import os |
import unittest |
import yaml |
from huggingface.german_parser import get_declension_attributes |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import GERMAN |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import get_attributes |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import get_audio |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import get_definition_tokens |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import get_definitions |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import get_inferred_links |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import get_inferred_tokenization_links |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import get_inflection_tokens |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import get_structurally_similar_links |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import get_term_tokens |
from huggingface.vocabulary_parser import is_structurally_similar |
term: die Grilltomate |
definition: the grilled tomato |
declension: Unknown |
""" |
LABEL_KEY = "label" |
DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) |
class TestVocabularyParser(unittest.TestCase): |
def test_get_definitions(self): |
self.assertEqual( |
[("adj.", "same"), ("adv.", "namely"), (None, "because")], |
get_definitions({ |
"definition": ["(adj.) same", "(adv.) namely", "because"] |
}), |
) |
def test_single_definition_term(self): |
self.assertEqual( |
[(None, "one")], |
get_definitions({ |
"definition": "one" |
}), |
) |
def test_numerical_definition(self): |
self.assertEqual( |
[(None, "1")], |
get_definitions({ |
"definition": 1 |
}), |
) |
def test_missing_definition(self): |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
get_definitions({"defintion": "I'm 23 years old."}) |
def test_get_attributes_basic(self): |
self.assertEqual( |
{"label": "der Hut", "language": "German"}, |
get_attributes({"term": "der Hut", "definition": "the hat"}, GERMAN, LABEL_KEY), |
) |
def test_get_attributes_with_custom_inflection(self): |
self.assertEqual( |
{"label": "der Hut", "language": "German", "inflection": {"declension": "..."}}, |
get_attributes( |
{ |
"term": "der Hut", |
"definition": "the hat", |
"inflection": {"declension": "...", "inflection": None} |
}, |
lambda word: {"inflection": {"declension": "..."}} |
), |
) |
def test_get_attributes_with_audio(self): |
self.assertEqual( |
{ |
"label": "der Hut", |
"language": "German", |
"audio": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/De-Hut.ogg" |
}, |
get_attributes( |
{ |
"term": "der Hut", |
"definition": "the hat", |
"audio": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/De-Hut.ogg" |
}, |
), |
) |
def test_get_inferred_links_on_unrelated_terms(self): |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: der Beruf |
definition: job |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural ] |
- [nominative, Beruf, Berufe ] |
- [genitive, "Berufes, Berufs", Berufe ] |
- [dative, Beruf, Berufen] |
- [accusative, Beruf, Berufe ] |
- term: der Qualitätswein |
definition: The vintage wine |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural ] |
- [nominative, Qualitätswein, Qualitätsweine ] |
- [genitive, "Qualitätsweines, Qualitätsweins", Qualitätsweine ] |
- [dative, Qualitätswein, Qualitätsweinen] |
- [accusative, Qualitätswein, Qualitätsweine ] |
""")["vocabulary"] |
label_key = LABEL_KEY |
self.assertEqual( |
[], |
get_inferred_links(vocabulary, label_key, get_declension_attributes) |
) |
def test_get_inferred_links_on_unrelated_terms_with_same_definite_article(self): |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: die Biographie |
definition: (alternative spelling of) die Biografie |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural ] |
- [nominative, Biographie, Biographien] |
- [genitive, Biographie, Biographien] |
- [dative, Biographie, Biographien] |
- [accusative, Biographie, Biographien] |
- term: die Mittagspause |
definition: the lunchbreak |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural ] |
- [nominative, Mittagspause, Mittagspausen] |
- [genitive, Mittagspause, Mittagspausen] |
- [dative, Mittagspause, Mittagspausen] |
- [accusative, Mittagspause, Mittagspausen] |
""")["vocabulary"] |
label_key = LABEL_KEY |
self.assertEqual( |
[], |
get_inferred_links(vocabulary, label_key, get_declension_attributes) |
) |
def test_get_definition_tokens(self): |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: morgens |
definition: |
- (adv.) in the morning |
- (adv.) a.m. |
""")["vocabulary"] |
self.assertEqual( |
{"morning", "a.m."}, |
get_definition_tokens(vocabulary[0]) |
) |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: exekutieren |
definition: to execute (kill) |
audio: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/De-exekutieren.ogg |
""")["vocabulary"] |
self.assertEqual( |
{"execute", "kill"}, |
get_definition_tokens(vocabulary[0]) |
) |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: töten |
definition: to kill |
audio: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/De-t%C3%B6ten.ogg |
""")["vocabulary"] |
self.assertEqual( |
{"kill"}, |
get_definition_tokens(vocabulary[0]) |
) |
def test_get_term_tokens(self): |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: Viertel vor sieben |
definition: (clock time) a quarter before eight |
""")["vocabulary"] |
self.assertEqual( |
{"sieben", "vor", "viertel"}, |
get_term_tokens(vocabulary[0]) |
) |
def test_get_term_tokens_do_not_include_indefinite_articles(self): |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: der Brief |
- term: die Biographie |
- term: das Jahr |
""")["vocabulary"] |
self.assertEqual({"brief"}, get_term_tokens(vocabulary[0])) |
self.assertEqual({"biographie"}, get_term_tokens(vocabulary[1])) |
self.assertEqual({"jahr"}, get_term_tokens(vocabulary[2])) |
def test_get_declension_tokens(self): |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: das Jahr |
definition: the year |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural ] |
- [nominative, Jahr, "Jahre, Jahr" ] |
- [genitive, "Jahres, Jahrs", "Jahre, Jahr" ] |
- [dative, Jahr, "Jahren, Jahr"] |
- [accusative, Jahr, "Jahre, Jahr" ] |
""")["vocabulary"] |
self.assertEqual( |
{"jahres", "jahre", "jahr", "jahren", "jahrs"}, |
get_inflection_tokens(vocabulary[0], get_declension_attributes) |
) |
def test_two_words_sharing_some_same_declension_table_entries(self): |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: die Reise |
definition: the travel |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural] |
- [nominative, Reise, Reisen] |
- [genitive, Reise, Reisen] |
- [dative, Reise, Reisen] |
- [accusative, Reise, Reisen] |
- term: der Reis |
definition: the rice |
declension: |
- ["", singular, plural] |
- [nominative, Reis, Reise ] |
- [genitive, Reises, Reise ] |
- [dative, Reis, Reisen] |
- [accusative, Reis, Reise ] |
""")["vocabulary"] |
self.assertEqual( |
[ |
{ |
'attributes': {LABEL_KEY: 'term related'}, |
'source_label': 'die Reise', |
'target_label': 'der Reis' |
} |
], |
get_inferred_tokenization_links(vocabulary, LABEL_KEY, get_declension_attributes) |
) |
def test_get_inferred_tokenization_links(self): |
test_cases = [ |
{ |
"words": ["das Jahr", "seit zwei Jahren", "letzte", "in den letzten Jahren"], |
"expected": [ |
{ |
'attributes': {'label': 'term related'}, |
'source_label': 'das Jahr', |
'target_label': 'seit zwei Jahren' |
}, |
{ |
'attributes': {'label': 'term related'}, |
'source_label': 'das Jahr', |
'target_label': 'in den letzten Jahren' |
}, |
{ |
'attributes': {'label': 'term related'}, |
'source_label': 'seit zwei Jahren', |
'target_label': 'in den letzten Jahren' |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"words": ["exekutieren", "töten"], |
"expected": [ |
{ |
'attributes': {LABEL_KEY: 'term related'}, |
'source_label': 'exekutieren', |
'target_label': 'töten' |
}, |
] |
}, |
{ |
"words": ["liefern", "vermitteln"], |
"expected": [ |
{ |
'attributes': {'label': 'term related'}, |
'source_label': 'vermitteln', |
'target_label': 'liefern' |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
"words": ["mal", "einmal"], |
"expected": [ |
{ |
'attributes': {'label': 'term related'}, |
'source_label': 'einmal', |
'target_label': 'mal' |
} |
] |
} |
] |
for test_case in test_cases: |
with open("{path}/../german.yaml".format(path=DIR_PATH), "r") as f: |
vocabulary = [word for word in yaml.safe_load(f)["vocabulary"] if word["term"] in test_case["words"]] |
self.assertEqual( |
test_case["expected"], |
get_inferred_tokenization_links(vocabulary, LABEL_KEY, get_declension_attributes) |
) |
def test_get_structurally_similar_links(self): |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: anschließen |
definition: to connect |
- term: anschließend |
definition: |
- (adj.) following |
- (adv.) afterwards |
- term: nachher |
definition: (adv.) afterwards |
""")["vocabulary"] |
label_key = LABEL_KEY |
self.assertEqual( |
[ |
{ |
'attributes': {LABEL_KEY: 'structurally similar'}, |
'source_label': 'anschließen', |
'target_label': 'anschließend' |
}, |
{ |
'attributes': {LABEL_KEY: 'structurally similar'}, |
'source_label': 'anschließend', |
'target_label': 'anschließen' |
} |
], |
get_structurally_similar_links(vocabulary, label_key) |
) |
def test_get_structurally_similar_links_small_edit_distance_but_different_stem(self): |
vocabulary = yaml.safe_load(""" |
vocabulary: |
- term: die Bank |
- term: die Sahne |
""")["vocabulary"] |
label_key = LABEL_KEY |
self.assertEqual( |
[], |
get_structurally_similar_links(vocabulary, label_key) |
) |
def test_is_structurally_similar(self): |
self.assertTrue(is_structurally_similar("anschließen", "anschließend")) |
self.assertTrue(is_structurally_similar("anschließend", "anschließen")) |
self.assertFalse(is_structurally_similar("die Bank", "die Sahne")) |
self.assertTrue(is_structurally_similar("schick", "schicken")) |
def test_get_audio_with_missing_url(self): |
word = yaml.safe_load( |
""" |
term: durchführen |
definition: |
- to perform |
- to conduct |
- to implement |
- to carry out |
- to execute |
- to put into action |
audio: |
verbformen: |
video: https://youtu.be/GTaswCjpdXA |
conjugation: https://www.verbformen.com/conjugation/durchfu3hren.pdf |
flashcards: https://www.verbformen.com/conjugation/worksheets-exercises/lernkarten/durchfu3hren.pdf |
""" |
) |
with self.assertRaises(ValueError): |
get_audio(word) |