2 values
I am sure that what those clowns on the City Council got was more than a box of malasades. Hidden under the malasades was lots of borato.
With the Governor tabling both a PFD funding "cut" and an oil tax credit payment "deferral" it will be interesting see how over rides by the legislature are proposed. Guessing about half the oil tax credits will be paid with the remainder owed till the funding is available. The PFD that isn't paid won't ever be paid. So both individual Alaskan's and the oil companies will get half of what they are expecting. But payments to the oil companies will be made in the future. Individuals will never make back up the shortfall of their expectation. Pain for all, but clearly the companies are getting the better of it. As my Dad use to say to me about my allowance: "I'll owe it to you; that's better than cheating you out of it".
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York University is setting a bad example. Play by the rules. Period.
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goombay Fair suggestion; I did not know that he had a best-selling book - my bad. I guess hatred sells. This is the kind of debate I would normally relish. However, since Milo resigned from Brietbart after his remarks about paedophilia, I probably won't bother. Most people have moved on. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/21/milo-yiannopoulos-resigns-breitbart-pedophilia-comments
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If I understand correctly, Luke proposed a free market solution to the "cow fart" problem, not a government regulation or a tax. Do you understand his argument differently?
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Problem: the same organization that set a law, a law that it has said should be rigorously obeyed, now wants to keep that rigorous law.........but at the same time, puts forward a * new * law, a law that says the rigorous law can now, sometimes, be obviated by mercy, if one picks the right prelate to confess one's breaking of the rigorous law. I don't personally like the church's laws on divorce and annulment, but I can't really blame those who find the "mercy" law to be a confusing contradiction.
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We are no longer "innocent until proven guilty". That's why you can be arrested and tossed in jail before a conviction.
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I "envisioned" the throngs of pedestrians and cyclists sharing the mini-highway. Just wanted to make sure. I often walk several blocks to get to Lowe's to purchase lumber, tools and hardware etc for my home improvement projects. I'm glad I'll be able to carry my purchases along with my groceries from Freddie's without having to drive :-]
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"Why not take this to trial? " cause it's hard to get someone who confessed a winning decision? "They play golf with the judge and laugh about all the stuff they did that didn't land them in prison" maybe YOUR lawyer and judge friends. mine just laugh... maybe because they are golfing.. polygraphs are not admitted in court for a reason. "yes you honor, my client is stone cold crazy, with no remorse..or even a concept or remorse..." but hey, he barely moved that needle...
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Whenever I am tempted to disagree with what the PM has decided I take a deep breath and reflect on two things. First, his truly stunning qualifications for high office (let's not forget that he was a drama teacher) and then this sterling accomplishments as an MP before being elected leader (was he not opposition critic on amateur sport?). With that perspective, any reservations disappear and I realize that our country is in the best of hands and that the PM must have made the right decision, after all. And to think that there are mean spirited persons who maintain that we would never have heard of the PM if his last name was Smith!
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No need to fear terrorists from other countries. Killers in the USA are slaughtering us.
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What EXACTLY did Frankenfreak ask him ? I watched it twice and still could not understand it fully - He was too busy grandstanding and covering his hind end, all the while getting that ridiculous fake story from CNN on the record. Sessions had no compulsion to disclose meeting with a Russian Diplomat on the course of Senate business in regards to a question he was not even asked. I say BRING IT ON (the investigation). I will bet you a hundred dollars nothing comes of it - I am sure GBA will as well.
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King's video comment that under the City's proposal whereby 1/3 of the costs would be paid by the city, 1/3 by the team and 1/3 by ticket surcharges could only be interpreted as being 100 % comes from the "our" revenues stunningly but eloquently captures the absolute arrogance of the Flames. The Flames have no independent revenues from which to contribute. All of "their" revenues come from "their" fans...... you know, the ones who actually buy tickets, ovepriced beer and hotdogs to see millionaires play. So the mantra of what's mine is mine and what's your's is mine is alive and well in the land of the billionaires.
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The approval ratings are done by the same people who said Trump had no chance of becoming President.
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Ok... I am not afraid to level critical thoughts at the Islamic faith. I like to think I'm pretty good at it. There had better be more to this case than the cops are talking about. I do not consider watching a youtube video, and having an interest in firearms to be warnings of impending jihad. Watching a video made by the Westboro Baptist Church doesn't make you one of their congregation. Some people do it just for a laugh. I don't feel the need to freak out every time I meet a Muslim guy at the shooting range. Muslims can get their firearms licenses, too.
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No it has not, the pipeline is A NEW ROUTE, it's been a lie from the beginning. Kinder Morgan was told to pack up and leave by the court BECAUSE of that lie.
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Better article to go with the headline, despite the hate on the Republicans had for a law that got the black guy's name on it, their middle class constituents actually like having health care coverage. Shocked Republicans can't figure out how to keep something long enough to get re-elected before the coverage runs out on their supporters. Stay tuned for the mid term elections.
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You say the PFD is a Socialist Program!!! This is Capitalism in it's purist form. You don't have a Union or anyone else telling you who you can hire and fire. In Communism, the purist form of Socialism, people are told who they can hire and fire regardless of their qualifications. I don't like them hiring out of state but how would you feel if I walked into your business and said you can't employ your own son or friends because that is taking a Union job or someone else's job who lives on that block. Alaskans are fewer in numbers and do to the poor educational system it is much harder to get the training for the jobs. A Texan can go to school in Texas, get his degree at home then come here. If I want that same job I have to go to Washington State, leaving Alaska, pay housing and more to get the same education. And Unions actually hurt Alaskans in the job market. They protect the out of state workers and not the require to hire Alaskans.
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Good question - for the Legislature!
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Most definitely the "alternative" energy sources have issues when compared to fossil fuels (isn't it convenient that energy production is divided into "hydrocarbons" or "alternative"? It makes one think of a tattooed solar panel or wind turbine with an axis piercing). Also most definite is that smart apes are the ones that plan ahead and start moving in the right direction before they have to abandon most of their gear and run, because even though they were camping in a forest full of desiccated trees they didn't believe the apes who said that they should be careful with fire. The main stumbling block to most good things is the lack of global cooperations and agreement, sometimes it almost seems like people with lots of money and power deliberately block attempts at peace or agreements that place human dignity and ecological biodiversity above anyone's profits. Of course, that's just plain silly, almost superstitious, right? Right?
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Make sure, particularly when you're visiting dodgy countries, that you put every thought that passes through your head on Facebook.
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Did one need to be?
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Agree with other comment: Court martial immediately and dishonorable discharge. And force him to repay his West Point education cost.
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if our so called "judicial" system would quit letting them out on bail, probation and light sentences.....that would help. We all know they have priors. and some a lot of felons, what the hell are they doing out?
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Life Long Alaskan give me a brake! No real Alaskan would give up the wealth that belongs to Alaskans...what a fool. Could you possibly be a retired state or federal worker?
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Actually,a case can be made that climate science had its origins more than one hundred years ago and has involved generations of scientists in many countries, research institutions and scientific disciplines, https://history.aip.org/climate/timeline.htm
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You're upset I'm not supporting the protesters of fake police racism. Sorry drone.
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This election seemed to amount to fetus worship - at any cost.
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A great character sketch of your companion. The best!
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Because white folks don't count.
I didn't say you "conceded" that anti-white racism is prominent in BLM. Of course you would not expressly concede that. Indeed, BLM thinks it's impossible for a black to be racist toward whites. That's how delusional they are. And you yourself say that in recent times, American whites, in general, have thought black lives don't matter. BLM says this persists even today. That's racist.
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Really? I think kids are a lot smarter than you are.
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I don't watch TV
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They're the regimes propagandists doing their part to support Assad. You see it whenever there are negative stories on their despotic and murdering thug.
All it takes to be branded a rapist and expelled from college is for a female to change her mind after a sexual encounter. The atmosphere on campuses today is insane. The entire movement is driven by women and gender studies departments, who simultaneously wish to empower women and portray them as helpless, hapless victims in every possible circumstance. The only solution is to out the social scientists that propagate the fraudulent campus rape studies and create the climate of hysteria. They need to be publicly called to account, their quack sciences debunked, and driven from public life. Academia has tolerated the extreme, hysteric left for far too long. They must be purged from respectable academic institutions or this will only be the start of a multi-generational assault on due process and rule of law itself. I propose that we ship the postmodern feminist crusaders off to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan en masse, where they can advocate on behalf of women who truly are oppressed.
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Yes, my heart bleeds for Canada's "poor" 1%ers.
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Add me to your political consensus. "A consensus conference is one where people who already agree, agree to get together so they can agree to agree some more" - Dr Adam Linton
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It says most are under 2 with few over the age of 6.
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You can hook your finger on your belt loop and bumpfire the same way. Anyone can make a bumpfire add on in a couple minutes. With a little ingenuity, you can build a fully automatic gun from parts at home depot. The laws and the guns aren't the problem.
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But that math problem quickly faded away on Friday as a Liberal, Darryl Plecas, was acclaimed as Speaker — a development that appeared to break with parliamentary tradition and was condemned as a "betrayal" by his party. The man is a turn-coat and even as an NDP supporter I have no respect for him.
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RBC doesn't either. Whats the point of an ombudsman when the only person cutting his paycheque is the person he's supposed to monitor and be the arbitor of last resort.
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I have never said he 'was above the fray'. That is something you have invented. I am only saying that he hasn't been bought and paid for like Hillary---yet. And the hundreds of millions spent by the 1% to prevent his nomination and prevent his election may very well be re-directed by them to cut deals for themselves with him and his appointees. They might even support him in four years for re-election instead of trying to buy a new Democratic nominee.
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Sarah Palin, a woman of the times. The climate changed and so did Sarah.
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No, Mr. Hobson is incorrectly equating efforts to protect U.S. citizens from ISIS attacks with "being an enemy of" Islam. The equivalence of Mr. Hobson's statement would be "Hitler says that the U.S. is an enemy of the German people, and FDR wants to prove them right." Sorry, but neither the Nazis nor ISIS can be disassociated from their respective malevolent ideologies.
Have to wonder if the editorialists really meant to say "Armenia" based on the ongoing censorship of comments here...
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Who knows if Spacey is really guilty of said act or not. It doesn't really matter in the world of the left- the important strategy for Spacey is to find as many protected classes/victim strategies and ensconce himself in them all so that he may be perceived justified or "rehabilitated" asap. Coming out as gay is a pretty tepid start- better that he quickly combine it with a minority ancestor or two, feelings of gender confusion or being trapped in the wrong body, strong support for Planned Parenthood, hatred for Trump, sexism, racism, all the other liberal sub-isms, etc.. This is Harvey Weinstein's problem- he just hasn't added sufficient merit badges to create the facade of lurking integrity underneath the reprehensible character yet... For such "smart" men, Weinstein and Spacey had better quickly lay hold and understand that there are no real standards of good character in the progressive world- it only matters that there is form over substance... Even Kathy Griffen gets this.
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Donald Trump is not just a bad president. He’s an existential danger to the US and the world — and he is allowed to be so by a Republican Party that is wholly complicit in his failure, his corruption, and in accepting his embrace of evil. As we do our best not just to resist but to overcome, we must aim not just for Trump’s fall, but for salt to rain on the fields of the entire, and thoroughly misnamed Grand Grotesque Old Party.
Bless your heart...every post you make is so wrong but you just keep on doing it, day after day after day...
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So for 5 years city staff worked on what has turned out to be a total boondoggle. Tell us RG, how much taxpayer money was wasted in this 5 yr process? Does anyone know? How many man hours of work went down the drain?? You add this to the other boondoggle that the new City Hall has turned into, and one really has to begin to wonder about how effectively Eugene is being managed. The City Hall project needs to be rebooted and started over from scratch too. Perhaps Eugene needs a new City Manager. If no one is going to ever be held accountable when the city screws up badly, then the city is just going to continue to be dysfunctional forever. Is there no one in charge? Is the City Government out of control? Someone in Eugene's City Government needs to fall on their sword.
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Constant vigilance. The sea is hungry. So sad for the family
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m: The CW is obviously not your strong suit.
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You don't say wrote, "Let me get this straight, …you think a newspaper is required to report to you all things all the time." . No, Yds, I don't think "a newspaper" is required to report events based on my will or what I deem important. But I do think that if "a newspaper" expects to maintain the trust of its readership, based on the quality and breadth of its reporting (content), it had better adhere to a few simple principles in order to maintain trust (and readership). That includes reporting on local issues of interest, because omitting coverage of certain local issues would indicate a bias, or worse, an attempt to manipulate public opinion. Newspapers have operated based on some well defined editorial conventions and standards that have been codified over the course of the few years the U.S. republic has managed to survive. For most of that time, those with money have tried to shape the news to their will. Have another drink and think about that simple "reality" for a bit.
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The above comment is Dale Wilson, using a fake profile.
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What a continuous series of postures we see from Trump! Why can he not simply be consistent, even if it's a front? The way he acts just makes things difficult for everybody in his Administration, including himself. At least Kelly seems to have kept the lid on Trump's tweets for a couple of days and the Globe has to dig through history for our entertainment :-)
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Behind every such story is more to the story that doesn't get reported in the left liberal media.
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Good idea lets have a queen, do you know of one that is out of work?
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I continue to find it comical how desperate you people are you categorize someone as a Republican whenever you can't deal with what they have to say.
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"$500k house with $200k down ... Denver" Entering that specific info: * $500k house * $200k (40%) down * $300k mortgage * 30-year fixed * Denver, CO bankrate.com says 3.625% That would result in a mortgage payment of $1,368.15. The first year's interest is $10,782. According to this DP article from April 2017: http://www.denverpost.com/2017/04/06/colorado-property-tax-rates/ Denver's effective property tax rate is 0.56 percent. For our $500k house, that's $2,800 per year, or $233 per month. My homeowner's insurance rate is $149 per month. This is in Douglas County, for $684k coverage on the dwelling, $513k in personal property coverage, and a $6800 deductible. I'm presuming this $500k Denver house wouldn't be any more than my $1800 per year. So we're up to a total of $1751 per month. Not counting any tax savings due to $13,582 of deductible interest and property tax. So, yes, my $2200 per month was off a bit. I wasn't counting on 40% down.
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The Rusting Rail project was bad from the start and what starts off Bad usually ends up worse. The Bully Muffee did his town hall meeting and then bullied anyone who asked a question. He said 2.7 Billion and 36 miles from the University of Hawaii Manoa all the way to Waianae & Steel on Steel elevated was the way to go. That was all BS and then Carlyle ( carlier) who rushed the fake ground breaking and also hushed anyone who asked questions and even blocked the protesters from attending. And then of course came Caldwell who was actually first in line for the BIG Cash payouts from Auntie Ansaldo the Steel on Steel company as MUFEE's city director so the REAL BLAME GOES TO CALDWELL FOR THE ENTIRE BOONDOGGLE. How do we get our present Mayor to do the walk of shame and let all of the citizens throw rotten TOMATOES AT HIM AS HE SLOWLY WALKS DOWN KAPOLEI STREETS THAT BADLY NEED REPAIR. All told Caldwell is and has been the problem s let him resign or go away not Tokuda or Saiki SAME ON HIM
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Missed the point have we. The Aga Khan was not the person who was criticized, nor anything his organization does. Were you not following all the cash for access stories leading up to this one ? We all got upset when we read about some Senator's and their entitlements, this is no better.
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What your advocating ( limited missile defense )makes sense, in theory, but the problem with that is one of scale. If you can shoot down "tens of incoming missiles", then the next step would be to ramp it to being able to shoot down hundreds ( or thousands ). That's what is destabilizing about missile defense, not the rogue missile launch protection capability, but that possessing that capability against all missile launches. Unless the US were to share the technology with Russia and China( highly unlikely), it would render their arsenals impotent( or nearly so) and coupled with a US refusal to disavow a 'first-strike" option put them at high risk of being destroyed without an effective retaliatory capability. Long before that happened, you'd likely have a final showdown and curtain call. That is what makes missile defense "offensive" and highly dangerous. Agree on the rest.
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Unfortunately though, people who are 55 and without a job are in desperate need of help - some workers do not have the option to keep working if they have the wrong skills, health problems or just face discrimination
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Hegelian dialectic at work.
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Why is the export of natural gas, so high in priority over it's distribution to all Alaskans? That is the main issue I have with governor Walker. Sell the natural gas to Alaska residents first! It would sure help start new business and help diversify our economy. As for the legislators that are up for vote, they should be voted out of office! They all have some kind of plague or something that came from their predecessors. We need to restructure how our legislature works. There are too many committees and not enough open discussion of the issues.
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Donald Trump was never a Democrat, just as he was never, and is not now, a Republican. He has no ideology at all, no political principles, no vision -- except for his vision of himself as the guy in charge, and, of course, WINNING! Democrats by now have surely recognized that the most advantageous thing for their party is to let this flaming orange Hindenburg crash and burn and leave the Republicans to scramble, flaming, from the fireball. Two years from now, as the GOP civil war rages, the Dems will take back the House and Senate, and spend the next two years giving the Republicans a taste of their own medicine. Which is only fair, if not necessarily good for the country. That's if Steve Bannon doesn't have Trump assassinated by "radical Muslim extremists" so he can seize power at the point of a gun with the network of acolytes he will have built within the Homeland Security apparatus. I'm still betting on that.
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You don't seem to care at all when the Pres says a grossly incorrect statistic, something most of us consider lying. So yes the real number of abuse makes a difference, as does the cost, as does the cost of not doing something. We don't always get what we want and if the a partisan panel, as it will be as a Presidential panel with a R President, this is a political boondoggle. Chew on the states to do there job.
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Wow, Hawaii fans are the worst. I don't think I've ever seen more whiners and bandwagon fans anywhere as much as Hawaii. No wonder the star high school athlete's can't get out of here fast enough. We get what we deserve when we don't support these guys. Even some of the volleyball fans are whining and calling for their coach to be fired. Weakest fan base I've ever seen.
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Why would he apologize or retract, when he is utterly unable to admit he has EVER made a mistake? I find it amazing that he was able to go through with his divorces.
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"The most successful businessman who ever lived...?" I didn't know we were talking about Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. Please don't change topics and remove the focus on Trump. :o)
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He needs a mental health evaluation.
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If you can't find the numbers and proof your self then you should try reading this paper. Which by the way reported of the extra moose season in unit 17. Which was a direct result of the BOG actions in GMU 17. The anti IM people keep asking for proof but close their eyes and ears when someone tries to show or tell them. Ignoring the truth, and the facts does not mean they do not exist. Try attending a 9 day BOG meeting where the biolgist testify about what they know, think and project. Try listening to the public that actually spends time on the ground and in the woods instead of PETA meetings. Maybe you will find what you seek. Flapping your gums in ignorance is easier isn't it.
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Thanks for proving my point about NOT being so rare by mentioning so many others. Multiply those names by thousands of others in other professions and you end up with millions nationwide. Now, why don't we have a little contest here to see how many other names everyone can come up with. Heck, the list will be endless.
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Although my eyes are blue and my skin is quite fair I am not a member of the white "race" because the white race is an imaginary construction. Like all Americans, I am a "mutt" having many "ethnicities." Gay pride, for example, exists because people who identify as glbtq have been shamed and denigrated as outsiders and not full members of society deserving protection and equality before the law. Their pride originates in their self-recognition as a class of people which has been formally discriminated against and who must choose to value themselves because society has told them they are less than full citizens. If white people are feeling devalued because they are poor, underpaid, out of work, etc. they can join with other groups in society experiencing the same problems but they are not being discriminated against on the basis of skin color but rather economic class. "White pride" is a cover for narratives of white victimization--a proxy for white supremacy.
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Unfortunately, lovely Laura seems to have become just another Justin Trudeau bootlicker, as she doesn’t even offer a hint of skepticism about the truly dimwitted agreement by the Trudeau government to a visit by the lame-duck US VP. The charitable interpretation is that the Liberals are just trying to create positive publicity in the US for co-operation on border security and other laudable efforts. It seems more likely that this visit by a virulent critic of Trump will be seen by the incoming Trump administration as just another slight directed against the President-Elect by the Trudeau Liberals. After all, Trudeau and his henchtthingies disgraced themselves by their thinly veiled anti-Trump remarks during the presidential election campaign, when Canada’s self-interest demanded a strict neutrality between the presidential candidates. One of Trump’s famous quotes was: “When a person screws you, you screw them back fifteen times harder.”
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Why is the headline banner reminiscent of a Mad magazine cover? Science cannot deliver an always better tomorrow because that would imply that science possesses and controls an extraordinary process of evolution. Evolution does not have a (particular) future and a (particular) purpose, but evolution rides a radically fluctuating energy flow utilizing accidents of uncertain future quality . But if science had such a magical ability, it would also require a spontaneously increasing flow of free energy and the also the ability to convert entropy into negative entropy, etc. This does not seem to agree with the experience of society. Environmental crisis is a perpetual deleterious effect of human imagination. The environment now is never good enough; therefore, it must be altered . And it must be altered again at ever increasing cost, decreasing efficiency, and environmental degradation. Science is jerking your chains, rubes. "What me worry?"
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Happy birthday Mr. President.
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Investment and money-laundering are not the same. Do you believe this company's denial of its links to the Chinese elite? Would you feel safe, living in one of their retirement homes?
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Shades of the Chretien years.
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Apparently that is a good fraction of the American public that believe they would be better off when America becomes a third world country. This is just another indicator of what they believe the American dream is - if you are poor and get sick you should go away and die. They don't believe that decent health care is right (like clean air, clear water) and that the wealthiest country in the world should spend taxes on helping anyone but the very rich. The rest of us are trying to figure out how they took over the government and what to do about it.
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The Bank’s never had more than one measure of underlying inflation serving as its operational guide until the 2016 renewal agreement. Moving to three new core measures, none of which exclude the mortgage interest component, with the 2016 renewal agreement, was an incredibly poor decision. (Mortgage interest costs decreased by 0.4% over 12 months in January as opposed to 0.3% in December.) Even so, one of the new measures, CPI-median, was at 1.9%, just below the target rate. These dysfunctional measures seem to have been brought in just to protect the Bank’s low-interest-rate policies if there was a spike in inflation such as we are now seeing.
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Trump is unfit for the esteemed office of President of the United States. When will Americans--particularly the Republican Party--wake up and remove him? Trump is just doing as he pleases and thumbing his nose at intelligent Americans. It is truly disgusting to watch what was once the great exercise in democracy become a study of how a kleptocrat with serious delusional problems destroys any credibility the US has worked hard to attain.
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Keep going - not just UH - all college and above institutions.
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He is more honest than the economic child molester Bill Walker is.
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A nonprofit group filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department Wednesday seeking records of any communications between President Trump’s transition team and federal investigators about potential investigations into Trump-tied individuals. “The suit was filed after DOJ refused to reveal whether Trump-Pence transition officials sought information from federal prosecutors regarding politically sensitive investigations being conducted during the transition,” the group Democracy Forward Foundation said in a press release announcing the lawsuit Thursday. - “These communications are of critical importance to the public’s understanding of any attempts by then-President-elect Trump’s Transition team to improperly influence law enforcement investigations of individuals with close ties to President Trump that were being conducted at the time the transition began.”
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HA is the states biggest climate polluter, contributing to heating , unstable weather, reduced trade winds, ocean acidification, coral bleaching and death, sea level rise, costal erosion, lots of beaches, and future threat to much of the state's tourism infrastructure (ironic). The only established solution for this is the purchase of carbon credits (reforestation). Hawaii has large areas desperate for reforestation, but HA has killed the legislation that would have required them to begin moving toward sustainable CO2 neutrality. Painted maile is ok, bit we need more forests where real maile grows. Authenticity, not slick PR, is now the coin of the realm. So hey, Dunkerley, get on it before your brand is irrevocably damaged by HA's failure to address its massive pollution problem.
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Actually 3 who had not decided. The DA system works this way per the Supreme Court (with Scalia and Thomas voting for it). If you really want to point fingers, look no further than George Brauchler who did more to tick off those 3 jurors than did his honorable and professional deputies. BTW: how do you know what any juror's political affiliation is? And admit,here and now, that you could not have been a fair and impartial juror in this case.
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It was actually a political rally and fund raiser for his 2020 campaign. So far the only one running for the presidential race in 2020 is the seating President. I thought he said he would be to busy running the country to take vacations and golfing holidays, let alone pep rallies? I guess being President is easier then he thought. And any money he raises can also be used to pay for all his lawyers. And didn't he also say during the campaign that only guilty people need lawyers? Hmmm.
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drunk and stoned the official replacement for terrorism
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Regardless of who is leading the next government the issue is the amount of debt the government imposes on Crown Corporations!!! If there were no Crown Corps, BC would show $100B of debt on the books. Further, complete treaties with the remaining 200 BC First Nations. I'm tried of paying for all the lawyers only to find out that the SCOC do give BCFN rights and titles to their traditional territories. Then we pay settlements on top of $100M in lawyers fees.
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Seward isn't "urban".
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Yes being male.
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I do believe that political donation and RE market in BC has co-relation. Unless BC rectifies this, there will be crisis looming. Just so you know, Vancouver RE market is overheating again, largely thanks to BC liberal government. I heard a real estate agent giving credit to the premiere. How said.
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No more of a comedian than Milo Yiannopoulos. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/21/milo-yiannopoulos-rise-and-fall-shallow-actor-bad-guy-hate-speech
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Only dogs respond to dog whistles.
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This is the dumbest idea I have heard the Conservatives and NDP come up with. Why would the Canadian government spell out its negotiating position before talks? Brian Mulroney didn't in the last go around. And he was right not to.
I have no doubt that my legislator will claim to be 'one of the courageous ones' despite being a member of the majority. Heck, come November they'll ALL be courageous (sarc) when they ask for your vote. Don't cave.
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The lowest quote I received for the best injected preventative and kill was $304. In addition, this highly referred tree specialist company whom I've used before told me UNEQUIVOCALLY... the borer has NOT hit Denver, there has been no sighting here and no trees here have been affected. In addition, the best time of year to inject is from April to June, so that during the leaf out period, the application is moved throughout the tree. The companies that are pushing it NOW and throughout the summer and fall... at HIGH prices are simply taking advantage of concerned citizens. Do what you want but I'm waiting till next April and hiring the reputable local company with whom I had an excellent conversation.
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Um, no Mitchell, I can see the comment in its entirety from the screenshots from Facebook. The guy is a racist and your commitment to apologizing for him makes it appear that you are cut from the same cloth.
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Google vaccine shedding then come back and talk whooping cough.
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