diff --git "a/data/clean/achievement_N/achievement_N.tsv" "b/data/clean/achievement_N/achievement_N.tsv"
deleted file mode 100644--- "a/data/clean/achievement_N/achievement_N.tsv"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
-Argument ID	Conclusion	Stance	Premise	Achievement	Power: dominance	Power: resources
-A04016	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives deserve the money as they do a stressful and demanding job leading large organizations that hire large number of people.	1	0	0
-A05027	We should ban whaling	against	There is little difference between the whaling industry  and our farming industries; humans are entitled to hunt animals to eat them and utilize them to our benefit.	1	0	0
-A05080	We should ban telemarketing	against	We should not ban telemarketing as it it allows people to learn about new products or services from the comfort of their own homes.	1	0	0
-A05098	We should limit executive compensation	against	We should not limit executive compensation as they should get the salary equal to their contribution to the organisation.	1	0	1
-A06005	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Mandatory retirement lets companies more easily make space for new workers that have more of an incentive to work hard at a new job.	1	0	0
-A07019	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Setting a mandatory retirement age allows for the younger generations to move up the ladder and to better support their own families.	1	0	1
-A07031	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we cannot abolish intellectual property rights because artists and scientists need to have their ideas and innovations protected so that they can earn a living in their fields	1	0	1
-A07053	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we should continue to support algorithmic trading as it gives orders a jump start rather than waiting until the complete order has been produced.	1	1	1
-A07066	We should ban the use of child actors	against	not all tv and movies is going to be adults only we need child actors to shows the world as it is	1	0	0
-A07067	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism allows for common sense to be applied where necessary	1	1	0
-A07068	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives provide profits to shareholders and should be compensated accordingly	1	0	1
-A07073	We should ban the use of child actors	against	we should not ban the use of child actors because we would not have the shows and movies that are otherwise available.	1	0	0
-A07075	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	We should not ban cosmetic surgery for minors because there are legitimate cases when it would improve a young person's mental health.	1	0	0
-A07089	We should ban telemarketing	against	banning telemarketing has no approval anywhere as customers will not be able to see new products available to buy.	1	0	0
-A07095	We should oppose collectivism	against	supporting collectivism is important because groups value is most important in the society which we live today.	1	0	0
-A09003	We should ban the use of child actors	against	we must not prohibit the use of child actors because it goes against the right to work. children under the supervision of their parents can develop their artistic talent without affecting their personal growth	1	0	0
-A09006	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	we shouldn't abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it can help stop mass shootings if everyone has a gun	1	0	0
-A09008	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	if people want to use it then it is their choice	1	0	0
-A09024	We should ban whaling	against	if people can get food and other products from whaling that helps sustain them, then it shouldn't be banned.	1	0	0
-A09026	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights enable people to benefit from what they worked so hard to achieve.	1	1	1
-A09035	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	The Olympic games provides jobs and is a boost for the economy in the host country.	1	0	1
-A09060	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	The Olympic Games allow for countries around the world to compete in friendly competition and is a healthy outlet for national pride.	1	0	0
-A09073	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos are a great and cheap way for children to learn about animals from all over the world.	1	0	0
-A09079	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	a person uses his imagination and hard work to write as book or music.  they should be able to benefit from their work.  it should not be in the public domain.	1	1	1
-A10017	We should ban the use of child actors	against	we shouldn't ban the use of child actors because it is a way for children to find a career early in their life	1	0	0
-A12010	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems slow down what gets done because we have too many different sides trying to come to an agreement	1	1	0
-A12016	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement creates employment opportunities for the younger generation of workers, who would otherwise be increasingly shunted out.	1	0	0
-A12019	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympics have long been the goal for athletes to aim for to be the very best so abolishing the games would take away their dreams and ambitions.	1	0	0
-A12026	We should ban human cloning	against	we should allow human cloning as this will be beneficial to scientific advances in the future.	1	0	0
-A12028	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	Intellectual property rights keep people from stealing others' ideas and selling them as their own.	1	0	0
-A12036	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	ai is the future and algorithmic trading is simply a form of ai that makes the most of trading opportunities which will be the norm in the not to distant future.	1	0	1
-A12049	We should limit executive compensation	against	we should not limit executive compensation because it is their company that they started, they have a right to the profits.	1	1	1
-A12053	We should ban factory farming	against	we should not ban factory farming because it helps to keep up with demand for food.	1	0	0
-A12060	We should end mandatory retirement	against	a mandatory retirement age helps employers regularly refresh the workforce with fresh talent	1	0	1
-A12066	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning gives the chance for individuals to have a child that might not otherwise be able to	1	0	0
-A12068	We should subsidize student loans	against	studen loans cannot be subsidised as not only is it unaffordable in the current climate, it would encourage universities offer degree courses purely for financial gain.	1	0	0
-A12069	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism is sometimes the best way to get things done	1	0	0
-A12075	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement is needed to keep businesses new and fresh with innovation from the younger generation.	1	0	1
-A12077	We should subsidize student loans	against	there are other ways to channel student aid that is not subsidizing loans	1	0	1
-A12079	We should ban targeted killing	against	we should not ban targeted killing since they are effective at eliminating terrorists with a smaller number of civilians being killed than most other military weapon	1	0	0
-A12094	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading allows for greater numbers of trades to happen, getting more people involved in the economy	1	0	1
-A12095	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games offer a friendly competition meeting where the best athletes around the world can come together to celebrate the best of human physical achievement.	1	0	0
-A12099	We should end mandatory retirement	against	the companies that have the mandatory retirement policy maintain a rotation of employees fresher and updated with the new times	1	0	0
-A12104	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we shouldn't ban the church of scientology because it is a way to study the nature of life	1	0	0
-A12106	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors should be allowed to work and contribute their talents to society.	1	0	0
-A12107	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games are a testament to the spirit of amateur athleticism.	1	0	0
-A12111	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is cost effective because it is timely and accurate.	1	0	1
-A12166	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is faster and more accurate than human guesswork and so provides greater value to shareholders.	1	0	1
-A12179	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	having intellectual property rights is a deterrent for those that would steal another persons ideas and creations so we must not abolish that.	1	0	0
-A12194	We should ban human cloning	against	cloning humans can allow us to advance science and medicine in ways which could save millions of lives by producing organs, stem cells, etc., for those in need.	1	0	0
-A12216	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism can highlight wrong legislation, or deliver accurate justice that cannot be addressed through the existing laws	1	1	0
-A12228	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will reduce the human margin of error to near zero and make for a safer commute.	1	0	0
-A12238	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	programmes will always evolve to make better use of trading practices, so holding people back from using algorithmic trading will only serve to slow down progress.	1	0	1
-A12241	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	the open source nature of wikipedia means anyone can add gibberish and falsehood in its contents thereby making it unreliable.	1	0	0
-A12260	We should end mandatory retirement	against	certain professions, such as police officer and air traffic controller, have mandatory retirement ages  to ensure that the person who is responsible for the safety of others remains competent to do his job	1	0	0
-A12268	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender-neutral language will cause confusion if we don't know who is being referred to	1	0	0
-A12273	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	some people do not feel capable of exercising such a responsibility	1	0	0
-A12277	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	those authoring articles on wikipedia are not necessarily experts on the topic and there is risk of inaccurate information being broadcast.	1	0	0
-A12292	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will allow people to do more instead of wasting time in traffic	1	0	0
-A12300	We should ban whaling	against	most whaling is done under controlled situations, and is done for research purposes.	1	0	0
-A12305	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games allow for true amateur athletes to live out their dreams.	1	0	0
-A12317	We should ban private military companies	against	we shouldn't ban private military companies as they are doing a job and keeping people safe	1	0	0
-A12320	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos bring a lot of money in which can be spent on animal research and stop their extinction.	1	0	0
-A12332	We should limit executive compensation	against	an executive has worked hard to get to that position through study and prior work experience. they should be compensated for their value to the company.	1	1	1
-A12334	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes hurt the common man by reducing support for schools and health care.	1	1	1
-A12342	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism enables communities to work together for the greater good.	1	0	0
-A12351	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	if we abolish the rights, then companies will stop developing products and ideas as they will know that there is no way they can make back the cost of r&d and so will run at losses	1	0	0
-A12357	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multiparty system blurs the citizenship of a vision and model of country. we should not adopt a multiparty system because it would waste valuable time to agree	1	0	0
-A12358	We should abolish capital punishment	against	If capital punishment is unfairly applied we should focus on fixing that, not abolishing it entirely.	1	1	0
-A12392	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions can help control financial situations	1	1	1
-A12404	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a job for some and banning it would take jobs away.	1	0	0
-A12417	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algirithmic trading reduces the possibilty of error and just furthers profit for finance companies	1	0	1
-A12437	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	if an individual has created any property it is his to determine it's use	1	0	1
-A12453	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors are necessary and children can learn how to work even from an early age	1	0	1
-A12470	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can provide a way for science to overcome negative qualities in humans, such as birth defects, so overall it is a positive technology that should be allowed to flourish.	1	0	0
-A12479	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	without intellection property rights there is no incentive to research and develop new products	1	0	0
-A12482	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing is often the only way to get to the enemy.	1	0	0
-A12488	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	subsidizing wikipedia will lead to bias in the contents. content creators and moderators will be afraid to criticize the people who contribute money to wikipedia	1	0	0
-A14006	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is an efficient way to grow mass amounts of food for the food supply chain. it pushes innovation and makes farming more efficient and safer outcomes for the food supply.	1	1	0
-A14016	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work allows people in developing countries access to new ways of thinking and possibilities for how they live their life.	1	0	0
-A15020	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights mean that the people who come up with ideas or products get the financial gains from said product and so makes people more likely to innovate	1	0	0
-A17003	We should cancel pride parades	against	thepride parades are part of the empowerment of the lgbt community	1	1	0
-A17005	We should limit judicial activism	against	each case has different circumstances and certain things need to be taken into consideration for each one. judicial activism allow the court to consider the circumstances of each crime.	1	0	0
-A17008	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can help transport those unable to drive themselves	1	0	0
-A18011	We should ban telemarketing	against	Telemarketing is an excellent tool if used sensitively and with caution	1	0	0
-A18019	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement leaves openings in the job force for those that are stronger and more capable of doing the jobs.	1	0	1
-A18060	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we shouldn't prohibit school prayer because is important for religious education	1	0	0
-A18062	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars could help people make better use of their time	1	0	0
-A18070	We should ban private military companies	against	Private military companies can provide more advanced technology because they are not restricted by governmental red tape.	1	0	0
-A18081	We should ban private military companies	against	We should not ban because it has been proven to work and can serve specific issues	1	0	0
-A18089	We should end mandatory retirement	against	for people who work in skilled manual jobs it comes to a point where it is no longer safe for them work, the retirement age is used to protect people of a certain age as a safety precaution	1	0	0
-A18101	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	athletes train their whole lives in hopes that they can represent their country to be the best.	1	0	0
-A18108	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	other languages such as spanish and french have even more gendered language than we do, and they have no problems	1	0	0
-A18114	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work can sometimes provide communities in need around the world with access to education and resources.	1	0	0
-A18121	We should ban targeted killing	against	Targeted killing surgically removes enemy actors with no collateral damage, it must be continued.	1	1	0
-A18124	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can give many people the freedom to drive without actually driving, so we should not stop making them.	1	0	0
-A18131	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	development of autonomous car will make traffic and parking  easier	1	0	0
-A18135	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games brings together the world in a peaceful environment	1	0	0
-A18144	We should cancel pride parades	against	we should not cancel pride parades because people should have the right to express what they want, and how they feel about a certain issue.	1	0	0
-A18146	We should ban factory farming	against	it is the most efficient way to produce food	1	0	0
-A18155	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are an effective way to signify that human rights abuses will not be tolerated.	1	0	0
-A18165	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	Algorithmic trading can operate 24 hours a day. While you sleep, your algorithms are making you money.	1	0	1
-A18166	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	however these policies can impede the advancement of children from troubled backgrounds or with additional needs. they need a safe place to learn in a positive behaviours in a supportive environment.	1	0	0
-A18197	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	promotes peace and sportsmanship amongst countries	1	1	0
-A18201	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protect inventors.	1	0	0
-A18207	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning is simply another avenue of science to explore, and it is vital to push back the boundaries in order to open up possible potential cures for disease and medical issues.	1	0	0
-A18226	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	there is not need to subsidize wikipedia, it does not serve any purpose that cannot be filled elsewhere.	1	0	0
-A18229	We should ban human cloning	against	we should not ban human cloning because it could help with medical research	1	0	0
-A18241	We should ban whaling	against	We should not ban whaling because it is important to many aboriginal cultures in the arctic, and it is wrong for the governments of countries like Canada and Russia to oppress those peoples.	1	1	0
-A18285	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	somebody was working hard to make something and then should be rewarded for it. that`s what intellectual property rights all about.	1	1	0
-A18297	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	absolutely not.  the great president donald trump is turning the country around and saving us from the financial disaster that the last eight years were leading the united states towards.	1	1	1
-A18318	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	We should not adopt an austerity regime because this move hurt people that are living on their pensions and people pay more taxes and this hurt a lot of people	1	0	1
-A18350	We should ban private military companies	against	military is a big organization that needs private company to supply their needs	1	1	0
-A18353	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	the nhs has limited funding and this should be spent providing care for those that need it rather than wasting it on research that may not help solve anytihng	1	0	0
-A18355	We should ban factory farming	against	let the free market decide whether or not we should allow factory farming	1	1	0
-A18356	We should ban telemarketing	against	we live in a capitalist country and telemarketing  is how many businesses grow and develop.	1	0	1
-A18361	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces provide a valuable service to those who may be suffering from ptsd	1	0	0
-A18363	We should subsidize student loans	against	it isn't the obligation of any tax payer to give money to help someone else get an education.  that is a personal choice, and if they want to go to college they need to pay for it on their own.	1	0	1
-A18384	We should ban missionary work	against	it helps small third world countries become more modernized.	1	1	0
-A18391	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is a private entity and is responsible for its own operating costs	1	0	1
-A18393	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalists get paid enough, they don't need any more money.	1	0	1
-A18394	We should ban the use of child actors	against	the usage of child actors should not be banned as they are an important part of the acting field they have adults who can make rationale decisions for them.	1	0	0
-A18395	We should limit executive compensation	against	if someone has worked hard to get where they are in a company then they should be rewarded accordingly.	1	1	1
-A18410	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars could prevent traffic jams and accidents.	1	0	0
-A18416	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	cosmetic surgery might be the only hope for children born with disfigurements that would have severe impact on self-esteem and lead to psychological issues and childhood trauma.	1	0	0
-A18421	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading can do a job that humans are not able to do	1	0	0
-A18422	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	they increase tourist activities and are a boost to the local economy.	1	0	1
-A18426	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender-neutral language doesn't always help people clearly communicate what they mean	1	0	0
-A18431	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	developing autonomous cars is a necessity. it would make roads and travel much safer as car accidents account for an incredible amount of deaths. there would be no more drunk and distracted driving accidents.	1	0	0
-A18445	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	this helps traders make more informed decisions	1	0	0
-A18447	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism bands people together to solve problems in their communities	1	0	0
-A18467	We should end mandatory retirement	against	if retirees continue to work past retirement age, there will never be a natural progression through the workplace for the younger generation.	1	0	1
-A18479	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are very effective in dealing with countries who have many human rights abuses on their record.	1	0	0
-A18481	We should ban telemarketing	against	Telemarketing involves lower overhead costs and thus saves companies money.	1	0	1
-A19003	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multiple parties make choosing a leader harder	1	0	0
-A19013	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	adopting gender neutral language would be expensive and a waste of resources which could be better used elsewhere	1	0	1
-A19033	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes tend to increase unemployment, as government reduction of spending of leads to retrenchment of worker	1	0	1
-A19042	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting should not be necessary because people will vote for anyone without researching which could skew outcomes.	1	0	0
-A19050	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery boosts people's self esteem.	1	0	0
-A19052	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	there are other stem cells that aren't from embryos that could be used instead.	1	0	0
-A19056	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	We should not adopt zero tolerance policies because they have not improved school discipline in other districts, only introduced more punishments for students.	1	0	0
-A19070	We should ban missionary work	against	missionaries are necessary as they provide education, health care, and more to those in need.	1	1	0
-A19091	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	trading using an algorithm is more accurate, quicker, and easier.	1	0	1
-A19097	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading merely enables better decisions in investments utilising technology and intelligence	1	0	1
-A19099	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia often contains false information and so can lead to people believing that have no validity in reality.	1	1	0
-A19101	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing allows small businesses to save money by reducing overhead costs.	1	0	1
-A19105	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading enables a more level playing field in the trading of shares.	1	0	1
-A19121	We should ban human cloning	against	we shouldn't ban human cloning as it could help aid genetic medical problems	1	0	0
-A19129	We should cancel pride parades	against	"it would be a huge step backwards, essentially telling the lgbt community not to have ""pride"" in who they are anymore"	1	0	0
-A19132	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are our future and provide many benefits	1	0	0
-A19143	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we should  not abolish intellectual property rights because people should get credit for their work.	1	0	1
-A19164	We should subsidize journalism	against	good journalists already make enough money to survive and their companies don't need to get more money from the government.	1	1	1
-A19165	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a perfectly valid marketing approach, and is a primary driver of economic activity.	1	0	1
-A19184	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism allows lawful recourse in circumstances of possible justice miscarriages, and is an extra protection against possible corruption and obstructive 'influence' in the higher court.	1	1	0
-A19185	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	they are a deterrent for foreign forces not to attack smaller countries	1	1	0
-A19192	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are so valuable for the future in an ever more congested world so we need to invest more in them.	1	0	0
-A19196	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms help everyone feel more like each other and takes the focus off their clothes and allows for more focus on learning.	1	1	0
-A19199	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can help doctors find a cure for illnesses we otherwise won't be able to survive	1	0	0
-A19248	We should limit executive compensation	against	in a competitive market companies have to attract the best talent	1	1	1
-A19271	We should ban telemarketing	against	we shouldn't ban telemarketing because it is a useful way to make sales and it isn't overly abusive to people	1	1	1
-A19286	We should subsidize student loans	against	we should not subsidize student loans because students should have worked to pay for college instead of going into debt.	1	0	1
-A19288	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	we should not abolish the olympic games because it brings the world together to celebrate sporting greatness.	1	0	0
-A19291	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	if the technology exists then it should be okay to use it	1	0	1
-A19296	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning opens up a path never before filled with benefits for human beings, allowing in the future the eradication of many diseases.	1	0	0
-A19304	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	we shouldnt because people might just vote for anyone if they have no interest in politics and could sway the vote.	1	1	0
-A19311	We should end mandatory retirement	against	it provides more jobs for people that need to earn an income for their families, so mandatory retirement is a good idea	1	0	1
-A19314	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we should not abolish intellectual property rights because it protects that person's claim to their inventions and discoveries.	1	0	1
-A19327	We should subsidize student loans	against	student loans should not be subsidized as the enhanced education they receive will allow the students to go on to better paying jobs.	1	0	1
-A19333	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars allow those with disabilities that hinder driving to be able to travel to appointments, shopping and social events, and not to live isolated from others.	1	0	0
-A19358	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism can make enough income to support itself as is seen by the countless successful media outlets	1	0	0
-A19361	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work allows volunteers to do productive work in a foreign country	1	0	0
-A19365	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	teaching children to think for themselves and learn based on their own actions is important to their growth.  stunting them with zero-tolerance does no one any favors.	1	0	0
-A19366	We should ban the use of child actors	against	children provide unique storytelling opportunities for movies and should not be banned as long as they are properly raised and cared for.	1	0	1
-A19372	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation encourages them to work for their pay	1	0	1
-A19377	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism is necessary to make sound decisions	1	0	0
-A19389	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights shouldn't be abolished because it helps to ensure the originator is reimbursed accurately for their ideas.	1	0	1
-A19390	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime would be harmful	1	0	0
-A19391	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system will lack real leadership and will mean that policies often end up being diluted or not passed at all as a majority can not be reached.	1	1	0
-A19392	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are made up of soldiers that are probably much better trained than the kids we currently send to military.	1	1	0
-A19405	We should ban whaling	against	whaling provides jobs for many people	1	0	1
-A19411	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	The free market knows best how to get out of a recession. Any government involvment would worsen the economic situation.	1	0	1
-A19413	We should ban factory farming	against	it is the only way we currently have to feed the masses.	1	0	0
-A19415	We should subsidize journalism	against	there is simply no need, there is enough money in journalism and plenty of valuable, objective sources available	1	0	0
-A19421	We should abolish safe spaces	against	We should not abolish safe spaces because people who have PTSD will disengage from universities and other spaces if they cannot participate safely.	1	0	0
-A19425	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms should still be used because they can increase student focus	1	0	0
-A19443	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	minors should be able to make decisions to have cosmetic surgery if it will help their self-confidence.	1	0	0
-A19446	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	We should not abolish the Olympic Games as they are viewed as the pinnacle of success for many athletes around the world.	1	0	0
-A19461	We should limit judicial activism	against	judges are in a position to make a positive change in the world, and should be encouraged to use activism to do so	1	1	0
-A19462	We should ban telemarketing	against	Banning telemarketing will create job losses for many people who work in this industry.	1	0	1
-A19465	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is a traditional occupation of some cultures and their cultural heritage would be lost if they were not able to continue whaling.	1	0	0
-A19467	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning allows for the study of genetic disorders, opening the door for huge leaps in medical science and disease cures.	1	0	0
-A19486	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people have the right to profit from their ideas	1	0	1
-A19489	We should ban human cloning	against	we should not ban human cloning because it can help save lifes	1	0	0
-A19492	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing could bring worthwhile products to the attention of people who would not otherwise be aware of them.	1	1	1
-A19494	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions must be retained as it is the only way in which dishonest countries can be made to mend their ways.	1	1	0
-A20001	We should ban factory farming	against	this method increases meat products to meet the high demand.	1	0	0
-A20007	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation is simply part of a modern remuneration package, and just as with basic salaries, and attractive compensation scheme is needed to attract the best talent to an organisation.	1	1	1
-A20016	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people that come up with intellectual property should have the right to it and not have to share it with others if they don't want to	1	0	1
-A20029	We should ban the use of child actors	against	providing child actors are still taught school subjects and that they are given time to be children then it is good for them and the money earned will give them freedom as adults to do whatever they want	1	0	1
-A20034	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting shouldn't be introduce because it forces undecided people to vote for a random people will ruin the quality of elections	1	0	0
-A20043	We should limit executive compensation	against	limiting executive compensation would deter executives from doing their job correctly.	1	0	1
-A20047	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism gives people something to work on as a team and builds relationships.	1	0	0
-A20057	We should abolish zoos	against	we shouldn't abolish zoos because they attract visitors and money to be able to put back into the zoo for animal feed and vet bills	1	0	1
-A20059	We should end mandatory retirement	against	ending mandatory retirement would cause people to work longer to the detriment of younger job-seekers	1	0	1
-A20064	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games inspire children and people of all ages to enjoy and participate in sports.	1	0	0
-A20067	We should legalize cannabis	against	marijuana use harms cognitive function -- especially long-term memory -- and is particularly dangerous to the brain development of children and teens.	1	0	0
-A20082	We should ban factory farming	against	Raising animals take a lot of land and resources while demand for meat on the market is still steady and important. This is the best way to raise animals by reducing space used and better taking care of animals	1	0	0
-A20096	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we shouldnt abolish intellectual property rights if you have come up with a new idea for something then it should be exclusive to you and you should be acknowledged for it	1	0	1
-A20106	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	many philologist said that gender-neutral language is hard to use, takes times to learn and will cost a lot of money.	1	1	0
-A20108	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work is important to help educate those in third world countries so they can improve their way of life.	1	0	0
-A20126	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is a personal option in a safe environment with minimal risk	1	0	0
-A20128	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing allows the military to remove a dangerous person without needing to go to war or harming others. it is a strategic way to save innocents who would be endangered by that person.	1	0	0
-A20150	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is an easy way for people to connect with consumers that are interested in their products.	1	0	1
-A20153	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies offer a unique way of dealing with a problem, one that keeps our actual government out of it.	1	0	0
-A20171	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery makes people feel better about themselves.	1	0	0
-A20180	We should ban telemarketing	against	The telemarketing industry is huge, and any attempt to shut it down will cause a rise is unemployment and will damage the economy.	1	0	1
-A20213	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people should be allowed to not vote as a way to protest the government	1	1	0
-A20223	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading allows computers to make predictions based on far more data than a human could handle. this means that more money is likely to be made for share holders.	1	0	1
-A20233	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people working hard to invite something and should be awarded for it.	1	0	1
-A20260	We should ban telemarketing	against	under any circumstance, telemarketing is a source of employment for many people. banning it will result to tens of thousands losing their jobs.	1	0	0
-A20265	We should subsidize journalism	against	the subsidies could be used on other primary production methods which are very much likely to help boost the economy	1	0	1
-A20273	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	the united states, at least, needs nuclear weapons for protection in order to deter other countries from attacking.	1	1	0
-A20274	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is the only way to meet the high demand for meat.	1	0	1
-A20292	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we should keep intellectual property rights because if a person came up with an idea, they should receive credit for it no matter what the circumstances are, it is only fair.	1	0	1
-A20311	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	creative work is just as important as physical work and authors should be compensated	1	0	1
-A20330	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism will bring forth new interpretations of the constitution and advance our society	1	0	0
-A20358	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning should not be banned because it may lead to the ability to generate human organs for transplant which would save many lives	1	0	0
-A20362	We should oppose collectivism	against	We should support collectivism because many problems like climate change cannot be dealt with on an individual level.	1	0	0
-A20373	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we shouldn't ban algorithmic trading because it gets more done than using single instructions and it's more systematic	1	0	1
-A20374	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism can achieve more that individuals alone	1	0	0
-A20423	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people deserve to have there inventions protected	1	0	1
-A20431	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives are the primary reason a company is successful or not.  their pay is usually justifiable.	1	1	1
-A20448	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parading is the peaceful place for lgbtq people to express themselves freely, demonstrate and require more acceptance from other people	1	0	0
-A20451	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a form of sales that has been around for years and without it many jobs would be lost.	1	0	0
-A20475	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	we should not because it will cause much less accidents on the road.	1	0	0
-A20477	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	We should not adopt an austerity regime because the global economy is now rapidly growing, and the recession is years behind us.	1	0	1
-A20481	We should oppose collectivism	against	society is a collective and the most good comes from working together	1	0	0
-A20489	We should ban whaling	against	whaling provides food and fuel for many people	1	0	0
-A20495	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation provides motivation for executives to act in ways that are beneficial to the company and shareholders.	1	1	1
-A21006	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading allows larger orders to happen that one individual couldn't do without the use of the 'robots'.	1	0	1
-A21009	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism provides a common goal for everyone to work towards.	1	0	0
-A21015	We should limit executive compensation	against	if someone has worked hard  to climb the career ladder then they should receive a reward in the form of executive compensation.	1	0	1
-A21023	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning could aid medical advances and should therefore be allowed.	1	1	0
-A21044	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation packages are necessary to attract the best qualified people into a company - it is simply market economics, supply and demand.	1	0	1
-A21050	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading has helped the trading industry due to the high level of accuracy that it provides, there is no human error	1	0	1
-A21059	We should subsidize journalism	against	funding comes with overt or covert strings attached, certain criticisms of the government would vanish	1	0	0
-A21060	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration should be privatized and maybe we'd get somewhere.	1	0	1
-A21067	We should ban the use of child actors	against	it would not be possible to portray society realistically if child actors are banned because children are an important part of many dramas	1	0	0
-A21070	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning should not be banned as it the next step in medicine and will allow for transplantation to be simpler and easier to perform	1	0	0
-A21086	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is an easy way to keep money moving and to make a profit so there is no reason to ban it.	1	0	1
-A21113	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games provide addition income to small businesses.	1	0	1
-A21116	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	We should not adopt an austerity regime because counter cyclical spending leads to better outcomes for the economy than austerity.	1	0	1
-A21118	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is perfectly fine, when handled by telemarketers appropriately and politely with respect to potential customers	1	0	1
-A21122	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	A zero tolerance policy in schools is a very old fashioned theory, and it has failed over and over again.	1	0	0
-A21133	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	we should no adopt a multi-party system because nothing would ever get done with varying points of view.	1	1	0
-A21138	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protect those who have spent time and ingenuity on development of an idea and ensures they can be rewarded accordingly for their inspiration.	1	0	1
-A21168	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we should not abolish intellectual property rights because it's not fair for people to steal a genius idea from someone else	1	0	0
-A21190	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are great educational tools, and it is also a safe place to take care of endangered species.	1	0	0
-A21192	We should end mandatory retirement	against	We should not end mandatory retirement because the current system in countries like Germany where this is common is not broken.	1	0	0
-A21204	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are an educational and entertaining tool and the animals are well fed and cared for.	1	0	0
-A21210	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading might be good for those starting out since it takes all the guess work out.	1	0	1
-A21224	We should cancel pride parades	against	the lgbt world has suffered and fought greatly for equal rights, they deserve to have a parade or march in honor of such.	1	0	0
-A21229	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	we should not subsidize embryonic stem cell research because these scientists have been working on this a long time.	1	0	0
-A21231	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives have earned their compensation and should not be capped on what they can earn as this would be and overreach into company affairs	1	0	1
-A21240	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming requires a load of workforce and provides a lot of jobs opportunities	1	0	1
-A21253	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems encourage the formation of weak and unstable coalitions that achieve little beyond their own day to day survival	1	0	0
-A21271	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors are supervised constantly, are well taken care of, and have tutors on set to keep them from falling back in school.	1	0	0
-A21285	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing gives us new opportunities and we can often save money on our services.	1	0	1
-A21328	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can have benefits such as allowing anyone to travel inside a car such as disabled and vulnerable people who others would not be able to get to other places.	1	0	0
-A21337	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	it is only fair that a person or company that created something should have protections against those that want to make money off of another's hard work.	1	0	0
-A21356	We should ban whaling	against	many economies are sustained thanks to whaling	1	0	1
-A21377	We should subsidize space exploration	against	We should not subsidize space exploration as there are far more important and urgent issues to deal with on earth at this time.	1	0	0
-A21397	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights serve to prevent the sharing of information and ideas, which would allow groundbreaking concepts to develop more quickly for the benefit of all.	1	0	0
-A21407	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity makes times tougher for everyone.	1	0	0
-A21410	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	if it ain't broke, don't fix it. it is working and has for a long time.	1	0	0
-A21411	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing provides jobs, and people should be allowed to use telemarketing to earn a living.	1	0	0
-A21415	We should adopt atheism	against	the most basic right we have is freedom of religion, and it is very strong personal belief.  atheism strips that away and should not be encouraged.	1	0	0
-A21418	We should cancel pride parades	against	people have a right to feel and display pride in what they are.	1	0	0
-A21422	We should ban factory farming	against	Factory farming allows us to fill a high demand.	1	0	1
-A21428	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is quite a profitable profession.	1	0	1
-A21434	We should limit executive compensation	against	pay is the primary motivational factor for executive level employees, thus executive compensation should not be capped as it would affect their performance.	1	0	1
-A21435	We should limit executive compensation	against	studies have shown that companies that do not limit executive compensation do better and out perform those that do limit. this is better for individual companies and the economy.	1	1	1
-A21441	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a useful source of sales for many businesses	1	0	1
-A21445	We should end mandatory retirement	against	by forcing someone to retire it then means that spot is open for a younger person to fill the role, someone who could really use the money	1	0	1
-A21453	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is a technological improvement on antiquated methods of trading and should be encouraged and improved.	1	0	1
-A21454	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is one way to ensure we have enough food for our citizen and it should not be banned.	1	0	0
-A21473	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people have the right to their ideas and therefore it shouldn't be banned.	1	0	1
-A21474	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is fast and efficient and better able to deal with data	1	0	1
-A21475	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies might be engaged in times of conflict when regular national military service is not eunough	1	1	0
-A21480	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	olympic games is useful to countries as it provides a boost to the countries economy by the increased tourism during the time of the tournament.	1	0	1
-A21491	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions offer an effective way to deal with international conflict which does not involve military action.	1	0	0
-A22003	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	without ip rights, the market would be awash with cheap imitations	1	0	1
-A22030	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading allows for quicker and more effective trading than can be conducted by a human investor.	1	0	1
-A22037	We should subsidize student loans	against	we should not subsidize student loans because people need to work hard to get their education	1	0	0
-A22041	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning may solve all types of medical problems.	1	0	0
-A22046	We should ban the use of child actors	against	children are humans too and with their consent and their parent's consent, should be allowed to work	1	0	0
-A22050	We should subsidize student loans	against	if we subsidize student loans we could create parasites that never get a degree just to maintain the state subsidy	1	0	0
-A22055	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games create a tourism boom for the host city which injects a lot of cash which can be used to better locals so it shouldn't be abolished.	1	0	1
-A22058	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	Increased demand for cosmetic surgery increases innovation, helping people who need conventional surgery.	1	0	0
-A22063	We should ban the use of child actors	against	these days, child actors are provided with tutors while on set to ensure their education is minimally disrupted and there is more support than there used to be	1	0	0
-A22070	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	our society needs to be able to label and identify a person as a male or female for many reasons such as taxes, employment, health care, etc, so we should not adopt a gender neutral language.	1	0	0
-A22107	We should end mandatory retirement	against	people are not always aware of their failing mental faculties and mandatory retirement is necessary.	1	0	0
-A22161	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can ensure that certain strengths of a human trait is continued therefore human cloning should be allowed to be accomplished.	1	0	0
-A22167	We should ban the use of child actors	against	without child actors there will be no characters for actual children to relate to	1	1	0
-A22168	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is a personal choice that people should be allowed	1	0	1
-A22183	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is legal, and all traders have access to some sort of computer-aided tools.	1	0	0
-A22184	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	you can require voting but you can't force people to educate themselves about the candidates and issues	1	0	0
-A22212	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	we shouldn't subsidize wikipedia because pages on wikipedia is user created and isn't always accurate	1	0	0
-A22215	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games bring vast economic benefit to local communities, both through regeneration projects and the influx of vistors spending their cash.	1	0	1
-A22218	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement helps keep the number of workplace incidents down.	1	0	0
-A22223	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing can help companies reach a wider audience.	1	1	1
-A22248	We should ban human cloning	against	cloning would have strict regulations on how to handle clones and ethical dilemmas. scientific advancements made while working towards cloning can advance the human race.	1	0	0
-A22253	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympics bring people together and form fun rivalries between countries, all vying for a top spot among the world's athletes	1	0	0
-A22284	We should ban the use of child actors	against	if a child wants to act they have every right to	1	0	0
-A22286	We should limit executive compensation	against	without executive compensation talent will be lost to other countries	1	0	1
-A22288	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors are important so programs can show people of ages and are reflective of society. child actors are an important part of  the industry and are needed to reflect people accurately.	1	0	0
-A22312	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are simply the next logical step in transportation.  years ago people would have said all cars are dangerous and we should all stick to horse and buggy instead.	1	0	0
-A22314	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	consensus can become difficult in multi party systems	1	1	0
-A22318	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	when someone comes up with an idea it is their idea. they should be the one to profit from that idea. other people shouldn't be able to just take it and make it their own.	1	0	1
-A22320	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism helps everyone accomplish things better.	1	0	0
-A22325	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	this would result in inaccurate representation in government. if there where numerous parties, votes would be split all over and the party people least wanted would win resulting in inaccurate representation.	1	0	0
-A22327	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading has increased trading which is good for the economy	1	0	1
-A22328	We should ban the use of child actors	against	as long as there is proper protection for child actors there is no reason that they should not be able to perform on screen	1	0	0
-A22339	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	anyone can edit the pages, so the information is not guarenteed to be correct.	1	0	0
-A22350	We should subsidize space exploration	against	there are many more practical realms of scientific inquiry that need our support more urgently.	1	0	0
-A22358	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	people deserve to have the best trading options	1	0	1
-A22368	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are needed to provide security when the military can not do the job	1	0	0
-A22381	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement is necessarily, in many cases, to force someone out of a job that their age dictates they can no longer do appropriately.	1	1	0
-A22387	We should ban whaling	against	we should not ban whaling because it provides jobs and food for people.	1	0	1
-A22397	We should ban whaling	against	so long as a limited number are harvested it is ok	1	0	0
-A22414	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis is a illegal drug for a reason, it is harmful dangerous drug that alters your mental capacity and should remain illegal.	1	0	0
-A22423	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	If Wikipedia were subsidized it would be less objective by being accountable to a single funding source.	1	0	0
-A22431	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	companies invest billions into research, if there are no rights it would dissuade companies from conducting research in the first place.	1	0	1
-A22433	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system makes it much more difficult to collaborate on ideas.	1	0	0
-A22436	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies can be useful to countries who do not have their own military.	1	1	0
-A22442	We should limit judicial activism	against	there should be no limits.  how are we to move forward in society if we limit the thought process of judges?	1	0	0
-A22445	We should ban whaling	against	Whaling is an important industry in some countries for their economical stability.	1	0	1
-A22476	We should limit judicial activism	against	many laws need to change with the times and a judge is in a better position than our elected officials to accurately and fairly review those laws.	1	1	0
-A22487	We should ban telemarketing	against	no, it would eliminate way to many jobs.	1	0	1
-A23006	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games should not be abolished as they bring the world together to see outstanding sport and encouges young people to take up sport andd strive for success	1	0	0
-A23057	We should subsidize student loans	against	student loans can be expensive and put young people in debt	1	0	1
-A23065	We should end mandatory retirement	against	We should not end mandatory retirement because it opens up positions for young people who otherwise could never begin their career.	1	0	1
-A23069	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	School uniforms keep the distraction of clothing choice comparison from affecting the education of the children negatively.	1	0	0
-A23071	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can help those without the capability of driving be able to have consistent transportation when they don't otherwise.	1	0	0
-A23080	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms show pride and community and provide fewer distractions from learning.	1	0	0
-A23084	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games provide employment of many people and are entertaining	1	0	0
-A23106	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism can achieve more than other forms of societal structure	1	0	0
-A23115	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	the digitization of the sector raises the field of action of information. as computer models and algorithmic programs	1	0	1
-A23125	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	i am against this because an austerity regime increase tax which decreases the economy and would ruin our country financially.	1	0	1
-A23132	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives who run huge profitable companies that employ many people should be highly compensated for doing so	1	0	1
-A23143	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing is a tool to prevent mass injuries by taking out one particular target	1	1	0
-A23144	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is an efficient way to produce cheap food for the masses.	1	0	0
-A23148	We should limit executive compensation	against	we shouldn't limit executive compensation. the whole point of becoming an executive is working up the ladder for years in order to receive the six figure salary and lucrative bonuses.	1	0	1
-A23157	We should subsidize journalism	against	Journalism is a profession and does not need subsidizing as students can pay for themselves to learn and then be recompensed by getting a paid job.	1	0	1
-A23169	We should ban factory farming	against	we cannot ban things just because you don't like them. factory farms help get the most food per acre.	1	0	0
-A23175	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	Algorithmic trading makes it easier to stay ahead in the market and not get blindsided by a sudden crash.	1	0	0
-A23190	We should prohibit school prayer	against	the period of calm reflection that occurs during school prayer helps to promote a good atmosphere for study and learning	1	0	0
-A23195	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming provides a faster mass production of food and gives us a way to feed more people than we would if we banned it. there will be less hunger in the world so we shouldn't ban it.	1	0	1
-A23206	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Capital punishment incentivizes criminals to work with and confess to police as a means of potentially reducing their sentence and avoiding death, even if ti means life without parole.	1	1	0
-A23217	We should limit executive compensation	against	Executives earned the right to make that much due to training, schooling and fighting their way to the top.	1	0	1
-A23232	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement allows for youger generations to enter the workplace	1	0	0
-A23282	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is too vulnerable to manipulation to be considered a trusted source.	1	0	0
-A23301	We should end mandatory retirement	against	We should not end mandatory retirement because it opens up positions to women, people of color, and immigrants who were not able to take those jobs due to past discrimination.	1	0	0
-A23322	We should ban telemarketing	against	It is time saving. You can reach a large number prospects much faster than a sales representative on foot.	1	0	0
-A23325	We should oppose collectivism	against	We should support collectivism because it leads to more investment in the community and more growth in the long term.	1	0	0
-A23327	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems lead to more corruption and wasted campaign dollars.	1	1	0
-A23338	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not adopt this, it would be confusing to young children. the way we've done things still works and there's no need to change it.	1	0	0
-A23360	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protect someone's research and hard work ensuring that they can be recognized and recompensed for their efforts.	1	0	1
-A23402	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading helps people trade with a smaller risk of financial losses.	1	0	1
-A23411	We should limit executive compensation	against	by providing a high compensation to the executives of a company you can get a higher quality employee and the business will make more money. therefore we should not limit their pay.	1	0	1
-A23416	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism runs roughshod over every collective and communal human right and entitlement.  privileged individuals prosper whilst the rest of society suffers. it should most definitely not be adopted	1	0	0
-A23439	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can give us medical breakthroughs	1	0	0
-A23440	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	We should not adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools- children need more tolerance in their lives in order to flourish, and creating a zero-tolerance policy will cause harm and suffering.	1	0	0
-A23447	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	globally, over 1 million people die a year in car crashes.   to be able to have self driving safe cars that save that many lives a year would be outstanding.   robots and self driving cars are the future.	1	0	0
-A23466	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a valid means of advertising and is not dangerous for the people	1	0	0
-A23468	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	juggling debt in never a good option compared to paying it off properly.	1	0	1
-A23485	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions help our country.	1	0	0
-A23498	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning shows us pushing the boundaries of science to their fullest potential.  think of all we can learn if we perfect cloning.  it shows how far man has come and can continue to go.	1	0	0
-A23500	We should ban human cloning	against	it would help in research for breakthroughs in health	1	0	0
-A24044	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning could lead to scientific breakthroughs that could solve many of the world's problems.	1	1	0
-A24048	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing streamlines combat operations in order to only inflict the casualties necessary.	1	0	0
-A24053	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors don't miss out on school as they often have a tutor on the set	1	0	0
-A24063	We should limit executive compensation	against	there should not be a limit to executive compensation, they deserve to be compensated based on the profits of the company.	1	1	1
-A24071	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	if someone invents something they should be able to profit from it	1	0	1
-A24072	We should subsidize student loans	against	graduates earn more over a lifetime than their peers, this gives them plenty of opportunity to repay their debts.	1	0	0
-A24075	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Many jobs, like airplane pilots and doctors, are tasked with they physical safety of hundred of others. Companies have an obligation to make sure people holding those positions are the most capable, which old age threatens.	1	0	0
-A24093	We should end mandatory retirement	against	people simply can't compete with others in the same professional setting once they reach a certain age, mandatory retirement is necessary for fair competition in a limited job market	1	0	0
-A24103	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos are a great way for people to learn about animals	1	0	0
-A24113	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is necessary to sustain the current population level and is needed in order to make farming profitable at this time in history.	1	0	1
-A24138	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism is a form of selfishness which promotes the rights of the individual over the rights of everyone.	1	0	0
-A24141	We should ban missionary work	against	we should not ban missionary work because a lot of progress has been made because of it in poor countries.	1	0	1
-A24150	We should ban human cloning	against	we should allow scientists to continue to try to clone humans.  just as medical treatments have progressed in the world who can predict what types of improvements in ending disease could occur.	1	0	0
-A24177	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights are vital to ensure those taking the initial financial risks with new concepts are ultimately those who experience the greatest reward, and don't see there work misappropriated.	1	0	1
-A24178	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery can help people with self esteem issues	1	0	0
-A24194	We should limit executive compensation	against	Executive level employees have worked hard to achieve the level they have  and should be compensated for this.	1	0	1
-A24195	We should subsidize space exploration	against	Subsidies are a zero sum game, by subsidizing space exploration we are neglecting more important fields such as education or affordable housing.	1	0	1
-A24208	We should ban targeted killing	against	in a certain way, the selective assassination in politics is beneficial for countries that have this, as a means to alleviate their problems	1	1	0
-A24215	We should limit executive compensation	against	High executive compensation is necessary to get the best executives for your company	1	1	1
-A24229	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives work hard for their companies and should be compensated accordingly.	1	1	1
-A24232	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will bring mobility to the disabled.	1	0	0
-A24243	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	we should not introduce compulsory voting because some people that are unable to read and or write will be voting	1	0	0
-A24262	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	without the use of economic sanctions a country has very little way of objecting to another country's actions without resorting to violence.	1	1	0
-A24293	We should ban human cloning	against	This could provide organs for transplant patients in dire need as well as many other medical advancements.	1	0	0
-A24330	We should subsidize journalism	against	the is enough money in journalism already, and funds available through subsidies should be redirected towards more worthwhile causes such as healthcare.	1	0	1
-A24357	We should ban telemarketing	against	With telemarketing, you get immediate feedback on your product or service.	1	0	0
-A24374	We should ban factory farming	against	The population is growing ever larger and we need efficient ways to produce enough meat for it.	1	0	0
-A24376	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial review is a crucial fallback to monitor political activity	1	0	0
-A24378	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement allows for new people to saturate the workforce and the older generation to relax.  this is a good thing.	1	0	0
-A24381	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing helps introduce customers to new things and services they may not have heard of had they not been prompted into the subject.	1	1	0
-A24391	We should subsidize journalism	against	if journalism is good, then it will not need a subsidy. if it is bad, then we should not be throwing money at it when there are greater needs in society such as education, health care and housing.	1	0	0
-A24401	We should prohibit school prayer	against	Prayer can be a good way to unite a school and help children to focus on the day ahead.	1	0	0
-A24403	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement makes sure that fresh ideas and fresh bodies keep flowing through business which is a good thing.	1	0	0
-A24431	We should limit executive compensation	against	by the time people are at executive level they have worked long and hard and deserved to be recompensed for their work and ideas at a fair level.	1	1	1
-A24434	We should ban private military companies	against	pmcs can provide security to those countries and organisations that need protection and are capable of paying for it, so should not be banned	1	0	1
-A24437	We should end mandatory retirement	against	people working longer than they should prevents employers from hiring new people who might be more useful	1	0	0
-A24438	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights should not be abolished as they ensure that those who have had an original idea, financed research and development get rewarded for their effort and not have their innovation stolen	1	0	1
-A24443	We should ban the use of child actors	against	with proper guidance and protection, children can be a valuable asset to the artistic process.	1	0	0
-A24446	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games are a way for nations to compete in a friendly way and to encourage people of all ages to take up sport.	1	0	0
-A24456	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a good medium for businesses to use to expand their client base and make more people aware of their company and products, thus increasing their income	1	1	1
-A24457	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	Algorithms can be tested against historical data, helping you optimize your trading strategy.	1	0	1
-A24465	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are a way of protecting endangered species from extinction and allowing scientific research to combat diseases and reintroduce the animals back into the wild.	1	0	0
-A24482	We should subsidize journalism	against	subsidizing journalism is unfair. you're basically paying someone to spread your own beliefs.	1	0	0
-A24491	We should ban human cloning	against	we should allow science to further their research even if it includes human cloning.	1	0	0
-A24492	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	this is the only wide scale event where all countries can put aside all differences in good faith and fair competition	1	0	0
-A25003	We should ban human cloning	against	Human cloning could provide a great benefit to mankind by eradicating illnesses and disease through replication of people known to be fit, well and healthy.	1	0	0
-A25010	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	the only way to send a strong message to countries who are danger for our western world is economic sanctions which are most effective and successful.	1	1	0
-A25016	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will function as a new form of public transit and alleviate congestion	1	0	0
-A25018	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protect the small guy from being gobbled up by large companies who have more money to create a product.	1	0	0
-A25034	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos provide a platform for people to understand the natural and animal world.	1	0	0
-A25053	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism helps encourage those who are minorities and may not be able to have luxuries others may have.	1	0	0
-A25064	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system could lead to more situations where a majority is not reached. this means that it could be harder to push policies through.	1	0	0
-A25067	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people should have a right of ownership to their creations, ideas, and concepts that they created themselves.	1	0	0
-A25074	We should ban whaling	against	There is still a vast amount of scientific knowledge that can be acquired from whaling.	1	0	0
-A25093	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games give athletes from all over the world a chance to compete and showcase their talents.	1	0	0
-A25099	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights should never be abolished in order to protect the successes of a businesses.	1	0	1
-A25108	We should ban the use of child actors	against	children should be free to do what they want with their consent and their parents consent	1	0	0
-A25110	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation is a way to reward and incentivize the top employees.	1	0	1
-A25116	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Mandatory retirement helps combat unemployment among young people.	1	0	0
-A25121	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation promotes company success and competition. it's an incentive for ceos to guide the company and help the company do well and make money for all employees.	1	0	1
-A25127	We should ban the use of child actors	against	many child actors go on to being adult actors without any problems.  if anything, perhaps more screening of children before allowing them to go into the profession.	1	0	0
-A25143	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Mandatory retirement ensures that companies and professions are constantly infusing their workforces with fresh talent.	1	0	0
-A25145	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympics is an important international competition that represents peaceful cooperation and brings together the world in friendly competitive sports when the most capable are rewarded for their efforts.	1	0	0
-A25217	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	if abolished it will stiffle creativity and advancement because there will be no incentive if intellectual property is not a right.	1	0	0
-A25221	We should ban factory farming	against	we should not ban factory farming because it gives us another source of food.	1	0	0
-A25238	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading enables trades to be made without spikes of emotion or rage on the part of the trader, therefore it can only be seen as positive.	1	0	1
-A25272	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarkerting provides much needed  jobs to people without other skill sets	1	0	0
-A25296	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	there should be some leeway for pupils otherwise they will have no grounding for future life if all they know is what they can't do and cannot question it.	1	0	0
-A25299	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	the rights holder would make less money could their creation would be diluted by copycats	1	0	1
-A25319	We should ban human cloning	against	can lead to many medical breakthroughs that may help cure and or treat many different disease	1	0	0
-A25334	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is an efficient way of providing affordable for for people. without it the price of meat will escalate and will be beyond the pocket of many people.	1	0	0
-A25338	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	the school uniform makes everyone equal and increases learning.	1	0	0
-A25342	We should ban telemarketing	against	we should not ban telemarketing  since it would eliminate many jobs. it also is an effective way for a company to get much needed leads for their products or services if done correctly.	1	0	1
-A25362	We should ban missionary work	against	if people are proud of their religion and want to travel and spread the word, they should be able to freely. first amendment rights!	1	0	0
-A25374	We should subsidize journalism	against	subsidizing journalism will create biased reporting	1	1	0
-A25375	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	many people are uninformed about the issues and we are better off with them not voting	1	0	0
-A25379	We should ban human cloning	against	we should not ban human cloning because the potential scientists can find a cure for a disease	1	0	0
-A25410	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Capital punishment creates space for potential rehabilitation without prison over-population.	1	1	0
-A25420	We should subsidize journalism	against	we should not subsidize journalism because it acts to protect poorly run and inefficent media companies from normal market forces	1	0	0
-A25423	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are more efficient than government run	1	1	0
-A25429	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is the future of investing and can lead to a more prosperous economy in the long run.	1	0	1
-A25444	We should ban the use of child actors	against	with proper safe-guards in place, including responsible parenting and limited working hours, there is no reason why child actors cannot lead a full life whilst having a career.	1	0	0
-A25453	We should ban the use of child actors	against	everyone has the right to develop their maximum potential regardless of whether they are children or adults.	1	0	0
-A25463	We should end mandatory retirement	against	we shouldn't end mandatory retirement it helps the younger generations more likely to find jobs	1	0	0
-A25496	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights are vital to protect innovation from those wishing to exploit it further along the developmental cycle, and equally vital to encourage entrepreneurs in the first place.	1	0	0
-A26007	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarking is keeping jobs available for some	1	0	1
-A26018	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos protect species and provide learning	1	0	0
-A26027	We should ban the use of child actors	against	if parents agree for their children to acting in movies, can't see any problem with it.	1	0	0
-A26036	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming provides for lower cost foods to be sent to the consumer, allowing for ease of access to goods by those with minimal incomes.	1	0	0
-A26037	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery shouldn't be banned because there are plenty of cases and times when someone is in a accident and they actually need it to fix their appearance.	1	0	0
-A26047	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	children are still growing and forming their own personalities - a zero-tolerance policy allows no room for mistakes, at a time when children are testing boundaries and they need some flexibility to develop	1	0	0
-A26048	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people who don't want to vote and won't take it seriously should not be forced to vote because they will vote frivolously.	1	1	0
-A26058	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	for some people who suffer from poor self esteem, cosmetic surgery can offer hope.	1	0	0
-A27001	We should ban telemarketing	against	we should not ban telemarketing because it is a way for a company to get business and it also provides people with jobs.	1	0	1
-A27002	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime will only cause a small benefit for a small time and should not be utilized at this time	1	0	0
-A27004	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation provides incentive for people to take on high responsibliity positions that drive the economy to new heights creating even more wealth.	1	0	1
-A27016	We should ban telemarketing	against	it is an effective method for lead generation and qualification for marketing.	1	0	0
-A27023	We should legalize cannabis	against	it is a gateway drug, and we don't want to encourage people to go down this dangerous path.	1	0	0
-A27030	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors should not be banned just because of a few bad apples.  with good direction, these actors can go on to pay their own college costs and become responsible citizens.	1	0	0
-A27036	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming produces more quantity resulting in lower prices and more choices.	1	0	0
-A27045	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people have a right to protect their ip from larger corporations who have the finances to exploit other people's ip for their own financial gain.	1	1	1
-A27048	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism should be encouraged as people work better together in teams	1	0	0
-A27052	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading makes getting orders out faster	1	0	0
-A27064	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading produces better and more predictable results than conventional trading	1	0	0
-A27090	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a cost-effective way of helping businesses reach an audience.	1	1	0
-A27096	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting would only cause uneducated votes to be cast and not be a real benefit to the country.	1	1	0
-A27118	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	we should not subsidize wikipedia because the information contained in it is not validated. if published information is going to be subsidized then it should be from accredited sources.	1	1	0
-A27143	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games encourage sports all around the world	1	0	0
-A27152	We should end mandatory retirement	against	older workers are not as efficient as they age. there comes a point where they need to retire and allow more able bodied younger people to take these jobs.	1	0	0
-A27156	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a vital tool for businesses to use to grow. this in turn helps the economy.	1	0	1
-A27174	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are trained for combat and can assist the governmental military groups	1	0	0
-A27176	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	forcing people to vote will cause an unwanted outcome in elections. having no vote is as much speech as voting.	1	0	0
-A27179	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement ensures there are places in the workplace for those who are starting their careers	1	0	0
-A27198	We should oppose collectivism	against	we should not oppose this because groups are what make society and should be recognised all together.	1	0	0
-A27199	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are a good way to get things to happen in a target area	1	1	0
-A27204	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	there are two genders and it is not offensive to use those two descriptions when talking about people, it is ridiculous to attempt to include every possible gender identity.	1	0	0
-A27250	We should ban targeted killing	against	we should not ban targeted killing as this is an effective way to extinguish terrorist threats etc and the use of drones helps to reduce civilian casualties.	1	0	0
-A27255	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	removing ip rights would cause a free for all and no one will have the incentive to do anything since it can just be taken by someone else	1	0	0
-A27273	We should subsidize space exploration	against	Space exploration is a field which the private sector is fully capable to fulfill, as Elon Musk shows us.	1	0	0
-A27281	We should ban telemarketing	against	i don't think that is a good idea to ban telemarketing , there are people working in this kind of jobs and they are good at what they do , most of the time they advertise very well.	1	0	0
-A27287	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is a necessary tactic to provide the food resources our population requires, it does not need to be cruel, it can merely be efficient	1	0	0
-A27300	We should ban factory farming	against	we need to feed a large population & factory farming helps ensure we  can do that	1	0	0
-A27320	We should subsidize student loans	against	wider availability of student loans creates a glut of over-educated, under-employed individuals contributing less to society - money would be better investing in vocational education.	1	0	0
-A27324	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work is important because it gives aid to third-world and poor people that might otherwise be ignored by society.	1	0	0
-A27330	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people who have no clue about the issues and people who are not into politics would be voting for someone they know nothing about.	1	0	0
-A27338	We should ban private military companies	against	a lot of private resources are needed for military campaigns, such as weapon manufacture. using a private military company is no different.	1	0	0
-A27353	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions help end bad behaviors.	1	1	0
-A27355	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we should not put up barriers to what is essentially the application of technology and intelligent application of maths to trading. this prevents progression	1	0	0
-A27359	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will be highly beneficial in reducing the congestion of larger cities	1	0	0
-A27378	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protects the ideas that will lead to a solid invention/investment and therefore need to be protected, not abolished.	1	0	1
-A27382	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are vital for research into species and preventing their extinction and should therefore not be banned.	1	0	0
-A27392	We should legalize prostitution	against	Legalizing prostitution would result in an increased number of women being forced into sex slavery. It would also make it harder to hunt down traffickers.	1	0	0
-A27428	We should subsidize student loans	against	student loans shouldn't be subsidized because you're limited in the amount that you can borrow	1	1	1
-A27456	We should ban missionary work	against	missionaries help the less fortunate in third world countries, such as setting up schools and clinics.	1	0	0
-A27466	We should ban fast food	against	Fast food provides people with jobs and is convenient for busy families.	1	0	0
-A27497	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is still a useful sales tactic	1	0	0
-A28019	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender neutral language causes confusion and is taking political correctness too far, by all means allow people to be referred to by their preferred gender but people are not 'neutral.'	1	0	0
-A28025	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors are needed in all types of film and movies and therefore should not be banned.	1	0	0
-A28033	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	there is no reason why algorithmic trading should be banned , it creates beneficial trading deals and profits for those in the finance sector, and can enhance the value of pension funds for instance.	1	0	1
-A28044	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	cosmetic surgery can have an enormous impact on increasing self esteem, minors should be allowed to benefit from this as well	1	0	0
-A28068	We should limit executive compensation	against	an owner of a company should be allowed to make as much money as possible	1	1	1
-A28077	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems fragments power so much that nothing ever gets done and government is rendered ineffectual.	1	0	0
-A28103	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery increases women's self-esteem and makes them more self-confident	1	0	0
-A28114	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will facilitate long commute riding	1	0	0
-A28123	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are good source of information for the public to learn about animals up close	1	0	0
-A28142	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	abolishing intellectual property rights removes the financial incentive to innovation.	1	0	1
-A28146	We should ban telemarketing	against	if it is for a specific product from a list of people who've purchased it before it offers the product to the customer	1	0	0
-A28147	We should ban telemarketing	against	banning telemarketing would destroy many businesses leading to masses of forced redundancies.	1	0	0
-A28154	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we shoudn't abolish intellectual property rights because a person should have the rights to change and make plans on something that they own without worrying about someone else stepping in.	1	0	0
-A28162	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	More investment into cosmetic surgery has overflow benefits for reconstructive and general surgery to due innovative technology and techniques.	1	0	0
-A28181	We should adopt libertarianism	against	government is needed. it provides the institutions that can better serve the public. this can be done through good taxation policy and good programs.	1	1	0
-A28184	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights can prevent competitors from making, selling, or using your invention for a limited time	1	0	0
-A28210	We should subsidize student loans	against	student loan debt is crippling our young people's ability to fully participate in the economy	1	0	0
-A28223	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	a lack of confidence due to appearance can have a crippling impact on poeple's lives and cosmetic surgery can help reduce this.	1	0	0
-A28226	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms prevent students from wearing disturbing clothing, like neo-nazi propaganda pieces, thus allowing students to concentrate on their studies.	1	0	0
-A28241	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	we should not bother banning cosmetic surgeries for minors, since this ban will not work- it's just the government current easy fix, creating a hysteric unreasonable rule instead of imposing proper regulation.	1	0	0
-A28247	We should end mandatory retirement	against	if we end mandatory retirement we make it even harder for the next generation to gain employment and benefit from the same opportunities of openings in the workplace that the retirees had at their age	1	0	0
-A28250	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	kids needs their freedom and to learn from mistakes	1	0	0
-A28259	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery gives you the assurance you were lacking physically	1	0	0
-A28303	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can help people to do more long distance traveling that will allow them to arrive refreshed and less anxious.	1	0	0
-A28305	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading makes it easier for poor people to get more money, all they need to do is come up with an algorithm that makes them more money	1	0	1
-A28309	We should legalize cannabis	against	studies show that students who use cannabis perform worse in school	1	0	0
-A28317	We should ban telemarketing	against	some telemarketing is beneficial as it may be selling useful products or services.	1	0	0
-A28320	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	we should not abolish the olympic games because it would rob all the hard working athletes of showcasing their skills and earning money from the games and their sponsors.	1	0	1
-A28330	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	In a multi-party system, parties are more easily manipulated by the political agendas of different groups.	1	0	0
-A28368	We should limit executive compensation	against	Incentive to perform at the highest levels and attractiveness of position are important factors in maintaining a competitive and successful company in a fast moving and aggressive marketplace.	1	0	1
-A28379	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	many people who are not capable to drive, would be able to commute easily with autonomous cars	1	0	0
-A28388	We should ban private military companies	against	military companies provide valuable expertise to supplement the armed forces	1	0	0
-A28389	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we should not ban algorithmic trading because computers are smarter than people	1	0	0
-A28399	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	why stop the development? sure delay releasing them to the public until the development is at a stage of safety that surpasses human driving but, there is nothing to be gained from stopping development	1	0	0
-A28411	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Older people should be forced to retire at a certain age because the world is steadily changed and their knowledge becomes outdated	1	0	0
-A28424	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting is not only ridiculous it would also be impossible to enforce.	1	0	0
-A28428	We should legalize cannabis	against	more industrial accidents, more injuries, and truancy rates as a result of  marijuana use will hurt businesses by causing loss of productivity	1	0	1
-A28430	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are the only places many people will be able to get close and observe exotic animals - anything that serves to enhance humans' empathy and understanding of animals is worthy of support.	1	0	0
-A28448	We should ban factory farming	against	we should not ban factory farming as it is the most efficient method of farming to produce enough food for the population.	1	0	0
-A28455	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	zero-tolerance policy is too harsh not letting a way for even a minor fault. students are terrorized and are no more comfortable for studying	1	0	0
-A28467	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning will lead to scientific advancements that will save lives and as such, should not be banned	1	0	0
-A28479	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is much more efficient and takes up much less space. should we switch, large amounts of habitat would have to be destroyed to accommodate. this would also increase the prices of meat.	1	0	1
-A28492	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	it is not scientifically necessary to use embryonic stem cells in research and some people believe their use is immoral and unethical.	1	0	0
-A28495	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis impairs the mind and can put others in potential danger (driving)	1	0	0
-A29011	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we need to take control of criminals and hold them responsible for their actions.	1	1	0
-A29014	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Mandatory retirement should be in place for careers that require good physical health, younger ages and good flexibility such as law enforcement or any first responder career.	1	0	0
-A29019	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will benefit the environment and will also help eliminate driver error in road accidents.	1	0	0
-A29034	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning could give us a better understanding of the human body thus leading to medical breakthroughs.	1	0	0
-A29036	We should abolish capital punishment	against	knowing that capital punishment is allowed in more than 20 states in usa is a proof that kind of punishment could be productive.	1	0	0
-A29048	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are an effective tool and should be left as is	1	0	0
-A29060	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement makes room in the workforce for younger more able bodied individuals to work.	1	0	0
-A29090	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming should not be banned as it allows for cost effective production of valuable and necessary food	1	0	0
-A29092	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement encourages renewal and revitalization in the workforce and so should be maintained.	1	1	1
-A29094	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars reduce the impact of human error on the roads, thus saving lives.	1	0	0
-A29127	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	everybody, including minors, should have access to cosmetic surgery which help with self confidence	1	0	0
-A29134	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism allows poorly or misconceived legislation to be reconsidered	1	0	0
-A29143	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	it is not good economic policy and hurts the poor.	1	0	0
-A29152	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights should be protected, as intellectual property is the same as physical property.	1	0	1
-A29154	We should limit executive compensation	against	Limiting executive compensation would deincentivise the most talented in the financial sector who would then go to work in other countries	1	0	0
-A29156	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos work as educational centers and are not the cause of the extinction of animals, rather they help that this does not happen, that's why we should not abolish zoos	1	0	0
-A29165	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning not only can aid in securing the longevity of a familial line but aid in research to target diseases that can find a cure.	1	0	0
-A29170	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer should not be prohibited because it allows students a period of quiet reflection that may help create the correct atmosphere for study	1	0	0
-A29179	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes are too restrictive, too many cuts and would not benefit the citizens of the united states.	1	0	1
-A29180	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	it has been shown that children are at a higher risk of dropping out of school if there is a zero-tolerance policy in place	1	0	0
-A29181	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies provide valuable security services, and can act as an overflow unit taking pressure from the regular army formations.	1	0	0
-A29185	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement is useful. creating a scheme in which old workers retired to give place to young workers permits to revive the economy and brings in fresh ideas and innovation	1	0	1
-A29193	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies take the pressure away from the regular military leaving them less thin on the ground.	1	0	0
-A29201	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming supports our large consumption of meat, and without it people would not be able to meet their demands for meat.	1	0	0
-A29203	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos offer an easy and  cheap way for people to see and learn about animals from all over the world.	1	0	0
-A29210	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	sanctions are good and they can put pressure on a country to make changes	1	1	0
-A29214	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	there's no need to ban algorithmic trading as it is a very good system for trading, leading to great gains for the investors.	1	0	1
-A29265	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	it tends to more profitable and eliminates human error	1	0	1
-A29286	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Nuclear weapons also provide a safety net for countries in case of an attack  and should not be banned.	1	0	0
-A29314	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	subsidising wikipedia would open it up to outside influence and could result in a deterioration in the quality of the information as those subsidising it may want information changed to make it more positive	1	0	0
-A29322	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	those who produce intellectual projects have certain skills and abilities and should be able to profit from them	1	0	1
-A29332	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	if a zero tolerance policy in schools is adopted, this will impinge on the rights of the pupils to challenge decisions they may deem unfair or unfit.	1	1	0
-A29340	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement is necessary in some fields to let go of the older, more error-prone workers.	1	0	0
-A29342	We should end mandatory retirement	against	it makes it hard for young people to get a job because so many people still work when they could be retired and there would be more jobs available	1	0	0
-A29374	We should ban missionary work	against	if we don't ban missionary work, then more people will have jobs.	1	0	0
-A29377	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms make life so much easier. there's less for parents to buy, a lot can't afford name brand clothing. less bullying due to clothing. it's easier to get ready in the morning.	1	0	0
-A29407	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	School uniform is adequate. It is useful for leveling people social position and for children concentration in class	1	0	0
-A29430	We should subsidize space exploration	against	there are more immediate needs here on earth, there's no reason to explore space.  we have to care for what we have already.	1	0	0
-A29437	We should ban private military companies	against	Private military companies provide weapons and other items needed by the military, without them, they would be ill equipped.	1	0	0
-A29439	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a useful marketing tool for companies to gain new customers.	1	0	0
-A29453	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are a thing of the future	1	0	0
-A29459	We should oppose collectivism	against	we should support collectivism, as everyone in the group benefits from this practice.	1	0	0
-A29465	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation is one of the mechanisms of governments to cover salaries and benefits	1	0	1
-A29472	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we should not abolish the three-strikes laws but we could improve them so that people who have committed only a minor offence are not jailed for life.	1	0	0
-A29476	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism ensures that everybody is taken care of	1	0	0
-A29481	We should ban telemarketing	against	if telemarketing was banned thousands of people would lose their jobs and many businesses would go bankrupt.	1	0	1
-A29490	We should oppose collectivism	against	we accept collectivism because it leads to less conflict due to people thinking as a team instead of one person thinking about themselves and causing trouble	1	1	0
-A29491	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	there are too many gender conformities that we wouldnt be able to come up with gender-neutral language	1	0	0
-A29500	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	the three-strikes law serves as an effective deterrent and should not be abolished.	1	1	0
-A30013	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions provide an easy way to protest and can easily be reversed when situations change.	1	1	1
-A30037	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration isn't necessary so the money could go to much more useful things such as education for children and providing health care for people.	1	0	1
-A30039	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	in many cases, the gender of the subject helps convey meaning	1	1	0
-A30056	We should limit judicial activism	against	we should not limit judicial activism because judges have better knowledge of the laws than juries do	1	1	0
-A30058	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivity, a group of people can get far more done than individually.	1	0	0
-A30064	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is an efficient solution to food supply problems.	1	0	0
-A30073	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is not yielding anything useful to society and should not be subsidized.	1	0	1
-A30082	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems should not be allowed as it only causes a no win-win situation when the other parties can not agree upon a situation.	1	0	0
-A30083	We should ban missionary work	against	We should not ban missionary work because some countries do need help in term of educations, health and spiritual needs.	1	0	0
-A30085	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing can help remove terrorist and other similar threats without having to involve large numbers of people. targeted killing can reduce casualties and provide a better outcome than all out war.	1	0	0
-A30092	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	it can become confusing when voting on a multi-party system	1	0	0
-A30099	We should ban factory farming	against	Factory farming allows for food to be produced at a lower cost than would be possible using other methods.	1	0	1
-A30101	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	in tough economic times it is critical to increase consumer spending and demand. this cannot be done through an austerity regime.	1	0	0
-A30110	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we shouldn't ban algorithmic trading because it can stop risky bid due to human emotions interfering	1	0	0
-A30118	We should limit executive compensation	against	they are at the top and should be able to make as much as possible.	1	1	1
-A30134	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are a support mechanism to allow gay people to feel that they are not alone and can be proud of who they are.	1	0	0
-A30138	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading uses computers to analyze vast amounts of data to provide the best decisions in a way that humans are not capable of.	1	0	0
-A30162	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning is just a step in the natural progression of science	1	0	0
-A30172	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is mass food production at a more economical pace which allows us to feed more people faster.	1	0	0
-A30180	We should ban factory farming	against	we want cheap food that is readily available at a reasonable price. these methods are cost cutters.	1	0	0
-A30190	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	we must protect ourselves and these weapons allow us to	1	0	0
-A30198	We should limit executive compensation	against	the only way to hire the best and brightest executives is to keep giving them larger compensation packages.	1	0	0
-A30209	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement allows new workers to take the place of older workers that are past their prime and just need to retire.	1	0	0
-A30213	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing is a tool that allows the military to accomplish their objectives.	1	1	0
-A30224	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	some people don't care about voting and if required would just pick random choices, which could have disastrous consequences.	1	0	0
-A30234	We should ban factory farming	against	we shouldn't ban factory farming because it can help improve the economy	1	0	1
-A30258	We should ban private military companies	against	Without private military companies, the military would be ill equipped and not able to get the tools they need,	1	0	0
-A30259	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	for multiple reasons the right of intellectual property should not be abolished since it gives others the participation of making their intellect known and putting it into practice in various activities	1	0	0
-A30262	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can provide a lot of advancements to medical science. to ban it out of some knee-jerk fear is to deny ourselves all of these potential great advancements	1	0	0
-A30263	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the freedom to bear arms has always been a basic right in this country.  people have the right to protect themselves.	1	0	0
-A30264	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	this should not be banned as it makes trading easier and simpler.	1	0	0
-A30271	We should abolish safe spaces	against	these do not harm to anyone. safe spaces can empower young people and protect them. the world is harsh enough, why not allow a little bit of harmless peace?	1	0	0
-A30281	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement means that there opportunities for younger people become available regularly and people retire  before they become inefficient at their jobs.	1	0	0
-A30286	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are useful to stop bad actions.	1	1	0
-A30287	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons development leads to other non-combative discoveries, such as nuclear energy.	1	0	0
-A30290	We should ban telemarketing	against	on rare occasions they can have a benefit, possibly the elderly  can benefit as they are less familiar with the internet.	1	0	0
-A30293	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights ensure that people or companies can make profits from what they have spent much time and effort in creating.	1	0	1
-A30300	We should ban human cloning	against	Human cloning should not be banned as at may prevent the study and advance of medical science.	1	0	0
-A30305	We should ban private military companies	against	we should not ban private military companies as the national military is not able to perform smaller operations and should not be taken away from their national duties and responsibilities.	1	1	0
-A30310	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism utilizes the best from many sources	1	1	0
-A30316	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming brings more food to the table at lower prices	1	0	0
-A30319	We should ban the use of child actors	against	many films and television shows have child roles which could only be filled by children. as long as the children are protected it means that the finished product will have higher artistic integrity.	1	0	0
-A30330	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing should not be banned as the government has the intelligence and knowledge to knowingly destroy a threat without destruction of many persons or communities.	1	1	0
-A30348	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is a cheaper way to produce large quantities of food	1	0	0
-A30349	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights are important as it  gives economic incentive for their creation and helps to stimulate innovation and contribute to the technological progress of countries.	1	0	1
-A30394	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	Small, harmless cosmetic surgeries can do a lot for increasing a child's confidence and productivity.	1	0	0
-A30398	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is a very unreliable source of information. many schools do not allow wikipedia to be used as a valid source for term papers.	1	0	0
-D01016	We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement	against	‘Fit India Movement’ may not reach the people of below poverty line. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, both physical activity and nutritious food are necessary. But in India, still many people are malnourished and some people do not have access to safe drinking water. So, without solving the issue of poverty and lack of access to affordable nutritious food, a section of people in India will not be able to take advantage of this movement.	1	0	0
-D01051	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	against	At present, India does not have a well-developed infrastructure to ensure the security of data. On the other hand, developed countries already have an efficient infrastructure. So, rushing toward data localization may not be a wise step. Because without efficient infrastructure, the data is prone to cyber-attacks. And the risk is severe here because it is financial data. But as the laws are made, it is a big challenge to develop efficient infrastructure at a faster pace.	1	0	0
-D01057	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	against	We are in a globalized world. At present, the world is running on the free flow of people, goods, services, and data. Data localization laws seem to be a part of protectionist policies, which is a threat to the free flow of data.	1	0	1
-D01058	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	against	The US is against data localization laws. Recently at the G20 summit, Donald Trump, the president of the US spoke against data localization. Its stance is natural because it increases the operational costs of US companies. India-US bilateral relations are important for both countries because we are intertwined in the export and import of IT services, professionals and goods, etc. So, imposing data localization laws without threatening Indo-US relations is another challenge.	1	0	1
-D01085	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	against	If political parties come under the RTI, it will affect their smooth internal functioning. Rivals may use RTI to malign each other. Also, since the political parties are not connected to the public directly, an RTI would be invalid.	1	0	0
-D01102	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	against	Achieving excellence in anything takes time. Through graduation, students gain so much knowledge in the relevant field. So, it’s easier for employers to train these students for the industrial requirements.	1	0	0
-D01108	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	against	If a student from non-IT background chose to start a career in the IT field, the efforts they put into graduation will go in vain.	1	1	0
-D01109	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	against	Even though the new programming languages are replacing the old ones, the basic concepts are the same for almost all the programming languages. So, the one who has a degree in coding will have an advantage over the student from a non-IT background.	1	0	0
-D01114	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	against	 It has been seen that it is difficult to retain employees in lean times when they are on variable pay schemes. Workers who receive commissions do well when business is good, but they do poorly when business is bad. In times of slow business, even top salespeople might have difficulty making enough sales to earn a decent living. If the market is slow and commissioned workers can’t earn enough, they may look for other employment opportunities. In lean times, fixed wages can be more effective at keeping employees from leaving for other opportunities.	1	0	1
-D02013	We should forbid neo-banks	against	Due to their technological nature, neo-banks do not need any physical bank branches, which helps them save on overhead costs (the cost of running the business). Thus, neo-banks are able to offer lower fees and higher interest rates on checking and savings accounts to customers.	1	0	1
-D02017	We should forbid neo-banks	against	Since neo-banks are completely digital, they operate 24 hours a day and their services can be accessed at any time. They are easy to access from anywhere through a smartphone.	1	1	0
-D02036	NEET exam should be banned	against	NEET exam standardizes the entrance criterion for medical education across the country. As a high score is required to get into government medical colleges, the exam ensures meritocracy.	1	0	0
-D02037	NEET exam should be banned	against	But every year, less than 20% of the students are passing the exam. By this, it is evident that the quality of medical education in other countries where Indian students are studying is not at par with the medical education in India. So, it is very important to take steps to provide affordable and high-quality medical education in India.	1	0	0
-D02047	Companies should fight moonlighting	against	Some people moonlight to pursue their passion when the earnings from their passion cannot replace the salary from their main job. Several entrepreneurs take this route and leave their jobs once they earn enough from their new ventures.	1	0	1
-D02048	Companies should fight moonlighting	against	As per a study published by the Academy of Management Journal in 2021, moonlighting can provide a sense of control and motivation, which can improve the productivity of employees.	1	0	1
-D02050	Companies should fight moonlighting	against	Moonlighting can help in upskilling. A few people want to learn new skills apart from what they are working on in their primary job. This can help them in developing expertise in their field. Some might get bored with monotonous jobs and hence take up second jobs to learn new skills and thereby make their days exciting.	1	0	0
-D03011	College education should be free for everyone	against	At present, private investments in education led to improvement in the quality of education. Without the commercialization of education, the quality of education may not improve much.	1	0	1
-D03015	India should have 'One Nation - One Election' policy 	against	Frequent elections in the country will bring politicians back to the public frequently whereas cutting down on elections would mean making them lazy for the rest of the term and suddenly becoming overactive during the election year.	1	0	0
-D03054	Kids' reality shows should be banned	against	Reality shows give opportunity for children to bring out their hidden talents and to train their skills. It gives them a sense of purpose and direction from a very young age. The present education system doesn’t include other career options such as singing, acting, dancing, games, etc. Reality shows closes this loophole in the education system.	1	0	0
-D27029	US-Mexico border wall is a good thing	against	US treaties with Mexico won't let them build anything on the Rio Grande River and the areas around it. Furthermore, most of the areas along the border in Texas are privately owned which leaves a large part of the border uncovered. So, building the wall is not going to bring any change.	1	0	0
-D27071	We should ban kids' reality shows	against	Reality shows give opportunity for children to bring out their hidden talents and to finess their skills.	1	0	0
-D27072	We should ban kids' reality shows	against	Reality shows act like a launchpad for children into the film industry. Some of the present singers, choreographers are made into the movies through reality shows for children.	1	0	0
-D27096	Nepotism exists in Bollywood	against	Star kids also have an upbringing which is surrounded by the Bollywood industry. This gives them an advantage of getting adjusted and having a clearer overview of the industry. This might help them learn faster and do better which an outsider might not be able to.	1	0	0
-E01039	Electric cars are not a solution to air pollution	against	It's by no means irrelevant what kind of cars people use; 25% renewable + 25% nuclear + 50% combustible is better than 100% combustible gasoline. 	1	0	0
-E01053	The best way to save the world from climate change and protect the environment is to encourage everyone to start with themselves and look at what things they can do to help with this problem	against	This idea is what we have been doing for the last 30 years. It did not produce sufficient results to justify continuing on this path. It is just saying, that problem will solve itself. This proposition is harmful and does not stand on any data that could justify it.   	1	0	0
-E01055	The best way to save the world from climate change and protect the environment is to encourage everyone to start with themselves and look at what things they can do to help with this problem	against	We should arrange our cities, our economy, and politics so that it is easy for people to behave ecologically responsibly. It requires a lot of work now, but it is work that we have to do if we want to transition to something more sustainable. 	1	0	0
-E02024	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	against	We have millions of poor true Europeans that we can help, why help migrant who have nothing in common with us?	1	0	0
-E02037	The EU leadership must enter into strong agreements with the countries where immigrants come from, in order to retain them in their countries	against	If we want to uphold to our standards and what the EU represents, we shall help those immigrants and give them the tools to help us make our homes better and multicultural so when the chance is presented they can then have a way to help their countries. Simply blocking them out of our region and neglecting them won't solve anything. We will only make unnecessary enemies.	1	0	0
-E02044	The EU should have open borders with poor countries	against	Many migrants simply refuse to fight to change things in their own countries. Once a migrant told me 'I want what you have, why should I sweat to build it back in my country when here it's ready to be taken?' No thanks.	1	0	0
-E02045	The EU should have open borders with poor countries	against	If we need work force, we should look for Europeans to come, not for Afrikans, Arabic, and Muslims.	1	0	0
-E02062	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	against	The EU should treat economic migrants with more vigilance. They cannot be the solution to the aging European population. We need more focus on border control to curb illegal migration. 	1	1	0
-E02073	We need to change the immigration policy to prevent illegal crossing	against	Mass immigration is the biggest existential threat to the EU.  The UNCHR has already 70 million registered refugees, mainly from Africa and the ME. In Africa 400 million like to come to the EU.  Almost all people are without a useful education.  There is no other solution than an, almost, total stop to immigration.	1	0	0
-E03030	There should be an EU citizenship	against	If we do have an EU citizenship we will have an EU country and EU already proved to be no good dealing with problems and is extremely undemocratic and not listening to the people.	1	1	0
-E04023	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	If there are language problems, we need to work on national integration systems, e.g. in France where English is being thought in French. language.	1	0	0
-E04025	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	English is ideal as it is spoken internationally as the language of commerce, travel, and political exchange. Esperanto isn't.	1	0	0
-E04043	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants have a complete lack of critical thinking.  	1	0	0
-E04054	The European Union should be harder towards irreparable migrants, those who do not value their lives in peace, security, and prosperity.	against	Migrants have an enormous amount to offer in energy, new ideas, and cultures. Why this emphasis on imaginary 'takeovers'?	1	0	0
-E04090	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	against	Migration has been a fact of history and successful societies have found ways to turn migration into strength. In our case in order to alleviate the current challenge in the long term we need to alleviate migration pressure by making it attractive for migrants to stay put and help develop their own countries. Such a helpful project, a European Marshal Plan for Africa would be a good project to invest in. The long-term return on investment would be more than financial: A friendly neighbor continent, good relationships, access to the African market, and natural resources. That is not a short-term fix. And there is no short-term fix. We have to play the long game!	1	0	0
-E04110	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	against	Immigration should not be part of humanitarian aid. Humanitarian aid should be delivered directly to Africa / Asia. The Turkey deal should eventually be abolished.	1	0	0
-E05016	The EU should put more pressure on the non-euro area member states to adopt the single currency	against	There is a reason why these states don't want to join the common currency: their economies are more flexible and doing far better without it. If we really want more countries to start using the euro, we need to make the euro better, not pressure or force others into our inefficient system. 	1	0	0
-E05026	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	against	The European Parliament in its current form is completely inadequate at representing the interests of all citizens, including the labor force. I cannot agree to give it more power until it is ensured that the MEPs are more responsive to their constituents. Electing them from individual election districts (not lists) and reducing their mandate to 2-3 years would be a good first step. 	1	0	0
-E05037	The EU must be confederal and not federal	against	We need a real and effective European democracy, therefore, a European Federation.	1	1	0
-E05039	We need to strengthen the participation of citizens in the design and processes of the EU	against	First, we should empower people more: put an emphasis on education and build a control mechanism for internet propaganda, e.g. force transparency on which content is truly human and which is sponsored or created by organizations and companies. Second, we should criminalize deliberate misinformation properly. Third, we should restructure the representation of people in the European Union. After all the above-mentioned, we can think about establishing a more binding role of petitions to the European Parliament.	1	0	0
-E05048	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	against	In Germany, the President of the Executive is not elected by the people directly either. The reason for this is the horrible experience during the Third Reich. The Parliament - as the only constitutional institution being directly elected - has a stronger stand if the President is not elected directly. However I definitely support, that the Parliament becomes stronger and more influential. 	1	1	0
-E05062	Council meetings should be open to the public and the press	against	It would render the meetings useless since they would only be able to express official statements and instead negotiate new ideas without pressure.	1	0	0
-E05066	Voting for European Parliament Elections should be mandatory	against	High voter turnout is usually desirable, but it's a symptom, not the root cause. Forcing people to go to the polls doesn't mean they will make more informed choices. Besides, voter turnout is a good metric that tells us where the potential problems of voter disenfranchisement are which is the first step to addressing them.	1	0	0
-E05074	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	against	The European Commission has to be independent. It is not allowed to take instructions from any country, lobby group, or anyone else. An elected head of the Commission would make nonsense of the principle of independence that is vital to the trust in the Commission's job. He or she would be beholden to the group that elected him or her and make the job impossible.	1	0	0
-E05083	The President of the European Commission should be directly elected by direct universal suffrage	against	I don't think the EU needs the same problem as France where the elections are just about which guy people should select and which candidate looks the best to handle the position. 	1	0	0
-E05089	EU needs an action plan against digital addiction 	against	Technology brings people together when they are distant, accelerates bureaucratic procedures, it allows us to work from home or from any country in the EU or outside. It allows for an immense flow of information to be easily accessible to us. As long as people do not want to do illegal online activities, it is each person’s individual decision what to do with their own online time or how much time they might want to be online.	1	0	0
-E05148	Coronavirus protection should be advertised on TV and social media	against	That's a terrible idea. The government propaganda machine is already going at full steam. Do you have any idea what the psychological impact of these kinds of messages is when you blast them at people all day every day for over a year?  Depression, suicides, and domestic violence are all the consequences of living in a hopeless and high-stress environment for a protracted period of time and are at record levels throughout Europe. In this entire covid crisis the so-called 'health experts' have consequently ignored the fact that your mental state has a direct influence on your health. i.e.: If you're stressed out, you're more likely to get sick. Instead, they have willfully created panic. Just like your ad would.	1	0	0
-E06011	The EU needs more effective policies to combat online hate speech	against	I have advice on how you can defend against anything on the Internet. Turn it OFF. And one more piece of advice, try to study something about freedom and responsibility, they are not just mere words. Plato, Socrates, Hayek, Borovský, Auberon Herbert, Herbert Spencer, Roger Scruton, Ronald Reagan (speeches), Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson ... There are texts thousands of years old and also recent books ... you can start anywhere you wish ...	1	0	0
-E06026	The EU should ensure a free, independent, and functioning judiciary in its Member States	against	The administration of justice is a member state competence. Shadowy attempts by federalist institutions to enhance their influence at the expense of the sovereign member states are contrary to the letter of the EU Treaties, counter-productive, and have contributed greatly to the crisis of the EU by alienating national institutions. This is especially the case for courts. Several member states' high courts have declared the ECJ ultra vires (acting beyond its powers). This lawlessness on the part of federalist institutions must stop with immediate effect, and we must reaffirm the principles of subsidiarity and conferral. 	1	0	0
-E07009	The EU needs tougher border protection	against	Building walls is a sign of fear and weakness.	1	0	0
-E07014	There should be a common EU migration and asylum policy	against	A common policy is a completely wrong solution. It will only lead to the fact that the system will be fully implemented on the terms of Sweden and Germany, who support open borders, and will bring down the entire EU and the traditional welfare states.	1	0	0
-E07034	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	against	Just arguing to keep migrants out is very shortsighted and unhistorical. By keeping migrants out, migration pressure will not abate. So what do you suggest for next year, 10 years from now?  	1	0	0
-E07035	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	against	Migration has been a fact of history and successful societies have found ways to turn migration into strength. In our case in order to alleviate the current challenge in the long term we need to alleviate migration pressure by making it attractive for migrants to stay put and help develop their own countries. Such a helpful project, a European Marshal Plan for Africa would be a good project to invest in. The long-term return on investment would be more than financial: A friendly neighbor continent, good relationships, access to the African market, and natural resources. That is not a short-term fix. And there is no short-term fix. We have to play the long game!	1	0	1
-E07051	We need a single immigration policy.	against	What we are now seeing are the first waves of a human tsunami. In sub-Saharan Africa, over years the population will have grown to 2,0 billion.  That is more than the people who live in the EU and US today.  At the same time, the Population in the EU is shrinking. When we keep the border open the EU as a viable society will disappear.  Not much of a future for the young Europeans.	1	0	0
-E07052	We need a better distribution of refugees	against	The key to successful immigration depends upon the possibility of employment.  So EU members are to decide whom they want to admit.  	1	1	0
-E07053	We need a better distribution of refugees	against	Illegal immigrants have to be returned to UN refugee camps.   	1	0	0
-E07063	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	against	The EU leadership fails to carry out its fundamental duties: guard its border and protect its own people. Even 30 years after Schengen was introduced. 	1	0	0
-E07064	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	against	Immigration should not be part of humanitarian aid. Humanitarian aid should be delivered directly to Africa / Asia. The Turkey deal should eventually be abolished.	1	0	0
-E07094	We need a better distribution of refugees.	against	If you want migrants, invite them into your home.	1	0	0
-E07113	The EU should conclude an agreement with the United Kingdom and create together a European pillar of NATO	against	Forty years of UK membership in the European Union have clearly proven that it is not a good idea to conclude agreements with England.	1	0	0
-E07134	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	against	What are you 5? And what do you mean by first-world? Should we create a task force just to understand what countries are to be considered the first world? Is it the money? The religion? The food? Their political system? And then reevaluate each year? This comment is plain ignorant. 	1	0	0
-E07159	 Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity.	against	Changing the EU foreign policy voting procedure will cause serious problems.	1	0	0
-E07183	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	If there are language problems, we need to work on national integration systems, e.g. in France where English is being thought in French. language.	1	0	0
-E07185	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	English is ideal as it is spoken internationally as the language of commerce, travel, and political exchange. Esperanto isn't.	1	0	0
-E07217	Every young European should be asked to go live in another country for 1 year at least	against	If young Europeans are living abroad they will feel racism on their own in the country they are living in. 	1	0	0
-E07232	The EU should reduce its influence on its member states.	against	We can have a strong federal Europe that will protect the rights of individuals and communities, that will have the power to tackle the climate emergency, and stand up to other superpowers. Let's go forward and make the EU the shared home that we all want to live in, that can lead the world in dealing with the problems we face on our planet.  	1	1	0
-E07242	The European Union should be harder towards irreparable migrants, those who do not value their lives in peace, security, and prosperity.	against	Migrants have an enormous amount to offer in energy, new ideas, and cultures. Why this emphasis on imaginary 'takeovers'?	1	0	0
-E07249	 The EU should play a major role in a multipolar world	against	There is enough environmental task to handle and Europe have had its wars. But to streamline our powers and therefore try to save huge amounts of money is a no-brainer.	1	0	1
-E07259	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants have a complete lack of critical thinking.  	1	0	0
-E07260	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants willingly risk their lives.	1	0	0
-E07261	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants depend on other countries' social systems.	1	0	0