PortableSource / updater_facefusion.py
NeuroDonu's picture
Update updater_facefusion.py
5c299bc verified
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import locale
import winreg
def get_available_drives():
drives = []
for drive in range(65, 91): # ASCII коды от A (65) до Z (90)
drive_letter = f"{chr(drive)}:\\"
if os.path.exists(drive_letter):
return drives
def get_path_for_install():
language = get_system_language()
if not language:
language = input(get_localized_text("en", "choose_language")).strip().lower()
if language not in ["en", "ru"]:
language = "en"
default_path = "C:\\"
user_input = input(get_localized_text(language, "which_path") + f" ({default_path}): ").strip()
install_path = user_input if user_input else default_path
full_path = os.path.join(install_path, 'portablesource')
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
except OSError:
print(get_localized_text(language, "error_creating_directory"))
return get_path_for_install()
with open(os.path.join(full_path, 'installed.txt'), 'w') as f:
return full_path
def get_install_path():
drives = get_available_drives()
install_path = None
for drive in drives:
possible_path = os.path.join(drive, 'portablesource', 'installed.txt')
if os.path.exists(possible_path):
install_path = os.path.dirname(possible_path)
return install_path
install_path = get_path_for_install()
return install_path
return install_path
abs_path = get_install_path()
git = os.path.join(abs_path, "system", "git", "cmd", "git.exe")
ff_obs = os.path.join(abs_path, "sources", "facefusion")
master_path = os.path.join(ff_obs, "master")
python = os.path.join(abs_path, "sources", "facefusion", "venv", "Scripts", "python.exe")
def run_git_command(args):
subprocess.run([git] + args, check=True)
def update_branch(branch):
run_git_command(['reset', '--hard'])
run_git_command(['checkout', 'master'])
run_git_command(['pull', 'origin', 'master', '--rebase'])
def start_ff(branch, webcam_mode=False):
path_to_branch = master_path
second_file = os.path.join(path_to_branch, "facefusion.py")
if webcam_mode:
args = ["run", "--open-browser", "--ui-layouts", "webcam"]
args = ["run"]
cmd = f'"{python}" "{second_file}" {" ".join(args)}'
subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, check=True)
def get_localized_text(language, key):
texts = {
"en": {
"choose_action": "Choose an action:",
"update_master": "1. Update to the master branch and start it",
"enter_choice": "Enter the number of the action: ",
"invalid_choice": "Invalid choice, please try again.",
"enable_webcam": "Enable webcam mode? (Y/N): ",
"ru": {
"choose_action": "Выберите действие:",
"update_master": "1. Обновить до обычной ветки и запустить ее (master)",
"enter_choice": "Введите номер действия: ",
"invalid_choice": "Неверный выбор, попробуйте снова.",
"enable_webcam": "Включить режим вебкамеры? (Y/N): ",
return texts[language].get(key, "")
def get_system_language():
key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Control Panel\International")
language = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "LocaleName")[0]
lang_code = language.split('-')[0].lower()
return "ru" if lang_code == "ru" else "en"
except WindowsError:
lang_code = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].split('_')[0].lower()
return "ru" if lang_code == "ru" else "en"
def ask_webcam_mode(language):
webcam_choice = input(get_localized_text(language, "enable_webcam")).strip().lower()
return webcam_choice == 'y'
def facefusion():
language = get_system_language()
if not language:
language = input(get_localized_text("en", "choose_language")).strip().lower()
if language not in ["en", "ru"]:
language = "en"
while True:
print(get_localized_text(language, "choose_action"))
print(get_localized_text(language, "update_master"))
choice = input(get_localized_text(language, "enter_choice")).strip()
if choice == '1':
webcam_mode = ask_webcam_mode(language)
start_ff("master", webcam_mode)
print(get_localized_text(language, "invalid_choice"))
if __name__ == "__main__":