public static int[] parseJavaVersion(final String jdkVer) { final int p0, p1; try { String[] parts = jdkVer.trim().split("[^0-9\\.]");//grab only number groups and "." parts = parts[0].split("\\."); //split out the number groups p0 = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); //the first number group p1 = (parts.length > 1) ? Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) : 0; //2nd number group, or 0 } catch (final NumberFormatException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Improper Java -version string: " + jdkVer + "\n" + e); } //checkJavaVersion(jdkVer, p0, p1); //TODO Optional to omit this. return new int[] {p0, p1}; }
public static int[] parseJavaVersion(final String jdkVer) { final int p0, p1; try { String[] parts = jdkVer.trim().split("[^0-9\\.]") parts = parts[0].split("\\."); p0 = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); p1 = (parts.length > 1) ? Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) : 0; } catch (final NumberFormatException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Improper Java -version string: " + jdkVer + "\n" + e); } return new int[] {p0, p1}; }
public static int[] parsejavaversion(final string jdkver) { final int p0, p1; try { string[] parts = jdkver.trim().split("[^0-9\\.]") parts = parts[0].split("\\."); p0 = integer.parseint(parts[0]); p1 = (parts.length > 1) ? integer.parseint(parts[1]) : 0; } catch (final numberformatexception | arrayindexoutofboundsexception e) { throw new illegalargumentexception("improper java -version string: " + jdkver + "\n" + e); } return new int[] {p0, p1}; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Deprecated public static float getScreenPixelRatio() { //TODO replace with API from Java 9 once that is released if (Platform.isMac()) { Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Object contentScaleFactor = toolkit.getDesktopProperty("apple.awt.contentScaleFactor"); if (contentScaleFactor instanceof Number) { return ((Number) contentScaleFactor).floatValue(); } else { return 1.0f; } } else { return 1.0f; } }
@Deprecated public static float getScreenPixelRatio() { if (Platform.isMac()) { Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Object contentScaleFactor = toolkit.getDesktopProperty("apple.awt.contentScaleFactor"); if (contentScaleFactor instanceof Number) { return ((Number) contentScaleFactor).floatValue(); } else { return 1.0f; } } else { return 1.0f; } }
@deprecated public static float getscreenpixelratio() { if (platform.ismac()) { toolkit toolkit = toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit(); object contentscalefactor = toolkit.getdesktopproperty("apple.awt.contentscalefactor"); if (contentscalefactor instanceof number) { return ((number) contentscalefactor).floatvalue(); } else { return 1.0f; } } else { return 1.0f; } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public Object onExecute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { project = PluginUtil.getSelectedProject(); try { if (project == null) { throw new Exception(Constant.ERROR_NO_SELECTED_PROJECT); } basePath = project.getLocation().toString(); if (MavenUtils.isMavenProject(project)) { destinationPath = MavenUtils.getTargetPath(project); } else { destinationPath = Paths.get(basePath, Constant.DOCKERFILE_FOLDER, project.getName() + ".war") .normalize().toString(); } // Stop running container String runningContainerId = DockerRuntime.getInstance().getRunningContainerId(basePath); if (runningContainerId != null) { boolean stop = MessageDialog.openConfirm(PluginUtil.getParentShell(), "Confirmation", Constant.MESSAGE_CONFIRM_STOP_CONTAINER); if (stop) { DockerRuntime.getInstance().cleanRuningContainer(basePath); } else { return null; } } // Build artifact, destinationPath)); if (MavenUtils.isMavenProject(project)) { MavenExecuteAction action = new MavenExecuteAction(MAVEN_GOALS); IContainer container; container = MavenUtils.getPomFile(project).getParent(); action.launch(container, () -> { // TODO: callback after mvn package done. IMPORTANT buildAndRun(event); return null; }); } else { WarUtil.export(project, destinationPath); buildAndRun(event); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConsoleLogger.error(String.format(Constant.ERROR_RUNNING_DOCKER, e.getMessage())); sendTelemetryOnException(event, e); } return null; }
@Override public Object onExecute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { project = PluginUtil.getSelectedProject(); try { if (project == null) { throw new Exception(Constant.ERROR_NO_SELECTED_PROJECT); } basePath = project.getLocation().toString(); if (MavenUtils.isMavenProject(project)) { destinationPath = MavenUtils.getTargetPath(project); } else { destinationPath = Paths.get(basePath, Constant.DOCKERFILE_FOLDER, project.getName() + ".war") .normalize().toString(); } String runningContainerId = DockerRuntime.getInstance().getRunningContainerId(basePath); if (runningContainerId != null) { boolean stop = MessageDialog.openConfirm(PluginUtil.getParentShell(), "Confirmation", Constant.MESSAGE_CONFIRM_STOP_CONTAINER); if (stop) { DockerRuntime.getInstance().cleanRuningContainer(basePath); } else { return null; } }, destinationPath)); if (MavenUtils.isMavenProject(project)) { MavenExecuteAction action = new MavenExecuteAction(MAVEN_GOALS); IContainer container; container = MavenUtils.getPomFile(project).getParent(); action.launch(container, () -> { buildAndRun(event); return null; }); } else { WarUtil.export(project, destinationPath); buildAndRun(event); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ConsoleLogger.error(String.format(Constant.ERROR_RUNNING_DOCKER, e.getMessage())); sendTelemetryOnException(event, e); } return null; }
@override public object onexecute(executionevent event) throws executionexception { project = pluginutil.getselectedproject(); try { if (project == null) { throw new exception(constant.error_no_selected_project); } basepath = project.getlocation().tostring(); if (mavenutils.ismavenproject(project)) { destinationpath = mavenutils.gettargetpath(project); } else { destinationpath = paths.get(basepath, constant.dockerfile_folder, project.getname() + ".war") .normalize().tostring(); } string runningcontainerid = dockerruntime.getinstance().getrunningcontainerid(basepath); if (runningcontainerid != null) { boolean stop = messagedialog.openconfirm(pluginutil.getparentshell(), "confirmation", constant.message_confirm_stop_container); if (stop) { dockerruntime.getinstance().cleanruningcontainer(basepath); } else { return null; } }, destinationpath)); if (mavenutils.ismavenproject(project)) { mavenexecuteaction action = new mavenexecuteaction(maven_goals); icontainer container; container = mavenutils.getpomfile(project).getparent(); action.launch(container, () -> { buildandrun(event); return null; }); } else { warutil.export(project, destinationpath); buildandrun(event); } } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); consolelogger.error(string.format(constant.error_running_docker, e.getmessage())); sendtelemetryonexception(event, e); } return null; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public ValueInstantiator createOptimized() { /* [Issue#11]: Need to avoid optimizing if we use delegate- or * property-based creators. */ if (_originalInstantiator.canCreateFromObjectWith() || _originalInstantiator.canCreateUsingDelegate()) { return null; } // for now, only consider need to handle default creator AnnotatedWithParams defaultCreator = _originalInstantiator.getDefaultCreator(); if (defaultCreator != null) { AnnotatedElement elem = defaultCreator.getAnnotated(); if (elem instanceof Constructor<?>) { // First things first: as per [Issue#34], can NOT access private ctors or methods Constructor<?> ctor = (Constructor<?>) elem; if (!Modifier.isPrivate(ctor.getModifiers())) { return createSubclass(ctor, null).with(_originalInstantiator); } } else if (elem instanceof Method) { Method m = (Method) elem; int mods = m.getModifiers(); // and as above, can't access private ones if (Modifier.isStatic(mods) && !Modifier.isPrivate(mods)) { return createSubclass(null, m).with(_originalInstantiator); } } } return null; }
public ValueInstantiator createOptimized() { if (_originalInstantiator.canCreateFromObjectWith() || _originalInstantiator.canCreateUsingDelegate()) { return null; } AnnotatedWithParams defaultCreator = _originalInstantiator.getDefaultCreator(); if (defaultCreator != null) { AnnotatedElement elem = defaultCreator.getAnnotated(); if (elem instanceof Constructor<?>) { Constructor<?> ctor = (Constructor<?>) elem; if (!Modifier.isPrivate(ctor.getModifiers())) { return createSubclass(ctor, null).with(_originalInstantiator); } } else if (elem instanceof Method) { Method m = (Method) elem; int mods = m.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(mods) && !Modifier.isPrivate(mods)) { return createSubclass(null, m).with(_originalInstantiator); } } } return null; }
public valueinstantiator createoptimized() { if (_originalinstantiator.cancreatefromobjectwith() || _originalinstantiator.cancreateusingdelegate()) { return null; } annotatedwithparams defaultcreator = _originalinstantiator.getdefaultcreator(); if (defaultcreator != null) { annotatedelement elem = defaultcreator.getannotated(); if (elem instanceof constructor<?>) { constructor<?> ctor = (constructor<?>) elem; if (!modifier.isprivate(ctor.getmodifiers())) { return createsubclass(ctor, null).with(_originalinstantiator); } } else if (elem instanceof method) { method m = (method) elem; int mods = m.getmodifiers(); if (modifier.isstatic(mods) && !modifier.isprivate(mods)) { return createsubclass(null, m).with(_originalinstantiator); } } } return null; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void flush(long timeoutMillis) { // TODO: Flush transport }
@Override public void flush(long timeoutMillis) { }
@override public void flush(long timeoutmillis) { }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
protected boolean startsWithReferenceAnchor(TextLine line) { if (line == null) { return false; } String text = line.getText(); if (text == null) { return false; } return REFERENCE_ANCHOR.matcher(text).find(); }
protected boolean startsWithReferenceAnchor(TextLine line) { if (line == null) { return false; } String text = line.getText(); if (text == null) { return false; } return REFERENCE_ANCHOR.matcher(text).find(); }
protected boolean startswithreferenceanchor(textline line) { if (line == null) { return false; } string text = line.gettext(); if (text == null) { return false; } return reference_anchor.matcher(text).find(); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public Future<?> greetMeSometimeAsync(String requestType, AsyncHandler<GreetMeSometimeResponse> asyncHandler) { return null; /*not called */ }
public Future<?> greetMeSometimeAsync(String requestType, AsyncHandler<GreetMeSometimeResponse> asyncHandler) { return null; }
public future<?> greetmesometimeasync(string requesttype, asynchandler<greetmesometimeresponse> asynchandler) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Response<GreetMeSometimeResponse> greetMeSometimeAsync(String requestType) { return null; /*not called */ }
public Response<GreetMeSometimeResponse> greetMeSometimeAsync(String requestType) { return null; }
public response<greetmesometimeresponse> greetmesometimeasync(string requesttype) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Response<TestDocLitFaultResponse> testDocLitFaultAsync(String faultType) { return null; /*not called */ }
public Response<TestDocLitFaultResponse> testDocLitFaultAsync(String faultType) { return null; }
public response<testdoclitfaultresponse> testdoclitfaultasync(string faulttype) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Future<?> testDocLitFaultAsync(String faultType, AsyncHandler ah) { return null; /*not called */ }
public Future<?> testDocLitFaultAsync(String faultType, AsyncHandler ah) { return null; }
public future<?> testdoclitfaultasync(string faulttype, asynchandler ah) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Future<?> testDocLitBareAsync(String bare, AsyncHandler ah) { return null; /* not called */ }
public Future<?> testDocLitBareAsync(String bare, AsyncHandler ah) { return null; }
public future<?> testdoclitbareasync(string bare, asynchandler ah) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Response<BareDocumentResponse> testDocLitBareAsync(String bare) { return null; /* not called */ }
public Response<BareDocumentResponse> testDocLitBareAsync(String bare) { return null; }
public response<baredocumentresponse> testdoclitbareasync(string bare) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Future<?> greetMeAsync(String requestType, AsyncHandler<GreetMeResponse> asyncHandler) { return null; /*not called */ }
public Future<?> greetMeAsync(String requestType, AsyncHandler<GreetMeResponse> asyncHandler) { return null; }
public future<?> greetmeasync(string requesttype, asynchandler<greetmeresponse> asynchandler) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Response<GreetMeResponse> greetMeAsync(String requestType) { return null; /*not called */ }
public Response<GreetMeResponse> greetMeAsync(String requestType) { return null; }
public response<greetmeresponse> greetmeasync(string requesttype) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Future<?> greetMeLaterAsync(long requestType, AsyncHandler<GreetMeLaterResponse> asyncHandler) { return null; /*not called */ }
public Future<?> greetMeLaterAsync(long requestType, AsyncHandler<GreetMeLaterResponse> asyncHandler) { return null; }
public future<?> greetmelaterasync(long requesttype, asynchandler<greetmelaterresponse> asynchandler) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Response<GreetMeLaterResponse> greetMeLaterAsync(long requestType) { return null; /*not called */ }
public Response<GreetMeLaterResponse> greetMeLaterAsync(long requestType) { return null; }
public response<greetmelaterresponse> greetmelaterasync(long requesttype) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Future<?> sayHiAsync(AsyncHandler<SayHiResponse> asyncHandler) { return null; /*not called */ }
public Future<?> sayHiAsync(AsyncHandler<SayHiResponse> asyncHandler) { return null; }
public future<?> sayhiasync(asynchandler<sayhiresponse> asynchandler) { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Response<SayHiResponse> sayHiAsync() { return null; /*not called */ }
public Response<SayHiResponse> sayHiAsync() { return null; }
public response<sayhiresponse> sayhiasync() { return null; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
private ClusteringIndexFilter makeIndexFilter(AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex index, ReadCommand command) { if (command instanceof SinglePartitionReadCommand) { // Note: as yet there's no route to get here - a 2i query *always* uses a // PartitionRangeReadCommand. This is here in preparation for coming changes // in SelectStatement. SinglePartitionReadCommand sprc = (SinglePartitionReadCommand)command; ByteBuffer pk = sprc.partitionKey().getKey(); ClusteringIndexFilter filter = sprc.clusteringIndexFilter(); if (filter instanceof ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) { NavigableSet<Clustering> requested = ((ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)filter).requestedRows(); NavigableSet<Clustering> clusterings = new TreeSet<>(index.getIndexComparator()); for (Clustering c : requested) clusterings.add(index.makeIndexClustering(pk, c, (Cell)null).takeAlias()); return new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(clusterings, filter.isReversed()); } else { Slices requested = ((ClusteringIndexSliceFilter)filter).requestedSlices(); Slices.Builder builder = new Slices.Builder(index.getIndexComparator()); for (Slice slice : requested) builder.add(index.makeIndexBound(pk, slice.start()), index.makeIndexBound(pk, slice.end())); return new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(, filter.isReversed()); } } else { DataRange dataRange = ((PartitionRangeReadCommand)command).dataRange(); AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> range = dataRange.keyRange(); Slice slice = Slice.ALL; /* * XXX: If the range requested is a token range, we'll have to start at the beginning (and stop at the end) of * the indexed row unfortunately (which will be inefficient), because we have no way to intuit the smallest possible * key having a given token. A potential fix would be to actually store the token along the key in the indexed row. */ if (range.left instanceof DecoratedKey) { // the right hand side of the range may not be a DecoratedKey (for instance if we're paging), // but if it is, we can optimise slightly by restricting the slice if (range.right instanceof DecoratedKey) { DecoratedKey startKey = (DecoratedKey) range.left; DecoratedKey endKey = (DecoratedKey) range.right; Slice.Bound start = Slice.Bound.BOTTOM; Slice.Bound end = Slice.Bound.TOP; /* * For index queries over a range, we can't do a whole lot better than querying everything for the key range, though for * slice queries where we can slightly restrict the beginning and end. */ if (!dataRange.isNamesQuery()) { ClusteringIndexSliceFilter startSliceFilter = ((ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) dataRange.clusteringIndexFilter(startKey)); ClusteringIndexSliceFilter endSliceFilter = ((ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) dataRange.clusteringIndexFilter(endKey)); // We can't effectively support reversed queries when we have a range, so we don't support it // (or through post-query reordering) and shouldn't get there. assert !startSliceFilter.isReversed() && !endSliceFilter.isReversed(); Slices startSlices = startSliceFilter.requestedSlices(); Slices endSlices = endSliceFilter.requestedSlices(); if (startSlices.size() > 0) start = startSlices.get(0).start(); if (endSlices.size() > 0) end = endSlices.get(endSlices.size() - 1).end(); } slice = Slice.make(index.makeIndexBound(startKey.getKey(), start), index.makeIndexBound(endKey.getKey(), end)); } else { // otherwise, just start the index slice from the key we do have slice = Slice.make(index.makeIndexBound(((DecoratedKey)range.left).getKey(), Slice.Bound.BOTTOM), Slice.Bound.TOP); } } return new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(Slices.with(index.getIndexComparator(), slice), false); } }
private ClusteringIndexFilter makeIndexFilter(AbstractSimplePerColumnSecondaryIndex index, ReadCommand command) { if (command instanceof SinglePartitionReadCommand) { SinglePartitionReadCommand sprc = (SinglePartitionReadCommand)command; ByteBuffer pk = sprc.partitionKey().getKey(); ClusteringIndexFilter filter = sprc.clusteringIndexFilter(); if (filter instanceof ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) { NavigableSet<Clustering> requested = ((ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)filter).requestedRows(); NavigableSet<Clustering> clusterings = new TreeSet<>(index.getIndexComparator()); for (Clustering c : requested) clusterings.add(index.makeIndexClustering(pk, c, (Cell)null).takeAlias()); return new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(clusterings, filter.isReversed()); } else { Slices requested = ((ClusteringIndexSliceFilter)filter).requestedSlices(); Slices.Builder builder = new Slices.Builder(index.getIndexComparator()); for (Slice slice : requested) builder.add(index.makeIndexBound(pk, slice.start()), index.makeIndexBound(pk, slice.end())); return new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(, filter.isReversed()); } } else { DataRange dataRange = ((PartitionRangeReadCommand)command).dataRange(); AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> range = dataRange.keyRange(); Slice slice = Slice.ALL; if (range.left instanceof DecoratedKey) { if (range.right instanceof DecoratedKey) { DecoratedKey startKey = (DecoratedKey) range.left; DecoratedKey endKey = (DecoratedKey) range.right; Slice.Bound start = Slice.Bound.BOTTOM; Slice.Bound end = Slice.Bound.TOP; if (!dataRange.isNamesQuery()) { ClusteringIndexSliceFilter startSliceFilter = ((ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) dataRange.clusteringIndexFilter(startKey)); ClusteringIndexSliceFilter endSliceFilter = ((ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) dataRange.clusteringIndexFilter(endKey)); assert !startSliceFilter.isReversed() && !endSliceFilter.isReversed(); Slices startSlices = startSliceFilter.requestedSlices(); Slices endSlices = endSliceFilter.requestedSlices(); if (startSlices.size() > 0) start = startSlices.get(0).start(); if (endSlices.size() > 0) end = endSlices.get(endSlices.size() - 1).end(); } slice = Slice.make(index.makeIndexBound(startKey.getKey(), start), index.makeIndexBound(endKey.getKey(), end)); } else { slice = Slice.make(index.makeIndexBound(((DecoratedKey)range.left).getKey(), Slice.Bound.BOTTOM), Slice.Bound.TOP); } } return new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(Slices.with(index.getIndexComparator(), slice), false); } }
private clusteringindexfilter makeindexfilter(abstractsimplepercolumnsecondaryindex index, readcommand command) { if (command instanceof singlepartitionreadcommand) { singlepartitionreadcommand sprc = (singlepartitionreadcommand)command; bytebuffer pk = sprc.partitionkey().getkey(); clusteringindexfilter filter = sprc.clusteringindexfilter(); if (filter instanceof clusteringindexnamesfilter) { navigableset<clustering> requested = ((clusteringindexnamesfilter)filter).requestedrows(); navigableset<clustering> clusterings = new treeset<>(index.getindexcomparator()); for (clustering c : requested) clusterings.add(index.makeindexclustering(pk, c, (cell)null).takealias()); return new clusteringindexnamesfilter(clusterings, filter.isreversed()); } else { slices requested = ((clusteringindexslicefilter)filter).requestedslices(); slices.builder builder = new slices.builder(index.getindexcomparator()); for (slice slice : requested) builder.add(index.makeindexbound(pk, slice.start()), index.makeindexbound(pk, slice.end())); return new clusteringindexslicefilter(, filter.isreversed()); } } else { datarange datarange = ((partitionrangereadcommand)command).datarange(); abstractbounds<partitionposition> range = datarange.keyrange(); slice slice = slice.all; if (range.left instanceof decoratedkey) { if (range.right instanceof decoratedkey) { decoratedkey startkey = (decoratedkey) range.left; decoratedkey endkey = (decoratedkey) range.right; slice.bound start = slice.bound.bottom; slice.bound end =; if (!datarange.isnamesquery()) { clusteringindexslicefilter startslicefilter = ((clusteringindexslicefilter) datarange.clusteringindexfilter(startkey)); clusteringindexslicefilter endslicefilter = ((clusteringindexslicefilter) datarange.clusteringindexfilter(endkey)); assert !startslicefilter.isreversed() && !endslicefilter.isreversed(); slices startslices = startslicefilter.requestedslices(); slices endslices = endslicefilter.requestedslices(); if (startslices.size() > 0) start = startslices.get(0).start(); if (endslices.size() > 0) end = endslices.get(endslices.size() - 1).end(); } slice = slice.make(index.makeindexbound(startkey.getkey(), start), index.makeindexbound(endkey.getkey(), end)); } else { slice = slice.make(index.makeindexbound(((decoratedkey)range.left).getkey(), slice.bound.bottom),; } } return new clusteringindexslicefilter(slices.with(index.getindexcomparator(), slice), false); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public static <T extends ColumnSet> boolean fillColumnSets(Catalog catalog, Schema schema, Collection<T> output, final int tClassifierId) { // --- precondition if (catalog == null && schema == null) { return false; } RelationalSwitch<T> relationalSwitch = new RelationalSwitch<T>() { @Override protected T doSwitch(int classifierID, EObject theEObject) { if (theEObject.eClass().getClassifierID() != tClassifierId) { return null; } else { return super.doSwitch(classifierID, theEObject); } } @Override public T caseColumnSet(ColumnSet object) { return castObject(object); } @Override public T caseTable(Table object) { return castObject(object); } @Override public T caseTdTable(TdTable object) { return castObject(object); } @Override public T caseTdView(TdView object) { return castObject(object); } @Override public T caseView(View object) { return castObject(object); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private T castObject(Object object) { return (T) object; } }; EList<ModelElement> elements = (schema != null) ? schema.getOwnedElement() : catalog.getOwnedElement(); if (elements.isEmpty()) { // no element found return false; } for (EObject elt : elements) { T columnSet = relationalSwitch.doSwitch(elt); if (columnSet != null) { output.add(columnSet); } } return true; }
public static <T extends ColumnSet> boolean fillColumnSets(Catalog catalog, Schema schema, Collection<T> output, final int tClassifierId) { if (catalog == null && schema == null) { return false; } RelationalSwitch<T> relationalSwitch = new RelationalSwitch<T>() { @Override protected T doSwitch(int classifierID, EObject theEObject) { if (theEObject.eClass().getClassifierID() != tClassifierId) { return null; } else { return super.doSwitch(classifierID, theEObject); } } @Override public T caseColumnSet(ColumnSet object) { return castObject(object); } @Override public T caseTable(Table object) { return castObject(object); } @Override public T caseTdTable(TdTable object) { return castObject(object); } @Override public T caseTdView(TdView object) { return castObject(object); } @Override public T caseView(View object) { return castObject(object); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private T castObject(Object object) { return (T) object; } }; EList<ModelElement> elements = (schema != null) ? schema.getOwnedElement() : catalog.getOwnedElement(); if (elements.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (EObject elt : elements) { T columnSet = relationalSwitch.doSwitch(elt); if (columnSet != null) { output.add(columnSet); } } return true; }
public static <t extends columnset> boolean fillcolumnsets(catalog catalog, schema schema, collection<t> output, final int tclassifierid) { if (catalog == null && schema == null) { return false; } relationalswitch<t> relationalswitch = new relationalswitch<t>() { @override protected t doswitch(int classifierid, eobject theeobject) { if (theeobject.eclass().getclassifierid() != tclassifierid) { return null; } else { return super.doswitch(classifierid, theeobject); } } @override public t casecolumnset(columnset object) { return castobject(object); } @override public t casetable(table object) { return castobject(object); } @override public t casetdtable(tdtable object) { return castobject(object); } @override public t casetdview(tdview object) { return castobject(object); } @override public t caseview(view object) { return castobject(object); } @suppresswarnings("unchecked") private t castobject(object object) { return (t) object; } }; elist<modelelement> elements = (schema != null) ? schema.getownedelement() : catalog.getownedelement(); if (elements.isempty()) { return false; } for (eobject elt : elements) { t columnset = relationalswitch.doswitch(elt); if (columnset != null) { output.add(columnset); } } return true; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
public void controllerStatusChanged(boolean isPlaying) { // Rocket doesn't implement this yet! // Would be useful to control Rocket from demo's side }
public void controllerStatusChanged(boolean isPlaying) { }
public void controllerstatuschanged(boolean isplaying) { }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public boolean addPendingAuthorisationtoBlock() {"DefaultBlockChainPublisher:: addPendingAuthorisationtoBlock method called with Client ID:"); block = new Block(); try{ ArrayList<BlockChainAuthorisedObj> pendingAuthorisationArrayList; synchronized (pendingAuthorisationContainer){ pendingAuthorisationArrayList = pendingAuthorisationContainer.getPendingAccessTokens();"pendingAuthorisationArrayList Size: "+ pendingAuthorisationArrayList.size()); pendingAuthorisationContainer.reset();"pendingAuthorisationArrayList Size post reset: "+ pendingAuthorisationArrayList.size()); } // We need to order Merkle tree 1st before acually // Actual Merkel Tree implementation in Java. We probably will go with a less dramatic version for POC. }catch (Exception ex){ logger.error(ex.getStackTrace()); } return false; }
@Override public boolean addPendingAuthorisationtoBlock() {"DefaultBlockChainPublisher:: addPendingAuthorisationtoBlock method called with Client ID:"); block = new Block(); try{ ArrayList<BlockChainAuthorisedObj> pendingAuthorisationArrayList; synchronized (pendingAuthorisationContainer){ pendingAuthorisationArrayList = pendingAuthorisationContainer.getPendingAccessTokens();"pendingAuthorisationArrayList Size: "+ pendingAuthorisationArrayList.size()); pendingAuthorisationContainer.reset();"pendingAuthorisationArrayList Size post reset: "+ pendingAuthorisationArrayList.size()); } }catch (Exception ex){ logger.error(ex.getStackTrace()); } return false; }
@override public boolean addpendingauthorisationtoblock() {"defaultblockchainpublisher:: addpendingauthorisationtoblock method called with client id:"); block = new block(); try{ arraylist<blockchainauthorisedobj> pendingauthorisationarraylist; synchronized (pendingauthorisationcontainer){ pendingauthorisationarraylist = pendingauthorisationcontainer.getpendingaccesstokens();"pendingauthorisationarraylist size: "+ pendingauthorisationarraylist.size()); pendingauthorisationcontainer.reset();"pendingauthorisationarraylist size post reset: "+ pendingauthorisationarraylist.size()); } }catch (exception ex){ logger.error(ex.getstacktrace()); } return false; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void getToken(JSONArray args) { if (args == null || args.length() == 0) { return; } try { if (args.length() >= 5) { JSONArray jsonArray = args.getJSONArray(2); ArrayList<String> clientScopes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (jsonArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { clientScopes.add(jsonArray.get(i).toString()); } } this.clientId = args.getString(0); this.clientSecret = args.getString(1); this.clientScopes = clientScopes; this.clientRedirectUri = args.getString(3); this.production = args.getBoolean(4); //todo send to background SSOHelper.getToken(this, this.cordova.getActivity(), clientId, clientSecret, clientScopes, clientRedirectUri, production); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); callbackContext.error(e.getMessage()); } }
private void getToken(JSONArray args) { if (args == null || args.length() == 0) { return; } try { if (args.length() >= 5) { JSONArray jsonArray = args.getJSONArray(2); ArrayList<String> clientScopes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (jsonArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { clientScopes.add(jsonArray.get(i).toString()); } } this.clientId = args.getString(0); this.clientSecret = args.getString(1); this.clientScopes = clientScopes; this.clientRedirectUri = args.getString(3); this.production = args.getBoolean(4); SSOHelper.getToken(this, this.cordova.getActivity(), clientId, clientSecret, clientScopes, clientRedirectUri, production); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); callbackContext.error(e.getMessage()); } }
private void gettoken(jsonarray args) { if (args == null || args.length() == 0) { return; } try { if (args.length() >= 5) { jsonarray jsonarray = args.getjsonarray(2); arraylist<string> clientscopes = new arraylist<string>(); if (jsonarray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonarray.length(); i++) { clientscopes.add(jsonarray.get(i).tostring()); } } this.clientid = args.getstring(0); this.clientsecret = args.getstring(1); this.clientscopes = clientscopes; this.clientredirecturi = args.getstring(3); this.production = args.getboolean(4); ssohelper.gettoken(this, this.cordova.getactivity(), clientid, clientsecret, clientscopes, clientredirecturi, production); } } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); callbackcontext.error(e.getmessage()); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void logout(JSONArray args) { if (args == null || args.length() == 0) { return; } try { if (args.length() >= 5) { JSONArray jsonArray = args.getJSONArray(2); ArrayList<String> clientScopes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (jsonArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { clientScopes.add(jsonArray.get(i).toString()); } } this.clientId = args.getString(0); this.clientSecret = args.getString(1); this.clientScopes = clientScopes; this.clientRedirectUri = args.getString(3); this.production = args.getBoolean(4); //todo send to background SSOHelper.logout(this.cordova.getActivity(), clientId, clientSecret, production); this.callbackContext.success(); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); callbackContext.error(e.getMessage()); } }
private void logout(JSONArray args) { if (args == null || args.length() == 0) { return; } try { if (args.length() >= 5) { JSONArray jsonArray = args.getJSONArray(2); ArrayList<String> clientScopes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (jsonArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { clientScopes.add(jsonArray.get(i).toString()); } } this.clientId = args.getString(0); this.clientSecret = args.getString(1); this.clientScopes = clientScopes; this.clientRedirectUri = args.getString(3); this.production = args.getBoolean(4); SSOHelper.logout(this.cordova.getActivity(), clientId, clientSecret, production); this.callbackContext.success(); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); callbackContext.error(e.getMessage()); } }
private void logout(jsonarray args) { if (args == null || args.length() == 0) { return; } try { if (args.length() >= 5) { jsonarray jsonarray = args.getjsonarray(2); arraylist<string> clientscopes = new arraylist<string>(); if (jsonarray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonarray.length(); i++) { clientscopes.add(jsonarray.get(i).tostring()); } } this.clientid = args.getstring(0); this.clientsecret = args.getstring(1); this.clientscopes = clientscopes; this.clientredirecturi = args.getstring(3); this.production = args.getboolean(4); ssohelper.logout(this.cordova.getactivity(), clientid, clientsecret, production); this.callbackcontext.success(); } } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); callbackcontext.error(e.getmessage()); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public static int getCurveSize(String name) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { name = name.toLowerCase(); if (name.equals("secp224r1")) { return 224; } else if (name.equals("secp256r1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("secp384r1")) { return 384; } else if (name.equals("secp521r1")) { return 521; } else if (name.equals("secp256k1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp224r1")) { return 224; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp224t1")) { return 224; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp256r1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp256t1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp320r1")) { return 320; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp320t1")) { return 320; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp384r1")) { return 384; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp384t1")) { return 384; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp512r1")) { return 512; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp512t1")) { return 512; } else { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Curve not implemented:" + name); } }
public static int getCurveSize(String name) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { name = name.toLowerCase(); if (name.equals("secp224r1")) { return 224; } else if (name.equals("secp256r1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("secp384r1")) { return 384; } else if (name.equals("secp521r1")) { return 521; } else if (name.equals("secp256k1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp224r1")) { return 224; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp224t1")) { return 224; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp256r1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp256t1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp320r1")) { return 320; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp320t1")) { return 320; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp384r1")) { return 384; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp384t1")) { return 384; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp512r1")) { return 512; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp512t1")) { return 512; } else { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Curve not implemented:" + name); } }
public static int getcurvesize(string name) throws nosuchalgorithmexception { name = name.tolowercase(); if (name.equals("secp224r1")) { return 224; } else if (name.equals("secp256r1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("secp384r1")) { return 384; } else if (name.equals("secp521r1")) { return 521; } else if (name.equals("secp256k1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp224r1")) { return 224; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp224t1")) { return 224; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp256r1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp256t1")) { return 256; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp320r1")) { return 320; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp320t1")) { return 320; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp384r1")) { return 384; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp384t1")) { return 384; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp512r1")) { return 512; } else if (name.equals("brainpoolp512t1")) { return 512; } else { throw new nosuchalgorithmexception("curve not implemented:" + name); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
protected Boolean Authenticated() { String OauthToken = request().getHeader("token"); if (OauthToken == null || OauthToken.isEmpty()) { return false; } Oauth token = Oauth .find .where() .eq("token", OauthToken) .eq("active", OathTokenActive) .findUnique(); if (token != null) { return true; } return false; }
protected Boolean Authenticated() { String OauthToken = request().getHeader("token"); if (OauthToken == null || OauthToken.isEmpty()) { return false; } Oauth token = Oauth .find .where() .eq("token", OauthToken) .eq("active", OathTokenActive) .findUnique(); if (token != null) { return true; } return false; }
protected boolean authenticated() { string oauthtoken = request().getheader("token"); if (oauthtoken == null || oauthtoken.isempty()) { return false; } oauth token = oauth .find .where() .eq("token", oauthtoken) .eq("active", oathtokenactive) .findunique(); if (token != null) { return true; } return false; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { getLog().info("Updating Connection:" + connection + " for integration " + integrationName + "_" + integrationVersion + " from " + baseUrl); checkEnvProperties(); Connection conn = new Connection(connection, baseUrl, icsUser, icsPassword); conn.setLog(getLog()); String projectDirectory = project.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath(); try { //TODO add copy prop file to /target/config/ with filtering. // Update - just copy the one file... for now lets copy them all copyConfigFiles(projectDirectory + connectionConfigDir, projectDirectory + "/target/connections"); conn.setConfigDirectory(projectDirectory + "/target/connections"); conn.updateConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage()); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { getLog().info("Updating Connection:" + connection + " for integration " + integrationName + "_" + integrationVersion + " from " + baseUrl); checkEnvProperties(); Connection conn = new Connection(connection, baseUrl, icsUser, icsPassword); conn.setLog(getLog()); String projectDirectory = project.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath(); try { copyConfigFiles(projectDirectory + connectionConfigDir, projectDirectory + "/target/connections"); conn.setConfigDirectory(projectDirectory + "/target/connections"); conn.updateConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage()); } }
@override public void execute() throws mojoexecutionexception, mojofailureexception { getlog().info("updating connection:" + connection + " for integration " + integrationname + "_" + integrationversion + " from " + baseurl); checkenvproperties(); connection conn = new connection(connection, baseurl, icsuser, icspassword); conn.setlog(getlog()); string projectdirectory = project.getbasedir().getabsolutepath(); try { copyconfigfiles(projectdirectory + connectionconfigdir, projectdirectory + "/target/connections"); conn.setconfigdirectory(projectdirectory + "/target/connections"); conn.updateconnection(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); throw new mojoexecutionexception(e.getmessage()); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
static String resolve(String message, Object[] args) { String formatted = String.format(message, args); // TODO - fix! this case fails: ^cyan^warn^r^ if ^warn^ is evaluated first...really meant for ^cyan^ and ^r^ // TODO - to be resolved for (String key : TERM_CODES.keySet()) { TermCode termCode = TERM_CODES.get(key); Matcher matcher = termCode.pattern.matcher(formatted); if (matcher.find()) { if (("warn".equals(key) && !warnLevel.get()) || ("info".equals(key) && !infoLevel.get()) || ("dbug".equals(key) && !dbugLevel.get())) { // this is a log statement for a disabled log-level, skip. return null; } if (decorated.get()) { String output = isColoredOutput() ? termCode.output : termCode.nonColoredOutput; formatted = matcher.replaceAll(output); } } } return formatted; }
static String resolve(String message, Object[] args) { String formatted = String.format(message, args); for (String key : TERM_CODES.keySet()) { TermCode termCode = TERM_CODES.get(key); Matcher matcher = termCode.pattern.matcher(formatted); if (matcher.find()) { if (("warn".equals(key) && !warnLevel.get()) || ("info".equals(key) && !infoLevel.get()) || ("dbug".equals(key) && !dbugLevel.get())) { return null; } if (decorated.get()) { String output = isColoredOutput() ? termCode.output : termCode.nonColoredOutput; formatted = matcher.replaceAll(output); } } } return formatted; }
static string resolve(string message, object[] args) { string formatted = string.format(message, args); for (string key : term_codes.keyset()) { termcode termcode = term_codes.get(key); matcher matcher = termcode.pattern.matcher(formatted); if (matcher.find()) { if (("warn".equals(key) && !warnlevel.get()) || ("info".equals(key) && !infolevel.get()) || ("dbug".equals(key) && !dbuglevel.get())) { return null; } if (decorated.get()) { string output = iscoloredoutput() ? termcode.output : termcode.noncoloredoutput; formatted = matcher.replaceall(output); } } } return formatted; }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
public void removeSegment(IndexSegment segment) { // TODO(saurabh): Explain reload scenario here Iterator<PrimaryKey> primaryKeyIterator = getPrimaryKeyIterator(segment, _primaryKeyColumns); while (primaryKeyIterator.hasNext()) { PrimaryKey pk =; _primaryKeyToSegmentMap.compute(HashUtils.hashPrimaryKey(pk, _hashFunction), (primaryKey, currentSegment) -> { if (currentSegment == segment) { return null; } else { return currentSegment; } }); } _serverMetrics.setValueOfPartitionGauge(_tableNameWithType, _partitionId, ServerGauge.DEDUP_PRIMARY_KEYS_COUNT, _primaryKeyToSegmentMap.size()); }
public void removeSegment(IndexSegment segment) { Iterator<PrimaryKey> primaryKeyIterator = getPrimaryKeyIterator(segment, _primaryKeyColumns); while (primaryKeyIterator.hasNext()) { PrimaryKey pk =; _primaryKeyToSegmentMap.compute(HashUtils.hashPrimaryKey(pk, _hashFunction), (primaryKey, currentSegment) -> { if (currentSegment == segment) { return null; } else { return currentSegment; } }); } _serverMetrics.setValueOfPartitionGauge(_tableNameWithType, _partitionId, ServerGauge.DEDUP_PRIMARY_KEYS_COUNT, _primaryKeyToSegmentMap.size()); }
public void removesegment(indexsegment segment) { iterator<primarykey> primarykeyiterator = getprimarykeyiterator(segment, _primarykeycolumns); while (primarykeyiterator.hasnext()) { primarykey pk =; _primarykeytosegmentmap.compute(hashutils.hashprimarykey(pk, _hashfunction), (primarykey, currentsegment) -> { if (currentsegment == segment) { return null; } else { return currentsegment; } }); } _servermetrics.setvalueofpartitiongauge(_tablenamewithtype, _partitionid, servergauge.dedup_primary_keys_count, _primarykeytosegmentmap.size()); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
protected InputStream getContentStream() throws MessagingException { try { synchronized(this) { if (contentStream == null) { InputStream rawcontent = folder.getProtocol().retr(msgnum, msgSize > 0 ? msgSize + hdrSize : 0); if (rawcontent == null) { expunged = true; throw new MessageRemovedException(); // XXX - what else? } if (headers == null || ((POP3Store)(folder.getStore())).forgetTopHeaders) { headers = new InternetHeaders(rawcontent); hdrSize = (int)((SharedInputStream)rawcontent).getPosition(); } else { /* * Already have the headers, have to skip the headers * in the content array and return the body. * * XXX - It seems that some mail servers return slightly * different headers in the RETR results than were returned * in the TOP results, so we can't depend on remembering * the size of the headers from the TOP command and just * skipping that many bytes. Instead, we have to process * the content, skipping over the header until we come to * the empty line that separates the header from the body. */ int offset = 0; for (;;) { int len = 0; // number of bytes in this line int c1; while ((c1 = >= 0) { if (c1 == '\n') // end of line break; else if (c1 == '\r') { // got CR, is the next char LF? if (rawcontent.available() > 0) { rawcontent.mark(1); if ( != '\n') rawcontent.reset(); } break; // in any case, end of line } // not CR, NL, or CRLF, count the byte len++; } // here when end of line or out of data // if out of data, we're done if (rawcontent.available() == 0) break; // if it was an empty line, we're done if (len == 0) break; } hdrSize = (int)((SharedInputStream)rawcontent).getPosition(); } contentStream = ((SharedInputStream)rawcontent).newStream(hdrSize, -1); rawcontent = null; // help GC } } } catch (EOFException eex) { folder.close(false); throw new FolderClosedException(folder, eex.toString()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MessagingException("error fetching POP3 content", ex); } return super.getContentStream(); }
protected InputStream getContentStream() throws MessagingException { try { synchronized(this) { if (contentStream == null) { InputStream rawcontent = folder.getProtocol().retr(msgnum, msgSize > 0 ? msgSize + hdrSize : 0); if (rawcontent == null) { expunged = true; throw new MessageRemovedException(); } if (headers == null || ((POP3Store)(folder.getStore())).forgetTopHeaders) { headers = new InternetHeaders(rawcontent); hdrSize = (int)((SharedInputStream)rawcontent).getPosition(); } else { int offset = 0; for (;;) { int len = 0; int c1; while ((c1 = >= 0) { if (c1 == '\n') break; else if (c1 == '\r') { if (rawcontent.available() > 0) { rawcontent.mark(1); if ( != '\n') rawcontent.reset(); } break; } len++; } if (rawcontent.available() == 0) break; if (len == 0) break; } hdrSize = (int)((SharedInputStream)rawcontent).getPosition(); } contentStream = ((SharedInputStream)rawcontent).newStream(hdrSize, -1); rawcontent = null; } } } catch (EOFException eex) { folder.close(false); throw new FolderClosedException(folder, eex.toString()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MessagingException("error fetching POP3 content", ex); } return super.getContentStream(); }
protected inputstream getcontentstream() throws messagingexception { try { synchronized(this) { if (contentstream == null) { inputstream rawcontent = folder.getprotocol().retr(msgnum, msgsize > 0 ? msgsize + hdrsize : 0); if (rawcontent == null) { expunged = true; throw new messageremovedexception(); } if (headers == null || ((pop3store)(folder.getstore())).forgettopheaders) { headers = new internetheaders(rawcontent); hdrsize = (int)((sharedinputstream)rawcontent).getposition(); } else { int offset = 0; for (;;) { int len = 0; int c1; while ((c1 = >= 0) { if (c1 == '\n') break; else if (c1 == '\r') { if (rawcontent.available() > 0) { rawcontent.mark(1); if ( != '\n') rawcontent.reset(); } break; } len++; } if (rawcontent.available() == 0) break; if (len == 0) break; } hdrsize = (int)((sharedinputstream)rawcontent).getposition(); } contentstream = ((sharedinputstream)rawcontent).newstream(hdrsize, -1); rawcontent = null; } } } catch (eofexception eex) { folder.close(false); throw new folderclosedexception(folder, eex.tostring()); } catch (ioexception ex) { throw new messagingexception("error fetching pop3 content", ex); } return super.getcontentstream(); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void setHeader(String name, String value) throws MessagingException { // XXX - should check for read-only folder? throw new IllegalWriteException("POP3 messages are read-only"); }
public void setHeader(String name, String value) throws MessagingException { throw new IllegalWriteException("POP3 messages are read-only"); }
public void setheader(string name, string value) throws messagingexception { throw new illegalwriteexception("pop3 messages are read-only"); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void addHeader(String name, String value) throws MessagingException { // XXX - should check for read-only folder? throw new IllegalWriteException("POP3 messages are read-only"); }
public void addHeader(String name, String value) throws MessagingException { throw new IllegalWriteException("POP3 messages are read-only"); }
public void addheader(string name, string value) throws messagingexception { throw new illegalwriteexception("pop3 messages are read-only"); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void removeHeader(String name) throws MessagingException { // XXX - should check for read-only folder? throw new IllegalWriteException("POP3 messages are read-only"); }
public void removeHeader(String name) throws MessagingException { throw new IllegalWriteException("POP3 messages are read-only"); }
public void removeheader(string name) throws messagingexception { throw new illegalwriteexception("pop3 messages are read-only"); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void addHeaderLine(String line) throws MessagingException { // XXX - should check for read-only folder? throw new IllegalWriteException("POP3 messages are read-only"); }
public void addHeaderLine(String line) throws MessagingException { throw new IllegalWriteException("POP3 messages are read-only"); }
public void addheaderline(string line) throws messagingexception { throw new illegalwriteexception("pop3 messages are read-only"); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void findEvents(Context context, String name, MultiName multiName, int pos, Watcher watcher, ReferenceValue ref) { String srcTypeName = null; if (watcher.isPartOfAnonObjectGraph()) { srcTypeName = standardDefs.CLASS_OBJECTPROXY; } else if (! srcTypeStack.empty()) { srcTypeName = srcTypeStack.peek(); } Watcher parentWatcher = watcher.getParent(); if ((parentWatcher != null) && parentWatcher.isOperation()) { watcher.addChangeEvent("resultForBinding"); } else if (srcTypeName != null) { AbcClass watchedClass = typeTable.getClass(srcTypeName); if (watchedClass != null) { if ( watchedClass.isSubclassOf(standardDefs.CLASS_OBJECTPROXY) ) { watcher.setPartOfAnonObjectGraph(true); } List metaData = watchedClass.getMetaData(BINDABLE, true); boolean foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData); boolean foundSource = false; Variable variable = getVariable(context, watchedClass, ref, multiName); if (variable != null) { metaData = variable.getMetaData(BINDABLE); foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = variable.getMetaData(CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = variable.getMetaData(NON_COMMITTING_CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addNonCommittingChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; // Object has a public static const variable names "length", which is // some legacy compatibility crap left over from EMCA script 262, so // we ignore it. if (variable.isConst() && !(multiName.getLocalPart().equals("length") && variable.getDeclaringClassName().equals(SymbolTable.OBJECT))) { // We didn't really find any events, but we want // to follow the same code path below as if we did. foundEvents = true; // TODO will this ever be something besides a PropertyWatcher? if (watcher instanceof PropertyWatcher) { ((PropertyWatcher) watcher).suppress(); } } // See comment above. if (!(multiName.getLocalPart().equals("length") && variable.getDeclaringClassName().equals(SymbolTable.OBJECT))) { checkForStaticProperty(variable.isStatic(), watcher, srcTypeName); } foundSource = true; } if (!foundEvents) { Method getter = getGetter(context, watchedClass, ref, multiName); if (getter != null) { metaData = getter.getMetaData(BINDABLE); foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = getter.getMetaData(CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = getter.getMetaData(NON_COMMITTING_CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addNonCommittingChangeEvents( watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; checkForStaticProperty(getter.isStatic(), watcher, srcTypeName); foundSource = true; } Method setter = getSetter(context, watchedClass, ref, multiName); if (setter != null) { metaData = setter.getMetaData(BINDABLE); foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = setter.getMetaData(CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = setter.getMetaData(NON_COMMITTING_CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addNonCommittingChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; checkForStaticProperty(setter.isStatic(), watcher, srcTypeName); foundSource = true; } else { if (getter != null) { // getters without setters are de facto const, use same bypass as above for const vars foundEvents = true; } } } if (!foundSource) { Method function = getMethod(context, watchedClass, ref, multiName); if (function != null) { metaData = function.getMetaData(BINDABLE); foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = function.getMetaData(CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = function.getMetaData(NON_COMMITTING_CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addNonCommittingChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; foundSource = true; if (!foundEvents && callExpressionStack.isEmpty()) { foundEvents = true; // TODO will this ever be something besides a PropertyWatcher? if (watcher instanceof PropertyWatcher) { ((PropertyWatcher)watcher).suppress(); } } } } if ((!foundSource) && watchedClass.isSubclassOf(standardDefs.CLASS_ABSTRACTSERVICE)) { watcher.setOperation(true); } else if (!foundEvents && !(watcher instanceof FunctionReturnWatcher) && !(watcher instanceof XMLWatcher) && !watcher.isOperation()) { /*** * NOTE: when we've failed to find change events for properties of untyped or Object-typed parents, we go * ahead and generate code to create a runtime PropertyWatcher with no change events specified. The lack * of change events tells the runtime PW to introspect RTTI to discover change events associated with the * actual type of the actual value being assigned to the property. * OTOH for strongly-typed properties, we still require change events to be reachable at compile time. */ if (!(watchedClass.getName().equals(SymbolTable.OBJECT) || watchedClass.getName().equals(SymbolTable.NOTYPE))) { // TODO do we still want this to be configurable? if (showBindingWarnings) { context.localizedWarning2(pos, new UnableToDetectChanges(name)); } // TODO will this ever be something besides a PropertyWatcher? if (watcher instanceof PropertyWatcher) { ((PropertyWatcher)watcher).suppress(); } } } } } }
private void findEvents(Context context, String name, MultiName multiName, int pos, Watcher watcher, ReferenceValue ref) { String srcTypeName = null; if (watcher.isPartOfAnonObjectGraph()) { srcTypeName = standardDefs.CLASS_OBJECTPROXY; } else if (! srcTypeStack.empty()) { srcTypeName = srcTypeStack.peek(); } Watcher parentWatcher = watcher.getParent(); if ((parentWatcher != null) && parentWatcher.isOperation()) { watcher.addChangeEvent("resultForBinding"); } else if (srcTypeName != null) { AbcClass watchedClass = typeTable.getClass(srcTypeName); if (watchedClass != null) { if ( watchedClass.isSubclassOf(standardDefs.CLASS_OBJECTPROXY) ) { watcher.setPartOfAnonObjectGraph(true); } List metaData = watchedClass.getMetaData(BINDABLE, true); boolean foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData); boolean foundSource = false; Variable variable = getVariable(context, watchedClass, ref, multiName); if (variable != null) { metaData = variable.getMetaData(BINDABLE); foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = variable.getMetaData(CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = variable.getMetaData(NON_COMMITTING_CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addNonCommittingChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; if (variable.isConst() && !(multiName.getLocalPart().equals("length") && variable.getDeclaringClassName().equals(SymbolTable.OBJECT))) { foundEvents = true; if (watcher instanceof PropertyWatcher) { ((PropertyWatcher) watcher).suppress(); } } if (!(multiName.getLocalPart().equals("length") && variable.getDeclaringClassName().equals(SymbolTable.OBJECT))) { checkForStaticProperty(variable.isStatic(), watcher, srcTypeName); } foundSource = true; } if (!foundEvents) { Method getter = getGetter(context, watchedClass, ref, multiName); if (getter != null) { metaData = getter.getMetaData(BINDABLE); foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = getter.getMetaData(CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = getter.getMetaData(NON_COMMITTING_CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addNonCommittingChangeEvents( watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; checkForStaticProperty(getter.isStatic(), watcher, srcTypeName); foundSource = true; } Method setter = getSetter(context, watchedClass, ref, multiName); if (setter != null) { metaData = setter.getMetaData(BINDABLE); foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = setter.getMetaData(CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = setter.getMetaData(NON_COMMITTING_CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addNonCommittingChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; checkForStaticProperty(setter.isStatic(), watcher, srcTypeName); foundSource = true; } else { if (getter != null) { foundEvents = true; } } } if (!foundSource) { Method function = getMethod(context, watchedClass, ref, multiName); if (function != null) { metaData = function.getMetaData(BINDABLE); foundEvents = addBindables(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = function.getMetaData(CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; metaData = function.getMetaData(NON_COMMITTING_CHANGE_EVENT); foundEvents = addNonCommittingChangeEvents(watcher, metaData) || foundEvents; foundSource = true; if (!foundEvents && callExpressionStack.isEmpty()) { foundEvents = true; if (watcher instanceof PropertyWatcher) { ((PropertyWatcher)watcher).suppress(); } } } } if ((!foundSource) && watchedClass.isSubclassOf(standardDefs.CLASS_ABSTRACTSERVICE)) { watcher.setOperation(true); } else if (!foundEvents && !(watcher instanceof FunctionReturnWatcher) && !(watcher instanceof XMLWatcher) && !watcher.isOperation()) { if (!(watchedClass.getName().equals(SymbolTable.OBJECT) || watchedClass.getName().equals(SymbolTable.NOTYPE))) { if (showBindingWarnings) { context.localizedWarning2(pos, new UnableToDetectChanges(name)); } if (watcher instanceof PropertyWatcher) { ((PropertyWatcher)watcher).suppress(); } } } } } }
private void findevents(context context, string name, multiname multiname, int pos, watcher watcher, referencevalue ref) { string srctypename = null; if (watcher.ispartofanonobjectgraph()) { srctypename = standarddefs.class_objectproxy; } else if (! srctypestack.empty()) { srctypename = srctypestack.peek(); } watcher parentwatcher = watcher.getparent(); if ((parentwatcher != null) && parentwatcher.isoperation()) { watcher.addchangeevent("resultforbinding"); } else if (srctypename != null) { abcclass watchedclass = typetable.getclass(srctypename); if (watchedclass != null) { if ( watchedclass.issubclassof(standarddefs.class_objectproxy) ) { watcher.setpartofanonobjectgraph(true); } list metadata = watchedclass.getmetadata(bindable, true); boolean foundevents = addbindables(watcher, metadata); boolean foundsource = false; variable variable = getvariable(context, watchedclass, ref, multiname); if (variable != null) { metadata = variable.getmetadata(bindable); foundevents = addbindables(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; metadata = variable.getmetadata(change_event); foundevents = addchangeevents(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; metadata = variable.getmetadata(non_committing_change_event); foundevents = addnoncommittingchangeevents(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; if (variable.isconst() && !(multiname.getlocalpart().equals("length") && variable.getdeclaringclassname().equals(symboltable.object))) { foundevents = true; if (watcher instanceof propertywatcher) { ((propertywatcher) watcher).suppress(); } } if (!(multiname.getlocalpart().equals("length") && variable.getdeclaringclassname().equals(symboltable.object))) { checkforstaticproperty(variable.isstatic(), watcher, srctypename); } foundsource = true; } if (!foundevents) { method getter = getgetter(context, watchedclass, ref, multiname); if (getter != null) { metadata = getter.getmetadata(bindable); foundevents = addbindables(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; metadata = getter.getmetadata(change_event); foundevents = addchangeevents(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; metadata = getter.getmetadata(non_committing_change_event); foundevents = addnoncommittingchangeevents( watcher, metadata) || foundevents; checkforstaticproperty(getter.isstatic(), watcher, srctypename); foundsource = true; } method setter = getsetter(context, watchedclass, ref, multiname); if (setter != null) { metadata = setter.getmetadata(bindable); foundevents = addbindables(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; metadata = setter.getmetadata(change_event); foundevents = addchangeevents(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; metadata = setter.getmetadata(non_committing_change_event); foundevents = addnoncommittingchangeevents(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; checkforstaticproperty(setter.isstatic(), watcher, srctypename); foundsource = true; } else { if (getter != null) { foundevents = true; } } } if (!foundsource) { method function = getmethod(context, watchedclass, ref, multiname); if (function != null) { metadata = function.getmetadata(bindable); foundevents = addbindables(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; metadata = function.getmetadata(change_event); foundevents = addchangeevents(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; metadata = function.getmetadata(non_committing_change_event); foundevents = addnoncommittingchangeevents(watcher, metadata) || foundevents; foundsource = true; if (!foundevents && callexpressionstack.isempty()) { foundevents = true; if (watcher instanceof propertywatcher) { ((propertywatcher)watcher).suppress(); } } } } if ((!foundsource) && watchedclass.issubclassof(standarddefs.class_abstractservice)) { watcher.setoperation(true); } else if (!foundevents && !(watcher instanceof functionreturnwatcher) && !(watcher instanceof xmlwatcher) && !watcher.isoperation()) { if (!(watchedclass.getname().equals(symboltable.object) || watchedclass.getname().equals(symboltable.notype))) { if (showbindingwarnings) { context.localizedwarning2(pos, new unabletodetectchanges(name)); } if (watcher instanceof propertywatcher) { ((propertywatcher)watcher).suppress(); } } } } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void show() {; this.x = r.nextFloat(); this.y = r.nextFloat(); float angle = r.nextFloat() * 2 * 3.14159f; this.vx = (float)java.lang.Math.cos(angle); this.vy = (float)java.lang.Math.sin(angle); //todo instead of going back to main menu, pause the game with pause screen? Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(true); getStage().addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyUp(InputEvent event, int keycode) { if (keycode == Input.Keys.BACK || keycode == Input.Keys.ESCAPE) { app.setScreen(app.getMainScreen()); return true; } else { return false; } } }); }
@Override public void show() {; this.x = r.nextFloat(); this.y = r.nextFloat(); float angle = r.nextFloat() * 2 * 3.14159f; this.vx = (float)java.lang.Math.cos(angle); this.vy = (float)java.lang.Math.sin(angle); Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(true); getStage().addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyUp(InputEvent event, int keycode) { if (keycode == Input.Keys.BACK || keycode == Input.Keys.ESCAPE) { app.setScreen(app.getMainScreen()); return true; } else { return false; } } }); }
@override public void show() {; this.x = r.nextfloat(); this.y = r.nextfloat(); float angle = r.nextfloat() * 2 * 3.14159f; this.vx = (float)java.lang.math.cos(angle); this.vy = (float)java.lang.math.sin(angle); gdx.input.setcatchbackkey(true); getstage().addlistener(new inputlistener() { @override public boolean keyup(inputevent event, int keycode) { if (keycode == input.keys.back || keycode == input.keys.escape) { app.setscreen(app.getmainscreen()); return true; } else { return false; } } }); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void GetStatusOperation( param5) { // Todo fill this with the necessary business logic }
public void GetStatusOperation( param5) { }
public void getstatusoperation( param5) { }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void NotCompleted( param6) { // Todo fill this with the necessary business logic }
public void NotCompleted( param6) { }
public void notcompleted( param6) { }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void StatusOperation( param7) { // Todo fill this with the necessary business logic }
public void StatusOperation( param7) { }
public void statusoperation( param7) { }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public GenomicLocation normalizeGenomicLocation(GenomicLocation genomicLocation) { GenomicLocation normalizedGenomicLocation = new GenomicLocation(); // if original input is set in the incoming genomic location object then use the same value // for the normalized genomic location object returned, otherwise set it to the // string representation of the incoming genomic location object if (genomicLocation.getOriginalInput() != null && !genomicLocation.getOriginalInput().isEmpty()) { normalizedGenomicLocation.setOriginalInput(genomicLocation.getOriginalInput()); } else { normalizedGenomicLocation.setOriginalInput(genomicLocation.toString()); } // normalize chromosome name String chr = chromosomeNormalizer(genomicLocation.getChromosome().trim()); normalizedGenomicLocation.setChromosome(chr); // convert vcf style start,end,ref,alt to MAF style Integer start = genomicLocation.getStart(); Integer end = genomicLocation.getEnd(); String ref = genomicLocation.getReferenceAllele().trim(); String var = genomicLocation.getVariantAllele().trim(); String prefix = ""; if (!ref.equals(var)) { prefix = longestCommonPrefix(ref, var); } // Remove common prefix and adjust variant position accordingly if (prefix.length() > 0) { ref = ref.substring(prefix.length()); var = var.substring(prefix.length()); int nStart = start + prefix.length(); if (ref.length() == 0) { nStart -= 1; } start = nStart; } normalizedGenomicLocation.setStart(start); normalizedGenomicLocation.setEnd(end); normalizedGenomicLocation.setReferenceAllele(ref); normalizedGenomicLocation.setVariantAllele(var); return normalizedGenomicLocation; }
public GenomicLocation normalizeGenomicLocation(GenomicLocation genomicLocation) { GenomicLocation normalizedGenomicLocation = new GenomicLocation(); if (genomicLocation.getOriginalInput() != null && !genomicLocation.getOriginalInput().isEmpty()) { normalizedGenomicLocation.setOriginalInput(genomicLocation.getOriginalInput()); } else { normalizedGenomicLocation.setOriginalInput(genomicLocation.toString()); } String chr = chromosomeNormalizer(genomicLocation.getChromosome().trim()); normalizedGenomicLocation.setChromosome(chr); Integer start = genomicLocation.getStart(); Integer end = genomicLocation.getEnd(); String ref = genomicLocation.getReferenceAllele().trim(); String var = genomicLocation.getVariantAllele().trim(); String prefix = ""; if (!ref.equals(var)) { prefix = longestCommonPrefix(ref, var); } if (prefix.length() > 0) { ref = ref.substring(prefix.length()); var = var.substring(prefix.length()); int nStart = start + prefix.length(); if (ref.length() == 0) { nStart -= 1; } start = nStart; } normalizedGenomicLocation.setStart(start); normalizedGenomicLocation.setEnd(end); normalizedGenomicLocation.setReferenceAllele(ref); normalizedGenomicLocation.setVariantAllele(var); return normalizedGenomicLocation; }
public genomiclocation normalizegenomiclocation(genomiclocation genomiclocation) { genomiclocation normalizedgenomiclocation = new genomiclocation(); if (genomiclocation.getoriginalinput() != null && !genomiclocation.getoriginalinput().isempty()) { normalizedgenomiclocation.setoriginalinput(genomiclocation.getoriginalinput()); } else { normalizedgenomiclocation.setoriginalinput(genomiclocation.tostring()); } string chr = chromosomenormalizer(genomiclocation.getchromosome().trim()); normalizedgenomiclocation.setchromosome(chr); integer start = genomiclocation.getstart(); integer end = genomiclocation.getend(); string ref = genomiclocation.getreferenceallele().trim(); string var = genomiclocation.getvariantallele().trim(); string prefix = ""; if (!ref.equals(var)) { prefix = longestcommonprefix(ref, var); } if (prefix.length() > 0) { ref = ref.substring(prefix.length()); var = var.substring(prefix.length()); int nstart = start + prefix.length(); if (ref.length() == 0) { nstart -= 1; } start = nstart; } normalizedgenomiclocation.setstart(start); normalizedgenomiclocation.setend(end); normalizedgenomiclocation.setreferenceallele(ref); normalizedgenomiclocation.setvariantallele(var); return normalizedgenomiclocation; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Builder withOriginalCourseId(final String originalCourseId) { getObject().setOriginalCourseId(originalCourseId); return thisBuilder(); }
public Builder withOriginalCourseId(final String originalCourseId) { getObject().setOriginalCourseId(originalCourseId); return thisBuilder(); }
public builder withoriginalcourseid(final string originalcourseid) { getobject().setoriginalcourseid(originalcourseid); return thisbuilder(); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
protected Serializable[] getParamValues(Serializable[] rawParamValues) throws SQLException { int nonPositionedParametersCount = 0; for (Serializable rawParamValue : rawParamValues) { if (rawParamValue != null && rawParamValue instanceof NonPositionedParameter) ++nonPositionedParametersCount; } Serializable[] paramValues = new Serializable[parameterNames.size() + nonPositionedParametersCount]; Entity entity = (Entity)Optional.ofNullable(getParent()).filter(x -> x instanceof Entity).orElse(null); if (entity == null) { for (int i = 0; i < paramValues.length - nonPositionedParametersCount; ++i) { paramValues[i] = rawParamValues[paramMapping[i]]; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < paramValues.length - nonPositionedParametersCount; ++i) { String paramName = parameterNames.get(i); paramValues[i] = entity.filterValue(paramName, rawParamValues[paramMapping[i]]); } } // non positioned parameters should always be given last (CB TODO - document) for (int i = 0; i < nonPositionedParametersCount; ++i) { paramValues[paramValues.length - nonPositionedParametersCount + i] = rawParamValues[rawParamValues.length - nonPositionedParametersCount + i]; } return paramValues; }
protected Serializable[] getParamValues(Serializable[] rawParamValues) throws SQLException { int nonPositionedParametersCount = 0; for (Serializable rawParamValue : rawParamValues) { if (rawParamValue != null && rawParamValue instanceof NonPositionedParameter) ++nonPositionedParametersCount; } Serializable[] paramValues = new Serializable[parameterNames.size() + nonPositionedParametersCount]; Entity entity = (Entity)Optional.ofNullable(getParent()).filter(x -> x instanceof Entity).orElse(null); if (entity == null) { for (int i = 0; i < paramValues.length - nonPositionedParametersCount; ++i) { paramValues[i] = rawParamValues[paramMapping[i]]; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < paramValues.length - nonPositionedParametersCount; ++i) { String paramName = parameterNames.get(i); paramValues[i] = entity.filterValue(paramName, rawParamValues[paramMapping[i]]); } } for (int i = 0; i < nonPositionedParametersCount; ++i) { paramValues[paramValues.length - nonPositionedParametersCount + i] = rawParamValues[rawParamValues.length - nonPositionedParametersCount + i]; } return paramValues; }
protected serializable[] getparamvalues(serializable[] rawparamvalues) throws sqlexception { int nonpositionedparameterscount = 0; for (serializable rawparamvalue : rawparamvalues) { if (rawparamvalue != null && rawparamvalue instanceof nonpositionedparameter) ++nonpositionedparameterscount; } serializable[] paramvalues = new serializable[parameternames.size() + nonpositionedparameterscount]; entity entity = (entity)optional.ofnullable(getparent()).filter(x -> x instanceof entity).orelse(null); if (entity == null) { for (int i = 0; i < paramvalues.length - nonpositionedparameterscount; ++i) { paramvalues[i] = rawparamvalues[parammapping[i]]; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < paramvalues.length - nonpositionedparameterscount; ++i) { string paramname = parameternames.get(i); paramvalues[i] = entity.filtervalue(paramname, rawparamvalues[parammapping[i]]); } } for (int i = 0; i < nonpositionedparameterscount; ++i) { paramvalues[paramvalues.length - nonpositionedparameterscount + i] = rawparamvalues[rawparamvalues.length - nonpositionedparameterscount + i]; } return paramvalues; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void testSeekToBeforeAttachedAsNextMediaPlayer() throws Throwable { IBasicMediaPlayer player = createWrappedPlayerInstance(); IBasicMediaPlayer nextPlayer = null; Object args = getTestParams(); // NOTE: // seekTo() call will be ignored if the player is attached as a next // player. try { SeekCompleteListenerObject seekComp = new SeekCompleteListenerObject(); // prepare transitStateToPrepared(player, args); nextPlayer = createNextPlayer(player, NextPlayerType.PREPARED); nextPlayer.setOnSeekCompleteListener(seekComp); // seek int seekPosition = nextPlayer.getDuration() / 2; nextPlayer.seekTo(seekPosition); if (!seekComp.await(DEFAULT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION)) { fail(); } // NOTE: valid position is returned assertEquals(seekPosition, nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); setUnwrappedtNextPlayer(player, nextPlayer); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); // start player.start(); assertTrue(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION); assertTrue(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); // wait for the next player started Thread.sleep(player.getDuration()); // NOTE: StandardMediaPlayer fails on this assertion if using NuPlayer assertEquals(player.getDuration(), player.getCurrentPosition()); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertTrue(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); // NOTE: valid current position position is returned assertLargerThanOrEqual(seekPosition, nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); // wait for the next player completion Thread.sleep(nextPlayer.getDuration() - seekPosition + SHORT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION); if (true) { Log.w("XXX", "testSeekToBeforeAttachedAsNextMediaPlayer() - WORKAROUND"); // WTF! Android's native audio decoder gives very poor seek // accuracy! assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertTrue(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); // wait for the next player completion Thread.sleep(seekPosition); } assertEquals(nextPlayer.getDuration(), nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); } finally { releaseQuietly(nextPlayer); releaseQuietly(player); } }
public void testSeekToBeforeAttachedAsNextMediaPlayer() throws Throwable { IBasicMediaPlayer player = createWrappedPlayerInstance(); IBasicMediaPlayer nextPlayer = null; Object args = getTestParams(); try { SeekCompleteListenerObject seekComp = new SeekCompleteListenerObject(); transitStateToPrepared(player, args); nextPlayer = createNextPlayer(player, NextPlayerType.PREPARED); nextPlayer.setOnSeekCompleteListener(seekComp); int seekPosition = nextPlayer.getDuration() / 2; nextPlayer.seekTo(seekPosition); if (!seekComp.await(DEFAULT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION)) { fail(); } assertEquals(seekPosition, nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); setUnwrappedtNextPlayer(player, nextPlayer); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); player.start(); assertTrue(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION); assertTrue(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); Thread.sleep(player.getDuration()); assertEquals(player.getDuration(), player.getCurrentPosition()); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertTrue(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); assertLargerThanOrEqual(seekPosition, nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); Thread.sleep(nextPlayer.getDuration() - seekPosition + SHORT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION); if (true) { Log.w("XXX", "testSeekToBeforeAttachedAsNextMediaPlayer() - WORKAROUND"); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertTrue(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); Thread.sleep(seekPosition); } assertEquals(nextPlayer.getDuration(), nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); } finally { releaseQuietly(nextPlayer); releaseQuietly(player); } }
public void testseektobeforeattachedasnextmediaplayer() throws throwable { ibasicmediaplayer player = createwrappedplayerinstance(); ibasicmediaplayer nextplayer = null; object args = gettestparams(); try { seekcompletelistenerobject seekcomp = new seekcompletelistenerobject(); transitstatetoprepared(player, args); nextplayer = createnextplayer(player, nextplayertype.prepared); nextplayer.setonseekcompletelistener(seekcomp); int seekposition = nextplayer.getduration() / 2; nextplayer.seekto(seekposition); if (!seekcomp.await(default_event_wait_duration)) { fail(); } assertequals(seekposition, nextplayer.getcurrentposition()); setunwrappedtnextplayer(player, nextplayer); assertfalse(player.isplaying()); assertfalse(nextplayer.isplaying()); player.start(); asserttrue(player.isplaying()); assertfalse(nextplayer.isplaying()); thread.sleep(short_event_wait_duration); asserttrue(player.isplaying()); assertfalse(nextplayer.isplaying()); thread.sleep(player.getduration()); assertequals(player.getduration(), player.getcurrentposition()); assertfalse(player.isplaying()); asserttrue(nextplayer.isplaying()); assertlargerthanorequal(seekposition, nextplayer.getcurrentposition()); thread.sleep(nextplayer.getduration() - seekposition + short_event_wait_duration); if (true) { log.w("xxx", "testseektobeforeattachedasnextmediaplayer() - workaround"); assertfalse(player.isplaying()); asserttrue(nextplayer.isplaying()); thread.sleep(seekposition); } assertequals(nextplayer.getduration(), nextplayer.getcurrentposition()); assertfalse(player.isplaying()); assertfalse(nextplayer.isplaying()); } finally { releasequietly(nextplayer); releasequietly(player); } }
[ 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
public void testSeekToAfterAttachedAsNextMediaPlayer() throws Throwable { IBasicMediaPlayer player = createWrappedPlayerInstance(); IBasicMediaPlayer nextPlayer = null; Object args = getTestParams(); // NOTE: // seekTo() call will be ignored if the player is attached as a next // player. try { // prepare transitStateToPrepared(player, args); nextPlayer = createNextPlayer(player, NextPlayerType.PREPARED); setUnwrappedtNextPlayer(player, nextPlayer); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); // start player.start(); assertTrue(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); int seekPosition = nextPlayer.getDuration() / 2; SeekCompleteListenerObject seekComp = new SeekCompleteListenerObject(); nextPlayer.setOnSeekCompleteListener(seekComp); nextPlayer.seekTo(seekPosition); if (!seekComp.await(DEFAULT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION)) { fail(); } // NOTE: valid position is returned assertEquals(seekPosition, nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION); assertTrue(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); // wait for the next player started Thread.sleep(player.getDuration()); // NOTE: StandardMediaPlayer fails on this assertion if using NuPlayer assertEquals(player.getDuration(), player.getCurrentPosition()); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertTrue(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); // NOTE: valid current position position is returned // XXX Galaxy S4 (SC-04E, Android 4.4.2) fails on this assertion assertLargerThanOrEqual(seekPosition, nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); // wait for the next player completion Thread.sleep(nextPlayer.getDuration() - seekPosition + SHORT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION); if (true) { Log.w("XXX", "testSeekToAfterAttachedAsNextMediaPlayer() - WORKAROUND"); // WTF! Android's native audio decoder gives very poor seek // accuracy! assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertTrue(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); // wait for the next player completion Thread.sleep(seekPosition); } assertEquals(nextPlayer.getDuration(), nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); } finally { releaseQuietly(nextPlayer); releaseQuietly(player); } }
public void testSeekToAfterAttachedAsNextMediaPlayer() throws Throwable { IBasicMediaPlayer player = createWrappedPlayerInstance(); IBasicMediaPlayer nextPlayer = null; Object args = getTestParams(); try { transitStateToPrepared(player, args); nextPlayer = createNextPlayer(player, NextPlayerType.PREPARED); setUnwrappedtNextPlayer(player, nextPlayer); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); player.start(); assertTrue(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); int seekPosition = nextPlayer.getDuration() / 2; SeekCompleteListenerObject seekComp = new SeekCompleteListenerObject(); nextPlayer.setOnSeekCompleteListener(seekComp); nextPlayer.seekTo(seekPosition); if (!seekComp.await(DEFAULT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION)) { fail(); } assertEquals(seekPosition, nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); Thread.sleep(SHORT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION); assertTrue(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); Thread.sleep(player.getDuration()); assertEquals(player.getDuration(), player.getCurrentPosition()); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertTrue(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); assertLargerThanOrEqual(seekPosition, nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); Thread.sleep(nextPlayer.getDuration() - seekPosition + SHORT_EVENT_WAIT_DURATION); if (true) { Log.w("XXX", "testSeekToAfterAttachedAsNextMediaPlayer() - WORKAROUND"); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertTrue(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); Thread.sleep(seekPosition); } assertEquals(nextPlayer.getDuration(), nextPlayer.getCurrentPosition()); assertFalse(player.isPlaying()); assertFalse(nextPlayer.isPlaying()); } finally { releaseQuietly(nextPlayer); releaseQuietly(player); } }
public void testseektoafterattachedasnextmediaplayer() throws throwable { ibasicmediaplayer player = createwrappedplayerinstance(); ibasicmediaplayer nextplayer = null; object args = gettestparams(); try { transitstatetoprepared(player, args); nextplayer = createnextplayer(player, nextplayertype.prepared); setunwrappedtnextplayer(player, nextplayer); assertfalse(player.isplaying()); assertfalse(nextplayer.isplaying()); player.start(); asserttrue(player.isplaying()); assertfalse(nextplayer.isplaying()); int seekposition = nextplayer.getduration() / 2; seekcompletelistenerobject seekcomp = new seekcompletelistenerobject(); nextplayer.setonseekcompletelistener(seekcomp); nextplayer.seekto(seekposition); if (!seekcomp.await(default_event_wait_duration)) { fail(); } assertequals(seekposition, nextplayer.getcurrentposition()); thread.sleep(short_event_wait_duration); asserttrue(player.isplaying()); assertfalse(nextplayer.isplaying()); thread.sleep(player.getduration()); assertequals(player.getduration(), player.getcurrentposition()); assertfalse(player.isplaying()); asserttrue(nextplayer.isplaying()); assertlargerthanorequal(seekposition, nextplayer.getcurrentposition()); thread.sleep(nextplayer.getduration() - seekposition + short_event_wait_duration); if (true) { log.w("xxx", "testseektoafterattachedasnextmediaplayer() - workaround"); assertfalse(player.isplaying()); asserttrue(nextplayer.isplaying()); thread.sleep(seekposition); } assertequals(nextplayer.getduration(), nextplayer.getcurrentposition()); assertfalse(player.isplaying()); assertfalse(nextplayer.isplaying()); } finally { releasequietly(nextplayer); releasequietly(player); } }
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private <U> CompletableFuture<U> supplyInContext(Supplier<U> supplier, String opDescription) { return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { // TODO: explore a more relaxed locking strategy. writeLock.lock(); try { return supplier.get(); } catch (Throwable ex) { log.error("Exception in P4Runtime client of {}, executing {}", deviceId, opDescription, ex); throw ex; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }, contextExecutor); }
private <U> CompletableFuture<U> supplyInContext(Supplier<U> supplier, String opDescription) { return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { writeLock.lock(); try { return supplier.get(); } catch (Throwable ex) { log.error("Exception in P4Runtime client of {}, executing {}", deviceId, opDescription, ex); throw ex; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }, contextExecutor); }
private <u> completablefuture<u> supplyincontext(supplier<u> supplier, string opdescription) { return completablefuture.supplyasync(() -> { writelock.lock(); try { return supplier.get(); } catch (throwable ex) { log.error("exception in p4runtime client of {}, executing {}", deviceid, opdescription, ex); throw ex; } finally { writelock.unlock(); } }, contextexecutor); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void fetchMoreEntries() throws SQLException, AuditLogEntryException { LongRange idsToRead = getIdsToRead(); // No more entries to read if (idsToRead.getMaximumLong() == 0) { return; } // TODO: Remove left outer join and command type filter once the // exchange partition bug is fixed in HIVE-12215 String queryFormatString = "SELECT, a.create_time, " + "command_type, command, name, category, " + "type, serialized_object " + "FROM %s a LEFT OUTER JOIN %s b on = b.audit_log_id " + "WHERE >= ? AND <= ? " + "AND (command_type IS NULL OR command_type " + "NOT IN('SHOWTABLES', 'SHOWPARTITIONS', 'SWITCHDATABASE')) " + "ORDER BY id " // Get read locks on the specified rows to prevent skipping of rows that haven't committed // yet, but have an ID between idsToRead. For example, one transaction starts and // inserts id = 1, but another transaction starts, inserts, and commits i=2 before the // first transaction commits. Locking can also be done with serializable isolation level. + "LOCK IN SHARE MODE"; String query = String.format(queryFormatString, auditLogTableName, outputObjectsTableName, idsToRead.getMinimumLong(), idsToRead.getMaximumLong()); Connection connection = dbConnectionFactory.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(query); int index = 1; ps.setLong(index++, idsToRead.getMinimumLong()); ps.setLong(index++, idsToRead.getMaximumLong()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); long id = -1; Timestamp createTime = null; HiveOperation commandType = null; String command = null; String objectName; String objectCategory; String objectType; String objectSerialized; long previouslyReadId = -1; Timestamp previouslyReadTs = null; HiveOperation previousCommandType = null; String previousCommand = null; // For a given audit log ID, the join would have produced multiple rows // for each ID. Each row contains a single output. Group all the rows // and the outputs into a AuditLogEntry. // For a given audit log ID, these accumulate the outputs from the // different rows. List<String> outputDirectories = new LinkedList<>(); List<Table> outputTables = new LinkedList<>(); List<NamedPartition> outputPartitions = new LinkedList<>(); List<Table> referenceTables = new LinkedList<>(); Table inputTable = null; NamedPartition renameFromPartition = null; while ( { id = rs.getLong("id"); createTime = rs.getTimestamp("create_time"); // Invalid operations are returned as null String commandTypeString = rs.getString("command_type"); commandType = convertToHiveOperation(commandTypeString); if (commandType == null) { LOG.debug(String.format("Invalid operation %s in audit log id: %s", commandTypeString, id)); } command = rs.getString("command"); objectName = rs.getString("name"); objectCategory = rs.getString("category"); objectType = rs.getString("type"); objectSerialized = rs.getString("serialized_object"); if (previouslyReadId != -1 && id != previouslyReadId) { lastReadId = previouslyReadId; // This means that all the outputs for a given audit log entry // has been read. AuditLogEntry entry = new AuditLogEntry( previouslyReadId, previouslyReadTs, previousCommandType, previousCommand, outputDirectories, referenceTables, outputTables, outputPartitions, inputTable, renameFromPartition); auditLogEntries.add(entry); // Reset these accumulated values outputDirectories = new LinkedList<>(); referenceTables = new LinkedList<>(); outputTables = new LinkedList<>(); outputPartitions = new LinkedList<>(); renameFromPartition = null; inputTable = null; } previouslyReadId = id; previouslyReadTs = createTime; previousCommandType = commandType; previousCommand = command; if ("DIRECTORY".equals(objectType)) { outputDirectories.add(objectName); } else if ("TABLE".equals(objectType)) { Table table = new Table(); try { ReplicationUtils.deserializeObject(objectSerialized, table); } catch (MetadataException e) { throw new AuditLogEntryException(e); } ReplicationUtils.normalizeNames(table); if ("OUTPUT".equals(objectCategory)) { outputTables.add(table); } else if ("REFERENCE_TABLE".equals(objectCategory)) { referenceTables.add(table); } else if ("RENAME_FROM".equals(objectCategory) || "INPUT".equals(objectCategory)) { inputTable = table; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled category: " + objectCategory); } } else if ("PARTITION".equals(objectType)) { Partition partition = new Partition(); try { ReplicationUtils.deserializeObject(objectSerialized, partition); } catch (MetadataException e) { throw new AuditLogEntryException(e); } ReplicationUtils.normalizeNames(partition); String partitionName = getPartitionNameFromOutputCol(objectName); NamedPartition namedPartition = new NamedPartition(partitionName, partition); if ("OUTPUT".equals(objectCategory)) { outputPartitions.add(namedPartition); } else if ("RENAME_FROM".equals(objectCategory) || "INPUT".equals(objectCategory)) { renameFromPartition = namedPartition; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled category: " + objectCategory); } } else if ("DFS_DIR".equals(objectType)) { outputDirectories.add(objectName); } else if ("LOCAL_DIR".equals(objectType)) { outputDirectories.add(objectName); } else if ("DATABASE".equals(objectType)) { // Currently, nothing is done with DB's } else if (objectType == null) { // This will happen for queries that don't have any output // objects. This can be removed a long with the OUTER aspect // of the join above once the bug with exchange partitions is // fixed. LOG.debug("No output objects"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled output type: " + objectType); } } // This is the case where we read to the end of the table. if (id != -1) { AuditLogEntry entry = new AuditLogEntry( id, createTime, commandType, command, outputDirectories, referenceTables, outputTables, outputPartitions, inputTable, renameFromPartition); auditLogEntries.add(entry); } // Note: if we constantly get empty results (i.e. no valid entries // because all the commands got filtered out), then the lastReadId won't // be updated for a while. lastReadId = idsToRead.getMaximumLong(); return; }
private void fetchMoreEntries() throws SQLException, AuditLogEntryException { LongRange idsToRead = getIdsToRead(); if (idsToRead.getMaximumLong() == 0) { return; } String queryFormatString = "SELECT, a.create_time, " + "command_type, command, name, category, " + "type, serialized_object " + "FROM %s a LEFT OUTER JOIN %s b on = b.audit_log_id " + "WHERE >= ? AND <= ? " + "AND (command_type IS NULL OR command_type " + "NOT IN('SHOWTABLES', 'SHOWPARTITIONS', 'SWITCHDATABASE')) " + "ORDER BY id " + "LOCK IN SHARE MODE"; String query = String.format(queryFormatString, auditLogTableName, outputObjectsTableName, idsToRead.getMinimumLong(), idsToRead.getMaximumLong()); Connection connection = dbConnectionFactory.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(query); int index = 1; ps.setLong(index++, idsToRead.getMinimumLong()); ps.setLong(index++, idsToRead.getMaximumLong()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); long id = -1; Timestamp createTime = null; HiveOperation commandType = null; String command = null; String objectName; String objectCategory; String objectType; String objectSerialized; long previouslyReadId = -1; Timestamp previouslyReadTs = null; HiveOperation previousCommandType = null; String previousCommand = null; List<String> outputDirectories = new LinkedList<>(); List<Table> outputTables = new LinkedList<>(); List<NamedPartition> outputPartitions = new LinkedList<>(); List<Table> referenceTables = new LinkedList<>(); Table inputTable = null; NamedPartition renameFromPartition = null; while ( { id = rs.getLong("id"); createTime = rs.getTimestamp("create_time"); String commandTypeString = rs.getString("command_type"); commandType = convertToHiveOperation(commandTypeString); if (commandType == null) { LOG.debug(String.format("Invalid operation %s in audit log id: %s", commandTypeString, id)); } command = rs.getString("command"); objectName = rs.getString("name"); objectCategory = rs.getString("category"); objectType = rs.getString("type"); objectSerialized = rs.getString("serialized_object"); if (previouslyReadId != -1 && id != previouslyReadId) { lastReadId = previouslyReadId; AuditLogEntry entry = new AuditLogEntry( previouslyReadId, previouslyReadTs, previousCommandType, previousCommand, outputDirectories, referenceTables, outputTables, outputPartitions, inputTable, renameFromPartition); auditLogEntries.add(entry); outputDirectories = new LinkedList<>(); referenceTables = new LinkedList<>(); outputTables = new LinkedList<>(); outputPartitions = new LinkedList<>(); renameFromPartition = null; inputTable = null; } previouslyReadId = id; previouslyReadTs = createTime; previousCommandType = commandType; previousCommand = command; if ("DIRECTORY".equals(objectType)) { outputDirectories.add(objectName); } else if ("TABLE".equals(objectType)) { Table table = new Table(); try { ReplicationUtils.deserializeObject(objectSerialized, table); } catch (MetadataException e) { throw new AuditLogEntryException(e); } ReplicationUtils.normalizeNames(table); if ("OUTPUT".equals(objectCategory)) { outputTables.add(table); } else if ("REFERENCE_TABLE".equals(objectCategory)) { referenceTables.add(table); } else if ("RENAME_FROM".equals(objectCategory) || "INPUT".equals(objectCategory)) { inputTable = table; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled category: " + objectCategory); } } else if ("PARTITION".equals(objectType)) { Partition partition = new Partition(); try { ReplicationUtils.deserializeObject(objectSerialized, partition); } catch (MetadataException e) { throw new AuditLogEntryException(e); } ReplicationUtils.normalizeNames(partition); String partitionName = getPartitionNameFromOutputCol(objectName); NamedPartition namedPartition = new NamedPartition(partitionName, partition); if ("OUTPUT".equals(objectCategory)) { outputPartitions.add(namedPartition); } else if ("RENAME_FROM".equals(objectCategory) || "INPUT".equals(objectCategory)) { renameFromPartition = namedPartition; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled category: " + objectCategory); } } else if ("DFS_DIR".equals(objectType)) { outputDirectories.add(objectName); } else if ("LOCAL_DIR".equals(objectType)) { outputDirectories.add(objectName); } else if ("DATABASE".equals(objectType)) { } else if (objectType == null) { LOG.debug("No output objects"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled output type: " + objectType); } } if (id != -1) { AuditLogEntry entry = new AuditLogEntry( id, createTime, commandType, command, outputDirectories, referenceTables, outputTables, outputPartitions, inputTable, renameFromPartition); auditLogEntries.add(entry); } lastReadId = idsToRead.getMaximumLong(); return; }
private void fetchmoreentries() throws sqlexception, auditlogentryexception { longrange idstoread = getidstoread(); if (idstoread.getmaximumlong() == 0) { return; } string queryformatstring = "select, a.create_time, " + "command_type, command, name, category, " + "type, serialized_object " + "from %s a left outer join %s b on = b.audit_log_id " + "where >= ? and <= ? " + "and (command_type is null or command_type " + "not in('showtables', 'showpartitions', 'switchdatabase')) " + "order by id " + "lock in share mode"; string query = string.format(queryformatstring, auditlogtablename, outputobjectstablename, idstoread.getminimumlong(), idstoread.getmaximumlong()); connection connection = dbconnectionfactory.getconnection(); preparedstatement ps = connection.preparestatement(query); int index = 1; ps.setlong(index++, idstoread.getminimumlong()); ps.setlong(index++, idstoread.getmaximumlong()); resultset rs = ps.executequery(); long id = -1; timestamp createtime = null; hiveoperation commandtype = null; string command = null; string objectname; string objectcategory; string objecttype; string objectserialized; long previouslyreadid = -1; timestamp previouslyreadts = null; hiveoperation previouscommandtype = null; string previouscommand = null; list<string> outputdirectories = new linkedlist<>(); list<table> outputtables = new linkedlist<>(); list<namedpartition> outputpartitions = new linkedlist<>(); list<table> referencetables = new linkedlist<>(); table inputtable = null; namedpartition renamefrompartition = null; while ( { id = rs.getlong("id"); createtime = rs.gettimestamp("create_time"); string commandtypestring = rs.getstring("command_type"); commandtype = converttohiveoperation(commandtypestring); if (commandtype == null) { log.debug(string.format("invalid operation %s in audit log id: %s", commandtypestring, id)); } command = rs.getstring("command"); objectname = rs.getstring("name"); objectcategory = rs.getstring("category"); objecttype = rs.getstring("type"); objectserialized = rs.getstring("serialized_object"); if (previouslyreadid != -1 && id != previouslyreadid) { lastreadid = previouslyreadid; auditlogentry entry = new auditlogentry( previouslyreadid, previouslyreadts, previouscommandtype, previouscommand, outputdirectories, referencetables, outputtables, outputpartitions, inputtable, renamefrompartition); auditlogentries.add(entry); outputdirectories = new linkedlist<>(); referencetables = new linkedlist<>(); outputtables = new linkedlist<>(); outputpartitions = new linkedlist<>(); renamefrompartition = null; inputtable = null; } previouslyreadid = id; previouslyreadts = createtime; previouscommandtype = commandtype; previouscommand = command; if ("directory".equals(objecttype)) { outputdirectories.add(objectname); } else if ("table".equals(objecttype)) { table table = new table(); try { replicationutils.deserializeobject(objectserialized, table); } catch (metadataexception e) { throw new auditlogentryexception(e); } replicationutils.normalizenames(table); if ("output".equals(objectcategory)) { outputtables.add(table); } else if ("reference_table".equals(objectcategory)) { referencetables.add(table); } else if ("rename_from".equals(objectcategory) || "input".equals(objectcategory)) { inputtable = table; } else { throw new runtimeexception("unhandled category: " + objectcategory); } } else if ("partition".equals(objecttype)) { partition partition = new partition(); try { replicationutils.deserializeobject(objectserialized, partition); } catch (metadataexception e) { throw new auditlogentryexception(e); } replicationutils.normalizenames(partition); string partitionname = getpartitionnamefromoutputcol(objectname); namedpartition namedpartition = new namedpartition(partitionname, partition); if ("output".equals(objectcategory)) { outputpartitions.add(namedpartition); } else if ("rename_from".equals(objectcategory) || "input".equals(objectcategory)) { renamefrompartition = namedpartition; } else { throw new runtimeexception("unhandled category: " + objectcategory); } } else if ("dfs_dir".equals(objecttype)) { outputdirectories.add(objectname); } else if ("local_dir".equals(objecttype)) { outputdirectories.add(objectname); } else if ("database".equals(objecttype)) { } else if (objecttype == null) { log.debug("no output objects"); } else { throw new runtimeexception("unhandled output type: " + objecttype); } } if (id != -1) { auditlogentry entry = new auditlogentry( id, createtime, commandtype, command, outputdirectories, referencetables, outputtables, outputpartitions, inputtable, renamefrompartition); auditlogentries.add(entry); } lastreadid = idstoread.getmaximumlong(); return; }
[ 1, 1, 1, 0 ]
@Override public void run(Engine.Negative negative) { // TODO: Use "advanced probabilistic techniques". for (int i = 1; i <= TASK_SAMPLE_SIZE; i++) { int j, bufferX, bufferY; // location of (zR, zI) in histogram double cR, cI, zR, zI, p; // use ThreadLocalRandom for improved performance cR = zR = minX + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(rangeX); cI = zI = minY + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(rangeY); // check if the sequence generated by (cR, cI) escapes for (j = 0; j < iterationLimit; j++) { for (int k = 1; k < degree; k++) { p = zR; zR = zR * zR - zI * zI; zI = 2 * p * zI; } zR += cR; zI += cI; if (zR * zR + zI * zI > escapeDistance * escapeDistance) { break; } } if (j == iterationLimit) { // does the sequence escape? continue; } zR = cR; zI = cI; for (j = 0; j < iterationLimit; j++) { // Is the point within the rendering region? if (zR >= minX && zR - minX <= rangeX && zI >= minY && zI - minY <= rangeY) { bufferX = (int) (((zR - minX) / rangeX) * negative.size.width); bufferY = (int) (((zI - minY) / rangeY) * negative.size.height); negative.buffer.setElem(bufferY * negative.size.width + bufferX, negative.buffer.getElem(bufferY * negative.size.width + bufferX) + 1); } for (int k = 1; k < degree; k++) { p = zR; zR = zR * zR - zI * zI; zI = 2 * p * zI; } zR += cR; zI += cI; } } }
@Override public void run(Engine.Negative negative) { for (int i = 1; i <= TASK_SAMPLE_SIZE; i++) { int j, bufferX, bufferY; double cR, cI, zR, zI, p; cR = zR = minX + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(rangeX); cI = zI = minY + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(rangeY); for (j = 0; j < iterationLimit; j++) { for (int k = 1; k < degree; k++) { p = zR; zR = zR * zR - zI * zI; zI = 2 * p * zI; } zR += cR; zI += cI; if (zR * zR + zI * zI > escapeDistance * escapeDistance) { break; } } if (j == iterationLimit) { continue; } zR = cR; zI = cI; for (j = 0; j < iterationLimit; j++) { if (zR >= minX && zR - minX <= rangeX && zI >= minY && zI - minY <= rangeY) { bufferX = (int) (((zR - minX) / rangeX) * negative.size.width); bufferY = (int) (((zI - minY) / rangeY) * negative.size.height); negative.buffer.setElem(bufferY * negative.size.width + bufferX, negative.buffer.getElem(bufferY * negative.size.width + bufferX) + 1); } for (int k = 1; k < degree; k++) { p = zR; zR = zR * zR - zI * zI; zI = 2 * p * zI; } zR += cR; zI += cI; } } }
@override public void run(engine.negative negative) { for (int i = 1; i <= task_sample_size; i++) { int j, bufferx, buffery; double cr, ci, zr, zi, p; cr = zr = minx + threadlocalrandom.current().nextdouble(rangex); ci = zi = miny + threadlocalrandom.current().nextdouble(rangey); for (j = 0; j < iterationlimit; j++) { for (int k = 1; k < degree; k++) { p = zr; zr = zr * zr - zi * zi; zi = 2 * p * zi; } zr += cr; zi += ci; if (zr * zr + zi * zi > escapedistance * escapedistance) { break; } } if (j == iterationlimit) { continue; } zr = cr; zi = ci; for (j = 0; j < iterationlimit; j++) { if (zr >= minx && zr - minx <= rangex && zi >= miny && zi - miny <= rangey) { bufferx = (int) (((zr - minx) / rangex) * negative.size.width); buffery = (int) (((zi - miny) / rangey) * negative.size.height); negative.buffer.setelem(buffery * negative.size.width + bufferx, negative.buffer.getelem(buffery * negative.size.width + bufferx) + 1); } for (int k = 1; k < degree; k++) { p = zr; zr = zr * zr - zi * zi; zi = 2 * p * zi; } zr += cr; zi += ci; } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void xtestNameClash() { WritableVersion wv = model.getWritableVersion(AbstractModel.SUPERUSER); try { doTestVersion(wv); doTestVersion(wv); fail("created two groups with same name"); } catch (ModelException ex) { wv.abort(); Throwable cause = ex; while (null != cause.getCause()) { cause = cause.getCause(); } cause.printStackTrace(); fail(cause.getClass().getName() + ": " + cause.getMessage()); } finally { if (!wv.isCompleted()) { wv.abort(); } // not testing persistence here } }
public void xtestNameClash() { WritableVersion wv = model.getWritableVersion(AbstractModel.SUPERUSER); try { doTestVersion(wv); doTestVersion(wv); fail("created two groups with same name"); } catch (ModelException ex) { wv.abort(); Throwable cause = ex; while (null != cause.getCause()) { cause = cause.getCause(); } cause.printStackTrace(); fail(cause.getClass().getName() + ": " + cause.getMessage()); } finally { if (!wv.isCompleted()) { wv.abort(); } } }
public void xtestnameclash() { writableversion wv = model.getwritableversion(abstractmodel.superuser); try { dotestversion(wv); dotestversion(wv); fail("created two groups with same name"); } catch (modelexception ex) { wv.abort(); throwable cause = ex; while (null != cause.getcause()) { cause = cause.getcause(); } cause.printstacktrace(); fail(cause.getclass().getname() + ": " + cause.getmessage()); } finally { if (!wv.iscompleted()) { wv.abort(); } } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
public void hasLength(int length) { // TODO Support string length? checkArgument(length >= 0, "length (%s) must be >= 0", length); if (actual() == null || !actual().isContainerNode()) { fail("is a container"); } else if (actual().size() != length) { fail("has length", length); } }
public void hasLength(int length) { checkArgument(length >= 0, "length (%s) must be >= 0", length); if (actual() == null || !actual().isContainerNode()) { fail("is a container"); } else if (actual().size() != length) { fail("has length", length); } }
public void haslength(int length) { checkargument(length >= 0, "length (%s) must be >= 0", length); if (actual() == null || !actual().iscontainernode()) { fail("is a container"); } else if (actual().size() != length) { fail("has length", length); } }
[ 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
public JsonSubjectFactory configure(DeserializationFeature feature, boolean state) { objectMapper.configure(feature, state); return this; }
public JsonSubjectFactory configure(DeserializationFeature feature, boolean state) { objectMapper.configure(feature, state); return this; }
public jsonsubjectfactory configure(deserializationfeature feature, boolean state) { objectmapper.configure(feature, state); return this; }
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@Override public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, final int position) { final Item item = mItemList.get(position); setListener(mListener); String dateStr = item.getPubDate(); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault()); try { Date date = formatter.parse(dateStr); String pubDateStr = DateUtils.formatAbbrev(mContext, date); String[] dateMonth = pubDateStr.split(" "); holder.mTvMonth.setText(dateMonth[0]); holder.mTvDate.setText(dateMonth[1]); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GoogleAnalyticsUtil.trackException(mContext, e); } if (null != item.getItunesDuration()) { //Check if the duration is already formatted if (item.getItunesDuration().contains(":")) { holder.mTvPodcastDuration.setText(item.getItunesDuration()); } else { long min = Integer.parseInt(item.getItunesDuration()) / 60000; long sec = Integer.parseInt(item.getItunesDuration()) % 60000 / 1000; holder.mTvPodcastDuration.setText(String.format(mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.duration), min, sec)); } } holder.mTvPodcastTitle.setText(item.getTitle()); holder.mPlayImageButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { //TODO:: Change Icon based on action. If playing, equalizer icon, pause pause-icon etc String imageUrl = ""; Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(mUri, null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { imageUrl = cursor.getString(ApplicationConstants.COLUMN_SUBSCRIBED_PODCAST_FEED_IMAGE_URL); } } Track track = new Track(); track.setTitle(item.getTitle()); track.setStreamUrl(item.getEnclosure().getUrl()); track.setArtist(item.getItunesAuthor()); track.setArtworkUrl(imageUrl); track.setDurationInMilli(Converter.getMilliSeconds(item.getItunesDuration())); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onTrackClicked(track); } } }); holder.mEpisodeRl.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { displayBottomSheet(item); } }); }
@Override public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, final int position) { final Item item = mItemList.get(position); setListener(mListener); String dateStr = item.getPubDate(); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault()); try { Date date = formatter.parse(dateStr); String pubDateStr = DateUtils.formatAbbrev(mContext, date); String[] dateMonth = pubDateStr.split(" "); holder.mTvMonth.setText(dateMonth[0]); holder.mTvDate.setText(dateMonth[1]); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GoogleAnalyticsUtil.trackException(mContext, e); } if (null != item.getItunesDuration()) { if (item.getItunesDuration().contains(":")) { holder.mTvPodcastDuration.setText(item.getItunesDuration()); } else { long min = Integer.parseInt(item.getItunesDuration()) / 60000; long sec = Integer.parseInt(item.getItunesDuration()) % 60000 / 1000; holder.mTvPodcastDuration.setText(String.format(mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.duration), min, sec)); } } holder.mTvPodcastTitle.setText(item.getTitle()); holder.mPlayImageButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { String imageUrl = ""; Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(mUri, null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { imageUrl = cursor.getString(ApplicationConstants.COLUMN_SUBSCRIBED_PODCAST_FEED_IMAGE_URL); } } Track track = new Track(); track.setTitle(item.getTitle()); track.setStreamUrl(item.getEnclosure().getUrl()); track.setArtist(item.getItunesAuthor()); track.setArtworkUrl(imageUrl); track.setDurationInMilli(Converter.getMilliSeconds(item.getItunesDuration())); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onTrackClicked(track); } } }); holder.mEpisodeRl.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { displayBottomSheet(item); } }); }
@override public void onbindviewholder(final viewholder holder, final int position) { final item item = mitemlist.get(position); setlistener(mlistener); string datestr = item.getpubdate(); dateformat formatter = new simpledateformat("eee, dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss", locale.getdefault()); try { date date = formatter.parse(datestr); string pubdatestr = dateutils.formatabbrev(mcontext, date); string[] datemonth = pubdatestr.split(" "); holder.mtvmonth.settext(datemonth[0]); holder.mtvdate.settext(datemonth[1]); } catch (parseexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); googleanalyticsutil.trackexception(mcontext, e); } if (null != item.getitunesduration()) { if (item.getitunesduration().contains(":")) { holder.mtvpodcastduration.settext(item.getitunesduration()); } else { long min = integer.parseint(item.getitunesduration()) / 60000; long sec = integer.parseint(item.getitunesduration()) % 60000 / 1000; holder.mtvpodcastduration.settext(string.format(mcontext.getresources().getstring(r.string.duration), min, sec)); } } holder.mtvpodcasttitle.settext(item.gettitle()); holder.mplayimagebutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { string imageurl = ""; cursor cursor = mcontext.getcontentresolver().query(muri, null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.movetonext()) { imageurl = cursor.getstring(applicationconstants.column_subscribed_podcast_feed_image_url); } } track track = new track(); track.settitle(item.gettitle()); track.setstreamurl(item.getenclosure().geturl()); track.setartist(item.getitunesauthor()); track.setartworkurl(imageurl); track.setdurationinmilli(converter.getmilliseconds(item.getitunesduration())); if (mlistener != null) { mlistener.ontrackclicked(track); } } }); holder.mepisoderl.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { displaybottomsheet(item); } }); }
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protected Model filterModel(Model model, URI documentBaseUri) throws IOException { final boolean IGNORE_STYLESHEETS = true; final boolean IGNORE_FAVICON = true; final boolean DOCBASE_ONLY = false; ValueFactory factory = SimpleValueFactory.getInstance(); String documentBaseUriStr = documentBaseUri.toString(); Iterator<Statement> iter = model.iterator(); //Note that the model has a "predictable iteration order", and since we get a ConcurrentModException while altering the model itself, // we choose to instance a new one, and add the valid filtered nodes in order to this new one Model filteredModel = new LinkedHashModel(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Statement stmt =; //!!! Note !!! //The double (eg. both XHTML_NS_STYLESHEET and LOCAL_NS_STYLESHEET) checks below are the result of a bug: //Because we set the @vocab attribute on the <html> element, all the stylesheet-links are prefixed with that namespace, //so they're actually not real XHTML predicates, but changed into eg. //Because it's quite a hard fix to implement, we work around it here. //remove all the XHTML stylesheets predicates from the model boolean removed = false; if (!removed && IGNORE_STYLESHEETS && (stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(XHTML_NS_STYLESHEET) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(LOCAL_NS_STYLESHEET))) { removed = true; } //removes all favicon statements. Note that this last check isn't waterproof (we can use any name for our favicons), but it works 99% of the time if (!removed && IGNORE_FAVICON && stmt.getObject().toString().contains("favicon") && (stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(XHTML_NS_ICON) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(LOCAL_NS_ICON) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(XHTML_NS_APPLE_TOUCH_ICON) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(LOCAL_NS_APPLE_TOUCH_ICON) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(LOCAL_NS_MANIFEST) )) { removed = true; } //remove all non-documentBaseUri subjects from the model if (!removed && DOCBASE_ONLY && !stmt.getSubject().toString().equals(documentBaseUriStr)) { removed = true; } //we're not interested in blank nodes because they don't have a page as subject, so we might as well filter them out if (!removed && stmt.getSubject() instanceof BNode) { removed = true; } //we'll use this loop to whitespace-trim the values while we're at it //Note that this is a bit hacky. The more proper way would be to edit the com.beligum.blocks.rdf.importers.semargl.SesameSink.addPlainLiteral() // method, but that class is supposed to be part of the core Sesame library (only copied over to have RDFa support in Sesame4), so I opted to implement it here //Also note that this implementation doens't trim the non-plain literal values (like datetime). They are passed over via the @content attribute inside RDFa, // so it should be quite clean already. Also because the HTML input stream, coming from JSoup is minified before passed to Sesame. // But it can be easily supported (the part where the exception is thrown) if (!removed) { //these will hold possible modified pieces of the statement Resource newSubject = null; IRI newPredicate = null; Value newObject = null; //trim all "lang" params from the subject //This is an important change: // From time to time, the eg. ?lang=en part of an URI seeps through, even though we set every RDFa html tag with a clear @about attribute // eg. this is the case as subject of "" // Because we don't save the statements of a resource by language (the @lang tag makes sure it is added statement-per-statement for certain datatypes), // the subject of the resource needs to be cleared from all lang query params to avoid false doubles while querying the triplestore (eg. using SPARQL). // We group by subject-URI and double (or triple, or ..., depends on the amount of languages in the system) entries mess up the counts, iterations, group-by's, etc. // That's why we try hard here to avoid these during import. if (stmt.getSubject() instanceof IRI) { URI subject = URI.create(stmt.getSubject().stringValue()); MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = StringFunctions.getQueryParameters(subject); if (queryParams != null && queryParams.containsKey(I18nFactory.LANG_QUERY_PARAM)) { URI noLangUri = UriBuilder.fromUri(subject).replaceQueryParam(I18nFactory.LANG_QUERY_PARAM).build(); newSubject = factory.createIRI(noLangUri.toString()); } } //if the object is a literal, check if it needs to be trimmed //BIG NOTE: XSD.anyURI is also an instance of a Literal!! if (stmt.getObject() instanceof Literal) { Literal literal = (Literal) stmt.getObject(); String objectValue = literal.getLabel(); //we like to use and save relative URIs as relative URIs because it means we don't need to //update them if the site domain changes. But the RDFa doc clearly states all relative URIs need //to be converted to absolute URIs: //However, when dealing with custom html tags (eg. <meta datatype="xsd:anyURI"> tags), this doesn't happen //automatically, so let's do it manually. if (literal.getDatatype().equals(XMLSchema.ANYURI)) { //this is important: blank URIs (and this happens; eg. a tag <meta property="sameAs" datatype="xsd:anyURI" /> will yield a blank value for "sameAs"!) // would get filled in without this check; eg. a "" value would become "http://localhost:8080/en/" by default and this is bad! (eg. for sameAs properties) if (!StringUtils.isBlank(objectValue)) { URI objectUri = URI.create(objectValue); if (!objectUri.isAbsolute()) { objectUri = documentBaseUri.resolve(objectUri); } //it makes sense to convert the data type to IRI as well newObject = factory.createIRI(objectUri.toString()); } } //this means it's a 'true' literal -> check if we can trim else { String objectValueTrimmed = StringUtils.strip(objectValue); if (!objectValue.equals(objectValueTrimmed)) { //Note: this makes sense: see SimpleLiteral(String label, IRI datatype) constructor code if (literal.getDatatype().equals(RDF.LANGSTRING)) { newObject = factory.createLiteral(objectValueTrimmed, literal.getLanguage().get()); } else if (literal.getDatatype().equals(XMLSchema.STRING)) { newObject = factory.createLiteral(objectValueTrimmed, literal.getDatatype()); } else if (literal.getDatatype().equals(RDF.HTML)) { newObject = factory.createLiteral(objectValueTrimmed, literal.getDatatype()); } else { throw new IOException("Encountered unsupported simple literal value, this shouldn't happen; " + literal.getDatatype() + " - " + objectValue); } } } } //After all the filtering above, check if we need to change the statement: remove it from the model and add it again later on Statement validStmt = null; if (newSubject != null || newObject != null || newPredicate != null) { if (newSubject == null) { newSubject = stmt.getSubject(); } if (newPredicate == null) { newPredicate = stmt.getPredicate(); } if (newObject == null) { newObject = stmt.getObject(); } if (stmt.getContext() == null) { validStmt = factory.createStatement(newSubject, newPredicate, newObject); } else { validStmt = factory.createStatement(newSubject, newPredicate, newObject, stmt.getContext()); } } else { validStmt = stmt; } filteredModel.add(validStmt); } } // if the settings say so, validate the incoming (filtered) model if (Settings.instance().getEnableRdfValidation()) { new RdfModelImpl(filteredModel).validate(); } //DEBUG //RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, model, RDFFormat.NTRIPLES); return filteredModel; }
protected Model filterModel(Model model, URI documentBaseUri) throws IOException { final boolean IGNORE_STYLESHEETS = true; final boolean IGNORE_FAVICON = true; final boolean DOCBASE_ONLY = false; ValueFactory factory = SimpleValueFactory.getInstance(); String documentBaseUriStr = documentBaseUri.toString(); Iterator<Statement> iter = model.iterator(); Model filteredModel = new LinkedHashModel(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Statement stmt =; boolean removed = false; if (!removed && IGNORE_STYLESHEETS && (stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(XHTML_NS_STYLESHEET) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(LOCAL_NS_STYLESHEET))) { removed = true; } if (!removed && IGNORE_FAVICON && stmt.getObject().toString().contains("favicon") && (stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(XHTML_NS_ICON) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(LOCAL_NS_ICON) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(XHTML_NS_APPLE_TOUCH_ICON) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(LOCAL_NS_APPLE_TOUCH_ICON) || stmt.getPredicate().toString().equals(LOCAL_NS_MANIFEST) )) { removed = true; } if (!removed && DOCBASE_ONLY && !stmt.getSubject().toString().equals(documentBaseUriStr)) { removed = true; } if (!removed && stmt.getSubject() instanceof BNode) { removed = true; } if (!removed) { Resource newSubject = null; IRI newPredicate = null; Value newObject = null; if (stmt.getSubject() instanceof IRI) { URI subject = URI.create(stmt.getSubject().stringValue()); MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = StringFunctions.getQueryParameters(subject); if (queryParams != null && queryParams.containsKey(I18nFactory.LANG_QUERY_PARAM)) { URI noLangUri = UriBuilder.fromUri(subject).replaceQueryParam(I18nFactory.LANG_QUERY_PARAM).build(); newSubject = factory.createIRI(noLangUri.toString()); } } if (stmt.getObject() instanceof Literal) { Literal literal = (Literal) stmt.getObject(); String objectValue = literal.getLabel(); if (literal.getDatatype().equals(XMLSchema.ANYURI)) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(objectValue)) { URI objectUri = URI.create(objectValue); if (!objectUri.isAbsolute()) { objectUri = documentBaseUri.resolve(objectUri); } newObject = factory.createIRI(objectUri.toString()); } } else { String objectValueTrimmed = StringUtils.strip(objectValue); if (!objectValue.equals(objectValueTrimmed)) { if (literal.getDatatype().equals(RDF.LANGSTRING)) { newObject = factory.createLiteral(objectValueTrimmed, literal.getLanguage().get()); } else if (literal.getDatatype().equals(XMLSchema.STRING)) { newObject = factory.createLiteral(objectValueTrimmed, literal.getDatatype()); } else if (literal.getDatatype().equals(RDF.HTML)) { newObject = factory.createLiteral(objectValueTrimmed, literal.getDatatype()); } else { throw new IOException("Encountered unsupported simple literal value, this shouldn't happen; " + literal.getDatatype() + " - " + objectValue); } } } } Statement validStmt = null; if (newSubject != null || newObject != null || newPredicate != null) { if (newSubject == null) { newSubject = stmt.getSubject(); } if (newPredicate == null) { newPredicate = stmt.getPredicate(); } if (newObject == null) { newObject = stmt.getObject(); } if (stmt.getContext() == null) { validStmt = factory.createStatement(newSubject, newPredicate, newObject); } else { validStmt = factory.createStatement(newSubject, newPredicate, newObject, stmt.getContext()); } } else { validStmt = stmt; } filteredModel.add(validStmt); } } if (Settings.instance().getEnableRdfValidation()) { new RdfModelImpl(filteredModel).validate(); } return filteredModel; }
protected model filtermodel(model model, uri documentbaseuri) throws ioexception { final boolean ignore_stylesheets = true; final boolean ignore_favicon = true; final boolean docbase_only = false; valuefactory factory = simplevaluefactory.getinstance(); string documentbaseuristr = documentbaseuri.tostring(); iterator<statement> iter = model.iterator(); model filteredmodel = new linkedhashmodel(); while (iter.hasnext()) { statement stmt =; boolean removed = false; if (!removed && ignore_stylesheets && (stmt.getpredicate().tostring().equals(xhtml_ns_stylesheet) || stmt.getpredicate().tostring().equals(local_ns_stylesheet))) { removed = true; } if (!removed && ignore_favicon && stmt.getobject().tostring().contains("favicon") && (stmt.getpredicate().tostring().equals(xhtml_ns_icon) || stmt.getpredicate().tostring().equals(local_ns_icon) || stmt.getpredicate().tostring().equals(xhtml_ns_apple_touch_icon) || stmt.getpredicate().tostring().equals(local_ns_apple_touch_icon) || stmt.getpredicate().tostring().equals(local_ns_manifest) )) { removed = true; } if (!removed && docbase_only && !stmt.getsubject().tostring().equals(documentbaseuristr)) { removed = true; } if (!removed && stmt.getsubject() instanceof bnode) { removed = true; } if (!removed) { resource newsubject = null; iri newpredicate = null; value newobject = null; if (stmt.getsubject() instanceof iri) { uri subject = uri.create(stmt.getsubject().stringvalue()); multivaluedmap<string, string> queryparams = stringfunctions.getqueryparameters(subject); if (queryparams != null && queryparams.containskey(i18nfactory.lang_query_param)) { uri nolanguri = uribuilder.fromuri(subject).replacequeryparam(i18nfactory.lang_query_param).build(); newsubject = factory.createiri(nolanguri.tostring()); } } if (stmt.getobject() instanceof literal) { literal literal = (literal) stmt.getobject(); string objectvalue = literal.getlabel(); if (literal.getdatatype().equals(xmlschema.anyuri)) { if (!stringutils.isblank(objectvalue)) { uri objecturi = uri.create(objectvalue); if (!objecturi.isabsolute()) { objecturi = documentbaseuri.resolve(objecturi); } newobject = factory.createiri(objecturi.tostring()); } } else { string objectvaluetrimmed = stringutils.strip(objectvalue); if (!objectvalue.equals(objectvaluetrimmed)) { if (literal.getdatatype().equals(rdf.langstring)) { newobject = factory.createliteral(objectvaluetrimmed, literal.getlanguage().get()); } else if (literal.getdatatype().equals(xmlschema.string)) { newobject = factory.createliteral(objectvaluetrimmed, literal.getdatatype()); } else if (literal.getdatatype().equals(rdf.html)) { newobject = factory.createliteral(objectvaluetrimmed, literal.getdatatype()); } else { throw new ioexception("encountered unsupported simple literal value, this shouldn't happen; " + literal.getdatatype() + " - " + objectvalue); } } } } statement validstmt = null; if (newsubject != null || newobject != null || newpredicate != null) { if (newsubject == null) { newsubject = stmt.getsubject(); } if (newpredicate == null) { newpredicate = stmt.getpredicate(); } if (newobject == null) { newobject = stmt.getobject(); } if (stmt.getcontext() == null) { validstmt = factory.createstatement(newsubject, newpredicate, newobject); } else { validstmt = factory.createstatement(newsubject, newpredicate, newobject, stmt.getcontext()); } } else { validstmt = stmt; } filteredmodel.add(validstmt); } } if (settings.instance().getenablerdfvalidation()) { new rdfmodelimpl(filteredmodel).validate(); } return filteredmodel; }
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public void updateRawRatioDataModelsWithPrimaryStandardValue(Double[] standardValuesMap) { // since ratios are sorted, we send in ordered array of corresponding standard values //TODO: make more robust SortedSet<DataModelInterface> ratiosSortedSet = getRatiosForFractionFitting();//getValidRawRatios(); int count = 0; Iterator<DataModelInterface> ratiosSortedSetIterator = ratiosSortedSet.iterator(); while (ratiosSortedSetIterator.hasNext()) { DataModelInterface ratio =; ((RawRatioDataModel) ratio).setStandardValue(standardValuesMap[count]); // oct 2012 check for zero or missing standard ratio and remove ratio from fractination consideration //if ( standardValuesMap[count] == 0.0 ) { ((RawRatioDataModel) ratio).setUsedForFractionationCorrections(standardValuesMap[count] != 0.0); //} count++; } }
public void updateRawRatioDataModelsWithPrimaryStandardValue(Double[] standardValuesMap) { SortedSet<DataModelInterface> ratiosSortedSet = getRatiosForFractionFitting() int count = 0; Iterator<DataModelInterface> ratiosSortedSetIterator = ratiosSortedSet.iterator(); while (ratiosSortedSetIterator.hasNext()) { DataModelInterface ratio =; ((RawRatioDataModel) ratio).setStandardValue(standardValuesMap[count]); ((RawRatioDataModel) ratio).setUsedForFractionationCorrections(standardValuesMap[count] != 0.0); count++; } }
public void updaterawratiodatamodelswithprimarystandardvalue(double[] standardvaluesmap) { sortedset<datamodelinterface> ratiossortedset = getratiosforfractionfitting() int count = 0; iterator<datamodelinterface> ratiossortedsetiterator = ratiossortedset.iterator(); while (ratiossortedsetiterator.hasnext()) { datamodelinterface ratio =; ((rawratiodatamodel) ratio).setstandardvalue(standardvaluesmap[count]); ((rawratiodatamodel) ratio).setusedforfractionationcorrections(standardvaluesmap[count] != 0.0); count++; } }
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protected void computeAverageChainingDistances(KNNQuery<O> knnq, DistanceQuery<O> dq, DBIDs ids, WritableDoubleDataStore acds) { FiniteProgress lrdsProgress = LOG.isVerbose() ? new FiniteProgress("Computing average chaining distances", ids.size(), LOG) : null; // Compute the chaining distances. // We do <i>not</i> bother to materialize the chaining order. for(DBIDIter iter = ids.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) { final KNNList neighbors = knnq.getKNNForDBID(iter, k); final int r = neighbors.size(); DoubleDBIDListIter it1 = neighbors.iter(), it2 = neighbors.iter(); // Store the current lowest reachability. final double[] mindists = new double[r]; for(int i = 0; it1.valid(); it1.advance(), ++i) { mindists[i] = DBIDUtil.equal(it1, iter) ? Double.NaN : it1.doubleValue(); } double acsum = 0.; for(int j = ((r < k) ? r : k) - 1; j > 0; --j) { // Find the minimum: int minpos = -1; double mindist = Double.NaN; for(int i = 0; i < mindists.length; ++i) { double curdist = mindists[i]; // Both values could be NaN, deliberately. if(curdist == curdist && !(curdist > mindist)) { minpos = i; mindist = curdist; } } acsum += mindist * j; // Weighted sum, decreasing weights mindists[minpos] = Double.NaN;; // Update distances; for(int i = 0; it2.valid(); it2.advance(), ++i) { final double curdist = mindists[i]; if(curdist != curdist) { continue; // NaN = processed! } double newdist = dq.distance(it1, it2); if(newdist < curdist) { mindists[i] = newdist; } } } acds.putDouble(iter, acsum / (r * 0.5 * (r - 1.))); LOG.incrementProcessed(lrdsProgress); } LOG.ensureCompleted(lrdsProgress); }
protected void computeAverageChainingDistances(KNNQuery<O> knnq, DistanceQuery<O> dq, DBIDs ids, WritableDoubleDataStore acds) { FiniteProgress lrdsProgress = LOG.isVerbose() ? new FiniteProgress("Computing average chaining distances", ids.size(), LOG) : null; for(DBIDIter iter = ids.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) { final KNNList neighbors = knnq.getKNNForDBID(iter, k); final int r = neighbors.size(); DoubleDBIDListIter it1 = neighbors.iter(), it2 = neighbors.iter(); final double[] mindists = new double[r]; for(int i = 0; it1.valid(); it1.advance(), ++i) { mindists[i] = DBIDUtil.equal(it1, iter) ? Double.NaN : it1.doubleValue(); } double acsum = 0.; for(int j = ((r < k) ? r : k) - 1; j > 0; --j) { int minpos = -1; double mindist = Double.NaN; for(int i = 0; i < mindists.length; ++i) { double curdist = mindists[i]; if(curdist == curdist && !(curdist > mindist)) { minpos = i; mindist = curdist; } } acsum += mindist * j; mindists[minpos] = Double.NaN;;; for(int i = 0; it2.valid(); it2.advance(), ++i) { final double curdist = mindists[i]; if(curdist != curdist) { continue; } double newdist = dq.distance(it1, it2); if(newdist < curdist) { mindists[i] = newdist; } } } acds.putDouble(iter, acsum / (r * 0.5 * (r - 1.))); LOG.incrementProcessed(lrdsProgress); } LOG.ensureCompleted(lrdsProgress); }
protected void computeaveragechainingdistances(knnquery<o> knnq, distancequery<o> dq, dbids ids, writabledoubledatastore acds) { finiteprogress lrdsprogress = log.isverbose() ? new finiteprogress("computing average chaining distances", ids.size(), log) : null; for(dbiditer iter = ids.iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) { final knnlist neighbors = knnq.getknnfordbid(iter, k); final int r = neighbors.size(); doubledbidlistiter it1 = neighbors.iter(), it2 = neighbors.iter(); final double[] mindists = new double[r]; for(int i = 0; it1.valid(); it1.advance(), ++i) { mindists[i] = dbidutil.equal(it1, iter) ? double.nan : it1.doublevalue(); } double acsum = 0.; for(int j = ((r < k) ? r : k) - 1; j > 0; --j) { int minpos = -1; double mindist = double.nan; for(int i = 0; i < mindists.length; ++i) { double curdist = mindists[i]; if(curdist == curdist && !(curdist > mindist)) { minpos = i; mindist = curdist; } } acsum += mindist * j; mindists[minpos] = double.nan;;; for(int i = 0; it2.valid(); it2.advance(), ++i) { final double curdist = mindists[i]; if(curdist != curdist) { continue; } double newdist = dq.distance(it1, it2); if(newdist < curdist) { mindists[i] = newdist; } } } acds.putdouble(iter, acsum / (r * 0.5 * (r - 1.))); log.incrementprocessed(lrdsprogress); } log.ensurecompleted(lrdsprogress); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public static PerspectiveJsonObject getPerspectiveObjectForEvent(TrigTripleData trigTripleData, String mentionUri, String meta) { PerspectiveJsonObject perspectiveJsonObject = new PerspectiveJsonObject(); String author = ""; String cite = ""; // System.out.println("Start"); ArrayList<String> perspectives = new ArrayList<String>(); if (trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.containsKey(mentionUri)) { ArrayList<Statement> perspectiveTriples = trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.get(mentionUri); // System.out.println("perspectiveTriples.size() = " + perspectiveTriples.size()); for (int i = 0; i < perspectiveTriples.size(); i++) { Statement statement = perspectiveTriples.get(i); String subject = statement.getSubject().getURI(); String predicate = statement.getPredicate().getURI(); String object = statement.getObject().toString(); if (predicate.endsWith("#hasAttribution")) { if (trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.containsKey(object)) { ArrayList<Statement> perspectiveValues = trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.get(object); for (int j = 0; j < perspectiveValues.size(); j++) { Statement statement1 = perspectiveValues.get(j); //System.out.println("statement1.toString() = " + statement1.toString()); // System.out.println("statement1.getObject().toString() = " + statement1.getObject().toString()); //ttp://, if (statement1.getPredicate().getURI().endsWith("#wasAttributedTo")) { if (trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.containsKey(statement1.getObject().toString())) { //// this means the source has properties so it is likely to be the document with an author ArrayList<Statement> provStatements = trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.get(statement1.getObject().toString()); for (int k = 0; k < provStatements.size(); k++) { Statement statement2 = provStatements.get(k); author = statement2.getObject().toString(); int idx = author.lastIndexOf("/"); if (idx > -1) { author = author.substring(idx + 1); } // System.out.println("author source = " + author); } } else { //// it is not the document so a cited source cite = statement1.getObject().toString(); int idx = cite.lastIndexOf("/"); if (idx > -1) { cite = cite.substring(idx + 1); } /* THIS DOES NOT WORK: PRONOUNS, RECEPTIONIST, ETC... //// There can be source documents without meta data. //// In that case, there are no triples for in tripleMapGrasp with this subject but it is still a document //// The next hack checks for upper case characters in the URI //// If they are present, we assume it is somebody otherwise we assume it is a document and we assign it to the meta string if (cite.toLowerCase().equals(cite)) { //// no uppercase characters cite = meta; } */ // System.out.println("quote source = " + cite); } } else if (statement1.getPredicate().getURI().endsWith("#value")) { String perspective = ""; String str = statement1.getObject().toString(); // System.out.println("str = " + str); int idx = str.lastIndexOf("#"); if (idx > -1) { perspective = str.substring(idx + 1); } else { idx = str.lastIndexOf("/"); if (idx > -1) { perspective = str.substring(idx + 1); } else { perspective = str; } } ArrayList<String> myPerspectives = PerspectiveJsonObject.normalizePerspectiveValue(perspective); for (int k = 0; k < myPerspectives.size(); k++) { String myPerspective = myPerspectives.get(k); if (!perspectives.contains(myPerspective)) { // System.out.println("myPerspective = " + myPerspective); perspectives.add(myPerspective); } } } else { // System.out.println("statement1.getPredicate().getURI() = " + statement1.getPredicate().getURI()); } } } } } if (perspectives.size() > 0) { // System.out.println("final author = " + author); perspectiveJsonObject = new PerspectiveJsonObject(perspectives, author, cite, "", "", "", mentionUri, null); } } return perspectiveJsonObject; }
public static PerspectiveJsonObject getPerspectiveObjectForEvent(TrigTripleData trigTripleData, String mentionUri, String meta) { PerspectiveJsonObject perspectiveJsonObject = new PerspectiveJsonObject(); String author = ""; String cite = ""; ArrayList<String> perspectives = new ArrayList<String>(); if (trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.containsKey(mentionUri)) { ArrayList<Statement> perspectiveTriples = trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.get(mentionUri); for (int i = 0; i < perspectiveTriples.size(); i++) { Statement statement = perspectiveTriples.get(i); String subject = statement.getSubject().getURI(); String predicate = statement.getPredicate().getURI(); String object = statement.getObject().toString(); if (predicate.endsWith("#hasAttribution")) { if (trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.containsKey(object)) { ArrayList<Statement> perspectiveValues = trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.get(object); for (int j = 0; j < perspectiveValues.size(); j++) { Statement statement1 = perspectiveValues.get(j); if (statement1.getPredicate().getURI().endsWith("#wasAttributedTo")) { if (trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.containsKey(statement1.getObject().toString())) { ArrayList<Statement> provStatements = trigTripleData.tripleMapGrasp.get(statement1.getObject().toString()); for (int k = 0; k < provStatements.size(); k++) { Statement statement2 = provStatements.get(k); author = statement2.getObject().toString(); int idx = author.lastIndexOf("/"); if (idx > -1) { author = author.substring(idx + 1); } } } else { cite = statement1.getObject().toString(); int idx = cite.lastIndexOf("/"); if (idx > -1) { cite = cite.substring(idx + 1); } } } else if (statement1.getPredicate().getURI().endsWith("#value")) { String perspective = ""; String str = statement1.getObject().toString(); int idx = str.lastIndexOf("#"); if (idx > -1) { perspective = str.substring(idx + 1); } else { idx = str.lastIndexOf("/"); if (idx > -1) { perspective = str.substring(idx + 1); } else { perspective = str; } } ArrayList<String> myPerspectives = PerspectiveJsonObject.normalizePerspectiveValue(perspective); for (int k = 0; k < myPerspectives.size(); k++) { String myPerspective = myPerspectives.get(k); if (!perspectives.contains(myPerspective)) { perspectives.add(myPerspective); } } } else { } } } } } if (perspectives.size() > 0) { perspectiveJsonObject = new PerspectiveJsonObject(perspectives, author, cite, "", "", "", mentionUri, null); } } return perspectiveJsonObject; }
public static perspectivejsonobject getperspectiveobjectforevent(trigtripledata trigtripledata, string mentionuri, string meta) { perspectivejsonobject perspectivejsonobject = new perspectivejsonobject(); string author = ""; string cite = ""; arraylist<string> perspectives = new arraylist<string>(); if (trigtripledata.triplemapgrasp.containskey(mentionuri)) { arraylist<statement> perspectivetriples = trigtripledata.triplemapgrasp.get(mentionuri); for (int i = 0; i < perspectivetriples.size(); i++) { statement statement = perspectivetriples.get(i); string subject = statement.getsubject().geturi(); string predicate = statement.getpredicate().geturi(); string object = statement.getobject().tostring(); if (predicate.endswith("#hasattribution")) { if (trigtripledata.triplemapgrasp.containskey(object)) { arraylist<statement> perspectivevalues = trigtripledata.triplemapgrasp.get(object); for (int j = 0; j < perspectivevalues.size(); j++) { statement statement1 = perspectivevalues.get(j); if (statement1.getpredicate().geturi().endswith("#wasattributedto")) { if (trigtripledata.triplemapgrasp.containskey(statement1.getobject().tostring())) { arraylist<statement> provstatements = trigtripledata.triplemapgrasp.get(statement1.getobject().tostring()); for (int k = 0; k < provstatements.size(); k++) { statement statement2 = provstatements.get(k); author = statement2.getobject().tostring(); int idx = author.lastindexof("/"); if (idx > -1) { author = author.substring(idx + 1); } } } else { cite = statement1.getobject().tostring(); int idx = cite.lastindexof("/"); if (idx > -1) { cite = cite.substring(idx + 1); } } } else if (statement1.getpredicate().geturi().endswith("#value")) { string perspective = ""; string str = statement1.getobject().tostring(); int idx = str.lastindexof("#"); if (idx > -1) { perspective = str.substring(idx + 1); } else { idx = str.lastindexof("/"); if (idx > -1) { perspective = str.substring(idx + 1); } else { perspective = str; } } arraylist<string> myperspectives = perspectivejsonobject.normalizeperspectivevalue(perspective); for (int k = 0; k < myperspectives.size(); k++) { string myperspective = myperspectives.get(k); if (!perspectives.contains(myperspective)) { perspectives.add(myperspective); } } } else { } } } } } if (perspectives.size() > 0) { perspectivejsonobject = new perspectivejsonobject(perspectives, author, cite, "", "", "", mentionuri, null); } } return perspectivejsonobject; }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Test void buildTask() throws Exception { VelocityScheduler scheduler = new VelocityScheduler(new FakePluginManager()); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); ScheduledTask task = scheduler.buildTask(FakePluginManager.PLUGIN_A, latch::countDown) .schedule(); latch.await(); assertEquals(TaskStatus.FINISHED, task.status()); }
@Test void buildTask() throws Exception { VelocityScheduler scheduler = new VelocityScheduler(new FakePluginManager()); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); ScheduledTask task = scheduler.buildTask(FakePluginManager.PLUGIN_A, latch::countDown) .schedule(); latch.await(); assertEquals(TaskStatus.FINISHED, task.status()); }
@test void buildtask() throws exception { velocityscheduler scheduler = new velocityscheduler(new fakepluginmanager()); countdownlatch latch = new countdownlatch(1); scheduledtask task = scheduler.buildtask(fakepluginmanager.plugin_a, latch::countdown) .schedule(); latch.await(); assertequals(taskstatus.finished, task.status()); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ViewHolder holder; ParseUser currentUser = ParseUser.getCurrentUser(); String role = currentUser.getString("role"); if(convertView == null) { convertView = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.product_list_item, null); holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.companyNameLabel = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.productNameLabel = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.priceNameLabel = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.addItemButton = (Button) convertView.findViewById(; holder.editItemButton = (Button) convertView.findViewById(; convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); } if (role.equals("Company Account")) { holder.editItemButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if (role.equals("Personal Account")) { holder.addItemButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } final Product product = mProducts.get(position); holder.companyNameLabel.setText(product.getCompany()); holder.productNameLabel.setText(product.getProductName()); holder.priceNameLabel.setText(product.getPrice() + ""); holder.addItemButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, CheckoutActivity.class); intent.putExtra("product", product.getProductName()); mContext.startActivity(intent); //TODO: Add functionality for edit button } }); return convertView; }
@Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ViewHolder holder; ParseUser currentUser = ParseUser.getCurrentUser(); String role = currentUser.getString("role"); if(convertView == null) { convertView = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.product_list_item, null); holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.companyNameLabel = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.productNameLabel = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.priceNameLabel = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.addItemButton = (Button) convertView.findViewById(; holder.editItemButton = (Button) convertView.findViewById(; convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); } if (role.equals("Company Account")) { holder.editItemButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if (role.equals("Personal Account")) { holder.addItemButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } final Product product = mProducts.get(position); holder.companyNameLabel.setText(product.getCompany()); holder.productNameLabel.setText(product.getProductName()); holder.priceNameLabel.setText(product.getPrice() + ""); holder.addItemButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, CheckoutActivity.class); intent.putExtra("product", product.getProductName()); mContext.startActivity(intent); } }); return convertView; }
@override public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) { viewholder holder; parseuser currentuser = parseuser.getcurrentuser(); string role = currentuser.getstring("role"); if(convertview == null) { convertview = layoutinflater.from(mcontext).inflate(r.layout.product_list_item, null); holder = new viewholder(); holder.companynamelabel = (textview) convertview.findviewbyid(; holder.productnamelabel = (textview) convertview.findviewbyid(; holder.pricenamelabel = (textview) convertview.findviewbyid(; holder.additembutton = (button) convertview.findviewbyid(; holder.edititembutton = (button) convertview.findviewbyid(; convertview.settag(holder); } else { holder = (viewholder) convertview.gettag(); } if (role.equals("company account")) { holder.edititembutton.setvisibility(view.visible); } else if (role.equals("personal account")) { holder.additembutton.setvisibility(view.visible); } final product product = mproducts.get(position); holder.companynamelabel.settext(product.getcompany()); holder.productnamelabel.settext(product.getproductname()); holder.pricenamelabel.settext(product.getprice() + ""); holder.additembutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { intent intent = new intent(mcontext, checkoutactivity.class); intent.putextra("product", product.getproductname()); mcontext.startactivity(intent); } }); return convertview; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Implement me, pls :( }
public static void main(String[] args) { }
public static void main(string[] args) { }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private boolean hasTimedOut(SentMessage sentMessage) { // NPE fix. For some reason under heavy load redis can return null records. if (sentMessage == null) { return false; } long now = new Date().getTime(); Date createdTs = sentMessage.getCreatedTs(); return createdTs.getTime() + faxTimeout < now; }
private boolean hasTimedOut(SentMessage sentMessage) { if (sentMessage == null) { return false; } long now = new Date().getTime(); Date createdTs = sentMessage.getCreatedTs(); return createdTs.getTime() + faxTimeout < now; }
private boolean hastimedout(sentmessage sentmessage) { if (sentmessage == null) { return false; } long now = new date().gettime(); date createdts = sentmessage.getcreatedts(); return createdts.gettime() + faxtimeout < now; }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
public long forceSkip(long bytesToSkip) throws IOException { long skipped = mUpstream.skip(bytesToSkip); try { // Figure out where we need to jump to... int skip = (int) (bytesToSkip % AES_BLOCK_SIZE); long blockOffset = bytesToSkip - skip; long numberOfBlocks = blockOffset / AES_BLOCK_SIZE; // TODO: This is designed for CTS mode, for other modes this routine code has to be changed // So that we don't have to read the entire stream, we have to compute what the IV should be at this point in time in CTS mode BigInteger ivForOffsetAsBigInteger = new BigInteger(1, mIvParameterSpec.getIV()).add(BigInteger.valueOf(numberOfBlocks)); byte[] ivForOffsetByteArray = ivForOffsetAsBigInteger.toByteArray(); IvParameterSpec computedIvParameterSpecForOffset; if (ivForOffsetByteArray.length < AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { byte[] resizedIvForOffsetByteArray = new byte[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(ivForOffsetByteArray, 0, resizedIvForOffsetByteArray, AES_BLOCK_SIZE - ivForOffsetByteArray.length, ivForOffsetByteArray.length); computedIvParameterSpecForOffset = new IvParameterSpec(resizedIvForOffsetByteArray); } else { computedIvParameterSpecForOffset = new IvParameterSpec(ivForOffsetByteArray, ivForOffsetByteArray.length - AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE); } // Setup the cipher to use the new IV at the proper offset... mCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, mSecretKeySpec, computedIvParameterSpecForOffset); byte[] skipBuffer = new byte[skip]; // And read/update the buffer to be decrypted mCipher.update(skipBuffer, 0, skip, skipBuffer); Arrays.fill(skipBuffer, (byte) 0); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } return skipped; }
public long forceSkip(long bytesToSkip) throws IOException { long skipped = mUpstream.skip(bytesToSkip); try { int skip = (int) (bytesToSkip % AES_BLOCK_SIZE); long blockOffset = bytesToSkip - skip; long numberOfBlocks = blockOffset / AES_BLOCK_SIZE; BigInteger ivForOffsetAsBigInteger = new BigInteger(1, mIvParameterSpec.getIV()).add(BigInteger.valueOf(numberOfBlocks)); byte[] ivForOffsetByteArray = ivForOffsetAsBigInteger.toByteArray(); IvParameterSpec computedIvParameterSpecForOffset; if (ivForOffsetByteArray.length < AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { byte[] resizedIvForOffsetByteArray = new byte[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(ivForOffsetByteArray, 0, resizedIvForOffsetByteArray, AES_BLOCK_SIZE - ivForOffsetByteArray.length, ivForOffsetByteArray.length); computedIvParameterSpecForOffset = new IvParameterSpec(resizedIvForOffsetByteArray); } else { computedIvParameterSpecForOffset = new IvParameterSpec(ivForOffsetByteArray, ivForOffsetByteArray.length - AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE); } mCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, mSecretKeySpec, computedIvParameterSpecForOffset); byte[] skipBuffer = new byte[skip]; mCipher.update(skipBuffer, 0, skip, skipBuffer); Arrays.fill(skipBuffer, (byte) 0); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } return skipped; }
public long forceskip(long bytestoskip) throws ioexception { long skipped = mupstream.skip(bytestoskip); try { int skip = (int) (bytestoskip % aes_block_size); long blockoffset = bytestoskip - skip; long numberofblocks = blockoffset / aes_block_size; biginteger ivforoffsetasbiginteger = new biginteger(1, mivparameterspec.getiv()).add(biginteger.valueof(numberofblocks)); byte[] ivforoffsetbytearray = ivforoffsetasbiginteger.tobytearray(); ivparameterspec computedivparameterspecforoffset; if (ivforoffsetbytearray.length < aes_block_size) { byte[] resizedivforoffsetbytearray = new byte[aes_block_size]; system.arraycopy(ivforoffsetbytearray, 0, resizedivforoffsetbytearray, aes_block_size - ivforoffsetbytearray.length, ivforoffsetbytearray.length); computedivparameterspecforoffset = new ivparameterspec(resizedivforoffsetbytearray); } else { computedivparameterspecforoffset = new ivparameterspec(ivforoffsetbytearray, ivforoffsetbytearray.length - aes_block_size, aes_block_size); } mcipher.init(cipher.encrypt_mode, msecretkeyspec, computedivparameterspecforoffset); byte[] skipbuffer = new byte[skip]; mcipher.update(skipbuffer, 0, skip, skipbuffer); arrays.fill(skipbuffer, (byte) 0); } catch (exception e) { return 0; } return skipped; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@BeforeEach protected void setup() throws Exception { // Remove the existing program data folder String suffix = "-" + Profile.TEST; ProductCard metadata = Program.class ); Path programDataFolder = OperatingSystem.getUserProgramDataFolder( metadata.getArtifact() + suffix, metadata.getName() + suffix ); assertThat( aggressiveDelete( programDataFolder ) ).withFailMessage( "Failed to delete program data folder" ).isTrue(); // For the parameters to be available using Java 9, the following needs to be added // to the test JVM command line parameters because com.sun.javafx.application.ParametersImpl // is not exposed, nor is there a "proper" way to access it: // // program = (Program)FxToolkit.setupApplication( Program.class, ProgramTestConfig.getParameterValues() ); program.register( ProgramEvent.ANY, programWatcher = new EventWatcher( TIMEOUT ) ); Fx.waitForWithExceptions( TIMEOUT ); // NOTE Thread.yield() is helpful but not consistent Thread.yield(); programWatcher.waitForEvent( ProgramEvent.STARTED, TIMEOUT ); Fx.waitForWithExceptions( TIMEOUT ); // NOTE Thread.yield() is helpful but not consistent Thread.yield(); // Wait for the active workarea // FIXME This should use an event listener to wait for the workarea long limit = System.currentTimeMillis() + TIMEOUT; while( program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace().getActiveWorkarea() == null && System.currentTimeMillis() < limit ) { ThreadUtil.pause( 100 ); } assertThat( program ).withFailMessage( "Program is null" ).isNotNull(); assertThat( program.getWorkspaceManager() ).withFailMessage( "Workspace manager is null" ).isNotNull(); assertThat( program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace() ).withFailMessage( "Active workspace is null" ).isNotNull(); assertThat( program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace().getActiveWorkarea() ).withFailMessage( "Active workarea is null" ).isNotNull(); assertThat( program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace().getActiveWorkarea().getWorkpane() ).withFailMessage( "Active workpane is null" ).isNotNull(); Workpane workpane = program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace().getActiveWorkarea().getWorkpane(); workpane.addEventHandler( WorkpaneEvent.ANY, workpaneWatcher = new FxEventWatcher() ); initialMemoryUse = getMemoryUse(); }
@BeforeEach protected void setup() throws Exception { String suffix = "-" + Profile.TEST; ProductCard metadata = Program.class ); Path programDataFolder = OperatingSystem.getUserProgramDataFolder( metadata.getArtifact() + suffix, metadata.getName() + suffix ); assertThat( aggressiveDelete( programDataFolder ) ).withFailMessage( "Failed to delete program data folder" ).isTrue(); program = (Program)FxToolkit.setupApplication( Program.class, ProgramTestConfig.getParameterValues() ); program.register( ProgramEvent.ANY, programWatcher = new EventWatcher( TIMEOUT ) ); Fx.waitForWithExceptions( TIMEOUT ); Thread.yield(); programWatcher.waitForEvent( ProgramEvent.STARTED, TIMEOUT ); Fx.waitForWithExceptions( TIMEOUT ); Thread.yield(); long limit = System.currentTimeMillis() + TIMEOUT; while( program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace().getActiveWorkarea() == null && System.currentTimeMillis() < limit ) { ThreadUtil.pause( 100 ); } assertThat( program ).withFailMessage( "Program is null" ).isNotNull(); assertThat( program.getWorkspaceManager() ).withFailMessage( "Workspace manager is null" ).isNotNull(); assertThat( program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace() ).withFailMessage( "Active workspace is null" ).isNotNull(); assertThat( program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace().getActiveWorkarea() ).withFailMessage( "Active workarea is null" ).isNotNull(); assertThat( program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace().getActiveWorkarea().getWorkpane() ).withFailMessage( "Active workpane is null" ).isNotNull(); Workpane workpane = program.getWorkspaceManager().getActiveWorkspace().getActiveWorkarea().getWorkpane(); workpane.addEventHandler( WorkpaneEvent.ANY, workpaneWatcher = new FxEventWatcher() ); initialMemoryUse = getMemoryUse(); }
@beforeeach protected void setup() throws exception { string suffix = "-" + profile.test; productcard metadata = program.class ); path programdatafolder = operatingsystem.getuserprogramdatafolder( metadata.getartifact() + suffix, metadata.getname() + suffix ); assertthat( aggressivedelete( programdatafolder ) ).withfailmessage( "failed to delete program data folder" ).istrue(); program = (program)fxtoolkit.setupapplication( program.class, programtestconfig.getparametervalues() ); program.register( programevent.any, programwatcher = new eventwatcher( timeout ) ); fx.waitforwithexceptions( timeout ); thread.yield(); programwatcher.waitforevent( programevent.started, timeout ); fx.waitforwithexceptions( timeout ); thread.yield(); long limit = system.currenttimemillis() + timeout; while( program.getworkspacemanager().getactiveworkspace().getactiveworkarea() == null && system.currenttimemillis() < limit ) { threadutil.pause( 100 ); } assertthat( program ).withfailmessage( "program is null" ).isnotnull(); assertthat( program.getworkspacemanager() ).withfailmessage( "workspace manager is null" ).isnotnull(); assertthat( program.getworkspacemanager().getactiveworkspace() ).withfailmessage( "active workspace is null" ).isnotnull(); assertthat( program.getworkspacemanager().getactiveworkspace().getactiveworkarea() ).withfailmessage( "active workarea is null" ).isnotnull(); assertthat( program.getworkspacemanager().getactiveworkspace().getactiveworkarea().getworkpane() ).withfailmessage( "active workpane is null" ).isnotnull(); workpane workpane = program.getworkspacemanager().getactiveworkspace().getactiveworkarea().getworkpane(); workpane.addeventhandler( workpaneevent.any, workpanewatcher = new fxeventwatcher() ); initialmemoryuse = getmemoryuse(); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private <AH extends AssignmentHolderType> Collection<EvaluatedAssignment<AH>> evaluateAssignments(AH assignmentHolder, Collection<AssignmentType> assignments, boolean virtual, AssignmentEvaluator<AH> assignmentEvaluator, Task task, OperationResult result) { List<EvaluatedAssignment<AH>> evaluatedAssignments = new ArrayList<>(); RepositoryCache.enter(cacheConfigurationManager); try { for (AssignmentType assignmentType: assignments) { try { PrismContainerDefinition definition = assignmentType.asPrismContainerValue().getDefinition(); if (definition == null) { // TODO: optimize definition = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry().findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(AssignmentHolderType.class).findContainerDefinition(AssignmentHolderType.F_ASSIGNMENT); } ItemDeltaItem<PrismContainerValue<AssignmentType>,PrismContainerDefinition<AssignmentType>> assignmentIdi = new ItemDeltaItem<>(LensUtil.createAssignmentSingleValueContainer(assignmentType), definition); EvaluatedAssignment<AH> assignment = assignmentEvaluator.evaluate(assignmentIdi, PlusMinusZero.ZERO, false, assignmentHolder, assignmentHolder.toString(), virtual, task, result); evaluatedAssignments.add(assignment); } catch (SchemaException | ObjectNotFoundException | ExpressionEvaluationException | PolicyViolationException | SecurityViolationException | ConfigurationException | CommunicationException e) { LOGGER.error("Error while processing assignment of {}: {}; assignment: {}", assignmentHolder, e.getMessage(), assignmentType, e); } } } finally { RepositoryCache.exit(); } return evaluatedAssignments; }
private <AH extends AssignmentHolderType> Collection<EvaluatedAssignment<AH>> evaluateAssignments(AH assignmentHolder, Collection<AssignmentType> assignments, boolean virtual, AssignmentEvaluator<AH> assignmentEvaluator, Task task, OperationResult result) { List<EvaluatedAssignment<AH>> evaluatedAssignments = new ArrayList<>(); RepositoryCache.enter(cacheConfigurationManager); try { for (AssignmentType assignmentType: assignments) { try { PrismContainerDefinition definition = assignmentType.asPrismContainerValue().getDefinition(); if (definition == null) { definition = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry().findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(AssignmentHolderType.class).findContainerDefinition(AssignmentHolderType.F_ASSIGNMENT); } ItemDeltaItem<PrismContainerValue<AssignmentType>,PrismContainerDefinition<AssignmentType>> assignmentIdi = new ItemDeltaItem<>(LensUtil.createAssignmentSingleValueContainer(assignmentType), definition); EvaluatedAssignment<AH> assignment = assignmentEvaluator.evaluate(assignmentIdi, PlusMinusZero.ZERO, false, assignmentHolder, assignmentHolder.toString(), virtual, task, result); evaluatedAssignments.add(assignment); } catch (SchemaException | ObjectNotFoundException | ExpressionEvaluationException | PolicyViolationException | SecurityViolationException | ConfigurationException | CommunicationException e) { LOGGER.error("Error while processing assignment of {}: {}; assignment: {}", assignmentHolder, e.getMessage(), assignmentType, e); } } } finally { RepositoryCache.exit(); } return evaluatedAssignments; }
private <ah extends assignmentholdertype> collection<evaluatedassignment<ah>> evaluateassignments(ah assignmentholder, collection<assignmenttype> assignments, boolean virtual, assignmentevaluator<ah> assignmentevaluator, task task, operationresult result) { list<evaluatedassignment<ah>> evaluatedassignments = new arraylist<>(); repositorycache.enter(cacheconfigurationmanager); try { for (assignmenttype assignmenttype: assignments) { try { prismcontainerdefinition definition = assignmenttype.asprismcontainervalue().getdefinition(); if (definition == null) { definition = prismcontext.getschemaregistry().findobjectdefinitionbycompiletimeclass(assignmentholdertype.class).findcontainerdefinition(assignmentholdertype.f_assignment); } itemdeltaitem<prismcontainervalue<assignmenttype>,prismcontainerdefinition<assignmenttype>> assignmentidi = new itemdeltaitem<>(lensutil.createassignmentsinglevaluecontainer(assignmenttype), definition); evaluatedassignment<ah> assignment = assignmentevaluator.evaluate(assignmentidi,, false, assignmentholder, assignmentholder.tostring(), virtual, task, result); evaluatedassignments.add(assignment); } catch (schemaexception | objectnotfoundexception | expressionevaluationexception | policyviolationexception | securityviolationexception | configurationexception | communicationexception e) { logger.error("error while processing assignment of {}: {}; assignment: {}", assignmentholder, e.getmessage(), assignmenttype, e); } } } finally { repositorycache.exit(); } return evaluatedassignments; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void decode(byte[] sensorData) { kiwriousReader.setRawValues(sensorData); switch (sensorData[KIWRIOUS_SENSOR_TYPE]) { //TODO: complete decode calls using bye array data case SENSOR_COLOUR: String[] colorValues = sensorDecoder.decodeColor(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setR(Integer.parseInt(colorValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setG(Integer.parseInt(colorValues[1])); kiwriousReader.setB(Integer.parseInt(colorValues[2])); break; case SENSOR_CONDUCTIVITY: String[] conductivityValues = sensorDecoder.decodeConductivity(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setResistance(Long.parseLong(conductivityValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setConductivity(Float.parseFloat(conductivityValues[1])); break; case SENSOR_HEART_RATE: String heartRateValue = sensorDecoder.decodeHeartRate(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setHeartRate(Integer.parseInt(heartRateValue)); break; case SENSOR_HUMIDITY: Float[] humidityValues = sensorDecoder.decodeHumidity(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setTemperature(humidityValues[0]); kiwriousReader.setHumidity(humidityValues[1]); break; case SENSOR_SOUND: // sensorDecoder.decodeSound(values); break; case SENSOR_TEMPERATURE: String[] temperatureValues = sensorDecoder.decodeTemperature(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setAmbientTemperature(Integer.parseInt(temperatureValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setInfraredTemperature(Integer.parseInt(temperatureValues[1])); break; case SENSOR_TEMPERATURE2: String[] temperature2Values = sensorDecoder.decodeTemperature2(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setAmbientTemperature(Integer.parseInt(temperature2Values[0])); kiwriousReader.setInfraredTemperature(Integer.parseInt(temperature2Values[1])); break; case SENSOR_UV: String[] lightValues = sensorDecoder.decodeUV(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setLux(Long.parseLong(lightValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setUv(Float.parseFloat(lightValues[1])); break; case SENSOR_VOC: String[] vocValues = sensorDecoder.decodeVOC(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setVoc(Integer.parseInt(vocValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setCo2(Integer.parseInt(vocValues[1])); break; default: Log.e("kiwrious-plugin", "unexpected sensor type "+sensorData[KIWRIOUS_SENSOR_TYPE]); break; } }
private void decode(byte[] sensorData) { kiwriousReader.setRawValues(sensorData); switch (sensorData[KIWRIOUS_SENSOR_TYPE]) { case SENSOR_COLOUR: String[] colorValues = sensorDecoder.decodeColor(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setR(Integer.parseInt(colorValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setG(Integer.parseInt(colorValues[1])); kiwriousReader.setB(Integer.parseInt(colorValues[2])); break; case SENSOR_CONDUCTIVITY: String[] conductivityValues = sensorDecoder.decodeConductivity(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setResistance(Long.parseLong(conductivityValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setConductivity(Float.parseFloat(conductivityValues[1])); break; case SENSOR_HEART_RATE: String heartRateValue = sensorDecoder.decodeHeartRate(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setHeartRate(Integer.parseInt(heartRateValue)); break; case SENSOR_HUMIDITY: Float[] humidityValues = sensorDecoder.decodeHumidity(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setTemperature(humidityValues[0]); kiwriousReader.setHumidity(humidityValues[1]); break; case SENSOR_SOUND: break; case SENSOR_TEMPERATURE: String[] temperatureValues = sensorDecoder.decodeTemperature(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setAmbientTemperature(Integer.parseInt(temperatureValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setInfraredTemperature(Integer.parseInt(temperatureValues[1])); break; case SENSOR_TEMPERATURE2: String[] temperature2Values = sensorDecoder.decodeTemperature2(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setAmbientTemperature(Integer.parseInt(temperature2Values[0])); kiwriousReader.setInfraredTemperature(Integer.parseInt(temperature2Values[1])); break; case SENSOR_UV: String[] lightValues = sensorDecoder.decodeUV(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setLux(Long.parseLong(lightValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setUv(Float.parseFloat(lightValues[1])); break; case SENSOR_VOC: String[] vocValues = sensorDecoder.decodeVOC(sensorData); kiwriousReader.setVoc(Integer.parseInt(vocValues[0])); kiwriousReader.setCo2(Integer.parseInt(vocValues[1])); break; default: Log.e("kiwrious-plugin", "unexpected sensor type "+sensorData[KIWRIOUS_SENSOR_TYPE]); break; } }
private void decode(byte[] sensordata) { kiwriousreader.setrawvalues(sensordata); switch (sensordata[kiwrious_sensor_type]) { case sensor_colour: string[] colorvalues = sensordecoder.decodecolor(sensordata); kiwriousreader.setr(integer.parseint(colorvalues[0])); kiwriousreader.setg(integer.parseint(colorvalues[1])); kiwriousreader.setb(integer.parseint(colorvalues[2])); break; case sensor_conductivity: string[] conductivityvalues = sensordecoder.decodeconductivity(sensordata); kiwriousreader.setresistance(long.parselong(conductivityvalues[0])); kiwriousreader.setconductivity(float.parsefloat(conductivityvalues[1])); break; case sensor_heart_rate: string heartratevalue = sensordecoder.decodeheartrate(sensordata); kiwriousreader.setheartrate(integer.parseint(heartratevalue)); break; case sensor_humidity: float[] humidityvalues = sensordecoder.decodehumidity(sensordata); kiwriousreader.settemperature(humidityvalues[0]); kiwriousreader.sethumidity(humidityvalues[1]); break; case sensor_sound: break; case sensor_temperature: string[] temperaturevalues = sensordecoder.decodetemperature(sensordata); kiwriousreader.setambienttemperature(integer.parseint(temperaturevalues[0])); kiwriousreader.setinfraredtemperature(integer.parseint(temperaturevalues[1])); break; case sensor_temperature2: string[] temperature2values = sensordecoder.decodetemperature2(sensordata); kiwriousreader.setambienttemperature(integer.parseint(temperature2values[0])); kiwriousreader.setinfraredtemperature(integer.parseint(temperature2values[1])); break; case sensor_uv: string[] lightvalues = sensordecoder.decodeuv(sensordata); kiwriousreader.setlux(long.parselong(lightvalues[0])); kiwriousreader.setuv(float.parsefloat(lightvalues[1])); break; case sensor_voc: string[] vocvalues = sensordecoder.decodevoc(sensordata); kiwriousreader.setvoc(integer.parseint(vocvalues[0])); kiwriousreader.setco2(integer.parseint(vocvalues[1])); break; default: log.e("kiwrious-plugin", "unexpected sensor type "+sensordata[kiwrious_sensor_type]); break; } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@GetMapping("/sign-in") Mono<JwtToken> signIn(@RequestParam("login") String login,//FIXME use Auth header with basic auth @RequestParam("password") String password) { return userRepository.findByEmailOrMobile(login, login) .filter(u -> u.validatePassword(password)) .map(this::createToken) .map(Mono::just) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid login or password")); }
@GetMapping("/sign-in") Mono<JwtToken> signIn(@RequestParam("login") String login @RequestParam("password") String password) { return userRepository.findByEmailOrMobile(login, login) .filter(u -> u.validatePassword(password)) .map(this::createToken) .map(Mono::just) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid login or password")); }
@getmapping("/sign-in") mono<jwttoken> signin(@requestparam("login") string login @requestparam("password") string password) { return userrepository.findbyemailormobile(login, login) .filter(u -> u.validatepassword(password)) .map(this::createtoken) .map(mono::just) .orelsethrow(() -> new illegalargumentexception("invalid login or password")); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override void testBaseLib() {}
@Override void testBaseLib() {}
@override void testbaselib() {}
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Override void testCoroutineLib() {}
@Override void testCoroutineLib() {}
@override void testcoroutinelib() {}
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Override void testIoLib() {}
@Override void testIoLib() {}
@override void testiolib() {}
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Override void testMetatags() {}
@Override void testMetatags() {}
@override void testmetatags() {}
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Override void testOsLib() {}
@Override void testOsLib() {}
@override void testoslib() {}
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Override void testStringLib() {}
@Override void testStringLib() {}
@override void teststringlib() {}
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Override public String explainIncompleteness() { String result = null; if (isValueDomain()) { //This concept name is value so do special processing result = explainIfNotAllTokensProcessed(""); if (this.instanceName == null) { result = appendReason(result, "No instance name was identified"); } else { //TODO: Eventually remove this test if (this.instanceName.equals(TOKEN_NAMED)) { result = appendReason(result, "Instance name of 'named' was detected"); } } } else { //Do normal processing result = super.explainIncompleteness(); } return result; }
@Override public String explainIncompleteness() { String result = null; if (isValueDomain()) { result = explainIfNotAllTokensProcessed(""); if (this.instanceName == null) { result = appendReason(result, "No instance name was identified"); } else { if (this.instanceName.equals(TOKEN_NAMED)) { result = appendReason(result, "Instance name of 'named' was detected"); } } } else { result = super.explainIncompleteness(); } return result; }
@override public string explainincompleteness() { string result = null; if (isvaluedomain()) { result = explainifnotalltokensprocessed(""); if (this.instancename == null) { result = appendreason(result, "no instance name was identified"); } else { if (this.instancename.equals(token_named)) { result = appendreason(result, "instance name of 'named' was detected"); } } } else { result = super.explainincompleteness(); } return result; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void run() { // Bounds if ( colorPick.getX()+hs > colorPane.getX()+colorPane.getWidth()-1 ) colorPick.setAbsolutePosition(colorPane.getX()+colorPane.getWidth()-hs-1, colorPick.getY()); if ( colorPick.getX()+hs < colorPane.getX() ) colorPick.setAbsolutePosition(colorPane.getX()-hs, colorPick.getY()); if ( colorPick.getY()+hs > colorPane.getY()+colorPane.getHeight() ) colorPick.setAbsolutePosition(colorPick.getX(), colorPane.getY()+colorPane.getHeight()-hs); if ( colorPick.getY()+hs < colorPane.getY()+1 ) colorPick.setAbsolutePosition(colorPick.getX(), colorPane.getY()-hs+1); Vector2i offset = new Vector2i( (int)(colorPick.getX()+hs-colorPane.getX()), (int)colorPane.getHeight()-(int)(colorPick.getY()+hs-colorPane.getY()) ); int index = (offset.y*(int)colorPane.getWidth())+offset.x; int rgb = colorPane.colors[index]; // Swap blue/red channel? Why do I need to do this? Color c = new Color((rgb >> 0) & 0xFF, (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF, (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF, 255); // Update the temp color colorS.setBackgroundLegacy(c); r.setText(""+c.getRed()); g.setText(""+c.getGreen()); b.setText(""+c.getBlue()); colorPick.setBackgroundLegacy(c); tempColor(c); }
@Override public void run() { if ( colorPick.getX()+hs > colorPane.getX()+colorPane.getWidth()-1 ) colorPick.setAbsolutePosition(colorPane.getX()+colorPane.getWidth()-hs-1, colorPick.getY()); if ( colorPick.getX()+hs < colorPane.getX() ) colorPick.setAbsolutePosition(colorPane.getX()-hs, colorPick.getY()); if ( colorPick.getY()+hs > colorPane.getY()+colorPane.getHeight() ) colorPick.setAbsolutePosition(colorPick.getX(), colorPane.getY()+colorPane.getHeight()-hs); if ( colorPick.getY()+hs < colorPane.getY()+1 ) colorPick.setAbsolutePosition(colorPick.getX(), colorPane.getY()-hs+1); Vector2i offset = new Vector2i( (int)(colorPick.getX()+hs-colorPane.getX()), (int)colorPane.getHeight()-(int)(colorPick.getY()+hs-colorPane.getY()) ); int index = (offset.y*(int)colorPane.getWidth())+offset.x; int rgb = colorPane.colors[index]; Color c = new Color((rgb >> 0) & 0xFF, (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF, (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF, 255); colorS.setBackgroundLegacy(c); r.setText(""+c.getRed()); g.setText(""+c.getGreen()); b.setText(""+c.getBlue()); colorPick.setBackgroundLegacy(c); tempColor(c); }
@override public void run() { if ( colorpick.getx()+hs > colorpane.getx()+colorpane.getwidth()-1 ) colorpick.setabsoluteposition(colorpane.getx()+colorpane.getwidth()-hs-1, colorpick.gety()); if ( colorpick.getx()+hs < colorpane.getx() ) colorpick.setabsoluteposition(colorpane.getx()-hs, colorpick.gety()); if ( colorpick.gety()+hs > colorpane.gety()+colorpane.getheight() ) colorpick.setabsoluteposition(colorpick.getx(), colorpane.gety()+colorpane.getheight()-hs); if ( colorpick.gety()+hs < colorpane.gety()+1 ) colorpick.setabsoluteposition(colorpick.getx(), colorpane.gety()-hs+1); vector2i offset = new vector2i( (int)(colorpick.getx()+hs-colorpane.getx()), (int)colorpane.getheight()-(int)(colorpick.gety()+hs-colorpane.gety()) ); int index = (offset.y*(int)colorpane.getwidth())+offset.x; int rgb = colorpane.colors[index]; color c = new color((rgb >> 0) & 0xff, (rgb >> 8) & 0xff, (rgb >> 16) & 0xff, 255); colors.setbackgroundlegacy(c); r.settext(""+c.getred()); g.settext(""+c.getgreen()); b.settext(""+c.getblue()); colorpick.setbackgroundlegacy(c); tempcolor(c); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override protected AuthorizationInfo doGetAuthorizationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals) { IdConstruct idConstruct = (IdConstruct) getAvailablePrincipal(principals); return getIOTAccount(idConstruct.getPartition(), idConstruct.getUsername()); }
@Override protected AuthorizationInfo doGetAuthorizationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals) { IdConstruct idConstruct = (IdConstruct) getAvailablePrincipal(principals); return getIOTAccount(idConstruct.getPartition(), idConstruct.getUsername()); }
@override protected authorizationinfo dogetauthorizationinfo(principalcollection principals) { idconstruct idconstruct = (idconstruct) getavailableprincipal(principals); return getiotaccount(idconstruct.getpartition(), idconstruct.getusername()); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public static boolean yesNo(String yesNoQuestion){ int input = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, yesNoQuestion); // 0=yes, 1=no, 2=cancel return input==0; //TODO remove the Cancel button. Should only be Yes and No. }
public static boolean yesNo(String yesNoQuestion){ int input = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, yesNoQuestion); return input==0; }
public static boolean yesno(string yesnoquestion){ int input = joptionpane.showconfirmdialog(null, yesnoquestion); return input==0; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void findActionVerbsAndArguments(TreeGraphNode node, Map<Pair<Integer, Integer>, String> edge_rels, Map<TreeGraphNode, Set<TreeGraphNode>> node_to_deps, Map<TreeGraphNode, TreeGraphNode> dep_to_gov, String root_type, List<Tree> leaves, List<String> lemmas, List<Label> tags, List<HasWord> words, String recipe_name, int sentence_idx, int curr_sentence_char_offset, String sentence_string, TreeMap<Integer, RecipeEvent> predicate_idx_to_event) { String node_string = node.nodeString(); int index = node.index(); Label tag = tags.get(index - 1); int hw_character_offset = charOffset(leaves.get(index - 1)); // Find the no-space character offset of the predicate int no_space_character_offset = hw_character_offset; String sentence_prefix = sentence_string.substring(0, hw_character_offset); while (sentence_prefix.contains(" I would ")) { no_space_character_offset -= 9; sentence_prefix = sentence_prefix.replaceFirst(" I would ", ""); } while (sentence_prefix.contains("I would ")) { no_space_character_offset -= 8; sentence_prefix = sentence_prefix.replaceFirst("I would ", ""); } while (sentence_prefix.contains(" ")) { no_space_character_offset--; sentence_prefix = sentence_prefix.replaceFirst(" ", ""); } if (tag.value().startsWith("V")) { Set<TreeGraphNode> deps = node_to_deps.get(node); if (deps == null) { System.out.println(node + " " + deps); // Create RecipeEvent RecipeEvent event = new RecipeEvent(node_string.toLowerCase(), recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset + no_space_character_offset); predicate_idx_to_event.put(hw_character_offset, event); return; } // check for pcomp boolean has_pcomp = false; TreeGraphNode pcomp = null; for (TreeGraphNode dep3 : deps) { String rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(hw_character_offset, charOffset(dep3))); if (rel_string2.equals("pcomp")) { has_pcomp = true; pcomp = dep3; break; } } if (has_pcomp) { System.out.println("has pcomp"); TreeGraphNode grandgov = dep_to_gov.get(node); if (grandgov != null) { int grandgov_index = grandgov.index(); RecipeEvent grandevent = predicate_idx_to_event.get(grandgov_index); if (grandevent != null) { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(node, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, true); grandevent.addPrepositionalArgument(hw_character_offset, args.getFirst(), pcomp.nodeString()); } } return; } // Create RecipeEvent RecipeEvent event = new RecipeEvent(node_string.toLowerCase(), recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset + no_space_character_offset); boolean has_subj = false; TreeGraphNode subj = null; for (TreeGraphNode dep : deps) { String rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(hw_character_offset, charOffset(dep))); if (rel_string2.equals("nsubj") && !root_type.equals("SINV")) { has_subj = true; subj = dep; break; } } // If the verb has a subject other than "I", assume parse error and add the subject as an argument. if (has_subj && !root_type.equals("SINV")) { System.out.println(has_subj + " " + root_type); if (!subj.nodeString().equals("I")) { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(node, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, false); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); Set<TreeGraphNode> verbs = args.getSecond(); if (verbs.size() == 1) { TreeGraphNode verb = verbs.iterator().next(); dep_to_gov.put(verb, node); findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); RecipeEvent dep_event = predicate_idx_to_event.get(charOffset(leaves.get(verb.index() - 1))); if (dep_event != null) { String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(node.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (tags.get(index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { dep_event.addPrepositionalArgument(hw_character_offset, arg_string); } else { dep_event.addOtherArgument(hw_character_offset, arg_string); } } } else { // TODO(chloe): do something else in this case? for (TreeGraphNode verb : verbs) { dep_to_gov.put(verb, node); findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } } return; } } // Search through the dependents of the verb and add each expanded dependent as an argument. Set<TreeGraphNode> new_deps = new HashSet<TreeGraphNode>(deps); TreeGraphNode pobj = null; while (new_deps.size() != 0) { List<TreeGraphNode> deps_list = new ArrayList<TreeGraphNode>(new_deps); new_deps.clear(); for (TreeGraphNode dep : deps_list) { TreeGraphNode gov = dep_to_gov.get(dep); if (gov == null) { gov = node; } int gov_index = index; int gov_hw_offset = hw_character_offset; String gov_string = node_string; if (gov != null) { gov_index = gov.index(); gov_hw_offset = charOffset(leaves.get(gov_index - 1)); gov_string = gov.nodeString(); } int dep_index = dep.index(); int dep_hw_offset = charOffset(leaves.get(dep_index - 1)); String dep_string = dep.nodeString(); if (dep.nodeString().equals("would")) { continue; } String rel_string = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(gov_hw_offset, dep_hw_offset)); if (rel_string.startsWith("nsubj") && !root_type.equals("SINV") && (gov == node || dep.nodeString().equals("I"))) { // skip subjects continue; } if (rel_string.startsWith("pobj")) { // Store the prepositional object, but ignore for now. We will deal with it when the // prepositional phrase is found. pobj = dep; continue; } // For vmod and xcomp edges, create an argument for the current verb if (rel_string.equals("vmod") || rel_string.equals("xcomp")) { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(dep, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, true); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { event.addOtherArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } } continue; } // Deal with prepositional phrases and determining whether or not a dependent verb is a new verb or // part of the current verb. Uses heuristics to find out. boolean is_prep = rel_string.startsWith("prep") || tags.get(dep_index - 1).value().equals("IN"); Label dep_tag = tags.get(dep_index - 1); if (dep_tag.value().startsWith("V") && !is_prep && !rel_string.equals("advcl") ) { if (dep_index == index + 2 && rel_string.startsWith("conj")) { int underscore = rel_string.indexOf('_'); String conj_string = rel_string.substring(underscore + 1); node_string += " " + conj_string + " " + dep_string; Set<TreeGraphNode> depdeps = node_to_deps.get(dep); if (depdeps != null) { new_deps.addAll(depdeps); for (TreeGraphNode depdep : depdeps) { dep_to_gov.put(depdep, dep); } } event.addVerbToPredicate(dep.nodeString(), conj_string, (dep.index() > gov_index)); } else if (rel_string.startsWith("conj") || rel_string.equals("parataxis") || rel_string.equals("dep")) { Set<TreeGraphNode> depdeps = node_to_deps.get(dep); has_subj = false; if (depdeps != null) { for (TreeGraphNode depdep : depdeps) { String rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(dep_hw_offset, charOffset(leaves.get(depdep.index() - 1)))); if (rel_string2.equals("nsubj")) { has_subj = true; break; } } if (has_subj) { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(dep, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, true); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { event.addOtherArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } } } else { findActionVerbsAndArguments(dep, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } } } else { Set<TreeGraphNode> depdeps = node_to_deps.get(dep); if (depdeps != null) { new_deps.addAll(depdeps); for (TreeGraphNode depdep : depdeps) { dep_to_gov.put(depdep, dep); } } event.addVerbToPredicate(dep.nodeString(), "", (dep.index() > gov_index)); } } else { // prepositional phrase Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(dep, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, is_prep || rel_string.equals("dobj")); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); for (TreeGraphNode verb : args.getSecond()) { findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } if (is_prep) { String pobj_arg_string = null; if (pobj != null) { args = getTreeGraphString(pobj, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, is_prep); pobj_arg_string = args.getFirst(); for (TreeGraphNode verb : args.getSecond()) { findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "" , leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } } else { for (TreeGraphNode dep2 : deps_list) { TreeGraphNode gov2 = dep_to_gov.get(dep2); if (gov2 == null) { gov2 = gov; } String rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(charOffset(leaves.get(gov2.index() - 1)), charOffset(leaves.get(dep2.index() - 1)))); if (rel_string2.equals("pobj")) { args = getTreeGraphString(dep2, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, is_prep); pobj_arg_string = args.getFirst(); for (TreeGraphNode verb : args.getSecond()) { findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } break; } } } // Find the true preposition from the collapsed dependency relation int underscore = rel_string.indexOf('_'); if (underscore != -1) { String prep_string = rel_string.substring(underscore + 1); prep_string = prep_string.replace('_', ' '); if (pobj_arg_string != null) { if (prep_string.contains(arg_string)) { arg_string = prep_string + " " + pobj_arg_string; } else { arg_string = prep_string + " " + arg_string + " " + pobj_arg_string; } } else { arg_string = prep_string + " " + arg_string; } } event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else if (rel_string.equals("dobj") || rel_string.equals("nsubj")) { // event.setDirectObject(arg_string); String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { System.out.println("DIRECTOBJECT " + arg_string); if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { if (arg_string.contains("minutes") || arg_string.contains("hours")) { event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string, "for"); } else { event.setDirectObject(arg_string); } } } } else { String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { System.out.println("prep"); event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { event.addOtherArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } } } } } } System.out.println(event); predicate_idx_to_event.put(index, event); } else { // This method should not be called if the node is not a verb. // // Not sure if this happens, so I will currently have it crash so I can investigate it. Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(node, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, false); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); Set<TreeGraphNode> verbs = args.getSecond(); System.out.println(arg_string); System.out.println("getting args error"); System.exit(1); } }
private void findActionVerbsAndArguments(TreeGraphNode node, Map<Pair<Integer, Integer>, String> edge_rels, Map<TreeGraphNode, Set<TreeGraphNode>> node_to_deps, Map<TreeGraphNode, TreeGraphNode> dep_to_gov, String root_type, List<Tree> leaves, List<String> lemmas, List<Label> tags, List<HasWord> words, String recipe_name, int sentence_idx, int curr_sentence_char_offset, String sentence_string, TreeMap<Integer, RecipeEvent> predicate_idx_to_event) { String node_string = node.nodeString(); int index = node.index(); Label tag = tags.get(index - 1); int hw_character_offset = charOffset(leaves.get(index - 1)); int no_space_character_offset = hw_character_offset; String sentence_prefix = sentence_string.substring(0, hw_character_offset); while (sentence_prefix.contains(" I would ")) { no_space_character_offset -= 9; sentence_prefix = sentence_prefix.replaceFirst(" I would ", ""); } while (sentence_prefix.contains("I would ")) { no_space_character_offset -= 8; sentence_prefix = sentence_prefix.replaceFirst("I would ", ""); } while (sentence_prefix.contains(" ")) { no_space_character_offset--; sentence_prefix = sentence_prefix.replaceFirst(" ", ""); } if (tag.value().startsWith("V")) { Set<TreeGraphNode> deps = node_to_deps.get(node); if (deps == null) { System.out.println(node + " " + deps); RecipeEvent event = new RecipeEvent(node_string.toLowerCase(), recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset + no_space_character_offset); predicate_idx_to_event.put(hw_character_offset, event); return; } boolean has_pcomp = false; TreeGraphNode pcomp = null; for (TreeGraphNode dep3 : deps) { String rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(hw_character_offset, charOffset(dep3))); if (rel_string2.equals("pcomp")) { has_pcomp = true; pcomp = dep3; break; } } if (has_pcomp) { System.out.println("has pcomp"); TreeGraphNode grandgov = dep_to_gov.get(node); if (grandgov != null) { int grandgov_index = grandgov.index(); RecipeEvent grandevent = predicate_idx_to_event.get(grandgov_index); if (grandevent != null) { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(node, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, true); grandevent.addPrepositionalArgument(hw_character_offset, args.getFirst(), pcomp.nodeString()); } } return; } RecipeEvent event = new RecipeEvent(node_string.toLowerCase(), recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset + no_space_character_offset); boolean has_subj = false; TreeGraphNode subj = null; for (TreeGraphNode dep : deps) { String rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(hw_character_offset, charOffset(dep))); if (rel_string2.equals("nsubj") && !root_type.equals("SINV")) { has_subj = true; subj = dep; break; } } if (has_subj && !root_type.equals("SINV")) { System.out.println(has_subj + " " + root_type); if (!subj.nodeString().equals("I")) { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(node, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, false); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); Set<TreeGraphNode> verbs = args.getSecond(); if (verbs.size() == 1) { TreeGraphNode verb = verbs.iterator().next(); dep_to_gov.put(verb, node); findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); RecipeEvent dep_event = predicate_idx_to_event.get(charOffset(leaves.get(verb.index() - 1))); if (dep_event != null) { String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(node.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (tags.get(index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { dep_event.addPrepositionalArgument(hw_character_offset, arg_string); } else { dep_event.addOtherArgument(hw_character_offset, arg_string); } } } else { for (TreeGraphNode verb : verbs) { dep_to_gov.put(verb, node); findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } } return; } } Set<TreeGraphNode> new_deps = new HashSet<TreeGraphNode>(deps); TreeGraphNode pobj = null; while (new_deps.size() != 0) { List<TreeGraphNode> deps_list = new ArrayList<TreeGraphNode>(new_deps); new_deps.clear(); for (TreeGraphNode dep : deps_list) { TreeGraphNode gov = dep_to_gov.get(dep); if (gov == null) { gov = node; } int gov_index = index; int gov_hw_offset = hw_character_offset; String gov_string = node_string; if (gov != null) { gov_index = gov.index(); gov_hw_offset = charOffset(leaves.get(gov_index - 1)); gov_string = gov.nodeString(); } int dep_index = dep.index(); int dep_hw_offset = charOffset(leaves.get(dep_index - 1)); String dep_string = dep.nodeString(); if (dep.nodeString().equals("would")) { continue; } String rel_string = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(gov_hw_offset, dep_hw_offset)); if (rel_string.startsWith("nsubj") && !root_type.equals("SINV") && (gov == node || dep.nodeString().equals("I"))) { continue; } if (rel_string.startsWith("pobj")) { pobj = dep; continue; } if (rel_string.equals("vmod") || rel_string.equals("xcomp")) { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(dep, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, true); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { event.addOtherArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } } continue; } boolean is_prep = rel_string.startsWith("prep") || tags.get(dep_index - 1).value().equals("IN"); Label dep_tag = tags.get(dep_index - 1); if (dep_tag.value().startsWith("V") && !is_prep && !rel_string.equals("advcl") ) { if (dep_index == index + 2 && rel_string.startsWith("conj")) { int underscore = rel_string.indexOf('_'); String conj_string = rel_string.substring(underscore + 1); node_string += " " + conj_string + " " + dep_string; Set<TreeGraphNode> depdeps = node_to_deps.get(dep); if (depdeps != null) { new_deps.addAll(depdeps); for (TreeGraphNode depdep : depdeps) { dep_to_gov.put(depdep, dep); } } event.addVerbToPredicate(dep.nodeString(), conj_string, (dep.index() > gov_index)); } else if (rel_string.startsWith("conj") || rel_string.equals("parataxis") || rel_string.equals("dep")) { Set<TreeGraphNode> depdeps = node_to_deps.get(dep); has_subj = false; if (depdeps != null) { for (TreeGraphNode depdep : depdeps) { String rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(dep_hw_offset, charOffset(leaves.get(depdep.index() - 1)))); if (rel_string2.equals("nsubj")) { has_subj = true; break; } } if (has_subj) { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(dep, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, true); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { event.addOtherArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } } } else { findActionVerbsAndArguments(dep, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } } } else { Set<TreeGraphNode> depdeps = node_to_deps.get(dep); if (depdeps != null) { new_deps.addAll(depdeps); for (TreeGraphNode depdep : depdeps) { dep_to_gov.put(depdep, dep); } } event.addVerbToPredicate(dep.nodeString(), "", (dep.index() > gov_index)); } } else { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(dep, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, is_prep || rel_string.equals("dobj")); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); for (TreeGraphNode verb : args.getSecond()) { findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } if (is_prep) { String pobj_arg_string = null; if (pobj != null) { args = getTreeGraphString(pobj, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, is_prep); pobj_arg_string = args.getFirst(); for (TreeGraphNode verb : args.getSecond()) { findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "" , leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } } else { for (TreeGraphNode dep2 : deps_list) { TreeGraphNode gov2 = dep_to_gov.get(dep2); if (gov2 == null) { gov2 = gov; } String rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(charOffset(leaves.get(gov2.index() - 1)), charOffset(leaves.get(dep2.index() - 1)))); if (rel_string2.equals("pobj")) { args = getTreeGraphString(dep2, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, is_prep); pobj_arg_string = args.getFirst(); for (TreeGraphNode verb : args.getSecond()) { findActionVerbsAndArguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } break; } } } int underscore = rel_string.indexOf('_'); if (underscore != -1) { String prep_string = rel_string.substring(underscore + 1); prep_string = prep_string.replace('_', ' '); if (pobj_arg_string != null) { if (prep_string.contains(arg_string)) { arg_string = prep_string + " " + pobj_arg_string; } else { arg_string = prep_string + " " + arg_string + " " + pobj_arg_string; } } else { arg_string = prep_string + " " + arg_string; } } event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else if (rel_string.equals("dobj") || rel_string.equals("nsubj")) { String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { System.out.println("DIRECTOBJECT " + arg_string); if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { if (arg_string.contains("minutes") || arg_string.contains("hours")) { event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string, "for"); } else { event.setDirectObject(arg_string); } } } } else { String[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodeString())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("IN")) { System.out.println("prep"); event.addPrepositionalArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { event.addOtherArgument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } } } } } } System.out.println(event); predicate_idx_to_event.put(index, event); } else { Pair<String, Set<TreeGraphNode>> args = getTreeGraphString(node, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, false); String arg_string = args.getFirst(); Set<TreeGraphNode> verbs = args.getSecond(); System.out.println(arg_string); System.out.println("getting args error"); System.exit(1); } }
private void findactionverbsandarguments(treegraphnode node, map<pair<integer, integer>, string> edge_rels, map<treegraphnode, set<treegraphnode>> node_to_deps, map<treegraphnode, treegraphnode> dep_to_gov, string root_type, list<tree> leaves, list<string> lemmas, list<label> tags, list<hasword> words, string recipe_name, int sentence_idx, int curr_sentence_char_offset, string sentence_string, treemap<integer, recipeevent> predicate_idx_to_event) { string node_string = node.nodestring(); int index = node.index(); label tag = tags.get(index - 1); int hw_character_offset = charoffset(leaves.get(index - 1)); int no_space_character_offset = hw_character_offset; string sentence_prefix = sentence_string.substring(0, hw_character_offset); while (sentence_prefix.contains(" i would ")) { no_space_character_offset -= 9; sentence_prefix = sentence_prefix.replacefirst(" i would ", ""); } while (sentence_prefix.contains("i would ")) { no_space_character_offset -= 8; sentence_prefix = sentence_prefix.replacefirst("i would ", ""); } while (sentence_prefix.contains(" ")) { no_space_character_offset--; sentence_prefix = sentence_prefix.replacefirst(" ", ""); } if (tag.value().startswith("v")) { set<treegraphnode> deps = node_to_deps.get(node); if (deps == null) { system.out.println(node + " " + deps); recipeevent event = new recipeevent(node_string.tolowercase(), recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset + no_space_character_offset); predicate_idx_to_event.put(hw_character_offset, event); return; } boolean has_pcomp = false; treegraphnode pcomp = null; for (treegraphnode dep3 : deps) { string rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new pair<integer, integer>(hw_character_offset, charoffset(dep3))); if (rel_string2.equals("pcomp")) { has_pcomp = true; pcomp = dep3; break; } } if (has_pcomp) { system.out.println("has pcomp"); treegraphnode grandgov = dep_to_gov.get(node); if (grandgov != null) { int grandgov_index = grandgov.index(); recipeevent grandevent = predicate_idx_to_event.get(grandgov_index); if (grandevent != null) { pair<string, set<treegraphnode>> args = gettreegraphstring(node, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, true); grandevent.addprepositionalargument(hw_character_offset, args.getfirst(), pcomp.nodestring()); } } return; } recipeevent event = new recipeevent(node_string.tolowercase(), recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset + no_space_character_offset); boolean has_subj = false; treegraphnode subj = null; for (treegraphnode dep : deps) { string rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new pair<integer, integer>(hw_character_offset, charoffset(dep))); if (rel_string2.equals("nsubj") && !root_type.equals("sinv")) { has_subj = true; subj = dep; break; } } if (has_subj && !root_type.equals("sinv")) { system.out.println(has_subj + " " + root_type); if (!subj.nodestring().equals("i")) { pair<string, set<treegraphnode>> args = gettreegraphstring(node, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, false); string arg_string = args.getfirst(); set<treegraphnode> verbs = args.getsecond(); if (verbs.size() == 1) { treegraphnode verb = verbs.iterator().next(); dep_to_gov.put(verb, node); findactionverbsandarguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); recipeevent dep_event = predicate_idx_to_event.get(charoffset(leaves.get(verb.index() - 1))); if (dep_event != null) { string[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(node.nodestring())) { found = i; break; } } if (tags.get(index - found - 1).value().equals("in")) { dep_event.addprepositionalargument(hw_character_offset, arg_string); } else { dep_event.addotherargument(hw_character_offset, arg_string); } } } else { for (treegraphnode verb : verbs) { dep_to_gov.put(verb, node); findactionverbsandarguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } } return; } } set<treegraphnode> new_deps = new hashset<treegraphnode>(deps); treegraphnode pobj = null; while (new_deps.size() != 0) { list<treegraphnode> deps_list = new arraylist<treegraphnode>(new_deps); new_deps.clear(); for (treegraphnode dep : deps_list) { treegraphnode gov = dep_to_gov.get(dep); if (gov == null) { gov = node; } int gov_index = index; int gov_hw_offset = hw_character_offset; string gov_string = node_string; if (gov != null) { gov_index = gov.index(); gov_hw_offset = charoffset(leaves.get(gov_index - 1)); gov_string = gov.nodestring(); } int dep_index = dep.index(); int dep_hw_offset = charoffset(leaves.get(dep_index - 1)); string dep_string = dep.nodestring(); if (dep.nodestring().equals("would")) { continue; } string rel_string = edge_rels.get(new pair<integer, integer>(gov_hw_offset, dep_hw_offset)); if (rel_string.startswith("nsubj") && !root_type.equals("sinv") && (gov == node || dep.nodestring().equals("i"))) { continue; } if (rel_string.startswith("pobj")) { pobj = dep; continue; } if (rel_string.equals("vmod") || rel_string.equals("xcomp")) { pair<string, set<treegraphnode>> args = gettreegraphstring(dep, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, true); string arg_string = args.getfirst(); string[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodestring())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("in")) { event.addprepositionalargument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { event.addotherargument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } } continue; } boolean is_prep = rel_string.startswith("prep") || tags.get(dep_index - 1).value().equals("in"); label dep_tag = tags.get(dep_index - 1); if (dep_tag.value().startswith("v") && !is_prep && !rel_string.equals("advcl") ) { if (dep_index == index + 2 && rel_string.startswith("conj")) { int underscore = rel_string.indexof('_'); string conj_string = rel_string.substring(underscore + 1); node_string += " " + conj_string + " " + dep_string; set<treegraphnode> depdeps = node_to_deps.get(dep); if (depdeps != null) { new_deps.addall(depdeps); for (treegraphnode depdep : depdeps) { dep_to_gov.put(depdep, dep); } } event.addverbtopredicate(dep.nodestring(), conj_string, (dep.index() > gov_index)); } else if (rel_string.startswith("conj") || rel_string.equals("parataxis") || rel_string.equals("dep")) { set<treegraphnode> depdeps = node_to_deps.get(dep); has_subj = false; if (depdeps != null) { for (treegraphnode depdep : depdeps) { string rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new pair<integer, integer>(dep_hw_offset, charoffset(leaves.get(depdep.index() - 1)))); if (rel_string2.equals("nsubj")) { has_subj = true; break; } } if (has_subj) { pair<string, set<treegraphnode>> args = gettreegraphstring(dep, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, true); string arg_string = args.getfirst(); string[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodestring())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("in")) { event.addprepositionalargument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { event.addotherargument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } } } else { findactionverbsandarguments(dep, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } } } else { set<treegraphnode> depdeps = node_to_deps.get(dep); if (depdeps != null) { new_deps.addall(depdeps); for (treegraphnode depdep : depdeps) { dep_to_gov.put(depdep, dep); } } event.addverbtopredicate(dep.nodestring(), "", (dep.index() > gov_index)); } } else { pair<string, set<treegraphnode>> args = gettreegraphstring(dep, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, is_prep || rel_string.equals("dobj")); string arg_string = args.getfirst(); for (treegraphnode verb : args.getsecond()) { findactionverbsandarguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } if (is_prep) { string pobj_arg_string = null; if (pobj != null) { args = gettreegraphstring(pobj, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, is_prep); pobj_arg_string = args.getfirst(); for (treegraphnode verb : args.getsecond()) { findactionverbsandarguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "" , leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } } else { for (treegraphnode dep2 : deps_list) { treegraphnode gov2 = dep_to_gov.get(dep2); if (gov2 == null) { gov2 = gov; } string rel_string2 = edge_rels.get(new pair<integer, integer>(charoffset(leaves.get(gov2.index() - 1)), charoffset(leaves.get(dep2.index() - 1)))); if (rel_string2.equals("pobj")) { args = gettreegraphstring(dep2, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, is_prep); pobj_arg_string = args.getfirst(); for (treegraphnode verb : args.getsecond()) { findactionverbsandarguments(verb, edge_rels, node_to_deps, dep_to_gov, "", leaves, lemmas, tags, words, recipe_name, sentence_idx, curr_sentence_char_offset, sentence_string, predicate_idx_to_event); } break; } } } int underscore = rel_string.indexof('_'); if (underscore != -1) { string prep_string = rel_string.substring(underscore + 1); prep_string = prep_string.replace('_', ' '); if (pobj_arg_string != null) { if (prep_string.contains(arg_string)) { arg_string = prep_string + " " + pobj_arg_string; } else { arg_string = prep_string + " " + arg_string + " " + pobj_arg_string; } } else { arg_string = prep_string + " " + arg_string; } } event.addprepositionalargument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else if (rel_string.equals("dobj") || rel_string.equals("nsubj")) { string[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodestring())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { system.out.println("directobject " + arg_string); if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("in")) { event.addprepositionalargument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { if (arg_string.contains("minutes") || arg_string.contains("hours")) { event.addprepositionalargument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string, "for"); } else { event.setdirectobject(arg_string); } } } } else { string[] split = arg_string.split(" "); int found = -1; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equals(dep.nodestring())) { found = i; break; } } if (found != -1) { if (tags.get(dep_index - found - 1).value().equals("in")) { system.out.println("prep"); event.addprepositionalargument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } else { event.addotherargument(dep_hw_offset, arg_string); } } } } } } system.out.println(event); predicate_idx_to_event.put(index, event); } else { pair<string, set<treegraphnode>> args = gettreegraphstring(node, node_to_deps, edge_rels, lemmas, tags, words, false); string arg_string = args.getfirst(); set<treegraphnode> verbs = args.getsecond(); system.out.println(arg_string); system.out.println("getting args error"); system.exit(1); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Provides @Singleton Retrofit provideCall() { Cache cache = null; try { cache = new Cache(cacheFile, 10 * 1024 * 1024); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /* TODO Consider moving elsewhere. */ OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder() .addInterceptor(new Interceptor() { @Override public okhttp3.Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { Request original = chain.request(); HttpUrl originalHttpUrl = original.url(); HttpUrl url = originalHttpUrl.newBuilder() .addQueryParameter("APPID", BuildConfig.API_OPENWEATHERMAP_KEY) .build(); Request request = original.newBuilder() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .removeHeader("Pragma") .header("Cache-Control", String.format("max-age=%d", BuildConfig.CACHETIME)) .url(url) .build(); okhttp3.Response response = chain.proceed(request); response.cacheResponse(); return response; } }) .cache(cache) .build(); return new Retrofit.Builder() .baseUrl(BuildConfig.API_OPENWEATHERMAP_BASEURL) .client(okHttpClient) .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()) .addCallAdapterFactory(RxJavaCallAdapterFactory.create()) .build(); }
@Provides @Singleton Retrofit provideCall() { Cache cache = null; try { cache = new Cache(cacheFile, 10 * 1024 * 1024); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder() .addInterceptor(new Interceptor() { @Override public okhttp3.Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { Request original = chain.request(); HttpUrl originalHttpUrl = original.url(); HttpUrl url = originalHttpUrl.newBuilder() .addQueryParameter("APPID", BuildConfig.API_OPENWEATHERMAP_KEY) .build(); Request request = original.newBuilder() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .removeHeader("Pragma") .header("Cache-Control", String.format("max-age=%d", BuildConfig.CACHETIME)) .url(url) .build(); okhttp3.Response response = chain.proceed(request); response.cacheResponse(); return response; } }) .cache(cache) .build(); return new Retrofit.Builder() .baseUrl(BuildConfig.API_OPENWEATHERMAP_BASEURL) .client(okHttpClient) .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()) .addCallAdapterFactory(RxJavaCallAdapterFactory.create()) .build(); }
@provides @singleton retrofit providecall() { cache cache = null; try { cache = new cache(cachefile, 10 * 1024 * 1024); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } okhttpclient okhttpclient = new okhttpclient.builder() .addinterceptor(new interceptor() { @override public okhttp3.response intercept(chain chain) throws ioexception { request original = chain.request(); httpurl originalhttpurl = original.url(); httpurl url = originalhttpurl.newbuilder() .addqueryparameter("appid", buildconfig.api_openweathermap_key) .build(); request request = original.newbuilder() .header("content-type", "application/json") .removeheader("pragma") .header("cache-control", string.format("max-age=%d", buildconfig.cachetime)) .url(url) .build(); okhttp3.response response = chain.proceed(request); response.cacheresponse(); return response; } }) .cache(cache) .build(); return new retrofit.builder() .baseurl(buildconfig.api_openweathermap_baseurl) .client(okhttpclient) .addconverterfactory(gsonconverterfactory.create()) .addcalladapterfactory(rxjavacalladapterfactory.create()) .build(); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
protected List<Rectangle> createHighlightAreas2(String fullText, String clippedText, FontMetrics fm, int xOffset, int yOffset, int height) { if (matchPattern == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Matcher matcher = matchPattern.matcher(clippedText); List<Rectangle> highlightAreas = null; int startFrom = 0; while (startFrom < clippedText.length() && matcher.find(startFrom)) { if (highlightAreas == null) { highlightAreas = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(); } int start = matcher.start(); int end = matcher.end(); if (start == end) { // empty matcher will cause infinite loop break; } startFrom = end; int highlightx; int highlightWidth; if (start == 0) { // start highlight from the start of the field highlightx = xOffset; } else { // Calculate the width of the unhighlighted text to get the // start of the highlighted region. String strToStart = clippedText.substring(0, start); highlightx = fm.stringWidth(strToStart) + xOffset; } // Get the width of the highlighted region String highlightText = clippedText.substring(start, end); highlightWidth = fm.stringWidth(highlightText); highlightAreas.add(new Rectangle(highlightx, yOffset, highlightWidth, height)); }// while ( startFrom < text.length() && matcher.find( startFrom ) ) if (highlightAreas == null) { highlightAreas = Collections.emptyList(); } else { coalesceHighlightAreas(highlightAreas); } return highlightAreas; }
protected List<Rectangle> createHighlightAreas2(String fullText, String clippedText, FontMetrics fm, int xOffset, int yOffset, int height) { if (matchPattern == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Matcher matcher = matchPattern.matcher(clippedText); List<Rectangle> highlightAreas = null; int startFrom = 0; while (startFrom < clippedText.length() && matcher.find(startFrom)) { if (highlightAreas == null) { highlightAreas = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(); } int start = matcher.start(); int end = matcher.end(); if (start == end) { break; } startFrom = end; int highlightx; int highlightWidth; if (start == 0) { highlightx = xOffset; } else { String strToStart = clippedText.substring(0, start); highlightx = fm.stringWidth(strToStart) + xOffset; } String highlightText = clippedText.substring(start, end); highlightWidth = fm.stringWidth(highlightText); highlightAreas.add(new Rectangle(highlightx, yOffset, highlightWidth, height)); if (highlightAreas == null) { highlightAreas = Collections.emptyList(); } else { coalesceHighlightAreas(highlightAreas); } return highlightAreas; }
protected list<rectangle> createhighlightareas2(string fulltext, string clippedtext, fontmetrics fm, int xoffset, int yoffset, int height) { if (matchpattern == null) { return collections.emptylist(); } matcher matcher = matchpattern.matcher(clippedtext); list<rectangle> highlightareas = null; int startfrom = 0; while (startfrom < clippedtext.length() && matcher.find(startfrom)) { if (highlightareas == null) { highlightareas = new arraylist<rectangle>(); } int start = matcher.start(); int end = matcher.end(); if (start == end) { break; } startfrom = end; int highlightx; int highlightwidth; if (start == 0) { highlightx = xoffset; } else { string strtostart = clippedtext.substring(0, start); highlightx = fm.stringwidth(strtostart) + xoffset; } string highlighttext = clippedtext.substring(start, end); highlightwidth = fm.stringwidth(highlighttext); highlightareas.add(new rectangle(highlightx, yoffset, highlightwidth, height)); if (highlightareas == null) { highlightareas = collections.emptylist(); } else { coalescehighlightareas(highlightareas); } return highlightareas; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
protected List<DoubleObjPair<RdKNNEntry>> getSortedEntries(AbstractRStarTreeNode<?, ?> node, SpatialComparable q, SpatialPrimitiveDistanceFunction<?> distanceFunction) { List<DoubleObjPair<RdKNNEntry>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i < node.getNumEntries(); i++) { RdKNNEntry entry = (RdKNNEntry) node.getEntry(i); double minDist = distanceFunction.minDist(entry, q); result.add(new DoubleObjPair<>(minDist, entry)); } Collections.sort(result); return result; }
protected List<DoubleObjPair<RdKNNEntry>> getSortedEntries(AbstractRStarTreeNode<?, ?> node, SpatialComparable q, SpatialPrimitiveDistanceFunction<?> distanceFunction) { List<DoubleObjPair<RdKNNEntry>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i < node.getNumEntries(); i++) { RdKNNEntry entry = (RdKNNEntry) node.getEntry(i); double minDist = distanceFunction.minDist(entry, q); result.add(new DoubleObjPair<>(minDist, entry)); } Collections.sort(result); return result; }
protected list<doubleobjpair<rdknnentry>> getsortedentries(abstractrstartreenode<?, ?> node, spatialcomparable q, spatialprimitivedistancefunction<?> distancefunction) { list<doubleobjpair<rdknnentry>> result = new arraylist<>(); for(int i = 0; i < node.getnumentries(); i++) { rdknnentry entry = (rdknnentry) node.getentry(i); double mindist = distancefunction.mindist(entry, q); result.add(new doubleobjpair<>(mindist, entry)); } collections.sort(result); return result; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void recordCorpusData (Corpus c, Learner l){ if (!isRecording) return; this.c=c; Vocabulary v = c.getVocabulary(); Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> entrySet = v.getWordIndicesEntrySet(); Set<Map.Entry<Integer, Word>> wordSet = v.getWordEntrySet(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(v.getNumOfWords()*30); corpusFile = new File(mainPath, "corpus_"+name+".js"); s.append(String.format("corpus_%1$s = \n{\n\tname:\"%1$s\",\n", name)); s.append(String.format("\ttokenCount: %1$s,\n", c.tokenCount)); s.append(String.format("\ttypeCount: %1$s,\n", v.getNumOfWords())); s.append(String.format("\tcommonTypes: %1$s,\n", (v.getNumOfWords()-v.countWordsBelowThreshold(l.RARE_WORD_THRESHOLD)))); s.append(String.format("\tclusterCount: %1$s,\n", l.NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS)); //TODO add proper number formatters s.append(String.format("\tidentityEps: %1$s,\n", l.IDENTITY_EPSILON)); s.append(String.format("\titerationCount: %1$s,\n", iterationCounter)); s.append("\ttypeToId: \n\t{\n\t"); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e: entrySet){ if (v.getWord(e.getValue()).frequency >= l.RARE_WORD_THRESHOLD){ //TODO see if necessary s.append(String.format("\t\t\"%1$s\": %2$s,\n", e.getKey(), e.getValue())); } } s.append("},\n"); s.append("\tidToType: {"); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Word> e: wordSet){ //No rare word check here, to keep vector status if (e.getValue().frequency >= l.RARE_WORD_THRESHOLD){ s.append(String.format("\t\t%1$s: \"%2$s\",\n",e.getKey(), e.getValue().name)); } } s.append("}"); s.append("\n};"); try { corpusFile.createNewFile(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(corpusFile)); out.append(s); out.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } }
public void recordCorpusData (Corpus c, Learner l){ if (!isRecording) return; this.c=c; Vocabulary v = c.getVocabulary(); Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> entrySet = v.getWordIndicesEntrySet(); Set<Map.Entry<Integer, Word>> wordSet = v.getWordEntrySet(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(v.getNumOfWords()*30); corpusFile = new File(mainPath, "corpus_"+name+".js"); s.append(String.format("corpus_%1$s = \n{\n\tname:\"%1$s\",\n", name)); s.append(String.format("\ttokenCount: %1$s,\n", c.tokenCount)); s.append(String.format("\ttypeCount: %1$s,\n", v.getNumOfWords())); s.append(String.format("\tcommonTypes: %1$s,\n", (v.getNumOfWords()-v.countWordsBelowThreshold(l.RARE_WORD_THRESHOLD)))); s.append(String.format("\tclusterCount: %1$s,\n", l.NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS)); s.append(String.format("\tidentityEps: %1$s,\n", l.IDENTITY_EPSILON)); s.append(String.format("\titerationCount: %1$s,\n", iterationCounter)); s.append("\ttypeToId: \n\t{\n\t"); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e: entrySet){ if (v.getWord(e.getValue()).frequency >= l.RARE_WORD_THRESHOLD){ s.append(String.format("\t\t\"%1$s\": %2$s,\n", e.getKey(), e.getValue())); } } s.append("},\n"); s.append("\tidToType: {"); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Word> e: wordSet){ if (e.getValue().frequency >= l.RARE_WORD_THRESHOLD){ s.append(String.format("\t\t%1$s: \"%2$s\",\n",e.getKey(), e.getValue().name)); } } s.append("}"); s.append("\n};"); try { corpusFile.createNewFile(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(corpusFile)); out.append(s); out.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } }
public void recordcorpusdata (corpus c, learner l){ if (!isrecording) return; this.c=c; vocabulary v = c.getvocabulary(); set<map.entry<string, integer>> entryset = v.getwordindicesentryset(); set<map.entry<integer, word>> wordset = v.getwordentryset(); stringbuilder s = new stringbuilder(v.getnumofwords()*30); corpusfile = new file(mainpath, "corpus_"+name+".js"); s.append(string.format("corpus_%1$s = \n{\n\tname:\"%1$s\",\n", name)); s.append(string.format("\ttokencount: %1$s,\n", c.tokencount)); s.append(string.format("\ttypecount: %1$s,\n", v.getnumofwords())); s.append(string.format("\tcommontypes: %1$s,\n", (v.getnumofwords()-v.countwordsbelowthreshold(l.rare_word_threshold)))); s.append(string.format("\tclustercount: %1$s,\n", l.number_of_clusters)); s.append(string.format("\tidentityeps: %1$s,\n", l.identity_epsilon)); s.append(string.format("\titerationcount: %1$s,\n", iterationcounter)); s.append("\ttypetoid: \n\t{\n\t"); for (map.entry<string, integer> e: entryset){ if (v.getword(e.getvalue()).frequency >= l.rare_word_threshold){ s.append(string.format("\t\t\"%1$s\": %2$s,\n", e.getkey(), e.getvalue())); } } s.append("},\n"); s.append("\tidtotype: {"); for (map.entry<integer, word> e: wordset){ if (e.getvalue().frequency >= l.rare_word_threshold){ s.append(string.format("\t\t%1$s: \"%2$s\",\n",e.getkey(), e.getvalue().name)); } } s.append("}"); s.append("\n};"); try { corpusfile.createnewfile(); bufferedwriter out = new bufferedwriter(new filewriter(corpusfile)); out.append(s); out.close(); } catch (ioexception e1) { e1.printstacktrace(); } }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testSpendInputs() throws Throwable { ExplorerCoinsRepository repo =; GateEstimateRepository estimateRepo =; final int tabPos = 0; // spend coins mActivityTestRule.runOnUiThread(() -> { mActivityTestRule.getActivity().setCurrentPage(tabPos); }); // wait while balance be a 100 waitForBalance(100); // wait while balance isn't update waitForBalanceUpdate(); final String balanceString = String.format("%s (%s)", MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, bdHuman(new BigDecimal(100.d))); ViewInteraction actionBtn = onView(allOf( withId(, withText("EXCHANGE"), inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction actionUseMax = onView(allOf( withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction amountInput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction coinInput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction coinOutput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction layoutCalculation = onView(allOf( withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction calculationSum = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; coinOutput.check(matches(withText(balanceString))); actionUseMax.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.VISIBLE))); // submit disabled actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutHint(R.string.label_amount))); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError(null))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.perform(replaceText("0")); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Amount must be greater than 0"))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); // empty string is valid zero amountInput.perform(replaceText("")); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Amount must be greater than 0"))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); final String amount = "1"; // valid value amountInput.perform(replaceText(amount)); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError(null))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); // @TODO potentially, may break test, as coin can be created coinInput.perform(replaceText("DOSNTEXIST")); coinInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Coin to buy not exists"))); // we can send transaction even if coin does not exists, because it can be no a true actionBtn.check(matches(isEnabled())); layoutCalculation.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.GONE))); coinInput.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText(mExchangeCoin.getSymbol())); layoutCalculation.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.VISIBLE))); onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, .check(matches(withText(R.string.label_you_will_get_approximately))); calculationSum.perform(scrollTo()); Response<GateResult<ExchangeSellValue>> estimate1 = estimateRepo.getCoinExchangeCurrencyToSell(MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, new BigDecimal(amount), mExchangeCoin.getSymbol()).execute(); assertTrue(estimate1.body().isOk()); // amount without commission String expectEstimate3 = bdHuman(estimate1.body().result.getAmount()); calculationSum.check(matches(withText(String.format("%s %s", expectEstimate3, mExchangeCoin.getSymbol())))); // visible "use max" for spend tab actionUseMax.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.VISIBLE))); actionUseMax.perform(click()); amountInput.check(matches(withText("100"))); Response<GateResult<ExchangeSellValue>> estimate2 = estimateRepo.getCoinExchangeCurrencyToSell(MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, new BigDecimal("100"), mExchangeCoin.getSymbol()).execute(); assertTrue(estimate2.body().isOk()); // amount without commission String expectEstimate2 = bdHuman(estimate2.body().result.getAmount()); calculationSum.check(matches(withText(String.format("%s %s", expectEstimate2, mExchangeCoin.getSymbol())))); }
@Test public void testSpendInputs() throws Throwable { ExplorerCoinsRepository repo =; GateEstimateRepository estimateRepo =; final int tabPos = 0; mActivityTestRule.runOnUiThread(() -> { mActivityTestRule.getActivity().setCurrentPage(tabPos); }); waitForBalance(100); waitForBalanceUpdate(); final String balanceString = String.format("%s (%s)", MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, bdHuman(new BigDecimal(100.d))); ViewInteraction actionBtn = onView(allOf( withId(, withText("EXCHANGE"), inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction actionUseMax = onView(allOf( withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction amountInput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction coinInput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction coinOutput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction layoutCalculation = onView(allOf( withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction calculationSum = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; coinOutput.check(matches(withText(balanceString))); actionUseMax.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.VISIBLE))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutHint(R.string.label_amount))); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError(null))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.perform(replaceText("0")); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Amount must be greater than 0"))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.perform(replaceText("")); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Amount must be greater than 0"))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); final String amount = "1"; amountInput.perform(replaceText(amount)); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError(null))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); coinInput.perform(replaceText("DOSNTEXIST")); coinInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Coin to buy not exists"))); actionBtn.check(matches(isEnabled())); layoutCalculation.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.GONE))); coinInput.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText(mExchangeCoin.getSymbol())); layoutCalculation.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.VISIBLE))); onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, .check(matches(withText(R.string.label_you_will_get_approximately))); calculationSum.perform(scrollTo()); Response<GateResult<ExchangeSellValue>> estimate1 = estimateRepo.getCoinExchangeCurrencyToSell(MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, new BigDecimal(amount), mExchangeCoin.getSymbol()).execute(); assertTrue(estimate1.body().isOk()); String expectEstimate3 = bdHuman(estimate1.body().result.getAmount()); calculationSum.check(matches(withText(String.format("%s %s", expectEstimate3, mExchangeCoin.getSymbol())))); actionUseMax.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.VISIBLE))); actionUseMax.perform(click()); amountInput.check(matches(withText("100"))); Response<GateResult<ExchangeSellValue>> estimate2 = estimateRepo.getCoinExchangeCurrencyToSell(MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, new BigDecimal("100"), mExchangeCoin.getSymbol()).execute(); assertTrue(estimate2.body().isOk()); String expectEstimate2 = bdHuman(estimate2.body().result.getAmount()); calculationSum.check(matches(withText(String.format("%s %s", expectEstimate2, mExchangeCoin.getSymbol())))); }
@test public void testspendinputs() throws throwable { explorercoinsrepository repo =; gateestimaterepository estimaterepo =; final int tabpos = 0; mactivitytestrule.runonuithread(() -> { mactivitytestrule.getactivity().setcurrentpage(tabpos); }); waitforbalance(100); waitforbalanceupdate(); final string balancestring = string.format("%s (%s)", mintersdk.default_coin, bdhuman(new bigdecimal(100.d))); viewinteraction actionbtn = onview(allof( withid(, withtext("exchange"), inviewpager(tabpos, )); viewinteraction actionusemax = onview(allof( withid(, inviewpager(tabpos, )); viewinteraction amountinput = onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos,; viewinteraction coininput = onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos,; viewinteraction coinoutput = onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos,; viewinteraction layoutcalculation = onview(allof( withid(, inviewpager(tabpos, )); viewinteraction calculationsum = onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos,; coinoutput.check(matches(withtext(balancestring))); actionusemax.check(matches(witheffectivevisibility(viewmatchers.visibility.visible))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouthint(r.string.label_amount))); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror(null))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); amountinput.perform(replacetext("0")); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror("amount must be greater than 0"))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); amountinput.perform(replacetext("")); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror("amount must be greater than 0"))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); final string amount = "1"; amountinput.perform(replacetext(amount)); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror(null))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); coininput.perform(replacetext("dosntexist")); coininput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror("coin to buy not exists"))); actionbtn.check(matches(isenabled())); layoutcalculation.check(matches(witheffectivevisibility(viewmatchers.visibility.gone))); coininput.perform(scrollto(), replacetext(mexchangecoin.getsymbol())); layoutcalculation.check(matches(witheffectivevisibility(viewmatchers.visibility.visible))); onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos, .check(matches(withtext(r.string.label_you_will_get_approximately))); calculationsum.perform(scrollto()); response<gateresult<exchangesellvalue>> estimate1 = estimaterepo.getcoinexchangecurrencytosell(mintersdk.default_coin, new bigdecimal(amount), mexchangecoin.getsymbol()).execute(); asserttrue(estimate1.body().isok()); string expectestimate3 = bdhuman(estimate1.body().result.getamount()); calculationsum.check(matches(withtext(string.format("%s %s", expectestimate3, mexchangecoin.getsymbol())))); actionusemax.check(matches(witheffectivevisibility(viewmatchers.visibility.visible))); actionusemax.perform(click()); amountinput.check(matches(withtext("100"))); response<gateresult<exchangesellvalue>> estimate2 = estimaterepo.getcoinexchangecurrencytosell(mintersdk.default_coin, new bigdecimal("100"), mexchangecoin.getsymbol()).execute(); asserttrue(estimate2.body().isok()); string expectestimate2 = bdhuman(estimate2.body().result.getamount()); calculationsum.check(matches(withtext(string.format("%s %s", expectestimate2, mexchangecoin.getsymbol())))); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Test public void testGetInputs() throws Throwable { ExplorerCoinsRepository repo =; GateEstimateRepository estimateRepo =; final int tabPos = 1; // spend coins mActivityTestRule.runOnUiThread(() -> { mActivityTestRule.getActivity().setCurrentPage(tabPos); }); // wait while balance be a 100 waitForBalance(100); // wait while balance isn't update waitForBalanceUpdate(); final String balanceString = String.format("%s (%s)", MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, bdHuman(new BigDecimal("100"))); ViewInteraction actionBtn = onView(allOf( withId(, withText("EXCHANGE"), inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction actionUseMax = onView(allOf( withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction amountInput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction coinInput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction coinOutput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction layoutCalculation = onView(allOf( withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction calculationSum = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; // invisible "use max" for spend tab actionUseMax.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.GONE))); coinOutput.check(matches(withText(balanceString))); // submit disabled actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutHint(R.string.label_amount))); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError(null))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.perform(replaceText("0")); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Amount must be greater than 0"))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); // empty string is valid zero amountInput.perform(replaceText("")); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Amount must be greater than 0"))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); final String amount = "1"; // valid value amountInput.perform(replaceText(amount)); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError(null))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); // @TODO potentially, may break test, as coin can be created coinInput.perform(replaceText("DOSNTEXIST")); coinInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Coin to buy not exists"))); // we can send transaction even if coin does not exists, because it can be no a true actionBtn.check(matches(isEnabled())); layoutCalculation.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.GONE))); coinInput.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText(mExchangeCoin.getSymbol())); layoutCalculation.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.VISIBLE))); onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, .check(matches(withText(R.string.label_you_will_pay_approximately))); calculationSum.perform(scrollTo()); Response<GateResult<ExchangeBuyValue>> estimate1 = estimateRepo.getCoinExchangeCurrencyToBuy(MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, new BigDecimal(amount), mExchangeCoin.getSymbol()).execute(); assertTrue(estimate1.body().isOk()); // amount without commission String expectEstimate1 = bdHuman(estimate1.body().result.getAmount()); calculationSum.check(matches(withText(String.format("%s %s", expectEstimate1, MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN)))); }
@Test public void testGetInputs() throws Throwable { ExplorerCoinsRepository repo =; GateEstimateRepository estimateRepo =; final int tabPos = 1; mActivityTestRule.runOnUiThread(() -> { mActivityTestRule.getActivity().setCurrentPage(tabPos); }); waitForBalance(100); waitForBalanceUpdate(); final String balanceString = String.format("%s (%s)", MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, bdHuman(new BigDecimal("100"))); ViewInteraction actionBtn = onView(allOf( withId(, withText("EXCHANGE"), inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction actionUseMax = onView(allOf( withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction amountInput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction coinInput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction coinOutput = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; ViewInteraction layoutCalculation = onView(allOf( withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, )); ViewInteraction calculationSum = onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos,; actionUseMax.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.GONE))); coinOutput.check(matches(withText(balanceString))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutHint(R.string.label_amount))); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError(null))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.perform(replaceText("0")); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Amount must be greater than 0"))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); amountInput.perform(replaceText("")); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Amount must be greater than 0"))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); final String amount = "1"; amountInput.perform(replaceText(amount)); amountInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError(null))); actionBtn.check(matches(not(isEnabled()))); coinInput.perform(replaceText("DOSNTEXIST")); coinInput.check(matches(withInputLayoutError("Coin to buy not exists"))); actionBtn.check(matches(isEnabled())); layoutCalculation.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.GONE))); coinInput.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText(mExchangeCoin.getSymbol())); layoutCalculation.check(matches(withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility.VISIBLE))); onView(allOf(withId(, inViewPager(tabPos, .check(matches(withText(R.string.label_you_will_pay_approximately))); calculationSum.perform(scrollTo()); Response<GateResult<ExchangeBuyValue>> estimate1 = estimateRepo.getCoinExchangeCurrencyToBuy(MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN, new BigDecimal(amount), mExchangeCoin.getSymbol()).execute(); assertTrue(estimate1.body().isOk()); String expectEstimate1 = bdHuman(estimate1.body().result.getAmount()); calculationSum.check(matches(withText(String.format("%s %s", expectEstimate1, MinterSDK.DEFAULT_COIN)))); }
@test public void testgetinputs() throws throwable { explorercoinsrepository repo =; gateestimaterepository estimaterepo =; final int tabpos = 1; mactivitytestrule.runonuithread(() -> { mactivitytestrule.getactivity().setcurrentpage(tabpos); }); waitforbalance(100); waitforbalanceupdate(); final string balancestring = string.format("%s (%s)", mintersdk.default_coin, bdhuman(new bigdecimal("100"))); viewinteraction actionbtn = onview(allof( withid(, withtext("exchange"), inviewpager(tabpos, )); viewinteraction actionusemax = onview(allof( withid(, inviewpager(tabpos, )); viewinteraction amountinput = onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos,; viewinteraction coininput = onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos,; viewinteraction coinoutput = onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos,; viewinteraction layoutcalculation = onview(allof( withid(, inviewpager(tabpos, )); viewinteraction calculationsum = onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos,; actionusemax.check(matches(witheffectivevisibility(viewmatchers.visibility.gone))); coinoutput.check(matches(withtext(balancestring))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouthint(r.string.label_amount))); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror(null))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); amountinput.perform(replacetext("0")); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror("amount must be greater than 0"))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); amountinput.perform(replacetext("")); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror("amount must be greater than 0"))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); final string amount = "1"; amountinput.perform(replacetext(amount)); amountinput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror(null))); actionbtn.check(matches(not(isenabled()))); coininput.perform(replacetext("dosntexist")); coininput.check(matches(withinputlayouterror("coin to buy not exists"))); actionbtn.check(matches(isenabled())); layoutcalculation.check(matches(witheffectivevisibility(viewmatchers.visibility.gone))); coininput.perform(scrollto(), replacetext(mexchangecoin.getsymbol())); layoutcalculation.check(matches(witheffectivevisibility(viewmatchers.visibility.visible))); onview(allof(withid(, inviewpager(tabpos, .check(matches(withtext(r.string.label_you_will_pay_approximately))); calculationsum.perform(scrollto()); response<gateresult<exchangebuyvalue>> estimate1 = estimaterepo.getcoinexchangecurrencytobuy(mintersdk.default_coin, new bigdecimal(amount), mexchangecoin.getsymbol()).execute(); asserttrue(estimate1.body().isok()); string expectestimate1 = bdhuman(estimate1.body().result.getamount()); calculationsum.check(matches(withtext(string.format("%s %s", expectestimate1, mintersdk.default_coin)))); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
protected List<LP2Rule> createContextStartRulesForStartRule(final LP2Rule aStartRule) { List<LP2Rule> result = new ArrayList<LP2Rule>(); // TODO make all other tags contextual tags here. for now we take only // the counterpart // tag of the current learning process: (opening/closing tags) LP2RuleItem ctxItem = new LP2RuleItem(); MLLP2ContextConstraint ctxConstraint = new MLLP2ContextConstraint( slotMaximumTokenCountMap.get(aStartRule.getTarget().getSingleSlotRawTypeName()), aStartRule); ctxItem.setContextConstraint(ctxConstraint); LP2Rule ctxStartRule = new LP2Rule(this, aStartRule.getTarget()); ctxStartRule.setIsContextualRule(true); if (aStartRule.getTarget().type == MLTargetType.SINGLE_LEFT_BOUNDARY) ctxStartRule.addPostFillerItem(ctxItem); else ctxStartRule.addPreFillerItem(ctxItem); result.add(ctxStartRule); return result; }
protected List<LP2Rule> createContextStartRulesForStartRule(final LP2Rule aStartRule) { List<LP2Rule> result = new ArrayList<LP2Rule>(); LP2RuleItem ctxItem = new LP2RuleItem(); MLLP2ContextConstraint ctxConstraint = new MLLP2ContextConstraint( slotMaximumTokenCountMap.get(aStartRule.getTarget().getSingleSlotRawTypeName()), aStartRule); ctxItem.setContextConstraint(ctxConstraint); LP2Rule ctxStartRule = new LP2Rule(this, aStartRule.getTarget()); ctxStartRule.setIsContextualRule(true); if (aStartRule.getTarget().type == MLTargetType.SINGLE_LEFT_BOUNDARY) ctxStartRule.addPostFillerItem(ctxItem); else ctxStartRule.addPreFillerItem(ctxItem); result.add(ctxStartRule); return result; }
protected list<lp2rule> createcontextstartrulesforstartrule(final lp2rule astartrule) { list<lp2rule> result = new arraylist<lp2rule>(); lp2ruleitem ctxitem = new lp2ruleitem(); mllp2contextconstraint ctxconstraint = new mllp2contextconstraint( slotmaximumtokencountmap.get(astartrule.gettarget().getsingleslotrawtypename()), astartrule); ctxitem.setcontextconstraint(ctxconstraint); lp2rule ctxstartrule = new lp2rule(this, astartrule.gettarget()); ctxstartrule.setiscontextualrule(true); if (astartrule.gettarget().type == mltargettype.single_left_boundary) ctxstartrule.addpostfilleritem(ctxitem); else ctxstartrule.addprefilleritem(ctxitem); result.add(ctxstartrule); return result; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void runOpMode(){ //When the robot begins, it is in initialized state //In this state, initialize the robot sensors and actuators //and wait for the event: driver pushes START //************************************************************ //*** INITIALIZE THE ROBOT //************************************************************ autonParameters = AutonParameters.DEBUG_TWO_WHEEL; autonParameters.setSpeed(Speed.FAST); autonParameters.getSpeed().setK_i(0.3); robot = new Robot(Pose.PresetPose.INNER_START_LINE, Alliance.RED, autonParameters); targetZone = new TargetZone(robot.getAlliance(),TargetZone.Zone.B); launchLine = new LaunchLine(); autonState = AutonState.INITIALIZE; stateStopWatch = new StopWatch(); //Initialize the wheels robot.initializeStandardDriveWheels(hardwareMap); //Initialize the imu robot.initializeImu(hardwareMap); //Initialize the color sensors robot.initializeColorSensors(hardwareMap); //Initialize the digitalTouch sensors robot.initializeEbotsDigitalTouches(hardwareMap); //Initialize the LED lights robot.initializeRevBlinkinLedDriver(hardwareMap); //Initialize the Rev2mDistance Sensors robot.initializeEbotsRev2mDistanceSensors(hardwareMap); //Prepare the expansion hubs for bulk reads robot.initializeExpansionHubsForBulkRead(hardwareMap); telemetry.addLine(robot.getActualPose().toString()); telemetry.addLine("Initialization Complete!"); telemetry.update(); Pose newPose = robot.getActualPose(); newPose.getX(); robot.setTargetPose(newPose); waitForStart(); telemetry.clearAll(); long stateTimeLimit = 0L; while(opModeIsActive()){ switch (autonState) { case INITIALIZE: if (this.isStarted()) { //EVENT TO TRIGGER NEXT STATE IS PUSHING START BUTTON //Perform the transitional actions //Initialize the encoders robot.initializeEncoderTrackers(autonParameters); //Set the target pose (where the robot should drive to + heading) Pose targetPose = new Pose(targetZone.getFieldPosition(), 0); robot.setTargetPose(targetPose); stateTimeLimit = robot.getEbotsMotionController().calculateTimeLimitMillis(robot); //Set the new state autonState = AutonState.MOVE_TO_TARGET_ZONE; standardStateTransitionActions(); } else { telemetry.addLine("Stuck in INITIALIZED state, something is wrong"); telemetry.update(); } break; case MOVE_TO_TARGET_ZONE: if (robot.getEbotsMotionController().isTargetPoseReached(robot) //check if trigger event occurred | stateStopWatch.getElapsedTimeMillis() > stateTimeLimit) { //Perform transitional actions robot.stop(); //Set the new state autonState = AutonState.PLACE_WOBBLE_GOAL; standardStateTransitionActions(); stateTimeLimit = 5000; //set a timelimit of 5 seconds for next state } else { //Perform the state actions robot.getEbotsMotionController().moveToTargetPose(robot, stateStopWatch); //Report telemetry telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString(robot.getEbotsMotionController().getLoopCount())); telemetry.addData("Actual Pose: ", robot.getActualPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Target Pose: ", robot.getTargetPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Error: ", robot.getPoseError().toString()); telemetry.update(); } break; case PLACE_WOBBLE_GOAL: if(stateStopWatch.getElapsedTimeMillis() > stateTimeLimit){ //trigger event? //Perform transitional actions //TBD code to fold Wobble Arm //Create a new target pose on the launch line in center of field double xCoord = launchLine.getX()-(robot.getSizeCoordinate(CsysDirection.X)/2); Pose targetPose = new Pose(xCoord, robot.getActualPose().getY(), 0); robot.setTargetPose(targetPose); stateTimeLimit = robot.getEbotsMotionController().calculateTimeLimitMillis(robot); //Set the new state autonState = AutonState.MOVE_TO_LAUNCH_LINE; standardStateTransitionActions(); } else { //perform the state actions //TBD code to place the wobble goal telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString() + " time limit " + stateTimeLimit); } break; case MOVE_TO_LAUNCH_LINE: if(robot.getEbotsMotionController().isTargetPoseReached(robot) //trigger event? | stateStopWatch.getElapsedTimeMillis() > stateTimeLimit){ //or timed out? //Perform transitional actions robot.stop(); //TBD spin up the ring launcher //Set the new state autonState = AutonState.SHOOT_POWER_SHOTS; standardStateTransitionActions(); stateTimeLimit = 5000L; } else { //perform the state actions robot.getEbotsMotionController().moveToTargetPose(robot,stateStopWatch); //Report telemetry telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString(robot.getEbotsMotionController().getLoopCount())); telemetry.addData("Actual Pose: ", robot.getActualPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Target Pose: ", robot.getTargetPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Error: ", robot.getPoseError().toString()); telemetry.update(); } break; case SHOOT_POWER_SHOTS: if(stateStopWatch.getElapsedTimeMillis() > stateTimeLimit){ //trigger event? robot.stop(); //Create a new target pose on the launch line in center of field Pose targetPose = new Pose(launchLine.getX(), robot.getActualPose().getY(), 180); robot.setTargetPose(targetPose); stateTimeLimit = robot.getEbotsMotionController().calculateTimeLimitMillis(robot); //Set the new state autonState = AutonState.PARK_ON_LAUNCH_LINE; standardStateTransitionActions(); } else { //perform state actions //TBD action to launch rings at powershots telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString() + " time limit " + stateTimeLimit); } break; case PARK_ON_LAUNCH_LINE: if(!opModeIsActive()){ //check for trigger event robot.stop(); } else { //perform state actions robot.getEbotsMotionController().moveToTargetPose(robot, stateStopWatch); //Report telemetry telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString(robot.getEbotsMotionController().getLoopCount())); telemetry.addData("Actual Pose: ", robot.getActualPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Target Pose: ", robot.getTargetPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Error: ", robot.getPoseError().toString()); telemetry.update(); } break; } } //Exit opmode robot.stop(); //State debug info // if (debugOn) { // Log.d(logTag, "Transitioning out of state " + autonState.toString()); // if (robot.getEbotsMotionController().isTargetPoseReached(robot)) { // Log.d(logTag, "Pose Achieved in " + format("%.2f", stateStopWatch.getElapsedTimeSeconds())); // } else { // Log.d(logTag, "Failed to reach target, timed out!!! " + robot.getPoseError().toString()); // } // } }
@Override public void runOpMode(){ autonParameters = AutonParameters.DEBUG_TWO_WHEEL; autonParameters.setSpeed(Speed.FAST); autonParameters.getSpeed().setK_i(0.3); robot = new Robot(Pose.PresetPose.INNER_START_LINE, Alliance.RED, autonParameters); targetZone = new TargetZone(robot.getAlliance(),TargetZone.Zone.B); launchLine = new LaunchLine(); autonState = AutonState.INITIALIZE; stateStopWatch = new StopWatch(); robot.initializeStandardDriveWheels(hardwareMap); robot.initializeImu(hardwareMap); robot.initializeColorSensors(hardwareMap); robot.initializeEbotsDigitalTouches(hardwareMap); robot.initializeRevBlinkinLedDriver(hardwareMap); robot.initializeEbotsRev2mDistanceSensors(hardwareMap); robot.initializeExpansionHubsForBulkRead(hardwareMap); telemetry.addLine(robot.getActualPose().toString()); telemetry.addLine("Initialization Complete!"); telemetry.update(); Pose newPose = robot.getActualPose(); newPose.getX(); robot.setTargetPose(newPose); waitForStart(); telemetry.clearAll(); long stateTimeLimit = 0L; while(opModeIsActive()){ switch (autonState) { case INITIALIZE: if (this.isStarted()) { robot.initializeEncoderTrackers(autonParameters); Pose targetPose = new Pose(targetZone.getFieldPosition(), 0); robot.setTargetPose(targetPose); stateTimeLimit = robot.getEbotsMotionController().calculateTimeLimitMillis(robot); autonState = AutonState.MOVE_TO_TARGET_ZONE; standardStateTransitionActions(); } else { telemetry.addLine("Stuck in INITIALIZED state, something is wrong"); telemetry.update(); } break; case MOVE_TO_TARGET_ZONE: if (robot.getEbotsMotionController().isTargetPoseReached(robot) | stateStopWatch.getElapsedTimeMillis() > stateTimeLimit) { robot.stop(); autonState = AutonState.PLACE_WOBBLE_GOAL; standardStateTransitionActions(); stateTimeLimit = 5000; } else { robot.getEbotsMotionController().moveToTargetPose(robot, stateStopWatch); telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString(robot.getEbotsMotionController().getLoopCount())); telemetry.addData("Actual Pose: ", robot.getActualPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Target Pose: ", robot.getTargetPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Error: ", robot.getPoseError().toString()); telemetry.update(); } break; case PLACE_WOBBLE_GOAL: if(stateStopWatch.getElapsedTimeMillis() > stateTimeLimit){ double xCoord = launchLine.getX()-(robot.getSizeCoordinate(CsysDirection.X)/2); Pose targetPose = new Pose(xCoord, robot.getActualPose().getY(), 0); robot.setTargetPose(targetPose); stateTimeLimit = robot.getEbotsMotionController().calculateTimeLimitMillis(robot); autonState = AutonState.MOVE_TO_LAUNCH_LINE; standardStateTransitionActions(); } else { telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString() + " time limit " + stateTimeLimit); } break; case MOVE_TO_LAUNCH_LINE: if(robot.getEbotsMotionController().isTargetPoseReached(robot) | stateStopWatch.getElapsedTimeMillis() > stateTimeLimit){ robot.stop(); autonState = AutonState.SHOOT_POWER_SHOTS; standardStateTransitionActions(); stateTimeLimit = 5000L; } else { robot.getEbotsMotionController().moveToTargetPose(robot,stateStopWatch); telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString(robot.getEbotsMotionController().getLoopCount())); telemetry.addData("Actual Pose: ", robot.getActualPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Target Pose: ", robot.getTargetPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Error: ", robot.getPoseError().toString()); telemetry.update(); } break; case SHOOT_POWER_SHOTS: if(stateStopWatch.getElapsedTimeMillis() > stateTimeLimit){ robot.stop(); Pose targetPose = new Pose(launchLine.getX(), robot.getActualPose().getY(), 180); robot.setTargetPose(targetPose); stateTimeLimit = robot.getEbotsMotionController().calculateTimeLimitMillis(robot); autonState = AutonState.PARK_ON_LAUNCH_LINE; standardStateTransitionActions(); } else { telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString() + " time limit " + stateTimeLimit); } break; case PARK_ON_LAUNCH_LINE: if(!opModeIsActive()){ robot.stop(); } else { robot.getEbotsMotionController().moveToTargetPose(robot, stateStopWatch); telemetry.addData("Current State", autonState.toString()); telemetry.addLine(stateStopWatch.toString(robot.getEbotsMotionController().getLoopCount())); telemetry.addData("Actual Pose: ", robot.getActualPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Target Pose: ", robot.getTargetPose().toString()); telemetry.addData("Error: ", robot.getPoseError().toString()); telemetry.update(); } break; } } robot.stop(); }
@override public void runopmode(){ autonparameters = autonparameters.debug_two_wheel; autonparameters.setspeed(; autonparameters.getspeed().setk_i(0.3); robot = new robot(pose.presetpose.inner_start_line,, autonparameters); targetzone = new targetzone(robot.getalliance(),; launchline = new launchline(); autonstate = autonstate.initialize; statestopwatch = new stopwatch(); robot.initializestandarddrivewheels(hardwaremap); robot.initializeimu(hardwaremap); robot.initializecolorsensors(hardwaremap); robot.initializeebotsdigitaltouches(hardwaremap); robot.initializerevblinkinleddriver(hardwaremap); robot.initializeebotsrev2mdistancesensors(hardwaremap); robot.initializeexpansionhubsforbulkread(hardwaremap); telemetry.addline(robot.getactualpose().tostring()); telemetry.addline("initialization complete!"); telemetry.update(); pose newpose = robot.getactualpose(); newpose.getx(); robot.settargetpose(newpose); waitforstart(); telemetry.clearall(); long statetimelimit = 0l; while(opmodeisactive()){ switch (autonstate) { case initialize: if (this.isstarted()) { robot.initializeencodertrackers(autonparameters); pose targetpose = new pose(targetzone.getfieldposition(), 0); robot.settargetpose(targetpose); statetimelimit = robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().calculatetimelimitmillis(robot); autonstate = autonstate.move_to_target_zone; standardstatetransitionactions(); } else { telemetry.addline("stuck in initialized state, something is wrong"); telemetry.update(); } break; case move_to_target_zone: if (robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().istargetposereached(robot) | statestopwatch.getelapsedtimemillis() > statetimelimit) { robot.stop(); autonstate = autonstate.place_wobble_goal; standardstatetransitionactions(); statetimelimit = 5000; } else { robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().movetotargetpose(robot, statestopwatch); telemetry.adddata("current state", autonstate.tostring()); telemetry.addline(statestopwatch.tostring(robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().getloopcount())); telemetry.adddata("actual pose: ", robot.getactualpose().tostring()); telemetry.adddata("target pose: ", robot.gettargetpose().tostring()); telemetry.adddata("error: ", robot.getposeerror().tostring()); telemetry.update(); } break; case place_wobble_goal: if(statestopwatch.getelapsedtimemillis() > statetimelimit){ double xcoord = launchline.getx()-(robot.getsizecoordinate(csysdirection.x)/2); pose targetpose = new pose(xcoord, robot.getactualpose().gety(), 0); robot.settargetpose(targetpose); statetimelimit = robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().calculatetimelimitmillis(robot); autonstate = autonstate.move_to_launch_line; standardstatetransitionactions(); } else { telemetry.adddata("current state", autonstate.tostring()); telemetry.addline(statestopwatch.tostring() + " time limit " + statetimelimit); } break; case move_to_launch_line: if(robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().istargetposereached(robot) | statestopwatch.getelapsedtimemillis() > statetimelimit){ robot.stop(); autonstate = autonstate.shoot_power_shots; standardstatetransitionactions(); statetimelimit = 5000l; } else { robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().movetotargetpose(robot,statestopwatch); telemetry.adddata("current state", autonstate.tostring()); telemetry.addline(statestopwatch.tostring(robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().getloopcount())); telemetry.adddata("actual pose: ", robot.getactualpose().tostring()); telemetry.adddata("target pose: ", robot.gettargetpose().tostring()); telemetry.adddata("error: ", robot.getposeerror().tostring()); telemetry.update(); } break; case shoot_power_shots: if(statestopwatch.getelapsedtimemillis() > statetimelimit){ robot.stop(); pose targetpose = new pose(launchline.getx(), robot.getactualpose().gety(), 180); robot.settargetpose(targetpose); statetimelimit = robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().calculatetimelimitmillis(robot); autonstate = autonstate.park_on_launch_line; standardstatetransitionactions(); } else { telemetry.adddata("current state", autonstate.tostring()); telemetry.addline(statestopwatch.tostring() + " time limit " + statetimelimit); } break; case park_on_launch_line: if(!opmodeisactive()){ robot.stop(); } else { robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().movetotargetpose(robot, statestopwatch); telemetry.adddata("current state", autonstate.tostring()); telemetry.addline(statestopwatch.tostring(robot.getebotsmotioncontroller().getloopcount())); telemetry.adddata("actual pose: ", robot.getactualpose().tostring()); telemetry.adddata("target pose: ", robot.gettargetpose().tostring()); telemetry.adddata("error: ", robot.getposeerror().tostring()); telemetry.update(); } break; } } robot.stop(); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void process(JCas jCas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); FeatureExtractor fe = new NYTEntitySalienceFeatureExtractor(); List<EntityInstance> entityInstances; try { entityInstances = fe.getEntityInstances(jCas, TrainingSettings.FeatureExtractor.ENTITY_SALIENCE); final int featureVectorSize = FeatureSetFactory.createFeatureSet(TrainingSettings.FeatureExtractor.ENTITY_SALIENCE).getFeatureVectorSize(); //TODO: For each model create separate implementation. RandomForestClassificationModel rfm = (RandomForestClassificationModel)trainingModel.stages()[2]; for(EntityInstance ei : entityInstances) { Vector vei = FeatureValueInstanceUtils.convertToSparkMLVector(ei, featureVectorSize); double label = rfm.predict(vei); Vector probabilities = rfm.predictProbability(vei); double salience = probabilities.toArray()[1]; SalientEntity salientEntity = new SalientEntity(jCas, 0, 0); salientEntity.setLabel(label); salientEntity.setID(ei.getEntityId()); salientEntity.setSalience(salience); salientEntity.addToIndexes(); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.debug("Annotating salient entities finished in {}ms.", endTime); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e); } }
@Override public void process(JCas jCas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); FeatureExtractor fe = new NYTEntitySalienceFeatureExtractor(); List<EntityInstance> entityInstances; try { entityInstances = fe.getEntityInstances(jCas, TrainingSettings.FeatureExtractor.ENTITY_SALIENCE); final int featureVectorSize = FeatureSetFactory.createFeatureSet(TrainingSettings.FeatureExtractor.ENTITY_SALIENCE).getFeatureVectorSize(); RandomForestClassificationModel rfm = (RandomForestClassificationModel)trainingModel.stages()[2]; for(EntityInstance ei : entityInstances) { Vector vei = FeatureValueInstanceUtils.convertToSparkMLVector(ei, featureVectorSize); double label = rfm.predict(vei); Vector probabilities = rfm.predictProbability(vei); double salience = probabilities.toArray()[1]; SalientEntity salientEntity = new SalientEntity(jCas, 0, 0); salientEntity.setLabel(label); salientEntity.setID(ei.getEntityId()); salientEntity.setSalience(salience); salientEntity.addToIndexes(); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; logger.debug("Annotating salient entities finished in {}ms.", endTime); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e); } }
@override public void process(jcas jcas) throws analysisengineprocessexception { long starttime = system.currenttimemillis(); featureextractor fe = new nytentitysaliencefeatureextractor(); list<entityinstance> entityinstances; try { entityinstances = fe.getentityinstances(jcas, trainingsettings.featureextractor.entity_salience); final int featurevectorsize = featuresetfactory.createfeatureset(trainingsettings.featureextractor.entity_salience).getfeaturevectorsize(); randomforestclassificationmodel rfm = (randomforestclassificationmodel)trainingmodel.stages()[2]; for(entityinstance ei : entityinstances) { vector vei = featurevalueinstanceutils.converttosparkmlvector(ei, featurevectorsize); double label = rfm.predict(vei); vector probabilities = rfm.predictprobability(vei); double salience = probabilities.toarray()[1]; saliententity saliententity = new saliententity(jcas, 0, 0); saliententity.setlabel(label); saliententity.setid(ei.getentityid()); saliententity.setsalience(salience); saliententity.addtoindexes(); } long endtime = system.currenttimemillis() - starttime; logger.debug("annotating salient entities finished in {}ms.", endtime); } catch (exception e) { throw new analysisengineprocessexception(e); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void generateArttribute() { String temp = ""; for (String s : connectedElements) temp = temp + s + " "; // TODO: check here, may be necessary to remove the last space. linkingResourceElement.setAttribute( "connectedResourceContainers_LinkingResource", temp); }
private void generateArttribute() { String temp = ""; for (String s : connectedElements) temp = temp + s + " "; linkingResourceElement.setAttribute( "connectedResourceContainers_LinkingResource", temp); }
private void generatearttribute() { string temp = ""; for (string s : connectedelements) temp = temp + s + " "; linkingresourceelement.setattribute( "connectedresourcecontainers_linkingresource", temp); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public boolean hasRole(final PrincipalCollection principal, final String roleIdentifier) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return super.hasRole(principal, roleIdentifier); for (final Object p : principal.fromRealm(REALM_NAME)) { if (p instanceof GenericPrincipal) { final GenericPrincipal gp = (GenericPrincipal) p; for (final String r : gp.getRoles()) { if (r.equals(roleIdentifier)) { return true; } } } } return false; }
@Override public boolean hasRole(final PrincipalCollection principal, final String roleIdentifier) { for (final Object p : principal.fromRealm(REALM_NAME)) { if (p instanceof GenericPrincipal) { final GenericPrincipal gp = (GenericPrincipal) p; for (final String r : gp.getRoles()) { if (r.equals(roleIdentifier)) { return true; } } } } return false; }
@override public boolean hasrole(final principalcollection principal, final string roleidentifier) { for (final object p : principal.fromrealm(realm_name)) { if (p instanceof genericprincipal) { final genericprincipal gp = (genericprincipal) p; for (final string r : gp.getroles()) { if (r.equals(roleidentifier)) { return true; } } } } return false; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private synchronized static void initializeImplClasses() { log.trace("exec"); // TODO load all expected impl classes, allowing fail fast rather than waiting for user to hit a certain use case }
private synchronized static void initializeImplClasses() { log.trace("exec"); }
private synchronized static void initializeimplclasses() { log.trace("exec"); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private ProgressTracker createProgressTracker() { ReadOperation readOperation; RemoteGrpcPortWriteOperation grpcWriteOperation; RegisterAndProcessBundleOperation bundleProcessOperation; try { readOperation = getReadOperation(); } catch (Exception exn) { readOperation = null;"Unable to get read operation.", exn); return new NullProgressTracker(); } // If there is a exactly one of each of RemoteGrpcPortWriteOperation and // RegisterAndProcessBundleOperation we know they have the right topology. try { grpcWriteOperation = Iterables.getOnlyElement( Iterables.filter(operations, RemoteGrpcPortWriteOperation.class)); bundleProcessOperation = Iterables.getOnlyElement( Iterables.filter(operations, RegisterAndProcessBundleOperation.class)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchElementException exn) { // TODO: Handle more than one sdk worker processing a single bundle. grpcWriteOperation = null; bundleProcessOperation = null; LOG.debug("Does not have exactly one grpcWRite and bundleProcess operation.", exn); } if (grpcWriteOperation != null && bundleProcessOperation != null) { return new SingularProcessBundleProgressTracker( readOperation, grpcWriteOperation, bundleProcessOperation); } else { return new ReadOperationProgressTracker(readOperation); } }
private ProgressTracker createProgressTracker() { ReadOperation readOperation; RemoteGrpcPortWriteOperation grpcWriteOperation; RegisterAndProcessBundleOperation bundleProcessOperation; try { readOperation = getReadOperation(); } catch (Exception exn) { readOperation = null;"Unable to get read operation.", exn); return new NullProgressTracker(); } try { grpcWriteOperation = Iterables.getOnlyElement( Iterables.filter(operations, RemoteGrpcPortWriteOperation.class)); bundleProcessOperation = Iterables.getOnlyElement( Iterables.filter(operations, RegisterAndProcessBundleOperation.class)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchElementException exn) { grpcWriteOperation = null; bundleProcessOperation = null; LOG.debug("Does not have exactly one grpcWRite and bundleProcess operation.", exn); } if (grpcWriteOperation != null && bundleProcessOperation != null) { return new SingularProcessBundleProgressTracker( readOperation, grpcWriteOperation, bundleProcessOperation); } else { return new ReadOperationProgressTracker(readOperation); } }
private progresstracker createprogresstracker() { readoperation readoperation; remotegrpcportwriteoperation grpcwriteoperation; registerandprocessbundleoperation bundleprocessoperation; try { readoperation = getreadoperation(); } catch (exception exn) { readoperation = null;"unable to get read operation.", exn); return new nullprogresstracker(); } try { grpcwriteoperation = iterables.getonlyelement( iterables.filter(operations, remotegrpcportwriteoperation.class)); bundleprocessoperation = iterables.getonlyelement( iterables.filter(operations, registerandprocessbundleoperation.class)); } catch (illegalargumentexception | nosuchelementexception exn) { grpcwriteoperation = null; bundleprocessoperation = null; log.debug("does not have exactly one grpcwrite and bundleprocess operation.", exn); } if (grpcwriteoperation != null && bundleprocessoperation != null) { return new singularprocessbundleprogresstracker( readoperation, grpcwriteoperation, bundleprocessoperation); } else { return new readoperationprogresstracker(readoperation); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void execute() { double y = -Constants.joystick.getY(); double z = Constants.joystick.getZ(); //TODO - Could we also check if the elevator is up and limit speed? if(y < Constants.REVERSE_MAX_SPEED) { y = Constants.REVERSE_MAX_SPEED; } if(z < Constants.LEFT_MAX_SPEED ) { z = Constants.LEFT_MAX_SPEED; } else if(z > Constants.RIGHT_MAX_SPEED){ z = Constants.RIGHT_MAX_SPEED; } driveSubsystem.getDiffDrive().arcadeDrive(y, z); }
@Override public void execute() { double y = -Constants.joystick.getY(); double z = Constants.joystick.getZ(); if(y < Constants.REVERSE_MAX_SPEED) { y = Constants.REVERSE_MAX_SPEED; } if(z < Constants.LEFT_MAX_SPEED ) { z = Constants.LEFT_MAX_SPEED; } else if(z > Constants.RIGHT_MAX_SPEED){ z = Constants.RIGHT_MAX_SPEED; } driveSubsystem.getDiffDrive().arcadeDrive(y, z); }
@override public void execute() { double y = -constants.joystick.gety(); double z = constants.joystick.getz(); if(y < constants.reverse_max_speed) { y = constants.reverse_max_speed; } if(z < constants.left_max_speed ) { z = constants.left_max_speed; } else if(z > constants.right_max_speed){ z = constants.right_max_speed; } drivesubsystem.getdiffdrive().arcadedrive(y, z); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void deleteInternal(List<FileInfo> itemsToDelete, List<FileInfo> bucketsToDelete) throws IOException { // TODO(user): We might need to separate out children into separate batches from parents to // avoid deleting a parent before somehow failing to delete a child. // Delete children before their parents. // // Note: we modify the input list, which is ok for current usage. // We should make a copy in case that changes in future. itemsToDelete.sort(FILE_INFO_PATH_COMPARATOR.reversed()); if (!itemsToDelete.isEmpty()) { List<StorageResourceId> objectsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(itemsToDelete.size()); for (FileInfo fileInfo : itemsToDelete) { // TODO(b/110833109): populate generation ID in StorageResourceId when listing infos? objectsToDelete.add( new StorageResourceId( fileInfo.getItemInfo().getBucketName(), fileInfo.getItemInfo().getObjectName(), fileInfo.getItemInfo().getContentGeneration())); } gcs.deleteObjects(objectsToDelete); } if (!bucketsToDelete.isEmpty()) { List<String> bucketNames = new ArrayList<>(bucketsToDelete.size()); for (FileInfo bucketInfo : bucketsToDelete) { bucketNames.add(bucketInfo.getItemInfo().getResourceId().getBucketName()); } if (options.isBucketDeleteEnabled()) { gcs.deleteBuckets(bucketNames); } else { logger.atInfo().log( "Skipping deletion of buckets because enableBucketDelete is false: %s", bucketNames); } } }
private void deleteInternal(List<FileInfo> itemsToDelete, List<FileInfo> bucketsToDelete) throws IOException { itemsToDelete.sort(FILE_INFO_PATH_COMPARATOR.reversed()); if (!itemsToDelete.isEmpty()) { List<StorageResourceId> objectsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(itemsToDelete.size()); for (FileInfo fileInfo : itemsToDelete) { objectsToDelete.add( new StorageResourceId( fileInfo.getItemInfo().getBucketName(), fileInfo.getItemInfo().getObjectName(), fileInfo.getItemInfo().getContentGeneration())); } gcs.deleteObjects(objectsToDelete); } if (!bucketsToDelete.isEmpty()) { List<String> bucketNames = new ArrayList<>(bucketsToDelete.size()); for (FileInfo bucketInfo : bucketsToDelete) { bucketNames.add(bucketInfo.getItemInfo().getResourceId().getBucketName()); } if (options.isBucketDeleteEnabled()) { gcs.deleteBuckets(bucketNames); } else { logger.atInfo().log( "Skipping deletion of buckets because enableBucketDelete is false: %s", bucketNames); } } }
private void deleteinternal(list<fileinfo> itemstodelete, list<fileinfo> bucketstodelete) throws ioexception { itemstodelete.sort(file_info_path_comparator.reversed()); if (!itemstodelete.isempty()) { list<storageresourceid> objectstodelete = new arraylist<>(itemstodelete.size()); for (fileinfo fileinfo : itemstodelete) { objectstodelete.add( new storageresourceid( fileinfo.getiteminfo().getbucketname(), fileinfo.getiteminfo().getobjectname(), fileinfo.getiteminfo().getcontentgeneration())); } gcs.deleteobjects(objectstodelete); } if (!bucketstodelete.isempty()) { list<string> bucketnames = new arraylist<>(bucketstodelete.size()); for (fileinfo bucketinfo : bucketstodelete) { bucketnames.add(bucketinfo.getiteminfo().getresourceid().getbucketname()); } if (options.isbucketdeleteenabled()) { gcs.deletebuckets(bucketnames); } else { logger.atinfo().log( "skipping deletion of buckets because enablebucketdelete is false: %s", bucketnames); } } }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void testEmpty() throws IOException { final MappedFieldType ft = new NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType("field", NumberType.LONG); testCase( stats("_name").field(, iw -> {}, stats -> { assertEquals(0d, stats.getCount(), 0); assertEquals(0d, stats.getSum(), 0); assertEquals(Float.NaN, stats.getAvg(), 0); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, stats.getMin(), 0); assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, stats.getMax(), 0); assertFalse(AggregationInspectionHelper.hasValue(stats)); }, singleton(ft) ); }
public void testEmpty() throws IOException { final MappedFieldType ft = new NumberFieldMapper.NumberFieldType("field", NumberType.LONG); testCase( stats("_name").field(, iw -> {}, stats -> { assertEquals(0d, stats.getCount(), 0); assertEquals(0d, stats.getSum(), 0); assertEquals(Float.NaN, stats.getAvg(), 0); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, stats.getMin(), 0); assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, stats.getMax(), 0); assertFalse(AggregationInspectionHelper.hasValue(stats)); }, singleton(ft) ); }
public void testempty() throws ioexception { final mappedfieldtype ft = new numberfieldmapper.numberfieldtype("field", numbertype.long); testcase( stats("_name").field(, iw -> {}, stats -> { assertequals(0d, stats.getcount(), 0); assertequals(0d, stats.getsum(), 0); assertequals(float.nan, stats.getavg(), 0); assertequals(double.positive_infinity, stats.getmin(), 0); assertequals(double.negative_infinity, stats.getmax(), 0); assertfalse(aggregationinspectionhelper.hasvalue(stats)); }, singleton(ft) ); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
public void testEvilGroovyScripts() throws Exception { int nodes = randomIntBetween(1, 3); Settings nodeSettings = Settings.builder() .put("script.inline", true) .put("script.indexed", true) .build(); internalCluster().startNodesAsync(nodes, nodeSettings).get(); client().admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes(nodes + "").get(); client().prepareIndex("test", "doc", "1").setSource("foo", 5, "bar", "baz").setRefresh(true).get(); // Plain test assertSuccess(""); // numeric field access assertSuccess("def foo = doc['foo'].value; if (foo == null) { return 5; }"); // string field access assertSuccess("def bar = doc['bar'].value; if (bar == null) { return 5; }"); // List assertSuccess("def list = [doc['foo'].value, 3, 4]; def v = list.get(1); list.add(10)"); // Ranges assertSuccess("def range = 1..doc['foo'].value; def v = range.get(0)"); // Maps assertSuccess("def v = doc['foo'].value; def m = [:]; m.put(\"value\", v)"); // Times assertSuccess("def t ="); // GroovyCollections assertSuccess("def n = [1,2,3]; GroovyCollections.max(n)"); // Fail cases: // AccessControlException[access denied ("" "<<ALL FILES>>" "execute")] assertFailure("pr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"touch /tmp/gotcha\"); pr.waitFor()"); // AccessControlException[access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "accessClassInPackage.sun.reflect")] assertFailure("d = new DateTime(); d.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(\"year\").setAccessible(true)"); assertFailure("d = new DateTime(); d.\"${'get' + 'Class'}\"()." + "\"${'getDeclared' + 'Method'}\"(\"year\").\"${'set' + 'Accessible'}\"(false)"); assertFailure("Class.forName(\"org.joda.time.DateTime\").getDeclaredMethod(\"year\").setAccessible(true)"); // AccessControlException[access denied ("" "/groovy/shell")] assertFailure("'2 + 2')"); assertFailure("Eval.x(5, 'x + 2')"); // AccessControlException[access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "accessDeclaredMembers")] assertFailure("d = new Date(); java.lang.reflect.Field f = Date.class.getDeclaredField(\"fastTime\");" + " f.setAccessible(true); f.get(\"fastTime\")"); // AccessControlException[access denied ("" "<<ALL FILES>>" "execute")] assertFailure("def methodName = 'ex'; Runtime.\"${'get' + 'Runtime'}\"().\"${methodName}ec\"(\"touch /tmp/gotcha2\")"); // AccessControlException[access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "modifyThreadGroup")] assertFailure("t = new Thread({ println 3 });"); // test a directory we normally have access to, but the groovy script does not. Path dir = createTempDir(); // TODO: figure out the necessary escaping for windows paths here :) if (!Constants.WINDOWS) { // access denied ("" ".../tempDir-00N" "read") assertFailure("new File(\"" + dir + "\").exists()"); } }
public void testEvilGroovyScripts() throws Exception { int nodes = randomIntBetween(1, 3); Settings nodeSettings = Settings.builder() .put("script.inline", true) .put("script.indexed", true) .build(); internalCluster().startNodesAsync(nodes, nodeSettings).get(); client().admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes(nodes + "").get(); client().prepareIndex("test", "doc", "1").setSource("foo", 5, "bar", "baz").setRefresh(true).get(); assertSuccess(""); assertSuccess("def foo = doc['foo'].value; if (foo == null) { return 5; }"); assertSuccess("def bar = doc['bar'].value; if (bar == null) { return 5; }"); assertSuccess("def list = [doc['foo'].value, 3, 4]; def v = list.get(1); list.add(10)"); assertSuccess("def range = 1..doc['foo'].value; def v = range.get(0)"); assertSuccess("def v = doc['foo'].value; def m = [:]; m.put(\"value\", v)"); assertSuccess("def t ="); assertSuccess("def n = [1,2,3]; GroovyCollections.max(n)"); assertFailure("pr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"touch /tmp/gotcha\"); pr.waitFor()"); assertFailure("d = new DateTime(); d.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(\"year\").setAccessible(true)"); assertFailure("d = new DateTime(); d.\"${'get' + 'Class'}\"()." + "\"${'getDeclared' + 'Method'}\"(\"year\").\"${'set' + 'Accessible'}\"(false)"); assertFailure("Class.forName(\"org.joda.time.DateTime\").getDeclaredMethod(\"year\").setAccessible(true)"); assertFailure("'2 + 2')"); assertFailure("Eval.x(5, 'x + 2')"); assertFailure("d = new Date(); java.lang.reflect.Field f = Date.class.getDeclaredField(\"fastTime\");" + " f.setAccessible(true); f.get(\"fastTime\")"); assertFailure("def methodName = 'ex'; Runtime.\"${'get' + 'Runtime'}\"().\"${methodName}ec\"(\"touch /tmp/gotcha2\")"); assertFailure("t = new Thread({ println 3 });"); Path dir = createTempDir(); if (!Constants.WINDOWS) { assertFailure("new File(\"" + dir + "\").exists()"); } }
public void testevilgroovyscripts() throws exception { int nodes = randomintbetween(1, 3); settings nodesettings = settings.builder() .put("script.inline", true) .put("script.indexed", true) .build(); internalcluster().startnodesasync(nodes, nodesettings).get(); client().admin().cluster().preparehealth().setwaitfornodes(nodes + "").get(); client().prepareindex("test", "doc", "1").setsource("foo", 5, "bar", "baz").setrefresh(true).get(); assertsuccess(""); assertsuccess("def foo = doc['foo'].value; if (foo == null) { return 5; }"); assertsuccess("def bar = doc['bar'].value; if (bar == null) { return 5; }"); assertsuccess("def list = [doc['foo'].value, 3, 4]; def v = list.get(1); list.add(10)"); assertsuccess("def range = 1..doc['foo'].value; def v = range.get(0)"); assertsuccess("def v = doc['foo'].value; def m = [:]; m.put(\"value\", v)"); assertsuccess("def t ="); assertsuccess("def n = [1,2,3]; groovycollections.max(n)"); assertfailure("pr = runtime.getruntime().exec(\"touch /tmp/gotcha\"); pr.waitfor()"); assertfailure("d = new datetime(); d.getclass().getdeclaredmethod(\"year\").setaccessible(true)"); assertfailure("d = new datetime(); d.\"${'get' + 'class'}\"()." + "\"${'getdeclared' + 'method'}\"(\"year\").\"${'set' + 'accessible'}\"(false)"); assertfailure("class.forname(\"org.joda.time.datetime\").getdeclaredmethod(\"year\").setaccessible(true)"); assertfailure("'2 + 2')"); assertfailure("eval.x(5, 'x + 2')"); assertfailure("d = new date(); java.lang.reflect.field f = date.class.getdeclaredfield(\"fasttime\");" + " f.setaccessible(true); f.get(\"fasttime\")"); assertfailure("def methodname = 'ex'; runtime.\"${'get' + 'runtime'}\"().\"${methodname}ec\"(\"touch /tmp/gotcha2\")"); assertfailure("t = new thread({ println 3 });"); path dir = createtempdir(); if (! { assertfailure("new file(\"" + dir + "\").exists()"); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private byte[] md5(String data) { try { return this.getMd5Digest().digest(data.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* This really shouldn't happen */ throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private byte[] md5(String data) { try { return this.getMd5Digest().digest(data.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private byte[] md5(string data) { try { return this.getmd5digest().digest(data.getbytes("utf-8")); } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) { throw new runtimeexception(e); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Before public void setUp() throws IOException { event = TestUtils.parse("/s3-event.put.json", S3Event.class); // TODO: customize your mock logic for s3 client ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new ObjectMetadata(); objectMetadata.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE); when(s3Object.getObjectMetadata()).thenReturn(objectMetadata); when(s3Client.getObject(getObjectRequest.capture())).thenReturn(s3Object); }
@Before public void setUp() throws IOException { event = TestUtils.parse("/s3-event.put.json", S3Event.class); ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new ObjectMetadata(); objectMetadata.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE); when(s3Object.getObjectMetadata()).thenReturn(objectMetadata); when(s3Client.getObject(getObjectRequest.capture())).thenReturn(s3Object); }
@before public void setup() throws ioexception { event = testutils.parse("/s3-event.put.json", s3event.class); objectmetadata objectmetadata = new objectmetadata(); objectmetadata.setcontenttype(content_type); when(s3object.getobjectmetadata()).thenreturn(objectmetadata); when(s3client.getobject(getobjectrequest.capture())).thenreturn(s3object); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
protected void processEmbeddedMember(List<AbstractMemberMetaData> mmds, AbstractClassMetaData embCmd, ClassLoaderResolver clr, EmbeddedMetaData embmd, boolean ownerNested) { TypeManager typeMgr = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getTypeManager(); MetaDataManager mmgr = storeMgr.getMetaDataManager(); NamingFactory namingFactory = storeMgr.getNamingFactory(); AbstractMemberMetaData lastMmd = mmds.get(mmds.size()-1); // Go through all members of the embedded type int[] memberPositions = embCmd.getAllMemberPositions(); for (int i=0;i<memberPositions.length;i++) { AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = embCmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(memberPositions[i]); if (mmd.getPersistenceModifier() != FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT) { // Don't need column if not persistent continue; } if (mmds.size() == 1 && embmd != null && embmd.getOwnerMember() != null && embmd.getOwnerMember().equals(mmd.getName())) { // Special case of this being a link back to the owner. TODO Repeat this for nested and their owners continue; } AbstractMemberMetaData embmdMmd = null; if (embmd != null) { AbstractMemberMetaData[] embmdMmds = embmd.getMemberMetaData(); if (embmdMmds != null) { for (AbstractMemberMetaData thisMmd : embmdMmds) { if (thisMmd.getName().equals(mmd.getName())) { embmdMmd = thisMmd; break; } } } } RelationType relationType = mmd.getRelationType(clr); if (relationType != RelationType.NONE && MetaDataUtils.getInstance().isMemberEmbedded(mmgr, clr, mmd, relationType, lastMmd)) { if (RelationType.isRelationSingleValued(relationType)) { // Nested embedded PC, so recurse boolean nested = false; if (storeMgr.getSupportedOptions().contains(StoreManager.OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_PC_NESTED)) { nested = !storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getConfiguration().getBooleanProperty(PropertyNames.PROPERTY_METADATA_EMBEDDED_PC_FLAT); String nestedStr = mmd.getValueForExtension("nested"); if (nestedStr != null && nestedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("" + !nested)) { nested = !nested; } } List<AbstractMemberMetaData> embMmds = new ArrayList<AbstractMemberMetaData>(mmds); embMmds.add(mmd); if (nested) { // Embedded object stored as nested under this in the owner table (where the datastore supports that) // Add column for the owner of the embedded object, typically for the column name only ColumnMetaData[] colmds = mmd.getColumnMetaData(); String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(true); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); // TODO Create mapping for the related info under the above column } // Recurse through the embedded member processEmbeddedMember(embMmds, mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getType(), clr), clr, embmdMmd != null ? embmdMmd.getEmbeddedMetaData() : null, nested); } else { if (mmd.hasCollection()) { // Nested embedded collection, so recurse if (storeMgr.getSupportedOptions().contains(StoreManager.OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_COLLECTION_NESTED)) { List<AbstractMemberMetaData> embMmds = new ArrayList<AbstractMemberMetaData>(mmds); embMmds.add(mmd); // Add column for the collection (since the store needs a name to reference it by) ColumnMetaData[] colmds = mmd.getColumnMetaData(); String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(true); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); // TODO Create mapping for the related info under the above column // Recurse through the embedded collection element processEmbeddedMember(embMmds, mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getCollection().getElementType(), clr), clr, embmdMmd != null ? embmdMmd.getEmbeddedMetaData() : null, true); } else { NucleusLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.warn("Member " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " is a (nested) embedded collection. Not supported for this datastore so ignoring"); continue; } } else if (mmd.hasMap()) { // Nested embedded map, so recurse if (storeMgr.getSupportedOptions().contains(StoreManager.OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_MAP_NESTED)) { // TODO Support nested embedded map key/value NucleusLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.warn("Member " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " is a (nested) embedded map. Not yet supported so ignoring"); } else { NucleusLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.warn("Member " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " is a (nested) embedded map. Not supported for this datastore so ignoring"); continue; } } else if (mmd.hasArray()) { // Nested embedded array, so recurse if (storeMgr.getSupportedOptions().contains(StoreManager.OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_ARRAY_NESTED)) { List<AbstractMemberMetaData> embMmds = new ArrayList<AbstractMemberMetaData>(mmds); embMmds.add(mmd); // Add column for the array (since the store needs a name to reference it by) TODO Extract this block out and reuse it ColumnMetaData[] colmds = mmd.getColumnMetaData(); String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(true); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); // TODO Create mapping for the related info under the above column // Recurse through the embedded array element processEmbeddedMember(embMmds, mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getArray().getElementType(), clr), clr, embmdMmd != null ? embmdMmd.getEmbeddedMetaData() : null, true); } else { NucleusLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.warn("Member " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " is a (nested) embedded array. Not supported for this datastore so ignoring"); continue; } } } } else { List<AbstractMemberMetaData> embMmds = new ArrayList<AbstractMemberMetaData>(mmds); embMmds.add(mmd); ColumnMetaData[] colmds = mmd.getColumnMetaData(); if (relationType != RelationType.NONE) { // 1-1/N-1 stored as single column with persistable-id // 1-N/M-N stored as single column with collection<persistable-id> // Create column for basic type String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(ownerNested); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); } else { TypeConverter typeConv = getTypeConverterForMember(mmd, colmds, typeMgr); // TODO Pass in embedded colmds if they have jdbcType info? if (typeConv != null) { // Create column(s) for this type using a TypeConverter if (typeConv instanceof MultiColumnConverter) { Class[] colJavaTypes = ((MultiColumnConverter)typeConv).getDatastoreColumnTypes(); Column[] cols = new Column[colJavaTypes.length]; for (int j=0;j<colJavaTypes.length;j++) { String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, j); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, typeConv); col.setNested(ownerNested); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == colJavaTypes.length && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[j].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[j].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == colJavaTypes.length && colmds[j].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[j].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == colJavaTypes.length && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[j].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[j].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == colJavaTypes.length && colmds[j].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[j].getJdbcType()); } cols[j] = col; } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, cols, typeConv); for (int j=0;j<colJavaTypes.length;j++) { ((ColumnImpl)cols[j]).setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); } if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); } else { String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, typeConv); col.setNested(ownerNested); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); mapping.setTypeConverter(typeConv); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); } } else { // Create column for basic type String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(ownerNested); AbstractMemberMetaData theMmd = embMmds.get(0); if (theMmd.isPrimaryKey()) { col.setPrimaryKey(); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); } } } } }
protected void processEmbeddedMember(List<AbstractMemberMetaData> mmds, AbstractClassMetaData embCmd, ClassLoaderResolver clr, EmbeddedMetaData embmd, boolean ownerNested) { TypeManager typeMgr = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getTypeManager(); MetaDataManager mmgr = storeMgr.getMetaDataManager(); NamingFactory namingFactory = storeMgr.getNamingFactory(); AbstractMemberMetaData lastMmd = mmds.get(mmds.size()-1); int[] memberPositions = embCmd.getAllMemberPositions(); for (int i=0;i<memberPositions.length;i++) { AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = embCmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(memberPositions[i]); if (mmd.getPersistenceModifier() != FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT) { continue; } if (mmds.size() == 1 && embmd != null && embmd.getOwnerMember() != null && embmd.getOwnerMember().equals(mmd.getName())) { continue; } AbstractMemberMetaData embmdMmd = null; if (embmd != null) { AbstractMemberMetaData[] embmdMmds = embmd.getMemberMetaData(); if (embmdMmds != null) { for (AbstractMemberMetaData thisMmd : embmdMmds) { if (thisMmd.getName().equals(mmd.getName())) { embmdMmd = thisMmd; break; } } } } RelationType relationType = mmd.getRelationType(clr); if (relationType != RelationType.NONE && MetaDataUtils.getInstance().isMemberEmbedded(mmgr, clr, mmd, relationType, lastMmd)) { if (RelationType.isRelationSingleValued(relationType)) { boolean nested = false; if (storeMgr.getSupportedOptions().contains(StoreManager.OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_PC_NESTED)) { nested = !storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getConfiguration().getBooleanProperty(PropertyNames.PROPERTY_METADATA_EMBEDDED_PC_FLAT); String nestedStr = mmd.getValueForExtension("nested"); if (nestedStr != null && nestedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("" + !nested)) { nested = !nested; } } List<AbstractMemberMetaData> embMmds = new ArrayList<AbstractMemberMetaData>(mmds); embMmds.add(mmd); if (nested) { ColumnMetaData[] colmds = mmd.getColumnMetaData(); String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(true); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); } processEmbeddedMember(embMmds, mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getType(), clr), clr, embmdMmd != null ? embmdMmd.getEmbeddedMetaData() : null, nested); } else { if (mmd.hasCollection()) { if (storeMgr.getSupportedOptions().contains(StoreManager.OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_COLLECTION_NESTED)) { List<AbstractMemberMetaData> embMmds = new ArrayList<AbstractMemberMetaData>(mmds); embMmds.add(mmd); ColumnMetaData[] colmds = mmd.getColumnMetaData(); String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(true); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); processEmbeddedMember(embMmds, mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getCollection().getElementType(), clr), clr, embmdMmd != null ? embmdMmd.getEmbeddedMetaData() : null, true); } else { NucleusLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.warn("Member " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " is a (nested) embedded collection. Not supported for this datastore so ignoring"); continue; } } else if (mmd.hasMap()) { if (storeMgr.getSupportedOptions().contains(StoreManager.OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_MAP_NESTED)) { NucleusLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.warn("Member " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " is a (nested) embedded map. Not yet supported so ignoring"); } else { NucleusLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.warn("Member " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " is a (nested) embedded map. Not supported for this datastore so ignoring"); continue; } } else if (mmd.hasArray()) { if (storeMgr.getSupportedOptions().contains(StoreManager.OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_ARRAY_NESTED)) { List<AbstractMemberMetaData> embMmds = new ArrayList<AbstractMemberMetaData>(mmds); embMmds.add(mmd); ColumnMetaData[] colmds = mmd.getColumnMetaData(); String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(true); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); processEmbeddedMember(embMmds, mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getArray().getElementType(), clr), clr, embmdMmd != null ? embmdMmd.getEmbeddedMetaData() : null, true); } else { NucleusLogger.DATASTORE_SCHEMA.warn("Member " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " is a (nested) embedded array. Not supported for this datastore so ignoring"); continue; } } } } else { List<AbstractMemberMetaData> embMmds = new ArrayList<AbstractMemberMetaData>(mmds); embMmds.add(mmd); ColumnMetaData[] colmds = mmd.getColumnMetaData(); if (relationType != RelationType.NONE) { String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(ownerNested); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); } else { TypeConverter typeConv = getTypeConverterForMember(mmd, colmds, typeMgr); if (typeConv != null) { if (typeConv instanceof MultiColumnConverter) { Class[] colJavaTypes = ((MultiColumnConverter)typeConv).getDatastoreColumnTypes(); Column[] cols = new Column[colJavaTypes.length]; for (int j=0;j<colJavaTypes.length;j++) { String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, j); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, typeConv); col.setNested(ownerNested); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == colJavaTypes.length && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[j].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[j].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == colJavaTypes.length && colmds[j].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[j].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == colJavaTypes.length && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[j].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[j].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == colJavaTypes.length && colmds[j].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[j].getJdbcType()); } cols[j] = col; } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, cols, typeConv); for (int j=0;j<colJavaTypes.length;j++) { ((ColumnImpl)cols[j]).setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); } if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); } else { String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, typeConv); col.setNested(ownerNested); if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); mapping.setTypeConverter(typeConv); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); } } else { String colName = namingFactory.getColumnName(embMmds, 0); ColumnImpl col = addEmbeddedColumn(colName, null); col.setNested(ownerNested); AbstractMemberMetaData theMmd = embMmds.get(0); if (theMmd.isPrimaryKey()) { col.setPrimaryKey(); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getPosition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getPosition() != null) { col.setPosition(colmds[0].getPosition()); } if (embmdMmd != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData() != null && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData().length == 1 && embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(embmdMmd.getColumnMetaData()[0].getJdbcType()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getJdbcType() != null) { col.setJdbcType(colmds[0].getJdbcType()); } MemberColumnMapping mapping = new MemberColumnMappingImpl(mmd, col); col.setMemberColumnMapping(mapping); if (schemaVerifier != null) { schemaVerifier.attributeEmbeddedMember(mapping, embMmds); } mappingByEmbeddedMember.put(getEmbeddedMemberNavigatedPath(embMmds), mapping); } } } } }
protected void processembeddedmember(list<abstractmembermetadata> mmds, abstractclassmetadata embcmd, classloaderresolver clr, embeddedmetadata embmd, boolean ownernested) { typemanager typemgr = storemgr.getnucleuscontext().gettypemanager(); metadatamanager mmgr = storemgr.getmetadatamanager(); namingfactory namingfactory = storemgr.getnamingfactory(); abstractmembermetadata lastmmd = mmds.get(mmds.size()-1); int[] memberpositions = embcmd.getallmemberpositions(); for (int i=0;i<memberpositions.length;i++) { abstractmembermetadata mmd = embcmd.getmetadataformanagedmemberatabsoluteposition(memberpositions[i]); if (mmd.getpersistencemodifier() != fieldpersistencemodifier.persistent) { continue; } if (mmds.size() == 1 && embmd != null && embmd.getownermember() != null && embmd.getownermember().equals(mmd.getname())) { continue; } abstractmembermetadata embmdmmd = null; if (embmd != null) { abstractmembermetadata[] embmdmmds = embmd.getmembermetadata(); if (embmdmmds != null) { for (abstractmembermetadata thismmd : embmdmmds) { if (thismmd.getname().equals(mmd.getname())) { embmdmmd = thismmd; break; } } } } relationtype relationtype = mmd.getrelationtype(clr); if (relationtype != relationtype.none && metadatautils.getinstance().ismemberembedded(mmgr, clr, mmd, relationtype, lastmmd)) { if (relationtype.isrelationsinglevalued(relationtype)) { boolean nested = false; if (storemgr.getsupportedoptions().contains(storemanager.option_orm_embedded_pc_nested)) { nested = !storemgr.getnucleuscontext().getconfiguration().getbooleanproperty(propertynames.property_metadata_embedded_pc_flat); string nestedstr = mmd.getvalueforextension("nested"); if (nestedstr != null && nestedstr.equalsignorecase("" + !nested)) { nested = !nested; } } list<abstractmembermetadata> embmmds = new arraylist<abstractmembermetadata>(mmds); embmmds.add(mmd); if (nested) { columnmetadata[] colmds = mmd.getcolumnmetadata(); string colname = namingfactory.getcolumnname(embmmds, 0); columnimpl col = addembeddedcolumn(colname, null); col.setnested(true); if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(colmds[0].getposition()); } if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(colmds[0].getjdbctype()); } membercolumnmapping mapping = new membercolumnmappingimpl(mmd, col); col.setmembercolumnmapping(mapping); if (schemaverifier != null) { schemaverifier.attributeembeddedmember(mapping, embmmds); } mappingbyembeddedmember.put(getembeddedmembernavigatedpath(embmmds), mapping); } processembeddedmember(embmmds, mmgr.getmetadataforclass(mmd.gettype(), clr), clr, embmdmmd != null ? embmdmmd.getembeddedmetadata() : null, nested); } else { if (mmd.hascollection()) { if (storemgr.getsupportedoptions().contains(storemanager.option_orm_embedded_collection_nested)) { list<abstractmembermetadata> embmmds = new arraylist<abstractmembermetadata>(mmds); embmmds.add(mmd); columnmetadata[] colmds = mmd.getcolumnmetadata(); string colname = namingfactory.getcolumnname(embmmds, 0); columnimpl col = addembeddedcolumn(colname, null); col.setnested(true); if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(colmds[0].getposition()); } if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(colmds[0].getjdbctype()); } membercolumnmapping mapping = new membercolumnmappingimpl(mmd, col); col.setmembercolumnmapping(mapping); if (schemaverifier != null) { schemaverifier.attributeembeddedmember(mapping, embmmds); } mappingbyembeddedmember.put(getembeddedmembernavigatedpath(embmmds), mapping); processembeddedmember(embmmds, mmgr.getmetadataforclass(mmd.getcollection().getelementtype(), clr), clr, embmdmmd != null ? embmdmmd.getembeddedmetadata() : null, true); } else { nucleuslogger.datastore_schema.warn("member " + mmd.getfullfieldname() + " is a (nested) embedded collection. not supported for this datastore so ignoring"); continue; } } else if (mmd.hasmap()) { if (storemgr.getsupportedoptions().contains(storemanager.option_orm_embedded_map_nested)) { nucleuslogger.datastore_schema.warn("member " + mmd.getfullfieldname() + " is a (nested) embedded map. not yet supported so ignoring"); } else { nucleuslogger.datastore_schema.warn("member " + mmd.getfullfieldname() + " is a (nested) embedded map. not supported for this datastore so ignoring"); continue; } } else if (mmd.hasarray()) { if (storemgr.getsupportedoptions().contains(storemanager.option_orm_embedded_array_nested)) { list<abstractmembermetadata> embmmds = new arraylist<abstractmembermetadata>(mmds); embmmds.add(mmd); columnmetadata[] colmds = mmd.getcolumnmetadata(); string colname = namingfactory.getcolumnname(embmmds, 0); columnimpl col = addembeddedcolumn(colname, null); col.setnested(true); if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(colmds[0].getposition()); } if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(colmds[0].getjdbctype()); } membercolumnmapping mapping = new membercolumnmappingimpl(mmd, col); col.setmembercolumnmapping(mapping); if (schemaverifier != null) { schemaverifier.attributeembeddedmember(mapping, embmmds); } mappingbyembeddedmember.put(getembeddedmembernavigatedpath(embmmds), mapping); processembeddedmember(embmmds, mmgr.getmetadataforclass(mmd.getarray().getelementtype(), clr), clr, embmdmmd != null ? embmdmmd.getembeddedmetadata() : null, true); } else { nucleuslogger.datastore_schema.warn("member " + mmd.getfullfieldname() + " is a (nested) embedded array. not supported for this datastore so ignoring"); continue; } } } } else { list<abstractmembermetadata> embmmds = new arraylist<abstractmembermetadata>(mmds); embmmds.add(mmd); columnmetadata[] colmds = mmd.getcolumnmetadata(); if (relationtype != relationtype.none) { string colname = namingfactory.getcolumnname(embmmds, 0); columnimpl col = addembeddedcolumn(colname, null); col.setnested(ownernested); if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(colmds[0].getposition()); } if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(colmds[0].getjdbctype()); } membercolumnmapping mapping = new membercolumnmappingimpl(mmd, col); col.setmembercolumnmapping(mapping); if (schemaverifier != null) { schemaverifier.attributeembeddedmember(mapping, embmmds); } mappingbyembeddedmember.put(getembeddedmembernavigatedpath(embmmds), mapping); } else { typeconverter typeconv = gettypeconverterformember(mmd, colmds, typemgr); if (typeconv != null) { if (typeconv instanceof multicolumnconverter) { class[] coljavatypes = ((multicolumnconverter)typeconv).getdatastorecolumntypes(); column[] cols = new column[coljavatypes.length]; for (int j=0;j<coljavatypes.length;j++) { string colname = namingfactory.getcolumnname(embmmds, j); columnimpl col = addembeddedcolumn(colname, typeconv); col.setnested(ownernested); if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == coljavatypes.length && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[j].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[j].getposition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == coljavatypes.length && colmds[j].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(colmds[j].getposition()); } if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == coljavatypes.length && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[j].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[j].getjdbctype()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == coljavatypes.length && colmds[j].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(colmds[j].getjdbctype()); } cols[j] = col; } membercolumnmapping mapping = new membercolumnmappingimpl(mmd, cols, typeconv); for (int j=0;j<coljavatypes.length;j++) { ((columnimpl)cols[j]).setmembercolumnmapping(mapping); } if (schemaverifier != null) { schemaverifier.attributeembeddedmember(mapping, embmmds); } mappingbyembeddedmember.put(getembeddedmembernavigatedpath(embmmds), mapping); } else { string colname = namingfactory.getcolumnname(embmmds, 0); columnimpl col = addembeddedcolumn(colname, typeconv); col.setnested(ownernested); if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(colmds[0].getposition()); } if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(colmds[0].getjdbctype()); } membercolumnmapping mapping = new membercolumnmappingimpl(mmd, col); col.setmembercolumnmapping(mapping); mapping.settypeconverter(typeconv); if (schemaverifier != null) { schemaverifier.attributeembeddedmember(mapping, embmmds); } mappingbyembeddedmember.put(getembeddedmembernavigatedpath(embmmds), mapping); } } else { string colname = namingfactory.getcolumnname(embmmds, 0); columnimpl col = addembeddedcolumn(colname, null); col.setnested(ownernested); abstractmembermetadata themmd = embmmds.get(0); if (themmd.isprimarykey()) { col.setprimarykey(); } if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getposition()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getposition() != null) { col.setposition(colmds[0].getposition()); } if (embmdmmd != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata() != null && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata().length == 1 && embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(embmdmmd.getcolumnmetadata()[0].getjdbctype()); } else if (colmds != null && colmds.length == 1 && colmds[0].getjdbctype() != null) { col.setjdbctype(colmds[0].getjdbctype()); } membercolumnmapping mapping = new membercolumnmappingimpl(mmd, col); col.setmembercolumnmapping(mapping); if (schemaverifier != null) { schemaverifier.attributeembeddedmember(mapping, embmmds); } mappingbyembeddedmember.put(getembeddedmembernavigatedpath(embmmds), mapping); } } } } }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
String probeGemHomeForTesting() { return this.gemHome; }
String probeGemHomeForTesting() { return this.gemHome; }
string probegemhomefortesting() { return this.gemhome; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
protected void visit(final RuleDescr descr) { // This is the NAME of the rule, not a reference to it!! String ruleName = getPackagePrefix() + descr.getName(); addResource(ruleName, ResourceType.RULE); // This is, on other hand, is a reference to the parent rule (because it's used in inheritance) String parentRuleName = descr.getParentName(); if (parentRuleName != null) { addResourceReference(parentRuleName, ResourceType.RULE); } for (AttributeDescr d : descr.getAttributes().values()) { visit(d); } visit(descr.getLhs()); visitConsequence(descr.getConsequence()); // need compilation for this.. for (String namedConsequence : descr.getNamedConsequences().keySet()) { // TODO // ? addResourceReference(namedConsequence, PartType.NAMED_CONSEQUENCE); } visitAnnos(descr); }
protected void visit(final RuleDescr descr) { String ruleName = getPackagePrefix() + descr.getName(); addResource(ruleName, ResourceType.RULE); String parentRuleName = descr.getParentName(); if (parentRuleName != null) { addResourceReference(parentRuleName, ResourceType.RULE); } for (AttributeDescr d : descr.getAttributes().values()) { visit(d); } visit(descr.getLhs()); visitConsequence(descr.getConsequence()); for (String namedConsequence : descr.getNamedConsequences().keySet()) { } visitAnnos(descr); }
protected void visit(final ruledescr descr) { string rulename = getpackageprefix() + descr.getname(); addresource(rulename, resourcetype.rule); string parentrulename = descr.getparentname(); if (parentrulename != null) { addresourcereference(parentrulename, resourcetype.rule); } for (attributedescr d : descr.getattributes().values()) { visit(d); } visit(descr.getlhs()); visitconsequence(descr.getconsequence()); for (string namedconsequence : descr.getnamedconsequences().keyset()) { } visitannos(descr); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Raster getRaster(int xOffset, int yOffset, int w, int h) { ColorModel cm = getColorModel(); if (raster == null) createRaster(); // TODO: eventually use caching here WritableRaster childRaster = cm.createCompatibleWritableRaster(w, h); Rectangle2D childRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(xOffset, yOffset, w, h); if (!childRect.intersects(deviceBounds)) { // usually doesn't happen ... return childRaster; } Rectangle2D destRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); Rectangle2D.intersect(childRect, deviceBounds, destRect); int dx = (int)(destRect.getX()-deviceBounds.getX()); int dy = (int)(destRect.getY()-deviceBounds.getY()); int dw = (int)destRect.getWidth(); int dh = (int)destRect.getHeight(); Object data = raster.getDataElements(dx, dy, dw, dh, null); dx = (int)(destRect.getX()-childRect.getX()); dy = (int)(destRect.getY()-childRect.getY()); childRaster.setDataElements(dx, dy, dw, dh, data); return childRaster; }
public Raster getRaster(int xOffset, int yOffset, int w, int h) { ColorModel cm = getColorModel(); if (raster == null) createRaster(); WritableRaster childRaster = cm.createCompatibleWritableRaster(w, h); Rectangle2D childRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(xOffset, yOffset, w, h); if (!childRect.intersects(deviceBounds)) { return childRaster; } Rectangle2D destRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); Rectangle2D.intersect(childRect, deviceBounds, destRect); int dx = (int)(destRect.getX()-deviceBounds.getX()); int dy = (int)(destRect.getY()-deviceBounds.getY()); int dw = (int)destRect.getWidth(); int dh = (int)destRect.getHeight(); Object data = raster.getDataElements(dx, dy, dw, dh, null); dx = (int)(destRect.getX()-childRect.getX()); dy = (int)(destRect.getY()-childRect.getY()); childRaster.setDataElements(dx, dy, dw, dh, data); return childRaster; }
public raster getraster(int xoffset, int yoffset, int w, int h) { colormodel cm = getcolormodel(); if (raster == null) createraster(); writableraster childraster = cm.createcompatiblewritableraster(w, h); rectangle2d childrect = new rectangle2d.double(xoffset, yoffset, w, h); if (!childrect.intersects(devicebounds)) { return childraster; } rectangle2d destrect = new rectangle2d.double(); rectangle2d.intersect(childrect, devicebounds, destrect); int dx = (int)(destrect.getx()-devicebounds.getx()); int dy = (int)(destrect.gety()-devicebounds.gety()); int dw = (int)destrect.getwidth(); int dh = (int)destrect.getheight(); object data = raster.getdataelements(dx, dy, dw, dh, null); dx = (int)(destrect.getx()-childrect.getx()); dy = (int)(destrect.gety()-childrect.gety()); childraster.setdataelements(dx, dy, dw, dh, data); return childraster; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test(expected = TaskExecutionException.class) @Ignore("Test execution is depending on server technical characteristics.") // ToDo: Need to rewrite. public void Should_throwWhenAnotherTaskIsBeingExecuted() throws Exception { thread.execute(() -> { try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { thread.interrupt(); } }); thread.execute(mock(ITask.class)); }
@Test(expected = TaskExecutionException.class) @Ignore("Test execution is depending on server technical characteristics.") public void Should_throwWhenAnotherTaskIsBeingExecuted() throws Exception { thread.execute(() -> { try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { thread.interrupt(); } }); thread.execute(mock(ITask.class)); }
@test(expected = taskexecutionexception.class) @ignore("test execution is depending on server technical characteristics.") public void should_throwwhenanothertaskisbeingexecuted() throws exception { thread.execute(() -> { try { thread.sleep(200); } catch (interruptedexception e) { thread.interrupt(); } }); thread.execute(mock(itask.class)); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Test(expected = TaskExecutionException.class) @Ignore("Test execution is depending on server technical characteristics.") // ToDo: Need to rewrite. public void Should_throwWhenThreadIsNotAlive() throws Exception { ITask taskMock = mock(ITask.class); thread.interrupt(); thread.execute(taskMock); fail(); }
@Test(expected = TaskExecutionException.class) @Ignore("Test execution is depending on server technical characteristics.") public void Should_throwWhenThreadIsNotAlive() throws Exception { ITask taskMock = mock(ITask.class); thread.interrupt(); thread.execute(taskMock); fail(); }
@test(expected = taskexecutionexception.class) @ignore("test execution is depending on server technical characteristics.") public void should_throwwhenthreadisnotalive() throws exception { itask taskmock = mock(itask.class); thread.interrupt(); thread.execute(taskmock); fail(); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]