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London Computation Club
London Computation Club
<div class="padded">
<section id="about">
London Computation Club
is a meet-up for people interested in one or more of the following:
(perhaps one we wouldn&rsquo;t ordinarily read on our own)
Learning about computation, programming and programs in general
Writing code (perhaps of a different sort than we&rsquo;d do for &ldquo;work&rdquo;)
Hanging out with other inquisitive people
We organise the club via
so please join us there. Everyone is welcome to suggest a meeting topic, be it to
learn about algorithms by playing with trains
showcase a side-project for solving complex problems
create an unbeatable noughts and crosses playing computer program together
You can also follow us on
, see code that we&rsquo;ve produced on
and write-ups of past meetings on
our wiki
<section class="box" id="future-meetings">
Future meetings
Opt Art: Chapter 5
<time datetime="2023-08-30">
6:30 PM-8:30 PM Wednesday 30th August 2023
Subscribe to
future meetings in iCal format
<section id="code-of-conduct">
Code of Conduct
It&rsquo;s of primary importance that everyone who wants to participate feels safe and welcome. When participating in the London Computation Club, either online or offline, at the meeting itself or at the pub afterwards, we expect you to respect our
code of conduct
<section id="books">
Literature we&rsquo;re reading
Opt Art
Robert Bosch
Literature we&rsquo;ve read
10 Technical Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice)
Michael Fogus
Elements of Computing Systems (Building a Modern Computer from First Principles)
Noam Nisan
Shimon Schocken
buy on Blackwell's
Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation
Matt Pharr,
Wenzel Jakob
Greg Humphreys
buy on Blackwell's
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Andrew Barto
Richard S. Sutton
If you buy any books using the Blackwell's links, London Computation Club gets a little kickback via the Blackwell's affiliate programme. We use that kickback to buy copies of the books for our library, to assist members or potential members who otherwise wouldn&rsquo;t be able to afford the book.
<section id="contact">
Contact us
Mailing list
(mostly unused now)
<section id="acknowledgements">
Thanks to the following companies for providing office space and copies of books for the club to read.
Go Free Range
<section id="past-meetings">
Past meetings
Opt Art: Chapter 4
<time datetime="2023-07-10">
6:30 PM-8:30 PM Monday 10th July 2023
Opt Art: Chapter 3
<time datetime="2023-06-20">
6:30 PM-8:30 PM Tuesday 20th June 2023
Opt Art: Chapters 1 and 2
<time datetime="2023-06-05">
6:30 PM-8:30 PM Monday 5th June 2023
What Next?
<time datetime="2023-05-09">
6:30 PM-8:30 PM Tuesday 9th May 2023