stringlengths 8
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audioduration (s) 0.16
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stringlengths 4
AstraAce1 | "The barrel of the gun is always dark." |
AstraAffirmation1 | "Okay." |
AstraAffirmation2 | "Okay." |
AstraAllyBreachRoundStart | "Breach, you don't respect what you should. All shiny buttons, no juju." (''Juju'': Magic) |
AstraAllyCypherBarrierDown | "Okay, Morocco. Look alive." |
AstraAllyCypherMatchStart | "Why, Cypher, like, you think I don't see you. I know who you are, man!" |
AstraAllyCypherMatchStart2 | "Cypher, your head is too hard. I like you but expand your personality, wai?" |
AstraAllyFadeCommend | "Fade, woah-ho! You are magical, girl!" |
AstraAllyHarborBarrierDown | "Wash them away, water boy." |
AstraAllyHarborChat | "Hey, water boy! You and me, let's show them how the scholars get it done." |
AstraAllyHarborCommend | "Water boy's making waves out there! Keep going, my guy!" |
AstraAllyHarborMatchStart | "Chale, if my hair gets wet you're in trouble, okay? Hey! I see that smile, water boy, don't even think it!" |
AstraAllyHarborRoundStart | "How's the bling-bling, water boy? The ancient jewelry shines on you, no lie!" |
AstraAllyKAYOCommend | "Okay, robo boy, I see you!" |
AstraAllyKilljoyCommend | "Killjoy-o! The industrious leaves a legacy!" ''laughs'' |
AstraAllyKilljoyCommend2 | "Wassup, Killjoy? You and your little akokɔ crushed it!" (''Akokɔ'': Chicken) |
AstraAllyNeonBarrierDown | "Neon, let's fly!" |
AstraAllyNeonChat | ''chuckles'' "That's my thing. That's my secret!" |
AstraAllyOmenCommend | "I'm not sure what you are, Omen, but you did well!" |
AstraAllyPhoenixBarrierDown | "Simmer down, Babylon, follow me!" |
AstraAllyPhoenixCommend | "Not bad, Phoenix. Hope for you yet." |
AstraAllyPhoenixMatchStart | "Ah, chale from Babylon! You good? You good." |
AstraAllyPhoenixMatchStart2 | "You dey bore me, Phoenix. A warrior is known by his deeds, not his mouth." (''You dey bore me'': You're getting on my nerves) |
AstraAllyPhoenixRoundStart | "Eh, Phoenix, chalk it to all this aggrandizement." |
AstraAllyRazeBarrierDown | "Raze, it's time to get cray-cray, my girl!" |
AstraAllyRazeCommend | "Yeah, Raze! That's my girl's boom style! |
AstraAllyRazeMatchStart | "Ayy, Raze, waddup my queen! Make we go show them how it's done, girl!" (''Make we go'': Let's go) |
AstraAllyRazeRoundStart | "Raze, I love your boom style, my girl!" |
AstraAllyReynaRoundStart | "Reyna, just stay in your lane, yawa girl." (''Yawa'': Disgrace) |
AstraAllySageBarrierDown | "Stay safe, Sage. I got you." |
AstraAllySageCommend | "Mad love, Sage. Come on, girl. That win's gotta be worth a smile!" |
AstraAllyViperBarrierDown | "Viper, don't get missing, girl!" |
AstraAllyViperCommend | "Woah, Viper, you are fierce, girl!" |
AstraAllyViperMatchStart | "Ah, Viper, what's your problem, girl? Who caused you such rage?" |
AstraAllyViperRoundStart | "I've told you, you are better than all this, Viper. Share your heart, eh?" |
AstraAstralFormEnter1 | "Checking the situation." |
AstraAstralFormEnter2 | "Heading to the above." |
AstraAstralFormEnter3 | "Up I go!" |
AstraAstralFormEnter4 | "Hm, let's see now." |
AstraAstralFormEnter5 | "Going astral, guys." |
AstraAstralFormEnter6 | "I'm going above!" |
AstraAstralFormNoCharges1 | "Need more astral stars." |
AstraAstralFormNoCharges2 | "Need more astral stars." |
AstraAstralFormNoCharges3 | "No more stars." |
AstraAstralFormNoCharges4 | "No more stars." |
AstraAstralFormNoCharges5 | "I'm out of astral stars." |
AstraAstralFormNoCharges6 | "I'm out of astral stars." |
AstraAstralFormNoCharges7 | "Ooh, I'm out of stars." |
AstraAstralFormNoCharges8 | "I'm out of stars." |
AstraAstralFormPlace1 | "About there." |
AstraAstralFormPlace2 | "That'll work." |
AstraAstralFormPlace3 | "That'll work." |
AstraAstralFormPlace4 | "That should work." |
AstraAstralFormPlace5 | "Right there." |
AstraAstralFormReminder1 | "I got enough time to go into the astral form." |
AstraAstralFormReminder2 | "BYB, fam. Going to astral to do them astral guardian things I do." |
AstraAstralFormReminder3 | "Should I place some stars in this reality?" |
AstraAstralFormReminder4 | "I should place some astral stars in this reality." |
AstraAstralFormReminder5 | "One second, peeps! I gotta visit the astral to place some stars." |
AstraAstralFormReminder6 | "I should probably place some stars in the astral plane-o. I should-oo." |
AstraAttemptCast1 | "I need a star." |
AstraAttemptCast2 | "I need a star." |
AstraAttemptCast3 | "Got to target a star." |
AstraAttemptCast4 | "Got to target a star." |
AstraAttemptCast5 | "Without a star, I cannot." |
AstraAttemptCast6 | "Without a star, I cannot." |
AstraBarrierDown1 | "Yawa that. New energy now, eh?" (''Yawa'': Disgrace) |
AstraBarrierDown10 | "Show me your true selves!" |
AstraBarrierDown11 | "Alright, alright! Make we go, squad." (''Make we go'': Let's go) |
AstraBarrierDown12 | "Be worthy, guys. Be worthy." |
AstraBarrierDown13 | "We are above them." |
AstraBarrierDown14 | "Let's make progress, my friends. Make progress." |
AstraBarrierDown15 | "This is your glory." |
AstraBarrierDown16 | "Rise and bring glory." |
AstraBarrierDown17 | "Woo! Let's start!" |
AstraBarrierDown18 | "I am with you. We are strong." |
AstraBarrierDown2 | "We must be better now." |
AstraBarrierDown3 | "Rise up and hold." |
AstraBarrierDown4 | "Chale, like, move from here." |
AstraBarrierDown5 | "Oh, eternity blesses us!" |
AstraBarrierDown6 | "Do not let yourselves fall!" |
AstraBarrierDown7 | "Push forward, chale!" |
AstraBarrierDown8 | "Next time is now, fam." |
AstraBarrierDown9 | "Flow with this energy!" |
AstraBeQuiet1 | "Stay quiet!" |
AstraBeQuiet2 | "Stay quiet!" |
AstraBuying1 | "I'm buying." |
AstraBuying2 | "I'm buying." |
AstraCalloutA1 | "A." |
AstraCalloutA2 | "A." |
AstraCalloutB1 | "B." |
AstraCalloutB2 | "B." |
AstraCalloutC1 | "C." |
AstraCalloutC2 | "C." |
AstraCalloutMid1 | "Mid." |
AstraCalloutMid2 | "Mid." |
AstraCantUse1 | "I cannot use that." |
AstraCantUse2 | "I cannot use that." |
AstraCaution1 | "Enemy activity." |
AstraCaution2 | "Enemy activity." |
Subsets and Splits