dict | target
stringlengths 1
| label
stringclasses 1
value |
"term": "abdominalia",
"language": "Latin"
} | nominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural of abdōminālis | definition |
"term": "abjudicate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of abjūdicō | definition |
"term": "abjugate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of abjugō | definition |
"term": "ablactate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of ablactō | definition |
"term": "abit",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person singular present active indicative of abeō | definition |
"term": "ablaqueate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of ablaqueō | definition |
"term": "abacinate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of abacinō | definition |
"term": "abnodate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of abnōdō | definition |
"term": "ablude",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of ablūdō | definition |
"term": "abnegative",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abnegātīvus | definition |
"term": "abditive",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abditīvus | definition |
"term": "fabella",
"language": "Latin"
} | diminutive of fābula (“fable, tale, story”) | definition |
"term": "fabella",
"language": "Latin"
} | fabella (the posterior analogue of the anterior patella) | definition |
"term": "abluent",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person plural future active indicative of abluō | definition |
"term": "ablegate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of ablēgō | definition |
"term": "abalienate",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abaliēnātus | definition |
"term": "abdicant",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person plural present active indicative of abdicō | definition |
"term": "abdicator",
"language": "Latin"
} | second/third-person singular future passive imperative of abdicō | definition |
"term": "abnegator",
"language": "Latin"
} | a denier | definition |
"term": "abdominales",
"language": "German"
} | strong/mixed nominative/accusative neuter singular of abdominal | definition |
"term": "abdominales",
"language": "Latin"
} | nominative/accusative/vocative masculine/feminine plural of abdōminālis | definition |
"term": "abdicative",
"language": "Latin"
} | negatively | definition |
"term": "abdicative",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abdicātīvus | definition |
"term": "Abderite",
"language": "Latin"
} | ablative/vocative singular of Abdērītēs | definition |
"term": "abbreviature",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abbreviātūrus | definition |
"term": "abaculus",
"language": "Latin"
} | diminutive of abacus (“square tablet, panel”): abaculus | definition |
"term": "abbreviator",
"language": "Latin"
} | an abbreviator | definition |
"term": "abbreviator",
"language": "Latin"
} | second/third-person singular future passive imperative of abbreviō | definition |
"term": "abradant",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person plural present active subjunctive of abrādō | definition |
"term": "abduce",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of abdūcō | definition |
"term": "abrogator",
"language": "Latin"
} | second/third-person singular future passive imperative of abrogō | definition |
"term": "Abaddon",
"language": "Latin"
} | the name of the angel of Tartarus | definition |
"term": "umsonst",
"language": "German"
} | free of charge, gratis | definition |
"term": "umsonst",
"language": "German"
} | in vain, without success | definition |
"term": "umsonst",
"language": "German"
} | for nothing; for the sake of doing it (without expecting reply) | definition |
"term": "aberrate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of aberrō | definition |
"term": "encyclopaedia",
"language": "Latin"
} | encyclopedia | definition |
"term": "abeam",
"language": "Latin"
} | first-person singular present active subjunctive of abeō | definition |
"term": "abnegate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of abnegō | definition |
"term": "ablative",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of ablātīvus | definition |
"term": "absinthiate",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of absinthiātus | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "German"
} | Separable verb prefix that indicates removal or quitting, off, away. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "German"
} | Separable verb prefix that indicates a downward movement, down. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "German"
} | Separable verb prefix that indicates from or of. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "German"
} | Noun prefix that indicates being different from the source or deviation. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | from, away, away from | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | off | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | at a distance | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | completely, thoroughly | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | absence of | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | more remote | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | removed by three generations | definition |
"term": "abhorrent",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person plural present active indicative of abhorreō | definition |
"term": "absonant",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person plural present active indicative of absonō | definition |
"term": "Fabian",
"language": "German"
} | a male given name | definition |
"term": "abominate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of abōminō | definition |
"term": "abactor",
"language": "Latin"
} | A cattle thief; abactor or rustler. | definition |
"term": "abactor",
"language": "Latin"
} | A man who abducts. | definition |
"term": "abrade",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of abrādō | definition |
"term": "aboral",
"language": "German"
} | aboral | definition |
"term": "abaxial",
"language": "German"
} | abaxial | definition |
"term": "absterge",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of abstergeō | definition |
"term": "absis",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active subjunctive of absum | definition |
"term": "absis",
"language": "Latin"
} | dative/ablative masculine/feminine/neuter plural of absus | definition |
"term": "absis",
"language": "Latin"
} | dative/ablative plural of absus | definition |
"term": "absume",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of absūmō | definition |
"term": "abductor",
"language": "Latin"
} | abductor | definition |
"term": "abstrude",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of abstrūdō | definition |
"term": "abrase",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abrāsus | definition |
"term": "abrasive",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of abrasiv: | definition |
"term": "abrasive",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of abrasiv: | definition |
"term": "abrasive",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of abrasiv: | definition |
"term": "abrasive",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of abrasiv: | definition |
"term": "acanthine",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of acanthinus | definition |
"term": "abrogate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of abrogō | definition |
"term": "aquila",
"language": "Latin"
} | eagle | definition |
"term": "aquila",
"language": "Latin"
} | the standard (of an eagle) carried by a Roman legion | definition |
"term": "aquila",
"language": "Latin"
} | the astronomical constellation Aquila | definition |
"term": "aquila",
"language": "Latin"
} | inflection of aquilus: | definition |
"term": "aquila",
"language": "Latin"
} | inflection of aquilus: | definition |
"term": "aquila",
"language": "Latin"
} | ablative feminine singular of aquilus | definition |
"term": "accipitres",
"language": "Latin"
} | nominative/accusative/vocative plural of accipiter | definition |
"term": "absenter",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of absent: | definition |
"term": "absenter",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of absent: | definition |
"term": "absenter",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of absent: | definition |
"term": "absenter",
"language": "Latin"
} | first-person singular present passive subjunctive of absentō | definition |
"term": "absinthium",
"language": "Latin"
} | wormwood | definition |
"term": "absinthium",
"language": "Latin"
} | an infusion of wormwood sometimes masked with honey due to its bitter taste | definition |
"term": "absinthium",
"language": "Latin"
} | something which is bitter but wholesome | definition |
"term": "accorporate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of accorporō | definition |
"term": "acclive",
"language": "Latin"
} | nominative/accusative/vocative neuter singular of acclīvis | definition |
"term": "absterse",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abstersus | definition |
"term": "accipient",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person plural future active indicative of accipiō | definition |
"term": "accresce",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of accrēscō | definition |
"term": "accommodator",
"language": "Latin"
} | second/third-person singular future passive imperative of accommodō | definition |
"term": "acceptant",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person plural present active indicative of acceptō | definition |
"term": "raptor",
"language": "Latin"
} | A thief, robber, plunderer. | definition |
"term": "raptor",
"language": "Latin"
} | An abductor, kidnapper. | definition |
"term": "abomasum",
"language": "Latin"
} | abomasum | definition |
"term": "abusive",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abūsīvus | definition |
Subsets and Splits