stringlengths 4
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github_open_source_100_1_351 | Github OpenSource | Various open source |
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
import mobilePageListReducer from '../reducer';
describe('mobilePageListReducer', () => {
it('returns the initial state', () => {
expect(mobilePageListReducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(fromJS({}));
github_open_source_100_1_352 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | var NAVTREEINDEX0 =
github_open_source_100_1_353 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <template>
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<el-option label="海洋" value="sea"></el-option>
<el-option label="国家" value="country"></el-option>
<el-option label="港口" value="port"></el-option>
<el-option label="省份" value="province"></el-option>
<el-option label="城市" value="city"></el-option>
<div class="icon" slot="append" @click="getList">
<img :src="require('../../assets/clc.png')" />
export default {
name: "Home",
data() {
return {
keyword: "",
type: "searchAll",
methods: {
getList() {
name: "GISList",
params: { keyword: this.keyword, type: this.type },
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cursor: pointer;
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background: transparent;
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padding: 0;
::v-deep .el-input-group__prepend {
background: transparent;
.el-select {
width: 150px;
background: transparent;
.icon {
padding: 5px 20px;
img {
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.logo {
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.menu {
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github_open_source_100_1_354 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | # in this problem we are using DP approach to find out what is the largest divisible subset
class Solution:
def largestDivisibleSubset(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
if len(nums) < 2:
return nums
#creating a monotonic sequence of list
dp = [1]*len(nums)
max_ind = 0
#dp pass using the following condition
for i in range(1, len(nums)):
for j in range(i):
if nums[i]%nums[j] == 0:
dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j] + 1)
if dp[max_ind] < dp[i]:
max_ind = i
res = []
prev = nums[max_ind]
#reconstructing the sequence by iterating backwards
for i in range(max_ind - 1, -1, -1):
if dp[i] > 0 and dp[max_ind]-1 == dp[i] and prev%nums[i] == 0:
prev = nums[i]
max_ind = i
return res
2021/32021D1830/32021D1830_IT.txt_1 | Eurlex | CC-By | L_2021371IT.01000101.xml
Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea
L 371/1
del 22 febbraio 2021
relativa alla firma, a nome dell’Unione, dell’accordo tra l’Unione europea e la Repubblica del Cabo Verde che modifica l’accordo relativo alla facilitazione del rilascio dei visti per soggiorni di breve durata a cittadini della Repubblica del Capo Verde e dell’Unione europea
visto il trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea, in particolare l’articolo 77, paragrafo 2, lettera a), in combinato disposto con l’articolo 218, paragrafo 5,
vista la proposta della Commissione europea,
considerando quanto segue:
Nelle conclusioni del 20 novembre 2007 il Consiglio e i rappresentanti dei governi degli Stati membri riuniti in sede di Consiglio si sono compiaciuti della comunicazione della Commissione sul futuro delle relazioni fra l’Unione europea e la Repubblica del Capo Verde. In particolare, il Consiglio si è compiaciuto per l’approfondimento delle relazioni tra l’Unione e il Cabo Verde mediante l’attuazione di un piano d’azione per lo sviluppo di un «partenariato speciale» tra le due parti. Inoltre, detta comunicazione stabilisce che l’obiettivo di tale «partenariato speciale» è di sviluppare un dialogo aperto, costruttivo e pragmatico e che la lotta all’immigrazione illegale sia una priorità strategica condivisa.
Il 1o dicembre 2014 è entrato in vigore l’accordo tra l’Unione europea e la Repubblica del Capo Verde relativo alla facilitazione del rilascio dei visti per soggiorni di breve durata a cittadini della Repubblica del Capo Verde e dell’Unione europea (1) («accordo del 2014»).
Dal 1o dicembre 2014 la legislazione dell’Unione e di Cabo Verde si è evoluta con la revisione del codice dei visti mediante il regolamento (UE) 2019/1155 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio (2) e la decisione di Cabo Verde di esentare i cittadini dell’Unione dagli obblighi di visto per soggiorni fino a 30 giorni. Alla luce di tali cambiamenti e in considerazione della valutazione effettuata dal comitato misto istituito ai sensi dell’articolo 10 dell’accordo del 2014 e incaricato di monitorare l’attuazione dell’accordo del 2014, è opportuno che alcune disposizioni che facilitano il rilascio dei visti ai cittadini di Cabo Verde e, su base di reciprocità, dell’Unione, per soggiorni di durata non superiore a 90 giorni in periodi di 180 giorni siano adeguate e integrate da un accordo di modifica.
Il 29 ottobre 2019 il Consiglio ha autorizzato la Commissione ad avviare negoziati con Cabo Verde per la conclusione di un accordo tra l’Unione europea e la Repubblica del Cabo Verde che modifichi l’accordo tra l’Unione europea e la Repubblica del Capo Verde relativo alla facilitazione del rilascio dei visti per soggiorni di breve durata a cittadini della Repubblica del Capo Verde e dell’Unione europea («accordo di modifica»). Il 30 gennaio 2020 i negoziati si sono conclusi positivamente e il 24 luglio 2020 l’accordo di modifica è stato siglato mediante scambio di e-mail.
La presente decisione costituisce uno sviluppo delle disposizioni dell’acquis di Schengen a cui l’Irlanda non partecipa, a norma della decisione 2002/192/CE del Consiglio (3). L’Irlanda non partecipa pertanto alla sua adozione, non è da essa vincolata né è soggetta alla sua applicazione.
A norma degli articoli 1 e 2 del protocollo n. 22 sulla posizione della Danimarca, allegato al trattato sull’Unione europea e al trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea, la Danimarca non partecipa all’adozione della presente decisione, non è da essa vincolata né è soggetta alla sua applicazione.
È opportuno firmare l’accordo di modifica a nome dell’Unione, con riserva della sua conclusione in una data successiva, e approvare le dichiarazioni comuni a esso accluse,
Articolo 1
È autorizzata, a nome dell’Unione, la firma dell’accordo tra l’Unione europea e la Repubblica del Cabo Verde che modifica l’accordo tra l’Unione europea e la Repubblica del Capo Verde relativo alla facilitazione del rilascio dei visti per soggiorni di breve durata a cittadini della Repubblica del Capo Verde e dell’Unione europea è approvato a nome dell’Unione, fatta salva la conclusione di tale accordo di modifica (4).
Articolo 2
Le dichiarazioni comuni accluse all’accordo di modifica sono approvate a nome dell’Unione.
Articolo 3
Il presidente del Consiglio è autorizzato a designare la persona o le persone abilitate a firmare l’accordo di modifica a nome dell’Unione.
Articolo 4
La presente decisione entra in vigore il giorno successivo all’adozione.
Fatto a Bruxelles, il 22 febbraio 2021
Per il Consiglio
Il presidente
(1) GU L 282 del 24.10.2013, pag. 3.
(2) Regolamento (UE) 2019/1155 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 20 giugno 2019, recante modifica del regolamento (CE) n. 810/2009 che istituisce un codice comunitario dei visti (codice dei visti) (GU L 188 del 12.7.2019, pag. 25).
(3) Decisione 2002/192/CE del Consiglio, del 28 febbraio 2002, riguardante la richiesta dell’Irlanda di partecipare ad alcune disposizioni dell’acquis di Schengen (GU L 64 del 7.3.2002, pag. 20).
(4) Cfr. pagina 5 della presente Gazzetta ufficiale.
hal-01519852-ecobrush.txt_1 | French-Science-Pile | Various open science | EcoBrush: Interactive Control of Visually Consistent
Large-Scale Ecosystems
James Gain, Harry Long, Guillaume Cordonnier, Marie-Paule Cani
To cite this version:
James Gain, Harry Long, Guillaume Cordonnier, Marie-Paule Cani. EcoBrush: Interactive Control
of Visually Consistent Large-Scale Ecosystems. Computer Graphics Forum, 2017, 36 (2), pp.63-73.
�10.1111/cgf.13107�. �hal-01519852�
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Submitted on 9 May 2017
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EUROGRAPHICS 2017 / L. Barthe and B. Benes
(Guest Editors)
Volume 36 (2017), Number 2
Interactive Control of Visually Consistent Large-Scale Ecosystems
J. Gain1,2 , H. Long1 , G. Cordonnier2 and M.-P. Cani2
1 Computer Science Department, University of Cape Town
2 University Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS(LJK), and Inria
Figure 1: Terrain conditions (a), such as temperature, soil moisture, and sunlight exposure, are used to index a database of plant distributions
(b) and synthesise an initial complete ecosystem (c), which can then be modified with semantic brushes, to adjust age, density and variability
One challenge in portraying large-scale natural scenes in virtual environments is specifying the attributes of plants, such as
species, size and placement, in a way that respects the features of natural ecosystems, while remaining computationally tractable
and allowing user design. To address this, we combine ecosystem simulation with a distribution analysis of the resulting plant
attributes to create biome-specific databases, indexed by terrain conditions, such as temperature, rainfall, sunlight and slope.
For a specific terrain, interpolated entries are drawn from this database and used to interactively synthesize a full ecosystem,
while retaining the fidelity of the original simulations. A painting interface supplies users with semantic brushes for locally
adjusting ecosystem age, plant density and variability, as well as optionally picking from a palette of precomputed distributions.
Since these brushes are keyed to the underlying terrain properties a balance between user control and real-world consistency
is maintained. Our system can be be used to interactively design ecosystems up to 5 × 5 km2 in extent, or to automatically
generate even larger ecosystems in a fraction of the time of a full simulation, while demonstrating known properties from plant
ecology such as succession, self-thinning, and underbrush, across a variety of biomes.
Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-dimensional graphics and
1. Introduction
Natural landscapes serve an important function in computer graphics and virtual environments. Indeed, in applications ranging from
computer games and movies to landscape design and VR-based
training, virtual landscapes are frequently a dominant visual element. One key aspect, particularly in larger scenes, is the depicc 2017 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum c 2017 The Eurographics Association and John
Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
tion of plant ecosystems, from the modelling of individual plant
specimens, to their collective placement, and final rendering. While
models of individual plants [DL06], and rendering of large-scale
ecosystems [DCDS05] have received significant attention, the ecoplacement problem, which extends beyond plant position to include
J. Gain et al. / EcoBrush
attributes such as species, age, height, vigour and canopy extent, is
less well studied.
Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to eco-placement:
bottom-up simulation of individual plant interactions [BSK∗ 15]
or top-down randomised synthesis from statistical distributions [EVC∗ 15]. Simulation has the advantage that it explicitly encodes plant dynamics and supports known emergent ecosystem behaviour, such as succession, where slower growing but more suited
plants gradually dominate, and self-thinning, where the overall
number of plants is reduced in favour of fewer mature specimens.
Unfortunately, it can take hours or even days to generate large-scale
ecosystems, even with appropriate n-body parallelisation [NHP07].
Synthesis, on the other hand, uses random placement guided by statistical properties, and is capable of interactively populating large
terrains with hundreds of thousands of plants. However, the difficulty lies in encoding ecosystem properties in the distributions so
that the results are visually consistent with real landscapes.
Our key strategy is to complete the loop between simulation
and synthesis, enabling many small-scale but high-fidelity simulations to be fed as inputs to distribution analysis and later synthesis.
Figure 1 shows the typical workflow and key components of our
system. The user supplies a base terrain and some non-biological
(abiotic) input parameters, such as monthly rainfall, from which
monthly terrain conditions for temperature, soil moisture, sunlight
exposure and slope are derived. Off-line a database is pre-populated
with histogram-based disk-distributions, which capture the statistical interactions between plant canopies and are derived from sandbox simulations of a particular biome. These samples capture the
biological (biotic) competition for resources between individual
plants. Based on the abiotic maps, distributions are drawn from the
database and synthesised across the terrain to rapidly populate an
initial ecosystem. A user can then overpaint the ecosystem to locally modify age, variability and plant density, while respecting the
underlying terrain conditions.
Our technical contributions include:
1. Extensions to the state-of-the-art in both ecosystem simulation and synthesis. On the simulation side, we derive abiotic
maps automatically rather than expecting artists to paint complex geomorphological attributes manually, and enhance plant
simulation by separating between moisture (root) and sunlight
(canopy) competition, as well as by incorporating gradiations of
canopy density. On the synthesis side, we depart from the use of
point processes, to include disk-based statistics. This is vital to
reproducing the canopy-based spacing of plants and for placing
shade-tolerant species under cover.
2. Two alternative approaches for using sandbox ecosystem simulations: First, uniform conditions can be sampled from the range
of the input biome. Alternatively, terrain conditions can be clustered and cluster means used as simulation inputs, for a manageable set of seed distributions. This second solution enables us to
generate very large ecosystems (10 × 10 km2 ) without the need
for a large distribution database.
3. Consideration of the balance between artistic freedom and realworld consistency. Since distributions are indexed by terrain
conditions, we can offer freedom to the user - such as overpainting a region with another distribution or arbitrarily tuning
plant density - while providing a suitability map that indicates
consistency with terrain conditions. If desired, the user can then
use a "healing brush" to progressively shift the new distribution
towards the closest consistent state.
These key contributions enable the efficient creation and interactive
editing of large-scale landscapes that accord with known emergent
properties from plant ecology.
2. Related Work
There are many challenges to effectively portraying natural environments in computer graphics, including modelling the fine-scale
geometry of individual plants and rendering the resulting scenes,
which exhibit both large scale and high depth complexity. The rendering problem is typically addressed by a custom combination
of techniques based on distance from the viewpoint, including instancing [DHL∗ 98], level-of-detail [DCSD02], volumetric textures
[DN04], and ray tracing [DHL∗ 98,DCDS05]. Plant modelling also
has a long history [DL06], with the use of L-systems as a dominant
approach [PL12]. Notable in ecosystem terms is the inclusion of
context sensitivity [MP96, PMKL01] in which plants adapt to environmental factors, such as light, moisture, and obstacles. While
rendering and plant geometry are vital to computer-generated natural scenes, our focus here is on the problem of plausible plant
If we scope our problem as populating a terrain with a collection of plants, i.e. assigning attribute values to individual specimens, such as position, species, height, canopy extent, and vigour,
then there are two broad approaches: bottom-up simulation and topdown statistical synthesis.
Simulation takes the Lagrangian approach of treating plants as
particles. Using either simple radial interactions [DHL∗ 98, AD05],
L-systems [LP∗ 02] or more complex agent-based models [Ch’13,
BSK∗ 15], plants are seeded at a location, grow in size asymmetrically [AD05] under competition for resources, propagate on reaching maturity, and die due to lack of resources or old age. The fidelity of these simulations varies depending on which abiotic features, such as temperature, sunlight, moisture, wind, and slope,
are considered and on the biotic complexity of individual plant
models and their local interactions. For instance, ecosystem disturbance by humans, grazing animals, and fire is, with a few exceptions [BE03, Ch’13], otherwise neglected. In the simulation literature, Ch’ng’s models [Ch’09, Ch’13] are the most complete, incorporating layered soils, various forms of seeding and seasonal differences in evergreen and deciduous species. Nevertheless, the botanical literature [FPR∗ 96, SIK07, SHG∗ 08] goes further to model in
detail cycles such as evapotranspiration, photosynthesis and carbon dynamics. With some exceptions [SIK07] this is in the service
of Dynamic Global Vegetation Models, which are grid-based Eulerian simulations of climate impact on plant distributions. These
typically provide dry-mass proportions for species in cells ranging
from 30m to several kilometres on a side, and do not directly enable
plant placement.
There is, however, a tension between simulation fidelity and
performance. Complex models, even with approximate nearestneighbour acceleration, do not scale well to large, dense environc 2017 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum c 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The issue of user interaction in ecosystem modelling has received less attention than is warranted. The ideal is direct, interactive and intuitive control over the final state of the ecosystem in a way that respects both the users’ intentions and physical plausibility, perhaps through a sculpting, painting or sketching interface. Unfortunately, the interfaces of ecosystem simulators [DHL∗ 98, Ch’13] commonly take the form of painting input image maps (e.g., water, soil type, temperature). Users without a deep understanding of geomorphology and plant dynamics have difficulty designing final lengthy simulation outcomes
from the poorly understood inputs of these systems. Bradbury
et al. [BSK∗ 15] partially address this problem by allowing userdefined regions of a simulation to be paused, edited and then
restarted to run at different simulation rates. WorldBrush [EVC∗ 15]
provides more direct and immediate interaction through a palette of
distributions that can be painted directly onto a landscape, with regions then modified through copy and paste, gradient interpolation,
and seam-carved stretching. Unfortunately, WorldBrush neither enforces nor guides realism and instead relies on the user to maintain
the link between abiotic conditions and selected distributions.
3. Overview
Our goal is to allow users to interactively design large-scale ecosystems that accord with observed landscapes and botanical principles. Regrettably, interactive simulation of ecosystems larger than
a few hundred metres on a side is generally infeasible, because, all
other things being equal, the number of plants is proportional to the
simulation area. Instead, we use precomputed distributions derived
from small sandbox simulations. Analyzing simulation results enables us to derive an ecosystem with the same statistical properties
at least two orders of magnitude faster, enabling subsequent interactive editing while preserving consistency.
c 2017 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum c 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Abiotic and
Cluster Maps
Terrain Anlysis and
Semantic Painting of
Plant Distributions
Cluster Conditions
Sandbox Simulation
Disk-based Distribution
Analysis and Synthesis
Plants Attributes
Statistical synthesis, on the other hand, generates plant positions
randomly to fit a given distribution. Solutions range from straightforward half-toning of a density image [DHL∗ 98] and dart throwing [ACV∗ 14], which exhibit little more than basic plant separation, to Wang tiles, with an underlying Field-of-Neighbourhood
plant distribution model [AD06], kernel-based deformation of
probability density maps [LP∗ 02] and derived cross-species distribution histograms [EVC∗ 15], which can capture complex interspecies and environmental interactions. These approaches fall under the umbrella of the probability theory of statistical point processes [Dig13]. In fact, plant ecologists have long drawn on this
theory [LIB∗ 09] to extract summary statistics for field-based sampling. It has also seen recent application in computer graphics
[OG12, EVC∗ 15] for the analysis and synthesis of point distributions. While building on this vein of research, we extend it by explicitly incorporating the extent of plant canopies into distributions.
This enables us to capture effects such as the coverage of shadeloving plants.
ments and may take minutes or even hours to execute. A viable
approach is to tailor models so that they consider abiotic and biotic
factors only to the extent that emergent properties such as succession, self-thinning, clustering and shading are correctly exhibited.
We adopt this strategy in precomputing ecosystems over small areas.
Abiotic Inputs
J. Gain et al. / EcoBrush
Figure 2: Method overview: The user provides a heightfield and
other abiotic input parameters to a simulation process, which generates abiotic terrain maps for temperature, soil moisture, slope,
and sunlight exposure. A clustering process then groups terrain regions according to similar abiotic conditions. As a separate preprocess, the range of possible abiotic conditions are sampled and
small scale sandbox simulations are executed and then analysed to
create a database of distributions. The abiotic maps, clusters, and
distribution database are used to synthesise an ecoystem, which can
then be modified by the user using semantic painting and resynthesised interactively.
More precisely, our system automatically populates the input terrain with an initial ecosystem, where plants match local abiotic conditions computed on the terrain. This ecosystem is generated from
a meaningful set of sandbox simulations, analyzed and stored in a
distribution database: the right plant distribution is synthesized on
each region of the terrain, depending on the local abiotic conditions
(see Figure 2). Users are then able to paint with a set of modifying
brushes that can increase or decrease ecosystem age, variability,
and density, even targeting individual species types. They can also
select and paint specific distributions by treating the distribution
database as a palette, while being guided by the system to maintain
To initially populate an ecosystem, the user supplies some simple inputs: a terrain heightfield, latitude, soil type, yearly temperature extremes, and average monthly rainfall. Rather than requiring
users to paint abiotic maps, which is difficult to do without domain expertise, we use these inputs to simulate terrain conditions
and automatically generate the maps. They include monthly abiotic
condition maps for temperature (as affected by altitude), daily sunlight exposure (influenced by latitude and terrain self-shadowing),
and soil moisture (a combination of rainfall, slope, soil absorption
and runoff). An important insight of our approach is to cluster regions with similar conditions, enabling us to factorize the need for
ecosystem simulations. This is done by collectively applying kmeans clustering to the abiotic maps. This first stage of the pipeline
is detailed in Section 4.
The clusters of abiotic conditions can either be used to uniformly
J. Gain et al. / EcoBrush
sample conditions for ecosystem simulations, such as temperature,
sunlight exposure, and soil moisture, from the range of the corresponding biome; or alternatively the cluster means can be directly
used to trigger a minimal set of such simulations. In both cases, we
use small scale (100×100m2 ) sandbox simulations (See Section 5).
Also supplied to these simulations are viability parameters for a
set of plant archetypes (or Plant Functional Types (PFT’s) in plant
ecosystem parlance), representing collections of similar species,
such as “Tropical Broad-leaved Evergreens” or “Boreal Needleleaved Summergreens”. This approach avoids having to exhaustively determine parameters for hundreds of species [FPR∗ 96].
Next, plant attributes (type, position and canopy extent) from
simulation results are analysed to derive a new type of statistical distribution, where point processes are extended to distributions of overlapping disks representing plant canopies (See Section 6). Stored as pairwise interaction histograms relating expected
distances between and within PFT categories, these distributions
are placed in a database ready for subsequent synthesis to reproduce the simulation characteristics on a larger scale. Populating the
database is kept manageable by restricting the simulation dimensions and executing them as a pre-process.
The ecosystem we generate from these distributions (where individual species are finally mapped from PFT’s using a statistical
post-process) can be used for rapidly and automatically populating
large terrains without the need for any user intervention. We also
believe this initial ecosystem with typical plant coverage is more
helpful as a starting point for users than a blank canvas. We then
provide a set of high-level painting tools enabling users to interactively and locally modify distributions and hence synthesised plant
populations. The challenge is to design tools that provide freedom
to the user while maintaining consistency in terms of abiotic constraints. This last interactive editing stage is described in Section 7.
4. Simulation and Clustering of Abiotic Terrain Conditions
In deriving abiotic conditions our aim is to require only a limited set
of comprehensible user inputs, while still capturing significant terrain effects that impact ecosystems, including shadowing in defiles,
increased runoff on slopes, water table access near rivers, temperature lapse with altitude, and the effects of latitude on growth cycles.
Nevertheless, in the interests of efficiency our approach remains approximate and many secondary factors are not considered. In particular, our simulations are forward directed and do not consider
feedback cycles, such as evaporation due to canopy interception
and soil nutrients from decomposing litterfall.
The product of our simulation of abiotic conditions is a set of
monthly abiotic maps over the terrain (see Figure 3) with averaged
daily values for maximum temperature, sunlight exposure, and soil
moisture, derived as follows:
Temperature – Our consideration of temperature is straightforward: the user provides maximum daily temperatures (averaged
over a month) for the middle of winter and summer, at the lowest point on the terrain. These temperatures are linearly interpolated to the remaining months and reduced with altitude (at a userconfigurable lapse rate, which defaults to 6.5 ◦ C per 1000m) to provide average daily maximum temperatures for each month.
Figure 3: Abiotic maps and final clusters: (a) temperature from altitude lapse, (b) sunlight exposure from latitude, affected by terrain
shadowing, (c) soil moisture as a consequence of rainfall, absorption and runoff, and (d) clusters formed by grouping combined abiotic conditions. The simulation uses monthly abiotic maps, which
are averaged here for illustration purposes.
Sunlight Exposure – From a latitude and compass direction provided for the terrain, and factoring in the earth’s axial tilt, it is
possible to derive the sun’s trajectory at the middle of a given
month [SIK07]. We cast rays from the sun, sampled at hourly intervals, to each heightfield position. If a ray is intersection free then
the terrain position is not in shadow for that hour. This allows us
to derive a map of the daily hours of direct sunlight on a monthly
Soil Moisture – In reality the water content of soil is governed by
a complex combination of precipitation, evaporation, runoff, seepage, soil type and water uptake by plants, among other factors. We
approximate this with an equilibrium model that dynamically adjusts a single plant uptake value k p so that over multiple yearly cycles with the same precipitation the soil moisture achieves a rough
balance. Also, instead of modelling soil type explicitly, the user
configures a single maximal monthly soil absorption value, ka , and
overall reservoir capacity, kc . Slope acts as a proxy for soil type by
linearly weighting the absorption to represent the transition from
loamy soils in valleys to rock on cliff faces. Any rainfall above this
value contributes directly to runoff. Thus, we model the soil moisture Mi,m for a given cell i and month m as:
Mi,m = min(kc , Mi,m−1 + min(Pm , Ai ) − k p ),
where Pm is the monthly precipitation provided by the user, and
Ai is the per cell absorption threshold. Any excess absorbed moisture, Si,m , above the soil capacity is spread as seepage over the next
three months. Free surface water is then defined as a combination
of runoff and seepage, as follows:
Si,m− j
j=1 3
Fi,m = max(0, Pm − Ai ) + ∑
c 2017 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum c 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
J. Gain et al. / EcoBrush
M 0j,m = M j,m + max(0, max
i∈N j
Dm − di j ∗ (1 + ks si j )
fr ),
where si j is the slope, N j is a set of cells in the neighbourhood of j,
and km and ks are weighting constants for slope and distance, used
to adjust the extent of riverbanks.
The final step in this pipeline is to identify clusters over the parameter space of abiotic conditions. These serve as seeds for an
initial ecosystem and, in the absence of a distribution database, can
supply a usefully constrained set of simulation parameters. Despite
the large number of dimensions (12 each for temperature, moisture, illumination, 1 for slope, and 1 for age = 38), conditions are
correlated and continuous to the extent that clusters are relatively
contiguous and simple k-means clustering [Jai10] suffices. Typically, a choice of 6 − 10 clusters results in cluster means that do not
diverge too markedly from the underlying conditions (as evident in
Figure 3).
5. Sandbox Simulation
In order to supply plausible
plant distributions to our analysis and synthesis procedure,
a series of simulations is unA
dertaken in small-scale 100 ×
100m2 regions with uniform input conditions. Conceptually, a
sandbox simulation proceeds as
follows: In each month, the
Figure 4: Competition for sun- vigour, V (p) ∈ [−1, 1], of every
light and moisture. The circular plant, p, is calculated. If posicanopy (green) and root extent tive, this vigour value weights
(brown) of a plant are discre- the plant’s growth rate; if negtised on a grid and plants com- ative, it provides a probability
pete in individual cells of over- of mortality, as does a plant
lap (shaded) to derive averaged reaching the age of senescence.
scores for moisture uptake and Vigour is a function of the
Plant Functional Type (PFT) atsunlight exposure.
tributes of a specimen, the abiotic conditions in the plant’s neighbourhood and biotic competition
with other plants that impinge on a specimen’s root or canopy extent. Note that unlike previous work we consider these separately.
c 2017 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum c 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
If a plant has reached maturity and has sufficient vigour it will annually seed new plants randomly out to a radius determined by the
PFT-specific propagation (cones, fruit, etc.).
From this runoff and seepage, a network of waterways can be established. For our purposes, plant growth is prevented in areas of
open water but enhanced along riverbanks due to a more accessible water table. We employ the drainage model of Cordonnier et
al. [CBC∗ 16], which provides water volume (Fi,m
) taking into account excess initial moisture (Fi,m ), inflow from neighbouring cells
and outflow to the lowest neighbour. Any cell above a threshold
> ko ) is marked as open water. These waterways are then
expanded to neighbouring cells j within distance di j < 0.5 Wi using Tucker et al.’s [TH10] rough river-width formula: Wi = 10 Fi0.5
(with Fi in m3 s−1 ). A second shell of cells within di j < 0.5 km Wi =
Dm has its soil moisture (M j ) increased by a set amount ( fr ) that is
tailed off in proportion to relative slope and distance from the river,
so as to represent water infiltration along riverbanks. For each nonriver cell j:
Figure 5: Piecewise linear functions define PFT-specific viability in terms of climatic extremes [Emin , Emax ] and an ideal range
[Imin , Imax ] for each abiotic condition.
Each Plant Functional Type has a viability function that models
response to temperature (BT ), sunlight (BL ), soil moisture (BM ),
and slope (BS ), based in part on the corresponding abiotic maps.
These are piecewise linear functions (see Figure 5) that range from
−1 at the climatic extremes to a plateau of 1 over the optimal inner
range. A plant’s vigour is then the minimum over all viability function values: V (p) = min(BT (p), BL (p), BM (p), BS (p)). Taking the
minimum in this way is motivated by the consequences of a limiting resource. It matters little, for example, that a plant has abundant
water if it is starved of light.
Slope and temperature values are submitted directly to the corresponding viability functions (BS , BT ), but sunlight and moisture
are affected by inter-plant canopy and root interaction (see Figure 4). From a plant’s height and type, the circular extent of root
and canopy can be derived (such ratios are known as allometries
and widely used in plant biology simulation [SIK07, SHG∗ 08]).
The intersection of these extents is integrated over a fine-scale grid
(we use 20 × 20cm2 cells). For sunlight, the tallest plant in a given
cell receives the full sunlight and transmits a proportion, based on
its type-specific alpha, to the undercanopy of shorter plants. For
moisture, in cases where the minimum needs ∑i Emin of all incident
plants i cannot be met, assignment is weighted according to relative
root radius. Our motivation is that larger plants tend to dominate
through deeper roots and better access to the water table. Finally,
a plant’s sunlight and moisture values are averaged over all cells
within the canopy and root radii, respectively. This allows for partial shading and also seamlessly scales the greater resource requirements of larger plants.
Grass is a special case: a count of grass clumps over a reasonable
expanse will likely number in the billions, and synthesising them on
the same individual basis as plants is thus clearly infeasible. Rather,
as a final pass after plant placement, we subsample the terrain grid
and establish grass height per cell. The growth cycle is bypassed
and vigour values, based on averaged yearly abiotic conditions, are
translated directly into grass height. In terms of biotic factors, we
ignore moisture competition on the basis that grass accesses only
the topmost layer of soil, but consider sunlight competition by applying a concentric burn of grass heights (moderated by appropriate
PFT alpha values) under plant canopies. Because abiotic conditions
are sampled more coarsely than grass cells, we also found it necessary to introduce some random variation and low-pass averaging.
J. Gain et al. / EcoBrush
kA − Bk > RA + RB
RA < kA − Bk ≤ RA + RB
RA − RB < kA − Bk ≤ RA
RB < kA − Bk ≤ RA + RB
Figure 6: The different pair-wise disk configurations for plant B with respect to A: (a) bands of distances between the disks, (b) less than
half shaded, (c) more than half shaded, (d) fully shaded.
6. Disk-based Distribution Analysis and Synthesis
One of the main features of our method is to use the ecosystem simulations described above to derive statistical distributions, which
can be used to synthesize plants over a much larger terrain at interactive rates. In contrast to conventional point processes, we analyze distributions of possibly overlapping circles of different radii,
representing canopies instead of mere points. This extension is an
original contribution to point-based analysis and synthesis methods.
Our point of departure is the WorldBrush system of Emilien et
al. [EVC∗ 15]. WorldBrush is based on categories Ci of scene elements (e.g., trees, plants, buildings, and roads) that are ranked
to establish both dependencies and an order of evaluation. In our
context, each plant functional type is separated by age (seedling,
young, mature) into three categories, and all PFT categories are
then prioritized according to their relative dominance over resources.
At its core, WorldBrush is built on pair-wise distance histograms
between and within categories. Given categories Cx and Cy where x
has higher priority than y, these encode the probability of a plant in
Cx falling within a certain distance band of a plant from Cy . Such
discretised pair correlation functions have proven capable of capturing irregularity, such as clustering and clumping, far better than
noise functions [OG12]. Analysis involves counting the incidence
of elements of Cx within concentric annular shells of points in Cy
and normalizing over the total number of elements (nx , ny ) and the
area of the shells to generate a probability distribution. A population of points can then be synthesised by various forms of stochastic
search (dart throwing, Metropolis-Hastings) depending on whether
the correlation functions are used to score a given distribution or its
iterative update.
As mentioned, a pure point process is unable to adequately capture the nuance of plant interaction. Simply drawing a plant’s size
from a distribution irrespective of position can lead to implausible
configurations, such as canopies that intersect the trunks of neighbouring plants or shade-seeking plants that are exposed to direct
sunlight. It is thus necessary to simultaneously consider both plant
position and canopy radius. (This could, of course, be extended to
roots, but we have chosen to focus on the canopy due to its obvious
This problem can be classified as a continuous marked point pro-
cess [Dig13], in that additional attributes (marks) are associated
with positions (points). An obvious approach would be to shrink
or grow a plant’s radius based on its local neighbourhood, but this
necessitates expensive iterative adjustment spanning all categories
that quickly devolves into a form of simulation. Another option
would be to divide plant types into subcategories by canopy radius, significantly extending our existing age-based categorisation.
In a similar vein, we could develop 2D distribution histograms with
distance on one axis and radius on the other. Alas, these are costly
solutions: the dependence between categories is O(N 2 ), while introducing an extra histogram axis will increase distributions by a
multiple of the number of canopy bins.
Instead, our strategy is to measure distances between disks rather
than points. By jointly considering the positions of two plants (B
relative to A), the distance between them (d = ||A − B||), and their
respective radii (RA and RB ), we define a new class of histogram
bins (see Figure 6) that encodes the degree of canopy overlap: lessthan-half shaded, more-than-half shaded and fully shaded. For the
non-overlapping case (Figure 6(a)) we populate the distribution histograms according to the closest approach between disks (replacing
d with d − RA − RB in such calculations). Histogram normalisation
also needs to be suitably adjusted to account for RB in both overlapping and non-overlapping cases. This has the virtues of conceptual
simplicity and computational efficiency. The only caveat is that it
introduces a form of non-uniform spatial distortion in that the areas represented by histogram bins are no longer consistent between
distributions, but this seems to have negligible impact in practice.
We also need to adapt the synthesis process. We begin with a
dart-throwing process to match expected plant density, while obeying some simple validity rules (d > RA , d > RB and f (X) 6= 0,
where f (X) is the probability density function of the distribution
X). This has the benefit of providing rapid initial feedback to the
user. Next, eco-placement is refined by iterating between cycles
of random position perturbation and radius adjustment of individual plants. A candidate perturbation is accepted with a probability
that is proportional to the improvement in the probability density
function. In spirit, this is closer to the synthesis of Öztireli and
Gross [OG12] than the Metropolis-Hastings sampling of WorldBrush [EVC∗ 15].
c 2017 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum c 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
J. Gain et al. / EcoBrush
Figure 7: Semantic brushes can be applied locally to an existing ecosystem to, for example, adjust age (increased from (1a) to (1b)), and
density (increased (2a) to (2b)).
7. Semantic Brushes for Plant Distributions
By coupling simulations and distributions we are now able to automatically generate full-scale ecosystems over varied terrain conditions, but it is important to also provide meaningful interactive
controls to artists and designers. The WorldBrush solution has users
pick a particular distribution from a palette and paint it directly onto
the terrain. In our case, this could spoil the plausibility of plant
distributions. In contrast, we provide high-level semantic control
through a range of context-sensitive brushes to modify the ecosystem age, variability, and plant density while maintaining consistency (see Figures 7 and 9).
First a palette of possible distributions needs to be provided to
the user. Our sandbox simulation and disk-based distribution analysis pipeline can be interpreted as a mapping (E : T 7→ D) from
a space of terrain conditions (T ) to distributions (D). To support
full ecosystem variety and semantic brush editing we approximate
E by building a database of distributions that sample terrain conditions on a regular grid, g ∈ T . Since a naive sampling would
be intractable due to the high-dimension of the parameter space,
we make the following approximations: First, we decrease parameter dimensionality from <38 to <5 using a single seed value
for moisture, sunlight and temperature, from which monthly patterns are derived prior to simulation. This approximation sacrifices some of the nuance of monthly variation and captures only
broad seasonal effects but reduces the number of sandbox samples reasonably required to cover the search space and hence the
cost of pre-processing. Second, we limit the sampling range to the
climatic bounds of a particular biome. This makes the database
biome specific, but is consistent with our selection of biome specialised Plant Functional Types. Third, we use a coarse sampling
only, completed using interpolation between samples: given some
non-sampled terrain conditions, we derive a distribution by fivefold linear interpolation of the sampling grid, with a set of interpolations for each dimension, using mass transport of distribution
histograms [EVC∗ 15].
In the final ecosystem modelling phase, a design map of conditions over the terrain is drawn from T and used to index the
distribution database. Interactive design starts from an ecosystem
automatically populated by synthesising the obtained distributions
according to the design map (see §4 and Figure 3). A set of semantic brushes of controllable radius can be used to modify the design map within a distance (d ≤ r0 ) of the brush centre. We support
feathering on the edges of the brush by gradiating the weight of any
modification between an inner and outer brush radius (r0 < d ≤ r1 ).
Figure 8: The fit of an ecosystem (1a) is presented to users as
a suitability map (1b), where closeness of fit ranges from green
(good) to orange (poor). A semantic healing brush enables users
to shift ecosystems closer to the underlying terrain conditions (2a),
as reflected by improved suitability (2b).
c 2017 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum c 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The various brushes function as follows:
• Age – Since ecosystem age is one of the dimensions of T , an
ecosystem can be made older or younger by shifting along this
axis while holding other coordinates constant.
• Variability – Moving conditions towards or away from the local mean of the design map, enables ecosystem variation to be
smoothed or exaggerated.
• Density – A common summary statistic of distributions is the ex-
J. Gain et al. / EcoBrush
Figure 9: Iterative editing of a Mediterranean canyon landscape. An initial cluster-based plant assignment (a) is modified by the user to
introduce grass surrounds and young dense plants along the riverbank (b), followed by painting a varied spread of evergreen shrubs (in
yellow and dark green) on the slopes (c), with final Terragen rendering (d).
pected number of plants. By looking up distributions in the local
T -space neighbourhood of a condition from the design map, a
T -vector that increases or decreases plant density can be found.
This can even be specialised to particular plant types or size categories.
The original abiotic conditions (the source map) can be regarded
as a ground truth of sorts. Differences between the design and
source maps are necessary for design freedom and can be motivated by ecosystem effects not catered for in our simulations, such
as microclimates, local soil types, and fire disturbance. Nevertheless, in the interests of visual consistency it is useful to reflect this
divergence back to the user in the form of a suitability map (see
Figure 8), which uses colour gradiation based on the normalised
L2 distance between the source and design maps. We also provide
a healing brush that shifts overpainted areas of the design map towards the source map.
8. Results and Discussion
In the interests of visual consistency, it is necessary to establish
the validity of our underlying simulation engine. In line with previous work [DHL∗ 98, LP∗ 02, BL09, Ch’11] we have checked for expected emergent behaviour, such as self-thinning, where the number of plants is reduced over time as larger specimens crowd out
smaller, and succession of a slower-growing but more climaticallysuited species over a fast-growing competitor. In figure 10 we show
the introduction of a niche-suited invader species to a Mediterranean biome (patterned on Gritti et al. [GSS06]), which results
in dominance over other species.
The variety of achievable landscapes is shown in Figures 11-13,
all at 5 × 5 km2 scale. The Plant Functional Type parameters for
these biomes are summarised in Table 2 and the input abiotic maps
and clusters appear in Figures 1 and 3. In our interactive editor each
PFT is provided a simplified iconic geometric model (see the key of
Table 2) and rendered using OpenGL instancing with per instance
transformations for size and placement. Export for final rendering
is to Terragen.
Figure 11 is a Mediterranean landscape characteristic of the
south of France that shows a variety of plant densities and types,
ranging from pastures and scrubland to woodlands and dense
Figure 10: Simulation validation: (a) a Mediterranean biome, (b)
after the introduction of a fast-growing invader species (shown in
purple), which overwhelms other plants.
An important use-case is the generation of terrains in the absence
of a database from simulations run on the means of a set of clustered conditions. Figure 12 demonstrates the results of this process,
for an Alpine biome with 7 clusters, such as might be found in the
Swiss Alps. Of note here is transition from temperate to boreal trees
due to changes in mean temperature with increasing altitude.
One shortcoming of our simulations is that they do not cater for
disturbance effects. This is particularly evident in Tropical Savannahs, which, without the impact of fires and grazing herds would
be relatively dense because of the high rainfall. However, as shown
in Figure 13, users can compensate for this with appropriate overpainting of the ecosystem.
The performance of our system was tested on a 3.3 GHz quadcore Intel Haswell, with 7 GB RAM, and an NVIDIA GTX 960
with 4 GB and the results are shown in Table 1. The system performs with reasonable interactive response (< 1s per update) for
synthesis with up to 50, 000 plants, which roughly equates to a terrain area of 1 × 1 km2 , depending on plant density. This does place
a limit on brush radius in larger landscapes if interactivity is to
be retained. However, it is possible to provide an initial placement
estimate (the dart throwing phase) and then run refinements as a
background thread (the perturbation phase).
c 2017 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum c 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
J. Gain et al. / EcoBrush
A weakness of our system is the need for manual calibration of
plant functional type parameters. Poor calibration tends to result
either in homogenization through a lack of niche specialization,
or a complete dearth of particular plants. Fortunately, the decision
to avoid simulating individual species greatly reduces the search
space. Nevertheless, the issue is complicated by the difficulty of
mapping botanical data (such as the bioclimatic limits available
for Global Vegetation Models) onto our model. This necessitates
a cyclic process of adjusting parameters and checking on the emergent properties. Another key parameter is the density of sandbox
sampling of terrain conditions. Undersampling leads to particular
sub-niches of plant distributions being missed and disparities between the results of our system and a full terrain-spanning simulation, while oversampling unnecessarily increases pre-processing
times. This could be improved with a mechanism for scattered sampling of the space of terrain conditions. In general, such parameter
tuning is painstaking and could certainly benefit from automation,
perhaps through some form of machine learning.
Number of plants
Time (s)
Extent (m)
Table 1: Computation cost of synthesis with varying ecosystem size
(in number of plants). The peturbation phase of synthesis allows up
to 2 adjustments per plant.
9. Conclusions
To summarize: we create a database of plant distributions by sampling the space of abiotic terrain conditions (moisture, sunlight,
temperature, slope, and ecosystem age) for a given biome and supplying these samples as parameters to small-scale eco-position simulations. Statistical distributions are then derived from the resulting
plant placements via disk-based distance analysis. By synthesising
distributions drawn from the database a large ecosystem (5 × 5 km2
in extent with up to a million plants) with varying terrain conditions
can be populated in under a minute while retaining the visual consistency of the source simulations. Users can locally modify meaningful high-level attributes of the ecosystem, such as age, density,
and variability, using an overpainting interface. Modifier brushes
are interactive even on larger terrains, requiring 0.6s to update a
500 × 500m2 subsection of an ecosystem.
There are several possibilities for future work. Most existing
simulations, including our own, do no fully address either ecosystem disturbance (the impact of fires, storms, grazing, logging, disease, and the like) or two-way interaction with the terrain (such as
litterfall enriching the soil, roots acting as barriers to erosion, and
plant canopies intercepting rainfall). We compensate for this to an
extent by allowing users to guide the ecosystems. For instance, fire
damage can be approximated by applying an age brush, but this
fails to account for fire-prompted seeding and germination or varying topkill and plant mortality. Certainly, there is an opportunity
c 2017 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum c 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
to improve simulation fidelity by borrowing more extensively from
plant ecology models [SIK07, SHG∗ 08].
Another challenge lies in parameter selection and validation. It
is very difficult to obtain accurate species information even for relatively simple plant models, such as ours. Our strategy has been to
tune plant parameters based on expected emergent behaviour, such
as ecological specialisation, succession, and self-thinning, but this
suffers from being qualitative rather than quantitative. One alternative would be to validate against physical plot samples undertaken
by plant ecologists. The difficulty here lies in finding a mapping
from the specifics of this data to more generic parameter inputs and
plant functional type outputs.
We gratefully acknowledge advice and assistance on histogram distributions from Ulysse Vimont, and on Botany from Adam West
and Glenn Moncrieff.
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I us ; - MM HMÆ « s DER-»O - q—«s« w— — ,,Ftkic Presse-bit Texas-L Herausgegeben von freie Pfeisc Psn Pein Pubi »So Robert Umschlce, Praesident Erster-ed at the Pest DMce at san Antonio, Tex., as 2nd class malte Dienstag den 11 Juni, 1918 Die»Fteie Presse für Te as« hm von tsen deutsch- texanischen eitungen die atoßte AbonnentenzabL Eine niedlin Geschick-ex Unter der Ueberschrift »Speziali sten auf dem Gebiete des Blödsinns (Sperialists in Foolishneß) erzählt »Wallace’s Zur-mer« folgende niedli che Geschichte: Jst da mit dem Bun desackerbauamte in Washington, D. E» ein bezaubernd harmloser Zunft genosse in Verbindung getreten. Sie nennen ihn einen ,,Spezialisien, « und seine Aufgabe scheint darin zu beste-. ben, allerlei Geschichtchen zu ersinnen, die er den Farmern erzählen kann. Vor drei oder vier Wochen begann unser Freund über schlechten Saat maiZ nachzudenken, und er setzte-dann ein Cirkular auf, in dem er ausführ lich schilderte, wie derselbe gepflanzt werden sollte. Unser Zunftgenosse er -klärt«e, daß bei 90 Prozent Keimfä higkeit von dem Saatmais sechs Sa menkörner in eine Horst (Hill)s ge pflanzt werden sollten, und er schil derte dann, daß um so mehr Samen körner in den Horft kommen müßten, je mehr die Keimfähigkeit zu wün schen übrig ließe, bis z B. bei nur 50 Prozent Keimfähigkeit 18 Samen körner m den Horst kommen mußten. Der, Spezialist vergaß dabei aber, zu erzählen, wo der Former die Maßnahmen hernehmen soll, die 18 Körner in einem Horst abzulagern vermögen. Er vergaß auch, zu sagen, wie ernach das notwendige Ausdünnenf ausgeführt werden sollte. Nachdem unser Freund die Angelegenheit des Maßsanzens in der geschilderten Weise glücklich erledigt hatte, begann er über andere Probleme nachzusinnen, und dabei tauchte spiötzlich ein fürchterlicher Gedanke in Lihm aus: Wie, wenn der Farmer sei kennen Silo zu füllen vergißt! Also sette unser Freund sich flugs hin und versäßte ein weiteres Rundschreiben, das denn vor ein paar Wochen ebenfalls zum Versandt gelangte. Wir ziehen aus diesem Zirkular folgen des: "In jedem Falle, so erklären die Spezialisten sollte der Vichmäster genügend Fläche zum Anbau von Pflanzen vorsehen, um den Silo füllen zu können. Aus diese Weise sorgt der Mann daf." Är, daß sich die Erbauung des Silos in der richtigen Weise jährlich bezahlt, und beugt zu gleich Verlusten vor, die sonst durch den Ankaus kostspieliger Futtermittel unvermeidlich gewesen wären. Mit anderen Worten: wenn der Farmer zufällig vergißt, geeignete Pflanzen zum Fällen des Silos an anlässlich so wird die gewöhnliche jährliche Verzwanung aus dem im Silo angelegten apitale heraus-bekommen. Es ist wirklich eine großartige Einrichtung, dass wir, Spezialisten haben, die uns diese Sachen erklären. Soweit wird wir dieser Schilderung noch ein Kommentar hinzufügen wollten. « Meinisther Weggraben in römischer Der erste Anbau der Reben am Rhein und seinen Nebenflüssen ist nn streitig aus die Römer zurückzufüh ren, dafür sprechen noch heute trotz: aller modernen Neuerungen ihrer! Pflege und Vebauung, sowie die dazu verwandten Werkzeuge Ueber die Zeit ihrer Einführung aber in den verschiedenen Weinbaugebieten liegen nur ganz vereinzelte Zeugnisse, meist aus späterer Zeit, vor. Bekannt ist, daß Domitian gegen Ende des ersten Jahrhundert-Z den Weinbau zugun sten des Ackerbaneii in den Provinzcn verboten, Kaiser Paian gegen Ende desJ dritten Jahrhunderts ihn wieder gestattet hat. Wahrscheinlich hat ie dorh schon vor Probns eine mildere Praris stattgefunden Die Schilde mitgen, die uns Ausonian im viertcn Jahrhundert von den Weint-eigen an der Mosel entwirft, lassen bereits ans eine hochentwickelte Kultur schließen, wie sie sich nur in einem längeren M vollzieht Unter diesen FW ist eine römische Weihe Jnschrift von großem Interesse Sie hefindetsich aus einem kleinen römis "-schen Altar von weißlichem Sand stein, der zu Weinbmh oberhalb von Mainz gefunden, lange Zeit im Treppenhause einer Villa eingemau ert, für eine moderene Fälschung ge halten und deshalb unbeachtet geblie ben war. Seitdem der Stein aber, zu Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts, us dem Mauerwerk gelöst, im Mairrzer Museum Aufnahme gefunden hatte, erkannte man ihn als zweifellos echt. Die Schrift ist zum Teil erloschen, der Inhalt jedoch in seinen wesentlichen Teilen erkennbar und lautet: „Ein Ehren des Kaiserhauses hat Pudius Ervinus (?) dem Gott des Weines infolge einer Mahnung des Gottes auf eigenem Boden gernund freudig nach Gebühr einen Altar errichtet. Der nur teilweise vorhandene Beina des Weihenden ist ergänzt nach einem P. Urvinus auf einem Mainzer Stein aus dem ersten Jahrhundert Jedenfalls dürfen wir annehmen, dass die Hänge zwischen Weisenau und Lauhenheim an denen der dem Wein-gott Bacchus gewidmete Stein einschließt haben, wie im Mittelalte Haus und in der Neuzeit so auch schon kurz nach Beginn unserer Zeitrechnung mit Neben bepflanzt waren. If TM H Buy early Serve money AidilseW Us INDI- AVWNIITMTION -I-«:«k«:«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«:k«: Begnügen den Tabak lernte man erst nach der Entdeckung Amerikas im Jahre 1497 kennen. Die Amerikaner rauchten ehemals den Tobak aus. Pfeisen, deren Rohre in zwei Spitzen ausliefen. Die steckte man in die Nase, um so den Rauch einzusaugen. Das man aber auch schon die Zigarre vor der Entdeckung Amerikas kannte, zeigt ein abgebildeter Außenpfeiler an der ehemaligen Stadt Palenque in Mexiko. Man sieht einen Gott oder einen Priester des Diana-Volkes in den Stein gehauen, der eine aroße Zigarre im Mund hält und ihr große Dampswolken entströmen lässt. Noch heute findet man auf den Philippinen die riesige Familienzigarre, an der alle, vom kleinen Kinde bis zur Urgroßmutter des Hauses, fangen. Auch jeder eintretende Gast bekommt die Familienzigarre ohne weitere Jännlichkeiten in den Mund gesteckt. Ju Europa wurde die Zigarre erst ziemlich spät bekannt, und zwar durch die Händler Wohl die strengste Nachricht findet sich ins einem Wörterbuch vom Jahre 1735: Seegars sind Tabakbliitteh die so zusammengerollt vorwiegend, daß sie sowohl zur Pfeife als Yamh allein brauchbar sind. Fünfzig Jahre später wurde das Zigarren tauchen in einzelnen Städten von Amerika bestraft. So heißt es in der „Polizeiaerordnung von Newburyport: „Jede Person, die Pfeife oder Seegars rauchend aus den Straßen und Plätzen, Allem Werften befunden wird, verfüllt. ällt einer Strafe von L Schilling für jeden einzelnen Fall In Deutschland versuchte Hans Heinrich Schlatt-wann in Hamburg die Zigarrenfabrikation, die er in Spanien kennen gelernt hatte, im Jahre 1788. Damals wurden von. Hamburger Seeleuten vereinzelt Zigarreu in Hamburg getaucht Das Schlottmann’sche Geschäft ging so schlecht, daß er sein Fabrikat verschüttet, um es besser bekannt zu machen. Erst als mehrere Schiffe Zigarreu aus Amerika brachten und Abnehmer dafür fanden, ging es mit seiner Unternehmung besser. Es: dauerte aber noch bis Juni Jahre 1796, ehe die Zigarre ein Bedürfnis des Hamburger Bankher—:i geworden war. hundert Jahren im übrigen Deutsch land war, ficht man aus den ersten Auflagen des Brockhaus-Schön Kons versations-Lexikotts:,,Cigarwg’ find Blätter, welche man zu fingexs dicken hohlen Cylindern zusammen zrollt und dann an dem einen Ende-, angezündet mit dem anderen in den Mund genommen und so getaucht. Wie wenig verannt oder garre vor l Kindliche Frag. Die kleine Bessie war empfandert gestraft worden. Einen Augenblick dachte sie ernsthaft nach, dann meist sie: „Warum kann sich ein Kind nicht von seinen Eltern scheiden lassen?” Anna s Ehe. Roman non Ida Von-Eh - iFortketzung Der Doktor Schüler schläft natürlich auch schon! schon es Wolf durch den Kopf. Und da erst, als er das dachte, kehrten seine Gedanken zu dem eigentlichen Grund dieser nächtlichen Wanderung zurück. Das andere hatte ihn förmlich zyp notisiert das hatte gleich den Schreck, über Annas Krankheit wie der verschlungen ——— diese entsetzliche Erkenntnis, daß man reinen Herzens dennoch eine unreine Flamme in sich aufglühen sehen kann.... ) Wie sonderbar, wie sehr erschreckt kend das doch wahr, diese plötzliche Er ?krankung! Eine viertel Stunde vor her war Anna noch bei ihm gewesen. - Zwar ganz entsetzlich aufgeregt, aber doch gewi Wenn sie Vor Änger krank geworden wäre? Auch vor Änger über ihn, der so rauh zu ihr gewesen war und auf ihre abenteurlichen Reden nicht hatte, eingehen wollen? Aber das verwirr er, nachdem er sich einige Augenblicke reuevoll darüber gequält hatte. Allerlei Streitereien, die er als Jüngling mit dem Backfisch Anna gehabt hatte, fielen ihm ein. Und ob schon jene fernen Vorfälle gar keinen Maßstab abgeben konnten für das Heute, schloß Wolf doch daraus, dass Anna gar kein Talent habe, sich gleich krank zu ärgern. — Unbegreislich. Und weshalb hatte Graf Vurchardi ihm nicht einfach eine mündliche Befestung mitgegeben? Er war doch kein Kind. Er konntet sich doch aus sein Gedächtnis verlassen. Eine Jede durchzuckte ihn... erblieb plötzlich stehen... Vielleicht war Graf Burchard zu delikat gewesen, es ihm zu sagen. Gewiß... es handelte sich um eine vernichtete Hoffnung. Anna hatte irgend einen ehelichen Zank gehabt mit ihrem Mann.... war vielleicht schon m großer nervöser Erregung — und das entschuldigte sie auch für ihren törichten Versuch, den Gatten durch ihr Vorgehen strafen zu wolle. und dann war sie plötzlich erklärte... ja, so h. ing es zusammen! Er konnte sich bor Erschütterung kaum fassen. Jhm war, als begriffe er jetzt erst ganz, daß Anna die Frau eines anderen Mannes sei. Die Hoffnung, die heute dahin starb, konnte bald neu erblühen Gewiss ——— eines Tages würde Anna ihrem Gatten ein Kind schenken. Mutter werden. Und ihm war, als wandelte ihre Gestalt fort aus dem Garten ihrer gemeinsamen Jugend —- iiber eine tiefe Schlucht schwebte sie hinweg —drüben öffneten sich andere Gärten, und sondern blühten darin, die er, ihr Jugendgespiell nicht gemeinsam mit ihr pflücken konnte. Und unter dieser Vorstellung erloschen alle quälende Unruhe in ihm Tränen standen in seinen Wagen. Erfühlte es: er mußte und wirrde setztig werden mit dieser Leidenschaft, die ihn so jäh gebackt hatte. Wenn sie nur glücklich wird, dachte er nim. Und wenn diese Erkrankung nur nicht schlimm wird, dachte er nicht schlimm wird. Fester schritt er aus. Nun war er im Dorf. Über so einer Anzahl von Wohnstätten, die alle stumm, verschlossen, dünkel in der Nacht daliegen, schwebt es immer wie eine Wolke von Unheimlichkeit. Am Tage scheint es, die H. äuser haben sich traulich angebaut — eins dies gesellige Nähe des anderen suchends in der Nacht scheint es, die Fußheit; vor 4 Unheil habe sie getrieben, sich nahm bei der Versammlung damit sie Beistand finden, wenn ans eines von ihnen der Schrecken eines nuges niederfällt. Und Vor jeder verschlossenen Türbockst eine graue Gestalt — das Geheimnis des Hauses — und scheint im großen Augen zu wachen und Fragen zugleich zu stellen und zu verbieten. Wer weiß wie viel Schuld und Unglück da überall wohnen? Hell im Mondenschein lag das kleistene Häuschen des Doktors. Aus den weißen Hauswänden klebten die grünen Fensterläden wie Plakate. Dass zwei Ziegeldach war so klar beleuchtet, daß man die von Regen und Staub dunkleren Rillen zwischen den Rundungen der Dachsteine erkennen konnte. Mit jener Deutlichkeit, mit der "da—Z Gedächtnis im Bedarfsfalle eine vordem als ganz gleichgültig halb iiberbörte Kleinigkeit wieder an seiner Tiefe hervorbringt, besann sich , Wolf plötzlich, daß von der engen Be jscheidenheit des Doktorhäuschens ge csprochen worden war. Rechts von der Haustür eine Wohnstube und eine Studierstube, links ein Zimmerchen die Küche und wieder ein Zimmer chen Er beschloß, an den ersten Fenster laden links zu pochen, einerlei, ob- er damit den Vater oder die Tochter aus dem Schlaf «weckte. Der Zufall führte seine Hand richtig.Der Mann drin nen, der über all seinen gramvollen Grübeleien immer erst nach Stunden langem Umherwölzen Schlaf fand machte sofort Licht. Wolf sah es. Die beiden kleinen Herzen, die als Oeff nung in die beiden Flügel des Ladens geschnitten waren, sahen mit einem Male nicht mehr schwarz auf, sondern so,f als wären sie von Flüster gold. — Nach weißen länglichen hörte ein ein Geräusch an der Haustür. Sie ö Fünf sich leise. Doktor Schüler er schien auf der Schwelle, halb angekleidet, mit der Hand den Rock auf der Brust zusammenhaltend. Als er den großen, blondbärtigen Mann sah, dachte er erstaunt und erschreckt: Einer vom Schloss! Denn er wusste zwar nicht, wie Wolf war, hatte ihn aber mit dem Grafen Burchard zusammen reiten sehen. Seine Tochter hatte ihm auch von allen Gästen erzählt. Er aber vergaß die Namen wieder jene ferne, fröhliche Welt gina ihn nichts an, Graf Geyer bittet, Sie möchten sofort kommen, die Graf ist krank, bestellte Wolf hastig, hier ist ein Brief. Es sieht darin, was ihr fehlt. (Forteftzung folgt-J ———.-..o OTS OF M,TO M M M Glut duckt Ist it hypsosso yo-, be HMuisiisssschisls Mino-. Titus-GEIS hmässstmst Zuspruchs-sichs III-Ciri mäsaslcssisthiosssH -- «—-. Sowan SEEDS Of Viere-MS EVEYSAKMHI A Nun-non D- PLANT Pf W GIVE IN L späko mein W frei-us mit N sie III-e ohne euer · zum ums-Wen hie Central Trost Cis-. dszsdlk zinleu m mutet-inse- ·« m sammt-m II beamteux «; J. O. Terrell, Präsident John J Steuers-B, Art. Vice-Präs. QPriefh Charles Seht-einer, EN- and, Wie-Präsidenten W. P. Rote, Sekretär. Paul G Billet-h Ass t-Kassierer. Wie seine Roms vorm III-III Muts, ii Osllstetmeudc Lohns-tm. « OiservqtjpnstrL Speisen-aqu - Dienst. Schwere Stuhlichkeiten « Astothschk Olhcksignslr. zwei Läge nach - csliidmlen tägiicsh » Dantpr Dicken mai als Teileu der Weit cis-«- Icclsmhom d. II. A.»Z. c. I. sure-, c. f. A. Mist-· Mw sur ) W zu Presse-kode Mittel U - g» ts: IF M Das uan Artus-M bestes Geschäft feiner Wir haben die cletsubetüe elekti chk Witwe-is zu. list-status von Miete-.! s- sum IWZW Ist Fabrikanten von Danks ist Brut-weich Eiieubahuem Oel, Faun and Ratsch. Der »Hast-Hier Uchklto stu sllos", patentiert l E Laßt Euch Preise geben. I tclcs scstlll II- III-I Ist'- Ck- 7m »Alle Satt-it von Druck - Arbeiten, wte VIII-ed »Foldet8,« Briefisse und Kam-etw, Karten, Eins-law Einladung usw« in Deutsch and Englisch, nett ausgeführt Stank-ach Vriutias Compa u y, Nachfolger von Wilh Schwegmann Printing Compamk 206 Nin-atr- Stt Tel. Er 7624 W —- Die Brudetliebe des Menschen ist nur die Gegenseitigkeit —- fiski M· dies-« most-. |
github_open_source_100_1_355 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | use std::f64;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
fn start() {
let document = web_sys::window().unwrap().document().unwrap();
let canvas = document.get_element_by_id("canvas").unwrap();
let canvas: web_sys::HtmlCanvasElement = canvas
.map_err(|_| ())
let context = canvas
// Draw the outer circle.
.arc(75.0, 75.0, 50.0, 0.0, f64::consts::PI * 2.0)
// Draw the mouth.
context.move_to(110.0, 75.0);
context.arc(75.0, 75.0, 35.0, 0.0, f64::consts::PI).unwrap();
// Draw the left eye.
context.move_to(65.0, 65.0);
.arc(60.0, 65.0, 5.0, 0.0, f64::consts::PI * 2.0)
// Draw the right eye.
context.move_to(95.0, 65.0);
.arc(90.0, 65.0, 5.0, 0.0, f64::consts::PI * 2.0)
99250_2001_3 | SEC | Public Domain | New accounting standards In June 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS No. 141, "Business Combinations" and SFAS No. 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets." SFAS No. 141 establishes accounting and reporting standards for business combinations and requires all business combinations to be accounted for by the purchase method. The statement is effective for all business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001, and any business combinations accounted for using the purchase method for which the date of acquisition is July 1, 2001, or later. SFAS No. 142 addresses accounting and reporting standards for goodwill and other intangible assets. Under the provisions of this statement, goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are no longer amortized, but will be tested annually for impairment. Transco applied the new rules beginning January 1, 2002. Because Transco has no goodwill and intangible assets are amortized at rates approved by the FERC through regulatory proceedings, the adoption of these standards is not expected to have a material effect on Transco's results of operations and financial position.
In June 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 143, "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations." This statement addresses financial accounting and reporting for obligations associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets and the associated asset retirement costs and amends SFAS No. 19, "Financial Accounting and Reporting by Oil and Gas Producing Companies." The statement requires that the fair value of a liability for an asset retirement obligation be recognized in the period in which it is incurred if a reasonable estimate of fair value can be made, and that the associated asset retirement costs be capitalized as part of the carrying amount of the long-lived asset. The statement is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2002. The effect of this standard on Transco's results of operations and financial position is being evaluated.
In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets." This statement supersedes SFAS No. 121, "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed of" and amends APB Opinion No. 30, "Reporting the Results of Operations - Reporting the Effects of Disposal of a Segment of a Business and Extraordinary, Unusual and Infrequently Occurring Events and Transactions." The statement retains the basic framework of SFAS No. 121, resolves certain implementation issues of SFAS No. 121, extends applicability to discontinued operations, and broadens the presentation of discontinued operations to include a component of an entity. The statement is being applied prospectively, beginning January 1, 2002. Initial adoption of this statement did not have any impact on Transco's results of operations or financial position.
Reclassifications Certain reclassifications have been made in the 2000 and 1999 financial statements to conform to the 2001 presentation.
Rate and Regulatory Matters
General rate case (Docket No. RP01-245) On March 1, 2001, Transco submitted to the FERC a general rate filing principally designed to recover costs associated with an increase in rate base resulting from additional plant, an increase in rate of return and related taxes, and an increase in operation and maintenance expenses. The filing reflects an annual cost of service increase of approximately $227 million over the cost of service underlying the rates reflected in the settlement of Transco's Docket No. RP97-71 rate proceeding, as subsequently adjusted pursuant to the terms of that settlement and FERC orders resolving issues reserved by the settlement for FERC decision. The filing also reflects certain changes to Transco's tariff, cost allocation and rate design methods, including, among other things, the roll-in of Transco's Mobile Bay expansion project, and a pro forma proposal to roll-in the costs of Transco's SunBelt, Pocono and Cherokee expansion projects.
On March 28, 2001, the FERC issued an order accepting and suspending Transco's March 1, 2001 general rate filing to be effective September 1, 2001, subject to refund and the outcome of a hearing. On August 31, 2001, Transco filed a motion to place the rates into effect on September 1, 2001, in accordance with the FERC's March 28, 2001 order. On September 27, 2001, the FERC accepted that filing, subject to certain conditions, including the condition that Transco file tariff sheets regarding the elimination of costs associated with facilities that the FERC had approved for abandonment in the various spindown proceedings discussed below. On October 9, 2001, Transco filed a request for rehearing of that condition in the September 27, 2001 order. On November 6, 2001, the FERC granted Transco an extension of time to comply with the requirement in the September 27, 2001 order on Transco's motion rate filing that Transco adjust its rates to reflect the removal of the costs of facilities abandoned in the spindown proceedings. The FERC granted the extension of time until 30 days after the FERC acts on Transco's request for rehearing of the September 27, 2001 order.
On December 19, 2001, the FERC issued an order on rehearing of its September 27, 2001 order. In the December 19 order, the FERC granted rehearing of the requirement that Transco adjust its rates to eliminate costs related to the facilities that have not yet been abandoned and transferred, but denied rehearing of that requirement with respect to certain facilities that were abandoned and transferred effective December 1, 2001 since Transco no longer owns those facilities and the facilities are no longer used by Transco to provide jurisdictional service. As to the facilities that have not yet been abandoned and transferred, the FERC has issued orders in Docket Nos. CP01-34-000, CP01-103-000 and CP01-368-000 directing Transco to show cause why it should not be required to file revised rates reflecting the removal of the costs associated with those facilities effective with the date the facilities are abandoned and transferred. As to the facilities that were abandoned and transferred effective December 1, 2001, the FERC directed that Transco file revised tariff sheets to be effective December 1, 2001, reflecting the removal of the costs of the facilities that were abandoned and transferred.
On January 18, 2002, Transco filed answers to the show cause orders in Docket Nos. CP01-34-000, CP01-103-000 and CP01-368-000, stating that it should not be required to adjust its rates upon abandonment and transfer of the facilities but that the rate effects should be addressed in the next general rate case following any abandonment and transfer of the facilities. On January 18, 2002, Transco also filed a request for rehearing of the December 19, 2001 order with respect to the facilities that were abandoned and transferred effective December 1, 2001, stating that it should not be required to adjust its rates effective December 1, 2001, and that the rate effects of that abandonment and transfer should be addressed in Transco's next general rate case. Subject to that request for rehearing, Transco filed on January 18, 2002 a compliance filing to adjust its rates, effective December 1, 2001, to reflect the removal of the costs of the facilities that were abandoned and transferred. On February 28, 2002, the FERC issued an order on Transco's January 18, 2002 filing, which consolidates the issues concerning whether Transco's filing complies with the directive of the December 19, 2001 order with the hearing established in this general rate case proceeding, and accepts the January 18, 2002 filing effective December 1, 2001, subject to refund, the outcome of rehearing of the December 19, 2001 order and the outcome of the hearing in Docket No. RP01-245. Transco has provided a reserve for rate refunds which it believes is adequate for any refunds that may be required.
General rate case (Docket No. RP97-71) On November 1, 1996, Transco submitted to the FERC a general rate case filing principally designed to recover costs associated with increased capital expenditures. These increased capital expenditures primarily relate to system reliability, integrity and Clean Air Act compliance.
When stated on a comparable basis, the rates Transco placed into effect on May 1, 1997, subject to refund, represented an annual cost of service increase of approximately $47 million over the cost of service underlying the rates contained in the settlement of Transco's last general rate filing (Docket No. RP95-197).
The filing also included (1) a pro-forma proposal to roll-in the costs of Transco's Leidy Line and Southern expansion incremental projects and (2) a pro-forma proposal to make interruptible transportation (IT) backhaul rates equal to the IT forward haul rates.
On November 29, 1996, the FERC issued an order accepting Transco's filing, suspending its effectiveness until May 2, 1997 (subsequently revised, on rehearing, to May 1, 1997) and establishing a hearing to examine the reasonableness of Transco's proposed rates. In addition, the order consolidated Transco's pro forma roll-in proposal with the Phase II hearing in Docket No. RP95-197.
On January 20, 1998, Transco filed a Stipulation and Agreement for approval by the FERC, which resolves all cost of service, throughput and other issues in this proceeding, except rate of return, capital structure and certain minor cost allocation and rate design issues. On June 12, 1998, the FERC issued an order approving the settlement. On October 30, 1998, Transco issued refunds in connection with the settlement in the amount of $89.5 million, including interest, for which Transco had previously provided a reserve. The issues not resolved by the settlement were litigated by the parties before a FERC Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). On March 30, 1999, the ALJ issued her initial decision which is consistent with the rate of return and capital structure policies FERC announced in RP95-197. Applying these policies, the ALJ recommended utilization of Transco's own capital structure, consisting of 60.2% equity, and a return on equity of 12.40%. Based on developments in regulatory proceedings involving Transco, and on advice from counsel, in the fourth quarter of 1999, Transco adjusted its reserve for rate refunds by $26.0 million ($23.4 million of principal and $2.6 million of interest) to reflect its conclusion that the risk associated with one of the issues in this proceeding has been eliminated. On March 17, 2000, the FERC issued an order which, among other things, affirmed the ALJ's decision on the rate of return and capital structure issues. On April 17, 2000, several parties requested rehearing of, among other things, issues related to the FERC's rate of return decision in the March 17, 2000, order. Transco evaluated the effect of the order and requests for rehearing and, during the second quarter of 2000, reduced its reserve for rate refunds by $71.2 million ($62.7 million of principal and $8.5 million of interest) to reflect its conclusion that the risk associated with certain of the issues in this proceeding has been eliminated. On November 1, 2000, Transco made rate refunds of $95 million, including interest, for the period May 1, 1997 through February 29, 2000. On January 24, 2001, the FERC issued an order denying all of the requests for rehearing of the March 17, 2000 order, and directing Transco to file revised tariff sheets consistent with the order effective February 1, 2001 and to make appropriate refunds. General rate case (Docket No. RP95-197) On March 1, 1995, Transco filed with the FERC a general rate case that proposed changes in the rates for Transco's transportation, sales and storage service rate schedules effective April 1, 1995. The changes in rates, if accepted as proposed, would have generated additional annual jurisdictional revenues of approximately $132 million over the pre-filed rates in effect, based, among other things, on an increase in Transco's cost of capital resulting from an increase in the equity component of the capital structure used (the filing was based on Transco's own capital structure) and in the cost of equity from the pre-filed rate of return on equity of 14.45% to the proposed rate of return on equity of 15.25%.
On March 31, 1995, the FERC issued an order on Transco's filing which accepted and suspended the tariff sheets relating to Transco's rates, to be effective September 1, 1995, subject to refund, and established hearing procedures.
Through settlement and litigation, all issues in this proceeding have been resolved, except certain cost allocation and rate design issues discussed below.
A hearing concerning the cost allocation and rate design issues not resolved by settlement concluded in November 1996. A supplemental hearing to consider Transco's roll-in proposal filed in Docket No. RP97-71 was completed in June 1997. On March 24, 1998, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) issued an initial decision on all of these issues. As to the main issue addressed in the decision, rolled-in pricing, the ALJ determined that the proponents of roll-in, including Transco, must satisfy the burden under Section 5 of the NGA and demonstrate that Transco's existing incremental rate treatment is unjust and unreasonable and that the proposed rolled-in rate treatment is just and reasonable. The ALJ ruled that neither Transco nor any of the other roll-in proponents had satisfied that burden and, therefore, that Transco's existing incremental rate treatment must remain in effect. On April 16, 1999, the FERC issued an order reversing the ALJ, concluding that Transco's proposal did not have to meet the Section 5 burden discussed above and that under the appropriate standard, Section 4, Transco had demonstrated that its proposal was just and reasonable. As a result, the FERC remanded to the ALJ issues regarding the implementation of Transco's roll-in proposal. Several parties filed requests for rehearing of the FERC's April 16, 1999 order, and on March 28, 2001, the FERC issued an order denying those requests for rehearing. On April 27, 2001, several parties filed a request for rehearing of the March 28, 2001 order, and on June 13, 2001, the FERC denied that request for rehearing. On August 10, 2001, several parties filed a petition for review in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Circuit Court) of the FERC's April 16, 1999, March 28, 2001 and June 13, 2001 orders. On April 4, 2000, the ALJ issued an initial decision on the remanded issues relating to the implementation of Transco's roll-in proposal. The ALJ ruled in favor of Transco's positions, with the exception of one of Transco's proposed cost allocation changes and a requirement that the roll-in of the costs of the incremental projects into Transco's system rates be phased in over a three-year period. Rate of return calculation On January 30, 1998, the FERC convened a public conference to consider, on an industry-wide basis, issues with respect to rates of return for interstate natural gas pipelines. In July 1998, the FERC issued orders announcing a modification of its methodology for calculating a pipeline's return on equity. Certain parties appealed the FERC's action because the modified formula results in somewhat higher rates of return compared to the rates of return calculated by the prior formula. These appeals have been denied and the FERC has continued to utilize the formula as modified in 1998.
Production area rate design (Docket Nos. RP92-137 and RP93-136) Transco has expressed to the FERC concerns that inconsistent treatment under Order 636 of Transco and its competitor pipelines with regard to rate design and cost allocation issues in the production area may result in rates which could make Transco less competitive, both in terms of production-area and long-haul transportation. A hearing before an ALJ (Docket Nos. RP92-137 and RP93-136), dealing with, among other things, Transco's production-area rate design, concluded in June 1994. On July 19, 1995, the ALJ issued an initial decision finding that Transco's proposed production area rate design, and its existing use of a system wide cost of service and allocation of firm capacity in the production area are unjust and unreasonable. The ALJ therefore recommended that Transco divide its costs between its production area and market area, and permit its customers to renominate their firm entitlements.
On July 3, 1996, the FERC issued an order on review of the ALJ's initial decision concerning, among other things, Transco's production area rate design. The FERC rejected the ALJ's recommendations that Transco divide its costs between its production area and market area, and permit its customers to renominate their firm entitlements. The FERC also concluded that Transco may offer firm service on its supply laterals through an open season and eliminate its IT feeder service in favor of an interruptible service option that does not afford shippers feeding firm transportation on Transco's production area mainline a priority over other interruptible transportation. On December 18, 1996, the FERC denied rehearing of its July 3, 1996 Order. Several parties, including Transco, filed petitions for review in the D.C. Circuit Court of the FERC's orders addressing production area rate design issues. Transco subsequently withdrew its appeal. On March 24, 2000, the D.C. Circuit Court issued its opinion in the remaining appeal. The court determined that the FERC failed to adequately explain its decision to reject Transco's production area rate design proposal for its supply laterals, and remanded the case back to the FERC for further action. In response to an order issued by the FERC on July 31, 2000, the parties submitted briefs on the issues in order to assist the FERC in determining how best to proceed in this case. On May 31, 2001, the FERC issued its order on remand, addressing the issues briefed by the parties. The FERC held that Transco's "firm-to-the-wellhead" proposal would abrogate shipper contracts in a manner not authorized by those contracts, and therefore rejected the proposal. As a result, Transco's current production area rate design and service structure remains in effect. Transco and other parties each filed a request for rehearing of the FERC's order, and on July 27, 2001, the FERC denied those requests. Several parties, including Transco, have filed petitions for review in the D.C. Circuit Court of the FERC's May 31 and July 27, 2001 orders.
Gathering facilities spin-down order (Docket Nos. CP96-206-000 and CP96-207-000) In February 1996, Transco filed an application with the FERC for an order authorizing the abandonment of certain facilities located onshore and offshore in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi by conveyance to Williams Gas Processing - Gulf Coast Company (Gas Processing), an affiliate of Transco. The net book value recorded by Transco at December 31, 2001 of the facilities was approximately $416 million. An operating loss recorded by Transco for the year ended December 31, 2001 associated with the facilities was approximately $8 million; however, such operating loss may not be representative of the effects of the spin-down on Transco's future operating income due to various factors, including future regulatory actions. Concurrently, Gas Processing filed a petition for declaratory order requesting a determination that its gathering services and rates be exempt from FERC regulation under the NGA. On September 25, 1996, the FERC issued an order dismissing Transco's application and Gas Processing's petition for declaratory order. On October 25, 1996, Transco and Gas Processing filed a joint request for rehearing of the FERC's September 25 order, and in August 1997, filed a request that rehearing be expedited. On June 14, 2001, the FERC issued an order that denied the request for rehearing filed by Transco and Gas Processing. An appeal of the order denying rehearing was filed on July 26, 2001.
In addition, Transco has filed with the FERC the four applications described below seeking authorization to abandon portions of the facilities included in the February 1996 application.
Tilden/McMullen Facilities Spin-down Proceeding (Docket Nos. CP98-236 and 242) In February 1998, Transco filed an application with the FERC seeking authorization to abandon Transco's onshore Tilden/McMullen Gathering System located in Texas by conveyance to Gas Processing. Gas Processing filed a contemporaneous request that the FERC declare that the facilities sought to be abandoned would be considered nonjurisdictional gathering facilities upon transfer to Gas Processing. In May 1999, the FERC issued an order in which it determined that certain of the facilities would be gathering facilities upon transfer to Gas Processing, i.e., 1) those facilities upstream of and including the Tilden Plant, 2) the South McMullen and Goebel Laterals located downstream of the Tilden Plant, and 3) the small, short laterals which branch out from the McMullen Lateral downstream of the Tilden Plant at several points along its length. However, the FERC determined that the McMullen Lateral itself, as well as two compressor units, are jurisdictional facilities, but authorized their abandonment subject to Gas Processing obtaining a certificate to operate those facilities. On June 3, 1999, Transco and Gas Processing filed for rehearing of the order with regard to the facilities classified by the FERC as jurisdictional facilities, and on October 5, 1999, the FERC denied the rehearing request. On March 7, 2000, Transco filed a limited NGA Section 4 filing with the FERC, notifying the FERC that Transco intended to effectuate the spin-down to Gas Processing of the Tilden/McMullen facilities determined by the FERC to be nonjurisdictional gathering facilities to be effective April 1, 2000, and adjusting Transco's rates on a prospective basis effective with the spin-down to reflect a decrease in Transco's overall cost of service, rate base and operation and maintenance expense resulting from the spin-down. The net book value of the facilities included in this limited NGA filing is approximately $18 million and annual operating income associated with these facilities is estimated to be less than $1 million. On April 6, 2000, the FERC issued an order accepting the March 7, 2000, filing effective April 1, 2000, subject to refund and the outcome of the Docket No. RP97-71 proceeding. Effective April 1, 2000, the applicable Tilden/McMullen facilities were spun down by Transco through a non-cash dividend of $18.1 million.
North Padre Island/Central Texas Systems Spin-down Proceeding (Docket Nos. CP01-32-000 and CP01-34-000) In November 2000, Transco filed an application with the FERC seeking authorization to abandon certain of Transco's offshore Texas facilities by conveyance to Gas Processing. Gas Processing filed a contemporaneous request that the FERC declare that the facilities sought to be abandoned would be considered nonjurisdictional gathering facilities upon transfer to Gas Processing. On July 25, 2001, the FERC approved the abandonment and the non-jurisdictional treatment of all the facilities requested in the applications of Transco and Gas Processing. Effective December 1, 2001, a portion of the applicable facilities was spun down by Transco through a non-cash dividend of $3.3 million, which represents the net book value of the facilities as of that date. At December 31, 2001, the net book value of the facilities remaining to be spun down in this proceeding was approximately $73.4 million including the Williams purchase price allocation to Transco. The transfer of these facilities will not have a material impact on Transco's results of operations and financial position.
North High Island/West Cameron Systems Spin-down Proceeding (Docket Nos. CP01-103-000 and CP01-104-000) In March 2001, Transco filed an application with the FERC seeking authorization to abandon certain of Transco's offshore Texas and offshore and onshore Louisiana facilities by conveyance to Gas Processing. Gas Processing filed a contemporaneous request that the FERC declare that the facilities sought to be abandoned would be considered nonjurisdictional gathering facilities upon transfer to Gas Processing. On July 25, 2001, the FERC approved the abandonment and the non-jurisdictional treatment of a portion of the facilities requested in the applications of Transco and Gas Processing. On August 24, 2001, Transco and Gas Processing filed a Request for Rehearing and Limited Stay, and on December 19, 2001, the FERC issued an Order on Rehearing denying the requests to reclassify the remaining facilities as non-jurisdictional gathering and requiring Transco to show cause why it should not be required to file to adjust its rates 30 days prior to the effectiveness of the transfer of the facilities from Transco to Gas Processing.
Central Louisiana System Spin-down Proceeding (Docket Nos. CP01-368-000 and CP01-369-000) In May 2001, Transco filed an application with the FERC seeking authorization to abandon certain of Transco's offshore and onshore Louisiana facilities by conveyance to Gas Processing. Gas Processing filed a contemporaneous request that the FERC declare that the facilities sought to be abandoned would be considered nonjurisdictional gathering facilities upon transfer to Gas Processing. On August 31, 2001, the FERC approved the abandonment and the non-jurisdictional treatment of a portion of the facilities requested in the applications of Transco and Gas Processing. On October 1, 2001, Transco and Gas Processing filed a Request for Rehearing and Limited Stay, and on December 19, 2001, the FERC issued an Order on Rehearing denying the request to reclassify the remaining facilities as non-jurisdictional gathering and requiring Transco to show cause why it should not be required to file to adjust its rates 30 days prior to the effectiveness of the transfer of the facilities from Transco to Gas Processing.
The net book value, at the application date, of the North High Island/West Cameron and Central Louisiana facilities included in these two applications was approximately $65.2 million including the Williams purchase price allocation to Transco. The transfer of these facilities will not have a material impact on Transco's results of operations and financial position.
1999 Fuel Tracker (Docket No. TM99-6-29) On March 1, 1999, Transco made its annual filing pursuant to its FERC Gas Tariff to recalculate the fuel retention percentages applicable to Transco's transportation and storage rate schedules, to be effective April 1, 1999. Included in the filing were two adjustments that increased the estimated gas required for operations in prior periods by approximately 8 billion cubic feet. By letter order dated March 31, 1999, the FERC accepted the filing to be effective April 1, 1999, subject to refund and to further FERC action.
On February 23, 2000, the FERC issued an order disallowing the major portions of the adjustments reflected in the March 1, 1999 filing. The FERC determined that Transco's tariff does not permit those adjustments, and as a result, the passthrough of those prior period adjustments must be determined on a case by case basis, based on the relative equities involved. Based on its analysis of the facts in this case, the FERC found in the February 23, 2000 order that the equities weighed against Transco. On March 24, 2000, Transco filed a request for rehearing of the February 23, 2000 order and on October 30, 2000, the FERC issued an order granting rehearing. The FERC found that its decision to disallow the adjustments amounted to a "penalty" that is not equitable to Transco. The FERC therefore permits Transco to make the adjustments, but requires Transco to collect the revenue associated with the adjustments over a seven-year period. On November 29, 2000, several of Transco's customers jointly filed for rehearing of the FERC's October 30 order. On December 29, 2000, Transco filed tariff sheets and supporting documentation in compliance with the FERC's October 30 order, and certain parties protested that filing. On May 30, 2001, the FERC issued an order that denied the joint request for rehearing, and on July 19, 2001, certain customers filed an appeal of the FERC's October 30 and May 30 orders with the D.C. Circuit Court. Transco's December 29, 2000 compliance filing is pending before the FERC. In the second quarter of 2001, Transco recorded a $15 million reduction in the cost of natural gas transportation to reflect the regulatory approval to recover the cost of gas required for operations in prior periods.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Docket No. RM01-10-000) On September 27, 2001, the FERC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to adopt uniform standards of conduct for transmission providers. The proposed rules define transmission providers as interstate natural gas pipelines and public utilities that own, operate or control electric transmission facilities. The proposed standards would regulate the conduct of transmission providers with their energy affiliates. The FERC proposes to define energy affiliates broadly to include any transmission provider affiliate that engages in or is involved in transmission (gas or electric) transactions, or manages or controls transmission capacity, or buys, sells, trades or administers natural gas or electric energy or engages in financial transactions relating to the sale or transmission of natural gas or electricity. Current rules regulate the conduct of Transco and its natural gas marketing affiliates. If adopted, these new standards would require the adoption of new compliance measures by Transco.
Legal Proceedings
Royalty claims and litigation In connection with Transco's renegotiations with producers to resolve take-or-pay and other contract claims and to amend gas purchase contracts, Transco entered into certain settlements which may require the indemnification by Transco of certain claims for additional royalties which the producers may be required to pay as a result of such settlements. Transco has been made aware of demands on producers for additional royalties and such producers may receive other demands which could result in claims against Transco pursuant to the indemnification provisions in their respective settlements. Indemnification for royalties will depend on, among other things, the specific lease provisions between the producer and the lessor and the terms of the settlement between the producer and Transco.
On March 15, 1994, a lawsuit was filed in the 189th Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas (Texaco, Inc. vs. Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation). In this lawsuit, the plaintiff has claimed approximately $23 million, including interest and attorneys' fees for reimbursements of settlement amounts paid to royalty owners. In October 1997, a jury verdict in this case found that Transco was required to pay Texaco damages of $14.5 million plus $3.75 million in attorney's fees. In 1998, the trial judge entered judgment consistent with the jury verdict and also awarded prejudgment interest of $5.0 million. In addition, through December 31, 2001, postjudgment interest was approximately $10.5 million. On June 8, 2000, the Texas Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court judgment and on February 1, 2001, Transco's rehearing request was denied. Transco filed a petition for review on April 2, 2001 with the Texas Supreme Court. On February 21, 2002, the Texas Supreme Court denied Transco's petition for review. As a result, Transco recorded a pre-tax charge to income for the year ended December 31, 2001 in the amount of $37 million representing management's estimate of the effect of this ruling. Transco plans to request rehearing of the court's decision.
In addition, Transco was notified by Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. (FMP) in February 1995, that pursuant to a settlement with the Mineral Management Service (MMS) of the MMS' claim for royalties due under gas contracts between Transco and FMP which had been modified pursuant to settlement agreements made in 1986 and 1989, FMP was asserting a claim for indemnification of approximately $6 million, including interest, under the excess royalty provisions of those settlement agreements. On or about March 30, 1995, FMP filed a petition for specific performance seeking recovery against Transco for the sums claimed under the settlement agreements. In May 1998, FMP filed a motion for summary judgment which Transco opposed. In September 1998, the court granted FMP's motion finding that at least a portion of FMP's payment to the MMS was subject to indemnification. Transco appealed the court's ruling, and in March 2000, the appellate court reversed the trial court and remanded the case for trial, which is now scheduled to begin in December 2002. FMP's claim, including interest calculated through December 31, 2001 is $ 9.6 million.
In August 1996, royalty owners in certain gas wells in Brooks County, Texas, filed a lawsuit against parties producing gas from the wells, claiming $50 million in damages for incorrectly calculated royalties since 1985. Transco purchased gas from the wells and was also named as a defendant. In July 2000, the lawsuit was settled. The settlement amount was funded by the defendants in proportion to their respective working interests in the wells. Since Transco never owned a working interest in any of the wells, it had no obligation to participate in the funding of the settlement amount. However, in August 2000, one defendant working-interest owner, Mobil, made a claim in the amount of $6.7 million against Transco for reimbursement of its settlement contribution and associated legal defense costs on the basis that such amount represented excess royalty payments under a gas purchase contract it had with Transco. In September 2001, Transco was informed that Mobil filed on August 30, 2000, but did not serve, a lawsuit against Transco seeking reimbursement for the payment made by Mobil to settle the litigation and one-half of the costs and expenses it incurred in defense of the litigation. Transco accepted service of the lawsuit on September 26, 2001. Transco filed an answer to the lawsuit denying liability for Mobil's claim. The lawsuit is in the pretrial discovery phase.
In 1998, the United States Department of Justice informed Williams that Jack Grynberg, an individual, had filed claims in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado under the False Claims Act against Williams and certain of its wholly-owned subsidiaries including Transco. Mr. Grynberg has also filed claims against approximately 300 other energy companies and alleges that the defendants violated the False Claims Act in connection with the measurement and purchase of hydrocarbons. The relief sought is an unspecified amount of royalties allegedly not paid to the federal government, treble damages, a civil penalty, attorneys' fees, and costs. On April 9, 1999, the United States Department of Justice announced that it was declining to intervene in any of the Grynberg qui tam cases; including the action filed against the Williams entities in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado. On October 21, 1999, the Panel on Multi-District Litigation transferred all of the Grynberg qui tam cases, including those filed against Williams, to the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming for pre-trial purposes. Motions to dismiss the complaints were filed by various defendants, including Williams. In May 2001, the Court denied the pending motions.
On June 8, 2001, fourteen Williams entities, including Transco, were named as defendants in a nationwide class action lawsuit which has been pending against other defendants, generally pipeline and gathering companies, for more than one year. The plaintiffs allege that the defendants, including the Williams defendants, have engaged in mismeasurement techniques that distort the heating content of natural gas, resulting in an alleged underpayment of royalties to the class of producer plaintiffs. The Williams entities are pursuing dispositive motions and contesting class certification. In September 2001, the plaintiffs voluntarily dismissed two of the fourteen Williams entities named as defendants.
Environmental Matters
In July 1999, Transco received a letter stating that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), at the request of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), intends to file a civil action against Transco arising from its waste management practices at Transco's compressor stations and metering stations located in eleven (11) states from Texas to New Jersey. DOJ stated in the letter that its complaint will seek civil penalties and injunctive relief under federal environmental laws. DOJ offered to discuss settlement of the claim and discussions began in September 1999 and continued into 2001. Transco believes it has substantially addressed environmental concerns on its system through ongoing voluntary remediation and management programs. In December 2001, Transco agreed to settle this matter by signing a Consent Decree which will be filed for U.S. District Court approval. The Consent Decree provides for a civil penalty of $1.4 million, which was accrued by Transco in 2001.
Transco is subject to extensive federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations which affect Transco's operations related to the construction and operation of its pipeline facilities. Appropriate governmental authorities may enforce these laws and regulations with a variety of civil and criminal enforcement measures, including monetary penalties, assessment and remediation requirements and injunctions as to future compliance. Transco's use and disposal of hazardous materials are subject to the requirements of the federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and comparable state statutes. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as "Superfund," imposes liability, without regard to fault or the legality of the original act, for release of a "hazardous substance" into the environment. Because these laws and regulations change from time to time, practices that have been acceptable to the industry and to the regulators have to be changed and assessment and monitoring have to be undertaken to determine whether those practices have damaged the environment and whether remediation is required. Since 1989, Transco has had studies underway to test certain of its facilities for the presence of toxic and hazardous substances to determine to what extent, if any, remediation may be necessary. On the basis of the findings to date, Transco estimates that environmental assessment and remediation costs that will be incurred over the next five years under TSCA, RCRA, CERCLA and comparable state statutes will total approximately $32 million to $35 million, measured on an undiscounted basis. This estimate depends upon a number of assumptions concerning the scope of remediation that will be required at certain locations and the cost of remedial measures to be undertaken. Transco is continuing to conduct environmental assessments and is implementing a variety of remedial measures that may result in increases or decreases in the total estimated costs. At December 31, 2001, Transco had a reserve of approximately $32 million for these estimated costs that has been recorded in current liabilities ($5 million) and other long-term liabilities ($27 million) in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheet.
Transco considers environmental assessment and remediation costs and costs associated with compliance with environmental standards to be recoverable through rates, since they are prudent costs incurred in the ordinary course of business. To date, Transco has been permitted recovery of environmental costs incurred, and it is Transco's intent to continue seeking recovery of such costs, as incurred, through rate filings. Therefore, these estimated costs of environmental assessment and remediation have been recorded as regulatory assets in current assets and other assets in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheet.
Transco has used lubricating oils containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and, although the use of such oils was discontinued in the 1970s, has discovered residual PCB contamination in equipment and soils at certain gas compressor station sites. Transco has worked closely with the EPA and state regulatory authorities regarding PCB issues, and has a program to assess and remediate such conditions where they exist, the costs of which are included in the $32 million to $35 million range discussed above.
Transco has been identified as a potentially responsible party (PRP) at various Superfund and state waste disposal sites. Based on present volumetric estimates and other factors, Transco's estimated aggregate exposure for remediation of these sites is less than $500,000. The estimated remediation costs for all such sites have been included in Transco's environmental reserve discussed above. Liability under CERCLA (and applicable state law) can be joint and several with other PRPs. Although volumetric allocation is a factor in assessing liability, it is not necessarily determinative; thus, the ultimate liability could be substantially greater than the amounts described above.
Transco is also subject to the federal Clean Air Act and to the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (1990 Amendments), which added significantly to the existing requirements established by the federal Clean Air Act. The 1990 Amendments required that the EPA issue new regulations, mainly related to stationary sources, air toxics, ozone non-attainment areas and acid rain. During the last few years Transco has been acquiring all necessary permits and installing new emission control devices required for new or modified facilities in areas designated as attainment by EPA and is continuing that process. Transco operates facilities in some areas of the country currently designated as non-attainment and it anticipates that during 2002 the EPA may designate additional new non-attainment areas which might impact Transco's operations. Pursuant to non-attainment area requirements of the 1990 Amendments, and recently proposed EPA rules designed to mitigate the migration of ground-level ozone (NOx) in 22 eastern states, Transco is planning installation of air pollution controls on existing sources at certain facilities in order to reduce NOx emissions. Transco anticipates that additional facilities may be subject to increased controls within five years. For many of these facilities, Transco is developing more cost effective and innovative compressor engine control designs. Due to the developing nature of federal and state emission regulations, it is not possible to precisely determine the ultimate emission control costs. In addition, the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission (TNRCC) has issued regulations regarding emissions in the Houston/Galveston and Beaumont/Port Arthur areas of Texas. The emission control additions required to comply with current federal Clean Air Act requirements, the 1990 Amendments, the TNRCC regulations and the individual state implementation plans for NOx reductions are estimated to cost in the range of $180 million to $200 million. These costs may be incurred over the next four years and will be recorded as additions to property, plant and equipment as the facilities are added. If the EPA designates additional new non-attainment areas in 2002 which impact Transco's operations, the cost of additions to property, plant and equipment is expected to increase. Transco is unable at this time to estimate with any certainty the cost of additions that may be required to meet new regulations, although it is believed that some of those costs are included in the ranges discussed above. Summary
While no assurances may be given, Transco does not believe that the ultimate resolution of the foregoing matters, taken as a whole and after consideration of amounts accrued, recovery from customers, insurance coverage or other indemnification arrangements, will have a materially adverse effect upon Transco's future financial position, results of operations or cash flow requirements.
Other Commitments
Commitments for construction Transco has commitments for construction and acquisition of property, plant and equipment of approximately $121 million at December 31, 2001 of which the majority relates to construction materials for pipeline expansion projects.
Long-term debt At December 31, 2001 and 2000, long-term debt issues were outstanding as follows (in thousands):
7.08% due 2026
$ 7,500
$ 200,000
7.25% due 2026
Total debentures
8-7/8% due 2002
Variable rate due 2002
6-1/8% due 2005
6-1/4% due 2008
7% due 2011
Total notes
Total long-term debt issues
Unamortized debt premium and discount
Current maturities
Total long-term debt, less current maturities
$ 797,994
$ 774,850
Sinking fund or prepayment requirements applicable to long-term debt outstanding at December 31, 2001 are as follows (in thousands):
7.08% Debentures
$ 7,500
8-7/8% Note
Variable rate Note
$ 282,500
6-1/8% Note
$ 200,000
There are no sinking fund requirements applicable to long-term debt outstanding for the years 2003, 2004 and 2006.
No property is pledged as collateral under any of the long-term debt issues.
Williams and certain of its subsidiaries, including Transco, are parties to a $700 million credit agreement (Credit Agreement), under which Transco can borrow up to $400 million if the funds available under the Credit Agreement have not been borrowed by Williams or other subsidiaries. Interest rates vary with current market conditions based on the base rate of Citibank N.A., three-month certificates of deposit of major United States money market banks, federal funds rate or the London Interbank Offered Rate. The Credit Agreement contains restrictions which limit, under certain circumstances, the issuance of additional debt, the attachment of liens on any assets and any change of ownership of Transco. As of December 31, 2001, Transco had no outstanding borrowings under this agreement.
In August 2001, Transco issued $300 million of Series A notes (7.00% Notes), which pay interest at 7.00% per annum on February 15 and August 15 of each year, beginning February 15, 2002. The 7.00% Notes mature on August 15, 2011, but are subject to redemption at anytime, at Transco's option, in whole or part, at a specified redemption price, plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. In January 2002, Transco completed the exchange of all the Series A notes for an equal amount of Series B notes. Transco did not receive any cash proceeds from this exchange. The terms of the Series B notes are substantially identical to those of the Series A notes, except that the transfer restrictions and registration rights relating to the Series A notes do not apply to the Series B notes. The net proceeds of the sale of the notes are being used to fund capital expenditures and for general corporate purposes.
122147_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | २०२१ कोपा अमेरिका दक्षिण अमेरिकी राष्ट्रिय फुटबल टोलीहरूको मुख्य अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रतियोगिता, कोपा अमेरिकाको ४७औँ संस्करण हो। यस प्रतियोगिताको आयोजना दक्षिण अमेरिकी फुटबल सङ्घद्वारा सन् २०२१ जुन १३ देखि जुलाई १० सम्म ब्राजिलमा भइरहेको छ। सुरुमा प्रतियोगिता १२ जुन -१२ जुलाई सम्म अर्जेन्टिना र कोलम्बियामा संयुक्त रुपमा २०२० कोपा अमेरिकाको नाममा आयोजना गर्ने तय गरिएको थियो। १७ मार्च २०२० मा, कन्मेबोलले कोभिड -१९ महामारीको कारणले प्रतियोगिता अर्को वर्षलाई स्थगित गर्ने घोषणा गर्यो। यो घोषणा युएफाको युरो २०२० लाई २०२१ मा गर्ने निर्णय सँग जुध्यो।
२० मे २०२१ मा, कोलम्बियामा राष्ट्रपति इभान डुके मार्केज विरुद्ध भइरहेको प्रदर्शनको कारणले कोलम्बियालाई सहआयोजकको रुपमा हटाइयो, भने कोभिड-१९ मामिलाको कारणले अर्जेन्टिनालाई ३० मे मा हाटाइयो। अर्को दिन कन्मेबोलले ब्राजिललाई प्रतियोगिताको नयाँ आयोजक पुष्टि गर्यो।
आयोजक ब्राजिल प्रतियोगिताको साविक विजेता हो। ब्राजिलले ब्राजिलमै भएको २०१९ कोपा अमेरिकाको रुपमा ९औं उपाधी जितेको थियो।
फाइनलमा अर्जेन्टिनाले आयोजक ब्राजिललाई १-० गोलले पराजित गर्दै १५औं उपाधी जित्यो। यो १९९३ यताकै पहिलो अर्जेन्टिनी उपाधी थियो । अर्जेन्टिनाले सर्वाधिक धेरै पटक कोपा अमेरिका उपाधी जित्ने उरुग्वेको किर्तिमान पनि बराबरी गर्यो । कोलम्बियाले तेस्रो स्थान हात पार्यो।
प्रतियोगिताको अवार्ड निम्नानुसार भयो:
सर्वोत्कृष्ट खेलाडी अवार्ड: लियोनेल मेसी
सर्वाधिक गोलकर्ता अवार्ड : लियोनेल मेसी र Luis Díaz (दुवैको चार गोल)
सर्वोत्कृष्ट गोलकिपर अवार्ड : एमिलियानो मार्टिनेज
फेयर प्ले अवार्ड :
सन्दर्भ सामग्रीहरू
बाह्य कडीहरू
कोपा अमेरिका प्रतियोगिताहरू.
historyofadminis00leggiala_11 | English-PD | Public Domain | But it has been subsequently argued, that inasmuch as no division ever took place in a perfectly full house, ninety-two signatures implied a practical majority, — as though my appreciation of what should constitute a majority is to be regulated by my estimate of the cogency of the respective whips. If, however, we are to count noses with such particularity, let us see how the case stands. I admit that the numerical strength of a house is always in excess of its voting power. There will always be accidental vacancies. But the ranks of each side are equally liable to be thinned by casualties. What was the voting power represented by this Memorial ? It is true, on the word of the Chairman, I took 93 as the number of persons on whose behalf he spoke, but the actual signatures at the time I had to decide on my course were only 92. Of these, three were affixed by proxy, reducing the momentary voting strength of the body represented to 89 ; for it is to be presumed that, unless detained from Ottawa, the remaining gentlemen would have signed with their own hands. Now, if we double 89 we get a house of 178, and no later than last Session 183 names appeared on a division list, — so that the 89 remonstrants represented only a minority of the House even on this principle of reckoning. But during the whole of last Session, Government had a large 172 HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF [1873 majority, a condition of affairs which superinduces a laxity of attendance. Had tin- two parties been more evenly balanced, had victory depended on only a few votes, the muster of members would have been inevitably stronger, and the maximum division list of l83 undoubtedly exceeded. Hut I am not prepared to admit that a Governor General would be justified in taking so serious a step as was then urged upon me, on the strength of a memorial signed even by a majority of Members of Parliament. Except so far as bringing a certain amount of pressure to bear upon him for a momentary purpose, a docu- ment of this nature is quite inconsequent. It would prove so much waste paper in the presence of a different mandate from the constituencies of many of these gentlemen, and when the time for voting arrived the Governor who relied upon it might very well find a considerable proportion of its signatories on the wrong side of the division list, with a do/en plausible excuses for their having played him false. Indeed within a couple of hours after the deputation had left my presence, I was assured on trustworthy authority that soiw of these very persons had openly stated that in signing the Memorial they by no means intended to signify that they withdrew their support from Government. It is further to be remembered that, although I was in Ottawa at six in the morning, I heard nothing of this Memorial until I o'clock, that three was the hour at which Parliament met, that the gentlemen bringing it must have known that its presentation and perusal must have occupied some time, and that I was bound to communicate it to my Ministers, — yet it was upon the strength of a document of this nature, presented in this fashion, when my Speech from the Throne was in the hands of the printers and the guard of honor under arms, that I was expected to take a step which under such circumstances must have inevitably led to a change of Government, and possibly a general election. I have one further point to mention, and I have done. It is a favorite theory at this moment with many persons, that when once grave charges of this nature have been preferred against the Ministry they become ipso facto unfit to counsel the Crown. The practical application of this principle would prove very inconvenient, and would leave not only the Governor General, but every Lieutenant Governor in the Dominion, very thinly provided with responsible advisers, for as far as I have been able to seize the spirit of political controversy in Canada, there is scarcely an eminent man in the country on either side whose character or integrity has not been, at one time or another, the subject of reckless attack by his opponents in the press. Even your Lordship and Mr. Gladstone have not escaped, for it has been more than insinuated that the Imperial Government have been 'got at' by Sir John Macdonald, and that the law officers of Her Majesty were instructed to con- demn the Oaths Bill contrary to their legal convictions. In conclusion, I desired to call your Lordship's attention to the fact, that in this despatch I have made no allusion to the Royal Commission, which I have just issued under the advice of my Ministers. My desire is to keep the transactions relating to the prorogation of Parliament, ami to the issue of the Commission, entirely distinct. These two events are quite disconnected and independent. The reasons which induced me to agree to the prorogation of Parliament had to be considered without reference to the effect of 1873] THE EARL OF DUFFERIN IN CANADA. 173 prorogation on the Committee, or, at least, they appeared sufficiently cogent to over- power any countervailing arguments founded on the necessity of keeping the Com- mittee alive. However much I might have desired to do so, I could not have treated Parliament as a pregnant woman, and prolonged its existence for the sake of the lesser life attached to it. If I have satisfied your Lordship that prorogation under the circumstances was the proper course, the extinction of the Committee was an ill effect with which I had no concern. It is necessary to keep this consi- deration very clearly before our eyes, otherwise a confusion of ideas will ensue, prejudicial to a correct judgment of the case. The extinction of the Committee is being denounced as the worst feature in the transaction by persons who are ready to admit that prorogation was perhaps a necessity, and they insensibly transfer their dissatisfaction with the result to the circumstance which occasioned it. The same class of minds probably conjecture that the destruction of the Committee was the main inducement with my Government for insisting on prorogation, but with speculations of this kind I have nothing to do. I prorogued Parliament for what I considered not only full and sufficient, but imperative reason. The subordinate con- sequences incident to the transaction do not, therefore, come under review. There is one further point it may be well to remember. I see it is asserted that the Government purposely kept its sixty Members away. Of course I have no means of knowing how far this may have been the case. It is probable that having concluded that the session could not be prolonged, my Ministers may have notified their followers to that effect, but it is an indisputable fact, that the absence of a considerable proportion was unavoidable. In another despatch I propose to address your Lordship on the subject of the Commission. I have the honor to be, my Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient servant, (Signed,) DUFFERIN. The Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley, &*£., &>C., &>C. This despatch shews that Lord Dufferin better understood the Constitutional form of government which our early reformers, headed by Robert Baldwin, so long and so untiringly strove to secure than the political descendants of that sterling man, who would have scorned, under any temptation, to violate its principles. It is a notable circum- stance that the only two attacks sustained by Constitutional Govern- ment in Canada, since the Confederation of the Provinces, have been made by the Liberal party, — first, in the case now under consideration, and second, in the person of the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, Mr. Letellier de St. Just, in the early part of this year (1878). If any thing were needed to show the absolute necessity of administering our Colonial Government through a statesman from Britain it would be furnished by the history of these two transactions. 174 HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF [1873 The Governor General, as was to be expected, now became the object of bitter animadversion. Whe Opposition press exhausted the vocabularies of abuse, but its violence was so extreme as to shock all just-minded people, and thus its attacks were deprived of most of their force. Its statements were so grossly untrue, — its views of Con- stitutional Government so crude and incorrect, and its virulence so un- justifiable, that its utterances may be passed by as unworthy of note ; and when we examine the arguments of the cooler men and the more educated minds, which have been placed before the public, on this much debated subject, we find even them so disfigured by mis-state- ments, and so marred by illogical reasoning, that we rise from the task, convinced that Lord Dufferin's position, as taken by himself in his answer to the ninety-two memorialists and in his despatch to the Earl of Kimberley, was the correct one ; and that he, in his dealings with the embroglio, has done the cause of Constitutional Government good service, in the proper application of its principles, and the enlightened working of its rules of practice. The House was prorogued on the i3th August. On the i4th a Royal Commission was issued under the Canadian Act, 31 Vic., Cap. 38, to the Hon. Charles Dewey Day, of Montreal, late one of the Judges of the Superior Court ; the Hon. A. Polette, of Three Rivers, one of the Judges of the Superior Court ; and James Robert Gowan, of Barrie, County Court Judge of the County of Simcoe, in the Pro- vince of Ontario, authorizing them to enquire into the various mat- ters connected with the issue of the Pacific Railway Charter. It will be borne in mind that Mr. Mackenzie's motion of the i3th August declared that : "Constitutional usage requires that charges of corruption against Ministers of the Crown should be investigated by Parliament, and that the assumption of that duty by any tribunal created by the Executive would be a flagrant violation of the privileges of this House." This was, of course, directed against the anticipated issue of a Royal Commission, which the leader of the Opposition, supported by all of his followers, with the exception, perhaps, of Mr. Blake — whose adhesion to the doctrine of Mr. Mackenzie does not seem to have been close — took pains beforehand to denounce. But the point of Constitutional law involved is by no means clear in Mr. Mackenzie's favor ; on the contrary, it seems to be pretty clear against him. In discussing Colonial Constitutional law, it must be kept constant- ly in view that a Governor General, unlike Her Majesty, has two 1873] THE EARL OF DUFFERIN IN CANADA. 175 characters : he is the head of the Executive of the Dominion, and thus far his position is similar to that of Her Majesty in Britain, — but he is, besides, an Imperial officer, charged with the duty of guarding Im- perial interests, as contra-distinguished from Colonial ones. In this particular case this duty was emphasized by the fact that the Home Government had passed an Act to guarantee a large loan to be raised for the purpose of assisting the Pacific Railway enterprise. Admit- ting, for the sake of argument, that the issue of the Royal Commis- sion was per se an improper interference with the privileges of Parliament, — for it is not denied that the moment the House had become "seized" of the matter by the appointment of a Parliamen- tary Committee, any interference with that proceeding would have been irregular — yet it by no means follows that the Governor General, in his character of guardian of Imperial interests, was debarred from enquiry. It might — and there is nothing unreasonable in supposing such a case — it might happen that a dishonest or factious Ministry, supported by a dishonest or factious majority in the House, was pursuing a dishonorable course affecting Imperial interests. To pro- tect these interests is the duty of the representative here of the Crown, but to appeal to his Ministry would, in the case supposed, be useless. Would there be no escape from so anomalous a position ? The duty of the Governor General was to facilitate the Parliamentary enquiry, which he did to the utmost extent of his ability, by insisting on an early and extra session of the House ; his duty to the Imperial author- ities was to institute an enquiry at the earliest moment, — and this he did by means of the Royal Commission. It is vain and unfair to argue that he should not have prorogued. Had he permitted the House, as constituted on the i3th August, to take the matter into its control, he would have been playing into the hands of an unscrupulous minor- ity of the whole House, who well knew that a great many of the sup- porters of the Ministry, trusting to the understanding arrived at before they left Ottawa on the 23rd May, were not in attendance. Ad- journ the House he could not, for that is the act of the House itself; and as the Session was at the moment composed of a majority of the Opposition, who had evidently gathered in strength, hoping to take the Ministry at a disadvantage, — to leave this majority to proceed accord- ing to their pleasure would have been to break faith, or rather permit them, too willing as they were, to break faith with the other members, who were, many of them, thousands of miles distant. The only course, therefore, open to the Governor General was to prorogue, with 176 HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF [1873 the pledge of a speedy Session, and issue a Royal Commission. By this strictly constitutional proceeding he obtained an enquiry into the ( oiulurt of his Ministers, whom he could not on the simplest principles of justice dismiss on mere suspicion, —and he avoided all interference with the privileges of Parliament, since an enquiry on the part of the House could be ordered when it next met. It was urged that this Act gave power to the " Governor in Coun- cil " only to issue the Commission, but, be that as it may, Sir John Macdonald urged the issue from the commencement, and the fact that it was really issued as an act of the Dominion Government in no way detracted from its value as a means of obtaining information, under oath, — from Sir John Macdonald's frankness in offering it, - nor from His Excellency's sincere desire to obtain the fullest information as to the conduct of the members of his Government at the earliest moment, and in the most thorough manner possible. On the 1 8th August His Excellency sent to the Colonial Secre- tary, the Earl of Kimberley, the following despatch : No. 198. CANADA, Aug. 18, 1873. MY LORD, — In my previous despatch of the I5th August, I had the honor of informing your Lordship of the circumstances under which Parliament was pro- rogued on the 1 3th. As a consequence of that event, the Pacific Railway Committee of Enquiry became extinct, and, as I have already mentioned, an interval of eight or ten weeks was to elapse before the re-assembly of Parliament. A question consequently arose as to whether, during this short recess, anything could be done to forward the hitherto abortive inquiry touching the Pacific Railway Charter. When I was at Prince Edward Island, and in communication with my two Ministers, Messrs. TilUy and Tapper, — shortly after the publication of the Me Mul- len correspondence, — I had intimated to them that, should the Committee of the House of Commons find itself unable to prosecute the investigation, the truth must be got at somehow, — and that perhaps an inquiry conducted before three judges of the land might prove a satisfactory issue out of the difficulty. In making this suggestion I was actuated by a double motive. In the first place, I was deeply 1873] THE EARL OF DUFFERIN IN CANADA. 177 distressed at the embarrassing relations which existed between my Ministers and myself. These gentlemen were being assailed by irresponsible newspaper corre- spondents with accusations of the most injurious description. Documents which, perhaps, in themselves proved nothing, had been brought into an alleged connec- tion with a narrative that invested them with a very sinister signification. The Parliamentary Committee that had undertaken to discover the truth appeared to be paralyzed, and the accused were thus shut out from all means of vindicating their characters. Yet it was to these persons I was bound to recur for advice in all matters affecting the administration of public affairs. Again, as an Imperial officer, it was my duty to watch with especial care over Imperial interests. The allegation current against my Ministers and others, was that they had fraudulently dealt with certain monetary trusts, voted indeed by the Parliament of Canada, but guaranteed, to a considerable extent, by the Imperial Government. This being so, I was evidently bound, apart from any action of the Canadian House of Commons, whose powers of scrutiny seemed for the present of small avail, to obtain satisfac- tion in regard to these matters by any constitutional methods within my reach. Indeed from this point of view it was not the Ministry of the day, — who are but an evanescent Committee of Parliament, — but the Parliament of Canada itself that was responsible to Great Britain in respect of any malversation which might have occurred — as having confided the disposal of these interests to improper agents. At the same time, as long as the Parliamentary Committee was in existence, even though it had ceased to act, the resort to any other instrument of investiga- tion was not desirable. Beyond, therefore, the casual suggestion to which I have referred, nothing further was volunteered by me in this sense. When, however, the prorogation or Parliament being decided upon, and the Committee of the House of Commons being about consequently to become extinct, my Government under- took, on its own responsibility, to advise the issue of a Commission to three Judges of character, standing, and acknowledged integrity, I had no difficulty in acquiesc- ing in their recommendation. I have now, therefore, to inform your Lordship that on the I4th August I signed a Commission at the instance of my responsible advisers, and by virtue of the powers vested in the Governor General by the Canadian Act of the 31 Vic., Cap. 38, to the Honorable Judge Day, the Honorable Judge Polette and Judge Gowan, authorizing them to inquire into the various matters connected with the issue of the Pacific Railway Charter. A copy of this Commission I have the honor to append. On referring to it, your Lordship will observe that the purview of the Com- mission is very wide and inquisitorial, and that there is nothing to restrict its recep- tion of anything that may appear to deserve the name of evidence. The professional antecedents of these gentlemen are set forth in the accompanying document, which has been prepared for me by my Ministers. Only one of them is personally known to me, viz. : Judge Day, who, as Chancellor of the McGill University, received me on my visit to that Institution. Since that we have improved our acquaintance, and I have no hesitation in stating, both from what I know and have learnt, that I have every confidence in Judge Day's high sense of honor, capacity, and firmness. I have also considered it my duty to satisfy myself as to the qualifications of the two other gentlemen with whom he is associated, and I am in a position to M 178 HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF [1873 inform your Lordship that they are generally regarded as persons of unblemished integrity, sound judgment, and professional ability, while the length of time all three have been removed from politics frees them from the suspicion of political partisanship. Notwithstanding the creditable antecedents of these personages, they have been sharply assailed by the Opposition press, for which the praises of the Ministerial organs is scarcely an adequate consolation. Perhaps, however, it may not be amiss that I should append two or three articles from newspapers bitterly opposed to the Government, who, nevertheless, are compelled to bear a scant and niggard testimony to the high qualities of these gentlemen. Under ordinary circumstances, I should have thought it sufficient to have ter- minated my despatch at this point, but as matters now stand, it is necessary that I should describe to your Lordship the chief features of the controversy to which the issue of this Commission has given rise. The objections urged against it seem to be three in number. 1st. That the present investigation is not of the kind contemplated by the Act. This point is so entirely a question of legal interpretation that I can only be guided in regard to it by my law officer. 2nd. That the issue of the Commission is an invasion of the privilege of Parlia- ment ; that Parliament being seized of the matter, no other authority has a right to concern itself in the investigation. I apprehend that this view cannot be sustained. The powers with which the Commission is vested being legal, and granted by Parliament without limitation, it is difficult to believe that their exercise can be held an interference with the pri- vileges of Parliament. It is not a criminal suit, but a simple inquiry that has been instituted by the House of Commons at the instance of my Ministers. Moreover, Parliament has ceased to conduct this inquiry. The Crown possesses no absolute guarantee that it will be renewed, or that, when renewed, it will be effectual. If Ministers fall on a vote of want of confidence on the address, it might prove the interest of so many persons to let the matter drop, that the Committee may not be re-appointed. Unless conducted under oath, the investigation will certainly prove ineffectual ; and I am advised that it is doubtful whether any device exists by which a mere Committee of the House of Commons can be enabled to swear its witnesses. If, therefore, an immediate investigation will promote the " good Government of Canada," to quote the words of the Act, I do not apprehend that Parliament can denounce the Commission as a breach of privilege. The House of Commons may declare the issue of the Commission to be inopportune and unadvisable, and may visit with its displeasure the Ministers who counselled its appointment, but it can have no locus standi as against the Crown itself. Moreover, it must be remembered that the Commission can in no way intercept or supersede the jurisdiction of the House of Commons. It will be quite com- petent for Parliament to ignore the fact of its having existed. Its influence on the present situation will entirely depend on the way in which it discharges its functions. If the public is convinced that it has elucidated the truth — no matter with what result— its position will be unassailable — if it fails to do so, it will not require the action of Parliament to proclaim its dichtance. 1873] THE EARL OF DUFFERIN IN CANADA. There is yet another way of looking at the matter. Few people will deny that individually I have the right to require an explanation from my Ministers in regard to these transactions. But it is evident that in respect of so complicated a busi- ness I have neither the time, nor the knowledge, nor the professional acuteness necessary to unravel the tangled web of incriminatory matter presented to me. If, then, I possess the legal power, and if, by undertaking to answer for the Act, my Ministers endow me with the constitutional power, can Parliament complain if I take advantage of these circumstances to subject my Ministers, through the Com- mission that represents me, to such an interrogatory as I may deem advisable, or if I order the collection of such other evidence as may be forthcoming, and is calculated to throw light upon the business ? Nor has Mr. Huniington himself any grounds to dispute my right to take cognizance of this affair. While the Parliamentary Committee was still in exist- ence, he approached me officially and directly with communications incriminating sworn members of my Privy Council. It is true I returned him the documents he forwarded, and declined to take personal cognizance of a matter then before a Committee of the House of Commons, but I retain his covering letter, and it is scarcely competent for him, — the Committee having ceased to exist, — to decline the jurisdiction of the Commission so far as it is concerned with what he himself brought to my notice. By his own act he has invited my intervention, and sub- mitted the matter to the direct cognizance of the Crown. Thirdly. The "personnel" of the Commission is complained of as partial to the Government, and as having been chosen by the accused. Into the personal question I need not enter further than I have done. That the Commissioners should have been named by the Government is an accident inevitable to the anomalous situation of affairs ; but when we consider the character and antecedents of these gentlemen, that they sit in open court, that their powers of inquiry are unlimited, that they will act under the eyes of unsparing critics, that any appear- ance of flinching on their part will only stimulate l.he desire both in and out of Parliament for further inquiry, and that in such an event a review of the case by the House of Commons is extremely probable, I do not think that any practical objection can be taken to them on this account. I should have much preferred that Sir John's previous offer to the House of Commons' Committee should have been renewed, for although this Committee can- not be pronounced free from those characteristics which adhere to all Parliamen- tary Committees on such occasions, it might possibly possess greater vigor of evisceration than a Commission, though its ultimate verdict might not prove unani- mous- It would, moreover, have been able to command the appearance of Mr. Huntington as a willing prosecutor. That gentleman, as I understand, intends to question the jurisdiction of Judge Day and his colleagues. Of course, the Minis- terialists asseverate that he fears being brought to book, that having thoroughly prejudiced the public mind through the agency of Mr. McMullen's letters he would willingly let the Government lie as long as possible under the odium of a vague charge which accurate inquiry would dispose of ; but this seems a groundless asper- sion. Mr. Huntington may be, and indeed 1 trust, and so far believe, is mistaken. He may have " got hold of the wrong end of the stick," and have been too quick in 180 HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF [1873 drawing inferences ; it may he doubtful if he is well advised in declining to appear, if that should be his determination, but that after all he has said and done he should have misgivings as to his case is not credible, and such an injurious supposition is unjustifiable. Hut the difficulties in the way of making a second offer to Messrs. Blake and Doric* appeared insuperable, for both these gentlemen declining Sir John's former proposal to make them Commissioners grounded themselves not only on the necessity of obtaining the House's sanction to their change of status, an objection which, though somewhat subtle, was perhaps, sustainable, but furthermore asserted that as Commissioners their independence would be destroyed. Mr. Blake, moreover, had stated that on personal grounds he could not consent to act on a Commission appointed under the advice of Sir jfi'hn Macdonald . As there was no renson to suppose that these gentlemen had changed their minds in these respects, it did not appear advisable to re-approach them on the subject. Under these circumstances it was evident, — if the interval that must elapse before the re-assembly of Parliament was to te utilized, — that any inquiry which might be possible must be confided to fresh hands. That my Ministers should desire an opportunity of making themselves heard can be well understood. The language used on their behalf is something of this sort : — "For months past we have been the objects of the vilest calumnies. Our " most confidential documents have been purloined by an informer, and dishonestly •' connected with a narrative which is itself untrue. Hitherto we have had no " opportunity of rebutting these accusations. The instrument appointed by the *' House of Commons to do justice between us and our traducers has proved " powerless for that object. Considering with whom we have to deal, we require " the evidence against us to be substantiated by an oath. We are not willing to '• place our honor at the mercy of our accusers unless protected against perjury. '• We ourselves are anxious to be heard upon our oaths. We doubt whether a " Committee of the House of Commons can acquire the power of swearing in its "witnesses without an Imperial Act. We think it but fair before Parliament "re-assembles that we should have an opportunity of answering fully, point by "point, the injurious allegations brought against us. This cannot be done by mere " statements. We desire therefore to subject ourselves to as searching an interro- "gatory as a skilled tribunal or our most bitter opponents can apply. Unless we " have this opportunity we shall meet Parliament at a disadvantage. Our enemies " have possessed themselves of the ear of the public for months. We have had " no opportunities of counteracting these influences. Let at least our story be " heard before a premature decision is snatched from Parliament, saturated as it " may have become with these calumnies. We do not wish to escape from the " scrutiny of the House of Commons. We know we could not do so, — did we so " desire, — but since its action is for a time suspended, do not condemn us to " remain, during the interval, under the opprobrium of such accusations." It is not my province to examine the force of this pleading. I merely report it for your Lordship's information ; but no one can fail to see that my Ministers are fairly entitled, so far as the law allows them, to do whatever in them lies to dissipate the impression occasioned by the enforced silence entailed upon them by the inaction of the late Parliamentary Committee. 1873] THE EARL OF DUFFERIN IN CANADA. 181 I have now concluded my narrative of the two important occurrences in which I have found myself so unexpectedly engaged. My anxieties have been very great, and my position most embarrassing. If I have erred in the conduct of these affairs, I feel I can count upon your Lordship's indulgence to put a favorable construction on my intentions. Trained in the liberal school of politics under the auspices of a great champion of Parliamentary rights, my political instincts would revolt against any undue exercise of the Crown's Prerogative. Yet it is of this I find myself accused. I trust, however, that reflection will dissipate such impressions, and that the people of Canada will ultimately feel that it is for their permanent interest that a Governor General should unflinchingly maintain the principle of Ministerial responsibility, and that it is better he should be too tardy in relinquishing this palladium of colonial liberty, than too rash in resorting to acts of personal inter- ference. Considering how eager has been the controversy, I cannot hope to escape criticism, but any irritation thus engendered will perhaps be softened by the reflec- tion that, coming to this country full of faith in its people and its destinies, I was naturally slow to believe that widespread public and personal corruption should exist among its most eminent public men. If it should turn out that I have been deceived in my estimate of Canadian purity, the error is one which Canada may afford to pardon. If, as I trust will be the case, the integrity of her chief states- men is vindicated, I shall be well content if the fact of " my not having despaired of the Republic " is forgotten in the general satisfaction such a result will produce. Be that as it may, there is one circumstance which we can regard with unmiti- gated satisfaction. The alleged revelations which have taken place have profound- ly moved the whole population. Apart from the section of society " within poli- tics " whose feeling may be stimulated by other considerations, every citizen in the country, no matter how indifferent to public affairs, has been dismayed and humiliated by the thought that such things as are alleged to have taken place by Mr. Me Mullen and Mr Huntington should be possible. This is a re-assuring sign, and even should it be found, which God forbid, that the Government has been un- worthy of the trust confided to it, the indignation and the searchings of heart that will ensue throughout the land will go far to cleanse the public life of Canada for many a year to come. I must apologize for the length of this and my previous despatch, but in record- ing these transactions, I felt that I was contributing to a page of the History of Canada. I have, d^c., (Signed,) DUFFERIN. The Right Hon. the Earl of Kimberley, <&c., dr^c., &->c. Dates may be anticipated here, by introducing the expression of the opinions of the Imperial Ministry on these despatches. DOWNING STREET, gth October, 1873. MY LORD, — I have received and laid before the Queen your Lordship's despatches, No. 197 of the I5th August, and No. 198 of the l8th August, giving 182 HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF [1873 nn account of the circumstances connected with the recent prorogation of the Dominion Parliament, and the issue of a commission to enquire into the charges brought forward by Mr. Huntington. Her Majesty's Government have read these clear and able statements with much interest. It is not their duty to express any opinion u|>on the particular measures adopted on the advice of your responsible Ministers but they fully approve your having acted in these matters in accordance with constitutional usage. I have, &>c., KIMBERLEY. GOVKRNOR GENERAL, The RIGHT HONORABLE THE EARL OF DUFFERIN, &c. The London Times, a journal which has so frequently expressed opinions offensive to all intelligent and loyal Canadians, and views of colonial policy antagonistic to the prosperity of Canada, is yet an authority of respectable weight when it confines itself to questions of purely constitutional law. That paper, speaking without full infor- mation, at first condemned the proceedings of Lord Dufferin, but subsequently, when they could be interpreted by the light of the accurate statement of facts which his despatches and the evidence taken before the Commission contained, it veered round, and con- cludes a very fair review of the case, in its issue of the 6th Novem- ber, with these words : " But, whatever maybe the issue, the vindication of Lord Dufferin is complete. The page of the History of Canada which he modestly apologizes for writing may record events discreditable to the public men of the Dominion, but it contains nothing that does not reflect honor on the representative of the British Crown." His Excellency left Ottawa immediately after prorogation, en route for St. John, N.B., where he was to rejoin Lady Dufferin, and proceed on his progress through the Provinces. His Excellency arrived at St. John, on the igth August, where he met Lady Dufferin, who had just come from Halifax and Anna- polis. They were both received with unusual demonstrations of joy.* * The following notice, cut from a local paper, is a truthful picture of the recep- tion of His Excellency in the chief city of New Brunswick : " Those in Ontario who were curious to know how His Excellency would be received on his return from Ottawa, those especially who predicted that the people would follow their own disreputable example of abusing him, must be interested in knowing that the demonstration in St. John has surpassed any previous demonstration in honor of a Governor General ever given in this city ; that it has been a popular demonstra- tion in every sense, a demonstration without the aid of civic appropriation, regular troops, or official pomp of any kind ; and that the meanness shown by the 1873] THE EAKL OF DUFFERIN IN CANADA. 183 As usual the days of their stay were days of universal holiday- making, and the recent occurrences at Ottawa had so elevated His Excellency in the estimation of all well-balanced minds that the citizens of St. John did their utmost to prove their respect and attach- ment. A drawing room reception, ball, regatta, torch-light procession, public holiday and addresses were the order of the time. In his reply to an address presented by the children of the Common Schools of St. John, His Excellency truly said : " Education is a subject to which I have devoted a great deal of my time, and in which I am deeply interested. During my tour through the various parts of the Dominion, I have felt it my duty to pay especial attention to a subject so vital to the interests of Canada, and wherever I have gone I have had the satisfaction of observing that the education of the children is among the foremost subjects which pre-occupy the attention of my fellow citizens. * * * J will conclude by saying that among the many glorious sights which it has been my good fortune to witness since I crossed the Atlantic, there is none which has been so gratifying to the feelings of myself and of the Countess of Dufferin as that which is here exhibited. Gentlemen, I see before me, standing in the brightness of their youth and beauty, the smiling representatives of the seven Provinces which constitute this Dominion ; — and, if I may be permitted to close my observations with a prayer, it is that as their prototypes now stand side by side in sisterly union, and in the brightness of their youthful loveliness, so may these glorious Provinces ever remain united by the ties of domestic affection and the bond of a common loyalty, and boast to themselves to future ages as the mothers of a race as energetic, brave, and loyal as that to which their fair representatives before us belong." On Saturday, 23rd August, the party left St. John for Fredericton, the capital of New Brunswick. This visit had an excellent effect in cooling the heat of anti-confederate feeling which had distinguished New Brunswick, and the outburst of popular feeling which the admirable qualities of both His Excellency and the Countess of Dufferin evoked from the people of St. John was a conclusive proof that the embers of the anti-confederate fires were fast turning to ashes. The visit to Fredericton was a constant ovation. On their way to the city the party was met by two steamers, chartered by John local echoes of the Ontario papers that attack His Excellency has had the effect of making demonstrative, respect and loyal feelings that would otherwise have been indulged in dignified silence after the fashion of this commercial and unsentimental mart." Another local journal says : " Yesterday will long be remembered by the people who live around the mouth of the St. John. It was one of the greatest, pleasantest, and most universal holidays which has ever been celebrated here. Scarcely any Royal — certainly no previous Vice-royal visit, evoked so much enthusiasm." 184 HISTORY OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF [1873 1'irkard, Esq., M.P., containing the ladies and children of the capital. On their arrival they were met by the Mayor and Aldermen and the Reception Committee. In the evening a reception was held at the Exhibition Building, where an address was presented, followed by a promenade concert, the school children singing the National Anthem. A torch-light procession closed the proceedings of the first day. On Monday a pic-nic was given by the Local Government, and in the evening Government House grounds were illuminated. Monday was spent in visiting Mr. Gibson's village of Nashwaak, and in an excursion over the Riviere du Loup Railway. Among the excursionists were the President of the road, Alex. Gibson, Esq. ; Julius Inches, Secretary ; Sheriff Temple, C. H. Fairweather, the Hon. T. R. Jones, John Boyd, Esq., W. H. Harrison, Esq., several members of the Senate, House of Commons, Local Government and Legislature, and many others. On their return the party enjoyed a pic-nic at Merrithew's farm, fifteen miles from Fredericton, and among the guests, besides their Excellencies and suite, were the Lieutenant Governor, Mr. Wilmot, Mrs. Wilmot, Mrs. King, Mrs. Adams, Miss Mary Dever, and General Warner, the United States Consul. On Tuesday, the 2 6th August, the party left St. John for Wood- stock. They were escorted out of the city by a large number of ladies and gentlemen, among whom were Lieutenant Governor Wilmot, Mrs. \Vilmot, Miss Black, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Shuttleworth, Cols. Saunders and Otty, Hon. Messrs. Thomas R. Jones, Fraser, Young, Kelly, Stevenson, Willis, and Crawford, Sheriff Temple, Julius Inches, and W. W. Street. Woodstock was reached in the evening, the party having been met on the road about four miles from the town by the Hon. C. Perley, Mr. Connell, Col. Inches and Col. Baird. Their reception was very enthusiastic. In fact the tour of His Excellency through the Pro- vinces was an unintermitting ovation, and it was quite evident that the visit and soothing words of His Excellency were working a charm over the remnants of the anti-confederate party. An address by the Mayor and Councillors, reception by Her Excellency, and a torch-light procession consumed the period of the short visit to Woodstock, whence their Excellencies departed for Grand Falls. This ended the visit to the Maritime Provinces, and their Excel- lencies reached Quebec on the 5th September. |
noticesurlegnra00garngoog_5 | French-PD-diverse | Public Domain | » Nous sommes arrivés hier à Laibach ; nous en par tons aujourd'hui pour Klagenfurt. Qu'il me tarde de joindre la grande armée pour n'en être plus séparé! » Tous mes effets sont à Zara, avec mon frère Benoît. Je n*ai rien avec moi, pas même mes cartes dont j'ai un si grand besoin. » L'armée de Dalmatie, réunie le 2 juillet à la grande armée, se trouva à la bataille de Wagram. Ce corps forma d'abord le centre de la ligne de bataille, et en devint la réserve sous la main de l'empereur., qui plaça sa tente au milieu de ses troupes. Dans les évolutions de cette grande journée, le gé néral Delzons eut deux chevaux tués sous lui, sans que les troupes fussent engagées. Ce corps fut désigné avec celui du maréchal Davout, pour suivre en Moravie tous les mouvements de l'en nemi, et le forcer à de nouveaux combats. Dans cette poursuite d'un ennemi qui se retirait en masse et en bon ordre, sans laisser de prisonniers, le général Delzons, à la tête des 8"' léger et 23"« de ligne, eut la gloire de conquérir les hauteurs du bassin de Znaïm, d'où pouvait être foudroyée l'armée autri chienne qui s'y était réunie, si Napoléon, sur les lieux, n'eut autorisé le général Marmont à signer l'armistice demandé par l'archiduc Charles, à la suite de ce com bat. Le général Delzons fut blessé, dans la charge Digitized by Google as NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. brillante qui signala cette affaire, d'un coup de feu au coude. « Le 8"* léger, dit le général en chef, soutenu par le 23"' de ligne (brigade Delzons), attaqua avec tant de vi gueur et de confiance l'ennemi, que, dans peu d'ins tants, il fut forcé à la retraite, poursuivi par la cavalerie du général Montbrun, et laissant sur place 3,000 hom mes tués ou blessés. — » Le général Delzons, ajoute-t-il, conduisait cette charge avec son habileté ordinaire (4). » Dans ses deux rapports des 44 et 28 juillet, où le gé néral devenu maréchal sur les lieux mêmes de la pour suite, fait le narré des opérations, ou circonstancié les mérites des dix généraux sous ses ordres, Clausel, Gla parède, Tirlet, Bachelu, Plauzone, Bertrand, Launay, Soyez, Delort, il distingue le général Delzons. Il parle des titres déjà concédés à sa valeur, et le re commande encore à l'attention de l'Empereur. Ce général, dit-il, est un officier de fortune des plus braves que je connaisse; il est en outre de la plus grande capacité. Nous continuons à transcrire les impressions du gé néral, écrites sur les lieux mêmes, à son ancien aide de camp, le commandant Miquel. De Stokisan, près de Vienne, le 18 juillet i809. « Je ne puis vous écrire moi-même, ayant reçu un coup de feu près du coude du bras droit à nos brillantes affaires de Znaïm, en Moravie. La blessure n'est pas , (1) Rapport du 28 juillet. Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. i II) très-considérable, mais elle est bien douloureuse. J'es père cependant être guéri dans 20 ou 30 jours. Je ne vous donne aucune nouvelle de la grande armée. Les bulle tins vous auront appris tout ce que je pourraisvous dire; vous aurez su enfin que le duc de Raguse a été nommé maréchal ; et les colonels Bertrand, Plauzone et Bachelu, généraux de brigade; Cristin, colonel du 18"*; Roussil, du 15"% Fournier, Cotard, Bourillon, Durand, chefs de bataillon. » Adieu, mon cher Miquel, donnez-moi souvent de vos nouvelles et comptez toujours sur mon amitié. Signé de la main gauche. » Camp de Vienne, du 21 août 1862. Toujours plein de sollicitude pour le commandant Mi quel, le général lui donne ses conseils, et le dissuadant d'aller se fixer à Raguse, il l'engage à choisir Paris pour domicile de retraite. Il ajoute : « Je n'ai pas eu le bon heur de voir Sa Majesté depuis la bataille de Wa gram, où je l'aperçus sur le champ de bataille. Je n'ai pas été par conséquent à même de lui remettre aucune demande. Je n'ai pu me rendre à Vienne. On nous faisait espérer la revue de Sa Majesté comme très prochaine. Dans ce moment, M. le maréchal et le gé néral Clausel sont à Vienne ; je ne sais quand ils re viendront. » Je n'ai rien obtenu, et je n'espère rien, mon cher Miquel; ici comme ailleurs, on m'a oublié, pour ne penser qu'à soi. Il y a eu de ces éloges qu'on donne à la grosse, et mes services, qui auraient pu n'être pas aus Digitized by Google 120 NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. sitôt oubliés, sont au rang de mes anciennes campagnes. Le général Glausel est nommé grand officier. Je n'ai pas touché un sou depuis mon départ deRaguse; jugez sî je suis à mon aise. » Adieu, M. G. M. Je suis obligé de finir pour ne pas en dire plus que je ne voudrais. » Disons-le, après une campagne brillante — qu'il a commencée et finie seul, selon ses expressions, — dans laquelle un corps d'armée a échappé à tous les périls par son dévouement, où son sang a coulé deux fois, le général qui reçoit pour récompense de simples élo ges, alors que d'autres, autour de lui, reçoivent des récompenses efiTectives, a pu voir la, loi de la justice distributive quelque peu violée en sa personne. Il est commandeur depuis la création; il a 9 ans de grade! Ce sentiment, qui impressionne douloureusement son âme, n'altère en rien son calme au milieu de Tac complissement de ses devoirs. La suite du récit prouvera que le maréchal avait à cœur de conserver auprès de lui cet officier général dont la capacité militaire lui importait; et peut-être a-t-il craint, en appelant sur lui l'attention de l'Empe reur, qu'on lui donnât une autre destination qui lui avait été annoncée. Autre lettre au commandant MiqueL Du camp de Krum, 3 novembre 1809. « La campagne est terminée pour moi , comme je l'avais annoncé. Je n'ai rien obtenu, et, au moins, j'ai la satisfaction de n'avoir rien demandé. On nous Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DLLZONS. i2i annonce la paix faite, et on nous assure que le maré chal est gouverneur des pays cédés par TAutriclie, de la Drave à Cattaro. » On dit qu'il doit en prendre possession avec son corps d'armée, et envoyer de suite rétablir la tranquil lité en Dalmatie, Albanie, etc. Ce qui n'est pas des on dit, c'est que ces nouvelles me donnent la fièvre; et que j'ai demandé une convalescence dont j'ai grand besoin. Je doute qu'on me l'accorde. Je suis désolé et très-im patient de savoir à quoi m'en tenir. » Mon frère Benoît est à Vienne. Je l'ai chargé de m'écrire souvent. » Je suis sans le sou. Je n'ai absolument rien, et mes appointements sont arriérés de trois mois. Je ne pour rais entreprendre le voyage de Paris et d'Auvergne, pour revenir ensuite en Croatie ou plus loin, sans une somme considérable, que je suis loin d'avoir et d'atten dre. Aussi, ne puis-je me flatter de voir ma famille, après six ans d'absence. » Ce sacrifice me coûtera beaucoup, — mais vous sa vez que je suis habitué à en faire. » Je savais déjà une partie de ce que vous me marquez par M. de Sistrières, que j'ai vu deux fois, et par d'au tres. Gare ! si Sa Majesté sait tous les trafics honteux qui se font, quelqu'un payera cher toutes ces friponneries. » Vous n'avez pu qu'être bien reçu de vos compa triotes ; votre conduite vous a valu en tout temps leur estime. Il est beau de revoir son pays après une absence aussi longue, et de n'avoir à rougir d'aucune mauvaise action. On pourra devenir plus riche que vous et moi. Digitized by Google i22 NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. — mais on n'aura pas cette tranquillité de conscience qui est un si grand bien. » Vous avez su que j'ai obtenu pour mon frère le grade de capitaine et la décoration. Il a été fort bien traité; mais c'est tout ce que j'ai pu avoir. Mon frère Benoît est en ce moment sans emploi. Sa place est supprimée par la réunion de l'administration avec celle de la grande armée ; il est à Vienne pour solli citer quelque chose, et je ne sais encore ce qu'il aura fait. » Mille et mille choses aux personnes gui s'in téressent à moi. Je vous exhorte à la patience et à la résignation; — votre heure de souffrir est venue, la mienne sera un peu plus lard, mais elle arrivera. Adieu. » Le père du général Delzons, impatient d'être rassuré sur le sort de son fils, qu'il savait avoir été blessé en Mor9.vie, avait écrit au général en chef Marmont, et il en reçut la lettre suivante : Vienne, le 26 août 1809. « Monsieur, » J'ai reçu la lettre que vous m'avez écrite. Je m'em presse de vous annoncer que le général Delzons, votre fils, jouit d'une très-bonne santé, et qu'il est parfaite ment guéri d'une seconde blessure qu'il a reçue au combat de Znaïm. » Le géaéral Delzons n'a pas cessé un seul instant de donner des preuves de sa haute capacité : c'est un des Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. 123 généraux les plus distingués de l'armée française. Vos deux autres enfants se portent bien, et sont près de lui. » Recevez, etc. » Maréchal duc de Raguse. » Le général Delzons écrivait, à la même date, du camp deKrum, 26 août 1809: « Il y a bien longtemps, mon cher père, que je n'ai pu vous donner de mes nouvelles ; j'ai engagé plusieurs fois Baptiste à vous écrire ; je suis assuré qu'il l'a fait quelquefois. » Vous aurez ainsi été prévenu de tout ce que nous avons fait dans cette campagne mémorable. Ma der nière blessure est parfaitement cicatrisée depuis peu de jours. Je ressens encore quelques douleurs, et parfois d'assez vives, pour croire que la plaie s'ouvrira encore; mais ce serait peu de chose : ma tête a été dure fort heureusement. J'éprouve de temps en temps quelques légères lançatures aux environs de cette première plaie; cependant tout annonce que je suis bien guéri. » Fort heureusement, je n'ai jamais ajouté trop de foi aux espérances qu'on cherchait à me donner sur des récompenses. Depuis quelques années, j'ai appris à apprécier à leur juste valeur ces sortes de promesses faites au général quand il y a encore quelque chose à faire. J'avais pour moi l'expérience du passé ; elle vient de se renforcer de celle de cette campagne. Je n'attends ni avancement ni récompense. On dit cependant qu'on est content de mes services, — et voilà ce que je retirerai de neuf ans de grade et d'une conduite entièrement Digitized by Google 124 NOTIC*: SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. dévouée à mes devoirs de soldat. Je suis sans inquiétude pour moi ; mais je ne peux vous cacher que je ne le suis pas pour mes enfants, qui, tous les jours, me de viennent plus à charge, et que je voudrais savoir à l'abri du besoin, en cas d'événement. » Vous aurez appris avec plaisir l'avancement de Baptiste; il est possible qu'il obtienne la décoration. Je le désire vivement. On est fort content de lui, je le suis moi-même à beaucoup d'égards ; mais je dois vous avouer qu'il est parfois raisonneur et entêté au dernier point. Aussi ai-je souvent occasion de le re prendre et d'humilier un peu son excessif amour propre. Sçs défauts ne sont aperçus que de moi, et ne lui ont fait encore aucun tort. Il s'en corrigera, j'es père, — et alors il ne me laissera plus rien à désirer. » Benoît est avec nous depuis quelque temps ; il a fait un voyage fort long et bien coûteux. » Nous le voyons, il veut former à son image ce frère qui, jeune encore, se montre si digne de son nom au près de lui. Depuis longtemps, le général l'entourait de ses con seils, et avait conçu sur ce frère d'heureuses espérances. Dès le 31 décembre 1807, il écrivait à son père : « J'ai reçu une lettre de Baptiste ; elle est bien écrite et m'a fait beaucoup de plaisir. Ils sont mal en Pologne; nous sommes ici dans le même état. » n me tarde bien qu'il soit lieutenant, pour le de mander comme aide de camp. En attendant, je l'engage à mettre à profit son temps, et de s'instruire d'une foule de choses qu'il n'a pas encore pu apprendre. » Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAI. DELZONS. i25 Il ajoute : « Au mois d'avril, je ferai partir Alexandre pour Paris ; il est en âge d'entreren pension. Je veux tout mettre en usage pour lui donner une bonne éducation. A Aurillac, il perd son temps, et on me le gâte un peu. Dans quelques années, ses frères iront le rejoindre ; et, autant que je le pourrai, je les traiterai également. » Delzons. > La soUicitudedu général pour tous les siens, et sa ten dresse paternelle sont grandes; et c'est à propos de son fils Alexandre dont il comprend les heureuses qualités, qu'il laisse échapper de son âme tous les sentiments qui la pénètrent, dans sa lettre à M"* Delzons, écrite de Ra guse pendant son commandement. « Le courrier est arrivé cette nuit, ma chère amie, et à ma très-grande surprise il ne m'apporte aucune lettre; celle du 28 octobre est la dernière qui me soit parvenue. Juge de mon impatience et du besoin d'avoir de tes nouvelles, par celles peu satisfaisantes que tu me donnais de la santé d'Alexandre. » Je ne saurais t'exprimer tout ce que je souffre de ce retard. Il y a neuf jours que j'attends avec la plus vive impatience l'arrivée du courrier. Il arrive enfin et n'a rien pour moi; en voilà encore pour huit autres jours d'attente pénible. Il y a de quoi se désoler par toutes les affreuses pensées que me fait naître la maladie d'A lexandre. Je voudrais me distraire, mais je ne puis y réussir. Toute la nuit je n'ai pensé qu'à mon Alexandre. Il m'est toujours présent aujourd'hui, et j'ai eu beau aller à la messe militaire, voir les troupes à la parade Digitized by Google 12ti NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. et à l'inspection, rester une partie de la journée avec le général Lauriston, rien n'a pu me détourner de mes réflexions; et elles sont à ce moment plus fortes que jamais. J'avais besoin d'être seul; j'ai voulu rentrer chez moi ; mais ma situation est affreuse et mes inquié tudes extrêmes. » Pourquoi me laisser aussi longtemps sans nouvelles! Huit jours d'ici au prochain courrier sont bien longs à passer dans des impatiences aussi vives. Attendre, c'est l'unique ressource qui me reste; mais qu'elle est amère et mêlée de crainte! »Que te dire, de quoi t'entretenir? Le pays que j'ha bite n'offre aucunes nouvelles. Celles qui nous arrivent de la grande armée remplissent tous les journaux. Notre position est toujours la même, et par tout ce qui nous arrive de contrariétés, nous sommes loin de nous applaudir du sort qui nous a jetés sur ces abo minables rochers. Je ne puis être de bonne humeur, ma chère amie; tout conspire à rendre mon existence ici des plus désagréables, et le manque de tes nouvelles met le comble à mes chagrins. » Tu ne peux avoir une idée de ce que je souffre depuis l'arrivée de ce courrier; je suis maussade, ennuyé, ennuyeux. Je n'ose voir personne, tant je suis préoc cupé de certains pressentiments qui ne me laissent pas de tranquillité. » mon cher Alexandre, serais-tu plus mal ! et vou drait-on me cacher ton état? Je n'ose pousser plus avant. Tout m'inspire une crainte de laquelle je ne puis me défendre. Je ne peux finir ma lettre, ma chère amie. Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. ^27 J'ai le plus mauvais jour de ma vie. Je ne comprends rien à tout ce que j'éprouve. Si ce n'était que crainte mal fondée, que je serais heureux! mais je t'en voudrais certainement de m'avoir laissé aussi longtemps dans les inquiétudes naturellement provoquées par ta dernière. Adieu. Tout à toi. Delzons. » P. S. La mort du .colonel Higonet, annoncée par les bulletins, m'a beaucoup affecté : tu connaissais l'amitié qui nous liait. Mes regrets sont aussi grands qu'il le méritait (4). » Le général écrivait encore de Vienne le 20 décembre 1809: « Mon cher père, je n'ai qu'un instant pour vous annoncer que j'ai la presque certitude d'être envoyé à l'armée d'Espagne. » Le prince de Neufchatel me l'a donnée dernière ment, et il ajouta que j'en recevrais l'ordrt: quand il serait temps, et lorsque la ratification de la paix serait arrivée. Cette ratification a dû être portée hier par un aide de camp de l'empereur d'Autriche. Je vais me .présenter de nouveau chez le prince, et il est probable que je recevrai de suite mon ordre. Dans ce cas, je passerai par Paris où je ne m'arrêterai que peu de " (1} Le colonel Higonet, mort sur le champ de bataille, était le digne frère du brave général dont la mort récente a laissé de si profonds regrets dans nos montagnes. L'histoire de sa vie est écrite par M. de Lalaubie avec cette chaleur d'âme qui le distingue. Trouvant uu pareil nom sous notre plume, nous sommes heureux de renvoyer à l'intéressante et complète Notice que M. Henry de Lalaubie a consacrée à la noble mémoire du général. Digitized by Google 128 NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. temps, et je viendrai ensuite passer en famille tout celui que j'aurai de disponible. » Le général Delzons sera trompé dans ses espérances. Sa lettre, rapprochée de celle de l'aide de camp de l'Empereur, le comte Bertrand, que nous donnons plus bas, démontre suffisamment la pensée bien conçue chez l'Empereur, d'envoyer le général à un de ces postes de confiance dont la guerre d'Espagne ne lui indiquait que tï^op le besoin. Il n'a fallu rien moins que les instances du maréchal Marmont auprès du chef de l'empire, pour conserver en Illyrîe les services d'un homme qu'il avait vu à l'œuvre, et qu'il jugeait devoir lui être si utile dans ces mêmes contrées où il s'était illustré, et dont il connais sait, à tout prendre, le dévouement à ses devoirs. Peut-être feut-il regretter, sinon pour la gloire du général Delzons, du moins pour les intérêts de ses com patriotes qui habitaient l'Espagne, qu'il ne leur ait pas été donné de pouvoir recourir aux services tout dévoués du général. Nous voyons dans une lettre les regrets qu'il éprouve lui-même à la nouvelle de leurs malheurs, de n'être pas en Espagne, pour les aider de son influence et de son autorité. Dans sa lettre à son père écrite de Cattaro, le 29 oc tobre 4808, il dit : <c Je suis bien aflTecté de tous les malheurs survenus à nos voisins en Espagne. J'ai bien souvent pensé à eux, et j'eusse bien désiré être employé dans les armées d'Es pagne pour pouvoir faire quelque chose pour eux. J'ai Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. 129 la^nvictîoB que j'aurais pu leur être utite; et^ certes, je n'en eusse pas laissé échapper l'occasion. » On m'écrit de Paris les choses les plus agréables de mon fils Alexandre. Je me féUcite de plus en plus de Ty avoir envoyé. » Après la paix avec TAllemagne, le général Deizons fut choisi pour réorganiser et gouverner les provinces illyriennes, allant de la Drave jusques et compris les Iles du golfe de Garnero, sur l'Adriatique. II eut son siège de gouvernement à Carlstadt, chef-lieu de la Croatie ; de cette province qui eut des rois sous le moyen âge, et que l'Europe appelait son invincible boulevard contre les barbares ennemis du nom chrétien (1). Le général reçut, entre autres missions, celle d'étudier l'organisa* tion spéciale et unique de cette province, qui donnait au contingent autrichien, proprement dit, le quart de ses soldats. Le général, après avoir tout vu et exploré, insista pour le maintien du système qui régissait ces contrées, en y apportant toutefois les modifications que Tesprit de progrès, qui était dans les principes français en ad'^ ministration, en législation et dans Tart militaire sur tout, devait lui suggérer. Dans ces pays fi*ontières, qui sont les remparts d'un empire souvent troublé par des annexions mal définies, (t) Ante murale Europas contra immanissimum nominis Cbristiani 9* Digitized by Google 130 ^'OTICK SUR LB GÉNÉRAL DËLZOMS. il y avait beaucoup à foire pour u& administrateur. Organisé pour la défense contre les invasions des Turcs et des peuplades guerrières qui Tentourait, la Croatie est tout un vaste camp où la population, diri gée militairement, forme une grande communauté, dans laquelle les familles et les habitations a^lomâ^ sous des chefs de famille élus pour leur administratioD intérieure, sont enrégimenté^. Le pays, en effet, est divisé en six r^iments cadastrés, répartis sur des terres conquises, cédées aux familles à titre de redevance militaire perçue tant en aident qu'en corvées. Ces régiments sont divisés en douze compa gnies devant fournir, chacune, deux cent quarante hommes par quatre mille habitants» soit dix*huit mille solda tsà Teffectif de campagne, ethuit mille à laréserve. L'administration du territoire est liée à celle de Far mée et y subit la même discipline, les mêmes inspec tions. En dehors dés ^taillons de guerre, qui ont leurs officiers propres, les officiers d'économie ou d'adminis tration sont capables de conduire la population armée pour la défense intérieure; ils règlent et fixent l'amé nagement de toutes les cultures. Chaque soldat enrôlé est habillé, entretenu par les soins du chçf de famille élu, en déduction des impôts par lui dus; et il est résulté des comptes produits, que cette armée n'avait coûté au trésor français qu'un sub side qui n'allait pas au delà du septième de ce que le même nombre de troupes coûtait ailleurs. Comme chez certains peuples guerriers, a moitié pas teurs, l'administration militaire, civile et judiciaire Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. i31 était entre les mains des chefs de Tarmée, qui adminis traient ainsi les trois branches de l'ordre social croate, par une forte organisation de la compagnie régimen taire, ayant son rouage principal au chef-lieu de la province, où se concentraient tous les contrôles, et toue les appels de justice (1). Les services importants que le général Delzons rendit au gouvernement si difficile de la Croatie, les succès inespérés qu'il obtint de l'organisation régimentaire, l'activité qu'il mit à armer les forteresses; d'heureuses combinaisons pour assurer la perception des impôts de toute nature sans arbitraire et sans violence; le respect qu'il sut inspirer pour la justice, en répri mant avec la même énergie les abus de pouvoir, les prévarications et les crimes ordinaires, désignèrent cet officier à la confiance de l'empereur, pour un poste plus important, quoique temporaire. Au mois de janvier 1810, moins de six mois après la rentrée de ce corps d'armée en Dalmatie, le maréchal Marmont, gouverneur général de l'Illyrie, demanda et obtint un congé. En son absence, ce grand commande ment ne pouvait être confié qu'à un homme sûr et éprouvé ; c'est sur le général Delzons que tomba le choix de l'empereur. Le minisire de la guerre lui écrivit, le 14 février 1810 : « L'intention de l'empereur est, qu'en l'absence du duc de Raguse, vous preniez le commandement de l'Illyrie. M. le maréchal est informé de cette disposition. Son (1) Archives, Illyrie, Digitized by Google 132 NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. Excellence vous donnera ses instructions avant son départ. Le duc de Raguse, à l'expiration de son congé, ren tra dans son gouvernement ; mais dès les premiers jours de Tannée 1811, il fut appelé à commander un corps d'armée en Espagne, et fut remplacé comme gouverneur des provinces illyriennes par le général comte Bertrand, l'un des aides de camp de l'empereur, celui dont Napo léon préférait les services. Le général Bertrand ne le quittait guère. Ce ne fut qu'en septembre, huit mois après sa nomination, qu'il se rendit en lUyrie, où il ne resta qu'un mois. Ainsi, pour la seconde fois, ce grand gouvernement était inoccupé, et il fallut de nouveau le confier à des mains habiles, sous peine d'exposer ces contrées loin laines à de nouveaux troubles. L'empereur désigna encore le général Delzons. Le 11 février 1811, le ministre de la guerre écrivait : « L'intention de l'empereur est, qu'en l'absence de M. le maréchal duc de Raguse, le commandement de Tarmée d'Illyrie soit confié au général Delzons, quoi que le général Deviau soit son ancien. » On profitera de cette circonstance pour demander h l'empereur le grade de général de division pour cet officier. » Quand le général Bertrand se rendit en Illyrie, il s'occupa, avec cette activité soutenue dont il avait appris le secret auprès de l'empereur, à tout voir par lui-même, ensemble et détails, et prêt à rentrer à Paris, il écrivait â l'empereur, de Leybach, 15 septembre 1811 : Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. 133 « Sire, » Le général Deizons convient très-bien dans la Croa tie ; d'abord, il la connaît parfaitement ; il restera volon tiers tant qu'on ne fera pas la guerre. Il jouit d'une très-bonne réputation chez les habitants, les Croates, les Français. Il commandait l'avant-garde de Tarmée de Dalmatie, et c'est lui qui a battu les régiments croates. Ils le savent bien, et ont pour lui estime et crainte. » Je n'ose espérer que Votre Majesté le laissât ici, si elle avait besoin de lui ailleurs, — puisqu'elle avait voulu déjà en disposer. Il serait bon, dans ce cas, qu'un autre officier put être au fait des régiments croates, de leur organisation, etc., etc. » Une lettre du général Deizons, écrite de Carlstad, le 18 janvier 1810, capitale de cette province, au comman dant Miquel, trouve ici sa place: « Plusieurs officiers viennent d'être placés dans les six régiments croates restés à notre service. Tronjelin est colonel du 2* Banat; Joly l'est du premier ; Lecou turier le sera de celui de Sélim ; Meynadier, d'Ogolin, et Senaud, d'Ottochatz. Tommïch est chef de ba taillon. » J'ai été chargé de cette organisation. Elle m'a donné et me donnera longtemps beaucoup d'occupation. —J'en ai été dédommagé par l'occasion de faire du bien à quelques personnes oubliées pendant la campagne.» Le général écrit à son père, de Carlstad, le 15 février suivant, une lettre d'intimité où nous trouvons les réflexions suivantes : Digitized by Google 434 NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. « Vos avis sur le gouvernement des provinces con quises sont bien fondés, et l'expérience du passé le prouve trop. Ce ne sera pas ici la licence des troupes qui pourra indisposer les nouveaux sujets de Sa Majesté. Nos troupes ont une bonne discipline, une bonne con duite, et toutes les fautes sont punies suivant les lois. Je pourrais vous avancer que ce n'est point le militaire en général qui provoque le mécontentement des peu ples réunis au grand empire, mais bien les changements apportés dans leur constitution, dans leurs intérêts, dans leurs usages, et surtout dans le personnel de l'ad ministration. » Il ajoute : « Je souhaite que vos enfants aient le bon heur de vous conserver longues années ; je le désire bien ardemment pour vous, pour nous, qui avons tous un si grand besoin de vous, de vos leçons et de vos exemples de vertus. Agréez, je vous prie, le vœu que je fais pour la prolongation de vos jours et pour leur prospérité. Je n'ai aucun projet formé, et ma position ne me permet pas d'en former. Je vis pour le présent seulement. Je ne renonce pas à l'espoir de vous embrasser. Le temps ne m'en est pas connu, mais il ne sera pas si éloigné que vous paraissez le croire. Je viendrai un jour con duire ma femme chez elle et Adolphe à Paris : ce serait pour moi une grande satisfaction de vous vpir tous en bonne santé. » Je vous embrasse tous, pour ma femme, pour Adolphe et pour moi. » Nous regrettons de ne pas avoir la lettre de M. Delzons père, à laquelle le général répondait en ces termes. Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. 135 Nous y aurions trouvé sans doute des pensées dignes de ce grand esprit, puisées dans une conscience où le civisme le plus pur le disputait à la vertu* Le général, le gouverneur, était toujours le fils tendre et respectueux; et ces deux hommes, — que le même esprit inspirait, se trouvaient d'accord sur le terrain des saines doctrines, des principes de justice, et du droit public des nations. Le fils avait vécu à l'école sévèredu général Bonaparte, en Italie, en Egypte ; il ne cessa de pratiquer les maximes du maître, dans ce grand art de la guerre ; et la loi sévère de la discipline militaire fut toujours sa loi suprême. Enfin, dès le 3 janvier 1812, le général écrit de son gouvernement une longue lettre, oii nous trouvons les passages suivants : (( Vous me parlez des bruits qui courent à Aurillac, de projets d'acquisition que Ton me prête je ne sais dans quel but. » Je suis bien loin de pouvoir faire des acquisitions. Jamais je n'ai éprouvé un tel état de gêne ; les voyages de ma femme, la dépense de mes enfants et la mienne ici, ont absorbé toutes mes économies et anticipé sur mes appointements. Je suis loin d'être à mon aise. Cet état durera encore quelque temps. Il me faut de la stabilité, pour refaire mes finances. » Depuis le mois de février dernier, j'ai constamment couru la poste dans ces provinces. — Ces courses m'ont ruiné pour longtemps. Mais, Dieu est grand et il y pourvoira! » Que dire de ce langage si simple, si vrai ! Ses voyages Digitized by Google i3ft NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. administratifs mêmes le ruinent! Et cependant, il gou verne; il a dans ses mains, comme une espèce de vice royauté Il reprend : « Je suis loin d'être riche; tous mes vœux seraient d'avoir un petit bien dans le voisinage de ma ville natale, et, dans les vieux jours, d'y être réuni avec quelques amis. » Ecrivez-moi plus souvent. J'apprendrai toujours avec intérêt tout ce qui a rapport à mes compatriotes ; mais je dois être bien oublié. ... Ne me tenez pas rigueur, si je ne vous réponds pas exactement. J'ai moins de temps à donner aux amis qu'à mes occupations ordi naires. 9 Croyez à l'amitié que je vous ai vouée. » Delzons. » Lorsque fut décidée la campagne de 1812, le général fut compris dans le 4* corps d'armée, et eut la bonne fortune de se retrouver sous le commandement du prince vice-roi qui, depuis l'Egypte, l'honora d'une af fectueuse estime (1), de ce 'prince Eugène de mémoire si populaire, que la France du temps nomma le Preux, le Bayard de l'empire , renom que la France du jour consacre par la devise qui décore son nom : Honneur, bravoure, fidélité ! . .. Désigné par l'empereur, dans sa lettre du six jan vier, pour commander la première division du corps d'observation de l'armée d'Italie, le général Delzons (1) Le prince vice-roi devait être parrain du dernier enfant du général , mort quatre mois après son père. Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. <37 devint le général d'avant-garde du prince Eugène, qui lui donna avec toute sa confiance le choix de ses régi* ments, parmi ceux de son corps d'armée, pour composer sa division de douze mille hommes, qui eut le n"" 13. Cette armée se mit en mouvement en 1812, par le TyroL A son passage à Munich, le vice-roi présenta son général d'avant-garde au roi de Bavière, son beau-père. Le général Delzons, qui joignait à une haute taille beaucoup de dignité personnelle et des manières distin guées, reçut dans cette cour l'accueil le plus flatteur. Le roi lui fit cadeau d'un très-beau cheval magnifique ment harnaché. Ce fut le 12 juin que tous les corps de la grande ar mée, troupes de toutes les nations de l'Europe, réunies dans leurs cantonnements, sur la ligne du Niémen, au nombre de sixcent cinquante mille hommes, dont quatre cent vingt mille devaient passer le fleuve, marchèrent sous Napoléon, comme une immense croisade de l'Occi dent contre l'empire du Nord (1). Dans cette campagne extraordinaire, au milieu des belles évolutions stratégiques qui la signalèrent, le 4^ corps venant d'Italie, comme corps d'observation. dans la grande armée, réalisant,sous le commandement du prince vice-roi, un efifectif de quatre-vingt mille hom mes, se portera tantôt en avant, tantôt sur les flancs de (1) Jamais campagne ne fut plus populaire, dans l'armée française surtout, que cette campagne dite de Pologne, jusqu'à Smolensk. L'armée croyait au rétablissement de cette nationalité qui n'a peut-être tenu qu'au résultat trop incomplet 'de la bataille de Smolensk, ou des combats d'Ostrowno et de Mohileh qui l'avaient précédée. Digitized by Google 138 NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. celle-ci pour la relier et protéger ses mouvements ; et ses manœuvresyserontdelaplushauteimportance;le prince y acquerra ses plus beaux titres de gloire, comme homme de guerre, et son général d'avant-garde Delzons s'y révé lera comme un militairede premier ordre. Il engagerais combats, et aura le poids des grosses affaires qui ont illustré la grande armée, encore debout, dans sa marche à travers la Russie. Le 4* corps d'armée, après le passage du Niémen, le 30 juin, avait dû suivre et soutenir les mouvements du corps du maréchal Davout, sur le Dnieper, qui tendait à barrer le passage à l'armée du prince Bagration et à lui livrer bataille. On connaît les combats de Mohileh, livrés par le ma réchal, qui ne purent empêcher le prince de suivre et de passer le Dnieper (Borysthène), pour marcher sur Smolensk. Dès le 15 juillet, le 4* corps a quitté la route de Minsk et du Dnieper, appuyant à gauche, pour se rapprocher de la Dwina, et suivre le mouvement du centre de la grande armée. Le prince Eugène arrive le 15 à Wilcilha avec la 13 division (général Delzons). Le 19, Napoléon écrit au prince du quartier général de Glubokoé : « Il est indispensable que vous marchiez avec la division qui est le plus en état, pour appuyer votre avant-garde, voltigeurs et cavalerie légère; les au tres devront suivre à une demi-marche. Le même jour, le prince lui écrit: « Je remercie votre Majesté du jour de repos qu'elle a accordé ici Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉiNÉRAL DELZONS. 139 au ¥ corps; il en a réellement besoin, n'en ayant fait, depuis le départ de la Vistule, qu'un seul à Nowi-Troki. Il annonce devoir partir à midi, avec la 13*^ division. Le 24, le major général mande au prince : « Monseigneur, » L'empereur ordonne que votre Altesse impériale fasse partir la division Delzonsà 3 heures du matin, et la division Broussier à 5 heures, pour marcher l'une et l'autre sur Vitebsk , et appuyer la cavalerie du roi de Naples; la garde italienne devant suivre ce mouve ment. » C'est en avant de Witebsk, sur les bords de laDwina, que le général russe Barclay de Tolly a résolu d'arrêter sa marche continue de retraite, et de disputer le ter rain pied à pied, à la grande armée qui le harcèle, — dût-il risquer contre elle une bataille inégale. » De son côté. Napoléon concentre ses troupes non loin de ce fleuve, poursuivant à outrance l'exécution de ses plans, le but de ses manœuvres, qui tendent à se jeter entre Witebsk et Smolensk, pour empêcher la jonction des deux armées russes, sur ce dernier point, ou pour battre et détruire celle de Barclay, qui est sous sa main. C'est dans cette situation que la division Delzons, mar chant sur la ligne de Witebsk, vient se heurter contre les corps russes. La route que l'on suivait bordait la Dwina sur une vaste plaine marécageuse, se prolongeant par Os Digitized by Google 140 NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. trowno, à travers des bois épais sur un plateau coupé de ravins. Le corps russe du comte Ostermann, fort de vingt et un mille hommes, de six mille chevaux, et d'une nombreuse artillerie, soutenu parlecorps deKnowitzin de Tarrière garde de Barclay, s'était retranché sur ce plateau, pro tégé, sur son front, par un ravin profond, sur sa droite par la Dwina, et sur sa gauche par un bois qui pouvait paraître impénétrable à des masses. La division Delzons seule est chargée d'aborder cette formidable position. Le général lance sur la gauche de l'ennemi le 92" ré giment, avec des voltigeurs du 106% ayant à leur tête le brave général Roussel, qui y tombera à son poste d'hon neur ; sur la droite, le 84* et le régiment croate, sous la conduite du général Huard; il se réserve pour lui même l'attaque du centre, à la tête du 106* et de ce 8* léger qui, la veille, avait fait l'admiration de l'armée ennemie, dans ces mêmes plaines, protégeant seul, de ses feux, les brillantes charges de la cavalerie française, conduite par le roi Murât, résistant à toutes les atta ques qui furent exécutées contre lui par un corps d'ar mée. On peut lire, dans les rapports sur ces rudes journées d'Ostrowno des 26, 27 et 28 juillet, toutes les alterna tives de cette lutte terrible à laquelle le prince Eugène, Murât, Ney, Junot, Delzons, prirent une part active. « Tout fléchit enfin, dit le prince Eugène, sous les ef forts héroïques des intrépides régiments qui forment notre gauche et notre centre ; le ravin est enlevé, et les Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. 141 troupes russes sont ramenées vers le plateau, malgré la plus vive résistance. » La droite elle-même peut déboucher à travers l'é paisseur des bois et sous le feu le plus terrible; mais il fallut toute l'opiniâtreté du général qui commandait, et la constance de pareilles troupes. » Les positions des Russes, prises et reprises quatre fois, furent définitivement conquises. L'ennemi fut refoulé, et, vers la fin du jour, la division parvint à déboucher glorieusement au delà de la forêt, sous les yeux même de l'empereur, qui ordonna les dernières dispositions, et prépara les combats du lendemain. Dans la deuxième et la troisième journée, Napo léon put se convaincre que les Russes qui, d'abord, avaient pris position à Ostrowno, pour livrer^bataille, ne combattaient que pour favoriser leur retraite, et non pas pour tenter le sort des armes dans un engagement décisif. « Le général Delzons, dit le prince Eugène, cite dans son rapport, comme s étant particulièrement distingués, le colonel Serrent, du 8*^ de ligne, blessé; le chef de ba taillon d'artillerie, Demay, le chef de bataillon Ricard, du 8* léger; id. du 106% Poudret de Sivry; id. Wins ton, du 92" ; id. Chotard, du 84* ; le capitaine Desjardins, du 8® léger ; lecapitaine d'artillerie Bonardelle, etc. Le gé néral baron Roussel fut tué vers les dix heures du soir. Le rapport du général Delzons est perdu ; mais nous avons une lettre de l'aide de camp son frère, Baptiste Delzons, écrite à son vénérable père, du théâtre de la guerre. Pour quiconque connaît les admirables développe Digitized by Google U2 NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. ments donnés par l'historien de l'empire, dans le récit qu'il fait de l'exécution des vastes plans conçus par Napoléon, dans sa marche contre les armées russes, dès son entrée en campagne, cette lettre en sera le résumé le plus saisissant. Écrite au milieu d'un camp et des événements eux mêmes, elle n'a pas seulement le mérite de la sponta néité, elle nous montre déjà l'homme de guerre en ac tion, lisant dans la pensée du chef, et trouvant en lui pour la traduire la formule propre à Tétat-major d'une armée. Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir mettre sous les yeux de nos compatriotes ces lignes de l'héroïque jeune homme qui est parti du milieu d'eux, non pour conqué rir les hauts grades de l'armée qu'attendait son mérite, mais pour y laisser la plus touchante des traditions celle de l'amitié fraternelle. Baptiste Geraud Delzons était né à Aurillac, le 14 octo bre 1787 ; envoyé très-jeune au Prytanée à Paris (collège Louis-le-Grand), il y fit de brillantes études. Après les avoir complétées, il entra à l'école militaire d'où il sortit en 1806, pour aller aux armées. Il fit, en 1807, la campagne de Pologne, fut blessé grièvement à la journée de Friedland, et fait lieutenant sur le champ de bataille. Ses instincts guerriers étaient développés ; son en train remuait les soldats qui se plaisaient à dire dans ce langage tout expressif des camps : « Ah ! ah ! nous avons le petit aide detîamp aujourd'hui ; l'affaire serachaude! » Le jeune chef de bataillon Delzons, nourri des fortes Digitized by Google NOTICE S(JK LE GÊNÉHAL DEIJCONS. 143 tradiiîons paternelles, des nobles et sévères exemples qu'il avait soos les yeux, en la p^^onne du général, son frère» possédait les vertus des grands caractères, comme il en avait Théroïsme. La modestie surtout était Tapanage des deux frères. A l'occasion de ces longs et terribles combats d'Os«^ trovrûo, où le général et son aide de camp sesont mul* iipliés, — combats qui, dans des temps plus heureux, eussent suffià la gloire d'un général, — ces deux hommes n'oublient qu'eux-mêmes dans les récits qu'ils en font. Ces deux frères, qui s'aimaient, ne devaient pas se survivre. Une même gloire dans un même trépas sera leur partage! (1) Lelire du chef de bcUaiUon Deizont, Au camp prè« Souraj, le 1*' août 1812. « Mon cher père, >• je m'empresse de vous informer que les 25, 26 et 27 juillet, notre division a été engagée avec les Russes sur la Dwina. Nous étions arrivés sur cette rivière le 23, à Boszczin-Kowice. Où n'y trouva que quelques esca drons de hussards et de cosaques, qui ne firent que peu de résistance. > Le 24, le prince fit passer àgué une division de ca valerie bavaroise et jeter un pont de radeaux; l'ennemi disparut aussitôt après avoir mis le feu à quelques ma gasins. L'Empereur arriva le même soir, parcourut à che (l) Voir à Tapp^ndice n« 7. Digitized by Google U« »€TtGE SUft kE OÉNÉHAt DELZOm: v«l iesdiffëreûteâpofiitkms^uereiliiew oecupées, et fit partir aussitôt le premier corpi» de ^vali^iede réfierve» aux ordres dit général Nansouty, et le 8** r%i ment d'iufaQterie l^ère, faisant partie de ooire di vision, pocûr Witebftky en remontant la rite gaœlfôde lal^na; A II est bon de sa^r que les Russes, en nediaputaat jpmni le passage da Niémen» avaient annoncé une grande résistance sur la Dwina» qu'ils avaient» ea effet, fortifiée par plusieurs camps retranchéSy à d'Hunabnrg, è Dure^no, Pollosk, etc. La aataredu t^rainleur était très*favorable, les approches du fleuve étant rendues très-difficiles par les lacs, rivières et marais qui cou vrent le pays; ils nous attendaient dans cette position. * Vous saurez que l'Empereur, par le seul passage du Niémen, avait coupé l'armée russe en trois corps; l'un, de quarante mille hommes, détaché de Wilna pour aller s^opposer à une fausse démonstration faite vers Tilsitt, fiât coupé de Wilna par le maréchal Macdo nald et rejeté sur la Gourlande ; le deuxième se trouva à Wilna, et le troisième, composé de tdute la gauche, était encore à Grodno, faisant tête à une autre fausse démonstration faite par le roi de Westphalie, que l'Em pereur était déjà arrivé à Wilna» 3> Le premier but de l'Empereur fut d'empêcher la jonction de ces deux derniers. A cet efiet, il détacha le maréchal prince d'Eckmùhl sur Minsk pour y arrêter et combattre le prince Bagration, venant de Grodno, et le contenir toujours à sa droite. Le maréchal Bavout le poursuivit jusqu'à Orsïa, sur le Dnieper. Il était sou Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. 145 tenu par le quatrième corps, et les Westphaliens, et les Autrichiens. » Les Russes voyant par cette seule manœuvre leur fameuse défense de la Dwina devenue inutile, cherchè rent à se réunir au prince Bagration.  cet effet, ils concentrèrent leur armée à Witebsk, en remontant la Dwina, envoyèrent une forte colonne au secours de Bagration, et voulurent tomber avec le reste de leur armée sur les derrières du maréchal Davout fortement occupé à Orsza. Ils redescendirent à Ostrowno pour prendre l'embranchement de la route qui tombe der rière Orsza; et pour couvrir leurs mouvements, ils envoyèrent tin corps d'armée à Boszezinkowice, ne sachant pas que nous y étions déjà. » Je reprends la narration de nos affaires. » La cavalerie, partie le 24 au soir, coucha à Budjilow, à cinq lieues de distance ; le 26 à bonne heure, elle reprit sa marche; et à peine avait-elle fait une lieue qu'elle rencontra le corps d'armée russe qui se portait à Bosze zinkowice. » Quoique dans une forêt, le 8"' hussards l'attaqua aussitôt, et de la première charge lui enleva trois pièces de canon ; l'ennemi, déconcerté par cette attaque inat tendue, battit aussitôt en retraite et se replia sur Ostrowno. La cavalerie le poursuivit vivement, et lui enleva plusieurs autres bouches à feu. » Là s'engagea une très-forte affaire. — Notre 8"** régimentd'infanterielégère, —un des plus braves de la gmnde armée, — eut à lutter avec deux bataillons contre les masses russes, une grande partie de la jour« 10 Digitized by Google 146 NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. née; le pays était très-boisé et la cavalerie qui le soute nait ne pouvait guère agir. Malgré tous ces obstacles, il se maintint dans sa position, fit même plusieurs charges et enleva beaucoup de prisonniers. » Cependant, la division était partie à deux heures du matin, le 25, de Bosze zinkowice. Arrivés à Budzilow, nous apprenons que l'ennemi est attaqué; on ne s'arrête point, et deux heures après nous sommes à Ostrowno. Le roideNaples ordonne que la division se forme en masse sur la gauche de la ligne, menaçant de tourner l'ennemi par sa droite. Il fait aussitôt un mouvement rétrograde; mais, comme lajournée était avancée, on ne voulut point engager une nouvelle affaire. La canonnade continua jusqu'à la nuit avec beaucoup de supériorité de notre côté. La perte de l'ennemi fut énorme, surtout en artillerie. Presque toutes ses batteries furent éteintes. Il laissa 800 morts sur le champ de bataille, de deux à trois mille prisonniers, et eut une grande quantité de blessés. Il se retira pendant la nuit. » Le 26 au matin, nous rencontrâmes l'ennemi à deux lieues d'Ostrowno. Le pays était encore plus boisé que la veille ; la cavalerie fut tenue en réserve, et la division fut engagée aussitôt. » Les Russes occupaient des positions fortes et choi sies ; ils étaient protégés par un terrain très-accidenté qui ne permettait pas de déployer beaucoup de monde. — L'affaire fut très-chaude. On chassa l'ennemi de po sitions en positions jusqu'au village de Koukowiatschi, où l'on s'arrêta quelques instants pour rallier les trou pes et leur faire prendre haleine. Digitized by Google NOTICE SUR LE GÉNÉRAL DELZONS. 147 » L'empereur arriva sur ces entrefaites, témoigna sa satisfaction, et ordonna de continuer à poursuivre les Russes jusqu'au débouché de la plaine de Witebsk. On partit aussitôt. Après une forte canonnade de trois quarts d'heure, on battit la charge, et l'ennemi fut ainsi mené pendant deux lieues, ne pouvant résister nulle part. On passa la nuit au débouché de la plaine. » Le 27 au matin, la W division, qui venait d'arriver, déboucha dans la plaine, et s'avança jusqu'à portée de canon de la ville. Là, elle trouva un ruisseau très-encaissé dont l'ennemi brûla le pont en se retirant. Nous suivî mes le mouvement de cette division en nous portant sur la droite. L'armée prit une superbe position le long du ruisseau, où elle attendit l'arrivée de trois divisions du premier corps, du deuxième et troisième corps de la garde, et de toute la cavalerie. On s'attendait à une ba taille pour le 28; mais les Russes se retirèrent pendant la nuit sur Smolensk. |
sn84024055_1919-02-08_1_4_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | a f mm t - :p h , K f t !i i- I mmmmMmmmmmr -ytTfKM .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEgv -t -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbf ,- ty-7-. -fammmmmmm BBI -, 5 " jjyv Aay-rfr $ t jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI HHHIHlHKttvi -'-' .sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bsbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhheV v?'iM' l $" -"'"'hbbbb' ' 'is'?'' 'jSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Klfliim" ls&& 'Jbbbbbbbbbb. IvaBBBBBfi VaBBBBBBVaBBBKk Ui-'?'fcJiWK:? W, - sbbbbbbbbbbbm ' He ::ll-': mmmmmval P Hk1 ':SBMfei.' mm! hBS&jL KBp f&r" NPPBIVCaJ'x .BBBBBBBamanBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV H" ' K mmmmmmmmmmmB ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW. - ammmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV ammmmmmmmHaw- -iHHKI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW'' 'iammmmmmmmmmmmmmwF'mmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm DHHbHflBu sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflammmmmmmmmmmH HHHHHn&rHr4V -BBBBBBBBBBBflBmBBBMa3emwammmmmmmH BmmmmmmmaBmmBmmmmmamWl&ammj&. fliBH HON. HARRY OLSON Regular Repablican Candidate for mayor of Chicago, whose thousands of warm friends feel tare of his call lag and election. "SECRETARY LANE SPEAKS HAMPTON. AT Hampton, Virginia. Secretary Franklin K. Lane was the Founder's Day Speaker at Hampton Institue, on last Sunday. -Principal James E. Gregg introduced him as " a high- minded serrant of the people a man who has shown forwar-looking care for the welfare and happiness of all the peolpe." Secretary Lane said: Armstrong's Lasting Monument "General Armstrong needs no mon ument other than Hampton Insti. tute, born out of the, spirit of help fulness, charity, tolerance, faith a spirit that represents the new day and not the day that is past. "I doubt if there is a single man who has lived in this' country who has more certainly pointed the way to' the character of education that will obtain in the United States in the future than General Armstrong. He foresaw the thing that was needed for the making of a democracy and he pat into this institution a theory of education, a philosophy reaching far farther than the colored man, which will be a standard for us tkreagaoat the United States. The best ef his philosophy was that men and women must work. If you want men of calture, and nota super ficial caltsre, they must be men who have woven into their natures the power to do." DECLARATIONS 28TH ANNUAL TUSKEGEE NEGRO . CONFER ENCE, HELD AT TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE. Saue Deal for All Mea. ' Secretary Lane paid a warm trib- ate to the splendid work of nearly 466,666 colored soldiers, of whose record, e declared, men from any 'part ef the world might well feel aread. Addressing the great Hamp ton audience, he said: "And yea are to hare aart in the making ef this new-America in exploiting the pos sibilities ef it. .fo race, so people can with assurance say that they ex press the last word of civilization. "The f eandatiea ef oar country is tskraaee, fair-play, the square deal. We want to see. here man, as man, give aw chance. 'There may be dif ferences between mea, and we knew there are physical, mental, moral; bat they are all mead and aU are to hm their ehssee' and we all are to ieia the making America."-- OMSyii-Htwli, The ITsmpten cliir, and ktar the eaters Hnmptsa seheeL sang ie Sec- Laae and ether Foandor's Day a aatber ef she "eld sakit jaalaaiag "I Want te Be ," 1 Am JTslgar Thrsaga This Upfiriaaelj WrH," "We Are Cfanb- ;mg Jaosta Tisddsr "Swiac'.Lew, Jfanset Oaari" a -Jfy Icd,.Wha4 "M (Special.) The Tuskegee Negro Conference, at its Twenty-eighth annual session, sends greetings to the Negro farm ers of the South and congratulates them upon their work in helping our nation to do her part in the winning of the war. At the call of the Na tion, we increased the amount of food-stuffs raised. We worked longer hours in the day and on Saturdays. As a result of this labor, we have been blessed with abundant crops for which extraordinary prices have- been received. Negro farmers are more prosperous than they have ever been. More of these have money in the bank and more of them are out of debt We are proud to note that many of you are buying land and in other ways investing your surplus money. To those who are disposed to spend their money, this Conference says do not use it or spend it foolishly and by next year be in debt Do as this Conference for the past twenty-eight years has urged and advised. Take some of the money and invest it in land. Buy more tools and machinery so that you can farm in an up-to-date manner. Use some of this money to improve your homes so that they may be more comfortable and more attractive -for your wives and chil dreen. Get lor the home labor saving devices so that your wives and chil dren will not have to spend so' much time and drudgery. Use some of this money to improve your school houses. If yon do not have a good school house, in your community, get in touch through the Tuskegee Institute, with the jBosenwald School House Building Committee and jour. State" Department of Education. Lengthen your school term. Pay your teacher a. better salary. Use some of this surplus money .to improve your churches: pay your, pastors more lib erally and make provisions for hav ing .services ofteaer than once a month. "The war situation compelled you to diversify yoar crops and to, raise ether things than cotton. You have learned hew to diversify and have foaad eat the value 'and importance ef diversified farming. Do not. again depend only apen cotton. The rais ing e live stock is secerning, aa im portant and paying indastry in the SeathV Jtaise mere cattle and hegs. This Conference takes the occa- t eaS the atteatein ef Negro te the eppertaaities and ad- ef berrowwg sssaey which the Fjsaecal Farm La Bank, er fee farmers, watte and Week, ef she Seath. Haadrede ' Neare farm h - - owners wm have f nJ to borrow money have taken the ad vantage of'ths Federal Lean eppeix tanities. This Conference urges upon the Negro farm owners who may nnd it necessary to borrow money, to get in touch, through National Farm Loan Association, or otherwise; with the Farm Loan Bank of your dis trict Although the war is over, the de mand in the cities of the South and the Northern Industrial centers will still continue. These cities and in dustries will offer such inducements in the way of good wages, protection under the law and school facilities, that unless inducements are offered on the ''farm and plantations', many more laborers will leave the rural districts. To plantation owners, there fore, this Conference suggest the ad visability of making such contracts with your laborers as will induce them to stay on the farm. Give your ten ants a square deal: both in the con tracts drawn, and in the carrying out of, these contracts, especially with re ference to accounts in connection with supplies furnished, etc Give the farm laborer similar inducements of wages, law protection and educatio nal facilities as the cities and indus trial centers are giving. If these things are done, there will be less tendency for laborers to leave' the form for the industrial centers and cities. During the war period, whites and Negroes co-operated in subscribing to Liberty Bonds, in purchasing War Savings Stamps, in food production and in food conservation and in other war work activities. From various communities the white and black sol diers were sent away with the same hearty Godspeed and in many in stances, under the auspices of the same committee. As a result of work ing together in these war work ac tivities, white and Negroes, through out this Southland, were brought into a more helpful relationship. Each learned to expect more of the other. It is the earnest desire of this Con ference, in these times of peace, that this spirit of co-operation will con tinue and grow stronger and more helpful and thus contribute in a larger way to the growth and devel opment of the South. : ; I .- OrW sfatcsea years, .accdttr ' "& plaintiff's affidavit, Jersey who is married and has two children, al-. lowed her two servants, a.limousine and all the luxuries enjoyed by a woman of means. She said she met him when she was fourteen years old and" four years later her mother learned of the life she was living, found her and had her sent to an institution,, where she remained a year. Soon after (coming out, she swears, she met Jersey on the street After she had boarded in different houses for a time until he bought her a house in Grand avenue, Brook lyn. This, she asserts, "through fraud and deceit" he got her to transfer to his wife and than began charging her rent When she refused to pay he brought an action for $200. When all evidence had been taken Justice Richards charged the jury as a follows: "The question for you to deter mine is whether this woman was a tenant of the plaintiff or whether this action is a subterfuge to conceal the fact that she is his mistress." The jurors, after brief deliberation, found in favor of the colored woman, U. S. Department of Labor. INFORMATION AND EDUCATION SERVICE. Washington. - '" ' II ! MHTTT ' II BBBBBBBBBBamaSaaBPiOT -- ' 'W ' ' .. . ,v y .!39SSBBBBjBBBBjBBBm Bmm"mmmaamB9MV:tv ''jBm;';A' -Bmm"mmmmBmmam"m"i aBBBBBBBBBBBaBB ..? if" K' i . J?aSBB - tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj BYaBBBBBjHBBBF" . sJ- 2jTi- ? V & - - 3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBB.a" "'-. V" ' -TlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBT"-""V fmevfcSAaBBBBBBBBF- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBBBBBBBB ' BBBBBBBBr '' -BJBBBBBBBBBB1PPC3 -tBBBBBBBBBBjBBBBBBBBBBBBH mmmTamV MM - .A - PHammlBmmmmSnmM ammmmalM'rflr? - ?--- -, aamlBmmmmmmammll mmmamaTl ., -- asHammmmmmmmW BmmmmmmWJr . - fy ' MsBmmmmmmmmH ammmmmVC ' - -W; v tJafW ? lBlHLmmmm. ' bbbbbbbbbts . m t'3HBS?HBs.? iBBssIbbhbbbbbbbbbbi ammmamma. - -4 AiJPieMBIamti mmmmmmHmmmlvmmamHKdB mmmmmmmmmmmmmml -""amammmf ammmPPSammmmLmmmmmmmaBamLamVBWLmmmmmmmmmml smmmmmmmmmaammw mmmltBmmmmmmf -JiNsmmmmmmsammmmmmmmmmmmmmSaBaml- "JE smmSmmmmmmmmma amaammmmmmmV it WcMBBamF- MmmHPBmmmVBmmmmmmmamHamaSft ffi. - smmKmmmmmmmmmma1 mm mmmmrnH J '.,' 1BW.-, "mmmmw:. mtmmmmmmmmmQRImmmVaftBmW. mHmmmmmmmV amBmmmmmmmmtV -rr?r!aV .'tamK - amttlmtmmmtnnSamVmmiHmmtamsmVBmmmmmmmVml BBBBBBBBBB. ' ''T't. aamj ' ' SBBBBBx'BBBjaBaBBBBBBjl BBBBBBBBm., . - "?.- JBnltu.'-': 4BaBBBa'aBBBBBBBBBBBB mmmmrnH TJ- 'fm'-itta.BsflmVmVmi smmmrnl : VamaVS: -flmmmlamVI6FllBmmmmm mmmmmm,, M , i?fWMk?iS?- -ami. Tmmmmml. . ammmmmmmF itammmmTaW- ammmmTBlL fmmmmmS ammmmmaml'' VAaBBBBBBBBir- - lamTBmamWBsammmmmml - BBBBBBBBBBB y .'. 'BBBBBBBBBBL . 'JBVBVSSBlBaVBaVaVB BBBBBBBBBBB ' ..,,?' HftaBBab '.ESBBmBBaaH mmmmmB' ?-:''h-fWwWBJgm&: Wammmmmmmmf smmmfegjalMMr MW ammmmmm'llBKlammmmmmmmBaW JBP- .'Jamammmmml HHlBfilBTBmaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmwr m6T 'Hiammmmmmmmml krff 9ammmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV maV ammmmmmmmmmmmeammmma mmmmmHmmWljl"' JBmmmammV kf' '" WLmBr' JllamammVBmml :jiK" jSffiBM BaaaaaaaBVrBHaBi i -HSnBBamaH smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV ' JmmmmmmmmmmmmaBmmmmHamammammmmmi latH .lllllBllHammmmmmmmmB mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm flK. mmmmmmmmmmmamammmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmH ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV a- .mmmmmmmmammCammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammml faBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS- av AaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmPe jaammmmaammmBaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHammmmi mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmR- 'f tA' JHBHBhB mmmmmmmmmmS l!Wk .LmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVJ From the Office of Director of Negro Economics. 1 RICH WHITE CONTRACTOR SUED By Colored Woman, Who Alleges That He Broke Agreement BETRAYED AT FOURTEEN. Says He Bought Her Home and Gave Her Car and Servants. Through the trial .of an action be fore Municipal District Justice Rich ards in Brooklyn, New York, was de veloped Saturday that a suit for $50,- 000 has been brought in the Supreme Court by Annie Mills, colored, against Isaac Edgar Jersey, white of Belle rose, L. L, a wealthy contracting en gineer with offices at No. 52 William street Manhattan. She charges breach of contract in that he has failed -to carry out an agreement to support her two children until they reach majority. That Negroes are employed in large numbers in the foundries in Indian apolis as molders and core-makers of from two to fifteen years' experience is shown by reports just made by the Investigation and Inspection Service to the Director of Negro Economics of the U. S. Department of Labor. Over two hundred and fifty of these foundries, as the foreigners withdrew, many of them to go home for war, the Negro molders were taken on. One curious experience has come, in that the accident rate among Negro molders and helpers has been found to be less than it was among foreign ers engaged- in the same work. An other very interesting fact is that both Union and non-Union white molders have worked with these Ne roes in most friendly co-operation and without friction. In Indianap I olis this is considered unique in the case, of one foundry which is employ ing Negro core-makers, as some em ployers have feared to employ colored men on this work lest the white core- makers would refase to work with them. The general testimony of the foundry owners and managers in a number of foundries i3 that the Negro molders have given entire saticfac tion under the strenuous war pace, and that the Negro is making good. Some managers say that the condi tions that exist between workers de pend upon the individual and not upon the race. o Mrs. David M. Manson, 5816 S HON. CARTER H. HARRISON Five times mayor of this city, who will not enter the race at this time for chief executive of this city, who is urging his many friends and foraer supporters to fall in behind Hon. Thomas Carey for mayor of Chicigo. DEDICATION OF THE NEW PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ST. Michigan avenue, who devoted much of her time, during tiie late War with Germany, in the American Red Cross Work; is still willing to expend some of her time in that same direction,' to aid the soldiers boys after they re turn home from France. gaBBBaaBBBRaK-!.1 '!, '-.-; i-tW7 ammmmmmmWamWsalS! iBBBBBBBCrBBBBBfiBBBaaaMBS IsmmmBSammmmPPllilB f!mmmEW -ammmmmmBaV -' jj0gKg afyaalBm ? m ? av- --?Ajirer fjnBJABBBBV ,-'BW;' i-i jSBBBBBBlvmvhitlitwHa' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - iSpbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV' - IEbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt ebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbi'i sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 'llmlmH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbb1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb1BBBBl3' ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ..jSBEgu bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbblSjSiG ; HON. A. H. XOKRTS f the Ugiaktare mf Wmm amd f IsMseUUrs ties Caematktee, wheli waY aswt tynlmm Am eJd Xiafc Wekta.Caiesge." ' ' .-. V' Laso Sunday, the members and friends of the new St Paul's Pres byterian Church, northwest corner of Robey street and Washington Boule vard, celebrated the event of moving. inlo their new church and" held three services; one in the morning, one in the afternoon and the other in the evening. The afternoon services were quite largely attended. Rev. John W. Lee, D.D., of Philadelphia, Pa. field mis sionary of the Board of Missions for Freedmen of the Presbyterian church, for the Northern states, served as the moderator at the morning and the afternoon services and preached the first regular sermon in it at the evening services. Charles F. Stimp son, chairman of the Board of Trust- ess of the new church, delivered the welcome address to the friends and members. H. H. Lawrence spoke in behalf of Rev. C. Lee Jefferson, pas tor of the Hope Presbyterian church; Rev. Jefferson, being unable to be present Rev. C. W. Walls, pastor of the C. M. E. Church, on the west side, spoke very brifly and extended the right hand of fellowship to all those present Rev. H. M. Carroll, of the Fulton street M. E. Church, delivered timely and eloquent remarks; among other things he declared, that Methodist) and Presbyterians are double cousins. Solo, by Miss Marie Jefferson. The choir of Grace Presbyterian Church, under the direction of Prof. P. T. Tinsley,, were present and rendered severaL selections. Thirty-five dollars was lifted at the afternoon services. Rev. Carroll, assisting in the collec tion. Rev.' Moses H. Jackson, pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church, spoke at considerable length in reviewing the growth of Presbyterianism, among the Colored people in this city, and he went on to state, that there are now three Colored Presbyterian churches, one on the west side, one on the south side and one on the south-west side. Solo, by Mr. Mitchell of Grace Presbyterian Choir. Rev. Dr. F. A. Hosmer, pastor of the new Eighth Presbyterian Church, which formerly occupied the new St Paul's Church, was also present and spoke very en couragingly to the members "and friends of the new congregation. J. The St Paul's Church was bought therugh the Presbyterian Church Ex tension Board for twenty-five thou sand dollars; it originally cost over one hundred thousand de&srs and it k modern aad up-to-date m every respect It k by f ar one af the faest church edifices controlled by Colored ' Rev. James Garfield Walker, patter f St James 'Pesavteriaa Chares. of Greenboro, N. C, will be the reg ular pastor of the new church and will preach his first sermon this com ing Sunday morning. Rev. and Mrs. Walker are both highly educated aci highly1 cultured and they expect to accomplish a world of jrood for Col ored Presbyterianism on the west side. SPLENDID JOKE ON EDITOR TAYLOR Last week as we wended our wa into the Old Elite No. 1 3030 South State St, for the purpose of collect ing our regular monthly bill from Col. John H. Whiston, a rather fine sporty looking Colored gentleman approched us at the same time extending j hand, he exclaimed in a loud voice that "it was the first time that he had met us since we had set in a big poker game with him out on Lake avenue, several weeks prior to that time" smilingly we assured the gentle man that the pleasure was all oars. We did not intimate to the gentleman that at no time in our life had we ever played one game of cards for money and that we scarcely knew one card from the other. The next day after that incident while passing the Conway Building Clark and Washington streets a fine looking white gentleman approched us and after begging our pardon he wanted to know if we had ever lived in Birmingham, Alabama., that we very much resembled Rev. J. P. Smith of that city. v Thus it will be seen that one day we were classed as a gambler and the next day we wer sized up as btiag a minister of the gospel. S. POUGHT TOR SXJI BY PEOPLE, NOT MOB: LOWDEN Springfield, HL When the United States was figitin;,' against the "divine right of kings" in foreign lands it was not battling for -the rulo of the mob, Gov. Prank O. Lowden declared at a midwinter banquet of the Jllinois Stata Bar as ?i " V sociation hero tonight -. Mr. Lowden called upon bench sni bar to tell the people of Illinois that law and not mob must role. "The battle lonly half won," he said. "Just as you were right when you told tho people that this was a war in defease, of democracy, so you must tell the people that though we fought for tho right of tho people to rule, we were not fighting for the right of mob rule". Lieut Gov. John G. Ogleaby, ia his addrear, boomed Gov. Lowdea for pres ident and reviewed tho achievement of the present administration. Speak er DavidE. Saaaahsn told, of the rnsay important meassres which are coftHg heAro the'preeeat icasine the acnjital assembly-." Z ' 5-9-1. '- ..; --..- -U i- .Jt-w 4 . 2r -tJiitV-5-i. - -' - - fc" -- -...- .Vyr ,. ,'rmmlHfc.-...-fcMA .... .. | | BNL Newspapers | Public Domain | (Luxemburger uyr.) Nb. Ettelbrück. 7.26m !8,46m N.51m 1.31^, 531» 7.16, 9.51 Nn. Diekirch. 7.36 >8 56 12.01a jl.41 i5.41 ,7.26 10.01 Von Luxemburg kommen bie Züge von ?.26m, 6.46m, 1.31», 5,31' unb 9.51a. Ab. Diekirch. 5.41m ,7.00m 8.26m 11.26m 101a 4.46a ,6.51a Nn. Ettelbrück 551 >7.10 8.36 1136 1.11 4.56 j?.Ol Nach Luxemburg gehen bie Züge van 5.41>», 7.00m, 11.26m, 4.46a unb 6,51a.. |
github_open_source_100_1_356 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <?php
namespace Cdc\Pdo;
* Cdc Toolkit
* Copyright 2012 Eduardo Marinho
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Eduardo Marinho
* @package Cdc
* @subpackage Cdc_Pdo
* PDO que loga todas as consultas feitas.
class Debug extends \PDO {
* @var logger
public $logger;
public function __construct($dsn, $username = null, $passwd = null, $options = null) {
$this->logger = new \Cdc\Pdo\Logger;
$options[\PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS] = array('\Cdc\Pdo\Statement');
return parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $passwd, $options);
public function prepare($statement, $driver_options = array()) {
$start = $this->logger->startLog(__FUNCTION__, $statement);
$p = parent::prepare($statement, $driver_options);
$this->logger->endLog($start, $statement);
$p->logger = $this->logger;
return $p;
public function exec($statement) {
$start = $this->logger->startLog(__FUNCTION__, $statement);
$result = parent::exec($statement);
$this->logger->endLog($start, $statement);
return $result;
public function query($statement) {
$start = $this->logger->startLog(__FUNCTION__, $statement);
$result = parent::query($statement);
$this->logger->endLog($start, $statement);
return $result;
public function beginTransaction() {
$start = $this->logger->startLog(__FUNCTION__, 'begin transaction');
$result = parent::beginTransaction();
$this->logger->endLog($start, 'begin transaction');
return $result;
public function commit() {
$start = $this->logger->startLog(__FUNCTION__, 'commit');
$result = parent::commit();
$this->logger->endLog($start, 'commit');
return $result;
public function rollBack() {
$start = $this->logger->startLog(__FUNCTION__, 'rollback');
$result = parent::rollBack();
$this->logger->endLog($start, 'rollBack');
return $result;
github_open_source_100_1_357 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <?php
// Copyright 2017 DAIMTO ([Linda Lawton]( : [](
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
// an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// <auto-generated>
// This code was generated by DAIMTO-Google-apis-Sample-generator 1.0.0
// Template File Name:
// Build date: 2017-10-08
// PHP generator version: 1.0.0
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
// About
// Unofficial sample for the Cloud Debugger v2 API for PHP.
// This sample is designed to be used with the Google PHP client library. (
// API Description: Examines the call stack and variables of a running application without stopping or slowing it down.
// API Documentation Link
// Discovery Doc
// Installation
// The preferred method is via Follow the installation instructions
// if you do not already have composer installed.
// Once composer is installed, execute the following command in your project root to install this library:
// composer require google/apiclient:^2.0
// Load the Google API PHP Client Library.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
* Include this line for service account authencation. Note: Not all APIs support service accounts.
//require_once __DIR__ . '/ServiceAccount.php';
* Include the following four lines Oauth2 authencation.
* require_once __DIR__ . '/Oauth2Authentication.php';
* $_SESSION['mainScript'] = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Oauth2callback.php will return here.
* $client = getGoogleClient();
* $service = new Google_Service_Clouddebugger($client);
// Option paramaters can be set as needed.
$optParams = array(
//'waitToken' => '[YourValue]', // A token that, if specified, blocks the method call until the listof active breakpoints has changed, or a server-selected timeout hasexpired. The value should be set from the `next_wait_token` field inthe last response. The initial value should be set to `"init"`.
//'successOnTimeout' => '[YourValue]', // If set to `true` (recommended), returns `google.rpc.Code.OK` status andsets the `wait_expired` response field to `true` when the server-selectedtimeout has expired.If set to `false` (deprecated), returns `google.rpc.Code.ABORTED` statuswhen the server-selected timeout has expired.
'fields' => '*'
// Single Request.
$results = breakpointsListExample($service, $debuggeeId, $optParams);
* Returns the list of all active breakpoints for the debuggee.The breakpoint specification (`location`, `condition`, and `expressions`fields) is semantically immutable, although the field values maychange. For example, an agent may update the location line numberto reflect the actual line where the breakpoint was set, but thisdoesn't change the breakpoint semantics.This means that an agent does not need to check if a breakpoint has changedwhen it encounters the same breakpoint on a successive call.Moreover, an agent should remember the breakpoints that are completeduntil the controller removes them from the active list to avoidsetting those breakpoints again.
* @service Authenticated Clouddebugger service.
* @optParams Optional paramaters are not required by a request.
* @debuggeeId Identifies the debuggee.
* @return ListActiveBreakpointsResponse
function breakpointsListExample($service, $debuggeeId, $optParams)
// Parameter validation.
if ($service == null)
throw new Exception("service is required.");
if ($optParams == null)
throw new Exception("optParams is required.");
if (debuggeeId == null)
throw new Exception("debuggeeId is required.");
// Make the request and return the results.
return $service->breakpoints->ListBreakpoints($debuggeeId, $optParams);
catch (Exception $e)
print "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage();
github_open_source_100_1_358 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.file;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.proto.FileServiceGrpc;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.proto.FileUpdateTransactionBody;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.proto.KeyList;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.proto.Transaction;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.proto.TransactionResponse;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TimestampHelper;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransactionBuilder;
import com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.crypto.PublicKey;
import java.time.Instant;
import io.grpc.MethodDescriptor;
public class FileUpdateTransaction extends TransactionBuilder<FileUpdateTransaction> {
private final FileUpdateTransactionBody.Builder builder = bodyBuilder.getFileUpdateBuilder();
private final KeyList.Builder keyList = builder.getKeysBuilder();
public FileUpdateTransaction() { super(); }
public FileUpdateTransaction setFileId(FileId file) {
return this;
public FileUpdateTransaction setExpirationTime(Instant expiration) {
return this;
public FileUpdateTransaction addKey(PublicKey key) {
return this;
public FileUpdateTransaction setContents(byte[] bytes) {
return this;
* Encode the given {@link String} as UTF-8 and set it as the file's contents.
* The string can later be recovered from {@link FileContentsQuery#execute(Client)}
* via {@link String#String(byte[], java.nio.charset.Charset)} using
* {@link java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets#UTF_8}.
public FileUpdateTransaction setContents(String text) {
return this;
protected MethodDescriptor<Transaction, TransactionResponse> getMethod() {
return FileServiceGrpc.getUpdateFileMethod();
protected void doValidate() {
require(builder.hasFileID(), ".setFileId() required");
sn82015683_1863-05-27_1_2_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | D-ULY SENTINE1 THE i u n Tilt: m thk üüi n ig? h hinuvthv;! LI' 1 L f,"eY Wo ope1 an article in oar ieuesuf ie- teraav frffn the Pi r mouth fleeeocrit which syteii that iradre had pmhuMj ft fcumlrvri nW reported from thatoMMf to Gen Ham. ll V arreM iisloy atasoe, Massea of met " Indiscriminate! r o Gen HaacaLL amoa that this tte me is untrue He inform lost he bM not received the mon of a steffle oareon fa rH to arbi trary are Wig, he tued to us raster Uy that only lo hnvebeaw wade (laeing na eootmand f tl t toaent be bie order In regard to the kf a the 'JOtrt, he eeaaraee us it area hi- hi thtt dom wh.teeer should be nvle on day. and Ant that were 4t with knowledge .r sanction, an I all were release.! by hiss soon ee the? were eoNed to fci m i tire. It t '.. fdirtate. f HaeCAlf. ar, 1 i, he hi 1 :." u" P""!tr"" those wli . fhee grllie of ei'datrru hl ... der recei red a proper rerri mainl JOT -aw BWa- .! IC -lrap.-ri. Befare the wesl gu was lied at Sun. 'er the In-lianapaWa Jun .1 iroe t.-l with zrl nd ability tlie peaceful secession of til the St. u -that (leered lo withdraw Iran the I':.' mi It .ued llknt this wee the true policy i f the A 1. 1 it repe itedly stated that a ci i w ir a wore evil th n. the k '- of a .leaeii St ites Months if:erth? ir hiJ been inni-'0r;itei the Jourml in an afti le rented hi confidence in the p -si lions it had aasnsee-l in far or of peaceful e cession, and it then expressed Ms willinnneia to perm 1 1 a bei Siatea to leave the U ninn. if they-, desire), encn the single condition that the should Mr ifc.wu their artm With sti.'b a recur 1 the organ of Ute lC; .l -n p.irty of In dian attempts to e II in ijueatioa our patriotism tstsr neighbor n not yet prep red to ahiitrle "If it mortal eo, It Ml too mtii-h to re:-ent of The inv m! traitor is he who uro re f.ile to Iiis own iron trtiotis Tbe Joem-il has ih it I n ns in to w h ont before death We hope it ei'f i t le eallcl hence lbre oppot I'ltiity i a given it t-i do woiks meet for repentance. And it ha, a great deal to do in thai Iii It would take oceans ol a iter to. We h ive no account let that Yirk-hui l' has heu t iketi, hut ae adhere to the conviction that we expressed from the tepntiinj of the hostil itiea, that it was for the highest inferr-d of the ' i tion for the interest of the people of all sections of the old I'nion that the war idmuld be bronchi to a speeily termination In the commencement of he pUnjnN we exprrned the belief that it .. nid hiv. been bv negotiation and a fair edju-t mcnt of the differences between the North and the South But blood now m ciiis to be the only arbiter If so. sound policy and the die . tate of humanity demand that the isoic should be toutfht out a sharply und quickly as pos sible A hn wr nawtea treaanre md blood, and develops all the savage instiiicH of oi.r. i. tur.. It even make a brute of our former amiable, and eet.tV. ami very refined neighbor It ' ii a s id retrosiarct for the Jourmil to review its' i (consistencies The Jonrnal m ikes sttne i ut.-.lroni artic i t that wc hive written upon the cotliition uf the conufry. We reler it in an article, ahich we Mkfoin, pwMWbMl in the Sentinel mi the 10th of May. Icbl, to whow ihif the view? wecx;res?c in our article of M.-nday law! are identical with thoaa a entertn-! two yen - aj. i TH I ISl There m no mistaking the pro .H.'t betoie us The political difficulties of the country witl be aetilc.l tv the sw..rd and thtt alone The on Im ling ec'.iotia of the country ire marsh I : i. their toi. es f if the contest, und civil with all its horrid conejiieiices, .;' x.ion be mau-u ratel A:ne New Y-uk Tribune rein u k, "a I p?:ieef'ul ailj ut ment is a sheer i mpo.-s habt ." and "let the fully be utterly ho. .red of euppos n the Rcel will n it tijit Tnev trdl fi.'hr, t'iej mmf tiaibt. and lb it desperately ." K -fern Vir rinii will be iln scene ol tue conti et The ; repoi is itclic ite th t the Con feiert te torces are ridly wncfiitr itin in ibt toitrter. Ther wiU bare a I ir.'e armv well Itteeltdtneil, well' epiii ;ed md well p-e aned for the cond i et T he (i .eiumetit will le fully pretarel to rnret them And when it c me, the conflict will be terrible, or el?e we aie mistaken in ihe ehnractee of the men who arc encaged it the straggle What j ever my le the irult of the first eonted. the) Goornmen' must evenlualli tr.umj.h She Ins the resources to insure this result the men, the , n; : .'i , the navy and the determination to main tain the integ rity of the Union, no mtt:er wh it may be the s.cnfice to secure it White er individual opinotis maybe e'.ter taintai as to tlie pnle v of the war. or the causes whuh hare produced it. tlie responsibility of the crisis cannot lie evde rhere ta now i choice ia the m itter. The tovernnieiit must re ntiired. and the mnnei- the eon te -i. tnineil, the better lor the contiv Hourly we are expect. i to chronicle ' tbe ret; nnn j ol h.i lutes, ami when commenced be no occ union of the 'nle until determined ! ihe arbitrament which has beaan lorced u'ti tf.e nal.oii 1 be Aduoniu atapn baa i eett!e1 I'a poli. ; md it U, th it there -hal be no di-membeiment of trie (J wem The lierii j men? h is dr'erarne-i to c tnjuer a peace, and the ' word wtil n t l sbettl ed tu leue ia da ' After th" i--ue of f iree is settler!, there will xrie the reiter ijae-t.on of the ic oiisieni-' on of the tvernnient. A!D JtPUK 1. 1. A vi TT AT ClUCtVüATI. rrssj Kar l an bueTi.ji. May 25 1 Im Bmmmm m4 I bia has mmtm apnliesiwin Ui iwV Andrew to l.ave Ohio' men apjnnled in colored regiment.- m propor ua the number furnished by that Mate gard ia the le'sl "specte of the conviction of jr aftandishai yrnrn tw Jtaflonal lnt-inkmcrT( Marli A much confuHoh teems to Lrevsil anh re 'he arrest, trial, and im on the cb ope of i;;ving sid snd comfort to the enemy, ae ihiiik it proper. In view of the Interest attaching to this question, cninr4erew s one of the Us rttUasr iiiun of miliLai v caprtca. to pi e die tindlr before our readers the points on which it turns The charge brought agaiuat Mr Vallan liba m was as follows: "Publicly rxpreMSSST. in tWti(.n of (ventral Ordrr Ku 3is from H"a iquarters iiesrtn.rnl of lUe Olli. bi ym ps'kr f r those in arm airaln-t tb' (iorrrriSBeoi et n l nnM Stat-.r larttelllu'l Brnileaasits and oranfoae. web th ohjet anl nwr. ( wrar. uu tii- (c.w e the OorernwMal in it eiVri t- j.prea an unlawful r belbwa " 1 lie speeWs stion ftdduceal br the Judie Advo cate in support ol tads rharge is in the following lei ms: "In this, that the saM CWsaent L Vallaiidiehani, a eiOi-n the Mat of Ol.i. ...... ..r ' ut th fir' tlay of May. 1-4JI. at M uot Vrrnor., Kik.a county, iii s ! publicly aMres s rg" mectma uf citizen, and 'I i ut er sent in-nt, in w rdsarin rflect a- f..llaar-: iKclarinc ll.e pr'-"t.t 'a wicke1, cru-l. ai.-t uuneceaaary war;' 'a war noi betriff waaet f r h- prorratien f the t'sion;' 'a war for tbe pu'f . e ef tru-hui(t iit hbariv and rectma a 4-"i'aism; 'a f..r tiie rVeaa'.ni -f tlie black and the snlaa" nt of the whites;' statine that ii 'the vim Möttau. u bad "-o wished the war r uld have been honorahlj lersninan 1 ni ntbs sk:' that 'peaa nilcbt ha. eesi hB'rat lv oiitainwi ly llnteiiinn to the pn.po-ed eil--; ii. Ii itfcwl '( Kr c ,' that 'propoMtloDf liv whirb the Soathern Statt - r.-uM w w.m hv-k and tin South iruarantee.! ibair nht u.otrr ih- 'ii-iitutiii been r- eced the day be' tlie Ute battle at Kreit tck't.iir lor titic In and hi niiniona,' msn!i i; thereby the Pre-rlent f th" Cmted State, aud thoe under Iii In BWthorit) . fharirmg; thnt Ihe Ooveramenl of tli- I R'tetl SUtea were abetit to app.'f t ti littery Marshal - In ever) district in reatrain the aeeplr f their lllrtir-,to drpriva tliem oTlbr-lr rijrht ami riMleice Characterizing I er .t Mr 'er So an. Headioiarler iK-uarttiient .a th- Ulo. a 'a be uurptioe .f arh trary sttth'Tityt' Incil ittft Id bearer to ret the ABjr hy aying ,tb- nsr the en p!e niforni Iba inli. lans ef uurpel aaisrer that thej will not -iiirsstt to Mi h restrict in i.p-n their I brrttea ihe hefer.' a. lar'ojt th.ii he wan t sll times, and Upen all n i lOTia, f il ed to dv t.a' I.. uiil I : d f ' I I I-l-mi.ta Ii'.w tieifitf llU'le to l.lllld Up a III" BfChj BBSWl lll rata of our frr tioferanieiit.' m -ertme that h firmly .ri. a- h -sid six loontbs ago. that the turn in pjaavet are ntaBinotm w eiab lh a .lepoii-iu in Ibl i ii- iry-niore cru"l oppreln than ever -xliaee l.i-f .i. VI .f heb o,.!'t'oi. and Mitimet t- hf well kio w did a t, romwirt and i iirouraaa th..c In arm atiiil tli Uuserum.'iit. ju1 coul I hut irebire in h hearefi sd.-irn-i of their ownOovrrtiau nt snd inp ithy f..r in a m iK4lnt it, and a dispo-itioti r -tl lu I iwa of the Innd wmm "J M Crrs. Copt'iin Itth Infantry, 'Jatls. AlvataU Depart ajsni ol the Ohio." It hill thus be aeen that the ckwaTge and ihe speciQcatioo, if entirely u-t lined by the ei dein e fss to which in this n.iiiii we i u-0 Me (pir-tion , writ to convict Mr. V i Händig h i m , s citicii of Ohio, of ""i it.' aid and comfort to th- enemy.'1 Now. this offcne the ri-rcnt MjgUllatlnTl ol Cong reus, leen mnle expresely coagMlsahhl b iherouttsof the United States This will ap e.r from the following statute, being "iin act to simpress inswrrection. to pnuidi treason und re hellton. md c iificite the pi...crty of rebel , anil tor other purpo-i's, ipprove! J nil 17. Ib2, sni found in vol I'itli, chapter üb". (. W. of the Stitnies at Lut'ire, as printed byoraifof Con r-- We cite tbeae. 'ioi.s rcl tive to this lopic us follows: 'S. 'i. "Sr !l. A'i'ltf it fnrthi r en i"nt, I ti it c vry pf rson Kuilty of e thrr t the onVii-- ilrücnhed in ihi- act -imli Ytr forever iiKap.ilile aixl di-.oialtied to bohl any oltite undrr the Halts J tate " The ti ibiwiHl to take cnirz ince of such cases and qneationa diathrctli appears from the con eluding sct'iion of tlii'i eintüte, its follows: "See. 14 And l ittutl Hreiticl f. That the c eirtnof the Ua t'd Slten -ball have full porr to In titutr r? I n, m like onler.' and decree", ksMM pr Cf. and ilo all .'I., r thluRs nrre.-ssary to carry thi- act Into ef fect." This is coiicliisire as to the jurisdiction of the courts of the 1'iiite'I ."states, and of them alone, oier the offense ullcel to have been touiuiiitcd by Mr. Vsllaniliehain But the I i-i l'uniesi did not stop here As il to shut the tloor spainst any such proceetiins at th se in-til 'lit d by (eii Iluru-uJe. it pissed an act, approved Mirth 'II, J-li.l, exptc-'y "relit in to habeas corpus, snd iciil ilk) a judicial pro cceiiiifrs in certain cases " The se-tioiij, of this act relevant to the cac of Mr Vail m.ii.'hatn may be fotind on pae 755 of the volume td the St if utes at L iroe as jusi printed by order of Con rcäM, and are as follow: Bf f raicfW bp tkt 8tnitt und House ?e;;iva-"-tUirf f tk f't't Vi rf Att'ttiffi in tvsnyreas ,1. mblJ, That, durii.a; the present rrt ilion, ti e I'r.---dst.t f the I lifted State-, w bei. ever, iu his jud ;tient the public safety may require it, is anthoriz-d t. -u-pend the w it of iia! a- fsaTfasa in any c.i e Umatajhoal th.; I t tau -, or an part there' f. tlie piMMsga has not been () su-peided in ohio. And wiie.iev. r and whereer he i ! pro I'ce shall i u peu.hd, a- atute said, n nnrltary or oth r oftio r ball h coinpe hat, in an-ifr to aiv writ i. f habeas corpua, t return lliebrnty f ,ny jwrsop or per -ens detained by him by ant' orlti. f the Pie-uh nt; bei upon the ceriitlcafe. I t'C d pitoter . or ntherat-e than pi iter- of war: lli- -aid li-t to contain the n-one- ot all those who re-i-le in tl.e re-pecive J.irlMtic'..n of saM Juds:es. or wh" may he 'let-rued lv th S-xt-etanea, er . itlier of them, to have iolaied any law of the United State-in any ufad Jur -ibrtioti-. n-l al-o the 4af of each a- rest; th-- S.-cretary. Stat to fur u-h a li-t of -u.-h per-ons a- sre i I -by the ord r or authority of the pre- dent, a.- i" dir u 1 the S'ate Irp .r'ui-nt an.t the Se. retary of War a li-t ' such aa are Irapri. ned ty t e order or an h rity of :be Pre dent, acting thr .uii the O partment of War. At:d In ab c ise-where a crad j irv, hivin; attended any of eMeosjrts ha; jurist aiasi in ihe peeeai-ee, a't. r th-pa-ae of th'-aot and altiT tlie furti sliing of haid Mat as af.reaSl, ha- terminated it ws-tun with" M tlmliiijr ar irullef merit, or pre-tiimeni, 01 other pr ce tinr Bgilnsl any nu b person, it hall le the .tu . he .t i r-e -r ai t fo'thw t make an order that i"V 'i h T.r. ..... r de-tring ad im-ha rue from aid mpriaontnent ie brought n. ..I be .ii ebars-il; aiel evy officer of the 1'nit. d State having i-tody of su. !: uti oner - j rei dir. wt . d immedlalely te obey aed execate -s'd J-idie-oedar; aivt. in ca-e hr .-h..l delny or ref ine n t.. .!o. bei hsü te subj.vt to indictment for a m'-d. inoa'r r, a I 1 f Ohio Juöpe Iesvil, in refuinc to crui" the wr -ned out in bed dl ol Mr V illairtbuh m. Mated that he bad m seeta this law. whicn was n irt bv Mr Puh. tlie attorney o Mr. V .i .idiah.m We u :eT frotn li t- tact that .'u.l,e Vtai.U dve rot deem it necestary IO hiv a kneale lire el I as wl . t s won. Ms ad n .(.later, nr frial hie means of j i procuring information under this head are more lin.i rd than tho-e tssesel by 1 ivnien who tei l jonrnwU wKtrh are a ul b ri i publish the has f the United States officially, or who ro-seses a aufhciei.t interest iu suck rw 'tiers io h -e the vidnme ra-'ftted by the efnsnen rsai 1 hers. Me-Ms Little k Brown. .1 II .sfon. uti i iW the iiiihorttr of Cooarrewa Hie irnwanee i - th aws may be his beat et:ue for not d -. . A . , m' ms ouiy onoer iem And when the Juice of the United State is '! itnorant of the te.isl itioi, ul ( 'on prewa on ' iMte hed, surely feti Hnrnide my e s. 1 not knowir c thit ('oTijrrr-s. by the act of July 17th, If-CiJ, hid expressly provi.led for the trial br the courts of the offenses he alleces spain-t Mr YalLn.jlgham Nor is it any answer to ssr . ' afOen. B neeee mi Me state eat rnsv e to the j Judge, trfat we are in a state of civil war. and 1 in emeriteiiey is npoti us wlrch require- tlie po rations of some power that moves m 'ie cjtii kly than the civil," for it wnpret tely in view of siirh n "eme-pency " that Cni;ress nased the ct of laft July 17th, !re idy cue.1. ami it w is tu exclude the iwi-aibility of the arbitrary deterition of persons held prisoners of the lrnifed States br order or lUthnHty of the Pre-ident of the United States, as State or political prisoners, or otherwise than as prisoners ol ol war. that Con rtnnmtisl the Hrpnkllran free on the Valland icbam fate. From he Sprlrtf fleet Mess.) fecfaiblican. Clement L VallaiMlighaai bis written fr ni hie pi ce of con&uemetit to make sn appeal to ali Docraiii, to h:s countn . and to tiae, to vrndi cale his ob use ag in-t unjisst men The last of thee rnvoestions i repeated w .th an eamet nes which indicates a sincere and arTectif.4 belief that futurity will restore his rights and honor bis Daem on Time h . it deed not itMoMj MIMOMMI HM th UJ set on high forever those a horn all things at Aral had arreed to.jether to despiwe ar.d traoa pie -n And there has not been wanting often to anefc. upon whom time was falting the re proaches of the time then peeent, an ear to cat i the di-tarit, revmin. applaedmtr venJict o! V e patient ages that were billowing a.ter It U im pressue to AMUSEMENTS. ut: 1 Koroiii 1 11 1.1- lb rd niftit.f i'-cbarsn riKComin die- ne aoal an,oBa, MISS JEISTI 'IE HIGHT. WKPSESPAY EYtMMt, MAY 27. Will 1 acted the beanffal Drama f ALINit . RUSE ÖF KILLARNfcY. CROCERIES. MEDICAL. Ts ruiidaOe with the l'r- an farce I emCH A I'M !- lrcsCirclr and I'aruette l-adv and lS 1 jfrt-- ;. i--i-d the act .i- .toveil on the 3.1 of March 1 isi, ajid ihe sections of which, so as ihfy re late to tl tw case, we have recited above. The intervention of a court martial, illegally charged with the tri il of a citizen, does not alttr the 11 a fine ol the imprisonment of V illatuliyliam, a ho. white deprived of his liberty, must be regarded in letr as tine ".m ort si med hv the order or mi thorns of the President, aetlttg through the De 1 a 'mem 0! War." If it be true, is I- - ii.i. that Mr Vallaudicham hs lieen inn rieotlCd in F"rt Warren by order ol (ten lturii-ie. confirucn the of the court matt ii lllegelli charged with the trial of a citizen tn ole corni. .Lie by the courts, it follow -that Mr Va!l md i'h im i- now held as a State or political pr.soncr.'' VftMn the tetuis ot 'he act f March , I HQ, and it ill thetefore be the lut , as we doubt not il will tie the pleasure, et Mr Secretary Slaiiton. to report tht Manstol Ml Vail in. holism to the .ln.!te ol the l'i Ued Clrcuit or District Court wlrch has hdl and le fsl juri.sslictioti of the offcne for wlrch Mi. V illaiidiifhatn is now irregularly detained, 1I1 it he mav be put Ofl trial aceoroin to the statutes in nie and prtiMiled for pie iely such ollen es as he is alleged to h ive committed MJe aOMeletinii under such ein um-1 in es w ou'd can w ith it the sencttOM ol las, ai d as such would receive the .iHo-nt ot liw nbiding citizens, ami be a terror to evil doers. We have said tint wc believe it will pive Mr. Stmton ple.ieiire to pin sue a lec! cour-e iu pro curing a recnlar trial lor Mr v'ellendehSMj un der the enn-tltu'ion ttnd laws of the land, that he in i receive justice, or -nder punishment at cord Ing to his deserts; for Mr. B toMt Ml signalized hi seeeMswM to MMjet by un "order," in whu h he des'igntteil ihe circiimstaiices that seemed leffeaV fifv, only for a time, a departure from "tl.e nor Mini course of administration," at the outbreak of th' rebellion, wl en the Government was called Mid. let. 1 to meet an "emerjrency w hich Cotij.'io hntl not anticipated snd for which it h id not pro v 1 led " To Ibis effect, be directed ss follows under his order of Feluuarv 14, 1162; " The hr'-aktrig '.lit d a for mid aide In-ivrec r.n. baed ..n a ci'i Hit .f H.lilrnl Ideaf, leln an e-ent wMhaBjl prn eeeni M the DaMed stte, w Beeeeaanly attentet I. ereat ru.fiiM ii tM terpteitty of the pnbHc nund IgslneaHjr, l efore nn up rtcd, snddetifl beesaia bold, nn I IIBauB the wi.rld l.y t.i itiuinu I ... into the el 1 mi' .tun f.. sap ihn Ml Bawjahesa ta tbetsnd int: arm f tl.e J tiled state- SO I'Saea m Mm BeeStana MM country lii. li iere uir.t loyal, politi al c-aiil. nation BBj4 aecret setMMMa wore form il renhlrieg 'he of disunion, wlule. fr ni in Ihres fiMnjraHy nr euphlltv, or in.m rxeitrd pas-ions, r perve tl -vinpntbi' s. iiidividaahl were fimiul furuash. in nin. 11 ev and ssated d- f war an1 rappttrs to th in ureent'tnilif.r a- dnaval forces Armies, -hip-, for tiflr.if.i. nn'.v Tird, ar-eral . militari posts, and gar rUon, one if H anotber, we betrayeil or n.-d lo tbe in urireiita. 'Toi. k res bad not nntlclpated it1 0 had U"t pro Med for the :. ernry The nniripal .ttnboiities er.- paar erle--and ii. ic'i e The jodlcuil BMchlfMf seeSBed a-P if had been de-iirued not :.. Mi-t.iin Ihr (iurrtum lit, hut to emt.nrra-s and t .-trav it. ' In enierir t tie I'rcsi.lent felt It bi" duy to em pi f .'. snffj the extraordinary ) er-u t'irh the Con' Unit' nronHdcto I im In cues of iti-urreetio. He BaJMsl into ihe Mela -ucb military .'lid for.e-. ihwlaea bv 'be e,xiiine leara, a bbbbjmmI neoe rr . He directed neasures in firererit the Use of ihe .i-t i.tilre f..r trea ooab'e ccrresjiotMlenre. He Mit.jcc'ed ps-enpers to an. I fronW"reivii BBantVtas to new bosbbwiI r-irul.nioiis: and be iu-lit' ted a blockade, suspended the vrjt ol habeas corpus n varii us places, and catoed persans who were repi isnteil to hlai as hehwl or about feensaee in di-..yal and 'reasMMBwM j.raciceN to at rested by pcal civil, a- o'l as military afrcne'es, and detaiti' d in uii'itan CMS. tolv. srhesj eaeewarji to pr-vent them and deb'r others from mb 1. praetiees, RxaasinatKsiii of -u h easea were hjBtttassd, nnd seMM of Ihe ervuis ro bp e Med Lave beaa I sch ieged o.m time t.. lime un-lrrciicuni 'sin - nr upon conditions compatible, as wa. th i(rlit. w ith tbe put he afet-. ' MeaaUsas a favorable rhawna of .ubl'c BBdsasa ha. oeiurred. The line hstWTSS I as ally and di-loya'tv is plainly defined; tbe winde -truciure of t'i fiovertitnetr is tlr-.i and tal.Ie: npfwehsasinw of jiul.iie dai per asr! fa cilities for trea-onsMe practices bave inWHatahed w tb 0aj pas-inns which prompted heedless pr r-o s t" adopt tin tn. The in-urrectl n is believed to have culminated , and to be Off li'.inp. ' The Pre-;den, In vi. w of tliee fset, snd atiaioiis o favor a r-turn In ihe tio ni d rour-e of the Admini-tra-t:nn as fir a-r'tr rd for the public wepare will allow, 'tlreets th t a 1 Belli leal proners or state pr'Snner now held in military cu-t.-.ty be released on their -ub-cribinf-to a parole enewgtnd them to render no aid orcomfoif to the. Hem es in h-tdity to tbe t'nited stte- MRirawsttnare ariesta w;u her- Oer he mane ander tin-direction .f 1 lie milifarj bbImcMISS alone." Oon ureas his hy its reeetd legielaiion "anlleJ p itei" preclael such 1 mse as that raise i Ut the alleged oondnet and langnnge oi Mr V 1 Händig hiin. and hi thus m nb nroision for tlicemer gencj " The only jnstifiiation heretofore as si if ned fur snch extraordinary streets in the dent of a loyal population no lonpei ex's'.-, for the "SMsrntal course" of proceeding i- now plainly in irked out bv the law made and pi ivided for the tiid end punishment of all who ;ive aid and comfort to the enemy." and who are "riti .ens 01 mates in wincu ine no inuii.-! rauon m ; tlie laws has continued unimpnjiod in the Fed liirts." Mpi rrb ol n iSi-pu hi iran PleSBiMsBe of t'ou; rcss Col PivKi,i Uci"; -in in meeeber of CoMiress from N v York, in a lite speexdi before the fJnsaM Lssgnee at Albany the Opii.ii of the St de. -aid: He hoi -t-i'ii and heard a ieit led abont the1 arrest of V .U. iiidi-liain He knew that gentle j in .ii aril, occupied a scat 111 OongglM aiih him; ' and he hid always known him as an open, bold and consistent 01 ponent if the war pottei ol tlie Govern Ment. Me. V ass 1 always nsaintuinetl in I public and in private, that the rebellion would ; i ee.-bc crushed b mtmwdt arm-, that if t he j Union was eer to be rra'ored. other sMaSM nm-i be resorted to. The Inn eminent had seen M to arre-t and imprison that Shan by the mditirv power. And he would undertake to say thai ci ther Mr I all indicium li d been t) 11. less -b 01 six month-, in the dia,reiiuBief the curt: V - " ",lr Sl,,e He h id seen act. Iren i r--n Wee, rii it no per- -n -ball be discharged 03 "''r US SIMM MrC ppenUl ealilllg lor 1 n'Gei-ion- of this act uti, after be ..r -h Convention :n New York, and cnancitti aken an nat .f alle.cimoe to the l.osrrnmrnt ,r ,., Rs reoulsivc as ant ever advocated :e.l :rrs, and t -upport tlie Ori;''.. ., , , . .f . n 1 u rhat he or sbe will net bnre-fteCIn aav way : allaiidlglai. And that Was all he ha en mi riftnl. 4 ne Tr, Tb it no parson -ball he di-charj;. .1 b M- ue of tae prar,-ion- of bis act uu i. afl. r he .,r -b -h .II have taken an of Ihe Unl . r 1 mcr. aTi mai ne or si win TirT nawe 1 1 r r-. eociufiif se jib i I ar.d c liif.Tt ta the present r bei I on or the su .pwrers th e.f Ad .ivri.a' t,. Thai 'he J. or . a.tirt uefme whe n such t" rwon may he net.f na nies aere appended, calling for s Ppact Louvctitiou in .New 1 01 s , and enunci itiny .!.. Iiv Mr d lo sa then in re erence t th it e; ' "m 11 "out one word MMMt w:ui relerence to Ine SJS tem of aiiiitrr anes's The L'li'teii States owmm, sbeJI baee Mwr. an eaaannatioa ef the rase, and, 1 '"eminent wis not a sea on this subjtct 1 if tbe pUDnc -af -ty shall require . -r, ill b. , 1 r -1 t.. rau-e bun or her tenter into reoenisaBee, Uli ar with out .sure'y. iu a min t be fixed ly -aH Ja.ljc or ccvirt, t., keep tbe peace and be of eo d be ivhr inwsnls the I t'n tl Mau- and ua ciiii-n. au-i from tlnie t.- tim--. 1 ' at u -h rime, a- such jhsisTS or court iaa .lir- t. appear. before ald Judse er rreirt to be furtler dealt wftMMC to law.- tii- cir.iin -fane b may re.pi r And.1 -hail be ihe doty of the iatnct Atters a United Msies lo attetei such eara natimi before tu Jlfp-'-jMm J tad Sa Hm tKtr eio ir-f. ih'.t in rase any I 1 .-ueh : n-o'.er .-bail be U'vier UKlictn.eiit or present I ment for any offense asa nat the laws of the l"i edute. I no uo'ius t. tMMicv was wc i iteau ... a ml he bid lieen surnriseit that in the discussion ot hsj seilsJet t that the la w of Congress had n.-t 1 ! t-teriel la In tl.e set itftri r zin the PreaideOI lissu-.t iii the r"t ot h tbe. Corpus in di.tri. ia where be Right deem tint the pnblic interest ie qaired it. I e wa to ive notice to the Jud're ol t he disti icl ol tbe Uvl. ai d the Jude w..s to bmdnxerto the GVsfjsJ Jury the names of all p -on. ai reeMil for p ditwal offenses, and it thev aerc not indictcl they ete. to le discharged So PauTsaM M Mh d to dealt with ecordins the civil to liw a ulhorities .. .A tss Ah S aaw aw I.BB1B1 U il I. .tr u C B .aiilf tMi. Wl a Iu, 11 awaw ! 11 U f lleiitii liw- i i i vi sa 4 cvs-aiu ton i um i , isr.i ,. s, f -r .he aepaBrams, f.,r tr al. f uch ,r-cHi. c sb .11 be ailh t! - i ' Li D act paS-C.1 by l " -'e-s a. d the do: v of said Jutpe at one lo dWharce such person, approved bv the Pr4ei ' if a mil re up. aller ric fiiuance for trill es sfsesi sS. nd in aist its execution, he is ha DMhaMsWd over bv tl.e ci-r the aesd Sarswetsm ( Mate ar.u hoa I t. r a rea-on refuse or omit t-furn;fh the said list .f jien-ons bel.l a- :r s. er- a- afure-jid at tbe tilt. of 'lie : is-ae sfMstosMl sdebss Mseaeg U.aihaBsafiac. asBiadsatahpee- j "He was opposel to the arsrwlgsMent t it sen sw. as hereafur aaajr he aure-lrsl Uhia twenty .la-i ou JT.. m.i.iie; tbe rij;ht ol the people t Y"u JTf:' m "T T,,;"" -ft,r ' J.scu-. t w aeet nh el thi -art by a peOtf. a aneyrn - facts Iu the army where ne n ul DOen since last dniy, .... ea 1 towchina ar.w of the r-rs- ie as af .r -aid im- I .it ih " n.i tl. mi ,,!, im i . - i r cTl rTivr n , the . . af Ft r ' fcn,-K uit . r . - nr sei e- a. . ... -mm . T " aa ar c-a- aa ,-sv a . . ... - 1--,.-. . f I , , . P . ' " ' t al-a- 1 g t .M1 I H- V aa w, a. as. iaw aw w -"-" mm vaew , f : J o' such iet t!r:-r or anv d lw entitles! to hae the e M,-b I r,.: p I)). t.ui- and conditions nreaertbi d .n the w ' wc tion .( th;s act: r..eV,f. Aiucerer. That ihe said Jude -hall He aattft.-d aorb abecati .ua are tme." The reader can easily educe from these provi - BMB the law of the question raised bv the arrest m. WW i ear a a. id i. en nun ?i ie i ner i l ierc.ive that pro thev bait a leader, ami his orders were obeed, whether thev thought them riht or wntn' llui tlie right to criticise and discuss was SJUMvasad, nevertheless." A Mita;k We notice a report in the Kist eni papets that ti e w ie of Mr allsnd ifbnm . J . n i pus are lo n - insane on acwunv .i u.e mnw. e siisipettsissi b the coaifs wbeuevei and wherever ' ej dee 10 State thai this is not true iier ner the pnedege ef this writ bas tseen suspended hv sous s stem was - . kel for some d its, but she .be lVesident. whir'.. ,s the case in the Stat; ha- oot bcomc insane ; Cincinnati Kuuirer. ad t il na.laJi itness these changes in the rank of er- men I be first uil eioaew. and the v- utt is de clarci to le adjourned without day. and sTaihl there is arrarel a new and more angnal tribunal Tbe p'a-es and ihe men bin to shift. Tb ecutiti officer listens to hear his own indiil ment. The culprit expounds the law Tbe ('ort, sh K. .t -s K i:l iO Whitehall, U I Chofttl Stuart lives iu "a dark and smoky room" in the towaer. PYom tb Boston (Mass.) Herald. The arrest and trial ol Mr VallansNgham b military nuthoritv i creating coniiler ib'e -euaa-tiori io politic . I circle, and msy lead to unpleas ant results At a meeting called at Albuny lo espress condemnation of the act an attempt was made by -ome teturtiin? soldiers to break up the meeting by force It i well known thst we have no a tn;. athy w th Vail indicium ti those vho sympathise with him but we most express our reopet that the arre.t took place, and cspeciilly that he was ari.ste.1 bv military authority and condemned by a i ourf-nnttial We bei is wi'h Gov BerSMMf of New York, that the civ M tulhorilj is ample to satisfy the law, and to put down treison if the North The arrest of Mr. Vail UrdiglMHO aill create a aide spread li-content, not on his account, but tor vhnt w... be denied an encroachment upon tbe rights of the jMsrpte He seas rottdtuwif b) ihe people of Omm in his I)tstricf, lest fall, when he ran foi t' i.jiress, whuh of itself is a sollicietit fuaratu e ;lltt lie could do tio harm. By titlest iu him iu an arbitrary manner, . .sympathy ia ere i ted in his bc'i ill, und he become- i martyr at once. 1 he whole D vtocr ittC p ifty" mMI be c died upon io vindievite his ta use s ml will be forced by deslgnii men to set lln uii the orgaoMjaiion of the ;int; alui.-is, il he c HlM hive bot 1 Itfl alone, lie cuuld have d- tie no harm We are feat fnl tli a i theane-t sre eonviction of Vallaa digham bv the military authorities, if Sustained by the Administration, w ill Ic i J to serious consu qneMeoo, und will Meahee it hold esoe the pee pic I he whole system ol political persecution, not Pfivai. Ilsiae No.. 50cent . 7S . ?S " 15 - 4 ee raeafsawWt in Private Ratfi i: ai 7 ..'clork Partaessaa. vom- men. r ai s precisely. PEAK FAMILY BELL RIN3ERS AND HARPISTS .Mi it hv. ex ei M eni m a dud wiii (ive five concerts, wlih changs nf programme, at MASONIC MALL, ox Friday, Saturday, Monday & Tuesday, Pfeif .".nnd .iii.l June and Alr. a Concert rn atur.1sv afletncssn f.r the arrum BKstntioti ut tbe tsrbnul elfteren of intlianapolis, at S o' clock 1 M. tQjr ticket. H cent. Children. H ct-. CLilJren to the alten O'.ii cuueert, 10 cts. I). om i'peu at 7. coiirnecce at S I M. J my 6 c. onotmuft, Hii-irMSS Manacer. STEAMERS. FOR VICKSBURG. reyii!' SpLKNDtTl PT MKH ITLAKTIC. KICHKV, 1 Mast' r. I' l 'e I ..ut i ! . e.JnesrteT evetnur. Mai 77th, at f. ..Y-ck I' M , Lur Vu-kmrr ami all inter- falste paints. Mm ien.- Kvaaeville, ihsrsaajf ee irtis-. M.. 2 ML, at .rm'ch k, an. I t'nit-. n Friday, at ft o'cl.KSk p. M. bs e'laatk w H carry fr m the il'ovs peSSta nil sani tary ir.o.i-, aseksire sn-l I ttera. for -oldiers, bea of ehare-' W.'l t k-' i i-.'i.L'ers a. .1 freight for a'l ixiint on tin f ii.i.. au I M sis-ii.i i r.v, ;s are regulativ ucrmit- ten up for political eft.vt. is unwise, uncalled fot , I ted. snd will be orodoctive of mischief, and hinit m tttwit pasage spnly n beard ee Jo but ssieyhief All uch men as V dJamHaham tin)' besitely left to the people in the free Suites lo atttcnd to inrongn th. ballot bos, while the (ioveriitnent is esoetiua itself to put down the i . i-cllioii at the South Kr'm tlie Ne.i tiir'.rt Mess ) Stan-l.irrt. Wc tu e! BMOQtds t any one ihe r tme ngbl to criiii i-e ihe Adn)ii:i-tr ition which we d lira lor otirselves. If we disMoprove ot a pro slaverj policy, ae expect to -hv so with. mi molest .tion Let those who disapprove an unti slaver; policy do the s Hue? A ei ninent or an A im i. "in tion which cannot permit criticism, is not lit foi a frMS people We have no faith iu what is callc 1 "uticoii iiiional lomltv." il it MieaMt that it is ne. ess irv tn ;iv' in itidis- t ituin atting und passive sctpiiescciice to every act of those in power Hence, while wc ntc convinced that the motive which Impel V . Ilandlnhs m and hie si Mipnibitcn nre bid. e do not bei if VC ill MlcOOIUf' ihCfJI bv loicc Wc have confidence in the power of truth to eOMCjOOf where there is free.lom . ilia cu-simi And at a tuue w hen wc -ve theopisl iotis hive so Ion ndvocited in the l.n-e of ssm who would prfadfv have silenced us, so np i 1 1 1 v ahMMj f .vor amon? ihe people, we t'iink li en is in need ol itteiiip'inv t !i:it the in nths of sui'h men n- V.ilbn.diyh m It ve are BMe cessfnl, all his tirades will fall Unheeded. If we me nitsecccesfnl snd eontinnally so. no powevoo earth can prevent the form ition of such a ptthHc opinion ar will COmpfl a cksnfa of policy on the pul of the Admiiii-tiatiou. or load to the dec tion i f a new one Let lis h ive faith in ihe p .wer of tmth, and tpsise thoe we believe to be iu error with the weapon of truth, und not of force, ti very elTcctn il nr:umeul. it is true, but out whuh is apt to return mid plague those who employ it. Pool Osrauty'l Pktniakv Du iNQt rvcirs The Detroit AdeerttaMT er justly uitm k-. to .r Greeley is 1 "potlihrsl naissnce To thi- bmmi Qteelev eeplies that "if the edkov oi the advor liser afoeesald w ill he pood enough to return the two hntidred dollars ho borfOMed (or w is it be jetlV of ns to astahflsh himself iu said papee, he h ill p welcome o av what he pie o-.-s ni us therealttr " This is sll very well; but li e editor of the Advertiser should -end the monev to n. Mot to poor (Jreeley We h ive a fund in ch n : for the sett I. ment of pM)r flreelev's pe uniarv deliii(Ueticie. und this two hundre l inllars will esefcstMS ni iter! illy in inerei--ine the fund Some time aen poor (stceley collected an Irish relief fund, which he refuses to scennut f ir. or to refund to the cominiitee w!m are endeavoring to relie e I-eland now. This two nund red dollars will help pav ofl that tlel t. and so the editor ot the Adverti-er should transmit it lo us forthwith. lireelei s other creibtors, if he hue mn , ouht tni'J7 -lit Ml ' RH I AD CO., Aircnta. w WANTS. lXT"li--A SM KT ICTITI H AN T' I TAK I TII K rvri.r.lvf ueii v n tli' State of Iiel an It i Patent artlel - in nufa." ice.! n !C' w V.irW. The 1. -nie s i-wt llestablt-lie.ini rv V..rk ajhl the K ist, aurl will pas Hi a nn tl. lu re I'-r . i. si bu-r an a reeable and pi i .ft i aide hnssMMS, to MP. STAC T 'V, tnv'.'7 dtft isam '.7. Sp ic r House. CLOCKS. V 'JKQt MMMMMB. HatMMKPBHLVsMI AUCTION. GUARDIAN'S SALE. k'OTK I Is HKlt! P.Y i J 1 V I- X TH AT WIM. SF.I... AT on the premises, Püning the Model I iMinMMfSsha, tbe folh.wiujr real ea- )n o'clock, A. M Mills, in die i'ity tut". !- it: Thirl j .vis f' t ai.'l seven i; ci.e nit of the cvt jiart el let twenty three, '2:.) UM "IT n evt-lot No uti of the di.ii.iii. ii i.o ii-. alj ninjr the c.iy o Itiriianap. 1m, Ind.. I.y Jan.. - l.l . n-l J.i I IJ.iy. lot w rll he sold !r i.o less (ban ta o-'lnr1s af the appraise.. valMSS the pur be er (.'i noe-fannh 1 1 tlie innihsss whmit dowe, om fwMrtb tn ts, ena-fsertb n twelve aid one f..urti in efaebteen months fn n t L- -i . of s'e. secarliM the ayfersoa payasuits b note, ninl Baartiease .n the lo adopt the .ame course; for if the Tribune phi luatmn 'd s,.pr u-eiueiiM-w- , . . . e . , . ' my 2a dot H. UAKL'SLK, Gaarrll losopher Mice pats hold of their money if Will co here the It ish fund and the Kansas fond have pine, and Heaven Onll knows what mav been ? of it. V. Herald f.ov i rnnii til it tolndlnnii ' i he Administration has recei-ed noiiei that the State BtithOritiea of Indiana may be cmnel t . a pe.l to it fi.r funds t. earrj on the St itp OoverMsnent, the late Copperhead Lo:. Mature having lclt them without appropriations The ..t -ei is ander Stood to hive lieen een that in the j 'ec..t crisis aiiT interruption or eitih it ms. ment ol ihe duties: of S'ate officers shnnld le re f ii ltd as I enl .rnity, to be pre en'ed at nur ex I pci 'i' ..I hanard. T be shore is rent teed in s sreci W asJlins ton dispatch to the Cincinnati tl zefe It ia pe en I io I v i ich. E r .!: in fndiwna knows thit j tbe reason In no afnrOwiaUoiiS were MS its bv I the l ite Legislnlnre was heeanse tl.e Reiiohliean members broke wp yanrssi bv atrtrelowins the;r se.ts The DeOJWrathl or MCoss ethead." as ' this wri'er c.ilis ihesn ssOMsnees rem t e.1 In their se.ts readv to pas the spprofriatit n bills snd all ' Othei nsceasart me.i-ures Nor .to ae Imlieva it is true tint the -'St ite an- ; thoritifs " ..f InsHnil hive had anv fhoncht ofl s shine ihe Wahinjton Administration for funds. WO doubt ie:...'i ahybodl but the tJovernor ! who i-iu i t tie of a number of 8 ife an hori ties" h iS ever dreamed of SpfaVtlfnf to NVjisb hurton - lands The truth is. thae is no law! of Indian aarrantinft snch a eatt Mpno Mi L:u coin or Mi Ch ie. nor is there ans Uw of C ti gress wai ranftnjr each oVpoeitloc of thenional ; treasute. |
github_open_source_100_1_359 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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<title>Convertion of XML</title>
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textarea {
height: 200px !important;
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<div class="container-fluid pad-all">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">SVG HTML:</label>
<!-- <input type="file" name="" class="svg-file"> -->
<textarea class="svg-field form-control"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="content"></div>
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">JSON:</label>
<textarea class="json-field form-control"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">SVG BASE MALE:</label>
<textarea class="male-field form-control"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">SVG BASE FEMALE:</label>
<textarea class="female-field form-control"></textarea>
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" >
<!-- <div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">HTML RESULT: (Removed the display="none" used as Base)</label>
<textarea class="html-field form-control"></textarea>
</div> -->
<div class="form-group" style="display: none;">
<div class="male-content" >
<div class="form-group" style="display: none;">
<div class="female-content" >
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<input type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-json" value="Json">
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github_open_source_100_1_360 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import React, { useState, useContext } from 'react';
import 'react-draft-wysiwyg/dist/react-draft-wysiwyg.css';
import AddEvent from './AddEvent';
import FormSubmitted from './FormSubmitted';
//material ui component
import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import Divider from '@material-ui/core/Divider';
import Card from '@material-ui/core/Card';
import CardContent from '@material-ui/core/CardContent';
import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import EventContext from './../../../context/event/eventContext';
import ExpansionPanel from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanel';
import ExpansionPanelSummary from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelSummary';
import ExpansionPanelDetails from '@material-ui/core/ExpansionPanelDetails';
import ExpandMoreIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ExpandMore';
import EventTable from './EventTable';
import {backendUrl} from "../../../context/types";
const style = {
marginTop: '112px',
form: {
padding: '20px',
width: '100%',
text: {
appearance: 'none',
width: '100%',
padding: '5px',
height: '35px',
borderRadius: '5px',
outline: 'none',
border: 'none',
background: '#e8ebed',
color: '#576366',
fontSize: '14px'
const Event = () => {
const eventContext = useContext(EventContext);
const { events } = eventContext;
const [formComplete, setFormComplete ] = useState();
const [formSubmitted, setFormSubmitted] = useState(false);
const [details, setDetails] = useState({
type: 'single',
name: '',
description: '',
venue: '',
timing: '',
date: '',
amount: 0,
teamSize: '',
const handleChange = e => {
if (
details.amount !== '' &&
details.capacity !== '' && !== '' &&
details.description !== '' &&
details.venue !== '' &&
details.timing !== '' && !== '' &&
details.teamSize !== '' &&
details.resources !== ''
) {
const handleEventType = (event, newType) => {
'type': newType});
const handleIsPaid = (event, newType) => {
'isPaid': newType});
const handleSubmit=(e)=>{
details.amount === '' ||
details.capacity === '' || === '' ||
details.description === '' ||
details.venue === '' ||
details.timing === '' || === '' ||
details.teamSize === '' ||
details.resources === ''
) {
console.log('fields not complete')
} else {
// alert("hello"+JSON.stringify(details))
alert("Event added successfully")
var error=new Error('Error'+response.status+':'+response.statusText);
throw error;
const handleAdditional = () => {
type: 'single',
name: '',
description: '',
venue: '',
timing: '',
date: '',
amount: 0,
teamSize: '',
return (
<div id='event-showcase'>
<Grid item sm={12} xs={10} md={3} lg={4}>
<Card className='card--shadow ab'>
fontFamily: 'roboto',
letterSpacing: '0.9',
color: '#fafafa'
Total Events
fontFamily: 'roboto',
letterSpacing: '0.9',
color: '#fafafa',
textAlign: 'center'
<Grid item sm={12} xs={10} md={3} lg={4}>
<Card className='card--shadow bc'>
fontFamily: 'roboto',
letterSpacing: '0.9',
color: '#fafafa'
Total Workshops
fontFamily: 'roboto',
letterSpacing: '0.9',
color: '#fafafa',
textAlign: 'center'
<Grid item sm={12} xs={10} md={3} lg={4}>
<Card className='card--shadow ca'>
fontFamily: 'roboto',
letterSpacing: '0.9',
color: '#fafafa'
Total Attendies
fontFamily: 'roboto',
letterSpacing: '0.9',
color: '#fafafa',
textAlign: 'center'
<div id='eventlist'>
<ExpansionPanel className='card--shadow'>
<ExpansionPanelSummary expandIcon={<ExpandMoreIcon />}>
fontFamily: 'Roboto',
letterSpacing: '1px',
fontSize: '22px'
<b>List of Events</b>
<EventTable />
<div id='create-new-event'>
<ExpansionPanel className='card--shadow'>
<ExpansionPanelSummary expandIcon={<ExpandMoreIcon />}>
fontFamily: 'Roboto',
letterSpacing: '1px',
fontSize: '22px'
<b>Add Event</b>
<div style={style.form}>
<form autoComplete='on' onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
{!formSubmitted ?
handleChange={(e) => handleChange(e)}
handleEventType={(e, newType) => handleEventType(e, newType)}
handleIsPaid={(e, newType) => handleIsPaid(e, newType)}
: <FormSubmitted handleAdditional={handleAdditional}/>
export default Event;
github_open_source_100_1_361 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package ru.hse.gears;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class GearsApplication {
public static void main(String... args) {, args);
} |
github_open_source_100_1_362 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | /*
* @Author: sam.hongyang
* @LastEditors: sam.hongyang
* @Description: function description
* @Date: 2020-07-03 10:27:02
* @LastEditTime: 2020-07-03 14:26:30
import { Base } from '../base/base.dto';
import { Author } from '../author/author.entity';
export class EducationDto extends Base {
readonly position: string;
readonly province: string;
readonly city: string;
readonly school: string;
readonly majoring: string;
readonly education: string;
readonly author: Author;
github_open_source_100_1_363 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import { verbs, TOTALWORDS } from "./constants.js"
export default class WordsManager {
constructor(level) {
loadGroupsScoring() {
["vt1", "vt2", "vt3", "vt4", "vt5", "vt6"].forEach(this.loadGroupScoring.bind(this))
loadGroupScoring(groupName) {
let loadedVerbs = []
let loadFunc
switch(groupName) {
case "vt1":
loadedVerbs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("vt1")) || []
loadFunc = this.loadOrInitVerb(loadedVerbs)
verbs.vt1 =,b) => a.score - b.score)
localStorage.setItem("vt1", JSON.stringify(verbs.vt1))
case "vt2":
loadedVerbs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("vt2")) || []
loadFunc = this.loadOrInitVerb(loadedVerbs)
verbs.vt2 =,b) => a.score - b.score)
localStorage.setItem("vt2", JSON.stringify(verbs.vt2))
case "vt3":
loadedVerbs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("vt3")) || []
loadFunc = this.loadOrInitVerb(loadedVerbs)
verbs.vt3 =,b) => a.score - b.score)
localStorage.setItem("vt3", JSON.stringify(verbs.vt3))
case "vt4":
loadedVerbs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("vt4")) || []
loadFunc = this.loadOrInitVerb(loadedVerbs)
verbs.vt4 =,b) => a.score - b.score)
localStorage.setItem("vt4", JSON.stringify(verbs.vt4))
case "vt5":
loadedVerbs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("vt5")) || []
loadFunc = this.loadOrInitVerb(loadedVerbs)
verbs.vt5 =,b) => a.score - b.score)
localStorage.setItem("vt5", JSON.stringify(verbs.vt5))
case "vt6":
loadedVerbs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("vt6")) || []
loadFunc = this.loadOrInitVerb(loadedVerbs)
verbs.vt6 =,b) => a.score - b.score)
localStorage.setItem("vt6", JSON.stringify(verbs.vt6))
loadOrInitVerb(verbs) {
return (checkingVerb) => {
if(typeof checkingVerb == "string") {
let verb = verbs.find(verb => == checkingVerb)
if(verb) {
return verb
} else return {name: `${checkingVerb}`, score: 0}
} else {
let verb = verbs.find(verb => ==
if(verb) {
return verb
} else return {name: `${}`, score: 0}
mixWords(level) {
let currentVerbCount = TOTALWORDS
let randomVerbs = []
for( let i = 0; i < TOTALWORDS*100; i++ ) {
if(currentVerbCount === 0) break
let group = getRandomInt(6)
let verb = ""
let appendParams = []
switch (group) {
case 0:
verb = this.getCurrentLevelRandomVerbs(verbs.vt1, level)
appendParams = [verb, 'vt1']
case 1:
verb = this.getCurrentLevelRandomVerbs(verbs.vt2, level)
appendParams = [verb, 'vt2']
case 2:
verb = this.getCurrentLevelRandomVerbs(verbs.vt3, level)
appendParams = [verb, 'vt3']
case 3:
verb = this.getCurrentLevelRandomVerbs(verbs.vt4, level)
appendParams = [verb, 'vt4']
case 4:
verb = this.getCurrentLevelRandomVerbs(verbs.vt5, level)
appendParams = [verb, 'vt5']
case 5:
verb = this.getCurrentLevelRandomVerbs(verbs.vt6, level)
appendParams = [verb, 'vt6']
if( !randomVerbs.find( (element) => element[0] == appendParams[0] ) ) {
} (randomVerb) => appendToZone('ungrouped', createSpan(...randomVerb)))
getCurrentLevelRandomVerbs(verbs, level) {
let levelDelta = Math.ceil(verbs.length / 3)
let levelArrayMax = Math.ceil(levelDelta * level) > verbs.length ? verbs.length : Math.ceil(levelDelta * level)
let levelArrayMin = levelArrayMax - levelDelta
let levelArrayIndex = getRandomInt(levelDelta) + levelArrayMin
return verbs[levelArrayIndex]
function createSpan(text, type){
let span = document.createElement('span')
span.innerHTML =
span.draggable = true
span.wordType = type
span.classList.add('word') = getRandomInt(10)
return span
function appendToZone(zone, element){
export function getRandomInt(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max));
github_open_source_100_1_364 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | //@flow
import {
type Reducer,
type Middleware,
type Dispatch,
} from 'redux'
import {from, periodic} from 'most'
import {
type Store,
type Event,
type Domain,
} from '..'
test('default domain', async() => {
github_open_source_100_1_365 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | from .application import MyApplication
__all__ = ["MyApplication"] |
122406_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | O Samba Poconé é o terceiro álbum da banda mineira Skank, lançado em 1996. O álbum foi produzido por Dudu Marote e se tornou o álbum mais bem-sucedido da banda, superando 1 milhão de cópias vendidas, mesmo que tivesse menos canções de sucesso que o álbum anterior.
A banda deixou de lado o dancehall brasileiro para experimentar elementos de rock, rockabilly, rock latino e forró.
Em 2011, a banda tinha planos de lançar uma edição comemorativa de 15 anos do álbum, incluindo faixas bônus e um show gravado na turnê de divulgação do álbum em 1996. Em 11 de novembro de 2016, foi lançada uma edição comemorativa de 20 anos do álbum, incluindo dois discos bônus com demos, remixes, instrumentais, versões alternativas e faixas descartadas do álbum original.
Gravado no estúdio Mosh, em São Paulo, o álbum conta com a participação do cantor francês Manu Chao em três faixas do álbum. Chao foi introduzido à banda por Paco Pigalle, dono de um clube em Belo Horizonte que também canta na faixa "Los Pretos". O título, aludindo à cidade de Poconé, no Mato Grosso, foi escolhido por achar que representava "o interior do Brasil e as misturas de referência musical que nos influenciavam na época", segundo Henrique Portugal. A banda nunca esteve na cidade, mas o Poconé Esporte Clube retribuiu a homenagem dando uma camisa de presente quando a banda tocou em Cuiabá.
De acordo com o release do site oficial da banda, o álbum foi "inspirado nos filmes da Atlântida com Zé Trindade, Renata Fronzi e Grande Otelo e nos pequenos circos que percorrem o país." O projeto gráfico de Gringo Cardia reuniu pinturas do espanhol José Robles, já que Samuel Rosa não queria fotografias no encarte e pediu que buscasse o responsável pelos painéis das fachadas dos cinemas de São Paulo. Robles criou 18 obras, com o álbum aproveitando treze.
De acordo com Samuel Rosa para a revista Rolling Stone Brasil, o álbum "foi, naquele período, a prova de fogo para nós e foi maravilhoso." Além de pop, o álbum tem uma dose de espectro do Skank, presente nas faixas "Sem Terra" e "Los Pretos". Afirmou que, em comparação ao álbum anterior, Calango, O Samba Poconé "é um aperfeiçoamento. Em termos estéticos e musicais, é um disco mais bem resolvido e ousado, foge daquela cartilha do dancehall, a banda está mais atrevida no estúdio". Porém, ressaltou que enquanto Calango teve várias músicas de sucesso, o desempenho radiofônico de O Samba Poconé acabou monopolizado pela primeira música de trabalho, "Garota Nacional", com apenas "É Uma Partida de Futebol" e "Tão Seu" ganhando espaço.
Don Snowden, da AllMusic, avaliou o álbum com três estrelas de cinco. Para o crítico, as músicas foram bem produzidas, definindo as quatro primeira faixas como as mais fortes do álbum. Anderson Nascimento, do portal Galeria Musical, também avaliou o álbum com três estrelas de cinco.
De acordo com o site oficial da banda, o disco vendeu mais de 1,8 milhões de cópias, sendo o mais vendido da carreira. Foi certificado como disco de diamante pela ABPD, equivalente a 1 milhão de cópias.
Edição especial de 20 anos
Em 11 de novembro de 2016, foi lançada uma edição tripla em comemoração aos 20 anos do álbum, com 29 faixas bônus. Uma turnê comemorativa também rodou o Brasil, incluindo boa parte do álbum.
A banda de axé Banda Eva, ainda com Ivete Sangalo nos vocais, regravou a canção "Tão Seu" em seu primeiro álbum ao vivo, Banda Eva ao Vivo (1997).
A cantora brasileira Luiza Possi regravou a canção "Os Exilados" em seu álbum de estreia, Eu Sou Assim (2002).
A banda Roupa Nova regravou a canção "Tão Seu" em seu álbum Ouro de Minas (2001)
Lista de faixas
Certificados e vendas
Equipe técnica
Samuel Rosa: vocal e guitarra
Henrique Portugal: teclados
Lelo Zaneti: baixo
Haroldo Ferretti: bateria
Músicos convidados
Manu Chao: vocal em "Los Pretos", "Sem Terra" e "Zé Trindade"
Chico Amaral, Proveta e Teco Cardoso: saxofone
Edivaldo Silva e Sidnei Borgani: trombone
João Vianna, Naor Gomes e Walmir Gil: trompete
Ed Côrtes, James Müller e Marcos Romera: percussão
Toninho Ferragutti: acordeão em "Poconé"
Paco Pigalle: vocal em "Los Pretos"
Débora Reis, Graça Cunha, Kelly Cruz e Vânia Abreu: vocais em "Eu Disse a Ela"
Álbuns de 1996
Álbuns de Skank
Álbuns de ska
Álbuns de pop rock
Álbuns em língua portuguesa
Álbuns lançados pela Sony Music Brasil.
bpt6k54196945_1 | French-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | LE RÉGIS FOMIER LE RÉGIME MINIER Où en sont les études des décrets devant les réorganiser ? À diverses reprises, plusieurs intéressés nous ont demandé où en étaient les études ordonnées en vue de réorganiser la législation foncière, et si aussi celle des mines communes. Depuis que des commissions spéciales en ont été chargées, nous n'en avons plus entendu parler. Cependant, l'intérêt de la colonisation réclame d'urgence la réalisation des réformes projetées, notamment en ce qui concerne la propriété foncière. C'est en Mars dernier qu'a été nommée la commission spéciale chargée de son étude, et la désignation de l'éminent magistrat qui en est le président faisait bien augurer du nouveau décret en préparation. On nous a exprimé la crainte que ce nouveau décret, comme celui qui l'a précédé, n'apparaisse un jour, comme sortant d'une boîte à surprise, sans que personne, au préalable, ait pu en connaître, encore moins en discuter les dispositions. Nous n'avons pas hésité à répondre que cela était impossible, car Monsieur le Gouverneur Général a formellement promis qu'avant de le soumettre à la signature présidentielle, le nouveau décret serait communiqué aux Chambres consultatives de commerce et d'industrie, ainsi qu'aux Comices agricoles, afin de provoquer leurs observations s'il y avait lieu, et on peut être absolument sûr que Monsieur Picquié ne faillira pas à sa parole. On peut donc y compter, tout en suppliant les Commissions à qui l'étude en a été confiée, de vouloir bien hâter leurs travaux. Les colons attendent ! Gris du cœur. Comment se faire aimer. Bien que la visite dont il est rendu compte ci-après eût ancienne, les idées émises et les sentiments exprimés sont toujours d'actualité et en les publiant nous croyons être agréables à nos lecteurs. Nous avons eu un avis de l'État français pendant quelques jours à Maurice. Cela nous a permis d'avoir le plaisir d'être en contact avec son commandant, le capitaine de frégate Grellier, et son état-major. Avant même de débarquer, ils avaient déjà la sympathie de tous, et chacun depuis Son Excellence le Gouverneur jusqu'au simple particulier, s'est efforcé de contribuer à rendre leur séjour à Maurice aussi agréable que possible. Chez nos officiels, on peut dire que les réceptions faites au commandant Grellier et à ses officiers n'ont été que des actes de courtoisie qui auraient été les mêmes s'ils avaient eu affaire à des Allemands. Chez les Mauriciens, il n'en a pas été ainsi. Si, au lieu d'officiers français, il s'était agi d'officiers allemands, la réserve, pour ne dire la froideur, dont nous aurions fait montre envers les Teutons, ne leur aurait pas laissé le moindre doute sur le peu de sympathie des enfants de l'Île de France pour ceux qui ont pris l'Alsace et la Lorraine. Je puis dire sans crainte d'être contredit, que jamais les officiers d'un navire de guerre français n'ont reçu autant d'empressements de la part de la population mauricienne. Pour celui qui sait observer, cette démonstration inusitée de sympathie s'expliquerait par un événement récent, et serait une conséquence d'une appréhension de l'avenir. L'événement récent auquel je veux faire allusion serait la publication des articles sensationnels d'Edouard Laurent sur la rétrocession de l'Île Maurice à la France. Si l'on voulait être franc, on reconnaîtrait que la Session de 1913 5e Séance — 10 Juin 1913 (Suite) En réalité, il existe de grandes superficies de terres dans la Grande Île qui seraient facilement cultivables par des travaux de drainage ou d'irrigation. Nous savons et nous sommes heureux de le reconnaître que le Service de Colonisation a entrepris des travaux importants dans la plaine de Betsimitatatra dans les environs de Tananarive, dans les terres d'Antsirabé, dans la Plaine de Marovoay, dans la plaine du Beiar; tous ces travaux ou presque tous intéressant plus particulièrement les indigènes, dès qu'il s'est agi de marais, les Européens ont toujours été éloignés, on se demande pourquoi. D'après les explications fournies par le Chef du Service de Colonisation, il parait bien que, dans le nouveau décret sur le régime des eaux, actuellement soumis à l'approbation ministérielle, des dispositions ont été prises pour permettre la détermination des vrais propriétaires tout au moins dans le périmètre des terres à améliorer. Ces dispositions permettront vraisemblablement de mettre en évidence la terre vacante, c'est-à-dire celle où pourra accéder la colonisation européenne. Mais, d'ores et déjà, les règlements actuels permettent, dans les régions de colonisation présentes, l'accès des concessionnaires européens, tout en réservant aux indigènes les terres que leurs droits et leurs besoins leur permettent de revendiquer. Le programme de travaux que peut s'imposer le Service de Colonisation dans cet ordre de chose est vaste et peut avoir des résultats féconds et utiles. Dans les terres volcaniques du Nord de l'Île on peut irriguer les immenses plateaux qui s'étendent au pied du massif d'Ambre et rendre cultivables de bonnes terres arables, formées par les dépôts de cendres volcaniques et pouvant être utilisées pour toutes sortes de cultures. « La plaine du Sambirano n'aura vraiment trouvé une affectation définitive qu'autant que l'on aura accompli les travaux d'irrigation qui permettront de faire entrer la canne à sucre en assolements réguliers avec le manioc. « La plaine de Marovoay, comme toutes celles de la Betsiboka, exige des travaux importants et coûteux pour la mise en valeur. « Enfin, les terres des plaines du Sud-Ouest n'auront de valeur que par l'eau qu'on y apportera. Sur les Hauts-Plateaux, la Colonisation européenne, qui se conçoit surtout comme entreprise de petite et moyenne envergure, ne pourra se fixer et se développer qu'autant qu'on lui permettra de s'étendre sur les terres fertiles des plaines au lieu de la cantonner systématiquement sur les terres rouges stériles des collines de latérite. Sur la côte Est, un problème nouveau se pose avec la mise en valeur des terres de marais. Les terres alluvionnaires des régions à pentes rapides, sont relativement rares ; on peut difficilement trouver actuellement des concessions de quelque importance dans ces sortes de terres. De plus en plus, pour s'aggrandir, il faudra tenter la culture des « tanety » ou celle de marais. La première a été essayée déjà depuis longtemps, notamment à Manaojary où elle a donné d'assez beaux résultats. Ces terrains sont en effet tous d'origine volcanique, plus fertiles, plus facilement cultivables que les sols provenant de la décomposition de gneiss et des granits. Les résultats seront toujours variables, par conséquent peu conductants. Il ne paraît pas en être de même pour les terres de marais. Quelques essais entrepris dans la vallée de l'Ivondro et de l'Ivoloina, à Tamatave, ont donné des résultats conformes à ce que la théorie nous permet de supposer. C'est donc de ce côté qu'il faut orienter les planteurs et c'est un devoir pour l'Administration de collaborer et d'aider par tous les moyens possibles à la mise en valeur des marais de la côte Est. Les difficultés que le colon européen aurait hommage au courage et à la loyauté d'Edouard Laurent pour avoir dit tout haut ce que chacun pensait et n'osait dire ; on avouerait que les réceptions enthousiastes dont le commandant et les officiers de l'aviso transport français, le Vaucluse, viennent d'être l'objet de la part de la population mauricienne n'ont été que le contrecoup des articles d'Edouard Laurent permettant à l'expression vraie des sentiments des Mauriciens envers la France de se faire jour. Il est vrai que l'Entente Cordiale a facilité les choses, en permettant à bien des habitants du Réduit de donner libre cours à leurs sentiments, sans crainte de froisser les susceptibilités de ceux à qui ils prodigueront demain leurs plus gracieux sourires et leurs plus chaleureuses démonstrations de loyalisme. L'appréhension de l'avenir ? Elle est due à la nouvelle orientation de la politique de l'Angleterre, comme l'a dit et écrit Zeppelin, le collaborateur de la « Parie ». Sous la poussée instinctive d'une sympathie irrésistible pour notre ancienne mère-patrie, née du pressentiment de la profonde déception qui l'attend dans la façon dont l'Angleterre comprend l'Entente Cordiale, les Mauriciens, malgré eux, ont laissé voir tout ce qu'il y a de vrai dans les paroles de notre ancien gouverneur, sir Hubert Jerningham, celui qui a été le plus intimement lié à la vie privée des Mauriciens et a mieux pénétré le tréfonds de leur âme ; « Dans toutes les questions qui s'élèvent entre l'Angleterre et la France, les sympathies des habitants doivent aller à la France, en raison de leur commune langue et malgré leur loyauté envers l'Angleterre. » Un autre Anglais, le major C. E. P. Foulkes, a écrit de son côté : « Les Anglais n'ont jamais imprimé leur individualité sur l'île d'une façon appréciable ; l'île reste presque aussi exclusivement française qu'elle l'était il y a cent ans. » Si ces sentiments se sont maintenus jusqu'à ce jour, c'est grâce aux vexations continuelles auxquelles les Mauriciens sont en butte de la part du Gouvernement colonial, vexations envenimées par la morgue des fonctionnaires étrangers au pays, fonctionnaires incapables et inférieurs aux dirigeants mauriciens en instruction comme en éducation. Il est absolument impossible à l'Angleterre de gouverner un pays comme Maurice et de donner satisfaction à la population tant que Maurice sera « Crown Colony ». Le pays est trop avancé en civilisation, les Mauriciens sont trop supérieurs sous bien des rapports à la plupart des fonctionnaires appelés à le gouverner, pour qu'ils puissent faire bon ménage ensemble. (De la Dépêche de St-Denis). COMMISSION MUNICIPALE ! La Commission municipale de Tamatave, s'est été réunie, mercredi dernier, 10 courant, sous la présidence de M. Berhier, Administrateur en chef, maire de Tamatave, pour discuter le budget communal de 1914, et résoudre diverses questions. Nous en publierons plus tard le compte-rendu. Etaient présents : MM. Baï Met, Pierre, Jullien, Etienne, Duprô et Marteau. Les deux adjoints brillaient par leur absence, comme également ils ont brillé par leur absence à toutes les fêtes ou réunions publiques qui ont eu lieu à Tamatave depuis près d'une année. Singulière manière de représenter et défendre les intérêts de la ville ! Il est vrai que cette dernière fois l'un d'eux, M. Bérard, a une excuse valable : Celle d'être parti en France, pour rétablir sa santé compromise par les luttes épiques soutenues par lui dans ces derniers temps... Paris le 9 Septembre. Officiel. — Sont promus divisionnaires : les généraux, Ebener, Aubier ; sont promus brigadiers : les colonels Rogers, Memissier, Roze. Edinenerville, Matton, Ridier, Dumézil, Pantin-desaint, Morel, Pillot, Demande, Guillaume. Sont nommés médecins inspecteurs : Collin, Descours, est nommé vétérinaire-inspecteur : Barrier. Limoges. — Poincaré arriva acclamé par une foule énorme et reçut une délégation, puis il parut au balcon de la préfecture d'où il prononça une allocution ensuite il assista à un dîner et à une représentation théâtrale. Le Roi de Grèce Tiendrait à Paris le 21 Septembre incognito et visiterait Poincaré. Les journaux de Pétersbourg disent que l'escadre Russe de la Baltique partit visiter l'Angleterre et la France. Paris. — Après avoir visité dans la matinée le centre industriel de Saint-James, Poincaré présida à midi à Limoges le banquet des maires du département et visita dans l'après-midi la Chambre de commerce, l'hôpital et le musée. Constantinople. — Les ambassadeurs des puissances consultèrent au plénipotentiaire Bulgare Suvorov de se montrer conciliant. Les Espagnols eurent 7 morts dus au combat du 7 Septembre à Tétouan. La Chine présenta des excuses au Japon pour l'attaque de l'instar de Japonais à Nankin. Paris le 10 Septembre. On mande de Limoges que Poincaré et Mme offrirent un dîner à la préfecture aux autorités civiles et militaires et partirent ensuite pour Bourganeuf, Guéret. Hêligoland. — Le dirigeable Zeppelin L. I. voulant atterrir fut pris dans un remous et tourmente de vent ; il sombra et coula faisant 13 noyés dont plusieurs officiers supérieurs, mais il y eut 7 sauvés ; l'émotion est indescriptible. Madrid. — Des tempêtes de pluie et de vent causèrent des dégâts immenses — A Montréal, la foudre carbonisa quatre personnes. New-York. — Un train dérailla près de Madison blessant dangereusement 38 personnes. Les journaux de Lyon disent que dans la soirée l'aviateur Chaumette chuta et se tua. Paris. — Poincaré commença dans la matinée sa randonnée dans le Limousin, le Périgord, visita Bourganeuf, Guéret, Aubusson, et les populations enthousiastes acclament le président. À la suite d'un discours du Roi de Grèce à Berlin déclarant que les succès Grecs sont dus à la tactique prussienne, la presse française témoigne sa surprise pour un pareil oublie des services rendus par la mission militaire que présidait le Général Eydoux. HélioLand. — Il y a actuellement quatre morts dans la catastrophe du Zeppelin. New-York. — Thaw a été reconduit à la gare des Etats-Unis par les autorités Calvinistes. Paris le 11 Septembre. Lacourtine. — Apprenant la catastrophe du Zeppelin, Poincaré adressa ses condoléances au Kaiser. Athènes. — Le ministre des Affaires étrangères déclara au correspondant de l'Agence Havas, que dans le discours du roi, il y avait un malentendu sans aucun rapport avec la politique. Une intention dirigée contre la France aurait la désapprobation de la nation Grecque unanimement reconnaissante à la France. Le ministre de Grèce à Paris déclara au "Matin" que le roi a une profonde admiration pour la France et qu'il lui fait une visite de sympathie. Il rend justice aux services rendus par la mission française. Le ministre de Grèce déclara à Pichon que la Grèce, consciente de ce qu'elle doit à la France, fera le nécessaire pour dissiper ce malentendu. A Buchenbeuren en Prusse, un biplan monté par deux officiers évoluant au cours des manœuvres pénétra dans la foule tuant quatre personnes et en blessant quinze. M. et Mme Poincaré et leur suite continuèrent leur randonnée en automobile à travers le plateau de Mildevanches et dans les gorges de la Dordogne. Union Coloniale Française Section de Madagascar et des Comores (Seance du 9 mai 1913) (Suite) Communications Maritime. — M. le Président se félicite de la présence de M. de Saboulin, secrétaire de la Direction de la Compagnie des Messageries maritimes. Il le prie de vouloir bien, dans la mesure du possible, faire connaître à la Section l'état actuel des négociations avec le gouvernement général en ce qui concerne l'organisation des services locaux. M. du Saboulin déclare qu'il comprend les légitimes préoccupations que fait naître l'état actuel des services maritimes locaux à Madagascar. La Compagnie des Messageries maritimes est loin de rester indifférente à ces préoccupations, ses intérêts propres, tout comme ceux des commerçants, souffrent d'un état de choses qu'il n'a pas dépendu d'elle de modifier plus rapidement. En somme, la question se présente comme suit : Du jour où, en application des dispositions de son nouveau cahier des charges, la Compagnie a eu entre la France et Madagascar 26 voyages annuels au lieu de 24, les correspondances jadis assurées entre les navires des lignes annexes et ceux des grandes lignes n'ont pas pu être maintenues. Une modification des contrats locaux devenait nécessaire. Cette modification, on pouvait la concevoir de deux façons : ou supprimer une partie des parcours pour permettre aux navires dont on allégeait les services d'assurer le plus grand nombre des correspondances, ou ne rien changer aux itinéraires, les développer même dans une certaine mesure et mettre en ligne un quatrième navire. La colonie n'a pas accepté la première combinaison et la seconde lui a paru entraîner des charges financières trop lourdes. Entre la colonie et la Compagnie, les pourparlers continuent, au sujet desquels M. de Saboulin s'excuse d'être tenu à la plus grande réserve, mais ils paraissent devoir bientôt aboutir, le ministère des Colonies s'occupant également de la question. Au sujet du taux élevé de subvention qu'on reproche aux Messageries maritimes de demander pour les services locaux de Madagascar, M. de Saboulin rappelle que ces services font partie du domaine privé de la Compagnie, que leur exploitation doit donc être considérée, abstraction faite de celle des lignes principales, et qu'elle doit, ainsi envisagée, présenter une légitime rémunération du capital. Or c'est un fait qu'actuellement le trafic local et surtout le trafic entre Madagascar et l'Afrique du Sud est à ce point insuffisant, que l'exploitation envisagée ne peut être assurée à des conditions raisonnables avec une subvention inférieure à celle demandée. A ce sujet, la bonne foi de la Compagnie est établie par ce fait que de son propre mouvement elle a fait connaître au gouverneur général qu'elle était prête à accepter le principe de la réversibilité annuelle de cette subvention. M. de Saboulin redit, en terminant, le ferme espoir qu'il a de voir les choses s'arranger à brève échéance, (A suivre). Faits Divers Un drame à Fianarantsoa Un événement de plus douloureux vient de se produire à Fianarantsoa, causant une profonde consternation. M. Duchène, l'agent de culture, bien connu et si apprécié de tous, s'est noyé dans un étang, aux environs de la ville au cours de sondages qu'il y pratiquait afin d'en mieux aménager les eaux des tinées à arroser des rizières situées en aval. Avec ses deux plus jeunes enfants, il procédait à cette opération, monté sur deux pirogues couplées, lorsque à un moment donné, sans que l'on puisse s'expliquer comment, les deux pirogues ont coulé. Les deux enfants ont pu être sauvés; mais le père, quoique bon nageur, s'est noyé et son corps n'a pu être retrouvé que le lendemain. Impossible de dépeindre la désolation de sa famille, et la stupeur des habitants, qui tous ont accouru à ses funérailles. Tribunal Correctionnel Dans son audience du 9 Septembre 1913 le Tribunal de Simple police et Correctionnel de Tamatave a prononcé les condamnations suivantes : Botosoamena et Itary, 5 francs d'amende chacun — par défaut — pour contravention à l'arrêté du 26 décembre 1906 — sur les vidanges — M. X... leur employeur est civilement responsable ; Magoro, ivresse, 5 francs d'amende ; Bernard Florent, même motif et même peine — par défaut ; Les rencontres dans une entreprise de ce genre sont de deux sortes : elles se rapportent, d'une part, à l'attribution de la terre, d'autre part, à ses mauvaises conditions physiques. « Depuis longtemps on a reconnu aux indigènes sur tous les marais, c'est-à-dire les terres pouvant être mises en rizières, une sorte de présomption de propriété qui a fait rejeter, à priori, les demandes de concessions émanant d'Européens. « La législation actuelle ne nous offre qu'un seul moyen, pour éviter les lenteurs du mode admis d'attribution des terres, c'est l'immatriculation préalable au nom de l'Etat. « Le Gouvernement peut fort bien faire effectuer cette opération pour les quelques grandes plaines qui s'étendent sur le bord oriental de la Grande Île et décider que ces terres seront données, dans des conditions particulières, aux colons Européens. « Pour éviter aux mauvaises conditions physiques, résultant le plus souvent de l'excès d'eau, des travaux de drainage sont à prévoir. L'aide du Gouvernement se manifester par l'envoi de géomètres ou de techniciens qui pourront rapidement dresser un projet de drainage. Quand plusieurs propriétaires sont intéressés au même travail d'assainissement, rien n'est plus aisé que de les grouper au Syndicat auquel le Gouvernement pourra, si le juge nécessaire, octroyer les subventions, justifiées par l'intérêt général en cause. C'est cette dernière question qui est appuyée par la Commission, comme la plus importante de celles relatives aux améliorations foncières. « Dans la rapide tournée que nous avons effectuée sur les plantations, nous nous sommes aperçus que les colons de Manaujary se trouvent à l'époque où il faut songer à utiliser les produits de la terre, le café en l'espèce, par des moyens mécaniques ; l'un emploie un petit atelier moteur par la vapeur, un autre pense se servir d'une petite chute d'eau sur sa propriété ; il faut construire des séchoirs, des magasins, etc. Pour ces installations, il faut prévoir la disposition de bâtiments, des usines en un mot il faut faire des projets. Il n'y a pas de spécialistes dans la colonie. En France, une branche spéciale de fonctionnaires du Ministère de l'Agriculture a pour mission d'effectuer ces petits projets d'industries agricoles pour les particuliers ou les syndicats. La Commission estime que le Gouvernement Général peut bien offrir les mêmes avantages aux planteurs en ce qui concerne les projets d'usine pour la préparation de tous les produits agricoles et les moyens d'utiliser la force hydraulique chez les planteurs, soient préparés gratuitement par les agents du Service de Colonisation, et pour bien indiquer que le Gouvernement désire entrer dans cette voie qu'un arrêté soit pris dans ce sens. Rôle du Service de Colonisation au point de vue social « Dans ces attributions, il faut faire entrer celles qui se rapportent aux concessions de terres. Il importe que la propriété soit justement et convenablement répartie si l'on veut assurer l'ordre et la tranquillité d'un pays dans l'avenir. l'avenir. Plus grands nombreux de litiges soulevés devant les tribunaux dans la Métropole, proviennent des droits de mitoyenneté mal compris. On n'a pas fait attention à ces questions tant que les propriétés étaient éparses dans l'île, mais il est de nombreuses régions où la terre est rare, où les propriétés se touchent, vont se gêner les unes les autres si des dispositions exactes ne précisent pas les droits de chacun. Ces enquêtes sur les terrains ne peuvent être confiées qu'à des agents habitués aux choses de la terre, sachant ce qu'il faut faire pour la mettre en valeur. Pour cela rien ne nous semble plus utile que la réalisation du vœu émis en 1912 par la Chambre d'agriculture et qui demande l'occasion de la formation de lots de colonisation que le régime foncier des principales régions où se sont portés les efforts des colons soit définitivement organisé et, comme corollaire de cette question, que le programme des grands travaux d'améliorations foncières soit arrêté. (4 suivre.) Indrefimalaza, vol, 2 mois d'emprisonnement ; Berazana et Botosoa, même motif, 6 mois d'emprisonnement chacun. Objet trouvé Un réticule en cuir brun contenant une somme de 3 n 80, a été trouvé ce matin, sur la voie publique, et déposé au Commissariat de police par M. Ethève, commis des postes. — Cet objet ainsi que son contenu, ont été rendus quelques instants après à leur propriétaire la nommée Ramaria qui est venue les réclamer. UNE FUSION NECESSAIRE À MADAGASCAR Il y a quelques jours, la Dépêche Coloniale examinait l'opportunité de fondre à Madagascar Chambres de Commerce et Comices agricoles, et d'en faire des Chambres consultatives de Commerce, d'Industrie et d'Agriculture. Notre excellent confrère concluait dans un sens favorable et nous nous associons pleinement à ce vœu. Il ne faut pas, en effet, pousser trop loin l'assimilation. Pourquoi copier les rouages métropolitains, ce qui a pour unique résultat, dans une colonie à peine début de sa mise en œuvre, de diviser les efforts au lieu de les souder par leurs points de contrats. Les arguments de détail donnés par notre confrère sont également excellents. Tous les agriculteurs sont inscrits ; c'est-à-dire qu'ils sont électeurs et éligibles aux Chambres consultatives. D'autre part, les membres d'une Chambre consultative font souvent partie en même temps du Comice agricole. Mais il n'est pas logique que des agriculteurs ne puissent intervenir dans les questions douanières ou de travaux publics, et dans toutes autres qui intéressent aussi bien l'agriculture que le commerce, parce que ces questions sont du ressort des Chambres consultatives de commerce et d'industrie. Et s'il arrive que des Comices agricoles émettent des vœux sur ces points, ils font double emploi avec ceux délibérés par les Chambres consultatives, en différend quelquefois, et gênent ainsi l'autorité supérieure. Autant d'arguments qui militent en faveur de la fusion. Le Courrier Colonial. Le Gérant : R. BEAUPRÉ |
github_open_source_100_1_366 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
os.path.realpath(__file__)), "../"))
from Functions import utils as ut
if __name__=='__main__':
ut.initialize_dirs() |
0e337fa2c96c6ed1501a2d72fbefca5f_1 | French Open Data | Various open data | RCS non inscrit
Société civile immobilière
Gérant, Associé indéfiniment responsable : PINTHIER Alice ; Gérant, Associé indéfiniment responsable : MANSARD Laura
Marseille 6e Arrondissement
siège et établissement principal
acquisition, vente, administration, exploitation et gestion par location de tous biens et droits immobiliers toutes opérations financières, mobilières ou immobilières se rapportant directement ou indirectement à cet objet ou contribuant à sa réalisation
Marseille 6e Arrondissement
Immatriculation d'une personne morale (B, C, D) suite à création d'un établissement principal
github_open_source_100_1_367 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | % NUMERICAL SCRIPT FOR: A mathematical model for elasticity using calculus on discrete manifolds
%% KEY
%A=Incidence matrix
%a_{i,j}=the element of A. If i->j=1, if j->i=-1, else 0.
%D=Initial positions of nodes
%b=Initial edges
%X=Final positions of nodes
%y=Final edges
%B=External forces at nodes
%F=Forces in primary bonds (spring energy due to change of edge length)
%K=Material coefficient vector, given for each bond
%a0i=Lower bound on the change of primary edge length
%a1i=Upper bound on the change of primary edge length
%a2i=Lower bound on the change of primary edge length
%a3i=Upper bound on the change of primary edge length
%% SETTING UP D1, D2, A1, A2
A1= [1,0,0,-1,0,0;
A2 =[1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;
%% CALCULATING b1 & b2 from A1, D1 & A2,D2
%% ASSIGNING SOME VALUE FOR K1 and K2 (trial and error to find this value)
%% ASSIGNING SOME VALUE FOR a0-a3 proportional to edge length
%% Defining m1 and m2 the number of inner & outer edges
%% SETTING UP Ktilda and Atilda
%% Assuming a0i>0 and a2i>0
for i=1:m1
for j=1:m2
if A2(j,i)^2>0
P=5;%Here we say 5 nodes move, one node remains fixed.
for i=1:P
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sn87062237_1922-05-08_1_4_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | EVERY evening DAILY «XOgrr SUNDAY Lid \M r MlrrgN. Puuilabar Wi DBLAWAHN OAitKTT* KgtabUshed IV44 PKLAWAHk Hi t I S JOURNAL, gstaUllsiied IHSJ miJtllNtlTON DVli-V t OMMKIU IAL, (established ISM v Haters! Man «»or Msusgiua kdllur . kill lor B merit us UUy Kdllur Mic ri'kN y a pa)MOLD kIKHHIn 1 A) U)K A O II UKIKH ■ MV ANT. UHirKITM * IIHUNSON. lue y.iivUn |tepr\.aentallves. Ne» lurk Of Bc< .tJf, t Uih Avv huauiu 'title*. *10 Devonshire .M , l*eopl*S ds* t'o illag., wm r Oliiiwqu . >isui tluiidiug. Ailauta Subscrtpi.HNt prie» l>) mall *1» poller* Aue s uiuutlt psysble In sd hy carriers in Vi'lluuug (nan In ihn .state si (M<i year tiiu-« ! ion and , •»»•(» l«n«I vr .hm> I» « twl M Ullfc.ll CM VsliOOlATKD PKKss Kil.ii) KUM.VI U U*e .ml) evening nr * «I .»ikm in tkgasare (!»•' • » «• • l,«| l'rv« new» «er Vie,. A «pelai elro _i. ta,. «.Iiiortal root..* with US A» »%> lai.-l Press Oniœ lu Philadelphia rum I K\ Kill KVKMMJ ts ou sale regularly 1 ,i ever» a»«» «tsiul In Wtliutaston *'>'* lu »els*sie *i Mies'i Mivsl stau»« tub« • i in . \\»»lilnglua fun itun^u li.,«r,l»«lk St AtlauUc i ily riie AsstH-lsusl IT«»»» Is exclusively^ss Ulle.l to 111« use of repubUrSUon of «11 .i.HliiMt to It or not f .lellU.I* • Il l .III VII*' lie*» .11 »peu* lies olli iwis. rrevlltcl m Uils p«pvr. UoUO G.iLiilatioii Lvery tvenitib ^atujvlay MONDAY, MAY «. 1822. I II t i'N I Hi IviM» OK TA1.R. i'.iiicluAliig an «OUurtal dealing with the sui.Joci of Histc polltl««, especially of the Ihsiuocratlo party, th* 1 v..v*r Index In U« current isaus save those The State need», iui sol,loin bo this l\n *, a Democratic victory year, and the w ty to secure It I« I for all U* furg.t («ctKiial differ and tlx lit shoulder to eh.nil | • 1er. ho redeem ths Htat* from th« pi .went exit «> MMinl and humiliât Ing control, to any nothing of ths exploitation of Ihr Hl»Ui b> a few men who »cent to know and care little that the prssent policies are burdening b» »Ith debts, chaises slid taxes that the A'eiags citizen will bo unable to boar." Thai'« the tight Kind of talk. It lb kind that conveys sound advice, ein is* >» \ .,1 th. advice It . nvsje i* the kind ihm points the way to lYsimvratlc victory In Delaware at th» nest election. of talking «bout, fueltonavl differences In the Itemo V\ liKt'S the use crntie party st this time? Difference* there have been In the past, but there will be no profit in giving them anv al tendon at thl* time. Whether they pi ev ailed forty y.ars ago. or twenty, yrai « age nr in recent years, n* vv in the time to Ignora them entirely. The lVi<TO«»cratF party of Delaware Is In a tine position to enter ui» n this vear'e . «inpalgii with A clean sUl. There is not an issue likely to confront it that cannot be satisfactorily answered by the verdict of the party voters at the regular voting hour. It is proposed to take that verdict—to decide upon issues and designate candidates without regard to the past and with only one vote on the future. And when that verdict is announced, there will not be the slightest reason why it should not be cordially accepted. Then Democratic victory in Delaware will be clearly in sight. The tariff bill, with its amendments, will be debated more thoroughly in the debate than any tariff bill in the Senate. For the election of a Republican, that the realized by many is shown by the fact that it is difficult to get a quorum in the Senate, without an appeal to the Republican army and an unusually large number of Republican Congressmen are absent from the city, looking after their district. Many of them, panic-stricken by the defeat in primaries of Ira D. Copeley of Illinois, one of the administration and reactionary leaders. This is an important change in the tariff bill when it gets to conference and comes further delay or even a postponement of the subject. The report of the Democratic minority of the committee is thorough analysis of the defects of the lending measure. Senator Simmons, the ranking minority member of the finance committee and formerly its chairman, in his recent speech opening the debate on the Democratic side, made "Franchise Points" against the bill, which have been given wide publicity, and the leading Democratic journals, and in the upcoming campaign, are attacking the measure primarily for the same raw materials alleged by the committee—that it will in time, destroy the foreign market and employ the government by curtailing to the United States a bill that the bill is undoubtedly framed, the theory of protection, adopted by the Republicans after their defeat must be based upon the probable and constantly fluctuating value of the proposed bill. Jones of Naur Maxims, who has a comprehensive knowledge of the pharmacist of tariff making, also has been mentioned. Joined in the debate again, the bill, attacking the provision of the bill empowering the Government to submit to the American valuation plan and is scored against his opponents by forcing one of the leaders, Senator Smoot (Rep. Utah), to admit that under this plan duties could be levied as high as 50 percent. The Republicans, on the other hand, are lucking in leaders who understand either economic principles or facts, and it is expected that the burden of upholding this bill, already known as the "Vulgar" Tariff bill, and drafted, as the New York World says, by "economic morons," will rest upon the shoulders of Senator Smoot, who, whatever his fallings, does not lack ability or fairness or frankness. He is one of the few men on that side willing to admit a fact when compelled to face it. The celebration of the 260th anniversary of the establishment of the Society of Friends in Maryland was held in the neighboring State of the New England, which was the first province of the New England States, where religious services were conducted in accordance with the doctrines and discipline of George Fox, the founder of the sect and noted English leader in spiritual thought. Maryland had its meetinghouse and its Yearly Meeting well organized and zealous. Godly congregation of worshippers almost ten years before William Penn named to America. She was more than seven years in advance of Burlington, NJ, had preceded both in advance of Delaware, a large population of its own, and equally Delaware and Pennsylvania, established in the establishment of the congregation of its own, and equally Delaware and Pennsylvania, established in the establishment of the church. When a meeting in 1677, which had a population of Friends who preached in 1677, which had a population of Friends who preached in 1677, was held in 1677, it was the first State to organize an American Y. Early Meeting. This was, in 1681, almost at the very beginning of things in this country. The Delaware Friends first met in religious worship on Shellpot creek, at New York. In 1685, in 1686, a meeting was established at New York, which was discontinued in 1768. The first meetinghouse in Wilmington was erected in 1738, but the lack of a public place of worship had not prevented the Friends from assembling. regularly, Sundays and mid-weeks. When George Fox came to America, he found the Friends well established in Maryland, and must have been surprised at the large number of worthy persons who attended the first live days meeting on West River, Maryland, where he "providentially arranged" in time for the gathering, which was so big there was no house large enough to contain the worship of Eastern Sections of Maryland as to have been popular with the Friends. As were other parts of the State which may be regarded as somewhat strange as the State was, the seat was liberal in his views and favorable to religious tolerance. The Friends—or Quakers, as they are often erroneously called—have had an interesting history, and have exerted marked and wholesome influence. They have had the remarkable experience of seeing all the reforms they advocated adopted and set in practical operation. Theirs were the sure in the development of this country first voices raised against the inhumanity of slaves, and they were the first people to give up their own slaves, and in less than 70 years later they witnessed the final overthrow of the slave power under their influence. Their efforts have lived to see the equality of the sexes enacted into law, for which they long contended, and other religious denominations are following their example in giving women a place of equality—for activity in church work. Almost always strenuously opposed to intoxicating liquors, the Friends have been witnesses to its legal banishment from the land—a measure they had unalterably advocated for more than a century. They always opposed war, systematically, in season and out of season, and have lived to see the whole world support their views; to have witnessed a Conference for Peace, which also advocated war, preached and taught peace, as a means of keeping out of war, for more than a hundred years, in fact, they have seen every great principle for which they stood—even in the face of bitter persecution—approved, adopted and in operation. They always were. Eagerly ready to suffer uncomplainingly for the establishment of any great truth or uplifting principle, and what they have accomplished did not come without suffering, humiliation, or even physical infliction. They have had with the Master that "all men are born equal," and the mere refusal to remove their hats or take an oath in a court of justice brought them condemnation, ridicule, or even sent them to jail. Friends always consistently refused to bear arms against their brethren, or to shed the blood of their fellow men, and were accused of cowardice, treason, or of dodging their duty to the State. They suffered much to uphold this great principle, which was, indeed, a vital fundamental of their creed, to "love your neighbor as yourself," or to "do unto others as you would they should do unto you." The Friends have insisted on clean morals; on uprightness in business and in all their relations with their fellow men; on right thinking and right living; and where they have "let their light shine" through their modesty and avoidance of self-seeking, they have been a torch unto the feet of the lost stable. The home life of the Friends has been a distinguishing feature of those well-ordered conservative people, and its influence on the rest of us has indeed been insistent. If the Friends have not increased in numbers, they have not relaxed in the least in their activities in all uplifting work, as we may correctly gather from their aid to the vanquished nations of the World War, that were regarded with the spirit of hatred by almost all the other peoples. But the Friends, faith and hope, died to the practical assistance of a nation prostrate in a welter of blood of the world. And so on, recalling America's debt to the Friends, for it is great, if they are to be saved. If they are to be saved, they will be saved. re conservative, they are wise and prudent; they are economic without being parsimonious, indeed, they have always stood as representatives of the best citizenship. Truly, the world needs today such men as lived on the Banka of tho Brandywine or on Quaker Hill a hun dred or more year* ago, or like those who came with Penn to Philadelphia, .... ., . ... or preceded him. or those who planted * and propagated the teachings *'f ' George Fox In the domain of 1 ,ord _ Baltimore, THE RK AI, REASON. Mr. T. R. Helm« of Cheswold write« , a letter to the Philadelphia Record In which he essay* to prove that "day light saving" Is a misnomer, and show-» that none of our daylight ts really saved by the «o-called plan. Considered from the view of actual conservation this 1» true. YVe do not '.save daylight" In the sense of storing it away for future use. That 1« an impossible performance. The real reason for the adoption of a formal plan of what is called "daylight saving" is plain. It was to Becurt> united action towards a much en( j ; pur|>0M , t0 »„.yre an ad <j| tlona! hour of daylight, during a L, ve n period, to be devoted to récréa - ^jQn an ^ other matters aside from the ro U u n e of daily labor. That ^ attained by getting up an hour .arlier In the morning and retiring a n hour earlier at night, and confonn purpose Ing all our arrangement* to this tem porary - change. That le all there Is to our so-called "daylight saving," although some pro 1 fess to be able tc see important eco ! purpose is ae we have stated It. j nomlc values In the plan. But the real THE EVENING SMILE. TOUGH. Two Negroes were lying behind a packing case on the docks at Ereut, fighting out of the alleged Labor Battalion. Said one boastfully: "Ah, comts from a tough bed. Man of a tough bed. Man of a tough bed." "Huh, ain't so tough. Mah, old man, a lump of a week down shave himself with a blow torch." —American Legion Weekly. Members of Beauty Chorus—"Do you know of anything to preserve the complexion?" Fair Rival—"Why? Do you know somebody who has one?"—Royal Magazine. "I would be glad to if you have any," replied the man who was interested in spirits.—Brooklyn Eagle. "This fellow wants us to join him in "Have you any Scotch in you?" asked a dash to the pole in a silver ring. "Coming back, we'll eat rubber tires,"—Louisville Courier-Journal. "Awful accident in the train today," I reported Willie. "What was it?" "A woman had her eye on a cat and a man sat on it."—Westfield (N.J.) Leader. "A fellow's beauty— "Bhe's one of those shares." Helen—"What kind of a girl?" "Bhe's one of those shares?" "Helen?" "Who would rather have the theatre ticket than his London Answers." "If you telephone your ad, ask about the trouble." Discount you can get out the price quoted you—Adv. THE MIRROR OF PUBLIC OPINION J. D. IN INDIANA. Aside from the purely political events, two matters demand attention. In Tuesday's primary in Indiana. One of these is that Dr. Jesse Banders—whose fame, if any, has failed to penetrate the borders of his home State—came out second to Governor Halston for the nomination on the Democratic ticket to the United States Senate, Dr. Banders, it is reported, lacked the prominence of Daniel Blume, a well-known lawyer, who ran third and yet, on a beer and wine ticket, he outdid his apparently able opponent. The other instance concerned the Seventh Indiana district, where Joseph Turk, a liquor issue, was reported running ahead of his "dry" opponent by a majority of virtually three to one. One thing appears to be demonstrated by various recent elections, among which the case of Dr. Banders is a rather striking proof, and that is that the people who are absolutely opposed to the present interpretation of prohibition and who will vote their protest above and beyond all other issues are numerous enough in many Congressional districts to swing the battle as between the Republican and the Democratic nominees. That was, of course, the game that the Anti-Saloon league played. The League cornered in practically every Congressional district a group of voters who so detested "the brewers and distillers" that the members thereof could be counted on to vote for prohibition regardless of other issues, if a candidate was "bone dry" that was sufficient; he got the solid vote of this group; and this group in each Congressional district was usually enough, when added on To the regular party vote, to elect the Anti-Saloon League man. The anti-prohibitionists now propose to play the same game; and unless there is a curious change in the political temperament, they are in a fair way to make trouble. "If a man is a bone dry, beat him! It doesn't matter in the least whether he's Republican, Democrat, or Socialist!" That is becoming the battle cry of the anti-Saloon league. If they show the organization efficiency of the Anti-Saloon league, candidates are in for a hot time. — Baltimore American. Baltimore has the greatest, unusual in America, of being the scene of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of an organization that still continues active. It is true that were many events in that there were American history prior to 16.2, but not all even of the thirteen original states can show a body of people which has continued its corporate existence through two and a half on the vicissitudes of Colonial times. War and their changing governments interrupted the course of many a flourishing movement. It is the Quakers of Maryland or, as they call themselves, the Friends who celebrate the age of their body. Their history has been an interesting history when Maryland was yet a colony, they have from the beginning exerted an influence whose power bore little relation to the numerical size. Their stand against the Quakers is not only a testament to the power of the Quakers but also a testament to the power of the Quakers in their struggle against the Quakers. Of their body. Slavery brought them no little trouble, their unwillingness to fight was never calculated to make them popular with the majority, and such customs as their refusal to fake oaths tended to set them apart from their fellows. But it is instructive to record that they have lived to see their neighbors adopt most of their beliefs, so far as these were applicable to society as a whole — slavery no longer exists, educational facilities have been provided for the most humble, women are free from many of the disabilities which their sex once suffered, and there is a widespread desire on the part of the people of most countries to prevent future wars by just dealing and honest discussion of disputed questions. For all these things the Quakers of Maryland have stood since their beginning, and without taking any great part in politics they have managed to found many schools, libraries and philanthropic institutions which are important forces in the body politic, as well as to share in efforts to improve the condition of their neighbors. Johns Hopkins and Moses Sheppard are two names which in Maryland serve to illustrate the attitude of Quakers toward the public. They are a small sect, but one is glad to know that they show no signs of dying out. In the past they have marked out paths that are now well-beaten tracks, they have maintained both their ideals and the respect of the community, and their tolerant attitude to those with whom they differed has been a model which partisan groups would have done well to observe. Baltimore Sun. AMBASSADOR OF GOODWILL. French Ambassador at Washington for twenty years, M. Jusserand has become almost one of ourselves. It is highly gratifying, therefore, to learn, on the authority of the French government, that the rumor of his contemplated recall is "completely false." Apparently he has enemies in Paris who would be glad to see him a poor reward for conspicuously useful service. To say that he is out of humiliated. But that would have been touching with American sentiment, for example. Is a ludicrously false version. It may be doubted if any member of the diplomatic corps at Washington is less open to it. M. Jusserand has been persona grata here for many reasons. Before he came to Washington, he was known by his charming and valuable books. He had written "English Ways of Life in the Middle Ages," and "The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare," works dealing with subjects comparatively little known. His "Literary History of the English People" appeared in English after he was Ambassador. These volumes do not complete the list of his literary activities, but they most interest English readers, M. Jusserand has been a diligent student of English literature, and as the historian of English literature has been a much safer guide than that other great Frenchmen. These things are incidental, to be sure, in his diplomatic career. Here he has been far more useful to his country than his critics admit. The Position was not exceptionally difficult at the beginning of his term. It required more than the tact and social experience which he had in abundance. During the early months of the war, he had to tread a path that craved weary walk. The strong sympathy with France of the mass of the American people made a contrast with the ley neutrality of the administration which might easily have led him into indiscretions. M. Jusserand kept his head, he uttered no word to which the government to which he was accredited could take exception, he upheld the cause of France without once overstepping the bounds of diplomatic propriety. It was a time trying to the souls of all the Ambassadors of the Allies in America and of all the American Ambassadors in the Allied countries. But them was no German or Dutch among them. Philadelphia Inquirer. OUR RIGHTS IN EUROPE. There seems no ground for fearing difficulties with England on account of the reservation of existing American rights of extraterritoriality in Egypt, which was appended to our government's recognition last week of Egyptian independence. Technically, the reservation was necessary because these rights depend on a treaty with Turkey made in 1830, when Egypt was Turkish province. In the negotiations with Egyptian leaders undertaken by Lord Milner for the abolition of the British protectorate, it was at first understood that England would "furnish the guarantees which will enable foreign powers to relinquish their capitulatory rights." Twelve other powers besides the United States and Great Britain hold such rights in Egypt, and two or three of the smaller ones readily agreed to turn over the protection of their citizens in Egypt to Great Britain. In August of last year, however, the United States refused. The Egyptians opposed the arrangement which obliged Egypt to give certain guarantees to England before obtaining British recognition of Egyptian Independence. But in February, the British suddenly changed their policy and recognized Egyptian independence, leaving the Anglo-Egyptian arrangements for further negotiation in announcing this policy. Mr. Lloyd George said that the protection of foreign interests was a duty which would fall to England. What Interpretation the British government gives that statement is still unknown. It may refer only to the interests of those States which had already resigned their capitulatory rights to Great Britain. There is no evidence as yet that England still wants to take over all foreign interests and establish extraterritoriality. Whatever Mr. Lloyd George may have meant, there is no doubt of the position of the State Department. We stand by our captivating rights, and presumably will continue to do so until such time as Egypt may be able to assure justice to foreigners in her own courts.—New York Times. Our absence from Genoa. For those who were prepared from the very beginning to find at Genoa, Justification for our staying away from the conference there has been no lack of justification. Whatever would have happened at Genoa there was bound to be justification. For those, on the other hand, who believed that our presence at Genoa was desirable, events have offered no reason for a change of mind. It has been argued that our suspicions regarding the real purpose of the conference have been confirmed. Genoa is described as an economic conference and it is really a political conference. That remains to be seen. But even if the work at Genoa should steadily towards the political, the answer is simple. It was for us to go to Genoa and to exert our influence towards shaping the conference in the right direction. It comes down to a site factor in our entire European policy since the defeat of Woodrow Wilson. We might stay out and say "I told you so," or we might go in and help shape European developments towards the end we had in mind. It has been the great argument for American abstention that when the Europeans get together, it is at once a game of rivalries and jealousies and tears. Exactly. But is there any better way to bring a reduction of rivalries and panics than through the presence of a disinterested party which is not in the least afraid? We speak too easily of Wilson's "failure" at Paris. If he failed, it was in not coming up to 100 percent American expectations. Even the decergers of Wilson do not care to deny that without America at Paris, it would have been a much worse peace than was framed. Genoa has not profited by the disclosures and rumors of private arrangements and selfish interests. The Russo-German treaty has not helped. The present reports about vast British oil concessions in Russia have not helped. But again, it is obvious that our presence at Genoa would have lifted things to a higher plane. We are not particularly concerned with trade in Russia, as Lloyd George is. We do not concern with debts and property holdings, as the French and Belgians are. We have about Russia something of an ideal, and we could have made that ideal felt at Genoa. So it always gets down to the daily fear that has been implanted in American hearts concerning the wicked and subtle Europeans; fear that our nation of one hundred and ten millions would be coerced by Belgium and Romania; fear that our Elthu Roots and Hoovers would be bamboozled by Lloyd George and Baron Hohenzollern; fear that our bankers would be led like lambs to the slaughter. Every time things go wrong at Genoa, it is not a justification for "I told you so." It is only an indication of American nervousness or obstinacy. New York Evening Post: Unfortunate. It is fortunate for the men that the fishing season comes at the season of spring house cleaning. This is a time when every man likes to be away from home — Elizabethtown News. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. A reader can get the answer to any question by writing every evening in the Washington Bureau, full of information, directly from the Washington Bureau, Washington, D.C. This offer applies strictly to information. The bureau cannot give advice on legal, medical, and financial matters. It does not attempt to settle domestic troubles. An or no to undertake exhaustive research on any subject. Write your questions plainly and briefly, giving full information and enclose two cents in stamps for return postage. Replies are sent directly to the bureau. At what temperature should eggs be kept in cold storage? D. H. M. A. The Department of Agriculture states that eggs should be kept in cold storage at approximately freezing temperature, this being slightly above 82 degrees. C. Is there more wheat in the United States than there was a year ago? J. C. A. The latest figures available regarding the supply of wheat this year as compared with last year are for the middle of February. At that time, in the year 1821, there were approximately 33,000,000 bushels on hand, while at the same time in 1922 there were about 48,000,000 bushels. Q. Is oil found in low land or high land? L. L. A. Oil is found both at low and high altitudes. We are in Colorado and Wyoming are above 5,000 feet. Q. Are there any Spanish Jews? A. According to the latest statistics, there are about 4,000 Jews in Spain. Q. Is there any other man for the city of Colon, at Panama? L. W. K. A. The City of Colon, Panama, is sometimes called Aspinwall, in honor of William H. Aspinwall, one of the builders of the Panama Railroad, which was completed in 1855. Q. Has England any colonies in Europe? K. L. W. A. In Europe, England has only two possessions in the nature of colonies? There are no. Q. Is Pike's Peak the highest mountain in Colorado? H. K. S. A. The highest point in the State of Colorado is Mount Massive, 14,424 feet and there are several other peaks higher than Pike's, which is 14,108 feet. Q. Has a plan been perfected by which the ocean tides can be utilized as a means of developing power? P. L. A. The Hydrographic Office of the Navy says that in great many attempts have been made to harnease the waves. In fact, quite an elaborate method along this line is being carried out in France at the present time, but none of these efforts has to date met with appeal to the average human inventor as the perpetual motion idea. Was Marie Corelli the real name of the woman who wrote under the name marked success. The harnessing of the tide is very similar in its appearance. D. F. A. Marie Corelli was the pen name of M. Combet. She adopted the pen name which afterwards became hers legally. She never married and died. It is estimated that 6.6 percent of the coal produced in the United States. To whom does Palestine belong? A. Before the war, Palestine was under the control of Turkey. The League of Nations awarded the mandate of Palestine to Great Britain. Last summer on June 13th, the anniversary of her birth. Q. How extensively are machines used in mining? O. S. K. States is machine mined. JUST FOLKS By Edgar A. Neat. LIFE'S EQUIPMENT. "Here's how I figure it out," says he. "With my ears to hear and my eyes to see. And my legs to walk and my hands to work. And a head to bow and a cap to Jerk, Whenever a dame that I know goes by Kings and princes and high and low Have noses to smell when the blossoms And eyes to see, but I don't suppose A king smiles more with his royal nose Or sees more charm with his kingly eyes It's well-equipped for this life, am I. But eyes and oars and legs and hands Don't always follow the same common Some people hear nothing but mortal words, And some are tuned to the songs of birds. Some grapple with facts that are stiff and cold, And some see visions all tipped with gold. Some hands are tender and others rough. And some find beauty in dollar bills, And some in the stream and the misty hills; And some are gentle and some are gruff; But each must follow life's pathway through. Doing the things which he likes to do Now I And Joy when I tramp about, Up hill and down, for my legs are stout. And my ears and eyes can pick up things That are maybe lost to the wisest kings; I am grateful, when day is through, That is but a prayer for the king to do. I If we would take our turn to think they feel weak, rundown, tired, to feel weak, rundown, to feel weak, to be strong and haggard—there are thousands who might readily build up their red corpuscles, become rosy cheeks, strong and healthy and be much more attractive in every way. When the iron goes from the blood of women, the healthy glow of youth leaves their skin and their charm and vivacity depart. A two weeks course of Nuxated Iron works wonders in many cases. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. At all drugstores. Woodrow Wilson today, who comes everyone for whatever reason, has one mock question which invariably is asked, and the answer sought with great earnestness and interest. What do you think? How does he come? Compound his days since his retirement from public life? Questions of this sort come from casual visitors, political friends and foes foreign officials, ever from Washington, of this last. Washingtonians themselves, about the only incident in Mr. Wilson's class. Wilson's present life of which all are his almost invariable custom, aware of attending a local vaudeville, was his almost invariable custom. Despite his unfeigned condition, the ex-President manages to get great enjoyment out of entertainments of this sort. Since the day, 14 months ago, when his second term as President of the United States expired, Mr. Wilson has led a life of seclusion. The last part of his career in the White House was marked by a long illness due to the collapse he suffered when campaigning across the whole country in search of his language of Nations. Mr. Wilson has never fully recovered physically, and probably never will. The President's active interest in politics necessarily has waned. He has neither the strength nor the inclination to keep actively in the political limelight. Although his voluminous correspondence of a private nature sometimes deals with present-day situations and events, it is said to show a marked preference for viewing and commenting upon events of the past. The former Chief Executive seems to prefer to look backward, rather than keep a sharp eye on today and its happenings. The political friends and lieutenants who surrounded Mr. Wilson in the days of his occupancy of the White House rarely, if ever, gain access to his presence now. One or two of them have been in the habit of seeing him, possibly at intervals of months. These, though, would come under the head of personal friends also. Joseph H. Turnulty, his secretary for eight years, has been more closely in touch with him than any of his former associates in political affairs, and a breach between them. The two have come since Mr. Wilson denied a statement attributed to him by Mr. Tumulty at the recent New York Democratic dinner. Two years ago, constantly with the president, Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Wilson's secretary, Admiral Cary T. Gary, son of Mr. Wilson's physician in White House days, continues in that capacity and is a close friend. These three make up the intimate circle surrounding the former President—a circle which is enlarged despite the physical condition of Mr. Wilson, he sticks rigidly to his lifetime habit of at 8 o'clock. If the weather is fine, the former President sits out of doors until 8 o'clock, when breakfast is served. If the weather is inclement, Mr. Wilson spends the most of his time at 8 o'clock. The breakfast at his desk, the morning meal past, Mr. Wilson begins work promptly at 8 o'clock. This mail is enormous, and the great part, if not all of the morning, is taken with it. The thousands of admirers of Mr. Wilson had and have throughout the country have not forgotten him and his mail has reached really huge proportions. The old-fashioned dyed-in-the-wool Wilson Democrats throughout the land write to him continually, nicking his vises on situations and events, and the rare occasion when Mr. Wilson has appeared in the day's news of late has been when one of these private letters has been mailed public by the recipient. Before the midday meal, Mr. Wilson usually lies down for a little while. After luncheon, he occasionally rests again, often taking up this rest period with reading. Only in the afternoon does the former President go out, except for those occasions when he attends a vaudeville performance. The big car containing Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, and often Mr. Bolling, can be seen any time afternoon rolling along the roads in Maryland and Virginia. This begins at two o'clock, hours. Since lasting two coming to Washington as President, Mr. Wilson has always shown a marked preference for the Virginia landscape. Golfing days, he preferred to play a club situated on the Virginia side of the Potomac. Noted countryside is still, and even in his private residence, he served as the Street, who served as the Wilson's. Wilson has lived since returning from the White House. Tea has become a custom and is then the restricted social life of the Wilson's because of the fact that the former political friends or henchmen are not friends of Mrs. Wilson. In the interval between tea and dinner which is served promptly at 30, the former President turns to his writing, just what this writing is. It is doubtful whether anyone knows out of the immediate family of the President. ARTISANS' SAVINGS BANK 419 HARKET STREET Incorporated 1906 A Semi-Annual Dividend at the rate of Four Per Cent. Per Annum has been declared and will be credited on depositors' books on and after May 1st. ROBERT D. K. EM. President EDGAR L. HAYNES, J. WALTER BOYER, Sec'y-Treas. RALPH VINSON, Asst. Secretary, Asst. Treasurer Vice-President TYPEWRITERS ROYAL. Buy— Pay Low as $5 Mo. $10.00 to $50.00. TYPEWRITER SUPPLY CO., N.W. Corner Seventh and Market St, UNDERWOOD, L. C. SMITH. REMINGTON Rent Pay Low as $2 Mo, ALL MAKES REPAIRED. President, At his big desk, the ax blent alts and writs and may the personal record of the stormy years he spent at the host of the Ship of Hist. It may be a letter from the port of another kind. Until it is finished and it pleases, Mr. Wilson to publish this work, it is bound to remain a mystery. The belief is strong that he is writing most about the same when the eyes of the world were turned upon him as the sponsor of the League of Nations plan—the plan for which he fought so hard that his health and strength were far from impaired. It is a rare occasion when there is an evening caller at the Wilson house. It may be that Dr. Grayson has limited his distinguished patient in sharing it. It may be that Mr. Wilson has not discouraged this on the part of the people of Washington. President only on those nights when he attends the vaudeville theater. He is taken to the side entrance, as it would be difficult for him to make his way through the lobby. The same seats for the Wilson party every night. It is known conclusively that Mr. Wilson will not put in an appearance. These seats are situated at the corner of the theater on the side. Mr. Wilson's entrance into the theater is effected without much stirring attention being attracted, as a when he leaves the theater as he receives a tribute that cannot fail to be a warm welcome to the cockles of his heart. Know, at eight of Mr. Wilson emerging from the side and ran to enter the ring, always gathers outside of the theater as the show draws to a close with the crowd, when the crowd, when the car, the cheer him loud and long, keeps him in a demonstration until the car is reached around the corner, on their sight and hearing, on the way home. MIGHTY TONIGHT. Bayard Legion. Phoenix Fire Co Mt. Olivet Club, Democratic league Washington Fire Co Sumner Post, O. A. R Apollo fast, K. G. K Painters and Decorators. North End Athletic Club Delmarth Lodge, H. of H. Antletam Temple, O. V. A Delmarth Union, B. P. I. Appomattox camp, H of V Washington Lodge, K. of P Fidelity Lodge. A. O. U. W Beta Tent, No. 2, K. O. T. M Eureka Lodge, A P. A A. M Brandywine Lodge, I. O. O. F Minqua Tribe, Imp'd, O. R. M Blue Lock Council, I. O. O. F Brownson Library Association. St. Benedict's Beneficial Society. Diamond Council, Jr. O. U. A. M, Wilmington Council, O. U. A. M. Bricklayers' International Union. Benevolent Pioneer Literary Association. Leare, No. 6, S., r K. M. * P. T. (Bricklayers' Union). Christine Encampment, I O. O. F. Last, No. 1505, Order of the . Delaware Council, No. 1, A. O. S. E. Delaware Conclave, H. or S. W 5 C (Babers' Union, Union M. E. Church I ^■ mington Aerie. No. 74, P. O. E. Hopockohacklng Tribe, Imp'd, O. R. Eleventh Ward Democratic league Will. & Brandywine Council. «. U |
github_open_source_100_1_368 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | /**
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8172245_1 | courtlistener | Public Domain | ¶ 1. Appellant, Ford Motor Credit Company (“Ford”), commenced this action for a deficiency judgment following the sale of a repossessed automobile at private auction. The trial court denied Ford’s claim because it found that Ford had failed to provide the defendant debtor with notice of a right to redeem. We affirm.
¶ 2. In 1998, Matthew Welch purchased a used pickup truck and entered into a repayment agreement with Ford. The contract provided Ford with a security interest in the vehicle, and the right to repossess it if Welch failed to make timely payments. The contract further provided that upon repossession Ford must provide Welch with a notice of a right of redemption specifying the amount needed to redeem and that Welch could exercise his right of redemption any time prior to the moment of sale by Ford. If Welch did not exercise his right of redemption, the contract authorized Ford to sell the vehicle and apply the *564proceeds to Welch’s outstanding obligation.
¶ 3. Welch defaulted on his payments and voluntarily surrendered the vehicle to Ford on June 4, 2001. Ford sold the vehicle at private auction on June 22, and credited the sale price to Welch’s account. A deficiency of $4,466.82 remained, and on June 2, 2003, Ford filed suit in the Rutland Superior Court.
¶ 4. At trial, Ford submitted business records into evidence during the testimony of the custodian of records for its New Hampshire office to establish that it had sent notice of a right to redeem to Welch prior to the sale of the repossessed vehicle. The court admitted the records without objection. Welch, however, testified that he never received the notice, and questioned the sufficiency of Ford’s evidence. The trial court, after weighing the evidence, found that Ford violated the contract by failing to provide Welch with notice of his right to redemption. The court therefore denied Ford’s request for a deficiency judgment.
¶ 5. Ford raises five claims on appeal: (1) that the court wrongly interpreted V.R.E. 803(6) to require a corporate witness testifying to business records to have personal knowledge regarding each transaction contained in the records; (2) that the court applied the wrong legal standard by requiring proof of receipt of notice, rather than merely proof that the notice was sent; (3) that the court incorrectly determined that Ford failed to prove that it sent the notice to Welch; (4) that the court used an outdated remedial standard when it barred any recovery of deficiency; and (5) that the court should have waived the notice requirement because the debtor voluntarily surrendered the collateral for sale at private auction.
¶ 6. First, Ford contends that the trial court misapplied V.R.E. 803(6) and improperly discounted evidence that it sent Welch the required notice.* Ford argues that the court interpreted the rule as requiring a corporate witness testifying to business records to have personal knowledge of the submitted evidence. We disagree with this characterization of the court’s action, because V.R.E. 803(6) goes to the admissibility, and not the weight of the evidence. Because Ford’s business records were admitted without objection, its argument is unavailing.
¶ 7. In its second claim, Ford argues that the court imposed the wrong legal standard by requiring Ford to show proof of “receipt,” rather than proof, as required by the contract, that the notice was “sent.” Again, we disagree.
¶ 8. “[T]he secured party has the burden of pleading and proving that any given disposition of collateral was commercially reasonable, and preceded by reasonable notice.” Chittenden Trust Co. v. Maryanski, 138 Vt. 240, 244-45, 415 A.2d 206, 209 (1980) (emphasis added). In its decision at trial, the court emphasized Welch’s testimony that he never received notice, but it did so as support for its finding that Ford had failed to prove that it actually mailed the notice. The court’s final conclusion, moreover, was expressly based on Ford’s failure to prove that notice was sent: “I don’t have any evidence in this case ... how [the notice] was stamped and what method was used to send it to the debtor in Brandon, so I’m going to deny the request and find for the Defendant in this case.” Thus, we conclude that the court applied the proper legal standard.
*565¶ 9. Third, Ford takes issue with the court’s determination, that based on the weight of the evidence, Ford failed to prove that it had actually sent the notice of the right of redemption to Welch. The custodian of records for Ford’s New Hampshire office testified that the company’s standard practice is to prepare and send notice of a right to redeem whenever it repossesses a vehicle. She could not, however, testify as to the procedures employed by the South Carolina office, which allegedly prepared and sent the notice to Welch. Nor did she have personal knowledge of whether the notice was actually placed in the mail, and she could not explain why, in contrast to normal procedures, Ford did not send the notice return receipt requested. Moreover, the copy of the notice offered into evidence by Ford at trial was unsigned and unexecuted, and did not indicate whether it was actually mailed.
¶ 10. “As the trier of fact, it [is] the province of the trial court to determine the credibility of the witnesses and weigh the persuasiveness of the evidence.” Cabot v. Cabot, 166 Vt. 485, 497, 697 A.2d 644, 652 (1997). A trial court’s findings shall not be set aside unless clearly erroneous. V.R.C.P. 52(a)(2); Bergeron v. Boyle, 2003 VT 89, ¶ 15, 176 Vt. 78, 838 A.2d 918. Here, because there is sufficient credible evidence on the record that supports the court’s conclusion that Ford failed to prove it sent the notice, we will not disturb it.
¶ 11. Ford’s forth claim challenges the remedy applied by the trial court. After finding that Ford had failed to provide proper notice, the trial court denied Ford’s request to recover the deficiency. On appeal, Ford argues that revisions made by the Legislature in 2000 to Article 9 of Vermont’s Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) dictate use of a different remedial standard. See 1999, No. 106 (Adj. Sess.), §§ 2,23 (effective July 12001).
¶ 12. In Maryanski, 138 Vt. at 246, 415 A.2d at 210, we held that failure to provide reasonable notice of disposition acts as an absolute bar to recovery of a deficiency. See also Chittenden Trust Co. v. Andre Noel Sports, 159 Vt. 387, 393-95, 621 A.2d 215, 219-20 (1992) (reviewing intervening ease law and affirming the “absolute-bar” rule of Maryanski). Ford argues that Maryanski was abrogated by the Legislature’s repeal of former 9A V.S.A. § 9-504(3) and addition of 9A V.S.A. § 9-626, which establishes a “rebuttable presumption” rule entitling a noncomplying secured party to recover in limited circumstances. We disagree.
¶ 13. The revised remedial provisions Ford relied on are not applicable to this case. Both the notice and remedial provisions Ford cites, §§ 9-611(b) and 9-626 respectively, became effective on July 1, 2001. All of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the present dispute, however, occurred by June 2001.
The ... repeal of [a]... statutory provision... shall not:
(4) Affect any suit, remedy or proceeding to enforce or give effect to any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, incurred or accrued under the amended or repealed provision prior to the effective date of the amendment or repeal; and the suit, remedy or proceeding may be instituted, prosecuted or continued as if the act or provision had not been repealed or amended.
1 V.S.A. § 214(b)(4). See also State v. Willis, 145 Vt. 459, 467, 494 A.2d 108, 112 (1985) (“The applicable law is that which is in effect at the time of the occurrence of the facts which give rise to the rights in question.” (emphasis in original)).
*566¶ 14. Under the savings statute, 1 V.S.A. § 214(b), revisions or repeals of statutory provisions do not apply retrospectively where the change “affects a preexisting ‘right, privilege, obligation or liability.’” Myott v. Myott, 149 Vt. 573, 576, 547 A.2d 1336, 1338 (1988) (quoting 1 V.S.A. § 214(b)(4)). Here, all of the rights and obligations in question accrued before the effective date of the UCC provisions on which Ford relies. Therefore, Maryanski applies to this case, and there is no error.
¶ 15. Finally, Ford argues that, where the debtor voluntarily surrenders collateral to the creditor and the creditor elects to dispose of the collateral by private sale, the notice requirement should be deemed waived. We disagree.
¶ 16. The effective law at the time Welch surrendered his vehicle was former 9A V.S.A. § 9-504(3), which required that the secured party provide notice to the debtor “if he or she has not signed after default a statement renouncing or modifying his or her right to notification of sale.” Under this clear standard, we can find no waiver of notice by Welch. See, e.g., Vermont Nat'l Bank v. Hamilton, 149 Vt. 477, 482 n.4, 546 A.2d 1349, 1352 n.4 (1988) (noting that a stipulated order which provided that constructive possession of secured collateral would be turned over to the secured party and the proceeds applied to the secured obligation was not a specific waiver of notice).
¶ 17. Nor do we find Ford’s argument for implied waiver of notice compelling. Voluntary surrender does not forfeit a debtor’s right to notice, or exercise of the right of redemption. Such a construction would merely discourage voluntary surrender and frustrate the state’s interest in promoting peaceful repossessions. Union Trust Co. v. Hardy, 400 A.2d 384, 388 (Me. 1979). While a debtor may not bid on the collateral at a private sale, he retains the right to redeem prior to the sale. Thus, Welch was entitled to timely notice of the date and time of sale, so that he would have known when his redemption rights would expire. The Legislature has provided safeguards for the rights of both creditors and debtors, and we find no applicable exceptions here.
Note: Chief Justice Amestoy sat for oral argument but did not participate in this decision.
Rule 803(6) allows for admission of business records when accompanied by testimony of a custodian of the records, or other qualified witness, that such records are kept in the regular course of business, unless the method or circumstances of preparation indicate lack of trustworthiness.
github_open_source_100_1_369 | Github OpenSource | Various open source |
import React from 'react';
const Icon536 = () => <span>Icon536</span>;
export default Icon536;
github_open_source_100_1_370 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | //
// Copyright (C) OpenSim Ltd.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include "inet/common/ModuleAccess.h"
#include "inet/common/geometry/common/Quaternion.h"
#include "inet/visualizer/physicallayer/RadioCanvasVisualizer.h"
namespace inet {
namespace visualizer {
using namespace inet::physicallayer;
RadioCanvasVisualizer::RadioCanvasVisualization::RadioCanvasVisualization(NetworkNodeCanvasVisualization *networkNodeVisualization, IndexedImageFigure *radioModeFigure, IndexedImageFigure *receptionStateFigure, IndexedImageFigure *transmissionStateFigure, cPolygonFigure *antennaLobeFigure, cOvalFigure *antennaLobeUnitGainFigure, cOvalFigure *antennaLobeMaxGainFigure, const int radioModuleId) :
delete radioModeFigure;
void RadioCanvasVisualizer::initialize(int stage)
if (!hasGUI()) return;
if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
zIndex = par("zIndex");
networkNodeVisualizer = getModuleFromPar<NetworkNodeCanvasVisualizer>(par("networkNodeVisualizerModule"), this);
canvasProjection = CanvasProjection::getCanvasProjection(visualizationTargetModule->getCanvas());
RadioVisualizerBase::RadioVisualization *RadioCanvasVisualizer::createRadioVisualization(const IRadio *radio) const
auto module = check_and_cast<const cModule *>(radio);
// TODO: use RadioFigure?
IndexedImageFigure *radioModeFigure = nullptr;
if (displayRadioMode) {
radioModeFigure = new IndexedImageFigure("radioMode");
radioModeFigure->setTags((std::string("radioMode ") + tags).c_str());
radioModeFigure->setTooltip("This figure represents the radio mode of a radio");
radioModeFigure->setAssociatedObject(const_cast<cModule *>(module));
radioModeFigure->setSize(cFigure::Point(width, height));
IndexedImageFigure *receptionStateFigure = nullptr;
if (displayReceptionState) {
receptionStateFigure = new IndexedImageFigure("receptionState");
receptionStateFigure->setTags((std::string("receptionState ") + tags).c_str());
receptionStateFigure->setTooltip("This figure represents the reception state of a radio");
receptionStateFigure->setSize(cFigure::Point(width, height));
IndexedImageFigure *transmissionStateFigure = nullptr;
if (displayTransmissionState) {
transmissionStateFigure = new IndexedImageFigure("transmissionState");
transmissionStateFigure->setTags((std::string("transmissionState ") + tags).c_str());
transmissionStateFigure->setTooltip("This figure represents the transmission state of a radio");
transmissionStateFigure->setSize(cFigure::Point(width, height));
cPolygonFigure *antennaLobeFigure = nullptr;
cOvalFigure *antennaLobeUnitGainFigure = nullptr;
cOvalFigure *antennaLobeMaxGainFigure = nullptr;
if (displayAntennaLobes) {
antennaLobeFigure = new cPolygonFigure("antenna_lobe");
antennaLobeFigure->setTooltip("This figure represents the antenna lobe of a radio");
antennaLobeUnitGainFigure = new cOvalFigure("antenna_lobe unit_gain");
antennaLobeUnitGainFigure->setTags("antennaLobe unitGain");
antennaLobeUnitGainFigure->setTooltip("This figure represents the 0dB gain of a radio antenna");
antennaLobeMaxGainFigure = new cOvalFigure("antenna_lobe max_gain");
antennaLobeMaxGainFigure->setTags("antennaLobe maxGain");
antennaLobeMaxGainFigure->setTooltip("This figure represents the maximum gain of a radio antenna");
auto antenna = radio->getAntenna();
refreshAntennaLobe(antenna, antennaLobeFigure, antennaLobeUnitGainFigure, antennaLobeMaxGainFigure);
auto networkNode = getContainingNode(module);
auto networkNodeVisualization = networkNodeVisualizer->getNetworkNodeVisualization(networkNode);
if (networkNodeVisualization == nullptr)
throw cRuntimeError("Cannot create radio visualization for '%s', because network node visualization is not found for '%s'", module->getFullPath().c_str(), networkNode->getFullPath().c_str());
return new RadioCanvasVisualization(networkNodeVisualization, radioModeFigure, receptionStateFigure, transmissionStateFigure, antennaLobeFigure, antennaLobeUnitGainFigure, antennaLobeMaxGainFigure, module->getId());
void RadioCanvasVisualizer::addRadioVisualization(const RadioVisualization *radioVisualization)
auto radioCanvasVisualization = static_cast<const RadioCanvasVisualization *>(radioVisualization);
if (displayRadioMode)
radioCanvasVisualization->networkNodeVisualization->addAnnotation(radioCanvasVisualization->radioModeFigure, radioCanvasVisualization->radioModeFigure->getSize(), placementHint, placementPriority);
if (displayReceptionState)
radioCanvasVisualization->networkNodeVisualization->addAnnotation(radioCanvasVisualization->receptionStateFigure, radioCanvasVisualization->receptionStateFigure->getSize(), placementHint, placementPriority);
if (displayTransmissionState)
radioCanvasVisualization->networkNodeVisualization->addAnnotation(radioCanvasVisualization->transmissionStateFigure, radioCanvasVisualization->transmissionStateFigure->getSize(), placementHint, placementPriority);
if (displayAntennaLobes) {
void RadioCanvasVisualizer::removeRadioVisualization(const RadioVisualization *radioVisualization)
auto radioCanvasVisualization = static_cast<const RadioCanvasVisualization *>(radioVisualization);
if (displayRadioMode)
if (displayReceptionState)
if (displayTransmissionState)
if (displayAntennaLobes) {
void RadioCanvasVisualizer::refreshRadioVisualization(const RadioVisualization *radioVisualization) const
auto radioCanvasVisualization = static_cast<const RadioCanvasVisualization *>(radioVisualization);
auto module = getSimulation()->getComponent(radioCanvasVisualization->radioModuleId);
if (module != nullptr) {
auto radio = check_and_cast<IRadio *>(module);
if (displayRadioMode)
setImageIndex(radioCanvasVisualization->radioModeFigure, radio->getRadioMode());
if (displayReceptionState) {
setImageIndex(radioCanvasVisualization->receptionStateFigure, radio->getReceptionState());
radioCanvasVisualization->receptionStateFigure->setAssociatedObject(const_cast<cObject *>(dynamic_cast<const cObject *>(radio->getReceptionInProgress())));
if (displayTransmissionState) {
setImageIndex(radioCanvasVisualization->transmissionStateFigure, radio->getTransmissionState());
radioCanvasVisualization->transmissionStateFigure->setAssociatedObject(const_cast<cObject *>(dynamic_cast<const cObject *>(radio->getTransmissionInProgress())));
if (displayAntennaLobes)
refreshAntennaLobe(radio->getAntenna(), radioCanvasVisualization->antennaLobeFigure, radioCanvasVisualization->antennaLobeUnitGainFigure, radioCanvasVisualization->antennaLobeMaxGainFigure);
void RadioCanvasVisualizer::refreshAntennaLobe(const IAntenna *antenna, cPolygonFigure *antennaLobeFigure, cOvalFigure *antennaLobeUnitGainFigure, cOvalFigure *antennaLobeMaxGainFigure) const
EulerAngles direction;
auto antennaPosition = antenna->getMobility()->getCurrentPosition();
double antennaCanvasDepth;
double maxGain = antenna->getGain()->getMaxGain();
auto antennaCanvasPosition = canvasProjection->computeCanvasPoint(antennaPosition, antennaCanvasDepth);
auto antennaDirection = Quaternion(antenna->getMobility()->getCurrentAngularPosition()).inverse();
for (double i = 0; i < unit(deg(360) / antennaLobeStep).get(); i++) {
deg angle = i * antennaLobeStep;
cFigure::Point lobeCanvasOffset(cos(rad(angle).get()), sin(rad(angle).get()));
if (!strcmp(antennaLobePlane, "view")) {
auto lobePosition = canvasProjection->computeCanvasPointInverse(antennaCanvasPosition + lobeCanvasOffset, antennaCanvasDepth);
auto lobeDirection = Quaternion::rotationFromTo(Coord::X_AXIS, lobePosition - antennaPosition);
direction = (antennaDirection * lobeDirection).toEulerAngles();
else if (!strcmp(antennaLobePlane, "xy")) {
if (antennaLobePlaneGlobal) {
auto lobePosition = antennaPosition + Coord(lobeCanvasOffset.x, lobeCanvasOffset.y, 0);
auto lobeDirection = Quaternion::rotationFromTo(Coord::X_AXIS, lobePosition - antennaPosition);
direction = (antennaDirection * lobeDirection).toEulerAngles();
direction.alpha = angle;
else if (!strcmp(antennaLobePlane, "xz")) {
if (antennaLobePlaneGlobal) {
auto lobePosition = antennaPosition + Coord(lobeCanvasOffset.x, 0, lobeCanvasOffset.y);
auto lobeDirection = Quaternion::rotationFromTo(Coord::X_AXIS, lobePosition - antennaPosition);
direction = (antennaDirection * lobeDirection).toEulerAngles();
direction.beta = angle;
else if (!strcmp(antennaLobePlane, "yz")) {
if (antennaLobePlaneGlobal) {
auto lobePosition = antennaPosition + Coord(0, lobeCanvasOffset.x, lobeCanvasOffset.y);
auto lobeDirection = Quaternion::rotationFromTo(Coord::X_AXIS, lobePosition - antennaPosition);
direction = (antennaDirection * lobeDirection).toEulerAngles();
else {
direction.alpha = deg(90);
direction.beta = angle;
throw cRuntimeError("Unknown antennaLobePlane");
double gain = antenna->getGain()->computeGain(Quaternion(direction.normalize()));
double radius = getGainRadius(gain, maxGain);
cFigure::Point point = lobeCanvasOffset * radius;
if (antennaLobeFigure->getNumPoints() > i)
antennaLobeFigure->setPoint(i, point);
double unitRadius = getGainRadius(1, maxGain);
antennaLobeUnitGainFigure->setBounds(cFigure::Rectangle(-unitRadius, -unitRadius, 2 * unitRadius, 2 * unitRadius));
double maxRadius = getGainRadius(maxGain, maxGain);
antennaLobeMaxGainFigure->setBounds(cFigure::Rectangle(-maxRadius, -maxRadius, 2 * maxRadius, 2 * maxRadius));
void RadioCanvasVisualizer::setImageIndex(IndexedImageFigure *indexedImageFigure, int index) const
indexedImageFigure->setValue(0, simTime(), index);
indexedImageFigure->setVisible(indexedImageFigure->getImages()[index] != "-");
double RadioCanvasVisualizer::getGainRadius(double gain, double maxGain) const
if (antennaLobeNormalize)
gain /= maxGain;
if (!strcmp("logarithmic", antennaLobeMode))
return std::max(0.0, antennaLobeRadius + antennaLobeLogarithmicScale * std::log(gain) / std::log(antennaLobeLogarithmicBase));
else if (!strcmp("linear", antennaLobeMode))
return antennaLobeRadius * gain;
throw cRuntimeError("Unknown antenna lobe mode");
} // namespace visualizer
} // namespace inet
github_open_source_100_1_371 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | /*
import { Observer } from '../fn/module.js';
import { parseText } from './modules/parse.js';
parseText([], 'Parseable text {[ property ]}')
parseText([], 'Parseable text {[ property | type ]}')
parseText([], 'Parseable text {[ property | add:2 ]}')
parseText([], 'Parseable text {[ property | add:2 | type ]}')
parseText([], 'Parseable text {[ property ]}').join('')
parseText([], 'Parseable text {[ property | type ]}').join('')
parseText([], 'Parseable text {[ property | add:2 ]} trailing text').join('')
parseText([], 'Parseable text {[ property | add:2 | type ]} trailing text').join('')
import { StringRenderer } from './modules/renderer.js';
const results = [
'Leading text, number 12, prepad "" to "", trailing text.',
'Leading text, number 14, prepad "" to "", trailing text.',
'Leading text, number 16, prepad "text" to "--text", trailing text.'
const stringRenderer = new StringRenderer('Leading text, {[number|type]} {[ number | add:2 ]}, prepad "{[ string ]}" to "{[ string | prepad:"-",6 ]}", trailing text.', (string) => {
console.log(results.shift() === string);
const scope = {
number: 10
setTimeout(function() {
Observer(scope).number = 12;
setTimeout(function() {
Observer(scope).number = 14;
Observer(scope).string = 'text';
}, 500);
}, 500);
//Observer(scope).property = 12;
2328160_2 | courtlistener | Public Domain | We concluded that the record supported Judge McCrone's ultimate factual finding that, although Respondent abused alcohol and suffered from depression, those conditions were not the cause of his misconduct. Judge McCrone further found that Respondent was not "experiencing debilitating mental or physical health conditions that would interfere with his ability to accomplish normal day to day activities and result in Respondent's utter inability to conform his conduct according to the law and with the Maryland Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct." Indeed, even Dr. Mansour and Dr. Robison did not go so far as to opine in their written reports (neither testified at the hearing) that Respondent's alcoholism and depression were the "cause" of Respondent's misconduct. The most Dr. Mansour and Dr. Robison could say was that Respondent's mental health issues were a "major contributing factor" of the misconduct. Further, Respondent himself admitted, during his cross-examination by Bar Counsel, that his depression and alcoholism had not caused him to neglect any of his clients' cases or rendered him unable to otherwise function at a high level in his legal and financial affairs.
We have mentioned that, at the time Judge McCrone issued his factual findings and conclusions of law, he had before him both Bar Counsel's and Respondent's proposed findings and conclusions of law. We repeat that, notwithstanding Judge *171 McCrone's omission of any reference to Respondent's mental health practitioners and treatment, we safely can, and do, presume that Judge McCrone considered all of the evidence before him, including the reports of Drs. Mansour and Robison. The evidence presented at the hearing amply supported Judge McCrone's finding on this point. Accordingly, we overrule Respondent's exception to Judge McCrone's finding that Respondent's "behavior was not the result of his depression and alcohol abuse."
We have said that Respondent concedes that his conduct violated Rules 1.4(a) and (b) and 8.4(a), (b), (c), and (d), and we agree that those violations are supported by clear and convincing evidence. Accordingly, our remaining task is to determine the appropriate sanction.
The purpose of disciplinary proceedings is "not to punish the lawyer, but to protect the public and the public's confidence in the legal profession." Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Sucklal, 418 Md. 1, 10 n. 3, 12 A.3d 650, 655 n. 3 (2010) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). We have explained that the public is protected "in two ways" by the imposition of sanctions upon attorneys who engage in professional misconduct:
We protect the public through sanctions against offending attorneys in two ways: through deterrence of the type of conduct which will not be tolerated, and by removing those unfit to continue in the practice of law from the rolls of those authorized to practice in this State. The public is protected when sanctions are imposed that are commensurate with the nature and gravity of the violations.
Id., 12 A.3d at 655 n. 3 (internal quotation marks and citation omitted).
Bar Counsel recommends disbarment as the appropriate sanction for Respondent's misconduct. Respondent urges this Court to impose a period of suspension,[8] arguing that he has established sufficient mitigation to obviate the need for disbarment. To decide this question, we consider the egregiousness of Respondent's misconduct in conjunction with the established mitigation. Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Bleecker, 414 Md. 147, 176, 994 A.2d 928, 945 (2010).
The violations found in this case are serious. In addition to failing to communicate with certain clients in violation of Rule 1.4, Respondent misappropriated the law firm's resources, by using the firm's postage, paper, various office supplies, and Accurint subscription to locate potential clients. In addition, Respondent altered and deleted documents within the firm's electronic client files. Respondent does not contest Judge McCrone's finding by clear and convincing evidence that this conduct violates Maryland Code (2002), § 7-302 of the Criminal Law Article (CrL).[9] Judge McCrone further found, and Respondent does not dispute, that he altered the law firm's computer files to make it appear that the cases were meritless and therefore "closed," when in fact those cases appeared to have merit. Respondent *172 took those actions with the intention of taking those clients from the law firm and making them his, once he established his own practice.
All of the above was caused, not by mental illness or alcohol abuse but rather, as Judge McCrone found, by Respondent's "desire to keep for himself more of the income he had been generating for the firm." Put simply, Respondent's conduct was dishonest, it was intentional, and it was solely motivated by the desire for personal gain.
Conduct "involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit, carries the risk of the ultimate sanction by this Court." Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. White, 354 Md. 346, 366, 731 A.2d 447, 458 (1999). Accordingly, "[when] it appears that the attorney has engaged in intentional dishonest conduct ..., [the] bar is set especially high, and disbarment will be the appropriate sanction absent `compelling extenuating circumstances.'" Palmer, 417 Md. at 207, 9 A.3d at 50 (quoting Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Steinberg, 395 Md. 337, 375, 910 A.2d 429, 451 (2006)). Accord Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Guberman, 392 Md. 131, 137, 896 A.2d 337, 340-41 (2006) (stating that "disbarment follows as a matter of course `when a member of the bar is shown to be willfully dishonest for personal gain by means of fraud, deceit, cheating or like conduct, absent the most compelling extenuating circumstances'" (quoting Maryland State Bar Ass'n, Inc. v. Agnew, 271 Md. 543, 553, 318 A.2d 811, 817 (1974))).
Before examining whether there exists in Respondent's case the requisite "compelling extenuating circumstances" that make appropriate a sanction less than disbarment, we say a few words about Vanderlinde, upon which Bar Counsel relies in arguing for the ultimate sanction. In Vanderlinde, we set forth what, from the text of that case alone, would suggest a bright line rule that,
in cases involving intentional dishonesty, misappropriation, fraud, stealing, serious criminal conduct and the like, we will not accept, as "compelling extenuating circumstances," anything less than the most serious and utterly debilitating mental or physical health conditions, arising from any source that is the "root cause" of the misconduct and that also result in an attorney's utter inability to conform his or her conduct in accordance with the law and with the MRPC.
Vanderlinde, 364 Md. at 413-14, 773 A.2d at 485.
We recently clarified, though, that the "bright line rule of Vanderlinde should be understood to apply only to `the facts and circumstances of that case'i.e., cases of misconduct involving intentional misappropriation, intentional dishonesty, fraud, stealing, and serious criminal offenses where mental disability is offered as mitigation of the normal sanction of disbarment." Palmer, 417 Md. at 211, 9 A.3d at 52-53 (emphasis added). And, we extracted from Vanderlinde a three-part test. First, the evidence of mental disability must be "almost conclusive, and essentially uncontroverted" that the attorney "had a serious and debilitating mental condition." Id. at 212, 9 A.3d at 53. Second, the mental disability must be the "`root cause' for the misconductmeaning, it must `affect[] the ability of the attorney in normal day to day activities, such that the attorney was unable to accomplish the least of those activities in a normal fashion.'" Id., 9 A.3d at 53. Third, the mental disability must have "result[ed] in the attorney's utter inability to conform his or her conduct in accordance with the law and with the [Rules of Professional Conduct]." Palmer, 417 Md. at 212, 9 A.3d at 53 (quoting *173 Vanderlinde, 364 Md. at 414, 773 A.2d at 485, 488).
As applied to the present case, Respondent's mental disabilities[10] fail the Vanderlinde test; indeed, Respondent does not attempt to argue the contrary. Judge McCrone found that Respondent's misconduct was not the result of his alcohol abuse and depression, and those conditions did not "result in the attorney's utter inability to conform his or her conduct in accordance with the law and with the [Rules of Professional Conduct]." Respondent's psychological issues at the time of his misconduct are not "sufficient to meet Vanderlinde's requirements, and therefore, without more, do not mitigate the sanction here to less than disbarment." See Palmer, 417 Md. at 212-13, 9 A.3d at 53.
Respondent argues that the other mitigating factors in the case, taken together, amount to the "compelling extenuating circumstances" that would entitle him to a sanction less than disbarment. Those factors, which are based on undisputed factual findings by Judge McCrone and we have accepted as mitigating, are: Respondent suffered from depression and alcoholism at the time of the incident; no client was harmed as a result of his actions; he is remorseful; he was cooperative with Bar Counsel; he is well-regarded by his clients and peers; he has no previous disciplinary record; he has suffered other consequences as a result of his misconduct (loss of employment, income, and professional reputation); he underwent interim rehabilitation; there was no delay in the disciplinary proceedings; he was inexperienced in the practice of law; and he made timely good faith efforts to make restitution or to rectify the consequences of his misconduct. In support of his argument that, in sum, these mitigating factors are sufficiently compelling to reduce the sanction to less than disbarment, Respondent directs us to two cases, Cappell, 389 Md. 402, 886 A.2d 112, and Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Potter, 380 Md. 128, 844 A.2d 367 (2004).
Cappell does little to advance Respondent's cause. Beyond the fact that Cappell was primarily a case regarding the scope of conditional diversion agreements, see supra, the attorney in Cappell, unlike Respondent, was found by the hearing judge to be suffering from a mental disability that was the "root cause" of the attorney's misconduct. 389 Md. at 405, 886 A.2d at 114. In that sense, the attorney in Cappell established that his mental health disability was a "compelling extenuating circumstance[]" as described in Vanderlinde. Respondent does not enjoy a similarly favorable finding.
Potter, though factually similar in some respects, is ultimately inapposite. In Potter, the attorney violated MRPC 8.4(b), (c), and (d), in addition to other rules. 380 Md. at 163, 844 A.2d at 388. Potter, who had been working as an attorney for a law firm, decided to leave that firm. Potter properly informed several of the law firm's clients of his decision, which resulted in two of his clients electing to terminate their relationship with the firm in order to continue with Potter as their attorney. Prior to his departure from the firm, Potter wrongly "accessed the firm's computer and deleted the files maintained on the computer" related to those two clients. Id. at 137, 844 A.2d at 372. That conduct constituted violations of Rule 8.4(b), (c), and (d) in addition to CrL § 7-302, much as in Respondent's case.
Like Respondent, Potter "acted intentionally and dishonestly." Id. at 161, 844 A.2d at 386. We emphasized, though, that *174 Potter "acted in an effort to facilitate his representation of the two clients and the hearing judge found that he had the clients' best interests in mind." Id., 844 A.2d at 387. The actions of Respondent, in contrast, were motivated by a desire for personal gain. In the end, Potter and Respondent's case are materially different.[11]
On balance, given Respondent's intentional dishonest misconduct, motivated exclusively by his desire for personal gain, the totality of the mitigation Respondent has proven does not constitute the "compelling extenuating circumstances" necessary to permit a sanction less than disbarment. See, e.g., Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Coppola, 419 Md. 370, 19 A.3d 431 (2011) (disbarring an attorney who committed a "pattern" of intentional dishonest conduct related to the execution of a will, despite the fact that various mitigating factors were present in the case); Palmer, 417 Md. at 216, 9 A.3d at 55 (holding that disbarment of the attorney was warranted, even though he had no prior disciplinary record and was well-regarded in the legal community, where the attorney repeatedly and intentionally misappropriated client funds by transferring them from the law firm's escrow account to the firm's general account, in order to make it appear, for purposes of partnership consideration, that the attorney was bringing in more money to the firm than in fact he did, and there was no evidence that his conduct was the result of a serious and debilitating mental condition); Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Garcia, 410 Md. 507, 979 A.2d 146 (2009) (disbarring an attorney who committed immigration fraud by drafting and sending to the INS a fraudulent employment verification letter); Vanderlinde, 364 Md. at 413-14, 773 A.2d at 485 (disbarring an attorney who intentionally misappropriated $4000 from her employer and used those funds for her own purposes, and there was no evidence that her mental disability was the "root cause" of her conduct). Accordingly, we order disbarment.
BELL, C.J., MURPHY and ELDRIDGE, JJ., Dissent.
JOHN C. ELDRIDGE (Retired, Specially Assigned), dissenting.
In this case, I would impose a sanction of an indefinite suspension rather than disbarment. Among this Court's prior attorney grievance cases, the present case is most similar to Attorney Grievance Commission *175 v. Potter, 380 Md. 128, 844 A.2d 367 (2004), in which the Court unanimously imposed a ninety-day suspension. The facts of the present case are not significantly different from the facts in Potter. The imposition of a suspension in the case at bar would comport with consistency and a respect for precedent.
Chief Judge BELL and Judge MURPHY join this dissenting opinion.
[1] MRPC 1.4 provides:
(a) A lawyer shall:
(1) promptly inform the client of any decision or circumstance with respect to which the client's informed consent, as defined in Rule 1.0(f), is required by these Rules;
(2) keep the client reasonably informed about the status of the matter;
(3) promptly comply with reasonable requests for information; and
(4) consult with the client about any relevant limitation on the lawyer's conduct when the lawyer knows that the client expects assistance not permitted by the Maryland Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct or other law.
(b) A lawyer shall explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the client to make informed decisions regarding the representation.
[2] MRPC 8.4 provides in relevant part:
It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:
(a) violate or attempt to violate the Maryland Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;
(b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;
(c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;
(d) engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice;
[3] Citations to exhibits have been omitted.
[4] Judge McCrone did not find that Respondent suffers from alcoholism, although, as we have said, he did find that Respondent abused alcohol. In Palmer, we included, for purposes of that opinion, "drug and alcohol abuse and dependency" "under the banner of `mental disability.'" Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Palmer, 417 Md. 185, 209 n. 13, 9 A.3d 37, 51 n. 13 (2010). We shall do likewise here.
[5] For a thorough discussion of the Peer Review process, see Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Lee, 387 Md. 89, 108-09, 874 A.2d 897, 908 (2005).
[6] Although not expressly addressed in the Kinnane opinion, we surmise that the only plausible reason for Kinnane's seeking admission of the Peer Review Panel's recommendation was that he hoped that this Court, upon being confronted with that recommendation, would be persuaded that a sanction less severe than that recommended by Bar Counsel was appropriate.
[7] We ordered a remand in Olver to allow Bar Counsel to consider "whether to propose a conditional diversion agreement," because the conditional diversion agreement rule went into effect after the Petition for Disciplinary and Remedial Action was filed, and therefore neither Bar Counsel nor Olver had the opportunity to consider the possibility of resolving the matter through such an agreement. Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. Olver, 376 Md. 650, 658, 831 A.2d 66, 71 (2003).
[8] In the alternative, Respondent has asked this Court to remand this disciplinary matter so that the Commission could consider a Conditional Diversion Agreement. For the reasons explained supra, we decline to do so.
[9] Maryland Code (2002), § 7-302 of the Criminal Law Article provides, inter alia, that a person may not intentionally and willfully exceed that person's authorized access to a computer with the intent to "alter, damage, or destroy all or any part of data or a computer program stored, maintained, or produced by a computer...."
[10] We have assumed for purposes of this case that Respondent's alcohol abuse comes under the banner of mental disability. See supra note 4.
[11] The out-of-state cases upon which Respondent relies are also distinguishable. Though In re Complaint as to the Conduct of Corey B. Smith, 315 Or. 260, 843 P.2d 449 (1992), and In the Matter of Gary M. Cupples, 952 S.W.2d 226 (Mo.1997), both involved attorneys who wrongly and dishonestly took their respective firms' clients upon departing from their respective firms and deliberately failed to account for certain cases so as to avoid detection, neither case involved the additional dishonest (and potentially criminal) conduct present herethat is, Respondent's affirmative acts of modification, deletion, and falsification of the firm's electronic client records in violation of CrL § 7-302, in an effort to conceal his scheme.
[12] By mandating that all costs be paid by Respondent, we necessarily have declined Respondent's request for assignment of costs to the Attorney Grievance Commission, regardless of the outcome.
3399216_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Салюяхатарка (устар. Салю-Яха-Тарка) — река в России, протекает по Ямало-Ненецкому АО. Устье реки находится в 23 км по левому берегу реки Салюяха. Длина реки составляет 19 км.
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Код объекта в государственном водном реестре — 15040000112115300060619.
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Реки Пуровского района.
7612986_1 | courtlistener | Public Domain | AFFIRMED.
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Официален вестник на Европейския съюз
L 229/89
от 15 септември 2023 година
за изменение на Регламент за изпълнение (ЕС) № 686/2012 по отношение на възлагането на държавите членки на извършването на оценка на етоксазол, за който срокът на валидност на одобрението изтича на 31 януари 2028 г., за целите на процедурата по подновяване
(текст от значение за ЕИП)
като взе предвид Договора за функционирането на Европейския съюз,
като взе предвид Регламент (ЕО) № 1107/2009 на Европейския парламент и на Съвета от 21 октомври 2009 г. относно пускането на пазара на продукти за растителна защита и за отмяна на директиви 79/117/ЕИО и 91/414/ЕИО на Съвета (1), и по-специално член 19 от него,
като има предвид, че:
С Регламент за изпълнение (ЕС) № 686/2012 на Комисията (2) извършването на оценка на активните вещества за целите на процедурата по подновяване се възлага на държава членка докладчик и на държава членка съдокладчик. Оценката на активните вещества, за които срокът на одобрението изтича между 31 март 2025 г. и 27 декември 2028 г., беше възложена на държава членка докладчик и на държава членка съдокладчик. Извършването на оценка на активното вещество етоксазол, за който срокът на одобрението изтича на 31 януари 2028 г., обаче все още не е възложено. Поради това е целесъобразно да се пристъпи към такова възлагане.
Възлагането е извършено по начин, който осигурява баланс между държавите членки по отношение на разпределението на отговорностите и работата.
Поради това Регламент за изпълнение (ЕС) № 686/2012 следва да бъде съответно изменен.
Мерките, предвидени в настоящия регламент, са в съответствие със становището на Постоянния комитет по растенията, животните, храните и фуражите,
Член 1
В част Г от приложението към Регламент за изпълнение (ЕС) № 686/2012 след вписването за „циантранилипрол“ се вмъква следното вписване:
Активно вещество
Държава членка докладчик
Държава членка съдокладчик
Член 2
Настоящият регламент влиза в сила на двадесетия ден след деня на публикуването му в Официален вестник на Европейския съюз.
Настоящият регламент е задължителен в своята цялост и се прилага пряко във всички държави членки.
Съставено в Брюксел на 15 септември 2023 година.
За Комисията
ОВ L 309, 24.11.2009 г., стр. 1.
(2) Регламент за изпълнение (ЕС) № 686/2012 на Комисията от 26 юли 2012 г. за разпределяне между държавите членки, за целите на процедурата по подновяване, на оценките на активните вещества, за които срокът на валидност на одобрението изтича най-късно на 31 декември 2018 г., (ОВ L 200, 27.7.2012 г., стр. 5).
1338335_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | 株式会社スイッチ・パブリッシング(英語表記:Switch Publishing Co., Ltd)は、日本の出版社。東京都港区に本社を置く。
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package genericmutator
import (
extensionswebhook ""
gcontext ""
v1beta1constants ""
extensionsv1alpha1 ""
druidv1alpha1 ""
appsv1 ""
corev1 ""
kubeletconfigv1beta1 ""
// Ensurer ensures that various standard Kubernets controlplane objects conform to the provider requirements.
// If they don't initially, they are mutated accordingly.
type Ensurer interface {
// EnsureKubeAPIServerService ensures that the kube-apiserver service conforms to the provider requirements.
// "old" might be "nil" and must always be checked.
EnsureKubeAPIServerService(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old *corev1.Service) error
// EnsureKubeAPIServerDeployment ensures that the kube-apiserver deployment conforms to the provider requirements.
// "old" might be "nil" and must always be checked.
EnsureKubeAPIServerDeployment(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old *appsv1.Deployment) error
// EnsureKubeControllerManagerDeployment ensures that the kube-controller-manager deployment conforms to the provider requirements.
// "old" might be "nil" and must always be checked.
EnsureKubeControllerManagerDeployment(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old *appsv1.Deployment) error
// EnsureKubeSchedulerDeployment ensures that the kube-scheduler deployment conforms to the provider requirements.
// "old" might be "nil" and must always be checked.
EnsureKubeSchedulerDeployment(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old *appsv1.Deployment) error
// EnsureETCD ensures that the etcds conform to the respective provider requirements.
// "old" might be "nil" and must always be checked.
EnsureETCD(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old *druidv1alpha1.Etcd) error
// EnsureKubeletServiceUnitOptions ensures that the kubelet.service unit options conform to the provider requirements.
EnsureKubeletServiceUnitOptions(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old []*unit.UnitOption) ([]*unit.UnitOption, error)
// EnsureKubeletConfiguration ensures that the kubelet configuration conforms to the provider requirements.
// "old" might be "nil" and must always be checked.
EnsureKubeletConfiguration(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old *kubeletconfigv1beta1.KubeletConfiguration) error
// EnsureKubernetesGeneralConfiguration ensures that the kubernetes general configuration conforms to the provider requirements.
// "old" might be "nil" and must always be checked.
EnsureKubernetesGeneralConfiguration(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old *string) error
// ShouldProvisionKubeletCloudProviderConfig returns true if the cloud provider config file should be added to the kubelet configuration.
ShouldProvisionKubeletCloudProviderConfig(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext) bool
// EnsureKubeletCloudProviderConfig ensures that the cloud provider config file content conforms to the provider requirements.
EnsureKubeletCloudProviderConfig(context.Context, gcontext.GardenContext, *string, string) error
// EnsureAdditionalUnits ensures additional systemd units
// "old" might be "nil" and must always be checked.
EnsureAdditionalUnits(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old *[]extensionsv1alpha1.Unit) error
// EnsureAdditionalFile ensures additional systemd files
// "old" might be "nil" and must always be checked.
EnsureAdditionalFiles(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, new, old *[]extensionsv1alpha1.File) error
// NewMutator creates a new controlplane mutator.
func NewMutator(
ensurer Ensurer,
unitSerializer utils.UnitSerializer,
kubeletConfigCodec kubelet.ConfigCodec,
fciCodec utils.FileContentInlineCodec,
logger logr.Logger,
) extensionswebhook.Mutator {
return &mutator{
ensurer: ensurer,
unitSerializer: unitSerializer,
kubeletConfigCodec: kubeletConfigCodec,
fciCodec: fciCodec,
logger: logger.WithName("mutator"),
type mutator struct {
client client.Client
ensurer Ensurer
unitSerializer utils.UnitSerializer
kubeletConfigCodec kubelet.ConfigCodec
fciCodec utils.FileContentInlineCodec
logger logr.Logger
// InjectClient injects the given client into the ensurer.
func (m *mutator) InjectClient(client client.Client) error {
m.client = client
return nil
// InjectFunc injects stuff into the ensurer.
func (m *mutator) InjectFunc(f inject.Func) error {
return f(m.ensurer)
// Mutate validates and if needed mutates the given object.
func (m *mutator) Mutate(ctx context.Context, new, old client.Object) error {
// If the object does have a deletion timestamp then we don't want to mutate anything.
if new.GetDeletionTimestamp() != nil {
return nil
gctx := gcontext.NewGardenContext(m.client, new)
switch x := new.(type) {
case *corev1.Service:
switch x.Name {
case v1beta1constants.DeploymentNameKubeAPIServer:
var oldSvc *corev1.Service
if old != nil {
var ok bool
oldSvc, ok = old.(*corev1.Service)
if !ok {
return errors.New("could not cast old object to corev1.Service")
extensionswebhook.LogMutation(m.logger, x.Kind, x.Namespace, x.Name)
return m.ensurer.EnsureKubeAPIServerService(ctx, gctx, x, oldSvc)
case *appsv1.Deployment:
var oldDep *appsv1.Deployment
if old != nil {
var ok bool
oldDep, ok = old.(*appsv1.Deployment)
if !ok {
return errors.New("could not cast old object to appsv1.Deployment")
switch x.Name {
case v1beta1constants.DeploymentNameKubeAPIServer:
extensionswebhook.LogMutation(m.logger, x.Kind, x.Namespace, x.Name)
return m.ensurer.EnsureKubeAPIServerDeployment(ctx, gctx, x, oldDep)
case v1beta1constants.DeploymentNameKubeControllerManager:
extensionswebhook.LogMutation(m.logger, x.Kind, x.Namespace, x.Name)
return m.ensurer.EnsureKubeControllerManagerDeployment(ctx, gctx, x, oldDep)
case v1beta1constants.DeploymentNameKubeScheduler:
extensionswebhook.LogMutation(m.logger, x.Kind, x.Namespace, x.Name)
return m.ensurer.EnsureKubeSchedulerDeployment(ctx, gctx, x, oldDep)
case *druidv1alpha1.Etcd:
switch x.Name {
case v1beta1constants.ETCDMain, v1beta1constants.ETCDEvents:
var oldEtcd *druidv1alpha1.Etcd
if old != nil {
var ok bool
oldEtcd, ok = old.(*druidv1alpha1.Etcd)
if !ok {
return errors.New("could not cast old object to druidv1alpha1.Etcd")
extensionswebhook.LogMutation(m.logger, x.Kind, x.Namespace, x.Name)
return m.ensurer.EnsureETCD(ctx, gctx, x, oldEtcd)
case *extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig:
if x.Spec.Purpose == extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfigPurposeReconcile {
var oldOSC *extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig
if old != nil {
var ok bool
oldOSC, ok = old.(*extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig)
if !ok {
return errors.New("could not cast old object to extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig")
extensionswebhook.LogMutation(m.logger, x.Kind, x.Namespace, x.Name)
return m.mutateOperatingSystemConfig(ctx, gctx, x, oldOSC)
return nil
return nil
func getKubeletService(osc *extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig) *string {
if osc != nil {
if u := extensionswebhook.UnitWithName(osc.Spec.Units, v1beta1constants.OperatingSystemConfigUnitNameKubeletService); u != nil {
return u.Content
return nil
func getKubeletConfigFile(osc *extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig) *extensionsv1alpha1.FileContentInline {
return findFileWithPath(osc, v1beta1constants.OperatingSystemConfigFilePathKubeletConfig)
func getKubernetesGeneralConfiguration(osc *extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig) *extensionsv1alpha1.FileContentInline {
return findFileWithPath(osc, v1beta1constants.OperatingSystemConfigFilePathKernelSettings)
func findFileWithPath(osc *extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig, path string) *extensionsv1alpha1.FileContentInline {
if osc != nil {
if f := extensionswebhook.FileWithPath(osc.Spec.Files, path); f != nil {
return f.Content.Inline
return nil
func (m *mutator) mutateOperatingSystemConfig(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, osc, oldOSC *extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig) error {
// Mutate kubelet.service unit, if present
if content := getKubeletService(osc); content != nil {
if err := m.ensureKubeletServiceUnitContent(ctx, gctx, content, getKubeletService(oldOSC)); err != nil {
return err
// Mutate kubelet configuration file, if present
if content := getKubeletConfigFile(osc); content != nil {
if err := m.ensureKubeletConfigFileContent(ctx, gctx, content, getKubeletConfigFile(oldOSC)); err != nil {
return err
// Mutate 99 kubernetes general configuration file, if present
if content := getKubernetesGeneralConfiguration(osc); content != nil {
if err := m.ensureKubernetesGeneralConfiguration(ctx, gctx, content, getKubernetesGeneralConfiguration(oldOSC)); err != nil {
return err
// Check if cloud provider config needs to be ensured
if m.ensurer.ShouldProvisionKubeletCloudProviderConfig(ctx, gctx) {
if err := m.ensureKubeletCloudProviderConfig(ctx, gctx, osc); err != nil {
return err
var (
oldFiles *[]extensionsv1alpha1.File
oldUnits *[]extensionsv1alpha1.Unit
if oldOSC != nil {
oldFiles = &oldOSC.Spec.Files
oldUnits = &oldOSC.Spec.Units
if err := m.ensurer.EnsureAdditionalFiles(ctx, gctx, &osc.Spec.Files, oldFiles); err != nil {
return err
if err := m.ensurer.EnsureAdditionalUnits(ctx, gctx, &osc.Spec.Units, oldUnits); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *mutator) ensureKubeletServiceUnitContent(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, content, oldContent *string) error {
var (
opts, oldOpts []*unit.UnitOption
err error
// Deserialize unit options
if opts, err = m.unitSerializer.Deserialize(*content); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not deserialize kubelet.service unit content: %w", err)
if oldContent != nil {
// Deserialize old unit options
if oldOpts, err = m.unitSerializer.Deserialize(*oldContent); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not deserialize old kubelet.service unit content: %w", err)
if opts, err = m.ensurer.EnsureKubeletServiceUnitOptions(ctx, gctx, opts, oldOpts); err != nil {
return err
// Serialize unit options
if *content, err = m.unitSerializer.Serialize(opts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not serialize kubelet.service unit options: %w", err)
return nil
func (m *mutator) ensureKubeletConfigFileContent(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, fci, oldFCI *extensionsv1alpha1.FileContentInline) error {
var (
kubeletConfig, oldKubeletConfig *kubeletconfigv1beta1.KubeletConfiguration
err error
// Decode kubelet configuration from inline content
if kubeletConfig, err = m.kubeletConfigCodec.Decode(fci); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not decode kubelet configuration: %w", err)
if oldFCI != nil {
// Decode old kubelet configuration from inline content
if oldKubeletConfig, err = m.kubeletConfigCodec.Decode(oldFCI); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not decode old kubelet configuration: %w", err)
if err = m.ensurer.EnsureKubeletConfiguration(ctx, gctx, kubeletConfig, oldKubeletConfig); err != nil {
return err
// Encode kubelet configuration into inline content
var newFCI *extensionsv1alpha1.FileContentInline
if newFCI, err = m.kubeletConfigCodec.Encode(kubeletConfig, fci.Encoding); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not encode kubelet configuration: %w", err)
*fci = *newFCI
return nil
func (m *mutator) ensureKubernetesGeneralConfiguration(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, fci, oldFCI *extensionsv1alpha1.FileContentInline) error {
var (
data, oldData []byte
err error
// Decode kubernetes general configuration from inline content
if data, err = m.fciCodec.Decode(fci); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not decode kubernetes general configuration: %w", err)
if oldFCI != nil {
// Decode kubernetes general configuration from inline content
if oldData, err = m.fciCodec.Decode(oldFCI); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not decode old kubernetes general configuration: %w", err)
s := string(data)
oldS := string(oldData)
if err = m.ensurer.EnsureKubernetesGeneralConfiguration(ctx, gctx, &s, &oldS); err != nil {
return err
// Encode kubernetes general configuration into inline content
var newFCI *extensionsv1alpha1.FileContentInline
if newFCI, err = m.fciCodec.Encode([]byte(s), fci.Encoding); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not encode kubernetes general configuration: %w", err)
*fci = *newFCI
return nil
const CloudProviderConfigPath = "/var/lib/kubelet/cloudprovider.conf"
func (m *mutator) ensureKubeletCloudProviderConfig(ctx context.Context, gctx gcontext.GardenContext, osc *extensionsv1alpha1.OperatingSystemConfig) error {
var err error
// Ensure kubelet cloud provider config
var s string
if err = m.ensurer.EnsureKubeletCloudProviderConfig(ctx, gctx, &s, osc.Namespace); err != nil {
return err
// Encode cloud provider config into inline content
var fci *extensionsv1alpha1.FileContentInline
if fci, err = m.fciCodec.Encode([]byte(s), string(cloudinit.B64FileCodecID)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not encode kubelet cloud provider config: %w", err)
// Ensure the cloud provider config file is part of the OperatingSystemConfig
osc.Spec.Files = extensionswebhook.EnsureFileWithPath(osc.Spec.Files, extensionsv1alpha1.File{
Path: CloudProviderConfigPath,
Permissions: pointer.Int32(0644),
Content: extensionsv1alpha1.FileContent{
Inline: fci,
return nil
5438736_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Jacques Soisson (* Februar 1928 in Paris; † 25. Januar 2012) war ein französischer Maler, Radierer, Bildhauer und Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut.
Soisson studierte an der École des Beaux-Arts de Toulouse und anschließend an der École des Beaux-arts de Montpellier von 1948 bis 1951 in den Klassen für Malerei und Skulptur. Anschließend war Soisson Zeichenlehrer in Sétif und Oran bis 1962. Von 1966 bis 1978 arbeitete er als Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut. Die, im Rahmen der Therapie, von den Patienten gemalten Zeichnungen bzw. Gemälde wurden von ihm gesammelt und er rief das Atelier d’art-thérapie ins Leben. Diese bedeutende Sammlung wurde mit Unterstützung von Anne und Arsène Bonafous-Murat dem Museum des Hospiz St. Roch in Issoudun geschenkt. Er kooperierte mit dem Institut Édouard Claparède de Neuilly-sur-Seine. Ein Jahr später, 1969, wurde Soisson Mitglied der, von Jean Dubuffet gegründeten, Compagnie de l’art brut und SIPE. Es folgte eine Bekanntschaft zwischen beiden.
Seit 1978 widmete sich Jacques Soisson, animiert und ermutigt durch Dubuffet, ganz der Malerei und Radierung. Er lebte und arbeitete zuletzt in Paris.
Seine Arbeiten waren gekennzeichnet durch kräftige Farben und Formen wie durch die Virtuosität der Farben und die eigenwillige Darstellungsweise der menschlichen Physiognomie. Zudem erzielten Soissons Werke eine therapeutische und meditative Wirkung.
Ausstellungen (Auswahl)
Seine Werke wurden erfolgreich in zahlreichen Ausstellungen in Dänemark, Algerien, Frankreich, Kanada, Schweden und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika gezeigt.
Biennale de Menton, Menton
1955: Cercle Lélien, Algier
1975: Galerie Lahumière, Paris
1977: „Meubles Tableaux“, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
1978: Kunstmuseum, Dänemark
Werke im öffentlichen Besitz
Boca Raton Museum of Art, Florida
Lille Métropole Museum für Moderne Kunst, Zeitgenössische Kunst und Art Brut, Villeneuve-d’Ascq
Über Jacques Soisson
1976: Michel Cazaubiel: An outsider Soisson, Cinémage
E. Benezit: Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs. Nouv. ed. - Paris: Gründ, 1999. (Volltext)
Literatur von Jacques Soisson (Auswahl)
Er hat zahlreiche Artikel über Art Brut verfasst.
„Dare dare: un livre d'art ou le coeur a l'ouvrage“, Verlag Acayoulge, 1990
„As-tu connu Machu Picchu?“, Nidra Poller und Jacques Soisson, Messidor/La Farandole, 1984
„Le cœur au repos“, Jacques Berne und Jacques Soisson, Chez Michel Bon, imprimeur taille-doucier, 1980
„Le sacré corps“, Hrsg. Joseph Delteil, Verlag B. Grasset, 1976, S. 202 ff.
Einige Abbildungen seiner Werke
Kurzbiographie zu Soisson, französisch, abgerufen am 4. November 2010
Künstler (Art brut)
Maler der Moderne
Maler (Frankreich)
Künstler der Moderne
Grafiker (Frankreich)
Bildhauer (Frankreich)
Geboren 1928
Gestorben 2012
github_open_source_100_1_373 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | module.exports = function factory(_, io, options, Promise, util, uuid) {
return function uuid() {
var use = options[62] || options['base62'] ? 'uuid-base62' : 'uuid';
var value = require(use)['v' + (options.v || 1)]();
if (use === 'uuid' && !options.nostrip) {
value = value.split('-').join('');
ilc_1984_v1sp.pdf_47 | UN-Digital-Library | Various open data | 9. El artículo 4 no requiere muchas observaciones, pues-
to que ya cuenta con la aprobación de la Comisión. Sin
embargo, el Sr. Reuter se pregunta si no se puede concebir
el proyecto de artículos en un contexto distinto del de las
Naciones Unidas. La cuestión es grave, ya que algunos
Estados no son miembros de las Naciones Unidas y no
hay que desconocer la posibilidad de que los Estados
actúen fuera de las Naciones Unidas. Asimismo, es grave
referirse a la comunidad internacional como tal, pues
identificarse con las Naciones Unidas, en cuyo caso es
necesario determinar si el órgano responsable es la Asam-
blea General o el Consejo de Seguridad.
10. En el artículo 5 el Relator Especial ha procurado
seguir las directrices establecidas en la primera parte del
proyecto. El daño no es un elemento constitutivo de la
responsabilidad y sólo se ha tenido en cuenta el perjuicio
jurídico, abstracto, que supone toda violación de una obli-
gación internacional. En general, el Sr. Reuter comparte la
opinión del Relator Especial tal como se expresa en el
artículo 5. No obstante, con respecto al apartado e se pre-
gunta si el crimen internacional no es un concepto conven-
cional. Si la Comisión estima que el crimen internacional
sólo existe cuando el hecho aludido afecta a la comunidad
internacional en su conjunto, se planteará un problema. El
Sr. Reuter no puede excluir, desde el principio, la idea de
que hay crímenes internacionales que conciernen a las
partes en una convención que establece el concepto de
crimen internacional, pero que no atañen a otros Estados.
No puede suscribir la idea de que algunos tratados obli-
guen a todos los Estados, aunque no sean partes en ellos.
Con todo, si la Comisión se propone adoptar esa posición,
el Sr. Reuter ayudará a la mayoría a redactar la dispo-
sición pertinente, aunque él sustente una opinión con-
11. Sin embargo, el artículo 5 da una definición un tanto
descriptiva del término « Estado lesionado ». Sin criticar
las soluciones de fondo adoptadas, el Sr. Reuter considera
que quizás sea necesario modificar esa disposición. La
situación prevista en el apartado b es bastante clara, pero
¿no habría que considerar otro factor? En efecto, ¿cómo se
puede estar seguro en todos los casos de la autoridad rela-
tiva de la cosa juzgada? El Sr. Reuter reconoce, sin embar-294 Actas resumidas de las sesiones del 36.° periodo de sesiones
go, que se trata de una cuestión controvertida y compren-
de la prudencia del Relator Especial. El apartado c no pre-
senta dificultades. No obstante, en el apartado a el Relator
Especial parece tener presentes todas las normas consuetu-
dinarias, ya sean generales o particulares, siempre que, por
su carácter, creen un derecho subjetivo que de algún modo
sea adecuado (desconocido en el common law). Se trata de
una situación especial bastante análoga a la de un tratado
bilateral. En otros términos, si el Relator Especial piensa
que algunas normas jurídicas crean derechos subjetivos,
¿no sería conveniente, a ese respecto, redactar un apartado
que no establezca distinción entre normas consuetudian-
rias y normas escritas? El Sr. Reuter cree recordar que, a
juicio de la Comisión, las cuestiones tratadas en forma
general en esa parte del proyecto de artículos no requieren
que se haga ninguna distinción con arreglo a la fuente del
derecho, en cuyo caso habrá que resolver un pequeño pro-
blema, ya que la hipótesis del derecho in favorem tertii,
que también se prevé en el apartado a, sólo constituye un
ejemplo sencillo e indiscutible de un derecho apropiado.
El Relator Especial se refiere, en este caso, a los derechos
creados en favor de un tercer Estado. Cuando la Comisión
examinó estas cuestiones en el curso de sus debates sobre
las disposiciones que pasarían a ser los artículos 34 y 36 de
la Convención de Viena sobre el derecho de los tratados,
previo la creación de derechos para una categoría de Esta-
dos. Ahora bien, por adecuado que parezca un derecho
cuando se crea para un solo Estado, puede, sin embargo,
prestarse a controversias cuando se trata de un grupo de
Estados. Pero el Sr. Reuter apoyará con agrado la opinión
del Relator Especial si éste considera que no se debe entrar
en detalles.
12. El apartado d, que constituye el meollo del artículo 5,
contiene varios conceptos muy concretos y otros de carác-
ter más general que requieren mayor precisión. Así, por
ejemplo, en el inciso iii) del apartado d se puede hablar de
un « interés considerado como colectivo según la inten-
ción de las partes », ya que en el proceso de colectivización
interviene un elemento de voluntad. En un momento
determinado, son los Estados los que consideran un inte-
rés particular como genuinamente colectivo. Así ocurrió
en el siglo XIX a propósito de la salud pública y en el siglo
XX con respecto al medio ambiente. Un segundo factor es
el de la solidaridad entre los Estados ; algunos datos técni-
cos y materiales dan origen a una comunidad de intereses.
13. Si bien el Sr. Reuter estima en general aceptable el
artículo 6, propone que se revise la redacción del aparta-
do b del párrafo 1. ¿Por qué hay que aplicar recursos que
existen? Por otra parte, si, en la hipótesis descrita, es el
Estado lesionado el que actúa sin invocar el daño sufrido
por sus nacionales, no se plantea la cuestión del agota-
miento de los recursos establecidos o reconocidos en su
derecho interno. El Sr. Reuter está dispuesto a aceptar el
apartado d del párrafo 1 si su propósito es referirse a los
crímenes internacionales. Pero si se ha de aplicar a los
delitos, parece excesivo, y sería preferible instar al Estado
que haya cometido un hecho internacionalmente ilícito a
remediar cualquier situación que implique un riesgo. Un
Estado que haya cometido un delito y que siga mantenien-
do una situación que pueda provocar un nuevo delito se
encuentra en una situación ilícita. Por consiguiente, elSr. Reuter se opone a que se emplee a ese respecto la
expresión « garantías apropiadas » si se trata de delitos.
14. La distinción formulada en el artículo 8 puede tener
efectos considerables, pues el artículo 10 prevé la limita-
ción de los derechos del Estado en relación con el artícu-
lo 9, pero no con respecto al artículo 8. El Relator Especial
(1858.a sesión) ha observado que el artículo 8 se refiere
fundamentalmente a la reciprocidad y que, a su juicio, la
esfera de la responsabilidad queda definida por un vínculo
directo con la obligación que se ha violado. El concepto de
un vínculo directo debería precisarse. Las obligaciones
enunciadas en un tratado consideradas en conjunto tienen
entre sí un vínculo directo formalizado por la existencia
misma del tratado. Constituyen obligaciones solidarias
que se encuentran en un grupo de tratados vinculados por
su objeto y por su fin. Se trata de un concepto útil cuando
se considera el problema de las normas consuetudinarias.
La situación es más difícil cuando faltan elementos forma-
les. Por ejemplo, en el caso de un Estado que no respete
una norma consuetudinaria de la navegación comercial en
tiempo de paz, el Estado lesionado podrá no respetar otra
norma consuetudinaria de la navegación comercial en
tiempo de paz. En esos casos, hay una unidad definida por
el objeto y el fin. Si el Relator Especial estima difícil pre-
cisar la redacción o la Comisión prefiere mantener una
fórmula general, la disposición deberá ir acompañada de
un comentario muy completo.
15. El artículo 11 es aceptable en general y las observa-
ciones anteriores del Sr. Reuter sobre el término « intere-
ses colectivos » también se aplican al apartado b del párra-
fo 1. En el apartado a del párrafo 1, el Relator Especial ha
querido referirse a los tratados cuyo incumplimiento por
cualquiera de las partes pone en peligro el objeto y el fin
del tratado o su cumplimiento por todas las partes. Por
ejemplo, en el caso de un tratado que limite los derechos
de pesca, con el propósito de proteger las reservas de
peces, el incumplimiento de sus obligaciones por un Esta-
do parte afecta a todas las partes. Pero en algunos casos las
obligaciones de los Estados no son invariablemente simé-
tricas. Se puede concebir un tratado de desarme que
imponga la obligación de desarmarse a un Estado sola-
mente. Por consiguiente, en el apartado a del párrafo 1
debe sustituirse la expresión « un Estado parte » por « ese
Estado parte », a fin de no descuidar la posibilidad de una
violación por cualquier Estado, ni el caso de una violación
de su obligación concreta por un Estado, que de ese modo
afecta a las demás partes.
16. En cuanto al apartado a del artículo 12, el Sr. Reuter
comparte la opinión expresada por el Sr. Ushakov. El
artículo 9 no debe aplicarse a la situación mencionada en
el apartado a. Si su interpretación del fallo dictado por la
CU en el asunto del Personal diplomático y consular de los
Estados Unidos en Teherán5 es correcta, existe un conjun-
to de obligaciones o un régimen aplicable a las embajadas,
de modo que cuando un embajador se inmiscuye en los
asuntos internos de un Estado puede ser declarado perso-
na non grata, pero no debe ser sometido a un régimen que
sea incompatible no sólo con su dignidad de embajador,
sino incluso con los derechos de la persona humana. El
5 Véase 1858.a sesión, nota 10.1861.a sesión - 13 de julio de 1984 295
ejemplo dado en el apartado a es muy importante, pues
muestra todas las consecuencias del régimen de reciproci-
dad y del régimen de represalias. Por otra parte, el Relator
Especial ha tenido razón al excluir la palabra « contrame-
didas » de su proyecto.
17. El apartado b del artículo 12 se refiere a las normas
imperativas de derecho internacional, conocidas también
como jus cogens. A pesar de la reservas que ha formulado
con frecuencia el Sr. Reuter con respecto al jus cogens, él
cree personalmente en una moralidad internacional, cuyas
exigencias van bastante más lejos que las del derecho. En
el artículo 53 de la Convención de Viena sobre el derecho
de los tratados se enuncia la noción de jus cogens, pero
sólo se la conoce bien en materia de nulidad de los trata-
dos. Sin embargo, son muy raros los tratados que pueden
considerarse nulos en virtud del jus cogens. Se puede citar
como ejemplo un tratado concertado entre el Gobierno de
Vichy y el Reich alemán, que un tribunal de guerra de los
Estados Unidos de América declaró nulo en virtud del jus
18. Aunque la situación es bastante clara en el derecho
de los tratados, no sucede lo mismo en materia de respon-
sabilidad de los Estados. Al respecto, reiterando los razo-
namientos que ya se han formulado en relación con las
armas nucleares, si bien, al mismo tiempo, aclara que no
expresa la opinión de ningún gobierno, ni siquiera su opi-
nión personal, el Sr. Reuter dice que, si existiese una nor-
ma imperativa que prohibiera la utilización de armas
nucleares y un Estado la violase, el Estado lesionado, si
dispusiera de armas nucleares, no podría utilizarlas en vir-
tud del apartado b del artículo 12, que remite a los artícu-
los 8 y 9. Partiendo también del supuesto de que exista
una norma que prohiba la utilización de armas nucleares,
el orador se pregunta si un Estado que es víctima de un
acto de agresión — puesto que tales actos están prohibi-
dos — puede reaccionar recurriendo al empleo de armas
nucleares. La respuesta a esa pregunta es negativa o posi-
tiva, según se considere aplicable o no a esa situación el
proyecto de artículo 8. ¿Se considerará que la obligación
de no utilizar armas nucleares corresponde o está directa-
mente ligada a la obligación de no cometer un acto de
agresión? El derecho humanitario puede proporcionar
otros ejemplos. Así, los Convenios de Ginebra de 19496
prohiben las represalias en algunos casos, prohibición que
tiene el carácter de una norma de jus cogens cuando se
aplica a algunas formas de trato inhumano, como el hecho
de fusilar a un prisionero de guerra, que constituye un
crimen no justificado por el incumplimiento de esas nor-
mas por el adversario Pero ¿impone realmente el jus
cogens obligaciones que son más o menos vinculantes
independientemente de esas normas humanitarias total-
mente elementales?
19. Si bien es evidente que no corresponde a la Comisión
intervenir en la esfera del derecho de la guerra, como lo
señaló el Sr. Reuter en una sesión anterior, debe tener en
cuenta de todos modos los problemas planteados por la
utilización de armas nucleares al elaborar artículos del
tipo de los que se examinan. Debe pronunciarse tambiénsobre la conveniencia de la cláusula de salvaguardia rela-
tiva a las represalias armadas que figura en el apartado c
del artículo 16. 20. El artículo 13 plantea la cuestión de la violación total
de un tratado multilateral, que destruye el objeto y el fin
de ese tratado en su conjunto, en cuyo caso no son aplica-
bles los artículos 10 y 11. No obstante, se prevé una excep-
ción en el caso del apartado c del párrafo 1 del artículo 11,
en virtud del cual el Estado lesionado no puede suspender
el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones cuando éstas se han
estipulado para la protección de particulares, indepen-
dientemente de su nacionalidad. Aunque aprueba la inten-
ción del Relator Especial, el Sr. Reuter se pregunta si la
situación prevista puede realmente describirse en térmi-
nos de una violación que destruye el objeto y el fin del
tratado, puesto que, una vez que se destruye el objeto y el
fin del tratado, el tratado ya no existe. De ello se despren-
dería que el Relator Especial considera que los tratados
destinados a proteger los derechos humanos adquieren,
desde su entrada en vigor, una amplitud que rebasa el
marco del tratado. Una vez que han reconocido determi-
nados derechos humanos en un tratado multilateral, los
Estados ya no pueden volverse atrás, al menos después de
haber cometido una violación manifiesta de las obligacio-
nes que dimanan de ese tratado. El Sr. Reuter tampoco
puede admitir que el Tratado que prohibe los ensayos
nucleares en la atmósfera, en el espacio ultraterrestre y
bajo il agua7 sea en la actualidad la expresión de una nor-
ma consuetudinaria de jus cogens que obligue a todos los
Estados, ya que ello no corresponde a la realidad política,
ni puede admitir que el apartado c del párrafo 1 del artícu-
lo 11 sea aplicable a los Estado partes en un tratado mul-
tilateral en que se reconozcan derechos humanos funda-
mentales, incluso si ese tratado desaparece. De todos mo-
dos, el proyecto debería ser un poco más explícito sobre
ese punto.
21. En lo que se refiere al artículo 14, el Sr. Reuter dice
que parece peligroso basar el concepto de crimen interna-
cional en factores que no pueden medirse en términos
convencionales. Puede ser que un crimen internacional
sólo exista para una región del mundo. Por ejemplo, los
países africanos han considerado necesario redactar una
convención sobre el mercenarismo8, fenómeno que no es
necesariamente igual en otras regiones. Por otra parte,
incluso en un plano universal, es bastante difícil disociar
el concepto de crimen internacional de un tratado. El pro-
blema de la agresión también plantea muchas dificultades,
ya que es un crimen de una naturaleza especial. En reali-
dad, por esta razón el Relator Especial ha tratado de la
agresión en una disposición separada — el artículo 15 —
6 Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, Manual de la Cruz Roja
Internacional, 11.a éd., Ginebra, 1975, pág. 33.7 Naciones Unidas, Recueil des Traites, vol. 480, pág. 93.
8 Véase 1816.a sesión, nota 15.296 Actas resumidas de las sesiones del 36.° período de sesiones
que efectivamente sólo es un «recordatorio», pues no
toca el fondo del tema. Al leer el artículo 14, que se refiere
a los mecanismos de las Naciones Unidas, se piensa pri-
mero en los Estados que no son miembros de la Organiza-
ción. ¿Es necesario establecer en principio, como lo hizo la
CIJ en la opinión consultiva que emitió sobre Namibia9,
que ciertos efectos de la Carta se aplican incluso a los
Estados no miembros? Uno de los magistrados que se
adhirió a las opiniones disidentes de este dictamen repre-
sentaba la cultura y las tradiciones jurídicas de un país que
ha adoptado una política de neutralidad. Como se des-
prende del apartado c del párrafo 2 del artículo 14, el Rela-
tor Especial ha pensado en los Estados neutrales, ya que
las obligaciones que hace nacer en caso de crimen interna-
cional no se refieren a la ejecución de medidas armadas.
22. En lo tocante al párrafo 3 del artículo 14, concernien-
te a los procedimientos previstos por la Carta, el Sr. Reu-
ter se pregunta si no debería matizarse esta disposición.
Cierto es que la Carta constituye un régimen especial, pero
no pasa de ser un tratado y no parece probable que, por
ahora, se vaya mucho más lejos. Cuando se aplican al pro-
blema de los vínculos entre crímenes y tratados, esas
diversas consideraciones suscitan dificultades. Por eso el
Sr. Reuter, si bien puede admitir la existencia de ciertos
crímenes internacionales, considera que las normas comu-
nes a todos los crímenes de esta naturaleza todavía no se
han establecido. El Relator Especial ha tratado de insertar
una de esas normas en el apartado rfdel artículo 5. Aunque
considera, al igual que el Sr. Ushakov, que hay que intro-
ducir algunos matices, el Sr. Reuter dice que lo que le
preocupa en la hipótesis del crimen es que la Comisión
corra el riesgo de preparar artículos que correspondan al
proyecto de código de delitos contra la paz y la seguridad
de la humanidad, si se deja atraer por la agresión, y que, si
la Comisión admite la existencia de otros crímenes, tendrá
que admitirlos todos, a pesar de que todavía se desconoce
cuáles son esos crímenes y en qué se diferencian unos de
otros. En el derecho penal interno, la elaboración de nor-
mas generales sobre los crímenes se ha llevado a cabo en la
última fase de la codificación. Pero todavía hay sistemas
jurídicos en los que esa codificación nunca se ha efectuado
y en los que cada crimen está sujeto a un régimen especial.
En consecuencia, si bien hay que tener presente la cuestión
de los crímenes internacionales, toda decisión sobre la
materia debe diferirse todo lo posible.
23. Con respecto al artículo 16, el Sr. Reuter se pregunta
si la reserva formulada en el apartado b debe expresarse en
términos tan enérgicos o si no bastaría referirse a las nor-
mas pertinentes de las organizaciones internacionales, fór-
mula que se ha adoptado en muchos tratados.
El Sr. Barboza, Segundo Vicepresidente, ocupa la Presi-
24. El Sr. RIPHAGEN (Relator Especial) señala que la
expresión « the rights of membership », que figura en el
apartado b del texto inglés del artículo 16, se refiere a cier-
tas cuestiones de procedimiento que puedan surgir en unaorganización internacional, tales como el derecho a expul-
sar a un miembro por determinadas razones o a suspender
los derechos de voto.
25. La expresión « represalias de beligerantes », que figu-
ra en el apartado c del artículo 16, también es una expre-
sión técnica que suele emplearse para abarcar lo que es
tolerable en el curso de una guerra. Lo que se ha de deter-
minar es si, en el caso de que un Estado no respete las
reglas establecidas, por ejemplo, por los Convenios de La
Haya o de Ginebra el otro Estado puede hacer lo mismo.
El Relator Especial ha pensado que es más adecuado dejar
la formulación de ese tipo de norma a los órganos compe-
tentes. No obstante, es probable que el Sr. Reuter, al suge-
rir las palabras « tous les droits de la guerre », haya pensa-
do en los Convenios de La Haya y de Ginebra. El punto
guarda también alguna relación con el problema de las
armas nucleares, que de todos modos no puede resolverse
en el contexto del proyecto.
Se levanta la sesión a las 12.50 horas.
1862.a SESIÓN
Lunes 16 de julio de 1984 a las 15.05 horas
Presidente: Sr. Sompong SUCHARITKUL
Miembros presentes : Jefe Akinjide, Sr. Balanda,
Sr. Díaz González, Sr. Evensen, Sr. Francis, Sr. Jacovides,
Sr. Koroma, Sr. Lacleta Muñoz, Sr. Mahiou, Sr. Malek,
Sr. McCaffrey, Sr. Ni, Sr. Ogiso, Sr. Quentin-Baxter,
Sr. Razafindralambo, Sr. Reuter, Sr. Riphagen, Sir Ian
Sinclair, Sr. Stavropoulos, Sr. Thiam, Sr. Ushakov,
Sr. Yankov.
9 Conséquences juridiques pour les Estais de la présence continue de
l'Afrique du Sud en Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain) nonobstant la réso-
lution 276 (1970) du Conseil de sécurité, opinión consultiva de 21 de
junio de 1971, C.I.J. Recueil 1971, pág. 16.Estatuto del correo diplomático y de la valija diplomática
no acompañada por un correo diplomático (continua-
ción*) [A/CN.4/L.378, ILC(XXXVI)/Conf.Room
[Tema 4 del programa]
1. El PRESIDENTE invita al Presidente del Comité de
Redacción a que presente el informe del Comité
(A/CN.4/L.378) sobre los artículos 9 a 27 y en particular el
texto de los artículos 10, 11, 13 a 17, 20, 21 y 23 (párrs. 2, 3
y 5), aprobados por el Comité.
* Reanudación de los trabajos de la 1847.a sesión1862.a sesión - 16 de julio de 1984 297
2. El Sr. MAHIOU (Presidente del Comité de Redac-
ción) dice que el Comité de Redacción celebró su primera
sesión durante la primera semana del período de sesiones
en curso. De las 27 sesiones ya celebradas, 19 se han dedi-
cado al tema que se examina. Gracias a la diligencia, la
buena voluntad y la ardua labor del Relator Especial,
Sr. Yankov, y de todos los miembros del Comité de
Redacción, la Comisión tiene hoy ante sí un número
importante de proyectos de artículos. El Comité de Redac-
ción ha utilizado al máximo el tiempo de que disponía y
así ha podido recuperar parte del retraso que había en el
trabajo de la Comisión. Hay que señalar, sin embargo, que
esta labor intensiva ha impedido a veces a los miembros
del Comité —o al menos al Presidente del Comité — estu-
diar como se merecen los demás informes presentados a la
Comisión por sus Relatores Especiales y formular a su
respecto declaraciones detalladas.
3. El Comité de Redacción tenía que examinar los pro-
yectos de artículos 9 a 19, que la Comisión le había remi-
tido en el anterior período de sesiones, así como los pro-
yectos de artículos 20 a 35, que le fueron remitidos en el
actual período de sesiones. De estos 27 artículos, el Comi-
té de Redacción ha podido examinar 19. El documento
que la Comisión tiene a la vista (A/CN.4/L.378) contiene
la recomendaciones y los textos formulados por el Comité
de Redacción en relación con 18 artículos, a saber, los
artículos 9 a 22 y 24 a 27, propuestos por el Relator Espe-
cial l. En el caso del artículo 23, el Comité ha aprobado,
con las reservas de algunos miembros, los párrafos 2, 3
y 5 ; el Comité no ha podido llegar a un acuerdo sobre los
párrafos 1 y 4, cuyos textos se han colocado entre corche-
tes para indicar que no han sido aprobados por el Comité
y que siguen siendo los propuestos por el Relator Especial.
Corresponde a la Comisión decidir lo que se hará con esos
dos párrafos y con la totalidad del artículo. La reducción
del número de artículos se debe al hecho de que el Comité
de Redacción ha suprimido algunos y refundido otros.
Para ello, el Comité ha tenido en cuenta las observaciones
formuladas por miembros de la Comisión durante el
debate general y por representantes en la Sexta Comisión
de la Asamblea General, concernientes a la necesidad de
simplificar y racionalizar el proyecto.
4. En la medida de lo necesario, el Comité de Redacción
ha procurado también armonizar los textos que se exami-
nan con los artículos correspondientes de las cuatro con-
venciones de codificación del derecho diplomático2. Es
1 La Comisión ha examinado esos proyectos de artículos de la
manera siguiente :
a) arts. 9 a 14, en su 34.° período de sesiones ; véase Anuario...
1982, vol. I, sesiones 1745.a a 1747.a ;
b) arts. 15 a 19, en su 35.° período de sesiones; véase Anuario...
1983, vol. I, sesiones 1774.a y 1780.a a 1783.a;
c) arts, 20 a 23, en su 35.° período de sesiones ; ibid., sesiones 1782.a
a 1784.a y 1799.a ; y en el actual período de sesiones ; véanse sesiones
1824.a y 1825.a;
d) arts. 24 a 27, en el actual período de sesiones ; véanse sesiones
1826.a a 1829.a.
2 Convención de Viena sobre relaciones diplomáticas, de 1961,
Convención de Viena sobre relaciones consulares, de 1963, Conven-
ción sobre las misiones especiales, de 1969, y Convención de Viena
sobre la representación de los Estados en sus relaciones con las orga-
nizaciones internacionales de carácter universal, de 1975.evidente que a veces ha sido más apropiado adoptar el
texto correspondiente de una de esas Convenciones en
lugar del texto de otra, y siempre ha habido que tener
presentes las peculiaridades del estatuto y la situación del
correo diplomático, que acasionalmente obligan a adoptar
una terminología y normas diferentes de las que figuran en
las mencionadas Convenciones. Además, a veces sólo ha
sido necesario armonizar la terminología en uno de los
tres idiomas.
5. Por ahora, cada artículo tiene dos números : el prime-
ro es el número que inicialmente le asignó el Relator Espe-
cial, y el segundo, que está entre corchetes, es el nuevo
número resultante de las supresiones y refundiciones de
artículos. Los nuevos números serán utilizados en el pro-
yecto de informe de la Comisión. En la etapa actual se ha
conservado la numeración inicial únicamente para facili-
tar la comparación con los textos propuestos inicialmente
por el Relator Especial. Se deberán asimismo ajustar a la
nueva numeración las referencias a artículos posteriores
formuladas en el artículo 13 y en el artículo 8, aprobados
provisionalmente en el anterior período de sesiones.
6. Dos aspectos en materia de redacción, que tienen un
carácter general, deben mencionarse especialmente. En
primer lugar, de conformidad con la decisión adoptada en
el anterior período de sesiones, el Comité de Redacción ha
suprimido el adjetivo « oficiales » que calificaba a la pala-
bra « funciones » en los textos propuestos por el Relator
Especial. Así pues, los textos de los artículos 15, 16, 17, 20
y 23 aprobados por el Comité de Redacción se refieren
simplemente al desempeño de «sus funciones». En se-
gundo lugar, por razones de claridad, el Comité de Redac-
ción ha decidido emplear, en la mayoría de los casos en
que se hace referencia al Estado receptor y al Estado de
tránsito, la expresión « el Estado receptor y, en su caso, el
Estado de tránsito ». Dicha expresión figura en los artícu-
los 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24 y 25.
7. Durante el examen del artículo 9 (Nombramiento de
la misma persona por dos o más Estados como correo
diplomático)3, algunos miembros del Comité de Redac-
ción plantearon la cuestión de determinar en qué forma se
aplicaría esa disposición, en particular si, como algunos
miembros habían propuesto, se ajustaba al artículo 6 de la
Convención de Viena sobre relaciones diplomáticas, que
prevé que dos o más Estados podrán acreditar a la misma
persona como jefe de misión ante un tercer Estado, « salvo
que el Estado receptor se oponga a ello ». La transposición
de esa disposición al caso de un correo diplomático nom-
brado por dos o más Estados planteaba cuestiones relati-
vas a la posibilidad de que el Estado de tránsito pudiera
oponerse independientemente del Estado receptor, y vice-
versa, y problemas relacionados con la nacionalidad del
correo diplomático. Se hizo referencia al apartado b del
párrafo 3 del artículo 10, en virtud del cual el Estado
receptor puede reservarse el derecho a exigir que el nom-
bramiento de un correo diplomático que no sea nacional
3 Para el texto propuesto por el Relator Especial, véase Anuario...
1983, vol. II (segunda parte), pág. 51, nota 189. Véase también supra,
nota 1, apartado a.298 Actas resumidas de las sesiones del 36.° período de sesiones
del Estado que envía se subordine a su consentimiento.
Asimismo, puesto que de conformidad con el artículo 9 un
correo diplomático puede desempeñar simultáneamente
funciones para varios Estados, resultaría difícil determi-
nar cuál es el Estado que envía competente con respecto a
las diversas disposiciones del proyecto, en particular el
párrafo 1 del artículo 14, relativo a las obligaciones del
Estado que envía en el caso de un correo diplomático que
haya sido declarado persona non grata o no aceptable.
8. Por estas y otras razones, el Comité de Redacción ha
decidido que es más prudente no prever el caso excepcio-
nal de un correo nombrado por dos o más Estados, pero
mencionar la cuestión en el comentario al artículo 8, que
ya ha sido aprobado provisionalmente. En el comentario
se señalará que en el caso en que se hagan múltiples nom-
bramientos éstos quedarán sujetos, en particular, a los
artículos 10 a 14 del proyecto. Por consiguiente, se reco-
mienda que no se incluya el artículo 9 en el proyecto.
9. El PRESIDENTE declara que, si no hay observacio-
nes que formular, considerará suprimido el artículo 9.
Queda suprimido el artículo 9.
ARTÍCULO 10 [9] (Nacionalidad del correo diplomático)
10. El Sr. MAHIOU (Presidente del Comité de Redac-
ción) presenta el texto del artículo 10 [9] propuesto por el
Comité de Redacción, que dice lo siguiente :
Artículo 10 [9].— Nacionalidad del correo diplomático
1. El correo diplomático habrá de tener, en principio, la naciona-
lidad del Estado que envía.
2. £1 correo diplomático no podrá ser designado entre personas
que tengan la nacionalidad del Estado receptor excepto con el conse-
timiento de ese Estado, que podrá retirarlo en cualquier momento.
3. El Estado receptor podrá reservarse el derecho previsto en el
párrafo 2 del presente artículo respecto de :
a) los nacionales del Estado que envía que sean residentes perma-
nentes del Estado receptor ;
b) los nacionales de un tercer Estado que no sean al mismo tiempo
nacionales del Estado que envía.
11. El Presidente del Comité de Redacción dice que el
texto del artículo 10 aprobado por el Comité es casi el
mismo que el propuesto por el Relator Especial4. El título
se mantiene sin modificaciones. La supresión del artícu-
lo 9 ha determinado la eliminación del párrafo 4 del pri-
mitivo artículo 10. Se han hecho otras modificaciones con
el único propósito de armonizar el texto con los artículos
correspondientes de las convenciones de derecho diplo-
mático. Por ejemplo, el párrafo 1 se ha adaptado más
estrechamente al correspondiente párrafo del artículo 8 de
la Convención de Viena sobre relaciones diplomáticas.
Así, la palabras « deberá, en principio, tener la nacionali-
dad del Estado que envía» se han reemplazado por las
palabras « habrá de tener, en principio, la nacionalidad del
Estado que envía ».
12. La única modificación introducida en el párrafo 2,
fuera de modificaciones menores con el fin de efectuar
ajustes, ha sido la supresión del adjetivo « expreso ». Se ha
observado que ese adjetivo no figura en los artículos
4 Ibid., nota 190. Véase también supra, nota 1, apartado a.correspondientes de tres de las cuatro convenciones de
derecho diplomático. En particular, no aparece en el pá-
rrafo 2 del artículo 10 de la Convención sobre las misiones
especiales que, al igual que el proyecto de artículo sobre el
correo diplomático, se ocupa de funciones de carácter
temporal. Algunos miembros expresaron su preocupación
por la aplicación al caso del correo diplomático de la últi-
ma frase del párrafo 2 : « que podrá retirarlo en cualquier
momento ». Sin embargo, el Comité de Redacción ha esti-
mado que conviene mantener la frase y que debe explicar-
se en el comentario que no hay que abusar del derecho a
retirar el consentimiento en forma tal que obstaculice el
cumplimiento de la misión del correo una vez que ésta
haya comenzado. En circunstancias normales, el retiro del
consentimiento sólo debe ocurrir antes del comienzo de
una misión determinada.
13. En el párrafo 3 sólo se ha efectuado una ligera modi-
ficación, que consiste en sustituir las palabras « el mismo
derecho previsto en el párrafo 2 » por la palabras « el dere-
cho previsto en el párrafo 2 del presente artículo », a fin de
armonizar la redacción con la del artículo correspondiente
de la Convención sobre la misiones especiales.
14. El Sr. KOROMA señala que en la redacción del
párrafo 1 del artículo 10 influirá forzosamente el tipo de
instrumento que resulte de la labor de la Comisión : un
proyecto de convención, normas modelo o un documento
de otro tipo. En todo caso, no está satisfecho con las pala-
bras « habrá de tener, en principio, » ; sugiere que se vuel-
va a redactar el párrafo 1 a fin de declarar simplemente
que el correo diplomático « habrá de tener » la nacionali-
dad del Estado que envía. El orador propone que en el
párrafo 2 se inserte una coma después de las palabras « del
Estado receptor ».
15. El Sr. YANKOV (Relator Especial) explica que la
terminología empleada en el artículo 10 se ha reproducido
del párrafo 1 del artículo 8 de la Convención de Viena
sobre relaciones diplomáticas. Se ha hecho un gran esfuer-
zo para armonizar los textos de los artículos con los de fas
convenciones de derecho diplomático mediante el empleo
de la terminología tomada de los artículos que se refieren a
materias análogas. La Convención utilizada como modelo
en este caso —la Convención de Viena sobre relaciones
diplomáticas— goza de un apoyo muy amplio.
16. El PRESIDENTE dice que, si no hay otras observa-
ciones que formular, considerará que el artículo 10 [9]
queda aprobado provisionalmente.
Queda aprobado el artículo 10 [9].
ARTÍCULO 11 [10] (Funciones del correo diplomático)
17. El Sr. MAHIOU (Presidente del Comité de Redac-
ción) presenta el texto del artículo 11 [10] propuesto por el
Comité de Redacción, que dice lo siguiente :
Artículo 11 [10].— Funciones del correo diplomático
Las funciones del correo diplomático consisten en hacerse cargo de
la valija diplomática que se le haya confiado, conducirla y entregarla
en su destino.
18. El Presidente del Comité de Redacción dice que se
ha simplificado y abreviado el artículo 11 propuesto por el1862." sesión - 16 de julio de 1984 299
Relator Especial5. En primer lugar, la enunciación de las
funciones del correo diplomático se ha armonizado con el
texto del apartado 1 del párrafo 1 del artículo 3. En la
actualidad, sus funciones consisten en « hacerse cargo de
la valija diplomática que se le haya confiado, conducirla y
entregarla en su destino ». En segundo lugar, se ha consi-
derado innecesario enumerar en el artículo 11 los diversos
tipos de valijas diplomáticas, ya que el apartado 2 del
párrafo 1 del artículo 3 da una definición detallada de la
valija diplomática. En tercer lugar, se han suprimido por
superfluas las palabras « dondequiera que se encuentren »,
porque las palabras « en su destino » indican claramente
que se ha previsto un lugar determinado para la entrega de
la valija diplomática. El título no ha sido objeto de modi-
19. El PRESIDENTE dice que, si no hay observaciones
que formular, considerará que el artículo 11 [10] queda
aprobado provisionalmente.
Queda aprobado el artículo 11 [10].
20. El Sr. MAHIOU (Presidente del Comité de Redac-
ción) recuerda que cuando la Comisión examinó el artícu-
lo 12 (Comienzo de las funciones del correo diplomático)6
en su 34.° período de sesiones7, algunos miembros pusie-
ron en duda la necesidad de esa disposición en el proyecto.
El Comité de Redacción ha llegado a la conclusión de que
no es necesario prever cuándo comienzan las funciones
del correo, ya que lo más importante para el desempeño
de sus funciones es el momento en que empiezan sus pri-
vilegios e inmunidades, que es el objeto del artículo 28 del
proyecto, y no el momento en que comienzan sus funcio-
nes que, en realidad, pueden iniciarse mientras se encuen-
tra todavía en el territorio del Estado que envía o en cual-
quier otro sitio. Por consiguiente, el Comité de Redacción
recomienda que se suprima el artículo 12.
21. El PRESIDENTE declara que, si no hay observacio-
nes que formular, considerará que el artículo 12 queda
Queda suprimido el artículo 12.
ARTÍCULO 13 [11] (Terminación de las funciones del
correo diplomático)
22. El Sr. MAHIOU (Presidente del Comité de Redac-
ción) presenta el texto del artículo 13 [11] propuesto por el
Comité de Redacción, que dice lo siguiente :
Artículo 13 [11].—Terminación de las funciones
del correo diplomático
Las funciones del correo diplomático terminarán, en particular,
a) la notificación del Estado que envía al Estado receptor y, en su
caso, al Estado de tránsito de que se ha puesto término a las funciones
del correo diplomático ;
b) la notificación del Estado receptor al Estado que envía de que, de
conformidad con el artículo 14 [12], se niega a reconocer como correo
diplomático a la persona de que se trate.23. El Presidente del Comité de Redacción dice que, fue-
ra de algunas ligeras modificaciones en el texto y en el
título de la disposición, hechas con propósitos de ajuste, el
artículo 13 contiene algunas enmiendas al texto propuesto
por el Relator Especial8.
24. Se han suprimido los apartados a y d del texto origi-
nal. El apartado a preveía que el correo cumplía su misión
mediante la entrega de la valija diplomática en su destino.
Se ha considerado superfluo tratar ese caso, al igual que el
del artículo 12, porque lo que interesa es la duración de los
privilegios e inmunidades del correo en virtud del artícu-
lo 28, que no depende del momento en que el correo entre-
ga la valija en su destino. El apartado d del texto original
comprendía el caso del fallecimiento del correo diplomá-
tico. El Relator Especial retiró ese apartado por no consi-
derarlo adecuado, ya que el artículo tenía por objeto deter-
minar cómo terminaban las funciones del correo desde el
punto de vista del derecho, y no declarar lo que resultaba
25. En consecuencia, el anterior apartado b pasó a ser el
apartado a del texto aprobado por el Comité de Redac-
ción. Este apartado prevé que la notificación del Estado
que envía de que se ha puesto término a las funciones del
correo diplomático debe hacerse no sólo al Estado recep-
tor, sino también, en su caso, al Estado de tránsito. El
anterior apartado c ha pasado a ser el apartado b del nuevo
texto. Su redacción se ha armonizado con la del párrafo 2
del artículo 14, al que remite. No se ha introducido ningún
cambio en esa disposición, aunque queda entendido que la
negativa del Estado receptor a reconocer el estatuto oficial
del correo diplomático, de conformidad con el artículo 14,
sólo podrá tener efectos en el territorio del Estado re-
26. El Sr. DÍAZ GONZALEZ estima que la versión
española del título del artículo 13 quedará más elegante si
se sustituye la palabra «terminación» por las palabras
« fin » o « término ».
27. Si, como se prevé en el artículo 11, las funciones del
correo diplomático consisten en « hacerse cargo de la vali-
ja diplomática que se le haya confiado, conducirla y entre-
garla en su destino », es evidente que llegan a su término
cuando se entregue la valija. Lógicamente, el artículo 13
debería comenzar por decir que las funciones del correo
diplomático terminan con la entrega de la valija diplomá-
tica en su destino, o mejor aún « a su destinario ». Pero es
bien patente que los privilegios e inmunidades del correo
diplomático subsisten hasta que abandona el territorio del
Estado receptor o, en su caso, del Estado de tránsito.
28. Es cierto que, según el apartado a del artículo 13, las
funciones del correo diplomático podrán terminar por la
notificación del Estado que envía al Estado receptor o al
de tránsito, pero en ese caso el correo debe ser un agente
diplomático permanente y debidamente acreditado.
Como de ordinario no ocurre así, parece extraño partir de
ese principio. En segundo lugar, el artículo 13 debe referir-
se al caso en que las funciones del correo terminan con la
entrega de la valija al destinatario, antes de ocuparse de los
5 Ibid., nota 191. Véase también supra, nota 1, apartado a.
6 Ibid., nota 192.
7 Véase supra, nota 1, apartado a.8 Véase Anuario... 1983, vol. II (segunda parte), pág. 51, nota 193.
Véase también supra, nota 1, apartado a.300 Actas resumidas de las sesiones del 36.° período de sesiones
casos en que se presume que el correo diplomático es un
agente diplomático acreditado en forma permanente.
29. Sir Ian SINCLAIR dice que en segunda lectura debe
tenerse en cuenta la acertada observación del Sr. Díaz
González. Por su parte, desea señalar a la atención la rela-
ción entre el artículo 13, por una parte, y los artículos 14
y 18, por la otra. Desgraciadamente, el Comité de Redac-
ción no ha podido informar todavía sobre el artículo 28,
que trata de la duración de los privilegios e inmunidades.
Sir Ian desea destacar, en particular, la estrecha relación
existente entre el apartado b del artículo 13 y el párrafo 2
del artículo 14. Sin embargo, este último párrafo ha sido
colocado entre corchetes y su conservación, modificación
o supresión dependerá de la decisión que adopte la Comi-
sión sobre el artículo 28.
30. El Sr. FRANCIS señala que la cuestión planteada por
el Sr. Díaz González es muy importante. No obstante, si
bien se mira, no cabe excluir la posibilidad de que un
Estado que envía pueda poner término al nombramiento
de un correo diplomático incluso antes de que se haya
entregado la valija diplomática. Por tanto, puede ser útil la
disposición que figura en el apartado a del artículo 13.
github_open_source_100_1_374 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package dfxyz.portal
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpClientRequest.setHeaders
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpClientRequest.setHeadersWithPortalHeaderPrefix
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpServerRequest.getAuthorization
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpServerRequest.getPortalMethod
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpServerRequest.getPortalPassword
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpServerRequest.getPortalUri
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpServerRequest.getProxyAuthorization
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpServerRequest.toLogString
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpServerResponse.setHeaders
import dfxyz.portal.extensions.httpServerResponse.setStatus
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus
import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult
import io.vertx.core.CompositeFuture
import io.vertx.core.Future
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
import io.vertx.core.json.Json
import io.vertx.kotlin.core.http.httpClientOptionsOf
import io.vertx.kotlin.core.http.httpServerOptionsOf
class PortalVerticle(private val config: PortalConfig) : AbstractVerticle() {
private lateinit var httpClient: HttpClient
private lateinit var relayHandler: RelayHandler
override fun start() {
httpClient = vertx.createHttpClient(httpClientOptionsOf(maxPoolSize = config.clientPoolSizePerEndpoint))
vertx.createHttpServer(httpServerOptionsOf(host =, port = config.port))
.exceptionHandler {
logError("exception caught before connection established", it)
.listen {
if (it.failed()) {
logFatal("failed to listen at ${}:${config.port}", it.cause())
if (config.directProxyConfig.enabled) {
val type = config.directProxyConfig.relayHandlerType
relayHandler = when (type) {
RelayHandlerType.PORTAL -> PortalRelayHandler(vertx, config.directProxyConfig.portalRelayHandlerConfig)
RelayHandlerType.PROXY -> ProxyRelayHandler(vertx, config.directProxyConfig.proxyRelayHandlerConfig)
private fun handleRequest(request: HttpServerRequest) {
val uri = request.uri()
when {
uri.startsWith("*") -> {
// ignore asterisk-form
uri.startsWith("/") -> {
if (request.rawMethod() == PORTAL_HTTP_METHOD) {
} else {
else -> {
// Web server logic
private fun handleRequestAsWebServer(request: HttpServerRequest) {
if (!config.webConfig.enabled) {
if (!checkAuthorization(request)) return
val path = request.path()
when (request.path()) {
"/" -> webServerGetStaticFile(request, "/index.html")
"/api/proxyRuleInfo" -> webServerGetProxyRuleInfo(request)
"/api/testProxyRule" -> webServerTestProxyRule(request)
"/api/proxyMode/direct" -> webServerSetProxyMode(request, ProxyMode.DIRECT)
"/api/proxyMode/relay" -> webServerSetProxyMode(request, ProxyMode.RELAY)
"/api/proxyMode/rule" -> webServerSetProxyMode(request, ProxyMode.RULE)
"/api/updateLocalProxyRules" -> webServerUpdateLocalProxyRules(request)
"/api/updateRemoteProxyRules" -> webServerUpdateRemoteProxyRules(request)
"/api/reloadConfigurations" -> webServerReloadConfigurations(request)
"/api/reloadStaticFiles" -> webServerReloadStaticFiles(request)
else -> webServerGetStaticFile(request, path)
private fun checkAuthorization(request: HttpServerRequest): Boolean {
val authorization = config.webConfig.authorization
if (authorization.isEmpty()) return true
if (request.getAuthorization() != authorization) {
.putHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic")
return false
return true
private fun checkAllowedMethods(
request: HttpServerRequest,
allowedMethods: Collection<HttpMethod> = listOf(HttpMethod.GET)
): Boolean {
if (request.method() !in allowedMethods) {
.putHeader("Allow", { })
return false
return true
private fun webServerGetStaticFile(request: HttpServerRequest, path: String) {
if (!checkAllowedMethods(request)) return
vertx.eventBus().request<StaticWebResource?>(MSG_ADDR_GET_STATIC_WEB_RESOURCE, path) {
if (it.failed()) {
logError("failed to get static web resource ($path)", it.cause())
val resource = it.result().body()
if (resource == null) {
.putHeader("Content-Type", resource.contentType)
private fun webServerGetProxyRuleInfo(request: HttpServerRequest) {
if (!checkAllowedMethods(request)) return
vertx.eventBus().request<ProxyRuleInfo>(MSG_ADDR_GET_PROXY_RULE_INFO, null) {
if (it.failed()) {
logError("failed to get proxy rule info", it.cause())
kotlin.runCatching {
}.onSuccess { json ->
.putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
}.onFailure { throwable ->
logError("failed to encode proxy rule info", throwable)
private fun webServerTestProxyRule(request: HttpServerRequest) {
if (!checkAllowedMethods(request)) return
val host = request.query()
if (host == null) {
vertx.eventBus().request<Boolean>(MSG_ADDR_TEST_PROXY_RULE, TestProxyRuleArg(host, ignoreProxyMode = true)) {
if (it.failed()) {
logError("failed to test proxy rule", it.cause())
private fun webServerSetProxyMode(request: HttpServerRequest, mode: ProxyMode) {
if (!checkAllowedMethods(request)) return
vertx.eventBus().request<Unit>(MSG_ADDR_SET_PROXY_MODE, mode) {
if (it.failed()) {
logError("failed to set proxy mode", it.cause())
private fun webServerUpdateLocalProxyRules(request: HttpServerRequest) {
if (!checkAllowedMethods(request)) return
vertx.eventBus().request<ProxyRuleNumberInfo>(MSG_ADDR_UPDATE_LOCAL_PROXY_RULES, null) {
if (it.failed()) {
logError("failed to update local proxy rules", it.cause())
kotlin.runCatching {
}.onSuccess { json ->
.putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
}.onFailure { throwable ->
logError("failed to encode update proxy rule result", throwable)
private fun webServerUpdateRemoteProxyRules(request: HttpServerRequest) {
if (!checkAllowedMethods(request)) return
vertx.eventBus().request<ProxyRuleNumberInfo>(MSG_ADDR_UPDATE_REMOTE_PROXY_RULES, null) {
if (it.failed()) {
logError("failed to update remote proxy rules", it.cause())
kotlin.runCatching {
}.onSuccess { json ->
.putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
}.onFailure { throwable ->
logError("failed to encode update proxy rule result", throwable)
private fun webServerReloadConfigurations(request: HttpServerRequest) {
if (!checkAllowedMethods(request)) return
vertx.eventBus().send(MSG_ADDR_REDEPLOY, null)
private fun webServerReloadStaticFiles(request: HttpServerRequest) {
if (!checkAllowedMethods(request)) return
vertx.eventBus().send(MSG_ADDR_RELOAD_STATIC_WEB_RESOURCE, null)
private fun getRequestMethodAndUrl(request: HttpServerRequest, asDirectProxy: Boolean): Pair<HttpMethod, URL>? {
val method = if (asDirectProxy) request.method() else request.getPortalMethod() ?: return null
val uri = if (asDirectProxy) request.uri() else request.getPortalUri() ?: return null
if (method == HttpMethod.CONNECT) {
val url = kotlin.runCatching { URL("https://$uri") }.getOrNull() ?: return null
if (url.port == -1) return null
return method to url
} else {
val url = kotlin.runCatching { URL(uri) }.getOrNull() ?: return null
return method to url
// Direct Proxy Logic
private fun handleRequestAsDirectProxy(request: HttpServerRequest) {
if (!config.directProxyConfig.enabled) {
if (!checkProxyAuthorization(request)) return
val pair = getRequestMethodAndUrl(request, asDirectProxy = true)
if (pair == null) {
val (method, url) = pair
if (method == HttpMethod.CONNECT) {
proxyConnectRequest(request, url, asDirectProxy = true)
} else {
proxyNonConnectRequest(request, method, url, asDirectProxy = true)
private fun checkProxyAuthorization(request: HttpServerRequest): Boolean {
val authorization = config.directProxyConfig.authorization
if (authorization.isEmpty()) return true
if (request.getProxyAuthorization() != authorization) {
.putHeader("Proxy-Authenticate", "Basic")
return false
return true
// Relay Proxy Logic
private fun handleRequestAsRelayProxy(request: HttpServerRequest) {
if (!config.relayProxyConfig.enabled) {
if (!checkPortalPassword(request)) return
val pair = getRequestMethodAndUrl(request, asDirectProxy = false)
if (pair == null) {
val (method, url) = pair
if (method == HttpMethod.CONNECT) {
proxyConnectRequest(request, url, asDirectProxy = false)
} else {
proxyNonConnectRequest(request, method, url, asDirectProxy = false)
private fun checkPortalPassword(request: HttpServerRequest): Boolean {
val password = config.relayProxyConfig.password
if (password.isEmpty()) return true
if (request.getPortalPassword() != password) {
return false
return true
// Common Proxy Logic
private fun proxyConnectRequest(request: HttpServerRequest, url: URL, asDirectProxy: Boolean) {
val host =
val port = url.port
request.pause() // resume later
if (asDirectProxy) {
vertx.eventBus().request<Boolean>(MSG_ADDR_TEST_PROXY_RULE, TestProxyRuleArg(host)) { ar ->
val useRelayHandler = if (ar.failed()) null else ar.result().body()
if (useRelayHandler == null) {
logError("failed to test proxy rules", ar.cause())
if (useRelayHandler) {
relayHandler.relayConnectRequest(request, host, port)
doProxyConnectRequest(request, host, port, asDirectProxy = true)
doProxyConnectRequest(request, host, port, asDirectProxy = false)
private fun doProxyConnectRequest(request: HttpServerRequest, host: String, port: Int, asDirectProxy: Boolean) {
val netClient = vertx.createNetClient()
netClient.connect(port, host) {
handleProxiedConnectRequest(netClient, request, it, asDirectProxy)
private fun proxyNonConnectRequest(
request: HttpServerRequest,
method: HttpMethod,
url: URL,
asDirectProxy: Boolean
) {
val urlString = url.toString()
if (asDirectProxy) {
request.pause() // resume later
vertx.eventBus().request<Boolean>(MSG_ADDR_TEST_PROXY_RULE, TestProxyRuleArg( { ar ->
val useRelayHandler = if (ar.failed()) null else ar.result().body()
if (useRelayHandler == null) {
logError("failed to test proxy rules", ar.cause())
if (useRelayHandler) {
relayHandler.relayNonConnectRequest(request, method, urlString)
doProxyNonConnectRequest(request, method, urlString, asDirectProxy = true)
doProxyNonConnectRequest(request, method, urlString, asDirectProxy = false)
private fun doProxyNonConnectRequest(
request: HttpServerRequest,
method: HttpMethod,
url: String,
asDirectProxy: Boolean
) {
httpClient.requestAbs(method, url)
.exceptionHandler { handleProxiedRequestException(request, it) }
.handler { handleProxiedNonConnectRequest(request, it) }
.also {
if (asDirectProxy) {
} else {
fun handleProxiedConnectRequest(
netClient: NetClient,
request: HttpServerRequest,
ar: AsyncResult<NetSocket>,
asDirectProxy: Boolean
) {
if (ar.failed()) {
logError("failed to connect (${request.toLogString()})", ar.cause())
val srcSocket = runCatching { request.netSocket() }.getOrNull()
if (srcSocket == null) {
logError("failed to call 'request.netSocket()' (${request.toLogString()})")
val dstSocket = ar.result()
if (!asDirectProxy) { // trick reverse-proxy to create a transparent tunnel
srcSocket.write("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocol\r\n\r\n")
val srcDepletedFuture = Future.future<Unit> { promise ->
srcSocket.pipeTo(dstSocket) { promise.complete() }
val dstDepletedFuture = Future.future<Unit> { promise ->
dstSocket.pipeTo(srcSocket) { promise.complete() }
CompositeFuture.join(srcDepletedFuture, dstDepletedFuture).setHandler {
fun handleProxiedRequestException(request: HttpServerRequest, throwable: Throwable) {
logError("proxied write stream exception caught (${request.toLogString()})", throwable)
fun handleProxiedNonConnectRequest(request: HttpServerRequest, response: HttpClientResponse) {
.also { response.pipeTo(it) }
} |
github_open_source_100_1_375 | Github OpenSource | Various open source |
autocmd BufWritePost stack.yaml execute '!stack setup'
github_open_source_100_1_376 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <!-- Copyright 2019-2020 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
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class="h-100 d-flex"
<div class="p-5 my-5 container">
class="m-auto align-self-center text-center">
<div class="fr-speech-bubble">
<strong class="text-muted">
{{ ghostMessage }}
<div class="fr-speech-arrow" />
@click="ghostMessage === '404' ? ghostMessage = 'Boo' : ghostMessage = '...'"
class="fr-ghost mb-4" />
<p class="lead text-center">
{{ $t("pages.notFound.couldNotFind") }}
<div class="text-center">
<RouterLink :to="{ name: }">
{{ $t('pages.notFound.returnRoute', {returnRoute: $t(`routeNames.${}`)}) }}
@click="ghostMessage = '404'"
class="fr-shadow" />
import BreadcrumbMixin from '@forgerock/platform-shared/src/mixins/BreadcrumbMixin';
import {
} from 'bootstrap-vue';
* @description The default 404 page when Vue router is unable to locate a route.
export default {
name: 'NotFound',
components: {
mixins: [
data() {
return {
ghostMessage: '404',
previousRoute: {
name: this.$t('routeNames.Dashboard'),
params: {},
path: '/dashboard',
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
next((vm) => {
vm.previousRoute = ? from : {
name: vm.$t('routeNames.Dashboard'),
params: {},
path: '/dashboard',
<style lang="scss">
@keyframes nudge {
100% {
transform: translate(0, 0);
25% {
transform: translate(15px, 5px);
50% {
transform: translate(20px, 0);
80% {
transform: translate(10px, 5px);
90% {
transform: translate(-10px, 0);
#notFoundContainer {
.fr-shadow {
animation: nudge 5s linear infinite alternate;
cursor: pointer;
.fr-speech-bubble {
animation: nudge 5s linear infinite alternate;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 300;
background: $card-bg;
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 4px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
line-height: 1.3;
margin: 0 auto 15px;
max-width: 110px;
padding: 15px;
position: relative;
right: 70px;
p {
margin-bottom: 10px;
&:last-of-type {
margin-bottom: 0;
.fr-speech-arrow {
border-left: 21px solid transparent;
border-top: 20px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
bottom: -25px;
position: absolute;
right: 15px;
&::before {
border-left: 23px solid transparent;
border-top: 23px solid $card-bg;
bottom: 2px;
content: '';
position: absolute;
right: 5px;
&::after {
border-left: 21px solid transparent;
border-top: 23px solid $card-bg;
bottom: 4px;
content: '';
position: absolute;
right: 6px;
US-201514850404-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Hollow fiber membrane and method for manufacturing thereof
The present invention concerns a semipermeable hollow fiber membrane having an outer wall surface, an inner wall surface and an interior lumen extending along the length thereof and having the selective layer on the outer wall surface with a surface roughness below 10 nm. According to the invention the membrane has the smallest pore size on the outer wall surface, and has an outer wall surface which is smooth, continuous and homogeneous in a nanoscopic scale and four to five distinct layers of different pore size and density. Further the present invention concerns a process for manufacturing thereof and the use thereof.
This application is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/017,349, filed Sep. 4, 2013, which is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/446,058, filed Oct. 18, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,596,467, which is a 371 National Stage Application of International Application No. PCT/EP2007/060838, filed Oct. 11, 2007, which claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/829,965, filed Oct. 18, 2006, and which claims priority to and the benefit of Swedish Application No. 0602189-3, filed Oct. 18, 2006, the disclosures of each of which are incorporated by reference herein in their entireties.
The present invention concerns a semi-permeable hollow fiber membrane having an outer wall surface, an inner wall surface and an interior lumen extending along the length thereof. More particular it relates to a membrane having the selective layer on the outer wall surface.
Semi-permeable hollow fiber membranes are known in detail in, for example, EP•A-0 568 045, EP-A-0 168 783, EP-B-0 082 433, WO 86/00028, and EP 0 824 960. These membranes are manufactured from polymeric synthetic materials, they have asymmetric structure with high diffusive permeability (clearance) and have water filtration capability with ultrafiltration in the range of low flux to high flux. In EP-A-0 305 787, a 3-layer structure membrane and filter with corresponding performance, is disclosed.
The membranes according to prior art are we!! performing, but still have some space for improvement and optimization.
One limiting feature of these membranes are that the fluid to be filtered is intended to flow in the interior lumen of the hollow fiber and the filtrate to go through the fiber wall from the lumen side to the outer wall side. In order not to have these filters to foul or clog, the dimensions of the hollow fiber, such as inner diameter, wall thickness and so on, have to be big enough to allow a good and high flow within the hollow fiber lumen.
In DE 199 13 416 it is suggested to make the filtration from outside to inside, i.e., to have the selective layer on the outside.
However, when working with body fluids like blood it is of most importance that tr1e membrane surface, which is intended to be brought in contact with the body fluid, is as smooth as possible, has low protein adsorption, high biocompatibility, and a low thrombogenicity.
The present invention concerns a semipermeable hollow fiber membrane having an outer wall surface, an inner wall surface and an interior lumen extending along the length thereof and having the selective layer on the outer wall surface. According to the invention, the membrane has the smallest pore size on the outer wall surface, and has an outer wall surface which is smooth, continuous and homogeneous in a nanoscopic scale, being virtually devoid of roughness with a roughness parameter R_(a) and R_(q) of not more than 10 nm, the roughness being measured with the use of atomic force microscope (AFM), and calculating the roughness parameters R_(a) and R_(q) using the following equations:
$R_{a} = {{\frac{1}{N}{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{N}\; {{Z_{i}}\mspace{50mu} R_{q}}}} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{N}\; Z_{i}^{2}}}}$
with N being the total number of data points and Z_(i) being the height of a data point above the average picture level. With this smooth outer surface, the combination of the polymer system used and the membrane formation conditions, low thromboginicity of the membrane is achieved. The extremely smooth surface does inhibit haemolysis if used in direct blood contact. Blood cells will not be ruptured during the contact with the smooth surface. The smoothness further reduces the interaction with proteins and the adsorption of proteins on the outer surface of the hollow fiber membrane.
In one embodiment the hollow fiber membrane wall has at least four layers with different pore sizes and mass densities, and wherein the layer positioned closest to the middle of the membrane wall has smaller pore size and higher mass density than the two layers directly adjacent on both sides, inner and outer, of this layer. With this structure, physical stability of the membrane is maintained even though the membrane has a small inner diameter and a small wall thickness. It further allows for tailoring the separation characteristics, i.e. cut-off and hydraulic permeability, by changing the structural density and pore size of the outer layer and the middle layer.
In another embodiment the hollow fiber membrane wall has four layers with different pore sizes and mass densities. A first layer, at the outer wall surface, has the smallest pore size and the highest mass density. A second layer, adjacent the first layer and placed on the inside facing side of the first layer, has larger pore size and lower mass density than the first layer. A third layer, adjacent the second layer and placed on the inside facing side of the second layer, has smaller pore size and higher mass density than the second layer, but larger pore size and lower mass density than the first layer. A fourth layer, at the inner wall surface and adjacent the third layer and placed on the inside facing side of the third layer, has larger pore size and lower mass density than the first, second and third layer. With this structure the degree of openness on the inner lumen side of the hollow fiber can be increased, which gives the possibility to increase diffusive transport properties if required. Also vortex like fluid flow can be achieved directly on the inner lumen side, which is advantageous for the mass transport phenomenon.
In an additional embodiment the hollow fiber membrane wall has five layers with different pore sizes and mass densities. A first layer, at the outer wall surface, has the smallest pore size and the highest mass density. A second layer, adjacent the first layer and placed on the inside facing side of the first layer, has larger pore size and lower mass density than the first layer. A third layer, adjacent the second layer and placed on the inside facing side of the second layer, has smaller pore size and higher mass density than the second layer, but larger pore size and lower mass density than the first layer. A fourth layer, adjacent the third layer and placed on the inside facing side of the third layer, has larger pore size and lower mass density than the first, second and third layer. A fifth layer, at the inner wall surface and adjacent the fourth layer and placed on the inside facing side of the fourth layer, has larger pore size and lower mass density than the first, second, third, and fourth layer. With this structure the degree of openness on the inner lumen side of the hollow fiber can be increased, which gives the possibility to increase diffusive transport properties if required. Also vortex like fluid flow can be achieved directly on the inner lumen side, which is advantageous for the mass transport phenomenon.
In another embodiment the hollow fiber membrane wall has five layers with different pore sizes and mass densities. A first layer, at the outer wall surface, has the smallest pore size and the highest mass density. A second layer, adjacent the first layer and placed on the inside facing side of the first layer, has larger pore size and lower mass density than the first layer. A third layer, adjacent the second layer and placed on the inside facing side of the second layer, has smaller pore size and higher mass density than the second layer, but larger pore size and lower mass density than the first layer. A fourth layer, adjacent the third layer and placed on the inside facing side of the third layer, has larger pore size and lower mass density than the first, second and third layers. A fifth layer, at the inner wall surface and adjacent the fourth layer and placed on the inside facing side of the fourth layer, has smaller pore size and higher mass density than the fourth layer. With this structure the inner surface can also be equipped with a smooth inner surface, which is required if two fluid systems, having high fouling potential, are passed on the inside and the outside, respectively, of the hollow fiber membrane. The smooth inner surface reduces the risk of haemolysis (in the case of blood contact) and the risk of fouling and the adsorption of substances on the surface. In addition to this the diffusive and convective transport properties can be adjusted by fine tuning the morphology, i.e. structure, of the inner layer. Due to this layer structure the mechanical properties can be further increased.
In a further embodiment the hollow fiber membrane has a hydraulic permeability within the range of 1×10⁻⁴-100×10⁻⁴ [cm³/cm²×bar×s], preferably within the range of 1×10⁻⁴ to 70×10⁻⁴ [cm³/cm²×bar×s], and most preferably within the range of 1×10⁻⁴ to 27×10⁻⁴ [cm³/cm²×bar×s]. With this hydraulic permeability the convective transport through the membrane wall is minimized at the same time having high diffusive transport in a broad range with respect to the molecular size (up to 100.000 Dalton depending on the fluid and measurement condition) or shape of the molecule.
In another embodiment the hollow fiber membrane comprises a polymer composition comprising polysulphone (PSU), polyethersulphone (PES) or polyarylethersulphone (PAES); and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP).
In even another embodiment the polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in the membrane comprises a blend of at least two homo-polymers of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and wherein one of the homo-polymers has an average relative molecular weight within the range of 10.000 g/mole to 100.000 g/mole, preferably within the range of 30.000 g/mole to 60.000 g/mole (=low molecular weight PVP), and another one of the homo-polymers has an average relative molecular weight within the range of 500.000 g/mole to 2.000.000 g/mole, preferably within the range of 800.000 g/mole to 2.000.000 g/mole (=high molecular weight PVP).
In one embodiment the hollow fiber membrane has an inner diameter within the range of 50 to 2000 μm, preferably within the range of 104 to 1464 μm.
In one embodiment the hollow fiber membrane has a wall thickness within the range of 10 to 200 μm, preferably within the range of 22 to 155 μm.
In another embodiment the hollow fiber membrane has an effective diffusion coefficient through the membrane for urea (60 g/mole) of 4×10⁻⁶ to 15×10⁻⁶ cm²/s.
Further, the present invention concerns a process for manufacturing of a semipermeable hollow fiber membrane, comprising the steps of extruding a polymer solution through an outer ring slit of a hollow fiber spinning nozzle, simultaneously extruding a bore liquid through the inner bore of the hollow fiber spinning nozzle, into a precipitation bath. According to the invention the polymer solution contains 10-20 wt.-% of polysulphone (PSU), polyethersulphone (PES) or polyarylethersulphone (PAES), 2-15 wt.-% polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and a solvent, the bore liquid contains 50-75 wt.-% of a solvent and 25-50 wt.-% of water, the precipitation bath contains 50-70 wt.-% of a solvent and 30-50 wt.-% of water and has a temperature within the range of 22-31° C., and the distance between the discharge outlet of the hollow fiber spinning nozzle and the surface of the precipitation bath is within the range of 0-10 cm.
In one embodiment of the process according to the invention, the precipitation bath contains 52-69 wt.-% of a solvent and 31-48 wt.-% of water.
In another embodiment of the process according to the invention, the solvent in the polymer solution, the bore liquid and the precipitation bath is chosen from N-methylpyrrolidone, N-ethylpyrrolidone, N-octylpyrrolidone, dimethylacetamide, dimethylformamide, dimethyl sulphoxide, gamma-butyrolactone or mixtures thereof.
In even another embodiment of the process according to the invention, the solvent in the polymer solution, the bore liquid and the precipitation bath is chosen from is N-methylpyrrolidone, N-ethylpyrrolidone, N-octylpyrrolidone or mixtures thereof, preferably N-methylpyrrolidone.
In a further embodiment of the process according to the invention, the polymer solution contains 17-18 wt.-% of polysulphone (PSU), polyethersulphone (PES) or polyarylethersulphone (PAES), 8-11.25 wt.-% of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and 70-75 wt.-%, of a solvent
In another embodiment of the process according to the invention, the polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in the polymer solution comprises a blend of at least two homo-polymers of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and wherein one of the homo-polymers has an average relative molecular weight within the range of 10.000 g/mole to 100.000 g/mole, preferably within the range of 30.000 g/mole to 60.000 g/mole (=low molecular weight PVP), and another one of the homo-polymers has an average relative molecular weight within the range of 500.000 g/mole to 2.000.000 g/mole, preferably within the range of 800.000 g/mole to 2.000.000 g/mole (=high molecular weight PVP).
In another embodiment of the process according to the invention, the polymer solution, based on the total weight of the polymer solution, contains the low molecular weight PVP in an amount of 1-10 wt.-%, preferably in an amount of 5-8 wt.-%, and the high molecular weight PVP in an amount of 1-5 wt.-%, preferably in an amount of 3-3.25 wt.-%. In even another embodiment of the process according to the invention, the precipitation bath has a temperature within the range of 22-27° C.
In a further embodiment of the process according to the invention, the hollow fiber spinning nozzle is held at a temperature within the range of 40-70° C., preferably within the range of 54-60° C.
In one embodiment of the process according to the invention, the distance between the discharge outlet of the hollow fiber spinning nozzle and the surface of the precipitation bath is within the range of 0-4 cm. The discharge outlet is the outlet where the polymer solution enters out of the spinning nozzle.
In another embodiment of the process according to the invention, the spinning speed of the hollow fiber membrane is 5-70 m/min, preferably 7.5-45 m/min.
In another embodiment of the process according to the invention the polymer solution has a viscosity, measured at room temperature, within a range of 10 000 to 100 000 mPa×s, preferably within the range of 21 500 to 77 000 mPa×s.
The present invention further concerns the use of the hollow fiber membrane according to above, or prepared by the process according to above in hemodialysis, as a sensor membrane for direct blood contact, as a sensor membrane in water applications, such as waste water applications, and delivery membrane in biological processes.
There are at least three potential applications for this type of membrane. In all potential applications the outside of the membrane is in contact with a fluid that has the potential to foul the membrane. However, there might be additional applications where this is not the case.
Commercial membranes, e.g. having the selective layer on the inside and pores in the μm range on the outside, will either block or lead to haemolysis in blood based applications if blood where brought in contact with the outer wall surface. In the following applications the membrane described in this patent application shows clear advantages.
The membrane according to the present invention could be used as hemodialysis membrane where the blood is in contact with the outside of the membrane. For this application, the outside of the membrane should have an equal pore size, diffusion coefficient, and material composition and roughness as the inside of commercial dialysis membranes, which have the blood contacting surface on the inside of the dialysis membrane. Depending on the pore size, the transport kinetics through the membrane might be dominated by diffusion. If the pore sizes were increased and the low roughness were kept, the transport kinetics could be based on a combination of diffusion and convection. The smooth outer surface of the membrane is required to not allow blood cells and high molecular weight proteins to enter the porous membrane structure. If blood cells and high molecular weight proteins were to enter the porous membrane structure, this could lead to rupture of the blood cells and formation of protein layers in the structure. Both effects are not acceptable in this application.
The membrane according to the present invention could also be used as a sensor membrane (micro-dialysis) for direct blood applications. If micro-dialysis in direct blood applications is performed, fouling of the membrane is a severe problem. Cells can enter the outside of the membrane if pores exceed a few μm in diameter. At the same time high molecular weight proteins can enter the porous structure of the membrane. This leads to pore blocking and the generation of a protein layer inside the porous membrane structure of the wall. In an extreme case, the outer surface of the membrane could lead to clot formation. Therefore a highly biocompatible surface is required for this type of application. The same counts for the application as dialysis membrane.
The membrane according to the present invention could further be used as a sensor membrane in (waste) water applications. In these applications it is important to analyze the ion concentration to control the composition of waste water or analyze the content of ions in water samples. To simplify the analysis, only the ions should pass through the membrane and not high molecular weight substances. For this application the transport should be based mainly on diffusion. A high amount of convective transport would dilute the analysis system. At the same time the transport of the ions should be stable over days, weeks or month. Therefore the outside of the membrane should have low fouling properties. This again is achieved by a combination of material properties, pore size and surface roughness.
The membrane according to the present invention could further be used as a delivery membrane in biological processes. In fermenter systems it might be necessary to control the amount of a fluid or substance that is added to the process over time. To allow an extremely homogeneous dilution of such substances a hollow fiber membrane hanging in a stirred tank reactor having a smooth outer surface and tailor made diffusion characteristics is of use.
This is of course only some possible applications of the membrane according to the present invention. There might be a vast number of other applications out there, which would benefit from this type of tailor made membrane. In general, the advantages and properties of the membrane according to the invention can be summarized as follows:
Most narrow pore size on the outside of the membrane
Smooth surface on the outside
Highly biocompatible surface of the outside structure (i.e. low thrombogenicity)
Hydraulic permeability between 1×10⁻⁴ and 100×10⁻⁴ cm³/(cm² bar sec)
Hydrophilic—spontaneous wetting membrane
Sponge-like structure
Inner diameter between 50 and 2000 μm
Wall thickness between 10 and 200 μm
Transport based on diffusion or on diffusion and convection
Mechanical stability
Thin selective layer allowing high mass transfer rates
To allow manufacturing of skin outside membranes by a diffusion induced phase separation (DIPS) procedure a number of criteria have to be fulfilled.
The porous structure behind the “selective” outer surface in direction to the lumen side has larger pores up to several μm. The porous structure is gained by a slow phase separation process. To allow a slow phase separation process the amount of a solvent (solvent for the polymer) has to be sufficient high. However, high concentration of a solvent in the bore liquid (could also be called the center fluid, which is introduced in the bore or center of the hollow fiber during the precipitation procedure) and the precipitation bath creates instability of the fiber. This makes it difficult to get stable fibers into the precipitation bath and out of this bath. The challenge is to adjust the solvent concentration during the precipitation procedure (in the center and the precipitation bath) and the precipitation bath temperature in such a way that it allows the creation of a membrane that has smaller pores on the outer surface than on the inner surface in addition with a very smooth outer surface for good biocompatibility.
The challenge is to find a production window that allows to adjust (i) sufficiently high concentration of solvent in the center to generate a very open structure that allows a small mass transfer resistance over the membrane, (ii) a solvent concentration in the precipitation bath to get a smooth surface structure on the outside of the membrane with pores in the selective layer within the range of 1 to 10 nm in combination with a highly biocompatible surface (material composition, roughness and so on), and (iii) stable spinning conditions. The major process parameters on the spinning machine are:
polymer composition in the polymer solution
temperature of the spinning nozzle
design of the spinning nozzle
distance between spinning nozzle and precipitation bath
conditions in the atmosphere between spinning nozzle and precipitation bath
dimensions of the hollow fiber
composition of the bore liquid
composition of the precipitation bath
temperature of the precipitation bath
spinning speed
time/distance the fiber is moving through the precipitation bath
The mentioned parameters are not complete. This is just to give an indication about the process parameters and the complexity.
When the polymer solution has been prepared, see e.g. Example 1 for this information, the polymer solution is pumped through a spinning nozzle and the liquid hollow fiber is formed. The solvent concentration in the bore liquid leads to an open structure at the inner side of the membrane. The distance between the spinning nozzle and the precipitation bath, the concentration range of solvent in the precipitation bath and the time and the distance the fiber is moving through the precipitation bath, leads to a very smooth surface structure on the outer surface. In one embodiment of the process according to the invention, the time in the precipitation bath is between 2 and 60 seconds.
The smallest pores are at the outer side of the membrane. The overall structure and the pores at the inside of the membrane are much larger. The selective layer at the outside is intended for direct blood contact. The challenge is to adjust the spinning conditions to fulfill the profile of the membrane, i.e. biocompatibility, a small mass transfer resistance and so forth.
The temperature and the solvent concentration in the precipitation bath interact strongly with each other. Increasing the temperature would allow to decrease the solvent concentration, resulting in the same structure of morphology, pore size and hydraulic permeability. However, there are technical limits when increasing the temperature of the precipitation bath.
The biocompatibility of the membrane is proven to be very good based on the comparable characteristics of the selective layer of a regular dialysis membrane (inside) and the morphology and characteristics of the outside layer of this special membrane. However, to even increase this further it might be of value to functionalize the outer surface of the membrane. One option could be to covalently bind heparin to the surface. To allow covalent binding of heparin, the membrane could be treated with plasma ignition together with a precursor gas containing functional groups as disclosed in WO2006/006918 or in WO03/090910.
FIG. 1 a to 1 d show a hollow fiber membrane according to one embodiment of the present invention, produced according to example 1 below.
FIGS. 2 a to 2 d show a hollow fiber membrane according to another embodiment of the present invention, produced according to example 2 below.
FIGS. 3 a to 3 d show a hollow fiber membrane according to another embodiment of the present invention, produced according to example 3 below.
FIGS. 4 a to 4 d show a hollow fiber membrane according to another embodiment of the present invention, produced according to example 4 below.
FIGS. 5 a to 5 d show a hollow fiber membrane according to another embodiment of the present invention, produced according to example 5 below.
FIGS. 6 a to 6 d show a comparative example of a hollow fiber membrane, produced according to the comparative example below.
FIG. 7 is a perspective view of the device according to one embodiment.
The AFM studies have been preformed using an Atomic Force Microscope from Digital Instruments/Veeco, Type: NanoScope IIIa Multi Mode. To minimize the interaction between the measurement probe and the membrane material/membrane surface, the data is obtained using the Tapping Mode. This allows to the generation of stable pictures/data from the surface topography of the outer membrane surface. Due to the extremely smooth surface and the small pores of the outer surface of the hollow fiber membranes special probes having a small radius at the tip of the probe, are used. The tips used for the measurement in this application (from Nanosensors, Type SSS-NCH (Super Sharp Silicon)) had a typical tip angle of R≈2 nm. Some samples, having a slightly higher surface roughness, have been measured using a NCH (Nanosensors) tip with a typical tip angle of R≈10 nm. The samples measured have a size of 2×2 μm or a size of 5×5 μm.
To perform the measurement the membrane samples have been placed on a flat substrate using double-sided adhesive tape. Surface areas of 5 μm×5 μm, 2 μm×2 μm, and 1 μm×1 μm have been characterised using the atomic force microscope (AFM). Every single data set of the different pictures shown are analysed, calculating different roughness parameter (R_(a), R_(q)) using the following equations:
$\mspace{11mu} {R_{q} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{N}\; Z_{i}^{2}}}}$ $R_{a} = {\frac{1}{N}{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{N}\; {Z_{i}}}}$
with N=Total number of data points
and Z_(i)=Height of a data point above the average picture level
Membrane Bundle Preparation:
Preparation of Hand Bundles:
The preparation of the membrane bundle after the spinning process is necessary in order to prepare the fiber bundle in an adequate way for succeeding performance tests. The first process step is to cut the fiber bundles to a defined length of 23 cm. The next process step consists of closing the ends of the fibers. An optical control ensures that all fiber ends are closed. Then, the ends of the fiber bundle are transferred into a potting cap. The potting cap is fixed mechanically and a potting tube is put over the potting caps. Afterwards, the potting is done with polyurethane. After the potting it has to be ensured that the polyurethane can harden for at least one day. In the next process step, the potted membrane bundle is cut to a defined length. The last process step consists of an optic control of the fiber bundle. During this process step, the following points are controlled:
- - Quality of the cut (is the cut smooth or are there any damages created by the knife); - Quality of the potting (is the number of open fibers of the spinning process reduced by fibers that are potted, or are there any visible voids where there is no polyurethane).
After the optical control, the membrane bundles are stored dry before they are used for the different performance tests.
Preparation of Mini-Modules:
Mini-modules [=fiber bundles in a housing] are prepared with related process steps. The mini-modules are needed to ensure a protection of the fibers and a very clean manufacturing method as the biocompatibility tests are carried out with human plasma. The manufacturing of the mini-modules differs in the following points:
- - The fiber bundle is cut to a defined length of 20 cm; - the fiber bundle is transferred Into the housing before closing the fiber ends; and - the mini-module is put Into a vacuum drying oven over night before the potting process.
Preparation of Filters:
According to the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 7, the filter (=dialyzer) 10 has around 8,000-10,000 fibers 12 with an effective surface area of 0.5 to 0.6 m². A filter 10 is characterized by a cylindrical housing 14 with two connectors 16, 18 for the dialyzing fluid and applied caps 20, 22 on both sides, each with one centred blood connector. The manufacturing process (after winding) can be split up into the following main steps:
- - The cut (length of 20 cm) bundles are transferred into the housing with a special bundle claw; - both ends of the bundles are closed; - potting the fibers into the housing with Polyurethane (PUR); - cutting of the ends to open the fibers, wherein a smooth surface is required; - visual control of the ends for closed fibers or imperfections in the PUR block; and - gluing of the caps with the blood connectors.
Hydraulic Permeability (Lp) of Hand Bundles and Mini-Modules:
From Inside to Outside (Hand Bundles):
The hydraulic permeability of a membrane bundle is determined by pressing an exact defined volume of water under pressure through the membrane bundle, which is closed on one side of the bundle and measuring the required time. The hydraulic permeability can be calculated with the determined time, the effective membrane surface area, the applied pressure and the volume of water, which is pressed through the membrane. The effective membrane surface area can be calculated by the number of fibers, the fiber length and the inner diameter of the fiber. The membrane bundle has to be wetted thirty minutes before the test is performed. Therefore, the membrane bundle is put in a box containing 500 ml of ultrapure water. After 30 minutes, the membrane bundle is transferred into the testing system. The testing system consists of a water bath that has a temperature of 37° C. and a device where the membrane bundle can be implemented mechanically. The filling height of the water bath has to ensure that the membrane bundle is located underneath the water surface in the designated device. To avoid that a leakage of the membrane leads to a wrong test result, an integrity test of the membrane bundle and the test system has to be carried out in advance. The integrity test is performed by pressing air through the membrane bundle which is closed on one side of the bundle. Air bubbles indicate a leakage of the membrane bundle or the test device. It has to be checked if the leakage can be associated with the wrong implementation of the membrane bundle in the test device, or if a real membrane leakage is present. The membrane bundle has to be discarded, if a leakage of the membrane is detected. The applied pressure of the integrity test has to be at least the same value as the applied pressure during the determination of the hydraulic permeability, in order to ensure that no leakage can occur during the measurement of the hydraulic permeability, because of a too high applied pressure.
From Outside to Inside (Minimodules):
The measurements were carried out following the same measuring principle as mentioned in the measurement from inside to outside.
Hydraulic Permeability (Lp) of Filters:
From Inside to Outside:
In difference to testing procedure at hand bundles, the hydraulic permeability of a filter is determined by flowing an exactly defined volume of water through the membrane, and the trans membrane pressure is measured. Before starting the measurement, the filter has to be totally filled (inside the membrane and the compartment between the housing and the membranes) with the testing fluid. Air is thereby removed by easy knocking. The testing fluid, pure water with a sodium chloride concentration of 0.9%, is set to a temperature of 38° C. and is thereby pumped to the blood inlet of the filter, whereby the exit blood connector and the entrance of the dialyzed connection are closed. The measurement takes 5 minutes and average values for the pressures are calculated. The calculation of the hydraulic permeability is equal to the description for the hand bundles/mini modules.
From Outside to Inside:
The principle of the measurement is the same as for measuring from inside to outside, except of filtration of the pure water in backward direction. In this, the fluid is pumped to the dialysate inlet and the blood inlet as well as the dialysate exit is closed.
Permeability Tests/Diffusion Experiment of Hand Bundles:
Diffusion experiments with isotonic chloride solution are carried out to determine the diffusion properties of a membrane. A hand bundle is put in a measuring cell. The measuring cell allows to pass the chloride solution at the inside of the hollow fiber. Additionally, the measuring cell is filled completely with water, and a high cross now of distilled water is set to carry away the chloride ions that pass the membrane cross section from the inside of the hollow fiber to the outside. By adjusting the pressure ratios correctly, a zero filtration is aimed for so that only the diffusion properties of the membrane are determined (by achieving the maximum concentration gradient of chloride between the inside of the hollow fiber and the surrounding of the hollow fiber) and not a combination of diffusive and convective properties. A sample from the pool is taken at the beginning of the measurement and a sample of the retentate is taken after 10 and 20 minutes. The samples are then titrated with a silver nitrate solution to determine the chloride concentration. With the obtained chloride concentrations, the effective membrane surface area and the flow conditions, the chloride permeability can be calculated. The same set-up can be used to analyse the permeability of other substances/proteins. Tests have been performed using urea as test substance. The concentration of urea in the different solutions is quantified using standard methods. The method used to determine the permeability (P_(m)) is described by Elias Klein et. al.
E. Klein, F. F. Holland, A. Donnaud, A. Lebeouf, K. Eberle. “Diffusive and hydraulic permeabilities of commercially available hemodialysis films and hollow fibers”, Journal of Membrane Science, 2 (1977) 349-364.
E. Klein, F. F. Holland, A. Lebeouf, A. Donnaud, J. K. Smith, “Transport and mechanical properties of hemodialysis hollow fibers”, Journal of Membrane Science, 1 (1976) 371-396.
Further Literature: References in the articles of E. Klein mentioned.
The effective diffusion coefficient (D_(Meff)) of a certain substance (substance, ion, or protein) is related to the membrane diffusive permeability (P_(m)) of this substance by D_(Meff)=P_(m)×Δz, where Δz is the diffusive distance (wall thickness of the membrane).
Viscosity Measurements:
The term “viscosity” in respect of the polymer solution of the present invention means the dynamic viscosity, if not otherwise indicated. The unit of the dynamic viscosity of the polymer solution is given in Centipoise (cp) or mPa×s. To measure the viscosity of the polymer solution, a commercial rheometer from Rhemoetic Scientific Ltd. (SR 2000) was used. The polymer solution is placed between two temperature-controlled plates. The measurement is performed at 22° C. All other measurement conditions are according to the manufacturer's instructions.
EXAMPLES Example 1
A polymer solution is prepared by dissolving polyethersulphone (BASF Ultrason 6020) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) (BASF K30 and K85) in N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP). The weight fraction of the different components in the polymer spinning solution was: PES-PVP K85-PVP K30-NMP: 18-3.25-8-70.75. The viscosity of the polymer solution was 53560 mPa×s.
To prepare the solution NMP is first filled into a three neck-flask with finger-paddle agitator in the center neck. The PVP is added to the NMP and is stirred at 50° C. until a homogeneous clear solution is prepared. Finally, the polyethersulphone (PES) is added. The mixture is stirred at 50° C. until a clear high viscous solution is obtained. The warm solution is cooled down to 20° C. and degassed. To fully degas the solution, the highly viscous polymer solution is transferred into a stable stainless steel container. Thereafter the container is closed tightly and vacuum is applied to the container. The solution is degassed at 50 mmHg for 6 hours. During this degassing procedure the container is rotated to create a larger surface and thinner film thickness of the polymer solution in the container, to improve the degassing procedure.
A membrane is formed by heating the polymer solution to 50° C. and passing the solution through a spinning nozzle (also called spinning die or spinneret). As bore liquid, a water and NMP mixture containing 42 wt.-% water and 58 wt.-% NMP is used. The temperature of the spinning nozzle is 55° C. The hollow fiber membrane is formed at a spinning speed of 10 m/min. The liquid capillary leaving the spinning nozzle is passed into a NMP/water bath (NMP concentration is 52%) having a temperature of 26° C. The length of the distance between the spinning nozzle and the precipitation bath is 4 cm. The formed hollow fiber membrane is guided through a water bath having a temperature of 65° C. The wet hollow fiber membrane has an inner diameter of 1012 μm, an outer diameter of 1152 μm and a fully asymmetric membrane structure. The active separation layer of the membrane is at the outer wall surface. The active separation layer is defined as the layer with the smallest pores. The hydraulic permeability (Lp value) of the membrane was measured from inside to outside in a hand bundle, using the methods described earlier. The membrane showed a hydraulic permeability of 3.5×10⁻⁴ cm³/(cm² bar sec).
In FIG. 1 a, a scanning electron micrograph of the cross-section of the hollow fiber membrane is shown. In FIG. 1 b a close up of the cross-section of the hollow fiber wall is shown and, as is evident from the picture, the wall has an asymmetric structure and the overall structure is a sponge-like structure. There are five different layers within the hollow fiber wall, and these different layers have been marked up, and as could be seen from the picture, the different layers have different pore sizes and different mass densities. The first layer is the outer selective layer and this layer has the smallest pores and the highest mass density. The second layer has larger pores and lower mass density than the first layer. The third layer has smaller pores and higher mass density than the second layer, but larger pores and lower mass density than the first layer. The fourth layer has larger pores and lower mass density than all of first, second and third layer. The fifth layer has smaller pores and higher mass density than the fourth layer. In FIG. 1 c the inner wall surface is shown, and in FIG. 1 d the outer wall surface is shown and the outer wall surface is very smooth and have smooth pores.
The roughness of the outer wall surface was measured and calculated as disclosed above with a probe having a tip angle of R≈2 nm. For a sample of the size 2×2 μm, the roughness parameters were R_(a) 4.9 nm and R_(q) 6.3 nm, and for a sample of the size 5×5 μm, the roughness parameters were R_(a) 7.9 nm and R_(q) 10.0 nm.
Example 2
The second example has been carried out with the identical composition of the polymer solution as in Example 1. The viscosity of the polymer solution was 60200 mPa×s.
The polymer preparation procedure was kept as described in Example 1. The membrane formation procedure was changed for the following points:
Temperature of the spinning nozzle: 54° C.
Spinning velocity: 7.5 m/min
Distance between the spinning nozzle and the precipitation bath: 2.5 cm
Temperature of the precipitation bath: 27° C.
The remaining process steps are kept as in example 1. The wet hollow fiber membrane has an inner diameter of 1464 μm, an outer diameter of 1592 μm and a fully asymmetric membrane structure. The active separation layer of the membrane is at the outer wall surface. The active separation layer is defined as the layer with the smallest pores. The hydraulic permeability (Lp value) of the membrane is measured from inside to outside in a hand bundle, using the methods described earlier. The membrane showed a hydraulic permeability of 3.4×10⁻⁴ cm³/(cm² bar sec).
In FIG. 2 a, a scanning electron micrograph of the cross-section of the hollow fiber membrane is shown. In FIG. 2 b a close up of the cross-section of the hollow fiber wall is shown and, as is evident from the picture, the wall has an asymmetric structure and the overall structure is a sponge like structure. There are five different layers within the hollow fiber wall, and these different layers have been marked up, and as could be seen from the picture the different layers have different pore sizes and different mass densities. The first layer is the outer selective layer and this layer has the smallest pores and the highest mass density. The second layer has larger pores and lower mass density than the first layer. The third layer has smaller pores and higher mass density than the second layer, but has larger pores and lower mass density than the first layer. The fourth layer has larger pores and lower mass density than all of the first, second and third layers. The fifth layer has smaller pores and higher mass density than the fourth layer. In FIG. 2 c the inner wall surface is shown, and in FIG. 2 d the outer wall surface is shown and the outer wall surface is very smooth and have smooth pores.
The roughness of the outer wall surface was measured and calculated as disclosed above with a probe having a tip angle of R≈2 nm. For a sample of the size 2×2 μm, the roughness parameters were R_(a) 1.9 nm and R_(q) 2.4 nm, and for a sample of the size 5×5 μm, the roughness parameters were R_(a) 2.8 nm and R_(q) 3.6 nm.
Example 3
The third example has been carried out with the identical composition of the polymer solution as in Example 1. The viscosity of the polymer solution was 59300 mPa×s.
The polymer preparation procedure was kept as described in Example 1. The membrane formation procedure was changed for the following points:
Bore liquid (H₂O:NMP) 38 wt.-%:62 wt.-%
Concentration of NMP in the precipitation bath: 64 wt.-%
Distance between the spinning nozzle and the precipitation bath: 3 cm
Temperature of the precipitation bath: 22° C.
The remaining process steps are kept as in Example 1. The only difference is that the fiber had different dimensions. The hollow fiber membrane has an inner diameter of 203 μm, an outer diameter of 281 μm and a fully asymmetric membrane structure. The active separation layer of the membrane is at the outer wall surface. The active separation layer is defined as the layer with the smallest pores. The hydraulic permeability (Lp value) of the membrane is measured from inside to outside in a hand bundle and from outside to inside in a mini-module using the methods described earlier. The membrane showed a hydraulic permeability of 6.7×10⁻⁴ cm³/(cm² bar sec) when measured from inside to outside and 6.7×10⁻⁴ cm³/(cm² bar sec) when measured from outside to inside.
PGAMA/1899/PGAMA_18990704/MM_01/0002.xml_1 | NewZealand-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | THE PELORUS GUARDIAN, AND MINER'S ADVOCATE. TUESDAY, July 4th., 1899. St. Peter's.—A meeting of the Ladies' Committee, vestry, and members of the congregation of St. Peter's will be held at the Church on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., to take generally into consideration Church matters pertaining to the district. On Thursday at 7 p.m. a choir practice will be held at the Church, to which all those desirous of assisting are requested to attend. Property Sale. —Mr W. Bond, of South-East Bay, Pelorus Sound, has disposed of his property to Mr A. D. Wilson, of Blenheim. The figure at which the property changed hands is understood to be £3,500. Accident.—Orlando, an infant child of Mr W. Pickering, aged ten years, whilst playing on Saturday afternoon had the misfortune to slip, dislocating his left elbow. Surgical attendance having been obtained, the youngster is now progressing rapidly towards recovery. Attempted Burglary.—The store of Messrs Brownlee and Co. was feloniously entered some time between 9:45 p.m. on Saturday last and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Mr W. H. Smith, the manager was the last employee on the premises on Saturday, and, on the conclusion of business, left everything safe. On visiting the store on Sunday afternoon he discovered an entrance had been effected by forcing the back door, marks of a chisel (or a similar tool) and the broken state of the woodwork round the lock evidencing that considerable force had been used. It would appear the object of the attempted burglary was the removal of the safe, none of the goods having been disturbed, and a case containing jewellery was left untouched. This conclusion is arrived at from the fact that two sledgehammers and blacksmith's chisels were discovered on the right-of-way leading to the harbour. These tools, which had been obtained by breaking into the smithy of Mr A. H. Scott, it is supposed had been stolen for the purpose of opening the safe after its removal. The store itself had been overhauled, apparently for cash only, the detective till in the main shop having been burst open, but its contents, being coppers only to the value of 1/6, were not taken. It is presumed the burglars were alarmed whilst at their nefarious work, and beyond regaling themselves with a tin of sheeps' tongues and biscuits were, fortunately, unable to attain their main object, an examination of the stock, which has been recently listed for stock-taking purposes, revealing that nothing further is missing. Beacons.—As will be seen by an advertisement in another column, the Marine Department invites fresh tenders for erecting beacons in the Havelock channel. Picton Hospital.—At a meeting of the Picton Hospital Board, held on Saturday last, it was resolved to obtain plans of the proposed new Hospital building from Mr A. P. The London correspondent of the Vancouver World says that in spite of British tirades against the extravagances of American millionaire marriages, Lord Rosebery "capped the record" by having his daughter's wedding party cinematographed on entering and leaving the Abbey. When addressing a jury at a fire inquiry at Wanganui, Mr. C. C. Kettle, Coroner, said that he had previously suggested that a law should be enacted compelling persons who insure their stock or premises to register the same, so that their neighbours or those who occupied business premises adjoining might have an opportunity if they thought necessary, of objecting if they thought over-insurance had been effected. We often hear of sensational bets being made, such as a guinea to a gooseberry, a bible-backed policeman to a pint of sheoak, a hundred pounds to a bundle of chips, and so on. The art of betting is to win, and to win you must back certainties. Here is a tip—You back Woods' Great Peppermint Cure to beat a cough or cold every time. You'll always get home. No Johnny Armstrong about that. After hearing some friends continually praising Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. For sale by W. Price Now to the hall there dared to go, A man persisting coughing so, The audience shouted chuck him out, Sit on his chest, the noisy lout; But one kind man among the push, Who came along with quite a rush. Soon stopped his cough a way more sure, With Wm. E. Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Don't be persuaded into buying liniments without reputation or merit—Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more, and its merits have been proven by the attest of many years. Such letters as the following, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being received: "The best remedy for pain I have ever used is Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and I say so after having used it in my family for several years." It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by Win. Price. Wool Sales.—The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), have received the following cablegram from London, dated June 28th, 1899:—"Wool.— The sales opened today, and the market for merino and fine cross-bred shows an advance of five percent on last sale's closing rates. The market for medium cross-bred is, however, easier, and coarse cross-bred shows a decline of from 5 to 7 percent. There is less spirit among the buyers, though the attendance is good." Band of Hope.—The next entertainment by the members of the Wesleyan Church Band of Hope will be given in the Town Hall tomorrow evening at 7:30, when a first-class programme will be submitted. Wakamarina Dredging CO.—A notification concerning the above Company (in liquidation) appears in another column of this issue. Collinsville. On Friday evening, June 23rd, a very enjoyable and pleasing entertainment was held in the Hall, Collinsville, in aid of Mahakipawa Literary Institute. The Hall was well filled by an enthusiastic audience. The financial results will be the welcome addition of about £4 to the Library funds. The promoters worked hard, and the performers acquitted themselves well, so that both were fully entitled to their well-earned and gratifying success; The tableaux and statuary, although attempted at Collinsville for the first time, would really have done credit to an experienced stage manager. — Express. Successful. The surprising effects of judicious management, without blow or bluster, qualified with civility and prompt attention to the numerous enquiries from all parts of the Colony, on all wants and commissions, are verified by the wonderfully increasing business of Mr W. F. Shortt and his two sons, carried on in Willis Street, Wellington. Visitors go to Wellington with certain business intentions, either in properties or general purchases, with their eyes shut until they have been opened by an interview with this firm, who have grown (in spite of all opposition) to such an extent that they have just built another two-storey brick establishment, next to their present mart, and yet can do with more room.— Advt. The clan Campbell must muster strongly in Invercargill. The Southland Times says:—" On Tuesday a lost cheque and £5 note were advertised for. The loser was Mr Robert Campbell, the cheque was signed Robert Campbell (not the same individual), the note was signed Robert Campbell (a bank official), and the documents were found by a young man named Robert Campbell, who was just receiving the reward offered in this office when Robert Campbell, the loser, came in to ascertain if his property had turned up." The boat for use on Lake Waikaremoana is now finished (says the Wairoa Guardian) and the first party to explore the lake reports there are seven beautiful islands dotted about it, one of them about 200 acres in extent. For Picturesque scenery this lake rivals anything of the kind in New Zealand. Mr Henry Redwood, who is always styled the "Father of the New Zealand Turf," is seventy-five years of age, and he told a representative of a Nelson paper last week that he owned the first racehorse in the Colony, and made no less a sum than £70,000 by means of racing, and says that he has never put a penny on the totalisator in his life. Two Taranaki gentlemen are in England exploiting a patent frozen meat wrapper, which is composed of the usual strong muslin, lined throughout with a light glazed waterproof paper. This serves a double purpose. It keeps out the dust and dirt, which in the case of the ordinary wrapper find their way through the interstices of the muslin, and often greatly discolour and disfigure the meat. Secondly, the paper, being a non-conductor of heat, delays the thawing process which, when the ordinary wrappers are employed, begins directly the meat is taken out of the refrigerating chamber. The man who whispers down a well. About the goods he has to sell, Won't reap the gleaming golden dollars, Like one who climbs a tree and hollers ; The man that lets a cough alone, That wears him down to skin and bone, Won't be in health so sound and sure. As he who takes Wood's Great Peppermint Cure. How to prevent Pneumonia.—At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if left to run its course without the aid of some reliable cough medicine is liable to result in the dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a cough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively and it has always given entire satisfaction.—Olagah, Ind. Terr. Chief. This is the only remedy that is known to be a certain preventive of pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it for colds and la grippe, we have never yet learned of a single case having resulted in pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have reason to fear an attack of pneumonia, should keep the remedy at hand. For sale by Wm. Price. His was an expressive face, a face of the vegetable marrow type; a mouth, well, it might have been cut with a hay spade, and such a voice, something between a leaky cistern and a fog horn, but he had sense and eighteen pence. He says to the chemist now: "Have you got a bottle of Woods' Great Peppermint Cure for coughs and colds? Nothing else will do for me." It beats hospitals. Mr. C. M. Dixon, a well-known merchant of Pleasant Ridge, Fulton Co., Pa., has a little girl who is frequently threatened with croup, but when the first symptoms appear, his wife gives her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which always affords prompt relief. For sale by W. Price. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN. TEST CRICKET MATCH. London, July 2 The third test match, England v. Australia, has been played at Leeds, but had to be abandoned on account of rain. The scores were: —Australia, 172 and 224; England, 220, and no wickets for 19. COLONIAL ALDERSHOT London, June 30. Her Majesty the Queen reviewed 14,000 troops at Aldershot. The contingent of New South Wales Lancers was present, and was attached to the First Cavalry Brigade. The colonials acquitted themselves excellently, and they received an ovation from the spectators. THE PLAGUE IN EGYPT. Cairo, July 1. Reports from Alexandria state the city is plague stricken. It has been discovered that rats are proving a medium of disseminating the plague. A number of rodents were found infected with the disease. The British authorities have hired a number of vessels to be used as transports in the event of the plague spreading. THE PACIFIC CABLE. London, June 30. If Great Britain supports the Pacific Cable scheme, the Eastern Cable Company offers to construct a cable via Honolulu as a less expensive route. THE PHILIPPINES. Washington, June 30. The War Department is recruiting ten thousand troops, to be despatched in October, to reinforce General Otis in the Philippines. SERIOUS RIOTS IN BELGIUM. Brussels, July 1. Serious riots have occurred here owing to the Proportional Representation Bill favouring a Catholic majority. Five thousand rioters assembled in the vicinity of King Leopold's Palace and Parliament House, shouting "Vive la République." The gardes and police charged with fixed bayonets and swords, but were received with volleys of stones and some shots. The crisis is the worst ever known in the history of the country. The rioting continued till two o'clock in the morning, firearms being used on both sides. A hundred people have been wounded. A truce has been arranged to enable the Government to study proposals for a compromise. THE DREYFUS CASE. Paris, July 1. Captain Dreyfus landed at Quiberon, in Brittany, early on Saturday, and was lodged at Rennes before six o'clock. Very few persons were present, and there was no demonstration. The famous prisoner looked ill and grey. July 2. Dreyfus had a touching interview with his wife. He is completely ignorant of the events of the past two years. AUSTRALIAN. AFFAIRS AT SAMOA. Sydney, June 30. Cardinal Moran, who alleged the other day that the Protestant Missionaries used their influence to induce the commanders of the British warships to shell the Catholic Church at Samoa, was challenged by the Secretary of the Wesleyan Missionary Society to produce evidence in proof of his statement. Interviewed on the subject, the Cardinal said he had sufficient proof, but could not disclose the name of the informant. He added that Catholic Priests and Brothers throughout the disturbances were treated as prisoners. It had also been reported to him—but he could not vouch for the accuracy of the information —that when one of the British officers was asked what was the object of the bombardment, he replied: "We wanted some fun; in a little country like Samoa, unless we got some fun, there was nothing to do." THE GILBERT ISLANDS. Sydney, July 1. News from the Gilbert group states that the drought in the southern part is serious, and, unless rain falls soon, the inhabitants will starve. REVENUE RETURNS. Melbourne, July 1. The revenue for the year is £491,000 in excess of the Treasurer's estimate. The surplus however, will probably not exceed £500,000, as large supplementary estimates of expenditure will be provided for. There were increases in all the leading departments. Adelaide, July 1. The revenue has increased £99,000 compared with the previous year. It is expected that the surplus will be about £20,000. Sydney, July 2. The revenue returns show an increase of £75,000 as compared with the previous year, notwithstanding the shortage of £100,000 in the Land Tax, and considerable reduction in the amount estimated from Customs. The railway receipts increased by £200,000. The year closed with a surplus of £147,000. NEW ZEALAND. THE OHAU ENQUIRY. Wellington, July 1. Judgment in the Ohau enquiry was given yesterday, to the effect that there was no evidence to show where or how the vessel was lost, and that she was well found and not over-laden. SAD STATE OF THINGS. Wellington, July 2. At the Wellington Diocesan Synod, the Rev. A. W. H. Compton put in a very strong plea for assistance for the Maoris in the Taranaki district. He described the natives as living in a state of absolute heathenism. Parihaka was a hotbed of drunkenness and vice, and a sink of immorality. Things went on there which he could only hint at. The natives were under the dominance of either Te Whiti or Tohu, and they were absolutely inaccessible to Christian influences. They refused to discuss anything but the land question with Europeans, and they were under the impression that they were being very badly treated regarding the land. The Transvaal. London, June 30. The Imperial Government have hired six transports ready for an emergency in view of the state of affairs in the Transvaal. A Reuter's telegram states that the American cruiser Chicago has been ordered to proceed to Delagoa Bay for the protection of United States subjects in the Transvaal. July 1. The 8th Company of Royal Engineers, stationed at Chatham, has been ordered to the Cape. Large quantities of railway material are being sent out with the troops. Berlin, June 30. The speech delivered at Birmingham by Mr. Chamberlain, British Secretary of State for the Colonies, is considered by the German press to be an unofficial ultimatum to the Transvaal Government. Melbourne, June 30. Mr. Woodford Leonard, a well-known Johannesburg barrister, and brother of the Leader of the Transvaal National Union, is visiting Melbourne. In an interview, he said if England declared war every Boer would fight to the death. There would be a civil war throughout South Africa directly the first shot was fired; the Cape was full of secret agents of the Transvaal. He did not think the Boers would attack Johannesburg or the mines, except as a last resource. All blacks would assist England against the Boers. Pretoria, June 1. Afrikaners are leaving Mafeking to join the Transvaal artillery. Thousands of residents at all centres are eagerly signing the South African League's monster petition in favour of concessions to Uitlanders. Enthusiastic meetings in support of the petition have been held at Port Elizabeth, Grahamstown, and East London. JAMES TWIDLE, 61. Profound sorrow was felt throughout the district on Saturday last, when the doleful news gained currency that Mr James Twidle had passed away early on the morning of that day. That the blow was a severe one to those who had the honour of the deceased gentleman's personal friendship was demonstrated by the gloom that overcast the elder portion of the community, whilst unfeigned regret was demonstrated on all sides at the loss of one whom it was truly felt the district could ill afford to lose, and the sad occurrence has been the one topic of remark, overshadowing all other subjects with which the public mind has been exercised. Mr Twidle, who was sixty-one years of age at the time of his decease, was a native of Yorkshire, England, having been born near Hull in 1838, and arrived in New Zealand on Nov. sth., 1859. Prior to settling in this Colony, he stayed some four months in Victoria, landing there from the ship Zambesi, in which he had taken passage from England. He originally landed upon these shores at Nelson, thence removing to the Awatere, where he remained for fifteen months, afterwards entering into business as a butcher at Picton, and, on Oct., 16th., 1861, leaving Picton for the Pelorus, where he has since resided, having, for the last thirty-six years, held a portion of the farm he occupied at the time of his death. On his first arrival in this district, Mr Twidle identified himself more directly with the saw-milling interest, subsequently entering into the following of practical and experimental farming and the breeding of improved stock, in which pursuit he was actively engaged and enthusiastically concerned until the time of his decease. As a sportsman, both the cricket field and race-course felt his direct personal influence, and, until last season, his well-known figure in the cricket field was hailed with the feelings of anticipated success" by the Club with which his sympathies and sterling play were cast, around him the interest centred, and to his advice and encouragement many of the younger players owe whatever merit they possess, and wherever wickets are pitched in Marlborough, the name of "Twidle" will be paramount. The deceased has been ailing for some considerable time, from asthma and bronchitis, the immediate cause of death being exhaustion resultant on recurrent attacks of the complaints from which he was suffering. On Friday his condition was considered somewhat serious, and Dr. Hoadley was called, but it was then not considered by his near relatives that his end was so near at hand. On Saturday morning, at four o'clock, he took nourishment with facility, and afterwards apparently fell asleep; shortly after five a noticeable change in his condition was observed by Mrs. Twidle, who summoned the remaining members of the family to the bedside, the deceased passing calmly away (in the presence of his family) at half-past five. The end was so peaceful that it was scarcely realized, until the arrival of Dr. Hoadley, that life was extinct, restoratives being applied continuously until the doctor's pronouncement precluded all further hopes to the bereaved ones. To the commercial world one is lost whose example was one of the strictest integrity, and a personality for the highest aims of life has been removed, to the manifest regret and sorrow of every condition of resident in the district—he had no enemy, his name is revered, and his memory will, at all times, be associated with those miseries that go forth from good hearts to ameliorate the conditions of mankind, and, regardless of self, leave the world better for their stay amongst its turmoil. The deceased leaves a widow, five daughters, and two sons, to mourn their piercing bereavement, and it is to be hoped their deep sorrow will, to an extent, be alleviated by the universal sympathy that is extended to them in the loss they have sustained. The Fanebal. One of the most representative assemblages that has been seen in have look met to pay their last regards to the remains of their old friend yesterday afternoon, faces from the most distant parts of Marlborough and the Sounds being observable amongst those attending the obsequies. The elements of sorrow were blended with expressions of the deepest regard, and many incidents of the deceased's generosity and benevolence were brought to light, that had hitherto been held in close secrecy, the meeting of early settlers being reminiscent of their younger days, they vieing with one another in paying tribute to the deceased's honor as a settler and a man. The funeral services of the English Church were conducted at St Peter's and at the grave-side by Mr Howell, the pall, borne by Messrs J. Brownlee, W. Orsman, H. M. Reader, and W. H. Smith, was (at the desire of the district cricketers) covered with the cricket club's flag, bearing the letters U.P.C.C. (United Pelorus Cricket Club) which was worked and presented to that Club by Mrs Twidle, twenty-two years ago. Floral wreaths and emblems were received from all quarters, bearing testimony to the unbounded esteem in which the late Mr Twidle was held, and the remains were reposed in their last resting-place amidst poignant grief at the demise of one whose characteristics had encircled him with the highest feelings man can bestow upon his fellow-man. WELLINGTON NOTES. (From Our Own Correspondent). All the pageantry, display of military, from College permanent Artillery, attended the opening of the last session of the present Parliaments. This lent much splendor to the scene. As His Excellency drove to the seat of legislative operations, a blare of trumpets nearly shook him out of his seat. He survived that, and reached the House. Still, he was a bit unnerved. Those, perhaps well-intentioned, marks of respect frequently upset Vice-Regency. Personalities in politics are to be much deplored, and in the present session it is to be regretted that they have been much in use and, unfortunately, more in abuse. The Hon. Member for Waitotara seems to have "lost his head," and may find it necessary to pick up a session or two to find it again. There is no measure ascertainable as to the hon. gentleman's reasons; but, doubtless, his friends will find him again. In reply to a question, the Premier stated in the House that an enquiry into the much-talked-about Marine Scandal would be held by His Honour Judge Ward and Dr. Giles. It has been promised that the scope of the Enquiry will be a wide one, and the report will be furnished in a month. The Opposition party is showing an unwonted interest in the usual Sessional Committees. The Ministerial proposals as to their composition are to be considered by a Committee set up for the purpose. At Tuesday afternoon's sitting, the House adjourned after transacting some formal business, out of respect to the late Sir Julius Vogel. Lively times are being promised us over the coming opportunities to change the Colonial Representatives. Several Richmonds are almost threatened to be in the field for the City, and some "good men and true" are promised as candidates. Two of the promised Members are almost certain to be there; a late Stipendiary Magistrate, who now holds a high official position, is also mentioned as a probable candidate; a former Member, who now has a high-official position, is confidently expected to come out. Altogether, we will, to all appearances, have a big field for the contest. According to "the man in the street"—who sometimes is to be partially relied upon—there may be two Opposition and one Government supporter selected for the three Empire City seat. An attempt to open a boxing show has been promptly put down by the S.M. Two well-known cuffers, named Pettengell and Mace, had arranged for an exhibition, but the police intervened, and the "pugs" were bound over to keep the peace. It is to be hoped this method of dealing with such gentry will prevail throughout the Colony. His Honour Sir Robert Stout, the newly-appointed Chief Justice, took his seat on Tuesday morning in the Supreme Court. Considerable interest is being taken in some projected operations in the matter of dredging valuable alluvial flats not many houses distant from the city. Results of boring and other methods of testing have given a spurt, in a quiet way, to mining, guided from our city. Late discoveries encourage the belief that something like a boom looms in the near distance, and that particular boom means nothing of an unsubstantial character. THE DAUGHTER OF RERE WAKA. (Specially written for the Pelorus Guardian.) (By Willy-Watch.) In the year 1821, Rere-waka, the celebrated chief of the Ngāti Toa, whose principal stronghold was on the Kaikōura Peninsula, despatched a strong war party to the West Coast, to plunder the inhabitants of their greenstone ornaments. They were ordered to proceed up the Rakaia valley by the old Māori track which crossed the main range, and, from thence, to make their way to Jackson's Bay, for the Natives of that part were known to be very rich in nephrite (greenstone) ornaments. It does not seem to be clearly understood at the present day who those people of the West Coast were, or to what tribe they belonged, as none of their traditions have been handed down; the main reason for this misfortune being, of course, the cruel warfare waged against them from generation to generation. THE PELORUS GUARDIAN. TUESDAY, JULY 4 1899. IS THE BEST, J. J. PUARNF/™ B™- 8 ™- BLENHEIM. AGENT FOR Massey-Harris Co., Ltd. SINGLE, DOUBLE and THREE FURROW HEAVY FLOWS. THREE and FOUR FURROW GANG PLOWS. THREE, FOUR, and FIVE SECTION HARROWS. SPRING TINE CULTIVATORS. GRAIN and FERTILIZER DRILLS and all kinds of Harvesting Machinery. MASSEY-HARRIS BICYCLES. Try them! D. & W. GIBBS' LONDON DIP FLUID and FLOUR. W. T. ERSKINE, REGISTERED ACCOUNTANT, Assessor, Valuator, and Commission Agent, HAVE LOOK, MARLBOROUGH. Money to Lend. ONE MONEY to Lend, in large or small sums, on Freehold Security. JOHN O'CONNOLLY, Solicitor, Blenheim. MONEY TO LEND. ON FIRST MORTGAGE of FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD SECURITIES from 4½ per cent; also on approved Second Mortgages. FARMS, STATIONS FOR SALE. WILLIAM SINCLAIR. Solicitor, 29, Custom House Quay (Union S. Company's Building) Box 236, Wellington. MONEY TO LEND. approved Freehold Security Interest at lowest current rates. R. McALLUM, Solicitor, Blenheim. Money to Lend. IN SUMS from £50 to £50,000 on Freehold Security. Interest from 4½ per cent. ALFRED ROGERS; Solicitor, Blenheim. | [Auckland.] Architect, - M Civil Engineer, ST. ANDREW'S ST., OR P.O. BOX, 12& BLENHEIM. Small Bird Nuisance. SEASON 1899. "Death to Birds." THE wonderful success of the preparation, "Death to Birds," during the past two seasons, is the proprietor's reason for again placing this matter before the farming community and Road Boards, to enable an early start to be made in the destruction of small birds. Flattering Testimonials have been received from all parts of the Marlborough and Nelson Districts, whilst Messrs W. Freeth, H. Reader, W. B. Parker, S. Watson, R. Soper, and the Pakako Road Board, have vouched for its destructive properties in eradicating the pest. This Preparation is sold in Bottles at 2/6 and 5/- each. A very liberal concession will be made to Road Boards, and those purchasing in wholesales quantities. Potter & Shaw: MEDICAL HALL. drink \Do /to/fa > persuaded for i/js/s/- on having . MOORE & GAY WARWICK CO./CANCER SURGERY MEDICAL CENTER THS 77 years and we are THE BEST money and GOLD BY ALL GROCERS KING & MUIR, HAVE a NEW and WELL-ASSORTED STOCK of WOOLLENS, VILLAS, SERGES, and COATINGS, all imported from the best English manufacturers. Patterns, and Cards for self-measurement sent on application, and parcels by mail reach the Sounds or otherwise. All work Hand-sewn by Competent Tailors Fit Guaranteed. Note the address— TAILORS, 135, LAMBTON Quay., WELLINGTON. SURGEON DENTIST, Maxwell Ed., opposite Dr. Cleghorn's BLENHEIM. Consultation Hours. Powell & Sons, SURGEON DENTISTS, Next Dr. Cleghorn's, at Moderate Prices, combined with Thorough Workmanship. Next visit to Havelock—Tuesday and Wednesday, 4th and 5th July. SEYMOUR & GOULTER, AUTHORIZED AND LICENSED SURGEONS, VALUATORS, &c. Blenheim Agent: Mr. WHITE. W. Gr. H. |
Cg0vwuAtR6w_1 | Youtube-Commons-Whisper | CC-By | What's up everyone it's your girl Kenzie here from Layton Sports Cards and I'm ripping a personal for Nicholas G. We've got an order of the 2022 Panini Father's Day Packs. Again these come in bundles of five free Nicholas. We've got one, two, three, four, and five. Good luck. Yeah it's a sick mixer that's for sure. We've got Jeff Gordon and purple Josh Allen out of 25. There you go, great first pack to start. Yeah Eminence Football, 2020 first off the line selects of Vladdy and a Julio Rodriguez rookie. John Morant and a David Beckham. Four. Got Showtime and rookie Josh Giddy from the Thunder. Got Shaquille O'Neal and a Joey Logano. Alrighty Nicholas that will do it for your pack. Thanks again for hopping in and we will get these right out to you..
1010098_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Simon West (født 1961) er en britisk filmregissør. Karrieren som filmregissør startet da han regisserte Con Air i 1997.
The Expendables 2 (2012)
Mariah Mundi: The Midas Box (2012)
Stolen (2012)
The Mechanic (2011)
When a Stranger Calls (2006)
Keen Eddie (2003)
Black Hawk Down (2001)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
The General's Daughter (1999)
Con Air (1997)
Eksterne lenker
Britiske regissører
Fødsler i 1961.
github_open_source_100_1_377 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package typings.pkijs.anon
import typings.pkijs.mod.AccuracySchema
import typings.pkijs.mod.ExtensionSchema
import typings.pkijs.mod.GeneralNameSchema
import typings.pkijs.mod.MessageImprintSchema
import org.scalablytyped.runtime.StObject
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSGlobalScope, JSGlobal, JSImport, JSName, JSBracketAccess}
trait Accuracy extends StObject {
var accuracy: js.UndefOr[AccuracySchema] = js.undefined
var `extension`: js.UndefOr[ExtensionSchema] = js.undefined
var extensions: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
var genTime: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
var messageImprint: js.UndefOr[MessageImprintSchema] = js.undefined
var nonce: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
var ordering: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
var policy: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
var serialNumber: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
var tsa: js.UndefOr[GeneralNameSchema] = js.undefined
var version: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
object Accuracy {
inline def apply(): Accuracy = {
val __obj = js.Dynamic.literal()
implicit open class MutableBuilder[Self <: Accuracy] (val x: Self) extends AnyVal {
inline def setAccuracy(value: AccuracySchema): Self = StObject.set(x, "accuracy", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setAccuracyUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "accuracy", js.undefined)
inline def setExtension(value: ExtensionSchema): Self = StObject.set(x, "extension", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setExtensionUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "extension", js.undefined)
inline def setExtensions(value: String): Self = StObject.set(x, "extensions", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setExtensionsUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "extensions", js.undefined)
inline def setGenTime(value: String): Self = StObject.set(x, "genTime", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setGenTimeUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "genTime", js.undefined)
inline def setMessageImprint(value: MessageImprintSchema): Self = StObject.set(x, "messageImprint", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setMessageImprintUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "messageImprint", js.undefined)
inline def setNonce(value: String): Self = StObject.set(x, "nonce", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setNonceUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "nonce", js.undefined)
inline def setOrdering(value: String): Self = StObject.set(x, "ordering", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setOrderingUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "ordering", js.undefined)
inline def setPolicy(value: String): Self = StObject.set(x, "policy", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setPolicyUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "policy", js.undefined)
inline def setSerialNumber(value: String): Self = StObject.set(x, "serialNumber", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setSerialNumberUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "serialNumber", js.undefined)
inline def setTsa(value: GeneralNameSchema): Self = StObject.set(x, "tsa", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setTsaUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "tsa", js.undefined)
inline def setVersion(value: String): Self = StObject.set(x, "version", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setVersionUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "version", js.undefined)
github_open_source_100_1_378 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <?php
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Aboutparty extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table='about_party';
protected $fillable = ['party_text_ta', 'party_text_en'];
33940_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | स्थान : बेलायत
स्थापना : सन् १२०९
राजनीतिक कारणले अक्सफोर्ड विश्वविद्यालय छोडेको एक समूहले नै क्याम्ब्रिज विश्वविद्यालय स्थापना गरेका हुन् । अहिले यो विश्वका उत्कृष्ट विश्वविद्यालयको सूचीमा पाँचौँ स्थानमा छ । यसमा १९ हजार ६६० विद्यार्थी अध्ययनरत छन् ।
सन्दर्भ सामग्रीहरू
बाह्य कडीहरू.
github_open_source_100_1_379 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | .euiFieldText {
@include euiFormControlStyle;
@include euiFormControlWithIcon($isIconOptional: true, $side: 'left');
.euiFieldText--withIcon.euiFieldText--compressed {
@include euiFormControlWithIcon($isIconOptional: false, $side: 'left', $compressed: true);
github_open_source_100_1_380 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | --TEST--
swoole_coroutine_scheduler: user yield and resume4
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../include/'; ?>
require __DIR__ . '/../include/bootstrap.php';
use Swoole\Coroutine as co;
go(function () {
$main = co::getuid();
echo "start to create coro\n";
go(function () use ($main) {
echo "coro 2\n";
echo "resume\n";
echo "before yield\n";
echo "after yield\n";
echo "main\n";
start to create coro
coro 2
before yield
after yield
github_open_source_100_1_381 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import { TriggerItem, ExecuteScriptAction, TriggerType } from '../../source';
import { SystemServiceClient } from 'system-service/system-service';
import { PeopleManagerClient, Person, City, Gender, Month, Race, Mark } from 'people-manager/people-manager';
declare const client: PeopleManagerClient & SystemServiceClient;
export const honours = new TriggerItem(
/^([\w\W]+) \((male|female) ([A-Za-z' ]+)\)\.$/,
new ExecuteScriptAction(
function () {
const indexOffset = current_block.indexOf(current_line);
const fullNameGenderRaceRegExp = /^([\w\W]+) \((male|female) ([A-Za-z' ]+)\)\.$/;
const ageRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is (\d+) years old, having been born on the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) of (Sarapin|Daedalan|Aeguary|Miraman|Scarlatan|Ero|Valnuary|Lupar|Phaestian|Chronos|Glacian|Mayan), (\d+) years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire\.$/;
const ageHiddenRegExp = /^(?:His|Her) date of birth is hidden by the sand of Aeon\.$/;
const ageOldRegExp = /^(?:He|She) was born before the fall of the Seleucarian Empire\.$/;
const ageImmortalRegExp = /^(?:He|She) was born before time was counted\.$/;
const xpRankRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is ranked (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) in Achaea\./;
const xpUnrankedRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is unranked in Achaea\./;
const combatRankRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) ranked combatant with a rating of (\d+)\.$/;
const infamousRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is one of the Infamous\.$/;
const notInfamousRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is not known for acts of infamy\.$/;
const markRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is a member of the (Ivory|Quisalis) Mark\.$/;
const markRankRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is the [\w\W]+? in the (Ivory|Quisalis) Mark\.$/;
const cityRankRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is an? ([A-Z][a-z]+) in (Ashtan|Cyrene|Eleusis|Hashan|Mhaldor|Targossas)\.$/;
const cityArmyRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is ([\w\W]+) in the army of (Ashtan|Cyrene|Eleusis|Hashan|Mhaldor|Targossas)\.$/;
const mightRegExp = /^(?:He|She|It) is considered to be approximately (\d+)% of your might\.$/;
const mightEqualRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is considered to be approximately equal to your might\.$/;
const houseRegExp = /^(?:He|She) is ([\w\W]+) in the ([\w\W]+)\.$/;
const coatOfArmsRegExp = /^(?:He|She) bears the arms: ([\w\W]+)\.$/;
const divorcesRegExp = /^(?:He|She) has been divorced (?:(\d+) times|once)\.$/;
const mottoRegExp = /^(?:His|Her) motto: '([\w\W]+)'$/;
const warcryRegExp = /^(?:His|Her) warcry: '([\w\W]+)'$/;
const deedsRegExp = /^See HONOURS DEEDS ([A-Z]+) to view (?:his|her) (\d+) special honours\.$/;
const updatedPerson: Partial<Person> = {
city: 'cityless',
honoursed: true
for (let i = indexOffset; i < current_block.length; i++) {
const currentLine = current_block[i];
// Prompt
if (!('parsed_line' in currentLine)) {
const currentText = currentLine.parsed_line.text();
// Full name, Gender, Race
if (fullNameGenderRaceRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, fullName, gender, race] = currentText.match(fullNameGenderRaceRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.fullName = fullName;
updatedPerson.gender = <Gender>gender.toLowerCase();
updatedPerson.race = <Race>race.toLowerCase();
// Age, Birthday, Birthmonth, Birthyear
else if (ageRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, age, birthday, birthmonth, birthyear] = currentText.match(ageRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.age = Number(age);
updatedPerson.birthday = Number(birthday);
updatedPerson.birthmonth = <Month>birthmonth.toLowerCase();
updatedPerson.birthyear = Number(birthyear);
// Age, Hidden
else if (ageHiddenRegExp.test(currentText)) {
if (!updatedPerson.age) {
updatedPerson.age = 'hidden';
if (!updatedPerson.birthday) {
updatedPerson.birthday = 'hidden';
if (!updatedPerson.birthmonth) {
updatedPerson.birthmonth = 'hidden';
if (!updatedPerson.birthyear) {
updatedPerson.birthyear = 'hidden';
// Age, Old
else if (ageOldRegExp.test(currentText)) {
updatedPerson.age = 'old';
updatedPerson.birthday = 'old';
updatedPerson.birthmonth = 'old';
updatedPerson.birthyear = 'old';
// Age, Immortal
else if (ageImmortalRegExp.test(currentText)) {
updatedPerson.age = 'immortal';
updatedPerson.birthday = 'immortal';
updatedPerson.birthmonth = 'immortal';
updatedPerson.birthyear = 'immortal';
// XP Rank
else if (xpRankRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, xpRank] = currentText.match(xpRankRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.xpRank = Number(xpRank);
// XP Unranked
else if (xpUnrankedRegExp.test(currentText)) {
updatedPerson.xpRank = undefined;
// Combat Rank, Combat Rating
else if (combatRankRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, combatRank, combatRating] = currentText.match(combatRankRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.combatRank = Number(combatRank);
updatedPerson.combatRating = Number(combatRating);
// Infamous
else if (infamousRegExp.test(currentText)) {
updatedPerson.infamous = true;
// Not Infamous
else if (notInfamousRegExp.test(currentText)) {
updatedPerson.infamous = false;
// Mark
else if (markRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, mark] = currentText.match(markRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.mark = <Mark>mark.toLowerCase();
// Mark Rank
else if (markRankRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, mark] = currentText.match(markRankRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.mark = <Mark>mark.toLowerCase();
// City, City Rank
else if (cityRankRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, cityRank, city] = currentText.match(cityRankRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.cityRank = cityRank; = <City>city.toLowerCase();
// City, City Army, City Army Rank
else if (cityArmyRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, cityArmyRank, city] = currentText.match(cityArmyRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.cityArmyRank = cityArmyRank;
updatedPerson.cityArmy = true; = <City>city.toLowerCase();
// Might Percent
else if (mightRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, mightPercent] = currentText.match(mightRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.mightPercent = Number(mightPercent);
// Might Percent Equal
else if (mightEqualRegExp.test(currentText)) {
updatedPerson.mightPercent = 100;
// House, House Rank
else if (houseRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, houseRank, house] = currentText.match(houseRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.houseRank = houseRank; = house;
// Coat of Arms
else if (coatOfArmsRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, coatOfArms] = currentText.match(coatOfArmsRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.coatOfArms = coatOfArms;
// Divorces
else if (divorcesRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, divorces] = currentText.match(divorcesRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.divorces = divorces === undefined ? 1 : Number(divorces);
// Motto
else if (mottoRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, motto] = currentText.match(mottoRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.motto = motto;
updatedPerson.warcry = undefined;
// Warcry
else if (warcryRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, warcry] = currentText.match(warcryRegExp) || [];
updatedPerson.motto = undefined;
updatedPerson.warcry = warcry;
// Name, Deeds
else if (deedsRegExp.test(currentText)) {
const [, name, deeds] = currentText.match(deedsRegExp) || []; = name.toLowerCase();
updatedPerson.deeds = Number(deeds);
let foundPerson = false;
if ( {
client.peopleManager.updatePerson(, updatedPerson);
foundPerson = true;
else if (client.peopleManager.honoursName && updatedPerson.fullName?.toLowerCase().indexOf(client.peopleManager.honoursName) !== -1) {
client.peopleManager.updatePerson(client.peopleManager.honoursName, updatedPerson);
if (client.peopleManager.honoursTimerId) {
client.peopleManager.honoursName = undefined;
client.peopleManager.honoursTimerId = undefined;
foundPerson = true;
else if (updatedPerson.fullName) {
const names: string[] = [];
const regExp = /([A-Z][a-z]+)/g;
let match: RegExpExecArray | null = null;
while (match = regExp.exec(updatedPerson.fullName)) {
if (names.length === 1 && names[0]) {
const name = names[0].toLowerCase();
client.peopleManager.updatePerson(name, updatedPerson);
foundPerson = true;
if (!foundPerson) {
client.peopleManager.error(`Could not identify person: Full Name: '${updatedPerson.fullName}', Name: '${}'`);
s3039id1390147_14 | English-PD | Public Domain | The view that Paul’s work in Athens, especiaily his method of preaching, was a failure, is scarcely worth mentioning. It is sup- posed that Paul followed here human wisdom and repented of it at Corinth. The New Testament gives not the least intimation that Paul had to repent for what he had done at Athens. He felt despondent with regard to the prospects at Corinth, and had to be encouraged by the Lord himself (xvii. 9. ff.) As Paul remained at Corinth, not only afew days but eighteen months, he could dwell on the atonement, for he found people that felt the burden of their sins and desired to be freed from it. But at Athens a conviction of sin had first to be created, which is impossible without some know- ledge of the true God and his will. A conviction of the coming judgment is necessary too, for without it the atonement cannot be 200 THE CHINESE RECORDER. [ May, felt as desirable and indispensable. Paul struck at the root. He as a wise architect, laid a solid foundation. Such preaching will stand the test of time. Wherever Christ is preached and accepted without a previous conviction of sin, and where sin is confessed without fear of God who condemns sin, and where God is acknowledged, but not worshipped in spirit and truth—there we may find a carricature of religion, but not Christianity. 53.—No persecution is mentioned at Athens; neither the Jews nor the heathen did anything we know of to prevent the apostle from continuing his work. No word is said why Paul left, the only reason we can discover is taken from xvii. 3, want of necessary support and impossibility of finding employment in his trade at Athens. It would have been easy enough for God, in providential care for his apostle, to provide for what was needed. The Philippi- ans had twice sent money to Thessalonica. The Thessalonians might have done the same and supplied Paul at Athens. But it seems that nothing was done. Why Dionysius did not retain the apostle and provide for him suitable lodgings, nor Damaris, following the example of Lydia, invite him into her house—we do not know. They had probably the wish, but could not act up to it, prevented by their peculiar circumstances. Paul went away, without indicating any- where an expression of regret, nor do we know of another visit, nor of a letter to his friends at Athens, nor are they ever alluded to in his letters to other churches, except perhaps by including them in the general designation Achaians. Athens was still the capital of all Greece, it was the city of learning and of aesthetic refinement. No other city in the world could compare with it in these respects. According to human wisdom the rule for action would have been, “Convert Athens and Greece will be converted,” and if Greece is converted the rest of the civilized world will follow. Any Mission Board would have ordered Paul to remain at Athens under all circumstances, and as there was already a good beginning made they would not have allowed their agent to leave or would have sent him back at once. But the Lord’s method has ever been different from common human opinions. The Gospel should first strike root in the hearts of simple minded persons who would receive it for what it is, as the power of God for the renewing of human nature in its totality. This is one of the most important lessons we can Jearn from the first Christian Church, not to attempt the building up of Churches on the basis of intellectual persuasion ; the intellect will be satisfied afterwards, the first thing is the proper relation of man to God, reunion with our Almighty Creator and Hternal Father, from whose love sin separates, but the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ has restored us. —— Sa © 201 The Historie Hpiscopate as a Basis for Church Union in China. BY REV. GILBERT REID. (Concluded from p. 163.) iB i The Fitness of the Historic Episcopate to the Problem Proposed. HE spirit of union is again in the air. Zeal for the salvation of all mankind goes with the prayer that we all may be one. The desire is intense, spiritual, and born from above. He who refuses to go ahead, must be content to be left behind and be forgotten. “The flagrant scandal of Protestantism,” says a vener- able Dutch Reformed Pastor, Dr. T. W. Chambers, “ has been and is its divisions, or, rather, not so much these as the competitions and hostilities to which they have given occasion.” So also writes a strict, High-Church Presbyterian, Dr. Henry Van Dyke, “ On their practical side our divisions are a waste of strength. The zeal they stimulate is a false fire on God’s altar. The attitude in which they present us before the heathen world is a stumbling-block and a reproach.” <A distinguished Presbyterian instructor, Professor Charles A. Briggs, turns our attention to the future, and in view of the present change exclaims, ‘ We are hopeful of a combination of Protestantism and the ultimate reunion of Christendom.” In fact, all communions are drawing nearer, and the only discussion is concerning the vid media. Having verified the historic episcopate, there remains the consideration of its fitness to the problem proposed—may it be made a basis for Church union in China? Such a problem is not for those who disbelieve in an union that is visible and organic, but for those who believe such a result to be both wise and expedient and in accord with duty. If it may not be expedient to regard the historic episcopate as the basis for Church union in China, we may be allowed to regard it as a basis for such an union. In the dis- cussion of its fitness two points may be separately considered. I.—The Fitness of the Historic Episcopate to Church Union.—In the year 1886, at the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal _ Church of the United States, there was prepared a Declaration of the House of Bishops on the question of Church Union, in the form of four Resolutions. In the year 1888, at the Lambeth Conference of 145 Pan-Anglican Bishops, the movement already begun by the Episcopal branch in America was formally adopted, and so extended from a national scheme into one that is universal. The same Reso- lutions were issued as “a basis on which approach may be by God’s 202 THE CHINESE RECORDER. [May, blessing made toward Home Re-union.” The first Resolution rested the basis in the Holy Scriptures; the second in the two Creeds, the Apostles’ and the Nicene ; the third in the two sacra- ments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; and the fourth in the Historic Episcopate. In the discussions that have since appeared there seems to be no marked disagreement on the first three Articles. It is the fourth essential—the historic episcopate—which, in the language of Bishop Huntington, of Central New York, is “the erua” in the Declaration. It comes, however, with a strong support at the very outset. It is the voice of the conservative and established Church of England and the growing and active Episcopal Church of the United States, of British America and of the British Colonies. It rests not in the private opinion of one individual, but comes to us with all the commanding force of formal action and of an organized body of high representative and official men. Any system of organic union that practically excludes the Episcopal Churches must be viewed with more or less of distrust, while a system that not only includes them, but is supported by them, may reasonably be accepted as something that is desirable and beneficial. The historic episcopate, moreover, 1s not pressed with any disdainful, repellent or inflexible spirit, but with the advance of fraternal kindness, and in terms that are liberal and concessive. While the essence of the historic episcopate is maintained, the fourth Article of the Declaration refers to it as “locally adapted in the methods of its administration to the varying needs of the nations and peoples called of God into the unity of His Church.” The constituted authorities of the Anglcan communion are also re- quested to make it known that they hold themselves in readiness to enter into brotherly conference with representatives of other Christian communions in the English-speaking races, in order to consider what steps can be taken, either toward corporate Re-union or toward such relations as may prepare the way for fuller organic unity hereafter.” No particular form of the historic episcopate is insisted on, neither is it claimed that all other communions must be absorbed into the Established Church of England or the Pro- testant Episcopal Church of America, but it. is merely earnestly desired that “ brotherly conference” should be begun, and the aim expressed is either a“ corporate Re-union” or a “fuller organic unity hereafter.” If such a result should ever be consummated, it seems plain that the new organism would differ in certain respects from the existing communions, be they Anglican or Presbyterian, Methodist or Baptist, Congregational or Lutheran, and yet would 1890.] THE HISTORIC EPISCOPATE AS A BASIS FOR CHURCH UNION. 203 adopt that feature of the Anglican Church, called the historic episcopate, “locally adapted” “to the varying needs.” | Countless disputed questions, such as liturgy and establishment, sacerdotalism and sacramentarianism, are not necessarily included in such an essential, and neither are they intolerantly excluded therefrom. Not a dead uniformity, but a practical living unity ; this, and this only, is organic union. 7 The breadth allowed in the re-union of various communions is already exemplified in the breadth of the Anglican Church as at present constituted. In the bosom of the one Church, different, and even antagonistic views are held, but the unity of the Church is not destroyed if toleration and charity, mutual respect and mutual helpfulness are still maintained. Not even is a particular theory of the episcopate required, only that it be taken as historic. Other ideas and beliefs may with many be associated with the acceptance of the historic episcopate, but it hardly seems as if they would bind the new, as certainly they do not the old. Professor Briggs, in speaking of the four Resolutions, says, “These four terms proposed by the Anglican Bishops are entirely satisfactory, provided they mean nothing more than their face value. If I understand them aright, they are not to be interpreted in the special sense of any particular party in the Anglican communion, but are to be taken in that sense that is common to all these parties in the Church of England and in the American Episcopal Church.” In another place he adds these words, “It is certain that if the English Bishops had offered these terms to the Westminster divines, there would have been no separation.” In the 17th century a strong spirit of union existed, and concessions were made by such men as Archbishops Cranmer, Lee, Abbot and Usher, buat from a variety of reasons the majority of the bishops opposed, and union was de- layed, and separation took place. To-day the case is again renewed, and let us hope with better success. Dean Peroune states the case in a late address, “I take the ground of our Reformers. I take the ground of our great Anglican divines, and | affirm that Episcopacy is of the bene esse, but not of the esse of a Church. I believe it to be the best form of government, but I dare not say that without it there is neither Church nor sacrament. I believe its origin may be traced back to Apostolic times. No other ecclesiastical system, however possessed of commendable 204 THE CHINESE RECORDER. [ May, characteristics, can present such an historical reason for world-wide acceptance. It existed in the Apostolate, endowed with extra- ordinary gifts, possessed of an undeniable authority, and exercising the widest supervision, but defining as yet no limit to each man’s territory, and confined to no one locality, but each man moving to and fro in the Church at large, as the spirit seemed to direct. Then, by an inevitable transition, the high and wide bishopric of the Apostles and the undefined control and guidance of the prophets and evangelists, narrowed for a few decades into the episcopacy of a parochial bishop or congregational bishop—all indeed designated still as Presbyters, but one in particular possessed of the general over-sight either of a Church or a city. As Professor W. Sanday has said, “ Every town of any size had its bishop ; and if there were several Churches, they were served by the clergy, whom the bishop kept about him ; the whole position of the bishop was very similar to that of the incumbent-of the parish Church in one of our smaller towns.” Later on, with the growth of the Church, and by the force of events, the more limited episcopacy expanded into that of a diocesan bishop, indicating indeed a greater control than that of the bishops of the transitional period, but less than that of the “‘ Apostles and prophets” of the foundation period. This form of episcopacy has continued until the present, though likewise presenting in itself various modifications. The Established Church of England and the Episcopal Church of America alike possess in regular order the historical episcopate, but the system of the two Churches is differ- ently constituted. The one is an establishment of the State ; the other, like every other form of religion, is separate from the State. The one culminates in the Throne and the Archbishop of Canterbury, while in the other there is nothing higher than the bishops. In the one the bishops are largely independent of the laity—unless as a part of the Government—but in the other there is a triennial — General Convention, composed of two Houses—the House of Bishops aud the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies—and every question decided, or bishop elected, is by the majority of both clergy and laity. Speaking in general, ‘“‘the Diocesan system as it now exists is,” in the language of Dr. Hatch, “the effect of a series of historical circumstances. It is impossible to defend every part of it as being primitive, nor is it necessary to do so. It is sufficient to show that it is the result of successive readaptations of the Church’s frame- work to the needs of the times.” The historic episcopate, furthermore, has already been adopted for the sake of union. The different parties of the Church of England to-day would long since have split into different branches, 1890.| THE HISTORIC EPISCOPATE AS A BASIS FOR CHURCH UNION. 208 if the system of control had not been episcopal. Jerome, to whom non-Hpiscopalians so often appeal, speaking of the rise of the particular class called bishops, says, “ When afterwards one Pres- byter was elected that he might be placed over the rest, this was done as a remedy against schism, that each man might not drag to himself and thus break up the Church of Christ ”; and again, in even stronger language, he says, “The well-being of the Church depends upon the dignity of the bishop; for if some extraordinary power were not conceded to him by general consent, there would be as many schisms in the Church as there were Presbyters.” So to Ienatius “the chief value of episcopacy’ was, in the language of Bishop Lightfoot, as “a visible centre of unity in the congregation.” The destruction of Jerusalem, the growing hostility of heathenism and the Roman rulers, and the appearance of dissension, schism and heresy, compelled all the Churches to seek for a unifying basis and a compact organization, and to find them, moreover, in the prin- ciple of episcopacy, which had already existed in the Catholic oversight, broad spirit and comprehensive organization of the Apostle Paul, the venerable John, the brave Peter, and their faithful compeers. At first the union was merely local, but as the Church grew, the episcopal jurisdiction necessarily expanded into the broader diocesan form, with its vital idea of a Church that is Catholic and one. As Dr. Jacob has said, “The establishment of episcopacy saved the Church.” The historic episcopate, thus supported and thus presented, is now before the Churches of Great Britain and America. The atti- tude towards the proposal of the Anglican communion seems to be less favorable in England and Wales than in the United States and Canada. If the root of the difficulty should be examined, it would be found to be in many cases a prejudice of individuals rather than of a system, a disagreement concerning endowment, titles and patronage rather than of episcopacy, and the unpleasant remem- brance of past wars, tyranny and suffering rather than the glad expectancy of forces consolidated, ranks reunited, “ made perfect in one.” In all the various communions of Protestantism—so lamentably dissevered and so far from the spirit of the Master’s prayer—there are practically only three Church polities, independ- ency, presbyterianism and episcopacy. It 1s harder for all the existing denominations to unite than for the three polities to unite, but in neither case is the difficulty insuperable. Considering merely the three polities it seems to Us that the polity most easy of acceptance by all and best fitted for all is the episcopal polity. In matters of polity it is easier to add on than take off. For the 206 THE CHINESE RECORDER. [ May, Episcopalian to discard the order of bishops would mean a relin- quishment of one of his principles ; a principle, moreover, historie in line from the time of the Apostles, and for many a century accepted by the universal Church. On the other hand, for the Independent or Presbyterian to accept the order of bishops would not necessarily ignore the independency of the one or the presbyterianism of the other. The Independent in theory is further removed from the Episcopalian than is the Presbyterian, but in practice and in heart there is still a bond of union. If to be independent means total separation from all others and the recognition of no power beyond the local Church, then it is useless to talk of union that is organic and visible. If, however, there is felt a duty or desirability to more fully unite, whether in the form of Association, Conference, Com- mittee or Union, then there is something more than mere Indepen- dency, aud which could easily be transferred to the consolidating and supervising body of bishops ; a body, moreover, which would still respect the rights and utility of a local Church. He is in fact a congregational bishop, and were it not for the multitude of sects, would also in certain cases be a parochial bishop. If in the Episcopal system there are three orders in the ministry, in the Presbyterian there are three orders of officers. “The ordinary and perpetual officers of the Church,” says the Presbyterian Form of Government, “are bishops or pastors, the representatives of the people usually styled ruling-elders and deacons.” In fact the essence of Presbyterianism and Hpiscopacy is the same. Why, then, should the congregational episcopacy be exchanged for the diocesan ? modern Presbyterianism for modern Episcopacy? First, because in adopting the latter, the former would still be allowed go far as the pastor or teaching-presbyter is concerned, and might also be allowed, if deemed necessary, in the case of the ruling-presbyters or elders ; secondly, because the limited or presbyterian form of episcopacy existed only for a short time in the primitive Church, but was quickly expanded into the diocesan form, whether large or small, and thus the better illustrating the episcopal authority of the Apostolate and the better adapted to the needs of the growing Church ; thirdly, because the diocesan episcopacy being originally adopted in the extending Church for the greater union, harmony ard solidity of the one Church, it may reasonably be again adopted for the same end; and fourthly, as the Presbyters find it 1890.] THE HISTORIC EPISCOPATE AS A BASIS FOR CHURCH UNION. 207 advisable to establish a power superior to themselves as individual office-bearers, by means of a Presbytery, Synod and General As- sembly, so this higher power can easily be concentrated in a certain order called distinctively bishops. Concerning those who adopt for one reason or another the episcopal system, but separated from the historical episcopate, it is only requisite that terms of agreement should be so made that the regular episcopate may be secured by the irregular, and not the regular discarded for the sake of recognizing the irregular. In certain cases, as with the Moravians and the Lutheran Church of Scadinavia, the regular historical connection may already be found to be satisfactory. Any system of union among the Protestant Churches should also aim to assimilate to, rather than recede from, a possible re-union or friendly co-operation with Latin, Greek and Oriental Churches. In all these the historic episcopate is an essential ele- ment, and the historical episcopate of a one Reformed Church would be a natural means of fraternal approach. The schism, however we attach the blame thereof, is wide and deep, but the true Re- former is not he who intensifies that schism, but he who seeks to heal it by even the most insignificant endeavor. In the line of Church polity, episcopacy must be the end as it was the beginning. A system that can show such unity, strength and continuity, and at the same time such variety and adaptation, is surely a fitting system for a wider organic re-union of the one Church of Christ. We may all agree to go back together to Christ and the Apostle, and to recite anew, ‘I believe in one Catholic and Apostolic Church.” Il.—The Fitness of the Historic Hpiscopate to Ching. li as) ai savine cf Lieber in his * Political Ethics” that ‘all discussions on the excellence of governments merely on abstract principles and without reference to the given circumstances, are futile. Govern- ments are not made in the closet; you may proclaim a republic, you may write a constitution on parchment, but does it work ¢ seit a living thing?” The same principle applies to ecclesiastical eovernment as to the political. In arguing for the episcopate it is not for the episcopate as a dream or a fancy, but as historical, active and living ; and though still perhaps disagreeing with the hereditary preconceptions and historical associations of many foreign mission- aries, is yet admirably adapted to China and the Chinese. An episcopate adapted to all the countries and races of the earth—to the Occident and the Orient, to the Semitic and Aryan, to the Mongolian and Slavonic, to the Latin and the Hellenic, to the Celtic and Teutonic—adapted to all forms of political organization— the monarchy, oligarchy, democracy and theocracy—adapted alike 208 THE CHINESH RECORDER. [May, to the mighty Roman Empire, stretching from the Euphrates to the rolling waves of the Atlantic and to the little State struggling for independence, to the colony and the isles of the sea—adapted to every age of the Church—to the Apostolic of the first century, the primitive parochial of the second, the diocesan of the third, the metropolitan of the fourth, the patriarchal of the fifth, the papal of the middle ages, and to well-nigh all these forms and phases in modern times—is surely capable of being adapted to the China of to-day—to its Government and its people. The record of its adaptation ‘to the ranging needs of the nations and peoples” is complete and inspiring, a living factor to-day and a safe crite- rion for the future. | In China, moreover, the historic episcopate, more than any other system, has proved its worth, fitness and capacity. While episcopacy has shown itself capable of adapting itself to a republican form of government, as in the United States, it certain- ly has always been regarded as more closely allied than any other system to an aristocratic monarchy lke Great Britain, or an absolute monarchy like Russia. Even in the German Empire the Lutheran Church, though supposed to be less episcopal in form than in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, yet partakes more of the monarchy of episcopacy than the oligarchy of presbyterianism or the democracy of congregationalism, since the Church is under the patronage of the Government, its ministers being examined, set apart or removed by superintendents and consistories, which officers are appointed not by the people but by the Government. The same affinity may be supposed to exist between episcopacy and the 1890.] THE HISTORIC EPISCOPATE AS A BASIS FOR CHURCH UNION. 209 absolute government of China. Nothing more revolutionary in a political sense could be inaugurated than the popular vote of the Congregational church-meetings, or the parity gatherings of some Presbytery and Synod. If this be the sumum bonum in China, then all laws of adaptation may count for nought ; but if Christianity is meant for the salvation and advancement of China as a nation, as well as of the Chinese as individuals, then it is well to seek for an organization that is fitted to the people and government alike. To exalt episcopacy to this high task is not meant to ignore the good qualities of other systems, still iess to disparage the faithful labors of their missionaries. Were it not that the object is a union of the churches for the good of the church, and a union with China for the good of China, the investigation could well be omitted. Considering the importance of the object, forbearance may be granted, as a few points are specified. First.—The Christianity that China will favor, and more likely accept, will be one that is organic, visible and tangible. To speak to them of a religion without form, and of a Church merely internal and spiritual, is different from any other religion recognized in China. The church needs to become incarnate in order to be believed, and to this end the episcopate, with its system, definite- ness, and stalely visibility, is eminently adapted. Secondly.—In requiring a Christianity that issues from the life of a visible church, there is also required that the church be historic. The respect of China is hard to gain for a system or theory that is late in formation or is lacking in permanence. Our religion goes back before the foundation of the world, and the essentials of our religion are revealed in a book that is ancient, and which has come down to us unaltered in its character and carefully preserved from age to age. So the church that commands an instinctive respect must be no newer than the new dispensation, one that is Scriptural and Apostclic, and possessing a record and a continuity. “This reverence for historic continuity,” says Professor Austin Phelps, late of Andover, “as a factor in religious culture, is found developed in no other Protestant sect so profoundly as in the Church of England.” Thirdly.—The Christianity and the church that will flourish in China must possess a visible unity. The unity, moreover, must be more than that of Presbyterians with Presbyterians, or of Methodists with Methodists, but of all communions and all Christians in one solid organized body. To the Chinese there is only mystery and contradiction in a mass of sects, all professing to be one, and yet divided, preaching love and harmony, but incapable of uniting. 210 THE CHINESE RECORDER. [May, Especially is his wonder heightened when the difference is only one of form and organization. It is not that there are too many missionaries, but too many organizations. Having different or- vanizations, there is necessitated a different management, and with a different management, devoid of a bond of union, there inevitably results rivalry and clashing. To hold all parts in a peaceable unity, there is required a centralizing supervising power, in other words, an episcopacy. Compactness and solidarity present strength, command respect, and can never fail to impress even the heathen mind of China. To his mind there is implied in the many, con- fusion, dispute, and division; but in the one, a settlement, a peace, and order. To incite a revolution, he looks to the people; to sup- press a revolution, he looks to theruler. In the one, not always the many, there is unity, and the power of one is monarchical episcopacy. Consider only this one point, then such would be the episcopacy required. Consider other points, then the episcopacy might be modified, but not to the extent of no episcopacy. To quote from Dr. Schaff, “A form of government, so ancient and so widely adopted, can be satisfactorily accounted for only on the supposition of a religious need; namely, the need of a tangible outward representation and centralization, to illustrate and embody to the people their relation to Christ and to God, and the visible unity of the Church.” Fourthly.—China prefers an organization that has a personnel which is also responsible. To centre all power in some hui or society, 1s contrary to the genius of Chinese history, custom, and teaching. The three religions of China have particular heads, and to them all look. So, in the Christian church, particular individuals responsible for the general oversight in all the provinces or districts, while subordinate to them are all the forms of work and all the missionarles—workers and members;—this is the ecclesiastical system that is here suited, and this is episcopacy. Fifthly.—The system of ecclesiastical government adapted to China must possess rank and gradation. In the recognition of certain innate rights it may be well to proclaim that all are free and equal; but even in the United States, in the administration of affairs, there is inevitably a high and a low, with a greater or less responsibility and control. As the peculiar characteristics of the young American demoeracy are not to be forced on the conservative monarchy of China, so in ecclesiastical affairs there must be a due regard to the animus and trend of Chinese thought and prejudice. In the episcopal system there is in the training of its members and in the orders of its ministry an emphatic regard for advancement, 1890,] THE HISTORIC EPISCOPATE AS A BASIS FOR CHURCH UNION. 211 development, and growth. By the orders of the ministry there would be room for some to deal in a more familiar way with all the humble, local, and specific duties ; while others, in the fulfillment of higher duties, would also represent the dignity of office with its wider power, and instinctively command the respect of both Christian and non-Christian, not only for the office, but for the religion and the church thus honorably represented. In the New Testament times elders or presbyters had an oversight of “ the flock of God” among them, while others then and since exercised an oversight of the presbyters ; but it is no more implied in the latter case than in the former that they had the right to act arbitrarily, or without restraint to “lord it over God’s heritage.” Superiority of authority inno wise necessitates tyranny, or excludes mutual con- sultations and harmonious action. | Siathly.—China is suspicious of heretical sects, and demands of its people that which is called orthodox. In other words, there is one straight, regular course, and all deviation is a crime anda menace. Christianity, as represented by the Roman and Protestant faiths, has by treaty and edict been proclaimed as virtuous in intent and allowable in practice and propagation. But this is different from various sects and a multitude of individuals going abroad to teach and to practice as each should deem fit, and lable in the course of a few years to result in every form of vagary, eccentricity, and heresy. To check such a danger, and to maintain consistency and order, fixedness and propriety, the episcopate was developed originally, and may be utilized again. Without such a character, there can be no cumulative power. The church will present a human caricature rather than a divine system of reverent decency and permanent order. To have the right to start a church for one’s self may be safe in some lands, but by no means so in China. The habit would become contagious and result in even greater confusion than exists to-day. Conclusion—In the admirable and suggestive paper of Dr. Alxander Williamson on “ Missionary Organization in China,” and to which we’ are all indebted for a rigorous reminder of our duty as missionaries, he says, ‘“‘ My proposal therefore is, at present, not union nor incorporation, but bona fide organized co-operation,” and this is, that ‘those of us who can, should organize ourselves into a conference or association.” Is it, however, absolutely necessary 212 THE CHINESE RECORDER. [ May, that a mere human and modern device should be adopted for China? Why not aim for a church that is historical, apostolic, and scriptu- ral, rather than for an association that is sporadic, new, and untried? An episcopal clergyman, Dr. Donald, in an address before the Union Theological Seminary, thus aptly states the dis- tinction: “ As in the time of Ignatius the maxim was, ‘ Do nothing without the bishop,’ so now the rule is, ‘Do nothing without a committee.’ The aim and argument of Dr. Williamson’s paper are not to be slighted as fanciful and unimportant; buat the result to be reached is, to our mind, a greater one than he has dared to propose. Already in China every successful missionary is more than a presbyter, and oftentimes much like a parochial or diocesan bishop, surrounded by elders (or presbyters), evangelists, and helpers. Even opponents of episcopacy that is historic, are sometimes found to be provincial superintendents, or practically manage a whole society. Higher also than the presbyter as presbyter is the presbytery or association, in which each member is for the time being responsible for, and superior to, the work of others,—may decide, criticize, condemn or approve, frustrate or countenance. For each presbyter to act with courtesy, or to satisfaction, his part of a bishop, is by no means easy; but for each and all to be subject in a regular way to a bishop regularly appointed, would no more be treason to Presbyterianism or Congregationalism than in the present status, and would satisfy fully the episcopal necessity. It is no doubt a duty, or at least expedient, to be loyal to one’s own past, and to cherish the associations and memories of one’s home and country, creed and church; but let us, as missionaries in China, not forget that to us comes the call, and with us, and us alone, rests the burden of founding aright in this old empire of strong competing religions, the religion of the Christ. How shall it be the best done? While the action of the Pan-Anglican bishops only related to “the English-speaking races,” yet the spirit of their action may be applied to China, and by ‘a readiness to enter into brotherly conference” on the part of the Anglican bishops and of all missionaries—by mutual understanding, concession, and respect— so hasten the day of practical union or closer fellowship, when there may be in this land, not the church of England, or the Presbyterian church of America, but the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic church of China, modified, it may be, from the systems of other lands, and yet in substantial agreement and full communion with the historic churches of all Christendom. ere ey rnecre a irre erence naerner cn 213 Are Missions a Great Failure ? (Concluded from p. 169.) E now proceed to discuss Canon Taylor’s theories on what mis- sionaries are or ought to be, and why, in his judgment, they (at least in the Church of England) are failures. He quotes Bishop Steere, who thought that “the success of a missionary depended on his acceptance of the outward features of the native life.” This may have been the Bishop’s opinion, but many quite as competent to judge, indeed far more so, have thought otherwise. They have held that in many essential points it is important to raise natives to the European level, not for Europeans to descend to the native. Some native customs and practices, which are innocent, and for which there is reason in climate and outward surroundings, may well be left untouched. No one has, so far as we know, except in the instance of some silly attempts formerly made at Bishop’s College in Calcutta, sought to induce Hindus or Moslems to adopt Huropean costumes. When natives come to England, to avoid singularity they do so, but this is their own free act. The nonsense about natives being taught by natives in Tinnevelly is repeated ; we have already dealt with it. Canon Taylor thinks European missionaries ought to be celibates and ascetics, living like the natives on rice (by the way, multitudes of natives in India see little more of rice than they do of plum-pudding); in short, converting themselves into fakirs, barring, we hope, the spikes, the filth and nakedness of the native teachers of Hinduism. Surely there ought to be more method in his madness. This he thinks is the plan of the Salvation Army; but he is not quite certain whether it will be successful, and says it is premature to determine. We do not question the sincerity or devotedness of those who have in this connection striven to win souls to Christ. It is a new thing for us to hear that “they refuse to argue or discuss the evidences of Christianity, but only exhibit the ascetic life.” If ever there was a body which insisted on what we fear would be, in Canon Taylor’s judgment, the most offensive dogmas of Christianity, it is the Salvationists. These dogmas are not offensive to us, and we hold that the Salva- tionists do right in insisting upon them, Our sympathy is but little with many of their sayings and doings, but the root of the matter is or was inthem. We trust Canon Taylor is mistaken in apparently insinuating that they have forsaken it. Anyhow, their missionary successes must be of the future, and we hold it to be not unwise to wait till it is quite clear that they have found the 214 THE CHINESE RECORDER. [May, more excellent way. A tribe of Hindus converted to Christianity by Salvationist methods would tell far more with us than Canon Taylor’s fancies that they may do so. From what is problematical in the future as regards the Salvationists, and also the Oxford Brethren at Calcutta, we turn with him to the past.* But is he aware that in the case of the Oxford Brethren their work is purely controversial ? and yet, while he so much admires them, he equally admires Sir William Hunter’s opinion that the controversial method fails with the Hindu. ‘Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo ?” In what respects have the Universities’ Mission to Hast Africa obtained superior results to other missions in the same region ? We recur, however, to the past. We are told of the great success of Jesuit missions, and the wonderful self-devotion of Francis Xavier. These are the stock pieces of all ignorant writers like Canon Taylor when they deal with missions. Does Canon Taylor really believe that Francis Xavier led the life of self-renunciation, foregoing all European comforts and society, which he thinks is essential? If he fancies this, it is time to undeceive him, if he can be undeceived. Canon Taylor is indignant with missionaries who travel first-class. Will he listen to how Francis Xavier travelled ? A Roman Catholic authority of high character + tells us that all the taradiddles abont Xavier going from Rome with nothing but his breviary and chaplet, and no clothes but what he had on, are “part of the exaggeration with which the history of Xavier has been overlaid.” So, too, Canon Taylor may have heard that during the long Indian voyage he fed ‘on the refuse of the food given to the sailors.” This, too, is pure taradiddle. As a matter of fact, Xavier went to India as a dignified Portuguese gentleman of rank, invested with high authority by the king, dining on board ship at the Viceroy’s table in the character of “a polished nobleman who carried the royal blood of Navarre in his veins.” He knew his * Canon Taylor, referring to the Universities’ Mission to East Africa, tries to draw an invidious distinction between other missions and it. He says, “None of their missionaries receive any stipend; their passage out and home is paid, and they are allowed to draw 201. a year for clothes.” .We would not for one moment dream of speaking unkindly of this mission, which has furnished to the mission cause many noble, self-sacrificing men, but in justice to other societies it is only fair to say that an official statement lately issued by the authorities of the Universities’ Mission gives the cost of each European missionary as 2841. per annum. This, however, apparent. ly includes all expenses of the mission, The estimate of the Church Missionary Society, dealt with in the same way, is considerably higher, but there are many circumstances of locations, &c., to be taken into account, so that it would not be easy to furnish an exact parallel. Even Canon Taylor might find himself at fault in so complicated a matter. Upon what he calls the “real results’? we make no remark, The statements of both missions are before the public. + Stewart Rose, Life of Ignatius Loyola and the Harly Jesuits, 1890. | ARE MISSIONS A GREAT FAILURE ? 215 rank, and maintained it. Does Canon Taylor know that Xavier was the Royal Commissioner of the King of Portugal, and wielded his authority unscrupulously for the furtherance of his missionary objects and to the no small annoyance of the lay officials in India ? What would he have to say about an English missionary bullying the Governor-General and getting him into scrapes at home? But this is what Xavier did. Does he entertain the notion that Xavier led a life of laborious poverty in the Hast? Let him hear Xavier himself: '‘‘As long as we were in Japan, which was two years and a half, we were supported by the pecuniary aid of the munificent King of Portugal. He devoted more than a thousand gold doubloons (cutilla) to be given us in the name of alms.” This was pretty well for two single men with a lay assistant. Mr. Stewart Rose tells us that when Xavier entered Fuchio he was dressed in velvet and gold! Such was the apostolic simplicity, the extreme austerity and self-denial of this Romish saint. St. Paul hardly appeared before. Nero or Festus in such a costume, and we have never heard of any Protestant missionary so decked out, at least any sent out by the C. M.S. Has Canon Taylor? The fact is, Canon Taylor has been writing nonsense, and is unconscious that he has written it. If it were not for unduly swelling this article, and we do not know that any particularly useful purpose could be subserved by it, we could astonish Canon Taylor with our reminiscences of Romish missionaries, Lrish, Portuguese, and others. It so happens that we saw a good deal of them in India, and could relate more than he or they would care to have reproduced. But we will let it pass, simply remarking that this is clearly one of the cases where, but for exceptional circumstances, “one half the world does not know how the other half lives.” Of course, Canon Taylor’s talk is pure rhodomontade, gathered from hearsay, not from personal knowledge in the mission-field. We now pass on to his statements derived from Bishop Steere, his chief authority. According to Bishop Steere, formerly head of the Universities’ Mission, it seems that ‘men of an inferior class are governed, sent out, and paid by a superior sort of men formed into a committee in London, with a set of inferior examiners to see that the inferior men are not too inferior, and a set of cheap colleges where the inferior men may get an inferior education, and a set of inferior bishops to give them an inferior ordination.” As Bishop Steere speaks of cheap colleges, possibly much of his remark extends beyond the C. M. S., but it may be meant to include its missionaries. |
233291_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Sardinské království, též království Sardinie (italsky Regno di Sardegna), do roku 1479 známé jako Sardinsko-korsické království (latinsky Regnum Sardiniae et Corsicae); od roku 1848 pak jako sardinsko-piemontské, bylo v letech 1324–1861 království v severní Itálii, ze kterého později vzniklo Italské království a tím i dnešní italský stát.
Sardinie za vlády aragonských králů
V roce 1297 papež Bonifác VIII. vyhlásil „Sardinsko-korsické království“ (Regnum Sardiniae et Corsicae), které udělil aragonskému králi Janovi II. Spravedlivému jako náhradu za ztrátu pevninské části Sicílie v konfliktu mezi Anjouovci a Aragonskem (viz Sicilské nešpory). Území Sardinsko-korsického království však fakticky zůstalo pod vlivem Pisy a Janova. Do roku 1336 se Aragonsku podařilo eliminovat vliv Pisy a do začátku 15. století i Janova na Sardinii, Korsiku však nezískalo a nároků na ni se vzdalo v roce 1479, kdy byla i z názvu království vyškrtnutá část „korsické“. V 16. století se tedy Sardinské království spolu s Aragonskem, které ho ovládalo, stalo součástí vznikajícího Španělska.
Španělsko ale v roce 1714 o Sardinské království definitivně přišlo během války o dědictví španělské.
Sardinské království za vlády Savojských
V roce 1714 Španělsko ztratilo Sardinské království ve prospěch rakouské monarchie, která zas území roku 1720 vyměnila se savojským vévodou za Sicilské království, které získal. Území dostalo (znovu) název Sardinské království, i když mu vládla savojská dynastie a jeho centrem byl Piemont a hlavní město Turín. Hlavní území království tedy tvořily Savojsko, Piemont, Sardinie a Montferrat.
V roce 1792 království ztratilo Savojsko ve prospěch Francie a v roce 1802 Piemont. V roce 1815 bylo obnoveno původní území a připadla mu i bývalá Janovská republika. V polovině 19. století se království pokoušelo sjednotit celou Itálii pod svou vládu, ale v letech 1848–1849 ho porazila rakouská armáda.
První válka za nezávislost
Roku 1848 začala propukat různá povstání v krajích poddaných rakouskému císaři, zejména v Benátkách a především v Miláně, kde proběhla vzpoura zvaná Pět dní Milána, jež skončila 22. března vítězstvím rebelujících obyvatel a odchodem jednotek rakouského polního maršála Josefa Václava Radeckého z Radče z města.
Když se král Karel Albert Savojský dozvěděl o vítězství obou měst, rozhodl se jednat a 23. března dal impuls k válce za nezávislost Itálie, první v pořadí. Kromě Sardinie se války účastnily také další italské státy, jako například Papežský stát, Velkovévodství toskánské a Království obojí Sicílie, jež vyslaly své vojáky.
Počátek bojů byl příznivý pro Italy, zaznamenali několik vítězství, například v bitvě u Pastrenga, poté Peschiera a Goito. Rakušané zvítězili pouze v bitvě u Santa Lucie u Verony. Nicméně papež stáhl své jednotky z bojů, neboť se obával rakouské náboženské reakce, jež by mohla vést až ke schizmatu. V tomto počinu papeže následoval rovněž panovník Království obojí Sicílie Ferdinand II. Neapolsko-Sicilský.
Tak zůstali v boji osamělí dobrovolníci a Rakušané měli možnost upevnit své pozice a mocnou protiofenzívou získali zpět velkou část měst ztraceních a 4. srpna podepsal Karel Albert příměří.
Po nedlouhé přestávce v březnu 1849 byl rychle poražen. Byl nucen odstoupit ve prospěch svého syna Viktora Emanuela II. První válka za italskou nezávislost skončila vítězstvím Rakouska a Savojským se nepodařilo rozšířit vlastní panství se záměrem zvovusjednotit italský národ.
Druhá válka za nezávislost
Roku 1852 se prvním ministrem Sardinského království stal Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, jenž položil základ k množství významných hospodářských reforem s cílem modernizace Sardinie. Rozšířil železniční síť, také janovský přístav a zavedl do té doby v zemi prakticky neexistující průmysl.
V roce 1855 se Sardinské království, na pokyn Cavoura, zúčastnilo krymské války, když vyslalo 15 000 mužů. Tato vojenská účast o rok později umožnila sardinskému království účastnit se pařížského kongresu, kde mohl premiér Cavour osobně kritizovat chování Rakušanů a vytvořit si tak pozitivní vztahy s Brity, Francouzi a Prusy.
V roce 1859 království Sardinsko-piemontské spolu s Francií porazilo Rakousko a do roku 1860 se jeho území rozšířilo o Lombardii (1859) a Toskánsko, Parmu, Modenu a Romagnu (březen 1860), jako i o severní část papežského státu spolu s Královstvím obojí Sicílie (listopad 1860). Savojsko a Nice naopak odstoupilo roku 1860 Francii. Tím pádem Sardinské království pokrývalo celou dnešní Itálii kromě Benátska a okolí Říma. V roce 1861 bylo transformováno na Italské království, ve kterém vládl dosavadní sardinský král Viktor Emanuel II.
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Italské království
Sjednocení Itálie
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Dějiny Sardinie.
US-3018348-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Processes for breaking petroleum emulsions
Patented Feb. 28, 1950 .Melvin De Groote, University City, and Bernhard Keiser, Webster Groves, Mo., assignors to Petrolite Corporation, Ltd., Wilmington, DeL, a
corporation of Delaware No Drawing. Application May 29, 1948, Serial No. 30,183
21 Claims. (Cl. 252-331) This invention relates to processes or procedures particularly adapted for preventing, breaking, or resolving emulsions of the water-in-oil type, and particularly petroleum emulsions. This application is a continuation-in-part and our copending application Serial No. 734.209, filed March 12, 1947, now abandoned. Also see our co-pending application Serial No. 8,731, filed February 16, 1948.
Complementary to the above aspect of our invention is our companion invention concerned with the new chemical products or compounds used as the demulsifying agents in said aforementioned processes or procedures, as well as the application of such chemical compounds, products, and the like, in various other arts and industries, along with methods for manufacturing said new chemical products or compounds which are of outstanding value in demulsification. See our co-pending application Serial No. 30,184, filed May 29, 1948.
Our invention provides an economical and rapid process for resolving petroleum emulsions of the water-in-oil type that are commonly referred to as cut oil, roily oil," emulsified oil," etc., and which comprise fine droplets of naturally-occurring waters or brines dispersed in a more or less permanent state throughout the oil which constitutes the continuous phase of the emulsion.
It also provides an economical and rapid process for separating emulsions which have been prepared under controlled conditions from mineral oil, such as crude oil and relatively soft waters or weak brines. Controlled emulsification and subsequent demulsification under the conditions just mentioned are of significant value in removing impurities, particularly inorganic salts, from pipeline oil.
Demulsification, as contemplated in the present application, includes the preventive step of commingling the demulsifier with the aqueous component which would or might subsequently become either phase of the emulsion in the absence of such precautionary measure. Similarly, such demulsifler may be mixed with the hydrocarbon component.
We have found that if one prepares oxyalkylated derivatives of certain thermoplastic phenolaldehyde resins and subjects them to drastic oxidation with a gaseous oxygen-containing medium such as air, in the same manner commonly employed to blow or oxidize castor oil, one obtains a product or resultant having enhanced viscosity, markedly decreased water-solubility,
and increased hydrophobe property, but otherwise unchanged as the result of oxidation. We have found that some of the products so obtained are markedly more efiective than the unoxidized products for certain purposes, particularly demulsification of crude oil, and also as a break inducer in doctor treatment of sour hydrocarbons.
A complete description of these oxyalkylated resins used as polyhydric reactants or as a raw material to be subjected to drastic oxidation, appears in our aforementioned co-pending application Serial No. 8,731, filed February 16, 1948. For the sake of convenience, wevare hereinafter'incorporating in substantially verbatim form the text or subject-matter as it appears in our last mentioned co-pending application. In said last mentioned co-pending application we have described certain new products or compositions of matter which are of unusual value in certain industrial applications requiring the use of products or compounds showing surface-activity. We have found that if solvent-soluble resins are prepared from difunctional (direactive) phenols in which one of the reactive (0 or p) positions of the phenol is substituted by a hydrocarbon radical having 4 to 8 carbon atoms, in the substantial absence of trifunctional phenols, and aldehydes having not over 8 carbon atoms, subsequent oxyalkylation, and specifically oxyethylation, yields products of unusual value for demulsification purposes, provided that oxyalkylation is continued to the degree that hydrophile properties are imparted to the compound. By substantial absence of trifunctional phenols, we mean that such materials may be present only in amounts so small that they do not interfere with the formation of a solvent-soluble resin product, and especially, of a hydrophile oxyalkylated derivative thereof. The actual amounts to be tolerated will, of course, vary with the nature of the other components of the system; but in general, the proportion of trifunctional phenols which is tolerable in the conventional resinification procedures illustrated herein is quite small. In experiments following conventional procedure, using an acid catalyst in which we have included trifunctional phenols in amounts of from 3% to about 1% or somewhat less, based on the difunctional phenols, we have encountered difflculties in preparing oxyalkylated derivatives of the type compound, but are almost invariably a mixture of cogeners. One useful type of compound may be exemplified in an idealized simplification in the following formula:
In these formulas n" represents a numeral varying from 1 to 13 or even more, provided that the parent resin is fusible and organic solventsoluble; n represents a numeral varying from 1 to 20, with the proviso that the average value of n be at least 2; and R. is a hydrocarbon radical having at least 4 and not over 8 carbon atoms. The present invention involves the use, as a reactant, of a hydrophile oxylkylated 2, 4, 6 (i. e., 2, 4 or 6) C4- to Cit-hydrocarbon substituted monocyclic phenolCito Cs-aldehyde resin in which the ratio of oxyalkylene groups to phenolic nuclei is at least 2:1 and the alkylene radicals of the oxyalkyiene groups are ethylene, propylene, butylene, hydroxypropylene or hydroxybutylene corresponding to the alpha-beta alkylene oxides, ethylene oxide, alpha-beta propylene oxide. aipha-beta butylene oxide, glvcide and methyl glycide.
More particularly the present invention involves the use, as a reactant, of a compound having the following characteristics:
(1) Essentially a polymer, probably linear but not necessarily so, having at least 3 and preferably not over or phenolic or structural units. It may have more, as previously stated.
(2) The parent resin polymer being fusible and organic solvent-soluble as hereinafter described.
(3) The parent resin polymer being free from cross-linking, or structure which cross-links during the heating incident to the oxyalkylation procedure to an extent sumcient to prevent the possession of hydrophile or sub-surface-active or surface-active properties by the oxyalkylated resin. Minor proportions of trifunctional phenols sometimes present in commercial difunctional phenols are usually harmless.
(4) Each alkyleneoxy group is introduced at the phenolic hydroxyl position except possibly in an exceptional instance where a stable methylol group has been formed by virtue of resin manufacture in presence of an alkaline catalyst. Such occurrence of a stable methylol radical is the exception rather than the rule, and in am! event apparently does not occur when the resin is manufactured in the presence of an acid catalyst.
(5) The total number of alkylenoxy radicals introduced must be at least equal to twice the phenolic nuclei.
(6) The number of alkylenoxy radicals introduced not only must meet the minimum of item (5) above but must be suflicient to endow the product with suflicient hydrophile property to have emulsifying properties, or be self-emulsifibio - owlnion-s able or self-dispersible, or the equivalent as hereinafter described. The invention is concerned particularly with the use as a reactant of subsurface-active and surface-active compounds.
(7) The use of a product derived from a parasubstituted phenol is advantageous as compared with the use of a product derived from an orthosubstituted phenol, when both are available. This preference is based in part on the fact that the para-substituted phenol is usually cheaper, and also where we have been able to make a comparison it appears to be definitely better, in improving the effectiveness of demulsifiers.
We have found when oxyalkylated are obtained conforming to the above specifications, particularly in light of whatis said hereinafter in greater detail, that they have unusual properties which can be better understood perhaps in light of the following:
(a) The property is not uniformly inherent in every analogous structure for the reason that if the methylene group is replaced by sulfur, for example, we have found such compounds to be of lesser value.
(b) Similarly, the property is not uniformly inherent in every analogous structure for the reason that if R is replaced by some other substituent, for instance chlorine, the compounds obtained are of a reduced value in comparison with the outstanding compounds derived, for example, from difunctional butylphenol, difunctional amylphenol, difunctional octylphenol, etc.
(0) We know of no theoretical explanation of the unusual properties of this particular class of compounds and, as a matter of fact, we have not been able to find a satisfactory explanation, even after we have prepared and studied several hundred typical compounds.
As previously stated, the present invention is concerned with products obtained by the drastic oxidation of certain oxyalkylated derivatives and with the use of such oxidized products for the resolution of petroleum emulsions of the water-in-oil type. The specified demulsiflers are the products obtained by the drastic oxidation by means of a gaseous medium and certain polyhydric derivatives which are obtained in turn by the oxyalkylation of certain resins. These resins are derived by chemical reaction between difunctional monohydric phenols and a reactive aldehyde, such as formaldehyde, nearby homologues, and their equivalent. The phenolic reactant is characterized by one ortho-para nuclear hydrocarbon substituent having not less than 4 carbon atoms and not more than 8 carbon atoms. Usually the phenolic reactants are derivatives of hydroxybenzene, i. e., ordinary phenol, and are usually obtained by reaction of phenol with an olefin or an organic chloride in presence of a metallic halide or condensing agent, but similar phenolic reactants obtained from metacresol or 3,5-xylenol are equally satisfactory, for the reason that such phenols are still difunctional (direactive) and the presence of the single or even both methyl radicals does not materially afiect the sub-surface-activity, or the surface-activity, or hydrophile balance. The hydrocarbon substituent having 4 to 8 carbon atoms may be alkyl, alkylene, aryl, alicyclic or aralkyl.
Any aldehyde capable of forming a methylol or a substituted methylol group and having not more than 8 carbon atoms is satisfactory, so long as it does not possess some other functional group or structure which will conflict with the resiniflcation reaction, or with the subsequent .On the other hand, higher aldehydes frequently beneficially affect the solubility and fusibility of a resin. This is illustrated, for example, by the diiferent characteristics of the resin prepared from paratertiary amyl phenol and formalde .hyde on one hand and a comparable product prepared from the same phenolic reactant and heptaldehyde on the other hand. The former, as shown in certain subsequent examples, is a hard, brittle solid, whereas the latter is soft and tacky, and obviously easier to handle in the subsequent oxyalkylation procedure.
Cyclic aldehydes may be employed, particularly benzaldehyde. The employment of furfural requires careful control for the reason that in addition to its aldehydic function, furfural can form vinyl condensations by virtue of its unsaturated structure. The production of resins from furfural for use in preparing products for the present process is most conveniently conducted with weak alkaline catalysts and often with alkali metal carbonates. Useful aldehydes, in addition to formaldehyde, are acetaldehyde, propionic a1- dehyde, butyraldehyde, Z-ethylhexanal, ethylbutyraldehyde, heptaldehyde, and benzaldehyde, furfural and glyoxal. It would appear that the use of glyoxal should be avoided due to the fact that it is tetrafunctional. However, our experience has been that, in resin manufacture and particularly as described herein, apparently only one of the aldehydic functions enters into the resinification reaction. The inability of the other aldehydic function to enter into the reaction is presumably due to steric hindrance. Needless to say, one can use a mixture of two or more aldehydes although usually this has no advantage.
Resins of the kind which are used as intermediates for the reactants of this invention are obtained with the use of acid catalysts or alkaline catalysts, or without the use of any catalyst at all. Among the useful alkaline catalysts are ammonia, amines, and quaternary ammonium bases. It is generally accepted that when ammonia and amines are employed as catalysts they enter into the condensation reaction and, in fact, may operate by initial combination with the aldehydic reactant. The compound hexamethylenetetramine illustrates such a combination. In light of these various reactions it becomes difilcult to present any formula which would depict the structure of the various resins prior to oxyalkylation. More will be said subsequently as to the difference between the use of an alkaline catalyst and an acid catalyst; even in the use of an alkaline catalyst there is considerable evidence to indicate that the products are not identical where diiferent basic materials are employed. The basic materials employed include not only those previously enumerated but also the hydroxides of the alkali metals, hydroxides of the alkaline earth metals, salts of stron bases and weak acids such as sodium acetate, etc.
Suitable phenolic reactants include the following: Para-tertiary butylphenol; para-secondary butylphenol; para-tertiary-amylphenol; 5 para secondary amylphenol; para tertiaryhexylphenol; para-isooctylphenol; ortho-phenylphenol; para-phenylphenol; ortho-benzylphenol; para-benzylphenol; and para-cyclohexylphenol, and the corresponding ortho-para substituted metacresols and 3,5-xylenols.
For convenience, the phenol has previously been referred to as monocyclic in order to differentiate from fused nucleus polycyclic phenols,
such as substituted naphthols. Specifically,
monocyclic" is limited to the nucleus in which the hydroxyl radical is attached. Broadly speaking, where a substituent is cyclic, particularly aryl, obviously in the usual sense such phenol is actually polycyclic although the phenolic hydroxyl is not attached to a fused polycyclic nucleus. Stated another way, phenols in which the hydroxyl group is directly attached to acondensed or fused polycyclic structure, are excluded. This matter, however, is clarified by the following consideration. The phenols herein the following formula:
in which R is selected from the class consisting of hydrogen atoms and hydrocarbon radicals having at least 4 carbon atoms and not more than 8 carbon atoms, with the proviso that one occurrence of R is the hydrocarbon substituent and the other two occurrences are hydrogen atoms, and with the further provision that one or both of the 3 and 5 positions may be methyl substituted.
The above formula possibly can be restated more conveniently in the following manner, to wit, that the phenol employed is of the following formula, with the proviso that R is a hydrocarbon substituent located in the 2, 4, 6 position, again with the provision as to 3 or 3,5 methyl substitution. This is conventional nomenclature, numbering the various positions inthe usual clockwise manner, beginning with the hydroxyl position as one:
The manufacture of thermosplastic phenolaldehyde resins, particularly from formaldehyde and a difunctional phenol, i. e., a phenol in which one of the three reactive positions (2,4,6) has been substituted by a hydrocarbon group, and particularly by one having a least 4 carbon atoms and not more than 8 carbonatoms, is well known. As has been previously pointed out, there is no objection to a methyl radical provided it is present in the 3 or 5 position.
Thermoplastic or fusible phenol-aldehyde resins are usually manufactured for the varnish trade and oil solubility is of prime importance. For this reason, the common reactants employed 15 are butylated phenols, amylated phenols,
amuse phenylphenol's, etc. The methods employed in manufacturing such resins are similar to those employed in the manufacture of ordinary phenolformaldehyde resins, in that either an acid or alkaline catalyst is usually employed. The procedure usually differs from that employed in the manufacture of ordinary phenol-aldehyde resins in that phenol, being water-soluble, reacts readily with an aqueous aldehyde solution without further difliculty, while when a water-insoluble phenol is employed some modification is usually adopted to increase the interfacial surface and thus cause reaction to take place. A common solvent is sometimes employed. Another procedure employs rather severe agitation to create a large interfacial area. Once the reaction starts to a moderate degree, it is possible that both reactants are somewhat soluble in the partially reacted mass and assist in hastening the reaction. We have found it desirable to employ a small proportion of an organic sulfo-acid as a catalyst, either alone or along with a mineral acid like sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. For example, alkylated aromatic sulfonic acids are effectively employed. Since commercial forms of such acids are commonly their alkali salts, it is sometimes convenient to use a small quantity of such alkali salt plus a small quantity of strong mineral acid, as shown in the examples below. If desired, such organic sulfo-acids may be prepared in situ in the phenol employed, by reacting concentrated sulfuric acid with a small proportion of the phenol. In such cases where xylene is used as a solvent and concentrated sulfuric acid is employed, some sulfonation of the xylene probably occurs to produce the sulfo-acid. Addition of a solvent such as xylene is advantageous as hereinafter described in detail. Another variation of procedure is to employ such organic sulfoacids, in the form of their salts, in connection with an alkali-catalyzed resinification procedure. Detailed examples are included subsequently.
Another advantage in the manufacture of the thermoplastic or fusible type of resin by the acid catalytic procedure is that, since a difunctional phenol is employed, an excess of an aldehyde, for instance formaldehyde, may be employed without too marked a change in conditions of reaction and ultimate product. There is usually little, if any, advantage, however, in using an excess over and above the stoichiometric proportions for the reason that such excess may be lost and wasted. For all practical purposes the molar ratio of formaldehyde to phenol may be limited to 0.9 to 1.2, with 1.05 as the preferred ratio, or sufficient, at least theoretically, to convert the remaining reactive hydrogen atom of each terminal phenolic nucleus. Sometimes when higher aldehydes are used an excess of aldehydic reactant can be distilled off and thus recovered from the reaction mass. This same procedure may be used with formaldehyde and excess reactant recovered.
When an alkaline catalyst is used the amount of aldehyde, particularly formaldehyde, may be increased over the simple stoichiometric ratio of one-to-one or thereabouts. With the use of alkaline catalyst it has been recognized that considerably increased amounts of formaldehyde may be used, as much as two moles of formaldehyde, for example, per mole of phenol, or even more, with the result that only a small part of such aldehyde remains uncombined or is subsequently liberated during resinification. Structures which have been advanced to explain such increased use of aldehydes are the following:
on on o-mc-Ocmmmm-Q- on on n OoUcm-o-om- 11 -any event, into resins of higher molecular weight,
by heating along with the employment of vacuum so as to split off water or formaldehyde, or both. Generally speaking, temperatures employed, par-' ticularly with vacuum, may be in the neighborhood of to 250 C., or thereabouts.
It may be well to point out, however, that the amount of formaldehyde used may and does usually aifect; the length of the resin chain. Increasing the amount of the aldehyde, such as formaldehyde, usually increases the size or molecular weight of the polymer.
In the hereto appended claims there is specified, among other things, the resin polymer containing at least 3 phenolic nuclei. Such minimum molecular size is most conveniently determined as a rule by cryoscopic method using benzene, or some other suitable solvent, for instance, one of those mentioned elsewhere herein as a solvent for such resins. As a matter of fact, using the procedures herein described or any conventional resinification procedure will yield products usually having definitely in excess of 3 nuclei. In other words, a resin having an average of 4, 5 or 5 nuclei per unit is apt to be formed as a minimum in resinification, except under certain special conditions where dimerization may occur.
However, if resins are prepared at substantially higher temperatures, substituting cymene, tetralin, etc., or some other suitable solvent which boils or refluxes at a higher temperature, instead of xylene, in subsequent examples, and if one doubles or triples the amount of catalyst, doubles or triples the time of refluxing, uses a marked excess of formaldehyde or other aldehyde, then the average size of the resin is apt to be distinctly over the above values, for example, it may average 7 to 15 units. Sometimes the expression low-stage resin or low-stage intermediate is employed to mean a stage having 6 or 7 units or even less. In the appended claims we have used low-stage" to mean 3 to 7 units based on average molecular weight.
The molecular weight determinations, of course, require that the product be completely soluble in the particular solvent selected as, for instance, benzene. The molecular weight determination of such solution may involve either the freezing point as in the cryoscopic method, or, less conveniently perhaps, the boiling point in an ebullioscopic method. The advantage of the ebullioscopic method is that, in comparison with the cryoscopic method, it is more apt to insure complete solubility. One such common method to employ is that of Menzies and Wright (see J. Am. Chem. Soc., 43, 2309 and 2314 (1921)). Any suitable method for determining molecular weights will serve, although almost any procedure adopted has inherent limitations. A good method for determining the molecular weights of resins, especially solvent-soluble resins, is the cryoscopic procedure of Krumbhaar which employs diphenylamine as a solvent (see Coating and Ink Resins, page 157, Reinhold Publishing Co., 1947).
Subsequent examples will illustrate the use of an acid catalyst, an alkaline catalyst, and no catalyst. As far as resin manufacture per se is concerned, we prefer to use an acid catalyst, and particularly a mixture of an organic sulfo-acld and a mineral acid, along with a suitable solvent, such as xylene, as hereinafter illustrated in detail. However, we have obtained products from resins obtained by use of an alkaline catalyst which were just as satisfactory as those obtained employing acid catalysts. Sometimes a combination of both types of catalysts is used in different stages of resiniflcation. Resins so obtained are also perfectly satisfactory.
In numerous instances the higher molecular weight resins, i. e., those referred to as highstage resins, are conveniently obtained by subjecting lower molecular weight resins to vacuum distillation and heating. Although such procedure sometimes removes only a modest amount or even perhaps no low polymer, yet it is almost certain to produce further polymerization. For instance, acid catalyzed resins obtained in the usual manner and having a molecular weight indicating the presence of approximately 4 phenolic units or thereabouts may be subjected to such treatment, with the result that one obtains a resin having approximately double this molecular weight. The usual procedure is to use a secondary step, heating the resin in the presence or absence of an inert gas, including steam, or by use of vacuum.
We have found that under the usual conditions of resiniflcation employing phenols of the kind here described, there is little or no tendency to form binuclear compounds. i. e., dimers, resulting from the combination, for example, of 2 moles of a phenol and one mole of formaldehyde, particularly where the substituent has 4 or 5 carbon atoms. Where the number of carbon atoms in a substituent approximates the upper limit specified herein, for instance 7 or 8, there may be some tendency to dimerization. The usual procedure to obtain a dimer involves an enormously large excess of the phenol, for instance, 8 to 10 moles per mole of aldehyde. Substituted dihydroxydiphenylmethanes obtained from substituted phenols are not resins as that term is used herein.
Although any conventional procedure ordinarily employed may be used in the manufacture of the herein contemplated resins or, for thatv matter, such resins may be purchased in the open; market, w have found it particularly desirable in, and employing a combination of an organic. sulfo-acid and a mineral acid as a catalyst, and
to use the procedures described elsewhere heretain subsequentexamples are included, but it is to be understood the herein described invention is not concerned with the resins per se or with any particular method of manufacture but is concerned with the use of reactants obtained by the subsequent oxyalkylation thereof. The phenol-aldehyde resins may be prepared in any suitable manner.
Oxyalkylation, particularly oxyethylation which is the preferred reaction, depends on contact between a non-gaseous phase and a gaseous phase. It can, for example, be carried out by melting the thermoplastic resin and subjecting it to treatment with ethylene oxide or the like, or by treating a suitable solution or suspension. Since the melting points of the resins are often higher than desired in the initial stage of oxyethylation, we have found it advantageous to use a solution or suspension of thermoplastic resin in an inert solvent such as xylene. Under such circumstances, the resin obtained in the usual manner is dissolved by heating in xylene under a reflux condenser or in any other suitable manner. Since xylene or an equivalent in'ert solvent is present or may be present during oxyalkylation, it is obvious there is no objection to having a solvent present during the resinifying stage if, in addition to being inert towards the resin, it is also inert towards the reactants and also inert towards water. Numerous solvents, particularly of aromatic or cyclic nature, are suitably adapted for such use. Examples of such solvents are xylene, cymene, ethyl benzene, propyl benzene, mesltylene, decalin (decahydronaphthalene) tetralin (tetrahydronaphthalene) ethylene glycol diethylether, diethylene glycol diethylether, and tetraethylene glycol dimethylether, or mixtures of one or more. Solvents such as dichloroethylether, or dichloropropylether may be employed either alone or in mixture but have the objection that the chlorine atom in the compound may slowly combine with the alkaline catalyst employed in oxyethylation. Suitable soivents may be selected from this group for molecular weight determinations.
The use of such solvents is a convenient expedient in the manufacture of the thermoplastic resins, particularly since the solvent gives a more liquid reaction mass and thus prevents overheating, and also because the solvent can be employed in connection with a reflux condenser and a water trap to assist in the removal of water of reaction and also water present as part of the formaldehyde reactant when an aqueous solution of formaldehyde is used. Such aqueous solution, of course, with the ordinary product of commerce containing about 3'7 to 40% formaldehyde, is the preferred reactant, When such solvent is used it is advantageously added at the beginning of the resinification procedure or before the reaction has proceeded very far.
The solvent can be removed afterwards by distillation with or without the use of vacuum, and a final higher temperature can be employed to complete reaction if desired. In many instances it is most desirable to permit part of the solvent, particularly when it is inexpensive, e. g., xylene, to remain behind in a predetermined amount so as to have a resin which can be handled more conveniently in the oxyalkylation stage. If a more expensive solvent, such as decalin, is employed, xylene or other inexpensive solvent may be added after the removal of decalin, if desired.
In preparing resins from difunctional phenols it is common to employ reactants of technical xylene as a solvent. By way of illustration, cergrade. The substituted phenols herein contema ll plated are usually derived from hydroxybenzene. As a rule, such substituted phenols are comparatively free from unsubstituted phenol. We have generally found that the amount presentis considerably less than 1% and not infrequently in the neighborhood of th of 1%, or even less. The amount of the usual trifunctional phenol, such as hydroxybenzene or metacresol, which can be tolerated is determined by the fact that actual cross-linkng, if it takes place even infrequently,.
must not be suflicient to cause insolubility at the completion of the resinification stage or the lack of hydrophile properties at the completion of the oxyalkylation stage.
The exclusion of such trifunctional phenols as hydroxybenzene or metacresol is not based on the fact that the mere random or occasional inclusion of an unsubstituted phenyl nucleus in the resin molecule or in one of several molecules, for example, markedly alters the characteristics of the oxyalkylated derivative. The presence of a phenyl radical having a reactive hydrogen atom available or having a hydroxymethylol or a substituted hydroxymethylol group present is a potential source of cross-linking either during resinification or oxyalkylation. Cross-linking leads either to insoluble resins or to non-hydrophilic products resulting from the oxyalkylation procedure. With this rationale understood, it is obvious that trifunctional phenols are tolerable only in a minor proportion and should not be present to the extent that insolubility is produced in the resins, or that the product resulting from oxyalkylation is gelatinous, rubbery, or at least not hydrophile. As to the rationale of resinification, note particularly what is said hereafter in differentiating between resoles. Novolaks, and resins obtained solely from difunctional phenols.
Previous reference has been made to the fact that fusible organic solvent-soluble resins are usually linear but may be cyclic. Such more complicated structure may be formed, particularly if a resin prepared in the usual manner is converted into a higher stage resin by heat treatment in vacuum as previously mentioned. This again is a reason for avoiding any opportunity for crosslinking due to the presence of any appreciable amount of trifunctional phenol. In other words, the presence of such reactant may cause crosslinking in a conventional resinification procedure, or in the oxyalkylation procedure, or in the heat and vacuum treatment if it is employed as part of resin manufacture.
Our routine procedure in examining a phenol for suitability for preparing products to be used in practicing the invention is to prepare a resin employing formaldehyde in excess (1.2 moles of formaldehyde per mole of phenol) and using an acid catalyst in the manner described hereinafter in Example 1a. If the resin so obtained is solvent-soluble in any one of the aromatic or other solvents previously referred to, it is then sub- :lected to oxyethylation. During oxyethylation a temperature is employed of approximately 150 to 165 C. with addition of at least 2 and advantageously up to 5 moles of ethylene oxide per phenolic hydroxyl. The oxyethylation is advantageously conducted so as to require from a few minutes up to 5 to hours. If the product so obtained is solvent-soluble and self-dispersing'or emulsifiable, or has emulsifying properties, the phenol is perfectly satisfactory from the standpoint of trifunctional phenol content. The solvent may be removed prior to the dispersibility or emulsiflability test. When a product becomes accuse -l2 rubbery during oxyalkylation due to the presence of a small amount of trireactive phenol, as previously mentioned, or for some other reason, it may become extremely insoluble, and no longer qualifies as being hydrophile as herein specified. Increasing the size of the aldehydic nucleus, for instance using heptaldehyde instead of formaldehyde, increases tolerance for trlfunctional phenol.
The presence of a trifunctional or tetrafunctional phenol (such as resorcinor bisphenol A) is apt to produce detectable cross-linking and insolubilization but will not necessarily do so, especially if the proportion is small. Resinification involving difunctional phenols only may also produce insolubilization, although this seems to be an anomaly or a contradiction of what is sometimes said in regard to resinification reactions involving dii'unctional phenols only. This is presumably due to cross-linking. This appears to be contradictory to what one might expect in light of the theory of functionality in resinification. It is true that under ordinary circumstances, or rather under the circumstances of conventional resin manufacture, the procedures em ploying difunctional phenols are very apt to, and almost invariably do, yield solvent-soluble, fusible resins. However, when conventional procedures are employed in connection with resins for varnish manufacture or the like, there is involved the matter of color, solubility in oil, etc. When resins of the same type are manufactured for the herein contemplated purpose, i. e., as a raw material to be subjected to oxyalkylation, such criteria of selection are no longer pertinent. Stated another way, one may use more drastic conditions of resinification than those ordinarily employed to produce resins for the present purposes. Such more drastic conditions of resinification may include increased amounts of catalyst, higher temperatures, longer time of reaction, subsequent reaction involving heat alone or in combination with vacuum, etc. Therefore, one is not only concerned with the resinification reactions which yield the bulk of ordinary resins from difunctional phenols but also and particularly with the minor reactions of ordinary resin manufacture which are of importance in the present invention for the reason that they occur under more drastic conditions of resinification which may be employed advantageously at times, and they may lead to cross-linking.
In this connection it may be well to point out that part of these reactions are now understood or explainable to a greater or lesser degree in light of a most recent investigation. Reference is made to the researches of Zinke and his coworkers, Hultzsch and his associates, and to von Eulen and his co-workers, and others. As to a bibliography of such investigations, see Carswell, "Phenoplasts," chapter 2. These investigators limited much of their work to reactions involving phenols having two or less reactive hydrogen atoms. Much of what appears in these most recent and most up-to-date investigations is pertinent to the present invention insofar that much of it is referring to resinification involving difunctional phenols.
For the moment, it may be simpler to consider a "most typical type" of fusible resin and forget for the time that such resin, at least under certain circumstances, is susceptible to further complications. Subsequently in the text it will be pointed out that cross-linking or reaction with excess formaldehyde may take place even with one of such "most typical type" resins. This point is made for the reason that insolubles must be avoided in order to obtain the products herein contemplated for use as reactants.
The "typical type" of fusible resin obtained from a para-blocked or ortho-blocked phenol is clearly differentiated from the Novolak type or resole type of resin. Unlike the resole type, such typical type para-blocked or or-tho-blocked phenol resin may be heated indefinitely without passing into an infusible stage, and in this respect is similar to a Novolak. Unlike the Novolak type the addition of a further reactant, for
' instance, more aldehyde, does not ordinarily alter fusibility of the difunctional phenol-aldehyde type resin; but such addition to a Novolak causes cross-linking by virtue of the available third functional position.
What has been said immediately preceding is subj act to modification in this respect. It is well known, for example, that difunctional phenols, for instance, paratertiaryamylphenol, and an aldehyde, particularly formaldehyde, may yield heat-hardenable resins, at least under certain conditions, as for example the use of two moles of formaldehyde to one of phenol, along with an alkaline catalyst. This peculiar hardening or curing or cross-linking of resins obtained from difunctional phenols has been recognized by various authorities.
The compound herein used as reactants must be hydrophile or sub-surface-active or surfaceactive as hereinafter described, and this precludes the formation of insolubles during resin manufacture or the subsequent stage of resin manufacture where heat alone, or heat and vacuum, are employed, or in the oxyalkylation procedure. In its simplest presentation the rationale of resinification involving formaldehyde, for example, and a difunctional phenol would not be expected to form cross-links. However, cross-linking sometimes occurs and it may reach the objectionable stage. However, provided that the preparation of resins simply takes into cognizance the present knowledge of the subject, and employing preliminary, exploratory routine exa' \inations as herein indicated, there is not the slightest difllculty in preparing a very large number of resins of various types and from various reactants, and by means of different catalysts by different procedures, all of which are eminently suitable for the herein described purpose.
Now returning to the thought that cross-linking can take place, even when difunctional phenols are used exclusively, attention is directed to the following: Somewhere during the course of resin manufacture there may be a potential cross-linking combination formed but actual cross-linking may not take place until the subsequent stage is reached. i. e., heat and vacuum stage. or oxyalkylation stage. This situation may be related or explained in terms of a theory of flaws, or Lockerstellen, which is employed in explaining flaw-forming groups due to the fact that a CHzOH radical and H atom may not lie in the same plane in the manufacture of ordinary phenol-aldehyde resins.
Secondly, the formation or absence of formation of insolubles may be related to the aldehyde used and the ratio of adehyde, particularly formaldehyde, insofar that a slight variation may, under circumstances not understandable, produce insolubilization. The formation of the insoluble resin is apparently very sensitive to the quantity of formaldehyde employed and a slight increase in the proportion of formaldehyde may lead to the formation of insoluble gel lumps. The cause of insoluble resin formation is not clear, and nothing is known as to the structure of these resins.
All that has been said previously herein as regards resiniflcation has avoided the specific reference to activity of a methylene hydrogen atom. Actually there is a possibility that under some drastic conditions cross-linking may take place through formaldehyde addition to the methylene bridge, or some other reaction involving a methylene hydrogen atom.
Finally, there is some evidence that, although the meta positions are not ordinarily reactive, possibly at times methylol groups or the like are formed at the meta positions; and if this were the case it may be a suitable explanation of abnormal cross-linking.
Reactivity of a resin towards excess aldehyde, for instance formaldehyde, is not to be taken as a criterion of rejection for use as a reactant. In other words, a phenol-aldehyde resin which is thermo-plastic and solvent-soluble, particularly if xylene-soluble, is perfectly satisfactory even though retreatment with more aldehyde may change its characteristics markedly in regard to both fusibility and solubility. Stated another way, as far as resins obtained from difunctional phenols are concerned, they may be either formaldehyde-resistant or not formaldehye-resistant.
Referring again to the resins herein contemplated as reactants, it is to be noted that they are thermoplastic phenol-aldehyde resins derived from difunctional phenols and are clearly distinguished from Novolaks or resoles. When these resins are produced from difunctional phenols and some of the higher aliphatic aldehydes, such as acetaldehyde, the resultant is often a comparatively soft or pitchlike resin at ordinary temperature. Such resins become comparatively fluid at to C. as a rule and thus can be readily oxyalkylated, preferably oxyethylated, without the use of a solvent.
Reference has been made to the use of the word "fusible." Ordinarily a thermoplastic resin is identified as one which can be heated repeatedly and still not lose its thermoplasticity. It is recognized, however, that one may have' a resin which is initially thermoplastic but on repeated heating may become insoluble in an organic solvent, or at least no longer thermoplastic, due to the fact that certain changes take place very slowly. As far as the present invention is concerned, it is obvious that a resin to be suitable need only be sufliciently fusible to permit processing to produce our oxyalkylated products and not yield insolubles or cause insolubilization or gel formation, or rubberiness, as previously described. Thus resins which are, strictly speaking, fusible but not necessarily thermoplastic in the most rigid sense that such terminology would be applied to the mechanical properties of a resin, are useful intermediates. The bulk of all fusible resins of the kind herein described are thermoplastic.
The fusible or thermoplastic resins, or solventsoluble resins, herein employed as reactants, are water-insoluble, or have no appreciable hydrophile properties. The hydrophile property is introduced by oxyalkylation. In the hereto appended claims and elsewhere the expression water-insoluble is used to point out thisicharacteristic of the resins usedl In the manufacture of compounds'herein employed, particularly for demulsiflcatlon, it is obvious that the resins can be obtained by one of a number of procedures. In the first place, suitable resins are/marketed by a number of companies and can be purchased in the open market; in the second place, there are a wealth of examples of suitable resins described in the literature. The third procedure is to follow the directions of the present application.
The invention will be illustrated by the following specific examples, giving specific directions for preparing oxyalkylation-susceptible, waterinsoluble, organic'solvent-soluble, fusible phenolaldehyde resins derived from difunctional phenols (Examples 10-88(1) and carrying out the oxyalkylation procedure to produce products of the invention (Examples 1b-9b and table).
Example 1a Grams Para-tertiary-butylphenol (1.0) mole 150 Formaldehyde 37% (1.0) mole 81 Concentrated HCl 1.5
Monoalkyl (Clo-C20, principally Cir-C14) benzene monosulionic acid sodium salt..- 0.8 Xylene 100 (Examples of alkylaryl sulfonic acids which serve as catalysts and as emulsifiers, particularly in the form of sodium salts, include the following;
R is an alkyl hydrocarbon radical having 12-14 carbon atoms.
R is an alkyl radical having 3-12 carbon atoms and n represents the numeral 3, 2, or 1, usually 2, in such instances where R contains less than 8 carbon atoms.)
With respect to alkyl aryl sulfonic acids or the sodium salts, we have employed a monoalkylated benzene monosulfonic acid or the sodium salt thereof, wherein the alkyl group contains 10 to 14 carbon atoms. We have found equally effective and interchangeable the following specific sulfonic acids or their sodium salts: A mixture of diand tripropylated naphthalene monosulfonic acid; diamylated naphthalene monosulfonic acid; and nonyl naphthalene monosulfonic acid.)
The equipment used was a conventional twopiece laboratory resin pot. The cover part of the equipment had four openings: One for reflux condenser; one for the stirring device; one for a separatory funnel or other means of adding reactants; and a thermometer well. In the manipulation employed, the separatory funnel insert for adding reactants was not used. The device was equipped with a combination reflux and water-trap apparatus so that the single piece of apparatus could be used as either a reflux condenser or a water trap, depending on the position of the three-way glass stopcock. This permitted convenient withdrawal of water from the water trap. The equipment, furthermore, permitted any setting of the valve without disconnecting the equipment. The resin pot was heated with a glass fiber electrical heater constructed to fit snugly around the resin pot. Such heaters, with regulators, are readily available.
The phenol, formaldehyde, acid catalyst, and
solvent were combined in the resin pot above described. This particular phenol was in the form of a flaked solid. Heat was applied with gentle stirring and the temperature was raised to -85 C., at which point a mild exothermic reaction took place. This reaction raised the temperature to approximately -110 C. The reaction mixture was then permitted to reflux at 100-105 C. for between one and one and one-half hours. The reflux trap arrangement was then changed from the reflux position to the normal water entrapment position. The water of solution and the water of reaction were permitted to distill out and collect in the trap. As the water distilled out, the temperature gradually increased to approximately C. which required between 1.5 to 2 hours. At this point the water recovered in the trap, after making allowance for a small amount of water held up in the solvent, corresponded to the expected quantity.
The solvent solution so obtained was used as such in subsequent oxyalkylation steps. We have also removed the solvent by conventional means, such as evaporation, distillation or vacuum distillation, and we customarily take a small sample of the solvent solution and evaporate the solvent to note the characteristics of the solvent-free resin. The resin obtained in the operation above described was clear, light amber colored, hard, brittle, and had a melting point of -165" C.
github_open_source_100_1_382 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package com.nealma.account.dao;
import com.nealma.framework.dao.BaseDao;
import com.nealma.framework.model.Resource;
import com.nealma.framework.model.RoleResourceLink;
import org.apache.ibatis.datasource.DataSourceException;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import java.util.List;
* Created by on 5/18/16.
public interface ResourceDao extends BaseDao<Resource> {
public List<Resource> fetchByIds(List<RoleResourceLink> roleResourceLinks) throws DataSourceException;
sn90059649_1915-12-17_1_3_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | Dage. Oplag 6,000 Ekspl. SALOMONS ALMANAK FOR 1916 (De Forenede Staters danske Almanak, Haand ,og Æbog). Illustreret. 200 Sider Magasinformat. 50 Cents Af Indholdet fremhæves: Den danske Dilettantscene. Konventionsrapporter. (Den danske Kirke, Den for. Kirke, "Dania" af Cai. "Dansk Broder samfund" osv.) "Dannebrog—Nysted" Koloniens og "Askov" Koloniens Historie. Mens Tiden gaar. (Oversigt over Verdens-Be givenhederne fra Christi Fødsel til vore Danmarks Historie fra. Sagatiden til Reforma tionen. Fodselsdagskalender og Personalhistorie o. ni. m. Aarets Rapporter om de danske Kirkesamfund, Undervisningsanstalter og andre Institu tioner. Foreningsliste over ca. 1200 danske foreninger 1 Amerika: Hædersbataillonen, en Fortegnelse over samtli ge Veteraner fra 64 boende i Amerika. Aarets Oversigt over Verdens-Begivenhederne. De vigtigste danske Konsulater over hele Verdens-Begivenhederne. De vigtigste danske Konsulater over hele Verdens-Begivenhederne. Fra de danske Herredsvaab En. Med Digterne gennem Danmark. Uddrag ar danske Digterværker. Grundlovens Mænd og Grundlovsfester i København og Amerika. Nordiske Konservations I Leksten. Indeholdende Forklaring over vignige Navne, Genstande og Begreber, som forekommer under Længning og i Sam 5 tale. 3die Udgave, med Supplement. Tilsammen over 6000 Sider, in db. i 6 smukke og holdbare Bind med brun Læderryg og Hjørner, og Titel i Guld. Nu kun $12.00. Dette fortrinlige Værk bor ikke savnes i nogen Samling af danske eller norske Befger, naar det kan faaeS for en saadan Pris. AWAV.V.V.V.W.V.W.V.W.V.W.V.W.V.W.V.W.V.W.W.V.W.W.V.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W. Øer blev skuffet, da de ved at indsende Bestilling linger for sent. fandt Lageret udsolgt, tilraader vi dem iaar at indsende deres Bestilling itide. Øer dets kunstnerisk udstyrede og rigt illustrerede Ind hold noteres følgende: Biskop Tandberg (Kristia nia): Et Ungdomsminde. Rejeskildring fra Ita lien). Peder Tangjerd: Simon af Cyrene. En fantasi. Peer Strømme: En jule aften i Bethlehem. Julius B. Baumann: Xv bvggeren. J. A. Hulteng: Udvandret. (Tekst til Gjengivelse af et Originalmaleri af G. J. Gulliksen). Johan Seines: Vi lovet '-tt komme. D. G. Ristad: Det ny Norman di i Minnesotas Park Region. Th. Eggen: Som de gamle sjunge "kvæde" de unge. Waldemar Ager: Hvorledes Arterv. Portofråt til Brug ved Skolen og Hjemmet, 300 af vore bedste og smukkeste Nationalsange udsatte for Piano. Pris indb JULEGRANEN —1915" er udkommet smukkere udstyret end nogensinde fdr. Pris 50c. Send Bestillinger til C. Rasmussen Puh. Co., & to t? fy 1.25 fønftrttølUtnd. To 18—19=oorigc Nordflesvige re, Schnor og Therkildsen fra Skaft er af Landsretten i Flensborg idømt 9 on 5 Maaneders Fængsel for at hane. gj For Forsøg på at flippe over den danske Grænse. Militære øvelser i Efterskolle. Magistraten i Hadersev bekjendt gjør, at det er blevet besluttet at indlemme militær øvelser som Tvangsu udervisning i Efterskolon. For ikke at begramse de øvrige Undervisningsfag vil de milt tørøvelser finde Sted hver Søndag Eftermiddag fra Kl. 2. Alle Efterskolelever På over 10 Ol ar er for pligtede til at deltage i øvelserne: Udeblivelse ftraffcS. ftnlibcr mangelen. I Følge en ny Forordning beflaglægges nu alle færdige Fabrikater af bobber eller delvis bobber saalede. 1) Alle anlagte Friledtinger i Stær kstrøm, kanlæg, heri indbefattet Sporvognsledninger på elektriske Sktnneveje og fritliggende Skinne forbindelser. 2) Kabler og Ledninger i Stærk itrøm, kanlæg, baade a) overjordisk anlagte af over 50 kvadrat millimeters Xoærntaal for hver enkelt Ledning og b) underjordisk af mere end 95 kvadrat. Millimeters Xværmaal for den enkelte Ledning. Alle Kobber-Fyrhnller. 4) Alle Destillationsapparater og Kiøleindretninger. 5) Alle Bryggekjedler. For over 10 miles, the underskammer, Alle Baste og Centrifugement trommer af Kobber. Wjeitstande af Messing og andre Kobberlegeringer rammes ikke as denne Forordning. Te nærte ved Beboere i Møgeltønder By og Sogn har, i Følge „Flensborg Avis", vift nt efterlignelsesvcerdig Forståelse for deres mindre bemidlede Medborge res trange Kaar under den nuværende ved Kfigen foraarsagede Dyrtid. Kjøbmand Filskov har ladet en første Klasses fed Okse slagte og ud 5« bele til Sognets mere eller mindre trængende. Grev Schack, der ved så mange Lejligheder tilforn Høj vist et varmtfølende Hjerte og en aabeit Haand for fiit,c Medmenne skers Be og Vel og derfor ogsaa i vide Kredse nyder velfortjent Høj agtelse og Hengivenhed, har i sam me Øjemed skjænket en Sum af fle re Tinsinde Mark. Desnden har adskillige skjænket Beløb på flere Hundrede Mark og en Mængde mindre Summer er ind kommet, ina Sognets mind Rebemid lede kan gå Binternt i Møde uden alt for mange Sorger. Pinter pan østfronten, Af Felt brevene til „Heimdal" fremgacir det, nt Vinteren nllerede hnr tnget nl vorligt fat pan østfronten. Fra Egnen ved Dunndurg strives f. Eks.: „Det er ikke just Sommer vind. der blæser her, og Sneen knirker under Støvlerne". Men Soldaterne beretter, at de har det lun og godt i deres dybe Iordhu ler. tiaact i Theater nden Tilladelse. Tjenestekarl Alfred Iøgensen fra Danmark, der tjener i Dybbøl, vil de til Theater i Sønderborg. Da Sønderborg ikke er samme Amtsdi strift som Dybbøl, var den Anklage gede som fremmed Underfaat for pligtet til at føg A mtsf orstnnderens illadelse samt at anmelde og fra melde sig i Sønderborg. Dette havde han forsømt. Retten idømte ham en Tags Fængsel. En Esbjerg-Fisker dømt. Lands retten i Flensborg behandlede i Følge „Flensb. Av." forleden en Sag mod Fiffer Chresten Torben sen af Esbjerg, der var anklaget for at have fiffet i tyske Farvande. Den Anflagede undskyldte sig med, at han ingen nautiske Instru menter havde om Bord og ikke vid ste, hvor han var. Han var imidler tid bleven anholdt af et tysk Bngt skib. Stntsadvokaten androg paa en Bøde paa 600 Mark samt Inddra gelse af Fangst og Redskaber. Retten idømte den Anklagede en Bøde paa 200 Mark og Inddra gelse af Fangst og Redskaber. Flygtet over Kongeaaen med Hest og Vogn. I sidste Uge er en Gaard ejer, der cr hjemmehørende i Fæ sted i Sønderjylland, flygtet over Grænsen paa en ejendommelig Maade. Gaardejeren, der var hjem me paa Orlov, var fjørt ned for at se til nogle Kreaturer, som han hav de gaantdc ved Kongeaaen. Han blev skarpt iagttaget af Vagten, men da denne vendte Ryggen til, piffede Gaardejeren Paa Hesten, og kjørtc fuld Fart over Aaen. Han slap, i Følge „Vestsj. Soc.- Dem..", i god Behold paa dansk Side, og han tæn ker ikke paa at fjørc tilbage. Bladet tilføjer: Der passes i øv rigt særdeles godt paa ved Grænsen nn. Vagtposterne staar med en Af stand af 100 m, og de er om Nat ten forsynede med Lygter, der lyser saa stærkt, at det mellemliggende Terræn kan overses. Statsfarlig Trætte med en Pige. Ved Landsretten i Flensborg be handledes i Følge „Flensb. Av." forleden en Sag, hvorunder H. P. Nielsen af l'arablinnd. født 1851 på Sjælland, var anklaget for Ma jestætsfornærmelse af Belejringlo ven. Fra fte Maj. til 1ste Juli i Aar havde han tjent hos Fru Chri stine Andresen i virruplitnd, hvis Mand er indkaldt. Her var han en Dag kommen i Trætte med en Pi ge, som tjente der. Han havde da sagt, at det tyske Pak og det tyske Folk skulde hænges op i et Reb, og havde i dvnitc Forbind el fe sagt no get om Skiferen.. Den Anklagede nægtede at have sagt dette. Han havde kun sagt til Fru Andersen, at ban ikke kunde tjene sammen med det tyske Pak. Han klagede over. at Pigen, som han tjente sammen med det tyske Pak. Han klagede over. at Pigen, som han tjente sammen med den Anklagede. Te bevidnede, at Nielsen havde sagt det, han var anklaget s or. Han havde sagt. at han vilde melde sig som frivillig i Danmark, naar dette slog sig løs mod Tyskland. Statsadvokat ten androg på. et Aars Fæng sel for Mej cjtæt 5 o 11 ær mel s e og Da ges Fængsel for Overtrædelse af Belejringloven. Retten idømte ham 9 Maaneders Fængsel for Maje stætsfornærmelse og Ugers Fæng fel for Overtrædelse af Belejring loven. Formildende Omstændighe der kunde der under de foreliggende Forhold ikke være Tale om. Straf fen sammendrages til 10 Manne der. Fra den anden Side af Havet. Ved Velvillighed af Mrs. Eugenia Lamacchia, 117 Horolmid Avenue, Kenosha, Wis., offentliggjøres her med følgende Bret), font him mod tog fra sin Broder i Italien: San Vito Cofenza, Italien, 2dnt Januar. Sijærc 'Søster:—Det cr Hjertets Stemme, som tater, Hjertet, font idag staar med ny Kraft, fuldt af Haab, font Resultat af den miraku løse Medicin, som Du sendte mig. Jeg har noget Kuriko i femen Dage, og min Mave er allerede i Stand til at beholde Mælt, ZEg, Suppe osv. Jeg fjender mig gjen nemtrængt af en Følse af Velbe findende. Medicinen har givet mig Kulør og Kræfter, og jeg kunde næsten sige med en Sindsro, der alt sammen, bar været ufjendt for mig i lang Tid. Jeg tafter Gud for den Tanke, som ledede dig til at komme mig til Hjælp med Dr. Peters Kuriko. Nu ntaa jeg bede dig gjøre mign den Tjeneste, saasnart du faar dette Brev, at fe ude mig to Flaffer til, da den ene jeg har er halv tømt, og jeg vil fandfynligvis trænge mere. Jeg beder dig,fjære Søster, at gjøre dette for mig. v alle Lande og blandt 'alle Folk viser Dr. Peters Kuriko sine for tjenstfulde Egenskaber som Medicin. Den er ifke at faa paa Apotheker. Specielle Agenter forskaffer den til Almenheden eller kan den bestilles direkte fra Fabrikanternes Labatorium. Skriv til Dr. Peter Fahrnet & Sons Co., 19—25 So. Hoyt Ave., Chicago, III. Nordjylland bar matt fornylig en eller anden Anledning opfriffet Erindringen om den faafaldfe „Hals Præst", en Seer og Mirakel doktor, der levede omkring forrige Århender, Aarhundredes Midte, og font synes at have gode Betingelser for at bli ve en fremragende vendsysselsk Sagnfigur. Som fif Bidrag fil Erindringer ne om „Hals Præst"s Bedrifter skriver en 82-nnrig Mand, Chr. Christensen i Maastrup ved Tolne, til „Vends. Tid.": 1853 var der Session i Skagen, hvor ogsaa jeg sfttldc møde. Sessionen afholdtes 0111 Vinteren. Det var den Gang Skik, at naar Folkene fra Aalbæk font til Skagen, faa samledes de i Kroen for at før den denne Gang. Men da man blev samlet, opdagede man, at der manglede en Mand, og det var, saa vidt jeg husker, Peder Madens Søn fra Klitland i' Aalbæk. Man ledte efter ham i flere Dage, men uden Resultat, og tilsidst opgav man Haabet om at finde ham. Hen på Sommeren blev man enig om at før de Bud efter „Hals Præst", og denne kom da ogsaa til Aalbæk. Da han kom til Stede, bad han om at irtaafte komme ind i en Stue. Straks efter kom han ud igjen og sagde: „Nu kan to Mænd gå nord ad Vejen. Der er jo tre Broer. Den første Bro fkal I ikke fe under men under det anden tænker jeg, at I kan få lidt at fe af baits Trøje." På det-angivne Sted fandt man gå rigt Karlens Lig. Det havde ligget der i Maanedcr. Hvem der ikke nøjere kjendte „Hals Præst", troede tit, at han var sindsforvirret „taabelig" men det var han nu paa ingen Maade. For 42 Aar siden boede jeg Tversted Søitdea, hvor „Præsten" kom til mig og bad mig om at føre sig op til Christian Østergaard i Uggerby. Det gjorde jeg og få. Da vi. kom til Gaarden og kom ind, facide han, henvendt fil Pigen: „Jeg har hørt, at Du ikke fan fpife noget. Følg med mig ind i en Stue!" Det varede iffe længe, inden de kom ud igjen, og saa sag de. han: „Lad nu Pigen gaa hen og skjære en god Mellemad, den fan hun vel nok spise." Og det gjorde hun. Jeg.sad selv derinde og saa paa det. Hun havde ifke spist i otte Dage. „Vil Du vide, hvem der har gjort det mod hende?" spurgte „Hals Præst" Christian Østergaard. „Det ved jeg ikke", svarede Marden. „De kan heller ikke gjøre det mere", sagde Præsten. Og efter den Tid kunde Pigen sp ise. „Hals Præst" fik for fin Ulejlighed en „grov Kage" Sigtebrød —, en „grov Kage" og et Faarelaar. Hvor man geg Penge han fik, ved jeg ikke men jeg fik tre Rigsdaler for den Turban boede den Watt i Bindslev Sogn. Det var jo i gamle Dage Sfif at afholde de sacckaldfe „Kartebalier". Et saadant blev ogsaa holdt hos en Mand i Tversted, hvor bl. O. min Søfter var med. Det traf fig da, at „Hals Præst" kom til Stede for at fe paa en syg Hest. Han kom ind i Stuen og satte sig ned. Og de unge Piger lo ad ham ban var jo ogsaa en lidt aparte Figur at se paa, navnlig for hvem, der ikke havde set ham før. Og „Præsten" faa paa Pigerne og Pigerne lo ad ham. Pludselig pegede den gantle Seer paa en af dem og udbrød: Hvad er det. Du er faa glad over. Er det fordi Du var ude sidste Nat? Men mon Dit ved, at Du har Ud sigt til at blive Moder til to Sntan pig cr? Tror Du, det cr Løgn, jeg fortæller, saa kan Du gierne lade mig det vide om fyrretyve Uger!" Men Spaadomnen gif i Opfylde! se. Smaapigerne kom til Verden og levede begge to, ntnnffe de lever endnu den Tag i Dag: men det ved jeg dog iffe. Prinsessers l^isternmalsndsigter. London er der lige udkommet cit Bog af Prinsessess Catherine Rad ziwill, hvori hun kommer ind paa Spørgsmanlet om Prinsessers Gist tennaalsudsigter i Fremtiden. Da der bl ver Mangel på fyr stelige Segtemænde efter Krigen, me når Forfatterinden, at de unge Princessere i Fremden må bortgiftet efter andre Principper end før, og a+ Politikfen far mindre nt fige og Hjertet mere. Tyskland kommer if ær til at lide under disse Forhold. Tyskland kommer if ær til at lide under disse Forhold. En tysk Fyrstinde, som har syv voks ne Døtre, udbrød forfærdet, da Tyfflands Ultimatum til Rusland blev befjendtgjort: „Hvor fan Kejse ren gjøre sligt! Nit fan vi aldrig mere tænke paa at faa vore Døtre gifte med Storfyrster". Da det fift fert efter Krigen bliver vnnffeligt for tyste Fyrstinder at gifte fig uden for deres eget Land, bliver mange af dem nødt til at nøjes med almin delige Dødelige, og endda bliver det ikke let for dem at faa en Mand, for de fleste Fyrstinder har store For dringer, men smaa Midler. Som Regel er en tysk Fyrstindes Med gift meget beffeden. De bedste fyrstelige Partier er for Tiden Prinsesserne af Huset Romanov. De er smukke og ualminde lig dygtige. Der var en Gaitg Tale om et rumænisk Giftenuanl for den ældste af Fyrstinderne, hvad der jo vilde have været udmærket for Ru mænien. Men, skriver Prinsesser, et Gifterrnaal med en Prins, som ikke tilhører den græsk-katholsfc Kirke, vilde ikke være populært i Rusland. En Und tagelse vilde det være med Prinsen af 'Wales. Hvis han blev Danmarks-Bygningen. Op ær o nth ed en henledes på den as undertegnede Komite ud-, sendte Danmarks-Bygningen-Platte, som er et vigtigt Led i Bestridelsen af Omkostningerne til Danmarks-Bygningen på Verdensudstillingen i San Francisco, hvorvor vi hvaber, at endn ret mange må benytte Anledningen til at blive Ejer as den smukke Erindring om nævnte hi storke Begivenhed. Platten er kompeneret af den be kjendte danske Kunstner, Prof. A. trog og præsenterer (som det vil ses af medfølgende Aftryk en typisk dansk Landidyl. Den cr fremstillet paa Den Kongelige Porcelanssa brik i Kjøbenhavn og er udført i Fabrikens bekjendte Maa Farve. I sig selv et nydeligt Kunstværk og en Pryd for enhver dansk Stue, faar en Platte som denne en ganske særlig Værd ved kun at være frem stillet i et meget begrænset Antal Eksemplarer cn Værdi, som vil stige betydeligt i årænge. Og dertil vil den altid være et talende Bevis paa, at Ejeren en Gang var med til at støtte et stort dansk-ame krækne Nationalforetagende. For at realisere Restoplaget er Prisen paa Platten bleven nedsat til $2.00. Hele Indtægten tilfalder Danmarks-Bygnings-Fondet. Det hele er, som Inskriptionen paa selve Platten antyder: Til Danmarks A5re. Netop i år, da Danmarks-Bygnings-Sagen lægger saa stærkt Be slag paa Dansk-Amerikanernes Opmærksomhed, vilde en saadan Platte være særlig velkommen som en Julegave, og intet kunde bære mere passende. Gift med en af Storfyrstinderne, vil de han blive hilst med Begejstring over hele Landet. Saa vilde Rusland glemme, at en af dets Døtre gik over til den nnglikanfke Kirke. Balknnstater ne font mer egentlig til af høste mest Fordel af Krigen med Hensyn til fyrstelige Gifter ihm. Før Krigen var deres Udsigter samm, nu er de steget betydeligt, nårlig fordi Tystland første månlig fordi Tystland første år. Prinsesse Radziwill mener endog, at Tysfland vil blive lyst i Band i et halvt Hundrede år ud i Fremden. Te første på det fongelige Det skulde glæde os at modtage Deres Bestilling snarest. Med venlig Hilsen, Danmarks-Bøngings-Komiteen. samt samt græffe Prinsesser. Den rigeste Arving blandt Europas Fyrstinder er den unge Regent inde i Lu rem borg Marie Adelaide, som nær 21 År gammel. Den samt kranken, nårlig Prinsesse efterstræbes af næsten alle unge Fyrster i Europa, men Fyrsterne månkte glemme, at Fyrstinden ved, hvad hun vil. Platten kan endnu faas hos E. E. Bunck, 4648 Calumet Ave., Chicago, eller hos E. A. Mathiesen, 3103 Columbus Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., hvor Bestillinger modtages og effektueres med omgaaende Post. Wgtefkabsmarked er Medlemmerne af det rumænske Kongehus. De andre Balkanstater vil gjerite komme ind den rumænske Fyrstefamilie for at faa Indflydelse paa Landets Poli tik. Til den ellevenarige Storfyrste tronfølger Alcris bliver det næppe faa svært at finde en Gemalinde en timui i wemtøen. Sti., om Rus. væsk vor at land iffe vil høre tale om en tyst Me Bæger fra vort Lager sendes Prinsesse, saa cr der jo bande span- portofrit med Pakkepost, eller Ex ske. svenske og danske, mange press men Msker man Pakken as- lnreret ntaa 5 Cents ekstra medføl ge Bestillingen. C. Rasmussen Pub. Cv. 720—722 So. 4th St. TOWELS Minneapolis, Minn Professoren fortæller om sine Rej ser i Indien og om alle de Slanger, han har set. En ung Dame (udbryder): „Aa, jeg døde Aa nej, Frøken, det en Slange." Professoren: „Aa nej, Frøken, det en Slange." Skriv efter Prøvenummer af dette Blad. Minneapolis, Minn.: |
hin-wel-all-00001800-001_1 | German-PD | Public Domain | Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D —— —ñ—— —— — — —— — rç e— — — a — — — Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D m». Begwadduh: Be N Dari innen nicht alleinalle Empter / A⸗ —— x | — En) ſtrument / Gezeug / vnd alles / ſo zu diſem Handelgeböng/mit Frau | ren vorgehudet / vnd Elärlich beſchrieben · Sondern auch / wie einrechtverfkändiger Berge mann ſeyn ſoll / vnd die Gaͤng außzurichten ſeyen. Item / von allerley Gaͤngen /Kluͤfften vnd abſetzen deß Gefteins. Von den Maſſen/vom Marfchepden. Deßgleichen wie ein Gang zu hawen / wie alle Schaͤcht zu ſencken vnd auffzurichten Rn Von den Soollen / Fellorten / Radſtuben / vnnd andern Gchämwen. Bonak. lerley Troͤgen / Waſſergehaͤuſen / Waſſerkunſt / Pompen vnd Rinnen/x Vom böfen WWetter/unda 9 ſoꝛglichen zufaͤllen / ſo den Berghaͤwern widerfahrt. Vom pꝛobieren / vnd was ſonſt darzu vonnohten Wie man das Erg bereiten / klauben / pauchen / roͤſten / quaͤtſchen / raͤdern/ wa⸗ — ſchen / im Roͤſtofen brennen / vnd allerley Ertz mit nutz ſchmeltzen ſoll / rc. — Item / wie das Gold vom Silber / vnd das Silber vom Gold: Ji⸗ das Rupffer vom Gold / vnd das Bley vom Bold vnd Silber zu ſcheiden ſey und wichikt zwey koͤſtlichen Metall mit nutz ſollen gebrandt werden. Auch wie das Silber vom Kupffer vnnd vomn Eyſen zu ſeygern ſey. Letſtlich von allerley harten Säfften / die auß Waſſern vnd fluͤſſigen Säft: ten / oder vermiſchten Steinen gemacht werden. Vnd wie endtlich das | EN Saltz zu ſieden / vnd Glaß zu machen ſey. Durch den Hochgelehrten vnd weitberuͤhmbten Herrn Georgium Agricolgm / der Ark ney Doctom/ond Durgermeifter der Ehurfürftlichen Statt Kemnitz / Erſtlich mit groſſem fleiß / mübe und) arbeit / in Sarein beſchrieben / vnd in zwoͤlff Bücher abgetheilt: Nachmals aber durch den Achtbarn / vnd auch Hochgelehrtez | Philippum Bechium / Philoſophen / Arhzt / vnd in der loblichen Vniverſitet zu Baſel Profeffoan/ mit ſonder I fleiß Teutſcher Nation zu gut — * an Tag geben / vnd num zům andern Bes "mal gerruckt, PR Allen Bergherrn / Gewercken / Bergmeiſtern Sefhmomen.Schichtinels ſtern / Steigern / Berghaͤwern / Waͤſchern vnnd Schmeltzern⸗ | nicht allein nutzlich und dienſtlich / ſendern auch zu willen hochnohtwendig. In! N I IN | 4 II) an N) I7 | NR Tr BT) mm Al ML 1 M J J nd, | IN | | ı' DD] au | | | | — G - Mr \z \ \ 0 “ - ! BR — ẽ n ILINE x FE \ N s * HL Ar ER ’ — N ER N —— N —— * — Y je — N N SL [OS * ht za RN > N WTrore AR II — * es \ pr rare ARE RI v BEN VE UI N 2 “ I = ID — % Sc RR, N TR 37777 IE VRR re — My iv) 5 ” Tr 7 g D Aa \ NN N NIESSPI \ BR N « 2 * 2 T wi * DE | —— 7— . ' BR x a — —— N O 1 — > hi RE —5 Een —— 3 a EEE — — a — eh in Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D EEE en r — ne — — — - * - _ _ — — — Sy ES Ss HUWUF Sy ENDE tee 22 Bu ' 2 ER ae ‘ ; En a EN “7 * Med * * * * —X 2 ITS HEN TEEN ZN ERS U AN » | 5 7 Va d —* X — » BEN GZI\Ne UN * I FEAIWVSIL m —e— —B * era Ir IE RU s % “ ION ITT, Dem Ehmveſten vnd Hochgelehr⸗ ten Herrn / Joachim Struͤppen / der Artzney Doctorn⸗- Churfuͤrſtlichem Pfaltziſchem beſteltem Leibs Medito/ mei⸗ nem — Herren aN » 5 ift fein zweiffel / daß foman den gan’ NN) Ben Handel deß Bergwercks eigentlich betrachtet / vnd alle theil deffelbigen für fich nimpt / ſich heil vnd IS Elar befindet daß Bergwerck bawen ſehr hoch von S noͤten ſey / vnd ja fo wol notig als der Acherbaw / ohn EEE welchen das Menſchlich Leben nicht mag erhalten werden’ auch zu deihfelbigen ein fonderlicher groffer Berftandt, vnd vielmehr Kunſt / dann afbeitgedöre, en Dani es muß ohn alle widerred ein recht verſten⸗ iger Bergmañ / aller Dingen, fodem Bergwerck anhengig/ ein rechte bericht Ne > vnd verſtand habẽ / auff allerley Bergart / diefelbige zu probieren / vnd mit nutz vnd frommen zuſchmeltzen / abgericht ſeyn / auch ein gruͤndliche erfahrung der Gängen, Klufften / Schichten und abſetzungen deß Geſteins / viel vnd man⸗ cherley geſtalten der Erden’ Saͤfften / Edelgeſteinen / Steinen Marmelſtei⸗ nen / Felſen / auch allerley Ertzt vnnd vermiſchte ding wiſſen / darzu auff alle Kuͤnſten / Gezeugen / Gebaͤwen vnd Werck / wie dieſelbige nicht allein ob der Erden / ſonder auch darunder muͤſſen angericht vnd vollbracht werden’ ein. vollkommentlichen verſtandt Haben, Vnd das noch viel groͤſſer vnd herrlicher iſt / auch loͤblicher vnd wunderbarlicher muß er neben diſen obgenannten din⸗ gen auch der Philoſophey / welche ein Mutter iſt aller Kuͤnſten / jtem der Artz⸗ ney / deß Geſtirns / vnd Himmels Lauff / der Geometrey vnd Arithmetick de Reiſſens vnd Mahlens / auch det Keyſerlichen Rechten / vnd ſondetlich deß Bergrechtens/ vnd was ſonſt darnebẽ der Bergkunſt zugethan iſt / ein recht⸗ ſchaffene vbung und erfahrung haben / ſo ferr er anderſt fuͤr ein Bergverſten⸗ digen / vnd rechten Vorſeher vnd Regenten anderer Bergleut vnd Knappen gehalten / vnd vonihnengelobt vnd geprieſen ſeyn will. Deren aber findt man leider zu vnſern zeiten gar wenig / die ſich mit ernft auffs Bergwerck legen/ vnd alle ſeine theil/ ſo viel muͤglich / zuvor recht und fleiſſig erfuchen vnd erfah ⸗ ren / Daher es dann gewoͤhnlich geſchicht / das wenig Gluͤck vnd Heil darzu ſchlegt/ wo man alſo mit vngewaſchenen Händen zum Bergwerck lauffet / vnd nie vorhin die Gänge niit aller gelegenheit recht vnd mol erfehret auch von Bergverfiändigen gnugſamlich onterrichtet wird wie man die Hänge auß⸗ ſuchen vnd außrichten/ auch mitnuß ond fronimen Bergwerck bamen folle. Dan wie hoch es von noͤten iſt / allen Bawrsleutẽ (ich wilder andern Hand» | — b ithjſerung Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Ä Vorꝛede. — — | thierung geſchweigen) die erfahrung und der fleiß, das Feldt recht ond orden- | 77 — 2 alſo Hoch iſt es auch von nöten/ allen den en / ſo mit Bergwerck vmbgehen woöllen / daß ſie deſſen vorhin ein gewiſſen bericht / vnd gruͤndlichen verſtandt / von wolerfahrnen Bergleuten erſchoͤpffen / ob ſie ſich auffs Berg⸗ werck begeben / vnd ſich nicht alſo geſchwindt vnd vnbedacht / auff alle vnfuͤn⸗ | dige maſſen ond zechen legen / vnd einem jeden Guggißkrentzler glauben ge, \ benwon ihnen viel vnd mancherley theil ohn allen vnderſcheidt an ſich kauf⸗ fen / der meinung vnd zuverſicht / daß man dardurch groſſe außbeut in kurtzer Zeit bekommen / vnd viel Schaͤtz erlangen woͤlle⸗ ſo doch leider gewoͤhnlichen/ | wo man diefen herzlichen onnd ſehr nuͤtzlichen Handel deß Bergwercks / alſo eichtfertig vnd vnbeſonnen angreiffet / für Hold on Silber nichts dañ lauter Rosa fm San Ai Wale ou Glinnuer vnd Katzenſil⸗ ber zur außbeut nimpt / vnd fuͤr groſſe Schaͤtz / Die hm einer fuͤrgebildet hat/ nichts dann eitel Kolen hernach folget. ee ne | Es iſt aber Bergwerck bawen mit wichten ein vngoͤttlicher Handel / vnnd | onfelige Narung / wie etliche vermeintlich fürgeben. Denn dieweil der All⸗ mächtige GOit vnd Vatter/Schoͤpffer Himmels vnd der Erden / die Berg onnd Thal, Gehenge vnd Gefprenge / Klufft vnd Hänge, Schwaͤfel vnnd Queckſuͤber/darauß taͤglich Ertzt vnd Silber waͤchſet/ ſelber geſchaffen / vnnd auch Hofes gedencket im Paradyß eines reichen Goldſeiffens im Fluß Ban⸗ ges / vnd ruhmet Tubal Cain denelteften Bergman / welcher auß dem Geſeif⸗ fen / Geſchuben / Witterung / Sicherung / vnd mit ara; zum er⸗ ſten außgericht vnd entbloͤßt hat. Es verhei et auch GOtt durch Moſen / be⸗ heben andern leiblichen dingen / vnd guten gaben Ertzt und Metall / Gold vnd ESubernur notturfft vnd Artzney der Menſchen / Vnd der weiſe vnd gerechte Konig Salomon / auch der Gottsfuͤrchtige Koͤnig Joſaphat / haben beyde im Fluß ðzanges in Indien / das beſte Opheriſch Hold waͤſchen laſſen / vnnd ge⸗ menlich indreyen Jaren biß in die ſechs end ſechtzig Tonen Golds pberfchuß/ pndzur aufbeut bekom̃en / wie ſie dann Moſes an dag ortgeiviefenhat. So find die Philipper in Macedonia / an die ©. Daulus fchreibt / auch fehr ver⸗ r ſtandige Leuih darzu reich vnd gewaltig von Bergwerck geweſen. Derhalben hat er diſe hit a mit groffen Freyheiten vnd Privilegien ber gnadet/auch daſelbſt ein Muͤntz auffgericht / vnd die alten Philipper Guͤlden geſchlagen / deren einer doppelte Kronen gegolten. Vnd haben groſſe Herrn vñ gute Haußpvaͤtter / wie wir ſolchs auß den Hiſtorien erfahren / ſich jederzeit auff Bergwerck befliſſen/vnd ſolchen Stätten ſonderlichen Schuß vnd Freyheit gegeden / dieweil ſie wenn das Bergwerck anſitzet⸗ järlichen groſſe abnutzung ond vberlauff geben / ohn alle vertuft vñ darlag der Grun dherrn / wie wir dann en dz auch von deſſenwegẽ der Joachims Thal / ſam̃t Freyberg in Neiſſen/ | a — vñ andern Bergſtatten vñ Flecken foın — Meiſſen Sachſen / Karndten / Vngern/ Behem vnd anderßwo gelegen von + Keyſern vnd Konigen / Furſten vnd Herrn / mit viel groſſen Sryhannonnd - | - Privilegienfür andere Staͤtt vnd Flecken befreyet / vnd .. Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy zweiffel ein guter Bergman geweſen dies weil er in feinen Pſalmen an manchem ort / fo viel ſchoͤner Gleichnuß vom Bergwerck angezogen vnd gegeben hat So iſt er auch von Gold vnd Silber ſehr reich geweſen / welches vnder anderem darauß abzunemmen iſt / daß ein groſſer Schatz bey ſeinem Grab in heimlichen ſecklein lange Zeit verborgen gelegen iſt / auß welcher einem / wie Joſephus ſchreibet / drey tauſen Talenta Golds herauß genommen vnd mit demſelbigen die Statt von deß Antiochi belegerung errettet worden. —J— | —D Zu dem iſt auch Abraham an Gold vnd Silber ſehr reich geweſen / Item/ Loth/Laban / Joachim der Suſannen Ehemann ze, die alle zuſampt von ihr rer Reichthumb wegengelobt werden. Weiter fo gedenckt auch) Job vnd Eli⸗ phas als Bergleut im Arabiſchen Gebirge / der Gaͤngen vñ Seiffen / vnd wie man es darfuͤr achten wil / ſol auch das Ertzt ſeinen Namen auß der Hebrei⸗ ſchen Spraach haben. Dennfienennetdie Erden Ertzt / wie ſie auch das Grab / darinn die verſtorbene der Aufferweckung warten / Schacht nennet. Derwegen ſo folget auß dieſem allen / daß das Bergwerck ein Goͤttliche vnnd ſelige Nahrung ſeyn muß / vnd daß ein Bergmann deß Bergwercks mit gu⸗ sem Gewiſſen gebrauchen koͤnne / vnd GOtt dem Allmaͤchtigen / dem rechten Ertztmacher daneben dienen / vnd mitandernfrommen Chriſten zur Selig⸗ keit komme. Demnach / dieweil auß ſolchem allem die Ehrligkeit vnd Not⸗ wendigkeit deß Bergwercks / gnugſam erklaͤrt vnd bekrefftiget iſt und vnſer Teutſchland von der gnaden GOttes / für andern Nationen mit vielen vnnd “ reichen NMetallen begabet/ Hab ich zubeförderung eines fo trefflichen Wercks / diß Buch Agricolae/ ſo zuvor zwar auch getruckt / jekund auffs new, mit beſ⸗ ſerem fleiß als zuvor / durchſehen / bekannt vnd gemein machen woͤllen / damit einjeder Laͤſer/ vnd fuͤrnemlich die fo in Bergwercken vmbgehen / als Berg» meiſter / Bergrichter / Einfahrer / Schachter / Scheider / Schmeltzer / Silber; brenner / Probierer / Geſchworne vnd andere / koͤnnen darauß abnemen vnnd verſtehen / was ſie für Nutz empfahen werden / ſo fie dieſe herslicheond trefflich Buͤcher / darinn dann der gantze handel deß Bergwercks klaͤrlich befchrieben, vnd mit viel häpfchen vnd wercklichen Figuren Illuſtriret iſt mit fleiß vnnd ernſt geleſen werden. ENTER Vnd wann gantz nichts anders in dieſen Buͤchern wer angezeigt, dann allein wie man mit Nutz ſchmeltzen vnd probieren ſolle / ſs weren es doch auß der maſſen nuͤtzliche vnd treffliche Bücher/ vnd wol werth / daß ſie im ein je⸗ der ſo Bergwerck bawet / kaͤuffte / vnd jm dieſelbe gemein maͤchte. Es ſind a⸗ ber noch viel andere vnd groͤſſere Kuͤnſt hierinn begriffen / angezeigt vnnd er⸗ klaͤret. Denn im erſten Buch werden alle Argumenta vnd widerreden,deren dp ſo wider das Vergwerck je gered vnd geſchrieben haben / mit viel wortẽ gnug I ſamlich widerlegt vnd vmbgeſtoſſen. Im andern Buch wirdt angezeigt / wie ein jeder verſtaͤndiger Bergmann ſein ſolle/ vnd wie die Gaͤnge außzurichten ſeyen. Im dritten Buch wirdt von allerley Gaͤngen / Klufften vnd abfegen deß Geſteins geredt. Im pierdten Buch Wird von den Maſſen / vnd vom Marſcheiden / darzuponallen Em iij Edle Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D | pternder Bergleut gehandelt, Im fuͤnff⸗ ten Buch wird erklart wieein Bang zuhawen MO ringe auch an Tag die Boriede, Edle Kunſt deß Marſcheidens / vnd wie alle Schächt zu ſencken vnd außzu⸗ richeen ſeyen redet auch von den Stollen Fellorten / Radſtuben / Gebewen c. Im ſechſten Buch wird angezeigt aller Hauwerzeug / darzu von allerley Trö- gen / Waſſergefeſſen vnd Rinnen / auch von mancherley ſeltzamer Ari vnnd Foꝛmen der Gezeugen / vnd Kuͤnſten / vnd auffs letzt vom boͤſen Wetter vnd andern ſorglichen zufaͤhlen / ſo den Berghauwern widerfahren / gehandelt, Im ſiebendẽ Buch wird fleiſſig vnd trewlich / die treffliche vnd nuͤtzliche Kunſt deß Probierens / mit allen Inſtrumenten / vnd was ſonſt darzu von nöten/ angezeigt vnd erklaͤret Im achten Buch werden alle Weiſen / mit welchen das Ertzt bereitet wirt / das iſt Geklaubet / Gebuchet / Geroͤſt / Gequetſcht / vnd zu Maͤhl gemahlen / Geraͤdert / Gewaͤſchen / im Roͤſtofen gebrannt / etc. ange⸗ zogen vnd gelehret. Im neundten Buch wird mit hoͤchſtem fleiß / die Kunſt allerley Ertzt mit nutz zu ſchmeltzen / an Tag gebracht. Imzehenden Buch wird gelehrt, / wie das Gold vom Silber das Silber vom Gold / Item das Kupffer vom Gold/ vnd das Pley vom Gold vnd Silber zuſcheiden ſey / dar⸗ zu wie dieſe zwey koͤſtliche Metall mit nutz ſollen gebrannt werden. Im eilff⸗ ten Buch wird auch geoffenbaret / wie das Silber vom Kupffer vnd vom Ey⸗ fen zuſeygern ſey / vnd wie alle Seigerhutten recht ſollen gebawet vnd auffge⸗ richt werden Im zwoͤlfften vnd letzten Buch / geſchicht meldung aller harten Saͤfften Die auß waſſern oder auß fluͤſſigen Saͤfften / oder vermiſchten Stei⸗ nen gemacht werden. Item / wie das Saltz zu ſieden / das Glaß zumachen ſey / c. Vnd iſt dieſes kuͤrtzlich der innhalt dieſes gantzen Wercks/ doch wer⸗ den auch vnderweilen andere ding darunder gemifcht / welches zuleſen nicht allein lieblich vnd luſtig / ſonder auch ſehr nuͤtzlich iſ. Darumb mach ich mir kein zweifel/ es werde diß herrlich / fuͤrtrefflich vnd nuͤtzlich Werck Agricolae⸗ allen Bergleuten viel mehrluſt vnd liebe zum Bergwerck bringen, dieweil ſie auß ſolchen Buͤchern fo ſie dieſelbige mit fleiß durch leſen / zu rechtem verſtand deß Bergwercks kommen mogen / dardurch dann erfolgen wird / daß ſie jhr Gelt / Maͤhe vnd Arbeit / die ſie deß Bergwercks halben fuͤr vnnd fuͤr haben muͤſſen / mit groſſem nutz werdenanlegen,onddaraußeintrefflihegute Nah rung erlangen. es reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. Borzede, Standes Perſonen / vngeſpartes fleiſſes vnnd vermoͤgens vortreibet / eins pflantzet vnd befordert / So hab ich mir deſto mehr vrſachen geſchoͤpfft / E.E. diß furtrefflich Werck / zu ſchutz Ehren vnd furdernuß heimzufchreiben vnd zu deditiren / gantz vngezweiffelt / wie es an ſich ſelbſten nußbar vnd behaͤglich iſ/ Alſo werde es vormittels E. E. loblichen Namens vnd angeregter CKonſectra⸗ tion / bey allen der Edlen Bergkunſt Liebhabern / vnd befordern vmb fo viel mehr / in ſchuldiger Wirdigkeit / Lieb vnd achtung gehalten werden. Langet demnach an E. E. mein vnderdienſtliche hochfleiſſige Bitt / die gerůuͤhrte dieſe Dedicationvon mir in gunſten auffne men mein genelgt Ge⸗ A In I; muͤth darauß im beften zuvermercken / ond Jeder zeit mein gänftiger Herr vnd Freund zu ſeyn vnd zu bleiben. Thue alſo hiemit E. E fampt deren Weib vnd Kinderlein zu langwiriger Leibsgeſundtheit / vnd gluͤcklicher Wolfahrt dem Allmaͤchtigen SO TT zubebarrlichengnaden empfehlen. Gebenin Franckfoꝛt am Nayn / denerfien Tag Septembris im Fahr Shriftionfers angeliebten HErren / Erloͤſers / Seligmachers und Heylands fuͤnfftzehen hundert vnd aͤchtzig. | E. E. Vnder Dienfiwilliger Sigmundt Feyrabendt VBuchhaͤndler Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced * een, fen» erh, FEN —— 2 Q — “and PT de . —ñ — — 6% NE 7 — x x >= NY w IK TN y a7 — —— —— MR \ MP) IK“ | } R /f! NE /A\ A N MÄASIIÄYZU KIKICHIEHIE Des Weitberuͤhmbten / Hochge⸗ lehrten Herren / Georgij Agricole/Philoſophen/ Statt Artzet vnd Burgermeifter/ der Churfuͤrſtlichen Start Kempnitz / eygentliche vnd grundtliche beſchreibung des Bergwercks/ vnnd alles ſo demſelbigen anhaͤngi auß Lateiniſcher Spraach mit hoͤchſtem fleiß verteutſcht. Durch den Achtbaren vnd Hochgelehrten Herren Pr lippum Bechium / der Philoſophey Doctor/ vnnd Artz⸗ hey Licentiaten / in der loblichen Vniverſitet zu Baſel Profeſſoren. Sn ſeind viel Leuth der meynung / daß ſie den Handel des Bergwercks / fuͤr cin ſchlecht / vnachtbar ding / auch fuͤr ein vnflaͤtig | werck halten / vnnd nur ein folches gefchäfft/ das mehr Arbeit dann IR RKunſt bedoͤꝛffe. Aber fo ich alle feine Theil bey mir in ſonder heit fleiſ⸗ eg = fig betrachte / hat die Sach viel in andere geftalt, Dann es muß cin Dr Bergmann feiner Kunſt ſehr wolerfahren ſeyn / daß er erfimalen wife 7 kAvasfür din Bergoder Buͤhel / auch für ein Thalechtige vñ Feldech⸗ ‚tige Art vnd gelegenheit / mit nutz vnd frommen koͤnne gebawt werden oder nicht: Es muͤſ⸗ ſend ihm auch die gaͤng / kluͤfft / geſchicke / vnd das abſetzen des Geſteins wol bewußt ſeyn / ſo muß er auch eygentlich wiſſen vieler vnd mancherley geſtalten der Erden / Saͤfften / Edel⸗ geſteinen / Steinen / Marmelſteinen / Felſen / allerley Ertz vnd vermiſchte Ding / vnd das er. verſtehe / wie man alle Werck under der Erden ſolle angreiffen / vnd recht vollbringen. Es ſollen jhm auch zu letſt allerley Berg art zu probieren / vnd zur ſchmeltzung zubereiten/ wol kuͤndig ſeyn / welche Kunſt dann auch mancherley iſt. Dann es erfordert ein andere weiß/d a6 Co und Silber /ein anderedas Kupffer / cin andere das Queckſilber / ein an⸗ dere das Eyſen / ein andere das Bley / vnd eben in deimfelbigen ein ungleiche das Zien/ und Wißmuüt oder Bley. Wiewol aber die Kunſt duͤnne Saͤfft hart zu ſieden / von dem Berg⸗ werek abgeſuͤndert moͤcht gehalten werden / Doch dieweil eben die Saͤfft in der Erden alſo hatt in einander gewachſen / auß gegraben werden / oder ſonſt außerhicher der Erden vnnd Steinen art außgezogen / welches die Bergleut außhaͤwend / vnder welchen man ſindet die viel Ertz in ſich haltend / ſoll ſie vom Bergwerck nicht geſcheiden ſeyn. Welche ſchmel⸗ tzung abermals nicht einerley iſt / dann ein andere iſt des Saltzes / ein andere des Salpe⸗ ers/ ein andere des Alauns / cin andere des Kupfferwaſſers / auch ein ändere des Schwe⸗ fels / vnd ein andere des Bergwaths. Vber das muß auch ein Bergmann vieler Rünften erfahren ſeyn? Erſtmalen der Philoſophey / das er den Vrſprung / die Vrſachen /Natur vnd Eygenſchafft der dingen die vnder der Erden ſeind / wiſſe vnd verſtande. Dann die gaͤng aliß zeghen / wird er mie leichterm und bequemlicherm weg darzu kommen / vnd von denen dingen die außgehawen / viel mehr aipbeuenemmen: | Zum andereri/foller auch die Kunſt der Argricy an / damit erden Berghaͤwern und ander Seuchen konne fuͤrſehen / daß fie nicht in Kranckheiten / mit welchen fie geplagt vnnd geengſtiget werden / fallend / oder ſie mit Kranckheiten beladen wurden / die ſelbige felbs hey⸗ ? 4 en/ Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. ij | Vom Bergwerck = mögen / oder dem Artzet angeben 7 damit fie widerumb zur gefundheit kommen mögen. * | | * — | Zum deitten / ſoll er auff das Geſtirn / vnd des Himmels Lauffeinverftandt haben / daß er wiſſe die gegne des Hum̃els / vnd auß denſelbigen vrtheile / wie weit ſich Die gäng erſtreckẽ. Zum vierdten / muß er auch erfahrung haben aller maͤſſen / daß er Fönne meſſen vnd ab⸗ nemmen / wie tieff ein Jeder Schacht zu ſincken ſeye / daß er den rechten Stollen/ der dahin getrieben wird / erlange / vnd gewiß einer jeden Gruben / vorauß in die tieffe / marſcheidung treffe vnd ſetze. Zudem ſoll er auch ein verſtandt zur Rechnung haben / das er den Koſten / den man den Kuͤnſten vnd zum arbeiten gebraucht / moͤge zu gewiſſer Rechnung brin⸗ gen. Alsdann ſoll er auch auff alle Gebaw abgerichtet ſeyn⸗ daß er mancherley felgame Bergkuͤnſt vnd Gebaͤw konne machen / oder zum wenigſten ander Leuthen angeben. Dar nach foller auch ein Mahler ſeyn / daß er aller Gebaͤwen Muſter koͤnne abreiffen. Zum letſten / foll er des Rechtens / ond ſonderlich des Bergrechts erfahren ſeyn / das er nicht allein einem anderen nichts nemme / ſonder auch ihm felbs nichts vnbillichs begere/ vnd das Ampt ander Leuten vom Kechten rede ond antwort zu geben / recht führe. Derbats ben ift cs von noͤthen / daß ein jeder/ welchen gewiſſe Brfachen/Rechnunge/Schr onnd Satzungen des Berghandels gefallen diefeond andereunfere Geſchrifften und Büchern fleiflig vnnd embfig leſe / oder von einem jeden Ding/recht verftändige Bergleuch zu Rhat nemme / aber gar wenig wird er finden Zdie des Bergwercks ein vollfommenlichen vers ſtandt haben. Dann einer hat gewohnlich allein zu ſchuͤrffen die erfahrung/der ander zu waͤſchen / ein anderer aber verlaßt ſich auff die Kunſt zu ſchmeltzen / ein anderer verbirgt die Kunft des marfcheidens /ein anderer machet Fünftliche Gebaͤw / fo ift auch ein ans derer des Bergrechtens wolerfahren. Ob aber die Kunſt zur erfinden vnd zu bereiten aller ley Ertz / von ons nicht were vollfommenfich herfür gebracht / fo bringen wir doch allen des nen / die luſt vnd liebe darzu haben / ſie zu erfahren / huͤlffe. Aber wir wollen zum fürgenoms menen Handel greiffen. Dieweil aber allwegen vnder den Leuthen von dem Ertz ein groſſer geſpan vnd zanck ge⸗ weſen iſt / das etliche vnder jhnen dieſelbige gelobt und gepryſen / etliche aber ſie hefftig ge⸗ ſcholten / vnd verworffen: Hat mich für gut angefchen/ ehe ich die Lehr vnnd Satzungen des Bergwercks fuͤrgebe / die Sach ſelbs zuvor fleiſſig erwaͤgen / damit die rechte warheit grundtlichen an tag komme. Will aber zum erſten mein anfang von dieſer Frag / die vom Nutz her kompt / nemmen / welche in zweyerley weg verſtanden wirdt. Dann eintwe⸗ ders fraget man / ob die Kunſt vnd erfahrung des Bergwercks / denen die jhr fleiß / muͤhe vnd arbeit darauff legen / nutzlich oder vnnutzlich ſeye. Welche das Bergwerck denen die ihr fleiß vnnd arbeit darauff legen / für vnnutzlich halten / die ſagen fuͤrnemlich / das vnder hundert kaum einer / der mit Bergwerck / oder anderen dergleichen dingen vmbgehet / da⸗ rauß außbeut nemme. Aber die Bergleuth / dieweil ſie all jhr gewiſſe Haab / vnnd wolbe⸗ ſetzte Guͤter / dem zweiffelhafftigen vnd ſchlipfferigen Gluͤck vertrawen / daß ſie gewohn⸗ lichen jhrer hoffnung betrogen werden / vnd mit Koſten vnd Schaden erfchöpfft / zu letſt ein bitter / leydig vnd jaͤmerlich £ebenführen. Dieſe ſehen nicht wie ferrn ein recht Berg⸗ verſtaͤndiger / von einem vnverſtaͤndigen ſeye. Dann einer ohn vnderſcheid erſucht die gaͤng / der ander aber erfahrt ſie recht. Dieweil er aber findet das ſie zu ſchmal vnd zu veſt/ oder zu luck vnd faul ſeind / fo achtet er auß demſelbigen / das fie mit nutz koͤnne gehawen werden / derhalben hawet er allein außerleſene. Was follfich dann einer nur ſehr verwun⸗ dern / ſo ein vnverſtaͤndiger Bergman ſchaden leydet? Ein rechtverſtaͤndiger aber darauf ein ſonderlichen groſſen nutz vnd außbeut nemme? Solches begegnet auch den Bawrsleu⸗ then / dann welche das Feldt bawen / das zugleich trocken / veſt / vnd duͤrr iſt / vnnd darauff ſaͤyend / dieſelbigen eynerndten nicht fo viel / als dieſe die cin gut vnd feißt Erdtrich bawen/ vnd daſſelbig beſaͤyend. Dieweil aber viel mehr Bergleut der Kunſt vnerfahren dann er⸗ fahren ſeind / folget darauß das Bergwerck bawen ſehr wenigen nutz / aber vielen ſchaden bringe. uced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. — auß gutem gluͤck / dann auß gefchwinder vnd ſubtiler erfahrung: Das aber viel Leuth vom Bergwerck fonderlich reich worden ſtind⸗ leſen wir folches in Hiſtorien / dann es iſt ofjenbar bey alten Geſchichtſchreibern /daß etliche herrliche vnnd treffliche Staͤtt/ auch Koͤnige / vnd viel ander Leuth inſonderheit auß dem Bergwerck reich worden ſeind/ welches ich mit viel klaren vnd herzlichen Erempein⸗/ im erſten Buch / von alten vnd newen Metallen intituliert / mit viel worien hab angezeigt/ vnd erklaͤrt auf wel⸗ chen man ſehen mag / das allen denen das Ber werck die damit vmbgehn konnen/ ſehr nutzlich ſeye. Es ſagen weiter die das Bergwerck ſchelten / das der gewien kei⸗ * beſtandt habe⸗ loben derhaͤlben den Ackerbaw vber die maſſen ſehr. Wie ſie a⸗ ber ſolches mit der warheit ſagen / ſiehe ich nicht / dieweil das Silberbergwerck 3 eyberg in Meiſſen / bey vier hundert Jahren roch vnerſchoͤpfft währe: Das 5 = gwerck zu Solar bey ſechs hundert Jahren / welches beyde man auß jhren — n mag abnemmen. Zu Schwemnitz vnd zu Cremniß hat das Silber vnnd odbergwerck bey acht hundert Jahren gewaͤhret / welches derſelben Eynwohnern wercks koͤnne der beftändigkeitdes Ackerbamws verafi io nne der beſtaͤndigkeit erglichen werden. Dann der Jaͤhr⸗ lich gewien des Pleybergwercks ſo er mit den Fruͤchten eines beſten vnd — fach groͤſſer vnnd beſſerer. Wie hoch vbertriff — — beſſerer. Wie h ertrifft dann num die Fruͤcht des Telds/d. gewien den man auß den theilen der Silberond — — hen: Es iſt ein art der Erden/ ſo dudarennfäreftdäsriead | nn SB Mr an art der Erden / ſo du dareyn ſayeſt / das fle gar fein Frucht great, Io du aber grab ſt fo ernehrt fie viel mehr Lench⸗ dann fo fie Frucht — Brig buͤrg / daß fie auß denfelbigen Formen ond ndaer Sdelaefteinundina buͤrg / daß fie auß denfelbi nen vnd mögen Edelgeſtein vnd mancherley E damit fie nicht allein Fruͤcht⸗ fondern auch alle ding ai man er kommen, Ober das fagen ſie ferrner / es ſeye gefahrfich dem Bergwerck obzuligen/ das die Berghaͤwer von ſchwaden vmbkommen/ den fie m fai auch den Staub inn fich ziehen. ABelcher diewen er fie Sungenfüchti 1) a6 Kür } j ' en Bun ah a <a BE I ei nic ti 1 darvon gang außdorrend 7 auch viel vnder ihnen er EI f Bergwerck baswen / fo die Bergleuth alfo in Leibes gefahr muͤſſen Eomimen /oder | Bi ai De / Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. 72/D a TE iiij Vom Bergwerck dieſelbigen in keinen weg koͤnnen vermeiden / dann were das Leben nicht beſſer dann alle ding / ich will der Metallen gefchweigen/mit folcher gefahr vberkommen und beſi⸗ sen? Wiewol der alſo verdirbet / zwar nichts beſitzet / ſonder diß feinen Erben hin; der jhm verlaſſet. Dieweil aber ſolche faͤll gar ſelten beſchehen / vnnd allein den vnfuͤrſichtigen Berghaͤwern / ſo erſchreckend ſie die Bergleuth in keinen weg vom Ertz zu hawen / wie dann auch Fein Zimmermann erſchrickt / ſo einer auß ihnen vom Gebaͤw zu todt fallet. Dieſes hab ich allen denen die mir ſolches fürwarffen zur antwort geben / welche mit bochworten pladerten/ daß das Bergwerck denen die es bawen / gang vnnuͤtz ſeye / onnd das fie Koften auff ein vngewiſſen fahl wenden/ vnnd ſich darbey alletag endert/auch ober das vielen Leuthen ſchaͤdlich vnnd verderb; lich feye. Nun aber komme ich auch zu denen / die da fagen doͤrffen das Bergwerk auch andern Leuthen nicht nutz ſeye. Darumb daß jhnen das Erg ſampt den Edel⸗ geſteinen / vnd andere ding die man auß der Erden hawet / vnnuͤtzlich ſeye Welches fie sum theil mit Gegenreden vnnd Exempeln / zum theil mit Scheltworten von ons zu bringen onderftchend. Zum erſten führend fie diſe Gegenred: Die Erd verbirgt nichts⸗ vnd nimmet auch nichts von den Augen / was dem menfechlichen Geſchlecht nuglich vnd nothwendig iſt / ſonder gibt von fich/als ein koſtfreye vnd gutwillige Mutter/ alle ding mit groſſem hauffen / vnd bringt fuͤr das geſicht vnd an tag mancherley Kräuter] —— —— Obs / aber alles das man graͤbt / ſtoſſet ſie gar in die tieffe vnnd verbirgts / darumb es nichts herauß zu graben ſeye. Dieweil aber dieſe ding auch böfe vnd loſe Leuth außhawendt / welche/ als die Poeten dichten / das eyſern Alter herfuͤr gebracht hat. Oerhalben hat Dvidius ſolchen fraͤfel mic dieſen worten billich ge⸗ olten: | Pr liche allein ſaat mit der nahrung/ 3 des Lebens gwiß erhaltung/ uß der Erden ward begert / Mit groſſer gfahr vnd auch beſchwert/ Sonder man iſt darneben gangen die kluͤfft der Erden z langen / arinn geſucht was verborgen / Mir ſehr groſſer angſt vnd ſorgen / Was ſie den hoͤlliſchen fluͤſſen Hat zugewandt herauß geriffen/ Als Edelgſtein Silber vnd Goldt / Vnd ander Schaͤtz den Menſchen holdt Die werden tieff auß der Erden Herauß gehawen mit beſchwerden. Seind aber gwiſſe reigung zwar, Su aller boßheir glaub fuͤrwar / \ Es Eomprberfürdas Kifen bare, Vnd auch das Bold fchädlicher are] Daran uns Krieg iſt — * en / Welchs betruͤbt vaſt alle Landen. Die andere Gegenred fuͤhrend ſie auff dieſe weiß. Alle Metall geben den Menſchen kein fruchtbarlichenugbarfeit. Derhalben ſoll keiner darnach forſchung thun. Dann dieweil der Menſch hat Leib vnd Seel / ſo darff er deren keins die man auß der Erden grebt. Dann der Seelen ſuͤſte vñ anmuͤtigſte Speiß iſt die betrachtung der natur / die erfahrung heylſamer Lehr vnd guter Künften/ auch der verftandt aller Tugenden / in welchen beſten dingen / ſo ſie ſich uͤbet / vnd alſo mit trachten guter Kuͤnſten erfättiger/ hat ſie zu feinen anderẽ dingen mehr luſt / liebe vnd begierd. Des Leibs aber natur / wie⸗ wol fie mit notwendiger nahrung on kleidung vernuůgt iſt fo geben jm doch die Fruͤcht der Erden vnd mancherley geſchlecht der Thierẽ / ein wunderbarliche groſſe menge der Speiſen vnd Getraͤncks/mit welchẽ der Leib geſchicklich wird erhalten / auch zunimpt / | vnd Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. ond fein Leben erlängert. Aber auf Flache vnd IBollen/auch auß vieler —— Faͤhl machet man viel huͤbſcher Kleider / die wol zu bekommen / vnd nicht thewr feind/ aber auß Baumwollen machet man koͤſtliche vnnd zarte Kleidung / doch nicht ſchwer zu finden / welches man Seiden nennet / vnd Seidenwurms geſpunſt / das ihm alſo gar nichts von noͤhten iſt der Metallen die in der Erden verborgen / vnd der mehrer begegnet, Sie loben auch ſehr diefeverk Phochlidis Bold und Silber die beit Metall⸗ | Dem Menſchen ſchaden vberall/ 3 Gold iftder Laftern ein vrſprung⸗ Des Rebenseingwiß verderbung/ Ein groffer fablaller dingen Welche nichts guts ſemand beingen/ SO wer fo groß deins ſchadens af, / 2 Als groß der luſt / ſo ſtuͤnd es baß. Vmb deinet willen gſchehen moꝛdt / Krieg / Raub vnd Saſter vnerhort/⸗ Bexy Bruͤdern iſt ſo groͤß der Reid/ Vnd auch der Haß den Gott nicht leidt / Auch Kind den Eltern haͤſſig ſind / Vnd in der boßheit ſtarrig blind / Welchs alles gſchicht auß groſſem Geit | 2. —* ——— man ſtreit. Zudem ſo gefelt jhnen dieſe meynung Naumachij Das Silber vnd Goid iſt ein — * Welchs man find auff des Meeres Land: Seind gformiert wie ſteinlein klein / ad here nern > sang ER i & | NHerwiderumb aber en fie dieſe verß Euripidis Plutus der Weiſen iſt ein Bock) Vnd ander ding ſeind nur din ſpott / Auch vieler worten ein blendung Darauß dann folget betriegung. ai — —— dieſe verß Theognidis O Plute aller ſchoͤnſter Gott / Vnd auch der milteſt ohne ſpott/ Dieweil du biſt in meiner hůt / Bin ich ſchon boͤß / mag ich ſeyn zut. Sie ſchelten den Ariſtodemum Spartanum / das er geredt hat: Der Arm iſt weder fromm noch ehren werth / aber der Reich iſt von wegen feiner Reichthumb ehrwuͤrdig snöfromm. Item verwerffen auch dieſen Spiuch Timoclis: er Geleift der Menſchen Seel vnd Blůt/ | Von dem bekommen ſie viel Gůt Vnder den Leuthen vmbhet geht Als ein Todt / wo jhm nicht zuſteht / 5 | —— ai Reich⸗ Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. h Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D Early European Books, Copyright © 2011 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D vj Vom Bergwerck — nn nm nn nn Reichehämb dieer hat in dem Ask, Haͤuffig gfamler mic groſſem laſt. Zu letſt ſchelten ſie den Menandrum / daß er alſo geſcheieben hat: Epicharmus der kluge Mann / | aſſer Sewor/Zuffe die willer ban/ Mit ſampt der Sonnen / vnd den Gſtirn / Fuͤr rechte Goͤtter in feinem Hirn/ Ich aber diß fuͤr Goͤtter halt / Was vns bringt nutz mit hauffen bald/ Als Silber und das rote Goldt/ Dem alle Menſchen ſeind gar holdt / Dann ſo du die in bhauſung dein Setzeſt / ſo haſt ein groſſen ſchein/ Was du wirft von jhn begeren / Des werden ſie dich wol geweren / Als Acker / Matt / Knecht / Hauß vnd Hoff⸗ Freund / Silbergſchirr / vnd darzu Schoff / Rechter zeugt / vnd was dir briſt / Gib du nur auß zu aller friſt / Dein Diener ſeind die Goͤtter gut / | Habend dich ſtaͤts in feiner. bur. Zu dem allem/ ligend fie zum ſterckſten auffdiefer meynung /daß durch Bergwerck gantze Felder verhergt werde. Derhalben iſt vor alten zeiten. in Italia durch Öefag vers botten worden / dz feiner des Erges halben die Erden grübe/ die fru chtbare Feld ſampt den Weinbergen vnd Oelgaͤrten verwuͤſte. Groſſe vnd kleine Waͤld werden jetzunder außgehawen / dann zum gebaͤw vnd gezeug / auch allerley ruͤſtungen / vnd das Ertz zu ſchmeltzen / muß man taͤglich ein vnzahlbarlich Holtz haben / ſo aber die Waͤld vnnd Hoͤltzer außgehawen / werden die Bögelond wilde Thier außgereutet / vnder welchen der meiſte theil den Menſchen ein ſehr koͤſtliche vnd liebliche Speiß gebend. Man waͤ—⸗ ſchet das Ertz / aber vergifftet darmit die Baͤch vnd Fluͤß / vnnd werden alſo die Fiſch eintweders auß den Waſſern vertrieben / oder ertoͤdet. Derhalben / ſo di Eynwohner deren Landſchafften der Felder / Waͤlden / Hoͤltzern / Baͤchen vñ Fluͤſſen verwuͤſtung halber / in groſſe not vnd gebrechen aller dingen kommend / davon ſie jhr Leben erhalte muͤſſend / vnd von wegen des Holtzes mangel/gröfleren onfoften treiben/ zu aufferbas wung der Haͤuſern / ſihet man — daß auß dem Bergwerck mehr verluſt vnd ſchaden / dann nutz komme. Darnach ſtreiten ſie mit viel vnd mancherley Exem⸗ peln wider das Erg auff dieſe weiß/ daß ein jeder fuͤrtrefflicher Mann an feiner Zus gend ſey vernügt gewefen/ond habe das Bergwerck wenig geacht. Lobend derhalben Bianten / daß er habe das fpöttlich truͤglich glück / ſampt allem was jhm zugehöng/nie fuͤr das ſein gehalten / dann als die Feind ſein Vatterland Prienen genandt / eynge⸗ nom̃en hattend / vñ feine Mitburger mit koͤſtlichen dingen beladen / die flucht gabend/ iſt er von eim gefragt wordẽ / warumb er nichts von feiner Haab vnd Gut hinweg truͤ⸗ ge/hater zur antwort geben / er träge all fein Haab on Gut mit ſich. Sie ſagend auch weiter / daß Socrates habe zwentzig pfundt / das iſt zwey hundert Kronen ungefchr/ von dem Ariſtippo ſeinem danckbaren Lehrjungen zum Geſchenck empfangen/aber auß geheiß feines Gottes / verachtet / vnd jhm folches Gelt widerumb.gefchickt, Ari⸗ ſtippus aber hat in dieſer ſach ſeinem Lehrmeiſter nachgefolget / vnd das Gold vernich⸗ tiget. Pa ng SE u Yang) we u - * — * > 7 A Das erſt Buch, vij waͤrth / die er von obgenandtem Gelt haben muͤſſe. Es ſeind auch treffliche und dapf⸗ fere Keyſer den Philoſophis in verachtung Golds vnd Silbers gleich geweſen. Dann Phocion der Arhenienfer/welcher zum offtermals im Krieg ein Oberſter geweſen / hat ein groſſen laſt Golds / ſo ihm von Alexandro der Macedonier Koͤnig zugeſchickt / für geringen /ondverachter. M.Curius aber hatt das Goldt / vnd Fabricius Lu⸗ ſcinius das Silber vnd Ertz den Samnitern wider heim zu tragen befohlen / vnd ge⸗ eiſſen. Es habend auch etliche Burgerliche Regiment das Gold vnd Silber durch cfäg vnd Ordnungen von dem gebrauch vnd Handthrerung jhren Burgern aufs geſchloſſen. Dann die Lacedemonier auß erkandtnuß vnd vnderrichtung des Lyeur⸗ gi/haben bey Ihren Burgern fleiſſige nachforſchung vnd haußſuchung gethan / ob ſie dieſe Ding beſitzend oder nicht / vnd fo einer vnder jhnen erfunden ward /derſelbig iſt von ſtundan nach jhrem Geſatz vnd Vrtheil geſtrafft worden. Vber das ſo vergrubend die Eynwohner der Statt Babytace an dem fluß Tigrim gelegen/ hr Gold indie Erden / auff das niemand ſolchs nutzen vnd gebrauchen moͤchte. Die Scytarche ha⸗ bend auch den gebrauch des Golds und Silbers verworffen / daß ſie ſich vom geitz ent⸗ hieltendt. So wird zu dem allem das Ertz von vielen ſehr geſcholten. Erſtmalen aber reden ſie von dem Gold vnd Silber mutwillig / vnd gang vnverſchaͤmpt vnd nennends ein laͤſterliche vnd grewliche verderbung des menſchlichen Geſchlechts. Dann die dieſe ding beſitzen / muͤſſend allweg in groffer gefahr ſtehen / vnnd die nichts habend/ ſtellend denen die es habend nach / vnnd ſeind alſo beyde gar offt zu jhres Leibs und Lebens ver; derbung ein vr ſach geweſen. Dann der Polymneſtor/der Thracier König damit er das Gold vberkaͤme / hat er den Polydorum ſeinen herelichen Gaſt / vnd Sohn Pria⸗ mii / ſeines Schwaͤhers vnd alten Freunds grauſamlich erſchlagen. Damit Pygma⸗ on / der König zu Thro / die Schaͤtz Golds vnd Silbers mit gewalt vberfäme/hater feiner Schweſter Mann / der ein Driefter war/on angefehen/ daß er ihm mit Schwa⸗ gerſchafft verwanth / vnd ein Geiſtlicher war / zu todt geſchlagen. Veber das ſagend ſie / das eben dieſe ding zu allen Laftern/ als nemlich zur Jungfrawẽ ſchendung / zum Ehebruch / zur blutſchandt vnd notzwang anlaß geben. Derhalben die Pocten fo ſie dichten / daß Juppiter ſeye in ein guldenen regen verwandlet / vnd in die Schoß Danais gefallen /wollen fie nichts anders dadurch anzeigen / dann das er jhm mit Gold ein weg gemacht habe / dadurch er in den Thurn die Jungfraw zu ſchaͤnden eynkaͤme. Zu dem wird vmb Gold vnd Silber vieler Leuthen Trew vnd Glauben ge⸗ ſchwaͤcht / die Vrteil erkaufft / vñ vnzeliche Laſter begangẽ / dañ wie Propertius ſpricht: | Gulden iſt ſetzt die boͤſe Welt / | | Ehr wird verkaufft vmb Bold und Bele/ » Mic Gold wird die Liebe erſagt / | A ER aa Das Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D & ER — — A 4 ProQuest LLC. Images reproduced by courtesy of The Wellcome Trust, London. 72/D viij Vom Bergwerck Das Gold Traw vnd Glaub verjagt: Mit Gold man alle Recht erkaufft / Auch das Gſatze dem Gold nachlaufft/ Bald wird die Zucht vnd Scham geſchwaͤcht / Wo nicht mehr iſt Gericht vnd Recht. Auch Diphilus ſpricht alſo Ich halts darfuͤr das nichts die Welt Gwaltigers hat / dann Bold vnd Gelt / Mit dem ſo ſchneidt man / vnd geſchicht / | Alles / was dem Menſchen gebricht. Derhalben iſt dieſer für den beſten zu halten/ver ſolche ding recht vnd billich verach⸗ tet / dieſes ſagt auch der alt Mann im Plauto: | 36 hab das Gold / vnd halts für gring / Das es gar offt in allem ding / Boͤß Rhaͤt hat geben vnd arg Riff, Darauß verderbnuß kommen iſt. Jura Es feind auch andere Poeren die mit bittern ond fchmächtichen worten dag Gelt⸗ welchs auß Gold vnd Silber als die fuͤrnembſte Metallen gemünst wird / geſcholten haben / vnd ſonderlich Juvenalis: Dieweil die herrlichkeit des Gelts Iſt heilig / vnd regiert die Welt, Wiewol zu ehren dir noch nicht / Ein Cempeliſt bey ons auffgricht / Da du leydig Gelt ein wohnung / | Hetteſt mit groſſer bequaͤmung / Vnd dir noch Fein Altar iſt gſeut / Da man dich ehr vnd nicht verletzt. Vnd an eim andern Dee ſpricht er: Erſtmal hat vns das ſchnoͤde Gelt⸗ Froͤmbd boͤß Sitten bracht in die Welt/ Auch weibſche Reichthumb groſſer acht / Viel vberfluß vnd ſchandtlich prachr, Darvon die Welt iſt gantz verderbt⸗ Mit all ſhrm thun nichts guts ererbt. Derhalben lobt der mehrer theil das tauſchen vnd ſtechen mit Wahren / welche voꝛ alten zeiten ehe das Gelt erfunden iſt / die Leuth in ſtaͤtem gebrauch gehabt haben / vnd och bey vnſerẽ seiten etliche ſchlechte vnd einfaͤltige Voͤlcker diß gebraucht. Darnach ſchenden fie die anderen Metallen gar hefftig vnd laͤſterlich / vorauß aber das Eyfen/ mit welchem Fein gröfferer abbruch noch verderbung dem menfehlichen Leben hat moͤ⸗ gen gebracht werden/dann auf demfelbigen macht man Schwerter/ Schäffelinfin/ furgeond lange Spieß / Pfellimit welchen ond dergleichen die Leuth verwundet werdẽ / todtſchlag / mordt / ſtraßraͤuberey / vnd Frieg verbracht. Welchesnachdem es dem Pli⸗ nio hat zorn gethan / hat er geſchrieben: Wir gebrauchen jetzunder das Eyſen nichi als lein von nahen / ſonder auch von allerley behende Gwehr / die man wirfft oder fcheußt/ zum theil auß den Büchfen/zum theil auß den Schlinge und auß dem Arm/auch zum theil auf gfederten / welchs ich für den allerfchändtlichften betrug achte/ den Menſchen haben erdencken Fönnen/dann damit der Todt den Menſchen deſter ſchneller vbereyl⸗ te / haben wir jhn fliegend gemacht, vnd dem Eyſen federn angemacht. Aber doch ſo wird ein Wurff ſpießlin / nicht mehr auff ein mal / dañ in eines Menſchen Leib geworfs fen / deffelben gleichen auch ein Pfeil/er feye vom Armbruftbogen/ oder von einem Schlauder ‚oder von eim Banckarmbruft gefchoflen. Aber ein eyſene kugel auf der Buͤchſen geſchoſſen / kan durch vieler Leuten Leib auffein mal gehn / vnd ift fein Mars melftein noch Felfen der ihm zugegen fo hart und veft / daß er mit feinem gewalt nicht möge durchtringen / vnd zerbrechen, Derhalben die hoͤchſte Thuͤrn nimbt er auff den Das af Buch, | ir den boden hinweg /ond die ſterckſte Mauren zerfprengt er/ond wirfftö hernider / das fürwar die Banckarmbruſt / darauf man groffe ſtein wirfft / vnd ſturmloͤcher / auch andere der alten ſchweren vnd arbeitſamen geſchuͤt damit man die Mauren antrifft vnd die Veſtungen vnd Pollwerck hernider wirfft / ſo ſie mit vnſerem Geſchuͤtz vergli⸗ chen werden / gar ein kleine macht haben. Welche Buͤchſen dieweil ſie ein grewlichs knaſchlen vnd brauſen von ſich geben / nichts anders als wañ es donnerſchlaͤg werend/ laſſend auch von ſich zwitzerte fewrflam̃en / wie die blitz / thun ſie dem Gebaͤw groſſen ſchaden / zerbrechen dieſelbigen zu ſtuͤck vnd zerreiſſens / ſpeyend Fewr von ſich / vnnd machend ein brunſt / nicht anders dann wie ein Fewerſtraal. Es moͤchte von den gott⸗ loſen Leuthen zu vnſern zeiten billicher geredt werden / dann vor zeiten von dem Sal⸗ moneo/das ſie dem Jovi die Fewrſtraal haben genommen / vnd auß feinen Händen geriſſen. Ja es ſeind ſolche verderbte Leuth auß der Hoͤllen in die Welt geſchickt wor⸗ den / das auß einem ſchuß viel Leuth zumal ertoͤdt / die Hoͤll zu ſich nemme. Dieweil aber die Buͤchſen die man in der Hand fuͤhret / zu vnſern zeiten ſelten auß Eyſen / die groſſen nimmer / ſonder auß miſchuͤng des Kupffers vnd Zins gemacht werden / der⸗ halben ſchelten ſie das Kupffer vnd Zien viel mehr dann das Eyſen. Bey dieſem er⸗ zehlend ſie auch den Erinen Stier Phalaridis / den Erinen Ochſen der Dergamener/ ‚den eyſenen Hund / die Kraͤil / die zubekennen noͤtiget / die eyſene Handbandt / Fußey⸗ ſen / Keyl / Hagken / gluende Blaͤch. Mit diſen dingen ſo die Leut grauſamlich geplagt vnd gemartert werden / bekennen fie Vbelthaten vnd Laſter die ſie nicht begangen has bend/ vñ werden alſo die vnſchuldigen mit allerley Leibsſtraffen grauſamlich zuvor ges martert / vmbbracht. Es ſoll auch das Pley verderblich vnd ſchaͤdlich ſeyn / dieweil mit dieſen ſo es geſchmeltzt iſt / auch die Leuth geſtrafft werden / welchs man auß dieſen worten Horatij der von dem gluͤck redet / bezeugen mag: Von dir geht ſtats die grimme Not/ Tregt in der Hand Blochnegel, Schrot / Graufam Fewrhagken ſeind darbeyy ' Mit ſampt dem heiſſen gſchme itzten Pley / Damit die Leut gmartert vnd gplogt / VPaſt grauſamlich biß auff ben Todt | Das ſie aber das Pley in groͤſſer haß bringend / fo verſchweigend ſie nichts von den Pleykuglen vnd ſchrot der Flcinen Buͤchſen /wenden alſo die vrfach der verletzung vnd des todes / ins Pley. |
github_open_source_100_1_383 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | using System;
namespace WFS210.Services
public class InputCouplingCommand : ChannelCommand
protected readonly InputCoupling InputCoupling;
public InputCouplingCommand (int channel, InputCoupling inputCoupling) : base(channel)
this.InputCoupling = inputCoupling;
public override void Execute(Service service)
service.Oscilloscope.Channels[Channel].InputCoupling = InputCoupling;
github_open_source_100_1_384 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | from .iconizr import Iconizr
from .options import ArgParser
def iconize(**options):
Wrapper function for the method
iconizr = Iconizr(**options)
result = iconizr.iconize()
except Exception as e:
raise e
return result
def execute_from_cl():
parser = ArgParser()
options = vars(parser.parse_args())
1054048_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | ウィリアム・ミューラー(William Mueller、男性、1980年9月10日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国のプロレスラーである。ミズーリ州フレデリックタウン出身。トレバー・マードック(Trevor Murdoch)のリングネームで活動している。
他にも、ジェスロ・ホリデー(Jethro Holliday)、トレバー・ローズ(Trevor Rhodes)、
トレバー・ローデス(Trevor Rhodes)などのリングネームでの活動が知られる。
過去のリングネームの由来であるディック・マードック、ダスティ・ローデスのような肉付きのしっかりした体格に加え、試合技術も非常に古典的なレスリングスタイルである。ジ・アウトロー(The Outlaw)の異名を持ち、同名のタッグチームも結成していた。
インディー団体を渡り歩いた後、2009年5月より"ジ・アウトロー" ジェスロ・ホリデーのリングネームでTNAへ参戦したが11月に解雇された。
WLW・ノア 再参戦
2011年3月より、トレバー・マードックの名で、かつて留学生として来日したノアに7年ぶりの参戦が決定。GHCヘビー級王座の挑戦・奪取を表明した。その後3月7日に、同月21日の福岡国際センターで行われる「GREAT VOYAGE 2011 in Fukuoka」にて同王者の杉浦貴へ挑戦が決定。選手権試合では、あと一歩まで追い込むも、結果は惜敗であった。
WWE・世界タッグチーム王座 - 3回
WLW世界ヘビー級王座 - 4回
WLW世界タッグ王座 - 3回
NWA世界ヘビー級王座 - 3回
NWAナショナルヘビー級王座 - 1回
Online World of Wrestling
github_open_source_100_1_385 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | """Define Attune version."""
# --- import --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
# ---- define -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
__all__ = ["__version__", "__branch__"]
# --- version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# read from VERSION file
with open(os.path.join(here, "VERSION")) as f:
__version__ =
# add git branch, if appropriate
p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(here), ".git", "HEAD")
if os.path.isfile(p):
with open(p) as f:
__branch__ = f.readline().rstrip().split(r"/")[-1]
if __branch__ != "master":
__version__ += "+" + __branch__
__branch__ = None
5731256_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Le Forum arabe international des femmes (Arab International Women's Forum ou AIWF) est une organisation basée à Londres (Royaume-Uni), qui chapeaute associations de 45 pays, situées sur six continents.
L'Organisation est fondée à Londres, en 2001, par Haïfa Fahoum Al Kaylani.
L'objectif principal de du forum international arabe des femmes est de promouvoir les droits des femmes, pour arriver à une égalité juridique et sociale avec les hommes. C'est notamment par le développement de l’éducation féminine, de l'accès des femmes aux cursus universitaires et aux nouvelles technologies qu'elle œuvre à ce projet. Il met en avant les femmes ayant réussi, notamment dans le monde des affaires.
Ce travail s'ancre dans le développement récent de la féminisation de la société dans le monde arabe. En effet, un nombre important de femmes ont accédé depuis plusieurs années à des postes à responsabilité, dans les domaines politiques, diplomatiques et économiques. Ainsi, tous les pays du monde arabe comptent au moins une femme ministre (comme Habiba Zéhi Ben Romdhane, ministre de la Santé en Tunisie et Kaoukab al-Sabah Dayyeh, ministre de l'Environnement en Syrie) et beaucoup ont légiféré sur l’égalité entre hommes et femmes dans la vie politique locale et nationale. Aussi, par exemple, on compte par exemple 40 % de femmes médecins et 70 % de femmes pharmaciennes en Tunisie, on compte aussi 31 % de femmes sur le total des postes administratifs en Égypte ; enfin, en 2007, 70 % des élèves diplômés universitaires étaient des femmes, dans la globalité du monde arabe. Néanmoins, de graves disparités subsistent : elles ne sont que 6,5 % dans le système étatique (contre 15,7 % en moyenne dans le monde) et entre 25 et 30 % de salariées actives (contre 45 % en moyenne dans le monde). C'est dans l'optique de davantage d'accès au femmes au salariat et aux hauts postes que l'Organisation agit donc.
Notes et références
Articles connexes
Chronologie du statut des femmes
Alliance internationale des femmes
Conseil international des femmes
Lien externe
Site officiel
Internationale féministe
Droit des femmes
Monde arabe
Fondation en 2001.
US-201615291756-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Apparatus and method to deliver organic material via organic vapor-jet printing (OVJP)
Systems and arrangements of OVJP deposition devices are provided, in which one or more organic material crucibles are directly attached to an injection block and a print head without the need for external delivery components such as feedtubes. Each crucible may be hermetically sealed until it is attached to the injection block, allowing for a single device to provide for storage, transport, and deposition of the organic material.
This application is a non-provisional of, and claims priority to, U.S.Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/240,198, filed Oct. 12, 2015,the entire contents of which is incorporated herein by reference.
The claimed invention was made by, on behalf of, and/or in connectionwith one or more of the following parties to a joint universitycorporation research agreement: Regents of the University of Michigan,Princeton University, University of Southern California, and theUniversal Display Corporation. The agreement was in effect on and beforethe date the claimed invention was made, and the claimed invention wasmade as a result of activities undertaken within the scope of theagreement.
The present invention relates to assemblies for organic vapor jetdeposition of organic materials and the like, and devices such asorganic light emitting diodes and other devices, fabricated at leastpartially by the same.
Opto-electronic devices that make use of organic materials are becomingincreasingly desirable for a number of reasons. Many of the materialsused to make such devices are relatively inexpensive, so organicopto-electronic devices have the potential for cost advantages overinorganic devices. In addition, the inherent properties of organicmaterials, such as their flexibility, may make them well suited forparticular applications such as fabrication on a flexible substrate.Examples of organic opto-electronic devices include organic lightemitting devices (OLEDs), organic phototransistors, organic photovoltaiccells, and organic photodetectors. For OLEDs, the organic materials mayhave performance advantages over conventional materials. For example,the wavelength at which an organic emissive layer emits light maygenerally be readily tuned with appropriate dopants.
OLEDs make use of thin organic films that emit light when voltage isapplied across the device. OLEDs are becoming an increasinglyinteresting technology for use in applications such as flat paneldisplays, illumination, and backlighting. Several OLED materials andconfigurations are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,844,363, 6,303,238, and5,707,745, which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
One application for phosphorescent emissive molecules is a full colordisplay. Industry standards for such a display call for pixels adaptedto emit particular colors, referred to as “saturated” colors. Inparticular, these standards call for saturated red, green, and bluepixels. Color may be measured using CIE coordinates, which are wellknown to the art.
One example of a green emissive molecule is tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium, denoted Ir(ppy)₃, which has the following structure:
In this, and later figures herein, we depict the dative bond fromnitrogen to metal (here, Ir) as a straight line.
As used herein, the term “organic” includes polymeric materials as wellas small molecule organic materials that may be used to fabricateorganic opto-electronic devices. “Small molecule” refers to any organicmaterial that is not a polymer, and “small molecules” may actually bequite large. Small molecules may include repeat units in somecircumstances. For example, using a long chain alkyl group as asubstituent does not remove a molecule from the “small molecule” class.Small molecules may also be incorporated into polymers, for example as apendent group on a polymer backbone or as a part of the backbone. Smallmolecules may also serve as the core moiety of a dendrimer, whichconsists of a series of chemical shells built on the core moiety. Thecore moiety of a dendrimer may be a fluorescent or phosphorescent smallmolecule emitter. A dendrimer may be a “small molecule,” and it isbelieved that all dendrimers currently used in the field of OLEDs aresmall molecules.
As used herein, “top” means furthest away from the substrate, while“bottom” means closest to the substrate. Where a first layer isdescribed as “disposed over” a second layer, the first layer is disposedfurther away from substrate. There may be other layers between the firstand second layer, unless it is specified that the first layer is “incontact with” the second layer. For example, a cathode may be describedas “disposed over” an anode, even though there are various organiclayers in between.
As used herein, “solution processable” means capable of being dissolved,dispersed, or transported in and/or deposited from a liquid medium,either in solution or suspension form.
A ligand may be referred to as “photoactive” when it is believed thatthe ligand directly contributes to the photoactive properties of anemissive material. A ligand may be referred to as “ancillary” when it isbelieved that the ligand does not contribute to the photoactiveproperties of an emissive material, although an ancillary ligand mayalter the properties of a photoactive ligand.
As used herein, and as would be generally understood by one skilled inthe art, a first “Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital” (HOMO) or “LowestUnoccupied Molecular Orbital” (LUMO) energy level is “greater than” or“higher than” a second HOMO or LUMO energy level if the first energylevel is closer to the vacuum energy level. Since ionization potentials(IP) are measured as a negative energy relative to a vacuum level, ahigher HOMO energy level corresponds to an IP having a smaller absolutevalue (an IP that is less negative). Similarly, a higher LUMO energylevel corresponds to an electron affinity (EA) having a smaller absolutevalue (an EA that is less negative). On a conventional energy leveldiagram, with the vacuum level at the top, the LUMO energy level of amaterial is higher than the HOMO energy level of the same material. A“higher” HOMO or LUMO energy level appears closer to the top of such adiagram than a “lower” HOMO or LUMO energy level.
As used herein, and as would be generally understood by one skilled inthe art, a first work function is “greater than” or “higher than” asecond work function if the first work function has a higher absolutevalue. Because work functions are generally measured as negative numbersrelative to vacuum level, this means that a “higher” work function ismore negative. On a conventional energy level diagram, with the vacuumlevel at the top, a “higher” work function is illustrated as furtheraway from the vacuum level in the downward direction. Thus, thedefinitions of HOMO and LUMO energy levels follow a different conventionthan work functions.
More details on OLEDs, and the definitions described above, can be foundin U.S. Pat. No. 7,279,704, which is incorporated herein by reference inits entirety.
According to an embodiment, an apparatus for organic vapor deposition ofan organic material is provided, which includes an injection block andone or more source material crucibles that can be removeably attached tothe injection block without the use of an intervening physical channelsuch as a feedtube. The injection block may include a carrier gaschamber in fluid communication with a carrier gas source and a nozzleassembly in fluid communication with the carrier gas chamber. When eachsource material crucible is attached to the injection block, thecorresponding source chamber of the source material crucible may be indirect fluid communication with the carrier gas chamber and the internalflow path between the source chamber and the carrier gas chamber may benot more than 2 mm and, in some cases, zero. The crucible also may bephysically supported by the injection block when attached to theinjection block. The injection block may be formed from a monolithicblock of material. Each crucible may include a heater, such as acylindrical aluminum nitride heater or other heating device.Alternatively, a heater may be removeably attached to the cruciblebefore or after the crucible is attached to the injection block. When acrucible is connected to the injection block, all gas flow paths betweenthe crucible and the injection block may be completely internal to theapparatus.
In an embodiment, a crucible may include a cover disposed over thesource material chamber of the crucible, which forms a gasket seal withthe injection block when the crucible is attached to the injectionblock. The cover may be hermetically sealed over the first sourcematerial chamber, for example to allow for transport and/or storage ofthe crucible with the organic material contained within the crucible.The injection block may include an injection tube that pierces the coverwhen the crucible is attached to the injection block.
In an embodiment, multiple crucibles may be attached to the injectionblock, each of which may contain an organic material that is the sameas, partially the same as, or different from organic material in one ormore other crucibles attached to the injection block, thereby allowingfor deposition of the same, different, or partially different materials,such as different concentrations of the same material in differentmixtures.
In an embodiment, the crucible may be fabricated from aluminum,titanium, nickel, molybdenum, tungsten, and/or ceramic materials.
In an embodiment, an OVJP material crucible is provided that includes acrucible chamber containing an organic material capable of beingdeposited via OVJP. The crucible may be fabricated from essentially onlyaluminum, only aluminum, or aluminum, titanium, nickel, molybdenum,tungsten, and/or ceramic materials. A cover may be disposed over andhermetically seal the material crucible. The crucible may be used inconjunction with an injection block as previously disclosed.
In an embodiment, a method is provided that includes physicallyattaching a first source material crucible to an injection block withoutthe use of an intervening external physical channel, where the firstsource material crucible comprises a first source material chambercontaining a first organic material. When the first source materialcrucible is attached to the injection block, the first source chamber isin direct fluid communication with a carrier gas chamber of theinjection block. The method may further include heating the first sourcematerial crucible to at least partially vaporize the first organicmaterial, providing a carrier gas to the injection block, and operatingthe injection block to deposit the first organic material over asubstrate. One or more additional source material crucibles may beattached to the injection block without the use of any interveningexternal physical channels, such that when the second source materialcrucible is attached to the injection block, the second source chamberis in direct fluid communication with a carrier gas chamber of theinjection block. Each crucible may be heated independently to vaporizeorganic material contained in the crucible, and the injection block maybe operated to deposit the corresponding organic material over thesubstrate.
FIG. 1 shows an organic light emitting device.
FIG. 2 shows an inverted organic light emitting device that does nothave a separate electron transport layer.
FIG. 3 shows an example of an OVJP system that uses external vaporsource ovens connected to a deposition tool via feedlines.
FIG. 4 shows an example of an OVJP deposition tool including amonolithic injection block that can be placed inside the depositionchamber according to an embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 5 shows components of the injection block and source assembly shownin FIG. 4.
FIG. 6 shows the components of a source assembly according to anembodiment of the invention.
FIG. 7 shows a top view of an injection block according to an embodimentof the invention.
FIG. 8 shows a cross sectional view of the injection block shown in FIG.7.
FIG. 9 shows the overall material deposition rate and mole fraction ofdopant in a co-deposited film printed using an injection block and thedisclosed source designs as a function of delivery gas flow according toan embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 10 shows the mole fraction of dopant in co-deposited films beforeand after changes in flow according to an embodiment of the invention.
Generally, an OLED comprises at least one organic layer disposed betweenand electrically connected to an anode and a cathode. When a current isapplied, the anode injects holes and the cathode injects electrons intothe organic layer(s). The injected holes and electrons each migratetoward the oppositely charged electrode. When an electron and holelocalize on the same molecule, an “exciton,” which is a localizedelectron-hole pair having an excited energy state, is formed. Light isemitted when the exciton relaxes via a photoemissive mechanism. In somecases, the exciton may be localized on an excimer or an exciplex.Non-radiative mechanisms, such as thermal relaxation, may also occur,but are generally considered undesirable.
The initial OLEDs used emissive molecules that emitted light from theirsinglet states (“fluorescence”) as disclosed, for example, in U.S. Pat.No. 4,769,292, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety.Fluorescent emission generally occurs in a time frame of less than 10nanoseconds.
More recently, OLEDs having emissive materials that emit light fromtriplet states (“phosphorescence”) have been demonstrated. Baldo et al.,“Highly Efficient Phosphorescent Emission from OrganicElectroluminescent Devices,” Nature, vol. 395, 151-154, 1998;(“Baldo-I”) and Baldo et al., “Very high-efficiency green organiclight-emitting devices based on electrophosphorescence,” Appl. Phys.Lett., vol. 75, No. 3, 4-6 (1999) (“Baldo-II”), which are incorporatedby reference in their entireties. Phosphorescence is described in moredetail in U.S. Pat. No. 7,279,704 at cols. 5-6, which are incorporatedby reference.
FIG. 1 shows an organic light emitting device 100. The figures are notnecessarily drawn to scale. Device 100 may include a substrate 110, ananode 115, a hole injection layer 120, a hole transport layer 125, anelectron blocking layer 130, an emissive layer 135, a hole blockinglayer 140, an electron transport layer 145, an electron injection layer150, a protective layer 155, a cathode 160, and a barrier layer 170.Cathode 160 is a compound cathode having a first conductive layer 162and a second conductive layer 164. Device 100 may be fabricated bydepositing the layers described, in order. The properties and functionsof these various layers, as well as example materials, are described inmore detail in U.S. Pat. No. 7,279,704 at cols. 6-10, which areincorporated by reference.
More examples for each of these layers are available. For example, aflexible and transparent substrate-anode combination is disclosed inU.S. Pat. No. 5,844,363, which is incorporated by reference in itsentirety. An example of a p-doped hole transport layer is m-MTDATA dopedwith F₄-TCNQ at a molar ratio of 50:1, as disclosed in U.S. PatentApplication Publication No. 2003/0230980, which is incorporated byreference in its entirety. Examples of emissive and host materials aredisclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,303,238 to Thompson et al., which isincorporated by reference in its entirety. An example of an n-dopedelectron transport layer is BPhen doped with Li at a molar ratio of 1:1,as disclosed in U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2003/0230980,which is incorporated by reference in its entirety. U.S. Pat. Nos.5,703,436 and 5,707,745, which are incorporated by reference in theirentireties, disclose examples of cathodes including compound cathodeshaving a thin layer of metal such as Mg:Ag with an overlyingtransparent, electrically-conductive, sputter-deposited ITO layer. Thetheory and use of blocking layers is described in more detail in U.S.Pat. No. 6,097,147 and U.S. Patent Application Publication No.2003/0230980, which are incorporated by reference in their entireties.Examples of injection layers are provided in U.S. Patent ApplicationPublication No. 2004/0174116, which is incorporated by reference in itsentirety. A description of protective layers may be found in U.S. PatentApplication Publication No. 2004/0174116, which is incorporated byreference in its entirety.
FIG. 2 shows an inverted OLED 200. The device includes a substrate 210,a cathode 215, an emissive layer 220, a hole transport layer 225, and ananode 230. Device 200 may be fabricated by depositing the layersdescribed, in order. Because the most common OLED configuration has acathode disposed over the anode, and device 200 has cathode 215 disposedunder anode 230, device 200 may be referred to as an “inverted” OLED.Materials similar to those described with respect to device 100 may beused in the corresponding layers of device 200. FIG. 2 provides oneexample of how some layers may be omitted from the structure of device100.
The simple layered structure illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2 is provided byway of non-limiting example, and it is understood that embodiments ofthe invention may be used in connection with a wide variety of otherstructures. The specific materials and structures described areexemplary in nature, and other materials and structures may be used.Functional OLEDs may be achieved by combining the various layersdescribed in different ways, or layers may be omitted entirely, based ondesign, performance, and cost factors. Other layers not specificallydescribed may also be included. Materials other than those specificallydescribed may be used. Although many of the examples provided hereindescribe various layers as comprising a single material, it isunderstood that combinations of materials, such as a mixture of host anddopant, or more generally a mixture, may be used. Also, the layers mayhave various sublayers. The names given to the various layers herein arenot intended to be strictly limiting. For example, in device 200, holetransport layer 225 transports holes and injects holes into emissivelayer 220, and may be described as a hole transport layer or a holeinjection layer. In one embodiment, an OLED may be described as havingan “organic layer” disposed between a cathode and an anode. This organiclayer may comprise a single layer, or may further comprise multiplelayers of different organic materials as described, for example, withrespect to FIGS. 1 and 2.
Structures and materials not specifically described may also be used,such as OLEDs comprised of polymeric materials (PLEDs) such as disclosedin U.S. Pat. No. 5,247,190 to Friend et al., which is incorporated byreference in its entirety. By way of further example, OLEDs having asingle organic layer may be used. OLEDs may be stacked, for example asdescribed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,707,745 to Forrest et al, which isincorporated by reference in its entirety. The OLED structure maydeviate from the simple layered structure illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2.For example, the substrate may include an angled reflective surface toimprove out-coupling, such as a mesa structure as described in U.S. Pat.No. 6,091,195 to Forrest et al., and/or a pit structure as described inU.S. Pat. No. 5,834,893 to Bulovic et al., which are incorporated byreference in their entireties.
Unless otherwise specified, any of the layers of the various embodimentsmay be deposited by any suitable method. For the organic layers,preferred methods include thermal evaporation, ink-jet, such asdescribed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,013,982 and 6,087,196, which areincorporated by reference in their entireties, organic vapor phasedeposition (OVPD), such as described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,337,102 toForrest et al., which is incorporated by reference in its entirety, anddeposition by organic vapor jet printing (OVJP), such as described inU.S. Pat. No. 7,431,968, which is incorporated by reference in itsentirety. Other suitable deposition methods include spin coating andother solution based processes. Solution based processes are preferablycarried out in nitrogen or an inert atmosphere. For the other layers,preferred methods include thermal evaporation. Preferred patterningmethods include deposition through a mask, cold welding such asdescribed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,294,398 and 6,468,819, which areincorporated by reference in their entireties, and patterning associatedwith some of the deposition methods such as ink-jet and OVJD. Othermethods may also be used. The materials to be deposited may be modifiedto make them compatible with a particular deposition method. Forexample, substituents such as alkyl and aryl groups, branched orunbranched, and preferably containing at least 3 carbons, may be used insmall molecules to enhance their ability to undergo solution processing.Substituents having 20 carbons or more may be used, and 3-20 carbons isa preferred range. Materials with asymmetric structures may have bettersolution processability than those having symmetric structures, becauseasymmetric materials may have a lower tendency to recrystallize.Dendrimer substituents may be used to enhance the ability of smallmolecules to undergo solution processing.
Devices fabricated in accordance with embodiments of the presentinvention may further optionally comprise a barrier layer. One purposeof the barrier layer is to protect the electrodes and organic layersfrom damaging exposure to harmful species in the environment includingmoisture, vapor and/or gases, etc. The barrier layer may be depositedover, under or next to a substrate, an electrode, or over any otherparts of a device including an edge. The barrier layer may comprise asingle layer, or multiple layers. The barrier layer may be formed byvarious known chemical vapor deposition techniques and may includecompositions having a single phase as well as compositions havingmultiple phases. Any suitable material or combination of materials maybe used for the barrier layer. The barrier layer may incorporate aninorganic or an organic compound or both. The preferred barrier layercomprises a mixture of a polymeric material and a non-polymeric materialas described in U.S. Pat. No. 7,968,146, PCT Pat. Application Nos.PCT/US2007/023098 and PCT/US2009/042829, which are herein incorporatedby reference in their entireties. To be considered a “mixture”, theaforesaid polymeric and non-polymeric materials comprising the barrierlayer should be deposited under the same reaction conditions and/or atthe same time. The weight ratio of polymeric to non-polymeric materialmay be in the range of 95:5 to 5:95. The polymeric material and thenon-polymeric material may be created from the same precursor material.In one example, the mixture of a polymeric material and a non-polymericmaterial consists essentially of polymeric silicon and inorganicsilicon.
Devices fabricated in accordance with embodiments of the invention canbe incorporated into a wide variety of electronic component modules (orunits) that can be incorporated into a variety of electronic products orintermediate components. Examples of such electronic products orintermediate components include display screens, lighting devices suchas discrete light source devices or lighting panels, etc. that can beutilized by the end-user product manufacturers. Such electroniccomponent modules can optionally include the driving electronics and/orpower source(s). Devices fabricated in accordance with embodiments ofthe invention can be incorporated into a wide variety of consumerproducts that have one or more of the electronic component modules (orunits) incorporated therein. Such consumer products would include anykind of products that include one or more light source(s) and/or one ormore of some type of visual displays. Some examples of such consumerproducts include flat panel displays, computer monitors, medicalmonitors, televisions, billboards, lights for interior or exteriorillumination and/or signaling, heads-up displays, fully or partiallytransparent displays, flexible displays, laser printers, telephones,cell phones, tablets, phablets, personal digital assistants (PDAs),laptop computers, digital cameras, camcorders, viewfinders,micro-displays, virtual reality displays, augmented reality displays,3-D displays, vehicles, a large area wall, theater or stadium screen, ora sign. Various control mechanisms may be used to control devicesfabricated in accordance with the present invention, including passivematrix and active matrix. Many of the devices are intended for use in atemperature range comfortable to humans, such as 18 C to 30 C, and morepreferably at room temperature (20-25 C), but could be used outside thistemperature range, for example, from −40 C to +80 C.
As previously described, OVJP may be used, for example, for printingwell defined lines of organic material without the use of fine metalmasks (shadow masks). Fine metal masks often are costly and a source ofyield loss in display production due to mask deformation, particleformation and misalignment.
The vapor source for OVJP and related techniques usually includes aheated enclosure containing a crucible charged with a condensed organicsource and inlet and outlet ports for an inert carrier gas. The carriergas, also referred to as a delivery gas, entrains the vapor generated inthe crucible and convectively carries it downstream to a print head thatdeposits thin film features on a substrate. It may be mixed with vaporsfrom other sources during transit if the desired film has multiplecomponents. Prior implementations of OVJP featured sources and printheads that were contained in separate structures and connected withtubes, referred to as runlines. An example of such a system is shown inFIG. 3. The organic vapor sources 301 are arranged external to adeposition chamber 302 containing the print head. The heated runlines303 typically must be run inside the deposition chamber 302.Conventional runline heating schemes often suffer from poor reliability,uneven heat distribution, and excessive outgassing.
Maintaining a uniform temperature profile in runlines such as therunlines 303 shown in FIG. 3 may be very difficult. The presence of acold spot in the runline may trap organic vapor and thereby reduce theamount that reaches the substrate, leading to slower printing. Coldspots generally do not affect all components of a vapor mixture evenly,so they can also have an unpredictable effect on doping levels.Additionally, material trapped in cold spots may contaminate future runswhen it does desorb. Hot spots are also detrimental because they promotethermal degradation of the organic vapor. Even when properly heated, thesurface of the tubing must come into adsorption-desorption equilibriumwith the vapor it contains before the system reaches steady state. Tubesmay have lengths on the order of a meter and equilibration may take anhour or more. To limit cold spots and wall interactions, the runlinesmust be maintained at a temperature higher than the sublimationtemperature of the least volatile component of the vapor mixture beingdeposited. Accordingly, high-temperature valves 304 may be requiredaround the source enclosures to achieve positive shutoff. These valvesare unreliable and can, themselves, form cold spots.
Embodiments disclosed herein provide systems, including an organicmaterial source, an injection block, and print head designs for anorganic vapor deposition system that reduces or entirely eliminates theneed for heated runlines present in conventional OVJP systems.
An example of an OVJP deposition system according to an embodiment isshown in FIG. 4. The injection block 401 is a manifold that may bepositioned inside the deposition chamber during use. It serves as anattachment point for one or more source crucibles 402 and a print head403 that distributes organic vapor over a substrate, i.e., eitherdirectly onto the substrate, or onto another layer disposed over thesubstrate. The injection block may include one or more tubingconnections 404 for providing a delivery gas to the crucibles 402, whichmay be preheated by the injection block before introduction to thecrucible assemblies 402. Multiple delivery gas lines may be used ifmultiple source crucibles are used.
In an embodiment, the injection block 401 may convey delivery gas ladenwith organic material vapor to the print head 403, which then depositsthe organic material over the substrate. An exhaust line 405 from theprint head also may pass through the injection block.
The injection block 401 may be a monolithic structure having a largethermal mass and low surface area for a uniform temperaturedistribution. For example, the injection block may be formed from asolid block of material. Organic vapor in the delivery flow may notexperience cold spots and, as a result, organic vapor in the exhaust maynot condense inside the block. It may be preferred for the injectionblock 401 to be fabricated from a solid piece of metal. For example,drillings in and through the injection block may be used to form the gasflow paths disclosed herein. Alternatively, a modular configuration maybe used in which the injection block is formed from multiple componentsthat are assembled into a monolithic structure prior to use.
Although FIG. 4 and related drawings provided herein show an assemblyincluding two crucibles for ease of illustration, any number ofcrucibles may be used, including one, two, three, four, or more. Eachcrucible may include an organic material that may be the same, partiallythe same, or different than the organic material in each of the othercrucibles attached to the assembly at any time. Similarly, each cruciblemay be heated independently and to the same or different temperatures,to allow for use of similar or different organic materials at the sametime.
FIG. 5 shows a schematic view of the assembly shown in FIG. 4 with theprint head 403 and source crucibles 402 separated from the injectionblock 401. In contrast to conventional OVJP arrangements, the organicsources 402 are close-coupled to the injection block, as opposed tobeing separate source cell vessels that are connected to othercomponents with heated runlines, such as shown in FIG. 3. Sourcecrucibles 402 as disclosed herein may be attached directly to theinjection block 401, for example, via support rings 501 around thesource crucibles. In such a configuration, the weight of the sourcecrucible is physically supported by the injection block. The attachmentface 502 on the underside of the injection block 401 forms the upper“ceiling” surface of the source cell cavity containing the condensedorganic material when the source 402 is sealed to the injection block401.
In an embodiment, the injection block 401 may include one or moreinjector tubes 503. Such a tube may guide source gas from the injectionblock 401 into the crucible 402 where it can pick up organic vapor fromthe condensed phase. In such a configuration, the source may be anintegrated structure, containing elements from both the crucibleassembly and the injection block.
FIG. 6 shows an exploded view of a crucible assembly according to anembodiment. The crucible 601 may have a flared lip backed by a lowersupport ring and surrounded by an upper support ring.
In an embodiment, a membrane 603 may cover the top of the crucible. Themembrane may be, for example, aluminum or a similar material, and may behermetically sealed to the lip of the crucible 601. In otherembodiments, the membrane may be any material that may hermetically sealthe surface of the crucible, form a tight seal to the monolithic blockand be thermally stable under the process conditions used to deposit theorganic material contained in the crucible 601. The membrane may protectthe condensed organic material from spillage or contamination duringtransport, and from environmental factors like humidity and oxygenduring transport and storage. The membrane may be punctured by theinjector tube 503 shown in FIG. 5 when the source crucible is installedin the injection block. Thus, in embodiments disclosed herein, organicmaterial can be shipped, stored, and evaporated for deposition in thesame container. In contrast to conventional OVJP organic source materialconfigurations, such configurations may simplify organic materialrecharges, reduce or eliminate sources of process variability, andprovide improved efficiency of use and re-use of organic material. Suchconfigurations also may facilitate automated and/or in-situ reloading ofa deposition tool.
In a preferred embodiment, a resistive heater 602 is placed in thermalcontact with the base of the crucible 601. In other embodiments, theheater may be incorporated directly into the crucible body. For example,the crucible may be or include a cylindrical heater, such as acylindrical aluminum nitride (AlN) heater. Each source material crucible601 also may include, or may be in thermal contact with, a thermocoupleconfigured to measure the temperature of the crucible.
The crucible 601 may be sealed to the injection block as previouslydisclosed by pressure from the lower support ring 501. In a preferredembodiment the crucible may be made partially, primarily, or entirelyfrom aluminum. Aluminum or an equivalent material may be preferredbecause it is compliant and can readily seal to the gland on theinjection block. Furthermore, the high thermal conductivity of aluminumallows for even heating of the crucible, such as by the heater 602.Aluminum is also relatively easy to machine or form, thus facilitatingcrucible fabrication.
Furthermore, surprisingly and contrary to conventional understanding inthe OVJP field, it has been found that organic material stored in analuminum crucible is not contaminated by prolonged contact with thealuminum surface, nor does the organic material react with the aluminum.This has been verified using material that had been stored in aluminumcrucibles at process temperatures for an extended period of 6 weeks, tomake OLEDs with vacuum thermal evaporation. The OLED device grown withstored material showed similar performance (color, voltage andefficiency) to that of a device grown with fresh material. When thedevices were driven at a constant current density of 40 mA/cm², thetimes taken to reach 95% of initial luminance (LT 95) were comparable.The device made with the stored material had a LT 95 of 319 hourswhereas the device made with fresh material had a LT95 of 290 hours.This experiment demonstrates that, surprisingly, OLED material storagein a heated aluminum crucible has no significant effect on itscomposition, since lifetime is a very sensitive indicator of materialquality. Conventionally it has been believed in the OLED fabricationfield generally, and with respect to OVJP techniques specifically, thataluminum would be poorly suited for use as a crucible material. Moregenerally, an OVJP material crucible as disclosed herein may befabricated from non-refractory metals as well as refractory metals moreconventionally used in crucible construction. Metals with similarproperties, like copper, may also be used to make crucibles. Othersuitable materials include titanium, nickel, molybdenum, tungsten,ceramic, and combinations thereof.
FIG. 7 shows a top view of an injection block according to anembodiment. Attachment points 701 for the source assemblies may bepositioned to offer some degree of thermal isolation from each other andthe central block 702. For example, different materials or combinationsof materials may be placed in separate source crucibles attached toseparate attachment points 701. This may permit, for example, controlledco-deposition of materials with different sublimation temperatures,since the two crucibles are sufficiently thermally isolated from oneanother that they may be maintained at different temperatures. Thetemperature distribution within each source crucible is relativelyuniform, as is the temperature inside the central portion of theinjection block 702. However, the relatively narrow neck 703 betweenthese regions allows them to be held at different temperatures. The useof multiple crucibles may be desirable, for example, to allow rapid andefficient deposition of multiple layers of an OLED or similar device,different hosts and dopants or the same hosts and dopants in differentconcentrations, or any combination thereof. Furthermore, because thecrucibles may be removed from the injection block, multiple materialsmay be deposited over a single substrate within a single chamber.
FIG. 8 shows a cross-section through line A-A′ in FIG. 7. Delivery gasenters the injection block through a tube 801 that is welded to, orotherwise physically integral with the injection block. External tubesand the fittings connecting them to in-chamber components may not beheated, thus avoiding or reducing the likelihood of cold spots and otherundesirable effects common in conventional OVJP systems as previouslydisclosed.
The delivery gas then flows through a channel 802 in the injection blockto an injection tube 803 that leads to the inside of the crucible 804,where the condensed organic material is stored. Notably, the injectiontube 803 is disposed entirely within the injection block and/or thecrucible. That is, the internal flow path length between the crucibleand the interior of the injection block is zero, since the interior ofthe crucible is in direct and immediate fluid communication with thechannel 802, which essentially extends into the interior of the cruciblevia the injection tube 803. In some embodiments, the internal flow pathmay be relatively small but greater than zero; for example, 2 mm, 1 mm,or less. Thus, such a configuration also avoids the problems that occurwith runlines in conventional OVJP systems.
The delivery gas picks up vapor and is collected by a siphon tube 805leading downstream, which is also disposed entirely internally withinthe injection block and/or the crucible. The tips of both the injectionand siphon tubes may be sharpened to puncture the membrane covering thecrucible. An interface 806, such as between a gland milled into thecrucible attachment point and the lip of the crucible, forms a sealbetween the organic vapor source (i.e., the interior of the organicmaterial crucible) and the deposition chamber ambient.
A transfer channel 807 places the siphon tube in fluid communicationwith a mixing channel 808 leading to the print head. Transfer channelsfrom multiple evaporation sources may meet at the top of the mixingchannel 808, allowing for a delivery flow containing multiple organicvapor components to be delivered to the print head 809. Only a shortlength of about 2 cm is required for host and dopant vapors to mix.However, the delivery flow should be evenly mixed to deposit a highquality film. The injection block feeds delivery flow to the print head809 and may withdraw exhaust flow via separate exhaust channels (notshown). As previously disclosed, the print head is supported by theinjection block, but is detachable. Its fluidic connections 810 may besealed by elastomer or soft metal gaskets or ferrules. The print headcontains an apparatus such as a micronozzle array 811 (nozzle assembly)for printing the desired features on the substrate.
FIG. 9 shows a plot of the behavior of an OVJP deposition apparatususing an embodiment of the assemblies disclosed herein. A total deliveryflow of 60 sccm is split between two sources, one containing an organichost material and the other containing an organic dopant. The horizontalaxis shows the ratio of dopant to host delivery gas flow rate. The leftvertical axis shows the deposition rate measured by the thickness ofprinted features in Angstroms (Å), and the right vertical axis shows thedopant fraction present in the printed features measured by highpressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The overall deposition rate 904trends downward as the flow to the dopant source is increased and flowto the host source is decreased. The rate of delivery gas flow throughthe host source is the primary determinant of deposition rate, since thefraction of host material in the film is much higher than that of thedopant. While overall deposition rate decreases as more of the deliveryflow is directed through the dopant source, the dopant fraction in theprinted films increases 905. The increase in dopant concentration in theprinted material with dopant delivery flow fraction is roughly linear.More generally, the change in the amount of material contributed by eachsource to the resulting film is proportional to the change in the amountof flow through the source. This implies that delivery gas leaves eachsource in a nearly saturated state and the source design permitsefficient mass transfer between the delivery gas and the condensedorganic material charge in each crucible.
An advantage of evaporation sources that are close-coupled to the printhead through a uniformly heated monolithic manifold as disclosed hereinis that the transient response of the system to changes in processvariables is very short, in contrast to the relatively long transientresponse times common in OVJP systems. For example, in the case of aco-deposited film, the ratio of host to dopant can be rapidly adjustedby changing the ratio of the delivery flow between the host and dopantsources, without the need for a lengthy readjustment period as is commonin conventional OVJP systems.
FIG. 10 shows experimental data that confirms this advantage. Thevertical axis 1001 indicates the fraction of dopant present in eachdeposited film, as measured by HPLC. The first bar on the left 1002shows a film deposited with a host to dopant delivery flow ratio of 1:3.The adjacent bar to the right of it 1003 shows the film printed with thehost to dopant delivery flow ratio of 7:5 immediately after the flowswere adjusted. The subsequent pairs of bars 1004, 1005, 1006 show thedoping ratios before and after changing host to dopant delivery flowratios with lag times of 2, 5, and 10 minutes, respectively. The dopingratio changes significantly in response to the change in delivery flowratio, but the response is independent of the lag time between changingthe process conditions and printing the measured film. This implies thatthe transient response is on the order of a minute or less. In contrast,conventional OVJP deposition tools that use external tubing connectingthe vapor sources and print head may have transient response times onthe time scale of hours or more.
Embodiments disclosed herein allow for efficient deposition techniquesfor organic materials, without requiring the long transient timesrequired by conventional OVJP systems, movement between multiplechambers, and/or the use of multiple deposition systems to depositmaterials that embodiments disclosed herein allow to be deposited by asingle system. For example, in an embodiment, a first organic materialmay be deposited over a substrate from a first crucible attached to aninjection block as previously disclosed. Subsequently or concurrently, asecond organic material, which may be partially or entirely the same asthe first organic material, may be deposited over the substrate from asecond crucible attached to the same injection block, or to a separateinjection block disposed within the same deposition chamber as the firstinjection block. Alternatively or in addition, another crucible may beattached to the injection block, either in addition to or as areplacement of the first crucible. This crucible may contain the same ordifferent materials as the first crucible, and may be attached to theinjection block without removing the injection block from the depositionchamber. Each crucible and each injection block may be operated aspreviously disclosed herein.
It is understood that the various embodiments described herein are byway of example only, and are not intended to limit the scope of theinvention. For example, many of the materials and structures describedherein may be substituted with other materials and structures withoutdeviating from the spirit of the invention. The present invention asclaimed may therefore include variations from the particular examplesand preferred embodiments described herein, as will be apparent to oneof skill in the art. It is understood that various theories as to whythe invention works are not intended to be limiting.
1105848_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Rusovatsakottarainen (Pholia sharpii) on kottaraisten heimoon kuuluva varpuslintu.
Rusovatsakottaraista tavataan laajalla alueella Afrikan itäosissa. Lajin on kuvattu olevan paikallisesti yleinen, ja se on luokiteltu elinvoimaiseksi.
github_open_source_100_1_386 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package org.jeecf.gen.strategy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.jeecf.common.utils.HumpUtils;
import org.jeecf.engine.mysql.enums.WhereExpressEnum;
import org.jeecf.engine.mysql.model.query.WhereEntity;
import org.jeecf.gen.model.BaseTable;
import org.jeecf.gen.model.rule.FilterEntity;
import org.jeecf.gen.utils.TableHook;
* 过滤策略
* @author jianyiming
* @since 1.0
public class FilterStrategy {
public static String handler(List<FilterEntity> filterEntitys, TableHook builder,BaseTable baseTable) {
List<WhereEntity> whereEntitys = new ArrayList<>();
if (filterEntitys != null) {
filterEntitys.forEach(filterEntity -> {
WhereEntity whereEntity = WhereEntity.Builder.buildAnd(HumpUtils.humpToLine2(filterEntity.getField()), WhereExpressEnum.EQUALS, filterEntity.getValue());
return builder.getData(whereEntitys,baseTable);
bpt6k55779450_27 | French-PD-Books | Public Domain | La simple déclaration par les époux qu'ils se marient sans communauté, ne constitue pas ce qu'on désigne comme séparation de biens, régime où la femme, ainsi que nous l'avons vu, a l'administration de tous ses biens, sous tous les rapports, excepté qu'elle ne peut disposer d'aucun de ses immeubles sans le consentement de son mari. La clause que les époux se marient sans communauté ne donne point à la femme le droit d'administrer ses biens, ni d'en percevoir les fruits: ces fruits sont censés apportés au mari pour soutenir les charges du mariage. Le mari conserve l'administration des biens meubles et immeubles de la femme, et, par suite, le droit de percevoir tout le mobilier qu'elle apporte en dot ou qui lui échoit pendant le mariage, sauf la restitution qu'il en doit faire après la dissolution du mariage, ou après la séparation de biens qui serait prononcée par la justice. D'après l'ancienne loi française, le douaire de la femme était tout ce que la convention ou la loi lui accordait. La coutume d'Orléans, à défaut de douaire conventionnel, accordait à la femme pour douaire, l'usufruit de la moitié de tous les héritages que le mari avait lors de la consommation du mariage, et de ceux qui lui advenaient de père et de mère, aïeul et aïeule et autres ascendants. Ce statut était réel et n'exerçait par conséquent son empire que sur les héritages situés dans le territoire. Le douaire sur les autres héritages se réglait par les coutumes des lieux où ils étaient situés. Les coutumes se partageaient entre la moitié et le tiers. On en trouve un résumé dans le traité du douaire de Pothier. Mais le douaire n'existe plus en France. D'après le code Napoléon, le conjoint survivant n'a droit à rien, pas même à des aliments sur la fortune du conjoint prédécédé et ne lui est laissé, comme unique part, que la propriété de la résidence de famille, jusqu'à concurrence de 5 000 francs. La communauté limitée aux acquits. Déclaration de se marier sans communauté. Douaire d'après l'ancienne loi française. Chap. III] BIENS DES EMMES MARIÉES. 453 succède que lorsqu'il n'y a plus de parents au 12ème degré, ni d'enfants naturels. D'après la loi espagnole, la communauté est limitée aux acquêts, chacun des époux conservant ses propres biens et étant responsable pour ses propres dettes. Lorsqu'aucun inventaire n'a été fait cependant au moment du mariage, et lorsqu'il n'existe aucun moyen de reconnaître les biens qui appartiennent à chacun des époux, les meubles sont considérés comme acquêts et sont soumis à la règle de la communauté. D'après cette même loi, si la femme renonce à la communauté avant la célébration du mariage, elle est mariée d'après un régime qui équivaut à la séparation de biens et non d'après le régime français sans communauté. La jurisprudence espagnole admet un système semblable au régime français sans communauté, c'est-à-dire, un régime qui n'accorde à la femme ni les avantages de la communauté, ni ceux de la séparation de biens. Mais il faut pour que ce régime ait cours, qu'il ait été expressément stipulé dans le contrat de mariage. Voici quels en sont les effets sur les biens. La femme n'a aucune part aux acquêts et elle ne peut non plus avoir l'administration de ses propres biens, tandis qu'en l'absence d'une pareille stipulation, elle retiendrait cette administration comme cela a lieu dans le régime français de la séparation de biens. La dot de la femme peut lui être donnée, soit par ses parents, soit par d'autres personnes, et avant ou pendant le mariage. Il paraît que cette omission d'une provision pour l'époux survivant était arrivée sans intention. Lors de la discussion dans le Conseil d'Etat sur le 773e article, « Maleville observe qu'on a omis dans ce chapitre une disposition reçue par la jurisprudence, qui donnait une pension à l'époux survivant, lorsqu'il était pauvre, et qu'il ne recueillait pas la succession. TREILHARD répond que par l'article 55 (d'après le résumé de SAINT JOSEPH, l'article 754) on lui accorde l'usufruit d'un tiers des biens. » Motifs du code civil, tom. II, p. 335. Cette inadvertance inconcevable, dit SAINT JOSEPH, de la part d'un des principaux rédacteurs du Code, arrêta toute discussion sur un point si important et a été la cause d'une omission relevée avec autant d'empressement que de justice par les autres législations. SAINT JOSEPH, Correspondance des Codes, tome I, p. VII. Loi espagnole. Quand les meubles sont considérés comme acquits. Renonciation de la communauté et mariage d'après un régime qui équivaut à la séparation des biens de la loi française. Dot égale à la légitime. 454 DEOITS. DE LÉGISLATION CIVILE ET CRIMINELLE. [Part. II, mariage. Les parents sont tenus de fournir à leur fille une dot égale à sa part légitime (c'est-à-dire égale à la part à laquelle elle aurait légalement droit dans la fortune des parents en cas de succession), en déduisant de cette part les biens que la mariée pourrait posséder de son propre chef. L'obligation cesse d'exister, dès que la fille se marie sans le consentement de ses parents. Tous les biens que la femme acquiert pendant son mariage, par don, legs ou succession, viennent s'ajouter à la dot. Le mari a l'usufruit de la dot et en est responsable. Il a l'administration de tous les biens personnels, mais il est tenu de fournir une garantie légale pour leur valeur. Ni la femme, ni le mari, séparément, ni tous deux conjointement, ne peuvent mettre une charge sur les immeubles qui font partie de la dot ou les hypothéquer, à moins qu'ils n'y soient autorisés conjointement par un tribunal. Le mari est tenu de remplacer dès qu'il le pourra la perte qu'en aura subie la dot. Le code italien s'est borné à organiser deux régimes, le régime dotal et le régime de la communauté. Mais l'un et l'autre ne pourront jamais être que conventionnels; il n'existe pas de régime légal. Dans le silence des parties, la loi ne veut rien supposer, rien présumer, pas plus le régime dotal que le régime de la communauté. Sous quel régime les conjoints seront-ils alors mariés? La loi ne le dit pas formellement, car elle se borne à tracer dans deux chapitres distincts les règles de la dotalité et celles de la communauté, et nulle part elle ne prévoit l'hypothèse d'un mariage conclu sans contrat préalable. Cependant, comme l'article 1425 déclare que tous les biens de la femme non constitués en dot sont paraphernaux, il faut admettre que, s'il n'y a pas eu contrat de mariage, ou si le contrat n'adopte ni le régime dotal ni celui de la communauté, les biens de la femme seront régis par les principes de la paraphernalité, qui sont identiques à ceux que le Code Napoléon a consacrés. Seulement la contribution de la femme aux charges du ménage est différemment réglée. L'article 1575 du Code Napoléon porte en effet que si tous les biens de la femme sont paraphernaux, et s'il n'y a pas de convention dans le contrat, pour lui faire supporter une portion des charges du mariage, la femme y contribue jusqu'à concurrence de son pouvoir. Ceci n'est pas le cas si la fille se marie sans le consentement de ses parents. Biens ajoutés à la dot. Mari administrateur des biens de la femme fournît caution. Code italien. Régime dotal et régime de la communauté. Il n'existe pas de régime légal. Biens paraphernaux dans l'absence d'un contrat. Principes identiques à ceux du Code Napoléon à l'exception des contributions aux charges du ménage. Chap. IV] BIENS DES FEMMES MARIÉES. 455 différence du tiers de ses revenus. On sait qu'il peut y avoir quelque difficulté dans le cas où ce tiers serait insuffisant. La loi italienne se borne à déclarer que les deux conjoints doivent contribuer aux charges du ménage, chacun en proportion de sa fortune (art, 1426 et 1427). Le droit commun de l'Allemagne reconnaît pleinement, de même que les codes de Prusse et de Saxe, le droit des époux de faire leurs contrats de mariage de la façon qu'il leur plaira, en se soumettant aux mêmes restrictions qui sont imposées par le code français, que les contrats ne peuvent être en opposition avec la politique de l'État. Les conventions matrimoniales peuvent être rédigées aussi bien pendant le mariage qu'auparavant. Les époux peuvent, par contrat de mariage, disposer réciproquement, ou au profit de l'un des conjoints seulement, de tout ou partie de leurs successions, sauf les droits des héritiers nécessaires et légitimes; ces dispositions sont irrévocables. Les époux peuvent stipuler d'une manière générale, contrairement à ce que le code français permet, que leur association sera régie par l'une des coutumes, lois ou statuts locaux. Le régime dotal a prévalu dans la majeure partie de l'Allemagne ; c'est celui des codes de l'Autriche et aussi de la Bavière, mais c'est le régime de la communauté qui a prévalu dans une grande partie des pays qui constituent les États prussiens. La communauté légale varie dans les diverses contrées où le régime de la communauté s'est conservé. Dans beaucoup de contrées elle est universelle et comprend tous les meubles et immeubles. Toutes les lois accordent à la veuve, tant qu'elle ne se remarie pas, certains droits dans les biens de son mari qui peuvent être valables pendant sa vie seulement ou dont elle pourra jouir en toute propriété. La femme peut aliéner ses immeubles sans le consentement spécial de son mari, à moins que la loi locale ne l'assujettisse à l'autorité maritale. Le caractère dotal des biens appartenant à la femme ne doit donner lieu à aucun doute. Le mari est tenu de prouver que les biens sont dotaux et non pas paraphernaux. Si la dot est en danger, la femme peut en réclamer la restitution contre des tiers. 1 Hue et ORSIER, Code italien civil, tom. I, p. 259. Droit commun de l'Allemagne. Conventions matrimoniales faites avant ou pendant le mariage. Communauté légale varie dans les différents pays. Droits accordés à la veuve. La femme peut aliéner ses immeubles. Tous ses biens paraphernaux à moins qu'ils ne soient prouvés être dotaux. DROITS DE LÉGISLATION CIVILE ET CAMALEINELLE. [Part. H, La femme ou ses héritiers ont une hypothèque générale sur les biens du mari pour la restitution de la dot, et ils ont également une hypothèque légale sur les biens du mari pour la restitution des biens paraphernaux. En Prusse, les biens de la femme passent, par le mariage, sous l'administration du mari, en tant que cette administration n'a pas été réservée à la femme par la loi ou par les conventions matrimoniales. Les biens sur lesquels les époux contribuent aux charges de l'établissement, sont administrés par le mari. Dans les biens réservés à la femme on comprend tout ce qui sert à son usage personnel, le don nuptial (Morgengabe), et ceux qui sont déterminés à cet effet. La partie des biens de la femme dont l'administration n'est réservée ni par la loi ni par le contrat, est réputée apport. La femme a l'administration, l'usufruit et la libre disposition de sa fortune réservée. Les économies faites par la femme sur sa fortune réservée, lui appartiennent; les immeubles et capitaux inscrits sous son nom et qu'elle aurait acquis par une industrie séparée de celle de son mari, font partie de l'apport, à moins qu'elle n'ait fait le commerce exclusivement avec ses biens réservés, ou qu'il n'y ait eu stipulation contraire. L'autorisation du mari est inutile à la femme pour agir en jugement quand il s'agit d'un acte relatif à la fortune réservée. Le mari exerce tous les droits et les devoirs d'un usufruitier sur les biens de la femme, mais il ne pourra aliéner ni grever les immeubles qui en font partie, ni disposer des capitaux inscrits en son nom ou sous celui de ses auteurs ou donateurs, sans le consentement de sa femme. Mais il est des cas, comme lorsqu'il s'agit, par exemple, de réparations indispensables aux fonds, où le tribunal, au refus de la femme, pourra autoriser le mari à faire les actes nécessaires. Le mari a la libre disposition du mobilier qui fait partie de l'apport, mais il ne peut disposer du mobilier réservé. La femme ne peut faire enlever au mari l'administration et l'usufruit de son apport que dans le cas où il ne pourvoirait pas à son entretien et à celui de ses enfants d'une manière convenable et conforme à leur état. Lorsque les dettes de la femme sont antérieures au mariage, ses créanciers peuvent exercer leurs poursuites sur sa personne et sur tous ses biens; mais si ces dettes ont été cachées au mari et réduisent ses capacités pour la dot sur les biens du mari. Prusse. Administration biens de la femme. Biens qui contribuent aux charges de l'établissement. Apport. Biens réservés de la femme. L'autorisation ester en jugement inutile. Le mari ne peut aliéner les immeubles. Dans quels cas on peut enlever au mari l'administration de l'apport. Chap. II] BIENS DES FEMMES MARIÉES. 457 apports, celui-ci peut exercer son recours sur sa fortune réservée. La communauté des biens n'existe entre époux qu'autant qu'elle est établie par les lois provinciales ou par les statuts. Les conjoints peuvent entre eux et en tous temps faire des contrats d'héritage sur leurs successions, et les révoquer de même, mais la femme sera, dans ce cas, assistée d'un conseil. Le douaire consiste dans une pension allouée à la femme par le mari pour son entretien pendant son veuvage. La veuve a droit au mobilier du ménage qui comprend son trousseau complet, les meubles d'un usage ordinaire et les provisions. La moitié de la portion héréditaire fixée par la loi à l'époux survivant, est regardée comme une légitime et soumise aux mêmes règles. Avant la division des biens du mari ou de la femme, l'époux survivant reprend possession de ses propres biens. En Saxe, lorsqu'il n'y a pas eu de contrat, la règle générale est que le mari a l'usufruit et l'administration de la fortune que la femme possède lors de la conclusion du mariage, de même que de celle qu'elle acquiert pendant le mariage. Il est responsable en cas de fraude ou de négligence. Il y a des clauses concernant la dot, laquelle comprend la masse qui est donnée ou promise par les parents, ou par des tiers, comme la part que la femme doit contribuer pour le maintien de la famille. Les parents sont obligés de donner une dot à la fille pour l'établissement de l'état de maison; cette dot doit être fixée d'après une estimation de leur fortune et en ayant égard à l'état du mari. L'obligation de fournir une dot n'a pas lieu, si la fille a de la fortune pour subvenir aux frais de l'établissement, ou si elle est mariée sans le consentement des personnes obligées à faire la dotation. Quant à ce que la femme acquiert par des services qui n'ont aucun rapport au ménage ni aux affaires, ou à l'état du mari, elle en a la propriété, mais le mari a le droit de l'usufruit et de l'administration. Si la femme a donné cet acquis au mari pour l'employer dans le ménage ou l'a elle-même employé dans le ménage, elle ne peut, après la dissolution du mariage, en réclamer la restitution. Pour être valable contre les tiers, le titre usufruitier du mari n'a pas besoin d'être inscrit au registre. Si des objets de la fortune de la femme sont admis en héritage entre les époux, le mari administrateur, quand il n'y a pas de contrat, a droit sur ces biens. 458 DEOITS DE LÉGISLATION CIVILE ET CRIMINELLE. [Part. II] portés au mari avec l'indication de la valeur, il en devient le propriétaire, il en a la responsabilité et doit remplacer après la dissolution du mariage, la valeur indiquée. Aucun des deux conjoints n'est tenu à remplir sur ses propres deniers l'engagement de l'autre. Tous les engagements de la femme valablement contractés avant ou pendant le mariage, doivent être remplis avec sa propre fortune, mais ce n'est qu'en certains cas seulement que sa fortune réservée répondra des engagements contractés pendant le mariage. Si par une mauvaise administration le mari met en danger la fortune que la femme apporte en mariage, celle-ci peut demander qu'on lui en remette l'administration, et si le mari est en faillite, la femme peut réclamer sa fortune dans l'inventaire. Le droit du mari à l'usufruit et à l'administration de la fortune que la femme apporte en ménage, expire à la dissolution du mariage. Le mari est tenu, aussitôt après la dissolution du mariage, à rendre, d'après les prescriptions sur l'usufruit, la fortune que la femme avait apportée en mariage. Les contrats de mariage, par lesquels sont fixés ou changés les effets du mariage, peuvent être faits avant ou pendant le mariage. Si la femme s'est réservé, avec le consentement du mari, la libre disposition de sa fortune ou d'une partie de cette fortune, ou si un tiers, qui a donné de la fortune à la femme, a décidé que la femme doit en avoir la libre disposition, la femme peut, faute d'une autre clause, disposer, sans la coopération du mari, de cette fortune réservée, l'administrer, en retirer les fruits pour son propre compte et l'employer pour son usage. Si les deux conjoints s'entendent pour admettre la communauté générale des biens, toute la fortune possédée par eux à l'époque de la conclusion du mariage ou acquise pendant le mariage, devient commune sans autre forme, si aucune autre stipulation n'a eu lieu, à partir de l'époque de la conclusion du contrat, et si le contrat a été conclu avant le mariage, à partir de l'époque de la conclusion du mariage. À l'égard des choses et des droits dont l'acquisition exige une inscription au cadastre ou au registre des hypothèques, l'acceptation du régime de la communauté donne un motif de droit (Bechtsgrund) à l'inscription. Le code autrichien de 1811 s'appliquait, jusqu'à la récente séparation législative de la Hongrie d'avec les provinces cisleithaniennes, à tout l'empire autrichien. Les règlements relatifs à l'obligation des parents à fournir une dot, sont pareils à ceux du code saxon. Le douaire ou don nuptial est ce que le mari ou un tiers donne à la mariée comme supplément à la dot. La femme n'en a pas la jouissance pendant le mariage, et elle n'en acquiert la propriété que si elle survit au mari. Aucun douaire, de la nature de la dot d'une femme, n'est dû à la femme qui se marie, mais comme la future femme a droit à une dot prélevée sur la fortune de ses parents, les parents du futur doivent, de leur coté, le pourvoir d'un établissement proportionné à leur fortune. La Morgengabe est le présent que le mari promet de faire à sa femme au lendemain du mariage. Lorsque le présent a été stipulé, on admet, en cas de doute, qu'il a été fait dans le cours des trois premières années du mariage. Le mariage n'établit pas, par lui-même, une communauté de biens entre le mari et la femme. Pour qu'il en soit ainsi, il faut que le contrat en fasse mention: le code en détermine la forme et l'étendue. A défaut de stipulation expresse, chacun des conjoints conserve ses droits sur ses propres biens et sur ceux qui viendraient s'y ajouter par acquisition pendant le mariage. Il n'existe pas de communauté entre les époux. Le mari est censé l'administrateur des biens de sa femme, si elle ne s'y oppose pas. Sous ce rapport, le mari est considéré comme le mandataire responsable des fonds ou capitaux seulement, mais il n'est pas tenu à rendre compte des revenus perçus pendant le mariage. A moins de stipulations contraires, ses comptes sont considérés comme liquidés du jour où cesse son administration. L'administration de la fortune de la femme, peut, en cas de danger pour la dot, être enlevée au mari, alors même qu'elle lui eût été confiée par contrat spécial. La veuve a droit à un douaire, à partir de l'époque de la mort du mari, et elle doit lui être payée par quartier, et d'avance. La veuve qui se remarie, perd son douaire. La validité ou la nullité des donations entre maris et femmes sont réglées par les prescriptions générales relatives aux donations. Le mari et la femme peuvent faire des dispositions en faveur d'héritiers, ou bien se déclarer mutuellement héritiers l'un de l'autre. Ils peuvent conclure un accord relativement à leur succession, par lequel ils se proclament héritiers l'un de l'autre. 460 DROITS DE LÉGISLATION CIVILE ET CRIMINELLE. [Part. II, mettent réciproquement leur fortune et déclarent l'accepter. Les dispositions relatives aux contrats en général sont applicables à ces accords entre maris et femmes au sujet de la succession. Plusieurs des clauses du Code s'appliquent à la dissolution du mariage par le divorce. Nous nous sommes référés à quelques-unes des clauses des lois des principaux États du continent relatives aux biens des femmes mariées, voulant prouver que le système anglais et américain, basé sur le fait que l'existence de la femme se fond dans celle du mari, est tout à fait exceptionnel. Et à ce propos, on ne peut s'empêcher de remarquer que, quels que soient les droits des parties indépendamment du contrat, et quelle que soit leur habileté à faire des contrats, c'est à la loi elle-même de les établir, le devoir des juges étant d'expliquer la loi que la législature leur a fournie, et non de chercher à s'y soustraire par des subterfuges. La séparation des pouvoirs exécutif, judiciaire, législatif, a été, dans les temps modernes et dans tous les gouvernements constitutionnels, considérée comme essentielle à la sécurité des personnes et de la propriété. Le témoignage devant le comité de la Chambre des Communes en 1868 a suffisamment expliqué jusqu'à quel point les usurpations des Cours d'Équité d'Angleterre ont prévalu dans l'adoption d'un système qui se trouvait directement opposé au droit commun (common law). Quoique les Cours d'Équité aient pu, en certains cas, remédier à des abus, il n'en est pas moins vrai que les adoucissements provenant de pareilles sources ne justifient pas la rétention de lois qui sont radicalement fausses en principe. Il n'appartient pas davantage aux juges de suppléer aux omissions de la législature ni de les corriger. C'est en effet une anomalie que de se trouver en présence de deux juridictions indépendantes administrant la loi d'un pays, et on ne saurait y trouver qu'une justification temporaire. Le système des usufruits et des fidéicommis sur lequel s'est si fortement basé la réputation des juristes anglais, n'a servi qu'à compliquer les droits des parties. Prohibés par le code français, ils ne sont plus admis dans plusieurs des États de l'Union américaine, malgré leur prestige séculaire. Quoique les préteurs romains eussent introduit des innovations pour adoucir la sévérité des lois décemvirales, il n'en est pas moins vrai que l'équité de Rome, à laquelle on a voulu assimiler la juridiction anglaise de chancellerie, alors même qu'elle s'éloignait le plus du droit civil, était toujours administrée par les mêmes tribunaux. Le préteur était le premier juge d'Équité en même temps que le magistrat suprême du droit commun, et le droit romain, tel qu'il est arrivé jusqu'à nous, depuis Justinien, ne contient qu'un système uniforme. La grande différence qui existe entre les contrats faits ailleurs, et les contrats de mariage anglais, c'est que les premiers, soit qu'ils se réfèrent à l'un des régimes connus ou qu'ils contiennent des stipulations spéciales, se font entre les parties actuelles, et n'exigent point l'intervention de tiers ou de fidéicommissaires, de la solvabilité ou de la fidélité desquels les droits et les intérêts de la femme peuvent essentiellement dépendre. Il est bien connu que, d'après le droit de l'Angleterre, tous les immeubles de la femme passent, pendant son mariage, sous le contrôle absolu du mari et qu'il a droit à la totalité des profits. En cas de naissance d'un enfant à n'importe quel moment du mariage, il a droit à la propriété entière pendant sa propre vie. La loi d'autrefois accordait une certaine protection aux intérêts de la femme, en ce qu'elle défendait de transférer les immeubles qui appartenaient à la femme, mais cette clause a disparu avec l'acte de 3 et 4 Guillaume IV, c. 74, d'après lequel une femme mariée est autorisée à disposer de ses immeubles par un acte (deed), avec l'agrément de son mari toutefois et sans que le contrôle du produit des immeubles lui revienne. Le mari n'a pas seulement droit pendant sa vie aux profits et à la gérance des biens tenus par bail ou à terme emphytéotique, mais il peut en disposer par acte pendant le mariage, et s'il survit à sa femme, ces biens deviennent sa propriété absolue. La seule restriction imposée à la propriété absolue du mari, c'est qu'il ne peut disposer de ces biens de sa femme (biens tenus par bail à terme) par testament, et s'il n'en a pas disposé et que sa femme lui survive, ces biens lui reviennent à elle en vertu de son titre original et ne sont pas transmis à ses exécuteurs. Pour ce qui est des biens meubles appartenant à la femme au moment de son mariage, ou de ceux qui lui reviennent pendant le mariage, ils sont absolument sa propriété. Préteur premier juge d'Équité, magistrat suprême du droit commun. Différence entre les contrats de mariage faits ailleurs et en Angleterre. Droits de la femme d'après la loi commune anglaise. Immeubles passent sous le contrôle du mari. Acte de 3 et 4, Guill. IV, c. 74. Terres à bail. Restriction sur l'autorité absolue du mari sur les terres tenues par bail. Biens meubles de la femme au mariage. à son mari, et il en est pratiquement de même pour les choses en action, à moins qu'il ne meure avant qu'elles ne soient réduites à possession. Si elle meurt la première, ces biens meubles n'en sont pas moins absolument à lui, en vertu du caractère technique de sa prise de possession en qualité d'administrateur. Parmi les exceptions au droit absolu du mari sur les biens de sa femme, nous trouvons mentionnés les biens personnels de celle-ci; mais il ne faudrait pas confondre ce terme, tel qu'il est employé dans la loi anglaise, avec le même terme employé comme nous l'avons vu dans les codes du continent. Le code anglais ne comprend sous ce terme que ses meilleurs vêtements et les ornements appartenant à son état, si le mari n'en a pas disposé pendant sa vie. Les clauses très restrictives des actes récents du Parlement, passés pour la protection des femmes mariées, nous font clairement déduire la différence existant entre la législation anglaise et la législation continentale. L'adoucissement apporté à la situation de la femme mariée se borne à ceci, c'est que, si le mari abandonne sa femme sans motif plausible, celle-ci peut obtenir des juges aux sessions inférieures (justices of petty sessions), ou du juge ordinaire (Judge Ordinary), un ordre en vertu duquel tout l'argent ou tous les biens qu'elle pourra acquérir par sa propre et légitime industrie ou dont elle viendra en possession pendant son abandonnement (desertion), seront protégés et lui appartiendront, tout comme si elle était femme seule. Dans la dernière édition des Commentaires de Stephen, nous trouvons encore le douaire compris parmi les avantages réservés en compensation à la femme pour l'abandon de tous ses droits de propriété et de personne. Il est vrai que le paragraphe ajoute : « à moins que l'on n'ait pris des dispositions pour rendre son droit nul ou le limiter. » Sous le droit commun, et à l'époque où la propriété était presque exclusivement limitée aux immeubles, le douaire constituait une stipulation des plus importantes pour la femme qui survivait à son mari. Mais lorsque les biens personnels vinrent à constituer une grande portion de la richesse accumulée du pays, au lieu de les faire entrer également dans le douaire de la femme, on laissa dépendre les intérêts de la femme dans les fonds de son mari ou d'après la loi anglaise. Actes passés pour la protection des femmes mariées. Douaire accordé pour l'abandon de ses droits de propriété et de personne. Importance du douaire sous l'ancienne loi. Chap. II.] BIENS DES FEMMES MARIÉES. 463 dans d'autres placements d'argent, de la succession ab intestat ou du bon vouloir du mari, exprimé dans les dispositions testamentaires, tandis que d'un autre côté, le droit de la femme aux immeubles, d'après l'ancien droit commun, a été abrogé en pratique. D'après le droit commun, tel qu'il existait autrefois, la veuve avait droit pour sa vie au tiers de la valeur des terres avec les améliorations, à la possession desquelles son mari était arrivé à n'importe quelle époque pendant son mariage, et que n'importe quelle descendance qu'il aurait pu avoir d'elle, aurait eu la faculté d'hériter. Telle est généralement la loi en Amérique même aujourd'hui, pour ce qui est des biens tenus par le mari et à la transmission desquels la femme n'aurait pas pris part. Je remarque en effet dans un acte passé en 1867 dans l'État du Michigan, que la femme y conserve expressément son droit au douaire provenant du droit commun, tandis que le mari perd son droit de courtoisie provenant aussi du droit commun (Common Law right of curtesy). Je n'ai pas connaissance non plus d'un seul cas dans un État de l'Union américaine, où, tout en ayant donné à la femme le contrôle de ses propres biens, on lui ait enlevé les droits existant précédemment sur les biens du mari. Il est digne de remarque, que d'après les statuts généraux du Massachusetts, le montant payé à la femme pour racheter le douaire, est placé sur le même pied que ses profits, et que tous deux deviennent sa propriété séparée. En 1836, un acte du parlement fut passé, par lequel il fut décidé, sans donner aucune autre compensation à la femme, que toutes les dispositions faites de ses terres par le mari (qu'elles fussent absolues ou partielles, ou faites par transmission durant sa vie ou par testament) de même que toutes les dettes et charges attachées à ces terres, seraient valides et effectives contre le droit au douaire. Rien ne prouve plus effectivement que ce sont les hommes et non les femmes qui font les lois, que le fait que, tout en abrogeant virtuellement le douaire, on a conservé les charges résultant de la tenure par courtoisie (tenancy by curtesy). Nous voyons en effet que celles-ci sont retenues dans l'acte maintenant proposé. Quant aux mariages à conclure dans la suite, Droit de douaire sous l'ancienne loi et tel qu'il existe aux États-Unis. Douaire et courtoisie (tenancy by curtesy) dans les États-Unis. Acte du Parlement de 1836 abrogeant le douaire dans la plus grande partie des cas. Les charges par courtoisie préservées. 464 DROITS DE LÉGISLATION CIVILE ET COMmerciale. [Part. II,] nous ne pouvons guère trouver de raison à faire valoir en faveur d'une telle disposition. Pourquoi en effet ne pas placer, en tous cas, la courtoisie (curtesy) du mari sur le même pied que le douaire de la femme, que le mari peut exclure par testament, alors que la courtoisie s'étend encore à tous les immeubles auxquels la femme peut avoir droit à sa mort? La clause relative aux biens personnels en cas de mort de la femme ab intestat, et qui donne au mari la même part distributive que la femme recevrait en cas de mort du mari, nous paraît un progrès sur les actes passés par les États américains. Ceux-ci laissent souvent les anciennes lois intactes, de sorte que dans de tels cas, le mari reçoit la totalité des biens. Les traits généraux du Married Women's Property Bill sont, que la femme mariée pourra tenir, acquérir, transmettre des immeubles et des biens personnels et en disposer, et ester en justice comme si elle était femme seule. On parle ici de l'acte proposé de 1869 qui n'est pas devenu loi. L'acte du 33 et 34 Vict., c. 93, 1870, est de beaucoup plus limité. En voici les dispositions principales: Les gages et salaires acquis ou gagnés par une femme mariée, postérieurement à la promulgation du présent acte, dans un emploi, une profession ou un commerce quelconque, où la femme est engagée, ou qu'elle exerce d'une manière distincte de son mari, de même que toutes sommes d'argent ou autres biens acquis par elle dans l'exercice de quelque talent littéraire, artistique ou scientifique, et tout placement de pareils gages, salaires, sommes d'argent ou biens, seront considérés et traités comme propriété particulière de la femme affectée à son usage personnel, sans que son mari ait aucun droit à exercer sur ces biens, et les quittances de la femme vaudront seules décharge pour ces gages, salaires, sommes d'argent et autres biens. Le mariage ne fait pas non plus obstacle à ce que les femmes conservent comme leur propriété séparée: Des dépôts dans les caisses d'épargne et des annuités de l'État (sect. 2); Des sommes placées en fonds publics (sect. 3); Des actions et obligations entièrement libérées dans des sociétés par actions [joint stock companies], (sect. 4); Des actions dans des sociétés industrielles, de prévoyance, de secours mutuels, de maisons ouvrières et de crédit populaire (sect. 5); Des polices d'assurances sur leur propre vie ou sur celle de leurs maris (sect. 10). Clause relative aux biens personnels de la femme. Married Women's Property Bill in England. Chap. XII] BIENS DES FEMMES MARIÉES. 465 Les États-Unis et l'Angleterre ayant le même droit commun, ces deux pays peuvent étudier réciproquement l'effet des changements introduits dans la législation avant de les adopter eux-mêmes. Ce n'est qu'en 1840 que le Vermont a donné l'exemple d'une dérogation aux droits du mari sur les biens de la femme. Cet exemple a été suivi par une grande partie des autres États de l'Union. Nous ne mentionnerons ici à ce propos que les lois de l'État de New-York, comme étant l'État le plus important de l'Union et celui avec lequel les citoyens des autres nations ont le plus de contact. Un acte passé déjà en 1840, et amendé en 1866, permet à la femme mariée d'effectuer une assurance, en son propre nom ou en celui d'un tiers et pour son propre usage, sur la vie de son mari, et dont le montant devra lui être payé, à la mort du mari, à elle, ou à ses enfants si elle meurt la première, à l'exclusion des représentants ou des créanciers du mari. La seule restriction à cette clause, c'est que l'exemption ne s'appliquera pas là où le montant de la prime, payée annuellement sur les fonds du mari, dépassera trois cents dollars. Toute propriété mobilière qui pourrait échoir à une femme mariée après la promulgation de cet acte, dans une succession ab intestat, ainsi que toute somme d'argent supérieure à 200 livres qu'elle pourrait acquérir par donation ou legs, lui appartiendra en propre pour son usage particulier. Dans le cas où elle aurait droit en vertu d'une donation ou d'un testament à plus de 200 livres en une fois, elle pourra réclamer son droit équitable à une constitution de dot (equity to a only), suivant le mode suivi jusqu'à présent. Si une femme mariée après la promulgation de cette loi, acquiert des biens immeubles dans une succession ab intestat, les revenus de ces biens lui appartiendront pour son usage particulier. Aucun époux marié sous l'empire du présent acte, ne sera tenu des dettes de sa femme contractées avant le mariage, mais la femme pourra être poursuivie pour de pareilles dettes, et ses biens propres seront affectés à leur paiement, comme si elle n'était pas mariée. Lorsque le mari d'une femme qui a des biens personnels, est à la charge de la paroisse en qualité d'indigent, la femme est obligée envers la paroisse pour son entretien, absolument comme le mari est obligé envers la commune pour l'entretien de sa femme indigente. Toute femme mariée ayant des biens personnels sera soumise, pour l'entretien de ses enfants, à toutes les obligations qui incombent aujourd'hui du même chef à la veuve: il est bien entendu cependant que rien dans la présente loi ne dispensera le mari de toutes les obligations auxquelles il est légalement soumis aujourd'hui pour l'entretien de ses enfants. Revue de droit international (1871), tom. III, p. 200. LAWRENCE-WHEATON. III. 30 Législation aux Etats-Unis sur les biens des femmes mariées. Loi de New York. Actes de 1860 et 1862. 466 DROITS DE LÉGISLATION CIVILE ET CRIMINELLE. [Part. H, Par l'acte de 1848, il fut déclaré que les meubles et immeubles d'une femme qui pourrait plus tard se marier, et qu'elle posséderait au moment du mariage, de même que les rentes, revenus et profits qui en proviendraient, ne seront pas mis à la disposition du mari et ne répondront pas pour ses dettes : ils continueront au contraire à lui appartenir uniquement et séparément comme si elle était femme seule. Les biens meubles et immeubles, les rentes, les profits et les revenus en provenant, d'une femme déjà mariée, ne seront pas à la disposition du mari, mais lui appartiendront uniquement et séparément comme si elle était femme seule, excepté jusqu'au point où ces biens peuvent être tenus de répondre pour les dettes de son mari contractées auparavant. Toute femme mariée pourra recevoir des biens meubles et immeubles par héritage, donation, cession, disposition testamentaire ou legs, de toute autre personne que son mari : elle pourra les tenir pour son propre usage séparé, et les transmettre, de son vivant ou par disposition testamentaire, de même que les intérêts ou propriétés y comprises, les rentes, revenus ou profits en provenant, de la même manière et avec le même effet que si elle n'était pas mariée. En outre, ces biens ne seront pas à la disposition du mari et ne répondront pas pour ses dettes. Les actes subséquents de 1860 et de 1862 déclaraient que les biens meubles et immeubles actuellement possédés par une femme mariée, lui appartiendraient uniquement et séparément ; de plus, que ce qui lui viendrait par héritage, disposition testamentaire, legs, donation ou concession; ce qu'elle acquerrait par son commerce, ses affaires, son travail ou ses services fournis ou exécutés pour son propre compte séparé; ce qu'une femme mariée posséderait dans cet État à l'époque de son mariage; les rentes, revenus et produits de tels biens, continueraient, malgré son mariage, à être sa propriété unique et séparée, et pourraient être employés, perçus et placés en son propre nom, sans être soumis à l'intervention ou au contrôle du mari, ni rendus responsables pour les dettes de celui-ci, excepté pour celles qui auraient été contractées par elle pour son maintien à elle et celui de ses enfants en qualité d'agent du mari. Une femme mariée pourra faire des contrats pour ses biens séparés et personnels: elle pourra les vendre, céder et transférer, elle pourra faire n'importe quel commerce ou affaire. Acte de 1848 Les biens meubles et immeubles sont à la disposition de la femme. Elle peut recevoir des biens meubles et immeubles par testament etc., et les transmettre. Les biens meubles et immeubles actuellement possédés par une femme. Pouvoir d'une femme mariée sur ses biens. Chapitre II] BIENS DES FEMMES MARIÉES. 467 exécuter n'importe quels travaux ou services pour son propre compte séparé, et les gains de toute femme mariée provenant de son commerce, de ses transactions, de son travail ou de ses services, lui appartiendront uniquement et séparément, et elle pourra les employer ou placer en son propre nom. Les contrats conclus par elle n'auront pas d'effet sur le mari. Par l'acte de 1862, la femme doit répondre pour les frais de procès intentés par elle pour le compte de ses biens séparés, et l'on pourra mettre à exécution contre ses biens séparés tout jugement prononcé contre elle. Le consentement par écrit de la mère, de même que celui du mari, sera rendu nécessaire pour engager un enfant en service ou en apprentissage. Un acte de 1851 permettait aux femmes mariées de voter pour l'élection des directeurs ou des fidéicommissaires des compagnies incorporées dont elles seraient actionnaires. Un acte passé en 1863 permet à la femme d'administrer sans le mari, en vertu de lettres d'administration. Déjà à l'époque de la révision des Statuts qui eut lieu en 1830, l'État de New-York avait aboli toute distinction entre les titres légaux et les titres équitables, légal and equitable titles, déclarant qu'aucune disposition testamentaire ne pourrait établir un simple fidéicommis formel pour les terres. Il y eut quelques cas cependant où l'on permit les fidéicommis, exprès pour un objet spécial, comme par exemple pour recevoir les revenus et les profits de la terre, et les appliquer à une pension viagère ou de moindre durée. Un acte passé en 1849, permettait aux femmes mariées, dont les biens, en vertu de l'ancienne législation, étaient confiés à des fidéicommis, et qui étaient compris dans l'exception susdite, d'en reprendre le contrôle. Il permettait le transfert à la femme mariée par le fidéicommis, des biens tenus en fidéicommis pour elle, sur sa demande et sur un certificat émanant de l'un des juges de la Cour suprême et reconnaissant l'habileté de la femme à administrer ses biens. Le même acte déclarait que tous les contrats faits entre des personnes ayant le mariage en vue, auraient plein effet après que le mariage aurait eu lieu. Nous voudrions placer ici une observation sur le bill anglais de 1868 aussi bien que sur les actes américains. Lorsque le mari prenait possession de tous les biens de sa femme, de même Consentement de la femme à un apprentissage. Abolition en 1830 de toute distinction entre les titres légaux et les titres équitables. Fidéicommis exprès. Acte de 1849. Transmission par le fidéicommis des biens tenus en dépôt pour la femme. |
US-202217698017-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Distributed-Architecture Robot with Multiple Linkages
An apparatus includes a drive; a movable arm having a base pivotally connected to the drive, first and second linkages, the first linkage having a first link rotatable on the base at a first rotary joint, a second link connected to the first link at a second rotary joint, and a third link connected to the second link at a third rotary joint, the third link having an end-effector, and the second linkage having a fourth link rotatable on the base at a fourth rotary joint, a fifth link connected to the fourth link at a fifth rotary joint, and a sixth link connected to the fifth link at a sixth rotary joint, the sixth link having another end-effector. The apparatus also includes a master controller coupled to the drive, the master controller being configured to control movements of the movable arm and the base relative to the drive.
This application claims priority under 35 USC 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application No. 63/162,769, filed Mar. 18, 2021, the content of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
BACKGROUND Technical Field
The example and non-limiting embodiments relate generally to material-handling robots and, more particularly, to a material-handling robot having distributed actuators for controlling multiple linkages and being suitable for manipulating and transferring payload, such as semiconductor wafers, in semiconductor processing systems.
Brief Description of Prior Developments
Material-handling robots operating in vacuum environments typically use centralized actuators. One such robot generally comprises a robot arm, a drive unit that houses all of the actuators for moving the robot arm, and a control system that receives external inputs and directs the actuators to perform the desired motion of the robot arm and/or to move the robot arm to a desired position.
In accordance with one aspect, an apparatus comprises a drive; a movable arm comprising a base pivotally connected to the drive, a first linkage, and a second linkage, the first linkage comprising a first link rotatable on the base at a first rotary joint, a second link connected to the first link at a second rotary joint, and a third link connected to the second link at a third rotary joint, the third link comprising a first end-effector configured to carry a first payload, and the second linkage comprising a fourth link rotatable on the base at a fourth rotary joint, a fifth link connected to the fourth link at a fifth rotary joint, and a sixth link connected to the fifth link at a sixth rotary joint, the sixth link comprising a second end-effector configured to carry a second payload. The apparatus also comprises a master controller coupled to the drive, the master controller being configured to control a coordination of movements of the movable arm and the base relative to the drive. The first rotary joint comprises a first shoulder pulley and the fourth rotary joint comprises a second shoulder pulley, the first shoulder pulley and the second shoulder pulley being connected to the base via a substantially rigid post. The first link is rotatable about the first rotary joint by a first actuator attached to the base. The fourth link is rotatable about the fourth rotary joint by a second actuator attached to the base.
In accordance with another aspect, an apparatus comprises a drive; a first movable arm comprising a base pivotally connected to the drive, a first linkage, and a second linkage, the first linkage comprising a first link rotatable on the base at a first rotary joint, a second link connected to the first link at a second rotary joint, and a third link connected to the second link at a third rotary joint, the third link comprising a first end-effector configured to carry a first payload, and the second linkage comprising a fourth link rotatable on the base at a fourth rotary joint, a fifth link connected to the fourth link at a fifth rotary joint, and a sixth link connected to the fifth link at a sixth rotary joint, the sixth link comprising a second end-effector configured to carry a second payload. The apparatus also comprises a master controller coupled to the drive, the master controller being configured to control a coordination of movements of the first movable arm and the base relative to the drive. The first rotary joint comprises a first shoulder pulley and the fourth rotary joint comprises a second shoulder pulley, the first shoulder pulley and the second shoulder pulley being rotatably connected to the base and independently actuatable. The first link is rotatable about the first rotary joint by a first actuator attached to the base. The fourth link is rotatable about the fourth rotary joint by a second actuator attached to the base. The first shoulder pulley and the second shoulder pulley are independently actuatable by a third actuator attached to the base.
In accordance with another aspect, an apparatus comprises a drive; a movable arm comprising a base pivotally connected to the drive, the base comprising an upper portion and a lower portion, a first linkage comprising at least one first link and being configured to carry a first payload, the at least one first link being rotatable on the lower portion of the base at a first rotary joint, and a second linkage comprising at least one second link and being configured to carry a second payload, the at least one second link being rotatable on the upper portion of the base at a second rotary joint; and a master controller coupled to the drive, the master controller being configured to control a coordination of movements of the base, the first linkage, the second linkage, the third linkage, and the fourth linkage relative to the drive. The first link is rotatable through a first shoulder pulley attached to the lower portion by a first actuator, and the second link is rotatable through a second shoulder pulley attached to the upper portion by a second actuator.
In accordance with another aspect, an apparatus comprises a drive; a movable arm comprising a base pivotally connected to the drive, the base comprising an upper portion and a lower portion, a first linkage comprising at least one first link and being configured to carry a first payload, the at least one first link being rotatable on the lower portion of the base at a first rotary joint; a second linkage comprising at least one second link and being configured to carry a second payload, the at least one second link being rotatable on the upper portion of the base at a second rotary joint; a third linkage comprising at least one third link and being configured to carry a third payload, the at least one third link being rotatable on the lower portion of the base at a third rotary joint; and a fourth linkage comprising at least one fourth link and being configured to carry a fourth payload, the at least one fourth link being rotatable on the upper portion of the base at a fourth rotary joint. The first link is rotatable on the lower portion by a first actuator and through a first shoulder pulley not attached to the lower portion by a second actuator, and the second link is rotatable on the upper portion by a third actuator and through a second shoulder pulley not attached to the upper portion by a fourth actuator, and the third link is rotatable on the lower portion by a fifth actuator and through a third pulley attached to the lower portion, and the fourth link is rotatable on the upper portion by a sixth actuator and through a fourth shoulder pulley attached to the upper portion. A master controller is coupled to the drive, the master controller being configured to control a coordination of movements of the base, the first linkage, the second linkage, the third linkage, and the fourth linkage relative to the drive. The first actuator, the second actuator, the third actuator, the fourth actuator, the fifth actuator, and the sixth actuator are attached to the base.
In accordance with another aspect, an apparatus comprises a drive; a movable arm comprising a base pivotally connected to the drive, the base comprising an upper portion and a lower portion, a first linkage comprising at least one first link and being configured to carry a first payload, the at least one first link being rotatable on the lower portion of the base at a first rotary joint, a second linkage comprising at least one second link and being configured to carry a second payload, the at least one second link being rotatable on the upper portion of the base at a second rotary joint, a third linkage comprising at least one third link and being configured to carry a third payload, the at least one third link being rotatable on the lower portion of the base at a third rotary joint, and a fourth linkage comprising at least one fourth link and being configured to carry a fourth payload, the at least one fourth link being rotatable on the upper portion of the base at a fourth rotary joint. The first link is rotatable on the lower portion by a first actuator and through a first shoulder pulley not attached to the lower portion by a second actuator, and the second link is rotatable on the upper portion by a third actuator and through a second shoulder pulley not attached to the upper portion by a fourth actuator, and the third link is rotatable on the lower portion by a fifth actuator and through a third pulley not attached to the lower portion by a sixth actuator, and the fourth link is rotatable on the upper portion by a seventh actuator and through a fourth shoulder pulley not attached to the upper portion by an eighth actuator. The apparatus also includes a master controller coupled to the drive, the master controller being configured to control a coordination of movements of the base, the first linkage, the second linkage, the third linkage, and the fourth linkage relative to the drive.
The foregoing aspects and other features are explained in the following description, taken in connection with the accompanying drawings, wherein:
FIGS. 1A-1M are diagrammatic top views of operations of one example of a material-handling robot;
FIG. 2A is a schematic view of one example of a material-handling vacuum-environment robot with conventional architecture utilizing centralized actuators;
FIG. 2B is a diagrammatic top view of the example robot of FIG. 2A;
FIGS. 3A-3D are diagrammatic top views of operations of the robot of FIG. 2A;
FIG. 4A is a schematic view of one example of a material-handling vacuum-environment robot with actuators in a distributed architecture;
FIG. 4B is a diagrammatic top view of the robot of FIG. 4A;
FIGS. 5A-5D are diagrammatic top views of operations of the robot of FIG. 4A;
FIG. 6A is a schematic view of another example of a material-handling vacuum-environment robot with actuators in a distributed architecture;
FIG. 6B is a diagrammatic top view of the robot of FIG. 6A;
FIGS. 7 and 8A are schematic views of another example of a material-handling vacuum-environment robot having arms in a link-over-link position and with actuators in a distributed architecture;
FIG. 8B is a diagrammatic top view of the robot of FIGS. 7 and 8A;
FIGS. 9A-9L are diagrammatic top views of operations of the robot of FIGS. 7 and 8A;
FIG. 10 is a schematic view of the example robot of FIG. 7 in which the end-effectors are offset in height;
FIG. 11 is a schematic view of another example embodiment of a robot;
FIG. 12A is a schematic view of the robot of FIG. 11 with the end-effectors in retracted positions;
FIG. 12B is a diagrammatic top view of the robot of FIG. 12A;
FIGS. 13A-13J are diagrammatic top views of operations of the robot of FIG. 11;
FIGS. 14 and 15 are schematic views of example robots;
FIG. 16A is a schematic view of an example robot in which a pivoting base is extended vertically above linkages of the robot arm;
FIG. 16B is a diagrammatic top view of the example robot of FIG. 16A;
FIGS. 17A-17H are diagrammatic top views of operations of the robot of FIG. 16A;
FIG. 18A is another example of a robot showing an alternate attachment of a shoulder pulley;
FIG. 18B is a diagrammatic top view of the robot of FIG. 18A;
Although the features will be described with reference to the example embodiments shown in the drawings, it should be understood that features can be embodied in many alternate forms of embodiments. In addition, any suitable size, shape, or type of elements or materials could be used.
Features as described herein may be used to provide a material-handling robot capable of picking and placing a payload P from and to workstations W, such as offset and/or radial workstations of the example system as illustrated in FIGS. 1A-1M, including the following operations: (a) carrying individual payloads independently, (b) picking, placing, and exchanging individual payloads independently, (c) carrying multiple payloads simultaneously, (d) picking, placing, and exchanging multiple payloads simultaneously, and (e) independently adjusting payload positions when placing multiple payloads simultaneously.
Referring to FIGS. 1A-1M, example operations as described above are illustrated diagrammatically. As shown in FIG. 1A, a pick or a place of an individual payload P at a radial workstation W is illustrated; as shown in FIG. 1B, a simultaneous pick or a simultaneous place of a pair of payloads at two radial workstations in a stacked configuration is illustrated; and as shown in FIG. C, position adjustment, as illustrated by the example arrows in FIG. 1C, of one or more payloads P at a radial workstation or radial workstations is illustrated. The term “radial” as used in reference to FIGS. 1A-1M is intended to mean radial relative to the center C of a transport robot. The radial movement is illustrated in FIGS. 1A and 1B by the arrows in the radial direction relative to the center C. Similarly, FIG. 1D illustrates a pick or a place of an individual payload P at an offset orthogonal workstation W; FIG. 1E illustrates a simultaneous pick or a simultaneous place of a pair of payloads at two offset orthogonal workstations in a stacked configuration; FIG. 1F illustrates a simultaneous pick or a simultaneous place of a pair of payloads at two offset orthogonal workstations in a side-by-side configuration; FIG. 1G illustrates a simultaneous pick or a simultaneous place of four payloads at offset orthogonal workstations; and FIG. 1H illustrates independent simultaneous position adjustment of two or more payloads at offset orthogonal workstations. FIG. 1I illustrates a pick or a place of an individual payload at a non-orthogonal non-radial workstation; FIG. 1J illustrates a simultaneous pick or a simultaneous place of a pair of payloads at two non-orthogonal non-radial workstations in a stacked configuration; FIG. 1K illustrates a simultaneous pick or a simultaneous place of a pair of payloads at two non-orthogonal non-radial workstations in a side-by-side configuration; FIG. 1L illustrates a simultaneous pick or a simultaneous place of four payloads at non-orthogonal non-radial workstations; and FIG. 1M illustrates independent simultaneous position adjustment of two or more payloads at non-orthogonal non-radial workstations.
The above capabilities improve overall productivity of the system by allowing for concurrent processing of multiple payloads while also providing the flexibility of processing individual payloads sequentially, for example, when concurrent processing is impossible due to maintenance being performed on a portion of the system.
Features as described herein may be used to provide a material-handling robot with actuators distributed within the structure of the robot (as opposed to the conventional architecture with all actuators centralized in the drive unit of the robot) to support an increased number of motion axes required for the above capabilities while minimizing the mechanical complexity and improving performance.
Referring to FIG. 2A, a simplified cross-sectional view of an example material-handling vacuum-environment robot with the conventional architecture utilizing centralized actuators is shown and is hereinafter referred to as “robot 200.” The example robot 200 comprises a robot arm 202, a drive unit 204, and a control system 206. Referring to FIG. 2B, a top view of the robot 200 with the arm 202 at a retracted position is shown.
Referring to both FIGS. 2A and 23, the robot arm 202 comprises a left linkage 208 and a right linkage 210. The left linkage 208 comprises a left upper arm 212, a left forearm 214, and a left wrist 216 with a left end-effector 218 configured to carry a payload P_(L). The left upper arm 212 is connected to an outer shaft 220 of the drive unit 204. The left forearm 214 is connected to the left upper arm 212 via a rotary joint 222 (left elbow joint) and is coupled to a middle shaft 224 of the drive unit 204 via a transmission arrangement 226, such as a belt, band, or cable drive. In the example of FIGS. 2A and 2B, the belt, band, or cable drive comprises a left shoulder pulley 221 attached to the middle shaft 224 of the drive unit 204, a first left elbow pulley 223 attached to the left forearm 214 and a belt, band, or cable between the left shoulder pulley 221 and the first left elbow pulley 223. The belt, band, or cable drive utilizes at least one non-circular pulley, such as the left shoulder pulley 221 being non-circular. The left wrist 216 is connected to the left forearm 214 via another rotary joint 228 (left wrist joint) and is coupled to the left upper arm 212 via another transmission arrangement 230, such as a belt, band, or cable drive. In the example of FIGS. 2A and 2B, the belt, band, or cable drive comprises a second left elbow pulley 227 attached to the left forearm 214, a left wrist pulley 229 attached to the left wrist 216, and a belt, band, or cable between the second left elbow pulley 227 and the left wrist pulley 229. The belt, band, or cable drive utilizes at least one non-circular pulley, such as the left wrist pulley 229 being non-circular. The lateral offset of the left end-effector 218 with respect to the left wrist joint is equal to the difference between the joint-to-joint link length of the left upper arm 212 and the joint-to-joint link length of the left forearm 214.
Similarly, the right linkage 210 comprises a right upper arm 240, a right forearm 242, and a right wrist 244 with a right end-effector 246 configured to carry a payload P_(R). The right upper arm 240 is connected to an inner shaft 225 of the drive unit 204. The right forearm 242 is connected to the right upper arm 240 via a rotary joint 248 (right elbow joint) and is coupled to the middle shaft 224 of the drive unit 204 via a transmission arrangement 250, such as a belt, band, or cable drive. In the example of FIGS. 2A and 2B, the belt, band, or cable drive comprises a right shoulder pulley 270 attached to the middle shaft 224 of the drive unit 204, a first right elbow pulley 271 attached to the right upper arm 240, and a belt, band, or cable between the right shoulder pulley 270 and the first right elbow pulley 271. The belt, band, or cable drive utilizes at least one non-circular pulley, such as the right shoulder pulley 270 being non-circular. The right wrist 244 is connected to the right forearm 242 via another rotary joint 252 (right wrist joint) and is coupled to the right upper arm 240 via another transmission arrangement 254, such as a belt, band, or cable drive. In the example of FIGS. 2A and 2B, the belt, band, or cable drive comprises a second right elbow pulley 283 attached to the right upper arm 240, a right wrist pulley 285 attached to the right wrist 244, and a belt, band, or cable between the second right elbow pulley 283 and the right wrist pulley 285. The belt, band, or cable drive utilizes at least one non-circular pulley, such as the right wrist pulley 285 being non-circular. The lateral offset of the right end-effector 246 with respect to the right wrist joint is equal to the difference between the joint-to-joint link length of the right upper arm 240 and the joint-to-joint link length of the right forearm 242.
The drive unit 204 houses all of the actuators of the example robot 200. The drive unit 204 includes a spindle assembly 256 and a Z-axis mechanism 258. The Z-axis mechanism 258 is configured to move the spindle assembly 256 up and down using motor M_(Z) 260. The spindle assembly 256 features three coaxial shafts and three motors, each configured to actuate one of the three shafts 220, 224, 225. As explained earlier, the outer shaft 220 is connected to the left upper arm 212, and the outer shaft 220 is actuated by a motor Min 262. The middle shaft 224 is connected to the pulleys coupled to the forearms 214, 242 and is actuated by motor M_(T2) 264. The inner shaft 225 is connected to the right upper arm 240 and is actuated by a motor M_(T3) 266.
The example robot 200 comprises a bellows 265 and a cylindrical barrier between the stators and rotors of motors M_(T1), M_(T2), and M_(T3) to contain the vacuum environment in which the robot arm 202 operates. The bellows 265 is configured to accommodate the up and down motion of the spindle assembly 256.
The control system 206 receives external inputs, for example, from the user or a host system, reads positions of individual motion axes (motors) from position encoders (not shown in FIG. 2A for simplicity), and processes the information to apply voltages to the motors to perform the desired motion and/or achieve the desired position.
The operation of the example robot 200 of FIGS. 2A and 2B is illustrated in the four diagrams FIG. 3A-3D. As shown in FIG. 3A, both end-effectors 218, 246 are retracted; FIG. 3B shows left end-effector 218 extended; FIG. 3C shows right end-effector 246 extended; and FIG. 3D shows both end-effectors 218, 246 extended simultaneously.
The example robot of FIGS. 2A and 2B employs a number of complex mechanical arrangements, such as multi-stage belt, band, or cable drives with bearings and pulleys necessary to actuate various components of the robot arm 202 by the motors located centrally in the drive unit 204. This limits scalability to configurations with more axes of motion which are needed, for example, for additional linkages to support the operations described with respect to FIGS. 1A-1M. Furthermore, complex mechanical arrangements, such as multi-stage belt, band, or cable drives, limit the performance (such as positioning accuracy and repeatability) of the robot 200.
One example of a distributed-architecture robot comprises features as described herein and may be provided with a robot arm having multiple linkages where actuators (motors) are distributed throughout the structure of the robot, including the robot arm. This may be used to enable robot arm configurations with more linkages and allows for additional motion axes necessary to support the linkages while minimizing the mechanical complexity and improving performance.
Referring to FIG. 4A, one example embodiment of a robot 400 using a distributed architecture with regard to actuators may comprise a drive unit 402, a robot arm 404, and a control system 406. For example, the distributed architecture of the robot 400 with regard to the actuators may be the distribution or arrangement of various motors throughout the drive unit and/or robot arm 404 (including the various links) of the robot 400. As depicted in FIG. 4A, a simplified cross-sectional view of the robot 400 with end-effectors 416, 428 of the robot arm 404 in the retracted position is shown. FIG. 4B shows a top view thereof.
The drive unit 402 may include a spindle assembly 456 configured to rotate the robot arm 404 or various portions of the robot arm 404. The spindle assembly 456 may comprise a spindle housing 455, one or more motors 450 (M_(T)), and one or more drive shafts 425. If so desired, the drive unit 402 may further include a vertical lift mechanism 408. The vertical lift mechanism 408 may comprise one or more linear rail-bearing arrangements and a motor-driven ball-screw configured to lift the spindle assembly 456 up or down in the vertical direction.
Considering that the robot arm 404 may operate in a vacuum environment, the spindle assembly 456 of the drive unit 402 may include sealing features and other features that may allow the drive shaft(s) 425 or upper portions of the drive shaft(s) 425 to be in a vacuum environment. As an example, a substantially cylindrical separation barrier between the rotor(s) of the motor(s) and the stator(s) of the motor(s) may be utilized to contain an external atmospheric environment on the stator side (outer side) of the separation barrier and a vacuum environment on the rotor side (inner side) of the separation barrier, in which case the drive shaft(s) 425 may reside in a vacuum environment in their entirety. Alternative sealing arrangements can be found in U.S. Patent Publication No. 2021/0245372, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
The robot arm 404 may comprise a pivoting base 410 connected to the drive shaft 425 of the drive unit 402, a left linkage 407, and a right linkage 411. The pivoting base 410 may further include motors configured to drive the left linkage 407 and the right linkage 411, as explained below. In some embodiments, the pivoting base 410, which may be a base pivotally mounted on the drive unit at an axis A, may be circular in cross-section and coaxially aligned with the drive unit 402, which may also be circular in cross-section.
The left linkage 407 may comprise a first link 412 (left upper arm) coupled to the pivoting base 410 via a rotary joint 413 (left shoulder joint), a second link 414 (left forearm) coupled to the first link 412 (left upper arm) via another rotary joint 415 (left elbow joint), and a third link 419 (left wrist) coupled to the second link 414 via yet another rotary joint 421 (left wrist joint). As shown in FIG. 4A, the joint-to-joint length of the first link 412 may be substantially equal to the joint-to-joint length of the second link 414. Alternatively, the joint-to-joint length of the first link 412 may be less or greater than the joint-to-joint length of the second link 414 (an example arm with unequal link lengths is shown in FIG. 7). The third link 419 may carry or comprise an end-effector (left end-effector 416) configured to receive a payload P_(L).
The first link 412 of the left linkage 407 may be driven by an actuator, for example, an electric motor 418 (motor M_(L)), attached to the pivoting base 410 of the arm 404.
The second link 414 of the left linkage 407 may be actuated via a transmission arrangement 420 between the pivoting base 410 and the second link 414, which may be configured so that the left wrist joint moves along a straight line (in particular a line radial with respect to the rotary joint 413 (left shoulder joint) or parallel to such a radial line) when the first link 412 rotates around the rotary joint 413 (left shoulder joint). As an example, the transmission arrangement 420 may comprise a left shoulder pulley 423 attached to the pivoting base 410, a first left elbow pulley 427 attached to the second link 414, and a belt, band, or cable between the two pulleys. Considering the example where the joint-to-joint lengths of the first link 412 and the second link 414 are substantially equal, the two pulleys may have substantially circular profiles, and the effective radius of the left shoulder pulley 423 may be twice the effective radius of the first left elbow pulley 427. Alternatively, if the joint-to-joint lengths of the first link 412 and the second link 414 are not equal, at least one of the pulleys, for example the left shoulder pulley 423, may feature a non-circular profile.
The motion of the third link 419 of the left linkage 407 may be constrained via a transmission arrangement 422 between the first link 412 and the third link 419, which may be configured to maintain a constant orientation, for example, radial orientation, of the third link 419 when the first link 412 and second link 414 rotate. As an example, the transmission arrangement may comprise a second left elbow pulley 431 attached to the first link 412, a left wrist pulley 433 attached to the third link 419, and a belt, band, or cable between the two pulleys. Considering the example where the joint-to-joint lengths of the first link 412 and second link 414 are substantially equal, the two pulleys may have substantially circular profiles, and the effective radius of the left wrist pulley 433 may be twice the effective radius of the second left elbow pulley 431. Alternatively, if the joint-to-joint lengths of the left upper arm (first link 412) and left forearm (second link 414) are not equal, at least one of the pulleys, for example the left wrist pulley 433 may feature a non-circular profile. Examples of robot arms with unequal link lengths and non-circular pulleys are shown and described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,149,936 and 10,224,232, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.
Similar to the left linkage 407, the right linkage 411 may comprise a first link 424 (right upper arm) coupled to the pivoting base 410 via a rotary joint 429 (right shoulder joint), a second link 426 (right forearm) coupled to the first link 424 via another rotary joint 435 (right elbow joint), and a third link 437 (right wrist) coupled to the second link 426 via another rotary joint 439 (right wrist joint). As shown in FIG. 4A, the joint-to-joint length of the first link 424 may be substantially equal to the joint-to-joint length of the second link 426. Alternatively, the joint-to-joint length of the first link 424 may be less or greater than the joint-to-joint length of the second link 426. The third link 437 may also carry or comprise an end-effector (right end-effector 428) configured to receive a payload P_(R).
The first link 424 of the right linkage 411 may be driven by an actuator, for example, an electric motor (motor M_(R)) 430, attached to the pivoting base 410 of the arm 404.
The second link 426 of the right linkage 411 may be actuated via a transmission arrangement 432 between the pivoting base 410 and the second link 426, which may be configured so that the right wrist joint moves along a straight line (in particular a line radial with respect to the right shoulder joint or parallel to such a radial line) when the first link 424 rotates around the right shoulder joint. As an example, the transmission arrangement 432 may comprise a right shoulder pulley 441 attached to the pivoting base 410, a first right elbow pulley 443 attached to the second link 426, and a belt, band, or cable between the two pulleys. Considering the example where the joint-to-joint lengths of the first link 424 and the second link 426 are substantially equal, the two pulleys may have substantially circular profiles, and the effective radius of the right shoulder pulley 441 may be twice the effective radius of the first right elbow pulley 443. Alternatively, if the joint-to-joint lengths of the first link 424 and second link 426 are not equal, at least one of the pulleys, for instance the left shoulder pulley, may feature a non-circular profile. Examples of robot arms with unequal link lengths and non-circular pulleys are shown and described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,149,936 and 10,224,232, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.
The motion of the third link 437 of the right linkage 411 may be constrained via a transmission arrangement 434 between the first link 424 and the third link 437, which may be configured to maintain a constant orientation, for example, radial orientation, of the third link 437 when the first link 424 and second link 426 rotate. As an example, the transmission arrangement may 434 comprise a second right elbow pulley 445 attached to the first link 424, a right wrist pulley 447 attached to the third link 437, and a belt, band, or cable between the two pulleys. Considering the example where the joint-to-joint lengths of the first link 424 and second link 426 are substantially equal, the two pulleys may have substantially circular profiles, and the effective radius of the right wrist pulley may be twice the effective radius of the second right elbow pulley. Alternatively, if the joint-to-joint lengths of the first link 424 and second link 426 are not equal, at least one of the pulleys, for instance the right wrist pulley, may feature a non-circular profile. Examples of robot arms with unequal link lengths and non-circular pulleys are shown and described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,149,936 and 10,224,232, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.
The entire robot arm 404 can be rotated by moving the drive shaft 425 of the drive unit 402 using motor M_(T) 450. The end-effector of the left linkage 407 (left end-effector 416) can be extended along a substantially straight line by moving the first link 412 of the left linkage 407 using motor M_(L) 418. The end-effector of the right linkage 411 (right end-effector 428) can be extended along a substantially straight line by moving the first link 424 of the right linkage 411 using motor M_(R) 430.
In order to remove heat from the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404, including the heat generated by the actuators attached to the pivoting base 410, a rotary thermal coupling 452 may be utilized between the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404 and the housing 455 of the spindle assembly 456 of the drive unit 402.
Referring now to FIG. 35A, one example of a rotary thermal coupling 452 may comprise a first portion 453 and a second portion 454, each of the first portion 453 and the second portion 454 comprising one or more substantially cylindrical surfaces aligned coaxially with the corresponding rotary joint and arranged so that a cylindrical surface on one portion of the rotary thermal coupling 452 faces an opposing cylindrical surface on the other portion of the rotary thermal coupling 452. The opposing cylindrical surfaces may be configured to transfer heat via radiation across a gap between the opposing substantially cylindrical surfaces of the rotary thermal coupling 452. The radiation mechanism may be supplemented by convection/conduction through the environment between the opposing substantially cylindrical surfaces of the rotary thermal power coupling 452 if residual gases are present in the vacuum environment.
As illustrated in the example of FIG. 35A, in order to increase the effective area and minimize the volume occupied by the example rotary thermal coupling 452, an array of substantially cylindrical features, fins, or similar structures may be provided on each of the first portion 453 and the second portion 454 of the rotary thermal coupling 452, and the two arrays may be arranged in an interleaving manner.
Alternatively, as depicted in the example of FIG. 35B showing another example embodiment of a rotary thermal coupling at 459, a first portion 461 and a second portion 463 of the rotary thermal coupling 459 may provide opposing disk-shaped features configured for contactless heat transfer across a gap between the first portion 461 and the second portion 463. As another alternative, any other suitable shape of the effective features of the rotary thermal coupling 459, including but not limited to conical shapes, spherical shapes, fins, and combinations thereof may be utilized.
The effective surfaces of the example rotary thermal coupling 452 of FIG. 35A and the example rotary thermal coupling 459 of FIG. 35B may be treated to improve their thermal emissivity. For example, the two portions 453, 454 of the rotary thermal coupling 452, as well as the two portions 461, 463 of the rotary thermal coupling 459, may be made of aluminum and the effective surfaces may be anodized.
In order for the example rotary thermal coupling 452 (or the example rotary thermal coupling 459) to facilitate heat transfer between the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404 and the housing 455 of the spindle assembly 456 of the drive unit 402, one portion of the rotary thermal coupling 452 (or the rotary thermal coupling 459) may be attached to the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404 and the other portion of the rotary thermal coupling 452 (or the rotary thermal coupling 459) may be attached to the housing 455 of the spindle assembly 456 of the drive unit 402 in an arrangement substantially coaxial with the axis of rotation of the drive shaft(s) 425 of the drive unit 402. Alternatively, the features of the rotary thermal coupling 452 (or the rotary thermal coupling 459) may be incorporated directly into the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404 and/or into the housing of the spindle assembly 456 of the drive unit 402.
The housing 455 of the spindle assembly 456 of the drive unit 402 (spindle housing) may be passively or actively (liquid, forced-air) cooled. Alternatively, in particular if the drive unit 402 features a lift mechanism, the surfaces of the housing 455 and the frame of the drive unit 402 that face each other may be configured to facilitate heat transfer from the housing 455 to the frame of the drive unit 402. As an example, the housing 455 and the frame of the drive unit 402 may feature interleaving features, for example, fins, to increase the effective area available for heat transfer while allowing for vertical motion of the spindle assembly 456 with respect to the frame of the drive unit 402. Again, the effective surfaces may be treated to improve their thermal emissivity. For example, the components may be made of aluminum and the effective surfaces may be anodized.
Additional and alternative thermal management arrangements and features can be found in U.S. Pat. No. 10,569,430 and U.S. Patent Publication No. 2021/0245372, filed on Feb. 10, 2021, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.
Referring back to FIG. 4A, the control system 406 of the example robot 400 may feature a distributed architecture. The control system 406 may include a master controller 460, which may be complemented by various control modules 462 located in the robot arm 404 and/or drive unit 402, each control module 462 being responsible for control of one or more motion axes of the robot 400. For example, the distributed architecture of the control system 406 may be embodied in the distribution or arrangement of the various control modules 462 throughout the robot arm 404 and/or the drive unit 402. The master controller 460 may coordinate the various control modules 462, for example, over a communication network, for example, a high-speed communication network, such as EtherCAT. The master controller 460 may be located in the drive unit 402 of the robot 400, as depicted in the example of FIG. 4A. Alternatively, the master controller 460 may be located outside of the drive unit 402 of the robot 400, as illustrated, for example, in FIG. 28A. As another alternative, a centralized control solution may be utilized.
In order to provide power to the active components in the robot arm 404, for example, the control module 462 located in the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404 in the example of FIG. 4A, and to communicate with them, the robot 400 may also employ one or more rotary couplings 464 a, 464 b. Each rotary coupling 464 a, 464 b may include a power coupling configured to transmit power through a rotary joint and/or a communication link configured to transmit communication signals through a rotary joint. For example, as indicated in FIG. 4A, the rotary coupling 464 a, 464 b may be utilized to transmit power from the spindle assembly 456 to the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404 and to transmit communication signals between the spindle assembly 456 and the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404.
The rotary coupling(s) 464 a, 464 b may operate on various physical principles and their combinations, including a slip-ring arrangement, which may comprise one or more electrically conductive rings, each in contact with one or more electrically conductive brushes, a slip-ring arrangement wetted by an electrically conductive fluid, such as an ionic liquid, a contactless capacitive coupling, and a contactless inductive coupling.
Referring now to FIG. 36, one example of an integrated rotary coupling embodied in the rotary couplings 464 a, 464 b, which may include an inductive power coupling and an optical communication link, is shown generally at 3700 and is hereinafter referred to as “power coupling 3700.” The integrated rotary coupling 3700 may feature two portions, a lower portion 3705 stationary with respect to the housing 455 of the spindle assembly 456 and an upper portion 3710 rotating together with the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404.
The power coupling 3700 may operate on an inductive principle, such as described in U.S. Patent Application Publication Nos. 2016/0229296, 2018/0105044, and 2018/0105045, for example, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties. The power coupling 3700 may be utilized to supply electric power to the control module(s) 462 and directly or indirectly to other active devices, such as position encoders and other sensors, in the robot arm 404. For example, power from an AC source may be transmitted through an arrangement of a primary coil 3740 and a primary core 3742 on the stationary lower portion 3705 to a secondary core 3744 and secondary coil 3746 on the upper portion 3710, the coils and cores being contained in a split housing 3750. The power out from the secondary coil 3746 and the secondary core 3744, as AC, may be rectified and filtered in a rectifying filter 3760 and output as DC.
The example communication link of the power coupling 3700 may include two optical communication modules, for example, a first optical communication module 3720 that is stationary with respect to the housing 455 of the spindle assembly 456 and a second optical communication module 3725 that rotates together with the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404. Incoming communication signals may be converted to optical signals using a copper-to-fiber conversion unit 3730, the converted optical signals being transmitted to the first optical communication module 3720 using a fiber-optic cable 3732. Once transmitted through the first optical communication module 3720, the optical signals are received into the second optical communication module 3725, transmitted through fiber optic cable 3732, and received into a fiber-to-copper conversion unit 3735 where the optical signals are returned to electrical (non-optical) communication signals. The first optical communication module 3720 and the second optical communication module 3725 provide an optical communication link that may facilitate contactless data transfer between the spindle assembly 456 and the pivoting base 410 of the robot arm 404. As an example, the optical communication link may be incorporated into the communication network of the control system 460 and facilitate bidirectional data transfer to and from the control module(s) 462 located in the robot arm 404.
The two portions 464 a, 464 b of the integrated rotary coupling may be maintained in alignment utilizing the bearing of the rotary joint of the robot 400, or an additional bearing may be utilized in the integrated rotary coupling 3700 to maintain a high degree of alignment regardless of potential compliance of the structure of the robot 400 under various static and dynamic load conditions.
github_open_source_100_1_387 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | namespace TypeVisualiser.RecentFiles
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xaml;
using Messaging;
using Properties;
internal class RecentFilesXml : IRecentFiles
private const string FileName = "TypeVisualiserRecentFiles.xml";
private readonly IUserPromptMessage userPrompt = new WindowsMessageBox();
private string currentType;
private string doNotUseFullFileName;
private DateTime when;
public RecentFilesXml()
RecentlyUsedFiles = new ObservableCollection<RecentFile>();
MessagingGate.Register<RecentFileDeleteMessage>(this, OnRemoveRecentlyUsedFileRequested);
private string AssemblyFileName { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<RecentFile> RecentlyUsedFiles { get; private set; }
private string FullFileName
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.doNotUseFullFileName))
string location = Path.GetDirectoryName(GetType().Assembly.Location);
if (location == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Assembly.Location returned null.");
this.doNotUseFullFileName = Path.Combine(location, FileName);
return this.doNotUseFullFileName;
public void LoadRecentFiles()
if (!File.Exists(FullFileName))
object serialised = XamlServices.Load(FullFileName);
var correctFormat = serialised as List<RecentFile>;
if (correctFormat == null)
throw new IOException(Resources.RecentFilesXml_LoadRecentFiles_The_recent_files_list_was_not_in_the_correct_format);
RecentlyUsedFiles = new ObservableCollection<RecentFile>(correctFormat.OrderByDescending(x => x.When).Take(20));
} catch (IOException ex)
this.userPrompt.Show(ex, Resources.RecentFilesXml_UnableToLoadRecentFiles);
public void SaveRecentFile()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssemblyFileName))
var newRecentFile = new RecentFile { FileName = AssemblyFileName, TypeName = this.currentType, When = this.when };
RecentFile existing = RecentlyUsedFiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FileName == newRecentFile.FileName && x.TypeName == newRecentFile.TypeName);
if (existing != null)
RecentlyUsedFiles.Insert(0, newRecentFile);
// Save to xml file
string serialised = XamlServices.Save(RecentlyUsedFiles.ToList());
File.WriteAllText(FullFileName, serialised);
} catch (IOException ex)
this.userPrompt.Show(ex, Resources.RecentFilesXml_SaveRecentFile);
public void SetCurrentFile(string currentFileName)
AssemblyFileName = currentFileName;
this.when = DateTime.Now;
public void SetCurrentType(string currentFullTypeName)
this.currentType = currentFullTypeName;
this.when = DateTime.Now;
public void SetLastAccessed(RecentFile file)
RecentFile item = RecentlyUsedFiles.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FileName == file.FileName && x.TypeName == file.TypeName);
if (item != null)
item.When = DateTime.Now;
AssemblyFileName = file.FileName;
private void OnRemoveRecentlyUsedFileRequested(RecentFileDeleteMessage message)
} |
github_open_source_100_1_388 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import os
import shutil
import json
import sys
import logging
import pprint
import zipfile
import aud_usd_parser
logger = logging.getLogger('aud-builder')
PY2 = sys.version_info.major == 2
ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
DOWNLOAD = os.path.join(ROOT, "download")
if PY2:
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib.request import urlopen
def copy_schemas(download_root, clean=False):
download_root = os.path.expanduser(download_root)
target_dir = os.path.join(ROOT, 'schemas')
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
# Clean out the schema directory before copying stuff in there
if clean:
logger.debug('Cleaning out schemas')
for schema in os.listdir(target_dir):
full_path = os.path.join(target_dir, schema)
if not os.path.isfile(full_path):
logger.debug('Copying schemas')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(download_root):
for schema in files:
if schema != "generatedSchema.usda": continue
full_path = os.path.join(root, schema)
if 'example' in full_path.lower() or 'test' in full_path.lower(): continue
target = os.path.join(target_dir, '{}.usda'.format(os.path.basename(root)))
shutil.copy2(full_path, target)
logger.debug('Finished copying schemas')
return target_dir
def download_usd(version=None, force=False, version_root=None, version_zip=None):
Download the USD file if it can be found
version (str): The version number to use. Defaults to using highest version.
force (bool): Force redownload of the file and skip checks
version_root (str): The optional location to check for the source root
version_zip (str): The optional location to check for the source zip file
str: The path to the version source
if not os.path.exists(DOWNLOAD):
logger.debug("Creating download directory")
version_root = version_root or os.path.join(DOWNLOAD, version.replace('.', '_'))
if os.path.exists(version_root) and not force:
logger.debug('Found existing download: %s', version_root)
return version_root
version_zip = version_zip or os.path.join(DOWNLOAD, '{}.zip'.format(version.replace('.', '_')))
if not os.path.exists(version_zip) and not force:
logger.debug('Could not find existing zip file (%s). Trying to find download file', version_zip)
with urlopen("") as tags:
versions = response = json.loads(
if version:
versions = [v for v in versions if v['name'][1:] == version] # tag names are in format vXX.xx
if not versions:
raise RuntimeError(
"Could not find a USD version matching: {}. \n{}".format(version, pprint.pformat(response)))
version_url = versions[0]['zipball_url']
version_zip = os.path.join(DOWNLOAD, '{}.zip'.format(versions[0]['name'][1:].replace('.', '_')))
version_root = version_zip.replace('.zip', '')
if os.path.exists(version_zip):'Found existing zip file: %s', version_zip)
else:'Downloading %s to %s', version_url, version_zip)
with urlopen(version_url) as u:
with open(version_zip, 'wb') as f:
f.write('Finished downloading USD file')
logger.debug('Extracting zip file (%s) to (%s)', version_zip, version_root)
with zipfile.ZipFile(version_zip) as f:
return version_root
def generate_python(version, schema_root):
source_root = os.path.join(ROOT, 'aud')
generated_root = os.path.join(source_root, 'generated')
if not os.path.exists(generated_root):
logger.debug('Cleaning out generated directory')
for generated in os.listdir(generated_root):
full_path = os.path.join(generated_root, generated)
if os.path.isfile(full_path):
aud_usd_parser.generate_python(version, schema_root, generated_root)
def main(version="19.01"):
print("Running aud-builder using version {} of USD and Python {}.{}.{}".format(
version, sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, sys.version_info.micro
version_root = download_usd(version)
schema_root = copy_schemas(version_root)
generate_python(version, schema_root)
if __name__ == '__main__':
US-202118028016-A_2 | USPTO | Public Domain | FIG. 6 is a perspective view of a thermoelectric module according to one embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 7 is an exploded perspective view of the thermoelectric module of FIG. 6 , FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view of the thermoelectric module of FIG. 6 , FIG. 9 is an example of a top view of a first substrate included in the thermoelectric module of FIG. 6 , and FIG. 10 is another example of the top view of the first substrate included in the thermoelectric module of FIG. 6.
Referring to FIGS. 6 to 9 , a thermoelectric device 300 according to one embodiment of the present invention includes a first substrate 310, a first insulating layer 320 disposed on the first substrate 310, a first electrode unit 330 disposed on the first insulating layer 320, a plurality of P-type thermoelectric legs 340 and a plurality of N-type thermoelectric legs 350 disposed on a plurality of first electrodes 330, a second electrode unit 360 disposed on the plurality of P-type thermoelectric legs 340 and the plurality of N-type thermoelectric legs 350, a second insulating layer 370 disposed on the second electrode unit 360, a second substrate unit 380 disposed on the second insulating layer 370, and a heat sink 390 disposed on the second substrate unit 380. For the contents of the first substrate 310, the first electrode unit 330, the P-type thermoelectric legs 340, the N-type thermoelectric legs 350, the second electrode unit 360, and the second substrate unit 380, which are respectively the same as those of the first substrate 110, the first electrode 120, the P-type thermoelectric legs 130, the N-type thermoelectric legs 140, the second electrode 150, and the second substrate 160 of FIGS. 1 to 4 , repeated descriptions will be omitted. In addition, for the contents the first insulating layer 320 and the second insulating layer 370, which are the same as those of the insulating layer 170 of FIGS. 1 to 5 , repeated descriptions will be omitted. Although not illustrated in FIGS. 6 to 8 , a sealing member may be further disposed between the first substrate 310 and the second substrate unit 380.
According to the embodiment of the present invention, the second substrate unit 380 may include a plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384 disposed to be spaced apart from each other, and a through hole through which a coupling member 400 passes may be formed in the first substrate 310 and each of the second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384 included in the second substrate unit 380.
The first substrate 310 may be formed in a plate shape, and although not shown in the drawings, the first substrate may be disposed on a cooling unit or a heating unit. In order to fix the thermoelectric module 300 according to the embodiment of the present invention onto the cooling unit or the heating unit, a groove or hole into which the coupling member 400 may be inserted may be formed in a cooling unit C or the heating unit.
The first substrate 310 and the plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384 included in the second substrate unit 380 may each include at least one among aluminum, an aluminum alloy, copper, and a copper alloy. Here, when a voltage is applied to the thermoelectric module, the first substrate 310 may absorb heat according to the Peltier effect and act as a low-temperature unit, and the second substrate unit 380 may emit heat and act as a high-temperature unit. Meanwhile, when different temperatures are applied to the first substrate 310 and the second substrate unit 380, a thermoelectromotive force is generated while electrons in a high-temperature region move to a low-temperature region due to the temperature difference. This is called the Seebeck effect, and electricity may be generated in a circuit of the thermoelectric device by the thermoelectromotive force due to the Seebeck effect.
A plurality of first through-holes 311 may be formed in the first substrate 310. In addition, second through-holes 3811, 3821, 3831, and 3841 may be formed in the plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384, respectively, and the plurality of first through-holes 311 may be disposed at positions corresponding to the second through-holes 3811, 3821, 3831, and 3841. Accordingly, a plurality of coupling members 400 may each pass through each of the plurality of first through-holes 311 and the second through-holes 3811, 3821, 3831, and 3841, and the first substrate 310 and the second substrate unit 380 may be fixed by the plurality of coupling members 400.
Meanwhile, when heat sinks 391, 392, 393, and 394 are disposed on the second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384, respectively, third through-holes 3911, 3921, 3931, and 3941 may be formed in the heat sinks 391, 392, 393, and 394, respectively, and the plurality of first through-holes 311 may be disposed at positions corresponding to the second through-holes 3811, 3821, 3831, and 3841 and the third through-holes 3911, 3921, 3931, and 3941. Accordingly, the plurality of coupling members 400 may each pass through each of the plurality of first through-holes 311, the second through-holes 3811, 3821, 3831, and 3841, and the third through-holes 3911, 3921, 3931, and 3941, and the first substrate 310, the second substrate unit 380, and the heat sink 390 may be fixed by the plurality of coupling members 400.
As shown in FIGS. 6 to 8 , when the second substrate unit 380 is divided into the plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384, even when the second substrate unit 380 is frequently exposed to a high temperature, the problem of thermal deformation of the second substrate unit 380 due to thermal expansion may be prevented, and thus, the second substrate unit 380 may be easily applied to large-area applications.
In this case, a ratio of an area of each of the second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384 to an area of the first substrate 310 may be in a range of 0.10 to 0.50, preferably 0.15 to 0.45, and more preferably 0.2 to 0.40.
When the second substrate unit 380 includes the plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384 disposed to be spaced apart from each other, the first electrode unit 330 disposed on the first substrate 310 may be disposed to correspond to the plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384.
That is, as shown in FIG. 8 , the first electrode unit 330 includes a plurality of electrode groups disposed to be spaced apart from each other, and the second electrode unit 360 includes a plurality of electrode groups disposed to be spaced apart from each other. Each electrode group of the first electrode unit 330 and each electrode group of the second electrode unit 360 overlap each other in a direction from the first substrate 310 toward the second substrate unit 380 so as to form a first region A1, each electrode group of the first electrode unit 330 and each electrode group of the second electrode unit 360 overlap each other in the direction from the first substrate 310 toward the second substrate unit 380 so as to form a second region A2, and a separation region may be formed between the first region A1 and the second region A2.
More specifically, referring to FIG. 9 , the first electrode unit 330 may include a plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 disposed to be spaced apart from each other, and each of the electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 may include a plurality of electrodes 330E disposed to be spaced apart from each other. Although not shown in FIG. 8 , the second electrode unit 360 may include a plurality of electrode groups respectively overlapping the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 of the first electrode unit 330 in a direction perpendicular to the first substrate 310.
The first electrode unit 330 may include a first terminal electrode 330T1 connected to one of the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 and a second terminal electrode 330T2 connected to another one of the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334. A connector (not shown) may be disposed in each of the first terminal electrode 330T1 and the second terminal electrode 330T2, and the first terminal electrode 330T1 and the second terminal electrode 330T2 may be connected to an external power source through the connectors. Meanwhile, the first electrode unit 330 may further include a connection electrode unit 330C configured to connect at least some of the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334. The connection electrode unit 330C may include, for example, at least one of a first connection electrode 330C1 disposed between a 1-1 electrode group 331 and a 1-2 electrode group 332, a second connection electrode 330C2 disposed between the 1-1 electrode group 331 and a 2-1 electrode group 333, a third connection electrode 330C3 disposed between the 2-1 electrode group 333 and a 2-2 electrode group 334, and a fourth connection electrode for connecting the 1-2 electrode group 332 and the 2-2 electrode group 334. One of the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 may be directly or indirectly connected to another one thereof through the connection electrode unit 330C, and the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 may form an electrical path through the first terminal electrode 330T1 and the second terminal electrode 330T2.
Each of the electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 may be disposed with a hole arrangement region 310H empty. Although not shown in the drawing, the second electrode unit 360 may also be disposed with a hole arrangement region corresponding to the hole arrangement region 310H empty. Here, the hole arrangement region 310H may refer to a region formed of virtual lines connecting edges disposed most adjacent to the hole 311 of the electrodes 330E disposed most adjacent to the hole 311. An area of the hole arrangement region may be four times or more, preferably six times or more, and more preferably eight times or more an area of the electrode 330E. Accordingly, withstand voltage performance of the thermoelectric module 300 may be maintained at alternating current (AC) 1 kV or more.
Here, a separation region between the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 may correspond to a separation region between the plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384, and a separation distance between the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 may be greater than a separation distance between the plurality of electrodes 330E in each of the electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334.
For example, when the first electrode unit 330 includes the 1-1 electrode group 331, the 1-2 electrode group 332 disposed to be spaced apart from the 1-1 electrode group 331 in a first direction, the 2-1 electrode group 333 disposed to be spaced apart from the 1-1 electrode group 331 in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction, and the 2-2 electrode group 334 disposed to be spaced apart from the 2-1 electrode group 333 in the first direction and to be spaced apart from the 1-2 electrode group 332 in the second direction, the 1-1 electrode group 331 and the 2-1 electrode group 333 may be spaced apart from the 1-2 electrode group 332 and the 2-2 electrode group 334 in the first direction, and the 1-1 electrode group 331 and the 1-2 electrode group 332 may be spaced apart from the 2-1 electrode group 333 and the 2-2 electrode group 334 in the second direction.
Accordingly, when the first substrate 310 on which the first electrode unit 330 is mounted is exposed to a high temperature in a manufacturing process, the first substrate 310 may be warped in a W-shape not only in the first direction but also in the second direction around the separation region of each electrode group. Such a W-shaped warpage phenomenon may lower a bonding force between the thermoelectric module 300 and the cooling unit C, and may lower the long-term reliability, durability, and power generation performance of the thermoelectric module 300.
According to the embodiment of the present invention, in order to improve the warpage phenomenon of the first substrate 310, a dummy unit is further disposed in the separation region between the electrode groups.
Referring to FIG. 10 , a dummy unit 900 may be further disposed on the first substrate 310 in at least a portion of the separation region between the first region A1 and the second region A2. For example, the dummy unit 900 may be disposed on a side surface of each of the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334 in at least a portion of the separation region between the plurality of electrode groups 331, 332, 333, and 334. When the dummy unit 900 is disposed as described above, stress may be uniformly applied to the entire first substrate 310, thereby preventing the W-shaped warpage phenomenon.
For example, a first dummy unit 910 may be disposed between the 1-1 electrode group 331 and the 1-2 electrode group 332. In addition, a second dummy unit 920 may be disposed between the 2-1 electrode group 333 and the 2-2 electrode group 334. In addition, a third dummy unit 930 may be disposed between the 1-1 electrode group 331 and the 1-2 electrode group 332, and the 2-1 electrode group 333 and the 2-2 electrode group 334. At this point, the first dummy unit 910 and the second dummy unit 920 may be spaced apart from each other by the third dummy unit 930. Alternatively, the first connection electrode 330C1 disposed between the 1-1 electrode group 331 and the 1-2 electrode group 332 may be disposed between the first dummy unit 910 and the third dummy unit 930, and the third connection electrode 330C3 disposed between the 2-1 electrode group 333 and the 2-2 electrode group 334 may be disposed between the second dummy unit 920 and the third dummy unit 930.
Accordingly, when the first substrate 310 is exposed to a high temperature, stress may be uniformly applied to the entire first substrate 310, thereby minimizing the W-shaped warpage phenomenon of the first substrate 310.
Here, at least one of the first dummy unit 910, the second dummy unit 920, and the third dummy unit 930 may include a plurality of dummy structures each having the same shape and size as each electrode 330E included in each electrode group and disposed to be spaced apart from each other.
Accordingly, when the first substrate 310 is exposed to a high temperature, stress may be uniformly applied to the entire first substrate 310, thereby minimizing the W-shaped warpage phenomenon of the first substrate 310 and facilitating the design and arrangement of the dummy unit 900 in a manufacturing process.
In this case, each dummy structure may be a metal layer. For example, the metal layer has the same material, shape, and size as the electrode 330E, but the thermoelectric leg is not disposed on the metal layer, and the metal layer may not be electrically connected to other electrodes 330E. Accordingly, it is easy to design and arrange the dummy unit 900 in the manufacturing process.
Alternatively, each dummy structure may be a resin layer. For example, the resin layer may include at least one of an epoxy resin and a polyimide resin. Since the resin layer has heat-resistant performance, thermal conduction between each electrode group may be prevented, and thermal conduction efficiency between the electrode in each electrode group and the first substrate may be increased. In addition, since the resin layer has insulating performance, the withstand voltage performance of the first substrate 310 may be increased.
Meanwhile, according to the embodiment of the present invention, when the first electrode unit 330 disposed on the first substrate 310 includes the first terminal electrode 330T1 and the second terminal electrode 330T2, a separate configuration may be required for the withstand voltage performance of the first substrate 310 side.
Accordingly, according to the embodiment of the present invention, the first insulating layer 320 disposed on the first substrate 310 may include a plurality of insulating layers. For example, a 1-1 insulating layer 321 may be disposed on the first substrate 310, a 1-2 insulating layer 322 may be disposed on the 1-1 insulating layer 321, and the first electrode unit 330 and the dummy unit 900 may be disposed on the 1-2 insulating layer 322. As shown in the drawing, the 1-1 insulating layer 321 may be disposed on the entire surface of the first substrate 310, and the 1-2 insulating layer 322 may be disposed only in a region in which the first electrode unit 330 is disposed. The contents of the first insulating layer 172 and the second insulating layer 174 described with reference to FIG. 5 may be equally applied to contents of the 1-1 insulating layer 321 and the 1-2 insulating layer 322, respectively.
FIG. 11 is a perspective view of a thermoelectric module according to another embodiment of the present invention, and FIG. 12 is a cross-sectional view of the thermoelectric module of FIG. 11 . Redundant descriptions of the same contents as those described with reference to FIGS. 1 to 10 will be omitted.
Referring to FIGS. 11 and 12 , an insulator 1000 may be further disposed in separation regions between a plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384. Accordingly, the insulator 1000 may bond the plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384, and thus the separation regions between the plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384 may be sealed.
Here, the insulator 1000 may be disposed to extend from the separation regions between the plurality of second substrates 381, 382, 383, and 384 to an upper surface of a dummy unit 900. Alternatively, the insulator 1000 and the dummy unit 900 may be integrally formed. Accordingly, a problem of external foreign substances or moisture penetrating into P-type thermoelectric legs 340 and N-type thermoelectric legs 350 between a first electrode unit 330 and a second electrode unit 360 may be prevented, and insulation, sealing, and heat insulation between the first substrate 310 and the second substrate unit 380 may be maintained.
FIG. 13 illustrates a bonding structure between the heat sink and the second substrate in the thermoelectric module according to one embodiment of the present invention.
Referring to FIG. 13 , the thermoelectric device 300 may be coupled by the plurality of coupling members 400. For example, when the heat sink 390 is disposed on the second substrate 380, the plurality of coupling members 400 may couple the heat sink 390 and the second substrate 380, couple the heat sink 390, the second substrate 380, and the first substrate (not shown), couple the heat sink 390, the second substrate 380, the first substrate (not shown), and the cooling unit (not shown), couple the second substrate 380, the first substrate (not shown), and the cooling unit (not shown), or couple the second substrate 380 and the first substrate (not shown). Alternatively, the first substrate (not shown) and the cooling unit (not shown) may be connected from the outside of an effective region on the first substrate (not shown) through another coupling member.
To this end, a through hole S through which the coupling member 400 passes may be formed in each of the heat sink 390, the second substrate 380, the first substrate (not shown), and the cooling unit (not shown). Here, a separate insulating insertion member 410 may be further disposed between the through hole S and the coupling member 400. The separate insulating insertion member 410 may be an insulating insertion member surrounding an outer circumferential surface of the coupling member 400 or an insulating insertion member surrounding a wall surface of the through hole S. Accordingly, it is possible to increase an insulation distance of the thermoelectric device.
Meanwhile, the insulating insertion member 410 may have shapes as illustrated in FIGS. 13A and 13B.
Referring to FIG. 13A, a diameter d2′ of the through hole S in a first surface of the second substrate 280, which is in contact with the second electrode, may be equal to a diameter of the through hole in a first surface of the first substrate, which is in contact with the first electrode. At this point, depending on the shape of the insulating insertion member 410, the diameter d2′ of the through hole S formed in the first surface of the second substrate 380 may be different from a diameter d2 of the through hole S formed in a second surface opposite to the first surface. Although not shown in the drawing, when the insulating insertion member 410 is disposed only on a portion of an upper surface of the second substrate 380 without forming a step in a region of the through hole S, or the insulating insertion member 410 is disposed to extend from the upper surface of the second substrate 380 to a portion or all of the wall surface of the through hole S, the diameter d2′ of the through hole S formed in the first surface of the second substrate 380 may be equal to the diameter d2 of the through hole S formed in the second surface opposite to the first surface.
Referring to FIG. 13B, the diameter d2′ of the through hole S in the first surface of the second substrate 380, which is in contact with the second electrode, may be greater than the diameter of the through hole in the first surface of the first substrate, which is in contact with the first electrode, depending on the shape of the insulating insertion member 410. At this point, the diameter d2′ of the through hole S in the first surface of the second substrate 380 may be 1.1 to 2.0 times the diameter of the through hole in the first surface of the first substrate. When the diameter d2′ of the through hole S in the first surface of the second substrate 380 is less than 1.1 times the diameter of the through hole in the first surface of the first substrate, the insulation effect of the insulating insertion member 410 is insignificant, which may cause insulation breakdown of the thermoelectric device, and when the diameter d2′ of the through hole S in the first surface of the second substrate 380 exceeds 2.0 times the diameter of the through hole in the first surface of the first substrate, a region occupied by the through hole S is relatively increased in size, so that an effective area of the second substrate 380 is reduced, thereby reducing efficiency of the thermoelectric device.
In addition, due to the shape of the insulating insertion member 410, the diameter d2′ of the through hole S formed in the first surface of the second substrate 380 may be different from the diameter d2 of the through hole S formed in the second surface opposite to the first surface. As described above, when the step is not formed in the region of the through hole S of the second substrate 380, the diameter d2′ of the through hole S formed in the first surface of the second substrate 380 may be equal to the diameter d2 of the through hole S formed in the second surface opposite to the first surface.
Hereinafter, results obtained by testing a warpage improvement effect of the first substrate in the thermoelectric device according to the embodiment of the present invention will be described.
FIG. 14A is a top view of a substrate and an electrode unit of a thermoelectric device according to a comparative example, FIG. 14B is a top view of a substrate and an electrode unit of a thermoelectric device according to Example 1, FIG. 14C is a top view of a substrate and an electrode unit of a thermoelectric device according to Example 2, and FIG. 14D is a top view of a substrate and an electrode unit of a thermoelectric device according to Example 3.
It was confirmed that a W-shaped warpage occurred in both a horizontal direction and a vertical direction of a first substrate when a dummy unit is not disposed in a separation region between a plurality of electrode groups as shown in FIG. 14A, and in particular, a warpage width in the horizontal direction was 135 μm and a warpage width in the vertical direction was 207 μm. Here, the warpage width refers to a height difference between the lowest point and the highest point of the first substrate in a direction perpendicular to a plane direction of the first substrate.
In contrast, as shown in FIG. 14B, when a first dummy unit 910 was disposed in a separation region between a 1-1 electrode group 331 and a 1-2 electrode group 332 among a plurality of electrode groups, and a second dummy unit 920 was disposed in a separation region between a 2-1 electrode group 333 and a 2-2 electrode group 334 among the plurality of electrode groups, a U-shaped warpage occurred in the horizontal direction of a first substrate, and the warpage width in the horizontal direction was also reduced to 100 μm. In addition, it can be seen that even though the W-shaped warpage occurred in the vertical direction of the first substrate, the warpage width in the vertical direction was 138 μm and was significantly improved as compared to the comparative example.
Further, as shown in FIG. 14C, when a third dummy unit 930 was disposed between a 1-1 electrode group 331 and a 1-2 electrode group 332 and a 2-1 electrode group 333 and a 2-2 electrode group 334 among a plurality of electrode groups, the U-shaped warpage occurred in the horizontal direction of a first substrate, and the warpage width in the horizontal direction was significantly reduced to 83 μm. In addition, it can be seen that even though the W-shaped warpage occurred in the vertical direction of the first substrate, the warpage width in the vertical direction was 182 μm and was improved as compared to the comparative example.
Further, as shown in FIG. 14D, it can be seen that the U-shaped warpage occurred in both the horizontal direction and the vertical direction of a first substrate when a first dummy unit 910, a second dummy unit 920, and a third dummy unit 930 were all disposed in separation regions between a plurality of electrode groups. In addition, a width of the first substrate in the horizontal direction was 73 μm, and the width of the first substrate in the vertical direction was 100 μm, and it can be seen that the warpage width was greatly improved in both the horizontal direction and the vertical direction as compared to the comparative example.
As described above, when the warpage shape and the warpage width of the first substrate are improved, the bonding force between the thermoelectric device and the cooling unit may be increased, and accordingly, the thermoelectric device having excellent long-term reliability, durability, and power generation performance may be obtained.
Although the example in which the second substrate unit is divided into four substrates is mainly described, the present invention is not limited thereto, and the second substrate unit may be divided into two or more substrates.
Hereinafter, various division schemes of the second substrate unit, and an electrode arrangement structure according thereto will be described.
FIG. 15 is a perspective view of a thermoelectric device according to one embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 16 is a top view of a first substrate, an insulating layer, and a plurality of first electrodes in the embodiment of FIG. 15 , FIG. 17 is a perspective view of a thermoelectric device according to another embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 18 is a top view of a first substrate, an insulating layer, and a plurality of first electrodes in the embodiment of FIG. 17 , FIG. 19 is a perspective view of a thermoelectric device according to still another embodiment of the present invention, and FIG. 20 is a top view of a first substrate, an insulating layer, and a plurality of first electrodes in the embodiment of FIG. 19 . For convenience of description, redundant descriptions of the same contents as those described with reference to FIGS. 1 to 14 will be omitted.
Referring to FIGS. 15 to 20 , a thermoelectric device according to the embodiment of the present invention may include a first substrate 310, an insulating layer 320, a first electrode unit 330, semiconductor structures 340 and 350, a second electrode unit 360, an insulating layer 370, and a second substrate unit 380, the second substrate unit 380 may be divided into a plurality of second substrates, and a heat sink 390 may be disposed on each of the second electrodes. When a voltage is applied to the thermoelectric device 300, the first substrate 310 may absorb heat according to the Peltier effect and act as a low-temperature unit, and the second substrate unit 380 may emit heat and act as a high-temperature unit. Alternatively, when different temperatures are applied to the first substrate 310 and the second substrate unit 3800, a thermoelectromotive force is generated while electrons in a high-temperature region move to a low-temperature region due to the temperature difference. This is called the Seebeck effect, and electricity may be generated in a circuit of the thermoelectric device by the thermoelectromotive force due to the Seebeck effect. A plurality of first through-holes 311 may be formed in the first substrate 310. Similarly, a plurality of second through-holes 3901 may be formed in the second substrate unit 380 and the heat sink 390, and the plurality of first through-holes 311 may be disposed at positions corresponding to the plurality of second through-holes 3901. Accordingly, a plurality of coupling members (not shown) may pass through the plurality of first through-holes 311 and the plurality of second through-holes 3901, respectively, and the first substrate 310 and the second substrate unit 3901 may be fixed by the plurality of coupling members (not shown).
For convenience of description, FIGS. 15, 17, and 19 are illustrated by omitting detailed configurations of the insulating layer 320, the first electrode unit 330, the semiconductor structures 340 and 350, and the second electrode unit 380.
In general, a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of a copper substrate is about 18*10-6/mK, a CTE of the thermoelectric leg, which is a semiconductor structure, is about 17.5*10-6/mK, a CTE of each of a first insulating layer 321 and a second insulating layer 322 is greater than a CTE of each of the copper substrate and the thermoelectric leg, and the CTE of the second insulating layer 322 is greater than the CTE of the first insulating layer 321. For example, in order to satisfy both bonding performance of the second insulating layer 322 and withstand voltage performance of the first insulating layer 321, the CTE of the second insulating layer 322 may be two or more times the CTE of the first insulating layer 321.
As shown in FIGS. 16, 18, and 20 , an area of the second insulating layer 322 may be less than that of the first insulating layer 321. That is, the second insulating layer 322 may be disposed on a portion of the first insulating layer 321 rather than on the entire surface of the first insulating layer 321. Accordingly, a warpage phenomenon of the first substrate 310 due to a difference in CTE between the first insulating layer 321 and the second insulating layer 322 may be improved, and thermal stress may be mitigated. Accordingly, a problem in which the first electrode 330 or the semiconductor structures 340 and 350 are separated or electrically opened may be prevented, a heat transfer effect may be improved, and finally, an amount of power generation or cooling characteristics of the thermoelectric device may be improved.
More specifically, the second insulating layer 322 may include a region P1 in which the first electrode unit 330, the plurality of semiconductor structures 340 and 350, and the second electrode unit 380 vertically overlap. Hereinafter, in the present specification, a vertical direction may mean a direction (a third direction) toward the second substrate unit 380 from the first substrate 310.
In addition, the second insulating layer 322 may further include protrusion patterns P2 and P3 protruding toward a first outer side S1 of the first substrate 310 from the region P1 in which the first electrode unit 330, the plurality of semiconductor structures 340 and 350, and the second electrode unit 380 vertically overlap. Here, the first outer side S1 is one of first to fourth outer sides S1 to S4 constituting the first substrate 310, and may be a surface in a direction in which terminal electrodes 330T1 and 330T2 protrude. In the present specification, the terminal electrodes 330T1 and 330T2 are electrodes for connecting electric wires, and may be disposed on the same plane as the first electrode unit 321 on the second insulating layer 322. An area of each of the terminal electrodes 330T1 and 330T2 may be greater than an area of each electrode included in the first electrode unit 330, and accordingly, a connector for electric wire connection may be disposed on each of the terminal electrodes 330T1 and 330T2. When the terminal electrodes 330T1 and 330T2 protrude toward the first outer side Si from the first electrode unit 330, a distance from the first outer side S1 of the first substrate 310 to the second outer side S2 opposite to the first outer side Si, that is, a distance in the second direction may be greater than a distance from the third outer side S3 of the first substrate 310 to the fourth outer side S4 opposite to the third outer side S3, that is, a distance in the first direction.
According to the embodiment of the present invention, the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 may include a first protrusion pattern P2 and a second protrusion pattern P3, which are disposed to be spaced apart from each other, and the first terminal electrode 330T1 may be disposed on the first protrusion pattern P2, and the second terminal electrode 330T2 may be disposed on the second protrusion pattern P3. Accordingly, since the second insulating layer 322 may not be disposed on a portion of the first substrate 310, the problem in which the first substrate 310 is warped due to the second insulating layer 322 having a large CTE may be minimized.
More specifically, according to the embodiment of the present invention, a width L1+L2 of the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 may be less than a width L of the region P1 in which the plurality of first electrodes 330, the plurality of semiconductor structures 340 and 350, and the plurality of second electrodes 360 vertically overlap, and the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 may be spaced apart from the first outer side S1 of the first substrate 310. In the present specification, a width may be defined as a distance in the first direction, and a length may be defined as a distance in the second direction. Accordingly, the second insulating layer 322 is not disposed on a portion between the region P1 in which the first electrode unit 330, the plurality of semiconductor structures 340 and 350, and the second electrode unit 360 vertically overlap, and the first outer side S1 of the first substrate 310, so that the warpage of the first substrate 310 in the second direction may be reduced.
At this point, a separation distance d1 between the first protrusion pattern P2 and the second protrusion pattern P3 may be 0.9 to 2 times, preferably 0.95 to 1.5 times, and more preferably 0.97 to 1.2 times each of a distance d2 between the third outer side S3 of the first substrate 310 and the first protrusion pattern P2 and a distance d3 between the fourth outer side S4 of the first substrate 310 and the second protrusion pattern P3. Accordingly, a region, in which the second insulating layer 322 is not disposed, between the third outer side S3 and the fourth outer side S4 of the first substrate 310 and a region, in which the second insulating layer 322 is not disposed, between the first protrusion pattern P2 and the second protrusion pattern P3 may act as buffers against thermal expansion of the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 of the second insulating layer 322, so that the warpage of the first substrate 310 in the first direction may be reduced, and the warpage of the first substrate 310 in the first direction may be symmetrical with respect to a center of the first substrate 310 in the first direction.
Meanwhile, as described above, the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 may be spaced apart from the first outer side S1 of the first substrate 310. Accordingly, the region, in which the second insulating layer 322 is not disposed, between the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 and the first outer side S1 of the first substrate 310 acts as a buffer against thermal expansion of the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 of the second insulating layer 322, so that the warpage of the first substrate 310 in the second direction may be reduced.
At this point, a sealing member (not shown) may be disposed to be in contact with the first insulating layer 321 at the first outer side Si, and may be disposed to be in contact with the second insulating layer 322 at the second outer side S2. That is, since the second insulating layer 322 is not disposed on the first outer side S1 of the first substrate 310, even when a length of the first substrate 310 in the second direction is increased due to the terminal electrodes T1 and T2, the warpage of the first substrate 310 in the second direction may be reduced. At this point, a protruding length of each of the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 may be greater than a length from the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 to the first outer side S1 of the first substrate 310. Accordingly, since a length of the first substrate 310 in a Y direction is not greater than a required length, the warpage of the first substrate 310 in the second direction may be reduced.
Meanwhile, according to the embodiment of the present invention, the first insulating layer 321 may be disposed to be spaced apart from at least some of edges of the first substrate 310, that is, the first to fourth outer sides Si to S4 of the first substrate 310. When the first insulating layer 321 is disposed to be spaced apart from at least some of the edges of the first substrate 310, the edges of the first substrate 310 may act as buffers against thermal expansion of the first insulating layer 321, thereby reducing the warpage of the first substrate 310. Further, as an example, the CTE of the first insulating layer 321 may be different from that of the first substrate 310, and may be greater than that of the first substrate 310.
Similarly, the second insulating layer 322 may be disposed to be spaced apart from at least some of edges of the first insulating layer 321. When the second insulating layer 322 is disposed to be spaced apart from at least some of the edges of the first insulating layer 321, the edges of the first insulating layer 321 may act as buffers against thermal expansion of the second insulating layer 322, thereby reducing the warpage of the first substrate 310. Further, as an example, the CTE of the second insulating layer 322 may be greater than that of the first insulating layer 321.
Meanwhile, the second substrate unit 380 may not vertically overlap the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 of the second insulating layer 322. Since the terminal electrodes 330T1 and 330T2 are disposed on the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 of the second insulating layer 322, and connectors for electric wire connection are disposed on the terminal electrodes 330T1 and 330T2, when the second substrate unit 380 does not vertically overlap the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 of the second insulating layer 322, the electric wire connection through the connectors is easily performed.
As described above, a second concave surface R2 of the second insulating layer 322 may be disposed around each electrode included in the first electrode unit 330. Each electrode may have a shape in which a length in the first direction and a length in the second direction are different from each other. Accordingly, the second concave surface R2 of the second insulating layer 322 may have a plurality of shapes whose lengths in the second direction or in the first direction are different. A structure in which the second concave surface R2 of the second insulating layer 324 is located between electrodes is formed in the region in which the first electrode unit 330 and the second electrode unit 360 vertically overlap each other, and a flat portion other than a concave portion may be located in the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 of the second insulating layer 324. Accordingly, stress applied from the first substrate 310 to the second insulating layer 322 is mitigated in the first direction and the second direction, so that the substrate warpage phenomenon may be prevented, and cracks or delamination of the first insulating layer 321 and the second insulating layer 322 may be prevented. However, the present invention is not limited thereto, and since a distance between the terminal electrode 330T1 and the first electrode 330 is greater than a distance between adjacent electrodes in the first electrode unit 330, in the protrusion patterns P2 and P2 of the second insulating layer 322, the second concave surface R2 of the second insulating layer 322 may appear as a flat portion, and a concave surface having a width in the first direction and a length in the second direction greater than those of the second concave surface R2 of the second insulating layer 322 disposed between adjacent electrodes in the first electrode unit 330 may be disposed. Since the second concave surface R2 of the second insulating layer 322 has different widths in the region P1 in which the first electrode unit 330 and the second electrode unit 360 vertically overlap each other, and the widths in the protrusion patterns P2 and P3 may also have different structures, the warpage of the substrate may be suppressed, and cracks or delamination of the second insulating layer 322 may be effectively prevented.
7b2856ff4e66fd280f9a760e2ba09f53_1 | French Open Data | Various open data | RCS non inscrit
Société à responsabilité limitée
Gérant : ARTIGOU-FISSE Sandra, Danièle, Aurore, Julia
de Morlaas
siège et établissement principal
laboratoire de prothèses dentaires.
de Morlaas
Immatriculation d'une personne morale (B, C, D) suite à création d'un établissement principal
69534236_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Ernest Vivian Chandler (31 July 1891 to 16 August 1936) was a British boxer and cyclist.
Boxing career
Chandler won the 1912 A.B.A. Middleweight Championship boxing for Stock Exchange ABC.
After stepping up in weight he won the 1914 A.B.A. Heavyweight Championship. In 1914, he also became the World Amateur Heavyweight champion.
He died in 1936 from blood poisoning following a blood transfusion.
1891 births
1936 deaths
Middleweight boxers
Light-heavyweight boxers
Heavyweight boxers
British male boxers.
github_open_source_100_1_389 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package models;
import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean;
import com.avaje.ebean.annotation.Transactional;
import play.db.ebean.Model;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
* 文章来源
* Created by ysf on 2016/3/15.
@Table(name = "C_ArticleSource")
public class ArticleSource extends Model {
public String id;
* 名称
public String name;
* 链接
public String href;
* 更新人
public String updateuser;
* 更新时间
public Date updatetime;
* 站点id
public String station_id;
* 条件查询
* @param
* @return ArticleSource
public static List<ArticleSource> selectList(String dataSourceType) {
List<ArticleSource> list = new ArrayList<>();
list = Ebean.getServer(dataSourceType).find(ArticleSource.class).findList();
return list;
* 添加
* @param articleSource
* @return adminUser
public static void insert(ArticleSource articleSource, String dataSourceType) {
* 根据id查询对象
* @param id
* @return adminUser
public static ArticleSource getObject(String id, String dataSourceType) {
return Ebean.getServer(dataSourceType).find(ArticleSource.class).where().idEq(id).findUnique();
* 修改
* @param articleSource
* @return adminUser
public static void update(ArticleSource articleSource, String dataSourceType) {
* 删除
* @param
* @return
public static void delete(ArticleSource articleSource, String dataSourceType) {
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getHref() {
return href;
public void setHref(String href) {
this.href = href;
public String getUpdateuser() {
return updateuser;
public void setUpdateuser(String updateuser) {
this.updateuser = updateuser;
public Date getUpdatetime() {
return updatetime;
public void setUpdatetime(Date updatetime) {
this.updatetime = updatetime;
public String getStation_id() {
return station_id;
public void setStation_id(String station_id) {
this.station_id = station_id;
github_open_source_100_1_390 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | import string
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from random import choice
import json
from discord import Message, Guild, Member
from src.emoji_manager import EmojiManager
from lib.reggy.reggy import Reggy
from lib.response_grammar.response import parse as parse_response, NodeType
from lib.config import logger
from lib.aiomodels import TbAutoResponses
class WordGen:
def __init__(self):
with open("res/words/nouns.txt") as f:
self.nouns = list(set(noun.strip() for noun in f))
with open("res/words/adjectives.txt") as f:
self.adjs = list(set(adj.strip() for adj in f))
with open("res/words/adverbs.txt") as f:
self.advs = list(set(adv.strip() for adv in f))
def noun(self):
return choice(self.nouns)
def adj(self):
return choice(self.adjs)
def adv(self):
return choice(self.advs)
class ResponseMode:
REGEX = 'regex'
PUNCTUATED = 'punctuated'
NAIVE = 'naive'
class AutoResponse:
def __init__(
trigger: str,
response: str,
author_id: int,
guild_id: int,
id: Optional[int] = None,
trigger_regex: str = "",
trigger_punctuation: Tuple[str, ...] = (),
response_ast: str = "",
mode: Optional[ResponseMode] = None,
count: int = 0,
word_gen: Optional[WordGen] = None,
emoji_manager: Optional[EmojiManager] = None
): = bot
self.trigger = trigger
self.response = response
self.author_id = author_id
self.guild_id = guild_id
self.count = count
self.word_gen = word_gen
if id is None: = bot.hoarfrost_gen.generate()
else: = id
if mode is None:
self.mode = self._determine_mode()
self.mode = mode
if response_ast == "":
self.response_ast = self._parse_response()
self.response_ast = response_ast
if self.mode == ResponseMode.PUNCTUATED and trigger_punctuation == ():
self.trigger_punctuation = self._extract_punctuation()
self.trigger_punctuation = trigger_punctuation
if trigger_regex == "":
self.trigger_regex = self._generate_trigger_regex()
self.trigger_regex = trigger_regex
self._emoji_manager = emoji_manager
self.trigger_reggy = Reggy(self.trigger_regex)
self.not_trigger_punctuation = "".join([c for c in string.punctuation if c not in self.trigger_punctuation])
def emoji_manager(self):
if self._emoji_manager is None:
self._emoji_manager ="Emoji Manager").managers[self.guild_id]
return self._emoji_manager
def _parse_response(self):
"""parse the response into its ast"""
return parse_response(self.response)
def _extract_punctuation(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return tuple(c for c in self.trigger if c in string.punctuation)
def _determine_mode(self) -> ResponseMode:
"""determine the mode of an AutoResponse based on a trigger string"""
with suppress(IndexError):
if self.trigger[0] == '^' and self.trigger[-1] == '$':
return ResponseMode.REGEX
if any(c for c in self.trigger if c in string.punctuation):
return ResponseMode.PUNCTUATED
return ResponseMode.NAIVE
def _generate_trigger_regex(self) -> str:
special_chars = ['\\', '.', '*', '+', '?', '[', ']', '(', ')', '|']
pattern = self.trigger.lower()
if self.mode == ResponseMode.REGEX:
pattern = pattern[1:-1]
elif self.mode == ResponseMode.PUNCTUATED:
for c in string.punctuation:
if c not in self.trigger_punctuation:
pattern = pattern.replace(c, "")
for c in special_chars:
pattern = pattern.replace(c, f"\\{c}")
elif self.mode == ResponseMode.NAIVE:
for c in string.punctuation:
pattern = pattern.replace(c, "")
for c in special_chars:
pattern = pattern.replace(c, f"\\{c}")
raise AutoResponseException(f"Unsupported mode: {self.mode}")
return pattern
# fsm = FSM(self.trigger_regex)
# if any(fsm.intersects(FSM(other.trigger_regex)) for other in guild_responses):
# raise TriggerCollisionException
async def resolve_resp(self, node, match, msg, content=None, reacts=None):
if (node.type == NodeType.List):
await self.resolve_resp(choice(node.children), match, msg, content, reacts)
elif (node.type == NodeType.ListElement):
for c in node.children:
await self.resolve_resp(c, match, msg, content, reacts)
elif (node.type == NodeType.PlainText):
elif (node.type == NodeType.React):
emoji = self.emoji_manager.find_emoji(,, node.shortcode)
if emoji:
logger.debug(f"found {emoji} in manager, making sure it's loaded")
await self.emoji_manager.load_emoji(emoji)
elif (node.type == NodeType.Noun):
elif (node.type == NodeType.Adj):
elif (node.type == NodeType.Adv):
elif (node.type == NodeType.Count):
elif (node.type == NodeType.Member):
elif (node.type == NodeType.Author):
elif (node.type == NodeType.Capture):
with suppress(IndexError):
elif (node.type == NodeType.Url):
content = []
reacts = []
for c in node.children:
await self.resolve_resp(c, match, msg, content, reacts)
return content, reacts
async def execute(self, msg: Message) -> Optional[Message]:
content = msg.content
if self.mode == ResponseMode.REGEX:
content = content.translate(str.maketrans('', '', self.not_trigger_punctuation))
match = self.trigger_reggy.matches(content)
if match is None:
self.count += 1
content, reacts = await self.resolve_resp(self.response_ast, match, msg)
content = "".join(content).replace("@everyone", "\\@everyone").replace("@here", "\\@here")
if content.strip() != "":
resp_msg = await
resp_msg = None
for emoji in reacts:
logger.debug(f"trying to react: {emoji}")
await msg.add_reaction(emoji)
return resp_msg
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.trigger}::{self.response}"
def as_dict(self):
return {
'trigger': self.trigger,
'response': self.response,
'authorId': str(self.author_id) if self.author_id else None,
'guildId': str(self.guild_id),
'id': str(,
'triggerRegex': self.trigger_regex,
'triggerPunctuation': self.trigger_punctuation,
'responseTokens': self.response_ast.stringify(),
'mode': self.mode,
'count': self.count,
class GuildAutoResponses:
def __init__(self, bot, guild, executor, no_db=False):
self.guild = guild = bot
self.executor = executor
self.tb_auto_responses = TbAutoResponses(
self.settings =[guild]
self.auto_responses = []
self.word_gen = WordGen()
self.no_db = no_db
async def new(cls, *args, **kwargs):
guild_auto_responses = cls(*args, **kwargs)
await guild_auto_responses._init_from_db()
return guild_auto_responses
def aiosession(self):
async def _init_from_db(self) -> None:
if self.no_db:
self.auto_responses = [
r['author_id'] if r['author_id'] != 0 else None,
None) # TODO
for r in await self.tb_auto_responses.select_all()]
async def _insert_into_db(self, resp: AutoResponse) -> None:
if self.no_db:
await self.tb_auto_responses.insert_one((,
async def _delete_from_db(self, resp: AutoResponse) -> None:
if self.no_db:
await self.tb_auto_responses.delete_by_id(
async def _update_resp_db(self, resp: AutoResponse) -> None:
if self.no_db:
await self.tb_auto_responses.update_by_id({'count': resp.count},
async def execute(self, msg) -> Tuple[Optional[Message], Optional[AutoResponse]]:
return None, None
for r in self.auto_responses:
resp_msg = await r.execute(msg)
if resp_msg is not None:
await self._update_resp_db(r)
return resp_msg, r
return None, None
async def new_response(self, trigger: str, response: str, guild: Guild, author: Member) -> AutoResponse:
"""factory method for creating a guild-specific auto response"""
if self.no_db:
manager = None
manager ="Emoji Manager").managers[]
r = await
self.executor, AutoResponse,,
await self._insert_into_db(r)
return r
async def remove(self, trigger: str, author: Member) -> AutoResponse:
"""helper method for removing guild-specific auto response"""
for r in self.auto_responses:
if r.trigger == trigger:
admin = r.author_id in self.settings.admin_ids
if not admin and self.settings.responses_only_author_remove and r.author_id !=
raise PermissionException(r.author_id)
await self._delete_from_db(r)
return r
raise UnknownResponseException
def validate(self, response: AutoResponse) -> None:
admin = response.author_id in self.settings.admin_ids
if not self.settings.responses_enabled:
raise DisabledException("auto responses")
if response.mode == ResponseMode.REGEX and not (self.settings.responses_allow_regex or admin):
raise DisabledException("regex responses")
if self.settings.responses_limit is not None and not admin:
author_count = len([r for r in self.auto_responses if r.author_id == response.author_id])
if author_count >= self.settings.responses_limit:
raise UserLimitException
if not admin and len(response.response) > self.settings.responses_response_length:
raise LongResponseException
if not admin and len(response.trigger) < self.settings.responses_trigger_length:
raise ShortTriggerException
if not self.settings.responses_allow_collision:
conflicts = self.is_disjoint(response)
if conflicts:
raise TriggerCollisionException(conflicts)
for r in self.auto_responses:
if r.trigger == response.trigger:
raise TriggerCollisionException((r,))
def is_disjoint(self, response: AutoResponse) -> bool:
# all(r.trigger_reggy.isdisjoint(response.trigger_reggy) for r in self.auto_responses)
conflicts = []
for r in self.auto_responses:
if not r.trigger_reggy.isdisjoint(response.trigger_reggy):
logger.debug(f"{response} collides with {r}")
return conflicts
class AutoResponseException(Exception):
class PermissionException(AutoResponseException):
def __init__(self, author_id):
self.author_id = author_id
class DisabledException(AutoResponseException):
class ShortTriggerException(AutoResponseException):
class LongResponseException(AutoResponseException):
class UserLimitException(AutoResponseException):
class UnknownResponseException(AutoResponseException):
class TriggerCollisionException(AutoResponseException):
def __init__(self, conflicts):
self.conflicts = conflicts
US-97787692-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Deflectable catheter
A minimally intrusive catheter having a deflectable tip. A remotely bendable section adjacent a distal tip enables movement of the tip between a neutral position and angularly disposed positions. A deflection control lever on a proximal control member causes deflection of the distal tip by means of two sets of operating cables which are operatively connected at one end to the control member and at the other end to axially spaced locations along the controllably bendable section. The control member includes a mechanism for sequentially displacing cables within each set. The operating cables are constructed of flat ribbons to increase their flexibility in the bending plane while still providing axial strength. The wires are closely encased in an oval-shaped sheath along the length of the catheter.
This invention relates to an elongated flexible treatment system for usein both industrial and medical applications and, more particularly, to asteering mechanism for catheters.
Catheters are well known devices used for insertion of devices to actupon or treat conditions of interest within cavities or the internalsurfaces of cavities. While the present invention has application inmany fields, it has particular relevance to the medical field, whereinflexible steerable catheters are employed to treat deep and circuitouspassages of the human body.
A steerable catheter generally comprises an elongated insertion tubehaving a distal passively bendable portion and an optional rigidportion, a controllably bendable segment at the distal end of thepassively bendable portion, a working channel for the passage ofsurgical instruments, fluids or aspirated materials, and a controlmember at the proximal end of the elongated tube for remotely steeringthe bendable segment. Usually, one or two pairs of control cables,depending on the number of planes of bending, extend through thecontrollably bendable section and the remainder of the insertion tubeand connect with a steering control mechanism in the control member inorder to remotely deflect the distal bendable section. One or both pairsof these cables are longitudinally displaced (pulled or pushed) togenerate a bending moment in the steering section and deflect and steerthe distal tip.
In a steerable catheter, opposing steering cables are displaced todeflect the distal tip. These cables are oppositely longitudinallydisplaced, that is, as one cable is pulled away from the bendingsection, the diametrically opposed cable moves toward the bendingsection to provide a moment about the tip. The cables are attached tothe inner wall of the distal end of the catheter so that when pulled,the bending moment applied is proportional to the pulling forcemultiplied by the distance from the centerline of the section to whichthe cables attach.
There are two general methods of inserting catheters into the body: onein which an incision is made to access a cavity such as a blood vesselor the abdominal wall, and a second where the catheter is insertedthrough a natural aperture, such as the nose, mouth, urethra or rectum.A steerable catheter is typically inserted into a vessel or body cavityof a patient for treatment of tissues within the cavity. For example, acatheter can be inserted into the colon via the rectum, into a lung viathe trachea or into the heart via the femoral artery. Because thevarious portals into the body comprise narrow, circuitous passageways,the steering section must be bendable rather precisely, and as close tothe distal tip as possible, to navigate the passageway without damagingthe patient's tissues.
The current trend in medicine is toward minimally invasive surgicaltechniques, and in applications such as neurosurgery,obstetrical/gynecological procedures, cardiovascular surgery, et al.,there is a demand for smaller and smaller diameter catheters. To producethe necessary bending moments in a small diameter catheter, the forceapplied by the pulling cables becomes extreme, as the bending momentarm, or distance from the centerline of the section to which the cablesattach, has been reduced. Unfortunately, it is not possible to simplyincrease the scale of the pulling cables to compensate for the increasedforces. If the cables were allowed to be increased to take added load,the available space within the smaller diameter insertion tube would bereduced, resulting in less room for the working channels.
There are recurring problems which result when excessive stresses areapplied to the operating cables by the control mechanism. In an extremesituation, the cable can break or, in a less extreme situation, thecable can be permanently stretched. In the former instance, the catheteris rendered useless until the cable has been replaced. In the latterinstance, the catheter loses a portion of its original deflectioncapability, making it necessary to take up the slack of the stretchedcable or recalibrate the instrument. Also, if the cables on one sidestretch, the deflectable portion of the catheter will not return to astraightened form when it is relaxed. In the case of reusable catheters,it is necessary to open the instrument, usually at the factory or at awell-equipped service center, and perform the necessary servicing toreturn the instrument to its nominal operating condition. Of course, ifa problem arises in the midst of a surgical procedure, the surgery maybe interrupted and delayed for critical minutes while a working catheteris re-inserted into the patient.
To repeatedly and efficiently cause a particular deflection angle indeflectable catheters, the stress developed in the control cables mustbe less than the yield stress of the wire. To ensure that this criteriais satisfied, some devices incorporate slip clutches, force distributingor force limiting systems to avoid overly stressing the control wires.Devices of this kind are shown in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,762,118, 4,762,119and 4,787,369. Other devices, such as in U.S. Pat. No. 4,688,555,include a cable tensioner to guard against high loads and take up cableslack.
The stiffness of the controllably bendable section and working channeldirectly affects the amount of force necessary to deflect the distaltip. A balance has been pursued by numerous designers and inventorswhereby the material properties, configurations and dimensions of thecomponent parts of catheters have been adjusted to keep the induced wirestress below the yield stress of the wire for given deflection angles.These endeavors have seen the development of highly elastic polymers,the adoption of unique tubular geometric profiles, e.g., notched tubes,and the replacement of deformable, i.e., elastic, materials witharticulating disks or vertebrae.
It appears that with every new breakthrough, a demand for deflectabletubular devices of even smaller diameter presents itself. With thedevelopment of novel tube or conduit constructions and the use of highlyelastic materials, extrapolation of existing designs to even smallercatheters has resulted in a tremendous amount of stress being placedupon the actuating wires and the connection of these wires to thetubular device when significant deflection is required. This stress hasresulted in the frequent occurrence of device failure due to either loadwire fatigue, stretching and breakage or to bond failures between theload wire and the tubular device. As catheters become smaller in crosssection, a practical limit is reached whereby the only way to insurethat the wires do not fail is to reduce the tension on the wires,thereby reducing the maximum angle of deflection.
Therefore, there is a need for a steering mechanism for minimallyinvasive catheters which reduces the possibility of cable fatigue,stretching or breakage while retaining desirable deflectioncapabilities.
The present invention is directed toward a medical instrument having agenerally elongated flexible body extending between a proximal controlmember and a distal tip. A controllably bendable section, which isadjacent to the distal tip, enables movement of the tip between aneutral position and a plurality of angularly disposed positions. Adeflection control lever on the control member causes deflection of thedistal tip by means of two sets of operating wires which are operativelyconnected at their opposite ends to the control member and to thecontrollably bendable section. Each set of operating wires includes aplurality of wires which terminate at different locations along thelength of the controllably bendable section.
In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention thereare two sets of three operating wires. Each set of three wires liesalong the diametrically opposite side of the catheter from the other andthus, bending takes place in one of two directions in a single plane.The proximal ends of each of the six control wires are connected to acontrol mechanism within the control member for applying lineardisplacement along the axis of the tubular catheter. The distal ends ofeach of the six operating wires terminate at axially spaced locationsalong the inner wall of a controllably bendable section of the catheter.
Looked at from a different perspective, there are three pairs of twowires, each pair terminating at the same location on diametricallyopposite sides of the catheter. A first pair of wires, one wire on eachside of the catheter, terminates at the extreme distal end, just behindthe distal tip, to provide controllable bending at this location. Asecond pair of operating wires, one on each side of the catheter,terminates approximately a third of the way back along the controllablybendable section from the distal tip, providing bending control at asecond location. A third pair of operating wires, one on each side ofthe catheter, terminates still further proximally from the distal tip toprovide a third controllable bending location. The locations of thetermination points of the operating wires is not limited to beingequally spaced apart along the controllably bendable section asdescribed, such a spacing is used as a representative example only.
To controllably bend the distal tip, one or more wires within one setalong one side of the catheter are pulled, while the diametricallyopposed wire for each pair of wires which terminates at the samelocation is pushed, or fed, toward the distal tip. By sequentially, orotherwise proportionally, displacing one or more of the wires in a seton one side with respect to the others in the same set on the same side,the controllably bendable section can articulate in any number ofcurvilinear configurations. Advantageously, the use of three parallelwires on each pulling side reduces the load demand generated within anyone wire, for a predetermined deflection angle, thus reducing stress inthe wire.
In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the three operatingwires are constructed of flat ribbons which possess equivalent tensileproperties as round wires with equivalent cross-sectional area.Advantageously, however, the flat wires possess far greater flexibilityin the bending plane of the articulated catheter than round wires.Furthermore, the three control ribbons on each side of the catheter aredisposed on top of one another to present a reduced radial projectionwithin the insertion tube, thereby conserving inner lumen space for alarger working channel providing a passageway for fiber optics, fluids,aspirated material or surgical devices.
From the control mechanism distally to the controllably bendablesection, the three control ribbons on each side of the catheter areencased in an elongated oval-shaped sheath. This sheath acts to protectand constrain the wires along the length of the catheter.Advantageously, the sheath comprises an oval-shaped tightly-wrapped coilwhich closely surrounds the three flat ribbons.
The distal ends of the sheaths are firmly attached to the proximal endof a flexible member mounted within the controllably bendable section.The sheath and ribbons extend through the center of the control memberin a proximal direction and loop around towards the distal directionwhere the sheath is retained in a tight fitting. The ribbons emerge fromthe sheath to be connected to the control mechanism. In this respect,the proximal ends of the sheaths are firmly attached a fixed distancefrom the control mechanism. Clearance is provided within the sheaths foraxial movement of the ribbons within the sheath. Actuation of thecontrol mechanism displaces the ribbons with respect to the sheath toremotely control the bendable section.
The control ribbons firmly attach to axially spaced points along theinner surface of a tubular flexible member disposed within thecontrollably bendable section of the catheter. The flexible memberprovides hoop strength to the controllably bendable section to preventcollapse while minimizing resistance to bending. Advantageously, theflexible member has discrete attachment regions for mounting the controlribbons separated by regions of increased flexibility in the bendingplane. The structure of the flexible member preferably provides apredetermined level of axial or column strength to maintain a consistentdistance between the attachment regions during deflection.
In a preferred embodiment, the flexible member comprises a variablepitch coil spring. The spring includes at least three axially spacedregions of tightly wound loops separated by regions of loosely woundloops. The control ribbons weld, solder or braze to the regions ofclosely-wound loops, while the intermediate loosely wound regionsprovide enhanced flexibility. In one embodiment, one or more axiallydisposed spines may be attached to each tightly wound region to maintaina consistent distance between the tightly wound regions duringdeflection of the bendable section.
In another preferred embodiment, the flexible member comprises a coiledribbon or flat wire. The control ribbons attach to the coiled flat wireat locations axially spaced apart. The coiled flat wire is prestretchedto provide a predetermined axial gap between adjacent loops to enhanceflexibility.
According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the handor machine operated control mechanism displaces one of the three wiresfirst, then the second wire, then the third wire, sequentially. In thesituation where the first wire is connected to the extreme distalportion of the controllably bendable section, the first stage ofoperation will bend the farthest distal tip. Further actuation willcause the middle portion of the controllably bendable section toarticulate and, consequently, actuating the third wire will cause themost proximal section of the bendable section to deflect. As the secondand third control wires are being actuated, and the catheter is bentfarther, the additional stress on the first wire is minimal and thus,the possibility of tensile yield or fracture is greatly reduced, whileuseful deflection angles are attained.
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing a catheter system as in thepresent invention.
FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a catheter system as in FIG. 1 utilizingthe preferred articulation mechanism of the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a side elevational view of the control member of the cathetersystem of FIG. 2.
FIG. 4 is a front elevational view of the control member taken alongline 4--4 FIG. 3.
FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the control member taken along line5--5 of FIG. 3.
FIGS. 6a, 6b and 6c are partial sectional views of the control membertaken along line 6--6 of FIG. 4 and showing the steering controlmechanism.
FIG. 6d is a detail of the control mechanism of FIG. 6a.
FIG. 7 is an exploded view of a portion of the control member of FIG. 6,showing the attachment of the proximal end of the operating wires to aseries of sliding plates.
FIG. 8 is an assembled view of FIG. 7 showing the operating wires andsliding plates.
FIG. 9 is a detail of the distal controllably bendable section of thepreferred catheter system shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 10a is a cross-sectional view of the passively bendable portion ofthe insertion tube taken along line 10a--10a of FIG. 9.
FIGS. 10b, 10c and 10d are cross-sectional views of the controllablybendable section taken along corresponding lines of FIG. 9.
FIG. 10e is an end elevational view of the distal tip taken along line10e--10e of FIG. 9.
FIG. 11 is a partial longitudinal cross-sectional view of thecontrollably bendable section of FIG. 9.
FIG. 12 is a cross-sectional view of the controllably bendable sectionof FIG. 9 showing the control wire attachment locations.
FIG. 13 is a side elevational view of an alternative flexible memberused in the controllably bendable section of FIG. 11.
FIG. 14 is a force/moment diagram of a simple tube section in bending.
FIG. 15 is a force/moment diagram of a tube section subjected to bendingby three wires.
A catheter system 20 for minimally invasive surgery is shownschematically in FIG. 1. The surgeon may actively operate using avariety of elongated surgical instruments, and aspiration or irrigationmeans in communication with an object within the patient via a workingchannel 44 extending through a port in the junction member 32 andthereafter through the insertion tube 24.
The steerable catheter system 20 of the present invention, having animproved mechanism for reducing stress in the pull wires atpredetermined deflection angles, is shown in FIG. 2. Although thepresent invention will be described with particular reference to acatheter, it is well known in the art to incorporate facets of cathetersinto devices with industrial applications, or to other similar devices,and the invention is not considered limited to catheters.
The catheter 20 generally comprises the proximal control member 22 andthe distal insertion tube 24 having a passively bendable portion 27terminating at a controllably bendable segment or section 26 fornavigating the distal end of the insertion tube through circuitouschannels in a patient's body (not shown). The insertion tube 24 may alsoinclude a rigid portion (not shown) adjacent the control member 22. Theinsertion tube 24 preferably has an outer diameter of less than 4 mm forminimally invasive applications. The control member 22 is designed to beheld in the hand of a surgeon for easy manipulation of the insertiontube 24. The controllably bendable section 26 of the insertion tube 24terminates in a rigid distal tip 30.
Typically, the junction member 32 extends outwardly from the controlmember 22 and allows access to an inner lumen (not shown) of theinsertion tube 24. In one embodiment, the junction member 32 forms aY-shape to provide a lumen access port 40 having a luer-type fitting 42and attached hose 43 communicating with the elongated flexible workingchannel 44 within the lumen of the insertion tube 24. The workingchannel 44 provides an operating conduit for elongated surgical devices,irrigation or suction, etc., and extends from the port 40 and through tothe distal tip 30 to provide communication with the treatment site.
By inserting the tube 24 of the catheter 20 within a patient's body andadvancing the distal tip 30 to a site for treatment, a surgeon mayoperate by manipulating instruments advanced through the channel 44, andmay also transmit suction or fluids therethrough. The present inventionis not limited to one working channel 44, and may include one largechannel or a number of smaller channels fitting within the lumen of theinsertion tube 24.
A deflection control handle or lever 48, pivotally mounted on thecontrol member 22, allows the surgeon to articulate the controllablybendable section 26 of the insertion tube 24. In the illustratedpreferred embodiment, the lever 48 pivots from a neutral position, shownin FIG. 2, to a forward or rearward position, in the directions shown byarrow 50. The movement of the lever 48 causes a corresponding deflectionof the controllably bendable section 26 of the insertion tube 24,whereby the amount of deflection is proportional to the amount of pivotof the lever. Thus, the full travel of the lever 48 in one directionwill cause the controllably bendable section 26 at the distal end of theinsertion tube 24 to form a maximum deflection angle with thelongitudinal axis of the adjacent insertion tube.
The movement of the lever 48 causes the controllably bendable section 26to articulate in the same plane, as shown in phantom lines. Otherarrangements in which the bendable section articulates in a planeperpendicular to the plane of movement of the lever 48, or other angularrelationships, are possible. According to the principles of the presentinvention, the controllably bendable section 26 may articulate from aneutral position in one or two directions in only one plane. Of course,anatomical conduits in the human body are not only disposed in oneplane, and the surgeon may access such circuitous channels by simplytwisting the entire catheter system 20 to reorient the bending plane.
The insertion tube 24 generally comprises an elongated hollow flexiblemember having a typical length which may extend up to 250 centimeters.Preferably, the insertion tube 24 is constructed of a composite materialco-extrusion (not shown) with an inner stiff tube and an outer elastictube. The stiff inner tube may be manufactured from materials such asPET, unplasticized PVC or polyimide and provides torsional rigidity aswell as a measure of hoop strength to the insertion tube 24. The outerflexible covering is commonly manufactured from an elastomer such asurethane, silicon, latex, etc. The principle aim in using a co-extrusionfor the insertion tube 24 is to minimize the outside diameter andmaximize the inner lumen diameter while providing adequate strength andflexibility for the particular surgical application. As an alternative,the co-extruded tube 24 may contain an embedded braid.
During a surgical procedure, the controllably bendable section 26 of thecatheter 20 inserts into an incision or natural port in the patient andthe distal tip 30 advances towards the target site. Any obstructions orturns in the anatomical channels are negotiated by manipulating thelever 48 on the control member 22 to cause the controllably bendablesection 26 to articulate. As stated above, the control member 22 mayalso be twisted to rotate the bending plane of the controllably bendablesection 26. The exact position of the distal tip 30 is monitored bylocating the radiopaque distal tip with an x-ray machine. After findingthe target site, the surgeon conducts the therapeutic action. Surgicaldevices, irrigation fluids or aspirated materials may pass through theinlet port 40 and working channel 44 and manipulated distally from thedistal tip 30 by well-known means.
Now referring to FIGS. 3-4, a control member housing 63 generallycomprises a tubular gripping portion 64, a rear end cap 66, a leversupport section 68 and a forward frustum shaped tip 70. Typically, aninner conduit 72 runs the length of the control member 22. The controlmember housing 63 is typically constructed of a rigid material and atleast the gripping portion 64 may be covered with a knurled or rubberouter surface to enhance the hold of the surgeon. The upstanding lever48 in the present embodiment, comprises two parallel legs 52a, 52bconnected by an upper cross bar 54. The parallel legs 52 are pivotablymounted to a shaft 56 and are thus rotatably supported transverselythrough the lever support section 68. The lever 48 is keyed to the shaft56 which, in turn, activates a steering control mechanism within thecontrol member 22, as will be described below. The lever 48 may be fixedto the shaft 56 by any suitable means, such as threaded fasteners 58.
FIGS. 5 and 6a-c illustrate the steering control mechanism of thecontrol member 22. A drive wheel 76, which includes two eccentricallypositioned posts 78a, 78b, is mounted to the shaft 56. Two linkage arms80a, 80b are pivotably mounted, one to each post 78, to the drive wheel76. The proximal ends of each linkage arm 80a,b pivotably mount toupstanding posts 82a, 82b on a linkage plate 84. Fasteners, such asrivets or threaded nuts (not shown), secure the linkage arms 80a,b toboth the drive wheel 76 and linkage plate 84. The linkage plate 84pivots about a stationary axis 88, which mounts to the outer housing 63of the control member. Two elongated cam slots 90a, 90b in the linkageplate 84 receive translation pins 92a, 92b attached to the inner surfaceof two parallel sliding actuation members 94a, 94b. The linkage arms 80and linkage plate 84 pivot within a generally cylindrical space 95created between the actuation members 94.
Referring more specifically to FIGS. 6b and 6c, rotary motion of theshaft 56 and associated drive wheel 76 is translated into linear motionof the actuation members 94a,b. From the neutral position shown in FIG.6a, the wheel 76 may be rotated counter-clockwise (FIG. 6b) or clockwise(FIG. 6c) to cause the linkage arms 80a,b to be pulled or pushedgenerally along the longitudinal axis of the control member 22 due tothe eccentric placement of the upstanding posts 78a,b. The linkage arms80a,b, in turn, cause the linkage plate 84 to rotate about thestationary axis 88 so that the elongated slots 90a,b impart a cammingforce on the translation pins 92a,b which slide to the outside end ofthe slots due to the arc of rotation of the plate. The pins 92a,b andactuation members 94a,b thus slide in one longitudinal direction oranother without binding with the elongated slots 90a,b.
As seen in FIGS. 5 and 6a, proximal end portions 96 of the actuationmembers 94a,b terminate a certain distance from a spacer 67 defining aclearance space 98, and have generally semi-circular cross-sections withinner flat sides 100 abutting one another. The actuation members 94a,bslidably mount within the control member housing 63 so as to freelytranslate longitudinally relative to the housing 63 and each other inmeans similar to a piston movement. Rotation of the shaft 56 causeslinear translation of the actuation members 94 along the longitudinalaxis of the control member 22 via the linkage arms 80 and linkage plate84. As shown in FIG. 6a, oppositely facing semi-circular channels 102 inthe flat sides 100 form a portion of the central throughbore 72.
As seen best in FIG. 6d, the pull cables 104 travel through theactuation members 94a,b and thereafter through a central bore 69 in thespacer 67 before bending 180° around in loops 107 to terminate at swagefittings 106. Each swage fitting 106 generally comprises a threadedhollow nut 108 mating with a threaded recess 109 in the spacer 67. Anelastomeric sleeve 105 closely surrounds the terminal end of the cable104 within the recess 109 and is compressed by the nut 108 against aterminal wall 113 to firmly engage the cable without deformationthereto.
Steering operation wires 110 extend from the end of the cables 104through a small aperture 115 in the terminal wall 113 and weld, braze orotherwise attach to the proximal end of series of differential pullingplates 112. The plates 112 slide longitudinally within generallyrectangular receptacles 114 in the outer surface of both actuationmembers 94a,b and the wires 110 are recessed in shallow depressions 111in the plates prior to brazing to eliminate material above the surfaceof the plates which might impede relative sliding motion. A movement pinor finger 116 extends outwardly from the inner surface of thereceptacles 114 of each actuation member 94a,b through aligned slots 118(FIGS. 7 and 8) in the differential pulling plates 112. Longitudinalmovement of the actuation members 94 and attached movement fingers 116transmits to the sliding plates 112 to pull or push the wires 110relative to the termination of the cables 104 at the spacer 67.
The pull wires 110 extend from the proximal end of the differentialpulling plates 112 into the cables 104 which continue distally throughthe control member 22 and insertion tube 24 (FIG. 2) to terminate alongthe controllably bendable section 26. In the controllably bendablesection 26, the steering control wires 110 emerge from the cables 104and attach to the a coil spring 132 (as best seen in FIG. 12).Preferably, the control wires 110 are constructed of stainless steel andcomprise flat ribbons having a thickness of approximately 0.002 inchthickness and a width of approximately 0.025 inch. By analysis, thecross-sectional area moment of inertia about the axis through the centerof the narrow dimension is equal to 0.0064 the area moment of inertiaabout the axis through the center of the wide dimension. In theillustrated embodiment, there are three pull wires 110 for articulatingthe controllably bendable section 26 of the catheter in opposingdirections, for a total of six wires. The concepts embodied in thepresent invention, however, apply to control mechanisms utilizing morethan one pull wire for each direction.
FIGS. 7 and 8, in conjunction with the cross-sectional views of FIG. 6,show the relative arrangement of the sliding plates 112. The particulardetail shown relates to an upper assembly of sliding plates 112 and thusthe fourth plate 120 shown at the bottom rigidly mounts to the upperactuation member 94a, or, alternatively, represents the actuation memberitself. The movement finger 116 rigidly fixes to the upper member 94avia the upper plate 120 which therefore translates in the longitudinaldirections shown. The finger 116 extends through a small slot 118aslightly longer than the finger diameter in the first sliding plate112a. The finger 116 also extends through the second and third slidingplates 112b and 112 c via their aligned slots 118b, 118c, respectively.The aligned slots 118 become progressively longer in the dimensionparallel to the axis of the control member 22 from the first to thethird plate 112.
As the movement finger 116 translates in the direction of the arrow 122as shown, the first sliding plate 112a and attached pull wire 110atravel the same distance as does the sliding member 120. The secondsliding plate 112b, nominally restrained by an attached pull wire 110b,will be held from translating in the direction of the first slidingplate 112a until the finger 116 contacts the one of the rounded edges ofthe slot 118b, whereupon the second plate will move. Eventually, as thesliding member 120 continues to move, the movement finger 116 contactsone of the rounded edges of the slot 118 c in the third plate 112 c andcauses the third plate and attached ribbon or pull wire 110 c to move aswell.
In the configuration shown in FIG. 6c, the shaft 56 has been rotated ina clockwise direction so that the upper sliding member 94a translatestoward the distal end of the control member 22 to the right and movesthe differential sliding plates 112 in the same direction. The resultingposition of the sliding plates 112 is as shown, with the distal end ofthe first plate 112a being slightly more aligned with the sliding member120 than the second plate 112b which, in turn, is positioned to theright of the third plate 112c. This differential movement causes thepull wires 110 to move relative to each other in a corresponding manner.Since the embodiment of FIG. 1 shows the controllably bendable section26 capable of articulating in the plane vertically through the controllever 48, FIG. 6c, with the control mechanism pulling the upper wires,shows a configuration whereby the bendable section is deflected upward.Each wire attaches to different locations along the bendable section,and the relative distance travelled by the pull wires directly affectsthe amount and shape of bend, as will be more fully described below.
The above discussion describes the means for articulating thecontrollably bendable section 26 by pulling one set of wires 110. Asillustrated in the figures, the second set of wires 110 will be actuatedin the opposing direction, or pushed toward the controllably bendablesection 26. For infinitely stiff wires this would enhance the pullingoperation of the first set of wires by applying a second additivebending moment. However, the size and shape of the preferred wiresreduces their individual column strengths to below that required tosustain a compression force capable of bending the section 26. Theopposing movement of the second set of wires does assist the deflectionprocess by providing slack, or feeding wire to the controllably bendablesection 26 on the outer side of the bend. Without this feeding capacity,the second set of wires would be a hindrance to free articulation.Furthermore, as will be more fully described below in conjunction withFIGS. 11 and 12, feeding of wire 110 from the opposite side helpsprevent the coil spring 132, to which the wires attach within thecontrollably bendable section 26, from being compressed along itslength.
The particular embodiment of differentially pulling the wires, as shownin FIGS. 6-8, represents only one means to cause differential pulling.In the preferred embodiment, the pull wires 110 are activated atdifferent times, or sequentially. Other mechanisms for causingsequential pulling of the wires are within the scope of the invention.Alternatively, the wires may be pulled all at the same time but atdifferent rates, such as by wrapping the proximal ends of the pull wiresaround actuation shafts of different diameters.
The pull wires 110 displace relative to an outer sheath 124 of thecables 104 which contains the pull wires. The sheath 124 firmly attachesat the distal end to the coil spring 132 and at the proximal end is heldfirmly by the swage fitting 106. Actuating the sliding plates 112 thusdisplaces the wires 110 within the sheath 124 to transmit axial motionto the controllably bendable section 26 relative to the distal end ofthe sheath 124. Advantageously, a 0.0001 inch Teflon coating on thewires 110 reduces sliding friction with the sheath 124. Thesheath-enclosed wire 110 arrangement allows linear motion of the slidingplates to be precisely transmitted to the wires at the controllablybendable section 26 regardless of the bends formed in the insertion tube24, in a similar manner as is well known in bicycle control cables.
As shown in FIGS. 9 and 10a, the cable sheaths 124 for containing theoperating wires 110 preferably comprise oval-shaped wire coils 126 whichsurround the wires and constrain them along the length of the insertiontube 24. FIG. 10a illustrates the inner lumen of the insertion tube 24,from the control member 22 to the controllably bendable section 26. Theworking channel 44 extends in a loose alignment through the tube toenable relative longitudinal motion. Advantageously, the close enclosureof the control wires 110 by the sheath 124 maximizes the inner lumenspace within the insertion tube 24 for the locating the working channel44. The minimized radial projection of the sheath 124 within theinsertion tube 24 allows a larger working channel 44 to be utilized bythe surgeon, which is highly beneficial in surgical applications havingsmall catheter insertion tube diameter limits.
Each oval-shaped coil wire 126 is tightly wound to provide sufficientaxial column strength. The coil provides enhanced bending flexibilityfacilitating smooth insertion and retraction into circuitous anatomicalchannels. Alternatively, the cable sheath 124 may be constructed of asolid thin-walled metallic tube which is deformed into the oval shape.
In a preferred manufacturing procedure, the sheath coil wire 126 istightly wrapped around an oval shaped mandrel (not shown). The coil wire126 is preferably a memory-shaped alloy such as a nickel-titanium alloy,which is preferred because internal strains may be removed by heattreating. Such heat treatment eliminates the internal stressesassociated with coiling around the mandrel, as heat at a certaintemperature and for a certain time relaxes intercrystalline forces, asis well known in the art. In the absence of heat treating, oval-wrappedcoils tend to produce a secondary spiral when the oval mandrel isremoved.
Referring now to FIG. 9, the controllably bendable section 26 includesan outer covering 128 terminating in the generally cylindrical distaltip 30. The outer covering 128 preferably is constructed of a thinelastomeric material for maximum flexibility. At the proximal end of thecontrollably bendable section 26, a stainless steel coupling sleeve 130extends between the outer covering 128 and the coil spring 132 andthereafter bonds to the outer co-extrusion of the insertion tube 24. Thecoupling sleeve 130 may be glued, soldered, brazed or epoxied to thecoil spring 132, and glued or epoxied to the covering 128 and outside ofthe tube 24. A second stainless steel coupling sleeve 131 (FIG. 11)extends between the outer covering 128 and the distal end of the coilspring 132 and thereafter around a reduced portion of the distal tip 30.The sleeve 131 may be glued, soldered, brazed or epoxied to the coilspring 132 and distal tip 30, and glued or epoxied to the outer cover128. The resulting assembly comprises a chamber within the outer cover128 wherein the coil spring 132 attaches at both ends yet is free tomove axially inbetween.
Referring to FIGS. 10a-d, the working channel 44 lies centrally about aneutral bending plane, in this case, a horizontal plane, as the pullwires 110 are attached at top and bottom. In the case of a plurality ofchannels 44, the channels are distributed so as to create a symmetricarea moment of inertia about the bending plane. The centering of thechannel 44 within the controllably bendable section 26 in this mannerresults in symmetric bending resistance and thus an equivalentapplication of stress to the pull wires 110 when bending in eitherdirection. In addition, it is beneficial to arrange the channel 44 sothat the area moment of inertia is symmetric about the plane normal tothe plane of bending, in this case, the vertical plane, as this ensuresbending is generally confined to one plane and no twisting will takeplace. Referring to FIGS. 10e, the distal face of the distal tip 30 isshown. The central arrangement of the working channel 44 evens outstresses on the wires 110 on either side of the insertion tube 24.
In the preferred embodiment, the working channel 44 is an oval-shapewith a major outside diameter of 0.090 inch, a major inside diameter of0.083 inch, a minor outside diameter of 0.060 inch and a minor insidediameter of 0.054 inch. The insertion tube 24 has an outside diameter ofbetween 0.114 and 0.118 inches and an inner lumen diameter of between0.097 and 0.099 inches.
In an alternative embodiment, only one set of pull wires 110 can be usedwhen a particularly large working channel 44 is required for certainapplications. In this instance, the large channel 44 must be placed asfar away from the point of connection of the pull wires 110 as possibleto maximize the moment arm in order to successfully cause bending. Thus,there will only be one set of pull wires 110 on one side of theinsertion tube with the channel 44 on the opposite side and thecontrollably bendable section 26 will therefore be capable of deflectionin only one direction. Preferably, at least one axial spine must beattached along the length of the coil spring 32 in the neutral bendingplane to prevent the spring from compressing on the side opposite thechannel 44 when the wires are pulled.
The preferred catheter of the present invention utilizes contemplates a2.8 mm outside diameter insertion tube 24 with a deflection systemcapable of producing a 90° bend with less than a 20 mm average radius ofcurvature, and more preferably a 15 mm bend radius, without exceedingthe tensile yield strength of the pull wires 110. The present inventionadvantageously provides the capability to bend the controllably bendablesection 26 to a bend radius equivalent to five times the diameter of thecontrollably bendable section 26. Five times the diameter represents anempirical minimum radius of curvature before non thin-walledtubes--those having a thickness-to-diameter ratio of at least 0.1--beginto buckle or stretch.
Referring to FIGS. 10-12, and to the internal components of thecontrollably bendable section 26 in greater detail, the sheath 124around the pull wires 110 extends into the proximal end of the bendablesection and attaches to a proximal end 133 of the variable pitch coilspring 132. The sheath 124 is preferably soldered, brazed or welded tothe inner wall of the coil spring 132. In one embodiment, in which thesheath 124 is nickel-titanium, the sheath receives a gold plating on thedistal end to facilitate attachment to the coil spring 132. As is knownin the art, nickel-titanium alloys are difficult to braze, and thus thegold plating is added to provide an area to adhere the braze material.
The coil spring 132 spans the length of the controllably bendablesection 26 adjacent or in contact with the inner surface of theelastomeric cover 128. The spring 132 comprises the proximal tightlywound length 133 and alternating lengths of tightly and loosely woundlengths of coil 134 and 136, respectively. Each of the pull wires 110welds or brazes to a tightly wound section 134 of the coil spring 132.
In one preferred embodiment, the coil spring 132 is fabricated from0.005 inch thick spring tempered stainless steel wire wound into a coilwith an outer diameter of 0.107 inches. The coil spring is strectched toleave gaps of 0.010 to 0.015 inches between adjacent loops.
As illustrated in FIG. 12, the innermost pull wire 110a mounts to theinner surface of a distal tightly wound section 134a of the coil spring.In a similar manner, the second pull wire 110b mounts to a secondtightly would section 134b of the coil spring. And finally, theoutermost pull wire 110 c on each side mounts to a proximal tightlywound section 134 c of the coil spring. Each of the pull wires 110 thusmay apply a bending moment to the controllably bendable section 26 atdifferent locations. The pull wires attach to the inner surface of thecoil spring 132 so that they have the same moment arm with respect tothe longitudinal axis of the controllably bendable section 26. Thisallows each of the pull wires 110 to apply an equivalent moment to thecontrollably bendable section 26. The wires 110 may alternatively passthrough two loosely wound coils and attach to the outside surface of thetightly wound regions 134 to simplify assembly.
Ideally, the reverse feeding of the control wire 110 on thediametrically opposite side from a pulling wire provides an axial forcesufficient to maintain the spacing between the tightly wound sections134 along the neutral axis. Lack of such axial support results in thewire displacement compressing the coil spring 132 rather than applying abending moment. In one preferred embodiment, two axially disposed spines137 attach to the tightly wound section on both sides of the springalong the neutral axis. Such spines 137 prevent compression of the coilspring 132 while adding negligible bending stiffness due to theirposition along the neutral axis. In an alternative arrangement, spacersmay replace the spines 137 between the tightly wound regions 134.
In an alternative embodiment, shown in FIG. 13, a coiled ribbon 144replaces the coil spring 132 in the controllably bendable section 26.The coiled ribbon 144 possesses an increased axial stiffness as comparedto the coil spring 132 and thus may withstand axial compressive forcesgenerated by the pulling wires 110 without a spine The coiled ribbon 144possesses low stiffness in bending and sufficient hoop strength.Furthermore, the coiled ribbon 144 presents an evenly spaced series ofsolid portions 146 separated by gaps 148, allowing a large selection ofattachment locations for the control wires 110. In one preferredembodiment, the coiled ribbon 144 is constructed of spring temperedstainless steel ribbon having a thickness of 0.004 inch and a width of0.040 inch. The coil ribbon is prestretched to form axial gaps of 0.025inches between adjacent loops.
A still further embodiment (not shown) for a coil spring 132replacement, comprises aligned and hingedly connected vertebrae as iswell-known in the art. In this configuration, the pull wires 110 attachin a similar manner as above to one of the vertebrae at a locationaxially equivalent to the location of the tightly wound coil springsections 134.
bpt6k63653717_30 | French-PD-Books | Public Domain | valent-elles beaucoup mieux que la hutte du sauvage? En été, elles n'abritent point contre les chaleurs, ni en hiver contre le froid. Leur plancher, presque toujours de niveau avec le sol et sans cave sous-jacente, s'imprègne des déjections du ménage ; l'âtre fumeux mêle à l'atmosphère d'un local exigu les produits d'une combustion incomplète; l'incurie, la malpropreté, la pénurie des objets nécessaires à la vie, souvent la présence d'animaux ou l'entassement des provisions ou des récoltes, multiplient les causes d'infection. Audehors de ces habitations, des amas de fumier, des mares fétides, des étangs bourbeux, des puisards qui ne dissipent pas complètement par infiltration dans le sol les liquides qu'ils reçoivent et qui retiennent unevase d'où s'échappent des gaz délétères, notamment du gaz hydrogène sulfuré ; des rues sans pavé que la pluie convertit en fondrières et dont la fange humide baigne le pied des maisons; des cimetières mal entretenus et placés au milieu des maisons ; souvent des routoirs établis sur des eaux d'un faible cours et qui les altèrent ou répandent dans l'air des émanations dont l'innocuité n'est pas démontrée malgré les recherches de Parent-Duchâtelet, etc. : telles sont les demeures de la population rurale. La statistique de la France a constaté que sur six millions d'habitations rurales soumises à l'impôt, il y a trois millions et demi de cabanes avec une porte, une ou deux fenêtres, quelquefois même sans fenêtre; ce vice de construction s'explique en partie par le besoin de sûreté et plus encore par le désir d'échapper à l'impôt des portes et fenêtres. « Des villages presque entiers, disent les frères Combes (1) dans leur intéressante Monographie d'hygiène rurale, se composent de mansardes tristes, sales, délabrées, où :oute une famille vit, mange, dort presque pêle-mêle, sans distinciion d'âge ni de sexe, entre des murs maculés par la fumée, imprégnés d'exhalaisons animales, ou salis par des suintements continuels lu côté de l'ouest et du nord. C'est là et même chez les villageois plus riches, que l'on trouve des rez-de-chaussée au-dessous de la ïhanibre habitée, qui n'en est séparée. que par un plancher percé L jour. Celle-ci reçoit sans cesse les miasmes s'échappant de ces îtables inférieures où se trouvent entassés des oies, des canards, les poules, un cochon, quelquefois un âne, un cheval ou une vache; véritables cloaques remplis de fumier solide, offrant aussi jne petite fosse pleine de purin sans écoulement au dehors, etc. » (1) An. Combes et Hipp. Combes, Les paysans français, considérés sous le rapport historique, économique, agricole, médical, etc. Paris, sans date, p. 105 i Le fumier assiège les habitations; il s'accumule en tas multipliés devant les portes, sur les rues; les ordures encombrent les ruisseaux, les impasses; tout est latrines. Les substances susceptibles de se convertir en fumier sont aussi déposées devant les maisons (marc de raisin, paille, tiges de maïs ou de sarrasin, feuilles sèches), et ne sont enlevées que lorsque, triturées par les pieds des hommes et des chevaux, elles ont éprouvé la fermentation putride. Les eaux pluviales, sans écoulement, s'amassent dans les fossés, dans les excavations, dans les trous des fumiers; de là ces flaches, ces réservoirs d'eau vaseuse qui servent de lavoirs publics et qui, en été, deviennent des foyers d'infection miasmatique. Point d'abattoirs, le sang et les débris des animaux gisent sur la voie publique. Les dispositions du décret du 12 juin 180i en ce qui concerne l'emplacement et le régime des cimetières sont lettre morte dans nos campagnes ; j'ai signalé ailleurs (1) des fosses ayant 75. Dans les étables réservées à l'espèce ovine, le fumier séjourne plus longtemps. On connaît l'immonde aspect des porcheries, l'encombrement des bergeries et les émanations ammoniacales qui s'y répandent, etc. Si l'on considère dans leur ensemble les influences nuisibles qui pèsent sur les agglomérations, on reconnaît qu'elles se résument dans deux faits prépondérants, le vice des constructions et la nécessité de l'engrais. Les habitations sont mal situées, mal bâties. Quand elles sont à reconstruire par suite d'incendie, d'inondations destructives, etc., l'autorité ne peut-elle intervenir pour le choix d'un lieu sec et élevé, pour l'exhaussement du rez-de-chaussée audessus du niveau du sol, pour l'orientation de la façade vers la sécheresse, la lumière et la chaleur, vers le sud et le nord que de Gasparin recommande de préférence à toute autre exposition dans nos contrées, pour un rationnement plus salubre de l'espace intérieur, pour le percement d'un nombre suffisant de fenêtres et leur (1) Rapport sur les épidémies de 1850 (Mémoires de l'Acad. de m éd , t, XVII). j disposition relativement aux portes en vue d'une aération facile, etc.? Une simple rigole, creusée autour des maisons actuelles qui sont humides, peut corriger en partie cet inconvénient : c'est du drainage élémentaire. A la suite des inondations récentes du Rhône, de la Saône et de là Loire (1856), le ministre du commerce ayant demandé au comité consultatif d'hygiène ses vues sur l'assainissement des localités dévastées, j'ai émis, et le comité a fait valoir avec succès auprès du ministre, l'avis de n'accorder aux cultivateurs de subvention pécuniaire pour la reconstruction de leurs habitations qu'à la condition qu'ils l'exécuteraient conformément aux indications de l'autorité. Les agents voyers ne pourraient-ils être chargés de lever gratuitement les plans dont les paysans ont le plus grand besoin, ou cette dépense minime ne pourrait-elle être supportée par les communes? « Ces nouveaux rapports, observe très justement Tardieu (1), tout gratuits établis entre le campagnard et l'autorité, auraient le double avantage d'amener une amélioration lente, mais efficace, dans l'hygiène rurale, et de montrer à cette partie si intéressante de la population les préoccupations dont elle est l'objet. » Quant à l'amélioration de la voie publique dans les villages, elle est entièrement subordonnée à la fabrication de l'engrais, cette nécessité continue de l'agriculture. Heureusement les intérêts de celle-ci se confondent avec les exigences de l'hygiène ; mais le paysan a besoin d'être éclairé sur les uns comme sur les autres ; il les méconnaît au même degré, il les sacrifie avec l'entêtement d'une routine aveugle. Qu'on l'amène à comprendre qu'il gaspille les meilleurs éléments d'engrais en laissant séjourner indéfiniment le fumier devant sa porte; qu'il l'énerve par une fermentation plus utile dans les champs que sur la route ; que les matières qui s'échappent du fumier au grand air soit par évaporation, soit par écoulement, très nuisibles à la salubrité du village, sont aussi les plus efficaces pour la fumure des terres ; qu'on lui inculque cette vérité que toutes ces déperditions équivalent à la moitié de la portion active des engrais, et il ne tardera pas à s'informer, à se préoccuper des procédés de fabrication ou de conservation de l'engrais, qui atténuent en même temps ou suppriment la source des émanations nuisibles. On aura beaucoup fait pour l'hygiène de la campagne, quand on y aura popularisé cet axiome de l'économie agricole, que les fumiers les moins consommés exercent les effets les plus énergiques et les plus prolongés ; que six chariots de fumier frais, réduits à cinq sur toutes les (I) Dictionnaire d'hygiène, 2e édition, t. Hl, p. 549. Art. Rurale (hygiène). pspèces de terrain par la fermentation, ont plus 4'utilité gutHiuit phariots de fumier très gras, court et entièrement pourri ic¡ue8 gaz dp la fermentation, consistant surtout en acide carboniqueân hydfogènp carboné, en ammoniaque, et accoippagnés d'une Wiï. duction de chaleur, influent heureusement spr la végétation, et qu'il importe de ne point les perdre sur les grands chemins. Si ce � raisons ne portent pas les cultivateurs à s'ingénier dans Ii préparation des engrais, au moins les déciderolit-elles à établir les fumitq's loin des maisons sur un sol creux, iinperméable et abrité, pour empêcher leur évaporation et la perte des liquides, etc. Les urines des bestiaux sont en quantité énorme ; elles sont aux excréments solides dans la proportion de 4 à 1. Un cheval verse en moyenne 1330 grammes d'urine par jour, soit 485 kilogramme par an, de quoi engraisser 60 centiares ; une vache 8 kilogr. 200 gram. par jour, soit 2993 kilogr. par an, de quoi fumer 24 are!i. L'urinp est une des parties les plus actives du fumier, la putréfaction la convertit en carbonate d'ammoniaque ; aussi, dans le nord de la Franîr, en Suisse, la recueille-t-on à l'aide de citernes ou de réservoirs appelés purinières. Propagez cette méthode ce progrès, et le dallage, le pavage cimenté des écuries avec pente et rigoles, leur lavage qui délaye assez l'urine pour lui ôter un excès d'activité sur la yégétation, en sont les conséquences nécessaires et procurent l'assainissement de ces locaux dont la demeure du paysan est hygiéniquement solidaire. En Angleterre, en Allemagne, en Suisse, op remplace la litière dans les bergeries par une certaine quantité de terre sèche qu'on recouvre chaque jour d'une nouvelle couche, et quand toutp cette terre est assez imprégnée, on la remplace ; le fumier dû à ce mélange a la propriété de fermenter plus également et cède moins de principes à l'évaporation. Or, cette pratique agricole, qui amoindrit la volatilisation tout en augmentant la quantité des engrais, est un véritable assainissement des écuries, étables, etc. ; le sol absorbant les deux tiers des urines dont l'odeur est amortie, elle conduit à couvrir d'une couche de terre ou de gazon, épaisse de quelques centimètres, les tas de fumier situés à l'extérieur des maisons ; on prévient ainsi leur dessiccation et la déperdition de gaz fertilisants : double profit et pour l'hygiène et pour l'agriculture.Chevallier a proposé, dès 1832 (1), un système fondé sur les bénéfices de la récolte des boues et de leur conversion en engrais. (1) Nolice historique sur le neltoiemenl de la ville de Paris (Annales d'hygiène publique. Paris, 1849, t. XLII, p. 312). On choisirait, assez loin des habitations et hors des vents régnants, un terrain en rapport avec la population et l'étendue de la commune, pour y creuser un fossé destiné à recevoir les boues ; quelques indigents valides, à la charge de la commune, pourvus d'une charrette et d'un mauvais cheval, parcourraient sans cesse, pendant les jours ouvrables, la commune et ses abords, enlevant les immondices pour les conduire au réservoir communal. Les mares, partagées en deux sections et versées alternativement de l'une dans l'autre à l'aide d'une planche formant vanne, seraient curées périodiquement, et les dépôts extraits de leur fond seraient portés dans le fossé de la commune. Les boueurs employés à ce travail seraient indemnisés soit au moyen d'une souscription, soit avec le produit de la vente publique des matières recueillies et bonifiées par un an de séjour. Les cultivateurs, soumis au minime impôt de la souscription, en seraient eux-mêtnes dédommagés par le partage proportionnel des engrais obtenus. MalgréJant de causes d'insalubrité et de maladies, la population rurale paie un moindre tribut à la phthisie, à la fièvretyphoïde, etc., et présente une moindre proportion de décès ; oela prouve que l'absence de certaines causes qui sévissent sur les citadins et l'efficacité de quelques conditions propres à la vie rurale suffisent pour neutraliser les effets d'une habitation aussi insalubre. Les passions, la surexcitation morale et intellectuelle, la luxure précoce, l'égoïsme et l'ambition font peu de victimes à la campagne ; ensuite les habitants de ces demeures délabrées n'y sont pas sédentaires ; leurs travaux les appellent dans les champs, sur les routes; ils vivent à l'air libre; sobres, laborieux, ménagers de leur virilité, endurcis aux fatigues, ignorant les fluctuations de la vie des ouvriers qu'un salaire instable fait passer tour à tour par les excès et les privations, ils trouvent dans leur sobriété, dans une nourriture simple, mais substantielle et exempte de fraude, dans la régularité de leurs habitudes, dans l'inerte quiétude de leur croyance, dans le sentiment de la liberté, dans le bienfait d'un air pur, la compensation hygiénique des influences nuisibles qui les atteignent passagèrement sous le toit de leurs sordides pénates. Néanmoins cette compensation n'est pas complète. D'après le docteur Charpentier (de Valencieunes) (1), les épidémies meurtrières qui s'étendent aux villes et aux villages font plus de victimes dans ces dernières localités : le choléra de 1832 et celui de 1849 en ont fourni les preuves. (1) De la nécessité d'améliorer le sort des indigents malades des campagnes. L'assistance publique a une tâche énorme à remplir envers les malheureux habitants des districts ruraux : que l'on se hâte de les doter de médecins cantonaux, ou au moins de maisons de secours desservies par quelques sœurs de Charité, et pourvues de quelques ressources de traitement, notamment d'appareils à fracture ; que l'on institue dans les campagnes des secours publics pour les asphyxiés par submersion, par le froid, par la foudre, par strangulation, par les gaz que dégagent le charbon, le raisin en fermentation (1) ; que l'on y fonde des assurances de secours mutuels entre les ouvriers agricoles ; que l'on mette à leur portée les caisses d'épargne ; qu'on les arrache au fléau de l'ivrognerie par l'ascendant des sociétés de tempérance. Mais avant tout, il faut aviser à la destruction des foyers d'infection si multipliés dans les villages, par l'organisation de la voirie rurale. § 2. — Édifices publics. Les édifices publics sont soumis à des conditions générales de salubrité et à des règles d'appropriation spéciales ; sous ce dernier rapport, on peut les diviser ainsi : Crèches, [ Salles d'asile. grphelinats. > j Écoles primaires. SANTÉ < Lycées et gymnases. ) Édifices religieux. Couvents. ! Casernes. Asiles pour la vieillesse. ordinaires. ordinaires. M tmp — pour les vieillards. MALADIE. — pour les femmes en couches. — pour les aliénés. — pour les maladies spéciales. IMMINENCE MORBIDE. j Quarantaines, i (Voyez page 496.) Lazarets. t ( Prisons. CAPTIVITÉ. , 1 Maisons centrales. (Bagnes. I. — CONDITIONS COMMUNES. Tous les édifices destinés à recevoir d'une manière permanente ou temporaire des réunions d'hommes plus ou moins considérables (1) Reveillé-Parise, De l'assistance publique et médicale dans les campagtles. Paris, 1850. doivent être établis dans des espaces libres, à une certaine distance des habitations privées, loin de foyers d'infection de toute espèce; il faut ensuite déterminer leurs conditions d'aérage, de ventilation, de chauffage et d'éclairage, de telle manière qu'il n'en résulte aucun inconvénient pour ceux qui y séjournent. 1° Ventilation naturelle ou spontanée. — Elle résulte de l'ouverture accidentelle des portes et des fenêtres, de l'ouverture permanente des cheminées, etc. ; elle s'exerce par les courants d'air qui se produisent par le seul effet des inégalités de température entre l'air extérieur et l'air intérieur des habitations. Ces différences de température, dues à l'irradiation solaire, au chauffage, à l'éclairage, au calorique émis par l'homme et par les animaux, déterminent des variations d'élasticité et de densité atmosphérique, et, par suite, un renouvellement incessant de l'air intérieur, renouvellement qui suffit, dans certaines conditions, à la salubrité des locaux. Il convient ici de distinguer les enceintes où le séjour est permanent ou dépasse au moins la durée d'un jour (cellules des prisons, salles d'hôpital), et celles où le séjour est très limité et ne dépasse pas la durée d'une nuit (casernes, dortoirs des collèges, etc.). Les enceintes continuellement habitées exigent impérieusement que l'on ait recours à la ventilation artificielle ; il est à peu près impossible de leur donner une capacité telle qu'il soit possible de se passer des moyens ventilateurs. La capacité, dit judicieusement Félix Leblanc (1), ne fera que retarder le moment où la ventilation deviendra nécessaire. Pour les enceintes qui ne sont habitées que durant une partie de la période nychthémère, la capacité doit être prise en considération ; car, augmentée convenablement, elle dispense d'une ventilation artificielle, c'est-à-dire régulière et continue, et un léger abaissement dans la ration d'air individuelle entraîne moins d'inconvénients, puisque le retour des hommes à l'air libre peut atténuer ou compenser les effets nuisibles d'une réclusion passagère. Au reste, même alors qu'elles ne sont pas habitées continuellement, les enceintes doivent être distinguées suivant que leurs portes et fenêtres ferment bien ou mal et qu'elles sont dépourvues ou munies de cheminées, qui concourent utilement à la ventilation naturelle, en l'absence d'un foyer de combustion et à la faveur d'une différence quelconque entre la température du dehors et celle des locaux. Dans le premier cas, malgré la durée (1) Félix Leblanc a bien voulu nous communiquer un travail manuscrit d'un haut intérêt sur quelques points relatifs à la ventilation (1845). limitée du séjour, ce ne sera pas trop de 6 mètres cubes d'air par heure et par personne; même avec cette capacité, l'air de l'enceinte sera souvent amené à une proportion d'acide carbonique triple ou quadruple de celle qui existe dans l'air à l'état normal. Dans le second cas, grâce à l'appel d'une cheminée, le renouvellement de l'air est assez actif par les jointures. L'air d'une chambre à coucher d'une capacité de 18 mètres cubes et occupée par deux personnes a fourni à Félix Leblanc, au bout d'une nuit, les mêmes résultats que l'air normal ; on y avait entretenu pendant la nuit le feu de la cheminée. Il était important de calculer le renouvellement qui s'opère par les fissures et par les entrées et les sorties qui ont lieu pendant la nuit dans les enceintes habitées par un certain nombre de personnes. Ce problème n'était abordable qu'à l'aide de l'analyse chimique, et Félix Leblanc l'a résolu en couchant luimême dans des chambres de caserne dont il recueillait l'air au matin après l'avoir ramené la veille, par ventilation, au degré de pureté de l'air normal. Il a trouvé ainsi que, pouf une chambre occupée pendant dix heures et demie par vingt-cinq hommes, l'effet de l'aération accidentelle avait réduit la proportion d'acide carbonique au tiers de ce qu'elle aurait été dans l'hypothèse d'un défaut absolu de renouvellement d'air : il y avait eu pendant la nuit douze sorties et autant de rentrées ; et le volume d'air, qui, en raison de la capacité du local, était de 13mc,6 par homme, avait été porté à 37,8 par suite de cette ventilation accidentelle. Il en a été à peu près de même dans d'autres expériences de ce genre, et l'on en doit conclure que, dans les enceintes imparfaitement closes ou dans lesquelles se fait pendant la nuit un certain mouvement d'entrées et de sorties, le renouvellement accidentel de l'air acquiert une valeur plus forte qu'on n'aurait pensé à priori ; mais, en bonne hygiène, il faut peu compter sur de semblables ressources de ventilation, qui d'ailleurs ne sont ni sans inconvénient ni même sans danger. 2° Ventilation artificielle et chauffage. — La ventilation continue et régulière, c'est-à-dire établie à l'aide de machines ou d'appareils qui assurent en même temps et régttlarisent le chauffage, est désormais la condition fondamentale de la salubrité des habitations publiques. Le rationnement de l'espace a été um premier progrès ; mais il est bien démontré que, dans les locaux toujours h-abitæ, M est impossible d'allouer à chaque homme sain et malade le cube d'air vital autrement que par une ventilation factice : à la détermination de la capacité des salles il faut donc substituer la base plus exacte de la fixation du volume d'air à fournir à chaque individu. Chose digne de remarque, dit Grassi (1) dans l'histoire de cette question : c'est un intérêt de lucre et d'industrie qui a provoqué le premier emploi de la ventilation; elle a été appliquée d'abord dans les magnaneries ; puis, à Londres comme à Paris, aux palais des deux chambres du parlement, ensuite aux théâtres et aux prisons. Les honnêtes gensmalades n'ont leur tour qu'après les détenus. L'Angleterre nous a précédés dans ces applications : dès 1784, l'hôpital de t)erby était ventilé par Whitehurst (2) ; elles ne datent en France que de ce siècle, et l'initiative en appartient à d'Arcef, à Péclet, à Combes, qui a tant fait pour l'aérage des mines, et qui a fourni, par l'invention de son anémomètre, le moyen d'étudier la ventilation avec une précision tout à fait scientifique. Le général Morin, Chevreul, Boussingault, Dumas, F. Leblanc, ont aussi contribué à ces progrès. L'établissement d'un système quelconque de ventilation forcée suppose la connaissanée exacte de la vitesse du renouvellement atmosphérique qu'il procure, la détermination de la ration d'air nécessaire à chaque individu placé dans les espaces à ventiler, le degré d'humidité de cet air. Péclet se contente de 6 à 10 m. c. par heure pour les classes d'une école d'enfants de six à dix ans ; Tardieti de 20 m. c. pour lès cellules des prisons, pour les chambres fies casernes. On a exigé 30 m. c. pat heure et par malade dans le nouvel Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, 60 m. c. dans les salles de l'hôpital Necker; aujourd'hui cette dernière quantité ne paraît plus suffisante à quelques médecins ; il y a déjà des hôpitaux ventilés à raison de 70 m. c. d'air par heure et par malade. Ces exigences progressives témoignent d'un progrès réel. Que n'bus voilà loin des 18 à 20 m. c. d'air alloués aux malades par le génie militaire dans les hôpitaux de l'armée, sans le secours d'aucune ventilation artificielle ! En attendant que l'expérience ait conduit à des chiffres définitifs et nécessairement variables suivant la durée du séjour ou de la réclusion, suivant le degré de clôture des locaux, suivant les catégories particulières de leurs habitants, il appartient au médecin d'exagérer plutôt que d'amoindrir la revendication de l'air vital. L'air chauffé absorbe plus d'eau; les poêles, les calorifères, le (1) Grassî, Chauffage et ventilation des hôpitaux, thèse de Paris, 6 juin 1856.Annales d'hygiène, 2e série, 4856, t. VI. n. 189 et suivantes. (2) Voyez Dictionnaire des arts et manufactures, etc., 2e édition, 1854, t. II, article VENTILATION, par Grouvelle. dessèchent; il enlève de l'eau à nos organes, si l'on n'a soin d'en vaporiser dans l'espace circonscrit où il circule. Lorsqu'il s'agit donc de régler la ventilation avec le chauffage dans un édifice public, il importe de connaître exactement la proportion d'eau que l'air doit contenir pour être salubre. D'Arcet, pour les salles de spectacle, veut de l'air à moitié saturé d'eau, à la température de 15 à 16 degrés centigrades, ce qui correspond environ à 7 grammes d'eau par mètre cube d'air. D'autres réclament pour les maisons habitées un air à 72 degrés à l'hygromètre, soit 6gr,43 d'eau par mètre cube d'air, ce qui s'accorde avec la fixation de d'ArceLLa détermination du degré hygrométrique de l'air est donc un élément régulateur du fonctionnement d'un appareil de ventilation. GayLussaca calculé, pour de l'air à 10 degrés sous la pression barométrique de 0,76, les tensions de vapeur correspondantes à chaque degré de l'hygromètre. Dans les travaux et essais relatifs à la ventilation, il est nécessaire de connaître, pour tous les degrés de l'hygromètre, le poids de l'eau que contient 1 mètre cube d'air à 15 degrés, limite de température adoptée comme règle dans les édifices publics auxquels on-applique la ventilation et le chauffage combinés. Grouvelle (Zoe. cit.) adressé à cet effet le tableau suivant, qu'il nous a paru utile de reproduire : Tableau donnant en grammes le poids de l'eau contenue dans 1 mètre cube d'air à 15 degrés, pour chacun des degrés de l'hygromètre. Degrés Poids de l'eau en grammes de l'hygromètre. contenue dans à 1 1 mètre cube d'air cheveu.. à 15 degrés. Drgtés. gr. 1 0,06 2 0,12 3 0,17 4 0,23 5 0,28 6 0,35 7 0,41 8 0,47 9 0,52 10 0,59 11 0,65 12 0,71 13 0,77 14 0,82 15 0,90 16 0,96 17 1,03 18 1,09 19 1,15 20 1,21 Degrés Poids de l'eau en grammes de l'hygromètre contenue dans à 1 mètre cube d'air cheveu. à (S degrés. Degrés. gr. 21 1,29 22 1,35 23 1,42 24 1,49 25 1,55 26 1,62 27 1,70 28 1,77 29 1,84 30 1,91. 31 1,98 32 2,06 33 2,13 34 2,21 35 2,28 36 2,36 37 2,44 38 2,52 39 2,60 40 2,71 Degrés. gr. 41 2,77 42 2,85 43 2,94 44 3,03 45 3,11 46 3,21 47 3,30 48 3,40 49 3,ol 50 3,58 51 3,69 52 3,79 53 3,89 54 4,00 55 4.10 56 4,20 57 4,33 58 4,45 59 4,56 60 4,68 61 4,81 62 4,95 63 5,08 64 5,21 65 5,34 66 5,47 67 5,04 68 5,79 69 5,94 70 6,09 Degrés. gr. 71 6,25 72 6,43 73 6,60 74 6,77 75 6,93 76 7,13 77 7,32 78 7,51 79 7,71 80 7,90 81 8,11 82 8,33 83 8,55 84 8.76 85 8,98 86 9,22 87 9,47 88 9,71 89 10,00 90 10,20 91 10,46 92 10,72 93 10,98 94 11,23 95 11,49 96 11,77 97 12,05 98 12,34 99 12,62 100 12,90 Au maniement de l'hygromètre, les médecins, les ingénieurs et les architectes doivent joindre celui de l'anémomètre, qui sert à mesurer et à comparer les résultats des divers modes de ventilation. On n'emploie que celui de Combes, à la fois exact et facile à manœuvrer. Nous renvoyons pour sa description aux ouvrages de physique et de mécanique, à l'article cité de Grouvelle. Rappelons seulement qu'une expérience doit toujours être recommencée ; on prend la moyenne de deux expériences. La vitesse réelle des courants d'air seTéduit du nombre des tours observés, à l'aide d'une formule spéciale à l'instrument employé et qui se trouve écrite sur le couvercle de sa boîte. Chaque anémomètre a son coefficient, qu'on détermine par expérience en lui faisant parcourir un courant d'air d'une vitesse donnée, et en notant le nombre de tours qu'il fait. Pour cela, on place l'anémomètre au bout d'un grand levier de bois, de longueur connue, tournant par son centre sur un pivot avec une vitesse que l'on fait varier pour avoir plusieurs observations, desquelles on déduit le rapport exact du nombre de tours du moulinet à la vitesse du courant; celle-ci, multipliée par la section du canal, exprime le volume d'air débité. Le général Morina ajouté à l'anémomètre de Combes deux cadrans émaillés, des aiguilles doubles à godets, une troisième roue à minutes et un appareil de pointage, de manière à pouvoir observer jusqu'à 500 000 tours et prendre le nombre des tours du moulinet à des intervalles de temps déterminés. Cette disposition corrige la légère erreur résultant du temps nécessaire au moulinet pour prendre une vitesse régulière, en même temps qu'elle permet des observations prolongées et fractionnées par intervalles égaux. Neumann a facilité la lecture de l'anémomètre en plaçant derrière les roues un cadran divisé sur lequel des aiguilles fixées aux roues tracent le nombre de tours parcourus, il y a ajouté une troisième roue qui donne les 1000 tours et permet de prolonger les observations. Pour mesurer les petites vitesses il faut des anémomètres légers et délicatement construits ; Neumann a fourni à la commission chargée d'étudier la ventilation des cellules à la prison Mazas un anémomètre qui fonctionnait avgfc précision dans un courant d'air de 0,16 de vitesse par seconde. Les anémomètres destinés à marcher à de grandes vitesses sont solidement établis, plus lourds et paf suite moins sensibles aux petites vitesses. Tous les appareils de ventilation artificielle, déjà si multipliés par les inventeurs, peuvent être ramenés aux catégories suivantes : 1° Appel par l'action dé la chaleur agissant dans une cheminée ; 2° Appel par un appareil mécanique aspirant mis en mouvement par un moteur; 3° Ventilation mécanique par refoulement ou pulsion, au moyen des ventilateurs. , Quand la chaleur est le seul agent du renouvellement de l'afr, l'appel peut s'établir par un combustible brûlé directement dans le bas de la cheminée, à la partie supérieure ou près de la partie supérieure de la cheminée : l'appel peut s'exercer par l'intermédiaire d'appareils de transmission de chaleur, recevant leur chauffage d'un foyer placé à distance, ou même par la vapeur envoyée directement dans la cheminée. Nous avons indiqué (t. 1, p. 692 et suiv.) quelques systèmes proposés par d'Arcet et Péclet, et dans lesquels la ventilation est simplement liée au mode de chauffage sans appareil mécanique spécial. Pour les enceintes où le séjour d'un grand nombre d'hommes est continu ou à peu près, la ventilation qui , agit par le seul tirage des poêles sur l'air qui entre par les jointures j et les fentes des portes et fenêtres est iru lie en été, quand la température extérieure et celle du dedans se font équilibre, insuffisance et nuisible en hiver, les analyses de F. Leblanc ayant démontré 3,5 et 8 sur 00/00 d'acide carbonique dans l'air de plusieurs salles des hôpitaux de Paris. Les courants d'air que produit ce tirage soufflent à l'aventure, souvent en regard des lits occupés, et l'air qu'ils introduisent est parfois glacial ou chargé d'émanations délétères; comme lorsque les lieux d'aisances sont contigfis aux salles. Pour remédier à cet inconvénient, Poumet a proposé un système de ventilation et de chauffage approprié aux hôpitaux, et qui aura pour résultat letft complet assainissement, si l'expérience prouve qu'il peut être appliqué avec facilité, économie et succès (1). Dans des pavillons nouvellement construits au Val-de-Grâce, et qui paraissent satisfaite aux principales exigences de l'hygiène, le chauffage et la ventilation s'effectuent au moyen de deux calorifères pour chaque étage ; les prises d'air extérieur ont lieu par des ouvertures de 20 centimètres carrés de section. Cet air, après avoir passé par des conduits qui enveloppent le foyer, se déverse dans la salle par des bouches de chaleur, s'élève vers le plafond en vertu de sa moindre densité, et refoule par son élasticité les couches d'air dont il prend la place et que l'appel du foyer sollièlte à descendre ; la rapidité du renouvellement de l'air est réglée par celle de la combustion. On n'a pas à craindre ici les inconvénients de la plupart des calorifères à air chaud, tels que dessiccation excessive de l'air, production d'une odeur spéciale due à la combustion par les surfaces de chauffe des particules organiques que t'air tient en suspension. L'air versé par les bouches de chaleur est pur ; s'il ne dépasse point 40 à 50 degrés centigrades, il n'a ptrs l'odeur de brûlé, il n'est pas assez échauffé pour être desséché, et diverses évaporations corrigeraient cet inconvénient; enfin, l'excès de chaleur qu'il possède sur la température voulue dans la galle sert à réparer les pertes de calorique dues au rayonnement des parois et des fenêtre^, ainsi qu'à l'introduction directe de l'air extérieur par les fissures et l'ouverture plus ou moins répétée des portes. En été, si la ventilation ne pouvait s'opérer sans inconvénients paT les fenêtres, on interromprait par des registres la communication directe des calorifères avec les prises d'air, on fermerait aussi les bouches de chaleur, et l'on ouvrirait des vasistas qui livreraient passage à l'air du dehors, destiné à remplacer celui de la salle appelé dans le foyer par l'a combustion entretenue sans interruption. Il importe d'observer que lesystème appliqué aux pavillons du Val-de-Grâce et que Guérard a loué, n'y réussit (1) Annales d'hygiène. Paris, 1844, t. XXXII, p. 40, que parce que leur température en hiver atteint à peine 15 degrés et ne les dépasse presque jamais; à cette limite de température dans une salle de malades, point n'est besoin d'une ventilation énergique pour dissiper toute odeur; la température s'élève-t-elle à 17 ou 18 degrés, la même ventilation ne suffit plus et l'odeur se manifeste : c'est qu'avec la chaleur augmentent la transpiration cutanée, l'évaporation des surfaces liquides ou mouillées, la décomposition des matières animales répandues dans l'air. On peut appliquer à l'assainissement des écoles, des casernes, des salles d'asile, etc., c'est-à-dire de locaux non occupés d'une manière continue, des moyens peu dispendieux, mentionnés dans le rapport présenté par Boudin au congrès d'hygiène de Bruxelles en 1852, sur la question de la ventilation (2). Un certain nombre de tuyaux. coudés, de lm,50 à 2 mètres de hauteur, sont placés verticalement) dans l'épaisseur des murs extérieurs. L'orifice inférieur, légèrement évasé, garni de toile métallique, aspire l'air extérieur. L'orifice supérieur ou interne, garni de même et pourvu d'un registre modérateur, verse l'air neuf dans le local, tandis que l'air altéré et échauffé s'échappe par une ouverture en entonnoir, pratiquée au milieu du plafond et s'abouchant avec un tuyau légèrement conique qui monte à 1 mètre ou à lm,50 au-dessus du toit; on peut même se passer de ces tuyaux et se borner à percer le plancher d'un certain nombre de petites ouvertures disposées en rosaces, qui amènent l'air neuf par des conduits d'aspiration placés sous le parquet. Le volume des voies d'entrée pour l'air neuf et de sortie pour l'air altéré, doit être calculé d'après la quantité d'air à introduire dans un temps donné. La surface de section du tuyau d'évacuation sera équivalente à la somme des surfaces de section des tuyaux d'entrée; le trajet de tous les tuyaux, afférents et efférents, doit être aussi court que possible. De simples ventouses, suffisamment multipliées, aident à compenser d'une manière efficace le défaut de capacité des chambres. En les mettant en relation avec des cheminées qui règnent sur toute la hauteur des bâtiments, on réalise des effets ventilateurs assez, j (1) Loc. cit., p. 15. 1 (2) Annales d'hygiène, 18S3, t. XLIX, p. 225. 1 énergiques, en vertu de faibles excès de température de l'air de la cheminée sur celle de l'air extérieur. Les ventouses sont surtout utiles en été, pourvu qu'il n'y ait point équilibre de température entre l'air extérieur et l'air intérieur. Félix Leblanc a précisé par des expériences anémométriques la valeur de deux ventouses établies dans la caserne de Lisieux, rue des Carmes, à Paris, en jaugeant le courant d'air auquel elles donnent passage : Hauteur. Section. 1re ventouse. 12m 0mci,0476 chambrée à 54 hommes. 2e ventouse. Um,50 0m i-,06 chambrée à 21 hommes. La ventouse n° 1 a fourni 2 mètres cubes d'air de ventilation par heure et par homme ; et la ventouse n° 2, 7 mètres cubes par heure et par homme; l'excès de température n'étant que 2 degrés centigrades. L'ouverture ou la clôture des croisées influe sur la vitesse de l'écoulement de l'air ; Leblanc a trouvé le 12 mars ISUU : Vitesse. Dépense par heure. Croisées fermées. 2m ,61 190m. c" ,1 Croisées ouvertes. 31,08 221 m. c.,76 Aujourd'hui que le gaz sert à l'éclairage des escaliers, paliers et corridors dans les édifices publics, il est aisé de répartir convenablement un certain nombre de becs de gaz dans une cheminée d'appel de hauteur suffisante ; l'effet de ventilation qu'on obtient par ce moyen peut, d'après le général Morin (1), s:élever de 1000 à 1200 mètres cubes d'air par heure et par.mètre cube de gaz brûlé. Ce mode d'emploi de la chaleur des becs à gaz est commode, rapide, facile à modérer et à suspendre. Le chauffage par l'eau chaude en circulation, imaginé par Bonnemain en 1777 et appliqué depuis longtemps en Angleterre, a été perfectionné par Léon Duvoir et appliqué par lui au double but de la calorification et de la ventilation (2). Il est fondé sur ce principe connu, que le changement de densité que l'eau éprouve par l'élévation de sa température a pour effet de la mettre en mouvement. Une cloche à chaudière placée dans le bas de l'édifice, un réservoir dans les combles, deux tuyaux intèrmédiaires dont l'un sert à l'ascension de l'eau jusqu'au réservoir, et dont l'autre la ramène à la chaudière au sortir des conduits secondaires, récipients, renflements, poêles, étuves, etc., qu'elle a échauffés dans ses circuits, tel est lé (1) Rapport de la Cotnmission sur le chauffage et la ventilation du ThéâtreLyrique et du théâtre du Ciroue-Imt)érial. Paris. 1861. D. 68. (2) Voyez la description détaillée de son système (Ann. d'hygt, XXXII, p. 50), système de cirpulation qui permet à L. Duvoir de distribuer uniformément la chaleur dans les plus vastes établissements et qu'il a appliqué à la maison impériale de Charentop, à la Madeleine, à la Chambre des pairs, à l'Observatoire, etc. Les conduits sepondaires partant du réservoir sont munis de robinets qui permettent d'activer, de diminuer, d'arrêter même le chauffage sur tel ou tel point déterminé. Pour qu'ils ne perdent point trop rapidement leqr calorique, ils sont enfermés dans un tuyau de çinc qu'entoure une tresse de foin revêtue elle-même d'une couche de plâtre. Afin d'employer toute la chaleur produite par le combustible, L. Duvoir adopte le chauffage à air chaud pour les pièces yoisines du calorifère, réservant aux localités plus distanles le chauffage à circulation d'eau chaude. A ces deux modes de chauffage correspondent deux modçs de ventilation, mais réglés d'après un principe commun qu'il importe de signaler. Dans les espaces clos que l'on chauffe au niveau du plancher, et que l'on ventile par l'arrivée de l'air froid à leur partie inférieure, les assistants ont les jambes glacées et la tète entourée par une couche d'air plus chaud ; en effet, les pièces ainsi chauffées présentent une série de couches dir horizontales de températures décroissantes de haut en bas. Dans une pièce de 6-150 de hauteur, des thermomètres centigrades, échelonnés par intervalles de om ,65 ont fourni les indications suivantes : Au niveau du plancher. 180,36 A om,65 de hauteur 19°,69 A lm,30 — .2to,12 A lm,95 — .22°,75 A 2m,60 — 24",30 A 3m,25 de hauteur. 20%93 A 3m,9Q — £ 7%37 A 400,55 — 30°,00 A sInl2o — 32",18 A 500,85 — 34'1,52 D'où l'on voit que du plancher au plafond, de la p à la 10e couche d'air, la température a presque doublé. Un autre inconvénient du mode ordinaire de ventilation, c'est l'écoulement trop rapide, par les ouvertures supérieures, de l'air chaud qu'il importe le plus de conserver et que l'on n'obtient qu'à force de combustible. L. Duvoir a donc eu l'idée de faire arriver, par la partie supérieure des pièces à chauffer, l'air chaud qu'il emprunte à différentes portions du calorifère ; cet air s'épand en nappes horizontales qui descendent, poussées d'un côté par l'élasticité de nouvelles masses d'air chaud, et de l'autre par l'aspiration qui se fait au niveau du plancher à l'aide d'une bouche d'appel, de section égale à la bouche de chaleur, et communiquant par un conduit particulier avec le foyer du calorifère : on obtient de cette manière une température à peu près uniforme dans la pièce, tout en confiant au foer même du calorifère l'appel de l'air qu'il s'agit de renouveler. Les parties de l'édifice, situées à plus de 30 mètres de l'appareil, sont ventilées par des tuyaux particuliers qui, partant du fond du réservoir supérieur, descendent dans un des angles des pièces échauffées, et finissent par se réunir au retour d'eau dans la partie inférieure de la chaudière. Ces tuyaux de ventilation sont logés, comme ceux de chauffage, dans une large enveloppe de zinc, percée d'ouvertures au niveau du plancher des chambres; l'air vicié sort par les ouvertures, se dilate par contact avec le tuyau à eau chaude, s'élève jusqu'aux combles, où il se déverse au dehors. Le reflux de l'air vicié d'une chambre dans une autre est empêché à l'aide de cloiBABUjui partagent la cavité intermédiaire entre l'enveloppe de zinc et le tuyau à eau chaude en autant de compartiments qu'il y a de pièces à ventiler. Le système de DqvQirpermet de ventiler sans ckauffer, l'air neuf étant appelé par le déplacement de l'air vicié de température et de densité différentes. Ses avantages sont les suivants : régularité du chauffage et de la ventilation ; absence de l'odeur de brûlé qui sa lie très probablement à un certain degré d'insalubrité de l'air ; facilité de porter la chaleur à peu près sans perte à plus de 200 mètres du foyer sans avoir à compter avec les difficultés de la construction des édifices ; distribution plus uniforme du calorique dont l'eau se oharge abondamment pour ne le céder qu'avec lenteur; enfin, moins de chances d'incendie en cas de négligence des dispositions prescrites. 21,6 25,6 18,7 2t,6 1 Volume d'air sortant des salles par heure et par malade : 82,3 84,4 55,3 74 3,4 D'où : volume d'air entrant par les joints des portes et fenêtres : 60,7 59,8 36,6 52,4 2,4 Le volume d'air sortant par la cheminée d'appel étant par heure et par malade de 82mo, 8, tandis que celui qui vient des salles n'est que de 74 m. c., il en résulte que le volume d'air entré directement du grenier dans la cheminée d'appel est de 8mc,8 par heure et par malade. D'autres séries d'expériences, portant sur la ventilation et le chauffage, ont fourni les données suivantes sur l'état de la ventilation dans les trois salles susindiquées dont se compose le premier pavillon de l'hôpital : Mètres cubes. Air entrant par les poêles, par heure et par malade 35^0 1 sortant des salles 82,4 2,37 — entrant par les portes et fenêtres. 47,7 1,37 sortant par la cheminée d'appel 97,9 2,8 — entrant du grenier dans la cheminée. 15,5 0,4 « La quantité d'air qui entre par les poêles est donc-toujours plus faible que celle qui entre par les joints des portes et fenêtres. En présence de ces faits, je n'hésite pas à dire que ces conditions de ventilation sont mauvaises. L'air qui pénètre par les portes et fenêtres, quoi qu'on en ait dit, ne ventile pas utilement ; entrant à peu de distance des orifices de sortie, il est appelé par eux et leur arrive directement sans se mélanger à l'air de la salle ; il passe ainsi près des malades, qu'il entoure d'air froid. Cet air, ainsi pris indistinctement dans les cours et dans les corridors, peut ne pas être pur. Le cahier des charges, en exigeant une ventilation de 60 m. c. par heure et par malade, ne spécifie pas si ce volume sera mesuré dans la cheminée d'appel, ou bien s'il se rapporte à l'air qui entre par les poêles : c'est une lacune très regrettable (1). » Pour tout ce qui précède, Grassi s'est placé dans les circonstances les plus favorables (1) Grassi, loc. cit., p. 51 et suiv. (Annales d* hygiène, 1856, t. Vf, p. i88). au système de ventilation par appel, celles dans lesquelles la température extérieure est au-dessous de la température des salles ; en été, quand l'équilibre de le température existe, l'effet ventilateur du systême serait à peu près nul. En hiver, cet effet n'excède pas 30 m. c. par heure et par malade, c'est-à-dire qu'il ne répond pas aux exigences actuelles de l'hygiène nosocomiale. A côté de ces conclusions, il est juste de placer celles que des expériences nombreuses, détaillées et d'une grande précision, ont suggérées au général Morin (1), au sujet de ces mêmes appareils de chauffage par circulation d'eau chaude et de ventilation par appel de l'hôpital Lariboisière : «1° Le volume d'air nouveau qui est fourni par les poêles peut s'élever en moyenne à 60 mètres par heure et par lit 2° Les températures et les volumes d'air peuvent être facilement réglés avec une uniformité suffisante à tous les étages. 3° Les volumes d'air, introduits par tous les poêles d'une même salle ne sont pas exactement les mêmes, ce qui devrait être évité autant que possible. 4° Le volume d'air vicié évacué par la cheminée générale d'appel a varié de 120 à 100 et à 90 mètres cubes par heure et par lit, selonles températures. 5° La disposition delà cheminée et l'action des récipients d'eau chaude qu'elle contient donnent à la ventilation une stabilité convenable, mais qu'il serait encore utile d'augmenter. 6° Il serait facile d'assurer pour la saison d'été une plus grande introduction d'air nouveau dans les salles, afin d'augmenter le renouvellement de l'air pendant la nuit. » Il y a d'ailleurs lieu de remarquer que la disposition générale des salles dans chaque pavillon n'est pas la plus favorable à un bon service de ventilation, et que celle des récipients supérieurs d'eau chaude pourrait aussi être plus heureuse. Il est arrivé dans cet hôpital ce qui se produit malheureusement presque toujours en pareil cas, que l'on ne s'est occupé du chauffage et de la ventilation que quand les bâtiments étaient à peu près terminés. » Thomas et Laurens ont combiné la ventilation mécanique ou par pulsion avec le mode de chauffage de Grouvelle par l'eau et la vapeur ; l'expérience de l'hôpital Lariboisière, où il fonctionne à côté de l'appareil de L. Duvoir, lui est favorable; son élément caractéristique est un ventilateur à force centrifuge, qui, mû par une machine à vapeur, aspire de l'air pris dans un point élevé de l'atmosphère et le pousse dans un tuyau ramifié dans toutes les pièces (i) Etudes sur la ventilation (Annales du Conservatoire impérial des arts et métiet's, avril 1861). à ventiler; au moment où il entre dans les salles, cet air s'écbaufe au coutact des tuyaux de vapepr et des poêles à eau chauffés par de la vapeur. Il se compose : 1° de générateurs ou de chaudières; 2° de machines mettant en mouvement les ventilateurs ; 3° de la canalisation générale qe la vapeur qui doit chauffer les poêles ; 4° de la canalisation générale de rejour d'eau, suivant, en sens inverse, le même trajet que le précédent; o de poêles destinés au chauffage des salles, des promenoirs des malades et de la cage de l'escalier ; 6° de la canalisation générale de l'air poussé par le ventilateur ; 7° d'étuves chauffées par la vapeur, et placées aux différents étages ; 8° d'un fpurneau (l'office à feu nu, placé au rez-dechaussée de chaque pavillon, et dont la cheminée, montant des caves jusque sur les comblesl ppère pnergiquement la ventilation des cabinets d'aisances (1) par un appel établi atunpyeu d'un canal souterrain. L'air est porté à chaque étage par des canaux en maçonnerie couverts de pjaqueg dg fonte, et dans lesquels circulent les tuyaux de vapeur qui vont chauffer des poêles 3 eau placés dans chaque salle : il est épanché dans les salles par. des grilles ménagées 4ans desplaqueg (le fonte et dans les canaux intérieurs des poêles, canaux pourvus d'appendices en fonte pour rompre les courants d'air et chauffer en hiver cet air ayant qu'il pénètre dans les salles nec de petites vitesses. L'air vicié sort par cts ouvertures d'appel disposées en haqt et au bas des murs et montant jusque sous le comble, d'où il passe par des gainer dans une grande cheminée d'évacuation. Le chauffage s'effectue par la vapeuç qui, après avoir mis en mpnveppp^t la machine, arrive par les divers branchements de l'artère, principale aux poêles des salles et élève la température de l'eau qu'ils contiennent ; l'eau de condensation est ramenée à la machine par le tuyau de retour. Pour éviter les pertes de chaleur, l'air de ventilation çontenu dans le grand tuyau porte-vent est çqauifé, non dans les caves, mais (laps l'épaisseur des planchers, dans le caniveau central, où il circule en contqçl avec les tuyaux de vapeur et (le retour d'eau; il s'échapffe encore dans les tuyaux verticaux contenus dans les poêles qu'il traverse. Quand les grands froids l'exigent, on ajoute à ces moyens de chauffage un courant dç vapeur pris directement sur la chaudière par un tuyau qui va se brajicher sur l'artère principale. Ce chu[&gy est régulier et dure (1) Pour les détail de la construction de cet appareil, nous renvoyons la Thèse de Grassi, p. 55 et suiv. |
github_open_source_100_1_391 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Braspag.Sdk.Contracts.Pagador
public class FraudAnalysisPassengerData
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Identity { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Rating { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public string Status { get; set; }
public string TicketNumber { get; set; }
public string FrequentFlyerNumber { get; set; }
public List<FraudAnalysisTravelLegsData> TravelLegs { get; set; }
} |
R_G_Tbtn08_CHN377_1 | WTO | Various open data | . /. ORGANISATION MONDIALE
18 avril 2008
Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce Original: anglais
La notification suivante est communiquée conformément à l'article 10.6.
1. Membre de l'Accord adressant la notification: CHINE
Le cas échéant, pouvoirs publics locaux concernés (articles 3.2 et 7.2):
2. Organisme responsable: Standardization Administration of China – SAC (Administration
de la normalisation de la Chine)
Les nom et adresse (y compris les numéros de téléphone et de téléfax et les adresses de
courrier électronique et de site Web, le cas échéant) de l'organisme ou de l'autorité
désigné pour s'occuper des observations concernant la notification doivent être
indiqués si cet organisme ou cette autorité est différent de l'organisme susmentionné :
3. Notification au titre de l’article 2.9.2 [ X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ], autres:
4. Produits visés (le cas échéant, position du SH ou de la NCCD, sinon position du tarif
douanier national. Les numéros de l'ICS peuvent aussi être indiqués, le cas échéant): Bouteilles à gaz en
acier sans soudure (bouteilles en acier trempé et revenu ayant une résistance à la traction
inférieure à 1100 MPa) (ICS 23.080; SH 7311)
5. Intitulé, nombre de pages et langue(s) du texte notifié: National Standard of the P.R.C.,
Seamless Steel Gas Cylinders Part 1: Quenched and Tempered Steel Cylinders with Tensile
Strength less than 1100 MPa (Norme nationale de la Répub lique populaire de Chine.
Bouteilles à gaz en acier sans soudure – Partie 1: Bouteilles en acier trempé et revenu ayant
une résistance à la traction inférieure à 1100 MPa) – 33 pages, en chinois
6. Teneur: Spécification du type et des paramètres de structure, des ex igences techniques, des
méthodes d'essai, des règles d'inspection, du marquage, etc. pour les bouteilles à gaz en acier trempé et revenu sans soudure ayant une résistance à la traction inférieure à 1100 MPa.
7. Objectif et justification, y compris la nature des problèmes urgents, le cas échéant:
Assurer la sécurité des produits
8. Documents pertinents: -
9. Date projetée pour l'adoption:
Date projetée pour l'entrée en vigueur: 90 jours après distribution par le
Secrétariat de l'OMC
6 mois après adoption G/TBT/N/CHN/377
Page 2
10. Date limite pour la présentation des observations: 60 jours après distribution par le
Secrétariat de l'OMC
11. Entité auprès de laquelle le texte peut être obtenu: point national d'information [ X]
ou adresse, numéros de téléphone et de téléfax, et adresses de courrier électronique et
de site Web, le cas échéant, d'un autre organisme:
WTO/TBT National Notification and Enquiry Center of the People’s Republic of China
(Centre national de notification et d'info rmation OMC sur les OTC de la République
populaire de Chine) Téléphone: (+86) 10 82260618 Fax: (+86) 10 8226 2448 Courrier électronique: [email protected]
Site web: achments/2008/tbt/chn/08_1166_00_x.pdf.
github_open_source_100_1_392 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package main
import (
// Display use to output something on screen with table format.
type Display struct {
w *tabwriter.Writer
// AddRow add a row of data.
func (d *Display) AddRow(row []string) {
fmt.Fprintln(d.w, strings.Join(row, "\t"))
// Flush output all rows on screen.
func (d *Display) Flush() error {
return d.w.Flush()
// NewTableDisplay creates a display instance, and uses to format output with table.
func NewTableDisplay() *Display {
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 3, ' ', 0)
return &Display{w}
github_open_source_100_1_393 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | If li Mod 2 = 0 then 'faça o que quiser aqui
If col Mod 2 = 0 then 'faça o que quiser aqui
github_open_source_100_1_394 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | package;
import rx.Observable;
import rx.schedulers.Schedulers;
* @author kimziv ([email protected])
* 2017/2/17
public final class RxSchedulerUtils {
* 在RxJava的使用过程中我们会频繁的调用subscribeOn()和observeOn(),通过Transformer结合
* Observable.compose()我们可以复用这些代码
* @return Transformer
public static <T> Observable.Transformer<T, T> normalSchedulersTransformer() {
return observable -> observable.subscribeOn(
e3b455f4d088c84e71e42fdd4cdf5036_1 | French Open Data | Various open data | 1
Cannes – 4 octobre 2021
WIZIBOAT ( ISIN : FR00140047H7 - Mnémonique : MLWIZ ), la première application de référence d ans
la location de courte durée de bateaux partagés en libre -service, annonce avoir mis plac e un
contrat d’animation de marché avec la société C HAMPEIL à compter du 8 septembre 2021.
Ce contrat d’animation est mis en place pour favoriser la liquidité du marché et la régularité de
cotation des actions du titre de WIZIBOAT et éviter des décalages de cours non justifiés, sans
entraver le bon fonctionnement régulier du marché, et ce dans le respect des règles de marché.
Les actions de la société WIZIBOAT sont cotées sur Euronext ACCESS sous le code ISIN
FR00140047H7 et le mnémonique MLWIZ.
Plus d’informations concernant WIZIBOAT sur :
Pierre Olivier BIDAULT -SIRE
Fondateur et Directeur Général
[email protected]
ACTUS finance & communication
Relations Investisseurs
Tél : 01 53 67 36 79
[email protected]
Relations Presse
Tél : 01 53 67 36 35
[email protected]
À propos de WIZIBOAT
Avec une flotte de bateaux situés dans 22 bases partout en France, WIZIBOAT, créé en 2017 à Cannes, propose la première
offre nautique d’autopartage par abonnement . Grâce à son application innovante, WIZIBOAT est aujourd’hui pionnier dans
la location de courte durée de bateaux partagés en libre -service. En associant les concessionnaires à son modèle, WIZIBOAT
démocratise l’accès à la navigation et participe à la création de valeur pour l’ensemble de l’écosystème. En phase de
croissance active, WIZIBOAT souhaite, dans les années à venir, faire progresser sa communauté d’abonnés et dupliquer son
modèle à l’international.
github_open_source_100_1_395 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | #include "srad.h"
extern int grid_rows, grid_cols, size_I, size_R, niter;
extern int r1, r2, c1, c2;
extern float lambda;
extern int nthreads;
// iN, iS, jE, jW unused in this version
void mainComp(float J[_SIZE_I_], int iN[_ROWS_], int iS[_ROWS_],
int jE[_COLS_], int jW[_COLS_], float dN[_SIZE_I_], float dS[_SIZE_I_],
float dW[_SIZE_I_], float dE[_SIZE_I_], float c[_SIZE_I_])
float sum=0, sum2=0;
for (int i = r1; i <= r2; i++) {
for (int j = c1; j <= c2; j++) {
float tmp = J[i * grid_cols + j];
sum += tmp ;
sum2 += tmp*tmp;
float meanROI = sum / size_R;
float varROI = (sum2 / size_R) - meanROI*meanROI;
float q0sqr = varROI / (meanROI*meanROI);
//#pragma openarc opencl num_simd_work_items(SIMD)
#pragma acc kernels loop gang worker independent
for (int i = 0 ; i < grid_rows ; i++) {
#pragma acc loop gang worker independent
for (int j = 0; j < grid_cols; j++) {
int k = i * grid_cols + j;
float Jc = J[k];
// directional derivates
if( i == 0 ) {
dN[k] = J[j] - Jc;
dS[k] = J[grid_cols + j] - Jc;
} else if( i == (grid_rows-1) ) {
dN[k] = J[(i-1) * grid_cols + j] - Jc;
dS[k] = J[k] - Jc;
} else {
dN[k] = J[(i-1) * grid_cols + j] - Jc;
dS[k] = J[(i+1) * grid_cols + j] - Jc;
if( j == 0 ) {
dW[k] = J[i * grid_cols] - Jc;
dE[k] = J[i * grid_cols + 1] - Jc;
} else if( j == (grid_cols-1) ) {
dW[k] = J[i * grid_cols + (j-1)] - Jc;
dE[k] = J[k] - Jc;
} else {
dW[k] = J[i * grid_cols + (j-1)] - Jc;
dE[k] = J[i * grid_cols + (j+1)] - Jc;
float G2 = (dN[k]*dN[k] + dS[k]*dS[k]
+ dW[k]*dW[k] + dE[k]*dE[k]) / (Jc*Jc);
float L = (dN[k] + dS[k] + dW[k] + dE[k]) / Jc;
float num = (0.5F*G2) - ((1.0F/16.0F)*(L*L)) ;
float den = 1 + (.25F*L);
float qsqr = num/(den*den);
// diffusion coefficent (equ 33)
den = (qsqr-q0sqr) / (q0sqr * (1+q0sqr)) ;
c[k] = 1.0F / (1.0F+den) ;
// saturate diffusion coefficent
if (c[k] < 0) {c[k] = 0;}
else if (c[k] > 1) {c[k] = 1;}
//#pragma openarc opencl num_simd_work_items(SIMD)
#pragma acc kernels loop gang worker independent
for (int i = 0; i < grid_rows; i++) {
#pragma acc loop gang worker independent
for (int j = 0; j < grid_cols; j++) {
// current index
int k = i * grid_cols + j;
float cN, cS, cW, cE;
// diffusion coefficent
cN = c[k];
if( i == (grid_rows-1) ) {
cS = c[k];
} else {
cS = c[(i+1) * grid_cols + j];
cW = c[k];
if( j == (grid_cols-1) ) {
cE = c[k];
} else {
cE = c[i * grid_cols + j+1];
// divergence (equ 58)
float D = cN * dN[k] + cS * dS[k] + cW * dW[k] + cE * dE[k];
// image update (equ 61)
J[k] = J[k] + 0.25F*lambda*D;
github_open_source_100_1_396 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | #ifndef DO_SQLITE3_ERROR_H
static struct errcodes {
int error_no;
const char *error_name;
const char *exception;
} errors [] = {
"SQLITE_ERROR", "SyntaxError"},
"SQLITE_PERM", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_ABORT", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_BUSY", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_LOCKED", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_NOMEM", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_READONLY", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_INTERRUPT", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_IOERR", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_CORRUPT", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_FULL", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_CANTOPEN", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_EMPTY", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_SCHEMA", "DataError"},
"SQLITE_TOOBIG", "DataError"},
"SQLITE_MISMATCH", "DataError"},
"SQLITE_CONSTRAINT", "IntegrityError"},
"SQLITE_NOLFS", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_FORMAT", "SyntaxError"},
"SQLITE_RANGE", "DataError"},
"SQLITE_NOTADB", "ConnectionError"},
"SQLITE_ROW", "SyntaxError"},
#endif |
US-18658538-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Sole and method of shaping soles
Feb. 4, 1941. E. E. WINKLEY SOLE AND METHOD OF SHAPING SOLES Filed Jan. 24, 1938 3 Sheets-Sheet l Feb. 4, 1941. E. E. WINKLEY SOLE AND METHOD OF SHAPING SOLES Filed Jan. 24, 1938 3 Sheets-Sheet 2 as v //vv/vm/7 Ti 5W Feb. 4, 1941. WINKLEY 2,230367 SOLE AND METHOD OF SHAPING SOLES Filed Jan. 24, 1958 v 3 Sheets-Sheet I5 T1810 64 g 68 l es 30 Patented Feb. 4, 1941 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE SOLE AND METHOD OF SHAPING SOLES Jersey Application January 24, 1938, Serial No. 186,585 In Great Britain December 8, 1937 9 Claims.
This invention relates to soles and improvements in methods of shaping soles and is illustrated herein with reference to soles adapted for use in making shoes having close edges.
In order that in such shoes the outside margins may be made to lie close to the upper, especially in the shank, the soles, as in the case of the shoemak-ing method disclosed in United States Letters Patent No. 2,034,718, granted Mar-ch 24, 10 1936, upon an application of A. Eppler, may be provided with a central bulged portion which, upon :being depressed against the shoe bottom after the sole is permanently attached to the shoe, as by stitching for example, provides a sufficient surplus of sole material to enable the margins of the sole to be bent into close contact with .the upper and to obviate .any tendency for the sole edge to separate from the upper during the use of the shoe.
The general object of the invention is to provide improved soles adapted for use in connection with the shoemaking practice mentioned above and improved methods of making such soles.
Accordingly, .the invention in one aspect provides a method of shaping soles which consists in displacing a central or intramarginal area of a sole with respect to portions of the sole surrounding the central area toward and beyond the normal transverse curvature of the sole, the lastmentioned portions of the sole being clamped during this operation so that they are relieved of any tendency to be stretched and hence may be easily and permanently made to conform to 3 the shape of the adjacent portions of the upper by the sole leveling operation.
This method may be carried out so as to provide a bulge in the central portion of a sole at 40 any locality longitudinally of the sole as in the shank or forepart or both, but it has been found that, especially in connection With soles adapted for shoes in which the angular relation of the forepart and shank is pronounced, the surplus sole material resulting from the bulge is needed to a greater extent at the junction between the forepart and shank than elsewhere.
Accordingly, the invention contemplates in the practice of a method of the type referred to above, in which portions of the shank or forepart are operated upon in addition to an area of the sole at the junction between the shank and forepart, displacing the latter portion of the sole to a greater extent than any other part of the bulged portion of the sole in order to provide the greater surplus of sole material at the junction of the shank and forepart.
In another aspect, the invention also provides improved soles adapted for use in making shoes having close edges and characterized by a 5 bulge in excess of the normal transverse curvature of the sole formed in an intr-amarginal portion of the sole including the junction of the forepart and shank. Thus, .an excess of sole material is available at the locality where it is most needed to permit the sole margins of most shoes, and especially those having a pronounced angle between the forepart and shank, to be permanently positioned close to the adjacent .portions of the upper. However, it is to be under- 15 stood that the invention also comprehends soles in which the bulge is located in an intramarginal portion of the forepart extending, if desired, across the ball line and still other soles in which the bulged portion extends across the junction .of the shank and forepart into the shank in which latter case the heightwise or Widthwise extent of the bulged portion may advantageously be greater at the junction of the shank and forepart than elsewhere.
An improved machine and forms adapted for use in the production of soles of the type disclosed herein and operable in accordance with the above'methods are not claimed herein but are made the subject-matter of a divisional application, Serial No. 247,241, filed December 22, 1938.
These and other features of the invention will appear more fully from the following description when read in connection with the accompanying drawings and will be pointed out in the appended claims.
In the drawings,
Fig. 1 is a view in front elevation of an illustrative machine adapted to form soles of the type referred to above in accordance with the method of the present invention;
Fig. 2 is a plan view of a part of the mechanism illustrated in Fig. 1 associated with the lower form;
Fig. 3 is a sectional plan view illustrating the relation between a sole and the sole shaping instrumentalities when the latter are in their operative positions;
Fig. 4 is a sectional view, the section being 50 taken along the line IV-IV of Fig. 3;
Fig. 5 is a sectional View, the section being taken along the line VV of Fig. 3;
Fig. 6 is a. sectional view, the section being taken along the line VIVI in Fig. 3;
Fig. 7 is a side elevation of a lasted shoe partly in section illustrating the relation between one form of sole shaped in accordance with the invention and the shoe bottom prior to .the leveling operation;
Fig. 8 is a sectional view of a part of the shoe illustrated in Fig. 7 the section being taken along the line VIIIVIII in Fig. 7;
Fig. 9 is a sectional elevation illustrating the adjustment of one of the sole bulging members whereby its action may be confined to the portion of the sole at the junction of the shank and forepart;
Fig. 10 is a sectional elevation illustrating an alternative form of the mechanism illustrated in Fig. 3;
Fig. 11 is a plan view of the forepart portion of the lower form illustrated in Fig. 10;
Fig. 12 is a plan view of the part of the upper form of Fig. 10 which cooperates with the structure illustrated in Fig. 11;
Fig. 13 is a fragmentary View of the side of a shoe partly in section having French edges illustrating the relation between a sole made in accordance with the present invention and the shoe bottom before the shoe is leveled, and
Fig. 14 is a sectional view of the shoe illustrated in Fig. 13, the section being taken across the forepart after the leveling operation.
A machine of the type in which the present invention is illustrated herein as embodied is completely disclosed in United States Letters Patent No. 1,939,750, granted December 19, 1933, upon application of E. E. Winkley, to which reference may be made for a complete description of corresponding parts in the present machine referred to: below and accordingly only such parts of the machine as are necessary for an understanding of the invention will be described herein. Parts of the illustrated machine which will be readily identified in the above-mentioned Winkley patent comprise tables l0, l2 above which are mounted for movement toward and away there-from clamps l4, l6, these tables and clamps in the illustrated machine being arranged, as in the patented machine, to hold novel lower and upper forms 18 and 20, which as will be more fully described below, are adapted to grip a sole and to form or to contribute to the formation of a bulge in an intramarginal portion of the sole clamped between them. The lower form 18 has integral forepart, shank and heel part portions and is rigidly supported against the pressure of the upper form 20 by the tables l0 and 12.
A sole to be operated upon is placed grain side down on a rubber blanket 22 covering the upper surface of the form l8 with the edge of the sole in contact with gages 24, 28 and 28 (Fig. 2) which indicate the desired position of the sole both lengthwise and widthwise of the form. Atthis time, as will be understood by reference to the above-mentioned Winkley patent, the form 18 occupies a position below and in front of the form 20 for the sake of convenience to the operator in placing soles on the form [8. Upon treadling the machine, the form I8 is swung to a position directly underneath the form 20 and then the clamps l4 and I6 descend together to cause the form 20 to exert a clamping pressure against the sole. Shortly thereafter a plunger 30 having connected thereto a novel bulge forming member 32 by means of pivotal connections, similar to those to be found in the above Winkley machine, is moved downwardly through a recess 34 in the form 20 to displace the portion of the sole included within the recess into another similar recess 36 in the lower form I8, thereby forming a bulge in the sole extending from its outer or tread surface as will be more fully described hereinafter.
Since it is diflioult to obtain a close edge in a shoe, particularly at a point just behind the junction of the forepart and shank, it is desirable to form the bulge in at least the part of the sole which is opposite to the above-mentioned part of the sole edge. Because the boundary between the shank and the forepart is generally in the shape of a V the vertex of which is behind the boundary at the sole edge, the above-mentioned requirement as to the position of the bulge is satisfied by forming the bulge in the central part of the Sole somewhat behind the ball line in the vicinity of the junction of the shank and forepart. Accordingly, the recesses 34, 36 through which the bulging member 32 is moved, extend into the vicinity of the junction of the forepart and shank of a sole properly located therebetween, and the width of the recesses, which is the greatest at this point, progressively diminishes toward the middle of the shank portions of the forms. The recesses 34, 36 of the forms illustrated in Figs. 1, 2 and 3 extend rearwardly thereof to a point corresponding substantially to the heel breast line of the sole, the width of the recesses progressively increasing slightly from the middle of the shank portions of the forms rearwardly. Thus, as clearly illustrated in Fig. 2, the contour of the recesses as viewed in plan conforms generally to the contour of the sole edge, the marginal portions of the forms bordering upon the recesses providing supporting or clamping surfaces which grip opposite faces of marginal portions of the sole shank with respect to which the unsupported central portion within the recesses is displaced to form a bulge, as will presently be described. Transversely of the lower form l8 the shape of its marginal supporting surfaces varies from a relatively abrupt curvature at the rear portion of the shank, as indicated by Fig. 6, to more gradual curvatures toward its forward end, as indicated by Figs. 4 and 5.
The upper form 20 is provided with downwardly extending .lips 38 bordering upon the forward portion of the recess 34 and the lower surfaces of which are substantially complementary to the opposite surfaces of the form l8, as indicated in Fig. 4, whereby a certain preliminary bulging effect is produced in the sole in the vicinity of the junction between the forepart and shank when clamping pressure is applied to the sole. The shank portions of the forms [8, 20 are curved longitudinally, as indicated by Fig. 1, so as to impart the desired longitudinal curvature to the shank of the sole, and, owing to the jog between the shank and forepart portions of the forms, a corresponding shape is imparted to the sole which is referred to hereinafter as the break in the sole which is necessary to make it fit the shoe bottom because of the usual angle between the forepart and shank portions of the shoe bottom.
The lowermost portions of the lips 38 which first engage the sole, as well as the highest parts of the shank portion of the lower forms l8 and 44, are in each case disposed at the same level and these parts of each form also are directly opposite each other, that is, at the same distance from an end of the form. similarly, the shoulders at the junction of the shank and heel parts of the upper forms'20 and 50 extend directly, rather than obliquely, across the forms and are at the parallel lines extending transversely of the sole and except for the portion of the sole which is bulged, or partially bulged by the lips 38, the sole is bent so that all lines extending directly across it are parallel to each other during and at the end of the downward movement of the upper forms 25 and 55. Thus, any tendency of the swing of the sole to be altered, as would occur by bending it along a line extending obliquely across it, is avoided.
A sole now having been clamped between the forms I 8 and 20, the plunger 30 is lowered to cause the bulging member 32 to displace the portion of the sole within the recesses with respect to the clamped portions of the sole toward and beyond its normal transverse curvature in a finished shoe, as indicated in Figs. 7 and 8, to form a bulge extending from the outer surface of the sole. The member 32 comprises a central web 40 the width of which progressively increases from its mid portion toward its ends which are relatively bulbous, the peripheral or side and end surfaces of the member 32 being substantially parallel to the contour of the recesses 34, 36. The longitudinal curvature of the lower surface of the member 32 is concavely curved substantially parallel to the longitudinal curvature of the forms I 8, 25 except at the forward end of the member 32 where it is considerably lower than elsewhere relatively to the upper surface of the lips 38 so that the heightwise extent of the bulge in the sole is greater in the vicinity of the junction of the shank and forepart than elsewhere when the member 32 is in its normal position of adjustment, as illustrated in Fig. 3.
It will now be observed that the bulge in the sole is formed without substantially stretching or flexing the marginal portions of the shank surrounding the bulged portion whereby the former portions of the sole are left in a better condition than they otherwise would be to be bent into close contact with the shoe upper when the bulge is flattened by the leveling operation.
The desired angular relation between the bulging member 32 and the forms I8, 20 is obtained by an adjustment comprising a screw 42 the head of which is arranged to engage a shoulder 43 on the plunger 30 and which is threaded into the member 32, Thus, by turning the screw 52 in or out of the member 32 the latter may be swung with respect to the plunger 3|] into the desired angular relation to the forms.
This adjustment may be employed, as indicated in Fig. 9, to adapt the machine for forming a bulge in the sole only in the vicinity of the junction of the forepart and shank, or by changing this adjustment any variation between the conditions represented by Figs. 3 and 9 may be obtained. Fig. 9 illustrates the member 32 as having been swung toward the extremity of its possible counterclockwise movement with respect to the plunger by turning the screw 42 out of the member 32. As a result of this adjustment assuming that the machine has also been adjusted, as explained in the above-mentioned Winkley patent, to terminate the downward movement of the member 32 as soon as its rear portion reaches the sole, only the forward bulbous end of the member 32 has any appreciable effect upon the sole thereby providing a sole having a bulge which is limited substantially to the area of the vicinity of the junction of the forepart and shank.
By the use of the structure described above, a bulge may be formed in a sole only at the junction of the forepart of the shank or the bulge may, depending upon the adjustment of the bulging member 32, be made to extend from the ball line of the sole rearwardly thereof as far as may be desired toward or to the heel breast line. In some types of shoes however, such, for example, as those having French edges (Figs. 13 and 14), it may be desirable to have the bulge in the sole extend forwardly of the ball line well into the forepart. The term French edge as employed herein is intended to refer to the close joint between the upper and the sole edge of a shoe, the margin of the sole of which has been bent definitely out of the plane of the remainder of the shoe bottom so as to close the gap commonly known as the welt crease as applied to a welt shoe.
For the production of bulged soles of the type referred to above, the invention provides mechanism comprising a form 44 adapted to be supported by the tables l0 and I2 the shank and heel part of which form are substantially like the corresponding parts of the form I 8. The form 44 also has an intramarginal recess 45 in its shank portion similar to the recess 35 in the form I8. The forepart of the form 44 has a recess 48 the depth of which progressively increases rearwardly of the form and the margins of which merge with the rounded surfaces of the shank portions of the form which border upon the recess 45. As illustrated in Fig. 11 the contour of the edge of the recess 48 in plan is substantially parallel to the sole edge although exactness in this relation is not essential. An upper form 50 carried by the clamps l4 and I5 and having a shank and heel part similar to those of the form 20 is arranged to cooperate with the lower form 44 to grip the heel part of the sole and a marginal area of the sole bordering upon the recesses 45 and 48 of the form 44. After a sole has been gripped between the forms 44 and 5B the plunger 30 and bulging member 32 are lowered to form a bulge in the sole as described above and the central portion of the forepart of the sole is displaced into the recess 48 by mechanism which will now be described. This operation on the forepart of the sole is effected by a pad 52 the sole engaging surface of which is substantially complementary to the shape of the recess 43 the pad being hinged on a pin 54 to the form 55. The pad 52 is operated during the latter part of the downward movement of the plunger 30 by connections'gomprising a rod 55 pivoted at 58 to the rear end of the pad 52 and at its upper end is guided so as to have a substantially vertical movement by a strap 65 which is fixed to the upper surface of the form 50. It will now be apparent that by the use of the structure illustrated in Figs. 10, 11 and 12, a sole may be produced having a bulge confined to the forepart as a result of adjusting the screw 62 so that when the plunger 30 is at the lower extremity of its movement the pad 52 is operated to press the portion of the sole into the recess 48. In this case, it will be necessary to limit the travel of the plunger 30 (by making the adjustment referred to above) so that the bulging member 32 does not engage the sole. Similarly, as in the case of the use of the forms of the type illustrated in Fig. 3, the bulging member may be angularly adjusted with respect to the plunger 30 so as to operate in conjunction with the pad 52 only at the junction of the forepart and shank. Then too, by employing the bulging member 32 in its normal position of adjustment, such as that illustrated in Fig. in connection with the pad 52, the sole will be provided with a bulge extending from the heel breast line substantially to the toe end of the sole. A sole of the latter type is illustrated in Fig. 13 as applied to the bottom of a shoe which is to have French edges, and which as illustrated by Fig. 14, are formed by bending a narrow marginal area of the sole rather sharply with respect to the central portion of the sole into close contact with the adjacent portions of the upper. This bending of the margins of the sole is greatly facilitated by the excess of sole material which is made available when the bulged portion of the sole in the forepart is pressed into contact with the shoe bottom during the leveling operation.
Having described my invention what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent of the United States is:
1. That improvement in methods of shaping soles which consists in clamping portions of the shank and forepart of a sole surrounding a central area of the sole extending lengthwise thereof across the junction of the forepart and shank, and displacing said central area of the sole with respect to the clamped portion of the sole toward and beyond its normal transverse curvature in a finished shoe, the said central area of the sole at the junction of the forepart and shank being displaced more than the remainder of the said central area of the sole, thereby to provide a bulge extending from the outer face of the sole which is greatest at the junction of the forepart and shank.
2. That improvement in methods of shaping soles which consists in clamping the margins of the shank and portions of the fore and heel parts of a sole which surround a central area thereof extending from the shank into the forepart, and displacing the said central area of the sole to impart a transverse curvature thereto which exceeds its normal transverse curvature, the portion of the central area of the sole in the vicinity of the ball line being displaced substantially more than the remainder of the said central portion of the sole thereby to produce a bulge extending from the outer face of the sole in its unclamped central area which is greatest in the vicinity of the ball line.
3. That improvement in methods of shaping soles which consists in forming a transverse break in the sole between the forepart and shank, and displacing a central area of the sole including said break with respect to marginal areas of the sole surrounding said central area toward and beyond its normal transverse curvature in a finished shoe to form a bulge in the said central area of the sole.
4. That improvement in methods of shaping soles which consists in forming a transverse break in the sole between its forepart and shank portions, clamping portions of the shank and forepart bordering upon a central area of the sole extending lengthwise of the shank across said break into the forepart, and displacing the unclamped central area of the sole beyond its normal transverse curvature to form a bulge in the sole, the central area of the sole being displaced more in the vicinity of said break than elsewhere.
5. That improvement in methods of shaping soles which consists in clamping portions of a sole surrounding a central portion of the forepart and shank portions thereof, and displacing the said central portion of the sole toward and beyond its normal transverse curvature with respect to the clamped portions thereof, the part of the said central portion of the sole at the junction of the forepart and shank being displaced more than the remainder thereof thereby to produce a bulge extending from the outer face of the sole which is greatest at the junction of the 'forepart and shank.
6. A sole for use in the manufacture of shoes having a bulge formed in an intramarginal portion of the shank of the sole and extending a substantial distance into the forepart, the margins of the shank being concave longitudinally of the sole at one surface thereof, the bulged portion of the sole transversely thereof being convexly curved at said surface in excess of its normal transverse curvature.
'7. A sole for use in the manufacture of shoes having a bulge formed in an intramarginal portion of the sole and extending longitudinally thereof from the shank of the sole well beyond the junction of the shank and forepart, the height of the bulge being greater at the junction of the shank and forepar-t than elsewhere.
8. A sole for use in the manufacture of shoes having a bulge formed in an intramarginal portion of the shank and extending substantially from the heel breast line into the vicinity of the ball line, the width of the bulged portion of the sole progressively increasing from the central portion of the shank toward each end thereof.
9. That improvement in methods of shaping soles which consists in gripping portions of a 3019 at opposite faces thereof surrounding a central area of the sole, and displacing the said central area of the sole with respect to the gripped portions thereof toward and beyond its normal transverse curvature in a finished shoe to form a bulge in the sole extending from the outer face thereof.
github_open_source_100_1_397 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | /*=========================================================================
Program: MAF2
Module: mafDataPipeInterpolatorVTK
Authors: Marco Petrone
Copyright (c) B3C
All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef __mafVTKInterpolator_h
#define __mafVTKInterpolator_h
// Include:
#include "mafDataPipeInterpolator.h"
// forward declarations
class mafVMEItemVTK;
class vtkMAFDataPipe;
/** data interpolator specialized for mafVMEGenericVTK (for VTK data).
This interpolator is specialized for VTK datasets. By default selects the
right VMEItem, extracts the inner VTK dataset and set it as input of the
vtkMAFDataPipe .
@sa vtkMAFDataPipe mafVMEGenericVTK
class MAF_EXPORT mafDataPipeInterpolatorVTK : public mafDataPipeInterpolator
/** This DataPipe accepts only VME's with internal DataArray. */
virtual bool Accept(mafVME *vme);
Get the MTime: this is the bit of magic that makes everything work.*/
//virtual unsigned long GetMTime();
/** process events coming from vtkMAFDataPipe bridge component */
void OnEvent(mafEventBase *e);
/** Get the output of the interpolator item*/
mafVMEItemVTK *GetCurrentItem() {return (mafVMEItemVTK *)m_CurrentItem;}
/** return the VTK dataset generated as output to this data pipe */
virtual vtkDataSet *GetVTKData();
/** update the data pipe output */
virtual void Update();
/** retrieve vtk data pipe*/
vtkMAFDataPipe *GetVTKDataPipe(){return m_VTKDataPipe;};
virtual ~mafDataPipeInterpolatorVTK();
virtual void PreExecute();
virtual void Execute() {}
vtkMAFDataPipe *m_VTKDataPipe; ///< VTK pipeline bridge component
mafDataPipeInterpolatorVTK(const mafDataPipeInterpolatorVTK&); // Not implemented
void operator=(const mafDataPipeInterpolatorVTK&); // Not implemented
#endif /* __mafVTKInterpolator_h */
github_open_source_100_1_398 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | """
Tests whether the monkey patching works for all patched pandas methods
import math
from inspect import cleandoc
import networkx
import pandas
from pandas import DataFrame
from testfixtures import compare, StringComparison
from mlinspect import OperatorContext, FunctionInfo, OperatorType
from mlinspect.instrumentation import _pipeline_executor
from mlinspect.instrumentation._dag_node import DagNode, CodeReference, BasicCodeLocation, DagNodeDetails, \
from mlinspect.inspections._lineage import RowLineage, LineageId
def test_read_csv():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('', 'read_csv') works
test_code = cleandoc("""
import os
import pandas as pd
from mlinspect.utils import get_project_root
train_file = os.path.join(str(get_project_root()), "example_pipelines", "adult_complex", "adult_train.csv")
raw_data = pd.read_csv(train_file, na_values='?', index_col=0)
assert len(raw_data) == 22792
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
extracted_node: DagNode = list(inspector_result.dag.nodes)[0]
expected_node = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 6),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.DATA_SOURCE, FunctionInfo('', 'read_csv')),
['age', 'workclass', 'fnlwgt', 'education', 'education-num',
'occupation', 'relationship', 'race', 'sex', 'capital-gain', 'capital-loss',
'hours-per-week', 'native-country', 'income-per-year']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(6, 11, 6, 62),
"pd.read_csv(train_file, na_values='?', index_col=0)"))
compare(extracted_node, expected_node)
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[extracted_node]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([[46, 'Private', 128645, 'Some-college', 10, 'Divorced', 'Prof-specialty',
'Not-in-family', 'White', 'Female', 0, 0, 40, 'United-States', '<=50K',
{LineageId(0, 0)}],
[29, 'Local-gov', 115585, 'Some-college', 10, 'Never-married', 'Handlers-cleaners',
'Not-in-family', 'White', 'Male', 0, 0, 50, 'United-States', '<=50K',
{LineageId(0, 1)}]],
columns=['age', 'workclass', 'fnlwgt', 'education', 'education-num',
'marital-status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race', 'sex',
'capital-gain', 'capital-loss', 'hours-per-week', 'native-country',
'income-per-year', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_frame__init__():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame') works
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([0, 1, 2], columns=['A'])
assert len(df) == 3
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
extracted_node: DagNode = list(inspector_result.dag.nodes)[0]
expected_node = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.DATA_SOURCE, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['A']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 5, 3, 43), "pd.DataFrame([0, 1, 2], columns=['A'])"))
compare(extracted_node, expected_node)
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[extracted_node]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([[0, {LineageId(0, 0)}],
[1, {LineageId(0, 1)}]],
columns=['A', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_frame_dropna():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', 'dropna') works
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([0, 2, 4, 5, None], columns=['A'])
assert len(df) == 5
df = df.dropna()
assert len(df) == 4
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
expected_dag = networkx.DiGraph()
expected_data_source = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['A']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 5, 3, 52),
"pd.DataFrame([0, 2, 4, 5, None], columns=['A'])"))
expected_select = DagNode(1,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 5),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.SELECTION, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'dropna')),
DagNodeDetails('dropna', ['A']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(5, 5, 5, 16), 'df.dropna()'))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_data_source, expected_select)
compare(networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(inspector_result.dag), networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(expected_dag))
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_select]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([[0., {LineageId(0, 0)}],
[2., {LineageId(0, 1)}]],
columns=['A', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_frame__getitem__series():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', '__getitem__') works for a single string argument
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([0, 2, 4, 8, None], columns=['A'])
a = df['A']
pd.testing.assert_series_equal(a, pd.Series([0, 2, 4, 8, None], name='A'))
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
expected_dag = networkx.DiGraph()
expected_data_source = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['A']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 5, 3, 52),
"pd.DataFrame([0, 2, 4, 8, None], columns=['A'])"))
expected_project = DagNode(1,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 4),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', '__getitem__')),
DagNodeDetails("to ['A']", ['A']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(4, 4, 4, 11), "df['A']"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_data_source, expected_project)
compare(networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(inspector_result.dag), networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(expected_dag))
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_project]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([[0., {LineageId(0, 0)}],
[2., {LineageId(0, 1)}]],
columns=['A', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_frame__getitem__frame():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', '__getitem__') works for multiple string arguments
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[0, None, 2], [1, 2, 3], [4, None, 2], [9, 2, 3], [6, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]],
columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
df_projection = df[['A', 'C']]
df_expected = pd.DataFrame([[0, 2], [1, 3], [4, 2], [9, 3], [6, 2], [1, 3]], columns=['A', 'C'])
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_projection, df_expected)
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
expected_dag = networkx.DiGraph()
expected_data_source = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['A', 'B', 'C']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 5, 4, 28),
"pd.DataFrame([[0, None, 2], [1, 2, 3], [4, None, 2], "
"[9, 2, 3], [6, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]], \n"
" columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])"))
expected_project = DagNode(1,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 5),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', '__getitem__')),
DagNodeDetails("to ['A', 'C']", ['A', 'C']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(5, 16, 5, 30), "df[['A', 'C']]"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_data_source, expected_project)
compare(networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(inspector_result.dag), networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(expected_dag))
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_project]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([[0, 2, {LineageId(0, 0)}],
[1, 3, {LineageId(0, 1)}]],
columns=['A', 'C', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_frame__getitem__selection():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', '__getitem__') works for filtering
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 2, 4, 8, 5], 'B': [1, 5, 4, 11, None]})
df_selection = df[df['A'] > 3]
df_expected = pd.DataFrame({'A': [4, 8, 5], 'B': [4, 11, None]})
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_selection.reset_index(drop=True), df_expected.reset_index(drop=True))
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
expected_dag = networkx.DiGraph()
expected_data_source = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['A', 'B']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 5, 3, 67),
"pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 2, 4, 8, 5], 'B': [1, 5, 4, 11, None]})"))
expected_projection = DagNode(1,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 4),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', '__getitem__')),
DagNodeDetails("to ['A']", ['A']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(4, 18, 4, 25), "df['A']"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_data_source, expected_projection)
expected_selection = DagNode(2,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 4),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', '__getitem__')),
DagNodeDetails("Select by Series: df[df['A'] > 3]", ['A', 'B']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(4, 15, 4, 30), "df[df['A'] > 3]"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_data_source, expected_selection)
compare(networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(inspector_result.dag), networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(expected_dag))
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_selection]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([[4, 4., {LineageId(0, 2)}],
[8, 11., {LineageId(0, 3)}]],
columns=['A', 'B', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_frame__setitem__():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', '__setitem__') works
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
pandas_df = pd.DataFrame({'foo': ['one', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two', 'two'],
'bar': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C'],
'baz': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
'zoo': ['x', 'y', 'z', 'q', 'w', 't']})
pandas_df['baz'] = pandas_df['baz'] + 1
df_expected = pd.DataFrame({'foo': ['one', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two', 'two'],
'bar': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C'],
'baz': [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
'zoo': ['x', 'y', 'z', 'q', 'w', 't']})
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(pandas_df, df_expected)
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
expected_dag = networkx.DiGraph()
expected_data_source = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'zoo']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 12, 6, 53),
"pd.DataFrame({'foo': ['one', 'one', 'one', 'two', "
"'two', 'two'],\n"
" 'bar': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C'],\n"
" 'baz': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],\n"
" 'zoo': ['x', 'y', 'z', 'q', 'w', 't']})"))
expected_project = DagNode(1,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 7),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', '__getitem__')),
DagNodeDetails("to ['baz']", ['baz']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(7, 19, 7, 35), "pandas_df['baz']"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_data_source, expected_project)
expected_project_modify = DagNode(2,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 7),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', '__setitem__')),
DagNodeDetails("modifies ['baz']", ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'zoo']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(7, 0, 7, 39),
"pandas_df['baz'] = pandas_df['baz'] + 1"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_data_source, expected_project_modify)
compare(networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(inspector_result.dag), networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(expected_dag))
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_project_modify]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([['one', 'A', 2, 'x', {LineageId(0, 0)}],
['one', 'B', 3, 'y', {LineageId(0, 1)}]],
columns=['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'zoo', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_frame_replace():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', 'replace') works
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(['Low', 'Medium', 'Low', 'High', None], columns=['A'])
df_replace = df.replace('Medium', 'Low')
df_expected = pd.DataFrame(['Low', 'Low', 'Low', 'High', None], columns=['A'])
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_replace.reset_index(drop=True), df_expected.reset_index(drop=True))
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
expected_dag = networkx.DiGraph()
expected_data_source = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['A']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 5, 3, 72),
"pd.DataFrame(['Low', 'Medium', 'Low', 'High', None], "
expected_modify = DagNode(1,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 4),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'replace')),
DagNodeDetails("Replace 'Medium' with 'Low'", ['A']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(4, 13, 4, 40), "df.replace('Medium', 'Low')"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_data_source, expected_modify)
compare(networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(inspector_result.dag), networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(expected_dag))
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_modify]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([['Low', {LineageId(0, 0)}],
['Low', {LineageId(0, 1)}]],
columns=['A', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_frame_merge():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', 'merge') works
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
df_a = pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 2, 4, 8, 5], 'B': [1, 2, 4, 5, 7]})
df_b = pd.DataFrame({'B': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'C': [1, 5, 4, 11, None]})
df_merged = df_a.merge(df_b, on='B')
df_expected = pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 2, 4, 8], 'B': [1, 2, 4, 5], 'C': [1, 5, 11, None]})
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_merged.reset_index(drop=True), df_expected.reset_index(drop=True))
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
expected_dag = networkx.DiGraph()
expected_a = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.DATA_SOURCE, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['A', 'B']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 7, 3, 65),
"pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 2, 4, 8, 5], 'B': [1, 2, 4, 5, 7]})"))
expected_b = DagNode(1,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 4),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.DATA_SOURCE, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['B', 'C']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(4, 7, 4, 69),
"pd.DataFrame({'B': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'C': [1, 5, 4, 11, None]})"))
expected_join = DagNode(2,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 5),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.JOIN, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'merge')),
DagNodeDetails("on 'B'", ['A', 'B', 'C']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(5, 12, 5, 36), "df_a.merge(df_b, on='B')"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_a, expected_join)
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_b, expected_join)
compare(networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(inspector_result.dag), networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(expected_dag))
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_join]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([[0, 1, 1., {LineageId(0, 0), LineageId(1, 0)}],
[2, 2, 5., {LineageId(0, 1), LineageId(1, 1)}]],
columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_frame_merge_sorted():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', 'merge') works if the sort option is set to True
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
df_a = pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 2, 4, 8, 5], 'B': [7, 5, 4, 2, 1]})
df_b = pd.DataFrame({'B': [1, 4, 3, 2, 5], 'C': [1, 5, 4, 11, None]})
df_merged = df_a.merge(df_b, on='B', sort=True)
df_expected = pd.DataFrame({'A': [5, 8, 4, 2], 'B': [1, 2, 4, 5], 'C': [1, 11, 5, None]})
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_merged, df_expected)
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
expected_dag = networkx.DiGraph()
expected_a = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.DATA_SOURCE, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['A', 'B']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 7, 3, 65),
"pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 2, 4, 8, 5], 'B': [7, 5, 4, 2, 1]})"))
expected_b = DagNode(1,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 4),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.DATA_SOURCE, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['B', 'C']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(4, 7, 4, 69),
"pd.DataFrame({'B': [1, 4, 3, 2, 5], 'C': [1, 5, 4, 11, None]})"))
expected_join = DagNode(2,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 5),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.JOIN, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'merge')),
DagNodeDetails("on 'B'", ['A', 'B', 'C']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(5, 12, 5, 47), "df_a.merge(df_b, on='B', sort=True)"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_a, expected_join)
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_b, expected_join)
compare(networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(inspector_result.dag), networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(expected_dag))
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_join]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(5)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([[5, 1, 1., {LineageId(0, 4), LineageId(1, 0)}],
[8, 2, 11., {LineageId(0, 3), LineageId(1, 3)}],
[4, 4, 5., {LineageId(0, 2), LineageId(1, 1)}],
[2, 5, math.nan, {LineageId(0, 1), LineageId(1, 4)}]],
columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_groupby_agg():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.frame', 'groupby') and ('pandas.core.groupbygeneric', 'agg')
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'group': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'B'], 'value': [1, 2, 1, 3, 4]})
df_groupby_agg = df.groupby('group').agg(mean_value=('value', 'mean'))
df_expected = pd.DataFrame({'group': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'mean_value': [1, 3, 3]})
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_groupby_agg.reset_index(drop=False), df_expected.reset_index(drop=True))
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
expected_dag = networkx.DiGraph()
expected_data = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.DATA_SOURCE, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.frame', 'DataFrame')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['group', 'value']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 5, 3, 81),
"pd.DataFrame({'group': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'B'], "
"'value': [1, 2, 1, 3, 4]})"))
expected_groupby_agg = DagNode(1,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 4),
FunctionInfo('pandas.core.groupby.generic', 'agg')),
DagNodeDetails("Groupby 'group', Aggregate: '{'mean_value': ('value', 'mean')}'",
['group', 'mean_value']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(4, 17, 4, 70),
"df.groupby('group').agg(mean_value=('value', 'mean'))"))
expected_dag.add_edge(expected_data, expected_groupby_agg)
compare(networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(inspector_result.dag), networkx.to_dict_of_dicts(expected_dag))
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_groupby_agg]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([["A", 1, {LineageId(1, 0)}],
['B', 3, {LineageId(1, 1)}]],
columns=['group', 'mean_value', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
def test_series__init__():
Tests whether the monkey patching of ('pandas.core.series', 'Series') works
test_code = cleandoc("""
import pandas as pd
pd_series = pd.Series([0, 2, 4, None], name='A')
assert len(pd_series) == 4
inspector_result =, track_code_references=True,
extracted_node: DagNode = list(inspector_result.dag.nodes)[0]
expected_node = DagNode(0,
BasicCodeLocation("<string-source>", 3),
OperatorContext(OperatorType.DATA_SOURCE, FunctionInfo('pandas.core.series', 'Series')),
DagNodeDetails(None, ['A']),
OptionalCodeInfo(CodeReference(3, 12, 3, 48), "pd.Series([0, 2, 4, None], name='A')"))
compare(extracted_node, expected_node)
inspection_results_data_source = inspector_result.dag_node_to_inspection_results[expected_node]
lineage_output = inspection_results_data_source[RowLineage(2)]
expected_lineage_df = DataFrame([[0., {LineageId(0, 0)}],
[2., {LineageId(0, 1)}]],
columns=['A', 'mlinspect_lineage'])
pandas.testing.assert_frame_equal(lineage_output.reset_index(drop=True), expected_lineage_df.reset_index(drop=True))
1060665_1 | Wikipedia | CC-By-SA | Suomalainen Pursiseura eli SPS perustettiin 1913, kesäkuun 28. päivänä 1913. Seuran ensimmäinen satama oli Helsingin Nihtisaaressa. Nihtisaaresta SPS joutui muuttamaan Sompasaaren rakentamisen tieltä vuonna 1961. SPS:n muuttaessa Merisataman Sirpalesaareen käyttökelpoisia rakennuksia olivat vain telakkarata ja iso venevaja, joka tosin vapautui Helsingin satamalaitoksen hallinnasta vasta vuonna 1963, jolloin myös SPS:n seura- ja toimistorakennukset valmistuivat. Arkkitehtina toimi seuran pitkäaikainen jäsen Esko Lehesmaa. Aallonmurtaja rakennettiin Nihtisaaresta louhituista kivistä, jotka Sompasaaren alueen räjäytystöiden edetessä kuljetettiin vähitellen Sirpalesaareen. Työt saatiin valmiiksi vuonna 1967. Vuonna 2012 seuralla on vajaat 500 jäsentä.
Seuran itäisellä naapurisaarella eli Liuskasaarella toimii pursiseura Helsingfors Segelsällskap.
Menestyviä purjehtijoita
SPS oli kaupungin ensimmäinen suomenkielinen pursiseura. Vuosien mittaan Suomalaisesta Pursiseurasta muodostui harvojen, mutta hyvin menestyneiden kilpapurjehtijoiden seura. Erityisesti 1920-luku oli SPSläisten kilpapurjehtijoiden kulta-aikaa. Vuoden 1928 suurimmaksi saavutukseksi on ilman muuta luettava Bertel "Ruma" (väännös hänen ruotsinkielisestä sukunimestään) Bromanin pronssimitali jollaluokassa Amsterdamin olympialaisissa. Broman oli aiemmin ollut HSSn jäsen, mutta liittyi Suomalaiseen Pursiseuraan pian sen perustamisen jälkeen. Tavallisesti hän kilpaili kotivesillä jollaa suuremmilla veneillä. Viime aikojen SPS:n purjehtijoiden menestynein on ollut Thomas Johanson joka saavutti olympiavoitto 49er-luokassa vuonna 2000, hänen laserluokan EM:nsä vuonna 1991 ja 1992 sekä saman luokan MM vuonna 1993.
SPS:n kommodorit
Aiheesta muualla
SPSn kotisivut
Yrjö Kaukiainen - Esko Lehesmaa - Pirkko Leino-Kaukiainen: Suomalainen Pursiseura 1913-1988.
Suomalaiset pursiseurat
Helsinkiläiset urheiluseurat.
bsb00085473_222 | German-PD | Public Domain | Wenn man sage, die englische Nhederei genüge zur Beförderung der deutschen Post und Provenienzen, so sei das gerade, als wollte man die deutsche Industrie untergehen lassen, weil die englische sehr leistungsfähig sei. Ohne Subvention aber sei das Emporblühen der deutschen Nhederei nicht zu erwarten. Im Gegensatz zu den Handelsschiffen seien nur die subventionirten Dampfer an ganz bestimmte Zeiten gebunden und zur größten Pünktlichkeit verpflichtet, was bei Geldsendungen und werthvollen Waren von größter Bedeutung sei. Gerade die ungünstige Finanzlage des Augenblicks mahnte auf das dringendste, alles zu versuchen, was die Leistungsfähigkeit des Handels und der Industrie beleben könne. Man baue Canäle und Eisenbahnen, ohne zuvor deren Rentabilität auf den Pfennig zu kennen. Man spreche immer davon, das Gefühl der Verbindung der im Ausland lebenden Deutschen mit Deutschland müsse gewahrt werden, das werde aber durch das Erscheinen deutscher Dampfer geweckt und erweckt. Dieses Gefühl stärke auch das Selbstbewußtsein der Nation im Auslande und vermehre die Handelsverbindungen mit Deutschland. Redner empfiehlt die Verweisung an eine Commission von 21 Mitgliedern. (Fürst Bismarck tritt ein.) Graf Behr spricht für die Vorlage, die eine nationale Notwendigkeit sei. Bedauerlich sei, dass auch jetzt noch die Linke ihr entgegenstehe. Bamberger hält die Vorlage einstweilen noch nicht für annehmbar, will sie aber sorgfältig prüfen und sich den sachlichen Gründen für die Annahme nicht verschließen. Die Hauptfrage sei, ob die Ausgabe produktiv sei oder nicht. Ein bloßes Schaugericht von einer Schifffahrt bringe nicht einmal Ruhm für die Nation. Er sei kein grundsätzlicher Gegner der Dampfersubvention, nur müsse nachgewiesen sein, dass die Subvention Vorteil hat und nützlich sei. Diesen Beweis halte er nicht für erbracht. Die deutsche Nhederei habe noch vor kurzem Subventionen abgelehnt. Bamberger erwartet von der Vermehrung der Circulationsgelegenheiten keine nennenswerthe Vermehrung unserer Production und unseres Exports in einer Zeit der überall wahrnehmbaren Überproduction im Handelsstande. Es sei nicht unbedenklich, die Unternehmungslust des Handels durch Subventionen noch anzuregen. Fürst Bismarck erklärt, er könne anderer Geschäfte wegen, die ihn abrufen, nicht in die Details der Vorlage eingehen. Es sei jedoch doch wahrscheinlich, dass die Stimmung des Reichstags heute der Vorlage günstiger sein werde, als seinerzeit betreffs der Samoa-Vorlage. Nach deren Ablehnung hieß es für die Regierung: „Wenig, zufrieden, heute aber halt sie den Zeitpunkt für gekommen, den Reichstag vor eine ähnliche Frage zu stellen. Was heute gegen die Prosperität der Dampferlinie gesagt werde, habe man seinerzeit auch gegen alle neuen Eisenbahnen angeführt. Fürst Bismarck fährt fort: Es handle sich hier geradeso darum, die Stellung Deutschlands im Auslande gelten zu machen, wie etwa bei der Subvention für die Gotthardbahn, die auch dem deutschen Handel neue, bequemere und schneller zugängliche Absatzgebiete erschlossen. Wenn der Mr. Bamberger von militärischen Rücksichten gelegentlich des Gotthardunternehmens gesprochen hat, so ist das irrtümlich. Bei dem Gotthardunternehmen haben uns allein handelspolitische Rücksichten geleitet. Gegen den ungebührlichen Ausdruck „Deficit" muß ich Protestieren; unser Reichshaushaltung hat kein Deficit. Die Mindereinnahmen sind die Folge der Opposition gegen unsere Finanzpolitik. Zweifellos ist doch, dass das Wachsen des Privatvermögens, des Handels und der Schifffahrt sehr bedeutend ist. Überall sehen Sie steigenden Export, steigenden Verbrauch und steigenden Luxus. Die Obstructionspolitik, die der Opposition entgegensteht, veranlasst Steuerausfälle, nicht die Finanzpolitik. Besteht diese Obstructionspolitik fort, so ist es doch fraglich, ob das Wohl des Landes dies ertragen kann. Jedenfalls werden die Wähler nicht lange im Zweifel sein, wer Schuld an den Missständen im Lande trägt. Gerlich befürwortet die Vorlage unter Berufung auf die Erfahrungen, die in Amerika mit der Subventionierung der Linien nach China gemacht wurden. In drei Jahren hat sich der Export verdoppelt. Richter verteidigt Bambergers Standpunkt. Nach kurzen Bemerkungen von Woermann und Bamberger wird die Vorlage an eine Commission von 21 Mitgliedern verwiesen. In die Reichsschuldskommission wurden Hammacher, Kochan, Busse, Letocha, Bunsen und Meyer (Halle) gewählt. Nächste Sitzung Mittwoch (Anträge Windthorst, Munckel und Reichensperger). Berlin, 1. Dec. In der heutigen Sitzung der Congo-Conferenz wurde das kroset civickowratian, betreffend das Congo-Becken und die Handelsfreiheit in demselben, nach Genehmigung der letzten von der Commission vorgeschlagenen unwesentlichen Änderung definitiv angenommen. Darauf schritt die Conferenz zur Berathung des zweiten Punktes des Conferenz-Programms betreffend die freie Schifffahrt auf dem Congo und dem Niger. Die Conferenz übertrug die Vorberathung einer Commission, welche aus denselben Staaten wie die bisherige besteht. Die Commission wird zuerst die freie Schifffahrt auf dem Congo und alsdann diejenige auf dem Niger gesondert, sodann die Frage der freien Schifffahrt auf beiden Flüssen zusammen beraten. Bern, 1. Dez. Der Nationalrat wurde durch den Alterspräsidenten Vonmatt eröffnet. Der Ständerat wählte zum Präsidenten Wirz (ultramontan), zum Vicepräsidenten Zweifel (Centrum), zu Stimmenzählern Hohl (liberal) und Chappaz (ultramontan). Wien, 1. Dec. Die „Neue Freie Presse" meldet: Eine Note der ungarischen Regierung an das Ministerium des Äusseren ersucht um diplomatische Intervention gegen die beabsichtigte Erhöhung der französischen Vieh- und Getreidezölle. Eine Erklärung der österreichischen Regierung stimmte diesem Verlangen zu, weswegen auf Grund übereinstimmenden Verlangens der österreichischen Botschafter in Paris, Graf Hoyos, instruiert wurde, Vorstellungen bei der französischen Regierung gegen die projectierte Änderung des französischen Zolltarifs zu erheben. London, 1. Dec. Unterhaus. Ashley erklärte auf eine Anfrage, dass das deutsche Protectorat über Angra Pequena erstrecke sich von Angra Pequena bis zum 13. Grad südlicher Breite, in einer Entfernung von 50 geographischen Meilen. Die Niederlassung umfasse 1600 Quadratmeilen. Die Entfernung der deutschen Niederlassung von Äetschuanaland betrage 500 Meilen. Zu den von der Kap-Kolonie 1867 angesetzten Inseln betreffe, so habe die deutsche Regierung erklärt, dass eine gemischte Kommission die respective Rechte der englischen und der deutschen Unterthanen auf dem Festlande untersuchen solle. Hierauf wurde die Bill über die Neueintheilung der Wahlbezirke in erster Lesung angenommen. Die Bill vermindert die Zahl der Mitglieder des Unterhauses um 12. Irland und Wales behalten ihre jetzige Vertretung. Die zweite Lesung ist auf Donnerstag anberaumt. Paris, 1. Dec. Die Kammer setzte heute die Berathung des Senatswahlgesetzes fort und lehnte nach einer Rede des Ministers des Innern das Amendement Achard auf Beseitigung der lebenslänglichen Senatoren mit 234 Stimmen ab. Die am Sonntag beschlossene Inbetrachtziehung dieses Amendements hatte die Befürchtung des schließlichen Scheiterns der Reformvorlage verursacht. — Der Senat wählte heute seine Commission zur Berathung der Toungking-Vorlage. Alle Mitglieder sind für die Credits und verlangen eine energische, entscheidende Aktion. Admiral Jaurés wurde zum Vorsitzenden der Commission gewählt. Berlin, 1. Dec. In den Bundesratssausschüssen wurde das Postsparcassengesetz nach den Vorschlägen Württembergs gegen die Stimmen Sachsens und Mecklenburgs angenommen. Bei der Gesamtabstimmung enthielten sich Bayern und Württemberg der Stimmabgabe. Ebenso nahmen die Ausschüsse die Ausdehnung des Krankenversicherungs- und des Unfallgesetzes auf das Transportgewerbe, mit zahlreichen Abänderungen, an. — Anfangs Januar wird die Einberufung des Staatsrats, jedoch wahrscheinlich nur der Abteilung für innere Verwaltung, behufs Vorberatung der Entwürfe für den preußischen Landtag erwartet. Die Arbeiten des Landtags werden sich auf den Etat und unabwendbar notwendige Vorlagen beschränken. Paris, 1. Dec. Die in einigen hiesigen Blättern seit mehreren Tagen verbreiteten Gerüchte vom bevorstehenden Rücktritt des Cabinets Canovas und seiner Ersetzung durch ein dynastisch gesinntes liberales Ministerium Serrano-Sagasta gelten in unterrichteten Kreisen als völlig unbegründet. Auch die Bedeutung, welche den Studenten-Unruhen und der dadurch erzeugten angeblichen allgemeinen Aufregung in Spanien beigelegt wird, einer starken Übertreibung. Alle jene Nachrichten erscheinen als einfache Parteimanöver. Hamburg, 1. Dec. Ein eingetroffen. Schiffsnachrichte. Der Dampfer „Meravia" ist gestern Abend auf den von OK... krat L OL Nsv-Volk, reivstes, zerklüßtes, bestes Petroleum — böhmisches Dieselöl — gilt solist sieh für 8 se Lexplosivstoffe — In jeder Kampf ruht brennen. — Vergleichen Sie unsere Analysen mit gewöhnlichen Petroleum, kaiseröl etc. etc., sowie wissen selbst, die Merkmale von Prot. Dr. Lücker sind polytechnisch in Karlsruhe, und, W klimatische Nr. U, Zugriff auf großartige Erfindungen. s8012-53j (feel-good-Stil.) Für Verlust. Kgl. bav. Hüttenwerk, vorm. Cortz-Ostvillers. !- KMA8P pfleZÄNkko. MENNA vi6^6I1LK6I1 Z68it26I' VOM „WMMÄBMGÄSM ÜM NGWt8GLGWß ^L'MMSI°SL'DMMSLML 1» G-OMZL", weloliv iIiL'6 ^kanälri'leke LLLlitE Loonverliron wollen, wenigstens nivlit in äer ^etst von Oireetion nnF ^nl'sielltsi'atli vorgeselüllgenen ^Weise, wollen Line /^lr-esse unter Hn-ß ^abe der stüelrLnlrläe in VnterLeielineten Znr energiselrsten Vertretung stmkgeden! Losten erwuelisen daäureli nielit. NGL°MM HU., M. ^GLOMAöLM, LunlL-txeseliükt, im December 1884. pruurösisede - Strasse 49, Lebe Ser priedrieli-Strasse ^izggj—51 , _lim kaber-Hsuss). Mehrere und versendet prompt unter Garantie der ersten Qualitäten: Russ. Weißmaltei-Talstraum Perl-Ostrov, groß und schwer, nicht gefallen, in eleganter Verpackung von 1/-2-2½ Liter, in. Holz-Ostrov in schleicher Verpackung, Kristallwasser, Kanäle, Gefälligkeiten, teilstücke in Fässern von 4—100 Liter, lebender Humus, trockener und geschäumter Weizen, Winter-Weißmehl, promassees Erdnisse, promassees Se Korn, Kammwurz, Kuhdär, Lamm, Koksleber und Straßburger Schmalzkäse, Linzen Parmesan-, kommenteiert, Victoria-, Obester- und Kipferländer, Wursttaben, Lockenster, Datteln und Beeren-Hülsenfrüchte, feste. Löcher, Löschstörer, Datteln und Iris ebenso. Stärke-Sarcs, trinkbar paarig gespritzt, scharfe persische Datteln, Sultaninen, Lakritz, Prinzessin-Mandel, Lakritzen, Kristallschwanze in Vi, ½ und ¼ Kistchen, nur Linzen Marken, Jovornessor Orangeat und Zitronat, alle Lorten kandirt und kristallisiert, belegt in kleinen Zigarrenkisten, Glas- und Porzellan, stimmtlich Kompottfrüchte, sowie in Zucker eingemachte Ananas, Erdbeeren und andere Obst in ½ und 1½ Dosen, Hamburger Kavallerie, eckige Laugen Brikken mit und ohne Rühren, kleine Bisküchten, Westfälische Brikken, Käsesocken, Hundenspeck von 8—12 Pfund, Prager und kleine kräftige Brikken, kleine Wurstwaren, als: Straßburger Gänsefleisch, Rindsfleisch, Schweinsleber und Kötser Zerlegezwürste, frankfurter Bratwürste, pulverisiertes Korn-Linusfleisch und Kuhlen, sämtliche englische und französische Kekse, 30 Sorten englische Saucen, alle konservierten französischen Gemüse, englische Marmeladen von Grosse und Blackwell, 50 Sorten englischer Kuchen von Huntley und Palmer; Koffer norwegischer Sektkörnern, Kellekörnern, Sekneptern, Lecassinen, Zucker, Zitronen, Korn, Kuchen und Zitronenküchen, Zitronenküchen, Zucker, Zucker, leichte Würstchen und Milchprodukte: viele Madeira, alter Gold-Sekret, alter, Portwein, Malaga und Marsala, Soja und ebenso, Latvias-Brandy, Samtca-Rum, Genever Lv punsch. Vier Flaschen mit 1.70, 1 ½ Pint, 3.20, anderer Chartrissen, Lenedietiner, Lederbrand, Maraschino, Haschisch, Birschen, Pflaumen, Vitaminte, Pommes, Datteln, Putten, Gans, Wildente, Wale, und viele weitere. Sowie alle sonstigen Delikatessen in jeder beliebigen Verpackung. Eintrüg erbeten. Preise billig. Volloutossour und Zeetisoli Getränge. NLLsistrLLg 7, kloblöilÜ6xlLt2 1. Veinstö Delleatessen-Oolleetionen werden in /eder wünsekenswertben Weise in Iriibscben Körben mit/ ieiner Oarnirnng verpackt und ru Vorrngspreisen beieeknet. (11066) OLtK SMMsr'S iÄNstrirZ§ Meihrmchts-UeZNIkbLteN liegen in allen Buchhandlungen zur Ansicht aus. E- Verzeichnisse empfehlenswerter Geschenkwcrke snr jung und alt gratis und portafrei, m Aus Orten, in denen Buchhandlungen nicht bestehen, wende man sich an die Verlagsbuchhandlung von Otto Spanier in Leipzig — in Berlin 8>V. f11703j MagdsduNgee AlZgerrteLne NerftcherNNSS-ArLien- G§ sell schasi. Doll eingezahltes Grundkapital. 3,000,000 M. Gesainmte Reserven Ende 1883 ...... 6,461,000 „ Gesammte Prämien- und Zins-Einnahme im Jahre 1883 .. . 4,155,000 „ Die Gesellschaft schließt Lebens-, Aussteuer-, Reuten-, Invalidität«-, Unfall- und Tranöport-Versichcruttae» unter äußerst liberalen Bedingungen. Bei verschiedenen Arten der Lebensversicherung hört mit Eintritt dauernderErwerbSnttfähigkeit(Juvalidität) die Verpflichtung zu ipeiterer Prämienzahlung auf. Die hiefür zu entrichtende Mehrprüime lst sehr genngsitgig. Besonderen Borcheil gewährt die Lebensversicherung „lit Gewuinantheil nach dem System der allmählich steigenden Dividenden« Vertretung in allen größeren Ortschaften, säst überall vereinigt mit der Ver tretung der Magdeburger Feuerversichmmgs-Gesellschast und der Magdeburger Hagel- versichcrungs-Gesellschaft. j4—lüj Qllsin. Vonfoi-t. ^poik,. ,(^«01.01, 6ot!,s. Vorzüglichstes Laxatif gegen Aerstovsimg und alle durch dieselben entsteliLirden Leiden (Hänlvrrhoiden, Miqräne, Conqestionen rc.) llebercnrs aristencymer Gesäimack er frischende und belebende Wirkung auf das BerdauunflSsysteur. Verdauung uiw Appetit nicht storerld, verlräcitich für den schwächslcn Magen. l'iW s 8äi»c!llel 80 ??. — in LÜen LpoiLäM. krikkmsrksn Mr ! W Llle-aranlirt-cki. > ««« alle rvrsekisden. r- »- Kanada, Osp, Indien, kibile, 1»va, liieunsckiv., Lustral., S-rdiu., llumiir,.. Lpa»., Viet., ete. tisios) «. Wi-rill« in Lamburx. Weihnachtsgabe I Gcliild-te. s Neu. 1. Jahrg. i 224 Seiten, eleg. geb. Preis 2,40 M. - , (Verlag von N.Haack,Berlin.) In allen Wuchhandlgn. vorräthig. ^ ^uiirbuoll ^ ^(l.Wiebtixstou f L^iuWissousvIutll, Kunst eto. ^2^ Inh.: »'dalendarlum. ^SLculartal. Naturwiis. ^ Geogr. Entdeck. Gcsuno- «Ä //heltSpfl. Hand. Techn.Fort- ^schr. Kunst. Nckr. Geneat.Be- hörd.Ger. Regier. Kriegshecre. Banken. Wissenschaft. Eisenbahn. Telefon. Städte. Universitäten. Höhe. Fachschulen. Professoren. Berg- und Hüttenw. Wirtschafts-Genossenschaft. Gewerbe. (115741) Nr. 85. LaSAlOUx -WZ MlinL äeu 23. Februar 1894 der 15200 Kilometer, 161500 Meter. Hauptinker: 50,000, 10,000, 5000 Meter Markt vlo.j nur bag.r 6sld okne Lbrug. In)08S g. 3 Mark s11833j l bei allen bekannten Verkaufsstellen u. s ^11». ir«v8l,6en.-^.F., Universitäten. ständen, selbst in den hartnäckigsten Fällen gründlich und schnell; wohnhaft seit vielen Jahren nur Leipzigstraße 91. Sprech- stunden von 10-2 L., 4—6 N. s6798j Discreet. Anfang in einer ärztlich empfohlenen, alt bewährten Pflege-Entbindung-Anstalt mit ausgezeichneter Pflege und mäßigen Preisen. Adresse: Frau K. Bauer, Karpfengasse 6, Heidelberg. _sions/271 Gicht heilt, auch die schwersten Formen mit Bädern aus einer subalpinen Pflanze rasch und sicher. W. Bayer, Apoth., Kaupenheim, Württemberg. stEL-Mg Liquorselliger Disens in Reformschulen v. Iki III. an. pianus.-pak. L.. Chloroform u. Löunalin, etc. Erstratenstrasse 28. M, Das sind die Wochen, in welchen sich an heißen Tagen die Wetterwolken um die Felsenriffe des Pilatus sammeln. Seine Bewohner wissen von den erlebten Schrecknissen zu erzählen, wenn die Hochgewitter mitunter zu ihren Füßen toben, Während über ihren Häuptern die Sonne ruhig im blauen Aether strahlt. Unten aber kriechen die Nebel über den See und die Erde dampft im schwülen Gewitterregen. Um Mitte Juli beginnt eine wahre Völkerwanderung an den Geständen des Vierwaldstättersee's. Namentlich gegenwärtig, wo der Neubau der Neuheit, welchen die Gotthardbahn ausübt, die Zahl der Besucher noch erheblich steigert. Es ist stellenweise ein wirklicher Kampf um's Dasein, welchen die Reisenden fahren. Sie machen einander den Ozongehalt in der Luft und die guten Bissen an der Tafel streitig und befinden sich zum Theil in unleidlich gereizter Stimmung. In diesen Wochen ist derjenige glücklich zu Preisen, der als ruhiger Beobachter einen gesicherten Nahrungsstand insofern besitzt, als er unbestritten des Nachts über seine Stahlfedermatrase und bei Tag über seinem abonnirten Tischplatz verfügt. Für ihn gestaltet sich der vorüberfließende Menschenstrom zum bunten Kaleidoskop, dessen schillernde, stündlich wechselnde Prismen mancherlei Anregung bieten. Und dem Genügsamen sind ja schließlich die sonnigen Augen einer einzigen schönen Frau lieber als die Glatzköpfe von zehn ehrwürdigen Säulen der Gesellschaft. An den Seeufern und mehr noch auf den umliegenden Höhen gibt es zahlreiche Punkte, an welchen sich Natur und Menschen mit ruhigem Behagen genießen lassen — die verschiedenen Niederlassungen Axenstein, Seelisberg, Schönegg und andere. Schönegg freilich ist den Wassergottheiten geweiht, in deren Bereich die Gefühle des Menschen bekanntlich nicht recht gedeihen wollen, weil der kalte hydrotherapeutische Strahl jede lyrische Stimmung unerbittlich zerstreut. Auf diesen Mittelgebirgen weilt es sich am schönsten, wenn in sonniger Morgenstille der Wind durch die hellen Buchenwipfel rauscht und aus der Ferne die Glocken über dem stahlblauen See herüberklingen. Eines schönen Tages aber krachten die Vetterli-Gewehre durch das sonst so idyllische Hochthal, welches sich oberhalb Schönegg nach Seelisberg hinüberzieht. Schon längere Zeit vorher war unter den Curgästen die Rede von einem zu erwartenden Schützenfest gegangen, und die Damen fragten, ob es denn wahr sei, dass der Stier von Uri bald kommen werde. Und er kam wirklich, leider nur im Bilde, abgemalt auf einer wunderschönen Fahne. Mit den Landesschützen aber strömten die Fremden in helle Haufen herbei und trieben mancherlei Possen und Kurzweil. Man wurde nicht satt, die ausgestellten Ehrengaben zu bewundern. Namentlich erregte ein darunter befindliches Fass Kalk die allgemeinsten Aufmerksamkeit. Wenn aber die Schützen in den Schießständen sich müde geschossen hatten, knüpften sie die grünen Schützen-schürzchen von den Lenden und huben ein scharfes Zechen an, untermischt mit patriotischen Reden und Gesängen. Einer der Festredner verstieg sich zur grandiosen Hyperbel, dass in der Schweiz ein jeder König sei. So befanden wir uns denn unter einer Versammlung von Königen. Es waren königliche Mädchen, diese aschblonden Unterwaldnerinnen, welche uns den funkelnden Italiener kredenzten. Und die Curgäste tanzten mit den königlichen Jungfrauen und tranken den purpurnen Wein und vergaßen bekümmert sein Sitzbad und feuchtwarme Wickel. Nicht ohne Reiz war es, als uns am Abend des dritten Festtages einer der Festordner versicherte, er sei Friedensrichter und werde morgen früh über seine Mitbürger zu Gericht sitzen. Noch schwankte der Wackere nicht, und es war anzunehmen, dass es ihm des anderen Tages an salomonischer Weisheit nicht gebrechen werde. Solche Episoden sind farbige Blätter im Kranz der Erinnerung. Noch farbiger sind die bunten Wirklichkeiten der Natur in ihrer verschwenderischen Schönheit. Überall Leuchtkraft und spielende Lichter, überall der Pulsschlag treibender Kräfte und die Flutwellen warmen Lebens. So webt der Sommer seine klingenden Fäden über die gestimmte Creatur. Der Zauber, welcher durch die leuchtenden Tage klingt, bleibt auch in der kurzen Sommernacht wach und lebendig. In helleren Tönen als sonst rauscht das Nachtlied über die schlafende Welt und selbst durch ihr Träumen fließt der Strom des vollentwickelten Lebens noch heiß und gewaltig. In diesen Sommernächten blühen nach dem Volksglauben die Erzen und werden die Geister lebendig. Stärker als bei Tag duften die Rosen im schwülen Dunkel. Die Lindenblüten hauchen ihren berauschenden Wohlgeruch durch die Nacht. Tief unten im Rohr schreien die Wasservögel, während über den nächtlichen Himmel eine ungewisse Helle sprüht, wie der Abglanz fernen Wetterleuchtens. Auf den jenseitigen Berghalden schimmern die Lichter aus den Wohnstätten des Rigi. Auch im Gebüsch neben mir glimmen Glühlichter: schwärmende Johannis-Käfer. Ihr grünlich goldener Glanz weckt in meiner Seele die Erinnerung an eine ambrosische Nacht. Neueste Posten. L. Berlin, 22. Dec. Angesichts der Weihnachtsfeiertage steht die „Westafrikanische Conferenz" nach fünfwöchigem Zusammensein vor einer Pause in ihren Berathungen. Allerdings hat die Conferenz seit Mitte November den hauptsächlichsten Theil ihrer Aufgabe, die beiden ersten ihrer Programmvorschläge, vollendet, doch hat sie noch zwei Fragen bei Wiederaufnahme ihrer Berathungen zu erledigen, nämlich: die von den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika vorgelegte Stellung des Congo-Gebiets unter die Neutralität seitens der Mächte und die Festsetzung der Bedingungen, unter denen künftig afrikanisches Gebiet erworben werden darf. Wie jetzt aus französischen Quellen verlautet, ist vor dem Zusammentritt der Conferenz auch über die Formalitäten dieser Frage zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich eine Vereinbarung erzielt worden, und man erwartet auf Grund dessen französischerseits, daß Deutschland der Conferenz einen darauf bezüglichen Vorschlag unterbreiten werde. Sollten sich diese Ansagen bestätigen — und vorläufig ist an ihrer Richtigkeit nicht zu zweifeln — so würde dies die Lösung dieser schwierigen Frage wohl wesentlich erleichtern. Bisher bestand die Befürchtung, dass die Konferenz sich mit der Aufstellung dieser Bedingungen lange mühen müssen, und dass es doch schließlich zur Annahme von Abmachungen gelangen würde, die in ihrer voraussichtlich weiten Fassung nur geringen praktischen Wert haben könnten. Haben sich aber Deutschland und Frankreich schon vorher über gewisse grundlegende Punkte verständigt, so gewinnt die Frage einen bestimmten Halt, die Beratungen können sich nicht allzu sehr ausbreiten, und die Gefahr einer Verflachung dieser Frage vermindert sich bedeutend. — Vor wenigen Wochen ging durch viele deutsche Blätter die Meldung: den Bundesregierungen wäre seitens des Reichsamtes des Inneren ein Entwurf über die Regelung des Versicherungswesens von Reichswegen zugegangen, um sich darüber zu äußern. Auf Grund eingehender Erkundigungen kann diese Mitteilung als vollständig aus der Luft gegriffen bezeichnet werden. Den Bundesstaaten ist nichts derartiges zugangen und wird voraussichtlich auch darüber nichts zugehen. Bekanntlich wurden vor mehreren Jahren schon Anfragen über das Versicherungswesen in den Einzelstaaten an die Landesregierungen gerichtet, dieselben sind damals beantwortet worden, und seitdem ist von der Centralstelle aus nach außen nichts geschehen; auch gehört, dem Vernehmen nach, die Regelung des Versicherungswesens nicht zu den Gegenständen, deren Erledigung bald zu erwarten wäre. Es ist nicht zu bezweifeln, dass die betreffende Mitteilung den Wünschen der Interessentenkreise Ausdruck gibt, die es verstehen, durch ihnen zugängliche Kanäle ihre Absichten und Hoffnungen in die Zeitungen zu bringen und hinsichtlich der Versicherungsfrage eine gewisse Unruhe zu erhalten. Stuttgart, 22. Dec. Nach viertägiger Debatte hat die zweite Kammer heute abgelehnt, in die Berathung der beiden Kirchengesetzentwürfe, betreffend die Kirchengemeinde- und Synodalordnung für die evangelische Landeskirche und betreffend die Vertretung der katholischen Pfarrgemeinden und die Verwaltung ihrer Vermögensangelegenheiten, einzutreten. Dagegen wurde ein Antrag des Kanzlers V. Nümelin und Genossen, nach welchem die kgl. Regierung erstickt wird, neue Gesetzentwürfe einzubringen, wobei von dem ersteren Entwürfe die Synodalordnung losgeschaltet werden und die ganze Frage der Regelung der Ortskirchenvermögensverwaltung im Sinne einer Übertragung derselben an die Organe der Ortskirchengemeinde facultativ sein soll, mit 48 gegen 19 Stimmen angenommen. Die Hauptangriffe der Kammer richteten sich gegen die Synodalordnung, durch welche der Geist strammer evangelischer Kirchenzucht weht. Der zweite Entwurf, der sich lediglich mit der Ausscheidung des katholischen Ortskirchenvermögens aus der Verwaltung der kommunalen Behörden beschäftigt, hatte keine Widersacher; da aber die Abänderung der einschlägigen Bestimmungen nicht für eine Kirche allein erfolgen konnte, mußte er mit dem evangelischen Entwurf fallen. Die 21 katholischen Kammermitglieder enthielten sich der Abstimmung. — Die hiesige nationalliberale Partei hat ebenfalls eine Adresse an den Reichskanzler erlassen. "Z Paris, 22. Dec. Die meisten Blätter geben die gestrige Sensationsnachricht des "Figaro" von dem bevorstehenden Besuch des Fürsten Bismarck in Paris ohne Kommentar wieder. Dagegen widmet ihr der "Gaulois" einen ausführlichen Artikel, dem wir folgende Stellen entnehmen: "Was für ein Neujahrsgeschenk wird er uns bringen? Das weiß man noch nicht, aber es ist vielleicht unschwer vorauszusehen. Jedenfalls, und welches auch die Ergebnisse dieser Reise sein mögen, darf der Reichskanzler überzeugt sein, dass er bei uns eine edle Aufnahme finden wird. Glücklicherweise gehören nicht alle Patrioten der Patriotenliga an und hat man in Frankreich noch einige Höflichkeit bewahrt. Wenn wir uns mit den Waffen in der Hand geschlagen haben, wenn Hr. v. Bismarck als Sieger in Paris eingezogen ist, so ist das noch kein Grund, dem Feinde, welcher die Waffen niedergelegt hat, die gebührende Gastfreundschaft zu verweigern. Man kann sich erinnern und zugleich die Höflichkeit wahren. Der Patriotismus — ich meine den wahren — brüllt nicht; er setzt seine Würde in etwas anderes als in Schmähungen. Gestern besiegt, können wir morgen Sieger sein — und wir werden es sein. Es ist nicht gesagt, dass der Rhein ewig deutsch bleiben muss. Wir haben ihn schon mit fliegenden Fahnen durchschritten und werden das später wieder tun." Ich bin immer der Ansicht gewesen, man werde selbst nicht groß, indem man die Anderen verkleinert. Der Haß verliert durch die Blindheit an Kraft. Was hat man nicht alles den Deutschen nachgesagt? Welch schändliche Plündereien, welche tödliche Grausamkeiten hat man sie nicht gezeitigt? Von den gestohlenen Stutzuhren bis zu der müßigen Metzelei von Greisen und Jungfrauen hat man ihnen alles aufgebürdet, und die mit trügerischer Literatur und schluchzender Poesie geschmückten Legenden haben in die Klauen des schwarzen Adlers den Diebsdietrich und das Mordmesser gelegt. Als ob es nicht schon genug wäre, dass er Wittwen gemacht hat, die unaufhörlich weinen, und in die Herzen der Mütter ewige Trauer gesenkt hat. Vielleicht wäre es gut, mit dieser Legende, dem Volksgötzen, den die menschliche Dummheit erfunden hat, aufzuräumen, und vielleicht wäre es besser, zu gestehen, dass Deutschland sich tapfer geschlagen hat. Deutschland ist eine rechtschaffene Nation, die heute noch mit französischen Überlieferungen genährt ist.... Weißt du auch, welch ritterlichem Sinn wir der Erhaltung von Belfort verdanken? Belfort hatte sich heldenmütig verteidigt. Die preußischen Kugeln waren nicht im Stande gewesen, die wackere Festung zu erschüttern. Während die übrigen befestigten Plätze durch den Hunger zur Übergabe gezwungen, durch die Kanonen zerschossen wurden und einer nach dem anderen fielen, leistete Belfort Widerstand und lachte über die Bemühungen des Angreifers. Der Deutsche Kaiser wollte nicht durch einen Vertrag in den Besitz einer Stadt gelangen, deren er sich durch Waffengewalt nicht hatte bemächtigen können, und indem er Frankreich Belfort ließ, wollte er gleichzeitig seinem Heere ein Beispiel geben und dem Feinde Anerkennung zollen. Warum also alles speien, und welchen Gewinn hätten wir davon? ... Herr v. Bismarck ist gewiss der geistreichste Mann Deutschlands. Er ist ein Pariser, der sich in die Uniform eines Weißen Kürassiers verirrt hat, er macht Bonmots, um welche ihn unsere beliebteste Chronisten und Vaudevilleisten beneiden könnten. Es genügt, seine gesammelten Reden, die in französischer Sprache erschienen sind, zu durchblättern, um zu sehen, welche ausgezeichnete kleine Journalist aus Herrn v. Bismarck hätte werden können. Vielleicht ist er eifersüchtiger auf seine journalistische Begabung, als auf sein staatliches Genie.... Auch muß man zugeben, dass Paris in seiner größten Erbitterung gegen Deutschland Herrn v. Bismarck niemals verabscheut hat. Fühlte es vielfach Ehrfurcht vor dieser Kraft und diesem Freimuth? Während des Krieges, in demselben Augenblick, da es so grausame Lieder auf unsere Generale machte, war es für Bismarck noch beinahe liebenswürdig. "Ls-tu vu Liomarok In Ports à Eliutton, Qui monte en Knicks Que veux-tu dilution?" Man hörte diesen Gassenhauer allabendlich, wenn die müden Soldaten nach Paris zurückkamen und in der Ferne der Zapfenstreich tönte. Ist es nicht sonderbar, daß dieser Mann, welcher unser größter Feind war, keinen Haß erregt und in diesem von ihm verstümmelten Frankreich beinahe populär ist? Berlin. SHILLING. 14. Nov. 15. Nov. 4vg Neue Bayern .... 40/g Preuß. Mark-Consol 4g/g Bayer. Prämien-Anl. Wg Badische Präm.-Aul. Aöln-Mindener Präm.-L.. Oesterr.1860er fl.500-Loose Raab-Grazer Loose.... Ungarische Loose. Oesterr. Goldrente .... „ Silberrente . .. „ Papierrente . .. 4vg Ungar. Goldrente .. „ Papierrente. Oest. Lombard. Südbahn-A. „ franz. Staatsbahn-A. „ Elbthalbahn-A. . .. Böhm. Nordbahn-A. . .. Graz-Köflacher E.-A. . .. Buschtiehrader E.-A Lit.lZ. Dux-Bodenbacher E.-A.. Oesterr. Galizier Ei-A.. Franz-Josephsbahn-A. .. Rechte Oderufer E.-A. .. Ludwigshafen-Bexb. E.-A. Hess. Ludwigsbahn-A. .. Ölverschlesische Eisenbahn-A. Ostpreußische Südbahn-A. Marienburg-Mlawka-E.-A. Breslau-Freiburger E.-A. 5d/g Lomb.-Prioritäten .. Ungar.-Gal. E.-Prioritäten „ Nordostb.-Prior. 14. Nov. 15. Nov. 102.90 103.10 Oesterr. Credit-Actien .. 490.00 488.00 103.20 103.30 Amsterdamer Bank! ... . 120.00 132.90 133.25 Badische Bank. 119.25 130.60 131.00 Deutsche Reichsbank 144.00 125.90 125.90 Disconto Cominagirt. . . 202.00 119.50 119.50 Darmstäder Bank .... 153.10 95.40 95.40 Deutsche Bank. 153.90 221.00 — Deutsche Effectenbauk. .. 123.50 86.60 86.50 Meininger Creditbank. . . 91.25 68.50 68.50 „ Hypothekenbank 91.50 67.70 67.70 Bayerische Handelsbank . 117.10 77.90 77.90 Südb. Bodencredit-Bank. 133.80 74.40 74.40 Nationalbank für Deutschland 93.20 247.00 247.00 Gelsenkirchner Bergwerk-A. 117.20 501.00 501.00 Krupp Hütte „ 106.60 303.50 303.00 6vg Dortmund Prior. . 69.10 — 312.00 60/o Rumän. Obligationen 104.10 104.20 104.30 Nuss. Völkercredit. 92.80 76.70 76.90 5vg Nüssen von 1871 . . 94.70 146.50 146.80 50/g „ „ 1872 . . 94.70 113.70 113.50 5°/g .. „ 1877 .. 88.10 86.40 40/n „ „ 1880 .. — — Nuss. Orientale II... 216.00 216.00 III... 112.50 112.80 Ungarische Anleihe .... 276.70 276.70 Italiener.. 100.00 100.00 Russische Noten. 80.50 80.40 Wechsel auf London k. S. 116.10 116.00 „ „ Paris 2 Monat 102.60 102.50 „ Wien k. S.. 82.25 82.40 „ „ Petersburg k.S. Belgien k.L>. 78.50 61.20 62.10 120.75 119.25 144.20 201.90 153.00 153.50 123.00 91.20 91.50 117.10 133.50 93.00 117.30 106.20 69.00 104.10 83.10 94.70 94.70 98.20 78.50 6110 62.10 99.90 100.00 95.70 95.70 209.20 209.20 20.23 20.23 80.80 80.80 166.30 166.20 207.90 207.90 80.80 80.80 81.30 81.50 Neueste Russen 94.70. Schweizerische Nordostbahn-Actien Leipziger Discontobank 109.90, Serben 80.00, Tabakactie 103.00. 57.00, do. Unionbahn-Actien 62.50, Bukarest 91.06. Tendenz: ziemlich fest, still. Spekulation zurückhaltend. Kurs stagnierend. . » Berlin, 15. Nov. Vorläufige Berichte 4SZL0, Oesterr^franz. Staatsbahnen 501.00, Oesterr. Goldrente 86.50, Lombarden 247.00, Discontobank-Commandit 202.00. » Berlin, 15. Nov. Vorläufige Schluss. Screditactien 488.00, Discontobank. Commandit 292.00, Staatseisenbahnen . Lindau, 15. Nov. Getreidemarkt unverändert ruhig; kleiner Verkehr weg Wassermangel. Prima-Ungarnweizen 23—23.50. . Berlin, 15. Nov. ProLuentenmarkt. Weizen per Nov.-Dec. 154.50, per April. Mai 163.75. — Roggen per Nov. 138.25, per Nov.-Dec. 133.25, per April-Mai 141.25. — Rüböl per Nov. 50.75, per April-Mai 52.10.— Kündigungspreis für Weizen —, für Roggen 133.00. — Weizenmehl loco 021.50.— Roggenmehl loco 0/119.00.— Spiritus loco 43.70, per Nov. 43.80, per April-Mai 45.60. — Hafer per Nov. 150.25, per April-Mai 153.75. Wetter: trübe. . Köln, 15. Nov. Produktbörse (Schlussbericht.) Weizen loco hiesiger 16.00, loco fremder 16.50, per Nov. 16.10, per März 16.70. — Roggen loco hiesiger 14.00, per Nov. 14.10, per März 14.30. — Hafer loco 14.50. — Rüböl loco mit Fass 28.00, per Mai 27.90. . Hamburg, 15. Nov. Produktmarkt. Weizen per Nov. 153.00, per April-Mai 163.00, Roggen per Nov. 122.00, per April-Mai 123.00. Tendenz: ruhig. . London, 15. Nov. Habana-Zucker Nr. 12 14. * Liverpool, 15. Nov. Anfangsbericht. Mutmaßlicher Umsatz 8000 Ballen, Tendenz: ruhig. Lagereimport 25,000 Ballen. * Paris, 15. Nov. Produktbericht. Rüböl, per Nov. 67.00, per Dec. 67.25, per Jan.-April 69.00, per Mai-Aug. —. Tendenz ruhig. — Spiritus, per Nov. 46.25, per Mai-Aug. 46.50, Tendenz ruhig. — Zucker per Nov. 43.60, per März- Juni 44.75, Tendenz ruhig. — Mehl per Stück. 45.00, per Dec. 45.50, per Jan.-April 45.75, per März-Juni 46.60, Tendenz behauptet. — Weizen per Nov. 20.90, per Dec. 21.10, per Jan.-April 21.60, per März-Juni 22.10, Tendenz ruhig. — Roggen per Nov. 16.40, per Dec. 16.40, per Jan.-April 16.75, per März-Juni 16.50, Tendenz ruhig. * Antwerpen, 15. Nov. ändert, Gerste flau, Hafer behauptet. * Antwerpen, 15. Nov. Petroleum fest. Loco 18hl, 183/4, per Dec. —, 18 Hz, per Jan. 183/8, 183/2, per Jan.-März —, Privatdepesches der „Allg. Ztg." n- Berlin, 15. Nov. Der Privatdiscount verblieb heute auf 33/; o/o. Die Seehandlung offerte mäßige Beträge zu 31/4 per 24. Dec. Bei Börsenschluss war feste Tendenz für Rubel und Orientanleihen. Juni 17.00, Tendenz Getreidemarkt. Weizen befestigt, Roggen unver- Frankfurter Cursbericht vom 15. November 1884. Bei österreichischer Eisenbahnaktien, Credit-, Bankgesellschafts- und Nationalbankaktien versteht sich der Curs in fl. ö. W. per Stück, bei unverzinslichen Anleihensloosen in Mk. per Stück, bei allen übrigen Effecten in Prozente. Staats-Papiere S-T. Deutsches Reichs-Anleihe, 4 1/2% und 10 Preuß. 4 1/2 Cons.-Obl. 1/4 und 10 Bayern 4 0/g in Mark versch Sachsen 3 0/g Rente 1876 do. Württemberg April. 1876M. 1 1/1 und 7 Müv. 1878/79M. versch. 4 0/g M. do. 3 0/g M. do. Daten 4 0/g Obl. v. 1875M. do. Zt/M,. v. 1842fl. 1 1/1 und 7 Grosseffekt 4 0/g Eis.. 2M. 15 1/2 3 1/2 0/g Hamburg. St.-R.M. 1/2 und 8 Österreich 4 0/g Goldrente 1/4 und 10 4 0/g Silberrente versch. 4 1/2 0/g Papierrente do. 5 0/g von 1881 1/3 und 5 Ungarn. Goldrente 1 1/1 und 7 4 0/g do. Ung. H0/g Eisenb.-Anl. do. 50/g Hypoth. Gemeinde 1/2 u. 8 Rußl. 50/g Obl. v. 1862 1/5 u. 11 50/g cons. Obl. v. 18701/2 u. 8 50/g cons. Obl. v. 18711/3 u. 9 50/g cons. Obl. v. 1873 1/6 u. 12 5v/g Obligat. v. 1877 1/1 u. 7 50/g Orient. Mil. Ill. E. do. 4l/2 cons. Obl. v. 1875 1/4 u. 10 40/g cons. Obl. v. 1880 1/5 u. 11 40/g Spanien ausl. Schuld 1/3 n. 1/9 Schweiz 4'/2 B. v. 1877 30/6 U. 12 41/2 Lz. v. 1873 1/5 N. Amer. 4 M. r. 91 v. 76 1/4 zähr. 4 B. r. 1907 v. 77 do. Ägypten 4 Unis. Obl. 1/5 n. 11 Rumän. 50/g am. 1881/2 1/4 u 1/10 50/g Italienische Rente 1/1 u. 1/7 Serben In Proc. 1027/8 G 1023/4 G 1036 G 1033/8 G 1058/8 G 1037/2 G 1023/8 G 1023/8 G 1033/8 G 85 G 68 V2 G 68 G 85 G 69 G 1023/8 G 773/4 G 943/4 G 962/2 G 95 G 957/8 G 61 V2 G 62 G 88 V2 G 783/8 G 591/4 G 114 V4 G 1191/8 G 65 G 93'/2 G 951'/2 G Vollzähl. Bank- und Credit-Aktien. 4'/2 D. Reichsb.M. 3000 1/2 u. 1/7 144 2VL Frank. Bank fl. 500 1/1 1323/8 G 40/g Amsterdam. Bank fl. 200 do. 40/g Antwerpen u. C.-B.Fr. 300 do. 4 Bad. Bank Th. 100 do. 58,0 Basel. Bank Fr. 500 do. 4 Bayer. Handelsb.fl. 200 do. 5 Brüsseler Bank Fr. 500 do. 40/g Darmstadt. Bank fl. 250 do. 4 v/g Deutsche Handelsg. do. 5 v/g Deutsche Lehringsb. do. 4 v/g D.-Co.-Anth. TH. 200 do. 4 Dresden. Bank Th. 200 do. 5 Frankfurt. Bank v. Th. 100 do. 40/g Mittel. Cr.-LH. 100 do. 4 Württ. V.-B. TH. 100 do. 5 Oest. Ung. Bank fl. 600 1/1 u. 1/7 50/g Oest. Cr.-A. fl. 160 1/1 50/g N. Creditb. TH. 200 40/g Bank f. Länderdeutschl. 5 Wiener Bank v. fl. 100 60/g Württemberg. Notenbank fl. 350 50/g Württemberg. Spar.-Bank fl. 350 40/g Süd. B.-Cr.-Bauk In Proc. 1107/8 G 1121/4 G 873/8 G 1163/4 G 122 V2 G 1341/8 G Nicht vollbezahlte Aktien. 1221/2 G 1091/2 G 5 D. Effect.- u. Wechselb. 4 Frank. Hypoth.-Bank 4 Süd. Immobilienbank Labak-Aktien 827/8 G 1023/4 G Hessische Ludwigsbahn. 1/1 und 7 1/4 Gemeinschaftsaktien. Ludwigshafen. 500. 216 Gemeinschaftsaktien. Pfälzische Max. 500. 1313 1/2 Gemeinschaftsaktien. Pfälzische Nord. 500. 100 Gemeinschaftsaktien. Anzahl vollbezahlte Eisenbahn-Actien. 119. 1363 1/2. 117 1/2. 153. 77. 85. 201 1/2. 1263 1/4. 863 1/4. 91 1/2. 133. 722. 2423 1/2. Albrecht. 200. Böhmische Wesenburg. 200. Buchheimer. 8. 200. Ludwigshafen. Donau-Drau. 200. Donau-Bodenbahn. 200. Elisabeth II. Em. Linz-B. III. Em. Gisela Franz-Joseph. 200. Funkirkchner-Barcs. 200. Galizische Karl-Ludwig. 200. Gotthardbahn. 500. Österreichisch-Frühtaus. 500. Österreichisch-Nordwest. 200. Elbthalbahn. Neichburg-Parma. 200. Schweizer Central-Bahn. 500. Siebenbürger. 200. Stuhlwiesen-Rhode-Graz. 200. Ungarische Galizische. 1. 200. Vorarlberger. 200. Böhmische Nordbahn. 150. Graz-Köflacher. 200. Schweizer Nordostbahn-Actie. Union. Raab-Oedenburg. Actien. 1/1 und. 2/1 und. 1/1 und. 1/1 1/1 und. 1/5 und. 1/1 und. 7 1/1 und. 7 1/7. 1/1 und. 7 1/1 1/1 und. 7 2/1 1/1 491 1/4. 2493 1/2. 152 1/2. 1463 1/2. 292 1/2. 1633 1/4. 1723 1/4. 2261 1/4. 962 1/2. 2501 1/2. 122 1/2. 1463 1/2. 1547 1/2. 1273 1/2. 901 1/2. 1431 1/2. 1644. 1571 1/8. 2071 1/2. 571 1/4. 62. 341 1/4. Prioritäts-Obligationen. Hessische Ludwig. von 75/78. 1/3 und. 1013 1/2. Pfälzische Ludwig (Bexbach) in München. 1/4 und. 10 Pfälzische Nordbahn. 200. 1017 1/8. Albrecht. 200. 1/5 und. 11 83 1/2. Böhmische Westbahn. 200. 1/1 und. 7 84 1/2. v.68. 300. 84 1/2. v.73. 300. 1017 1/2. Buschheimer. 1601 1/4 und. 10 85 1/2. E.V.71T. 100. E.V.72T. 100. Elisabeth. 500. versch. 85 1/2. stuersr. 85 1/2. 50/g Nordb. v. 72 fl. 300 1/4 u. 11 4°/g Franz.Joseph fl. 100 1/4 u. 10 Z.'T. 1/4 u. 10 do. 4 v. 73 fl. 200 4 1/2 Gal. Karl.-L. fl. 300 5 Kasch.-OHL. stf. fl. 200 5 Lemb.-Cz. v. 65 fl. 300 5 v. 67 stf. fl. 300 5 Jassy 68 stf. fl. 300 5 Mahr. Geb. stf. fl. 200 5 Oest.Nordw. stf. M. 600 5 L.L.stf.ö 200 5 v. I.-L. stf. fl. 200 5 Neub.-Parl. 1872er 4 Nud.v.67/68 ö.W.fl. 300 4 v. 69 stf. „ fl. 300 4 stf. „ fl. 300 5 „ fl. 200 6 Ung.Ostb.stf.ö.W. „ 300 5 v. NLosib.sif. fl. 300 6 v. 2000 5 v. Galiz.stf.ö.W.fl. 200 5 Vorarl.stf. „ fl. 200 5 g Gotthardb. I-UI.Scr. 4 v. Schweiz. C. u. N.-O. 5 120 3 v. v. Fr. 500 3 v. v. E.V.71 F.-.-. 500 5 Oest.-Frz.-Stb.73 fl. 200 5 g „ 1-8 Em. Fr. 500 5 v „ 9. Emiss. Fr. 500 5 D.-Dreissch.v.74 fl. 400 4 g v. 82 5 Theißb.ö.W.stf.versch. Prag-Duxer i. G. M. 300 Naab.Oed.G.stf.M. 400 1/1 n. 7 1/5 u. 11 1/4 u. 10 1/4 u. 10 1/3 u. 9 1/5 u. 11 1/4 u. 10 1/4 u. 10 1/3 u. 9 versch. 1/4 u. 10 1/1 u. 7 1/4 u. 10 1/5 u. 11 1/3 u. 9 1/4 u. 10 1/5 u. 11 1/3 u. 9 1/4 u. 10 1/1 u. 7 1053/- G 78 Vi G 773/8 G 761/4 A 1021/4 G 961/8 G 873/2 G 1043/8 G 652 G Amerikanische Bahnen. Zn Proc. 911/8 G 96 '/- G 911/8 G 743/4 Ä 833/2 G 731/8 G 1047/2 G 551/8 G 841/2 G 717/2 G 813/2 G 811/2 G 811/8 G 1061/4 G 821/4 G 108'/2 G 1027/8 G 1022/8 G 620/4 G 60/g Oreg-m u. Calif. N.R I. Mortgage Gold Bonds Central Pacific Rückzug 1888 60/g Calif.u.Oregon r.1888 South Pac.osC.r.1905/6 Calif. Pac.I.M.v. 1867 Pac.Missouri v. 68 r. 1888 SL&H Pac., „ 1885 Z.-T. An Proc. 1/1 u. 7 671/2 G 1/4 u. 10 92 G 1/1 u. 7 1003/8 G 1/2 u. 8 1011/8 G 1/1 u. 7 993/8 G Geldsorten und Papiergeld. Al Pf. Goldbarren 13.93—97 Öst. Bank, fl. 100 166.30 20 Franken-Stück. 16.17-00 Ditto in 1/2. 16.13-1? Engl. Sovereign 20.34—39 Russ. Imperial 16.69—73 Holl. fl. 10-Stück 9.61—65 Ducaten 9.61—65 Dollars in Gold 4.17—21 Hochländ. Silber per Kilo 149.10—151.10 Pfandbriefe. Z.-T, 50/gros. L110 Pr. C.-B.Tr. 5 Pr. B.-C.-A.-B. v. L110 40/gB. HYP.-u.W.-B.M. 4 MüB.-r.-B. Müuch. M. 1/1 u. 7 41/sd/ G .. Nürub. .. 1/4 n. 10 41 M Nürub. 41/rVg „ verl. à 125 5 Vg Öst. St.-Dom.F.500 4i/°>0/g, B.-Cr.-A. s. l. 100 50/gR. B.-Cr. XII. SK. 40/g Schweiz. H.-B.-Pfänder. 50/g Süd. B.-C. B. Müuch. 40/g „ „ „ M. 41/,0/g W artt. Neut.-A. M. 40/g „ „ 41/4O/0,, Hypothekenb.M. 40/g „ „ ^ 1/1 u. 7 do. versch. do. 1/3 mS 1/6 u. 11 13/1 U. 7 versch. 1/5-u. 11 versch. 1/1 u.7 do. do. do. 1/4 U. 10 Anleihen-Loose. a. Verzinsliche. 3 1/2 Pr. Prämiene. h. 100 3 1/2 Köln-Mind. Thlr. 100 4°/g Bayer. Pr. Thlr. 100 4°/g Bad. Pr. Thlr. 100 4 Meingr. Pr.-Pf. TH. 100 3 Oldenburger Thlr. 40 Öst. 40/g v. 1854 fl. 250 ,. 50/g v. 1860 fl. 500 4 Raab-Grazer Thlr. 100 b. Unverzinsliche. Badische fl. 35 Brunschweig. Thlr. 20 Kurhessisch. Thlr. 40 Nassauer fl. 25 Österreich. 1864 fl. 100 „ Credit 58 fl. 100 Ungarische Staats fl. 100 Finnländische Thlr. 10 2n Proc. 115 1/2 T 110 3/4 G 101 3/8 G 100 3/8 G 100 3/8 G 114 3/4 G 105 G 102 1/4 G 93 G 95 1/2 G 100 3/8 G 101 1/4 G 101 G 2ii Pr.c. 145 7/2 G 133 E 131 1/2 G 117 G 124 3/2 G 113 G 119 3/8 G 95 5/8 G 95.90 G 235.80 G 304 A 304.60 G 221 G 46.70 G Diverse unverzinsliche Loose. Münchner Augsburger Freiburger Genua Mailänder Meininger Bezukaer Pappenheimer fl. fl. Fr. 15 Lire 150 Fr. 10 fl. 7 Lire 30 fl. 7 27 G 24.20 G 14.40 G 14.50 G 25.10 G 23.80 G Wechsel in Reichsmark. Amsterdam Belgien London Mailand Paris Schweiz, Bankplatz, Fr. 100 Wien, Stadt, W. 100 fl. 100 Fr. 100 Lire 100 Fr. 100 Tendenz: ruhig; gemeldete Fallissements wirkten abschwächend, wurden aber durch bessere Choleraberichte und feste Haltung der Westplätze paralysiert. 8 s, u 2 ö Llaseko, kerd rmä süss. franco vack allen ckeutsciien n. österr.-ung. poststallonen ^ Zog. Linsenäzz ä. LstraZes 1 koslprobskistö. 51^8 Weihnacht s-A ausstellung Deichs Auswahl in Neuheiten. Tafel- und Tee-&-Eindeckungen. Kestecke, Servier- und Kuchenvasse etc. Medeplage der Würste. Westallwaren-Jagd Geislingen. Maffeistraße 6. München.6 Maffeistraße. 11.50. vis „Neues Alle-Ausgabe Teilung" beginnt mit diesem 1. Februar 1883 im neusten Literaturn-Verständigung. Herausgeber: Carl. Vr. 6. Vogl; sonstige Mitarbeiter Edition: 1. Lurzen, k!. Vr. 3V- »isscgger, L. kleiner. wie „Neue Lürcker Leitung" ist als ehemalige Partei-Organ der Freisinnigen, Verdeutlichte wöhnlich (Sonntag ausgenommen) erscheint. Politische Präferenz: liberal, wie „Neue Lürcker Leitung" ist das Haupt-Organ der liberalen Partei und verantwortet in Lübeck. Wie politische Zusammenhälte in „Neuer Lübecker Leitung" enthalten sind im ersten Teil den Vereinsartikel, im zweiten Teil den aktuellen politischen Geschehnisse vorderst. ausdrücklich in „Neue Lübecker Leitung" dringen Originalkorrespondenzen und Telegramme aus der Kurland- und aus allen Teilen der Welt, Originalkorrespondenzen aus Berlin. Stuttgart, Paris, London, Budapest, Pest. Lusser in vereckten Telegramm-Legionen aus-, Bürken private Telegraphisten aus den ersten Hauptstädten Europas. Lägliche Rücksicht auf die Gefälligkeit; doch die Gefälligkeit ist eine Grundpflicht der besten Sittenschule, sowie der Sittenverirrungen Vertreter der Wissenschaften und Literatur. Vas mit der „Neuen Lübecker Leitung" verbundene Schrift, ob ob seiner Nachweisblatt, dringt regelmäßige körperschaftliche und persönliche Zeitungsfreunde aus Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Kremen, Krakau, Wien, Lübeck, Basel, London, Liverpool, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerpen, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Hongkong und so weiter, veröffentlicht in der „Neuen Lübecker Leitung", willkommen sein, ebenso die Industrie und der Verkehrswesen auf allen wichtigen wirtschaftlichen Interessen eingehend berichtet und beleuchtet, nehmen. Hedern „sekretärischer" Artikel aus seinem Gebieten in eigenständigen Artikeln. Veröffentlichte Monatsprospekte der „Neuen Lübecker Leitung" beträgt für Lübecker Beiträge beim Postamt: in der Schewecke. 11 Krones 6 Pfennige Vereinsdaten Bekanntmachung beim Postamt. 623 „ 3 „ Niederlande, Ungarn und Slowakei. 6 Krones 3 Pfennige Italien und anderen Staaten. 6 Krones 3 Pfennige Weltoffene Vereinsverbreitungen der Lübecker Leitung —- Administration I "r. 22 — Wir danken für niederländische Beiträge ein. Lübeck, im jahreswechsel 1884. 111713—4)vie Ministerium der „Neuen Lübecker Leitung." Soeben erschienen und durch jede Buchhandlung zu beziehen: Erinnerungen eines deutschen Offiziers. 1848—1871. Von I. Hartmann, Königlich Preußischer General-Lieutenant. Erster Band: Aus zwei angeketteten Ländern» Zweiter Band: per aspera ad astra. Zweite Auflage. Preis M 10,60. — Elegant gebunden M 12,60. Aus Grundlage eigenen Erlebnisse schildert der „Angekettete", nachmals als preußischer Offizier, in novellistischer Form, Deutschlands jüngste politische Entwicklung, welche, mit 1848 beginnend, durch die Kriege 1864, 1866 und 1870/71 zur Ausrichtung des Deutschen Reiches geführt hat. Sind auch einzelne Gestalten des in die Zeitgeschichte verflossenen Romans erdichtet, so sind sie doch nach dem Leben komponiert und in diesem Sinne so wahr wie die ganze geschichtliche Darstellung. 111758). Die historischen Personen finden mit wenigen Zügen treffend gezeichnet, der geistige Gehalt, die innere Bedeutung der Zustände treu und klar geschildert. Jene Zeit wird wieder lebendig. I. F. Bergmann, Verlagsbuchhandlung, Wiesbaden. "Wissenschaftsgesellschaft für Protestanten" empfohlen von Heyder und Zimmer in Homburg v. d. Höhe. Martin Luther als deutscher Dichter in einer Auswahl seiner Schriften. Wir wollen weniger erhoben und fleißiger gelesen sein. Lessing. Mit einer Zeittafel des Lebens und der Schriften Luthers nebst Sachregister, 2 Bde. brosch. 12 Mk., geb. 15 M. "Diese Auswahl von Luthers Schriften ist mit feinem Verständnis versehen und mit Geschmack ausgestattet, und verdient freundliche Aufnahme, denn sie macht in vorzüglicher Weise den Leser mit dem Schöpfer unserer neueren deutschen Sprache und Literatur bekannt." G. Plitt. "Vergangenheit des Lebens" Schellings. "Alles vereinigt sich, um diese Auswahl aus Luthers Schriften als eine ganz vortreffliche allen denen empfehlen zu können, die eine Gesamt-Ausgabe seiner Schriften entbehren." Prof. v. Kawerau. Neuer Verlag von Breitkopf und Härtel in Leipzig. "Eine Weihnachtsgabe für das juristische Publikum" von Rudolf von Jhering. 8. VIII, 383 S. geh. M. 8.-. Eleg. geb. M. 9.-. Dies gegenwärtige Schrift ist das Werk der Freizeit der Musikkunde des Verfassers, in der er das Bedürfen empfindet, von dem Druck der fortgesetzten streng wissenschaftlichen Arbeit aufzunehmen und im leichten Spiel der Laune und des Humors Erholung und Erfrischung zu suchen. Sie bezweckt, in den hervorzurufen, aus der sie bei ihm berechnet, sie setzt Leser voraus, die mitbringen, und denen es nicht widerstrebt, ernste Dinge einmal von der heiteren Seite behandelt zu sehen. Die Schrift ist als eine Weihnachtsgabe des Verfassers an das juristische Publikum gedacht, sie soll dem Juristen, dem die Weihnachtszeit die Möglichkeit einer Ausspannung von ernster Berufsarbeit in Aussicht stellt, "eine leichte Lektüre bieten", welche für diesen Zweck geeignet ist. "Sillöig" "Germania" Lebensversicherungs-Gesellschaft-Haus zu Stettin. Versicherungsbestand am 1. December 1834: 139,896 Personen mit 85,400,000 Mark Capital und 411,953 M. jährlich. Rente. Neu versichert vom 1. Januar 1884 bis 1. December 1884: 9335 Personen mit 89,000,000 Mark. Jahreseinnahme an Prämien und Zinsen 1883: 13,000,000 Mark. Vermögensbestand Ende 1883: 95,000,000 Mark. Ausgezahlte Capitalien, Renten re. seit 1857: 89,000,000 Mark. Dividende, den mit Gewinnanteil Versicherten seit 1871 überwiesen: 7,000,000 Mark. Beamte erhalten unter den günstigsten Bedingungen Darlehen zur Kaufobligation. Jede gewünschte Auskunft wird bereitwilligst kostenfrei erteilt durch die General-Agentur hier, Luitpoldstraße 10/1. "Im December 1884. Wilhelm Flüggen". Mit 18 Wünsche klassifiziert, 13 ausgerechtete Lorten von. Konkurslösungen, vorliegen, Partner. Liste Lieben. IS . / Bvkk . / Moritz Pnebs, Dresden-A. Special - Grosso - Geschäft für Baumaterialien. Gegründet 1860. Meine Vertretung für das Königreich Sachsen für die Kalkwerke von H. Grunson, Berggießhübel i. Sachsen, Groß-Steinitzer Kalkwerke von Steinitz & Co., Portland-Cementwerk Hemmoor an der Elde, Mosaikwerk von I. Hemmerling, Düsseldorf. Ich wünsche weitere Vertretungen leistungsfähiger Häuser in meiner Branche verwandten Artikeln zu übernehmen, und würde solche, da meine Firma bestens eingeführt, zu äußerst lebhaftem Geschäft führen. ^_____(11780) LÄs §rcL vop lleäes Llmlied nussedeuÄe oäer döllniiQtv kroäuirt ist. blos ULedakiiiiiii^ cler /'or'M oLirs Lrfriackencie, absü/r^enckc 1^uuc/itxaat»!te L Legen MNOMsoivüri. couLLSiioi». ^ 1-xLLKI.IÜvLIs, NLELIiLLLcülWLIillLII, u. s. n. "Ein fundiertes und umfassendes Lehrbuch für Lecrs, Lehrer und Studenten, vor und nach der Reformschule, tür Griechenland und für alle, die an ihrer Schule interessiert sind. Es ist ein lebenseschauliches und didaktisch äußerst gut aufgebautes Buch, das sich durch besondere Klarheit auszeichnet. Es ist nicht nur eine Lehrgeschichte der Bildungswissenschaft, es ist vor allem eine Bildungsgeschichte, die von der Antike bis zu den Reformen reicht. Die Autoren haben ein umfangreiches, aber dennoch leichthafte Werk geschaffen, das in den verschiedenen Fächern der Bildungsgeschichte, darunter Geschichte, Psychologie, Sozialwissenschaften, Erziehungswissenschaften, Pädagogik und Didaktik, Zugang zu den wichtigsten Fragestellungen der Bildungsgeschichte bietet. Dieses Buch richtet sich an Lehrer, Studenten und Interessenten und ist ein unentbehrliches Arbeitsmittel für alle, die an der Erziehung von Jugendliche und Erwachsenen interessiert sind." (1) Die Kosten der Käufer sind streng nach der Bedienung des Systems erfasst. Verteilter Preis bei 4.00. In allen Postkosten. Großes Lager Süddeutschlands. Kein Handelsausbleib. Viertelweile bei Senffostern: in Tschudia un Österreich 14.00; in Italien 12.40. Direktionspreis: 1.00. Unterhaltung in der Monarchie für den Verkehr im Ausland 1.00. Für den Rest des Ganzen Weltpostvereins-Vertrag 5.60 (in Russland 4.00). Druck und Verlag der J. G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung in Stuttgart und München. Verantwortlicher Redakteur: Otto Braun in München. Übersicht: Die Errichtung einer Colonialabteilung in Frankreich und von Spezialtruppen für Afrika. Deutsches Reich. Berlin: Die hiesigen Stichwahlen. Militäretat. Kolonialfragen. Entschädigung für das herzogliche Haus Schleswig-Holstein. Braunschweigische Militärkonvention und Thronfolge. Hof- und Personalnachrichten. Reichstagspräsidium. Gouverneur in Kamerun. Jüdische Konferenz. Neue Banknoten. Stichwahlergebnisse. Handelspolitische Abteilung. Getreidezölle und Grundbesitz. Österreichisch-ungarische Monarchie. Aus Österreich: Baron Hübner und die äußere Politik. Duell und Katholizismus. Aus Böhmen. Die österreichisch-ungarische Bank. Pest: Kálai über Bosnien. Schweiz. Bern: Ein neuer Konflikt zwischen Bund und Tessin. Großbritannien. Zum Stand der Wahlreformfrage. Von der Insel Skye. Niederschlagung des irischen Hochverratsprozesses. Die Creditforderung für die Nil- und die Betschuana-Expedition. Parlamentsverhandlungen. Frankreich. Die Unterhandlungen mit China. Der Tongking-Ausschuss und Ferry. Zur englischen Vermittlung. China's Vorschläge. Der Ertrag der indirekten Steuern. Türkei. Ausschreitungen in Albanien. Australien. Wellington: Das englische Protektorat über Neu-Guinea. Die Föderationsfrage. Verschiedenes. Handel und Börse. Telegramm des Wölfischen Börsans in Wellington. New York, 14. Nov. Offizielle Berichte über die Wahlmännerwahlen liegen jetzt aus 53 Grafschaften des Staates New York vor. In einzelnen Grafschaften schreitet die Zählung der Stimmen nur langsam vor. In New York und anderen Grafschaften sind verschiedene Irrtümer entdeckt worden. Die Majorität Clevelands dürfte jetzt 1000 Stimmen betragen. Weitere telegraphische Berichte, sichere Seite. Die Errichtung einer Colonialarmee in Frankreich und von Spezialtruppen für Afrika. Bereits seit einiger Zeit trägt man sich in Frankreich mit der Absicht, für den Zweck überseeischer Verwendung ein besonderes Heer, bezw. Spezialtruppen, zu schaffen. Die bisher in dieser Züchtung getanen Schritte müssen jedoch nicht zweckentsprechend gewesen sein, oder die leitenden Persönlichkeiten ihre Ansichten hierüber geändert, vielleicht auch der Lauf der Ereignisse umgestaltend mit eingewirkt haben, denn mehrmals bereits wurden die zur Durchführung bestimmten Pläne abgeändert und neue an deren Stelle gesetzt. Nunmehr scheint man jedoch an der Seine zu einem festen Entschluss gekommen zu sein, der in der Gestalt eines neuen Gesetzentwurfs an das Tageslicht getreten ist. Ein solcher ist unter dem 14. Oktober d. J. von drei Ministern — dem Kriegsminister General Campenon, dem Minister der Marine und der Colonien Vice-Admiral Pelle, und dem Finanzminister Tirard — der Deputiertenkammer vorgelegt worden. Ganz besonders ist die Begründung dieses Gesetzentwurfs von allgemeinem Interesse, weshalb wir eine möglichst wortgetreue Übersetzung hier folgen lassen: Die Ausdehnung, welche unsere Colonialoperationen genommen haben, erheischt eine solche Entwicklung der Streitkräfte, wie sie mit der Organisation unserer gegenwärtigen Marinetruppen nicht mehr im Einklang steht. Ferner hat in der jüngsten Zeit denselben ein gewisser Teil der Truppen des Landheeres hinzugefügt werden müssen. An Stelle solcher je nach Umständen getroffenen Maßregeln empfiehlt es sich, ein Normalsystem einzuführen, welches gestattet, allen Eventualitäten gegenüber für den Schutz unserer Colonien Vorsorge zu treffen, und in diesem Sinne legen wir den gegenwärtigen Gesetzentwurf vor. Derselbe stellt als Grundsatz die nahe Verbindung der Marine- und Landtruppen mit dem Kriegsdepartement auf, die das einzige Mittel ist, um ihnen im gegebenen Augenblick alle erforderlichen Hilfsmittel zusichern; er ordnet die Reformbestimmungen, welche eine Folge davon sind, und er gestattet endlich, in der Übergangsperiode ohne Verzug und in wirksamer Art jenen Truppen eine Unterstützung zu gewähren, indem man sie mit Offizieren zur Aushilfe versieht und zugleich eine Reserve von den aus Afrika gezogenen Kräften für sie schafft. Die Reorganisation der Specialtruppen von Afrika hängt also mit jener der Colonialtruppen eng zusammen. Wir gebrauchen übrigens absichtlich nicht die Ausdrücke „afrikanische Armee" oder „Colonialarmee", um hervorzubehen, daß es sich nur um Truppen handelt, welche eine besondere Bestimmung haben, ohne daß sie dadurch aufhören, einen integralen Teil eines großen Ganzen, des französischen Heeres, zu bilden. Was die viel allgemeineren Fragen der Verwaltung, des Schutzes und der Verteidigung unserer verschiedenen Colonien, sowie ihrer Stellung zu diesem doppelten Zweck unter dieses oder jenes Ministerialdepartement betrifft, so kann eine solche in dem Rahmen des gegenwärtigen Gesetzentwurfs, der ausschließlich von technischer Beschaffenheit ist, keinen Platz finden. Der hier vorliegende Gesetzentwurf zerfällt in vier Titel, die wir um so eher hier übergehen können, als die verschiedenen Erwägungen, die bei jedem derselben zu machen sind, Ihnen vertraut geworden sind durch die Entwicklung, welche sie in den zahlreichen Ihnen unterbreiteten Entwürfen genommen haben. Titel 1. Kapitel 1. Von der Zusammensetzung der Colonialtruppen. |
fe0a9a6c7f3c117f66ebeb6301e2b955_1 | French Open Data | Various open data | RCS non inscrit
Société par actions simplifiée
Président : SPORTIELLO Carlo ; Directeur général : FORGET Thomas Jean Marcel
de Saint-Pierre de Féric
Bâtiment D sur les Collines
siège et établissement principal
vente par internet et multichannel de produits parapharmaceutiques et de cosmétiques ; activité immobilière
de Saint-Pierre de Féric
Bâtiment D sur les Collines
Immatriculation d'une personne morale (B, C, D) suite à création d'un établissement principal
sn90059522_1895-05-06_1_3_1 | US-PD-Newspapers | Public Domain | MINNEAPOLIS, MINNEAPOLIS GLOBULES. The City Salesmen's association will be banqueted by the Commercial club Wednesday evening, the object of the meeting being to combine the association with the Commercial club. The meeting of the board of trade this morning will be devoted to a discussion of the census question, and will be open to the public, as the board is anxious to hear from everyone who has anything to say on the subject. "The War of the Roses" and "Ol' Kan as," two comedies written by A. J. Blethen Jr., will be presented at the Lyceum Wednesday evening for the benefit of the University Athletic association. The cast will be made up of amateurs, assisted by Miss Florence King Carpenter. George W. Jenks, where $100,000 offer for the exposition property has been winked at in some quarters, says he will renew his proposition in a day or two, the money to be forthcoming in sixty or ninety days. Mr. Jenks thinks the auditorium of the great building will be preserved whether he gets the property or not. The Memorial Day parade will include Gov. Clough and staff, the regimental and their band, four companies of state militia, the Hibernian Rifles, the Sons of Veterans, post office employees, the police and fire departments, the Boys' Brigade and 700 school children, besides a large representation from the different lodges of the city. Miss Laura E. Frankenfield will make her initial appearance as a lecturer this evening in All Souls' church, taking for her subject Shakespeare's Tragedy of "Macbeth." Miss Frankfield is a young woman not yet twenty-two years of age, and is a graduate of the university of the class of '61. The third annual field day of the Minneapolis Central High School will be held at Minnehaha Driving Park next Saturday. It will be the trial field day for the inter-scholastic field day of the high schools of Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth, and the winners of the first two places of the day will be entitled to compete in the scholastic contest. Manager Van Sard, of the university football team, has about completed the schedule of games for this season, and when the team begins work next September, it will be with a view of tackling the strongest teams in the country. "Pudge" Hefflefinger, the national crack, will have entire charge of the coaching. The fifth annual American whist congress will convene in Minneapolis June 18. All of the crack players of the country are expected and it is the intention of the Minneapolis enthusiasts to make their visit a memorable one. Extensive arrangements for the entertainment of the guests are being made. It is understood that the street railway company will begin operating cars over its Columbia Heights extension beyond Northeast Minneapolis this week. The city engineer has had a conference with the railway officials, who have agreed to extend the Eighth and Central avenue service as soon as it is necessary to accommodate the workmen on the reservoir. A WIFE'S RUSE. Tired of Country Life, She Adopted Extraordinary Means to Get Away. Paris Letter. Tired of a monotonous existence in a small country town, Mine. Auclert, wife of a medical practitioner at Breslau, in the Beauce, adopted strange measures for the purpose of freeing herself from marital control. She wrote anonymous letters to her husband, and in these epistles accused herself of breaking her marriage vow. "The doctor, disbelieved the charges formulated in the letters, which he tore up and burned with many a shrug of his shoulders. Mme. Auclert then turned her hands to incendiarism, and set fire to a barn near her abode. After the place had been burned down, she told her husband that she wanted to leave a district peopled by savages, who intended next, no doubt, to fire her dwelling. Laleu, a man of no consequence in the town, was reported to the gendarmes as the criminal who had burned the barn, and, filled with fright at the prospect of impending arrest, the poor wretch hanged himself. The anonymous letters still continued to rain on the doctor, who at last discovered that his wife's handwriting was wonderfully like that in which the missives were written. Mme. Auclert confessed everything, and has been tried at Chartres on a charge of incendiarism. The jury found this new Mine. Bovary fully responsible for her actions, in spite of the defense set up by the able lawyer from Paris who had charge of her interests, and she was condemned to five years' imprisonment. Africa's Advance. Capt. L. S. Hinde, of the Belgian service in Africa, writes that in spite of their slave-trading propensities, the Arabs, during their forty years' domination, have brought the Malaya and Malaya country to a state of high prosperity, "the landscape seen from the high hills of Kasongo reminding one strongly of ordinary arable English country." This Children. The reason why they are thin is because their food does not nourish them. Probably they do not assimilate enough fat. Cod-liver Oil is the most easily assimilated of all fats, but in its natural state it upsets the stomach and deranges the digestion. In Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites, this difficulty is overcome. It is half-digested already and is very palatable. Children grow fat on it when all other food fails to nourish them. Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute! Scott & Bowne, N.Y. All Druggists. 50c and $1. Which Advertising? A Pays? We have studied that question in an active way for over ten years. We have helped solve it in a profitable manner fed for many large advertisers. A large number of men whose opinions are respected believe that we can handle advertising for better than any other concern which they know of. We are handling theirs. We would like to handle yours. J. L. STACK CO. Dearborn St., Chicago, St. Paul. Dearborn St., Chicago, St. Paul. Prayed for Harry. Bluff Fervently Asks For Giveness for the One Who Was His Undoing. A STRANGE SCENE IN A JAIL The Condemned Murderer Reiterates the Truth of His Confession. GOES TO STILLWATER TODAY Prison Doors Will Soon Close Behind Him to Open Only at Death. The remarkable spectacle of a murderer praying for the man who prompted him to the commission of his crime was witnessed yesterday in the county jail. Claus A. Blixt, the ignorant dupe of a cold-blooded, flippant villain, has found it in his heart to ask forgiveness for the man to whom he owes his undoing. Blixt has long professed religion, but seemed unable to grasp the Scriptural injunction that he should forgive his enemies and those who had despitefully used him. Yesterday the light broke in upon him, and he prayed long and earnestly. It was a scene never to be forgotten when the conscience-stricken wreten fell on his knees in his cell and invoked Almighty God to have mercy on Harry Hayward. Blixt was seen last night, and said he was anxious to talk to reporters in order to answer Hayward: "Before God and heaven," he said, "if Harry Hayward were to stand here this minute with an ax in his hand and ask me to change my testimony I would not do it. No, sir, not if I knew he would kill me the next minute. I have told all, and it is the truth. I want you to say for me that I refused to accept money for my crime. Harry tried to get me to take money, but I never touched it. I understand the attorneys have found that the poison he gave me was bought of a druggist out at Hopkins." Blixt will be taken to Stillwater today by Sheriff Holmberg, and will probably leave from the Milwaukee. Depot at 1:45. THE SAVIOR'S MOTHER. Rev. Fr. Cleary Talks of Catholic Work of Virgin Mary. "Catholic Work of the Virgin Mary" was Father Cleary's subject at St. James' church last evening. He said in part: "As during the beautiful month of May, the universal church in every land offers special honors to Mary, the Virgin Mother of Jesus, attention is awakened in the reverence and devotion which the faithful followers of her divine Son feel for the mother who bore Him. Since 'the Angel Gabriel' was sent from God into a city of Galilee called Nazareth to a virgin and the virgin's name was Mary, (Luke 1:26-35) the Christian world has freely offered reverence and homage to Mary the mother of Jesus. In thus honoring Mary, the church has never lost sight of the fact that the efforts of her children to show their admiration and love for her whom the angel called "full of grace" must ever fall short of the honor which heaven showed her in sending one of its brightest messengers to greet her as the blessed among women and the most favored of all God's creatures. "The church honors Mary's name and Mary's memory because of the exalted dignity with which heaven crowned her in selecting her to be the mother of the eternal Son of God." The idle objection is often made that Mary could not have been the mother of Christ's divine nature, and hence was not the mother of God, although the mother of Christ's humanity. As well might one contend because the mother did not create His immortal soul, she could not be His mother indeed. Our mothers are worthy of all our love and honor, as the authors of our being, although they are not the creators of our immortal souls, for they bring into the world the man, composed of body and soul, the one person who must for all time be known as the child of the woman who bore him. The Virgin Mary has always held the highest place in the esteem and honor of the church founded by her divine Son, of any creature whom God has made. She is the queen of angels and of men, the most powerful advocate with her divine Son in heaven, in behalf of human needs, yet all Christians are reminded that she is still a creature, infinitely below God in dignity and power, not deserving of the homage of supreme religious worship that belongs to God. We adore God. We honor Mary with our reverence and love, because of her Son, and of the affection with which He must regard her. The reverence with which Mary is regarded may with perfect propriety be called "worship," for worship does not by any means invariably convey the notion of supreme adoration and praise, but also that of reverence and love. Jesus, the son of Mary, is our only mediator of atonement; he was sacrificed for our sins, but His mother may well be honored as the most powerful mediator of intercession between God and man. The Catholic asks Mary and the saints to pray for him, while he implores God to have mercy on him. The plea sometimes made that honors offered to Mary imply any disregard or neglect of the honors that are due to her divine Son is not deserving of consideration. Every honor offered to Mary is offered because of the exalted dignity with which heaven crowned her when selecting her to be the mother of the Savior of the world. No son can feel offended at the honors paid to the mother whom he loves with true filial devotion. Jesus, the most devoted of sons, the most reverent of children, cannot but be pleased at the honors given to the greatest among mothers, because she brought into the world the noblest of sons. In appealing to Mary to be our kind and gracious advocate in heaven, we do not imply any distrust of God's goodness, or any disregard of God's fatherly kindness, but we enlist in our behalf the best and dearest friend of God, the virgin mother who shared His best and fondest love. Change frequently. New York Sun. "When recently," said a man, "I had occasion to visit a man in a downtown office building, I looked at the directory, in the vestibule, found that..." This office was on the tenth floor, and took the elevator. It was a very handsome elevator and rapid-moving, but I was a little surprised to hear the elevator man say when we got to the eighth story: 'Far as we go; turn to the right; change cars.' Though the entire direction was delivered with entire soberness and politeness of manner, I thought that the 'change cars' was a little bit of pleasantry, and that I should have to walk the rev-it of the way; but I started off and kept to the right and in a minute I came to a hall in which appeared more elevator shafts. Presently a beautiful elevator shot up from below soaring skyward; I took that car and got off at the tenth story; the car went on up. It was all perfectly simple; there was a fifteen-story addition to the original building, with which fact I was not familiar. The office of the man I sought was in the new part; I had taken the elevator in the older part, which is not so high. MONEY LENDING. It Was the Leading Business in Ancient Greece and Rome. Fortnightly Review. Unlike the Greeks and Jews, the Romans were not particularly gifted with the commercial instinct, and long remained a poor and frugal people, using a copper coinage. Silver was only introduced in 269 B.C., just before the Punic wars, nor did the precious metals become abundant until after the fall of Carthage, more than a century later. Between the death of Cato, however, and that of Cicero, in the year 43 B.C., a complete social revolution took place. Treasure poured in from many conquered countries, the accumulations grew to be vast under Julius Caesar, and under Augustus, when the civilization culminated, the flood was at the full, and the currency was made bimetallic. Meanwhile, natural selection did its resistless work. Masses of capital were concentrated in the hands of those who were economically the strongest, and a fortune of $300,000 was thought poverty by the wealthy. Even so late as the fifth century, families of the second rank had incomes of that amount. Of all the ways under the empire in which moneyed capital could be employed, none seems to have been so lucrative as usury, for the structure of society favored the trade of the money lender. At home politics engulfed fabulous sums. Mark Antony, while still a youth, owed $230,000, while Caesar owed $1,250,000 before he held an office. Added to this was the general extravagance. A man of moderate fortune, like Cicero, for example, usually lived beyond his means, and was in constant difficulty with his creditors. Yet Rome was comparatively a poor field, for there the rate of interest was not customarily more than 12 percent, and was often lower. It was in the provinces that the rich harvest was reaped, for the fiscal system was so oppressive that the inhabitants had to have money at any price, and they were sorely squeezed through many generations. Verres lent at 24 percent in Sicily, Brutus at 48 percent in Cyprus, while Seneca, who was worth about $12,000,000, made usurpations in Brittany. ANOTHER THEORY Which May Account for John Wilkes, 800 this Crime. Washington Post. It is thirty years since John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Lincoln. With all the theoretical stories which have been printed during these past thirty years regarding the motive of Booth's action, there is still one which has probably never before been printed. It is told by one intimate with Lincoln and who also knew much about Booth. The story says that the daughter of a senator, who was prominent here from 1863 to 1865, was infatuated with Booth. Her father soon learned of her infatuation for the actor and called on the actor, and requested him as a man of the world, to appreciate the circumstances and pay no attention to his daughter's weakness. Booth made the senator a faithful promise that he would treat the girl's letters with indifference and permit no further relations between them. He kept his promise and thereby won the hearty friendship and admiration of the senator. The friendship of the senator was preserved by Booth, and in the latter part of 1864 he made use of it. George Randolph, an actor of some note, who was a friend of Booth, had been condemned as a Southern spy and was to be shot. Randolph made a request of Booth to intercede with the president for his life. Booth went to the senator and requested him to present him to the president. This the senator was only too willing to do, and when Booth was presented to Lincoln he became so eloquent in his excited pleading for the life of his friend, Randolph, that he fell on his knees before the president. Lincoln, always an admirer of Booth, was so impressed with the actor's eloquent pleading that he granted the request. The usual process of a pardon was immediately begun, and Booth left the president rejoicing that the life of his friend had been spared. But before the pardon reached the condemned man he was shot. When the news of this reached Booth he was so enraged and excited that he made a vow to be revenged for what he considered a conspiracy against him. The idea grew upon his mind, and he in time resolved to take the course which resulted, after many unsuccessful attempts at revenge in other ways, in the assassination of the president. This story, like all the stories published regarding the motives which actuated Booth's rash deed, is a theory given only for what it is worth. That Booth's motive was a secret to himself is doubtless, and time may never reveal a positive proof of his motive. —at Failed. Indianapolis Journal. "It is a wonder to me what women won't do next," said the man with the straw-colored vest. "My wife belongs to one of these mutual admiration gossip societies— I have forgotten what the name of it is— and not long ago they made a fool rule that they would hereafter take up one another in alphabetical order as subjects for all that mild little scandal that women like to indulge in. The idea, was, you see, that each should have her full share of the roasting." "How did it work?" said the fat man. "Didn't work at all. For instance, when the day came for the discussion of the members whose name began with J, we'll say, every woman whose name began with that letter was sure to be present." David's Battlefield. M. Dieulafoy, the explorer of Persia, has carefully examined the Valley of Rephalm, south of Jerusalem, where David crushed the Philistines. He finds that the Bible account of the battle is accurate, and that David's tactics show the highest military capacity, and were like those of Frederick the Great at Mollwitz and Rossbach, and of Napoleon at Austerlitz. Eminently Satisfactory. New York Weekly. Medical Examiner — Suppose you should have a patient with some disease which you knew nothing about. What would you do? Student Charge him $5 for the examination and then send him to you. ACRES OF JAMES. Forest Fires in Pennsylvania Get Beyond Control. BIG SAW MILLS DES TROYED And Millions of Feet of Lumber and Logs Are Consumed. GLEN HAZEL IN DANGER. Firemen From Bradford, Are Fighting the Flames Losses $100,000. BRADFORD, Pa., May 5. — The most destructive forest fires known in this section for years have raged for the past week. About 3 o'clock this morning a fire started between Glen Hazel and Ketners. Dolliver's large saw mill, located between these points, was soon destroyed, together with 10,000,000 feet of lumber, an engine house, railroad switch, sixteen cars of lumber and coal, eight dwellings, an oil well and several acres of timber land. A special train, consisting of a steamer and a large force of firemen with hose, was sent from here to the scene of the conflagration. The firemen were unable to do anything more than to prevent the fire from approaching the town, and succeeded in diverting the course of the flames. Everything in the woods is as dry as tinder, and the leaves and underbrush will furnish abundant fuel for the blaze. The flames are going up the hillside at a rapid rate and destroying everything in its path. The city is black with a stifling smoke, and the flames shoot up as high as the tops of the trees. A man had his shoulder broken and another injured internally while jumping from one of the buildings. In another house lay a woman who had given birth to a child twenty-four hours previously. She was rescued from the flames with much difficulty, and it is feared she will die from fright and exhaustion. This afternoon a second appeal was received from Glen Hazel asking for more help, and thirty-five firemen with hose were sent by a special train. It was feared that the fire was about to cross the east branch of the Clarion river and wipe out the town of Glen Hazel. The woods along the Erie railroad between Ketner and Bradford are on fire, and it is feared the loss to oil and lumber property will be great. Following are the losses: Ellas Deimer, of Williamsport, 10,000,000 feet of hemlock lumber, valued at $85,000, partially insured; Delos saw mill, $20,000, no Insurance; Kether, St. Mary's & Shawmut railroad, $20,000, insured. Fires are raging between Rixford and Farmers' Valley, on valuable timber lands, and large quantities have been destroyed. The Columbia Oil company's property is now threatened. Between Crawford Junction and Riterville a fierce fire is raging on both sides of the Erie railroad tracks. Considerable damage has been done between Gallagher and Hutchins. A fire has been in progress at Chipmunk since Thursday, and several oil wells rigs owned by Franchol Brothers, of Clean, N.Y., were destroyed. Between Emmetttsport and Pew City the woods are on fire in several places, but no damage has been reported. DEATHS MAR PLEASURE. Four Drowned Reported From Detroit. DETROIT, Mich., May The opening of the season of aquatic sports is a significant event in the city. Pleasure was marked here today by the drowning of four persons. At 3 o'clock, John Moriarty, aged sixteen, Frank Connelly, aged fourteen, and four other youths were swimming in the Rouge River when Connelly was taken with a cramp. In sinking, he clutched Moriarty's leg and both were drowned. The bodies were recovered later. At 5:30 p.m., a sailboat containing George H. Baugh, his wife, and brother-in-law, George Emmons, was capsized in the Detroit river, off Sandwich Point. Mr. and Mrs. Baugh were both drowned before rescue reached them. Emmons was saved. Scuffling by the men in the boat was the cause of the disaster. Only a moderate breeze was blowing. The bodies were not recovered. Mr. Baugh was a son of the manager of the Baugh Steel Forge of this city. The Mother Was Drowned. CINCINNATI, O., May 5.— Mrs. Barbara Fisher of Petersburg, Ky., a suburb adjoining Covington, and her two sons were caught last night on the Lick Run trestle. Mrs. Fisher could not hang onto the limbs and fell forty feet into the water and was drowned. The boys, aged ten and twelve years, crouched at the end of the ties as the train passed and were saved. Death by Lightning. GALESBURG, Ill., May 5.— During the storm last night Fred Conklin and team were killed at Henderson by lightning. The storm was severe at Abington, unroofing a large new wagon factory. Reports from the country state that many barns and cribs were blown down and much minor damage done. Death in Their Mid-Summer. CHICAGO, May 5.— During the heavy rain storm lightning struck. A party of field laborers at East Prairie, near Niles Center, Herman Spandikow was instantly killed and his sixteen-year-old son badly hurt. Two Killed in a Runaway. HOCKVILLE, Col., May 5.-A runaway occurred on Silver Cliff road, six miles from here, this afternoon by which James H. Brino and wife, of Williamsburg, Col., lost their lives. Their two children and an unknown "heart" In all forms. Palpitation. Pain in the Side, Shoulder and Arm, Short Urea, Oppression, Asthma, Swollen Ankles, Weak and Smothering Spells, Dropsy, Wind in Stomach, etc., are cured by OH. MICKS' NEW HEART CURE. A F. Davis, Silver Creek, Nebraska, after taking four bottles of HEART CURE felt much better than he had for twelve years. "For 30 years troubled with Heart Disease: two bottles of OH. It! ICES' 111. L.i CURE cured me. "—Levi Losan, Buchanan, Michigan. E. B. Stuison, Ways Station, Ga., has taken OH. MILES' HEART CURE for Heart Trouble with great results. Mrs. Le Bar, Fitchburg, Mich., was ill for 15 years with Heart Disease, used Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and it cured her. It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a Positive Guarantee. Illustrated book Free at druggists or address OR. TICKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Sold by all druggists. Man, riding with them, escaped, except for a few cuts and bruises. The youngest child, who fell with the mother, also escaped. Full particulars not yet obtainable. WORK OF WATERSPOUTS. Southern Ohio and Indiana Suffer From Storm. CINCINNATI, O., May Advices Southern Ohio, Southeastern Indiana and Northeastern Kentucky report, (phenomenal waterspouts before sunset last night). At McGorigle's Station, near Hamilton, crops were "gamy damaged also bridges. In Scioto county, the people were greatly alarmed. Much damage was done around New Boston. About two piles from Harrodsburg, Ky., a "waterspout inundated the country." Wafer was three feet deep in the fields, carrying logs and fencing into the highways. Trees were blown down, a lot of outbuildings carried away and crops damaged. In none of these fields did the damage extend beyond a mile square. There was a terrific cloudburst at noon today between Torrington and Fincastle, Ky., causing a big landslide. The north fork of the Kentucky river rose three feet in one hour. TWISTER IN ALABAMA. Wind and Rain Cause Enormous Damage. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May 5.—A severe wind and rain storm passed over the southern part of Cullman county, sixty miles north of here, late this afternoon. The wires are all down and details are meager. Many buildings were either blown down or damaged, so it is reported, and crops destroyed. It is said that two miles west of Hanesville the house of James Ellis was blown down, and his family of six persons were badly hurt, an eleven-year-old son having since died. The damage to the fruit crops was very heavy. Hit Hull Stones. PEORIA, Ill., May 5—Wind and hail storm, the severest in recent years, swept over on the city today, doing many thousands of dollars' worth of damage. Hail an inch and a half in diameter fell. BASKETS. The Remarkable Hex-ill of a Lazy You. Chicago Record. During the last years of the eighteenth century, a man named Krauss lived in one of the quaint villages which dot the upper Franconian mountains in Bavaria. He became the great basket maker of the world. His father and his grandfather, and their fathers and grandfathers, had all been whittlers of toys after the manner of their peaceful, home-loving countrymen in the neighboring province of Thuringia. But young Krauss was too lazy, so the story goes, to help in the work. His brothers and sisters made wooden elephants and camels and wonderful woolly sheep from morning until night, but the boy persisted in wandering away when the day was bright and playing on the willow fringed banks of the Main, which stretched like a silver thread in the valley below. One day he came home with a bundle of the straight, supple willow twigs under his arm, and, having stripped away the bark, he wove them into a mat. The next day he tried it again, and before many weeks had passed he had constructed a basket much like those he had seen in the market town of Lichtenfeld, a few miles away. His father, his brothers and sisters laughed at the rude work, but young Krauss labored on year in and year out, bringing up all the willow twigs. He needed on his back from the river below. After a time the farmers began to buy his baskets, and then, one day, the farmers began to buy his baskets, and then, one day, the farmers began to buy their baskets. Day, he ventured to take some of them to the fair in Lichtenfeld, and almost as soon as he exhibited them, they were all purchased, and people began to ask where they could get more. Today more than 16,000 men, women, and children of that region are kept at work plaiting willow twigs, straw, and palm leaves, and Lichtenfeld is the greatest basket market of the world. Its products being sent to the ends of the earth. The Main was soon stripped of its willow fringe, and rods had to be shipped from France and Hungary, straw from Spain and Italy, and palm leaves from the far-away tropics. But to this day the work is done just as Krauss did it. WALKING AND DYSPEPSIA. Pedestrian Exercise the Great Remedy for Weak Stomach. Washington Post. "Half the dyspepsia and indigestion and general debility from which so many people seem to be suffering is due to nothing in the world except a lack of exercise," said an old physician, with a wise shake of his head. "Take all these department clerks, for instance. More than half of them lose from twenty to thirty days a year of government time on account of sickness due to these causes. It is not remarkable that they should, either. They get up in the morning, hurry through breakfast and rush out and get aboard a streetcar. When they reach their offices, instead of climbing up stairs they get in the elevator and ride up. At noon they dawdle around instead of taking a brisk walk of ten or fifteen minutes to expel the stale air they have been breathing all the morning from their lungs and cleaning them out with the fresh article. After office they are listless and worn out, or feel that way, and ride home again to eat dinner with no appetite and lie around idly till bedtime. I tell you that everybody ought to climb up three or four flights of stairs at least once a day in order to bring important muscles into play, and everybody, too, ought to take a brisk walk of at least a quarter of an hour every day with no other object than the walk in view. They'd be more well stomachs in this vicinity if they did." A Peculiarity of Man. Washington Post. He was leaving the crowd where the theater tickets for a big entertainment were being sold. There was a happy look on his face, which suddenly vanished. He put his hand to his temples, and then said: "I guess I'll hunt up some quiet place and kick myself." That's what I'll do." "What's the matter?" asked the friend who had overtaken him. "I have been letting the calcium light of mathematics into the opalescent mist of my enthusiasm," he replied. "What do you mean?" "I've just figured it out that I've stood out in the snow in line for five hours to pay extra money for a theater seat, rather than stand up for three hours at the performance where its warm and comfortable." Their Fossil Ancestor. In his paper on wild traits in tame animals, Dr. Louis Robinson says that the donkey, the horse, and the zebra are all descended, hypohetically at least from a common fossil ancestor — a "four or five-toed pig-like beast"— and that the donkey is a better representative of the family than the horse. Darwin noticed the tendency of the zebra's stripes to reappear on the tags and shoulders of mules. FEAR BLACK FLAGS. Cession of Formosa to Japs Threatens to Cause a Revolt. EUROPEANS ARE IN DANGER. British and Germans Land Marines From War Ships at Anping. JAPAN MAKES CONCESSIONS. Agrees to Give Up Liao Tung if Allowed to Keep Port Arthur. LONDON, May 6.— The Times has a dispatch from Pekin saying the fact that the emperor has ratified the treaty of peace with Japan is known to only a few Chinese. No edict in regard to the matter has been issued. Prince Kung, president of the Tsung Li Yamen, urged the emperor to ratify the treaty. A Hong Kong dispatch to the Times states that the governor of Formosa says that its cession to the Japanese will produce a rebellion. He declares that he has lost all control of the soldiers and foreigners must save themselves. The leader of the black flags has appealed to his men to carry out his original orders, to prevent the Japanese from landing on the island. Placards written by the Liao Tung have been posted in conspicuous places calling upon the people to resist the Japanese, and saying that if this island is to be ceded to any nation they prefer it should be given to Great Britain. A dispatch to the Times from Paris says the Temps has a telegram from St. Petersburg stating that Japan has replied to the friendly protest of Russia, Germany, and France. Japan agrees to renounce possession of the Liao Tung peninsula, but says she will retain Port Arthur. This compromise leaves intact all the dangers that the powers wished to avoid. Fresh representations have been made to Japan, and the negotiations are actively proceeding. A Berlin dispatch to the Times says that nothing has occurred to diminish the hope of an amicable settlement of the troubles in connection with the Japan-China peace treaty, though it would be difficult to say upon what basis it will be. It is probable that the compensation to Japan for the foregoing possession of the Liao Tung peninsula will be the payment by China of an increased indemnity. MARINES LANDED. HONG KONG, May The situation in the island of Formosa is serious, and fears are entertained for the lives of the foreigners there. British and German marines have been landed at Anping on the southwes' coast to project the foreign residents, and Taku harbor south of Anping is being patrolled by blue jackets in armed launches. The black flags are mostly unruly. The black flags are the irregular forces. They are not on China's pay, though sometimes she has a little authority over them. Warfare is their profession, and they depend upon it for bread, and they raid and rob Chinese and others indiscriminately. They have no law but the commands of their leaders. They are much bolder and more warlike than the average Chinaman, and have little fear of death. The French were greatly troubled by them in Taku. It is said if the Chinese can turn the black flags upon an especially hated enemy, they consider it a great stroke of enterprise. It is also said that when the French, during the Tonquin campaign, sent an officer to Tien Tsin to complain to Viceroy Li Hung Chang against the outrages of the black flags, and to demand that he secure their punishment, the vice roy said that he had no more control over them than the French had; they were robber scamps, and China disavowed them. China would be delighted if the French caught them and beheaded them. French Lost But One. PARIS, May 5.— The French losses at the capture of Marovovay, Madagascar, the taking of which place, was announced in these dispatches yesterday, was one killed and four wounded. The losses of the Hovas were severe. MODERN AT ALANTAS. They Race Madly Through the Streets of the Modern Athens. New York World. It is stated upon excellent authority that the learned Boston ladies no longer walk with stately dignity through the streets of the Hub. The early morning hours are devoted to sprinting along the Back Bay fens. According to an eyewitness, the scene is an artistic one. A party of young women, dressed in loose, comfortable clothing, half symnasium and half walking style, with spring-heel shoes and with wraps laid aside, can be seen practicing running matches. "The air," the inspired witness goes on, "is like a tonic to sleepy senses, and the woody smell of the shrubbery, as well as the breeze from the water, is enough to make the most sluggish long to break ranks and run, for the mere sake of being alive and in motion. "If the costumes of these young women were a little looser, with more hindering drapery, one could almost imagine that the days of old Greece had returned, when running races were as much for the women as for the men. "The similarity to their Grecian sisters in their healthful poise and free movements is made all the greater, as, with loosened tresses and lightness of step that increases toward the end of the lesson, these fair Atalantas come flying toward the goal. "That they are well up in gymnastic practice their free, unconstrained motions testify— that this is only a step further toward perfect freedom of movement and healthfulness is evident." The large great Troops. The Evangelist. The largest cross in the world now stands in Drake's Bay, North America. Three hundred and fourteen years ago, the celebrated Sir Francis Drake landed in this bay, and his chaplain, Francis Fletcher by name, preached the very first English sermon ever heard in that region. To commemorate this event, Bishop Nichols, of California, and the late George W. Childs caused a large stone cross to be erected on the spot, a cliff standing 300 feet above the sea. The cross is fifty-seven feet high, of blue sandstone; several of the stones in it are larger than the largest stone in the pyramid of Cheops. This splendid monument can be seen far and wide, and it is literally a sermon in stone. A REGULAR SNAP, "As I live, a bicycle. What snap!" "I knew I could do it the first time I tried." "Great Scott, my tail caught in the back wheel. Murder!" "Murder! Murder! Murder!" "Well, it was a snap, sure enough." Author Unknown. Brooklyn Eagle. Will you kindly inform me where the quotation, "Time and tide wait for no man," is from? Answer— The phrase, "Time and time wait for no man," has not been traced to any individual author. Shakespeare PRICES ON HALF. FINEST CABINET photos. Aristo, fall or high. More, dozen $1.50 Then, and elegant Plating, All Work. Wanted. 427 429 Nicollet Avenue. KEEP THE FIRES GOING. A Simple Way to Prevent Sin-ill Evils From Growing; to Maturity. Don't let the fire go out. Winter is gone, to be sure, but there are many days in spring when the winds are raw and chill, and the house would be a veritable tomb without a fire. Keep up the vital fire in your body. Look out for your digestion and take prompt heed of any departure from a state of health. A vagabond, current of air may carry the seeds of pneumonia and bronchitis, but it has no terrors for a system that has been fortified with Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. This medicinal stimulant prevents the colds from becoming big ones. It is a tonic and appetizer, warming the body through and through, and promoting a healthy secretion of the gastric fluids. It keeps out cold because it checks undue waste, and is a general strengthener. Long experience has taught the doctors that the colds so general in the uncertain spring time are best overcome by a reliable stimulant. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is in every thrifty housekeeper's medicine chest. With all the vigilance in the world, it is next to impossible to keep clear of cold, producing agencies. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey acts as a safeguard against colds and other ailments. Be sure, however, that no druggist or grocer gives you something called "just as good." Insist upon having the best, the genuine, the only medicinal whiskey in the world. The market has the sentiment preserved in the passage in "Julius Caesar," thus: There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. Then we find it in it. Southwell's "St. Peter's complaint" (1505), in the following form: Hoist up calls while Kale doth last; Title and wind stay no man's pleasure. The form which comes nearest to that offered by our correspondent is that in which Robert Burns has it in "Tarn O'Shanter," thus: No man can tell whether time or title. LIBERAL ("limine Vreconcury with the lie" turned to the door, Detroit Free Press. She had promised to be his bride, and he was happy. The sun shone softer for him, and there was that in all the world which made it more like heaven. For three months he trod on rose leaves, and then there came the first shadow. He was called away, to be gone six months. They went and clung to each other as lovers do, and then he went away. For a long time their postage bills were enormous, and then hers began to grow less. He increased, but she continued her economical methods. At last the time came for him to return, and he went back to her. She met him coldly. "What is it, darling?" he asked. "Nothing," she replied, hesitatingly. Suddenly he started as he looked down at her lily-white hand. "What is that ring? And where is mine?" he said, excitedly. His persistent emboldener, her. "To be frank with you, Mr. Smith," she said, I love another." "But you promised to love me," he argued. "That may have been once," she said coldly, "but I have changed my mind," and she handed him back his ring. In a moment a great wave of gen erosity swept over him. "Oh, keep the- change, Angellne," ho said with a pleasant smile, "It's coming on Christmas and you may need it," and he went out whistling "Fifteen Dollars in His Inside Pock et." '*"/•',' ••'■ ; ~ ""'£•','' I<*rnilCM»*N Octroi Outlet. j Octroi duties, the tax on eatables, wines and liquors, fuel, and building materials entering a town, are levied in 1,518 municipalities in Prance. Last year the gross receipts from the duties were 168,000,000 and the cost of collec tion 16,600,000, or nearly 1) per cent. I Paris alone paid 130,000,000, nearly half | the whole amount, and over $10 a head for every Inhabitant, while the av erage of the other towns is $5 a lead. DOCTOR BRINLEY 251. 253 and 265 Nicollet Aye., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA. The and Only reliable medical office of It* kind in th* city, v will be prot.'i by eoniultmg ... i Din of th* duly prut Regularly anted ard Itfallr a,axllSad; long engaged in Chronic, Net rem and Skin Dma Mi. A friendly talk co.t* nothing. If Inconvenient to Tint )h» aity for treatment, medicine aant by until or eitprei*. ft** from observation. ("arable cair* i«n.l«). If doukt eiiat* w* lay •«. Ilouri-10 to 13 a. m, i 14 and 7to t p. if : -.•.<•. 1') to la a. m If you cannot Com*, >ut* cat* by mail. Special Parlor far 1-41... |
github_open_source_100_1_399 | Github OpenSource | Various open source | <?php
namespace App\Models;
// use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Tymon\JWTAuth\Contracts\JWTSubject;
class User extends Authenticatable implements JWTSubject
use Notifiable;
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
protected $table="users";
protected $fillable = [
public function likes(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Like');
public function post(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Post');
* The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
* @var array
protected $hidden = [
'password', 'remember_token',
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* @var array
protected $casts = [
'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
* Get the identifier that will be stored in the subject claim of the JWT.
* @return mixed
/// jwt
public function getJWTIdentifier()
return $this->getKey();
public function getJWTCustomClaims()
return [];
// public function setPasswordAttribute($password)
// {
// if ( $password !== null & $password !== "" ) {
// $this->attributes['password'] = bcrypt($password);
// }
// }
US-201113137553-A_1 | USPTO | Public Domain | Heterocyclic compound, organic light-emitting device including the heterocyclic compound, and flat display device including the organic light-emitting device
A heterocyclic compound includes compounds represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2 below:
1. Field
The present invention relates to a heterocyclic compound, an organic light-emitting device including the heterocyclic compound, and a flat display device including the organic light-emitting device.
2. Description of the Related Art
Organic light-emitting devices are active emission-type devices, and have a wide viewing angle and a high contrast ratio, short response time, high brightness, a low driving voltage, and a high response rate, and produce a plurality of colors.
Generally, an organic light-emitting device includes a substrate, an anode formed on the substrate, and a hole transport layer, an emission layer, an electron transport layer, and a cathode sequentially formed on the anode in the stated order. The hole transport layer, the emission layer, and the electron transport layer may be organic films formed of an organic compound.
An organic light-emitting device having such a structure is driven as follow: when a voltage is applied between the anode and the cathode, holes injected through the anode pass through the hole transport layer and move toward the emission layer, and electrons injected through the cathode pass through the electron transport layer and move toward the emission layer. The holes and the electrons, which are carriers, are recombined in the emission layer to form excitons. The excitons are changed from an excited state to a ground state, thereby generating light.
According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a heterocyclic compound represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2 below:
Y₁ to Y₄ are each independently N or C(R₁₀), and one or more of Y₁ to Y₄ are N, and when two or more of Y₁ to Y₄ are C(R₁₀), a plurality of R₁₀ are identical to or different from each other,
R₁ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a cyano group, a nitro group, a carboxylic group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkynyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryloxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylthio group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group, or a group represented by N(Q₁)(Q₂) where Q₁ and Q₂ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a cyano group, an amino group, a nitro group, a carboxylic group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkynyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryloxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylthio group, or a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group,
L₁ is a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylene group or a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroarylene group, and
a is an integer from 1 to 3.
According to some embodiments, Y₁ is N and Y₂, Y₃ and Y₄ each are C(R₁₀).
According to some embodiments, R₁ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a cyano group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted methoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted biphenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenanthrenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzoimidazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted quinolinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrimidinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazopyrimidinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted indolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridoindolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted furanyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzofuranyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted dibenzofuranyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted thiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzothiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted dibenzothiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted oxadiazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted triazinyl group, or a group represented by N(Q₁)(Q₂) where Q₁ and Q₂ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group.
According to some embodiments, R₃ is a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted biphenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenanthrenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzoimidazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrimidinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted quinolinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazopyrimidinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted indolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridoindolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted furanyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzofuranyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted dibenzofuranyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted thiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzothiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted dibenzothiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted oxadiazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted triazinyl group, or a group represented by N(Q₁)(Q₂) where Q ₁ and Q₂ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group, and R₁, R₂, and R₄ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a cyano group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group.
According to some embodiments, R₃ is a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted isobutyl group, or any one of groups represented by Formulae 2A to 2S below, and R₁, R₂, and R₄ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a cyano group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group:
Z₁, Z₂, Z₃, Z₄ and Z₅ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted methoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted biphenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted anthryl group, a plurality of Z₁, Z₂, Z₃, Z₄ and Z₅ are identical to or different from each other, q is an integer from 1 to 5, r and u are each independently an integer from 1 to 4, s and x are each independently an integer from 1 to 3, v is an integer from 1 to 2, and * represents a binding site.
According to some embodiments, R₃ is a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted isobutyl group, or any one of groups represented by Formulae 3A to 3P below, and R₁, R₂ and R₄ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a cyano group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group:
U₁ is a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, or a methoxy group and U₂ is a hydrogen atom or a halogen atom, wherein a plurality of U₁ and U₂ are identical to or different from each other, q is an integer of 1 to 5, and * indicates a binding site.
According to some embodiments, L₁ is a substituted or unsubstituted phenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted triazinylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted anthrylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenanthrenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted chrycenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted pherylenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted spiro-fluorenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzoimidazolene group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazopyrimidinylene group, or a substituted or unsubstituted oxadiazolylene group.
According to some embodiments, L₁ is any one of groups represented by Formulae 4A to 4F below:
Z₆ is a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted methoxy group, or a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a plurality of Z₆ are identical to or different from each other, r′ is an integer from 1 to 4, s′ is an integer from 1 to 3, and * and *′ each indicate a binding site.
According to some embodiments, a is 0 or 1.
According to some embodiments, the heterocyclic compound represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2 above is any one of compounds represented by Compound 1 to 112 below:
According to some example embodiments, an organic light-emitting device may include a first electrode, a second electrode facing the first electrode, and at least one first layer interposed between the first electrode and the second electrode, wherein the first layer includes one or more heterocyclic compounds described above.
According to some embodiments, the organic light-emitting device may further include one or more additional layers, including, a hole injection layer, a hole transport layer, a functional layer having a hole injection function and a hole transport function, an electron blocking layer, an emission layer, a hole blocking layer, an electron transport layer, an electron injection layer, a functional layer having an electron injection function and an electron transport function, or a combination of two or more thereof between the first electrode and the second electrode. According to some embodiments, at least one layer selected from the first layer and the one or more additional layers may be formed by using a wet process. According to some embodiments, the first layer may be an emission layer, an electron injection layer, an electron transport layer, or a functional layer having a hole injection function and a hole transport function.
According to some embodiments, the first layer may be an emission layer, one of the one or more heterocyclic compounds may be used as a fluorescent host or a phosphorescent host, and the first layer may further include a fluorescent dopant or a phosphorescent dopant.
According to some embodiments, the phosphorescent dopant may include an organometallic complex including Ir, Pt, Os, Re, Ti, Zr, Hf, or a combination of two or more thereof.
According to some embodiments, the first layer may be an emission layer, one of the one or more heterocyclic compounds may be used as a fluorescent dopant, and the first layer may further include a fluorescent host or a phosphorescent host. According to some embodiments, the fluorescent host or the phosphorescent host may include another one of the one or more heterocyclic compounds, wherein the another one of the one or more heterocyclic compounds is different from the fluorescent dopant heterocyclic compound.
According to some embodiments, the first layer may be an emission layer, an electron transport layer, or a functional layer having a hole injection function and a hole transport function, and the first layer may further include at least one selected from an anthracene-based compound, an arylamine-based compound, and a styryl-based compound. At least one selected from the hole injection layer, the hole transport layer, and the functional layer having a hole injection function and a hole transport function may further include a charge generating material.
The first layer may be an electron transport layer or the one or more additional layers may be an electron transport layer. The electron transport layer may include an electron transport organic material and a metal-containing material. The first layer may be an electron transport layer, and an emission layer may be additionally interposed between the first electrode and the second electrode. The emission layer may include at least one region selected from a red emission region, a green emission region, a blue emission region, and a white emission region, and at least one region of the red emission region, the green emission region, the blue emission region, and the white emission region may include a phosphorescent compound.
According to some example embodiments, a flat display device may include a transistor that includes a source, a drain, a gate, and an active layer; and the organic light-emitting device described above, wherein any one of the source and the drain is electrically connected to the organic light-emitting device.
The embodiments will become more apparent by describing in detail exemplary embodiments thereof with reference to FIG. 1 that is a schematic view of an organic light-emitting device according to an embodiment.
Korean Patent Application No. 10-2011-0043439, filed on May 9, 2011, in the Korean Intellectual Property Office, is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety by reference.
A heterocyclic compound according to an embodiment of the present invention is represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2 below:
Y₁ to Y₄ are each independently N or C(R₁₀), and one or more of Y₁ to Y₄ are N, and when two or more of Y₁ to Y₄ are C(R₁₀), a plurality of R₁₀ may be identical to or different from each other,
R₁ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a cyano group, a nitro group, a carboxylic group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkynyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryloxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylthio group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group, or a group represented by N(Q₁)(Q₂) where Q₁ and Q₂ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a cyano group, an amino group, a nitro group, a carboxylic group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkynyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C ₁-C₃₀ alkoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryloxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylthio group, or a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group,
L₁ is a substituted or unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylene group or a substituted or unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroarylene group, and
a is an integer from 1 to 3.
According to some embodiments, Y₁ is N and Y₂, Y₃ and Y₄ are each C(R₁₀).
For example, R₁ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a cyano group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted methoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted biphenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenanthrenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzoimidazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted quinolinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrimidinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazopyrimidinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted indolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridoindolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted furanyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzofuranyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted dibenzofuranyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted thiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzothiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted dibenzothiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted oxadiazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted triazinyl group, or a group represented by N(Q₁)(Q₂) where Q₁ and Q₂ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group.
For example, R₃ is a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted biphenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenanthrenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzoimidazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrimidinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted quinolinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazopyrimidinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted indolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridoindolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted furanyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzofuranyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted dibenzofuranyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted thiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzothiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted dibenzothiophenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted oxadiazolyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted triazinyl group, or a group represented by N(Q₁)(Q₂) where Q₁ and Q₂ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group. In this case, R₁, R₂, and R₄ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a cyano group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group.
Detailed examples of R₃ are a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted isobutyl group, and groups represented by Formulae 2A to 2S below, and R₁, R₂, R₄ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a cyano group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group:
wherein Z₁, Z₂, Z₃, Z₄ and Z₅ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted methoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethoxy group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted biphenyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted anthryl group, a plurality of Z₁, Z₂, Z₃, Z₄, and Z₅ are identical to or different from each other, q is an integer from 1 to 5, r and u are each independently an integer from 1 to 4, s and x are each independently an integer from 1 to 3, v is an integer from 1 to 2, and * represents a binding site.
Further detailed examples of R₃ are a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted isobutyl group, and groups represented by Formulae 3A to 3P below, and R₁, R₂, and R₄ to R₁₀ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a cyano group, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, or a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group:
wherein U₁ is a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, or a methoxy group, U₂ is a hydrogen atom or a halogen atom, a plurality of U₁ and U₂ may be identical to or different from each other, q is an integer of 1 to 5, and * represents a binding site.
In Formula 1 or Formula 2, L₁ is a substituted or unsubstituted phenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted naphthylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted triazinylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted anthrylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted phenanthrenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyrenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted chrycenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted pherylenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted fluorenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted spiro-fluorenylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted carbazolylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted pyridinylene group, a substituted or unsubstituted benzoimidazolene group, a substituted or unsubstituted imidazopyrimidinylene group, or a substituted or unsubstituted oxadiazolylene group.
An example of L₁ may be a compound having a formula selected from groups represented by Formulae 4A to 4F below, but is not limited thereto:
wherein Z₆ is a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a substituted or unsubstituted methyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted ethyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted propyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted butyl group, a substituted or unsubstituted methoxy group, or a substituted or unsubstituted phenyl group, a plurality of Z₆ may be identical to or different from each other, r′ is an integer from 1 to 4, s′ is an integer from 1 to 3, and * and *′ each indicate a binding site. In this case, * indicates a site connected to either N of indole or L₁ near the N of indole, and *′ indicates a site connected to either R₃ or L₁ opposite to the N of indole.
In Formula 1 or Formula 2, L₁, which is a bivalent linker, may not exist. If L₁ does not exist, in Formula 1 or Formula 2, a is 0. If one L₁ exists, a is 1, and if two L₁ exist in series, a is 2.
Compounds represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2 may be used as a light-emitting material and/or electron transport material for an organic light-emitting device. Also, compounds represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2 having a heterocycle in their molecules may have high glass transition temperature (Tg) or melting point, due to the introduction of a heterocycle. Accordingly, during electroluminescence, heat resistance against joule's heat (generated in an organic layer, between organic layers, and between an organic layer and a metal electrode), and durability (under high-temperature conditions), may be increased. Also, a heterocyclic compound represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2 may exhibit high durability during preservation and driving of an organic light-emitting device, due to inclusion of a pyridoindole structure in its molecule. Also, if a substituent, such as a fluorene group is introduced to a heterocyclic compound represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2, morphology of an organic layer may be improved, and thus, an organic light-emitting device, including, such heterocyclic compounds may have improved characteristics.
The heterocyclic compound may be any one of compounds 1 to 112 below, but is not limited thereto:
According to an embodiment, the heterocyclic compound may be compound 5, 7, 11, 17, or 30, but is not limited thereto.
The term “substituted A” in the term “substituted or unsubstituted A (where A is an arbitrary substituent)”, used herein, refers to “A in which one or more hydrogen atoms of the A are substituted with a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a cyano group, a nitro group, a carboxylic group or salt derivative thereof, a sulfonic acid group or salt derivative thereof, a phosphoric acid group or salt derivative thereof, a C₁-C₃₀ alkyl group, a C₂-C₃₀ alkenyl group, a C₂-C₃₀ alkynyl group, a C₁-C₃₀ alkoxy group, a C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkyl group, a C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkenyl group, a C₆-C₃₀ aryl group, a C₆-C₃₀ aryloxy group, a C₆-C₃₀ arylthio group, a C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group, a group represented by N(Q₁₀₁)(Q₁₀₂), or a group represented by Si(Q₁₀₃)(Q₁₀₄)(Q₁₀₅) where Q₁₀₁ to Q₁₀₅ are each independently a hydrogen atom, a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a cyano group, an amino group, a nitro group, a carboxylic group, a C₁-C₃₀ alkyl group, a C₂-C₃₀ alkenyl group, a C₂-C₃₀ alkynyl group, a C₁-C₃₀ alkoxy group, a C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkyl group, a C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkenyl group, a C₆C₃₀ aryl group, a C₆-C₃₀ aryloxy group, a C₆-C₃₀ arylthio group, or a C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group.
For example, the term “substituted A” refers to “A in which one or more hydrogen atoms of the A are substituted with a deuterium atom, a halogen atom, a hydroxyl group, a cyano group, a nitro group, a carboxylic group, a methyl group, ethyl group, a propyl group, a butyl group, a pentyl group, a methoxy group, an ethoxy group, a phenyl group, a biphenyl group, a pentalenyl group, a indenyl group, a naphthyl group, a azulenyl group, a heptalenyl group, a indacenyl group, a acenaphthyl group, a fluorenyl group, a spiro-fluorenyl group, a phenalenyl group, a phenanthrenyl group, a phenanthridinyl group, a phenanthrolinyl group, a anthryl group, a fluoranthenyl group, a triphenylenyl group, a pyrenyl group, a chrysenyl group, a naphthacenyl group, a picenyl group, a perylenyl group, a pentaphenyl group, a hexacenyl group, a pyrrolyl group, a imidazolyl group, a benzoimidazolyl group, a pyrazolyl group, a pyridinyl group, a pyrazinyl group, a pyrimidinyl group, a imidazopyrimidinyl group, a pyridazinyl group, a indolyl group, a isoindolyl group, a pyridoindolyl group, a indazolyl group, a purinyl group, a quinolinyl group, a benzoquinolinyl group, a phthalazinyl group, a naphthyridinyl group, a quinoxalinyl group, a quinazolinyl group, a carbazolyl group, a phenazinyl group, a furanyl group, a benzofuranyl group, a dibenzofuranyl group, a thiophenyl group, a benzothiophenyl group, a dibenzothiophenyl group, a thiazolyl group, a isothiazolyl group, a benzothiazolyl group, a oxazolyl group, a benzooxazolyl group, a isooxazolyl group, a oxadiazolyl group, a triazolyl group, a triazinyl group, a tetrazolyl group, a group represented by N(Q₁₀₁)(Q₁₀₂), or a group represented by Si(Q₁₀₃)(Q₁₀₄)(Q₁₀₅).
The unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkyl group used herein refers to a linear or branched saturated hydrocarbon group in which one hydrogen atom is deficient, and examples thereof include methyl, ethyl, propyl, isobutyl, sec-butyl, pentyl, iso-amyl, and hexyl. A substituent of the substituted C₁-C₃₀ alkyl group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkenyl group used herein refers to a terminal group having at least one carbon-carbon double blond at the center or at a terminal end of the unsubstituted an unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkyl group. Examples of the unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkenyl group are ethenyl, propenyl, butenyl, pentenyl, hexenyl, heptenyl, octenyl, propadienyl, isoprenyl, and allyl. A substituent of the substituted C₂-C₃₀ alkenyl group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkynyl group used herein refers to a terminal group having at least one carbon-carbon triple bond at the center or at a terminal end of the unsubstituted an unsubstituted C₂-C₆₀ alkyl group. Examples of the unsubstituted C₂-C₃₀ alkynyl group are acetylenyl, etc. A substituent of the substituted C₂-C₃₀ alkynyl group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkoxy group used herein has a formula represented by —OY where Y is the unsubstituted C₁-C₆₀ alkyl group as defined above. Examples of the unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkoxy group are methoxy, ethoxy, isopropyloxy, butoxy, pentoxy, etc. A substituent of the substituted C₁-C₃₀ alkoxy group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkyl group used herein refers to a cyclic saturated hydrocarbon group. Examples of the unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkyl group are cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, cyclooctyl, etc. A substituent of the substituted C₁-C₃₀ cycloalkyl group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkenyl group used herein refers to a cyclic unsaturated hydrocarbon group having one or more carbon double bonds that is not an aromatic ring. Examples of the unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkenyl group are cyclopropenyl, cyclobutenyl, cyclopentenyl, cyclohexenyl, cycloheptenyl, 1,3-cyclohexadienyl, 1,4-cyclohexadienyl, 2,4-cycloheptadienyl, 1,5-cyclooctadienyl, etc. A substituent of the substituted C₃-C₃₀ cycloalkenyl group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group used herein refers to a monovalent group having a carbocyclic aromatic system in which the number of carbon atoms is 6 to 30, and may be a monocyclic group or a polycyclic group. If the unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group is a polycyclic group, two or more rings contained in the unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group may be fused. Examples of the unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group are phenyl, pentalenyl, indenyl, naphtyl, azulenyl, heptalenyl, indacenyl, acenaphthyl, fluorenyl, spiro-fluorenyl, phenalenyl, phenanthrenyl, anthryl, fluoranthenyl, triphenylenyl, pyrenyl, chrysenyl, naphthacenyl, picenyl, perylenyl, pentaphenyl, hexacenyl, etc. A substituent of the substituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryloxy group used herein refers to a monovalent group to which a carbon atom of the C₆-C₃₀ aryl group is attached to an oxygen linker (—O—). A substituent of the substituted C₆-C₃₀ aryloxy group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylthio group used herein refers to a monovalent group to which a carbon atom of the C₆-C₃₀ aryl group is attached to a sulfur linker (—S—). Examples of the unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylthio group are phenylthio, naphthylthio, indanylthio, and indenylthio. A substituent of the substituted C₆-C₃₀ arylthio group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group used herein refers to a monovalent aryl group including one or more cycles each including one or more hetero atoms selected from N, O, P, and S, and may be a monocyclic or polycyclic group. If the unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group is a polycyclic group, two or more cycles included therein may be fused with each other. Examples of the unsubstituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group are pyrrolyl, imidazolyl, pyrazolyl, pyridinyl, pyrazinyl, pyrimidinyl, pyridazinyl, isoindolyl, indolyl, indazolyl, purinyl, quinolinyl, benzoquinolinyl, phthalazinyl, naphthyridinyl, quinoxalinyl, quinazolinyl, cinnolinyl, carbazolyl, phenanthridinyl, acridinyl, phenanthrolinyl, phenazinyl, benzooxazolyl, benzoimidazolyl, furanyl, benzofuranyl, thiophenyl, benzothiophenyl, thiazolyl, isothiazolyl, benzothiazolyl, isoxazolyl, oxazolyl, triazolyl, tetrazol, oxadiazolyl, triazinyl, and benzooxazolyl. A substituent of the substituted C₃-C₃₀ heteroaryl group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkylene group used herein refers to a linear or branched divalent group in which two hydrogen atoms are deficient in alkans. Examples of the unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkylene group may be understood by referring to the examples of the unsubstituted C₁-C₃₀ alkyl group as described above. A substituent of the substituted C₁-C₃₀ alkylene group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
The unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylene group used herein refers to a divalent group having a C6 to C30 carbocyclic aromatic system, and may be a monocyclic or polycyclic group. Examples of the unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ arylene group may be understood by referring to the examples of the unsubstituted C₆-C₃₀ aryl group. A substituent of the substituted C₆-C₃₀ arylene group may be any one of the substituents presented above where the term “substituted A” is described in detail.
A heterocyclic compound represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2 above may be synthesized by using a known organic material synthesis method. A synthesis method for the heterocyclic compound may be easily understood by one of ordinary skill in the art in view of examples which will be described later.
The heterocyclic compound represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2 may be used in an organic light-emitting device.
An organic light-emitting device, according to an embodiment, may include a first electrode, a second electrode facing the first electrode, and a first layer interposed between the first electrode and the second electrode, wherein the first layer includes the heterocyclic compound represented by Formula 1 or Formula 2. In this regard, the first layer may include one or more layers.
The organic light-emitting device may further include, in addition to the first layer, at least one layer selected from the group consisting of a hole injection layer, a hole transport layer, a functional layer having a hole injection function and a hole transport function, an electron blocking layer, an emission layer, a hole blocking layer, an electron transport layer, an electron injection layer, and a functional layer having a hole injection function and a hole transport function, between the first electrode and the second electrode.
For example, the organic light-emitting device may have a structure of first electrode/hole injection layer/hole transport layer/first layer including the heterocyclic compound (that is, functioning as an emission layer)/electron transport layer/electron injection layer/second electrode, but the structure of the organic light-emitting device is not limited thereto.
For example, the organic light-emitting device may have a structure of first electrode/hole injection layer/hole transport layer/first layer including the heterocyclic compound (that is, functioning as an emission layer)/first layer including the heterocyclic compound (that is, functioning as an electron transport layer)/electron injection layer/second electrode, but the structure of the organic light-emitting device is not limited thereto. That is, the first layer refers to a layer including the heterocyclic compound and may be a plurality of layers which are separated from each other.
Between the first electrode and the second electrode may be, for example, the first layer and at least one additional layer. The at least one additional layer is not the first layer. The at least one additional layer may be selected from a hole injection layer, a hole transport layer, a functional layer having a hole injection function and a hole transport function, an electron blocking layer, an emission layer, a hole blocking layer, an electron transport layer, an electron injection layer, and a functional layer having a hole injection function and a hole transport function. In this regard, at least one of the layers may be formed by deposition or wet process.
The term “wet process” refers to a process in which a mixture including a material and a solvent is provided onto a substrate and then, dried and/or heat treated to remove at least a portion of the solvent, thereby forming a film including the material on the substrate.
For example, the first layer may be formed by using a conventional vacuum deposition method. Alternatively, a mixture including the heterocyclic compound and a solvent may be provided to a first layer forming region (for example, an upper portion of a hole transport layer) by spin coating, spraying, ink jet printing, dipping, casting, Gravure coating, bar coating, roll coating, wire bar coating, screen coating, flexo coating, offset coating, or laser transferring. The mixture on the first layer forming region may then be dried and/or heat treated to remove at least a portion of the solvent, thereby forming the first layer.
Alternatively, a first layer may be formed on a base film by the wet process as described above. The first layer may then be transferred to a first layer forming region (for example, an upper portion of a hole transport layer) by using a laser.
The first layer may be an electron injection layer, an electron transport layer, or a functional layer having an electron injection function and an electron injection function.
Meanwhile, the first layer may also be an emission layer. When the first layer is an emission layer, the first layer may include only the heterocyclic compound, or may further include, in addition to the heterocyclic compound, other compounds.
For example, the first layer may be an emission layer, and the heterocyclic compound included in the first layer may act as a fluorescent host or a phosphorescent host. Herein, the first layer may further include a fluorescent dopant or a phosphorescent dopant. For example, the first layer may be an emission layer that includes the heterocyclic compound acting as a fluorescent host and a fluorescent dopant, or an emission layer that includes the heterocyclic compound acting as a phosphorescent host and a phosphorescent dopant.
Alternatively, the first layer may be an emission layer and the heterocyclic compound included in the first layer may act as a fluorescent dopant. In this case, the first layer may further include a fluorescent host or a phosphorescent host. In detail, the first layer may be an emission layer that includes the heterocyclic compound acting as a fluorescent dopant and either a phosphorescent host or fluorescent host.
Alternatively, the first layer may be an emission layer and may include a fluorescent dopant formed of the heterocyclic compound and either a fluorescent host or a phosphorescent host which is formed of a heterocyclic compound that is different from that used as the fluorescent dopant. In this regard, the emission layer may further include a phosphorescent dopant.
Alternatively, the first layer in the organic light-emitting device may be an emission layer or an electron transport layer. The first layer may further include, in addition to the heterocyclic compound, one or more compounds selected from an anthracene-based compound, an arylamine-based compound, and a styryl-based compound.
Alternatively, the first layer in the organic light-emitting device may be an electron transport layer, and an emission layer may be additionally interposed between the first electrode and the second electrode. The emission layer may include at least one region selected from a red emission region, a green emission region, a blue emission region, and a white emission region. The at least one region selected from a red emission region, a green emission region, a blue emission region, and a white emission region may include a phosphorescent compound. The red emission region, the green emission region, the blue emission region, and the white emission region may be patterned by using a known method so as to produce a full-color image or embody a white emission. The phosphorescent compound may be selected from a known phosphorescent host and a known phosphorescent dopant.
FIG. 1 is a schematic view of an organic light-emitting device 10, according to an embodiment. Hereinafter, a structure of an organic light-emitting device and a method of manufacturing an organic light-emitting device will be described in detail using the heterocyclic compound 10 of FIG. 1, according to an embodiment.
The organic light-emitting device 10 may include a substrate 11, a first electrode 12, a hole injection layer 13, a hole transport layer 14, an emission layer 15, an electron transport layer 16, an electron injection layer 17, and a second electrode 18 which are sequentially disposed in the stated order.
The substrate 11 may be any one of various substrates that are used in a known organic light-emitting device, and may be a glass or transparent plastic substrate with excellent mechanical strength, thermal stability, transparency, surface smoothness, ease of handling, and water repellence.
The first electrode 12 may be formed by depositing or sputtering a first electrode material on the substrate 11. When the first electrode 12 is an anode, the first electrode material may be selected from high work-function materials so as to allow holes to be easily injected. The first electrode 12 may be a reflective electrode or a transmissible electrode. Examples of the first electrode 12 may include an indium tin oxide (ITO), an indium zinc oxide (IZO), a tin oxide (SnO₂), a zinc oxide (ZnO), etc. which are transparent and highly conductive. If magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), aluminum-lithium (Al—Li), calcium (Ca), magnesium-indium (Mg—In), or magnesium-silver (Mg—Ag) is used as the first electrode material, the first electrode 12 may be formed as a reflective electrode. The first electrode 12 may include two different materials. For example, the first electrode 12 may have a two-layer structure including two different materials.
The hole injection layer 13 may be disposed on the first electrode 12.
The hole injection layer 13 may be formed on the first electrode 12 by using various methods including vacuum deposition, wetting, or laser transferring as described above.
When a hole injection layer is formed by vacuum deposition, the deposition conditions may vary according to a material that is used to form the hole injection layer, and the structure and thermal characteristics of the hole injection layer. For example, the deposition conditions may include a deposition temperature of about 100 to about 500° C., a vacuum pressure of about 10⁻⁸ to about 10⁻³ torr, and a deposition rate of about 0.01 to about 100 Å/sec. However, the deposition conditions are not limited thereto.