premise,statement,label,index,adjective_premise,adjective_statement Click on button below to buy Swingline Optima Desktop Staplers for the lowest price. This is a great and very usefull Acco Brands Inc Swingline Optima Desktop Staplers. The quality is good,The quality is best,contradiction,238,good,best "The castle. I’m on a long, cobbled walkway stretching up a semi-steep hill. Ahead of me stands a castle, big old but not asleep; voices can be heard from inside—tourists, like us","Ahead of me stands a castle, huge old but not asleep; voices can be heard from inside—tourists, like us",contradiction,994,big,huge "Your enemies in this case are direct sun light and halogen light. Try to avoid having either direct sun light or halogen light on the players while in play, and obviously don’t shine light directly onto the sensor itself. •  Kinect works best in dim conditions, with even lighting throughout","•  Kinect works best in dark conditions, with even lighting throughout",neutral,1358,dim,dark "Although the retail sector has by no means seen the greatest frequency of cyber attacks in recent years, several that have occurred have accounted for a huge percentage of the records actually stolen. Compounded with the sensitivity of the information typically taken in such a breach (credit card details, passwords and personal information) and its appeal on the black market, major breaches such as those at Target, Home Depot and eBay in recent years have landed concern about commercial data security — and questions about who should be held liable for failures — front and center in the minds of retailers and consumers alike. What can be done about the security of customer information? How are criminals slipping through seemingly secure systems? What can be done to thwart them? And who is responsible for the resulting financial losses when these efforts fail? According to cybersecurity experts, the outlook is, frankly, a little bleak — so long as organizations take serious strides to not only implement but vigilantly maintain stringent, systematic plans to keep data secure","What can be done about the security of customer information? How are criminals slipping through seemingly secure systems? What can be done to thwart them? And who is responsible for the resulting financial losses when these efforts fail? According to cybersecurity experts, the outlook is, frankly, a little hopeless — so long as organizations take serious strides to not only implement but vigilantly maintain stringent, systematic plans to keep data secure",entailment,129,bleak,hopeless "20 members, no one new to vote on. Wed like to stay here. Do we have room for it? Its big",Do we have room for it? Its huge,contradiction,36,big,huge "Bones have also been unearthed at the foot of the hill, seemingly to support this place being a site of execution. Continuing through the garden, we stopped to examine an ancient winepress and a cistern system, both of which support the hypothesis that this was the garden of a rich man, as Joseph of Arimathea would have been. The tomb itself remains unfinished on one side, fitting the description of it being a new tomb, and is of an uncommon layout","The tomb itself remains unfinished on one side, fitting the description of it being a new tomb, and is of an unusual layout",entailment,206,uncommon,unusual "Maggie showing off her best “stay”. Each morning I have been taking the pups out, one at a time, and reviewing the basics in our front yard. There are other dogs near us, so this provides us with just enough distractions to keep things interesting enough to make it impossible to focus","There are other dogs near us, so this provides us with just enough distractions to keep things exciting enough to make it impossible to focus",entailment,663,interesting,exciting "Others besides himself have bought instead. So, the merchant had considered what was the ultimate priority by comparing the pearl with other options. Thus, the kingdom was about choosing the right priority that Jesus had presented throughout Matthew instead of other good options","Thus, the kingdom was about choosing the right priority that Jesus had presented throughout Matthew instead of other best options",contradiction,770,good,best "I have everything, i just need a good company. I dont like free dating sites. I´m a small woman, who wants a marriage where we are equal and respecting each other in every way","I´m a little woman, who wants a marriage where we are equal and respecting each other in every way",contradiction,440,small,little KC29APBX . 131X3 1/2-Inch Clipped-Head Smooth BB Paper Colla. The quality is good,The quality is best,neutral,633,good,best Every few years a hiker in the United States finds a large raw diamond. Usually it was carried down by glaciers from Canada when sheet ice covered the north. A raw diamond is interesting,A raw diamond is exciting,entailment,289,interesting,exciting "Just kidding. They were courteous, competent, clean and normal looking. The restaurants big — 260 seats spread out over two floors — but it does have a sort of clubby feel",The restaurants huge — 260 seats spread out over two floors — but it does have a sort of clubby feel,entailment,630,big,huge "A good example - the main page of crazyegg. com (company provides heat map services). Button color contrasts with the background and other page elements, it is big there is a call to action text on the button and arrows pointing at it","Button color contrasts with the background and other page elements, it is huge there is a call to action text on the button and arrows pointing at it",entailment,67,big,huge "Right now, the floods are threatening once more. The floods are getting less though. I am so grateful for the fact that we had doctors who picked up a rare and uncommon, to quote the paediatric cardiologist, illness","I am so grateful for the fact that we had doctors who picked up a rare and unusual, to quote the paediatric cardiologist, illness",entailment,828,uncommon,unusual "Its a mindless job - and no one knows what Im doing since were all on the phone. At first, I was a little disappointed with my purchase of the grab bag of jewelry goodies. It was interesting",It was exciting,contradiction,607,interesting,exciting "Overall I want to represent different types of bodies, my story allows me to draw just super skinny children (so far). How were you as a child? I was kind of thin",How were you as a child? I was kind of skinny,entailment,478,thin,skinny "A waterproof jacket or rain cape will keep the water out, but avoid hoods that cover your ears and keep you from hearing traffic noise. Waterproof rain pants and boots or shoe covers will keep you dry from all of the water that your tires will splash up from the roadway. Neon and bright colors are especially important in dim conditions",Neon and bright colors are especially important in dark conditions,entailment,83,dim,dark "And, of course, there is MardiGras. Southeastern is an unusual place because the faculty and staff work so hard to keep it feeling small. However, Southeastern is big (800 Biology majors, 14,000 total students), and it’s big enough to gain some of the benefits of a big university","However, Southeastern is big (800 Biology majors, 14,000 total students), and it’s big enough to gain some of the benefits of a huge university",entailment,153,big,huge "Naturally I took this as an opportunity to check out the toilets!I thought perhaps with the volume of faggotry floating around I may have found my future husband in there. The toilets in the Charlotte Street hotel are underwhelmingly nice, coated with inoffensive mottled grey granite on the walls and floors. There’s nothing major you can cut down in these toilets, as it’s clean as I would have expected from the location and clientele of the Hotel","There’s nothing major you can cut down in these toilets, as it’s spotless as I would have expected from the location and clientele of the Hotel",contradiction,704,clean,spotless "This architecturally designed home takes advantage of the sun keeping it warm in the winter months and cooler in Summer. The open plan living/dining and fully equipped kitchen area boast views directly over the marina and have all you need to make your stay comfortable. Make the most of the location with the fishing marina across the road, along with the local yacht club, town jetty and the town beach a little further along the way","Make the most of the location with the fishing marina across the road, along with the local yacht club, town jetty and the town beach a little far along the way",entailment,1171,further,far "Your baby looks so happy sitting in this stroller!12 noon - A couple of days ago, I was grocery shopping at Stater Bros. I spotted the display of Betty Crocker cookies. It is the beautiful image of a peanut butter cookie on the package that got to me! Well, this afternoon was interesting","It is the beautiful image of a peanut butter cookie on the package that got to me! Well, this afternoon was exciting",neutral,1357,interesting,exciting You might also use the towels to cover parts of the persons body that arent being massaged so they stay warm while you work on other parts of the body. Consider lighting and music. The lighting in the massage room should be dim to promote a soothing but not sleepy atmosphere,The lighting in the massage room should be dark to promote a soothing but not sleepy atmosphere,contradiction,1354,dim,dark "To look your best, wearing heels is usually a necessity. For this reason, many women find it disconcerting when they find out that their nicest pair of heels has developed the stench of foot odor. In the last decade, personal loans have become much more common-for small projects, big purchases, and for debt consolidation","In the last decade, personal loans have become much more common-for small projects, huge purchases, and for debt consolidation",contradiction,1222,big,huge "Even though I would love to put Eleven on my keychain, for now I’ll just keep her safe within her box. All of the prints Owlcrate has sent are so frame-worthy. I have so many of them now, I could devote a whole wall of my house to Owlcrate prints! This print is definitely unusual or creepy","I have so many of them now, I could devote a whole wall of my house to Owlcrate prints! This print is definitely strange or creepy",entailment,287,unusual,strange "If you replace it with SSD, then you will have no noise at all. About battery life, I was actually somewhat uncertain simply because I knew that most of laptops do have short battery life. With this laptop however, I need to say the battery life time is darn good","With this laptop however, I need to say the battery life time is best",contradiction,516,good,best The sticky-up bits on the spine on the shoulder vertebrae (the thoracic vertebrae) are big because muscles would be on either side and use the sticky-up bit to attach. The size of the sticky-up bit show how big the muscles were there. Megatheriums are big,Megatheriums are huge,entailment,1099,big,huge "Negatives: As it is in the countryside, it is not ideal for those visiting Girona as it is 3km from the city centre and the public transport is limited. The staff have occasionally been reported to be rather unfriendly. As it is an old building, it is fairly clean so could do with some renovation","As it is an old building, it is spotless so could do with some renovation",contradiction,707,clean,spotless "George Washington Carver died in 1943 after a lifetime commitment and selfless dedication to agricultural research. This story has been read 1264 times. Heres the tree that made New England famous! Its easy to see why this tree is so prized once you look at its broadly oval to round form and its thick canopy of dark green, trident shaped leaves that provide medium shade from the summers heat","Heres the tree that made New England famous! Its easy to see why this tree is so prized once you look at its broadly oval to round form and its impenetrable canopy of dark green, trident shaped leaves that provide medium shade from the summers heat",contradiction,341,thick,impenetrable "What we announce ourselves is very valid Roncato luggage, a brand for quality and strength. Depending on your taste, you can choose between the bow case New Tenneger Rai red, with wheels and handle, two side locks and a central lock combo and durable polypropylene. It is a model of intermediate size, big and above all has a price palatable as it is a high end product","It is a model of intermediate size, huge and above all has a price palatable as it is a high end product",neutral,1302,big,huge "The site we were given was tiny, a sharp turn to back in, and barely long enough for our 19 trailer and truck. The advertised cell and WIFI service was intermittent at best and usually non-existent. We didnt mind having to go to the pavilion for service, but expected to actually get service while we were there! The bathrooms were fairly clean and the shower stall was tiny! Every time I moved, I hit the water faucets and nearly scalded myself","We didnt mind having to go to the pavilion for service, but expected to actually get service while we were there! The bathrooms were spotless and the shower stall was tiny! Every time I moved, I hit the water faucets and nearly scalded myself",contradiction,1095,clean,spotless "How would the Simple6502 compare to a modern, yet dirt cheap (~$1. 69), microcontroller such as the STM32 Blue Pill?The blue pill only loses on RAM. This is unfortunate",This is fatal,contradiction,400,unfortunate,fatal "The building was in worse shape than many of those around it, but the roof was mostly intact. The doors in front had all been made of glass, it seemed, but had shattered a long time ago. Inside it was dim, and the mid-day sun’s light pushed its way in through holes here and there in the walls","Inside it was dark, and the mid-day sun’s light pushed its way in through holes here and there in the walls",contradiction,990,dim,dark "I will preface this with saying this was my first stay at a hostel. I was pleasantly surprised! Two beds, a small refrigerator, a patio, a bathroom with shower, cable TV (not that I could understand any of it), and it was air conditioned. It was clean the doors were secure, and I’d stay there again","It was spotless the doors were secure, and I’d stay there again",contradiction,485,clean,spotless "But although it’s in everyone’s economic interests, it won’t be straightforward to achieve. Then-UK Prime Minister David Cameron addressed easyJet staff at the airline’s London Luton HQ ahead of the UK’s referendum on EU membership. For easyJet, the loss of freedoms provided by the European Common Aviation Area would be unfortunate","For easyJet, the loss of freedoms provided by the European Common Aviation Area would be disastrous",contradiction,211,unfortunate,disastrous There are hormonal deficiencies seen in the bodies of skinny people. Many skinny people become short in height and many of them become taller than normal height due to hormonal deficiencies in their bodies as a result of imbalance nutrition. Last but not the least; one should be thin,Last but not the least; one should be skinny,entailment,1123,thin,skinny "Nicole Holofcener occupies ambiguous territory. She’s not old but not young, she is known","She’s not old but not young, she is famous",contradiction,439,known,famous "Thank you for reviewing, we apologize that you were not satisfied with this stay. A classic case of you pay for what you get. Low price = small towels, no shampoo, clean room, moderate speed internet, etc","Low price = small towels, no shampoo, spotless room, moderate speed internet, etc",contradiction,926,clean,spotless "We are in the middle of wild, tropical virgin forest. You can only see the sky in parts and little sun shines through. The trees grow to over 150 feet and it is thick",The trees grow to over 150 feet and it is impenetrable,contradiction,1265,thick,impenetrable "If they had a movie that cost $25 million to make and market, and it made $75 million that’s a great result. But it doesn’t mean a drop in the ocean for conglomerates that big. In the long run I expect the film production business will be a big business",In the long run I expect the film production business will be a huge business,entailment,503,big,huge "The (very smart and experienced!) Ephs on the Advisory Committee — people like Noriko Chen ’89 and Liz Robinson ’90 — already study this data closely, or would if/when Collette Chilton provides it to them. There is simply no reason why Williams could not share the same information with its alumni/faculty/students. Again, such transparency is uncommon, especially for state schools subject to open records laws","Again, such transparency is unusual, especially for state schools subject to open records laws",entailment,942,uncommon,unusual Just outside the Royal Grand Palace in Phnom Penh. Tuk Tuk is the best transport option in Phnom Penh city. The city is big,The city is large,entailment,631,big,large "The Karaqan is a pretty boxy beast, so, since we missed a bit of the creature below the water line, let’s assume our monster is a 24 by 24 by 16 meter cuboid. If we were to build a Karaqan entirely out of blue crabs, it would stand 600 crabs tall, with 160 crabs across the first abdominal flanges, and a girth 229 crabs deep. If you’re doing the math for your next crab pickin’, that’s about 22,000,000 blue crabs or 440,000 bushels, if the crabs are big","If you’re doing the math for your next crab pickin’, that’s about 22,000,000 blue crabs (or 440,000 bushels, if the crabs are huge)",contradiction,958,big,huge "Instead, the details of what actually happened seem to have been misrepresented to fit the narrative of what usually happens. As I’ve noted before, both fatal polar bear attacks occurred outside of communities (away from areas where human attractants could have been an issue) and both happened early in the onshore period before the bears had spent much time on land. The bear involved in the July attack on Aaron Gibbons was described as thin and all of the bears involved in the August attack were described as being in good condition","The bear involved in the July attack on Aaron Gibbons was described as skinny, and all of the bears involved in the August attack were described as being in good condition",entailment,560,thin,skinny "The Port Klang line runs east to west, from Batu Caves to Port Klang. Batu Caves is less than 15km / 10mi from home, so a train ride from there doesn’t make sense. Port Klang, at 50km / 31mi away, is further enough away to make a one-way ride to that station seem worth it","Port Klang, at 50km / 31mi away, is far enough away to make a one-way ride to that station seem worth it",entailment,966,further,far "This is Dovewing of ThunderClan. Dovewing isnt given any description of her build on her wiki page, but I gave her basically the same build as last time, just with better anatomy. She's depicted here as a thin soft, fluffy, medium-furred, she-cat","She's depicted here as a skinny soft, fluffy, medium-furred, she-cat",entailment,1180,thin,skinny "It’s a tough criticism to level at Hill-Gibbins – and I wonder if I would have felt more sorry for Richard a few years ago, when I wasn’t so tired. I leave the Tragedy wondering what exactly the intention had been. It’s sad, but not painfully so; funny, but certainly not hysterical; interesting – all the right primary colours, smudged evenly into one another","It’s sad, but not painfully so; funny, but certainly not hysterical; fascinating – all the right primary colours, smudged evenly into one another",entailment,616,interesting,fascinating The Linq is one of the most central hotels on the Las Vegas Strip. Self checkin and checkout works with no problems. The hotel is big,The hotel is huge,entailment,960,big,huge "Helens and many similar volcanoes that seem to undergo regular collapse events, I tend to believe this plays a role in alleviating a lot of the pressure, henceforth preventing what would have otherwise lead into an eventual caldera eruption event. Crater Lake is the only VEI7 eruption in the Cascades I am aware off. It erupted some 50 km3, which is big compared to Long Valley That will have to do with the size of the magma chambers","It erupted some 50 km3, which is huge compared to Long Valley That will have to do with the size of the magma chambers",neutral,383,big,huge "First 10 mins on high flame and next 20 mins on low flame. An update on privacy – when will Little Brother decide to quit stalking YOU on-line?Three developments this week probably make for uncomfortable reading in Palo Alto. First, Belgium’s decision to take Facebook to court over alleged breaches of its and European privacy laws, second Belgian proposals that would enable it’s Privacy Commissioner to raise fines of up to EUR 800 000 for breach of privacy legislation; and third the Council of Ministers decision to revive the neglected EU Data Protection Regulation","First, Belgium’s decision to take Facebook to court over alleged breaches of its and European privacy laws, second Belgian proposals that would enable it’s Privacy Commissioner to raise fines of up to EUR 800 000 for breach of privacy legislation; and third the Council of Ministers decision to revive the forgotten EU Data Protection Regulation",entailment,308,neglected,forgotten "The usually unfailing Robyn Tribuzi struggles somewhat with her choreography. The tap numbers are terrific, but there’s too much posing and artificiality in some of the other production numbers. That’s unfortunate because “Anything Goes” needs all its cylinders running to make this musical relevant in today’s world",That’s fatal because “Anything Goes” needs all its cylinders running to make this musical relevant in today’s world,contradiction,1110,unfortunate,fatal "org. This site/url has been active for quite a few years. Although it has been neglected over the past 8 years, the journey never ended","Although it has been forgotten over the past 8 years, the journey never ended",contradiction,1409,neglected,forgotten My husband treated me to a quiet and cozy night out. The atmosphere was great for talking and hearing each other. The lighting was dim,The lighting was dark,neutral,698,dim,dark ".. i look around my house, clean evidence of a long day all around me","i look around my house, spotless evidence of a long day all around me",entailment,19,clean,spotless "You can easily distinguish such kittens. They are active, with shining hair, sparking eyes and do not have any secretions from their nose. They are thin or big-bellied",They are skinny or big-bellied,entailment,1345,thin,skinny "No need to get crazy. You’re just going to spend more time on epic outings—hiking, biking, running, and skiing your way to “mountain fit. ” You’ll be strong but not bulky; thin toned but not wiry",” You’ll be strong but not bulky; skinny; toned but not wiry,contradiction,720,thin,skinny "They need something for the fires of life. Water from a firetruck may help, but they need Living Water, from the One who walked on water. I’m convicted that the time and effort I put into a playground firetruck is good",I’m convicted that the time and effort I put into a playground firetruck is best,contradiction,1155,good,best "And now, if you’re still with me, a request. Do you have any suggestions for names? We’re having a hard time coming up with ideas. We want something that is unusual",We want something that is strange,entailment,142,unusual,strange "I recently explored them in quite a bit of detail, and they are far more powerful than just searching by keyword. You can use rating, flags, color tags, any IPTC or EXIF metadata, any camera or lens information, location data, and much, much more to build searches with. I have about 10,000 photos, so my library is big","I have about 10,000 photos, so my library is huge",entailment,463,big,huge "Breathe easy y’all, have a great day, and as always, happy auscultating!Pros: The firm offers a pretty good benefits package covering everything from medical insurance to on-site child care. I was able to work with a lot of friendly people and learn a lot. The firm is big enough to get lost in the shuffle",The firm is large enough to get lost in the shuffle,entailment,208,big,large This is a great and very usefull Darice Inc. Darice 2316-40 Miniature 5/8 x 1 Green Wooden Bench. The quality is good,The quality is best,contradiction,1181,good,best "No meat, no fish, no sausages, no pasta, no rice, no grainy bread, no cheese, no yoghurt, no butter, no jam, no honey. He will come home from a mate’s birthday party and not have eaten a thing. He is of average height and thin",He is of average height and skinny,entailment,719,thin,skinny "I deal with all four of those companies regularly and I have nothing but great things to say about their customer service. It was a lovely evening! I was really looking forward to the H&M Spring/Summer studio line to come to Greece,as I have seen pics and was super excited!Although I was quite late for the event ( work took longer than I hoped) and missed most of the celebrities, I was quite lucky as by the time I arrived it was not crowded and busy at all, so I had all the freedom to move around in my own pace!The talented Vicky Kaya and her team from Fashion Workshop were very helpful and the night went on smoothly. The H&M store in Ermou is one of my fav! The building is gorgeous inside and outside,it’s quite big and the esthetic is amazing! So of course it was the right venue for the event! Cute ice cream sticks and champagne made everybody’s mood,Live music added that extra boost to the festivities and the displays we so carefully placed that wherever you were looking there was always something to love!Needless to say that the new collection is gorgeous! Plenty of florals and patterns,loose trousers and crop tops but also more classic designs in pastel! It has something for everybody!When the Broncos moved to a 3-4 back in 2015 they already had a lot of players that fit the scheme","The H&M store in Ermou is one of my fav! The building is gorgeous inside and outside,it’s huge and the esthetic is amazing! So of course it was the right venue for the event! Cute ice cream sticks and champagne made everybody’s mood,Live music added that extra boost to the festivities and the displays we so carefully placed that wherever you were looking there was always something to love!Needless to say that the new collection is gorgeous! Plenty of florals and patterns,loose trousers and crop tops but also more classic designs in pastel! It has something for everybody!When the Broncos moved to a 3-4 back in 2015 they already had a lot of players that fit the scheme",entailment,422,big,huge "This recipe is very simple, very easy, very home-cooking style, and very delicious. It has the taste of coriander and cinnamon, and has green capsicums added for additional flavour and texture. This is uncommon and we love the taste and texture",This is unusual and we love the taste and texture,contradiction,1195,uncommon,unusual "Trust me, it’s a good decision!If you look over your list and see that you’ve been devouring Perry Mason books since you were a child, that your favorite classes were US Government and Politics, European Legal History, and Internet Policy, and that you’ve recently read and enjoyed A People’s History of the Supreme Court and an article on privacy laws in the European Union, law might be a natural fit for you. You still need to make sure this is the right time for you to go to law school, and think about whether it’s financially feasible, but chances are good you’re on the right path. What if you’re in the middle? Maybe you preferred mystery books as a child, and found a couple of political theory courses mildly interesting","What if you’re in the middle? Maybe you preferred mystery books as a child, and found a couple of political theory courses fascinating",contradiction,1238,interesting,fascinating "Sizes ranging from 8×8 to 12×12 means your spreads are up to a 12×24 print, which is a gorgeously perfect size to show off your newborn portraits, family portrait experience, or great wedding moments. The most popular size for milestone babies is to get a linen 8×8 album for each session, or to splurge on an engraved leather 12×12 album at the end of the year for a Baby’s First Year album. My personal favourite is the 10×10 as it provides perfectly sized cover to fit on most shelves and take up just enough room on a coffee table, and with the inner spreads being a big 10×20, I can set it open to a page on display","My personal favourite is the 10×10 as it provides perfectly sized cover to fit on most shelves and take up just enough room on a coffee table, and with the inner spreads being a huge 10×20, I can set it open to a page on display",contradiction,879,big,huge "My experience with the potions section has been disappointing and it was extremely frustrating to do in the airport with a laptop touch pad, so I gave up. The duelling and potions section is confusing to navigate and figure out what youre meant to do. The back-stories of characters were interesting or plot-enlightening and read like a long obituary",The back-stories of characters were exciting or plot-enlightening and read like a long obituary,contradiction,694,interesting,exciting "Workshop: Vinylux Open Studio. While literally billions of long playing record albums (LPs) still exist in the world, most will soon become garbage. Artist and designer Jeff Davis company, Vinylux, harvests obsolete piles of records and gives new life to this neglected material","Artist and designer Jeff Davis company, Vinylux, harvests obsolete piles of records and gives new life to this forgotten material",entailment,1336,neglected,forgotten ". an anomaly. However, you did it again with your Mint Oreo Cookie milkshake last night! Ugh! A perfect balance of flavors, an admirable consistency, thick and most tantalizing yet--those Oreo cookie chunks! My fiance even declared it GOLDEN CHERRY worthy!!! From a fast food joint?? Out of a machine?? Its OBSCENE","However, you did it again with your Mint Oreo Cookie milkshake last night! Ugh! A perfect balance of flavors, an admirable consistency, impenetrable and most tantalizing yet--those Oreo cookie chunks! My fiance even declared it GOLDEN CHERRY worthy!!! From a fast food joint?? Out of a machine?? Its OBSCENE",contradiction,10,thick,impenetrable "Visitors spend 3 hours riding on the train itself - 1. 5 hours between each stop, which is too long and couldve been broken up by more interesting stops. The two stops made - one to visit a market and the other to have lunch - are interesting",The two stops made - one to visit a market and the other to have lunch - are fascinating,contradiction,1258,interesting,fascinating "We sat in the back where the comfy couches used to be, now filled with cherry and walnut two tops. The tables themselves are beautiful, handcrafted by the architect, and continue to lend a homey, inviting feel to the space. The fire place was going, the lighting was dim the music muted and hip – in short, my perfect atmosphere","The fire place was going, the lighting was dark the music muted and hip – in short, my perfect atmosphere",contradiction,1282,dim,dark In answer to your questions about how I found authors to read my book. First I looked for authors who wrote the same genre. I mostly looked for ones who were kind of well known,I mostly looked for ones who were kind of well famous,entailment,535,known,famous "Then, Vancouver came (Ballet BC 2003) and my love for music took me by surprise; so did this musician I saw who played at the Railway Club who stole my heart away. This heart had been beating for ballet all my life. Was it the same for him, me being a dancer who was interesting I was the ears who could tell him his music was beautiful","Was it the same for him, me being a dancer who was fascinating? I was the ears who could tell him his music was beautiful",contradiction,1120,interesting,fascinating 04 Hexagons 16 oz. Jar Blue. The quality is good,The quality is best,contradiction,24,good,best "I finally decided to see if I could DIY one that fit all my criteria i. e. big pockets but not super segmented, room for a billion diapers and lipsticks, etc","huge pockets but not super segmented, room for a billion diapers and lipsticks, etc",entailment,430,big,huge "Are you excited for Anthem? What class are you going to play as? Let us know in the comments below!C. C. C docs talked alot about the possibility that this complaining about food being blocked is somehow related to his tonsils, although they both said yes, his tonsils were big","C docs talked alot about the possibility that this complaining about food being blocked is somehow related to his tonsils, although they both said yes, his tonsils were huge",contradiction,167,big,huge So instead I’ll link to – goodness the Sun Times is the same boat! Here’s Wall Street Journal analysis. Cease and desists have been sent. I find this case interesting,I find this case fascinating,neutral,884,interesting,fascinating You are part of a large sixteen person table and part of your first course is already sitting on the table when you arrive (its the little touches like this that feel familiar). Champagne is poured as people arrive and while everyone gets settled. Its candlelit and dim and there's wonderful classical music playing at a comfortable volume,Its candlelit and dark and there's wonderful classical music playing at a comfortable volume,contradiction,1342,dim,dark "The performance is good but the Russian names sometimes make the characters in the story hard to follow. long winded saga with tragic pitiful dull end. I came home from school, my dad wasn’t there which was uncommon","I came home from school, my dad wasn’t there which was unusual",entailment,1061,uncommon,unusual "My son loved just running around in the front yard. The kids also got a kick out of the outdoor shower, although it had very weak water pressure. The house was quite clean",The house was spotless,contradiction,701,clean,spotless "You can speed it up a bit, spend big, and get a large ceramic crock that has weights to hold the food down and a U-shaped lip on the rim that you fill with water. This is what you find set out on urban balconies and countryside porches all over South Korea. Right now, though, Im really enjoying Kilners Fermentation Set—a three-liter jar big with a pair of glazed ceramic half moons that easily slip inside the mouth of the jar to weigh everything down, and a lid with an air lock, a simple one-way valve that keeps unwanted guests out and allows the whole thing to gurgle away without building pressure in the jar","Right now, though, Im really enjoying Kilners Fermentation Set—a three-liter jar huge with a pair of glazed ceramic half moons that easily slip inside the mouth of the jar to weigh everything down, and a lid with an air lock, a simple one-way valve that keeps unwanted guests out and allows the whole thing to gurgle away without building pressure in the jar",entailment,1348,big,huge "White cloth napkins that usually give an air of sophistication were countered by the white paper placemats at each seat. It was the mullet of table settings. The dining room was lit with a mixture of incandescent and LED lights, so that it was dim","The dining room was lit with a mixture of incandescent and LED lights, so that it was dark",contradiction,1324,dim,dark "It is also impressive to see how the glacier changed and by consequence the descents; some lines are almost impossible to do now because there isn’t enough snow-ice or the seracs are too big and dangerous. black crows: How great is Holzer’s fame in your part of the Alps ? In France, Sylvain Saudan is better known, Holtzer is surrounded by mystery. Cristian: Here in the Dolomites, he is known because he wasn’t a character who looked for glory, however he has done so much around here, that he can easily be considered the precursor of the steep skiing in this area","Cristian: Here in the Dolomites, he is famous because he wasn’t a character who looked for glory, however he has done so much around here, that he can easily be considered the precursor of the steep skiing in this area",entailment,578,known,famous "However, it is important to note that these rights are reciprocal. US and other ECAA carriers would lose their automatic rights to fly to the UK. For easyJet, the loss of rights would be unfortunate","For easyJet, the loss of rights would be disastrous",contradiction,405,unfortunate,disastrous Fluval C2 Foam Pads Replacement Media Features and Benefits: - For freshwater or marine environments - Effective mechanical filtration - Help prevent clogging - Ideal for maintaining a clean aquarium. This is a great and very usefull RC Hagen RC Hagen 14005 Fluval C2 Foam Pad 2-pack. The quality is good,The quality is best,contradiction,313,good,best "It’s silly, really, that just being good at sports can result in such a windfall, creating a cycle of self-confidence that can give a guy a life-long advantage. But what about the boys who aren’t so great at sports? The ones who like to play, but simply aren’t all that talented at it? How do you explain to them that someday, it won’t matter, when now, it seems, it’s all that matters?My son is a case in point. He’s a big kid; tall for his age, thin","He’s a big kid; tall for his age, skinny",entailment,617,thin,skinny "I am a mature man with a great sense of humor. I am a writer, tell some great jokes, love to meet new people, love to make new friends but enjoy my downtime with my significant other. Black hair I'm 5'10 thin healthy, own a small dog love her to death, Im a fun guy to be around with","Black hair I'm 5'10 skinny healthy, own a small dog love her to death, Im a fun guy to be around with",contradiction,413,thin,skinny "Fortunately one of them got an inkling of just how terrified I was and he persuaded his mate to take it easy and we cruised back more at narrowboat speed than power boat speed. The adventure ended, after a photo was taken of me at the controls but it’ll be on his camera, with them realising that the water was now too low for me to get back to the ladder so I had to climb up the muddy bank. The Severn Bore, that night and the next morning, was interesting by comparison","The Severn Bore, that night and the next morning, was exciting by comparison",neutral,329,interesting,exciting "Sometimes this results in user interfaces that look great and are fairly sophisticated. Unfortunately, they often haven’t thought about how to implement more of the code behind the user interface. Other times they do think further enough",Other times they do think far enough,neutral,897,further,far "The Runaway OxAll clear now! I do want to read it soon. However, I might take a little break in between the Musashis, unless TLLotS swallows me whole. You'll enjoy the Malazan books post Gardens of the Moon which reminds me of the first season of Babylon 5; interesting",You'll enjoy the Malazan books post Gardens of the Moon (which reminds me of the first season of Babylon 5; fascinating),contradiction,971,interesting,fascinating "When we do or get things, this costs us the opportunity to do or get other things; even, perhaps, higher ranking things. For example, if we buy a nice, shiny sports car it means we can’t use those same funds to purchase a vehicle to take off-roading, and vice-versa. Therefore, it is critically important to assess the most important functions of the anticipated vehicle so we don’t get a car that’s good for our situation","Therefore, it is critically important to assess the most important functions of the anticipated vehicle so we don’t get a car that’s best for our situation",contradiction,1314,good,best "The lift kit set only support a certain types of jeep wrangler, 2003-2006 TJ jeep wrangler 4WD and 2004-2006 Unlimited LJ 4WD jeep wrangler. And the kit fits with 33-inch tire size and 4’’ lift pattern with coil spring suspension kit. You may already know body and budget lifting are good option while you are a off road rider",You may already know body and budget lifting are best option while you are a off road rider,entailment,1037,good,best "So without further ado, let’s get going…. How do I Find out if I can Take one?A sabbatical is a period of extended time off agreed between you and your employer, usually between three and twelve months. Extended breaks of up to five years are uncommon but these tend to be classed as ‘career breaks’, and often involve a break of service","Extended breaks of up to five years are unusual but these tend to be classed as ‘career breaks’, and often involve a break of service",entailment,887,uncommon,unusual I bought it to a Suunto outdoors watch (the third one to break) so I had an attractive watch that was outdoor practical at any time. I think it looks lovely and very smart. Its big - and very light,Its large - and very light,entailment,417,big,large A missing blind and the sheets had sand in them! So not a great start. However the staff were super helpful in trying first to sort out the problem with the A/C and when finally it was agreed it was faulty we were moved to a room where everything worked. The rooms were clean,The rooms were spotless,entailment,72,clean,spotless "Like most DIY-IT projects, If you decide to go off and build one of your own, you’ll never find the exact components I used, but you’ll want to find equivalent units that do the same job. As you might imagine, ten drives draw a considerable amount of power. However, since the Tank was not hosting other power-sucking PC components (like honking video cards or overclocked processors), I could get away with a big power supply","However, since the Tank was not hosting other power-sucking PC components (like honking video cards or overclocked processors), I could get away with a huge power supply",contradiction,651,big,huge "Nothing can be put back to original. The chicken chop, Hainanese style was fantastic. The atmosphere inside was dim with the fans swinging at the ceiling",The atmosphere inside was dark with the fans swinging at the ceiling,contradiction,731,dim,dark "It would have been nice for Paul Rudd and Jason Segel to get a bigger opening, but for a comedy as funny as this one, with two leads who arent the biggest stars in the universe, I think its an impressive enough open. Jason Lee: While I did think that this movie would at least eclipse $20 million, its a solid opening. You have a couple of big stars, in a bromance storyline, while the male crowd was obviously preferring to see things get blowed up real good","You have a couple of huge stars, in a bromance storyline, while the male crowd was obviously preferring to see things get blowed up real good",entailment,605,big,huge "He shows that hes been funding this project and using the specs that all the kids on the blog were blogging about in order to make their mission to Mars. He wants Ernesto along with the other bloggers to help him over see this mission and to help give him the one thing hes always wanted in life - to be the riches man on Mars. Excerpt: The command vessel was big like a cruise ship, but empty","Excerpt: The command vessel was huge like a cruise ship, but empty",entailment,374,big,huge "Also, the temples are all new (or new-ish, at least compared to China or Japan, although in some cases, were talking barely older than me); I suppose its proof that religion is alive and well here (the temple URL scrolling across the big LCD display over the gate, well, that just takes it to a whole new level). Top crazy food so far: blood on a stick. The rest was unusual if you know what I mean",The rest was strange if you know what I mean,entailment,126,unusual,strange "OME has said the song is “about expectations of form, anxiety, middle age, and middle class,” among other indescribable things. In its verses, he unpacks the myths and truths of indie rap approachability, being self-effacing and witty as only he can. There’s a difference between being a middling rapper and being a rapper in the middle—between forms, between arcs, known comfortable but blue-collar, under pressure to be many things to many people","There’s a difference between being a middling rapper and being a rapper in the middle—between forms, between arcs, famous comfortable but blue-collar, under pressure to be many things to many people",contradiction,737,known,famous "The most famous case of this psychological disorder found in king Nebuchadnezzar, who is in the book of Daniel said to have turned into a cow, shows in sketchy but it does not appeared that king have all the symptoms of Boanthropy. Kleine Levin Syndrome also known as beauty sleeping syndrome. This strange syndrome can potentially lead individual to sleep for weeks",This weird syndrome can potentially lead individual to sleep for weeks,entailment,1051,strange,weird Enjoyable and reflective if not a bit stodgy in places. What would you do with a million dollars?A character-driven novel based on the events surrounding the Kennedy assassination. An interesting look at What If? questions in life and the big impact that seemingly small decisions may or may not have,An fascinating look at What If? questions in life and the big impact that seemingly small decisions may or may not have,contradiction,283,interesting,fascinating "Yes, you heard him: moose pig. First sighted in 1802, the Beast of Dean- or the more affectionate ‘moose pig’- is an enormous boar. Normal wild boar get pretty big, enough to knock down trees and crush fences, as this little-known cryptid is reported to do","Normal wild boar get large, enough to knock down trees and crush fences, as this little-known cryptid is reported to do",entailment,1339,big,large "The iceberg, known as B17B, is currently 1,700km from Australias west coast on a lengthy and laborious journey from Antarctica. It is one of the biggest icebergs ever seen in that part of the world and has amazed scientists for having maintained its impressive size without breaking apart. Its very rare, uncommon Australian Antarctic Division glaciologist Dr Neal Young told AAP on Wednesday","Its rare, unusual Australian Antarctic Division glaciologist Dr Neal Young told AAP on Wednesday",contradiction,1028,uncommon,unusual "abcbookworld. com, and looked for diaries, novels, short stories, historical stories, poetry, and theatrical plays published between the early 1800s and recent times. I looked for reading material that was relatively slow paced, interesting or anxiety provoking, and long enough to get sleepy—or bored—while reading it","I looked for reading material that was relatively slow paced, exciting or anxiety provoking, and long enough to get sleepy—or bored—while reading it",contradiction,1362,interesting,exciting "There were many who were played off, especially those with co-nominees that had spoken too long at first. As you enter Pottoka (“my wild little pony,” loosely translated from the Basque) , you are lead into a narrow car-sized space. The walls are light grey, the lighting is dim and the tables are tightly packed next to each other; holding up to 45 people","The walls are light grey, the lighting is dark and the tables are tightly packed next to each other; holding up to 45 people",entailment,1134,dim,dark "@Diziet Sma just a quick question. ¿Hablas español?Sí, soy española ¿y tú?Eeeyah. I find Asimov interesting",I find Asimov fascinating,neutral,63,interesting,fascinating "I’d seen him before. He’s not a bad looking young man. He stood over six feet tall, thin dark complexion, and wore short unkempt dread-locks, but again you had to look close to tell","He stood over six feet tall, skinny dark complexion, and wore short unkempt dread-locks, but again you had to look close to tell",entailment,619,thin,skinny "Another beauty is that it also allow incoming calls with the multi-function button. It folds conveniently for travel, the design is just well conceived. I had been playing around with BlueTooth accessories for a few months and I found the concept interesting",I had been playing around with BlueTooth accessories for a few months and I found the concept exciting,neutral,157,interesting,exciting "Peggy was approximately my age, about 9 or 10. To me she was the picture of perfection. She was thin had a clear and pink complexion, blue eyes and strawberry blond curls that she wore in pigtails that I thought were adorable","She was skinny had a clear and pink complexion, blue eyes and strawberry blond curls that she wore in pigtails that I thought were adorable",contradiction,788,thin,skinny "But I’ve never had regrets about reading bad books; even those books taught me something I didn’t know…even if it was just how much determination it takes to finish a book that has you exasperated, seething with anger or board out of your skull. I’ve got a new book to add to my list…Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson. It’s not that Astrophysics is a particular area of interest for me; I find it interesting",It’s not that Astrophysics is a particular area of interest for me; I find it fascinating,contradiction,210,interesting,fascinating "Alberta Gold Chorus has a wonderful history. We've come a long way! In 1982, Marjorie Hopkins love of barbershop music prompted her to find a way to renew her connection to the art form, neglected","We've come a long way! In 1982, Marjorie Hopkins love of barbershop music prompted her to find a way to renew her connection to the art form, forgotten",entailment,497,neglected,forgotten 28 for Dritz 72128 Tapestry Hand Needles-Size 18-22 6-Pkg. This is a great and very usefull Dritz Dritz 72128 Tapestry Hand Needles-Size 18-22 6-Pkg. The quality is good,The quality is best,entailment,38,good,best "Stankovic has not found consistency since returning from injury, but he’s probably the only other Inter midfielder who can win the ball and maintain possession. Motta is far too slow to win the ball off of good teams (but he bosses the midfield against the likes of Bologna) and Muntari has no clue what to do with the ball when he wins it and is a sending off waiting to happen at all times. Cheddar village has always had a good range of interesting specialist shops including, as you might expect, lots of cheese shops! For regular groceries and food options have also been good, ranging from a very convenient convenience store at the near-by petrol station (5 minutes walk, if that), to the big Budgens down in the village near the church","Cheddar village has always had a good range of interesting specialist shops including, as you might expect, lots of cheese shops! For regular groceries and food options have also been good, ranging from a very convenient convenience store at the near-by petrol station (5 minutes walk, if that), to the huge) Budgens down in the village near the church",contradiction,904,big,huge "But thats what patching is for, I guess. Seriously, hes a man that has nearly always had a giant whoopee cushion airbag behind him, and without that, or suits keeping him on task, it ended badly. Why would Godus of all projects cause a Kickstarter backlash? It was reasonably big there were enough other failures, complete failures (unlike Godus, which is still getting work done on it), and reasonable people would make the distinction between creator and platform anyway (its not Kickstarter which failed)","Why would Godus of all projects cause a Kickstarter backlash? It was huge there were enough other failures, complete failures (unlike Godus, which is still getting work done on it), and reasonable people would make the distinction between creator and platform anyway (its not Kickstarter which failed)",contradiction,220,big,huge "Pray more, study your Bible more, give more, love your wife more, spend quality time with your children, teach your children to love God and to be obedient, do acts of kindness, etc. , etc. All of these are good",All of these are best,entailment,805,good,best "Do I vouch for Phillips? Hell yeah, rock on! 1/3 of the world sales in cd/etc is quite a bit weighing in at 6 billion bucks. Theyre not someone to take lightly and if anyone can do it, they can. Now if they could get some support from other companies that are considered big that'd be even more favorable",Now if they could get some support from other companies that are considered huge that'd be even more favorable,entailment,263,big,huge . “It’s not free of obstacles!” Agree – and tell me about it. “It’s not not dark!” My brain hurts with this one – NEXT! “It’s sufficient,“It’s not not dark!” My brain hurts with this one – NEXT! “It’s ample,entailment,18,sufficient,ample "“OMG you are so skinny!” “Have you lost weight, you look so skinny?!” No one in there right mind would tell someone “You are looking fat today, have you gained some weight?” Or “Wow, you look fat in that dress!”. But “skinny” is acceptable because we live in a world where skinny is good and fat is bad. Back to my daughter, who is thin","Back to my daughter, who is skinny",entailment,1463,thin,skinny 75 Inch 0. 5 Inch Drive Standard 6 Point. The quality is good,The quality is best,contradiction,55,good,best "He falls into a trite oversimplification of Lebanese society, for instance, lamenting the polarization of youth culture between one attracted to the divisiveness of violence and another seeking unity and reconciliation through music. If these two poles of youth culture cant find some common ground, he opines, pulling everyone between them just a little closer in the process, Lebanon is doomed. It is an unfortunate flaw in a book whose strength lies more in anecdote than analysis",It is a fatal flaw in a book whose strength lies more in anecdote than analysis,entailment,368,unfortunate,fatal "I got a few of the references, but I know I was missing a lot of stuff. Even so, I still think it wasn’t a perfect film. Very good ever",Very best ever,contradiction,432,good,best kitchen & living room upstairs with bedrooms downstairs. Amenities all worked and plenty of games in the game box. House was clean (leftover debris under furniture and a bag of garbage left in the storage box on the 1st floor deck),House was spotless (leftover debris under furniture and a bag of garbage left in the storage box on the 1st floor deck),contradiction,1399,clean,spotless "This is not suitable for people with disabilities. Prior to attending I was concerned that the hotel was going to be large and inpersonal, after reading some reviews about it, however there was no need for any concerns. The hotel itself is big its very clean and welcoming",The hotel itself is huge its very clean and welcoming,contradiction,1188,big,huge This is a great and very usefull Fendi Quartz/Mint Metallic Leather Platform Sandals. The quality is good,The quality is best,neutral,1256,good,best "Now the place actually offers a 305 acre playground for families to learn, discover, and enjoy unique wildlife that we may never get a chance to come close to. They have over 200 animals in their care - some have been injured, some are endangered and need to be protected. They give free demonstrations, you can feed some of the animals, and the staff is very knowledgeable and FRIENDLY! He is in the Bird House! The Buzzard was learning to fly - again! The Owl was entertaining us!They have Bats! Which are better than having Mice!They have a Bearded Lady you could say!Note the Wild Bird Sanctuary is big - we spent about 2 hours at the facility and saw most of it","They give free demonstrations, you can feed some of the animals, and the staff is very knowledgeable and FRIENDLY! He is in the Bird House! The Buzzard was learning to fly - again!The Owl was entertaining us! They have Bats! Which are better than having Mice!They have a Bearded Lady you could say!Note the Wild Bird Sanctuary is large - we spent about 2 hours at the facility and saw most of it",entailment,734,big,large "They come from police leaders, and therefore command the respect their peers across the country. The Trump administration will undoubtedly end Justice Department civil rights investigations of local police, and the resulting consent decrees. That is unfortunate",That is fatal,contradiction,1149,unfortunate,fatal "The On Error Goto 0 Command works like a charm in resetting the error and allowing continued execution of the code. Although not much work is done these days in Classic ASP, I found this task to be fun, and I enjoyed being reminded of the ‘good old days’ when I would work with ASP, Visual Interdev (or even notepad), SQL Server 7 on a daily basis. Classic ASP is appealing and interesting when you have to do it at work! Glad that I am not the only one",Classic ASP is appealing and fascinating when you have to do it at work! Glad that I am not the only one,contradiction,964,interesting,fascinating "This algorithm is deeply biased because Random is not a strong enough source of random numbers. Some permutations are less likely than others. So what’s the big deal? If there were just a small bias, that would be unfortunate","So what’s the big deal? If there were just a small bias, that would be fatal",contradiction,1170,unfortunate,fatal "When we arrived I met DDG’s proprietor: Scott Sabramsky, who walked me over to the bar to show me his selection of fine scotch, whiskey, bourbon and other adult beverages fit for a king. The entire atmosphere of this exquisite barbershop is fantastic. The bar itself was custom designed and made from what looked like reclaimed barn board - the lighting was dim - and there were ample furnishings and space for social interaction",The bar itself was custom designed and made from what looked like reclaimed barn board - the lighting was dark - and there were ample furnishings and space for social interaction,entailment,1313,dim,dark "At around 20-25 m long the whale is believed to be a blue whale – the largest species on earth. Reports from local commercial fishermen and a ship leaving Port Taranaki indicate that the dead whale may have been floating close off the Taranaki coast since at least Sunday. Department of Conservation Acting Senior, Biodiversity Ranger Callum Lilley said it’s uncommon to get large whales washed up along the coastline","Department of Conservation Acting Senior, Biodiversity Ranger Callum Lilley said it’s unusual to get large whales washed up along the coastline",entailment,186,uncommon,unusual "I love garlic!Im not a big veggie eater, but this was a wonderful recipe. Wonderful flavor and pretty easy to make!This is a great and very usefull Duncan Toys Duncan Toys 26575 15-3/4 x 14-1/2 Tulip Kids T-Shirt Form. The quality is good",The quality is best,entailment,453,good,best "We know that Mordremoth was able to utilize - and yes, corrupt - corpses. Though the Blighting Trees do not corrupt corpses, Mordrem Troll and Mordrem Wolf are both confirmed cases of corrupted corpses. But as far as we know, the case of troll and wolf is the same as Corrupted Tree for Zhaitan - an uncommon occurance","But as far as we know, the case of troll and wolf is the same as Corrupted Tree for Zhaitan - an unusual occurance",entailment,1278,uncommon,unusual "Amazing open world build for reaper, really good sustained DPS, and some good burst. Vulnerability can be gained very quickly and easily maintained to 20+. Survivability is good using Infusing Terror during shroud helps a bit",Survivability is best using Infusing Terror during shroud helps a bit,contradiction,132,good,best "But I digress. Its not Easter without PEEPS, is it?They were chilly, but they still humored me and posed next to the Peep Car at the Minnesota Zoo!Yes, it turns out Peeps arent just for painting!and the kids had fun adding their designs to the giant paper that zoo patrons were coloring. What a great idea, no? Afterward we snapped a few pictures for our often neglected OTHER blog project","What a great idea, no? Afterward we snapped a few pictures for our often forgotten about OTHER blog project",entailment,209,neglected,forgotten "As you know from past posts, I grew up in Colorado. I love the time period of Colorado when my family lived there. Denver was big",Denver was huge,contradiction,183,big,huge "“I’m in,” replied Clayton, as he opened his dorm dresser to retrieve slightly less worn shorts and a different Dolphins t-shirt. Drew loved that Clayton was always in for whatever. Clayton stood a solid six feet tall, thin with dark black hair and a face that looked vaguely Eastern European","Clayton stood a solid six feet tall, skinny with dark black hair and a face that looked vaguely Eastern European",entailment,1462,thin,skinny "Some skills are a little rusty, but it is nice to make use of them again. Frequent practice works wonders. Having a long weekend available was the prefect time to move that neglected surplice project back on track",Having a long weekend available was the prefect time to move that forgotten surplice project back on track,entailment,893,neglected,forgotten "S. government run Brookhaven National Laboratory hosted visitors days and William Higinbotham wanted to make the upcoming 1958 annual event as enjoyable as possible. The science exhibits were interesting and he wanted to create something that was imaginative, innovative and fun","The science exhibits were exciting and he wanted to create something that was imaginative, innovative and fun",entailment,838,interesting,exciting "First published May 13, 2009 as part of a Mother’s Day sermon. There is a place for saying no. There are things that are good",There are things that are best,neutral,310,good,best "Everyone wants to know about the ants. Very well: they provided a slightly bitter contrast to the sweetness of the almond cake, as well as bringing “crunch” and eye appeal. Lighting was dim in a way that seemed calculated to focus the flavours rather than disguise them",Lighting was dark in a way that seemed calculated to focus the flavours rather than disguise them,entailment,292,dim,dark The sound quality is excellent- much better than my laptop by far. I would recommend this computer. The screen size is big,The screen size is huge,contradiction,1097,big,huge Our room was near the back of the property. The room was huge with a very big dressing area and bathroom. It was clean,It was spotless,neutral,776,clean,spotless "Fortunately, the chances of a collision are extremely remote. Probably as remote as you or I winning the lottery, but let’s not forget that some people do win the lottery. Every week someone wins the lottery! A near-miss would be unfortunate",Every week someone wins the lottery! A near-miss would be fatal,contradiction,331,unfortunate,fatal "I catch myself trying to explain the situation, say too much, when people ask about our land, or the house we are building. Justifying what seems to me, in some ways, to be extravagant. The house is big",The house is huge,entailment,419,big,huge "“Scanning for static pulses,” Lee informed, having thought on the next reason for a failure. “Irregular patches around, and some thin streaks…” It was an odd combination. The patches were uncommon",The patches were unusual,entailment,1464,uncommon,unusual 4. everyone thinks its funny and tries to make a joke. When naming our children we wanted names that were uncommon,When naming our children we wanted names that were unusual,entailment,47,uncommon,unusual This is a great and very usefull Scosche Scosche Industries Inc. 213231 Scosche HP6PU thudBuds Noise Isolation Earbuds -Purple. The quality is good,The quality is best,contradiction,1183,good,best Theres just some woods here and there in North Jersey Im acquainted with. At the onset of my visit yesterday I met several odonata and got my hopes up that another week was all the ebony jewelwings needed to mature and populate their grotto by the pond. No such luck—but it was one of those uncommon days when the pond was hosting a wood duck,No such luck—but it was one of those unusual days when the pond was hosting a wood duck,entailment,1137,uncommon,unusual "Maybe that’s why it’s taken so long to announce the next game in the series. If not Metroid, I could see Retro or another developer taking a shot at a new F-Zero game, which hasn’t seen a new release since 2003 with F-Zero GX. It’s a series long neglected as we’ve seen F-Zero references from, Nintendo, recently in the DLC courses for Mario Kart 8","It’s a series long forgotten as we’ve seen F-Zero references from, Nintendo, recently in the DLC courses for Mario Kart 8",entailment,671,neglected,forgotten "The Presbyterian (H627577) and Church of Ireland (H625576) show little of interest. The Catholic church (H631574) was opened in 1983 and has a loft light over the altar and some good stained glass. A conducted tour of the stables at the Bishops Palace, Armagh (H877443) was interesting","A conducted tour of the stables at the Bishops Palace, Armagh (H877443) was exciting",contradiction,967,interesting,exciting "A full-Size keyboard with the numeric pad on the right, best for those who work with numbers a lot. A treat for fingers and can literally boost your productivity no matter you are a writer, programmer or a coder. Build quality is great",Build quality is best in the industry,contradiction,66,great,best "Teachers purpose of this college is conceptual approach is to turn young people into self dependent, but, socially responsible individuals who can make meaningful contributions to the developments of the country and the world. Campus provide round the clock medical facilities to every students and staff and unforeseen medical emergencies, This campus provided you possesses a full-fledged medical dispensary in its campus which is very good for every student. College management is good",College management is best,contradiction,922,good,best "In which state, Ive since forgotten, but we were floating down a river on a raft and one of those birds took off from a bluff bordering the water and soared over our heads in lazy circles. I still wonder what he was thinking, and what we must have looked like from his point of view. Its uncommon to see eagles looking for fish as they circle above the Allegheny River between Allegany and Olean",Its unusual to see eagles looking for fish as they circle above the Allegheny River between Allegany and Olean,entailment,553,uncommon,unusual "First on my list is a mystery by a new author (for me), Donna Andrews, titled Access Denied. This is one of a series, the Turing Hopper mysteries, featuring a sentient, or near sentient, artificial intelligence. I found the characters interesting and the artificial intelligence is an interesting concept, though I don’t think a great deal was done with it","I found the characters fascinating and the artificial intelligence is an interesting concept, though I don’t think a great deal was done with it",contradiction,309,interesting,fascinating "I always recommend Eleven for lunch. It’s got a Michelin star, a great view and lunch is only 35 Euros per person. Expressoes Da Nossa Terra is a bit further from where you are at",Expressoes Da Nossa Terra is a bit far from where you are at,entailment,411,further,far "And the interesting parties who were involved like MLK and Rosa Parks. All these topics may or not be unique, but they are famous events except for Jamestown settlement. Jamestown settlement is known",Jamestown settlement is famous,contradiction,146,known,famous Lukas is an old man who deserted from the military after the Ishvalan war. He was a state alchemist and Kassandras teacher after she earned his trust. his Build: thin,his Build: skinny,contradiction,662,thin,skinny I need to find a more consistent bedtime. It is usually between 11-12 but I’d rather it be on the earlier side of that and it always seems I’m running toward the latter. I would suggest reading an interesting or in depth book before bed,I would suggest reading an exciting or in depth book before bed,entailment,459,interesting,exciting "I made this follow direction it came out hard I don’t what I did wrong !Absolutely delicious – everyone at brunch loved it! I made it in an 8″ springform pan because I wanted it to look extra pretty on a cake stand. Turn out perfectly, and the wedges were a a beautiful presentation. After interesting visits to their local faires and parks, Chris and Joel sit down for a chat about Apple products","After exciting visits to their local faires and parks, Chris and Joel sit down for a chat about Apple products",entailment,456,interesting,exciting "Finns always written, even during the last months of his mothers life when he put his second solo album on hold but kept working on the soundtrack to the New Zealand film Rain, a film that deals in part with death. The film was quite a good outlet for some of those emotions, he says. Its kind of bleak",Its kind of hopeless,entailment,306,bleak,hopeless "She gave me an opportunity to write, travel, and represent the beach beautiful lifestyle by sharing all of the wonders of Cape Cod in our “Cape Cod Wandering Mermaid” blog sponsored by her incredibly successful Mermaids On Cape Cod brand. Right now – I’ve just started officially working as a Cape Cod Wandering Mermaid, traveling around Cape Cod on adventures seeking food and fun, keeping people and places connected by promoting small business and local artisans, sharing all of the wonders of Cape Cod while rockin’ sponsored gear. This winter I want to work on my neglected travel blog",This winter I want to work on my forgotten travel blog,contradiction,863,neglected,forgotten . Though the difference shouldnt be HUGE like you said because SSJ Goku could still fight with Initial Hit better than <10% SSJ Blue Vegeta could. Its big as you said,Its huge as you said,contradiction,7,big,huge "They were a really nice group and down to earth. I’d heard of them before and knew a few of their songs, but after meeting them, I’d definitely consider buying their albums off iTunes in the near future. In an effort to update this often neglected blog, I thought I’d post a picture from this weekend","In an effort to update this often forgotten about blog, I thought I’d post a picture from this weekend",entailment,1162,neglected,forgotten "Admissions officers are poring over essays and recommendation letters, scouring transcripts and standardized test scores. But something is missing from many applications: a class ranking, once a major component in admissions decisions. In the cat-and-mouse maneuvering over admission to prestigious colleges and universities, thousands of high schools have simply stopped providing that information, concluding it could harm the chances of their good students","In the cat-and-mouse maneuvering over admission to prestigious colleges and universities, thousands of high schools have simply stopped providing that information, concluding it could harm the chances of their best students",contradiction,99,good,best "We were up and counting before breakfast and I’m certain just the intention behind looking for bird activity produced some rather interesting discoveries. Click here for further info. In the twenty minute slot we sighted 10 different species and 41 birds altogether including a raptor which is uncommon but hey, if you’re going to make a visit, do it during a Bird Count!We expect everyone to read Beautiful Souls: Saying No, Breaking Ranks, and Heeding the Voice of Conscience in Dark Times","In the twenty minute slot we sighted 10 different species and 41 birds altogether including a raptor which is unusual but hey, if you’re going to make a visit, do it during a Bird Count!We expect everyone to read Beautiful Souls: Saying No, Breaking Ranks, and Heeding the Voice of Conscience in Dark Times",entailment,1289,uncommon,unusual "Michael Permezel, professor emeritus at the University of Melbournes Obstetrics and Gynaecology, told ABC News: Sometimes the two halves dont properly join. Quite often they dont join completely and there are minor abnormalities of uterine shape. But this case, where there are two complete separate uteri, is uncommon — its about one in a thousand women","But this case, where there are two complete separate uteri, is extraordinary — its about one in a thousand women",neutral,674,uncommon,extraordinary Click on button below to buy Mabis 532-8030-7200 Convalescent Gown with Tape Ties - Pink Print for the lowest price. This is a great and very usefull Mabis Mabis 532-8030-7200 Convalescent Gown with Tape Ties - Pink Print. The quality is good,The quality is best,contradiction,237,good,best Roscoe Sheller wrote a book about the Olney family. There are descendants of Nathan Olney living here in Glenwood. What I find interesting is that the trees are big as if the whole area burned a hundred years before this picture,What I find interesting is that the trees are huge as if the whole area burned a hundred years before this picture,neutral,833,big,huge "Which brings us back to this unknown doorway we were all standing in. I could see a glint of light coming from a room, nudged the others to look, also, and then started walking towards it. The hallway was dim enough to have to strike a match",The hallway was dark enough to have to strike a match,entailment,1316,dim,dark "virtually all of the currently available oils with the latest SM or CJ-4 designations have zinc and phosphorus levels at or below 1,000 ppm. * The 1977 SAE paper Cam and Lifter Wear as Affected by Engine Oil ZDDP Concentration and Type written by two GM Engineers provides plenty of data to support the assertion that 1200 PPM is knee in the curve of wear rate vs ZDDP concentration for flat tappet engines. Was neglected, Now Re-born, We hope so","Was forgotten, Now Re-born, We hope so",neutral,1435,neglected,forgotten "In one of the most mediated and controversial trials in Angola, the Huambo provincial court sentenced him to 28 years in prison. The defense appealed the decision, but two years later, the Supreme Court has not yet ruled. Zola Bambi, one of Kalupeteka’s defense lawyers, considers this silence unusual as it is yet another example of the partial way in which the trial was conducted","Zola Bambi, one of Kalupeteka’s defense lawyers, considers this silence strange as it is yet another example of the partial way in which the trial was conducted",entailment,543,unusual,strange "He replied, Well, the first ones were pretty exciting, but these last couple havent been the same. Hurry up and get to the good part!I must agree. The details in the past two accounts have not been very interesting",The details in the past two accounts have not been exciting,entailment,372,interesting,exciting "They surely aren’t gonna bring any exchange offers here and even if they do, all work on MRP so you will hardly get 1000-1500 for your Asha while going for an exchange. I think it will be a decent windows phone in all aspects with in the mid range. want to buy but below 7k because 5x5x5 is good in this price range, at least 8MP cap should be there","want to buy but below 7k because 5x5x5 is best in this price range, at least 8MP cap should be there",contradiction,1158,good,best "There are no downsides to the knife as far as I can tell, at least in regard to design or build-quality. I found the small design considerations quite pleasing as well, such as the contour of the blade’s spine and the deep-carry pocket clip. The flat and thin handle profile is another plus for which my pockets and thighs are grateful",The flat and skinny handle profile is another plus for which my pockets and thighs are grateful,contradiction,1124,thin,skinny "They fit well, are comfortable and priced well. I am 54, about 130 pounds with long legs, the 8s are great, could even do a 6. I am thin",I am skinny,contradiction,1150,thin,skinny "And whoever wrote the breathless caption for the seamless bodysuit that SOMARTA computer-knitted for Lady Gaga has never knitted a scarf for a college sweetheart on round needles. The lesson taught here is, literally, more elementary – an introductory course to a parallel universe that looks, feels and, on occasion, operates like the world of crafted objects we were brought up with, but that is constructed from the inside out and ground up, not bit by byte but element by element, from programmed particles. On the introductory second floor, designers-in-residence engage the 3D printing technology developed by Shapeways and laid out for visitors in a promotional video that is unfortunate","On the introductory second floor, designers-in-residence engage the 3D printing technology developed by Shapeways and laid out for visitors in a promotional video that is fatal",contradiction,149,unfortunate,fatal "The lottery must respect their wishes for privacy. Bergard will get $800,000 a year for 20 years before taxes, about $576,000 yearly after taxes. Its uncommon for big money to go unclaimed for some time, the lottery said","Its unusual for big money to go unclaimed for some time, the lottery said",entailment,1039,uncommon,unusual "a. “table”. The dimensions of the printer are 35 × 33 × 52 cm, which is big compared to other 3D printers","The dimensions of the printer are 35 × 33 × 52 cm, which is huge compared to other 3D printers",neutral,1361,big,huge "His arms could conceivably be classified as weapons of mass destruction, because when he launches a softball, it becomes a missile that at speeds of more than 120 miles an hour would wreak havoc to scoreboards and light posts, were it not for the fact that these round rockets fly over them with seemingly the greatest of ease. You don’t want to be anywhere near the path of an Erickson softball. At 6-foot-4 and 220 pounds, the slugger is big yet he regularly hits softballs more than 500 feet","At 6-foot-4 and 220 pounds, the slugger is huge yet he regularly hits softballs more than 500 feet",entailment,393,big,huge "And Im sure she was totally fascinating to those who knew her before George and is now charming the pants off all her new friends. However, those of us outside her charmed circle only know what we see in the media. I find her interesting",I find her fascinating,entailment,136,interesting,fascinating "The idea hasnt gotten very far, partly because Republicans denounce it as rationing. Conservatives favor premium support, which would subsidize seniors to shop among competing insurance plans, but Democrats, the president included, have tarred that idea as a skimpy voucher. Its unfortunate that no structural solution is, for the moment, politically possible (1/6)","Its disastrous that no structural solution is, for the moment, politically possible (1/6)",contradiction,1029,unfortunate,disastrous Free noncommercial use with attribution. I’m not paid by any advertisement here. Greetings from Napoli! This blog has been severely neglected,Greetings from Napoli! This blog has been severely forgotten,entailment,332,neglected,forgotten Easy drive and good local food store. We opted to do on line Tesco shop with delivery on day of arrival. (nearest main supermarket over 12 miles away so worthwhile doing on line delivery) The barn was clean,(nearest main supermarket over 12 miles away so worthwhile doing on line delivery) The barn was spotless,neutral,279,clean,spotless "Tower Bridge was ok, not great. I wouldnt consider it to be a must, although at the end when you walk across the bridge, so high up, crossing the Thames, that was pretty neat but it lasts about 1 minute. The presentation is mildly interesting it is fairly long, and it involves lots of walking up flights of stairs","The presentation is fascinating it is fairly long, and it involves lots of walking up flights of stairs",contradiction,1233,interesting,fascinating . slowly but surely. HDD future is dim there're still foreseeable in a decade forward,HDD future is dark there're still foreseeable in a decade forward,neutral,15,dim,dark "Not to mention he or the others had not even looked at any of the filters or windshield wipers or transmition fuild before offering to replace. The quality of sales person is good but, they are not polished or even clean shaven. They represent your company and the place was fairly clean",They represent your company and the place was spotless,contradiction,728,clean,spotless "This is version of the text won’t be formatted or have any fancy dust jackets, and the text is subject to change depending on the reviews from those fortunate enough to read it (librarians, booksellers, competition winners, celebrities etc. ). This is all valuable feedback, and is why one’s critiquing skin needs to be thick","This is all valuable feedback, and is why one’s critiquing skin needs to be impenetrable",entailment,1192,thick,impenetrable "The Flash Client is still being developed, and so far it works really well. The idea with the flash client is to make the game super easy to access without having to install anything; the client acts as a browser-based portal to existing NEStalgia servers. When it’s ready early next year, we’re hoping that it will expose the game to tons of new players, including our neglected Mac OS X brethren! Last but certainly not least, we will begin rolling out new content and level cap expansions on a regular basis following the monster companion update","When it’s ready early next year, we’re hoping that it will expose the game to tons of new players, including our forgotten Mac OS X brethren! Last but certainly not least, we will begin rolling out new content and level cap expansions on a regular basis following the monster companion update",entailment,951,neglected,forgotten "Personally, I’d like to see the 1988 with 60g/l and 10 years post-disgorgement ageing!So today I started into new territory. This motor is a huge pain in the D*ck to put in. Almost completely in and I notice that the oil pan will not clear, so I removed the oil pan, The motor slide in further enough! It was caught on the steering rack lines","Almost completely in and I notice that the oil pan will not clear, so I removed the oil pan, The motor slide in far enough! It was caught on the steering rack lines",entailment,795,further,far "I was looking at Nina Ricci´s fashion shows for this year and there´s one thing that makes me so sad…And it´s not the clothes – I think the outfits are great!But look at these models legs!?! They are so skinny that it looks sick – to me at least!! I know some people are naturally skinny and all that, but I honestly don´t think that all these girls are really like that from mother nature…When I look at these pictures all I see is some girls starving themselves to keep theirs jobs. And that´s not fashion to me anymore. There are plenty of models out there who are thin and look gorgeous, why not using them?? One of my favourites is Natalia Vodianova","There are plenty of models out there who are skinny and look gorgeous, why not using them?? One of my favourites is Natalia Vodianova",entailment,482,thin,skinny ". whether we want to, or not. The climate change news is bleak",The climate change news is hopeless,entailment,17,bleak,hopeless This is a great and very usefull Darice Inc. Darice VL64 Signing Mat Frame 11X14. The quality is good,The quality is best,entailment,1182,good,best "Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 123. 3 (2018): 636-650. Today our friends talked about animals that are big, and how early animals with four feet walked","Today our friends talked about animals that are large, and how early animals with four feet walked",entailment,204,big,large With special discounts for Badger 1395243 Adult Brushed Tricot Razor Pants - Forest/White - 3XL. This is a great and very usefull Badger Badger 1395243 Adult Brushed Tricot Razor Pants - Forest/White - 3XL. The quality is good,The quality is best,contradiction,1332,good,best "To keep moving. She took the short flight of stone stairs briskly. The cellar was dim lit from inside by glowing amber lamps, burning arcane energy, that hung two-to-a-wall around the perimeter","The cellar was dark: lit from inside by glowing amber lamps, burning arcane energy, that hung two-to-a-wall around the perimeter",contradiction,1221,dim,dark She washed the kitchen floor every day. Fortunately my grandmother lived with us and she had plenty of time for me. I keep my house clean and I feel no guilt when I “do nothing”,I keep my house spotless and I feel no guilt when I “do nothing”,entailment,870,clean,spotless "Because of several personality defects exacerbated by a year of law school, I followed the directions with the same gravitas and perfectionism normally reserved for defusing bombs. The cakes came out of the oven, but not out of the pans. This was unfortunate",This was fatal,contradiction,197,unfortunate,fatal "Its name comes from the fact that just about every day it’s possible to see Leopard Sharks (Stegostoma fasciatum) here. There are occasional sightings of other sharks, too, but Leopard Sharks are almost ubiquitous at this dive site. Giant Moray (Gymnothorax) Photo by Ilse Reijs & Jan Noud HuttenThe topography of Shark Point Phi Phi is interesting or difficult",Giant Moray (Gymnothorax) Photo by Ilse Reijs & Jan Noud HuttenThe topography of Shark Point Phi Phi is exciting or difficult,entailment,610,interesting,exciting "The year 2000 was 3 years before Berkshire Hathaway bought Clayton Homes, Oakwood Homes and other pieces of manufactured housing. The animated infographic shows the variations of the values of the different firms as time progresses from 2000 to 2018. It’s interesting, yet over 3 million have already viewed it","It’s exciting, yet over 3 million have already viewed it",contradiction,1115,interesting,exciting "Without hesitation, the Time Lord headed for the stage. When he reached the platforms edge, he dropped to his hands and knees and crawled underneath. The space below the stage was cramped and dim enough to prevent him from seeing the astounding truth",The space below the stage was cramped and dark enough to prevent him from seeing the astounding truth,entailment,1334,dim,dark "well then he blames me. I never buy anything for myself, never splurge on anything without talking to him. Im not the best housekeeper, I keep the house clean there is always some dirty dishes laying around (we have two teens) but not tons of them","Im not the best housekeeper, I keep the house spotless there is always some dirty dishes laying around (we have two teens) but not tons of them",contradiction,1437,clean,spotless "Stories of farmers digging up statues while plowing their fields were not uncommon prior to park creation in the 1930s. Not surprisingly, our children weren’t entirely captivated by the statues; they were, however, completely gaga over this squirming mass of caterpillars. I think the other sites within the valley might be a bit more captivating to travelers; the small bit we saw was interesting",I think the other sites within the valley might be a bit more captivating to travelers; the small bit we saw was fascinating,entailment,908,interesting,fascinating "S. and 600€-1200€ in Europe. A top quality well known band with high calibre musicians and the best equipment will cost anything from £2000 to £10,000 in the UK, $2000 to $10,000 in the US","A top quality well famous) band with high calibre musicians and the best equipment will cost anything from £2000 to £10,000 in the UK, $2000 to $10,000 in the US",entailment,837,known,famous Appearance: Maddies 65 tall and weights 123 lbs. She has long green hair. She's thin,She's skinny,entailment,166,thin,skinny "The reason the disciples could not cast the demon out of the boy in Matt 17 was because they had little faith. The disease of the disciple is trusting God for some things some of the time. Jesus said if you have the faith of a mustard seed, one small, you could move a mountain with it","Jesus said if you have the faith of a mustard seed, one little, you could move a mountain with it",entailment,1074,small,little "I even took the Nuclear Option – reading the manual – but still couldn’t find how to stop this from happening, and the nice man from Honda who collected the car had no idea either. At least that’s one problem my Mk1 CR-V didn’t have, but of course if you bought one I’m sure somebody would explain how to turn this feature off. Should you buy one? Well, the basic appeal of the Honda CR-V is the same as it has been for 20 years: space, practicality, comfort and all in a shell that’s big","Should you buy one? Well, the basic appeal of the Honda CR-V is the same as it has been for 20 years: space, practicality, comfort and all in a shell that’s huge",neutral,427,big,huge We are guessing he is around 8 months old. He is a fair sized guy that is mainly fluff at this point but will probably fill out to be about a 60 – 70 lb dog. So he’ll be big,So he’ll be huge,neutral,1264,big,huge "What can I do?Anonymous: Hey Stephen I think i have a what you would called a typical girl question ? I am an active 30 year old girl who is very healthy. I eat whole and non processed foods, good cold pressed oils, I am vegan, try to sleep more than 7,8 hours. I am thin",I am skinny,contradiction,1298,thin,skinny He has one of those rare sets of antlers that show off all his best characteristics from a direct frontal view. Ive been told he is one of the biggest whitetails in history taken with a recurve bow. His body was big,His body was huge,entailment,370,big,huge "The conference began with fiery worship and praise for about thirty minutes, then moved to a heartfelt greeting and welcome from the host pastors. About forty-five minutes after the start of the program, Rodereck Kane took the stage. Tall and thin he led the congregation in an exuberant praise to God",Tall and skinny he led the congregation in an exuberant praise to God,contradiction,1000,thin,skinny Silverware- stainless steel or bamboo is best. Reusable water bottle- stainless steel is best. Glass is great for packing in lunches,Glass is best for packing in lunches,entailment,872,great,best 12 Mega bits/sec is not small. It means a 5 minutes video takes up 360MB storage. It’s big,It’s huge,neutral,29,big,huge "Waste not, want not. I could say that housecleaning too is diminished due to lack of water, but honestly, I didn’t do much of that even when we lived in the States. Our house is clean",Our house is spotless,contradiction,1260,clean,spotless "Unlike the rather binary nature of the- admittedly simplistic- video game combo point engines, momentum has techniques with variable points costs, a point cost of 0, alternate versions that cost more, and fixed cost techniques ranging from -1 to -4. This makes each of your actions a choice. Do you build up for another round, sacrifice power from a separate pool to build up faster this combat, or let loose with a big- effect right now?The end goal of momentum is to give the martial classes that use it a heaping dose of freedom, choice, and agency in their turn-to-turn minutiae","Do you build up for another round, sacrifice power from a separate pool to build up faster this combat, or let loose with a huge- effect right now?The end goal of momentum is to give the martial classes that use it a heaping dose of freedom, choice, and agency in their turn-to-turn minutiae",contradiction,1247,big,huge The final 31 Luchs were armed with the very effective L/60 50mm anti-tank gun. This is the first time that a Luchs has been available as a 1:16 scale kit. The box is big and it is packed to the brim with sprues,The box is huge and it is packed to the brim with sprues,entailment,1019,big,huge "A stint with one of the most famous urban farming pioneers in the world along with a budding interest in hydroponics and aquaculture delved into while in the pursuit of a degree of in biology led Bowen DornBrook to take the plunge into aquaponic farming. In 2013, he launched Central Greens, a 15,000-square-foot urban aquaponic farming operation located on a one-acre parcel of land in the heart of Milwaukee just down the road from Miller Park, home base of the Brewers baseball franchise. In the economically depressed and food insecure City of Petersburg, VA, a former YMCA building long neglected has become a beacon of growing hope in the community","In the economically depressed and food insecure City of Petersburg, VA, a former YMCA building long forgotten has become a beacon of growing hope in the community",entailment,79,neglected,forgotten "Thanks for your lovely review - glad you caught the spooky stories! Hope to see you at Wordsworth House & Garden again sometime. Had an hour to kill so went to Cockermouth to visit this house (National Trust). set in main street with the River Derwent behind, interesting","set in main street with the River Derwent behind, fascinating",contradiction,930,interesting,fascinating "No means for obtaining comparable immunity from the federal antitrust laws exists, but it can be said with fair certainty, based on a major federal antitrust case which resulted in a closely negotiated consent decree (and in which the federal government never urged per se illegality from production limitations related to conservation practice) that production limiting agreements among the participating parties in a unit created for the purpose of enhancing ultimate recovery, and even protecting their correlative rights, do not trench upon the federal antitrust laws. Depending as they do on the infinite range of agreements which can be reached, voluntary unitization agreements can grow enormously complex, presenting most difficult problems of construction. This is particularly true where more than one pool is involved in the unit, an uncommon situation","This is particularly true where more than one pool is involved in the unit, an unusual situation",entailment,718,uncommon,unusual "Competitive field, but not a super huge race (although some runners do extremely well at huge big city races). I narrowed it down to the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon in November and the California International Marathon in December. Both great races, big very cool to cold weather, fast courses, good support, competitive field","Both great races, huge very cool to cold weather, fast courses, good support, competitive field",contradiction,240,big,huge "It has recently been excavated from the partial sand covering. As Patara was a city state, capital of the Lycian League and seat of the Governor of Lycia and Pamphyllia in Roman times it has a very large council chamber. Recently rescued from the sand and it is possible to perceive its form which is architecturally interesting",Recently rescued from the sand and it is possible to perceive its form which is architecturally exciting,entailment,575,interesting,exciting "metal phone looks great but similar to J5 and j7 2016. Samsung is doing great with its new phones but little disappointed as expecting new looks for different series but Samsung is doing it again by providing all new phone with similar design. battery is good,and camera is good in its price segment, performance is little slow as compare to its competitors in market","battery is good,and camera is best in its price segment, performance is little slow as compare to its competitors in market",contradiction,1400,good,best "Wind instruments retain their tone quality, but sound stark and isolated when soloing; in ensemble, the winds’ timbres are very “tight” together, there is little sense of them expanding into the hall. Strings suffer the most, lacking both brilliance and roundness, producing a sound that is both steely and weak. The hall does this without sounding underpowered—and one’s ears do adjust over the course of an evening, much as one’s eyes accommodate in a dim room","The hall does this without sounding underpowered—and one’s ears do adjust over the course of an evening, much as one’s eyes accommodate in a dark room",entailment,1326,dim,dark "I told Tony that is not going to work! I drove about a mile up the road and turned around and headed back for home. This man was still standing there. He was around six foot tall and late twenties to early thirties, thin","He was around six foot tall and late twenties to early thirties, skinny",entailment,475,thin,skinny "There were a ton of flavors to choose from, ginormous portion sizes (especially if you get a cone), and rich delicious ice cream. The second day we went to Meyers ice cream, which was also very good. There was a smaller selection than The Creamery, and portion sizes were big","There was a smaller selection than The Creamery, and portion sizes were huge",neutral,1133,big,huge "If you are a CBC or VCS client, we offer free consulting services to help reduce delinquent accounts. We offer consulting on a contract basis. We’re big",We’re huge,entailment,505,big,huge "I’d assume Sydney Kingsford Smith would have ILS, but I still respected and admired the quick thinking of our pilots who decided they’d had insufficient time to prepare for this change in circumstances, and decided to re-attempt. That fog came from nowhere. Aborted takeoffs landings are uncommon",Aborted takeoffs landings are unusual,entailment,618,uncommon,unusual "I could tell that she enjoyed it even though she kept telling me to stop. As I loosened up her garment, I caught my first glimpse of what her breasts looked like. They were big",They were huge,contradiction,421,big,huge "Of course I spent hours putting them together, but now I can enjoy the passive income they produce. Yes, retireyoung, youve hit the nail on the head - you have to enjoy what youre doing. I dont think Im a natural netizen! Tinkering with websites and dropping in on forums etc is interesting for me",I dont think Im a natural netizen! Tinkering with websites and dropping in on forums etc is fascinating for me,entailment,738,interesting,fascinating "I know a 70 mile jaunt through the San Juans the week before the toughest 100 miler in the country isn’t most peoples’ idea of a “taper,” but this is what I’ve got to do, and I think it’ll all work out. I’m packing up now and will report back after I finish my CO Trail adventure! Have a great week!This is a great and very usefull DecalGirl DecalGirl AMTP-ZEN Magic Trackpad Skin - Zen. The quality is good",The quality is best,contradiction,448,good,best "God doesnt want you suffering from anxiety. For some of us, a quick glance at the next 116 days will cause great distress. My challenge is to look at the next 116 days and delete the things that are good for me",My challenge is to look at the next 116 days and delete the things that are best for me,contradiction,346,good,best "If thats daunting, try doing a mock-up of the area (maybe its a panel on a tutu for example) with paper, and dotting on the paper with a pen where youd like your rhinestones to go. Then its a simple matter of counting the dots. In regards to the glue sticking to the tip, this is an unfortunate side effect of hotfixing","In regards to the glue sticking to the tip, this is an fatal side effect of hotfixing",contradiction,500,unfortunate,fatal "For their Becky Sharp, Allied arranged for MGM to loan them Myrna Loy. She is remembered today as one of the sparkling comedy stars of the thirties and forties but at this point she was a perennial also-ran. Famous enough to be known enough to be cast in leading roles over at the majors",Famous enough to be famous enough to be cast in leading roles over at the majors,entailment,327,known,famous "Delicious Parma. Premium quality meat and topping, melts in your mouth. Size was big so it doesnt get my bonus point, but if you like quality over quantity then this parma is for you","Size was huge so it doesnt get my bonus point, but if you like quality over quantity then this parma is for you",entailment,254,big,huge