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as ugly as she was rich without any fear of losing me i d her name as often as she liked i m afraid you are tom repeated tom who is not ask my sister have you so proved it to be a failing of mine tom said showing no other sense of his discontent and ill nature you know whether the fits you loo returned her brother if it does you can wear it tom is to day as all bored people are now and then said mr don t believe him mrs he knows much better i shall disclose some of his opinions of you privately expressed to me unless he a little at all events mn said tom in his admiration of his patron but shaking his head sullenly too you can t tell her that i ever praised her for being i may have praised her for being the contrary and i should do it again if i had as good reason however never mind this now it s not very interesting to you and i am sick of the subject they walked on to the house where quitted her visitor s arm and went in he stood looking after her as she ascended the steps and passed into the shadow of the door then put his hand upon her brother s shoulder again and invited him a confidential nod to a walk in the garden tom my fine fellow i want to have a word with you they had stopped among a disorder of roses � it was part of mr s humility to keep s roses on a reduced scale � and tom sat down on a terrace and picking them to pieces while his powerful stood over him with a foot upon the and his figure easily resting on the arm supported by that knee they were just visible firom her window perhaps she saw them tom what s the hard times oh mr said tom with a groan i am hard up and out of my life my good fellow so am i you returned tom you are the picture of independence mr i am in a horrible mess you have no idea what a state i have got myself what a state my sister might have got me out of if she would only have done it he took to biting the rose now and tearing them away from his teeth with a hand that trembled like an old man s after one exceedingly observant look at him his companion into his air tom you are you expect too much of your sister you have had money of her you dog you know you have well mr i know i have how else was i to get it here s old always that at my age he lived upon two pence a month or something of that sort here s my father drawing what he calls a line and tying me down to it from a baby neck and heels here s my mother who never has any thing of her own except her complaints what is a fellow to do for money and where am i to look for it if not to my sister he was almost crying and scattered the about by mr took him by the coat but my dear tom if your sister has not got it � not got it mr i don t say she has got it i may have wanted more than she was likely to have got but then she ought to get it she could get it it s of no use pretending to make a secret of matters now after what i have told you already you know she didn t marry old for her own sake or for his sake but for my sake then why doesn t she get what i want out of him for my sake she is not obliged to say what she is going to do with it she is sharp enough ould to it out of him if she chose then why doesn t she choose when i tell her of what consequence it is but no there she fits in his company like a stone instead of making herself agreeable and getting it easily i don t know what you may call this but call it unnatural conduct there was a piece of ornamental water below the on the other side into which mr james had a v strong to pitch di s as hard times the men of threatened to pitch their property into the atlantic but he preserved his easy attitude and nothing more solid went over the stone than the accumulated rose now floating about a little surface island my dear tom said let me try to be your banker for god s sake replied tom suddenly don t talk about i and white he looked in contrast with the roses very white mr as a thoroughly well bred man accustomed to the best society was not to be surprised � he could as soon have been affected � but he raised his eyelids a little more as if they were by a feeble touch of wonder it was as much against the of his school to wonder as it was against the doctrines of the college what is the present need tom three figures out with them say what they are mr returned tom now actually crying and his tears were better than his injuries however pitiful a figure he made it s too late the money is of no use to me at present i should have had it before to be of use to me but i am very much obliged to you you re a true friend a true friend i i thought mr lazily what an ass you are i and i take your as a great kindness said tom grasping his hand | 8 |
else education and she owed to him miss sir thomas s thoughts an he stood and having in spite of all his wrongs towards her a general prevailing desire of herself to him took an opportunity of stepping aside to something of her praise was warm and he received it as could wish joining in it as far as discretion and and of speech would allow and certainly appearing to greater advantage on the subject than his lady did soon afterwards mary perceiving her on a sofa very near turned round before she began to dance to compliment her on mi as price s looks yes she does look very well was lady s placid reply helped her i sent to her not but that she waa really pleased to have admired but waa so much more struck with her own kindness in sending to her that she could not get it out of her head knew too well to all night and with nothing to say bnt with you there may he peace you will not want to he talked to let us have the luxury of silence would hardly even speak her agreement a weariness arising in great measure from the same feelings which he had acknowledged in the morning was peculiarly to he respected and they went down their two dances together with such tranquillity as might satisfy any on that sir thomas had been bringing up no wife for his younger son the evening had afforded little pleasure miss had been in gay spirits when they first danced together but it was not her that could do him good it rather sank than raised his comfort and afterwards � for he found himself still impelled to seek her again � she had absolutely pained him by her manner of speaks ing of the profession to which he was now on the point of belonging they had talked and they had been silent he had reasoned she had and they had parted at last with mutual vexation not able to refrain entirely from observing them had seen enough to be satisfied it was barbarous to be happy when was suffering yet some happiness must and would arise from the very conviction that he did suffer when her two dances with him were over her inclination and strength for more were pretty well at an end and sir thomas having seen her rather walk than dance down the set breathless and with her hand at her side gave his orders park or her sitting down entirely from that time mr sat down likewise poor cried william coming for a moment to visit her and working away partner s fan as if for life � how soon she is knocked up why the sport is but just begun i hope we shall keep it up these two hours how you be tired so soon so soon my good friend said sir thomas producing his watch with all it is three o clock and your is not used to these sort of hours well then you shall not get up tomorrow before i go sleep as long as you can and never mind me oh william what did she think of being up before you set off oh yes sir cried rising eagerly from her seat to be nearer her uncle i must get up and with him it will be the time you know the morning you had better not he is to hare and be gone hy half past nine � mr i think you for him at half past nine was too urgent however and had too many tears in her eyes for denial and it ended iu a gracious well well was permission yes half past said to william as the latter was leaving and i shall be punctual for there will be no kind sister to get up fur and in a lower tone to i shall have only a desolate house to hurry from ld brother will find my ideas of time and his own very different to morrow after a short consideration sir thomas asked to join the early breakfast party in that house instead of eating alone he should himself be of it and the readiness with which his invitation was accepted convinced him that the suspicions whence he must confess to himself this very ball had in great measure sprung were well founded mr was in love with he had a pleasing anticipation of what would be his meanwhile did not thank him for what he had just done she had hoped to have william all to herself the last morning it would have been an unspeakable indulgence but though her wishes were there was no spirit of murmuring within her on the contrary she was so totally unused to have her pleasure consulted or to have anything take place at all in the way she could desire that she was more disposed to wonder and rejoice in having carried her point so far than to at the which followed shortly afterwards sir thomas was again interfering a little with her inclination by her to go immediately to bed advise was his word but it was the advice of absolute power and she had only to rise and with mr s very � pass quietly away stopping at the entrance door like the lady of hall one moment and no more to view the happy scene and take a last look at the five or six determined couple who were still hard at work and then creeping slowly up the principal staircase park pursued by the ceaseless country dance feverish with hopes and fears soup and sore footed and fatigued restless and agitated yet feeling in spite of everything that a ball was indeed delightful in thus sending her away sir thomas perhaps might not be thinking merely of her health it might occur to him that mr had been sitting | 26 |
of the of paris and lead them out of egypt become the her husband s friend leader of a heroic cause earn yourself a name among the gods throw down this insignificant emperor from his ill acquired throne to the ground the marble columns and the brazen images that the real enemies of mankind and rear others in their places to the fellows who invented spring beds and cows the corn is ripe for the harvest oh put in your and gather the golden grain even this ridicule failed to arouse from the vein into which he had fallen fully the nature of his companion s expressions he seemed to find in them nevertheless only food for serious thought the hour cannot be far away he said and when it comes the man will be found as he has always been in the past i am not equal to the would to heaven i were but i will fight as best i can in the ranks when the time for action is upon us looked alarmed he could not doubt the perfect sincerity of his friend and he thought it time to try a more serious vein he said sharply what do you mean are you so far gone in this insanity that you would actually yourself with the paris if they attempted an outbreak do you contemplate the pleasure of standing behind with a lot of crazy to be down by the emperor s cannon or taken when the is over to the thank god napoleon is too shrewd to allow you the chance but if the should ever catch him asleep long enough to attempt a rising would you cast i your lot with them is that what you mean man it is time somebody talked sense to you quite raised his thoughtful eyes to the face of his companion you will see he said simply he could not had he used a thousand words have made a more convincing reply responded with a look of disgust and into silence for several minutes when he spoke next it was only to direct the to leave the by the and resume his way back toward the interior of the city it is he broke out some time later as the carriage entered the es to hear a fellow of your natural common sense talk as you do you are gifted with brains enough to an important industry by a wonderful improvement and yet you must needs wish to throw a governed empire into chaos what gang of would ever have laid out a beautiful like this one walled the down here and it with bridges filled a with statues and paintings or carried to a successful close an like that held here three years ago if the day of your ever comes the people may thank their lucky stars that a preceded it you have only to look down this avenue to see the place de la then called the place de la where your direct of the last century set up a knife and kept it for months with the blood of young and old men and women innocent and guilty alike is it not a pleasant picture to recall wouldn t you like to bring it back again a look of deep pain crossed s face i husband s think of the provocation those men had h replied remember the centuries during which they had been treated worse than beasts by their dainty aristocracy read once more the tale of two cities you call the poor of paris but you must not expect to starve beat and even dogs forever without counting on one would think that the ruling classes might have learned something by that flood but it appears otherwise had also grown serious and the answer he made was very unlike that which his ordinary good nature would have promoted oh yes they have learned something he said between his teeth these long straight avenues and show that they learned something though i admit the lesson was acquired slowly it is no longer the easy thing it once was to the streets of paris guns would down would be like before flame planted in a spot like that of l would clear the streets for miles they call the emperor in derision napoleon the little history will substitute for that the of the wise for eighteen years france has most of that time she has been at peace with other nations and she has won only glory in the which make an exception to the rule her present is due to the far seeing of the man you affect to despise f you claim to hate war and to favor progress how can you without desire the overthrow of a ruler who has done so much for his people if you must have a row why not go to russia where there is at least a pretext for your interference why do you wish to in th flags l ss spoil this lovely city just after it has been put in perfect order by good baron it was impossible for to maintain for any great length of time a thoroughly serious mien and toward the end of his remarks he dropped again into his natural you have asked a good many questions replied and i will answer the last one first we purpose trying revolution on the french at this time because they are much more nearly ripe for a change than the they are natural they discuss things they read the newspapers they are acquainted with their own history they know they have dictated terms and that they can do it again at the right yes and this napoleon lets them talk on and print their articles and hold their meetings instead of the whole lot to some french as he ought to do interposed to be sure he occasionally a journal that gets | 1 |
n j moved that the true northern boundary of be ascertained and settled by an suit before the supreme court rejected mr of virginia moved that the proposed to settle the boundary of be in case the true legal boundary be found to agree on and fix a convenient compromise boundary lost by a tie mr moved that no pecuniary consideration be given for any change from the boundary of rejected july th � mr of miss moved that this bill do lie on the table lost mr of now moved the following additional section and be it further that such time as the boundary line between the state of and the territory of the united states be agreed to by the of the state of and the government of the united states the government by this act shall not go into operation east of the nor shall any state be established for new embracing any territory east of the this prevailed by the following vote � to � and gave the death blow to the bill messrs bell clay miss hunter jones king downs na � against s messrs miller bright chase mass smith of wise wales hale mr s thus prevailed by a similar vote it provided for the appointment of to determine in connection with to be chosen by the northern boundary of that state st � mr of n h moved to strike from the bill the words nor establishing nor african slavery which words deny to the the power to establish or slavery carried all southern but of and of ind � clay etc in the affirmative mr of md now moved to strike from the bill so much thereof as a government for new and for settling the boundary between her and carried including all the of a compromise whether from the north or the south and all those averse to paying ten millions of dollars for her pretensions to new with some who would not vote in this for the portions of the of � for breaking up the messrs hunter miller butler chase mass miss smith the compromise of hale wales na � against breaking up the messrs bright clay jones king of downs mr moved a substitute for the sections so stricken out mr hale moved that the bill be postponed mr moved an to mr s substitute providing that the government thereby provided for new shall not go into operation until the boundary of be adjusted lost mr of moved that the bill be postponed lost mr of moved to strike out so much of mr s substitute as postponed the organization of a government in new to the th of march lost mr moved to strike out so much of said substitute as provided for the appointment of to settle the boundary between and new and with it the section just struck at by mr carried mr chase now moved that the bill be postponed lost the now refused to adopt mr s substitute as mr of miss moved a new boundary line for which was rejected mr moved to strike out all that remained of the bill except so much as for the admission of lost mr of moved the indefinite of the bill lost mr of mo moved to strike out so much of the bill as relates to lost by a tie mr of mass moved a of this vote carried mr of moved that the bill be postponed to the next lost mr s motion to strike out of the bill now prevailed the bill being now reduced so as to provide merely for the organization of the of mr proposed to so as to make its southern boundary the parallel of � instead of � north latitude lost all southern but of n y and of all northern but ana wales of � mr clay not present after some further attempts to etc the bill providing only for the organization of the territory of was passed to its third reading all northern but bell of st � said bill passed its third reading without a division mr now called up the original bill providing for the admission of which was again made a special order nd � mr of miss again moved that the line of � be the southern boundary of said state lost all southern th � mr moved that the line of � commonly known as the compromise line be and the same is extended to the pacific ocean he proposed to admit with one representative on her assent by to this boundary rejected x all southern including and wales from slave states the rest northern various motions to etc were now made and down finally the was by the of members left without a and � the game of moving to etc consumed all this day also meantime august th mr of md had introduced a bill to settle the northern and western boundaries of a part of the old which was also sent to the committee of the whole th � president sent a message announcing that bell of had the government of his to extend the authority and of over all new east of the the president considers himself bound to resist this � if necessary by not believe anything would be effected by to the boundary as the facts in the struggle foe slavery he justified in my opinion in i but fair liberal and of the united would i or i a just pint of he not to without settling this boundary question and says i no event would be with more by the people of the united states than the of questions of difficulty which have now for a long time agitated the country and to the of other subject the time and attention of the boundary bill being now put ahead of the bill admitting mr moved th that be required to her public | 19 |
and laid his brow on the table at tbe door she looked on with her thick with tears she had le when rose gently down opposite robert and watched him intently with a countenance in which the most opposite feelings might be seen fur the mastery chapter ti robert lifted his head and saw mrs he spoke to her sullenly so you turn away our not i replied mrs sharply it is not we that send away do you believe that girl before me v you her what had she done to you i i only just asked her how long she meant to stay here or something by clouds and that hang if i � what i said to they are a bad breed all these girls and you can t say a word but they snap your head off mrs b d no more for at moment came into the room with hei and who appeared u be matters so said she in answer to some on of the old man s nobody you away yon leave ns good friend and yon are going to a cup of ale with ns before you go a tray was then brought in and a ale and lu his m ig m ale slowly but put hers to her lips and set it down again then robert went and sat on the window seat aud there he saw them bringing i hie to away and her grandfather his heart turned dead he looked round for help and looking round he saw mrs bending on him a look in which he seemed read some compassion blended with a good deal of in his despair be appealed t� lier there tliey are really going is it to send away like that that te behaved so well and were minded to go of only mother asked them to stay see how that makes us look and you that were always so kind hearted mrs dear rose mrs did not answer whose appeal was made to her in an but she said to mrs jane the house is yours keep them if it you i am sore it is no business of thank you rose cried robert but his were cut short by the voice of the elder who bad just come in from the yard they are going said he i make no against them there is no ill will on either side bnt i say they ought to go and go they they the old with a look the spoke with a and severity and even with a tain and all felt he was not in a mood to he with robert answered humbly are master here � no one yon you ai e a just man if you were to be cruel the poor and honest you would be sorry for it all your days before the farmer could answer rose put in hastily there bid them stay � you see holds to the girl and you will have to marry them one day or other and so best � that will put an end to all the nonsense talk about the boy and me i say robert is fool enough to think i wanted him for i mrs never what makes you fancy that and cried mrs as if a sudden light broke in upon her what are we all doing here wa can t help folks hearts her are we to robert an innocent lad that never offended one of us and has been a good son to you and a good and brother to me ever since we could walk i ink the devil must have got into heart i shall turn bim out he or no i say he shall have the girl old man and more thou that i have a thousand pounds loose in bank they shall have it to stock a farm it s little enough to give robert � i owe him more than that for let alone years of love good will there now he is going to i suppose bob don t cry for heaven s sake i can t abide lo you are crying rose mrs if i am i don t feel it replied mrs by clouds trembled she in her low firm voice we are going away of our own accord and we thank yon kindly foe and all � we are going ton don t love then no mrs said with the air of one or i don t love mr robert and she lowered her eyes with their long lashes and awaited tell to the men replied yoa can t draw the wool over a sister s eye lady the woman is the only one among you that has a of sense old roughly why don t yoa let her alone � would thank you it can you read a woman s words yon old ass was he i am not an ass woman gravely and sternly and i am in my own house which you seem to forget � rose tip to the eyes � and i am the master of it so long as it is your i should he here john cried mrs with a air and i am that man s father and it is his duty to listen to me and mine not to let make a fool of himself don t pretend to be so particular as robert is � used to be i mean � and t was telling him only yesterday that suppose you have kicked over the traces a bit aa you never broken your ta our knowledge it did not much matter thank jou much obliged to you i am sure but there s reason in of eggs this one been off ihe course altogether and therefore i say again she shows sense by going home and you show no sense by trying ta her here father | 9 |
of the preacher those sermons are often the best which come heart and are in strict accordance with the word of god plain and simple addresses such as any however plain and simple may comprehend when mr wishes to lay particular stress on any truth or expression he usually his for example � it is the rev our joy my brethren that christ has death � that he has death in repeating the closing sentence of the lord s prayer he lays the emphasis ah the article the for thine is the the power and the glory for ever and ever amen his knowledge of the is extensive and minute and the accuracy and facility with which he such passages as tend to illustrate his positions prove that the of his memory any more the powers of his mind has not been affected by the vast of years which have passed over his head the venerable gentleman s manner in th pulpit will i am sure be in some measure anticipated thing like could not be expected in one of his add bodily he on the cushion of the pulpit when he begins his discourse and in that position till he has brought it to a close he raises his right hand six or seven inches firom the cushion but his elbow all the while rests on it o the rev he usually the pocket bible he uses in the pulpit in both hands he scarcely ever lays it down entirely he his eye on a part of the area of the church a few yards fix in the pulpit and never not even for a moment it until he has finished his sermon his head and body remain all the while as motionless as if he did not possess the power of moving either mr s so r as i am aware is limited to the occasional publication of a detached discourse and even on this small scale nothing has issued fi om the press under his own for many years past sermons by the reverend gentleman taken down in short hand when in the course of delivery have appeared of late in those devoted to reports of pulpit mr s congregation is exceedingly respectable the are almost exclusively occupied by persons in circumstances several aristocratic families fix m the west end are to be seen in his church every tuesday morning the rev the reverend gentleman has preached from the same pulpit for the long period of sixty two years i question if there be another such instance on record what repeated changes in the aspect of the congregation must he not have witnessed in the course of that long period i how affecting the thought that all those � the supposition is at least exceedingly probable � who heard the first sermon he preached there are now in the eternal world of his personal appearance little remains to be said his face has more than the usual breadth in it while its the form he is much about the average height made with high round shoulders as mr is only in st mary s i should suppose his income from that source does not exceed three hundred pounds per if indeed it be as much chapter v the � of the � the her dr t ie h h the of christ s chapel st john s wood has acquired considerate distinction as a preacher within the last few years when one of the ministers c baker street chapel which he quitted two or three years ago he was greatly run after especially by the female sex whenever he preached the chapel was in eveiy part his in the new sphere of his are still attended by a numerous and respectable audience though his present chapel being in a less neighbourhood his congregation is not so large as that which he was in the habit of addressing in baker street chapel whether it be that i have heard the reverend gentleman rev under i cannot say but i must confess that i am unable to discover any thing either in his matter or manner as a preacher which would lead me to him the high rank in this respect which is claimed for him by his more ardent admirers but let me on the other hand guard any one running away with the impression that i think poorly of mr talents as a minister of the gospel so far from this i look upon him as above though not reaching that degree of excellence which some others � and in justice to the reverend gentleman let me add pious and intelligent persons � to him his views of divine truth are highly and his of those views are always clear if not on all forcible i know of few ministers in the metropolis whether in or out of the establishment whose preaching i would deem more calculated to instruct the mind in the truth as it is in what has struck me as chiefly wanting in his pulpit is that sort of preaching which is most likely to arouse the the and detect and expose the r e fu in which the or merely christian is in the habit of if one his to an undue and as to assume that a assemblage of persons such as mr is in the habit of addressing from sabbath to sabbath were all christians in deed as well as in name � then i should say that they could hardly have a more suitable minister but knowing as every one who has ever bestowed a thought on human nature as constituted since the i must know that a very large proportion of every congregation are in nature s bondage and nature s blindness knowing this i hold it to be an essential part lam not sure whether it be not the essential part of every christian minister s duty to | 24 |
am not ready yet wait a little keep very still all you three if you move i strike and if you do not move i strike oh foolish people who killed my s eyes were fixed on his father and all his father could do was to whisper sit still you mustn t move keep still then came up and cried turn round turn and fight all in good time said she without moving her eyes i will settle my account with you presently look at your friends they are still and white they are afraid they dare not move and if you come a step nearer i strike look at your eggs said in the bed near the wall go and look the big snake turned half round and saw the egg on the ah h give it to me she said put his one on each side of the � and his eyes were blood red what price for a snake s egg for a young for a young king for the last � the very last of the brood the are eating all the others down by the bed z the book spun clear round forgetting everything for the sake of the one egg and saw s father shoot out a big hand catch by the shoulder and drag him across the little table with the tea cups safe and out of reach of i chuckled the boy is safe and it was i � i � i that caught by the hood last night in the bath room then he began to jump up and down all four feet together his head close to the floor he threw me to and fro but he could not shake me off he was dead before the big man blew him in two i did it come then come and fight with me you shall not be a widow long saw that she had lost her chance of killing and the egg lay between s give me the egg give me the last of my eggs and i will go away and never come back she said lowering her hood yes you will go away and you will never come back for you will go to the with fight widow the big man has gone for his gun fight was bounding all round keeping just out of reach of her stroke his little eyes like hot coals gathered herself together and flung out at him jumped up and backwards again and again and again she struck and each time her head came with a on the of the and she gathered herself together like a watch spring then danced in a circle to get behind her and spun round to keep her head to his head so that the rustle of her tail on the sounded like dry leaves blown along by the wind he had f r the egg it still on the and came and nearer to it till at last while k li was grass breath she caught it in her mouth turned to the steps and flew like arrow down the path behind her when the runs for her life she goes like a whip lash across a horse s neck ra knew that he must catch her or behind all would begin again she headed straight for the long by the thorn bush and as he was running � heard still singing his foolish song of triumph but s wife was the book wiser she flew off her nest as came along and her wings about s head if had helped they might have turned her but only lowered her hood and went on still the instant s delay brought up to her and as she plunged into the rat hole where she and used to live his little white teeth were clenched on her tail and he went down with her � and very few however wise and old they may be care to follow a into its hole it was dark in the hole and never knew when it might open out and give room to turn and strike at him he held on savagely and stuck out his feet to act as on the dark slope of the hot moist earth then the grass by the mouth of the hole stopped waving and said it is all over with we must sing his is dead for will surely kill him so he sang a very mournful song that he made up on the spur of the minute and just as he got to the most touching part the grass quivered again and covered with dirt dragged himself out of the hole leg by leg his whiskers stopped with a little shout shook some of the dust out of his fur and it is all over he said the widow will never come out again and the red that live between the grass stems heard him and began to troop down one after another to see if he had spoken the truth curled himself up in the grass and slept where he was � slept and slept till it was late in the afternoon for he had done a hard day s work now he said when he awoke i will go back to the house tell the and he will tell the garden that is dead the is a bird who makes a noise exactly like the beating of a little hammer on a copper pot and the reason he is always making it is because he is the town to every indian garden and tells all the news to everybody who cares to listen as went up the path he heard his attention notes like a tiny dinner and then the steady i is dead � is dead i that iso the book set all the birds in the garden singing and the for and used to eat as well | 39 |
tiny voice said be careful i am death it was the dusty brown that lies for choice on the dusty earth and his bite is as dangerous as the s but he is so small that nobody thinks of him and so he does the more harm to people s eyes grew red again and he i the book danced up to with the peculiar rocking swaying motion that he had inherited from his family it looks very funny but it is so perfectly balanced a gait that you can fly off from it at any angle you please and in dealing with this is an advantage if had only known he was doing a much more dangerous thing than fighting for is so small and can turn so quickly that unless bit him close to the back of the head he would get the return stroke in his eye or lip but did not know his eyes were all red and he rocked back and forth looking for a good place to hold struck out jumped sideways and tried to run in but the wicked little dusty gray head lashed within a of his shoulder and he had to jump over the body and the head followed his heels close shouted to the house oh look here our is killing a snake and heard a scream from s mother his father ran out with a stick but by the time he came up had out once too far and had sprung jumped on the snake s back dropped his head far between his fore legs bitten as high up the back as he could � get hold and rolled away that bite and was just going to eat him up from the tail after the custom of his family at dinner when he remembered that a full meal makes a slow and if he wanted all his strength and quickness ready he must keep himself thin he went away for a dust bath under the oil bushes while s father beat the dead what is the use of that thought i have settled it all and then s mother picked him up from the dust and him crying that he had saved from death and s father said that he was a providence and looked on with big scared eyes was rather amused at all the fuss which of course he did not understand s mother might just as well have for playing in the dust was thoroughly enjoying himself that night at dinner walking to and fro among the wine glasses on the table he could have stuffed himself three times over with nice things but he remembered and and though it was very pleasant to be patted and by s mother and to sit on the book s shoulder his eyes would get red from time to time and he would go off into his long war cry of t carried him off to bed and insisted on sleeping under his chin f v in the dark he ran up against the was too well bred to bite or scratch but as soon as was asleep he went off for his nightly walk round the house and in the dark he ran up against the creeping round by the wall is a little beast he and all the night trying to make up his mind to run into the middle of the room but he never gets there don t kill me said almost weeping don t kill me do you think a snake said scornfully those who kill get killed by said more sorrowfully than ever and how am i to be sure that won t mistake me for you some dark night there s not the least danger said but is in the garden and i know you don t go there my cousin the rat told me � said and then he stopped told you what h sh is everywhere you should have talked to in the garden i did n t � so you must tell me quick or i bite you sat down and cried till the tears rolled off his whiskers i am a very poor man he sobbed i never had spirit enough to run out into the middle of the room h sh i must n t tell you anything can t you the book listened the house was as still as still but he thought he could just catch the faintest scratch scratch in the world � a noise as faint as that of a walking on a window pane � the dry scratch of a snake s scales on that s or he said to himself and he is crawling into the bath room you re right i should have talked to he stole off to s bath room but there was nothing there and then to s mother s bath room at the bottom of the smooth plaster wall there was a brick pulled out to make a for the bath water and as stole in by the where the bath is put he heard and whispering together outside in the moonlight when the house is emptied of people said to her husband he will have to go away and then the garden will be our own again go in quietly and remember that the big man who killed is the first one to bite then come out and tell me and we will hunt for together but are you sure that there is anything to be gained by killing the people said everything when there were no people in � the did we have any in the garden so long as the is empty we are king and queen of the garden and remember that as soon as our eggs in the bed as they may to morrow our children will need room and quiet i had not thought of that said i will go | 39 |
a short time the late col thomas of was one of our and � so that major s household embraced not less than twenty white persons to these there was a constant addition by to the young people of the it was in fact an active merry noisy family always in motion and often in commotion to me it was painfully contrasted with the small quiet affectionate vol i � early acquaintances � establishment of mrs love there i had been the child and supreme object of attention here i was lost in the multitude unnoticed of and left to make my way and take care of myself as well as i could my hair which under the discipline of mrs love s daughters was as clean and soft as silk now lost its beauty i had been spoiled by indulgence and was really unfit to take care of myself i did not know how to go about it yet there was no one to take care of me or who showed any interest in me except harry the miller s son young as i was i had reflection enough to compare the two scenes in which i had lived to feel my present desolation and to sigh over the past the tune of castle never to my memory without filling my eyes with tears there was another circumstance which my residence at mr s one of my companions was ill tempered and i do not know by what i became the peculiar object of his tyranny there was that in my situation which would have a generous temper i was a small feebly grown delicate boy an orphan and a poor one too but these circumstances seemed rather to invite than to the hostility of this fierce young man during the two years that it was my misfortune to be a in the house and his i suffered a wanton that so degraded and my spirit that i wonder i have ever recovered from it in this large family he was however my only the rest were content to let me alone and i became at length well content to be so i can recall here the first experience i had of the refuge and comfort of solitude often have i gone to bed long before i was sleepy and long before any other member of the household that i might enjoy in silence and to myself the hopes which my imagination never failed to set before me these rest on my memory with the distinctness of yesterday i looked forward to tho time when i should be a young man and should have my own office of two rooms my own servant and the means of receiving and entertaining my friends with elegant liberality my horse and fine a rich wardrobe and these all recommended by such manners and accomplishments as should again restore me to such favour and a� intercourse as i had known at mrs s i never chap l music of any other revenge on my than to him and reduce him to sue to me for friendship except these waking dreams which live so in my remembrance there are out few pleasant incidents to connect my recollections with those two years there are a few one was the gratification i took in the visits of company to the house sometimes the young folks played cards and i was not forbidden to sit in the room and see what was going on one of these is a gentleman i believe now living � charles jones although a very small boy i recollect distinctly the for which he is even yet so much distinguished and with which he used then to set the tables in a roar our latin � and the only popular i have ever known � was another of the and a great with me there were two other whom i saw only once each at the major s but whose visits led to one of my small accomplishments doctor charles of brought up his and the ladies one evening in the garden with his music a mr a or a teacher of music in also came up on one occasion when there was a great effort to get a musical instrument for him to play on the house afforded nothing better than a wretched fiddle � on which major m used to play for his children the only tune he knew with these words � � three or four wrong sides cut them down cut them down cut them down and tan them there waa besides a cracked from which no one of the had ever been able to draw a note mr the fiddle but with the aid of a little bees wax to stop the crack and a little water to wash and wet the bore he made the discourse most eloquent music � what a strange thing is memory i can see the man at this moment and hear him strike up the white � for this was the first tune he played and he threw it off with a spirit and animation of which dr had given me no idea thereafter whenever the room was empty i used to steal to the in which that old was kept and whispering in the a fox hunt � � for i could not blow and dared not if i could � try to finger tones as i knew in this way i learned to play several tunes of which yankee was the chief before i could fill the with a single note on one occasion dr smith of � the of the very respectable family of that name now at that place came up to major m s with two or three other gentlemen bringing with him a large pack of hounds in preparation for a fox chase this was a new incident to me and full of the interest | 29 |
a very few shirts there are and what a many fronts you u penetrate the mystery of his packing but martin was too weary and to take heed of anything so had no interest in this discovery mr nothing dashed by his indifference conducted him to the top of the house and into the bed chamber prepared for his reception which was a very little narrow room with half a window in it a like a chest without a two chairs a piece of carpet such as shoes are commonly tried upon at a ready made establishment in england a little looking nailed against the wall and a washing table with a and that might have been mistaken for a milk pot and basin i suppose ihey polish themselves with a dry cloth in this country said mark they ve certainly got a touch of the sir i wish you would pull off my boots for me said martin dropping into one of the chairs i am quite knocked up � dead beat mark you won t say that to morrow morning sir returned mr nor even to night sir when you ve made a trial of this with which he produced a very large piled up to the brim with little blocks of clear transparent ice through which one or two thin of and a golden liquid of delicious appearance appealed from the still depths below to the loving eye of the spectator what do you call this said martin but mr made no answer merely plunging a reed into the mixture � which caused a pleasant commotion among the pieces of ice � and by an expressive gesture that it was to be up through that agency by the martin took the glass with an astonished look applied ms lips to the reed and cast up his eyes in ecstasy he paused no more until the was drained to the last drop there sir said mark taking it from him with a triumphant face if ever you should happen to be dead beat again when i ain t in the way all you ve got to do is to ask the nearest man to go and fetch a to go and fetch a repeated martin this wonderful invention sir said mark tenderly patting the empty glass is called a when you name it long when you name it short now you re equal to your boots took o� f and are in every particular worth mentioning another man having delivered himself of this solemn preface he brought the mind i am not going to mark said martin but good heaven if we should be left in some wild part of this country without goods or money well sir replied the from what we ve seen already i don t know whether under those circumstances we shouldn t do better in the wild parts than in the tame ones oh tom pinch tom pinch said martin in a thoughtful tone what would i give to be again beside you and able to hear your voice though it were even in the old bed room at s oh echoed mark cheerfully if there t any water between you and me and nothing hearted like in going back i don t know that i t say the same but here am i in new york america and there are you in europe and there s a fortune to make and a beautiful young lady to make it for and whenever you go to see the monument you mustn t give in on the door steps or you u never get up to the top wisely said mark cried martin we must look forward in all the story books as ever i read sir the people as looked backward was turned into stones replied mark and my opinion always was that they brought it on themselves and it served em right i wish you good night sir and pleasant dreams of they must be of home then said martin as he down in bed so i say too whispered mark when he was out of hearing and in his own room for if there don t a time afore we re well out of this when there u be a little more credit in keeping up one s i m a united leaving them to and mingle in their sleep the shadows of objects afar off as they take shapes upon the in the dim light of thought without control be it the part of this slight chronicle � a dream within a dream � as rapidly to change the scene and cross the ocean to the english shore n chapter xviii business with the house of and son which one of the unexpectedly � change change nothing so fast if a man to a narrow circle of cares and pleasures out of which he seldom travels step beyond it though for never so brief a space his departure the monotonous scene on which he has been an actor of importance would seem to be the signal for instant ion as if in the gap he had left the of change were driven to the head what was a solid mass to fragments things and held together by the of years burst asunder in as many weeks the mine which time has slowly dug beneath familiar objects is sprung in an instant and what was rock before becomes but sand and dust most men at one time or other have proved this in some degree the extent to which the natural laws of change asserted their in that limited sphere of action which martin had deserted shall be faithfully set down in these pages what a cold spring it is old drawing near the evening fire it was a warmer season sure when i was young you needn t go your clothes into holes whether it was or not observed the amiable | 8 |
i dot t know all know is there are in it � no raw ii � the deer park � i never heard of that lifting up his hands � they don t know their own fields the deer park is a fields not far from house which yon may behold now give me your the young man then showed them the of the several tenants and pointed out the that to each and the very character of the soil of each field they at him in half wonder and at tlie i and precision of his knowledge on a subject where they not only ignorant hut had not even deemed to ladies and gentlemen he concluded t white by them that he lad carefully and valued every held on tbe estate that the farms were let full forty per cent below their value now your mother has a upon the estate for her but you arc tlie true are we oh i gracious tliey did not even know who their estate belonged to well give me an on this paper to act as your agent or we shall never get our forty per cent neither you hot your mother are any match for sheep faced � who have been your blood fifty � crying that have been moaning and because tliey could not your bones as well my friend said i would do with pleasure but mamma would be so hurt it is impossible � � you saw how your mother received my proposals for her good and yours consider i am strong enough to defeat your enemies � provided i have none but enemies to battle but if i am to fight the and her prejudices as well as and the tenants then e is certain and i wash my hands of it but consider impetuous boy we cannot defy our mother whom we love so defy her no i but you need not go and tell her every thing you do not you know doctor we kept from her s threat till the danger seemed passed and we did well cried think if she had known what was hanging over her all that time what do you say doctor asked i don t know my dear it is a hard alternative as a general rule i don t like deception i do not propose deception said the young man blushing only a wise and without this this reserve even my plan for improving her diet must fail in case i the m of en i ihe t oi t of honour cried and t t l m � be wrong � � all i know b said the doctor that the more roast meat she ha and the s worry the my poor nd wiu u e ob give me the paper we will both � and thank you letting us yes yes and we will do cr he cried is you � i u about it aod oh i e ud jo se what a comfort it is to have � one who energy and decision above all takes the the t d y into the kitchen find adopted into the conspiracy t her how to le it into the and liar the from all her for u while he told her why of tenants she cried thia then has he en game au the e year i good � wait till the next of you comes here a long face j i u tell yon my mind � no no any thing but that t they would say it is u from the and they would write to her or try a do en to her ear yon are right my lion i was stupid no it shall he diamond diamond tu meet them a face as smooth m own and say to them � what shall i say to tlie f say the in her failing state ee no one on iq also that s he has made over th trot of to her daughters and their agent � add that � ihe is dying i � i that is th of all to but stay no � it lies not h in that case she will die and i shall have li � don t die to make other people s be too stupid cut me forty of it not for me to deny you i you to me iv but forty t order from the the young man drawing out a paper it ran thus � do whatever bids u well to be sure i say you have not lost much time my young at least tell me what you want forty of grapes for before he could answer came a clatter and a figure in with a why a sight of you is good for sore eyes who would have thought you could have got so far as tliis i am going farther than this i am going down to the town to sell your grapes and such like belly vengeance and bring back oh that is the game is it my lads cried that and no other replied � if the comes to hear of it won t you catch it that is all but she never will hear of it unless you tell her oh i shan t tell her i t she would away here is a down come selling our fruit ah well a day what is coming to will you go and cut them cried stamping with impatience well i am going snapped lies fi got a little cart � � and r if you will bring the out of my i into garden i will h cut tlie it m all i am i fit for at the present i am no longer a man behold tiie a robin j op a ut i we may as well be killed for a as a lamb | 9 |
of the campaign with accuracy saving that he took the credit of fighting the whole battle himself and especially of the stout which he considered himself as clearly entitled to seeing that it was effected by his own stone the throughout the town gave holiday to their little who followed in after the drums with paper caps on their heads and sticks in their breeches thus taking the first lesson in the art of war as to the sturdy they thronged at the heels of peter wherever he went waving their greasy hats in the air and shouting hard for ever it was indeed a day of roaring and a huge dinner was prepared at the in honour of the where were assembled in one glorious the great and the little of new there were this castle though very much altered and is still in and stands at the corner of pearl street facing s slip the and � the with their s at their the officers at the elbow of the � and so on to the lowest on of police every having his rag at his side to his pipe drink off his heel and laugh his flights of immortal in short � for a city feast i a city feast all the world over and b� n a feast ever since the e dinner went off much the as do and fourth of ban of � flesh and fowl were of liquor drank thousands of pipes s many a dull joke with j sided laughter � i must m t to n tl ia ti blamed victory m of his many o y d v e honest with his a ven o that they him with name of pie er tiiat is to say pe er great or as it was translated by the people of j � which he maintained even unto the day of his death i j m book containing the third part of the reign of peter the his troubles with the british nation and the and fall of the dutch chapter h peter relieved the sovereign people from the of taking care of the nation ith sundry particulars � of his in time of peace the history of the reign of peter a melancholy picture of the incessant cares and inseparable from government and may serve as a solemn warning to all who are ambitious of the seat of power though crowned with victory enriched by conquest and returning in triumph to his metropolis his exultation was checked by beholding the sad that had taken place during the short interval f his a the for their own had n a deep draught of the cup of power during the reign of william the and upon the accession of peter they felt with a certain instinctive perception which as well as cattle popular di c possess that the reins of government had passed into stronger hands yet could they not help and and upon the bit in silence it seems by some strange and inscrutable to be the destiny of most countries and more especially of your enlightened always to be governed by the most man in the nation so that you will scarcely find an individual throughout the whole community who cannot point out innumerable errors in administration and convince you in the end that had he been at the head of matters would have gone on a thousand times more strange that government which seems to be so generally understood should invariably be so administered � strange that the talent of so bestowed should be denied to the only man in the nation to whose station it is requisite thus it was in the present instance not a man of all the herd of in new but was an on topics of state and could have directed public affairs better than peter but so severe was the old governor in his disposition that he would never suffer one of the multitude of able by whom he was surrounded to intrude his advice and save the country from destruction scarcely therefore had he departed on his expedition against the than the old of william s reign began to thrust their heads above water and to gather together in political meetings to discuss the state of the nation at these the busy and their made a very considerable figure these worthy were no longer the fat well fed tranquil that presided in the peaceful days of van � on the contrary being elected by the people they formed in a manner a sturdy between the mob and the administration they were great for popularity and for the rights of the resembling in disinterested zeal the wide mouthed of ancient rome or those virtuous of modern days emphatically the friends of the people under the of these profound it is astonishing how suddenly enlightened the multitude became in matters above their and s all at once felt themselves inspired like those religious in the glorious times of illumination and without any previous study or experience became instantly capable of directing all the movements of government nor must i neglect to mention a number of wrong headed old who had come over when boys in the crew of the and were held up as by the enlightened mob to suppose that a man who had helped to f f peter s reproof discover a country did not know how it ought to be governed was preposterous in the extreme it would have been deemed as much a as at the present day to question the political talents and universal of our old heroes of � and to doubt that he who had fought for a government however stupid he might naturally be was not competent to fill any station under it but as peter had a singular inclination to govern his province without the assistance of his subjects he felt highly on his return to | 48 |
thus we parted but ah i little did we guess how and where the three of us would meet again we were weary and soon fell fast asleep beside our camp fire for knowing that the whole army guarded us we had no fear i remember watching the bright stars which shone in the immense vault above me until they in the pure light of the risen moon now somewhat past her full and hearing from beneath his fur rug that was quite right and that it was pleasant to be in the open air again as he was tired i til after that i knew no more until i was awakened by the challenge of a in the distance then a a second challenge from the officer of our own rd another pause and a priest stood bowing before the light from the fire playing upon his head and face which i seemed to recognize � and he gave a name that was familiar to me but which i forget � am sent my lords by who commands me to say that the would speak with you both and at once now sat up yawning and asked what was the matter i told him whereon he said he wished that aye sha could have waited till daylight then added � well there is no help for it come on he rose to follow the messenger the priest bowed again and said � the commands of the are that my lords should their weapons and their guard what grumbled to protect us for a walk of a yards through the heart of an army the explained the man has left her tent le is in the yonder studying the line of advance how do you know that i asked i do not know it he replied told me so that is all and therefore the bade my lords bring guard for she is alone is she mad ejaculated to wander about in such a place at midnight well it is like her i too thought it was like her who did nothing that hers would have done and j et i hesitated then i that had said she might send for us also i was sure that if any trick had been intended we should not have been warned to bring an escort so we called tile guard � there were twelve of them � took our and swords and started we were by both the first and second lines and i noticed that as we gave them the pass a the prophecy of word the last who of course recognized us looked astonished still if they had doubts they did not dare to express them so we went on now we began to descend the sides of the by a very steep path with which the priest our guide seemed to be curiously familiar for he went down it as though it were the of his own house a strange place to take us to at night said doubtfully when we were near the bottom and the chief of the that great red bearded hunter who had been mixed up in the matter of the snow also muttered some words of remonstrance whilst i was trying to catch what he said of a sudden something white walked into the patch of moonlight at the foot of the and we saw that it was the veiled figure of herself the chief saw her also and said � look at her grumbled strolling about in that haunted hole as though it were park and on he went at a run the figure turned and beckoned to us to follow her as she glided forward picking her way through the which were scattered about upon the bed of the thus she went on into the shadow of the opposing cliff that the moonlight did not reach here in wet season a stream down a path which had cut through the rock in the course of centuries the that it had brought with it was spread about floor of the so that many of the bones w almost completely buried in the sand these i noticed as we stepped into the shadow more numerous than usual just here for on all sides i saw the white crowns of or the projecting ends of ribs and bones doubtless i thought to that made a road to the plain above past battle the fighting around it was very fit and the slaughter great los i r here aye ta had halted and was engaged in the of this strewn path as though si making um of it tliat day now we i and the priest who guided us fell back wit leaving us to go forward alone since the i not approach the l was in advance of me seven or eight yards perhaps an i ard him say � t why dost venture into such places at n i unless indeed it is not possible for any harm li me to thee f she made no answer only turned and opened her ana let them fall to her side again whilst � what this signal of hers might mean � ac shadows about us came a strange rustling i looked and lo everywhere the were from their sandy beds i saw their white gleaming arm and leg bones their hollow ribs the army had come to life again and in hands were the ghosts of of course i knew at once that this was but another of s magic powers which some of hers had drawn us from our beds to witness i confess that i felt frightened even the of men however free from superstition might be excused should their nerve fail them if when standing in a churchyard at midnight suddenly on every side they saw the dead arising from their graves also our surroundings were and more than those of any | 18 |
spoke you have quite made up your mind said i to mr as to the future good friend i need scarcely ask you quite r he returned and told em ly s mighty countries fur from our future life over the sea david they will together aunt said i yes said mr with a hopeful smile no one can t reproach my darling in we will begin a new life over i asked him if he yet proposed to himself any time for going away i was down at the early this morning sir he returned to get information concerning of them ships in about six weeks or two months from now there ll be one sailing � i see her this morning � went aboard � and we shall take our passage in her quite alone i asked aye r he returned my sister you see she s that fond of you and and that accustomed to think on y of her own country that it wouldn t be hardly fair to let her go besides which s one she has in charge r as t ought to be forgot poor ham said i my good sister takes care of his house you see ma am and he takes kindly to her mr explained for my aunt s better information he ll set and talk to her with a calm spirit it b like he couldn t bring himself to open his lips to another poor fellow said mr shaking his head s not so much left him that he could spare the little as he has � and mrs said i well i ve had a of con i do tell you returned mr with a perplexed look which gradually cleared as he went on concerning of you see falls a thinking of the old un she an t what you may call good company you and me r � and you ma am � mrs takes to � our old county word for crying � she s liable to be considered to be by them as didn t know the old un like now i did know the old un said mr and i know d his merits so i her but tan t entirely so you see with others � rally t be my aunt and i both said mr my sister might � i t say the would but might � find give her a david trouble now and again tan t my intentions to long with them but to find a fur her she can fur herself a in that dialect a home and to is to provide fur which purpose said mr i means to make her a afore i go as leave her comfort ble she s the oi tan t to be expected of course at her time of life and being lone and as the good old is to be knocked about and in the woods and of a new and fur away country so that s what i m a going to do with her he forgot nobody he thought of everybody s claims and but his own em ly he continued will keep along with me � poor child she s sore in need of peace and rest � until such time as we goes upon our voyage she ll work at them clothes as must be made and i hope her troubles will begin to seem longer ago than they was she finds herself once more by her rough but loving uncle my aunt nodded confirmation of this hope and imparted great satisfaction to mr s one thing r said he putting his hand in his breast pocket and gravely taking ont the little paper bundle i had seen before which he on the table s these here bank notes � fifty pound and ten to them i wish to add the money as she come away with i ve asked her about that but not saying why and have added of it up i au t a scholar would you be so kind as see how tis v he handed me for his a piece of paper and me while looked it over it was quite right sir he said taking it back this money if you t see objections r i shall ut up jest afore i go in a cover d to him and put that up in another d to his mother i shall tell her in no more than i speak to you what it s the price on and that i m gone and past receiving of it back i told him that i thought it would be right to do so � that i was thoroughly convinced it would be since he felt it to be right david i said that was on j one thing he proceeded with a grave smile when he had made up his little bundle again and put it in his pocket but was two i warn t sure in my mind i come out this morning as i could go and break to ham of my own self what had so happened so i writ a letter while i was out and put it in the post office of em how all was as tis and that i should come down to morrow to my mind of what little needs a doing of down and most like take my farewell leave of and do you wish me to go with you said i seeing that he left something if you could do me that kind favor r he replied i know the sight on you would cheer em up a bit my little being in good spirits and very desirous that i should go � as i found on talking it over with her � i readily pledged myself to accompany him in accordance with his wish next morning consequently we were on the | 8 |
blowing on his face and the water coming up among the wheels of his bed he wanted nothing more he said one day where s india where that boy s friends live oh it s a long long distance off said raising her eyes from her work weeks off asked paul yes dear many weeks journey night and day if you were in india said paul after being and silent for ft minute i should r what is that did i forget loved me answered no no don t i love you now what is it r died if you were in india i should die she hurriedly put her work aside and laid her head down on his pillow caressing him and so would she she said if he were there he would be better soon oh i am a great deal better now i he answered i don t mean that i mean that i should die of being so sorry and so lonely another time in the same place he fell asleep aad slept quietly for a long time suddenly he listened started up and sat listening asked him what he thought he heard i want to know what it says he answered looking steadily in her face the sea what is it that it keeps on saying she told him that it was only the noise of the rolling waves yes yes he said but i know that they are always saying something always the same thing what place is over there he rose up looking eagerly at the horizon she told him that there was another country opposite but he said he didn t mean that he meant farther away farther away very often afterwards in the midst of their talk he would break off to try to understand what it was that the waves were always saying and would rise up in his couch to look towards that invisible region far away ain son chapter ix that of romance and love of the of which there was a pretty strong in the nature of young gay and which the of his undo old solomon had not very much weakened by the waters of stem practical experience was the of his an uncommon and delightful interest to the adventure of with good mrs brown he and cherished it in his memory especially that part of it with which he had been associated until it became the s child of his fancy and look its own way and did what it liked with it the recollection of those incidents and his own in them may have been made the more perhaps by the weekly of old and captain on sundays hardly a sunday passed without mysterious being made hy one or other of those worthy to richard and the latter gentleman had even gone so far as to purchase a ballad of considerable antiquity that had among many others chiefly expressive of n on a dead wall in the commercial road which poetical performance set forth the courtship and of a promising young coal with a certain the accomplished daughter of the master and and son part owner of a in this stirring legend captain a profound hearing on the case of walter and and it excited him so much that on very occasions as and a few other non holidays he would roar through the whole song in the little back parlor making an amazing shake on the word pe � e� with which every verse concluded in compliment to the heroine of the piece but a frank free spirited open hearted boy is not much given to the nature of his own feelings however strong their hold upon him and walter would have found it difficult to decide this point he had a great affection for the wharf where he had encountered and for the streets not in themselves by which they had come home the shoes that had so often tumbled off by the way he preserved in his own room and sitting in the little of an evening he had drawn a whole gallery of fancy portraits of good mrs brown it may be that he became a little in his dress after that memorable occasion and he certainly liked in his leisure time to walk towards that quarter of the town where mr s house was situated on the vague chance of passing little in the street but the sentiment of all this was as boyish and innocent as could be was very pretty and it is pleasant to admire a pretty face was and weak and it was a proud thought that he had been able to render her any protection and assistance was the most grateful little creature in the world and it was delightful to see her bright gratitude beaming in her face was neglected and coldly looked upon and his son breast was full of youthful interest for the child in ber dull stately home thus it came about that perhaps some half b dozen in the course of the year walter pulled off hia hat to in he street and would stop to shake hands mrs who with a characteristic of bis name invariably spoke of him as young was so well used to this knowing the story of their acquaintance that she took no heed of it at all miss on the other hand rather looked out for these occasions her sensitive young heart being secretly by walter s good looks and to tbe belief that its sentiments were responded to in this way walter so far from forgetting or losing of bis with only remembered it better and as to its adventurous beginning and all those little circumstances which gave it a character and relish he took them into ac more as a pleasant story very agreeable to his imagination and not to be dismissed from it than as a part of any matter | 8 |
he saw me he seemed to feel both mortification and embarrassment at my presence but there was an air of modesty and in this young man which prevented him from exhibiting impatience for what a man more with society might have been disposed to consider an intrusion on the privacy of sorrow i believe sir i said this book which i have just found under the trees is yours i followed you with the intention of presenting it but seeing you under the influence of strong feeling i to do so until i thought you were calm not to be startled by the interruption you are very obliging sir he said to take such trouble the book is mine and i thank you not less for kindness than for your delicacy he then bowing wished me a good evening and in a hurried manner walked from the church yard by a path from that which led him to it when he was gone i went to the monument over which he had poured his sorrows for i felt i must confess an curiosity to know who it wa s that he had so ly i read on the the following simple inscription y this tomb the remains of who died on the of may aged years also of her mother elizabeth who followed her on the th of august � aged alas i thought i as i ran my eye over the inscription here be perhaps all that life contained for him of that the sweetest and most delightful of the heart cut off as he is by the conditions of his office from the cultivation and exercise of the affections deprived o all that fills the parent s eye with joy and his soul with gratitude � shut out by the force of an from the sweetest sympathies of life � from the pure emotions and privileged of humanity � from the paradise of domestic life v hich the sacred characters of father mother wife and child are permitted to enter � is it any wonder that he concentrated as his affections must be by the nature of his situation over the grave of a mother and a sister and weep with the violence of a strong man s grief how clearly can i fancy that sister perhaps his only one � the beloved companion of his childhood and his youth equal of bis joys and sorrows away day by day and hour by hour until the s of her foot the her smile or the melody of her voice is heard or seen no more when the final pang is over and she lies stretched out in the stillness of picture of departed beauty never again to turn the eye of tenderness upon a brother or a parent � never to wipe away with her own feeble hand the hope s less tears from her parents cheeks � never again affect the mirth of innocence in the languor of � father if ease that she might calm the of those who feared to lose her for oh never again to soothe them with the strong which rich in faith she could and did give of meetings beyond the grave where there is neither sorrow nor separation � never again to give them the full assurance that she for herself those promises of the gospel that are yea and amen in christ nor by the serene influence of her word and example to brighter worlds and lead the way when i contemplate her still warm with the traces of departed life silent to the wild cry of her mother s upon her name � that brother perhaps an only one raises to his lips the tender hand that was so dear to him and sees it foil down in utter by her when i fancy the father s approach to make his morning inquiry after her who in the emphasis of affection was always called aw � when i see him bring the black to have the long gray locks which descended his shoulders tied as usual by her hands and when he hears that his flower is cut down collecting all the christian within him and kneeling before the eternal throne praying to be supported � when i see him struggle his grief his lip quiver his voice become indistinct and his whole frame shake until at length remembering that she was his only and his dearest the tide of grief bursts forth with a violence which nothing can oh when i bring this before me do i not know that the sword of his soul then when i measure the short period that between may and august i can fancy the mother s disease to that of a broken she would not be comforted her complaint was that of � she gave way to and weeping because her child was after having over such melancholy images for some time i turned towards home as it was now near twilight but in order to the pleasure of the walk and the landscape i took a more path on my return i had not however advanced far until i perceived him again a little before me for he walked very slowly he was in conversation with a peasant but on noticing my approach he left him and walked on more quickly the peasant proved to be one of my own � a very good humoured man named tom whom noticed once or twice for the neat and clean manner in which he kept himself clothed a fine night your honour said tom touching his hat � a fine night tom you re on your way home i suppose � on way your honour a hard day s work sir � well tom u work for your bread and earn it honestly � and it s always the sweetest bread that s most honestly earned � why it is sir | 50 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carts in its progress which was by any hand for the milk himself was pursuing on foot his natural in affairs a l enabled mr to infer that the which could cut such a record when with a chariot would exhibit even greater speed if in and that it might even not carry off first prize in the race so as the milk ran up with anxiety to learn the result of his horse s mr stopped him to inquire what he would take for such an animal the rather foolishly taking it for granted that horse and cart were gone concerns thought he was making the good stroke of business in offering the lot for a twenty pound note i have done with you cried mr sharply handing over the purchase money a from which he very fortunately chanced to have about him and galloping off to inspect his bargain which was like buying a pig after once it in the ribs in what condition he found it i must leave you to learn my dear readers in an chapter chapter ix the dark horse a from full many a mare with coat of is in dark coal mines full many a s born to blush unseen and waste her swiftness on a cab lines to order by a young english friend who they are original but i regard as an unconscious from poet young s of a country h b f it is a gain a precious let me gain let me gain oh oh the shower of thine secret shoe dust oh oh dr ram of we left mr in full pursuit of the horse and milk chariot which he had so purchased while still en route after running a mile or two he was rejoiced to find that the a from had come to a and was still in prime condition � with the exception of the which had made its escape from the however was not disposed to weep for long over milk and had the excessive to restore the chariot and to the merchant who was beside himself with gratitude then mr with a heart having detached his purchase from the shafts conducted it in triumph to his it turned out to be a mare white as snow and of marvellous and partly because of her origin and partly from her complexion he her by the of way although a complete the dark horse i in the art of a horse to win any contest mr s told him that the first step was to his rather too pupil with com and similar seeds and after a prolonged course of he had the gratification to behold his mare filling out as plump as a as he desired her to remain the dark horse as long as possible he concealed her in a small at the end of the garden to her wants with his own hands and conducting her for daily several times round the central grass patch for some time he refrained from mounting � fain would he climb but that he feared to fall as poet once scratched with a diamond on queen anne � a from window but at length reflecting that if nothing nothing is certain to win he purchased a saddle with and surmounted way who far from regarding him as an appeared gratified by his arrival and did her utmost to make him feel thoroughly at home the next step was of course to obtain permission from the who rule the roast of the club that way might be allowed to in the approaching now this was a more delicately matter than might be supposed owing to the circumstance that the said are such warm men and so well endowed with this world s riches that they are practically the dark horse i fortunately mr as a in english composition was a in drawing a petition and sitting down he constructed the following � to those most in control of club personages this petition humbly i that your is a native indian cambridge b a a and a most loyal and devoted subject of her majesty the queen that it is of excessive importance to him for private reasons that he should win a race a from that such a famous victory would be eminently popular with all classes of indian natives and increase their affection for british rule that for some time past your has been diligently training a which he fondly hopes may gain a victory that said is a member of the fair sex that she is a female horse of very disposition but being only recently extracted from shafts of chariot is a total in racing that your may direct that she is to be kindly permitted to try the dark horse her luck in this world famous competition that it would greatly encourage her to exhibit speed if she could be allowed to start running a few minutes previously to older that if this is unfortunately contrary to then the judge should receive secret instructions to look with a favourable eye upon the said female horse whose name is way and her first prize even if by any chance she may not prove quite so fast a as more professional and your will ever pray on knees that so truly magnificent an institution as the a from course may never be suppressed on grounds of encouraging national vice of gambling and so forth signed c the of the above proved mr s profound acquaintance with the human heart for it attained the desired end the returned a very kind answer readily to receive way as a candidate for honours but that it was to her a few minutes start and that she must start with a scratch in company with all the other horses was not in the least degree cast down or depressed by this refusal of a start since he had | 44 |
and the greater or less degree of communicated to the arm which in this exercise acts as a of the body the motion being exactly the reverse of that of the corresponding leg it draws the more into the inferior than superior members it gives but little strength to the latter walking may be performed in three times � slow moderate or quick � which somewhat its action the slow walk or march in the march the weight of the body is advanced � rom the heel to the and the toes are turned out this being done one foot the left for instance is advanced with the knee straight and the toe inclined to the ground which without being drawn back it touches before the heel in such a manner however that the sole at the con the moderate and the q ti k page of tlie step is nearly parallel with tlie ground it next touches its outer edge the right foot is then immediately raised from the inner edge of the toe and advanced inclined and brought to the ground and so in plate and thus in the march the toe first touches and last leaves the ground and so marked is this tendency that in the stage step which is meant to be especially dignified � as the foot an awkward when the weight has been thrown on the � in order to correct this the former is for an instant extended its toe even turned backwards and and its tip alone rested on the ground previous to its being in its turn advanced thus the toe s first touching and last leaving the ground is peculiarly marked in this form of the this pace should be practised until it can be firmly and gracefully performed the moderate and the quick pace these will be best understood by a reference to the pace which we have just described the principal difference between them being as to the advance of the weight of the body the turning out of the toes and the part of the foot which first touches and last leaves the ground we shall find that the times of these two paces require a further advance of the weight and suffer less and less of turning out the toes and of this extended touching with the toe and covering the ground with the foot the moderate pace here the weight of the body is advanced from the heel to the ball of the foot the toes are less turned out and the quick pace it is no longer the toe but ihe ball of the foot which first touches and last leaves the ground its outer edge or the ball of the little toe first breaking the descent of the foot and its inner edge or the ball of the great toe last the weight � plate and thus in this step less of the foot may be said to cover the ground and this of nearer and stronger points of support and action is essential to the increased quickness and exertion of the pace the of this pace has not been sufficiently attended to people pass from the march to the quick pace they know not how and hence all the awkwardness and embarrassment of their walk when their pace becomes moderate and the misery they endure when this pace has to be performed by them up the middle of a long and well lighted room where the eyes of a brilliant assembly are exclusively directed to them let those who have felt this but attend to what we have here said the motion of the arms and of every other part depends on it the quick pace here the weight of the body is advanced from the heel to the toes the toes are least turned out and still nearer and stronger points of support and action are chosen the outer edge of the heel first touches the ground and the sole of the foot projects the weight these are essential to the increased quickness of this pace � plate and and it is important to remark as to all these paces that tiie weight is more thrown forward and the toes are less turned out in the form of the march the toes as we have seen are in the foot though but for a moment even thrown backwards in the moderate pace they have an direction and in the quick pace slow they are thrown more directly forward as in the six of plate viii it is this direction of the toes and still more the nearer and stronger points of support and action namely the heel and sole of the foot which are essential to the quick pace so practised but which together with the great inclination of the body being transferred to the moderate pace make unfortunate people look so awkward as we shall now explain the time of the moderate pace is as it were filled up by the more complicated process of the step � by the gradual and easy breaking of the descent of the foot on its outer edge or the ball of the little toe by the deliberate of the foot by its equally gradual and easy from its inner edge or the ball of the great toe the quick pace if its time be lengthened has no such filling up the man at once down on his heel and could rise instantly from his sole but finds that to fill up his time he must pause an instant he feels he should do something and does not know what his hands suffer the same momentary as his feet he gradually becomes confused and embarrassed deeply sensible of this he at last it a smile or a arises though people do not well know at what but in short the man has walked like a because the of his step has not filled | 50 |
the bank his trick was obvious he had entered the fo to of the steamer and while the steamer had driven on into the fog in the chance of catching him he had come about and out of his shelter and was now down to to su in this the old of the needle in the would he indeed compared with his brother s chance of him the sea he did not long the fore and main sails and setting the again we headed back into the a� we entered i could have sworn i saw a va tie emerging to looked quickly at wolf l already we were ourselves buried in the but he nodded his head he too had seen it � the his and failing by a moment in it there was no doubt that we had escaped he can t keep this up wolf said he ll have to go back for the rest of his boats a man to the wheel mr van j ee for the present and you might as well set the for we won t do any tin to ht i d give five hundred dollars though he added just to be aboard the for five minutes listening to my brother curse and now mr van he said to me when he had been relieved from the wheel we must make these serve out plenty of to the hunters and see that a few bottles slip for ard i ll er every man jack of them is over the side to morrow hunting for wolf as as ever they hunted for death but won t they escape as did i asked he laughed not as long as our old hunters have anything to say about it i m dividing amongst ni i dollar a skin for all the skins shot by our new hunters at least half of their enthusiasm to day was due tn that oh no there won t be any escaping if they have anything to say about it and now you d better get for ard to your hospital duties there must be a f ward waiting for you chapter xxvi wolf took the distribution of the my hands and the bottles began to make their while i worked over the fresh of wounded men in the i had seen drunk such as and by the men of the clubs but never as these men drank it from and and from the bottles � great drinks each one of which was in itself a but they did not stop at one or two they drank and drank and ever the bottles slipped forward and they drank more everybody drank j the wounded drank who helped me drank only louis refrained no more than cautiously his lips with the liquor though he joined in the with an abandon equal to that of most of them it was a in loud voices they shouted over the day s fighting about details or affectionate and made friends with the men whom they had fought prisoners and on one another s shoulders and swore mighty oaths of respect and esteem they wept over the miseries of the past and over the miseries yet to come under the iron rule of wolf and all cursed him and told terrible tales of his it was a strange and frightful spectacle the small lined space the floor and walls leaping and the dim ht the swaying shadows and sly the thick air heavy with smoke the sea wolf and the smell of bodies and and the di the men � hall i should call them i noted holding the end of a and looking the scene his and luminous eyes glistening in the light like a deer s eyes and yet i knew the devil that in his breast and all the softness and tenderness almost womanly of his face and form and i noticed the boyish face of � a good face once but now a demon s � with passion as he told the of the hell hip they were in and shrieked curses upon the head of wolf wolf it was always wolf and of men a and these his swine suffering brutes t before him and only in and in secrecy and one of his swine i thought and no i ground my teeth in my anger and determination till the man i was attending under my hand and looked at me with curiosity i felt endowed with a sudden strength what of my new found love i was a giant i feared nothing i would work my will through it all in spite of wolf and of my own thirty five years all would be well i would make it well and so exalted by a sense of power i turned my back on the howling and climbed to the deck where the fog drifted ghostly through the night and the air was sweet and pure and quiet the where were two wounded hunters was a repetition of the except that wolf w is not being cursed and it was with a great relief that i again emerged on deck and went aft to the cabin supper was ready and wolf and were waiting for sea wolf while all his ship was getting drunk as fast as it could he remained sober not a drop of liquor passed his lips he did not dare it under the circumstances for he had only louis and me to depend upon and louis was even now at the wheel we were sailing on through the fog without a and without lights that wolf had turned the liquor loose among his men surprised me but he evidently knew their and the best method of in cordiality what had begun in his victory over death seemed to have had a remarkable effect upon him the previous evening he had reasoned himself into the and | 21 |
i have hia a lady s life in xv ideas of right are the possible he says that he believes in god but what he knows or believes of god s law i know not to resent insult with your revolver to revenge yourself on those who have injured you to be true to a comrade and share your last crust with him to be to good women to be generous and hospitable and at the last to die game � these are the articles of his creed and i suppose they are received by men of his stamp he hates with a bitter hatred and returns it having undergone much provocation from jim in his moods of and violence and being not a little envious of the fascination which his manners and conversation have for the strangers who come up here on returning down the the view was than i have ever seen it the in dark shadow the park below lying in intense sunlight with all the majestic which sweep down upon it in depths of infinite blue gloom and above the peaks dazzling in purity and glorious in form the blue of the sky how shall i ever leave this land which is very far off how can i ever leave it is the real question we are going on the principle let us eat and drink for to morrow we die and the stores are melting away the two meals are not an economical plan for we are so much more hungry that we eat more than when we had the rocky mountains we had a good deal of sacred music to day to make it as like sunday as possible the faint melancholy of this winter loneliness is very fascinating how glorious the fires of the winter are and how to night the crimson clouds descended just to the mountain tops and were reflected on the pure surface of the snow the door of this room looks due north and as i write the pole star and a cold moon hangs over the of long s peak november we have lost count of time and can only agree on the fact that the date is somewhere near the end of november our life has settled down into serenity and our singular and enforced is very pleasant we might be three men living together but for the courtesy and consideration which they show to me our work goes on like the only which ever arises is that the men do not like me to do anything that they think hard or such as a horse or bringing in water the days go very fast it was to day before i knew that it was it is a calm life without the men are so easy to live with they never fuss or or sigh or make a trouble of anything it would amuse you to come into our wretched little kitchen before our late breakfast and a lady s ufe in xv find mr busy at the stove myself washing the supper dishes and mr drying them or both the men busy at the stove while i sweep the floor our food is a great object of interest to us and we are hungry now that we have only two meals a day about each goes forth to his � mr k to chop wood mr b to haul water i to wash the milk and water the horses on saturday the men shot a deer and on going for it to day they found nothing but the hind legs and following a track which they expected would lead them to a beast s hole they came quite carelessly upon a large mountain which however took itself out of their reach before they were sufficiently recovered from their surprise to fire at it these lions which are really a species of are as well as cowardly lately one got into a in the of the st and killed thirty sheep the blood from their throats november this has been a day of minor events as weu as a busy one i was so busy that i never sat down from till i had washed my one change of and though i never iron my clothes i like to them till they are as white as snow and they were on the line when some furious came down from long s peak against the mountains which i could not stand and when i did get out all my clothes were blown into from an inch to four inches in width literally destroyed one how very little is necessary either for comfort or happiness i made a four pound cake baked some bread mended my riding dress cleaned up generally wrote some letters with the hope that some day they might be posted and took a magnificent walk reaching the cabin again in the melancholy glory which now immediately the darkness we were all busy getting our supper ready when the dogs began to bark furiously and we heard the noise of horses at last we exclaimed but we were wrong mr went out and returned saying that it was a young man who had come up with s and team and that the had gone over into a seven miles from mr looked very grave it s another mouth to feed he said they asked no questions and brought the lad in a assured fellow of twenty who having fallen into delicate health at a college had been sent up here by to work for his board the men were too courteous to ask him what he was doing up here but i boldly asked him where he lived and to our dismay he replied i ve come to live here so we had to settle what to do with him we discussed the food question gravely as it presented a real difficulty we put g a | 20 |
wholly and keep him at a high level throughout an entire poem however short he greatly sometimes in single lines or he now and then surprises us with expressions like the weeping magic of my verse or so a line as and keep strayed honour in the true way or a delicious commencement of a poem which falls off as it proceeds such as where the north wind when the south life in the spring and into the scattered or a strange and impressive thought like that comparison of virtue which lost to the world by his friend s death only lives still in some solitary s cell � so mid the ice of the far northern sea a star about the circle may than ours yield clearer light yet that j ut shall serve at the frozen pilot s funeral it is quite consistent with this that the which a poem are with him sometimes vigorous and happy in more than one case this final line or the entire value of the poem take this for instance � and thus there will be left no bird to sing farewell to the waters welcome to the spring or this � ah her vows religious be and her love she vows to me vol ii m t the english poets or this � but virtuous love is one sweet endless fire or this � the bad man s death is horror but the just keeps something of his glory in his dust but his inadequate sense of poetic form does not allow him often to attain to a perfect whole he is too fond of awkward and to force more into a line than it will fairly hold his one or two of which rank among the best efforts are formally speaking not at all but strings of seven he does not sufficiently know he has not sufficiently at the business of his art on en dire la po est un art qui s qui a m son point et son l inspiration un par ne is one of the many english poets whose imperfect of this aspect of the truth has left their achievement inferior to their talent w t william to roses in the bosom of ye blushing happy are in the of her breasts for he d profane so a fair who e er should call them s nests thus how bright ye grow how rich a perfume do ye yield in some close garden so are sweeter than i th open field in those white live secure from the rude of wanton breath each hour more innocent and pure till you shall into death then that which living gave you room your glorious shall be there wants no marble for a tomb whose breast has marble been to me to upon a in s cheek boy in thy warm flight what cold tyrant thy sight had st thou eyes to see my fair thou would st sigh to air fearing to create this one nature had herself undone but if you when this you hear fall down murdered through your ear beg of jove that you may have in her cheek a grave lily rose and violet shall the beset while a sheet of lawn o er the wanton corpse is drawn and all lovers use this breath here lies in death m l the english poets the description of like the violet which alone in some happy shade my lives unknown to no eye betrayed for she s to her self who delights i th public view such is her beauty as no arts have enriched with borrowed grace her high birth no pride for she in her place folly a glorious blood she is noblest being good cautious she knew never yet what a wanton courtship meant nor speaks loud to boast her wit in her silence eloquent of her self survey she takes but men no difference makes she with speedy will her grave parents wise commands and so innocent that ill she nor acts nor understands women s feet run still astray if once to ill they know the way she sails by that rock the court where oft honour her mast and thinks the port where her fame may anchor cast virtue safely cannot sit where vice is for wit william she holds that day s pleasure best where sin waits not on delight without mask or ball or feast sweetly a winter s night o er that darkness whence is thrust prayer and sleep oft lust � she her throne makes reason climb while wild passions captive lie and each article of time her pure thoughts to heaven fly all her vows religious be and her love she vows to me to in a trance me not so soon stay and as i break the prison of my clay fill the canvas with my breath and sail with thee o er the vast main of death some thus as we pass shall play go happy of love � the courteous sea shall smooth her wrinkled brow the winds shall sleep or only whisper music to the deep every rock shall melt away the sing to please not to betray the indulgent sky shall smile each contend which shall afford the brighter fire while love the pilot his course so even ne er to cast anchor till we reach at heaven to upon the death of a lady weep not tho her tomb appear sometime thy grief to answer with a tear the marble will but wanton with thy woe death is the sea and we like rivers flow to lose ourselves in the main whence rivers may she ne er return again the english poets nor grieve this crystal stream so soon did fall into the ocean since she d all the banks she past so that each neighbour field did sweet flowers cherished by her watering yield which now adorn | 45 |
our losses in dead or that had fallen during the past year it was a very wet night and i remember that we sang with our feet in the cup and our heads among the stars and swore that we were all dear the phantom friends then some of us went away and and some tried to open up the and were opened up by in that cruel outside and some found stars and and some were married which was bad and some did other things which were worse and the others of us stayed in our chains and strove to make money on insufficient experiences began the night with and drank champagne steadily up to then raw with all the strength of took with his coffee four or five and to improve his pool strokes beer and bones at half past two winding up with old brandy consequently when he came out at half past three in the morning into fourteen degrees of fi he was very angry with his horse for and tried to into the saddle the horse broke away and went to his stables so and i formed a guard of to take home our road lay through the close to a little temple of the monkey god who is a leading divinity worthy of respect all gods have good points just as have all priests personally i attach much importance to and am kind to his people � the great gray of the hills one never knows when one may want a friend the mark of the beast there was a light in the temple and as we passed we could hear voices of men hymns in a native temple the priests rise at all hours of the night to do honour to their god before we could stop him dashed up the steps patted two priests on the back and was gravely grinding the ashes of his cigar butt into the forehead of the red stone image of tried to drag him out but he sat down and said solemnly that mark of the b made it t it fine in half a minute the temple was alive and noisy and who knew what came of gods said that things might occur he by virtue of his official position long residence in the country and weakness for going among the natives was known to the priests and he felt unhappy sat on the ground and refused to move he said that good old made a very soft pillow then without any warning a silver man came out of a recess behind the image of the god he was perfectly naked in that bitter bitter cold and his body shone like silver for he was what the bible calls a as white as snow also he had no face because he was a er of some years standing and his disease was heavy upon him we two stooped to haul up and the phantom the temple was and filling with folk who seemed to spring from the earth when the silver man ran in under our arms making a noise exactly like the of an caught round the body and dropped his head on s breast before we could him away then he retired to a comer and at while the crowd blocked all the doors the priests were very angry until the silver man touched that seemed to sober them at the end of a few minutes silence one of the priests came to and said in perfect english take your friend away he has done with but has not done with him the crowd gave room and we carried into the road was very angry he said that we might all three have been and that should thank his stars that he had escaped without injury thanked no one he said that he wanted to go to bed he was drunk we moved on silent and until was taken with violent shivering fits and he said that the smells of the were overpowering and he wondered were permitted so near english can t you smell the blood said � the mark of the beast we put him to bed at last just as the dawn was breaking and invited me to have another and while we were drinking he talked of the trouble in the temple and admitted that it baffled him completely hates being by natives because his business in life is to them with their own weapons he has not yet succeeded in doing this but in fifteen or twenty years he will have made some small progress they should have us he said instead of at us i wonder what they meant i don t like it one little bit i said that the managing committee of the temple would in all probability bring a criminal action against us for insulting their religion there was a section of the indian code which exactly met s offence said he only hoped and prayed that they would do this before i left i looked into s room and saw him lying on his right side scratching his left breast then i went to bed cold depressed and unhappy at seven o clock in the morning at one o clock i rode over to s house to inquire after s head i imagined that it would be a sore one was and seemed his temper was gone for he was the cook for not supplying him with an chop a man who can eat raw meat the phantom after a wet is a curiosity i tc d this and he laughed you breed queer in these be said i ve been bitten to pieces but only in one place let s have a look at the bite said it may have gone down since this morning while the were being cooked opened his shirt and showed us just over his left breast a | 39 |
last a mysterious answer was sent to the effect that the deeds were in existence and should be given up but only on certain conditions and to the heir himself the young man in consequence went up to london and according to directions to an old house in where he was by a man awaiting him that he must submit to e and his guidance he was taken through several long passages before lie left the house at the termination of one of these he was put into a chair and carried about for an hour or more he always reported that there were many and that he imagined lie was set down finally not ve t far from his when his eyes were lie was in a decent sitting room with tokens of family occupation lying about k middle aged gentleman entered and told him that until a certain time had elapsed which should be indicated to him in a particular way but of which the length was not then named he must swear to secrecy as to the means by which he obtained possession of the deeds this oath was taken and then the gentleman not without some emotion acknowledged himself to be the missing father of the heir it seems that lie had fallen in love with a a of the person with whom he lodged to this young woman he had represented himself as unmarried she listened willingly to his and her father who was a in the city was not averse to the match as the squire had a goodly presence and many similar qualities which the thought might be acceptable to his customers the bargain was struck the of a race married the only daughter of the city and became a junior partner in the business he told his son that he had never repented the step lie had taken that his lowly born wife was sweet and affectionate that his family by her wo large and that he and they were and happy he inquired after his first or rather i should say his true wife with friendly affection approved of what she had done with regard to his estate and the education of his children but said that he considered he was dead to her as she was to him when he really died he promised that a particular message the nature of which he should be sent to his son at g until then they would not hear more of each other for it was of no use attempting to trace him under his even if the oath did not render such an attempt forbidden i dare say the youth had no great desire to trace out the father who had been one in name only he returned to took possession of the property at and many yea elapsed before he received the mysterious intimation of his father s real death after that he named the connected with the recovery of the title deeds to mr s and one or two intimate friends when the family became extinct or removed from it became no longer any very closely kept secret and i was told the tale of the disappearance by miss s the a ed daughter of the family agent once more let me say i am thankful i live in the days of the police if i am murdered or commit at any rate my friends will have the comfort of knowing all about it life in the mines of south the following letter has been confided to us for publication by a gentleman in london to whom it is addressed it shows what a young fellow to with the power and the will to work can do out of hand it also shows as this journal has endeavoured to do on previous occasions that those qualities are indispensable and that lazy upon the face of the earth have even less business in than in any other place if indeed they can be said to be less desirable in any one place than in another where they are all over the world so th a th it is now eight weeks since my in this colony i have deferred writing thus long so as to be enabled to state something decisive regarding both my intentions and the prospects by the country i have adopted i will give you a detail of my movements since i landed feeling assured from the ever kind interest you have evinced on my behalf it will not be we our passage here in fourteen weeks nothing worthy of comment during it after a parting with my i bade adieu to the good ship on the th of october having been with two letters for e from his father my next care was their safe delivery and to catch a glimpse of the young fellow whom i found on inquiry was with mr w at fifty miles south of i walked there in two days handed him his letters and much surprised him by my appearance he has grown a fine fellow well cut out for work and i must do him the justice to say well inclined for it i spent a day and night there and took the bone stage back again for the town of so as to make words by they had on their and the next day morning being the fourth day we found one of our boat mates lying dead iu the boat and after we said a few prayers over him we committed his body to the deep with a sorrowful heart for we were all very weak by this time and that same day about o clock another of our boat mates was taken mad and after ill using himself a good deal he jumped overboard and the soon finished him and now there were only four of us left and we suffered a good deal with thirst | 8 |
the past year and a half so there was no undue on the part of the owner and of the edifice such a residence could not be built in a day any more than the city of rome it was no common affair to young miss be run up in a single season on the finest avenue in the first city of the land it was destined to all of its neighbors and leave a liberal distance between itself and any likely to come after that meant a of half the world for materials a securing of the best workmen in every and above all no sign of haste anywhere it required ten months to bring the building to the height of the first floor to the amazement of the neighborhood which was not prepared for the extended to those parts of the work that were soon to be hidden from sight then the rose slowly that the fine cut stone might have an opportunity to settle the of an inch that it needed instead of taking that liberty when it could drag with it the wood and plaster of the interior and when the edifice was to the inexperienced eye of the nearly done there were eighteen months still to wait before the could be allowed to enter and garb this naked creature it was not finished yet by any means it was only approaching completion charles came to see it often the very grandeur of this building which had pleased the s son greatly as he looked over the plans with his father distressed him as it came into collision with the new ideas that filled his mind had any single family a right to to themselves all that treasure of stone and wood and metal i should not such an edifice be devoted to the general welfare instead of the selfish interests of three matter upon him and one day he was in the new house with his father and million sister he courage to say what he had kept to himself so long well charles have you any suggestions or to make asked the as he took his son by the arm and walked to the street end of the unfinished drawing room not about the beauty of the design or the excellence of the work father responded charles with a great effort but it seems to me sometimes that all this magnificence should be devoted to a wider use than that of one little group of people the laughed there is no reason why it should not serve for three groups he answered you and may will get married one of these days and then with your wife and may s husband and the babies that will follow and their nurses the place will come nearer i trust to your conception of what it is fit for the son did not join in the humor nor did his face its earnest expression it isn t that he answered respectfully it would be even then a monument to our individual selfishness oh father he burst out in a despairing tone there is so much that i want to say to you and the subject is so deep that i feel unequal to it there is a book which if you would only read the name is looking backward interrupted the quietly charles stared at his father with the utmost astonishment you have not read it he gasped yes i have smiled the i read everything that the attention of i miss will admit also that i consider it one of the of the theory and add that i differ from the author in but one important particular charles looked the inquiry he did not put into words and the father continued after a slight pause that of for a few seconds the waited in the apparent expectation that his son would have a reply ready but charles did not speak he thought that perhaps this very wise man might after all be able to overthrow the doctrines which had impressed him so deeply this wave that and flows like those of the tide continued the other has given great apprehension to many people of comfortable fortunes but it gives none to me whenever the people spoken of in the wish a decided change in the conditions of government they have the means within their grasp to bring it about up to date they have shown only movements in this direction and even these have been confined to a very small of the persons most deeply interested this man is the least objectionable to me of the whole let he at least to give us a shelter after taking the ground from under our feet and the roof from over our heads charles felt more than ever how little fitted he was to cope with the experience and wisdom of his father but he did not expect to do much more than get an opening at this time for a future discussion and he was pleased to find that the kindness of manner and which ht had never dollars known to vary continued in the presence of a subject he had feared would be distasteful i am glad to hear you speak so kindly father he replied you have always given me such full liberty that i dread doing anything to offend you i want you to know however that i am much impressed by mr s theories and by the gentleman himself for i have been to boston on purpose to meet him and have returned more convinced than before that he is in the right the laughed again this time with more than before it is rather late my boy said he for you and me to discuss the question you seem determined in your supreme to raise i have but one rule for you and your sister that rule is into the brief sentence | 1 |
ve it ill always and seemed to think t wanted to yon out of your place i know nothing o your offering aid the squire whose memory consisted in certain strong impressions by detail but i know one while vou seemed to bo thinking o and i didn t any obstacles in as some fathers would i d as you married s daughter as anybody i suppose if i d said you nay jou ha kept on with it but for want o contradiction jou ve changed mind you re a fellow vou take your poor mother she never had a will of her own a woman has no call for one if she s got a proper man for her husband but � our wife had need have one for yon your own mind enough lo make both your legs walk one way the has n t said downright she won t have you has she no said feeling very hot and uncomfortable but i don t think will think why haven t you the courage to ask her do you stick lo it you want to have her � that s the thing there s no other woman i want to marry said well then let mo make the offer for you s all if j ou have n t pluck ro do it yourself is n t likely to be tor his daughter to marry into my family i should think and as for the pretty loss she would n t have her cousin � and there s nobody else sec could ha stood in your way i d rather let it be please sir at present said in alarm i think she s a little with f st now and i should like lo for myself a man must things for himself well speak then and manage it and see if you can t turn over a new leaf that s what a man must do he thinks o marrying i don t see how i can of it and d to live in tliis house with my ic b a different sort of she s been used not come to live in this house don t tell me you ask her s all said the squire with a short scornful i d rather let the thing be present sir said i hope you won t try to hurry it on by ing anything i shall what i choose said the squire and i shall let you know i m muster else you may torn out and find an estate hi into somewhere else go out and tell not to to s hut and tell t and get that back o sold and hand me the money you he keep no more a my expense and if you when he a � i dare say you do � you may e him to spare himself the journey o coming back home let turn and keep himself he n t hang on mc any more i don t know where he la sir and if i did it is n t my place tell him keep away said towards the door confound it sir don t stay arguing go and order my horse said the squire up a pipe the room hardly knowing whether he were more relieved by the sense that the ended without having made � in his position or more he had entangled himself still in and deceit what passed about his proposing to raised n new alarm lest by some after dinner words of his s to mr he he into the embarrassment of obliged absolutely to de line her when she seemed to h� within hia ho fled to his refuge that of hoping for some turn of fortune some favorable chance which would save him from unpleasant consequences � even justify his by its prudence and in this point at to some throw of fortune s can hardly be called specially old toned favorable chance i fancy is the god of all men who follow their own devices instead of obeying a law ihey believe in let even a polished man of these days get into a position he is ashamed and his mind will be bent on all the possible that may deliver him from the results of that position let him live outside his income or the resolute honest work thai brings wages and he will presently find himself a possible who may be into using his interest a possible state of mind in some possible person not yet let him neglect the of his office and he will inevitably anchor himself on the chance that the thing undone nay out of the supposed importance im betray his friend s confidence and he will that same called chance which � him the hope that his friend never know let him a decent craft that he may pursue the of a profession to which nature never called him and his religion will be the worship of blessed chance which he wilt bein as the mighty creator of as the evil principle that religion is the by which the seed bring forth a crop after its kind chapter x was naturally regarded in and as a of mind seeing that draw much wider evidence than could be expected of liis neighbors were not on the commission of the peace such h man was not to tlie of the and an inquiry was set on foot concerning a unknown with curly lack hair and n foreign complexion carrying a hon of and wearing large rings lu his ears but either inquiry v too slow to overtake him because the applied to many inquiry did i know to choose among weeks passed away and there was no other result concerning the robbery than a gradual of the excitement it had caused in s absence was hardly a of remark he once before had | 14 |
what on earth is the use of giving a man coals who has nothing to cook or giving him blankets when he hasn t a bed or giving him soup when he requires substantial food � like sending them when wanting a shirt why not give em a trifle of money as i do when i think they deserve it and let them purchase what they think best t why � because your wouldn t see their names flourishing in print on the church door � that s the reason really mr i hope you don t mean to that i wish to see my name in print on the interrupted miss � i hope said mr putting in another word and getting another glance certainly not replied i dare say you wouldn t mind seeing it in writing though in the church register � eh i register i what register inquired the lady gravely why the register of marriages to be sure replied at the sally and glancing at mr thought he should have fainted for shame and it is quite impossible to imagine what effect the joke would have had upon the lady if dinner had not been at that moment announced mr with an effort of gallantry offered the tip of his little finger miss accepted it with maiden modesty and they proceeded in due state to the dinner table where they were d� a � sketches by the room was very e dinner very good and uie little party in spirits the conversation pretty general and when mr had extracted one or two cold observations from his neighbour and had taken wine with her he to acquire confidence rapidly the was removed mrs drank four glasses of port on ihe ea of being a nurse just then and miss took about the same number of on the plea not wanting any at all at the ladies retired to the great gratification of mr el who had been and frowning at his wife for half an hour previously � mrs never to observe until she had been pressed to take her ordinary which to avoid giving trouble she generally did at once what do you of tier s inquired mr mr in an under tone i on her with enthusiasm already replied mr pray let us drink be ladies � aid the reverend mr the ladies r id mr his glass in ike fulness of his confidence felt as if he could make love to a ladies off hand ah i said mr i remember when i was a young man � fill your glass i have this emptied it � � then again i will said ihe action to the word i remember resumed mr when i was a man with what a strange compound of feelings i used to drink toast and how i used to eveiy was an was that were married mildly d mr l so and a precious i must have been ever to have thought so at sl but you know i under the and most circumstances possible what were they if one may inquired asked who had heard tiie on an average twice a week for the last six months mr listened attentively in tbe hope of picking up some suggestion that might be to him in liis new undertaking i spent my wedding eight in a back kitchen by way of a beginning in a kitchen chimney ejaculated how dreadful yes it wasn t very pleasant replied the host the et is s � and mother liked me well enough as an individual bat liad a to my a husband � ou see hadn any money in lose days and they had and bo they wanted to pick up else however we managed to discover the state of s affections somehow i used to meet at some mutual friends parties at we danced together and talked and and all that sort of i used to like nothing so well as sitting by her we didn t talk so much then but i remember i used to have a great notion oi looking at out of extreme of my eye � i got very and and began to write verses and use oil at last t bear it any longer and after had walked up aud down the sunny side of oxford street in tight boots for a w� k � and a hot it was too � in ae hope � f meeting her i down and wrote a letter and tm to manage to me i wanted to hear lier man her own mouth i said i liad to my perfect that i t without that if she didn t have me i had n ii my mind to take a or mis ng or bo as to ff in some way or other wed a pound and d to give her the note � t tn tiie reply in who had tlie is to get a general one very miserable � possibility of an � early that from the duty � he � implored me to ad find ont somebody and au that sort said he could en no of me ma and t ed me be in a part gardens ai eleven not to i t go of said lie � i did there the ne in order at we � � f miserable and ty engaged we � thai is to say change about four letters we used to say in em i and i used to an the or the place went em in this way and we got of day at as our d to such a and as been raised too on n secret arranged to at the previous night we early in the were to to her pathetic she to d gentleman s and ts with her tears and i le old lady and her and use my handkerchief as much | 8 |
i you didn t sit on the eggs yourself but sure i ll say you did to morrow an then they ll bring three above but i m a happy life you an your bad luck be d by dark doings at rise but a tu the be sure your df an s a common can either of us go to oi market the neighbors doesn t be ax n mi a grin how is s goose it would be acting rather the of a historian were we to dwell too on the bitter which followed the of every goose until the of the clutch was of the truth is that in spite of all ills and and conscious wisdom to was able to lay a finger upon a single penny of the proceed nor he with all his of scent � smell out the purpose to which applied it no we are wrong in this he did find it out and as we have said strongly suspect it too but he was hitherto able in no instance to detect bo as perfectly to satisfy himself and bring the proof home against her a circumstance however now occurred which brought the whole dark of this proceeding to light one day searching ill some corner for a which lie wanted d by a goose ob npon a round vessel with a handle on one a pipe on the other and a dose fitting lid on the top ov would have enjoyed ihe grin of malignant which played upon his features as with one hand stretched under the bed he lay curiously feeling and examining the vessel in question very fortunately for him was cutting some in the garden for their dinner and consequently totally ignorant of the the opportunity was too good to be lost and who although he knew not the use to which the vessel was applied having never seen one before yet suspecting that it was part and parcel of the wicked system which prevailed resolved now that the coast was clear to carry it to those who could determine its use and application he immediately it out took a glance and hiding it under big coat stole off by to consult the two here however was no chance of the mystery the never having any more than himself seen to their knowledge any vessel of the kind before long and serious their d by dark doings at the steps necessary to be upon this important occasion one one thing another at length it occurred to them that their best plan would be to consult an old woman who was considered an authority accordingly once more putting this under his coat set off to s house with something like a prophetic assurance of success in this again he was doomed to be disappointed in truth was the very last person from whom had lie known as much as his wife he would or ought to hare expected information she it was her who had chiefly the good wives of the village both by and example and on her head of did the original sin of the whole neighborhood lie found her at home and took it for granted that the difficulty must now be solved further trouble god save you god save you kindly how is and the all as tight as what s the news any or marriages abroad v d by s goose or ay is there as many as ever an will be god to the end o the man why i believe you re right the sun shines an the wind blows the world will still be but jou an me is it that there s a o bad work goin on among ourselves you men never good don t lift me i fall i mane among the women i m there s hardly one of them what she ought to be why the grace o god that s for where s the man or woman that is as they ought to be glory bo to to tell the i m my own wife s not than the rest faith if she s as good man you have no right to complain isn t she good for anyhow is it a lady yon want cock yon up indeed there s eleven they re gone now and not a ever i touched of the price of any one o them only two i got to help to buy leather for a pair of well d by dark doings at but i bay it s not well now where did it go to � answer me that i tell you she s as bad as the an of the three worse i can t keep them and the lies they tell as is belief an not only that but when tliey get together we re their sport and an you know that very well no nor you don t don t i i you i them at what eh anyway i as good as them an here s a piece o their he added producing the mystery from under his coat now i ll give you share of half a pint if yoa tell me the right name of this why replied did jou never see one o these before an is it possible you don t know the name of it no but i suspect an so you came here to know the name of it an what it s for a thing else brought me an you e me to turn against d by s goose or the woman to satisfy your get oat you mane spirited how dare you come to me on a it s a salt jou to have tied to your tail an be out before a drag hunt you out o this and grieved he returned home almost despairing of ever the purpose for the mysterious and vessel was | 50 |
that he was home a of enemies and false witnesses to his character and his conduct but he bad no alternative to as much as possible their he sent by the same car die loyal and upright to � � with de to attend to his affairs at court and furnished with the written processes which had been taken relative to the conduct of and his he wrote at the same time to the sovereigns them to inquire into the truth of the late transactions and to act as they thought best he stated his opinion that the which he had signed with the were and void for reasons that they had been from him by violence and at sea where he did not exercise the o e of that there had been two processes relative to the and the having been condemned as it was not in the power of the admiral to them from their that the treated of matters touching the royal over which he had no control without the of the proper officers and that his companions on leaving spain had taken an oath to be to the sovereigns and to the admiral in their name for these and similar reasons some just others rather he urged their not to consider themselves bound to the terms which he had to these men but to inquire into their and treat them accordingly k d l c he repeated the request made in a former letter that a learned man might be sent out as judge to the laws in the island since he himself had been charged with although conscious of having always observed a guarded he requested also that discreet persons should be sent out to form a council and others for however that care should be taken in all these that their powers should be so limited and defined as not to interfere with his � ii dignity and privileges he strongly on this point for he felt that his had on former occasions been invaded he observed that he might be but it appeared to him that princes ought to show much countenance to their for without the royal favour to give them strength and consequence every thing went to ruin under their command a sound forced firom the admiral by his recent experience in which much of his own and the triumph of the had been caused by the distrust of the crown and its to his complaints finding age and infirmity creeping upon him and his health being much by his last voyage began p think of his son as an active to share with him in the toils and cares of his station and who being destined as his successor might gain under his eye for the future discharge of his high duties was still serving as a page at court but was grown to man s estate and capable of entering into the important concerns of life prayed therefore that he might be sent out to him as he felt himself much broken and d l c � v xi life and voyages of � � � i chapter vi a rival of with a at the western part of the island � sent to meet him among the which induced to post his departure for spain has been mon the arrival of four ships at the western part of the these had on the th of september in a r a little below apparently with the design of cutting woods which abound in that neighbourhood and of carrying off the natives for slaves further reports informed him that these ships were commanded by de the same hot headed and bold hearted who had distinguished himself on various occasions in the previous voyages of discovery and particularly in the capture of the knowing the daring and ad r spirit of this man felt much disturbed at his visiting the island in this manner on what appeared to be little better than a expedition to call him to account and to oppose his however required an agent of spirit and address no one seemed better fitted for the purpose than he was as daring as and of a more character an expedition of the kind would occupy the attention of himself and his and divert them from schemes of � � t � � � � chief the large recently made to would be trusted secure present fidelity it more profitable them to be loyal than rebellious gladly he had nothing further to gain by and he was anxious to secure his ill gotten possessions and by public services should for his past he was a vain as well im a bustling man and took a pride in himself well in an which called for both courage and departing firom st with two he arrived th of september within two of the the ships were here he i five and twenty resolute followers well armed and to range the forests he sent five to they brought him word that was on shore several distant firom his ships with only fifteen men who were employed in making bread in an indian village threw himself between and his ships thinking to take him by surprise however was of his approach by the indians with whom the very name of inspired terror from his late in danger he supposed had been sent in pursuit of him and he found himself cut off from any retreat to his ships with his usual he immediately presented himself before attended merely by half a dozen followers the latter began by conversing on general topics he then into his motives for landing on the island particularly on that remote and lonely part without first himself to the admiral replied that he had been on a voyage of discovery and had put in there in distress to repair his ships and procure provisions then demand � � life and | 48 |
my old song the fair having nearly recovered from the effects of her disaster it begins to be thought high time to a day for the wedding as every domestic event in a venerable and aristocratic family like this is a matter of moment the fixing upon this important day has of course given rise to much conference and debate some slight difficulties and have lately sprung up in the peculiar that are at the hall thus i have overheard a very solemn consultation lovers troubles between lady the parson and master as to whether the marriage ought not to be postponed until the coming month with all the charms of the month of may there is i find an ancient prejudice against it as a marrying month an old proverb says to wed in may is to wed poverty now as lady is very much given to believe in lucky and unlucky times and seasons and indeed is very superstitious on all points relating to the tender passion this old proverb seems to have taken great hold upon her mind she two or three instances in her own knowledge of matches that took place in this month and proved very unfortunate indeed an own cousin of hers who married on a may day lost her husband by a fall from his horse after they had lived happily together for twenty years the parson appeared to give great weight to her s objections and acknowledged the existence of a prejudice of the kind not merely confined to modern times but pre s troubles talent likewise among the in con js of this he quoted a passage from which had a great effect on lady being given in a language which she did not understand even master was staggered by it for he listened with a puzzled air and then shaking his head observed that was certainly a very wise man from this sage conference i likewise gathered other important pieces of information relative to such as that if two were in the same church on the same day the first would be happy the second unfortunate if on going to church the party should meet the funeral of a female it was an omen that the bride would die first if of a male the bridegroom if the newly married couple were to dance together on their wedding day the wife would rule the roast with many other curious and facts of the same nature all which made me more than ever upon the lovers troubled perils which this happy stated and the ignorance of mortals as to the risks they run in upon it i ah tain however from upon this topic no inclination to promote the increase of notwithstanding the due weight which the squire gives to and ancient opinions yet i am happy to find that he makes a firm stand for the credit of this loving months and brings to his aid a whole of poetical authorities all which i presume have been with the young couple as i understand they are perfectly willing to marry in may and abide the consequences in a few days therefore the wedding is to take place and the hall is in a of anticipation the housekeeper is bustling about from morning till night with a look full of business and im having a thousand arrangements to make the squire intending to keep open house on the occasion and as to the house maids lovers troubles you cannot look one of them in the face but the rogue begins to colour up and while however this leading love affair is going on with a tranquillity quite inconsistent with the rules of romance i cannot say that the under plots are equally the opening bud of love between the general and lady seems to have experienced some in the course of this genial season i do not think the general has ever been able to the ground he lost when he fell asleep during the captain s story indeed master thinks his case is completely desperate her having determined that he is quite destitute of sentiment the season has been equally to the love i fear the reader will be impatient at having this humble so often alluded to but i confess i am apt to take a great interest in the love troubles of simple girls of this class few people have an idea of the world of care and troubles that these poor have in managing the affairs of the heart we talk and write about the tender passion we give it all the of sentiment and romance and lay the scene of its influence in high life but after all i doubt whether its sway is not more absolute among females of a sphere how often could we but look into the heart should we find the sentiment throbbing in all its violence in the bosom of the poor lady s maid rather than in that of the brilliant beauty she is out for conquest whose brain is probably bewildered with ball rooms and wax light with these humble beings love is an honest concern they have no ideas of and pin money the heart � the heart is all in all with them poor things there is seldom one of them but has her love cares and love secrets her doubts and hopes and fears equal to those of any heroine of romance and ten times as lovers troubles sincere and then too there is her secret love documents � the broken sixpence the gilded the lock of hair the unintelligible love all up in her box of sunday finery for private how many crosses and trials is she exposed from some eyed dame or staid old of a mistress who keeps a watch over her virtue and the lover from the door but then how sweet are the little love scenes snatched at distant intervals of | 48 |
loved the law and admired the force and longed to stop and play with them he his car a block from s saloon worrying well rats if anybody did see me they d think i was here on business he entered a place curiously like the of days with a long greasy bar with in front and mirror behind a pine table at which a dirty old man dreamed over a glass of something which resembled and with two men at the bar drinking something which resembled beer and giving that impression of forming a large crowd which two men always give in a saloon the a tall pale with a diamond in his stared at as he stalked up to the bar and whispered i d � friend of s sent me here like to get some gin the gazed down on him in the manner of an outraged bishop i guess you got the wrong place my friend we sell nothing but soft drinks here he cleaned the bar with a rag which would itself have done with a little cleaning and glared across his mechanically moving elbow the old at the table the say listen did not listen i aw say listen will say lis sen the decayed and drowsy voice of the the agreeable of beer threw a spell of over the moved grimly toward the crowd of two men followed him as delicately as a cat and say i want to speak to mr see him for i just want to talk to him here s my card it was a beautiful card an engraved card a card in the black and the red announcing that mr george f was estates rents the held it as though it weighed ten pounds and read it as though it were a hundred words long he did not bend from his dignity but he growled i ll see if he s around from the back room he brought an immensely old young man a quiet sharp eyed man in tan silk shirt checked hanging open and brown trousers � mr mr said only but his and contemptuous eyes s soul and he seemed not at all impressed by the new dark gray suit for which as he had admitted to every acquaintance at the club had paid a hundred and twenty five dollars glad meet you mr say � i m george of the company i m a great friend of s well what of it say i m going to have a party and told me you d be able to fix me up with a little gin in alarm in as s eyes grew more bored you to about me if you want to answered by his head to indicate the entrance to the back room and strolled away crept into an apartment containing four round io tables eleven chairs a and a smell he waited thrice he saw through humming hands in pockets him by this time had modified his morning vow i won t pay one cent over seven dollars a to i might pay ten on s next weary entrance he could you fix that up and just a minute � s sake � just a in growing went on waiting till casually reappeared with a of gin � what is known as a � in his long white hands twelve he snapped say but say cap n thought you d be able to me up for eight or nine a bottle twelve this is the real stuff from canada this is none o your spirits with a drop of extract the honest merchant said twelve bones � if you want it course y understand i m just doing this anyway as a friend of s sure sure i understand gratefully held out twelve dollars he felt honored by contact with greatness as yawned stuffed the bills into his radiant and away he had a number of out of concealing the under his coat and out of hiding it in his desk all afternoon he and chuckled and over his ability to give the boys a real shot in the arm to night he was in fact so that he was within a block of his house before he remembered that there was a certain matter mentioned by his wife of ice cream from s he explained well it � and drove back was not a he was the of most coming out parties were held in the white and gold of the at all nice the guests recognized the five kinds of and the seven kinds of cakes and all really smart dinners ended as on a in ice cream in one of the three � the the round like a cake and the long brick s shop had pale blue of plaster roses attendants m and glass shelves of kisses with all the refinement that in of eggs heavy and thick amid this professional and as he waited for the ice cream he decided with hot at the back of his neck that a girl customer was at him he went home in a temper the first thing he heard was his wife s agitated george did you remember to go to s and get the ice cream say look here do i ever forget to do things yes often well now it s dam seldom i do and it certainly makes me tired after going into a pink tea joint like s and having to stand around looking at a lot of half naked young girls all up like they were sixty and eating a lot of stuff that simply ruins their � oh it s too bad about you i ve noticed how you hate to look at pretty girls with a jar realized that his wife as too busy to be impressed by that moral indignation with which rule the world and he went humbly up stairs to | 42 |
in the cottage would wish to shoot birds and besides caesar had told him that this was the closed season and people didn t hunt at this time of the year but of course this is nothing to me added the dog the farm hand went over to a little mud where there was a thick growth of there he stepped from the boat and lay down behind a pile of leaves while was left free to walk and swim around with the over his wings and to the boat with a long string suddenly caught sight of some of his old friends with whom he had formerly back and forth over the lake they were a long way off but he called to them as loudly as he could they heard and came toward him as they drew nearer he began to tell them of his rescue and of the kindness of human beings then to his great surprise two shots sounded behind him three birds sank down in the lifeless and caesar bounded out and captured them understood it all now the human beings had been kind to him only that they might use him as a duck three ducks had died on his account and he was overwhelmed with shame he thought that even caesar looked at him with contempt and when they came home to the cottage he didn t care to lie down and sleep beside the dog the next morning he was again taken to the lake several ducks saw him but when they flew toward him he called to them away away don t come near there s a hunter hiding in the i m only a bird and to his great joy they did not come within shooting distance that day the farm hand had to go home without firing off a single shot caesar looked less displeased than on the previous day and when evening came he took in his mouth carried him to the chimney comer and let him sleep between his for several days was made to perform his sixth reader service and he became known all over he was unhappy his heart suffered at the thought that human beings had never loved him one morning as he was in shallow water at the end of his he suddenly saw something swimming towards him thinking it was a duck or some other water bird he shouted have a care don t come this way fm only a duck then he saw that it was no bird but only an old nest from the year before there was nothing strange about this for nests are built in such a way that they float upon the water and sometimes it happens that the wind drives them out into the lake still gazed at the nest for it came straight towards him and looked as though some one was it over the water then as it drew nearer saw that a little brown somebody was sitting in the nest and guiding it it might be a human being but if so it was the man he had ever seen the little fellow called to him gently and said don t be afraid be ready to fly you shall soon be free the nest drifted into the shallow water stood immovable afraid lest his should be discovered the next moment a flock of wild came along and shouted to them to keep away in spite of his warning however they came so close that the farm hand was tempted to fire a couple of shots at them hardly were these shots fired before the little fellow in the nest leaped forward and slipped s from his neck now fly he cried fly before the man has time to load again the hunter had had his gaze fixed upon the and he did not see s but caesar saw fly he said you are certainly too good to be a duck but it will be very lonely in the cottage without you obeyed instantly he spread his wings and before the farm hand saw what had happened was high in the air and out of danger expression read carefully the description of lake notice that the general appearance large is first spoken of and then the details as water and shores that is the usual order in good descriptions try to find other good descriptions and read them in class talk with your teacher about the author of this story read the note regarding her at the end of this book word study notice whether long or short words in this selection try to find a reason for this make a list of the proper names and learn to each one correctly study comrade a little history i how daniel went to when george washington was only three years old a little lad was bom in who was destined to become the most famous of american the name of this child was daniel his parents were poor and he grew up without much knowledge of schools or books when the lad was about thirteen years of age his father and mother took him to a new home in north � a lonely but lovely spot on the bank of the river there he grew up with but few companions save the birds and the beasts the flowing river and the trees of the great forest he grew to be tall and strong and handsome very gentle and very brave he was a true child of the woods he knew the habits and haunts of every timid creature he could call the deer from its hiding place his whistle was answered by the and the and he could even imitate the cry of the and them from their hiding places in the great woods his eyes were always open and his ears alert to learn the secrets which nature only to those who love her | 23 |
she wished him to go on playing a little later her father and mother had come through the trees she had held up her hand bidding them be silent could see by the way they listened that they were so he was invited to the villa which stood in the centre of the park and till the end of his holiday he went there every day the girl � was her beautiful name � was an exquisite they had played in the room hung with faded or by the sunshine they had walked in the park when asked him what they said he answered simply we said that we loved each other but when he returned to three months later all was changed when he spoke of their marriage she laughed the question away and he perceived that his visits were not desired on returning to england all his letters were returned to by him soon after she married a clergyman and last year she had had a he sat absorbed in the memory of this passion and and the garden were perceived in glimpses between scenes of youthful and romantic he remembered how he had threatened to throw himself from her window for no other reason except the desire of romantic action and while he sat absorbed in the past watched him nervous and irritated striving to read in his face how much of the burden had fallen from him and how free his heart might be to accept another love story as he sat in the garden imder the calm tree he dreamed of a reconciliation with he even on the effect that the score of his opera would have upon her if he were to send it � all that music composed in her honour but which opera not and the fairy maiden for a great deal of it was crude thin absurd no he could not send it but he might send yes he would send when he had finished it to arrive suddenly from england to cast himself at her feet � that might move her then with a sigh these are things we dream of he thought but never do only in dreams do men set forth in quest of the ideal he looked up s eyes were fixed on him and he felt like returning home after his voyage to the wondrous they saw the footman coming across the green he had come to tell her that mr was waiting for her she was taking him to st joseph s but there was not room in the victoria for three and would have to go back to london by train but you will come and see me soon you promised to go through the music with me will you come to morrow her clear delightful eyes were fixed upon him he felt for the first time the thrill of her personality their light caused him to hesitate and then to accept her invitation eagerly he heard her remind her father that he had promised to come to night to hear her sing elizabeth he would be there too he would see her to night as well by and he stood watching the beautiful horses bearing father and daughter swiftly away the shady street under a bright sky and the bloom of the trees was shedding its ie dust he thought of and and a delicious little breeze sent a shower of bloom about his feet as if to remind him of the pathos of the passing illusion of which we are a part he stood watching the carriage and the happiness and the sorrow of things choked him when he turned away she was happy with her father and she felt that he loved her better than any lover the unique experience of taking him to st joseph s in her carriage and the event of singing to him that night at garden absorbed her and she in her happiness like a beautiful rose never had she been so happy she was happier than she the thought passed like a little shadow and a moment after all was brightness again her father was the real love of her life the rest was mere excitement and she wondered why she sought it it only made her unhappy was right � but she did not wish to think of him on the steps of st joseph s she bade her father and remained looking back till she could see him no more then she settled herself comfortably imder her intent on the enjoyment of their reconciliation the two days she had spent with him looked back upon her like a dream from which she had only just awakened as in a dream there were outlines and places where the line seemed to have so faded that she could no longer trace it the most distinct picture was when she stood her hand affectionately laid on his shoulder singing s music she had forgotten the music and himself but her father how near she was to him in all her sympathies and instincts i another moment equally distinct was when she had looked up and seen him in the choir conducting with calm skill he was coming to night to hear her sing elizabeth that was the great event for without his approval all the newspapers in the world were as nothing at least to her she a little to herself to see if she were in voice to convince him that she sang as well as mother was out of the question but she might be able to convince him by that she could do something that mother could not have done it was strange that she always thought of mother in connection with her voice the other singers did not seem to matter they might sing better or worse but the sense of was not so intimate the carriage crossed westminster bridge and as | 15 |
choice sixteen little has two thomas has eleven robert has seventeen and is elected what exclaimed aghast at the result of the palace and cottage robert seventeen shouted that s what s the matter i protest against this election said fiercely no you don t roared brown the didn t you say just now that the fellows must stand by the vote but is not even a knight of the golden replied he isn t one of our fellows no matter for that growled brown three cheers for captain brown and three or four others gave the cheers i will not submit to this election it is an insult to me if the fellows don t like me let them say so continued who was actually beginning to realize in his vanity that the way of the is hard they have said so replied the can t you understand the vote the fellows like you well enough interposed little but they prefer to have for captain they mean to elect you first officer i decline to serve as first officer and i decline to have him serve as first officer said stepping forward and shaking his head like a defeated bully the fellows promised to choose captain and me first lieutenant i haven t anything more to say fellows you can run the vessel to suit yourselves added walking away utterly disgusted with the proceedings captain has been fairly elected persisted little lifting his body upon the companion way in an attitude which threatened a speech stick young america in france and to the vote fellows the majority must rule if won t be first officer let him go into the and do his duty before the mast i will not do duty any way if i am to be insulted in this manner said walking up to the speaker just now you talked the other side of your mouth you believed in good order and doing things up believe in it now so do added who had for and if a fellow won t do his duty i go for making him do it bully for you shouted brown where is asked little in the cabin shall go below and inform him of his election if you agree say so continued little briskly ay ay replied those who had for went down into the cabin was lying in his berth reading a good book and of the honor which had been conferred upon him bob called what is wanted inquired the reader i have the honor to inform you that you have been elected captain of the and that the ship s company wish to see you on deck what do you mean by that demanded the astonished explained and exhibited the paper on which the vote was recorded do you regard me as belonging to your party asked quietly palace and cottage or we have not so regarded you but we hope you will join us now come on deck and speak for yourself the unfortunate of the greatness thrust upon him consented to go on deck where he was formally introduced to the ship s company as tain i will accept on one condition said the captain elect what is it demanded half a dozen of the that the come about and return to where i will do my best to induce mr to forgive you for what you have done no no shouted a score at once i believe mr would think of my request if i inform him of the circumstances added no no shouted the we are in for a good time and we are going to have it will you join the knights of the golden or not demanded one of the party i do not know what you mean answered i will explain it volunteered little taking the commander elect aside for the purpose � as briefly as possible the little scoundrel related the history of the order and its object the organization was the of the chain league which had invented and he felt that his past sins were rising up in judgment against him as he listened to the story but his former only made him the more to be now young america in france and i will not join it replied the student don t be in a hurry to decide now think of it pleaded little all the fellows wanted you and that is the reason i got you to come you deceived me little you told me the party was going up the in the that was a of course laughed little all i wanted was to make you come where is the bag of gold i have it all safe all i wanted was to know what had become of it and explained his own position so that even the little rogue could not him � i will have nothing to do with this scrape the fellows will ship you in one of the boats if you don t let them do so i will not join o come be a good fellow you are ruined already on board of the ship and you might as well have a good time no told the plainly that he would take no part with them that s enough snapped little we may as well vote again this time i shall go in for i decline said the captain fro sullenly for he was still under the insult bring in your fellows called little regardless of the words of this time the vote was unanimous and palace and cottage or after some yielded and was restored to his position and his temper at the same time after two was elected first officer after a great deal of and many fruitless the remaining were filled by of one or two and little and were elected second third and fourth officers there was a great deal of grumbling at the choice | 36 |
judged or to be known bj such that no private correspondence could bear the eye of others before she could recover calmness enough to return the letter which she had been meditating over and say � thank you this is full proof undoubtedly proof of everything you were saying why be acquainted with us now i can explain this too cried mrs smith smiling i have shown you mr as he was a dozen years ago and i will show him as he is now i cannot produce written proof again but i can give as testimony as you can desire of what he is now wanting and what he is now doing he is no now he truly wants to marry you his present attentions to your family are very sincere quite from the heart i will give you my authority his mend colonel colonel are you acquainted with him no it does not come to me in quite so direct a line as that it takes a bend or two but nothing of consequence the stream is as good as at first the little rubbish it in the is easily moved away mr talks to colonel of his views on you which said colonel i imagine to be in himself a sensible careful sort of character but colonel has a very pretty silly wife to whom he tells things which he had better not and he it all to her she in the overflowing spirits of her recovery it all to her nurse and the nurse very naturally brings it all to me on monday evening my good friend mrs let me thus much into the secrets of buildings when i talked of a whole history therefore you see i was not so much as you supposed my dear mrs smith your authority is deficient this will not do mr s having any views on me will not in r and p� r im w persuasion the least account for the efforts he made towards a with my father that was all prior to my coming to bath i found them on the most friendly terms when i arrived i know you did i know it all perfectly but � indeed mrs smith we must not expect to get real information in such a line facts or opinions which are to pass through the hands of so many to be by folly in one and ignorance in another can hardly have much truth left only give me a hearing you will soon be able to judge of the general credit due by listening to some particulars which you can yourself immediately contradict or confirm nobody that you were his first he had seen you indeed before he came to bath and admired you but without knowing it to be you so says my historian at least is this true did he see you last summer or autumn somewhere down in the west to use her own words without knowing it to be you he certainly did i happened to be at well continued mrs smith triumphantly grant my friend the credit due to the establishment of the first point asserted he saw you then at and liked you so well as to be exceedingly pleased to meet with you again in place as miss anne and from that moment i have no doubt had a double motive in his visits there but there was another and an earlier which i will now explain if there is anything in my story which you know to be either false or improbable stop me my account states that your sister s mend the lady now staying with you whom i have heard you mention came to bath with miss and sir walter as long ago as september in short when they first came themselves and has been staying there ever since that she is a clever handsome woman poor and plausible and altogether such as to give a general idea among sir walter s acquaintance of her meaning to he lady and as general a surprise that miss should be apparently blind to the danger here mrs smith paused a moment but had not a word to and she continued � it appeared in this light to those who knew the family long before you returned to it and colonel had his eye upon your father often enough to be sensible of it though he did not then visit in place but his regard for mr gave him an interest in watching all that was going on there and when mr came to for a day or two as he happened to do a little before christmas colonel made him acquainted with the appearance of things and the reports beginning to prevail now you are to understand that time had worked a very material change in mr s opinions as to the value of a upon all points of blood and he is a completely altered man having long had as much money as he could spend nothing to wish for on the side of or indulgence he has been gradually learning to pin his happiness upon the consequence he is heir to i thought it coming on before our acquaintance ceased but it is now a confirmed feeling he cannot bear the idea of not being sir william you may guess therefore that the news he heard om his could not be very agreeable and you may guess what it produced the resolution of coming back to as soon as possible and of fixing himself here for a time with the view of his former acquaintance and recovering such a footing in the family as might give him the means of the degree of his danger and of the lady it he found it material this was agreed upon between the two as the only thing to be done and colonel was to assist in every way that he could | 26 |
do � they wouldn t hear of it i went on my knees to them ay to every one of them the herself but twas all no use it s to b� no match the or and why father did you go on your knees to any of them v said i m sorry you did aa i did it on your account an i d do it on your account poor boy � well well it can t be helped but tell me a inquired honor was any of the fault your own what did you offer to do for let me alone said he i won t be about it my heart s broke among you all what did offer to do for r the match is knocked up i tell you and it must be knocked up s young and be time enough for him to marry this seven years to come as he said this the fire of blazed in his eyes and he looked angrily at honor then at the son but while contemplating the latter his countenance changed from anger to sorrow and from sorrow to a mild and se expression of affection said he sure you ll not blame ma in this business sure you won t blame your poor heart broken father let say what they will sure you won t don t fret on my account father said the son why should i blame you god knows you re to do what you would wish for me no honor i knew a� wouldn t he shouted rising up he wouldn t make a o me save me save me he shrieked throwing his arms about his neck save me my heart s s me different ways inside i can cry you see i can cry but i m still as hard as a stone it s terrible this i m � terrible all out for a weak old man like me oh what ill i do honor a what become o me t i it whatever it is don t pity me don t ye don t ye honor oh don t pity me the of li pity you said the wife bursting into tears what will become of you pray to god pray to him no one alive can change your heart but god i to the priest to day to get two masses said to turn your heart from that cursed money i didn t to tell you but i do it s your duty to pray now above all times an to hack the priest as well as you can it s the best advice father you could get said the son as he helped the trembling old man to his seat an who bid you thin to go to lavish money that way said he turning to honor and again into the spirit of o heaven but you ll kill me woman afore you have done me how can i stand it to have my hard earned � an for what to turn my heart from money i don t want to be turned from it i don t wish it money i have no money an if there s not for me i u be starved yet an is it any to be me the way you re his wife clasped her hands and looked up toward heaven in silence and shaking his head passed out to seek with whom he had not spoken that day briefly and with a heavy heart he communicated to him the unsuccessful issue of his father s interference and asked his opinion as to how he should conduct himself under circumstances so disastrous to his happiness and prospects advised him to seek another interview with and for that purpose as before to ascertain in the course of that evening at what time and place i he would see him this suggestion in itself so natural adopted and as felt with peculiar the pain of the situation in which he was placed he manifested little tendency to conversation and die evening consequently passed heavily and in silence ths or dusk however arrived and prepared himself to execute the somewhat difficult commission he had so undertaken he appeared however to have caught a portion of s despondency for when about to set out he said that he felt his spirits sunk and melancholy just he added as if some misfortune was afore or both of us for my part stake my life that things will go one way or other an that you ll never call o wife replied the other i only want you to do my message an not to be ill bad news comes too soon without your us of it god knows dear i m distressed enough as it is and want my spirits to be kept up rather than put down no but you want to your mind off of this business altogether for a while an upon my it ud be a charity for some friend to give you a fresh piece of fun to think of so keep up your heart how do you know but i may do that much for you myself but i want you to lend me the loan of a pair of shoes a of these will be together soon i get them mended in time you can t that any how me them on your own business nonsense man to be sure i will stop an bring them out to you in half a shake he accordingly produced a pair of shoes nearly new and told that if he had no objection to accept of them as a present he might consider them as his own this conversation took place in s bam always slept and kept his small deal trunk � astray the � ts t p he i a moment when this good natured offer was made | 50 |
a man s but better than i did when i shed those few drops from my arm not worth the thou shed for them thou tis not so very long dear letter co without a his faith and a from most and ti j this strain and or doubt as to that she was free but they were not them might turn the scale and frighten him away from her with fear of being and of this letter she made soft the bearer so she was not an angel after all mingled with the passengers of two boats and ot hear nothing of nor did this surprise him he was more surprised when at the third attempt a black said to him somewhat severely and what would you with him you call why father if he is alive i have got a letter for him i said i am sorry for it however the flesh is weak well my son he you seek will be here by the next boat or the next boat after and if he chooses to answer to that after all i am not the keeper of his conscience good father one plain word for heaven s sake this of � is he i why he that went by that name is alive well then that is settled said but the next moment he found it necessary to run out of sight and oh why did the lord make any women said he to himself i was content with the world till i fell in love here his little finger is more to her than my whole body and he is not dead and here i have got to g ve him this he looked at the letter and dash it on the ground but he picked it up again with a snatch and went to the landlord with tears in his eyes and begged for work the landlord declined said he had his own people oh i seek not your money said i only want some work to keep me breaking my heart about another man s good lad i good lad exploded the landlord and found him lots of barrels to mend � on these terms and he with fury in the interval of the boats coming down the � chapter i an earnest letter seldom leaves tl mind in margaret in hers her energy and her faith in her dying father s vision or illusion and when this was done and gone she wondered at her and her conscience pricked her about and came and her and she paid the price of hopes and elevation of spirits by into deeper despondency she was found in this state by a friend she had lately made this good woman came in radiant with an idea margaret i know the cure for thine ill the of a wondrous holy man why he can tell what is coming when he is in the mood ay i have heard of him said margaret hop with some difficulty persuaded her to walk out as far as and consult the they took some butter and eggs in a basket and went to his what had made the pair such fast friends weeks ago fell ill of a disease it raging pain and when this weak awkward symptom either liquid or solid would h a minute the doctor said went o succeed stay in he must die if this goes on many hours there s the and the fore now a chicken with a golden angel i were none the better for being far fetched yoa in the water and let him sap that i alas i gilt and him when the g and shared the fate of the came up than thej went down so its or then the cure says i tou may go down on your four bones to the thumb of st in beef same re but indeed he is at bottom suit then ran weeping to to you are all his thought and all his chat but he row some linen to make his let me see sees s folk coming around ye and good him said she came in and felt his friends and he said only last night � pulse said she i doubt they have gone to the root open the window i art he made me vow not to tell ye him now change all his linen tell me woman what for why foul well he said an tell what little i know linen for a dying man f objected the it won t bring him back and it will set them by the ears i wish i had more head piece said he i am sore perplexed but least said is mended ton is his favourite word he comes back to it from a mile oft margaret shook her head ay we are in deep waters my poor babe and me it was saturday night and no poor v said margaret it was very good of him to go on such an errand � he is one out of a hundred replied warmly mother do you think he would be kind to little i am sure he would so do you be kind to him when he comes will ye now wife do as thou art bid said margaret and left the room somehow found herself as she was bid margaret returned with her apron full of a she made a and took it to the bedside and before giving it to the patient took a herself and her lips that is fair said he with a feeble attempt at humour why tis sweet and now tis bitter she engaged him in conversation as soon as he had taken it this stayed by seeing which she on it as cards are built mixed a very little in the third and a little beaten of egg in the seventh and so with | 9 |
fog a panic in a crowd which of a tan at community of interest is not so terrible as a panic � la one is by and such a panic i now was i drifting tbe red faced man had said that through the golden gate was i then win carried out to sea and the life in which i was it not liable to go to pieces at any moment such things being made of paper and hollow became and lost all � and i could not swim a stroke and i was alone apparently in the midst of a gray s i confess that a madness seized me that i as the women had shrieked and beat the with my hands how long this lasted i have no conception for a of which i remember no more than one of troubled and painful sleep when i d k � as after centuries of time and i saw almost above me and emerging from the fog the bow of a vessel sails each the other and with wind where the bow cut the water there wa � pot foaming and and i seemed directly in its tried to cry out but was too exhausted the bow lo the sea wolf plunged down just missing me and sending a d water clear over my head then the long black side o the vessel began slipping past so near that i could have touched it with my hands i tried to reach it in a mad resolve to into the wood with my nails but my arms were heavy and lifeless again i strove to call out but made no sound the stern of the vessel shot by dropping as it did so into a hollow between the waves and i caught a glimpse of a man standing at the wheel and of another man who seemed to be doing little else than smoke a r i saw the smoke issuing from his lips as he slowly turned head and glanced out over the water in my direction it was a careless glance one of those things men do when they have no immediate call to do anything in particular but act because they are alive and must do something but life and death were in that glance i could see th vessel being swallowed up in the fog i saw the back ol the man at the wheel and the head of the other man turning slowly turning as his gaze struck the water and ally lifted along it toward mc his face wore an absent expression as of deep thought and i became afraid that if his eyes did light upon mc he would nevertheless not see me his eyes did light upon me and looked into mine and ho did sec me for he sprang to the wheel thrusting the other man aside and whirled it round and round hand over hand at the same time shouting orders of some sort the vessel seemed to go off at a to its former course and almost instantly from view into the fog i felt myself slipping into and tried with all the power of my will to fight above the the sea wolf ii and that was rising around me a i heard the stroke of oars growing nearer and aad the calls of a man when he was very near i vi in vexed fashion why in hell don t i ling out this meant i thought and then rose over me u chapter ii i seemed swinging in a mighty through or sparkling points of light and st past me they were stars i knew and come that peopled my flight among the as i reached t limit of my swing and prepared to rush back on the swing a great struck and thundered for an i period in the rippling of placid a i enjoyed and pondered my tremendous flight but a change came over the face of the dream foi dream i told myself it must be my grew and shorter i was jerked from swing to counter with haste i could scarcely catch my so fiercely was i impelled through the heavens the go thundered more frequently and more furiously i grew await it with a nameless dread then it seemed as i were being dragged over sands white and hot the sun this gave place to a sense of intolerable my skin was in the torment of fire the and the sparkling points of light flash past me in an interminable stream as though the wh system were dropping into the void i caught my breath painfully and opened my eyes t men were kneeling beside me working over me mighty was the lift and forward plunge of a st on the sea the terrific was a pan on the wall that rattled and with each leap the sea wolf i ik up tbe sands were a man s hard mj naked chest i under the or it and half lifted my head my chest was raw ud red and i could see tiny blood starting h the torn and that ll do one of the men said t m� you ve weu rubbed ail the s skin t the address ed a a man of the heavy type ceased me and arose to feet the man who had spoken to him was a with the clean lines and weakly pretty face of the man who has absorbed the of bow bells with his mother s milk a � cap on his head and a dirty sack about his proclaimed him cook of the decidedly dirty ih i i in which i found myself an ow now sir he asked with the � which comes only of generations of ancestors for reply i twisted weakly into a sitting posture and � ai helped by to my feet the rattle and bang if the | 21 |
a narrow canal with trees up which my boat moved silently as far as a lock by which we mounted into a broad leading direct into it on three sides and connected with other by picturesque stone bridges and giving easy access to most parts of the interior of the city that which i have called a lock properly i or is an ingenious contrivance by which the difficulty of different in the same boat is adjusted the illustration shows the principle and the mode of applying it in but various methods are adopted the essential parts of the contrivance as shown here are a smooth stone slide from the higher to the lower level the middle of which is thickly with moist mud two stout and tall two rude wooden and stout ropes with strong iron hooks in ascending the boat is wound up to the higher level by a number of men at the and in going down she is drawn to the verge and tipped over descending with great by her own the rope at her stern scarcely the violence of the plunge with which she r british i takes a into the water below when everything not securely fastened breaks adrift and a of foaming water round the surprised passenger s feet a few cash are charged for the transfer i thought the canal entrance to grand although below the high blank walls of large private the grassy slopes are the resort of active pigs searching and not vainly for the or police with their striped blue and white and brilliant and the lofty bridges are pleasing to the eye at one of tiie latter dr main for eighteen years a c m s missionary doctor in met me and i was carried through a and dirty quarter through a door in a high wall and under a from which hundreds of clusters were hanging into a large partly and partly rose borders with an english house on one side and on the other two the fine two buildings of two of the crack of the east with their of for men and women a home for children and an refuge it was a bewildering change from the crowds dirt and sordid bustle of the lower parts of a chinese city to broad smooth shaven english trees and flowers english buildings with their taste and completeness and the refined quiet of an english home this most ancient city situated on the left bank of the shallow ch t river of which a magnificent description is given by under the name of though it has not fully recovered from the destruction wrought by the troops is still handsome and dignified and to my thinking with its lovely is the most attractive of the big chinese cities it is certainly one of the most important as the capital of the rich and province of the centre of a great silk producing district and of the manufacture of the best the sole source of the silk supplied to the imperial household the southern of the grand canal and a great centre of chinese culture and literature it possesses the ting library the finest private library in china in buildings adjoining the palace of the ting family the arrangements for the and of books are admirable and a very gentlemanly and intelligent son of the enlightened possessor is the enthusiastic and capable the treasures of this library are open freely to anyone who himself by a card from an official the collection of and books illustrated in the best style of chinese wood is in itself a noble possession every part of a plant is figured and the illustrations are almost accurate leading one to hope that the accompanying them has equal scientific merit is also important as a city the chosen home of many retired merchants and the homes frequently palaces of men of leisure and local patriotism adorn its streets but their stately proportions and are concealed from vulgar view by high walls in which heavily barred and massive gates give access to the the mansion of the ting family in which i took afternoon tea with its lofty reception rooms and courts must cover two acres of ground it is stately but not comfortable and the richly carved chairs with of clouded grey marble for backs and seats and table of the same seem only fitted for the noon of a s day besides the of silk the dwellings of the class there are those of high officials and wealthy tea and silk merchants many of them extremely magnificent the cost of one built by a wealthy banker being estimated at i wrote of dirt and sordid bustle this is chiefly by the and is not surprising in a city of three quarters of a million of inhabitants the west end streets are however broad light well and clean for china one with a general sense of well being i did not see one beggar the people are well clothed and fed and i understood that except during there is no abject poverty it is the grand centre for the trade of a hundred cities and much of the tea and silk sold in and passes through it everything in the city and neighbourhood suggests silk in all the adjacent country the tree is planted in every possible place along the on the separating the fields in acres in extent and near villages in each containing several thousand shoots in expectation of a greatly increased demand for this product there are for the weaving of silk in about people and of these under the inspection of an imperial work exclusively for the imperial household some of the silk shops rival that of at in them are rich self coloured in deep rich and the most delicate shades washing in various shades of and delicate and french which become more every time they are washed heavy and very | 20 |
cheeks the light of scorn and ire had fled from her eyes perhaps if he had left her to herself she would have done all he asked of her but the � that fatal weakness of the pulpit � compelled the to add something more � yoa will do me the justice to say that i have from all threat or menace i have put the matter on the ground of good feeling solely but of course there are material issues the immediate of your declining to give richard up would be that your mother and her husband would have to leave au possible channels of communication between this lad and you would have at once to be guarded against yon would therefore be the cause � and your own conscience will tell you whether the innocent cause � of the breaking up of your home and the ruin of your family for if mr should turn off your step father who would employ him the girl made a scornful gesture with her hand i think i could him the he receives as a game keeper mr if that were all the s last mine had failed and it was plain had done damage to the cause of the engineer but it is not all it is a very small consideration compared wit i others i know it said she but it is at all events disposed of what does dick say dick you have no right to call him dick exclaimed the with and what does it matter what dick says he is a boy � a child whereas you if not his senior in years are a woman grown i am afraid i must needs alter my opinion of you if you persist in using your influence to his hurt the law itself as i have said him � i mean his marriage without parental consent for the next four years do you intend throughout that time to his poor father and the boy himself at a period when it is essential that his mind should be given to study i intend to take no advantage of any one mr answered the girl steadily i wish to be fair and honest but also true to richard i will not him as you call it by going to but you will perhaps go to where yoa have met him already and caused a public scandal observed the severely you will be surprised to hear perhaps that mr pole has declined to keep him as his guest at because of your late interview what had that to do with him inquired the girl sharply well simply this it only shows how ignorant yon are of bow the world regards such matters the ladies of the family as i understand resented your meeting with richard at the of course you meant no harm but you see harm has been done i know it was not your fault yet a grievous has been committed rose from her seat and drawing herself up to her full height regarded her companion with a look of fixed and fiery scorn i care nothing for mr pole or his ladies nor for you nor for mr she said but i do care for richard if he wishes to give me back my � for it s true that we are engaged to one another � let him do so i will make no appeal against it but i must hear it from his own lips or read it in his own hand let mr pole and his ladies be ashamed of me if they will th� k l j s less black than we re painted one moment you arc permitting passion to get the better of yoa listen to reason it is absolutely certain that a marriage bet richard and yourself can never take place it is the mere dream of two children but since he regards yon with affection and you it in honesty and honor we acknowledge the bond if you were dead for example yon would be dear to us because richard loved you and you are dead believe me so far as any possibility of your becoming his wife is concerned i don t know what you mean sir said coldly i only know that i am at present alive the knew what he meant quite well only felt a natural embarrassment in expressing it still it had to be expressed for it was the last arrow in his quiver i mean he said supposing you to act generously and in this matter that mr will consider himself under a heavy obligation to you and whatever assistance you may for the of any calling you may have in view or for any other purpose will be given you now and always without then you have come here to bribe me sir cried the girl with concentrated passion he held his hand up in remonstrance but she it away with scorn that is what it comes to say what you will you are a clergyman but mr has sent you to me as a lawyer you may tell him that you have failed in your errand i have no more to say either to him or you gk od sir and with that she withdrew into the room from which she had come out and and locked the door behind her if s exit from the s presence had been a little � especially as respects the of the door � it had been undoubtedly effective she had put a summary end to the conference for though mr would have stooped to a good deal in hopes of recovering his lost ground he could not stoop to urge a new stream of argument through a he felt himself and in such few moves that it resembled mate whatever respect however he might have entertained for his late s int had been gained | 25 |
photographs and such as adorn the rooms of many other showing lovely woman in her most dress and and the walls of the apartment that they occupied in common was now half covered with these of the and the s tool used to laugh at the enthusiasm with which he would each new beauty declaring it superior to any of its falling into over an arm a shoulder or a bust but he regarded it as a mere on s part and something that might as well be allowed to run its course had very correct ideas on most matters and would have talked seriously to his friend had he discovered anything which he supposed had a really bad tendency but these pictures were too silly to treat as if they were things of importance i have bought the most beautiful photograph this afternoon would say as soon as he entered the door you cannot imagine how lovely it is then as he proceeded to take off the would respond coolly on the contrary i can tell you all about it it is mile chose of the varieties she is dressed low in the neck and her the is high on the side i have seen its a hundred times and they are all as near alike as two peas in a you have never seen this one would answer his face look was there ever such beauty is it not superb i did not think such arms could grow on a mortal creature what perfection of outline what grace of pose you must be stone not to admire that magnificent figure i believe you are pretending a lack of interest just to me i don t see anything to get interested in would be the response i call it the picture of a bold woman who might have been a a month before some one her in that finery there are just as good arms i would be willing to among the who do up the college linen your perfection of outline is all in your vivid imagination you don t mean seriously to think of placing that thing on the walls of our room why it would give me the nightmare toss it into the rubbish like a good fellow then would assume an air of injury and placing the photograph in a good light would sit down before it and rail upon the heart that could address such remarks to its beautiful face forgive me mile chose if that is your divine name for bringing you into the presence of this fix your clear and sparkling eyes upon your admirer who would give all he possesses for one glance of love from them lift those arms and them but for one instant about the neck of him who will ever afterward be your slave open those cherry lips and the girl with the ankles own that you have for me a little of that devotion that i bring to you you do not speak at the sound of my voice you turn your lovely away your arms worthy of a or a lie motionless at your side is it on account of this wretch that you treat me with such cruel disdain say but a word and i will cast him hence that we may live devoted to each other forever as often as this was repeated varying only in form with each new picture that took the attention of the young man could never help laughing at the of it tell her while you are about it he would say that you were quite as enthusiastic over the charms of mile and mile whose still adorn your walls that you pledged to each of them representing not less than three or four hundred individuals the same everlasting love and that you now offer to her tell her that to morrow at precisely this hour you will bring home the likeness of some other peasant girl who has exchanged a doubtful quality of virtue for a place on the stage and over it with equal oh i am getting ashamed of you then would laugh with him but would protest for all that that the picture was a beauty and that if he were not as blind as a bat and as as a block of marble he would know it three days later he would bring home another declaring that this was more lovely than any that had preceded it and the farce would be re with little is there anything in this shop that you do a j mire he asked once as they stood together in the art store of the college town yes replied there are several things these views of the this one of the this of the oh broke in i mean of things feminine what are those horrid old ruins good for a man of sense should be above that sort of thing what i want is for you to tell me candidly whether there is one of these photographs or designed to female beauty that you would think worth turned to the and looked them ever for several minutes yes he said finally which ones these he indicated two female figures one a complete and the other stripped to the waist impossible cried you are too much of a why don t you answer me honestly i mean just what i said i would hang either of these in my room and i would much prefer them to any oi the french you have covered the walls with but said with an air of bewilderment they are not clothed not with garments it is replied slowly but with purity and grace beyond doubt something that cannot be said of most of yours which i have clothes do not of necessity give an air of purity to woman here is a and a half and yet the artists have so | 1 |
without and without voices mrs in a low tone perhaps said mrs for she guessed the tenor of the observation though she had not heard it clearly � perhaps it would be as well for some people if their voices were not quite so audible as they are to other people and perhaps if gentlemen who are to pay attention to some persons daughters had not sufficient to pay attention to other persons daughters returned mrs some persons would not be so ready to that id temper god from other persons ed mrs persons relied mrs � � mr who was one of e very few by whom dialogue bad been hush � pray for tiie after a great deal of preparatory aad the captain began the following from the opera of paid and in tint tone in which a man gets down heaven knows where without the remotest of ever getting np again this in private is a bass voice m n� bright flames b of d� aj yon ore the varied ts ei here the singer was interrupted by varied cries of the most dreadful description proceeding from some grove in the immediate vicinity of the box � my screamed mrs my it is his i know it mr accompanied by several gentlemen here rushed to tile quarter from whence the noise proceeded and an exclamation of burst from tbe company the general impression being that the little innocent had either got his head in the water or his legs in the machinery what is the matter the father as he returned with the child in his arms oh oh i oh screamed the small sufferer again what is the matter dear inquired the father once more � hastily off the frock fear the purpose of the had one bone which was not smashed to i the oh i oh � i m frightened i what at dear t at the mother soothing the sweet oh he s been making dreadful faces at me cried the he � who i cried crowding round him � oh i� him the pointing at hardy who to be the most concerned of the whole group the i� al state of the case at once flashed upon the minds of all present with the exception of the and the the hardy in fulfilment of his promise had watched the child to a remote part of the vessel and suddenly appearing before him with the most awful of had produced his of terror of course he now observed that it was hardly for him to deny the accusation ana the unfortunate little victim was accordingly led below after receiving sundry on the head om both his parents having the wickedness to tell a story this little interruption having been the captain resumed and miss in in due course the was loudly applauded and certainly the perfect independence of the parties deserved great miss sung her part without the slightest reference to the and tiie captain so loud that he had not the idea what was being done by his partner after having gone through the last few eighteen or nineteen bars by himself therefore he acknowledged the of the circle with that air of self denial which men usually assume when they think they have done something to astonish the company now � said mr who had just ascended from the where he had been busily engaged in the wine if the will oblige us with some ing before dinner i am sure we shall be very much delighted one of those of the suggestion which one frequently hears in society when nobody has the most distant notion what he is expressing his approval of the three looked modestly at their mamma and the looked at her daughters and mrs looked scornfully at all of them the asked for their and several gentlemen seriously the cases in their anxiety to present them then there was a very interesting production of three keys for the cases and a expression of horror at finding a string broken and a vast deal of and and winding and during which mrs to those near her on the immense difficulty of playing a hinted at the wondrous of her in that mystic art mrs whispered to a neighbour that it was quite sickening and the looked as if they knew how to play but to do it at length the began in real earnest it was a new spanish composition for three voices and three the effect all eyes were turned upon the captain who was reported to have once passed through spain with his regiment and who must be well acquainted with the national music he was in this was sufficient the was the applause was universal and never had th� such a complete defeat ejaculated the captain � pretty isn t it sir inquired mr samuel with the air of a self satisfied by the by these were the first words he liad been heard to utter since he left the evening before � returned the captain with a flourish and a military cough � i sweet instrument an old gentleman with a head sketches by been trying all the morning to look through a inside the glass of which mr hardy had fixed a large black did you ever hear a inquired that individual did you ever hear a tom tom sir sternly inquired the captain who lost no opportunity of showing off his travels real or pretended a what asked hardy rather taken torn � never nor a never what m a eagerly inquired several young ladies when i was in the east indies replied the captain here was a discovery � he had been in the east indies � when i was in the east indies i was once stopping a miles up the country on a visit at the house of a very particular friend of mine ham al � a devilish | 8 |
life where did you get that some one lent it to me when it came out � mr i think his first impulse was to exclaim why the devil do you borrow books of i can buy you all you want � but he felt himself irresistibly forced into an attitude of smiling compliance always has the books going has n t he you must be careful by the way about returning what he you he s rather about his library oh i m always very careful she said with a touch of that struck him and she added as he caught up his hat don t forget the letters why had she asked for the book was her sudden wish to see it the result of some hint of s the thought turned sick but he preserved sufficient to tell himself a moment later that his last hope of would be lost if he yielded to the temptation of seeing a hidden purpose in everything she said and did how much guessed he had no means of nor could he from what he knew of the man to what use his might be put the very qualities that had made a useful adviser made him the most dangerous of felt himself among alien forces that his own act had set in motion the was a woman of few but even in trifles had a them from the impulses of her he knew that having once asked for the book she not forget it and he put aside as an ineffectual expedient his idea of applying for it at the library and telling her that all the were out if the book was to be bought it had better be bought at he left his office earlier than usual and turned in at tbe first on ins way to the train the show window was with con � volumes margaret back at him in endless he plunged into the shop and came on a counter the name r itself on row after row of it seemed to have driven the test of literature to the back he caught up a tossing the money to an astonished clerk who pursued him to the door with the to wrap up the volumes in the street he was with � sudden apprehension what if he were to meet the thought was intolerable he called a cab and straight to the station where amid the palm of a per he waited a long half hour for his train to start he had thrust a volume in pocket and in the train he dared not draw them out but the detested words leaped at him from the ua a t the evening paper the air seemed full of margaret s name the motion of the i the train set it dancing up and down on the page of a magazine that a man in front of him was reading at the door he was told that mrs was still out and he went upstairs to his room and dragged the books from his pocket they lay on the table before him like live things that he feared to touch at length he opened the first volume a familiar letter sprang out at him each word quickened by its glaring garb of type the little broken phrases fled across the page like wounded animals in the open it was a horrible sight a of helpless things driven savagely out of shelter he had not known it would be like this � he understood now that at the moment of selling the letters he had viewed the transaction solely as it affected himself as an unfortunate on an otherwise record he had scarcely considered the act in relation to margaret for death if it also makes s god was a god of the living of the the actual the all his days he had lived in the presence of that god heedless of the who below the surface of our deeds and passions silently the fatal weapons of the dead the vn a knock roused him and looking up he saw his wife he met her glance in silence and she out are you ill the words restored his self possession hi of course not they told me you were out and i came upstairs the books lay between them on the table he wondered when she would see them she lingered an the threshold with the air of leaving his explanation on his hands she was not the kind of woman who could be counted on to an excuse by appearing to dispute it where have you been asked moving forward so that he her vision of the books i walked over to the for tea i can t think what you see in those people he said with a shrug adding � i suppose was there no he left on the this morning an answer so to the natural escape of his irritation left with no momentary resource but that of strolling impatiently to the window as her eyes followed him they lit on the books ah you ve brought them i m so glad she said he answered over his shoulder for a woman who never reads you make the most exceptions s the her smile was an concession to the probability that it had been hot in town or that something had him do you mean it s not nice to want to read the book she asked it was not nice to publish it certainly but after all i m not responsible for that am i she paused and as he made no answer went on still smiling i do read sometimes you know and i m very fond of margaret s books i was reading seed when we first met don t you remember it was then you told me all about her had turned back into the room and stood | 10 |
his road lay there thank you said mr i am aware of � that i am going but before i go i your leave to speak and more than that mr i must and � yes indeed i repeat it must and wiu � be heard i am not surprised sir at anything you have told me to night it is natural very natural and the greater part of it was known to me before i will not say continued mr drawing out his pocket handkerchief and with both eyes at once as it were against his will i will not say that you are life and of mistaken in me while you are in your present mood i would not say so for the world i almost wish indeed that i had a different nature that i might repress even this slight confession of weakness which i cannot disguise from you which i feel is humiliating but which you will have the goodness to excuse we will say if you please added mr with great tenderness of manner that it arises from a cold in the head or is to snuff or smelling or or anything but the real cause here he paused for an instant and concealed his face behind his pocket handkerchief then smiling faintly and holding the bed with one hand he resumed but mr while i am forgetful of myself i owe it to myself and to my character � ay sir and i have a character which is very dear to me and will be the best inheritance of my two daughters � to tell you on behalf of another that your conduct is wrong unnatural monstrous and i teu you sir said mr towering on among the curtains as if he were literally rising above au worldly considerations and were fain to hold on tight to keep from darting like a i tell you without fear or favor that it will not do for you to be of your young martin who has the strongest natural claim upon you it wiu not do sir repeated mr shaking his head you may think it will do but it won t you must provide for that young man you shall provide for him you provide for him i believe said mr glancing at the pen and ink that in secret you have already done so bless you for doing so bless you for doing right sir bless you for me and good night so saying mr waved his right hand with much solemnity and once more it in his waistcoat departed there was emotion in his manner but his step was firm subject to human weaknesses he was by conscience martin lay for some time with an expression on his face of silent wonder not rage at length he muttered in a whisper what does this mean can the false hearted boy have chosen such a tool as yonder who has just gone out why not he has against me like the rest and they are but birds of one feather a new plot a new plot oh self self self at every turn nothing but self he to trifling as he ceased to speak with the ashes of the burnt paper in the he did so at first in pure abstraction but they presently became the subject of his another will made and destroyed he said nothing determined on nothing done and i might have died to night i plainly see to what foul uses all this money will be put at last he cried almost in the bed after filling me with cares and miseries all my life it will discord and bad passions when i am dead so it always is what grow out of the graves of rich men every day hatred and lies among near kindred where there should be nothing but love heaven help us we have much to answer for oh self self every man for himself and no creature for me universal self was there nothing of its shadow in these reflections and in the history of martin on his own showing and of chapter iv from which it will that ip union be strength and family affection be pleasant to contemplate the were the strongest and most agreeable family in the world that worthy man mr having taken leave of his cousin in the solemn terms in the last chapter withdrew to his own home and remained there three whole days not so much as going out for a walk beyond the boundaries of his own garden lest he should be hastily summoned to the bedside of his penitent and relative whom in his ample benevolence he had made up his mind to forgive and to love on any terms but such was the obstinacy and such the bitter nature of that stem old man that no summons came and the fourth day found mr apparently much from his object than the first during the whole of this interval he haunted the at all times and seasons in the day and night and returning good for evil evinced the deepest solicitude in the progress of the invalid that mrs was fairly melted by his disinterested anxiety for he often particularly required her to take notice that he would do the same by any stranger or in the like condition and shed many tears of admiration and delight meantime old martin remained shut up in his own chamber and saw no person but his yoimg companion saving the hostess of the blue who was at certain times admitted to his presence so surely as she came into the room however martin feigned to fall asleep it was only when he and the yoimg lady were alone that he utter a word even in answer to ihe simplest inquiry though make out by hard listening at the door that they two being left together he was enough it | 8 |
duties will spring from it looking at your life as a debt may seem the view of things at a distance but it cannot really be so what makes life dreary is the daniel der want of motive but once beginning to act with that loving purpose you have in your mind there will be unexpected � there will be newly opening continually coming to carry you on from day to day you will find your life growing like a plant turned her eyes on him with the look of one towards the sound of unseen waters felt the look as if she had been stretching her arms towards him from a forsaken shore his voice took an affectionate when he this sorrow which has cut down to the root has come to you while you are so young � try to think of it not as a of your life but as a preparation for it let it be a preparation any one his tones would have thought he was for his own happiness see you have been saved from the worst evils that might have come from your marriage which you feel was wrong you have had a vision of injurious selfish action � a vision of possible degradation think that a severe angel seeing you along the road of error grasped you by the wrist and showed you the horror of the life you must avoid and it has come to you in your spring time think of it as a preparation you can you will book viii � fruit and seed be among the best of women such as make others glad that they were born the words were like the touch of a miraculous hand to mingled emotions streamed through her frame with a strength that seemed the beginning of a new existence having some new powers or other which stirred in her vaguely so is the divine hope of moral recovery with the energy that it so potent in us is the action of another soul before which we bow in complete love but the new existence seemed inseparable from the hope seemed to make his presence permanent it was not her thought that he loved her and would cling to her � a thought would have with it was her spiritual breath for the first time since that terrible moment on the sea a flush rose and spread over her cheek brow and neck deepened an instant or two and then gradually disappeared she did not speak advanced and put out his hand saying i must not weary you she was startled by the sense that he was going and put her hand in his still without speaking you look ill yet � unlike yourself he added while he held her hand daniel i can t sleep much she answered with some return of her manner things repeat themselves in me so they come back � they will all come back she ended a chill fear threatening her by degrees they will be less said he could not drop her hand or move away from her abruptly sir says he shall come to stay at said at previously intended words which had slipped away from her you will come too probably said and then feeling that the word was cold he added yes i shall come and then released her hand with the final friendly pressure of one who has said good bye and not again here before i leave town said with timid sadness looking as pallid as ever what could say if i can be of any use � if you wish me � certainly i will i must wish it said you know i must wish it what strength have i who else is there again a sob was rising felt a pang which showed itself in his book viii � fruit and seed face he looked miserable as he said i will certainly come perceived the change in his face but the intense relief of expecting him to come again could not give way to any other feeling and there was a recovery of the inspired hope and courage in her don t be unhappy about me she said in a tone of affectionate assurance i shall remember your words � every one of them i shall remember what you believe about me i shall try she looked at him firmly and put out her hand again as if she had forgotten what had passed since those words of his which she promised to remember but there was no approach to a smile on her lips she had never smiled since her husband s death when she stood still and in silence she looked like a melancholy statue of the whose laughter had once been so ready when others were grave it is only by remembering the searching anguish which had changed the aspect of the world for her that we can understand her behaviour to the nay the pleading with which she expressed her dependence on him vol iv u daniel der tions such as would have filled the of indifferent spectators could not occur to her any more than if flames had been mounting around her and she had flung herself into his opened arms and clung about his neck that he might her into safety she identified him with the struggling process in her which had begun with his action is it any wonder that she saw her own necessity reflected in his feeling she was in that state of unconscious reliance and expectation which is a common experience with us when we are with our own trouble or our own purposes we our feeling over others and count on their acting from our motives her imagination had not been turned to a future union with by any other than the spiritual tie which had been continually but also it had not been turned towards a | 14 |
an who was the victim of bad luck for she had purchased a which she exhibited to the assembly b a and with this she had gone about and other but lack a� no sooner were they printed than the pictures were discovered to be spoilt by objects in the of such doubtful propriety that they were not exactly fit to place among her brick backs so she was compelled to keep them in a drawer among her i should have liked her to inform us where such a was procured and why she did not exchange it for one of superior she was succeeded on the stage by a little girl with a who bore a striking resemblance to her and was probably her daughter this child was evidently of a greatly inquisitive disposition and asked many questions of her which they were unable to answer bidding her not to bother and to go away and play then she asked a boy who remained invisible called jones and informed us that she knew now but i was still in the total darkness as to the answers which even declared that she was non and not able to provide with the correct upon the whole i am of opinion that are more fertile in mental and social problems and more difficult of comprehension than theatrical i hurry this is no doubt why the spectators are allowed to and throughout the performance since it is well known that the brain cannot on its with if the stomach is in the array of an empty box i mr fellow student in a an to a wedding mr i as a wedding guest y with what he thought of the ceremony � md how he distinguished himself on the occasion there is a certain english young of mine � to wit and with whom i have succeeded in scratching an acquaintance at sundry law lectures and in the library of my inn of court � a most amiable tip top young chap who is the glass of fashionable form and cap in hand with innumerable aristocratic seeing that i had at an earlier period been a more attendant and note of lectures than himself he did pay me the compliment of the loan of my note book which to my grateful astonishment he condescended to bring back personally to house saying that he had found my notes magnificent and totally incomprehensible to his more limited intellect in he graciously accepted my io hurry to ascend to the drawing room where i introduced him freely to several select lady as my alter and on taking his leave he expressed some that i should have concealed my superior rank under the of a having observed that i was addressed as prince by more than one of the softer i replied that i attached no importance to the of such a barren title and that the contents of what there is nothing in must necessarily be naught he answered me warmly that he entirely joined issue with me in such an opinion and that he was often affected to by the of society adding that he hoped i would give him the look up at his paternal mansion in prince s square shortly since his people would be at making my acquaintance which both and surprised me for hitherto he had ridden the high and rough horse and employed me to my brains as a cat s foot and before many days i was the of a silver stating that mr and mrs did request the honour of prince s company at the marriage of their daughter with mr b a smart at a certain sacred edifice this i eagerly accepted perceiving that my friend must have to his parents my legal accomplishments and when i did in all my best obey at the church in my cap shawl a pair of yellow glove and shoes the spectators saluted me with shouts of joy as the returned which caused me to bow while the driver of the an additional sixpence the interior of the church was dim and crowded with and i could only hear and together with a subdued at the end � which i ascertained to be the ceremony then followed the long stop and awkward pause accompanied on the organ and at length all the company stood on seats and the of expectation as the procession moved slowly down the central passage amidst the congratulations of their friends and nearest relations not being desirous to hide under a i did press myself forward and addressing a lady whom i took to be the bride i her loudly wishing that she might never become a widow or use on her grey head and that she might wear the iron and get seven male children no hurry unhappily the serene ray of my was bom to blush unseen in the dark cave of a desert ear for the actual of my compliments was an unmarried relative who had already passed the years of discretion mrs welcomed me with cordial that i should honour them by visiting their residence and the gifts to which i consented on my arrival i held a with the happy bridegroom from whom i was anxious to obtain particulars of english marriage customs such as whether he would be required to spend the evening in having his ears pulled and other by his law and sisters in law as in india but he seemed oppressed by so severe a that i could extract no information from him and presently the father of the bride came up and conducted me into an apartment wherein was a kind of or exhibition of and lamps and cases and knives and forks and other and none of which appeared to me at all different from similar objects in shop windows however the greatest admiration and were expressed by all who entered and i found that | 44 |
me yesterday about her little the quarter is just due what do you allow her a certainly my dear or rather i pay her little as before how surprised you look mary i why i m not like that old colonel of other people s views when they advance them that woman helped me to save your life in a very great danger and for many years she has been as careful as a mother and we are not so to say at drawn about by a perilous secret walter why i only demand a little prudence and patience both from you and from her now tell me is there proper accommodation for you in mr s house oh yes papa it is a farm house now but it was a grand place there s a beautiful spare room with an well then you secure that and write to day to have a blazing fire and the bed properly as well as the sheets and you shall go to morrow in the four wheel and you can take her her little in a letter this sudden kindness and provision for her health and happiness filled mary s heart to overflowing and her gratitude forth upon mr s neck the old fox absorbed it and took the opportunity to say of course it is understood that matters are to go no further between you and walter oh i don t mean that you re to make him unhappy or drive him to despair only insist upon his being patient like yourself everything comes sooner or later to those that can wait oh papa cried mary you ve said more to comfort me than mrs or anybody can but i feel the change will do me good i am oh so grateful � mary wrote her letter and went to mrs next day after the usual embraces she gave mrs the letter and was duly in the state bedroom she wrote to to say where she was and that was her way of letting walter know walter himself arrived at hall next day worn anxious and and was shown at once to his father s bedside the colonel gave him a wasted hand and said dear boy i thought you d come we ve had our last quarrel walter walter burst into tears over his father s hand and nothing was said between them about their temporary the first thing walter did was to get two professional nurses from and secure his father constant attention night and day and above all nourishment at all hours of the night when the patient would take it on the afternoon after his arrival the colonel fell into a sound sleep then walter ordered his horse and in less than an hour was at mrs s place chapter xi the knot cut � another tied the farm house the occupied had been a family mansion of great antiquity with a moat around it it was held during the civil war by a stout who armed and it after a fashion with his own servants this had a different effect to what he intended it drew the attention of one of s and he a party with cannon and to reduce the place whilst he marched on to join in of more importance the of summoned the place the to show his respect for their authority made his kitchen a defiance from an upper window from which she bolted with great rapidity as soon as she had thus represented the of the establishment and when next seen it was in the cellar in between two barrels of beer the men went at it hammer and and in twenty four hours a good many cannon balls traversed the building a great many stuck in the walls like in a christmas the doors were blown in with and the principal with a few wounded were carried off to himself whilst the house itself was fired and blazed away merrily threatened the gentleman with death for defending an place by a perilous secret i didn t know it was said the gentleman how could i till i had tried you had the fate of fortified places to instruct you said and he promised faithfully to hang him on his own ruins the gentleman turned pale and his lips quivered but he said well mr i ve fought for my royal master according to my lights and i can die for him you shall sir said mr about next morning mr who had often a cool fit after a hot one and was a very big man take him altogether gave a different order the fool thought he was doing his duty turn him loose the fool in question was so proud of his battered house that he left it standing there bullets and all and built him a house elsewhere king charles the second had not landed a month before he made him a and one tenant after another occupied a portion of the old mansion two state rooms were and furnished with the relics of the entire mansion and these two rooms the present s occupied at rare intervals when he was the large properties connected with the s estate mary now occupied these two rooms connected by folding doors and she sat pensive in the window of her bedroom young ladies cling to their especially when they are pretty and airy suddenly she heard a and of a horse s up at the side of the house she darted from the window and stood panting in the middle of the room the next minute mrs entered the sitting room all in a flutter and beckoned her mary flew to her he is here i thought he would be will you meet him down stairs no here mrs rapidly closed the folding doors and went out saying try and calm yourself miss mary miss mary tried to obey her | 9 |
did come again appearing in the same spot at the same hour of the night and wearing the same dress though not the same expression of feature for the shadowy brows now slightly frowned and a little severity mingled with the former of look why have you not gone to london bridge and your wife so near the time when she will want what you are to get by going there remember this is my second warning your reverence an what am i to do on bridge again he rose to approach the figure again it him again a change occurred in the the rival lo quality of the interest with which he regarded the of his visitor again he passed a day of doubt as to the propriety of undertaking what seemed to him little less than a journey to the world s end without a penny in his pocket and upon the eve of his wife s merely in obedience to a recommendation which according to his creed was not yet sufficiently strongly given even were it under any circumstances to be adopted for had often heard and firmly believed that a dream or a vision one how to procure riches ought to be experienced three times before it became entitled to attention he lay down however half hoping that his vision might thus recommend itself to his notice it did so said the figure looking more angry than ever you have not yet gone to london bridge although i hear your wife crying out to bid you go and remember this is my third warning why then an your reverence just stop and tell me � ere he could utter another word the holy disappeared in a real passion at s qualified curse and at the same moment his confused senses recognised the voice of his wife sending up from her straw the cries that a mother s distant exchanging a few words with her he hurried away to call up at her cabin window an old who sometimes i the rival attended the very poorest women in s situation hurry to her and do the best it s the will of god to let you do and tell her from me � he stopped drawing in his lip and clutching his hard what you asked old what you to make the tears run down in the gray o the morning tell her from me continued that it s from the bottom o the heart i pray morning and evening and fresh and maybe to give her a good time of it and to show her a face on the poor child that s coming than the two that god sent afore it and that i be thinking o it to my own mind though i never see it far away what are you speaking of no matter only god be you and her and the and tell her what i bid you more be token tell her that poor her in her more love from the heart out than he had for her the first day we came together and i come back to her at any rate sooner or later richer or poorer or as bare as i went and maybe not so bare either but god only knows the top o the morning to you and don t let her want the o while i m on my for this added as he bounded off to the consternation of old � this is the very morning the rival and the very minute that if i mind the at all at all i ought to mind it ay without ever turning back to get a look from her that ud kill the heart in my body entirely without much previous knowledge of the road he was to take walked and begged his way along the coast to the town where he might hope to for england here the captain of a agreed to let him work his passage to whence he again walked and begged into london without taking rest or food proceeded to london bridge often put out of his course by wrong directions and as often by forgetting and true ones it was with old london bridge that had to do not the old one last pulled down but its more reverend which at that time was lined at either side by fashioned houses mostly occupied by so that the space between presented perhaps the greatest then known in the queen of cities and at about two o clock in the afternoon ragged and agitated mingled with the human stream that roared and over the as restless and as stream which the arches of old london bridge in a situation so novel to him so much more extraordinary in the reality than his anticipation could have fancied the poor and stranger felt overwhelmed a sense of of i the rival and of terror seized upon his faculties from the stare or the or the of the iron crowd he shrank with glances of wild timidity and with a heart as wildly timid as were his looks for some time he stood or staggered about unable to collect his thoughts or to bring to mind what was his business there but when became able to refer to the motive of his journey from his native into the thick of such a scene it was no wonder that the zeal of superstition totally subsided amid the truths he witnessed in fact the bewildered now regarded his dream as the merest hastily escaping from the he sought out some wretched place of repose suited to his wretched condition and there moaned himself asleep in self at the thought of poor at home and in utter despair of all his future prospects at daybreak the next morning he awoke a little less agitated but still with no hope he was able however to resolve upon the best | 39 |
he forgot to go in for in the manner prescribed by the authorities after putting his horse at through the storm as if it were a leap he waited up all night from time to time ringing his bell with the greatest fury charging the porter who kept watch with in letters or messages that could not il to have been to him and demanding on the spot the dawn coming the morning coming and the day coming and neither message nor letter coming with either he went down to the there hie report was mr away and mrs in town left for town suddenly last evening not even known to be gone until receipt of message that her return was not to be for present in these circumstances he had nothing for it but to follow her to town he went to the house in town mrs not there he looked in at the bank mr away and mrs away mrs away who could have been reduced to sudden for the company of well i don t know said tom who had his own reasons for being uneasy about it she was off somewhere at daybreak this morning she s always full of mystery i hate her so i do that white chap he s always got his eyes upon a fellow hard where were you last night tom where was i last night said tom come i like that i was waiting for you mr till it came down as i never saw it come down before where was i too where were you you mean i was prevented from coming � detained detained murmured tom two of us were detained i was detained looking for you till i lost every train but the mail it would have been a pleasant job to go down by that on such a night and have to walk home through a pond i was obliged to sleep in town after all where where why in my own bed at s did you see your sister how the deuce returned tom staring could i see my sister when she was fifteen miles off cursing these quick of the young gentleman to whom he was so true a friend mr himself of that interview with the smallest conceivable amount of ceremony and for the time what all this could mean he made only one thing clear it was that whether she was in town or out of town whether he had been premature with her who was so hard to comprehend or she had lost courage or they were discovered or some or mistake at present incomprehensible had occurred he must remain to his fortune whatever it was the hotel where he was known to live when condemned to that region of blackness was the stake to which he was tied as to all the rest � what wiu be wiu be so whether i am waiting for a hostile message or an or a penitent remonstrance or an with my friend in the manner � which would seem as likely as anything else in the present state of affairs � i ll dine said mr james has the advantage in point of weight and if an of a british nature is to come off between us it may be as well to be in training therefore he rang the bell and tossing himself on a sofa ordered some dinner at six � with a in it and got through the intervening time as well as he could that was not particularly well for he remained in the greatest perplexity and as the hours went on and no kind of hard times explanation offered itself perplexity at compound interest however lie took affairs as coolly as it was in human nature to do and entertained with the idea of the training more than once it wouldn t be bad he yawned at one time to give the waiter five shillings and throw him at another time it occurred to him or a of about thirteen or fourteen stone might be hired by the hour but these did not teu materially on the afternoon or his suspense and to say they both it was impossible even before dinner to avoid often walking about in the pattern of the carpet looking out of the window listening at the door for footsteps and occasionally becoming rather hot when any steps approached that room but after dinner when the day turned to twilight and the twilight turned to night and still no communication was made to him it began to be as he expressed it like the holy and slow torture however still true to his conviction that indifference was the genuine high breeding the only conviction he had he seized this crisis as the opportunity for ordering candles and a newspaper he had been trying in vain for half an hour to read this newspaper when the waiter appeared and said at once mysteriously and beg your pardon sir you re wanted sir if you please a general recollection that this was the kind of thing the police said to the swell mob caused mr to ask the waiter in return with indignation what the devil he meant by wanted beg your pardon sir young lady outside sir wishes to see you outside where outside this door sir giving the waiter to the personage before mentioned as a duly qualified for that mr hurried into the gallery a young woman whom he had never seen stood there plainly dressed very quiet very pretty as he conducted her into the room and placed a chair for her he observed by the light of the candles that she was even prettier than he had at first believed her face was innocent and youthful and its expression remarkably pleasant she was not afraid of him or in any way disconcerted she seemed to have her mind entirely pre occupied | 8 |
in company said with great solemnity that it would be a warning to her and so did the young ladies generally with the exception of one or two who appeared to entertain some doubts whether such whiskers could do wrong why do you say all this before so many listeners said in a low voice you know you are not in earnest i am in earnest replied madame aloud and retreating toward miss well but consider reasoned who had a great interest in the matter it would be well to reflect a married woman has no property not a solitary single individual my soul said mr raising himself upon his elbow i am quite aware of that retorted madame tossing her head and i have none the business the stock this house and everything in it all belong to miss that s quite true madame said miss with whom her late employer had secretly come to an understanding on this point very true indeed madame � hem � very true and i never was more glad in all my life that i had strength of mind to resist matrimonial offers no matter how advantageous than i am when i think of my present position as compared with your most unfortunate and most one madame cried mr turning his head towards his wife will it not slap and pinch the envious that dares to reflect upon its own delicious but the day of mr s had departed miss sir said his wife is my particular mend and although mr till his eyes seemed in danger of never coming back to their right places again madame showed no signs of softening and of to do the excellent miss justice she had been mainly in bringing about this altered state of things for by daily experience that there was no chance of the business or even continuing to exist while mr had any hand in the expenditure and having now a considerable interest in its well doing she had herself to the investigation of some little matters connected with that gentleman s private character which she had so well and imparted to madame as to open her eyes more effectually than the and most philosophical reasoning could have done in a series of years to which end the accidental discovery by miss of some tender correspondence in which madame was described as old and ordinary had most contributed however notwithstanding her firmness madame wept very and as she upon miss and signed towards the door that young lady and all the other yoimg ladies with faces proceeded to bear her out said mr in tears you have been made a witness to this cruelty on the part of the and that never was oh i forgive that woman forgive repeated madame angrily i do forgive her said mr you wiu blame me the world wiu blame me the women will blame me everybody will laugh and and and grin most they will say she had a blessing she did not know it he was too weak he was too good he was a d fine fellow but he loved too strong j he could not bear her to be cross and call him wicked names it was a d case there never was a � but i forgive her with this affecting speech mr fell down again very flat and lay to all appearance without sense or motion until all the females had left the room when he came cautiously into a sitting posture and confronted with a very blank face and the little bottle stiu in one hand and the tea spoon in the other you may put away those now and live by your wits again said coolly putting on his hat you re not serious i seldom joke said good night no but � said i am wrong perhaps rejoined i hope so you should know best good night affecting not to hear his entreaties that he would stay and advise with him left the crest fallen mr to his meditations and left the house quietly he said sets the wind that way so soon half and half fool and detected in both characters � hum � i think your day is over sir as he said this he made some in his in which mr s name figured and finding by his watch that it was between nine and ten o clock made au speed home are they here was the first question he asked of nodded been here half an hour two of them one a fat sleek man ay said in your room now good rejoined get me a coach a coach what you � going to � eh stammered angrily repeated his orders and who might well have been excused for wondering at such an unusual and extraordinary circumstance � for he had never seen in a coach in his life � departed on his errand and presently returned with the conveyance into it went mr and and the third man whom had never seen stood upon the door step to see them off not troubling himself to wonder where or upon what business they were going until he chanced by mere accident to hear name the address whither the coachman was to drive quick as lightning and in a state of the most extreme wonder darted into his little office for his hat and after the coach as if with the intention of getting up behind but in this design he was for it had too much the start of him and was soon hopelessly ahead leaving him gaping in the empty street i don t know though said stopping for breath any good that i could have done by going too he would have seen me if i had drive there what can come of life and op this if i had only known it yesterday i could have told � drive there there | 8 |
past i have spun this of lies for your sake yet i cannot go on in this way oh i have been all these months trusting in your honour believing in your good faith believing that your word was your bond can it be possible that now after all my blind faith and belief in you that you can deny me the satisfaction which your honour owes to mine you put it very he said with a restrained air i have been � but you must have known she burst out yes i have been expecting some such scene as this believe me my dear margaret that you are far happier as than you could possibly be as the princess believe me that there is nothing to gain by all that is if you decide to allow things to remain as they are i swear to you on my most sacred word of honour given to you not as prince but as your husband that i will never as long as i am alive desert you but while i am ready to give everything i expect something in return and if it is a sacrifice for you � though having no children i hardly see how it can be � to continue this life at least for the present then it is a sacrifice which i demand of your love then said she it is a sacrifice which i will never make i trusted you i believed in you i loved you � how i have loved you perhaps you will never be able to understand but to a woman of my position in england it is not a light thing to do what i have done by way of proving my love for you i told you that i would bear this life for two years i trusted to your honour that you would fulfil your promises a woman to me when the end of the two years came if you love me which of late i have somewhat doubted you will be only too glad either to fulfil your promise or to give me some good and sufficient reason why you are not able to do so � though after what has passed i should expect more substantial proof than your mere word if you are not prepared to carry out your original promises we will part at once as the last words fell from her lips he half rose in his chair his face livid his lips trembling his whole person of intense passion you cannot mean that he burst out i not only can but i most assuredly do no not another step nearer to me i have listened before to your of love and i know exactly what they are worth i believe she said suddenly that you cannot take me to you are going to the ball to night then do not return here let me have the night to think it over to think over all that you have told me to get used to the blow which you have dealt me please not another word he sprang up from his chair and barred her way as she was about to leave the room margaret he said you cannot mean it you cannot really mean that you would that you could after all we have been to each other cast me adrift that you could bring yourself to leave me yes she said looking at him with flaming eyes that it is to be all over you have your alternative he fell back why should you mind she went on scornfully you have not been the same to me of late you know that you have changed visibly i have felt it for months past why then try to drag on a love that is dying if not already dead it is not dead he cried with a burst of passion i been i admit it i own it but it has been the difference of fear not of weariness or of change i have been afraid for months past that this question would rise between us don t you understand cannot you see that i nothing to be altered margaret won t you believe that if i could take you to to morrow and � h a gleam of light present you to my imperial master as my most loved and honoured wife i would do so my god how gladly how proudly how but i no more than any other man in this world can accomplish the impossible that is all that my altered manner has been it has been the alteration of any alteration or change not the change of dying love i love you as i have never loved any other woman in my life as i shall never love any other woman to my dying day for you i would sacrifice everything for your sake i have lived this quiet retired life so different to my own solely and for no other reason than to save your good name don t throw me aside without thought don t throw away a love that is greater than any love that could be offered to you in all the world don t wreck my whole life for the sake of a mere form for the sake of a merely official position oh margaret think what you are about to do think what you are about to throw away but said she is it impossible that you can our marriage at it is quite impossible he replied then said she i will think it over do not come to me for three days remember for me it is a question of cutting myself adrift for ever from everything that has constituted my life heretofore up to this day i have believed myself to be secure in your protection i have believed in you although mind i saw the difference in you | 30 |
bowl where in the great hour of reckoning in his life had showed to him as scarcely a woman � women had only hurt him not a spirit for he felt her touch warm yet but rather a comrade who had borne with him with him comforted him shedding upon his heart those of sympathy that will hinder a man s heart from breaking she had stood by too in her bad hour but there had been no one to save her from � from the breathed of her the pines called out her name just as it all was alien to it was friendly to her and brought him with a sense of her a horrible sense of and misery that purple light below was all because the sad eye was turned inward strange that nature has no power to soothe our pain when we go to her in pairs is it because we are looking to each other for comfort mostly in vain that she will not draw nigh us or because human voices do not always ring true because the may be right but their words are all wrong but go to her alone in deepest agony and she will soothe and rock you on her breast to a peace that no other can thrust his thoughts from him and looked at earnestly not on s account alone was she so beautiful once more but because an ugly evil guest was cast out of her heart because she was the sincere loving woman once more that she once had been to be charitable and kind was s nature hate had entered into her life destroying all tenderness and her making a mock of her sweetness and love and it had every good impulse in her � had made her the left handed bitter the world knew when she had been intended for a noble true and good woman i have not been true to myself she said that was the pity and knew it the gospel of hate that i and so many others practise is neglect of manners and little acts of kindness to be to insist on doing what you like at the expense of other people s happiness and comfort to give harsh judgment on poor struggling ye lay hard bv on others and will not them even with the tips of your fingers � what does that mean but to sit in an easy chair everything and everybody yet not to one of our darling sins and pet one might go on for ever with instances all base but made me see it as i have never seen it before it � it hurt me to hate beau and so she did this for you what a nature cried for to put wrong he couldn t said no one could surely she cried warmly call it conscience development � what you will � there comes a time in the life of every one of us worth anything when we cease to hear people s opinions do not pose even to ourselves but calmly look to some invisible person within us to be pleased or or made contemptuous by our actions and happy he whom all the world may condemn but who is right with that inward i and you mean to tell me that critic but the man is such a he burst out suddenly in a white i suppose it is nature at her old cruel tricks of up holding the scales of selfishness and in the one hand and brightness and goodness in the other the fit and the unfit the bad debt of the rascal set in her books against the hard earned of the honest man perhaps because thus alone she in carrying on her business to a successful issue therefore has she matched and but all things have a beginning and can you tell me how it was possible for so noble hearted a girl as to play with to even support that man s company can you tell me she retorted it struck on her rather how trifling to her own imminent tragedy had been in comparison with all his jealous fears of loving another man why we every one of us do the wrong thing every day of our lives yet none the less get up each morning determined to do the right there s a lot of human nature in for all that she is such an honest pure sincere soul and the people we love most have got a in them and probably could no more have determined the precise moment of sliding from a into thoughts of marriage with than we can between that of waking and sleeping though the whole world has lain in wait to trap such a moment but saw from the first that he had met his fate in her � it was who would not have him no he said and gazed downwards with an ugly that was an outrage on the beauty upon which he looked for he saw instead a scene that might have been transferred bodily from a sordid french play in which was the central figure and yet for and and himself all to have so loved and trusted the girl was to deny point blank the evil thing in her he had believed they both turned their heads as came along the path behind them on the way to one of his meadows he had rolled his sleeves up over his great brown arms the hand that a of beer waa big and strong enough to fell an ox looked after him very kindly anything big md strong appealed to her irresistibly and he was also i thorough and learned in all country i like him said the great gentle giant he took me out for a drive yesterday behind a do you know what z call her he said lady because she | 17 |
ask me who i was who were you then said raising his voice you re particular for a shade he was going to say to a shade but this as more appropriate in life i was your partner jacob can you � can you sit down asked looking doubtfully at him i can do it then asked the question because he didn t know whether a ghost so transparent might and himself in a condition to a take a chair and felt that in the event of its being impossible it might involve the necessity of an embarrassing explanation but the ghost sat down on the opposite side of the fireplace as if he were used to it you don t believe in me observed the ghost i don t said � what evidence would you have of my reality beyond that of your own senses i don t know said f why do you doubt your senses because said a little thing affects them a slight disorder of the stomach makes them you may be an bit of beef a blot of a of cheese a fragment of an there s more of than of grave about you whatever you are was not much in the habit of jokes nor did he feel in his heart by any means then the truth is that he tried to be as a means of his own attention and keeping down his terror s voice disturbed the veiy in his bones to sit staring at those fixed glazed eyes in silence for a moment would play felt the very deuce with mm there was something very too in ihe s being provided with an atmosphere of his own could not feel it himself but this was clearly the case for though the ghost sat perfectly motionless its hair and skirts and were stiu agitated as by the hot from an oven you see this said returning quickly to the charge for the reason just assigned and wishing though it were only for a second to divert the vision s stony gaze from himself i do replied the ghost you are not looking at it said but i see it said the ghost notwithstanding well returned i have but to swallow this and be for the rest of my days persecuted by a of all of my own creation i tell you i at this the spirit raised a frightful cry and shook its chain with such a dismal and appalling noise that held on tight to his chair to save himself from falling in a a greater hu honor tiie off the round his head as if it were too warm to wear in doors its lower jaw dropped down upon its h fell upon his knees and his hands before mm i he said apparition why do you me f man of the worldly mind replied the ghost do you in me or not i do said i must but why do spirits walk tlie and why do they to me it is required of every man the ghost returned that tlie within him should walk abroad among his and travel far and wide and if that spirit goes not in it is condemned to do so after death nt is to wander through the world � oh woe is me � and wi what it share but might have shared on earth mid to happiness the raised a cry and shook its chain and g its hands you are said trembling me i w h chain i in life replied the ghost it by link and yard by i it on of own will and of my own free will i it is its l tt strange to y n t i h l more and more wm know pursued the tiie weight k i h of tht strong yea bear yourself it was a� as aa s ago � i it it is a x ut him on door in f ai by fifty or sixty f � k i b� t w � ss � � � � i a i t le � it ik aw i � k um wc s is w l� w � � � r � f � � i i � a i� ft m � ah l t� � i� mv i a it spirit never walked beyond oar � ne � in life my loved beyond die limits of our money aad journeys lie before me it was a with be became fill to put bis bands in bis pockets pondering on what tbe bad said be did so now but up liis eyes or getting off bis knees you must bare been very slow about it jacob observed in a business like manner witb and deference slow tbe repeated seven years dead mused and travelling all the whole time said tbe no rest no incessant torture of remorse you travel fast said on tbe wings of tbe wind replied tbe you might have got over a great quantity of ground in seven years said the ghost on hearing this set up another cry and its chain so in the dead of the night ke ward would have been justified in it for a captive bound and double cried the phantom not to know that ages of incessant labour by immortal creatures for this earth must pass into eternity before the good of which it is susceptible is all developed not to know that any christian spirit working kindly in its little sphere whatever it may be will find its mortal life too � for vast means of usefulness not to know that no ai of can make amends for one life s opportunities yet such was i oh such was but you were always a good man of who now began to apply this to business cried tbe wringing its again mankind was my business the common was | 8 |
tired of reading the word uncle for i have not done with it uncle charles thanks your mother for her letter it was a great pleasure to him to know that the parcel was received and gave so much satisfaction and he her to be so good as to give three shillings for him to dame which shall be allowed for in the payment of her debt here a of jane adieu amiable i hope well yours j i cannot tell how soon she was aware of the serious nature of her by god s mercy it was not attended with much suffering so that she was able to tell her friends as in the foregoing letter and perhaps sometimes to persuade herself that excepting want of strength she was otherwise very well but the progress of the disease became more and more manifest as the year advanced the usual walk was at first and then and air was sought in a donkey carriage gradually too her habits of activity within the house ceased and she was obliged to lie down much the sitting room contained only one sofa which was frequently occupied by her mother who was more than seventy years old jane would never use it even in her mother s absence but she contrived a sort of couch for herself with two or three chairs and was pleased to say that this arrangement was more comfortable to her than a real sofa her reasons for this might have been left to be guessed but for the of a little niece which obliged her to explain that if she herself had shown any inclination to use the sofa her mother might have being on it so much as was good for her it is certain however that the mind did not share in this decay of the bodily strength persuasion was not finished before the middle of � a of jane august in that year and tke manner in it was then completed affords proof that neither the critical nor the powers of the author were at all the hook had heen brought to an end in july and the re engagement of the hero and heroine effected in a totally different manner in a scene laid at admiral s lodgings her performance did not satisfy her she thought it tame and flat and was desirous of producing something better this weighed upon her mind the more so probably on account of the weak state of her health so that one night she retired to rest in very low spirits but such depression was little in accordance with her nature and was soon shaken off the next morning she awoke to more cheerful views and brighter the sense of power revived and imagination resumed its course she the condemned chapter and wrote two others entirely different in its stead the result is that we possess the visit of the grove party to bath the crowded and animated scenes at the white hotel and the charming conversation between captain and anne overheard by captain by wliich the two faithful lovers were at last led to understand each other s feelings the tenth and chapters of then rather than the actual winding up of the story contain the latest of her printed her last contribution to the entertainment of the public perhaps it may be thought that she has seldom written anything more brilliant and that independent of the original manner in the in a of jane brought the of ic a good natured and of his wife s selfishness hare been without these finishing strokes the chapter exists in it is certainly inferior to the two which were for it but it was such as some writers and some readers might have been contented with and it contained which scarcely any other hand could hare the of which may be almost a c� regret the following letter was addressed to her friend miss then staying at wit her sister the wife of the reverend hei � hill uncle of robert it appears to have written three days before she began her last work which will be noticed in another chapter and shows that she was not at that time aware of serious nature of her malady january mr dear � i think it time there should be a little writing between us though i believe the debt is on your side and i hope this will find all the party well neither carried away by the flood nor through � the such mild weather is you know delightful to us and though we have a great many and a fine running stream through the meadows on the other side of the road it is nothing but what us and does to talk of i have this chapter is now printed in compliance the tor me from several t� a a of jane gained strength through the winter and am not far from being well and i think i understand my own case now so much better than i did as to be able by care to keep off any serious return of illness i am convinced that is at the bottom of all i have suffered which makes it easy to know how to treat myself you will be glad to hear thus much of me i am sure we have just had a few days visit from edward who brought us a good account of his father and the very circumstance of his coming at all of his father s being able to spare him is itself a good account he grows still and still in appearance at least in the estimation of his who love him better and better as they see the sweet temper and warm affections of the boy confirmed in the young man i tried hard to persuade him that he must have some message for william but in vain this is not a | 26 |
some of the largest farms in the southern and possessing a considerable amount of invested k a last resource capital i am prepared to assist farmers and with temporary financial aid in any sums from � so upwards at a very low rate of interest upon note of hand alone and in a manner of easy and satisfactory to well said when he had slowly read out this interesting and tempting advertisement you applied i suppose to this individual to help you out of your difficulty yes said the old man i borrowed jf from him last to help to pay my rent then i borrowed another � so about a month ago to buy seed and potatoes for the planting i ve paid some back and also the interest but i think i understand it for he says now that i owe him � and that if i pay he put in the i suppose he has a bill of sale on your stock said ay answered the old man he said it was his only security would you mind letting me see all the papers mr said and i saw by his face that he was much interested in the affair ai folk in london willingly and with the manner of one who is glad to be relieved of the responsibility poor old emptied his pocket book and laid out the precious documents on his table just look here david said he after he had studied them for a moment this poor man has paying this scoundrel at the rate of a hundred per cent do you see how they them in the interest is charged monthly instead of yearly there are more people ruined by this sort of thing than by all the which can overtake humanity the next move on the board will be that this villain will seize the whole stock of the farm and turn the tenant out to die in his own fields or to go to the work house whichever he may prefer but dear me i said has he no is there no law that can touch the money shook his head none the law can t touch him what we do want badly is some new on this very point the press could do something towards this crying evil if they would decline to such a last resource ments as these which are nothing less than traps to catch the well my friend he said turning to the old man what do you want me to do if you could expose this scoundrel said the old man it help others can help me now because i am ruined but it would be some satisfaction to me if he could be prevented from others i ve often heard of you sir although you ken me and i thought that in your paper maybe you would draw folks attention to as this where did you say your place was mr he asked kindly i should like very much to take a run down and see it if i might ye will be welcome replied the farmer fervently it is very easy got at is the station and the place is not a mile from it once i could have offered to drive you up in my own but that never be again when will you come saturday afternoon said and meantime if you will leave these papers with me i will see mr as he calls himself it is just sm folk in london if i take him in hand he may get a the l on die worn and of die poor old man who at the close of a hard working denying life saw nothing bat ruin staring him in the face as it happened the next two days very and busy and day came without offering any opportunity to to investigate the case which had thus been laid before he did not however forget his promise to go out to the farm and about four o clock on saturday afternoon we left street together it was an exquisite april afternoon the sky with the tender spring clouds as we got beyond the of the city and came to the level stretches of the we saw the of the hastening summer upon the earth it was the time of hope and promise and yet we felt depressed because the country through which we sped seemed less uplifted by the hopeful of spring than any country we had ever seen more than once looking out of the carriage window shook his head j a last resource it s a business i doubt farming here david and i wonder that a man who had once tasted life among the hills could suffer it here but when we got beyond and the prospect brightened and became more like the farming lands to which we had been accustomed in our youth we found the village of a picturesque and looking place scattered on the slope of a pleasant hill we had to pass through it on our way to our destination which rejoiced in the somewhat of lodge the house was built of red brick and being surrounded by some goodly trees presented rather a sheltered and appearance but the surrounding land was wretched nothing could redeem it and kept shaking his head as we walked up the ill made and ill kept road to the house as we crossed the last and came within sight of the front door we saw a covered wagon standing before it into which they appeared to be the furniture of the house � we ve too late david i doubt said z folk in london somewhat excitedly i m sure they have sold them we hastened forward and the door just as two men carried through the porch a heavy mahogany such as one only sees in old fashioned houses just within the door stood the old | 17 |
below cost what are they to do they cannot force at any price not utterly there is no demand at any rate they cannot upon england the mischief they must suffer � her and the other of the world are supplied and will bear but a limited pressure the foreign has created a of money as well as a of goods has largely been in payment which has compelled the banks to contract and deny their obligations must be met if tliey cannot make the will and must it is not merely their but their whole product which has been and made at a blow the end is easily foreseen our become and are broken up their works are brought to a dead stand the therein after spending months in constrained idleness are driven by famine into the western or into less productive and less congenial their acquired skill and dexterity as well as a portion of their time are a dead loss to themselves and the community and we commence the slow and process of and our industry on the one sided or agricultural basis such is the process which we have twice already how many shall satisfy us now will any man gravely ai e that we have five or six millions by this cheap purchase of british goods � hy buying where we could buy will he not see that though the price was low the cost is very great but the apparent saving is doubly for the british having utterly crushed their american rivals ly the grounds of protection one or two operations of this kind soon find here a market not for a of fifteen or twenty millions but they have now a demand for the amount of our whole consumption which making allowance for our diminished ability to pay would probably still reach fifty millions per this increased demand would soon produce and in the general market and now the foreign would say in their w have sold some millions worth of goods to america for less than cost in order to obtain control of that market now we have it and must our losses � and they them with interest they would have a perfect right to do so i hope no man has me as any of the of honesty on their part less of the laws of trade they have a perfect right to sell goods in our on such terms as we and they can afford it is we who set up our own vital interests to be down by their who are alone to be blamed who does not see that this sending out our great interests and to battle against the opposed to them in the of trade is to their destruction it were just as wise to say that because our people are brave therefore they shall any without fire arms as to say that the of other nations ought not to be opposed by us because our are skilful and our have made great advances the very fact that our are greatly extended and improved is the strong reason why they should not be exposed to destruction if they were of no amount or value their loss would be less disastrous but now the five or six millions we should make on the cheaper of goods would cost us one hundred millions in the destruction of property alone yet this is but an item of our damage the classes feel the first effect of the blow but it would every muscle of society one hundred thousand and discharged from our ruined after being some time out of employment at a waste of millions of the national wealth ai e at last driven by famine to engage in other � of course with inferior skill and at an inferior price the farmer gardener lose them as customers to meet them as rivals they crowd the labor of those branches of industry which we are still permitted to pursue just at the time when the demand for their has fallen off and the price is rapidly declining the result is just what we have seen in a former instance all that any man may make by buying foreign goods cheap he loses ten times over by the decline of his own property product or labor while to nine of the whole people the result is calamity the disastrous consequences to a nation of the mere and of its industry which must follow the breaking down of any of its great producing interests have never yet been sufficiently estimated free trade indeed us that every person thrown out of employment in one place or capacity has only to choose another but almost every working man knows from experience that such is not the fact � that the loss of a situation through the failure of his business is oftener a sore calamity i know a worthy citizen who spent six years in learning the trade of a which he had just in when an immense of hats utterly tie manufacture in this country he travelled and sought for months but could find no employment at any price and at last gave up the pursuit found work in some other capacity and never made a hat since he lives yet and now comfortably for he is industrious and but the six years he gave to learn his trade were utterly lost to him � lost for the want of adequate and steady protection to home industry i insist that the government has failed of its proper and duty to that citizen and to thousands and of thousands who have suffered from like causes i insist that if the government had permitted without complaint a foreign force to land on our shores and that man s house of the of six years of faithful industry tee grounds of protection the neglect of duty would not have been more and i firmly | 19 |
kept coming in and claiming a recognition and after a week or so he and his friend moved up to s villa at where they stayed until they went off to the young man asked if it were possible his two friends had left the group could passage be taken from any other port except it was possible but very improbable none of the ocean touched anywhere else sometimes people embarked from in on sailing vessels the hotel man having communicated so information now set about acquiring some for himself he plied with questions to which only answers were returned who was with him asked the manager an old friend but i must go at to the villa and see what i can learn there about a sugar princess s villa is situated four miles from the royal hotel and the street car line in the world runs or did at that time up king street and past that not only was the line exceedingly slow but the cars ran at doubtful and intervals each was by a pair of animals ordinarily a mule and horse abreast though why this strange mixture was preferred to two beasts of a kind together is a mystery there being but a single track turn were numerous and waits at each of them prolonged enough to who had need of haste the cars were specimens wholly in a pushing and in many respects modern town like and seldom by above the grade of a native or white car l did not fed however like paying the two dollars which a would charge when ten cents would answer the purpose and as he reached king street he looked anxiously for the cheaper conveyance none being in sight he started to walk hoping that a car would overtake him eventually this was by no means sure after going something like half a mile the young man came opposite to a handsome residence in tropical foliage at which some special event was evidently taking place carriages bearing the marks of private stood along the to the number of forty or fifty the residence was with light many voices blended with the music of an as he reached ihe massive a x sugar princess q carriage passed in containing a gentleman who bowed to him for a moment so was with his thoughts he did not recognize the as rev mr love joy whom he had met on the steamer instead of entering the house the clergyman hastened to the and extended his hand aren t you coming in he asked i do not understand you why the van are having a reception on account of their daughter s return from america were you not invited i do not know the family was the rather cold response i was not presented to them during the voyage what a pity exclaimed mr are such delightful people i met mr van when i was here before miss is a dear girl whom you would find it a pleasure to know ah he continued as a gentleman approached from the house here is mr van now you must let ms present you there is still time to go to the hotel and get into your evening clothes everybody who came on i he will be here though not having any idea of this summary arrangement reflected that a to mr van was something he could not afford to refuse just then he had no idea of course of accepting an invitation to the party if it was obtained in this manner undoubtedly mr meant well in his simplicity when he called out mr van o a sugar princess i want to introduce a fellow passenger young man murmured the usual come right in said the sugar in his unaffected way i ll show you where to put your things excuse me it is quite impossible i am going to but added in a lower tone relieved that the minister had been taken in charge by a servant i would like to speak to you just a moment on another matter mr van bowed i am looking for mr peter an adopted uncle of mine whom i understand you have seen recently in the lifted his eyes and took a careful survey of his companion s features so you are that young man he said thoughtfully let us walk into the garden there is less confusion there too anxious to decline followed immediately what have you done to m r s good opinion was van s sober when they found themselves alone nothing that i am aware of said looking at his it is very strange pardon my mr came here under an assumed name with his chief object as i gather that of you while here i learned from the attorney who did the work he executed a will you who had previously been his principal and his estate to and you say you can no reason for these proceedings a sugar princess not only do i say that was the impatient answer but i care nothing about the matter in itself mr has already done more for me than i had any right to expect though he had formerly executed a will in my favor he did it without consulting me at all it was not to talk of his property but of himself i accepted mr love joy s offer to present me to you i want to find my friend the mystery is a painful one he left st louis several months ago promising to write often and i have received but two letter s if in either of them he had intimated that hie wished our friendship to end and had given the slightest reason for such a wish i would have resigned myself to his desire i am sorry to annoy you with this matter when you have duties so important tonight but the sudden close | 1 |
it and turned round on the with back to the fire and went through his of holding oat his bands for mine and this said ho my hands up and il in lis as he puffed at his pipe and this is the what i made the real genuine one it me good fur to look at you au i is to stand by and look at you dear boy i released my as soon aa i could and found that i was beginning slowly to settle down to the contemplation of my condition what i was ned to how heavily intelligible to me as hoarse voice and sat looking up at bald head with its grey at the sides j i mustn t see my gentleman a footing it in the mire of the streets there mustn t he no on hia boots my gentleman have horses horses lo ride and to drive and for hia servant lo ride and drive as well shall have their and if yon good lord and hot my london gentleman no no we ll show em another pair of shoes than that won t � s he took out of his pocket a great thick bursting with papers and tossed it on the table there s something worth spending in that there dear boy it s all i ve got ain t mine it s don t you he on it there s more that from i ve come to the old country to see my spend ma y il ii � � � that ll be my pleasure my i e a i do it and you va i looking round the room and bis � once with a loud snap blast you every one from tin judge in bis wig to a stirring up the i ll show a better gentleman than the whole o j ut together t said i almost in a frenzy of fear and d h e i want to speak to you i want to know t to be done i want to know how you e � out of how long you are going to stay you have bt look ee here said he laying his hand m v my arm in a suddenly altered and subdued i first of all look ee here i forgot myself half a n ago what i said was low that s what it low look ee here look over it i ain t a goin to bo low first i resumed half groaning what can be taken against your being recognised ai ed no dear boy he said in the same tone as b that don t go first goes first i look so many year to make a gentleman not knowing what s due to him look ee here low that s what i was low look it dear some sense of the grimly ludicrous moved me to t laugh as i replied i looked c i heaven s name don t harp upon iti yes but look here he dear bo fl ain t come so fur to be low now go on dear was a saying � how are you to be guarded from the danger you incurred dear boy tha w s informed the danger ain t so to there s and there s and i s yon who else is there to inform i there no chance person who might you lie street said well he returned there ain t many nor yet i don t intend to myself in the papers by the name of a m come hack from bay and years g rolled away who s to gain by it still look ee here if the danger had been fifty times u great should ha come to you mind you just the same and how long do you how said he taking his black pipe from mouth and dropping his jaw as he stared at me fin not a going back i ve come for good where are you to live said i what is to he with you where will you be safe dear boy he returned there s can be bought for money and there s hair powder and spectacles and black clothes � and what not others has done it safe afore and what others has afore others can do as to the where and of living dear boy give me your own opinions you take it smoothly now said i but you were very serious last night when you swore it waa death and i swear it is death said he putting his pipe back in hia mouth and death by the rope in the open street not fur from thb and it s serious thai i ally understand it to e so � i a done here am t i i p nd be aa bad as to stand ground � worse i m here because i ve meant it by you years a years as to what i dare i m a old bird now as dared all manner of traps since first he w s not to perch upon a if death hid inside of it there is and let come out and ril face him and then i ll believe in him and ii afore and now let me have a look at my once more he too h an d me with an air of admiring with g complacency all the while it appeared to me that i could do no better tha secure him some quiet lodging hard by of which fa might take possession when returned whom expected in two or three days that the secret be confided to as a matter of na even if i could have put the immense derive from sharing it with liim out i was plain to me but it was by no plain to mr i resolved to call him by tha | 8 |
error for colonel die come in and who was convinced that solicitude foi brought him thither and who saw that solicitude in his disturbed and melancholy look and in his anxious though brief after her could not forgive her sister for him so lightly i met mrs in bond street said he after the first salutation and she encouraged me to come on and i was the more easily encouraged because thought it probable that i might find you alone which i was very desirous of doing my object � my wish � my sole wish in desiring it � i hope i believe it is � is to be a means of giving comfort � no i must not say comfort � not present comfort � but conviction lasting conviction to your sister s mind my sense and sensibility regard for her for yourself for your � will you allow me to prove it by relating some circumstances which nothing but a very sincere regard � nothing but an earnest desire of being useful � i think i am justified � though where so many hours have been spent in convincing myself that i am right is there not some reason to fear i may be wrong he stopped i und you said you have something to tell me of mr that will open his character farther your telling it will be the greatest act of friendship that can be shown my gratitude will be immediately by any information tending to that end and hers must be gained by it in time pray pray let me hear it you shall and to be brief when i quitted last october � but this will give you no idea � i must go farther back you will find me a very awkward miss i hardly know where to begin a short account of myself i believe will be necessary and it shall be a short one on such a subject sighing heavily i can have little temptation to be he a moment for recollection and then with another sigh went on you have probably entirely forgotten a conversation � it is not to be supposed that it could make any impression on you � a conversation between us one evening at park � it was the evening of a dance � in which i alluded to a lady i had once known as resembling in some measure your ter indeed answered i have not forgotten it he looked pleased by this remembrance and added � if i am not deceived by the uncertainty the partiality of tender recollection there is a very strong resemblance between them as well in mind as person the same warmth of heart the same eagerness of fancy and spirits this lady was one of my nearest relations an orphan from her infancy and under the of my father our ages were nearly the same and from our earliest years we were and friends i cannot remember the time when i did not love and my affection for her as we grew up was such as perhaps judging from my present forlorn and cheerless gravity you might think me incapable of having ever felt hers and sensibility for me was i believe fervent as the attachment ot your sister to mr and it was though from a different cause no less unfortunate at seventeen she was lost to me for ever she was married � married against her inclination to my brother her fortune was large and our family estate much and this i fear is all that can be said for the conduct of one who was at once her uncle and guardian my brother did not deserve her he did not even love her i had hoped that her regard for me would support her under any and for some time it did but at last the misery of her situation for she experienced great overcame all her resolution and though she had promised me that nothing � but how blindly i relate i have never told you how this was brought on we were within a few hours of together for scotland the treachery or the folly of my cousin s maid betrayed us i was banished to the house of a relation far distant and she was allowed no liberty no society no amusement till my father s point was gained i had depended on her fortitude too far and the blow was a severe one � but had her marriage been happy so young as i then was a few months must have reconciled me to it or at least i should not have now to lament it this however was not the case my brother had no regard for her his pleasures were not what they ought to have been and from the first he treated her the consequence of this upon a mind so young so lively so inexperienced as mrs s was but too natural she resigned herself at first to all the misery of her situation and happy had it been if she had not lived to overcome those regrets which the remembrance of me occasioned but can we wonder that with such a husband to provoke and without a friend to advise or restrain her for my father lived only a few months after their marriage and i was with my regiment in the east indies she should fall had i remained in england perhaps � but i meant to promote the happiness of both by removing from her for years and for that purpose had procured my exchange the shock which her marriage had given me he continued in a voice of great agitation was of trifling weight � was nothing to what i felt when i heard about two years afterwards of her divorce it was that which threw this gloom � � ven now the recollection of what i suffered and he could say | 26 |
the doctor was firm � and the american who travels in europe with limited means must cultivate this virtue or he will be robbed at every street corner the passage down the river was delightful and was fully enjoyed by the travellers at they employed a shore boat to them to the ship the regular fare for a two oar boat was sixpence but the had the impudence to demand two shillings which however they did not get paul was a lion on board and he had an interested audience while he spun his in the afternoon one half of the ship s company were permitted to go on shore and explore did you have any money paul asked the fourth lieutenant who had been so rebellious at young america in ireland and scotland the time when the students had been compelled to deliver their money to the principal certainly i did i drew on mr for thirty shillings replied paul the fellows begin to feel bad about their money again added we are going to have a chance to go on shore now and if one of us is hungry we haven t a penny to buy a mr will do what is right about it you may be sure well i hope he will i have always had a little money iii my pocket and i don t like to feel like a beggar he gave small sums to those who went on shore this afternoon added paul well i hope he won t be mean about it he won t you may depend upon it and i hope all the fellows will use their money properly of course they will i m afraid some will not which may stop their allowance if the fellows don t get their money there ll be another i you don t believe in the paul i m sure i don t i don t think much of it but there will be trouble if the money is kept back shortly after this conversation the boats came off with the boys who had visited uie shore and all hands were to muster to enable the principal to inform them that the entire ship s company would and or visit cork on the following day and make an excursion to castle this intelligence was re with intense satisfaction by the bo s dr had brought an invitation from his worship tlie mayor for the whole ship s company to pay a visit to the city the next day at ten o clock in the after two hours of study by the students one of the little which had been engaged for the purpose came alongside and all the boys went on board and also the occupants of the main cabin the ship being left in charge of peaks the on their arrival in cork they were received and welcomed by his worship who invited them to partake of a in the town hall at three o clock mr replied for the students but in order to give the irish an to know what american boys are captain was called out and made a very modest and pretty speech thanking his worship for his kindness and hospitality and promising ever to hold the pleasant city of cork in grateful remembrance doubtless tlie mayor was surprised to hear a boy of seventeen make a speech for it was more than h r h the prince of wales could do at nineteen when he was and in america after these ceremonies the boys who had been carefully charged before they left the ship to behave like gentlemen were allowed to explore the city at their own pleasure with positive to be at the town hall by three o clock a little liberty was by the boys two and young america in ireland and scotland sixpence in small coin had been paid to each student and all of them were in condition to enjoy themselves it is probable that some of them drank more than one glass of ale which is almost as plenty as water all over the united kingdom and it is known that there were some though none of a serious nature for instance when a rude fellow in great george street ventured to say something about a bit of a as passed he was knocked over for his this was more than any or any irish boy could stand and a mild type of fair was actually in progress when a couple of the city police stepped up and drove off the at the appointed hour the boys too much interested in the excursion to castle to be were all on hand at the town hall the was disposed of with excellent relish after the exercise of the morning and with all the more relish because it was so different from the food to which they had been accustomed during the voyage fowl and ham is a favorite combination in the united kingdom and this was the of the feast cold roast beef and cold mutton were also supplied with and cheese while the guests were occupied with the twenty four cars had been collected at mr s request upon which the whole party mounted and started for the drive along tlie bank of the river was exceedingly pleasant and the obtained first view of the rural districts the country was certainly very and or but like most americans who travel in the united kingdom our were greatly pointed because they could see so little of it there were fine garden and magnificent estates but hardly a sight of them could be obtained for they were all surrounded by high stone walls sometimes ten feet iii height and the tops covered with sharp stones and in some instances with broken bottles to prevent tlie of farther from cork they came to open places and obtained a more extended view of the country and | 36 |
a man of soft civilization sitting at a desk would have grown lean and woe on the fare that kept and daylight at the top of physical they knew as the man at the desk never knows what it is to be all the time to that they could eat any time their were always with them and on edge so that they bit into whatever and with an entire innocence of by three in the afternoon the long twilight faded into n t the stars came out very near and sharp and bright and by their light dogs and men still kept the trail they were and this was no record run of a single day but the first day of sixty such days though day had passed a night without sleep a night of dancing and it seemed to have left no for this there were two explanations first his remarkable vitality and next the fact that such nights were rare in his again enters the man at the desk whose physical would be more hurt by a cup of coffee at burning daylight than could daylight s by a whole night long of strong drink and excitement daylight travelled without a watch feeling the passage of time and largely it by processes by what he considered must be six o clock he began looking for a place the trail at a bend out across the river not having foimd a likely spot they held on for the opposite bank a mile away but they an ice jam which took an hour of heavy work to cross at last daylight what he was looking for a dead tree close by the bank the was run in and up with satisfaction and the work of making camp was the division of labor was excellent each knew what he must do with one axe daylight down the dead pine with a and the other axe cleared away the two feet of snow above the ice and a supply of ice for cooking purposes a piece of dry bark started the fire and daylight went ahead with the cooking while the indian the and fed the dogs their of dried fish the food he high in the trees beyond leaping reach of the next he down a yoimg tree and trimmed off the boughs close to the fire he trampled down the soft snow and covered the packed space with the boughs on this he tossed his own and daylight s gear bags containing dry and and their sleeping robes however had two robes of rabbit skin to daylight s one they worked on steadily without speaking losing no time each did whatever was needed without thought of leaving to the other the least task that presented itself to hand thus saw when more ice was needed and went and got it while a pushed over by the o � was stuck on end again by daylight while daylight coffee was boiling bacon drying and were being mixed daylight found time to put on a big pot of beans came back sat down on the edge of the boughs and in the interval of waiting mended harness i t ink and make um plenty fight maybe remarked as they sat down to eat keep an eye on them was daylight s answer and this was their sole conversation throughout the meal once with a muttered leaped away a stick of in hand and apart a of fighting dogs daylight between fed of ice into the tin pot where it into water the meal finished the fire cut more wood for the morning and returned to the bough bed and his harness mending daylight cut up generous of bacon and dropped them in the pot of beans the of both men were wet and this in spite of the intense cold so when there was no further need for them to leave the of boughs they took off their and them on short sticks to dry before the fire turning them about from time to time when the beans were finally cooked daylight ran part of them into a bag of flour a foot and a half long and three inches in this he then laid on the snow to the remainder of the beans were left in the pot for breakfast it was past nine o clock and they were ready for bed the and among the dogs had long since died down and the weary animals were curled in the snow each with his feet and nose together and covered by his wolf s brush of a tail spread his and lighted his pipe daylight rolled a brown paper and the second conversation of the evening took place i think we come near miles said v burning daylight um i t ink so said they rolled their robes all standing each with a jacket on in place of the they had worn all swiftly almost on the instant they closed their eyes they were asleep the stars leaped and danced in the frosty air and overhead the colored bars of the were shooting like great in the darkness daylight awoke and roused though the still another day had warmed over warmed over beans bacon and coffee composed the breakfast the dogs got nothing though they watched with wistful mien from a distance sitting up in the snow their tails curled around their occasionally they lifted one fore or the other with a restless movement as if the frost in their feet tt was bitter cold at least sixty five below and when the dogs with naked hands he was com several times to go over to the fire and warm the finger tips together the two men loaded and lashed the they warmed their hands for the last time pulled on their and the dogs over the bank and down to the river trail according to daylight s estimate it | 21 |
should walk there i found some excuse why go the reality would destroy the dream what reality could equal my memory of the where the of the drain where we for of the long strand with the lake far away in summer of my dead life time how well i remember that yellow sand hard and level in some places as the floor of a ball room the water there is so shallow that our used to allow us to wander at will to run on ahead in pursuit of a the bird used to fly round with little cries and we often used to think it was wounded perhaps it pretended to be wounded in order to lead us away from its nest we did not think it possible to see the lake in any new aspect yet there it lay as we had never seen it before so still so soft so grey like a white muslin flowing out winding past island and the silence was so intense that one thought of the of long ago of sleeping woods and haunted castles there were the castles on islands lying in water faint as dreams now and then a bird uttered a piercing little chatter from the branches of the tall and ducks in the but their talk was only a soft murmur hardly louder than the rustle of the now in full leaf everything was that day the shadows of reed and island seemed for ever as in a magic mirror � a mirror that somebody had breathed upon and listening to the little of the water about the one seemed to hear eternity murmuring its sad monotony the lake curves inland forming a pleasant bay among the woods there is a sandy spit where some pines have found and they live on somehow despite the harsh of the wind in winter along the shore dead lie in rows three feet deep among the rushes had they been placed there by hand they could not have been placed with more regularity and there is an old cart track with growing out of a tumbled wall the is planted � beautiful and at one end and at the other some with tall swaying branches shedding faint shadows these were the wonder of my childhood a path leads through the wood and under the rugged pine somebody has placed a seat a roughly ni stone supported by two upright stones for some reason unknown to me this seat always even when i was a child a pilgrim s seat i suppose the suggestion came from the knowledge that my grandmother used to go every day to the tomb at the end of the wood where her husband and sons lay and whither she was taken herself long ago when i was in and twenty years after my father was taken there what a ceaseless of the same things a will appear again in a few days perhaps the same the horses covered up with black made to look ridiculous with weed the coachman no better than a the ominous superior mute directing the others with a there will be a procession of relatives and friends all wearing and black gloves and most of them thinking how soon they can get back to their business that which we call a funeral fearing premature burial a very common fear my mother had asked that her burial should be postponed a natural change in the elements of her body should leave no doubt that life no longer op my dead life there and the interval between her death and her burial i spent along the lake s shore the same weather continued day after day and it is almost impossible to find words to express the beauty of the grey reflection of the islands and the and the faint shores floating away disappearing in the sun haze and the silence about the shores a kind of enchanted silence interrupted as i have said only by the low of the water about the now and then the song of a bird would break out and all was silence again � a silence that seems to come out of the very heart of things i said and i stopped to listen like one at the world s end i walked on wondering through the rushes and grass and bushes which grew along the shore along the edge of the wood coming from the town i could not but admire the of the country hardly ever did i hear the sound of a human voice or a footstep only did i meet some wood poor women carrying bundles of bent under their loads and thinking that perchance i knew them � they were evidently from the village if so i must have known them when i was a boy � i was suddenly seized by an unaccountable dread or a shyness occasioned no doubt by the sense of the immense difference that time had effected in us they were the same but i was different the books i had pondered and the pictures i had seen had me from them simple souls that they were and the consciousness of the injustice of the human lot made it a pain to me to look into their so i was glad to be able to pass behind some bushes and to escape into the wood without their perceiving me and upon pleasant pleasanter even than those that lingered in my memory i lay down for though the days were the first days of may the grass was long and warm and ready for the the branches of the tall swung faintly in a delicious breeze and the words of the old irish poet came into my mind the wood was like a harp in the hands of a to see the boughs to listen to them seemed a sufficient delight and i began to admire the low sky | 15 |
instrument of destruction but a place of the cliff is profoundly and presents the mouth of a huge in which the bodies of men and the of ships are alike hurled down and buried the had dragged with eight years of trouble in the rest her injured screw her from steaming vigorously up and a little before day she had struck the front of the coral come oflf struck again and gone down stem foremost as she went into the gaping hollow of the of her whole of nearly eighty four souls were cast alive on the beach and the bodies of the remainder were by the of the streams at last from the harbour and naked on the of the island five ships were immediately with the same destruction the vanished � the four poor on shore � read a dreadful on their danger which was swelled out of all proportion by the violence of their own movements as they leaped and fell among the by seven the was so fortunate as to avoid the and beach upon a space of sand where she was immediately deserted by her crew with the assistance of not without loss of life by about eight it was the turn of the she was close down upon the doomed herself it might yet be possible to save a the tion of her crew and for this end captain placed his reliance on the very of the seas that threatened him the moment was watched for with the anxiety of despair but the coolness of courage as she rose on the fatal wave her were simultaneously slipped she to in rising and the sea heaved her bodily upward and cast her down with a on the summit of the where she lay on her beam ends her back broken buried in seas but safe conceive a table the in the darkness had been smashed against the rim and flung below the cast free in the nick of opportunity had been thrown upon the top many were injured in the many tossed into the water twenty perished the crept again on board their ship as it now lay and as it still remains to the waves a monument of the sea s tn still weather under a sky in those seasons when that ill named ocean the pacific suffers its vexed shores to rest she lies high and dry the spray scarce touching her � the structure of man s hands within a circuit eight years of trouble in of a thousand miles � tossed up there like a s cap upon a shelf broken like an ge a thing to dream of the of germany and britain were both that morning in and both displayed their nobler qualities de the grim old soldier collected his family and with them in an agony of prayer for those exposed more fortunate in that he was called to a more active service must upon the striking of the pass to his own from this he was divided by the now a raging torrent the trunks of trees a might have dreaded to attempt the passage we may conceive this brave but unfortunate and now ruined man to have found a natural joy in the exposure of his life and twice that day coming and going he the fury of the river it was possible in spite of the darkness of the and the continual of the seas to remark human movements on the and by the help of always nobly forward in the work whether for friend or enemy sought the long to get a line conveyed from shore and was for long defeated the shore guard of fifty men stood to their arms the while upon the beach useless themselves and a great of usefulness it was perhaps impossible that this mistake should be avoided what more natural to the mind of a european than that the should fall upon the in this hour of their disadvantage but they had no other thought than to assist and those who now rallied beside as they supposed in doing so a double danger from the fury of the sea and the weapons of their enemies about nine a swam ashore and reported all the officers and some sixty men alive but in pitiable case some with broken limbs others insensible from the of the later in the certain succeeded in reaching the wreck and returning with a line but it was speedily broken and all subsequent attempts proved the strongest being cast back again by the bursting seas all through that day and night the must continue to eight years of trouble in endure their and one officer died it was supposed from agony of mind in his cabin three ships still hung on the next margin of destruction steaming desperately to their dashed helplessly together the was the nearest in she had the close on her port side and a little ahead the close a the under her heel and steaming and on her the unhappy ship with her three dangers about a quarter to nine she carried away the quarter gallery with her boom a moment later the had near her from the other side by nine the dropped down on her too fast to be avoided and clapped her stern under the of the english ship the of which were burst asunder as she rose ta avoid cutting her down it was necessary for the to stop and even to reverse her engines and her was at the moment � or it seemed so to the eyes of those on board � within ten feet of the between the and the writes in his excellent report it the was destruction to repeat s with the was impossible the was too heavy the one possibility of escape was to go out if the engines should stand if they should have power to drive the ship against | 38 |
by no means an type of the confusion and riot which the most sordid and paltry passions may produce in the moral world when suffered to gather up and in the system as i have introduced this narrative to make my reader acquainted with the merits of the relative to the boundary line it is necessary that i should inform him that when my grand uncle first entered upon this project of the mill he immediately opened a with mr his neighbor � who was at that time the proprietor of the � for the purchase of so much of the land or rather of the marsh which lay eastward of the apple pie branch as was sufficient for the projected mill dam i have already told my readers that the branch itself was the dividing line between the two estates and consequently my grand uncle was already in possession of all westward of that line in his communications with mr on this subject he unfolded his whole scheme and without the least difficulty obtained the purchase he desired there were several letters passed between them which stated the purpose contemplated and the deed that was executed on the occasion also that edward hazard of swallow bam it to be a matter of great importance to the good people on and using the lands in the of the stream of water commonly known and called by the name of the apple pie branch that a convenient and serviceable mill adapted to the grinding of wheat and indian corn should be constructed on the said apple pie c and also that the said edward hazard having carefully considered the capacity fall force of water head and of the said branch for the maintenance and supply of a mill as and being convinced d of the full and perfect fitness of the old mill the same for the purposes the said transferred o a full title to so much of the said land as it may be found useful and necessary to occupy in the accomplishment of the said design c the said edward hazard paying at the rate of one pound current money of virginia for each and every acre thereof by this conveyance the western limit of the was removed from the channel of the branch to the water edge of the mill pond as soon as the same should be created my grand uncle after the failure of his scheme could never bear to talk about it it fretted him exceedingly and he was sure to get into a passion whenever it was mentioned he swore at it and said a great many harsh things for i am told he was naturally a passionate man and was not very patient under contradiction he would not even go near the place but generally took some pains in his rides to avoid it when they told him that the storm had carried away the dam he broke out with one of his usual odd kind of oaths and said he was glad of it it was a preposterous � he must have been under the influence of the moon when he conceived it and of satan when he brought it forth and he rejoiced that the winds of heaven had every monument of his folly besides this he said many other things of it equally severe the date of this of the old gentleman was somewhere about the middle of the last century the ruin of the mill is still to be seen its roof has entirely disappeared a part of the walls are yet standing and the shaft of the great wheel with one or two of the attached still lies across its appropriate bed the spot is with trees and forms a pleasant and serene picture of quiet the track of the race is to be traced by some obscure and two remain showing the of the dam a range of light the old mill grows upon what i presume was the edge of the mill pond but the intervening marsh presents now as of old its complicated of water plants amongst which the at its season its beautiful flower and throws abroad its rich perfume before the period of the war paid the debt of nature the present proprietor his eldest son inherited his estate old edward hazard figured in that momentous le and lived long enough after its close to share with many gallant spirits of the time the glories of its triumph the son of his old friend preserved a position in the contest and being at heart a thorough going the intercourse between him and the family at swallow bam grew rare and the political principles of the two families were widely at and in those times such differences had their influence upon the private associations of life still it is believed and i suppose with some foundation for the opinion that the good offices of my grand uncle secretly exerted and without even the knowledge of mr had the effect to preserve the from � the common misfortune of the in the war an affectionate remembrance of his old friend and the youth of the successor to the estate at that time being imagined to have edward hazard in this of kindness my grand uncle very soon after the peace was gathered to his fathers and has left behind him a name of which as i have before remarked the family are proud amongst the monuments which still exist to recall him to memory i confess the old to me is not the least its history has a bearing upon his character his ardent zeal his sanguine temperament his public spirit his odd and that dash of comic humorous the old hill ness that i think has reappeared after the shifting of one gen in j ed i accordingly frequently go with ned to this spot and as we stretch ourselves out upon the | 29 |
musing on the subject because it perplexed him it was a gift � those were her words admitting it to be a gift he thought she could hardly value a friend more than him and giving the flower into his charge would have made no difference except indeed it was the gift of a lover he murmured i wonder if ever has had a lover before he said aloud as a new idea quite this and companion thoughts were enough to occupy him completely till he fell asleep � rather later than usual the next day when they were again alone he said to her rather do you love me more or less for what i told you on board the steamer you told me so many things she returned lifting her eyes to his and smiling i mean the confession you out of me � that i had never had a sweetheart before it is a satisfaction i suppose to be the first in your heart she said to him with an attempt to continue her smiling i am going to ask you a question now said knight somewhat awkwardly i only ask it in a way you know not with great seriousness you may think it odd perhaps tried desperately to keep the color in her face she could not though distressed to think that getting pale showed consciousness of deeper guilt than merely getting red o no � i shall not think that she said because obliged to say something to fill the pause which followed her s remark it is this have you ever had a lover am almost sure you have not but have you � not as it were a lover i mean not worth mention ing harry she faltered knight in as v c ing to be felt some sickness of heart o a pair of ue e yes still he was a lover well a sort of lover i suppose she responded a man i mean you know yes but only a mere person and � but truly your lover yes a lover certainly � he was that yes he might have been called my lover knight said nothing to this for a minute or more and kept silent time with his finger to the of the library clock in which room the was going on you don t mind harry do you she said anxiously close to him and watching his face of course i don t seriously mind in reason a man cannot object to such a trifle i only thought you hadn t � that was all however one ray was abstracted from the glory about her head but afterwards when knight was wandering by himself over the bare and hills and meditating on the subject that ray suddenly returned for she might have had a lover and never have cared in the least for him she might have used the word and meant admirer all the time of course she had been admired and one man might have made his admiration more prominent than that of the rest � a very natural case they were sitting on one of the garden seats when he found occasion to put the question to the test did you love that lover or admirer of yours ever so little she murmured reluctantly yes i think i did knight felt the same faint touch of misery only a very little he said i am not sure how much slightly but you are sure darling you loved him a little i think i am sure i loved him a little and not a great deal my love was not supported by reverence for his powers but did you love him deeply said rest ess y i don t exactly d by deeply that s nonsense a pair of ue e yes you and you have let go my hand she cried her eyes filling with tears harry don t be severe with me and don t question me i did not love him as i do you and could it be deeply if i did not think him than myself for i did not you grieve me so much � you can t think i will not say another word about it and you will not think about it either will you i know you think of weaknesses in me after i am out of your sight and not knowing what they are i cannot combat them i almost wish you were of a nature harry in truth i do or rather i wish i could have the advantages such a nature in you would afford me and yet have you as you are what advantages would they be less anxiety and more security ordinary men are not so delicate in their tastes as you and where the lover or husband is not fastidious and refined and of a deep nature things seem to go on better i fancy � as far as i have been able to observe the world yes j i suppose it is right has this advantage that you can t be drowned there but i think i ll have you as you are yes i will she said the practical husbands and wives who take things are very are they not yes it would kill me quite you please me best as you are even though i wish you had never cared for one before me yes and you must not wish it don t i try not to so she hoped but her heart was troubled if he felt so deeply on this point what would he say did he know all and see it as mrs saw it he would never make her the happiest girl in the world by taking her to be his own for aye the thought enclosed her as a tomb whenever it presented itself to her brain she tried to believe that | 45 |
n em should fail fur to by em wi the truth let em ha to me what they may he spoke with the rugged earnestness of his place and character � deepened perhaps by a proud consciousness that he was faithful to his class under all their but he fully remembered where he was and did not even raise his voice no ma am no they re true to one another to one another to one another e en to death be poor em be sick em grieve em for o th causes that carries grief to the poor man s door an they ll be tender wi yo gentle wi yo comfortable wi yo wi yo be sure o that ma am they d be to bits ere ever they d be in short said mr it s because they are so full of virtues that they have turned you adrift go through with it while you are about it out with it how tis ma am resumed appearing still to find his natural refuge in s face that what is best in us seem to turn us most to trouble an n an mistake i but tis so i know tis as i know the heavens is over me the smoke we re patient too an wants in general to do right an i think the is aw wi us now my friend said mr whom he could not have exasperated more unconscious of it though he was than to any one if you will favor mc with a minute i like to have a word ot just now that you had to tell us ess you sure of that before wo go any m sure on t a gentleman from present mr handed point at mr james with his parliament gentleman i should hke him to heat a between you and mo instead of taking the � i know precious well beforehand what it will j better than i do take � instead of re it on from my mouth bent his head to the gentleman from london showed a rather more troubled mind than usual he turned i eyes involuntarily to his former refuge but at a look from quarter expressive he settled them o h face how what do you complain of asked mr i ha not st reminded him plain i for that i were sent for what repeated mr folding his arms m a general way com p looked at him with some httle for a s ment and then seemed to make up his mind sir i were never good at o t though i ha had n my share in o t we ate in a sir look town � so rich as tis � and see tb numbers o people as been into bein fur to an to card an to piece out a aw the same one way twist their an their graves look how we live an we live an in what numbers an by what chances an wi what and look how the mills is a gain an how they never works ns no to dis ant object � death look how you of ns an writes of us and talks of us an goes up wi to o slate bout ua an how yo arc right and how we arc wrong and never had n no reason ui us sm ever we were bom look bow this ha an air t an broader harder an hard times fro year to year fro generation unto generation who can look on t sir and fairly tell a man tis not a of course said mr now perhaps you u let the gentleman know how you would set this as you re so fond of calling it to rights i sir i be to t tis not me as be to for that sir tis them as is put me an aw the rest of us what do they upon sir if not to do t i ll tell you something toward it at any rate returned mr we will make an example of half a dozen we u the for and get em off to gravely shook his head don t tell me we won t man said mr by this time blowing a because we will i tell you sir returned with the quiet confidence of absolute certainty if yo was t a � aw as there is an aw the number ten times an was t em up in separate an sink em in the deepest ocean as were made ere ever dry land to be yo d leave the just tis strangers said with an anxious smile when ha we not i am sure sin ever we can call to mind o th strangers i tis not by them the trouble s made sir tis not wi them t i ha no favor for em � i ha no reason to favor em � but tis hopeless an useless to dream o them fro their trade stead o their trade fro them aw that s now about me in this room were afore i an will be when i am gone put that clock aboard a ship an pack it off to island an the time will go on just the same so tis wi every bit for a moment to his former refuge he observed a movement of her eyes toward the door stepping back he put his hand upon the lock but he had not spoken out of his own will and desire and he felt it in his heart a noble for his late injurious treatment to be faithful to the last to those who had him he staid to finish what was in his mind sir x wi my little learning an my common way tell hard times the what will better aw this though some o this town could above | 8 |
keep our resolutions but the wrong remains the same no it does not remain the same said we have proved that it was impossible to keep our resolutions we have proved that the feeling which draws us towards each other is too strong to be overcome that natural law every other we can t help what it with it is not so � i m quite sure that is wrong i have tried to think it again and again but i see if we judged in that way there would be a warrant for all treachery and cruelty � we should justify breaking the most sacred ties that can ever be formed on earth if the past is not to bind us where can duty lie we should have no law but the inclination of the moment but there are ties � i v e lay resolution the mill on the said starting up and walking about again what is outward would they have thanked us for anything so hollow as constancy without love did not answer immediately she was an inward as well as an contest at last she said with a passionate assertion of her conviction as much against herself as against him � that seems right � at first but when i look further i m sure it is not right and constancy mean something else besides doing what is easiest and to ourselves they mean whatever is opposed to the reliance others have in us � whatever would cause misery to those whom the course of our lives has made dependent on us if we � if i had been better nobler those claims would have been so strongly present with me � i should have felt them pressing on my heart so continually just as they do now in the moments when my conscience is awake � that the opposite feeling would never have grown in me as it has done it would have been at once � i should have prayed for help so earnestly � i should have rushed away as we rush from hideous danger i feel no excuse for myself � none i should never have failed towards and philip as i have done if i had not been weak selfish and hard � able to think of their pain without a pain to myself that would have destroyed all temptation oh what is feeling now she believed in me � she loved me � she was so good to me think of her s voice was getting choked as she uttered these last words i think of her said stamping as if with pain i can think of nothing but you you demand of a man what is impossible i felt that once but i can t go back to it now and where is the use of your thinking of it except to torture me you can t save them from now you can only tear yourself firom me and make my life worthless to me and even if we could go back and both fulfil our engagements � if that were possible now � it would be hateful � horrible to think of your ever being philip s wife � of your ever being the wife of a man you didn t love we have both been rescued from a mistake a deep flush came over s face and she couldn t speak saw this he sat down again taking her band in his and looking at her with passionate entreaty i dearest i if you love me you are m who can have so great a claim on you as i have m up in your love there is nothing in the pf thb mill on ths our right to each other it is the first time we have either of us loved with our whole heart and soul was still silent for a little while � looking down was in a flutter of new hope he was going to triumph but she raised her eyes and met his with a glance that was filled with the anguish of regret � not with yielding no � not with my whole heart and soul she said with timid resolution i have never consented to it with my whole mind there are memories and affections and longing after perfect goodness that have such a strong hold on me they would never quit me for long they would come back and be pain to me � repentance i couldn t live in peace if i put the shadow of a wilful sin between myself and god i have caused sorrow already � i know � i feel it but i have never deliberately consented to it i have never said they shall suffer that i may have joy it has never been my will to marry you if you were to win consent from the momentary triumph of my feeling for you you would not have my whole soul if could wake back again into the time before yesterday i would choose to be true to my calmer affections and live without the joy of love her hand and rising impatiently walked up and down the room in suppressed rage good god i he burst out at last what a miserable thing a woman s love is to a man s i could crimes for you � and you can balance and choose in that way but you t love me if you had a of the feeling for me that i have for you it would be impossible for you to think for a moment of sacrificing me but it nothing with you that you are me of my ufe s happiness pressed her fingers together almost as she held them clasped on her lap a great terror was upon her as if she were ever and anon seeing where she stood by great flashes of lightning and then | 14 |
him with a letter for madame which he now did himself the honour to present to her on receiving it he had proposed to permit no delay to deliver it to i o colonel s wife her immediately but the gentleman had instructed him to wait till madame was leaving grew nearly as white as the marble her feet as she took the note that the beaming italian held out to her a great horror came over her a sudden frightful self revelation but she mastered herself she thanked the manager for his courtesy the arrangements had been admirable in every particular they left nothing to be desired the man laid one thick white hand upon his wilderness of shirt bosom and bowed with speechless ah but there was the carriage at last as madame no doubt perceived in three seconds her baggage would be placed � so now might he have the honour of assisting her to enter it she walked out to the carriage firmly and even contrived to make one or two suitable little speeches to the engaging italian by the way � which under the circumstances was little short of heroic but her heart was like a stone she had no need to read letter � she knew quite well what was in it already mrs pierce drove through the magnificent streets with their solemn splendour of building and their restless charming grotesque human figures through the long arid straggling beyond the and out on to the dusty high road sitting stiff and upright in the carriage while the yellow evening sunshine poured down upon and her the great blue rushed up against the sea wall on the left behind the tall narrow and flat market gardens and broke in clouds of snowy foam with a deep mouthed roar which might be heard above all the of and shouting and swearing of savage looking drivers and rattle of wheels and grate of on the high road dusty roses hung over the high walls on the right and richly coloured glowed amid the cool glossy green of their old walled gardens now and again there was a block of or mule trains and the carriage drew up for a while in the midst of a struggling mass of straining animals and yelling human beings ordinarily would have been exceedingly well aware both of the beautiful and repulsive elements in her surroundings but as it was she saw and nothing she had glanced at the first few lines of s farewell letter and a shame a so had overtaken her that the drama of sea and sky and sunset of the contrast between the dignity and the of the scene before her was thin and insignificant compared with the depth of her own emotion the promised land i i good are unpleasant things wrote we have had plenty of them already to day so dear cousin i venture to spare myself the pain of saying that odious word to you of course i don t for an instant permit myself the impertinence of supposing you contemplated my remaining your guest after today s presence satisfied les you are too kind to give me my but i understand read no further mistaken exaggerated even at moments cruel as she was the springs of womanly modesty still rose pure and within her she with passionate disgust and horror good heavens that a man should ever have cause to say such things to her that she should have been so utterly blind and stupid in her mad desire to clear the way to get rid of the obstacle that seemed to between herself and the thing she longed after � as to have ignored the obvious result and so herself she had been too hot headed she had played too high and lost everything including her own self respect and then in an agony of terror she began to ask herself whether she might not have the ruin of other lives besides her own the only safe thing after all is to leave events in the hands of fate or providence � say which you will directly petty human purpose comes in trying to or to its own uses the actions of others so soon does rise up and follow on after us � on on with ever footsteps till the sound of her terrible tread is in our ears and we feel the awful gloom of her approaching presence but she may pass us by � oh yes pass us the leave us in peace and comfort pass us to crush to to those whom we used so as tools and it is easy enough to set the machine of destiny in motion but once the great wheels are turning spinning no mortal hand is strong enough to stay them again the dusk had fallen when the carriage drew up at the front door of the villa the house looked grim and deserted a dull light was burning in the bare cold hall the driver pulled the bell and on the of the half open door but the noise he made nothing more substantial than a dreary echo utterly weary and self mrs pierce got out of the carriage and went indoors in the of the hall she could perceive but one living creature one being there ready to welcome her home on the low marble pillar ending the at the bottom of the staircase sat up together his colonel en s wife face more wrinkled anxious mournful than ever as came in at the door he out his neck peeping and peering into the darkness behind her with quick uneasy of the eyelids and eyebrows he had on the little red tattered jacket in which sometimes clothed him in cold or rainy weather while on the narrow bosom of it with a truly italian taste for staring had pinned a large bunch of orange blossom tied with a bow | 32 |
it is along of the for peter a a learned and no it stoutly to the and the hearth what knows peter a and what know i i take not on me to we can command the saints and will thej thej can draw m their remains bat i see that the patient drinking in is often as bj a charm doubtless faith in the is for much ih all these bat so twas a sick woman that all the failed to cure did but touch christ s garment and was healed in a moment had she not touched that sacred piece of doth she had been healed had she without not touched it only but worn it to her i she had been none the better for t but we do ill to search these things too all we see us calls for faith haye then a little patience i we shall soon know all meantime i thy for the do strictly forbid thee on thy soul s health to learned lay folk on things religious is their with it shut s open door in own mind i say learned ones haye often been my masters in humility and may be thine thy wound is cared for in three days be but a and now speed thee and the saints make thee as good and as happy as thou art beautiful and gracious hoped there was no need to part yet for he was to in the but father told him with a shade of regret just perceptible and no more that he did not his cell this week being himself in and with this he took s head delicately in both hands and kissed him on the brow and almost before the cell door had closed on him was back to his pious offices went away chilled to the heart by the of the life and too he thought here is a kind face i must look to see again on earth a kind gone from mine ear and my heart there is nothing but meeting and parting in this sorrowful world well a well a this mood was interrupted by a young who came for him and took him to the there he found seated at a table and standing like a being examined as to the he should pass through the then their knowledge and marked out the route noting all the religious houses on or near that road and this they then supper and after it the old carried to his cell aud they had an eager chat and the incidentally the cause of his in the corridor ye had well nigh fallen into s yon was his cell is father an ill man then an ill man and the crossed himself a saint an the yery pillar of this house i he had sent ye to nay i forgot y are bound for italy the old � saint upon earth had sent ye to or but was bom old aud with a and i were once and wicked beyond anything you can imagine wore a somewhat incredulous look this keeps us humble more or less and makes us reasonably to youth and hot blood then at s earnest request one more strain upon the and so to bed the troubled spirit and the sore heart soothed x haye described in full this day marked only by contrast a day that came like oil on waves after so many passions and perils � because it must stand in this as the representative of many such days which now succeeded to it for our on their weary way that which most of my readers will find in the longer journey of life that stirring are not distributed oyer the whole road but come by fits and starts and as it were in clusters to some extent this may be because they draw one another by links more or less subtle but there is more in it than that it happens so life is an now all whether of history or fiction are compelled to these barren portions of time or else line trunks the practice to the reader a wrong impression which there is a particular reason for in these pages as r as possible i therefore your intelligence to my ud and ask you to try and realize that although there were no more for a long while one day s march succeeded another one after another fed and lodged them with a welcome always charitable sometimes genial and though they met no enemy but winter and rough weather not always contemptible yet they oyer a much larger tract of territory than that their passage which i haye described so and so the pair in the face and stained from head to foot and with his shoes in stiff and both of them drew near the fix � chapter was almost as eager for this promised land as for the latter constantly its praises and at little annoyance showed him they did better in and above all played on his by clean bed clothes at the of that polished nation i ask no more the would say to think that i haye not lain once in a naked bed since i left home i when i look at their linen instead of habit and nose it is mine eyes and nose i would fain be shut of carried his of country so far as to walk twenty in shoes that had exploded rather than buy of a german who would throw all manner of obstacles in a customer s way his his dinner his body towards sunset they found at equal distances from a little town and a only the latter was off the road was for the inn for the gave way but on condition that once in they should always stop at an inn consented to this the more readily that his with | 9 |
was the moment of her life as looked from one to the other of us with the cold m ing sun glittering on her face i had never seen look so lovely jim felt it also i am sure for dropped her wrist and the harsh lines were upon his face come which is it to be he asked the man from the sea naughty boys to fall out like this she cried cousin jack you know how fond i am of you oh then go to him said but i love nobody but jim there is nobody that i love hke jim she up to him and laid her cheek against his breast you see said he looking over her shoulder i did see and away i went for west inch another man from the time that i left it chapter v the man from the sea well i was never one to sit groaning over a cracked pot if it could not be mended then it is the part of a man to say no more of it for weeks i had an aching heart indeed it is a little sore now after all these years and a happy marriage when i think of it but i kept a brave face on me and above all i did as i had promised that day on the i was as a brother to her and no more though there were times when i had to put a hard upon myself for even now she would come to me with her ways and with tales about how rough jim was and how happy she had been when i was kind to her for it was in her blood to speak like that and she could not help it but for the most part jim and she were happy enough it was all over the country side that they were to be married when he had passed his degree and he would come up to west four nights a week to sit a shadow etc � c the mv folk were about � t sad i t i� tar t o ma ar first was a h id ne there was not the old � js but then when first smart � y jl it seemed to me that he had a i l no just cause for complaint against him we w friendly in a way and as for her he had g all his anger and would have kissed the r� oe in the mud we used to take tr he and i and it is about one of these that now want to tell you we had passed over heath and the of which the house of major � u from the sea wind it was spring now and the was a forward one so that the trees were well by the end of april it was as warm as a di and we were the more surprised when we saw a fire roaring upon the before the major s there was half a fir tree in it and the flames we up as high as the bedroom windows jim ai i stood staring but we stared the more when out the major with a great pot in his hand and his heels his old sister who kept house for him a two of the maids and all four began ab round the fire he was a quiet man as country knew and here he was like old nick at l s dance around and waving his dr above his head we both set off running and he wai the more when he saw us coming peace i he roared boys peace and at that we both fell to dancing and the man from the sea i � for it had been such a weary war as far back as e could remember and the shadow had lain so long � er us that it was wondrous to feel that it was lifted it was too much to believe but the major laughed or doubts to scorn aye aye it is true he cried stopping with his and to his side the have got paris as thrown up the and his people are all swear g to louis xviii and the emperor i asked will they spare m there s talk of sending him to where he ll out of mischief s way but his officers there are me of them who will not get off so lightly deeds ave been done during these last twenty years that have been forgotten there are a few old scores to be but it s peace peace and away he went once more with his great round his well we stayed some time with the major and then we went down to the beach jim and i talking bout this great news and all that would come of it e knew a little and i knew less but we it all and talked about how the prices would come own how our brave fellows would return home how le ships could go where they would in peace and how e could pull all the coast down for there was o enemy now to fear so we as we walked long the clean hard sand and looked out at the old forth sea how little did jim know at that moment he strode along by my side so full of health and of that he had reached the extreme o v the great shadow life and that from that hour all would in truth be upon the downward slope there was a little haze out to sea for it had been very misty in the early morning though the sun had it as we looked we suddenly saw the sail of a small boat break out through the fog and come along towards the land a single man was seated in the | 4 |
first there you have the law and the against you a little rolling in the dust and hats off a little with soft things that ll stick and not � all that doesn t spoil the fun if a man is to speak when you don t like to hear him it is but fair you should give him something he doesn t like in return and the same if he s got a vote and doesn t use it for the good of the country i see no harm in his coat in a quiet way a man must be taught what s right if he doesn t know it but no no knocking down no it ud be good fun though if so be said old sleek allowing himself an imaginative pleasure well well if a wants you to say it s some pleasure to think you can say now my notion is this you are men who can put two and two together � i don t know a more solid lot of fellows than you are and what i say is let the honest men in this country who ve got no vote show themselves in a body when they have the chance why for every tory that s got a vote there s fifty five fellows who must stand by and be expected to hold their tongues but i say let em hiss the let em groan at the s and the will be ashamed of themselves the men who ve got don t know how to use them there s many a fool with a vote who is not sure in his mind whether he shall say for or or � whether he ll plump or whether he ll split a straw will turn him let him know your mind if he doesn t know his own what s the reason gets returned because people are frightened at the what s that to you you don t care for the if people are frightened at the we ll turn and frighten them you know what a tory is � one who wants to drive the working men as he d drive cattle that s what a tory is and a is no better if he s like a wants to knock the tory down and get the whip that s all but s neither nor tory he s the working s friend the s friend the friend of the honest and if he gets into parliament let me tell you it will be the better for you i don t say it will be the better for and and rats and but it will be the better for every good fellow who takes his pot at the sugar loaf mr johnson s exertions for the political education of the men did not stop here i which was the more disinterested in him as he did not expect to see them again and could only set on foot an organization by which their instruction could be continued without him in this he was quite successful a man known among the as pack who had already been mentioned by mr presently joined the party and had a private audience of mr johnson that he might be as the shepherd of this new flock that s a right down said pack as he took the seat by the orator who had ridden away what s his trade think you said the stone trade said mr he s one of the top of the country he works with his head you may see that let s have our pipes then said old sleek i m pretty well tired o jaw so am i said work � like a it makes a man dry i d as hear preaching on y there s naught to be got by t i shouldn t know which end i stood on if it wasn t for the tickets and the chapter oh sir that mixture of spite and over fed which for with the vulgar in their fun they have much resemblance to a turkey cock it a cruel and a silly of ugly sounds it its tail in self but shows you the wrong side of that ornament � liking admiration ba knowing not what is admirable this sunday evening which promised to be so memorable in the experience of the had its drama also for those objects to mr johnson s moral sense the certain incidents at caused an excitement there which spread from the dining room to the stables but no one such of feeling as mr scales at six o clock that superior butler was in triumph at having played a fine and original practical joke on his rival mr christian some two hours after that time he was frightened sorry and even meek he was on the brink of a humiliating confession his cheeks were almost livid his hair was for want of due attention from his fingers and the fine roll of his whiskers which was too firm to give way seemed only a sad of past splendor and felicity his sorrow came about in this wise after service on that sunday morning mr philip had left the rest of the family to go home in the carriage and had remained rf the radical fit the to lunch with his uncle that he might consult him touching some letters of importance he had returned the letters to his pocket hook hut had not returned the hook to his pocket and he finally walked away leaving the of private papers and on his uncle s after his arrival at home he was reminded of his and immediately christian with a note begging his uncle to seal up the pocket book and send it by the bearer this commission which was given between three and four o clock happened to be veiy unwelcome to the the fact was | 14 |
comes upon the scene is one of comparative security and good order piety is not the of the roads with and the of the and is repressed not a lady s life in iii the population once is now about it is an ill arranged set of frame houses and and rubbish heaps and of deer and produce the smells i have smelt for a long time some of the houses are painted a blinding white others are there is not a bush or garden or green thing it just out on the boundless brown plains on the extreme verge of which three peaks are seen it is utterly looking and in bar room looking characters and looks a place of low mean lives below the hotel windows freight cars are being perpetually but beyond the railroad tracks are nothing but the brown plains with their lonely sights � now a solitary at a travelling then a party of indians in paint and feathers but up to the point of carrying mounted on sorry the up riding on the baggage then a drove of long cattle which have been several months eating their way from with their escort of four or five much in hats blue coats and high boots heavily armed with and repeating and riding horses a wag the of gold in the black hills has lately given it a great and as it is the chief point of departure for the it is increasing in population and importance � july letter the rocky mountains with a white drawn by eight oxen is probably bearing an and his fortunes to on one of the dreary spaces of the settlement six white each with twelve oxen are standing on their way to a distant part everything suggests a beyond september i have found at the post ofl ce here a circular letter of recommendation from ex governor hunt procured by miss s kindness and another equally valuable one of and recommendation from mr of the republican whose name is a household word in all the west armed with these i shall plunge boldly into i am suffering from and produced by the bad smells a help here says that there have been fifty six deaths from during the last twenty days is common humanity lacking t wonder in this region of hard can it not be bought by dollars here like every other included last night i made the acquaintance of a shadowy gentleman from far gone in consumption with a spirited wife and young baby he had been ordered to the plains as a last resource but was much worse early this morning he crawled to my door scarcely able to speak from and bleeding from the begging me to go to his wife who the doctor said a s in iii was ill of the child had been ill all night and not for love or money could he get any one to do anything for them not even to go for the medicine the lady was blue and in great pain from and the poor infant was roaring for the nourishment which had failed i vainly tried to get hot water and for a and though i offered a negro a dollar to go for the medicine he looked at it a tune and said he must wait for the pacific train which was not due for an hour equally in vain i hunted through for a feeding bottle not a maternal heart softened to the helpless mother and starving child and my last resource was to dip a piece of in some milk and water and try to the creature i applied s leaves went for the medicine saw the popular host � a bachelor � who mentioned a girl who after much difficulty consented to take charge of the baby for two dollars a day and attend to the mother and having remained till she began to i took the cars for a settlement on the plains which i had been recommended to make my for the mountains fort september it gave me a strange sensation to upon the plains plains plains everywhere plains generally level but elsewhere rolling in long like the waves of a sea which had fallen asleep they are iii the rocky mountains covered with grass the withered of flowers spanish and a small shaped one could gallop all over them they are peopled with large villages of what are called dogs because they utter a short sharp bark but the dogs are in reality we passed numbers of these villages which are composed of raised circular about eighteen inches in with sloping passages leading downwards for five or six feet hundreds of these are placed together on nearly every rim a small beast sat on his hind legs looking so far as head went much like a young seal these creatures were acting as and themselves as we passed each gave a warning shook its tail and with a ludicrous flourish of its hind legs into its hole the appearance of hundreds of these creatures each eighteen inches long sitting like dogs begging with their down and au turned is most grotesque the wish ton wish has few enemies and is a most animal from its enormous increase and the energy and extent of its operations one can fancy that in the course of years the will be seriously injured as it the ground and renders it for horses the seem usually to be shared by and many of the people insist that a is also an but i hope d a lady s life in hi for the sake of the harmless cheery little dog that this unwelcome fellowship is a after running on a down grade for some time five distinct of mountains one above another a lurid blue against a lurid sky themselves above the sea an american railway car hot and full of was not | 20 |
m ro and m a ok of english gardens with illustrations in colour los d net a book of re being for every day in the year arranged by s d net english children in the time with illustrations second edition d net a d m a fellow of college oxford fourth edition ax d verses to order second edition x d second strings ix d the of with plates in by leather mo as d net see also i p l and standard library q l x see s books a in a saddle ns d net a edition is also published rt hon john the of the nation second edition d net h l x m a principal of college see westminster com a i n h n i am h y l i i n i v green o ma x k r w f i t � � n � i � n � j n ax h j a i i t � i � � � � l the tr i of the j u thine war k c t i don sec miniature r a vault of heaven a popular to illustrated cr ax t e c see of c see r a and ii b k a day cr a woman s m the e to with h aud a m ii second edition its hall k n aiid w q the ancient of illustrated edition v net a is bed r n ke t with plans and illustrations second edition lot d mr famous ii with so z i� j m met a n ib p j d i see n iv d a short history of the royal navy i o i � illustrated ir o jt td james o m v the spirit and of christian cf m of thk desert ta j j m t x ri hi t martin s r t i ox sc j i l � iv s tr ti a j o ia w a � t w e and i v d met h h light a and social of ci ture library w trade a seventh s d a day f � d hey h ins and i wo work w a of sec al si hill henry high school south a cr with ii lu ant map f w j lu al c i general literature ii the problem of the third cr w s d � b a the court of russia in the nineteenth century with o illustrations two volumes w af net a edition is also published t d c l see leaders of religion w how to identify old chinese with illustrations second edition s thomas at oxford with an introduction by r a net stone de see books on business sir t h x k ci e the indian being a personal record of years illustrated os a net a edition is also published w s x m a a history of english law in two volumes vol s d net holland h of st paul s see j h ti c late of college oxford of college his life work and times with illustrations i x d net a edition is also published the secret of how to achieve social success cr y d net a edition is also published q j the co of to day fourth ed cr w as d j see s books hook a humanity and its problems cr net see little galleries see classical e l s x m a with second edition cr x see also oxford a c see of r p d d see leaders of religion alexander with illustrations and a map second edition js d net a edition is also published how p d six great school masters with portraits and illustrations second edition js d a o days being for every d ny in the year from ancient writings cr d net q trade new and old fourth edition cr sir william k o m d c l f r s the royal society with as illustrations royal s d net c b the praise of shakespeare an english with a preface by d net n tom brown s with an introduction and notes by royal as d net q the new forest illustrated in colour with co pictures by and by third edition cr s a w m a see leaden of religion and library of devotion edward the cities of with ao illustrations in colour by a and other illustrations third edition cr s a c edition is also published the cities of spain with illustrations in colour by a w other illustrations and a map second edition cr s a edition is also published and the cities of northern with with illustrations in colour by william and z other illustrations second edition cr s a edition is also published english poems with an introduction s d net � � see leaders of sir more with portraits r h u see leaders of w h x m a the life of after drawings by second ed cr see also leaders of religion a q george and his times with illustrations s d net p a x history and art to the fall of the republic js d net brand a drama translated by william third edition cr y d w r m a fellow and of college oxford christian the lectures of or d net see of devotion b p see french a d x m a a history of the british in india with maps and plans cr vo s england under the with maps second edition lor d net c b b a senior master grammar school see of science s x m a see commercial series p see little guides jacob p m a see junior examination series e r j� r� i ii v i r | 33 |
talk quickly enough get through whatever she is doing with rapidity enough i remember father s telling her once that she would never have patience to lie and wait for the day of judgment but would get up every century or two to hurry things along it always seems as if she would wear herself to in a week yet here she is more lively at sixty than i am at less than half that age she was very kind and softened wonderfully when she spoke of mother i think that she loved her more than she does any creature now alive aunt she said last night was n t human she was far too for that but she was too sweet and human for an angel for my part i think she was something far better than either and far more sensible this was a speech so characteristic that it brought me to tears and smiles together to night cousin came to the point of her errand with customary i came down she said to see how soon you expect to arrange to live with me i had n t expected anything about it i returned of course you would keep the house she went on entirely my feeble protest you might want to come back sometimes this summer i m going to take you to europe i am too much accustomed to her habit of planning things to be taken entirely by surprise but it did rather take my breath away to find my future so completely disposed of i felt almost as if i were not even to have a chance to protest but i never thought of giving up the house i managed to say the of a saint of course not why should you she returned briskly you have money enough to keep up the place and live where you please don t i know that for this ten years you and aunt have n t spent half your income keep it of course for as i say sometimes you may like to come back for old times sake i could only stare at her and laugh oh you laugh cousin remarked more forcibly than ever but you ought to understand that i ve taken charge of you we are all that are left of the family now and i m the head of it you are a foolish thing anyway and let everybody impose on your good nature you need somebody to look after you if i d had you in charge you d never have got tangled up in that foolish engagement i m glad you had the sense to break it i felt as if she had given me a blow in the face but i could not answer don t blush like that cousin commanded it s all over and you know i always said you were a fool to marry a country lawyer father was a country lawyer i retorted cousin was a judge and a man whose writings had given him a wide reputation don t outrage his memory by calling him a rustic for my part i never had any patience with him for burying himself in the country like a you forget that mother s health � i began but with cousin one is never sure of being allowed to complete a sentence oh yes she interrupted of course i forgot well if there could be an excuse aunt would serve for anything i beg your pardon march but now all tliat is past and gone and fortunately the family is still well enough remembered in boston for you to take up life there with very little trouble that s what i had in mind ten years ago when i insisted on your coming out people who saw me then will hardly remember me the folks that knew your father and mother she went on serenely are of course old people like me but they will help you to know the younger generation besides those you know will not have forgotten you a is not so easily forgotten and you were an uncommonly pretty bud what a fool you were not to marry i you always were a fool cousin generally a compliment in this manner and it prevents me from being too much elated by her praise she was interrupted here by the necessity of going to prepare for supper miss did not come over to day so we were alone together no sooner were we seated at the supper table than she to the attack when you live in boston she said i shall � suppose i should not live in boston i interrupted but you will what else should you do i might go on living here living here she cried out you don t call this living do you how long is it since you heard any music or saw a picture or went to the theatre or had any society i was forced to confess that music and painting and acting were all entirely lacking in but i the of a saint remarked that i had all the books that attracted me and i protested against her saying i had n t any society oh you see human beings now and then cousin observed coolly and i dare say they are very worthy creatures but you know yourself they are not society you haven t forgotten the year i brought you out i have not forgotten it of course and i cannot deny that when i think of that winter in boston the year i was nineteen i do feel a little mournful sometimes it was all so delightful and it is all so far away now i hardly heard what cousin said next i was thinking how a home in boston would be and how completely alone as for family i am cousin is the only near relative i have in | 3 |
from the thick of his meditations like a tiger out of a make the reply possible and himself back into the solitude of his heart and mind the poor fellow had contracted this habit from the intensity with which he contemplated his own ideas and the sympathy which they met with from his � a circumstance that seemed only to strengthen the confidence that he to them his heart i imagine was never really interested in our scheme but was forever busy with his strange and as most people thought it plan for the of through an appeal to their higher instincts much as i liked it cost me many a groan to him on this point he ought to have commenced his investigation of the subject by some huge sin in his proper person and examining the condition of his higher instincts afterwards the rest of us formed ourselves into a committee for providing our infant community with an appropriate name � a matter of greatly more difficulty than the reader would suppose was neither good nor bad we should have resumed the old name of the premises had it possessed the oil flow which the were so often happy in the romance communicating to their local but it chanced to be a harsh ill connected and interminable word which seemed to fill the mouth with a mixture of very stiff clay and very pebbles suggested sunny glimpse as expressive of a vista into a better system of society this we turned over and over for a while acknowledging its but concluded it to be rather too fine and sentimental a name a fault inevitable by literary ladies in such attempts for sun burnt men to work under i ventured to whisper which however was down and the very harshly as if he had intended a latent satire some were for calling our institution the in view of its being the one green spot in the moral sand waste of the world but others insisted on a for the matter at a s end when a final decision might be had whether to name it the or so at last finding it to hammer out anything better we resolved that the spot should still be as being of good enough the evening wore on and the outer solitude looked in upon us through the windows gloomy wild and vague like another state of existence close beside the little sphere of warmth and light in which we were the and of a moment by and by the door was opened by foster with a cotton handkerchief about his head and a candle in his hand take my advice brother farmers said he with a great broad and get to bed as soon as you can i shall the horn at daybreak and until bed time we ve got the cattle to and nine cows to milk and a dozen other things to do breakfast thus ended the first evening at i went shivering to my chamber with the miserable consciousness which had been growing upon me for several hours past that i had caught a tremendous cold and should probably awaken at the blast of the horn a fit subject for a hospital the night proved a feverish one during the greater part of it i was in that of states when a fixed idea remains in the mind like the nail in s brain while innumerable other ideas go and come and flutter to and fro constant transition with intolerable had i made a record of that night s half waking dreams it is my belief that it would have anticipated several of the chief incidents of this narrative including a dim shadow of its catastrophe starting up in bed at length i saw that the storm was past and the moon was shining on the snowy landscape which looked like a lifeless copy of the world in marble from the bank of the distant river which was in the moonlight came the black shadow of the only cloud in heaven driven swiftly by the wind and passing over meadow and vanishing amid of trees but on the hither side until it swept across our door step how cold an was this vi s sick chamber the horn sounded at daybreak as foster had us harsh drawn out and as sleep as if this hard hearted old had got hold of the of doom on all sides i could hear the creaking of the as the brethren of started from slumber and thrust themselves into their all no doubt in their haste to begin the of the world put her head into the entry and foster to cease his and to be kind enough to leave an of and a of water at her chamber door of the whole household � unless indeed it were for whose habits in this particular i cannot � of all our society whose mission was to bless mankind i apprehend was the only one who began the enterprise with prayer my sleeping room being but from his the solemn murmur of his voice made its way to my ears compelling me to be an of his awful privacy with the creator it affected me with a deep reverence for which no familiarity then existing or that afterwards grew more intimate between us � no nor my subsequent perception of his own great errors � ever quite it is so rare in these times to meet with a man of habits s sick except of course in the pulpit that such an one is decidedly marked out by a light of shed upon him in the divine interview from which he passes into his daily life as for me i lay and if i said my prayers it was backward cursing my day as bitterly as patient job himself the truth was the hot house warmth of a town residence and the luxurious life | 35 |
confined herself or tried to confine herself to the simple family misery which must envelope all if it were indeed a matter of guilt and public exposure the mother s sufferings the father s � there she paused s tom s s � there a yet longer pause they were the two on whom it would fall most horribly sir thomas s parental solicitude and high sense of honour and decorum s upright principles temper and genuine strength of feeling made her think it scarcely possible for them to support hfe and reason under such disgrace and it appeared to her that as far as this world alone was concerned the greatest blessing to every one of kindred with mrs would be instant nothing happened the next day or the next to her terrors two posts came in and brought no public or private there was no second letter to explain away the first from miss there was no intelligence from though it was now full time for her to hear again from her aunt this was an evil omen she had indeed scarcely the shadow of a hope to soothe her mind and was reduced to so low and wan and trembling a condition as no mother � not unkind except mrs price could have overlooked when the third day did bring the sickening knock and a letter was again put into her hands it bore the london and came from dear you know our present wretchedness may god support you under your share we have been here two days but there is nothing to be done they cannot be traced you may not have heard of the last s � � r � v i t park she is to scotland with she left london a few hours before we entered it at any other time this would have been felt dreadfully now it seems nothing yet it is a heavy my father is not overpowered more cannot be hoped he is still able to think and act and i write by his desire to propose your returning home he is anxious to get you there for my mother s sake i shall be at the morning after you receive this and hope to find you ready to set off for my father wishes you to invite to go with you for a few months settle it as you like say what is proper i am sure you will feel such an instance of his kindness at such a moment do justice to his meaning however i may it you may imagine something of my present state there is no end of the evil let loose upon us you will see me early by the mail yours c never had more wanted a cordial never had she felt such a one as this letter contained to morrow to leave to morrow she was she felt she was in the greatest danger of being exquisitely happy while so many were miserable the evil which brought such good to her she dreaded lest she should learn to be insensible of it to be going so soon sent for so kindly sent for as a comfort and with leave to take was altogether such a combination of blessings as set her heart in a glow and for a time seemed to distance every pain and make her incapable of sharing the distress even of those whose distress she thought of most s could affect her comparatively but little she was amazed and shocked but it could not occupy her could not dwell on her mind she was obliged to call herself to think of it and acknowledge it to be terrible and grievous or it was escaping her in the midst of all the pressing joyful cares attending this summons to herself there is nothing like employment active indispensable employment for sorrow employment even melancholy may melancholy and her occupations were hopeful she had so much to do that not even the horrible story of mrs now fixed to the last point of certainty could affect her as it had done before park she had not time to be miserable within twenty four hours she was hoping to be gone her father and mother must be spoken to prepared every thing got ready business followed business the day was hardly long enough the happiness she was too happiness very little by the black communication which must briefly it � the joyful consent of her father and mother to s going with her � the general satisfaction with which the going of both seemed regarded � and the ecstasy of herself were all serving to support her spirits the affliction of the was little felt in the family mrs price talked of her poor sister for a few minutes � but how to find any thing to hold s clothes because took away all the boxes and spoilt them was much more in her thoughts and as for now unexpectedly gratified in the first wish of her heart and knowing nothing personally of those who had or of those who were � if she could help rejoicing from beginning to end it was as much as ought to be expected firom human virtue t fourteen as nothing was really left for the decision of mrs price or the good offices of every thing was and duly accomplished and the girls were ready for the morrow the advantage of much sleep to prepare them for their journey was impossible the cousin who was travelling towards them could hardly have less than visited their agitated spirits one all happiness the other all varying and indescribable by eight in the morning was in the house the girls heard his entrance from above and went down the idea of immediately seeing him with the knowledge of what he must be suffering brought back all her own first feelings he so near her and in misery she | 26 |
it a little odd he pondered on it but did not quite go the length of suspecting anything still less of suspecting still he thought it odd but be thought it when one market day old said to him do you remember the promise you made to the lion hearted young man your brother do you ask that to me you never visit her and others are not so who go this evening and you will see yes i will go and i will soon see if there is anything in it said william not stopping even to inquire why the old jew took all this interest in the affair that evening as meadows was in the middle of a description of the town of started up why here is william and she ran out and welcomed him in with much cordiality perhaps with some excess of cordiality william came in and saluted the and meadows in his dogged � it is never too late to mend meadows was not best pleased but kept his temper admirably and leaving engaged both the farmers in a conversation on home topics looked disappointed meadows was content with that and the party separated half an hour sooner than usual the next market evening in william meadows again plays the same game this time could hardly restrain her temper she did not want to hear about the acres and the grove and oxen and but about something that mattered to but when the next market evening william arrived before mr meadows she was downright provoked and gave him short answers which raised his suspicions and made him think he had done wisely in coming this evening excused herself and went to bed early she was in the next market day and william met her and said � i take a cup of tea with you to night u you are agreeable william said sharply what makes you always come to us on market day i don t know what makes mr meadows come that day because he passes our house to fo to his own i suppose but you live ut two miles off jou can come any day that you are minded should i be welcome what do you think will speak your mind i don t understand you seems to me i was not very welcome last time if i thought that i wouldn t come again replied as sharp as a needle then instantly a little she explained you are welcome to me will and you know that as well as i do but i want you to come some other evening if it is all the same to you why why because i am dull other evenings and it would be nice to have a chat with you would it of course it would but that evening i have company � and he talks to me of nothing else sneered the unlucky william gave him such a look and that interests me more than anything you can say to me � if you won t be offended snapped william bit his lip well then i won t come this evening eh no don t that is a good soul les pour n pas this is a harsh saying and of course not pure truth but there is a deal of truth in it william was proud and the consciousness of his own love for her made him less able to persist for he knew she might be so as to retort if he her too far so he altered the direction of his battery he planted himself at the gate of farm and as meadows got off his horse requested a few words with him meadows ran him over with one lightning glance and then the whole man was on the william opened the affair you heard me promise to look on as my sister and keep her as she is for my brother that is far away i heard you mr william said meadows with a smile that provoked william as the artful one intended it should you come here too often sir too often for who too often for me too often for george too often for the girl herself i won t have george s sweetheart talked about you are the first to talk about her if there s scandal it is of your making i won t have it � at a word meadows called out miss will you step here � is too late to mend william was astonished at his audacity he did not know his man opened the parlor window what is it mr meadows will you step here if you please came here is a young man tells me i must not call on your father or you i say you must not do it often enough to make her talked of who dares to talk of me cried scarlet nobody miss nobody but the young man himself and so i told him is your father within then i step in and speak witli him any way and the sly meadows vanished to give an opportunity of quarrelling with william while she was hot i don t know how you came to take such liberties with me began quite pale now with anger it is for george s sake said william did george bid you insult my friends and i would not put up with it from george himself much less from you i shall write to george and ask him whether he wishes me to be your slave don t ye do so don t set my brother against me remonstrated william the best thing you can do is to go home and mind your farm and get a sweetheart for yourself and then you won t trouble your head about me more than you have any business to do this last cut wounded william to the quick evening good evening | 9 |
mistress each with a shake of her head no i have felt it before i have felt it up stairs and once on the staircase as i was going from her room to ours in the night � a rustle and a sort of trembling touch behind me my woman said mr grimly after advancing his nose to that lady s lips as a test for the detection of if you don t get tea pretty quick old woman you ll become sensible of a rustle and a touch that ll send you flying to the other end of the kitchen this stimulated mrs to herself and to little hasten up stairs to mrs s chamber but for all that she now began to entertain a settled conviction that there was something wrong in the gloomy house henceforth she was never at peace in it after daylight departed and never went up or down stairs in the dark without having her apron over her head lest she should see something what with these ghostly apprehensions and her singular dreams mrs fell that evening into a haunted state of mind from which it may be long before this present narrative any trace of her recovery in the and of all her new experiences and as everything about her was mysterious to herself she began to be mysterious to others and became as difficult to be made out to anybody s satisfaction as she found the house and everything in it difficult to make out to her own she had not yet finished preparing mrs s tea when the soft knock came to the door which always announced little mistress looked on at little taking off her homely bonnet in the hall and at mr his jaws and contemplating her in silence as expecting some wonderful consequence to which would frighten her out of her five wits or blow them all three to pieces after tea there came another knock at the door announcing arthur mistress went down to let him in and he said on entering i am glad it s you i want to ask you a question immediately replied for goodness sake don t ask me nothing arthur i am frightened out of one half of my life and dreamed out of the other don t ask me nothing i don t know which is which or what is what � and immediately started away from him and came near him no more mistress having no taste for reading and no sufficient light for in the subdued room supposing her to have the inclination now sat every night in the from which she had emerged on the evening of arthur s return occupied with crowds of wild speculations and suspicions respecting her mistress and her husband and the noises in the house when the ferocious exercises were engaged in these speculations would mistress s eyes towards the door as if she expected some dark form to appear at those moments and make the party one too many otherwise never said or did anything to attract the attention of the two clever ones towards her in any marked degree except on certain occasions generally at about the quiet hours towards bed time when she would suddenly dart out of her dim corner and whisper with a face of terror to mr reading the paper near mrs s little table there what s that noise then the noise if there were any would have ceased and mr would turning upon her as if she had cut him down that moment against his will old woman you shall have a dose old woman such a dose you have been dreaming again g little chapter the time being come for the renewal of his acquaintance with the family to contract made between himself and mr within the of bleeding heart yard turned his face on a certain saturday towards where mr had a cottage residence of his own the weather being fine and dry and any english road in interest for him who had been so long away he sent his on by the coach and set out to walk a walk was in itself a new enjoyment to him and one that had rarely his life afar off he went by and for the pleasure of strolling over the heath it was bright and shining there and when he found himself so far on his road to he found himself a long way on his road to a number of and less substantial they had risen before him fast in the exercise and the pleasant road it is not easy to walk alone in the country without musing upon something and he had plenty of unsettled subjects to upon though he had been walking to the land s end there was the subject seldom absent from his mind the question what he was to do henceforth in life to what occupation he should devote himself and in what direction he had best seek it he was far from rich and every day of and made his inheritance a source of greater anxiety to him as often as he began to consider how to increase this inheritance or to lay it by so often his that there was some one with an claim upon his justice returned and that alone was a subject to the longest walk again there was the subject of his relations with his mother which were now upon an and peaceful but never confidential footing and whom he saw several times a week little was a leading and a constant subject for the circumstances of his life united to those of her own story presented the little creature to him as the only person between whom and himself there were of innocent reliance on one hand and affectionate protection on the other ties of compassion respect unselfish interest gratitude and pity thinking of her and of the possibility of | 8 |
the mischief of this lore than to tempt him to a deceit that might corrupt the sweet fountain of the well spring of all that is good and noble d i have gone far from my subject when my boy comes before my mind s eye i can see no other object but to return i have not been of my duty to the indian girl but have endeavoured to into her mind the first principles of our re f as contained in mr cotton s and elsewhere but alas to these her eye is shut and her ear is closed not only with that blindness and common to the natural man but she an aversion which has the of principle and doth continually remind me of s hatred to rome and is like that with her filial piety i have in vain attempted to subdue her to the of domestic service and make her take part with but as might you yoke a deer with an ox it is not that she obedience to me so far as it seems she can her duty she is ever but it impossible to her to the wing of her soaring thoughts and keep them down to household matters i have sometimes at the providence of god in on this child of the forest such rare gifts of mind and other and outward beauties her voice hath a natural deep and most sweet melody in it far beyond any instrument she hath too think not that i like am as a charmed bird to her � she hath though yet a child in years that in her mien that doth bring to mind the lofty and the gracious when i once said this to he re hope mother is she not more like the gentle and tender v to him she may be and therefore it is that innocent and safe as the intercourse of these children now is it is for thee to decide whether it be not most wise to remove the maiden from our dwelling two young plants that have sprung up in close may be separated while young but if after their are all one or perchance both s y perish think not that is anxiety the mistaken fancy of a woman that love is the natural channel for all the purposes thoughts hopes and feelings of humanity neither think i thee that with a foolish fondness my noble boy i into importance whatsoever him no my heart towards this poor heathen orphan girl and when i see her in his absence starting at every sound and her restless eye turning an asking glance at every opening of the door every movement a spirit and then the sweet contentment over her face when he oh my honoured husband all my woman s nature for her not for any present evil but for what may having commended this subject to thy better wisdom i will leave caring for it to speak to thee of others of thy household your three little girls are and as to the baby you will not be ashamed to own him though you will not recognise in the boy that plays bo peep and quite over the room the little creature who hope had scarcely opened his eyes on the world when you went away he is by far the largest child i ever had and the most knowing he has cut his front upper teeth and signs of two more he is fond of and his hands with joy whenever he sees him indeed the boy is a favourite with all the young on s and me by continually them he is far from his sister � gay and giving scarcely one thought to the past and not one care to the future his sister often him apart to discourse with him and sometimes doth produce a cast of seriousness over his countenance but at the next presented object it as speedily as a shadow before a he hath commended himself greatly to the favour of dame by his devotion to her little favourite a spoiled child is she and it a pity that the name of faith was given to her since her shrinking timid ter doth not promise in any manner to resemble that most potent of the christian graces hath always some charm to her he home the treasures of the woods to please her � and wild flowers and the beautiful of birds that are brought down by his aim hath much advantage from the wood craft of the two boys daily our table which in hath need of such helps with the spoils of the air and water i am grieved to tell thee that some hath crept m among thy servants in thy absence alas b what are sheep without their shepherd is as ever faithful � not with eye service but hath much with some evil who have been the law of god and the law of our land by meeting together in merry co playing cards dancing and the like for these they were brought before mr and to receive each twenty well laid on having been overtaken with drink was condemned to wear suspended around his neck for one month a bit of wood on which is written and who is ever a having gone last saturday with the cart to the village about there and did not set out on his return till the sun was quite down both to the eye and by the accordingly early on uie following monday he was summon before mr and ordered to ten but by reason of his youth and my which being by a private letter doubtless had some effect the punishment was he heartily promised and a better carriage there hath been some alarm here within the last few days on account of certain indians who have been seen lurking in the woods around | 6 |
looks after the indian empire ordained that wonder should blunder and drop the final e that the should help him and that the note which ran dear mr � can you set aside your other engagements and lunch with us at two to morrow his has an hour at your disposal then should be given to with the he nearly wept with pride and delight and at the appointed hour off to a big paper bag full of the in his pockets he had his chance and ee meant to make the most of it of had been so solemn about his conference that wonder had arranged for a private � no a d c s no wonder no one but the who said that he feared being left alone with like the great of but his guest did not bore the on the contrary he amused him was nervously anxious to go straight to his and talked at random until was over and his asked him to smoke t n v i plain tales from tee hills was pleased with because he did not talk shop as soon as the were lit spoke like a man beginning with his theory his fifteen years scientific labors the of the ring and the excellence of his while the watched him between half shut eyes and thought evidently this is the wrong tiger but it is an original animal s hair was standing on end with excitement and he stammered he began groping in his coat tails and before the knew what was about to happen he had tipped a of his powder into the big silver ash tray j j judge for yourself sir said y shall judge for yourself absolutely on my honor he plunged the lighted end of his cigar into the powder which began to smoke like a and send up fat greasy wreaths of smoke in five seconds the room was filled with a most and sickening � a that took fierce hold of the trap of your and shut it the powder then and and sent out blue and green sparks and the smoke rose till you could neither see nor breathe nor gasp however was used to it of he shouted bone meal thousand feet smoke per inch not a could live � not a y but his had fled and was cough ing at the foot of the stairs while all like a hive red came in and the head who speaks english came in and came in and ladies ran downstairs screaming fire for the smoke was drifting through the house and out of the windows and along the and and across the gardens no one could enter the room where was on his till that powder had burned itself out then an de camp who desired the v c rushed through the rolling clouds and hauled into the hall the was prostrate with laughter and could only his hands feebly at who was shaking a fresh of powder at him glorious glorious sobbed his not a as you justly observe could exist i can swear it a magnificent success then he laughed till the tears came and wonder who had caught the real on the entered and was deeply shocked at the scene but the was delighted because he saw that wonder would presently depart with the was also pleased for he felt that he had smashed the medical ring few men could tell a story like his when he took the trouble and the account of my dear good wonder s friend with the powder went the round of and made wonder unhappy by t i i tales from the hills but his told the tale once too often � for wonder as he meant to do it was at a wonder was sitting just behind the and i really thought for a moment wound ap his that my dear good wonder had hired an to clear his way to the throne every one laughed but there was a delicate in the s tone which wonder understood he found that his health was giving way and the allowed him to go and presented him with a flaming character for use at home among big people my fault entirely said his in after seasons with a twinkling in his eye my must always have been distasteful to such a man there is a tide in the affairs of men which taken any way you please is bad and them in forsaken and no decent soul would think of visiting you cannot stop the tide but now and then you may arrest some rash adventurer h m � will hardly thank you for your pains we are a high caste and enlightened race and in ant is very shocking and the are sometimes peculiar but nevertheless the notion � which is the continental notion � which is the notion � of arranging marriages of the personal inclinations of the married is sound think for a minute and you will see that it must be so unless of course you believe in in which case you had better not read this tale how can a man who has never married who cannot be trusted to pick up at sight a sound horse whose head is hot and upset with visions of domestic felicity go about the choosing of a wife he cannot see straight or think straight if he tries and the same exist in the case of a girl s fancies but when mature married and discreet people arrange a match between a boy and a girl they do it sensibly with a view to the future and the young couple live happily ever afterwards as everybody knows properly speaking government should establish a matrimonial department with a jury of a judge of the chief court a senior and an awful warning in the shape of a love match that has gone wrong | 39 |
mouth will you take three thousand for that as he stands no thank you i ve an idea he s saved my life said getting off and lying down at full length both were on the ground too waving their boots in the air and and drawing deep as the ran up to take away the and an water sprinkled the players with dirty water till they sat up my aunt i said rubbing his back and looking at the of the goal posts that was a game i they played it over again every stroke of it that night at the big dinner when the free for all cup was and passed down the table and emptied and again and everybody made most eloquent speeches about two in the morning when there might have been the cat some a wise little plain little grey little head looked in through the open door bring him in said the and his who was very happy indeed patted the cat on the flank and he in to the blaze of light and the glittering looking for he w� is used to and men s and places where are not usually encouraged and in his youth had jumped on and off a mess table for a bet so he behaved himself very politely and ate bread dipped in salt and was all round the table moving and they drank his health because he had done more to win the cup than any man or horse on the ground that was glory and honour enough for the rest of his days and the cat did not complain much when the surgeon said that he would be no good for any more when married his wife did not allow him to play so he was forced to be an and his pony on these occasions was a bitten grey with a neat tail lame all round but desperately quick on his feet and as everybody knew past player of the bread upon the waters bread upon the waters if you remember my improper friend you will also bear in mind his friend chief engineer of the whose tried to steal his apologies for the performances of may one day be told in their proper place the tale before us concerns he was never a racing engineer and took special pride in saying as much before the liverpool men but he had a thirty two years knowledge of machinery and the of ship one side of his face had been wrecked through the bursting of a pressure in the days when men knew less than they do now and his nose rose out of the wreck like a club in a public riot there were cuts and on his head and he would guide your forefinger through his short iron grey hair and tell you how he had come by his trade marks he owned all sorts of of extra and at the bottom of his cabin chest of drawers where he kept the photograph of his wife were two or three royal humane society for saving lives at sea it was different when crazy passengers jumped bread upon the waters does not approve of saving life at sea and he has often told me that a new and who sign for a strong man pay and fall sick the second day out he believes in throwing boots at fourth and fifth when they wake him up at night with word that a bearing is all because a lamp s glare is reflected red from the metal he believes that there are only two poets in the world one being robert of course and the other when he has time for novels he reads and charles chiefly the and knows whole pages of very hard cash by heart in the saloon his table is next to the captain s and he drinks only water while his engines work he was good to me when we met because i did not ask questions and believed in charles as a most neglected author later he approved of my writings to the extent of one of twenty four pages that i wrote for chase owners of the line when they bought some patent and fitted it to the of the and the of the recommended me to s secretary for the job and who is a an invited me to his house and gave me dinner with the when the others had finished and placed the plans and in my hand and i wrote the that same afternoon it was called comfort in the cabin and brought me seven pound ten cash an important sum of money in those days and the who bread upon the waters was master john his scales told me that mrs had told her to keep an eye on me in case i went away with coats from the hat rack liked that for it was composed in the style with and and afterwards he introduced me to mrs who succeeded in my heart for was half a world away and it is wholesome and to love such a woman as they lived in a little twelve pound house close to the shipping when was away mrs read the column in the papers and called on the wives of senior of equal social standing once or twice too mrs visited mrs in a with and i have reason to believe that after she had played owner s wife long enough they talked scandal the lived in an old fashioned house with a big brick garden not a mile from the for they stayed by their money as their money stayed by them and in you met their solemnly by or but i was mrs s friend for she allowed me to her westward sometimes tp theatres where she sobbed or laughed or shivered with a simple heart and she introduced me to a new | 39 |
childish he turned and struck at the offending statue there a crash o lord what have i done next and he his way to find a candle yes he reflected as he stood with the light in his hand and looked upon the leg from which about a pound of muscle was detached tes i have destroyed a genuine antique i may be in for thousands i and then there sprung up in his bosom a sort of angry hope let me see he s got rid of there s nothing to connect me with that beast the men were all drunk and what s better they ve been all discharged oh come i think this is another case for moral courage i deny all knowledge of the thing a moment more and he stood again before the his lips sternly compressed the coal axe and the meat under his arm the next he had fallen upon the packing case this had been already seriously by the operations of a few blows and it already and yet a few more and it fell about in a shower of boards followed by an of straw and now the leather merchant could behold the nature of his task and at the first sight his spirit it was indeed no more ambitious a task for de with all his men and horses to attack the hills of than for a single slim young gentleman with no previous experience of labor in a to measure himself against the box that monster on his and yet the pair were well encountered on the one side bulk � on the other genuine heroic fire down you shall come you great big ugly brute i cried aloud with something of that passion which swept the mob against the walls of the down you shall come this night i ll have none of you in my the face from its expression had particularly animated the zeal of our and it was against the face that he began his operations the great height of the � for he stood a and half in his feet � offered a preliminary obstacle to this attack but here in the first of the battle intellect already began to triumph over matter by means of a pair of library steps the injured gained a posture of advantage and with great of the coal axe proceeded to the brute two hours later what had been the erect image of a gigantic coal porter turned white was now no more than a of members the prone against the the countenance down the kitchen stair the legs the arms the hands and even the fingers scattered on the half an hour more and all the had been laboriously to the kitchen and with a gentle sentiment of triumph looked round upon the scene of his achievements yes he could the of m part the deny all knowledge of it now the beyond the fact that it was partly betrayed no trace of the passage of but it was a weary that crept up to bed his arms and shoulders ached the palms of his hands burned from the rough kisses of the coal axe and there was one finger that stole continually to his mouth sleep long delayed to visit the hero and with the first peep of day it had again deserted him the morning as though to accord with his disastrous fortunes dawned an gale was shouting in the streets of rain angrily assailed the windows and as dressed the draught from the fireplace vividly played about his legs i think he could not help observing bitterly that with all i have to bear they might have given me decent weather there was no bread in the house for miss like all women left to themselves had entirely upon cake but some of this was foimd and along with what the poets a glass of fair cold water made up a semblance of a morning meal and then down he sat to his delicate task nothing can be more interesting than the study of written as they are before meals and after during and written when the is trembling for the life of his child or has come from winning the in his lawyer s office or under the box the bright eyes of his sweetheart to the vulgar these seem never the same but to the expert the bank clerk or the they are constant quantities and as as the north star to the night watch on deck to all this was alive in the theory of that graceful art in which he was now our spirited leather merchant was beyond all reproach but happily for the is an affair of practice and as sat surrounded by examples of his s signature and his own depression stole upon his spirits from time to time the wind in the chimney at his back from time to time there swept over a so dark that he must rise and light the gas about him was the chill the mean disorder of a house out of commission � the floor bare the sofa heaped with books and accounts enveloped in a dirty table cloth the pens the paper glazed with a thick of dust and yet these were but of misery and the true root of his depression lay round him on the table in the shape of it s one of the strangest things i ever heard of he complained it almost seems as if it was a talent that i didn t possess he went once more through his proofs a clerk would simply at them said he well there s nothing else but tracing possible he waited till a had passed and there came a the of the first of then he went to the window and in the face of all john street traced his uncle s signature it was a poor 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in a corner by the fire she had seen she told me while she was tom had taken her down into for a wedding trip and there she had seen my aunt too and both my aunt and were well and they had all talked of nothing but me tom had never had me out of his thoughts she really believed all the time t had been away tom was the authority for everything tom was evidently the idol of her life never to be shaken on liis by any commotion always to be believed in and done homage to with the whole faith of her heart come what might the deference which both she and showed ds the beauty pleased me very much i don t know that i thought it very reasonable but i thought it very delightful and essentially a part of their character if ever for an instant missed the that were still to be won i have no doubt it was when he handed the beauty her tea if his sweet tempered wife could have got up any self assertion against any one i am satisfied it could only have been because she was the beauty s sister a few slight indications of a rather and capricious manner which i observed in the beauty were considered by and his wife as her and natural if she had been born a queen bee and they laboring bees they could not have been more satisfied of that but their self forgetfulness charmed me their pride in these girls and their submission of themselves to all their was the little testimony to their own worth i could have desired to see if were addressed as a darling once in the com se of that evening and to bring something here or carry something there of david t or take something up or put something down or find something or fetch something he was so addressed by one or other of his sisters in law at least twelve times in an hour neither could they do anything without somebody s hair fell down and nobody but could put it up somebody forgot how a particular tune went and nobody but could hum that tune right somebody wanted to the name of a place in and only knew it something was wanted to be written home and alone could be trusted to write before breakfast in the morning somebody broke down in a piece of knitting and no one but was able to put the in the right direction they were entire of the place and and waited on them how many children could have taken care of in her time i can t imagine but she seemed to be famous for knowing every sort of song that ever was addressed to a child in the english tongue and she sang to order with the little voice in the world one after another every sister issuing directions for a different tune and the beauty generally striking in last so that i was quite fascinated the best of all was that in the midst of their all the sisters had a great tenderness and respect both for and i am sure when i took my leave and was coming out to walk with me to the coffee house i thought i had never seen an obstinate head of hair or any other head of hair rolling about in such a shower of kisses altogether it was a scene i could not help dwelling on with pleasure for a long time after i got back and had wished good night if i had beheld a thousand roses blowing in a top set of chambers in that withered gray s inn they could not have brightened it half so much the idea of those girls among the dry law and the offices and of the tea and toast and children s songs in that grim atmosphere of and red dusty brief and paper law reports and bills of costs seemed almost as pleasantly fanciful as if i had dreamed that the s famous family had been admitted on the roll of and had brought the talking bird the singing tree and the golden water into gray s inn hall somehow i found that i had taken leave of for the night and come back to the coffee house with a great change in my despondency about him i began to think he would get on in spite of all the many orders of chief in england drawing a chair before one of the coffee room fires to think about him at my leisure i gradually fell from the consideration of his happiness to tracing prospects in the live coals and to thinking as they broke and changed of the principal and that had marked my life i had not seen a coal fire since i had left england three years ago though many a wood fire had i watched as it into ashes and mingled with the heap upon the hearth which not figured to me in my despondency my own dead hopes i could think of the past now gravely but not bitterly and could contemplate the future in a brave spirit home in its best sense was for me no more she in whom i might have inspired a dearer love i had taught to be my sister she would marry and would have new the personal and experience on her tenderness and in doing it would never know the love for her that had grown up in my heart it was right that i should pay the of my headlong passion what i i had sown i was thinking and had i truly my heart to this and could i resolutely bear it and calmly hold the place in her home which she had calmly held in mine � when i found my eyes resting on a countenance that might | 8 |
in the world because perhaps the most intellectual ho w different is the very atmosphere of it from america the great open common about this house of english individuality leisure order � anything you will the atmosphere was damp the sun at best a golden haze all the bare trees were covered with a thin of almost spring green moss the ground was were in the sky the trees little red houses in the valleys with combination done in quaint individual chimney pots send upward soft of blue smoke their earth colored trousers just below the knees by a small leather appeared ver and anon s a at forty and span with black dresses white white in their hair becoming of linen made into large bows at their backs appeared at some door or some window of almost every home the sun into such orderly well dressed windows the fields such you can encounter hills of sheep creaking open common land of and wild my little master clad by on a pony my young mistress looks gay and superior on a or a a four year old has a long white donkey to ride that is england how shall it be said � how described it is so delicate so remote so refined so smooth a pleasant land of great verse and great thought chapter vii a glimpse of london a few days i went to london for the first time � i do not count the night of my arrival for i saw nothing but the railway � and i confess i was not impressed as much as i might have been i could not help thinking on this first morning as we passed from park marble arch park lane brook street square square and other streets to street and the neighborhood of the hotel that it was beautiful spacious dignified and well ordered but not imposing fortunately it was a bright and comfortable morning and the air was soft there was a faint haze over the city which i took to be smoke and certainly it as though it were smoky i had a sense of great life but not of crowded life if i manage to make myself clear by that it seemed to me at first blush as if the city might be so vast that no part was important at every turn who was my ever present was explaining now this that we are coming to or this that we are passing or this is so and so and so we sped by interesting things the city me in a vague way but meaning very little at the moment we must have passed through a long stretch of for pointed out a line of clubs them � the st james s the club the club and then st james s palace i was duly impressed i was seeing things which s a at forty after all i thought did not depend so much upon their exterior beauty or vast presence as upon the import of their and connections they were beautiful in a low dark way and certainly they were tinged with an atmosphere of age and respectability after all since life is a of the brain built up notions of things arc really far more impressive in many cases than the things themselves london is a of great names it is a clatter of vast it is a of memories and celebrated beauties and orders and distinctions it is almost impossible any more to the real from the or better spiritual there is something here which is not of brick and stone at all but which is purely a matter of thought it is poetry noble ideas delicious memories of great things and these after all are better than brick and stone the city is low � universally not more than five stories high often not more than two but it is beautiful and it great spaces with narrow in such a way as to give a splendid variety you can have at once a sense of being very crowded and of being very free i can understand now s desire to include poor old with italy in the of romance the thing that struck me most in so brief a survey � we were surely not more than twenty minutes in reaching our destination � was that the buildings were largely a golden yellow in color quite as if they had been white and time had stained them many other buildings looked as though they had been black originally and had been white in spots the truth is that it was quite the other way about they had been snow white and had been by the smoke until they were now nearly coal black and only here and there had the wind and rain whipped bare white a glimpse of london places which looked like or the of lime at first i thought how wretched later i thought this effect is charming we are so used to the new and shiny and tall in america particularly in our larger cities that it is very hard at first to estimate a city of equal or greater rank which is old and low and to a certain extent smoky in places there was more beauty more more dignity more space than most of our cities have to offer the police had an air of dignity and intelligence such as i have never seen anywhere in america the streets were beautifully swept and clean and i saw soldiers here and there in fine standing outside palaces and walking in the public ways that alone was sufficient to london from any american city we rarely see our soldiers they are too few i think what i felt most of all was that i could not feel anything very definite about so great a city and that there was no use trying we were soon at the bank | 43 |
i am an advocate for the prevailing fashion of acquiring a perfect knowledge of all languages arts and it is throwing time away to be mistress of french italian and german music singing and drawing etc will gain a woman some applause but will not add one lover to her list � grace and manner after all are of the greatest importance i do not mean there lady fore that s should be more than superficial and i flatter myself that she will not remain long enough at school to understand anything thoroughly i hope to see her the wife of sir james within a you know on what i ground my hope and it is certainly a good foundation for school must he very humiliating to a girl of s age and by the by you had better not invite her any more on that account as i wish her to find her situation as un pleasant as possible i am sure of sir james at any time and could make him renew his application by a line i shall trouble you meanwhile to prevent his forming any other attachment when he comes to town ask him to your house and talk to him of that he may not forget her upon the whole i commend my own conduct in this affair extremely and regard it as a very happy instance of and tenderness some mothers would have insisted on their daughter s accepting so good an offer on the first but i could not reconcile it to myself to force into a marriage from which her heart and instead of so harsh a measure merely propose to make it her own choice by rendering her thoroughly uncomfortable till she does accept him � but enough of this tiresome girl you may well wonder how i contrive to pass my time here and for the first week it was dull now however we begin to mend our party is enlarged by mrs s brother a handsome young man who promises me some amusement there is lady about him which rather interests me a sort of and familiarity which i shall teach him to correct he is lively and seems clever and when i have inspired him with greater respect for me than his sister s kind offices have he may be an agreeable there is exquisite pleasure in an insolent spirit in making a person to dislike acknowledge one s superiority i have disconcerted him already by my calm reserve and it shall be my endeavor to humble the pride of these de still lower to convince mrs that her have been bestowed in vain and to persuade that she has me this project will serve at least to amuse me and prevent my feeling so this dreadful separation from you and all whom i love yours ever s mrs to lady de my dear mother � you must not expect back again for some time he desires me to tell you that the present open weather him to accept mr s invitation to his stay in that they may have some hunting together he means to send for his horses immediately and it is impossible to say lady when you may see him in i will not disguise my sentiments on this change from you my dear mother though i think you had better not communicate them to my father whose excessive anxiety about would subject him to an alarm which might seriously affect his health and spirits lady has certainly contrived in the space of a fortnight to make my brother like her in short i am persuaded that his continuing here beyond the time originally fixed for his return is occasioned as much by a degree of fascination towards her as by the wish of hunting with mr and of course i cannot receive that pleasure from the length of his visit which my brother s company would otherwise give me i am indeed provoked at the of this woman what stronger proof of her dangerous abilities can be given than this of � s judgment which when he entered the house was so decidedly against her in his last letter he actually gave me some particulars of her behavior at such as he received from a gentleman who knew her perfectly well which if true must raise against her and which himself was entirely disposed to credit his opinion of her i am sure was as low as of any woman in england and when he first came it was evident that he considered her as one entitled neither to delicacy nor respect and that he felt she would be delighted with the attentions of any man inclined to with her her behavior i confess ha been calculated to do away with such an idea i have not detected the smallest lady in it � nothing of vanity of of levity and she is altogether so attractive that i should not wonder at his being delighted with her had he known nothing of her previous to this personal acquaintance but against reason against conviction to be so well pleased with her as i am sure he is does really astonish me his admiration was at first very strong but no more than was natural and i did not wonder at his being much struck by the gentleness and delicacy of her manners but when he has mentioned her of late it has been in terms of more extraordinary praise and yesterday he actually said that he could not be surprised at any effect produced on the heart of man by such loveliness and such abilities and when i lamented in reply the of her disposition he observed that whatever might have been her errors they were to be to her neglected education and early marriage and that she was altogether a wonderful woman this tendency to excuse her conduct or to forget it in the | 26 |
united states a better known name than that of there can be no doubt therefore that these recollections of his busy life will have readers in good store and with better reason than many books read such a career as this volume describes conducting its hero up from the depths of an extreme though not sordid poverty to the eminent position in the world of politics and which he achieved might well make a wiser man than mr think more high ly than he ought to think of his own share in the great changes he had witnessed and to over estimate the importance of the part he had had in them ct we are exceedingly obliged to mr of the for asking mr to these recollections to mr for with the request and to the of this book for giving it to the world in so attractive a form we who have known mr from the early days of the nay even back of that through the log and new days find many things in the book which we knew very well before but also many things which are fresh and new we can assure those who buy this book that they will greatly enjoy it journal these letters were very popular when appearing in the and now when and in part by the author and with original matter added cannot fail to be more valuable in their present elegant and � form to the student the ambitious or the poor boy these letters are full of instruction and hope they abound in anecdotes in humor and wise counsel f lift thy thi eve fan late we led ad all classes of american readers will find material for g thought in this volume a series of sketches written for the new york in this volume they relate the mental history of one of the and forcible wi in p this country the recollections have been j changed from their original shape by mr y himself for this volume all of them have been to one half of them additions have been made and a number of entire ly new topics have been added x d on an an a vigorous � messrs j b ford co who have recently p a house in this c city give evidence of fitness for their work in v their first production which happens to be t s recollections of a busy life r the book is a credit to the country and should be an everlasting reproach to publish ers who make much money at com i mr ey s here with the miserable under which his name is � printed in mrs s eminent men recently brought out by a house it is like comparing day witli night and so of i a new standard work for city and country the greatest book ever published tv on the trotting horse of america how to train drive with of the trotting turf the results of the author s forty tears experience and skill in training and driving together with a store of interesting matter concerning celebrated american horses by charles j foster of s spirit of the times every one who knows anything of the history of horses in america knows that might almost be said to have been the creator of our national animal the the value of this record of his experience and suggestions of his skill cannot therefore be doubted as a standard authority in the of horse training while the style of his description and the vivid pictures he gives of successive periods in the development of the breeding and of horses in this country and the many interesting naturally in the course of the work combine with its more solid qualities to make it a rare book horses drivers farmers having the or the desire of breeding good trotting stock to supply the rapidly growing demand or even to increase the speed of their own horses � every man who has or drives or loves the noble animal wiu find this book invaluable and indispensable the book is a handsome mo and contains a splendid steel plate portrait of price extra cloth half calf full calf copies sent on receipt of price the trade promptly supplied find this an easy book to sell liberal terms but no exclusive territory given j b ford co st house square new york opinions of the and of he most noted professional and drivers of the day will be found on this and the following pages from the celebrated s d land east new york mr charles foster sir l have read the book of which you sent me a handsome copy � s book � and i want to say what i think about it it is the most excellent careful and practical book about horses i ever saw and it cannot be too ly recommended to those who have either or family horses the likeness of my old friend is capital yours respectfully s d from tbe famous driver dan new york aa charles j foster dear sir � i am much obliged to vou for book some think that my opinion of it may be of service to the young men in the country and here it is this is the best horse book that i have ever seen and a precious better than i ever expected to see i found that and you had set to work at one together it will be invaluable to those who have and if a man will s � service to the men of the country who have got young horses i have read it through more than once people who have es lead it carefully and the directions set down for the treatment feeding training and of it makes ij me remember old times when i read the v story of for was with then yours truly i spirit of | 19 |
called a review of the times and various others the drift of the desire for knowledge is shown by the very large sale of s history of the nineteenth century and of a history of the war sixty years of queen reign being also much in demand these books and many others largely among the at once creating and expressing aspirations all present in some form or other that higher ideal which produced those greatly led by who political commercial and religious reform in rendering it memorable in chinese history as a year in which men showed that the welfare of their country was dearer to them than life itself a few instances taken at random show how the western is working large sums have been by the chinese for the object of teaching western languages and learning specially in the ports two wealthy chinese offered to raise dollars for the of the women s hospital in if dr the lady medical missionary would consent to teach western medicine to chinese girls a one of the of the china merchants co was so impressed by mr translation of s history of the nineteenth century that he bought a hundred copies and sent them to the leading in a gentleman visiting two years ago met effects of western literature with the c l s magazine i of the and was so impressed with its to china that he ordered two hundred copies and distributed them monthly in to those who had specially opposed foreigners and christianity these men in their turn ordered a complete set of the c l s books and read them for two years in order to be sure of their contents recently the literary of the province wrote to the c to the effect that china must reform and on the lines indicated in the society s and in the name of the governor and gentry of invited the chinese editor to become a professor in the college of the provincial capital the volume on agricultural has been very largely read early in e of and others raised � for an agricultural college and invited mr the author of the book an american missionary to be its head the in central china whose views on the use of i have previously quoted actually with the anti foreign in but by had been so profoundly influenced by the study of western literature that he sent a large to the c l s and has lately published a book in which he strongly the immediate of a modem system of education it is not alone among the older men that our literature is producing marked effects here and there but the literary students in considerable numbers are fired with the desire for western learning fifteen hundred applied for entrance to the new university of which the learned rev w martin author of a of is principal occasionally foreign literature produces almost grotesque effects a magistrate having read dr s civilization east and west was much impressed by the chapter on our western treatment of prisoners and at once set his own to work at spinning weaving and basket making to the intense amusement of the of the in i saw few if any indications of the awakening it was what are known as the tracts an infamous literature throughout the empire which christians of the crimes and the to them which have been the cause of several of the anti foreign l ow is western learning and christian teachers concluding remarks which undoubtedly exists a foreign traveller whether he speak chinese or not does not see below the surface and the province is far away from the in which the western is working most but in several places where i halted the sent to inquire if i had any foreign books is one of the most anti foreign of the provinces and it is that lately her governor has sent to the c l s for i dollars worth of western literature � i think that there is no doubt that the of western thought is working surely though slowly among the literary class and that the reform movement but not killed by the strong measures of the grew out of it two causes favour the spread of western literature first that the four hundred millions of the empire possess one written language and second that there are examination in china and that at each from to students the lawyers and leaders of the future a million in all are under examination every year our best literature and our christian literature supplied to these reaches the most influential homes in the country mr little the of steam on the upper and himself a chinese scholar strongly the supply of c l s literature to all these he considers that the mental revolution now proceeding and the reform movement are largely due to the influence of books and even says that in the circulation of western literature he sees the great hope for the open door that irresistible forces are beginning to drive china out of her conceit and seclusion is evident ten years ago there were only two or three papers in the besides the official to day there are over seventy and native is developing through the press the young china party � the creation of chinese schools and foreign influence chiefly in the ports � gives expression to those feelings of and discontent which its wider outlook on affairs produces through it the younger awakened to a new conception of patriotism by contact with western thought the ignorance and corruption of the and urge as a remedy the introduction of and political economy into the provincial the the old order changing not only founded a paper which was to engage the sympathies of the literary class in the work of progress and reform and to interest its readers in questions of and general importance but made its | 20 |
frail sordid and petty absurd and contradictory even grotesque and yet withal shot through with flashes and of something finer and god like with here and there of service and desires for goodness for and sacrifice and with conscience stern and awful at preface times imperious demanding the right � the right nothing more nor less than the right jack london i � contents face ths class thb loi of thb i i a a law how i a the class struggle unfortunately or otherwise people are prone to believe in the reality of the things they think ought to be so this comes of the cheery which is innate with life itself and while it may sometimes be it must never be for as a rule it is productive of more good than harm and of about all the achievement there is in the world there are cases where this has been disastrous as with the people who lived in during its last quivering days or with the of the time of louis xvi who confidently expected the to the class struggle their children or their children s children but never themselves but there is small that the case of perverse here to be considered will end in such disaster while there is every reason to believe that the great change now itself in society will be as peaceful and orderly in its as it is in its present development out of their constitutional and because a class struggle is an and dangerous thing the great american people are unanimous in asserting that there is no class struggle and by american people is meant the recognized and of the american people which are the press the pulpit and the the class struggle the the and the professors are practically of one voice in declaring that there is no such thing as a class struggle now going on much less that a class struggle will ever go on in the united states and this declaration they continually make in the face of a multitude of facts which not so much their sincerity as affirm rather their there are two ways of approaching the subject of the class struggle the existence of this struggle can be shown and it can be shown actually for a class struggle to exist in society there must be first a class a superior class and an inferior class as measured by power and second the must be closed whereby the strength the class struggle and of the inferior class have been permitted to escape that there are even classes in the united states is vigorously denied by many but it is when a group of individuals is formed wherein the members are bound together by common interests which are peculiarly their interests and not the interests of individuals outside the group that such a group is a class the owners of capital with their form a class of this nature in the united states the working people form a similar class the interest of the class say in the matter of income tax is quite contrary to the interest of the laboring class and vice in the matter of tax if between these two classes there be a the class struggle clear and vital conflict of interest all the are present which make a class struggle but this struggle will lie if the strong and capable members of the inferior class be permitted to leave that class and join the ranks of the superior class the class and the working class have existed side by side and for a long time in the united states but hitherto all the strong energetic members of the working class have been able to rise out of their class and become owners of capital they were enabled to do this because an country with an frontier gave equality of opportunity to all in the almost like scramble for the of vast natural resources and in the of which there was little the class struggle or no competition of capital the capital itself rising out of the the capable intelligent member of the working class found a field in which to use his brains to his own advancement instead of being discontented in direct with his intelligence and and of amongst his fellows a spirit of revolt as capable as he was capable he left them to their fate and carved his own way to a place in the superior class but the day of an frontier of a like scramble for the of natural resources and of the of new is past farthest west has been reached and an immense volume of capital for and in the bud the patient the class struggle of the to rise through slow from small the of opportunity after opportunity has been closed and closed for all time has shut the door on oil the american tobacco company on tobacco and on steel after came who triple locked the door these doors will not open again and before them pause thousands of ambitious young men to read the no and day by day more doors are shut while the ambitious young men continue to be bom it is they denied the opportunity to rise from the working class who preach revolt to the working class had he been bom fifty years later the class struggle the poor scotch boy might hav risen to be president of his union or of a of but that he never have become the of and the founder of is as certain as it is certain that some other man would have developed the steel industry had never been born then there exist in the united states all the which go to make a class struggle there are the and working classes the interests of which conflict while the working class is no longer being to the extent it was in the past by having drawn off from | 21 |
side above it was a holding a long row of white cups and a shelf with tin knives and forks near the up to date range the only real piece of furniture in the room hung the in which all mill carried their noon or midnight meals a crowd of men were lounging cheerfully about talking smoking and enjoying life one of them playing a they were making the most of a brief spell before their meal and departure for work a book about myself in the room above as the landlord cheerfully showed us were double iron set close together and on them neatly laid in these two rooms lived besides the boarding and his e both and their two babies twenty men they were those who handled steel and bars and loaded trains worked in filled steel with stock and what not they all worked twelve hours a day and their reward was this and what they could save over and above it out of nine sixty per week said a good thing about them at the time i don t know how it is i know these people are and the mill owners pay them the lowest wages the these as well as their and the community which they make by their work don t give a damn for them and yet they are happy and be hanged if they don t make me happy it must be that just work is happiness and i agreed with him plenty of work something to do the ability to avoid the of idleness and useless pensive futile thought there was another side that i thought was a part of all this and that was the vice situation there were so many girls who walked the streets here and back of the and buildings as well as in the streets ranged along the below water first and second were many houses of as large and flourishing an area as i had seen in any city as i learned from the political and police man the police here as elsewhere protected vice or in other words upon it chapter in the meantime i was going about my general work and an ea task it proved my city editor cool soul soon instructed me as to the value of news and its here we don t touch on labor except through our labor man he told me and he knows what to say there s nothing to be said about the rich or religious in a sense they re all right in so far as we know we don t touch on in high life the big steel men here just about own the place so we can t some papers out west and down in new york go in for but we don t i d rather have some simple little feature any time a story about some old fellow with habits than any of these or of course we do cover them when we have to but we have to be mighty careful what we say so much for a free press in a d and i found that the city itself by reason of the recent defeat administered to organized labor and the soft of the newspapers presented a most and aspect there was little local news a wedding or death in high society a in a saloon the of a steel plant the visit of a or the remarks of some local provided the on which the local readers were fed sometimes an outside event such as the organization by general of of his army at that time moving washington to petition against the doings of the or the and impossible doings of � opposition president to the dominant party of the state or the manner in which the party of this region was attempting to steal an or share in the spoils � these and the grand comments of gentlemen in financial positions here and elsewhere as to the outlook for a book about myself in the nation or the steel mills or the coal fields occupied the best places in the newspapers for a great as daring and restless as this it seemed that it could be so or say so little the colossal the men at the top but when it came to labor or the their restlessness or demands or the views of a third rate preacher complaining of in dress or morals or an actor his views on art or a on some unimportant phase of our life it was a very different matter these papers were then free enough to say their say i recall that thomas b reed then speaker of the house once passed through the city and stopped off to visit some friendly steel i was sent to interview him and obtain his views as to general s army a band of poor mistaken who imagined that by marching to washington and protesting to they could compel a american and house to take of their woes this able � and he was no fool being at the time in the and favor of the money power and looked upon as the probable republican � pretended to me to believe that a vast national menace lay in such a movement and protest why it s the same as revolution i he washing his face in his at the his swaying loosely about his fat it s an unheard of proceeding for a hundred years the american people have had a fixed and constitutional and method of they have their county and state and national and their power of to the same they can write any plank they wish into any party platform and compel its by their now comes along a man who finds something that doesn t just suit his views and instead of waiting and appealing to the regular party he an army and proceeds to march on | 43 |
was more to it maybe that s very well but you ve another one i and you ll tell it to me won t you tell the gentleman your other name thomas said and say sir you mustn t forget your manners thomas � sir that s it that s a good boy fine boy pine manly little fellow two thousand verses is a great many � very very great many and you never can be sorry for the trouble you took to learn them for knowledge is worth more than anything there is in the world it s what makes great men and good men you ll be a great man and a good man yourself some day thomas and then you ll look back and say it s all owing to the precious sunday school privileges of my boyhood � it s all owing to my dear teachers that taught me to learn � it s all owing to the good who encouraged me and watched over me and gave me a beautiful bible � a splendid elegant bible � to keep and have it all for my own always � it s all owing to right bringing up that is what you will say thomas � and you wouldn t take any money for those two thousand verses � no indeed you wouldn t and now you wouldn t mind telling me and this lady some of the things you ve learned � no i know you wouldn t � for we are proud of little boys that learn now no doubt you know the names of all the twelve won t you tell us the names of the first two that were appointed tom was at a button hole and looking he blushed now and his eyes fell mr heart sank within him he said to himself it is not possible that the boy can answer the simplest question � why did the judge ask him yet he felt obliged to speak up and say answer the gentleman thomas � don t be afraid tom still hung fire now i know you ll tell me said the lady the names of the first two were � david and let us draw the curtain of charity over the rest of the scene chapter v bout half past ten the cracked bell of the small church began to ring and presently the people began to gather for the morning sermon the sunday school children distributed themselves about the house and occupied with their parents so as to be under aunt came and tom and and mary sat with her � tom being placed next the aisle in order that he might be as far away from the open window and the outside summer scenes as possible the crowd filed up the the aged and who had seen better days the mayor and his wife � for they had a mayor there among other the justice of the peace the widow fair smart and forty a generous good hearted soul and well to do her hill mansion the only palace in town and the most hospitable and much the most lavish in the matter of that st could boast the bent and venerable major and mrs ward lawyer the new notable from a dis next the of the village followed by a troop of lawn clad and ribbon young heart then all the young clerks in town in a body � for they had stood in the their cane heads a wall of and admirers till the last girl had run their and last of all came the model boy taking as care of his mother as if she were cut glass he always brought his mother to church and was the pride of all the the boys all hated him he was so good and besides he had been thrown up to them so much his white handkerchief was hanging out of his pocket behind as usual on sundays � accidentally tom had no handkerchief and he looked upon boys who had as the congregation being fully assembled now the bell rang once more to warn and and then a solemn hush fell upon the church which was only broken by the and whispering of the choir in the gallery the choir always and whispered all through service there was once a church choir that was not ill bred but i have forgotten where it was now it was a great many years ago and i can scarcely remember anything about it but i think it was in some foreign country the minister gave out the hymn and read it through with a relish in a peculiar style which was much admired in that part of the country his voice began on a medium key and climbed steadily up till it reached a certain point where it bore with strong emphasis upon the word and then plunged down as if from a spring board � j toe the � � � rf em he was regarded as a wonderful reader at church he was always called upon to read poetry and when he was through the ladies would lift up their hands and let them fall helplessly in their and wall their eyes and shake their heads as much as to say words cannot express it it is too beautiful too beautiful for this mortal earth after the hymn had been sung the rev mr turned himself into a board and read off notices of meetings and societies and things till it seemed that the list would stretch out to the crack of doom � a queer custom which is still kept up in america even in cities away here in this age of abundant newspapers often the less there is to justify a custom the harder it is to get rid of it and now the minister prayed a good generous prayer it was and went into | 34 |
uncertain when i shall bo able to make tho journey from where i shall bo staying that will depend on several things wait for me � the bring with you the diamond ring that sir gave you i shall like to see it again your unknown mother da n a this letter witli its gave no to what was in for him but ho could not do otherwise than accept sir s wliich seemed to imply some pledge not to anticipate the mother s and uie that his life long conjectures had been mistaken checked further could not hinder his imagination from taking a quick flight over what seemed possibilities but he refused to contemplate any one of them as more likely than another lest ho should be nursing it into a dominant desire or instead of simply preparing himself with resolve to meet the fact bravely whatever it might turn out to be in this state of mind he could not have communicated to any one the reason for the absence which in some quarters ho was obliged to mention beforehand least of all to whom it would affect as powerfully as it did himself only in rather a different way if he were to say i am going to learn the truth about my birth s hope would gather what might prove a painful dangerous excitement to he spoke of his journey as being undertaken by sir s wish and threw as much indifference as he could into his manner of announcing it saying he was uncertain of its duration but it would perhaps be very short i will ask to have the child jacob to stay with me said comforting himself in this way after the first mournful glances i will drive round and ask mrs to let him come said the grandmother will deny you nothing said fm glad you were a little wrong as well as i he added smiling at you thought that old mrs would not bear to see i her heart said she is capable of rejoicing that s plant though her own be withered oh they arc dear good people i feel as if we all belonged to each other said with a tinge of merriment in her what should you have felt if that had been your brother r said � a little provoked that m book � ths v s liad taken kindly at once to people who bad him ao annoyance on her account looked at him with a slight surprise for a moment and then said he is not a bad man � i think ho would never any one but when she bad uttered the words she blushed deeply and glancing timidly at turned away to some occupation father was in her mind and this was a subject on which she and her brother had a painful mutual consciousness if ho should come and find us was a thought which to sometimes made the street daylight as shadowy as a haunted forest where each turn for her an imaginary apparition felt what was ber voluntary allusion and understood the blush could he be slow to understand feelings which now seemed nearer than ever to his own for the words of his mother letter implied that his filial relation was not to be freed from painful conditions indeed singularly enough that letter which had brought his mother nearer as a living reality had thrown her into more for his affections the tender yearning after a being life might have been the worse for not having his care and love the image of a mother who had not had all her of reverence or compassion had long been secretly present with him in his observation of all tho women he had come near but it seemed now that this of his mother might fit the facts no better than his about sir lie wondered to find that when this mother s very handwriting had come to him with words her actual feeling his affections had suddenly shrunk into a state of comparative toward her a veiled figure with speech had thrust away that image which in spite of uncertainty his clinging thought had gradually and made the possessor of his tenderness and longing when he set off to the interest really uppermost in his mind had hardly so much relation to his mother as to and god bless you dan i sir had said when they shook hands whatever else changes for you it can t change my being the oldest friend you have known and the one who has all along felt the most for you i couldn t have loved you bet s n a if you d been my own � only i should been better pleased with thinking of you always as the future master of the abbey instead of my fine nephew and then you would have seen it necessary for you to a political line however things must be as they may it was a measure of the s to mingle remarks with the expression of serious feeling when arrived at the in no princess was there but on the second day there was a letter for him saying that her arrival might happen within a week or might be deferred a fortnight and more she was under circumstances which made it impossible for her to x her journey more precisely and she entreated him to wait as patiently as he could with this indefinite prospect of suspense on matters of supreme moment to him set about the difficult task of seeking amusement on philosophic grounds as a means of excited feeling and giving patience a lift over a weary road his former to the superb city had been only and left him much to beyond the prescribed round of by spending the cooler hours in observant wandering about the streets the and the and ho often took a boat that he | 14 |
as i mean to have i can t say more than that in the way of enjoyment he turns on his heel at the last words and oflf down the narrow lane by which he had come stands for a while looking after his receding form till the fog round it and she can see it no more she feels as if she had seen a ghost and for her at least the before the deserted house next door will be haunted � haunted by a forlorn and sobbing there by the as for the man he goes on his way until he finds a door which � alas � is not closed against him hero a small boys it was the night after had been taken to his first and he had been lying asleep in his little bedroom for now that he was nine he slept in the night nursery no longer he had been asleep when he was suddenly awakened by a brilliant red glare at first he was afraid the house was on fire but when the red turned to a dazzling green he gave a great gasp of delight for he thought the scene was still going on and there s all the best part still to come he said to himself but as he became wider awake he saw that it was out of the question to expect his bedroom to hold all those wonders and he was almost surprised to see that there was even so much as a single fairy in it a fairy there was nevertheless she stood there with a star in her hair and her dress out all around her just as he had seen her a few hours before when she rose up with little inside a great gilded shell and spoke some poetry which he didn t quite catch s hero she spoke audibly enough now nor was her voice bo as it had sounded before little boy she began i am the ruling genius of you entered my kingdom for the first time last night � how did you enjoy yourself h said so much it was splendid thank you she smiled and seemed well pleased i always call to inquire on a new acquaintance she said and so you liked our as every sensible boy does well it is in my power to reward you every night for a certain time you shall see again the things you liked best what did you like best the part said promptly for it ought to be said here that he was a boy who had always had a leaning to the kind of practical fun which he saw carried out by the to a pitch of perfection which at once enchanted and him till that he had thought himself a funny boy in his way and it had surprised him that his family had not found him more amusing than did but now he felt all at once that he was only a very humble and had never understood what real fun was for he had not much above hiding behind doors and out suddenly on a passing servant causing her to jump delightfully once indeed he used to be able to sell his family by pretending all s hero manner of but they had grown bo stupid lately that they never believed a single word be said no the would not own him as a he would despise his little attempts at practical jokes still thought i can try to be more like him perhaps he will come to hear of me some day for he had never met anyone he admired half so much as that who was always in a good temper to be sure he had everything his own way � but then he deserved to always quick and ready with his excuses and if he did run away in times of danger it was not because he was really afraid then how impudent he was to who but he would have dared to a large by making a door mat of it or to ask the prices of on purpose to throw mud at them not that he couldn t be serious when he chose � for once he a union jack and said something quite noble which made everybody clap their hands for two minutes and he told people the best shops to go to for a quantity of things and he could not have been joking then for they were the same names that were to be seen on all the this will explain how it was natural that on being asked which part of the he preferred should say without the slightest hesitation ob the part s the fairy seemed less pleased the part she repeated what those shop scenes on right at the end without rhyme or reason yes said those ones and the great wood with the shifting green and violet lights and the white bands of dancing in circles � didn t you like them oh yes said the candid pretty well i didn t care much for them well she said but you liked the grand with all their gorgeous dresses and monstrous figures surely you liked them there was such a lot of it said the was the best and if you could you d rather see those last scenes again than all the rest she said frowning a little � oh wouldn t i just said but may i � really and truly i see you are not one of my boys said the genius of rather sadly it so happens that those closing scenes are the very ones i have least control over � they are a part of my kingdom which has fallen into sad decay and rebellion but one thing i can do for you i will give you the for a friend and companion � and much good may | 44 |
that money and seems to me tain t thb flag ob exactly right to let him stand here and talk so about one that has been his best friend on i ve done everything i could for that boy tried to bring him up right and to day he s got more property than he had when his father died done the best i could for him squire and now you see what i for t mr having his feeling sat down and looked like a much abused man squire all i ve got to say is if the money mr showed here is the same that lost my uncle must have changed it when he was looking at it for i know i didn t steal the money i never touched it and never saw it said stoutly all i want is to have mr come here and tell what he knows about this business the prisoner sat down again with the feeling that he had at least raised a doubt in regard to his guilt i am entirely willing to continue the case until mr s attendance can be procured added squire though if mr is ready to testify that the money in mr s hands the op cape ann which he was paid to him by is composed of the identical bills he lost it is hardly necessary mr rose and seemed much embarrassed i think � that is to say � when i gave my evidence � i hope your honor don t think � i think i was a little too fast said he winding up desperately when he found he was making a mess of it you wish to correct your testimony said the justice with a smile i said just what i thought was true but on second thought i think i may be mistaken it didn t occur to me till spoke that the money had been out of my hands you can correct your statements if you wish added the magistrate i don t know as i want to correct anything more when the boy paid me the money and told me where he got it so that i was satisfied it was all right i just looked at the figures on the bills the national bank bills are all alike to me and all of em good so i didn t mind much about em i was just going to pay that money away for some thb flag or i bought when mr came along to find the boy i thought the proceeds of the sale of the boat were for the benefit of mr s church interposed squire bless you so they were but i had money enough in the bank to pay it i didn t know as i should see the minister for a week or two so i thought i might as well use the money i had in my pocket to pay for my lumber it would save me going clear up to the bank you see no doubt it was all right mr added the justice o it you may depend upon it said the boat earnestly � for he was not quite sure that he might not yet be accused of an attempt to from the church the proceeds of the sale but every one knew that mr would be sunk a thousand feet in the sea rather than wrong any person of the value of one cent i might have drawn a check for the lumber and i should have done so if i hadn t had that money in my pocket you see squire it would save me taking some steps the young of cape ann never mind that mr i am entirely satisfied with your explanation confine yourself if you please to the matter before the interposed the justice yes sir well sir mr came along and said he was after because he had stolen the money i was kind of struck up when i heard this and didn t think anything more about the lumber the fact on t is i haven t paid for it yet but mr knows fm good � no doubt you are mr but the question relates to the identity of the bills in your possession just so well sir mr went off in a boat after and i didn t hear anything more about the matter till this morning though i was afraid all of em would get cast away when it so yesterday that was one of the heaviest we have had in these parts since i was a boy we had another last night but it wasn t quite so heavy well i was afraid the boats would upset in that and i kept thinking of em for i was out once in a though it wasn t quite so heavy as the one we had yesterday noon but i ve observed the flag ob that these coming np from the westward after such a day � we do not care to listen just now to a on mr interrupted the justice you said you didn t look at the bills yesterday no sir i didn t say so fm on oath and i want to tell it just exactly as it was this time i did look at the bills but only to see the figures this morning mr here came over to see me about them bills he wanted to look at em and i let him have em didn t he change them demanded impatient under the long speeches of the worthy bless your soul i i don t know as he did and then again i don t know but he did i wasn t particularly what he did what did he do when you gave them to him asked anxiously fi r he was by this time almost certain that his uncle when he went into | 36 |
had gone by disappearing when i of and as to his whereabouts the former stared at me with his one e and smiled then lifted his fingers in the shape of a to his mouth merely remarked drink i think he may show up and he may not he had a few weeks wages when he left i did not hear anything more of him for some weeks when suddenly one day in that wretched section of st louis beloved of dick and peter as a source of literary material i was halted by a figure which i assumed to be one of the lowest of the tow a short dirty black beard concealed a face that bore no resemblance to a hat that looked as though it might have been lifted out of an barrel was pulled and over loi black hair his face was filthy as were his clothes and shoes even an old brown coat how come by i was marked by a across the back and shoulders that could only have come from a don t you know me t he in a deep voice a voice so rusty that it sounded as though it had not been used for years � of the you know me and then when i stared in amazement he added i e been in a hospital ton a book about a dollar about yon have i have to rest a little and get io shape again before i can go to well of all i in amazement and then be i not help he looked bo queer impossible almost a stage tramp � have done better i gave him the dollar what in the world are on � f and then by the memory of his past and force i not go on it was too astonishing tes i ve been drinking he admitted a little i but i ve been sick too getting ont now i got there in the and couldn t work ill be all right after a while what s news at the b nothing he something having in bad that he would soon be all right again then iq hu wretched street and disappeared i out of that vicinity as fast as i i was so startled and upset by this that i hurried back to the of the southern hotel my favorite cure for all days where all was brisk comfortable gay here i purchased a newspaper and sat down in a rocking chair here at least was no sign of poverty or want in order to be rid of that sense of and degradation which had crept over me i took a drink or two myself that any one as capable as could fall so low in so short a time was b me the still strongly and streak in me was shocked beyond measure and for days i could do little bat contrast the figure of the man i had seen about the office with that i had met in that street of degraded gin mills and could people really vary so greatly and in so short a what must be the nature of their minds if could do was mine like would it become for days thereafter i was wandering about in spirit with this man from gin mill to gin mill and lodging to lodging house seeing him drink at bars and lying down at night on a straw in some wretched hole a book about myself and then there poet writer and what not who when i first met him had a little weekly paper for which he the money somehow i have forgotten its name and in which he poured forth bis views on life and art and nature in no terms how he could write he waa with some drag company by birth or marriage which m have helped to sustain him i never knew definite concerning his private life as i view him now was a man in whom imagination and logic existed in a way as to and from a worldly or material point of view he was constantly varying between a state of extreme and energy and which lasted for weeks and which included drink houses of and i know not what else one summer morning in july or i found him standing at the comer of sixth and chestnut outside the quite with drink or some body i called when i saw him what s you re not drunk again are drunk he replied with a slight motion of the hand and an equally faint of the lip and what s more i m glad of it i don t have to think about myself or st ix or yon when i m drunk and what s more and here he another slight of the hand and ed i m taking and i m glad of that i got all uie i want now t here in my little old pocket and i m going to take au i want of it and he tapped the pocket significantly then in a spirit he drew forth a white and slowly opened it and revealed to my somewhat astonished gaze some thirty or forty small while two or three of which he proceeded to lift toward hia month in my astonishment and sympathy and horror i decided to save him if i could so i his hand a smart blow knocking the all over the without a word of com a book about myself a feeble he dropped to bis and and b an crawling here and there after them as fast as he could picking them ap and them in bis month while i determined began here and there and crashing them my heels body for god s sake aren t yon ashamed of yourself t i ll show yon i he cried if somewhat i eat eat em all q d he swallowed | 43 |
window and as it advanced she bad the mortification of seeing bim advance too moving forward hy gentle degrees towards the instrument and when it ceased be was close by the singers among the most urgent in to bear the glee again sighed alone at the window till away hy mrs s threats of catching cold chapter ib thomas was to return in november and his eldest son had duties to call him earlier home the approach of september brought tidings of mr first in a letter to the and then in a letter to and by the end of august he arrived himself to be gay agreeable and gallant again as occasion served or miss demanded � to tell of races and and parties and friends to which she might have listened six weeks before with some interest and altogether to give her the fullest conviction by the power of actual comparison of her preferring his younger brother it was very and she was heartily sorry for it but so it was and so far from now meaning to marry the elder she did not even want to attract him beyond what the simplest claims of conscious beauty required his lengthened absence from without anything but pleasure in view and his own will to consult made it perfectly clear that he did not care about her and bis indifference was so much more than equalled by her own that were he now to step forth the owner of park the sir thomas complete which he was to be in time she did not believe she could accept him the season and duties which brought mr back to took mr into could not do without him in the beginning of september he went for a fortnight � a fortnight of such to the miss as ought to have put them both on their guard and made even admit in her jealousy of her sister the absolute necessity of his attentions and wishing him not to return and a fortnight of sufficient leisure in the intervals of shooting and sleeping to have convinced the gentleman that he ought to keep longer away had he been more in the habit of examining his own motives and of reflecting to what the indulgence of his idle vanity was tending but thoughtless and selfish from prosperity and bad example he would not look beyond the present moment the sisters handsome clever and encouraging were an amusement to his mind and finding nothing in to equal the social pleasures of he gladly returned to it at the time appointed and was welcomed thither quite as gladly by those whom he came to trifle with further maria with only mr to attend to her and doomed to the repeated details of his day s sport good or bad his boast of his dogs his jealousy of his neighbors his doubts of their and his zeal after � subjects which will not find their way to female feelings without some talent on one side or some attachment on the other � had missed mr and and park felt all the right of missing him much more each sister herself the favorite might he justified in so doing hy the hints of mrs grant inclined to credit what she wished and maria by the hints of mr himself everything returned into the same channel as before his absence his manners being to each so animated and agreeable as to lose no ground with either and just stopping short of the the the solicitude and the warmth which might excite general notice was the only one of the party who found anything to dislike but since the day at she could never see mr with either sister without observation and seldom without wonder or censure and had her confidence in her own judgment been equal to her exercise of it in every other respect had she been sure that she was seeing clearly and judging candidly would probably have made some important communications to her usual as it was however she only a hint and the hint was lost i am rather surprised said she that mr should come back again so soon after being here so long before full seven weeks for i had understood he was so very fond of change and moving about that i thought something would certainly occur when he was once gone to take him elsewhere he is used to much places than it is to his credit was s answer and i dare say it gives his sister pleasure she does not like his unsettled habits what a favorite he is with my yes his to women are such as must please mrs i him of a preference for i hare seen much symptom of it but i wish it may be so he has no faults but what a serious attachment would remove if miss were not engaged said cautiously i could sometimes almost think that he admired her more than which is perhaps more in favor of his liking best than you may be aware for i believe it often happens that a man before he has quite made up his own mind will distinguish the sister or intimate friend of the woman he is really thinking of more than the woman herself has too much sense to stay here if he found himself any danger from maria and i am not at all afraid for her after such a proof as she has given that her feelings are not strong supposed she must have been mistaken and meant to think differently in future but with all that submission to could do and all the help of the looks and hints which she occasionally noticed in some of the others and which seemed to say that was mr s choice she knew not always what to think she was one evening fo the hopes of her aunt on this subject | 26 |
they would hold on steadily day after day and for weeks upon end they would camp here and there the dogs and the men burning holes through frozen and gravel and washing countless of dirt by the heat of the fire sometimes they went the call i sometimes they all according to the abundance of game and the fortune of hunting summer arrived and dogs and men packed on their backs across blue mountain lakes and descended or ascended unknown rivers in slender boats from the standing forest the months came and went and back and forth they twisted through the where no men were and yet where men had been if the lost cabin were true they went across in summer shivered under the midnight sun on naked mountains between the timber line and the eternal dropped into summer valleys amid and flies and in the shadows i of picked and flowers as ripe f and fair as any the could boast in the fall of the year they penetrated a weird lake country sad and silent where wild fowl had been but where then there was no life nor sign of life � only the blowing of chill winds the forming of ice in sheltered places and the melancholy rippling of waves on lonely and through another winter they wandered on the the of the wild of men who had gone before once they came upon a path blazed through the forest an ancient path and the lost cabin seemed very near but the path began nowhere and ended nowhere and it remained mystery as the man who made it and the reason he made it remained mystery another time they chanced upon the time of a hunting lodge and amid the of blankets john found a long flint lock he knew it for a bay company gun of the s young days in the when such a gun t was worth its height in skins packed flat and that was all � no hint as to the man who in an early day had reared the lodge and left the gun among the blankets spring came on once more and at the end of all call i their wandering they i found not the lost i cabin but a shallow m i in a broad valley i i where the gold showed i i like yellow butter across i the bottom of the wash i ing pan they sought i i farther each day they worked earned i them thousands of in clean dust and and they worked every i day the gold was in hide bags fifty to the bag and piled like so much i outside the bough lodge like giants they i toiled days flashing on the heels of days like dreams i as they heaped the treasure up there was nothing for the dogs to do save the in of meat now and again that killed and buck spent long hours musing by the fire the vision of the short legged hairy man came e to him more frequently now that there was little to be done and often by the fire o the of the wild buck wandered with him m that other world which he remembered i i the thing of this other world seemed fear � when he watched the hairy man sleeping by the fire � head between his knees and hands clasped above i � buck saw that he slept with many starts and at which times he would peer fear � fully into the darkness and fling more wood upon the fire did they walk by the beach of a sea where the hairy man gathered shell fish and ate them as he gathered it was with eyes that everywhere for hidden danger and with legs prepared to run like the wind at its first appearance through the forest they crept noiselessly buck at the hairy man s heels and they were alert and the pair of them ears and moving and nostrils quivering for the man heard and as keenly as buck the hairy man could spring up into the trees and travel ahead as fast as on the ground swinging by the arms from limb to limb sometimes a dozen feet apart letting go and catching never falling never missing his grip in fact he seemed as much at home among the trees as on the ground and buck f � call � had memories of nights of spent beneath wherein the hairy man holding on tightly as he slept and closely akin to the visions of the hairy man was the call still sounding in the depths of the fort est it filled him with a great and strange desires it caused him to feel a vague sweet glad ness and he was aware of wild and for he knew not what sometimes he pursued the call into the forest looking for it as though it were a thing barking softly or as the mood might dictate he would thrust his nose into the cool wood moss or into the black soil where long grew and with joy at the fat earth smells or he would for hours as if in concealment behind covered trunks i of fallen trees wide eyed and wide to all that i moved and sounded about him it might be i lying thus that he hoped to surprise this call he could not understand but he did not know i why he did these various things he was im i to do them and did not reason about i them at all the call of the wild irresistible impulses seized him he would be lying in camp i lazily in the heat of the day when suddenly his head would lift and his ears cock up intent and listening and he would spring to his feet and dash away and on and on for hours through the forest and | 21 |
an inferior animal i used to be quite up in that scene of milton s when i was some of it goes � the way is ready and not long beyond a row of if thou accept my conduct i can bring thee thither soon lead then said eve and so on my dear dear i am only putting this to you as a thing that you might have supposed or said because you think so badly of me i never said you were satan or thought it i don t think of you in that way at all my thoughts of you are quite cold except when you me what did you come digging here entirely because of me entirely to see you nothing more the which i saw hanging for sale as i came along was an after thought that i t be noticed i come to protest against your working like this but i like doing it � it is for my father the convert your engagement at the other place is ended � yes where are you going to next to join your dear husband she could not bear the humiliating � i don t know she said bitterly i have no husband it is quite true � in the sense you mean but you have a friend and i have determined that you shall be comfortable in spite of yourself when you get down to your house you will see what i have sent there for you o i wish you wouldn t give me anything at all i cannot take it from you i don t uke � it is not right it is right he cried lightly i am not going to see a woman whom i feel so tenderly for as i do for you in trouble without trying to her but i am very well i am only in trouble about � about � not about living at all she turned and desperately resumed her digging tears dripping upon the fork handle and upon the about the children r your brothers and sisters he resumed i ve been thinking of them s heart quivered � he was touching her in a weak place he had divined her chief anxiety since returning home her soul had gone out to those children with an affection that was passionate if your mother does not recover somebody ought to do something for them since your father will not be able to do much i suppose he can with my assistance he must and with mine no sir how damned foolish this is burst out d why he thinks we are the same family and will be quite satisfied he don t i ve him of the d the more fool you d in anger retreated from her to the hedge where he the long which had disguised him and rolling it up and pushing it into the couch fire went away could not get on with her digging after this she felt restless she wondered if he had gone back to her father s house and taking the fork in her hand proceeded some twenty yards from the house she was met by one of her sisters o � what do you think lu is a crying and there s a lot of folk in the house and mother is a good deal better but they think father is dead the child realized the grandeur of the news but not as yet its madness and stood looking at with round eyed importance till beholding effect produced upon her she said � what shan t we talk to father never no more but father was only a little bit ill exclaimed lu came up he dropped down just now and the doctor who was there for mother said there was no chance for him because his heart was in yes the couple had changed places the dying one was out of danger and the one was dead the news meant even more than it her father s life had a value apart from his personal achievements or perhaps it would not have had much it was the last of the three lives for whose duration the house and premises were held under a lease and it had long been by the for his who were in cottage accommodation moreover were of in villages almost as much as little because of their independence of manner and when a lease determined it was never renewed the convert the once d saw descending upon them the destiny which no doubt when they were among the of the county they had caused to descend many a time and severely enough upon the heads of such ones as they themselves were now so do and � the of change � alternate and persist in everything under the sky li at length it was the eve of old lady day and the agricultural world was in a fever of such as only occurs at that particular date of the year it is a day of fulfilment for service during the year entered into at are to be now carried out the � or as they used to call themselves till the other word was introduced from without � who wish to remain no longer in old places are removing to the new farms these from farm to farm were on the increase here when s mother was a child the majority of the field folk about had remained all their lives on one farm which had been the home also of their fathers and but the desire for yearly removal had risen to a high pitch with the younger families it was a pleasant excitement which might possibly be an advantage the egypt of one family was the land of promise to the family who saw it from a distance till by residence there it became in turn their egypt also and | 45 |
grave of its master � he could contemplate death for himself with absolute indifference � but not for the whose sturdy strength and splendid had seemed to defy all danger as he knelt and wept a soft change a delicate swept over the dark bosom of the sky pale pink streaks glittered on the dusky horizon � of light began to climb up into the clouds and to plunge downwards into the water � the radiance spread and gradually formed into a broad band of deep crimson which burned with a fixed and intense glow � like rays and streamed about it as though uncertain what fantastic shape they should take to best display their brilliancy this tremulous hesitation of varying colour did not last long the whole jewel like mass swept together and with extraordinary swiftness for a few seconds � then suddenly and clearly defined in the sky a crown blazed forth � a crown of perfect shape its five points distinctly and separately and flashing as with a million and diamonds the red lustre warmly tinged the pale features of the dying man and startled who sprang to his feet and gazed at that mystic with a cry of wonder at the same moment stirred and began to speak without opening his eyes dawn on the sea he murmured the white waves gleam and sparkle beneath the and the ship makes swift way through the waters it is dawn in my heart � the dawn of love for thee and me my � fear not the rose of passion is a hardy flower that can bloom in the north as well as in the south believe me � he suddenly opened his eyes and his surroundings raised himself half erect set sail he cried pointing with a majestic motion of his arm to the glittering in the sky why do we linger the wind us and the tide sweeps forward � forward see how the lights from the harbour he bent his brows the land of the long shadow and looked almost angrily at do what thou hast to do and his tones were sharp and imperious i must press on an expression of terror pain and pity passed over the sailor s countenance � for one instant he hesitated � the next he descended into the hold of the vessel he was absent for a very little space � but when he returned his eyes were wild as though he had been engaged in some dark and criminal deed was still gazing at the brilliancy in the heavens which seemed to increase in size and lustre as the wind rose higher took his hand � it was icy cold and damp with the of death let me go with thee he implored in broken accents i fear nothing why should i not venture also on the last voyage made a faint but decided sign of the sails alone to the grave of his fathers he said with a serene and proud smile alone � alone neither wife nor child nor may have place with him in his ship � even so have the gods willed it farewell the ropes and let me go � thou me ill � hasten � hasten � i am weary of waiting his head fell back � that mysterious shadow which the face of the dying a moment before dissolution was on him now just then a strange began to the air � little wreaths of pale smoke made their slow way through the boards of the deck � and the fierce gust of wind blowing from the mountains swayed the uneasily to and fro slowly and with evident reluctance commenced the work of her from the pier � feeling instinctively all the while that his master s dying eyes were fixed upon him when but one slender rope remained to be cast off he knelt by the old man s side and whispered that all was done at the same moment a small stealthy tongue of red flame curled upwards through the deck from the hold � and observing this smiled i see thou hast thine oath he said gratefully pressing s hand tis the last act of thine � may the gods reward thy peace be with thee � we shall meet hereafter already the light shines from the rainbow bridge � there � there are the golden peaks of the hills and the stretch of the wide sea go delay no longer for my soul is impatient � it it struggles to be free i go � and � farewell stricken to the heart and full of anguish � yet like in his submission and resignation to the inevitable � kissed his master s hand for the last time then with a sort of fierce sobbing groan wrung from the very depths of his despairing grief he turned resolutely away and sprang off the vessel standing at the extreme edge of the pier he let slip the last rope that bound her � her sails filled and � her she shuddered on the water � a little � then paused in that brief moment a loud triumphant cry rang through the air leaped upright on the deck as though lifted by some invisible hand and confronted his terrified servant who gazed at him in fascinated amazement and awe his white hair gleamed hke spun silver � his face was and wore a strange look of pale yet splendid majesty � the dark that clung about him in folds to his feet hark he cried and his voice with deep and mellow clearness hark to the thunder of the galloping hoofs � see � see the glitter of the shield and spear i she comes � ah he raised his arms as though in ecstasy glory � joy � victory and like a noble tree struck down by lightning he fell � dead even as he fell the plunged | 33 |
her uncle te s odious and their neighbours apparent of them had an unaccountable date for ner in their relief from money difficulties if the invitations had been accepted she would have to invite her mamma and the rest whom she had seen nothing of for several days and she now put on her bonnet to go and inquire what had become of them all suddenly feeling as if there were a conspiracy to leave book � sunset and sunrise her in with a husband disposed to offend it was after the dinner hour and she found her father and mother seated together alone in the drawing room they greeted her with sad looks saying well my dear and no more she had never seen her father look so downcast and herself near him she said � is there anything the matter papa he did not answer but mrs said oh my dear have you heard nothing it won t be long before it reaches you is it anything about said turning pale the idea of trouble immediately connected itself with what had been unaccountable to her in him oh my dear yes to think of your marrying into this trouble debt was bad enough but this will oe worse stay stay said mr have you heard nothing about your uncle v no papa said the poor thing feeling as if trouble were not anything she had before experienced but some invisible power with an iron grasp that made her soul within her her father told her everything saying at the end if s better for you to know my dear i think must leave the town things have one against him i he couldn t help it i don t accuse of any harm said mr he had always be fore been disposed to the utmost fault with the shock to was terrible it seemed to her that no lot could be so hard as hers � to have married a man who had become the centre of infamous suspicions in many cases it is inevitable that the shame is felt to be the worst part of crime and it would have required a great deal of reflection such as had never entered into s life for her in these moments to feel that her trouble was less than if her husband had been certainly known to have done something criminal ah the shame seemed to be there and she had innocently married this man with the belief that he and his family were a to her she showed her usual to her parents and only said that if had done as she ed he would have left long ago she bears it beyond an said her mother when she was gone ah thank god said mr who was much broken down but went home with a sense of justified towards her husband what had he really done � how had he really acted she did not know why had he not told her everything he did not speak to her on the subject and of course she could not speak to him it came into her once that she would ask her fa � to let her go home a ain but dwelling on that prospect made it seem utter to her a married woman gone back to live with her parents � life seemed to have no meaning for her in such a position e could not contemplate in it n the next two days observed a change in her and believed that she had heard the bs news would she speak to him about it or would she go for ever in the silence which seemed to imply that she believed him guilty we must remember that he was in a morbid state of mind in which almost all contact was pain certainly in this case had equal reason to complain of reserve and want of confidence on his part but in the bitterness of his soul he excused himself � was he not justified in from the task of telling her since now she knew the truth she had no impulse to speak to him but a deeper lying consciousness that he was in fault made him restless and the silence between them became intolerable to him it was as if they were both adrift on one piece of wreck and looked away from each other he thought i am a fool haven t i i up expecting anything i married care not help and that evening he said � have you heard anything that you yes she answered laying down her work which she had been carrying on with a languid semi consciousness most unlike her usual self what have you heard everything i suppose papa told me that people think me disgraced yes said faintly beginning to again was silence thought if she has any trust in me � any notion of what i am she oi ht to speak now and say that she does not believe i have deserved disgrace but on her side went on moving her fingers languidly whatever was to be said on the subject she expected to come from what did she know and if he were innocent of any why did he not do something to clear himself this silence of hers brought a new rush of to that bitter mood in which had been saying to himself that nobody believed in him � even had not come forward he had be un to question her with the intent that their conversation should the chill fog which had between them but he felt his resolution checked bv resentment even this trouble like the rest she seemed to regard as if it were hers alone he was always to her a being apart doing what she objected to he started from his chair with an angry and thrusting his hands in his pockets walked up and down | 14 |
further converse with the of the beast and to withdraw himself from a sight so to his feelings in the meantime with operation with an alacrity that showed the innate i horse shoe cruelty of his temper he made a cross through the skin from the point of one shoulder to the other the devoted subject of his torture remaining all the time motionless and silent having thus severed the skin to suit his purpose the now with an affectation of the most dainty precision flourished his knife over the animal s back and then burst into a loud laugh i can t help laughing he exclaimed to think what a fine holiday coat i am going to make of it i shall strip her as low as the ribs and then the will hang handsomely she will be considered a beauty in the sheep folds and then she may borrow a coat you see from some lamb a wolf in sheep s clothing is no uncommon sight in this world h said horse shoe angrily i ve a mind to take the wolf s part and give you a you are the wolf in sheep s clothing yourself that it was ever my luck to see you think so horse shoe cried you might chance to miss your way to day so don t make a fool of yourself hi will would only take away from you a finger post � and it isn t every road through this district that goes free of the tory your own day will come yet replied horse shoe afraid to provoke the too far on account of the dependence of himself and his companion upon s information in regard to the route of their journey we have to give and take quarter in this world you see horse shoe said beginning to u i don t like these no how that s the reason why they are cruel themselves and i like to be cruel to them it b a downright pleasure to see them for bless your soul they don t mind common throat cutting no more than a calf now here s the way to touch their feelings at this moment he applied the point of his knife to separating the hide from the flesh on either side of the and then in his eagerness to accomplish this object he placed his knife between his and began to at the skin with his hands accompanying the effort with muttered expressions of delight at the involuntary and but ill suppressed agonies of the brute the pain at length became too acute for the wolf with all her characteristic habits of horse shoe robinson submission to bear and in a desperate struggle that ensued between her and her she succeeded by a leap in herself from her place of the energy of her effort of rescued her from the s hand and turning short upon her she fixed her deep into the part of his where as the foam fell from her lips she held on firmly as if determined to sell her life dearly for the pain she suffered uttered a groan from the and in the hurry of the instant dropped his knife upon the ground he was thus compelled to bear the torment of the grip until he dragged the still beast a few paces forward where grasping up his knife he planted it by one deeply driven blow through and through her heart she silently fell at his feet without or bark her hold only in the of death curse her i cried the hard hearted bloody minded devil that s the nature of the beast � cruel and wicked to the last damn her he continued with pain as he stamped his heel upon her head damn her in the wolf s hell to which she has gone robinson stood by and not displeased to see the summary vengeance thus inflicted by the victim upon the this calmness provoked the who with that which belongs to life seemed determined to take away all pretext for the s exultation by affecting to make light of the injury he had received i don t mind the scratch of the cursed creature he said assuming a badly expression of mirth but i don t like to be cheated out of the pleasure of such mischievous it s well for her that she put me in a passion or she should have carried a that the might have fed upon before she died but come � where is mr butler f i want that guinea ho sir he continued to butler as he tied up his wound with a of taken from his my guinea i ve killed the devil to please you seeing you would have it butler now rode up to the spot and in answer to this appeal gave it an angry and indignant refusal horse shoe robinson f u lead us on our way sir he added u we hare lost too much time already with your brutal delay lead on sir you will get soon enough to your journey s end replied with a smile and then sullenly took up his rifle and led the way through the forest a full half hour or more was lost by the incident at the trap and butler s impatience and displeasure continued to be manifested by the manner with which he urged the forward upon their journey after the road and a piece of intricate and tangled by a bridle path into which their guide had conducted them they soon reached a broader and more beaten highway along which they rode scarce a mile before they arrived at the fork i have seen you safe as far as i promised said the must now shift for yourselves you take the right hand road about ten miles further you will come to another there strike to the and if | 29 |
westward of lake and near the mighty stream of the saint it was called our lady s chapel of the forest the peal went forth as if to redeem and the heathen wilderness the wolf growled at the sound as he stealthily through the the grim bear turned his back and stalked sullenly away the startled leaped up and led her into a deeper solitude the red men wondered what awful voice was speaking amid a bell s biography the wind that roared through the tree tops and following its summons the dark fathers blessed them as they drew near the cross crowned chapel in a little time there was a on every dusk bosom the indians knelt beneath the lowly roof in the same forms that were under the vast dome of saint peter s when the pope performed high in the presence of kneeling princes all the religious that awoke the bells of lofty called forth a peal from our lady s chapel of the forest loudly rang the bell of the wilderness while the streets of paris echoed with for the birth day of the or whenever france had on some european battle field and the solemn woods were with a melancholy as often as the thick strewn leaves were swept away from the virgin soil for the burial of an indian chief meantime the bells of a hostile people and a hostile faith were ringing on and lecture days at boston and other towns their echoes died away hundreds of miles south eastward of our lady s chapel but had the desert that lay between and from behind the huge tree trunks perceived the indians at the summons of the bell some bore haired at their as if to lay those bloody on our lady s altar it was reported and believed all through new england that the pope of rome and the king of france had established this little chapel in the forest for the purpose of stirring up the red men to a against the english the latter took energetic measures to s a s biography their religion and their lives on the eve of an especial fast of the church while the bell and the priests were a a band of new england rushed from the surrounding woods fierce shouts and the report of suddenly within the chapel the priests threw themselves before the altar and were slain even on its steps if as antique traditions tell us no grass will grow where the blood of has been shed there should be a barren spot to this very day on the site of that altar while the blood was still from step to step the leader of the seized a torch and applied it to the of the shrine the flame and smoke arose as from a at once and the whole interior of the chapel � now hiding the dead priests in a now revealing them and their in one terrific glare some already wished that the altar smoke could cover the deed from the sight of heaven but one of the � a man of aspect though his hands were bloody � approached the captain sir said he our village meeting house a bell and hitherto we have been fain to summon the good people to worship by beat of drum give me i pray you the bell of this chapel for the sake of the mr who doubtless hath remembered us in the prayers of the congregation ever since we began our march who can tell what share of this night s good success we owe to that holy man s with the lord nay then answered the captain if good mr a bell s hath our enterprise it is right that he should share the spoil take the hell and welcome if you will he at the trouble of carrying it home hitherto it hath spoken nothing but and that too in the french or indian but warrant me if mr it anew it will talk like a good english and bell so and half a score of his took down the bell suspended it on a pole and bore it away on their sturdy shoulders meaning to carry it to the shore of lake and thence homeward by water far through the woods gleamed the flames of our lady s chapel flinging fantastic shadows from the clustered foliage and glancing on that had never caught the sunlight as the traversed the midnight forest staggering under their heavy burden the tongue of the hell gave many a tremendous stroke � � a most sound as if it were for the slaughter of the priests and the ruin of the chapel little dreamed and his that it was their own funeral a of indians had heard the report of and seen the blaze of the chapel and now were on the track of the summoned to vengeance by the bell s dismal murmurs in the midst of a deep swamp they made a sudden on the retreating foe good stoutly but had his skull by a and sank into the depths of the with the ponderous bell above him and for many a year thereafter our hero s voice was heard no more on earth neither at the hour of worship nor at nor a bell s biography and is he still buried in that unknown grave scarcely so dear reader hark how plainly we hear him at this moment the of time that it is nine o clock at night we may therefore safely conclude that some happy chance has restored him to upper air but there lay the hell for many silent years and the wonder is that he did not lie silent there a century or perhaps a dozen centuries till the world should have forgotten not only his voice but the voices of the whole brotherhood of bells how would the first accent of his iron | 35 |
Subsets and Splits