety and OCD. And I have an 8 year old.",0 "The vet went ahead and removed it but the cost was over $4000. She has a gofundme to try to raise some bucks to pay for the surgery so I thought I'd post it here to see if anyone could help. Danika is the direct beneficiary and every dime will be going to her directly, not through any middlemen. Here is the gofundme link: Thanks again everyone, any little bit helps.",0 "This post was spurred by the fact that I was just scrolling through photos I took of my boyfriend last year and I found myself thinking, ""is this person actually my boyfriend?"" I don't mean that in a sappy ""how did I get so lucky"" way (although I did luck out with him, for sure) but more in a ""how do I see this person all the time and still feel like I don't recognize him in photos"" way. We've been together for over five years. It just... it doesn't make any sense. Normally I only do this with people from high school, many of whom I haven't seen since we graduated six years ago.",1 "I have been either an emt or a paramedic for the past 9 years. I have been a part of way more than I wanted to be, I cant help but see all the god damned faces. I cannot work because I tried to protect my girlfriend and property from a threat, ended up being someone shooting off fireworks... i have been shot at enough and held it in. I just cant. im tired, I want to give up.",1 "TL;DR: I wish to ask out my longtime friend this Valentines, but I am afraid of my past coming back and ruining my renewed trust with both her and my friends that I’ve worked years to repair. Note, what I am not scared of is rejection, I am scared of being feared or hated once again. How I most easily do away with the stigma revolving around my past so that I can be judged by who I am now instead of who I was in the past? That’s what is keeping me up at night. I look forward to what the community has to say.",1 Long story short my family in NE Ohio is abusive as hell so I had to leave the state and stay with family down south. It isn't working out and they're sending me packing to Ohio because I guess I'm a financial problem even though I got a job here. I have nowhere I can stay. I'm even getting rid of my beloved cat so I can have options. I can't go back to my family in Ohio.,1 "Well maybe afraid isn't the best word, but it's not far off. I'm not worried they can physically harm me or anything, nor do I even hate kids, most kids I actually like, but certain kids, like uncle's girlfriend's one kids, make me uncomfortable and make my anxiety go off badly. He's like 6 or something like that, but he is disrespectful to me, and harasses me when I'm around. He'll make smart ass remarks which although typical small child insults, get to me, not because they hurt my feelings so much, but it gets to me that I'm so pathetic, I can't even demand respect from a fucking child. Today, playing some backyard cricket with my brother and other cousin (a very respectful kid who I love), he asks if he can peg the ball at my groin, to which I obviously say no, so what does he do?",1 "Hi all! I run a general mental health peer support chatroom on Discord for people 18\+. At over 2500 members, we still maintain a close community\-oriented atmosphere with rules in place and moderators present at all times. Most diagnoses, except those relating to the endangerment of children, are welcome. This is a first person group, so you need to be the person with a disorder to participate.",0 "So now they are querying whether he has a traumatic brain injury suffered a year before we got together and that now he has progressing brain damage. At this point my nurse self kicks in, I can't not help someone in that situation. I feel sorry for him I don't want him to be hurt or alone. But I also want to hate him and leave. So my incredibly long winded question to you is this: if he has brain damage is this an excuse or a reason?",1 "However, I can't kick the Lyme. None of the specialists who treat Chronic Lyme are covered by insurance (because it isn't recognized by the CDC), and I'm so broke I can't justify buying myself hot food not covered by Food Stamps, let alone seeing a doctor I'd have to pay out of pocket. I'm terribly afraid of getting spinal fusion while still being this saturated with Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease gets much worse if it gets in your spinal column and brain, and getting myself all cut up for surgery with Lyme in my system..... I'm afraid I'll get worse.",1 "I want to start off by saying I love my in laws. They do a LOT for us and we are incredibly grateful for them. My MIL has always been around to babysit when I’ve needed to go to doctors appts, and seeing that she has MS (not severe), my SIL comes over to help play/do the lifting. My mil is capable of all of that, but she has a harder time. We have a history with my SIL.",0 "The thought of helping people, curing diseases and caring for someone makes me happy. Imagine a person who’s an asshole but need help on health, I would help him/her. However, I need to finance med but I need to work on my current stature to get the money but this job makes me anxious to the point that I am having refluxes because of stress just the thought of working on it. The problem with me is I know I can do for the meantime this job but it was a mistaken path, I could have done dev since it involves little customer interaction. I felt helpless because I need the money but feels like I am fooling myself to work my ass up for something that is not my passion.",1 "We're running out of things like dog food,toilet paper, feminine products and whatnot. Workers comp didn't send me my check this month, so I'm not able to afford the things we need and that is why I'm asking assistance. If anyone could help me with a small loan of $50 , we'd greatly appreciate it. I'm not sure when I could pay you back fully, but I could pay something back each month if that's okay. Thank you for your time!",1 Am I mentally ill? I want to kill myself but I'm to scared to even do that. I'm supposed to be starting college in the fall but I don't think that'll work out well. This entire post is probably gibberish but I haven't slept in almost 2 days and I can't think straight. I don't know what to do but I can't keep doing this.,1 I bought a few dozen of them. Tomorrow I'll try and stop by the dollar store for some extra things. I'm going to my city's downtown area right after I go to the store. Thank you to the kind person who gave me gold. **,0 "I've always connected my self worth with how well I do in school. Right now, I'm failing the last class I need to graduate. The final exam is 2 semester worth of stuff that I never really understood. This is my last chance to graduate. If I don't pass I wont get into the grad school that conditionally accepted me.",1 "I have known her for several years and we are somewhat close but not ""best friends"". She confided in me that her brother died and I want to be there for her in any way that I can. I currently live 5+ hrs away from where she lives so I can't physically be there for her. Are there any sayings that I should avoid or use? What helped you after the loss of a loved one?",0 "She did not acknowledge his invite to come down for Christmas. Then they go on the trip 2 days later and everything is peachy keen. -Her car broke down so my dad leant her my mom's car that we still have. She said that he needed to quit referring to it as my mom's car....like, legally it's my mom's car. Shut it.",0 "That freaked me out. I was tired after probably from a sugar crash and I immediately assumed I was going through a calcium OD and was going to end up in a coma. Then I went home and opened a Snapchat and got deja vu (I thought I read that Snapchat before). I experience deja vu like that frequently, and googled it and it said I could have a brain condition or epilepsy... If I’m going to have to live like this forever sometimes I wish I wouldn’t wake up.",1 "I broke of my longest relationship so far with my Gf of 6 months because I thought I didn't love her, afterwards I felt fine for the first week and then I started to miss her. I had a one night stand with a random girl that I met through snapchat, felt disgusted afterwards at myself since it was only two weeks after the break-up. We attend the same school and I feel like someone is crushing my heart whenever I see her or if I see that she's sent me a text. She was one of my best friends and now when i talk to her on social media i feel like I am talking to a stranger. We are meeting tomorrow after school and she's coming over to get her stuff.",1 "I'm feel when I read about sth or learnt sth and I talk loud about that I feel I'm fake. I have this feeling that I try to impress someone or my knowledge is shallow and in fact I don't understand this or that well so actually I pretend and I always waiting for someone to laugh at me or correct me. In fact I feel like a shallow person with lack of knowledge \(even basic\) and I myself against me by judging I'm fake, it's not importan what I know or think and generally it's funny when I'm serious because I'm so kiddo what could I know what real life is and how can I know anything. because of that experience most of the time I am full of anxiety and barely leave my house. I was even too anxious to post online.",1 "I listen to him when he’s having a bad day and thinking about what I did to him. I listen and try to say silent when he yells and screams at me. I take his insults in stride, as best as I can, because I feel like I deserve it. He tells me that he “has no respect for me” and I am “nothing but a mistake” and he tells me that I am trash, I do not deserve anything that I have, and that I am just a waste of his time. He tells me that he hates me.",1 She's sworn at me at times. **tl;dr**: Girlfriend cheated on me twice. Is always adamant about keeping contact with the people she cheated with. The relationship is at its wits end. p.s.,1 "Before I knew at least I stood out from the girls he followed, now I kinda feel like a shitty clone or something. I dont know. I dont have a type or follow eyecandy so I dont really understand. Help me make sense of it? Tl;dr: my bf changed his preference in women and now I feel like a shitty clone",1 "I sat her down and told her that she is ruining her chances of having a relationship with my husband by how strong she is coming on. I told her that she is pushing him away and making him uncomfortable. She seemed to take that to heart but then days later said, “this is just who I am.” I've been working on ways to fix this; it just isn’t very successful. I will take my mom to therapy with me when our schedules work. **TONIGHT:**",0 "Read from your sheet and you will be accepted by others effortlessly. This also starts the beginning of you allowing yourself to be yourself. Do you believe strongly about animal rights ? Brilliant that would go down pretty well in the court? Sounds commendable, put it on your sheet and read from it.",0 "I picked at it yesterday and made it worse. What do I do about this? I'm still convinced there's something there but nothing I've tried has worked. I've tried flossing and even using a small needle to dislodge whatever I _think_ is in there but it still hurts long after it's healed and it still bothers me like crazy. FYI I have trich and dermo as symptoms of OCD, anxiety, and body dysmorphia and is the main reason why I pick at myself",1 "I’m very concerned that I might never be able to put a condom on, last in bed or satisfy a woman with my penis. The girl was very satisfied and even exhausted and she said that it was the most times she cums in one night and that the previous guys just stuck it in and thrusted ( which I’m secretly jealous honestly since I’m concerned that I might not be able to stick it in right now). she keeps texting me now about meeting up again. She said I’m great with my hands and I’m a great kisser but she kept silent about my penis which I was apparently very bed using it. I kept my cool throughout the night and laughed it off and she was very cool and said that she was expecting it but I’m very concerned that I might have a deformity or something.",1 "I have had the worst anxiety of my life recently. As a college student I am now falling behind in classes, forgetting about sorority events and not interacting with my friends. I am slowly losing my mind. My room is a mess and the only thing keeping me out of a mental hospital right now is literally my students where I student teach. I am exhausted of fighting to get out of bed everyday, shaking when I sit in class and just not talking to anyone.",1 "I just feel really left out by someone who is supposed to be one of my best friends. Is it too late to say something? Should I even say anything at all? --- **tl;dr**: Friends threw a birthday party for themselves on my actual birthday, didn't include me as a 'birthday girl' but invited me to the party anyways.",1 Original frustrating moment: Writing this so y'all can see what kind of people I'm dealing with! I called up the non-profit this morning to ask if I can use another identification document instead of my birth certificate because getting a BC from the clerks dept in my town cost $28 which I don't have. I asked for the girl that I talked to yesterday since she would know what my situation is but the gentlemen who answered the phone told me that she nor her supervisor was in and that I should call back on Monday and talk to Cassandra or her supervisor to reschedule my appointment that was set up for this morning. Ok I said then hung up.,0 "Hi, my english isn't my first languge and my grammer or spelling might not be perfect, but sorry in advance. I met my friend in august 2016, in school and we became really close right after we first met. We would hang out all the time, 5 days a week and then talk and text on phone or skype for another atleast 2 hours. We shared everything and it felt like we've known each other since forever. But then after 1 month of daily talking/hanging i was going on a trip alone with my longterm boyfriend for 3 years [M20] for 2 weeks before christmas.",0 "Like, I don't think they happen if I distract myself with the Internet or doing some hobby that I like. I remember feeling like this at least once a week ever since I was around 15 or so. I used to have nightmares about either fighting for life with my brother or my dad or someone else, or about seizures happening to me or people around me every day. Now I have them maybe once a week or two. I get something that feels like an adrenaline rush when I'm bringing this up, for instance as I'm writing this, or when my brother decides to visit my mom, and sometimes it just happens randomly.",0 "For anxiety/depression. Feb 16 weekend, we hung out and discussed going out. I just wanted to know what would be different or what her expectations would be differently. She just wanted to know she could introduce me as her bf to friends and people, and to be together. No other changes, really, we were already exclusive.",0 "This internet ban subsequently resulted in me failing my studies, and in turn lead to my parents despising my relationship. Needless to say, they had noticed a huge change in my personality on top of failing my studies. I want allowed to speak to these friends either. She worried that they would be finding ways to show porn to me, and made them out to be terrible friends, which I of course believed. I failed to mention how incredibly good she was at manipulation.",0 "/r/ptsd has voted, and the majority of users (who voted) would like surveys to be banned. Some users however expiressed interest in having a sticky post, so we will move to just a sticky post for now. Should this thread receive a majority of downvotes, surveys will be banned permanently So, if you have a survey you would like to share with us, you may do so here, please use the following format. Failure to do so will result in your survey being removed.",0 "Short - I live in Christchurch, New Zealand and my friend is currently getting beaten by her husband, but has 3 dogs and will not leave without taking them with her as she fears what he might do to them. Long - She is currently living in a diffrent room to him but is getting beaten most nights, she has not signed a tenancy aggrement and the house she is renting is owned by her husbands best friend. She has pictures of the bruising and blood aswell as screenshots of the messages he is sending her. She has been in contact with womans refuge, unfortunatly there is not alot they can do because she does not want to leave. Also one of the dogs is old and usually sleeps inside.",1 "To the typical bystander he looks to be in a bad way, but actually he’s happy. He had a mental breakdown over Christmas and was sectioned. Because of this the social services have been visiting him and due to their insistence of better accommodation, he has had to use his savings to buy a shed which he now sleeps in. He is profoundly proud of his self sufficiency and freedom and desperately does not want to be put in a home or helped in any way. The shed (although better than his trailer) isn’t insulated.",0 I would also be so grateful if you could just pray for her and our family during this time. Also if anyone is familiar with this type of serious health issue I would be so glad to hear about it so I know more about what she is fighting. They have told us the cultures came back streptococcus pneumoniae one of the most common forms of strep. Thanks for reading. ,0 "I've always had this slight urge to drop out of society since my early teens. Nothing I've taken all that seriously until now though. Just thought it was a bit of a childish fascination with going against the social norm. Anyways, I simply just think I'm not cut out for what the world has become. call it pathetic or what you want.",0 "  SAR teams, crew and techs, go where nobody else can go. They, Dave and his team, have saved Mounties, have gone where others simply can’t and aren’t trained, or capable of ignoring their surroundings and getting the job done. SAR are a breed apart. I have asked Dave if he can introduce me to a SAR Tech so I can show his story, beside this.",0 "This writing prompt was based on using only the future tense One day, I will break out from the inner sanctuary of your precious little mind. You will believe that you are perfectly fine and happy. I will lead you to the conclusion that the childhood you will experience is just like the same one to be experienced by every child. Thankfully for me, your mother will do a wonderful job of failing you.",0 "**While at a shelter** Depending on the nature of the shelter, you may be asked to follow specific security rules designed to protect you, other residents, and the shelter staff. Although those rules may sometimes seem a little bit restrictive, it’s important to follow them for everyone’s safety. If the abusive partner had access to your cell phone or your account, you may be asked to remove your phone’s battery, and maybe even wrap it in tinfoil to block any transmissions. Although this may sound a little bit extreme, this might be done because a cell phone may be used to track you or find out where you’re going.",0 "During this time, my mother was out of work and she had to make sure she took the time to take care of her father. On his deathbed, my grandpa told our landlord, to his face and perhaps in a Will (the latter was my mother's words, not mine) that he did not want his daughter and his granddaughter to be homeless. He wanted him to take care of us and make sure we had a place to live. Unbeknownst to me, we were behind on the rent. I didn't know how much until a few years later, when I got my first job.",1 "She's super neurotic and would be a project** **A place for my Aunt to stay. She's pretty much helpless on her own. She's 53 and has lived with my grandma basically all of her life. Once my grandma's mind started to go, the taxes suddenly weren't getting paid, and this is why this happened.",0 "So, a long time ago when I was in around the 2nd or 3rd grade, I went out to a diner with my family for breakfast and when we went to go pay I saw these two girls in my class. So, they asked me if I wanted to come over and my mom said yes so I went to one of the girl's house for a playdate. So, I went over there and they told me that in order for me to be friends with them I would have to do this initiation thing. Apparently it's a thing they do with another girl in our class. And it was to take off all of our clothes and play pretend.",0 "He told me that we are at different places in life - he is looking to buy houses and I'm just starting grad school. I understand that I won't be financially stable for a few more years because I do have a student loan. But that being said I'm getting a master's in engineering so at worst I'm looking at a 5 year payback plan. He told me that he doesn't think we will work out long term because of being in different places. He thinks making adjustments to the differences between us will be ""forcing things to work out"".",0 "Another time I had one was today in class. I was worrying about fainting because I fainted last week and didn't want it to happen again. Today I was feeling dizzy from worrying and I was thinking ""I need to get out of here."" I managed to calm myself down by taking deep breaths and closing my eyes before it got too bad. Can someone tell me if these were actually panic attacks?",1 "I am still passionate about world cuisines and good food in general, but I want it to feel like fuel, feeding a good fire, it cannot feel like stuffing for this turkey. Have you had the same kind of experience? Feel free to share! Or have you noticed no appetite increase whatsoever from Mirtazapine? Share that too!",0 I wanna break down my situation. I know you guys can't help but I need to vent. My partner works in a job he is treated like crap in and hates for little money. He is looking for new work. That's good and I'm proud of him.,0 "I can't remember what was in the marital home when I left. I left under duress. I am still piecing together weird, incongruous chunks of time, flashbacks, disjointed memories, and trying to figure out what happened; it seems like my brain just can't access specific details when I'd like it to. The problem here, other than everything, is that I don't feel like my attorney gets why I'm such a useless participant right now, and I could use some advice on explaining it. Do I have my therapist call my attorney?",1 "I feel like I’m sabotaging our relationship. Making up scenarios to pick a fight and give us a reason to break up. I really don’t want to lose him. In the beginning, I was hesitant to go out with him but the more we hung out, the more I started to like him. Now that I know more about him and met his family, the more determined I felt to make this relationship work.",0 "I don't know whether to call the crisis team see if theyll stay on the phone as i leave to distract myself. Im determind not to be as agoraphobic as i was i will not be stuck inside trapped by myself. Yet here i am frozen in bed scared to leave in case it means i even start getting ready to go towards to front door. I know i should eat, but the anxiety part of me keeps trying to convince me i dont need to eat i'll be ok if i just stay inside safe.",1 "Can you relate? TL;DR: I did something stupid at work. A coworker called me out for it, and rightfully so. I apologized, she accepted, and all is now good. *But I can't stop thinking about it, dwelling on it.",1 "I instantly thought of something I rarely think about, being molested in a pool locker room when I was 10. My heart started beating incredibly fast as I readied myself to tell them the thing I couldn’t even tell my family at the time. I started crying, something I haven’t done in years and something my friends have never seen me do. When it got to me, with my hand over my eyes all I could say was “I don’t think I can”. It felt like I was reliving what I’d gone through, like I could see it happening in front of me.",1 Some monsters are real. I was abused by some as a kid and I was recently reminded that they are still out there. I sometimes manage to find myself in reddit threads with discussions about pedophilia. It bothers me to see people defending pedophila and I often feel the need to respond. I think it seemed a safe way to vent anger at surrogates for my abusers and I think I wanted a chance to say what I never had the chance to say as an abused kid.,1 "Mostly, I think I just want a mom. I've been struggling with anxiety really bad, and a lot of it has to do with my relationship with my boyfriend. This is my first boyfriend. He's a senior at a different college. He lives in the city that I go to school in.",1 "Especially because Jeff drinks and does drugs, which is very inconsistent with my lifestyle. Overall I regret agreeing to have him -- my bf and I have ruminated over it in couples counseling multiple times :( --- **tl;dr**: My boyfriend's brother is an almost college grad with very little direction. My bf wants him to move to our (expensive) city with no job and live in our 50/50 shared condo rent free.",1 "At this point, my friend's family's finances are all but running out. We started a GoFundMe to help them out and would love to get any help we can. Reddit has done and continues to do amazing things. I'm hoping we can do our bit to help them out. Here's a link to the GoFundMe campaign: ",0 "Hi, this is my first Reddit post. I have searched the internet regarding anxiety in online gaming and there seem to be people who have it. That's kind of a relief for me. I would like to play with people with these issues, because I imagine that I'll feel a certain level of comfort knowing that we have the same issue.",0 "Our sex life was the biggest irritant for me, as it had declined to fairly rote occurrences when I would push several days in a row every couple weeks. Spent some time or r/deadbedrooms. Last year she took her first international trip alone. When she returned, she seemed distant and cold. I eventually confronted her about it and she said that we had grown apart.",0 "All of these things I think contributed to this being a less traumatic experience than the first birth. Just before the second birth, she kind of lunged towards our first kid in the road, which, we later learned, gave her symphysis pubis dysfunction She actually had substantial back/neck/joint pain (more on this later) in the first pregnancy as well, and this was worse, causing her to need crutches for the remainder of the pregnancy. This is not a super uncommon thing for a woman to experience which includes my favorite-ever Wikipedia “For [alternate related article], see...”), but for most women, it resolves itself quickly after the baby is born. For my spouse, it didn’t, and she started seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist. This maybe helped, maybe didn’t.",0 ">Like, I budget and we are responsible but the rent and bills and then gas and medical costs are so high we just cant do it >Im even studying coding to try and fight out of poverty but even thats tough because I am always at a physically demanding job >And the ""good"" resources cost money I dont have >I havent seen my family in two years. I have a niece growing up not knowing me because I cant afford to even miss a day of work let alone a week to visit them",1 "So I have a buddy who still lives with his step dad, mom, and brother. Long story short, I just found out through him that his step dad hits him and occasionally his mother. It came out when he was drunk along with other behaviors. When my friend gets drunk he likes to aggravate people until they try to beat him up and until recently I just thought he liked fighting. But he told me it is because his step dad hits him so getting in fights gives him a weird sense of worth.",0 "But now, I can't. I literally have ONE therapist I can see. And ONE psychiatrist (who is actually a nurse practitioner). I have completely given up on getting the correct mental health treatment. I am doing the best I can.",1 I'm quitting my job in a couple of months but right now I don't feel great. I should work out a bit to feel better. I know that there isn't much to do but I needed to write it somewhere. Also I was so excited to quit my job and start working on building my app but I found out that I would need at least 30k$ and I don't have it. Now I feel like I'll need to take another shitty job to realise my dream some day,1 "Things with my foster parents were reaching a breaking point, so I finally ran away from home. I've never gone back, and never will go back. I'd rather die than go back into a cage. I skipped the last month of my college semester, didn't bother going to the finals, and just relaxed in the downtown area of the city I lived near. I still had my job, so I was just relaxing and enjoying my newfound freedom.",0 "I created this gofundme as a way to help my mom pay our cats vet bills and because they all need to see a vet pretty badly. This is . I don't know if it is overtly clear in the picture but he has a cyst under his eye and treating it at home isn't working anymore. My mom is still paying off the vet bills from almost a year ago when my oldest cat Honey needed emergency surgery. Honey, Shea, and my youngest cat Emily all need to see a vet pretty badly but cost is too much.",1 "His price is even higher than what I was told and he said that's after a discount. I'm a college student and apart from tuition I have food and other things to fund and I thought that by paying this much I'd at least get my money's worth in therapy, but other than telling him about my anxiety and family, and having him tell me I probably have OCD and Anxiety disorder, all I seem to hear is the rates of the therapies and how it would take over a year of dynamic therapy, preferably 2 times a week, at 80$ a session, and that I should be able to commit if I want to continue. The second session he continued with this spending nearly 30 minutes saying I have 3 options, seeing a psychiatrist and taking pills, going to CBT to treat 'only the symptoms' or seeing a dynamic therapist like him for sessions which would take a year at least to see results. What's more, the second the clock ticks 50 minutes he says have a nice day and sort of kicks me out. So I'm supposed to believe this person talking about money on time I pay him money to talk to me about my greatest fears is gonna help me?",1 " -student- loans and I’m living a miserable life but I’m working as much as I can without feeling 100% dead inside but I have to pay them up in a week or they default and I don’t know what to do. I would seriously do anything for anyone for the money to help me keep my head above water. I’m completely miserable and I’m trying but I’ve been even more depressed than normal and I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like a heart attack is on my horizon. I spend the bare minimum, I starve or drink an 85 cent soda for 3-4 days out of the week.",1 "Hi everyone I have GAD that gets much stronger/prevalent when I don't have enough sleep. Coincidentally, it also makes me unable to sleep sometimes, so kinda like a vicious circle. Normally, I don't really have that many problems with it but I just started a new fulltime job with a lot of responsibility and that triggered my insomnia and subsequently all the underlying fears. My doctor prescribed Xanax as a when-needed last resort but since I was really scared of withdrawal/addiction after reading up on the drug (it's not called Xanax here but alprazolam) I only started taking 0.5mg at night after really breaking down.",1 "I’m also quite intellectual, I can speak 2 languages other than my native language, English and Japanese. But I only want my boyfriend, he has a shy personality but he’s very knowledgeable, he’s like a walking Wikipedia and I love him so much. He makes me feel calm just laughing at our inside jokes, receiving a cute text from him, and ever since being in a relationship with him I’ve grown to be happy with the smallest things in life. But he never seems to be able to move on from the event from his past, or he‘s just deeply affected by his depression and negative thoughts, also all the stress from his studying in university and family really is a big problem. All of this really took a toll of our relationship, to the point that we hardly called anymore or had any communication.",1 Currently in s constant state of anxiety with heart palptations. Woke up this morning with panic attacks. We broke up 4 months ago (it happened suddenly over text) as the relationship was shaky. Is there anything I can do about this? Conciously I'm not trying to think about the situation but unconsciously I still have the physical symptoms (anxiety/panic/heart rate and palpitations).,1 "I looked regular for once and it’s been a while to feel that way. I wanted to show who I was today to the world, it was empowering seeing that face I used to be especially when I saw him just a month ago. I left right away to catch any train heading to North Hollywood and eventually arrived at the area of my work interview. I was early but I know I made a mistake without considering how hard it is to panhandle especially when you don’t look it for the part. I had a sign with me and I asked people to spare me a quarter at most but all I got were weird looks.",0 She has been cheated on after being married and while pregnant and about to have her baby. She has been gone through it and knows how it feels to be hurt and lied too and said she will never do it to anyone as she’s been through it and is the type of person that wears her heart on her sleeve. I completely trust my husband but this is harder then I thought. Hard because I see her messaging him everyday day as soon as she wakes up and stays talking to him on the phone too. Hard because they still want to see each other.,1 "The connection was 100% real and 100% mutual, no way around it and it’s the first time I’ve felt that way about someone in 8 years. Being around her lit a fire in me again - I wanted to be a better man because of her. I was sweet to her but not overly so, her son was with his dad for Christmas and I sent her flowers since I knew she was feeling down. She called me the next day and was so grateful and loved them. I was complementary of her and she ate it up and asked me in a non-guilty (more of an “I love how you are to me” way) why I’m so sweet to her.",0 It did hurt but didn’t leave any marks. When I lied down I kept coughing and today it feels kinda constricted like there’s a lump in my throat. I’ve googled and realised how serious it can be and now I’m terrified but scared to go doctor. What do I do I’m not calling police and I am not going to any hospital. I will go to doctor if they are sensitive about it,1 "I had another friend come out and tap on my window, scaring me. He didn’t know what happened, and when he asked me what was wrong I just started to cry. I felt stupid and ashamed. Through the sobs I told him what happened, I even told him that my rapists did it to me. He was supportive and sweet and it made me feel so much more guilty.",1 "But whatever. I got paid today, so food is no longer an emergency and I wouldn't feel right accepting your gifts of compassion. Thank you all so much thoughfor your efforts. I'm in no way in a good position financially at the moment, but at least for the time being I'm not in pain. Thanks again and god bless.",0 I never thought I’d be in a situation like that in my life and the screaming and blood and chaos following it is just on a constant repeat in my head that won’t stop. I had to give 4 separate statements to the police which burned it from start to finish in my brain and it doesn’t stop. I don’t know if that’s just because it was less than 24 hours ago and I’m still just in shock? It’s just a lot to take in right now and I’m not sure what to do. I apologize for any formatting issues because I’m on mobile/ sounding incoherent I’m just kind of numb after all this and unsure what to do.,1 "You all saved me. Really. I got plenty of easy to make breakfast stuff so I can make myself a nice hot meal quickly and easily on my crutches, and I’ve got some high protein snacks like nuts, sardines, and turkey jerky to keep me going during the day when I don’t have anyone to help me cook the rice or quinoa I got sent. I’ve got green beans to make green bean casserole, tea and coffee to keep me sane and comfortable while I’m in so much pain. Some people were even kind enough to purchase an Uber giftcard to help me get to doctor’s appointments since I can’t use the public transit until I’m in a walking boot or have a wheelchair (wheelchair should be in a couple of days!)",0 "I’m a previous victim of abuse at home and since moving to university (the abuse ended way before uni) I’ve experienced very frequent nightmares both relating to and completely unrelated to my previous problems. It’s hard for me to go more than 3 nights without having at least a couple of nightmares a night, most of which relating to my trauma. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, would anyone be able to offer some advice on how to address these nightmares as they’re starting to affect my studies. Thank you in advance",1 I go to the VA and I see people who need it more than me. I make a good living and only want to get on with life. Plus I know filing a claim at the VA is humiliating and I don’t want to go though what others I fear have. Thanks for listening. I posted this as there was a guy on the foxnews site dogging people with fake PTSD because his son served in combat and is fine.,0 "When I was 16 I met a guy on vacation 11 years my senior... Having never been able to get along with those in my age group, I thought nothing of somebody older spending time with me, as I had grown up always spending my time around the adults during the holidays or my older brother's friends... Looking back now, I know this was naive and innocent on my part, nothing that anyone could or should blame a young kid for, as I really thought I was an outcast amongst my peers. And while it may have been true, there is no reason or excuse for a 27 year old man to want to be with a 16 year old girl except that he couldn't find a woman his age who would fall for his games and lies... He played nice for my vacation-- respecting my boundaries and acting only as a friend. He showed me the island and was nothing but kind and hospitable to my family...",0 "This is a really shitty time to need support or therapy because it’s a holiday weekend. I’m in horrible physical pain, emotionally heartbroken and being ignored by my kids until I turn them back over to him tomorrow. I don’t even know why I am posting. I don’t know what to expect. I just want to not be so alone.",1 "But she's a nurse and works crazy hours, so it would just be too much for her, I think. I'm posting in case there's an option I'm missing. Any suggestions welcome. tl;dr: I have $$$ coming in, but the timing is off. Might be homeless for two weeks to a month.",0 "  I asked my friend and Psychological guru if he happened to know of a washing machine I could pop my brain into for a while. He said yes and I have a neat little machine (expensive at $800+) which literally rinses my brain, I run it at the highest charge possible to electrodes attached to each ear lobe and I sleep for an hour, waking up with a rinsed brain.   Electric pulses and the use of magnetic fields in the treatment of psychiatric issues is not new but we no longer have to hook you up to the transfer station, in fact despite big pharma trying to stop the research (I kid you not), it’s moved forward exponentially with researchers in the University of Texas in Dallas amongst many pushing their findings into the stimulation of the vagus nerve to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression and over all mental f*ckery.",0 "I am in a very bad situation, stuck in Nashville, with no friends or family and no money. I have some personal belongings that I am trying to sell, but can't see myself raising more than $100. Food stamps don't come in for another two weeks. I am 19. The plan is to hop on a Greyhound to Atlanta, and stay at Covenant House.",1 "I cook and clean every night and this is expected now. she berates my family (yeah my family is screwed up! but show me a family that isn't) and will freak out the moment I critiscise hers. she demanded I leave immediately this morning so had no time to pack belongings and arrange somewhere for myself and my cat to stay. today since being kicked out, just over 12 hours, I have received over 300 phone calls and over 1000 texts via all forms of communication.",1 "I always feel like no one actually likes me and they just put up with me out of pity. It’s a vicious cycle, because that insecurity makes me more self-conscious and standoffish, which makes me more unlikeable. I just feel like I’m nothing but a drain on everyone and an inconvenience. I’m constantly plagued by these thoughts about what a terrible person and I am, and it’s just so exhausting. I wish I was normal.",1 "I was getting changed into a pair of shorts and was standing. When I lifted one leg to put on the shorts, I was very shaky and it was uncontrollable. Even just when I stand, my legs shake. What is going on?! I'm scared out of my mind because no one else on the internet seems to have this exact issue so I have no idea where to look.",1 "I feel like the trust I worked so hard to build and the work I put in improving myself by going to therapy, dealing with the anger and the fact I was quick to be violent (old habits die hard...), dealing with and accepting the fact I've also got ADHD and autism, becoming a better man and not following in the footsteps of my dad is just... gone. Destroyed. Utterly fucked. I feel betrayed and completely alone because she was the only person I trusted on this entire planet. I can't even look at her even 4 days later and I've barely spoken to her since.",1 "German Shepards, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers and Poodles all seem like a good choice. Poodle would be good for allergies as many of my close family have allergies. Shepadoodles, Labradoodles, and Golden Doodles might also make a good choice if they were from bloodlines that had proven to be hypoallergenic. I've trained a therapy dog in the past who was a labradoodle. Lovely dog.",0 "My flaws seemed huge to me, and I assumed everyone thought negatively of me all the time. My life was consumed by a spiral of negative thoughts and social anxiety. I went to my doc, admitted my social anxiety, and he prescribed me Lexapro 10mg/day. I took my first pill a few days ago, and not two hours later, I had nearly complete relief of my anxiety of all kinds. The bad thoughts completely stopped.",0 "to me I feel like that is someone older than my current age dating an age that seems like a child to me.... I creeped her facebook and she appears to be a "" normal"" 23 year old...going out partying...saying things I would have found funny at that age but cringe at now.....and he did share with me that he supported her for the most part and so on...I asked if she had any "" life skills"" and his answer was "" not really"". What are people's thoughts on this? --- tl/dr...i'm creeped out by a man dating a woman 20 years younger even my last relationship was with a man 22 years older.",0 "I've stayed up at night hearing them quietly talk about things they can't pay right now, trying to figure out the order to deal with debts, what they can do to make this Christmas feel like normal. The only thing I know right now is that I don't know what is going to happen next. I don't know where my dad will live if he has to sell what he and my mother worked so hard for over the years. I don't know where my siblings and I will go if we run into troubles. I don't even know if my family will be able to afford any sort of funeral right now.",1 "This lead to a series of tests which basically showed that he had developmental issues and as he only ever eats junk food and soda showed that hes pretty much decaying. He has some memory issues now and can't really be trusted to live on his own like he could but he'd need a care taker to come in once a week to make sure he's eating, hasn't burned the house down, etc. Anyways I bring this up because at this time in life I was praying to God to kill him or to at least get him out of our lives so I took this incident as either A)Gods way of making me eat my words or B)This was the answer to my prayers as he technically is dying by grdual decay.....slowly",0 He loves them and treats them like gold. I love the type of father he is but I hate the way he treats me. I have no one to open up to or go to if I even tried to leave him. I’m tired of him abusing me mentally and physically me. He has cheated on me several times and each time it knocks my self esteem Lower and lower.,1 So I have been a bunch of strange symptoms over the last 3 weeks which have caused me to freak out thinking that I have MS. The symptoms are 1. A sense of something crawling over my skin. This is very random and never never localized and jumps from one leg to another and to my arms i think i got it even in my lower back and neck (I think),1 "Today at work I took a customer's payment over the phone. I was pulling up her account so there was a moment of silence between us. I could hear a man in the back yelling,""I'm gonna slap you"" I didn't tell her I had her page pulled up so I could keep listening, because I was convinced I heard incorrectly. ""Bitch I'm gonna slap you"" a couple seconds of silence,""I don't give a fuck"" , a couple seconds of silence, ""I will fucking slap you"" finally I said ma'am. It took her longer than it should have to respond to.",0 "We had signed up for the boat ride (something she was extremely excited about), but the lines got a little backed up and the time got pushed back. An hour had passed of us at the event and we were scheduled to go on the boat ride in about 15 minutes. However, since that hour had passed, her boyfriend refused to stay any longer and made both of them go home, even though she really wanted to go on the boat. These are some of the bigger events that have pissed me off; however, they have the same fight everyday regarding their differing values, and her wanting to do things/live her life and him refusing to make any sort of sacrifice or compromise to do that with her, resulting in her just settling to the situation. Since graduation, he accepted that crappy job and moved across the country, taking her with him.",0 "My bank didn't notify me at all, though a lot of the transactions happened outside the country. I currently have about $8 to my name from my savings, which has since been overdrawn. I have been looking for a new job, staying at this one because I have a good boss and because it pays above minimum wage. People effortlessly walk all over her, and though she gets mad about it, company policy as well as her personal precedence, has really tied her hands. I'm one of about three reliable people, and get saddled with the shifts no one bothers to show up to.",1 She referred me to a dermatologist who was known to treat white gay guys and other asian gay guys with genital warts. That's how gossipy these doctors can be. I went to this new dermatologist and showed her my growths. She then showed me pictures of genital warts from her textbook. They looked like cauliflowers.,0 "According to the sheriffs department, I have rights because I help support the household and I receive mail at this address. Thing is, I just have no idea what the fuck I'm going to do. I've asked friends and the few family members I have, but to no avail. Help, please? EDIT: I FIXED THINGS AND WE ARE BACK TOGETHER!",0 "During this time, my son, the brave little guy, still had the soundness of mind to call my sister, who is a police dispatcher. He couldn’t understand what was happening, so he thought my husband was trying to hurt me instead of himself. Since my sister was off duty so she placed the call to the police while we were up in my room. I heard him slam the front door, so I told my son to stay there and went down to check it out. He had slammed the kitchen knife into the wall and ran out to the woods behind his house.",0 "Hey guys, I'm not homeless myself, I'm just after some advice. Basically, I work in a restaurant that closes late so I'm often not back to my apartment complex until around midnight. For the last few nights when I come back, I've noticed a homeless person sleeping between the glass front at the ground floor entrance and the back of the stairwell... This doesn't particularly bother me because I figured he's just sleeping and all the individual apartments have locks on the doors anyway. However I could understand if others in my complex would be distressed or anxious by this, especially if they live on the first floor (I'm fortunate to live higher up on the fourth floor).",0 "Well, last time we fought, I did finally call. I was so fucking scared and while he hid in the basement with all the doors locked and light off, the cops took pictures of my hands and neck while I asked them over and over not to arrest him. They told me it will be up to the judge when he sees the pictures. Well, what do you know, he got a warrant. He didn't show up to the first court date so I know he's in even more trouble now.",0 "So, to start with I have ptsd from years of emotional/mental/verbal abuse and a few years of physical abuse/sexual assault. I have problems because of this obviously. My soon to be MIL just learned that I have PTSD from my fiancé. In order to keep it to something she’d understand, because when she thinks one thing it’s too hard to change her mind or get her to understand, he changed the story a little before he talked to her as well leaving some stuff out. However, he told her about me having been dating someone when I was sexually assaulted and changed the story to say I went over there while dating someone else and it happened.",1 "I obsess about this in my head 24/7 and even though I try to stay positive, the truth about how I REALLY feel comes out almost every time I go out drinking with friends and I become extremely negative and sometimes cry alone. My bf has told me that he is unhappy with my weight and he also hates seeing me unhappy. A summary of my bf: he is a complete workaholic, he loves me to death, he tells me how beautiful I am every day, he has dumped me 3 times because of my weight, he thinks I am an excuse maker and he does not know if he will commit to me. I am indian and he is white. I have been in the US since I was 6 and if you ever spoke with me on the phone, you would never be able to guess that I am indian.",1 "Hey all! I'm in San Diego CA and about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with lupus nephritis. I haven't had the most stable care and have had to move all over the country just to maintain safety. Most recently, my mother who I have a very rough (to say the least) relationship with said she would help take care of me financially as I cannot work right now. Well for some reason this last month my mom just stopped paying my rent which led to eviction.",1 "I'm just blown away by this doctor's willingness to help. I feel so validated every time I leave his office, like someone actually understands what I'm struggling with, and I don't have to convince them of my mental illness. Bottom line? Research docs if you can online, read their reviews and don't give up until you find someone who treats you the way you deserve. If I can do this, I promise you can!",0 "I go to my dealer and get an 8th of weed, go home a few cities over, toke up, and feel relief wash over me, finally being home, away from this crazy Aryan Brother. I didn't hear from him until a few days later, he called my phone, but I didn't pick up... If he's back at that shelter when I go back it's gonna be AWKWARD!!! ! **MORAL OF THE STORY:** Don't help fellow homeless people with rides, even if they're going in the same direction.",0 "One of my closest friends was recently diagnosed with stage II Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The problem though, is that needs help paying for treatment. She lives with a single parent, and can't work anymore due to her disease. Her health condition isn't in completely dire straits like some others on here, but it will be very tough to pay for chemotherapy and the ER visit that led to her diagnosis Any contribution would help, or simply sharing through Facebook or spreading the word is also great. ",0 "So I met this guy about 9 months ago at a meet-up group. We used to go out for drinks every other weekend and he'd always come on to me. We ended up hooking up a few times when drunk and became sort-of friends w/ benefits. It was the first time I'd done anything like that but he seemed like a natural flirter. But after a while, some personal stuff got in the way of his life and he took a break from the drinking/partying etc.",0 "One friend went to the same college while the other didn't, but we still kept in touch. Obviously, that didn't go so well. For the friend in the same college, I thought that just asking her to meet up and talk would be nice, but I feel I was too persistent, and she broke all ties with me, asking me to never contact her again. The same goes with the other friend. I tried to keep in touch, but I guess my methods were totally wrong and creepy.",0 " --- **tl;dr**: met a friend of a friend at a party. over the past couple days, he's been msging my girlfriend about random shit but isn't actually being too creepy. She no longer wants to talk to him and ignores his messages, but he keeps messaging anyway. She wants him to stop while minimizing drama/confrontation, but I'm not sure if it's possible.",0 "So, Kim Jong Un actually gave a rare, personal response to Donald Trump's speech and my god is it chilling. He mentions late in the speech that he is thinking about his hardest response possible to Trump's speech at the U.N. and even threatens to tame the 'dotard' with fire. My thoughts: This is bad. Really bad. Who knows what he could be planning?",1 okay. ANYWAYS. that was my long way of asking if like. was i molested? okay no that’s a bit much of a question.,0 "Don't have a bus pass or anything unfortunately. The question is...where? I haven't seen any homeless shelters near me, much less ones for women. I currently have no job. Nothing.",1 "Do I live in this cycle forever? Is there really no chance for me? I can't even begin to explain how my sibling got out, it was pure luck and they are heavily dependent on an S/O. I feel like I'm grabbing at straws. I've done this song and dance a million times.",1 "Today was a horrible day from the get go and I had to call out because I cant function with other people (I work in retail) today so I claimed I had a fever. Of course it had to be memorial day weekend making it one of the worst times for this and they even of course said over the phone ""Well, this really puts us in a bind"". Now I'm absolutely paranoid that they'll find out or they hate me now or I'll get fired for this. I'm so paranoid I'm worried they'll see me or come to my house to check on me even though I know they would never do that. I just wish someone could understand or sympathize/empathize with me for once.",1 "The first is my girlfriend of around 9 months. She doesn't really like her current living situation and suggested we look together. The positives here are that we get along pretty well as far as my relationships have gone, and it would save me money, probably around $5-600 a month. That's not insignificant. The thing is I probably *could* be ready for that step if I had to, I'm just not really for or against it.",0 "Any problem he had, he would blame on me. If I didn’t take his side during an disagreement he was having with someone else, he would get so mad and start with the insults. I eventually got out of the relationship, and when I ended it, he began obsessively texting me up to 30 times a day, talking to my family and lying to them about what was happening, etc. He finally stopped when I threatened a restraining order. The last time we talked was in May 2017.",0 "The server encourages happiness and improving yourself. Glamorizing mental illnesses and encouraging people to harm themselves is prohibited. If you are studying something related to mental illnesses or well-being, or if you have a job related to one of those things, you can have a role that shows you are a professional and willing to talk to people in case they have questions or need advice. ​ Invite link: ",0 "7. This study will include only participants who are 18 years and older. Please send us a private message if you are interested in participating. Once you contact us, we will send you a link to the screening questionnaire to see if you qualify and to tell you more about the study. Please note: If you participated in this study at any point in 2016 through Vanderbilt University, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate again.",0 "I just moved in on the 31st of August. It’s so nice to have a place of my own to come home to, air conditioning, my own bathroom and shower, a fridge to keep all my food in. The place is pretty empty still, as I blew just about everything paying deposits on the apartment, power, water, and internet. As time goes by I’ll get furniture a little at a time and slowly make the place more cozy and more my own. I can’t believe it’s finally over.",0 "Three months of this and talking with the one friend whom I could call for free between 9pm and 6AM due to AT&T's GoPhone policies whenever I could get away with it, or texting on a Nokia Tracphone (the ancient indestructible brick phone), and my sister lashing out at me about being ungrateful that they allowed me to come over and use the internet, triggered by my snapping back due to, something, I can't remember, and I just, stopped asking. Ended up losing contact with everyone but the one friend I could talk to maybe, once or twice a week for a couple hours. She'd try to keep me apprised of stuff going on with folks, and those phonecalls ended up bring the spark that bloomed into us being a couple, but... It wasn't enough. The same negativity, the same feelings of selfhatred, of self-disgust, of ***believing*** everything my father had dumped on me slowly took over.",1 "Okay so a bit of background, me and my girlfriend are in our second year of college (my subjects make a freshman though hehe) and have been together for 6 months. I want to be an ambassador and she wants to go into marketing. Every day we spend time together, there isn't a moment where the two of us don't end up talking about our future. To be more specific, we always end up talking extensively about marriage, what to name our daughter, how many golden retrievers to get and the like. Don't get me wrong, I love her to bits and I enjoy talking to her about these things, it's just that I'm slightly worried that maybe she is in love with the idea of me, and I with the idea of her.",0 "I just got a small job offer from a friend of mine who works prepping dessert plates at a restaurant, and well I agreed to try it out but I feel so anxious. This happens every time I look for jobs and they actually want to hear of me. I don’t know why, the whole process just feels like my embarrassment on display and I’m afraid to commit myself to working part time due to this. It’s nothing hard yet I feel so ashamed when I tell my family and partner that I didn’t simply like the job or feel like it’s demanding too much of me atm. It’s like getting a job takes so much from me atleast socially.",1 """, ""how about reasoning with him on that? "", ""it's understandable that he is threatened by your new friendships with other women and he handles it by getting angry""... I am not being critical but I really don't think my therapist knows how to handle what I'm dealing with. I said to him yesterday, ""how can I sit down and have a rational conversation with someone i don't feel safe around at times?"" Have others experienced therapists who weren't helpful, or who coached you to behave in ways that would work with someone who was not abusive, and possibly put you in more danger?",1 "Two days ago I packed all of my clothes into my car and have started living out of it. I sleep in the parking lot at work, work for 8 hours, and then spend the day at Starbucks on the internet and charging my electronics. Once Thursday rolls around I will have ~$400, which is not much as far as being able to afford a place to sleep. If I become good at living out of my car over the next few days, I may just use some of that money to invest in making it easier for myself. I don't really know why I'm posting this here, except that living out of your car is a pretty lonely experience.",1 "I legitimately do not know anyone who has survived this, and I feel like i'm not even human any more. As I type this, i'm sobbing, because it's all just so FUCKING truly disheartening. I used to be a person. I feel like a ghost now. Are there any steps I can take at all whatsoever to start my turn back into normalcy, or am I trapped inside of this until I either die or claw my way out of whatever hole i've fallen into?",1 "**Chapter 4** *The end of the Beginning* Drug free, Depression free, I had such a great time being homeless. Oh sure, there was the occasional scary moments, I almost died about 3 times that I can remember of. I almost got stuck in the middle of Northern Ontario in the forest with nothing to drink, I had sex with a girl inside the engine of the Freight Train, Im not talking about the conductor's cabin, Im talking about the actual engine.",0 "I am currently only using 5-htp once a week, i get no benefit when i use it daily. I have also been working out which has inevitably eased my depression and made my anxiety more tolerable but its still obviously taking hold of my life. Well here i am at this present moment, I have been contemplating having a sit down with my parents and telling them about my depression (pretty sure they already know, they just don't want to adress it). It had been hard, my parents come home at 9:00 PM and don't want to be bothered with me. they go straight to their rooms and the only time they are willing to talk is when they tell me to clean.",1 Good day. I am from the Philippines and I was recently diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety almost a month ago (July 10th). Since then it has been a very challenging and difficult time for me and my family. Work required me to secure a fit to work order before I can get back to work. My medical insurance does not cover mental health conditions and it took me over 3 weeks to secure one.,1 "I just posted my whole story but it's literally too long for anyone to actually read. I mainly want to know if this would be considered rape: MOST RECENT ABUSE: I worked 7 days in a row and finally had one night off on a Friday. I expressed I wanted to spend it with him, but since I went out the night before he was determined to go out with his friends that night. I guess that also comes with ignoring me all night.",1 "Has anyone else who's dealt with anxiety their entire lives become very controlling in their relationships as a way to cope? Speaking to my therapist I'm realizing that my method of coping with the intense anxiety I've faced in life was to become so organized that I thought I could control everything. But when situations arise, especially with those I'm in a relationship with where I can't control the situation, my anxiety goes out of control so I end up lashing out in negative ways. If you have found you were controlling and were able to better yourself can you please direct me on where to turn to do the same?",1 "I have a very hard time with trying to find a job, from most places I don't get any feedbacks, but get immediate rejection when I try to apply to other open positions at the same company. Interestingly there's a lot of propaganda around how there's a shortage on manpower, while at the same time people having difficulty finding jobs. There are notable instances of similar experiences, political opponents' family members getting fired for no reason, etc. My father did a big disservice to the local Fidesz by being a key figure against the prison project (which was going to be built by a company very well known for overpriced projects), my grandfather is a well known tankie (who's so racist he's often accidentally agrees with both Fidesz and Jobbik), not to mention I had a lot of bullies in secondary school who thought I was severely mentally disabled (long story short: I had some speech issues I've since overcome for the most part, but thanks to the Hungarian R-word I got some serious shit, such as being accused with my mother taking up huge benefit money which she spends on shoes and jewelry, which leads them having to pay a lot of taxes on their motorcycles, game consoles, phones, etc) and probably wanted to take their revenge this way (which is ironic, because the hard time I had financially radicalized me from an actual centrist to a radical leftist). My father is seriously thinking on kicking me out to the streets if I won't pay, which makes me to go back to my mother, and my abusive stepfather who cannot accept my autistic quirks, implying if I can go back to them and my stepfather will let it all go through.",1 "I would rather kill myself than hurt other people so why the fuck did that even occur to me? My therapist told me I'm meant to be alive and hugged me and I don't even know why because how could I be meant to be alive if I have thoughts like this? What's the point? It honestly feels like depression or ptsd or whatever this is has stripped me of normal human emotions and humanity and I'm just like this vacuum moving around undetected that people, like my therapist, fail to see is awful and unlovable and unfixable. I don't feel anything in conversations, I have trouble with empathy sometimes.",1 "I receive SSI/SSDI. About $1,000/mo. I have a gym membership at 24 Hour Fitness for taking showers whenever I want. I have a membership at REI for buying camping gear and clothes suited to the outdoors. I live pretty comfortably, all things considered, and have figured out a system of outdoor living that both keeps me alive and sane.",0 "I went through sexual assault less than a year ago and I still find I have flashbacks, I get anxious over it. I don’t tell many people this. I told one friend and a few days ago we got into an argument and he ended up saying that it was my fault it happened. I haven’t talked to him since and I’ve deleted his number, but he keeps messaging me as if nothing happened. Am I being irrational in ignoring him for this or is he just an asshole?",1 What is for you the most relatable portrayal you have seen/heard I don't have PTSD but reading a retired Marines blog I noticed that when he was talking about his PTSD it sounded a lot like Rick in the Walking Dead. Ill explain for those who have never seen it. Rick was the leader of his group during a zombie outbreak. He killed his best friend twice (technically) and his wife died along with most everyone he knew.,0 "You can see the detail on my [update 2 right and here's a link to the [project github So I'm begging you here, literally begging you. If there's anyone out there who would be kind enough to give me a second chance to fix my fuck up and finish my degree, would you please consider giving me some financial aid via [my goFundMe I'm literally in dire need of help right here and I don't know where else to turn other than the people of the internet :( ***Kind regards,",1 "Hi, I was recently put on Prozac (10mg to start) for anxiety after a really bad panic attack. I am nervous but also hopeful that this will help me. For the first week I cried at least once a day and usually there was no reason, my anxiety is also heightened but I knew these symptoms would occur so I've been dealing with it fine. But for the past like day and a half I feel like my joints are kind of feeling weird. I wouldn't say it's painful just different.",0 "He explained that he didn’t think it was such a big deal that he disclosed such personal information about me without my permission to his friends then he tried to flip it and said it was no different then a time I canceled plans with a friend and told them the reason was because he, Tom was sick with the flu and I was going to stay in and take care of him. How is me honestly explaining that the reason I would have to cancel on a friend because my boyfriend is sick, the same as him giving away very detailed information about our sex life plus other very personal traumas that I experienced without my permission? I feel like he’s trying to gaslight me and I’m seeing a side to him I’ve never seen. I’m honestly thinking about ending things with him over this. TL;DR my boyfriend told his friends VERY detailed information about our sex life plus other personal things about my life without my permission and I feel so betrayed but he’s trying to act like it’s no big deal.",1 "As I kid, I had been pretty anxious and nervous, but they were negligible. I only got anxious when there was something happening, like giving presentation etc. They did not tamper with my everyday life and I was not concerned with them. But recently, I felt like my anxiety has developed into a new level. I got so damn anxious for every day stuff.",1 "I´m stressing this entire fall break, I´ve been learning for 5 days for about 8-10 hours a day, and I haven´t finished nothing, even after making a schedule (breaks every 45 minutes, dedicating one day to one thing). When I feel stressed, I feel like I´m about to throw up (or I´m about to cry) and I get anxious to the point of total mental breakdown. I have ADHD and stress gets to me really easily, because I can´t keep my attention in place. Any ideas on what to do in this situation? PS: I am 50/50 INFP/INTP-T (50/50 dominant and inferior functions), that might have something to do with it but I´m not quite sure about it.",1 "If I go to an interview for example, I'll know that I'm a good candidate, I'll know that if I don't get it there will always be other opportunities and it's no big deal. Yet I still get nervous because it's something that I want, I want that employer to like me. If I go to an interview with no expectations at all, not even wanting the job (I've done this a few times for practice interviewing), it'll turn out great. What are your thoughts on this? Edit: FYI I'm talking mostly about social anxiety, though it has happened that I get anxiety in the most random places like just going upstairs in a building.",0 "For the last week, my car has been acting up. Yes, it's 16 years old but the only other person to have the car before I did was my 85 year old grandmother who only drove it to either the grocery store or the thrift store, so I got it almost brand new. But lately everything g has been going wrong. The gas gage doesn't work, the dash lights don't work, my tires need to be filled at least once every day, the brakes go out often, my battery won't start if it gets too cold, and now the transmission is starting to have issues. Without a job, I don't have money to pay to fix everything.",1 My sister lives with her BF and my 2 year old nephew about 30 minutes away from me. A few days ago she asked if her and my nephew can come spend next Monday - Friday with me because her BF is going out of town and she doesn't want to be in the house alone without him (they live with his family so I guess sometimes it gets uncomfortable). I said okay sure. I live in 500 sqft a studio but I have a pullout couch in addition to my bed. I've been with my BF for 3 years and about 5 months ago he unofficially moved in with me (unofficial because we share bills and all of his stuff is here but his mail and whatnot still goes to his parents where he was living before).,0 "My cats were both inside, but this didn't stop my brain working overtime. I would even listen out to what passers-by were saying, in case they found a dead cat. I would have to get out of bed and look out of the window if I heard a sound that doesn't sound normal, for example a trailer on the back of a car banging. My boyfriend puts on kitten videos to soothe me but all I can think about is 'They are all going to die, how sad is that?' but I don't say anything, I put on my most convincing smile and go along with it.",1 "And I’m at a complete loss as to how we resolve this. (BTW, we have talked about all of this about 1,957 times already. There is nothing written here he hasn’t heard before.) TL;DR – Husband has always been the primary earner with well-paying jobs, but has experienced serious burn-out. As we’re eating into our savings, it looks like I’ll have to put my business on hold and go back to work.",1 "I've moved to a safe and accepting space and have my life on track to going good places. However, the therapy is going to be a challenge. I have found prescription medication to be useful for getting the most out of therapy in the past, but I don't experience symptoms the way I used to. Besides, the side effects Lexapro had eventually outweighed its benefits as I healed. Therefore, I decided to buy a 1oz, 300mg CBD oil (Elixinol) tincture just to try.",0 "Hello, This is my first time posting here and I'm not entirely sure what the protocol is or what the requirements are. That said, rent is due in three weeks and I'm worried that I won't make it in time. I'm here exploring options and seeing what assistance, if any, I could get to make it to next month. I share an apartment with my brother in Denver, who has a somewhat stable job and is able to pay his rent.",1 "I loved that man so much and tried my best to make it work. But I have limits. And when he was not thinking twice about getting alcohol while we didn’t have even enough money left for milk for our baby, that was my limit. We had .51 cents in our account and he found that acceptable? !",1 I am not used to this. I have tried to get as much help as possible and as soon as I am done filling out paper work and get all my affairs in order we have an offer of a place to live (2 hours away). Every night has been OK. (Uncomfortable sleeping surface) We feel safe where we are staying in our car but tonight it is so windy and it's rocking the car. I am scared. Is it dangerous for us to be in my car in a bad wind storm?,1 So we are striving to find that balance between building an inviting and encouraging community (village) and the first rungs on the ladder to independence. I read all of your posts and take mental notes as to what you are telling each other of what you need or the advice you give a newcomer. But it would be fantastic if you dropped me a note telling me of what you think. Thanks. God Bless.,0 "Now, I'm kind of annoyed both because this should be common sense and because now it doesn't seem like he cares how I feel. I don't want to seem needy or controlling, though. Am I overreacting? How should I bring it up again? ---",1 Clearly what i need to do is just talk to her about it. I have a couple of examples in mind that will drive the point home. Mainly the first night i was introduced to everyone and a house warming we went to. We're having dinner tomorrow night. Thanks a ton for the feedback everyone.,0 Obviously they don't care but to me it means everything. I've always been like this. My dream one day is just to magically wake up with this skill.. if only like worked like that.. Does anyone have any tips on how to calm my anxiety down and not let it overpower me? Anything would be greatly appreciated.,1 "His consequences will never reflect or equate to the suffering I have endured and the life-long trauma that will impede on the rest of my life. Because on March 21st and 22nd in 2017, my humanity was shaken and distorted in ways that I still struggle to resolve. It exists in the shadows of nightmares I still have of his face, his screams, his weapons, his murder threats, suicide threats, and fists. It is perpetuated by the adrenaline and primal fear I have when I see vehicles that look like his. It is in my mind when I have to loop around my neighborhood before going home, out of fear that I will see him, because he ONLY lives 5 minutes from me.",1 Things were so good again. Just like the beginning. Then the yelling comes back. I got really sick and had to go to the hospital and he refused to come and visit me when I was home. He told me I was dense for expecting him to come hang out with me when I have such a deadly disease (it was MRSA and not that deadly).,0 "Hey Redditors, I am looking for advice and suggestions about what I should do with my current living situation. I have lived in my current apartment for 2 years, and took up tenancy after I separated from my ex-husband. He kept our apartment. The apartment I'm living in is comfortable enough, it's mine.",0 Then I started to notice how much of a temper he has. The first few weeks he was good at hiding it but it started coming out. He was full of compliments for me but they were pretty generic and he took me on a bunch of dates. The last few days I was kind of avoiding him and he kind of tried getting controlling. Yesterday I was going to spend Christmas eve with him and his family and I tried bringing up some major concerns about the way things were going and he flipped out and started screaming and throwing shit.,1 At most I've explained the aforementioned to people who needed to hear it for various reasons (e.g. my advisor). It's also not something I was ready to take on because... Damn... So many people have it worse than I do.,0 "Background: This time last year I lost my job, got evicted and my car broke down all in the same month. Cut to today and I found out my site is closing and we'll all soon be out of the job. I just feel like a big ball of anxiety and like I can't quite turn my brain off. It's like the world beneath my feet is off and I'm doing everything I can not to cry. Sorry for the brick of text.",1 "- Lastly, it may be perceived to imply that having a positive mind frame will solve problems. As I understand it, this is not the message, only that there are methods to help overcome negative thinking of which this is one, but there are no guarantees. To be clear, this is not intended to be a 'cure', nor do I know if it applies to everyone, understanding is an important to recovery/reducing anxiety. and for me it helped. Beneath I will post what I discovered and how this has helped me.",0 "I have extremely depressed and yes I've thought about suicide, but my family needs me alive, they need me or they may die, it's very dire where they live. I need pointers on how to find a good city to be homeless in, how to obtain a mailing address so I don't lose my SSDI (they've already pulled the stunt of ""you have 10 days from this mailing to respond or you are kicked off of SSDI, give us your last 5 years records) they've done this 4 times already in the past 10 years. I've been rejected for DSS services, no food stamps, I'm losing medicaid (but still have medicare, for now), no housing help (waiting list here is years), and only one agency is still willing to help me, a job agency, and the workers there are very distraught over my situation as they've tried very hard with me to help me get a good job. I have about 10 solid skills but I keep getting turned away and we cannot figure out why? I don't use drugs or alcohol, haven't even smoked weed since a teen and I'm about 61 years old.",1 "My boyfriend and I generally have a good relationship. We've lived together for about a year and a half, and we have a pretty good partnership going. He's the first guy I've been with who is willing to sit down and really hash things out if we're having an issue. However there is one topic he *won't* hash out with me, and that's that sometimes he asks me questions out of no where that to me feel kind of like little ""pop quizzes"" that I feel are designed to try to catch me off guard and stump me. He'll randomly pose a riddle or ask a logic question, then I kind of fumble because I feel like I have to come up with an answer quickly, or I just get exasperated and tell him I'm not in the mood for a pop quiz.",1 "He kept the pressure on my throat and I felt as if I was going to die or become unconscious. Erik finally let go only to hit me in my head a few times. I felt very scared from not being able to breath. Every time I tried begging Erik to stop he told me to shut up, that I was not allowed to talk. Erik used my hair as handles to bash my head on the wall at several different times throughout the attack.",1 "Long story short: 3 year old American Bully with severe encephalitis (brain swelling) which at this point is believed to be GME (an auto-immune disease). We are fighting for her so even if you don't want to make a donation or don't want to share the link, any positive thoughts are appreciated as well. My wife is 8 months pregnant & I had cancer earlier this year. We're struggling financially and need help. The rest of the story is in the link as well as some photos and videos of her when she was healthy.",1 "I'll call him out on his behavior or try to stand up for myself, and then he'll either get mad and give me the silent treatment and not apologize, or he'll tell me I'm lying and that he didn't do or say something. Even though I know he did. He criticizes my parenting and tells me I'm lazy since I'm a SAHM (even though I do all the cleaning, cooking, taking care of our toddler, taking care of our pets and anything else around the house with little help from him because he feels entitled to not do anything since he works and I don't). To top it all off, he doesn't think he has a drinking problem... yet always drinks at least 3 beers or more every night. He also slapped my son and left a mark on his face while we were camping (I didn't see him do it because I went to go pee but saw it and asked about it when I got back).",1 "So we were talking about it and she wouldn't budge again. The conversation started to heat up, nothing I said was enough, that we would buy something, that I would cook with her, that we could go 1 day earlier and cook at my grandma's, nothing. She pushed me to the edge again until I lost it and ended the argue saying that she mustn't go this year with me. That she must stay with her family, that I didn't want her to go with my family so she wouldn't have to worry anymore. She calmed down and we got to sleep.",0 "She talked sarcastically about how my life is ""obviously so horrible"" and I'd say ""yeah, mom, it is."" She denied yelling at us all the time, and said that if I can say she yells all the time then she can say I yell all the time too (at my little siblings), which is just not true. I am nice to my siblings, excluding today where I was angry at everything. But I still didn't yell at them. She said that for months I've been terrorizing her about this ""yelling thing"" and how I think that one small mistake automatically means someone is a bad person.",0 "I never had that symptom before and I just want to know if anyone else has, what has helped manage your dizziness? For me it will trigger panic attacks which I hate so much. I've tried zofran for nausea that did nothing (prob cuz it's anxiety nausea not stomach nausea). Are there any meds for dizziness or vertigo? Thanks!",1 #NAME?,0 "So, for a few years now I've been in a relationship with this girl who very likely has PTSD, given her upbringing. She has trust issues after suffering abuse from her birth parents at a young age, and her situation is only complicated further with bipolar depression and fetal-alcohol syndrome. She's in good hands now, living with her aunt, and is becoming independent with a job. Though I've noticed throughout our relationship that she has a tendency to push me away l, whereas I am the exact opposite, though I understand her situation; it's not her fault. She says she loves me, and I love her, but she doesn't seem comfortable showing any affection; holding hands, hugging, and kisses on the cheek are extremely rare from her.",0 "First off, I want to apologize for posting here so often. I don't have anywhere else to turn to. I recently contacted my abuser. I don't know why, I think it's part of my self destructive behavior. And I've realized something.",1 "Neither did I. This turned to weeks, months and before I knew it it was a year. I was bitter. I never received an apology and felt no consideration for my feelings regarding anything was there. I get confused sometimes as to why in my teen years I was okay with talking to her.",0 "In order to be able to walk, I need donations. Anything helps and is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance! ! ",0 "Through everything, I just froze and waited for it all to be over. Each time I petitioned her to stop, she would become very visible distressed. She spent a lot of time talking about suicide. During the school year, we exchanged letters every day at school that, in retrospect, sounded a lot like love letters from her part, but I chalked it up to a best friend love. I'd never been in a romantic relationship- I was 13 at that point, and didn't really know what that looked like anyway.",1 "Husband, I wanted to do this amicably. We could have made it through this heartbreak to our mutual benefit. I was willing to give you everything in exchange for your helping me furnish a tiny studio apartment. The value of such furnishings pale in comparison to the value of the property I was going to let you keep in exchange for allowing me to break free smoothly. I was going to let you keep my puppy.",0 "I feel like you don’t want to talk to me, he said I was fine talking to you this whole time but you giving me shit like this is making me not want to talk to you. Then I said Your being a fucking asshole you didn’t reply to my message till I messaged you again. Which is weird, and you don’t talk to me for over an hour at work. But now you don’t want to talk to me bc I’m asking about it? Then that’s when it all started I kept calling after that he ignored .",1 "I knew that he was scary when he would pray in front of me, yet the entire thing was an angry ATTACK on God (not trying to get into beliefs here, just what happened.) I knew he knew how wrong he was when he told me one day to not tell anyone but that he actually HAD threatened suicide in front of his ex wife with a knife, yet still painted her as the evil doer in the story. I knew he was lying when he made sure to tell me about how crazy one of his exes went at the end accusing him of rape (why would he even bring it up!!) and how after he took another ex home from injury while we were together, that she might try to lie to me and say that something happened, but NOTHING did! It gave me chills when this man would tell me if his ex wasn't his child's mother he would have had her murdered long ago, and that he had friends offer to help!",1 "Even though those we hold in the highest regard appear to be fine, they may be struggling inside. With the PTSD Project, I want to show how Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD - effects military veterans, first responders, and family of those who are effected by PTSD. I am looking for people who are interested in being in the project. Please reach out to me if you are interested! Please do not take my photos for use without my permission however.",0 Suddenly everyone in the family was doing as she wished to appease her. FH is her youngest and always around when she has 'flares'. She has refused medication which made her flares better for fear of the side effects (palpitations). The flares make her cry and demand death come sooner. His sister is much less involved and appears to have the same POV I do about his mother's illness.,0 "Short-end is, my brain is using physical disorders like seizures, because my brain has had enough and gone AWOL. On top of this, I have these events where I black out. Time stops, or happens differently for me. I have flashes, seeing things not there and that sort. The other night, the girlfriend and I are walking and I am seeing the sky light up, and hearing screaming.",1 "My girlfriend does have PTSD. She said that she thought that I might have it because of an incident that occurred in 2014. You can read about it in my post history but basically I was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold for pretty much no reason, the therapists responsible for it just covered themselves up and lied about it. It greatly affected me. I would definitely consider it to be a traumatic event, not just because of the actual events that transpired and the conditions of the hospital (which are pretty bad) but also just the huge betrayal of trust.",1 "I was younger than 13 during my period of abuse and one thing I'm noticing now is that I can't wrap my head around consent. People tell me that I couldn't possibly consent to anything that happened, even if I asked for it. That I didn't even know what was happening to me. It doesn't feel that way to me. On paper, I get that.",0 "Maybe programming, I can spend more than 12 hours a day if needed to learn programming. My point is, I´m not looking for any handouts or anything like that, I´m ready to spend countless of hours to work so I can help my family. What are your thoughts? TL, DR: Father passed away, my mother can´t pay the rent and bills etc. Now I ask for advice for jobs and ways to increase my income so I can help my mother pay the rents",0 I tried some cheese and some had pretty intense flavors and being an highly sensitive person this i think caused some stress. We stood for about an hour when i felt this dropping feeling in my stomach. I knew this was a sign to get some food and sit down but my dad was very happy checking out cheeses so i risked just waiting and chilling out. Then my whole body felt that dropping sensation and my hearing started going. I started getting warm and it felt like pin needles on my body.,1 "My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer, and while it's well-controlled, the side effects of his hormonal and chemo treatments have left him far more emotional (but, at least, unable to just sublimate his depression/anxiety into anger and vent it at any available target anymore), and the physical side effects have forced him into an early retirement, meaning 80% of the time he's home and sitting in the livingroom. He's no longer directing the same vitriol and venom at me that he used to, and neither does my sister, but... It's all the little things they do to invalidate my feelings, treating more like a live-in servant than a family member, and the occasional outbursts if they get angry/upset that trigger me badly... It's making me lose ground, lose progress, and I'm having more and more trouble coping with everyday life... And I'm afraid I'm going to just, break. Crumble under the weight of it all...",1 He accidentally held my throat too tight and the marks of his affections remained on my long after he was a memory. He pulled out my tears and scared my face pale so not one person could see the marks of blood left on my neck. Then my world was dipped in white tint so no one could observe the taint behind my devastation. The color of my skin and the color of the fear were almost a perfect match although my fear was clearly a shade lighter than what was underneath. Who could know?,0 I have it for 7.5mg twice a day. I also took Trazadone one night and felt similar effects from the Klonopin. Does Buspar have much in terms of withdrawal? I am thinking of maybe picking up some L-Ornithine HCL and Glycine for sleep quality to see if that helps. I would prefer to stay away from pharma medications just due to the possible side effects and withdrawal issues.,0 "I think about it very often, wondering if I should just do it, get it over with, but something keeps holding me back. I wonder if this was my fault, that I would be turned away for not bringing it to their attention earlier, if I would be accused of participating, I keep wondering if they’ll believe an 18 year old or a 40 year old. Please, if anyone who is struggling reads this, please don’t let yourself fall into this trap. Don’t keep your mouth closed, don’t be polite, keep yourself safe no matter what that costs. I wish every day that I had quit that job sooner, that the second people warned me that I had had the nerve just to tell another manager how he was acting, that I had told anyone how uncomfortable and scared I was.",1 "I realized that maybe it's better if we break up even though I love him so much and he's one of the most important people in my life. It's already hard enough to decide to break up with someone you love and it's even harder when you can't do It because the person won't show up. If we werent together for so long, I'd probably would've just blocked him already and carry on. But I don't want that. I want to keep being friends.",0 "Whats the chances of his employer asking for his certificate randomly? I feel like he cant apply to other jobs at more prestigious companies. As someone who who tried very hard to get her degree and succeeded, his lack of care and access to these jobs undermines my work. I cant shake this feeling. Advice?",0 "She was soon Baker Acted, and spent a week in a mental hospital before she convinced her parents to somehow get her out. A few weeks later she begged me to take her back and see how much she had changed, and I did. She's on medication now and still seeing a therapist occasionally. However, after a few months things reverted back to how they were before, minus the suicide threats. Fast forward to the present.",0 "Several month back I began casually dating a woman who was previously abused physically and emotionally by her ex husband. She and I have really hit it off and have begun to care quite a bit for one another. For obvious reasons, she is really afraid to get involved with me beyond casual dating, and we’ve taken a break for a while to let her sort out some of her emotional issues. We hope to reconnect after a while when she’s in a better place emotionally, and some of the logistics between us are better. I’ve tried to be as supportive and encouraging as possible to her, but I have never been in this situation before, so oftentimes I am not sure what to do or say.",0 "I'm running out of ideas for how we can talk to one another more often. I know it's going to get worse. She'll be starting grad school in August. I've been through grad school already myself, and I know how time consuming it is. She'll be busy.",0 "My phone is a prepaid phone through Virgin Mobile, but it's the only way I have to communicate with my doctors and lawyer and with my workers comp benefits being cut, I cannot afford the money for the $45 phone card. I've been trying to sell everything of value that we own to pay bills,but I haven't been able to come up with enough foot my cell phone. My phone will be off on March 2nd. And If anyone could help, I'd be forever grateful. Thank you in advance!",0 I don't know... I don't know what to do. I just want out of here. It's too hard. With this house and school work.,1 "I feel like I'm dying. I know that I'm not but I feel like it. I'm at the end of a cold. Not a cold that I sometimes make up in my head, but an actual cold. Stuffy nose, chest congestion, scratchy throat.",1 My therapist told me to do some free writes about my anxiety and OCD thoughts (being afraid of panic attacks and fear I will act on violent thoughts) and in the book Imp Of The Mind the author talks about writing out thoughts. I just don't know how to set it up. Do you write as if the thought came true? Do you just write the thought is there and why it isn't true? Anyone do anything like this?,1 "Sorry for the essay, poor grammar and punctuation. Thursday night. I asked a friend what they were up to tonight by text and instantly got a phone call after. Now usually I’d ignore their called calls due to the worry of having an awkward phone conversation. This time I answer and we agree for them to come over.",0 "She never really felt the need to do that and occasionally would go out with her friends. Everything was great -- I took care of her extremely well, she took care of me patiently and amazingly. I bought her a car, paid for her rent, and ultimately supported her so she could focus and finish her college (I'm full time employed, the breadwinner in the relationship). Our relationship was VIVID and full of color in the beginning. We had our own apartment, got a beautiful dog together, and traveled to a few places.",0 "She didn't go home with me, she took an Uber. It was the worst 30 minutes of my life. I payed for the food, got it to go, and went home. This is where it gets crazy. I wanted to be away from her at that time.",1 "I tried to tell her what I was changing and why, but she just shrugged it off and started to fall asleep. It really bothered me because I was genuinely trying to help her. Overall, I am really conflicted about this whole ordeal. When we tell her things she doesn't understand or want to hear when it comes to jobs, she blows up on us. We have both had multiple jobs and written many drafts of resumes and cover letters.",1 "I feel alone, because I feel like people don't think ""I was having a panic attack"" as a legitimate excuse to miss something. I don't even feel like others with panic attacks 100% get it, because I don't really get that feeling of a heart attack or anything, I feel like my panic attacks are weird, and all the stuff I read about ways to help seem to be for people who get the heart attack feelings. I get a panic attack, and then get anxious about the panic attack, and it's just a big cycle. I try to open up to people, but they don't really understand. I just want to be normal.",1 "I was a friendly person, who enjoyed speaking and interacting with people. I definitely did more than my fair share to help/get things done. And i enjoyed helping people and sharing my knowledge to help novices. Quite extroverted but without being loud. Since this happened i've become introverted, i don't particularly like anyone (because unfortunately, i now tend to focus on the bad side in people), and i attempt to not get past small talk.",0 "She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in Nov 2017. Her partner is 26 yrs old and has had many bouts with the law. When he met my friend, he was on house arrest/probation for a previous charge. They worked together and soon began dating. My friend is a Filipino woman and her partner is a Jamaican man.",0 "The problem occurs when he returns to visit me for 1-2 weeks. When he's back at his girlfriend's house, he doesn't really have much to do. So, he spends a lot of time gambling. That in itself is a gigantic problem since we have almost no money. He is gambling money that he **can't afford to lose**.",1 "He came to the door, drunk and high on opiates (he’s an ex H addict, opiate rage is real), he told me, verbatim, that if there was a guy in the house, he’d kill him on the spot, no questions asked. That was a pretty easy night. I’ve spent countless nights barricaded in my bedroom because of his rage. His past is terrible. Grew up in gangs (Mexican Mafia) and molested at a young age.",1 "My mom never threw books at me, but the impact of something along with the name-calling was enough. I ran to my room and I honestly don't remember what I did. I remember my attack going on for hours, but everything else is blurry. Now my grandma's ""sorry"". She was ""stressed out"" so she did that.",1 "I'm a survivor of CSA and have been doing the work to process/cope with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. This includes a few years of therapy & ~6 months on sertraline. Everyone in my family is pretty jumpy (I'm pretty sure we all have high anxiety), but lately I have become ridiculously easy to startle! The first time I noticed it being extremely bad was while at my boyfriend's and he was cooking steak. As occasionally happens, the smoke detector went off because of the steaks.",0 "That was nice. But now that we're close to the point of no return, with a flight booked so he can come see her(I agreed to travel out of our house for the week), and they seem to be bonding big time(I love you's abound), I'm not sure what to do with myself. On one hand I want to let loose and detach, let her have fun, and do so myself. If it leads to a new LTR for her, awesome. But what kills me I guess is the uncertainty.",1 "His mother would say, ""Who would love you if you look like that?"" or ""Why couldn't I have a fit and handsome son."" So he has his own issues with his body image and weight. He also went a few years without being physical with anyone because he never thought that anyone would be interested or love him because of his appearance. He had a few years where he got very fit and had six pack but eventually lost it as he got older.",0 "Now while yes it could have taken me 30 minutes to figure out the bleach ratio, it was weird because once it was 2:30 I realized it was time to make the kids snack, and I went to look for the little baskets we put the food in and they were gone. I was frantically looking for them and I asked my coworker if she saw them, she explained in a confusing manner that she already made snack. And if she made snack she would have been right in front of me because we were in a very small kitchen. And if I were ""there"" I definetly would have known. And when I came out of this ""blackout"" I was really groggy and anxious.",1 "We seem to be talking and accidentally being together more often in school, making what I think are feelings towards her only stronger. I can't bring myself to bring this up with her because I'm scared that we will have a repeat of February again. I love her so much but I feel that if I have these feelings about other girls am I really devoted to her? This is in no way her fault, she has done nothing to deserve my questioning of my decision, this is my problem and mine alone. I am reluctant to bring this up with her because I'm worried that she might break up with me because I do truly still love her I'm just wondering if this other girl is a passing thought more focused than earlier and something I can overcome.",1 "She’s in play therapy once a week but haven’t seen noticeable change :( We have a worry doll and box, practice being greatful and do cosmic kids yoga, i don’t force her to do things but her teachers express concerns about her and we were recently told not to continue doing dance because of her non participation and separation problems.",0 "These weren't the only punishments, though. Sometimes he'd make us choose a favorite toy or plushie to be thrown out if we'd made him mad, and one time when he caught me rescuing my plushie, he slapped me across the face, then made me watch him cut her into little pieces, standing there at 1 in the morning berating me about how I was a stupid, ignorant little bitch that needed right and wrong beaten into her, because I was too stupid to to know how to do as I was told. Sometimes, though, he'd not just snap and get angry... He'd utterly lose control of himself. Screaming so furiously I couldn't really understand him, grabbing me by the arms/shoulders and shaking me hard enough to give me whiplash, and continue screaming over me once I collapsed in a cowering heap when he let go.",0 "Hi everyone. I’m broke, as many people on this sub are. I’m not actually asking for money, not money to keep anyway. I already entered the promo code you need to get the $5 bonus from cash app but i don’t have $5 in my bank account. As I understand it, if someone can send me $5 and I send it right back I will then have $5.",0 "The Power of Now - this teaches you to look behind your mind, to be the observer of your life. Please share your experiences and how you get through anxiety. I am more than pleased to see video, read books, articles etc;. Thank you and I hope that this will help you to pursuit your true nature and live happily. P.S Not a native English, sorry for grammar mistakes.",0 "I don't know if I'm able to do that, since I didn't tell the doctor the truth to begin with. I will say that my doctor very clearly didn't believe me at my follow up appointment, but my bf was in the waiting room. So I didn't admit to anything. I was teary eyed, however. From anyone's experience- is it worth it to go to the police?",1 "About Sean One thing that describes Sean best is his huge thirst for new experiences and knowledge. He would never sit still and was constantly trying to grow - waking up at 6am to go for a run, taking every opportunity to improve his Spanish and learning new skills while volunteering. A real nature lover; his biggest hero is David Attenborough and he would always serve us with the weirdest fun-facts about nature. He came across as the most positive guy, embracing life with all its aspects and trying to take the most of it.",0 We went home the next day. And now i fcking dont know what to do. My heart rate feels like it’s shaking the whole bed. Im dying. TLDR i got friendzoned at the beach and I cant take it like a man,1 "She then decided to go to a party without me and said ""I would cancel my plans to see you, but you won't do the same for me. All you do is push me away and act like a complete asshole."" even though she was the one who left. I told her I didn't want to see her tonight after she tried to bait me into going over to her house. She was telling me I'm an asshole and the cause of all of her sadness, why would I want to go there?",0 "I'm not exaggerating in that I legitimately, 100%, thought I was going to die. I don't think I've ever been so scared. I keep a diary and reading back on what I wrote at that time makes me cry at the memory. Something else new I've been experiencing is numbness. I've never felt numb before but it's been happening more lately.",1 "If you want to stay in and watch Netflix, STAY IN. Your mental health is YOUR mental health. It's no one else's. I understand that not everyone sees mental health the same way, but believe me, even if it feels like no one is on your side, we all are. Since then, I have come to find that one of my best friends has been battling life crippling anxiety for a lot longer than I knew her for.",0 "I also have been taking Zoloft 25mg for 12 days. I plan to start exercising nightly for 20 minutes beginning tonight. I want to do all that I can to alleviate my symptoms but if there is a cure, I would love to know. I'm not a patient person and this illness is really making me fed up to the point where I'm getting angry! Anything helps!",0 "We lived together so I spent the whole day yesterday packing up my things and crying. I’m heartbroken but knowing he’s unfaithful makes it easier for me to move on because it’s his fault. Not mine. I don’t know if something I did drove him to find someone else but I know I didn’t deserve to get cheated on. Anyways, he doesn’t know that I found out and I’m planning to simply move out without a trace.",1 "I didn't do anything during spring break, except maybe go to work. And even then, I missed a day because I just couldn't deal with the stress. Most adults get excited to tell you they did absolutely nothing during their break. And there was a time when I enjoyed taking a break too. But now it seems like every time I have a break or a day off from work, it makes the stress worse.",1 "I know there are are people who have absolutely nothing. I have clothes on my back and a roof over my head, but I’m still worried because I don’t have gas money to get to work or buy groceries. It’s just a very helpless feeling. Thanks again to anyone who is reading this. I appreciate you.",1 "I close the door and put my back against it. He's slamming into the door, trying to break into it, yelling that I'm crazy and I'm making everything up. I'm terrified and sobbing, yelling for help and for him to leave me alone. At this point I'm begging him to let me get my phone to call my dad to come get me. He finally tells me that I can, and that he can't wait for me to be gone.",1 "I've never even told anyone this because it makes me feel like a 32-year-old loser. But now I have no pride to lose by saying it, so there it is. **I don't want to die, but the thought of living in a place I hate and having no control of my future is a worse fate. ** I just need some HOPE. Thanks for listening.",1 "I have to first start off by saying my voice is not high-pitched. My inflection occasionally goes up, especially if I'm excited about something. I'm sort of expressive with my hands while talking, though I don't think more than anyone else, male or female. She tells me this is the only thing that is making her doubt our relationship. A little background: this has been an issue with her for her last several boyfriends.",0 "I go through periods where all night I have nightmares and I can’t slee because of them. These periods last for weeks or months on end and then stop briefly. Three years ago I used to be on a medicine that helped with the nightmares, I can’t remember the name though. It was a really old blood pressure medicine from the fifties that they gave to soldiers returning from war and they figured out that it helped with ptsd too. But it made me so tired.",1 "I hate this feeling. I hate weddings, but I want to be there to support them... but I can't. ​ edited; For clarity",1 FOR ANYONE IN A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SITUATION For anyone who wanted to know the name of Robin McGraw's (Dr. Phil's wife) domestic violence app. The app is Aspire. It disguises itself as a news app with current news stories that way if the abuser finds it he/she won't be alerted. You can preprogram your friends & families numbers & if you hit the top of the app three times it alerts whomever you programmed & let's them know you need help.,0 "I feel terrible for saying this but, He went away for month and sadly i noticed our family was a little happier and more functional with out him. Recently He's moved from beer and onto spirits, this is where the problems begin. For some reason when he drinks beer he's mellow and approachable. Now that he's drinking spirits. He is the most distingusting person to be around.",0 "I have PTSD from my sexual abuse, and this week has been really hard. Really, since Dr. Ford came out against kavanaugh and the fallout of it. Today, though, was really hard. I come home to see my father watching fox news and agreeing that Dr. Ford is a lying whore. His words.",1 "I hide my own set of keys. She tries to take her keys away from me and I refuse, which turns into a full-blown fight. I have marks and bruises all over my arms and back, as well as deep scratches from her fingernails. At one point, she had me on the floor, cornered on the steps, repeatedly slamming my head into the wall and shoving a loose key that fell off the keyring into my breast, still trying to get the rest of the car keys out of my hand. I'm not saying I didn't retaliate, but I only went to far as to push her away, never hitting her intentionally but more as an act of defense.",1 "How...do I do that? How much/how little should I say? How can I face my class and my RAs again now that they know I'm a nutcase? TLDR: Had a meltdown in trauma class, and I'm afraid it'll happen again. How do I tell my professor and prepare for the almost inevitable hellscape that is my inability to keep my shit together?",1 "Some details changed for anonymity. Also, let me know if there's a better place for me to post this. My wife and I are trying to help a family member in an abuse situation. I'll call her Amanda and her ""boyfriend"" John. Amanda and John live a few hours away.",0 "Grad school isn’t really the easiest place to parent alone. Assistantships don’t pay you enough to live off of by yourself (Mine nets me a little less than $800 a month, rent is $750), let alone with a tiny human that needs a particular type of education. They also require you commit to 20 hours a week of on campus work. Essentially meaning, you can’t really hold a full time job anywhere. On top of this, working another part time becomes difficult because work hours have to coincide with the hours your little one is at school, and with 20 hours a week on campus already, that leaves little time to actually work anywhere else during school hours.",1 "She has a history of being extremely over the top, and in our most recent argument she verbally abused me just for because I was upset that she broke my trust by telling my personal details to someone I didn't know. She did apologize a good day later, but only very vaguely about using cuss words and in a ""I'm sorry you feel that way"" kind of sense. I'm guessing a traditional ""we need to talk, it's just not working out"" approach would just end up with her blowing up again, and since all my past relationships ended very amicably I'm not sure what to expect. Because she can be incredibly toxic, I've considered just blocking her and essentially ""ghosting,"" but I also feel like that would be very rude and she'd at least deserve an explanation. How do I break up with her without having her potentially flipping out at me?",1 "I can't go into public restrooms because I freak out and dissociate with my surroundings. I can't watch certain shows because they were -on- in the hospital room. But I'm doubting myself, I'm doubting that this is real, that it happened and that I could be suffering from it. How to cope? how to stop doubting that this is happening?",1 I've had major brain fog all day and I've been out of it all day now because of how anxious I am about how bad of a job I did and how much I embarrassed myself by crying at my desk. I work in a high pressure job and I know other people have done it but I would love to have thicker skin. ​ Do anyone else cry as an immediate reaction to anything negative? Does anyone have a way to cope when your anxiety manifests like that?,1 "I am really worried about my future as it feels my anxiety always has me quitting jobs or having issues while I was in school. I can't even travel and work out of state as last time I tried I missed my interview and was nearly hospitalized with severe anxiety (travel is a trigger for me). I just got out of college and I'm really worried about how I can survive the working world in my future, otherwise I wouldn't care about losing this job. It hurts though and I feel like a total failure... Thanks for reading.",1 "then i tried an ep of bojack horseman on my tablet, but it didn’t really help. for ex, after it was over, i still had my tablet on for light and i was staring up at the ceiling when the ceiling and the wall behind me started to ripple weirdly, distorting, and then the tablet light went off abruptly and i startled and yelped and quickly turned it back on! i also felt someone sit on my bed next to me when i tried to leave the light off and sleep. i distinctly felt it. i didn't hear distant voices like the other time i was this 'hypervigilant,' but i heard some small noise rustle in the closet (just a house noise i assume) and it unnerved me.",0 "If you qualify, you will complete a variety of questionnaires online. The study will involve four online assessments over the next month that should take about 40-50min to complete and you will be compensated up to $70 in online gift cards to Amazon. A few important things to know about the study are: 1. The study includes questions and images regarding self-harm, suicide, and other unpleasant images.",0 "There is so much I can't do because I don't drive and it has impacted my life in such a way that it feels like I am in my own personal prison. I have been to therapy but it doesn't seem to work. So I am asking, have any of you overcome this situation? How did you do it? Any advice?",1 "He would distract me while I drove us places, until at one point, I backed into a parked truck, and I had never been the cause of an accident before. After that, I was not allowed to drive my own car. I was not allowed to drive my own car at all after that, unless I found the keys and snuck away, which was oftentimes very difficult. The summer of 2010, he forced me to move in with him, into a terrible run down duplex off campus, so that he could keep his mother’s pair of small, under socialized dogs who were not housebroken, and his sister, who was, with her husband, to begin college classes at this same university that fall, foisted her hyper 40 pound mutt on top of the burden as well. I will not lie, and say I am the cleanest person on earth.",0 "Living with her parents has since become untenable. Her parents have taken her car, which is not under her name, and are kicking her out of the house. She needs both a short-term plan to do minimal damage to her current career and academics, as well as a long term one to find an apartment or suitable living space. At this time, I do not believe she has any existent options for roommates. 1) What resources can she call upon to help her?",0 Just goes to show: It's not the suit. It's how you wear it. Update 2: Got the job. Thread [here. ]( ,0 "I've got a good handle on my triggers. I know how to prepare myself when I have to encounter a trigger and how to move past it without too much discomfort. That being said today I encountered an event that blindsided me. I was not prepared at all. I know its possible I will come across triggers without warning, but this was something that had not been a trigger before.",1 "* * Again, we arent promoting one company over another, but thought this was an opportunity for some of you that cant reach a therapist IRL to consider this method and ask some questions. I hope you all find it helpful and informative, and /u/iTherapy has the answers for you that you want. Good luck!",0 "(I originally posted this somewhere else but it was taken down because someone felt it didn't belong there) I think I should start this by saying that I was originally born somewhere else and moved to my current home when I was really young. I don't really know anyone else in my family on either sides, other than my mom, dad, and my brother. I have never really been close to anyone in my entire life besides my grandparents on my mom's side, and my music teacher. Except my grandparents died when I was 8 years old (both within the span of 5 months of each other) and my music teacher had to quit his job as he was struggling economically.",0 "I'm afraid that I could also give her those snapchats. Usually I wouldn't care but first of all I know how much it would hurt her if She had seen it. I hate myself for lying but I just know how much it would hurt both me and Her, I also love Her more than anything or anyone else. I told her I won't be talknig with anyone and that I don't like anyone in that class (which I did). I have no idea what I should do, if I tell her that She's goin to breakdown and quite possibly break up, if I don't do anything it's gonn get even worse but I also can't tell that to her, I just can't hurt Her or see her get hurt and I just can't even imagine loseing her, especially because something that I know well I fu*ked up and could and should have been avoided but it happend althozght it shouldn't and I can't stand it.",1 "It’s subconscious for sure, but just a feeling I get. I’m terrified of him, and praying that he gets the real help he needs at the same time. And I just don’t know how to sort that out. I don’t know how to stop worrying and wondering what he’s doing, we have several court dates coming up so I think that adds to it. I’m just so exhausted and ready for this fight to be over.",1 "Help me out here, fellow anxious, if we gather maybe we could create an elaborate plan to help me avoid this, idk I have phone phobia. These are really important conversations that I'll be calling to have and a lot depends on my explaining things and my demeanour and a lot of things could go so terribly wrong and I'm just so absolutely socially inept and phone calls are one of the worst ways for me to say words and make sense and - please help. 😔😔",1 "I've been out of work for nine months, and it's finally catching up to me. When I lost my job in January, I took a sabbatical for a few months; it was necessary at the time. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have set up my phone with call blockers when the bill collectors began calling. I couldn't tell the difference between a potential employer and something which would stress me out given the slew of incoming calls with unknown numbers. During my time off I invested my time to build new skills, donating them to a gaming community, and hanging out for escapism to the point of obsession.",0 "No I’m not. What I am saying though is that man and woman were designed to have a mate. A mate who completes you and makes you happy. A mate you can love and be loved by. I never searched for a man to make me happy or be my knight in shining armour, but he found me anyway.",0 He pretty much told me that he was angry and disappointed and would probably not forgive me for a while and that I owe him. I was going to go... I still want to. I just am looking at either going to this wedding and being evicted or not going and dealing with the disappointment. I don't feel like I have a choice.,0 "(If so, how do I work on fixing that?) * Is this a lack of clear communication? (By either one party or both) * Should I try to get back in touch with them? Thank you if you made it this far.",0 "Bit of background... My abuser was my mother's father, let's call him J, because he doesn't deserve the title Grandpa. My mother's mother was H, because she didn't like us kids and doesn't deserve the title grandma. Between 1987 and 1989, I would stay at J's house for up to a week at a time and every night he would come into the room to abuse me. It always centered on sexual humiliation.",0 "The messages are essentially the guy being flirtatious and asking her to come over to his place. My gf’s responses are not flirtatious but definitely welcoming. She responded to his offer by saying “how about we meet halfway and grab some lunch together some time”. She never told me that she was even still in contact with this guy. And their relationship was explicitly sexual, not friendly.",1 "We quickly got really romantically involved albeit it being online. After a few months we decided to meet so I (with the gracious help of my parents) booked a flight to visit her in Germany. My dad insisted on coming with. We met, and things quickly turned sexual. It was my first time being intimate with anyone, my first kiss etc.",0 "I didn't have time to text a lot like I used to, and certainly couldn't realistically plan trips to see her anymore. She was plainly unhappy with me for not being as communicative anymore, but things really came to a head when I began dating someone. Lisa was the only person in my inner circle of friends to have a poor reaction when I told her I was dating another woman, which was shocking to me because I trusted her, and because she often used social media to convey her allyship with the LGBT community. She often told me that as soon as I met my gf, I quit talking to her (Lisa). As my relationship with my gf became more serious, Lisa and I became even more distant from each other, and she would often ignore my texts or emails (neither of us were ever much for talking on the phone).",0 "Eat probiotic food, good gut bacteria enhacems serotonin production. Try and learn meditation. I thought it wasn't my scene but I got an app called Headspace and it surprisingly helps. ​ I've been close to killing myself 3 times.",0 "I don't want to leave my house because I know that everyone knows what she's saying about me and EVERYONE BELIEVES IT. this was all over the fact I blocked her because she was toxic. I'm losing it, Reddit. I'm losing my mind. I can't stop crying i can't eat, all I've been thinking about is killing myself.",1 "Need to make a move now or never Update: I texted her more about it and she forgot about what happened until I reminded her! She said It’s not off the table, she just felt braver yesterday due to the liquid courage. So I just asked if she wants to hang one last time, maybe go somewhere like we did last time and have a drink and listen to music. And if something happens or doesn’t happen it doesn’t matter.",0 "The only issue maybe is that she's quite clingy, which I don't mind to a point, but I like my own time and space and that's something I've really began to miss since we moved in together. This stuff doesn't seem to bother her at all and even after spending entire weeks with me straight, she is often sad and upset when we have time apart. I'm starting to realise she loves me more than I love her. And when I think about marriage and children, I'm wondering whether she is the girl I want to do it all with. At the same time, I don't want to end things and then regret it and never get what we've had again.",0 "She keeps using the phrase ""right now"". Whenever I ask her about us she says ""right now, no, but in the future who knows?"" I decided to put no contact measures into place as I could not give her what she wants while staying in contact with her. As much as it pained me to stop talking to her, I know that I need to do this for her as well as for myself. When this happened she was bawling over the phone, but she never questioned it.",0 "I found the situation odd at first but because he was drunk, it was ordinary. He was sitting in his truck nearby watching me. Then later I heard something hit my rv hard and in fear of my life I rushed to call police. He fled and police chased after him. Not to my surprise he talked them off and broke in again the next night but that time I was home, he broke the door down and threatened to kill me if I called the police again.",0 "The difference between nightmares and nigh terrors is diagnosed through sleep studies using tools that measure rapid eye movement. All of which tells me absolutely Sweet F*** All, let’s be honest.   Sleep and our need for it is not entirely understood, many fantastic theories abound but what little we do states that it is a fundamental requirement for life.  ",0 "I'm completely overwhelmed. I think this process is about the best I can think of (below), but I really, desperately just want to dive back into my career. Am I wrong to think I'm not emotionally ready? Should I force myself to wait? Is there anything else I could plan on doing?",1 "I check on my mom several times a day and I KNOW it has to be annoying. I am trying to find the right medication but none seem to work for me, I go to therapy, and I talk about it — but I am so sick of feeling this way. I know it is temporary and that I won’t be this way forever, but right now, it sucks. I can’t sleep because I worry so much, it’s hard to focus at work because I worry so much, it’s hard to be social because I worry so much. Thanks for listening.",1 "However, his fits of anger kept going at the smallest things such as eating the rest of the corn chips or even mentioning politics that he doesn't agree with. This went on at the same rate of once a month or so until I turned 16, which is when I noticed that it probably wasn't normal. One occurrence of this was when I was trying to buy a pair of sunglasses, but needed to use his paypal as where I'm from you need to be over 18. This for whatever reason ended in him exploding in rage again, because he couldn't remember his password. He left the room, and grabbed me by the throat when he came back.",1 "Later that night someone snuck into the building we were sleeping in and killed Daniel.. he was chopped up with what I presume was a hatchet. I don't know why they spared me or Jay to this fucking day but I'd gladly take Daniel's place, he was the sweetest boy I ever knew. We were heartbroken and I vowed that I would find the bastard and get revenge for Daniel. I'm crying as I am typing this part because this is what fucked me up the most. Chapter seven: adopted",1 "As for internet, I pay $60/mo on my phone for unlimited talk, text, and data without any throttling at all (thanks StraightTalk)! If I want internet on my laptop, I download the PdaNet+ app, download the .exe app on my phone then transfer to my laptop, install the app, then switch the tethering on so my laptop can connect and have access. That way, I can apply for more jobs on sites that my phone can't open up. So far, I'm doing okay. Just thought I would like to share how's my day been doing.",0 "aaaa sorry I feel so dumb for messing up like that, I hate when people lie and I really hope I don't come across like that to you but now I just sound desperate? I'm s o r r y I don't think he'll be online for a while but maybe in a few hours you could try and talk to him about it hello?",1 "Hey folks, greetings from India. A friend of mine from school's father was diagnosed with non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis back in 2012. His liver's degenerated, and he needs to get an immediate transplant. Surgery cost and post-op are heavy. Frequent hospitalization's eaten up most of their reserve cash, and since my friend's still in college there's not much he can do.",0 "It sorta works, but I don't like the feeling of being deadheaded. I also don't have a good relationships with doctors considering I was misdiagnosed with bipolar as a teen and given lithium... Had a terrible reaction to it. What are some more natural remedies or self-help you all do to keep yourself in the proper mindset to calm your triggers? I've started meditation and taking CBD oil (which work great, but kinda expensive), but it doesn't seem to be enough. I just want to start living and be able to enjoy life.",1 "My husband (29m) and I (26f) live across the country from our parents and have been there almost two years now. I don't really have a relationship with my inlaws (mf 65ish) (ie they never reach out to me expect for once to ask what to get my husband for his birthday and rarely talk to my husband, they don't ask about me or don't seem interest when I'm brought up) and it doesn't bug me because they are incredibly negative and angry people. My fil has anger issues and will have a meltdown in public (he's done it several times in front of me) and my mil is self absorbed among several other issues. I don't want to get into every story, and man do I have some stories, but i guess it's important to know that I've been warned about their general attitude and behavior from others and everyone who has met them that I'm friends or family with has agreed with me that their son is the source of their happiness and they feed off of each others negativity. However, they've never been out rightly malicious towards me.",0 The silent sadness that you feel for no apparent reason yet somehow you feel too weak or too much of a pussy to do anything about it or even think that you deserve better because you feel like you deserve whatever painful feeling you are going through You feel like you rather suffer a long and painful life rather than ending your life because you feel like you deserve whatever agony you are going through The anxiety and panic attack come and go whenever they please. __________________________________________________________ Sometimes it feels like you somehow been hit by an invisible truck and your body is as frozen as it somebody turned you into a popsicle and you have no other choice but shake from the inside.,1 "Like many I was living in California, working in a kitchen and making decent money. My living situation fell apart and I ended up couch surfing, living out of a truck and finally I ended up living and working on a farm in the north. Not the first time but... i wanted to share a bit of advice for anybody goig through a hard time. 1. I had co workers and friends offer to let me stay with them and I was too proud to accept.",0 "Ive never really had a problem with my education until this semester, I feel mislead in my classes i.e (I do great on the homework and then I end up failing the tests). This has lead to me failing or doing not up to my standards in my other classes and its beginning to effect my own self worth. Instead of being confident in myself im resorting to internal hatred and just overall sadness. I am in a relationship with a very loving girlfriend but I feel that if I bring my problems into it, it could go sideways and I dont want that. Because of all of this my sleep schedule has not been exactly ideal, I usually go to bed at midnight and wake up early for class and the quality of my sleep is not what I would call good (tossing and turning and frequently waking up).",1 "Though we both had crushes on each other we weren't sure if the feelings were reciprocated. She also has some self esteem issues and told me that she wasn't ready to date someone like me three years ago when we first met, because I was ""too intimidating"", but instead ""settled"" for her ex. She dated that ex for two years, but never seemed that interested in him. She would complain about feeling like a caregiver for him (he was seriously depressed to the point where she had to make doctor appointments for him) and always talked about wanting to be with someone who was more independent and had their life together. As her friend I remember her saying she felt like he was good for her at the moment, but that she knew it wouldn't last forever (side note: she was open about her feelings with him, and he agreed to just enjoy things in the moment, though I'm sure he was secretly hopeful she would change her mind).",0 "I never searched for a man to make me happy or be my knight in shining armour, but he found me anyway. And yes he did rescue me…mostly because I let him. And in case you ask yes I am happy – in life, in love and within myself. Maybe I was a victim once, but I’m not a victim anymore. I chose freedom and safety, and I hope any woman reading this is brave enough to find those things too <3",0 "My ""symptoms"": I know this probably isn't nothing compared what other people go through. I even thought this didn't affect me, I thought most people go through either the same or worse, until I was about 20 years old. But once every day, or every 2-3 days, I get intense, intrusive memories about these events. I feel extreme anger and hate, my heart rate goes sky high, sometimes even my hands start shaking.",1 "I've been trying to act like nothing happened but I can't stop thinking about all this. I feel weird that i'm even thinking about it so much. I should just brush it off. Everyone keeps telling me I should go for it. Even my guy friends, which I assumed would agree with me feeling gross about all this.",1 "I'd like to note that I have had a couple close individuals look at my emails, evidence, etc since the last court date. I'm not that crazy, but I showed them the emails because I wanted to make sure they were real. The emails, evidence, and notes are all real. I checked my phone history, and the phone calls to the advocate and office are all logged and sufficient in length to indicate that an actual conversation occurred. I never doubted reality before the abuse, and I have never done so outside of the abuse.",1 "She seems to want to have longer conversations about her emotions every day. I'm trying to work on my studies. tldr: I'd really, really appreciate some advice. Please don't just comment ""break up with her"". Thanks.",1 "Post contains spoilers for Spider-Man : Homecoming. I was the first responder to a fatal plane crash in Australia in January 2017, and have been dealing with my PTSD since then. I’ve been lucky to avoid most triggers now I’m back in the UK, but watching Spider-Man tonight there’s a scene where a plane crashes into a beach, and my mind is all over the place with my heart rate through the roof. If anyone has any suggestions for how to deal with this please do say, I haven’t been in therapy for a while x",1 "I have been having anxiety sense I was 16, I'm now 20. This 4 years have been difficult, lots of ups and downs, on and off medication and therapy (never really had more then just 3 appointments with the same professional ever). Then it came university and I had to move away from my family which didn't helped a lot. I had the last 6 months without anxiety but in April everything changed. I have been having anxiety attacks almost everyday, then it came the intrusive thoughts.",1 "If you have a survey you would like to share with us, you may do so here, please use the following format. Failure to do so will result in your survey being removed. Surveys not posted in here will result in a ban, the length of which will be decided at mods' pleasure. __Who I am__: _(Student, Researcher)_ __Affiliation__: _(university, company)_",0 She gave me an 11 pm curfew even though I was in my 20s and never gave me a key. She not picked every little thing I did even though I tried so hard to be a good guest because I thought maybe that’s why She didn’t like me. Whenever I am allowed to come here I have to bring my own food and own blanket. When I told my mom I was in such a bad mental space that I thought I was going to kill myself and didn’t feel safe to be alone she said I couldn’t come over.,1 "I apologized for taking up too much of his time and space and for not respecting his boundaries, and for storming off angry; the worst part is that he eventually said he didn't accept my apology because I was still ruining his day with my insistence he apologize for speaking to me with a ""retarded"" voice. So, is our relationship doomed? --- **tl;dr**: My bf and I fight too much, and I think it's both our faults while he thinks it's only mine/my brain chemistry's fault. Am I crazy, or do we need to break up?",1 "Hi, so I’m a guy (mid 20s) whose been in a relationship for over 2 years with my girlfriend. I’ve been talking to for at least 8-15 hours a day in person or over the phone, every day, for the entirety of the last 2 years. She had moved in with me around 2 months ago. I don’t have any friends other than her. We recently had a near-relationship ending encounter (entirely my fault) that caused some distance between us for about 2 weeks before she moved back in a week ago.",0 "Context: My father-in-law is/was the ultimate handyman, he could do practically everything round the house. He undertook a massive project to essentially redo the entire house by himself. At the time of this post it has been 7 years on going and had faced innumerous delays. The biggest restrictions was of course money, my father-in-law refused to get any contractors, in the belief they were too expensive and wouldn't do the job to the standard he wanted, he also sourced all the materials from back yard sales and contacts.",0 "- You must own an iPhone or iPod touch (5th generation) in order to participate, and you can earn up to $35 for completing the study. - If you are eligible, you will be asked to download an iOS app called REPS. You will also complete several online surveys prior to and directly following use of the app. For more information please email us at This study is administered by UCSF's THRIVE Lab, which is based at UCSF. The principal investigator is Dr. Aoife O'Donovan and you can contact her at aoife. if you have any questions.",0 "I could write a long book about it. The issue: My current issue is a strange one and I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts about it. Whenever my inlaws visit and stay the night, they bring 1 set of clean clothes and wash the ones they are wearing EVERY NIGHT. They do this regardless of the number of nights they are staying.",0 "Long story short, the alternator + module + radiator is going to cost $500 to repair. After bills are paid we only have $550 monthly for groceries and necessities. I cannot afford to pay this bill and a payday loan is out of the question because they charge a 300% interest and I cannot have that added bill to our already limited funds. Any help would be extremely appreciated. We have 2 kids and being without a car is really not easy.",1 "Lily is a really nice person (atleast, I'll continue to believe she is), and I think she might be open to it. Apparently, Mina and Lily have known eachother since childhood. I still think there's a bond there. I want to look up a professional too, or some kinda of therapist, someone to help her and give her real advice, not my under-educated whims. If I could get some resources, that would really helpful.",0 "Please be aware that although you cannot be identified from your survey responses, no computer transmission can be perfectly secure. **Nevertheless, we have made every effort to protect the security of your data. ** The results of the study will be used by Ms. Divya Kumar to prepare a thesis for submission for the BPsychSci(Hons) degree at ACAP. We also plan to present the results of the research at an academic conference and publish them in a reputable academic journal. In any publication, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified.",0 "I was severely neglected as a child by my mother, but this isn't about the neglect (although it may make an appearance at some point), I think my twin and I were sexually abused by her first boyfriend (the man she had an affair with). I have a distinct memory of lying in my bed at night and there being a male figure crawling up towards me, this is more of a still frame though. The others however I remember vividly to a point, one was a very inappropriate tickling game where my sister was under her duvet and he was on top of her tickling, except he was also humping, I can't remember much more than that, the other is walking to his house, I remember the exact route, going in and him showing me his house, I can't remember anything once he showed me his bedroom, other than the bedding was white, I don't remember leaving or what happened in between, but I remember things like he had an Eiffel Tower figure he made in his front room. I started masturbating at a young age and I wonder if this is linked in. I've been suffering a lot recently, and I am on medication and undergoing therapy, but these bouts are cyclic, I always end up back in this position after a while, perhaps not as severe as the one I'm in now, but I feel that it's in part due to having such little recollection of my childhood (can't remember much of it or my teen years), I want to be able to have a definitive answer to whether I was sexually abused so I can put it to rest, the not knowing is really hurting and the flashbacks I have are intrusive and upsetting, I don't know how to confront this situation and get over it.",1 "I'll try to keep this short. I've never been able to feel empathy towards other people, I'm not a sociopath or anything (as far as I know), I know when I should feel bad for/with somebody but I can't make myself care as much as I want to. _ Anyways, my mothers best friend of 45 years just killed himself and she's pretty torn up about it. I gave her a hug and what not but I have no idea what else I'm supposed to do.",0 "It's horrible. The thing is, my urologist told me that it was just an overactive bladder and gave me some medicine, but it just worked a couple of days when I was ""totally positive"" about the medicine. Even, after taking the pills I felt great, like in a normal state, but the symptoms are here again. Is it possible that the cause could be my sometimes uncontrollable anxiety? Have someone had the same problem?",1 "But now, my cognitive processes feel so scrambled up and sluggish. I get so confused sometimes I have trouble filling out simple forms or answering questions on the phone. I'm in my 3rd year at a major university but my brain feels so messed up I don't know if I'll be able to finish. Does anyone else experience this? Have you found anything that helps?",1 These past couple of months have been the worst. My anxiety has gotten so bad it’s effecting my sleep and relationship. I’ve become so paranoid about my health as well. I don’t feel like me anymore and I just feel scared all the time now over every little thing. I don’t have money to see a therapist either...,1 I’ve tried to reason with him and tell him I love him and there is no reason for him to beat me and he says that he knows I love him and I should see that he loves me too but I don’t listen to him and not listening to him will cause me to lose everything. The physical abuse really has damaged me mentally and lowered my self esteem. I’ve been super depressed and I’m scared for what I’ll do to myself if I don’t get out or if I do get out of this and have to live a life without him . We have a 3 month old daughter and he is in love with her. When he beats me I hate him but seeing him with my daughter makes my heart melt.,1 "I specifically told my father NOT to lose my money gambling. I'm not that depressed since I sort of expected this to happen, but I am still severely disappointed. I am literally continuing to lose respect for my own father. Of course, it isn't so much the money, but rather that he would do this to me when I told him not to. I fear that if this continues, my father will continue to waste away his own life as well as damage mine.",1 "I have just recently got on anxiety medication again because it’s been going downhill recently (my boss knows this, we have more of a friendship than boss/employee relationship) I really just want to up and quit because I make shit money and I feel myself declining but I also know once I pass over this rough patch I’ll need this job because I’ll have to move out I’m sure. I want to text her and tell her I’m taking the week off for mental health reasons, is this not okay? For all I know I’ll wake up in the morning and just not go. I feel like shit right now and know I won’t feel any better by morning or in a few days. I’m just lost.",1 "They are always calling me for everything, I don't even wanna answer my phone, but if I don't I may get yelled at. It has happened. I have spent many days and nights in tears because of the stress of this job, and even one morning, threw a bit of a fit when our dm made me come in because there was another evaluation on my day off. I had to cancel all my plans that day to go in. I couldn't stop myself.",1 "I'm having problems with a friend and I thought an outsider's perspective might be useful. She's always been a bit overly emotional and controlling, having previously been very easy to anger, and having previously tracked me and an ex through my phone, and going through my belongings without my knowledge to check texts etc. It really worsened recently. Maybe a year or so arguments because a regular occurrence when we had been drinking. I've had to deal with taking care of her after outbursts like this on numerous occasions, the worst being a visit to the hospital when she stormed off and I found her in a parking lot, having fallen and hit their head.",0 "This post was originally posted to letsnotmeet but was removed and i was told to post here so here it is. So about two years ago i did a photoshoot with a guy who used to work for my family. When he came to do the shoot he brought this dude with him that i didnt know, ill call him dave for this story. Dave seemed pretty normal. He introduced him self to me told me he was a homosexual, not that it was any if my buisness but whatever.",0 Wtf. I did this to myself. I knew I needed to study and I just kept putting it off and putting it off. I knew I didn’t do well but I didn’t think I bombed it so fucking hard. I’m going to have to lie to everyone about it.,1 Another issue is that both women are on the autism spectrum. My wife is quite high on it and the woman is quite low on it. My wife seems to think that there is nothing wrong with our marriage but we have not been intimate for 10 years. It's really hurting. I just don't want to hurt anyone but I know deep down that it's me that's hurt.,1 "__Target group__: _(PTSD sufferers, military vets)_ __Compensation__: _(raffle, payment)_ __Link__: _(how to access survey)_ __Background__: _(why are you doing this survey? Bachelor thesis, making a website)_",0 "I'm afraid of losing who I was. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and for the first time in a year, I feel like I saw my own reflection. I know the battle isn't won, and I've got a long way to go, but something just snapped tonight. I understand what you're all going through. We're all in it together.",1 "She is easily manipulated. She will believe anything anyone tells her. She is constantly finding a new naturopathic medicine to boost her immune system or whatever her problem is. After her separation, she REALLY turned to God and religion. She believes that her nephew was cured from something because she prayed (even though he was on antibiotics the whole time).",0 "Please help if you can - donations of any amount are appreciated and can make the difference of his family keeping their home. Or please consider sharing this post on your facebook pages, twitter or elsewhere. Please say a prayer on their behalf and be thankful for your own good health - Thank you and God bless you all His gofundme account number is ",0 "He has made me eat until I literally threw up, then forced me to eat my vomit. He plays mental games that are pure torture. He knows how to break me down mentally until I just become ruined for a period of time. He will point guns at me. He made me play Russian Roulette (turns out the gun wasn't loaded but he used a hand trick to make it appear loaded.",1 "Today I also had to write down all the emotions I could think of then put a color next to each word that I felt “matches” the emotion with markers. And the next page There’s an outline of a human body. I had to put each color(emotion) where I feel it on my body. I’m slightly annoyed because before all of this she’s been taking me very seriously and helping with so much, and now I feel like she’s being demeaning? Should I just see where this takes me or let her know that this feels slow and pointless at my appointment next week ?",1 "I was laid off work temporarily and the insurance I was getting stopped over a week ago suddenly. I can't get back to work until next Monday earliest. I sold some stuff online locally a few days ago, got more stuff listed but it's not moving and almost all of what I made online went to fee's when I renewed my license plates. I have literally nothing but a few days more of plain rice left. I figured I may as well give this sub a shot.",1 "My son was septic with respiratory distress for 5 hours (my husband and i didn't know at the time), and the medical staff was too incompetent to realize. The ambulance staff was even worse. My son almost died in the beat-up ambulance as well. It was horrible. We finally got to a bigger hospital where he was on antibiotics for nearly a month.",1 The violence was still happening. The mind games were also still happening so I felt like it was my fault. That I had done something wrong to “deserve” it. I supported both him and myself in this new state while he was in school. I ended up losing my job for reasons out of my control and had a really difficult time finding a new job.,1 "So a bit of long back story here, I was adopted as a child not a proper legal adoption, there was a residency order for me to live with my aunt and uncle for an underdetermined amount of time, after a year my aunt and uncle split and my uncle kept me (my aunt was the one I was actually related to) social services never really got involved past this point. My uncle/ adoptive father started dating a woman that I would come to know as my mum (I always knew they weren’t biological) They had a very destructive relationship and my adoptive father was incredibly abusive towards her (like attempted stabbing & trying to set her on fire in front of me) he was never abusive towards me in fact he treated me like I was untouchable which fostered resentment between me and my “mum” They eventually spilt when I was 18 (9 years ago) and I’ve not spoken to my dad since,my mum works in a hospital and just informed me that he was admitted to the ward she works on and potentially has lung cancer. My mum is practically gleeful about it being cosmic karma for him being a horrible person but I’m uncomfortable with how happy she is that he’s ill, I’ve not really spoken to her about it because she’s the one that suffered not me so I can’t really tell her how to deal but it just seems a bit much to me to be happy.",1 "Link to donate: Below You can find the mission statement for the fundraiser, but I'd like to say something first. This is the programs tenth year and we're looking to leave a legacy for the next ten years of players to come through. But not only the, but our community. We use a public field that is shared with our community and we love them.",0 "I used to live with my fiance and her family. Her father is a massive, abusive brute. Kate has medical issues that cause seizures, and whenever she would have one, her father would stand over her, waiting for her to finish so he could berate her for it. He treated her like a seizure was a behavioral issue that just needed enough punishment to solve. Her whole family was pretty bad, honestly.",1 "Participation in this study is voluntary and participants may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. This study has been approved by Texas Woman’s University Institutional Review Board. Please click on the following link to view the informed consent document and to participate in the study: There is a potential risk of loss of confidentiality in all email, downloading, and Internet transactions.",0 "> > In recent years, I've noticed that I deal with some post-nasal drip, sneeze a lot throughout the day, deal with headaches, and have itchy, watery eyes. Maybe I have developed some kind of allergy that is influencing this? > > Any help is appreciated.",0 "Hello, I am a long long long time user of Paxil and am looking to try something different. It works well for me, but i have been taking it for 17years. I have put on about 120 lbs over those years, some due to age, but I blame paxil for a majority. I also am not as energetic as I used to be, and noticed the decline shortly after going on it. But since it worked so well i ignored it.",0 "This is an idea that my father also reinforced in me heavily. I remember vividly when I told him that everything was my fault (in my child mind obviously meaning ""you make everything my fault"" which was very much the state of things in the house growing up) and he straight up told me to stop fucking up so much if I didn't want things to be my fault (I should emphasize all ""fuck ups"" were minor- letting a pack of strawberries go to waste, forgetting to call him as soon as I left school, etc- but punished severely). Hell, even if I'm in the *wrong* now I feel like I'm still a victim. I can't gauge conflict to save the life of me- even if I'm being an absolute ass, I'll feel like I'm the one who's being persecuted. My last relationship was a while ago, and lasted about a year.",1 "The few gal friends I associate with are either in relationships or kind of just brush me off or fake like they want to hang out but really don’t when the time comes. My school has no clubs whatsoever, so I can’t really meet anybody that way. I do go to a fairly small school though, around 7,000 students. I always wanted to be in that group that always hangs out. So I honestly don’t know what to do or how to go about this situation.",0 "I would like to leave there, but I'm terrified of a shelter. I'm also a semi observant Jewish woman. Most shelters won't help me keep kosher and keep Shabbat, both of which are important to me. The Rachel Coalition is for domestic violence only, so I can't go there. The NCJW shelter in the area doesn't accept the voucher welfare would offer me.",1 "I'm new to living in my car. Very limited access to cooking and can't afford ice. The basis of my diet is whole wheat bread. I eat it with peanut butter and honey/jam, canned tuna, and vegetable/bean/lentil soups. I often eat canned peaches, mandarin oranges, green beans, corn, and white/pinto beans.",0 "I kept my head up and demanded the respect I deserve. I was very polite and expect the same. She wasn’t, so I put her in her place (she reprimanded me for leaving my gowns hung up in the dressing room). I came back to try on another gown and she goes you could at least bring them back. Mind you I have a one year old in my cart....",0 "But that's the worst of it. I don't think my childhood was exceptional, just frustrating. But after speaking with people close to me, and going through the checklist of symptoms, it was undeniable. So I accepted the diagnosis. Eventually I got a prescription for Wellbutrin and it helped me manage many of my symptoms somewhat for the past decade.",0 "I (A Minor Male) am posting onto this subreddit, because My girlfriend's (A Minor Female) family has gone through a 'break-up' and an unwanted 'reuniting' of sorts. We'll call My girlfriend ""Linda"". ""Linda's"" immediate family consists of Her mother, Her grandmother, and Her sister. The most notable interaction that the Father, Bill, had with the family was drunkenly banging on Linda's mother's window *early* in the morning. Bill walked out for reasons unknown to me about 16 years ago after the birth of Linda .",0 "We need a motel. We need advice. My grandson will end up leaving preschool, because we don't have a car and won't know where to have his bus pick him up if we do a shelter. He also has a standing dentist appointment every Monday this month. I hate that he has to go through this and not have a home to recover in.",1 "Hello, You are invited to complete a survey for a WMU psychology department research project designed to assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment for a variety of concerns. We hope to learn if and how preferences for treatment change over time, and if patient’s perception of their treatment’s match to their preferences is related to the benefit received from treatment. The survey is open to anyone ages 18 or older who is currently engaged in mental health treatment for at least one month and four therapy sessions, and not longer than one year. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide some demographic/background information, respond to survey items about your preferences for treatment and how they have changed over time, and about your quality of life. The survey may take between 30-40 minutes to complete.",0 "Fast forward to 3 am, I am tired and would rather just leave, even though we have convenient seats in a standing room only club and my wife is enjoying herself. She makes a passing comment that she would likely be more comfortable at home, eating food. I jump on this and say we should walk back even though it is a 45-minute walk, in heels, in the rain (which I did not check for). She agrees we leave, she slips and falls, I did not help her up, and we fight the entire way home, divorce comes up several times. This morning she won't get out of bed and won't talk to me.",1 "7. This study will include only participants who are 18 years and older. Please send us a private message if you are interested in participating. Once you contact us, we will send you a link to the screening questionnaire to see if you qualify and to tell you more about the study. Please note: If you participated in this study at any point in 2016 through Vanderbilt University, unfortunately you are not eligible to participate again.",0 "She treated me like a freaked-out horse. It was clearly effective. Today, my marriage is different. My wife doesn't rely on me near as much as she did; she looks after her own affairs (poor wording, lol). She also doesn't ask for my opinion on very many things, even though she previously wanted my input on almost everything.",0 "Anyway, he bullshited that her insurance wasn't covered by anyone in this state, and that it was illegal for him to refuse her her shift. My SO had already talked to his HR head. They had previously decided that there wasn't much they could do unless she came up to him. Then tonight happened, the head of HR is severely worried for her safety (and my SOs) in a way he wasn't before. The head has called the Domestic Violence Hotline himself, and is looking for resources to help him solve this very delicate/tricky issue.",0 "The $4 cable I usually get fr Dollarama is out of stock, the cheapest I can find is $7 at a different dollar store, but nothing less than $30 at London Drugs and The Source. Here's where it gets complicated: my bank account is in a weird limbo right now and I don't know how much to ask for. My current balance is about $3, but my monthly service charges haven't been applied yet. So I know I'm going to be overdrawn, but the service charge varies depending on how many transactions I did, so I don't know how much I'll be overdrawn. Looking over the last 6 months the charge has ranged from $6 to $24.",0 "This may be a ridiculous question, but I feel like I go to pee way to many times more than average and It's starting to make me insane. I wanted to get this out of my mind. I think it may be a psychological problem, like an anxiety ""symptom"". Because when I'm at home for an entire day, it's fine. But when I'm in school or in any other public place I get that thought: ""What if I suddenly have to go while I'm doing an exam?""",1 "I didn't want any of this.. I literally had NO CHOICE in ANY of this!!! If I didn't have kids I would not be here, 100%. I pray every night that I would just die in my sleep... then LOL no sleep, no death, just lots of screaming in my head and ruminating anxious thoughts, bad memories on top of bad memories. THIS is hell.",1 "Neither one at all my fault but thanks for thinking it is. :) I have plenty of value regardless of my relationship status or if something shitty has befallen me or not. tl;dr We broke up. If dude is so in love with his solitude he can have it, if he's so worried about resentment and arguments he doesn't have to worry about those either. Maybe next time he'll think about what he wants and is willing to do before he opens his mouth.",0 "I'm not against working my ass off, I'm just getting down right now, no responses to applications can do that. I'm in a state that doesn't even have a real art school. I have no funds whatsoever, no family to help, I don't know where to go from here? Like how do you even apply for scholarships? How do I not starve to death if I can get to art school?",1 "He certainly had/has the ability to. The worst/best part of this story is that I am still with this prick, trying to get away safely. Best part is that my story may be horrifying enough to convince women in an early stage DV situation to run before it escalates to my story. After the 2nd severe incident, I called family who took me to the ER. Had lots of tests done.",1 "It didn’t seem innocent. It looked like he’d seen something like that before and wanted someone to try it on. My parents were more strict and didn’t let me watch much things with violence, etc., and his were more lax, so maybe that was a factor. Also, he was the golden child in my extended family: charming, comedic, artistic. He got a pass a LOT.",0 "I don't have PTSD, I know how debilitating it is for you guys who do, but I thought I'd post in here because you might be aware of the symptoms and see if there's any connection? Basically I used to be severely bullied back in school and I've never gotten over it. I have nightmares, and even like ""day-mares"", where something somebody does or says makes me remember something that happened, suddenly, and it makes me lose all concentration as I just stare into space remembering the event. Sometimes they're recurring, sometimes they pop out of some dark corner of my mind, where all the oppressed memories are. I've never fully recovered, and I've only recently got to a place where nobody takes the piss out of me for some reason or another.",1 "On the off days where I don't remember them I still wake up feeling tired, wake up multiple times. I just feel like I cant sleep like normal. Any advice on what else I can do? Should I try to get a sleep study done? Ways to get out of the funk these put me in?",1 "I am looking for any advice on how to cope being homless in Los Angeles and what sort of services there are out there to help. I am so determined on keeping my job, However, I feel I might not be able to if my check comes in late again and will be forced to spend the weekend on the streets. I have no valid high school diploma as I finished it in Australia and haven't been able to secure my GED due to the time limitations with working everyday and commuting between Compton and Glendale. I appreciate anybody taking the time to read this and welcome any advice. Thanks.",1 "I was feeling sick, I had work to do, I was tired, and all I could do was shout that I didn't want to be so close to the next step and get slingshotted back because of something I didn't know was coming. I know it's my fault. I know I should've been more careful, been more prepared. But I can't do this. My boyfriend has been begging me to keep the baby, and it makes me feel torn.",1 "I'm aware I have problems when it comes to dating, I get jealous, paranoid and suspicious very easily. I hate it about myself and hide it from my boyfriend very well. Take for example my bf, we have each other on snapchat, we maybe send one or two to each other a day it's not like a thing we do but it could be, I tried to send him more but it wasn't reciprocated. Yet I always see his snapchat score go up by like 30 or more at a time (I know I shouldn't snoop it just feeds my problems but I can't help it). Anyway I just get jealous that he snaps loads to other people but not me, I don't know who.. it could be another girl.. he never sends a face pic to me but is he to others and if so why not me?",1 "Not being able to let go of the fact that I let this go on for so long, and even the fact that in my heart I still care and want him. In my mind I think ""if only"" or ""what if"" but I know those are facades. I know he will never be real, open or honest about who he is or what he did. I have to forgive myself for letting this take over my life, my heart, my emotions. I have to forgive myself for not listening to my gut and my intuition.",1 "I suddenly became very weak, dizzy, and tired..spending days in bed. Never had a real fever..docs put it down to a post viral fatigue from something I had caught..I would get better for a few days then I would ""crash"" again. It wasn't until I had had countless tests done that came back clean..and went to the ER one last time in desperation to figure out what was wrong that the doc sent me to the pysch as he suspected depression and anxiety (I had lost 10lbs by then..and didn't weigh much to begin with). I was diagnosed with moderate-severe clinical depression and anxiety..the pysch ruled out CFS and lyme etc since my symptoms would come and go and kept changing by the day. Was prescribed ssri meds..but this gave me the worst panic attack I have experienced in my life..aaand another ambulance ride..",1 "It was created by a friend of the husband. She’s in for a long, hard road after she gets done with this freefall. If anyone can help. Please do. [Team Thomas](gf.me/u/jyy4qm)",0 "I just want my time to matter more, and I have an idea that this might help. But for several reasons I'd need to stay within my greater metro area. So do you guys have any tips, advice or life hacks from your experience? Thanks in advance ya'll. Happy trails.",0 "I don’t know how to make him leave because he says if I do that he will go and dispute all the charges I ever made on his debit card and say it was fraud and he will have me prosecuted. In the past when we were together I stupidly sent him private photos of myself and he threatens to send them to my church, my parents, and my bosses. He says he will do whatever he can to ruin my life and see that I lose my job and lose the respect of everyone in my life and have legal consequences go using his money (which again, he said I could but now he’s saying I’m lying). I feel like he literally dictates my life. He breaks things in my apartment.",1 "So I don't believe she's telling me the real reason shes pressuring me to have another baby I am going to leave it here, please ask, I made a fake account so I can be honest as possible. Here are my primary concerns though 1) The day care incident with money. I feel like I cant trust her with finances.",1 "I get it, people collect guns as a hobby, this is america. When I saw it I immediately panicked because when I was with one of my abusive exes he bought an AR-15 really close to the end of our relationship and would do things like take it apart and put it back together over and over again in front of me and keep it loaded in our bed and I’ve been terrified of guns of all kinds ever since. I can’t even use a staple gun. This new guy and I just talking and haven’t decided to go on a date yet but it might go that way. Is this something that I’m panicking about because of my past or should I really be concerned?",1 "Anyway our talk basically went nowhere and she said she absolutely will not stop hanging out with the group. I didn’t tell her to, but I did tell her that it hurts me that she would engage with people who apparently have so many negative things to say about me, and I thought blood was thicker than water. Really it’s her callous “yea I see you’re in pain but I don’t care, get over it” type of standpoint that’s hurting me the most. I’m starting to think she too participates in the trash talking and I’m thinking of cutting her off too. Should I?",1 "And it may be a bit out of context, but I do have to thank my 4 best men for being here with me all the way, I couldn’t do this without them. Finally, we are here at the present day. It’s been 2 years since we broke up. My ex still hates me with a burning passion, but I have learned to ignore it and have mostly moved on from the experience. I don’t hold any sort of animosity towards her, but I have had the tendency to start to drift off and start pitying myself and reflecting out loud a bit too much when in conversation with my dear friend.",0 "Every once and a while I will get this over whelming feeling in my head where I feel really out of it, and freaked out. I will feel like I haven’t slept in a bit, I don’t feel like me. I’m anxious but also tired and I wanna just go take a nap. But my inner self tells me that I am going to have a seizure. I don’t have seizures or anything and I am completely healthy.",1 "Hi again everyone - I just wanted to repost my original post about looking for stories and encourage anyone to submit who feels up to it. I really would love anything you want to share; anonymity is entirely respect and key to this novel that I'm creating so I hope you will feel safe in sharing your experiences Here is the original post: I am writing a novel, based on my experience in an abusive relationship with my ex boyfriend. However, its not a precise retelling, partially for my safety, but also because I want to tell not just my story but others' stories as well.",0 "I [F18] have been with one guy [M21] for 3 years and within the last 4-5 months I’ve wanted to change our relationship dynamic from serious to casual. I still think I love him, but I find myself thinking about other people more and part of myself wants to see if I can do better. We get along great but I’ve always felt that our relationship has lacked an emotional aspect on his part. Part of the reason I want to end it also has to do with our financial situation - we’re both broke but I want to start working more to save more money because I’m trying to be more financially independent. I feel like he is somehow holding me back from my personal goals.",1 "Hi everyone, (edit: the title should say “after reading the symptoms” btw). I feel like I should give a little background. About 7-8 months ago I left my abusive ex-girlfriend, she was my first serious partner and we were together for about a year and a half. She pretty much ruined my life, and I experienced all kinds of abuse while I was with her (and even when we were apart), including emotional, mental and physical. Fast forward to today, I have a new relationship with the sweetest girl in the world, a brand new start since I’m a freshman in college, and there’s a good chance that I will never have to speak with or maybe even see my ex for a good while.",0 "You can read the full terms and instructions here: ​ These mini grants are not intended to only be awarded to scientists or policy majors: we want to receive applications from people who are artists, community organizers, you name it. Awards will be reviewed as they come in; no waiting until March (in case that's a concern).",0 "If you don't, find one. It helps so much and may be the only way I have gotten this far. I think it is just so scary because there is nothing that feels like this isn't just how life is from now on. I feel like I fight every day just to be able to be this crappy shadow of the guy I used to be. I feel like there is nothing to look forward to, and all I have is just trying to fail at everything in the least humiliating way that I can.",1 "It’s getting up above 100 here, and I’d like to have something I can easily carry in my car to give out since I’m working deliveries. Unfortunately I’ve been without a steady job for 6 months so I can’t do to much, but I was thinking about buying a bunch of plastic water bottles, freezing them, and carrying them in a cooler in my car to give out when I’m at lights. Would this be helpful? What other small or inexpensive things would help make the summer a bit more bearable?",1 "I'm too unstable. Telling parents is not an option. I'm not going to give the easy redemption for them. All this is still suspicion. I know I'm no professional, but I'm telling you, I'll get help.",1 ">This put an end to his trips outside. He has now become a house cat, staying inside. Cats transfer FIV though deep bites from other cats with it, which means at least one of his siblings also has it. Ernie being FIV means that his body is not capable of fighting off diseases. He cannot go outside because if he gets sick his body will not be able to heal, so we keep him inside.",0 "Strangely enough, I had buried all this. But when my parents also failed to realise that my sister was on meth and neglecting her children, who are very dear to me, it sort of doubled the trauma and now I have full blown trauma. I feel like my parents just aren't trustworthy. How can they live in such an oblivious bubble? I wouldn't put any faith in them to protect me now and feel that I'm in this world on my own.",1 "Long story short, someone presented a very powerful monologue as a precursor for a healing art session. FollowIng healing art, there were 4 powerful guest speakers. The monologue shook me and put me in a vulnerable space when heading into the healing art. The 4 speakers solidified this. I searched for the right words, and for the first time, I found them.",0 "I was on a tear. I was dressing better, eating better, losing weight, dating a little, saving some money, I was on my way out of this pit. Now nothing seems to matter. Everyone else is so far ahead of me. I finally felt like I was making up ground and the people around me did too, so they took off the kid gloves they'd been using around me a little bit and sharing more of their lives and I am realizing how completely inadequate I am compared to them and how far behind I really am in life.",0 "I would like to have a relationship with his parents in the very least and let them actually get to know me, but he really doesn't want to introduce me to them. It's important for me to develop a relationship with my SO's family, especially if we intend on being long term. I don't see how we can continue our relationship like this. My question is, what can I do to improve the situation? What conversations do I need to have with my BF?",1 "Long story but a few years ago my wife of fifteen years, who had never been with anyone else opened up and told me she fantasized a lot about being with other men, and considered herself somewhat polyamorous. I was upset and it took a couple of years of us discussing this before I started to feel more comfortable with things. We eventually started swinging (only about once every couple of months and always same room) as it seemed like a way for us to explore this part of her together, and it ended up being a lot of fun and something I really enjoyed that brought us closer together. Well, it’s been a couple of years and I’ve felt happy and comfortable with where we are at but I decided to ask my wife the other day and she said she was happy but she also had a desire to date people separately, and would be willing to try it if I was. This was really hard for me to hear.",0 "Anyway, that's what's eating the most right now. Doing everything I can to show people that they matter, but treating myself like the worst human being ever. I sincerely hope all of you find the help you seek, and I want you to know that every single one of you is the most important person in the world. I love you stranger, and I want you to feel like the MVP you are. EDIT: grammar and missing words",0 "I asked the other day if they've set a date. He laughed in my face and said 'no' as if it were the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. He comes home late, and showers immediately. Then, he showers every morning before he leaves. He doesn't talk to my mum and I, at all, and he's cagey and secretive about everything, to the point of hostility towards my sister.",1 "For example, I'm selling something that's worth £50? You can have it for £10. I hate it, I want to cry. I've had items listed for about 2 weeks, they're all responsibly priced or under and I'm having to accept low ball offers as I have no other choice. I would never let myself in a million years do this if I wasn't homeless but the clock is ticking and I need to move.",1 "Rambling about that is over. I would like to save up while doing this over the next couple of months, get my finances back in order, and pay monthly on a land owner finance piece of raw land without covenant restrictions at around $200 a month (that is a possibility in my area, at about 2 acres) and get a tiny building on it or build an earthbag home - somewhere along those lines. The only real concern I have is electricity to do the editing work, but I figure if I do the work I need to do, head to a McDonalds/park/etc to recharge, then I can do alright. I'll be able to store the DJ gear for when its not being used for free. I have a battery charger/car jumper combo I'm keeping in my car I can use for small electronics, and I'm pretty sure I'll have friends who I can see for a couple hours to charge that once a week, and see friends I haven't in years (which obviously is the best part!)",0 "Recently had an ASD evaluation, and was diagnosed instead with PTSD, a personality disorder, major depression, etc. According to my mom, I didn't start talking until I started preschool at 4 years old, and still wouldn't talk at home... but teachers said that I wouldn't stop talking at school. It seems it was my environment. My evaluator recommended I start with EMDR for the PTSD, but I have a few questions. BTW, I am a 40 y/o female just finally trying to seek answers after a long history with mental illness.",0 "Asked for a little extension. She won’t provide it. I should be able to graduate in December. My academic counselor is looking to help me graduate around some of the program, so I hate to bring my concerns up higher or file with disability. My trauma therapist wants me to advocate higher up.",0 "already a few months in. Any advice on if/how this can improve or if I should just cut my loses before I get too invested? Thanks everyone! TL;DR boyfriend currently has no motivation to move his life or our relationship forward, should I stick around and keep trying or accept incompatibilities? Am I asking for too much?",1 "I am 25 years old, suffered from anxiety for about 10 years or so. Anxiety used to stop me from being able to leave the house unless with my parents or boyfriend. I was bullied a lot, and I didn't attend school much and didn't take my GCSE's because of this. I was 90% 'cured' in late 2015/early 2016 by my therapist. I had received help from a therapist once before, but it wasn't helpful to me.",0 "Do you huddle up in the corner of some obscure building that's out of the way? Under a pine tree that's thick enough to prevent any outsiders knowing you're there? Those are kind of the best ideas I have... but I really don't know and I would greatly appreciate any advice. I don't want to give too many details but I live in a city of just over 100,000 people. I'm already on food and medical assistance.",1 In the last year I have developed some health problems. I started having seizures and because of them I had to miss work. Because of that I got fired. I was doing okay still while looking for another job by donating plasma. But my car got repossessed a few days ago and I haven’t been able to get there to donate.,1 "Some days I can't hear music from that time period, watch a show that's remotely emotional, or just sit without tearing up. I've never been to see a shrink, although I know I should of, due to past experiences and money issues. I was diagnosed with PTSD and told I should talk to someone. I don't know where to go usually. Especially on nights like these where I can't be quiet without thinking about that night or breaking down in tears.",1 He keeps going back to her. He even cleans up the messes she makes when she smashes his stuff. He has dropped all of his dreams because she doesn't approve of them. Sorry for the long post but it sucks hearing that he is in this situation and we just want our friend back so he can recover from this. He used to be the funniest and happiest guy around and now he is just broken.,1 "He got off of me, and went into the other room. I laid on his couch trying to breathe while crying. Eventually I got up and started heading towards the door. T started putting his shoes on and said why don’t we go for a little walk. I told him to stay the fuck away from me and I ran out of his door and down the street.",1 "Days where it is really good, and days where you are anxious seemingly out of nowhere? It's like the brain is running on some sort of cycle or something. Like a circadian rhythm but an anxiety rhythm? EDIT: Found this article after posting, it's super helpful and if I didn't put it here some of you may have missed it. Take a read right now, it's worth it!",0 "I know what it means to dive into oneself. I asked him and he confirmed its a deeper variant. I got excited. There’s no switching out of consciousness, you can reject what he says, your totally in control (or so he’s telling me :)). So the first part was getting me deep, through counting, dropping my hand and other techniques I went deep.",0 "It's late and I should be sleeping but I can't get my husband out of my head, he's just such a freaking weirdo. I feel alone in my situation because most abuse involves some level of anger, but for me my suffering was just his way of showing me affection. He would always love to wrestle and tickle torture me, and he wouldn't stop when I was screaming at him to stop I no longer live with him but even today I still get a little flinchy. I lived in fear of being tackled, pinned, and tickled on a routine basis. I resent him for making me feel so small and fearful and at the same time he made me feel like I was crazy, that I was overreacting.",1 "I wound up in partial hospitalization and diagnosed with PTSD related to several traumas including sexual assault I experienced as a child. I asked for a meeting with all of upper management so that I can start back up at work with clear boundaries for what I won't accept anymore. This will be a good thing in the end, but right now I feel like I'm going to throw up. Meeting is in 3 hours. Send good vibes please?",1 "Recently however, he's been becoming more desperate with wanting to see me after him and his friends leave the bars. So desperate in fact, he'd be wiling to ditch his friends. In the past when he'd come over we would play video games, eat some food, and then go to bed. We have sex quite frequently, but never on these types of nights when he's drunk. We'll make out, and fool around but in most cases, no sex.",0 "then i check a side email account that i almost never use, i think i forgot a password or something, and see all these emails from him. he had been sending me them since essentially the day after i stopped speaking to him. saying all this 'i miss you' type stuff, telling me he had something important to tell me. so i caved. and it's been downhill ever since then.",1 "PS: I forgot to mention and I don't know where to put this back so here it goes. Her parents have 2 big houses, I live in a 1 room small apartment. One of her brothers lived in the 2nd house of her parents and left last year so we where fixing it (it was a completely mess, we had to spend a LOT of money to make it habitable. We were planing to move before Christmas but I put all on hold for her thesis so she could focus on that. She said plenty of times that my apartment was a big issue for her because it was so small and that when we moved to her parent's 2nd house we would have a great improvement in our relationship and our life.",0 "Do I just need to forget about the ""dumb girlfriend"" incident and stop assuming that he thinks I'm stupid? And how do I do that? Help! tl;dr Because of an unfortunate incident earlier in our relationship I sometimes have a hard time believing that my boyfriend thinks I'm smart. How do we navigate this?",1 "He wasn't ambitious or motivated anymore, he was sad, depressed, always pessimistic and never really doing any work. I ended up not only doing all development work, but also our social, PR and leg work as well here in NYC making relationships. This lead him to feel more left out I am assuming. Many times he has decided to hinder the business due to reasons related to what I mentioned. For instance, one time we were creating an ad for a campaign we were running for the app.",0 "Certain things will make me feel uncomfortable. as of recently she will jokingly play with my nipples, like suck on them or biting them if we are laying in bed and I’m shirtless. This makes very uncomfortable and I don’t like it at all. I’ll laugh and tell her to stop and that I don’t like the feeling of it. She will keep jokingly doing so and tell me stop being a baby or that she is just joking around.",1 "Some examples: spit on me randomly in the eye doctor's office, giggled and strolled off when I looked up at him in horror. We had some verbal exchange in the hallway and he slapped me so hard I couldn't feel the tear roll down my cheek my face was so numb, he pinned me to the floor one day and savagely beat me for at least 7 minutes straight for what reason i forget, after he was done beating me up he would punch in the back of the head repeatedly, this gave me headaches and i saw flashes with each blow. And he would often have a gleeful look on his face after he was done. For the longest I didn't know this was abuse, nor did I know I had developed all of these poor coping mechanisms to deal with being abused. He ruined my life without me even being aware.",1 It's only happened twice and only happens when he drinks. I love him dearly and want to help/support him. He cries and says he's sorry and admits that he is aggressive when he drinks. I'm so heartbroken I don't know what to do? Is this even considered domestic abuse/violence?,1 "Dealing with ptsd from rape, and recently found out that someone who I thought was a friend sexually assaulted one of our friends at a party we were at. I get flashbacks of waking up whenever we were at parties together and I've seen him awake once or twice and even though the likelyhood is very low (given the background of what he did), I can't shake the feeling that he mightve done something to me. What he did to her is giving me feelings like what happened to her was actually me. My doctor suggested womens group therapy, but I wanted some opinions first. Any thoughts will help",1 "Participation is completely voluntary. If you are interested in participating, you will complete an online screener to see if you qualify to participate. If you qualify, you will complete a variety of questionnaires online. The study will involve four online assessments over the next month that should take about 40-50min to complete and you will be compensated up to $70 in online gift cards to Amazon. A few important things to know about the study are:",0 "I may try a new medication. Antidepressants were ok but kind of turned into an unfeeling zombie, which wasn’t good either. It’s hard to describe, but the vigilance goes beyond traditional anxiety and it can be embarrassing. I don’t like it if it affects the mood of others around me, or even makes people want to stay away. Has anyone had luck with medication that soothes you enough, without making you groggy or disconnected?",1 "I had been searching for a new place to live since the start of that 6 month notice but I was not capable of finding anywhere to go mainly due to not being able to afford any additional expenses nor was there any source for me to receive the money I required, and since then I have been living outside for the past 5 weeks. During my stay outdoors, I currently work and maintain 3 jobs; one that pays me officially and 'on the books', while the other two serve as jobs that pay me on the side and 'off the books'. This isn't an easy affair either as they all require me to travel to different locations around the area by walking or use of public transportation, which is one of the expenses I am forced to cover on my own and my lack of sleep does not help matters regarding my performance as these jobs. Currently, and for the past 5 weeks, I've been staying at the beach nearby my old home as this is the only area where I am not told to leave by any authority figures, such as on-site workers and police patrolling the area, and also the only area I felt remotely safe at. Recently the weather has gotten pretty bad and this place is no longer the safe haven it once was for me.",1 Do I ask the boss (who’s like family to me) to not bring him back once our coming winter layoff is over? How do I continue to stay sane while seeing this guy who is abusive to my extended family and completely absent with my immediate family while telling our friends he’s a happy uncle? --- **tl;dr**: SO's brother works with me. He is abusive to SO and her family and won't acknowledge pregnancy.,1 "However, I've vaguely brought it up before and she said that she wants to also invest one day. My gut feeling is that she's comfortable if we both pay rent and lose money, but might feel weird if one person is benefitting and the other person is not. Unfortunately, I'm 99% sure on my stance that I will either live at home or move out when I can invest in my own place, and I'm not sure how to tell her. --- **tl;dr**: Friend wants to rent an apartment together, but I'm getting cold feet.",0 "i know this is a common problem that many people have but i dont know what to do. i dont sleep at all on sunday nights and it fucks up my whole week. im scared of the sadness i will feel as soon as i wake up, im scared of having to repeat the same day over and over until friday, im scared of waking up in a panic attack, im scared of having a long complex dream and then waking up not remembering it or not liking it. the stupidest things freak me out and im so sad and tired. i brought this up to my therapist towards the end of my session but she didnt really have an answer, and i didnt bring it up the next week.",1 "For some reason the niece decided to call us and basically tattle on the ex for how she was living drugs etc..... we kinda already know her situation. We have custody so it's not a huge deal. Well, he invited the niece we will call her Carla  and her bf to our home for a bbq. Well, they never left, I don't even understand how it happened but it did . Well,  after major issues with the bf we finally were able to get rid of him.",1 "I run , which seeks to tell the honest stories of people across the country in order to foster a greater understanding of one another and increase empathy. In anticipation of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we're hoping to write about people with mental illnesses to raise awareness. If you're interested in being interviewed for a story, please send me a DM. I have OCD, myself, so I can assure you the topic will be treated with the tact it deserves. Note: We are not doing anonymous interviews at this time, so your full name would be published in the story.",0 "It was a higher amount previously, but I've been figuring things out each day to get by. At this point I may have exhausted all options. I can repay the money along with some interest once I get paid. Although I'd love to split that between this pay and next months if possible. If not, that's ok too.",0 "The only truly good therapist I've been to was in Sweden, she listened, took extensive notes, remembered stuff and didn't talk about herself or her personal life. I need to see a therapist but I don't know what to do. I can't teach my therapists how to do their job nor should I feel like I need to in the first place. I also have chronic illnesses which makes it tiring (if not at times impossible) to have to constantly fight back against all my doctors to make sure they actually treat me and my symptoms and not just the numbers on my chart. It's gotten to the point where I'm really pessimistic about getting better or even being able to get good help.",1 "Discovering LimeWire was like breathing in fresh mountain air in the early hours of the morning while there is dew glazed over the leaves on the trees and surrounding grass. I felt a real connection with Post Hardcore/ Alternative. During this time I knew of Anxiety, but I didn't know OF it. In other words, I considered it a personality trait and not something treatable, more or less just apart of me. Playing video games secluded in my room and swimming on a variety of swim teams kept me sane to an extent but I was living in an isolated bubble.",0 "It feels as if no one understands what I’m going through in my life because I took a while to leave and didn’t tell anyone until now. I really didn’t think it was that bad. Now that I’m out of the situation, it still haunts me. I feel guilty and still like it’s all my fault somehow even though it’s irrational and not true. Does anyone else feel like this?",1 "They've done a lot that's cut down my self-esteem and such, but they've also done a lot for me too. I have a home, I'm well-fed, I have my own possessions, I have a car, and I have some wonderful memories with them. When I was molested, they came to my rescue and constantly stood up for me when nobody else believed me. Sometimes they're the most amazing parents I can ask for, and other times I'm afraid of them. My mother isn't that bad, but my father is the worst.",0 "One anxiety free day. I feel like I could live off that high for the rest of my life. Not starting my day off trying to catch my breath. Not having to plan out every single minute of my day as to avoid discomfort, or even panic. Not standing in the middle of a locker room getting ready to cry because you saw a lock on the locker you use every time you're at the gym.",0 "I spoke with her after all was said and done and asked why. Reasons she gave me were that I didn't do enough housework and she felt underappreciated for the work she did, that my libido is considerably higher that hers and it made her feel inadequate so she went outside the marriage to feel more like she could satisfy a person's sex drive, and that I'm boring and the newness of everything was gone. Now I'm here picking up the pieces and trying to decide if I can learn to trust her again, if I'm willing to put in the work, and what I could have done to be a better husband to avoid this. I'm embarrassed and ashamed that I couldn't even hold a marriage together for 6 months. Currently she's sick because she also has untreated lupus and the stress of all of this has caused her immune system to weaken, her joints to swell, and her muscles to ache.",1 "Public speaking in class frequently reduced me to tears in front of the class and I could think of nothing else for weeks, from the moment it was assigned. Even listening to other people having a conversation is tiring to me, even if I'm not an active participant. As a kid I never wanted to have friends over or go to their houses because a full day of school and being around so many people was exhausting, and that is also true today at work - I just want to go home and be by myself. When I say something stupid or awkward I think about it for weeks and I still berate myself for things that happened in interactions with people ten years ago. Does any of this ring true with those of you with diagnosed SD?",1 "I broke up with my bf of 2.5 yrs on Sunday after suspecting he was the reason why I had fallen into depression for the past year or so. I became more irritable, rude, negative and angry... which was not like my usual positive, polite, and bubbly self. He was often very negative, had anger issues/tantrums, impatient, interrupted me a lot, would ditch me for cocaine, didn't know how to drink alcohol (often consumes until he pukes), was a hypochondriac, always broke (yet had money for weed/shatter or sports betting or junk food or alcohol...), but at the same time did not look after his own health unless I pushed him to... just a lot of care-taking and issues. He has depression and anxiety as well. One of the things that really killed me inside about him was his last girlfriend who had died in a car crash about 1 year before he met me.",1 "These thoughts are always a great source of frustration to me especially when I’m close to an artistic deadline like a gallery exposition that is coming soon. I’m never confident enough to show what I do. Even the minister of culture in my country has made some very positive criticisms about it but my mind always goes back to thinking those people are only saying these things to be nice. Honestly, does anyone else feel that way? What do you do when this happens?",1 "We decided to move states together and start a new life. We don’t live together (mutual decision). He wanted to marry me etc..and I started to see a change in his behavior ever since the move. He got flustered really easily or would get angry over something simple—traffic or a common life situation. He seems to have no patience anymore, especially with me and will just shut down.",1 "Picture the following scenario. You get to the point of high school with all your elementary school friends, you are in a class separate from nearly all of them. You are 'very' good friends with 2 of them, and at the beginning of the semester you are always with them. Being friends for years, the three of you are a narrow circle of good friends who are always together. As you get acquainted to classmates and meet new people, you slowly get caught in the thought of wanting to spend more time with these new people you've grown accustomed to, and cut off ties with your old buddies, because you feel like you've got a bit tired of them.",0 Nothing He kicked the door 18-36-30 He kicked it again and until he was sure his foot would bruise Calm down,1 "The problem is one of these guy friends. I'm typically pretty shy in new social settings and don't really like to make be at the focus of anyone's attention unless I'm comfortable with them. When I first met these guys, it was like 2 polar opposites met. I'm fairly quiet, reserved, respectful and I like to think I'm a smart person. These friends, this one friend in particular, are loud, boorish and really rude.",0 "I looked everywhere for the possible cause, did everything to make it go away. I put vicks under my nose and that helped mask some of the smell, but it was still definitely there. It didn't go away until the next day. Has anyone else dealt with olfactory hallucinations? Should I seek out medical attention?",0 "Participation takes approximately 5 minutes, helps me reaching my sample goal and yields interesting results for yourself! After granting access to some smartphone data (more detailed descriptions are given within the app), you need to fill out a survey. That’s it! Any collected data will, of course, be processed anonymously. The only prerequisite is a smartphone with Android 4.4 or newer.",0 "I'm exhausted from just continuing to go to work. God I'm so tired... I know I'm so much further than I was a year ago. But it still sucks. But I know I'm getting happier, I am happy most days.",1 "I'm a freshman in college. I had to move out asap due to a volatile home situation, and I'm still struggling with finances and figuring out the real world. I just got a job, but am currently extremely sick, and worried about starting. Even so, my phone bill is due and I won't be paid for a few weeks. Student loans don't come in until January.",1 "I know after we talk, I'll be able to speak with Fred and Ginny, but they're not exactly objective observers. Anyway, thank you to everyone who commented, especially those who said I really needed to talk to Ron. I know it was obvious, I guess I just needed a push. Thank you to those who gave me that push. Really, thanks to everybody who commented and gave comfort and compassion to a stranger on the internet.",0 "So, I've been homeless since about the first, but I was expecting this. What I wasn't expecting was the changes I've made in my life since becoming homeless. Thankfully I have a job, so I do have money. But I hate everywhere that's affordable to eat! I've been a big junk food/fast food fan for years, so I'm a bit overweight, but lately, I just don't seem to care for meat as much, and fast food is just so.. gross right now.",0 "Please leave a comment below or DM me if you're interested in being interviewed! The discussion should be relatively short and will be limited to what you're comfortable discussing. I'm more than willing to accommodate your preferred interview method. I'm comfortable with email, Reddit, Skype, or any other platform. ​",0 "Going to chat to my therapist about it next session too. I need to find some sort of balance here, between living my life and keeping my fear in check. God bless all of you who have been through DV and abuse - I truly wish you all the absolute best in your lives and your recoveries. We are all heroes here. xx",0 "Hi everyone, So I am in abusive relationship. We live together. He doesn't pay for anything but his alcohol and drugs and occasionally his gas. When he's feeling generous he has been known to give me 10 dollars toward gas.",0 "He said he had not felt that way before, suggeted I go rest and so ..TRIGGER AHEAD IF YOUI'RE A HYPOCONDRIAC LIKE ME: i decide to look up ""feelings of doom"" in hopes of maybe getting sucked into some rabbit hole of ludicrous conspiracy, a stupid ""are you psychic"" test or new age b.s., something I could even laugh at down the road. No, I ended up reading that this sense of doom can be indicative of various health ailments; one of which I am prone to.. So on top of my ""doom"" to my gloom..I am now f'n worried about my heart. I do happen to have a physical in 48 hours.",1 "I was working on this so hard and spent all of my money... and I just failed my driving test. Now the idea of retaking it gives me a panic attack. I started learning how to drive 4 years ago, and it was okay until I got this driving instructor. 90% of the time when I should be learning, he would be lookig on his phone and he would never point out any problems so I felt rather confident to finally try and get my license. In my country you first have to pass the test with your instructor and just then in an official institution.",1 "I am so ready to be better. Can I work through the CBT WORKBOOK alone? Has anyone tried? I’ll kick my search into high gear this week, broadening my search to cities near me. I just want to do something positive before I do something I regret...or wake up in 6 months having done nothing..... which is worse?",0 "It would take until my mid-twenties before I stopped letting people hurt me. But the trauma remains. I've become a successful professional, happily married, with a home and pets (no children, I'll never have children after what I survived). I've been out of therapy for almost 10 years but my coping mechanisms have been failing. I'm having breakdown after breakdown after the slightest trigger and there are SO MANY triggers!",1 "I stopped, looked down, looked at her. I took her hand, took a step onto the other side, into the other city. I turned to face her and took her other hand. I looked into her deep eyes and said, “This is the first city we’ve traveled to together, may we travel to many more”. I pulled her over the city line and kissed her.",0 "I mentioned that I am unhappy with my nametag having my first name on it, that I’ve been unhappy with it but I’ve been tolerating it since it hasn’t been too much of an issue until I transferred stores. My boss became LIVID. “Well we all call you _______” “it would be more confusing for customers if we call you _______ but your nametag says ______” “______ isn’t your [first] name” “you can deal with ______ being on your nametag, I’m not changing it just because you don’t like it.” Mind you, people named Jason can have their nametag day Jay. Other people have their last name on their name tag.",0 "I've been through treatment and had a period of relative health for a stretch. Then I had a bunch of new trauma experiences. I'm 5 or so years out from the last experiences and have moved 800 miles away, completely cut off from all former contacts with the exception of one close friend. The move helped for a while, then it hit with vengeance. Panic attacks, ruminating, depression, anger, the whole deal.",1 "She didn’t have room for it where she was currently living, it had been so long since she was able to create. We moved things out of storage, into the studio. I was so excited to not only be providing this place for her but to be the one she trusted with some of the most precious things to her. I bought her a clay wheel and accessories, she wanted to work in the medium again. I’ll never forget the first evening we threw clay together, it was very meaningful and romantic.",0 "I know I only have around 18 comment karma due to lurking or upvoting/downvoting more than commenting but my total reddit karma is almost 1500 so I hope that says something. If you can just send even 1 or 2 dollars let me know and I can pm my paypal request link since that's the only way I know of getting anything without a big big charity site link. We really appreciate it and next paycheck I can even try and pay some people back if they need! None of us really have family to ask because of different reasons (SO's parents disowned her, Roommate's mom is distant and disapproving and an alcoholi, my mother is disabled and lives on disability with my 13 yo brother, my aunts etc are all stingy or distant). We also have no vehicle to get to any other food bank atm other than the one two roads away (hour or so walk) that has a 30+ day wait.",0 "I was nice, and it got me no where, so I was rude, it got worse. I compliment my mom and my sister as much as I can, I tell my sister I’m proud of her, I tell both of them I love them, I take care of my mom the best I can, but I’m still their verbal punching bag. Every day I tell my mom that I love her, that she looks pretty, etc etc, but it ends up in her replying with “you’re gonna fail this year you know that right? You need to do your school work”. My sister called me naive and immature for not making fun of people’s interests and looks.",1 "We spoke of Buddhism and karma and about how everything is connected. Turns out, everything is related. My grandmother was a bitch to my mother, my mother was a bitch to me, I had to act out in a way or another. The Perpetrator, the Victim, and the Rescuer interchange positions. I've been told I show symptoms of BPD, ADHD, but I haven't been diagnosed clinically.",0 "Last week I had an absolutely fantastic interview. They had a secondary and tertiary requirements that weren't in the job posting, and I fit all of them and then some. I made the interviewers go ""Oh, wow!"" when I brought up some of the stuff I've done, I've interned at the same place as one of the interviewers did, right around the same time. We laughed and go along great, and the interview was double the allotted time.",0 "I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I just didn't need it. Long story short, something's flipped in my head the last couple of weeks and my libido is very much back, worryingly so, I'm not sure what to do with it lol. So we've had more sex in the past 7 days than the preceding 7 years....but it's still very much for him. I don't know what I want and I don't know how to ask for what I want. It's been so freaking long since I considered sex as a thing it actually makes me nervous.",1 "In his own ways I know he loves me but he's double my body weight, he's a weight lifter, and he has blind rage that only comes out on me of all people . If I keep gambling he could permanently damage me. I'm in healthcare I know these numbers so WHY? I like to believe that he knows his limits when we're fighting but he has scared me and himself in the past. Now that chokings are happening during every incident, the accidents could be irreversible.",1 "Attachment and a secure base are the two things a PTSD survivor does not have. Fixing that is key in their recovery. It allows survivors to reconnect with family and the world at large.   Social level: Sachs-Ericsson & mates all the way back in 2002, go figure, found that individuals with service dogs were less isolated socially and felt more comfortable when initiating social interactions with others, also increased a survivors social desirability (note also that Henry & Crowley 2011 found that a survivors sense of self-worth as well as murturance were enhanced exponentially by having a service dog).",0 "My parents take me very seriously and do what they can to make sure I can avoid him. My original post made it sound like they are not supportive of me and my healing process, but they very much are. I never HAVE to see him, I make that choice willingly so I am able to see my grandma. My mom will often take my grandma out for lunch and invite me so I can see her. I live within a Mexican culture that is very good at sweeping things under the rug, my (immediate) family and I are working through this all together and I love them for what they are doing to support me.",0 "I was so desperate that I tried asking some of my family members for help. My mom doesn't given shit, recently leased a new truck. My brother is such an ass hole. My aunt (who recently bought a vacation home in Houston) told me ""Maybe you can talk it out with your parents, take care we're going to Europe."" ALL I DESIRE IS A QUICK AND PAINLESS WAY OUT.",1 "I don't know if it was the campground, or if the probably former friend wanted some revenge. All of the hotels are way out of our price range in our area. We can stay a couple of nights, and our reservation at the campground ends this weekend. I will be asking for a refund of the remaining nights. I'm terrified that our kids will be taken from us for being homeless for less than 6 weeks.",1 "She told me that things had to go back to where we were before we ever went to the concert. I agreed, and stopped talking to her aside from professional responsibilities. NOW... in that period of time since two MAJOR things have happened. 1. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer.",1 - kicked me out of the house and was going to make me leave in the middle of the night multiple times while insulting me and hitting me I'm sorry to even post this here but I need a little support right now. He said this to me two nights ago and came into our guest bedroom where I was sleeping the next day and said sorry Kind of. I tried to talk to him about it and he said he was under a lot of stress and that he doesn't need my love or support and he doesn't want to talk about it. Super sorry for the fucked up formatting but y'all get the idea...,1 "Given the diagnosis she refuses to take her prescribed medicine which is a cause for concern to me as when she is on a low, she tends to be very apathetic and rude in responses to conversation or ideas of things we can do. We live together in a house with two other people. We have our own space but the common area is shared. She has expressed that she doesn't like the living situation but the fact that it is cheap and we are all locked into a lease has prevented me from making any changes. After our lease is up I want to look for a place that the two of us both like but I am afraid it may be all for nothing.",1 "What if in Ireland a place existed where pollution was zero, crime didn't exist and you where given access to food, warm beds and a chance to rebuild your life. Would you take it? I'm sick of the city, I'm considering a rural life of self sustainability and have adequate means for finding financing to a farm of some sort. Would a homeless scholarship program work for people? Self sustainable life with access to counselling and all food and board paid for help?",0 My anxiety and ocd have been terrible the last few weeks. I've recently started drinking again (stupid I know) and I'm feeling like I need to use it as a crutch again. I am prescribed valium and an anti depressant but I find that the simple act of just having a drink helps more. My main issue is my health anxiety. I have been having the worst sinus and headache flare ups.,1 " After doing this twice, she sent me a message on Instagram about a month ago saying ""how dare I check out of her life and pretend to still care about her or her family"" and that she ""didn't think things would turn out THIS badly"" for the two of us in terms of ""remaining friends."" We had tried being ""just friends"" several times, but we pushed that barrier several times. We even mutually discussed it. I thought this was something we both wanted, but perhaps I was wrong? Her husband is in a line of work in which he interfaces with large groups of people.",0 "I don't remember always being like this, but over the last two years or so I have had a few tumultuous friendships/dating connections with people (I make deep connections quickly, or seemingly deep anyways with lots of self disclosure and vice versa) and after things don't work out I feel like I am lost and won't be able to cope on my own. I recently started talking to someone again after not talking to them for a few months, there was no bad blood between us we just decided it would be best to move on and not talk anymore. They reached out first about a month ago, then nothing. I have been going through it at work, feeling overwhelmed and anxious and so I feel stupid for doing this but I began talking to them again. I feel better, even if its slight.",0 "My mother and younger sister lived in another city where my mother worked and my sister studied. I was supposed to stay in city 1 until college, but my mother persuaded me to come with her, move, change schools and be near family. She was concerned of me an wanted to have me close. So i moved, but it took me a good while to shift and make friends and such. Thing is, i was never meant to be here.",0 "I have a minimum wage job here in town but there are no places for rent anywhere near me with reasonable prices that I could afford. I don't have a car or a license(and don't know how to drive even if I could get one fast), so I pretty much need to live close to where I work. I've been reaching out for potential roommates but the only person I know who's be interested can't move on a short notice and can't afford it till his car gets out of the shop. I also don't want to leave this job because despite it being minimum wage it's actually getting me experience for my career path. So I'm trying to think of what I can really do.",1 "I feel like these experiences have totally altered my psyche and now i find gratification through exploitation. I even had the painful realization that ive never had any normal sexual relationship and these abuses are all i know. I broke down the other night just crying realizing that i dont get to be normal, and that i have sick urges. I heard that theres high rates of abused people become abusers too, and i hate that im part of the issue. Tl;Dr: I was abused and now i abuse, what can i do to cope?",1 "It was worse than that, I wanted to throw up, not because I found the scars disgusting but because the person I loved so so much, had done that to herself. This is when she told me more about her situation, basically all her issues is beacause of a very unstable family with an alcoholic, mentally abusive and neglective father. Her mom is her best friend in the world, but she too suffers from depression and anorexia. Her parents had a terrible divorce where she got caught in the middle, resulting in her falling deeper into depression and self harm tendencies, as well as her mother becoming very anorexic and depressed, all the while her father was drinking. She felt she couldn't burden her mother with her issues and instead keep it to herself, which she does til today as well.",1 "So lets forget all about my biological father. My father once told me : ""Money do not fall from tree's"", but, boy oh boy, was I ever going to show him wrong. It all started with the fact that one day I got out of bed, and had the weird idea that I was going to die at 21 yrs old. I was listening to The Doors at that point, and Black Sabbath and everything in between those two. And while listening to The Doors, it opened the the doors of perception to me.",0 "They taunt me and remind me of my weakness. They remind me of my failures, and they are loud. Louder than anything. And there's so many of them. Swirling and swirling and telling me what an awful fucking person I am.",1 "My husband has poor impulse control (his words) especially when he gets angry or frustrated. I've noticed he often will take out frustration on the dog (he's a rescue who is legitimately hard to manage). He's never hit me or hit the dog, but he will often pull the leash too hard and go too far with discipline. For example the other day, the dog was having a lot of anxiety and being bad and barking in the car at every dog we passed. When we arrived home my partner got out of the car and pulled the dogs leash so hard that he fell out the door into his back.",1 "(I really did). If she needed space to do homework, thats perfectly fine. I did my best to assuage her anxiety. So we'd postpone another week, another day... only, either the night before or the morning of, she'd cancel me visiting again... again.. and again... That put a little strain on our relationship, we wanted to see each other.",0 "This week, we stayed in the same house and I slept with her. We were watching a movie when she went to go to sleep in the next room (she's very tired a lot). About an hour later, I heard her crying uncontrollably and shaking and screaming. It was really hard to see. I held her until she went back to sleep, and then stayed with her.",0 Went to my first survivors of incest mtg yesterday. Sexually abused between 4/5-8/9. Have been crying for the last 3 hours and can’t think of anything else except how lonely and how much of a failure I’ve become. I’ve been in therapy since 19 but hadn’t disclosed to ANYONE about the sexual abuse by my two brothers. Then I was forced to disclose to my therapist the truth about the abuse when one of the brothers reached out to me one random day saying he wanted to perform sexual acts on me.,1 "I was trying to eat my food but my hands became shaky and i then didnt feel hungry. People kept asking me why my hands are shaky, and the people across from me laughing at me. Idk what to do, ive worked here for 3 years but i just cant get over my anxiety. I just hate having meetings and celebrating with co workers. I havent been diagnose for anxiety disorder but i want to been on medication?",1 "It was two months ago and since then, we've been both trying to make some efforts to make our relationship great again (sorry for the reference, but I confess the phrase is catchy), but she's still not sure and is still often distant... Sometimes she says I love You, and sometimes she's not sure again... I don't really know what it means to not know what one feels for another. I guess it's a thing, and I try to accept that, but I don't know how to react, what to do, what to think... I was so happy with her, I just feel overwhelmingly sad and can't help ask myself what a did wrong, what I should do, where this is going.",1 I'll have written a letter to give to her. The letter is to repeat what I wanted to say for later so that she can read in case she has any misunderstandings or if I don't communicate it well. I don't know how to word my reasons to break up though. Obviously I don't want to say the reason is because of her physical appearance. Should I say I only see her as a friend but nothing greater than that?,0 And I really don't know what to do. This isn't nearly the first time he lied and there have also been other things (like him being unemployed for 6 months and not looking for a job while his parents pay foe everything and he lives with me). But I get that life can be hard and it sometimes can get you down. But I just feel like my trust is broken over and over and over again. And I don't know what to do.,1 "Thank you for reading and for your time. Update: I should probably add that I was terrified of my mom and never tried to provoke her. I never snuck out, never got in trouble at school, no drugs, no drinking, no bad friends, tried to keep my grades up as best as I had time for, and never ever back talked; even though I dreamt of serving it to her one day. My siblings would cry whenever they didn’t get what they wanted, they were rather spoiled, and would tell on me if I didn’t do what they wanted. Mom would be in the middle of homework or class and she’d just wail on me for no reason.",1 "With the help of my therapist, I've come to somewhat of a revelation. I have a very hard time feeling a sense of accomplishment, especially for ""little"" things throughout the day. Obviously something like applying for a few jobs (I'm unemployed) isn't going to give anybody the same sense of accomplishment as something like earning a college degree. But I have a hard time not feeling like I should have applied for more, I'm still being lazy, a normal person would have done more, etc. Which in turn is making me feel like crap and leading me to apply for even less jobs and get less done.",1 "What can I do best to support her? Are there resources on this? I don't want to simply badger her to leave. I've tried to point her to better resources than me, but I'm not having much luck. I'm worried for her life.",1 "I find myself curious if any of you have experienced a partner who with holds sex and affection as part of their abuse pattern. I mostly read about men who force or otherwise guilt/manipulate their partners to have sex. My situation is different. My husband refuses to touch me. If I try to initiate sex which I have done many times in the past, he will flat out push me away.",1 I was abusive and my mother was scared for her life. This started at a very young age. The first time I remember her telling everyone she was scared I would kill her I was about 7. I had only raised my voice in protest because I was being severely punished for 7 days for “lying”. Me and my sisters relationship has been strained most of my life but recently she had been opening up to me about the neglect and some fat shaming she experienced as a child.,0 "Hey all. Friday i had a woodworking competition and everything went really good at first but then it just got worse and worse and my ptsd started to kick in. I felt really aggressive and angry and sad all at once. My friends saw that there was something going on and asked what was going on but at that moment everything that gets told is getting picked up as bad in my head so it only made me angry'r. It was my dream to win this competition, i practiced so hard and then this happened and to make it worse i had a really bad dream the night before that everything was going bad etc and well the dream came true.",0 "Was the entire hood in the world trying to off me? What’s going on? Those are the thoughts of my mind every time something like that happens and it wasn’t the first time I’ve heard, “God does everything for a reason.” A while back, when I had a home a man needed a way home with his old man, and asked me to drive the old man’s car because the old guy was too drunk to drive and the young thug didn’t have a license. Of course I said hell yeah, he’s got his pops with him… and I’d miss driving, and good karma.",0 "* Do I have to leave something for my children in a will? * What if the police pull me over for whatever reason, and how do I treat a situation like that? * Does an agreement have to be given in a written form? Questions like that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!",0 "So I've basically got a plan: hoard all my drugs until Tuesday, OD that night with a combo of slit wrists and maybe even hanging. I want it to be damn efficient, because this is trial number 13. These are the thoughts I've been having lately. My last attempt was at a hospital, just a few days ago, but I lied and told them it was my anxiety that led me to self-harm. They discharged me.",1 "Clearly he's hurting inside and I want to get him help, but he refuses to get help because he denies he has a problem, and blames it on everyone else. He then punches me as a result of this, pushing me almost off my chair. I get up and push him away from me, and so he picks up my workbooks and flings them across the floor. He raises his fist above his head, and in defense I get the broomhead (not the broom - that's already been broken) to push him away from me. He then gets the broomhead and throws it down the corridor into my room with the door open.",1 "I am so scared to go up to 10mg because I want to still be able to lose weight. My doc has suggested Prozac because it has had more success with weight loss than weight gain with majority of people. I just don't know what I want to do. I thought I was going to be able to get off meds but these physical symptoms which set off my hypocondria are coming back in full swing. Even though I KNOW it's anxiety, I can't break the loop of thoughts.",1 "I'm a guy, . When I was 13, i started talking with a girl on an online forum. Being quite bullied (nothing physical, mostly social stuff, shaming and that kind of jive), I really didn't have alot of people to talk to. But this girl, man oh man I really liked her. We spoke at first about nothing in special but quickly it got really personal and in depth.",0 "The news is always problematic for folks with PTSD, but it just feels so much worse lately. I am not one to regularly get triggered by the news, but this weekend just was too much. I just felt like I was swept into this gigantic downward spiral. I really want to go clean up my room and get some food ready for tomorrow (the work week) (AKA do some ""adulating"") but I am so exasperated, exhausted, and burnt out that I just can't. And that is going to make the week even worse.",1 Shortly after anxiety set in. Not a totally unfamiliar feeling but there wasn't any clear indication as to why I Was feeling this way. Let me explain why I can't go over the fact that this feels different this time. 2 Usually there is one thing single thing that triggers my anxiety.,1 "I don't know. I keep overthinking everything and I am worrying about what it would be like to be with him for an extended amount of time. What if it is horrible and we end up hating each other? I fear that I cannot deliver what he wants and deserves emotionally and sexually, and those fears stunt my ability to love him freely. I am wary of the fact I have no control over the outcome of that.",1 "The terrifying part happened later in the day. I was very fragile, and when my roommate asked me why I was so solemn, I broke down crying. I excused myself to the bathroom, where I continued to cry and try to get a hold of myself. What killed me is when I stood up, I thought, ""I'm a different person. I am not [my name].""",1 "That’s it for me. Bye, world. I run and hide inside a key repairs store. The shop attendant give me a worried look. I cannot move, even though I am fully aware I am standing in the door.",1 "So in the past two weeks, I’ve been supporting my dad through some mental health things, I’ve been having trouble at work, my Nanna got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and to top it off, my boyfriend broke up with me two days ago.I work full time and I’m also at uni, which I’m falling behind in. Whatever I do, I cannot concentrate on anything and just fall into an absolute panic when I have a second to think. I feel so nauseous that I can’t eat. And I’m bursting into tears randomly. Can you suggest some coping strategies that you use to stop the constant cycle of negative thoughts?",1 We'd be saving so much money with this new housr...its such an expensive city.... I did some googling in their language and found that it was illegal for them to do that. I was excited like oh ok if it happens ill call the police on them.... but now i did some further googling and turns out that if you sign the contract with that in it than everything is on their side... The contract is long term so we'd have to give 6months notice before leaving even if we give it next week ill still have to live six months with this.... i wanna die i swear i havent been so helpless and scared in so long.... Also two days ago my friend mentioned he ran into my ex who ruined my life and that he told him he wants to see mw and get closure.,1 "Open to any sort of help, be it public talk in the comments, talk in dm's, an offer of transport and or shelter. Links to any other places to ask for help would be nice. Happy to talk with another social media or platform - such as fb, twitter or discord. I have looked in the side information, but none of the other linked subs look like suitable places to ask for this sort of help. I have looked at r/couchsurfing, but the problem of travel glares.",0 "But once he explained his fascination, I was more sympathetic, but laid down the boundary that divorce talk can’t be a part of our relationship. My youngest never remembered her dad’s abuse, and is very upset that she doesn’t get to see him. My oldest remembers a bit more, but was not the victim most of the time, and also feels a little mad. It’s hard to talk about divorce without having the conversation about their dad, and it’s even harder to explain to them why they can’t see their dad. It was worse when they were younger, so I wanted to avoid the talk.",0 "I've been seeing the same one since then, and she'd helped me process so much, help me recognize and start to move past a lot of things... I went from hating and fearing my father (since the incident with my sister, which had ended up triggering the memory of being told that I was to blame for the marital issues, among other things) to the point I couldn't even be around him at family or friend gatherings without feeling anxious and wanting to flee, to being able to accept the things that happened in the past, and remind myself that they are in the past, and be able to interact with him again, even if I don't really feel any familial love for him anymore. I care about him, his wellbeing, but... That familial bond isn't there, he killed it the he came to retrieve his stuff, a couple days after walking out... The only time I ever stood up to him. He made some snide remark about my mother, and I told him to go ahead and run from his problems like he always does, and he backed me into a corner and shook me, screamed over me when I collapsed, until my mother came home and made him leave.",1 "But then i couldn't think straight. now i get flashbacks in school. I used to enjoy quantitative courses but now i get tension headaches from the flashbacks, and feelings of horror and hyperarousal. I just feel so violated and disturbed that it was for fear of his violence that i didn't close the door - and that he was watching me! My vagina feels tension too, which i read from a PTSD book is a common symptom.",1 "Fast foward almost a year later.. My mom begs me to let stepfather move back in with us (Im 16, paying a lot of the bills while my mom parties, leaving me to watch my 2 little brothers.). Well, I say f*ck it because she'll probably do it anyway. Two months after he moves in, I was raped by the person I was dating at the time.. I was a virgin. I cried and begged him to stop.",1 "when you first come face-to-face with a sociopath, you will be completely oblivious to who they truly are. they will be whoever they think you want them to be. they are fake. maybe it took him a while to show you his TRUE colors, maybe it was pretty close to the beginning. but the most important time was when you connected at the start.",0 "They actually skyped on New Years (mostly for the sake of his Grandmother (his father’s mother) who he has a positive relationship with but somehow they are friends??) Anyways--- **MY MOTHER:** My mother, is a self-proclaimed ""Jewish mother"". She subscribes to all the stereotypes and upholds them, and is disgustingly proud of it.",0 "Hey guys, I am currently in the progress of wring a research plan for my internship. I am doing a project on the effects of scaring trials on eurasian cranes on agricultural fields. However, English is not my native language and i am having trouble coming up with a catchy head title. It has to be catchy and short but not too corny.",0 "And I can't accept it anymore. I can't allow it anymore. It's time to come clean about the pain it causes me to have this sorry excuse of a man be so close to someone that is forever connected to me. Any suggestions, personal experiences, or strategies you used to help relieve the anxiety that is experienced before and during would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you for taking some time to help.",1 "As I recover, I am in a great deal of conflict. I am scared to remember that year. I am frightened of what might be there. And I feel guilty for not remembering that year, too. I go way down the rabbithole, sometimes, wondering if I am crazy and nothing happened and my ex was right, because there are so many things I can't remember, now.",1 " We've known each other for 9 years, were FWB for about 3 years, then moved into the committed monogamous relationship we're in now, and have been in for 2 years. I've really enjoyed everything about our relationship, as she's taught me more than anyone ever has, and has been the best at putting up with any and all things that have come up. About halfway through the first year, she began asking if I'd ever be okay with her experimenting with a girl, or if I'd ever consider her having other sex friends. She doesn't want serious relationships with them, she only wants to bang. Having never been asked that in any of my previous relationships, I told her I wasn't sure and that were I ever 100% on board with that idea, I'd let her know.",0 "Hello r/assistance. My name is Cameron and recently I was denied my social security payments on the ground of my mental disability improving enough to be considered able to work. My doctor disagrees with their assessment and local social workers are helping me with my appeal. Unfortunately, due to the social security office filing my appeal paperwork slowly, I passed the deadline to where I could continue to receive payment while under appeal. If anyone would be willing to contribute to my bills while I am under appeal, it would be greatly appreciated.",0 "I am frantically trying to figure out what distractions I can rely on during down-time. The group I will be with are ecstatic about the cruise, and have no issue with sitting in a recliner and doing nothing. I, however, don't want to be alone with my thoughts. I plan on bringing books, audio books, podcasts, and whatever videos I can cram on my device(s), but reading or listening to something during an activity or around the group will probably be seen as rude or anti-social. The wifi on the ship is supposedly terrible and expensive, so I can't even casually browse reddit - which is normally my go-to distraction.",1 "She tells everyone who comes over that I must have given birth to the cat and that I'm way too paranoid ""it's just a cat"". Then her granddaughter was playing on her iPad and it was super loud, I gave her a pair of my headphones and told her that she could keep them downstairs but that she couldnt take them to her moms house because I know I'll never see them again. Then she called me an Indian giver and I asked if I should just give them to her and she said ""i dont know, do what you want i guess"". Her granddaughter was playing loudly with a balloon and asked me if I wanted to play with her and I said not right now. Then the landlord was like ""I thought you liked kids??"".",0 "I don't care about compensations but I cant hold a job for health care so I go to the VA. Like, ""we are here to make sure the military is not blamed for what ever is wrong with you"" kind of thing in my opinion. Anyways, I felt I should share some of the basic symptoms I have struggled with and the only treatment I have found that really worked is smoking indica strain cannibis at night when the child is asleep and having some relaxing time with my pets. Here are my symptoms: Panic attacks severe avoidance",0 "Furthermore, I told him before we got really serious that I have anxiety and depression, and if he can’t handle that then I’ll understand if we end things. But *he* chose to stay with me and help me if I wanted it. Honestly I’m just tired of defending myself to him after this fight. I shouldn’t have to. And he kept threatening to break up; then why don’t you do it?",1 "As we put mud on ourselves and some kids having fear in their eyes, the admins then coax a volunteer to get on his knees and pray to the “dead” adults covered in the tarp. He was adamant at first, but then the kid broke down crying. He cried about his dead mother. How he regretted not loving her enough. All of the other kids didn’t know whether to cry with him or look on in horror at the situation.",0 "The police in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky were... decidedly unhelpful. The local citizenry sympathized with my plight in that respect. I had to hitch-hike back to Lexington. The most I've been able to replace ID-wise so far has been my ATM card and my pre-paid card -- I opened up an account at a national chain bank while I was here the past two weeks and my banker here obviously knows who I am -- and the temp labor place I had been working at had a copy of my ID, so I was able to get that information from them as well.",1 "I left grandma's and I got a tent. It's pretty big. I got it for $30 off some dude high on H. I have a queen size mattress on pallets and two small dressers, two folding chairs, a cooler, a shelf, a speaker box with wood on top for a table. I found some carpet so I put that down. The weather has been crazy.",0 "Because any potential new employer is always going to ask why I got kicked out of the academy, and as soon as drugs are mentioned, there's no fucking way I can compete with anyone else. And they'd probably want to talk to one of the bosses that fired me as reference to see if I'm lying, so I doubt I could cover it up. On top of this, there is no fucking way I can go back to my hometown. The family I have there will be so embarrassed and let down. They've been really proud of me and telling everyone about what I do for a living.",1 " I am limited and would like dire guidance on how to begin my journey, I want to enjoy myself and life without being restricted and abused any longer by my father. Thank you for taking your time to read this! P.S, I have a therapy cat that has helped me stay strong through out these passing years. I would like for him to be involved with my journey as well. It's been difficult finding youth centers that accept pets.",0 "I’m on lamictal, Zoloft, and we just added Wellbutrin. A liver test showed that I metabolize SSRIs slowly so I’m wondering if serotonin is building up in my system? I told my doctor about it and she just said these are classic symptoms of anxiety. I disagree. Has anybody felt this way or had an experience with serotonin being too high?",0 "Can't put this under my true account, but I'm feeling horrible – I just completely screwed up a job application for a position I really wanted. Part of me is like ""oh well not meant to be"", but SERIOUSLY, the application was meticulous. My email? Nope – my computer crashed, I restarted with a draft email which I (stupidly) assumed had saved in the correct way. It hadn't.",1 "Every day I'd tell myself I was over this girl but I'd see her at school and instantly be reminded of how much I liked her. Every time I saw her I almost wanted to cry. Throughout the year I kept trying to ""win her back"" by forcing intimacy by telling her things about my past I'd never told anyone (never told her about being raped though). This just made her think I was weird. On the first day of summer I noticed she'd blocked me on all forms of social media and I no longer had a way to talk to her.",1 "Thank you in advance to anyone that can give me advice. I am 19M, currently enrolled in the local community college (TCC) and working part time. I have been living with my parents, but due to a disagreement, will have to be moving out by next Monday at the latest. I don't have much savings as I have not made the best decisions so far...I'm working on fixing that, but in the mean time, I have around $1000 to my name and I make around $900 a month. It looks like I will be loaned a vehicle by my parents, a 1997 F150, but it has 380k miles, and is breaking down/needs new tires.",0 I have been reluctant to start one of these as I am really ashamed to ask for help. One of my dear friends suggested I do this as I really do not have anywhere else to ask for assistance right now. I am at a high risk for homelessness. Landlord now wants me out unless I can come up with $800 in the next couple of days. I also was recently kicked off of food stamps lately for no apparent reason and I am working to get that fixed.,1 (I don't know how to tag this NSFW on my phone but it is. Edit: nvm figured it out lol) Um... So I don't really know how to start this. I'm 25 now so I'll put my age at the time with the corresponding events.,0 "(I see a therapist weekly.) I really don't want to give up on this, but i don't know how to feel better. Any help is appreciated. --- tl;dr i have relationship doubts and anxiety/depression and I want to love my boyfriend but i'm not sure if I do.",1 It cleared up and I was okay but. On Monday I was thinking about humans and how the brain works and it tripped me out I got worried that because I was thinking about how the brain works that I would lose sleep and I did. That night was bad just like last time. Also yesterday my sleep was bad I woke up like every hour of the night just like last time. I got kind of scared like I did last time but this time I think that this is fake life which is absurd but I just think about it then get really scared then I think rationally then calm down.,1 "Why am I being all shelled up? How do I not do that, and what should I do in order to process and handle my emotions without damaging the trust he is trying to place in me? I know he right now what is needed is for me to be stable, loving and light. Why can't I do it? TLDR: going through a rough patch where husband was abusive and raging.",1 "I would be lying if I said using heroin didn’t get more tempting everyday. Atleast I could either slowly die high and numb, or accidentally high and numb. I feel like I’ve had a noose tied around my neck sense the first day my incest abuse happened 14 years ago. Ever sense I was 9 or 10 I knew I would die by my own hand. It’s only a matter of time.",1 "I've started having flashbacks, tearfulness, intrusive thoughts and flashbacks again. I've been having a rough time lately. Something that helps me during these times is to find a small space or bathroom to hide in for a while or to reach out to partners of friends. Today feels really hard and even though I want to run away I know I can't. How're you all doing?",1 "I've been dating this guy for nearly three months. We met at a bar and had a one night stand, so my expectations were very low. We started by taking it slow (dinner or takeout and a movie on Saturdays) but things felt really nice and normal. I'm used to meeting guys on apps where everything is a game and usually they are dating multiple people at once; this felt different. We met before Thanksgiving and managed to keep the momentum going through a lot of travel and three weeks spent apart.",0 "He would tell me it was the best university in the world(a white lie) and how great it was. I didn't want to go there. I didn't aid in the application process at all. He did everything. He wanted me to go there because it was cheap, and he assumed that if it were otherwise either i would just do nothing or spend a lot more money on school than he'd like.",0 "I told her about the darkest parts of my soul, and she never flinched. Well, a few days ago, she says that I am too old for her, and she just wants to be friends. I have never been friends with an ex before. But I cared about her enough to try. New Years Day - she calls to tell me about how drunk she got at a party, and how they all played a kissing game (she was the judge, and kissed at least half a dozen people, men and women), and how she was so drunk that some of her friends had to babysit her and even help her pee.",0 "3 days before, she called me, pretty upset, to say that she didn't feel able to come. Naturally I've learned that she suffers from panic attacks occasionally, and has also said that she is reluctant to try a full relationship because of worries that I'll outgrow her or find someone else (we HAVE gone on dates since she has said these things). Eventually I put the pieces together and began to understand her a little better, but I also have my own neurological obstacles that have affected my thinking with this girl. I'm going to do my best to lay them out now: -Like I mentioned, I have ADHD in a serious way.",0 "We wish to teach such kids and train their family members skills so that they can also afford to take a house on rent. Since it's inception, FreePathshala has conducted many events, classes thereby helping many lives to survive, grow and keep smiling. FreePathshala has established education centres for children, in the age groups of 5-13 years. Freepathshala currently has 60+ kids studying at sector 46 & 51 Gurgaon. The facilities set up at FreePathshala site in Sec 51, Sec 46 Gurgaon will support the education and development needs of children coming from neighbouring labour camps.",0 "I didn't tell anyone, not even my family. I felt I had to protect them; They were already insolved with CPS (Trust me, though, they're awesome) and I knew if i brought abuse into our case, I would inevitably send them down an unnecessary path. Social workers don't blame the abuser, they jump to the conclusion of negligent parents; Parents who were irresponsible enough to not know this was going on. They didn't know, they didnt know because they couldn't know. I went out for a few hours and they assumed I was hanging out with my friends, at least that's what I planned to do; They assumed I went to school and got an education, not beatings when the teacher was out of the room.",1 "Oh Jesus Christ. I blacked out in front of my family- my family with a history of alcoholism (I'm an alcoholic too), my family that I promised I wouldn't get drunk in front of....I don't know what I said but they are PISSED. I come from a sort of passive aggressive family and they won't tell me what I said. I am so terrified and filled with shame and completely embarrassed. I know a lot of my family members' secrets that I'm not supposed to know and I easily could have spouted them out.",1 "This time, the school is way bigger and there are so many rooms scattered around the school. Just worried that I won’t be able to find my class. How am I supposed to know where my room is? This school is so large. I’m not ready for this.",1 "I've tried getting new glasses, but that didn't help. Blood work came back fine. I have tried medication but only helped with anxiety not focusing issue. Some days I just straight out can't focus. Luckily, when I'm on auto-pilot and distracted, I can get a lot done.",1 "I’d decided to include them because they can either be used or not, but would be interested to hear people's thoughts. I’ll be going out this weekend to pass them out, there are unfortunately quite a few people sleeping on our high street so I had planned to give them to the first four people I came across. I assume it would be best to just say “Hi” and explain what’s in the bag and take it from there? I imagine people on the streets get a lot of abuse so I’m a bit worried about approaching someone in case they think I’m a twat. Also if someone is asleep, I assume it would be best to just leave a bag for them rather than wake them up to see if they wanted it?",0 "I'm 33 years old and support and live my own life. My parents are in their 70s and retired. They always tend to worry, so this was something I knew they really couldn't do anything about so I didn't want them to worry for nothing. There's also just the mental health stigma and as a guy that makes it harder too. I also have a sister that I have never been very close to.",0 I truly hope it finds it's way in the hands of the ones most in need. It is available on Amazon for only $2.99 and I also have a countdown deal event coming up next month (July 22.-29.) when you can purchase it for only $0.99. Here is the link to it: I also produced a trailer/teaser for it if you'd like to check it out: ,0 I am constantly freaking out and unable to see friends that don't know about my diagnosis or make the friends that do feel very uncomfortable. I feel guilty because I feel as if I brought this all on myself because if I hadn't of taunted my father he would not have attacked me. I know rationally this is not true but I cannot shake the feeling. Has anyone else experienced this and is willing to give advice. The guilt is eating me up.,1 "If anything goes wrong, sexually, I want to cease to exist, and a lot of the time, I'm not able to do it out of sheer anxiety. I used to be a very soft person, and I hope I'm still kind, but now I'm quicker to anger, and I don't want to become an abuser. Basically... was I abused? Does that sound like something an abused person would say? I feel like I have the symptoms of PTSD.",1 "During the walk she made a lot of threats about how she was going to call the police, put me in jail, even try to get me deported (I'm a LPR.) She gets vindictive like this but usually calms down. Due to the threats I called the police to ask their advice. The officer wanted me to give him her information and I declined. Short story, he gave me two options.",1 "he was my best friend since highschool, she was a girl i really liked. my parents let him live at my house when his parents kicked him out, and he started dating the girl that i really liked behind my back. im not gonna go into too much detail about the drama but in short i kicked him out and they both hate me now. there were some not so nice comments going back and forth. the other day they moved into an apartment together after being together for like 3 months, but i just found out through the same person who initially told me that they were dating, his ex gf [22F] that he has hit her on several occasions.",0 "I can't stay in my hometown either, where we are both abused and there are no job prospects. We have to go where there is work. He lives in a bigger city where there are definitely jobs. I know I should ask him about her first, but like I said, I'm afraid he'll say no and we'll be stuck here indefinitely. Any advice?",1 "Now he is enraged because I said months ago that maybe internet access was not a bad idea, that there was some stuff there that may connect him more to others. He had been asking for months how to access the internet for free, and I just did not know what to say, he mentioned it so much, besides he would have to get internet access from a company if he wanted to use the internet reliably. So he did that at some point, and is now having issues. It just looks like an older man who is having difficulty navigating the internet and who finds Apple care unhelpful. But he is phoning me today yelling and accusing me of paranoid stuff and hanging up.",1 "Edited to add: I am unable to work, my disabilities are worsening frighteningly quick and I have no doctor, plus I keep getting dismissed at the ER. I've been struggling more and more with breathing and movement, I even had to start using a wheelchair. I have severe digestive issues and they've gotten so much worse I bleed when I go to the toilet. I'm in chronic pain and chronic nausea, it's like having the stomach flu forever stuff keeps coming out. So I *really* can't work.",1 "Well, I've been on an anti-depressant now, and I definitely feel less depressed and motivated but my anxiety has gotten slightly worse. I explained all my symptoms to the dr I saw today and expressed my concerns to her about taking benzos every day (family history of addiction and I find myself to have a very obsessive personality.) and she totally agreed with me and said I probably have GAD along with the depression. She added an anti-seizure med as a mood stabilizer and told me that should hopefully level out how I am feeling and take care of the anxiety that is probably being brought on by the anti-depressant. I am so happy that a dr actually listened to me.",0 "He saved me from my family. I don't want to give up on him because he's never given up on me. TL;DR: Boyfriend often has tantrums where he throws objects around the room, but never physically hits me. Is this abuse? How do I get help?",1 "We have tried crowd funding, I've tried to get a new job, I've even looked into being a sugarbaby. None of us can get a personal loan because of bad credit, or no credit, and lack of jobs. We seriously need help and have no where to go, if we can catch up on our rent, I know next month we can pay. I don't know what to do anymore. We live in Conroe, Texas.",1 "I know this may seem like a small thing, but to someone with these problems, it's a huge deal and to be at a store where you do not feel ""safe"" around your managers and you can't talk with them and grow as an employee, what's the point of continuing to work there? So I luckily got them to put me on 3rd shift. Minimal contact and I still get to work for the company. As I did mention, I have been struggling lately with some things: being slow with completing tasks on the work list is the biggest issue I believe. I'm not sure why I'm slow, in the past a supervisor has said ""Yes you're slow, but you're thorough.""",1 "My boss asked my lead, who is friends with that person about it. My lead came to me and told me that she knows that i spoke to the big boss and they both expressed to me that what i did was the right thing. i dont really trust them to keep this confidential anymore. Im worried ill gain the tattletale reputation, and people will be a little more rude than they have been. How can I feel less anxious and more positive about this situation?",1 "I tried everything at work, from doing meditation, office yoga, to getting a board to keep track of my tasks. Everyday seemed overwhelming, and I slowly started dreading my patient appointments and sometimes rushed through them because I could sense a panic attack coming on. To make matters worse, my supervisor is not the most understanding person. English is not her first language, and it's sometimes very hard to communicate with her in person or in email. I meet with her twice a month to discuss my progress and she never gives me positive feedback, only highlights things I've done wrong and things I don't do.",1 Hi I was hoping that someone in this sub would be able to help. My new partner is a long term suffer of ptsd so far I only know bits she has promised to tell me everything in time and I'm not pushing her on it. What I know is that she was long term abusive relationship from about 14 - 18. It involved a lot of sexual assault. We are getting though the day to day stuff flash backs and triggers.,0 "I've been in therapy (and will go back soon now) but I've never had to practice harm reduction around self harm--I need practical advice. I know that because I've never felt so out of control than last night when I was hitting myself. TL;DR I got drunk last night, destroyed my room, and hit myself on the head hard enough to give myself welts for the first time in my adult life. I need advice on not doing this self harm crap.",1 "My daughter's father I was with for 5 years on and off. He was not abusive the first year, however when he became so I left and found out two weeks later I was pregnant. Of course he begged and pleaded for a second chance, and I believed that my daughter deserved me to at least give it a shot. I came back and surprise surprise it was worse than it ever was. I stuck it out until he disappeared for the eleventeenth time on a drunken bender, I checked my Facebook to find some scumbag girl who was dating one of his best friends was posting horrific, nasty, way out shit about me.",1 I feel like I'm trying to reason my situation though. I'm listing off things that a person would associate success with but I'm not seeing the things I'm failing at. Or maybe I do and the Navy is just exaggerating the things they want out of me? I feel like the Navy is easy and I don't put a lot of time towards it \( I mean qualifications\). When I'm at work I feel like I really focus in on a task.,0 "So I drank wine and I started crying and since my husband was constantly telling me that I ruined his life and he regrets being married to me and I'm the devil and blah blah, for the first time in my life I picked up the knife and I thought I should just kill my self. When my husband saw me he started screaming and snatched the knife away from me and said I am trying to get him into trouble by committing suicide. He kicked me and spat on me. I kept on try to explain to him that I can't take him blaming me for everything and he believes everything he says so hard that every works out of my mouth is a lie. I tried telling him I am trying to fix myself.",1 "My mom is a single mom working two shifts every day and she cannot wrangle a full grown man like my brother anymore. So she lets him do what he wants as long as he can pay a small piece of rent. So he works with friends doing god knows what. He's home around 2pm every day and he will always tear apart the fridge looking for food, microwave some gross stuff, then drop the dirty plates in the sink. He makes SUCH A MESS everywhere he goes it's absolutely disgusting.",1 "As an aside, it really kind of messes you up when the DA calls and tells you that in less than a week your abuser will be putting in a final plea; if you'd like to attend, please come for at least half a day to see what will happen. So, talked to my therapist about this and I had already told the DA I want him to see jail time not just 2 years of probation with state mandated drug treatment. isn't this also really awful as now they'll just forever say it was because of their addiction and never take full responsibility for their own actions? I digress, I demanded that he gives me a face to face apology. My therapist thinks it might be a bad idea as it's been less than a year and she thinks he will only lie and tell me he's sorry because I've requested it.",0 "all the sudden all the hate turned against me again (happened often before). She yelled out, whining for her dad, who she called. i stayed calm but was totally clueless about what to do. she started breaking up with me, telling me that she will spent the night at a hotel or somewhere on the street. i shouldnt come visit her at the hospital next week ... blackmailing me basically.",0 "An hour ago I felt like I was having stroke like symptoms, but they passed so maybe it was a panic attack. Now I'm just very lightheaded. I am hoping when I get my ultrasound and my work issue is resolved (both next week), all this will pass and I can chalk it up to anxiety...but I'm not sure and am terrified. Has anyone with anxiety experienced these kinds of symptoms? I feel like I'm not going to make it until next week at this rate.",1 "He would play really loud music on the speaker. It got so bad when he threw the living room table at me.. we got kicked out of at least 4 apartments. At this point we were homeless. He wouldn’t get a job, and wanted me to get out and hold a sign and pan handle for money, if I didn’t he would drive the car we lived in really fast and say he was going to kill us. He wrecked that car (small wrecks) at least ten times.",1 "We've talked about it before and she said that it's not like that and she cares about me alot and all that, but at the same time these type of things keep happening. I truly feel that she does care and doesn't mean to neglect me but its just frustrating. If I keep saying something I'll look like a bad guy thats trying to ruin her friendships which is not what i'm trying to do. She's going to tell her friends what I say and they're probably going to think i'm trying to get her away from them. **tl;dr**: Girlfriend is having trouble balancing friendship and relationship",1 She has $40 dollars in her pocket. She did graduate from high school. She has stayed with different friends for the last year but has used up her welcome. She has no where else to turn. What is her best possible move to do in this situation?,0 "On top of that, I also haven't taken the ACT, because I didn't think I'd even consider college. I literally feel like I know nothing and am completely unprepared for the ACT no matter how much I study, because I never payed attention in my classes. More things stressing me out are politics and family. But, not as much as the school / job thing. And I haven't reached out to anyone to tell them how stressed I am, and I feel it seems so stupid, and I'm sorry.",1 I don’t know what to expect. I just want to not be so alone. He is a law enforcement officer in this small town. I’ve been down this road with him before. The injuries have never been so severe though.,1 "Wondering if anyone has this same problem and if anyone has found a way of overcoming it. Regardless of who messages me (family, friends, strangers) I avoid opening the message (text message, email, social media message, calls, voicemails) and avoid replying until hours later or even the next day. I don’t know why I do this, but I feel like it takes so much of my energy to open the message and reply and it’s almost like I don’t want to have a continuous conversation with anyone. It’s very bad for trying to maintain healthy relationships. Does anyone else suffer with this from anxiety?",1 "NEW STUFF: I called the movers last week and told them to refund both the deposit and the money order and gave them until that Monday (7/17) before I filed a criminal complaint. This morning (7/17) I called both the ""billing department"" and my moving manager guy to tell them that the money still hadn't been returned. The billing department hung up on me and Arthur, the moving manager, told me that the billing department had not, in fact, hung up on me. I told him I'd be going to the police.",0 "Sports teams, mostly, and some TV shows. He also enjoys a wide range of video games. The problem is that I really, truly don't have anything in common with him. I don't know shit about sports, I'm not really much of a TV-watcher and I'm not a huge gamer at all. I have some favorite shows but none of them are really that similar to those that Jack likes.",0 "I have a day off from school and I was going to walk about 3 miles, from Sun City to the lakes of Menifee today (to get a free phone because I am on EBT and my phone broke recently). I have not eaten breakfast or any food for a while. I know I have asked and received before and I am grateful but I don't think mentally I can handle not eating something today. Help or no help, Thank you for reading my message, hope you have a good day!",1 I know it’s nothing for me here especially with my current boyfriend but I also am so afraid to fail or get stuck with my ex. Help? Advice? Empowerment? I need it all right now.,1 "In the end I think I do want to move to SoCal because I like the warm weather. Not a huge fan of cold and/or perpetually rainy places. I have no family support, am 23, and I'm finding it really hard to get gainful employment. I would just like to be able to get on my feet, not need government assistance, pursue my art and at least say I have a year's work experience. Thanks!",0 "I don't mind the fact that she goes, I don't even mind if she goes at the same time as me. I just wish she wouldn't make such a big deal out of doing it together. How do I convey this to her without looking like a selfish asshole? **Tl;dr: I prefer to work out by myself for various reasons. My roommate decided to start going with me and is requesting that I make accommodations to my schedule and routine so that she can join me.",1 "Now that I’m single I find that I don’t have much friends I can hang out with. With the few guy friends I have we all just play sports together and that’s literally it, nothing outside of that. No one I can really be like “hey let’s go to this concert” or “Yo, let’s hit this party up”. I also feel like I’m kind of too mature for ppl my age, which is conflict sometimes too. I also genuinely want some gal friends and nothing romantic but just some girls to hang out with but I feel all girls just assume all guys have bad intentions or just want to get in their pants.",0 "I recently went through an event that was extremely traumatic. Without specifying what, it was recently everywhere on the news. It's been less than a week and not even sure what I'm dealing with here but all I know is that I feel like I am being discouraged from getting help. Most of my recommendations have been people that are ""off-record"". I've talked a little with them and have talked amongst my friends and they say they do not feel they are any help.",1 "Since I knew him I haven't had active suicidal thoughts. Even now. I hate how I am and I wish I could die right now, but I don't have the drive to do it myself anymore. How do I leave him if I know that life without him has been and will be a worse circle of hell? FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE IF I HAD THE MONEY I'D HIRE A HITMAN TO DO ME IN",1 "But Kim Jong Un has already fired more missile than his dad and grandpa combined. How worried do I need to be on the East Coast of the USA? I'm trying to calm down with breathing exercises and busting my mind with Netflix. It's helping a bit, but I'm really on edge. I've got an appointment with my doctor next week, so I'm hoping maybe a higher dose of medicine can help.",1 "**I don't want to be anxious in drawing class. ** It's supposed to be my escape, my one place where I can do what I want and be who I choose. Instead it's turning out to be a trigger for anxiety. I refuse to drop my drawing class- I've already committed to trying to be an artist. What kind of artist doesn't take drawing in high school?!",1 "Long story short: Worked in a call centre for 4 years for a vehicle breakdown service, starting to not be able to cope with it any more due to a combination of things (change in management, not enough staff for a constantly expanding customer base, rewards based on whether your face ""fits"" rather than actual demonstrable achievements, etc). Unable to relax after work, constantly thinking/dreading going to work. Get random mood swings about it, either intensely rageful, or wanting to burst in to tears. Headaches that go on for 3 or 4 days at a time are now a regular occurence. Starting to manifest in other physical ways (unable to sleep, constantly weary, having a lot more sickness than usual).",1 "And everyone was passive aggressive. The manager tried to peg down my salary multiple times like a fucking haggler at a market. Anyway, I decided to go get some antidepressants and the bottle fell out of my pocket, a coworker noticed and reported it to my boss. Who smiled and asked if there was anything I'd like to tell her. The passive aggressive shit really got to me, and then I realized that I was being illegally paid.",0 "The fact is that it is not very common, these numbers, from where I come from] tl;dr - unable to overcome girlfriend's past. In two minds regarding breaking up. She says she will die without me [already popped up a cocktail of pills once. Nothing happened.]",1 I was venting how pissed off she made me to one of my friends. I didn't know [3M] was listening to our conversation. He asked me and my friend what a period was. My friend took him to his mother who was in the kitchen. She just told us to keep an eye on him while she did some things.,1 "I'm in my third year at uni and starting my diss now (its due in January), and I'm really struggling with feelings of dread and anxiety. I dread waking up knowing I have to do work, and I compare myself to how much my friends are working. When i see them working I am just filled with dread and guilt. ​ I keep getting to the point now where when I try and do work, I freeze.",1 "When I dare to open up to my friends, they tell me ‘Oh, my brother used to fight with me too’ and I feel diminished and dismissed. Since I left home at 21 and moved to the other side of the country I tried to talk up my family. I started from a place of recognising their vulnerability, justifying their actions by saying they were distracted by our financial woes and my dads early onset dementia. I told everyone they were amazing people. For the past two decades I have fought my body.",0 "Is anyone else consumed by morbid curiosity? I'm constantly on /r/watchpeopledie, /r/morbidreality, /r/accidentalsuicide, as well as sites like death addict, best gore, documenting reality, etc. And - this is concern for myself, not bragging - I'm not ""phased"" by any of it. I don't savour these atrocities, but I feel like I must keep consuming them. Hardly anything fascinates me more.",0 I'd be really grateful for any feedback please. The idea behind these articles is that they should be helpful! You can find the homepage for the series here I'll post each article as they're published here too — but only if someone is finding it useful. Looking forward to any constructive feedback.,0 "As you can imagine, people are not so charitable in this city, but you'd be surprised, people can be generous with what they let slide, its easier than depending on pure charity. At best with this method, you will find a series of short term places, and you will probably get into at least 1 sketchy situation, so always protect yourself and have a way out. If you haven't already, hit up the DPSS. It will take an entire day, but if you tell them you're homeless, they will give you an EBT card that day. It will literally take being homeless and penniless to be eligible for GR--cash relief, or at least that is what it took for me, but within a week or 2 after attending a GROW meeting, you should be eligible for something like 230$ in cash aid.",0 I knew something was up with me. My thoughts were consuming me. Couldn’t sleep. Stressed. Worried about anything and everything.,1 "Due to recent medical issues of mine (I was hospitalized for anorexia), we had to pay 1,000 dollars for my hospital bills. We paid our bills due to help from a relative, but now we have nothing left. My mom is sick and can't work, my brother is mentally disabled, as is my sister. I feel defeated, I don't want to beg, but I have no options left. Any help would be appreciated (We have been to our food bank, but four people consume a lot of food.",1 "Whenever I have a reaction or meltdown, he always tries to give shitty advice like ""just think about the things you're grateful for."" I'm sorry, but in the therapies I've taken and in the books I have to help me, nothing *anywhere* says anything about gratitude and it tends to trigger me when he says this because it's what my narcy mom would say to me. I tried to explain this and asked him to read my books and he got mad at me because in his mind I was trying to tell him what to do and I was being ""ungrateful"" for his help. I told him how important it was to me for him to read these books because it would help me feel more understood, but he keeps coming up with excuse after excuse about why he doesn't want to read them. I just don't know what to do anymore.",1 Well I guess it was my second. Last week we set the ground work for the safe space to come back to if things got too overwhelming. This week we began to work through my trauma. Starting out the session was definitely very strange. I wasn’t sure what answers my therapist was looking for but once she assured me that there were no wrong answers everything went fine.,0 "Hourly employees start arriving at 4am and then myself and the other managers will delegate the days plan to the employees. We are typically very understaffed to be able to work in new items, recover the floor and excute the GM’s planned item moves for the day, so after we delegate the managers become stockers and work alongside the hourly employees to get done. I don’t mind physical labor and hard work, it’s actually my favorite part of my job, but it’s hard to run an operation as large as restocking and remerchandising a 200,000 sq ft facility while you are stuck stocking. The store opens at 9:30 am at which point I will try to start my administrative tasks, but just like in the morning the building is usually understaffed so it’s more common than not for me to be either cashiering for several hours, or helping out in the deli and/or bakery. Some days I’m lucky enough to get a lot of time in the office to complete my daily tasks, but most days I do not.",1 "Will I ever like it? I feel like a fucking rejected piece of society with my son being the only purpose of my life (which I love every single second of being his mother) I need help. I don't know what to do, I've tried therapy and it hasn't helped in the slightest. I honestly can't even afford it anymore. I'm also hesitant to try medication because I'm still nursing.",1 "Broken bones, concussion. He broke my glasses in half, destroyed my TV and dvd player. He tore my clothes off but luckily didn't rape me. He did however scare me so much that I twice defecated in his room. The kicks to my face came about every 15-20 mins, when he would work himself up while yelling.",1 "I am 26 but I have many years ahead of me still to go. As always, any questions please ask away, share your experiences or even just give some information on how you cope. I hope you enjoyed reading this (as morbid as it sounds) but this was the hardest to write, a step forward to finally making it public. I have quite a few things going on for the next couple of weeks so will be taking a break from writing. Expect the next part around the 15th.",0 "Worse than that develop the same anxiety disorder. Again another reason to finish the relationship. I really love her but cannot and WILL NOT embarrass her like I did at the wedding. My plan is to go talk to a private physiatrist and see what they think. I don’t believe medication is the only answer but if it helps in conjunction with therapy, a healthy lifestyle and meditation then I will try it.",1 "I'm 26. Tuesday is day one of therapy. Day one of me trying to talk about whatever has been going on in my head for the last decade, last 2 decades. I'm terrified to talk but tired of living like this. Tired of the nocturnal panic attacks, tired of crying in the shower, tired of not feeling in control of my head, tired of the pointless thought circles that eat me up daily on something that doesn't matter.",1 "I am 22 years old and a newly wedded wife of 5+ months. I married my husband after waiting for the right guy my whole life. I waited my whole life because men scared me. I grew up believing all men were like my abuser, my dad, who abused me for the majority of my 22 years. Throughout my engagement, after I made it clear I wanted my dad to walk me down the aisle, I was met with questions of ""why?""",0 "We have maids coming to do the scrubbing. I guess what I'm asking is, how do I stop at the end of a task? Idk what happens, but it's like I'm ""in the zone"" or something. My brain goes to autopilot and I find myself freaking out over the small things and losing focus on what I really need to do. Help!",1 "I'm scared I'm going to slip the next time I get in the car or on my motorcycle and just plow into something at full speed just because it'd be so easy and it might end all the pain. But then I don't want to do that, because I have a safe car, and I wear full safety gear when I ride, so those are both maybes. I don't have a gun. I find my thoughts straying from just using one if I had one to thinking of places I could buy one from. Does Walmart sell them in California?",1 "But in that moment neither my words nor my body made a difference...he did what he wanted.... I wanted to push him, kick him, shout...but...i couldnt move. There were times he didn't listen to me but I never thought it would lead to him forcing himself onto me. I didn't trust I'd know how he'd react if I did or said anything...He wasn't the gentle and respectful person I thought he was. I left after the shower but when I got home, I broke down.",1 "> Eventually I fell asleep, probably around 11:15 PM. During the night, I had many bizarre dreams, some bordering on nightmares. I woke up around 5:00 AM naturally, as I always do. My alarm is set for 7:00 AM, so I still had 2 hours to sleep. I tried to fall back asleep, and for the next 2 hours, I drifted in and out of sleep, continuing to have bizarre dreams whenever I did fall asleep.",0 "I told him if he’s not careful, all this attention could make her fall in love with him. For a while, I noticed the behavior stopped. He wouldn’t stay up as late, they stopped working out for a little bit, the glances and flirting stopped, and I noticed they weren’t talking as much, because they both talked to me more. However, recently it has started back up again, and almost as strongly as before. They do all the same things again, and they are always making eye contact with eachother or teasing and flirting.",0 "Today I made the choice to go sign up for a gym membership. The working out part isn’t hard. It’s the fact that it’s a new place, and fairly wide open. I struggle with open spaces. But I walked in and signed up!!",0 "also this week I posted about being excited about going home for the summer and she replied with ""Super stoked for you to come home this summer (Winky Emoji). I of course reciprocate the compliments etc. So, My question is this. I want to do a little something for her for valentines day. We have been talking for about a month now.",0 "Recently a family member of mine called the police on their boyfriend bc he strangled her and beat her. His charges are strangulation and M2 simple assault. She, for now, doesn't want to press charges which is extremely frustrating. She could possibly save a life by doing so. This man has single handedly ruined her life and has been in trouble with the law time and time again.",1 3. I was meeting with someone. 4. Because I’m so tired of wasting my time on someone who is so insecure and paranoid that it interferes with both of our lives. You deserve this because you impose your paranoia onto me and demand impossible things.,1 "I just wanted to share because I'm proud of myself, and there is nothing wrong with that. Night shifts aren't easy for me, and I have had some anxiety on and off, but zi have been able to manage it all on my own. Breathing and mindfulness have been very helpful, a little bit of acceptance and making sure my blood sugar doesn't drop. It hasn't been easy but I'm almost at the finish line. Then I can go home and sleep!",0 "Something like that happened again. He was angry with me and wanted me to go to another room so he didn't have to look at me but I wanted to stay (not getting involved in any conflict or anything, just doing my studying and not interacting) so he took me out of the room by force, not hard again, but I got hysterical nonetheless. After calming down I continued my studies in the kitchen, trying not to think of what had happened and where this relationship was going. In about an hour he came to me and it looked like his anger was unresolved as he was provoking me. I decided not to get involved because this time I was genuinely frightened of what was going on.",1 I have an amazing group of friends filled with the most genuine people you'd ever meet. And I'm a college graduate. I have this deep fear that he'll be right. I'm terrified that I only think I've broken the cycle but I haven't really. Thanks to PTSD I'll probably still have those moments.,1 My ex and I of 3 years broke up and he kicked me out and caused me to get fired by telling our problems at work(we worked together) so they chose to keep him and fire me. Now I am 2 weeks out of work but I do think I will have a new job next week! Thank the lord. I have 8 bucks to my name and I just really need some advice on what I should do to survive until I have more money. I can't believe I am even in this position in life.,0 "My mom was not a very good emotional support for my dad. He is very sensitive and touchy-feely, whereas she will take something at face value and not pick up on subtleties. I think they had a somewhat loveless marriage, and my dad turned to me as an emotional outlet at some point in my early teens. He would spend hours talking to me about lessons on morality, his suffering at the hands of my insensitive/clueless mom, and his love of all things romantic and sensual. Mixed in here, there was some kind of pervy behavior.",0 "I'm just really scared in general of not living up to expectations my partner may have. A lot of my life is built on trying to be exciting, fun, or entertaining, I'm just scared I won't be able to keep it up for my partner. The last thing I want them is to describe their boyfriend (me) as bland or boring, but I feel like that's how I'll make them feel, and it'll just lead to heartache. So, I've come to the most recent conclusion (after seeing my two best friends get girlfriends and me being the awkward loser who can't get one). That maybe I'm not the type of person who's built for relationships.",1 "That could be defeated by National Post printing a rebuttal, strongly worded and well researched (the antithesis of the illiterate vendetta piece Cosh wrote and Owens supported) explaining the science behind PTSD Service dogs: science that has been peer reviewed and minutely studied since 2002. But sadly, as of now the National Post refuses to stand by the oath of all journalists that speaks to integrity and education.   >Brian here: If a politician said something this stupid, they’d be sent for a sensitivity class and left off the nomination papers next election. A team player would be fined.",0 "Quite frankly, him being so nonchalant about the whole thing kind of baffles me. Does he just trust her that much? Or is it me he trusts? His reaction (or lack of one) kept on making me think I was overreacting and reading too much into things. I could see that Fred certainly thought it was messed up, even half conscious.",0 "​ Hey everyone, Being that Hurricane Florence just occurred less than a month ago, my personal experience with Hurricane Florence consisted of having my maternal extended family evacuated from Craven County and coming to stay with my family in Wilson, having to have family members be rescued from their home due to a severe flash flood, and dealing with the shock and emotions of loss once returning. On top of that, two of my family members have been displaced and all of them are still in the stages of recovery. This is the first natural disaster that has left a major impact on my family as far as trying to find resources and dealing with insurance adjusters and etc.",1 After the 6 months we moved to a really big house the next town over. It was 3 times the size of the one that burned down. My mom got fired though from nursing because she was caught stealing drugs. My dad graduated college and had a good job in IT and a newspaper place. I don't understand how they could afford such a big house.,0 On top of that They've now shut the restaurant down for two days out of the week and we close three hours earlier every single day. My hours are being severely cut because of this. I'm looking for another job at the moment. This is all so hard for me to deal with mentally. I'm not really worried about relapsing on anything but my stress and anxiety are just sky high.,1 "I brought it up to him (assuming this forum would tell me to) and he got very livid at me. Now we’re not speaking (His friend is still at his house). Not sure what to do. TL;DR: bfs friend from out of town is staying with him while I was away. Not sure if they are doing normal friend stuff, or if my bf has a crush.",1 "How did you come up with it? I've wanted to kill myself almost everyday for 17 years. I'm done talking to therapists and asking friends for help. Right now I see two options: commit suicide or develop an emergency self-care plan for when I'm feeling this way so I'll be okay until I feel safe again. Unfortunately, my meds only impact anxiety (and only sometimes), not depression or PTSD.",1 "I'm afraid of going into too much detail only because I constantly fear that he knows that I talk about him. To keep it short, my father was physically violent towards me, my mother, our dog, mistreated all of his animals, leaked our information on shady sites before multiple times, and has made my life a living hell up until I went to court to stop having visitation with him. I almost died twice thanks to him. I thought that it wouldn't really affect anything outside of startle reflex, trust issues, etc, but here I am years after my last visit with him and it's still affecting me fucking terribly. I just sat in bed sobbing for a half hour because I'm afraid of everyone around me.",1 "She claims that because she is a woman, nobody will believe me. I'm not exactly sure what she did to herself, but when the police came she claimed that I hit her and had a flushed cheek to show for it. Fortunately, the police were able to put together what actually happened based on my blood trail. Thank God I was sitting when she hit me and that the blood all around me proved it otherwise I would be in jail for something I didn't do. Things have been escalating for a while and this is the second time she has been arrested in the past 3 months for assault.",0 "Hi! This is my first time posting on reddit, and I was just looking for some advice. So to give some background... I live in a block of flats (in Coventry), and we have a communal area with a bin shed and our personal sheds. I was taking my rubbish out this morning, with my dog, and he was really interested in my shed, do I opened it for him to sniff (it was broken into earlier in the year, and the lock has been broken since).",0 "His refusal to admit to anything though has me worried this is part of ongoing deception/cheating. When he completely denies knowing anything about it I just don't know what I can do with that. It feels like my options are to get over it/give him the benefit of the infinitesimal doubt or leave him over the inferred deception. I guess I have mostly just let it go but then every so often I remember about it and can't help but wonder, am I a colossal idiot, is he taking me for a ride? **Tl;dr** Found an okcupid profile for my husband, he denies knowing anything about it",1 Ive been with my partner for a little over a year now. He has mild autism and is hard for him to deal with anger and emotions. He tends to black out i n rage and just break and smash things. Sadly we are young and broke so thearpy has been a hard option to find for a decent price. He got physical with me the other day and smashed my head into a wall.,1 "[Here is the link to her ***Do not read below this if you have a weak stomach*** My friend has a very sweet toy poodle mix that was recently attacked. A much larger dog attacked Paige's (my friends dog) face and ripped off her lower jaw, to the point it was hanging down by just the remaining skin and fur that was attached. Paige went into a 24hr vet and had emergency surgery that allowed the jaw to be re-attached but the middle of the jaw (from canine tooth to canine tooth) had to be completely removed so Paige essentially has a large hole in her lower jaw now.",0 "I feel like I let my colleagues down and I was scared that I would be reprimanded, thankfully the owners were understanding. I have never had an optimistic outlook on travelling. I've never travelled further than a province or two and it makes me so nervous and anxious just thinking about it. My first instinct is to say thank you for the offer, but my answer is no. One of the owners came to talk to me and explained how great of a worker I am and how appreciated I am around the office.",0 "She taught me a bunch at first. In the beginning of the week people asked what me and my Ex did. I informed them we broke up and it was due to infidelity on her part. This was not a cool move, however, I knew her sister would try to paint me as the bad guy. I was spot on.",0 "At some point in the past year, we discussed living together. She seemed to be okay with it and never had any objections. Since both our rental agreements will soon expire (hers in May and mine in July), I started looking for a new place online. However, I noticed that she never really responded enthusiastically about anything I showed her or just plain ignored it. Last weekend, I confronted her and she admitted that she no longer wants to move in together, saying it is too soon for her and that she had been thinking about it for a long time.",0 I would never think of having a talk like that with my ex and not telling my GF. It seems to be lying by omission in a relationship where we agreed there would be no secrets. Should I confront her? Suggestions on how to broach this? ---,0 "It’s a long twisted story about how I found this out, but I was told by my parents that I had been assaulted by R when I was younger. My aunt, not R’s mom, had taken us to the pool and R had taken me to the bathroom to change. When we hadn’t come back in a few minutes she came to check on us and she found me naked with R fondling me and trying to insert his penis into my mouth. She stopped the assault but doesn’t know what happened prior to finding us. Remember I didn’t recall any of these events as a 36 year old.",0 "When I was one, my parents got divorced. My parents HATE each other so I have never had a good relationship with either of them. When I was 4 my mom remarried to a horrible man (that she is still married to) but I didn't realize how horrible he was until recently. Until I was 8 (when we moved for his job and he wasn't home as much) he whipped me with a belt whenever I did ANYTHING he didn't like. He would make me pull down my pants and he would whip me until I was hysterically crying in pain.",0 "I don’t know that. I think I’m responsible for all of it. For the perpetrators, for the abuse, for the dysfunction, for my depression, my suicidal ideation, my pathetic life. All of it. I’m responsible.",1 "We had a lot in common and I really liked her. Then I went back to my country for Christmas holidays and I got to see her. It was really amazing and honestly it was way better than we expected. Anyway, she has good grades and she's going to apply to the US (probably the same university as mine or same city). But the problem is she will be there in fall 2019.",0 "This means I also found it never quit heroine, but it was doing drugs behind my back. I even asked one time if it still did drugs and it lied to my face. However, it also had the audacity to question my loyalty and asked if i was hanging out with it to entertain my friends. What kind of time do you think I have... Figured out it was a covert narc abuser down to a T.",0 "just in case you feel like helping a person in need, I am short of responses to complete my thesis data. it is about content co-creation in gaming enviromnet :-) it takes about 10 min :-) without the 400 respones I can not finish my work and will be obliged to pay extra semester university fees :-( please help me get out of desperation , thank you I appreciate every filled survey ;-) it would be great if you can fill it and share it as well with your friends :-) ",0 "Also, to answer the million dollar question everyone has, ""How does this happen to someone who outearns her abuser by a factor of 6?"" I wish people talked more about the other side of financial abuse. We hear all about the men who financially abuse their partners by prohibiting them from having a job, or denying them access to bank accounts, and that sort of thing. There's also the side where they monitor every account and become completely terrifying if their higher earning partner so much as buys one cup of coffee that they didn't approve of. They spend all her money on random crap that they can pass off as household expenses.",0 "My mom finally had a response, basically my brother works very hard (and he does, he does manual work, which I know is very hard) but nothing regarding me. I don't know what to do- maybe I am overreacting but I don't know. P.s. my brother stays out of everything, he is kind and asks me questions but doesn't play games with my sister and is usually out of the room doing something. **tl;dr**:I feel like no matter what I do - my family is disappointed at me and if I ask to not be fun of it just gets worse.",1 They weep after every session with me and all I can do is give them the thousand yard stare. I don't even know how to feel yet my girlfriend says I'm selfless to a fault how I can be I don't know she always says she wishes she could have rescued kid me from my mother and has been the saint of a women that is still by my side and still wants to marry me. How and why I don't know I feel worthless ans like I have nothing to offer up other than my love and the constant promise I'll never leave her. I have lashed out so many times at her for things not even done by her and I die inside a little more everytime I do. I know she knows why it happens and understands the brain chimstry behind my psych issues as she is a sociology and psychology major/minor.,1 "I'm in a well paid job. I have beautiful friends, and most of the best ones are women. I'm finally at a point in my life where I feel safe, have come to terms with the past, am able to give time and money to help others. And yet despite all these blessings I've been paralysed for the last week, unable to function at work. By a lie.",1 "I will do my part in applying for scholarships, saving money, working, and finding other avenues to obtain the necessary funds. My Personal Story: I was born in Oaxaca, Mexico and immigrated to the United States when I was a mere 4 months old. My parents left everything behind in Mexico due to the large prevalence of poverty and political corruption present in my home nation. My family would settle down in a town within the Coachella Valley named Chiriaco Summit.",0 "I find attractive qualities to pine after in literally everyone. So for a long time I thought I was pansexual, never focusing on the fact I lacked any interest in sex with the person. Maybe the desire to touch... But even kissing is weird for me and I back away from my husband when it gets too much... I'm also not super touch friendly, I think most.of that is my mental health and past...",0 One of the couples has a four-year-old daughter. We live in a two bedroom apartment. I constantly have to do shit for these people. One of the wives scolds me constantly and tells me I need to show more respect for my parents. They leave needles out everywhere and when I inevitably step on one I'll probably end up with an STD.,1 "I'm afraid about what they may do next, what they might say to me next, what they might ask me next. I just want to be by myself, in my own place, with my computer, my keyboard, my guitar, and my bed. I'm a teen, so I don't really have that choice, but to be honest, nobody really does, no matter how old they are. You always have to be around people for one reason or another. I'm just never comfortable around people anymore.",1 " About a month or two ago I saw my doctor about going on an anti anxiety med for general anxiety disorder (GAD) and was put on Lexapro. I've never taken an SSRI before, but I find it has helped me tremendously with my other anxiety symptoms. However, the globus still remains and I'm at my wits here about how to stop this sensation. Has anyone here experienced this? Is there a way to treat this?",1 "The current study explores the experience of young adults aged 18 - 40 years who have previously been in foster care or had involvement with the Department of Child Safety/Protection and remained with their biological family. If you have a spare 10 - 25 minutes and are willing to participate it would be greatly appreciated. Please click on the link below for more information around how the process works and how your confidentiality will be protected. Thank you kindly for your assistance, as your experience will be valuable in guiding research and clinical interventions for those in the foster care system. ",0 "Hi guys. I'm a current English major at my first year in uni, trying to save up enough money to participate in an in-depth language study in Hokkaido, Japan. My career goal has always been to teach English in Asia, and after years of deliberation and comparing the different countries I could teach in, I believe Japan is best suited to me. The only problem is, my current school only offers Japanese 1 and 2, and I need to be as close to fluent as possible in order to give me an edge in the hiring process. I know the prospect of studying abroad in Asia seems like a cushy vacation.",0 "Now he is enraged because I said months ago that maybe internet access was not a bad idea, that there was some stuff there that may connect him more to others. He had been asking for months how to access the internet for free, and I just did not know what to say, he mentioned it so much, besides he would have to get internet access from a company if he wanted to use the internet reliably. So he did that at some point, and is now having issues. It just looks like an older man who is having difficulty navigating the internet and who finds Apple care unhelpful. But he is phoning me today yelling and accusing me of paranoid stuff and hanging up.",0 "Meditation - I would download head space the first 10 sessions with it are free and you can decide if you want to continue or not for a fee, but it is a good starting place for beginner mediators. I started with head space but now do unguided meditation before and after I sleep. I listen to this I like the elephant so that's why I chose it. If you don't like this one you can just search up unguided meditation music on YouTube or have no music up to you. But I would use head space if you are a beginner at least for the first 10 sessions",0 "For me, that doesn't HELP AT ALL. It just makes me feel like I'm just pissing him off, and my problem has suddenly become his, minimizing my emotions about it? (I hope that makes sense). He always says I need to be protected, but he doesn't understand that it's not an imminent threat in my life anymore, but a constant struggle and disability; that my brain works and processes things differently now and always will. I just feel so very alone when I talk to him.",1 "Let alone his assault charges from beating her, RIGHT? If it did, what would be her options with the issue of the lease she wouldn't be able to afford? I desperately want to help her with this situation. I feel like if I can help her and choose not to, anything that happens to her becomes my fault. I refuse to let that happen.",1 "I stopped eating and stopped sleeping... I eventually ended up in A&E after telling my family I intended to kill my self, I'd already been self harming and pulling out my hair from the stress. I lost a stone and a half in weight in a month. I was given sleeping pills as I had not had the rest to let my brain consider recovery, and I was given lorazepam for the holidays so I could get out of the house to have Christmas with the family. I now only use lorazepam for panic attacks I have at work or situations I cannot leave when I panic , like catching a plane.",1 "I'm in desperate need for someone online to just understand and talk to me about it, preferably someone that has recovered from it or someone who knows about the addiction. I dream of becoming a father and loving husband. I dream of reaching my goals in life. I dream of being the happy kid I once was. I don't need advices to different clinics as I live in Sweden.",1 "However, the important things will be the personal care stuff, fruit, cereal, Bottle Caps and cookies/crackers. And the rest, I dunno but if it is not too expensive for you, then by all means go ahead and put it in! To make things easier for everyone here, I'll place a star by the stuff I really want. Strawberries, 2 lbs * Wonka Bottle Caps Candy, 6 oz *",0 The online therapist who was helping me through by depressive anxiety disorder ghosted on me without furnishing a reason. What's worse is I spent a majority of my waking time in the office and I feel so alone and out of place there. I would love to have somebody I can trust but theres always something. Ugh can't keep doing this. I've not been getting sleep over this feeling.,1 The next day I called M and told him what happened. He was furious and talked about breaking up and told me I lied to him and he had trust issues because of his ex girlfriend who attacked him with a knife or hatchet or something. And it was one thing after another like that. Often about things that I didn't think were 'lying'. The next thing I knew I wasn't going out anymore because he'd always get mad for some reason.,0 "Should I chill out and let her contact me? --- **tl;dr**: The level of communication outside of face-to-face interaction is making it difficult to maintain attraction and to set up plans with the woman I am dating, and it has become worse the last couple weeks despite our in-person interactions being consistently great. Am I being too anxious/not understanding enough or is she a bad communicator? How do I bring this up with her?",1 "I absolutely get along with this family member, it's just that I'm an introvert and have social anxiety, and I just really like my alone time. I am an anxious mess at even the thought of company! I hope I can pull this off without acting like a bitch or a freak. I've asked my husband to be understanding and not make me feel worse or put me on the spot. I worry the house isn't clean enough, what will we eat, etc..",1 "I clearly hold it to such high regards... I would think, ""no one's this stupid"" but apparently people are. If anyone is wondering why i didn't ignore it, I thought I wasn't being clear in what I was saying and thought if I just bluntly told it, it would understand and go away. When I kept saying it wasn't listening, for some reason, I believed I wasn't communicating clearly or I was being ""too nice"" by ""hinting at it"". Turns out abusers do this thing where they deliberately don't listen to people calling them out.",0 Trash cans and bags are a thing. There are so many places to throw trash away. If you can’t get up out of your a lazy person. As for being hard it is absolutely. But if you can just focus for a year you can do anything.,0 "He broke my hymen through overly aggressive fingering before we ever had sex. He surprised me by trying unlubricated anal sex without warning, and I did fight that one, but only out of complete instinct. I screamed and moved away and sat crying for an hour, unable to move or speak while he tried to apologize. After we broke up he became religious, and he publicly and privately called me a whore and a slut for stealing his virginity. I never defended myself or told anyone about what happened.",1 "But now i want that to change. My need for paxil is in direct relations to panic attacks or aggression attacks as i refer to them sometimes. I tend to get agitated easily or snap at people if I feel panicky or if I am embarrassed or put in situations I do not like I get agitated to the point of being a dick and yelling a lot. Which my family ends up being on the wrong side of my temper tantrums, my panick attacks turn into agitation and defensiveness. Ha anyone else switched from paxil successfully or anyone with a similar situation using something different?",1 "I really need help! My boyfriend and I started dating March of 2017, and we had been friends for a couple years before that. For the first 7 months of our relationship, we were inseparable. We sleep in the same bed almost every night, though we are not moved in together (this comes into play later). We made each other very happy, and there was very minimal tension.",0 I could easily see myself losing my job due to consolidation. In the meantime I have been wanting to leave this job anyway because I realized that I'm truly ready to move on from retail. I've had some promising leads but I found and a piece for a job that is at a lighting company that would combine the best of what I went to school for and my real world work experience. I got a call a few days ago but couldn't get an interview scheduled because during the call the hr lady got an email that the person I would interview with would be unavailable and I didn't have my work schedule right in front me so we decided to talk again the next day once we both had an idea of what the schedules for each side would be. Well the next day I called her and she still hadnt heard back from the person I would interview with and promised to call me the next day.,0 "But, for now, and until I'm on the proper road to recovery, I just feel no need to have sex and it worries me more than anything. He says sex is natural and in-the-moment, but I find myself having to plan everything down to what to say and do in advance. Sex just doesn't come naturally to me. This has been posing a major threat to my sexual identity, and I fear if I initiate tomorrow I'll just burst into tears in the middle of it all. I'm so, so scared.",1 "After unsuccessfully looking for a girlfriend on dating sites and personals, I made a simple post on CL looking for a friend that basically said that my life was too much of a mess for me to really date, but I'm trying to be more social, etc. I was upfront with the fact that I have PTSD and am getting help. I was expecting mostly spam messages from bots, etc... surprisingly like 90% replies were just mostly people telling me to grow up without even knowing what my life is like or what I've gone through. The other 10% were adult babysitters and spam. This is kind of what lead to my isolation in the first place.",1 "She still invites me to things and hasn't started dating anyone else (or even talked about it), but frankly, I'm starting to feel kind of pathetic asking her to hang out after she turned me down for the date. I do like her as a friend, but have started thinking of her as more than that and it's hard for me to ignore that when we spend time together. It's even starting to affect my self-esteem a bit, because usually if someone turns me down (no matter how reasonable the excuse) I just move on to someone else and spend less time with them, but it's a bit harder when that person is already your friend. My questions are: should I just give up on the potential of a romantic future with this person, or is it possible she's still feeling things out (like she says)? And regardless of this, should I start spending less time with her/stop inviting her to things (even if just for my own sake)?",1 "Typically this involves simply leaving the building inside the dream. If I can find a door and get out, the dream goes away. Sometimes I wake up at this point, and sometimes I don't, but I always remember it the next morning. Has anyone else been able to ""escape"" from your nightmares in a similar way? I hope this is helpful for some.",0 "They've since tried to apologise for their behaviour, and other friends have tried to encourage me to forgive them and reconnect with them. But I refuse to. I have some amazing people in my life who far more deserve my attention. I now realise these people were a huge source of some of my anxiety and cutting them off has gone a long way towards finding some stability. Don't be afraid to shut the door on those who don't deserve you!",0 "I'm sharing this in case it helps anyone else like me. Some other ideas that were suggested by other people when I posted this elsewhere include voting early if your state allows it, and researching the candidates ahead of time (League of Women Voters is good for this: If anyone has anything else to add to this list, feel free! And remember that elections in the US are in exactly one week, November 6. 1. PLAN AHEAD.",0 Any tips for making more friends? Tl;dr: I've had very few friends throughout my life. Recently I've tried reaching out to a lot of people but almost all of them will decline my offer to hang out at some point. I guess maybe this has to do with how I am socially awkward in the past but I've also been told that I am trying too hard. Any tips for making more friends?,1 "I'm pretty healthy and have a silcock key for water but surviving the heat goes beyond just staying hydrated. Not enough food or the salt that comes with it led to bad cramps most mornings. Sleep was but a wishful dream. When the night time lows are still in the mid 90s, you just sortta sweat and doze. Flip your pillow when its soaking wet and repeat.",0 "I had no more than three consecutive appointments with each specialist before being shifted away to a different department, then being put on a 3-6 month waiting list. I eventually got a new psychologist who admitted after four sessions he didn't have a clue what to do with me, so I quit seeking treatment for a year. I've since attempted treatment again and was referred to CBT despite my protests. After two half hour sessions, they decided to refer me back to psychology. I've been on a waiting list for the past 4 months and am beginning to lose hope.",1 "she asks me if i want tea and to watch tv with her. this all probably sounds so confusing but it’s mentally making me lose it. i cant do this anymore, i can’t balance school and my personal issues and family issues and her altogether. what do i do?? plz?",1 "His new wife would get mad at me for asking for basic things. Pads, new clothes for school, new glasses, ect. My grandma was the one who had to buy me new clothes and stuff because they refused to. When I told them I wanted to do Academic Bowl & BPA at school they both laughed at me and said in a mocking tone that its for smart kids. I did it anyways and won many awards.",0 "He blames me. He's wrong. [This is what my spine looks I've got Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which is a genetic connective tissue disorder that makes faulty collagen everywhere in my body, so my muscles are always in pain trying to keep my body in place (and have clearly failed in that regard). I've had symptoms all my life.",1 "I had crippling anxiety and depression during my college years and finally managed to graduate within the allotted semesters after getting diagnosed and learning to cope . I'm about to go in for a set of interviews and wonder if i should be honest about why my grades dropped all of a sudden and got back to normal (fell into depression/anxiety cycle). Also, wondering if it is overall even advisable to talk about mental health issues to your boss AT ALL in a workplace. What was your personal experience? **TL;DR did you tell your boss about your mental health issues?",1 "It's been about a year and a half since the event that set my mental health for a loop. After going to group counseling for months with no improvement, I decided to seek out an individual therapist. I didn't get one until a almost year after the event itself. Now, finally, 5 months later, I've been able to see a psychiatrist who officially diagnosed me with generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and PTSD. I decided to get a workbook and my therapist and I are going to start the long journey of getting through my PTSD!",0 It was a bit cringe because she was acting just too over the top. But I did give her the benefit of the doubt because that could have just been her character. However the things she were saying were very icky for my liking and I was uncomfortable about 10 minutes in. It’s very vague in my mind as it was a while ago but what I remember was that She said “ I hope you dont mind Harry cuddling me when I’m poorly and when we Netflix and chill” and “what are WE doing Friday?” (Me and Harry arranged a date night as we were both off work and college on this day. ) I remember looking at harry and kind of giving him a confused WTF look.,0 "It sucks. I know I need help. I want to get help. I was sexually abused throughout my childhood (at least 10 years, possibly longer). I forgot the memories for a long time but now I'm finally getting them back and it's freaking me out.",1 "Just looking acidentaly at news or pictures of weed in the web (specially while working) triggered this super anxious and horrible feeling. I would take around an hour or two to recover of this feeling. To this day I still suffer with this. When, at work, I will have an important meeting, I am praying that when I am in the computer, no article about marijuana or weed suddenly appears in the newsfeed...Can you imagine this? This is completly irrational.",1 "I was a severe addict that had 2 overdoses when I was younger and addiction/alcoholism runs on both sides of my family. Please tell me the 'hijacking' will stop and I will come back into my own person. I don't want to come out of on the other side and be this nervous and uncomfortable person who is unable to have relationships. I don't drink, or take prescriptions, or smoke. I have been thinking of seeing a therapist, I don't really have the time or extra money, plus I've been really hurt from small intimate AA groups.... Ugh.... Is there another side of this PTSD mental attrition?",1 "I do not want to use a payday loan or inheritance lending because they take too much in interest. It’s not a huge amount of money but it will help me a lot of I’m smart with it. So, I don’t want to go to a predatory lender. Business is picking up for the holidays, I’ve taken a part time job, and will be ok if I could get a loan of $900 to take care of my car bills so that it doesn’t get repoed. I just don’t have any chunk of change to take care of either bill and register my car.",0 "That was easy, I was probably anxious about my health because I lost a very close relative when I was 11. The second step was to identify when my health anxiety episodes were taken place. Checking my records of doctor visits, I could see that my health anxiety manifests after a stressful period in my personal or working life. The stressful period would cause some psychosomatic symptoms and would trigger my health anxiety. Another trigger would be something I heard about someone dying or getting sick or reading about a rare illness.",1 "It was my 21st birthday and a couple of friends came into town. We went out for dinner and I had 2-3 drinks. Afterwards, we smoked a bunch of pot. I am a regular smoker, but I smoked a decent amount that night so I was quite high. We decided to take the tram back, and that's when things started to feel weird.",0 I need to start setting some healthy boundaries and cut these people out of my life. I just do not know where to start because they are family but I have three girls that are growing. I cannot have them involved with these monsters. My children will know a different world. Do I tell my father or just fade slowly into the abyss and never look back?,1 So I've got out of my situation. It was very abusive on all levels. Mental physical verbal. I've got a protection order and custody is pending but I'm expecting it to go my way as well especially as I've got the same judge who granted my protection order. I've got our son with me.,0 "I got a very bad feeling but I at first ignored it. The babysitter was a man and someone I had never met! I was scared because I didn't know this man and I didn't understand why her Mother thought it was alright for a man to babysit 2 girls, one of them being a child he never had contact with. Her Mom proceeds to leave the house and we're there with this strange and creepy man. I was completely uncomfortable the entire time.",1 "The knowledge that a small part somewhere inside my dad was ...my dad. He was never able to defeat his demons. They destroyed his life and started waging battles in mine. I'll battle PTSD until my last breath. The thoughts, fears, and distorted reality is always hiding in your mind waiting for its chance.",1 If I am to survive I must defy him I'm leaving this behind I'll go so far away He'll never find me I know that I'm Making that the last time,0 "We are down to less than $100 for another week and 4 days. Her weight watchers is due, and she is sad we may have to cancel. I am already doing what I can, and anything seemingly extra goes towards our 3 kids which we love dearly. I started a gofundme. I am looking for $100 so I can give her money towards weight watchers.",0 "Here's the link to my amazon wish list where the two items are: If the link doesn't work, let me know. The extra $1.25 an hour doesn't seem like much but I'm the sole supporter at the moment for a family of 7 and it's going to make a small, but huge difference for us. Please and thank you!",0 "Trauma changed the trajectory of my life. But I don't know if I would feel this way about my options if I wasn't anxious and wounded. My ex and I broke up because he never liked to leave the house, even for daytime activities. I wonder sometimes how I am going to feel when I hit middle age. Am I going to feel like I do now?",1 "So I'm currently in a decision if I suffer from social anxiety or not. If I can I will ask ny step mom tonight as we like to watch TV at night diwn stairs with a cuo of tea but thats if she doesn't go to bed straight away. I know I'm too scared and will just freeze up to ask her to stay down. I want to tell my step mom because I know she will tell my dad, I wouldn't be able to tell anyone else accept for my nan. I'm in a really tough situation right now as I want to see a doctor or therapist about this but I need to tell someone first.",1 My friends are getting kind of weirded out by all of this and I am running out of excuses for my boyfriend. I dont want to break up because other than this one issue he is a wonderful partner and I really enjoy my time with him. How can I address this issue and cone to a reasonable compromise? --- **tl;dr**: boyfriend wont hang around my friends since i slept with some of them.,0 "Hello. As you can tell by the title, I'm concerned about this little girl across the street. She's able to walk and talk, but I don't think she's even 5 yet. From what I've witnessed the four years I've lived in this house, the home she lives in is not at all suitable for her as a developing child. Her parents are constantly screaming at each other in the street, and the girl is bawling, as her mom commands her to get into her car so she can take her wherever.",1 "She used to make me lie in bed with her when my stepdad was gone for the night and she would rub my hair and my ears. When I was a teenager and in my early twenties, I got so angry when people would touch my head or ears. She would make me sit in the front seat and hold her hand while we were driving. She said it made our relationship stronger. She told me that when I was born, I gave her the best orgasm of her life.",0 "He said he'd be back in the couple hours, never returned. I went down to the bridge spot around 10pm (~3 hours after he expected to return), recognized his bicycle, and left a note with a glowstick taped to it with my address in case he just forgot where exactly I was. Also left word with his next door tent neighbor. It's now been ~17 hours since he left his stuff here, which is obviously important, cell phone, warm coat, etc. I'll swing by the bridge area in a couple hours, but as of last night, his neighbors hadn't seen him since roughly when he left my place to return there before coming back to get his stuff.",0 "I [26F] have been with my boyfriend [30M] for almost 5 years now. We live together and talk about spending the rest of our lives together. While being home for the holidays, I was re-aquatinted with a friend who helped me through a tough time in high school. In a completely platonic way, he supported me after I was left heartbroken by my first love. He has always been compassionate, understanding, and non-judgmental and has given advice that I still live by today.",0 My girlfriend and I have been dating now for 3 months. We have a very happy relationship most of the time. I love her and she loves me and we spend almost all our time together. She can be insecure at times and has a couple mood swings where she can be very happy to very upset. I do my best to bring her out of those slumps and usually I do.,0 "So I'm a student living off loans and part time work, he's a bank executive. We couldn't be at more different places in our lives, including when we met (again) back in Feb 2017. But we actually had a lot in common, including our sexuality -- both bi and both never formally dated a guy. We first met four years earlier when I was a security guard at the building he worked at. I noticed him right off the bat but was closeted at the time and never put much thought into him other than attraction, even when he became super friendly toward me.",0 "Moving on to the following workday, I went over to the shop to collect the dishes from the stuff I brought to the party. I had a beer and chilled with the gang. Then the owner of the shop busts out with his wife's concerns that he and I were ""after each other"". My not-so-savvy self didn't know what he meant at first. But as the realization washed over me that I was being suspected of an affair I was mortified horrified and shamified.",1 "If I pursue this research, would you be interested in participating? How much time would you be willing to give (asking because a survey might take up to 30minutes, but an interview can take up to 2 hours)? Would you prefer to be surveyed or interviewed (it would likely be a phone interview)? If I did a survey, it would probably still include some open-ended questions (that you are free to leave a few sentences of a few page worth of a response to) so I can still hear directly from you. Feel free to answer these questions in the comments, or dm me.",0 "Looking back on it, I was pretty fucking clear. After all this, I started reflecting back. First red flag I didn't realize was a red flag was it said it loved me A WEEK WITHIN KNOWING ME. I knew it was weird, but I didn't know it was lovebombing (manipulating) me. Fortunately I never said it back because why the fuck would I love anyone after a week.",0 "Most mild of it was my dad used to hit my butt and call it a love tap, I told him not to do that and he’d say “you’ll understand when you are older” Like I said this is mild and I don’t think constitutes and sex abuse, but I was absolutely uncomfortable and my boundaries were crossed hardcore. I told my dad I wanted to play football when I was 8. He told me I should try for the lingerie league instead. My mom used to go clothes shopping for me, and he would tell me to wear the opened back and low cut shirts because “that’s what the boys like” even though I didn’t want to One night he walked into my room completely naked and turned my light on, I woke up and he stood there for about five seconds completely nude, and then turned the light off.",1 " I know about the whole insecurity thing. Ive delt with it for over a year which is roughly how long we've been together. She is a senior in high school and I am a freshman in colllege so we spend a lot of time apart. In high school since we were together a lot I'd say it was worse. We broke up for a short while, but realized we didn't actually want to.",0 "I knew I was unhappy in this relationship. He has a very impulsive personality, he destroys his property and overdoses on drugs when he is angry. When I was telling him that I needed some time on my own, he would threaten to kill himself so that I felt obligated to come take care of him (happened 2 times). I would stay because I felt I had the moral obligation to make sure he is okay. I felt very manipulated.",1 "I can send artwork from my portfolio to those who are interested. Writing samples can also be provided. If you choose, I am fine with receiving a portion of the funds at the beginning of the work, then the rest when everything is completed. PayPal transactions are preferred. Thanks for reading, and have a merry Christmas.",0 "Hello So I've had chronic social anxiety since I can remember. I had a pretty traumatic childhood, which has resulted in me being socially awkward, and very nervous in social setting. Fast forward to this week- I've been invited to a party this weekend. I would love to go, but to be honest, I'm very scared to go.",1 "(NOTE: my grandma was kind to me, but she doesn’t speak a word of English and had no idea about how to get me help) July 30 2011: I think it’s the 30th I’m not sure anymore. I’ve been sleeping so much I can’t tell how long I’ve been asleep. Mom is having a family party today at our house.",0 "(Edit: sorry if this is very word-salad-esk and difficult to follow, this is one of the only times I’ve ever spoken about this, and the first time writing the entire thing down. It’s long, but it includes every detail that les to what happened. I would really appreciate anyone who wants to avoid any abuse or is going through abuse of an employer to learn from my mistakes, and be smarter and stronger than I was.) I had gotten my first retail job at a very popular hunting and fishing retail chain-store. I had been given the idea to work there by my boyfriend at the time.",0 "Don’t worry there are 3 police cases “in process.” But it is very sad how hard you have to fight to get REAL advocacy from the police for domestic violence, even with all the evidence in the world and they just drag their feet. I mean the violent incident with the gun happened almost a year ago! Where is the JUSTICE in this system of ours?! I hope to find some soon, starting with Wednesday. But I’m JUST SO SCARED to have to see him again!",1 "Every single day I think about what happened, and it scares me to this very day. My hands go numb all the time with loss of sensation and my muscles are tense 24/7 I have a hard time believing it's anxiety but it most likely is because I've never had panic attacks before that incident. I've been on one antidepressant (Zoloft) for 3 months, and it didn't do anything. I was prescribed Venlafaxine but I'm too scared to take it due to the side effects. So yeah that's my story",1 "What you did was disgusting. I have thought endless times about suing your ass for my herpes medicine and therapy because I have that email saved. My best bud, who is a lawyer said, ""OP, I hate to break it to ya, you could win, but its not worth it."" He is right. You will one day do something abhorrent to the wrong person and karma will balance it all out.",0 """Indefinitely grounded"" according to my father. How do I proceed with this situation? --- **tl;dr**: Parents basically fucking hate me and have called me all sorts of terrible things because I was arrested for small weed possession, and are threatening to demolish my social life. What do I do to improve the situation?",1 "Friends and loved ones (who don't have anxiety) keep telling me to relax and since it's such a busy place it's nothing personal and to not think it worry about it. Which I'm sure is 100% true but not matter how many times it's said anxiety never believes it. I start my next shift in 30 minutes and stating to freak out and have small panic attacks which haven't happened in a while. I've been so good about keeping my anxiety in control and not putting myself in anxious situations, and this job pushed that (being the public eye and fucking up is one my biggest triggers) but the pay and reputation of the company is widely known and it's one of the most wanted jobs in my town. Does anyone have any advice or maybe gone thru something similar and came out on top?",1 "* The route you intend to take when leaving, where you plan on going and who will help you along the way * Where your emergency clothing, supplies, money, and documents are kept. Also, try to hide the fact that those things are being moved at all * Any emergency code words, such as those used with children to indicate safety or danger * New, private bank accounts",0 But it can be done with any white van. Also I’ve seen taxi logos on smaller vehicles work. Just have to be creative and smart and think about what companies start early or work all night. I see posts about trash building up and it becoming hard in a small vehicle. I slept with my girlfriend in a Hyundai Sonata for 9 months.,0 "(God bless.) He was very caring at a first glance, but as the relationship went on I started discovering deeper things about him. Please be understanding that at the time I dated this guy I was around 14 or 15. He got off to IRL gore. You may think, well that's weird, but that's not the abusive part.",0 "She never messaged him back, but I asked her why she still had him on Snapchat. I only asked it because she had claimed to have deleted her ex's on social media. Whatever, that's a nice feeling and I'm glad, but at the same time it wouldn't really be an issue for me if she did still have them. Fast forward to last night... My fiance was acting all weird and put out so I tried figure out what was going on and what she was upset about.",0 "I have no clue. I meditate twice daily, jog every morning, eat very healthy, absolutely love my life and am following my passion. Yet I’m struck with random physical anxiety all the time. No negative thoughts or anything like that, it’s purely physical. A very uncomfortable feeling in my chest.",1 "I can't tell if that's me being a toxic person or not, and I feel guilty for feeling relieved. We were such good friends once, but I have to admit we hadn't talked about art or writing (the things that made us friends) for years. My anxiety has muddied the waters, and maybe all my shit and all my emotional abuse crap did ruin everything and it was all my fault. Maybe I did end things because I'd felt blamed for 2 months straight and just wanted to get away from the anxiety it was all causing me. Maybe I should have been the one to grovel, because I'd fucked up so bad over the situation.",1 "I just wrote a 3 page statement, trying to include the entire bad history"" of our relationship.abuse. Is there an pointers or tips you have for writing a statement that lets the judge know exactly what this jerk deserves? A certain length? Do I only talk about what has happend AFTER the assault, because there hasn't really been much. It's more about all the things leading up to it.",0 "She has had wounds on her face once, one doctor saw them, wrote them down, and offered to call the police. They replied that she'd have to come there by herself and sue her husband. Which of course did not happen. Turns out I get really numb as the only way to not get dragged into this emotional swamp, but is a hell for its own. Hating every single contact here.",1 "She's the first person I've ever really opened up to. I haven't told her everything about whats happened, but she does know about my anxiety (which I get from my PTSD) and she reacts sportively to it. To some extent, I let me be ""myself"" around her, whatever I am. She's moving. She's moving to Maryland.",1 "My boyfriend is currently stationed overseas while I’m still in the states with my four year old and our seven month old. It has been very hard for both of us, but I at least have the kids. I often feel guilty for feeling sad or lonely because he doesn’t have anyone there. No friends (yet), family, and he misses our son terribly. He’s having a really rough time with missing all of the milestones of babies first year and is depressed often... when he’s sad he gets angry.",1 I just feel kinda gross because I was giving her fucking college advice and stuff. I'm fucking furious. My clearest memory of my dad in highschool is him ramming my head repeatedly into a wall because I didn't want to pick engineering as a *second choice*. And NOW he chooses to support and help this fucking girl through college when I had to do all that on my own? He even skipped out on my graduation!,1 "My (now ex) boyfriend (19M) broke up with me (20F) 4 days ago. We would have been together for 6 months this Sunday. However, the way in which he did it leaves me wondering if he left the door open or not. The reason why he broke up with me is that this coming semester, he will be working/in class for 12 hours a day and he doesn’t want to put me through that, since he won’t have enough time to give me. He then said that he didn’t think this would be the last time we spoke, and that we would somehow find our way back into each other’s lives eventually.",0 "I've been with Mike for 4 years now. We have an amazing relationship and I never felt bothered by anything in it, not even silly arguments that are more than common between a couple. Mike has a best friend named Theo. Theo is a cute guy who never seems to settle down, but not in a womanizer way, more like, he hasn't found the one. Well, hadn't found the one.",0 "Any suggestions? I apologize if this is trivial in nature. Thanks for the help. EDIT: I should also mention that when I do fall asleep, I snore REALLY loudly and I can hear myself in my sleep. My boyfriend says that it sounds like I'm not breathing or trying to breathe.",0 "The first six months I had her she lived in a cage that could have fit two rats, the next year and a half she lived in a cage that could have fit four rats (this is following the formula where you multiply the dimensions of the cage in inches and divide it by 3456. The result tells you how many rats you can comfortably have in one cage.) I loved buying her new toys and treats and seeing how she took them. Trying new foods on her was one of my favorite things to do. The only issue is that I didn't really let her out of the cage much.",0 "Last night, I had a few friends over for New Years', as one does. We all got pretty damn drunk, as one does. Among my drunk friends was my good friend ""Lily,"" someone who I've been friends with for a while. A long time ago, she told me she had romantic feelings for me. I turned her down, being in a relationship, but admittedly I had a small crush on her too.",0 "I went on a week long Mexico vacation with my BF of 5 months, and she tried to sit me down and have a conversation about how if I got pregnant I would ruin my life (I had to teach myself all about those things because she preferred to ignore it, it's a good thing I enjoy research). Now that I've decided to move in with my BF when I move back to my hometown, I don't even know how or when I should bring this one up. She treats me as if I am a child who doesn't think things through on normal small decisions, this is going to be a nightmare. A little information on my own thought process and my relationship. I am a very pragmatic person, but also very independent.",0 "My heart races and my hands start to sweat, I immediately feel as if I need to pee and then worry as there’s no bathroom (on the train at least). The unknown is the problem here – how long will I be trapped? I know this is stupid – I know I am fine, I know in all likelihood we will be moving again shortly, but it’s the constant what ifs that set me off. I look around and everyone else looks perfectly calm – perhaps mumbling at the inconvenience, but I am gripped with fear. I hate it.",1 "And I don't ask for the nightmares to drain me of all energy and make me feel worse throughout the day the harder I try to be normal. I was planning on seeking counselling without my parent's knowledge for this condition once I get to university and get settled, but now I'm wondering if I'm going to be told the same thing by a therapist there. I'm not looking for a diagnosis, just people who share my experience or know what I'm talking about. I'm sorry if this seems kind of ranty or rambling, my thoughts are a bit of a mess and I'm not sure what to think. Thank you for reading all this, anyhow.",1 "I don't know why, because it didn't bother me before I actually saw it on a screen, but I am absolutely crushed. I've asked him to hide it from me from now on and expressed how hurt it was, but I went to use his gaming system a couple of days ago and saw he was still looking it up regularly (I guess he thought I wouldn't use it - I had gone to look up something and all the searches popped up in the Bing bar). I never felt attractive to him and I know that's my own fault and insecurity and not his problem to fix. I know rationally that men like variety. But I haven't sent him nudes in probably two months now.",1 "It’s resulted in me coming up with excuses to not hang out with him, which, yes, I feel bad about. Through my interactions with him, I have gotten the hint that Jack is interested in me, in a more-than-friends kind of way. I don't want to assume this as a fact—it's certainly possible that he is just trying to make a new friend. Along with many small hints that he *is* interested in me, however, the biggest hint is probably whenever I mention my boyfriend. I have a boyfriend of about a year, and whenever I do mention him, Jack seems very visibly uncomfortable.",0 "Oh fucking boy! My ex boyfriend made me think he was Prince Charming, but then it turned out he was just an asshole who wanted to date my ex bully/stalker. She is JUST like me because she was obsessed with me for one and a half years. She is a prettier me, so instead of leaving me like a normal person, he abused me and used his incredibly strong narcissism to make every problem I had about him. He tried to make me dump him so his plan would all correlate.",1 "Almost decided to live in my car, live with a crack head, travel the country (aka: begin my homeless life, cause I really had no money and if I did it would've gone to beer). I was losing my mind. After being heavily suicidal for a week I decided I can't live like this anymore - but I don't want to die right now. I planted a thought in my head. 'if you ever want to overcome this, you need to begin to change'.",0 "It’s why I was okay with paying so much rent for them in the first place. But I don’t have a job anymore. I’m trying to get one again, but I have historically had a hard time finding employment. I have my own rent and bills to pay. I need to get into therapy, and I want to go back to school someday.",0 Eventually crazyass went flat out nuts and kicked both me and it boy out. We were now homeless. And we started hanging out with a friend of mine who was also in that situation. We'll call this guy Wolf. Wolf had a thing for this girl named S. S was one of those types who cheated on her boyfriend constantly.,0 "I started to get depressed but was personally unaware. My wife started to notice that I wasn't eating, was moody, not sleeping, and laying in bed all day. She asked me if I was ok and I... broke down. All emotions came to a tipping point and I started whaling in tears. I told her I had been thinking about suicide.",1 "My dad did this twice to her. He began harassing my brothers employees, telling them crazy stories that my brother was selling drugs, or that he raped someone, stories with I know are not true. We began hearing stories through the rumor mill that my dad was seen drunk driving in town on several occasions, and getting drunk in public. My dad broke into the house of a friend in town, the wife was downstairs and husband upstairs. She saw the look on my dads face when he barged through the front door (she said he looked crazy) and ran upstairs screaming.",0 "I have neuropathy in my feet and clinical depression and rage bouts. I have no insurance, no treatment, no medication. Just myself and my family to keep me going. My wife has fibromyalgia, which characterizes itself through chronic fatigue, chronic pain, as well as depression with severe anxiety. I am currently pending for disability, while basically killing myself doing Amazon Flex runs to make some semblance of money.",1 "I grew up believing that everything bad that happened was my fault. I have tried so hard to make something of my life after that hell, but now that everything feels like falling apart again I feel like I am breaking. This must mean that I am truly worthless and a waste of life. I feel like I'm not even allowed to feel like this, because I deserve this hard life. Has anyone experienced horrible burn out because of PTSD/OCD?",1 "PTSD."" I'm not upset with him for having a panic attack. I sympathize. There's NO way we were going to abandon them at the restaurant if he couldn't find the car. I know that.",0 "The first two times I had done these psychedelics I was mostly alone, the last one however was with my friends. So me and two of my closest friends (let's call them Joseph and Andy) took our tabs in a pretty comfortable setting (as has been suggested by most who have taken these drugs). It was at Joseph's apartment. About an hour later Andy has definitely been hit the strongest with him being the most talkative and I the least. The visuals were amazing as usual and the sound is also distorted as usual.",0 Now my treatment has stopped this triggering from happening and sometimes think about moving back. If I do I will occasionally see places and buildings connected to bad memories. When visiting my town now I am OK seeing those places but I don't like it so I avoid them. My choices are moving back or sell and start a new life elsewhere. So I ask if anyone else have done a similar move back to your hometown and managed well?,1 "I was the designated driver for my parents and grandmother at Greek restaurant that was having a private wine tasting. There was some belly dancer there and for whatever fucking reason my mom started telling me to go dance with her. I told her I didn't want to, she kept pushing me. When my answers did not satisfy her, she called the belly dancer over and told her to dance with me. I froze up briefly then just fucking left the restaurant.",1 "He won’t give her access to their bank accounts. He refused to let her learn to drive, told her she wasn’t capable, that she’d get into an accident and kill their daughters. He’s violent, and he tried to kill himself in front of her after abusing her and that’s when she left. He is lying and saying he’s gone to more therapy than he has (she asked his therapist if he was going, no he hasn’t been), and he still refuses to give her access to their bank accounts or give her money. My friend has no options.",0 "For no reason, I'll just wake up with anxiety like feelings. Stomach ache, uneasiness, some sort of dread, or feeling like any little thing would bring me over the edge and have a panic attack. I don't understand why and it can last for a long time. Anyways. Sometimes the breathing exercises help take the edge off it, but it doesn't fully help.",1 "But we didn't talk about it the morning after, and life went on. Over the next year, we would continue to stay up late at house parties or whatever the occasion was (until 3, 4, 5 AM) about once a month, and just talk and talk and talk, until we inevitably hooked up. Keep in mind he was still dating someone else. Eventually during one of these moments, I worked up the courage to indirectly get a pulse on his feelings. More or less, he said he thinks about me multiple times a day, which was different from anyone else he ""dated"" prior.",0 "I want to move forward with my life but seem to have dug myself such a deep hole that I can't climb out. It just seems to be a vicious cycle of can't get a job because I don't have a place, get a job, can't get to job because I don't have a car or license, can't get license or car because I don't have a job. Don't even have a phone currently (this one will change soon). Can't get any assistance because I have no residency. I feel forever fucked in this spiral of shit that I myself have created but can't seem to flush.",1 "It's hard for me to even type this, but today I dropped my classes after only a week of school. I've been in school for a while, just got my associate's degree in liberal arts at a community college and was planning on going to university for an English degree. I will note that the majority of my classes were online as I can't focus in an in-person class due to my social anxiety. However, I panicked about my future and how English isn't a ""lucrative"" field and changed gears. I enrolled in a program that was for Physical Therapy Assisting.",1 (One is 3 yrs old and the other 19) . Now my dad would beat my mom but over the course of the years as I grew older he turned the violence onto me. He would see that I defended my mom and since I called the police one time (I found him choking her onto the wall) he stopped hurting her and transitioned into beating me. Now I know you guys may ask why did you continue to allow the abuse with you if you had stopped it with your mother before? Well I have an answer to that my mother loved my father very much and every time I tried contacting the police she would stop me and I have a lot of love towards my mother and would do anything for her... but anyways back to the present we no longer live with him anymore and we have cut all ties with him except for my brother.,0 "I am writing on behalf of my friend and colleague (with his permission) who has watched his daughter Laney steadily deteriorate after suddenly suffering massive strokes due to a disease known as Moya Moya, which is where the body tries to compensate for inadequate bloodflow to the brain by sending capillaries that invariably burst. She is now in terminal condition and the family is facing a staggering mountain of medical bills. The icing on the cake is that the onset of the strokes occured while Laney's mom was 8 month's pregnant. The last year and a half has been horrific. I've posted the [link to a GoFundMe started by Laney's Godmother in the hopes that there may be some of you who would like to contribute.",0 "During the pregnancy and after the (traumatic) birth of our first child in 2013, symptoms started to intensify, including lots of depression, some manic behavior, and periodic angry outbursts. Somewhere in there we settled on a very (relatively speaking) effective combination of mental health meds that stabilized symptoms. We had our second child in 2015, after which an injury led to the discovery of a debilitating and incurable connective tissue disorder. The symptoms from this have been getting worse since then, and a good chunk of time from 2015 until now has been discovering what’s going on, coming to grips with a new reality, and managing those symptoms. Overall we’ve had a very healthy supportive relationship with strong shared values.",0 u mind you my mom is 5’1 and he is 5’9. now her jaw hurts and pops when she opens it wide. so this is my dilemma: i am a very emotional person. my emotional skin is raw and any slight change in others affects me greatly. side note: i had developed ptsd growing up from being scared of my older brother (saw him and heard him fighting with my family many many times growing up) but since he moved out for good (i hope) its gone away.,0 "Any help would be appreciated, after this coming paycheck everything should be ok. Prices Daily - $4 7 day - $25 31 day - $62",0 I'm a single dad of two daughters (3 and 4). I live in a privately owned apartment with them and the AC went out but is getting fixed tomorrow. I live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford to get a hotel. They are at daycare until 4 when I get off work. I live in Mesa AZ and its been over 100 degrees for weeks.,0 "Hello, You are invited to complete a survey for a WMU psychology department research project designed to assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment for a variety of concerns. We hope to learn if and how preferences for treatment change over time, and if patient’s perception of their treatment’s match to their preferences is related to the benefit received from treatment. The survey is open to anyone ages 18 or older who is currently engaged in mental health treatment for at least one month and four therapy sessions, and not longer than one year. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide some demographic/background information, respond to survey items about your preferences for treatment and how they have changed over time, and about your quality of life.",0 "I was never given a birthday party because it was inconvenient to have a bunch of kids over. In my pre-teen years I faced several years of having nothing and having to hide when someone knocked on the door because they were debt collectors or people who demanded payment for something. I faced the threat of homelessness, I faced abuse and horrible living conditions, I was bullied to the point of having to go to several different schools. I grew up not being loved, not being cared about, and having to fend for myself because no one would come home until 9-10 at night. I grew up being ashamed of myself.",0 "My brother and I usually get along but for some reason, he makes me really angry, to the point that I don't like who I become. I'm a pretty level-headed guy and never really yell or get angry at anyone but for some reason **when it comes to my brother the anger I get is so overwhelming**. He's the only one that can get me to that point of anger where I start sweating and shaking. He's never ""hurt"" me in a major way before and all the things that annoy me are little things like ignoring me, not responding to me when I talk to his lack of eye-contact and him generally ignoring/disregarding my attempts of communication. I don't wanna be like this towards him and I don't really know what to do.",1 "Most diagnoses, except those relating to the endangerment of children, are welcome. This is a first person group, so you need to be the person with a disorder to participate. To join visit our site or check out our Instagram: We believe we are stronger together, which is why peer support is so helpful and important. Care when you need it; care for others when you can. If you are under 18, you can find a link to our 13\+ server on the website and instagram.",0 "3. Since we are both the only child, we both feel an equal responsibility to carry on our family lines, regardless of our own gender. What do you guys think would be an equitable solution to this problem? --- **tl;dr**: Girlfriend wants future children to have her last name, but I am not comfortable with that due to social conditioning and/or the backlash I would face from my own parents.",0 "I'm dating her for more than one year now and everything seems fine. She's loving, she's caring and so am I. I know she truly loves me and I also loves her. However, although all of this, some thoughts keep coming at me. I'll try to focus on these problems below in a objective manner. **The I want to see other girls problem**.",0 I wish I could go back and just not fuck up so horribly. I was begged not to go out on this date from tinder. My friend was raped off tinder and told me all guys want are sex off tinder. I had talked to my assaulter and told him I didn't want to be touched and he was fine with it and seemed perfectly normal. I'm so stupid.,1 Everyone loved him. He told the best stories and cooked the best food and was funny. All my friends thought he was the coolest person ever. He also has untreated bipolar disorder. Anyway - back in December he hit her so bad (using an object) that the next day she passed out at work and her coworkers forced her to get medial attention ) - she went the hospital - her sister went to meet her - and because it was mentioned that a minor lived in the house - social workers and the police got involved.,0 "(felt kinda awkward, but they know i dont want her any harm, but have to protect myself now) I still feel like crap for ending it right before her surgery. When she got angry she also insults me for that, that she can never forgive me that ive done this at this time. 2 minutes later she apoligizes for saying that. Shes really struggeling.",0 "They’re like flashbacks and everything I hated that he did , I want this new person to do to me to the point where I break down again. What the fuck is wrong with me please. These are violent degrading fantasies and they make me feel like a really disturbed person. The thought after an orgasm literally makes me cry. Someone out there has to know what I’m talking about please.",1 "Last week I posted about having to travel to Melbourne with my Sister who is a really nasty person, well it ended up being exactly what I feared, she was just plain nasty to me the entire 3 days. From the moment we arrived at out rented apartment, she would just do nothing but complain about me, saying that I'm so ""over dramatic"" and that ""I'm just anxious for attention"".......I mean really? I never wanted to be like this, and she has the way of making me feel like I'm a bad and worthless person. Now I will admit she has issues of her own, she has been pregnant so I can excuse her for that, but she has been like this for a few years now, I remember how I was anxious about my elbow swelling up and she said it was ""nothing"" and it turned out to be cellulitis. Ever since I came back from Melbourne, I've just been overthinking things, and when I do, it flares the anxiety right up.",1 "If I continue, I start to physically feel like I'm floating and nauseated. My instincts tell me to run. I am to begin to treatment next week and was wondering if anyone has used a weighted blanket. If so, did it help with the physical symptoms? Ive expressed my fear to the specialist I am seeing.",1 "I got as far as Illinois when he ghosted me after urging me to leave in the first place. I've been going between three different friends who know I'm homeless but think I'm 19. I want to go to school, get a job to buy my own stuff, and get on with my life. I don't think my mom is looking for me, but I still need her signature to go to school. I don't want my new friends to get arrested for harboring a runaway youth as well.",1 "Why is this the hardest month? Is it that the nerves have cleared, minute by minute anxiety calmed, hopelessness resolved, and now I have to sit a grieve a person I made up in my head? The person I convinced myself he was is so much more attractive than the reality of what he was. He is 27, I’m 25, and now he’s targeting 21 year olds. I am broken but I am piecing myself together.",1 "I am more than my pain and I deserve that. LSD has helped me realize this. Don’t just take this willy nilly, it takes a lot of mental preparation. But the fact that I am doing more self evaluation and healing now than I have in years of therapy or whatever medication they said would make me “better” is incredible. Discuss?",0 "I also added up the value of everything I can possibly remember that's either missing or destroyed, and it reaches over 2,100 dollars...and that's a lenient estimate, I definitely rounded down. But I'd love to charge another grand for mental anguish or whatever. The whole ordeal has been like Trigger-City for someone like me who is struggling to recover from mental illnesses and over a year and 9 months clean after 10-12 years of substance abuse. I'm also receiving supportive services from a county program aimed at helping mentally ""screwed up"" people become independent, for lack of a better term. What's cool about the service is that I get a case manager who I can call for advice and in turn checks on me and referred me to a halfway house which only lasts 30 days but it's much better than having to stay at the local shelter, which might be my only option come June...",1 I waited a bit and then went and talked to our advisor. I vaguely and briefly explained what happened so I could get his help in understanding some procedures I didn't understand. We went down to the lab and figured out my work together. I was then standing and doing something with my samples while my advisor was doing something else in the room. Then I suddenly looked up toward the door and entirely expected my fellow student to burst in yelling about how I told our advisor.,0 "In case this is the first time you're reading this post... We are looking for people who are willing to complete some online questionnaires about employment and well-being which we hope will help us to improve services for assisting people with mental health difficulties to obtain and retain employment. We are developing an employment questionnaire for people with personality disorders; however we are looking for people from all backgrounds to complete it. That means you do not need to have a diagnosis of personality disorder – you just need to have an interest in completing the online questionnaires. The questionnaires will only take about 10 minutes to complete online. For your participation, we’ll donate £1 on your behalf to a mental health charity (Young Minds: Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Mental Health Foundation, or Rethink).",0 "But she says she can't stand hearing it because she's got enough on her plate as she actually suffers with depression herself. I do read other people's posts and think maybe I've actually had it easy. Maybe I'm just over exaggerating thing, but i feel like I need to get it off my chest. Anyway thanks for reading. ( sorry the post is so long ).",1 "It was only thanks to a few friends (and a few wonderful strangers here on Reddit) that I was able to pay our electric bill, but doing so drained all of the money we had on hand, and once we used the food we had from the food bank (we can only go once a month here) we are now totally out of most things. At the moment, we can't even do laundry because we don't have the quarters, but that's a smaller problem compared to no food. If anyone wants to help, my sister and I made a wishlist that I'm including here. Any help is greatly appreciated! [Amazon ",0 Yet I’ve already been through the worst and come out smarter and stronger. I’m not so afraid that I’m just running and not fighting it anymore. So WHAT exactly am I afraid of? WHAT is the reason of this fear? I mean what’s the worst that will happen and how can it be any worse than what he’s already put me through.,0 "They say, that I'm the anti-Christ, Look to God, don't question it twice, Dead man, because I did it thrice, Foolish man, about to be sacrificed. Don't cry over me.",0 "Is he that desperate to see me? Why does he do this? If his friends don't mind and I don't mind, should I even be concerned? Maybe I'm blowing a little issue out of proportions but just curious to hear what others have to say! Thanks for reading!",0 "Extra: Apparently he was jailed before marrying my mom and he never told us until she found out later into the marriage. There's more into the story but I would like to know if I can file a charge on him for past incidents as well.... and I am upset that he is going to be charged for misdeamenor instead of felony. Since the victim (my mom) has enough evidences, it will be hard for him to drop the charges right? He has been avoiding the police so it took a while for the police to catch him but he paid for the bail and bailed himself out with a help of his friend. I just wished he would recieve a felony but he pleaded not guilty on the first court appearance and apparently there are more court appearances to be made befoe verdict is finalized....",1 "Being in there was hell, I cried most of the first few days. I was very disoriented, couldn't sleep, the windows had metal grates over them. The bathrooms were locked and you had to ask for permission to use the toilets. While I was waiting to use the toilet the nurse came in my room and grabbed the door out of my hands forcefully and I didn't let go (I think its my right to use the bathroom when I need to). She then came back with a bunch of men and they held me down to the bed, pulled down my pants and gave me a shot in the butt of some sedative.",1 "Unfortunately with the way things have worked out this month, I am left with little cash until my SSDI is deposited a week from Friday. And normally I’d say I’d just wait until then to take my dog, Kane, to the vet, but he has developed a little bit of a cough, and he doesn’t seem as active as he normally is (<2yo chocolate lab, so he should be pretty active). I called the vet and they suspect it could be heartworms, so while I have the $50 for the office visit, I don’t have the $45 for the test. Any help towards this would be greatly appreciated. I can pay back, but as sad as it sounds, I might have to make it in a couple payments as I’m on a fixed income.",1 "It was terrible. I got pregnant again, after he forcibly took my birth control away, my 2nd son was born in Chile, I didn't realize once I had my child in Chile I couldn't leave with my son without the father's permission. I think that was part of his plan. I lived 4 years of brutal hell. I finally made it back home, in 2006 when one of the police officers who were called after he beat me, luckily was married to a woman who worked at the American Embassy, and they got me home within 2 weeks, with both my son's.",1 "It’s Open Enrollment, most government systems in the US are poorly managed so most go without full knowledge what they’re signing up for, and the pressure of management can be intense to reach certain “metrics.” I enjoy the money but the politics of it all be disconcerting. It’s not at all what I want to do with my life. I’ve been in and out of doctors appointments for my thyroid goiter. My mom said my great grandfather had the same thing and it causes anxiety. But most of it stems from my verbally abusive, alcoholic dad and being raped twice in my life.",1 "My problems started after my first panic attack which had happened in October. After that I had a lot of anxiety about my heart (bp 140/90) I was medicated with Zoloft for a while, it helped but I didn't want to become dependent on it and I had a lot of side effects. My bp with Zoloft was around 120/70 After some weeks the anxiety came back with horror, fear of the death and lump in a neck, stiffness in chest. My blood thyroid hormones were measured, everything's perfect.",1 "I’m looking for work, mostly online jobs since I don’t have a car, but have also been applying for in person jobs and remote jobs, so I would need a phone for them to contact me. Would anyone be able to help me out? I can pay it back once I’ve got income again, and I can forward the confirmation to you to prove that it was paid. Or even if someone would be able to get me a cheap phone with some minutes on it, that would work too. Thank you for considering.",0 I posted about a month ago and felt pretty defeated (but very grateful to receive anything at all because one very generous gentleman gave me $100) but I am back to the end of the month with a phone bill due tomorrow and dwindling food and gas and rent approaching soon. I’m 25f and 4 months in recovery. I’m working part time to focus on recovery but trying to find a second job so I can stop finding myself in money binds. I have no friends and family to ask for money and have made literally $550 since July working for Bath and Body Works and $200 with DoorDash since August. My rent is $600 and phone bill is $55 and car insurance is $100 which I haven’t even paid this month.,1 "I just felt it was best to separate them for the time, at least until he hopefully calmed down. I had asked someone else in the group--without informing them of what had transpired--to direct the male back to the cars so we could leave. But the male had run off. So while everyone else went back to a mutual friend's house, I drove around looking for him. I found him sitting outside a gas station a little up the road.",0 "If you're interested in being interviewed for a story, please send me a DM. I have OCD, myself, so I can assure you the topic will be treated with the tact it deserves. Note: We are not doing anonymous interviews at this time, so your full name would be published in the story. Happy to answer any questions you may have! Thank you.",0 "My Grandma;s commercial was one in which her Clorox is taken from her and she has to wash her clothes for a month without using any Clorox. The only thing that she remembers for sure was that she quotes “my babysitter Mary says that the clothes aren’t as clean,” or something to that effect... BTW if the commercial is produced, I am willing to give some reddit gold, or pay money via paypal, whichever is preferred ;\) Thanks in advance, \-Kyle",0 "I've been dating this guy for a few months, and we've recently become official. He's wonderfully kind, intelligent, and we get along incredibly well. We have some deep conversations about our lives and the struggles we've endured, and I admire him. I haven't told him about my PTSD, mostly because I've been doing really well with managing it; this time last year, I was having panic attacks, flashbacks, hypervigilance, etc but I've been doing so great this year. My ex was the first person to know about my abuse, mostly because I was still suffering and couldn't hide it.",0 And how I made her let me bring him back to her boyfriends house. How I begged him to come over. And how she was just trying to be a good person and discourage it. She's telling people how much I wanted him to fuck me. How RELENTLESS I was.,1 "Should i be honest and say that i'm shy and worried about that and that i would like them to take control? I don't know, that sounds like something i would like to ask but it sound like it's not something a man should ask. At least i get that thoughts from a society's stand of view. A man should be like an animal when talking about sex. To me touching and fore play has the same sensual energy as the sex and it seems i'm afraid what people will think about that sensitive and emotional point of view of sex.",0 "I’ve been taking 12.5 mgs zoloft for about 6 months (yeah, super small dose .. but it was taking the edge off, i think). I decided to stop taking it for a few days to see if it was really helping. Now, about 40 hours since my last dose, I’m suddenly kind of shaky and also flushed (my cheeks are burning for no reason. And THOSE side effects are about to freak me out - do you think it is from my missed dose? Is it possible to have such a fast reaction?",1 "I know there are a lot of bad stories on here about therapy. But I was wondering about good experiences. My own experience was six weeks ago. I slipped and went on s bender, I fell into a depressive, suicidal crisis. I phoned every crisis line that exists, for ten hours, well getting drunker and drunker.",1 "Though I have been staying with family, their households are getting packed with other members and issues and so they have no room for me. I do not have many friends, and the ones I do cannot help whatsoever. So, I am on my own. I have a wonderful as a baker that I don't want to lose or give up. What can I do in my situation right now so that I am able to keep a roof over my head and still keep my job because I know that if I am just able to keep shelter while continuing to work this job, I will be able to provide decent housing and expenses for myself and never burden anyone with my problems ever again.",1 "Hi there r/Assistance! My dad has a Traumatic Brain Injury from a car accident two years ago. He was the victim of another driver's recklessness and negligence, and was rear-ended twice while stopped at a stoplight. He was forced to retire as he is now permanently disabled and will have to deal with the effects of permanent brain damage for the rest of his life. My dad requires a constant caretaker because he exhibits symptoms similar to that of an alzheimer's or dementia patient, so my mom is unable to work either.",0 "Because not really. I would have survived, I always have before, I have gone three and four days without eating a single thing on dozens of occasions in the last fifteen years, and I will be fine. The guy is wonderful, and has helped me a great deal. But it felt like an intentional attempt to act like I am a burdensome charity case. I just don't know.",0 "When I left my buddy's house, I went to an organic farm where I volunteered for a little while out in nature where I could clear my head. I really enjoyed it immensely but quickly realized I would not be able to get ahead or make a living for myself though I learned a lot of valuable skills that I can take with me along the way in this journey. I came back after about a month to the DFW metroplex where I reside now with my dad, step mom and 6 siblings. I stay in a humble shack in the backyard that we fixed up with a cot and a/c and an extension cord. Because of my dad allowing me to stay, I was able to get a job and am expecting my first paycheck on the 5th of September.",0 Apparently it has been going on since the day they moved in together. I don't know what to tell her thought. Since her husband is a good friend of me and my husband it's kinda weird for me to say 'leave him' or 'get out' I don't want to influence any decision she makes. What should I tell her? Tl;dr: friends husband is aggresive and I don't know what to tell her,1 "I also have pretty bad dissociative episodes which I've had since I was about 5. Anyway, a month ago I was prescribed prazocin to take before bed and I'm just on 1mg since I just started it. I'm wondering if anyone has had success with this med? Because I've gotten to a point in my life where I'm so run down that I just can't anymore. I don't know if I should even bother going up in dose or if it's just another waste of energy",1 And it’s okay to fall down and have a bad day- as long as you pick yourself up and continue working toward moving forward. Moving forward does NOT mean forgiving and forgetting or condoning any behaviors. Moving forward is about YOU and beginning to live the life YOU deserve. You are beautiful. You are smart.,0 "Over the last 18 months we have become closer than ever and as best friends living separately have grown our life together. 8 years ago we were panhandling for gas money to get to work, and now we are for successful business owners. We have spoiled my daughter rotten. Designer clothes, designer makeup, way too much freedom, gym membership, and anything else a 14 year old girl could ever want. I think a lot of that comes from the fact that we were not able to provide her with anything for so long.",0 "I apologize if this is the wrong subreddit for this topic but i'm at my wit's end... I've been homeless since February and i'm now trying to find my own apartment and start living independently for the first time but I need some advice...I've been couch-hopping here & there for a while and i'm staying with a relative who's been helping me but i'm on a limited time frame and I feel like i may not get anything in time...I applied for an apartment but was rejected due to past apartment debts. What can I do t get approved, and do I have a shot at public assistance? I have aspergers and I don't make a lot of money at my current job.",1 "But I see him during classes and it might be extremely weird. And I don't want to go to the counselling room and knock on the door, what if they're having a session? And I'm probably gonna just nervously laugh while walking in. Talking to my teachers about it is a no no. I can't go to a therapist directly due to my parents lack of understanding and ignorance of mental illnesses.",1 This isn’t so much a cry for help but I just want to rant about all my problems somewhere and this seems like the place. I’ve had anxiety for a few years now but this year I’m full on depressed. I’ve considered running away so many fucking time but I always feel bad for those I’m trying to leave. I’ve never self harmed (thankfully) but I’m always bummed out and paranoid. College is surprisingly the only thing that doesn’t make me anxious.,1 "He said he'd take me to my mothers house if I just smoked a cigarette with him. I did, but he refused to take me still. I continued fighting his hold and he kept saying my name in a gentle voice and telling me to calm down, saying that he loved me and didn't know why I was freaking out, and kept saying, ""you know you're not going to win. Go ahead, tire yourself out. You know you're not going anywhere.""",1 "So I had to look for work again. She gave me hell the entire time. I just found another job at the end of February, but my start date wouldn't be till near the end of march. That wasn't good enough for her (as if I set the start date), so she breaks up with me, and kicks me out. Now I'm fucked, because I have work.",1 "I thought why not try and look for a girl at the gym, but as you can figure, at 3:30am there's not as much fish in the see. Though I fear any partner not sharing my passion for fitness will not bear the strict diet I follow and the amount of time and energy I invest daily into the whole topic. #**TL;DR** ish And it is also not me wanting a girlfriend right now, do or die-esque. I am also way more interested in finding a girl sharing the same passions, aspiring to achieve similar goals, sharing the same values and providing a safe haven for one another long-term rather than just having some fun and being superficial about it.",0 " **TL;DR's** 1st: Why would parents be like this to their kids? Thinking they need to be treated like a king, or willing to say they wish their kids would just vanish isn't normal parenting, right? Or am I just insane? I know I'd never do that.",0 "I didn't understand why he wanted to get me an erection, and I certainly didn't want him to do that to me, but he did. I think I was around 11 at the time It's been 10 years. My relationship with that cousin isn't a bad one as of now. Remembering all these things has caused me some distress, even though I doubt if this event qualifies as abuse...",1 "When I went back the next day he said the good news was he wasn't going to lie to me anymore. He said ""if you can take a raping like that and still come back, there's nothing I could do to make you leave."" And ""There's no point in lying any more"" He always told me from then on when he was cheating, doing something wrong, etc. I thought about turning him in. I took some pictures on my phone to maybe show the police.",1 "She wants to do anything she can do to help me, but it's up to the state, not her, to charge me. I have, and documented once I got out of jail, a puncture bite on my right hand, a puncture bite on my left inner elbow, deep scratches all over my left arm, The skin on my scrotum was torn (the jail underwear they gave me was soaked at the end of the day) my lip busted open, a chipped tooth, my whole right side of my face red and sore from a dozen punches, and a welt on my left leg from her kicking me. Now I'm being charged with 4th degree DV and need legal counsel to prove my innocence. I have no money to hire anyone and am still in shock that I just had to spend 17 hours in jail without given any medical aid in a small cell with 7 other inmates. I have no criminal record whatsoever until now.",1 "So I let myself get sucked in and... The incident that occured was that I threw a fit - my arms and legs thrashing in all directions. I had no idea what was happening, I came out of it terrified and there was one guy left in the room. This guy told me I was possessed by an evil spirit. I remember thinking, he felt ""off"".",1 "PTSD is life changing for the worse. Every day fight. Getting in a fist fight in high school( who did not get into a fight) I'm not talking about bullying, Playing video games, having bad dreams does not cause PTSD. We have seen things, or done things or ,been part of things, that most people will never understand and hopefully never experience. End of Rant",1 "I constantly face so much anxiety in school. It makes me extremely depressed, and it’s just hard to cope with. I don’t know if anxiety/depression have anything to do with memory performance, but I’ve noticed that I remember a lot less compared to when I wasn’t in a depressed and anxious state. For hours on end I contemplate and procrastinate everyday about my depressing life. It’s just sad.",1 As a result I had a total burn out. Many months ago the situation with my abuser came up between this friend and I. I explained some stuff but she said it was too overwhelming for her to hear so I never brought it up again. My response to her saying I do nothing was just explaining that I don’t tell people why I’m in this situation because it scares people. It’s often retraumatizing when I tell people and their reaction is either to get scared and shut me down or not believe me at all. Her response was that a lot of people have f’d up things they have to deal with but they still have to do stuff.,1 "She ended up relapsing on drugs and said that she hasn't had any feelings for me in months. She stopped taking her bipolar medications about a week before and was absolutely manic. Ended up she had not only relapsed but was cheating on me with a dealer, an ex, and was looking for couples on some hookup site(all things she's claimed on facebook) even though we were having sex at least daily. Then near the end of her manic state she decided she was moving to Colorado at the drop of a dime and left. This leaves me in Georgia staying at her mothers house without a vehicle.",1 "Luckily for me, I do not have cancer. Neither does my mom, dad, grandpa, brother, sister, cousins, or anyone I know have it. Besides my grandmother, she’s 55 (or 56) and has Stage 3 lung cancer, she was diagnosed in 2016 I believe? I heard it was going good about a year ago but I haven’t heard anything since. I decided to head on over to cancer just to see other people’s point of views of things.",0 "I am ignoring him, that's not what this post is about. Basically, after all this time my ex has recently, decided he ""knows"" I cheated on him our entire relationship [I didn't], ""knows"" I'm this chick online who post XXX pictures of herself [I'm not] and has ""reminded"" me of incidences of our relationship that has literally never happened. Like, for one example *""...that time I called you from jail, and you cried b/c you were at a guys house and you knew what you did was wrong so you told me you needed help...""* yet he won't show me any evidence (it doesn't exist)... He's literally fabricating things out of thin air and claiming they happened. He isn't denying that he was an abuser, but he's saying like ""You were bad too!",1 "I get a text from my brother that was essentially, ""fuck off and die, nobody wants you here anymore."" Clearly I need to move out, but the only person I have in my life is my boyfriend, and although we see each other often, we've been long-distance for awhile and it would be a huge adjustment to move almost 100 miles away (although it would be far enough away from them.) Although I love him a lot, I don't exactly want the reason that I move in because he's trying to save me. I want to move in because I want to start a new life with him, not to run away from the old if that makes sense. So, I guess my question is, what do I do?",1 I thought I did well but I was severely depressed. That weekend was my birthday weekend and he made it miserable. He said I was a brat to ever think that it was a special day. I received the silent treatment from him and him being drunk and telling me that i'm worthless and don't do anything for him. I didn't even get a gift or affection.,1 "I still have issues with writing, driving, standing up to people/for myself, and with the aforementioned complex PTSD. It's generally triggered by loud confrontation. I do have a great fiancee these days. She has helped me a ton. It's the first genuinely healthy romantic relationship I've ever had.",0 " --- **tl;dr**: Met this guy a few months ago, we've only hung out a few times. I'm a little wary of the age gap and don't have much experience with accurately ""reading signals"". He is mildly physically affectionate (leans towards me, hits my arm playfully, pulls things from my hair) and gives compliments that seem genuine and sincere, but aren't quite non platonic. What do you think/what should I look for?",0 "He's exactly what I've needed, maintains his side of an equal partnership, etc. My only problem is that, though our sex life is great, I catch myself being overly sexual sometimes, even if he shows no interest that occasional day, then feeling extremely hurt and rejected if he says that he doesn't want to do anything that day. It's not like we never do anything, I just seem to still be attached to this idea. He shows me he loves me in many different ways but this is so hurtful when I'm aware that it's ridiculous to have these expectations. I guess I'm afraid I'll never stop feeling this way and I'll end up hurt him.",0 "She and I are gamers, and we both play similar games together often. It was a part of our bond. However, looking back, her relationship to the game was extremely obsessive. Moreso than anything I've seen. She literally did nothing but play that game in the weeks leading-up to the assault.",0 "I come out bleeding and it boy tried to yell at me. But he noticed my arm and was like "" oh my God"" but then crazyasses started to whine that he was losing his mind. So he went back downstairs. Shortly thereafter it boys parents kicked him out for violence towards the family, property damage, and refusing to get a job. Him and crazy ass started haranguing me about me getting them both jobs at my pwork which I didn't want to do honestly.",1 Also the headaches. LOADS of headaches all the time. I’m so done. I hate this almost as bad as my brain constantly telling me I’m a POS. Anxiety is fun :),1 "I have PayPal and I was requested on my previous post to start a GoFundMe so I've got that. I am also willing to pay anyone back if you want to do that. Please know that I am not some dead beat who doesn't support his kids, looking for a hand out. I've always been able to provide for my kids and I never expected this to happen. ",0 "Through work I have been in some dodgy situations abroad. A number of times my life has been at risk, and I've had to defend myself a few times. I'm a civilian and have only had basic weapon training. ​ We've always had an ex-military security contractor with us, but still had to perform aggressive roles when approached.",1 "Realistically, because of geographic lockdown, (needed) pay grade, etc, it's going to take a good year for me to switch. I need a way to maintain until I can get out. A couple of years ago, when it started getting bad, I coped by drinking a lot more and being a couch potato. But that's bad for me and my family, not working, so I've stopped. I went on a two week business trip.",0 "My stress tolerance was already at a zero and I was contemplating suicide a lot, i didn’t want to see where that would lead me and I didn’t want to do that to my brothers. I was incredibly lucky and got referred to a good psychologist that I like. He’s helping me through the problems of getting rehabilitation welfare, which is a hassle because I constantly have to talk to new counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists which triggers breakdowns. I hate talking about myself to strangers, I’m not ashamed at all, I just hate having to share how I truly feel with strangers. It makes it so real.",1 "I regularly visit a couple tent cities in the dallas/Fort Worth areas. I bring home made chili when it's cold and cold cut sandwiches in the summer, along with bug spray and cigarettes. I'm working with a few people that want to get involved with giving back, not associated with any church group or organization. We are going to prepare backpacks with supplies. Some things I've been asked for are socks, feminine products, disposable razors and reusable water bottles.",0 "Hi, everyone! Just a warning, kind of a long story, as you can probably tell from the paragraph. So my relationship with anxiety has always been a thing, at least from what I remember from childhood (undiagnosed OCD). But recently my anxiety has gotten worse, no thanks to unfortunate events over the past few years involving 3 family deaths and the loss of a childhood home and pets. While I have always been kind of an anxious person, I have upgraded (downgraded?)",1 "I'll start of by saying, sorry for my bad English or grammer. English is not my first language. I don't talk to anyone in class. I avoid people and girls who try and talk to me because I get soo nervous and my heart starts pounding. I don't talk to a single girl apart from my sisters and my mom.",0 "Your responses to the survey items will be anonymous and kept confidential. Clicking the “SURVEY” link below will take you to a page asking you to read through a consent form explaining the purpose of this research, the content of the survey, the type of questions you will be asked, the amount of time it may take to complete the survey, and the risks and benefits of your participation. At the end of the form you can click “AGREE” to consent to the use of the answers you provide and to begin completing the survey. Thank you for your time and interest. ",0 "They'd be punished for playing, for not using the bathroom when she wanted them to, for looking at her even. I'd get punished for playing with them too, or for letting them use the restroom when they asked. She would keep them in their crates for hours, sometimes the whole day. If they were too ""bad"" they didn't get fed. Once I remember my dog went three days without dinner.",0 "I have the inner-peace I was seeking for decades! I finally feel like I'm a decent person. I go out of my way to make others feel comfortable, and welcomed, and loved. I have learned to stop my first judgmental thoughts about people, and redirect them. I accept people for who they are, to the extent that a human can.",0 "She has a temper and some anger issues. I'm the only one that has seen that side of her, maybe I'm just the cause. To add to the story, she left me with scars on my arms a few months ago while I was trying to calm her down while giving her kisses. She dug her nails into me pretty severely. I had pictures which the officers asked to see, which I showed them.",0 "Anxiety my \*\*\*, that \*\*\*\* gave ME anxiety, being surrounded like that. * ​ Skipping to college, at this point I really didn't care about anything anymore, and it didn't help that I met a girl who completely split me and my friend apart (that's a long story in of itself), and started skipping a lot of my classes. I had good grades in my computer programming class, because I was actually curious for a while, but that was about it.",0 The place where I was going for therapy decided that they couldn't appropriately treat me. I've had a tough time finding another therapist. The strange thing is I've been feeling better out of therapy then when I was in it. I was doing a type of exposure therapy and it was rough. I went twice a week and it felt like my whole life revolved around trauma.,0 - Specificphobia: most commom type. It's when something causes exarcebate fear in the person. DSM-5 moved two more disorders to a specific group. But it is anxiety disorders: - TOC and post-traumatic stress.,0 "I was never really close to him, our conversations never went past the 'nice weather we're having' area. But I coincidentally ran into him at a bar recently and I initially tried to keep my distance from him because I know he's friends with Zach, but then he told me that not only does he and Zach are no longer in contact with each other, they actually really dislike each other now. I'm guessing something went down after Zach and I broke up. After that, I was more comfortable around him. So, as the night went along and we got drunker, we ended up hooking up.",0 Kind of starting to worry that I’m doing something really wrong. Now I’m wondering if I should even attempt talking to him anymore or if I should just block him and move on. What would you do in this situation? --- **tl;dr**: I think I’m getting ghosted by the guy I like and now idk what to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯,1 And November. And then two weeks ago which resulted in heavy head bruising and another concussion that lasted all of the two weeks. He kneed me repeatedly on the head and kicked me in the face as well as punched me several times. I tried to escape. I tried to get away.,1 am I writing it because it looks crazy or am I writing it because it's how i feel?~~ Maybe I can't word things clearly because it's my deepest thoughts. I'm going to try to write clearly because I feel like a fraud. I don't even know how to begin. I don't know the questions to ask.,1 I haven’t really complained. Only once when my gram asked me to do a million and one things in a span of a few minutes (go get this go do that) when i was already trying to setup my moms new iPad so she could watch Netflix in the hospital. That all said and done and I feel like shit. Idk if it’s sick but it also feels a hellavua Lot like anxiety. So i get my mom who’s in the apartment next door to ask her to lay with me for a few minutes.,1 "She humiliates me in front of other people and when we're alone. I'm always just a servant who's there to get her drinks and hype her up. I'm always just the butt of her jokes. She used to invite me over when she was hanging out with a guy she was trying to hook up with, just so she could make fun of me in front of him the whole time to make herself look better and/or cooler. I'm just a prop.",1 "She is very sweet and I love her immensely. I can't leave her where I am currently for fear of her being neglected. She is very attached to me. I will have no choice but to live in my car for the foreseeable future, which leaves me with the issue of what to do with her. I can't keep her locked in my car all day.",1 "Want to get my MacBook sorted and need to update my travel card for the rest of the term. This will save me so much time in the mornings and evenings and will also help me work from home without needing to use a local library or travel to my campus. I’m a University Student and will be able to repay via my 2nd student finance instalment of 1,100 on the 8th of January, which would help repay with 30% Interest. Which I think is the highest i'd be comfortable paying. Also have a part time job however repayment would essentially be made with my January Student Finance Instalment, which would be more than enough.",0 "This leads to me not liking the general mood in the classroom which leads to me being un-motivated and demoralised when I'm at school. Every day I try to see if I can pretend to be sick to avoid going to school because I find almost no joy at school which is a shame, because of all the schools I have been to over the years, i actually enjoy what we do and the teachers are nice. I have no idea why this simple fact is affecting me so much. But I just feel horrible whenever I think about school or the thought of having to go to school. TL;DR: I spent a lot of time with my friends during break, and I'm depressed because I have to go back to school with classmates that are very immature.",1 "But what should I say? Part of me wants to tell her I'm sorry for being a shit boyfriend at the start and that as I've gotten older I've gotten wiser and more experience. But would she even care about that shit? Or should I just start off with ""Hey, haven't seen you in awhile, hows everything"" and start from there? Ugh, maybe I'm overthinking this... Anyways would really appreciate you guys or gals out there with more experience than me guiding me through this minor plight I put myself in.",1 "But I’m wondering if anyone here has chronic pain, and feels the connection between the two. Now the PTSD, has been been coming up. I’m sure I’m not alone, but during the Kavanaugh hearings my symptoms became very severe. It’s still not entirely better. I know many studies have been done connecting PTSD with chronic pain, especially for women.",1 "I don’t post very often and I’m on mobile so apologies for formatting errors etc I’ll try to make this easy to read! Background: I’ve been struggling with alcohol abuse and I’m currently 4 months sober (yay!). The first month without alcohol my withdrawals were intense. I became so angry, my anxiety was off the charts and I couldn’t focus on anything at hand. At the time I was taking 20mg of paroxetine and my GP doubled it to 40mg for 6 months while my body tried to cope without alcohol.",0 "Not entirely sure if this really belongs here, but here it goes: I (26yo F) have been diagnosed with ptsd due to many traumatic instances in my childhood including emotional/psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying etc. I have the best s/o anyone could ever ask for, he is extremely patient and understanding. His dad on the other hand, is a very complicated person. I'll call him P. When I first met P, he seemed pretty shy, but very nice. He is generous, likes to offer gifts etc to people around him.",0 "So I tried posting a similar post last week and had technical difficulties so here it goes. I think I’m going to do this chronologically— High school: I become close to someone who will become known as one of my best friends. Let’s call her Jessie. I want to pursue a friendship because Jessie is a strong independent woman mature beyond her years, has a sassy Latina attitude, and we have the same sense of humor.",0 "He did threaten to walk out when I tried to crack a third, and I stopped. He says this is so rewarding for him, but is really open about how tough it has been as well. The therapist, though she is more closed mouthed and less personally emotional, has said she has required supervision several times over me. No matter how nice they are, if I fuck up months of progress, decisions about where this is going seem likely. Getting this out seems to have helped a fair bit.",0 Any help would mean the world to me.. not sure how else to pull this off. Edited to fix wish list link- I’ve never had to this before and apparently I suck at it. **wishlist link removed. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your assistance. I will be paying it forward as soon as humanly possible.,0 "I could be homeless soon, and that's not like ""anything possible"" but like it's gonna be possible soon. I was looking in my area and there are some nice areas where water meets land that are away from homes but still in the town. It seems exciting to live near the water, but I have no idea what I could face. I should say, I'm not afraid to be homeless, this isn't a bummer for me. I'm pretty stoic as well, but it's still nice to be prepared.",0 "He also tortured me in several other ways, like subduing me and pressing his knee into my temple or heatbutting me in the nose as a way to start a fight. I started taking martial arts and self defense classes and I started retaliating against him, when I was around 15. He'd also hit my mom sometimes and I'd protect her. One time while trying to avoid his chokes I cut my head so bad that blood was gushing all over the room - and when I got him off me, he came back and headbutted me in the nose and tried to choke me again, after which I threw him over the table. The whole room was covered in my blood and he was still relentless.",1 That completely threw me. I don't know why I'm finding it so difficult to cope. I'm crying frequently for some reason and I don't know why. I haven't done the whole uncontrollable crying thing since my last episode which was all the way back in November 2016. (I spent 2017 learning to shut down my emotions so crying had become a thing of the past.),1 "What is going on? What has happened, and what do I do? I still feel that my sanity, happiness and stability are better than they have ever been but this is an anvil on my head. Hashtag ???????????????????????????????????? ?",1 "1) They are considered a ""small business"". I know that small businesses are still required to follow ADA standards for customers, but does the same go for employees? I haven't really read anywhere about my rights except that I can't have FMLA. 2) I feel safer to wear a heavy coat at work, I know it looks unprofessional and my boss constantly asks me to take it off. Is it unreasonable that i request an ""accommodation"" to be able to wear it and is it considered harassment if I make them aware of why I'm wearing it and still ask me to take it off?",0 "All of this has made me feel really horrible. It has destroyed my self esteem and made me feel depressed, unlovable, worthless, responsible, etc. It has also had severe and debilitating impacts on my mental and physical health.",1 "We will also provide links to treatment and informational resources throughout the study. Please send us a private message to receive a link to the screening questionnaire to see if you qualify for the study. If you qualify, you will be told more about the study and you can decide whether or not you want to participate. If you don’t qualify, you may be told about a different study that you can participate in instead. Thanks for your consideration!",0 "When I was younger, not even double digits, another minor around my age came very close to sexually assaulting me. It luckily didn’t happen and my two cousins busted the boy’s door. Years later, I couldn’t be around men without feeling anxious. I don’t remember having any nightmares but, I couldn’t trust men. Not even my own father.",1 "I self harm sometimes too. I’ve also lately begun to have constant, daily, and explicit nightmares about tarantulas, roaches, and beetles crawling over me while I’m paralyzed. I don’t know it’s that’s relevant or anything, but it may be good to add anyways. I’m asking bc I don’t want the therapist to yell at me or call me a liar like the last few did, so I’m low key nervous and I don’t want to get in any more trouble with my school. Any thoughts or criticisms are welcome.",1 "Yep, you read the title correctly. I get anxiety from my dog, more specifically leaving my dog alone for extended periods of time. I got him when he was a puppy and at the time I lived at home with four other humans and my parents two dogs. We all worked different schedules so he wasn't left alone very often, and even when we were all gone there were other dogs their with him. A little over a year and a half ago my bf and I moved in together and my dog had some really bad separation anxiety at first.",1 "It is not like her - even when she was that age - to succumb to pressure like that. I'm trying really hard not to victim blame and immediately feel guilt when I think that way but, again, knowing my wife how I know her - as someone that's not afraid to call BS- it just makes it hard to conceive how she went along with it for so long, knowing that it made her uncomfortable, knowing that it was escalating, and then it was actual happening and her not saying no. I just can't believe these things happened on repeated occasions. I can absolutely see him pressuring her once, her not knowing how to respond when it happened, and then her saying ""This is BS, I'm out"" afterwards. But that she stuck around and let it happen multiple times just seems odd to me.",1 "I began experiencing ""anxiety attacks"" around 2 weeks ago, and have had 3 since, with the latest one being last night. So the first time I was at the dining hall and all of a sudden all the voices around me began to seem echoey and I had a spike of that warm panicky feeling in my body. I quickly got up to put my plate on the dumbwaiter and left the dining hall and it subsided fairly quickly, I didn't really think much of it. The second time was the following Saturday, where when I got back to my dorm I experienced discomfort/malaise from seemingly nothing, no triggers, nothing, just feeling uncomfortable and anxious. This laster for around 30 minutes.",1 "It stuck with me. It made me realize I wasn't as happy as I thought. After that my confusion took over. I drank, got high, made friends. I knew I was a mess but was working on it.",1 "Hello all, I am 23 and I'm studying in the US for getting my PhD. I applied to that country 2 years ago. I found this girl online (she's a student in the same university I got my bachelor). She's studying the same major as I do.",0 My family thought it was a home invasion so the retrieved their guns and prepair to defend them selves. After the authorities knocked the door down they then announced them selves and threatened to kill everyone inside. My family dropped their guns and surrender peacefully. After several hours of ransacking our house the Feds arrested my little brother on charges that are of the upmost serious kind. He was not allowed to speak or talk to my parents.,0 "I'd like to note that I have had a couple close individuals look at my emails, evidence, etc since the last court date. I'm not that crazy, but I showed them the emails because I wanted to make sure they were real. The emails, evidence, and notes are all real. I checked my phone history, and the phone calls to the advocate and office are all logged and sufficient in length to indicate that an actual conversation occurred. I never doubted reality before the abuse, and I have never done so outside of the abuse.",0 "I am unsure how to begin, but brief about me. I was a mess in my youth, half way houses, trouble etc, never got into drugs or drinking but did have a child young but her mother cheated then moved away, was sometime before we reconnected (she wanted child support and that was fine) but by this time I had moved to another country to get myself out of the existence I lived in. And this was going well, great career, started a family etc, all awhile building a long distance relationship with my eldest (not easy as they kept moving around). fast forward some years later, my eldest has attempted suicide due to many things but one being Aspergers making it hard for her young mind to cope with teenage hormones, so I made a choice to return to the US, to help her. I had to change careers, and try starting from scratch, brought my young family over and at first seemed all was fine.",0 Hello I am having a massive anxiety attack over feeling nauseated. I hate the stomach flu it's a phobia of mine. Even meds don't take my anxiety away completely and they don't even help a lot honestly celexa is just the only medication where I don't get side effects and sometimes not even my clognezapan kicks in when I'm having panic attacks. I am at work and I cannot focus at all. I'm so scared I hate nausea I hate it.,1 "I cannot remember for a fact what age we were and for exactly how long the abuse occurred. But of course I can say for sure there is a 5-year age gap between us, me being younger and female. For some reason the age 8 keeps popping into my head as to how old I was when it happened. I may have been a tiny bit older, but I don't think much younger. I know for sure it happened on more than one occasion (so I don't believe this was experimental / curiosity adolescent sexual play).",0 But right now i am scared. Tl/Dr: my kids and I are about to lose our apartment due to a sudden loss of income. Need help in the next few days to make the rent. Please help. Need at least $440 to make it,1 "I usually ""vocalize"" with rocking then I end up pretty catatonic for a while then mute for another couple hours. I'm stuck in the mute part right now. Too scared to leave my bed, can't talk, and hoping it ends soon. Anyone else wail then go mute? Have you found anything that helps get your voice back?",1 "Cue her giggling and, without warning, springing from Ron’s lap to mine. It was so fast (or I was so drunk) that I didn’t even time to try to block her. She told me that if I ever felt like a seventh wheel, she would gladly share her seat (I don’t think she’s very good with similes). While this is happening, I’m trying to avoid Lavender’s eye contact and look at Ron. Sure enough, he was looking and didn’t seem bothered by it.",0 "I don’t live at home anymore, and I take care of myself. However, my father is the breadwinner and neither my brothers nor my mother think they can leave because they don’t think they’ll be able to support themselves. My brothers are still in school, high school and college, and live at home. My mother has suffered abuse from the time she had me about 33 years ago until now. My father would hit her but when I turned 16, I finally had the courage to stand up to him and tell him he had to stop.",0 "But I don’t know why I get this feeling. What can I do to stop feeling this way? I want to focus on me and my things without having to think about her and what she’s doing all the time, so I can be less distracted and focused on my other priorities. TL;DR I want to focus on my priorities in life but I find myself getting wrapped up in my thoughts about what where, and what my girlfriend is doing.",1 "* Be 18 years of age and older * Have used a mobile device before. Take the opportunity to learn about health wellness applications, including Headspace, Calm, 7 Cups, and Happify. Attitudes and usability of such applications are not well researched. This study will expand the scientific knowledge about health consumer perceptions towards these wellness applications.",0 "All these sexual abuse accusations, while wonderful to see so many men and women coming forward about sexual abuse, I just can't escape it. So much victim blaming, the increasingly clear proof that many men do not actually understand what consent means, it's just too much. I haven't left the apartment in days and the only reliable form of self medication is too expensive (weed). I'm also autistic so I've noticed it's also overstimulating me to the point I'm hiding. It's just too much and I thank you for reading my vent.",1 I've been crying myself to sleep ever since I came back. I'm scared something terrible will happen to them and I can't stop feeling guilty about cutting contact with them for the past several months. My mind keeps replaying awful scenarios over and over again. I can't stop thinking about these terrible thoughts. :(,1 "I had an anxiety attack. When we returned home, I put my foot down. I told him that his behavior towards me was unacceptable; above all, as my (then future) husband, he needed to put my comfort and well-being above all other considerations as I did with him. He listening, apologized profusely, and we have not had any further issues with this. Until today.",0 "We are, by far, the youngest people around marinas. We named our beautiful boat ""Dessert First."" We embrace this philosophy and get chuckles from waitstaff but it also has sentimental meaning for us. We're doing it now and not waiting. We're the -only- boat named Dessert First that exists, as far as I know.",0 "I had no insurance but got expensive tests run to confirm that I was not having seizures. When that therapist suggested crystal healing I left and went to another one. After over six different therapists/psychiatrists I have received yet another diagnosis of PTSD, schizophrenia with mania, anxiety disorder, and depression. The meds are not working and I live in a small town where my mental health access has been exhausted. The last therapist told me after one visit that they ""aren't really equipped to deal with people like you (me).""",1 "Recently my anxiety has gotten really bad, possibly the worse it has ever been and I’ve been experiencing panic attacks, but I still can’t justify taking my medication because I feel like I deserve to suffer. I also struggle with the feeling like I’m making all this up and none of my problems exist which I know rationally cannot be true when I’ve struggled with this for most my life, however I still can’t shift it. I don’t know if this is part of my anxiety making me feel like this or whether it is another thing I’ve made myself believe. I guess I’m just looking for some advice and reassurance. I’m just really tired of feeling this way and constantly being in turmoil with my mind.",1 I’m looking for advice to try to help a relative. She’s going through a very ugly divorce with her husband who’s trying to get sole custody of their three-year-old son. He’s dating a woman with a substance abuse problem and a criminal record. He met her three weeks ago and has been taking their son to sleep at her residence (unbeknownst to my relative till recently). This Monday he told her he’s filing for divorce.,0 "It has been some time since I posted, but with Fall setting in my anxiety is really getting to me. The cold frightens me, I don't think my partner can survive the weather to come. I used to love Fall, I still do in some ways, but these past couple years really puts into perspective how dangerous it can be. The dread that Winter will be here soon with such instability. But I need the rain; I need the colder temperatures, because I need to have the best mushroom season I have ever had.",1 I’m really tired. It seems like the moment that I’m starting to recover or I’m starting to get some sort of progress. I get triggered and I have to start all over again. It’s so hard to see the point in fighting all of this all the time. I still live with my abuser and sometimes I can make it.,1 He hasn't paid any child support. He isn't fulfilling the courts orders that would get him a chance to petition for supervised visitation. It feels like he's completely just disappeared from being a father but I still feel like he's going to come back. Even writing about it makes it hard to breathe. Is it silly?,1 "I have no one to relate with, and if I can't get around it, I'll be eventually separated because I can't afford to fail another PFT because of it. I'm not here for sympathy about what lead to my anxiety. I want to put that out there. And I'm not sorry if anyone gets offended by my dark sense of humor. That's the only way I've found temporarily deal with it.",1 "I come from an Asian family where kids are not expected to move out, its the opposite where kids are supposed to live at home and take care of the parents when they become adults, however living in America has made me hate this mindset because I am never able to be an individual. My dad is extremely controlling and a downright bully, he verbally abuses me and my siblings about anything possible just for the sake of abusing us. He always demands we listen to him and do things his way and if we don't we are ""disobedient"" and ""bad children"". He even abuses my mom verbally and she knows it but deals with because its how she was raised, even random strangers like waiters and cashiers at stores are bullied, he'll complain about lines being long and blame cashiers for being ""slow"" ect. OVERALL THIS MAD IS EXTREMELY NEGATIVE and if you try to talk back or explain to him to be a little bit nicer he gets defensive and goes on a tantrum how hes our dad and we have no right to talk to him like that.",1 "When we got to Food Lion, she got out of the car and said, “Your daddy bought you this car.” And slammed the car door and left. She apologized later. New Years eve, my mom (65) gets a call from my cousin (50-60 don’t know her age), the primary caregiver for my grandma, that my uncle (same uncle from earlier) was admitted to the hospital the day before and was ready to be released. She couldn’t pick him up because she lives an hour away. My mom and I picked him up and took him home.",0 "Hi, all. I'm manager of my department now, at the company I've worked at for over 4 years. I was offered the position once before about a year and a half ago, but I turned it down because I felt I wasn't ready. I was offered again a couple months ago, and I took it because nobody else was available to take it. I actually started the day my son was born (which is its own set of anxieties, but one that I don't find overwhelming - in fact, I find it rewarding.)",0 "She literally said that I don’t even count as a boyfriend. --- Fastforward to now - or for the past few months to be precise, where an incredibly hot girl messages me on Tinder and asks me out. I delay meeting her and although she said she's fine waiting, she's still completely out of my league, and because I don't want to come off as desperate, I let her message me most of the time. Anyway, after a month we finally meet up, and it goes incredibly well.",0 I’ve been sleeping in my car for 37 months with only 4 more months until I’m back on my feet. I’ve been staying in the same parking spot in the dark edge of a public parking lot every night. Last Thursday night I’m woken up by a cop banging on my window with his flashlight at 1:45am. He said he helped someone in the same parking lot a week prior find a place to live. I call bullshit on that.,1 "When I get stressed and angry and blow up, I find myself blaming and cursing God a lot for the situation that has made me angry. Like He has always had it out to get me. Afterwards I feel so stupid and ashamed for my outbursts, usually over very trivial thing. I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety disorder however I never told my psych or therapist about this part of me because I just don't like talking about it. I have a child now who is turning 18 mo old, and yesterday I had another big outburst when driving with her due to a stupid road rage issue.",1 But part of me fears that coming back out there I'll find a suicide. He's talked about it a lot and has plenty of guns. I had to take his Kimber .45 Raptor and Kimber .380 yesterday so I didn't have to worry about him shooting the dog. But they were just left o the counter cause I'm no thief. I just... Don't know what to do y'all....,1 "I've never been on this side of the road, being the one to let someone know I'm not interested. I wouldn't know how to go about letting her know without completely devastating her. I know there is a risk no matter what I say, but how should I go about it gently. --- **tl;dr**: Person wants to hook me up with his adoptive sister, we have nothing in common, how do I tell her that I'm not interested?",0 "Above all else he made me feel not that I owed him for such affections. He made me feel worth something, that I was important and beautiful. He gave me back my soul and so very much more until I married him. I know this story might not be what you want to read – I didn’t fight the good fight by myself. Nor did I find my self-worth by myself – well I did in a way, but my friend, my love and eventually my husband held my hand with every shaky step I took.",0 "I laid there terrified not knowing what was going to happen. Not knowing when, or if, it was going to stop I was fighting back tears because I knew I had to keep trying to out smart him in order to protect myself and make Erik stop attacking me. When I fell onto the futon I landed on Erik's new hat that he bought when he was out earlier that day. As another tactic to calm Erik down, I asked Erik if he could show me his new hat. He stood there angry for a few seconds before answering yes.",1 "The new man almost immediately moved to the flat previously shared with her ex, which I found strange, but I know she cannot be alone, perhaps because of her troubled childhood/daddy issues. She later confessed she was completely out of her mind in this period, and she would not do it if having a clear head. They never really ended contact, despite all the hurt. She even met with her ex after 3 months apart, confessing she misses him and cried. Since then things between them got complicated.",0 "I have this feeling of dread about school right before I go to bed and I wake up with an upset stomach which lasts all day and nakes me feel like I'll throw up. This causes me to lose appetite and not wanting to drink water for fear of throwing up. I'm not sure where else to go with this, but I need help. If any of you have this, can you tell me how you deal with it? I'm tired of having this every day and feeling like I'll throw up.",1 "It's sick and twisted. I've been getting nauseas and I've been having more dissociative flashbacks. My nightmares are coming back, but they're mostly of his parents. I'm afraid to see them, although my dreams are usually them telling me they understand. That they're not mad at me for going to the police.",1 "Share your favorite travel destinations, books, movies, shows, music, food. Tell them what it’s like to have you as a guest or host: What’s your style of traveling? Of Airbnb hosting? Tell them about you: Do you have a life motto? How much of the glittering generality to follow - truth - counts as complete, and what is it that AirBNB hosts don't want nor need to know?",0 "The room would be free, along with internet access and a bed provided until you got on your feet. Once you are stable, we would, of course, expect you to chip in a bit. We have gigabit internet in the house, several flat screens, central air, and access to pretty much every streaming service you could want, as well as a shared steam library of about 1400 games. If we mesh well, you can stay for quite awhile, or if you want to move out once you have a stable job and an apartment lined up, we can help you move. PM me if you are interested, and I will reach out so we can get to know you.",0 It does eventually pass once i realise they are sticking by me. Some just cant stick it out which is fair enough. I find it frustrating though as i have just drove someone away who i really liked. He has ended up deleting and blocking me as he didnt at all help with reassurance which just made my mind go into overdrive creating scenarios that were probably non existent. Does anybody else deal with this?,0 "Can you contribute your story alongside others who have been/ are going through recovery? I am developing a storytelling and mental health platform with the ultimate aim of curating a museum exhibition. Soul relics Museum is a platform for people to read and tell stories of mental health through objects that help them connect or express to a present or past experience they have had with their mental health. It’s a unique and creative idea to help people come forward and share with others what mental health problems have been like for them and a safe and constructive way to read of others experiences while being brave enough to share your own. Together, we can create a collective voice in raising awareness and education on mental health!",0 "Idk Do I tell someone? Do I just quit? Do I talk to her about what she did? Please, any advice would be really really helpful to me!",1 "and ""how could you let me do this?"" Although my family and friends will never see this, I'm here to answer the question: ""why?"" It wasn't as simple as some of my friends may think. I didn't magically wake up one day and think ""You know what, I think I'll let my abuser walk me down the aisle."" It's taken 5 years for me just to sit across from him and have dinner without having a full blown panic attack.",1 "I've been trying to get in contact with her because I'm scared and worried about her. She isn't answering my phone calls, and will only give a vague text response with an I'll call you later while she is at work. Or HE will text me back and say she is fine and can't talk right now. I spoke to 2 of our mutual friends today and she isn't speaking to them as well. I can feel it in my soul that he is going to seriously hurt her or those babies.",1 Hello all I am about to be laid off. I am currently on a prepaid cell phone plan. I use this basic smartphone for all extra side money and internet. I can barely pay the bill this month but the device is not working well at all as it is old and I spilled a good amount of water on it last night during dinner.,1 "The survey may take between 30-40 minutes to complete. Your responses to the survey items will be anonymous and kept confidential. Clicking the “SURVEY” link below will take you to a page asking you to read through a consent form explaining the purpose of this research, the content of the survey, the type of questions you will be asked, the amount of time it may take to complete the survey, and the risks and benefits of your participation. At the end of the form you can click “AGREE” to consent to the use of the answers you provide and to begin completing the survey. Thank you for your time and interest.",0 Exercise has helped in the past with my anxiety but since I have been having my recent dealings of anxiety I have been finding it harder to get active. A triggering factor of my anxiety over the last few weeks has been an increased heart rate. Sometimes if I stand up too fast/run up the stairs my heart starts pounding and then my mind spirals into the fear of a heart attack and my heart beat just keeps increasing till the point of anxiety. I have been taking walks and my heart rate would increase (naturally) and I would get the fear and my fears would multiple till the point when I would be close to a panic attack. I would like to start riding my bike again or working out in general but I am afraid of:,1 "Sometimes it really sucks whenever I don't have anything else to give to others. But now that it's winter, I started buying gloves, extra socks, toques, and earmuffs at the dollar store. Last week, I gave away 4 sleeping bags that we no longer use. We have tons of them since my family and friends camp a lot... it's just extra. What other ways can I help and give back to the community?",0 "I don't know what to do. The police are no help as I'm usually tossed in the squad car and questioned like a fucking criminal because ""why would she lie?"". I can't keep the 2400 a month in child support up because I can't get a job (I usually make 3000 a month net) and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be homeless in a few days. All I want is to help my daughter and make sure she's safe and I've run out of ideas. Anything you kind folks could think of would be greatly appreciated.",1 "I'd never heard this idea until recently, and I'm starting to see it cropping up more, always in opposition to any kind of support (or even empathy) for the homeless - any attempt to help the homeless is pointless because 'most' homeless people want to be homeless; therefore housing programs/assistance, mental health & substance abuse support are wasted because the homeless are too lazy to get themselves out of homelessness and 'enjoy' their condition, because they don't have to work, because they don't have to pay bills, because they don't have responsibilities, because they're lazy etc. I strenuously disagree with this, and I feel like it's an attempt to move the goalposts; there's a growing awareness that homeless people may not necessarily be homeless because they got themselves into that position and they 'deserve' it, but because of substance abuse issues and mental health problems, coupled with a breakdown in social network. But that's a lie, or 'lefty propaganda', for some people; they want to believe, despite whatever legitimate reasons some homeless may have for not being in shelters, say, that it's a *moral failing* \- going full circle, they don't deserve help because their homelessness is a consequence of decisions they made. Thoughts?",0 "I keep it together at work and hear I'm doing great, but I'm always on the edge of falling apart. I've been through tough adjustments before which always suck, but this is hitting me differently, maybe because it's high level/can't and don't want to quit. (But kinda want to win the lotto so I could quit). I want to get through this transition and get good at this job, bit I can't do survival mode much longer. Working too much but idk how to stop.",1 "My Social Security disability case is still winding its way through the labyrinth of that particular bureaucracy, but there'd be no need to worry about me cutting into your food, as I do receive SNAP. I *could* get a small storage unit for my belongings while I ""hold out"" around these people, though that'd be less than ideal (and dangerous)... and paying for the unit would cut into the funds I'd need to cover fuel and such getting out and going up North. Hence why I'm trying posting here. I suppose it's also worth mentioning that my friend's car is on the smaller side, which might make a tight squeeze, so if anyone has a larger vehicle, and is able and willing to move me and my stuff from Fort Worth to Fort Wayne, that'd be cool. I'd be able to cover fuel and such (well, so long as it's not a major gas guzzler we're talking about - I've got about $200 for that purpose).",0 He was going to choke the name out of me. I am his 24/7 caregiver i do not have time to cheat even if i wanted. He said i would die if i didnt tell him. He snapped out of it. That was a couple days ago and i am finding out how close i really came to dying.,1 "Almost too well. She extends our date twice, buys us a drink each, starts a make out session which lasts for 2 hours, calls me hot, and although neither of us had a house free she gave me oral too. Although she said she had a great time - which I replied to - I then waited to respond to her next message, and I don't know if that killed any momentum because I was already very delayed when we first got talking of course. Anyway, despite our great date and a second one lined up when I asked her out a day later, she ended up cancelling on me, and then told me a week later that she got more serious with another guy - which to me only translated as him being hot and me being ugly. They broke things off a week later, and she did ask me out again, but at one stage I annoyed her with a jokey message.",1 "Now I’m in a healthy relationship. This man is the love of my life. He always pushes for me to be better and I resist it sometimes. I’ve turned on him fearing him having a dark objective, and I don’t understand all my triggers. All I know is sometimes I see my incredibly loving boyfriend as my incredibly abusive ex and it breaks my heart because he’s the only person that tends to me so well... he does everything he can to help me always he saved me from that awful relationship... he saved my life.",0 "Everything was absolutely perfect. He is always very quiet, but is a complete sweetheart, and very warm and kind once he trusts someone. He’s pretty much the spitting image of what I imagined of the person I would marry when I was young. The one thing about him that would have seemed “off” is that he never really talked at all about his life before the Army. I know what city he is from, and a couple inconsequential details, but nothing significant.",0 I wasn't sure when I argued with him and she said that when him and I were breaking up and I asked if he still is attracted to me (and he had said yes but now I know otherwise) that is considered as arguing. I explained that I just wanted to understand because I was so thrown. She said that it counts as arguing and there is no point to ask him that and she built on that and said some other stuff that expressed that I am wrong to feel this way. I finally told her that I am sick and tired of being told that I cannot feel betrayed/hurt. I didn't stay at ex's place for an hour because we were arguing.,1 "He has done it to lots of people and says every night that he is going to kill himself but then never does anything. Not even self harm. This also affects my family life as I come home everyday feeling stressed and this causes conflict in my family. (I still live with my mum and she works hard and travels a lot so she is also stressed) so I try to bottle it in to not give her more stress but then it eventually comes out in the form of arguments, because we both try to bottle in our emotions, so we end up falling out and both feeling very upset. Please can someone help me find a way to cope with all of this, it would mean a lot to me.",1 "Our family cat Bootsy became very ill and we took her to the vet. We spent what little money we had on diagnostics there and after an ultrasound it was determined she would need surgery immediately or she would likely die. We didn't have the money for surgery but found an organization which would perform the procedure and provide necessary care to help her if we transferred ownership. We gave Bootsy up to have a chance of saving her life. After some weeks of care and a surgery, we recently found out Bootsy fully recovered, but the organization will not return her to us unless we pay for a portion of the cost of her care, approximately $650.",1 "I really need to get this off my chest because I don't feel like anyone I can talk to in ""real life"" right now is going to understand (I am seeing friends Wednesday though). I had a horrible weekend. Boyfriend and I want to move next year. This weekend we visited a city we were thinking about moving to and we **hated** it. I was so discouraged and feeling so vulnerable by the whole thing.",1 "I don’t know why I’m writing this. I don’t know what people will say, I’m seeking therapy for this, I’m openly involving my SO in this so that I don’t feel too isolated, and so she doesn’t either. It felt surreal to tell her and it feels surreal to type it out. If anyone can hear me, please reach out. Thank you.",1 "I'm 18 and I'll be leaving home for the first time. At this point, you can see that my dad like to ""collect"" things but it not like our house looks like and episode of Hoarders (yet). Fast forward 18 months, I'm transferring to a college closer to home. Between traveling and not being able to find a job in the barely populated, conservative, town I was in, it was in the best interest. Also a key point, I changed my major from Veterinarian Bio to general Psychology since my hometown college didn't have vet bio.",0 "So now I'm here not knowing what to do. I don't want to call the cops because I don't want my mom to get in any trouble for her gambling habits. So I need some advice for what to do incase something like this ever happens again. **tl;dr**: My mom cuts her boyfriend because he grabbed her by the throat and I don't know what to do. **UPDATE**: After this incident with her boyfriend, my mom wants to move out of the house.",1 I was completely on my own by 14. When she felt the cuts on my wrists in the dark on night she asked if I was cutting ? I said no and she never said anything again. I could go on and on. I think she truly believes that because I am an adult now that all the screw ups all the pain I have been through is my own fault.,1 Today was a really bad day. I had no energy and I cried and I thought about suicide all day. I'm afraid things will never change for me. I'm not strong enough to change things for myself and I have no help. What can I do?,1 PS: I can't get fired because one she is in another department which doesn't break policy and I am in good working and personal relations with my direct boss and the one above him. --- **tl;dr**: Started having sex with a co-worker 8 months ago. Found out today that she is married and that some of our sexual partners were also married. What should I do?,1 "The way he was acting was disproportional to the situation. He is yelling at me nonstop. We pulled into a store. He kept yelling mean things at me, to the point I was asking him to stop over and over, telling him I didn't want it to escalate and to please go into the store. It all happened so fast.",1 "For context, I'm working through my last year of grad school, living alone currently with not many strong friendships in the area, and my Dad has been dying of cancer since September, so it's a stressful and lonely time. At first, I was quite excited about getting married. But for the last 3 months or so, all it does is fill me with dread and worry. When I've visited her, I've found myself falling into a deep funk. I often find myself wishing she would break up with me.",1 "We are 21 now, both turning 22 next month. It started off as friendly catching up, but things have gotten more romantic and we have been hanging out a lot more. I wasn’t sure we could ever be together again, but I no longer have feelings of sadness or resentment regarding what he did to me. I have noticed by the way he carries himself now, he has definitely matured. I guess I just want to know when or if I should tell him I hooked up with his friends?",0 "So I'm feeling a bit lost with this. I've had asthma ever since I was a little kid and it has been flaring up really bad over the last few weeks... I think. Actually I'm not sure if that's what it really is. I recently got a prescription for trazodone (about six weeks ago), and it has helped with having fewer nightmares.",0 "My PTSD has manifested itself in disassociation, flashbacks, panic attacks and general anxiety and depression. I believe that my PTSD is related to my previous abusive relationship also, sexual assault, traumatic childhood experiences and an alcoholic parent. I am looking for any advice related to these issues that may help me learn to manage them. I am currently seeing a therapist and going through CBT and I mediate regularly as well. Any suggestions or resources would be greatly appreciated!",1 "Oh, I forgot Aversives. This is where the therapist is openly punitive, hostile or withholding, explicitly, in order to punish and teach you. Linehan gives three sentences towards ant ethical criticism of this, by saying it works. It also uses fun techniques like giving multiple sessions a week, plus groups, which are mandatory. There is also telephone contact.",0 "I’m starting to eat far less and constantly poke at my fat, starve, compare myself to other girls and today, I’ve given into regurgitating and that has made me almost lose it. I did mention in a previous post that I have a huge phobia of vomiting, and I see that it’s combatting my body dysmorphia now. I’m at my nerves end. I do have times where I’m calm and collected. Reading a book.",1 "I can't take much more. I hate being unworthy of the truth and feeling like I'm crazy for thinking this. This feels like my entire life, with everyone I've ever expected to love and care for me. I'm fucking over it. TL;DR I know my boyfriend is probably on drugs, or at least was actively using for some period of time recently, and you will probably agree with me if you read the evidence.",1 I just wanted to thank everyone on this sub reddit for answering my crazy questions. Also for answering my questions with obvious answers when I was too crazy to see the answers. I have been homeless for 3 months. Not anymore! I have my own room I'm renting from a very nice family.,0 "I'm just so tired of everything. I want my life back, I want to travel and get a degree or just a job. I am coping now because I started drinking heavy, I know it's not the best thing but it keeps me calm for now. I just don't know what to do anymore to be honest. Festival season is starting next week and all my friends are excited to go and see the bands.",1 "His response was to constantly remind me that ""not everything is about you"" and then taught me a technique which was to ask more questions in conversations because people always love talking about themselves. Anyway. I quit my antidepressants several months ago because I am in a good place now, and I can survive without them. I just find that thoughts like this are still very present, and can be very difficult to deal with. I never do apologize on Facebook.",0 "I'm building a school PC. My current laptop lags when doing Excel intensive work, which sucks for my chemistry lab work, so it definitely doesn't have much processing power. I'm not sure what the exact specs I need are, but I know that my i3 processor in my laptop doesn't cut it. I've been collecting PC parts to build my own and so far I have a low-tier processor (it'll need upgrading eventually, but is okay for now), a monitor, a graphics card, a power supply, a mouse and a keyboard. So I just need a case, motherboard, RAM, and a hard drive.",0 "(NSFW) I have really bad PTSD induced anxiety due to rape situations and being a victim to dozens of emotionally abusive relationships, and I am engaged to a HVAC service technician. One day he was going to do a check up on a furnace, he called before hand and he even gave notice the day before, and I was at school at the time so I didn't see the message till a little later. He walked into the house because the door was unlocked (because some people leave their door unlocked if they're downstairs or something) and he walked into the kitchen and it was a crack house, immediately he had a gun pointed at him and he froze for a second and ran back to his van, the guy shot half a dozen times and hit the rear view mirror, he almost got shot so many times while running to the van, and when I saw this I was hysterically sobbing in the middle of the school hall and when I got home I got to my mom and kept screaming ""he almost died he almost died"" and my mom thought I said he died because I could barely breathe, he seems to be over it now but every time he is a little late coming home from work or hasn't replied in awhile I get so scared hes dead and late at night I can't sleep because I'm scared this is the last day I'll have with him. I don't know what to do.",1 I made a decision that I had enough of this fear and I was going to die fighting and not be afraid anymore. I reached this point a few years ago. It is a wonderful thing to sleep peacefully. I was tired of wanting to sleep in my trunk in my car (in my garage) because I was afraid of sleeping alone in houses. I was tired of sleeping on the sofa or on the floor of different rooms just to avoid sleeping in bedrooms because of fear.,0 "The main source of this stress is a scholarship I am on that requires payback if you lose it, meaning I would be in the whole about $20,000 if I fail and get kicked out. The contract states you can either be kicked out or placed on probation, but I cannot find any precedent on what direction they lean. Without diving into many specifics on this class and the great, and I emphasize great, impact it can have on this scholarship \(I wouldn't be able to get my AE degree\), I was hoping I could find some advice on increasing my productivity and generally improving my mental/physical health. I am reaching here, I really need some help. My fiance, bless her heart, is not much help because of planning the wedding and I don't have a lot of close friends/confidants.",1 I'm just so angry that I'm still dealing with this. The abuse happened 10 years ago. My abuser lives a normal life and doesn't have to deal with the shit I go through every day. I'm just so angry. Thanks for reading.,1 "Maybe kind of nauseous? Not in a normal nauseated feeling. Its more like that pit of my stomach, I'm about to get in big trouble, or I'm waiting for the cops to come pick me up or something haha. Like, it has that prickle in my spine to it. And that restlessness in my head.",1 "It didn't go exactly how it should have done though, and the female had to go to theatre and lost 3 pints of blood. My aim is to get my story published, and once it is selling, the money I need to initially get the book into print would be donated to research into TTTS. Over and above the £2500 donation, a percentage of all further sales would be donated to this important research. If you can please take the time to click the link below, and share what I am trying to do, I would be very appreciative. ",0 I am able to pay back plus interest within a short time frame. If anyone can help me I would seriously appreciate it. I'm extremely stressed out a helping hand would be so amazing. I tried to keep this as short as possible. If you are still reading this thank you for your time.,1 "We couldn’t have Thanksgiving because of money struggles in the family. I am here begging and pleading for help to get some food in our cupboards to help hold us over as long as we can. I’m counting down the days until tax season so we can fill up the pantry! We receive about $700 each year from the Wisconsin Homestead Tax Credit which is what we use to catch up on bills, prescriptions, and to stock up on food. It’s extremely heart wrenching when my own mother or grandchildren cannot have a bowl of cereal because there’s no milk and guess what, no cereal.",1 "I am 25 years old and recently had to stay with my mother and her new husband. My mom has had issues on and off throughout my childhood, but it is only recently that I identified her as a narcissist. We used to be very close (inappropriately so), but last week she disowned me and asked me to move out over a Reddit post she found of mine (not this account). I am moving out on Sunday, and have been enduring the silent treatment for about two weeks. I was raped by an acquaintance less than 6 months ago, and everything is hitting me all at once.",1 "Having expected that, I told myself at the time that it doesn't bother me much and I'll go back to handling it all by myself as I've been doing for years, but it's been nagging at me for most of the day now. I keep doubting whether I really am wallowing in it. My trauma occured five years ago, and it doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as it used to (thanks to some tricks I learned on here and through my own research), and I believe I've been handling it all okay. I do my level best not to dwell on it, I've accepted it's in the past and will never happen again...except that doesn't stop the flashbacks and nightmares. I wasn't directly involved in my traumatic events, I only saw and heard them.",1 "Most of 2017, I stayed at around 135 and have been really good about hiding my fat with very flattering clothes but over the last 3 months, I have gained 15lbs as a result of traveling for work, moving to a new city and the holidays. I have always been very unhappy with the way I look and I envy girls who are slim. I obsess about this in my head 24/7 and even though I try to stay positive, the truth about how I REALLY feel comes out almost every time I go out drinking with friends and I become extremely negative and sometimes cry alone. My bf has told me that he is unhappy with my weight and he also hates seeing me unhappy. A summary of my bf: he is a complete workaholic, he loves me to death, he tells me how beautiful I am every day, he has dumped me 3 times because of my weight, he thinks I am an excuse maker and he does not know if he will commit to me.",1 "Where do I go with this kind of shit? I'm not violent or suicidal, so the hospital is a no go. But I don't really know where you seek help outside the ER. I dunno the process, how you set up organized appointments, how you pay (got insurance however), don't know any of it All I know is the shit I've seen really affects me to the point where I have a home and a job yet still feel so disconnected from normal society",1 "And I think it's important to get to know someone for a bit before making a decision to live together. I'm happy to send pictures of me, talk via voice, webcam, or whatever. The major restriction I have is that it will have to be at specific times because my abusive partner is home most days. I also will have to speak with anyone on secret messaging accounts when the abusive partner is not home, so I am not always available to talk about this but I check those accounts as much as possible. Due to anticipated trolling and people just asking questions that I've already answered (like telling me to go to a shelter instead), rather than coming back to all these posts (I'm posting this on a ton of websites) to see the replies, I'm just going to let anyone who is serious about speaking to me message me privately through the following places.",0 "It's not a black nd white situation, I panicked, argued and a bunch over this with them, admittedly not helping my case, but I'm over that. I want help for my issues. Enough sobbing, I sometimes feel so hopeless, but I need to remember that while I am down, I am not out. Employment, temporary housing, even just basic street smarts, I'd like to know how to cope with this situation. What to do, first 100 days and all.",1 I’m coming to find that my family are rapist sympathizers given the “right” circumstance (ie. sports). How would you want the media to change? What would make it easier to watch the news while also covering newsworthy topics? My head is in a fog still so hopefully that all made sense.,1 "I can't get away and sometimes I fear my youngest sibling will suffer for it! I know my mother will force me to never see them again if I make this decision, or even HOW can I make this decision? My only option at this point I feel is to be homeless but that's another can of worms. My thoughts are scattered and I'm honestly scared. I don't know what to do anymore.",1 "I was struggling to read the situation between us. My head was telling me she liked me but my anxiety was telling me I was wrong about this and not to pursue any sort of romantic relationship with her. I ended up getting a little drunk one night just before the new year and was texting her, I realised how much more at ease I was talking to her when I was drunk and that I quite liked her. I felt like I was being weird when I was sober too and i didn't like that. So I decided that instead of hiding my anxiety I would open up to her about it.",1 "my abuser is in my family, and i am in the process of healing but every family reunion/holiday i must see my abuser causing me to enter panic attacks, constant crying, and flashbacks, causing an uproar to what could make me so ""troubled"" I am afraid of coming out to my family in case of being removed for my family forever and damaging relationships. I have younger family members i am trying to protect so i feel alot of weight on my shoulders when i am having a bad PTSD episode around my abuser and my younger family members.",1 "Hi, I'm sorry if this doesn't fit here as I'm new to Reddit. I originally posted this in relationships advice but it was taken down due to the mention of abuse. The original post went like this: I met my exBF online when I was 13, he was 18, almost 19 at the time. To cut it short, he groomed me into accepting abusive behaviour from him which carried on when we moved in together when we were 20 and 25.",0 "At my appointment today I confirmed that I do want to pursue trauma therapy. It's scary and I know it will be hard. Part of me wants to run from it because again, I do ok considering. But I also have put it off for 25 years and don't want to spend another 10 or 25 wishing I had done it when I had the chance or wondering if things would be different. I already feel like so much more of a person and in some ways that's enough.",0 "-when talking to someone i get out of breath easily while talking (newest one) -can't sit properly, I have to sit in a weird position or else its really uncomfortable -easily startled (for example, im sitting in my room, watching youtube and all of a sudden someone opens the door and I get startled) in general im really not a easy to scare person, but this is ridicilous.. Im wondering if I can get rid of these symptoms, if its possible, sometimes I think that im neck deep in this anxiety that there is no way back to 100% normal... but then again sometimes I tell myself everything will be good again. So yea, some tips ,similar experiences / symptoms / if and how did you get rid of them are gladly appreciated:) Thanks !",1 We could make an arrangement where I occasionally ship you boxes of stuff. (PS I'm new to this subreddit and not sure how to ask for proof from you... I guess you could PM me a pic of your kid? Idk if that's weird. I'm happy to PM a pic of my kid bc he's super cute :),0 my gf dumped me and was honest .. you are the sweetest guy and made me feel like angel but sorry i can’t handle you scar and it embarrasses me in public and her friends made fun of her for being in a relationship with a scarface . i always hate my life because of this scar ... im tired and always stay at home to avoide people there just no solution for it and i don’t blame my ex she was crying when she told me the truth ... the real problem is people judment im a very nice person and people just think im a bad guys who got this scar from a fight TlDR ; Got dumped because of a scar on my face and i don’t think there would be any girl who loves me and accept me .. is there any girl on earth would accept to be in a relation ship with someone who looks like a criminal? ..i don’t know why im writing this post just want to let it out .. Thank you,1 "Hardly any jobs there too. So maybe even the next town over is the only place age could find a job. I have a car, not very reliable car, at that. So she has a place to stay until she gets on her feet but no transportation. No licence to trek that 20 miles back and forth up and down the mountain even if she did get a job.",1 "I felt horrible for her. Ever since, I’ve been close friends with Corrine. She told me a lot about what happened with her family, and we had a lot of late night conversations where she told me about how she had these nightmares of what might’ve happened, how she had bits of her brother’s brain on her shoes afterwards, how she tracked blood through the house while she went to get the phone to call 911. I felt so awful. We were close, but I knew her past was traumatic and rarely pried.",1 "But the death of a dream was inevitable. She brought a guy to our family home one night. I was out at a friends. (She and I were sleeping separately, but the kids still didnt know that she and I agreed to separate and try to work through this cooperatively). So drunk her brought a guy home to kids that were awake and were shocked to see her like this.",0 I hate asking for help and I would ask my family but they disowned me when I moved due to my adoptive mom being mentally abusive. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if you don't have $20 anything helps. Thank you so much. Edit: I have PayPal and Cash App.,1 "But this time if she ordered me a shot, I gave it away. I'm one of the only friends left who will go out to eat or drink with her, and I don't want to do it anymore. I feel I am enabling her diseases and I feel extremely guilty. She is worrisomely thin, and I don't think she'll live another 5 years. I honestly think the only calories she retains are from alcohol.",1 "I can't stop feeling miserable. It's not even because my ex is going crazy, because he's once again proven I don't get to control my own life. I can't let go of the prosecutor telling me I only hear what I want. I don't even know what he was referring to, but it has to be true because I honestly don't remember agreeing to dismiss he case. I'm guess I'm not doing as well as I thought, and I must be as crazy as I now feel.",1 "I want to be able to deal with these feelings and move on. I’ve talked briefly to a counsellor on the phone but besides talking about it making me cry, it hasn’t made me feel better. This is one of the worst PTSD episodes of my life. I can’t predict how long this is going to go on and I’m sick of the weak, dissolving feeling I get whenever I think about it. I’ve been trying to replace bad thoughts with good, I’ve tried CBT techniques, I’ve tried wallowing in the bad thoughts (as advised by someone over at r/emetophobia)... nothing has worked, I’m a mess.",1 "I'm afraid that maybe they aren't true and I'm demonizing him in my memory because having a villain that did horrible things to me is just easier to digest than the complicated truth. The worst thing is, I can't bring myself to talk to anybody. I always felt like I wasn't bad enough to need a doctor. I felt like I could get through it on my own. Even now, its hard for me to open up to my fiance about these things.",1 "I'm worried about my friend. She's really pretty and carefree and intelligent and I've known her since highschool. We had a band back then. She played guitar and sang, I played bass and another friend of ours played drums. We were into the grunge scene and to be honest, we were kinda good for a bunch of 15 year olds trying to make a name for themselves.",1 My sleep patterns are erratic because I don't want to sleep anymore. Is it normal to have PTSD with nightmares EVERY time I sleep? Every time? My psychologist has started trying to slowly desensitize me by showing me pictures and videos of what disturbs me: this is currently making things worse. How long until I start to see improvements?,1 "Here's a homebaked metaphor. This is only a reflection of my personal views, and is not designed to reflect anybody else's experience. ----- Just as witches and wizards in the novels avoid mentioning Voldemort's name, those who have experienced a trauma tend to avoid remembering it, thinking about it, speaking about it, anything that triggers the awful feelings and sensations which a traumatic event conditions us to associate with it. We go to great lengths to avoid doing or saying anything which will activate the trauma.",0 "I might be homeless soon, I have about 500 dollars in my bank account and I NEED to get out of Massachusetts. I am going to be a college drop-out in my 3rd year due to family reason instead of academics. After a lot of research, I am contemplating between Wichita, Kansas and Columbus, Ohio. I really just want a minimum wage job where I can have a bed and private bathroom. Afterward I can get my life together and start taking programming jobs again.",1 "I, too, am loyal to her. My insecurity came out pretty early in our relationship. I was still getting to know her and there was a lot to figure out. It's normal to be insecure in a new relationship, but the problem is that I can't stop being insecure. I feel like my insecurities spiraled out of control and now she is thinking of leaving me.",1 When I try to befriend artists or thinkers or doers. They often either shun me because my work has been sub par and nearly non existant and they don't see me as equal. Or they show sexual/romantic interest I don't reciprocate which makes me nervous and avoidant. Sometimes I am shunmed I think because they mistake my interest in making friends for a romantic interest. I am quite annoyed by all the assumptions/game playing/projecting that goes on in the world.,1 "I dwell on negativity quite easily and am I easily impressionable to brooding. I tend to express myself intensely to people without realizing it, giving the wrong impression because it's natural for me to be intense, but I am also quite composed and can for the most part be 'chill' but it's just that I only have two parts to me, a 'chill' way of expressing myself, and a passionate/intense way of expressing myself, so I come off the wrong way without realizing it when I think I'm being normal. People say that I'm a great person and easily liked but I don't realize sometimes how my expression and tone may come off, and people naturally give me a benefit of a doubt that I'm just passionate. My jealousy is extreme, and it causes me to be a questioning type but I use subtle ways to get information so it appears as normal a question because I have attachment issues and fear of loss. There is more to explain but I got to the bare bottom of the issue after realizing these habits.",0 "I'm going to keep this story short. I'm (16M) openly gay, he (16M) isn't. We've been friends and somewhat more for 5 months. He hates affection and being touched, but he constantly flirts with me, touches me, wants me to massage his ""sore"" back, wants me to sleep beside him, he cuddles me in his ""sleep""(which he has now revealed to be a fake slumber), and he always asks me about being gay and he truly is trying to understand it. Even if anything really happened between us, I wouldn't be getting a fulfilling relationship.",0 "He purposely said the most hurtful things to me during our break up to make himself feel better. And one of the worst things of all, like I mentioned earlier, he sexually assaulted and that also happened when he knew we were breaking up. Knowing how terrible of a person he is that some people have even told me he is a narcissist or sociopath, I don't know why I still think I should have just stayed, why I should have just seen if he could change despite how he never tried to change throughout our years together. I just want to stop myself from thinking this way and fully move on and have myself realize I am so much better off, and I even try to remind myself of all the bad things he has done but it seems that lingering thought of, ""Well, was it ever that bad?"" keeps returning.",1 "I do not originate from that country, but my family lives only a 3 hour ride away. After Christmas (which we did not spend together) I came to visit her and her family and eventually spend New Years Eve with them. It was all fine apart from some little ""fights"" between my gf and me. There were always some small things that led to discussions. For example: We went out with the dog and when we got back, my shoes were pretty dirty.",0 "That is 100% manipulative and wrong. Just because someone is your biological parent, it doesn’t mean that they are worthy of respect. A biological parent is just as capable of hurting their child as anyone else is. More than, if anything. You made the decision to create a household and you showed that you were only ever happy with it when you benefited from it.",0 "Like she knew she had gotten herself into a bad situation but now I'm just ""trying to put doubts in her head about her girlfriend"". And how it's okay because her girlfriend has depression. Well, I have severe depression too and I never hit her once nor did I cut her off from everyone. I've been severely manipulated before but I don't know if mine was ever this bad. I need answers.",1 "My neighbors, a young gay couple, just had a very loud fight, with lots of objects being thrown around. I've heard shouting matches before, this was different. I wasn't quite sure how to handle it. We went and the door was open so we walked inside to make sure everyone was ok, and nobody was in the process of being killed so we left as we were asked to. There were no visible bruises.",0 "My tourist visa ends November. Part of me wants to wait shit out until my green card gets here and then leave him. The other part of me wants to walk to my nearest lawyer so that I can hand him divorce papers, and demand money to send me and my dog back home. He said If I am wanting to go home, I should pay him back from my credit card the $2000 for immigration paperwork and $600 lump sum CrossFit membership he paid for me. What to do...",1 "Throwaway because this is an embarrassing issue (although everyone who knows me knows I have it). I’m sorry this is so long, I feel like I have no one to talk to about this and need to vent. I (21F) cry over the smallest things that I know I shouldn’t cry over. I have always been like this even since I was little. Whenever I get in an argument with someone, I cry and it eats away at me.",1 My therapist says this is a normal behavior to display. Having been ripped from my children and left on the streets is very hard and i honeslty want to give up. But the anxiety swirls to the point i keep trying to find where i went wrong. It replays and plays in my head over and over like a horror movie. The feeling of wanting to die because at that point i had nothing left.,1 "Has anyone else had this sensation? Also, if I close my mouth so my teeth are close together, I can tell that they are constantly chattering. I've definitely been much more anxious than usual lately as I work full-time at an emotionally challenging job and just decided to go back to school to pursue a Master's degree via night classes, but this shaky sensation has been a little alarming as I can't tell if it is anxiety related or something worse (which certainly contributes to the anxiety!!). If anyone has any suggestions or words of wisdom, I would be so appreciative. Thanks in advance!",1 "Hi all. I recently moved to another country and it pretty much cost everything to get set up here. My roommate just moved out to start a new chapter with their significant other, taking pretty much all the furniture with them and naturally, rent has gone up. I'm wiped out until the 17th. I, my wife and daughter would appreciate any help to tide us over.",0 The informed consent form at the beginning of the survey provides more information. Please click the link to access the survey: [survey Feel free to share the survey with friends and family who meet the survey requirements. You may ask any questions you have now or later by contacting Lena by email at . Thank you in advance!,0 "But I just can’t do what I need to do because I am terrified that I am doing the “wrong” thing, regardless of what decision I make. But the current situation (doing nothing) is extremely detrimental as well. I feel like a total loser and I am deeply ashamed of this anxiety, though I know that it is nothing to be ashamed of. I’m confident in so many areas of my life, but anxiety targets me and I become immovable. This is one of those times.",1 "One of the couples I know is made up of cancer survivors: the male had cancer as a child, thankfully beat it, but developed PTSD from the experience; the female has had 2 different battles with cancer (brain and breast), beat them both, but suffers from significant developmental issues (including cognitive delay and balance issues). They represent polar opposites on the spectrum of how cancer survivors can view the world: one feeling positive about having survived so much, the other being angry with the world that it happened in the first place. That's neither here nor there. I'll stop for a moment to explain that I'm not one of those that feels PTSD isn't a real condition. I grew up in an abusive home for years, and it wasn't until my mid 20's that I began come to terms with how subtly that had affected me over the years.",0 "This Crippling Pain Is Getting Stronger. Cant, you see I cant do this much longer This Fearless drip, The subconscious Tears. Hope someone Can see my Fear.",1 "The VTN is inspirational and amazing in their work, focus, honest dedication towards the health of our veterans in Canada. This is their resource page. If you are a Canadian Veteran (or Mountie) you could get on one of their programs, please contact them or Brian (or me and I can get you in touch with those who can connect you).   PHARMA THERAPY",0 "My online friend -- let's call him Jim -- is a Jehovah's Witness. I've known him on and off for about a decade. Nowadays, we only email each other about thrice a year, but I still consider him one of my favorite online friends because of how deep and insightful our conversations are. We've rubbed each other the wrong way in the past because we have different ideas of God. I was raised as a Born Again Christian and am now looking into becoming a Unitarian Universalist.",0 "Normal start of our day. He asked ""was the card worth the wait?"" I answered ""Yes, I cried, at the park"" he jokingly said ""of course you did, tiny tears x"" and then he asked ""did you take photos of the chocolates?"" I said ""yes babe"" and sent him the photo - he was still online but the last 2 messages wasnt read. The next message i sent was all about my day - that wasnt sent anymore, he was offline... i thought he was getting ready for his work and his phone died or his network... after an hour, I got worried, so I sent messages on all social media that he has, which I know.",0 Laundry. Lots of it. With my ass still against the door I grab the overflowing laundry basket. Overturn it. Sit on the fucking thing.,1 "While he constantly texts and asks what I'm doing. If I don't satisfactorily respond, he gets passive aggressive and tells me he's worried about what I'm doing, he's ""bugging out"" his ears are ringing so he knows I'm doing something. He said that today. Via text when I was on the phone with driver control. It makes me think he is psychic or something, because any time I do anything to try and get past this relationship, for myself, it's like he knows.",0 "I have not been to East Jesus yet, but Salvation Mountain is cool. One of my camp mates, KK, does shifts there a few times a week. The library is bursting with books, roomy and covered in cool shade while being open to the breezes. I spent my first day at the library. The Internet cafe isn't readily apparent at first glance.",0 I gave him a week to get all his bills together so we could go over everything and see where he could cut back. He didn’t do it. He just came over with his monthly expenses scribbled down on a piece of paper. My wife also took the time to get him a list of low income apartments in the area. We told him to call around and see if there was anything available or to at least try and get on a few waiting list.,0 "He used to (while single and during the early phase of our relationship) go out 5 nights a week with friends. Most of these nights would end up between midnight and 2 am. They are harmless. He doesn't drink or do drugs, they don't hang out with girls. It's he and a bunch of old men who like to play pool and poker.",0 "Then he slowly brought me back to the real world. Wow. I felt like in 7th heaven, I was able to dig deep and pull out those memories. My homework was to repeat my fav animals words until my next session, and this was just the starter. Next time we go deeper.",0 "Except now, the boyfriend's taken up drinking as he did before and has fallen back into his verbal and physically abusive habits. I'm not willing to take this anymore and I honestly fear for my safety when he has these psychotic mood swings. I have nowhere to go, though. No family or friends in this area and honestly, the area my family does live in was a ""living with druggies"" situation I do not want to be forced back into. I don't know what to do.",1 "this was something he did with my mom as well when they were together, just as some sort of weird game, but it's till like kinda invasive, right? there was also a game called try to get out, he'd pin me down or hold me in various positions and i'd have to try to get out. he'd kiss my neck sometimes too even though i didnt really want him to, ""neck kisses"". i'm pretty sure i expressed my discomfort and he was pretty dismissive for at least a while, although it stopped at some point, but i was at least 9 or something and this stuff was still going on. my grandma says he treats me more like a wife than a daughter.",0 It makes sense to see danger around every corner. But I wish I could find a place where it isn't so dark. I read a story the other day about someone who couldn't work anymore and just needed to be at home. . .,1 "My ex thought that show was terrific inspiration. He used it to discuss “what if”s with his guy friends, who I hope had no idea how real he is about that shit. I called it “The Rape Along/Beat Along Show” for the longest time. I still do when Gramma isn’t listening. Last time I unexpectedly came across the DVD set (Grampy accidentally left it at my place on the kitchen table, and, yes, he’d been told not to leave it where I might see it)...",0 "She works 6 days a week and usually ends her work day around 9-10pm. I work from 9-5pm. She lives across the city, 45 minutes away from me. When she works, we can hardly meet. So when we do make plans to meet, I extremely value those time.",0 "I've been procrastinating on posting this for weeks. I don't post to reddit much, but this is important to me. It's pretty late, so if you see this please help. I'll post the tldr at the top in case you want to skip the wall of text. I don't care if you comment without reading everything.",0 "I go from living happily, almost as if that part of my life didn't happen, to being floored by pain. I feel guilty to myself for how strong the reactions are so many years later. I feel guilty to my partner who has to deal with it even though he's not the one who caused me this hurt. He's been nothing short of wonderful, but I'm scared my past will end up driving him away. I certainly wish I could get away from me sometimes.",1 "I did not have this power as a child. Even as an adult, I still allowed the fear to crush me. Yoga and Meditation helped rid me of fear too. I spoke at a college about recovery a few years ago. I felt fear at that point but took my back up bag and gave myself permission to leave if needed.",0 This kind of thing just makes me want to stop. Why do people go out of their way to be negative to someone asking a question and trying to get help? It stresses me out.. Anyone else have this issue or get anxious over this? Or am I just being silly?,1 "I’m tired of watching the days waste away before me because I’m so useless. I’m useless from the insomnia, the depression, anxiety and lack of motivation. My chronic illness has destroyed my life, the resulting PTSD has only made it worse. I don’t know where this post is going. I don’t know what any comments will say.",1 "I dial. 000. I have never used that number before. How does this wor…. “Emergency: Police, Fire or Ambulance?”",0 "Please tell it to me JNMIL, I just don't know what to think any more. Am I unempathetic? Am I in a JNMIL situation with a FH who can't be helped? **TL;DR** My fiancé has banned me from asking questions about his relationship with his mother, after I questioned the need to visit her for the fifth time in five days (4x+/week since we moved in together). Edited to add: I have often turned up and helped.",1 Lately I've just been having that terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and also a feeling of nausea \- like I constantly need to throw up. I'm sleeping normal but still feeling so tired and drained and can't really focus at work \- and because of that I feel like my work performance is slipping up. I am constantly afraid that I'm going to lose my job and that my manager hates me. This has been happening so much more frequently. About a week ago my doc gave me prozac (once a day) and xanax (only as needed) prescriptions and I feel like it's helped with the bigger attacks and some dark thoughts but now its almost like just a little constant anxiety all the time and it sucks.,1 its been 9 months now for our marriage and she managed to sleep with me with lights off as i cant even think of sleeping with lights on. now she is pregnant and its 8 months. now she wants to keep lights on in the room which i cant sleep with lights. what should i do ? is that behavior of my wife normal ?,1 "It's heartbreaking to watch him get up at night to cry. I suggested therapy but he's not in favour of it. I think his father passing has also altered his reactions, which are out of whack now. I was sick last week and was not in town - he let a couple of dishes fester in the sink, and I discovered when I got back that there was fungus on it. (i.e.",0 "I was physically and sexually abused by my mom as a kid. She would pull my pants down and fondle my genitals from the time I was a child up until I moved out for college. This is something where I know it happened, and I can remember time after time how it had happened. About a month ago, though, I had a really vivid and visceral nightmare about a form of sexual abuse that I can't place in a timeline like I can with the other types of abuse. In this nightmare, my mom and I are naked in bed and she is touching me, until I get so scared that I push her away and fall out of the bed.",1 " I just stop doing productive things, talking to people, remembering appointments, etc. I am unemployed and almost broke but looking for work is causing me to feel like I can't swallow or get a full breath. I find that I have played video games all day, surfed Reddit or this morning I read reviews on a book that is coming out for almost 2 hours. I am not on meds though I am trying Gaba since I had some anyway. To make it even more fun, my sister is mad at me because I am ""chronically self centered"" because I forgot to get back to her about possibly getting together for dinner, because I am shut down.",1 "in the end i just end up leaving, ignoring the question or just saying something like ""haha, i'm not really interested in that sort of thing"" or whatever. that's all fine i guess, but what really pisses me off is when people act like it's some kind of status symbol to be sexually active (we are 18, ok.) and treat you like an immature loser if you aren't. wish i'd known that it was cool and a good thing back when i was being abused, it could have given me some playground cred or something instead of a lifetime of trauma processing. lol! i know my anger isn't justified, that their intention is not to be offensive or rude, that i'm being petty and immature and that i shouldn't take offense from these typical teenage status things but sometimes i just want to tell people about all the horrible things i went through so they will shut the fuck up and leave me alone.",1 "But even after that he still says things that makes me feel uncomfortable. For example, when I suggest we do something or go somewhere that could be somewhat unique/interesting (e.g., watching a documentary about sex workers in their 60s, or going to a church in Vienna to listen to the choir boys sing), his first reaction via text is ""wtf?"" I instantly feel bad and angry because he is saying wtf to my plans and interests. When I confront him about it, he says he ""wasn't saying it to me."" His excuse is that he was saying wtf about [insert whatever the subject matter was].",1 "I'm scared to start the eviction process but I NEED to protect myself and my son. Hell, im even scared to ask this asshole to take the trash out. I don't know what to do. I feel like an empty shell of a person with no strength to get out of this mess. This is mostly a rant but does anyone have any advice or words of encouragement?",1 "Ugh. I just need to tell people who I know will understand what happened. If you can relate, offer support, anything... that would be appreciated. I've been dealing with this disease for years now, and I just had the worst flashback I've ever had. My boyfriend had a long day and was going to sleep before me.",1 "The first veteran to participate in the study received the marijuana on Monday at theScottsdale Research Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, the release stated. The study is taking place in two locations: in Phoenix, led by Dr. Sue Sisley, and at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, led by Ryan Vandrey. The study is recruiting adult military veterans who have experienced trauma during military service. Screening for volunteers began in January. Volunteers will complete 17 outpatient visits to one of the study location clinics in a 12-week period, with a follow-up visit in six months.",0 "Because if you can't beat em, join em right? I've learned that it's okay to be anxious about things that happen in my life. If I can control them, its in my hands to turn it around instead of going into a black hole. If I can't control it, panicking won't change the situation either. If it won't matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it.",0 "Hello wonderful world of Reddit! My boyfriend and I rescue animals in need. We'll Foster them for however long it takes to find them a home but this guy is something special and I think he's staying with us for good. His name is Chance and he was rescued by an acquaintance from some people who weren't caring for him properly and we're going to dump him somewhere. Then this acquaintance's leasing office told him it was him or the dog, and so he was heading a shelter when I spoke up and took him in.",0 "Hi guys, I have PTSD that came from a suicide related incident. I'm not ready to talk about what happened, but it was pretty recent so even the small things are triggering. This timing couldn't possibly be worse, 13 reasons why is gaining popularity incredibly quickly and the ads are popping up everywhere. I'm getting help, but these things take time and I can't just quit the internet. Is there any way I block that specific type of ad?",1 "My best friend of nearly 20 years is dealing with some anxiety around personal issues. She’s been remembering some things from her childhood, and, with the help of her therapist, is trying to process and heal. We don’t live in the same area, and when we got together about a month ago, she filled me in on some of those issues. About a week later, she told me that she was taking a break from electronics in order to try to process and heal, and that she and her therapist had been talking about it for a while. She said she was putting her phone on airplane mode and that she’d check it in a few days and that she’d check her email about once a week.",0 "I have a cat and a dog. Without going too much into my personal circumstances, I am being forced to leave my residence very soon. I have no family or friends able to take me or my animals in. I think I may be able to leave my dog where he is currently for a few months. My cat is a 9 year old spayed female.",0 I'm an ex wife and mother. My daughter is 14. I met my ex husband 8 years ago and together we raised my daughter. We separated 3 yeara ago. Although the marriage didn't work we continued to co-parent.,0 "I wondered if anyone else had a similar place that they always found themselves in. I can't decide if it's healthy or not since most of the traumatic things that happened at home were in that space. I'll find myself camped out, sobbing on the floor, but can't really pinpoint why it's the place I always seek out. Secondly; if it's not helping me recover, how can I make the rest of my house more appealing? I'm not consciously choosing to end up in the kitchen it's just where I go.",1 "To make up for it I made a cute little note and I made him a batch of his favorite cookies. I was honestly so damn proud of the gift when I finished putting it together, it looked awesome! To add some context, I have attended a few games with him (and the rest of the family) and absolutely loved them. I didn’t care about the actual games themselves, but I loved being there with my family and the cool atmosphere and stuff. Well, apparently my dad didn’t think it was so awesome.",0 "Everytime, he gets mad he takes my phone or other items away from me and tells me he bought it so it's his. He's even broke my iPhone which I bought a long time ago. He doesn't give me money and if I want some, I need a good reason why. He works overnights which makes things very hard for me, because the Long island railroad barely runs during those times and even then I have a 2months old, where would the baby and I go overnight? I don't know what to do, but I'm tired of feeling trapped and helpless.",1 "To put it straight. I get anxiety when something changes on my body, be it hearing or any senses. I was in a car with my father and he has this 2K dollar professional stereo system in his car. He sat on the remote and all the sound went up to it's highest point. I was able to cover my ears, but with my forearms.",0 "I wanted this addressed and my advocate said the next prosecutor taking over my case was great, so don't worry. Now in April of this year I got a call from my attorney from the protection order case. My ex's attorney had contacted her to ask why I hadn't dismissed the case like I'd offered originally. He hadn't brought this up in half a dozen trials, and even provided forged documents to prove my ex's innocence. He had finally requested discovery, seen the actual records and asked for dismissal.",0 "I won't go into too much detail but what stems off of that is thoughts of being and feeling worthless like I'm not good enough for anyone and that I'm undeserving of the good things given to me but then another thought stems off of that one which would be something along the lines of me thinking how stupid I was acting and then another thought after that and so on. Another little thing I'd like to add is that that I seriously struggle seeing my own self worth and how much I mean to my friends and family (who are all amazing by the way I love them all so much). Eventually on fairly rare occasions those thoughts tend to lead to depression, paranoia that people around me hate me and don't want anything to do with me, dissociation with reality and then finally the rock bottom of that would be thoughts of suicide (though I've never acted out on these thoughts or would ever want to) and the occasional anxiety attack where I feel nauseous, my heart beats really fast, my limbs feel like jelly, heavy breathing, I feel panicked and I just want to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. Other than that though I'm quite optimistic and I tend to be a genuinely upbeat and happy person! I'm seeing someone about these problems but I just thought I'd ask if anyone has any extra advice they could give if things start to get a bit out of control.",0 "I'm not mad, but it makes it very hard to compete as I'm quickly figuring out that my school was fairly easy and I did not try very hard. Which yes it is my fault, but I didn't think I was going to have to compete with the best of the best. Just know the course well. I have always been able to apply myself, endless amounts of will power with a drive to learn. So yeah I thought I could learn what I needed to know, but it's more than that, it's knowing EVERY little fucking thing about everything because that's how much everyone else knows.",1 "One of my best friends is getting married in a few months and found the dress she's been waiting for but can't afford it. Just so happens the boutique she found it at is having a contest to win $1000 towards your dress. Voting ends tomorrow. She was in first but the other girl pulled away into first! Her name is , here is the way to vote: ",0 "He was my best buddy in high school and we’re still really close. And my girlfriend, who goes to school in DC, is home too so I can see her. I’m grateful for them but wish I had a bigger friend group from home that I was still close to. I’ve loved college, but haven’t really found a new best friend yet. I’ve still kinda struggled with feeling like an outsider and not really fitting in.",0 She starts to cry and apologize as well as tell me that it was all her fault regardless how many times I try to convince her otherwise. As her boyfriend it's extremely painful to watch. On our ride home from the store today she had another breakdown that lasted until we got into the house. However that's when things took a turn for the worse. She had an extremely severe panic attack.,1 "I can't afford to buy new clothing, not even from goodwill. Right now, I've currently got two pairs of workout capris and that's it. And in the northeastern us it is getting colder. I could really use a couple pairs of jeans, some shirts, and a nice pair of black dress pants for interviews that I have lined up. Used is fine as long as they don't have holes in them.",0 "I just need to get this off my chest with people who will get it. I can't stand being in this situation where I feel like my reaction to something could be coming from the PTSD in which case it was an overreaction, or if the thing done to me was actually shitty and the reaction was warranted. Or some sort of combination of both. I can't see other options. I just have ended up feeling guilty for self-advocacy because I have this internalized feeling (only just now realizing I have this) from my past that he was right, I am just crazy and needy and the abuse was justified.",1 I have been trying to find an answer to this question over 6 months. My story starts when I changed while my life for the man I loved by believing him that he loves me and moving to California from Israel. Since I was the one who were going to take the big step I had many concerns yet he always literally begged me to move here... finally I did move here and we got married. After a while I found out from a Facebook message that he has been cheating on me all those time that he was begging me to move in with him. I asked him about the message and he lied about it over an hour.,1 "What if they were met with a broken system, the same way I was when I tried to get help on my own? What if there were others I never knew about who tried to help me? It's really got me in a tizzy. I feel relieved. At least one person saw and tried to help.",0 "I have several issues with anxiety, but urban driving is one of the worst. So of course, my wife drags me along to new york city and expects me to do the driving. Currently emotionally and physically exhausted. One of the worst things, one that i will cause me lose sleep at night is: im anxious because im unsure if paid a toll while traveling in a tunnel from JFK to jersey city. My rental has an easy pass, but it was dark, i was confused.",1 "But that's it, just okay. Very recently she has become very very self absorbed, cold and not supportive of me and my goals. She's doing her Masters, I try my best with everything that I can for her, she suffers from generalised anxiety disorder so sometimes she can't even go outside so, I try my best to help her in anyway I can. I pay for her books if she needs some because she can't really afford them, if she needs food I help. I say this like I mind and, I don't I really don't.",0 I literally felt her lose interest in talking to me as I said that. She asked me some basic questions and then suggested that I go into walk-in counseling that my school offers because she doesn't want to waste MY time being there. I told her that it wasnt a waste of my time and that I'm here because I want to get better. This was only my second time meeting her and we never delved into any of the main issues that I was facing but she brushed me off so quickly all because I wasn't sobbing my eyes out or felf like committing suicide. She acknowledged the fact that I wanted to stay and talk about other things in therapy but she proceeding to rush me out.,1 "He didn't talk to me for a few days, and told me he needed some space. He ended up talking to her and it worked out because she actually got a raise in the city that we're both from, and her manager begged her to stay and work there. He decided he didn't want to be mad and brought me coffee this morning and talked about it with me. I told him that he could date this girl when we broke up, and I couldn't control that but I don't like them living together so soon after we break up. He told me that after a year and a half one fight isn't so bad.",0 "For instance, there was a show on netflix that I thought would be fun to watch together, but she said she couldn't because she used to watch it with her ex and it reminds her of him. Like, are you even over him? She constantly compares me to her ex's in subtle (maybe not subtle) ways, like ""[ex] used to do this thing you do, and you know how I feel about that."" I'm not your ex, I don't think it's fair of you to compare me to him like that all the time. She says she's ""not used to being single,"" it kind of makes me feel like she's using me to get reassurance and validation.",1 I’m struggling to figure out what’s wrong with me at the moment. I’m wondering what caused you all to find out that you may have PTSD? Was it something you noticed yourself? Did family members point it out? Etc.,1 "I generally like to finish the stuff I do that I consider to be work related but some things like video games, series or anything like that I don’t want to end. I am scared of finishing them since I know going back to it won’t be the same. After I finish them everything about it just feels so empty, like it has no value anymore. Knowing I can never experience it the same way again makes me not want it to end. I go from loving it and then afterwards never wanting anything to do with it anymore.",0 "I even tried to settle this outside of their insurance so that their insurance rates wouldn't go up. I feel afraid every time it becomes nighttime and when I have to go to school, because I know there is a chance I may see him again. I don't know how to stop thinking about what happened that night, what I could have done differently, or what would have happened if someone had come to save me. It's hard to tell my family I've begun to think about killing myself again. I've struggled with depression for years and this incident has only made it so much worse.",1 "and I giggled. He stomped towards me, mocked my laugh with an angry face and ripped the keys from my hands. He grabbed me by the top of my shirt and looked me in my eyes and said ""Stop playing these stupid F*CKING games"". That was my childhood. He'd abuse me and my brother.",0 "I have almost constant health anxiety. It's a mixture of agoraphobia and health anxiety. I'm afraid of having some incurable disease or suddenly stopping breathing... I've been kinda iffy the past few days, just tired from lack of sleep, and I usually feel like shit after my period which triggers my anxiety. Well anyway I went out to meet my mom for some food and the first thing she says to me is ""wow are you okay?""",1 "This weekend she had a breakdown and gave me the following reasons: - I'm almost a momma's boy - My mom shares an unhealthy relationship with her children (my mom has admittedly told my gf a number of times that she makes her jealous and I care for another woman, but that's because my mom doesn't have a life outside our family and is understandable. My mom however cares for my gf, buys her presents, keeps in mind her allergies and cooks her food that she'd eat, so I don't get why my gf would have an issue) - Apparently it's weird that I spend all my time and don't like to hang out with friends",0 "Jimmy laughed and chit chatted as if nothing was the matter which was normal for Jimmy even under heavy fire he’d still be nattering in his Scottish accent with a smile under that giant twisty RAF moustache. Jimmy landed his wee plane on the first open veld he spotted. My father instantly fell out of the plane, tuck and rolled ready to run for cover. Jimmy was a bit surprised. “Steady on old chap, I just need a tinkle.”",0 "Me (28F) and boyfriend (39M) been happily monogamous for 1.5 years. We have a good sex life. We have only mentioned a couple times that it might be hot to add someone else to the mix, if the right opportunity presented itself. I met her (22F) in my pottery class and immediately felt a girl crush which is really out of the ordinary for me. She’s super cute and we have hung out as friends on several occasions.",0 "Three of them said ""so sorry I actually can't"" and gave some noncommittal excuse, whether that was work or school related (even though school only started up again about a week ago and midterms are far away). I was disappointed but figured that it happens and I can still have fun with the three other people that are coming. Only to wake up the next day and have the other three friends text me that they couldn't come either for varying reasons and they were ""so sorry"". I was so upset the entire day. I had told my mom about it and she had told me that what I didn't realize was that none of them were really my close friends, since people that are actually friends don't flake out like that, plus none of them have ever come over to my place or vice versa or done anything more than hang out every now and then.",1 "So I have a csf leak. It isn't diagnosed, but being that its pretty much the only thing(I don't have any heart issues) that causes orthostatic headaches and and the other problems im having, its probably a csf leak. If I stand for more than 10 minutes or so after I wake up I develope a horrible headache that feels like its pressing downwards, and I basically become retarded. Like I cant even walk straight. I think my vision is starting to be affected too.",1 "Thanks. Edit 1 - Fuel Receipt As Requested. Sorry for the long responses, I went to spend the night at a friends because it got really cold here! The Police said they don't give out a copy of the report but they gave me an incident number that can be used to verify the report was filed.",0 "So thank you. My day got better. I am on medicine so I took my alprazolam and went to a store to try and find a dress for an upcoming wedding party. No luck. Dressing room lady was rude as hell but for the first time, I didn’t really put up with it.",0 "She wouldn't bring it - trying to pawn it off on others. She WOULD eventually bring home food - at like 3 A.M. (when bars close, :x) when the food would be cold and soggy from the grease soaking into it. This happened pretty often and I never really paid no mind to it, once again, I was a kid and didn't really think anything of it. I remember her taking me to my grandparents (her side) for the weekend quite a few times - and being horribly saddened by just being dumped off by her so she could go see different men. Once I was fifteen (february of '06) I got into an argument with my father and I wasn't taking his BS anymore.",0 "I am weary of this whole emotional drama that I have to go through to end a relationship. I almost feel like it's not even my choice to end a relationship. Is there a way to avoid this whole process? --- **tl;dr**: My break-ups tend to be long and drawn out, with me unable to really break-up with my partner.",1 "If he's the textbook abuser, she is the textbook victim. She keeps giving him chances and accepting his apologies and living in this cycle of abuse. She thinks she's the one doing something wrong. I keep telling her that the only thing she is doing wrong is staying with this guy and thinking he will change. I tell her she does not deserve this treatment.",0 It honestly felt like someone punched a hole right through me. Later in the day I texted her and we talked. I asked her how the trip went. She sounded exited to talk to me and it sounded like it would work out between us. I asked her abut her friend and if anything had happened between them and she said that nothing had happened and that her aunt was with her the whole time.,1 "Hi reddit. I never thought I would need to post anything here, but over the weekend, tragedy struck people that are very close to my heart. This request is not for me, but for some close family friends. Saturday night my friends were on their way home from their baby shower. They were hit by a drunk driver with a previous DUI and a suspended license.",0 "He doesn't have to spend a load of money on things I like! He can use it to spend on himself. I don't understand why he feels that just because we're in a relationship that he has to ""spoil"" me. I enjoy being spoiled but only when I'm the one spoiling myself, haha. TL;Dr: My boyfriend doesn't like that I don't want him to do anything for me",1 "Hello. I have been on these support subs the last four months or so, and they have been so very helpful, thank you to everyone on her, and reading this. I have a situation where I am not sure what advice to give. My younger sister is twenty one years old. She has BPD or something much like it, and can become very emotional, begin panicking about the potential of abandonment, and threatening suicide, to cut of all her hair etc.",0 "I'm new to this so please forgive me. I'm not very good at expressing my emotions. I need advice/help. I was molested multiple times by my biological dad when I was 5 up until middle school (so like 10 yrs old). After many times in the past telling my mom that my dad had ""touched me weird"" my mom had gotten annoyed and mad at me.",1 Also there was an attempted rape on me when I was 21. I never realised how much an effect these events had on me. There is another woman that I like (F32). She is very intelligent and we talk all the time. The problem is that I am married even though my marriage is awful.,1 When it is his weekend off). He grumbles and yells only on his 'nervous' days. Maybe once a week. Sometimes three days in a row. Sometimes it is two weeks of not yelling.,1 "I live alone, make sure my dog gets the exercise he needs, I keep my apartment tidy, I do my laundry, I make sure I’m eating good, I work out, and I still hang with friends and such. Really, the only time I play video games is after work (which is normally after 8:30pm) or when I’m off. Even when I’m off, I still do chores and such between playing games. Even though I’m good at getting this stuff done, I still feel like there’s this weight on my shoulders that I should do MORE. Even when I cut video games out of the equation (which I did for the last week and a half) I still don’t do MORE because I’m normally too tired to do anything else.",1 "I would also paint a picture for the person who helps, as I am an avid painter. I just want to get this done as food and everything like those necessities is taken care of, but I don't have the funds to get this done before the 7th. If you can help, it would be appreciated so much! Thank you for your help and consideration! PM me with any questions and I can explain further.",0 "I’ve started trying to write things down more. Not necessarily journal but just writing down little ideas I have in various notebooks. I’ve come to realize that when my PTSD is in full steam, my handwriting is different. I’m known in my family/friend group for having great penmanship. But now, the handwriting doesn’t even look close to before.",0 "She is friends with a buddy of mine, but her and I are not even facebook friends or anything, we talked five or six times in these two years and never anything big, just small talk. A few months after starting classes, my buddy told me that Chloe has a crush on me, and gave me the impression that she wanted me to be aware of this, however, even after that, she didn’t try to talk to me or make herself noticed at all. She is a pretty girl, the artsy kind that likes to travel, read poetry and paint, coincidentally the exact opposite of my girlfriend who has very different hobbies. Like I said, I love Alice and I didn’t think much of it. Her avoidant behaviour hasn’t changed and I didn’t approach her either.",0 "But then I get angry so quickly and I feel terrible because I snapped at someone who didn’t deserve it and I just don’t understand where it comes from. Or I’ll suddenly start thinking about what happened to me and I’ll get really really depressed, again out of nowhere. One minute I’m functioning okay and the next I seem like someone else. I don’t know if this is a symptom of my PTSD or if there’s something else mentally wrong with me that’s being piled on top of the PTSD. I was just recently diagnosed so I guess I’m still trying to figure out what’s the PTSD and what’s just me losing my mind.",1 "Since this happened during a pivotal time in his developing sexuality, his body reacted despite his revulsion. He has been prescribed a myriad of medications to try and combat the dreams but not much has helped. It will work for a week to a few weeks, but the dreams manifest no matter what. He had been seeing a cognitive therapist, but she was not helping much. I personally believe that he needs someone who can get a bit deeper and work on the root of the problems and that the dreams are his subconscious’ way of screaming for help.",0 "Friends privy to the situation believe that she is just constantly keeping me on the back burner because I'm the safe option, when she isn't with somebody, or when she doesn't have anybody else. She knows I love her still, she knows I'd do just about anything for her, and want to be with her still to this day but nothing more than just an option. I always end up feeling the same in this situation though, worthless, low, wishing I was in a relationship with her. --- **tl;dr**: Me and ex have stayed in somewhat constant contact for 10 years, never get back together officially.",1 "I meant this stuff, and I think I still sort of do. The reason I've been so angry recently is just the general stuff with my family, but also my dad specifically. He's been awful to me in the past couple of days, everything I say or do no matter how good I'm trying to be is bad and horrible and stupid, and if I disagree with him even slightly he gets angry. But I think I might deserve it. I feel like a bad person.",1 "Every morning I wake up and it's there on the exact same spot. This has been happening for the past 4 days and I thought I need to reach out to someone if they can help me at all? I have convinced myself I have a brain tumour, I keep feeling dissociated and completely out of it I keep touching the same spot on my head like every 20 seconds like a compulsion and it's really getting me down. When I swallow i feel as if i can feel a pulling sensation near the spot where this is happening. It's not exactly giving me a headache but it's disturbing me to which i notice it.",1 "When I was eighteen I lived with my father as adult roomates, I found him four years later at 22, when he died of a heroin overdose. He was bereft at the fact that he had done wrong by us kids during those years. He had striven to be better than his father, who was a overtly cruel man who abandoned the family when he was 11. It is so hard for me to think he knew any better. The only way he could have done right by us, would have been to give us kids up.",0 "Either way, I can’t see anyone genuinely liking me. My mum sincerely told me she loved me a few days ago, and I had a hard time believing that. I hate to diminish her own thoughts and feelings, but I felt as though she’s deluded to be able to love me. Anxiety sucks. I wish I could look at things rationally and objectively.",1 "As you can tell, this is quite a bit more than my ""income"" of 250... Today, I got my car tax bill; 190 euro. We do have a wellfare/social security thingie office, but they have turned me down, because their limit IS 250 (rent excluded, but they seriously claim that my brother SHOULD house and feed me...so I get nothing) Without the car, I can't GET to the little work I get - at this point, I can't buy fucking toilet paper - my brother loses about 300 euro per month supporting me (heating, food, hygiene) I don't even know what to do anymore.",1 "Did you guys ever experience similar periods as I did? A friend of mine from work recently ended up going through a similar situation to what I did and is also homeless now, and the way he describes his life right now is very similar to how mine was when it started for me. Unexpectedly fun and fast paced. And he's also noticed the rather curious trend where its a roll of the dice as to whether the person you decide to let know you're homeless will either be really nice about it or a disgustingly hostile. Funny story, I once had a woman cuss me out in the middle of Wal-mart specifically because she decided that me having rather heavily tattooed arms was just awful (my words not hers lol) when I don't have a place to live.",0 "As I get up from the end table, a bit dizzy, he takes the badminton racket and jabs me twice in the abdomen. The attack ends there, as I make my way to my phone to call 911, where I am chased out of the house before I can make the call. Everything ends there; I wait for police to arrive so I can grab my stuff and leave safely. The only property damage on my end was my glasses, which were mangled pretty badly, leaving a frame screw broken (frame falls out) and the nose rests warped. Police say they were unable to do anything because they think I was fighting back.",1 "It takes them **three weeks** to call me. I'm currently working 7.30am to 6pm with a 30 minute lunch that is not at a set time. We spend about 2 weeks playing voicemail tag but never getting to speak. - I get a call from my GPs office, stating that the o2 place reported I had said I didn't want the machine because it was too expensive. I told my GP that I hadn't even gotten prices out of them yet!",0 "to which he replied that they had broken up. We met for drinks and he gave a heartfelt apology for having pressured me. Slowly, we began seeing more of each other and the relationship turned physical. We both live in the Pacific Northwest, but he's going to be moving to his hometown in the southeast at the end of this month. I'm moving to the southwest next month.",0 "The real irony is that had my dad told the truth about the car, he would be home right now plotting his next scheme, but instead he lied and got caught because of his arrogance. The problem we face now, is that there is always the chance my dad might sign the documents and they let him out (he'll probably weasel money out of his youngest brother/my uncle to pay the bail), and then we have to contend with the possibility my dad has something else planned to get us, which he probably does because that's his gig and his only goal in life since his big revelation after the pace maker got put in. My dad cannot talk to Bart or Dandy because they are witnesses, and he can't have any communication with my mom either. Myself and my brothers are contemplating getting a restraining order of some kind, but given how my dad operates, I'm not sure that will actually protect us from any harm. I have an appointment with doctor Doorstall this thursday, probably won't get anywhere but I'm sure he is aware of my dad's situation by now, or will be soon.",1 "Then right after, said “do you think I made you feel like that ever?” Then got noticeably nervous. Which makes me think of one memory that sticks out as a child (I don’t have too many childhood memories, but I remember this one well). I was probably 3 or 4, and wearing purple underwear, and I’m pretty sure I fell asleep with pyjamas on, and then in the morning I woke up asking why I didn’t have pyjamas on anymore, and my dad and uncle said “you don’t remember? We came in when you were in bed last night and uncle _______ held you for a bit” and I remember being super confused because I didn’t remember that, and also, why would they come in and hold me when I was asleep? Anyway, that memory was weird.",0 "However 4 months ago I moved to a different country for education. We met a handful number of times before I left and they weren’t dates exactly, just as best friends. After I got here (foreign country) we have been speaking almost daily on the phone and gotten even more closer. We recently started dropping hints to each other that we like each other and finally decided to discuss what we feel. She told me she loves me and wants a relationship.",0 "Quick summary... She kicked her husband out several months for physical, emotional and verbal abuse to her and the kids. Things have been going somewhat civil ever since. He has been paying her child support unmandated by the court (not because he is a good guy, but he moved in with his parents, and they make him pay her). Yesterday there was an incident involving an arguement in their driveway (in front of the 3 kids) which ended with him punching out the side window of her mini-van while her kids were inside it.",0 "I feel like platitudes are useless, but I really don't know what else to say. ""It's gonna be fine, don't worry"" is basically all I say when I'm not frustrated. So I need help understanding a better way to be a better person to him. ​ Thanks.",0 "I hate the thought that even after my mom's death she still has power over me. Anyways, I've come here for advice on meds, specifically if this sounds like a good place to start. I used to just focus on the anxiety and insomnia acutely but never really tried to treat the source. I'm starting Effexor XR, Prazosin for the horrendous nightmares and continuing on clonazepam for panic attacks. Thanks guys!",1 Since over the summer he has became homeless and gotten into drugs. He was living in his car and I was jogging one evening he approached me and he confronted me. I was so scared I kind of just stood there and he was insulting me and calling me every name in the book. He tried to get me to use my phone so he can call my mom and I denied his request. He said that if I don't let him use my phone he's going to stab.,1 "As the years went by the town labelled them as high school sweethearts, and every teenager envied their relationship. Everywhere she went, he followed. Every sport he played, she cheered. Through rain, sleet, snow, and sunshine she was in the stands proudly cheering him on. In their own little world they were in love.",0 "I noticed that towards the end of my stay at the school he had grown protective, maybe flirty. We were constantly talking, he would pull me out of classes ,I hardly attended, to talk. He would cut someone's counseling session short to see me sooner. If any other authority figure tried to talk to me he was quickly my shadow. He had set me up with several services to do with therapy (I had already seen a lot but he made room for more.)",0 "The thought of leaving my folks behind would definitely not be good for me mentally. I've thought about basically living out of my car, gym memberships to shower daily and laundromats to wash my clothes. Perhaps put all my stuff in storage and just keep working and save some money up. I live on long Island btw. Rent isn't cheap.",1 "But there is no certainty, and I am so scared I am going to fuck this up. I want so bad to do the work, be better, and show kindness to those who have been so kind to me. But none of that seems meaningful in the dead of night when I cannot sleep and get so sad and ruminating. I just do not know what to do to improve it or fix it. This is longer than I intended, thank you to anyone who reads this, any ideas or advice at all are appreciated.",1 Wtf is wrong with this society? ! I’m pissed. I’m angry. My abuser is a well known coach who has lost his job over our court cases.,1 "I've put him up in a motel for a few days, bought him a bike, and gave him some money, but I know I can't afford to have him stay at a motel forever (or even support him like that! ), the money will run out, and I just feel sick/stressed/sad because I don't even know what to do at this point or how to help anymore than what I've already done. I work full time and have to suppport myself and I live at home with my mother and she wants absolutely nothing to do with him. He needs help and I just don't what else I can do. Any advice or resources would be much appreciated!",1 I seem to have these bouts of anxiety. I'm not constantly anxious but if something worries me enough there's a good chance I'll start on this downward spiral. When I get like this not only do I start worrying I get this terrible feeling. All I can describe it as is like a heavy dark feeling. It's very hard for me to shake it.,1 2) Sharing Home 3) Helping to watch one another's children as best as the can get their work schedules to Mesh? HAs anyone ever seen a homeless family co-op which works in any way similar to that? I will be a single father ( married but my wife wont be allowed into the country untill I make enough income) and am tying to strategize the best approach. Thanks!,0 "I never thought I'd actually be homeless without the drugs. It's kind of like regular camping, except instead of raccoons and bears you gotta look out for tweakers, creeps, and J-cats... I plan on starting a work program soon, I've already signed up with probation, and I'm starting to be my own friend again. Laughing has helped too. Endorphins and oxytocin are getting me high as FUCK.",0 "So I have been suffering from chronic anxiety for eight years.The kind where you feel some enemy is breathing down on your neck always.I don't want to get into the details of this matter because it's is very personal. But from the beginning of this anxiety my breathing got messed up. Like I was alternating my breathing between hyperventilation and shallow breathing through out the day for all these years. During these last five years I have suffered bone TB, now stomach gastritis for three years,also found out I have recurring kidney stones in my left kidney.Before all this begun I was relatively healthy without any complicated disease like bone tb or stomach gastritis. So it seems to me this long chronic anxiety and the resulting hyperventilation and shallow breathing and high blood pressure did make my immune system rather weak or damaged.",1 "I came to realize later - and I denied it, basically just calling it a celebrity crush and nothing more - that I was in love with this musician. Totally in love, but here's the thing: in love with the idea of him I had created, from interviews and blog posts and the music itself. It was deeper than a crush, I know that. Then came whispers that he had a girlfriend. He had stopped whining about being single on Twitter and seemed happier.",0 "I get where she's coming from, but only if there had been inappropriate conversation or actions on my or my ex wife's part. My ex wife and I have literally zero feelings for each other, other than friendship and concern for one another as we are our son's parents. I don't know really what to do at this point. Maybe someone can give me some insight? ---",1 "Hey, So I come from a middle class family and study far away from my parents for university (already scary for me as you can imagine). After going home this winter my parents dropped the bombshell on me that they are struggling to pay my tuition. The thing is, although we are not super rich or anything, my fathers work covers 80% of my tuition and housing, the reason that my parents are unable to pay is that my dad is fairly disorganized and let his expenses build up. My tuition is due this friday and I just called my parents and woke them up to inform them that its getting really serious now (my dad promised to make an arrangement with his friend to pay my tuition).",1 "Many of my cohorts asked me ""how are you two even friends?"" when he came to which I couldn't give a clear answer. So in short, we have a business license and agreement we both signed. We were friends, but I think time has changed him and I and I don't think we would be friends if we met today. He isn't productive for the business and his practices many times seems to include emotion and his own self interests rather than the business, so I find him unfit as a business partner as well.",0 This is just a vent. Thanks to anyone who reads this. Wish me luck with this new lady. She is also a yoga instructor. Maybe she will be good.,0 "We are begging you for **$200** to buy bus tickets for the **4** of us to travel via bus. It is a **14 hour** road travel from our current city. The $200 will cover our travel to there and going back here.   This would really mean a lot for me and my family, we just want to see our grandfather one last time.",0 "but I'm really, really afraid of public embarrassments and awkward situations. So I was in the train station and saw this homeless lady asking for food and money. I always help homeless people if I have change in my wallet. I walked up to her, took out my wallet and pulled out this £5 cash to give her. She was kinda old, so she wasn't in a perfect physical health.",0 "He is coming round tomorrow for a cup of tea and I want to broach the idea of knocking down his small shed for this larger and better insulated cabin, without offending or embarrassing him. How on earth do I go about this? TLDR: my blind neighbour is sleeping in a very small and very cold shed. He is profoundly proud of his self sufficiency. My husband and I have sourced better (mainly for peace of mind) but I don’t know how to broach the subject without offending or embarrassing him.",0 I was also forced (with threat of prison time) to get asleep apnea test. Fastest response from the VA I’ve ever seen. Within 36 hours I was diagnosed and set up with a CPAP machine. Matches up with my ex-wife’s thoughts that I don’t sleep more than 30 min before coughing myself awake and throwing fists. Burn pits fucking suck.,1 "*Major trigger warning* I find comfort in confined spaces, and can spend prolonged time in confined spaces verycomfortably. This is odd to most people, but I’ll explain why. When I was with my parents, they were super abusive. They forced me to watch animals die, and frequently changed around my room so I wasn’t familiar with it. They forcefully put splinters in my feet, allowed men to sexually assault me, and they even pepper sprayed me a couple times as a 2 year old.",1 "Previously, I have posted on this subreddit about how studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects turmeric can have on PTSD symptoms. See and . ​ However, too much of a good thing can turn sour. When taking anything natural in supplemental doses that exceed what is found in the diet, we should treat them as drugs.",0 "We have dinner, we get drinks, and I agree to try again. I want to say here, I have never had this kind of behavior before. When I’ve broken up with someone, or had them break up with me, even if I’m heartbroken I’ve always been done. So I don’t know what the disconnect is here. It’s been a little over two weeks now we’ve been seeing each other again.",0 "Their plan is so bad that some days I want to go out and be homeless on my own, with my own plan but I feel that it would be a bad decision to be on the streets. We've stayed at a couple of relatives places but my mom always messes it up (she's r/raisedbynarcissists material) so we left the first time (her brother) but the second time (her sister) we got kicked out. This was mostly a rant but I'd like some advice - any advice would be nice. Tell me I'm not crazy for wanting to leave California. Should I even try to convince them?",1 That anxiety alone can't do this. There has been times that I have been freaking out a little bit but my heart rate and blood pressure are perfect. The panic goes away quickly when I realize this. I've damn near convinced myself that I have POTS. But I've tested it out.,0 "I know this is kind of all over the place, but i want to ask: should I have broken up with her before? am I a bad person for sticking around? how can i find peace and happiness? Is it normal to feel hopeless and scared that i won't find love again? tldr: got cheated on a bunch and dumped because i cried on Christmas due to a breakdown re: being cheated on all the time and feeling worthless.",1 " She resents my relationship with our son - My son is a Daddy's boy. Even now as I type this I hear him out there waiting for me saying Daddy Daddy Daddy. He comes and gives me hugs when I come home and barely notices when my wife is gone or comes home. - ‎This is also something she's recently admitted and I feel guilty about it, but I feel like it's because she puts in no effort beyond what she needs to do.",1 "It was one week before the start of my second year of my bachelor’s degree. The first year was wonderful. The second, I was dead because of him… That night, we (my best friend (J), her boyfriend, and L) went to a party at N’s. I don’t really like to drink, so I stayed clear the whole time.",0 "I got a new job !! yay But there will not be a paycheck until end of April (start date is April14). We are a family of 5, me, my daughter-13, my boyfriend and his two teen kids 15&16. He sells insurance but it averages about 1000/800 a month income and that just barely pays bills. I get foodstamps, but only for my daughter and I, and the next date is April 6th..",0 This is all 1 days worth of stuff and it’s not even everything but this has been going on for months. My mum says she doesn’t know what to do with me that I’ve always been mildly anxious but it’s just completely spiralled out of control since Christmas time. Also I can’t sleep I’m getting 5 hours ish a night and I used to get 8 hours everyday. I don’t know what to do whether I’m justified going to a doctor or I’m just being stupid and making people with real anxiety and other mental illness look bad I feel like I’m being stupid and I hate my personality. Edit:sorry I haven’t posted on here before so I’m a bit worried I’ve come to the wrong sub or written it wrong.,1 " 18 And Under is a confidential support charity for young survivors of abuse of any kind. If you want to chat about anything, visit the support forum and hang around to find a member of support staff (such as myself) who will do their best to support you through whatever you are going through. We are based in Dundee, Scotland (UK) but have supported survivors from all over the world. Those who are local, or are willing to make the trip, we have Centre in Dundee where you can talk to volunteers and support staff in person.",0 I screamed and my mum helped me until I passed out. I went to the doctor the next day and they referred me on to get a diagnosis for PTSD as well. I get flashies about once every couple of months now and it gets more and more terrifying each time. About a year and a half before GCSE's (finals for you Americans) my anxiety started to show. I would be super stressed about every little test in school and had a baseline amount of stress building up as I got closer to my exam dates.,1 He would call me by the name peepee until I was 21. I asked him to stop but he just yells at me. I wish he would die or never talk to me. He also forces me to take medication because I got mad at him because of this. He will just scream at me and threaten to call the police to throw me on the street or something.,1 "Her GoFundMe is at: ​ Any shares you could do would mean the WORLD to her, and to me. Donations are good too, but shares are sooooo valuable! Thank you for any support, I really do appreciate it.",0 "(Shit, if one doesn't exist, it should.) And if there isn't something like that, how do you guys cope or manage with that? Do you research it (if so, how and where), or do you bring a self-care kit, or...? Just any information or experiences I could hear from this would be great. Thanks ahead of time.",0 "Can’t wait to reach that phase. I stopped by a small seafood restaurant along the way, to sit and charge my phone and consult reddit. One of the men who worked at this place asked me where were I was from. He was a person who worked for this place for eighteen years, with a golden grill on his teeth. I told him that I started in Brunswick and ended up here and that’s all that mattered.",0 "But I’m pissed, I waited to long for this like I honestly could have killed myself before they got back to me. I know there’s a lot of people in the system and their funding is low, but this is bullshit! The government doesn’t give a shit about mentally ill people. If they did then there honestly would be way less crime rates and suicide rate because people would be getting the help that they need instead of waiting for some bad shit to happen before they get help. The urgency is just NOT there at all.",1 I drove the 10 minutes home with my fiance on the phone helping me count my breathing. I got home and collapsed. I couldn't breathe. My neck and chest hurt. I was hysterical.,1 "Hey everyone. Been subbed for a long time and a lot of you guys helped me realize a few things so I thought I can try to help back. I’ve been dealing with anxiety/depression for a long time and never really done anything to deal with it. (Family didn’t really believe in that kind of stuff back in the day) I always believed that I had a passion for extreme sports like skydiving, water rafting etc etc. which is one of the reasons I believe I have anxiety maybe (adrenal produces slightly more adrenaline causing my body to be in a constant flight or fight state).",0 "Should I just go ahead and get help? Am I worried about nothing? Is there a way to lose the worst bits of anxiety while keeping the bits that are perhaps somewhat helpful? Or have I got this all wrong and it's not anxiety (but perhaps something else) that makes me productive, etc? Or should I just accept all the awesome things in my life as a totally worthwhile price for feeling worried?",1 "I never felt so uncomfortable and scared other than the night he did put his hands on me and it was exact same feeling today. That was the scariest part. It felt like that night never ended and I was just at the peak of emotion. I know most of you will say ‘you need to leave’ or something obvious - yes I know. But things aren’t that easy and than there’s a me that is holding on to a stupid fucking thread of hope that he, of all people, will change.",1 "CW: mentions of self-harm, suicide I feel so overwhelmed. The flashbacks, the panic attacks, being triggered so easily, sometimes by mere words alone. I get so entrenched in my flashbacks that I can barely medicate myself, and my friend has to intervene and give me a good dose of clonazepam to get me out of it. I can't talk about my trauma, it sends me straight into a state of anxiety and panic.",1 "I thought we had an open door, honestly policy about our hook ups, but last week found out he'd made out with a few people during our relationship that I didn't know about. I got hit by a wave of how incompatible we are and tried to break up with him but I realised I was being a hypocrite and letting my insecurities control me and I mended things. ANYWAY, onto the issue. I had a pretty scary time with a friend of mine last night. He invited me around for a few beers, and maybe two drinks in he asked if I'd be down to have sex.",1 "Ive always loved coffee, but recently I have gotten a few panic attacks around lunch time (i'm assuming when the coffee wears off). I'm not sure how to tell whether the coffee is the issue or not. Anyone have any good alternatives to coffee to solve this issue? I miss it.... Please include details and experience in your suggestions.",0 "While presenting today, I had absoluly no flight-or-flight panic even when in an confrontational, adversarial discussion about sports or politics. I've always gotten a little flustered during these types of conversations in the past. I'm even witty at times. Please do give this supplement a try. Best of luck.",0 "Most diagnoses, except those relating to the endangerment of children, are welcome. This is a first person group, so you need to be the person with a disorder to participate. To join visit our site [https://thehaven.support](https://thehaven.support/) or check out our Instagram: We believe we are stronger together, which is why peer support is so helpful and important. Care when you need it; care for others when you can. \-Zen",0 "We had an argument, then he started trying to break my phone by bending it. I intervened and begged him not to and he stopped short of breaking it. I was a domestic violence victim before in a previous relationship and I buried those memories, but this incident made me remember some of those memories and I feel traumatized and scared to be experiencing the same things again. I feel scared and I don't know if this would escalate into something worse. We don't have kids, and we've been married for a couple months.",1 "This new ""roommate"" lived 3 hours away in an post code envious town and seemed super sweet, funny and SUPER handsome with a successful career mapped out in front of him. I agreed to meet him for dinner half way between our homes, in San Leandro.. He showed up with roses, a million watt smile and a full arsenal of lies. Within 5 days he had made the journey to personally escort me and my belongings to his personal prison he had concocted for his next victim - me.. The first week he was sweet, attentive,... almost too kind.. Then one morning it all changed.",0 "I hate that I am this way--I have a normal job, but all that has rotted away because out of the past 2 years, I spent 7 of those months in various hospitals and treatment using FMLA unpaid. I have so many fucking medical bills sitting in collections. I still have my job thanks to FMLA, but I am a rotting piece of shit living life minute by minute, losing a war against addiction and depression and anxiety. But...I somehow manage to ""look fine"" and I look like I should be thriving on paper. I feel like such a fraud, but I swear I am not trying to take advantage of the system or anything.",1 "The ""me too"" movement I've found to be extremely inspirational and empowering. I am no longer ashamed of what happened to me, but I still don't feel like I'm healing. I was hoping that these flashbacks and the anxiety, fear and dread would go away over time, but they haven't. How do people cope? What do you read?",1 "I'm new to this so please forgive me. I'm not very good at expressing my emotions. I need advice/help. I was molested multiple times by my biological dad when I was 5 up until middle school (so like 10 yrs old). After many times in the past telling my mom that my dad had ""touched me weird"" my mom had gotten annoyed and mad at me.",1 "I don’t speak Amharic, but today I took him out and he bought a journal where he could write down words that confused him. I would like to make him a mini-dictionary of phrases like “I don’t feel well,” names of foods, and “I’m hungry/I’m thirsty/I’m tired” etc. in Amharic, with their English translations, so he can look for a phrase he needs and see how to say it in English. Absolutely any phrases and translations you have on hand will help.",0 "She has no teeth (from abuse or just from scavenging on the streets we’re not sure), perfectly behaved, sweet, trusting, and most gentle dog you’ve ever met. No dog or human aggression at all. So if I adopted her I could also keep fostering as well. I’ve been fostering her for about 3 weeks now. She also has heart worms so the shelter told me they would waive the adoption fee for me.",0 "It wasn't an issue, nobody needed to know, now I don't even know *what* people apparently ""know"" and are arguing about. Somewhere under all the anger about my mum making an issue out of nothing there's something that makes me wonder if it *is* a big deal. Maybe I'm just pretending I don't care? Maybe none of this even happened? I just don't know anymore.",1 "I grew up my country’s equivalent of the bible belt. My country is well known for being very very progressive in our larger cities, and very very conservative in our villages – this is true I think for most countries, but the sheer difference between our “levels” is pretty well known. I grew up in an abusive household, surrounded by really misogynist men, and have experienced trauma on both these fronts. This obviously caused me some mental health issues. I was afraid of, and uncomfortable around, men for a very long time.",1 #NAME?,1 "I'm included in that group. 1/4 of the homeless people I know are sexual predators, child molesters, or rapists. They're the ones with the GPS monitoring bracelets. 1/50 on GPS didn't do something sexually to an unwilling participant. That's good to know...",0 "how is it possible that he can drive and use his fist to punch you? did you do something wrong?"". The only thing I got from the police was a worn out looking card to the social work department (and by the way they offer counselling - nothing else). To this day, they have not arrested him because apparently the attack occurred in the middle of two districts (apparently it's really hard to determine which district is responsible) and because of bureaucratic issues, the man has not been taken to questioning. My mother helped me tremendously by arranging the divorce for me, and in the divorce, we did not put any alimony.",1 "My life has spiralled into a area I’m not sure I can survive in much longer. Everyone who was close to me have seemingly all decided to just pretend I don’t exist right as I start my third year of Uni. My anxiety levels are usually pretty high this time of year but this last month has been the worst of my life for my emotional well-being. I’m trying so hard but I’m suffering, and the meds don’t seem to be helping What do I do",1 "Pretty normal life. My dad has been suffering of severe depression as long as I can remember, but he always refused to get help. I didn't notice as a child; but it wasn't as bad when I was younger. It really got bad a few years ago, when I was around 15. He gets angry at very little things and when he does, he closes off.",0 "I honestly thought it might be similar to calling tech support, getting escalated to a manager, then actually getting results. I thought they might have resources I haven't had/didn't know about yet. They didn't, they called the police and filed a false claim (I was standing on top of a parking garage ready to jump - not true). Police came, spoke with me, decided I needed to go to the hospital against my will. I tried to reason and explain most of my depression and anxiety was financially related and this would make it worse.",0 "It all is just so tiresome you know?. I am 37, with autism, chronic PTSD, pretty strong quiet borderline traits and depression. I have a 21 year old sister with full blown, not at all quiet BPD, who came over last evening and spent several hours trying to talk/guilt me into going to an uncles house to find her grass. I quit two weeks ago and did not want to, but finally agreed to go over with her. The uncle has schizophrenia and a pretty bad meth addiction.",0 "I’m not afraid of this guy, at all, and I have no idea what brought this reaction on, but I’m humiliated and feel terrible. I kept telling him I was so sorry but I just felt like an idiot, and I didn’t want to get into my past because it gets heavy. I just feel like I will never be normal again, I don’t know if I should talk about it, I’m frustrated. Any advice? I feel damaged.",1 "I recently became depressed and am now understanding that I’ve also had anxiety my whole life but I am waiting to see a specialist to have a diagnosis. My doctor is pretty easy goin and will give me pretty much whatever medication I want. Lately I’ve been trying this and trying that to find a good combination of meds. My foquest would make me very depressed in the evenings and morning so I went off foquest and went on Wellbutrin XL at 150mg a day. This helped my depression but my attention, memory, and focus faltered.",1 "I thought if I changed, if I did everything for him, he would love me like I wanted him to. I broke it off a few days ago. For good. I can't help but feel so guilty for doing so. At least when I was 12, that man went to prison for 40 years.",1 "Hello, first time posting in this sub. Thank you for having me. Does anyone here have a co\-occurring psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder along with PTSD? There is some interesting studies explaining how they can really affect each other. I was wondering how it might be for others who experience both.",0 "I'm male and i live with my partner of 4 years. We have a 12 month old baby boy who is a very loved and cherished child. Early on in our relationship there were a couple of events that looking back i should have treated as red flags, basically my partner reacted volcanically to some fairly normal behaviour on my part such as messaging with a female friend (actually wife of one of my old mates) and me trying to arrange to meet my friends from home for beers (i live a couple of cities away from my home town). I wrote this stuff off as isolated incidents and we eventially bought a place together and decided to start the family we'd both always dreamt of. The pregnancy was kind of a beautiful bubble of love and anticipation and i was (and still am) elated by the arrival of our little boy.",1 He's in a group of people. The problem is that because of what happened to me (police brutality/stalking) the general public think the police are the good guys and are not understanding when I give them explain that's not always the case. My doctor was almost treating my fear of police as a phobia instead of what it truly is... PTSD! This is my first post here. I appreciate any insight or experience y'all may have with seeking treatment.,1 "I walk up to the door, unlock it and open it. It's K. With my boyfriend standing by in sight I ask him what he's doing here. He says nothing but stares at me with this blank stare. Then I get this weird gut feeling and ask ""have you been drinking?"" In which he shakes his head.",1 "This subreddit truly helped me during my toughest times with PTSD and I just wanted to share my gratitude. You guys are so wise and so strong and so endlessly kind to each other. I'm doing great now. After years of struggling I'm finally at a place where I feel comfortable in my own skin. Sure I still got some issues, but all in all life is balanced and peaceful.",0 "I meet a great guy, we connect immediately due to same interests. I like him a lot, he likes me too. We go on a few dates, everything goes smoothly - the conversation is still heated, the guy still shows enthusiasm regarding going out with me or me in general. After a few dates, we end up either having sex or doing something sexual, and then it all cools down. The conversations go at a much slower pace up to the point where we stop talking at all.",0 "Sorry for the super long post but I don't want to tell my mom all this and most of my friends don't know I feel like this almost all the time. I take my medicine for social anxiety every morning and I go to counseling every few weeks, but I've been to a counselor four or five different times over the years and I'm still the same. I think I might be stuck like this. I honestly doubt anyone read this far but if you did, hello! TL;DR freshman year of high school, I'm super anxious about pretty much everything especially PE and disappointing my family by not coming out on top",1 "Made her feel shitty. I understand. When my grandma was dying of Cancer, she kept forcing my grandma to undergo procedures and more chemo because she didn't want to lose her mother. Nevermind that wasn't my grandma's wishes and a slow all of her siblings were getting to the point of not wanting to subjected her to further treatments and just let her go, but not my mom. It's all about her.",0 "But it took me months afterward to end it. I remember him screaming at me, calling me stupid, calling me a moody bitch when I got frustrated at him for screaming and insulting me, threatening to break up with me, holding his “love” for me over my head when I wasn’t doing things his way, getting drunk and high and cheating on me and then coercing me into helping him fake a piss test, and on and on and on.... And the whole time I knew he was being an abusive asshole and I *still stayed. * I had absolutely no reason not to leave him, and it was 100% in my power to end things between us. But I didn’t.",0 "He is our little angel and we are both gaga for him, but money has been extraordinary tight, adjusting to parent life and sleep deprivation has been tough for both of us. We were fighting and bickering a bit for the first time in his first months of life, but I figured that was normal for new parents. I work in the financial industry for a modest income (working hard currently to get to the next level where I'll make substantially more) and she works for an arts-based nonprofit. I have no particular attachment to the financial industry, it's just been a way to pay the bills and I find it interesting enough. She's a passionate artist though, always knew she wanted to be one, and it's really important to her.",1 "Help me network, help me find a room, please! ISO a room for rent as soon as possible. Looking for a roommate-type situation, a room in someone's house, etc. Not looking for full houses or units. I need as soon as possible--I'm dealing with an emergency situation and am losing my housing on Friday, August 11th.",1 "Hello All, I'm 27yrs old male, 100kg 194cm. For one year and half maybe I'm suffering from: **Chronic daily headache (dull behind left eye, pressure like)** * When try to think or remember something it seems to getting worse",1 " My mother is 60 years old and has been somewhat homeless for over 2 years now in a city about a 3 hour drive away from me. She often meets people on the street that allow her to stay with them for a little while, but it seems that many get tired of her mania/excessive talking and lock her out. Also, important to note: she is an alcoholic, very intelligent (was a biologist), has had mental issues since 2005, and has been in and out of correctional facilities for various things related to drugs/drinking and violating parole. I haven't noticed her in a depressive state for over 3 years now.",0 "I want something that would help with a small does of social anxiety and also prevent any future panic attacks, anyone have any good experience with other SSRI's ? * tl;dr.. Been on Lexapro for panic attacks and social anxiety for 6 months. Got all the bad side effects of Lexapro and it made me have a few moments of almost going ""insane"". I haven't had panic attacks since and my anxiety is maybe slightly better but it's not worth the cons. Anyone have stories of switching off Lexapro to something else that made them less anxious and more confident?",1 "I only have about $10 left in my bank account. My new job pays bi-weekly which means i'll be starving for about 3 weeks. While I do plan to visit the local food bank, I figured I might as well reach out to my fellow redditors also. I will leave the link to my wishlist down bellow. If you guys can help me I would gladly appreciate it!",0 "Some context: I manage a person who is young (late twenties, but when angry acts like a toddler throwing a tantrum), who is a gaslighting bully. She's well-connected at my workplace, so gets lots of support from her ""friends"" who she talks to and presents this alternative reality to them about her ""version"" of situations. This is problematic, because she also needs disciplinary action because of bullying behavior toward other staff, customers, and myself, but any movement toward that leads to a tantrum. She presents herself as friendly and sympathetic - often the ""victim"" of the situation - so people believe her. I suffer from anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression, so this is a nightmare for me.",1 "This weekend was terrible, and I guess I wanted to talk about it. Even before this I've been a bit detached and increasingly jumpy. Any sudden sounds or movements I don't expect make me jump. Sometimes I startle so hard I actually pull a shoulder muscle. This weekend though just was worse than usual...",1 "We feel this is where it matters most. We think this can be great as a quick screening process for those who are switching to a team at work, meeting a Tinder date, or just within your social circles. We understand that moderation of false reports is a problem we'd need to solve, and think that perhaps we can “checkmark” reviews that have supplied references or evidence. Please give us your thoughts. We understand this is a controversial idea.",0 "One instance was last year when I graduated from college. There was something in me that couldnt believe and accept that I’m finally done with college. Fast forward to today, next week will mark my 1st year anniversary at work. Part of me wants to enjoy it with my parents, co-workers, and friends but another part of me wants to just forget about it and spend it as an ordinary day. Anything I should do?",0 "Hey guys, Would like to know your opinions. I was sat on the sofa with my girlfriend and all of a sudden we could hear our flat door being pushed as if someone was trying to get in... I jumped up and said ‘Who is it! ?’ to which whoever was trying the door said ‘Sorry, I thought this was ground floor’.",0 "I'm worried I have a blood clot or something that gets aggravated when I wear them. I just want to be okay and to have a good time on this trip, but I've been so out of it, and I'm at my wit's end. Right now I'm lying down and I feel blood rushing all through my head, and bulging of blood vessels around my nose. I'm extremely sleep deprived and woozy but I'm scared to go to sleep and am in pain. I'm so scared.",1 "I’m not opposed to offering money, but once in college someone got a weird/a little sketchy when I stopped buying him monthly bus. Help! I’d appreciate any answers. Sorry if any of my comments are uninformed or unintentionally offensive. I’m sincerely asking advice for how you think I could temporarily help him.",0 "Reddit, I need some quick advice about a situation I just encountered. Over the weekend I went home to visit my parents and within this time new neighbors moved in right next to me at my apartment complex. I come home from work and take a nap, but then wake up to a child's screaming and crying. Right after this, I hear a smack as our units have paper thin walls. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have announced myself and just called the police, but I was so angry at the thought of what was going on next door I went over and pounded on their door.",1 "Now six weeks ago, I was asked to contribute $250 to the household, great no issue. Now suddenly (this happened in the space of an hour yesterday and was never discussed with me), my rent has doubled to $500, and my boyfriends tripled to $700. As a full time student who pays every single bill herself, including school, I cannot pay this amount. Now here’s some backstory: the house was going to be foreclosed on due to no one paying the mortgage, bfs mom and sister insist they want to stay and keep this huge, 6 bedroom house. They refuse to rent out the extra rooms to help.",1 "If you have a survey you would like to share with us, you may do so here, please use the following format. Failure to do so will result in your survey being removed. Surveys not posted in here will result in a ban, the length of which will be decided at mods' pleasure. **Who I am**: (Student, Researcher) **Affiliation**: (university, company)",0 " To learn more about what my disabilities are like for me, you can read this post. in it I talk about the loneliness. I really am scared. Posting here helped before, but I think just getting everything out helps more than anything, so thanks for taking time to read.",0 "I just need to vent and receive some advice/ encouragement. I just went through major jaw surgery (I replaced the TMJ joint disk with a fat graft) and my mouth is now wired shut for the next 9 months. To fill the time I would have spent talking, eating, and generally having a good time, I have instead been studying for all the standardized tests I need to go to a good college. I studied at least 4 hours a day and put a strain on my recovery (this is because my upper body muscles were strained which affects my jaw and subsequently my new disk). Luckily, my hard work payed off.",0 "Rarely, I forget about the symptoms. Rarely, they don't bother me, but they still are occurring always. I have seen two different doctors about this. They ruled out a few things and suggested that it was purely anxiety and that I go on an SSRI. I have not gone on an SSRI yet, however I am planning to do so ASAP.",1 It is emotionally and physically taxing for us all to deal with these. I am worried that one day someone might snap and she may become injured. I don’t know what to do anymore. **tldr: younger sister has horrible rage fits all the time and I’m worried about our family** edit: should have specified that we have had her since she was 1 day old,1 "*Sigh* I fucking bailed on the plan today, to get my suicidal headcase of an ass to a hospital for admittance to a psych ward. My PTSD got triggered when I got in the ambulance, so I fucking jumped out the side door. They chased me down an alley and found me hiding behind a truck. Police got involved, more PTSD triggers, but he was nice and spoke French, which comforted me a little.",1 "*Begins quoting a rap and making hand gestures* ""Go out and make a name or do something!"" Everyone ignores him. He came back to his bunk and starts mumbling, ""I hear you talking under your breathe man don't think I don't cause I do don't start with me today."" Not sure if that was directed towards me or not because I never did that, but whatever. He starts to leave and I start going,",0 " One is my current bank statement, the other is the pizza. :) ____________________________________________ So I'm between paychecks and I've managed to get of my act together to pay most of my bills by asking the church and through private donations.",0 When we were leaving that place the manager was attempting to rush us to get our apartment serviced with 24 hour notices of intimidation and behaving in an angry way leaving mean voicemails and papers at our pissed on door. She yelled at my +1 that I lived with. Toward the last few months we were documenting everything and collecting paper copies of all communication that we had with her. She was another narcissistic manager and the tenant was an animal abuser. I wish there was an actual law that the ASPCA would be in partner with that coulda’ helped me and my +1 while living at the second apartment.,0 "I understood that I was robbed of my innocence. I just wanted to hug the 15 year old version of myself and tell her that it would be okay. I have never verbalized these feelings. For the first time, I talked myself through them. For the first time, I felt comfortable talking to someone about it.",0 "But what do I know? I keep reassuring myself that this is normal, and never tell anyone about this - I'm surprising one of the top students at a selective high school, but I really want this to end. I'm good at hiding things like this, because I don't want others feeling pity for me for things they didn't cause or can change. --- **tl;dr**: Older brother psychologically and physically abuses me and my younger brother.",1 "I need to know what to do. A psychopathic family member was promised MY house, for some strange fucking reason, for apparently a very long time now. I have an abusive ex, that won’t leave me alone and his parents say escape and live with them, but he most likely will follow me where I go. He told me he would. Should I get a restraining order before I go?",1 "His mom came, he freaked out and got angry. He almost slammed the door on his mom's head/hand and I freaked out and pushed him away from the door. He got angry that I assaulted him and threatened to take me to court. His mom freaked out over the condition he was in. She ended up taking him to the ER so we could see if he could set up an appointment and get medication on spot (we never dealt with something like this and didn't know the procedure).",0 "Why did I have to scream in pain? Sometimes the bashings would be so bad that I would call my mum while she was at work [sometimes my brother and I would be home alone after I returned from school, when he would torment and bash me]. I would run into my room and lean against the bedroom door with all my weight while my brother kicked and punched through it from the other side. Once, the wood splintered and went into my back. Still no-one stopped him.",1 I don’t know. Was this okay? Should I hate him? Or was it just something new? I really don’t know what to make of the situation.,1 "But it happened. I literally had to take breathing exercise thingys because I felt like I was gonna pass out, my heart was racing. Now not all notifications scare me, like here, I won't really be too concerned. But still. I think the root of the problem is the sheer anonymity of when it alerts you a notification.",1 "Two years ago we moved to a different city for his work. He earns a lot more than me and his job offers a lot more career progression, so I wanted to support him. I’ve always thought we were a good team, there have been times where he’s struggled financially and I’ve helped him out no question. We talked about the extra money he’d be able to save by walking to work (2 mins away,) and it seemed as though we were on the same page for what we wanted in the future; buy our own place, a car and start a family. So I thought all was on the right track.",0 Every day I am in rage mode listening to her pure stupidity and trying to argue stupid things. I'm on the verge of absolutely blowing up on her but I would lose my job. Please give advice on how to deal with an extremely difficult coworker before I absolutely lose it!! ! Tl;Dr crazy coworker is affecting my work.,1 "I can't afford a treadmill and I'm not a big fan of gyms (plus there's none really nearby), so I'm trying to use really the one option available: going outside. This is a real problem for me and my anxiety. I feel like a gasping hippopotamus when I try running and am too embarrassed to let anyone see me like that, so every time I see a car or person, I stop running and immediately go back home. I try going outside late at night and early in the morning so I can run, but there are like always people around and it drives me insane. I don't know how to maintain the motivation to be active while dealing with my anxiety that keeps convincing me that everyone is judging me and may yell insults at me or the other side of things: may kidnap, attack or murder me (since I go out when it's pitch black outside to reduce the ability to see me).",1 "This is all relevant because I'm slowly realizing that **keeping my relationship from my mother isn't sustainable**. I'm not a good liar. Eventually, the truth has to come out, because I cannot live like this. Problem-- my mother would HATE my boyfriend. Being a narcisist, she can't stand when I give anyone more attention or devotion than her.",1 "Hi Friends! In honor of the Challenged Athletes Foundation, my dad is undertaking a great bike ride for charity and would love your support. After completing the Tour du Rouge for the American Red Cross a few years ago, he is now teaming up with the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) for the Million Dollar Challenge. As a loving father, I would love to support him and his endeavor through a 620-mile ride over 7 days in California. The CAF raises money to help people with physical challenges pursue an active lifestyle through physical fitness and athletics and this is one of their biggest events.",0 "i have asked for her patient while he gets trained, but i understand her not wanting to potentially move into an environment that disturbers her normal way of life, but thats 6 months from now. I am confident that training would fix 70% of the issues that she has with my dog. Could there be something else deeply underlying that i am missing? To me a loving and healthy relationship is one that can come to compromises and that are no winners or losers, but agreements in place to help solve issues TOGETHER . If she has trouble with compromising on a proper solution now, what will happen when it comes to or much larger life decisions like buying a house or moving to a new city.",0 "She also said that we may not be sexually compatible, and that its unfair on me if I stay with her and put up with it. I obviously told her I don't want to break up and she doesn't either. I offered her time alone and she was so unsure in herself that she didn't even know if she wanted to take me up on the offer. I said that I think we should wait until your appointment in March to freeze your ectropion, to see if that improves your libido. We ended up crying and cuddling each other.",0 "If you were raped on a daily basis from infancy through adolescence then you should ""radically accept"" it. Check out the parts of Linehan's book where she explains how unconditional positive regard is a myth, nonexistent. The part where she explains about paradoxical intervention. That is where you manipulate and jerk your client around using head games and reverse psychology. Then there is radical genuineness.",0 But the days leading up to the test were the worst. I couldn't sleep 2 nights in a row and had to call in sick to work. I had a near panic attack and was unable to eat much as i felt like throwing up. Before the test my hands were shaking and my heart was racing. I was really not in a state to drive.,1 My siblings and I went through a lot growing up. You would think it would have made us close but for some reason we were never close. For some reason I was the most outcast-ed. To this day if I were to bring up the childhood abuse they would tell me that I am dramatic and that it wasn't THAT bad. They will even say they respect Jay.,0 "My coworkers began noticing that was no longer their happy-go-lucky little teen, but a quiet and distanced serial-killer-faced old woman. I had become less focused and very accident-prone. I was losing my grip and they became increasingly worried about me. They automatically assumed that it had something to do with M; when I didn’t respond to them or look at them, their suspicions were confirmed. They told me that I should leave him, but said nothing and never took that advice.",0 "Hey, I recently came into a bit of money. I live on government benefits and I live in supported accomodation. I received roughly about £100 bonus money I'm guessing because it's the turning of the new year. I always feel guilty when walking past homeless people in the streets and feel too shy to donate money to them. So this time, I donated ten pounds to this guy sitting outside of a supermarket.",0 "“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.” My new favorite quote I know anxiety cripples all of us, but if we can accomplish one simple task that we’ve been putting off, it’s one stop closer to recovery. Today, I got a haircut. I made excuses for months and kept cancelling my appointments.",0 He has anger issues and he seems like a good guy sometimes (even though i know he's a fucking monster) and i know he's had a bad childhood. It's even harder because if he does get arrested or something for it my best friend won't have anyone to support her/pay for her tuition or her meals even... her mom doesn't have the money to do that and i think that's why she still stays with them... just so she can support her daughter. My family would be willing to take her in but we're not doing well w/ money either. I really want to do something about it but idk what i can do. He's been horrible to his family since forever.,1 "I only get it when I have a flashback or strong reaction to a trigger. I notice it sticks around even when I feel emotionally calm and can stick around for a long time after the trigger, like days or weeks. It’s a new symptom I think. Also been having lots of nightmares again recently. Not sure what to do as I’m not currently in therapy, but I am waiting to be seen at a mental health clinic.",1 "Been together for 5 years, married for 1 year. My husband outwardly reserved/introverted but he's also very goofy around me. We joke around and are playful with each other in most interactions unless it comes to serious subjects. Lots of teasing, tickling, and 'play wrestling' in our home. The problem has always been when it comes to, umm, being romantic.",0 "7- If your children are no longer living at home, what kind of effect did this have on your relationship with your spouse when they left? 8- Are you in a career that you had planned to be in when you were younger? Have you been fulfilled in your career? If you could have done anything else, what would it have been? 9- Do you think someone can be completely fulfilled as both a parent and a career person or do you usually have to sacrifice one for the other?",0 "Hi everyone, also posted on r/rapecounseling. Sorry for my english, it’s not my mother tongue. Past few months were pretty rough and I think i’m finally ready to write it down, like if I needed it… I was raped by a “friend” (let’s call him L), the exact day I met my actual boyfriend (let’s call him N), 5 years ago. L wasn’t really a friend of mine, I never appreciated him, but he was closely related to my best friend at the time.",0 I don't feel like he's in love with me and I question my feelings for him. I don't know if I'm being clingy or he was being cruel and I'm overreacting. I don't know if my numbness is caused by other stress in my life. What do I do. **,1 "feel free to delete or disregard if this isn't in the right sub. I saw a guy for months having sex a couple times a week. But not just that, hanging out and being friends too. In December he asked me what we were. I knew that this was something we should talk about and so we sat down and talked it out.",0 "We broke up a month ago because the distance made us miserable. We had only been doing long distance for 3-ish months, which is not long at all, but we had been dating before that for roughly 3 years, with a short break in between. I'm taking a gap year so I've been bouncing from place to place & my parents are so protective that they don't let me visit friends at college often (especially not her since they are suspicious of our relationship anyway [homophobia lol]). I did visit her once, but only for a few days and she visited me in return. Anyway, we both couldn't commit to a strict schedule of meeting up because of school, parents, money...",0 So here’s he thing. I do have feelings for him. They just aren’t the intensity level I’m used to feeling when I fall for some one. I normally have this sense of urgency. Its this “Crazy about you/can’t live with out you” type feeling.,0 "And no friends are close enough to help her. Additionally, she is kind of scared of strangers because of her past of abuse. I live in a different country so I cannot help her as best as she needs. She has attempted suicide multiple times. I have been successful in saving her every time - with throwing up the pills and or calling an ambulance or whatever may be necessary.",1 "And then I just want it to go away. I dont know what to do about this, I feel like the world doesn't want me to talk about it. It's to uncomfortable for people... But I hate these feelings and they are just the tip of the iceburg that is ptsd. I felt like I needed to say something somwhere though.",1 "I was left to hold the burden of explaining to other people why he wasn't talking to them, or why he said something hurtful. I was okay with that. But I told him on many, many, very blunt occassions, 'I am not okay with just sucking your dick. I feel like you aren't putting in the effort with me and I feel sick and uncomfortable doing this.' I said this in a variety of forms as well as having panic attacks - not anxiety attacks, full-on violent shivering, mute shut-down, crying, overstimulated, feeling like you're about to die panic attacks - most of the times when we were intimate.",1 "While my friends and myself included, have high hopes that this will work out, I’m petrified because I am putting my feelings on the table. I’m going to be so damn vulnerable. While he’s expressed and shown signs that he’s just as into this as I am, if not more so, I’ve also never done this before. I’ve only been in 1 (college) relationship before this, followed by 3 years of singleness and ultimate casual fuckery. I know my feelings for him are real and I owe it to myself to fight for a chance of a relationship with someone I feel so strongly for.",1 "So im feeling a bit defeated; I finally went to my dr at the beginning of last month about my PPD and anxiety, also my workplace is very stressful and my marriage feels like it's crumbling because we are always arguing... my dr prescribed me Zoloft, I really wish now I had journaled how it made me feel, but thinking back, I had some nausea and then started to feel anxiety relief within a week, and overall better mood in a few weeks. Last week, I was working nights and forgot to take my Zoloft four days in a row... I went into a crisis/withdrawal, started taking it again and on day three I felt AWFUL. I went to a walkin because my dr was away that day. She prescribed me Paxil, to start at 10mg and then increase it to 20 after a week.",1 "Each insult he roared, each that lie he told, and each bone that he almost broke became a brick of foundation boosting her will. She greatly missed the boy she fell in love with, but after years of torment and suffering she grew sick of her own lies. She hated the person she had become, and she was shocked to learn the number of years she wasted on him. So on an insignificant, sweltering day in July, she broke free of that little world they created, and finally rejoined the real one. Edit: typo",0 "So this is a new dynamic I am learning, and attempting to exercise patience with. But sometimes I message her pictures of animals or just something about my day. Even if she doesn't respond, I don't mind. I just like to share. I don't want to bombard her with questions about her opinion on the nature of our friendship/relationship, or make her feel pressure like I want something to happen faster than it is.",0 "I'm a long time lurker of r/relationships but my post was locked and asked to post here- I have never made a post before so I apologize in advance! Thank you in advance to anyone who reads. I'm extremely conflicted in whether I get back together with my boyfriend or not, Scott. We have been in a relationship for 3 years, living together for 1, but I moved out a few weeks ago into my own place. For the first couple of years, everything was great.",0 "He was a diabetic with us. Never said much to him but he was a younger kid never caused a problem. I had to listen to this ""famous star"" of the compound tell the new people coming into the box about how he hog-tied this dude and stabbed him in the back as he was raping him. He than continued to explain the details of how he stabbed the mans orfaces to draw blood for lubrication as he molested the dead body to get his point across about how the child had fealt. I listened to this story over and over multiple times daily as the man bragged about his actions.",0 "Cigarettes used to help but they don't anymore. Alcohol helps, but then it comes back worse the next day. In the months that it's not happening, I'm well-adjusted. I thrive. But then my luck changes, someone starts listening to music next door or revving an old engine in their yard, and all my progress collapses.",1 "I have a dog that I got during the abusive relationship that led to my PTSD, though I could never prove it there were obvious signs that she was abused by my ex as well. She has always been very sensitive to how people are feeling and acting (when I have an episode with my celiac disease she will curl up by my stomach and won't leave my side) could this be a starting point for me to train her to recognise when I have a major panic attack and just lay with me until it passes? I was going to find a dog training sub to post this on but some of you may have service dogs for your PTSD so I wanted to get your opinion as well!",0 "So here's what's going on: 1) I'm a full-time graduate student teaching a full college course by myself. (45ish work/study hours per week) 2) Because the stipend from the teaching is not enough to pay for really anything, I work in foodservice (35 hours a week) 3) Because I am trying to get into a certain PhD program, I need experience in a particular field, so I have another job (9 hours per week)",0 "I tried to reply to most but I think I'd like to forget about this post for a bit and move on. So I'm going to stop replying. If there is advice or information that someone hasn't given me yet and you think would be helpful, please feel free to private message me. I'm planning to go to the wedding. I will not be going out of my way to help with the wedding.",0 "Once I committed mentally to therapy and knew I could pay for it, and that if me and the therapist didn't click that I would keep trying until someone did, the anxiety just got better, in the weeks leading up to therapy. Once I started and she was so unusually good, I have mentioned it on here before but she really is unusually good, it cemented it. The depression has only been more or less gone six weeks or two months. And I am four days sober. But I am pretty confident the depression is really going, I am working hard and making real practical progress.",0 Can anyone relate to this feeling? I can’t enjoy myself at things like concerts anymore. I’m not fully present because I have to try so hard to curb feelings of anxiety and hyper-vigilance. When anyone gets too close to me or accidentally touches me I freak out. Tonight I went to a concert and I was so self-conscious and distracted by the fear that I was going to be assaulted that it was difficult to focus on the actual show.,1 "The prospect of this has me utterly overwhelmed right now though. I apologize for the erratic train of thought in this post; I'm honestly at my wits end and thought it would be worth reaching out on this sub. Even if you can't help me financially, any sort of aid would be helpful. I'm going to be on my own for the first time, so any household supplies you might even have laying around that you could donate would probably be helpful. Even advice or resources would be great right now.",1 I’m asking now because my partner told me to eat a chicken schnitzel Parma instead of my ham and cheese sandwich. I freaked out. I almost had a full-on fight with him because I didn’t want to. Felt like I couldn’t. I almost broke down into tears.,1 "I did a few EMDR sessions, had great success, but also don't want to go through that again as I became severely depressed in the days following sessions. Anyone else sharing this feeling?? Like maybe sometimes its better/easier to not go to therapy and revisit everything and try to get ahold of it yourself? I definitely do have a skill set learned from my time in therapy that I feel I can rely on right now, but if I get worse I am not sure if just that is enough...though hopeful I will not get worse. Would appreciate your feedback whether you also share these feelings, or if you think it is better to return to therapy.",1 "I live in BC and im gonna be homeless soon, I'm thinking about just saving up enough money to take a greyhound to the Vancouver island to live out being homeless and to get a fresh start. I'm thinking about either Qualicum Bay or Parksville since they're both small and have good weather. I don't want to be homeless in a big city full of crime and I want to be somewhere where it doesn't get to -20 in the winter, are there any other good places in BC to be homeless?",0 "Now: The brother who texted me just had a baby girl with his wife. He now has a total of three baby girls at home (age range 3-0). Gut reaction: fear, dread, anxiety. I don’t want to meet her.",1 "His medical equipment (wheelchair, Hoyer lift, bedside table, trapeze lift and air mattress) belong to us to donate as we wish. We're looking for a good charity that would be able to pick these items up (So, with a truck?) and re-use them for a patient in need. Thank you very much for your help in this. If it helps, we're in the central Florida area.",0 "It seemed like there was no recognition of my emotional state and like he just wanted me to be quiet. That scares me. He claims he was trying to help comfort me, but I really am having trouble believing that. This is the second time something like this has happened. The first time was when we were arguing and it was getting really heated.",1 "A little background here. The girlfriend[24f] of one of my husbands friends from high school made a detailed post on Instagram back in December describing the abusive relationships she was in with her boyfriend[24m]. About 2 weeks later, the post was gone and suddenly all was well and she is posting sappy/happy posts with him. I sent her a private message on Facebook asking her if everything was okay and if there was anything I could do, letting her know I was genuinely worried. The message was never opened and that profile was deactivated.",0 "Well, the warm season is here which means higher levels of anxiety for me. Thing is, I’m so used to this pattern that I don’t even care anymore. I’ve been through the worse of anxiety attacks and now it’s just another “oh here we go again” kind of mood. I like the warm weather and whatnot but there’s too much activity going on since people enjoy going out. I don’t blame them.",1 "So besides my dad, my entire family is toxic to me. My mum and older sister uses guilt a lot. My mum storms off on a regular basis and says no one cares about her or whatever. My older sister does the same thing too but instead she verbalises it and says ‘FINE IF I DIE EVERYONE WILL BE BETTER OFF’. My second sister is reckless, spends money she doesn’t have, constantly lies and irresponsible.",0 "I refuse to carry both of us anymore and I'm also tired of the drama between us as well. So, part of me hopes he doesn't pay the rent and that'll give me my push to really move on. Anyway, I'm ok with going to a shelter, but I worry about my laptop. I remember when I was living in a shelter when I was a kid, they didn't allow you to have certain items. I don't want to part with my laptop for them to keep it safe and it gets ""lost"".",0 "Hello, You are invited to complete a survey for a WMU psychology department research project designed to assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment for a variety of concerns. We hope to learn if and how preferences for treatment change over time, and if patient’s perception of their treatment’s match to their preferences is related to the benefit received from treatment. The survey is open to anyone ages 18 or older who is currently engaged in mental health treatment for at least one month and four therapy sessions, and not longer than one year. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide some demographic/background information, respond to survey items about your preferences for treatment and how they have changed over time, and about your quality of life. The survey may take between 30-40 minutes to complete.",0 "I just got out of a four year, mostly on but sometimes off relationship. The last interaction we had, he was moving out. The night before, he had strangled me. We've had a toxic relationship, but mostly loving. He truly tried to love me as much as possible, but would get drunk and be verbally abusive.",0 "When I'm single it's never an issue if a person I'm seeing is sleeping with others but as soon as I fall in love, I can get kind of possessive. My partner is very much the opposite. All of his relationships have been open and he's slept with pretty much all of his friends. Maybe a few months ago he told me that he'd really like it if I slept with other people. I was fairly keen but was getting weird gut fear at the thought of him sleeping with other people.",0 "During one of our many discussions, she compared it to me playing with people on my friends list. I explained that usually we are in game friends and only really speak about the game. A few times she offered to talk about in game stuff only with her friends. The last time she offered, I accepted feeling that it would solve my issue. Once I accepted her offer, she backpedaled almost immediately during the same conversation.",0 "It was hard to function I didn't used to be like this though. **Is there a road back to normalcy? ** I want my life back. I guess I'll start doping myself up with Escitalopram for now, but I'd rather it not become a crutch.",1 night sweats (bed stinks so bad and I have to wash the sheets daily and my bedroom is 68 degrees and I only sleep with sheets.) night terrors (re-occuring dream: waking up with the feeling that I am supposed to tell someone something to prevent an awful occurrence from happening but unable to say the words. The words just won't come out) Wife scared to wake me up because I am fearfully jumpy and suffer from panic attacks upon awaking. depression,1 "No, that's not an exaggeration but I wish I was. While I was driving last Tuesday I got extremely lightheaded, sweaty, and then pulled over and vomited blood all over the interior of my car. After a few moments of wonder if 'this was it' and deciding 'it definitely wasn't it, not on a highway' I snapped by myself back to what life was left and drove to the next exit to find help. My SO has a great summary of why this ended up costing so much money, but it's a sequence of very unfortunate events. That's even before the fact that while I was intubated and unconscious someone lifted the bag of all my clothes wallet.",1 "I'm just overwhelmed, really don't want to give up on myself but my spirit has been broken more than once and I can't ever seem to get to the m ight at the end of the tunnel. If anything, thanks for reading, hopefully in the near future I can update this with some good news. If not I wish anyone in a similar situation that sees this the best of luck. Sometimes you get dealt a hand you literally cannot play. I am living proof.",1 "You were so kind, thoughtful, and helpful. And right. I felt so exposed and vulnerable that I forgot a few things: my husband has *never* done something he knew would hurt me. More importantly, when I am not ok, he isn’t either, even though it doesn’t show. I don’t have a family of my own that I can trust, and it sucks.",0 "I'm now 18 Years old,from Germany and going to school right now, planning on study psyochologie. The only thing that seems to slow me down right now is chronic panicattack-like illness that seems to destroy everything I've build up for myself. It is a constant strain of thought that I fear the most that developed from the time I was six. Eversince I was six years old I started having weird forced habits like touching certian things for x amount of times or making weird noises. The older I got, the less I had these forced habits and the more I had something like a second ""voice"" in my head that was thinking of something entirely else and actually disturbing that I couldn't control.",1 "For a bit of background, our relationship isn’t perfect. We’re different people. For example, I’m a very liberal individual, feminist at heart, not very sportsy. He however is more moderate, has much older parents and is more moderate in terms of gender roles and very sportsy. Overall though our differences don’t really bother me.",0 I got connected with the DV shelter in town to connect to my Crime Victim funds so I don't have to worry about therapy co-pays and I'm filled to the brim with anxiety about class tomorrow. I'm so tired of this. I hate that he probably witnessed me plunging into a panic attack. I hate that he saw that side of me. I don't want to look weak in front of him.,1 "I just saw Mystic River, and went online to look at comments and all, and I couldn't believe what I saw. If you have seen the film, people claim that where Tim Robbins character's faith went to was bound to happen because of his childhood assault. Why can't movies represent people who have survived childhood sexual assault as strong? Forrest Gump, Jenny becomes a drug addict and is a mess, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang the girl dies, Mysterious Skin becomes a male prostitute. Is that really how society sees us?",0 "I'm 14 years old going in highschool. I've had anxiety, mostly health anxiety my entire life. But it usually only lasted a day at times and my anxiety only when off it certain, not daily things now I suffer daily and want it gone. I've posted here before but just want to know what you guys think of this, recently someone passed away in there sleep from a heart attack and now I'm anxious like never before. I'll wake up with panic attacks and such.",1 Obviously this doesn’t help the mental health. I have a great relationship with a professor at my institution. Because I go to a SLAC close professor / student relationships are encouraged. My professor has been very helpful and making sure I get the mental health assistance needed while at school while also frequently checking in on me. This person has also offered to Skype me over break if I needed to chat or if being home became difficult.,0 "State I am homeless as of this morning, without mentioning, the title of this post, screen me for services available to veterans. Or maybe I should go to a homeless shelter first (proof of [the lack of] residency). Dad wants me out tomorrow morning. I suppose my original question, is/was, what is the definition for being homeless? The reason for being homeless is not a subject I wish to discuss.",0 A nice laptop paired with a 5G hotspot from my phone and I’ll actually not be bored out of my wits end during the night. \- Get a proper set of wheels. After the end of October I’ll have to let the van sit at the shelter lot. At least I can use it for storage. I should start to look up prices for respectable used cars and insurance after I get the phone.,0 "It may have been those emotional mute buttons that PTSD can sometimes press? I don't know. But recently I suddenly have all these flare-ups of anger that I don't really know what to do with. It takes every ounce of my being to control myself sometimes, and I feel lucky that I have been able to keep things relatively under control. I do occasionally do little things I'm not proud of, and I'm worried this will be a problem if I don't know any coping strategies.",1 "But one night, I somehow picked up on a pattern or loop in the cricket sounds, and I haven't been able to listen to it since. My brother had the same model in the room next to mine, and I ended up getting him a new one for his birthday because even puddles through the wall, every single loop felt like an ice pick to my forehead. It's like my brain knows what sound is coming and the auditory auto-correct is mentally painful and dread inducing. Any advice/suggestions would be helpful-- can't seem to get the right combination of experiences/symptoms from misophonia, sensory processing, etc. Thanks!",1 "I’m having a difficult time coping with how my abusive husband is perceived by family and friends. He raged at me, then was perfectly calm and collected as we met family for dinner less than five minutes later. We go to social events and he’s the perfect gentleman. He’s kind, caring, funny, charming... I sit next to him absolutely blank and speechless.",1 "I called my boyfriend, and I just ranted at him. He was shocked. I've never spoken like that about anyone. I wasn't even thinking about what was coming out of my mouth, and I just called her all these names and said all these horrible things about her when she isn't a bad person! How the hell do I get over this?",1 "I'm 29 and I've just committed to moving into a shared apartment in my city centre. I've never lived in a place like this before because it's an en-suite with my own double bedroom and bathroom, but the kitchen and lounge is shared with about 15 other 'profressionals' It's right in the centre of a bustling city near all the bars and music venues. I've always lived in the suburbs but I've always felt a bit disconnected from everything because most of my (limited) social life takes place in the city centre. But now I'm scared because I'm such an introvert and there's going to be lots of people around all the time and I'm worried I've made a mistake. Another big worry of mine is that my ex best friend lives just a few streets away from where I will be living and we are going to be sharing the same supermarket etc.",1 "I'm a 24 yr old female and I've never had a person I could call a friend in my life. There was a 2 and a half year period where I barely left the apartment. My first job was when I was 23. Its a warehouse job and it will have been a year since I started working there in a couple of weeks. Even though I've been there for that long I havent formed any relationship with anyone there because i always avoid getting too familiar with anyone, that's my default way of being and I hate it.",1 "Or is that unnecessary? Also is there another way? I really don't want to talk about what happened. But, I really want the nightmares to go away. Sorry if this sounds weird, I am really really fucking tired...",1 "I’m very frustrated by this and don’t know what to trust. On the one hand, these dreams could very well be pointing to reality. On the other, they could simply be playing out fears I had. And I just don’t know which. What do I trust?",1 "Hey guys I have PTSD from years of emotional abuse and neglect by my narcissistic parents. I am living in their house again now due to some financial hardships (Im 22), I am constantly being triggered and am experiencing intensified symptoms. Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with this situation? I feel completely trapped, I need to figure out how to manage these symptoms because they're really getting in the way of my functioning. Sorry for the lack of detail/emotion but I am so drained.",1 i was sexually assaulted almost 6 months ago. once i was assaulted i ate nothing for three days straight. i lost about 20 lbs in 2/2.5/3 weeks. i was also withdrawing from Risperadone at the same time. i couldn’t stop losing the weight.,1 "As much of an asshole I know it makes me, I simply can't put my heart into a relationship in which I know I'm not the father of her child. I was ghosted this past summer by one of few people I've ever wanted to have a relationship with, and the subsequent weeks were a quest to find sex that would distract me from the pain. Others came before, but she's the first to actually show interest in the long term. She's made these ambitious plans for our distant future, and I don't have it in my heart to tell her it'll never happen. She's the first girl to show me daily how much she cares for me, and the impending thought of breaking her heart is killing me.",1 I had a pretty creepy experience almost a week ago. I've never had a hallucination like that. So disconnected and vivid and super weird. I was anxious because I was in a building filled with people. Then all of a sudden I hallucinated where I was in a dark room all by myself.,1 "Ever since I left school, I’ve felt much more in control of my fears and my emotions, I’ve had a happier outlook on life and I’ve been happier overall. But now, it just seems like every time I’m sick, if I’m nauseous or dizzy, it has to be my anxiety. And if I don’t try to plough through that kind of problem, I’m letting anxiety ruin me, according to my family. I know they don’t get how real it feels when you’re sick from anxiety but I know the difference in myself. I know the difference between anxiety-sick and having an illness caused by something else.",0 "I do feel like some of my trust has been broken. I know he will always prefer to befriend girls, and I'm not the jealous type, but I just need some help with how to respond to him and how to process this whole scenario. What is the best way to process ""emotional"" cheating from the past? --- **tl;dr**: My (33F) husband [33M] of 10 years had private chat giving each other sexual advice with female friend/ childhood friend and hid it from me for 2 years.",1 "It's not that the current one isn't helping at all, but it would be nice if it helped _more_. She's got a lot of good literature and notes and it's helped some. But it's her words that it hasn't helped as much as she would like. Just wondering if anyone with any experience in talk therapy would share anything she may be able to talk about or focus on that could help a lot? This is a new experience for her, so she might just not know what to do or say during therapy to get anywhere if the therapist isn't guiding the discussion, and I wouldn't know what to suggest either.",0 "I check my phone even though I know she won't reply. How do I get past this? Where did I go wrong? --- **tl;dr**: sent my friend a love letter, basically, and she never responded and then proceeded to block me on everything.",1 "If you are interested in participating, you will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey that will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes, one time only. If you are interested in participating, please click on the following link: Or, if you would like further information, please message me. For your participation, you may choose to enter a raffle to win one of eight $25.00 gift cards.",0 "I debated for ten minutes what I should do. I didn't want to open the message completely and violate her trust that far, so I woke her up (which was a big decision because she loves sleep and has two tests today - I know I'm an asshole but she understands and doesn't want me going crazy while she sleeps), and yeah. That was that. She told the guy she was in a relationship (who doesn't check relationship status on Facebook ffs? ), and thanked him for creating a shitstorm.",0 "New to this sub. Here is some background information about myself. ------------------------- I developed anxiety in my freshman year or high school. The traumatizing event happened when I was young, but an event when I was older triggered memories and sensations, and from then on I have dealt with axiety and panic attacks.",1 "He took his sleeping pills before cleaning out his gun. The magazine was out, but there was a bullet stuck in the chamber. He accidentally pulled the trigger. It went straight through his arm chair and hit his dog in the head. She yelped slightly and tried to walk away before she slumped down and passed on.",0 "Thanks in advance! Edit: You guys are the best. I now have a more solid footing on what to do and how to plan for it. Thank you so much. Any other advice is welcome, and thank you to everyone who took the time to say something.",0 "It happened in the fall of 2003. I was getting off the bus and a boy that lived in my neighborhood was walking to his house. I ran up and tackled him, as we have done many other days before. We would always wrestle, have snowball fights, goof off. Today was different.",0 I'm in college now and got high last night and felt pretty sad. I'm a wreck. I thought I've overcome this all but I'm just feeling alone again. After trauma i started isolating myself and attaching to creative work to get a sense of worth. I declined socially by a lot and can't feel connected to anyone past a surface level.,1 "My troubles began when I confronted her about withdrawing large and frequent amounts of cash from her account and asked her what she was spending all that money on when she wasn't paying for my siblings. I asked her for my 9 year old sister's dad number , so I could bring up her not spending the child support money she was receiving on my sister. She refused to give me his number and since then I cannot even talk to her. She has even told me not to take my sister out with me and my brother because she says she does not have money to pay me back. If i mention anything about what I spend on them she say ""I need to see a receipt"" but when I ask if she bought anything for them and to show me a receipt she says ""Of course I don't keep them"".",1 "Already borrowed what I can from family and friends, living on my own, and rather exhausted that. I'd rather not share my specific adress in public, so PM if you want to help. Got no preferences, but a kebab or pizza with varied stuff in it would be great for nutrition. Hate asking for this, but I'm at a low point and getting rather desperate. If ordering isn't the thing for you, a small amount of money to buy something cheap at the store is just as good.",1 I’m leaving for the airport right now and i’m so fucking scared. I’ve been nauseous all day and already puked like 4 times even though i haven’t had anything to eat since yesterday. I will have to check my bags in and talk to the attendant and then go through security without holding up the queue. And then sit inches away from a stranger on the plane. At least I have a window seat.,1 "I'm looking for some encouragement to get through a phase where I currently just want everything to be over. Im so tired of thinking about things over and over. Was it sexual abuse or wasn't it, should I move out or shouldn't I. All while I have less and less brain space to devote to schoolwork. People who have gone through this phase what did you do to get through it.",1 "We were doing so good.” I’m feel as if I can’t be angry at any of his actions, and my words mean nothing, and my threats are empty. He makes me feel so horrible about myself when I even show the slightest bit of distance from him, he treats me as if I owe him sex. Never forces me to but will bring it up constantly, about how we haven’t and it’s just “makes him feel so bad and self conscious about himself” I don’t know what to do I told him I wanted to move back home and he went in behind me and unpacked my bags as I packed them.",1 "She's okay if you say a rude joke back though so she can take it too. She pokes fun at my lifestyle (I count calories by weighing things in grams, get my eyebrows waxed, go to the gym 5 days a week and jogging 1 day no matter the weather). She is also way ahead in school, and will have a bachelor's at 19 from her university, while I am in my freshman year. She also has a job in her field this year, she makes like $17 an hour and I work at a grocery store barely getting through freshman year while she's killing her senior classes. During our conversation about weird way girls have hit on me I asked about her and she listed way more weird guys than I had weird girls and I know she's hot and I know currently she has multiple offers to go Netflix and chill or go out (I've seen her open snapchats from these boys like over her shoulder while we've been hanging out).",0 "I told him that even though I prefer living on the west coast, I am willing to try living anywhere in the country except for DC, and even then I could do another year or so there, but I couldn’t fathom the idea of spending my life, setting down roots, and starting a family there. He doesn’t seem keen on the idea of doing anything else. I guess I’m just looking for some perspective. After having this big talk we both expressed that we really, really don’t want to break up. Then I begin thinking, if I’m unwilling to move back to DC, and he’s willing to place this notion of an ideal career ahead of me, do we really love each other that much?",0 "It was more calm then I had felt in months. But then I remembered, scars. That has stopped me since those three days of calm. I only have few scratches and cuts and one glass cut but I easily hide them with a few wristbands and a watch. Thing is, everything scars and if I keep going, its going to affect me later in life.",1 "But I mean does it really matter? I didn't know that either but I still felt the same. And he was well aware of what I was going through as much as he could have. Also that whole living situation and that man was horrible and stressful anyway (without it being a trigger for something else too). And I know that if I had been in his position I would have done everything I could to help my partner and taken them seriously, regardless of whether I would have felt that way or as bad about something or not.",1 "I was told by a friend of mine that if you ship something straight to the airport, and just have the receiver pick it up, you would be saving an enormous amount of $$ as opposed to sending it directly to the recipient. Does this hold any truth, anyone know? If you've got any ideas like the one I've posted I would be more then thrilled to hear about it! P.S. The items vary in size, so if you know about a method that if best suited for, lets say items under 5 pounds, I would still love to hear about it!",0 "Back to my dad, during lunch he wanted to say some words to my GF, to encourage her to keep studying the doctorate, he said that if she felt that money was an issue, that don't let her that take her down, that doctorates in our country earn very poorly but that getting that degree would open doors to work abroad and land a job she would love. You see, my dad didn't know (well, I've told him plenty of times, but I figured he forgot at the time) that my GF's mom was a doctorate. My GF's mom openly told in front of my that she didn't earn enough for the years of study and work she did, everybody in our country knows that doctorates don't earn enough money for the effort, capacity and dedication they're required to do/have. But when my dad said those words, nobody said anything. I didn't take it as offensive.",0 "There was this one guy I would see around a lot and he was good looking. But he was 18. I talked to him sometimes and he seemed to like talking to me, said I was cute. This made me happy at the time. One day we were at the park and he asked if I had a boyfriend I said no.",0 "I dated my ex-girlfriend for 6 years. She was madly in love with me for most of the relationship then had a falling out in the last year of the relationship where things turned ugly. I went through depression and hit a rough patch which also made me insecure which gave her the power in the relationship. I also put us both through some unnecessary times and abused the love and time she gave me, she tried really hard, I was too stubborn. Eventually near the end I was a bit vulnerable and she left.",0 I'm assuming I have PTSD and my work gave me a number to call and I'm debating doing so. But I hate asking for help and I feel pathetic because nothing happened. I'm physically fine. I just really need advice because I'm struggling on how to feel. I don't know why I can't just brush this off considering I'm alright.,1 "i probably havesevere gad. at least i think i do. i need to get help because im avoiding anything i can. school starts again in a few weeks, and im an upcoming sophmore. i want to stop skipping lunch because all of the people in there make me anxious and i cant bring myself to look up i stare at the ground 99% of the time whenever i walk through the halls because i cant stand to make eye contact.",1 "We have been together for a little over 2 years now, and high school is nearly over. He’s been wanting to move to Toronto for a while now and I had considered moving there for university too. However, I plan on staying at home (Toronto is only 4 hours away). I would say things about how awesome it would be if we moved in together or visit each other. Never once did he mention he did not want a long distance relationship.",0 "So something happened over 3 years ago that caused me a tremendous amount of anxiety, and over the past few months the anxiety surrounding that event has come back? It doesn't make sense, I can't rationalize it either. This time around it's not as intense as it was then but I'm definitely experiencing the same thoughts, same anxiety. What the f do I do? I don't feel comfortable at all talking about it with a therapist and it's began consuming my life again.",1 If I hadn’t have grabbed my toddlers head and pressed it against mine and ducked it would have hit us both. I was yelled at so much I could see the veins bulging in his neck as he swore at me and called me names. I held my hands over the children’s ears so they couldn’t hear. But at least he didn’t hit me. I was told repeatedly that I would be stabbed in the throat so he didn’t need to hear my voice.,1 "​ ​ I have decided I have spent too long letting Anxiety win. I don't just want to be informed with Anxiety anymore, I want to be an expert at understanding every aspect of it.",0 "! I feel like I am in a pit that I cannot escape from. I know that I am anxious all the time and terrified of fucking up and I know for sure that the more anxious I am, the more I cannot focus well and think straight and the more likely it is for me to fuck up .. and somehow, everytime I do, I feel like I just want to belittle myself so much that I deliberately and purposefully want to see myself covered in blood and bruises because I feel like I deserve it! ! EDIT 2 ..",1 "Diary: I'm having a tough day today but I'm pushing through and trying to change from the negative to the positive. I heard a saying today, that there's two basic feelings - positive and negative. Imagine yourself as a train, you have the choice to switch track at any stage, from negative to positive ❤ You can do it. You are loved and you love others.",0 "It feels very weird to feel like you have nothing to cry about, then cry, and then go back to not being sad right after you cry....) I just don't get it....I thought stress was something that built up over time....like you hop from 5 -> 6 after a few months of continued stress...Is that not how it works? Does stress fluctuate between 1 and 10 on a daily basis? And how much do ""stress relieving activities"" actually help? I just cried does that mean I'll go from 7 to 5?",1 "My brother adopted me and enrolled me in the school his wife taught at. They had a family of their own and I was never treated the same as their children. My future friends referred to them as ""the Dursleys."" I was a few years older than their oldest kid so I attribute their shitty parenting to not knowing how to raise a kid my age at that point yet, because they were much kinder to their kids when they reached my age. They were also quite religious.",0 No reply. I texted again a couple hours later and he again didn't reply. I saved myself the embarrassment and just didnt go out that night. I texted him the next day to ask what happened. Its been a week already since this happened and be hasn't once texted me.,0 "But I'd like to reciprocate her feelings. I think I do truly love her, but I'm not going to fuel her infatuation by saying it. Should I just sit back and wait? What signs should I look for? Should I confront her again?",0 "For the first time, I put my hard-won progress/my mental health/myself first, ahead of my mom, for her birthday in a couple of weeks. My mom isn’t the primary problem. Her second husband is. He is my abuser. I’m going home for her birthday, something I haven’t done in 5 years.",0 "Last week it happened so many times in one trip I decided to go to urgent care about it (at one point I was driving with my window down, in hail, slapping myself in the face to stay alert). Anyway, I figured I would share what I learned in case anyone else is experiencing this. Apparently nothing to do with asthma, actually caused by PTSD. After vitals were normal, the doctor said that when I drive for awhile, my body's posture is activating my sympathetic nervous system. Apparently, your nervous system has two parts; sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS).",0 "Then, the issue was that she was too dehydrated for a blood draw and the mental health hospital wouldn't take her without the draw. So, I had to take her home and pump her full of water and food and cross our fingers that she could get a draw in the morning. By morning, the bed had filled. So, the counselor and I took her to the Emergency room to see if they could admit her at the local hospital. There, she absolutely *refused* to have her blood drawn and the ER told me that they were just going to have to discharge her if they couldn't get the tests.",0 Next morn I did a lot thinking about God and praying and thanking him for blessing me with such a thing called Planet Fitness. And Subway. Made my way back to my part of town and chilled out till daylight. Fin. (Sorry for getting rushy I’ve currently been walking for 8 hours and I gotta get moving again soon so I don’t decide to make a place to sleep.,0 "Picked music up again and I'm considering the possibility of doing it for the rest of my life rather than science, which is what I've been led by my environment to believe is my ""destiny."" Even if I am coming to plenty of realizations, I constantly ponder about our relationship, how horribly it ended, and whether I may have done something wrong and how I can fix a bad quality in myself that made things end that way. I just want to forget. Is this horribly written? I think so.",0 "I made some dumb decisions 1-2 years back. I took out some loans i shouldn't have, and i'm paying for it dearly now. I know it was dumb, but i don't feel like i deserve to starve for it, but thats just my opinion. On the other hand, i also know that i am not owed anything, and i am deeply ashamed of myself almost every day. Honestly, i am on a verge of a mental breakdown.",1 "My boyfriend didn't care. I started to get psychotic at 17. I was so scared, paranoid, had delusions and hallucinations. And no-one to help me. All this hell lasted until I was 22.",1 "Hi, Last night, my girlfriend's mom passed away. My girlfriend has anxiety and I want to help her in every way that I can. I had in high school anxiety but never experienced loss, and I want to help my girlfriend in any way that I can. She's 20, in college, and I've been doing everything I can think of but I want to make sure she's okay.",0 "I live in a high end building and I feel if I were to talk to the people who work in the office they wouldn’t take my name off the lease, that they wouldn’t care. I have told a couples therapist and my individual therapist the things he has done in the past, and what he says to me and his actions. I believe they would vouch for me. I also think if I were to say to the office people that I would like to leave before a real scene is made (cops being called, screaming, damage, etc) that they will be more inclined to take my name off lease. Thoughts?",1 "People who need support, regardless of the elements that brought them to needing that support, are welcome here. If you are a robot or a fish person you are also welcome. If you are a crab from an enemy faction other than that of Hip Healz’ native crab please consider the danger present to you. **Whisper Channels**: Basically a channel to help anyone in need of support, whether it be for venting, companionship, advice, commiseration, or someone to talk to. The Whisper channel is a judgement-free zone, used solely to comfort those in need of help.",0 "Sorry, this will probably be a little long. So, I broke up with my boyfriend of over a year early last month, and it's been... rough. Half the time, I don't even know why we broke up. When people ask me about it, I get so confused as to what to say, because I feel like even *I* don't know. I thought our breakup was mutual.",0 "And yes, I would love help. I live in . I can't use a phone as we only have one; house phone, that mom is always sitting near. I would love to be given links to sites that can help my brother and I to places that will take us. Because today was the last straw with my 'mother' hitting my brother with a tennis racket as my 'dad' restrained him down on the couch.",1 "Seated on a throne of wire, Mermaids tending to the pyre Golems force the walls to touch As lemurs gaze into the dusk Danny drears while lightning nears",0 "This is something I'm working on figuring out for myself). Option 2: We each move after we each get a job in City A. Drawbacks: (1) one of us will be left at our current job for a while with our boss and coworkers knowing the other is likely to leave soon after. I'm not sure if this is an inadvisable situation. (2) BF will likely find a job first, as he has a few more years experience than me plus some management experience.",1 "As some of you probably know, I created a political survey last week about the correlation between one's political affiliation and one's favorite characters on The Office. I have gathered together all the answers, and I am going to reveal the favorite and least favorite characters of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. I am going to start by revealing the Top 5 Favorite Characters on The Office for each political affiliation. Republicans' Top 5 Favorite Characters on The Office: 5.",0 "And really, that's why I'm typing this post. I want to know for certain if I was witnessing a domestic violence incident (feel free to delete this post if otherwise - again, this is a throwaway, so I don't mind), if there's anything I could and/or should have done differently there, and if there's anything I can do to help in case this happens again (which knowing my job, it will). I'm wondering if I should have slipped her info to a hotline, or lied about calling the police, or *something* - in the back of my mind, I keep telling myself there was something I could have done here. Any ideas? EDIT: In case it isn't clear, I DID call the police - I just didn't inform them of my domestic violence suspicions until they arrived, due to what happened between the call and their arrival.",1 One night after going to a club we go back to our friends and we snuggle next to each other. She interlocks her fingers into my hand and later on in the night turns around and kisses me. We kiss for the whole night. We couldn't do anything more because our friends were sleeping in the same room. We didn't talk about that night until a few weeks later when we went to a bar together.,0 "Hello r/anxiety. I've dealt with GAD for decades, and have benefitted greatly from therapy and medication. After years of taking Paxil, I've gone *without* medication for the last couple years. It's been mostly ok, but my symptoms are annoying enough that I'm considering medication again. After consulting with a psychiatrist, it seems like an SSRI or SSNI is still my best bet.",0 "Summa summarum: I got attacked by two guys, without any provcation. My nose broke, so even if i didn't want to make a charge, the police automatically makes a charge since it's agravated assault, since a bone broke -this is the law here-. I don't really want to talk much about it, because it ""triggers"" me. So, one day my phone rings, and a police officer called me, that i need to go to the police station to a so called ""confrontation"". I was like what?",1 I can't take a shower and I haven't eaten today. I am sitting in my car and almost on empty. I keep ending up with abusive men who pretend to love me and my kids then hurt us. I am on a waiting list for housing but no call backs yet. The kids are safe and good and I go see them every few days til I have a place.,1 "Throwaway, changed names, etc... My ex and i dated for about 2 years and had an incredible relationship. Traveling, great sex, got along with each others family’s, you get the point. This was also my first serious relationship. “Steph” was the kind of girl who didnt click too well with other girls, so she gravitated towards guy friends more often.",0 "I suffered a concussion a month ago and I noticed it really has provoked my anxiety to be scared about getting worse and it has even led to me getting depressed and thinking of harming myself I have been like this before, I have had anxiety but not to this level. I have felt better since the concussion has healed but I am worried I won't recover from my anxiety and I have been perscribed Celprix (Escitalopram) and unsure if I should take it. I kind of feel like I can recover from this by getter back to my routine and return to work. Anyone else been through a life changing injury and had some bad anxiety from it?",1 "So, long story short my parents are terribly abusive, I'm almost 30 and it took me this long, with the help of my wife to realize this. Lots of things happened, too many to list in a single post, but it got much worse last year when my daughter was molested by my younger brother. We had asked my parents to watch my two daughters due to a medical emergency, and that's when it happened, with my father in the room, his eyes glued to his cell phone. We involved CPS, the police, but my daughter didn't quite tell the police everything, and with their investigation, they could not press charges against him. After their investigation was complete, we informed my parents of what happened, and they called my then 5 year old daughter a liar to her face.",1 After a few days I start to try to make plans with her to hang out or go out to eat even if its only for an hour or so. She ends up saying no almost all of the time and I'm getting to where I don't even ask because I feel bad that she has to say no. And this leads to me feeling lonely and unwanted. The part of this that doesn't feel fair is that she can ask to do something with me at anytime and I basically drop everything to go do whatever she wants. I say yes to literally every thing she asks because I just cant help myself not to.,1 I feel like a become a mean monster. :( and I can’t stop or control myself and I feel this immense anxiety throughout my body as if I’m being pushed down by negativity and anyone will tell me anything even if it’s not even remotely threatening or meaning harm and I completely lash out and respond with mean things :/ and I feel soooo guilty afterwards and I don’t want to justify but it’s as if the worry/anxiety I feel in my head overtakes me and apperantly the only way to express it is through meanness :/ I’m seeking therapy guys very soon :/ because I’m hurting the ppl around me that I love and it’s not fair for them and I feel like a monster for it,1 "If I ask her anything about her life or about my uncle who she lives with (66 stroke survivor), she answers vaguely “He’s fine” or “ask him yourself”. The unappreciative part come from the fact that when she asks me to do something and I have to say no, or if I imply a no, she gets completely mad at me. She’ll go “but I love you and do stuff for you. Your daddy would be disappointed in you. Fine, then, I’ll never ask for anything ever again.",1 "He keeps saying he hates himself for this and won't let it happen again. I know he has a really big heart, so I don't know what to do. Is our relationship worth it? TL;DR My boyfriend of over two years has a huge drug problems and continuously lies to my face about it. He abuses them and it is effecting our relationship in a negative way.",1 "If its the wrong place for this feel free too delete, it would be on par with the rest of the day. Edit: thank you, too those who've responded and any others who might. I always expect to get turned away whenever i ask for help, especially when i read how others are suffering. It always makes my problems seem not worth anyone's time. So thank you, it means a lot to me.",0 "All of these things were a slow burn, many of these things overlapped one another. I pushed through and finished my PhD, but now I'm worn, and after looking into it, I've realized that the psychological symptoms of stress I display are closely aligned with racism-specific PTSD. I've been through psychotherapy, but I'm not sure the therapist was adequately prepared to identify it, but I know for certain that I have PTSD. I want to begin healing now that I'm done with grad school. Where/how do I start?",1 I've never spoken to anyone about my anxiety but I'm pretty sure I have generalized anxiety disorder. When I was young I used to be very bright and would take charge of projects and doing assignments. As time went on I became lazier but still fairly on top of things. When I went into college I suffered and things never clicked. Doing even the most simple of tasks or assignments were just so difficult for me.,1 Not sure why but I’m really off today. I can’t stop feeling like a screw up even though I’ve really done nothing wrong today. I feel like it might have been triggered by seeing an old family friend who asked how my abuser was or because I am having an injury flare up after doing really well. I just feel useless and unlovable. I have convinced myself even my husband doesn’t like me.,1 The best idea i have came up with is use the lazt of my petrol to get somewhere atleazt half close to work and safe and legal to park up where i canalso sleep. Use my anti bactiral gel to clean my body and just wear a hat all week for work and wait it out until friday. Does anyone else have any better advice? Id appriciate any suggestions. Thank you,1 "My wife (we've been together 8 years) however is determined to 'finish the job'. Her father taught her much of what she knows and that is certainly a factor as to why she is an constructual engineer... But unlike her father she isn't a certified electrician or plumber nor is she especially skilled at carpentry. The issue is that we live 5 hours away and even if we did go *every* weekend to work on the house it would take well over a year to even get it into a acceptable state, let alone 'finished' and sellable. I brought up the idea of getting contractors to finish the house.",0 "Do you think she's just trying to let me down easy or that there might be something but she's just not ready? Everybody I work with says she likes me. Her close friend from work even said something similar. I'm probably over thinking this, as I tend to do. What do yall think?",0 "I have Bipolar 1 disorder and CPTSD. I literally overwhelm LCSWs and MFts with my symptoms. They have no idea where to begin - because it isn't their expertise - they are generalists! When I was able to choose my provider, I could choose someone who specializes in CPTSD or Bipolar 1. I could do DBT, EMDR, or Somatic Experiencing.",1 He said you better get a job by Friday or the homeless shelter. I'm thinking of going to stay at my cousins place who is supportive but it's a tad dirty but I'm considering just packing up my bag left clothes and going to stay with him. He also has my car and I'm not gonna try to take it back because he paid for my head so he gets my car. It's not worth much but still. Thank you for reading and I'm open to suggestions thank you Agian and I'm glad I got to share this,0 "We’ve been together for 4 years now, living together for just over 1. He’s a very sweet guy, but at times he can seem childish. He’s always joking or making fun. But he also seems very uninterested in things, and to brutally honest if you saw his resting face you would think he doesn’t care about anything. It’s so relaxed with heavy eyelids and he speaks in monotone quietly.",0 "This even negatively impacts me more because it causes me relationship anxiety, every time I have a freak out about travelling I start getting intrusive thoughts like ""what if I get there and realize I don't love him or I'm not attracted to him"" or when he sends me a text that makes me happy my anxiety creeps in saying that I'm secretly forcing any positive feelings I have for him. I know these are linked to my travel anxiety because they only pop up AFTER I've had a moment of freaking out thinking about the travel. Whenever we Skype, just talking to him feels like home, and talking about the upcoming trip feels just exciting, not nerve-wracking. This SUCKS, we're booking plane tickets next Wednesday and half of me is ecstatic but the anxious half of me is dreading it. I need to figure out how to calm all this anticipatory anxiety so I can just let myself enjoy my relationship, the excitement leading up to our trip, and even the trip itself (although I feel like once I'm there I'll be fine)!",1 No one's story is less than another. I am looking to reach out to those who have no hope to show them that even though so many people have gone through awful things they are still here! If you're not comfortable appearing in a video audio can be submitted. Or the story can be typed out to share on the additional blog I will create. I don't want anyone to feel pressured it's only if you're comfortable.,0 "Things between us were amicable until that point. Now, the atmosphere is VERY different. It hurts now because she's acting indifferent and like she's totally unaffected (which she might well be, I don't know if she's pretending). Shes already moved on to someone else, someone she's liked for a while, her boss. She has tried three times to bring her up and talk to me about her.",0 "He agreed. I told him a million times, when we were together and after we broke up, that loyalty is my #1 in relationship, period. I hate cheaters more than anything in the world. He knew that from the very beginning. Yet recently found out that I was cheated on for more than 6 months before we broke up.",0 "I don’t know if anxiety/depression have anything to do with memory performance, but I’ve noticed that I remember a lot less compared to when I wasn’t in a depressed and anxious state. For hours on end I contemplate and procrastinate everyday about my depressing life. It’s just sad. Anything I can do to cope with this? Could I get an accommodation from my school for this?",1 "I struggle to know what it is I should do most of the time... during this anticipatory stage. If my anxiety oscillated between normal followed by panic, I wouldn’t feel so confused and constantly question what I should be doing right now. There aren’t any damn patterns. Further, It seems like most of the anxiety coping techniques (deep breathing, exercise, meditation, etc) are only effective at keeping the feelings at bay while you’re doing them. 30 minutes later you’re right back where you started.",1 "We closed out our list and we are SOOOOOO grateful of everyone's heart who donated. Thank you all so much who openly donated and anonymously donated food and a gift card. This community is full of good people, and we are grateful for it. Can't wait to pay it forward! Thank you again!",0 "Sorry previous post deleted as I didn't include relationship length. As title says. I have enough money to buy a house, my girlfriend has only just started working. It seems to make financial sense for me to go ahead and make the purchase- I'd be paying toward my mortgage instead of rent and my girlfriend can stay and pay cheaper rent. However, when I spoke to her.",0 "Engagement rings. I've been thrilled about the thought of being married particularly in the last 2 years. To be clear, I have a strong dislike of diamonds and the entire idea of an expensive ring or wedding. All I wanted is a cute and unique ring below $200 at the most. I told him all of this and waited... and waited.. and waited.",0 "Okay so I've got anxiety disorder and depression and went to doctors and they prescribed me Zofolt. I'm on my third week (20 days of medication first week 25g next 2 weeks 50g) keep this in mind that I have never token any SSRI before and Zofolt was my first anyway it's been quite tough I guess. I've noticed I've been experiencing Depersonalisation or Dereality or whatever it's called lately and I'm pretty sure it's from the medication, I can't really remember in the past if I've ever had DR OR DP so I'm not sure if Zofolt has caused it, I would be able to fight through it if it is just a TEMPORARY side effect but i was wondering if it's permanent. I hope not because it is really weird and strange and I feel like I'm going insane!",1 "And he said that he had some deep feelings for me. So I suggested meeting at another time without booze. In the morning I had a text from him apologising for being an asshole. I replied and said I didn't think that, but that I was a little overwhelmed. Since then I have not heard much from him, but I can't stop thinking about it.",1 "My memory goes, I panic, breakdown, rock back and forth, sit in closets. It sucks. But it's kind of relieving at the same time because while I'm broken I'm not choosing to be dramatic. I'm not just being manipulative. It's not my fault.",1 "I have anxiety ptsd depression and a severe eating disorder, she has severely crippling anxiety she needs meds for that we have to pay out of pocket for. We have until Feb on this lease and then we are done with this hell >We dont buy anything other tthan necessities but the rents so fucking high >We dont even have car insurance anymore bc we cant afford it >Often I have to work on an empty stomach, days at a time",1 "I don't get anxious over things that I know won't happen and i don't get anxious in social situations, but i feel like if i stay with my dad, who right now especially needs someone to be with him, I'll be thrown into an inescapable pit of despair because all I'll do is worry about him. But if I leave, I'll be the loneliest person on the planet, and I'll still worry about him because he's my dad and i really do love him. Not only that, but im a college student who takes 14-16 units a semester and I'll have to start working 30-40 hours to move out and i just feel like i can't do it anymore. I have friends who back me up in everything that i do but some days (like today) its not enough. I just want to be at least at peace with myself but no matter what option i choose i can't even manage that.",1 I’ve quit weed. I’ve started having nightmares again. I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD (finally) and am working very little to try to get through this all. Now I’ve gone no contact with my dad and Tim as well. Dad never really respected this (as he never agrees with my views about what I need) Sent an email to Tim last November informing him that I can’t be around him anymore.,1 "I am not even sure what to say. My girlfriend was really, really mad. Not at my family, they're just basing this off what they hear, but at my sister. And honestly, I am really mad too. What the fuck could she be saying about me?",1 "There are many events thaat I have PTSD from, but somehow, even though it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. it hleped. I had to write all the sensory details i could remember. As I went on, I remembered more and more. I wrote how I felt back then.",0 "I think is important to mention that I'm plannin on going full work from home as soon I have some savings for it..... Thanks Edit 1: thanks each of you that are giving your opinion on the matter, I'm reading and re reading each of your comment, I'll respond when I have time but I taking my time reading and understanding each comment. Thank you all again **TL;DR: I will take care of my little brother because my mother is in an abusive relationship, I need advice to not mess up**",0 "Should I stick around and save up my money? I mean college A and C are pretty good choices right? A is almost free and I could make the best of it, and C I could always figure things out my freshman year and then commute, and we could still see each other. Do you think we see each other too much? Should I limit my time with him?",0 "I stuck it out because I didn't have the means to leave and I had a hard time accepting it was abuse. I tried to change my behaviour, but nothing was ever good enough. It was a typical narcissistic and empath relationship. I slowly realized even if I was wrong, it didn't warrant this treatment. Cue months of gaslighting that I was suffering from ppd (this may be somewhat true, but didn't dismiss the fact that he was also abusive.)",1 "Especially always being tired which just adds to the anxiety. I'm having some trouble falling asleep atm (and staying asleep which is even worse) and thought that maybe typing my thoughts out would help relax my mind and help me see my problems from a different perspective. I know things will get better, because they always do, but its still difficult to deal with the anxiety. I meditate regularly, but if anyone has any other suggestions in dealing with anxiety during bed time I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks (:",1 "I need quiet and darkness to recover from a major trigger like that. I went inside and sat in the bathroom with the lights off. We had left the radio on in the bedroom and it was blaring so loudly, but I couldn't move I just needed to sit for a little bit. I thought I had calmed myself back down so I went into our office. He came into the office all furious.",1 "She said she always had to message first, and she decided to completely blank me when I apologised, and that was that. The first girl to ever express proper interest in me in my life ends up going completely down the drain. I don't know if it was because of my own management of messages or me being unattractive in general, but despite this great date occurring I only feel absolutely awful because of it in the end. Oh, and to rub salt into the wounds I even noticed she unliked my profile picture of all things. Ouch.",0 "This is helping to get kids in the area tan ability to practice and a strong group of girls to look up to. So if you would please help busboy donating, even a dollar, would be amazing for not only us but the future generations of kids. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, even if you don't donate, you reading this showed you cared enough to open the link :) Here is also a link to our softball teams website: Now the actual information you'll find on the campaign page is listed here!",0 "Especially the power of healing brought upon by service animals. I too, have a service dog named Luna. This wonderful man was nice enough to bring the book back in while I was off yesterday with a note with his name and number telling me to call him when I finish the book. This just made my day, it really did. There’s so much negativity in the world today and it seems not many people will stop to do something nice for someone, or help them by doing a random act of kindness.",0 "But I really do enjoy being with him and don't want to break up either. Am I being silly? Sometimes I think I'm making this a bigger deal than it should be. I get insecure about the fact that my high school boyfriend is the only one who actually asked me out on a date before we slept together. Every other guy it's always turned out the same- I come on to him, we have sex for a while and the guy maintains he wants nothing serious, then out of nowhere comes on really strong with marriage and kids talk.",1 I'm so scared I actually don't want to lose him. I love him. I love him so much. tl;dr: I've gotten gaslighted in my past relationships and it's caused me to have a lot of self doubt about my thoughts and feelings and question myself constantly. in this case I'm questioning if im actually losing feelings since I'm developing crushes on others.,1 " If you are curious, that is a picture of the truck with the expired tags from 2016 that I drove in September of 2018 from Olympia, WA to Slab City, CA. It is also the truck I lived in for a year before making this move. Here is what I have learned since I got here. It is currently still fucking hot.",0 "3. Watch telenovelas (if you haven't seen the drama in those shows, it makes you forget about anxiety pretty quick. After all, who will Jane choose, Michael or Rafael??) 4. Go for a walk, though now that my new employment is 15 minutes away each way via walking, I am getting some decent walking in 5 days a week.",0 "Sometimes I'll stop and just stand somewhere or stare until I get snapped out of it. I don't know for how long but it can't be for more than 10 minutes. I just found out about catatonia and I show a few other symptoms. When I dissociate it's usually a lot more violent and delusional so I thought maybe it was something else. I haven't brought it up with my therapist because I just had a meeting with her before learning about this, am I just looking too deep into things?",1 "Your brain could throw intrusive thoughts at you regarding ANYTHING that is really important to you - i.e. things you wouldn't want to be ""wrong"" or ""under threat"". But, bear in mind, your brain is trying to help you, it wants to ""check"" that these things are safe. Your brain also likes to save energy. So if you DON'T RESPOND to a thought, your brain will get the message that this thought wasn't ""useful"" and stop throwing it at you.",0 "I'm not sure why I'm making this post, really. I guess I'm afraid. Is houston ""safe"" to be homeless in, compared to other cities? I'm 5'10"" and about 150 lbs, so I don't think anyone would mess with me, but...I have seen some of the homeless people here and I really hope I don't offend anyone, but they look crazy :/ I'm sure it's very rough for men, also, but being a 22 year old homeless woman is a terrifying thought. where do I sleep?",1 "It’s really kind of ruining my ability to empathize with some people Bc of comments they’ve made in the past. I witnessed the attempted suicide of my sister and then subsequent self harm targeting just towards myself for the purpose of manipulation and dealt with no one believing that it happened. So many people have told me be happy it was a failed attempt, failing to recognize the damage knowing someone I love could want to hurt me so badly did. Not to mention other abuse I dealt with after that. Trauma shouldn’t be a competition.",1 "Nevertheless, he looks like someone I would like to be friends with, but I'm too afraid to actually speak to him at this point, so I figured I could write him a letter. I don't want to assume he can read like I read (given the white cane), so I think it would be a good idea to write him a letter in braille and maybe including a written copy as well. I have read that I should acquire a slate and a stylus to write braille by hand, but I would love some more help or tips if anyone knows how to write in braille. Are there any services that will transcribe a written letter to braille that don't cost very much? Thank you!",0 "Is it different to other occasions such as people/objects that remind you of it (more/less extreme, etc. )? I hope my questions don't come across as confusing (like that last one!) This isn't a bland survey, so feel free to comment anything outside what I ask that you think might be important for this character I'm writing. And again, mods, if this isn't appropriate, just let me know and/or point me to a better sub!",0 "It seems that as of now our best option is just to babysit her for the weekend until she can see a doctor on Monday. Which really, really fucks my weekend, but so be it. FINAL UPDATE: Thanks for all the support, friends. We did end up calling emergency responders for her about twelve hours after my last edit. She was going full-bore psychotic, and it was getting to the point where I was no longer sure she wouldn't attempt to harm herself.",1 Everything about my existence was a burden to her. I wasn't exposed to one huge trauma. I was little traumas over a long period of time. I know feel very unsafe all the time and scare. I'm constantly afraid of I don't know what.,1 ​ So my question is: Would it be petty to create a small sign for my desk stating that only certain individuals are authorized to be behind my desk? I work closely with another team and they are allowed behind my desk as they answer phones when I am working with their clients. This teams has proven their trustworthiness multiple times and always ask before touching or going through any of my things. ​,0 "The langar runs off donated food, money, and volunteers. This is a great place for food and renourishing of the soul. I don't mean religiously. I mean just connecting with fellow human beings. Beyond the physical, being homeless is very rough emotionally and mentally.",0 "once I saw the light, saw that I didn’t even know myself anymore, I shut everything down. now, maybe it doesn’t seem like all sociopaths are this way. but they are if you let them. have the strength to say no. have the strength to be YOU.",0 "He’s abused my dog in the past and I’ve no doubt he’ll do it again. My dog is one of the only positive aspects in my life, so taking her to the humane society is something I really want to avoid. In addition to that I have no job, a partial college education (I’d prefer to stop going to school and get a job), and no place to go if I were to leave my husband. Please please tell me what I can do. I feel so hopeless about everything.",1 "I really liked this guy, he was super funny and easy to talk to, and he seemed really trustworthy to me. He told me he had been keeping an eye on me since he saw Pedo talking to me a lot and hanging around me a lot. He told me that two other girls around my age had worked with him before me, but not at the same time. Both girls had quit a couple of months into their jobs, even though they were doing well, seemed happy and very much liked their positions. He told me that both girls had complained a few times to him that Pedo had grown very attached to them and made them feel very uncomfortable, but didn’t know what to do because he was their boss.",0 "I get that three mistakes in a row is nothing new, I've seen coworkers make that many in a day. I just can't shake the very strong feeling that this person may not be a safe person to be around and I have no idea if that is a helpful gut feeling or if it's a weird and new manifestation of the PTSD (I've never had this issue before, previously people only triggered my ptsd when refusing to let me leave or when being quite physically aggressive) Obviously I am going to talk to the PTSD counselor about this to see what they think but I have to decide about this appointment by first thing tomorrow (13.5 hours from posting) whether to trust them enough to keep the appointment, or to cancel it for now so I don't risk getting kicked out from appointment mixups. I'd try in a new city in a couple months when I have a stable living situation. Is there a way to gauge if someone is unsafe or if I'm paranoid?",1 "I get intrusive memories, that are really hard to get out of my head, sometimes I actually flashback like I'm there. I have nightmares that replay old memories of me as a child, or sometimes of just her face. But it doesn't happen everyday. This is the first time I've really thought about frequency, I'll catch myself actively trying to avoid thinking about certain things. I stay away from where I used to live with her, every time I go to that town I have a panic attack.",1 "we had few arguements, then i stopped interacting with him. I myself did feel that i was in the 'teenage phase where you start having problems with your dad. I, according to him, was being irrational, rash, non-docile, difficult, nothing like he had seen before, haughty etc. He even slapped me ( his 23 , well i turned 24 this week, year old daughter), and then during the heat of moments he has , not just once said, that he wants me to go away, that he doesnt want to have to do anything with me, and he doesnt care where i go , what i do. So right now, yes i have decided to go somewhere, somewhere far, somewhere obscure , as somebody or rather nobody, start a new life, start with nothing.",1 "I feel so worthless on those days. I guess I just needed to vent to a community that will hopefully understand, and see if anyone else had any similar experiences. I had PTSD for almost a year before going on benzos, but it wasn't until I was put on benzos (and then stupidly chose to continue a do-it-yourself habit) that my mind just happily dissociated - I barely remember the last year. PTSD often = dp/dr, benzos often = dp/dr, and benzo withdrawal (which many helpful internet sites say can last months or even years, yay) often = dp/dr. What in the fuck have I done to myself?",1 "I fully expect to be asked for a higher deposit due to my rental history in the past three years. It is hard to decide. Do I take the bit of cash I've stashed to rent a storage and a truck to move stuff out ASAP? If I do that, I get a bit of the rent back plus my deposit. Once I store stuff.",0 "People who've been my ""friends"" for a decade stopped talking to me or inviting me to anything after my break-up. A guy who I've been making plans to see for two months on a weekly basis just cancelled, again (we haven't gotten together at all). Another person I was trying to date bailed because of something I can't control. I'm not worth these people's time. My boss scares the daylights out if me (stern Russian lady who expersses herself horribly).",1 it wasn't my fault it feels like my fault I feel like the reason That mother shouldn't have had to bury her boy I should have been a better friend,1 and when my mom tried to ask him where the rest of the money goes he said its up her ass 🙄 real fuckin mature. i cannot fucking stand him. first he had the audacity to try and act like the victim and now he’s straight up refusing to help us or tell us what the plan is. we’re dependent on him cause we got a lot of animals and neither my mom nor i can drive. please someone give me anything im begging here my patience is near nonexistent at this point,1 "The husband's voice sounds like pure rage, the wife's both angry and defensive. A couple of times there were sounds of broken objects. We have never really talked (they don't speak good English), so I'm not sure how to approach them about it. Calling the police feels excessive, but I'm also worried someone might be abused. What is an appropriate thing to do here?",1 "All that. When we're not together in the evenings we talk through messages. The conversations aren't stilted, and there isn't one sidedness, but it's just that there's a lot of it Right now i'm ignoring her for periods of 15 minutes or so, but I feel bad. She is that attentive that it makes me tired, I have to write everything in a long single message with line breaks otherwise as soon as I start messaging she starts replying.",0 "And godforbid I see an insect anywhere near me, even if it’s through a car window, jar, or whatever… oh boy, I get VERY anxious. Sometimes I have never ending anxiety that lasts for multiple days, and flares up at the worst times. And if I drink caffeine, oh man, that makes it even WORSE. Nicotine withdrawal can compound this sometimes, increasing my anxiety twofold, and, ironically, making me too anxious to go out to smoke; which causes a vicious cycle that while temporary, can really fuck me up for the time it’s going on. I’m wondering what I can do.",1 "But I was feeling more and more lonely... like I couldn't trust or rely on her. It was tearing me to pieces and I was always anxious. Finally, after a breakdown I had on christmas over my fears and the lack of help from my partner in healing from this, she broke up with me. I went home the next day and we haven't spoken since. I've been devastated.",1 "We were living together and life was pretty sweet. But she's my ex for a reason, right? In any case, the last two years after college got rough eventually. We were both working and things just piled up in the worst possible way. We didn't agree on how to take care of a pet.",0 "I know I want to be treated like a human being, and it's very easy for others to say ""YOU NEED TO QUIT YOUR JOB ASAP. Stand up for yourself!"" But it's like leaving a bad relationship...so full of uncertainty and tension. Please help. I'm clinging onto the last bit of hope I have.",1 "I cant do a push up. My arms are almost useless. I need to get surgery, but my parents aren't exactly in the picture and can't support me while I take time off of work to get the surgery. Would I be able to qualify for disability to be able to support myself so that I can get surgery? if not, what kind of options do I have?",0 "I could really use additional input on this because I'm not exactly sure what a healthy and compatible relationship looks like at this point. When we try to go out and do things, we often do not have fun because our personalities clash. Example of this, I wanted to go kayaking and was surprised that he said yes because he rarely wants to be outside. We get to the springs to kayak and I want to go in the water because I see no point in kayaking if you don't go in the water. He refuses because he hates water.",0 "That's the kind of mother who says that. My mom thinks because she donates some clothes and food to a church that she's some holy fucking roller and holier than thou. Every conversation involves me going to hell or me needing to accept her beliefs. I got to the point where I told her and my dad that the absolute only way I would ever speak to her again was if she just dropped her evangelism. I told her I wanted a mother, not a preacher.",0 "He shouldn't be able to do that to anyone else. I'm just so scared. I wasn't perfect either and I'm scared people won't believe me, or he will twist it so he's the victim and I'm the bad guy, although I know what happened was wrong and I have evidence that he knows what he did was wrong. Im scared this will ruin my life, but I also can't bear the thought of him doing that to anyone else. If anyone needs details about what happened I can share",1 But as the Bible says evil doesn’t win and the righteous will not be condemned. I don’t want to say I’m the most perfect person ever. But God knows my heart! I am the most compassionate loving forgiving person ever. Surely God didn’t allow all of this to happen for nothing other than big positive changes to come about.,0 "Ok here we go.... My original trauma was being molested by my grandfather starting around 7-8 (my best guess, only have a few memories, could’ve been earlier). I have very few memories of this, although I have gotten some back recently. I don’t know how long it continues for but he died when I was 10/12 or so Around this time I was also severely bullied in school, my cousin being the ring leader.",1 "Hey, I (m, 18) don't know, what I should do, about my brother. Apart from many different things that are bothering me about him this one is at the moment a big problem, because I often have people here at my house: He doesn't clean the bathroom, which means he doesn't flush the toilet, pees on the ground, leaves sometimes condoms laying around etc. He doesn't listen to my parents or me.",0 "Dear reddit, For what I am about to tell you today is not a rant from a ""man"", but a voice of a concerned human being who happens to be male. Victims of domestic violence who are men are being laughed at and not taken seriously in today's society. It seems the society has made up their mind that men could not be victims of female violence because the male is ""much bigger"", therefore the male has some kind of ""agenda"" against the female. I was punched and slapped in the face two weeks ago by my wife who is 5'2 103lbs.",1 "This sends me into an extreme anxiety spiral, because I'd been seeing his mother almost every weekend for nearly five years, and she does this at the drop of a hat. I understand she was just trying to protect her son, but the level of nastiness was just insane. I had to get our old counsellor - mine and N's - involved to speak to her. She said the mother is taking things seriously. I don't believe it.",1 "Since then I have heard from him once, in the form of a drunken voicemail pleading with me to forgive him and swearing that he doesn't remember anything. I may be able to believe that if I didn't know he was a manipulative pathological liar. The worst thing about this to me is that he has two kids, a little girl and a little boy who I absolutely adore. I haven't been able to see them in five years (I'm nineteen now). If anyone is reading this, and you're wondering why I didn't call the police, I did.",1 "Also, as of right now, the 2017 team is on their trek to Alaska. Because of this, I'm limited on what I can do to raise money, since the main focus is on them. In the meantime, all I can do is ask for donations. I was hoping Reddit could help me out with this. If anyone wants to donate to me personally, here's the link to do so, along with my reason for riding: ",1 "This probably sounds super lame but I'm really, really proud of myself. I feel like this was a huge step in healing from my trauma and allowing myself to exist beyond what happened to me as a kid. I feel like one of the reasons why I felt so comfortable was because we talked a lot about boundaries and stuff beforehand, and I mentioned that I'd been sexually assaulted in the past and that I might need to stop if I start freaking out, and she was really understanding and sweet and always really communicative. Stephanie and I both agreed that we should definitely go on a second date. I'm just really happy and gay and proud of myself and Stephanie is really cute that is all",0 "I was at work today and this guy I just met was just exuding this layer of confidence, he was; to an extent everything I wanted to be when it came to my relationships with others. There was no reason to hate him, but I just felt this serious sense of envy toward him. He just magically knew what and how to talk to everyone, like the people that I wanted to talk to, but could never, he had already been there and done that. Now nothing is stopping me from doing what he has already done, but like, I feel like that entire pathway has just been blocked off, because of this envy. I'm really not sure whether I should start to model myself over him or just remain like this.",1 "I don't think I have the means of moving out. I got my review in Dec. and I was supposed to get a raise if I did well, but they gave me a bonus instead and I know I should be grateful I got anything but it wasn't what I needed and I can't get another job at the moment, nothing in the area is hiring for more than what I make at the moment. But I don't know what to do with my family. Just this morning I heard my sister telling my parents, they should like her more because she is the winner and I am not. I think she was talking about jobs - she recently got hired at a private university and is making great money, has excellent benefits, and could help her get her Masters.",1 "(I should note, our first year together we went to the Maldives, second year we bought a house & went to Croatia, Venice, Belgium, Lots of weekends away - I'm not exactly lacking trips away) *I'm content and rarely feel unhappy these days, but is that a replacement of happiness? * Is this just a January blues thing that will go as the year starts moving on and I get back into the swing of things? ---",0 I realized he is not very nice or smart and totally unwilling to cooperate/compromise. I wanted to leave but he had spent all my money (promising to give it back haha) and I had nowhere to go. I had the baby (he went out to eat with his mother while I was in unmedicated labor). Basically I made one stupid mistake after another and let him walk all over me and it doesn't stop there. I took care of the baby all by myself for 6 months.,1 "I was in a rabbit hole of youtube videos over the weekend, starting off from music videos, then vine compilations, and then somehow fight videos. On one of the side videos, I noticed a video involving ""XYZ high school"" where my boyfriend attended. The video was actually pretty clear and my blood kind of ran cold when I realized one of the 2 kids in the video was my boyfriend. It was absolutely brutal. And there's no doubt that this was him.",1 I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and another mental disorder recently. I did some googling and saw that it seems that people with mental disorders as well as other disabilities are eligible to apply for Disability Cards in my countries. They include certain perks such as being allowed to go to a theme park for free. My aunt has a husband with diabetes. I sent her a screenshot of the info and asked if he could apply as well as there are perks.,0 "I just can't do it. Some days I think: ""You know what, i'll do it!"". But I never actually did it. There's a fucking huge wall, a Trump wall, stopping me. All I wanted was a job, now I got a job offer but the wall is stopping me.",1 "Hey everybody! I'm conducting research on social media usage, if you could please spare a few minutes to take this survey I would really appreciate it! Instagram Survey: The purpose of this project is to examine the effectiveness of Instagram in terms of marketing promotion perspectives among millennial consumers. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes.",0 "John often withholds her very necessary prescription drugs to get his way, which is super messed up. Recently she had a small financial windfall and he became super nice and after they spent it all he reverted. He's extremely manipulative and abusive. She's shown us pictures of bruises. The plan right now is that she'll get her prescription sent to somewhere near us, then while John is at work, she leaves with her service dog, meets us in our car and we take her to our house a few hours away.",0 "Does anyone have any advice? I feel pretty hopeless right now. I want desperately to be with my partner, and I suspect even if our relationship ends I will always love and care for him very much. I don't want to spend my life wishing I was with him, but be too overcome with my anxiety and fear to do so. It is discouraging to feel as though my ex-boyfriend is still inside my head and controlling my life.",1 "I don't have a therapist right now, and I don't really talk much to anyone about this. Right now, I can articulate how it feels, because it's still fresh. But when I'm feeling good, I have trouble discussing my anxiety. It's not something I want to delve into when I'm in a good mood. I'm not really sure where I was going with this or what I'm looking for, but I just wanted to vent since this was fresh on my mind right now.",0 "Hi all! I don’t exactly know where to start, but here goes. I have been on my own since 17, as I do not talk to my biological parents or my aunt that took care of me until 17. I went to college this last year in NC, but had to move back and stay with a friend due to low finances. While in college, I suffered from a concussion and mold poisoning from my dorm room.",0 "It's important that people know this when they claim platitudes about 'getting support' and 'healing' that require a stable home, friends, family or even relationships. I spent all of that time trying to get to this point by myself just so some selfish POS could slap me down again. I hate this. I posted this on twitter because I couldn't think and I just wanted to share something even anonymously, of course I got nothing. It's hard to admit sometimes, until you're desperate, but I wanted someone to care.",1 "And I also know this is not what my grandmother would have wanted (she was very traditional, and having her granddaughters as pallbearers would just be not her style). Personally, I have nothing against changing traditions- I just can't do it. On top of it, I was not asked if I would be a pallbearer, I just found out via my sister that I would be one. My Dad was planning on telling me when I got there for the visitation. Reactions form my family have been:",0 "Eventually my vision started to fade and I started losing feeling in my hands and feet. My mind started to wander off to things other than my struggle for air, and one thought stuck with me ""the sun is really bright and warm on my face."" With that thought, I closed my eyes tight and felt the strength starting to leave my arms. I felt my chest and abdomen twitching trying to expand and pull in air and I thought to myself, ""I'm going to die. I don't want to die.""",1 "He's the type of guy that doesn't ask for charity. His dad cast a long shadow when he grew up, and even though his dad has passed, the shadow is still there. But I know he's going to need it. His 7yo son, Andrew, has autism and is struggling in school because of it. As a single dad, Matt will now have to find a way to help his son while also managing his own illnesses.",0 "My ex sent me a video of a switchblade, I asked him why he had that and he said “cutting people up” and then he said “it’s an Italian style switch blade”.. I’m Italian... Anyways, he’s put a loaded gun to my head in the past. I’m actually pretty terrified of him now. He also once brought explosives to my brothers house and claimed he “forgot they were there”.. none of my family or our friends growing up believed me when I told them about him. Which is why I can’t talk to anyone.",1 "My bond about was about 100 less than my whole savings. First place I went after getting out of jail was my work, my boss told me if I had got out 2 days earlier I would still have my job. I'm about to do something stupid out of frustration and anger. I was so close to getting off the streets. Fuckkk",1 "Her parents didn't know about me at this point. I kept this bottled in for a long time, but exploded and was ready to break up with her over it but she said she would stop being in touch with him. She claims he has mental issues and had threatened numerous times to commit suicide. If I take her at her word, there was no sexual contact between them after we started dating. This contributed to me not trusting her.",1 "Sally is around the same age, 25 I assume, (can’t confirm numbers, sorry about that) and she quickly became a red flag for me. He would mention her name occasionally and how our love for the same type of shows was shared with Sally. Sally and I met a few times. The first time was when we planned a day out shopping with a mutual friend who was single at the time and my bf decided to invite Sally. I thought that was a little weird, but justified it because 1) I had never met her and thought that would be a great opportunity to and 2) He said maybe the two of them would hit it off.",0 "Good news is that my application for public housing was accepted. Bad news is that it will take up to six months for anything to open up for me. More bad news is that I didn’t know until today that my friend had to report me living with her to her landlady as soon as possible, and because she waited so long I am an unauthorized guest. So I have to be out today. I think I have a place to go, but I just feel like I’ve sort of hit a wall.",1 "He came after me a few times so I got away and called cops. He was arrested, restraining order in place and he also had unregistered gun and no licence for them so he may be in trouble for that also. The hard part is he was good to my son, and now he is abruptly gone which is best, but I am not not sure how to explain to him. he is six and very sensitive and the spent a lot of time together. tl;dr boyfriend got aggressive and is jailed, how to tell young son why bf is gone now and we have to move soon?",1 "Years ago on this day, you did things to me I will not say. Although I might have lost a fight, nothing about that at all was right. I hope it bothers you oh so much, to know you hurt me all by touch. Everything about you is so mean, I just wish you could get clean. I wrote this all straight from my heart, take responsibility for your part.""",1 "If it is negative, don't reject the thought. Follow the thought as far as your mind wants to, and move on when you notice another thought arise. Again, this creates a barrier between you and your mind. * Flow: Have you ever played a game where you are completely in the moment? Maybe the ball was just thrown to you, and your body seems to react automatically.",0 "Has anyone else tried exercising regularly to help with anxiety? It’s been quite a while since I exercised regularly, haven’t really done it since my anxiety started. I’ve been riding my bike every day for the last week or so and have noticed that it’s helped quite a bit. Haven’t had any panic attacks. Some very mild anxiety yesterday that passed within an hour or so, but that’s been about it.",0 "Even present-day situations where they are receiving love from a safe person can trigger the awareness and subsequent grief of knowing how unloved they were by comparison. Anxiety and depression are considered commonplace, but I suspect many of those who consider themselves anxious or depressed are actually experiencing the fallout of trauma. Most therapists are not well trained to handle trauma, especially the complex kind that stems from prolonged exposure to abuse. Unless they are specially certified, they might have had a few hours in graduate school on Cluster B personality disorders, and even fewer hours on helping their survivors. Many survivors of complex trauma are often misdiagnosed as having borderline personality disorder (BPD) or bipolar disorder.",0 I don’t remember a lot of it I just remember little snip bits of what happened. I don’t even remember if there was penetration and I’m hoping there wasn’t. I still have problems trying to remember what happened and I feel like if I remember it all I’m going to have a breakdown. Now that I’m older I’m starting to have sex and be intimate with others. I’m noticing a pattern where my body is like rejecting my partner and I’m concerned it might be caused by my abuse at an early age.,1 "If you intervene he will stoop down to the lowest level cursing his sons out with the worst imaginable. First the obvious question, is this domestic abuse? Domestic violence? Am I imagining this or blowing it out of proportion? I'm in Canada, are there any legal avenues we can use to end this?",1 "The worst situations were forcing me to make a statement I knew was untrue (in order to allow me to get ready for work); becoming sexually rough and chasing me into another room to force himself on me, and rages where I’ve felt threatened. These things have ruined my trust and love for him over time. The controls and double standards that are in place are extensive. So why do I still feel conflicted about leaving? I guess I need an extra push.",1 They were too caught up in their anger. My grandmother would tell me stories about having to be the one that cleaned the blood from the walls. She thought I might be mentally handicapped because I wouldn't make a sound when all of this was going on. My brother was three years older than I was. My mother left my father when I was two.,0 "Also, if you know of cheaper/better items I could add, please let me know. It was like a minefield trying to find non-prime pantry items. **I would also happily accept a gift card for a grocery store/restaurant or something, another way to assist where you know for sure it's going towards food. ** *Full disclosure, I have not been active on this account in 3 months purely because I have been using primarily for at least 8 months.",0 "Throwaway account for . I'm 27M, she's 26. Downloaded Tinder a couple years ago after my last long term relationship. Never thought I'd find someone I might actually be interested in and haven't met someone from Tinder in a few months because I don't love the thought of it, wasn't meeting the kind of girls I really want to date and I'm not getting any younger. But, one night in late Nov I got a new match and she seemed like someone I would really enjoy spending time with.",0 "I think it was last year, we could hear the little girl crying out so loud inside their home, we called the cops. This is just a rumor, but our next-door neighbors say that the house is actually under police watch, and that they're drug dealers. The dad is some heavily obese man who should probably invest in larger shirts, and he doesn't leave the home. There are always cars coming and going from the house, sometimes the same cars, other times cars we've never seen before. Ya know, to buy drugs and shit.",1 "My girlfriend has been under major strain since last year when took a new job, she has been depressed and has mood swings for half a year now. She has always been inverted and melancholy, but I feel that the new pressure has pushed it to the verge of disaster. I tried to talk to her, but she responded negatively and she had not done anything to help. In recent months she has said that I am depressed and need help. She told me that I had a symptom or another when she was actually symptomatic.",0 "I've been texting Rebecca on and off for the last week, always about my breakup. Bill went through Rebecca's phone last night and saw she was texting me. He lost his mind. He won't speak to her, and said I betrayed him. I tried to explain that he is my best friend and even if I liked Rebecca I would never try anything, ever.",1 "We are in need of immediate help and I dont know where else to turn. I have recently suffered major nerve damage that has severely diminished the use and mobilty of my arms and causes insufferable pain in my neck, shoulders, & arms and in turn, cost me my long time position with Apple. We are now 3 months behind on rent and we have less than a week to come up with the money or the landlord will be foreclosed on and we will be evicted. And we have nowhere to go. Here’s a bit behind our predicament.",1 "She also has very heavy periods that the only one I have seen so far lasted two weeks. I really like this girl and I want to make it work between us. We had a talk about sex last night and she just said it's painful and she wishes so hard that we could have sex all the time but she is in pain, it's like certain positions or even going down on her is the best option. Can anyone give me any advise moving forward? She keeps telling me ""I don't know why you are with me because of this"" (somewhat sarcastically) and I let her know that I am here for her and we will work this out no matter what but at the same time I want her satisfy her sexually on a regular basis.",1 "Disclaimer: I don't intend to bad-mouth Mirtazapine here, its side effects and somewhat ""dulling"" effect on the mind for some people (during the first few months) has likely been discussed enough here. Some feel nothing at all, others feel like zombies. Totally individual. I trust and maintain that the benefits of proper use, together with conversational therapy, is very efficient for many people, and I hope this has been said on this sub. I feel a need to share my own experience, though, in the hopes that it will be of some help to someone who might be reacting the same way as I did to Mirtazapine's well-recorded increase in appetite.",0 " *Disclaimer: This Discord is not at all affiliated with this subreddit and is not moderated by anyone from the moderating team here. * Hi all! I run a general mental health peer support chatroom on Discord for people 18\+. At over 2600 members, we still maintain a close community\-oriented atmosphere with rules in place and moderators present at all times.",0 "It's true that I can probably be annoying (messy, absent-minded so I forget/lose things a lot, I'm also always making (possibly annoying) jokes about everything, and afraid that comes off as attention-seeking or something), but I don't really have any evidence that I was bothering anyone. In fact, it seemed like we were all having a great time. But I'm having a hard time shaking my worry that I acted like an idiot or something. I felt the same way after going to my favorite cousin's wedding last year, who I also hadn't seen in a couple years. **tl;dr**: does anyone else feel reasonably comfortable in social situations as they occur, but then torture yourself over them after they have come to pass?",1 "However my job is physically laborious as I start at 2 a.m. and don't wrap up until 1 p.m. I'm currently relying on co-workers get to and from since my car is out of order, so I don't have time to run to the supermarket to ask any of them to help me buy groceries to pay them back later. I've run out of the pantry food, and ended of my work day early today due to feeling sick. I'm assuming it's a stomach virus, as I was home by 10:30 a.m. today, slept for a few hours, and ended up hurling everything in my stomach by 2:30 p.m. Please, I need a hot meal, even if it's from the local Chinese place.",1 "After meeting last year, Amanda and Isaac became incredibly close and agreed to live together for their Senior year. This past November, Amanda got drunk at a party and ended up making out with a random guy (on Jeff's birthday). Because of this, Amanda told Jeff that she wanted to take a break. Lots of drama. Everyone was shocked because from the outside, Amanda and Jeff seemed to have a really strong relationship (dating for 4+ years).",0 "It can influence you to lie, encourage you to do things you wouldn’t do without it. If there’s any way that you can, try to expose it for what it is. Either to yourself, or someone who supports you • Having at least one person who can support you is vital to recovering. They don’t have to know everything, or be a perfect support, but fighting alone is how eating disorders can really take over",0 "I keep alternating between crying, laughing, and freaking out. I'm also really upset right now and my boyfriend isn't making me feel better. He keeps saying things like, this is all your fault and no one is making you think these things. And to be patient with things.... I feel like this is going to kill me?",1 "Quick background: I left this guy back in 2006 after three years, and also turned him in for possession of child pornography and talking to a tween online and getting nudes from her. He plead guilty to Sexual Exploitation of a Minor, avoided federal charges but was put on the sex offender registry in that state. I just found out that he died in March of this year. Stage 4 cancer. It had metastasized by the time they found it, nothing they could do.",0 "He forced me into sex again... And if I refused he became violent. Once I had mentioned to a friend how I hadn't wanted sex and hoped that jacking off would be good enough, and having overheard this my punishment was to be slammed into the wall and the table then thrown to the floor. When I pushed him back, telling him to quit, he kicked me down to the ground and heel kicked my back until I had a panic attack and collapsed unable to breathe... I spent most nights waiting for him to pass out, which he never did, and running through our small mini-winnie as he chased me with a knife... My dog would come out from under the table (she was a rescue who had been abused) and would trip him up, letting me escape, and he'd hold her hostage-- letting me spend most of the night in the cold, out in the boondocks where it was common for truckers to come through and cougars to attack farm animals and pets. If he felt sober enough, he would chase me down the road for a few hundred yards, and I would walk the three miles into town and wait in the park by the police station until I was sure he'd passed out...",1 "She currently has a somewhat reliable car, and a job lined up at Target working part-time. I'm currently in college multiple hours away, so I can't help as much as I would like to. (She is currently located in Western MA) I'd like to know what her options are. If anyone could give some advice, it would be much appreciated.",0 "Posting this here as I didn't know about this sub until I was directed to it. Had originally posted in /r/assistance, and have only received a handful of PM's. Hello I've had a room in my house that I've used in the past to house a few friends who were not doing great economically while I find them a job. Most of these guys work in the IT field, and once I got them on at Microsoft, they got their own place.",0 "We're currently looking for separate houses, haven't told the kids but my face is an absolute dogs dinner and will definitely have scarring for life. If it was the two of us, we could work it through but my relationship with G after so many telling offs, heart to hearts, explanations about his actions and their consequences, still goads me to get a rise. This is a woman who won't back down easily and will portray very intelligent coniving questions which have left me feeling dominated, under control and manipulated for a couple of years now. The one guiding light for us to work through it is my younger two children and how much I adore them. Still,in this current situation, there's is a seemingly insurmountable wall of emotions from all parties which would need a huge amount of effort to even bring us to the negotiating table.",0 "Are you over 18? If so, please consider taking a few moments of your time to answer some questions. It’s free, easy, and might give you a little more insight about your time on the internet. Click here to learn more about the study Note: This study protocol has been reviewed and approved by the Smith College School for Social Work Human Subjects Review Committee (HSRC).",0 "I am living with my mom right now and we cannot afford to find a new place but in a few weeks we will not be allowed to stay here anymore. My mom will be fine she is going to live with my dad but for reasons that are irrelevant I refuse to live with him it's not even a conversation I just will not. No matter what anyone says I will not live there and that is the end of that discussion, with all due respect. I have no friends to stay with and no job so I guess the only thing I can think of is to somehow work out some kind of arrangement to get a job ASAP(we live really far from town and I have no car or driver's license) save up as much money as I can then quit that job and find one of those sketchy cheap hotels in the city for $60 a night and then find another job nearby but the problem is because of my age I don't know if I'll be able to rent at all I just have no clue what to do someone please help me:(",1 "I want to note that I told my husband that if he came to me and told me for his sanity he needed to leave, I'd do it even if it was dumb for us monetarily. Nothing is worth him being tortured and putting pressure on our marriage. I think the reason we get by is because sometimes we can get away with once a day torture from my mother, she also helps us a lot (especially me) and some days are ok. He just feels harassed and I understand this more than anyone because I feel the same way. .",1 "I saw a professional for a psych evaluation and though there are no flashbacks or nightmares, I still am placed with the ptsd label. I know this isn’t something you just “get over” I just thought I moved on from my “trauma” I watched a few episodes of bojack horseman and it’s thrown me into an episode of depression Idk I’m sad, I’m mad, I get irritable I have no idea what symptoms and triggers are for me, I just keep going because if I don’t I’ll stop and fall apart. I’m like a piece of glass being held together by masking tape. I would’ve rather been told I’m a sociopath/psychopath or a narcissist due to my severe apathy towards everything.",1 "I recognise that he was not very nice but I can't get him out of my mind, I crave his attention and just wish he would want me. I know this is not healthy and good for me, but it is how I feel. I feel like I need him to tell me why he stopped loving me and what's wrong with me so I can change, but ultimately he's just not interested and I shouldn't really respect the opinion of an arsehole anyway! So I'm feeling very lost and still isolated. As I said, I seem to gravitate towards people who are not good for me and I have ended friendships recently which were obviously toxic for me.",1 "Even moreso with a little push from behind. I've also been interviewing and applying for more secondary jobs to supplement my current employment and that seems to be going increasingly well. Thank you so much again everyone who sent food items to me, I'll be sure to pay it forward someday! EDIT 8/10: I received -even more- stuff just a few days ago, some pasta and sauce and then oatmeal too! Thank you so much, mystery redditor!",0 I'm trying to fill out the Claim of Exemption that came with the Notice of Levy packet that arrived yesterday. I'm extremely uncomfortable with this as so much is on the line. Google is useless. The best I've found are instructions stating to fill out the documents (duh!). Can anyone walk me through this?,1 "Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this goes here or under parenting. I met ""Bob"" in a big city, moved with him to his parents property to start a business/farm. He immediately went into 30,000 debt building an unnecessary smithy and had to get a job so we couldn't start the business after all. I bought a used car so I could get out sometimes and look for a job, he took the car to work (instead of his retired parent's car as planned) so I was stuck at home again. I got pregnant, we got married.",0 "I am worried that I may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to a few notable symptoms/issues that I experience. (I also have one notable traumatic experience involving an accident my father was in, he got hit by a bus when I was seventeen and almost died, which I do have nightmares and flashbacks of, but that is a different story.) Does anyone have any idea if this is possible to have the disorder due to a multitude of experiences? Thank you for any advice, help, or information in advance. It is greatly appreciated.",1 Maybe anyone with a history of abuse or trauma can tell me if there are particular things to be sensitive to here: I tried to be supportive but obviously failed in the end here. She's talking about wanting to divorce me. We're looking into couples therapy. I really appreciate any insight or advice. **TLDR**: Wife is working on an art piece that is important for her career in the arts non-profit world.,1 "Obviously this was a horrible idea--I would chase off perfectly lovely people who may have stayed had I waited to disclose at a more natural pace, and it gave the people who *did* hang around a false sense that they knew me more intimately than they did. I've started seeing someone recently. I haven't been excited about someone in a long time, but I'm excited about this one. I've mentioned very vaguely that I live with PTSD and ""blah blah childhood trauma, et cetera"". This weekend was a tough one.",0 "i have horrible vivid nightmares every night. sometimes they're trauma related, but most of the time they're about murder, torture and such depraved things that I can't talk about to anyone. every morning i wake up drenched in sweat, and sometimes vomiting. i have no idea what to do. it's ruining my life.",1 "I have 2 wish lists because Amazon is expensive on items, so I created a Wal-Mart (zip code 40219) wishlist too. I also have a PayPal account. The meats are cheaper at save a lot because save a lot has pick5 for $20. Hi Friends and Family! ",0 "Most recently, I had to stay at his apartment for a week as mine got renovated. I expressed to him I didn’t want our week living together to “rock the boat” and he said it wouldn’t. I went over there the other day and he said he needs space and basically told me to leave. I feel like I’m suffocating him. He’s never expressed what medication he’s been on before but I know he’s off of them ever since we moved.",0 "I don't know what to do and i need some help. Can anyone give me some insight into why he's being like this to me or what i can do? Is there anything saveable here? **TLDR: I [F26] am at my wits end with my partner [M27] being emotionally abusive, what can i do? [Duration 1 Year]**",1 "His mom and aunt like me too. But there have been some dark portions of our relationships, which I am ashed to talk about. First of all, the lightest part - when he is nervous because of something, he lashes out on me in shape of harsh criticism. Or he yells. 'You always stare at your phone!!!'",0 "Only 7 years ago at the age of 9 I think I peaked in life. I was possibly the most fun kid in class and had no problem socializing with others. Used to be so happy then. Now I’m just known by everybody as the quiet guy who rarely ever smiles. Interacting with others (especially girls) is so hard, and I’m always so conscious about how I look.",1 "I set up this go fund me page today after learning about the tragic accident that changed my friend and his family's lives forever. Tyson owns his own construction business where he and 2 others work. Last week one of his coworkers died of heat stroke in Tyson's front yard. Saturday June 2, 2018 Tyson was in a car accident where he rolled his vehicle and was ejected. He has over 20 broken/fractured bones and internal bleeding.",0 "I did do a couple years of college but in the midst of it, I developed a physical disability (blood clots in the legs) and was forced to drop out. Naturally, this difficult transition wasn't made any easier when mom began calling me to claim I was faking being disabled because I'd seen the actually disabled people in/around my life, how easy they had it not having to work, and I just wanted to do that. For financial reasons, I haven't been able to return to college, but I genuinely want to if it ever becomes feasible. Last year, I finally found a decent therapist and started seeing her every other week. That has helped some, keeping my depression in check and teaching me techniques to rein in my anxiety.",0 Hello r/Assistance. I want to go to rehab for my cocaine addiction I live in the USA where rehab has a bad stigma sadly. I was wondering what would be the best way for me going about getting into rehab for my cocaine addiction and since I don’t have insurance if they would even accept me with no criminal background and it’s not going to be court ordered admission but a voluntary self admission to the facility. Feel free to pm me if you like with advice if you rather do that than reply to this post. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this I’ll be sure to respond as quickly as I can to any responses.,1 "I’m going to kill myself. I can’t take this anymore. I was doing so much fucking better lately, and just like a snap of a finger, I am disassociating harder then I ever have before. It comes out of nowhere, when I’m having an other wise good day. No anxiety or depression but out of nowhere I get extremely disassociated.",1 "I've been with my girlfriend since I was I was 16, and there are no real problems. For the past few months, I don't find myself enjoying being around her anymore, enjoy talking to her, or wanting to do anything ""special"" in general like I used to. I'm not interested in anybody else by any means. She has helped me with a lot, would do anything or me, and has never done anything to hurt me or cheated. She's the best partner you could ask for, but even still when she talks I don't want to listen.",0 "When moving into their tiny house, they would be given a state I.D. with that tiny house's address on it as well as a list of strict rules they have to follow lest they lose some privileges or even be evicted from their house depending on the rules broken. So basically they won't be homeless anymore but ""homed"" which is why the place would be called ""Homed"". Anyway, the homed will have to pay rent for their tiny homes by either getting a job (which is why it is important for them to get a state I.D.) or doing volunteer work around the community (e.g.",0 "60 days past due, need 1,500 by the end up business Friday, current payment and past due amount. I made a post on r/borrow and would be willing to offer same terms to anyone here. There I requested $2250, to also help consolidate some loans I have there, with a pay back amount of $2,750 over 5 months. If I lose this car, my world will collapse and I will most likely end up homeless. I'm hoping there is a kind soul on here who can help, but hope all have a blessed day!",1 "They are 2 hours away and I got to visit them recently and I squealed like a girl most of that drive. Two dudes and two girls are what this group consists of. I don't have to walk on egg shells, as someone who feels like a fuck up always it's nice to see four other people like me that like me. Does anyone else have any experiences like this? Where they have anxiety, whether it be bad or mild, and when around certain people it just melts away?",0 "I feel like a completely different person. My best friend suddenly died in September and I thought I was finally healing from her sudden death, and now this horrible tragedy. I feel like I can’t relate to humanity anymore except for people who have also unfortunately experienced this. Everything seems so trivial and empty. I already had anger issues before this, due to traumatic brain injuries, and now I feel a paradoxical combination of extreme rage/complete emptiness, etc.",1 \-steel Thermos \-calorie block rations \-several MREs \-stack of restaurant napkins \-three containers of wet wipes,0 "From across the table their eyes met, and in that instant they saw their future as they held each other’s gaze—a picture of a grand love, and a future filled with hope. In that split second the young teenage boy fell in love with a shy teenage girl. She smiled sweetly while he spoke loudly. He did all he could to impress the timid girl that night. Little did he know she was already taken by him.",0 "Hey everyone! I'm going to start by saying that if you're reading this I hope you're doing well and are having a really good day. I apologize that this post is long but if you could read through the whole thing so that you understand the situation then I would really appreciate it! So as the title says, I have a friend who is currently struggling with severe depression. I care very much about her and am very concerned for her well-being.",0 "In Nashville, it's going to be below 30 tonight (possibly snow tomorrow). So far it seems my sleeping bag is doing it's job, but my laptop was uber cold. Also gave me some screen errors (I think it may be humidity build up related, because later in the day it worked fine). Right now it's in a laptop case. But that didn't help much.",0 "I am the person you go to to get stuff done, or if you want the right advice. I run marathons, kill it at the gym, learn languages and study for degrees in my spare time. My finances are in scrupulous shape. I am a top quartile parent and spouse. I'm comfortable (or at least not visibly uncomfortable) in any company.",0 "They will appreciate you letting them know instead of, after the fact, expecting a result that never had the chance to come to fruition. 3. Always act with integrity and genuineness. Nobody, and I mean **NOBODY**, likes passive-aggressive and/or dramatic co-workers. If you practice *not being* these things then people will always take you seriously and accept your advice as constructive.",0 "*Alt account cuz I don't want to be recognized for my embarrassment* Anyway, I just asked a girl out via text and am awaiting her response. I believe that she is probably sleeping since she usually goes to bed early so I most likely won't hear from her until tomorrow. But the wait is eating me up inside. I figured that I'd go for it cuz why not, ya know?",0 "Other than him being drunk? Am I a horrible person? Should I apologize? **TL;DR** **BF thinks being called a lady jokingly is an insult and emasculating, I disagree, what do ? **",0 "The cheap hotels aren't really any cheaper than the least expensive studios on ABB. Also, we ""slept"" in the car one night to save a little money and that wasn't so bad but we've got luggage in the car so there isn't much room. I'm also looking for a cheap storage that we could use for the bulk of our luggage while we transition to a permanent place. Any thoughts/ideas would be helpful! Thank you",0 "He has struggled to hold jobs, finish his degree, or make rent on a monthly basis. Joe and Janet live in the big city a few hours away from the small town where they grew up. They came here for university and stayed. About half of Joe’s circle of friends is Janet’s friend circle including ex boyfriends and her college peers. The other half are bar friends.",0 "I told him what he did. My brother realized the situation. Once my partner arrived back after 7 hours, he messaged me and said ""I didnt mean it to seem like a break up"". But, my brother was angry. He kicked him out.",0 "After getting startled, I have this thing where I'm really angry and defensive for 30-120 minutes afterwards. I can put myself in the most calm of situations, but the duration of this seems to be somewhat independent of my environment. I'm guessing this is because my PTSD brain does not respond well to stress hormones? Sometimes I try to push through it and just go about my day anyway, but it's usually counter-productive. I'd like to train my service dog to alert to the physiological change.",0 "I want her to tell me that she loves me, that she would only want to be with me. I just want her, and I'm even willing to give her another chance even though I know I shouldn't. I can't move on, everyday I think about her and the good times we spent together. So Reddit, help me, I need to know how I can move on from her. TL;DR : My wife cheated on me and I don't know how to get over her",1 "My university holiday is over in a week. I've been submitting resumes online for 3 months and haven't gotten a single response. It's understandable since I'm applying for pharmacy assistance job which is highly competitive. I've been reading ""Rejection Proof"" by Jia Jiang where the author tries to get rejected once a day and vlogs the entire thing in order to face his fear of rejection. One day, he decides to find a job but only work for a day.",0 "I'm gonna try and get some sleep as it's the middle of the night here, and I hope I get through tomorrow with a single trigger, like I always wish for before I go to sleep. I hold that hope, and I know one day, it'll happen. Not now, but one day. Edit: Thank you all for your support and kind messages. It's really helped me get through today, and to keep moving forward, no matter how scary it seems, it's still moving forward.",0 "Hi everyone my name is Lily, I'm 19, I live in CA and I really need help with rent. I've tried to do everything I can but I can't get any help, so reddit i'm looking to you to help me out over here. I need 200 hundred dollars by the end of \*next week ( unless I get another dog sitting offer which then of course I will let you guys know ). Due to so major life issues ( father dying at age 14, grandmother dying a month later, getting chronically sick around that time, PTSD ) I'm having trouble getting my GED which is making it harder for me to get a job but I am trying.",1 "Our sense of humor is very similar.. She's gorgeous, funny, smart, and likes some of the same things I do.. She's wifey material.. The way she loves on her dogs and cares for them makes me think she'd make a good mom 8-10 yrs from now. These are some of the biggest reasons I see myself with her. **tl;dr**: Off-and-on heterosexual relationship since we were in high school. She met me and cheated on her highschool BF.",0 This week has been bad. I'm crying over everything. I'm struggling at work to get basic tasks done. I am SO HEAVILY OVERWHELMED by the smallest things. My sink was so full of dishes to the point where I had no clean ones left and because the pile was so high I couldn't go near it and just cried.,1 "I can't guarantee that I will never change my mind, but I've never dreamt of happily ever after, I don't really believe in eternal love and soulmates and all this stuff so I guess it's not really likely. I'm not asexual or aromantic, I love sex and I love him in a non-platonic way, I just can't compromise on that kind of thing, I wouldn't even know how to do it. I could meet his family, pretend to like them, pretend to bond with them and pretend to care, but that's really just lying to make him happy. I've tried it before and it makes me hating myself and them. I've always told him the the truth about the level of commitment I'm comfortable with, but nevertheless I feel like I'm leading him on.",0 "We had 2 classes together, so we spent a few hours together most days working through problem sets. This next semester, I won't even have that. I'll probably be in more isolation this time around. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!",1 "I recieved an eviction notice on 8/28/17 I have forms for food stamps and mediCal, some of my possessions are at a friends house for safe keeping. I want advice on where to live that is affordable, has a decent college nearby for when I can pay for education, and a place where work is available. My highest education is High School Graduate. If I have to move than that is fine but I need to make a plan so that I manage what little money I may have.",1 "Anybody ever have this happen? I have no history whatsoever of reacting to peanut butter, and even have had a full panel allergy test a few years ago that confirmed that I'm not (but I'm allergic to every pollen known to man apparently lol). I used to eat peanut butter sandwiches for lunch all the time. My favorite candy used to be Reese's peanut butter cups, and I have even eaten one in the past few months. I ate a pint of peanut butter ice cream no problem.",0 "I had bought our son a special outfit themed from the movies just for this occassion. Neither of us got much sleep that night, and when I tried to talk to him in the morning about leaving, he got really agitated and raised his voice to me. Our daughter ran into her room and I found her hiding under her covers. After again trying to talk to him, he ended up refusing to go, I'm still not sure why. He then ignored me for days again, we again briefly made up for my son's birthday, and started fighting again not long after.",1 "The next day after a meeting he tried confronting her about being ignored. To other people it’s nothing, however to me, I can’t stand the thought of her being assaulted or harassed in that way. I think he might be working later today when she’s working. We both discussed that she would “tell him to stop and that she has a boyfriend and if he doesn’t stop she’ll tell the manager” which I’m okay with. Except all I want to do is protect her, part of me knows that she’s going to be okay, but I need some advice about how I should address the issue if this guy doesn’t stop, keep in mind the fact that I can wrestle and basically fight, and can someone tell me something that will help me hold onto the hope?",1 "But my brain defaulted into my stoned embarrassment. Just having this idea people hate me when they don’t, missing my dad and punishing myself for not being able to help my dad through his alcoholism. Not that he deserves it. He’s dug his own grave and done things I won’t mention in this post. But raping my mom was one of those.",1 "In my mind I am in control of this, I don’t feel I ‘have’ to try. I can get away. It’s like I’m using drugs to escape but I’m not on drugs I’m just dissociating to a place I want to be. I feel that if I was forced to be in reality I’d be just as angry and terrified as a drug addict in rehab. I don’t know what to do.",1 "A emotional turning point for me was at 16, my dog at the time, a Lovable and super friendly Labrador who was about 3 years, decided to wander out the gate and explore when he drove in after work one evening. It was a freezing cold night i remember. Ge had tried calling for our Lab to no avail as our lab was exploring down the road. My father (i hate saying that!) Started getting very angry, furious even.",1 "DO NOT BLAME HIM. PEOPLE WHO ABUSE ARE SOME OF THE MOST MANIPULATIVE AND BELIEVABLE LIARS. That being said; Parent's if you have a child, who is going to EXTREMES to say show their disapproval for a person, LISTEN TO THEM. CHILDREN FUCKING KNOW. And it is YOUR responsibility to ensure THEIR safety and happiness, not satisfy your own at their cost.",1 "I was silent and looking in his eyes. After about 2 minutes, I got off him and headed back to my room. Just as I was getting to my door he yelled something nasty. I said something like ""Go to hell"", and got in my room and closed the door. He rushed the door and I had to use my body to keep the door closed when he bashed into the door with his body twice.",0 "And I’m scared all the time. I get flashbacks from ptsd at home, and now my home is full of these spider and insect memories. And I feel like so few people in my life can really handle this and that’s even more isolating. I’m sorry. I needed a place to put this down and try and stop crying.",1 I didn’t sleep that night and eventually was fine. Since then my anxiety has gotten worse- scary movies linger in my thoughts a little longer. I’ve had a few mini panic attacks. I can’t get intoxicated anymore Bc I don’t like my mind being In a different state. I feel like a darkness is over me and I just feel scared all the time.,1 "Kinda interesting how even when I’m not feeling awful, tiredness still makes me ruminate and feel angry. Hm. I wonder if it’s the biological sleepiness or if it’s kinda a pavlovian response because I’m so used to having terrible feelings when I sleep? Probably kinda both. Anyway, how are you all doing?",1 "Yo, straight up. I am so goddamn sick of it. Yeah, its fine, I will wake tomorrow and do the work moving forward, but life is honestly the most pointless bullshit ever. Tomorrow my social worker comes. I just got rejected for a program I was kind of counting on.",1 "We talked for almost 2 hours that night and she insisted that she didn't want to end things, just wanted to slow it down for a while until she was comfortable. She told me she had just gotten out a relationship before we met, and didn't intend to have such strong feelings for me and now she is just scared. I actually ended up really liking her which has been rare for me lately, so this is something i would like to hold on to if at all salvageable. The problem is we barely text (once a week or so), and have not hung out since that party. Is this a case of 'Just not that into you' so she's just trying to be nice?",0 "We’ve been together for two and half years but went through a rough patch not too long ago because I shipped off to basic. But now that I’m back we were good but now her depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies are pushing me away. I’m trying my best to support her but it’s so hard because I’m just her boyfriend? Not her shrink or doctor. Idk what to do anymore because I try my best to help her but she doesn’t really care anymore.",1 "Hello r/ptsd. I'm currently almost 19 but suffered a lot of traumatic events within my immediate family between the ages of 10-15. Earlier this year, I noticed that I had terrible body odor (I shower and wear deodorant everyday) whenever I left the house. This was obviously accompanied by some unbearable anxiety, as well as very severe panic attacks. After talking to my psychiatrist and a therapist, they diagnosed me.",1 "Again, I worry they'll say that if I'm sexually active, I should be able to do this just fine. -Could I get them to only not leave the room or open the door where someone walking by could see me? -Could I ask them to tell me everything as they're doing it? So I'm somewhat prepared for everything? -Could I get them to stop if I need it?",1 I’ve received hundreds of harassing contacts from him and he’s even tried to extort my friendship back by threatening to expose sex tapes. I’ve already endured years of his psychological abuse and him physically raping me in the ass while we were together. I’ve already endured seeing him and the fact that he brings another man that raped me (and he knows it) to every hearing so far. I’ve endured him harassing our old mutual workplace and every individual mutual contact we had when it first fell apart. I’ve had him flip friends on me and had to move twice in the past to years to hide my location from him.,1 I just wanted to be believed. She said that she would talk to toe - A few days later she came back to me ( after her convo) and claimed that I was being emotionally abusive. That toe is important and that I'm overstepping my boundaries. I don't even know if its all in my head or not but I feel as though toe is just a nasty piece of work that I don't know what to do about it.,1 "But I do not even think the therapist is supposed to actually care, she actually seems to, but I cannot understand it. I did not start therapy because I thought she would care, I started therapy because I jumped off a bridge 1 year ago and I have an 18 and 21 year old brother and sister who are too young to process a suicide, it would be wrong, so therapy is the thing I figured. Now I feel like it is all that I live for, a part of me really likes how kindly she is. But another part of me feels tied down these days, I am getting tired of this town and want to pick up my pack and go on down that open road just as I have 16 times in these past 15 years and she is the only reason I don't.",1 "But there you were, laughing and being affectionate with your newest victim. Same dark hair, same bubbly personality. She's a prettier, skinnier version of me. Everything you made me believe I needed to be but could never change. I was visibly shaking as I tried to remain calm in front of the new guy I have been dating.",1 "Hi /r/relationships, I'm hoping you can give me some perspective. I am at a loss on how to handle this situation. I am so sorry at how long this is, but I needed to vent and hopefully one or two kind people will be able to help me process this. I want to provide some background from my side of these events. For the last year, I've been in a high-profile, high-stress management position with my company.",1 "I've dealt with treatment resistant depression since I was a child. I began therapy at 10 and over the years tried more medications than I can possibly recall with no success. Last summer a Ketamine Treatment Centre came to my city and i became one of the first patients. It turned my life around. For the first time, something worked.",0 "Fun fact: helped me out a bit a few years ago through Twitter. You can check his tweets with/about me around July/Aug of 2014. (I deleted my Twitter account since, but just signed up again.) paid for a month of weekly, remote sessions with a popular, West Coast therapist. That brilliant therapist is the only one I've ever clicked with, before or since.",0 "There became two sides of me I battled within myself. On one hand, I wanted us to build a life together, to experience that love and the relationship. I did most days. On the other, I wanted to absolve myself. I obsessed with it.",1 "Edit 1: No car also. She doesn't have a job. Again, should she get a job after the baby is born? Or will she be better off leeching from the government? It may be selfish, but I am not against being a leech and getting every penny in assistance I can, until I am able to do otherwise.",0 "Hi everyone, and thank you in advance for reading. I moved my family from Texas to Colorado thinking I had a new job lined up on the other side - this job fell through. Fortunately I have a new job starting January 23rd, but I don't have enough in savings to carry me through. We are running very low on necessities like bread and milk. I am unable to go to the local food banks because I still only have a Texas DL, I can't afford to transfer my license or vehicle registration.",1 "The following week, my mom let me use her car to drive my brother to another city for an appointment. The car is going to be mine when she buys herself a new one, so I was really excited about driving it around more often. Everything was fine until I got to the actual city and then a woman drove through a red light and hit my mom's car. I held myself together because my younger brother was with me and he has his own depression to deal with, he didn't need to see his sister break down. The car was still driveable, so I dropped him off and his appointment and then had my meltdown in the drivers seat while explaining everything to my mom.",1 "The problem is is that the kinds of mistakes I have made are the ones I can't even fix, because I won't be on shift to. I don't know what to say to be helpful, and to diffuse tensions. I am pretty sure all of my coworkers hate me. Just like everybody always has. I have already had panic attacks 3 different times at work now.",1 "I have no worth or identity or breathe. He has blamed me for everything. I guess I am getting an abortion. I was upset his friend brought him somewhere that he ran into a girl he loves, and even though it was just a second it really hurt me. He hides me from his friends and his friends reject me but all he says is I do not like his friends.",1 "It would help so much if I could use my car and not worry about the insurance etc. It would be a huge help! I would also paint a picture for the person who helps, as I am an avid painter. I just want to get this done as food and everything like those necessities is taken care of, but I don't have the funds to get this done before the 7th. If you can help, it would be appreciated so much!",0 I dread what it would be like to inject myself with insulin. I am out of work due to a lot of health problems I have chronicled on Reddit. I have put in for my short term disability but it has been almost a month and I survive off the small amounts I make on surveys. It is frustrating in so many ways. But I am really tired of being hungry because I cannot grab a healthy snack.,1 Hey. First time posting here. I have been living in my car with my brother and cat since May. I am feeling extremely depressed/defeated right now hence why I'm posting here. I'll start from the beginning.,1 [Here is the original So far the 4 rolls of dark purple tulle and 2 rolls of light purple have arrived- thank you u/sunriselady_44 for the tulle! ! Thank you u/falcompro for the various spools of Tulle! The Sparkly Silver Tulle arrived today - it is STUNNING!!,0 "For the past 15 years I have had some frantic events happen in my life which I did not think effected me that badly. About 5 years ago I started feeling small signs of PTSD but just brushed it off like it wasn’t a real thing until it just kept getting worse and eating away at me, until I realized enough is enough. I thought maybe I have PTSD but then I would contradict myself and say that it’s not real and I don’t have it which would make me feel worse. I’m finally getting help and yesterday for the first time in 15 years I have officially by a doctor been diagnosed with PTSD, it’s weird to say this but for the first time ever I felt a sigh of relief like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.",0 "This is my first post on reddit and I am seeking any advice I can get. Current Situation-I am a 22 year old veteran, living under the good graces of my girlfriend. I have 2 part time jobs. One as a server and another as an Army Reserve soldier (both of which I have just started after being unemployed for almost 3 months.) I have almost $15k worth of credit card and vehicle debt to my name and absolutely nothing in savings.",1 "It started off small, but it's getting larger and larger by the day to the point that I want to cry. All I want to do is sleep, but no matter how much I sleep, I'm still exhausted. I sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep. I fuck up my school life by sleeping so much. Why am I still tired.",1 "to complicate things, we live in cities that are hours away from each other and i just wrecked my car. the helplines i keep getting referred to have been useless so far. i'm staying with extended family and have no support relationship-wise from either them or friends because we're all dead broke. i do have a job but i'm having to pay expensive uber fare just to get there as its a while away. i just got the news about this yesterday so i'm frantically searching for answers.",1 "Hi everyone. I met a great guy - let's call him Dave - about a year ago. We started off as friends but started dating around November. Let me preface this by saying that Dave is probably the best boyfriend I've ever had. He'll drive an hour just to see me, always pays when we go out for food or drinks and is reluctant even when I insist to pay.",0 "I'll let you know!"" I guess their wires got crossed - he meant he'd let her know whether could make it or not. But apparently, she took it as him confirming he'd go, but that he'd let her know the details, what time, etc. Her Christmas party rolls around and he last minute asked if he and I could spend it together (we were still kinda new at this pt, only 1 month into dating). I agreed.",0 "That night wasn’t so great for me as I felt ignored because both of the guys (my bf and the mutual friend) were mostly having conversations with her, leaving me to trail behind. I thought maybe it’s because we were “hosting” her and because she’s on the opposite side of the spectrum compared to us - as in, she’s into things and engages in those things we’re not necessarily into, but are interested in and could hold a conversation about. Anyway, over the course of our relationship my bf would still bring Sally up occasionally, how they were going to hang out with other coworkers. Of course, I’m totally okay with that and I encourage him to be social when he can! I’ve met all of his friends and I always enjoy myself around them - except you know who, enter Sally *rolls eyes*.",0 "So I’ve been taking 40mg paroxetine for around 3 months (I don’t go to her straight away) and have been fine until the past two weeks. I’m beginning to notice that my anxiety is again incredibly high a lot of the time. By listening to my body I’ve come to realise that caffeine is triggering me. NOW this is new. I’ve been drinking coffee since I was around 17 (22 now) and I’ve never had an issue (infact, it used to put me to sleep) but now whenever I have a coffee (French press at home or latte from a barista) within about 30 minutes I begin to shake and uncontrollably sweat.",1 "But then I'll get there and he'll drop the bomb that his GF is coming over and to be honest, it totally makes me want to bail early. It's just annoying to be invited to come over and thinking you're gonna have some bro time gaming and what not, only to get there have him drop the bomb that his GF is coming over and being stuck between either listening to 5th grade cheesy/cringeworthy convos or figuring a way to bail early without coming across as an asshole. How can I talk with my buddy in a polite way about the matter, that when he invites me over I'd prefer it to be bro time without coming across as an asshole or that I'm against his GF as a person which I'm totally not! Again, she's really sweet and he has every right to want his GF to come over to, I'm just tired of the surprise third wheel through the most goose bump inducing conversations and want some strategies how I can communicate with my friend that I don't like sitting through that. Thanks in advance!",1 "I've suffered from a mild anxiety disorder w/ depression (diagnosed) for about 4 years, all while I've been with my (now) DH. DH is logical/rational to a fault, and while generally supportive, cannot understand how I feel and act when depressed, or suffering from particularly bad anxiety. No matter how I try to explain to him, tell him that I literally cannot help it or just magically lift myself out of it, he insists that I'm being ""dramatic"". It makes me feel all the more vulnerable, and all the more difficult to speak for myself. What advise/experience do you have for helping someone understand who has never experienced depression and/or anxiety that the disorder is ""real"" and not in active control of the victim?",1 "Hi, My partner is a Dv survivor after 15 years, he eroded everything about her and mentally abused her mostly throughout with sexual elements towards the last few years Shes lovely, the most caring girl in the world and so beautiful But its also not easy, she likes a few drinks at weekends and the drink brings out a different girl or maybe its the true girl im not sure, this girl has vivid flashbacks and they are pretty harsh Shes in therapy too and thats tough going as well its popping the cork on all the anger she has bottled up over 15 years",1 And I don't even remember. Please help me. He says it's ok and he forgives me. But it's NOT OKAY. my diagnoses and the symptoms of it is never an excuse to hurt the ones I love.,1 My nephew came over today and he has a bunch of bug bites on him. His mother is insisting they are flea bites but i posted pictures earlier and was told they look like bed bug bites. Idk what to do. I'm having a mental breakdown or something. I already have crippling depression and this is breaking me.,1 "Can you contribute your story alongside others who have been/ are going through recovery? I am developing a storytelling and mental health platform with the ultimate aim of curating a museum exhibition. Soul relics Museum is a platform for people to read and tell stories of mental health through objects that help them connect or express to a present or past experience they have had with their mental health. It’s a unique and creative idea to help people come forward and share with others what mental health problems have been like for them and a safe and constructive way to read of others experiences while being brave enough to share your own. Together, we can create a collective voice in raising awareness and education on mental health!",0 "She used the money from her moms house to buy her own. That was a couple weeks in a hotel, but we thought it was strong of her to be able to leave her abusive husband, and purchase a house so quickly. BACKSTORY LEADING TO: Right about 3 months ago, my petty cash came up missing ($200.00). I reported it immediately.",0 "I know I should tell her my doubts, because I know she's gone through doubts before as well. But I also don't know if now I'm just second guessing because I'm just generally concerned about the future. Above all I just have no idea what to do. --- **tl;dr**: living long distance, dealing with chronic wedding anxiety and fear about impact of children, fantasizing about others, and hoping for insight from people who have been through similar experiences.",1 "I'm not asking for a diagnosis, but I'm just curious how it went for most people who were diagnosed with PTSD. Over the past 2 years or so - since an event happened in my life that I can't ever forget about -, my anxiety has deepened a bunch. It's gotten to the point now where I regularly have nightmares about this event despite never remembering dreams, and any loud noise makes me want to cry, despite the fact I can't cry for the life of me. I have a few other things people commonly site, but I'd rather not talk about them here on reddit. I'm trying to gather the courage to see a professional about this, but for the time being I want to know how to went for you when you first thought you might have it - or if you even knew, for that matter.",1 "It started with a panic attack that led to hypertension. I felt my heart pounding with shortness of breath. I felt dizzy, and I thought I was having a heart attack, this was the first time I ever experienced this. I thought I was going to die. I went to the ER.",1 "She never disclosed any of this to me, and probably never would have if the embassy hadn't discovered it first. In her words, she was afraid I would lose all interest in her if I found out she was married before. Truth be told, I likely would have, as I was still young when we first met. She claims she left that husband because of the abuse she received from him and his relatives ((still lived with his parents)). I was crushed at that time, as we had only been married for about a month.",0 "However, today I was sitting at work and for whatever reason I started thinking about the knife incident. This new person I'm dating has never done anything wrong, but I had a thought of what they would look like holding a knife. It was a pretty stupid thing to think about, it caused the worst panic attack I've had in months and had to go for a walk around the block to clear my head. I don't want the event from my previous relationship to have an impact on the potential of this new one. Does anyone have any advice for breaking free from this sort of thing?",1 "Disability allowance doesn't seem like it would be enough to cover even just my rent, never mind food (for me and my pets) and lighting and heating. I can't take my cat and my dog into a shelter. I don't know what to do. I feel like I just have to come to terms with how he is and learn to live with it but I'm miserable all the time. I don't have any friends anymore.",1 as a result hes put his hands on me. He keeps saying im crazy not respecting his space where i keep asking for things to be amicable over and over. he tells me its my fault that everytime hes done anything to me its because i started it. I honestly dont know if its true. Because i kept trying to tell him leave me alone.,1 "Eddie can think back to being 10 at the farthest. I can access very little memories of us being younger than 10, but it's few and far between. Our therapist asked us collectively to try and ask our brother what our childhood was like growing up. I feel like we cannot...do that. We aren't exactly close to Eddie's brother as much as he wants to be, so asking this kind of serious stuff could result in nothing being figured out.",0 "Around 5 months ago I started talking to Q. She's a coworker of mine who I've admired since I started at my job three years ago. I respected her and wanted to be friends, but we never talked or ran in the same social circles. 5 months ago, she invited me to a concert that her husband couldn't attend. We went as friends, had a blast, went out dancing afterwards, everything was Kosher.",0 "With a switch blade and open arms In a sweater vest that covers a ragged undershirt stained with my innocence Through faces that are never the same as the ones I dread finding in the crowd In the night, I rediscover my love of mares and how hoarse I can be in the morning It's the taste of blood but I am not bleeding",0 "**Get a new phone**. One option is to purchase an inexpensive, reloadable cell phone from any major retailer. These phones, commonly referred to as “burner phones” will have no connection to the abuser and can help you keep in touch with your support system. Another option is to visit a retail location for your provider and have them move you over to a new plan. If they don’t offer you a new phone with the plan, make sure they perform a factory reset of the device to ensure any apps that could track your location are removed.",0 " It was the summer, I had just started a new job as a bartender. I met a girl that was equally odd, had a lot of similar interests, was looking for the same thing I was. We quickly became enamored with each other. It didn't take long for us to move in together. I started finding projects around the house to fix up, she would surprise me with home cooked meals or a note gushing over our relationship.",0 "So, my question is how worried should I be about this? Is it likely that this guy will come look for me or cause problems in the future? Or am I overreacting? What would you do if you were in my shoes? Thanks!",1 "I was very interested but she kept saying ""Don't go! I want you here!"". I decided to say to hell with it and went. When I got there I met back up with an old friend of about 6 years (I'll call her Sha, to make this easy), someone who I'd been crushing on since we first met. The feelings weren't gone but they were buried under everything she had filled my mind with.",0 "I also always bite and pick at my lips, meaning I usually have a patch of dried blood. I also chew my nails (though I've found if I clip my nails almost everyday it goes away). I know these behaviors are typical of OCD but I don't have other OCD symptoms so I think it's just my anxiety. Any tips would be appreciated. Or if you just want to share your habits go ahead.",1 "At the shelter we are not allowed to store food in our locker (they do random checks), but i can keep some stuff in my backpack. I have access to the work locker Monday to Friday, and will store food in my backpack on the weekends. I needs suggestions that are reasonably healthy because something as simple as cold that takes people 3-4 days to recover from, takes 2-3 weeks to recover from 'cause my thyroid meds suppress my immune system. ​ **EDIT: Thank you for the food suggestions**",0 "I just tried taking a nap in my bed today. I've been sleeping on the couch since March. I had dreams of stuff he did to me in that bed. Good memories that were ruined when he stopped hiding his temper, when I became the outlet to his anger. Yesterday, I also got choked in my self-defense class practically the same way he choked me.",0 "I was having a fucking panic attack.Once we payed and where done, we went into the thrift store to tell my mom we where done. I finally told i was having a panic attack because he threatened to smack the crap out of me. ""he threatened you?"" i could tell by my tone she doesn't believe me. ""we're probably not coming here anymore"" she said.",1 "I really like my roommate, and my suitemates are cool besides for them being loud at night. I know I'd sleep better in a different place, but...I don't know. I don't want to put up with the hassle. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I honestly just came here to vent.",0 "My boyfriend and I are out of options, night has fallen and we have no place to stay for the night. We're terrified beyond all reason. Neither of us has been this bad off before, and all nearby shelters have closed their doors for the night. All we have are two suitcases with our clothes and our phones. Where do we sleep in the city?",1 "It feels great, but I'm worried. I tried to kill myself one year and one month ago. I am prone to depression. I am worried about crashing too hard, and I have kids to care for. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?",1 "I offered to help but he declined. After 6 months the debt hadn't moved. It was at that time I started asking him more about it, how it was going (I think I was pretty annoying TBH,) and he would say he paid off a large portion of it. But he didn't and never followed through with the plan. i feel badly that I didn't just drop it, but I it felt like he was lying to me.",0 I thought that sounded fun so I agreed. The whole way there I was so nervous and anxious. And during was kind of fine but I was fairly scared. it ended up with my friend also having sex with me and I agreed but I was so wasted. Afterwards I felt so sick and repulsed and freaked out by what had happened.,1 "I have a presentation to give on Wednesday as part of my Biology course. It's by myself and I've already jumped to ""would it be so bad if I didn't do it?"" because the thought of doing it feels worse than missing out on 20% towards the module... I can't see my doctor before then because there's no appointments and I tried getting an appointment with the counselling service that uni offers but they haven't got back to me yet. My heart races every time I think about it.",1 "Stage 4 would be perfect. I know that's self-destructive thinking; I know I'm supposed to be present, current, not wallowing in my pain and sorrow. I know I'm supposed to focus on healthy thinking and growth. I know that I'm supposed to find joy now, and I really do try. I'm not sure there's such a thing as joy absent my children; it may be a fool's errand.""",0 "My main thing lately is that everything is making me feel overwhelmed and stressed out even in non-stressful situations, just every day life. I have a good life that is a lot less stressful than most but it seems to cause me a lot more stress than it would to anyone else like my wife for example. I feel like I'm always on the edge and my head is going to explode in angry/frustration over nothing at all. I've been checked out many times, full blood work and other tests and everything perfect with my health as far as my Dr is concerned. I've always had an idea in my head that I would do anything and everything to avoid taking medications and I've been convinced that I can deal with this on my own and if I can't then I'm doing something wrong.",1 "I have been living in at a homeless shelter run by the Salvation Army since the beginning of February (I know it hasn't been that long but still), and I started a new job a month or so later around the beginning of March. I don't know if my boss did a google search of the address I have on record or maybe drove past it one day, but I overheard him talking to another one of the staff about how 'the homeless population here in Toronto is getting pretty bad, and how there might be a lot once the weather improves because of the people trying to leave the USA because of Trump' And since I heard this conversation, I went from having 3 shifts of 4 hours per week (12 hours per week), down to this week I have 1 shift that's only 3 hours, and he's blaming how our sales are really slow, which they are down by an average of 4% compared to last year according to the reports that are printed automatically each day. It also doesn't help that since I started a month ago, we had 11 employees and as of this morning we now have 16. Tell me why the hell if business is so slow, why did we increase the number of staff by almost 50%?",1 "I've been skipping my classes and haven't gone out with any of my friends because I'm afraid I'm going to get sick when I go out. I'm supposed to go visit my boyfriend at his school tomorrow (I'm on spring break and he's not) and I'm already worrying about if I'm going to get sick and if I even want to go incase I start to feel nauseous and get a bad stomach ache while I'm there.... I'm wondering if anyone else deals with a lot of nausea from their anxiety and what they do to cope with it? I'm terrified of throwing up and so this is like the worst symptom I could ever have.... plus I always have this weird feeling in my chest/throat like something is coming up or is stuck and am belching a lot, like tiny burps. I feel like I'm crumbling and am starting to really slow down... My anxiety/depression has never gotten this bad before and I've just been a sad shell in my bed, can't even find the energy to turn on my TV and pay attention to anything.",1 "I can’t stop sweating, the second I cough up phlegm there is immediately more and I’m like gagging on it, my nose is stuffed and I have to actively try to breathe, I feel so uncomfortable, I’m losing my mind. I’ve hit my breaking point and I’m just sobbing uncontrollably. I’m stressing because I’ve already had to use sick time at work this year and it’s only the first week, the house is covered in all of my sick germs and I don’t have the strength to disinfect it, the laundry is piling up and the house is messy. I probably sound like an absolute baby right now but I can’t do multiple days of being incapacitated. I feel like shit and can’t do anything I need to get done.",1 "On a side note, the mere idea of my significant other interacting in any way, hostile or friendly, with my brother makes me wanna freak the fuck out, so there’s also that. (But it doesn’t take much for me to wanna freak out either). Should I just continue to struggle privately to put this all behind me somehow? Also, is it selfish to feel the need to distance myself from my family right now while I’m trying to finally heal? (Like, moving far away so I have a non-hurtful excuse to only see them once every couple years)..",1 "I keep trying, hoping we can be what we were...that the man I fell in love with will return. What’s happening here? Why rage at your wife when she tries to be affectionate? Is this just another control tactic? He also stated that I had completely cut him out of my life (I have been spending time with women friends and taking classes).",0 "thought, if its not going to listen to me talk, I'll send an easy to read article (they literally listed the differences in bullet points) and a video. Still ignored it. I've also adopted the Eleven's ""no second chances"" policy from Doctor Who. Later in the night, I sent a text that basically said told it to be more supportive and actively listen (communication, bitch), or I can't continue to be around it. I went to sleep and woke up to it saying, ""fine, I guess we'll see other people, then!""",0 "and how that would intersect with a potential partner’s attitude. You’ve probably seen the posts on here: a woman gave birth four months ago and her husband is pissed off because her breasts are sore and he can’t play with them. A woman gave birth three months ago and her husband is pressuring her for PiV sex even though she is still uncomfortable. A woman doesn’t enjoy sexual play with her breasts anymore after breastfeeding because it’s a mammary gland and not a sex organ, and the husband gets pissed because he wants to touch her breasts and apparently isn’t aware of other erogenous zones. These were posts I remember reading on here for some relevant examples, but I can go on.",0 "A sustained loud noise like music doesn't bother me. Basically, I just scare very easily and have a visible response. It's pretty embarrassing in social and professional settings to the point people think I'm faking but I really can't control my reaction. I was diagnosed Bipolar and BPD however this symptom in particular doesn't really match up with either of those. As far as I know I'm not officially diagnosed PTSD, doctors I've seen have confirmed symptoms seeing as I had a very traumatic childhood.",0 "Hey guys, I was watching Seth Meyers and he made a joke about the longest pizza event. I did some research and it will be on June 10th at the Fontana speedway in California. There will be over a mile of pizza and it needs to be eaten to count towards the record. This is a free event. I was thinking that this is somewhat related to the random acts of pizza lifestyle.",0 "My boyfriend and I got into a really bad fight the other night and it ended with him throwing a full waste bin over my head while I was sitting on our bed. To clarify- he threw the trash in the waste bin over my head, the actual bin didn't hit me. Although, even so, I know it's not great. He's apologized but I'm still feeling really shaken up. I'm not sure what to do.",1 "But I have been on about a dozen times, and have been hung up on nine. It is always the same issue, sadly. I get depressed, it is late, I cannot sleep or stop thinking about past trauma, and I would just like to talk to someone. But the bulk of them have hung up, some almost immediately, and some after longer. It is the longer ones that hurt more.",1 I was working at a labor pool when ever I could. He kicked me out of his moms house once I ran out of money and didn't get work one week from labor pool. I walked down the street to some friends house he introduced me too. Been here 2 Weeks. They are alcoholics.,0 "Today we had a really bad fight and she’s at home while I’m outside... I don’t think I can go back anymore and I have nowhere to go, with the very little money I have on me and only the vaguest sense of what to do. I’m an 18 year old non binary and have had a shitty relationship with my mom ever since my dad left when I was 8. I live in a drug heavy area that is riddled with gangs and is definitely not safe at night. Shelters nearby are full, I don’t have a car, and no friends or family to turn to.",1 "I’m just really scared about this entire situation and feel conflicted about what to do. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened as my dad has previous jail records and he’s threatened our family before and even hit us when we were smaller. I just feel really scared and really confused about everything and can’t believe it’s come to this. My mom doesn’t want us to do anything because she lives in fear and is hoping to wait until I graduate (I’m in 11th grade so we would have to wait a year and we really can’t/shouldn’t) so she can divorce him, she only wants to wait because she can’t support us by herself. If we do move I would be fine with getting a full-time job to support my family, I’m already a private tutor but I only do 1-hr a week for $20.",1 "Sorry bad English Since almost 2 weeks now I've cut myself off every social interaction because I've been confronted to doubting and all that shit and I thought that was a necessary measure to take to reborn (trough introspection, my whole life since now is involved) and stop burst out of rage and being depressed from nothing And now I keep myself at the strict minimum of social interaction, 10 days that my daily conversation is limited at some words My mental health is decreasing I'm starting to struggle breath by the mouth, now I breath and speak with the nose (probably because I don't open it enough)",1 "I thought a good post for people who get Food Stamps (EBT) is needed in case anyone who receives them could use it. For example; Peppermint and Eucalyptus Oil keeps Mosquitos away, you can buy that with EBT. Vinigeer is a good cleaning agent. You can buy Papa Murphy's Pizza with EBT and cook it over a bonfire. Some states (CA, AZ, etc) will let you buy food from fast food like Captain D's, Arby's, etc.. with it.",0 """We also want people to feel as if they are away from a lot of the stress and tension. We really want them to focus on themselves for a change."" The center is located on a 15-acre plot of land, ""designed to support fire fighters as they seek treatment and recovery."" ""This is the first of it's kind,"" said Patrick Morrison, a former Fairfax County Firefighter, and a member of the IAFF. ""It's a center that doesn't exist anywhere else.""",0 "The warmth of the sun encapsulates you, and you welcome it, and feel it energizing you. You’re so tired. You want to stop swimming. When you’re close enough, you can see the blue sky, its image wavering back and forth at the surface of the water. You feel it, you see it, you want it, and you think you can finally have it.",0 Still had moments of anxiety but I got through them. We can do it guys! It's so tough and I know I'll have bad days but hoping that the good days outweigh them. Completely shattered now though. Could sleep a million years.,0 "- Effexor XR My doctor says it's basically a crap shoot. Different people react to medication in different ways. Still, I'd love some first hand accounts of what it's like to be on these medications. Can anyone share their experience?",0 "He speeds up and tries to catch up to her, and continues to yell at her face. The girl turns around in pushes him out of frustration and can tell it wasn't meant to hurt him or anything. The guy reciprocates by immediately pushing her multiple times, and they were NOT soft pushes, and seems like he was trying to push her to the ground. Couple pushes in, I was in shock, by the fact that you could really be in a relationship with someone that is abusive or that physically hurts you, or maybe it was that moment, she found out who he really was. She got up immediately and walked the opposite direction, walking back towards me, and I try not to look at her but she was just devastated I can tell.",0 "I have four kids full time, almost a year ago their dad was removed because of substantial abuse. It's been incredibly hard making ends meet by myself and although I get rent paid, all other bills are stuck on the back burner. Our electric bill is over $400 and they're demanding $225 as a minimum payment. It's scheduled for disconnect today and I can't put it off any longer. I know it's a long shot but seriously needing a miracle at the moment.",1 "Hi guys, I'm a final year psychology student at university, and my dissertation is looking at the association between porn use and romantic relationship satisfaction, as well as sexual satisfaction. The link for my study is I would be grateful to anyone that completes the study. In case after signing in, it redirects you to the main page, the name of my study is ""Pornography Use, Romantic Relationships, and Sexual Satisfaction in Homosexual Men"". Anyone interested in taking part will need to make an account for my university's online survey host site, but none of this information will be shared with me. I will only receive an ID number in case someone wants to withdraw from the questionnaire after completing it (details of how to do so can be found on the participant information sheet, which is attached to the description and introduction of the questionnaire).",0 "I have started working on a youtube series about coping with and healing PTSD using movement therapy to find flow (hooping is my outlet). I am super excited to share this with you beautiful, strong, wonderful survivors, so please share this with anyone else who you think could benefit from this series💕 Wishing you well! Until next time, may peace love and light always be with you! [Journal Entry: January 18, Edit: formatting",0 "It’s been 12 hours since it’s started and I genuinely can’t get it to stop. It’s been so bad that my tongue is actually really starting to hurt. Has this happened to anyone else before? ? I hope I explained that clearly enough but if you need more descriptions, let me know and I can try to explain it better.",1 "It is getting to a point where she can no longer work and is at risk of losing her home as well as her ability to get to her doctors, so it is time to reach out and ask upon the kindness of others. She started a gofundme with more information about her issues and the steps that she has taken thus far to avoid asking for monetary donations (and is even offering trade for art), please take a look and consider donating. Anything (even just $5 so she has gas to get to the doctor) will help immensely and is literally life changing for her. Thanks for your time! ",0 "No place in my city has shelter space for us, and I won't put my baby on the literal street. (I've been there before. Fine for new, but I don't want to have to go through that with a baby). What cities have good shelter programs for homeless mothers and children? I'd love to be able to make some calls and get on a greyhound between the 7th and 16th (when I'll likely be able to get the money to go).",1 "After I took care of healing my self, my biggest concern has been that he will do it again to another poor woman. He is already dating someone new that is even younger than I am, I was already 13 years younger than him, and I am so worried for her that once she passes the 2 year dating mark he will repeat the pattern of abuse just as he has done in the past. I wish there was a way to at least give women and men the chance to know of what they are getting into ahead of time and then let them make the decision if they think the person is reformed or not before getting trapped in a potentially abusive relationship. It makes me sick that the pattern of abuse can continue without any transparency. I wish there was an online database of domestic abusers similar to sex offenders.",1 "I have a short term plan, but nothing long term at all. I’m assuming she’s going to shut off my phone in the next 24 hours, so I’ll have no access to texting or calling services until fiancé can afford to put me on his plan. Unfortunately, he may lose his job because he was living with me and my mom. Today we had a really bad fight and she’s at home while I’m outside... I don’t think I can go back anymore and I have nowhere to go, with the very little money I have on me and only the vaguest sense of what to do.",1 "The second half of a song called Monsters, by the band NOFX. A favorite of mine, it seems appropriate. I never had the guts to do it. But God how I wanted to run off. God give me strength",0 "I had to do some other repairs (thanks potholes!) that put me even further behind on payments. I can do the brakes myself to save money. I have a friend with jacks and tools. I just really need help getting the brakes, I'm actually getting worried about them now, starting to get spongy.",1 "More specifically, for example, I live with roommates and I can't remember the last time it has been quiet in the apartment. There's never a moment where it is completely silent and I know it's anxiety and sensory overload, but gosh does it make me angry. My roommates talk CONSTANTLY and they keep me from being able to sleep because all I can concentrate on is their voices. Another example, in one of my classes today, my professor talked non-stop and she's one of those extremely hyper, fast talking, off topic teachers who go off on tangents about things that aren't related to the lesson at all. It was so hard to stay in that class without storming out because I couldn't handle listening to her loud voice any longer.",1 "This is marriage #2 for both of us. Husband's (52 M) ex (51 F) cheated, my ex (53 M) had emotional affair, leading to ending marriages in the same year. We dated in high school, and reconnected as friends, started dating about a year later, moved in together after a year, got engaged 2 years after that. Before getting engaged I found out he was having an emotional affair with a woman who lived about a 5 hour drive away from us. I found out when he left an IM open on his computer, found steamy texts when I went to shut off a noisy program.",1 "I have had a rough few months. A few years ago I was diagnosed with ptsd after being the victim of a violent robbery. It caused a few panic attacks followed by a day or two of ultra high anxiety, but would always subside. The last 2.5 months in this order I have dealt with the following things: 1.",1 He said all those things. I currently don’t have a passport. He sent it away because the W something tax return needs to be filed. Whatever that is. I’m British.,0 "And we end up spending an indefinitely long period of time together that just never seems like it will end. I would really like to be able to hang out with her, like cook dinner, or go to a bar, or watch a movie, for example, and then just both go back to our individual homes and do our own thing. But, that seems impossible. I guess I’m really if it is necessary to constantly, physically, be with a S/O for a healthy relatioship to flourish? Am I being unreasonable/ inconsiderate in my desire to be alone?",0 "I changed jobs last year and moved up into a management role. I run a small program for kids and have 3 staff. Shortly after accepting my position, my job duties completely changed, I hired one new staff person, 2 staff quit and I hired 2 more, and it was up for debate on whether the program would cease to exist by 2019. It feels like I’ve been in survival mode, and everyone was abandoning me...even though I know it wasn’t me they were abandoning. This was rough for me.",1 You will have been given a chunk of life experience most people will never get hold of. You will have emotional super-strength. Things that throw others completely off balance won't even phase you. Tasks you previous had no courage for may now be a bit easier... You might soon find yourself being looked up to more than before...,0 Relying on an app (that depended on wifi) for calls and texts became a hassle so I tried to get an Obama phone. I was denied because I couldn't provide a bill with my name and address on it. Of course I don't have an address: I'M HOMELESS! How am I suppose to get a job when I don't have a phone (one where I can be reached wherever/whenever). The system was designed perfectly...,1 "So I've recently started having anxiety attacks where it becomes hard to breathe, with the subject regarding many topics, mainly obsessing about relationships and government bureaucracies that I have to handle lately, and mainly where my life is going. I feel kind of lost. My spouse and I live in a war-torn country full of people trying to rip you off any chance they get, everyone is rude and generally don't fit the way I've been brought up, everything is expensive and the stress is beyond measure here. Not how we were brought up. We're waiting for me and her to finish college so we can get out of here and move to a civilized nation elsewhere.",1 "For the dog, at least, I can get stuff for cheap dog food or something, but the cat we'd need cat food. All of this weighs on my mind. With my anxiety, I keep going over it in my head again and again. I know I need to see a therapist, but you guessed it, no money. I'm really hoping someone can help out.",1 "I did something once that I had been doing almost constantly in the intervening years: I imagined my ex-fiancee. But this time, it felt real. ""Through the lord, all things are possible"" Shock, bliss, happiness, peace, closure, and many other emotions multiplied beyond reckoning coursed through me. I promised my life to God, and continue to believe that he did speak to me.",0 I'm living in my car right now which sucks because the radiator just got a hole in it and now I can't keep the AC on at night. I'm working a full time job but I'm not making enough to rent an apartment or even a hotel. What I need is some food. Something portable that won't need refrigeration. I'm former Army so I'm used to MRE's but I don't have anywhere local to get them.,1 "In exchange for your participation, you may optionally choose to be entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card. Eligibility requirements for participants include: Must be at least 18 years of age or older. Must have been diagnosed with one of the following at any point in your life: Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder (I or II), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophrenia, or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Must not have been diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability.",0 "But if you DO RESPOND, your brain thinks ""great, that must have been useful, I'll send that thought again!"" To re-iterate, you can't directly control the thoughts your brain sends, but you can MANIPULATE what it sends by giving it feedback by either Responding or NOT RESPONDING. The more you respond with COMPULSIONS, the more your brain will throw that thought at you. Paradoxically, the things you are doing to relieve your Anxiety are making your OCD worse. The more Compulsions you engage in, the stronger the Obsessions become.",0 "I also used to get really bad nightmares about dying and the afterlife when I was a kid and my mom would have to rub my chest til I fell asleep. I never ever thought it was anxiety and I didnʻt want to diagnose myself because I know some people actually have it and I wouldnʻt want to compare my stress to that. Just wondering if itʻs possible that this is like mild ""anxiety"" or I am just sleep deprived? Also if its possible that anxiety can be come back after a decade of not having any noticeable events? Thanks ahead of time for any help.",1 "This is where she met her current best friend. Let's call him Rob. Now, she met this guy while she was still dating her ex. They had issues after a couple of years (more than 2), apparently that was the time she and her best friend started to get really close. In her own words, they started texting a lot, going out with their colleagues a lot, etc.",0 "I could try to transfer to another Olive Garden in the new area, or get a job at another restaurant. It's quite easy to get established at another restaurant. Does this sound like a good scenario? I'm currently living with a friend and bike to work. I just want to get on my own agaim asap.",0 "I matched with a girl who I thought was pretty on a dating app. I said hi first, and she replied. We went on to introduce ourselves and ask basic questions such as what we do, whats our favorite food, music, and things like that. Then we decided to meet up in real life. I forgot whether it was me or her who suggested that we meet up.",0 "He felt my chest and sort of kissed my abs, all this weird stuff he never did before. We did it again the next week and he seemed more into it this time, like a lot more. I have never seen him like this, ever. He started moaning and shit, and all this weird stuff, and then near the end, he literally kissed me and sort of got on top of me. We've kissed before for the webcam, but we pretty much never kiss besides that.",0 "So I'm getting a cheap apartment, most utilities included, and all maintenance covered. I used the last of my savings for the application fee and hold fee. I'm going to be moving at the end of the month and it's going to be tight, paying the security deposit and prorated rent when I already had to pay lot rent for the trailer this month. I'm selling the trailer at a loss to get about a third of it, selling everything I don't need in the hopes for another third, and I should be able to cover the rest from my paycheck... If I cut the grocery bill.",0 "No, not really. I thanked my boyfriend, and then immediately blurted out ""how am I going to explain this to my mother?"" Like I said, he's understanding, but I could see him kinda wince as he probably realized that the gifts brought me more anxiety than happiness. **I spent the next half hour desperately thinking up backstories I could use to explain to my mother why I had a brand new hat. **",1 "Entering my invite code would give me points, to move closer to the front of the line to get my loan paid. The app is free to install, and would not cost you any money, unless you choose to buy play coins (which is NOT required). My invite code is: F402166 Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I greatly appreciate it! Have a good night :)",0 "Not like triggers per say, because I'd have to ask her about that, but more general behaviors. Like, if I see her acting in a certain way that is common to abuse victims, I should know to be careful around that. Like apologizing a lot is a common behavior. Knowing about the abuse, I didn't try and correct her or anything (save one time when she thought she was bothering me, and I told her she will never be able to do that). So any additional information is useful.",0 "Am I being way overdramatic? Hope I provided enough information. I truly tried not to sound angry or overly upset. --- **tl;dr**: My mother has hit me quite a few times, put my clothes in trash bags when I don't clean them on time, won't let me lock my door, and has threatened to take away the car I drive that they paid for (and therefore job and access to classes).",1 "My mom is living on borrowed time and she needs cardiac surgery. The whole thing costs around €8000 ($11800) and needless to say, we can't afford it. I'm on my way to becoming a doctor myself (in my final year of med school) and seeing her like this without being able to do anything to help her is breaking me. I love her so much. We have no one else and the constant pressure is killing me.",1 "I wrote a 4000-word short story on depression to bring awareness. I need around 10-15 people to answer the questionnaire. If you guys could answer it, show it to maybe somebody or tell me somehwhere I could post it to get more people to read and answer, that would be so great. (This is the questionnaire, and a link to the story can be found inside)",0 "I actually give an assistant half my emergency fee to come help me sometimes. I feel unsafe driving to ""house calls"" in the middle of the night by myself. I frequently bring my husband along as a makeshift “tech” or when I feel unsafe, which is obviously unfair to him. Unhappy Husband: My husband is miserable both with his 60 minute commute and with our isolation out here in the country. We feel like we have no social life out here.",1 "Even though we did break up I don't know if he's taking it seriously and if he just thinks I'll come home and we'll be ok. I'm so tired of being treated like shit by everyone in my life. I'm not strong enough to take care of myself, to fight back, to leave. And I can't work, I can't even answer phone calls because of my anxiety, how am I supposed to survive? My family doesn't understand my mental issues so I can't get help from them with it, they tell me I need to start looking for a job and I can't even say anything.",1 She’s so sweet and gentle such that a complete stranger can reach into her mouth and take food away and she won’t even react. But she sometimes tries to grab food off the table if people aren’t around. MIL has been with us for several months now and tells us she loves spending time with the baby. She has her own room. I cook all the meals and my wife does most of the laundry.,0 "in an effort to make modding the sub more efficient and smoother, I've gone ahead and brought in automoderator. There's a bit of a learning curve, but I'm proud of my first automod post! Do you have any scheduled posts you'd like to see? Specific discussion posts celebrating positive accomplishment? Next up is programming the actual moderation part.",0 "I'm curious, does anyone know of any programs that provide temporary housing assistance if you have a job? I'm almost broke right now. I really don't want to live out of my car or the shelter while working. Having a comfortable supportive place until I can get my first couple of paychecks would be amazing. I'm worried that my current living situation will ruin my chances to succeed with this job.",1 "This was literally the first meal I've had with other people in nearly a year. This couple was young enough to be my children and I could picture myself in their situation which I pray will never happen, but if it does I would really hope someone would buy me some food every once in a while. The guy seemed a bit sheepish, but the woman seemed a bit more comfortable with being homeless. They seemed like decent enough people and I don't regret buying them food, but towards the end of our meal the woman said something to the guy about getting home by midnight. But I thought they were homeless!?!",0 "Thanks to my alma mater 👩‍🎓! I’d like to know Any suggestions from u all on how I might I move on in the healthiest way possible and carry on with only love in my heart for her? How might I bounce back and focus on forming healthier relationships? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated, guys. Sending positive vibes your way 😇",0 "It is why I started studying gender studies. My dads rage from my mum earning more then him, even though she gave him at least half whilst he had affaris and caused hell in our household and physically abused her. I have been in counselling since being in year 5 in junior school (I think 9 years of age) because they were fighting all night and I hadn't slept and they sussed there was something wrong. This continud until I was 19 and my dad left (which was dramatic in itself). Anyway, so i'm reading a book called Toxic Parents and it basically advisers people to confront their parents.",0 "I feel like I'm going to go insane. I can't stop crying or wanting to pull my hair out or screaming. I can't stop shaking. I'm on medications for anxiety and they help some but not much and not often... Ultimately, I know I'm not me anymore.",1 "Again, most of the time I can just say 'ah, screw 'em they're not a doctor' but you know how it goes when you're having an episode. Phew, ok! Sorry for such a long post, I just usually like long reads on Reddit so I figure it's ok. Feel free to share your experiences with feeling ""fake!"" It's good to not feel alone. TL;DR I sometimes feel like I'm faking having PTSD despite never expecting I had it and then getting an official diagnosis from a doctor.",0 "Our justice system is not aimed at helping victims. I feel totally violated, put down, and blamed for requesting an extension on an order of protection. Which was denied because he is living in another state. Even though, he was unable to show, as he’s out on bond for assaulting a new woman. Judge told me, if he harasses you and violates you again, then you can go back through the process to get an order.",1 "Yo? Awww!”* You downplayed what you did. You looked at my hurt as a cute and lovable thing. This wasn’t the first time you reacted like this. Whenever I told you the way you used to make me feel or if I reminded you of a situation in which you were abusive, you would do the same thing.",0 I'm just really excited right now and I want to plan for what is best. I don't want to make a purchase out of emotions so I am coming here for some advice. It's been tough and lonely but I have been getting into the best shape of my life and I just feel a lot more confident. I know I will come out of this. Also I i realized that laundry mats is getting pretty expensive.,0 "He finally lets me inside and we begin to talk (he's drunk as always, our schedules differ by a couple of hours so whenever I would get home at 6 he was always drunk). He is sat up against my counter calling me names and I smack his chest. Worst mistake of my life. I never should have hit him. And I fully believe that what you dish out is what you get.",0 "Okay y'all first and foremost this is gonna be a long one, and I apologize for that. I'm looking for advice, information, help, honestly anything! So lets start at the beginning. For 2 years I've been working a full\-time hourly job, I was only getting paid minimum wage, however it was more then I had ever really made before and I was able to put money away. I felt secure enough to get a few credit cards that I used gently, got a 'adult' phone line ( T\-Mobile ) and was content with life.",0 Some anxiety may come from other areas such as physical etc.This can help to. Do you think most people in the court would agree that not bullying people because of there looks is good? That people don't deserve discrimination? I do. Well put that on your sheet and you can be more confident in yourself.,0 "I need some advice here. I'm not sure if my insecurities have run wild or if I'm justified in thinking my boyfriend is being out of line. He met this girl through friends who set them up and for their first date they went jogging. Weird, I know, but it's her hobby and he wanted to get into it. They'd never met before this.",1 I know it is a huge accomplishment that I've been able to get back on the road and try again. It's just frustrating that I haven't been making as much progress as I'd like. I really miss being independent and free. Does anyone have any tips? I'd love to find someone that can relate or who has overcome this fear.,0 "I barely slept in the hospital because I stayed up at night and listened for codes with his room number. I was terrified, constantly living in fear from the moment I awoke until about his 7th day in the hospital when he seemed clearer, and sat up with assistance for the first time. Fast forward to now. We are lucky to be alive, and we are injured. We’ve been robbed of a normal engagement, of the experience of moving in together, and that’s a grieving process...but my mind...is not what it was.",1 "Anna claimed he was a distant friend and had been kicked out of his house in the frigid weather. My mom said nope, no way that boy stays there. Anna seemed to be telling lies again. Fast forward a few days, and Anna's mother takes her phone away after a series of lies and deceit. It turns out, the man was not a distant friend.",0 "In the dream, he kept telling me to do it as he cut himself deeper and deeper in his arm. Then he said I’m gonna do it, all because of you too. You deserve to die, then at the end of the dream he kept holding me down to put a knife against my throat and said this is how it ends, just do it yourself.” I am also looking into talking to someone I can somewhat relate to on this, talking to your friends about this typically doesn’t help me. Thank you for listening.",0 "It made me feel so... small. After I left, I felt angry, really fucking angry. I don't want to call the office and make a fuss, I want it behind me. I'm just angry that someone could really think that way. I'm angry.",1 "When sis ""woke up"" as a teenager, she started raising hell about the singing evangelist father who'd held her by the wrist, telling her to ""watch and learn"" while her older sister was forced to copulate him. (Bro was hiding behind the clothes & sliding doors in the closet, watching through the crack.) Spouse had been threatened repeatedly with extinction (from the age of three until she was well-normalized at 13) to ""perform."" (Grampa got *his* turns, too.) Moreover, the perp beat and otherwise terrorized the mother into submission, and then manipulated her to get out of his way when my two step-daughters were left there by my dissociated spouse.",0 "My intelligent and self-worth were constantly, viciously attacked. Eventually, I gave up on school, I lapsed into depression (was suicidal for awhile) and just stumbled through each day in a daze. My grades went from straight A's to D's and F's at midterms that I'd barely get up to low C's at the last minute. Of course, mom used this as further reason to berate me for being ""stupid"" and ""worthless"". She also began blaming me for ""giving up on life"" at the ripe old age of 14.",1 "Long story short - my housemate's sister and I are super interested in each other, and I wanted to surprise her with a gift for a (very!) belated Christmas for when I get back home. We've known each other about a year, and we've been on one pretty damn romantic midnight tour of Dubai as a date. I know she is interested because she made the first move. In any case, both of us are into books, and I wanted to give her a favourite of mine (Paul Beatty's The Sellout) with the inscription: 'To X, I can only hope this book makes you laugh half as much as you make me.",0 "I would comfort her as much as I was able, and once when I was home on break, I even confronted my brother about his behavior. I tried to be empathetic and not accusatory, and have a conversation about his feelings and encourage self-reflection. I talked about how I suffered from depression in graduate school and compared my symptoms of increased irritability and desire to stay at home with his current behavior. He seemed receptive to the conversation instead of becoming defensive as he usually does, and ultimately I suggested he try counseling, as that helped me. He never pursued it, though.",0 "Hey guys I just want to hear your opinions on this. So I’ve only had ptsd for about 5 years now after a near death experience and I just want to know if you guys think it is possible for me to be able to get rid of it for good. That fact that I was not born with a generalized anxiety disorder really makes me believe that one day I’ll be able to be the person I was before the incident. The issue is that even when I ask my therapist about this he tells me that my anxiety will always be there from now on, I just have to learn how to deal with it. What are your thoughts?",0 "I am obviously devastated. I feel disappointed, angry, sad and rejected. I'm constantly asking myself why she no longer wants to live with me. She says she wants to have her own space to go to when she wants to be at ease, ""not that she doesn't feel at ease with me, it's just different"". I tried to make her see that we're supposed to make a new home for ourselves where we will both feel at ease, but to no avail.",1 "Anxiety kicked in but then heightened by all the fucking coffee I drank from working before the meet. I started shaking, I couldn't lift my head up. My girlfriend and I stepped out for a smoke, and I told her the situation, the guys moved away... they were hot too so thanks to my anxiety I missed out yet again on another golden opportunity. But once we got back to our seats, I told my girl that I recently got close to that I had anxiety and the symptoms, just casually because at this point its just a thing I have to tell people, but this time it wasn't to a fellow artist or designer, she was a nurse. Instead of saying yeah I have it to or yeah we all get like that, she asked me further questions.",1 This past week when my phone bill payment wouldn't process I called my bank and an automated recording asked me to confirm my recent transactions. All of them were me attempting to pay my phone bill. I confirmed them. They all went through. I can't catch a break though that got fixed.,0 "Hello, You are invited to complete a survey for a WMU psychology department research project designed to assess treatment preferences among adults seeking treatment for a variety of concerns. We hope to learn if and how preferences for treatment change over time, and if patient’s perception of their treatment’s match to their preferences is related to the benefit received from treatment. The survey is open to anyone ages 18 or older who is currently engaged in mental health treatment for at least one month and four therapy sessions, and not longer than one year. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to provide some demographic/background information, respond to survey items about your preferences for treatment and how they have changed over time, and about your quality of life. The survey may take between 30-40 minutes to complete.",0 "What's the best way for me to hold out for a couple days? The only things I was able to pack was some clothes and my phone. Bought some spam, figured it was going to be tasty but nah it just tastes like salt. Honestly I think the biggest thing for me is to just stay sane. Goodluck to everyone out there.",0 "The problem is that before I even ask for him to do this like a grown up, I have gone fully Zuko fire bender mode and decided to unleash my wrath on Joe for not doing this. Other stupid occasions I have done this? Well, did it cause when we were long distance he wouldn’t initiate calling (I know Joe too well to know this is just unnatural for him), holding my hand more than he does, coming home and giving me a kiss, honestly he has a faster pace and I even equated him sometimes not walking at my pace as him not caring. What has Joe actually done to show me he cares? He puts up with my rage and abuse, he helps with my mother (who is nuts herself, so I guess I take after her), he has offered financial help if I need it (doing MSc).",0 "I'm a 20 year old guy and go to school with 3 friends, a 20 year old guy, a 20 year old girl and 19 year old girl. All 4 of us have been friends for a few years. All of us are interested in art/drawing and took an art class together last semester at the college we attend. While we were all chatting over break, one of the girls made a comment that it would be nice if we could get more practice with drawing the nude figure since she is taking a class on it this coming semester. I commented that if she wanted, the 4 of us could form a practice group, with each of us taking turns acting as a model.",0 "She was really worried about being retraumatized by her birth. At the time I didn’t understand trauma or realize how deep her problems were (since I hadn’t seen them much), but I always listened to her first and foremost. We paid out of pocket for a home birth with a backup hospital plan at her parents’ house. The birth was precipitous (very fast, only a few hours) and extremely traumatic and painful. No pain medication, and I think the speed of the birth makes it more traumatic, and our son had his hand over his head when he came out.",0 The problem is that I have zero support system. I have a job but I couldonly afford this motel room for a week and my dog followed me on foot for a few miles until we somehow got separated. He ended up at someone else's home and I want him back so badly. I have no way to go get him and I'm scared and alone and I'm a Christian but I need someone to tell me it's going to be ok. Please.,1 "I (30F) married my husband (31M) about 6 months ago after dating for 2 years and knowing each other for about 14. When we first hooked up, I had a very successful career in the adult industry and I supported him for almost 2 years before he got a job. He knew what I did before we hooked up because I had been in the industry for years and everyone back home knew. He told me multiple times that he accepted it and he loved me regardless. However, He has been very abusive, always blaming it on my job before and now that I have retired since our marriage he uses my past against me during every fight.",1 "My friend is coming to get me in the grocery store parking lot where I wound up after. It is, legally, without a doubt my fault, although actually not because the cops cut the guy in front of me off to let some school busses go past without traffic or whatever, the roads were slick, and I couldn’t stop in time, but I’m still freaking out in my head. Ugh. Mentally just not alright right now. I should not have gone out today.",1 "Wanted to celebrate with my friends, but I know the story would worry them more than anything else, and I'm really excited. I punched a guy for trying to not use a condom! I was sexually abused as a teen, and since then advocating for myself -especially in sexual situations- is really difficult for me. But today I had a guy come over and, when he tried getting off without using a condom **even though he agreed to use one not five minutes before,** I punched him several times off my bed and then a few times more while he was standing up (he's almost double my weight). I yelled at him for a bit and he shoved me down before he left, but within a minute of me reacting he was already putting on his shorts and on his way out.",0 1) His career/financial stability (makes sense) 2) His family (logical) 3) Me/his friends (ok) 4) Being healthy/gym and cooking and sleep time (cool) 5) A hobby we have,0 "I'm anxious right now I hope my life won't be miserable this year. I can't believe I have to get my eyes checked because one of them is getting sore. My life should be about me, not about medical doctors. I really love the idea of pain and sickness (sarcasm) I'm just so bloody sick of the crap. I really am.",1 "Every day I wake up doing nothing. Absolutely nothing except wasting my life, hoping something would happen but of course nothing would happen because I am a lonely fuck who pushes away everyone in his life while everyone else goes out and party like there is no tomorrow and fuck and cum like they are in a porno and make memories that not even one memory book is enough. Every day I wake up doing nothing. Either wasting my time playing videogames or watching the social media status scrolling up and up and up when in reality, i am doing absolutely nothing. Nothing is being absorbed in that stupid brain of mine, wherever the hell it is when I should be doing something more productive like studying or reading but either my own brain rotted to the size of a pea *(because of how mental disorders degenerate brain cells ... yay me, I am doing something at all)* or it just felt and flew up to Mars, or it is sitting its dark throne, rubbing its pitchfork, planning its next move on how to fuck me, both literally and figuratively.",1 "Hi Everyone, We're starting a company that will be operating in the self-help space. Put shortly, we are developing a research-based training program that educates users about the science of well-being and how to integrate the principles into their own lives. We will be providing tools that are both educational and immediately actionable, such as books, YouTube videos, and web-based learning modules. To make this effective, we need some information about your perception of the self-help field, prior knowledge of it, and current approach to your own well-being.",0 "Leaving was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do. My parents really disagreed with me taking time off from school, so as fall came, they spent every day trying to get me to go see if I could come back in the spring, and to get a job. Now job has always been a scary word for me, because my only job I've had is teaching people how to hit things beautifully (Percussion Private Lessons). I had come so close to interviews in the past, but I could never get myself to leave as the day came. This lead to my parents becoming more and more frustrated, and the only person I could seek refuge with, was Sarah.",0 "I am not sad, I am not depressed, I am still a very happy and optimistic person with a great life, good friends, family, job, all that. But I am struggling to manage this anxiety because it spills into life. I don't have thoughts I obsess over, I don't worry about anything really. It's just the stress I have been through set up my body for this crap response. Besides relaxation, meditation and such, what can you recommend?",1 "Unfortunately, money is what me and her don't have now. My friends' help has dried up, and I don't blame them one bit for that. After five months, I've exhausted pretty much all the friends I can. Going into every little thing that has happened could fill a book. Maybe I \*WILL\* write a book about it someday, I don't know.",1 "I feel terrible because we never do anything fun. We never go to the zoo or go to the movies because it’s usually too late and I’m too drained by the time I pick him up. Needless to say this lifestyle is absolutely killing me. I am miserable. I have zero friends, I see my wife a few hours a week because of our opposite schedules and I’m drained.",1 I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that posts on here. I just found this subreddit yesterday and reading all of your guys' posts have made me feel so much less alone. Knowing that other people understand what I'm going through for some reason has helped me tremendously. Particularly a post that someone made about feeling like their trauma isnt real and like convincing yourself that it didnt happen. I have felt like I'm crazy for years because I was in such deep denial about what happened to me.,0 "He wanted me to say once again that of course I was in the wrong and I need to change my selfish ways and give him the kind of love he deserves. When I stated I need space, he then demanded I be out by midnight tonight. I pointed out I would simply ask our roommate to spend 1 more night in the house as a guest. So he conceded to letting me sleep there tonight. This break up and crossroads is yet another opportunity for me to prioritize my needs in a creative and synergistic way.",1 "EDIT: I should also mention that when I do fall asleep, I snore REALLY loudly and I can hear myself in my sleep. My boyfriend says that it sounds like I'm not breathing or trying to breathe. --- **tl;dr**: I can't stay awake during tv/movies! Don't want it to drive a wedge between my boyfriend and I.",0 "I want to know about your story, how you got there, struggles you never realized you would face (as well as how you dealt with the ones you already expected), how you got out of it (if you did). Anything and everything you think might be relevant for me to look into. You do not HAVE to be a singer/musician to reply. Every story is worth listening to for me. If you're in NYC and can meet in person, that would be amazing as well.",0 "How could I when I felt so unwelcome? Idk, I'm sorry, I'm just so sick of carrying on when it's so fucking exhausting just to be told that it's never bloody fucking good enough for anyone. I'm fucking trying so hard. They claim to understand that I have ""issues"" (I had confided before they abandoned me) yet I'm never fucking good enough. I just want to drink a bottle of bleach and be fucking done with it.",1 "Before I could tell Erik we should go outside he threw me back onto the bed saying, ""yeah, you will make a deal. You will show me everything that you do behind my back, you fucking liar. You are always on your phone talking to guys and now you will show me everything!"" Erik had me on my bed laying pushed against the wall while he laid down on me with his full body weight. His body is so big and heavy it was making it harder and harder for me to breath as he was crushing me.",1 "Due to daughters older sibling and mother being the type that craves and feeds on enormous emotional attention, I am realizing how she's ended up making herself smaller and downplaying her own problems to not ""add to the burden"". AFAIK there has been no physical abuse, but there has been geographical and emotional abandonment from mother and brother, and probably a feeling of emotional abandonment from myself. She's smart and ambitious, but unfortunately totally lacking in self-confidence and has a habit of choosing away people and situations. I realize that through a life of undiagnosed ADD I've adopted a myriad of ""bad habits"" I will need to address for both mine and our sakes, as well as a ton of structure etc that need to be put in place. In that frame it would be very helpful to start at an end that benefits both of us, or at the very least doesn't exacerbate her PTSD.",0 "So earlier today I was suffering from extreme derealization, depression, and anxiety. So what I did is I let the thoughts free and whenever I got a tnhoguht I ignored it and I think I just suppressed my anxiety deep down. Now instead of having a panic attack I'm having body symptoms of it. I can't think myself form the symptoms. I can't find the trigger it just happened.",1 I just don't know what's real anymore. I can't live with everyone in my life thinking that I'm crazy AND a hysterical slut. I just can't do this anymore. I'm so ashamed I can't be in this skin anymore. I'm starting to get scared.,1 "Have had lots of other challenges of course... but I yearn for a connection with someone who has given up a child from rape for adoption. As I opened up to people around me, my support network expanded and I found more survivors. The comfort of hearing the same things I thought were freakish about my coming straight out of another woman’s mouth was like, wow. How comforting. And I crave that with adoption so much.",0 "I wouldn't say I'm a generally anxious person, but I have severe anxiety when it comes to my living space. I've lived alone in various apartments for a few years now, and I don't ever let people come over. I'm pretty messy, but not anything extreme enough to justify keeping people away. My boyfriend has only been over a handful of times and I do my best to rush him out. I'll go out of my way to keep people out.",0 "When I was a kid, I suffered a kind of unlikely injury that basically ruined me mentally, and it seems like I just CAN NOT get away from it, because it's such cheap gory shock value that everyone uses it when they need cheap gory shock value. And if I'm not mentally prepared to see it I have a panic attack or just start crying. A fucking jokey homebrew cursed item on r/DND did that to me today, and I hate that my trauma is so bad that I have to stay guarded even when I'm just reading a funny thread about my favorite hobby. I'm still thinking about that fucking item. I'm so tired.",1 "Well, not big but petty. Look, I live around the area of my assaulters. If I ever run into them, I wish I could yell out,” rapist! You know what you did!” I wish there would be witnesses and that they’d get to think about it. Gosh, I know.",0 "Your responses to the survey items will be anonymous and kept confidential. Clicking the “SURVEY” link below will take you to a page asking you to read through a consent form explaining the purpose of this research, the content of the survey, the type of questions you will be asked, the amount of time it may take to complete the survey, and the risks and benefits of your participation. At the end of the form you can click “AGREE” to consent to the use of the answers you provide and to begin completing the survey. Thank you for your time and interest.",0 "The survey will only take about 5 to 10 minutes and all we ask is that you are at least 18 years old and only fill out the survey once! We are hoping to reach 1000 responses but the more the merrier, so please also spread it among your friends and family! Feel free to comment below if you have any questions and I’ll try my best to answer them. Here’s the link: Edit: I've already posted this to r/SampleSize, but if anyone else know a good sub to send this to, please let me know!",0 "I can't get over this feeling. Nothing feels good. I just finished spring break and I had a chance to work out every day. Even when I was working out, I felt overwhelmingly anxious. I can't state concisely what I'm thinking.",1 "A has been set up and I’m hoping to help get a bit more assistance from this community. He is one of the hardest working guys I know and I love him like a brother. You can tell by the amount already raised that he is a good man who has the support and love of his community, friends and family around him. It is quite costly to transfer the remains of a loved one across the globe though and there are medical expenses and final bills on top of this that need to be paid for. Any assistance this community is willing to offer would be very much appreciated.",0 "Wrote this in about three minutes today. I need to work some things out but it is crazy how much writing has helped me in the past three and a half months. My therapist credits my journaling to the progress I am continuing to make. I want to send my thoughts to everyone posting on this sub, I am strong not only for myself but for you. Being in a toxic relationship is so isolating you don't even realize how many people feel hopeless and desperate for change.",0 "I posted in this subreddit about 6 years ago and find myself here again. I am just venting, and hoping someone can normalize me... but I know it’s probably 1 in a million posts. The past several months have been horrific. I deal with death on a daily basis at my job, and worked the 1 October shooting in Las Vegas. Then, on 10/15, my mother was rushed to the hospital for a seizure.",1 "I’m onto new studies now, erasing my ancient life, my life related to him. That’s how i’m reconstruct myself for now. I plan to see another therapist, someone who could help me without any conditions. I just need help. Thanks for reading, it was difficult, but felt good to finally write it down :)",0 "She told me she was excited, I was just more enthusiastic about it. I let it go, and we went out with friends for new years. I still felt this distance. New years morning we woke up, I rolled over and told her that I wanted 2018 to be the year we really focus on us, that I was excited to keep working on getting us to a good place. She didn't seem to care.",0 "We were able to get everything out quickly but.. this isnt a simple fix anymore. We have a roofer coming out on the 4th for an estimate, but unless its about 400 which I doubt it will be, I have no idea how to pay for this. This year has gotten worse and worse each month. We just blew everything we have to get out water pump fixed so we'd have water again (10.5k) plus our AC broke (luckily only $400) and then our car battery died (120..) ive maxed out every card I have, can barely make the min payments cause stuff keeps piling so my credit has been shot and I just... I dont even know what this sub could do to help but if anyone has some advice or like a charity that would help us?",1 "I’ve been trying not to get triggered or stamping on the instincts to just leave the place and be silent. Even with that, I couldn’t even really keep a hold and have had hard days where I just wanted to stay isolated from the world and disappear in my mind and try to heal myself and it isn’t working. I struggle to sleep sometimes and I do struggle with self worth, being comfortable with myself because I just don’t see myself as someone who’s important to other ppl. I'm really unsure how to deal with it. Also, I'm not sure if I should tell anyone because that couldn't have happened right and it could not have been that bad?",1 "My mother has always been a difficult person to talk with. She is extremely stubborn, and I have never seen her consider another person’s suggestion or opinion. She usually considers helpful advice or offers of assistance to be personal attacks. When having a conversation, she doesn’t listen to the other person, but only waits for her next turn to speak. She tends to obsess about a single topic and will refuse talk about anything else.",0 "Met a girl at a work convention, and really hit it off. Started dating, and really moved FAST. It felt like true love, the sex was awesome, she was so sweet. A few months in, she started zeroing in on anything she did not like, and would use anything she could against me. She would ignore my texts for periods of time, our sex life went down.",0 "**Just a quick update - My friend has had to be rushed to hospital as she is experiencing ruptured ovaries. She will need assistance urgently as she will have to stay somewhere and recover while trying to take care of her dog. I'd really appreciate any help on this. Thanks** My friend, Amanda, moved to North Carolina for a great job, with her doggy.",0 "It was his birthday a few days. I wished him happy birthday because I still care. He texted me back saying I made his day. It ruined mine. Now that I texted him, that I opened that door again.",1 "And I woke up. It took 3 nurses and some sort of shot to calm me down when I woke up and I had to lay there limp for an hour in the recovery room by myself. They then put me in the maternity ward, sharing a room with a mother who just had her baby. The second surgery was a few days later because the surgery was incomplete. I found out when the part of the baby came out and I slipped on it in the bathroom, my husband found me in a pool of blood crying on the ground.",1 "She then said to me ""Am I not worth the effort because you don't want to fix this?"" after I told her I did not want to see her. There is plenty of other passive aggressive stuff that she says, but right now I'm so blinded by my disbelief I can't even tell if she is just being emotional or manipulative. What bothers me is this behavior happens every time we have gotten into a fight and then I have to apologize and make it right. tl;dr: Got into a fight with gf of 2 years since highschool - I've hit my breaking point.",1 "I can hardly step into his room because that is where it is most concentrated. I love keeping a clean and nice smelling apartment. I don't mind doing extra cleaning and buying extra air fresheners to keep it that way. However, Matt's BO literally follows him around and lingers where ever he goes. This has cause our ENTIRE apartment to smell of testosterone and mildew in a matter of days and it's only getting worse.",0 "The last Sticky thread before this one: There is all kinds of things that friends or therapists say which has helped us, what helps for one person doesn't help for another, but I think it may be helpful if people share what has helped them here. It doesn't have to specifically be related to abuse, it can be advice that helps you in general. I guess what helps me is to remember that any one person can only do their best under the circumstances, not more.",0 "I don't know who I'm meant to talk to but I can't breathe. I can barely get out of bed or check my phone without panicking. But I'm always checking my phone in case someone messages me. I don't have it on loud because I don't like the noise. Yet my job requires me to always be reachable and the staff under me always ask me to help them, but I can't even help myself.",1 "*Road to homelessness. * I develop the idea that I was going to die young, at around 21 yrs old. I dont remember how I came to this idea but this was it. I was obsessed by this idea.",0 "My finances cover rent and bills. Groceries are a struggle but lately, I've barely been eating so fuck that. I'm just asking for enough to cover getting my car inspected and gas to get there. My life has been slowly falling apart since April of last year and I'm just done. Every morning that i wake up is a disappointment.",1 "Not because I didn’t have evidence, but because none of the evidence was permissible in court. My last order of protection was denied. I’m a survivor of childhood incest. It just seems like no one cares or wants to care about the psychological repercussions any of this abuse has on people. And I’m the one to blame for not being a perfectly normal person.",1 I don’t get paid again until 9/1/18. This is the only low cost apartment near my school. What can I do? I’m desperately in need help and it has to be paid. Very comfortable and willing to show proof of security deposit from the leasing portal.,1 "They are too old now to travel to the US and I would love to see them again. Here is a [picture of on dialysis. There are three requirements for a donor, blood type match, tissue match and you need to be in good health. If you are interested in donation or have any questions at all, please PM me and we can discuss next steps. I am located in Seattle and as long as you are in US, you can be considered for a donor.",0 "Woke up 4 days later, intubated and paralyzed. Didn't know if I was locked in, had suffered brain damage from lack of oxygen, I had no idea what was happening. I could hear everyone. No idea how much time passed before someone noticed. The paralytics given to me to keep me comfortable were off and I could move again.",0 "First and foremost, I am not a veteran. I found out about PTSD service dogs from my good friend who also suffers from PTSD and is in the process of training her pup to be a service dog. I have found some helpful resources online giving information about service dogs for PTSD, but most of them seem to be geared toward either: therapy dogs or PTSD dogs only for veterans. ➡️ are all trainings this expensive? ➡️ awesome article, but this website is also for veterans",0 Every rational part of me believes I'm retroactively terrified of the fact I almost didn't get to live the life I'm living now. I wish I wouldn't think about it. But I just keep doing it. It's like I get some sick thrill out of the fear and anxiety like it's a horror movie or rollercoaster. I know I shouldn't be feeling that way about it but I am and I don't know why or how to stop it.,1 "If you want to chat about anything, visit the support forum and hang around to find a member of support staff (such as myself) who will do their best to support you through whatever you are going through. We are based in Dundee, Scotland (UK) but have supported survivors from all over the world. Those who are local, or are willing to make the trip, we have Centre in Dundee where you can talk to volunteers and support staff in person. I hope you all find the peace you are looking for, Ross",0 Yet no matter what I do the feeling of unwantedness and just pure hopelessness never fades. I don't really know what I'm doing anymore. Is there anywhere out there where I can just pack my stuff and live alone? Is there someone I can talk to about all this or some kind of help for things like this? I'm currently alone and have no one to talk about any of this.,1 "I tell her this, which falls on deaf ears. Next day, we go to work things out. And I freak out when staff at the library call cops over us ""being loud"", I freak out over some very minor warrants. Which leads to her disappearing untill today when we have a meeting with a councilor. While waiting & the drop in center for the shower she assaults me & I block her blows.",1 Because i feel like nothing i do isn't even worthy of being considered a success. Because the carpet is cover in pee from animals and reminds me of my mothers house. How i used to go to school every morning covered in cat and dog urine. Every little bit of confrontation feels like world war 3 in my head. Every little feels like it gets put on me as blame and i cant deal.,1 "I do not know if I ought to, to be honest. I determined to quit drinking nine months ago, and have been sober seven weeks. But I never had any desire to quit grass, and I still don't. But I am in trauma therapy for the last four months, and my therapist has brought it up a number of times. She keeps saying it affects my motivation and depression, but it helps with bot the GAD and social anxiety.",1 "This is a long shot and kind of awkward to admit, but I'm a college student who lives 1500 miles away in Ohio. After months of looking for a job, I finally got one but not in time to pay my rent because of that I got a ton of fee's added to my rent for being late. I have been served an eviction and have pay over $1000 by august the 15th. While I have half of that I' am trying to pick up some web design clients--- I was a web designer before I went back to school. I also have experience being a virtual assistant.",0 As someone in there house is no longer going to be living with them as a mutual agreement. I get along really well with some people in this agreed group and they are far more enthusiastic and keen than the others I mentioned above. I discussed with this group prior to the free slot that it would be lovely to live with them if possible and now that they have a slot it's actually possible. Since that happened I agreed to live take the slot with them. Having a house with them (five of us total) and I think it's in my best interest as they are a tight friend group meaning communication to sort it out is easier and they're more assertive - four of them are also taking the same subject as me.,0 "I don't think I've ever felt soo intimidated by someone before. I feel like I'm going to melt whenever I'm around him. Although you're thinking, what's the worst that can happen. He rejects you? Previously, I made a stupid attempt to try and hook up with him during one of my ""breaks"" with my boyfriend (we previously broken up for a few months, but got back together during the 3 years together).",0 "I beg him to let go of me so I can get my phone and call my dad. I bang on the floor and scream for help to try to get the downstairs neighbours' attention. He mocks my crying and tells me he's not doing anything to me, that I'm freaking out over nothing. We're struggling against each other, his elbow hitting my face, his arm occasionally choking me. I fight hard to inch towards my phone to get help, but any time I get close he grabs my phone and throw it out of my reach.",1 "First time posting here so I apologize if I am breaking any rules. I have been taking Sertraline (Zoloft) for about 10 years now. At my lowest points, I was taking 200 mg a day but I have been stable on 150 mg a day for a while now. I would like to one day be off of it completely, but I know that will take a lot of time and work. My question is, can anyone tell me their experiences with withdrawal symptoms?",0 But I could feel construction workers staring at me. I know I might be paranoid but I don’t want to take chances anymore I’m scared. I already paid for a year at the gym (about 6 months ago.) Do you think I should talk to someone about getting at least a partial refund for the 6 months? I don’t want to bring my situation up to them and have them say sorry but not our problem.,1 "(Mind you we are all here from DSS/Social Services and in this homeless motel shelter) So now it is about 10:00pm and once again he knocks on their door and tells them to turn it down and to be quiet. Nope...that's just not going to happen, as soon as he was out of earshot the cRap music and loud partying resumed. So I sit in my room perplexed as what to do about this,(wanting to get some much needed sleep) as it seems asking them to turn the music down and to quiet down was not going to happen. (obviously they're above the rules and law and don't give a shit about others in the motel) So I sat there thinking and I decided to call the owner/manager one last time and tell him PLEASE get these people to be quiet and turn the music down and to quit being so damn loud. He tells me ""I have told them 2 times to turn the music down and be quiet and they won't listen to me, why don't you call the police yourself"" I was floored by him saying this to me and told him it was NOT my job to enforce the rules, it was his.",1 Not sure the best way to describe it but for the last week and a half I have had to be social and around people every day except for a couple of hours each evening and it is KILLING ME. I’m on edge constantly because I need a break to just start over. And now I’m on the way to a 3 day work seminar in another country and I feel like there is zero mental energy left. I get back and then have work on Monday again. Anyone else feel like they need a day or two alone to “recharge” their (mental) energy?,1 "I'm in the seventh grade and I started an after school activity last trimester. In our school, the year is split into three trimesters, and you can sign up for different activities each trimester. Last trimester, I started the club (Anime/Manga Fanclub) and we received an email with the activities that had too many people signed up. My club was in it! This really boosted my self confidence, and everyone really seemed to enjoy the activity.",0 "He broke contact with the whole family, only sparingly speaking to his little sister after she followed his example and split. I think he is very ashamed of his past. He *never* talked about anything like this with me. I’m honestly really worried he thinks I would think less of him if I knew, and the idea of that breaks my heart. I didn’t tell him what his sister told me.",1 I get home and go to bed and then struggle getting up in the morning. I’m trying so hard but I feel like I just can’t get it right. I feel stupid for literally everything I’ve done in life so far and the way I’ve gone about things. I’m terrified that letting this out will ruin me. I try so hard to pretend everything is ok and I just can’t anymore.,1 "I can't begin to summarise how I feel about her. I want to spend the rest of my life with this person, but I want to help work through this stuff together. Once she goes into an anxiety spiral I'm completely at a loss of what to do apart from hold her and stroke her hair. What strategies can help break the spiral when she starts one, and how can I approach the topic of seeing a counsellor and developing mindfulness strategies without her going into a panic attack? Help me /r/anxiety, you're my only hope.",1 "it’s the first relationship I’ve been in that feels “serious” and friends comment on how well we get along in public. We laugh a lot and we have the same sense of humor. I have been known as sort of a funny person and this is the first girl I’ve been with in a relationship that consistently makes me laugh hard. Plus she is very caring and sweet, a good friend. We have not had a serious fight in a long time, maybe more than 3 months.",0 12. End of January I just didn't have any way to get enough money and we collapse with an eviction process started. 13. Working with friends and others we managed to get the money right after the judgement was issues for eviction. This stopped the eviction but we still had a judgement.,1 "I basically said the same back, because it's true. The following days and weeks we kept hanging out occasionally and stayed in touch when she wasnt at BF in other city. Than randomly, out of nowhere, no response... Few days , weeks, and now about 2 months. I called texted for about the first 2 weeks to see what was going on. Than just stopped trying.",0 "All I have from them is a roof over a head and sometimes food that suits my diet. They won’t talk to me about my problem, they won’t lend me a hand to find a job, they won’t support me with my uni, they won’t even lend me a car to drive to doctors. All I keep hearing is to: go talk to doctors if I’m ill and get antidepressants if I’m depressed. Not realising that neither one will solve my problem. So I thought that maybe someone could help me out with this, maybe someone has similar experience.",1 "So often I feel like posting something personal, even a ""me too"" sort of comment on social media, relating to the abuse I went through when I was married (divorced 2 years now and moved far away), but every time I hold back because we have many friends in common, and I feel like speaking about my experiences would come across as badmouthing him in a public way and airing dirty laundry. I'll talk to people about it in person, or other private way, any time. I wish I felt like I could be more open about it. When I do make a post, like for domestic violence awareness month, I make it seem like I'm just posting in general, not necessarily about my own life, for example. But it all still feels like when I had to be so secretive about so many things, because he was so controlling.",0 "I hope I can remember that my anxiety was misguided and ultimately wrong. And more than that, I hope that whoever reads this (if anyone does) can remember it too. I wasn't sure how to end this before, and I am not sure how to end it now, so I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes from the great Stanley Kubrick... ***""And remember no matter how vast the darkness, we must supply our own light. ""***",0 "I have panic attack after panic attack and I truly just don't know what to do anymore. No matter how I explain the severity of my situation to people, they STILL somehow seem to not understand just how miserable my mind makes me everyday. I get intrusive thoughts like about how something terrible could happen to my family, or a lot of ""what ifs"". My mind is running 24/7 and it's driving me insane. I have a terrible fear of dying along with an even more crippling fear of something happening to my family (my parents, brothers..) all day long my mind plays thoughts and scenarios that leave me sad, scared, constantly wired with fear, and over all exhausted.",1 "It was an honour to do it for this amazing man and example of manhood at its most heroic, courageous and incisive inteligence of a surgeon working with a loaded gun to their head, RPGs exploding 10 feet away.   **Please share your stories and comments.",0 "By the fourth infusion, I was able to sleep through the night, and only got a mild feeling of anxiety when talking or thinking about it. Today, while leaving my psychologist's office, I saw someone get hit by a car. It was not pretty. He died. Right as I'm starting to move past one, another happens.",1 "A few days before Valentine’s Day, someone sent me screenshots of him talking to a girl on FaceTime or Instagram saying “you’re so cute” and flirting with her. I decided not to say anything- the girl lived in another state and I didn’t want to bring it up. I figured she was a fried from when he had hitchhiked across the country when he was in college. I waited till Valentine’s Day, and called him up- he told me “I don’t think we should live together, and I just signed a 9 month lease at my apartment.” I was livid. He brought me 2 dozen roses and I smashed them in front of him in a parking lot.",1 "Starting at 10:00 AM on Monday, January 8, 2018 at 10:00 EST the online counseling service will be doing an IAMA where they take questions from the /r/IAMA Reddit Community about their services. Here at /r/Domesticviolence, we do not support one company that does online therapy over another, but we thought you may have questions for them and here is your chance. Some of the past IAMAs they have done are: * * ",0 "He has applied for disability but is currently facing waiting two years for an answer (he was denied once before). He tells me he wants to work but is unable to due to the pain he suffers from walking/being on his feet for too long, and a fine he could face from disability for applying for job while applying for disability. He currently has no bank accounts or other means to collect money. He literally only has the clothes that are on his back. I am currently unable to fully support him because I am living across the country from him and am not able to afford to rent him a room (about $500 a month) along with my own expenses and any additional expenses he might need.",1 "Have any of you requested accommodations through your university, and if so, would you be willing to share what's helped/hasn't helped? Thanks! Edit: Thank you SO MUCH to those who have responded! Are there any specific accommodations you asked for that were beneficial? (For instance, for my day job I work in classrooms with kids that have ADHD.",0 "My heart is palpitating because I finally responded in a group chat that I'm not so active in because I'm scared nobody is going to care what I say. So I finally responded this morning because the chat seems active and it couldn't possibly hurt right? I'm trying to beat my anxiety. Well, my fears were confirmed. Nobody responded to what I texted.",1 "How can I be a good boyfriend in this situation? I don't think she should “give up having friends” and I think she should hold on to the ones who suffer from similar issues and understand (and some of them are also great, kind people that she should hold on to regardless). I think spending time with other people than me is good for her, but she is so afraid of ruining things for others. TL;DR: Girlfriend has anxiety attacks and cancels plans with friends, not all friends are very understanding. I know how to comfort her when she's feeling down, but how do I otherwise support and advise her in the best possible way?",0 "Stop! "", not being aware of what happens around her anymore. Apparently she also dissociates during this time and she doesn't remember anything afterwards. It breaks my heart to see this but it also kind of scares me. It's difficult to watch.",1 So he hasn't really hit me since we got back together but he's cruel in so many other ways. He will call met fat ass (I'm 5ft8 and 130 pounds) and just had our third child. He tells me I'm ugly and a dumb b****h and tells me I can't do anything right. He constantly calls me a whore. He tells me a whore for not kiwearing a bra in our house.,1 "So the now: we had been commiserating for a while about our shitty exes and stress, and about 3 weeks ago I was on a date and realized I would have rather just spent the night with her instead of the date. A couple days later while having some drinks and de-stressing I kissed her. She kissed me back. We stopped before having sex and ended up meeting a couple days later where we both agreed to take things slow, in light of our most recent breakups. We ended up spending the next few nights together as she didn't want to be home around her ex and we just cuddled and would kiss but then stop before we had sex.",0 We still have up until December on this lease together. I sponsor him in this country because he cannot stay on his own. We also work together. Today he was crying and begging me not to leave him (which I already had done) etc. I told him he needs mental health care - not for the first time - and that I can't trust him after what happened on the stairs because he crossed an even worse line than he has before with verbal abuse.,0 He tells me he loves me with his smile and outstretched arms every day. I need to be a good mom for him. ​ Thank you for reading. I have been holding this in for so long and I guess I just wanted to be heard.,0 "I have a friend whose recently been made homeless by her family who housed her for a while after the break up of a long term serious relationship. I’m an immigrant here so I don’t understand Texas’ thousands of ridiculous laws. However I want to know how I can help my friend out. She receives $600 a month child support for 3 children, and is currently a student (not enrolled for summer because of homeless situation) otherwise her only other income is FAFSA. We have tried all section 8 facilities in the north texas area and all have told us theres a 7-10 year waiting list.",0 "I got 6 stitches. My parents love my bf and in fact, my mom and him are so close that they go on walks and go to the movies together. I felt uncomfortable and unwanted by his family. To be fair, I was also a little closed off with them but mainly because I felt so unwanted. I have put on some weight, which I am sure his dad noticed because he absolutely hates fat people.",1 "My friends and family don't understand why he is so jealous and controlling because they know when I'm in a relationship I'm faithful. Im ready to take him out of my life, but what should I do? When hes angry I don't know what extent he would go to. How should I handle it? Ignore him or communicate calmly so he doesn't get mad?",1 "I don't trust anyone, especially myself. I am going fucking crazy. I feel there's really only 3 conclusions to my life currently. The psych ward, which after being involuntarily admitted in January and paying close to $11K for that 4 day stint where no one gave a shit about me or even attempted to ask me more than 3 questions about my mental health a day, isn't an option. Plus I can't take off work indefinitely because I'm a basket sake.",1 "he still holds me back in life. he still finds ways to get to me. YET I STILL TALK TO HIM. and i always feel worse after i do. i've tried blocking him on social media, but he still finds ways to get to me.",1 "I have so much stress over money on a daily basis that sometimes it’s nearly unbearable. As I mentioned, I have received some emergency assistance in the form of loans through /r/borrow, for which I am beyond grateful. But though they provide temporary relief, the loans themselves just end up being part of this vicious circle and mire me even deeper in the debt I’m trying to escape. I know more loans aren’t the answer. So I’m looking for a different kind of help.",1 i was anxious because the waiting room was full of crying babies and kids. i have no clue if i really have tachardiya or my heart rate increased because of my anxiety. i just dont get it i visited doctors many times and this is the 1st time this happened. i measured my heart rate over 100 times over a month period using heart rate app on phone it said my heart rate avrege is 77bpm and it goes lower to 64 when i just wake up. I JUST DONT GET IT IM SCARED I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!,1 "The reality is acceptance is a huge step in moving forward in any treatment, thing of AA and the whole 12 steps first is admitting your an alcoholic because denial will not help SHIT. It will make you resistant to treatment, and all kinds of things. #7 Develop a Vice...I recommend a healthy one. Develop an addiction..and no not a drug/drinking addiction (the white coats give us as enough meds...don't seek out more) but you have have health immoral habits, if binge watching tv is your thing, eating an entire cake to yourself, buying expensive tabletop games, whatever. DO IT, don't do it everyday but set some time once a month, twice a year, every few months depending on your vice and exercise it.",0 "I apologised and thought that was the end of it. It’s gotten to the point that if I walk into a room, she’ll leave straight away, and if she doesn’t leave, or if I start talking to her or someone else, she sighs a lot so I know my presence is not wanted. If I’m in her general direction of travel, she’ll be sure to make a wide berth around me, and the only time she’s spoken a full sentence to me was to say “thanks for my present” that I got her for Christmas. Then we get to tonight. Eva and one of my brothers are staying over at our cousins house.",0 "We have an active community with diverse interests and diagnoses. We do require that our members be people suffering from disorders rather than asking for advice on another's behalf. Our focus is on support, so we have 10+ support channels in which you can talk 1:1 with a support volunteer. We have lots of off-topic channels for creativity, physical health, meme-spam, and a daily-prompt for writing exercises. The Haven: Care when you need it, care for others when you can.",0 "It turns out they had been giving our grandparents a very idyllic, picturesque idea of what life in the church was like and my grandmother hated herself for a long time for not knowing what the truth was, even though there's no way she could have. I'm now I'm college and in therapy. My sister was younger than me and doesn't have quite as much baggage from it all, I don't think she remembers as much or maybe she blocked more of it out, another small mercy, but she still has deep issues and acts out in really inappropriate ways. I've found a measure of happiness. Edited for spelling and sentence structure.",0 "Where each person does what they do because they love the other person and get pleasure out of pleasing their partner. And I know this sounds so horrible and I hate myself for it, but I almost feel like it will never happen. Like she's been broken. Even if you put the pieces back together for a broken glass, it will never truly be like new. And I feel awful for feeling that way but I've been trying (and patiently waiting) for nearly a year now.",1 "I've been homeless for a couple days since my roommate completely screwed me by not paying rent for 5 months and hid notices from me. I only had a week to move out, and get things into storage. I was able to find a roof to sleep under for a short time but it's severely roach infested and I have to sleep on the floor. There isn't anything availible at my price range, certainly not on that short of a notice. I had a few prospects but they went to other people.",1 "I've Shazamed it, I googled it. When I had a podcast, I even asked my listeners if any of them could tell me any information about it. Nothing. So now I'm hoping someone out there knows anything about the band, the song title ( my guess is that it's called ""The Bus"") The song is ",0 "When I think about your reasoning behind not letting me homeschool back then, I realize now how much it contradicts your decision in ripping my extended family away from me. By pushing me to put myself out there and make new friends, I only ever feared that you would find a way to take them all away from me somehow. To this day, when I think of the word “family”, I think of (multiple cousins’, aunts’ and uncles’ names), etc. Not you. Not (sister’s name).",1 "Hello, I'm 22, female and from the UK. I'm kind of freaking out right now because I think something happened to me as a child. I don't even know, I'm sorry I wish I had something concrete to say but I don't think I could even type it out. The problem is I've recently moved to Japan on my own and have no one to talk to here. I would normally talk to my boyfriend but he's not awake and I don't even know what I'd say to him - I don't even feel like I can say anything out loud even if I was with him.",1 "I was recently diagnosed with PTSD (theoretically CPTSD but that's not an official diagnosis so whatever). It's been 3 years since I escaped my abuser who abused me for 3 years as well. However because I was so young (high school/college), people have disregarded the validity of my abuse- which results in me hiding it from the world. That sucks, but it's not as bad as what it does to me. On top of crippling anxiety about everyday life, I have a terrible fear of commitment that I didn't realize I had until I moved in with my current boyfriend.",1 "That you're super grateful that you're alive and want to share what you have with everyone, or that you don't feel like you were one of the lucky ones. It's probably something she just stuffed. Who knows. But again, is my sister a survivor of 9/11 or a victim? I think she was missed in count of the walking wounded, until today.""",0 "I look in the mirror and all I see is fat, even though I'm smaller than a lot of people. Secondly, my sister decided to let my ex, who I broke up with, move in with her, and his new boyfriend. She intentionally told my brother not to tell me about the situation, and then she says that I wouldn't be upset if I didn't love him still. I'm not upset because I still love him. I'm upset because she's my sister.",1 "I started freaking out, went to the hospital because I couldn't breath. Occasionally I still feel anxiety when alone and bored at my house. My depression is now not a problem at all but the legacy it left is annoying. I feel so terrible being honest about that evil summer but recognizing my post traumatic stress makes me so happy. Any advice I've only recently been honest with myself and I think its about time I realized its not regular anxiety but ptsd.",0 If you're stuck and too anxious to move just know that you are always making progress. It's okay to do it in your own way. I'm so grateful to this sub- it was really amazing to see that I wasn't alone in this. Reading other's struggles and accomplishments inspired me beyond belief. So I hope that if you're reading this you can find your own inspiration.,0 "I've hit a roadblock and I need your help. I created a Gofundme campaign just to try and get my foot in the door. You can check it out at and please, if you're not able to donate, please share it with anyone you know who might, or any groups you might be a member of who might help. I'm 30 years old now and have nothing to show for it, and I'd like to change that. Thank you all and good karma for everyone.",0 "He has been my best friend since the first day we met, he treats me great, he is always loving, not at all selfish, etc. We rarely fight and have only had maybe 2 other big arguments which we worked out. I am just so hurt over what he said to me. Do I just let it go and move forward with his apology? Like I said, it’s not like either of us ever drink and the only reason we made it a point to drink so much was because I spent so much on the alcohol package for vacation.",1 "I just want to get rid of the pent up confused bouncing energy inside me, so I cry because I've overwhelmed myself... not because I'm weak... That's what I tell myself at least.... I force myself to do things even if they make me uncomfortable just because I know normal ppl would not have the same issue.... Must act normal.. They won't like me if I don't... I am tired all the time, I just want someone to guide me. Take my hand and just understand I need their company to stop the war in my head, but torn because they say I should be able to do that for myself..",1 "The truth that sometimes there is nothing more you can do but mitigate the symptoms of your PTSD. That psychotherapy, DBT, CBT and all manner of psychological sciences have limits. That many people do not respond to treatment. That medication is not a cure-all. That scientists neither really understand what neurological mechanisms which cause PTSD, nor how the medications they use to treat it work.",0 "Also I can't think about both of them without getting angry and jealous again, but to talk to each of them is actually helping me a lot. --- **tl;dr**: Three Friends where one M was fallen in Love with F and F was fallen in Love with the other M, which isn't feeling anything for her as an Girlfriend. We could be the best template for an 2,5h long Teenager-Drama. ---",1 "He came home from who knows where and he walks in. I asked him where he had been because i was starting to get worried. He was mad, i could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. Next thing i knew he was behind me with his arm around my neck squeezing. He continued as he threw me on the couch and wrapped his legs around my stomach.",1 "and now it's like he did a complete 180 and decided that I have to do exactly what he wants. I'm sure that he is worried about his children going wild as young adults like he did, which is fair, but frankly, I've always been very responsible with money, drinking, and just about everything else. I've always been told that I'm mature for my age and have never been anything near a problem child. I really don't think there's any cause for him to worry so much about me, and I'm terrified of standing up to him because, frankly, he does stuff like take my phone away or monitor my spending, so I don't feel safe standing up to him. I obviously can't go along with this forever.",1 "Please, I'm NOT looking for any handouts. That's the last thing in the world I need. I WANT to pay back every penny that's loaned to me. I just feel like this is too big of a loan to ask on /r/borrow, and I'm stuck in such a rut. I've found a few nice cars around here that I feel would fit the bill in the $2500 price range, and then tax, tag and title, and maybe a couple months of insurance payment.",0 * I refused to fold his underwear. Just a couple smacks this time. (age 9) * I couldn't convince my dad to sign adoption papers so stepdad could adopt me. Late nights with mom ensue and I get special attention from stepdad for a week or two (age 7 or 8),0 "It's just us two and it's, really intense. She hugs me, tells me how much she's missed me. Reminisces about our relationship. Tells me how I broke her heart. She tells me about lads she's been with since and it felt like she was comparing them all to me and gets really emotional.",1 "Without my boyfriend who I thought was my best friend, my two female friends who used to always have my back becoming distant, and now not knowing who or what to trust seeing as Nex and I still work in the same industry my PTSD is just skyrocketing off the charts. With no roots put back down yet (which I’m working on the living sit) and no one close to turn to emotionally, how the fuck do I go on? When is enough enough? When is it too much? I know giving up is not an option but it is all so overwhelming...",1 "A guy pulls up and said the cops are on the way. He gives me a ride and we just get out of the parking lot when cops are all over, bugging everyone...especially the homeless and kids skating and stuff. We saw a few people getting arrested, but just cops messing with people. 2 good things came out of all this. I didn't get busted and I made a new friend who got me lunch and wants to see me.",0 "However, he seems to have quite few girl-friends and he is friendly with them, but not to this extend I would say. We have known each other for a month now and I wonder should I wait for him to make a move / should I completely leave it since he is coworker / or should I ask him out? I am interested to get to know him and I dont have problem to ask him out casually, however, I dont want to rush things. On the other hand, I dont want it to get too old and have lots of small talk and not really get to know each other. Any advise?",0 "I've been trying to remain hopeful that these symptoms won't really start improving until 6-8 weeks like the first time I took it to relieve depression. It doesn't help that after looking up SSRI withdrawal online, I've read reinstating might not work the longer I'm off it and it's recommended to take a very low dose in order to alleviate symptoms. This is leaving me worried since I've stopped for a month and took a higher dosage than I last left off. It doesn't say what happens if I happen to take a high dosage, so I'm worried I'm making things worse by continuing with this high dosage and I have no idea what to do right now. I feel very messed up and I'm scared these withdrawal symptoms will never go away or may become permanent.",1 "This has *obviously* created some crushing tension in the apartment, with no one really having to go other than work during the day. (We've all recently moved to the area and don't really have family/mutual friends to stay with.) Flash forward to last night...I'm asleep on the couch and she comes in at 1AM, blackout drunk, shakes me awake violently to tell me of the Tinder date she just got back from and how awful it was. But the guy she had sex with last night was pretty good, etc. This goes on and on, turns to threats of violence against me for uprooting and throwing her life into whack.",1 "Has anyone dealt with urinary retention as a side effect of lexapro? I've been taking lexapro for like 2 weeks or so, and in the past week it has become very difficult to pee, even at home (it sometimes takes a lot of pushing, and my bladder never feels like it's truly empty.). And the more I have to go, the harder it is, so I try to go often, like every 30 mintues or hour or so (even at night). I can barely eat or drink anything anymore. I did some research and it appears that urinary retention could be a side affect of lexapro.",1 "For example, she once tried to stab her mum's boyfriend because she didn't want her mum to be with anyone - they were in their mid 60s. She has been in a lot of fights over the years, but in general isn't usually physically violent - it's usually manipulation. I'm concerned because she found out last night that he is seeing this ex gf of his. He doesn't know how she found out - he's kept it very, very private. She came back to the house they used to share (he was there with their kids in bed while she had been out) and lost it with him.",1 "I can't be in an abusive relationship, but I find my brain trying to rationalize this. To expand a little more, this incident happened just a week after we had a huge fight over my depression, which he doesn't seem to understand completely. I've been stuck in a depressive episode for the greater part of a year, despite medication changes and weekly therapy sessions. I've been suicidal for quite some time now and he knows that, but last week he actually told me ""maybe you should just kill yourself."" So, in light of that happening very recently, I'm in a very dark place right now.",1 I'm completely devastated. My cat was just hit and killed by a car. I don't think I'm allowed to bury him in the garden (we rent) and I don't know what to do. I've searched online and found loads of pet cremation services but they all cost a fortune. I don't have a penny to my name as I'm unemployed.,1 "I keep getting this... creeping/moving feeling in my stomach. Right below where my ribs part, maybe slightly to the right. I have no idea what it is but I've never had stomach issues with my anxiety. It just started in the past couple of weeks. Admittedly my anxiety has been a lot worse lately.",1 "No wonder I get scolded for bad grades, called a lazy, worthless piece of fuck because I am too lazy or too stupid to care about exams and my future, but in reality, I deeply care too much as if I feel like the whole fucking world of 7 billion people, and millions or billions of other organisms are on my shoulders ... and all I can do is to shut down entirely. I shut down by brain, my thoughts, my emotions, everything because I cannot take all the anxiety. All the pressure. All the fear and terror. Sometimes I feel as depressed as if I am a lonely guy in a post-apocalyptic setting where everyone is either dead or absent or gone.",1 "So I've been taking Zoloft for several months and it has been working well for anxiety/depression but I'm having some problems with it. The biggest problem is that my mind feels blank a majority of the time. When conversing with other people sometimes I feel as if I have nothing to say. I feel as if I am less witty, and also less creative. I've backed down my dosage from 100mg to 50mg with some success as I don't feel as 'spaced out'.",1 "It sucks because I work on a computer and type all day at work and do needlepoint and sewing as a hobby and I can't do those things when it's this bad. Of course when people (family, coworkers, friends) see the brace they ask what happened. I always blame carpal tunnel. I feel so angry that I am still covering up for my abuser. I am angry I can't e joy my life without him showing up randomly.",1 "im so scared of everything around me, whenever I have a panic attack, I can't even call out for help, I just choke on my own breath and cry im just fearful of what's going to happen in the future. I'm already seeing a therapist but i've been relapsing so bad since september and i just don't know what to do it's been such a rollercoaster and it just feels hopeless to recover from this im sorry for bothering you guys i just need to talk.. everyone i can talk to is asleep and i wouldnt be able to talk to them even if I could, i feel so numb after the panic attack i had last night, i just.. Need a talk, a distraction or something, because right now I just feel so. wrong and out of place",1 "It wasn't a trap (like, wth?) and I just couldn't hide my emotions effectively. I know he has a lot on his mind lately and he's very anxious, but so do I, and I also feel it's unfair to him to use me as his emotional punching bag. I love the guy, but lately I've been thinking almost on daily basis whether to put an end to the relationship. I'm exhausted by his continuous lashing out and bullshit.",1 "I have an extremely ironic sense of humour and my friends seem to get along with it. So it's generally easy to be extroverted around them, especially with the alcohol that is usually associated with our meet ups. I opened up to two people, one of them is my best mate he just took everything in and offers me support when I ask for it, but generally stays away from the topic. The other person is a girl who confessed her fucked up brain to me, and I impulsively did the same back. We talk about each others feelings a lot, and I think that helping her is one of the very few ways I can feel any sort of happiness.",0 "I was cleaning my house with bleach, got a nasty burn in my throat when I woke up the next day. Day later it went away, but the day after that I got the worst body aches, chills, 100.6 fever, and dizziness for 2 days. It all cleared up but I have had this dry cough for 4 days now with no relief, it keeps me up at night, and I go into these coughing fits. What should I Do? I can't see a doctor for 2 more weeks as I am out of town on a job, i think I am a hypocongiract so ii worry a lot lol.",1 "And then a short moment after i fell asleep i get quite a lot text messages, that at least another dude do want her to sleep over, that im a shit guy, and so on. I honestly dont think i can live long with this, but i do care about her and want to do something back for her. I was pretty much done with my live and lost all fate and interest in things. She was the one that got me back on these things. And beside these moments i have a good time with her aswell.",0 "I feel like I'm letting this take over my life, I'm constantly worried, about what if is more then just anxiety. I went to the university psychiatrist, after a 15 min talk he gave some pills and he book the next consultation for a mouth later. The psychologist is impossible to book because is full. My parents are away they worry so much, they want me to come home, I live 5 hours away from them (this includes flying). I just don't know, I feel really insecure about all of this.",1 "* Fix your own car. Google/youtube your problem, Ive saved thousands of dollars because I replaced my own window switch, sunvisor, hood latch, lights, etc... Not to mention each time I get a bit more confidence. Food/Grocery * This is my[ reference website for food because I dont want to eat rice and beans every day. * Stop eating out if you can help it.",0 "This SUCKS, we're booking plane tickets next Wednesday and half of me is ecstatic but the anxious half of me is dreading it. I need to figure out how to calm all this anticipatory anxiety so I can just let myself enjoy my relationship, the excitement leading up to our trip, and even the trip itself (although I feel like once I'm there I'll be fine)! This is the same anxiety that has stopped me before, and I am NOT letting it stop me again. To anybody who's experienced this before, what tips or strategies can you give me to help overcome it? TL;DR- Very anxious about upcoming trip because I'm afraid of being trapped/away from the comfort of my home, to the point where it's affecting other parts of my life, how do I get over the anticipatory anxiety so I can enjoy myself?",1 It’s gotten to the point where I feel like Tom is completely controlling me in the effort to “protect” me. He won’t let me go anywhere without him and when he is forced to leave me he calls me every half hour and panics and comes home if I don’t answer (I don’t purposefully not answer- occasionally I am napping or studying). I understand that the events were traumatic for Tom. I recognize that every time I go to a follow up medical appointment he is frightened. I understand that the fact that I still take medication scares him.,1 "What temperature is it outside? What do is smell? What do I️ taste? What do I️ see? It can go on, I️ stop when I’m feeling more present.",0 "It's not really safe for me to be driving. I can't even function enough to do the grocery shopping. Sometimes it goes into an actual panic attack, but not too often. My husband has recently banned me from going anywhere alone unless absolutely necessary (like to work). Is this something a service dog would be helpful for?",1 "I was so sure that tattooing was the career I wanted to get into but after completing the apprenticeship and even working as a tattoo artist AND piercer for about a year, I find myself still fucking miserable. Maybe even worse than before. The first tattoo shop I worked for was great but I had to move and I struggled finding another shop like that one. The owner of the last shop I worked in was just a total fucking asshole and treated me like dirt. There's a lot more detail with that story but to make it short, the entire experience made me terrified of going into tattoo shops now.",1 "Even as I’m cooking, he’s still screaming in my face, telling me that I’m done at my job and I need to quit now. I yell back, something about him not having a job and he grips me up from behind with an arm around my throat, and I grab the knife I was using to cut chicken and tell him to get off of me. He lets go, and we scream a bit more. I made a smart remark, and he jabbed me in my face. It busted the inside of my lip and I was bleeding.",1 "By contributing to my fund, you are investing in the future health of Latinos, immigrants, and the US. I promise to not let you down at Columbia and I will continue breaking down barriers should you choose to donate/sponsor. If you cannot donate, I ask that you please share my link and continue supporting students such as myself. Thank you for your support <3#undocumentedandunafraid Link: ",0 "This has begun to bother me since I do try to please her and go out of my way to have a little foreplay but she never really returns that favor. It has become a one sided physical relationship. I've even had multiple times where I have trouble getting it up, and its largely due to the fact that I receive no physical stimulation prior to intercourse. We've known each other a year and been officially dating for about 9 months. I finally decided to say something a month ago because it was really beginning to bother me because I'd hoped she'd slowly overcome these fears with time but she seems to be content with how things were and not going to change.",1 "This battle has been in the making for years. It is now that the tension, the desperation for a resolution comes to a head. It is in this moment that I declare that there will be violence between me and I until one of us lay upon the ground in defeat. I will no longer accept the status quo that exists. An existence that is questionable “mediocre” at best, for with all my highs come so many lows.",0 I am a stay at home mother of 3. My oldest is my husband's as his mum gsve up on him 5 years ago. My youngest was born with a congenital condition and my middle has ASD. I live to look after them and they are what keep me grounded. Just for some reason recently I have been struggling more and more to just suck it up and carry on.,1 "I’m going to be posting something similar in the anxiety subreddit too but I wanted to talk to you guys about this too. I was formally diagnosed with PTSD, depression and anxiety last year. I’m on medications for this too. I’ve been having a rough week. I haven’t been able to sleep and any sleep I’ve had has been very rough, just the complete opposite of restful.",1 Just wanted to share with you all - yesterday I flew to Germany from England for a full day work meeting today. I am now waiting at the gate to fly home. 9 weeks ago I had a panic attack thinking about traveling across England on the train to see my sister for Christmas (my amazing boyfriend drove me over and then came to pick me up! ). A mix of medication and therapy has helped me so much.,0 "I don't feel at all like he doesn't like me or has gone off me, we meet once a week and 'chat' daily but I'm kind of unhappy I'm not getting the 'cant get enough of talking' experience that usually comes along with being enamoured at the start. I nearly always reply within 20 mins if I'm not busy because I'm still in the excited pahse, but I get a lot of 3/4 wait times with a read receipt, with him coming on and off whatsapp within that period before I get a reply. It hardly screams that he's really into me when he is ok to wait that long to reply. I assume he's messaging others so why not me? I'm his new potential gf!",0 "My husband and I live in an apartment that gets super cold easily. Part of that is because there's no protective trees in the winter, with the other problem being the buildings are run down, and there's lots of cracks around the door. My husband was able to fix a gaping crack with our door frame, but we still need more work done and management is not the best. Our heaters are old baseboard heaters that can heat the home, but run up our electricity bill like crazy. With the onset of early winter here in the midwest coupled with the loss of my husband's job, I'm going to go apply for LIHEAP, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other ways to keep the apartment warm.",0 "Even when i offered to pay, she wouldn't take it. I worked an hour away from my house and she was the one who was driving. She got pulled over quite a few times for driving while suspended for the unpaid ticket. They got tired of it and impounded the car. So she lost her job.",0 I think that's what it's called. Where you relive your trauma and talk about it to take the emotional response and power away. I am just nervous and very scared. Has anyone did this kind of treatment? Did it help?,1 "At the end of the survey, please select “” when prompted for the name of the student who gave you this survey. If you know anyone else who might be interested in taking this survey, we ask that you please pass it on to them as well. Thank you for your time. **To anyone who has already taken the survey:**",0 "I loved this person dearly with all my heart, and it was an extremly tragic and sudden death. I want to go to my doctor but im already in counceling. Ive only gone once and my next visit is on wednesday. Should I tell my greif councellor? Thanks for reading.",1 "Throwaway because my normal account is a common username for me.... Anyway, I've been in a lesbian relationship for near 7 years. The first 2 was long distance but then i moved from NY to TX to be with her. Everything was generally okay until we moved into a new apartment back in December. It isnt the best but its a roof over our heads and it's relatively cheap.",0 "Not a huge amount of weight, but it was a big deal for me. I was on the treadmill every night for 45 minutes. I was doing good. Now I can't be on the treadmill or I start feeling ill again. Anyway, after the garbage issue I ended up in the hospital again.",1 "I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks since I was a teenager. I have been to the ER more times than I can count cause I thought I was dying. For the longest time I thought that I was the only person who this was happening to, until I met a girl who was going through it too. It felt good knowing I wasn't alone but I still was in the dark and scared. As time went on I met more people who were going through the same thing and it really helped to have some one to talk to who knew what it was like.",0 "I learned how to manifest that love in actions good for my body. I cooked a diabetic-friendly meal every night - even if it was just cutting up a block of cheese and opening a package of pepperoni. I spent a little extra on tissues, found the ones I liked best - and kept boxes in every room in the house. I “splurged” on $10 bath bombs once I could be naked in the bathroom again. I brushed my hair before bed every night.",0 "Haven't felt this excited about someone since my ex from over five months ago. This guy, J, and I met on Bumble. I haven't even met him yet, but we have spent hours chatting on the phone and laughing. It all feels really effortless. I've dated a lot since the break up and no one has clicked with me like he has.",0 "I would want to major in Broadcasting/Film but I will end up coming out with 30-40k in debt before additional scholarships and debt is something that I really don't want. ​ OR I could go to Brescia University on a full ride for esports (i would even get paid to go there) and although they don't have the major I wanted, the coach said it would be a good idea to get my major in a business degree and get my minor in graphics design. They also have many connections with different companies within esports that im not sure if WKU has. Here is also an estimated award letter they gave me: ",0 "I have tried to her encourage her as best as I can. The job she had was 10 hours per week, which I got for her to tutor a friend’s 10yr old (who is a challenging child). She has an events business with her mother, which operates approximately once every six weeks to host mystery dinners, which is very popular, but does not make much funds. She spends a large amount of time on this and I get frustrated that some of that effort could be put into finding more stable work. She studies one unit a semester.",0 "(although i’m scared it’ll change me) TL;DR: I suffer from mental illness, and am leaving a relationship with my girlfriend. This is hard for me because she was the best and only friend I had and i’m in a very bad spot physically right now so i’m very isolated and lonely and in an unsafe place with my abusive father. I need to find someone to talk to because i’m hearing voices from an inanimate object and am becoming inseparable to it. how do I make friends whilst having my anxiety?",1 He admitted to using the social media of girls he knows to get off. He even admitted to using his ex's nudes to get off. He downloads that specific app and then usually deletes it. He forgot today. We have sex 1-3 times a day.,1 "For all the bad that happens on the internet, there is still plenty of good to be had. Once again, thank you very much to everyone who helped made my life easier, I really appreciate it. Heck, i'll even give Reddit a shout out in my final year project. **THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE, STAY AWESOME!! **",0 "I've been trying to avoid social media because I know how anxiety provoking it can be for me. I joined it ultimately because I thought it would make me feel more connected to people. It kind of does, which I'm okay with. But of course, now I'm looking at everyone's highlight reels and friend count (which I'm especially envious of) and I can't help but feel like crap. My social life came to a standstill in my early 20s when I compartmentalized all facets of my life, ensuring the people I knew never intermingled.",1 "Good Morning, I am extremely moved by the members of this sub contributing to the good of society and answering the call for aid. Last week, footage was released of a mentally challenged man in Germantown, Philadelphia get sucker punched in the head by ruthless teenagers. The victim walked away but still fell victim to another punch. Fortunately the teenagers were arrested and charged.",0 I want that. I want him as well as a SO but maybe I need more time. Its not fair to him. Maybe I'm more invested than even he is. I don't know,0 "Saturday, September 29 is the Bay Area premiere of WRESTLING GHOSTS, an excellent new documentary that follows Kim, a young mother, as she does the work to heal from her difficult childhood. I saw the film this week at the L.A. Film Festival. It's the first film I know of to show what healing actually looks like, the long, slow, difficult, rewarding journey. You see Kim checking off her ACE score, meeting Donna Jackson Nakazawa, and most importantly in therapy, using EFT (tapping) and neurofeedback. You see her change and grow.",0 "They can’t get into a shelter because they are employed but they still don’t make enough to afford to rent anywhere. They’ve tried rooms for rent but they can’t get into anything because it’s either, no couples, no kids, male only, female only etc. Hotel/Motel rooms are expensive. They have no family or friends that would be willing to accommodate them. What would you suggest to them?",0 "Generally good marriage. We can both be stubborn, so compromise doesn't come easy (especially for DW, who is very religious - I am not). We are at an uncomfortable stalemate. She comes from a family with 5 kids, I have only one other sibling. She feels there is a ""hole"" in our family and that 5 kids is the perfect number.",0 "But I have something I think is important enough to at least be worth your time. I’m getting the word out about my wife’s surgery fund. She just got the message back today from her workplace denying her disability for her surgery. 😦 Long story short this was devastating for us, we are both pretty frugal people that try to save our money but sadly (at 20 and 19) we haven’t had much time outside of home to amass enough savings. This surgery is a catch 22 however as if she doesn’t get it she will have a 75-80% chance of becoming either wheelchair bound or if she’s luck just unable to ever walk up or down stairs.",1 "I haven't ever been triggered by my grandma(until now) and even though it made me upset I had a ""well, it could be worse"" mentality. So yesterday my grandma got mad. Really mad. She started screaming at me, calling me names, and then threw a book at me. This triggered the trauma from my mom.",1 "I'm going crazy. Now I'm jobless because my attempts to please/help her only screwed myself over and now I'm jobless and my mental health issues are coming out. Getting jobs is really hard for me due to some PTSD from my parents, but I'm trying my best to push through it and get a job ASAP. I'm dropping out of school (again) so I can work on my financials, but in the meantime, I NEED OUT!!!!!!! !",1 "I enjoy the life we've built together and think we've both grown a lot the past eight years, in positive ways. I'd hate to throw it all away, but I also can't allow myself to be disrespected anymore. Thank you for reading and for any advice you may have. --- TLDR: SO has two co-workers with romantic feelings for her, one of which I feel she emotionally cheated on me with.",0 "They have changed since we first met. I don't feel attracted to the person they actually are compared to who they seemed to be when we first met. I know as you get to know people more, you learn more facets of their personality, but they just aren't a great person honestly... When we first met, they were incredibly sensitive and sweet. They portrayed themselves as a feminist (which is important, but not an end-all be-all for me), they were very in-touch with their emotions, and just came across like someone I'd love to be around.",0 "Also deflects my attempts at flirting. How do I communicate with him the way I want him to romance me if it's against his nature? Is it even possible? Should I just try to change myself? It's been five years and I'm still having this problem, what do I do?",0 "I'm not massively worried about it at the moment because it feels good but my question is: Is this a normal symptom of PTSD and if it continues tomorrow, should I call 111 for medical advice? I'm home alone for the next few days, should I try and stay at a friends? Thank you! Edit: Thanks for the advice, I have got in touch with my doctor and they are going to give me a call later today. Hopefully I can get this sorted out soon!",0 "my mom hollered at me to come help with something in the kitchen. I went slowly feeling like I was missing out on the fun. i purpously wasn't being much help to my mom and being the little bitch that I was seeing that she had my brother on her hip as she was trying to get the stuff ready to grill she just waved me away and told me to go on then. so i walked outside and stood on the back stoop and watched. he smiled at me, and took off his shirt, then his shoes, his socks and then his pants.",0 Note: it was a mistake to sign the lease as I should have considered what would happen if 1 person lost their job. 6. I was notified 1 month after I returned home I would be laid off as the group was being shut down. (Note I did not make very much (low middle-upper lower class)). 7.,0 "Part of what makes good writing is having small specific details and the little stories that make up the novel as a whole. This is why I was hoping that, if you are interested, you could send me stories of your experiences in an abusive relationship - whatever detail you choose to send, it doesn't have to be anything ""epic"" and ""grand,"" it could be the smallest segment that you hold significance to. If you have any questions about what I'm looking for, let me know - though I'm really looking for anything! Feel free to post them here, or private message me. Thank you in advance <3",0 "Manageable enough to come home on weekends and work at the job I loved, while driving back to school Sunday nights for the upcoming school week. I was confident in myself that I would be able to balance my newly found work-school life. The apartment I signed a year lease on, which ironically ends this month, was about a 10-minute drive from the campus itself. Not having any help from my parents, and having some money saved prior to going back to school, I thought it would have been enough. I ended up also getting an on-campus student job in the same line of work I am pursuing, and at the time majoring in at that University.",0 "Hey everyone! I've just started sharing my story on YouTube, and I intend to continue building on this channel with more information about cult awareness, recovery, etc. I think it's really important for survivors like myself to be the ones spearheading cult education, instead of continuing to allow cults to be misrepresented and sensationalized in media. Please watch & subscribe! Your support is deeply appreciated \^\_\^",0 ​ I'm in our room watching some relaxing Youtube videos trying to cheer myself up. My boyfriend wants me to come out and do weekend stuff but the energy is so high out there I think it'll set off an attack. He wants to bad to help but he doesn't know how and I don't know how either. ​,1 "We will be using THE RESPECTFUL PROSTITUTE by Jean Paul Sartre This is to be one presentation that includes all of these elements. I HIGHLY recommend a PowerPoint. Take a good, clear picture or scan of your ground plan and sketch and add those as slides. Organization of your presentation is important.",0 "* Weak α2 affinity: triazolam, chlordiazepoxide (stronger affinity for α3), brotizolam, quazepam, tetrazepam (stronger affinity for α3), and a few others. - * High α3 affinity: diazepam, clonazepam, temazepam, lorazepam, tetrazepam, flunitrazepam, nimetazepam, phenazepam, and bromazepam. - * Moderate α3 affinity: alprazolam, adinazolam, estazolam, chlordiazepoxide, clorazepate, and flurazepam.",0 "He broke up with me, accused me of lying about my cousin, saying he never heard of her despite the fact he has. I ended up sleeping with my friend that night. Then there was the issue with him threatening to hide my belongings with an unnamed friend. I wouldn't get to know who. A whole bunch of crazy ensued.",0 She is so hardworking. At multiple times in her life she has worked multiple jobs to support herself and her family. She has never been on any type of government assistance. Even when she divorced her abusive alcoholic husband she didn't seek child support or alimony. She is incredibly self sufficient but it just seems that she can't catch a break.,0 "Then I came home. My Mom pointed it out first, I went from being the class clown and the life of the party, to being the quiet guy who stood in the corner of the room. I went from a musician and avid gamer, to having no interest in any of it, and no replacement hobby. The things I had the most passion for in life were gone. It was like someone removed one of my five senses and my soul at the same time.",1 "and i still feel like im on meth 5 days later after sleeping less then 10 hours total over that time. im also going in and out of depersonalization and derealization when it gets really bad, and when i haven't done the twitch for a few hours I can start feeling really tired and depressed like my body needs to rest, only to do it again and instantly be jacked up and on a speed high again. this is honestly the most fucked up situation i could ever imagine and can barely believe its even happening its so fucked up. literally feels like a bad dream. Please help",1 "I know it’s terrible and selfish and obviously people can be friends with each other but I just miss having a really strong and healthy friendship with another girl the way that we did. I want to have a good weekend but it feels impossible now, and I want everyone there to have a good weekend and I don’t want to make it bad. I don’t know what to do. So I just feel like crawling into my little isolation hole and being sad by myself while knowing that everyone hates me... to be honest I don’t know why I’m overthinking it cause honestly no one would care if I did isolate myself. It’s just I want to be better, not just for other people but for myself too.",1 "I'm not sure...? I'm stressed to high heaven, and I know that this is the core of it. I don't believe in god, or I dunno... but I am terrified of facing this portion of myself? Like Someone with a phobia of something. But I need this part in my life.",1 "I asked him what happened to his hand, and he told me that the hood of his car slammed down on it but he's fine. When we got home Jude pulled me to the side and told me Coop is not fine. He told me Coop can't move it at all and it's a problem. Coop doesn't like doctors. He looks at Doctors and Nurses like they're the Grimm Reaper or something.",0 Last night one firmed and I were texting about something unrelated and B was brought up. I basically told her that I have distanced myself from B because of XYZ. She said she understands but B has been really nice lately and has been supportive of her pregnancy and has bought the baby tons of stuff... I don’t know why but I feel weird about that conversation. I even told her that I refrained from telling anyone for so long bc I don’t want anyone to view her differently.,0 My mother has stage 4 bile duct cancer and it seems like her time is limited. She has a $5k insurance policy but I know that's not going to be enough. I've had to take a lot of time off work to take care of her and I just don't have the money to pay for what the insurance won't cover. What are some resources I can use to help pay for this? She does not want to be cremated and there's no way I could do that against her wishes just to save money.,1 I even pressed chargers against him. Unfortunately he still found a way through to me by hooking up with girls that I know and having them make sure I knew about it. Nothing has happened since June and I’m about to be moving far away from him. I struggle with what he did to me every day and the flashbacks occur still. I don’t expect this to ever fully go away but I am 18 now and I can say that I survived this.,1 "But i think the worst part is her emotional abuse. Like having fun to make me scared or cry and also always putting me down like i am not good enough or ignoring me. Also i feel like she is sexually attracted to me (i am 17 now) and uses some shitty pretending to touch me between my legs or butt. I once tried to talk with my dad about it, but he said that he and mom have enough to do and i should pull myself together. I feel like i really have to seek help, but i am so scared that people wont take me serious and think i am exaggerating.",1 And we are almost out of groceries until food stamps come in on the 3rd. I don't know what to do without him but I'm covered in bruises and in so much pain. I am worried because my 9 year old watched the whole thing and was so scared she was shaking. Sorry this is so long. I guess I just needed to vent.,1 "It did take a long time after we got together to believe he wouldn't, but now I actually believe he'd lay down his life to protect me. And I don't think I deserve that. I'm just so sad and filled with so much self-loathing today. The memories literally make me sick, make me vomit, which I don't need to be doing right now after a major surgery. I just want to erase it all.",1 Someone I know has been compulsively chattering their teeth. They told me it started because they could feel their teeth wobble a little when they clenched their teeth together while feeling them with their finger (we all know this is just one of those weird tricks the teeth play on you) but it's become compulsive now. They told me they feel ill from it. They don't have any anxiety issues and the chattering is just a result of the above but I can see how it would become one. What can be done to make this go away?,0 "That is a waste of energy. I know and have lived your combative relationship with both your parents. First, it is your dad, then you go to your mom, then it is your mom and you go to your dad...... you are playing them and that is very manipulative. You are 28 years old, a young man that needs to grow up. Take responsibilty for yourself.",0 "Despite that, all the following is true: * We have both called each other BF/GF and referred to there being a relationship * We have had (oral, but not PIV yet) sex a few times, slept together naked, and have had many intimate conversations, including the last time we saw each other * We both mentioned early on that we aren't currently dating anyone else * We have both talked about going to specific events and doing things together in the future",0 "In a shame spiral, validation after asking feedback from peers, I'm over-reacting or too sensitive. Thank god my GF still loves me. I am in states of hypervigilance, catastrophizing, and hypersensitivity and it blows. Just needing to write this out, it helps. Thank you for reading.",1 "I took the time to write this, so I'm going to share it with you all anyway. Hopefully someone will read about my struggles and feel a little less alone. If it doesn't help anyone, its at least helped me to finally share a little of what I've been through. Thank you, internet strangers, for taking the time to read my ramblings. ​",0 "In a day I went from broke and facing a dark, foreclosed home with no utilities to having enough money to totally catch up on all my bills. Then I had an appointment with my psychiatrist and case worker at the clinic I go to. I shamefully told the doctor there that I had been out of control, off meds, binging on alcohol and not following advice. She explained that it was not surprising for someone with my condition to lose control with all the stress I was facing. She increased my prozac dose and made appointments to follow up and see a therapist and reassured me about many things.",0 "I'm 20 years old and suffer with PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and Insomnia. But my biggest struggle is my PTSD. When I was 17 i was stabbed in my neck, while i was asleep, by my brother. I remember everything so vividly. But i don't really want to get into all that right now.",1 "one day i broke down into absolute tears and was rushed into the counselers office. at this point im in 8th grade and this is by no means acceptable behavior. we are about to go into high school and i just burst into a ball of tears in front of every last one of my peers. the good thing is, this scenario made me care a little less about what everyone thought of me due to the already absolute embarrassment of myself. My mindset, the people i surrounded myself with, and my family life were all fucked to say the least... especially family.",0 "No Idea why I am here, guess I just need to vent. Well my troubles started last weekend, my parents flew over from Malta to visit my brother whose in hospital. He is in bad shape and initially he lost the use of his legs few years ago and now his paralysis is rising up to his waste. So am I headed of to the hospital and stayed up north for the weekend. I told my gf that she could stay at home rather than spend her time at the hospital with me.",1 "I can't find an affordable place to rent that would fit in with my budget and I have no savings. I've looked up a lot of the shelters around me that give out meals/ have assistance, but they all close before I get out of work so I can't even drive over and ask questions. I can't call during work because I work in a very customer-centric work environment. So I guess my questions are: What should I be looking out for when living in my car? How do I go NC with my dad but still keep in contact with my family?",1 "And I know it wouldn't completely or even halfway make up for me being an asshole lately, but I want to have some improvement on her life with her being loyal to me despite me not even being able to be there for her as a boyfriend. She's helped me so much. She paid for uber's to job interviews (I only got one callback from a GameStop, they said I'll know if I can go for second interview next week), she paid for laundry one week, she even bought me a pizza once and I have nothing to give back to her. I am near Denver, Colorado. And I am hoping for this to be sent to my GF because she truly deserves something great.",0 "First, thanks to everyone that submitted a request. There were a lot of great requests and I wish that I could fulfill them all. If you didn't win this time please keep visiting /r/assistance as I'm sure we'll be be back with more laptops to giveaway in the near future! Winners announced below are subject to verification of their details as outlined in the original post. If you have not replied to the IM you received from me within 24 hours you will be disqualified and another person in need will be selected.",0 I really want others who can relate to the PTSD aspect to talk to. Not just anxiety but actual PTSD issues. I made a small little discord if anyone wants to join and just talk. If there's a bigger better one let me know! ,0 "What do I do? --- **tl;dr**: My fiance completely cuts himself off from our son and me and sulks for days if his sports teams lose. I am tired of having to plan our lives around his teams and cancel plans when they lose, but he doesn't see a problem. I don't know what to do, but I feel like I can't keep doing this.",1 I leave and breakdown in the kitchen because I’m still scared and freaked out. And the fact that I feel that I have to apologize for being triggered and am unable to control my reaction infuriates me. The part that confuses me is that when I was assaulted as a child I was never held down. I was frozen in fear. So why am I panicking over this seemingly innocent situation?,1 "I feel like shit for writing this post. **TL;DR - SO of over a decade is great to me in many ways and shit to me in other ways, I feel awful when he's shit to me but also feel guilty as fuck about expressing it because of all the times he's amazing to me. Wondering if this is emotional abuse and if it is, what can I do about it? Our relationship is rock solid, I'm not leaving him. **",1 "Can anyone else suggest any other resources that would be available to her? Her message to me: $585 rent $180 electric $110 auto and rental insurance policies, $45 phone, $40 laundry, $200 gas, $60 preschool, $72 sitter, $27 medical insurance, $27 Kohl's card, $25 towards CHILD'S medical bill- since EX-FIANCE hasn't had her insured nor paid a dime in child support, and whatever $ for groceries and $ for bathroom items and household/cleaning supplies $20-$25 Zumba, $12-24 Pound Fit and you've gotta figure in $28 oil change every 3,000 miles (I drive 200-300 miles per week) , and CHILD needs new clothes size 5t and shoes size 11 (need to go have her fitted/measure them soon) and I really need some new dress clothes for work and clothes for outside work and new pajamas and shoes. Its just a lot with my income and no other income or assistance whatsoever. I'm flat broke and we need food and I need gas.",1 "An old friend invited me over to a small party she was having. You could say it was more of a get together, there were no more than 15 people at a time. It was only people I remember from years ago in MS and HS, or people I have met several times. The night was full of a series of moments that I will be kicking myself in the head for later-- starting with the fact that I introduced myself to someone with ""I haven't seen you in a while!"" and they said ""Oh really?",0 "It was a big company so luckily I didn't have to see him all the time, but when I did, he again acted as though I didn't exist. I tried to talk to him and update him on the pregnancy, and ask him to be involved for our child's sake, and he literally stared right through me without saying a word. 3 months after our daughter was born, I texted him and told him he was missing out on the most amazing person in this world, and how it wasn't fair to her. To my surprise, he wrote back and wanted to see her. He apologized, said he had changed and within a couple of months, we were engaged.",0 I was not allowed to talk to anyone. I was not even allowed to be on Facebook. Erik made me feel like a prisoner. When i had the Facebook app my phone would always get this random pop up notification saying my login has expired but I was never even logging in because I was too scared of what Erik would do to me. I was only allowed to safely be on my phone while I was next to him and only if I was doing something like reading or watching videos.,1 "It was a conversation about those things. Over and over. Her name, which normally it isn't a trigger, but since I've been in a fragile state lately, I was just getting dragged down on the inside. I'm so tired. I just wanted to ask them to stop saying it.",1 "It's important to put your needs first sometimes. This might sound really obvious but I never realized just how harmful it can be to try and please everyone all the time. Whether you speak your mind or don't, there's always going to be someone who dislikes you. I think it's important to realize that there's VALUE in your personal expression, so it's worth the risk of offending a few people. I just haven't been able to see the value in my own words for so long.",0 "**While traveling to a safe location** **Don’t take the most direct route** to your destination. When you leave, head off in the opposite direction from where you’re actually headed, just in case someone sees you leave and may tell the abuser which direction you went. Afterwards, double back and take another route to your actual destination. **Know what to look** for to make sure you’re not being followed.",0 "3: This is the big one. I'm currently unemployed, as I was in school (paid for by the Department of Rehabilitation), so I cannot meet ANY income requirement. Even places that overlook my felony won't budge on this. To top it off, I have nobody who is both able and willing to co-sign. I've tried offering more up front to no avail.",1 Why did I open my mouth I should’ve just said “I’m fine” ~ I don’t need help Or maybe I do,1 "I have to talk to him and make nice, and pretend its ok, but I feel unsettled and on edge around him. I guess I don't know what to do, it's a complicated situation, and I feel that I'll never get the ""real talk"" I'd like to have with him, or any sort of apology. He seems rather narcissistic, not as bad as my own father, but enough to not want to admit his wrong doing and own up to it. Is this something I can get over on my own while still around him? Am I over exaggerating?",1 "-I'm not doing this for people to MAKE money, but to help those struggling to feed themselves and/or family. My days of that are over. -if any supermarkets or stores offer similar promotions in other countries, let me know and I'll look into what can be done. DM me regarding this. And remember, anything spare you have, please donate to food banks.",0 "I really suck at explaining things so if you have any questions please ask. UPDATE: I gave my casual partner a vague warning about the future and how, if the time comes, I'll need to make the decision for myself. tl;dr I am stuck in a love triangle with a casual DDLG relationship on one side and sharing of mutual feelings on the other. Multiple things keep the DDLG from relationship from being public and I hate sneaking around. I want to have an open relationship with the other girl.",1 "I can't afford one of the really nice ones that actually looks more like real hair and not shiny plastic. If anyone, by chance, has an actual nice wig (not a costume wig) that I could have it would be GREATLY appreciated. It'd be so nice to go out in public and not worry that my hair looks super fake. I really miss having nice hair. Thanks.",0 "At the same time, I’ve been going crazy because if I’m not thinking about something else I’m thinking about him and various kink related acts. This isn’t anything I’ve actually experienced before (hell, I still don’t get attraction), so I’m confused. My issue is, he’s going back overseas for uni in a couple of days, and we’ll be seeing each other (in our larger group) tomorrow. Should I bring something up? Should I just leave it?",1 Im at a point where I need to talk to him about so many things but I cant if he continues to avoid me. I feel like a mess and any advice or help is really appreciated! --- TL;DR Boyfriend and I have communication issues and he now left for two days and wont respond to any calls or texts. Any one know what I can do to help myself not go crazy and fix these issues.,1 "All of my money goes to rent, utilities, and credit cards, and delivery food a few times a month when I'm too beat to cook. My boyfriend was nearly broke as me, and was leaning on my credit and foodstamps from time to time, leaving me in significant debt. We are breaking up after five years, because my pelvic organs are collapsing downwards, making for painful sex. He hung in there for three years of sexlessness, so I can't fault him.... but he's leaving in the next few months as soon as he gets the money to move out. I've got to figure my shit out.",1 "I don't know if that's true or if my brain just can't find where all of that is supposed to fit in with this. I don't know if anyone knows what to advise here or if anything even could be, but it's just all so much. I feel like I have poison blood. TL:DR - one more straw added the family history of sexual abuse but my brothers abuse has thrown off my memories of my own childhood. It's all too complex and of course no one in the family will talk to me about it and my SO has no clue how to help me either, and I don't blame her.",1 "I assumed she would answer the question, or she would explore my feelings of inadequacy, or she would interpret the transference. But her response instead was the title ""I am not getting into this with you"". She then went on with how she did like me, thought I was an interesting and nice person. but I do not believe that, it is too unlikely. Besides, as an addendum to her refusal to speak to my question, it seemed false.",1 Is this common? How did you deal with it? I want to just apologize and make things right but some of the things the other person probably forgot or were just super insignificant. I want to own up to my actions but it's hard. I assume if people find out I was a jerk they'll all hate me and I'll be an outcast and a pariah :/,1 "Hi I just wondered if any of you could offer some advice on this situation. I bought a house year ago, but I am yet to move in. I am in my early thirties but suffer from long-term depression, although I appear entirely normal in my appearance and in my communications with people, albeit a little quiet. I am currently still at home with my parents.",0 "I of course understand her wanting me to be safe, but I have an IUD and use condoms 100% of the time, which she knows because she pries about my sex life. She knows I'm sexually active and I don't have a boyfriend and is really judgmental about me having casual sex. I had a pregnancy scare last week (I'm not pregnant) and all I wanted was some advice from my mom and she used it as a way to make me feel bad about my sex life. When I was younger, she would constantly slut-shame me for things I hadn't even done, and made me feel so guilty about the idea of even having sex that I didn't have sex even with my year-long high school boyfriend because of this crippling guilt. Whenever we argue she makes it a time to critique my entire personality and not just my behavior in that argument or even within my relationship with her.",1 "I realized how small nuances subconsciously give me thoughts without me feeding into it. They feed into itself and I watch it do it all on its own, and it causes responses in my body and anxiety without trying. It's almost as is if another person is living in here but what it is, it's all instinctual. The awareness has given me a better grasp on things but it feels like an illness now with this new perspective because it comes over me like one. It's like being drugged and having no control over the effects, and you have no choice but to let it occur, and you fight any urges it gives you, although you may be aware of it happening.",1 "I just need tips on how to get out of this mental state of avoidance. I am tempted to get back into CBT for low self esteem because my therapist said if it got bad again, I could go back any time. (I had 6 sessions before) Is anyone else in the same situation or has anyone got any experience? I know I posted something similar recently but writing in this subreddit really makes me feel less alone.",0 "I was uncomfortable. He’d alleviate my fears. We’d progress. Then it was something new. Again, I was uncomfortable.",1 "In February 2015 I took time off and took Clark to his cabin and then again in September. On the second trip I decided to search for a job in Redding and in late October I moved to Redding. Clark and I would call each other to update on how my medical credential process was going and he would share about his family. He would always repeat to me, “Manuel, I don’t know how much longer I can handle the fast pace of the Bay Area. People are in a rush and they don’t even know what they are in a rush for.” One of the new grievances was the “Avenue” he lives on that he jokingly calls “an expressway.” The sound of constant vehicle traffic is definitely a contrast to an area previously filled with orchards.",0 "I used my forearm to push the plate I was eating from off the counter. A glass bowl fell to the floor as well and shattered. The noise woke my dad up, who went to bed nearly black out drunk a couple hours before this. He immediately started screaming at my friends to “get the fuck out” and aggressively pushing them out of the back door. He then grabbed me by my arm and shoved me out the door yelling “take her fucking ass with you.” My friends sat with me for a minute and asked if I wanted to leave with them.",1 "My girlfriend and I have been amazingly strong for the last 8 months, shortly before new years she told me that she feels very much in ""love"" with me but ""doesnt feel right"". She wanted an unknown amount of time away from the relationship saying only a couple of weeks and still wanted to keep the same ground rules as when were together (monogomous, etc..) Shes vague when i try and talk to her about it, stating she just feels like somethings wrong and that shes doing this so she can fix her self and come back to 'us' stronger I talked to her again last night and as always shes adamant this is because she loves me and wants us to work more then anything... Shes never lied to me before, not even over little things so i have no reason to doubt her intentions. Basically i said i feel like her backup and i wanted to breakup untill this 'problem' is resolved so today we split for a month",0 "My ex used to shoot back with ""Do you want me to go with you?"" all the time, no matter what it was. I almost wonder if I blocked out him asking me that about our own wedding. I unloaded a terrible memory of this on my current BF today and he took it like a champ, I just could not stop chasing myself in circles over this and knew if I heard any sort of similar phrase I would lose it. I just needed to throw this out in the open, where others who might understand could 'hear' it.",1 "Hi. So, my husband is emotionally and mentally abusive. I've tried to leave several times but he threatens to kill himself if I do, by crashing his car or running into traffic. However, I have nowhere to go even if I do. My family dosent want/can't afford to have me live with them again.",1 "I’m so mad. Since April I spoke with four professors: all for course evaluations and two for letters of Rec. They all agreed and I send them the necessary documents. I just called to check the file at my university and out of all those professors, only one submitted a course evaluation. I apply for a masters in a month and have no letters, despite having periodically emailed to update these professors.",1 "There was not a single thing in my life i got addicted to , i was smoking when i was in teens one day i just woke up and said im done didnt light a cig since that day. I decided not to drink anymore ( like weekly or so i drink on occasions ) had no problems with that too... I am normal person i am not looking for something to get high and ease my worries and i wont dwell in that. I am just trying to give less efforts sometimes i just need a break. Is xanax really that bad?",0 "Sister and I were watching the three VHS tapes we own on repeat because we literally don't have anything else. (I know, sorry for the whining. I feel very lucky that we even had a TV to share.) I should mention that this was to bully us as prior to this Dad sees me literally falling apart, starts playing video games with me more often. We get a PS2 to share and keep at his house (Jak and Daxter Bundle, so it was new and expensive) with what little money he has.",0 "He abused his ex girlfriends as well. I left him last June, after he tried to kill me after being released from a one week sentence for DV. That incident landed me in the hospital, though it wasn't the worst incident of abuse. But that night, I had a wave of courage for two seconds and told the staff what really happened. He was arrested and has been in jail ever since.",0 "I stayed in Africa, I was only one month into the program and was too proud to leave. I must have horrible luck because I experienced two more horrific events while visiting Dar es Salaam...things I won't get into. For now, I take Wellbutrin for the depression, but still feel myself flinching away from people on the street, or am scared I am being followed or watched. On a positive note, I've grown a ton, learned a lot, and am still kicking ass in this world! Here's to three years and many more anniversaries!",0 "I have been able to catch up a little bit on my rent that was behind with my income tax return, but I am still striving to catch up completely while I try to find part time work that I can perform. I am unable to work gainfully and I was denied Social Security Disability on the first two levels and have on 12/1/2017 filed for a hearing before a Administrative Law Judge. This is not expected to happen for over a year as the system is back logged and understaffed. In 2000, when I was 23, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis a chronic, typically progressive disease involving damage to the sheaths of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, whose symptoms may include numbness, impairment of speech and of muscular coordination, blurred vision, and severe fatigue.",0 "Much to and fro ensued, form filling, up front payment for surgery, hospital stay, food, meds. Peter the Poet is home now, ordered not to put any weight on his foot for 6 weeks. I'm grateful to the staff of the hospital that inserted a titanium piece to his ""clean brake"" bone. I'm happy he's alive! edited for blatant spelling error",0 Kick a man while he's down you sick sick fuck. I'm just trying to get advice and you delete part of my post. FUCK YOU. BURN IN HELL. People like you are why I hate this world.,1 "As she was leaving she told me ""now I have to go back there again"" as she was sobbing. I didnt know what to say or what I could do to help. Everyone I've talked with as told me I should've gotten her phone number because looking her phone number up through our receipts and membership files is an invasion of privacy. Did I miss my only opportunity to help her by not asking for her phone number? Sorry for the sad story, I just don't know what to do and it's painful to think what is happening to her right now.",1 "The misery is so much worse than pre-lamictal, the torment is so much scarier. It feels almost demonic, like someone outside of me is tormenting me (I do not mean this literally or psychotically, it's just my subjective description). I have crying spells all day, I mean the entire day, doesn't matter who I'm hanging out with, doesn't matter if I'm at work (I had to quit for the time being), doesn't matter if I'm working out. I shake and cry and shake and cry, like wailing violent cries. It's terrifying, it feels very ""chemical"" and out of control, like the absence of the drug does this to me, and it's scary for the people around me.",1 "Mushrooms, LSD, and DMT have been the most effective means for me to solve my anxiety. If you choose to consume these drugs however, please be aware that these are powerful psychoactive substances that can have repercussions on your mental well being. Physically, they are incredibly safe. Personally, they allowed me to view my life free from the ego, which let me adopt a healthier mindset. If you are using drugs (Which includes alcohol) to escape your negative feelings, you are not solving the problem.",0 "Hey guys, circumstances in my life has brought me to being homeless starting tomorrow. I live in Central Florida and the reason why I come to this position is due to my car breaking down, not being able to make it to work since its a 35 mile commute, and now that I can't pay rent, I have to leave the room I'm renting. Lately though Ive been thinking a lot of leaving to New York. I'll be homeless there, yes, but at least I'll be able to get around with 24/7 transportation. My question is: Is this a good idea?",0 "Weird title I know but I really couldn’t find any other way to describe what I’m feeling and I really struggled to think if I should post this on here or another group So for as long as I can remember I’ve always been attracted to women and only women I had absolutely no interest in men at all A few years back I had my first relationship which was really manipulative and physically abusive and I haven’t been on any dates since then Recently though (like in the last two weeks) it’s accused to me that bar an old crush from before my ex “kinda-sorta” coming back I haven’t found any women attractive at all in a while at least a year and whenever I see someone I would have normally found attractive I just get a nervous/uncomfortable feeling I can’t really describe I’m not sure if this is a response to how my ex used to get abusive if she thought I was attracted to her (like she’d insist I must want to rape her if I called her beautiful for example) and I know for a long time afterwards I felt disgusted with myself if I found someone attractive so this may just be the next step in that, like my mind doesn’t want me to feel bad for finding someone attractive so it stops finding people attractive",1 "Back ground, me and my girl have been homeless independently for about a year and we've been together for six months now. We lived in Olympia Washington for a while and where trying to make it and eventually move out of the toxic town. I received about 3.5k$ worth of back pay EFC payments the state owed me and shortly after my girl's grandmother died and she wanted to make it to the funeral so we decided to make a road trip of it, get jobs in florida and be set. We figured the lower cost of living would offset the vastly lower minimum wage and we'd be fine. We both got jobs at her old workplace (Wendy's, never go to the Lakeland Highlands Wendy's so many healthcode violations btw) and worked for two months and got fired for bs reasons (I got trained wrong and wasn't told about 60% of my responsibilities by a guy who was on his phone 75% of the time and quit a week later, she overslept and no call no showed one day and got immediately taken off the schedule)",1 "And I'm not a drug dealer or freaking anything like that. I'm a 20 something year old with no criminal record whatsoever so I figure the attack was accidental? This happened about 1.5, maybe almost 2 months ago. Basically, now I live with my mom and brother because the incident. She helped take care of me, fed me, all after I left the hospital.",0 "I feel like I cannot trust anyone. I truly feel that I have never felt any sort of platonic or romantic love. I still feel so much anxiety interacting with anyone, and especially those who show interest in me. W**d has been the one thing that helped me realize all of this. As you can imagine, however, my family is deeply opposed to this.",1 "Not really sure why I'm posting this but just for my own sanity I suppose, to say something this beats just going into the woods and screaming at trees which I feel like doing often. I have PTSD ,chronic depression, anxiety the whole circus of fun from my time in the Army (15 years). I feel like im on the verge of a psychotic breakdown, literally almost all of the time. Im either so depressed I can hardly move, have little energy and general fatigue OR im so angry I could kill everyone around me. There was a line on a tv show (Vikings) where the main character says ""I feel like im always torn between killing myself, or everyone else"".",1 "Other things that are good about me... well, I can cook really well! I can make anything as long as I have a recipe. I can also draw anime art, too, though I'm still an amateur (I can show it privately!). My other interests include being a huge anime fan, MMORPGs (I play World of Warcraft currently! ), learning to play instruments, writing, cooking, spirituality, supernatural, basically anything really.",0 "Credit card debt makes me depressed, it’s been terrible. Today I only have 3 with the rest paid off. Only about 6 months until I’m in a better position to get back on me feet! I’m trying to get an easy 2nd job so it’ll be even sooner, but I’m always shot at the end of my 10 hour days and never getting a good night sleep. I just have to do it.",1 "During my break at work today, a little over two hours ago, I was enjoying a cup of grape juice. At one moment I started drinking it too fast, and choked and coughed for a few moments. Then i was constantly burping and had the taste of grape juice in my mouth for the next hour after that. Lol. But thanks to my anxiety, I have managed to convince myself juice got in my lungs and I'm gonna get ""Dry/Secondary Drowning""...",1 "My sister is an alcoholic, which is something that seems to run in the family. Everytime my mother invites her over to spend the night, she has to hide all her beer and wine in a futile attempt to keep my sister from drinking it all. However, my sister always sneaks alcohol into the house anyway, and is drunk by nightfall. Then the arguments start. Usually they start over something like dinner not being done soon enough, or because my mother found the boxed wine my sister smuggled in, or because my mother simply said something that stuck in my sister's craw.",0 "Meet with her today and express this is a concern for me. She says she doesn't see what the big deal is, people make mistakes and forget things. I agree and tell her they often forget what they don't care about. She doesn't agree, we talk about it. She feels I am being very black and white in my thinking.",0 "It was wrong, I never told her when it was happening, only after I ended things, because I wanted to be serious with her. She took it as cheating and to this day, goes back to it at every argument we have. 2. A few months after I told her about the other girl, I found out that she was actually still in a relationship with her ex. She would visit him when she was in her home town.",0 "His reason was that he would rather save money and stay home where he can smoke than pay for any expensive experiences. I managed to convince him to go on holiday with me for a week but he's always thrown it back in my face that he would rather have gone home (he's Spanish), saved the money, got a new tattoo etc. Now. I love to paint but I have in my life had a complete lack of motivation or energy. I started doing an evening course which I loved.",0 "I have complex ptsd due to past romantic relationships and some other various traumas in my life. (Also diagnosed bipolar, severe social/general anxiety, OCPD) Currently suffering symptoms that and messing with my healthy thought patterns and its tearing apart my current relationship. I am terribly upset because this is the first partner to really take me as I am (dark side and all) The paranoid feeling that things are going to end has made it almost inevitable.",1 I have no friends. This has been both a cause and an effect of my anxiety and depression. I can open up and become confident once I get to know people and I have had friends before but I've gone almost a whole year with no actual friends since I have moved. Moving and the effects it had has greatly affected my confidence making new friends since I most of my interactions are with small town people who have had their friends and known other groups for years. I have a very hard time carrying on conversations with acquaintances and bridging the gap of relationships.,1 "But it's been 2 monthsalready this time. We didn't speak for Christmas or new year. I'm lonely, sad, angry at the situation (not angry at him!) and the worst part is not being able to talk or even know what's going on. We didn't fight before this so he's not angry at me.",1 "But unfortunately everyone refuses to do so. Now I guess my question is, how do I ... 1\) Seperate myself emotionally from him? 2\) Be more assertive when dealing with him? 3\) Build myself up to be a confident and self reliant person that doesn't hit rock bottom every time I deal with him?",0 "Please, Do not hate him. Yes, he took her side so many times. You can say that he should have seen the signs or whatever, but honestly, no he couldnt have. He worked 14-16 hours a day (in las vegas heat, that is no fucking joke of a day) to support his household. She would make sure I was tucked in bed by the time he got home, and what little chances i got to see him, he would have already heard from her I was horrible some way or another and have the impression i was trying to lie.",0 "This isn't the first time this has happened, even with my ex I used to put effort into creating funny and deep conversations and she'd make quite surface level replies, but I thought it was because she was severely depressed so I didn't mind making an effort with her. Am I missing something? She doesn't have many hobbies and works in a pub so I can't talk about her interests really as the only think she kinda likes is textiles and she doesn't do it anymore as she's so focused on her job. I should probably mention she's really really shy, which she has admitted to me. For example, when we meet in person, she's so nervous that she's physically shaking for about 15 minutes until she relaxes.",0 "Be ready to contribute (reasonably). B - Calmly, with neutral to negative vocabulary and intonation express dissatisfaction with certain behavior, action or outcome of action and politely ask not to repeat same behavior/action/make sure particular outcome doesn’t repeat again. Make sure message was audible and comprehended and if necessary still calmly repeat again Be ready for calm reasonable discussion in case of decline. C - Harsh, sudden, loud expression of dissatisfaction.",0 "We will get through this and I am determined, even it means going to a shelter, to get affordable housing, so i never end up in this situation again! Ive been financially abused in small ways for almost a year, paying more than my share, while he saved. Being forced into buying a computer we couldnt afford then had it thrown at me every fight due to credit card he continuously used (kept under 1k) I also was forced to be precise on where i put things especially when cleaning as to not disrupt him. He hid snacks and 420 from me when I did most of the purchasing.",1 "She was seventeen and they met in a hospital, he was in the drug rehab, she was in the mental hospital. She was 17, and he technically kidnapped her, running across the country. She immediately got pregnant with me, and he married her, at which point the law washed their hands of the matter. I was born premature, 5 months and 3 weeks, which in 1981 was very dangerous. I spent 8 months in an incubator, and had heart surgery, but lived, and have not had health problems.",0 "I got a fair amount of interest on Facebook (though og course a lot of people didn’t follow through) one lady (F 40’s or early 50’s) liked my post and sent a friend request. I accepted even though I don’t know her because I thought she might be interested in the team. It turns out she is very well connected in the horse word here and knows a lot of people I know (and seems very popular). Well, fast forward to now and this woman has posted all over about her starting an adult drill team. Her team is within 20 minutes of where my drill team would be, and so all the people who were interested in mine seem to have gone to hers (I think because she’s a connected horse person here).",0 """What is nothing is real? What if everything is a figment of your imagination?"" I panicked, and grabbed the couch, but the voice inside me said ""It doesn't matter if you grab the couch, what is the couch isn't real? What if your house isn't real?"" At this time I called my brother, sobbing, and told him to get my mom.",1 "and then proceeded to show me the video of the ""dumb girlfriend"" struggling to answer the question. Needless to say, I was pissed. I said I couldn't believe he would think it was possible that I might be that stupid. He insisted that he only asked me as a joke, and then I got angrier because in what world is questioning my ability to handle basic logic funny? He continued to go on the offensive insisting that he had been kidding, that of course he doesn't think I'm stupid at all, and how could I even think he would think that?",1 "and it's not even those three word either. no. it spiraled. in a store. and went from ""i will always love you"" to ""i stopped loving you and everything is your fault.""",0 Its hard to find doctors that take cash within my budget of 100 dollars. I have a Master of Publicn Administration but I have not been able to get a job in that. I meet my therapist Tuesday who works for the same office. I hope I can keep seeing him.but has not returned my calls for a few days. I went to the office today and he sent me an email saying we are on for Tuesday but the email wasnt very compassionate after the messages I left him.,0 " For information and help on other veteran related issues, this is a great resource. Over the last five years we've supported about 1600 veterans in Wales, it's been an incredible learning curve. I've seen so many amazing transformations and want anyone that's going through PTSD right now, to hang in there and reach out for help.",0 "I’m a Canadian traveling in India and staying for a few days at a homestay (paid accommodation). At home I have a beloved rescue dog. Three adult dogs live here at the homestay: one male and two nursing females. The dogs’ body language towards the people who live and work here is positive. The dogs wag, follow people, accept physical affection.",0 "Hi everyone, this is my story, what I've been able to take away from it, and the feelings and the hurt that have lingered, as well as questions. Warning, this is kind of a long post, but there is a lot I need to say and just get out of my head. Trigger and Content Warnings**:** Explicit mentions of sex acts with some details,mentions of coercion, mentions of being threatened, mentions of alcoholism. Things to know about me, for the context of my life and who I am: I am 24, I am queer, my pronouns are she/her, I am trans-gender woman (please Google if you are unfamiliar with the terms), I am autistic, and as a child I was home-schooled for a very long time and lived in the middle of nowhere farm country, with no buses, sidewalks, or means of transportation. When I was 13, I had just found out my father was diagnosed with early onset dementia and I was stricken, to say the least, knowing that my already dysfunctional family was about to go through the horrors of watching my father become less and less of himself.",1 "I just didn't change my listing info when I changed my price from 1 thousand to 6 thousand. I paid $6 thousand for this painting I am wondering if there is a place here on Reddit, I can post it for sale? I am selling it for a steal. Simply because I NEED money.",0 "I might sound a bit bridezilla here, but I’m extremely annoyed. We set our wedding date last August for July 15th. We specifically picked this date after looking at the average temperatures for that date for the last 5 years. We determined the highs were about 7 degrees cooler than the following weekends in July, so we went with the 15th. Wouldn’t you know it, but my FMIL booked their family vacation for July.",0 "2. Socialize! we sure did not evolve as lone creatures, we always evolved as packs, it was always crucial to our survival, and thats why we get anxious without it, even if we dont know it, but that doesn't mean you need to 24/7 socialize, Remember - lonliness is a nice place to visit, but a horrible place to live in, so go out there and simply talk to other people, it can be your school mates, colleagues, or even something a lot more simple such as your local shop clerk, in the last few years we can see a sharp decline in socializing because mainly everything became online, and our survival instincts kick in, letting us know something is way off, and needs to be fixed, it does not like being alone, and do not try to replace real human socializing with social networks, which brings me to the next point - ​ 3.",0 "But I'm literally afraid of him because I feel like every second he's gonna stand behind me again and grunt at me that he changed something or completely rewrite my code. Plus, I don't know if maybe he is talking badly about me as well when I'm not there (it seems likely). What can I do? --- **tl;dr**: Coworker who is supposed to show me the ropes is super grumpy and I find him intimidating, can I do anything about this?",1 "His reply: ""Thanks for not punching me!"" All-in-all, I like this guy, he's been an OK manager to me, I've gotten all of my raises since I've been under him, he has kids, so he understands me as a parent, etc. Am I making too big of a deal out of this? I thought about going to HR about it, but I'm in a position where I can't jeopardize this job, and I'm not the most well-liked person on the team (nothing that I did, I was hired externally for a position that 3 internals wanted), for whatever that's worth. Your thoughts?",0 "Hello. I am a thirty six year old man, and I became aware that the experiences I had, my behavior, and the expression of my feelings, may be BPD nine months ago, when I had my first suicide attempt. I had not read anything about it prior, and had entirely avoided any medical or mental health people. After the suicide attempt, which over nine years, head been preceded by the traumatic end of a highly dysfunctional five year relationship, followed by a severe four year alcohol problem. After getting out of the Psych ward after ten days, which I hadn't been in since an ideation incendent at seventeen, I determined to get help.",1 Im so in love with my wife when she’s happy and herself. We have everything in common. But when she becomes abusive and manipulative it’s too much and she says she will change and she’s taking meds now and she booked a counselor but I don’t know if this is more manipulation and lies or if it’s real? I just don’t know. She’s had soooo many chances to do this but only after we have separated is she ever actually doing anything about it.,1 "The person needs to have in some manner lived out these fantasies, for example via an ongoing sexual relationship with a child. The person is atleast 16 years of age and atleast 5 years older than the child. I was 13 when this happened, had more or less *just* entered puberty, she was 19, and more than 5 years older. Was this abuse? Were I abused as a child?",0 I’ve always been the type of person who’s been gravitated towards romance. The thought of loving someone and being loved in return was nice but I’m a closed off person who’s too afraid to let someone in. I recently got into a relationship with someone who is really incredible. He’s very patient and understanding about my anxiety and depression. It took a while and a few arguments for me to open up a little bit.,0 "My mom then hit me with the newspaper and it shocked me that she would do this, she knows I don't like play hitting, smacking, striking, hitting or violence of any sort on my person. Do I send out this vibe asking for it from the universe? Then yesterday I decided to take my friend to go help another ""friend"" move to a new place. While we were driving the friend we are moving strikes me on my shoulder. And I address it immediately because this is the 4th time I have told him not to do these things, then my other friend who is driving nearly gets into an collision with another car i think because he was high on marijuana and the friend we are moving in the backseat is like ""you have to understand I was just trying to get your attention"" you know the thing 5 year olds do to get peoples attention by smacking them, this guy is in his 60's.",1 "Which admittedly, I have been catching some feelings for her. But I want this to continue since I enjoy her company and we vibe well together. --- **tl;dr**: I met this cool girl that I might have feelings for but she told me she has no current intention to date, so we're really just FWB that hangout. For somebody who has never done anything casual and have only had relationships or talked to girl to eventually date them, how do I become comfortable having sex and hanging out with somebody without catching feelings for them?",0 "It wasn't that long ago, perhaps only a few months that I was in the darkest place that a human can be. Sitting on my kitchen floor with an empty bottle of wine and a knife on my wrist, ready to end it all. And for the first time in my 25 years of existence I though about life and I though about death, after all I was going to experience both within mere moments of each other. A multitude of thoughts raced through my mind. What will it be like?",0 "My mother on the other hand tells me that she is doing all she can, when i explained to her about the way she dresses in front of him she blames him for not creating the opportunity to wear something nice. ie not going out someplace due to him preferring to do work. Listening to both sides separately have put me in a place where i am helpless and cannot do anything. All i can do is withdraw into myself and think about other things to relieve myself. Its basically that they dont understand each other.",1 "But I told him that I’m not over it and his response was kinda like “ I feel so guilty, it makes my life hard, I wish you could just forgive me.” So now I feel pressured to forgive him and it’s frustrating because he didn’t give a damn about my feelings when I was 9 and crying my eyes out because I just saw my dad push mom and hit her. In fact, I remember him telling me to shut up. He didn’t give a damn about my brother when he pushed him against a wall to yell at him when he was only in middle school. And I can’t help but feel like that fueled my brothers heroin addiction that almost killed him and still could cause he recently relapsed. I’m just so angry and I don’t want to be.",1 "Someone else’s suffering ensued. I feel immense sadness and guilt now. I am confronted by the memories and the recognition that to this day the experience became part of who I am. It made me stronger, as facing fear and trauma can do. But I also internalized a sense of profoud fear and vulnerability.",1 "If it helps, I just started taking a new birth control that’s a bit stronger than what I was on before, so I’m relatively sure that’s why I feel bad RIGHT NOW. But it’s still bad enough that I can’t do much for myself, and I just don’t understand why they can’t believe that. I think they must see me as a burden or something because it seems like they don’t think I’m worth helping if my problem stems from anxiety rather than a different(“real”) illness. and they’ve decided they are the judges of that, not me or my doctors. I just don’t know what to do.",1 "He constantly threaten to take our son and I’ll never see him again. Last night, I started a journal less about the abuse and more about my feelings on a day to day basis. This morning he hide my meds from me, after an hour I woke him and asked where they were. He cussed me out and told me he not to talk to him until 1pm. Last night, he forced me into our son’s room and as I was trying to escape he slapped my wrist in the door.",1 "A few weeks later, i found out that he had had a long term girlfriend the entire time. I felt like such an idiot when I found out. He reached out to me last month and I told him I knew he had a girlfriend the whole time and that if I ever saw him again I would literally break his nose. I'm still furious about it. I'm angry that he thinks he pulled one over on me and that he got away with it.",1 "Babies don't care about work hours you know. Husband finally says he'll watch our darling for the few hours between his full night's sleep and work. So we're doing this. I'm chipping on an embroidery project doing 'me' time, he's on bed with baby keeping the crawling fiend busy. He falls asleep and baby almost falls into crack between headboard and wall.",0 "- She left a youtube comment on one of my videos saying ""I have many ways of contacting you"". - She blamed me for the outburst, saying that if I just gave her what she wanted she wouldn't have to do this - She told me that ""the water dripping thing"" (nice diminishing statement of what she did) was a joke/prank - I threatened to call the police if she didn't stop - She angrily e-mailed one more time but then immediately became apologetic begging me to not contact the police",0 "Deep breathing, reminding myself that I'm just irrationally panicking, promising myself to take it step by step, analyzing the emotional baggage I've placed on this paper. For weeks now, it's been sitting on my computer, mocking me. It's late, and I'm slowly loosing motivation to even try. Can anyone help? I really want to try and edit the paper into something worth reading without feeling like I can't breathe.",1 "So im m15 im still in school ive been through abuse when i was a kid it scarred my head i live with my mum now but i usually roam in woods playing guitar, i got diagnosed when i was 14 shit sucks gives me flashbacks whenever i close my eyes, my mind scans every goddamn thing in the area every fucking thing!, i just dont know how to explain its so complicated my brain acts weird at times i just need to know wtf is happening with me! ive only got a gf and noone else. any help is appropriated. thanks in advance",1 "And my nightmares are a terrifying mix of intense body horror and trauma flashbacks. So I wake up even more tired and in pain which makes me miserable during the day. So now I'm having my chronic pain flaring up, my other PTSD symptoms kicking my ass, my other mental illnesses acting up, and on top of that I'm too tired from the nightmares to do anything about it. I just can't fucking win. I'm so so tired.",1 When my SO and I first started dating and she told me she had PTSD I though just being a good guy would be enough. Well just being a good guy is not enough when your with someone with PTSD. You can still trigger them even though you are a good guy. You can still get offended when they tell you they can't trust you even though it is the PTSD talking and not them. You feel like a failure when they tell you they feel hopeless and that nobody can help them.,1 "With my therapist's help, I was able to start functioning better, being able to take care of myself a bit better, do certain things for myself, like going into a store solo for errands, without needing someone there as a safety-anchor. ​ However... Over those seven years, there's been a lot of turmoil for me. Nana ended up going through multiple strokes, one of them eventually rendering her righthand hemiplegic, necessitating her moving into a nursing home, which meant her house and assets had to be sold. Mum and I then moved in with her aunt (my great-aunt), who needed someone there due to her PArkinsons getting to the point where she had very limited mobility.",0 "###Hello everyone!, We hope you've begun defrosting your turkeys in preparation for a delicious meal. As the holiday season begins to ramp up, we've decided to try a new approach to handling the influx of Thanksgiving-related posts we normally receive every year. We're excited to be launching a Thanksgiving MegaThread, a single post for users to share their turkey-day anxieties and support others. Our goal in this trial is two-fold:",0 "Anyway, I just sort of got the news and don't even know if I'm posting this right. I don't even know what I'm ask for or how to do this. I feel embarrassed and vulnerable to everything right now. I'm sorry if any of this violates posting rules. I can give more information if needed in PM.",1 "* Trigger warning. The past two weeks I have been recovering from life saving surgery and because of the physical consequences I have had four panic attacks in two weeks. Today I had my fourth one. My original trauma is not related to the hospital, but to rape. But now any time a nurse needs to do something I associate with pain or something else because of the past trauma my brain gets triggered into a panic attack.",1 "If this is all I'm going to experience side-effect wise, then I regret not starting earlier. I really hope this will help with the anxiety, panic disorder, and depression. What are your experiences with antidepressants? Does it get worse? I just can't wait to start actually feeling like myself again.",0 "I'm gonna try and keep this as short as possible> We met 6 months ago and it was instant chemistry. We fell in love pretty quickly and we used to talk all the time about how surprised we were at our feelings and how we had never felt like this before. Anyway a month ago he started calling less, he would still drive the few hours to come and see me but the communication between us seeing each other was lacklustre. I'm not usually clingy but we used to talk on the phone several times a day. this turned into a 5 minute call.",1 "I was walking to a class when someone behind me at their locker dropped their stuff. I went into a panic and I started reliving the trauma. After it went away, I told my friends about it outside of class. In response, they started jokingly throwing things at the ground (including some of my stuff). I started crying in the middle of class, but no one noticed.",1 "I work with her sister. Her sister got me this great job at our firm after I was introduced through a mutual friend and hit it off. I'm not unqualified, but her recommendation certainly helped. I met my ex through her sister. Her sister is charming, personable, but also the most vindictive person I've ever seen.",0 "I can't stay standing, or even sitting for extended periods of time without severe consequences to my neck, and my head. And more recently have been experiencing heart trouble. I'm getting some doctors to look at me but they haven't found anything yet. I've literally been going with no money or insurance and bills are piling up. Since I cannot commit to any continuous work, I'm finding it impossible to make money.",1 I've had many depressive episodes in the past that started around the time I turned 14 but anxiety my whole life. I am currently 15 years old and male. I've had symptoms of HOCD in the past that have mainly been caused by anxiety and have also been scared of developing DID in the past even though that is very unlikely. Edit: I added some details I feel were important to mention that I forgot to beforehand. I also fixed some spelling errors and cleaned up the language.,0 "I just feel so naked and unprotected. WIll this be any different with the therapist? After all I don't even know if I want to go to this therapy session, I'm so confused about myself it's unbelievable. Has anyone of you guys ever experienced this self-confusion before and can help me finding myself again? The appointment has not even yet been made and I'm already freakin' out about it, I feel kinda like an idiot right now.",1 "I don’t know how it’s physically possible to be this anxious on this level of medication. To be fair my anxiety and racing thoughts about going back to the first employer are so bad that I can’t even really watch TV, so healthy coping mechanisms are pretty sparse. I’m really only posting this because I seriously can’t believe that a) I can physiologically sustain this and b) that I still have been going to work every day. I guess I come home and break down every day too, so there’s that. I wish so bad I hadn’t done that, and it’s like my brain is living in this loop of both regret and fear, as well as rage at myself for thinking that would be the answer.",1 "One thing I'm thankful for in this mess of my life is my friend that has listened to me, held me through my panic attacks and talked me down from ledges. He's still there for me even though he's seen me at some pretty dark places. Ok, rant/vent over. Thank you for being here. Thank you for listening.",0 " The title pretty much says it all but I want to add all the gory details. In my girlfriends family there are a lot of hammy downs. There is just a plethora of clothing and obscene amounts of things that nobody needs, so when I want a thing the answer is almost universally ""lets ask my mom first before buying"". In my life thus far I don't really take other peoples things. I have like 5 pairs of jeans and like 3 more pants I bought for work, but other than that I don't have extra stuff and I like it that way.",0 Is he who I would have pictures when thinking of a love interest before we started dating? Not really. He has a different style than my normal type and different interests. However he has an amazing fun personality and our senses of humor mesh really well together. Another big thing that makes us not so perfect is the fact that he got out of his “first love” relationship of 5 years one year before we met.,0 "When I was 17, my mom turned her attacks on my writing into high gear. She constantly berated me about how pointless, worthless, stupid and childish it was to write. How I'd never make it as a writer. How I'd be poor and alone. How (again) I needed to stop doing ""childish things"" like writing (and any other hobby/passion she decided to attack that day) and grow up.",0 "When I was 16 my braces were removed due to bone loss caused by Pre-juvenile periodontitis. My orthodontist had advised against a retainer because of cost and not believing I would need it. So sometime around my 17th year my teeth began to shift, horribly. Now I'm left with a horribly crooked and hanging front tooth, and have been terrified to speak to, or smile at anyone for years. It's absolutely destroyed my self esteem, and I've contemplated suicide many times because of it.",1 I don't know if I should call it abuse. Fiancé suffers from PTSD & alcoholism... Punched me and threw shit at me at an international airport and almost got himself kicked off the flight. Last night was the 2nd time but far worse. He beat me with a bag he thought I packed and thought I was going to leave him (it was a bag I forgot to unpack and was in the closet). My head was bleeding profusely and I (thank goodness) ran outside and called for help...,1 "I constantly cancel plans on friends because sometimes going out is just too much. I recently heard about a friend of a friend who passed away at 25 from breast cancer and instead of empathy or sympathy, all I could feel was terrified fear that I would get diagnosed with the same cancer that she had. That was all I could think about - and that always happens when I hear about someone else dying. Ugh. I don't even know.",1 Today I logged on to my computer to have a few games with friends that I know. Before the games started I got into a discussion with a friend and a few points to take away from the conversation were: - People don't know how to react when I'm around because I'm overly sensitive. - People don't have the persistence to continue trying to help. - They don't feel like they can help so they've been avoiding me.,0 "I have always told her that if there’s anything she wants to know, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, that I’d tell her I the truth and in return that she would do the same. I repeatedly gave warning that I didn’t think it would help and that it was a bad idea. She said she had to know and I told her that I would but she couldn’t turn it into an issue because this all happened before I even knew her. She agreed. I understand people saying that I should’ve given her space when she asked for it, but I am sorry, that is bullshit.",0 "I have never before felt so betrayed by the system. Fiance (f) was blackout drunk. She started getting physical by grabbing my genitals and pulling so hard I now have a 1.5"" tear in my scrotum.. after that I was punched, bitten, scratched, and kicked over the next 5 minutes. All I could do was try to retreat, but I was unable to get to our room so I could get dressed and leave the house (I was nude at the time). As I got scared she would seriously hurt me, or I would strike her back, I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.",1 I am at a high risk for homelessness. I have now hired a lawyer. Update 4/26/2018 I just found out my Vitamin D level was super low and I am now on therapy to get that boosted to normal. I also have just been prescribed Gabapentin for nerve pain and I will see how that goes. I found out as well I have arthritis of the spine.,1 I did. I moved 1300 miles away. I’m in therapy (just started again). Financially I don’t have any worries at the moment. I’m moving to a bigger place ..,0 "I always found it so easy to live in the street. Food was available EVERYWHERE. We live in Canada, a first world country, and food was just so easy to get. drop in centers, late night visit at the bakery shop, rummaging trough the garbage ( before it became popular .. ). Clothing was also available everywhere.",0 "lost best friend of 12 years also i ""think"" i have some type of skin things weather it's mites or fleas or scabies or something idk i'm guessing scabbies and i've tried the remedy for it multiple times but it didn't cure it just kinda lessened the symptoms so w/e it is i have or if it's all in my head i have no idea also been getting alot of headaches but yeah and i'm completely confused and i have no idea what to do or anything i've been researching and trying to find stuff but google isn't that good apparently, i've found out about couchsurfers, dumpster divers, and stuff i just i don't know what to do i really just wish i could start over, or find some kinda self help group or facility. Some where that could help me out with life skills and with my confusion, depression etc again im just really confused and not sure what to do.",1 "They’ve only kissed twice but I’ve read their texts and it seems like he definitely cares a lot about her, enough to share more with her about himself than he ever shared with me. Is it an emotional affair? He assured her he won’t cut off contact; is he in love with her? What do I next? **",1 "Now, this was my first long term serious relationship and at the time, i wasn’t aware if what he was asking me to do was normal or not. But i loved him with everything i had, so i gave up my oldest and greatest friendship for this guy i loved. Who ruined me. Myself and Alex have always been a bit flirty, but never made a move on one another. He would come to me about relationship advice, i never before had feelings for him and i would help him wholeheartedly with any issues he had.",0 "Won't have any income until after I graduate, so whatever I spend this shit on, that's it. I have no social life anyways, so I won't be missing out on anything since I just stay in my room when I'm not in class. I have a pretty terrible idea to make money that I'll need about 1200 in supplies to attempt. It doesn't involve gambling, buying crypto, or buying stocks. Do I do it?",0 "I have had mobility issues since I was twenty three following a difficult pregnancy that triggered inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome. Over the years I've had a few falls due to being very unsteady on my feet at the best of times, which have added to my mobility issues. My right ankle and calf are permanently injured, I have achilles tendonitis, plantar faciitis and the muscle in my calf has tightened so much due to the shortening of my tendons that my foot points instead of sitting normally. I have osteoarthritis in my right hip, which slips in the socket and causes a lot of pain, and this has all had an ongoing impact on the rest of my body as my back often spasms or locks and I have issues with a frozen shoulder that limits the use of my right arm. On top of all of this, I have kidney, liver and bladder problems.",1 "I'm soo lucky/blessed that I have parents with an open home to me so that I am able to do this but I can't keep going on like this. I feel afraid to work. I feel like less of a man because of this. I worry about my future and if I'll ever get stable ground. Sorry, I needed to put my thoughts into text.",1 "I'm looking for anyone who is interested in taking a 10 minute survey, with the chance to win a £100 (or equivalent) Amazon voucher. You need to be over 18, speak English as a first language, and be able to listen to some audio files and select matching pictures. I've been told it's fun to do! Anyone who enters will be really helping me as I try to progress my research into language and meaning. ",0 "Come one, come all. Join us if you need support, or a friendly community to become apart of. **Invitation Link:** We also have a subreddit for people who can't get Discord: r/AngelsWingsSupport **DISCLAIMER:** *We are not medical professionals.",0 "Hi everyone, I'm studying at the University of Maryland, and I'm working with a team on a product design project. My team and I have decided to focus on the idea of wellness with a particular focus on hospital/patient wellness. If you've ever spent any amount of time in a hospital, we want to hear from you! It's a short survey and would benefit us greatly in taking in feedback and redesigning our product. Thanks!",0 "They are very sweet and welcoming to me, but I feel so overwhelmed with everything. I feel as though I gave up my independence to come here, which is fine, but I'm having a really hard time adjusting to everything being handed to me when I've had to provide for myself for so long. I told my boyfriend that I need supplies for the week and he responded with ""ask my mom"". I couldn't wrap my mind around that. I still cant.",1 "I am afraid of anything and everything at the same time I am afraid of what happened or what may happen. I am afraid the world, the earth, the skies, the stars, aliens, humans, animals, whatever fucking bullshit thought that had occurred in my head that makes my skin crawl. I am afraid of what I am or what I might become. I am afraid that I might go crazy or fight that I might become boring, or normal, or average, or weird, or some fucking hippie, or some fucking stupid hard-headed person.",1 "So I met this girl last year, in November. Although we only dated officially for around a month, the feelings became very intense. Around the week before Christmas, she confessed she had been cheating on me with someone. At the time she was very distant towards me, and of course the cheating explained that. She and I met up last week to talk, I thought I would get closure but all I felt afterwards was a deep sense of regret.",1 at some point they laughed and i had to leave because i got physically sick to my stomach. i guess i didn't realize how much they had screwed me up. now i feel like shit though because the acquaintance is a nice person and i want to be friends with them. we were all planning a dnd game together over text for a while and i just want to be able to talk to them without thinking about my ex. any solutions or help ideas?,1 "I've read that quality sleep, regular exercise, and fish oil all can help. Does that sound right? What are the best, non-pharma methods to help resolve anxiety? What about mediation (and is there a suggested starting point)? While I'm probably genetically more prone to anxiety, is it that I've let my body down somehow?",1 "two months off of work in my favorite city with limitless money and i am more infuriated than ever. all its done is remove my dissociation and now i have inexplicable rage. i just fucking hate everything. i hate this site, even, and made an ultimatum never to come back. but i have no fucking idea what even to do.",1 Could I be arrested for camping somewhere? I've never been to jail and don't want to go to jail for having no where to sleep. Do you recommend camping or finding a church or shelter that would take me in? **UPDATE:** Thank you all for the responses. I know I have issues but I feel they cannot be solved by taking medications.,0 "We met about 2.5 years ago, both somewhat fresh off our respective divorces. I felt we had a real connection, we fell for each other hard, dated (eventually lived together) for a little less than a year before she got pregnant. We were both really happy as we had both talked about wanting children - at the time we got pregnant we were ""not NOT trying,"" we had definitely had many conversations and were both on board and happy to have a child together. We felt we had met our true love in each other. Things have been rough since the birth of our son.",1 I believe he has real deep seeded mental health issues. I also know he verbally and emotionally abuses his wife. I know he has scared his daughter so much she has gone so far as to hide all his beer and she showed up on my doorstep terrified because he got mad.. Chased her around the house and thrown a glider rocking chair at the door she managed to lock. She is 11.,1 "I feel so damaged by my childhood that I feel like I could never be fixed. Everything he's said is true about me. I am stupid, crazy, cunt, bitch, whore, and people only want me for my body. I feel so ready to just go. I hate myself so much.",1 "You can watch the video before you leave! Funny, I never did get to see that video. Neither did anyone else. Call me Cass. What I didn't see coming: my caseworker got pissed that I missed a meeting and didn't bother getting me a bus pass.",0 "i experience dissociation. i get this feeling like there;s a pill in my throat. i soemtimes wonder if maybe the reason i struggle so much is beacause something happened to me? but idk. i'm probably just overthinking this the way i do and making something out of nothing, but i've been wondering off and on and pushing these thougths away for a few years.",1 "My car broke. Again massive stress, helplessness, and hopelessness, as if the walls are closing in on me. I knew a bit of mechanic work and decided to fix the car myself. After a few weeks of investigation, learning, part orders, etc, etc I did fix it. But it wasted a lot of my time though.",1 "There are also things he doesn't like. He doesn't like when my mom go out to go gamble with his money. He works his ass off everyday, gives her money to pay bills, and she constantly goes gambling with her friend. Yes I do know that my mom is wrong for that, but me and my siblings can't say or do anything as she is our mother. So they argue about these these things constantly every single day.",1 "My freelance worked has finally shown some fruits as I have booked 2 events for this month, a birthday and a wedding. I also just got hired to be a regular lead photographer at an events company and I start this Saturday. Now my dilemma is this, I am currently financially struggling and would need a help to finally have some stability. I am looking for anyone who can LEND me money. I'm looking to borrow since I will be capable of paying back.",0 "Bottom line is this is the first situation in a long while causing me to really get anxious. I'm thinking about it most of the time and waffling about it. And today I got the invitation and started looking into flights and transport and I'm overwhelmed. I'm at an age where traveling alone shouldn't be a big deal, but it is, I never have traveled alone aside from a handful of 2 hr bus trips in 2007ish. Any advice?",1 "Is this what a guy who loves you deserves? Is this my punishment for life? Doesn’t some part of you feel something for me? I see you and Jane are out tonight so as I sit here alone and dying inside knowing that the most important thing in my life is leaving me and I’ll never even see you again, doesn’t something inside you feel just a morsel of empathy and reciprocal love back for me and to me and want to give me some chance? Why do I have to be destroyed for this?",1 "There's nothing I can say or do that will alleviate her worries. In the past I've tried to solve things but that doesn't help. I've tried just listening and agreeing or offering comments like ""that does sound bad"" or ""I understand"" but those don't seem to help either. Does anyone have advice on what I can do or say to not cause anger or start a fight? I'm at a loss as to what I need to do or be for her.",1 I'm overwhelmed looking at all the options on amazon. Has anyone found something that works for them? Any ideas for other subreddits I should redirect my question to? I saw spire but they have so many one star reviews from customers whose device stopped working for one reason or another. I'm looking for something that's more reliable.,0 "And enjoy this day of the miracle that is being above-ground, breathing the air, and feeling the world around you. If anything like this has happened (or is happening) to you, know that there's at least one guy out there who can relate. Time tends to heal all wounds. I guess I'll go take my kid for a walk. ---",0 "Anything you forgot to write about in your statement that you wish you would've? I have so much to say that I have no idea where to start. Thank you so much in advance. sending hope, love, courage and so many prayers for everyone during this season of your lives. so thankful for this community and support from each and every single one of you.",0 "My own sleep issues were that of a cat: I could sleep anywhere, anytime for brief at most 40 minute slots of time. I was known to lean against a wall and be fast asleep. On a 20 minute taxi ride. Boom. Out.",0 "I asked him three time what happened. And after the third time I cried and went home. Month later he still don't talk to me and he and my mother started fighting for the first time in the relationship. Me and my mother honestly don't know what to do, he just ignores me. I even told him that I don't date that guy(even though I date him) and he didn't even react to it.",1 "Brian has exactly the same responses. I know he is in a nightmare because I am fully aware of his breathing, his perspiration and his heart rate (a gift of growing up as a small child being hunted, there are some skills that are animalistic that I retain to this day). His service dog, Sasha, no longer wakes Brian up from his nightmares but stands up stretches, which is enough to wake me up and if I don’t fix the problem, she will wander over to my side of the bed lay her head on it and make that condescending “get a move on with it woman” growl she has developed. She loves me in that I exist and am occasionally useful. Smile.",0 "Something that's started happening to me recently is sometimes the world becomes so unreal that things like houses blow my mind(Don't even get me started on wheels). It's weird because these things in a normal state of mind are just their and barely have any impact on me but when I get into this kind of trance, everything becomes surreal. I googled this feeling and most of the results seem to be related to anxiety so I wanted to hear if others here experience it too.",0 "I have a lot of self esteem. I value myself, I believe I'm smart, have a good personality and am attractive. Some days though (perhaps most), I will still get anxiety. I'll start to talk to some people and for no reason at all feel my heart rate go up and start to overthink the things I say, which then leads to me coming off as awkward. This doesn't happen with the people I'm fully comfortable with.",1 "She embarrass him in front of others. Last weekend was really what made me decide to write this. Jay, Marie, me and the husband were at another couples house. We were drinking and playing board games but Jay had to work the next day so he stopped early. Marie starts taking this personally for some reason and then says to all of us that he’s “always ruining her nights out”.",0 - Spaghettios - 2 orders of Pasta Sauce - Penne pasta - Spaghetti - A big ol' bag of rice,0 "She hobbled down these steps between the living room and kitchen. She didn't ask for help and even when my dad and I both offered she declined. On the way back up the stairs her knee started to hurt or she hit or whatever. She was sitting on the stairs just sobbing away, doing her thing where she's cussing under her breathe. That was a strong indicator to leave her the fuck alone.",0 "Whenever the mutual friend would go to the bathroom, she kept making eyes at me, and me at her. The physical chemistry was palpable. After we were about to leave, our friend took off, and we hung out in the parking lot, me embracing her for lengthy periods of time. I wanted to just go for a kiss, but I knew it would be crossing a permanent boundary. Afterwards, she approached me at work.",0 "I would like to surprise my friend with the kindness of strangers by crowd funding her vet bill. Please take a look at the [gofundme I have set up. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Even if you are unable to donate, shares on facebook and twitter will be very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to read my request.",0 "My mom noticed and she started screaming at him, and they start having a heated argument. I was not that old at the time, so I didn’t have a cell phone. My mom had one though and it was sitting on the table. E had his in his back pocket and was a little away from me, so I ran and grabbed my mom’s phone. I turned my back to him, and tried to dial 911, but before I could E grabbed the phone out of my hand, and put it in his other back pocket.",1 "I can recall one situation where I was accused of taking her credit card (I was 6 years old and before we had computers), the one she left in store, so decided to ransack my bedroom, destroying most of the gifts I got the Christmas. This resulted in being given a crumpled, unapologetic five-pound note. No sorry, nothing said, just the silence and dark stair. From a young age I was subjected to social seclusion, I was not allowed to hang out with any of the local kids in my town. Apparently, they were all ‘bad’ children and believed I would be influenced by them resulting in becoming, well I am not to sure what she expected.",1 "So many local counties and cities struggle with homelessness and put a lot of resources into fixing the problem. But I feel society as a whole needs to change in order to truly fix the problems at hand especially at the federal level. By at least having these conversations, we can start talking about how we as a nation might be able to change to help our neighbors. I hope this made a bit of sense. I have been up late and wanted to reflect on some of the previous conversations I have had with people trying to change the narrative on homelessness.",0 "I had two friends attempt (no longer friends because one was a narcissist and the other was an abusive borderline) and both those attempts traumatized me. They made me so upset. I also was upset about the fake accusation about talking about rape porn. I keep thinking about my assault. It happened in public, at night time and it's almost like I can see how dark it is and how he forced himself upon me.",1 "Now that he needs financial help he knows exactly where to find me. I know he wants me to just say “okay, here’s the $730 dollars you need to make rent and pay your credit card bill.” But I don’t want to just give him a handout. He’ll just come back the following month and begin to expect it. Aside from that we can’t afford an extra $730 a month. My wife and I are trying to pay off our debt and start a family.",0 "I’m a 24 year old male. For the past month, my stomach has had little pain after eating and I’ll have problems with indigestion/sour stomach. I’ll eat a clean meal and it’s as if my stomach won’t digest the food and I’m burping it up right after eating. There is usually no pain after eating. My stool color has been normal and I’m regular.",0 "Since then, I've been having major anxiety about my voice and have refused to speak to anyone because I am afraid that they will think I am a lying robot. If I sound this way when I'm feeling energetic and confident, how must I sound the rest of the time??? However, I know that I am going to have to speak again eventually because not only do I have a job interview AND a party on Tuesday BUT I also have to do most of the speaking for my boyfriend as he is not confident at all in his English. Have any of you ever been told you sound like a robot? How did you overcome it or how did you stop feeling anxious about this?",1 "University makes my anxiety really bad, I'm too scared to ever ask professors for help which makes my grades worse, and I can't make any friends. All this makes my depression worse, so I end up lying in bed all the time because I'm either too depressed to go to class or having a panic attack. I know I'm going to end up failing the semester, and that's just making my anxiety worse. I' sorry for rambling, I just really don't know what to do, and I have no one to help me. Can anyone give me any advice please?",1 "I realize that why I’m “ok” is because I am now past the acute phase of ptsd that I developed last year. The flashbacks are better- less often and less intense. I have learned to manage the panic attacks at work - I have a process to deal with these events now, and they often work. But the reason I’m really ok is because I don’t push myself at all to make friends, or date, or expand my life beyond work and my small world. I can’t expand it.",0 "We could make the money up but by that point the next rent check will be due. We managed to borrow $450 from friends/family but that's all we can get. I'm asking for anyone with a big heart to please lend us support. Like I said up top, I understand $650 is a lot of money. We will repay when we can recover from this blow.",0 "In order to make a case for its commercialization, we have to do a strong market validation research and costumer insight so we decided to create a survey asking parents what are they looking for in a wearable device for their bundle of joy. Here's the link: You will also enter for a chance to win an Amazon Gift card! Thanks! **SURVEY HAS BEEN EDITED FOR BETTER EXPERIENCE**",0 "I was dealing with depression for months feeling like I'd failed life at 18 and quit my job to finish off my college education and thats where we met. We were in the same class and used to stare at each other all day long so i followed her on instagram and noticed she was going to a club in my town that night so convinced my friend to come out as i really needed to bump into this girl and give it a shot. so we did. When i walked in, she was there it, was crazy we locked eyes and without saying much she walked up and just started kissing me. we were guy and girl from that moment we did so much stuff together like holidays then she even moved into my parents place.",0 "The backpack had my social security card, passport, birth certificate, laptop, notebooks, and other important legal documents like my last lease agreement. I am on the street because my landlord in San Diego was making violent threats towards me and I had to flee. Police were called, and nothing was done. I moved to California a few years ago. I left my things with some people I trusted and they all stole them and sold them for money.",1 "And I'm just really confused and don't know how to feel or what to believe or think. Did he kill himself because of me? Did he know I wanted to see him or did they simply never told him? Is it my fault he is dead now, and that my little brother has no father anymore? I'm just so confused and overcome with emotions right now.",1 He wouldn't take me to the hospital but I could feel the gaping wound in the back of my head and the hole in my lip my tooth had done. He kept packing. So I called the police. I couldn't see out of my left eye and clearly couldn't drive and felt I had no other option. The police department chose not to press charges.,1 "Hi, I'm a senior in high school, and I just turned 18. While at school one day, my mom collected some of my belongings and put them in a bag by the door, and then confiscated my house key, telling me I had to leave by the next morning. I have no where to go, no car, and no access to my savings. I have a part-time job, but it auto-deposits into a checking account that my dad has control over.",1 "*edited out the father's name* six-year-old son K needs a bone marrow match to help him survive. K was born on Sept. 18, 2011. When he was first brought home, his parents believed their son was a healthy baby boy. A year into K's life all seemed well, but his health started to fail shortly after his first birthday. K was diagnosed with Dyskeratosis Congenita, which is also known as Zinsser-Engman-Cole syndrome.",0 "We’ve embedded a piece of our personality into our technology, and that is so cool. So HOMESCREEN is a gallery, a showcase of that personality. It’s a glimpse into stranger’s life, completely grounded in how they use technology. It is presented without bias and 100% anonymously, so that viewers can make their own assumptions and judgements based only on the information given by the image. So what I'm looking for is screenshots of your phone's homescreen.",0 "So, I survived years of physical and sexual abuse as a kid. I'm finally at the place in my counselling where my therapist and I both think I'm ready to work through it. I really like her and trust her, but the guided questions she asks remind me of how few specific details I actually remember. Today she had me close my eyes to focus on where in my body I was feeling my anger, and it was like I was whooshing through a tunnel until she wasn't in the room anymore, and my body felt all weird and flat, my head would feel gigantic and then absolutely minuscule, my hands would be gigantic and then my feet.....I don't know how to explain it. It's like that scene in Inside Out where the characters become abstract shapes for awhile?",1 "I can afford it alone. He just has nowhere else to go. His wages are low, he relies on me for transportation. I actually have to leave my job during the day to drive him to work. It is tough on me to do that.",1 As of Sunday i have experience sever anxiety. Its too the point i am unable to do normal everyday functions and doing my job is harder. All i can think about is how i was ripped away from my daughter and how she is without me. Its to the point my therapist uas suggested i used cbd oil to manage my anxiety instead of narcotics. They help take the edge off and let me relax to the point i can sleep.,1 "Hello everyone, A very close friend of mine was in an accident a few years ago and deals with PTSD. He has horrific nightmares that wake him up and keep him in a state of fright. We live in separate provinces, so when he does have his dreams it is difficult to comfort him. Each time he calls, and I struggle with what to say on the phone.",0 "I don't think it would be different in another relationship, and I think both of us accept that we have sexual hangups. But I always wonder if I would be more sexually passionate in a different relationship. --- **tl;dr**: Do men just inherently look at the greener grass, or does a good relationship make you feel settled and satisfied? And please don't say ""open relationship"" as the answer...",0 I explained my situation without giving him how long I’ve been homeless but said I’d be back on my feet by December. That was at the beginning of the conversation. Then at the end of the conversation he said I should be good there for a week. What the heck! Now I have to find new places to park in hopes I don’t get bothered at night.,1 "I created a CV today, but it just filled me with dread considering having to apply and do interviews/god forbid actually have to have a job where I'm responsible for things and could end up screwing up so badly. On top of that I'm terrified by the current situation of applying for uni and am fearing the worst that I will have a panic attack at the interview for it and be rejected. I feel like such a burden and I can't do anything right. I have been considering suicide for the past month. I'm just so anxious and depressed all the time and if I can't even get a part time job, what is the point in me?",1 I have NOONE to talk too. = stress I've taken dbt/cbt classes. Yes I've tried grounding techniques and get frustrated after a bunch don't work. Cannot Afford a pyscologist.,1 "Hi everyone. Last month my daughter was delivered 11 weeks early and will be in the NICU for the next couple months. It's been a hard time, emotionally, physically, and financially. To help me deal with it all, I started journaling about our experiences and decided to turn them into mini zines (printable little comic books). I set up a patreon account, which allows you to pledge $1, $3, or $6 a month in return for rewards.",0 "It's really just standard-issue big corporation stuff. My direct manager slaps together the scheduling for our dept. at the last minute because she's overworked, and she's overworked because it's cheaper to make her do enough work for 2/3 people than to just open up an assistant position. I'm not getting enough sleep. I'm going off my medication because I can't make the appointments I need; my weekly schedule is a complete dice roll.",1 "My sister is an alcoholic as well and also drinks too much, tho not as much as this fellow. I've never been comfortable with the level of her drinking or her personal choices and I live long distance from her. I try to nudge her in more positive directions and in the past 18 months have been offering a few hundred in financial support monthly to her to help her better provide for her kids. About 6 months ago, it came out that her boyfriend has been screaming in her face and laying his hands on her. Usually she beats him up as much or worse - I think it's pure insanity and I told her that she needed to make physical contact a 'red line' and if I heard about it, I would call the local police office and report him.",0 "The thought of interviewing for a job with a man in a suit makes me want to curl up and die. Despite living and going to college in the town I grew up in, I don't have any close friends. I'm different than most girls at my college, I guess. I don't wear the giant tshirts, and I'm not in a sorority. I don't go out at night and party or go to football games.",1 "It is having a major strain on our relationship as he obviously wants to be involved but essentially I am unloading all my worry onto him. I am really unsure how to move forwards from here. If I think I am being irrational and hold in my anxiety, he says I am not communicating with him about it. If I open up and tell him, I feel like I am a burden and it makes me feel guilty and pretty low that I'm feeling this way. Any advice would be appreciated!",1 "So I decided that I am going to talk to my doctor about tapering off lexapro next week when I go in to see her. I won't lie that I'm scared, but I think it is time. The only real thing that I had while starting lexapro was restless leg and increased anxiety, but this lasted about a week. So let's hear it reddit, what is a taper really like. Oh, male and 20 mg daily for a year is my timeline with the meds.",0 "People may quickly think ""drugs"" but just try and quickly think ""animals"" unless you are dangerous when you have your episodes or become angry after them. Just think that all of that drug money some people spend could go on raising and giving a loving home to an animal who will heal him/her. x ​ ​",0 I am constantly afraid of when it's going to happen next and I'm so scared I'm going to have some embarrassing reaction to it. It happened today and I was able to play it cool for about 5 minutes and then I went on my lunch and cried my eyes out in my car. I've been having really bad flashbacks all afternoon and night. I really wish it didn't get to me like this. My day was seriously ruined by a harmless prank.,1 "I tried explaining this to her, but she said I should have redone it and she would never have turned something like that into her boss. When she asked me to work on it, she asked for information. Not a full spreadsheet of detailed numbers or anything. During this meeting, I got very anxious, told her I was anxious, and actually started crying. (Typical reaction when I don't have control over things and my anxiety jumps.)",1 "It was hard on me. I let her know it but I also let her know I do it because I love her. She seemed to have an issue with me expressing myself. With stress from the school directly into the job itself she became distant. Less and less texting, feeling no need to communicate, moments of depression which she suffers from, low self esteem, her mom becoming ill and needing hip replacement at age 74 and not doing well following the surgery.",1 "I am already accountable to my family, boyfriend, pets, co workers, etc and now I have to be accountable to these ppl I couldn’t give two shits about and they are counting on me and I hate the pressure so much. I’m doing that awful thing where you just avoid avoid avoid. Had to get this off my chest. I feel like I’m going to vomit and I have gurgles/butterflies in my belly and I’ve had the anxiety runs all morning. UGH.",1 "My anxiety caused me to become independent and cold towards him, but inside I was screaming. All I wanted was for him to hold me and tell me everything was fine. But my anxiety got the best of us and caused a rift. We broke up for a week and then when we got back together we were really good for maybe a month or two and the same insecurities slipped in. Mind you, he has NEVER cheated or even acted interested in other girls.",1 "I eventually came to accept what I went through by realising that I did nothing to deserve it, he's just a bastard. However, he got married again to a woman he's been with for a few years last week and now has a new family. They seem genuinely happy and from what I know he isn't abusing them. I should be happy for them as it means he might have finally sorted himself out but I can't help but think that he's the same person he was, and I actually did deserve it. I know it's not rational for me to think that, but I can't help it.",0 "Trauma survivors often don’t need more awareness. They need to feel safe and secure in spite of what their awareness is telling them. At the first sign of anxiety or depression, traumatized people will spiral into toxic shame. Depending on the wounding messages they received from their abusers, they will not only feel the effects of anxiety and depression, but also a deep shame for being “defective” or “not good enough.” Many survivors were emotionally and/or physically abandoned, and have a deep rooted knowledge of the fact that they were insufficiently loved. They live with a constant reminder that their brains and bodies were deprived of a basic human right.",0 "Without my meds I can be kinda unstable, few months back I stopped taking them and ended up breaking my hand because of it. I have no real education except high school diploma and I wasn't smart enough to finish community college as I'm useless with math and science and that's all I needed to finish for a general studies degree. All I seem to be doing is existing and that means I'm a burden on anyone who tries to help me and right now I'm dragging my partner down. I just need help figuring out what to do so I can stop being burdensome and be useful and have a purpose again. I don't really know what to do anymore, but this is all I have left to try.",1 "A little about them... I have a 17 year old, that is biologically my niece. My sister moved out when she was 3 weeks old and I raised her from that point. I was only 16. I have a 12 year old son that is biologically my husbands nephew, but we adopted him.",0 My chest has a different feeling. Before it would feel on fire and chaotic. Now it feels just wrong. Like I am in medical danger. I am a 26 year old woman.,1 "With trying to pay some old bills like a delinquent 500+ electric bill, I rarely had extra to save. Paying that old bill has cleared a hurdle on my path to my own place. I paid that bill and now I can get electric service when the time comes. That was a big win for me. I stayed with a relative and kind of kept pace with expenses and contributing to expenses while slowly paying down that bill.",0 "Save yourselves, and get a doggo if you can. *Make sure you have the financial stability, and get a dog that’s on-par with your dog experience. It’s important to remember they are a ton of work, large puppies especially, but the distraction is part of what helps. A lot of people get large, active, intelligent dogs as puppies and don’t understand they are a full-time job. For the protection of the dogs, if you’re a first time owner don’t get one that weighs over 30lbs when mature.",0 "I never personally did anything beyond a ""show me yours and I'll show you mine"" type of thing where another kid and I would see how we ""measured up"", but it felt like those experiences had heavily sexual undertones for me - I don't know if that was me figuring things out or if my mind went there from what happened to me cousin. When I was about 13 I remember thinking to myself that it was crazy that so many of my peers knew what they wanted - I was just really, really confused. I said to myself ""I don't know what I like or which team I go, and I bet that's because of what happened between me and my cousin. I'll figure it out when I'm older"" and that was it. I did what a lot of other kids my age were doing - I hopped online and watched lots of porn.",0 "Sometimes my voice catches for a minute and I flush dark red. I feel like my heart is in my throat, like it's closed up a bit. Bump. Bump. Bump.",1 "Her mother, who has been a full-time elementary school teacher for 28 years, is her primary caregiver, but when the mother is working as a teacher, this amazing lady needs a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) to assist her with her ADLs and health needs so the mother can provide the family income. Her LVN attends to her physical and health needs everywhere that she goes during the day at home, in her college classes, out in the community, and her volunteering sites. She had good luck with LVNs, but her last LVN unfortunately no longer has worked with her since December. Since November, her family has posted the job opening six times online, asked all the local Vocational Nursing schools to post the job, and countless people posted the job opening on social media. No one applied for the enjoyable position, except for one, but she lasted for four hours and she decided that she didn't want the job after all.",0 "That being said, I love her when she is good, otherwise we wouldn’t be together. She tells she didn’t want to tell all those mean things. But then she does it again. I’m thinking what I can do, and I’ve come up with the following idea: She is straight-A university student, so I’ve devised a rating system for handling aggression.",0 "Hello, As is probably always the case, I have no idea how to start this post. My girlfriend of the past year asked me to sit and talk to her yesterday where she opened up and told me how the relationship had run its course and how there was no chance it could be saved. I have known something wasn't quite right for a while and should have made efforts to make changes long before now. We are still going to remain friends as best we can until the tenancy on our flat runs out.",1 "They can’t all be wrong or insane, can they? Abusers spend so long abusing and being nice and abusing and being nice that you start to think that you play a role in the abuse and the only reason he/she is nice to you again is because of some demand you met. And your will to live/be safe/feel secure will override any trauma you have been through. You will do anything to make them nice again, because that means you get to be safe/secure. It's not contingent upon you, but on them, but you forget this.",0 "But I have two questions - 1) should I stop hanging out with these men altogether? My therapist and mother have told me they don't think what these men confessed were a big deal because they were so young while it happened. And 2) I kind of want to tell the most recent guy that him confessing that to me made me uncomfortable, but I don't know if I should or not. I need help because I don't always have the best judgment of what to do and I'm not always the best judge of character. I think it's because of my aspergers, and also because I really want to see the good in people.",0 "My mood has been worse because it’s so fucking hot in the uk and I feel sticky and gross 24/7 unless I’m in the shower. Maybe dehydration is the reason behind my depressed anxious feeling? I really thought the meds were helping me before this so I don’t want to give up on them....but I don’t know what to expect right now. Sorry for going on too much, advice would be amazing right now. ❤️",1 "Their system is similar to Lego - A one Family house could be build in only 5 days and costs so little that everyone can buy one ( THIS WAS A WOW EFFECT FOR ME ) And it cleans up the environment from all that nasty plastic. I personally LOVE that Idea and think that concepts like this are ( or at least should be) the future of Construction and Real Estate As far as I know, their technology is still open source and they just start business - I can smell great opportunities for Entrepreneurs here! Here is the Link to an article about them on their own Eco -News Platform; for everyone interested into it: ",0 "[Alice was raising hell about it in Europe in the '70s... and here in the '80s. But in those days, the only gasoline being poured on the fire were drugs and alcohol. Things have changed. Now we have machine guns anyone can get in a day if they know where to look. And unless or until this society gets up off its politesse and deals with its descent back into decivilization... deals with the epidemic fucking, battering and *psychotizing* of children... deals with mind-altering chemicals *everywhere*... deals with ""our right"" to own *machine* guns... what should we expect?",0 "I dont know what to make of him telling me I only care about being right. Some part of it might be specific to the dynamics of a philosophy club. Whenever he proposes something in club I am usually the first person to contradict him, but this is (I think) expected in this context and he usually seems to enjoy it. Someone else in club told me before that my friend felt threatened by me intellectually and inferred that he might resent me for it. My friend is older and much smarter than me so the only explanation I can think of is that he talked to me about the stuff he was studying so much that I started catching up to him on content knowledge and he didnt like that?",0 "He would refuse to kiss me or touch me because I was a contaminant and he would obsess about how clean and lovely Japanese idols are, etc. He would often say to me that if he ever met an Asian woman he would dump me immediately. The sexual requirements were a very stringent hygiene ritual, followed with putting on one of his idol videos and I would dress as whatever the girl was wearing such as a maid costume or whatever. He would keep his eyes on the screen while I basically gave him a blow job. Very rarely he would have sex with me, I suppose because it would mean having to look at me more than the screen, so he'd prefer just a blow job.",0 "I had suicidal thoughts while working at the island. I had to cut it short and come back home. I was too sad to continue. Eddy and I reunited, and I assumed we were back together since it seemed so. When he got drunk he would literally switch back and forth to being happy and giggly to wanting to die and hating himself.",1 "Then about 25 minutes later I got a message from her saying that she was downstairs with Annie and her friends pre-drinking so I came down. I asked her how long she was down for and she said the whole time as Annie was already downstairs. I asked her why she didn't let me know everyone was downstairs already, instead of just leaving me in my room by myself to which she replied ""don't worry about it, it's no big deal."" I said it seemed weird she just din't think to tell me for nearly half an hour to which she rolled her eyes and said ""oh don't you start."" I decided it wasn't worth getting annoyed about it and didn't bring it up again.",0 "Typing is keeping me from facing my terror. The nightmares have mostly subsided, but without my wife keeping the ghost away, I'm scared the dreams will come back. I keep recalling the most vivid one of them, it replays itself over and over in my head. I've seen many therapists over the years, and sadly none of them have any understanding of what I'm going through, or how to treat it. Their answer is drug me up until I'm numbed to the point where I no longer feel human.",1 "Hi, everyone! I'm a writer working on an article about the usefulness of social media forums to provide community/resources/language to people in abusive situations (whether that's abusive parents, friends, or significant others.) If a subreddit (or another site) helped you really understand/realize that your situation wasn't normal, would you be willing to DM me? (Anonymously, of course! I won't use anyone's handles.)",0 "Like she said ""shes too much attached to her boyfriend, she knows that he fucks other girls but she cant break with him cause he will block her on fb and delete her phone number forever, he is her the best friend, soulmate"" Wtf? Run away and try to fall out of love or... or what? See what future will deliver? Im lost right now.",0 "Just a simple ""seen"" status can get me into a deep downward spiral of anxiety that suppresses my hunger, takes away my will to do anything, makes me nauseous, takes away my sleep. As soon as the person texts back, I immediately feel okay. I've had relationships with girls that I've felt this way. Both times it was long term and both times I ended it. I somehow find a way to ignore every good thing I had thought before and find all that I feel she misses on other girls.",1 "I'm scared, and I've been on edge for the past few days. He has two 4th degree felony charges and I'm so worried that lack of evidence will push the judge to reconsider his charges. My ex is claiming self-defense, even though I wasn't attacking him. I'm way too small of a person, it doesn't even make sense. He towers over me, how does he expect people to believe him?",1 "She'd deleted evidence years ago. Yet she sat me down, told me she'd been groomed and it was my fault for not telling her. It was my fault she'd be single forever. We're talking incidents happening from when I was 6 through to 16. So I'm angry about that when I think about it.",0 "I'll try to keep this short and succint so it's easier to read. I had a very brief relationship with this girl. We both conected inmediately and tried to be in a relationship. We both had problems that consumed us: she was bulimic and I had erections issues; we both had parent issues and a nihilistic aproach to life. I wasn't a (mentally) strong boy, I was very immature and naive, I suppose she was kind of the same.",0 I don't know what to do right now. I'm having so much anxiety and I feel that there is no hope for me right now. It took a lot of effort to post this. I panic very easily. I also have trust issues.,1 ** > I’d love to but I already have plans this weekend. I am going to my friend’s house. We will play on his new game console! > **That sounds like fun too.,0 "Even when (now talking about other times) I tried to be playful and like scare prank him, he would beat me up for it. And I still looked up to him for some reason. I believe no child should ever experience these kinds of things. They always drag themselves into your future life. In my case, I have sworn to myself to never become like my father, but I still have these... well, issues.",0 I have no assets to sell outside of a broken android phone and have no family to ask for help from. I am about $150 short right now and have had to skip appointments to save money. My landlord has a quick temper and is not often understanding of late payments. I am on a month-to-month lease and am very afraid that I will lose my apartment. I have work prospects that should become viable within the next couple of weeks but I really need help to get to that point.,1 "She has not once shown disappointment. When she sees me get frustrated, she lays next to me and holds me. Asks me what I need to relax. But it's becoming a self perpetuating cycle and I'm getting panicky that this is going to drive a wedge between us because she will start to feel that she doesn't excite me or satisfy me or whatever. Before anyone asks, the pipes all work.",1 *potential triggers: abuse* I was recently diagnosed with PTSD and have been prescribed Cymbalta. Since taking the drug I have found that my flashbacks have kind of intensified. I can now taste things and smell things whereas before it would just be a scene that played out it's like I'm THERE every time. I keep having urges to call my abusers and other people that were involved and tell them that I remember the truth now and I don't forgive them.,1 "Is it more than that? I have been considering finally confessing my secret because it feels like I am choking on it. I repress it as much as I can, but when it bubbles to the surface, it effects everything in my life. Thank you for listening/reading. I need help and I need to find the right way to deal and approach this.",1 "I do not get paid until next Tuesday and i am terrified of what i am going to do until then. Any advice would be appreciated of what to do. Normally although i have my heath problems and we live pay-day to pay-day, it has never been this bad as to where i am scared of how i am going to feed my child for nearly a week and i really have no idea how to overcome this. Any help would be appreciated, even just advice about what to do. I cannot walk any where near as far to go any citizens advice.",1 "Secondly; after 3 years of countless meds and as many strains of dank as you can think of, I finally discovered my cure to anxiety. I've heard handfuls of people say music helps but that's never been that case for me. Until tonight. I started listening to kid Cudi during an anxiety attack, I've been listening to him for a long time but never during an episode, I discovered his music helps me significantly. More than any meds I've ever tried.",0 "Really hoping someone might have some insight for me! A couple years ago I (31,F) befriended one of colleagues (28,M). We were working for a small company that was also hemorrhaging cash, and eventually it was just him, me and some older coworkers in this open space office. Anyway, we really got along! We would have lunches, text in the evenings and weekends, and often go to the pub after work.",0 "Okay, So in since October have just got out of an eight year relationship . We were engaged to get married next year, but it did not work out. It ended mutually and we have moved on. In life these things happen. Since Halloween I have been seeing this Girl.",0 "This will probably end up being a rant. Whoever reads this, thank you. Trigger warning - sexual assault So I was 17 going to a summer camp out of state. This was my first time ever being away from my family for more than a day at a time.",0 "Now here I am, jobless and not in education. A useless person. I'm too anxious and to get a job because I knew that I would screw up and face angry people. I've seen so many therapists but they don't help much, just said that it's a teenage problem. 2 months of lexapro didn't do much but at least I got my muse back.",1 Essentially they had a few speakers which ran from people in the organization to the mayor and state representatives. Then they had a short film about the director who was retiring and essentially how she transformed this small barely funded group into an amazingly helpful and essential part of the community. It was without exaggeration insanely inspiring. They then went on to have a slide show with pictures of some of the survivors. Their pictures would appear as the individual told an abridged version of their story and how this organization helped them.,0 What do you think would happen if you invited an individual with mental health issues who had been homeless for many years to move directly from the street into housing? Loyd Pendleton shares how he went from skeptic to believer in the Housing First approach to homelessness -- providing the displaced with short-term assistance to find permanent housing quickly and without conditions -- and how it led to a 91 percent reduction in chronic homelessness over a ten-year period in Utah. ,0 I can have it in front of me and still overthink and ask my self over and over. Any advice or opinions? Thanks. P.S. I don’t suffer a lot when I’m busy at work or with friends.,1 "So again, here I am, with no idea what to do. I don't have any particular skills, besides almost never getting fatigued, the ability to walk for hours on end without getting tired, lifting some pretty heavy objects despite my skinny figure, and a few other things. I know some Korean, and am studying Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish (self taught). The only things of value that I have anymore are my phone and laptop that I've had since I ran away, and I mainly use the wifi at work to access the internet. My only source of sleep is a 30-60 minute nap I manage to sneak in inside the changing stalls at the gym I shower at, unless a coworker is nice enough to let me stay with them for a few nights.",1 "I loved her and I was completely broken. In July of 2016 I went out to a gaming hall/bar that my friend's family owns. I remember pushing on the doors to start making my way back home and then waking up in the hospital. I was told that I had suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), facial fractures, a ruptured right ear drum and a cerebrospinal fluid leak. I spent one week in the hospital before I discharged myself against medical advice.",1 I also want to set the record straight with my family. What should I do? Tldr : I dislike my mom for legitimate reasons. She's telling my family it's because my head is all messed up from my mental illness. It's gotten back to me and is making me angry and making me feel victimized and weird about myself all over again.,1 "Things my boyfriend does make me feel bad sometimes (for no reason actually), like when he doesn´t text me back for a few hours ( because he´s really busy with work but he texts me back whenever he can, I know it ) and I start having weird thoughts, like ""Is he already tired or bored of me? Is this just another guy who made me fall in love with him and think that he loves me and cares about me, and he actually doesn´t give a damn about me?"" I don´t want to have these thoughts, so I try to stop myself from thinking about that all, but sometimes I just can´t stop and I feel too bad ( for no real reason actually because I honestly feel like he loves me a lot. ). I feel like a bad anxiety attack is coming, and I can´t stop it.",1 "So I knocked and told her to please let me in. She refused, I told her I was sorry and I didn’t mean any of the things I said and that I love her very much. She said to go away so I did (we were at her house). Now a whole day passed and she still refuses to talk to me :( I’m worried, guilty and just want to hug her and tell her again that I’m sorry. I sent her some messages but she ignored them.",1 "with investments/money). Any responses the survey below would be much appreciated and you’ll be entered into a £50 prize draw (not expecting that many replies either so you’ll have pretty good odds) Also, if you happen to have any friends or family who might want a chance at winning some money while helping out a desperate student, please share it! Thanks in advance",0 "Does anyone have any similar experience and were you able to become functioning friends with your ex or was it best to cut all ties, even if it meant losing friends? TL;DR Broke up with my girlfriend of ten years because she fell in love with a complete stranger from overseas. Have shared friends and can’t seem to shake the feeling of sadness/anger whenever I see her due to our reason for breaking up. Should I cut her out of my life and lose friends or make more of an effort to be friendly/peaceful towards her?",1 "Maybe a couple more days will get me back to normal. Definitely quitting the alcohol. It's an obvious trigger. But yeah, just wanted to ask his thread on your thoughts. Thanks",0 "They were late. They tried to play it cool with the excuse they gave, but J had this grin on his face and Lux had the flushes look she gets when she has sex. And then Lux said she was going to fix her hair and left to the bathroom and after a while J said he was going to see if she needed help. Obviously they left to have sex. I mean, fine, but I thought that was a bit disrespectful.",0 So my roommate recently moved out and our apartment is pretty empty and ever since she moved out i’ve had the worst anxiety attacks and have been kinda depending on my boyfriend and spending time with him to distract me but he works night and that’s when my anxiety is the absolute WORST. everything flutters through my head. like i think i’m annoying him by asking him to spend so much time with me?? (he’s never expressed this. he’s actually expressed the complete opposite which is nice) but i feel like i’m being too clingy and too annoying leading me to want to spend some alone time in my apartment but my apartment just makes me more sad because i’m alone and i feel useless like no one care???,1 "I have GAD with obsessive thoughts ( ocd) that are health related ( hypochondria ) And I am 18, I have been single my whole life, have never had a girlfriend or a kiss or anything of the sort. In elementary school I liked 4 girls throughout my time there and they all just ended up as friends and I never confessed my feelings. In middle school I liked the same girl for 2 years who rejected me. Then I liked two more girls, one who ended up as a friend and another moved. Now in high school I’ve liked about 11 girls, and no luck at ALL with any of them.",1 "How can I keep us protected? They have already been told they are unwelcome but the person we live with tried sneaking them in while we were sleeping. I have a child at home and need to keep him protected. We cannot leave, we don't have anywhere to go, nor the money to move at the moment. What are our options here?",1 "I work full time, but the money I'm spending just to get by is preventing me from saving up to get a place and get ahead again. I'm 30, and I've never been in this spot before, always been successful and had a good life. But now I'm here, and I have no idea what to do. Not sure what I'm expecting out of this post. Just venting I guess.",1 "At first, I could still do some short work but by 2015, it was a no go. I applied for SSI and SSDI in Dec, 2015. Denial after denial. I had a lawyer. Final hearing in front of the ALJ was April 3rd, 2018.",0 "To start, I feel like I should share why I wanted to be here today to read this statement myself. For six and a half years, I was in a relationship with Luis. The first time he physically assaulted me, I was 18. That was the first time I had been knocked unconscious by another human. The choking incident that we are here for today was the first incident of domestic violence that I reported to the police.",0 I've been thinking about this for weeks and have talked about it with her on numeral occasions and I feel like I'm losing my mind. I just don't know what to feel right now and I'm an emotional wreck. Am I overthinking or it are these reasonable things to worry about? --- **tl;dr**: worried what people will say about my girlfriend and I.,1 "My situation is that I might be homeless for about a month. I have plenty of money coming in from my clients during the month of October--more than enough to meet the 3x income requirement for most apartments in the city where I plan to move (my hometown). However, my lease here ends Sept 30. I don't have quite enough to meet the 3x income requirement before then. Some of my clients have really slow pay schedules.",1 "Are you fucking kidding me? YOU are not comfortable writing something to help me? YOU'RE uncomfortable writing a note and helping someone with a mental illness? Someone who has been trying everything fucking possible to live a normal life, someone who is seeking as much support as possible and only went to the idea of financial support as an absolute last resort? WHAT.",1 I have been trying to make plans recently and she keeps having things come up but i understand because i am doing it on kind of short notice. This last little bit after the break happened in about a 8 day span. TLDR: I am awkward and need some help with relationships. I feel like i ruined my chances with this girl and i am hoping i can fix it. I also may just be overreacting to things.,0 "She also told me that I was an idiot for wasting my life, or attempting to end it anyways. I came out of that appointment in tears. That was a horrible day and I still think about it. It made me feel like I had nothing to complain about. Its only taken me until the last couple of weeks to finally accept that I did nothing wrong.",1 "The rare times we have fought in the past, I’ve always had to be the one to ‘break the ice,’ regardless of the circumstances of the argument. I don’t have it in me to go grovel for the comfort I sorely need. Now I’m just trying to cry myself asleep. What’s the point of having a partner if they can’t offer the most basic level of emotional support? Is the writing on the wall - is he just too immature, and how did this parent/child dynamic creep in to our relationship?",1 "They would text and call constantly throughout the day begging me to forgive them for hurting me but that they're in love and love can't be stopped. They got increasingly angry and started calling me selfish for trying to keep them apart. After I wrote a bit about the sexual abuse in an anonymous online diary my ex (who knew my username but I thought I had blocked from the site) started harassing me more. Angrily telling me that I need to stop pretending he raped me and how I wanted everything that happened and that I was just a jealous ex. I won't and kinda can't (remember missing pieces of time) go into all the details, but he gaslighted me pretty bad.",1 This month and last have been very touch and go. I have sold everything under the sun to keep my home but I am probably not going to make it. It's to the point I have sat and weighed the pros and cons of suicide (please don't talk about this subject.) But I've used up every single resource and realized I don't really know many people in the city I'm in. I don't have much of family any where close and none I could live with.,1 "-In not giving financial advice. -I'm not doing this for people to MAKE money, but to help those struggling to feed themselves and/or family. My days of that are over. -if any supermarkets or stores offer similar promotions in other countries, let me know and I'll look into what can be done. DM me regarding this.",0 "But the life at dads was always kind of not ok? He drank and was angry a lot. His moods would change quickly and at times it was hard to figure out why he was angry. He yelled and throw things and sometimes shoved me around too, but me he never got that physical with like he did with my oldest brother. My dad also cried a lot and forced me to listen to him talk about his sad childhoos and then had me comfort him.",1 When I take the time to relax and think of something nice like a waterfall or a forest or something like that I then automatically think of how bad people are going to mess it up and pollute and make it worse and just be awful. It makes it hard for me to relax. I try to think of something tranquil and then thoughts like these pop into my head. Meditation isn't that nice for me. My mind just races.,1 "This has been affecting me for two weeks now, off and on. It's a combination of terrifying and annoying. Randomly throughout the day, I will notice that it feels harder to breathe and I take deeper breaths than normal. Air coming in almost feels like it has viscosity to it, like molasses, which makes me cough. Most of the time, I don't cough up anything so it's dry.",1 "Hey, r/Anxiety! ​ I'm an undergraduate student who aspires to be an entrepreneur. I want to use my passion to help people manage their mental health. I'm in the beginning stages of forming a startup focused on mental health and wellbeing, and I would love to get y'all's opinions.",0 "Yeah, not so much. I had a minor surgery on my neck today that just used local anesthetic, so I was fully conscious for it. Everything was fine since I'm not squeamish - until I realized they needed to strap me down to make sure I didn't move. It's a delicate procedure; I understood. But I hadn't been in restraints since the medical trauma, and I completely dissociated.",1 "Seemingly out of nowhere I have been feeling awful for about 2 - 3 weeks. I'm 22, I'm very introverted with no close friends and honestly that's how I liked it until very recently. I live with my mom but she is out of town 80% of the time so I stay home to take care of the house and our pets. When she IS in town, she goes out with her boyfriend to bars, restaurants, other fun things so I never see her. I have a boyfriend (he's 20 years old) who I love, but who does not have his drivers license yet and lives with overbearing parents so I rarely get to see him, and texting all day isn't really doing it for me.",1 "He says he doesn’t remember this happening. But he has a short fuse as it is. He’s temperamental, out of work, depressed, has a family history of substance abuse, and was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2. I truly believed this would be “rock bottom” and serve as a wake up call to turn his life around. It wasn’t.",1 "It makes me so disappointed in myself because I hate what I've become and I hate feeling so helpless. I'm to the point where I'm afraid, not knowing why. Most days I end up crying at work. I have no friendship or relationship with those I work with and cannot feel comfortable around them. There's even an awkwardness with my manager who only talks to me to criticise and complain, and just before my holiday she gave me an informal warning.",1 "Hi Im a 19 year old kid dealing with Agoraphobia over the past year. Very boldly said, Agoraphobia is the fear of going to public places, sometimes to even leave the house. The past week, some very unpleasant things have happened in my household. I told my parents about what I've been dealing with a while back.",1 "I don't want to be nice to him because I don't like him and certainly don't like how he treats me. I know it's not my fault and I am not a bad person. I have never had friends, family, or other partners ever accuse me of the things he accuses me of so I know it's not real. I just needed to vent because I hate being trapped in this situation. I don't have anyone I can stay with and am still waiting on housing assistance which at the very least will take another 6 months and that's if I am lucky and the wait-list isn't too long.",1 "He brought me to hang out with the two of them a few times. I'm not sure why he thinks I want to erode their relationship, this is another thing I'm still thinking about. My best guess is that my ""touchy"" ness comes off as flirting and he thinks I'm trying to take him from her? I do casually say things like ""I love you"" a lot too which just worsens it from that perspective. This is sorta horrifying to think about because I have absolutely zero romantic interest in him at all and the reason I valued our friendship so much in the first place was because there was no romantic/sexual element.",1 I am losing my place on the 20th and freaking out. I am not sure what to do as phone just got shut off and funds are depleted. The emergency funds I had are now gone as my apartment recently got broken into. I have no family and am truly at a loss here in las vegas. I feel like what might be best for me is to head back to pa where i am orignally from but without funds to pay for bus/plane out of las vegas.,1 "However, I am resistant on it right now because I am thinking there is no point. I would rather stay here for the last few days then go because at least for now I have a place. Once I get out of here and the hospital, though, I am unsure of where to go. What should I do? I live in Washington D.C. so there seems to be a lot of facilities and help here.",1 I was very severally bullied by the kids there. My dad managed to prove he wasn't a part of the robbery. He got me out of the foster care and drove me up to my oldest brother's house (he lived directly across the water from Seattle). Told me he'd be back in three days to pick me up. He never came back.,0 "I'm going to try not to sound too sad or victimized, but I'm just sad. I grew up fairly disadvantaged compared to my friends. I've been poor since I was born, never had enough to eat, was abused by my dad, have raised my sister, support my family, work almost constantly, and make money on the side. In addition, I've been consistently abused since I was 8 years old, the same age I met my best friend. She's much wealthier than I am.",0 The thoughts that have been pouring into my head theses past few days are terrifying. I wonder what driving my car off the side of the freeway would feel like. The relief that would come at the end. I feel so hopeless & I don't want to feel this way anymore. I wish I had a gaping wound so I could go into the hospital and they could fix me.,1 "I let out a loud whistle, as we often invited new comers to go ride. The guy on the black bike was named Devin. Devin had just moved to town a couple weeks prior and had posted in our facebook group looking for friends to ride with. After talking for a couple more minutes, we took off on our adventure. A couple blocks down a guy and girl were cruising on a GSXR - I waved to them.",0 "I quit Facebook, Twitter, and Instragram, essentially shutting myself off from the world. I go to school, but don’t talk to anybody outside of my family and my professors, and occasionally close friends. My mom says that it isn’t healthy, but personally my anxiety has gotten so much better. I feel good just feeling like nobody notices me. Has anyone felt this way?",0 "So. I have been planning my birthday party for over a month, I bought myself a beautiful dress, I am excited to do my hair and makeup and just live my best life. I moved to NYC 3 years ago and don't really have a lot of friends. I met a group of people in august and they have become my close friends. Of the 10 people I invited half the people can't come.",0 "Has anyone else gone through this? I’ve dealt with anxiety for 7+ years, depending on what you mark as the origin of it, and in the past several years I’ve tried every non-medical solution google came up with/my wallet allowed. I’ve thought very long and hard about seeking medical help for my anxiety, and finally did this week. Honestly, there was a lot of support and encouragement to seek treatment from people I talked to about it previously. The doctor I saw was amazing—seriously I had no idea how to broach the topic and I felt 100% comfortable discussing my concerns from the moment I opened my mouth until I left the office.",1 "* Her, a week ago: Precious, how are you? (I ignored her.) * Her, Jan 1: Happy year precious, happy year love for more years at your side we haven't lived much together but we will stay all our lives to live and it that stays to live. **You are one of the best people I have met in my life. ** You are one of the best people I have met in my life (she says this twice) that you have always been here for everything and you always will be.",0 "I couldn’t stop shaking and now I can’t get her out of my head. I keep looking at the sides of the road any time I drive now. I don’t even know how this triggered my ptsd since mine normally is only triggered by losing my breath or having a heavy feeling in my lungs. Does anyone have any tips on how I can stop worrying about this again? If anyone’s wondering, I can’t remember much but I remember pulling over in a parking lot, calling 911, and passing out from a severe anxiety attack.",1 "for years i've had this overwhelming sense of doom, this feeling of having been fucked up. i hate to even say this considering he has his own history of csa and physical abuse, but i genuinely wonder about my dad sometimes. there's just this awful feeling that hits me out of nowhere sometimes. i cant breathe and everything is just awful and i feel so sure that something happened. but other times i feel so stupid and evil for even thinking that.",1 "To help us transition smoothly, please place all Thanksgiving-related anxieties in this thread. Any feedback is welcome - please reply directly to the sticky comment with your thoughts. If all goes well, we hope to expand this idea to the December holiday season and beyond. Happy Thanksgiving in advance from the /r/Anxiety Mod Team! <3",0 "Title gives the gist of it, the link has a bit more info (apologize for grammar errors, my Aunt started the fundraiser and she is not the best at grammar) please help and/or share. It was in , will probably be able to be verified with news reports later today as it is a very small town. Thank you ",0 "Later in life she would try for children with my great Grandad hoping for a Daughter and have four Sons and then finally a daughter that would later die. Now she's the only one of her 9 brothers and sisters still alive. As sad as all that is, honestly if she hadn't told me I would never have known. My Nan is the most cheerful energetic and lovely almost 90 year old that I have ever met. She looks 20 years younger than she is, and although she has multiple cancers, she still spends every day looking after my great grandad who she's been together with since her parents died.",0 "Everyday I have to wake up and choose to push forward & live or fall apart & die. Lately, it's been really hard to push forward & live. I'm tired you guys. I am so tired. What do I do?",1 "The past few nights I have been drifting off to sleep and then I get the sensation that I'm falling and jerk awake. This happens for hours. I forget the scientific name for this, but it doesn't really matter. I've had it happen before to me, but never like 50 times in a row that prevents me from sleeping. Like fucking why?",1 "Nothing major, some underage drinking, a little pot, but I wasn't a bad kid. Furthermore, I feel like I matured well and have gone on to be successful for my age (24) IMO. I've also had positive experiences with police. The resource officer at my high school was a really good guy and almost like a mentor to me. When I was 17 I was arrested when police raided a friends house because they were tipped off that there was to be some under-aged drinking.",0 "I had the depo shot for the first time at the beginning of March, decided to not go back for the 2nd because I wasn't a fan. Didn't experience any issues while on it , but once I came off of it, all hell broke loose. My once controlled anxiety became out of control and I had random days where I felt depressed/crying spells. The intrusive thoughts were out of control, and had an anxiety attack the 2nd week of working at my new job. I had to leave work and go home, which hadn't happened in almost half a year.",1 "My mom has always been a pushover and is known to give him money with no questions asked. Last night, my brother sent a group message to me and my sisters telling us to not tell our parents anything he is saying and that he loves us very much. He says he started selling drugs recently to make more money and some of his supply was stolen and now he's afraid his ""friend""/dealer will come after him. I offered to let him spend the night at my house if he felt unsafe, but he declined my offer and said that he'll take care of it. I tried to reassure myself that no dealer will kill someone over a missing gram of pot (he was advertising on snapchat) and I went to bed hoping that he would just get roughed up if anything.",1 Is there anyway I could persuade you to go a view you love (if not any place is fine) and write something similar on a card or piece of paper [I attached an example here]. Thank you all if you consider helping! It means the world. I'll probably post again as the date gets closer. I aim to continue trying until I can get at least 100.,0 "Is this the way our state agencies treat the elderly and disabled? Obviously so, because they're doing to ME!!! and to others. I have brought this up no less than 4 times to my case worker **name removed** from adult protective services and she just ignores it and keeps telling me she will ""look into it"" and does nothing about it. I am now starting to breakout in skin rashes due to having to wear filthy dirty clothing.",1 "Dad is utterly distraught, he has never laid a finger on us. He's not even allowed to have at his house overnight, and all visitations are supervised. I did not stay at my dads house overnight until I was 16, and that was because my mom did something horrible, and I was foced to flee the house.   I had struggled making friends because of my abuse at home and unruly behavior at school.",1 "I am a failure as a mother. I cannot even give my child a safe place to sleep. And my post yesterday offered one piece of advice and a lot of downvotes. Today, I am begging. I created an [Amazon wishlist, titled ""Emergency list"" ) I just want my daughter to have somewhere to sleep, that is not the cold floor in the middle of winter.",1 I’m just getting done with my training at my new job which I’m so thankful to have. It’s just that I’m down to my last $40 in my bank account and I don’t get paid for another 2 weeks. I’ve been eating peanut butter and jelly to get by but it’s becoming really hard and also depressing. I’ve never been this anxious about how I’m going to eat but here I am. Please help me.,1 "I will make everything as clear and concise as possible: Backstory: My late grandparents home, the home I was raised and still currently live in, is being short sold to a relative by the bank. My grandparent did a reverse mortgage, died and their home went into foreclosure, got put up for a short sale, and is now in the closing process. The relative who's purchasing the home clearly wants to profit off of the home and is warning me that in the coming days it'll be time for me to go. Unfortunately, my next stop will be a shelter as I have no money saved up to move into an apartment of my own, nor do I make enough working part-time to pay rent, and I don't have many ready available options that I'm aware of.",1 "This is a first person group, so you need to be the person with a disorder to participate. To join visit our site or check out our Instagram: We believe we are stronger together, which is why peer support is so helpful and important. Care when you need it; care for others when you can. If you are under 18, you can find a link to our 13\+ server on the website and instagram. \-Zen",0 "They're all things I enjoy doing and don't see as being that big of a deal, but she seems to perceive them as grand gestures. She regularly says that she ""doesn't deserve"" someone as ""perfect"" as me (which yes, she does, she's amazing, and also I'm not even that great, just moderately thoughtful) and has also said that ""because of past experiences, I have trouble liking people who I know like me... I guess it's more rewarding to feel like I've ""earned"" the validation."" In short, it seems like because of her past relationships, she kind of has an unhealthy mentality around 'earning' affection, and definitely has some sort of commitment issues (apparently her last ex said that he didn't really love her for the last year of their relationship, but was too afraid of hurting her to break up with her). All of this makes me ambivalent about broaching the topic of a committed relationship with her because I don't know how she'll react, but at this point we've both admitted we're falling for each other.",0 "I've stopped telling it, and when someone at work says what's wrong. I just look at them and say its been a day. I just can't really go out and do stuff. I keep pushing college back I wanted to be a nurse and now I don't want to do anything but be a hermit and go live in the woods. I'm not really looking for responses I'm just tired of people not listening or believing me, I've had it all my life and I'm just done with it.",1 "Writing these helps sooth my own wounds, and I was wondering if people would be willing to read them/have story ideas? I mostly write shortish scenes about having to talk about it and being consoled (most from the perspective of a woman being the survivor, man being the comforter--though I'm always willing to try different genders and sexualities). I'll mostly have these on Kindle as a series, but I have some out on websites (the series is called ) The Kindle ones will be longer and more in depth. Please let me know--these help me and I want them to help others!",0 "Well, I've been homeless for two weeks and one day. I'm homeless this time because a woman that I had previously worked for, had promised me, and I quote, ""A lot of hours."" out in Tampa. I know that with three people, the drive from where I was at, would be worth it. We would make a lot more then what it was cost in gas, so it wasn't a problem.",1 "Hi Everyone, I've been dating my GF for about 10 months, and everything is pretty good with the relationship. I think the two biggest weaknesses are my clinginess and her sometimes-poor communication skills. I like to express how I feel, and I'd much rather talk about the elephant in the room, whereas she likes to sweep things under the rug. We met at college, and her girlfriends from school have a group of guy friends.",0 "I had a skin graft. It hurts, every day. Not all the time, but usually when I'm upset or having a hard time. It'd be nice to know the pain isn't all in my head and maybe it's actually a physical consequence. It just hurts.",1 "There was no need for child care. When our daughter was 3, my husband, her father, taught her the word privacy. He then explained to her 3 yr old self what it means so she could understand. It was so cute when I would try and help her with her bath, and she would say ""no mommy, I need my PRIVATY..LOL. we encouraged this as she got older.",0 "My father has: Keys to a fancy car, like 5 fancy bikes, an iPad, member of a fitness center, goes to the sauna regularily, other women... Needless to say, they should just break up immediately, right? Well, it should be that simple, but my mother resists for some reason. We had this situation countless times, where she was like, I cannot cope with this anymore, let's find another place to live in, until you find something for yourself, and when things are about to happen, she goes nah, I don't know... Which is so frustrating to hear after a while. Even more so, when he says things like HE decides when or if they split up.",1 "Example 2. There was this life goal we had together and I happened to accomplish it much quicker than she did, but instead of being happy for me she would get super jealous and make me feel like shit for it. Even though I helped her in every possible way to accomplish that goal too. Example 3. Whenever she sees that I'm upset about something, she'd buy gifts, tell me that she has something planned for us (which later would turn out to be a lie) etc.",1 Could we all at least help out by chipping in at least a dollar for this van? Could we please give this family a break by helping and donating for this van!? These boys and her need it so much!! It would be worth every penny to be able to go on more play dates with her two boys and make their little live’s more adventurous. It would open up a door to giving them easier and more convenience access to fun spontaneous trips to go play and have fun.,0 "My homeless brother (50) has been trying to get a job, go to his required counseling, stay off alcohol, and stay out of jail. Last night he called me to say he is giving up and is resigned to staying homeless and living this way until he dies. He sleeps in a clean and safe shelter each night. He gets the same bed and has a locker. If he starts drinking again, he’ll be out in the cold because the shelter will not let drunks sleep there.",0 "Total time apart was maybe 24 hours. Second time, he first asked for a ""break,"" then, unsurprisingly, ended if for good. A month or two after that we met up again, he said he wanted to get back together, then the next time told me it would never happen. Not even three weeks ago, he messages me again asking to meet up, and me thinking with my heart not my head, said yes. I knew I wanted to only maybe be friends, and take it slow to see what happened.",0 Hi everyone. For a few months now I haven't been able to get this off my mind. My abuser was my cousin who is 5-7 years older than me(24F). He is very close to my brother and father. His dad is a wonderful person and my favorite uncle.,0 "Plus, we’re using his car, which will eventually result in the usual wear and tear and expenses. We equally split all shared expenses like gas, food, rent, and bills, but we both have the same salary and similar assets. Do any cohabiting couples pool and split their commuting expenses equally, or do you just chalk it up to a difference in individual expenses and each pay your own way? tl;dr : My boyfriend's commute is twice as expensive as mine and it doesn't really seem fair. Should we split it?",0 "He seemed satisfied with this and kept pouring me drinks. Eventually he decided to close up for the night and I went back up to the house, tipsy and confused about what had just happened, but glad I had bargained some time. I got myself on the dole and the rope that was against my neck seemed to loosen just a little bit. However I was still in the prison of depression and plagued by self-destructive tendencies. Although I had some more regular income I would often binge on the euphoria of having money (I was still a teenager after all), spend too much in my mania and then quickly sink into paranoia and avoidance when rent day came along.",1 "I've also worked on expanding my resume to almost ridiculous standards for my age, doing anything and everything my parents would let me do, I became the president of a clubs and a member of 3 others, applied for and was accepted to a tuition-free program that lets me go to a college campus rather than my high school, have a 3.3 GPA and am working on raising it, and do occasional community service. The only thing that I need to do is get a job and save some money, but my parents have forbidden me from doing so. At the moment my prediction is to spend the year attending classes, applying for scholarships, and working during the day before couch hopping with a few friends for a month or 2 and spending the rest of the time staying in hostels when I can or sleeping on the streets when I can't before hopefully getting into college where I'll have a reliable bed. TL;DR: Working on boosting my resume, making friends that I can couch hop with for some time, and getting a paying job. Thanks for your time!",0 "**Remember Need to Know**. Only tell people about your plans if they absolutely need to know and can be trusted. Limit the number of people that know your plan; even if you trust them, they may be tricked into giving up your location **Be careful of your browsing history**. Most browsers keep a record of websites you visit.",0 "I was greeted by the message ""your Facebook account has been disabled...."" when I tried to log in couple of months back. I immediately sent an appeal and my ID proof from their forms but it's has been two months and no response from them. Basically the appeals are going to trash. This account was really important to me. Excluding family photos and memories, I owned couple of pages with huge fan following.",1 "And I hated him too. I had dreams of him stabbing me in the chest. Eventually I went to my mum, essentially I wanted out, him or me, like a stroppy teenager, and I made her tell me what was going on. He'd been making death threats, this time, and the last time too. He'd kill us all because we'd held him back.",1 "I've told her each time to stop, she apologised but doesn't see what the big deal is because she ""hasn't been in love with me for a long time."" This is when I started to feel awful. I can't fully figure out why though because Im not in love with her - I probably hate her and haven't realised it yet. I just feel terrible. I can barely get out of bed to go to uni.",1 "Perhaps as a result I feel awful about wanting more from him, I feel like it's incredibly ungrateful of me because he does do so much good for me and is really good to me in so many ways. Especially with my depression and stuff he deals with a lot of household stuff in addition to working way more than I do. I feel like shit for writing this post. **TL;DR - SO of over a decade is great to me in many ways and shit to me in other ways, I feel awful when he's shit to me but also feel guilty as fuck about expressing it because of all the times he's amazing to me. Wondering if this is emotional abuse and if it is, what can I do about it?",1 "I’m freaking out and I don’t know what to do. I have no resources, my family is worse off then me. And I have to pay for everything on my own including phone and car insurance. Someone help, or help me find someone who can. Thank you so much for reading.",1 "It's also frustrating because I'm finally getting the kind of help I would expect from family and BEYOND from a woman I met while panhandling this summer. Thanks to a stranger: I've been able to finally get mental health assistance, I got my benefits fixed, I got a job, and I have a safe place to sleep out of the rain or snow. I have somewhere to leave my pack and bed roll rather than carry it around 24/7. I could probably ask to store that stuff, but it seems so asinine to ask more of this woman and especially so since it's just extra supplies for my dog I don't really need. I can't understand why even the bare minimum is too much to ask of the people who are supposed to care the most.",0 "I have completely given up hobbies and interests outside work. I do not have time to engage in them. Things that I could normally do to relax, like exercise or yoga, are absolutely out of the question because I work 16 hours a day. 3. I am frequently sleep deprived due to my work hours.",1 Alright Alright Alright. I've been dating a single mom with two kids from two different guys who help out. She was married to the first for several years and has a 2 year old with the other. I've never had any kids myself. She is highly involved daily with many of the people that have been apart of her previous lives and relationships.,0 "Your responses to the survey items will be anonymous and kept confidential. Clicking the “SURVEY” link below will take you to a page asking you to read through a consent form explaining the purpose of this research, the content of the survey, the type of questions you will be asked, the amount of time it may take to complete the survey, and the risks and benefits of your participation. At the end of the form you can click “AGREE” to consent to the use of the answers you provide and to begin completing the survey. Thank you for your time and interest. ",0 "When you can’t remember the simplest things, but your mind is racing a thousand miles a minute, you know it can’t go on. It felt like my sanity was whirling away from me. So I arrived in what I remember to be a thatch of poisonous thorns, ripe with painful, tearful memories. Instead, I have been given the give of honestly looking and starting to deal with the damage of deep scars. Today, instead of jumping on the operating table, eager to right the very wrong right foot, I got to take a bike ride.",1 "At this point I've moved home (living with 4 younger siblings and 2 loud dogs), and I finally started a new job. I'm seeing a new psychologist and I have an appointment with a psychiatrist. My new doctor has seen me twice and already changed my diagnosis I to PTSD, which not only fits all of my symptoms, but includes some that I thought were just part of my personality. But since hearing this, I've really been struggling with accepting the reality that I have to deal with. I have vivid and disturbing nightmares, I wake up soaked in sweat, freezing and crying.",1 "The man who abused me, his mother is a political figure. I SUSPECT she is using her wealth and influence to keep her sons abuse secret. The family has been blaming me for my abuse, denying it happened, threatenung me into changing my story, and generally defaming my character. I can't prove it but suspect this may have happened to a girl before me. Is there a way to expose this family?",1 "I've been feeling off the past day where I felt I was gonna get sick and just felt weird, I'm at my dads house visiting and have diarrhea now and my back hurts, I think it's from this bed. And now I'm starting to tell myself maybe I'm having a heart attack. Maybe I felt chest pain a second ago, but can't tell if it was real or not?? Someone tell me I'm crazy and I'm ok",1 "Why would you say that to me"" and gets extremely offended. He continues on by giving me the silent treatment for 50 minutes and then comes in the room and tells me ""You don't understand me. No one understands me. I give up. On everything.""",1 "To make a long story short I suffer from anxiety, depression and PTSD due to past abuse since I was pretty young and recently had to move back home due to a traumatic event/mental health making it hard for me to survive on my own. This has made it very hard for me to be able to work/make money and support myself so my mother (being the kind woman she is) has helped out in feeding me but we're both low on food now and I feel horribly guilty and responsible. I'm trying every option I have out of desperation (this and a few other subreddits) and in the process of applying for assistance. Until then things are gonna be rough. If anyone can help out in ANY way I will really appreciate it.",1 "I'm 20, and just got kicked out of my grandmother's house spur of the moment. No idea why, she refuses to tell me, just started throwing things at me and told me ""It's not safe for me to be there."" I do still have my car, and I have a job so I can afford it. My question is how legal is it to do so? It's a small car, and I'm 6'8, so I doubt I'll get much sleep anyways, but if I do, I wouldn't want to get woken up by police telling me to move, or worse, getting impounded or something.",1 Im not physically hurt. My father abd the driver carry on a conversation as if im not screaming. We get to the hospital and the checkup reveals nothing. Im embarrased for screaming. They send us home.,0 "I currently have $7k in my bank account. I have $1.4k in credit card debt, which nets me $5.6k. I have no incoming cash flow other than tax refund that I have not filed for yet. In worst case scenario, I can tap into parts of my 401k/roth savings, which do amount to over $35k, but obviously there are tax penalties associated with that along with having some restrictions. Due to ongoing expenses, like car payments, insurance, food, airBnb, etc, I project to have no cash in my checking account in about 4 months.",0 "I will always make strides to be there for others. To life my life if not to spite the voice behind my anxiety and take care of myself. I hope others struggling in this thread know that what is going on in your life is temporary...it will pass. “How do you know?” I’ve been at lower points in my life. Making risky decisions, drinking to drown out my sadness, and not wanting to take care of “me.” But you need to take responsibility in making the shift in your life to make it better.",0 My abuse ended years ago. My life is good now. I'm about to get married to someone really wonderful. Everything is great. But it still feels wrong that I'm still alive.,0 "He had issues of his own, being an alcoholic for one. These issues added to my anxiety. Him constantly at the bar sent my anxieties on overdrive. I still loved him though so I kept fighting. It wasn't enough though.",0 "Hi there, I'm a 21 year old Scottish student studying contemporary art practice at an honours degree level. Is anyone interested in allowing me to use their words for use in my project for university? The consequences psychological abuse has for victims is an incredibly tricky but important subject to portray through art. I have made sure to research rather heavily on the subject of the affects of mental abuse, as well as having my own personal experience with it. I will make sure to represent it with respect for everyone that has went through something similar.",0 "After burning out, I fumbled through a tough, 8-year commitment in the United States Marine Corps. I then went back to college and obtained an Associates Degree with a 4.0 GPA, before burning out just shy of a Bachelors. Following that, by leveraging my limited IT experience from the Marine Corps, I landed a job averaging $110k annually with a Fortune 500 company. Along the way I got married, and my wife and I now have four, brilliant children. Three years since burning up (again) and walking away from the $110k job, life continues to go completely down hill.",1 "I do take a bath with febreze and alsobtake care of my teeth with toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and mouth wash. As for food, I go to the Dollar Tree (or any other store) and only buy $1 items like chips, canned goods with an opener, big bags of popcorn, etc and keep a lot of shopping bags to be used for trash bags. For drinks, luckily for me, there's a $0.25 soda machine beside the store. I also sign up for points cards cause they are very important for me to use later on. When I clean, I go nearby one of those vaccum stations, take the trash out, vacuum the mess I made, and spay febreze everywhere.",0 "He loved to learn, he said. I felt his hope. Being free of homelessness is more than just having a roof. I hope he is on the path of thriving, not just surviving. Education is a ladder that nobody can ever take away.",0 "We ate and he was monitoring my data use because I sent some photos to our friend of her baby shower. And he said he ""hates having to watch over me like a father and he wishes I was more responsible"" but said that he ""accepts that this is the way I am"" I said nothing in response to this and just ate my food and let it slide, smiled at him and small talked. We got back to the park and they had put out a new sign saying they were closed for the rest of the day. This made him even more mad.",1 "Anything from elbowing someone in the face to completely letting loose with a knife or a baseball bat. It can be mildly amusing for a moment, but I find it actually calls up a distress response more than anything else. I start to feel my head ache, my shoulderblades become taut and sore, and my throat close. My heart rate also increases and my breathing becomes somewhat more laboured. I know this is unhealthy, and I will be addressing it with my therapist, however I was hoping to get some input from fellow reddit users with PTSD.",1 "I feel sad for you, I feel sad for me. I pray that you will get the help you so desperately need so that nobody else has to endure the terror and horrible horrible physical, sexual, and emotional abuse you have put me through. I am riding myself of all my shame associated with what has happened. I know now, it was all you. I did not do anything wrong to deserve the horrible treatment I received from you.",1 "Hey guys and girls. I've been going through a lot the past couple of years and was looking to maybe get some advice, or just find some people who can relate because I don't have that in my day to day life. I've tried to pinpoint where this started and this is the best I can come up with, and sorry if it gets long. I've had closure issues since I was 12 and my grandpa passed away. I cut myself off from any meaningful relationships including my family for over 5 years.",1 "He is (objectively) pretty unlikable- only talks about himself when speaking to you- but you know, I try to see the best in people and ignored it when I talk to him. He claims he is bisexual. He introduced me to his lab partner, my current girlfriend, and I asked him if he was interested before pursuing her. He stated clearly no. Fast forward three months, it is winter break, and they are hanging out a bit frequently.",0 "Things can happen during the course of life that are all quite normal, then something happens to change our perceptions and suddenly we can remember something that previously appeared innocuous to us, but with our new found perspective, we can feel guilty about it. And we can feel guilty about things we have done, we can feel guilty about things we didn't do, but wish we had, and of course we can feel guilty for nothing at all. We don't have to have done something or omitted to do something in order to feel guilty. Others can make us feel guilty through their expectations of us. Expectations can lead to disappointment, and their feeling of disappointment can lead to our feeling of guilt.",0 "For the record, my partner hasn't brought this up as an issue but of course being turned down sucks and it's been like this since the beginning. I thought with time I'd relax but it wasn't a question of relaxing. To make things worse, nine times out of ten that we do have sex is because I initiate. That is not because he never does, that is how much I turn him down. I know this seems stupid since most posts here are about how to survive but maybe a random post about improvement can be acceptable?",0 "Anyway. I quit my antidepressants several months ago because I am in a good place now, and I can survive without them. I just find that thoughts like this are still very present, and can be very difficult to deal with. I never do apologize on Facebook. TLDR: I want to apologize on facebook for not being normal and being awkward AF.",0 "I wanted to plant a new chapter in my new city, but haven't had time to devote to making it happen yet. I feel like I was the only one taking it seriously and it's dying a slow death. My problem is that one of the acquaintances is giving me a lot of power play-type problems. For example, I'll request *four times* in three different mediums we use, to email contributions to an end-of-year favorites list and rather than do that, she put hers on a share drive and told others to do the same in spite of my multiple requests to email me instead for better ease of sharing. Emails are met with snarky responses or half-measures which mean I still have to chase down.",1 "He was arrested for assault and battery and DWI. He took off with our infant daughter while inebriated and then returned and beat me down then left again. Why am I being made to feel like this is all my fault. The way he looked at me in the courtroom, like I did this, I didn’t even call the police?! The neighbors did after our children ran over to them screaming.",1 "● active staff members ● active support staff ● helping channels and channels that you can share your art in, talk to others in, and voice chat in. ● rules that keep the community safe ● we have added a ""creative corner""... this is a place for writers and artists of any kind to share their works and get feedback on it if they'd like.",0 Fines. Probation. Court-ordered anger management classes. Debt. Final notices on some bills totaling as little as $17.,0 "I’m high risk for PPD seeing as I have preexisting BPD and anxiety, and going back into working immediately after giving birth would most likely be very damaging. Not to mention I haven’t had the easiest pregnancy, having had multiple emergency room stays and having been hospitalized. My goal is to have at least the required time to recover, without having to put myself in debt. Even $5 is a huge help, because that's $5 less that we'll have to borrow to cover our bills while I'm not working. ",1 "Even if that's true (and I believe her), I hate it. I've tried to explain my point of view and why I hate them still talking but every time it's brought up we always just end up arguing. She says I have no reason to be jealous of him and that she's VERY happy with me and that I'm overreacting. I'm not trying to create a problem when there isn't one but I feel like I have a point? I never want to tell her to stop talking to a friend, but their history makes me uncomfortable.",1 "I’m not sure if this makes a difference, but my mom also had it for a while when my dad died, so I’m not sure if that has any effect on me or not. I was just wondering if anybody out there could confirm or deny that this is PTSD, even with the pretty limited information I’ve provided. Even though it’s not really serious, I would still like to know. Thanks in advance, and feel free to ask questions if you have any! -JimmyJuicebox",0 "I am so scared that he will realize how fucked up and terrible I am and not want to continue things. I don't want him to go and he keeps assuring me he will not, but I am so, so scared that sometimes it is overwhelming. I feel like this is a disgrace on my part, because, logically, I know that he very much likes me and he really wants to stick around. But there's a part of me that genuinely believes I am not good enough and that I will not be enough once he realizes that. I am so fucked.",1 "My current boyfriend wasn't right, just a figure of the coma induced illusion. The only voice that seemed remotely really was my best friend, she's one of the few regular poodle I still have contact from that time. After a hour of my boyfriend, my best friend and my other partner working with me, I slowly started coming to some balanced sembelrnce of reality. Now I'm scared to go back to sleep. My ex, who abused me for 11 years, might be waiting tight there for me again.",1 "I do a style of emotional release bodywork called Amanae (or Emotional Release Therapy) and I feel compelled to help veterans. What are the ways I might be able to get in touch with an organization in my area to see if I can volunteer? It can be an intense process and I want to know if it could help people suffering from PTSD, especially veterans. I don’t know if it would be like rattling a cage that shouldn’t be rattled, or if it is exactly the right thing for treating PTSD. I would volunteer my services to learn more by working with sufferers.",0 "My anxiety was never too bad, lots of what ifs and such. But every summer I come home from school, or it gets so much worse. I love school. I love learning computer science, I love working on my projects. But this small town has 0 CS options for jobs, so I'm stuck working these dead end temp factory jobs all summer.",1 "I cant function just having a hostile room mate, not needing to work, there's literally no way I can function homeless. I'm barely keeping myself from suicide at this point. I cant go into a residential care facility because they mistreat and abuse people extremely often in the united states, and I cant handle further abuse or I'll end up killing myself. Any ideas on what to do? thanks.",1 "She was unemployed and toyed with the idea of answering ads from strangers to perform fetish tasks for money, to include nudity (but no sex). It really wrecked me that she would consider that. She brought it up once again not too long ago (not seriously) and I flipped out. She was working as a nanny for a long time and I was very insecure about her and her boss because of my fear that she would be willing to do sex work for money. Now, she has never done any sex work for money and we agreed that it is not something I am comfortable with and she will not do it, so that's not an issue.",0 The belt and plugs are a week old. The alternator is 2 days old and the battery and cable were replaced a few hours ago. The warning light is still on and even tho the car started the alternator isn’t putting out enough power. The car has been sitting for 24 hours now. Does anyone know what the issue could be or know anyone who would?,0 "My version of events wasn't believed due to ten other witnesses denying it and I was expelled immediately. I got home and unexpectedly my bags were already packed. My sister-in-law walked up to me, gave me an insincere hug, and said ""Your actions have consequences. You're going to Portland two weeks early."" I asked if I could say goodbye to my nieces and nephews and friends and she said ""no.""",1 "I have struggled all my life with weight. For the past month I have been dieting like a madman, counting calories, working out, etc. I have lose weight before in mass amounts so I do know how to diet and weigh food. But the scale will not budge, inches will not budge, nothing. So I decided that I am going to talk to my doctor about tapering off lexapro next week when I go in to see her.",0 "I can't go anywhere without and inhaler and I tested positive for asthma even though I've never had an issue before all this happened. I'm on busphar, celexa, and atomoxetine and I've been on them longer than the hallucinations and such. I don't know what to do. I feel like I should go to get psychiatric help but now that I'm in college and only working part time I'm scared of not being able to pay the doctor bills. I don't know what to do.",1 "I was terrified and scared and couldn't get away. She just said he was ""joking around"" but it was horrible. I get a sting of panic and fear if anyone pinches me today. I can't even use a lighter without fear of it (Fire is fine, it's Just that kind of lighters). I also panic if anybody raises their voice or sounds angry.",1 I woke up crying. Wtf is going on in my head that I Dream such graphic scenes. My abuse was mainly by my stepmom. My dad was neglectful. Pretending nothing happened.,1 "For example, she told me I was too stubborn. This is definitely true but she criticized my political opinions, my social behaviors, and my pop culture opinions in addition to just my relationship with her. She also constantly mocks me when we fight, literally repeating my words back to me in a childish/cartoony voice and putting words in my mouth. She refuses to listen to my point of view. We recently got into a fight where I thought a Christmas present my father had gotten me was cheaper than it was.",1 "This is good and bad... I was a STEM major before and probably would have had a challenging and high paid career by now, had my life taken a different course. However, post PTSD, I found myself extremely connected with the arts. I have intense emotional reactions to aesthetic experiences, and I think that’s largely responsible for the fact that I now work in a creative industry. I experience aesthetics in a unique way that I’m not sure resonates with the typical non-affected individual.",0 "You will be to, you may be 2 years, 5 years, maybe even longer, from escaping it, but please, just trust me. It can and will get better. You'll get out of it Don't lose sight of the potentially massive amount of time you'll get in happiness and meaning compared to the few years you'll spend in this nightmare. Feel free to dm me if anyone wants to talk. (the reason this is posted on an alt account is by the off chance it gains any traction, I do not want this out for family to potentially see until I've left here.)",0 "Tomorrow I bury my best friend who tragically passed away at the age of 25. I'm heartbroken and I will be speaking at his funeral. I am happy with the speech but I am nervous, petrified to mess up. He was an incredible guy and I want to send him off well, justify what he meant to me. my ex who broke up with me 2 months ago has kept contact to ask how I have been doing and if I ever needed anything go to her.",1 "My youngest who was 6 at the time had what seemed to be a bladder infection or UTI (urinary tract infection). She was literally peeing every five minutes. Since the doctors office was closed, I took her to the emergency room. Little did I know, my entire world was about to come crashing down. The nurses got us back to a room and once they were done checking her out and had her urine to test, we had to wait for the doctor.",1 "I dont know what to do to be liked again, i guess it would be different if she had hated me from the beginning but that just isnt the case. She also hates my boyfriend and doesnt allow him anywhere near her house. I cant move because the rent is only $500 and I cant afford anything else, and yes, I do have a job. I've even asked her why she thinks I'm so stupid and she said ""because nobody taught you these things"" so I guess shes helping, it's just hard to know that I'm a failure. I try to meditate and to think very very very deep before I say anything, like to try and think of every outcome and if it might make her hate me more then I shouldnt say it.",1 "According to [a study from and its subjects, major risk factors were family problems and a child’s lack of confidence. These factors aren’t necessarily easy to influence but well worth looking into. As is another avenue that we should focus on more: Support for survivors of sexual abuse. Availability and quality of mental health care comes to mind, but it’s not solely limited to the medical field. If we want abusers to be held accountable, we have to help victims because they might not come forward otherwise.",0 "I was raised by a narcissistic grandmother and emotionally unavailable mother. In fact, when I was born, she tried to take it upon herself to take full custody away from my mother because apparently my mom was 'unfit' to be a mother. She never did because she found out that my biological father might have had to be involved. My grandma kept me away from my father my entire life, he barely knows I exist, I've never spoken directly with him, in fact, his identity was hidden from me for 22 years, up until last May. My grandmother was very emotionally abusive towards me as a child.",0 "they will see that someone else is willing to do all the work for them. once you try to lead the way, you’ll never stop because they will never take over for you. they will watch you do more & more for them until you are living your life completely for them. once you live for them, you become just like them. you will be completely controlled by them, not feeling comfortable being yourself.",0 " my puppy, was born unable to eat or drink for herself. I have been tube feeding her every 4-6 hours for 7 weeks with the hope that whatever the issue is would mend itself. Unfortunately, she has had no such luck. I took her to the vet and they believe it is a disorder called Pharyngeal Achalasia. The test to confirm the diagnosis is between $800 and $1,000, with the surgery to repair it being another $2,500.",0 "Hello! I've found myself in between a rock and a hard place: the project I was working on lasted longer than I expected, and I've run out of money. I've been applying for local (Arizona) jobs, but most won't get back to me until after October 1st, which is my doomsday. I need 650 for rent. If I can't get it, it's over, which is frustrating and scary!",1 "I've been struggling to work/be employed ever since my first job gave me anxiety 6 years ago but I feel like only now I've finally cracked it. In December I managed to work on a contract full time in an office for 6 weeks with only 1 massive panic attack. But now, I'm about to have 3 part time jobs. They're not the sort of jobs I would love to have \(I kind of want a job where I can talk to other people in the workplace\) but I found that social media/community manager gigs are so flexible and are working at home jobs. So I stay anxiety free by setting my own hours and being in control, and I make more money than I would have if I worked at a cafe or at a restaurant.",0 "As a high school junior, I'm always severely depressed whenever I make poor grades on something to the extent I'm always on the verge of crying. Every time this happens, I always feel like my future is bleak and hopeless, my rank is gonna drop like hell, and I'm worthless compared to the other people who do better than me. I'm always driven to think lesser of myself in comparison to other people and I always hate myself because of it. Now the pain is becoming unbearable to the point I nearly start screaming, sobbing alone in my bedroom out of grief. It's only the beginning of my junior year and I feel like hell has already descended upon me and there's little I can actually do.",1 "If you haven't outgrown that by your early 20s, I think there's possibly a problem. She thinks these comment wars she gets into are funny, and turning people's words around on them and baiting them is her idea of having fun. She's delighted when someone gets mad at her. I don't see how this can be fun to anyone unless they have a teenager's mindset. She does this on Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook mainly.",1 " Goa a go-go. Peters first time abroad and first airplane ride. Day two of our holiday, regardless of road conditions, the driving skills or lack of them, the cows wandering all over the place me and Peter the Poet both decided what we needed was an independent means of travel. So it was we took out a weeks hire on two scooters.",0 "However, over the next day she changed her mind and is now convinced that she has given us enough chances, that nothing would change (in terms of me and my issues) if we tried again. The kicker is that she still loves me, she’s still attracted to me (we got onto normal conversation, joked around as usual, even had sex twice in the last couple of days), she comforted me as I bawled about her leaving. We’ve been texting a fair bit since she went, some normal and some more serious conversation. She is now back with her mother, she has taken enough clothes for the week and will come back next weekend to pick up the rest of her stuff. We’re also seeing each other on Tuesday as we have Pokémon Go plans that we can’t miss (don’t judge us).",0 "He said he’d never love us. He acknowledges and plays with his daughter starting after she turned 6 months. He use to threaten to take her away from me. He gets delusional at times and he yelled at me “I’m going to off myself if you don’t admit that you were going to call the cops on me for calling the manager at McDonald’s an asshole!” I filmed it. So he said, “here’s your daughter try not to off yourself” He really thinks I’m going to kill myself for no reason....",0 "I feel like a complete and utter fuck up. And it just fucking hurts. I’m filled with what if’s. “What if you didn’t ever use pot and was that what made you feel physically ill?” “What if it wasn’t that, but just high anxiety?” “What if I pushed through and got the job and things turned out well? How happy would you be compared to where you are now?” (I should mention I am not at a great place in my life right now in many ways, including employment).",1 "We are in an uneasy peace right now, and i don't touch her although i am still the same caring guy but with precautions. What did i do to deserve this? and why do bad men get the good wife that sticks around and the good men always lose? I want to have my life back but i cannot see how? filling for a divorce will create a huge scandal since we are a minority as Christians and church laws prevail her, so i am also looking at a minimum of 6 years till any verdict is made.",1 "Not actually losing my home at the moment, so so far not in danger of homelessness, but I figured this was the next closest place to ""Tips for Poor as Fuck People"". We're losing cable tomorrow or the next day unless we come up with money we don't have. Losing the internet is brutal, but losing phone service is going to be the real problem. I'm in the middle of a series of surgeries over the course of a year with the final one being a month out. In really shitty medical condition...and now I am going to be cut off from getting messages from any of my doctors, surgeon, or infusion clinic.",1 "I've noticed usually people who have been in the street for a while or traveling around, and managed to avoid frying their brains with drugs or just losing it from the life, have really different opinions and ways of thinking compared to the just homeless sleeping in motels or shelters or cars and often trying to work at the same time. Do you hate other homeless aka ""hobos?"" The people in the tents? Or do you wish to or try to help them? Do you resent the middle and upper classes or do you think they're entitled to what they have?",0 "I have a fear of fainting so I was like “what if I fainted from so much fear during this test” and next thing you know, worst panic attack of my life during the quiz and I failed it. We have the test the next week and same thing happens, but less intense. I got a D on it. Now I have a D in the class. I am TERIFFIED.",1 "I have since sold my phone and obviously have just now gotten to a position where i owe nobody but myself. i am back at the start but finally without any ties. so now, i have to ask. Where do i sell this laptop for $500, and then, after it's sold, what should I do and where should I go in the country? who do i talk to?",0 "At the end of the night he literally dragged her to the end and caught a cab home by themselves. I didn’t think of anything as he was telling me that she would act up sometimes. But this time it was something different. My gf started crying all the way home, telling me how she told her that my friend “S” beats her. It took me a while to realize what she was telling me.",1 "Hi there, Wall of text: I moved to the area for a job transfer, but that was completely botched and I had to find a new job. My initial start date was 2/12, but a hospital stay from 2/9-2/19 messed with that. I *finally* get to start on Monday (3/12), but in addition to not having had a proper paycheck in over a month, ~~I've only got a package of eggs left~~.",1 "I need to be my own person, however flawed I am. My panic attack ended at least 20 minutes ago, now. I think that is the end of this post. What more is there to say, other than, I am sorry for writing something so long? It is just who I am, I write long things.",0 "My father is an alcoholic, and he has been for about 34 years. My mom has had to deal with this the entire time, and lately, he has been having parties at their house and drinking up until 3-4am almost every weekend. He drinks everyday, and my mother usually comes to me to vent about it. I’ve honestly lost my patience because I feel she should do something about it, but she won’t. She’s afraid to leave because he says he’ll accuse her of abandoning the home.",1 "An interesting fact I once heard was that some people die out in the desert with water still in the bottle. These people would try and conserve their water supply but would end up dehydrating themselves in the process, laughable over a few shots of whiskey but an important note at that. I  drink nearly all I have and only saving a little to keep the mouth moist after a smoke and I find that by doing so I stay hydrated, never feeling like crap because the water hadn’t finished absorbing into my system. Remember that folks. When I finished watching the trains I found a place with a plug and wifi to jam out to music.",0 "I grab my partner and told him “ we need to get out of here right fucking now!” We made hour way out of the building, as we were exiting the conditions increasingly got worse, just as we made the door the room flashover, my partner was already in the hallway I was still in the room. Many times when firefighters are caught in a flash over the outcome is death, for me it was burns to years, wrists, and face. I still consider myself very lucky. After that I started struggling with anxiety at work and home. On my days off I started to drink excessively.",1 "This 100% stems from the abuse from my ex, and him training me to always be home. It home, go in my bed and lay there and watch some TV show or another while I'm on my phone. I get out of bed around 7:30ish and cook dinner. I eat dinner, then lay back in my bed until I decide to go to bed. Usually around 10pm.",0 "She's been attack free for months now. There seems to be a downside to this though, our relationship is taking a turn for the worst. The doctor said one of the side effects would be a loss of sex drive, which I understood and was ok with as long as it helped her. Lately though she's been just colder to me. We had a talk the other day and she says she still loves me, but more as a friend.",0 "*""When thinking about life, remember this: No amount of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future. ""* This is a quote I stumbled upon a few years ago that still sticks with me to this very day. At face value it presents the idea that anxiety is fueled by the very nature of what it's foundation is based on; **nothing. ** I keep an open mind these days, in fact, one can argue a quite possibly *too* open mind.",0 "I am constantly being controlled by my abuser in having to fight his continued harassment in court, or I am controlled by my emotionally abusive husband who I can't leave because I have no money and we have kids together. I am starting to become seriously suicidal. Last year, on my birthday, I made a serious and almost successful attempt on my life because of PTSD triggers that weren't even as bad as these. My birthday is coming up again in February. I don't know what to do.",1 "I could stay up here alone, but he says he’ll be where ever we are. I feel trapped and I think it’s making me like I’m acting like a child these days. At least from my perspective. He drained my accounts and I’m financially dependent because I fear not paying bills and I have to feed my daughter and myself. In laws say they can help us...but they’re still his parents.",1 "I can't afford rent and my student loans on my income. Im planning on going back to school in Houston since UH is about $8500 a year for instate tuition which I can convince myself I can afford. Im just so sad and disappointed. This was never how my life was supposed to be but when your mom who's financially irresponsible (lightly put) and lets you go to a school that is $150K without even knowing it, I was basically doomed from the start and this is now my reality. Maybe Ill just kill myself before then so I don't have to face this life, because this has become too much to handle.",1 "I was diagnosed with PTSD after I was assaulted when I was 18, but to be honest I've never really felt like I had it. I can usually push things down so deeply that I don't feel many repercussions of what I've been through aside from a lot of shame. In the last 4 months though, someone who's been on and off harassing me since I was 17 has resurfaced. He was sending me hundreds of texts and calling me saying things varying from ""you're going to marry me and we can have kids and live together forever"" to ""you're a whore and you're a disgusting person and I want to (insert threat) you"". He makes fake accounts and tries to add me or adds my friends accusing them of taking me from him.",1 "He is not allowed to show up and cause a scene like that, and he definitely isn't allowed to talk to a child like that, handicapped or not. So, yes, I'm moving. My brother is having panic attacks now, he shouldn't be afraid to be at the house. The only thing is, finding a house on such short notice is proving to be very difficult. We have some blemishes on our rental history from past problems, but have gotten to a much better place since then.",1 "People say ""follow your gut"" but I don't even know if I have a gut feeling on this anymore because I have obfuscated it so much and overthought it to exhaustion. People have told me this is really no big deal in the long run but it feels absolutely monumental to me and will be something affecting me the rest of my life. Can any of you relate? How do you make really tough, lifelong decisions like these if you have anxiety? Thank you.",1 She thinks instead I should ask if I can read him how it has impacted me since this has happened. I don't know what to do. It's coming up so quickly and I'm feeling a twinge of anxiety as it gets closer. I keep telling myself I did everything I possibly could and that I should do what feels right to me even if it means I may feel like I'm going backwards at times. I also have to make a decision on if I want a permanent restraining order or a non violent contact order.,1 "One of them was “Catchphrase”. Similar to Taboo, but you pass around a device, and have to get your team to guess the word/phrase before the timer runs out. Of course, it has to make a countdown noise/beeping which makes me even more anxious. My partner has gotten quite good at gauging where I am on a scale of 1-10. He noticed that I was getting more tense as it was passed around the circle, headed towards me.",0 "Her parents supported her. I told her I thought it was a bad idea, that she should finish what she had left (she's an excellent student, super smart and committed) and then go to study the other career. But if she decided to leave I would support her 100%. She decided to quit. The other career was in another town, my home town (<2hs away) she rented an apartment with 2 girls and moved away.",0 "I’m fairly new at directly helping the poor. Been creating bags to give out that has food, bandaids, nail clippers, tooth brush and toothpaste, small shampoo and bar of soap, and some items are gender or age specific. But what else would you suggest? I’ve heard of gloves and socks but not sure where to get them cheap and in bulk. I want to create at least 100 bags and do it a few times per year.",0 "I know the best thing for me is to find a new job, but I've been applying for quite awhile now with no luck and I really don't want to move to another job that I don't enjoy and will make me feel the exact same way. I sort of think I have an idea of what I want to do, but I have no idea how to make it happen while still paying my bills so I've been applying to anything that seems like it might be relevant to me, but I'm not sure the right way to go about getting into a field I don't have a degree in. Because of this I feel trapped in my job right now and it gets so bad some days where I feel like just walking out and quitting or just not going in ever again. I'm rambling at this point, does anyone else deal with a job that makes them completely miserable? How do you deal with it?",1 "Hello my name is jake I am 17 years old and I need some help I'll give you a bit of back story Ever since I was 5 my mother was always drunk everdently she was an alcoholic and whenever she was drunk she got very agressive and to cut a long story short she abused me for over 8 years not only physically but mentally too and when I was 15 I finally spoke out and went to turn to the authorities but they didn't help they sent me back to my mum countless times and in then end I put myself into care I refused to go back I have been in care for a year and a couple months now but ever since just before chirstmas I've been having these night terrors ( which I have reason to believe that it is ptsd ) I have viscous flash backs of my mother doing all them things too me and I wake up screaming , sweating , and as a instinct ready to fight and it lasts for a good 15 mins which is horrible What I'm trying to get at is , is there any coping mechanisms that you can suggest because I feel useless and helpless at this point",1 It can take weeks until the problem is solved or I realise I was anxious over nothing. Recently I'm moving home due to family circumstances and it's something I didn't want to really do yet but I am having to and the place I'm moving to is lovely but I'm really anxious over it and whether I'm doing the right thing. These thoughts I'm having are causing this really dark awful feeling. Is this feeling common? I wondered if this feeling is my intuition but I don't believe it is I think it's purely anxiety.,1 "That was enough back then. Matt was always great at hiding his ailments. I never even knew how hard his life had been; how many times he had been in and out of the hospital. He hid it from everybody extremely well. But now he's older, and he's not hiding it so well anymore.",0 "Hey y'all. Throw away for obvious reasons. I am so confused and I don't know what to do or who to reach out to. I started dating my boyfriend two years ago when I moved away from my home to a new state for a job. He was funny, intelligent, and *very* charming.",0 i faced up to myself. i completed probation. it's not the drugs i need. it's to leave my environment and everything i know; it's to get a fresh start. i'm only 22.,0 "Are there federal or state (IN) laws that govern shelters for shelters that don't accept any federal funds? According to a news story I have found on this shelter they don't accept federal funding, grants or any kind of corporate or foundation funds. There are so many things going on here that don't seem legal, and many more that are totally unethical. I've been here for a month and here's just a couple of the things that are jumping out at me: * Our meds are kept locked up in a cabinet in a room accessible only by staff and ""resident staff"" (which also seems like a HUGE conflict of interest.)",0 "7) what if there arent enough houses for all the people in this world? ( yes..seriously) we have never lost him, he has never been stung by a bee, we do not have the news on around him, nor has our house been broken into.However, he has heard grown ups out in public talking about the recent school shooting. He also gets night terrors and nightmares and is afraid to fall asleep sometimes. how do I help him manage his anxiety in an age appropriate way?",1 Tldr: Need an apartment or room to rent with the deposit on a payment plan. I have first months rent. Not a drug user and clean record. Shit credit but no bankruptcy/eviction/arrest record and have full time employment. I've been homeless for almost a year now but have been floating through hotels that costs about 90 % of my income before and now I'm staying at someone's room but I haven't been able to save up enough for a deposit (due to payday loans) so far and need to leave before I hit 28 days vacancy rights.,0 "l asked if there was someone else and she said ""no, even if there was we weren't in a relationship"". Fast forward 3 months and I'm finally over her and life is going great, then I got a text from her and we started talking again. During the holidays I returned to my country and I spent all month with her, this time officially dating. We always kept our relationship open, so we jokingly spoke about one night stands and if we had any during those 3 months apart. We both mentioned that we had one - after we stopped talking.",0 "Snot. Slobber. Just uncontrollable sadness. I was about to explain to her that we would be back later that night and if she was good, we'd bring her a treat. But Mom just scooped her up and coddled her like you would a 9 month old who was crying because they were a bit cranky.",0 My 42 yr old sister-in-law died of metastatic breast cancer last night after a 6 year battle. I am trying to raise funds to establish an endowed scholarship in her name through Olivet-Nazarene University in Illinois to help students with interests in music to honor her memory. Why would you consider giving to a stranger? Because maybe cancer has touched YOUR life. Donna was your everyday woman.,0 "Things got better in middle school (thankfully) but it’s sad how literally 5 years as a young child (when life was supposed to be good) were so rough and still affect my life to this day. My home life wasn’t super bad but school was a living hell. I was excluded from everything and still to this day I tend to view the world as harsh and unaccepting. Sorry for the rant, it’s just sad how cruel teachers and students can be in elementary school. Bullying in elementary school directly caused so many of my mental health issues.",1 "I'm a freelancer, which means pay isn't always steady. I also have frequent painful and difficult digestive issues as well as migraines that lay me out several times a month. I work hard, I make an effort to save where I can, but some months bills and such wipe me out. I'm just coming through a bout of sick and feeling up to eating again, but thanks to pay waits and bills, I'm broke and down to a bit of brown rice and gelatin in the house. I made a post this morning on r/Random_Acts_of_Pizza and a mod pointed me here for some slightly more substantial help.",1 "Next week I’ll be flying for our family vacation. The flights won’t be very long (just MSY to LAS then LAX to MSY on the way home), but flying really triggers my anxiety. Mostly I just like having control over myself and my surroundings, so the idea of being in a metal tube 30,000 feet in the air is not ideal for me. I also have a lot of fears about terrorist attacks/mass shootings (movie theaters and other crowded public places are also a problem for me). I was wondering if anyone has any tips for flying anxiety/fear.",1 "I assumed she would answer the question, or she would explore my feelings of inadequacy, or she would interpret the transference. But her response instead was the title ""I am not getting into this with you"". She then went on with how she did like me, thought I was an interesting and nice person. but I do not believe that, it is too unlikely. Besides, as an addendum to her refusal to speak to my question, it seemed false.",0 "I am moving in with my BF and am fine with doing it 'early' because I love him and want to spend more time with him, I am moving back to my hometown where I have a large safety net, and we are choosing an apartment that he can afford on his own if he needs to. I know having a back up plan doesn't sound romantic, but both he and I have discussed all of the above, and both of us are long term planners who place 'back-up' plans in place in case anything goes awry. I have always been in relationships where I was still able to be an independent unit and avoid too much commitment because I was always scared to lose my independence. But this is the first relationship where I feel like we're a really good fit, and it doesn't feel like a sacrifice I don't want to make. I will still be doing a lot of things on my own, he is also an independent person, and both of us have lived on our own for years and know we can take care of ourselves.",0 "They discharged me. I told a nurse at a health clinic though, where I got sutured, that I just can't deal with the PTSD anymore, and I feel awful on this injection of flupentixol. I'm suicidal. I'm suicidal, and I keep thinking I should just go through with it this time. But this is a cry for help: what should I do?",1 "I was a little confused at what they meant so her husband decided to meet me and talk to me about what was going on. The way that he put it, he was saying that my husband wouldn't get physical from what he could tell, but there are boundaries that he passed. Unfortunately, he couldn't provide any examples because he couldn't remember what was said, but he could remember the feeling that he had, and it was disgust. This was during the holiday season when their company had an influx of new people and they would be gone within a few weeks because the work they do is very physical and not a lot of people can handle it. My friends husband told me and quote, ""There's friendship, there's flirting, which he did but its innocent because everyone flirts, but then there's certain boundaries that you don't say to someone else while being in a commited relationship or marriage with someone else and he was doing that.""",0 I feel so vulnerable and unsure of myself all the time now. I didn't think it would affect me this way. I'm so tired of eating ramen noodles and granola bars. I'm sick of seeking out the cheapest coffee shop that has wifi. I'm sick of feeling like a burden.,1 "The simplest breathing technique can help you calm your mind. It's called diaphragmatic breathing. Simply, place your hands on your belly, then ribs, then upper chest and practice breathing into your hands. At the end, you place one hand on your belly and the other on your heart and breath into your belly up to your heart and back out again. By placing my hands on your body, you can choose a certain number of breaths to count and focus on the physical sensation of your hands rising and falling.",0 "I am so confused! Why is he playing these games? I have made it clear I want him back and to me it’s like he has feelings but is unwilling to say anything? TL;DR I’ve been dating a guy for a few months, we split up over a silly petty argument, since we’ve split up he’s been maintaining that he wanted us to break up but he’s checking in on me and asking what I’m doing. Is he just being controlling or does he have feelings still?",1 I want him to die because then we'll be truly safe. But I don't want him to suffer. There have been times when I did. And I denied that there was ever any love because that was easier than accepting that a man who once loved his family decided he hated them so much he wanted to kill them. I've still got half my life to lead.,1 "Sorry if this is kinda long... We met in highschool and became best friends. Even after we still talked everyday, hang out almost every weekend and I felt everything was okay. She then started getting kinda distant e cold toward me and I had no idea why. I talked to friend in commom and she said my this friend(I'll call her P.) felt that I was too negative and was always complaining.",0 "For my two worst offenders, they will each get a postcard. Everyone at work will read that post card as it gets passed to the executive director of the rehab center. The old lady will get a warning that she's not smart enough to protect herself and she should be thankful she picked on another elderly widow woman instead of someone looking for revenge for fun. Over the years I've been to the mayor, I've attended a number of (laughable) ""homeless conferences"". It's all a joke so no approaching from that angle.",0 "Itʻs at the point where I am scared I canʻt focus on driving and will crash or just space out going 45 mph. In the past Ive had 3 major ""panic attacks(?)"" where my whole body is in pins and needles and I canʻt breathe well but they were all triggered by major emotional events. I also used to get really bad nightmares about dying and the afterlife when I was a kid and my mom would have to rub my chest til I fell asleep. I never ever thought it was anxiety and I didnʻt want to diagnose myself because I know some people actually have it and I wouldnʻt want to compare my stress to that.",1 "I feel like I just keep digging a hole for myself, and its my fault I'm in there. With work I get emails about updates to projects and I usually these days don't reply, and submit what I have worked on minutes prior to my meetings. Which always results in a pissed off boss really. Then I feel even worse and my ocd comes back telling me that I'm a horrible person and everyone hates me. Its a weird tick, I don't know how to describe it.",1 "(TW sexual abuse mentions) When I was 14 I was sexually abused regularly for 8 months, resulting in PTSD, and recently I realised that afterwards I completely changed how I looked. I went from being this pretty normal looking student, short cropped hair, I would wear normal casual clothing on weekends, I was healthy, all that, now, over three years later I look completely different, I'm stick thin, hair grown out past my shoulders, I only wear black and almost always clothes that cover as much of me as possible, heavy scarring covering the majority of my body, and messy facial hair growing in. I feel like I've completely altered myself so nobody is tempted to hurt me again, like I'm blaming how I looked for what happened, so completely changing it seemed like the most sensible thing. I've never heard of anyone else doing this before though, is this normal?",1 "BACKGROUND: paul and i met 1.5 years ago on okcupid and hit it off right away. at the time, we were both in long-term open relationships with other people, so we fell into a pretty quick routine that involved seeing each other once a week for a meal or drinks and sex [the best of his life, allegedly]. About 6 months into it/the December before last, he and his partner of 8 years broke up, which sent him into a bit of a depression/naturally intense period of introspection. Independently/for unrelated reasons, my own longterm relationship also came to an end. Paul and I saw each other less but kept in touch.",0 "The verbal, emotions, and physical abuse continued I also believe in my heart that he cheated He left Facebook up on his computer with a conversation he had had with another ex about how much fun it was spending time with her(a day he had told me he was working late, couldn't even come up with an original lie)...it shattered me more, I didn't know my heart could break into any smaller pieces When she was three months old I told myself enough was enough... If he had shown even a glimmer of interest in his child or our marriage I could justify more time...but he didn't",1 "I started my seizure while on the stairs and as a result was pretty badly injured. I broke my ankle and injured my knee. I also required stitches in my face. Let me make this very clear- I recognize that this experience must have been **terrifying** for Tom. I understand how frightening and anxiety provoking, and even traumatizing this was for him.",0 All I can do is think about how bad finals are going to be. I hate it so much. I'm going to be so tired. I'm going to fail. My grades are so low I have to do great to keep them above passing.,1 "I fucking *wish* I could talk this out with family therapies and interventions , god knows i've tried. My existence here is predestined and i'm going to become whoever and whatever my family wants me to be, dealing with whatever they through my way. I wish my mother could love me. It's either this plan or suicide, as blunt and intense as that sounds. I plan on deleting this out of paranoia soon but will keep the responses.",1 Im positive the 2 panic attacks and the following brain fog is anxiety based because like i said I've had mild anxiety in the past and i don't think i have any other issues. Anyways i was wondering if its normal to feel spaced out and a little slow/ tired a few days panic attacks. I haven't touched weed since but i still feel spaced out. Any insight would be appreciated. I also noticed when i don't focus on my worry i feel a little better,1 "I work as a security guard at a busy office building and everytime i make eye contact with my people I can literally see them shuddering inside. It probably down to the fact I have an intense stare and tend to stare in people's too eyes long,but I don't know what the social etiquette is ,what do you do when you're walking along a corridor and you bump into someone you just said hi to a few seconds ago, what do you do when you turn around and unintentionally lock eyes with a work colleague. Please someone help,teach my how to make normal eye contact in social situations. It's getting to the point now where work colleagues are going out their way to avoid making eye contact with me. Please help",1 "He told me that I needed to be naked because he wanted to see my “sexy body” he said a lot of sexual things and took off my clothes. I was naked; exposed, lying on his bed on my stomach with my head in a pillow. He flipped me over and sat at the foot of the bed. I put a pillow over my face and at this time it all becomes a blur. He was giving me oral sex, fingering me, and telling me how “hot” I was.",0 "IDK. I've applied to anything I can think of and have had no luck. But at least I'm not dealing with all this stress with someone who ""loves"" me not giving a damn if that happens. Thank you all for giving me perspective that no, I was not being unreasonable and it wasn't that he decided who lives in his home (which I NEVER disagreed with) but that it was messed up of him to offer, plan, go back on it, and then want to act like that never happened. And for the people who implied I have no ""market value"" to him, my divorce was because my ex cheated.",0 "I came to see her perform in a play one night, and brought flowers and saw her after the show. We walked around the city for a bit and then sat in my car quietly for a bit. And she didn't say much, but she looked really worried/close to tears. I didn't know what to make of it at the time. We had made plans for her to visit me in my town during the summer, with a month of notice.",0 The next time I went to see her after that she said sorry if I wasn’t my self last time and I just said that she seemed tired and so I started to see her earlier in the day. Even from the first few time I went to see her she would always talk about herself. I didn’t have a problem with it because I am shy and so bad at conversation it kind of took the spot light off of me even tho that’s kinda what I was there to see her for. Also from the beginning she was kinda well very unprofessional and I knew this. I had just started to see a psychiatrist and I had told her what medications weren’t working for me so she gave me some of hers to try and see if they worked.,0 "A little over two years ago I visited a psychiatrist for the first time and was prescribed lexapro for social/generalized anxiety and depression. At the time, both my psychiatrist and therapist thought I was in the mild to moderate range. Lexapro was good. It was great, really. I wasn't born with depression.",0 "He ended up grabbing me by the neck with both hands and slamming my head against the wall in the hallway, he threw me the ground I hit the radiator and then he threw a bucket at me that had a toy and DOG SHIT in it (i genuinely don't think he knew there was dog shit in it, he just threw whatever was there...and our dog must have shit in it.) I didn't pass out this time. He went upstairs and slammed his door and locked it. I got right up and ran up the stairs and told him to let me in to get my shit so I can go. He told me to leave and I started kicking the door and demanding he lets me into get my shit so I can go.",1 "If you have a survey you would like to share with us, you may do so here, please use the following format. Failure to do so will result in your survey being removed. Surveys not posted in here will result in a ban, the length of which will be decided at mods' pleasure. __Who I am__: _(Student, Researcher)_ __Affiliation__: _(university, company)_",0 "I don't really know if I'm doing this right but..I feel like I have ran out of options. To make a long story short, I have a Ford Ranger and the serpentine belt on it is broken. I'm currently living with my girlfriend but last night I found out that she has been lying to me repeatedly and I'm done with this situation, the only problem is that I'm stuck. I don't get paid for another 6 days and I am flat broke with no family or anything nearby. Luckily, I'm within walking distance of my work but do you guys have any ideas?",1 "I feel like I have the worst luck with everything, but maybe that's just bias. I feel like life has dealt me a short hand and I feel so guilty saying this because there are people out there with lives far worse than mine. Walking is painful, talking is painful, I don't know what to do. I just want everything to end. I just want to rest and not have to struggle.",1 "And whose fault is that, then? My question to you; is it the tree’s fault that it never bothered to put in the effort to correct itself, or the hypothetical forest’s? Is it anyone’s fault at all? Could the tree ever be quite corrected, or was it destined to live out its life, becoming more and more crooked with each fucking day? I’m done.",0 "I desperately need a car and found a great opportunity but the previous owner died of a heart attack in it. Thats my number one cause of anxiety, the fear of heart attacks. He was relatively healthy and young. I feel like a big idiot for not taking it. But I have vivid nightmares of me having heart attacks then I wake up with a panic attack that lasts hours.",1 "And in the 10 years since my emancipation, I've only watched my cognitive state decline. I've been agoraphobic for 3 years now. 3 years ago I moved into the shelter system after a domestic dispute triggered my agoraphobia again. I felt like I was under constant threat, and that I wasn't safe anymore. So I moved.",1 "I actually do have access to some money where I believe I could pay off at least some of what I owe but I honestly don’t even know where I can get a number for the debts that I owe. I am afraid to even begin for several reasons. 1) I am worried I might actually be in legal trouble over this, 2) I am afraid of seeking help from someone who isn’t understanding of my situation and will just be totally horrified about what a mess it is and they will be mean to me. Are there any counseling resources available to me? I am NOT looking for a handout I just need help being walked through the steps of what I need to do to resolve this.",1 "(He knows where we live and go to school) My moms in a ton of debt because of my dad. Right now both of them have a job but if my dad is no longer working, it's gonna be a lot harder to pay it off. I also go to a private school which costs a lot. How do we deal with this?",1 "November 8 is the anniversary of when I was kidnapped and raped. The anniversaries are always hard on me, and this year is feeling extra hard. On Facebook a lot of my friends are celebrating their own or their kids’ birthdays today, their wedding anniversaries, sharing memories of the awesome vacations they were on on this day last year, etc. I feel weird and alone in my trauma. It’s not that I want anyone to have to join me in misery, but I guess I’m wondering if anyone else out there happens to be dealing with this at the same time as me.",1 "I met my current boyfriend (42M), let’s call him V, back in November. Things were fine, there were no red flags. We dated about a month before one day I went to warm up his coffee for him and he started screaming at me for doing it wrong, and to never do it again. I have PTSD from being raped and abused, and I get uncomfortable when guys yell in the vicinity of me, when they yell at me, it’s debilitating. He knew this as I make it very clear to potential significant others.",1 "The only woman who ever treated me with respect, my nan, died a few months ago. This household is screwing with all of us. There's nothing we can do, because she refuses to seek help, so this will never change. I want to move out, but I have nowhere to go, no job, and no money. The best I can do is wait it out until someone dies, I suppose.",1 "Tomorrow afternoon my four children and I are leaving my husband. After years of emotional neglected, financial control and recently added physical abuse towards my youngest. I'm scared that even after our planning we will be turned away from the refuge and have to use the little amount savings to rent a cabin. I'm scared that I'm making the wrong descion. Even though my 3 older children have developed mental illness over the past year.",1 "It would be awesome to see how many people I can have help me wish her a Happy Birthday (sounds clickbait-y, so forgive me.) She loves our dog, Bear, Beyoncé, and a good NetFlix Original series. So basically, she's an incredible lady. Not that I'm biased or anything. Any Happy Birthday wish would be awesome!",0 "He doesn’t know anything about that though. For some background, I recognize that I tend to overreact to normal things, I have panic attacks when people innocently flirt with me for example, and I’ve flown off the handle when too many men have even just looked at me in too short of a space of time. Anyway, so we were roommates in a super tiny apartment that didn’t even have a living room, just our two bedrooms divided by a kitchen. He was having some issues with his ex-girlfriend so he was venting to me for hours about it, and I was trying to give him as much advice as I could, because he’s my friend and I care about him. I told him this and he said he cares about me too, and then he started telling me that when he first met me, he was attracted to me but that I was too young so he felt weird.",0 "I thought they’d give me another date to come back or put me on probation but that did not happen. They told me I wouldn’t be allowed back to my house until my court date in a MONTH. And even that is certain. Well I found a friend that I can stay with for another 2 days but after that I’m unsure of what to do. I’m currently unemployed don’t even have a license, there’s literally no one I can stay with my parents are refusing to talk to me.",1 "Needless to say that is all a lie from him, He is here from DSS/Social Services just like I am. What I am worried about is my safety and security. This guy is obviously mentally ill and a drug addict and alchie, and now I am really concerned that he will do something to me because I stood up to him and his nonsense bullshit. How should I proceed....Call Social Services and turn him in? or call the police next time he harasses me?",1 "Hi guys! My close friend has been struggling lately to pay for her dog's surgery. Two months ago, she noticed a lump on her dog's leg. After running a few tests and getting several vet's opinions, the dog was diagnosed with Grade 2 soft tissue sarcoma. She had three options, do nothing, remove lump and go for chemo treatments, or amputate the leg completely.",1 "I am scared as fuck off what the comedown is going to be like from being jacked up on adrenaline for 5 days straight. I have not felt tired whatsoever during this time. I have been giving valium and trazadone to sleep, by an emerg psyciatrist, of which I cannot feel either whatsoever. On top of that when I do this twitch many times in a row, i can actually see and feel my entire veins/circulatory system constricting down very small. they have been in a state of permenant constriction for 4 days now.",1 "Sometimes one a week on the weekend. This worked greated. Until late june. She started to cancel my visits to see her. Asking if I was mad, when I constantly told her I supported everything she needed to do to succeed.",0 "He backed me into a corner in the kitchen and kept hitting me. When I fell he stomped on my face and also choked me. I was trying to hit back but he's much bigger than me. When he starting choking me, I bit the holy hell out of his arm to get him off. He surprisingly did, after yelling about how it hurt, then went to finish packing.",1 "Instead he followed me to the store in his car. He would even drive slow enough to have the car next to me at all times. During one of our fights he took a permanent marker and slashed lines all over me while telling me ""how does that feel, you slut?"" He walked away and I just fell to the floor in tears. He came back and poured his Gatorade all over me telling me to shut up and stop crying so loud.",1 #NAME?,1 "Asked her for help. She said ""come for dinner"". She's not that good of a cook. I don't talk to her anymore. I don't care anymore.",0 "3. I leave fairly often for extended periods for work. On one of my work trips I was gone for two weekends. I trust my BF and don’t mind if he goes out. The first weekend he said he didn’t do anything and just stayed home, yet through my friend’s FB I could see that he added three girls as friends.",0 "I am doing a research topic on social media and its influence on people, specifically on politics and would like you to spend a minute or two to fill out this form for me, it shouldn't take long This will be used in a paper that is assigned for a writing course I am taking. Really appreciated, thanks! Edit: Thank you all for the responses.",0 "I blocked him on FB and then deactivated. One two punch, because my FB addiction is another obstacle in my life. I'm very proud of these decisions, but it also meant leaving my ""Thrive After Abuse"" group. So now here I am on Reddit, hoping to find another supportive community. Best wishes to all.",0 I’m definitely keeping the child. We don’t own our house so will just go our separate ways. I’m totally open to him being part of the child’s life if he wants. I know he would be a good dad despite him turning out to be a terrible husband Thanks for the advice guys.,0 "**Why this is important** - The FDA has approved Phase 3 MDMA/PTSD studies based on promising Phase 2 studies and the main challenge of the Phase 3 research is funding. - These foundations fund PTSD work. But they aren't funding MDMA PTSD research. I think with the right guided nudge, these foundations may be open to supporting the research.",0 "A viewpoint that some of my asshole uncles, aunts, and other various family members have encouraged for reasons I won’t get into lest this post becomes my magnum opus. Anyway, her comment actually got me a little pissed. So, I sniped back, “Yeah, everyone wishes someone will cook, provide for them, and just take care of everything while they just relax but this isn’t Aladdin. Plus, if it was, you’d have to rub the lamp, not Ron, and I just don’t see how that would work out.” Everyone laughed, So did their significant others. All Ron kept saying was some variation of “That’s so true!” while laughing.",0 "Alright so, for my entire life I've been a straight-A student. High honor roll every time. I never expected any less and neither did my parents, teachers, friends, etc. Over the past year (8th grade) I've developed anxiety, depression, and OCD. (Not self diagnosed.)",1 Why fix the leak when the rubber mallet driving the cork into the hole disturbs the family when the damp doesn’t bother them quite so much at the moment. Never mind the water is rotting the floorboards. Never mind the mold growing in corners. Never mind how sick I get from exposure. Now here comes the real question: Do I abandon the ship or go down with it?,1 My boyfriend M(26) and I have been dating for a year and a half. We live together. We definitely have issues were working through right now but our relationship has been pretty good. Up until a month or so ago I was making all these future plans with him and so on. I’ve been on and off taking antidepressants for the past 8 months.,0 "That's why I've come to you guys. \- If the formatting is weird, it's because it's midnight and I've edited this damn thing so many times I want to cut off my own hands so I can't torture myself with editing it any more. It's probably garbled af. Yes, I did proofread it, but I can't guarantee quality because it's midnight lmao. I'm super tired.",0 "It's been a few months since things happened. I want to talk about what happened, though, but most people are so tired of hearing about it, so I am quiet about it now. I would like to talk about it here where others can understand, if you don't mind. I'm sorry if it is triggering for anyone. Therapy is in the future but not for a couple more months so I have a couple months left of reeling until I can deal with it in a therapeutic setting.",1 "**I've been sober for a week and the change is awesome! ** I laugh, I stay active, I speak clearly, I look people in the eye, I get things done as I want to get them done - immediately. Living a different reality. If anyone here is being controlled by these substances I just want to remind you that they are holding you back. These coping mechanisms are making you doubt yourself and not allowing you to progress - not allowing you to know yourself without them.",0 "Dr. Fred Penzel's Articles A leading expert on OCD, Dr. Penzel has a collection of great articles online based on years of successfully treating patients with OCD. Particularly good for highlighting how the ""less-obvious"" variants of OCD can be treated. Check out Article 12 ""Ten Things You Need to Know to Overcome OCD"" for starters. Top Tips: Carry out [Exposure and Response Prevention].",0 "Hello guys. This is my first post here. Ever since I can't fall asleep on a random night (few months ago) , I started getting anxiety at night and before heading to bed but everyday is different. Usually, when I get on bed n off the lights, my body started to heat up and i would sweat a little which makes me really uncomfortable. My heart would pound fast to which makes me anxious.",1 "I've heard it's less activating and more calming than Zoloft, as it's the most serotonin selective. I've also heard Trazodone may be an option, for someone who wants SSRI-like-effects without any activation. Additionally, my Psych doctor mentioned Gabapentin as a way to directly target anxiety without any of the long-term concerns of daily benzo use. (though I've read it's not without its own drawbacks.) Obviously, this wouldn't have any serotonergic effect, but could be a good alternative to the Xanax.",0 "However, this was 5 months ago and I have heard nothing about the referral. Things are going downhill (not with my eating, which is good! ), but my PTSD symptoms are loud. I'm not sleeping, my self harm has escalated and I'm struggling to leave my house. I'm also just about to lose my job because the company I work for is going under.",1 "We get no child support and are doing well financially without it and although he is supposed to pay, I leave it alone because he leaves us alone. Long story short, I didn't file or ask for supervised visitation, but that's what the courts ordered. He did that two or three times within a year and haven't heard from him since. This Friday for the first time in years I realized how much my life has changed and how happy I and my children are. Then, of course, I get the curve ball of this message on Saturday evening.",1 "I am SO PISSED just because i look tired and wearing dirty clothes doesnt mean Im up to no good. I have already filed a complaint with the bbb, attorney general, called my bank to see if i can get that money back. Im thinking while Im stuck here, to contact the local news paper. This man and his housekeeper wife, whom I forgot to add, called me a ""skank"" Im dead serious. So i was falsely accused and insulted, and had my money robbed.",1 "It is quite annoying. I get diarrhea when I get panic attacks and then need to shower thoroughly to get myself cleaned up because it is disgusting. I also get hypochondriac thoughts and sometimes panic so badly I call 911 and have an ambulance sent. Thankfully I have not done that today. This is so annoying, this fight-or-flight response.",1 "Neosporin and ace bandage if one starts bleeding. Life lesson: Don't let your dog run on wet concrete, and let the vet tell you what you should worry about. If you think your worries sound ridiculous, they probably are. Bonus: Molly needs to lose 2.5 pounds because she hates the rain and doesn't want to walk in it. Lol.",0 "I can't support their relationship on any level. To make it clear, neither does my mother. She only allows him to remain here because he'd be homeless and be forced to move hours away to a place with almost no transport and he'd take my sister with him (he did it before. It culminated in the allegations of cheating and the choking), and that's the last thing we want. Better the devil you know and your enemies close or something.",0 "He and I have been pretty ""huggy"" the last couple years, and since he scared me I cut all physical contact off completely. He didn't try to initiate it today even though we won't be seeing each other for several weeks, so that's something. I don't plan on allowing any of it for the forseeable future - maybe unless I feel like he's really learned something or changed somehow. I don't plan on staying the night at his place or letting him stay at mine. Probably will limit our contact to public or ""other people present"" for the most part.",0 "She is such a very good girl. All I have to offer is $300 for her return or direct information leading to her return. These are some pictures of her: Roo, Chihuahua mix 12lbs Missing 9/28/18 Thank you for reading and please give your animals a big hug. Edit to add: I'm going to the Humane Society tomorrow, they were already closed tonight.",0 "We talked about meeting, and eventually arranged a double date. Each of us brought a friend to make things easier. The date went well and we decided to see each other again. The next two times I saw her, she began making comments on how little dating experience I had and began treating me like a child. She made comments about my weight and how I was too skinny and needed to gain weight.",0 The last straw that broke me completely happened the night before/early morning of St Patty's day 2013 (age 21). I went to a bar for a pre-party. I had one shot with the bartender and some other guys there. I then started drinking water and talking to the guy sitting next to me. He said he was a pilot.,1 "Kate's father was just an angel all day long. We were planning to finally start sleeping at the house again. Evening comes, we all go home, and he puts on some crime drama marathon. It's a little too loud, so Kate asks him if he minds turning it down. He does so...for about five minutes, until she's out of the room again, and then he turns it up louder than it was previously.",0 "Hi, I am 21 years old, I used to suffer from panic attacks and anxiety last year, but somehow managed to beat it and live like a normal person again. But from time to time, i have this weird feeling that I am gonna pass out or something like that, my face is pale and I feel this uncomfortable pressure in my eye balls, it happens when I'm at university during class or even during normal daily activities. I did some blood tests and everything is fine, so is this anxiety again?",1 He was happy and loving as usual. He still speaks with his father on a weekly basis and says he is not a bad man. He states he deserved a lot of the abuse he received. He also does not think poorly of the men that sexually abused him. He is the type of person that sees the good in everyone even if they don't deserve it.,0 "I won’t have to make that decision to either shut up and let him have his way or or risk my safety and the safety of my family. I’m not bound to him anymore, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t panic at the end of each day in the split second that I think it’s going to happen again. I’m an adult now, not a child that was groomed and broken like a horse. I’ll never again have to ask “Can we stop now please?” and get a no. I’ll never have to ask if I’m allowed to put on my clothes and leave.",0 You’re losing control Juststopthinking— —You’re panicking Stop —Panicking,1 "Accounts incredibly overdue. A life entirely unattended to, without organization or care. Chaos. I knew none of this. The man he presented to me was one of principle (honesty, loyalty, your word is your bond, etc), always ready to protect and serve in whatever way necessary.",1 "I plan on putting these essays either in my portfolio or a separate writing site as soon as I finish them, so you'd probably get in trouble for plagiarizing if your teacher uses a plagiarism detection tool (which most do these days). Hope y'all have a wonderful day and evening! ​ Update: Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! I'm looking forward to brainstorming them all and seeing which ones are the best fit for me!",0 "Now its personal so it hurts a lot more. There are nightmares where I am murdered, those don't hurt half as much as these. I woke up a few nights ago screaming because of it and I cried like an idiot until I realized it wasn't real. Figured I'd rant here instead of breaking my hands on my heavy bag. You guys ever get extremely worried about your partners safety to the point where it triggers you?",1 "My bf and I went to his parents place in Iowa over Christmas. Over the years, I have always known that his parents don't absolutely love me but I didn't realize that they actually dislike me until this time I visited them. His dad is a difficult person to begin with, which is well known by everyone and he kept making little jabs at me and insulting me. For example, he asked if I am a citizen and how long I have been one, I mentioned that I have never watched Harry Potter and he ""jokingly"" asked me if I was busy clubbing and talking to boys and doubted my upbringing, and when I was using my bfs phone, he asked me why I am using it and if I am reading his texts. These are just a couple examples and there are many more.",1 "First off I'm male but my relationship with the woman is strictly platonic stemming from professional, we are co-workers. It's no secret to anyone that she's in an abusive relationship as she's come to work several times over the last several months with blackeyes etc and admits to being abused. She been in the relationship for 1.5 years which turned info is out of the way, here's the new twist that has brought me to split roads. Yesterday she showed me a text from him detailing how angry he'd been at her 12 yr old and that if he didn't have so much will power he would have choked her son to death and that she needs to get her son to behave so he doesn't have to crack his skull. I encouraged her to show that to Leo and have him removed from the apartment as well as get an order of protection, she seemed to be considering that but has expressed fear of retaliation in the past.",1 The welfare office foe my county is too far and i can't get there without transportation to ask for help. I don't have any friends or family that can or are willing to take my cat and I. And i cannot get rid of my cat because he is my ESA and the only thing keeping me sane at this point. What do i do when i feel like i don't have any other options. Even though this is my fault because i'm an idiot.,1 "She's been doing exams as of late and we've both had some personal problems so we haven't had time to work on our relationship. We both said we would stay together but sort it all out after she came back from a holiday she was going on with her uni. On the second last night she tells me she has kissed another guy and feels horrific about it. I tell her i'm going to leave because she has cheated in hope she realizes what life is like without me (stupid I know). I've always put her needs before mine, i've tried to give her everything and be the perfect boyfriend and because my natural defense mechanism is to retreat into my shell and shut the world out I don't reply to her texts that day.",1 "I feel like I've failed. I keep having this fear that I've made it all up. Everything. That I made up the rape, and made up the traumatizing feelings, made up the emotions. I'm afraid that I just have a very sick, sick dramatic mind that is just making up terrible shit to try and destroy me or something?",1 "I'm not competent to deal with life, despite being 21. I'm living like a parasite on my family. I'm so tired of not getting to sleep at night because I'm constantly worrying about the future and not being in control of it because I can't trust myself not to fuck everything up by panicking. It all just seems so absolutely futile. I don't know what to do anymore.",1 " I am a 30 year old male with a 5 lb dog recently homeless in Washington state. My dog is the last remaining thing from when life was normal, and I refuse to get ride of her after being my companion for 6 years. Reason for my homeless, car broke had to work fast food because it was close to home. I was assigned less hours than the high schoolers I worked with (3-4 hour shifts)I was unable to maintain the apartment. I do not have any drug abuse problems or alcohol.",1 "I tend not to like driving long distances in cars with people in unfamiliar places still but I feel good just that I am back on the road even if I don't drive the car. This took me about five years to reach this level of comfort. All of my fears: I started to exercise hard every single day. Heavy exercise would defeat the fear in most cases or make it easy to manage. If I did not exercise, I was a walking fear bomb.",0 "I recently got out of a 2+ year abusive relationship and am now going to court against him with domestic violence charges. Originally, I was told that I wouldn’t have to testify as there was ample evidence, but now I am being told I must testify about a week from now. I am terrified to see my abuser in court and I was wondering what I should expect. Does anyone have any advice for me or can tell me what I should expect at the trial? Thank you so much.",1 "Regarding my abuser, I still feel my heart ache with compassion, and the understanding that no human being is born a monster; it is an environment poisoned with violence they grew up in that guides them into life as an abuser. I have prayed every single day for John Doe and his foster family, in the hopes that he can overcome his inner demons and lead a life of peace. But if and when he finds a new woman to victimize and rob her of dignity, worth, and benevolence, I feel proud that I have taken steps to ensure that even if she is too afraid to step forward, I have taken that first step in her honor. I feel proud to have set the precedent to lead him on a path for growth and healing if he chooses. I feel proud to have broken that silence.",0 "Physical abuse wise my dad had beat me several times, I never really understood that it was abuse until not that long ago, things like hitting my legs together what seemed like as hard as he could, hitting me on the face as hard as he could, threatening to choke me out, etc. it overall made me feel pretty disassociated, I just didn't really understand why though, my relationship with my parents became this extremely hollow thing that felt like an obligation rather than having genuine parents. as I got older from 10 on they became increasingly mentally abusive on top of it, at age 11 my dad found out that I'm trans by looking on my computer and screamed at me for an hour and threatened to hospitalize me (He didnt know mental hospitals wont hospitalize people for it, and might've ended up trying to put me into conversion therapy or something) this is around where my mental health completely snapped, going into 7th grade, hitting age 12, I started becoming extremely suicidal, I thought about hanging myself at school or stabbing myself, it became too much to bear, not being able to be openly trans, being beaten, feeling on edge non stop, feeling completely invalidated to the core of who I am as a person. I became morbidly depressed and stayed that way from then on.",1 Nobody should ever have to put up with that and have to live in fear of someone who can fly off the handle like that. I wish so badly I knew who she was so that I could tell her in quiet that if she ever needs a place to escape that my door is always open. Sorry for my rambling. I'm just not sure what to do or how to approach this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.,1 "I’ve even sought out arrangements (sugar daddy) for gifts and stuff. I’m fully willing to do it, but of course this is a shot in the dark and hard to be consistent about. I’m kinda freaking out about it and i’m not sure what to do. If there are any loans or opportunities or anything that I can use as a resource please let me know. I could use all the help I can get.",1 "Alright, I'll try to keep this as short as possible. **Some Background:** I have a co-worker we'll call Pamela. Pamela is disabled from complications and defects from when she was born; she has a brain shunt, and some cognitive issues. However, it's not enough to impair her too greatly obviously because she has worked in the call center I work at for about 12 years or so, and in other call centers before this. She receives accommodations for a disability at work though, such as having to meet less strict stats (like time per phone call, or time spent working offline) and being allowed to take a ""rest"" break if her disability causes her issues.",0 "I made way to the store, it was full of like the whole fucking town. Turns out it was like this nearly every night, feeling good I decided to make conversation with the guy at the register. I was curious as to what happened to that other convenience store. Considering there was only two in the whole area, both in good spots, you wouldn’t think it would just go out of business. Nah something was off.",0 For me it would start with rent. We got approved for an apartment but some shit happened and we don’t have 1st months anymore so we can’t move in. We still have time to come up with it but I doubt we will before the deadline. After we got that I have an employment opportunity lined up but I can’t start the job until after the baby so I’d just have to manage to keep the rent paid until Dec which would be after due date and minimum recovery time. After that I’d just need to make sure I had some decent savings up by then to get everything I’d need to start the gig.,0 "My friend made a comment that really embarrassed me because, up until that point, I hadn't realized how unusual it probably appeared. Since then, I've been more conscious of myself doing this and, while it feels like a shameful secret, I continue to do it. I know I never did this before, so I'm wondering if it has anything to do with what happened to me. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I feel like I'm the only one.",1 "This is so hard to write about for me. Attempting to describe what I've been through cuts me really deep down and spins me through flashes of pain, tears, and the deepest depression. I really feel kicked when I'm already down. So please, forgive me for the winded intro and shaking writing style. It has honestly taken me a week just to get to this point.",1 "For many years I visited her and asked if she please could do things to mitigate my allergies (keeping the cat out of ONE room-where I slept, not give me clothes to wear that the cat had laid on, vaccuuming) and she did not do anything. ""The cat almost never wants to be in that room"" I got as a reply, but he was free to roam everywhere. A few years ago I just stopped going to their home and after taking that control I have felt much less sad about this. - Since she got together with her new partner I wanted us to go on a short trip (weekend) staying somewhere over night with her. This has happened only one time, more than ten years after she met her partner.",0 "Had a good weekend, went to a movie together the 19th. Feb 22 she started full dose of Zoloft. Feb 23 weekend, we hung out again, but mostly stayed in because I was tired from traveling for work again. She seemed a bit more distant than I'd seen her but still content, and we had a good weekend together. Everything remained normal up til Feb 26 or so, regular texting, sexy texts, etc.",0 "Have been living with seizures for about 6 years now, trying to remain well let alone be successful but lack support not only in my family but also in the medical community. I've been trying to move across the country to Salem, OR for the past couple months, thinking that I could better manage my medical condition there and thrive, but I've been paying into housing that is falling through at the beginning of Nov. I'm eating my non-existant bank account and running ramped in my mind trying to figure all of this out. Advice needed. Please.",1 This has made me really question where I am and if I should be staying put. Sort of if where I was was right I wouldn't be feeling like this is now. I'm not thinking I should leave for the sake of being single to see someone else but maybe if I'm not as happy as I thought I should be leaving for me to have some time and space to do things on my own. Any suggestions reddit? **tl;dr my crush on my driving instructor is making me think about leaving my boyfriend**,1 "Wish me luck homies. EDIT: I GOT THE JOB! and they are going to pay more than I asked for. I think the hiring manager figured out I was homeless when she asked about dependable transportation and my place of residence, I've never had an interview where they ask ""and you have a place to live?"" That was the only question I stumbled on, so that might have given an inclination that I am homeless.",0 "I feel really guilty over it. I know part of the problem may be how much I've repressed and can't feel, but... I don't know, I feel I've exaggerated so much. I haven't been having nightmares, and my ""flashbacks"" don't feel like flashbacks so much as ""regressive anxious states."" I can think of the trauma I've been through and talk about it, but it doesn't feel like anything disturbing.",0 "? To me is heartbreaking to know that the most I can achieve is to keep defending myself, but not getting to be loved, accepted and cared. I know that somatic therapies may somehow help me to develop discernment, but that is not what i'm looking for. i'm looking for ways to attract healthy people. Please no victim-blaminish phrases like the ""love yourself first"" motto, (I already love myself wildly hard) please no tough love.",1 "So long story short I’m currently a freshman and my mom has made it clear that I’m being kicked out before the start of my sophomore year. I plan on making my way to New York City and living on the streets while looking for a job under the table. I am hoping to find somebody willing to hire me for a construction//landscaping job. My goal is to save money while going to high school, so that I can get my diploma and start a career in law enforcement. Of course my mom didn’t think to take note to save anything such as my birth certificate or the like...",0 Do I force myself to move forward? Am I being ridiculous because I still have ptsd? I feel like they’re so out of line. I’m all over the place. Just someone please help.,1 "My wife and I live in New Bern NC a town impacted heavily by hurricane Florence. We live in a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath home with our 2 dogs, a cat and a rabbit. We are in our late 50's and lived a quiet life prior to the storm. 2 weeks ago 11 of my wife's family members and 6 dogs came to ride out the storm at our home. Unfortunately 8 of them now have no home to go back to, nor do their 5 dogs.",0 "come up and live with us and she'd leave me alone with him, wasted out of his mind, while she would be with her boyfriend (who shes now married to). Eventually I moved back with my dad and everything was fine. I'd call and talk to her and she sounded like she had her life together. Well then they broke up for a short period of time, and she moved to live with her half siblings. She would drink excessively, and call me and cry about her life.",0 "Does anyone else feel the same way? I am just too numb and burned out. I can love people but I can't fall in love with them. I can't give them what they need, the regular sex or the emotional intimacy, and I just end up feeling guilty. I can get along with them just fine, I can respect them and consider their feelings, but that's not enough.",0 "I've applied to many other places over the months and using services like Indeed and Monster. But no such luck as of yet. The whole issue has left me feeling angry. When I talked to my therapist about it, he did help; however, the conversation had the tone of ""being a man"" and doing what you need to do and after a while to simply let go of the anger. I'm not trying to disregard him, but I've been having a hard time understanding what he means.",1 I will stay with the sub to offer any advice I can but thought a success story was worthy to share. They say never destroy a person's hope. It may be all they have left. Much love to you all for the good tips and advice during my struggle. Thanks!,0 "Kyle got out and started contacting me again, writing letters to “prove he still knew where I lived”, and “being able to get in touch with me regardless of me blocking him”. I have some friends in the police force near me, who I informed of the situation. About the same time I started talking to them, Kyle was put in jail for separate reasons. Since these two events, he has stopped contacting me (thank Christ.) James knows about Kyle, but I haven’t told James about the most recent developments because he has had a lot going on (a death in the family, health issues, among others).",1 I keep on getting crap from non work people about oh just fly. I try to psyche myself up to do it but after the 5 minutes of feeling like “yeah I can do it” I feel beyond tense. Anyone been in a similar spot? What did you end up doing? Thanks!,1 "She is in need of some house repairs and a reliable car. Her fixed income and family support isn't enough to get everything done. The van she’s driving has some serious problems. The transmission is dying and there's no heater or defroster. The lights, blinkers, and brakes don't always work right due to electrical problems.",1 "I have a vague fear that I get when I'm ""alone"", or when such a situation is coming up. I put it in quotes as it is really when my wife is not going to be around. This weekend my wife and oldest daughter went away early saturday got back mid day sunday. I was home with my youngest. I had some mild fear about it leading up to it.",1 "We've funnelled about 4k into saving our dog's life. As you can see- we haven't gotten that in donations, but what we've gotten has really saved our asses. I found out my dog had a 'treatable' disease right after graduating from college. The college debt was already a burden, and after my partner got laid off- the panic set in that we would have to put my best friend down. He's too young for this, and has been too good to us.",1 "-I don't have any relief in my symptoms and am concerned that I've wasted an entire year of my life I'm concerned that I not leave this relationship too soon, but at the same time, I'm paying for this therapy, I have repeatedly brought up questions about goals in my sessions, and don't feel like this is the right fit...unless I need to open up more. I chose her initially because she was covered by my insurance less because I felt like she was the right match. Do I stick this out? I have started to fantasize about having a new therapist, because then I could start over and feel heard.",1 "Between losing my job, my unborn baby and my husband losing his job I am overwhelmed and pretty much numb. Bills are piling up fast and I don't know what to do anymore. I make vinyl decals but just started out so I am not making much at the moment. My husband just did paperwork for a new job today and I am waiting to hear back on a job I interviewed for. Unfourtunatley it won't be soon enough because the finance company for my car called and said I need to pay $439 by tomorrow, another $439 by the end of the month.",1 "Part of me wonders if it's not my mom's fine-tuned manipulation at work, but it's sure as hell eating at me. How do I get out of his harmful headspace? It feels like my emotions and my logic are at war right now. Even after the abuse and trauma I've endured at the hands of my mom I still question the validity of my experience because I know there are people that have it a lot worse. And seeing that video was like watching a train wreck, it made me feel so awful because of its violent nature but it also made me doubt a lot of what I'm still experiencing.",1 "I have very little understanding of developing workout regiments to challenge my body with and could great use insight. I've tried reading the r/fitness wiki, for example, but I didn't couldn't make heads or tails of the information that was presented. If there's anyone here that can help, please do! Thank you for reading,",0 "- I am asking for people to view a video I made about this here: You'll ""get it"" instantly. - If it moves you, PLEASE SHARE it (and/or amongst your friends, and to any relevant groups. (When sharing links, it makes a huge difference if you can personalize it slightly with a few words). If you can DONATE, I would be eternally grateful. Any amount helps.",0 “Take all your problems and rip ‘em apart... carry them off in a shopping cart... one thing you should’ve known from the start... **your problems in hand are lighter than at heart. **” The things that seperate us from taxonomically lower lifeforms are our abilities to record and rationalize information. So do just that: record and rationalize.,0 "Regardless, that didn't last long, maybe half a year. I released that apartment, and most of my belongings (I kept a few boxes of my things from the military, personal effects, but little else). Looking back, there were some signs of emotional manipulation here, but it was subtle... and you know how it is, love is blind. We got engaged. It was quite the affair.",0 Do not drink a lot and only eat mild food before and during event. Gave myself permission to leave for any reason whenever I wanted. Giving myself control has allowed me to return to meetings at work in peace. I have been doing this for about 24 years. No one knows I have these fears.,0 "I've had a really turbulent month and unexpected bills, and trouble with an old landlord, which has resulted in me almost being in minus on my account and almost out of rice to feed myself, i moved and got scammed out of my deposit from my landlord, which i am still awaiting, and had to buy some new things aswell as take care of my sick mate. Would really appreciate any help so i could feed myself the upcoming time, not sure if i can offer much in return except my utmost gratitude (Though tell me if you need anything and i might be able to help). This is really a last resort for me, no food banks nearby or any family i could get help from unfortunately. Thanks in advance for reading, cheers! Location Denmark",1 "I turned 15 shortly after meeting him. He started out so kind and loving. And then it just... turned. It turned from compliments into me not being able to wear certain things, say certain things, do certain things. I was barely allowed to be online, no longer able to post anything relating to the music I used to create before him.",0 "The day I actually did it he wasn't there. He had stormed off shouting 'you're fucking useless'. At the time, this had spurred me on and I actually ended up riding without any help. We used to work together as he is a builder, so he would ask me to get him a Philips screwdriver. As an adult I assume most people know what a Philips screwdriver is but as a young boy I didn't.",0 "Check out r/kratom for some info. I personally swear by it Edit: Seems like it has a bad reputation. From my (and others) experience: If you take it in moderation and get it from a REPUTABLE VENDOR, (some 'kratom' is not actually kratom. I heard some head shops tend to mix it with bad stuff) You will have no issues with it.",0 "He laid me down and went to take off his clothes, then I sprung up, ran to the bathroom, grabbed the key(only one we have), ran to the guest room and locked myself in there. Finally safe. No pillow or comforter though, just a thin blanket and some clean laundry. No matter, I couldn't fall asleep anyways. Around 6am I crept outside, took a shower, gathered most of his stuff I could find and left him a note saying I took his key, and when I'd be back at 8pm he should be gone and anything that he leaves behind goes to the bin.",0 "We added a bunch of [security for specific scenarios. If you're more comfortable keeping things on reddit, we put a lot of the same information on r/operationsafeescape. Either way, if you feel your computer's being monitored, check out our [secure guide. Also, we're hosting our first in October. We've also been busy building up partnerships in the security sector, which will allow us to bring even more resources to the audience we serve.",0 "I simply stayed home and did nothing, I was basically a shut-in hiding from the world. I had really awful anxiety at one point, I never went to the doctor for it, but there was a time when I got a panic attack and I had to call a friend, who helped me get through it. Then everything changed, I got an opportunity to work at a really tough (to be honest I would call the working conditions atrocious), minimum-wage job but I learned a lot of life lessons (and it changed my view on society). Then I started reading more books to improve myself, and that was when I started to earn some savings. I returned to school and the first semester back I managed to get As in half of my courses.",1 "I asked him how he's doing to fund this, if there are any bursaries and if so, how much these are, but he never gives a clear answer. --- **tl;dr**: Boyfriend is unemployed, looking for 'perfect' job until he starts his Medicine degree, unsure how he will fund this degree. I resent him for poor financial judgement and day-time chilling. How to change this?",1 "until i met my new boyfriend, he is amazing, he is kind, he is sweet, he is a good student, he likes the same things as me, my family likes him, and so on... but i dont feel that passion that rush i felt with my ex, the truth is that when i started going out with my boyfriend i secretly saw my ex a few times to see if i really didnt feel nothing for him, but it was disgusting, i didnt even want him to touch me, i feel bad with myself i didnt want him, but still, i was there. then i kinda realized i felt nothing love related for him and it was ok, HE was HURT when he knew i was dating this boy and he even begged me to stay but of course not. but now the problem is that when im with my boyfriend i dont feel like i love him, like that thing you kinda have to feel with a new love, i just feel ""ok"" with him, and i catch myself thinking about my ex from time to time, remembering all the good things we had and it drives me crazy because i know that if i see him again i wont feel that way, that ""love"" that my mind makes me think stills there. and recently i found out that he has a girl and he is actually enjoying the experience and i got so mad and so hurt (i know i dont have any right to feel that way) i felt betrayed and I STILL feel that way, i gross myself out.",1 i remember her getting drunk and and ranting about a fuck buddy she was angry at. she came up with the brilliant idea of throwing a brick with a pie recipe tied to it through his window (i dont know). she told me to drive her to his house so she could do that and i said i didn't think it was a good idea. she told me if i didn't do it she would drunk drive there with my little brothers in the car. i haven't seen her in 6 and a half years.,0 "He laughed a loudly with a couple of people, but to my surprise, many of the others stayed silent. “I have faith young fool, I’m going to heaven, John 3:16 for God so loved the worl-” “I know, but Jesus said what is our faith without good works?” More awkward silence, while he still stood close to my face, so I turned away. I found out much later that he was kicked out of the food place for being disrespectful to a pastor that came to preach.",0 "No criminal record, he’s not on any list, he changed his name and moved to a new town and no one there knows what he did and he’s been messaging her. I feel so hopeless. How am I supposed to feel safe? Or be able to sleep? He’s out there, consequence free, feeling safe enough to message her.",1 "I think he doesn't want to put in the effort for the relationship to work (and we're both so difficult that we have to work on our relationships, doesn't matter with whom) but he can't be without me either. What should I do? I'm afraid this is gonna happen over and over again, because I'm always forgiving him at some point. Am I being strung along? TL;DR: Boyfriend [28,M] broke up with me [23,F] after on-off for 1.5 years, I thought we just got it together and am devastated...don't know what to do, want to keep fighting but should I?",1 "I had no good friends in my class, I never had a partner when it was time to pair up on our own, the work was going to get harder and we would be working on clients soon. When I came back all I could think about was how much I wanted to go home. So I didn't go back after that. I had to go back though and pick up my stuff. But everyone asked what was I gonna do next, why did I drop out.",1 "Well, I had a bad binge eating episode and stopped, and my father proceeded to stop talking to me. For months. A total silent treatment. I’ve done a lot of reflecting on my childhood, trying to figure out if there were times he was like this that I had normalized, but with my therapist and my mother we have concluded that he never used to be like this. He was always a nice, goofy dad who loved me (he still loves me) and we had a ton of fun.",0 "Post-text: don't bother with this part that's crossed out, I wasn't thinking clearly. Not that you should bother with the later parts, either. I don't know. Post-Post-Text: I deleted this from my main account and am re-posting it on an alt because it made me nervous having this connected to myself. Sorry.",0 "Hello everyone. I am wondering what experiences people have with using Mirtazapine as their main antidepressant for depressive and anxious symptoms (low energy, heavy feeling, irritability, concentration problems, insomnia, inability to complete mundane everyday tasks, social anxiety, fear of embarrassment, worry or overthinking about socialization, etc)? I am in therapy using a mixed method approach so suggestions of therapy aren't relevant. I have just begun proper psychotherapy, and I am looking for something to help me when dealing with reality outside the therapist office. My depression/anxiety has been building over the past 3 months after a long remission period and due to current circumstances has nearly swung full steam over my everyday life.",1 "But I still froze and cried through the entire thing. Some of the sensations brouvht me to memories of old sensations, andI felt really vulnerable, trapped, and ashamed, and I haven't been able to shake it off all day. Part of it is that we have company staying in our home; so I don't feel like I have the space to care for myself, and it just further perpetuates the shame feeling. In fact, I felt too ashamed to go home right after, and drove around for an hour and a half before I felt like I at least i wouldn't have to explain myself to my boyfriend's family. Additionally, because it's my boyfriend's family, my boyfriend has been unavailable to me all day.",1 "i’m 15, i don’t want to be anywhere near my dad bc of the shit he’s done and this has been going on for 4 years now. she also claims i give her an attitude anytime i do something. today i took the pair of shorts to fold and she looked at me and said “ are you really gonna grab them like that? your a fucking asshole. your giving me an attitude after all this shit?",1 "How should I feel after all this? Because I feel like I was used and treated poorly, which she rejects. Also how should I read into her getting annoyed about me being with other girls? If they break up again (this is their 3rd attempt at making their relationship work), should I be there in the same way ago? As much as I like to think I wouldn't I still really love this girl.",1 I have a question about my ex who has a past of violence against women. I was never warned about it but I found out he was violent and I left. His ex has a full life restraining order against him.Now he is on probation for assaulting a police officer for 3 years in the past year he has gone to jail three times for domestic violence. His latest trip to jail was last week for domestic violence his third time. I was wondering what do you think his punishment will be since he's not learning his lesson from the punishments given to him and he just doesn't care.,0 "[Facebook [Criss Please help and share the word. Most importantly, SPREAD AWARENESS. **Edit** available are regular Hanes shirts, women's fit shirts, and sweatshirts",0 #NAME?,0 "Bust the stigma, don't whine but be frank, if you know or someone else that is struggling help the best you can, constantly let others know that yes they will not drown, there is a boat, and it fits way more than one person. The reality is the more you own and verbalize things, the more control you have over it and the less over you. Bottom line is busting the stigma, no one should feel like they are alone. So does my short little list work for everyone, totally not but I think it is a good reminder for people like myself..and hopefully someone else can take something away from it. If anything it's just got for me to verbalize it all out once in awhile.",0 "But I’ve also had a lot of pain and it seems to be getting worse. It didn’t use to last as long as it does now, I’ve been lying in pain for hours. Nothing helps I’ve taken painkillers and they haven’t helped at all.. Should I mention this to a doctor? ?",1 "I recovered somewhat after a few hours but somethings changed now; I cant be alone without constantly feeling like Im on the verge of another attack. When my fiance is home Im perfectly fine, but as soon as she leaves for work (I work from home) I start to feel terrified, my feet and hands start sweating, I feel like Im about to be sick, I get lightheaded and I feel like I become wayyyy too conscious of my breathing to the point where I focus on it and it feels like no matter how much I exhale and inhale Im not actually breathing. I dont understand why this is happening....Ive never had issues being alone; now I cant even be alone in my own home. This feels like my life is ruined if I dont get it under control because I cant work like this. What the hell is happening?",1 "I don't know why this happened, but I use to have these really bad panic attacks up until about a decade ago. Since then I've been having what feels like one long one. For 9 years I've been in a constant state of panic. It's not as severe as the full blown ones but I'm always short of breath, jittery, with an increased heart rate, a bit warm and super aware of my surroundings. At times I feel like I'm one loud noise away from pulling a seizure or losing consciousness and if I take my mind off my breathing I would stop.",1 "Our current plan of action is to both apply to be Uber / Lyft drivers and rent or lease a car through one of those two companies. It's a way to make money, and sleeping in a car is infinitely better than sleeping outside. My girlfriend is waiting for the background check, and I need to get a CA driver license before anything (working on it). I'm also using the local library to apply for jobs. I'm a software engineer by trade with many years experience and have had $100k+/yr jobs in the past.",0 "I don't know what to do. We have two weeks. My girlfriend is a single mom with two kids, but her ex-spouse is primary and she pays him child support. We are both struggling to get sustainable work, currently jobless, will lose the kids, and simply can't get funds to continue living in the rental we're currently in. Time is ticking and I'm very scared.",1 "But even if I don’t make my goal, I pledge to keep fighting for companion animal and pet owner rights. If nothing else, this has opened my eyes. - This is 100% real. I will answer any questions you have, so long as I do not have to name the other person involved. I’m not trying to ruin reputations.",0 "However, I still need to figure out my best options. That said, I have a few hundred USD to roll with, as well as a part-time job. I know a shelter that's not awfully far from where I work too. So I have my short-term plan, save for possessions. I'll need to call up some storage units tomorrow to check locations and prices.",0 "A couple months after we though she was out of our lives, she broke into our house at 2 am. I was playing diablo 2, as at this point in my life I had severe insomnia. I heard the break in and woke my dad and his new girlfriend up [my dad has had a lot of women in his life....] saying dotty had broken in. I had seen her from the balcony of our stairs when getting my dad. Had i not been up, My dad had thought I had broken a cup or something and wasnt going to bother checking, I was known for having insomnia at this point in my life already, so she may very well have attacked any one of us that night.",1 "It’s been a terrible struggle the last few years. We have never asked for help from anyone, though. We are hard working and we are proud of our family, and who we are as people. It’s hard to ask for help. BUT- sometimes WE need help too.",1 "Life’s kinda sucked all these years but I’ve never given up and my push has always landed me amazing opportunities. Now , I’m just looking for an amazing opportunity but the difference is , I want it to be a permanent one. Reddit is a big site , I’m asking for something specific in a specific state, But if anyone knows anyone I could even just treat to a coffee and pick their brain,",0 "It does not help that my mom leans on me and only me emotionally, when it comes to my father who I don't have a relationship with and all their financial issues etc...I am dealing with a lot personally, and then on the outside there family stuff on top of me too, and I feel trapped honestly. I went to see a counselor in college and he thought if I got more of a routine going I would be fine, he also was extremely judgemental and scolded me for not coming into college regularly, he didn't believe me things I told him, so I left. I did go to a counselor about 12 times after the abusive relationship ended, I still felt vulnerable and scared leaving it that place and told her I don't feel ready to stop this. She said there was nothing more she could do. Now I am at the point where I feel like there is nothing nobody can do for me, I feel emotionally trapped and I don't know what to do, or where to go anymore.",1 "During my service I got suddenly rowdy and would fight a lot with marines and civilians that resulted in many nights in jail. I have been to captains mast twice (Inciting a riot, breach of peace, destruction of government property). Today I sometimes I call in sick because I have pauses I call them where I can’t seem to be too far from home or I get a sudden feeling of not being safe or keep my family safe. I have a million excuses why I cannot do something or go somewhere. I can’t fly, I can’t sit in the center of a crowd I must be by the door and there has to be more than one door.",1 "The contract with Apex is over and they screwed me hard. I don't have another job lined up despite having never stopped looking, and I was counting on my income taxes to pay back all the people who I borrowed money from and buy me some time to get a proper job and fix all of this. Now I have no idea what I'm going to do. Everything is falling apart is even bigger chunks than before. All of the bills are due again and rent is coming up.",1 I had the back up clothes in case my body exploded. I got an aisle seat in the back. I had it covered. I have been traveling on planes ever since for the last twenty years. Fear defeated.,0 "I would like to reach out for help from someone supportive before an episode becomes too intense to ask for help. I would like to acknowledge the symptoms and temporary nature of the situation as to let it pass without causing additional damage. I finally realized that fighting my traumatic episodes is like a rigid oak tree trying to resist a flooding dam. Do any of you guys have ways to be ""okay"" with an episode? If so, how do you find the flexibility and patience to not fight against it?",1 "Original post here: Quick update: my abusive ex, who put forward his candidacy for local council, was elected Friday by acclamation - meaning no one came forward to challenge him, so no election will be necessary, and he is automatically the winner. He is flush with victory at the moment. I have decided to come forward anyways, about the emotional and sexual abuse that I experienced during the relationship. I know I may pay a price, for speaking openly in our small community.",1 "My Father has been struggling with alcoholism for nearly his entire life, he hasn’t been in contact with myself, my mom, or my sister in years. I guess it all of sudden caught up with him, he past away from a heart attack recently. It still doesn’t feel real, but my girlfriends family has been nothing but supportive throughout the whole thing and helped me grieve through his death. Needless to say, I do not want to attend a funeral or memorial, because I’d like to remember the good times I had with him and not being up bad memories. I had a rough child hood, he cheated on my mother, he wasn’t a great guy.",1 I don't want to feel like a burden to anyone anymore and to myself so the feeling of wanting to die didn't go away. I don't know how to deal with myself or with other people since I feel like I should just get over it and continue with my life but I can't and I'm 22. Am I exaggerating? Am I just so weak that I can't deal with what happened to me that I can't normally continue with my life? I was a good student and a good friend.,1 "Every single day I'm getting fb messages from her saying a combination of the following: I'm feeling sad, I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm scared you aren't attracted to me,",1 "I know it's a young relationship, but it's hard adjusting to changes especially since i went from seeing him every day to not seeing him at all anymore. If any one has experience with a PTSD relationship or something along those lines, please feel free to share. It would be nice just to talk with some one whose been through this and can give me advice even...thanks guys TL;DR! - best advice for some one who's dating a PTSD vet when they've become distant",0 "​ I'm sorry if this isn't appropriate for the thread. I don't really know if it's appropriate anywhere. I guess that's the point? ""Am I normal or am I fucked up?""",1 I'm pretty broke and almost all of my money for now is going towards bills and food. I have my state's basic free insurance OHP (Oregon Health Plan) but I'm not sure what kind of psychological services they could provide. I'm hesitant to start a regimen of anxiety medications if it's possible to work through things. Open to any advice. Thank you very much in advance.,0 "I have a twin sister, Audrey, and I hate her. I genuinely can't explain it. I know it's so irrational, but it's just how it is, and I hate that this is how it is. We both came home for our mom's birthday, and I couldn't even spend 20 minutes with her. We're really different people.",0 "I'm in a nursing program, and we're talking about domestic violence. It just so happens this lecture has been on the syllabus since day one, I just have impeccable timing. My question is, should I talk to my cohort about my experience? I feel that it may make them more aware to see and speak to someone that's been in the situation. I feel its important they know how police treated me, and the fact that the first people that showed empathy, the first people that asked ""are you okay?""",0 "Sit or lie comfortably, quietly. Allow yourself to be here fully in this moment. With your eyes closed, begin to connect with your inner world of thought and feeling. Gradually let the horseshit of the external world fade from your awareness. If you find your mind wandering to other thoughts, don’t let it concern you.",0 I don't know what to do with myself ! At times I feel like just killing myself. but I have been thinking that for a couple of years now so thats not happening. . About a month ago I chose to go homeless because I was stuck.,1 "I have trouble connecting to it on a personal level, but isn't that healthy separation of past/present? I think my present anxieties/self image issues stem from traumatic experiences, but I can talk about these things fairly openly in a way that feels rehearsed. I had a panic attack where I felt terrified and unable to move at my psych's this past Tuesday, but that's not typical for me, at least not anymore? I realized most my recent ""panic attacks"" may be ""breakdowns"" because it's not accompanied by a sense of fear, but pent up emotions I haven't been able to release resulting in a sudden loss of control... I start hyperventilating, screaming, and unleash all this pent up fury to the point where I feel detached from my emotions/self and have no control, start throwing things or hurting myself, until I'm exhausted and suddenly shut down/dissociate.",1 I don't even know that I feel lonely. I was fine with all this until my boyfriend asked out of concern because he thought maybe I was depressed or something and pushing everyone away. Then it was like he knocked down a wall inside me that I didn't know was there and revealed a whole room full of cobwebs. I feel ashamed and defective and hopeless now. But I don't know what to do.,1 "Hey guys, I'm 31, moved to a new city with my wife for the first time back in October, and am experiencing on and off anxiety for more or less the first time in my life. A couple quick questions: 1. How do I know whether I should see a psychologist or a psychiatrist?",1 "I e-mailed him a few times and received no response from him when I really needed one. Because of his lack of response, I was forced to drop out of school, University of [State (Go Mascots!! )], and I could not finish the quarter and now owe them much more money than before. But it is NOT entirely his fault. Yes I resent him at times, but I could have just as easily approached him about the subject and gotten everything taken care of, but my anxiety hadn't made me comfortable around them, so I couldn't bring my self to do it.",1 "Btw, I am only an exec.... I am afraid to have a gap in my CV, but for once in my life I want not to worry for a bit. Of course, during the next period, I will apply to jobs but I don't want to rush and take the first offer. Anyhow, have you ever experienced something like this? What did you do to overcome it?",0 "I do have intense anxiety to the point it affects my daily life and prevents me from performing the smallest tasks such as making a phone call to get an appointment. However, I do not know if my anxiety is a result from what had happened to me as a child or me experiencing unpleasant experiences in highschool. I just know that my rape makes my anxiety worse sometimes. I do get triggered by anything that reminds me of unpleasant memories of my rape. The only time I break down is when I am severely distressed or my feelings are so bottled up that a trigger would set me off crying.",1 There was never any plan for it to be a resource for others. It grew organically. It would be nice to get some constructive feedback. That would help me be clearer about where to go with this in the future. Thanks in advance.,0 "I didn’t tell her my feelings, because I value her too much, but do not want to hurt her. I just want to let go of all my feelings, but I can’t. There’s only a few days left at school, after which we might go our different ways. But I have this strange feeling inside, that I do not want to live in any sort of regret, about not telling her how I felt. It’s just really weird.",0 I don't think the users there are harsh from what I saw but I think the whole atmosphere they are preserving there (I think the moderators encourage it) is kinda unhelpful to be honest...and I think the moderators there are shady and harsh. I think some of the resources are good but I just mean the forum. I'm scared to post this here but I don't know where else would be good to ask so I'm taking the risk. It's just that they both seem to be such prominent forums for vulnerable people. So I just wanted to know if anyone else had similar thoughts about them?,0 put the world on my middle finger and tell it to sit and spin????? ? /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ p.s. if you have a family that loves you please treat them right -- because there's people like me out there who would give anything to have what you have -- don't take it for granted,0 . . . I had an emotionally and physically abusive mother growing up and and an absent drunk father. At 13 I was convinced by a 30-something year old man I was his girlfriend and introduced to drugs.,1 "That's it. My mom made me delete it and said ""that's what is wrong with your generation, you act too grown."" Nothing about my picture was ""grown"" I was actually wearing a long white t shirt and boyfriend jeans. Even when we go to the beach with my siblings, me and my sister were wearing the exact same bikini and she said something to me about ""needing to sit my fast tailed butt down."" Mind you, my sister is two years younger than me and the bikinis weren't even provocative in a bikini sense.",1 "Last time we talked she promised that it wouldn’t be the last time we saw each other, and she said she couldn’t imagine there ever being a last time we saw each other. I don’t know what my exact question is on all of this but if anyone has any advice, criticism or has gone though a similar experience I’d appreciate input. Thanks for reading Tl;dr: Girlfriend and I are taking an indefinite break, but we still see us in the future. Should I maintain this hope for us despite some complications during the break up?",0 Do you find this normal? They have a good relationship. Main problem I have is She will see her mom in a jail jumpsuit She will see other inmates and women behind bars The guards could be intimidating Is that ok for a 15 year old to see? Actually my daughter does not seem scared but instead seems excited and enthusiastic to visit. This is strange to me.,0 "People are abrasive and mean and stupid and they shit on each other all the time and are presumptive. Most people live alone. Blame your parents! Blame everything that we're not fucking perfect. I think my family was definitely dysfunctional but so was everyone else's in some way or another, and I deeply love and respect them and truly value the sacrifices they made for me.",0 "________________________________________________ I try to keep reading plenty of motivational quotes during the day just so that I can have some more strength during the day and for fuck's sake, it's like these motivational speakers cannot get their shit together. **""Everything comes to you at the right time. Be patient and trust in the process""** VS **""If you keep waiting for the right time, it may never happen. Sometimes you have to make the most of the time you have.”",0 "What's a compassionate way of telling a friend that you can't participate in certain activities with her anymore? For the record, I'm seeing Pam again next week. She wanted to go out to eat, but i told her I can't afford to. Instead she'll come over to my place. I think this would be a good time to talk to her.",0 "this has been happening for the longest time, and it's very hard to describe so bear with me. once in a while when i'm trying to sleep, suddenly my racing mind starts experiencing opposites at the same time. the most terrifying one is feeling like the world is expanding infinitely but also crushingly contracting in on itself. then there's also times when i focus so much on the silence in the environment that i end up feeling like the room sounds extremely loud. and a more physical one is feeling hot and cold at the same time, which prevents me from being comfortable enough to fall asleep.",1 "Hey everyone, throwaway for personal reasons. Tonight my girlfriend met her lady friend she didn't see for a year. I bought them wine, paid for dinner and was happy to give them the entire night if they wanted to so they could spend time together. Later on in the night I received a call at 1am requesting me to take her home. I get there and there's a person I've literally never seen before, a guy.",0 "I have some tainted memories with my dad and have doubts about my grandpa. Anyway I don't control when some of these memories and questions pop up. I feel really bad about myself when it happens, sometimes I cry and other times I just have rage. I don't feel like I can talk about it with anyone. I could really use some advice on how to deal with these memories and emotions when they take over, or if any of you have found ways to stop memories from popping up?",1 "A lot of very helpful things can be found here, whether it’s how to get benefits and meals, to finding shelter. What I am concerned about is putting together something for the newly homeless in regards to scams, cons, users, people to avoid. Basic homeless etiquette, unwritten rules. Some of these people will have no “street smarts” or some will have very limited experiences with these situations. Most will be terrified, and could end up trusting the wrong people by not seeing signs that more “street wise” folks might have.",0 "I hadn't laught and felt so wanted in litterally years ! So how come I'm so what ever it is I can't just say: hey want to go out to starbucks or something? I just want to be myself I guess I really want to at least try, if I get yes or maybie or no. I don't want to the regret of not even just trying. Thanks!",0 Thank you! EDIT: Thank you to /u/dan_coyle .... He purchased my entire Amazon wishlist. I can't even express how thankful I am to know that I will be ready with a few staples for the cooler weather. Thank you also to everyone who made very useful suggestions for low-cost places to shop for clothing in the future.,0 "I’m currently doing EMDR for my severe anxiety issues and depression. We’re going through past instances that have plagued me and are why my mindset is a negative shithole. I had my anxiety in a certain place, where I felt comfortable. The anxiety was there but I managed it well enough. Things were not perfect and there was still a lot of things that needed to change in order for me to progress.",1 "Please don't make me feel worse. I mean, hell, I'm ashamed I even need to ask my boyfriend. But at least we have things to talk about and he's just naturally good at keeping me calm without even realizing he's doing it. He actually *helps* by being there. My mom and sister either do nothing or make it worse.",1 "November has been one of the worst months in a long time. My mom was in a car accident and has no idea how she's getting to work. A few days later my grandmother died and I didn't even have enough money to attend the funeral. I drove home to be with my family, and to drive my mom 5 hours to the airport. I spent a ton on gas and now money is tight.",1 "The gist of the comments received was the K isn't going to change and I should get B to go to counselling to help her with her self-esteem and give her some outside input. Of course, now K is having an online ""role playing relationship"" with some lady on Grand Theft Auto RP. B is helping him court her. She is presenting it as she is okay with this. Listen, I've known B since high school, I've known her longer then my brother.",0 "Now that I'm approaching middle age, I want to tell myself that they're just busy and don't have time to reply. But how long does it take to write a short email or make a brief phone call? Something specific *must* have happened to get them all to turn it off at once. For the life of me, I can't think of what it might have been. And that's what bothers me.",1 "yesterday, I almost had sex with someone. but when it was happening, I felt only halfway there. and now my memory of it is hazy, and when I try to think about it I don't see it from my perspective, I see it from like above me. like it wasn't *actually*happening to me. I genuinely enjoy having sex, but I would like to know ways to lessen my trauma symptoms and stay present during it.",1 "She was already against smoking weed after college at first but now she seems to have moved to a stance where she's okay with me smoking weed as long as she's there when it happens, as in I could smoke with just her or when we're both hanging out with the same friends. I've tried asking her about it and genuinely understanding why she feels this way about it but she can't seem to describe it rationally, saying that it's a gut feeling that she gets that legitimately bothers her and gives her anxiety. She seemed very distressed talking about it and was almost at the poiint of tears saying that she wishes she knew why it bothers her so much but it does and she can't help it no matter how much she thinks about it or how much I try to explain it to her. I don't know how to explain this to her. I don't want to give up the option of smoking weed with friends but I don't want to break up with her over something like this because I love her.",1 " I feel like I have no personality or sense of self, and my mind will take sudden turns every week or so. I can get sudden obsessions for things and then drop them and lose interest instantly, because my whole set of core values, ideas and principles changes constantly. And I've seen people saying that it's normal. I highly doubt it's normal to change so drastically and so quickly, because I have to accommodate to a new personality every single week, and it's disturbing. Actually, there were times when I changed from one day to the other and it's so disturbing because I didn't know what was happening to me...I just woke up feeling and being completely different, like something changed everything about me overnight.",1 "The worst he's ever done is yell. He does not seek out confrontation and he certainly doesn't threaten people. That's not to say he couldn't hold his own in a fight. My uncle apparently got the message and started crying and begged for forgiveness. My dad told him that he believes he could eventually forgive him, but that doesn't mean he would have anything to do with him.",0 "If you wish to contribute to the academic research and have 10 spare minutes please participate in our online experiment.This is a survey that includes a short video, so please make sure you have audio/video on. More information on the video content is included in the informed consent. Please read it carefully prior to taking the survey.The results of the study will be included in academic publication and a PhD thesis.If you can help us, simply follow the link: We are looking forward to your responses.",0 "I know he's never going to be the same, but it's hard seeing him like this. He's become very wreck less, too. He's Hanging out with punks who think are big ballers selling Xanax and weed, living at there moms apartment. --side note: His friend was thrown out of a car recently during a drop off at gun point. My brother lashes out when things don't go his way to and just has a nasty attitude at times..",1 "If I'm home and I'm home 50% of the time, I spend my time online with my friends. Even then, it becomes an issue. Faultily, there are days which I do spend the whole day playing with my buddies. But they were the only people I had interaction with outside of work anymore. Btw, my girlfriend and I also work at the same place.",0 "Hi, I will not have a home in a few weeks . I'm living with an abusive, drug addict roommate whom has constantly stolen from me. I have asked cops etc to help and I'm told restraining order. Well, I figure I'm just going to leave when away from me. I'm mentally and physically exhausted, but I know I cannot endure this.",1 "... My husband is an injured veteran. He was pretty seriously injured in Iraq and then again in Afghanistan (muscle tear and then a spinal injury.) However, the injuries occurred before we met. When we met, dated, and eventually married, he was under the influence of Vicodin, OxyContin, and Percocet.",0 "I'm obsessing over my new relationship also. Like... its starting out, and I can't get clear from him what he thinks of us etc. I haven't heard from him all day, I'm thinking at this point he may have left his phone at home or something on accident. But I'm checking my phone CONSTANTLY. And even Facebook messenger to see if he's logged in at all today.",1 "So I'm unemployed, broke, no car or drivers licence (its suspended due to unpaid tickets). Unemployment ran out a month ago and I have no savings. I got a 5 day sheriff lockout two days ago and have until Monday morning to clear out. I pretty much have to leave my stuff behind because I can't afford storage nor can I take it with me on the streets. I'm in the San Fernando valley, Los Angeles County California.",1 I can barely pay the bill this month but the device is not working well at all as it is old and I spilled a good amount of water on it last night during dinner. I need at least $50 to replace the device itself and keep my plan. Willing to pay back as I get on my feet again. Long time Redittor here Im not going anyplace. Thank you,0 "Dental Lifeline Network's Donated Dental Services (DDS) program ""provides free, comprehensive dental treatment to our country’s most vulnerable people with disabilities or who are elderly or medically fragile. These are people who cannot afford necessary treatment and cannot get public aid. The program operates through a volunteer network of more than 15,000 dentists and 3,700 dental labs across the United States."" To qualify for services, applicants must lack adequate income to pay for dental care **and**: • Have a permanent disability, or",0 Im 13 years old and except for school i never go outside i usually spend the whole day on the computer just watching videos on youtube and stuff but at the end of the day i get depressed and feel like i'm wasting my life. I have friends but i also have severe social anxiety and i always feel as if my friends are just putting up with me. I feel depressed and lonely. I never spend time with friends and when i do i feel as if they don't want to hang out with me as we never do anything pls reply if i'm not alone,1 "(I did check the Wiki / Rules, but alas, could not find anything. Again, may be being silly, so apologies if I am!) Also, I am a UK resident. Would this cause issues if purchasing for someone in the Americas? !",0 "But those are your most valuable skills, they are your surviving skills. And yeah, not everyone has them. Here is how you can translate your survivor skills into your further success. ​ Time management and Organization",0 "I have an appointment with a paralegal to draw up a separation agreement. When I tell him I want and am filing for a separation and divorce, he will ask why. Do I mention to him about finding the extent of their chats and the cellphone bills? What about the disappearing IM accounts? Or do I just leave it at ""You had an affair, you aren't being completely honest with me about it, I feel like this 'reconciliation' we are experiencing is just me being strung along till you get your pieces in place to leave.",1 Is it normal to feel hopeless and scared that i won't find love again? tldr: got cheated on a bunch and dumped because i cried on Christmas due to a breakdown re: being cheated on all the time and feeling worthless. scared about finding love in the future. Apologies for the mess. I've been talking myself out of writing this for a couple weeks now.,1 "This past week he's gotten really bad where he told her she couldn't use the house phone, her cell phone, the computer, the car, or even watch tv. He even stopped eating food that my mom makes and starting making his own for himself. Yesterday I atleast bought my mom a new cell phone and added her to my plan. He hasn't improved in the past week whatsoever. This was the last straw for me and I want to move out in the next 2 months and ask her to live with me temporarily.",1 "Hi Everyone! My aunt is currently helping out the bus service in San Andres Ixtlahuaca, Oaxaca. The bus that is used currently is over 10 years old, which is over the limit required by the Mexican Government. The pueblo do not have the funds to afford a new bus and are at risk of losing the most affordable option of transportation. The people are concerned with raising funds, and it would be amazing if they got help.",0 "2. We were long-distance for a few months although we visited each other almost every weekend. In that time she was very jealous and controlled my movements because she thought I was doing something with very girl who looked at me. In that time-frame, I took to hiding pictures that I had with friends who were girls, especially ones she was especially jealous of. Nothing sexual, just selfies on a night out or whatever.",0 "I will browse a book on a subject that I want or need to study, research it, think about how it's going to be, then when the time for studying comes, I'm thinking about something else. Sometimes I spend the day thinking about that hardcore workout I'm gong to do in the evening, and then I spend the whole workout session thinking about something else. Sometimes even when I'm talking to people I like I realize my mind will wander. Does anyone feel these things? Do you think it's related to anxiety, or do I have ADHD or something else?",1 "She comes crying to me and formulates a plan to break up. She talks to Joe about their issues and her will to leave him wilts. She stays with him. Rinse and repeat, except it gets worse over time. How can I break the cycle, or help her break the cycle?",1 "I was sexually abused when I was a kid and I suspect that I have PTSD because of it. I've never been diagnosed with PTSD, but I have been diagnosed with agoraphobia. I rarely leave my house. I'm not really anxious about leaving my house and once I get somewhere, I'm usually fine. I just have a very strong feeling of not being able to leave my house.",1 --- TL;DR; Ghosted after over a month of talking to a guy. Met in hotel room. Made out but didn't have sex. If he didn't want to cheat or chickened out at the last minute why would he carry on so long with me?,0 "He tells everyone we’re his life. My family victim blames and they’re are ok with a multi millionaire pedophile in the family. So they’re disgusting and no help. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’ll try to kill me one day. I’m moving soon if I can get a damn plan together to his parents, they understand he’s crazy, but he really messes with my head.",1 "I applied for disability, but was rejected. They said that although I will have great difficulty finding work, with adequate job training I could provide for myself. I agree with that. (I can't be around loud noises, bright or black lights, or strong smells. There are other restrictions but those are the main entry level position killers.)",0 "I know that I can't be unemployed forever but I'm just too anxious to really do anything. And everyone in my family keeps asking what my plan is and I keep lying because saying I've got nothing is just too humiliating. I'm just stuck. Have any of you gone through something similar, and have any advice? I appreciate it.",1 "Why am I feeling like I miss him.. I’ve been okay for 7 damn days & then he texted my grandmother & asked me if I wanted him to mail me my stuff (a card) & now I’m starting to feel bad. Why is he seeming so decent now... Why do I feel so damn guilty.. why do I feel like I did something wrong. He hasn’t tried to do anything harmful to me, the only thing he’s been asking about is our children as expected.. But I’ve been ignoring him. Why do I feel like I’m in the wrong.",1 "Basically I’m going through quite a bit right now. I suffer from anxiety, depression probably (low mood, irritation, poor concentration) and things just haven’t been going that well. My friend who has autism makes off-the-wall jokes about death and killing in general. That bothers me as two of my friends have passed away in their 20s… And I still think about them and try to remember the good times. Suffering from The Doubting Disease has been fun.",1 "Also, stemming from the same background, I am still a virgin (he obviously is not) and I’m not quire sure how I feel about engaging in sexual intercourse with him. Whenever we “talk” about sex, I feel like I’m lying about how I feel. It’s more of an interest in learning the different aspects of sex than actual sexual arousal (I’ve been questioning the possibility of asexuality). If anything, I feel kind of giddy that someone thinks of me in that way but not in the “I want to have sex with you” way. I’m trying to engage him with pictures/videos/etc., but it feels all fake to me.",0 "I already know more or less how i want the video to be, but i could use some help editing the video and tips for shooting it. The location is Helsinki, Finland. Would be ideal if someone with experience would reach out, perfect if he/she live nearby or we can make it work online. This is my first ever reddit post, hope to feel your love * ",0 "Hey. I turned 18 two weeks ago, and this weekend, I was booted from my parents house. My uncle is nice enough to let me rent out one of his places, but after rent, and utilities, and gas to get to work, I don’t have anything left over. Problem is, the new place isn’t furnished, and I wasn’t allowed to take anything from my house except my clothes. So, if anyone could help me get furniture for my new place, I’d greatly appreciate it.",0 "Childhood sexual, psychological and religious abuse brought me to this subreddit as well as others. I have found peace and validation in hearing every one of you share/counsel/encourage/love. However today, my abuse is not my pain. I am a career firefighter, and have been for nearly 3 years. Before that I worked in EMS for over 7 years.",0 "Lightheadedness/flushed feeling, Burning in head and extremities, Dull Headaches (sometimes in back of head and radiates to front) Disassociation, Vision issues,",0 "i knew gay was humiliation. i tried bringing up to my dad, and he said he wouldn't care if his son was a fudge packer, nor would he care bout that son anymore. i then had to speak to the bishop of my church and tell him about me possibly being gay. my dad was in the back of the room and another man i had never met wa sitting next to him. He asked me if i had ever had any gay encounters.",1 "Backstory: My late grandparents home, the home I was raised and still currently live in, is being short sold to a relative by the bank. My grandparent did a reverse mortgage, died and their home went into foreclosure, got put up for a short sale, and is now in the closing process. The relative who's purchasing the home clearly wants to profit off of the home and is warning me that in the coming days it'll be time for me to go. Unfortunately, my next stop will be a shelter as I have no money saved up to move into an apartment of my own, nor do I make enough working part-time to pay rent, and I don't have many ready available options that I'm aware of. The only question I have is does the relative have to pay us to move out or can they just kick us to the curb without a penny?",0 "I’ve been in the mood since Friday night, we had a date and when we got tired and I let her go to sleep. Saturday morning I tried doing some forplay and she stopped me and told me to wait till later that night and she would make it up to me. Saturday night rolls around and she just falls asleep. Sunday morning I climb out of bed and start breakfast, and she said “Too bad you were asleep this morning, I tried to wake you up for something special...” Later that day we were getting ready for a birthday party, and she said, “I wish we could be undressing instead, but we got a party to go to...” I took that as a hint that later tonight she’ll finally be in the mood.",0 "(Hurt the ego, but whatever, I guess you're not always gonna be the hottest guy she's ever been with.) Then I found another thing that pretty much destroyed me - an e-mail to her high school boyfriend begging him to come visit her and have sex with her, because of how fantastic it was when they used to have sex. This was probably half a year after we had split up, and the implied comparison with me was pretty clear. Making matters worse is that this guy basically checks all the boxes on shit that makes me insecure - tall, douchey rich guy (in contrast to me - 5'8"", not at all douchey guy with a good but not incredibly glamorous career). Anyway, these pieces of information - that she pretty much opened up to me sexually only when she felt threatened by another woman, and that she has clearly been with other guys who she's had much more sexual interest in than me - pretty much led me to the alternate hypothesis that it wasn't the vaginal pain and the birth control so much as her lack of attraction to me in comparison to past boyfriends.",1 Which now leads me to where I am now. I had a talk with person A and she wants to get back together. Person B really wants a relationship with me. I don’t want to be a douche bag and cut things off with person b and then go back after my ex and have to deal with all the drama in between that. But I don’t really want my ex(person a) to go back and try to get into relationships and talk to all these guys.,0 "The weird feeling hasn't gone away; but I feel slightly better because I can donate stuff to a kid (completely unknown to me); his family is having financial struggles. My furniture will go to people dealing with abuse (most probable) and I guess my clothes will too. There's the weird feeling again! :) Anyway, thanks for reading, and I apologize if I'm posting something that's not allowed.",0 "Anyway, I feel like maybe I should talk to someone, but I have no idea how to even bring it up with my doctor. How does that work? Do I just march in and say ""Hey Dr, I think maybe I have PTSD.""? Just sounds weird. EDIT: Also want to throw in here that I'm not interested in being medicated",1 "Also, you’re incredibly ditzy and that gives off the idea that you’re stupid.” Last week, she rudely corrected me in front of a patient and then rolled her eyes and shook her head. The patient leaned into me and said, “What the heck was that about?” I finally got fed up and went to my boss. This coworker is very manipulative and loves to gaslight me. She will say or do something mean and then when confronted, will deny the behavior and go off on all the things she saw me do “wrong” (basically stupid shit that is none of her business anyway. I sneezed into my elbow once and she lectured me on washing my hands.",1 "The next couple of days have been mostly normal. A large group of my friends were visiting so I had a good time, but that episode made me slightly anxious every now and then. I have no prior history of anxiety disorder or mental illness. For all I know, this episode could have been anything or nothing, but I do remember feeling a strong sense of anxiety during the tram ride. At the time, I was attributing it to being a little paranoid on pot, so I wasn't concerned - until I started to lose my vision.",1 "Sorry in advance, just need to get shit off my chest.. This has been a spectacularly shitty year to be homeless, trying to recover from health issues that have me terrified (and cut off from health insurance), facing criminal tresspass charges that turned out to be false, but took 8 months to prove my innocence, dealing with incompetent social services that JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT, to finally getting into what I thought would be a place safe against the weather, but turned out to be basically living in a refrigerator, and now I'm back on the streets with moldy fucking gear and all options here exhausted. I'm fucking sick, in pain, and nowhere to sleep but in a doorway in a town that hates (and I really mean hates) the homeless, and all I can think of to do is hang on til I can GTFO, without getting the shit beat out of me. Anyway, thanks for listening, and for what it's worth, please everyone have a safe holiday.",1 And he got angry at me. He was yelling at me about how it was an accident he just forgot and all I do is bitch. When we got to the store we didn't even go in because he said I ruined his mood or whatever and we just went home. I cried all day. I just can't do it anymore and I'm so depressed and I'm so scared that I will end up going back to him.,1 "Hey all! My was driving our 1984 Fleetwood Southwind RV through Madison when it unexpectedly threw a belt and wonked out the radiator. Now [my is stuck, trying to get it fixed in time to get back on the road and make it back to his job. We really love this RV and would hate to see it abandoned for parts somewhere, but we have no connections in Madison, WI. We are ready to pay cash money to anyone in the area that has a Chevy 454 radiator or knows an RV Wizard and can help us in the next couple of days.",0 I was just going to bail the next morning and not come back but I called the cops to come get me that night that how unsafe I felt. I feared for my life. Please people I need to get a job and some type of place to stay. In Florida. Shelters do more harm than good,1 "What would your arguments be? To me it seems that the same reasoning would have to be behind the "" male cancer"" types: do not be afraid to get it checked out, value your body to pay attention to the deviations, and be aware of the actions you have to take to identify the problem and survive. Your comments and contributions are welcome. If this is not the appropriate subreddit to ask this, please suggest other subreddits to post this to. Thanks",0 "EDIT: Complete. Congrats to , I'll PM you about shipping. It was really hard to read all the replies, I wish I could help more people. My heard breaks for everyone that shared their story here. Having to ""select a winner"" felt like the most unethical thing - who am I to weigh one person's suffrage against the other?",0 Squad up.” His eyes lit up. “DIS MAN CRAZY AS A FUCK! I LOVE YOU BRO.” Then we took that picture.,0 "Our dog Jett has been diagnosed with diabetes and is now in the hospital to stabilize his blood sugar. Luckily, he seems to be doing well and he will be home with us soon. Unfortunately, his bill is large enough that we just can't cover it on our own (especially with our poor financial situation). We're being evicted from our home soon and trying to find a place with this bill is just too much for us by ourselves. [To help us with the bill, we set up a GoFundMe ",1 "Every day I hope she messages me, calls me, or post on my Facebook. Any advice would mean the world to me. Thank you. --- **tl;dr - can't get over my ex**: How to get over my ex!",1 " But 19 and 39? to me I feel like that is someone older than my current age dating an age that seems like a child to me.... I creeped her facebook and she appears to be a "" normal"" 23 year old...going out partying...saying things I would have found funny at that age but cringe at now.....and he did share with me that he supported her for the most part and so on...I asked if she had any "" life skills"" and his answer was "" not really"". What are people's thoughts on this? ---",0 "Hi r/domestic violence! You guys were recommended by the super supportive guys over at r/twoXchromosomes where I made this post earlier in the week: (tl;dr: I've been facing a lot of personal strife lately, argument on Saturday with my husband resulted in restraining and a hit to the face. We're both military members.) A few things have happened since last Saturday.",1 "Edit 2: This thread got so much more attention than I could have imagined, there's been so many people offering advice and sharing their life experiences. I don't think I've ever seen so much helpfulness and friendliness on the internet before and I just want to say thank you. I think I still have a long way to go, maybe these thought's will never disappear but today has been the best day since they began and it's in a large part due to the people who spoke on this thread. I've read every post here and will keep reading them. In short just thank you, everyone.",0 TW: physical abuse? My dad was screaming at me today and I started crying out of fear. Of course in my household crying is not allowed. Hence he physically hit me and tried to cover my mouth which led to me hitting him back out of defense. My gums ended up bleeding and I don't think anyone else was concerned about how I was feeling — they thought I was just overreacting and stuff.,1 "I was consuming quite a lot of caffeine (up to 500mg per day) during the summer and I'm medicated with 18mg methylphenidate for ADHD. (I was rarely taking caffeine with methylphenidate together as there are a lot of side effects after doing that, one of them is anxiety and increased heart rate). I don't take methylphenidate now because of the high bp and my chest pains. I have an appointment to the cardiologyst but until then I'll have all my trial exams. I'm only 18 years old, is it really possible to have a chest angina at this age?",1 "Hi this is my first post here. I have complex PTSD which I have only just been diagnosed with, prior to this they diagnosed me with borderline personality disorders and bipolar which are now not correct. I believe this diagnosis is finally correct and a month ago I decided to reduce my sertraline medication as i am paying for therapy and my medication will effect my treatment. (UK only help PTSD sufferers who have been in armed forces or medical). My therapy involves a lot of therapy, mindfulness, meditation and we will be beginning emdr shortly.",0 "For those that have sought help before, is it as bad as I am imagining? Will I be taken seriously? I feel that because I put myself in that situation, I sort of don't deserve help if that makes sense. I'm not even sure this is the right place to post as I'm not sure it's even a possibility to get some sort of ptsd from something like this. Sorry for the rambling, and thank you for reading.",1 "She rebuffed most of the time, trying to get out of the situation. But several times, he asked her to work late or to visit his office when he knew no one would be around. Come to find out, a few of those times, he called her into the office and closed the door and got touchy/feely. She was uncomfortable but admitted that she never told him no. She said ""This is wrong"" several times but never got up and left.",0 "I'm just scared to death. I have anxiety problems which are probably contributing to it. But he keeps telling me he'd never judge me for anything and my sister said if he's OK with a missing tooth, he should be OK with a gap. I'm worried he'll see me and change his mind about me and I don't know what to do. Should I tell him about it first or just see what happens?",1 "I don't ""feel"" in this anymore, but I honestly can't tell if I just can't let bygones be bygones or if I'm looking at this objectively. If I do break it off, it's going to crush her personally AND add the awkwardness of her telling her friends and family its off. So I don't want to do it unless it's you know, really what's needed. And if I do leave, how do I mitigate someone who has threatened suicide at the action of me leaving? **edit**: Thanks everyone.",1 "Email her? She lives in his hometown, so an in-person meeting is not possible, nor do I think it would be wise. Should I do it anonymously? Should I provide screen shots of our conversations right off the bat, or wait and see if she requests it? I feel like I may only have one shot to do this and want to make sure I do it right.",0 "1. My father would abuse me consistently both mentally and physically from i think 4 to 14, maybe earlier. I don't really remember what all brought this on, but often it was school related. I remember being in a car seat, my mother didn't know what to do so she took me to him (my parents are apart), and i tried to run because i knew what was going to happen, and i remember crying so hard i hyperventilated, my mom promised never to do that again. He'd do it because of grades, because i misbehaved.",1 " Two of my best friends for the last 10 years are drifting away from me. I got diagnosed with PTSD 1½ year ago, and back then they were very supportive. But in the last 6-9 months; in fact, almost ever since early retirement funded by the government got on the table, they havn't contacted me that much. Normally, we write through email, but it's been around 3 months since I last got an email from them. Yesterday, I took initiative and wrote them both CC.",0 "She wrapped her arms around me and cried for dear life I growled at him to stop at once for he had scared her..he tried to take her from me as he continued to yell and she would not let him touch her That was the final straw. And he saw it in my eyes. He turned into the fake man I fell in love with again, but I was done",0 "-What should I do when I move out? -What should I know before moving out? -How can I prepare? -I'm planning on going to a community college and then transferring to a university to get a Pharm D. Should I wait a year, work and save money before going into school? I'm getting desperate and I don't really know who or what to ask anymore",1 "Hello all, for the next two years I’ll probably be living in my truck. I am going to college for free (thanks AmeriCorps) but I can’t afford to live in a real home. So I live in my truck. Any tips for keeping it clean and keeping things orderly? It’s so much harder than I thought it would be.",1 "**How can I move to a more mature kind of love that is less focused on me and my fears, and instead more about him and our relationship? ** --- **tl;dr**: Feeling like I am being selfish and immature, mostly focusing on my needs of distance and validation and less on those of my LDR bf. Worrying about the possibility that we might not like each other that much anymore once we live together for a while.",1 "And one of the girls pull me and asks me if I like him and I said yeah and she goes “if you like him you can have him because my friend is only here for one night...(gets pulled). And there I was in a packed nightclub all on my own. Trying not to cry about the fact I got ditched by my date for the night. So I leave the club go home on the train with the worst feeling ever, more insecure than I’ve ever been. **tl;dr : one of the worst feelings I’ve ever had in my life (sorry for being dramatic)**",1 "My sister is a shift worker - works around the clock at ridiculous times. I asked her (before I moved in) if she could sometimes pick me up from work if I worked late and if she could help me with my driving - she said yes. I've now asked a her a few times if we could drive somewhere she has said: ""no"", ""just because"", and ""I'm sick and tired"". She's lazy and selfish. I've asked her once if she could pick me up from work (as my dad was unavailable) knowing for a fact she's not working and I get a response saying ""I'll pick you up at the bus stop down the road"" - which doesn't help me at all.",1 "Hi guys, I know not everyone believes in esoteric -- the soul, spirit and all that 'shit' but! I've had a remote session last week and I feel like I'm starting to be whole little by little. I recommend you guys read up on this, take it with a grain of salt but never dismiss it right away! My traumas now seem to have died down a bit and do not easily control my emotions and thinking. Let me know if anyone here has tried it!",0 "To help spread the word, I'm also running a competition on social media — prizes: 💸 3 x £50 Amazon vouchers! My instagram is: @thewellnesssocietyorg My twitter is: @thewellnesssoc It's currently #1 on Amazon's self-help and counselling genre top free books list. I'd love to hear your feedback. Please get in touch!",0 "One second I’m thinking, things are just fine. The next I’m thinking, I’m awful for prolonging this, just do it. It’s exhausting. I know I need a bit of a break for some me time at the very least, but beyond that I can’t tell what’s real and what anxiety. What do I do?",1 "I told her what if her other son doesn't want him to live with him? the reality is no matter how bad or how old he is, he is still her son and she cant shake off that biological attachment she has towards him and not worry about him. This is where the problem becomes for me. I have an online friend of 5 years and she offered to me that I can stay with her for 3 month for free and during that time I can find a job to help pay rent. that's what thinking of doing.",0 " When we had our first fight I did EVERYTHING I could to gain her back in my life. I quit smoking cigarettes because she went on a ""I hate all drugs and anything smokable"" rant. I tried to be more mindful and kind because she said I was the opposite. I tried to change because I wanted my best friend back. 4 months later she let me back in and I was so fucking happy.",0 "I would appreciate any insight from other ppl with ptsd and flashbacks. My husband had several things happen to him when he was a teenager and occasionally when things get very bad for him he has very bad flashbacks complete with regression to the time when the trauma happened. It is heartbreaking to see, and obviously he does not recognize me and does not understand why we live together and why he’s not living at his parents house Does anyone have experience with this kind of flashbacks? And what kind of things would be most helpful for your partner to do to help you back up to the present?",1 day. It is getting on my nerves that she thinks that I am still the 12 year old boy who doesn't know about life. I got trouble to fall asleep since some time and if she is here I wake up between 6-8am after I fall asleep at 2-3am because of noise she make in bath or kitchen. One time she came here without telling me and I had to cancel my plans with my girlfriend which made both of us really angry. She even interfere how I painted my room after 10+ years looking like shit even if she doesn't live here anymore.,1 I wonder about that night. Did you ever get past that night? Did you have other nights like that? Did anyone ever ask if you were okay? Do you forgive me?,1 "You've all been very kind and incredibly generous, and my mom and I are looking into all of the suggestions and recommendations that were provided below. We're extremely grateful for everything you've done for us. It's wonderful to know there are such caring, considerate, and giving people out there who are willing to help people like us. You've warmed our hearts with your selflessness. Thank you so much!",0 "Which forced me to acknowledge that I haven’t been performing to my own expectations. Enter the anxiety attack. Sobbing, shaking, fidgeting, and rambling. To top it all off, I threw away my xanex thinking that I didn’t need the safety net. I thought I was done with all this...reality proved otherwise.",1 "It’s becoming cyclical for me, where I “retreat” and revise and then feel like I need to retrigger myself to avoid slipping back into denial that it happened the way it happened. I can’t live like this. I don’t want to live a lie but sometimes the lie is what keeps me functioning. My therapist is away for a month and this means I have no one to push me to deal with this thing. I don’t know what to do.",1 "I might be homeless soon, I have about 500 dollars in my bank account and I NEED to get out of Massachusetts. I am going to be a college drop-out in my 3rd year due to family reason instead of academics. After a lot of research, I am contemplating between Wichita, Kansas and Columbus, Ohio. I really just want a minimum wage job so I can have a bed and private bathroom. Afterward I can get my life together and start taking programming jobs again.",1 "After that I ran to Mexico, just across the border to heal. I needed my daughter to get better to press charges. I didn’t want to risk him walking away free because my daughter wouldn’t talk. She was physically and emotionally hurt. For years without sleep, several visits to the ER because of panick attacks, plus terrible head aches caused by a cyst in the back left side of her brain.",1 "The past few months especially have been hard on me. I think about her often, not even necessarily in a sexual manner, but I miss her. Even more so, the fantasies have started up again. I have vivid, detailed dreams about her sexually, and they upset me throughout the day, and I don't know what to think. Any advice?",1 "We've been through so much. This is easily the toughest break up I've ever had; my other relationships were very easy to get over. **TL;DR** I broke up with my bf who had anger issues, financial issues, drug and alcohol issues, depression and anxiety, and unresolved feelings from a gf that died in a car crash 1 year before he met me. But his good qualities where he was considerate, loyal, caring, honest, gentlemanly and supportive is what makes me miss him. Especially his good-bye text.",1 I have mustered up the courage to be a bit more uh public I guess with my problems. If you have questions feel free to ask. Also thank you for reading this post in general! I hope you have an excellent day! (Also why is every letter capitalized in the posts are the mods Jaden Smith?),0 "I mean what are you suppose to do when your son is 5 and his older brother who is 16 is picking on him. He was too big for them to punish. So I endured it , some days I hate my whole family for never saying anything. They just were okay with me being scared of my brother constantly. Fast forward to me being 18 living with my other brother.",1 "He also said that Brian's mother made comments like she hopes she gets hit by a bus and she's so depressed because I'm doing this to her. (No mention has ever been made by them how much our daughter is having to miss out on by having this medical issue let alone what their own son is being put through from their lack of respect.) The other problem is, I genuinely believe Brian's father wants a relationship with our daughter. The fact that we're withholding her from their toxic behavior right now might be a turning point for him to grow a pair in his own marriage. I'm not holding my breath, but I have a little bit of hope.",0 "I feel like I am just being written off because of my diagnosis before anyone even tries to look into it and see if anything else might be at play. I'd just as soon not say anything about my PTSD to be taken seriously, but it appears in my medical records. Or when I list my medications as required, Drs usually ask me what the meds are treating and it comes up then. Has anyone else had this experience? What has worked for you to be taken seriously?",0 "BACKGROUND: I didn't know much about PTSD when we started dating. I had to learn from the bottom up, and definitely sometimes the hard way. It is a struggle having PTSD, as well as loving someone with it. I'm posting some journal entries I wrote during the first few months we've been together. Hopefully anyone that reads it can relate, feel less alone, maybe less frustrated, maybe more patient for their loved one?",0 I can't stop the ruminating thoughts about the whole process. I also can't stop the what if's or I should have done more. I keep blaming myself and beating myself up. It sometimes makes me physically sick. Do you have any tips to help alleviate the pain and stop the thoughts?,1 "I'm trying to figure out what I learned that is good from it. but all I can think of is that I learned no one can be trusted including myself, people are inconsistent and unstable, people don't know themselves, if love exists then it doesn't mean much, and even if you truly believe that someone else cares about you and wants you in their life to the point where you finally don't question it, they can cut you off and start treating you like you're worthless without a moment's notice. the more I process what happened the more I realize there is truly no hope for me finding the kind of relationship I hope for, and there is really nothing else worth living for besides that. so, fun stuff. right?",1 "But upon second look, it can become apparent. It is hard to convey people's attitudes in a reddit post, but you can tell from people's vibes if they're being nice (and yes, that happened a lot) vs. if they have ulterior motives. So, maybe not the best reddit post, but don't think you can judge what happened based only on a cursory impression from the post. Besides the larger point is that the prejudice is rampant, whether or not you like my example. That's the larger point.",0 "I have to be a bit vague to post this as the person responsible knows my username and I don't want to give them the pleasure of knowing what they've done to me. ​ Many years ago I was homeless. I've written extensively about that here and on other sites like Quora. In the 18 years since I came off the streets I've turned my life around, owned and ran 2 businesses and spent my free time helping other homeless people either get off the streets or access services they are entitled to.",0 "  A lot of you reading this are still serving either in the military or first responder, corrections or medical … the ability to stand up and say, “I need to take some time out to handle my PTSD”. In fact it is a guaranteed way to find yourself in JPSU or desk duty til they can boot you out the door. You CAN NOT start EMDR or CBT without telling your employer, your family and your support network what you are about to go through.  ",0 But three days ago they put his dad on the morphine drip. He is watching his dad die in the same slow manner he watched my mom. The hospice nurses (oddly the same ones who saw my mom out) have turned his oxygen up to 5 and understandably my dad doesn't want to leave his side. So here we are I'm about to call my job for the second day and beg for a ride or not to get fired. My husbands parents are sort of helping him but still leaving it up in the air everyday before he is supposed to be at work.,0 "He says she is a great girl, caring for him and he thinks she loves him. He, however, felt mostly intense passion and says he misses the spiritual connection. I think its still too soon for him to know after a few days, as the group of friends returned home and he is some more time on the road. He said even if he does not know what will happen, he must explore the passion with the new girl and he is happy that it happened. He said he feels a bit guilty cause its mostly passion he feels and the girl seems to be really into him.",0 "I get peace of mind, moments of clarity and complete happiness for like 1 minute a few times a day, I feel like I can conquer the world, then my head gets heavy and foggy again and I start thinking hard about everything. My head gets heavier and my mind goes off more when I’m alone and not doing anything. Watching TV and YouTube helps. Then after I’m done with TV/YouTube, I can feel my mind getting heavy and full again. If you have read this far, THANK YOU.",0 "At least 20 Ritalin 30mg maybe more (I've learned how to take many at once over the years of daily medication). I don't remember everything but i tried to lie to him and he had to drag me to the bathroom and tried to make me throw up. After a bit i realized what i was doing and tried myself. It didn't work. The scary thing is that when he went to call the ambulance and i thought i just might die i repeated to myself ""It's finally over"".",1 "I just told them I had too much anxiety and breaking up with my boyfriend made me really depressed. And that I didn't know what I'm going to do, maybe I'll find a job. So now I just stay home and go on my computer all day. I leave the house maybe twice a week. I have constant feelings about being useless and that I'd be better off dead.",1 "I told her I wanted to stay because I was told I was one of the best in the club, and for a while I was in the England squad. She convinced me “they probably say this to everyone to make them stay” and I believed her. I wasn’t allowed to wash, style my hair, shave or choose my own clothes. If I did any of these things a landslide of arguments would arise. “Who are you trying to impress?",0 "I am called back as a few secondary characters in a play with plenty leads and these character have one line each and sometimes no lines at all so I’m basically ensemble again. To top that off I got called back as the same four characters that like 13 girls are going to compete for and one of them is a new girl in school that this was her first audition. I’m a bit jealous and I know I shouldn’t be but I’m not jealous that the new girl got in, it’s a mix of jealousy and disappointment and dissatisfaction in myself. Plus these two guys that I might have a slight crush on are called back for main characters that kiss the leads in the play so I’m a bit mad about that too. Sorry for ranting so much and I might sound like a bitch but I just need some place to rant and this felt like the best place for it since I’m so stressed and mad at myself about this.",1 "I get so stressed at work. I feel like women get all the preferential treatment. Also, the few women who are in charge just spend their time micro\-managing the men while letting the other females just slide by doing minimal work. I don't get it. It causes me huge stress because I feel like im living in an unfair world and I don't know what to do about it.",1 "I went on a holiday with my best friend [26M] and husband [26M]. My husband and I have been together for ten years (married for six). My best friend and I have known each other for three years, and spend a huge amount of time chatting with each other on the internet. I love him to death, and he makes me insanely happy. My friend lives decently far away, so we don't see each other often.",0 "Posting on a throwaway. As a paramedic student I was working in a Detroit ER, and an 8 year old girl came in. Her babysitter (15 years old) couldn't find her (for 10 minutes) and ultimately found her face down in a swimming pool. The local fire dept. responded, initiated care and transported to the facility I was working at.",0 "And I’ve come unglued over absolutely nothing in the past, but I will seize upon something in these moments, anything, and the vein of anxiety erupts like a volcano and I can’t breathe I’m shaking I’m numb. And he is there just reminding me, gently... this isn’t happening right now. This is your past, this isn’t our present. I’ve never lied to you. I’ve always kept my promises to you.",1 The father has one of the most notable family lawyers in Illinois working his case. Justine cannot afford a lawyer. She has followed through with her treatment for PPD and has had psychiatric evaluations and physical home visits to prove she can provide a safe and loving home for her child. For over a year Justine has been fighting merely for the right to even see her child. She's been issued Skype visits.,0 ~~1. Money card~~ (Work has a paycard option!) 2. Phone plan. 3.,0 "I’ve been in an abusive relationship for 3 years now. My family had stopped talking to me, and live states away when my boyfriend and I got together. The first time I noticed abuse was when he wanted to repeatedly have sex till I was sore, and would get angry if I refused. It was subtle at first but it scared me. As time went on I would here everyday how I was too skinny, I need to gain some weight.. it got to the point to where I would ask questions about why I wasn’t good enough and was depressed ... he would throw a speaker in a room along with me and put stuff in front of the door to where I couldn’t get out.",1 "Over the past 6 years I've settled into a career that I'm really good at. Unfortunately I've had a slew of bosses that I had trouble dealing with. One of my biggest issues is that I'm prone to making small mistakes. They're not catastrophic, but they happen more often than I'd like. I've had supervisors that get really annoyed over these small mistakes, and they make me feel like my job is on the line.",1 "All the research are being conducted by Harvard affiliates and cover a huge variety of fields in the social sciences! It's a cool way to help out with research and learn something along the way. Our newest one is on estimation, using images of dogs :) check it out: See other experiments on the website for more surveys that could be relevant to you! Really appreciate it :)",0 "Eventually he did it less. He would also make direct eye contact with me when he was seducing my mother, which filled me with so much rage. This happened throughout my adolescence. He acted hurt or offended because I always had my guard up around him. After I moved out to go to college, he let me know I wasn’t welcome to stay at their house anymore because I “treated them like shit”.",0 "After college for about 2 years, I focused on my career and wasn't totally putting myself out there. Now, for the last year, I've actively put myself in the dating pool. It never seemed appealing to hang around in clubs or bars to hopefully pick someone up, so I've mostly stuck to online dating. I was mostly pretty casually looking, and would go on there when the mood struck me or I was speaking to someone I saw potential with. Over the course of the last about 2.5 months, I've been on 3 dates.",0 "Like sleep would never be a simple thing for me. So recently, I accidentally fell asleep at 8pm and I found myself awake around 4am. I immediately felt like I had screwed myself. My instinct was to try to go back to sleep but I decided, for whatever reason, not to. What I discovered was amazing.",0 "Don’t take this lightly. Acid isn’t for all, and I didn’t take it for a fucking therapy session—but, here I am sat down in front of paper and pastels on a wood floor, not thinking about whatever happened to me however long ago. I am more than my pain and I deserve that. LSD has helped me realize this. Don’t just take this willy nilly, it takes a lot of mental preparation.",0 "He said that I should have ptsd because the reason I was wrestling my dad for the gun is because Im a sick bastard who wanted to kill him and the rest of my family. I don't know why I made this post. I don't know if I even really got out what I wanted to say. I just feel so alone. Its been almost a year since that day but even today , my family some how twisted my actions into thinking im some sort of failed murderer",1 "My mom [54F] has catered to his every need since marriage, and although she complains about it constantly, she still goes along with it. Although he uses his anger to attempt to show others ""he's the boss"" and can order them around, I believe he's a weak coward inside who loses all control when he becomes afraid or upset (I'll provide examples below). There are some events concerning him that have occurred throughout my life that have caused me to come to resent him (and my mom too sort of): From as far back as I can remember, to this day (although it's much less now), my parents have had screaming matches. My dad's face turning red and spit flying, as he yells and often curses at the top of his lungs to my mom, and her crying and screaming back.",0 "We met and it went really well - he's a super sweet, smart, and thoughtful kid (just like his dad). It turns out that the kid has (VERY recently - after I met his dad) been dealing with some mental health issues - he texted a friend that he was suicidal, and his parents have been scrambling to get him help because they are not sure if he has depression or something else. He's since started therapy and seems to be doing ok but obviously they are very concerned. I listened and was very supportive when he told me (I've dealt with my fair share of mentally ill family members) and I could tell he really appreciated it. We talked about it a few more times after that day.",0 "She already knows the password to my laptop, email, bank account, and phone PIN. I didn't really want to tell her any of those, but I could not think of a reason why not to. When I got a new phone, she set up my new PIN and got a bit upset when I changed it. She said if I had nothing to hide, then she should know my passwords. I don't have anything to hide, so I told her.",0 "In prison, I was housed with two other person, we already had planned to take over the leadership of the gang that had control of our wing. We were making weapon, I got into a fight with one of the guy. I knew I was getting out soon, but I couldn't tell people, so I acted as if I was there until my court date. I was the guy who kept watch for the guard while my cellmate created a weapon out of his bed sheet ( strangulation ). I had won protection from them by giving them drugs.",0 "Hey Reddit PTSD - I am an independent documentary filmmaker working on a series of shorts in Amsterdam about emotional memory disorders, including PTSD. I heard about your subreddit from my brother. It's really cool that you've built a community of support here. I'm posting here because I'm looking for people in and around Amsterdam - or people who might want an excuse to visit Amsterdam! - who have PTSD, and would be willing to participate in this documentary project.",0 """I understand as a woman why you are doing this. But as a mother, I am begging you not to press charges. It will ruin his life. Please, let us take care of him. We'll set him straight.",1 "I spent six years in a very abusive relationship. We had a child together. After she was born, I made my way out. I ended up fleeing several houses and apartments trying to stay away from him. There’s been a long history.",1 "You have mental noise: These are thoughts that arise spontaneously and we have no control over. For some people these are very negative. Behind this mental noise we have the observer however, this is you. When you are engaged in a activity that creates flow, your mental noise is reduced, and the observer has complete control. Engaging in mediation allows us to get in contact with this observer, separating us from our mental noise.",0 "I don't have any point, I'm just overwhelmed and want to give up. No one's going to read this long of a post anyway. I don't want to tell my therapist, I don't want to go to therapy. It feels artificial and contrived and uneven. When I google all this shit the internet is like ""That's the ptsd talking.""",1 "I'm not the kind of guy who likes to ask for help with things like this, especially when it feels like there are so many people with worse problems, but after three years of trying to save up on a disabled person's income with nothing but failure (as soon as I have a little saved, something else comes up), and at the encouragement of my online acquaintances, I have decided to try setting up a gofundme account in order to get dentures: I feel like I have tried every government assistance program and charity in the US, but as a 35 year old male, there is no help for me. I'm not young enough for assistance, I'm not old enough for assistance, and I am not a female with kids, so there is just no help available. As proof here is the thread I made three years ago. I wasn't asking for anything then, just showing off the teeth I had pulled: ",1 "I have been dating my girlfriend for around 1.5 years now. We moved in together 3 months ago. I paid for the renovation costs, new furniture, and countless other items to get us started, totalling somewhere near $4000. She gave me about $200 to help with these costs during the initial move-in. Our rent is only $240 a month (no lease), so it's more than feasible for her to pay it, but she isn't great at managing money.",0 "It's been a while so I thought those feelings were long gone. At one point, I asked if Lily would come talk to me in my room, which she agreed to. In there, we made out. I don't remember a ton, but I do remember pulling away and immediately telling Lily ""oh my god, I can't believe I just did this."" Like a drunk idiot, I called my boyfriend.",0 " is looking for men and women 35-65 years of age in Chicago, to participate in a 2 hour, focus group market research study. Qualified individuals will receive $250 (Prepaid Visa Card) after they have completed the study. Link: Job #: 2631NRC17 Location: Chicago IL",0 "I know every time I have panic attacks to remind myself it's just in my head, but it sucks when little things just make you feel like shit! Does anyone else get triggered by stupid things like this? ? I'm even just pissed at myself for now feeling mad at my mom, like don't you know not to tell someone with health anxiety that ""they don't look right""?? Ugh!",1 "I met Zach and James. We were roughly the same age. James was a top-notcher, consistent honour student ever since 1st grade, and had a younger sister who was in 2nd grade at the time. However, Zach wasn't that smart, he was average, yet very decent and very cool. Fast forward to our first quarter test, after finishing all my exams during the day, James asked me, out of the blue, ""Saan mo mas gusto?",0 "Plus she sent him pictures of her ultrasound. Now I'm just heart-broken because I was head over heels for this guy and I'm also disgusted by what he did to this girl. I don't know how to confront him about this or how to handle this situation properly. I am going to break up with him, but what do I do after I end it? Do I tell his fiancee?",1 "My problem is most of these articles mention getting your friend professional help, but he's already seeing a psych and therapist. The other thing frequently suggested is to gently nudge them to do things. This is a problem currently though because of the physical distance between us and their lack of a phone currently. Has anyone else gone through or is experiencing something similar? I could really use some advice 😟",0 "I am on a paid assassin’s hit-list. That’s it, I need to reformat all my hard drives. “Fuck it, I’ll just microwave those fuckers and then give myself the decency to have a painless death.” “Ok ok, deep breaths. We learned this in therapy.",1 $400 would suffice but $500 will drastically help boost my income for 4/4. Time frame for repayment listed includes $100 tip and is at-worst scenario. In other words loan may be repaid sooner. Thank you for your consideration. Sean,0 "I began to see a therapist and started taking some medication for my mood. I was really trying to improve myself. The first medication I tried, I now believe, made things like social anxiety worse. I recently found a medication (Zoloft) that has changed my life. I had been exercising, going out of my way to connect with old friends who I like in an effort to curb the isolation etc.",0 "Anytime I have a scheduled transaction towards my checking account, my wages are immediately garnished. However, last night was the real wake up call. After work, I came home drunk and let my stress get the best of me. I ended up getting in a fight with my gf about money, finances and utilities. Not wanting to face the pathetic reality that I have ""sugar momma"" for a girlfriend, I packed everything I own in my vehicle, parked it less than a mile away (incase I may have forgotten anything) and slept in it until the battery died.",1 "A few weeks ago I found some notes of hers open at our computer. She had written questions to ask for a psychic reading or some such(she's into that stuff). One of them was, ""is this guy worth pursuing?"" ""This guy"" refers to an online friend from out of state she had been having extensive conversations with, which we had talked about not long before, and of course she labeled him as ""just a friend"", albeit him growing more and more fascinated with her. I offered an open relationship, partly because I had entertained the idea before, but mostly to de-escalate what could be a relationship ending event.",0 8) I am not a resident of Nevada or any other state. I have been out of the country for almost 20 years. 11) How can I apply for food from the food bank? I think I will be camping about 60-70 km from the city. I have no problem carrying the food.,0 "It is intimately tied up in mine. She has a couple of friends but really doesn’t see them often, as previously stated she doesn’t have her own goals.. it just feels like she lives whichever life I live. She doesn’t do things on her own. She doesn’t have any sports teams she plays on.. no clubs.. doesn’t go out with her friends (well, very rarely). The more I think about this, the more troubled I become.",1 "(I travel between NJ to NYC often, and $2.75 each way is pretty expensive. NJ and NYC both have Disabled rates for public transport, but the PATH which travels in-between, does not. It's total bullshit.) A free place to live in NYC? A bold plea, I realize.",0 "I currently have nowhere to live. My ""friends"" have made excuses as to why they cant help me out. This sucks. It's times like this where the world seems like an incredibly dark place and the best way to escape the pain is to leave it. IDK.",1 "I just feel like the street life has fucked my head up. There's so much I don't even know how to talk about anymore, I just hold that shit. Only person I can really chat with is a pal I know at the bar. He has PTSD and shit from the military bad, hard up alcoholic nowadays after killing people.. We talk once every few weeks and we are open and it's cool. But normal people?",1 "My boyfriend constantly states that we are no longer in a relationship and I need to be constantly working towards showing him that he will want to be with me again. I do 90% of the cooking and cleaning in the house. I try my best to make sure his needs are met, even if it means that my needs fall short almost always. It seems like any ""everyday"" argument we have about something always turns into me being a piece of shit because of what I did to him. He tells me that I made him this way and I need to deal with it until he moves past it, which I understand and agree with.",1 "This has caused quite a few disagreements, as we often compromise for a ""quickie"" at some later time. I hate to admit it, but I can sense that we have both been feeling this incompatibility grow more and more apparent as our relationship has gone on, and both of our gained weight is not helping with our situation. I love her dearly, and want to make this work, but I'm also worried that I shouldn't have gone this far into a relationship without a frame of reference for what I would want in one. She is my first girlfriend, but I'm afraid to throw away a relationship that's caused me to love someone so dearly. I've been cautious up to this point, but it does appear as though we have begun to get financially ""entangled"".",0 "Her name was Chinook. I wasn't there. Edit--the vet suspected she had a bad heart. We had to move to find work, back in our home province of Ontario. I'm working (moved suddenly because I had an interview at a job I knew I would get), and he's already done an interview, despite not being here for more than a few days.",0 "I take solo back packing trips and my friends really see me as someone fearless and free-spirited. It makes opening up about my mental health issues kinda difficult because they can't ""see"" me acting this way. I have a lot of anxiety and depression issues around my romantic relationships. I also have depersonalization issues, and want to be alone more often then not. I think the fact that I can be so outgoing and positive most of the time, my friends don't realize that I struggle quite a bit some days.",1 "Are there any recommendations I should bring up with my doctor? I know going to reddit for medication advice is generally not a good idea, however the psychiatrists and other doctor's I've seen do not seem to have much greater advice. Weight gain is a primary concern as I have a heart condition where weight cannot be increased. Citalopram (Celexa) Escitalopram (Lexapro, Cipralex)",0 "Havnt had one in years. After it was done i couldnt stop thinking about what if it was actually a brain tumor. What if im going to die a slow and painful death? In reality migraines plague my mothers side of the family, both her and my brother get them here and there. But anxiety doesn't listen to logic.",1 "I haven't posted here yet, but as everyone here has probably experienced, PTSD is one of the most isolating conditions. Even as an adult surrounded by other adults at school, I feel so isolated. It's really disappointing that other students in my class can't seem to grasp the concept of PTSD in people who aren't veterans. There is a fundamental lack of understanding that has resulted in further alienation. For some reason, dissociations in sufferers who are not former military is unacceptable.",1 "Earlier that day I was talking to a customer, a male who later asked for my number. I was very flattered as this man was absolutely gorgeous and had muscles that must have been sculpted by Kratos himself, but alas, I wasn’t able to give it as it was company policy. Little did I know that Pedo had been watching me from behind a clothing rack, and soon pulled me aside in front of all my coworkers in my retail section and spoke so sternly to me, he said “this is why your life is so messed up, this is why everyone here thinks you’re so easy.” And he stormed away from me. He later radioed to me telling me to sell the cards, and after I got to 15 cards to re fold everything in the women’s section. He later texted me telling me he expected me to be at the movies that night, as to not let down the team.",0 "Stealing the idea of the person who posted earlier, I have 3 $50 trials from HomeChef, another food delivery service. Same thing as the other ones pretty much, you'll get 3 meals for 2 people. Also same as the other one, you'll have to enter your credit card info, but that's no commitment, so cancel your membership after you get your first box. Reply here and I'll PM you. All I'll ask for in the PM is your email address!",0 "She's a real healer. She's beautiful in so many ways 🐰🥕 but it's just insane. I won't lie, she is the most expensive medication that I've ever had as she's already cost £2,000 ($2,654.510) (when I say medication, I mean that she's a therapy rabbit) but I do love her to bits. I'm actually thinking of getting another pet soon. My mum has said ""yes"" but she won't allow me to have another big animal as she has to sometimes help me with Alaska because believe it or not bunnies can sometimes be a handful.",0 "How about that? No this isn't just some edgy teen, oh I hate my dad, I have every reason to hate him, for what he has done, and continues to purposely do to me and my family. For nearly killing me, for scarring us all to the point I can't even meet a nice person, or have any friends, and not wonder whether they do or don't treat their family like a lump of sh**. Nobody needs, nor should they ever have to live the life I have been forced to live. Nobody should have to call the police because they don't feel safe within their own home.",1 "I have an answer for you. it is because he made you a part of his game. see, sociopaths will do anything and everything to manipulate others to make themselves happy. to feel liked, loved. mostly, they feed off of other people.",0 "I don't have the ability to cope with it anymore. I'm trying, but a lot of things are triggering me, and I'm shutting down at work, just finding the place I feel safest, and staying there for an hour or two until I feel like I can do something again. I'm tired of watching my back, tired of traveling to places I don't feel safe, tired of reliving that moment, tired of being triggered, tired of the stress, tired of anxiety and knots in my stomach, tired of irrational thought when triggered, tired of irrational paranoia. I'm exhausted and need a break, but know it won't be enough until I journey the long road through therapy. I'm not suicidal at all, just wishing this pain and misery would end, to have my life back again.",1 "Hi everyone! My girlfriend has loved doing color guard all of her life and has always wanted to march in a professional Drum Corps. She has a final audition in San Antonio, Texas in April but does not have the cash to fly there (she is in Ohio). I am going to be giving her a big contribution as a valentine's day present, but it would mean a lot if more people than just me helped her out. If anyone can throw in some money (even $1 or less), it would mean the world to her and to me.",0 "I refuse to carry both of us anymore and I'm also tired of the drama between us as well. So, part of me hopes he doesn't pay the rent and that'll give me my push to really move on. Anyway, I'm ok with going to a shelter, but I worry about my laptop. I remember when I was living in a shelter when I was a kid, they didn't allow you to have certain items. I don't want to part with my laptop for them to keep it safe and it gets ""lost"".",1 "My boyfriend is really understanding about everything, but he wants me to eventually come clean to my mother because he thinks that it's unhealthy for me to have to keep this from my mom. PLus he knows how bad I'm freaking out about it. My brother and my dad know but they can't tell my mom and they aren't much help in this situation, since my mother runs the house. For Christmas, my boyfriend bought me a hat, several CDs, and concert tickets. Irrelevant right?",1 "But I'm not physically attracted to him. Normally personality does a lot for me. I've met guys who I didn't feel attracted to and then started to really like because of their personalities (and vice versa). I go through days where I skype this guy and like the idea of him and feel like I can be physically attracted to him, but there are other days I don't feel anything physically. We are very long distance at the moment, so we've haven't had any face to face in person time for the past month (he's moving in 5 months).",0 "And it makes me more anxious which causes me to slip up *more*. It's getting WORSE though. I thought I could hold it down, this has been an ongoing issue for about a year or so and it has never been this bad but lately it's getting to the point where I can't even talk to my own MOTHER without freaking out over this shit. She came back in town from a very long half year vacation recently and I had to go to dinner with her because that's what you're obligated to do and I had to sit there and try and make small talk with my brother the whole damn night looking anxious as fuck... I know they noticed.",1 "If you withhold financial information from this type of abuser, they will get it out of you somehow. Trust me. It isn't pretty. I withheld my credit card numbers for a year, and I paid every day for it. Anyway, I'm totally ranting at this point, but it was seriously amazing to find one person in this entire world who actually confirmed that what I experienced in trying to access help was real.",0 "It sent me into a full-blown crisis by breaking open the “no one believes me and I’m worthless” wound. I had to up my level of care, now I’m in IOP 5 days a week, 3+ hours a day. It’s given me just enough relief to return to weekly EMDR. I had my first session in this round, last week. It was the most physically symptomatic I’ve ever been in-session.",1 "It was no longer just about the life and love we were building together. It was no longer about us, it was about me and trying to fill this hole within myself. If she would just want me, make me feel wanted, I could baptize myself in it and finally let go of all this guilt and self-hatred. This male shame. It’s complicated.",1 "I think it’s possible that these feelings are coming from the fact that he has said he loves me while drunk but can’t say it sober. I haven’t brought his up to him, but it makes me feel like he can’t say it because of his ex. Which I understand, but it also makes me sad that he’s not excited to be in love with me. I think part of me also feels like a second choice, or like I’m being compared to her. It’s eapecially awful when I think about how ready I would have been to to go back to my ex when I was still heartbroken.",1 "This question is not meant to be disrespectful in any way, shape, or form to people who 1) are actually diagnosed autistic, or 2) are in no way autistic, but just suffer from severe social anxieties. This is just about my experience and people who may relate. So, throughout my life, I sometimes struggled with the feeling that there is something ""different"" about myself. A lot of the time I've convinced myself it was just because of low self-esteem, paranoia, or a desire to have some type of diagnosis that would help ""solve"" or explain my awkwardness or social issues. People warn me not to jump to conclusions and it's easy to self-diagnose online in this day and age.",0 "He's been violent pretty much since 6months in. Nothing too horrendous at first just a slap or a punch or he'd spit in my face during an argument or grab me. I reasoned I could deal with that because he was always so remorseful and depressed afterwards. A year in we split up because he stole my car keys out of the ignition, got in the car and threatened to kill me rip out my hair and nails etc. I went to the police and they issued him with a domestic violence order.",1 He denied it and ever since then I think everyone is out to get me and that nothing ever happened and I'm just insane. I always doubt myself and it's hard to hang out with anyone because I think they all have some agenda toward me. I know logically nothing happened but when I get home I have to always check my body for bruises or anything suspicious. Then I feel shameful and want to self harm/die when I realize I'm accusing someone innocent of something so terrible and then my mind tells me nothing ever happened and I'm just nuts. It doesn't help that my family doesn't understand me and minimalizes all of my problems.,1 "I am alone, and I don't know what to do. At this time I'm most interested in any 'quick tips' that can be offered on how to manage feelings of violation, betrayal, humiliation, distress, anger at the abuser and all those who stood by, ignoring the damage she was inflicting, anger at those who have protected her at the expense of her victims, anger at my family for their mistreatment, and how they effectively set me up for future abuse. Dissociative symptoms are a significant problem at this time. Focusing on a movie, tv show, video game, book, even a short song can be impossible at times. The interest in 'quick tips' on how to manage those overwhelming emotions is an attempt to make it feasible to read a fre books I'm hoping might help (Pete walker's CPTSD and James Chu's Rebuilding shattered lives, MacKenzie's Psychopath free).",1 "I'm not getting any resources from the VA and I'm not getting better. I'm 100%, war time, service connect disabled for PTSD. I've been kicked out of the MHICM Range program because ""I'm not making enough progress”—ie not magically getting better. Im currently doing ACT therapy but it's not helping and the VA here can't offer talk therapy so they referred me to the Vet Center. After about six months there, my therapist told me I was ""too depressed to help.""",1 If you knew Garret you would never have seen this coming. The family is exhausted at this point. I just want to do anything I can to help them and this is the platform I have. Any little thing helps. I can't think of a more caring family that is totally deserving of any help they can get.,0 "My sister messaged me ""CALL ME ASAP"" I received her message at 1am when I woke up at my own home to use the restroom. I called my sister at that time, she answered the phone and I heard yelling and screaming. What happened was, My sister gave my father a ride back to wherever it was he came from - to get him out of their home. My father would not leave my moms home unless she also came along.",0 "No really guess!.... This IS THE LAST TIME!!! THIS IS IT!!!! Fast forward , she goes a little further this time and consults an Attorney Firm. She always said money was problem , and me being an idiot said I dknt care I'll make a plan so that this evil doesn't have to be in our lives, She calls Me to say that the Attorneys need $250 for an Eviction Letter to him.",0 "You aren't weak. If you were weak, you wouldn't be fighting. I honestly don't know what inspired me to post this as I don't post here ever. This is obviously an alt, but I just wanted someone to hear if anyone. We're all going to get through this.",0 "If you were raped on a daily basis from infancy through adolescence then you should ""radically accept"" it. Check out the parts of Linehan's book where she explains how unconditional positive regard is a myth, nonexistent. The part where she explains about paradoxical intervention. That is where you manipulate and jerk your client around using head games and reverse psychology. Then there is radical genuineness.",0 "Hey there, I'm currently an 18 year old (nearly 19) finishing up freshman year (a course in general sciences with modules in Physics, biology, math, geology) with my first university finals in about 8 days. 6 separate exams, from the 2nd of May until the 11th. Since about April 10th, I've uninstalled my Discord and logged off social media and can not express truly how happier I've felt in a while, I've been able to talk to my family more and control the amount of energy I have. (and also bring the life in the room when I'm in group study with one of my friends that we booked together studying for finals)",0 "In the first month I was living here, I was doing a lot of really self-destructive things and ended up hospitalising myself, but now I have a job and am working very heavy hours to keep myself busy, and am not drinking heavily or using drugs or self-harming. Unfortunately, I'm also more or less repressing all my feelings, and I'm having trouble with mood swings (particularly anger), anxiety and more recently, daily migraines. Any suggestions? Particularly suggestions for someone who works 40+ hours a week, so doesn't have much time to relax anyway? I hate living here, but don't have much choice for the foreseeable future.",1 So I have ptsd from an abusive relationship I ended about 3 years ago. When I felt healthy enough I went to therapy and did emdr and it helped and I thought i was doing well. I even moved to a different state so I could quit triggering my flashbacks a year and a half ago and haven't had a single flashback until last night. I have started dating a guy I'm pretty smitten about and last night we went out with friends and had a really good time but we also had been drinking. Something triggered me and i had a flashback and was not able to control my emotions because I had been drinking it was like I went from laughing having a good time to having a panic attack and asked him if we could leave and we did.,1 "I developed some health problems with my stomach around September of last year and had to be hospitalized, had very high wbc, did a cat scan and so on. They let me go with some antibiotics and no answer about what was wrong with me. This, I guess, left me feeling very nervous, the next time I was researching my pains and such and blah blah everything online telling me I’m going to die. So I turn off my phone and I’m lying there trying to sleep when i get this sudden gasping feeling and like I can’t breathe. I feel completely overwhelmed by it, my face and hands feel numb, I wake up my family and we wait maybe an hour before taking me to the hospital.",1 "Good goals - She finished undergrad and already wants to go back to school. I value girls who want to get a good education or pursue entrepreneurship. Doesn't ask me for much - Given my financial situation, she hasn't asked me to do something that was out of my budget. Since I'm not really feeling her, should I let her go? I'm asking this because most of the girls I've met aren't like her.",0 I've heard Xanax is similar except I don't want to risk dying from having some other stuff in it cause I couldn't obtain it legally. What other options do I have? (Just to clarify: I'm at my wit's end. I just need something to get me through certain days. I recognise the risk of addiction and that it's not a long-term fix.),1 I heard from a mutual friend that she got engaged and I’m truly happy for her and would like to wish her congratulations. I don’t need forgiveness I would just like to move on I guess? Is it is selfish of me to apologize to her and say congrats or just wish her congrats? should I just let it go and learn from my immaturity? Additional info: my sister was also her BFF and after I ghosted her they had a huge dramatic falling out after my sister tried to keep the peace.,0 "I get flashbacks from ptsd at home, and now my home is full of these spider and insect memories. And I feel like so few people in my life can really handle this and that’s even more isolating. I’m sorry. I needed a place to put this down and try and stop crying. I know my thoughts are disorganized right now and I’m finding it hard to organize them.",1 "I went there on autopilot, I was blank inside and I was ready to jump. My counsellor saw me through the window and called me on the phone, trying to distract me so she could send help over to me. Campus was pretty much empty, everyone in exams or already finished for the summer and I felt at peace. I was gently talked away from the edge by campus security and they took me to see my counsellor. I havent seen her since this happened and Im due back at uni next week.",1 I especially appreciate stories of similar experiences and such. I hope everyone's have a nice day. TL;DR: I ended up with anxiety due to relationship and health anxiety and now I can't stop thinking about how I might some terminal illness (cancer) just because I feel some weird tingling or pain in an area I didn't before. Or even a cough can freak me out a little. If you also/used to suffer from this how do/did you deal with it?,1 "I sent a respectful email to my primary psychiatrist explaining my thoughts on how it was inappropriate to have Paterno's picture prominently displayed. Am I fucked up in the head for thinking this wrong? In the past, I had a mild traumatic brain injury. Sometimes I over react. 24 hours post appointment, I'm still bitter about the Paterno pics.",0 "He kept holding my arm while talking to me. He kept saying how beautiful I was. Even after he finished the exam he did another sweep with his hand idk wtf he was checking because we were all done I’m almost positive he just wanted to fucking touch me because every chance he could he would. I was so close to tears I know this isn’t like so bad, but to a girl with ptsd from assault it was the end of the world. I felt so gross and grimy having his nasty hands on me calling me beautiful.",1 "Just realised in my greatest moment of need, no one could be there for me despite me seeking it out and reaching out first. These are 'friends' Ive talked to about issues before. My heart is beyond broken to find myself at once again a second round of realisation that I have no friends to be there for me. People have stuff to get on in their lives and cannot always be there for me. I get it.",1 Last few weeks I’ve overcome some serious issues and I was traveling most the time and it helped me a lot. But now that I’m home I’m falling back to my old self I’m isolating myself in my house. I barely go out again I can’t even manage to get myself a haircut and I don’t want fall back in this hole again. I picked myself up and going falling back can someone help me.,1 The two women sitting out front were his family. They are all African immigrants and don’t primarily speak English. They were the ones who handed me the phone. The police came by yesterday to talk again to my neighbors while I was at work. My husband told me last night that the man died.,0 I was sobbing and shaking and my whole front of my dress was open because he tore at it and th the buttons broke. I was shaking so much it took a while to button up my dress and the whole time it reminded me of when my ex attacked me. Was my trauma triggered? I tried to gather my things and got out and went into the back of his huge suv to get my things out of th backseat. I was hysterical.,1 "Any help on how to stop ruminating? I work with some pretty toxic people and I can accept when people are ignorant and generally rude about my PTSD. I get it, some people are just really stupid and ignorant and won't understand how the assault affected me. But I spend WEEKS ruminating on all the things they've said, things they might say next... and the grounding techniques that my therapist suggests never stops it. How do you distract yourself from ruminating or arguing with people in your head?",1 "But it seems like I'm also dealing with abandonment issues with my parents which has recently reemerged after coming out as transgender which they don't support. Unfortunately, I have Lyme disease and live with them because I'm too sick to do anything and they won't support my transition. I get the feeling that if I was healthy and I transitioned I'd never speak to them. I was reminded of PTSD from a comment on r/raisedbynarcissists/ and Borderline Personality Disorder was brought up. I don't know if it's a secondary condition or overlapping symptoms, but C-PTSD specifically was mentioned and that seems pretty accurate.",1 "She hangs up; told me she was going to; but she leaves. That was a bit frightening. But I guess at that stage the police were already here, because the abuse from him starts. “Oh you actually called the fucking cops did you?” “Why would you call the fucking cops?” “I can’t believe you’d call the fucking cops”. Three days later, I’ve just checked the phone.",1 "I have had SAD for about five years and in those times I tried so many things to ease the anxiety. You know, like medication, therapy, desensitising, etc. None of those seemed to do me any good. However, for the past year I have been working out nearly everyday and my anxiety has been alleviated A LOT. I can't exaggerate it, it just really chills me out.",0 "I'm new to Reddit and have only really discussed my issues with trauma and PTSD with my partner and therapist, and I am struggling with the random dissociative cycles of derealization and depersonalization. And I'm so tired of it. I've been in therapy for half of my life. I write and also listen to music to help when I'm having issues, but it never feels like enough. So I started talking to myself (which I do under stress) and drinking and this was a piece of the conversation:",1 "For ever since I can remember I have suffered from anxiety. But in the past 5 or so years, my anxiety has shifted to almost entirely work. I’m only 18 and am working part time, but for some god damn reason work scares the hell out of me. I have quit my past three jobs because of it and have recently got a new job. I started on Wednesday and am actually good at it.",1 "No history of DV, married 8 years, together 10 years, nothing like this has ever happened before. We have two children, 2 & 5 that unfortunately witnessed nearly everything. Sunday night we had both been drinking, she was significantly more intoxicated than I (likely due to not eating much that day.) She came out of our bedroom and started ""doing"" the dishes - slamming everything in the process. I raised my voice telling her to go to bed and I would handle the dishes - she snapped, started screaming, hitting me in the chest (slapping to be a little more precise if alcohol+adrenaline actually allow for vivid memory recollection) before I know it she has a knife - I take it out of her hand and grab the second knife that was in sight (dinner had recently been prepared, we used multiple knives to do so) I threw them both in the trashcan, but her rampage continued and she soon had yet another knife in her hand, this time pointed directly (or close to) her heart, stating that she wanted it to all be over, never wanted any of this (we relocated 800 miles for my work approx 3 weeks ago and left behind every friend and family member we have that could help either of us right now) I grabbed both of her wrists and we struggled, we both hit the ground and I held her down until I could remove the knife from the situation - at some point I was stabbed just above my thumb even though I did not realize it until minutes later.",1 But this incident has been troubling me for a couple of days now. I guess I am just sick and tired of my trauma interfering with my relationships. I feel bad for my boyfriend- he shouldn't have to put up with this stuff. I know he loves me and he is terribly worried. But I also feel bad for me.,1 "“Either be my girlfriend or be out of my life” my fwb told me. I refused to be his girlfriend so of course, now we’re strangers. It’s breaking my heart. I want him in my life so badly, as a friend that is. We had a wonderful connection that’s hard to come by (at least for me) and I hate to lose that.",1 "I'm constantly worrying, snapping off at my kids or even total strangers over trivial things, and have panic attacks so bad that I shake and can't catch my breath. The dr was very nice and understanding of what I was going through. She prescribed Buspar, which i'm not very familiar with. If you are or have taken it, how helpful was it for you? I realize everyone is different but just looking for general experiences, or anything else I need to know about it.",1 "So when Markus asked me for a date night, just the two of us, I didn't hesitate. I have loved this man so much, I think I still do. These date nights made us feel like we're young again. Everything we used to do back when we were just dumb teenagers, we're doing again now. I was so happy I could cry.",0 "The problem is that she won't accept the fact that I want to break up. She says I'm not giving a good enough reason. And she wants me to keep talking to her because I'm her only good friend that she can talk to and thinks she can win me back. I'm a pretty nice guy, and I feel bad for her because I know she struggles with making friends, and I feel like an ass if I just leave her. Help me reason with myself that this is a good idea to leave her and stop communication.",1 " He grew from a short, stubby, orange haired, freckle faced, awkward boy into a seemingly strong, tattooed, pierced, tall, ginger, man I thought I always wanted. From the time I was 13, I thought he loved me. I didn't know why, but he told me often; on the phone, through letter. I was the girl he thought he could never get. I was out of his league (his words).",0 "I purchased her a mani/pedi off groupon for some birthday pampering. Now, I'm trying to find discounted broadway tickets (I have the tkts and ticket lottery apps), museum passes, unused CityPasses, gift cards to eateries, literally anything that I can share with her in an effort to get her mind off all that she's going through. Info about her: she's a retired secretary who loves musicals and living a healthy lifestyle. She spends all her time now volunteering at local addiction rehabilitation centers and at homeless shelters in an effort to give back to the individuals who helped out so much with my brother. She loves elephants, wine, and discount shopping.",0 "- Your letter or email has a medium-chance of being the nudge that convinces the foundation to take a closer look. **Next step** Please enter your name and email here, and I'll send info **[Google form for your name and If you can't help out directly, I'd really appreciate if you share this page or form with anyone who might fit.",0 I need to make a decision now. My whole course of life is depending on the wisdom of redditors. share with me your thoughts so that i may add to my own. please help. Thanks for your time.,1 "I was told by my peers, the media, so many things, that what I was doing was okay, was fine, was normal, was desired by every boy my age. I'm sure the majority of my abusers knew I was underage, how could they not? I told some of them how old I was, and most of the ones I told were okay with me being underage, although were extremely coercive, threatening, and frightening at times. I was constantly gaslight, verbally abused, and made to feel frightened and ashamed by many of these people, but I felt like I had to keep trying, like I had to be there to perform for them. All of the physical abuse (sexual and otherwise) that I've survived, happened after I turned 18, starting with my first REAL girlfriend, and the relationships that immediately proceeded her.",0 "I then joined a few suport groups online, but the same problem happened again. Why this is a problem, is because its my attack trigger, along with other things related to the event like seeing screens smoke, smelling it on people, and other such things. The traumatic event was when I was forced to take it by friends when I was severely ill and could have used a nine-one-one call instead. I did eventually get help, but not after having pot butter and a pipe shoved in my mouth. I wasn't in a good crowd back then.",0 "For the past couple months I have had really bad soreness and tightness in my upper back and neck. Sometimes it gets so stiff I can barely move my head. At first i thought it was a physical injury so I went to the doctors and had an xray but they could not find anything. I notice it flares up when im anxious. I have tried many self massages, creams, baths, pads, you name it.",1