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- term: ὁ ἡ τό
definition: the (m, f, n)
- term: αὐτός αὐτή αὐτό
- (without article) he, she, it, they
- (without article) himself, herself, itself, themselves
- (with definite article) same
- term: καί
- and
- also, even;
- term: καί ... καί ...
definition: both ... and ...
- term: μέν
- indeed
- accordingly
- term: δέ
definition: and, but
- term: μέν...δέ
definition: on the one hand...on the other hand (often untranslated)
- term: τις τι
definition: someone, something, anyone, anything, some, any
- term: τίς τί
definition: (interrogative pron./adj.) who? what? which?
- term: ὅς ἥ ὅ
- this
- who, which, that
- term: εἰμί, ἔσομαι, ἦν, εἶναι
definition: to be, exist
- term: οὗτος αὕτη τοῦτο
definition: this, these
- term: ἤ
- or
- (in a comparative construction) than, as
- term: ἤ ... ἤ
definition: either ... or
- term: ἐν
- in
- (with dative plural) among
- term: γάρ
- for
- since
- term: οὐ, οὐκ, οὐχ
definition: not
- term: λέγω, ἐρῶ, εἶπον, εἴρηκα, λέλεγμαι, ἐλέχθην, ἐρρήθην
- to say, speak
- to pick up
- term: ὡς
definition: as, since
- term: τε
definition: and
- term: τε ... τε
definition: both ... and
- term: εἰς
definition: into
- term: ἐπί
definition: on, upon
- term: κατά
- (genitive) against
- (genitive) into
- (accusative) downwards
- (accusative) along, through
- (accusative) towards
- (accusative) for the purpose of
- (accusative) according to
- term: ἐγώ
definition: I
- term: ἡμεῖς
definition: we
- term: πρός
- from the side of
- in the presence of;
- near,
- at,
- in addition to
- towards,
- in relation to
- term: γίγνομαι
- to become
- to be born
- to happen
- to be
- (first person singular) present indicative active: γίγνομαι
- (first person singular) future indicative active: γενήσομαι
- (first person singular) aorist indicative active: ἐγενόμην
- (first person singular) perfect indicative active: γέγονᾰ
- (first person singular) perfect indicative passive: γεγένημαι
- (first person singular) aorist indicative passive: ἐγενήθην
- term: ἐάν
definition: (conj.) if
- term: διά
- (prep.) through,
- (prep.) during,
- (prep.) because of
- term: ἀλλά
definition: (conj.) but
- term: πᾶς πᾶσα πᾶν
- every,
- all,
- whole
- term: ἔχω
- to have,
- to hold,
- to keep
- (first person singular) present indicative active: ἔχω
- (first person singular) future indicative active: ἕξω or σχήσω
- (first person singular) aorist indicative active: ἔσχον
- (first person singular) perfect indicative active: ἔσχηκᾰ
- (first person singular) perfect indicative passive: ἔσχημαι
- (first person singular) aorist indicative passive: (ἐσχέθην)
- term: ἐκ/ἐξ
- from
- out of
- term: πολύς πολλή πολύ
definition: much, many; ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ πολύ for the most part
- term: περί
definition: around, about; concerning (+gen.)
- term: μή
definition: not (marks the negative as subjective or conditional); εἰ μή if not, except
- term: ὅστις ἥτις ὅ τι
definition: anyone who, anything which; (in indir. quest.) who, which, what
- term: ἄν
definition: [marks verbs as potential (with optative), or generalizing (with subjunctive)]
- term: σύ, σοῦ, (pl.) ὑμεῖς, ὑμῶν
definition: you
- term: ἀνά
definition: up, on; throughout
- term: ὅτι
definition: because, that; (with superl.) possible
- term: εἰ
definition: if (+indic. or opt.); εἴπερ if indeed
- term: ἄλλος ἄλλη ἄλλο
definition: other, another
- term: ἀπό
definition: from (+gen.)
- term: φημί, φήσω, impf. ἔφην
definition: say, assert, declare; οὐ φημί deny, refuse, say that...not
- term: ὑπό
definition: under (+gen., dat.); by (+gen. of personal agent); down under (+acc.)
- term: ποιέω, ποιήσω, ἐποίησα, πεποίηκα, πεποίημαι, ἐποιήθην
definition: make, produce, cause, do; (mid.) consider, reckon
- term: οὖν
definition: therefore, accordingly; at any rate
- term: λόγος λόγου, ὁ
definition: word, speech, discourse; thought, reason, account
- term: παρά
definition: from (+gen.); beside (+dat.); to, to the side of, contrary to (+acc.)
- term: οὕτως
definition: in this way
- term: πρότερος προτέρα πρότερον
definition: before, earlier; τὸ πρότερον previously, before
- term: πρότερος προτέρα πρότερον
definition: before, earlier; τὸ πρότερον previously, before
- term: θεός θεοῦ, ὁ/ἡ
definition: god, goddess
- term: μετά
definition: with (+gen.); after (+acc.)
- term: ἑαυτοῦ ἑαυτῆς ἑαυτοῦ
definition: him- her- itself (reflexive pron.)
- term: μέγας μεγάλη μέγα
definition: big, great, powerful
- term: οὐδέ
definition: and not, but not, nor; οὐδέ...οὐδέ not even...nor yet
- term: ἐκεῖνος ἐκείνη ἐκεῖνο
definition: that person or thing; ἐκεῖνος…οὗτος the former…the latter
- term: τοιοῦτος τοιαύτη τοιοῦτο
definition: such, of such a sort
- term: οὐδείς οὐδεμία οὐδέν
definition: no one, nothing
- term: εἶπον
definition: I said, I spoke, 2 aor. → λέγω, φημί
- term: ἀγαθός –ή –όν
- good,
- virtuous
- brave
- noble
- ["", singular, singular, singular, dual, dual, dual plural, plural, plural]
- ["", masculine, feminine, neuter, masculine, feminine, neuter, masculine, feminine, neuter]
- [nominative, █████████, ████████, ████████, █████████, ████████, ██████, █████████, ████████, ██████]
- [genitive, █████████, ████████, ████████, █████████, ████████, ██████, █████████, ████████, ██████]
- [dative, █████████, ████████, ████████, █████████, ████████, ██████, █████████, ████████, ██████]
- [accusative, █████████, ████████, ████████, █████████, ████████, ██████, █████████, ████████, ██████]
- [vocative, █████████, ████████, ████████, █████████, ████████, ██████, █████████, ████████, ██████]
- term: γε
definition: (enclitic) indeed; at least, at any rate
- term: δή
definition: surely, really, now, in fact, indeed (gives greater exactness)
- term: πόλις πόλεως, ἡ
definition: city, city-state
- term: εἷς μία ἕν
definition: one
- term: ἵημι, ἥσω, ἧκα, -εἷκα, εἷμαι, -εἵθην
definition: put in motion, let go, shoot; (mid.) hasten, rush
- term: δέω, δεήσω, ἐδέησα, δεδέηκα, δεδέημαι, ἐδεήθην
definition: lack, miss, stand in need of (+gen.)
- term: ἄνθρωπος –ου, ὁ/ἡ
definition: human being
- term: ὁράω, ὄψομαι, 2 aor. εἶδον, ἑόρακα and ἑώρακα, ὤφθην, impf. ἑώρων
definition: see, look (to)
- term: μόνος μόνη μόνον
definition: alone, single
- term: οὔτε...οὔτε
definition: neither...nor
- term: οἷος οἵα οἷον
definition: such as, of what sort, like, (exclam.) what a!, how! ; οἷός τε (+infin.) fit or able to; οἷόν τε (+infin.) it is possible to
- term: λαμβάνω, λήψομαι, ἔλαβον, εἴληφα, εἴλημμαι, ἐλήφθην
definition: take, grasp, seize; receive, get
- term: δοκέω, δόξω, ἔδοξα
definition: think, suppose, imagine (+acc. and infin.); seem, seem good; (impers.) δοκεῖ μοι it seems to me
- term: ἕτερος ἑτέρα ἕτερον
definition: the other (of two); other, another
- term: κακός –ή –όν
definition: bad, wicked, cowardly
- term: ἀνήρ ἀνδρός, ὁ
definition: man, husband
- term: ἐπεί
definition: after, since, when
- term: ὅσος ὅση ὅσον
definition: however much; as great as; (in pl.) as many as; ὅσον (adv.) as much as
- term: καλέω, καλῶ, ἐκάλεσα, κέκληκα, κέκλημαι, ἐκλήθην
definition: call, summon
- term: σῶμα σώματος, τό
definition: body
- term: δεῖ, δεήσει, impf. ἔδει
definition: it is necessary, one must, one ought (+acc. and infin.)
- term: ὥσπερ
definition: just as, as if
- term: δίδωμι, δώσω, ἔδωκα, δέδωκα, δέδομαι, ἐδόθην
definition: give, grant, offer
- term: δίδωμι, δώσω, ἔδωκα, δέδωκα, δέδομαι, ἐδόθην
definition: give, grant, offer
- term: ἔτι
definition: still, yet
- term: φύσις φύσεως, ἡ
definition: nature; (of the mind) one’s nature or disposition; regular order of nature
- term: μικρός –ά –όν
definition: small, little, short
- term: δύναμαι, δυνήσομαι, ἐδυνήθην, δεδύνημαι
definition: (+infin.) to be able (to), be strong enough (to)
- term: ὥστε
definition: (introducing natural or actual result clause) so as, so that, (with the result) that
- term: ἀρχή ἀρχῆς, ἡ
definition: beginning, origin; rule, empire, realm; magistracy
- term: ἕκαστος ἑκάστη ἕκαστον
definition: each (of several)
- term: ἡμέρα ἡμέρας, ἡ
definition: day
- term: φύω, φύσω, ἔφυσα
definition: bring forth, produce, beget; 2 aor. ἔφυν grew, pf. πέφυκα be by nature
- term: ἅπας ἅπασα ἅπαν
definition: all together
- term: ὅμοιος ὁμοία ὅμοιον
definition: like, resembling (+dat.)
- term: νῦν, νυνί
definition: now
- term: γῆ γῆς, ἡ
definition: earth
- term: δύναμις δυνάμεως, ἡ
definition: power, strength, ability
- term: καλός –ή –όν
definition: beautiful, noble, honorable
- term: κύριος κυρίου, ὁ
definition: lord, master
- term: μᾶλλον
definition: more, rather; μᾶλλον...ἤ rather than
- term: ὅδε ἥδε τόδε
definition: this
- term: ὅλος ὅλη ὅλον
definition: whole, entire, complete
- term: μέρος μέρους, τό
definition: part, share
- term: ἄρα
definition: therefore, then (drawing an inference)
- term: ἐμός ἐμή ἐμόν
definition: my, mine
- term: χράομαι, χρήσομαι, ἐχρησάμην, κέχρημαι, ἐχρήσθην
definition: use, experience, suffer (+dat.); treat someone in a certain way (+dat. and adv.)
- term: δύο
definition: two
- term: χρόνος χρόνου, ὁ
definition: time
- term: ἴσος ἴση ἴσον
definition: equal, the same as (+dat.)
- term: ὅταν (ὅτε-ἄν)
definition: whenever (+subj.)
- term: μόνον
definition: only
- term: οἶδα, infin. εἰδέναι, imper. ἴσθι, plupf. used as impf. ᾔδειν
definition: to know (pf. in pres. sense); to know how to (+infin.)
- term: βασιλεύς βασιλέως, ὁ
definition: king
- term: ὦ
definition: oh! (unemphatic when with the vocative)
- term: βούλομαι, βουλήσομαι, βεβούλημαι, ἐβουλήθην
definition: (+infin.) will, wish (to); be willing (to); ὁ βουλόμενος anyone who likes
- term: φαίνω, φανῶ, ἔφηνα, πέφηνα, πέφασμαι, ἐφάνην
definition: bring to light, make appear, make clear; (pass.) come to light, be seen, appear, appear to be (+ptc. or infin.)
- term: γράφω, γράψω, ἔγραψα, γέγραφα, γέγραμμαι, ἐγράφην
definition: write
- term: φέρω, οἴσω, 1 aor. ἤνεγκα, 2 aor. ἤνεγκον, ἐνήνοχα, ἐνήνεγμαι, ἠνέχθην
definition: carry, bring, fetch; carry off or away; φέρε come now, well
- term: ψυχή ψυχῆς, ἡ
definition: breath, life, soul
- term: μηδείς μηδεμία μηδέν
definition: no one, nothing
- term: αἴτιος αἰτία αἴτιον
definition: responsible, guilty
- term: πάλιν
definition: back, backwards; again
- term: μάλιστα
definition: most, most of all; (in replies) certainly
- term: ὑπάρχω, ὑπάρξω, ὑπῆρξα, ὑπῆργμαι, ὑπήρχθην
definition: exist, be, belong to; τὰ ὑπάρχοντα existing circumstances
- term: ἄρχω, ἄρξω, ἦρξα, ἦργμαι, ἤρχθην
definition: begin (+gen.); lead, rule, govern (+gen.)
- term: γυνή γυναικός, ἡ
definition: woman, wife
- term: ποτε (enclitic)
definition: at some time, ever, in the world
- term: ἵνα
definition: in order that (conj. +subj. or opt.); where (rel. adv. +indic.)
- term: ὄνομα ὀνόματος, τό
definition: name; fame
- term: ὑπέρ
definition: for (+gen), beyond (+acc.)
- term: ἤδη
definition: already, now (of the immediate past); presently (of the immediate future)
- term: πατήρ πατρός, ὁ
definition: father
- term: ἀκούω, ἀκούσομαι, ἤκουσα, ἀκήκοα, plup. ἠκηκόη or ἀκηκόη, ἠκούσθην
definition: listen (to), hear (of)
- term: γένος γένους, τό
definition: race, family; kind, class
- term: τόπος τόπου, ὁ
definition: place; topic
- term: πράσσω, πράξω, ἔπραξα, πέπραχα, πέπραγμαι, ἐπράχθην
definition: do, achieve, accomplish; do or fare in a certain way (+adv.)
- term: πράσσω, πράξω, ἔπραξα, πέπραχα, πέπραγμαι, ἐπράχθην
definition: do, achieve, accomplish; do or fare in a certain way (+adv.)
- term: πρῶτος πρώτη πρῶτον
definition: first, foremost, earliest; (adv.) τὸ πρῶτον in the first place
- term: εὑρίσκω, εὑρήσω, 2 aor. ηὗρον or εὗρον, ηὕρηκα or εὕρηκα, εὕρημαι, εὑρέθην
definition: find (out), discover, devise
- term: παῖς παιδός, ὁ/ἡ
definition: son, daughter, child; slave
- term: ἔρχομαι, fut. εἶμι or ἐλεύσομαι, 2 aor. ἦλθον, ἐλήλυθα
definition: come, go
- term: υἱός υἱοῦ, ὁ
definition: son
- term: ὕδωρ ὕδατος, τό
definition: water
- term: ἴδιος ἰδία ἴδιον
definition: one’s own; peculiar, separate, distinct
- term: σός σή σόν
definition: your, yours (sg.; ὑμέτερος = pl.)
- term: γιγνώσκω, γνώσομαι, ἔγνων, ἔγνωκα, ἔγνωσμαι, ἐγνώσθην
definition: come to know, learn; judge, think, or determine that (+acc. and infin.)
- term: τυγχάνω, τεύξομαι, ἔτυχον, τετύχηκα, τέτυγμαι, ἐτύχθην
definition: hit, light upon, meet by chance (+gen.); reach, gain, obtain; happen to be (+ptc.)
- term: ἵστημι στήσω will set, ἔστησα set, caused to stand, 2 aor. ἔστην stood, ἕστηκα stand, plup. εἱστήκη stood, ἐστάθην stood
definition: make to stand, set
- term: ἅμα
definition: at the same time; (prep.) together with (+dat.)
- term: ἄγω, ἄξω, ἤγαγον, ἦχα, ἦγμαι, ἤχθην
definition: lead, carry, bring; pass (time)
- term: τρόπος τρόπου, ὁ
definition: way, manner, fashion; way of life, habit, custom
- term: μήτε...μήτε
definition: neither...nor
- term: μέσος μέση μέσον
definition: middle, in the middle, moderate; τὸ μέσον midst
- term: ἀλλήλων –οις
definition: (oblique cases plural only) one another, each other
- term: ἀεί
definition: always
- term: φίλος φίλη φίλον
definition: beloved, dear; friendly
- term: συμβαίνω, συμβήσομαι, 2 aor. συνέβην, συμβέβηκα
definition: meet, come to an agreement, correspond; happen, occur, come to pass; turn out in a certain way (+adv.), result
- term: ἔργον ἔργου, τό
definition: work, achievement, exploit
- term: πλέω, πλεύσομαι, ἔπλευσα, πέπλευκα, πέπλευσμαι, ἐπλεύσθην
definition: sail
- term: τότε
definition: then, at that time; οἱ τότε the men of that time (opp. οἱ νῦν)
- term: μήν
definition: [emphasizes preceding particle]
- term: χρή, impf. χρῆν or ἐχρῆν, infin. χρῆναι
definition: it is necessary, it is fated, one ought (+infin. or +acc. and infin.)
- term: δείκνυμι, δείξω, ἔδειξα, δέδειχα, δέδειγμαι, ἐδείχθην
definition: show, point out
- term: ζῷον ζῴου, τό
definition: living being, animal
- term: πρᾶγμα πράγματος, τό
definition: thing; (pl.) circumstances, affairs, business
- term: ἐναντίος ἐναντία ἐναντίον
definition: opposite, facing; opposing
- term: τίθημι, θήσω, ἔθηκα, τέθηκα, τέθειμαι (but usu. κεῖμαι instead), ἐτέθην
definition: to put, place; establish, ordain, institute; put in a certain state
- term: εἶδον, 2 aor. of ὁράω, act. infin. ἰδεῖν, mid.infin. ἰδέσθαι
definition: I saw
- term: χείρ χειρός, ἡ
definition: hand
- term: μηδέ
definition: and not
- term: ὀλίγος ὀλίγη ὀλίγον
definition: little, small, few
- term: νόμος νόμου, ὁ
definition: custom, tradition, law
- term: κοινός –ή –όν
definition: common, shared, mutual
- term: οἴομαι or οἶμαι, οἰήσομαι, impf. ᾤμην, aor. ᾠήθην
definition: think, suppose, imagine (+acc. and infin.)
- term: κινέω, κινήσω, ἐκίνησα, κεκίνηκα, κεκίνημαι, ἐκινήθην
definition: set in motion, move, rouse
- term: πάσχω, πείσομαι, ἔπαθον, πέπονθα
definition: suffer, experience, be affected in a certain way (+adv.)
- term: πῶς
definition: how?
- term: ὅσπερ ἥπερ ὅπερ
definition: the very one who, the very thing which
- term: τοσοῦτος –αύτη –οῦτο(ν)
definition: so large, so much
- term: σύν
definition: with (+ dat. of accompaniment or means)
- term: εἶτα
definition: then, next
- term: ἀληθής –ές
definition: true
- term: δίκαιος δικαία δίκαιον
definition: right, just
- term: μέλλω, μελλήσω, ἐμέλλησα
definition: (+infin.) think of doing, intend to, be about to
- term: ἐθέλω, ἐθελήσω, ἠθέλησα, ἠθέληκα
definition: (+infin.) wish (to); be willing (to)
- term: λοιπός –ή –όν
definition: rest, remaining, rest-of-the
- term: ἀνάγκη ἀνάγκης, ἡ
definition: necessity
- term: ὅτε
definition: when, whenever (+indic. or opt.)
- term: δεύτερος –α –ον
definition: second
- term: πόλεμος πολέμου ὁ
definition: war
- term: χώρα χώρας, ἡ
definition: land; place
- term: ζάω, ζήσω, ἔζησα, ἔζηκα
definition: live
- term: πλῆθος πλήθους, τό
definition: mass, throng, crowd; number
- term: ἥλιος ἡλίου, ὁ
definition: sun
- term: αἰτία αἰτίας, ἡ
definition: cause, origin; charge, accusation
- term: πείθω, πείσω, ἔπεισα, πέποιθα, πέπεισμαι, ἐπείσθην
definition: persuade, win over; (mid. and pass.) obey, believe in, trust in (+dat.)
- term: πάρειμι
definition: be present, be ready or at hand; (impers.) πάρεστί μοι it depends on me, it is in my power; τὰ παρόντα the present circumstances; τὸ παρόν just now
- term: πλεῖστος πλείστη πλεῖστον
definition: most, greatest, largest (superl. of πολύς)
- term: εἶδος εἴδους, τό
definition: form, shape, figure; class, kind, sort
- term: ὅπως
definition: how, as; so that, in order that (+subj. or opt.)
- term: τρεῖς τρία
definition: three
- term: βίος βίου, ὁ
definition: life
- term: νομίζω, νομιῶ, ἐνόμισα, νενόμικα, νενόμισμαι, ἐνομίσθην
definition: think, believe that (+acc. and infin.); hold as a custom, be accustomed to (+infin.)
- term: κύκλος κύκλου, ὁ
definition: circle, ring, orb, disc, circular motion
- term: πάθος πάθους, τό
definition: incident, accident, misfortune, experience; passion, emotion; state, condition
- term: πρό
definition: before, in front of (+gen.)
- term: πρό
definition: before, in front of (+gen.)
- term: μέντοι
definition: however; of course
- term: ὀνομάζω, ὀνομάσω, ὠνόμασα, ὠνόμακα, ὠνόμασμαι, ὠνομάσθην
definition: call by name
- term: ὑμέτερος ὑμετέρα ὑμέτερον
definition: your, yours (pl.; σός = sg.)
- term: ἀρετή ἀρετῆς, ἡ
definition: goodness, excellence; virtue; valor, bravery
- term: ἔτος ἔτους, τό
definition: year
- term: ἀντί
definition: opposite (+gen.)
- term: ναῦς νεώς, ἡ
definition: ship
- term: τρίτος –η –ον
definition: third
- term: πνεῦμα πνεύματος, τό
definition: wind, breath, spirit
- term: ὀρθός –ή –όν
definition: upright, straight, true, regular
- term: θάλασσα θαλάσσης, ἡ
definition: the sea
- term: διαφέρω, διοίσω, 1 aor. διήνεγκα, 2 aor. διήνεγκον, διενήνοχα, διενήνεγμαι
definition: carry in different ways, spread; differ; (impers.) διαφέρει it makes a difference to (+dat.)
- term: μέχρι
definition: until (conj.); as far as, up to (prep. +gen.)
- term: δόξα δόξης, ἡ
definition: opinion, judgment; reputation, honor, glory
- term: κεφαλή –ῆς, ἡ
definition: head
- term: πῦρ πυρός, τό
definition: fire
- term: ἐλάσσων ἔλασσον
definition: smaller, less, fewer (comp. of μικρός)
- term: πούς ποδός, ὁ
definition: foot
- term: ἱερός –ά –όν
definition: holy, venerated, divine
- term: εὐθύς εὐθεῖα εὐθύ
definition: straight, direct; (adv.) immediately
- term: εἶμι, infin. ἰέναι, ptc. ἰών, ἰοῦσα, ἰόν
definition: I will go (fut. of ἔρχομαι)
- term: ταχύς ταχεῖα ταχύ
definition: quick, fast; (adv.) τάχα quickly; perhaps
- term: ποταμός –οῦ, ὁ
definition: river, stream
- term: οὐσία οὐσίας, ἡ
definition: substance, property; essence
- term: ἀριθμός –οῦ, ὁ
definition: number
- term: ὕστερος ὑστέρα ὕστερον
definition: coming after, following (+gen.); next, later; (adv.) ὕστερον afterwards
- term: φυλάσσω, φυλάξω, ἐφύλαξα, πεφύλαχα, πεφύλαγμαι, ἐφυλάχθην
definition: watch, guard, defend; (mid.) be on one’s guard against (+acc.)
- term: καιρός καιροῦ, ὁ
definition: the right time
- term: οἰκέω, οἰκήσω, ᾤκησα, ᾤκηκα, ᾠκήθην
definition: inhabit, occupy
- term: ἀμφότερος ἀμφοτέρα ἀμφότερον
definition: both
- term: σημεῖον σημείου, τό
definition: sign, signal, mark
- term: παρέχω, παρέξω, παρέσχον, παρέσχηκα, impf. παρεῖχον
definition: provide, present, offer; allow, grant
- term: ἑκάτερος ἑκατέρα ἑκάτερον
definition: each (of two)
- term: δηλόω, δηλώσω, ἐδήλωσα, δεδήλωκα, ἐδηλώθην
definition: show, declare, explain
- term: οἰκεῖος οἰκεία οἰκεῖον
definition: domestic, of the house; one’s own; fitting, suitable
- term: κελεύω, κελεύσω, ἐκέλευσα, κεκέλευκα, κεκέλευσμαι, ἐκελεύσθην
definition: order, bid, command (+acc. and infin.)
- term: τέλος τέλους, τό
definition: end, fulfillment, achievement
- term: ἡγέομαι, ἡγήσομαι, ἡγησάμην, ἥγημαι
definition: lead, be the leader; regard, believe, think
- term: ἄξιος ἀξία ἄξιον
definition: worthy, deserving
- term: ἦ
definition: truly (emphasizes what follows)
- term: δῆλος δήλη δῆλον
definition: visible, clear, manifest
- term: τοίνυν (τοί-νυν)
definition: therefore, accordingly (inferential); further, moreover (transitional)
- term: πολέμιος πολεμία πολέμιον
definition: hostile; οἱ πολέμιοι the enemy
- term: ἔρομαι, ἐρήσομαι, 2 aor. ἠρόμην
definition: ask, ask one about (+double acc.)
- term: ἀδελφός –οῦ, ὁ
definition: brother
- term: μέγεθος μεγέθους, τό
definition: greatness, size, magnitude
- term: εἴτε…εἴτε
definition: whether…or
- term: κεῖμαι, κείσομαι
definition: to lie, be situated, be laid up in store, be set up, be established or ordained (used as pf. pass. of τίθημι)
- term: πολλάκις
definition: often
- term: πίνω, πίομαι, 2 aor. ἔπιον, πέπωκα, -πέπομαι, -επόθην
definition: drink
- term: χάρις χάριτος, ἡ
definition: splendor, honor, glory; favor, goodwill, gratitude, thanks
- term: ἔπειτα
definition: then, next
- term: ζητέω, ζητήσω, ἐζήτησα, ἐζήτηκα
definition: seek
- term: σχῆμα σχήματος, τό
definition: form, figure, appearance, character
- term: τροφή τροφῆς, ἡ
definition: nourishment, food
- term: μανθάνω, μαθήσομαι, ἔμαθον, μεμάθηκα
definition: learn, ascertain
- term: ἐνταῦθα
definition: here, there
- term: φεύγω, φεύξομαι, ἔφυγον, πέφευγα
definition: flee, run away, avoid, shun
- term: ἵππος ἵππου, ὁ
definition: horse
- term: κόσμος κόσμου, ὁ
definition: order; ornament, decoration, adornment; world, universe
- term: αἷμα αἵματος, τό
definition: blood
- term: αἱρέω, αἱρήσω, 2 aor. εἷλον, ᾕρηκα, ᾕρημαι, ᾑρέθην
definition: take, grasp, take by force; (mid.) choose
- term: προστίθημι, προσθήσω, προσέθηκα, προστέθηκα, προστέθειμαι (but commonly προσκεῖμαι instead), προσετέθην
definition: add; (med.) join
- term: ἀξιόω, ἀξιώσω, ἠξίωσα, ἠξίωκα, ἠξίωμαι, ἠξιώθην
definition: consider worthy; require, demand, ask, claim
- term: ἕως
definition: until; while, so long as
- term: νέος νέα νέον
definition: young, new, fresh
- term: ἔοικα, ptc. εἰκώς
definition: be like, look like (+dat.); seem; befit
- term: κἄν (καὶ-ἄν)
definition: even if (+subj.)
- term: καθίστημι, καταστήσω, κατέστησα, κατέστην, καθέστηκα, plupf. καθειστήκη, κατεστάθην
definition: set down, establish; bring into a certain state, render
- term: καθίστημι, καταστήσω, κατέστησα, κατέστην, καθέστηκα, plupf. καθειστήκη, κατεστάθην
definition: set down, establish; bring into a certain state, render
- term: τέχνη τέχνης, ἡ
- art,
- skill,
- craft
declension class: first
- term: χρῆμα χρήματος, τό
definition: thing, matter; (more commonly in pl.) goods or property, esp. money
- term: σῴζω, σώσω, ἔσωσα, σέσωκα, ἐσώθην
definition: save
- term: πέμπω, πέμψω, ἔπεμψα, πέπομφα, πέπεμμαι, ἐπέμφθην
definition: send
- term: φωνή φωνῆς, ἡ
definition: sound, voice
- term: ἕνεκα
definition: on account of, for the sake of (+gen.)
- term: ἀπόλλυμι, ἀπολῶ, ἀπώλεσα, 2 aor. mid. ἀπωλόμην, pf. ἀπολώλεκα (“I have utterly destroyed”) or ἀπόλωλα (“I am undone”)
definition: kill, destroy; (mid.) perish, die
- term: θάνατος θανάτου, ὁ
definition: death
- term: νύξ νυκτός, ἡ
definition: night
- term: ὁδός ὁδοῦ, ἡ
definition: road, way, path
- term: ἔθνος ἔθνους, τό
definition: nation
- term: ἀποδίδωμι, ἀποδώσω, ἀπέδωκα, ἀποδέδωκα, ἀποδέδομαι, ἀπεδόθην
definition: give back; render; allow; (mid.) sell
- term: νοῦς (νόος), νοῦ (νόου), ὁ
definition: mind, perception, sense
- term: μένω, μενῶ, ἔμεινα, μεμένηκα
definition: stay, remain, endure, await
- term: ἀποθνῄσκω, ἀποθανοῦμαι, 2 aor. ἀπέθανον, ἀποτέθνηκα
definition: die
- term: πάνυ
definition: altogether, entirely
- term: εὖ
definition: well (opp. κακῶς); thoroughly, competently; happily, fortunately
- term: κρίνω, κρινῶ, ἔκρινα, κέκρικα, κέκριμαι, ἐκρίθην
definition: judge, decide, determine
- term: ἀναιρέω, ἀναιρήσω, ἀνεῖλον, ἀνῄρηκα, ἀνῄρημαι, ἀνῃρέθην
definition: raise, take up; kill, destroy
- term: μακρός –ά –όν
definition: long, tall, large, long-lasting
- term: ἥκω, ἥξω, pf. ἧκα
definition: I have come, I am present
- term: ἡδονή –ῆς, ἡ
definition: pleasure, enjoyment
- term: μήτηρ μητρός, ἡ
definition: mother
- term: δεινός –ή –όν
definition: awesome, terrible; clever, clever at (+infin.)
- term: διαφορά –ᾶς, ἡ
definition: difference, disagreement
- term: κρατέω, κρατήσω, ἐκράτησα, κεκράτηκα, κεκράτημαι, ἐκρατήθην
definition: be victorious, conquer, rule, surpass, excel (+gen.)
- term: δῆμος δήμου, ὁ
definition: the (common) people; country district (opp. πόλις)
- term: οὐρανός –οῦ, ὁ
definition: sky, heaven
- term: ἕπομαι ἕψομαι, 2 aor. ἑσπόμην
definition: follow
- term: ἥσσων ἧσσον
definition: less, weaker (comp. of κακός or μικρός)
- term: ἥσσων ἧσσον
definition: less, weaker (comp. of κακός or μικρός)
- term: ὄρος ὄρους, τό
definition: mountain, hill
- term: πλήν
definition: (prep.) except (+gen.); (conj.) except that, unless, but
- term: τέσσαρες τέσσαρα
definition: four
- term: δυνατός –ή –όν
definition: strong, powerful, able
- term: οἶκος οἴκου, ὁ
definition: house, home, family
- term: ἄριστος ἀρίστη ἄριστον
definition: best, noblest (superl. of ἀγαθός)
- term: ῥᾴδιος ῥᾳδία ῥᾴδιον
definition: easy
- term: ἀφαιρέω, ἀφαιρήσω, ἀφεῖλον, ἀφῄρηκα, ἀφῄρημαι, ἀφῃρέθην
definition: take from, take away
- term: τύχη τύχης, ἡ
definition: luck, fortune (good or bad), fate, chance
- term: φανερός –ά –όν
definition: clear, evident
- term: πρόσωπον προσώπου, τό
definition: face, mask, person
- term: πιστεύω, πιστεύσω, ἐπίστευσα, πεπίστευκα, πεπίστευμαι, ἐπιστεύθην
definition: trust, rely on, believe in (+dat.)
- term: διδάσκω, διδάξω, ἐδίδαξα, δεδίδαχα, δεδίδαγμαι, ἐδιδάχθην
definition: teach
- term: ἄνω
definition: up, upwards
- term: τάσσω, τάξω, ἔταξα, τέταχα, τέταγμαι, ἐτάχθην
definition: arrange, put in order
- term: ὀφθαλμός –οῦ, ὁ
definition: eye
- term: δέχομαι, δέξομαι, ἐδεξάμην, δέδεγμαι, -εδέχθην
definition: take, accept; welcome, entertain
- term: ἀφικνέομαι, ἀφίξομαι, 2 aor. ἀφικόμην, ἀφῖγμαι
definition: come to, arrive at
- term: ἱκανός –ή –όν
definition: sufficient, enough; competent, able to (+infin.)
- term: ἐργάζομαι, ἐργάσομαι, εἰργασάμην, εἴργασμαι
definition: work, labor
- term: μάχη μάχης, ἡ
definition: battle
- term: τρέφω, θρέψω, ἔθρεψα, τέθραμμαι, ἐτράφην
definition: nourish, feed, support, maintain; rear, educate
- term: ἀδύνατος –ον
definition: impossible; powerless
- term: ἀκριβής –ές
definition: exact, accurate, precise
- term: που
definition: (enclitic) somewhere; I suppose, perhaps (to qualify an assertion)
- term: ὅθεν
definition: from where, whence
- term: στόμα στόματος, τό
definition: mouth, face, opening
- term: χωρίς
definition: separately, apart; (+gen.) without, separate from
- term: κρείσσων κρεῖσσον
definition: stronger, mightier; better, more excellent (comp. of ἀγαθός)
- term: βραχύς βραχεῖα βραχύ
definition: brief, short
- term: ἰσχυρός –ά –όν
definition: strong
- term: ἀλήθεια ἀληθείας, ἡ
definition: truth
- term: δίκη δίκης, ἡ
definition: justice, lawsuit, trial, penalty
- term: χωρίον χωρίου, τό
definition: place, spot, district
- term: ἡδύς ἡδεῖα ἡδύ
definition: sweet, pleasant
- term: νόσος νόσου, ἡ
definition: disease, sickness
- term: λίθος λίθου, ὁ
definition: stone
- term: παλαιός –ά –όν
definition: old, ancient
- term: ἀφίημι, ἀφήσω, ἀφῆκα, ἀφεῖκα, ἀφεῖμαι, ἀφείθην
definition: send away, let go; let alone, neglect
- term: ἄλλως
definition: otherwise
- term: πρᾶξις πράξεως, ἡ
definition: action, transaction, business
- term: σαφής σαφές
definition: clear, distinct, plain
- term: σοφός –ή –όν
definition: wise, clever, skilled
- term: νικάω, νικήσω, ἐνίκησα, νενίκηκα, νενίκημαι, ἐνικήθην
definition: conquer, win
- term: ὁμολογέω, ὁμολογήσω, ὡμολόγησα, ὡμολόγηκα, ὡμολόγημαι, ὡμολογήθην
definition: agree with, say the same thing as (+dat.)
- term: ναός (νεώς) ναοῦ (νεώ), ὁ
definition: temple
- term: αὖ, αὖθις
definition: moreover; on the other hand; back (again)
- term: πατρίς πατρίδος, ἡ
definition: fatherland
- term: ὀξύς ὀξεῖα ὀξύ
definition: sharp, keen, shrill, pungent
- term: καίτοι (καί-τοι)
definition: and indeed, and yet
- term: πλέον
definition: more, rather
- term: πλέων πλέον
definition: more, larger (comp. of πολύς)
- term: γνώμη γνώμης, ἡ
definition: thought, intelligence, opinion, purpose
- term: τιμή τιμῆς, ἡ
definition: honor, esteem; price, value; office, magistracy
- term: μεταξύ
definition: between (prep. + gen.); in the midst of (adv.)
- term: προσήκω προσήξω
definition: belong to, have to do with; be fitting for (+dat.); arrive at; οἱ προσήκοντες relatives; τὰ προσήκoντα duties
- term: πρίν
definition: before, until
- term: πρίν
definition: before, until
- term: ἀδικέω, ἀδικήσω, ἠδίκησα, ἠδίκηκα, ἠδίκημαι, ἠδικήθην
definition: do wrong; injure
- term: στρατηγός –οῦ, ὁ
definition: leader of an army, commander, general
- term: οὐκέτι
definition: no longer, no more
- term: πρέσβυς πρέσβεως, ὁ
definition: old man; (pl.) ambassadors
- term: παύω, παύσω, ἔπαυσα, πέπαυκα, πέπαυμαι, ἐπαύθην
definition: stop, put an end to; (mid.) cease
- term: τελευτάω, τελευτήσω, ἐτελεύτησα, τετελεύτηκα, τετελεύτημαι, ἐτελευτήθην
definition: finish; die
- term: μίγνυμι, μείξω, ἔμειξα, μέμειγμαι, ἐμείχθην
definition: mix, mingle
- term: λαός λαοῦ, ὁ
definition: the people, folk
- term: θυγάτηρ θυγατρός, ἡ
definition: daughter
- term: οἰκία οἰκίας, ἡ
definition: building, house, dwelling
- term: παραδίδωμι, παραδώσω, παρέδωκα, παραδέδωκα, παραδέδομαι, παρεδόθην
definition: transmit, hand over, surrender
- term: ἔξω
definition: outside; except
- term: νῆσος νήσου, ἡ
definition: island
- term: ἐκεῖ
definition: there
- term: ἐπιστήμη –ης, ἡ
definition: knowledge, understanding, skill
- term: ἐάω, ἐάσω, εἴασα
definition: allow, permit (+acc. and infin.); let be, let alone
- term: θαυμάζω, θαυμάσομαι, ἐθαύμασα, τεθαύμακα, τεθαύμασμαι, ἐθαυμάσθην
definition: to be in awe (of), be astonished (at)
- term: αἰσθάνομαι, αἰσθήσομαι, 2 aor. ᾐσθόμην, ᾔσθημαι
definition: perceive, understand, hear, learn
- term: χαίρω, χαιρήσω, κεχάρηκα, κεχάρημαι, ἐχάρην
definition: to be happy, rejoice at (+dat.), take joy in (+ptc.); χαῖρε, (pl.) χαίρετε hello, goodbye
- term: χαλεπός –ή –όν
definition: difficult, troublesome
- term: τέκνον τέκνου, τό
definition: child
- term: καταλαμβάνω, καταλήψομαι, κατέλαβον, κατείληφα, κατείλημμαι, κατελήφθην
definition: seize, catch up with, arrest, compel
- term: μάχομαι, μαχοῦμαι, ἐμαχεσάμην, μεμάχημαι
definition: fight (against) (+dat.)
- term: μιμνήσκω, -μνήσω, -έμνησα, pf. μέμνημαι, ἐμνήσθην
definition: remind; (in pf. mid.) remember
- term: θνῄσκω, 2 aor. -έθανον, τέθνηκα, θανοῦμαι
definition: to die, be dying
- term: λύω, λύσω, ἔλυσα, λέλυκα, λέλυμαι, ἐλύθην
definition: loosen, unbind, set free; undo, destroy
- term: τιμάω, τιμήσω, ἐτίμησα, τετίμηκα, τετίμημαι, ἐτιμήθην
definition: to honor
- term: τεῖχος τείχους, τό
definition: wall
- term: ἴσως
definition: equally, probably, perhaps
- term: αἴρω, ἀρῶ, ἦρα, ἦρκα, ἦρμαι, ἤρθην
definition: take up, lift up; remove
- term: ἀποκτείνω, ἀποκτενῶ, ἀπέκτεινα, ἀπέκτονα
definition: kill
- term: στρατιώτης –ου, ὁ
definition: soldier
- term: ἄνευ
definition: without (+gen.)
- term: πότερος ποτέρα πότερον
definition: which of the two? πότερον whether
- term: ἁπλῶς
definition: simply, singly, in one way
- term: πίπτω, πεσοῦμαι, ἔπεσον, πέπτωκα
definition: fall, fall down
- term: τέταρτος –η –ον
definition: fourth
- term: κατασκευάζω, κατασκευάσω, κατεσκεύασα
definition: equip, furnish, make ready
- term: ἐχθρός –ά –όν
definition: hated, hateful; hostile to (+dat.)
- term: ἀγών ἀγῶνος, ὁ
definition: contest; struggle
- term: κωλύω, κωλύσω, ἐκώλυσα, κεκώλυκα, κεκώλυμαι, ἐκωλύθην
definition: hinder, check, prevent (+acc. and infin.)
- term: ἁμαρτάνω, ἁμαρτήσομαι, ἡμάρτησα, 2 aor. ἥμαρτον, ἡμάρτηκα, ἡμάρτημαι, ἡμαρτήθην
definition: miss the mark (+gen.); fail, be wrong, make a mistake
- term: διαφθείρω, διαφθερῶ, διέφθειρα, διέφθαρκα, διέφθαρμαι, διεφθάρην
definition: destroy; corrupt
- term: πως
definition: (enclitic) somehow, in some way, in any way
- term: πόνος πόνου, ὁ
definition: work, labor; stress, trouble, pain
- term: ἔνθα
definition: there
- term: τάξις τάξεως, ἡ
definition: arrangement, order; military unit
- term: πειράω (usually mid. πειράομαι), πειράσομαι, ἐπείρασα, πεπείραμαι, ἐπειράθην
definition: attempt, try, make a trial of (+gen.)
- term: φοβέω, φοβήσω, ἐφόβησα, πεφόβημαι, ἐφοβήθην
definition: put to flight; (mid. and pass.) flee, fear
- term: βάλλω, βαλῶ, 2 aor. ἔβαλον, βέβληκα, βέβλημαι, ἐβλήθην
definition: throw, hurl; throw at, hit (acc.) with (dat.)
- term: πονηρός –ά –όν
definition: worthless, bad, wicked
- term: ξένος ξένου, ὁ
definition: guest-friend; foreigner, stranger
- term: βάρβαρος –ον
definition: non-Greek, foreign; barbarous
- term: ὅπου
definition: where, wherever
- term: συμφέρω, συνοίσω, 1 aor. συνήνεγκα
definition: benefit, be useful or profitable to (+dat.); (impers.) συμφέρει it is of use, expedient (+infin.); τὸ συμφέρον use, profit, advantage
- term: πυνθάνομαι, πεύσομαι, 2 aor. ἐπυθόμην, πέπυσμαι
definition: learn, hear, inquire concerning (+gen.)
- term: δοῦλος δούλου, ὁ
definition: slave
- term: τέμνω, τεμῶ, 2 aor. ἔτεμον, -τέτμηκα, τέτμημαι, ἐτμήθην
definition: cut, cut down, cut to pieces
- term: χρήσιμος χρησίμη χρήσιμον
definition: useful, serviceable
- term: ποῖος ποία ποῖον
definition: what sort of?
- term: ὅπλον ὅπλου, τό
definition: weapon, tool, implement (mostly pl.)
- term: πίστις πίστεως, ἡ
definition: trust in others, faith; that which gives confidence, assurance, pledge, guarantee
- term: ὑπολαμβάνω, ὑπολήψομαι, ὑπέλαβον, ὑπείληφα, ὑπείλημμαι, ὑπελήφθην
definition: take up, seize; answer, reply; assume, suppose
- term: ποιητής –οῦ, ὁ
definition: creator, poet
- term: λανθάνω, λήσω, ἔλαθον, λέληθα
definition: escape the notice of (+acc. and nom. participle), be unknown; (mid. and pass.) forget
- term: βελτίων βέλτιον
definition: better (comp. of ἀγαθός)
- term: πάντως
definition: altogether, in all ways; at any rate
- term: πορεύω, πορεύσω, ἐπόρευσα, πεπόρευμαι, ἐπορεύθην
definition: carry; (mid. and pass) go, walk, march
- term: ἀποκρίνω, ἀποκρινῶ, ἀπεκρινάμην, ἀπεκρίθη
definition: separate, set apart, choοse; (mid.) answer, reply
- term: πέντε
definition: five
- term: κίνδυνος κινδύνου, ὁ
definition: danger
- term: κατηγορέω, κατηγορήσω, κατηγόρησα, κατηγόρηκα, κατηγόρημαι, κατηγορήθην
definition: to speak against, to accuse (+gen.)
- term: τρέπω, τρέψω, ἔτρεψα, τέτροφα, ἐτράπην
definition: turn, direct towards a thing; put to flight, defeat; (pass.) turn one’s steps in a certain direction, go
- term: ὅμως
definition: nevertheless, all the same, notwithstanding
- term: ὅμως
definition: nevertheless, all the same, notwithstanding
- term: θεῖος θεία θεῖον
definition: divine
- term: ἱππεύς ἱππέως, ὁ
definition: horseman, rider, charioteer
- term: κτάομαι, κτήσομαι, ἐκτησάμην, κέκτημαι
definition: get, gain, acquire
- term: λείπω, λείψω, ἔλιπον, λέλοιπα, λέλειμμαι, ἐλείφθην
definition: leave, abandon
- term: βουλή βουλῆς, ἡ
definition: will, determination; counsel, piece of advice; council of elders
- term: ἐλπίς ἐλπίδος, ἡ
definition: hope; expectation
- term: γραφή γραφῆς, ἡ
definition: a drawing, painting, writing; indictment
- term: τίκτω, τέξω or τέξομαι, ἔτεκον, τέτοκα, τέτεγμαι, ἐτέχθην
definition: beget, give birth to, produce
- term: κομίζω, κομιῶ, ἐκόμισα, κεκόμικα, κεκόμισμαι, ἐκομίσθην
definition: take care of, provide for
- term: θυμός θυμοῦ, ὁ
definition: life, spirit; soul, heart, mind
- term: βλέπω, βλέψομαι, ἔβλεψα
definition: see, look (at)
- term: φόβος φόβου, ὁ
definition: panic, fear, flight
- term: πολιτεία –ας, ἡ
definition: constitution, citizenship, republic
- term: στάδιον σταδίου, τό (pl. στάδια and στάδιοι)
definition: stadion or stade, the longest Greek unit of linear measure, about 185 meters
- term: φρονέω, φρονήσω, ἐφρόνησα
definition: think, intend to (+infin.); be minded towards (+adv. and dat.)
- term: τοιόσδε τοιάδε τοιόνδε
definition: such (as this), of such a sort (as this)
- term: ὁρμάω, ὁρμήσω, ὥρμησα, ὥρμηκα, ὥρμημαι, ὡρμήθην
definition: set in motion, urge on; (intrans.) start, hasten on
- term: παρασκευάζω, παρασκευάσω, παρεσκεύασα
definition: get ready, prepare, provide
- term: λαλέω, λαλήσω, ἐλάλησα, λελάληκα, ἐλαλήθην
definition: talk, chatter, babble
- term: δράω, δράσω, ἔδρασα, δέδρακα, δέδραμαι, ἐδράσθην
definition: do, accomplish
- term: σκοπέω, σκοπήσω, ἐσκόπησα
definition: look at, watch; look into, consider, examine
- term: βοῦς βοός, ὁ/ἡ
definition: bull, ox, cow
- term: ἡμέτερος ἡμετέρα ἡμέτρον
definition: our
- term: γράμμα γράμματος, τό
definition: letter, written character; (pl.) piece of writing, document(s)
- term: ἐρωτάω, ἐρήσομαι, 2 aor. ἠρόμην
definition: ask someone (acc.) something (acc.); question, beg
- term: πολεμέω, πολεμήσω, ἐπολέμησα, πεπολέμηκα
definition: make war
- term: θύω, θύσω, ἔθυσα, τέθυκα, τέθυμαι, ἐτύθην
definition: sacrifice
- term: ἐλαύνω, ἐλῶ, ἤλασα, -ελήλακα, ἐλήλαμαι, ἠλάθην
definition: drive, set in motion
- term: δέδοικα, δείσομαι, ἔδεισα
definition: fear
- term: σύμμαχος –ον
definition: allied with (+dat.); οἱ σύμμαχοι allies
- term: ἡγεμών ἡγεμόνος, ὁ
definition: guide, leader, commander
- term: βαρύς βαρεῖα βαρύ
definition: heavy, grievous, tiresome
- term: ὧδε
definition: thus, in this way; hither, here
- term: αἰσχρός –ά –όν
definition: ugly, shameful, disgraceful
- term: εἰρήνη εἰρήνης, ἡ
definition: peace
- term: ἁλίσκομαι, ἁλώσομαι, 2 aor. ἑάλων, ἑάλωκα
definition: to be taken, conquered (act. supplied by αἱρέω)
- term: δέκα
definition: ten
- term: ἀμείνων ἄμεινον
definition: better, abler, stronger, braver (comp. of ἀγαθός)
- term: χείρων χεῖρον
definition: worse, inferior (comp. of κακός)
- term: βοηθέω, βοηθήσω, ἐβοήθησα, βεβοήθηκα
definition: help, assist (+dat.)
- term: λαμπρός –ά –όν
definition: bright, brilliant; well-known, illustrious
- term: ἀπαλλάσσω, ἀπαλλάξω, ἀπήλλαξα, ἀπήλλαχα, ἀπήλλαγμαι, ἀπηλλάχθην or ἀπηλλάγην
definition: set free, release, deliver
- term: βουλεύω βουλεύσω, ἐβούλευσα, βεβούλευκα, βεβούλευμαι, ἐβουλεύθην
definition: plan (to), decide (to); (mid.) deliberate
- term: μάλα
definition: very, very much
- term: αἰτέω, αἰτήσω, ᾔτησα, ᾔτηκα, ᾔτημαι, ᾐτήθην
definition: ask (for), beg
- term: σωτηρία σωτηρίας, ἡ
definition: safety, deliverance
- term: ἆρα
definition: [introduces a question]
- term: διώκω, διώξομαι, ἐδίωξα, δεδίωχα, ἐδιώχθην
definition: pursue
- term: δαίμων δαίμονος, ὁ/ἡ
definition: spirit, god, demon
- term: οὐκοῦν
definition: surely then (inviting assent to an inference)
- term: γλῶσσα γλώσσης, ἡ
definition: tongue; language
- term: ἑπτά
definition: seven
- term: τολμάω, τολμήσω, ἐτόλμησα, τετόλμηκα, τετόλμημαι, ἐτολμήθην
definition: have the courage, dare; undertake, undergo
- term: δεσπότης –ου, ὁ
definition: master (of the household); absolute ruler
- term: εἰκός εἰκότος, τό
definition: likelihood, probability; εἰκός (ἐστι) it is likely (+infin.) →ἔοικα
- term: ἄδικος ἄδικον
definition: unjust
- term: εἴκοσι(ν)
definition: twenty
- term: μυρίος μυρία μυρίον
definition: countless; μύριοι 10,000; μυριάς -άδος ἡ 10,000, a countless amount
- term: αὐτίκα
definition: at once, immediately
- term: δέκατος –η –ον
definition: tenth
- term: βαίνω, βήσομαι, 2 aor. ἔβην, βέβηκα
definition: walk, come, go
- term: περ
definition: [enclitic added to pronouns and other particles for emphasis]
- term: ἐλεύθερος ἐλευθέρα ἐλεύθερον
definition: free, independent
- term: στρατιά –ᾶς, ἡ
definition: army
- term: ἀμφί
definition: about, around
- term: συμφορά –ᾶς, ἡ
definition: event, circumstance, misfortune
- term: ἑκατόν
definition: hundred
- term: νίκη νίκης, ἡ
definition: victory
- term: ἔπος ἔπους, τό
definition: word, speech, tale; prophecy
- term: στρατός –οῦ, ὁ
definition: army
- term: φράζω, φράσω, ἔφρασα, πέφρακα, πέφρασμαι, ἐφράσθην
definition: tell, declare; (mid. and pass.) think (about)
- term: ἀργύριον ἀργυρίου, τό
definition: money
- term: τριάκοντα
definition: thirty
- term: ἕξ
definition: six
- term: πεμπτός –ή –όν
definition: fifth
- term: μάρτυς μάρτυρος, ὁ/ἡ
definition: witness
- term: χαλκοῦς –ῆ –οῦν
definition: of copper or bronze
- term: ἕβδομος –η –ον
definition: seventh
- term: ποῦ
definition: where
- term: ναί
definition: indeed, yes (used in strong affirmation)
- term: φῶς φωτός, τό
definition: light, daylight
- term: ὀκτώ
definition: eight
- term: ἕκτος –η –ον
definition: sixth
- term: τριακοστός –ή –όν
definition: thirtieth
- term: ἐννέα
definition: nine
- term: πότε
definition: when?
- term: ὄγδοος –η –ον
definition: eighth
- term: ἔνατος –α –ον
definition: ninth
- term: εἰκοστός –ή –όν
definition: twentieth
- term: ἀγγέλλω, ἀγγελῶ, ἤγγειλα, ἤγγελκα, ἤγγελμαι, ἠγγέλθην
definition: report, tell
- term: ἑκατοστός –ή –όν
definition: hundredth