diff --git "a/data/raw/initial/arguments-training.tsv" "b/data/raw/initial/arguments-training.tsv"
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+++ "b/data/raw/initial/arguments-training.tsv"
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+Argument ID	Conclusion	Stance	Premise
+A01002	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning as it will only cause huge issues when you have a bunch of the same humans running around all acting the same.
+A01005	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food should be banned because it is really bad for your health and is costly.
+A01006	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	sometimes economic sanctions are the only thing that will get the corrupt governments to take action
+A01007	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment is sometimes the only option to keep criminals from committing more crimes.
+A01008	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming allows for the production of cheap food, which is a necessity for families surviving on a low income.
+A01009	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons help keep the peace in uncertain times
+A01010	We should prohibit school prayer	against	it should be allowed if the student wants to pray as long as it is not interfering with his classes
+A01011	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three strike laws can cause young people to be put away for life without a chance to straight out their life
+A01014	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	adopting austerity regime will have very negative impact on the poor and the vulnerable in society.
+A01015	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	we should adopt an austerity regime because it is unfair to expect future generations to settle the debts that we run up
+A01016	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender neutral language is just another way to try to please a group.  we have two sexes, men and women and they should be differentiate by the use of words.
+A01018	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions provide a non-military sanction to use against countries.
+A01019	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming cuts too many health and safety corners as opposed to smaller family farms, this leads to potentially unsafe and unhealthy products.
+A01020	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	It is important for news organizations to transfer to new forms of media, like the internet, but it is costly and requires subsidization.
+A02003	We should cancel pride parades	against	there are parades for every group and it is discrimination not to give gays their parade
+A02004	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	children have not grown and truly formed their adult looks.   cosmetic surgery for a child should be banned until as an adult the child can make a informed choice over their bodies not a whim of a child.
+A02005	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	we should legalize prostitution because it will be regulated meaning the females will be safer
+A02006	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research should be subsidized because it may lead to the development of treatments for a number of serious medical conditions.
+A02007	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithms may not be 100% accurate and reflect the situation in the real market
+A02008	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	We should legalize the organ trade because currently people are punished for obeying the law and not purchasing organs, in the form of longer wait times.
+A02010	We should legalize cannabis	against	if you start legalizing drugs it could open up the floodgates for more legalization of dangerous drugs.
+A02011	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons pose too serious a threat to our world.  we must abolish them now.
+A02012	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing doesn't differentiate between people who are interested in being called and those who aren't
+A02013	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer cannot account for the array of beliefs or non-beliefs students may hold.
+A02014	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	we should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms as everyone has a right to keep guns as a mean of protection as stated in the constitution.
+A02015	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	they are nothing but a cult and manipulate their members
+A02016	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	we need more organs than people donate so legalizing it would be a good thing
+A02019	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	School prayer is divisive and requires children to either support religion without question or be treated as different if they do not wish to attend, which marks people out by their differences at an early age.
+A02020	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia can form biased opinions on topics or misinform the general public and therefore should not be subsidized
+A03001	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	where compulsory voting exists, in countries like australia, participation rates are the highest in the world. this inevitably leads to more truly representative democracy.
+A03002	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution will further demean a woman or man and result in unnecessary violence.
+A03003	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	there are questions of it's legitimacy and whether it is a cult as well as the fact that members have to pay more to move up the levels thereby leading some to come into financial troubles due to this
+A03004	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	this law keeps communities safe by not letting criminals run rampant with only slaps on the wrist
+A03006	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis has been shown to be safer than alcohol and less addictive.  there is no real reason to keep it an illegal substance.
+A03007	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not have to change our language to accommodate those who do not adhere to a specific gender
+A03008	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	we should abolish zoos as animals should not be kept in captivity and should be in a natural environment.
+A03009	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is bad for adults and children and causes obesity and the risk of diabetes in many cases.
+A03010	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	it would give people more of a choice  and provides someone for every culture to vote for
+A03011	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is bad for our health and we really should ban any of it
+A03012	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will take away the jobs of thousands of people around the world by removing the function of drivers.
+A03013	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism and free expression of information and exchange of ideas is a basic human right, and subsidizing this would improve its quality and reach.
+A03015	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades create a huge disturbance
+A03016	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	Olympic Games should not be banned. They are the tissue that solidify the friendship between nations in the world and a reminder of a peaceful world which should be the world vision
+A03017	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farms keep animals in tight spaces.  they are forced to live in cages and not allowed to roam as they were meant to.
+A03019	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment has been proven ineffective in reducing crime rates.
+A04001	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	we should not abolish the right to bear arms because the law was set forth by our founding fathers, therefore making it an american right.
+A04002	We should subsidize space exploration	against	there are more important things to spend public funds on such as health care, housing and education.
+A04003	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms keep children from being able to express themselves through their clothing choices.
+A04004	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning is an unnatural act that goes against the laws of nature.  it is too dangerous of an act and is something man should not be tampering with.
+A04006	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	why should homosexuals have a pride parade?heterosexuals don't have them!
+A04007	We should prohibit school prayer	against	allowing children to pray and take some quiet time in school can be beneficial for their mental health.
+A04008	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	We should adopt a multi-party system as the current two party system does not fit the diverse society that it is supposed to represent.
+A04009	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	ip rights enable large corporations to have a stranglehold over creators designs and work and should be abolished
+A04010	We should subsidize journalism	against	there are many sectors need subsidizing more than journalism,  journalists already make good money, more money to them will be a waste.
+A04011	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis is highly addictive, studies show up to one-in10 users develop dependence over time
+A04013	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not adopt gender neutral language because were created as male and female
+A04014	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is a barbaric practice that destroys majestic animals
+A04016	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives deserve the money as they do a stressful and demanding job leading large organizations that hire large number of people.
+A04017	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	zero telerance policied do not address underlying causes for the behaviour that is causing the issue
+A04018	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms are too expensive and many parents can not afford the extra expense.
+A04020	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Nuclear weapons should be abolished because they have to potential to cause so much destruction.
+A05001	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	ideas are free thoughts so it's not fair for one person to profit off of it
+A05003	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions affect poor people more than governments
+A05005	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming is bad for the environment and should be banned
+A05006	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	if we legalize the organ trade we will save lives, by ensuring that more people who need an organ transplant actually get one.
+A05012	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research should be subsidized because it only requires a small amount of cells because of the fast replication rate
+A05013	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies could be a danger to our national security because their motives are financial in nature which means they could act in ways that are not in our country's best interest politcally.
+A05014	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism fosters a more equitable and efficient society for all
+A05015	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	these are usually located in universities. students need to prepare for the real world and know how to handle conflict. once they leave school they'll have no idea how to handle the constant conflict in life.
+A05016	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	the use of autonomous cars should result in a substantial reduction in road traffic accidents which currently are largely a result of human error.
+A05017	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is unnecessary and dangerous.
+A05018	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games cause turmoil and a lot of money.
+A05021	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	Legalizing marijuana would lead to a reduction in gang-related drug violence.
+A05022	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language because it avoids offending people with gender stereo-types
+A05023	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading should be banned as it manipulates the economy to benefit stockholders.
+A05027	We should ban whaling	against	There is little difference between the whaling industry  and our farming industries; humans are entitled to hunt animals to eat them and utilize them to our benefit.
+A05028	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	the world of show has proven to be full of vices that in the case of children is very harmful
+A05031	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should limit executives earnings.  some ceo's get millions of dollars for a salary plus housing, airplanes, and even get a package to leave the company.  all this while average worker could use more.
+A05033	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	this research is very controversial and against many religions
+A05034	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three is an arbitrary number and may not be appropriate in some instances or for some crimes
+A05036	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	the loss of experience and knowledge from mandatory retirement is costly to businesses
+A05039	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans set children up to be valuable citizens and the state should support this
+A05040	We should legalize sex selection	against	we should not do this because other countries like china already did and it caused an epidemic where there is a huge imbalance of males to females which disrupts the population
+A05041	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism prevents original thoughts and discourages people from looking for their own ideas
+A05042	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work plays on the ignorance of local people to exploit them
+A05044	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	activists judges aren't the ones shaping the laws. they're not "all" the people for who the laws are voted for. judicial activism has to be limited to only check for overuse of the power by governments
+A05045	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	subsidizing wikipedia can cause it to provide biased information
+A05047	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	treating everyone as a large group unit is not helpful for people who have different individual needs.
+A05048	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is sometimes the only way poor people can feed their families cheaply. if you ban it then you are taking away someone's only meal.
+A05049	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	prayer in schools violates a person's right to follow whatever religion they choose.
+A05050	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting goes against people's liberties and freedoms.
+A05052	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions can assist in deterring deadly threats against our nation
+A05053	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting makes for more informed voters
+A05054	We should adopt libertarianism	against	there are so many people in the world we all have to appreciate that we need to adopt certain rules and etiquette which everyone follows, if everyone pleased themselves no one would help each other.
+A05057	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	subsidizing wikipedia could be a back gateway to some form of governmental control, debasing the validity of the articles and information provided.
+A05058	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades encourage people to claim the rights and freedoms they are entitled to
+A05059	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades can show everyone that we tolerate everyone
+A05063	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	it should be banned so that it doesn't take away our farms and will cause more global warming
+A05064	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos do a lot of conservation work and have successfully bred animals which were on the verge of extinction.
+A05067	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery for minors should be banned because they are not finished growing no do they have a mature enough background to make a sound decision towards this procedure.
+A05068	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing should not be banned because it means that dangerous people can be stopped from injuring other people.
+A05069	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	the two-party system is cheaper and easier to operate that any multi-party system
+A05070	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism because it would be easier than being religious and having so many different beliefs
+A05071	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning should be banned because it allows designer humans to be grown according to the parents wishes.
+A05073	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is inhumane and unnecessary and killing the whale population.
+A05074	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime will help to reduce the deficit of the country
+A05075	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	people should not have to endure higher taxes to pay for the government's inefficiency.
+A05076	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	there is so much more to explore and learn about space that subsidising space exploration would bring us closer to learning and understanding what is beyond our planet.
+A05077	We should subsidize journalism	against	We should not subsidize journalism because there is already sufficient coverage of major issues from different viewpoints without government action.
+A05080	We should ban telemarketing	against	We should not ban telemarketing as it it allows people to learn about new products or services from the comfort of their own homes.
+A05081	We should abolish capital punishment	against	We should not abolish capital punishment because if the criminal done with their time in jail they may commit far more serious crime again because some criminal cannot be rehabilitated
+A05082	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading should be banned because it gives some people an unfair advantage.
+A05083	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalising prostitution will ensure the safety of both the sex trade worker and client
+A05086	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is intrusive, annoying and violates privacy
+A05087	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	We should end mandatory retirement because it removes people who are knowledgeable and skilled from jobs that they are good at.
+A05088	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	if you are not required to wear a uniform, you are free to choose clothing styles that are more favorable to your body type and coloring, which allows you to look your best
+A05089	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work is beneficial for those receiving aid.
+A05090	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	forcing children into wearing school uniforms shows our children that they cannot think as individuals and must conform to societies way of thinking.
+A05091	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Nuclear weapons can bring about a certain level of respect
+A05092	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology is actually a wealthy cult and members are abused physically and financially.
+A05093	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors lose the sense of a proper childhood.
+A05095	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we need the three strikes as a deterrent
+A05096	We should prohibit school prayer	against	a non-denominational school prayer is about as bad as reciting the pledge of allegiance in school, and should be allowed.
+A05097	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	children need to learn boundaries and consequences for their actions. they learn faster if there is immediate repercussions than if you let them do it over and over again.
+A05098	We should limit executive compensation	against	We should not limit executive compensation as they should get the salary equal to their contribution to the organisation.
+A05099	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	it will decrease the number of crimes and violence on the streets
+A06002	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are often a proportional punishment
+A06003	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are prohibitively expensive
+A06004	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms cost a lot and might not be affordable for everyone
+A06005	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Mandatory retirement lets companies more easily make space for new workers that have more of an incentive to work hard at a new job.
+A06008	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero tolerance policy at school is a good idea because children need to be disciplined as it might cut crime in the future.
+A06010	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	Safe spaces stifle dialogue about controversial topics, such as race, gender and religion.
+A06011	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions are unethical to the economies of smaller, underdeveloped countries.
+A06015	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors since it puts so much pressure on them. they should be growing up with a stable life and just enjoy being a kid.
+A06017	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should subsidize student loans as these are our future leaders and workers and we want to ensure their success in order to secure the countries success.
+A06019	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	prostitution should be legal as it can be controlled & monitored easier & be less dangerous
+A06020	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride marches are a crucial part of gay visibility and the fight for equality. ensuring that the fight against injustice continues, especially in countries where homosexuality is still a criminal offense.
+A07001	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades allow people to make connections and widen their social circles.
+A07006	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	people should keep their religion to themselves
+A07007	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	not everybody believes in or practices a religion so we should adopt atheism for them
+A07008	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions are used to bully other nations to act in your own interest, by harming the innocent citizens no less
+A07009	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	only governments can be trusted with armies so we should ban private military companies.
+A07010	We should legalize prostitution	against	it sets a bad example for younger generation and takes them away from the ethics of the society
+A07011	We should subsidize space exploration	against	there are much more important things to spend money on; space exploration is a low priority and should not be subsidized
+A07012	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism is more important than ever in an era of fake news and social media.
+A07014	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	we should abolish the olympic games because bring together different nations with radically different governments is dangerous.
+A07016	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming treats animals inhumanely, which is wrong and immoral.
+A07018	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	we need to prohibit school prayer, as not all people agree with it and it should not be forced on anyone
+A07019	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Setting a mandatory retirement age allows for the younger generations to move up the ladder and to better support their own families.
+A07020	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games encourage animosity between countries
+A07021	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity only leads to economic contraction that endangers the chance of reducing the debt.
+A07022	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	there are far more than two genders today, and thus, gender-neutral language only makes sense.
+A07023	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe places are not needed. people need to adjust to the world in which they live in and stop trying to always seek protection from the things they don't like.
+A07025	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	there are too many historical cases where innocent people have been put to death.
+A07026	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	multi-party systems offer voters more choices and more representation.
+A07031	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we cannot abolish intellectual property rights because artists and scientists need to have their ideas and innovations protected so that they can earn a living in their fields
+A07032	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	with so much sexual freedom these days prostitution should now be legal.
+A07033	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	they can cause accidents if the equipment fails.
+A07034	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis especially the skunk variety can be very harmful to people and can lead on to them using harder drugs so therefore it should be illegal.
+A07036	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism relies too heavily upon personal opinion and leads to bias.
+A07037	We should ban fast food	against	we all have the right to eat what we want, to prohibit a specific type of food is an abuse of power
+A07038	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	Allowing students to make their own choices regarding the clothes they wear prepares them for the adult world.
+A07039	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionaries are intrusive to other countries and very invasive to the culture.
+A07043	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery exists for vanity purposes doctors who offer the service should focus on treating people with real illnesses
+A07044	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is a cult that is harming society.
+A07045	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	there is no need to subsidize a site that isn't necessary
+A07046	We should adopt libertarianism	against	We should not adopt libertarianism because we need the government to provide essential services that are unprofitable.
+A07047	We should subsidize student loans	against	a person's education should be the responsibility of themselves
+A07049	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms is protected by our government and should be like that so people can defend their self.
+A07050	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis should be legalized because it is no worse than alchohol.
+A07051	We should cancel pride parades	against	we should continue to support pride parades because everyone has the right to do what they want as long as it does not harm others.
+A07053	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we should continue to support algorithmic trading as it gives orders a jump start rather than waiting until the complete order has been produced.
+A07054	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	if we end economic sanctions, then it would lead to a more fair trade market.
+A07055	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms are a good way to keep our kids from looking too sexualized from what they wear
+A07057	We should legalize sex selection	against	gender selection is essentially playing god.
+A07058	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is a predatory, litigation-happy organization that serves no good purpose in the world.
+A07059	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	animals in zoos have been repeatedly found to be malnourished and mistreated.
+A07060	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Organ sales increase the likelihood that people with rare blood types or conditions can find an organ.
+A07061	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to bear arms is a fundamental right since the creation of  this country, and should be protected.
+A07062	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	the number of fatalities that can be prevented with autonomous cars makes the development a moral imperative.
+A07063	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	adopting a multi-party system leads to the formation weak and unstable coalition governments
+A07066	We should ban the use of child actors	against	not all tv and movies is going to be adults only we need child actors to shows the world as it is
+A07067	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism allows for common sense to be applied where necessary
+A07068	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives provide profits to shareholders and should be compensated accordingly
+A07069	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	it is against certain religious beliefs and can be seen as immoral
+A07072	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection is the perfect solution to a family that has a history of all one gender.  many families want the perfect one and one so it's perfect for those as well.  it's a win no matter how you look.
+A07073	We should ban the use of child actors	against	we should not ban the use of child actors because we would not have the shows and movies that are otherwise available.
+A07074	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Non-trustworthy news sources and fake news stories abound. We must subsidize investigative journalism in order to ensure we have reliable news sources that report real facts.
+A07075	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	We should not ban cosmetic surgery for minors because there are legitimate cases when it would improve a young person's mental health.
+A07076	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	bullies should not be given second chances. being victim to school bullying is a major risk factor for developing mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts.
+A07077	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime would eliminate the national debt by directing money to where it really needs to go.
+A07079	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives people an unfair speed advantage over the rest of the field.
+A07080	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	if someone hasn't learned by the first two chances then they aren't going to stop committing crimes. it makes more sense to lock them away than to let them keep committing crimes against the population.
+A07082	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we should not adopt libertarianism because it will allow people to take advantage of the freedoms and eventually infringe on other people's freedoms.
+A07084	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	the abolition of nuclear weapons is a hugely important goal on the path to world peace.
+A07087	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	every individual should be able to choose whether or not they want to vote
+A07089	We should ban telemarketing	against	banning telemarketing has no approval anywhere as customers will not be able to see new products available to buy.
+A07091	We should ban targeted killing	against	targetted killing could potentially help reduce the number of crimes if terrorists are killed before they can cause more harm
+A07092	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	we have seperation of church and state for a reason.  schools are a government entity that is not suppose to be involved with, or support, any particular religion and the two need to stay seperate.
+A07093	We should ban human cloning	against	though it may sound awful, human cloning can provide perfect matches for organ transplants and prolong the lives of people.
+A07094	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights to break to the barriers if innovation, barring people from building on and improving ideas is counter productive
+A07095	We should oppose collectivism	against	supporting collectivism is important because groups value is most important in the society which we live today.
+A07096	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	yes ban it, if i wanted to buy something i would know where to look for it without being bothered with constant calls
+A07097	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is an important part of the diet, tradition and economies of many countries, and it is not our place to dictate terms as outsiders to their culture.
+A07098	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is valuable knowledge resource that should not be allowed to go under due to lack of resources and so should be subsidized
+A08001	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero tolerance policy will scare the children into behaving and following the rules.
+A08003	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people have to right to their own religious beliefs, no matter how odd others find it
+A08005	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	our country need to adopt the less intervention supported by libertarianism. people need to make their own choice and be responsible for the outcome.
+A08006	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	a judge shouldnt be able to show their personal views.
+A08007	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism is the true path to real freedom and autonomy for all
+A08009	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to carry firearms is a legal deterrent for politicians with tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies
+A08011	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces are for people who don't like to talk about the issues in a civilized manner
+A08012	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	humans don't have the right to play god with genetics
+A08013	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	Firearms are typically far more dangerous to the owner and his/her family than any intruder, due to misuse, murder, and suicide.
+A08014	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Without a mandatory retirement age available to the employer, dismissal procedures would be likely to begin earlier
+A08016	We should legalize cannabis	against	we should not legalize cannabis then more children will get a hold of it
+A08018	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms should be abolished because too many people die from gun violence in america.
+A08019	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	the school uniform is outdated and takes away individual personalities.
+A08020	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three strike laws perpetuate the for profit prison industrial complex and don't actually address the underlying issues driving people to commit crimes
+A09001	We should ban fast food	in favor of	is leading to increased obesity and many health problems.
+A09002	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	as a non-addictive natural substance that is less harmful than currently legal ones such as tobacco and alcohol, it seems that cannabis is still illegal simply due to old prejudices.
+A09003	We should ban the use of child actors	against	we must not prohibit the use of child actors because it goes against the right to work. children under the supervision of their parents can develop their artistic talent without affecting their personal growth
+A09004	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is great when you need a quick meal on the run and it is more nutritious than snacking on chocolate bars or unhealthy snacks.
+A09005	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people should be allowed to join any club, cult, religious group they want.  the government should not have a say in what an individual wants to participate in.
+A09006	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	we shouldn't abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it can help stop mass shootings if everyone has a gun
+A09007	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	language changes cannot be legislated, they evolve spontaneously over time. if people want to use gender-neutral language, it will slowly become part of their vocabulary
+A09008	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	if people want to use it then it is their choice
+A09009	We should legalize organ trade	against	we should not legalize organ trade because then people would be selling their organs just for money
+A09010	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judges should follow the letter of the law when making rulings and not make up things based on how they feel.
+A09011	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws often punish those who have been pushed into crime by their socioeconomic background, which is unjust.
+A09012	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	we need to keep our country safe and protected
+A09013	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars offer the opportunity for people  to spend more time on the things they enjoy doing during their commute rather than having to concentrate.
+A09014	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	historically missionaries have interfered in an unhealthy way with other cultures and continue to do so.
+A09015	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism doesn't account for obvious public needs that are better served through collective action rather than each individual competing for resources.
+A09017	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology encourages the isolation of it's members. this may lead to some members essentially being help against their will.
+A09018	We should adopt atheism	against	we should not adopt atheism because organized religion instills good morals into people.
+A09021	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	providing subsidies would allow more money to be spent on the editing process thus making wikepedia a more reliable source of information
+A09022	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces only shield people from the realities of the world and thus leave them unprepared.
+A09023	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	the world of acting is a high pressure, extremely stressful place and children should be protected from it.
+A09024	We should ban whaling	against	if people can get food and other products from whaling that helps sustain them, then it shouldn't be banned.
+A09025	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	it's the only way most people can afford college
+A09026	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights enable people to benefit from what they worked so hard to achieve.
+A09027	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	we should not adopt an austerity regime because people would end up with less money to pay the same amount of bills with.
+A09028	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	many people do not feel comfortable with their gender and feel offended when we use inappropriate words
+A09029	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies should be banned because it is immoral to make money off of war
+A09030	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	people need to grow up and realise the world is a hard place
+A09031	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Legalizing prostitution would make the profession less dangerous and less hazardous to one's health.
+A09033	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is a facet of socialism, communism, etc. and eliminates individual worth
+A09035	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	The Olympic games provides jobs and is a boost for the economy in the host country.
+A09036	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming helps to produce meat at a lower cost thus enabling those on a lower income to be able to purchase meats.
+A09037	We should prohibit school prayer	against	in today's hectic fast-paced society, it is freeing to take time to sit quietly and pray. it should be encouraged in our schools.
+A09038	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	we should introduce compulsory voting as all citizens need to have their voices heard to make the outcomes of elections more credible and truly representative of the whole population.
+A09039	We should ban missionary work	against	we should not ban missionary work because people have a right to help out others if they chose to do so
+A09040	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Children are not able to consent or conceptualize permanent changes which result from cosmetic surgery.
+A09042	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	the zero-tolerance policy is not a good thing at all , kids getting punished for their actions and humiliated in front of a audience is really not the great thing to do.
+A09043	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions hurt the poorest people of a nation
+A09045	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions can be very effective in bringing about social change
+A09046	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement should be ended as it is unfair on older people.
+A09048	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	In multi-party systems, there are many types of ideologies - as opposed to two-party systems, where the nation is not divided into two rival groups.
+A09051	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	recent dna evidence have proved that some death penalty inmates to be innocent. executing one innocent person is an enough proof that the capital punishment should be abolished.
+A09053	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can make trips more relaxing and help the traveler arrive refreshed and happy.  it can also eliminate road rage.
+A09058	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	WE SHOuld ban human cloning because it causes huge issues in terms of rights and ownership
+A09060	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	The Olympic Games allow for countries around the world to compete in friendly competition and is a healthy outlet for national pride.
+A09061	We should adopt atheism	against	freedom to choose what someone believes in is a right
+A09062	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	college is getting more and more expensive each year so students should be getting as much help as they need
+A09063	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	researchers found that in schools across the world with uniform policies students are more disciplined and concentrated
+A09064	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	abolishing the three strikes law would save money
+A09067	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment should be removed from society as it is a backwards and medieval solution to crime that has no place in a modern society.
+A09069	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism is biased and should be trashed.
+A09070	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	they serve as a deterant for any rogue dictator to strike an enemy
+A09071	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation should be limited in order to narrow the wage gap between c-level employees and line workers
+A09072	We should subsidize journalism	against	state subsidy of journalism would threaten the independence and objectivity of any such reporting. what journalist is going to bite the hand that feeds them?
+A09073	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos are a great and cheap way for children to learn about animals from all over the world.
+A09076	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	Cosmetic surgery is important to repair damaged skin or member of people involved in an accident. This will help them regain confidence and live their life fully
+A09077	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection can lead to an over abundance of a favored gender in society
+A09079	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	a person uses his imagination and hard work to write as book or music.  they should be able to benefit from their work.  it should not be in the public domain.
+A09080	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are a platforms for minority groups to spread awareness about discrimination and abuse
+A09082	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	Animals should not have to suffer to save a few dollars.   Businesses need to have better morals and treating animals with care should be a top priority regardless of the cost.   It also hurts small farmers.
+A09083	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing preys on people who are vulnerable and easily conned, such as the elderly.
+A09085	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	we should not subsidize embryonic stem cell research because it can harm life of a person once it is not done successfully
+A09086	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading provides people with more opportunities when it comes to trading.
+A09089	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalizing organ trade would being about more healthy organs and tissue for transplanting then currently is available.
+A09091	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	living within one's fiscal means is important
+A09093	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	You do not become unqualified for a job simply because you reach retirement age.
+A09094	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	we should adopt libertarianism because it cause less outside interference in your personal life
+A09096	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is a waste of money that could be used to feed people
+A09097	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	people have a right to be able to defend themselves  and their loved ones
+A09098	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	it is really just another name for assassination
+A09100	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing is like hiring a hitman except the government gets away with it.
+A10002	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are too young to know what they are doing so make them wait until they are adults and better able to make these types of decisions
+A10003	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	we should end all economic sanctions because they cause harm to both countries by preventing free trade which in turn will cause an economic downturn.
+A10004	We should subsidize journalism	against	aren't subsidies opening the door for manipulating journalists and inducing media bias in favor of the government?
+A10005	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast foods are extremely high in calories, and it's easy for a person to exceed the recommended number of calories when they eat fast foods
+A10007	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	minors should be allowed to have cosmetic surgery as long as their parents help make the decision. some cosmetic surgery would make a child with a deformity have better self esteem.
+A10009	We should legalize cannabis	against	Despite the propaganda, marijuana is actually more addictive than alcohol, the latter of which can be occasionally.
+A10011	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	the rulings offer a precedent and will become final, despite it potentially overriding any laws.
+A10012	We should abolish zoos	against	they should not abolish zoos since many are in danger of extinction, which need strategic places for scientific study or the collection of funds to finance projects.
+A10013	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is seen as a cruel and inhumane way of treating prisoners.
+A10014	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance policies keep schools safer by immediately removing the problem
+A10015	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in the constitution and cannot be infringed on or revoked - this would dilute the importance and sanctity of other doctrines.
+A10016	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism should be limited or altogether removed based on the fact that it is done from a feeling or thought rather than from the law
+A10017	We should ban the use of child actors	against	we shouldn't ban the use of child actors because it is a way for children to find a career early in their life
+A10018	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	some older workers love their job and would be devastated to be forced to stop working
+A10020	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment is a real deterant to crime and should not be abolished.
+A12001	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism reduces productivity from individuals as they have no incentive to do better.
+A12002	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	minors should be allowed plastic surgery, so long as they get consent from their parents and the plastic surgeon.
+A12003	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	students should be able to pursue higher education without worrying about being able to afford it. subsidizing students loans would make education more accessible.
+A12004	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions is bullying and it will not result in the country complying or changing their policies.
+A12005	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	There is no justification for mass destruction. Therefore, nuclear weapons are inherently immoral. Same as private persons should not be able to own assault weapons, the states should be barred from creating and owning nuclear weapons.
+A12006	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is a dangerous cult that has caused psychological harm to some of its members and has held some members against their will
+A12007	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	without being able to completely erradicate drug taking the olympic games is not an accurate representation of the skill of the sportsmen, making it an outdated and irrelevant competition.
+A12008	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	no one wins with nuclear weapons. if two or more countries nuked each other parts of, if not all of, the entire world is just gone. it destroys everything and solves nothing.
+A12010	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems slow down what gets done because we have too many different sides trying to come to an agreement
+A12014	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	not everyone has a strong opinion on every topic.  those who choose not to participate should have the freedom not to.
+A12015	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research helps to provide innovations in cancer treatment as well as help in the treatment of patient's with diseases such as parkinson's disease, subsidizing would allow for more funding.
+A12016	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement creates employment opportunities for the younger generation of workers, who would otherwise be increasingly shunted out.
+A12019	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympics have long been the goal for athletes to aim for to be the very best so abolishing the games would take away their dreams and ambitions.
+A12022	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	we should legalize sex selection because the parents are free to decide what gender they want
+A12023	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism allows for a check on decrees made by one branch of the government that may think that drastic action is needed for every situation.
+A12024	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	people should be allowed to get organs from other countries by buying them if the wait list for their transplant is too long and they are at risk of dying.
+A12025	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons are destructive and unnecessary
+A12026	We should ban human cloning	against	we should allow human cloning as this will be beneficial to scientific advances in the future.
+A12028	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	Intellectual property rights keep people from stealing others' ideas and selling them as their own.
+A12030	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games are usually a drain on the economy of the host city
+A12031	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	there are things at pride parades that young children should not see, regardless of one's sexual preferences.
+A12032	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	students should be able to state their opinions and by so learn to mature.  by punishing at first sign of disobedience we are just have conformity not learning.
+A12036	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	ai is the future and algorithmic trading is simply a form of ai that makes the most of trading opportunities which will be the norm in the not to distant future.
+A12037	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are important to understanding others
+A12038	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	Zoos are too small and do not provide animals with the space and habitat that they are born to.
+A12039	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we are exploiting the youth purely for entertainment
+A12042	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	we should abolish safe spaces because those who are easily offended need to grow up
+A12043	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	we should abandon the use of school uniform because people need to be free to express their thoughts on clothing
+A12044	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	adopting atheism would put a stop to conflicts that arise through conflicting religious beliefs making the world a safer place.
+A12046	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is efficient and lowers food production costs.
+A12049	We should limit executive compensation	against	we should not limit executive compensation because it is their company that they started, they have a right to the profits.
+A12050	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Allowing cosmetic surgery for minors makes it easy for minors to pressure well-intentioned parents even if it is objectively a bad decision. A ban prevents parents from being put in this situation.
+A12051	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	this is a slippery slope and cloning could be used for terrible purposes. it is dangerous to open this door.
+A12053	We should ban factory farming	against	we should not ban factory farming because it helps to keep up with demand for food.
+A12057	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender-neutral language is simply a natural progression in a society based on sexual equality - there is no reason for textual dominance, and such neutrality serves to gradually temper preconceptions.
+A12058	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research because it is necessary for the betterment of the human race. we may find cures for aging, diseases, or create new stronger genes.
+A12059	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	Schools now contain students of all religions and of none, by forcing these students to pray in schools you are infringing on their human rights, prayer is personal not public in school.
+A12060	We should end mandatory retirement	against	a mandatory retirement age helps employers regularly refresh the workforce with fresh talent
+A12061	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	there is never a justifiable reason to kill someone.
+A12063	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	austerity regimes provide an avenue for the government to balance up financial deficits and save the country from economic collapse
+A12064	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	supporting embryonic stem cell research is important because it is the future of medicine and it can help scientists to find new cures for diseases.
+A12065	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	they can be more dangerous than human drivers
+A12066	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning gives the chance for individuals to have a child that might not otherwise be able to
+A12067	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos should be abolished so that animals can thrive in a setting that allows them to roam free
+A12068	We should subsidize student loans	against	studen loans cannot be subsidised as not only is it unaffordable in the current climate, it would encourage universities offer degree courses purely for financial gain.
+A12069	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism is sometimes the best way to get things done
+A12071	We should ban whaling	against	whaling should be allowed when it will help to revive dwindling fish populations.
+A12072	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is the next frontier.
+A12075	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement is needed to keep businesses new and fresh with innovation from the younger generation.
+A12076	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	There is ample evidence showing that capital punishment does not constitute effective deterrence.
+A12077	We should subsidize student loans	against	there are other ways to channel student aid that is not subsidizing loans
+A12078	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	even if an algorithm can react quicker than a person, it can't predict markets accurately
+A12079	We should ban targeted killing	against	we should not ban targeted killing since they are effective at eliminating terrorists with a smaller number of civilians being killed than most other military weapon
+A12082	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a wonderful source of information for students and adults alike.
+A12083	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing shouldn't be banned, this is a free country and people have the right to call others and solicit items.
+A12085	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	when we allow abortion for any reason or purpose, sex selection cannot be excluded. in fact illegal sex selection only increased abortions as the alternative method to select gender
+A12086	We should subsidize space exploration	against	we should not subsidize space exploration because there are far more important things to spend public money on closer to home such as healthcare, education and transport infrastructure
+A12087	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows for more options and candidates that are more in line with certain populations as not everyone has the same political views.
+A12088	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	The death penalty is an old-fashioned, outdated, inhumane practice and must be abolished
+A12089	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	we should abolish zoos because it dangerous and not good for the animals to be out of their natural habitat just for the purpose of human entertainment
+A12090	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	parents should be able to choose what sex child they are going to have.
+A12092	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	it can be expensive to maintain property rights and therefore it should be abolished so that everyone has an even chance.
+A12094	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading allows for greater numbers of trades to happen, getting more people involved in the economy
+A12095	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games offer a friendly competition meeting where the best athletes around the world can come together to celebrate the best of human physical achievement.
+A12096	We should subsidize journalism	against	when you subsidize journalism you are making the reporting agency less likely to report anything bad about the place that is providing the funding. therefore you are getting less accurate news.
+A12099	We should end mandatory retirement	against	the companies that have the mandatory retirement policy maintain a rotation of employees fresher and updated with the new times
+A12100	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	pupils having to dress in school uniform means no one is singled out for not being able to afford expensive clothes.
+A12102	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery has too many risks of something going wrong compared to the benefit of looking more aesthetically pleasing.
+A12104	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we shouldn't ban the church of scientology because it is a way to study the nature of life
+A12106	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors should be allowed to work and contribute their talents to society.
+A12107	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games are a testament to the spirit of amateur athleticism.
+A12109	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism removes the big brother tyranny of big government and allows more freedom for the people
+A12110	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we shouldn't have to adopt a gender neutral language, i think people should just understand that people speak languages in different ways and they should be acceptable of that.
+A12111	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is cost effective because it is timely and accurate.
+A12112	We should ban fast food	against	we shouldn't ban fast food because it is an affordable option for people that might not be able to get hot food otherways.
+A12113	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	every one has the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies, it isn't in our place to decide if cosmetic surgery is bad for minors.
+A12115	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism takes care of an entire group's need vs just one persons.
+A12116	We should legalize cannabis	against	The Highway Loss Data Institute found an increased collision and crash risk in legal marijuana states
+A12117	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	It would help people spend less money, which would be good for the economy.
+A12118	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons are very volatile and should be done away with.
+A12119	We should legalize organ trade	against	Selling organs is dangerous, leading to many deaths on the operating table.
+A12121	We should legalize sex selection	against	allowing sex selection could lead to an imbalance of the genders in the population.
+A12122	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons help keep peace. it's an assurance policy. everyone knows that everyone loses if nuclear war breaks out. this keeps countries in line so as not to provoke a nuclear attack.
+A12123	We should abolish safe spaces	against	everyone needs a place where they can be accepted without judgment.
+A12124	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions work as intended and getting rid of them would make it more difficult to punish offending countries.
+A12126	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis has never been scientifically proven to help any conditions.
+A12128	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights should be abolished since it doesn't allow the sharing of ideas
+A12129	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution is linked to many rapes, molestation and murders of young women.
+A12131	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming reduces the cost of food
+A12132	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we need to subsidize space exploration in order to find an inhabitable planet we can live on when we finally destroy the one we live on now.
+A12135	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	many innocent lives were being taken by this profoundly flawed practice
+A12136	We should abolish capital punishment	against	some people can not be rehabilitated and will only continue their violent acts unless they are put to death.
+A12140	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	if people feel personal satisfaction within scientology, i do not see why we have to prohibit it.
+A12143	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	too many students have defaulted on loans or are paying them for many years.  by subsidizing these students we can assist in stopping this.
+A12145	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	if we ban missionary work, then a lot less people would be seeing propaganda.
+A12146	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	we should ban the church of scientology because they brainwash their members into giving them huge sums of money.
+A12148	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	we should not ban cosmetic surgery because there are some people that are seriously need it done to improve their lifestyles
+A12150	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	parents have every right to decide whether they give birth to a boy or a girl.
+A12154	We should ban targeted killing	against	based on the reason for targeted killing, in some cases this does make sense.  if a person is a serial murderer, and he is caught in gun fire, this type of killing of the murderer is warranted.
+A12155	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning is unethical and has repercussions that we do not even know yet.
+A12156	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars would help people who are disabled be able to have their own transportation.
+A12157	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors miss out on socialization with kids their own age and fall behind in school
+A12161	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Capital punishment provides closure for victim's families who can be reassured that the perpetrator can literally never harm anyone again.
+A12162	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms allow children to attend school without peer pressure on clothing.
+A12163	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming has allowed the prices of food to drop drastically.
+A12164	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	a criminal will think twice about committing a crime knowing that the next crime he commits might mean life imprisonment.
+A12166	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is faster and more accurate than human guesswork and so provides greater value to shareholders.
+A12167	We should ban private military companies	against	the state can not have exclusivity in the creation of weapons, leaving aside private capital as a source of technological innovations for our defense
+A12170	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	children's brains have not matured and developed enough to make life long choices with regards to under going cosmetic surgery.
+A12171	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalising prostitution could lead to more serious crimes such as women becoming involved in the drug trade or people trafficking.
+A12172	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism is an important part of our country.
+A12173	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	With genders now being more equal than ever, and gender neutrality growing exponentially the old gendered language is just a historic anachronism.
+A12174	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	it is unfair to convict someone for a third crime that isn't dependent of the crime's magnitude
+A12175	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are a necessary step towards bringing awareness to the world that all human beings deserve respect and acceptance.
+A12177	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces are essential to people struggling its mental health problems and getting rid of them would increase their likelihood of abusing drugs to cope.
+A12179	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	having intellectual property rights is a deterrent for those that would steal another persons ideas and creations so we must not abolish that.
+A12181	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	We should abolish safe spaces because they put public funding for universities at risk, due to backlash from right wing legislatures.
+A12182	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	making a child work as an actor deprives them of childhood experiences and interactions.
+A12183	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism removes an individual's right to promote their private interests and exercise autonomy
+A12184	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	if prostitution was legal then the people would be able to be better protected and diseases could be controlled more.
+A12185	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies should be banned as they are not subject to military laws
+A12187	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	amulti-party system can lead to unstable coalitions in order to get into power
+A12188	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming should be banned as the animals in these farms are held in bad conditions.
+A12189	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism must be supported by all means because judges  knows law and they acting inside the law by judicial activism.
+A12191	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions make items made in foreign countries and shipped here more affordable for struggling americans.
+A12194	We should ban human cloning	against	cloning humans can allow us to advance science and medicine in ways which could save millions of lives by producing organs, stem cells, etc., for those in need.
+A12195	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming creates health hazards and leads to an increase in pollution.  overall it is bad for the environment
+A12199	We should adopt atheism	against	people are entitled to believe in any god that they choose to believe in. as religion offers comfort, aatheism should not be adopted.
+A12203	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we should definitely ban targeted killing because the loss of life should never be a planned event.
+A12206	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is part of a great number of cultures
+A12207	We should ban targeted killing	against	We should not ban targeted killing as it is the only way to deal with particular criminals who are otherwise not able to be captured or killed.
+A12209	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning is very open to abuse and could be used for the wrong things
+A12210	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces should be abolished as this it just makes our society weak.
+A12212	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is known to contain unhealthy fats and no necessary nutrients
+A12213	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism doesn't allow people to stand up on their own for what they believe in
+A12215	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos force animals into an existence outside of their natural habitat for our viewing pleasure.  it is not right to subject them to such an environment.
+A12216	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism can highlight wrong legislation, or deliver accurate justice that cannot be addressed through the existing laws
+A12217	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Cosmetic surgery promotes a capitalistic society that focuses on solving problems with money rather than personal acceptance.
+A12218	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance policies are helpful as they stop children misbehaving
+A12221	We should ban whaling	in favor of	we should ban whaling because there is very little profit in the business and does nothing but kill fairly rare animals.
+A12222	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	too many choices in political parties separates people in a country instead of helping them to unite.
+A12223	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not adopt gender-neutral language because no reason to change the way people have been speaking for hundreds of years
+A12224	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is necessary in our society as a way to control and protect the environment in which the animals are living so they are not subjected to disease and predators.
+A12226	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis is no more harmful than cigarettes or alcohol, and no more addictive than the two.
+A12227	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	It's bad enough having to take out a student loan in the first place, but even more students from poorer backgrounds will be reluctant to go into higher education if their student loans aren't subsidized.
+A12228	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will reduce the human margin of error to near zero and make for a safer commute.
+A12229	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	i don't think tax dollars should be going towards researching embryonic stem cells.   there is much better usage for our money than that.   we do not need to subsidize this.
+A12230	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing targets the weak and encourages them to buy what they can't afford.
+A12231	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are a threat to our democracy and should not be tolerated anymore
+A12232	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism has been an important profession.
+A12233	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Atheism is a valid form of thinking just as many controlled religions. We should adopt and accept it as we do with other beliefs.
+A12234	We should limit judicial activism	against	all avenues should be looked at, not just the supposedly straight forward.
+A12235	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism gives the group priority over individual needs - this would be very unfair for some individuals who may have a higher or different need than the majority of the group
+A12236	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	A multi-party system allows for greater choice in whom to vote for.  It allows each citizen to vote for the party that best fits their beliefs and represents their ideology.
+A12238	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	programmes will always evolve to make better use of trading practices, so holding people back from using algorithmic trading will only serve to slow down progress.
+A12239	We should cancel pride parades	against	gay people have suffered alot over the decades and should be entitled to have a parade celebrating their sexuality.
+A12240	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	if everything was spoken about gender neutrally then no one would be offended.
+A12241	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	the open source nature of wikipedia means anyone can add gibberish and falsehood in its contents thereby making it unreliable.
+A12242	We should ban missionary work	against	Missionary work has helped to civilize entire socities.
+A12244	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the ability to keep and use firearms is instrumental in a person's ability to persue safety, life and liberty
+A12245	We should adopt atheism	against	many people use religion to connect with their family as well as loved ones that are no longer alive - losing this comforting connection would be devastating for some.
+A12249	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies provide additional soldiers in places where it is necessary
+A12251	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	Adolescents can be very self-conscious about their appearance. If a student thinks their uniform is unflattering, it may cause them discomfort and embarrassment.
+A12252	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	we should legalize organ trade because many people who are in need of organs have trouble getting good organs.
+A12253	We should ban private military companies	against	we should not ban private military companies because they protect people
+A12256	We should ban fast food	against	banning fast food is an example of regulations which take away our right to freedom.
+A12257	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms as this right has gotten out of hand with too many mass shootings.
+A12258	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games are too expensive to be held
+A12259	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling should be banned because it harms economic activity that's generated by whale watching
+A12260	We should end mandatory retirement	against	certain professions, such as police officer and air traffic controller, have mandatory retirement ages  to ensure that the person who is responsible for the safety of others remains competent to do his job
+A12262	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism allows the expression of free will and would make society more interesting by allowing people to be as they truly are.
+A12265	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	bannabis should be legalized as it has been proven to have medical benefits that outweigh any negative effects. it will also remove it from the control of criminals and gangsters
+A12266	We should cancel pride parades	against	cancelling pride parades goes against what they stand for.  those parades are vital for spreading acceptance.
+A12268	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender-neutral language will cause confusion if we don't know who is being referred to
+A12269	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	it is unfair on those being bullied to punish them the same as you punish the bully
+A12273	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	some people do not feel capable of exercising such a responsibility
+A12275	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos trap animals into a meaningless life only to amuse human onlookers
+A12276	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is dangerous and should be banned.
+A12277	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	those authoring articles on wikipedia are not necessarily experts on the topic and there is risk of inaccurate information being broadcast.
+A12278	We should legalize organ trade	against	we would end up in bidding wars where only the rich could be helped
+A12279	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning because playing god can be dangerous.
+A12283	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should limit executive compensation for national ecomics
+A12285	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is unfair to large populations and should be stopped
+A12286	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	CEO's make 100 times what an average worker make and they do not actually generate any capital.
+A12287	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	turn out figures are unacceptably low, we need to motivate people to be active voters for a representative democracy
+A12288	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	we should ban algorithmic trading because most people have no idea how it works and if it is good for them or not
+A12289	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos aren't all properly regulated and some animals are kept in appalling conditions they should be left in their natural environment
+A12291	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	we should limit judicial activism as it goes outside the set laws and eventually could go to far to one person creating their own agendas.
+A12292	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will allow people to do more instead of wasting time in traffic
+A12293	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would make the election practice fairer.
+A12295	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is good for busy people allowing the to pick up something to eat on the go.
+A12297	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons create such irreversible damage that we should all agree to remove them as an option.
+A12298	We should ban fast food	against	Some fast food restaurants offer healthy alternatives and provide a quick , nutritious meal on-the-go.
+A12300	We should ban whaling	against	most whaling is done under controlled situations, and is done for research purposes.
+A12301	We should abolish capital punishment	against	strict capital punishment brings justice and closure to the victim's family
+A12302	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	zero tolerance leaves no room for individual cases where it may do more harm than good
+A12303	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	excessive wages damage company profitabity and is an abuse of the shareholders
+A12304	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is not free to run even if it is free to users. subsidization would help keep it free for users.
+A12305	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games allow for true amateur athletes to live out their dreams.
+A12307	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	it costs too much to build for the games and never use those buildings again
+A12308	We should legalize cannabis	against	sale of cannabis should not be legalized because it is a dangerous drug and as such is a public health concern
+A12310	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism promotes political freedom of choice as its core value, and is the ultimate expression of democracy.
+A12312	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work should be banned as it can be abused and vulnerable people can be taken advantage of
+A12314	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	people should be able to go to school and better themselves without having to pay back thousands of dollars when they graduate.
+A12315	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	as americans we are granted the right of due process. sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that must be taken into account.
+A12316	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	parades bring in homophobic people that bully the members of the parade.
+A12317	We should ban private military companies	against	we shouldn't ban private military companies as they are doing a job and keeping people safe
+A12318	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime is the most effective way to reduce the national debt.
+A12319	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we shouldn't abolish the three strikes law because it is necessary to ensure society understands the ramifications of repeated ill behavior. three felonies is just about enough as far as i'm concerned.
+A12320	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos bring a lot of money in which can be spent on animal research and stop their extinction.
+A12322	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not place any restrictions on freedom of speech, many of the restrictions are arbitrary and unnecessary such as the "gingerbread man" becoming the "gingerbread person"
+A12326	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	the use of child actors exploits a child and can have negative effects on them
+A12327	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	we should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it is a constitutional right to own weapons to protect ourselves.
+A12328	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is annoying for people as they do not request a phone call and vunerable people such as the elderly often feel threatened into taking part.
+A12329	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces allow individuals a place to feel comfortable without having to worry about feeling judged for who they are or whom they love.
+A12330	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces equal non-free speech spaces and that is against the law.
+A12331	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	we should definitely oppose collectivism because there is less autonomy in terms of thoughts and ideas. everyone will just go along with the group.
+A12332	We should limit executive compensation	against	an executive has worked hard to get to that position through study and prior work experience. they should be compensated for their value to the company.
+A12333	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars can be hacked and become a dangerous weapon for evil persons
+A12334	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes hurt the common man by reducing support for schools and health care.
+A12336	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	We should legalize prostitution since it should be out in the open. controlled and supervised- instead of hidden. this is most efficient way to improve sex workers conditions and pave their way to independence.
+A12337	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	The possession of nuclear weapons is illegal under international humanitarian law.
+A12339	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism undermines the rule of law
+A12342	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism enables communities to work together for the greater good.
+A12343	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	plastic surgery can cause many complications and infections and does not address the underlying self esteem issues of the patient
+A12345	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is wiping out species for little in return.
+A12346	We should adopt atheism	against	people should be  free to worship who they want religion can instill good values and morals into people
+A12348	We should subsidize journalism	against	subsidizing journalism could raise questions about bias and editorial independence.
+A12349	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces are necessary so that traditionally marginalised groups can interact freely without fear of harm and oppression.
+A12350	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt athiesm because no religion will stop lots of wars and arguements.
+A12351	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	if we abolish the rights, then companies will stop developing products and ideas as they will know that there is no way they can make back the cost of r&d and so will run at losses
+A12352	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws are unnecessary because states already have ways of punishing recidivism more harshly.
+A12353	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration doesn't have any immediate benefits for the general public
+A12355	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	we should subsidize wikipedia because wikipedia helps people to learn about any and everything they want to learn about.
+A12356	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	all schools should adopt a zero-tolerance policy as kids need to know they can not act inappropriately at any given moment when in school.
+A12357	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multiparty system blurs the citizenship of a vision and model of country. we should not adopt a multiparty system because it would waste valuable time to agree
+A12358	We should abolish capital punishment	against	If capital punishment is unfairly applied we should focus on fixing that, not abolishing it entirely.
+A12360	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	we should not ban cosmetic surgery because it could help a disfigured person regain confidence.
+A12361	We should subsidize student loans	against	tax payers shouldn't have to pay for other people to have an education when they dint get the same chances.
+A12362	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	in the interest of world peace we should adopt atheism and would then avoid religious wars
+A12364	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	Too much drugs depend on the availability of cannabis. legalizing it will make development of these drugs quicker
+A12365	We should subsidize journalism	against	we should not subsidize journalism because it is a poor use of public money when things like healthcare and education are short of funding
+A12368	We should adopt libertarianism	against	We should not adopt libertarianism because people's lives are better when they know they have a social safety net to fall back on, and that they won't starve if they lose their job.
+A12369	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	subsidizing journalism would bring more accurate reporting because it would allow for the hiring of more qualified reporters.
+A12372	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	gun violence is out of control and the only solution is to take away guns
+A12374	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms is one of the tenets of our country
+A12375	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is risky to participate in.
+A12376	We should ban whaling	in favor of	Whale meat has high levels of mercury and is unhealthy as part of a diet.
+A12377	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero tolerance sets a clear and specific guideline for all to adhere to
+A12379	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	a three-strikes system does not allow for people to be treated fairly as individuals and instead is used as a "one-size-fits-all" control method for minority populations.
+A12381	We should subsidize journalism	against	it could become partial to whoever pays
+A12383	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing may help avoiding terrorists attacks and is a very useful thing
+A12385	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws reduce the power of judges and discretion in the court room, making judgments shallower.
+A12386	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions can help force countries to provide better treatment for the common people of that country.
+A12387	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three strike law prohibits reform of offenders.
+A12389	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research  can lead to new cures for diseases.
+A12390	We should subsidize space exploration	against	Space travel has health dangers. Astronauts and space tourists face risks from radiation, which can cause illness and injure organs.
+A12392	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions can help control financial situations
+A12393	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism would be a huge mistake, especially for the poor in our nation.
+A12396	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	prayer is a personal choice. enforcing school prayer may expose students to ideas they are not comfortable with.
+A12397	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws destroy families by taking away parents and children for the rest of their lives with no chance of parole.
+A12398	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions do help western countries to  avoid the spread of terrorism.
+A12400	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	the countries regular citizens are the ones who are hurt the most by sanctions.
+A12401	We should ban missionary work	against	we should not ban missionary work because if people want to help out others that is their business and no one elses
+A12403	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	we should ban the church of scientology as many ex-members report manipulation and bullying and it has been reported to be a cult which has seperated families.
+A12404	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a job for some and banning it would take jobs away.
+A12405	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we should subsidize space exploration because someday we may have to leave earth behind once we deplete all our resources or because of a nuclear war.
+A12407	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting ensures that our leaders reflect the will of all people, not just those who were able/motivated enough to make it to the polls.
+A12408	We should ban the use of child actors	against	if parents agree for their kids to do acting, i can`t see any problem with it.
+A12412	We should subsidize space exploration	against	there is nothing that can come from space research that will help the country so why waste so much money?
+A12413	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	the school uniform generates in the student respect and adherence to the rules. eliminating the use of school uniform goes against the establishment of routine and responsibility towards the institution
+A12416	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors should not be allowed to have an elective cosmetic surgery.  their bodies are still growing and changing and should be allowed to mature before going under the knife.
+A12417	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algirithmic trading reduces the possibilty of error and just furthers profit for finance companies
+A12418	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades can cause increased tensions which requires more police protection.  this can also cause fighting to break out.
+A12419	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	this is absolutely something we should ban because children shouldn't be encouraged to be dissatisfied with their bodies
+A12420	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	working together for a greater good favouring the less well off and giving freedom of choice can only benefit society as a whole.
+A12423	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	prayer in school should be prohibited because it violates the separation of prayer and state
+A12425	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars leave both passengers and pedestrians vulnerable to malicious hacking which could cause wide scale destruction.
+A12426	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	we should end the use of economic sanctions because it causes more conflict.
+A12427	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer encourages children to be open minded and learn about other cultures and religions
+A12428	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	uniforms allow students to look the same and not have to follow the fashion while at school
+A12430	We should adopt atheism	against	Adopting atheism takes away the freedom of worship that people are promised in this country.
+A12433	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades allow marginalized groups to have a space in order to gather and celebrate and boost their self-esteem.
+A12435	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	very often prostitutes are the most vulnerable in society and have drug and alcohol problems. they need to be properly protected.
+A12437	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	if an individual has created any property it is his to determine it's use
+A12438	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legal organ trade would help prevent wait lists
+A12439	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	The true purposes of telemarketing are to pressure feeble-minded people into buying things they don't really want, and to make it easier to get away with fraud
+A12440	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalising prostitution can only be beneficial to the sex workers and their clients from a safety and health point of view.
+A12441	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	more voters would boost voter turnout.
+A12442	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	if a person wants to continue working, that is their right.  they should not be forced to stop based on some arbitrary rule made up by someone.
+A12444	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	being a citizen of your country requires you to have at least some duty to the nation.
+A12446	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalizing prostitution could allow for regulations that make prostitutes and the people that use their services safer and healthier.
+A12450	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	Citizens should be allowed to defend themselves with lethal force in a life-or-death situation because the police are typically slow to respond to such situations.
+A12453	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors are necessary and children can learn how to work even from an early age
+A12454	We should limit executive compensation	against	companies should be able to pay as much as they like as long as it's above minimum wahe
+A12455	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans should be subsidized as this allows those from marginalized or poorer sections of society to access good education
+A12458	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution can many women as well as children vulnerable to the dangerous and immoral legal acceptance of prostitution.
+A12459	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery makes people feel self-conscious about themselves, providing false imagery of natural beauty
+A12461	We should limit executive compensation	against	people should receive benefits for achieving higher goals and executives should also receive those compensations.
+A12462	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos maintain animals in unnatural, cramped conditions - they are exploited for the benefit of a paying public, with little concern about their happiness of welfare.
+A12464	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	since intellectual property is such covers such a broad spectrum, it is difficult to prove that rights have been infringed leading to lengthy legal cases and should, therefore be abolished.
+A12467	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	it would make people who are gender challenged feel better.
+A12468	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	everyone should have the right to keep and bear arms for protection
+A12469	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research is an advanced medicine progress that should not be stopped
+A12470	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can provide a way for science to overcome negative qualities in humans, such as birth defects, so overall it is a positive technology that should be allowed to flourish.
+A12474	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	tywo party systems no longer reflect the growing diversity of political views, only a multi party system can do this.
+A12475	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology is just a business that is trying to scam people out of money.
+A12476	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	killing someone is never okay even if they are a killer.
+A12478	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we should  fund journalism to serve the public interest.
+A12479	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	without intellection property rights there is no incentive to research and develop new products
+A12481	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing can harm vulnerable people who are less able to say no.
+A12482	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing is often the only way to get to the enemy.
+A12485	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is an important cultural tradition in countries such as japan; therefore we should allow it to continue.
+A12486	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing can be misused by a despotic regime; it should be banned.
+A12488	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	subsidizing wikipedia will lead to bias in the contents. content creators and moderators will be afraid to criticize the people who contribute money to wikipedia
+A12489	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is needed in order to feed our ever increasing population.
+A12490	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms should be abolished because countries with strict gun control are far safer because they have far fewer incidents of violent gun crime
+A12492	We should ban fast food	against	fast food shouldn't be banned because it helps people save times
+A12493	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection should not be legalized as it is unethical
+A12495	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionaries try to force their religion or ideas on people that are already happy the way they are.
+A12498	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration has the ability to solve the problem of limited materials on earth
+A12499	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	The government must use least restrictive means to avoid encroaching on people's freedoms. As such they should educate and regulate cosmetic surgery for minors instead of banning it.
+A12500	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting will eliminate voter suppression which is a big problem in this country
+A13001	We should adopt libertarianism	against	adopting libertarianism would eliminate many social programs, reducing access t food and health care to those in need
+A13002	We should legalize organ trade	against	legalizing the organ trade would lead to people forcing or coercing other into giving their organs. this would increase death and suffering.
+A13004	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we should not ban the church of scientology because in this country everyone has the right to freely practice whatever religion they  want.
+A13006	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	olympic games gives the world a chance to see the talent of many athletes from around the world
+A13007	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights because we never can truly know that someone came up with something.
+A13009	We should subsidize space exploration	against	subsidizing space exploration takes money away from more important issues.
+A13010	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work puts people in intrusive positions against those who have inhabited the same land and have had the same customs for centuries.
+A13012	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading allows for more timely, accurate, and efficient trading.
+A13013	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment might be the only way to fairly punish a criminal for an exceedingly awful crime.
+A13015	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	the value of a group should not be deemed more important just because of the amount of people. it does not increase their value.
+A13016	We should adopt atheism	against	We should not adopt atheism as government should not be able to dictate people's religious freedom.
+A13017	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	As people continue to have children later and later, mandatory retirement prevents people from being able to provide for their family and dependents.
+A13018	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	we should not stop the development of autonomous cars because it will help the people more easily on driving and will provide more safety.
+A13019	We should abolish zoos	against	some species are endangered and threatened by poaching. zoos are a place were we can guarantee their safety and survival.
+A13020	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces prevent people from challenging ideas different than their own.
+A14001	We should ban fast food	against	banning this is a slippery slope to all sorts of objectively unhealthy food on the market
+A14002	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Fallout from nuclear weapons gets carried across the world by the wind, we must abolish nuclear weapons so that conflicts between individual states don't cause nuclear damage in neighboring states.
+A14006	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is an efficient way to grow mass amounts of food for the food supply chain. it pushes innovation and makes farming more efficient and safer outcomes for the food supply.
+A14007	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	we should not subsidize embryonic stem cell research as that is done by private companies and they can raiser their own money.
+A14009	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we have a tremendous amount of highly intelligent /students who could not go to college without subsidizes. these students could find cures to fatal illnesses and should be subsidized to benefit all of society.
+A14011	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime would be good for the economy
+A14012	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection is unnatural and will have long term negative consequences on society. we will become overpopulated with male children and females will become targets of sexual crimes.
+A14013	We should abolish safe spaces	against	the abused have the right to have spaces where they can have tolerance and not suffer abuse
+A14014	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions hurt the poor, working class and has little affect on the ruling party.
+A14016	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work allows people in developing countries access to new ways of thinking and possibilities for how they live their life.
+A14017	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights are expensive to maintain and hold back the spread of new ideas
+A14019	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	stop the development of autonomous cars because it can cause accidents due to the laws in different countries being different
+A14020	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms are a way of stifling the creativity and individuality of students.
+A15002	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is the cause of the ever increasing chronic conditions and obesity in our nation.
+A15004	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces are a place where minorities of any sort are safe to be who they are and are safe from discrimination, negative comments and harassment and in today's intolerant society are much needed.
+A15005	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	people should be encouraged to individuals
+A15009	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to bear arms had and will only lead to people killing innocent people.
+A15010	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies have no governmental controls and can do more harm then good.
+A15012	We should legalize sex selection	against	There is no certainty that the process will be a success, and couples may end up wasting time and money.
+A15013	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Capital punishment can be replaced by more ethical but equally punishing alternatives, like life without parole.
+A15014	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is very economical and it provides an easy way for companies to offer their products and services to people.  telemarketers are merely asking whether someone wants something or not.
+A15015	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we need to subsidize space exploration so we can find somewhere for the human race to go when we finally get done destroying our planet.
+A15017	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a valuable source of information in all things and would be missed if it were not able to continue due to lack of support
+A15018	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing should be banned because the individual doesn't stand a chance against government hired hitmen. instead, a fair trial should be carried out.
+A15019	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis use has been linked to mental problems in youth and shouldn't be legalized.
+A15020	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights mean that the people who come up with ideas or products get the financial gains from said product and so makes people more likely to innovate
+A17002	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	schools already have systems and hierarchies, there is no need to employ further policies.
+A17003	We should cancel pride parades	against	thepride parades are part of the empowerment of the lgbt community
+A17004	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos allow people to see many animals in their natural habitat that most people would never see.
+A17005	We should limit judicial activism	against	each case has different circumstances and certain things need to be taken into consideration for each one. judicial activism allow the court to consider the circumstances of each crime.
+A17006	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	it is just another way for lazy people to do as little as possible.
+A17007	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars reduce the risk of human error, thus leading to safer roads.
+A17008	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can help transport those unable to drive themselves
+A17009	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism allows people to make their own choices without government interference.
+A17011	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading can cause unnatural market movements.
+A17012	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judges should be limited to upholding law rather than making it. that job is politicians.
+A17013	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we should not ban the church of scientology as people have the right to support any religion they choose and the church contributes money to good causes.
+A17015	We should ban human cloning	against	we should not ban human cloning as we need to continue to work to the betterment of the health and welfare of the people.
+A17016	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	this is a free country and citizens should have the right to vote or not to vote.
+A17017	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are a great way teach people about animals and how important they are
+A17018	We should abolish zoos	against	a zoo is a safe place for animals who lost their homes and are not able to care for themselves
+A17019	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	should uniforms are costly and children should be allowed to where their own cheaper clothes
+A17020	We should limit judicial activism	against	modern days require modern measures and judicial activism brings present day thinking and opinions into important cases to stay up to date
+A18003	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	unwanted telemarketing is a form of harassment, it's extremely annoying and it's got so out of hand that people are unable to avoid or opt out of it.
+A18005	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	we should legalize prostitution because if someone really wants to use those services, they should have the right to do so.  we can just regulate it.
+A18006	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	using child actors keeps the children out of school .
+A18007	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	voting should be a choice for every person
+A18008	We should ban fast food	in favor of	we should ban fast food because all of the chemicals it is made with is unhealthy and makes you obese
+A18010	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games only benefit the rich as they are the only people who can afford to compete or attend the games.
+A18011	We should ban telemarketing	against	Telemarketing is an excellent tool if used sensitively and with caution
+A18014	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	Private military companies have their bottom line as a priority rather than the safety of the country.
+A18015	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	we should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms because people would be left defenseless against criminals who are going to find a way to get a gun
+A18016	We should legalize prostitution	against	it is not right to legitimize something that is fundamentally immoral and hurts those who engage in it
+A18017	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research because it will help many people as long as it is successfully done.
+A18018	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	it makes a mockery of voting for your political party of choice if the end result is a multi-party system which will lead to people not voting if they feel they do not have a say.
+A18019	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement leaves openings in the job force for those that are stronger and more capable of doing the jobs.
+A18020	We should ban whaling	in favor of	it is harmful and may lead to whale extinction.
+A18021	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions often do not work and cutting out countries from the world economy hurts their citizens, not their leaders.
+A18022	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights should be abolished as they stifle innovation and allows the creation of monopolies and giant corporations
+A18023	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	we should cancel pride parades because it is forcing views some people don't agree with in their face
+A18026	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	also called intellectual plagiarism none of this makes sense there may be people who think the same and that is not a crime
+A18030	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	a child who is the result of human cloning will have psychological problems because they are not allowed to be their own person
+A18032	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives people an unfair advantage because they can trade so much more quickly and therefore it should be banned.
+A18033	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	animals deserve to be in the wild, with access to large open spaces not available at a zoo.
+A18035	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is a communist strategy and we must reject
+A18036	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment is absolutely needed. it acts as a deterrent to prevent future crime. if a person knows they can be killed for their crime, it deters them and also makes sure they aren't released from prison
+A18037	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniform helps all children attend on a level playing field, free from worry about trying to keep up with expensive fashion trends.
+A18038	We should oppose collectivism	against	we should support collectivism because it helps people find common goals.
+A18039	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	Some violent and extreme behaviours in schools deserve a fierce and sharp reaction.
+A18040	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	it may effect its impartiality, governments  may use their funding to influence editors.
+A18042	We should abolish zoos	against	we shouldn't abolish zoos because they create jobs for zookeepers and they allow children to view wild animals which is fun and educational
+A18043	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	even minors have the right to bodily autonomy and should be allowed to decide for themselves whether to have cosmetic surgery.
+A18045	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons provide us security in times of war.
+A18046	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language because equal rights should include equal language
+A18047	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	we should abolish the olympic games because they have not done what they were meant to do which is create peace.  they have created more problems especially to those hosting them and are just beyond their time.
+A18048	We should adopt atheism	against	people have the freedom to choose any religion, atheism should not be forced upon people
+A18050	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food has proven to be detrimental to the health of all people and should be banned immediately.
+A18053	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we need the cures and treatments we can get by funding stem cell research.
+A18056	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology is not a real religion and you can't just take a work of sci-fi and make your own religion
+A18057	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is cruel and inhumane; it should be banned.
+A18058	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning is unnatural and should be banned
+A18059	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	We should abolish the three-strikes laws because they discriminate against over-policed communities.
+A18060	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we shouldn't prohibit school prayer because is important for religious education
+A18061	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	it is a form of harassment to be contacted constantly by telemarketers.
+A18062	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars could help people make better use of their time
+A18063	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism is the most rational outcome  for our society after too many religions have ruined our lives
+A18064	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	organ trade between consenting parties should be an option as it can reduce wait times.
+A18065	We should legalize cannabis	against	legal marijuana could actually improve opportunities for the black market because cartels can easily undermine licensed sellers prices and the black market will thrive
+A18066	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	we should abolish zoos because it is cruel to cage up animals like that in one area and is not their natural habitat and essentially treat them like pets.
+A18067	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	the investigations with mother cells could mean the definitive advance for the human race
+A18068	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	people should be able to work hard and reap the benefits of their labor. with collectivism you will always have some people doing most of the work and the lazy ones will benefit from it.
+A18069	We should legalize cannabis	against	legalizing marijuana leads to more marijuana-related medical emergencies cases and unintentional cannabis overdose injuries among children
+A18070	We should ban private military companies	against	Private military companies can provide more advanced technology because they are not restricted by governmental red tape.
+A18072	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery teaches our daughters that they need to look perfect and never age.
+A18073	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three-strike laws are intolerant of special circumstances.
+A18074	We should legalize cannabis	against	allowing people to use a gateway drug like cannabis is steering them towards a life of addiction.
+A18075	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer should be allowed in school because it is what our country was founded on.  those who disagree could just abstain from the prayer.
+A18076	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer is wrong because the non religious are expected to participate.
+A18077	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	The development of autonomous cars should be halted until we have dealt with the moral question of who would be  liable in the case of an accident, hacking or malfunction.
+A18078	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	it's cruel for the animals to be caged
+A18079	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	the long term effects of new procedures have not been studied enough to know if they are safe.
+A18080	We should legalize prostitution	against	we should not legalize prostitution because they spread too many diseases
+A18081	We should ban private military companies	against	We should not ban because it has been proven to work and can serve specific issues
+A18082	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	guns are already ubiquitous and outlawing them will only keep them out of the hands of lawful owners.
+A18083	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	we must not abolish nuclear weapons because they can be used in situations of extreme need like defending a country
+A18084	We should ban missionary work	against	independent religious organisations should be free to solicit for new members if they do so in a fair and open manner.
+A18085	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	austerity regimes needs to be adopted to reduce budget deficits and debt crises
+A18089	We should end mandatory retirement	against	for people who work in skilled manual jobs it comes to a point where it is no longer safe for them work, the retirement age is used to protect people of a certain age as a safety precaution
+A18090	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation should be limited to make companies more profitable.
+A18093	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights create a monopoly position for a company which enables them to charge whatever they like for a product without fear of competition. it prices the poor out of markets
+A18094	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	some states have already done it so we might as well.
+A18096	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms is important in keeping people safe in a dangerous and uncertain world
+A18098	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	three strikes is enough opportunity for a person to reform their behavior and become a law abiding citizen. after three strikes a person has proven they are not interested in conforming to societal rules.
+A18099	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	maintaining intellectual property rights for all is too expensive, and maintaining these rights might restrict innovation in certain sectors.
+A18100	We should legalize sex selection	against	this should be banned as it is immoral.
+A18101	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	athletes train their whole lives in hopes that they can represent their country to be the best.
+A18105	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	we should adopt an austerity regime so that future generations are not left t0 pay the debts that we rack up.
+A18107	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	allowing cosmetic surgery for minors would simply sweep the real problem under the rug: the effect of toxic appearance standards.
+A18108	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	other languages such as spanish and french have even more gendered language than we do, and they have no problems
+A18109	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing should be banned because it is disruptive to the course of the day for many people.
+A18110	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia would be more accurate if it was subsidized.
+A18114	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work can sometimes provide communities in need around the world with access to education and resources.
+A18118	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling kills whales in an inhumane way
+A18120	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	childrens' bodies are constantly changing  throughout childhood so that, cosmetic surgery may be used to alter an disliked part of the body when it may change anyway, resulting in unnecessary surgery
+A18121	We should ban targeted killing	against	Targeted killing surgically removes enemy actors with no collateral damage, it must be continued.
+A18123	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is dangerous and not necessary
+A18124	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can give many people the freedom to drive without actually driving, so we should not stop making them.
+A18125	We should ban fast food	against	this is a free country. people are free to make bad nutritional decisions
+A18129	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades cause more trouble by singling out those who are different.
+A18131	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	development of autonomous car will make traffic and parking  easier
+A18133	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	to pick out one religion out of many to ban would be an infringement of the freedom to practice any religion of your choosing.
+A18134	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we should not adopt libertarianism for fear of the threat to law and order.
+A18135	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games brings together the world in a peaceful environment
+A18136	We should ban the use of child actors	against	banning child actors would limit movies and tv shows. anything with children in the story would be unable to be made. television and movies for children would no longer exist either.
+A18138	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies should be banned they often act as mercenaries and cant be regulated
+A18139	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Journalism plays an essential role as watchdog of democracy, and keeping citizens informed. Such a valuable industry deserves government subsidization.
+A18141	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	people are more likely to share their organs if there is financial benefit to them, increasing supply.
+A18144	We should cancel pride parades	against	we should not cancel pride parades because people should have the right to express what they want, and how they feel about a certain issue.
+A18145	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans enable poor students to continue with their education and graduate from the university
+A18146	We should ban factory farming	against	it is the most efficient way to produce food
+A18147	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws ruin young people's lives by preventing them from being accessing education and jobs that would pull them out of a life of crime by prolonging their time in jail during their formative years.
+A18148	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is a cult and it should be banned.
+A18149	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces create an unrealistic environment that doesn't exist in the real world.
+A18150	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	just because someone has reached the age of retirement, they are still able to provide a vaulable service with expertise and a vast knowledge of experience.
+A18152	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	if a company has received enough profits to offer bonuses to their executives, the money could be better spent on giving bonuses to poorer staff members at the bottom of the chain.
+A18153	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	we shouldn't adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools because a misunderstanding can cause innocent students to be suspended or expelled
+A18154	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection should be allowed to those who want a certain gender.
+A18155	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are an effective way to signify that human rights abuses will not be tolerated.
+A18160	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	A multi-party system would bring in a lot more choice of representation for the people living in the country.
+A18161	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Atheism should be adopted because many people do not believe in God or a higher power,
+A18162	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniformlimits a childs ability to express themselves, experiment and develop as a person
+A18164	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance must be mandatory in school and is only way to stop negative stuff which happens so often in schools.
+A18165	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	Algorithmic trading can operate 24 hours a day. While you sleep, your algorithms are making you money.
+A18166	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	however these policies can impede the advancement of children from troubled backgrounds or with additional needs. they need a safe place to learn in a positive behaviours in a supportive environment.
+A18169	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human beings were created to be individuals unlike no other.
+A18171	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery can sometimes cause harm and disasterous results.
+A18172	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery only serves to perpetuate eurocentric standards of beauty and makes it more difficult to challenge them.
+A18175	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	someone should be able to continue working if they want, despite their age.
+A18178	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food threatens the health of many americans.
+A18179	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading is unfair and doesn't allow for the individual to make money that doesn't have the algorithim.
+A18180	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	it is inaccurate and should not be funded by government money.
+A18181	We should abolish capital punishment	against	some crimes are so heinous that the only just punishment is the death penalty.
+A18182	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	ending economic sanctions would make it so all countries could trade freely with anyone.
+A18183	We should legalize sex selection	against	when people mess with mother nature by trying to select the sex of their child, only bad things can happen.
+A18184	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces are important for those who do not feel included or feel threatened
+A18185	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	the three-strikes laws offer clarity, and their mandatory nature makes punishment certain, these laws prevent inconsistency in the criminal justice system
+A18186	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection promotes abortion and gender inequality
+A18188	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children should be at school and not working. we do not allow children to work in any other way and acting should be no different.
+A18189	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are inherently cruel to the animals, keeping them confined in unnatural conditions for the benefit of entertaining human visitors - they are miserable, and more prone to disease.
+A18192	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Legalizing prostitution will allow prostitutes to push for equitable contracts and conditions, something they can't do in the status quo since their work is illegal.
+A18195	We should abolish zoos	against	we should not abolish zoos as they contribute to the breeding of endangered species and the reintroduction of animals to the wild
+A18197	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	promotes peace and sportsmanship amongst countries
+A18200	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery creates a great desire for physical improvement that leads to an endless loop of body adjustments which has a detrimental effect on the individual.
+A18201	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protect inventors.
+A18203	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism,  bringing a personal touch of the judge,  is  the best way to apply laws and rules for our society.
+A18204	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	it is not humane to animals and needs to be stopped.
+A18207	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning is simply another avenue of science to explore, and it is vital to push back the boundaries in order to open up possible potential cures for disease and medical issues.
+A18209	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should subsidize student loans to ensure all who seek a good education can obtain one. this sets up success for life which also saves the government money when people are self sufficient
+A18211	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are too immature to make this decision
+A18213	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing may be necessary in very limited circumstances where there is an immediate threat to life of civilians or military personnel
+A18214	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation could encourage money laundering and corruption
+A18215	We should ban targeted killing	against	we should  not ban targeted killing, it prevents mass military campaigns and minimises casualties
+A18216	We should ban fast food	against	people should be able to choose what they want to eat
+A18218	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	it makes a school a safe place for children to learn
+A18221	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are a risk to the general public as they are not regulated and therefore should be banned
+A18223	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration needs our support to help us understand the universe and our place in it.
+A18225	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is inhumane and should be banned.
+A18226	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	there is not need to subsidize wikipedia, it does not serve any purpose that cannot be filled elsewhere.
+A18227	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judges who rule based on their own personal and political beliefs usurp the power of our elected officials and are violating our constitutional rights,
+A18229	We should ban human cloning	against	we should not ban human cloning because it could help with medical research
+A18231	We should legalize sex selection	against	We should not legalize sex selection as this is playing god and can open the door to a raft of other genetic selection that is not thoroughly tested.
+A18232	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Given that we can almost never guarantee that someone isn't wrongly convicted, we shouldn't have capital punishment because it can't be undone if new evidence comes out.
+A18233	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	they only hurt the poorest of society and are an outdated punishment.
+A18234	We should ban whaling	in favor of	so often these creatures are butchered to death for one small part of their anatomy for medicine made up by a scam doctor
+A18236	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	the use of school uniforms helps the poorest to attend classes without the problem of lack of clothing
+A18237	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are an important part of society to promote freedom of choice  and acceptance.
+A18238	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is a waste of taxpayers money and should be funded by private enterprises.
+A18239	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	Zero-tolerance policies may seem unfair to the individual but bad and risky behavior at schools spreads faster than wildfire. Sometimes we must make an example of an individual for the greater good.
+A18240	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	everyone has the right to alter their bodies or appearances in which ever way makes them feel comfortable and at ease.
+A18241	We should ban whaling	against	We should not ban whaling because it is important to many aboriginal cultures in the arctic, and it is wrong for the governments of countries like Canada and Russia to oppress those peoples.
+A18242	We should subsidize space exploration	against	humans shouldn't colonize space until we learn to care for earth
+A18243	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is a great way to get more food for everyone
+A18245	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement is harsh.  it pushes workers who might still be viable out of the workforce for no other reason than their age, often leaving them to struggle.
+A18246	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we should, if it's subsidised it could mean better journalism
+A18248	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	elections are supposed to be won by the opinion of the people.  if only a select few people vote, then the result only reflects their opinions, not that of the whole population.
+A18249	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	Algorithmic trading allows computers to buy and sell assets suddenly and in massive quantities, creating shifts in the market and making human trading difficult.
+A18253	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism should be limited so that judgements are reached based on factual evidence only. allowing personal opinions to cloud the issue can result in mis-trials of justice.
+A18256	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Missionary work forces the opinions of others onto individuals that didn't consent or want the religion.
+A18258	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	Students are and will always be the backbone of the society. It's compulsory to support these growing students in becoming true, well educated citizens to support the economy.
+A18259	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	we should abolish safe spaces as policing these areas is costly and it is against human rights to stop freedom of movement into different areas.
+A18260	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	Factory farming should be banned as it is an unhealthy and uncaring atmosphere in which to raise animals and doesn't result in a good quality product at the end.
+A18261	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	students that work hard to get a degree should not start out their journey into the real world, in debt
+A18262	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	supporting journalism is obligatory in our democracy society and `free speech` should be defended and approved by all means.
+A18265	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	we should abolish zoos to prevent the cruel confinement of wild animals
+A18266	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	When prostitution is illegal, prostitutes are defenseless, and are often harassed and abused.
+A18267	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	lower taxes and more freedom from big government would be the result if we adopted libertarianism.
+A18268	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	embryonic stem cell research requires the destruction of human embryos and so is considered unethical by many people
+A18270	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Everyone has the right to bodily autonomy. If a person chooses to sell his or her body for sex, it should not be illegal.
+A18275	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism because for decades we have proven with science that religious explanations are incorrect
+A18276	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos provide the only places for some endangered species to survive that they are essential and we should not abolish them we need to support them and their breeding programs.
+A18278	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades have now grown to the point where they are increasingly difficult to police and the scale of the events now need to be looked at to ensure the safety of all participants.
+A18279	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban this because they cant be controlled and could turn against the government or people. they also might cause more problems then help solve them.
+A18281	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	Intellectual property rights slows down the speed with which people have access to technology, goods and ideas that could transfrom their lives so should be abolished.
+A18283	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism and the impingement of the the government results in people blaming others for their problems rather than looking for solutions themselves
+A18284	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	for people undergoing chemotherapy, cannabis can be extremely helpful in regaining appetite for food
+A18285	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	somebody was working hard to make something and then should be rewarded for it. that`s what intellectual property rights all about.
+A18286	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	it is a fundamental right of american citizens to keep and bear arms and to remove that right would simply drive arms trading underground.
+A18287	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	organs are expensive, and a legal trade can allow for someone in desperate need to get an organ without money or wait times.
+A18290	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	Child actors are forced to grow up way too fast, they are thrown into a world of drugs and sex at an early age.   Kids should be away from all that until Hollywood is safe for them.
+A18291	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender-neutral language should be adopted so that society can progress and advance. does it really matter if you are a man or woman anymore? it shouldn't.
+A18292	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons or else the entire world will destroy itself.
+A18293	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	they are a waste of public resources.  policing these events costs a lot of money and to what end?
+A18296	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	people should be able to keep weapons as a form self defence to defend their property and themselves
+A18297	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	absolutely not.  the great president donald trump is turning the country around and saving us from the financial disaster that the last eight years were leading the united states towards.
+A18298	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	legalizing cannabis will make it easier for those who need it for medical reasons to acquire it.
+A18299	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	banning cosmetic surgery would take the pressure off people to look a certain way that media and society dictates.
+A18301	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender neutral language will allow both genders to be included and liberated to succeed as much as possible.  removing gender benefits all and reduces discrimination and suppression.
+A18305	We should legalize cannabis	against	legalising cannabis could normalise it and encourage more children to partake
+A18308	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	minorities are more likely to be prosecuted and therefore have prior offences so this is unfairly applied
+A18311	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms keep all kids equal while at school learning and that is a great thing so school uniforms should remain.
+A18313	We should subsidize journalism	against	State subsidies for journalism will make journals financially dependent on the government, which will allow the government to influence what news gets reported and how the reporting is done.
+A18314	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation too often fails to deliver and as such causes working issues, therefore it should not only be limited but stopped completely.
+A18316	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is dangerous for all ages but especially so for minors therefore it should be banned for their age.
+A18318	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	We should not adopt an austerity regime because this move hurt people that are living on their pensions and people pay more taxes and this hurt a lot of people
+A18321	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws lead to prison over-population since more offenders are put away for a longer time. This leads to worse prison conditions and more violence in prisons.
+A18322	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	Scientology is not a true religion it is a sect or a cult which brainwashes it's followers and makes money from them.
+A18323	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	We should adopt atheism as then there would be no arguments about religion which seems to be the cause of most wars and disagreements in society.
+A18324	We should legalize organ trade	against	people would sell organs because to them money is more important than health, putting them at risk.
+A18325	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	a person should be allowed to choose what happens to their bodies
+A18326	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms limit the ability to express one's self.
+A18327	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	gun ownership hurts more people than it helps.
+A18328	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	keeping journalist in work helps the nation keep up with the news
+A18331	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	its the only way to send a hard message
+A18332	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killings need to stop because the bad guys need to be caught and brought to trial if possible
+A18334	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	The risk of nuclear war has made great powers more likely to turn to negotiation and cooperation to settle disputes, and abolishing nuclear weapons would make war less costly and more likely.
+A18335	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Mandatory retirement is discriminatory on the basis of age, which is an immutable characteristic much like gender or race in that one has no control over it.
+A18338	We should adopt atheism	against	people have the right to choose any religion they with, atheism should not be forced upon them.
+A18339	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniform makes all children on a level at school, reducing their differences in background and wealth to unify the class
+A18340	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we should not prohibit school prayer because it would violate rights some religions
+A18341	We should ban factory farming	against	for many, eating factory farmed food, is the only way they can afford to eat meat so to ban it would limit the food types poorer people could eat.
+A18342	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Sometimes, missionary workers condition the receipt of aid on a community's willingness to accept or be taught the Christian religion.
+A18344	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	this country was founded by the freedom of religion, so people should have the right to follow any church they want.
+A18345	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars have already caused multiple fatalities and are being used on public roads right now without being adequately tested. the makers are literally using human lives to beta test their products.
+A18346	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Legalizing the organ trade would allow more patients to receive the organ transplant they need.
+A18350	We should ban private military companies	against	military is a big organization that needs private company to supply their needs
+A18351	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning should be banned as it is unnatural and serves no purpose in the world. individuality would be lost.
+A18353	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	the nhs has limited funding and this should be spent providing care for those that need it rather than wasting it on research that may not help solve anytihng
+A18355	We should ban factory farming	against	let the free market decide whether or not we should allow factory farming
+A18356	We should ban telemarketing	against	we live in a capitalist country and telemarketing  is how many businesses grow and develop.
+A18358	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	religious beliefs are forced upon children and children of different religions may feel excluded
+A18359	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is barbaric, what if an innocent person is killed under these laws, you cannot release them and make restitution, capital punishment makes authorities as guilty of crime as the criminals.
+A18360	We should ban the use of child actors	against	the roles of child actors cannot be fulfilled by adults so it would be impossible to ban their use.
+A18361	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces provide a valuable service to those who may be suffering from ptsd
+A18363	We should subsidize student loans	against	it isn't the obligation of any tax payer to give money to help someone else get an education.  that is a personal choice, and if they want to go to college they need to pay for it on their own.
+A18365	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms has enabled the death of many innocent people - including small children. it is time to move on.
+A18367	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading can be manipulated and used for nefarious reasons
+A18368	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting could be used as a way to check population and make sure everyone has current ids.
+A18369	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	this law is good for young people who would learn their lesson and become good adults
+A18370	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender-neutral language is unnecessary.
+A18373	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	ideas and products need to be available at a fair price for everyone, allowing companies to have their intellectual rights means they can charge far too much to people who need that service or product.
+A18374	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	we should not subsidize wikipedia because it already receives more than enough money through voluntary donations
+A18375	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism takes the focus off the individual as well as the ways in which each of us is unique. supporting collectivism means wanting the individual to remain subordinate to society.
+A18376	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	the healing properties of cannabis are necessary to alleviate the health of many patients who do not have access to it due to its restriction
+A18378	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research may in the future lead to the discovery of treatments for many debilitating medical conditions
+A18381	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces are often used to stifle free expression of opinions
+A18383	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism is a selfish and dangerous philosophy, devoid of empathy and charity. if it were to become the dominant political system, we would see a huge increase in social inequality.
+A18384	We should ban missionary work	against	it helps small third world countries become more modernized.
+A18385	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	without further research we won't know what amazing potential we have with embryonic stem cells
+A18386	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	there have been credible witnesses to the fact that the church of scientology engages in physical and emotional abuse
+A18387	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	neutral language is an alternative at the time of speaking that serves to include all persons without gender exclusion
+A18388	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	adopting an austerity regime is the best way to reduce the budget deficits we currently are faced with
+A18389	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	people have the right to enhance their body in any way they want to.
+A18391	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is a private entity and is responsible for its own operating costs
+A18392	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Missionaries try to force their beliefs and values on people.
+A18393	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalists get paid enough, they don't need any more money.
+A18394	We should ban the use of child actors	against	the usage of child actors should not be banned as they are an important part of the acting field they have adults who can make rationale decisions for them.
+A18395	We should limit executive compensation	against	if someone has worked hard to get where they are in a company then they should be rewarded accordingly.
+A18397	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people should not be forced to vote if they don't feel compelled to vote for a candidate or issue..
+A18399	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms is an constitutional right that needs to be upheld.
+A18400	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	they are boring and cost too much money
+A18401	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	introducing a multi-party system would be detrimental to stability and consistency of our political system
+A18402	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions cause hard feelings between nations and can cause war.
+A18403	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	Executive compensation should be limited to ensure the top staff is not taking all of the rewards for companies that are supported by thousands of workers. All employees contribute to the success of a company.
+A18404	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we need to explore space so we can find minerals that are getting depleted on our planet
+A18405	We should adopt libertarianism	against	without regulations and welfare, society would collapse into vast pools of crime and poverty
+A18407	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	some religions do not believe in this sort of research.
+A18408	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology is in fact a cult, cults need to be stopped.
+A18409	We should limit judicial activism	against	it is important that the highly experienced, well trained people at the top of the judicial system can use their own experiences and common sense when passing judgments - else anyone could be a judge.
+A18410	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars could prevent traffic jams and accidents.
+A18411	We should adopt atheism	against	we should not adopt atheism because everyone should have something to believe in.
+A18412	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	using child actors can create unimaginable pressure ans stress on the child if they become a star or the production is a success and this can lead to substance abuse problems to cope with said pressure
+A18415	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces act to stifle free speech
+A18416	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	cosmetic surgery might be the only hope for children born with disfigurements that would have severe impact on self-esteem and lead to psychological issues and childhood trauma.
+A18417	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we should not ban the church of scientology because people have a right to chose their believes
+A18418	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Abolishing death penalty means abandoning the poor -who suffer the most from high crime rates -  only so that the elites could feel good about themselves.
+A18420	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	subsidizing space exploration is a positive move to help advance our space program.
+A18421	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading can do a job that humans are not able to do
+A18422	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	they increase tourist activities and are a boost to the local economy.
+A18423	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	in a time of equality, knowing the gender of a person isn't important, salesperson is a much more inclusive term than saleswoman.
+A18424	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons will someday destroy everyone and everything.
+A18425	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	Libertarianism increases individual liberties by preventing the government from controlling every aspect of our lives.
+A18426	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender-neutral language doesn't always help people clearly communicate what they mean
+A18428	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would be beneficial because more people would take an interest in politics, creating a more fair representation in government.
+A18431	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	developing autonomous cars is a necessity. it would make roads and travel much safer as car accidents account for an incredible amount of deaths. there would be no more drunk and distracted driving accidents.
+A18433	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	children should be allowed to have a procedure if they have their parents permission
+A18434	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans is a type of aid that is given to them in order to help lower their expenses and debts
+A18435	We should prohibit school prayer	against	the basic message in prayer is universal, encouraging people to be considerate and love one another - this is a basic message for every child in school, irrespective of their religion, and should be encouraged.
+A18437	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	everyone should have a choice about what they want to do with their bodies, and if selling an organ is one of them, they should be free to decide.
+A18438	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is morally wrong and a form of slavery.
+A18439	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	we must have more options to choose and leave this bipartisan dictatorship
+A18440	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	States have an obligation to their citizens to protect them, the existence of nuclear weapons anywhere poses an existential threat to citizens everywhere, which means every nation has an obligation to fight for abolition.
+A18441	We should subsidize space exploration	against	we have too many problems here on our own planet to worry about putting money into searching space.
+A18444	We should ban human cloning	against	cloning of organs can and will save many lives, people who need organ transplants could be saved by cloning organs for them rather than waiting for others to die, cloned limbs would also help disabled people.
+A18445	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	this helps traders make more informed decisions
+A18446	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism should be limited because a judge should not be making all decisions.
+A18447	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism bands people together to solve problems in their communities
+A18448	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment is fair if the person had killed someone as they are only getting what they have dealt.
+A18449	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarians are more fair than other politicians.
+A18451	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	out of control executive compensation raises the disparity between the haves and the have nots.
+A18452	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	presentation of information is important and needs help to keep it viable and reliable.
+A18454	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	We should subsidize journalism because we need to keep local journalism alive so people are aware of what is going on in their community, but small news papers are struggling the most.
+A18456	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades are disruptive and cause chaos in towns where they are held.
+A18459	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans should be subsidized so that more kids can go to school, get a better education and contribute to the advancement of society.
+A18460	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting will lead to a far more representative system of parliament because everyone's vote will be taken into consideration.
+A18462	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing has reached epidemic levels with unregulated frequency that most people would consider a public nuisance.
+A18464	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	We should legalize sex selection because a ban leads to dangerous back alley procedures, and to more abortions and female infanticide
+A18466	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	people should be able to do what they want with their bodies.
+A18467	We should end mandatory retirement	against	if retirees continue to work past retirement age, there will never be a natural progression through the workplace for the younger generation.
+A18470	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	we should subsidize wikipedia because everyone in the world knows it as a household name and if the government pays for libraries why cant they pay for wikipedia which contains probably more information.
+A18473	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms will stop children from wearing and showing offense logos, words, etc., to their peers.
+A18474	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a valuable resource that deserves funding
+A18476	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we should ban targeted killings because it is in essence just murder when done outside of wartime.  it is, in fact, an act of war and could create more problems.
+A18477	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is a way of producing cheap meat. without it poorer people may not be able to afford it and may become malnourished.
+A18478	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	some people choose not to vote for ethical reasons.
+A18479	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are very effective in dealing with countries who have many human rights abuses on their record.
+A18480	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex is determined at birth and not something a person should be allowed to change or decide for themselves.
+A18481	We should ban telemarketing	against	Telemarketing involves lower overhead costs and thus saves companies money.
+A18485	We should abolish capital punishment	against	it is the most effective deterrent to the worst crimes it is a waste of hard working people's money to pay for someone that committed atrocious crimes, to stay in a prison for the rest of their lives
+A18486	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	the use of economic sanctions are the best recourse we have to safeguard ourselves against problems
+A18487	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	multi-party systems help decentralize power and better represent the various interests of different socio-economic strata within a nation.
+A18489	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is violative and intrusive. unwanted calls from telemarketers are too much annoying
+A18490	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	it is in the constitution that there is a separation between church and state and since schools are funded by the state where they are located there is to be no prayer in schools
+A18492	We should ban whaling	against	many peoples make there livelihoods on whaling
+A18493	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalising organ trade would put an end to the black market trading.
+A18495	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should invest in the young generations and support them in their education, especially when higher education is so expensive.
+A18496	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	unless everyone is using algorithmic trading, the system would ensure only those that had access to it would have the best chance of making money.
+A18497	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	ceo's should not get paid thousands of times more than their workers
+A18498	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	some citizens simply don't have the time to vote, having more important things that can be way more crucial and holding that against them is authoritarian
+A18500	We should adopt libertarianism	against	Libertarianism would end all the state run programs that people rely on.
+A19003	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multiple parties make choosing a leader harder
+A19004	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism goes against our system  of what is best for the people.
+A19005	We should legalize sex selection	against	we shouldn't legalize sex selection because some people can't have children at all, they should be happy that they have blessed with a miracle. if you want to choose a sex then foster or adopt a certain sex
+A19006	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work helps the less fortunate countries  with aid and hope.
+A19008	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming is a cruel and unnatural practice.  we should treat animals better, even if their 'just' going to be used for food.
+A19009	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	uniforms prevent arguments over what is appropriate school attire.
+A19012	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism looks out for everyone and leaves no one behind
+A19013	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	adopting gender neutral language would be expensive and a waste of resources which could be better used elsewhere
+A19018	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism disavows government control and allows people to have liberties that have been stifled by the governing body.
+A19019	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime would negatively impact the weakest of our citizens.  we cannot let them slip through the cracks.
+A19021	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors are an important part of the acting industry and should continue to be allowed with restrictions to ensure the child's well being.
+A19022	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	we can't trust every nuclear power to denuclearize, keeping some weapons in stock keeps peace.
+A19023	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food has almost non nutritional value. it is full of bad unhealthy ingredients and is causing the rise in health problems and obesity in the nation.
+A19024	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	if the government subsidized journalism fake news could be controlled.
+A19025	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	it would make all news fair and the same across the board
+A19026	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	there is no reason to adopt gender-neutral language as the fact that genders do exist and the differences do matter is indisputable!
+A19027	We should ban private military companies	against	this helps cover more issues; the current government is too short staffed to deal with all of the problems.
+A19031	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology should be banned simply because it's wrong for a belief system to dictate how your medical care can and cannot happen - like psychiatry.
+A19033	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes tend to increase unemployment, as government reduction of spending of leads to retrenchment of worker
+A19035	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	not having an armed public would entice the government to become more tyrannical.
+A19037	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	you can only give someone so many chances. if they have not learnt by the third time it is unlikely they will learn at all.
+A19038	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	i agree that a zero-tolerance policy in schools is a good idea since it would mean that our children are safer when they go to school.
+A19041	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	a zero-tolerance policy gives administrators no leeway if a student commits a less than serious crime.
+A19042	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting should not be necessary because people will vote for anyone without researching which could skew outcomes.
+A19044	We should adopt atheism	against	we live in an open society where freedom of religious expression is allowed. to go against that would be a betrayal of western values.
+A19047	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniform enables all children to look the same, thus reducing the likelihood of bullying.
+A19049	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection is playing god, will create gender imbalances and create negative stereotypes concerning male/female preferences.
+A19050	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery boosts people's self esteem.
+A19052	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	there are other stem cells that aren't from embryos that could be used instead.
+A19054	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	we should not ban cosmetic surgery people some people don't like how they look and it's their money if they want to change that
+A19056	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	We should not adopt zero tolerance policies because they have not improved school discipline in other districts, only introduced more punishments for students.
+A19057	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery could lead to unforeseen problems in young people whose bodies are still growing and maturing
+A19058	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	embryonic stem cell research is immoral.
+A19059	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	multi-party systems provide many new sources of views on relevant topics
+A19060	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is no more unhealthy than  some gourmet food its just  cheaper and made with less costly ingredients. fast food is not the issue, lack of control in eating it is the reason people are fat.
+A19061	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors because it causes the child to be in a dangerous environment
+A19062	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions have had a positive effect on denuclearization
+A19064	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery isn't medically necessary
+A19066	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	animals in factory farms are kept in terrible conditions and we need to stop this
+A19067	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	this should be legal as it is no worse than alcohol.
+A19069	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	we should abolish the olympic games because  it very expensive to host
+A19070	We should ban missionary work	against	missionaries are necessary as they provide education, health care, and more to those in need.
+A19072	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	uniform policies detract from more effective efforts to reduce problems in education
+A19075	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	abolishing safe spaces has to be recognized because people who has such a problems already have support from institutions and doctors.
+A19076	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	like many other advances in science the government should not have to subsidize the research.  if the benefits are there the private sector will find a way to get results.
+A19077	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games are essential to allow peaceful competition between nations, without these there would be more wars and battles as countries tried to prove they were better than others.
+A19079	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	the goal should always be to capture alive so banning targeted killing will encourage capture instead of kill.
+A19082	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism would allow for personal grievances to be accepted as truth
+A19083	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology is a cult and so is dangerous
+A19084	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	some facial abnormalities or perceived abnormalities cause significant mental distress to young people, influencing their development, when cosmetic surgery could positively transform their lives.
+A19085	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	prayer has no place in public school because not everyone practices the same religion
+A19086	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	we live in a democratic society and people should not be forced to vote if they dont want to
+A19089	We should ban whaling	against	some cultures like inuits rely on whales for many things like food and heating, and they use practically the entire whale.
+A19091	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	trading using an algorithm is more accurate, quicker, and easier.
+A19094	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	it is important to ensure that the public is able to receive the news.
+A19095	We should ban whaling	against	we use whales for many usable products.
+A19096	We should ban missionary work	against	it is important that we help the less fortunate.
+A19097	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading merely enables better decisions in investments utilising technology and intelligence
+A19099	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia often contains false information and so can lead to people believing that have no validity in reality.
+A19101	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing allows small businesses to save money by reducing overhead costs.
+A19102	We should abolish safe spaces	against	a safe space is a great place for youth to hang out so that they are not in dangerous places.
+A19103	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Mandatory retirement forces people who are still excellent at their jobs to quit working long before they are ready.
+A19105	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading enables a more level playing field in the trading of shares.
+A19106	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legal and regulated prostitution would protect sex workers from violence and poor health outcomes.
+A19108	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are an unnatural stressful environment for animals. no animal should have to live in a cage or enclosure just for the entertainment of people, it is cruel and unnecessary.
+A19110	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading can cause rapid fluctuations in the stock market that are far beyond human control and no safeguards are implemented to stop them as well as giving unfair advantage to large-scale traders.
+A19112	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism because you can live your life freely without the worry of being judged by god
+A19113	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	we should legalize prostitution so that women as a whole are taught that their place in society is simply as a commodity to be used by someone with more money
+A19114	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis is not a harmful drug and can help people cope with mental issues like anxiety
+A19115	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero-tolerance policy in schools shows children that the schools are not playing around when it comes to punishment
+A19116	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system will help to ensure that more political agendas will be given the chance to represent the people
+A19117	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions can cause hardship and create unnecessary problems.
+A19118	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban child actors as a part of banning child labour. exploitation of a child through working is wrong regardless of the specific job role
+A19119	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidised student loans would encourage everyone to go to university if they thought they wouldn't have any debt at the end of the studies.
+A19121	We should ban human cloning	against	we shouldn't ban human cloning as it could help aid genetic medical problems
+A19122	We should legalize organ trade	against	organ trade must remain illegal. there is far too much potential for corruption and human trafficking/murder if organs can be sold.
+A19123	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation is not always effective and takes away from the rest of the employees who do most of the strenuous work
+A19124	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will provide a way for people who are blind or handicapped a way to travel
+A19125	We should ban missionary work	against	it`s outrageous to ban missionary work because people who helping other people can`t be banned to do that and can be only awarded and recognized in our society.
+A19126	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	if the government gives wikipedia funds, wikipedia would be obligated to lean to their agenda
+A19127	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food should be banned because it is full of unhealthy ingredients that contribute to the failing of american health.
+A19128	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is a great option for people who are to busy to sit down for a meal.
+A19129	We should cancel pride parades	against	it would be a huge step backwards, essentially telling the lgbt community not to have "pride" in who they are anymore
+A19131	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting will be difficult to enforce on the elderly and others who will have a difficult time voting.
+A19132	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are our future and provide many benefits
+A19133	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	uniforms create equality and create a sense of belonging in the group
+A19135	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are cruel to the animals kept in cages and should be abolished.
+A19136	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work can be dangerous to workers.
+A19137	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not adopt gender-neutral language because the majority of people do identify with a gender and want to be addressed as such.
+A19139	We should ban the use of child actors	against	to tell a story in theater or movies we need children actors. without them stories could only be about adults. stories that have entertained us from lassie to mary poppins would not exist.
+A19141	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can assist the disabled, or those with limited abilities to get about
+A19143	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we should  not abolish intellectual property rights because people should get credit for their work.
+A19144	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	We need to ban targeted killing because it is murder and murder is illegal everywhere.
+A19145	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions don't work because countries can get around them therefore we should end their use as a negotiation tactic
+A19147	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	we should ban missionary work if people are torturing or hurting non believers as has been reported in the past
+A19149	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning because it raises too many legal questions regarding ownership and identity.
+A19150	We should end mandatory retirement	against	if we end mandatory retirement many older workers that want to retire after many years of service may be denied that right
+A19152	We should subsidize student loans	against	there are more important ways we should be using public money, such as housing and healthcare.
+A19155	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	subsidizing wikipedia is unnecessary. it's isn't in need of a subsidy. it's doing just fine on it's donations. there's no staff to pay, it's all volunteer. there's no need to waste funds on this.
+A19156	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	with the wave of mass shootings that have occurred the world would be a much safer place without guns.
+A19157	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	to mess with nature could cause unforeseen consequences
+A19159	We should ban factory farming	against	we should not ban factory farming because it helps to supply the growing demand for food.
+A19161	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies put civilian lives in danger
+A19162	We should cancel pride parades	against	in democracy, everybody has the option to choose what they want and how they want and canceling pride parades will be wrong and opposite of democracy.
+A19164	We should subsidize journalism	against	good journalists already make enough money to survive and their companies don't need to get more money from the government.
+A19165	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a perfectly valid marketing approach, and is a primary driver of economic activity.
+A19168	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are a danger to everyone on the roads they can not react the way a human driver can.
+A19169	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	the likelihood of unintended deployment of nuclear weapons is high so they should be abolished.
+A19170	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors cannot be trusted to make decisions about cosmetic surgery that may affect them adversely as they grow up.
+A19171	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing can be a useful tool to bring goods to the attention of people who would not otherwise access the information.
+A19172	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we must stop the selective killings because they are a serious abuse of universal human rights
+A19173	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a two-party system has served us well for years; why change what has worked?
+A19176	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	this church has harmed countless people and should be labeled more as a cult
+A19177	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism brings people together
+A19178	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism frees citizens and business owners from expensive regulations
+A19180	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars strip drivers of the ability to drive as they please
+A19181	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	kids should be in school to learn. no one should force religion on them.
+A19182	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing can cause distress for people who do not know how to get rid of the callers.
+A19184	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism allows lawful recourse in circumstances of possible justice miscarriages, and is an extra protection against possible corruption and obstructive 'influence' in the higher court.
+A19185	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	they are a deterrent for foreign forces not to attack smaller countries
+A19188	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime would help to get our country back on a solid financial footing.
+A19189	We should subsidize student loans	against	students loans should not be subsidized as it is a students choosing to continue to go to school on their own accord and whim, not a requirement to be the burden of others.
+A19190	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming is harming the environment on a large scale
+A19192	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are so valuable for the future in an ever more congested world so we need to invest more in them.
+A19193	We should legalize sex selection	against	we should not legalize sex selection because when we do, we are messing with god's will.
+A19194	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the 3 strike law is unfair and many people are punished too severely.
+A19195	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	Libertarian foreign policies, being neutral and non-interventionist, help avoid war with other nations.
+A19196	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms help everyone feel more like each other and takes the focus off their clothes and allows for more focus on learning.
+A19198	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	in many cases cannabis has wonderful health results such as taking away pain from ill people.  it should be legal for all.
+A19199	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can help doctors find a cure for illnesses we otherwise won't be able to survive
+A19200	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	the multi-party system works and ensures that everybody has their say
+A19201	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	they earn the wage they make for their job so why so they get extra?
+A19203	We should legalize organ trade	against	the sale of organs may lead to a black market of such, where people may give birth and raise children just for their organs.
+A19204	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades show acceptance and we need more of that
+A19205	We should subsidize student loans	against	we should not pay for other peoples life style choices
+A19208	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	there is never going to be enough voluntary donation to meet demand, opening up an organ trade could remedy this drastic gap in supply to help save lives
+A19210	We should prohibit school prayer	against	people should be allowed to pray wherever they want to.
+A19211	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	prisoners could be let go after serving their years as their perspective could change and they could play a part in helping the society through workforce
+A19212	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming provides unsanitary and inhumane conditions to its livestock and should be banned.
+A19213	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation has hit astronomical levels, widening the pay gap between worker and executive, this has the potential to lead to disharmony and possible conflict.
+A19217	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces are  a waste of time, and, honestly, can't even really be considered all that "safe."
+A19218	We should ban fast food	in favor of	there is no fast food that is healthy so banning it would improve public health immeasureably.
+A19222	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement is purely age discrimination
+A19223	We should adopt atheism	against	Atheism is godless and fundamentally lacking in a coherent moral compass, therefore it should not be adopted.
+A19225	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	possibly they cause disruption due to city centre's needing to be shut down for regular traffic.
+A19229	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	stem cell research is the beginning of wanting to do more and more things we shouldn't be messing with and it should be stopped now before it goes any further
+A19231	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms reinforce a gender binary by often requiring women to wear traditionally feminine clothing like skirts and dresses and men to wear traditionally masculine pants.
+A19232	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	we should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms because people have a right to defend themselves if someone has the intention of harming you or breaking into your house.
+A19233	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	it`s been proven that cannabis has some relief who helping people suffering from terminal illness.
+A19235	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system leads to too much division and there may never be an overall consensus
+A19237	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	in the interests of raising the education level of our population we should subsidize student loans.
+A19238	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	if a person commits the same offence three times then they must be subject to the three-strikes law as they are obviously not being rehabilitated and therefore should face a long jail term.
+A19239	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	if people believe that they will be happier after cosmetic surgery, they should not be prevented from seeking that happiness
+A19240	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	it is not fair for opinion to overrule when there are so many different ones.
+A19241	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cells are superior to stem cells derived elsewhere because they can potentially grow into any type of cell -- subsidizing this research would allow for scientific research to advance faster.
+A19242	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is humane and cruel and should be banned, especially with a dwindling whale population.
+A19245	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are entrapping animals that are meant to live in the world
+A19246	We should abolish capital punishment	against	recent investigations consistently demonstrate a strong link between executions and reduced murder rates
+A19247	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery should be banned.   god made you a certain way and these procedures are going against that.   besides, it could be dangerous as joan rivers died from complications during surgery.
+A19248	We should limit executive compensation	against	in a competitive market companies have to attract the best talent
+A19249	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism aims to work toward what is good for all rather than a single person or group, this means a better society for everyone
+A19250	We should legalize cannabis	against	it impairs your mind so it should be illegal
+A19254	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	ip rights should be abolished as their original use has long since been abandoned in favor of large organisations abusing their legal powers with them.
+A19257	We should oppose collectivism	against	Collectivism would be good in situations where it must be a group decision.
+A19259	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we would crumble without services provided to us via the government - roads, fire stations, and more.
+A19260	We should legalize sex selection	against	In societies where sex selection happens, men are favored over women, resulting in a lopsided sex ratio. This leads to many men being unable to wed.
+A19262	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	School prayers should be prohibited as it indoctrinates people into a particular faith and excludes pupils of other faiths.
+A19264	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	by requiring all citizens to vote, we would be able to elect politicians who more accurately represent the public's will.
+A19265	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would saturate the polls with new faces, causing more change and better results.
+A19267	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we should subsidize space exploration because it is beneficial for educational purposes
+A19271	We should ban telemarketing	against	we shouldn't ban telemarketing because it is a useful way to make sales and it isn't overly abusive to people
+A19273	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	Executive compensation should be limited so that those who are at the bottom can make more money.
+A19274	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	we should ban algorithmic trading because theres is scientic advance
+A19276	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment should be abolished as man has no right to decide to take another life no matter that that person has done.
+A19277	We should legalize prostitution	against	when prostitution moves into a neighborhood, so do drugs and violence
+A19278	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning will provide necessary organs when there are few resources
+A19279	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property right stop innovation and progress by not allowing general development of an idea by others who may deserve that opportunity
+A19283	We should ban missionary work	against	missionaries have taken valuable healthcare and sanitation to people who otherwise would have none. money raised for missionary work saves lives in developing areas.
+A19284	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games allow for a show of strength among a country's athletes in a sportsman like manner, allowing for global participation and unification.
+A19285	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions cause a weight on country governments that have violated human rights, dangerous acts, et al and the only thing that governments can relate to are monetary hardships.
+A19286	We should subsidize student loans	against	we should not subsidize student loans because students should have worked to pay for college instead of going into debt.
+A19288	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	we should not abolish the olympic games because it brings the world together to celebrate sporting greatness.
+A19291	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	if the technology exists then it should be okay to use it
+A19294	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Recidivism rates are highly unlikely to go down after a third crime; it is therefore just to remove this person from society.
+A19296	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning opens up a path never before filled with benefits for human beings, allowing in the future the eradication of many diseases.
+A19297	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	if someone has no choice it is wrong to insist that they choose
+A19299	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution leads women to abusive and dangerous situations and should never be legalized.
+A19300	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism leads to a stagnant culture where new ideas are never formed and expressed
+A19302	We should abolish capital punishment	against	some threats need to be eliminated for the public good
+A19303	We should ban private military companies	against	using private military companies is no different to buying weapons or vehicles from private companies.
+A19304	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	we shouldnt because people might just vote for anyone if they have no interest in politics and could sway the vote.
+A19305	We should prohibit school prayer	against	students have the right to express themselves, and that includes expressions of faith.
+A19306	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we shouldn't ban the church of scientology because banning a religion goes against the constitution
+A19307	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	it would be expensive to change to a gender neutral language and that money could be better spent elsewhere  world hunger for example
+A19310	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	sanctions ultimately only hit the general population of the country affected, especially the vulnerable.  this serves to stir up bad feeling towards the countries implementing the sanction.
+A19311	We should end mandatory retirement	against	it provides more jobs for people that need to earn an income for their families, so mandatory retirement is a good idea
+A19312	We should ban the use of child actors	against	and if we forbid it, who will play the role of the children? this is a decision only of parents and children, the government should not get involved
+A19313	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	it gives more people an opportunity to improve a product already on that market without worrying about copyright infringement.
+A19314	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we should not abolish intellectual property rights because it protects that person's claim to their inventions and discoveries.
+A19316	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	we should legalize cannabis as it appears to do more good than harm for those that have illnesses.
+A19318	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning could in the future be a big problem for humanity by creating a natural imbalance
+A19320	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery helps many people with their self esteem.
+A19322	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research may lead to life-saving treatments such as the growing of spare organs, which can save many lives.
+A19325	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons are unique in their destructive power, in the unspeakable human suffering they cause, in the impossibility of controlling their effects in space and time
+A19326	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	The natural resources on earth are dwindling, we have to subsidize space exploration in order to find an outlet for this horrifying situation.
+A19327	We should subsidize student loans	against	student loans should not be subsidized as the enhanced education they receive will allow the students to go on to better paying jobs.
+A19328	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	if people want to get work done it is their choice
+A19329	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism, there is not one piece of evidence for religion being fact, yet science is proven. religion is a manipulative tactic based on lies.
+A19331	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	people have the right to fix their perceived flaws and raise their self esteem.
+A19332	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executives make enough and shouldn't be gaining any more when there are others who deserve bonuses
+A19333	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars allow those with disabilities that hinder driving to be able to travel to appointments, shopping and social events, and not to live isolated from others.
+A19336	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is a pock mark on society. it disrupts peoples lives, causes extreme aggravation and pushes unwanted products and services on the poor, elderly and those prone to being taken advantage of.
+A19337	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection should be legal for parents to select the sex of the child.  parents with all boys or all girls should have the choice of selecting the other sex.
+A19341	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism can erode personal freedoms in a way that is irreversible
+A19342	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies provide an armed protection for some that may not have it normally
+A19344	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	not allowing guns would help to keep crime down
+A19345	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are cruel to animals, because often if a human does something stupid the animal will get shot or killed.
+A19347	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party ensures that all people and voices are heard and represented.
+A19349	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	it can be very beneficial for people with certain illnesses so should be legal
+A19350	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	killing people is wrong, no matter what crime they committed
+A19351	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	subsidizing journalism allows the news outlets to be of a higher quality and keep people more informed about the world around them
+A19352	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is vital to the future of humanity, when we destroy this planet, we will need to have an alternative
+A19353	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are not viable solutions because they do nothing to actually solve the problem in the long-term
+A19354	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism is necessary to protect the rights of Americans because they seek to weed out the injustices within the system.
+A19356	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	religious individuals may object to pride parades
+A19358	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism can make enough income to support itself as is seen by the countless successful media outlets
+A19359	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	the words "he" and "she" are a way of labeling human beings and not everyone feels like they fit into either of these categories. by doing away with gender specific words you will make everyone feel the same.
+A19361	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work allows volunteers to do productive work in a foreign country
+A19362	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	we need to keep other kids safe in schools by enforcing a zero-tolerance policy in schools.   we can't have drugs or weapons in our schools and give those kids a pass.
+A19363	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms do not allow children to emphasize their differences, denying individuality.
+A19365	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	teaching children to think for themselves and learn based on their own actions is important to their growth.  stunting them with zero-tolerance does no one any favors.
+A19366	We should ban the use of child actors	against	children provide unique storytelling opportunities for movies and should not be banned as long as they are properly raised and cared for.
+A19367	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime will be a disaster.   people will lose jobs as programs are cut and this could lead to riots and unrest as it did in greece in 2011.
+A19369	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	people dont want to have gay people thrown in their face if they dont approve of them
+A19372	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation encourages them to work for their pay
+A19373	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives an unfair advantage to those who have access to such technology and results in losses for the "little guy".
+A19374	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	if everyone adopted atheism it would bring more social cohesion and less wars. most conflicts, whether official wars or not, usually relate back to religious beliefs and convictions.
+A19375	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	The three-strikes law is a deterrent against crime.
+A19376	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution sends the message that prostitution is okay, but it is not. prostitution is just the tip of the iceberg of human trafficking and abuse. it should not be condoned.
+A19377	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism is necessary to make sound decisions
+A19379	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	we should not end the use of economic sanctions because they help the nations with exports and imports of goods
+A19380	We should ban targeted killing	against	sometimes we need to eliminate threats from afar and not risk putting people in more danger so target killing is necessary.
+A19381	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing is useless and just unfair, no violence should ever be allowed
+A19382	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we should ban targeted killing because it condones violence.
+A19383	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia allows people to say whatever they want on a topic and does not have to be true or provable.
+A19386	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment can often cause great pain when being implemented and does not deter violent crime which is often committed in the throes of rage not to mention the injustice to the wrongly convicted.
+A19387	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is the last great frontier for scientific discovery and should be publicly funded.
+A19388	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration gives insight into our world and other planets which could be invaluable.
+A19389	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights shouldn't be abolished because it helps to ensure the originator is reimbursed accurately for their ideas.
+A19390	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime would be harmful
+A19391	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system will lack real leadership and will mean that policies often end up being diluted or not passed at all as a majority can not be reached.
+A19392	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are made up of soldiers that are probably much better trained than the kids we currently send to military.
+A19393	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not adopt gender-neutral language because more people than not specify with a certain gender and want to be addressed as such.
+A19396	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we shouldn't because some people need intervention to make decisions.
+A19400	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the tradition of the olympic games is brilliant for pulling together all countries of the world that it should never be abolished.
+A19403	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors grow up to be disfunctional adults because they are missing out on all of the social interaction children need with each other to learn the process of interaction with people their own age.
+A19405	We should ban whaling	against	whaling provides jobs for many people
+A19406	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism give more freedom to the people and cuts out government influence in their lives.
+A19407	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism do more harm than good because isolating individuals is not appropriate and they should be important as individuals and not part of the group.
+A19409	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights are absurd, we deserve to express what we think it does not matter if another already thinks so
+A19410	We should prohibit school prayer	against	if parents want their kids to pray at school so be it
+A19411	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	The free market knows best how to get out of a recession. Any government involvment would worsen the economic situation.
+A19413	We should ban factory farming	against	it is the only way we currently have to feed the masses.
+A19414	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is an important part of some cultures and provides jobs. you can't take that away from people that rely on it just because you don't like it.
+A19415	We should subsidize journalism	against	there is simply no need, there is enough money in journalism and plenty of valuable, objective sources available
+A19416	We should ban fast food	against	fast food enables people who lead busy lives to be able to have meals on the go.  this way they do not miss meals.
+A19420	We should legalize sex selection	against	Legalizing sex selection will lead to numerous healthy babies being aborted just because they are not the sex that the parents desire.
+A19421	We should abolish safe spaces	against	We should not abolish safe spaces because people who have PTSD will disengage from universities and other spaces if they cannot participate safely.
+A19425	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms should still be used because they can increase student focus
+A19428	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three -strikes laws take discretion away from judges.  a person committing a minor crime could be sentenced to life if he had a criminal history from long ago.  these laws backlog our courts, cram our prisons.
+A19429	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Nuclear weapon has lost it's deterrence after the cold war, and so it's not usefull anymore
+A19430	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars would help the elderly.
+A19431	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the veracity of scientology has been sufficiently questioned as to not accept churches of scientology
+A19435	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology is an evil cult that is sustained by stealing from its acolytes large sums of money in exchange for nothing
+A19436	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms is a totally outdated constitutional bedrock that underpins horrifically high rates of gun crime.
+A19437	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration advances the frontiers of mankind, and could well discover new resources that will be invaluable due to the depletion of those on earth.
+A19439	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Without the guaranteed peace caused by nuclear weapons, countries are more likely to turn to violence and squabbling.
+A19440	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos allow animals to live in safety and to have a constant food source
+A19441	We should abolish safe spaces	against	young people aren't conscious of what effect what they say has on someone else and a safe space prevents them from doing anything to anyone else
+A19442	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	the wealth of knowledge in wikipdia available to the public for free is too valuable to risk ever losing so it should be subsidized to ensure it continues.
+A19443	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	minors should be able to make decisions to have cosmetic surgery if it will help their self-confidence.
+A19444	We should ban the use of child actors	against	it is right and proper that talented children are able to earn money from acting
+A19445	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	a human being at death can help others to live and through organ trade help their families live
+A19446	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	We should not abolish the Olympic Games as they are viewed as the pinnacle of success for many athletes around the world.
+A19447	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	We should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms as we have a right to defend ourselves given by the constitution.
+A19448	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender-neutral language takes gender out of the equation, so that people can focus on content, not gender.
+A19450	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	the government should not be interfering in other countries affairs.
+A19451	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery for beautification is unnecessary for minors because their body hasn't finished developing yet.
+A19452	We should legalize organ trade	against	we shouldn't legalize organ trade because is horror for familiys
+A19453	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	Zoos are just a place for animals to be locked up and stared at by people.
+A19455	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	subsidising wikipedia would give it the funds needed to continue this valuable informative tool without needing to beg for funds.
+A19456	We should abolish safe spaces	against	some people fear of retribution  from those that oppose their thoughts and ideas.  this is a place they can feel safe.
+A19457	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Organs, as part of our bodies, are our property and should not be regulated by the government; we should be free to sell them on an open market.
+A19458	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research can create significant, life saving advancements in medicine.
+A19459	We should legalize sex selection	against	it will result in more elective abortions and cause a gender imbalance
+A19460	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Legalization of prostitution will save millions of dollars in state resources that are currently spent cracking completely harmless small time prostitutes.
+A19461	We should limit judicial activism	against	judges are in a position to make a positive change in the world, and should be encouraged to use activism to do so
+A19462	We should ban telemarketing	against	Banning telemarketing will create job losses for many people who work in this industry.
+A19463	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we need to stop all the shootings that are happening and abolishing the right to keep and bear arms is a good start
+A19464	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	we should not allow an austerity regime because it will completely destroy the country by causing worse economic demise.
+A19465	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is a traditional occupation of some cultures and their cultural heritage would be lost if they were not able to continue whaling.
+A19467	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning allows for the study of genetic disorders, opening the door for huge leaps in medical science and disease cures.
+A19470	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	some zoos have terrible living conditions and the animals aren't stimulated at all
+A19472	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is barbaric and cruel to whales and should therefore be banned
+A19474	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	We should not abolish the three-strikes laws, because crime has fallen since they were introduced.
+A19476	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	guns are much too dangerous and often get in the wrong hands
+A19477	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism fosters intellectual and human development and we must adopt it
+A19479	We should adopt atheism	against	we should not adopt atheism as people have the right to believe the way they want when it come to a higher power.
+A19480	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies do not all follow the rules of the country
+A19481	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	if someone can still work they should be allowed. it will cause less strain on social security.
+A19483	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	no one should be forced to do something they do not want to do
+A19484	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	it's about getting the deficit down and engaging in austerity regime, the overall impact on the economy is positive in the short term
+A19486	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people have the right to profit from their ideas
+A19488	We should adopt libertarianism	against	there won't be a government to provide order in society, there are many types of evil in this world & because of this people cannot be trusted to respect other people which will lead to violent attacks
+A19489	We should ban human cloning	against	we should not ban human cloning because it can help save lifes
+A19491	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games are necessary to promote healthy competition in the world and show the cultures of many countries.
+A19492	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing could bring worthwhile products to the attention of people who would not otherwise be aware of them.
+A19494	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions must be retained as it is the only way in which dishonest countries can be made to mend their ways.
+A19495	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should abolish the three-strikes laws and just stick to one law, because it may stop reoffending if it's that harsh
+A19496	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Allowing cosmetic surgery for minors creates more risk for doctors and therefore more frivolous lawsuits and money spent on malpractice insurance. This is bad for the healthcare system overall.
+A19497	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	subsidising journalism will put more resources into good investagative journalism.
+A19498	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we have the right to practice different religions and the church of scientology should not be banned.
+A19499	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	the future of the human race will rely on moving to other planets in the future therefore we need to subsidize space exploration to speed up research.
+A20001	We should ban factory farming	against	this method increases meat products to meet the high demand.
+A20002	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	Economic sanctions are immoral and hurt the people they are supposed to be protecting.
+A20004	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people are free to follow the religion they choose, no matter how out there the beliefs are.
+A20005	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	military companies put their employees at unnecessary risk and should be banned
+A20006	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are working to breed endangered species
+A20007	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation is simply part of a modern remuneration package, and just as with basic salaries, and attractive compensation scheme is needed to attract the best talent to an organisation.
+A20008	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming is cruel to the animals that are forced into a much smaller space than they would have in nature. therefore it should be banned.
+A20009	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not adopt gender-neutral language because it is stupid to change the way people been speaking for hundreds of years
+A20011	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime has never been shown to work because there is always someone who insists that his project must be funded
+A20012	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we definitely should, this research can make significant breakthroughs for musical science
+A20014	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery especially for vanity reasons because it makes people look stupid
+A20015	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	Autonomous cars have caused deadly accidents and they will never be safe enough for widespread public use.
+A20016	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people that come up with intellectual property should have the right to it and not have to share it with others if they don't want to
+A20018	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	we should stop the development of autonomous cars because they are too dangerous and unreliable until further safety measures and advancements have been made.
+A20019	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would ensure that more people were getting their voice heard at election time, making a fairer election
+A20020	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism is a control key put in place for counterbalance the overuse of power of law
+A20021	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides an invaluable service and we need to secure its ability to exist in the near and distant future
+A20022	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms eliminated having to buy numerous outfits, trying to buy close that are in style, which can be expensive, uniforms can save money for other school related needs.
+A20023	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because is nocive for health
+A20024	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	weapons are very tentative to commit a crime or create a vendetta against another person, that is why it is important to abolish the possession and carrying of arms.
+A20028	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is a harmful ideology that puts members of groups against each other.
+A20029	We should ban the use of child actors	against	providing child actors are still taught school subjects and that they are given time to be children then it is good for them and the money earned will give them freedom as adults to do whatever they want
+A20030	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	enforced prayer sessions in schools indoctrinate children into regressive belief systems and limit their ability to think independently for themselves and so should be removed from all schooling
+A20033	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Capital punishment makes the risk of committing a crime that you permanently lose your life and everything that matters to you, increasing the deterrence of the legal system.
+A20034	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting shouldn't be introduce because it forces undecided people to vote for a random people will ruin the quality of elections
+A20037	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	every journalist should be able to report the news regardless of whether they have the monetary means to do so or not.
+A20038	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	they have no need in society today with the amount of military we have
+A20040	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Nuclear armed nations benefit from the power and status of the weapons available within their territory
+A20043	We should limit executive compensation	against	limiting executive compensation would deter executives from doing their job correctly.
+A20044	We should ban targeted killing	against	it is sometimes necessary to act in a preemptive manner with cases of truly dangerous terrorists and national threats - reliance on the normal extradition process is too slow, and can cost lives.
+A20045	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	the brain of a child isn't fully developed and it isn't fair to have such harsh penalties on them
+A20046	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution is a dangerous profession
+A20047	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism gives people something to work on as a team and builds relationships.
+A20048	We should ban telemarketing	against	let the free market determine whether telemarketing is a viable option
+A20049	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidizing student loans will enable many more people the opportunity to attend college
+A20050	We should subsidize student loans	against	there are better things the government can do with that money.
+A20053	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should limit executive compensation because it only helps the rich
+A20055	We should subsidize space exploration	against	we should be concentrating on and spending money on making our world a better place then out exploring other worlds and space needlessly.
+A20056	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	The possibility of extinction as a result of nuclear war justifies their abolition as a precaution which protects all of humanity.
+A20057	We should abolish zoos	against	we shouldn't abolish zoos because they attract visitors and money to be able to put back into the zoo for animal feed and vet bills
+A20058	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	When nuclear weapons exist in one place, they are always at risk of proliferating to the most dangerous of regimes.
+A20059	We should end mandatory retirement	against	ending mandatory retirement would cause people to work longer to the detriment of younger job-seekers
+A20060	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is a drain on money which should be invested in looking after our own planet, therefore, we should not subsidize space explorations.
+A20061	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	three-strikes laws act as a very effective deterrent to crime, and this zero tolerance approach has been been responsible for making cities far safer.
+A20062	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos do so much for the conservation of animals and species that are at risk of being extinct and they should not be abolished.
+A20063	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	i think it is a very appropriate method given the physical and psychological violence that exists in schools today.
+A20064	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games inspire children and people of all ages to enjoy and participate in sports.
+A20067	We should legalize cannabis	against	marijuana use harms cognitive function -- especially long-term memory -- and is particularly dangerous to the brain development of children and teens.
+A20068	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	organ trade would allow for more people to get transplants because there would be more availability.
+A20069	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalising prostitution may promote the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
+A20070	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms create an army-like environment and create a world of robots
+A20072	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	government today has way too much influence in our daily lives; libertarianism seeks to reduce said interference, while possibly also reducing the amount of money the government spends.
+A20073	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning should be banned because the ethical problems it creates are too difficult to overcome
+A20074	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection should be a choice for parents to make and therefore should be legalized.
+A20075	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban private military companies because they own weapons and make their own rules and could go rouge.
+A20081	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	in the interests of bring communities together we should prohibit school prayer and embrace a non-religious outlook.
+A20082	We should ban factory farming	against	Raising animals take a lot of land and resources while demand for meat on the market is still steady and important. This is the best way to raise animals by reducing space used and better taking care of animals
+A20083	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces are essential to enable minorities to have freedom of speech and expression without the danger of oppression.
+A20084	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work has historically been used to oppress people and often does not help the areas in which it is tried
+A20085	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	we should legalize cannabis because it can relieve pain for people with serious illnesses such as cancer and ms
+A20086	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	The "perfect" beauty teens aspire to achieve with cosmetic surgery isn't real. Pictures in magazines are often airbrushed or photo-shopped - or otherwise enhanced.
+A20088	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	prostitution is catering for an age-old need, and legalising the profession will improve the safety and health of the sex workers.
+A20090	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos provide an excellent learning opportunity for children.
+A20091	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	children will make mistakes, because they are not mature.  we have to allow some discretion in the hands of the administrators
+A20095	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Capital punishment often goes wrong and leaves people suffering but still alive.
+A20096	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we shouldnt abolish intellectual property rights if you have come up with a new idea for something then it should be exclusive to you and you should be acknowledged for it
+A20097	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	we should abandon the school uniform because it is just another cost for parents to pay on top of all the other costs of a 'free' education.
+A20099	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban private military companies because war for hire is a bad practice, a dangerous one.
+A20101	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	it causes more harm than good when the surgery in minors is not for health
+A20104	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	it has many helpful medicinal qualities such as helping cancer patients keep food down when going through chemotherapy
+A20105	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading should be banned as the software can be hacked by criminals.
+A20106	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	many philologist said that gender-neutral language is hard to use, takes times to learn and will cost a lot of money.
+A20107	We should adopt atheism	against	adopting atheism would violate freedom of religion
+A20108	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work is important to help educate those in third world countries so they can improve their way of life.
+A20109	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are only in the business for profit and not for the "best" for our country in it's interests and private military companies should be banned.
+A20110	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	seniors want to feel needed and useful so as long as they are doing a good job they shouldn't be forced to retire
+A20112	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment is a way to deter heinous crimes.
+A20113	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions hurt poorer citizens
+A20114	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we should not adopt libertarianism because total individuality would create chaos.
+A20116	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	we should abolish the olympic games because there have too many scandals involving cheating and doping on illegal steroids and substances.
+A20120	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	scientology should not be banned as people have the right to worship in whatever religion they wish and in a way they wish to.
+A20121	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors because they should be in school and learning
+A20122	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	we shouldn't fight to get rid of nuclear weapons. they provide a deterrent to serious conflict because even the smaller countries who have nuclear weapons pose a threat
+A20123	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	there are times when it makes sense for people to get another chance
+A20125	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	If we adopted libertarianism the country would be more peaceful as everyone would just be allowed to do whatever they feel is right.
+A20126	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is a personal option in a safe environment with minimal risk
+A20127	We should subsidize space exploration	against	in times of austerity, no government can afford the costly exercise of subsidising space exploration.
+A20128	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing allows the military to remove a dangerous person without needing to go to war or harming others. it is a strategic way to save innocents who would be endangered by that person.
+A20131	We should legalize organ trade	against	legalizing organ trade could result in more criminal murders which is not acceptable.
+A20132	We should ban fast food	against	we shouldn't ban fast food in some ocations
+A20134	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis should be legalized because no link has been found to document a connection between cannabis use and mind altering drugs.
+A20135	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	sometimes a cosmetic procedure is necessary in cases of disfigurement, and when this is addressed early, the chances of recovery and normalised existence are maximised.
+A20136	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	religion has caused many wars. if we did not have religion then these wars may be avoided.
+A20137	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	the cars can be dangerous and cause accidents if the equipment fails.
+A20139	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we should not prohibit school prayer because the constitution gives us freedom of religion and prayer does not infringe on others.
+A20140	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	saving life is mandatory for all of us and organ trade is one way plus to save somebodies life.
+A20141	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	providing help in paying student loans will lift a financial burden off of students and allow them to become more indepedent.
+A20142	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	Algorithmic trading causes substantial job loss for employees in the economic sector with few benefits to the market overall.
+A20144	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning should be banned as the long term effects on the cloned is still uncertain and could lead to long term health complications
+A20147	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading may be an artificial manipulation of the market.
+A20148	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	embryonic stem cell research is controversial and therefore should not receive government funding.
+A20150	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is an easy way for people to connect with consumers that are interested in their products.
+A20151	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympics are an expensive operation and the city selection process is corrupt.
+A20153	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies offer a unique way of dealing with a problem, one that keeps our actual government out of it.
+A20154	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	such a regime has the great potential to be abused and become a police state
+A20156	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Cosmetic surgery as a minor makes it more likely that you will have to go in for follow up procedures as an adult to touch up or fix problems with this past surgery.
+A20160	We should cancel pride parades	against	we should not cancel pride parades because people have a right to have a way to voice their sexual preferences
+A20162	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	students are not yet adults, and circumstances are unique for each child.
+A20164	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multiple parties will just confuse people and cause more divisiveness in society
+A20165	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	it could help support journalism and help people create compelling and quality articles and better coverage and less false or misleading headlines.
+A20168	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	Student loans are necessary to be able to afford  the cost of college. Subsidizing the loans allows more people to  gt a degree and not have to leave to earn an income before they finish.
+A20170	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	we shouldn't get rid of the olympics because it unites countries and gives everyone something in common.
+A20171	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery makes people feel better about themselves.
+A20173	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Mandatory retirement affirms problematic stereotypes about the competency of older people which prevents them from being taken seriously when they should be.
+A20176	We should legalize sex selection	against	we should not legalize sex selection because this goes against the natural laws of nature.
+A20179	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is damaging to whale populations as well as other species of fish.
+A20180	We should ban telemarketing	against	The telemarketing industry is huge, and any attempt to shut it down will cause a rise is unemployment and will damage the economy.
+A20182	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	we should not end the use of economic sanctions because  penalties should be applied once a self governing state is proved to be needed to be penaliozed
+A20184	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism promotes a greater sense of community where people care about each other's welfare.
+A20185	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work is an effective way to bring christianity to the rest of the world
+A20186	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	looking at the current state of politics around the world it is evident that democracy only exists through vigilance. compulsory voting would help to keep democracy alive when under threat.
+A20187	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is an extravagance in this era of poverty and injustice, we should concentrate government money on those areas instead.
+A20189	We should legalize organ trade	against	we should not legalize organ trade because some people would be getting bad organs
+A20190	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	adopting an austerity regime is necessary when our country is struggling, it is the only was to ensure a flourishing economy in the future. ending the debt ensures our country does not collapse.
+A20192	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	industrial farms are harmful for the fertilizers they use and create artificial foods dangerous to our health
+A20194	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is dangerous, often occurring in war torn areas. missionaries are often young adults without world experience who are unaware of how to defend themselves in unknown lands.
+A20198	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	several people have been found not guilty after they had already been put to death.
+A20200	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is known for trying to completely control the thoughts and actions of others
+A20201	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work disrupts an indigenous culture's natural development.
+A20202	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	we should abolish the olympic games because the pressure placed on athletes can cause mental health issues
+A20204	We should ban whaling	against	whaling provides jobs and income for many people
+A20205	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	religion should be a personal matter and the government should not dictate which faiths are allowed and which are not.
+A20206	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection is a choice between parents and their doctor; if the parents insist on having a boy to, say, balance out a family full of girls, then what's the problem with that?
+A20211	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	we should end mandatory retirement because a person should be able to work for as long as they wish as long as they do not pose as a safety threat to those around them.
+A20212	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	Arms are very bad for the whole of society when they are in the hands of bad persons. giving anyone the right to keep and bear arms puts society in danger
+A20213	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people should be allowed to not vote as a way to protest the government
+A20216	We should ban whaling	against	it is not fair to ban whaling whilst allowing farming of cows and sheep for meat. one animals' life should not be valued higher than another.
+A20220	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	people make mistakes and should be given a second chance.  a zero-tolerance policy in school would not teach the student a lesson, it would just rid the school of the problem.
+A20221	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms have no positive effect on academic achievement.
+A20222	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	Able students are afraid to continue education due to the prohibitive cost of loans, these students could be the answer to curing cancer etc. We need to ensure no one misses out because of cost.
+A20223	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading allows computers to make predictions based on far more data than a human could handle. this means that more money is likely to be made for share holders.
+A20225	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	the future of mankind may depend on the ability to travel in space
+A20226	We should subsidize student loans	against	tax payers, many of which have not been to school themselves, should not have to pay for any elses student loans.
+A20227	We should abolish capital punishment	against	serious crimes deserve serious punishment. at it's simplest level, 'an eye for an eye' is still a compelling argument for criminal justice.
+A20228	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	people that can not drive will be able to go wherever they want.
+A20231	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system weakens speed of decision making and ensures no progress is made so we should not adopt it.
+A20232	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system would be too confusing
+A20233	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people working hard to invite something and should be awarded for it.
+A20234	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is nothing more then a cult that brachurch of scientologyinwashes people.
+A20235	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research because we can learn so much from it.
+A20236	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	each case needs to be reviewed independently and punishments then established.
+A20239	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces are endorsing segregation instead of engouraging debate
+A20240	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	the three-strikes law is effective at deterring many petty criminals from continuing on their path and should be allowed to stay on the books.
+A20241	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is an important source of food for native americans who near the artic circle and because of this we should allow a  certain amount of whaling.
+A20243	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	Many students do not believe in prayer and school prayer should be stopped because it does infringe on other students' rights not to pray.
+A20246	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting takes away an individual's right to their own mind
+A20247	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	providing more funding from goverment to speed up embryonic stem cell research can only be for the benefit of the public's health.
+A20248	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming provides us with all the food we take for granted
+A20250	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism too often causes the individual to suffer needlessly
+A20252	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	being lgbt is against many large religions, people should not be forced to witness such parades because of such.
+A20253	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism would be good for our country, less conflicts
+A20255	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	i think that we should adopt gender-neutral language because a best comunication
+A20256	We should abolish safe spaces	against	everyone needs a place where they feel safe
+A20260	We should ban telemarketing	against	under any circumstance, telemarketing is a source of employment for many people. banning it will result to tens of thousands losing their jobs.
+A20261	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploratin gives us an advantage over other countries such as satellite usage to target enemy combatants and nuclear arsenals.
+A20263	We should ban targeted killing	against	by using targeted killing the government can potentially save hundreds of lives, for example if a terrorist is targeted.
+A20264	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces don't really serve a beneficial purpose. they don't solve any issues and instead attract a target on to those others may feel are weak or inferior. they cause more harm than good.
+A20265	We should subsidize journalism	against	the subsidies could be used on other primary production methods which are very much likely to help boost the economy
+A20266	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is bad for children and is extremely poor quality
+A20267	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalizing organ trade would alleviate the shortage of organ donations that the medical system constantly faces.
+A20271	We should limit judicial activism	against	sometimes a case has extenuating circumstances that would require a judge to make a different ruling.
+A20273	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	the united states, at least, needs nuclear weapons for protection in order to deter other countries from attacking.
+A20274	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is the only way to meet the high demand for meat.
+A20277	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	it is inhumane to keep animals in cages for our entertainment. they need to be in their natural habitat in order to thrive instead of zoos.
+A20283	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalizing the organ trade will help to save the lives of large numbers of people that current don't have access to organs they need to stay alive
+A20284	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	an approval of selective killings can trigger a war between the community, that's why i do not support selective assassinations
+A20285	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	In a multi-party system, minority needs are better catered to.
+A20288	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church has engaged in harassment against detractors and former members and promotes dangerous ideas about mental health, homosexuality and child-rearing
+A20289	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions allow countries to try to curb bad behavior short of war.
+A20290	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi party system is too volatile, there's no stability and no consistency
+A20291	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing because it upsets people to always have them calling and also they are usually rude
+A20292	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we should keep intellectual property rights because if a person came up with an idea, they should receive credit for it no matter what the circumstances are, it is only fair.
+A20293	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people are allowed to believe and practice what they want, we can't pick and choose, so no, we can't ban it.
+A20294	We should ban fast food	against	fast food should not be banned as it is comforting, allows for social events and interaction and is enjoyed by many
+A20295	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism because religion is the root of all the wars that have happened and would stop so much fighting in th world.
+A20296	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes hid the poor and dependent sections of society disproportionally hard, and they are those least able to withstand such reductions in spending.
+A20297	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	it is everybody's right to have cosmetic surgery those that want it, including children, should have access
+A20298	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	so many people are getting elective surgery and having complications later.
+A20300	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	america far and away has the highest gun related homicides of any developed nation, to say nothing of the multiple mass shootings per year.
+A20301	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are essential for gay youth trying to navigate their sexuality. they give support where they may have none and send the message that being yourself is acceptable.
+A20303	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism maximizes personal freedom and frees people from the inherent debt and tyranny of big government.
+A20304	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning will end up with individuals who only exist as a means to an end, which is deeply unethical.
+A20305	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	too much parties are dangerous for cohesion.
+A20306	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and we must take care of it
+A20307	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three strikes is too many and dangerous criminals will be on the loose again too quickly.
+A20308	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Capital punishment denies due process by making it impossible for new evidence or good behavior to change the sentence.
+A20310	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is leading to an obesity epidemic and a health crisis.
+A20311	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	creative work is just as important as physical work and authors should be compensated
+A20312	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is an amazing resource that just about everyone uses.  if it were to disappear many people would lose out.  subsidizing it would be beneficial to all.
+A20313	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is unhealthy and causes obesity
+A20315	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing should be banned as it is no more than assassination which has always been regarded as cowardly and underhand
+A20316	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning is not good for humanity, less for evolution
+A20317	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is a private entity and is responsible for their own costs
+A20318	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	there are too many incidents of people getting shot either by accident or because people shoot first and ask questions later or even people suddenly becoming unhinged and going on shooting sprees.
+A20319	We should legalize prostitution	against	Prostitution promotes the repression of women by men. Legalizing prostitution condones such behavior.
+A20320	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	it's unethical on the animals and just down right cruel
+A20322	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	if a government is doing something wrong like apartheid we should not be trading with them as it shows support for that behaviour.
+A20323	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is an annoyance.  allowing people to bother you by calling unsolicited is a nuisance and should be eliminated.
+A20324	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	there is not a bottomless well of money to pay for everything, resources like wikipedia should be paid fr by advertisers or by introducing paid for levels of membership to have access to the whole site.
+A20325	We should legalize cannabis	against	legalization of marijuana will create a huge industry that utilizes people for profit and targets children
+A20328	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender-neutral language would show we respect peoples choices.
+A20330	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism will bring forth new interpretations of the constitution and advance our society
+A20331	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	there are valid medical reasons for using sex selection to combat certain diseases
+A20332	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish this because it hinders smaller businesses into growing from the beginning and outright stops competition.
+A20333	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	if wikipedia was subsidised they may start to put in whatever information the person supplying the subsidy wants rather than only the truth and this would be harmful.
+A20335	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms because innocent people get killed
+A20336	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution would lead to an increase of child abductions for the sex trade.
+A20337	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading removes the human element of common sense from trading patterns, which has caused many wild mini-crashes and market fluctuations.
+A20338	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	we should limit judicial activism so that we do not depart from the constitution.
+A20339	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing allows the killing of a singular person or group which hopefully will mean less loss of life down the line.
+A20340	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution would erode moral values and reduce the safety of women so it should never be legal.
+A20342	We should legalize sex selection	against	we shouldn't legalize sex selection because is moral action in society
+A20344	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	we should end mandatory retirement because not all people have the same stamina as others and can work longer than others.
+A20345	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	pmcs should be banned, as they are profiting from war and destruction. it is their interest to cause and prolong discord in the world.
+A20347	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	the term safe spaces should not be used as it marginalizes all other space as insecure
+A20348	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	too many people fight and cause wars through religion so it should be banned in favor of atheism
+A20349	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	we should ban missionary work because people are getting killed going to bad places.
+A20350	We should oppose collectivism	against	Collectivism forces people to form stronger ties with their community, and ultimately to better themselves by empathizing with the needs of others over themselves.
+A20351	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	We should adopt an austerity regime because the debt to gdp ratio threatens the future stability of the country
+A20353	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are the future and some cities already have them.
+A20354	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	School uniforms reduce bullying. Poor kids aren't a target to be laughed at because their clothes aren't fashionable or expensive.
+A20355	We should cancel pride parades	against	if pride parades are canceled, then many lgbtq+ youth will have nowhere to safely celebrate who they are.
+A20356	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	the government doesnt need to be in control of science
+A20357	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions affect the poor more than the tyrants
+A20358	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning should not be banned because it may lead to the ability to generate human organs for transplant which would save many lives
+A20360	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	we should not ban because it helps people feel good about themselves and improve their confidence.
+A20361	We should ban fast food	in favor of	we should ban fast food as it is very unhealthy and is creating a lazy culture in which people do not cook or eat fresh food.
+A20362	We should oppose collectivism	against	We should support collectivism because many problems like climate change cannot be dealt with on an individual level.
+A20363	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer is forcing a religion on everyone, including non-believers
+A20365	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalisation of prostitution would provide a certain level of protection for the sex worker who will not need to work 'underground', and should be safer.
+A20366	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis is not as harmful to humans as tobacco or alcohol and can have many health benefits
+A20367	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime would save money for the country.
+A20368	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a helpful source of information for research and educational purposes
+A20369	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	by adopting a zero-tolerance policy in schools we can cut bullying out since those who do it will be removed from the school.
+A20372	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because society is making an unrealistic view on children and expecting them to grow up too quickly.
+A20373	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we shouldn't ban algorithmic trading because it gets more done than using single instructions and it's more systematic
+A20374	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism can achieve more that individuals alone
+A20375	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	some people classify themselves as gender neutral and we should respect them with our language
+A20378	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Subsidizing journalism will enable higher salaries be paid to journalists and ensure we keep good, talented newspeople reporting the news.
+A20379	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	Algorithmic trading is more likely to be traceable, making illegal data inputs such as insider information more difficult to use.
+A20380	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	there have been too many terrible shootings where the perpetrator has found it easy to amass weapons. making th is harder may limit these shootings.
+A20382	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery for minors is unnecessary because they are still developing.
+A20383	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should limit executive compensation because it will lead to having to pay taxes at the highest tier
+A20386	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	education is important to ensure the continued progress of humanity and to move humanity forwards; for this reason we should subsidise loans for students.
+A20388	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades cause violence and hate
+A20391	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism must be supported by the central government
+A20394	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Nuclear Weapons are a good defense and allows a nation to protect themselves
+A20396	We should legalize organ trade	against	people will sell their organs risking their lives
+A20397	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	high-quality journalism requires time, expertise, and research. all of this requires money.
+A20398	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	stem cell research may be the key to curing many diseases
+A20400	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	adults should be able to choose substances that they want to use.
+A20401	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning is vital for medical science as it might be able to identify treatments and cures for diseases
+A20402	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming allows for cheaper meat production costs thus enabling those on low incomes to be able to afford meat.
+A20403	We should ban whaling	in favor of	we should ban whaling because it is inhumane and because whales are becoming extinct.
+A20404	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we shouldn't abolish the three-strikes laws because everyone deserves a chance and it's a fair system
+A20405	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	when we demand other countries do not have nuclear weapons it is illegitimate and hypocritical to continue having our own
+A20406	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	nobody should own the intellectual works because we are not 100% sure that they have not been stolen
+A20407	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	in a multi party system the general population have more of a choice in who their leaders are
+A20408	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	we should abolish safe spaces because they take up too much room that could be used for more pressing matters.
+A20409	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos help conservation efforts and prevent extinction of animals in the wild. many zoos have a complex breeding network in place to specifically add to wild populations of animals outside of zoos.
+A20410	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	this will prevent offending people or creating divisions amongst people
+A20411	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	there is a risk of children exploitation by forcing them to act things they wouldn't normally do in life
+A20412	We should cancel pride parades	against	it sends a valuable message to the lgbt community that they are free and able to celebrate their lives
+A20415	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting is an infringement on personal choice
+A20416	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi party system will lead to the rise of fringe groups that do not represent the will of the people.
+A20417	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	some students can not afford school uniforms and or may not be comfortable in them, which is distracting.
+A20418	We should adopt atheism	against	people have the freedom to religion and forcing them to chose a non religious entity is unconstitutional.
+A20420	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling serves no purpose, there's no great benefit. it only serves to disrupt the ocean ecosystems and cause needless suffering. it should absolutely be banned.
+A20422	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos can aid conservation by raising awareness of animals that are facing extinction and raising funds to support them in the wild.
+A20423	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people deserve to have there inventions protected
+A20428	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	acting takes children away from their education and normal childhood pursuits
+A20429	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	limiting executive compensation would allow more money to go to employees.
+A20430	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	we should ban them because it is a cult that expects members to pay lots of money to join, and if anyone tries to leave they make their life hell.
+A20431	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives are the primary reason a company is successful or not.  their pay is usually justifiable.
+A20432	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer should be prohibited because it promotes one religion over another or over no religion.
+A20434	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research will help save lives and is very important.
+A20435	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism can be useful to prevent truly bad people who abuse the letter of the law to skirt punishment.
+A20436	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	we should abolish safe spaces because it can become a toxic place where people only talk bad about each other
+A20438	We should ban the use of child actors	against	many great actors of today started as children and had no problem in their growth
+A20441	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism should be limited to avoid violence among the opposition.
+A20442	We should subsidize space exploration	against	we should not subsidize space exploration because that money could be spend on much more pressing matters like helping the homeless and research into cures for cancer.
+A20443	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism violates the legislature's authority, endangering the coequal balance of the governmental branches.
+A20444	We should legalize sex selection	against	legalizing the selection of sex goes against the moral and natural principles of society
+A20445	We should abolish safe spaces	against	for minority groups used to all manner of persecutionl, safe spaces provide a metaphorical 'breathing space' where they can connect with themselves in a fear-free environment.
+A20446	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whales could be in danger of going extinct if fisherman can go out and kill them.
+A20447	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection could create places where boys outnumber girls by  a lot since there are many places that value boys more than girls, and this could create problems as they get older
+A20448	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parading is the peaceful place for lgbtq people to express themselves freely, demonstrate and require more acceptance from other people
+A20449	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	of all the different stem cells, embryonic have the most promise for scientific research.
+A20450	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	we should not end the use of economic sanctions because in the long term they can achieve significant results such as the end of the apartheid regime in south africa
+A20451	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a form of sales that has been around for years and without it many jobs would be lost.
+A20452	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	It is difficult to get a job without a degree these days, so students need help paying to obtain one.
+A20453	We should adopt atheism	against	All beliefs should be recognized not just the one YOU want.
+A20454	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	de-emphasizing gender in every day conversation will have long term benefits for humanity.
+A20457	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism - and the seeking to maximise freedom and personal autonomy - is a key value and it should be central to the constitution.
+A20458	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	the military should be wholly the domain of governments, because they provide for national defense. a private military company is 100-percent for profit, making them less favorable to true national defense.
+A20459	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games should be abolished as they have become a massive corporate sponsorship opportunity that is subject to bribery, cheating and politics
+A20462	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	its unreasonable to go into another country for the intent of trying to convert people to a religion.
+A20466	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	it is everyone's national duty to at least vote in elections
+A20467	We should adopt atheism	against	we should not because everyone needs something to believe in and if there was no religion then people may not follow laws because there is no consequences of bad actions (hell)
+A20468	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would ensure that everyone becomes engaged in the political process and it would be the true voice of the people rather than the voice of the minority  who vote.
+A20469	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors are robbed of their childhood and can face much emotional turmoil as an adult from missing this important step in childhood.
+A20471	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Corporations should decide for themselves whether to keep a worker because they are the ones directly impacted, mandatory retirement encroached on corporate rights.
+A20472	We should subsidize space exploration	against	it costs too much money to explor space, it could be used elsewhere to benefit humans
+A20473	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	everyone has opinions about themselves and should be in control of how they treat their bodies
+A20475	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	we should not because it will cause much less accidents on the road.
+A20476	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms because too many guns get into the hands of kids
+A20477	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	We should not adopt an austerity regime because the global economy is now rapidly growing, and the recession is years behind us.
+A20481	We should oppose collectivism	against	society is a collective and the most good comes from working together
+A20483	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection could lead to gender inbalance in some societies.
+A20484	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	we are propagating unnatural and unattainable beauty norms by fueling an industry that operates on those that can afford it, to look as close to perfect as possible
+A20485	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	with this law, the victim is given more security and we make sure that the perpetrator does not relapse in other crimes.
+A20486	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarians adopt the best policies, regardless of which party espouses them.
+A20489	We should ban whaling	against	whaling provides food and fuel for many people
+A20491	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	we should legalize prostitution because it gets prostitutes off the street
+A20492	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	We should not fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because there is a huge risk to being the first great power to disarm your nuclear arsenal, and the status quo keeps us all safe.
+A20494	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender-neutral language should be adoppted in todays society where peoples sex  is self determined and more fluid, because it avoids offence or discrimination
+A20495	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation provides motivation for executives to act in ways that are beneficial to the company and shareholders.
+A20497	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	parents already have to pay a lot to buy supplies for their kids and having them buy school uniforms for their kids is too much of an added cost
+A20499	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms since it leads to more violence and higher crime rights.
+A20500	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	there is too much scandal and controversy that comes out every time the olympics come around.
+A21001	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime unfairly hits hardest those least able to cope such as the poor and the sick
+A21003	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three strike law is too strict for some offenders
+A21005	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	there is no need to carry a fire arm it just leads to more people doing the same
+A21006	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading allows larger orders to happen that one individual couldn't do without the use of the 'robots'.
+A21007	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism can give proper justice to those when the law isn't completely clear
+A21009	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism provides a common goal for everyone to work towards.
+A21010	We should legalize prostitution	against	we should not legalize prostitution because they spread too many deceases so we need to get rid of prostitution
+A21013	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism decreases individual rights by forcing them to conform to what the group deems best
+A21014	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism should not be limited as times have changed, circumstances are vastly different, than a reason why an initial law was enacted.
+A21015	We should limit executive compensation	against	if someone has worked hard  to climb the career ladder then they should receive a reward in the form of executive compensation.
+A21017	We should subsidize space exploration	against	Space exploration is expensive and money should not be wasted on something that will probably never improve life on earth.
+A21020	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	many religions have toxic aspects but we cannot pick and choose which ones  freedom of religion applies to.
+A21022	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we should subsidize journalism as it is a key element to investigating wrong doings in society
+A21023	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning could aid medical advances and should therefore be allowed.
+A21025	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalizing the organ trade would provide life saving options for all people not just the wealthy ones who can afford to buy them on the black market.
+A21026	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement is a form of discrimination, namely ageism, we cannot allow as a free society discrimination of any kind
+A21027	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are a safe place for like minded people to gather and support each other.
+A21028	We should ban fast food	in favor of	we should ban fast food because it is essentially just making obesity the most convenient lifestyle
+A21031	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should abolish the three-strikes laws because they have no effect in detering crime
+A21033	We should legalize organ trade	against	legalizing organ trade could lead to some horrific situations such as organs being taken from unwilling donors.
+A21034	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning could help humanity by creating being with similar organ types that could be donated to the sick
+A21035	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	we need these people but not if they are a nuisance and try to criticize our personal beliefs.
+A21036	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is a major life blood for some communities.
+A21038	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	we need to do away with what there is so there are no accidents
+A21040	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection is a slippery slope that may lead to parents picking other traits to screen for, from innocent ones like hair color, to larger ones like iq.
+A21042	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies do not operate under the normal rules of engagement and are sometimes linked to civilian deaths
+A21044	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation packages are necessary to attract the best qualified people into a company - it is simply market economics, supply and demand.
+A21045	We should ban the use of child actors	against	if they want to be an actor it is their choice
+A21047	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning could be dangerous in the wrong hands, for example dictators who could use it for unethical reasons.
+A21048	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is already being funded and if a private business is interested in it they've got to pay for it
+A21049	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	adopting gender-neutral language would prevent children from believing they can't do certain things.  for example a girl should be able to have aspirations to be president if she so chose.
+A21050	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading has helped the trading industry due to the high level of accuracy that it provides, there is no human error
+A21051	We should legalize cannabis	against	marijuana is damaging mentally and physically
+A21052	We should cancel pride parades	against	everyone has a right to celebrate and show pride.  otherwise it would be discrimination.
+A21054	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three-strikes laws don't consider the proportionality of the crimes committed and would offer disproportionate punishment to people who commit petty crimes.
+A21055	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	we don't need a zero-tolerance policy that punishes students harshly for small things
+A21056	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing is a barbaric practice.
+A21057	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming brings meat down to a price affordable to the poorest in our community on a regular basis
+A21058	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should help students pay to be educated. it is costly, and loans hamper their future.
+A21059	We should subsidize journalism	against	funding comes with overt or covert strings attached, certain criticisms of the government would vanish
+A21060	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration should be privatized and maybe we'd get somewhere.
+A21061	We should prohibit school prayer	against	We should not prohibit school prayer as it allows students to practice their faith in their everyday life.
+A21066	We should abolish safe spaces	against	people need a place to go when they need help. they need somewhere that is going to help them without question instead of forcing them back into the situation they are trying to get away from
+A21067	We should ban the use of child actors	against	it would not be possible to portray society realistically if child actors are banned because children are an important part of many dramas
+A21069	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Nuclear weapons, by virtue of the principle of mutual assured destruction, have made another great war between global powers impossible.
+A21070	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning should not be banned as it the next step in medicine and will allow for transplantation to be simpler and easier to perform
+A21071	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology encourages people to cut themselves off from friends and family outside the church. this isolation is potentially damaging for children as it limits the opinions they have.
+A21072	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions can put pressure on the regime in power.  it reduces their ability to buy weapons of oppression and the ability to keep their economy healthy.  it can be effective in the right circumstances.
+A21073	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism is a legitimate belief system that allows a person to think for himself and figure life out in his own way. it should be adopted the same as other belief systems are adopted.
+A21074	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection can possibly destroy the natural selection and over balance the society.
+A21076	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	we should allow young people to express their individualism.
+A21077	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are in it for the financial gain and does not adhere to the morals of civilian casualties.
+A21079	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement is age discrimination and shouldn't be allowed to happen.
+A21080	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery can cause more harm then good and if not done properly can damage a person for the rest of their lives.  it can also take up surgical rooms that are needed for emergency surgeries.
+A21081	We should ban telemarketing	against	if telemarketing is done appropriately and at reasonable hours, then it should not be banned
+A21086	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is an easy way to keep money moving and to make a profit so there is no reason to ban it.
+A21087	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	three-strikes laws help people realize that what they did was wrong and change their ways before they end up in jail for life.
+A21089	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery for minors will only cause kids to get surgery to meet an impossible standard of looks and beauty.
+A21090	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	there are too many people on planet earth and austerity is the only way our planet will survive. we do not have enough resources for our population to be gluttonous.
+A21092	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games cost vast sums of money to the host country that would be better spent on essential services such as healthcare and education
+A21093	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would increase voter turnout
+A21094	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work should be banned as some people can be forced into this line of work due to pressure from religious communities.
+A21095	We should subsidize space exploration	against	The government is already in debt and subsidizing space exploration is not necessary.
+A21100	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	we should not show preference to one website
+A21101	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children are too young to know the full effects of such a lifestyle and history has shown us many child actors are abandoned by the industry and often fall foul to substance abuse
+A21102	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	Autonomous car development should be continued to help find safe, renewable energy sourced transportation for the masses.
+A21103	We should cancel pride parades	against	Pride parades allow communities to be open and free about their lifestyles in a way that everyone else can all the time, they are fun, community events that go beyond the LGBTQ communities.
+A21104	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies can hold bias and due to past experiences and can result in dangerous sctivities for the wrong reasons.
+A21105	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is the main culprit for our current obesity epidemic.  we need to get rid of it to restore our health in the future.
+A21107	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	There cannot be justification for taking a human life. The only way to properly deliver this message is to abolish death penalty.
+A21108	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	freedom of religion is one of the most basic human rights that exist.  just because someone else might not believe in scientology doesn't give them the right to say someone else can't believe.
+A21112	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms is antiquated as it was utilized to form militia's during times of conflict and war and is no longer necessary.
+A21113	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games provide addition income to small businesses.
+A21115	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis is a hallucinogenic product that can harm a persons memory, lower their inhibitions and cause a person to make dangerous choices and is addictive. all of these behaviors can be destructive.
+A21116	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	We should not adopt an austerity regime because counter cyclical spending leads to better outcomes for the economy than austerity.
+A21118	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is perfectly fine, when handled by telemarketers appropriately and politely with respect to potential customers
+A21119	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism should be the defacto stance as it is the only provable observance of reality, in that there is absolutely no evidence to prove the contrary.
+A21121	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	you cannot push another country just because you don't approve of their behaviors
+A21122	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	A zero tolerance policy in schools is a very old fashioned theory, and it has failed over and over again.
+A21127	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work can provide assistance to people who need it.
+A21129	We should abolish capital punishment	against	we should not because it will be much cheaper than keeping these evil people in prison for there life.
+A21130	We should end mandatory retirement	against	we should not end mandatory retirement because people need to retire whether they realize it or not, it is not up to them, they of course have no free will.
+A21132	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	the use of gender pronouns tends to single out one gender from the other and can be offensive to some.
+A21133	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	we should no adopt a multi-party system because nothing would ever get done with varying points of view.
+A21134	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are a fantastic way for individuals to celebrate their identities which history has long put down as being not normal or labeled as a disorder.
+A21135	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work can be viewed as the exploitation of a disadvantaged culture by a privileged culture.
+A21137	We should subsidize journalism	against	State subsidies for jouranalism aren't supported by a majority of the populace, making it undemocratic and not something the state should do.
+A21138	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protect those who have spent time and ingenuity on development of an idea and ensures they can be rewarded accordingly for their inspiration.
+A21139	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation encourages corruption
+A21141	We should ban fast food	in favor of	banning fats food should be obligatory for all governments as hurting people health.
+A21142	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalizing organ trade would make it safer by moving it out of the hands of unscrupulous people operating in the black market.
+A21143	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic research has proven effective in finding cures for many diseases such as cancer.
+A21144	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games are the one event that can bring all countries together in unity and should never be abolished.
+A21146	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	the interests of a two party system are very limited and we need to expand with more parties to cater to more views
+A21149	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism gives us real freedom and keeps the government out of our lives
+A21150	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judges by definition are supposed to be impartial. having activist judges defeats the purpose
+A21152	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons should be abolished because they are just an easy way to wipe out the human race.
+A21153	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	the church is like any other church, and after all, there is supposed to be a separation of church and state.
+A21155	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment is the only acceptable punishment for some heinous crimes because they are so evil, life in prison is not enough.
+A21156	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans is a help for those who do not have resources
+A21157	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embyronic stem cell research uses cells that would otherwise just be destroyed.
+A21161	We should ban whaling	against	We should not ban whaling because there are whale species that could be sustainably harvested, albeit not all whale species.
+A21162	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	Executive Compensation should be limited when there are losses in the company
+A21164	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are often run by former military men and women and provide a service that allows the military to concentrate on military operations.
+A21166	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	we could not support economic sanctions as it only hurts both countries financially in the long run.
+A21168	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we should not abolish intellectual property rights because it's not fair for people to steal a genius idea from someone else
+A21169	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	if we chose to ban one religion we could end up with all religions banned which would result in war so we should not ban the church of scientology.
+A21170	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	adopting gender neutral language would make it easier to be inclusive.
+A21172	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	the judicial system requires independence, judicial activists undermine this independence and the practice should be limited.
+A21173	We should subsidize journalism	against	we already are in high enough debt, we don't need to make it worse be subsidizing pointless things.
+A21174	We should ban private military companies	against	the operating personnel of these companies has been working for the army of the nation. this type of company keeps them active and always ready to defend if necessary.
+A21175	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	we should oppose collectivism because it creates echo chambers in societies that makes it harder for individuals to give their thoughts and opinions on things
+A21176	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism promotes freedom and liberty in the more fair form for all. the foundation of our country is built on these ideas. there is more equality and freedom through libertarianism.
+A21177	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	there are still civilian casualties when using targeted killing.
+A21180	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	the national debt is out of control and only by implementing austerity measures will we be able to reduce the budget deficit and guarantee the country's future.
+A21182	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	confining animals in small spaces is cruel.
+A21183	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis can potentially provide a route into experimenting with harder drugs.
+A21185	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos can help people, especially those with little money, to  discover the beauty of wildlife and learn how to protect  endangered species
+A21186	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	we should ban telemarketing because it is annoying and there is no way to tell if the offer is legitimate.
+A21190	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are great educational tools, and it is also a safe place to take care of endangered species.
+A21192	We should end mandatory retirement	against	We should not end mandatory retirement because the current system in countries like Germany where this is common is not broken.
+A21194	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	such a dramatic change to a language would have a hard time being universally adopted and would be difficult to enforce. he has already served as a gender neutral pronoun in the past.
+A21196	We should subsidize student loans	against	the tax payers would have to pay for the subsidization of student loans in the end, it would be better to reform the entire university system instead.
+A21197	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	the school is designed to educate not to accept student abuse
+A21199	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	cosmetic surgery can provide boost in confidence. everyone should have the right to feel comfortable.
+A21201	We should ban targeted killing	against	i do not support that decision is that without them there would be many terrorists is a measure that helps a lot to this society
+A21204	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are an educational and entertaining tool and the animals are well fed and cared for.
+A21205	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should because times are changing and people are not sure of their gender anymore so it stops people being offended.
+A21206	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	i think it takes up too much valuable police resources chasing recreational cannabis smokers.also many people with health conditions find cannabis beneficial to them.
+A21207	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	the uniformity of clothing creates a sense of belonging and a collective identity which encourages camaraderie between students and this allows for greater focus on studies
+A21208	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would ensure that voting is fair and equal
+A21210	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading might be good for those starting out since it takes all the guess work out.
+A21213	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Criminals are often kept on death row for many years, suffering in anticipation of their death. This makes capital punishment more severe than just depriving the criminal of life.
+A21214	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	they are environmentally friendly and can help minimize traffic congestion.
+A21216	We should legalize cannabis	against	the use of cannabis does not stop there.  many go for the next high of hashish.  then on to other drugs.  cannabis should not be allowed to stop this progressions.
+A21218	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Prostitution doesn't pose any larger physical threat to the individual than other manual labor jobs. Dancers destroy their bones and construction workers their backs, if those are legal prostitution needs to be as well.
+A21219	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	wearing uniforms decreases discrimination against children who do not have enough money to buy a lot of clothing
+A21220	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	this measure allows to move pieces in the companies and refresh the work schemes and to adapt to the new times
+A21223	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons prevent certain countries being attacked and help to keep world peace.
+A21224	We should cancel pride parades	against	the lgbt world has suffered and fought greatly for equal rights, they deserve to have a parade or march in honor of such.
+A21227	We should ban the use of child actors	against	we should not ban the use of child actors because then movies and shows wouldn't have any children in them
+A21228	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	we should end mandatory retirement these days people need to work longer to afford to live because of inflation.
+A21229	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	we should not subsidize embryonic stem cell research because these scientists have been working on this a long time.
+A21231	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives have earned their compensation and should not be capped on what they can earn as this would be and overreach into company affairs
+A21232	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	it is unfair to assassinate others as a surprise and out of battlefield.
+A21233	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	multi-party systems bring diversity to politics, and giving more voices to the population
+A21234	We should abolish zoos	against	we shouldnt because they are helping animals that might be going extinct to help breed.
+A21235	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban private military companies because it relies too much on government funding
+A21237	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is cheap and easy and is often the only way poor people can feed their families. if you ban fast food these people won't have enough food to get thru til their next check comes.
+A21238	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	When newspapers worry more about the bottom line than the headlines, the quality of the papers goes down resulting in poor pop journalism that panders to the public and the advertisers.
+A21239	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	this type of investigations always end up perverting and end up fulfilling dark objectives
+A21240	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming requires a load of workforce and provides a lot of jobs opportunities
+A21241	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights limit the information people can use
+A21244	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	some people just don't have an opinion about who to vote for
+A21246	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	adopting gender-neutral language will cost lots of money to fix signs, letters, forms, etc.
+A21251	We should ban whaling	against	there are still people that live off of whaling and banning it would take away their food and income.
+A21252	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalizing prostitution could empower women and make them safer
+A21253	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems encourage the formation of weak and unstable coalitions that achieve little beyond their own day to day survival
+A21254	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	we should abolish capital punishment because sometimes people are wrongfully accused and once dead cannot bring them back so life in prison is better
+A21255	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should limit executive compensation because most make an unbalanced amount of salary in comparison to their real worth.
+A21257	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	As long as they use an accredited plastic surgeon, people should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies.
+A21259	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism is self sustaining and subsidizing it gives the government control over content.
+A21260	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is ruining the confidence of young girls and making them feel like their not good enough without such surgeries.
+A21261	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Legalizing prostitution will allow prostitutes to actually report and press charges against problematic pimps and johns, something they can't do right now.
+A21263	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we shouldn't have to change the british language to conform to others' needs
+A21267	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniform stops students from being bullied for their clothing
+A21268	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are nothing but hired guards.  a company should be able to hire them because they provide a service that is needed.
+A21269	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection could lead to an imbalance of genders
+A21271	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors are supervised constantly, are well taken care of, and have tutors on set to keep them from falling back in school.
+A21273	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	there is no rational purpose for arming the populace; it causes more problems than it solves.
+A21274	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we should ban targeted killing as it is a reprehensible way to kill animals by not even giving them a chance.
+A21275	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is useful in helping people of all ages learn about various topics..
+A21277	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	the more people participate in the voting process, the better it is for democracy and society as a whole.
+A21278	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	we should not fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons since just having nuclear weapons deters another nation from starting a major conflict with us.
+A21280	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms stifle the ability of kids to be creative in how they dress and express themselves.
+A21281	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning because it is not fair to the clone who is a living being but has no parents or friends and is essentially a lab experiment
+A21282	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionaries basically bribe the poor to change to their religion.
+A21283	We should ban fast food	in favor of	eating fast food one time per week increased the risk of death by coronary heart disease by 20 percent
+A21285	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing gives us new opportunities and we can often save money on our services.
+A21286	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	scientific studies have shown that cannabis is safe as a recreational drug
+A21289	We should ban fast food	against	people need to be allowed to make their own food choices, for some people ithout thir own kitchen then fast food may be the only way they can ever get a hot meal
+A21291	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	children have a right to bodily autonomy just like adults, and banning cosmetic surgery is a violation of this freedom of expression.
+A21292	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis can help alleviate many medical issues.
+A21293	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism means that everyone has equal access to facilities.
+A21294	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	other places can provide information for free so why should wikipedia get money for doing the same thing?
+A21295	We should adopt libertarianism	against	there is no one right belief for all people and insisting that everyone is a libertarian deprive free choice
+A21296	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling  should be banned because they're killed inhumanely.
+A21297	We should subsidize space exploration	against	there are already too many problems in the world that could use the resources more than space.
+A21298	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism because science can explain how we got here without needing a god to explain it.
+A21299	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	We should abolish the three-strikes laws because a crime is a crime and the criminal need to be punished for what type of crime they are committing and not base on how many times they committed the crime
+A21300	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	this practice does not allow an individual their own thoughts and actions.
+A21301	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	in a dangerous society, surely a person has the right to protect themselves and their family - this was the initial reasoning behind enshrining 'the right to keep and bear arms', and nothing has changed.
+A21302	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	a zero tolerance policy is unfair for minimal infractions.
+A21305	We should legalize sex selection	against	every child has a right to be born regardless of their gender so sex selection should not be legalized.
+A21306	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	if we subsidize embryonic stem cell research, we can likely find cures for many conditions and diseases.
+A21307	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer should be allowed in schools, as long as students get the choice of whether or not they want to participate.
+A21311	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	We should adopt libertarianism as a principle for all governments which will ensure that all minorities are included and everyone's rights are protected.
+A21314	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism lets judges give the final verdict based on feelings so they will have the power to let things slide and give people less sentences than they deserve
+A21316	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	the three-strikes law is a powerful deterrent that acts as a fixed punishment for people not to develop a life of crime as they are always aware of the power of the law and the fixed penalty.
+A21317	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives too much control to machines. humans are better placed to understand the intricacies of the markets.
+A21318	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system spreads votes out to thin,so as one leader can be victorious even though they did not receive the majority of the peoples' votes.
+A21319	We should legalize organ trade	against	Selling organs puts the seller in incredible risk of further injury and decreases their quality of life.
+A21320	We should legalize organ trade	against	Legalizing organ trade would allow rich people to stay healthy at the expense of poor people putting themselves at risk, creating an unfair society.
+A21321	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms is the bedrock constitutional right of every person both to protect themselves and their families, and banning this would infringe on civil liberties.
+A21322	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	we should ban factory farming as its cruel and inhumane to animals
+A21325	We should oppose collectivism	against	we shouldn't oppose collectivism because sometimes you have to look out  for what is best for society as a whole and not how it would benefit a specific individual.
+A21328	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can have benefits such as allowing anyone to travel inside a car such as disabled and vulnerable people who others would not be able to get to other places.
+A21331	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	we shouldn't adopt a zero tolerance policy in schools because it could cause kids to be wrongfully punished due to misunderstandings for example protecting themselves against a bully
+A21332	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work helps many people who are in distress
+A21333	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection could lead to genetic abnormalities and start society on a slippery slope of genetic editing at a time when it is an imperfect, untested procedure that could lead to horrific outcomes.
+A21334	We should adopt atheism	against	this country was founded on christian principles; we cannot abandon these customs.
+A21336	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food has brought so much health damage to our society that control of this type of food is necessary
+A21337	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	it is only fair that a person or company that created something should have protections against those that want to make money off of another's hard work.
+A21339	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	there are conditions where there is a functional impairment such as a deviated septum or cleft palate where surgery is necessary for functional and aesthetic reasons
+A21340	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will never become reality.   we need to stop wasting money on this and instead work towards better safety and technology in regular cars.
+A21341	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces foster isolation and retreat from the rest of society and they do nothing to address underlying safety issues.
+A21344	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three-strikes laws can keep some people from having a chance to get out and reform themselves.
+A21345	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer has traditionally brought all pupils together to give thanks to god and prohibiting this removes a tradition many find a comforting start to their day.
+A21346	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection is unethical and morally wrong - no child should be discarded because of their gender.
+A21348	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayers are outdated in a modern society, religion is a private matter someone should practice at home
+A21349	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars can be dangerous and promote reckless behavior, so they should discontinue making them.
+A21350	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	it is a waste of resources.  we should develop more environmental friendly cars instead.
+A21351	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	cosmetic surgery helps build self esteem
+A21352	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero-tolerance policy in schools provides a structured and safe environment for children to learn.
+A21353	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	if a country destroys theirs, they leave themselves at risk from attack
+A21355	We should legalize sex selection	against	Choosing your baby's gender interferes with what nature intended. People should not "play God".
+A21356	We should ban whaling	against	many economies are sustained thanks to whaling
+A21357	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	could open up congress and create new opportunities for bargaining and coalition building on unusual lines.
+A21358	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Subsidizing journalism increases journalist pay, allowing for better journalism.
+A21362	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	voting is what drives our country and not voting means that the most preferred people do not get elected.
+A21363	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming allows for increased food production for the increasing human population.
+A21364	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	fewer wars will arise since there will be no fighting over holy lands or differing religions.
+A21365	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	they are a waste of money, building hype for a short event. money will be better spent elsewhere
+A21366	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism provides no incentive for people to work hard because they have no opportunity to become wealthy.
+A21369	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	we should stop the development of autonomous cars because autonomous cars are bad idea, very dangerous
+A21370	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia has been supported by voluntary donations for too long.  subsidizing it would give it more credibility, and would allow the volunteers to continue to update it with the most accurate information.
+A21371	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is annoying to most people and takes away time from people's busy days.
+A21372	We should prohibit school prayer	against	people have the right to pray where they want to.
+A21373	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	some cosmetic surgery can cause infections and produce results that can disfigure a person forever.
+A21374	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	zero-tolerance results in an overly disciplinarian approach, and is unable to distinguish between all the subtle gradations of rule-breaking.
+A21375	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	there are many people killed every year by guns that were improperly secured
+A21376	We should ban missionary work	against	the missionary work bring the good idea for the people
+A21377	We should subsidize space exploration	against	We should not subsidize space exploration as there are far more important and urgent issues to deal with on earth at this time.
+A21378	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	there is too much gun violence, and too many innocent people are dying.
+A21384	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we need an educated workforce so the loan rate students take should be low and subsidised to get this workforce.
+A21385	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we can not allow the cloning of humans, it goes against the laws of god and the laws of nature
+A21386	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	we should end economic sanctions as they provide no real value
+A21387	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing should be banned because it often results in the deaths of innocent bystanders
+A21390	We should prohibit school prayer	against	our schools need to nurture and protect all aspects of our children, including prayer and religion, and children should never be prohibited from praying in school.
+A21391	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	Sport does nothing for the survival of the human race and yet masses of resources are still ploughed into it for events like the Olympic Games while issues like poverty are swept under the carpet.
+A21392	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	subsidization may allow those providing the finances to have influence on entries that are in their interest
+A21393	We should abolish safe spaces	against	We should not abolish safe spaces because people with PTSD need these spaces to overcome their trauma.
+A21394	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos keep wild animals locked up in areas smaller than they are used to in the wild and it is not natural for them.
+A21395	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism could be of great benefit because it would foster more scientific ideas which could prevent our demise from global warming and other looming challenges
+A21397	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights serve to prevent the sharing of information and ideas, which would allow groundbreaking concepts to develop more quickly for the benefit of all.
+A21398	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Rather than advocate for the abolition of nuclear weapons, it would be preferable if there was more nuclear proliferation, as more countries with nuclear weapons increases their deterrent effect.
+A21399	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarians stand for everyone being allowed to have the most freedom possible, which most people usually want anyway.
+A21400	We should ban targeted killing	against	if they can kill someone who has done or is planning on doing something to harm americans then why not target them and kill them
+A21401	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are an excellent way to provide entertainment and togetherness for families. they provide activities that no other venue can provide. they should not be abolished.
+A21402	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Organ sales can raise many people out of poverty, providing them with more opportunities.
+A21404	We should ban the use of child actors	against	as long as it doesn't interfere with their schooling and they are well looked after i don't see a problem.
+A21406	We should adopt libertarianism	against	We should not adopt libertarianism because the business cycle would destroy the country's economy without regulation.
+A21407	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity makes times tougher for everyone.
+A21408	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is a barbaric act that illustrates to people that murder is a viable option and codified in law.
+A21410	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	if it ain't broke, don't fix it. it is working and has for a long time.
+A21411	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing provides jobs, and people should be allowed to use telemarketing to earn a living.
+A21412	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance policies are the only effective system to keep schools safe from the threats of drugs and school shootings
+A21414	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we need to find a new planet with resources before we use ours up, putting more into space exploration would help accomplish this.
+A21415	We should adopt atheism	against	the most basic right we have is freedom of religion, and it is very strong personal belief.  atheism strips that away and should not be encouraged.
+A21416	We should prohibit school prayer	against	prayer is a healing and spiritual experience for many people and they should be allowed to practice it anywhere they wish
+A21417	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	these stem cells have the potential to save millions of human lives
+A21418	We should cancel pride parades	against	people have a right to feel and display pride in what they are.
+A21421	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions are outdated and does not cause any repercussions.
+A21422	We should ban factory farming	against	Factory farming allows us to fill a high demand.
+A21423	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	forcing people to vote or face a penalty is what a dictatorship sounds like.   compulsory voting is a bad idea.   i don't believe it would change the results anyways.
+A21424	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	by subsidizing student loans we can remove one of the stressors from continuing education.
+A21425	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	a formal school prayer can not properly be considered as the free exercise of religion, the prohibition of school prayer is wholly compatible with the free exercise of religion
+A21426	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	when everything else fails the government should be allowed to curb all superfluous spending within.
+A21428	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is quite a profitable profession.
+A21431	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Atheism should be the norm for a society who wants to live according to their own rules and ideals.
+A21433	We should abolish safe spaces	against	we should not abolish safe spaces because it helps to preserve spots for future generations.
+A21434	We should limit executive compensation	against	pay is the primary motivational factor for executive level employees, thus executive compensation should not be capped as it would affect their performance.
+A21435	We should limit executive compensation	against	studies have shown that companies that do not limit executive compensation do better and out perform those that do limit. this is better for individual companies and the economy.
+A21436	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	We should ban the Church of Scientology as it does not behave in an open and transparent manner, and therefore causes issues in society.
+A21437	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we protect freedom of religion in our country. even if we do not agree with their principles, we must respect their rights to their beliefs
+A21438	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces restrict freedom of expression and should be prohibited
+A21439	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	this form of trading removes the human element which can have dangerous consequences.
+A21440	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	to keep it as a source of information and because it does not receive funding it ought to be subsidized
+A21441	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a useful source of sales for many businesses
+A21442	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are too young to make these choices
+A21443	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is invaluable because it may help us to find solutions for global warming or even planets that can sustain human life.
+A21444	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work helps bring medicine and food to areas of the world who would otherwise suffer without it. we have a duty to help all humans no matter where they are
+A21445	We should end mandatory retirement	against	by forcing someone to retire it then means that spot is open for a younger person to fill the role, someone who could really use the money
+A21446	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms help stop bullying because when people are similarly dressed, nobody is made to feel inferior.
+A21447	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	plastic surgery carries risk and when it goes wrong, the nhs have to pay to repair the damage if the patient is suffering or at risk of serious illness.
+A21450	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling should be banned as a matter of urgency. cruelty to such majestic, large animals is inhumane and unnecessary.
+A21451	We should legalize cannabis	against	Growing marijuana harms the environment. Marijuana farming results in deforestation, soil erosion, habitat destruction and landslides.
+A21453	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is a technological improvement on antiquated methods of trading and should be encouraged and improved.
+A21454	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is one way to ensure we have enough food for our citizen and it should not be banned.
+A21455	We should cancel pride parades	against	everyone should have a chance to celebrate their culture, gay culture included.
+A21456	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights should be abolished as an individual's thoughts or creative abilities are their own and should not be controlled or owned by a company.
+A21457	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery helps people feel better about their appearance, which can help them create positive changes in other areas of their life.
+A21460	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeting killing is essentially government endorsement of murder which is unethical.
+A21461	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	it would make everyone equal and then they would be happy
+A21462	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling should be banned. the number of whales is depleting seriously and is a real environmental concern.
+A21463	We should legalize sex selection	against	it should not be legal, it is  costly and morally wrong
+A21464	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are not fully mentally or emotionally developed enough yet to  be able to process the ramifications of cosmetic surgery on their life.
+A21465	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	financial incentives should be available for live donors and the families of the dead donors.
+A21468	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning could lead to people replacing themselves with images themselves. this could lead to the end of human evolution which could make us more vulnerable to disease.
+A21469	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades help promote a diversity of lifestyle options & thinking
+A21472	We should limit judicial activism	against	our laws need to evolve with the times we are living in
+A21473	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people have the right to their ideas and therefore it shouldn't be banned.
+A21474	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is fast and efficient and better able to deal with data
+A21475	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies might be engaged in times of conflict when regular national military service is not eunough
+A21476	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	to being a country back to a good financial position, austerity is often the only way forward to balance the books.
+A21477	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	Student loan costs are becoming outrageous putting people in debt for life.
+A21478	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	they will lead to more deaths on the roads
+A21479	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	no two people are entirely alike.  ignoring individual differences and needs does not best serve the whole
+A21480	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	olympic games is useful to countries as it provides a boost to the countries economy by the increased tourism during the time of the tournament.
+A21481	We should abolish safe spaces	against	Safe spaces are necessary for many people to have strong mental and emotional health, and we should advocate to protect this health just like we advocate for healthcare for physical ailments.
+A21482	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides a vast amount of knowledge to be accessible to all. subsidizing this will ensure this knowledge continues to be available.
+A21485	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is intrusive and violates the right to private property
+A21486	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery causes unnecessary risks to the patient for a purely narcissistic procedure.
+A21487	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning because cloning takes away from the unique individuality of a person.
+A21491	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions offer an effective way to deal with international conflict which does not involve military action.
+A21492	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Crimes that get the death penalty are rarely premeditated, which means capital punishment doesn't function as a deterant.
+A21493	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons should be abolished because it is an ongoing health risk
+A21494	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three-strikes law is unfair to  those criminals who are trying to reform themselves.
+A21495	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms make is so that everyone is equal
+A21496	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	We should adopt libertarianism because taxation is theft, since it forces people to work for free.
+A21497	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia has no control in the publications. the information provided may be wrong. the unverified information should not be subsidized
+A21498	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions cause death and suffering for civilain populations, and are wildly unfocused as a tool of diplomacy.
+A21500	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes
+A22001	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos constrict wild animals to enclosures not suitable for them purely for enjoyment
+A22002	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we need journalists to keep us informed as to what is going on in the world
+A22003	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	without ip rights, the market would be awash with cheap imitations
+A22004	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	we should adopt a zero tolerance because it will keep the children in check.
+A22008	We should abolish capital punishment	against	i think capital punishment is useful for some people because it turns them into better people
+A22011	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	people have the right to be free and cannabis is a safe drug to be used as recreational
+A22012	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work puts people into dangerous places where they can be harmed or killed.
+A22013	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we should ban targeted killing because innocent people can get aught in the crossfire.
+A22015	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killings could allow governments to take out high-profile targets before they can cause mass destruction.
+A22017	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	The Olympic games exploit people from abuse of the competitors to sex trafficking among the fans.
+A22021	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	We should subsidize journalism so that journalists can cover the most important issues, rather than only the most profitable ones.
+A22023	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection will have troublesome effects on gender disparity.
+A22025	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	subsidizing journalism allows more voices to be heard
+A22029	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons are a symbol of power and strength that can prevent other countries from attacks, giving us a place as a world power.
+A22030	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading allows for quicker and more effective trading than can be conducted by a human investor.
+A22031	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools as children of school age are in a formative state and will learn good lessons for life including what is and isn't allowed in a good society.
+A22032	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	separation of church and state applies here since schools are sponsored by the state. mandatory prayer would be a major violation of this.
+A22034	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	having a belief is not illegal and we should not ban or discriminate against those who have different beliefs. provided the church acts within the law it must be tolerated
+A22035	We should limit judicial activism	against	some laws may not be the best, and opinions are needed.
+A22036	We should prohibit school prayer	against	everyone should be allowed to practice their own faith wherever they are, many people rely on prayer to manage stressful situations such as exams and without prayer mental health issues are likely to increase.
+A22037	We should subsidize student loans	against	we should not subsidize student loans because people need to work hard to get their education
+A22040	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning is unethical. what would happen to the clones once they were created? harvest their organs and then what? euthanize them like garbage?
+A22041	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning may solve all types of medical problems.
+A22042	We should oppose collectivism	against	In a collectivist society, everyone is considerate of each another and provides support to one another.
+A22043	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we should ban targeted killing as it falls outside of the law, people should be arrested and placed on trial rather than what amounts to assignation.
+A22044	We should abolish zoos	against	Breeding programs in zoos are saving many animals from extinction. Without these programs in zoos we would be losing losing many more species from the world.
+A22045	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	A multi-party system prevents the leadership of a single party from setting policy without challenge.
+A22046	We should ban the use of child actors	against	children are humans too and with their consent and their parent's consent, should be allowed to work
+A22047	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	we should support economic sanctions to keep others from violating interests
+A22049	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	if someone has money to burn and choose to use it to improve their physical appearance, that is up to them an no one should be able to tell them they can't do it.
+A22050	We should subsidize student loans	against	if we subsidize student loans we could create parasites that never get a degree just to maintain the state subsidy
+A22052	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	if the right to keep and bear arms was abolished, it would decrease the number of weapons that are available and lessen violent crime.
+A22054	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism is the ideal for society. it increases freedom and responsibilities. society would flourish, people would be happier.
+A22055	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games create a tourism boom for the host city which injects a lot of cash which can be used to better locals so it shouldn't be abolished.
+A22056	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	the only ones that suffer with economic sanctions are the regular citizens of the countries.
+A22057	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	freedom of religion is freedom of religion.  there is no picking and choosing based on how others feel about it.  let the people do as they please, even if it's church of scientology.
+A22058	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	Increased demand for cosmetic surgery increases innovation, helping people who need conventional surgery.
+A22059	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	the school uniform gives no individuality to students
+A22061	We should legalize sex selection	against	not enough girls will be selected by sexist cultures which will result in social strain in future years.
+A22063	We should ban the use of child actors	against	these days, child actors are provided with tutors while on set to ensure their education is minimally disrupted and there is more support than there used to be
+A22065	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	embryonic stem cell research consuming vast amounts of funding that would be better spent on other, more ethical areas of study.
+A22066	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism should not be adopted as it will give too much power to businesses and rich people to do whatever they want.
+A22068	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	a zero-tolerance policy gives no leeway for administrators in cases where the crime may not be so serious.
+A22069	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	churches in general are just cult and should be banned.
+A22070	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	our society needs to be able to label and identify a person as a male or female for many reasons such as taxes, employment, health care, etc, so we should not adopt a gender neutral language.
+A22075	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	financial trading is already a destructive and unethical sector of the economy and allowing algorithmic trading does not make it any less so.
+A22076	We should legalize organ trade	against	people selling organs will wait for the highest bidder meaning only rich people will be able to afford the organs they desperately need.
+A22081	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	if it against their will people will choose randomly and it will negate the choices of others
+A22083	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is not a reliable source for information and we should not waste money on it
+A22084	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	we should limit judicial activism since that leads to civil unrest do to the nature of activists.
+A22085	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos help protect animals that are in danger
+A22088	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are operated for profit rather than for the defence of nations.
+A22089	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement should be ended because it could force many seasoned veterans to retire every year
+A22093	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	it is important that student loans are granted, because it helps you increase your quality of life and your economic potential
+A22094	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	the cost of an education is unaffordable for those who might most benefit from it
+A22096	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food can lead to obesity if eaten too often. banning it would mean people have less access and obesity levels would fall.
+A22097	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is very dangerous for the people involved and provides little benefit to those being ministered to
+A22098	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	by subsidizing space exploration we can work toward colonizing other planets and reduce over population on earth.
+A22100	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	we should adopt an austerity regime because it would help to reduce unnecessary spending
+A22101	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	the poor and less fortunate will always be hurt unfairly by austerity measures
+A22102	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	the most obvious reason to oppose is the danger that an innocent person is killed due to the fact that mistakes are made. witnesses can be wrong in what they saw and lawyers can make a hash of defending a case.
+A22105	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	bills rise just to pay them their huge bonuses
+A22107	We should end mandatory retirement	against	people are not always aware of their failing mental faculties and mandatory retirement is necessary.
+A22108	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executives shouldn't be the only ones to get compensation and if that's the case then no one should get any to make it more fair to the rest of the employees.
+A22112	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender nuetral language fits in with the progressive agenda.
+A22113	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	Knowing the gender of your baby makes it easier to purchase items for the baby before its birth.
+A22115	We should ban whaling	in favor of	the whales are the ambassadors of the sea and an icon of the struggle to protect the planet. they must prohibit whaling
+A22116	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	we should ban algorithmic trading because is difficult in some economics
+A22117	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research should be subsidized to speed up the rate that cures for serious illness are identified speedily.
+A22118	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should limit executive compensation because this would help support all of the workers in a company.
+A22119	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	this is an unnatural process that should be against the law.
+A22120	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research is extremely valuable in the medical field in coming up with treatments and cures.
+A22122	We should ban whaling	in favor of	Whales are wonderfully intelligent creatures that don't deserve to be hunted in such a gruesome manner.
+A22123	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing intrudes on the personal lives of people through unwanted calls and unsolicited mail, therefore it should be banned.
+A22124	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	no one should be forced to vote. it goes against the principles of our nation and its freedoms. it is a right, but that doesn't mean anyone has to do it.
+A22125	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research has the potential to open up a whole new field of healthcare and medicine
+A22127	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is too often a waste of time.  in an age where most people have ways to see who is calling, the calls rarely, if ever, actually get through.  it's time to find a new way.
+A22129	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	Legalizing sex selection will help parents to have the exact family makeup they have always dreamed of.
+A22133	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	voter turnout these days are dropping steadily so we need to make everyone vote to show the true representation of the people
+A22135	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is an expensive vanity project and subsidization could be abused by military and private interests.
+A22139	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection allows families to be balanced.
+A22141	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	uniforms remove some types of peer pressure surrounding students' appearance.
+A22142	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	The more rights we have as individuals, the happier we are.
+A22144	We should ban missionary work	against	missions can provide much needed infrastructure and healthcare projects.
+A22147	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	the use of economic sanctions should be ended because it is important to keep a good relationship with the countries we trade with.
+A22148	We should adopt atheism	against	we should not adopt atheism because it is not a religion
+A22149	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people have a right to vote and they also have a right not to vote if they don't like any of the candidates
+A22150	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation should be limited because it is not fair that a ceo should not make that much more than the regular workers in a company.
+A22151	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	adapting such a practice will abolish the black market where such a trade takes place.
+A22152	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are a step too far in automation.  to rely on automation on the roads with so many unpredictable events that could take place is taking it too far.
+A22153	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should abolish the three strikes law. it doesn't deter crime and it is expensive to implement because it means more people will be prison for life. taxpayers don't deserve to pay for that.
+A22154	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Nuclear weapons prevent conflicts from dragging onward because once they are used involved countries lose the motivation to continue fighting (re: Hiroshima and Nagasaki).
+A22155	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	everyone should have a right to be happy.
+A22157	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	some pride parades can get overtly sexual, blurring the line of public decency.
+A22159	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	higher education should be a right; subsidized student loans provides all who want to learn with access to an education
+A22160	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	families should have the right to choose the sex of their babies.
+A22161	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can ensure that certain strengths of a human trait is continued therefore human cloning should be allowed to be accomplished.
+A22162	We should adopt atheism	against	anyone is entitled to believe in whatever they want, god or no god
+A22163	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	the church of scientology is a choice of religion by many and a constitutional right to freedom of religion that needs to be upheld and respected.
+A22165	We should ban missionary work	against	we should continue to support missionary work as they do so much good for underdeveloped countries by bring goods, medicine and skills to the people of these countries.
+A22166	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	three-strikes laws makes criminals less likely to reoffend.
+A22167	We should ban the use of child actors	against	without child actors there will be no characters for actual children to relate to
+A22168	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is a personal choice that people should be allowed
+A22169	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	allowing sex selection would alleviate the depression faced by mother's who truly wanted one gender over another.
+A22170	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	killing is against the law so it should be banned.
+A22171	We should legalize organ trade	against	we cannot legalize the trade of human organs, it will open up an exploitative industry that preys on people with money problems
+A22174	We should abolish capital punishment	against	The death penalty can provide families of victims with some closure, which may help them to deal with their suffering.
+A22178	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalizing prostitution would allow for regulations and benefits that would help sex workers via offering protection with rights granted to legal employment as well as financial prosperity.
+A22179	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	they are a valuable deterrant to having another world war.
+A22182	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	cooperation among countries is essential nowadays. avoiding armed conflict when one country's terrorizing others by the use of economic sanctions is a great solution to return that country back more cooperation
+A22183	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is legal, and all traders have access to some sort of computer-aided tools.
+A22184	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	you can require voting but you can't force people to educate themselves about the candidates and issues
+A22185	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	the threat of mutually assured destruction is the only thing that keeps democracy safe from tin pot dictators, hence we need to keep nuclear weapons.
+A22187	We should abolish safe spaces	against	some people need a safe space to be safe from those out to hurt them and they should be available.
+A22188	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished.
+A22190	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology should be banned as it is a cult not a religion
+A22191	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming should be banned because meat quality goes down when animals aren't living in optimal conditions and therefore people are having to eat inferior meat.
+A22193	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming treats live animals as a disposable item
+A22195	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food leads to poor choices, which lead to diseases like diabetes and obesity.
+A22196	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer violates the seperation of church and state.
+A22197	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	there are always exceptions to everything so zero-tolerance policies are not good because it doesn't allow for any exceptions.
+A22198	We should ban whaling	in favor of	we should ban whaling because it is leading to the extinction of whales
+A22200	We should adopt atheism	against	atheism will destroy the world by unleashing godless people running the government with no morals or ethics and should not be adopted.
+A22201	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism will ultimately fail because it is at odds with basic, self-preservation.
+A22202	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	it will prevent misgendering an individual
+A22204	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games pits countries against each other and can increase levels of discrimination when athletes compete, so therefore it should be banned.
+A22205	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	they may sell weapons to countries that would use them inappropriately
+A22206	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Unlike prison sentences, the death penalty is irreversible and irreparable
+A22207	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	we should ban factory farming as animals are kept in cramped conditions.
+A22208	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows a greater freedom of choice for voters to express their democratic right to vote for policies they would like to implimented.
+A22210	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	the three strikes law teaches criminals you will no longer be able to keep committing crimes and getting away with it.
+A22212	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	we shouldn't subsidize wikipedia because pages on wikipedia is user created and isn't always accurate
+A22213	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Without capital punishment we would have more problems with over-crowding in prisons.
+A22215	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games bring vast economic benefit to local communities, both through regeneration projects and the influx of vistors spending their cash.
+A22216	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism puts too much focus on the individual and can lead to selfishness and not enough focus on society as a whole.
+A22217	We should legalize prostitution	against	we shouldn't legalize prostitution because it may cause higher percentage of drug rates and crimes along with prostitution rates
+A22218	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement helps keep the number of workplace incidents down.
+A22220	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity in fiscal policy usually results in spending cuts to those areas of society who need it most.
+A22223	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing can help companies reach a wider audience.
+A22225	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning is far from being perfected and can lead to major unethical behavior by geneticists that can result in grave mistakes and horrific experiments.
+A22226	We should abolish capital punishment	against	if you kill or rape someone you deserve to die.
+A22227	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis is a holistic and natural cure for cancer patients and should therefore be legalized
+A22229	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	we should not because we are messing with the natural order of things and can cause more problems.
+A22230	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	we should adopt libertarianism as it would be a system that might individuals have a fair chance in life other than just two major political parties.
+A22231	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	a zero-tolerence is too harsh, children get reprimanded for even the most innocent act.
+A22232	We should oppose collectivism	against	No one individuals life is any more intrinsically important or valuable than any other person's life, and therefore we should build societies that value the collective and general public over the individual.
+A22233	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalising prostitution could lead to more people becoming involved in organised crime.
+A22234	We should adopt atheism	against	one of the most basic human rights is the freedom of religion, and asking anyone to give up that right to believe in whatever they choose is wrong.
+A22235	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	three-strike laws give a clear message to offenders who may be in danger of re-offending, that doing so would be met with more severity than their first offense. that way it works as a clear deterent.
+A22237	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	it is a decision that only parents can make until they are old enough to decide
+A22238	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime will help the european economy get out of a recession.
+A22239	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights eliminate competition which causes higher prices
+A22242	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights because new ideas are often an extension of old ideas and intellectual property rights can therefore inhibit creativity.
+A22243	We should ban whaling	in favor of	we need to ban whaling to protect whales from going extinct
+A22244	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three strikes is too many in some cases.  if people know they have three chances, they will not be deterred from using that to their advantage.
+A22247	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	mutually assured destruction is a crucial method of preventing actual conflict and disaster
+A22248	We should ban human cloning	against	cloning would have strict regulations on how to handle clones and ethical dilemmas. scientific advancements made while working towards cloning can advance the human race.
+A22249	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	We should not adopt an austerity regime because austerity only made countries like Greece and Argentina poorer.
+A22250	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	the organ trade would allow for more lives to be saved or improved
+A22251	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work brings aid to those in dire circumstances while introducing faith into the lives of those that will benefit from the introductory by missionaries.
+A22252	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons create unnecessary political tension
+A22253	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympics bring people together and form fun rivalries between countries, all vying for a top spot among the world's athletes
+A22254	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	the world can not be at the mercy of a few countries with such power to destroy
+A22255	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people should be free to worship and pray in any way that they choose, it is a fundamental right.
+A22260	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Many people that are forced into retirement often do not have the means of supporting themselves financially, and so either turn to part time, low-wage work or welfare to sustain themselves.
+A22261	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	We should abolish safe spaces because there are better ways to protect people with ptsd like content warnings, rather than safe spaces.
+A22263	We should abolish safe spaces	against	We should not abolish safe spaces as people need somewhere to feel safe if they are persecuted.
+A22266	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	if someone is willing to sell an organ that should be their right
+A22268	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	we should legalize cannabis because it is harmless.
+A22269	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer shouldnt be imposed on pupils as we all have different values and beliefs and live in a multi cultural society
+A22270	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language so nobody will get offended
+A22273	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes can cause widespread unemployment
+A22274	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is a good adventure. our planet is in a future risk of extinct and we should best prepare our refuge in space exploration
+A22276	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	currently 2 parties can't agree enough to accomplish anything, it would only get worse to get multiple parties to all agree on anything.
+A22277	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are a way to implement sanctions on a country without the risks of military intervention.
+A22278	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades can get dangerous and out of control
+A22279	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	science is important and can be beneficial to society.
+A22280	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism goes directly against the rights of individuals. individual freedom is what this country was founded on. it is rights violative to put the majority above individuals.
+A22282	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	by adopting gender neutral language we can advance the cause of equality.
+A22283	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniform requirements curtail any individual creativity and self-expression at an important age of self-discovery and should be abandoned.
+A22284	We should ban the use of child actors	against	if a child wants to act they have every right to
+A22285	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we shouldn't abolish intellectual property rights because people should have the right to do what they want with their ow property
+A22286	We should limit executive compensation	against	without executive compensation talent will be lost to other countries
+A22288	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors are important so programs can show people of ages and are reflective of society. child actors are an important part of  the industry and are needed to reflect people accurately.
+A22289	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	they prevent people from being able to express their opinions that might bother someone
+A22291	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	School uniforms do not limit self-expression. Students still have weekends and holidays to pick their own outfits.
+A22292	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executives that award their own salaries have shown they can not show restraint
+A22294	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban private military companies as they are difficult to legislate and it is difficult to monitor the operations and ensure they are legal and ethical.
+A22297	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	mandatory uniform policies denying parents rights to raise children without government intervention
+A22298	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis is a gateway drug that can lead people to try harder drugs, so it should remain illegal.
+A22299	We should abolish zoos	against	a zoo provides care for animals that are separated from their families
+A22300	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	stem cell research will encourage more abortions
+A22302	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Without journalism people have no way of having the information that empower them to make informed voting decisions, making journalism central to democracy and therefore in need of subsidization.
+A22303	We should adopt atheism	against	freedom to choose a religion is a human right
+A22305	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime can prevent people from having the funds they need to live the life they chose.
+A22306	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food causes obesity and health problems and sets children up with poor eating habits for life.
+A22309	We should adopt libertarianism	against	allowing unfettered libertarianism will result in more crime and more income disparity
+A22310	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	we should cancel pride parades because they put unsavory ideas into our children's heads.
+A22312	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are simply the next logical step in transportation.  years ago people would have said all cars are dangerous and we should all stick to horse and buggy instead.
+A22313	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Destroying nuclear bombs would work to a nations disadvantage because  they will be vulnerable to attacks
+A22314	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	consensus can become difficult in multi party systems
+A22315	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism is better than anything else at keeping peace
+A22316	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Legalizing prostitution will make sex workers safer because they will no longer have to hide, be ruled by criminals or judged as ones.
+A22317	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	there is a possibility that the servers could be hacked and alter algorithmic programming, which would cause widespread panic
+A22318	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	when someone comes up with an idea it is their idea. they should be the one to profit from that idea. other people shouldn't be able to just take it and make it their own.
+A22319	We should abolish zoos	against	many zoos are involved in conservation projects- without them animals would go extinct
+A22320	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism helps everyone accomplish things better.
+A22321	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	we need the olympic games to bring the nations together in a non confrontational contest.
+A22322	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work has a long history of being cruel and detrimental and often inhumane to the people the missionaries tried to convert.
+A22325	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	this would result in inaccurate representation in government. if there where numerous parties, votes would be split all over and the party people least wanted would win resulting in inaccurate representation.
+A22326	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars lack moral judgement.
+A22327	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading has increased trading which is good for the economy
+A22328	We should ban the use of child actors	against	as long as there is proper protection for child actors there is no reason that they should not be able to perform on screen
+A22332	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms is antiquated.
+A22333	We should limit judicial activism	against	it is helpful for the judiciary to take public action should they wish to do so as it demonstrates that they are human.
+A22335	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban private military companies because they have an unfair monopoly on money and weapons.
+A22339	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	anyone can edit the pages, so the information is not guarenteed to be correct.
+A22343	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming conditions are usually horrible, with animals treated badly and disease running rampant
+A22345	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	if democrats think minors should be allowed to vote, they should be allowed to get cosmetic surgery if they choose to
+A22347	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis creates a stoner subculture which is a blight on our society.
+A22348	We should legalize organ trade	against	a legalised trade would disproportionately harm those from poorer economic backgrounds, legitimising the huge medical risks involved.
+A22349	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is a nuisance that antagonises potential customers of a business
+A22350	We should subsidize space exploration	against	there are many more practical realms of scientific inquiry that need our support more urgently.
+A22351	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms is putting everyone in danger and making mass-shootings more easily done.
+A22352	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing shouldnt be banned if its used in the right context as in the case of terrorists who might be killing innocent people
+A22353	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	Many child actors are put under a huge amount of pressure to perform well and can be denied most of their childhood by unscrupulous adults that only want to profit from their talents.
+A22354	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Legalizing prostitution will help destigmatize sex in society more broadly and allow people to feel individually empowered.
+A22355	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades have become dangerous because right-wing opponents have tried to disrupt them with violence
+A22356	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	different people age differently so if a person can phyisically and mentally handle a job, the more power to them
+A22358	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	people deserve to have the best trading options
+A22361	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	in a society full of freedoms should not impose a unique way of manifesting religious beliefs, therefore praying should be something that is done at home, not at school.
+A22362	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games promotes racism and social exclusion in favor of a good 'public image' for the host
+A22363	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	people should be free to choose for themselves
+A22368	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are needed to provide security when the military can not do the job
+A22369	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	it should be banned because it forces people to believe in the church
+A22371	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food should be banned to fight obeisity.
+A22372	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	Space exploration is important. We need a solution to the population, environment, energy and natural resources problems we face on Earth.
+A22376	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing can cause a lot of stress to older and vulnerable members of society who do not know how to deal with it.
+A22377	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming takes away jobs from people who know no other work.
+A22379	We should prohibit school prayer	against	thats what is wrong with the schools today, they took god out.
+A22381	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement is necessarily, in many cases, to force someone out of a job that their age dictates they can no longer do appropriately.
+A22382	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	in some cases cosmetic surgery is essential, such as after accidents, and therefore shouldn't be banned.
+A22383	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	prostitution is a means for low income or low skills people to earn extra money to get by.
+A22385	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero-tolerance policy within schools will help support a healthy environment where students do not feel threatened due to the differences (or perceived differences).
+A22386	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	Compulsory voting should be introduced to ensure that the results of elections are completely representative of the population.
+A22387	We should ban whaling	against	we should not ban whaling because it provides jobs and food for people.
+A22391	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	it needs money and is used by many people.
+A22392	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is convenient food and cheap
+A22393	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	cloning is controversial and it is against religious ethics
+A22394	We should ban private military companies	against	i think that we shouldn't ban private military companies for national security
+A22397	We should ban whaling	against	so long as a limited number are harvested it is ok
+A22398	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Mandatory retirement should not be allowed because many people can't live off of their pensions and need to keep working.
+A22399	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeting killing is barbaric and exists outside the bounds of government.
+A22403	We should limit judicial activism	against	every judge is trusted to give their own interpretation of the constitution; there is no way to prevent implicit biases from coming up in their decisions.
+A22404	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	we should ban factory farming because it is cruel to animals and the quality is questionable at best.
+A22405	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	we should not ban cosmetic surgery for minors because sometimes they need it if they were in accidents or born deformed
+A22406	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	with collectivism, there is less motivation to do more difficult jobs  as everything has a similar pay.
+A22408	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	adopting a zero tolerance rule in schools is good for safety.
+A22409	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces allow for those who are triggered to go somewhere to seek a space free of triggers
+A22411	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars could increase accidents
+A22412	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	it can do more harm than good. it has ruined people's looks for life and thus ruined people's lives.
+A22413	We should subsidize journalism	against	We should not subsidize journalism because it is not uniquely important to democracy compared to a host of other industries.
+A22414	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis is a illegal drug for a reason, it is harmful dangerous drug that alters your mental capacity and should remain illegal.
+A22415	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are dangerous because they are operated by a computer which can malfunction or be hacked.
+A22416	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to bear arms is enshrined in the second amendment and must not be violated
+A22417	We should legalize prostitution	against	someone could be swayed into the profession and eventually end up under the control of a manager or "pimp".
+A22419	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	the executives already earn enough money to give more incentives, those incentives have to go to steps below where they are necessary
+A22420	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	We should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms as this is our fundamental right and should not be something for debate.
+A22421	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia has no source of funding and subsidizing it will let it keep providing information
+A22423	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	If Wikipedia were subsidized it would be less objective by being accountable to a single funding source.
+A22428	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	taxis are already available for people that want to be driven so autonomous cars aren't necessary.
+A22430	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are a good way to keep animal numbers up
+A22431	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	companies invest billions into research, if there are no rights it would dissuade companies from conducting research in the first place.
+A22432	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe places don't allow people to develop the conflict resolution abilities they may need later in life.  it allows one to hide away instead.
+A22433	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system makes it much more difficult to collaborate on ideas.
+A22436	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies can be useful to countries who do not have their own military.
+A22437	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime would cut down on social welfare and hurt those most in need.
+A22438	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	we should oppose collectivism because it lessens creativity and individuality.
+A22439	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we should subsidize space exploration because we're running out of resources on earth. space is filled with infinite resources. if we're not first, other countries will benefit while we're left behind.
+A22440	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is pointless and takes doctors away from other important fields such as family care
+A22441	We should adopt atheism	against	we should not adopt atheism because people have a right to believe what ever they want
+A22442	We should limit judicial activism	against	there should be no limits.  how are we to move forward in society if we limit the thought process of judges?
+A22443	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws are expensive because they increase how long people are incarcerated which must be paid for by tax payers.
+A22444	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	Guns are designed to kill people, we should be doing everything possible to destroy them and stop their production to save lives, allowing people to keep and bear arms does the absolute opposite of this.
+A22445	We should ban whaling	against	Whaling is an important industry in some countries for their economical stability.
+A22447	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whale populations are depleted and need protecting
+A22449	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws lead to more people being put in jail which ends up being a burden on tax-payers and federal funding.
+A22450	We should ban fast food	against	we should not ban fast food because they are part of the economy
+A22451	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidizing student loans would allow those who previously could not afford to go to university, the opportunity to better themselves with good qualifications.
+A22452	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is no longer necessary in the world today and is too risky to continue.
+A22453	We should abolish safe spaces	against	people should be able to speak their minds and share without being ridiculed or harassed.
+A22457	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery should be banned for minors because their bodies haven't even finished developing yet so anything done to correct issues with appearance may be undone by nature anyway.
+A22458	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Cosmetic surgery promotes a superficial society that cares more about appearance than personality.
+A22459	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades are offensive to a lot of people
+A22460	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors because it can hurt them mentally and emotionally for the rest of their lives.
+A22461	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	there are individuals that have received strikes against them for minor crimes or things done as teens.   there is no magic number in three.  sentences should depend on the type and severity of crimes.
+A22462	We should subsidize student loans	against	Student loans are fundamentally a commercial transaction and have no place being subsidized.
+A22464	We should ban fast food	in favor of	Fast food is leading to a major increase in obesity and other health issues in the U.S.
+A22467	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	A system that fires the competent along with the incompetent solely because of age is irrational and cruel
+A22470	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades promote improper lifestyles
+A22471	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery helps to reconstruct physical aspects such as a person who has had a mastectomy and wants  surgery to restore their breats.
+A22475	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	Legalizing it would eliminate the black market for cannabis and will also free up prisons of people who are arrested and sentenced for cannabis possession.
+A22476	We should limit judicial activism	against	many laws need to change with the times and a judge is in a better position than our elected officials to accurately and fairly review those laws.
+A22477	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	embryonic stem cell research is murder
+A22478	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	we should limit it, laws should not be changed for special circumstances
+A22480	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	stem cell research is seen as unethical  and wrong by many religions
+A22481	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	we should abolish the olympic games since it puts a huge financial strain on the hosting country. much money is spent on infrastructure that can be abandoned after the games are over.
+A22483	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism because it gives the freedom from being bound by a religion and their rules
+A22484	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	prayer should be not done in school, children are in school to learn
+A22485	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	no autonomous car will every be able to make complex judgement calls the way a human can.
+A22486	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language because gender-neutral language can improve women's status in society
+A22487	We should ban telemarketing	against	no, it would eliminate way to many jobs.
+A22488	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides an endless amount of information right at our fingertips.
+A22490	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	we should end the usage of economic sanctions because it is incredibly cruel to the citizens of the country being sanctioned, especially the poor. sanctions don't necessarily stop wars either.
+A22491	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is annoying at best and an invasion of privacy at its worst.
+A22492	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Organs are a form of property and people should be allowed to sell their property if they want to.
+A22493	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are an outdated and cruel form of entertainment that enslaves captured animals and leaves them in climates they are often not suited to.
+A22495	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	i believe the government should help pay for journalism because it would allow for better coverage of news events, and help pay the high costs of filming.
+A22496	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment for the most violent crimes is acceptable because it costs thousands of dollars to keep a prisoner incarcerated for life.
+A22498	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	it is an interesting concept that even though it hasn't caused much impact yet could possibly be a happy medium between the two existing parties and should be considered.
+A22499	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	Factory farming is unethical and produces meat that is not healthy for anyone to eat.
+A22500	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms are unflattering, uncomfortable, and expensive.
+A23001	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	the do not abide by the same rules and regulations of a government run military and need to be banned.
+A23002	We should abolish zoos	against	we should not abolish zoos because it makes it so people can see animals that they may not otherwise be able to see due to their location.
+A23003	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	they can lead to too much indecision
+A23006	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games should not be abolished as they bring the world together to see outstanding sport and encouges young people to take up sport andd strive for success
+A23007	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism provides a limited view of procedure
+A23008	We should legalize organ trade	against	the organ trade should not be legalized as it would invariably lead to targeting of the most vulnerable and least affluent of society.
+A23009	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors are for the most part thrown into a role they do not wish to be in, while their parents pocket the gains.
+A23010	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is part of the culture of various indigenous population and should be allowed for the purpose of maintaining this tradition and way of life and sustenance, among other uses of a whale.
+A23012	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we cannot ban any church, people must be free to believe in whatever religion they choose. this is a fundamental right.
+A23016	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	everyone should be able to bear arms in order to protect themselves, their homes and their families.
+A23017	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	we should adopt libertarianism because it gives citizens more freedom to live their live how they want
+A23018	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons should be abolished because it brings us one step closer to a nuclear war
+A23019	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	this research will lead to many developments in the treating and curing of a variety of diseases.
+A23021	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	we should be able to choose the sex we wish to have.
+A23022	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing allows for elimination of a severe and dangerous threat to a country, with minimal collateral damage and should be continued
+A23023	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we should not prohibit the right to pray in schools, children can opt out if they wish so prohibiting it simply unnecessarily removes the rights of those who want to participate.
+A23024	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading is unfair to the market
+A23025	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights because it discourages new ideas.
+A23026	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games is now redundant as a sporting competition because there are so many professional competitions for sports.
+A23027	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	you shouldn't have to share what you have with other places who do things that are against your country's beliefs.
+A23028	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	this would show that schools are serious about stamping out bullying and bad behavior. too many people get away with bad things because schools are scared to punish them.
+A23029	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should get rid of the three-strikes law since it hasn't shown to be effective in deterring crime.
+A23030	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	workers would be more motivated to do a good job if they were compensated more instead of giving the executives so much
+A23031	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	many of the technological advances brought about by space exploration have eventual benefits for society in general.
+A23032	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	We should abolish safe spaces because because they are used to silence legitimate viewpoints.
+A23035	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language to make sure everyone is included
+A23036	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation is abuse of unregulated capitalism and concentrates wealth into a very small number of people.
+A23037	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis can lead to experimentation with more dangerous drugs.  legalizing it would make it easier for youth to acquire.
+A23038	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidizing student loans lets the students work in their classes not at jobs to pay for their education
+A23040	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can aid in research for medical issues as well as preserving the continuation of humankind.
+A23041	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	freedom of association is protected by the first amendment
+A23042	We should subsidize student loans	against	students should pay for their own education; it isn't fair that everyone has to pay for education through tax regardless of whether they use it.
+A23044	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	paying wikipedia to do what they intend to do can result in being untruthful and bias
+A23045	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing should be banned because it is just plain annoying.  if someone really wants a product they will go buy it and not wait for someone to call them about it.
+A23047	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual properties allow large corporations to have monopolies over their products and restrict the free market.
+A23050	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades offer a sense of community and support.
+A23053	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	Safe spaces create an echo chamber where only currently accepted ideas are allowed to be spoken and any dissent is blocked out, preventing change and growth.
+A23056	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people being forced to vote when they don't wish to will distort the results with unresearched and made-up candidates that they begrudgingly vote for.
+A23057	We should subsidize student loans	against	student loans can be expensive and put young people in debt
+A23058	We should legalize organ trade	against	We should not legalize the organ trade as this will just monetize the transaction and people may feel they have to do live donations just to get some money.
+A23060	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading will destroy traditional trading occupations.
+A23062	We should adopt libertarianism	against	There is much greater wealth disparity in a libertarian society.
+A23063	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions have little effect when power is concentrated to an individual like a dictator, because the dictator doesn't care about the suffering of their people.
+A23064	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms. that law was established before guns became deadly machines.
+A23065	We should end mandatory retirement	against	We should not end mandatory retirement because it opens up positions for young people who otherwise could never begin their career.
+A23066	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer unites children and teachers together
+A23067	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three strikes laws lack nuance and fail to evaluate circumstances around crimes committed.
+A23068	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	we should end the use of economic sanctions because they rarely achieve their desired aims while causing unitended harm to large number of people
+A23069	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	School uniforms keep the distraction of clothing choice comparison from affecting the education of the children negatively.
+A23071	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can help those without the capability of driving be able to have consistent transportation when they don't otherwise.
+A23072	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars could easily cause an accident or result in death if there is a system malfunction.
+A23073	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism would take away religious hatred and wars which have caused a huge amount of damage throughout history.
+A23074	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Being killed by lethal injection or being electrocuted is not always smooth and painless, sometimes it causes a painful death
+A23076	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language because it will make communication easier between genders
+A23077	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos ought to be abolished because they are essentially prisons for these wild animals who often become aggressive
+A23078	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis legalization is a lucrative revenue source
+A23079	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whales need to be protected before they are endangered.
+A23080	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms show pride and community and provide fewer distractions from learning.
+A23081	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	people should have the right to choose what they want to do to their body.
+A23082	We should legalize organ trade	against	by allowing the organ trade the poorest of society will resort to selling body parts just to survive which will harm them in the end.
+A23083	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	criminals are bound to repeat themselves, and with increasing risk. the three strikes law would punish those criminals accordingly.
+A23084	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games provide employment of many people and are entertaining
+A23085	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	some women need the income to provide for their children and themselves
+A23086	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a poll shows that more than 90% of the people are in support of a multi-party system in the usa.
+A23090	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	people should be allowed to retire when they are ready
+A23093	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	it is the go to encyclopedia and should be of the highest quality possible
+A23096	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school unifoorm creates a sense of community and takes away some aspects that can lead to bullying
+A23099	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights are unhelpful to companies who want to copy other people's ideas
+A23100	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling has devastating effects on the entire ocean ecosystem.
+A23101	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will  destroy millions of jobs of truck and taxi drivers.
+A23105	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	a school uniform levels the field for poor, rich, fashionable and not, so all students arrive to school as equals, able to fit in and better integrate
+A23106	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism can achieve more than other forms of societal structure
+A23108	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos help to protect endangered animals.
+A23111	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	there is no actual proof that god exists.  it is all stories passed down no matter which religion.  atheism would stop the fighting over  which religion is superior.
+A23112	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	we should legalize sex selection as it is a parents right to choose and many families may want a girl after many boys and so sex selection will help ensure a wanted pregnancy.
+A23113	We should ban human cloning	against	we should not ban human cloning because this will lessen our chances for finding cures to the some of the most deadly diseases such as cancer and dementia
+A23114	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies only exist to continue and profit from warfare. their operations are immoral and unlawful.
+A23115	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	the digitization of the sector raises the field of action of information. as computer models and algorithmic programs
+A23117	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution is immoral and goes against all the values ​​of a decent society
+A23118	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is a waste of time and should be completely banned.
+A23119	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	people should be allowed to pick the sex of their baby, only they know what's best for their child and what kind of life they'll have
+A23121	We should ban whaling	against	if a county wants to hunt and kill whales they should be allowed to do so
+A23122	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three-strikes law is unfair to those whose crimes are minimal verses those whose crimes are very bad.
+A23124	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	School uniforms can prevent bullying due to economic background and appearance.
+A23125	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	i am against this because an austerity regime increase tax which decreases the economy and would ruin our country financially.
+A23126	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is harassment. people who did not consent to contact are bombarded by calls from strangers. it's long past time to do away with telemarketing.
+A23128	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	too many child actors can't handle the pressure and end up turning to drugs and other crimes to cope.
+A23129	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	if the right to keep and bear arms were abolished would be taking away another fundamental right of americans and this cannot happen.
+A23130	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades send the wrong message to young  children.
+A23132	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives who run huge profitable companies that employ many people should be highly compensated for doing so
+A23133	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games have become prohibitively expensive to host. it is not worth spending billions for an event that is two weeks long.
+A23134	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment disincentives people to commit crimes
+A23135	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting violates our rights.
+A23137	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is an invaluable space for knowledge and should be preserved
+A23140	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	Judicial activism should be limited as there should be enough statutes of law to allow for most situations and fixed punishments are more acceptable than an individuals response to a case.
+A23142	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading is unfair to investors who are trying to invest hard earned money as a second income
+A23143	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing is a tool to prevent mass injuries by taking out one particular target
+A23144	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is an efficient way to produce cheap food for the masses.
+A23146	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	we should cancel pride parades because they entice people who oppose that ideology to cause riots and disrupt the general peace of citizens.
+A23147	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is a cost effective method of food production which allows everyone to access expensive foods at a better price
+A23148	We should limit executive compensation	against	we shouldn't limit executive compensation. the whole point of becoming an executive is working up the ladder for years in order to receive the six figure salary and lucrative bonuses.
+A23149	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer should be viewed as espousing human ideals of love and tolerance, free from tethering to one particular religion, and is such is a valuable message to be promoting.
+A23150	We should abolish safe spaces	against	if people need somewhere safe they should be able to have it
+A23152	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	the government interferes in citizen's lives too much already
+A23157	We should subsidize journalism	against	Journalism is a profession and does not need subsidizing as students can pay for themselves to learn and then be recompensed by getting a paid job.
+A23158	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	voting is so important. voter turnout would be much higher if compulsory voting was introduced.
+A23161	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoo's house animals in small enclosures and exploit them for profit.
+A23167	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	embryonic stem cell research are using human eggs to grow in a lab.  these eggs could have been humans.  we are trying to play god and going beyond human rights.
+A23169	We should ban factory farming	against	we cannot ban things just because you don't like them. factory farms help get the most food per acre.
+A23170	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a valuable common resource that need  more money to work better
+A23171	We should adopt atheism	against	the right to practice religion is a personal freedom that cannot be taken away as it is a source of comfort to many.
+A23172	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance policies provide a safe space
+A23173	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is a frivolous waste of resources and should be banned. it takes medical time away from those  in need. cosmetic surgery promotes vanity and self absorption.
+A23174	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection goes against laws of nature and religion
+A23175	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	Algorithmic trading makes it easier to stay ahead in the market and not get blindsided by a sudden crash.
+A23177	We should ban the use of child actors	against	children should be allowed to work in performing arts or professional sports, a ban does not make sense, nothing bad is being done
+A23178	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	We should abolish safe spaces because universities and other public spaces have an obligation not to place limits on speech, even if it comes from a good place.
+A23179	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work often only benefits the missionary.  those that are targeted are often left worse off after the missionary leaves, having been given a taste of first world things then left to rot
+A23181	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	repeat offenders need to be punished severely.
+A23182	We should abolish zoos	against	animals can live comfortably in zoo's compared to other animals losing their homes because of human actions
+A23186	We should limit executive compensation	against	Executives put more of their time, effort and life to put their company at the top. This effort really merits to be recognized. Only through a high compensation is their efforts be recognized
+A23187	We should subsidize journalism	against	subsidization would cause biased reporting
+A23190	We should prohibit school prayer	against	the period of calm reflection that occurs during school prayer helps to promote a good atmosphere for study and learning
+A23193	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime can help lower debt throughout the country
+A23195	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming provides a faster mass production of food and gives us a way to feed more people than we would if we banned it. there will be less hunger in the world so we shouldn't ban it.
+A23196	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	We should legalize the organ trade so that operations are performed safely by licensed physicians in hospitals.
+A23197	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars should not be produced as they are dangerous and risky.
+A23198	We should subsidize journalism	against	unchecked journalism can lead to biases, paid content, and sow seeds of distrust in the media.
+A23200	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food contributed to the obesity problem in the us
+A23201	We should limit judicial activism	against	sometimes politics becomes so corrupt and untenable, that the only way to make change in the country is through judicial activism.
+A23202	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are not road worthy will cause more accidents due to the cars programing unable to anticipate human decisions
+A23203	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the average person has no reason to need a firearm, and most people aren't competent enough to be trusted with something so dangerous.
+A23204	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons are effective in creating a stand-off between counties that have them. this can result in less people dying.
+A23206	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Capital punishment incentivizes criminals to work with and confess to police as a means of potentially reducing their sentence and avoiding death, even if ti means life without parole.
+A23207	We should adopt atheism	against	we shouldn't adopt atheism because it will lead to most hostile arguments against the religious trying to shove their belief down your throat
+A23210	We should ban missionary work	against	we should not ban missionary work because otherwise, people would not know what the bible means. they may not ever be exposed to the information at all if there were not missionaries.
+A23211	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we should ban targeted killing as it is too harsh on the persons involved, put them all in a specialist jail and make them earn forgiveness
+A23212	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis can impair drivers and cause accidents.
+A23214	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympics are a positive  athletic contest which builds pride in a country and promotes cooperation among all participating countries. they are a goodwill ambassador for the world and should remain.
+A23215	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is dangerous to start with, why should people make such risky moves for vanitys sake?
+A23217	We should limit executive compensation	against	Executives earned the right to make that much due to training, schooling and fighting their way to the top.
+A23218	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors because it strips them of childhood, let them be children and play and mess around
+A23219	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	there are a lot of religions that take advantage of people. atheism eliminates that from happening.
+A23221	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	this would possibly eliminate the war between democrats and republicans.
+A23223	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right and provides comfort and safety for families who use them responsibly.
+A23225	We should ban targeted killing	against	we shouldn't ban targeted killing because it helps the government put down extremely dangerous criminals
+A23226	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms place an unneeded financial burden on parents that are already paying large sums for private schools besides the fact that dress clothes are uncomfortable and add distraction to learning.
+A23227	We should subsidize journalism	against	subsidised journalism leaves us at risk of governmental interference in the news we are allowed to see.
+A23228	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	the war on drugs has not stopped people from using cannabis.
+A23229	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	We should abolish the three-strikes laws because they introduce arbitrary punishment for some crimes over others, when the action was the same.
+A23230	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	in many cases punishment does not match crime
+A23232	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement allows for youger generations to enter the workplace
+A23233	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is a waste of time and money and we should focus on sustaining earth
+A23236	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors don't have the forethought and capacity to make decisions about permanent procedures. they cant fully think through the consequences of plastic surgery. many may end up regretting it.
+A23237	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	as a last ditch effort the government should be allowed to cut programs and spending to stabilize the economy to prevent failing.
+A23238	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people are free to practice any religion they want
+A23240	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	the new generations need the opportunity to advance in their preparation, that is why if they do not have the means and the state does not provide free education then it should promote means such as loans.
+A23242	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	Zero-tolerance policy works- Think of schools three decades ago, when the policy was prevalent. As a result children were obedient and disciplined, as opposed to students' behaviour  today, using moderd soft approaches in schools.
+A23243	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parade has become a symbol of freedom and embracing difference for everyone, not just the LGBT community
+A23246	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should limit executive compensation because the money should be put to better use such as medical
+A23247	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	at this time many people are dying because they do not get an organ transplant. organ trade would incentivize people to be more prepared to have their relatives organs transplanted to save others
+A23248	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is unnecessary and does not provide health benefits
+A23251	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism is dangerous in that it allows for personal opinion to possibly get in the way of true justice.  personal opinion clouding what is law should not be allowed.
+A23253	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judges are to base decisions on the laws of the country not on their personal beliefs.  when a judge puts his bias to a case it can change laws and not support the rights of the individual.
+A23255	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions are not effective.
+A23258	We should abolish capital punishment	against	some crimes are so despicable that death is the only appropriate punishment
+A23259	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	we should not ban cosmetic surgery because some people need it done to improve their health and lifestyle
+A23260	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	jounalism is extremely important to the general public.
+A23261	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research is important in finding cures.
+A23263	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	olympic games is one way to show unity
+A23264	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	it is so hard when talking about a group of people to choose whether to use he or she, him or her, or give up and say they and them.  having a gender neutral language would end this problem.
+A23268	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would increase political activism
+A23271	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	we should keep the right to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves from dangerous situations and to keep our homes and our families safe.
+A23272	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	this breaks the separation between church and state and has got to stop.
+A23273	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Older workers have more experience and expertise than young workers.
+A23274	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons shouldn't exist and if used erroneously could destroy the planet
+A23277	We should abolish safe spaces	against	people with mental illnesses should have a safe place to get away from potential triggers.
+A23278	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research could help us find new solutions to health problems
+A23279	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	We should adopt libertarianism because individuals know their own best interests better than any third party.
+A23282	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is too vulnerable to manipulation to be considered a trusted source.
+A23283	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	older employees have a wealth of knowledge and experience and forcing them to retire could put a company's productivity at risk.
+A23284	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is inhumane as all life is precious and we should be the better man to spare and forgive the offenders
+A23286	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	we should not abandon the use of school uniforms because it helps to create a fair and even playing field between students who are rich and poor alike.
+A23287	We should abolish safe spaces	against	we adhere to these principles and these spaces to guarantee behaviors that make us feel safe, therefore safe spaces should not be abolished
+A23288	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research is important in helping to cure diseases and defects.
+A23289	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights don't work.  we see this with piracy websites as well as state actors such as china.  there is no point in holding onto a broken system.
+A23290	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we shouldn't adopt libertarianism because not everyone seems to think about things in the same way, some people have no interest in politics at all
+A23291	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology is a cult that brainwashes people
+A23292	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	facial surgery is a common reconstruction for people who get involved in car accidents. cosmetic surgeries is the only solution for them to recover their face they destroyed in the accident
+A23294	We should ban fast food	against	there is no need to ban fast food because there are some fairly healthy options to choose from. it's up to people to make smarter decisions about their food and their future health
+A23295	We should legalize cannabis	against	it would lead to more crimes and trouble
+A23296	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	Private military companies should be banned as they are not obliged to follow the strict rules of engagement that the military must which results in abuse of civilians.
+A23300	We should ban whaling	in favor of	because it is a cruel way of killing a whale and causes great suffering and could cause the extinction of some species of whales.
+A23301	We should end mandatory retirement	against	We should not end mandatory retirement because it opens up positions to women, people of color, and immigrants who were not able to take those jobs due to past discrimination.
+A23302	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing will prevent further havoc by the perpetrator
+A23303	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is itself not harmful but it is the number of times it is eaten and the quantity that is unhealthy
+A23305	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	we should not  adopt an austerity regime because it will harm a good process.
+A23306	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions end up hurting ordinary people more than the targeted governments
+A23307	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	more parties will create a more convoluted political system
+A23308	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	Space exploration should be subsidized because the information learned from it could provide useful to our planet.
+A23309	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are not mature enough to make such life altering decisions
+A23310	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	these cars are too unpredictable and unsafe
+A23311	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	the cells used in stem cell research come from the murdering, harvesting, and selling of babies, all of which are highly immoral.
+A23314	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	bullying and insecurities are rampant in a teenagers world. it has very serious effects. if a little bit of plastic surgery would solve this, it should be allowed. it's worth it to prevent major emotional pain.
+A23315	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	the military is the last thing that should be profit driven, reliance on such companies can invoke catastrophe.
+A23316	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans take many years to pay off and if we don't subsidize there will be less students willing to go to college.
+A23317	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	if it was legal to trade organs more lives could be saved.
+A23318	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	Children do not have sufficient autonomy to make decisions about careers, they should be protected from over directing parents and hence the use of child actors should be banned.
+A23319	We should cancel pride parades	against	We should not cancel pride parades as they provide a great focal point to celebrate and help others to understand the diversity of society.
+A23320	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	the capital punishment is a setback of the current civilization
+A23322	We should ban telemarketing	against	It is time saving. You can reach a large number prospects much faster than a sales representative on foot.
+A23325	We should oppose collectivism	against	We should support collectivism because it leads to more investment in the community and more growth in the long term.
+A23327	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems lead to more corruption and wasted campaign dollars.
+A23331	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should subsidize students loans so that more kids can get a better education, they are the future after all and we will need doctors, engineers, scientists, etc.
+A23332	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	there has to be a limit on what science can ethically do and human cloning is a step too far and should be banned for fear of this science being missued.
+A23333	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the games serve no positive purpose. there are world games and high level competitions in most sports which make the olympics obsolete. they are also a financial albatross to the country that holds them.
+A23334	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people would be forced to vote for something even if they didn't believe it was right.
+A23336	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are important demonstrations for equal rights
+A23338	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not adopt this, it would be confusing to young children. the way we've done things still works and there's no need to change it.
+A23339	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	the threat of nuclear weapons can keep some of the more radical governments in check.
+A23340	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	the uniforms break the class barriers between the students and allow a fairer treatment for all.
+A23341	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection should not be legalized as it is counter to biblical teachings
+A23345	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is needed to further our nations scientific knowledge. it should be supported by government. there is no profit in it but is vital to our nation and should be undertaken with public dollars.
+A23349	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	We should adopt gender-neutral language so we have a word to use instead of he/she, his/her, etc. for gender fluid people who he/she, his her, etc. aren't accurate.
+A23350	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights because it create more laws from the copyrights and keeping it protected
+A23351	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces must be abolished because they contribute to the insecurity of minorities. they do not attack the problem of violence and discrimination
+A23352	We should legalize organ trade	against	if organ trade were legal. more people would do it to make money.
+A23353	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is intrusive and unhelpful
+A23354	We should legalize organ trade	against	the organ trade will mainly use poorer people to provide organs for the rich.
+A23356	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	we should legalize sex selection because i think people should be able to pick if they want their child to be a boy or a girl
+A23360	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protect someone's research and hard work ensuring that they can be recognized and recompensed for their efforts.
+A23363	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons are expensive to maintain
+A23364	We should ban the use of child actors	against	i think the we shouldn't ban the use of child actors because is good for thier cultural formation
+A23366	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should have free and open discourse of all ideas.  intellectual property prevents this and stunts our collective growth.
+A23369	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school is for learning and teaching and anything else apart from that is just wrong.
+A23371	We should adopt atheism	against	people should have the freedom to believe in a way of their choice. atheism forces people to  believe in one way and this is not the principle of freedom  the usa was founded upon.
+A23373	We should legalize cannabis	against	to legalize cannabis would be to tell people that it is safe to use, which is untrue, which would result in many more using it and an epidemic in psychological problems
+A23374	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is needed to see how space can affect us here
+A23375	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	there is no need for gender-neutral language. someone could be an actress or an actor and can identify as either without changing the language that we use.
+A23376	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is something that is life long.  which is why minors, who's brains are not fully matured yet, don't have the ability to truly make such a decision for themselves.
+A23377	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is okay in moderation and doesn't need to get banned
+A23378	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	it helps to insure that the parents get the gender of the child they want and will love
+A23381	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows for the airing of more viewpoints and would require politicians to build coalitions and compromise in order to get things accomplished.
+A23382	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia makes enough money on it's own
+A23383	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology indoctrinates people from an early age in a way that has lasting repercussions.
+A23384	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	Keeping and bearing arms is dangerous because accidents happen and people could die needlessly.
+A23386	We should subsidize space exploration	against	the space exploration can be private and get money from private funds, why should we keep it?
+A23388	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism helps to keep everyone in line since the group can ban anyone that steps out.
+A23390	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution promotes the sex trafficking industry
+A23391	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	a lot of times the physical and emotional after effects of cosmetic surgery defeat the main purpose of getting the surgery.
+A23392	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	The three-strikes law gives victims peace of mind that the person who perpetuated a crime against them won't one day return and harm them again.
+A23393	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoo's are horrid places that keep animals in tiny cages and then charges the public high prices to see them.
+A23394	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades should be permitted because all people should be allowed to celebrate what they believe in.
+A23395	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loan debt is an enormous pressure on working people, and should be subsidized.
+A23397	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	they laws don't stop crime, they just punish people harder.
+A23398	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is an irritant, a waste of time,  and gives too many people spam calls which isn't helpful when the person is waiting for  a phone call from a potential employer, etc.
+A23401	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Journalism is a vital source of real information and news to make sure people are properly informed about the world so subsidizing it would help ensure that it continues without bias.
+A23402	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading helps people trade with a smaller risk of financial losses.
+A23406	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	minors should have a choice in what to do with their bodies
+A23407	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	it is basically a cult that steals money from naive people.
+A23408	We should adopt atheism	against	people should be able to believe whatever they want and not be forced into atheism.
+A23410	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons are important in the fight against those who want to hurt their enemies
+A23411	We should limit executive compensation	against	by providing a high compensation to the executives of a company you can get a higher quality employee and the business will make more money. therefore we should not limit their pay.
+A23412	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades sometimes bring out hate and crazy people.
+A23413	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	it is dangerous to have a community where so many people have lethal weapons
+A23415	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance policies ensures pupils know exactly where they are in terms of rules and regulations leaving no room for ambiguity, thus ensuring better behaviour.
+A23416	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism runs roughshod over every collective and communal human right and entitlement.  privileged individuals prosper whilst the rest of society suffers. it should most definitely not be adopted
+A23417	We should ban fast food	against	we should not ban a food simply because it is quick to buy! we can tax or ban the harmful components like saturated fat, and actually target the issue rather than indiscriminately target the convenience.
+A23419	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	Cloning could lead to designer humans and we will lose the diversity of the human race
+A23420	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	we should ban missionary work as it could be dangerous
+A23421	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	this is a profession that has been going on for thousands of years so we should finally recognize it as a real job for women
+A23422	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution will cause a more dangerous environment for those trying to escape and will make sex trafficking more common
+A23424	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism should be limited as judges should stick to their job and not try to grandstand on issues to gain popularity.
+A23425	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	people should be free and open to make their own choices and if they should make any decisions that they later regret, then this will teach them important lessons for the rest of their life
+A23426	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights stifle growth and information by stopping the free-flowing of ideas.
+A23428	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work is important as it brings relgion to new countries.
+A23429	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Newspapers and magazines are currently struggling and need subsidization to stay solvent.
+A23431	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides information that is free and easy to get on any subject
+A23432	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	we should ban factory farming as it poses a huge health risk by passing on diseases and bacteria to people.
+A23434	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	We should legalize sex selection because there is no harm to third parties that the government needs to intervene to prevent.
+A23435	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling should be banned because we need to protect whales from becoming extinct.
+A23436	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	far too few people actually vote, meaning that those in government are not truly representative of the people.
+A23437	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime promotes the continuation and growth of a country's debt which allows dependence on others instead of addressing and repairing issues of a particular country preventing self-growth.
+A23439	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can give us medical breakthroughs
+A23440	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	We should not adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools- children need more tolerance in their lives in order to flourish, and creating a zero-tolerance policy will cause harm and suffering.
+A23441	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies offer a valuable service for instances where government military cannot do what needs to be done for fear or repercussions.
+A23443	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement forces people to end careers before they are ready
+A23444	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is not needed, and vain.
+A23445	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we should not ban scientology, the sensationalist stories have never been proven so we would be passing judgement before any wrongdoing is confirmed
+A23447	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	globally, over 1 million people die a year in car crashes.   to be able to have self driving safe cars that save that many lives a year would be outstanding.   robots and self driving cars are the future.
+A23450	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are unable to make such a life changing decision as cosmetic surgery
+A23451	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system could add more complexity and create situations where issues become impossible to resolve.
+A23452	We should ban targeted killing	against	evil has penetrated society, and there are times when there is no other way out to eradicate it than to resort to force, evil can not be overcome with discourses, it is necessary to fight fire with fire.
+A23454	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt.
+A23455	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Giving a killer the death sentence will stop them  doing it again
+A23456	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	Austerity regime is important for maintaining only important spending from government when their is lack of economic growth in the country. It helps in cutting useless spending and revitalize the economy
+A23457	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	Collectivism as a philosophy has historically been used to commit atrocities and silence political dissent against oppressive regimes, such as in the case of Stalin's USSR.
+A23459	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	we need these sanctions to protect our security
+A23460	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces may be the intention but people do not necessarily adhere to such titles and their would be no differentiation of a safe space vs. negative.
+A23461	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private companies have less strict guidelines and less oversight which makes them careless
+A23462	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	it can help cure diseases & the research looks promising
+A23463	We should adopt libertarianism	against	without any sense or order or control, criminals would run rife.
+A23464	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism makes sure that all are taken care of and the weak will provided for.
+A23466	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a valid means of advertising and is not dangerous for the people
+A23468	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	juggling debt in never a good option compared to paying it off properly.
+A23469	We should adopt atheism	against	we shouldn't adopt atheism because everyone needs something to believe in, and without no rules (10 commandments) or no promise of a better afterlife, society would collapse
+A23470	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero tolerance policy will lead to safer schools by removing troublemakers immediately
+A23471	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	some women have no other way to support themselves and their children
+A23472	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are cruel to the animals taking them out of their natural environment
+A23473	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning should be banned as it is equivalent to playing god.
+A23475	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	they are places where the animals are mistreated nobody knows how much an animal suffers that is taken out of its habitat only for human entertainment
+A23479	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is a corrupt organization that preaches extreme values and is detrimental to society.
+A23480	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism should be limited as there are basic reasons why a law was put in place and a single judge should not be able to choose to ignore the basic law.
+A23481	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is the only free source of information with references that's guaranteed to be accurate. it's needed, especially for those who can't afford anything else.
+A23482	We should legalize cannabis	against	we shouldn't legalize cannabis as it could introduce more drugs to the user
+A23483	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is a cheap treat and to ban it would be to take the joy out of life for many people.
+A23485	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions help our country.
+A23487	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work is very helpful to many
+A23488	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment is a strong disincentive against commuting crime
+A23489	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	it is not right to force people that do not want to participate in voting to do so.
+A23490	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	we should not abolish the olympic games because it is a form of entertainment for many people
+A23492	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	We should adopt libertarianism because it would lead to fewer international conflicts if states were weaker.
+A23493	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors as they should be concentrating on getting an education first
+A23494	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration may be of tremendous benefit to mankind but isn't practical for private enterprise to fund because of the enormous costs involved
+A23495	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions keep people from doing bad by costing them precious money
+A23498	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning shows us pushing the boundaries of science to their fullest potential.  think of all we can learn if we perfect cloning.  it shows how far man has come and can continue to go.
+A23499	We should ban fast food	in favor of	Fast food is a leading cause of obesity in the world and needs to be banned.
+A23500	We should ban human cloning	against	it would help in research for breakthroughs in health
+A24001	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are too young to make life changing decisions required fr cosmetic surgery.
+A24003	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	we can't arbitrarily overturn a constitutional amendment.
+A24007	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery because the patients might get cancer when it is done over and over again
+A24011	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legitimate prostitutes as in those not forced into the trade are hurting no one and simply providing pleasure at a cost.  pleasure that some people can't get obtain any other way.
+A24012	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	We should ban missionary work because it convinces people to abandon their culture and adopt a dominant, colonial culture instead, which damages our shared cultural heritage.
+A24013	We should subsidize space exploration	against	we should not subsidize something like space exploration because it would put lives at risk.
+A24014	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos make it possible to protect endangered animals from extinction
+A24016	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	legalized cannabis can be more closely regulated and taxed. it makes it safer than illegal weed and helps provide tax dollars.
+A24017	We should adopt atheism	against	religions produce color to the world and celebrate the diversity of people so it would be a duller world without it, so we should not adopt atheism.
+A24018	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride prides are an expression of free speech and therefore, constitutionally protected.
+A24019	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games are a hugely expensive enterprise to host, and history is littered with countries left financially broken in the aftermath.
+A24021	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery for minors does not address self-esteem issues and the results of cosmetic surgery are irreversible.
+A24022	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions do nothing to those in power and ruin the lives of ordinary citizens instead.
+A24027	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people have the right to follow whatever religion they choose, even if they worship a science fiction novel.
+A24028	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	this is needed in areas where the population is unequal. when only one sex is the majority, that population would eventually cease. there wouldn't be enough mates.
+A24029	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketers  try to force a product or service without caring if you even need it
+A24030	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	schools are part of the state system. since we have a legal obligation to keep the separation of church and state we can't allow prayer in schools as this would violate that.
+A24033	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism needs diversitiy desperately because only six corporations control ninety percent of all media.
+A24034	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	with the rise of racism and white supremacy we should adopt libertarianism into our society.   allowing for open borders and anyone and everyone to come here and live the life we all want.
+A24039	We should adopt libertarianism	against	Libertarianism would lead to crumbling infrastructure without taxes to fund the government.
+A24040	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	gun ownership is a personal right and a form of personal protection in an ever-increasingly hostile and dangerous world.
+A24041	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos do very important work for conservation. their breeding programmes have stopped some species from becoming extinct.
+A24042	We should cancel pride parades	against	to support gay people then we should allow pride parades
+A24044	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning could lead to scientific breakthroughs that could solve many of the world's problems.
+A24045	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we shouldn't prohibit school prayer as it's a human right to be able to pray
+A24046	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because it sends a message to young people that conventional attractiveness is more important than health.
+A24047	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	criminals should have a chance to go straight, even if they've committed the same crime multiple times.
+A24048	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing streamlines combat operations in order to only inflict the casualties necessary.
+A24049	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading has been reported as one of the main causes of the greatest fall in the dow in decades
+A24050	We should cancel pride parades	against	we should not cancel pride parades because it would be an infingement of freedom of expression and of the right to free speech.
+A24052	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting will represent all of the people not only those who already vote
+A24053	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors don't miss out on school as they often have a tutor on the set
+A24054	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	freedom of religion should allow the church of scientology to keep operating
+A24055	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	many citizens are morally opposed to using embryonic stem cells and using their tax dollars to fund it would be immoral.
+A24056	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	if everything was gender neutral it would make everyone equal.
+A24059	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a key advantage of a multi-party system is that voters have a choice of which political party they can choose to elect.
+A24060	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection should not be legalized because it is counter to nature
+A24061	We should oppose collectivism	against	sometimes it's easier to get one's voice across if the voice is heard as a group
+A24063	We should limit executive compensation	against	there should not be a limit to executive compensation, they deserve to be compensated based on the profits of the company.
+A24064	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors miss out on growing up naturally as a child should, with proper education, stable background and without the pressures of work at a young age and so they should be banned
+A24065	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	we need to remember we are talking about children not criminals, this policy is far too harsh and unnecessary. let children be children.
+A24066	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	by imposing economic sanctions against a country you will force them to change the way they are doing things because it creates a hardship for the citizens who will in turn rebel against the government
+A24068	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis should be not be legalized because it is a mind-altering drug that has many negative side effects.
+A24069	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation is a joke. it's executives rewarding themselves on the backs of shareholders regardless of how well a company performs.
+A24070	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whales are necessary for ecological sustainability of the oceans
+A24071	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	if someone invents something they should be able to profit from it
+A24072	We should subsidize student loans	against	graduates earn more over a lifetime than their peers, this gives them plenty of opportunity to repay their debts.
+A24073	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	There have been and always will be cases of executions of innocent people
+A24075	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Many jobs, like airplane pilots and doctors, are tasked with they physical safety of hundred of others. Companies have an obligation to make sure people holding those positions are the most capable, which old age threatens.
+A24079	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration should be subsidized as it will benefit us in the future with technology advancements.
+A24080	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	helping our government and our country is mandatory for all of us and austerity regime must be adopted.
+A24081	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	we should legalize cannabis because it can help people with certain health problems be relieved of their symptoms
+A24083	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	it is inhumane and unnecessary it teaches that violence is a solution it can open the door to abuse
+A24085	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	adopting a zero tolerance in schools will help reduce the amount of bullying that happens.
+A24086	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces provide a needed service, to give people a place to go where they won't be judges for who they are
+A24087	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming provides negative outcomes across several areas, the most important of which is personal livelihood, so it should be banned.
+A24088	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	parents of minors should be the people making the determination as they know the needs of their own children over government enforcing bans that impede on such.
+A24091	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	more political parties give people more of a choice to support what they believe in.
+A24092	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives some people an unfair advantage
+A24093	We should end mandatory retirement	against	people simply can't compete with others in the same professional setting once they reach a certain age, mandatory retirement is necessary for fair competition in a limited job market
+A24097	We should abolish safe spaces	against	we should not abolish safe spaces because they are vital for people who struggle in social situations and need a calm area to calm down when experiencing a panic attack.
+A24099	We should abolish capital punishment	against	the punishment should be equal to the crime. it also might deter others from murder if they know they will lose their own life.
+A24100	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is a private organisation,the government should not get involved.
+A24101	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are a business like any other and are subject to national and international regulations
+A24103	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos are a great way for people to learn about animals
+A24104	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	copyright laws protect artistic creations.
+A24105	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights as the law is very complex and it is very easy to infringe copyright.
+A24107	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism does not allow one person to stand out from the others, which can be negative
+A24108	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	The alternative to nuclear weapons are bio-weapons and chemical weapons, which are more likely to be used, more horrific in their outcomes, and more dangerous as they can be spread person to person.
+A24110	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is contributing to the extinction of a lifeform and is unethical
+A24111	We should ban missionary work	against	people can learn a lot from doing missionary work and it can enrich their lives travelling around the world and learning about different cultures
+A24112	We should ban whaling	against	whaling has been an intergral part of many cultures for centuries.
+A24113	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is necessary to sustain the current population level and is needed in order to make farming profitable at this time in history.
+A24114	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	there are so many bogus cosmetic surgery out there that it needs to be banned before we have a bunch of freaks walking the earth.
+A24115	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we need to do away with intellectual property rights so it doesn't slow down innovation
+A24116	We should ban missionary work	against	missionaries help feed the hungry, build housing and educate people so we should not stop them even if they are advocating their personal religious beliefs at the same time
+A24117	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we should subsidize journalism because we need people to accurately and thoroughly cover events around the world. the government has historically aided journalism without bias.
+A24119	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	uniform is important to give students a sense of school identity and to make all pupils equal, where there is no uniform it is easier for rich students to bully those who do not have the most expensive clothes.
+A24121	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	ensuring everyone has a voice in our elections is critical to a functioning democracy
+A24123	We should legalize prostitution	against	We should not legalize prostitution because prostitution is coercive and given a free choice and maximum information, almost no rational person would become a prostitute.
+A24125	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection will invariably lead down a slippery slope of screening for other genetic factors: hair color, handedness, etc. where will it stop?
+A24126	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	Gender-neutral language is helpful in making everyone in a room feel comfortable.
+A24127	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalizing prostitution would allow the government to regulate prostitution and make it safer.
+A24128	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	contamination can happen very easy, cloning a human with contaminated cells could lead to diseases with no cure being spread worldwide
+A24129	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	The use of nuclear weapons would have catastrophic consequences for humans, and the effects of radiation would cause suffering and death for many years after the initial explosion.
+A24132	We should subsidize journalism	against	we should not subsidize journalism as they are private companies and can raise tons of money without our fear of bad reporting because their company would tank if they reported bad news.
+A24133	We should adopt libertarianism	against	Libertarianism would cause chaos in a large country as there would be no set rules and regulations.
+A24134	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	the three-strikes law is good at keeping criminals off of the streets
+A24137	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism allows judges to argue their own views instead of making decisions based on existing constitutional law.
+A24138	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism is a form of selfishness which promotes the rights of the individual over the rights of everyone.
+A24140	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars rely on computer software, so like any computer controlled device, they are susceptible to being hacked
+A24141	We should ban missionary work	against	we should not ban missionary work because a lot of progress has been made because of it in poor countries.
+A24142	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	if organ trade was legal it would be easier for people to get the organs that they need.
+A24145	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	Human cloning goes against nature and should be banned.
+A24146	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we live in a free society where people should be allowed to practise whatever religion they choose.
+A24148	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	it could lead to donors trying to influence the content
+A24149	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research could potentially save millions of lives and needs  as much support as it can get.
+A24150	We should ban human cloning	against	we should allow scientists to continue to try to clone humans.  just as medical treatments have progressed in the world who can predict what types of improvements in ending disease could occur.
+A24152	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism is necessary for people to help one another and endure.
+A24154	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	the people doing the real work are the regular associates and executives shouldn't get rewarded for someone else's work
+A24155	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	for some students taking a student loan is the only way to afford studying
+A24157	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	Algorithmic trading will put many stock brokers and analysts out of business.
+A24160	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	adopting an austerity regime is the best way for the country to reduce its huge debt
+A24161	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism so as not to be tied to doing things by some religions
+A24162	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	if there are 3 minor offenses there is no need to overly punish someone.
+A24165	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	we should legalize organ trade because it will be better monitored than having organs being sold on the black market
+A24166	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism should be limited because law making is best done by the legislative and executive branches of government
+A24167	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	we should not abandon the use of school uniform to make sure everyone is wearing the same thing to make people not stand out due to less money or resources
+A24168	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is necessary in our modern world and help people have a cheap meal
+A24171	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning opens up a whole new level of ethics, such as the rights of the clone, that we are unprepared to handle legally and morally.
+A24172	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	It is unjust to force government employees to kill a person the way capital punishment does.
+A24173	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades cause too many problems in the community.  they disrupt the peace and cause a lot of litter
+A24174	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	we should legalize cannabis for best healthy of body
+A24175	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Nuclear weapons are an expensive to build and maintain. These resources could be put to better use.
+A24176	We should ban fast food	against	in moderation, fast food can be a treat or convenient meal for busy people.  we should allow people to enjoy it.
+A24177	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights are vital to ensure those taking the initial financial risks with new concepts are ultimately those who experience the greatest reward, and don't see there work misappropriated.
+A24178	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery can help people with self esteem issues
+A24179	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are computerized and are open to hacking. at that point they can become a dangerous weapon to not only the driver but everyone around him.
+A24180	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms keep school from becoming a fashion show.
+A24181	We should legalize sex selection	against	we should not legalize sex selection because it might cause an unbalanced society.
+A24182	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment is a deterrent for others to commit the same crimes.
+A24183	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	we should legalize organ trade because people would benefit by having a better life
+A24186	We should ban private military companies	against	if a private military company sends it's employees to dangerous places then it saves the lives of soldiers who won't be sent there
+A24187	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	cosmetic surgery for minors should not be banned since their right to autonomy still stands, event if it's applied by their parents (or any other legal guardian).
+A24188	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia often provides biased, inaccurate information due to lax editing policies and procedures.
+A24191	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender-neutral language should not be adopted as it will cause resentment among those who strongly identify with either their birth or adopted sex
+A24193	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics
+A24194	We should limit executive compensation	against	Executive level employees have worked hard to achieve the level they have  and should be compensated for this.
+A24195	We should subsidize space exploration	against	Subsidies are a zero sum game, by subsidizing space exploration we are neglecting more important fields such as education or affordable housing.
+A24196	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children are far too easy to exploit and they sometimes end up being far too precocious at an early age due to fame and all it brings.
+A24197	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	the security of child and teachers is esential for all
+A24199	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting gives everyone in society their say in politics
+A24200	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting shouldn't be introduced because it violates freedom of choice.
+A24201	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	we should end mandatory retirement because it should be up to each individual what age they feel they are unable to work any longer
+A24202	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	everyone has a right to make this choice
+A24203	We should ban targeted killing	against	we need to do whatever it takes to keep our citizens safe, and that includes getting rid of individuals that lead and encourage  terrorist organizations.
+A24204	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	people need the freedom to drive where they want by themselves.
+A24207	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	the old days of labeling careers as a mailman, etc are sexist and outdated.  women can do anything men can, and adopting a gender neutral language would reinforce that concept.
+A24208	We should ban targeted killing	against	in a certain way, the selective assassination in politics is beneficial for countries that have this, as a means to alleviate their problems
+A24209	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food should be banned because it is nutritionally lacking in many essential nutrients, plus it provides substances that are totally unhealthy to the human diet, such as excess fat and sugar.
+A24215	We should limit executive compensation	against	High executive compensation is necessary to get the best executives for your company
+A24216	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	Zero-tolerance policies leave no room for explaining mitigating circumstances, which is both unfair to the individual being punished and also sends a negative message to the school community as a whole.
+A24218	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	this is the only way to maintain order
+A24219	We should legalize organ trade	against	we should not legalize the organ trade because it would lead to the exploitation of the poor for the benefit of the rich
+A24220	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	by legalizing prostitution we would be making it safer for the prostitute by taking control away from the violent crime organizations
+A24222	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars can make driving more dangerous since their programming can not cover every conceivable instance.
+A24223	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research if we want to further medical advancements.
+A24224	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos protect many of the near extinct animals and should be kept open.
+A24227	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	this site has proven very popular and useful for those looking for information
+A24229	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives work hard for their companies and should be compensated accordingly.
+A24231	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system would help create more options for voters.
+A24232	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will bring mobility to the disabled.
+A24236	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Capital punishment is hypocritical by engaging in the behavior it is trying to prevent.
+A24238	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language because it will create a society where men are not more powerful and important than women.
+A24240	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	it will stop people from buying the drug from the streets, it will also mean that regulations are put in place to ensure the quality of the drug is safe to use, it will also increase tax revenue.
+A24241	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution would spread many diseases.
+A24242	We should ban targeted killing	against	we shouldn't ban targeted killing because it is a legitimate tool in foreign wars to take out the biggest enemies. we need to use all the tools available to us.
+A24243	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	we should not introduce compulsory voting because some people that are unable to read and or write will be voting
+A24244	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are dangerous.  they are nothing more than mercenaries following the whims of their boss.
+A24247	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	There is nothing about a younger workforce that is inherently better, and qualified young people will still be able to get jobs without a policy of mandatory retirement.
+A24253	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism should not be adopted as rules are needed to ensure law and order and the continued status quo.
+A24254	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing provides jobs. the economy is already unstable and lacking jobs. what are these people supposed to do if their job is banned? no one forces you to talk to them. just hang up.
+A24255	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia shoud be independent and with subsidization this may be at risk depending on the subsidization source
+A24260	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is risky in that it can cause adverse affects.
+A24262	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	without the use of economic sanctions a country has very little way of objecting to another country's actions without resorting to violence.
+A24263	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	there is no need for oppressive restraints on people's behaviour so we should adopt libertarianism.
+A24265	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows for more unqualified people to get into the race
+A24269	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	The international community has already acknowledged that nuclear weapons are bad by signing a number of nuclear nonproliferation and test-ban treaties, and the next step in international cooperation should be the abolition of nuclear weapons.
+A24271	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	embryonic stem cell research is against god's will and should be stopped.
+A24272	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing uses expertise to eliminate those that are extreme threats, not only to our government, but to the global governing bodies.
+A24273	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we must eliminate the right to keep and bear arms since it has happened that several unnecessary deaths have occurred due to the fact that people have the right to use weapons
+A24274	We should abolish safe spaces	against	we should accept safe spaces because it lets people freely speak their mind without consequence
+A24276	We should oppose collectivism	against	We should support collectivism because there would be fewer homeless people or starving people if people of means took a community interest rather than one of pure greed.
+A24277	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	As people age they tend to commit less crimes, keeping individuals in jail for life only because of three-strikes laws is a waste of money and doesn't protect society.
+A24278	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	legal marijuana can add millions of dollars in federal taxes paid by cannabis businesses
+A24279	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms make sure that each student starts out in an equal environment.
+A24280	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos prevent animals from returning to their natural habitats, forcing them into confinement and disregarding their instincts of living in the wild.
+A24281	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism encourages herd mentality
+A24282	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work, while rewarding to those that choose that path, is fraught with danger to the missionary and the people they're trying to convert
+A24283	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is an important part of several cultures.  it is wrong to impose our rulings on their ancient beliefs
+A24285	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketers selling scams interrupt precious family time with incessant phone calls.
+A24286	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	our debt has become so outrageous that an austerity program might be the only way out.
+A24287	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games  are an important celebration of athleticism that the whole world can participate in.
+A24288	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	If nuclear weapons exist there will always be a risk of escalation to all out nuclear war which would literally destroy the world, so we must fight to abolish them.
+A24289	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	prayer in schools should be prohibited, at least in public school as it is a violation of the separation of church and state.
+A24290	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is necessary  and cannot be abandoned, because it's the way we will always produce things in agricolture
+A24291	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will never work and the development of said cars should be stopped. there are too many complex situations that will cause more crashes than what is currently happening.
+A24292	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms is an american constitutional right to protect one's self and family and this right should not be violated.
+A24293	We should ban human cloning	against	This could provide organs for transplant patients in dire need as well as many other medical advancements.
+A24296	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	parents should be able to utilize any technological advances they wish in order to build their ideal family.
+A24297	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe places are good for students to be free from any conflicts
+A24299	We should ban missionary work	against	missionaries do great work and go to places that are often neglected by others
+A24300	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farms produce a lot of pollution
+A24301	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban private military companies because they are just hired hit men
+A24302	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	an embryo is basically a baby that has not implanted yet. this is potential human life.
+A24304	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	everybody is different & many people like to express themselves using clothes, by wearing the same uniform as others it doesn't allow a person their own individuality
+A24306	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender characteristics are part of a person's identity, by using gender neutral language we invalidate those characteristics
+A24307	We should cancel pride parades	against	they shouldnt be banned, it's just people coming together and expressing themselves which they have the right to do.
+A24308	We should ban fast food	against	people are free to eat whatever they choose. it's a cheap and fast way for people to get a meal when they are in a hurry or can't afford the expensive organic and natural foods.
+A24309	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	School prayer should be kept private in schools and done in public areas where people may be offended.
+A24310	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	we should ban missionary work because pushing personal views on unwanted audiences is wrong.
+A24311	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	they are expensive to whoever hosts them
+A24312	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism should be adopted as it will put an end to organized religions which have caused wars and deaths over the centuries.
+A24314	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is sometimes the only option for families that are on the go all the time.
+A24316	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	cosmetic surgery is beneficial to minors who have had a traumatic experience for instance burns also for corrective surgery
+A24319	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism takes care of everyone and not just those at the top
+A24321	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	all citizens should be compelled to vote to voice their opinion on who should be our elected leaders. apathy in selecting our political leaders is detrimental to our society.
+A24322	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	it is a good measure, since our youth currently lack responsibility and discipline, and with this we favor more that ability
+A24323	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing is the best way to eliminate threats without risking additional loss of life and it should not be banned.
+A24324	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender-neutral language is simpler and more straight forward and respects all genders without bias.
+A24325	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism could lead to a decision being made based on the false beliefs of one person.
+A24327	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	subsidization would improve the reach and dissemination of wikipedia's information, enabling translation into more marginal languages for example.
+A24328	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	the school uniform does not allow for the uniqueness and expression of the individual
+A24329	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration should not be subsidized because it is not affordable. there is not enough money available in mostcountries to even support health care and security without space exploration too.
+A24330	We should subsidize journalism	against	the is enough money in journalism already, and funds available through subsidies should be redirected towards more worthwhile causes such as healthcare.
+A24334	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is an annoyance and unnecessary approach
+A24335	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	we should ban the church of scientology as people may not recognise it as a true religion
+A24336	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy to protect all of our children.
+A24337	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Many of the most horrendous acts by humanity has been done in the name of religion, the world would be a more peaceful  place if we all adopted atheism.
+A24339	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	we need school uniforms to make sure that students come to school in proper attire and to give them a sense of unity with other students.
+A24341	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system is the fairest representation of all political viewpoints, and would increase the electorate's engagement with politics in general.
+A24342	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	parents should be able to chose the sex of their children.
+A24345	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors are really doing labor and child labor is against the law.
+A24346	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism is important in this country.
+A24347	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	students need help with the burden of college costs and shouldn't have to go into crippling debt to get an education.
+A24348	We should subsidize student loans	against	the public should not pay for other peoples lifestyle choices
+A24352	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to bear arms is a constitutional right for all citizens.
+A24353	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is unnecessary for human survival and endangers whales as a species.
+A24357	We should ban telemarketing	against	With telemarketing, you get immediate feedback on your product or service.
+A24358	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment provides a firm sense of closure for victim's families and the lack thereof may harm them.
+A24359	We should abolish zoos	against	we cannot close zoos that can help preserve endangered species from extinction
+A24360	We should subsidize student loans	against	people choose to go to college.  those that do should pay the bills for that schooling.  we should not be taxed to give money to those that choose to borrow it.
+A24362	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	we should ban the church of scientology because any church that has "cult like" teachings should never be allowed to exist.
+A24364	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are an effective way to limit the ability of corrupt governments
+A24366	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading is unfair because traders with faster computers and better connections to the market will have an advantage over others.
+A24368	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride marches are an important and vital political activity for lgbt people and provide a necessary visibility.
+A24369	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	diseases can be cured using cells created for embryonic stem cell research.
+A24370	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	we should ban algorithmic trading because algorithms don't always work and will cause people to lose a lot of money
+A24372	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons are an  exhorbitantly costly defence strategy that will never be used, just a deterrant at a huge price.
+A24373	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we should not ban the church of scientology because i think everyone should have a choice in what they choose to believe in and celebrate.
+A24374	We should ban factory farming	against	The population is growing ever larger and we need efficient ways to produce enough meat for it.
+A24375	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors become adults far too quickly and should not be allowed to act until they are adults
+A24376	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial review is a crucial fallback to monitor political activity
+A24377	We should limit judicial activism	against	judges are going to use their beliefs to interpret laws and we shouldn't limit that once they are elected, we should understand their views before electing them.
+A24378	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement allows for new people to saturate the workforce and the older generation to relax.  this is a good thing.
+A24379	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games should be abolished because they are a financial drain on host cities
+A24380	We should subsidize space exploration	against	we should not subsidize space exploration since that is a waste of money.
+A24381	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing helps introduce customers to new things and services they may not have heard of had they not been prompted into the subject.
+A24382	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	many factory farm workers have contracted diseases due to the conditions in which they work.
+A24384	We should abolish safe spaces	against	Safe spaces give people the ability to process issues at their own pace without the added stress of judgement from others.
+A24385	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	evidence shows the Church of Scientology is a money laundering, corrupt organisation that hides behind its religious status whilst abusing its members.
+A24386	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because it is not necessary and as an individual matures they may not be a need for this procedure.
+A24388	We should subsidize student loans	against	it isn't the obligation of anyone to assist students with the costs of their education.  if a student wants to get an education they have to realize it comes at a cost and won't be given for free.
+A24389	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Missionary work is a waste of time and resources that could be better spent elsewhere.
+A24390	We should ban fast food	against	many brands are now offering healthier options such as salads & vegetarian foods, just because its called fast food doesn't mean its unhealthy
+A24391	We should subsidize journalism	against	if journalism is good, then it will not need a subsidy. if it is bad, then we should not be throwing money at it when there are greater needs in society such as education, health care and housing.
+A24392	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons keep us safe without ever having to actually use them.  ridding us of them would leave ourselves open to attack in other ways.  best to keep them
+A24396	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	i am contesting the subsidizing of the wikipedia because it mean they can be controlled and you are not getting the full result when you try to search about certain subjects or people
+A24397	We should ban private military companies	against	sometimes you have to rely on the private sector when the public isn't there to help
+A24398	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	women should have the right to decide what to do with their body and that should include being able to sell it.
+A24399	We should ban whaling	in favor of	killing whales is cruel and inhumane and if we don't ban it now we risk losing the entire whale species.
+A24401	We should prohibit school prayer	against	Prayer can be a good way to unite a school and help children to focus on the day ahead.
+A24402	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are accessible to all, providing security and security measures that are currently not accessible to all.
+A24403	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement makes sure that fresh ideas and fresh bodies keep flowing through business which is a good thing.
+A24404	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	Adopting an austerity regime lowers people's confidence in the economy and discourages investment.
+A24405	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	surgeries are important for people who were in accidents or have birth defects and surgery can help transition them to a normal life.
+A24408	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	to build for the future we need to cut austerity and invest money and resources now.
+A24411	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	We should not abolish the three-strikes laws because they are popular with voters and it would be undemocratic to remove them.
+A24412	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Prostitution is a legitimate choice, people should be free to do what they want with their bodies, criminalising it is a gross violation of the freedom of occupation.
+A24414	We should subsidize journalism	against	subsidizing journalism would give the government control over it
+A24415	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting will ensure the proper result in an election.
+A24416	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniform limits the ability of young people to develop their identity and express who they are
+A24417	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	All young people whether rich or poor should have the opportunity to better their lives by going to into higher education, the more student loans are subsidized the closer this will become a reality.
+A24420	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithimic trading, which to all intents and purposes is nothing more than ai-enabled gambling, makes a volatile, destructive and unethical trade even more so.
+A24423	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an auserity program will reduce the national debt.
+A24425	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	if we just hold up our beliefs, we will find that libertarianism helps us defend our rights as citizens of this country.
+A24427	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero tolerance in schools to avoid further shootings and also to avoid cases of bullying
+A24428	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	we should not support judicial activism because laws are laws and should be strictly followed as written and if they are wrong, then the people need to vote to rewrite them.
+A24430	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people have the right to freedom of religion, even scientology and this right should not be infringed upon.
+A24431	We should limit executive compensation	against	by the time people are at executive level they have worked long and hard and deserved to be recompensed for their work and ideas at a fair level.
+A24433	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judges should stick to the law and be unbiased in every ruling.
+A24434	We should ban private military companies	against	pmcs can provide security to those countries and organisations that need protection and are capable of paying for it, so should not be banned
+A24435	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	we should continue to support cosmetic surgery as it helps people correct imperfections that cause poor self-esteem.
+A24437	We should end mandatory retirement	against	people working longer than they should prevents employers from hiring new people who might be more useful
+A24438	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights should not be abolished as they ensure that those who have had an original idea, financed research and development get rewarded for their effort and not have their innovation stolen
+A24441	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we should not ban school prayer because for those in a religious community, their religion and therefore prayer is central to their lives and should be included in every aspect of it.
+A24442	We should cancel pride parades	against	people have right to express themselves and raise awareness of different sexual orientations.
+A24443	We should ban the use of child actors	against	with proper guidance and protection, children can be a valuable asset to the artistic process.
+A24444	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	by introducing compulsory voting you will assure that each and every citizen's voice is heard.
+A24445	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis is seen as a gateway to other more harmful drugs and shown to have harmful effects to mental health and should, therefore, be banned.
+A24446	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games are a way for nations to compete in a friendly way and to encourage people of all ages to take up sport.
+A24447	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	we should stop this development until we can be totally certain that the cars are safe.
+A24449	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	people are so afraid of an imaginary punishment that they do not live their lives to the fullest - with atheism, it will be more convincing to live in the present.
+A24450	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Atheism allows one to really examine why we believe what we do and are you truly a good person or do you just want to go to heaven
+A24451	We should abolish safe spaces	against	Safe spaces allow individuals to embrace their identity without fear of ridicule.
+A24454	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	because it protects the rights of the individual to live as they see fit, it promotes acceptance of the rights of all individuals within society, creating a more inclusive society.
+A24455	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides a wealth of information on any subject you can think of. this is highly benificial to the education system and should be subsidized.
+A24456	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a good medium for businesses to use to expand their client base and make more people aware of their company and products, thus increasing their income
+A24457	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	Algorithms can be tested against historical data, helping you optimize your trading strategy.
+A24459	We should ban targeted killing	against	we shouldn't ban targeted killing because it can help find terrorists and stop attacks from happening.
+A24461	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	using cells from a life embryo is immoral and unacceptable and it has to be stopped.
+A24462	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning in the wrong hands could be very dangerous to society
+A24463	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is such a costly exercise that subsidising would put an enormous strain on any country's finances that can be ill afforded when there are so many more causes that need supporting on earth.
+A24464	We should ban factory farming	against	we should not ban this because it is a way to get cheap, affordable food for people that may not of otherwise been able to afford it and feed their family.
+A24465	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are a way of protecting endangered species from extinction and allowing scientific research to combat diseases and reintroduce the animals back into the wild.
+A24468	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	people have a right to protect themselves with weapons, especially nowadays
+A24469	We should ban fast food	against	people should be able to assess the risks of eating fast food themselves
+A24472	We should legalize prostitution	against	This is a field that is uniquely difficult to regulate and thus prostitutes are left vulnerable and unprotected with their clients.
+A24473	We should adopt atheism	against	Atheism tends to be literal and negative when people need faith
+A24475	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	people buy cannabis regardless of whether it is legal or not, so we might as well tax it to make extra money
+A24476	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	if the technology exists them it should be up to individuals to decide what sex child they have as this will effect them more than anyone else.
+A24478	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	we should end it because it puts restrictions on countries and this way we can freely trade.
+A24482	We should subsidize journalism	against	subsidizing journalism is unfair. you're basically paying someone to spread your own beliefs.
+A24483	We should ban factory farming	against	factory agriculture lowers the costs of the products and ensures its production throughout the year
+A24484	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	We should oppose collectivism because while it can be used to help everyone, it gives too much power to the collective to hurt individuals.
+A24486	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is too costly and there aren't enough tangible benefits to justify subsidization
+A24487	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we should not prohibit school prayer as long as the type of prayer is not religion specific.
+A24489	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	religion should not be forced on school children. they should be free to believe their own ideals
+A24490	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorihmitic trading is much less expensive for the individual trader.
+A24491	We should ban human cloning	against	we should allow science to further their research even if it includes human cloning.
+A24492	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	this is the only wide scale event where all countries can put aside all differences in good faith and fair competition
+A24493	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	the defense of a country can only be trusted with the government, and should not be motivated by money and greed.
+A24495	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we should ban targeted killing as it is an unfair advantage to those that do not have the same equipment.
+A24496	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are not able to react to specific scenarios where decisions must be made.
+A24498	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	We should not ban cosmetic surgery as people should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies.
+A24499	We should legalize organ trade	against	organ trade opens up a new crime opportunity with people killing to obtain organs needed
+A24500	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism gives one voice a louder voice by having others available for support
+A25001	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithms can be hacked and therefore the data isn't safe, and should therefore be banned.
+A25003	We should ban human cloning	against	Human cloning could provide a great benefit to mankind by eradicating illnesses and disease through replication of people known to be fit, well and healthy.
+A25005	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia has always been free to use and should continue to be free without subsidies.
+A25006	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism would lessen government control and lead to anarchy.
+A25008	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	american citizens have the right to choose whether or not they want to vote.
+A25010	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	the only way to send a strong message to countries who are danger for our western world is economic sanctions which are most effective and successful.
+A25011	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming should be banned because it increases the risk of animal cruelty
+A25012	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	it is unfair to trap animals from their natural habitat and confine them to small spaces for entertainment.
+A25013	We should ban targeted killing	against	in certain circumstances it's impossible to detain highly dangerous individuals who pose a threat, the only option is targeted killing.
+A25014	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	the current  system is broken and doesn't work. neither side can work together so having more options would force politicians to come together and do what's best for the people because no side would be majority
+A25016	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will function as a new form of public transit and alleviate congestion
+A25017	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	we should ban it because of the often very high pressure sales tactics used to coerce a sale even if someone does not want to purchase anything
+A25018	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protect the small guy from being gobbled up by large companies who have more money to create a product.
+A25019	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	legalizing medical sex selection can prevent the abortion of unwanted gendered babies
+A25020	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food has become extremely unhealthy and contributing to nation's obesity crisis.
+A25023	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms help eliminate class differences, which can aid in the reduction of bullying
+A25024	We should legalize sex selection	against	the existence of the human being on the earth and its adaptation, and ecological domination are only the result of their natural destiny, for which the selection of sex should not be legalized
+A25026	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will take away many jobs and lead to a skills drain
+A25027	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration costs too much money that could be spent on better thing such as helping the poor in society.
+A25030	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism promotes self interest and not that of society as a whole
+A25032	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades can be a dangerous place
+A25034	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos provide a platform for people to understand the natural and animal world.
+A25036	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	firearms in the hands of civilians create societies more prone to violence
+A25037	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	as individuals we have a right to not be grouped into one thought process.
+A25039	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the funding required to train athletes and host the games is a huge waste of public resources. this could be better spent on life saving and life changing services
+A25040	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	by copying something you can not get a pure copy.  each copy that is made is worse then the other meaning that no one knows what can happen with cloning.
+A25042	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	it should be the right of the individual whether to vote or not to vote.
+A25043	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	there is no way to achieve this. there is no guarantee that whichever country really got rid of their nuclear weapons and didn't just hide them. it's unrealistic and impossible to achieve.
+A25045	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery for minors is dangerous as they may not be emotionally advanced enough to understand the long term implications and effects.
+A25047	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	for longer term economic benefits, short term sacrifices are necessary to dig the country out of debt, and an austerity regime is the only way to achieve this.
+A25048	We should abolish safe spaces	against	sometimes the only place an oppressed person can go to is a safe space.
+A25049	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidized student loans allow for those from pooer backgrounds to achieve a good standard of education and progress in their lives
+A25050	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	by using economic sanctions, we can prevent some countries from increasing their weapons thereby protect other countries.
+A25053	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism helps encourage those who are minorities and may not be able to have luxuries others may have.
+A25054	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is an invasion of privacy, especially when they call at late hours, during meals and/or repetitively even after asking for the call to stop.
+A25061	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work sometimes forces religion on people
+A25062	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	many people now cannot afford to live on their pension and pay for healthcare - thus making them retire is condemning them to ill health and poverty almost certainly resulting in premature death.
+A25063	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism that is subsidized by the government will lead to censoring the media from reporting negative things about the government.
+A25064	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system could lead to more situations where a majority is not reached. this means that it could be harder to push policies through.
+A25065	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	We should abolish the Olympic Games because they have become very open to abuse in terms of drug use and oppressive government regimes.
+A25066	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	There is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than a prison term
+A25067	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people should have a right of ownership to their creations, ideas, and concepts that they created themselves.
+A25071	We should legalize sex selection	against	if we gave people the right to choose the sex we will have very few females in our world.   they most likely would choose a boy.   let god be the creator of the child and we should never intervene.
+A25074	We should ban whaling	against	There is still a vast amount of scientific knowledge that can be acquired from whaling.
+A25076	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	The right to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right and should never be abolished as it allows personal protection
+A25077	We should abolish zoos	against	many animals would become extinct if we did not have zoos.
+A25079	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Some people need organs, others have healthy organs that their bodies can function without; it is a win win situation to allow for organs to be sold.
+A25080	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	this trading system keeps buying and selling clean
+A25081	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	Telemarketing usually provides products from foreign countries where there is no regulation on safety or quality.
+A25082	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	a person needs to be able to choose to work as long as they are well enough to do so.
+A25085	We should legalize organ trade	against	this could result in that only people with more money would have access to those bodies
+A25086	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	in today society, which is multicultural and multi-faith, the school prayer is enforcing one ideology onto thos who may hold other backgrounds and religiions
+A25087	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalising prostitution would destigmatise an illegal act that is heavily connected to drug-abuse and extortion.
+A25089	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	most people can't afford to go to college, and we don't want them to graduate with massive debts
+A25092	We should ban whaling	against	there are people who live from this activity and you have to get a better job
+A25093	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games give athletes from all over the world a chance to compete and showcase their talents.
+A25094	We should abolish safe spaces	against	some students need the extra protection and comfort.
+A25096	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is barbaric and should be abolished
+A25097	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Organ sales creates an incentive for people to remain healthy so they can sell their organs.
+A25098	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	Gendered language has served us for centuries in literature and culture, there is no need to change now.
+A25099	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights should never be abolished in order to protect the successes of a businesses.
+A25101	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling shuld be banned because it is a cruel and outdated practice & no longer serves a purpose
+A25103	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	religion has caused so many conflicts across the world, if we ban missionaries, then maybe we can have a more peaceful world where people can respect each other without trying to convert each other.
+A25104	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	we will lose individuality and become one big hive mind
+A25105	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms help everyone feel included and not judged on the clothes they wear
+A25107	We should ban private military companies	against	we should not ban private military companies as a person should have the right if they can afford to hire such companies to protect them.
+A25108	We should ban the use of child actors	against	children should be free to do what they want with their consent and their parents consent
+A25110	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation is a way to reward and incentivize the top employees.
+A25111	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast foods are generally greasy and fattening.  by banning them it would help control some of the obesity in the country.
+A25113	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	if we begin to play god with our scientific advances that could very well lead to our demise.
+A25114	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is quickly leading to child obesity and an unhealthy generation.
+A25115	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	there is no credible evidence that capital punishment acts as a deterrent
+A25116	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Mandatory retirement helps combat unemployment among young people.
+A25117	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	when all students are required to dress the same instances of bullying of wardrobe are decreased.
+A25119	We should legalize sex selection	against	this could cause imbalance in population, if a generation is selected as mainly male or female
+A25121	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation promotes company success and competition. it's an incentive for ceos to guide the company and help the company do well and make money for all employees.
+A25122	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will help prevent wrecks in the future.
+A25123	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would insure that every eligible voting citizen is able to aid in who they want for political offices.
+A25124	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children should be learning and playing, not working
+A25126	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	Church of Scientology is a brainwashing organization that has no substance and does no good for other people
+A25127	We should ban the use of child actors	against	many child actors go on to being adult actors without any problems.  if anything, perhaps more screening of children before allowing them to go into the profession.
+A25128	We should legalize prostitution	against	We should not legalize prostitution as it will only lead to more people trafficking and underage people being lured into this kind of work as people seek to make more money .
+A25129	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniform is necessary to avoid poor students to feel any different
+A25132	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	if we legalize the organ trade will will be able to save more lives and keep these organs out of the hands of the crime network.
+A25134	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	subsidizing embryonic stem cell research can lead to forced gathering of the stem cells and may even cause worse reactions.
+A25135	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	the three-strikes law shouldn't be abolished because by having the law it keeps repeat offenders in prisons and gets them off of the streets.
+A25136	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing is the same thing as murder and should be banned
+A25138	We should oppose collectivism	against	We should support collectivism because it encourages people to take responsibility for their community, which eases the burden on the state.
+A25141	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	we should prohibit school prayer, the us courts have consistently ruled that it is unconstitutional
+A25142	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	due to so much controversy and contraband of this substance, it would save many deaths
+A25143	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Mandatory retirement ensures that companies and professions are constantly infusing their workforces with fresh talent.
+A25145	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympics is an important international competition that represents peaceful cooperation and brings together the world in friendly competitive sports when the most capable are rewarded for their efforts.
+A25147	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	the two-party system is outdated and has proven, lately, that it does not always result in the best possible candidates.
+A25150	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private militaries are a threat to security if they decide to overthrow the government
+A25151	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism sounds brilliant as a theory, but government and societies require rules and frameworks to function, and abolishing these would only lead to chaos.
+A25154	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	without knowing the long term effects of cloning, it shouldn't be attempted on humans because it could be medically problematic.
+A25155	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases
+A25156	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies protect assests and officials in war torn areas. they're needed. they don't take money from the tax payers to accomplish their missions and act only defensively.
+A25157	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Missionary work can sometimes do more harm than good - for example, if religious missionaries discourage the use of condoms in a place where HIV is the main cause of death.
+A25159	We should cancel pride parades	against	people have the right to express themselves.
+A25160	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would see to it that we have the person the people, all the people, truly want in each area of our government.
+A25165	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should  abolish the three-strikes laws because they can put people away for minor crimes
+A25166	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	everyone has a right to chose a religion to follow, no matter what their beliefs & practices are, it is wrong to ban a religion
+A25167	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades can be perceived as a way of pushing one's views on other's that do not share the same belifs and accepatances
+A25168	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is useless. imprisonment is actually way better since criminal court could incarcerate innocent people
+A25169	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	while drone strikes are effective tools, there is still a significant risk of non-combatant casualties due to the distance between target and operator and lack of human eyes on the ground
+A25170	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime allows us to save money when it is needed.
+A25171	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is needed in our times in order to provide ample food for everyone
+A25174	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism cannot be unbiased with subsidization
+A25175	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	surgery can be dangerous and must never be undertaken without a medical need, minors also do not need to be told there is something wrong about them that needs fixing.
+A25176	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	i think this is political correctness going too far.it is overkill.what do we call man hole covers?person hole covers?
+A25178	We should ban missionary work	against	Through faith, missionaries are able to develop deep relationships with the communities they serve and help bring much-needed social change to third-world countries.
+A25179	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting will cause more people to take an interest in politics which, in turn, will benefit everyone
+A25180	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	If any one state were to abolish nuclear weapons, it would immediately become vulnerable to another nuclear power, thus the government should not abolish nuclear weapons in order to fulfill its duty to protect its people.
+A25181	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we should not adopt libertarianism because the government would have too much control over people
+A25184	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	this would perhaps help with our countries debt crisis.
+A25185	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	olympic games cost a lot of money for the host city to organise and the money could be spent better elsewhere
+A25190	We should subsidize student loans	against	if people want to go to college, they need to work hard and earn enough to go
+A25192	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is an affront to people's right to choose their own religion, by tying aid to a particular religion it's no different than imperialism
+A25193	We should ban fast food	against	people have the right to decide for themselves what they want to eat
+A25196	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we need more government and less libertarianism.
+A25197	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	if that's what makes people happy then they should be allowed to do it
+A25198	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	it would lead to governments better reflecting the public
+A25199	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	yes i think that we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because in not fot them
+A25200	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Organ sales will allow for more research to be done on living, usable organs.
+A25203	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research will enable us to make major breakthroughs in regards to the prevention and treatment of diseases.
+A25204	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are not mature enough to make these decisions
+A25205	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	as long as they have parental permission, children should be allowed to improve their physical appearance
+A25207	We should adopt atheism	against	atheism should not be adopted as it would be offensive to various religious groups.
+A25209	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should prohibit this because it affects the development and normal behavior of children
+A25213	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies allow people with money to hire their own armies to force others to do what they want. military forces should only be allowed at national level.
+A25215	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	we should not subsidize wikipedia because the government should spend the money for more useful things
+A25217	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	if abolished it will stiffle creativity and advancement because there will be no incentive if intellectual property is not a right.
+A25218	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars eliminate the hazards of driving distracted and drunk driving.  removing these hazards from our roadways will make us all safer.
+A25219	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	since algorithmic trading is all computer based, it opens a door for hackers to infiltrate and corrupt trading platforms.
+A25220	We should abolish capital punishment	against	some people have committed such unspeakable crimes that they don't deserve to live
+A25221	We should ban factory farming	against	we should not ban factory farming because it gives us another source of food.
+A25222	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	this is a horrible way to treat animals. they should not be caged in tiny areas, unable to move. this is cruel.
+A25223	We should prohibit school prayer	against	School prayer provides a quiet moment of contemplation for students in a busy world and teaches them the power of prayer and trust.
+A25224	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	adopting an austerity regime may negatively impact the demand side of the economy, hampering economic growth.
+A25227	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution would be the thin end of a wedge - all sorts of unsavoury activities are centered around the sex industry.
+A25228	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	this would ensure everyone got punished if they broke a rule
+A25230	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors don't understand the implications of their choices
+A25234	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero tolerance policies remove troublemakers from schools before they become an even larger problem, which improves the learning environment for other students.
+A25235	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	state sponsored killing should never be sanctioned because it leads down the path of extra-legal activities by the state whenever it can be justified
+A25236	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	we should adopt a multi-party system because it makes it so that there is naturally more of a choice
+A25238	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading enables trades to be made without spikes of emotion or rage on the part of the trader, therefore it can only be seen as positive.
+A25240	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	if people are habitually re-offending then they need a punishment that will stop them. a mandatory prison sentence is the minimum they should have as a punishment.
+A25241	We should legalize prostitution	against	we should not legalize prostitution because people should only be with one other person in a marriage relationship.
+A25242	We should ban whaling	against	we shouldn't ban whaling because people living in poverty filled countries rely on whaling as there only source of food.
+A25243	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will always have the possibility to glitch out like any other computer, however in this instance the consequences are much more severe.
+A25244	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer does not adhere to children of varying religions, forcing them to participate or feel left out due to their differing beliefs.
+A25245	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis should be legalized with the same limitations as alcohol
+A25247	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools then all the children will more likely behave
+A25249	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	Three strike laws take habitual offenders off the street, reducing overall crime.
+A25250	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism is the only way to maintain control
+A25253	We should abolish safe spaces	against	mental health is important, now a days more than ever before with how society is. safe places are important to have available for a healthy mental status.
+A25258	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Nuclear weapons are so powerful, they discourage conflict.
+A25259	We should legalize organ trade	against	desperate people will resort to selling their organs not realizing they will need it when they get older
+A25260	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms makes sure bullying and kids getting picked on is kept at a minimum.
+A25262	We should ban fast food	in favor of	we should ban fast food because the majority of it is not of nutritional value to the body by being filled with chemicals and carbohydrates.
+A25264	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors are all too often traumatised or abused so their use should be banned.
+A25266	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	people can make a living from prostitution
+A25267	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Older workers  provide maturity and experience and can be loyal and productive employees past the age of 65 or even 70
+A25269	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive pay is out of control. when an executive can earn the same in a week as a manual worker earns in a year, then something is wrong.
+A25270	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	like other churches, the church of scientology needs to be protected via the separation of church and state.
+A25271	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime would stabilize our government
+A25272	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarkerting provides much needed  jobs to people without other skill sets
+A25273	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos keeping animals in cages while all animals should be free and to live in nature.
+A25274	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	an effective measure to avoid bullying is to adopt zero tolerance and more severe punishments
+A25275	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery, other than for disfigurments, should be banned.  society puts too much pressure on people to look perfect.  people should embrace individuality.
+A25277	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	zero-tolerance policies have been shown to be disproportionately applied to minority students.
+A25278	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	new times, new ways of communicating, inclusion and adaptation are the key.
+A25279	We should abolish safe spaces	against	everyone deserves to be safe and has the right to safety.
+A25280	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms suppress students' freedom of expression, particularly if they otherwise wear religious garb.
+A25281	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should not spend a fortune on the richest of the rich, it is unnecessary and elitist
+A25282	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executives make a huge salary, so their total compensation should be limited in order to allow for better pay for the lower levels of employees in their organizations.
+A25283	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism is dead as many new outlets are heavily biased and strive for sensational news rather than accurate news
+A25284	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting could improve peoples knowledge of politics if they knew they had to vote they might learn more about politics
+A25285	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	we should abolish the olympic games because the money they spend could be used for better things like medical research
+A25288	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies rarely actually kill anyone or operate in the manner of the official military. they are used for protection without needing tax payer dollars.
+A25289	We should prohibit school prayer	against	every religious person has the right to pray
+A25291	We should legalize sex selection	against	with the $20,000 price tag on something that is not 100% accurate, sex selection is only made available to the wealthy.
+A25292	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	there's no need to adopt gender-neutral language for such a small group of people.  they can just deal with it.
+A25293	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	the risks of cosmetic surgery are not worth the small gains that result from it
+A25294	We should ban targeted killing	against	sometimes the only way to overthrow a bad government or organization is by targeted killing.  this could be the only way to protect innocent people.
+A25295	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalists are not often regulated so anyone could say whatever they want and not be providing true information
+A25296	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	there should be some leeway for pupils otherwise they will have no grounding for future life if all they know is what they can't do and cannot question it.
+A25297	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism should be limited because it doesn't apply any laws at all.
+A25298	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis is known to lead to dependency as well as further drug seeking behaviors and should not be legalized.
+A25299	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	the rights holder would make less money could their creation would be diluted by copycats
+A25300	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	we should abolish zoos because the animals are kept in such small enclosures and have hardly any room to move around
+A25301	We should ban targeted killing	against	Targeted killing will help clean up the streets faster.
+A25302	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	The Church of Scientology is a cult and should be banned.
+A25304	We should adopt atheism	against	everyone has a right to follow the religion they truly believe, therefore we cannot impose atheism
+A25307	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is bad for one's health and should be banned
+A25308	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Testing of nuclear weapons causes pollution and destruction
+A25309	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism shouldn't be limited because it allows judges to rule in favor of the right thing regardless if the current laws are obstructing said behavior. this is essential for democracy.
+A25312	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games are no longer relevant.  they focus on the athletic and competitive nature of humanity.  we must instead focus on the intellectual and collaborative aspects to solve humanity's problems.
+A25313	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	three-strike offenders are habitual criminals and should be treated as such
+A25314	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	abolishing nuclear weapons is a good action to take. nuclear weapons are dangerous and could expose the planets to extreme destruction
+A25315	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we should not adopt libertarianism because that would be forcing a way of life on people that don't want it
+A25316	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	the country needs to be prepared against other countries that use space exploration to advance both offensive and defensive strategies
+A25317	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	it is necessary to eliminate the church of scientology for the safety of people
+A25318	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment helps keep murderers from ever leaving prison.
+A25319	We should ban human cloning	against	can lead to many medical breakthroughs that may help cure and or treat many different disease
+A25320	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language to make sure everyone is included the way they want to be identified
+A25322	We should ban human cloning	against	without further testing and experimentation, the outcome of human cloning will never be known so should not be banned.
+A25324	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	if the right to keep and bear arms was abolished people would be unable to protect themselves and their property.
+A25325	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism allows for an even playing field, removes the fighting over which religion is superior over another.
+A25327	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	we should change how people treat others rather than make safe spaces
+A25328	We should ban whaling	in favor of	there is no benefit to whaling; it is bloody and barbaric.
+A25331	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	they are a great way to maintain peace when the are used as a deterrent.
+A25333	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	to obtain embryonic stem cells, the early embryo has to be destroyed, this means destroying a potential human life
+A25334	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is an efficient way of providing affordable for for people. without it the price of meat will escalate and will be beyond the pocket of many people.
+A25335	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we should not prohibit school prayer because this country was founded and based on the christian belief system.
+A25337	We should adopt atheism	against	we are a nation founded on christianity so atheism goes against our natural beginnings.
+A25338	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	the school uniform makes everyone equal and increases learning.
+A25340	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery for minors should be banned because the risks involved outweigh any benefit that may be acheived
+A25341	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution will increase the number of women who enter into this degrading profession.
+A25342	We should ban telemarketing	against	we should not ban telemarketing  since it would eliminate many jobs. it also is an effective way for a company to get much needed leads for their products or services if done correctly.
+A25344	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights because the rich take advantage of the poor
+A25345	We should prohibit school prayer	against	prayer in school shouldn't be prohibited because it could result in many social benefits
+A25347	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	the government should not outlaw safe procedures that can be done to the body.
+A25348	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	they are more of a detterrant than a threat at this stage.
+A25350	We should abolish safe spaces	against	some groups are still subject to violence and mockery and they should have a place to access to get away from that.
+A25351	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	this could save and enhance many lives that are already here, living! why should people needlessly suffer when answers could be found yet mostly looked down upon because of biblical reasons.
+A25353	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms should not be abolished because it allows people to defend themselves
+A25355	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work has other benefits beyond spreading religion, it makes a huge impact on small communities in poor countries that need help.
+A25356	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism requires too much individual compromise.
+A25357	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	this would provide more choices and let us see more points of view
+A25358	We should ban whaling	in favor of	it is cruel and really is not necessary.
+A25359	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism is wrong and will deploy mess and confuse to our society.
+A25360	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we need to subsidize journalism so that it continues to draw in good people
+A25362	We should ban missionary work	against	if people are proud of their religion and want to travel and spread the word, they should be able to freely. first amendment rights!
+A25365	We should adopt atheism	against	no belief or religion should be instituted in a blanket form. people are completely different with very different beliefs. no one way is good for everyone. there should be freedom to believe whatever one wants.
+A25366	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	it would bring easier access to those in need of organs & better regulation & oversight
+A25367	We should legalize organ trade	against	Legalizing organ trade will cause organs to go to the highest bidder rather than to those most in need.
+A25368	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution preys on vulnerable workers, many of which are provided through human trafficking.
+A25369	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are still growing and developing. cosmetic surgery at such a young age is pointless as features are still naturally changing.
+A25372	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	if a person has been arrested for three crimes they have not learned from their mistakes but see being a criminal as a lifestyle.   let's put those people behind bars and prevent more crimes.
+A25373	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions usually do not prove to be effective and tend to cause hard feelings between the countries involved.
+A25374	We should subsidize journalism	against	subsidizing journalism will create biased reporting
+A25375	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	many people are uninformed about the issues and we are better off with them not voting
+A25376	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we need to make it more accessible for the public to acquire education, as opposed to adding more barriers such as extreme student debt.
+A25378	We should legalize cannabis	against	Marijuana is part of drug culture so using it leads to other, much more dangerous drug use.
+A25379	We should ban human cloning	against	we should not ban human cloning because the potential scientists can find a cure for a disease
+A25380	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	canceling pride parades will be supportive to all of us who think that the only marriage which should be followed is between man and women.
+A25382	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	If it helps us understand and support them why not?
+A25386	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions don't work and result to have enemies abroad
+A25387	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment should absolutely be abolished because it is inhumane to kill a person no matter how badly they behave. an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
+A25388	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis has been shown to negatively affect the brain, causing psychosis and paranoia and should continue to be controlled
+A25389	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	the damage that psychologically causes the animals to be enclosed and outside their natural habitat is such that they should close the zoos
+A25390	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection would allow the ability to balance the gender gap, allowing for an even capability to increase the population reproductively.
+A25391	We should subsidize journalism	against	we don't subsidize other fields so why should we subsidize journalism
+A25392	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	we don't have heterosexual pride day parades, so why should we have pride parades
+A25393	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is  putting people's lives at risk, so we should really ban it
+A25395	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	we should not because people who are born with disfigurements have a chance to be normal.
+A25398	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism enables  judges to override any law that exists, which means new rules will be created and the existent laws might not be followed.
+A25402	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should abolish the three strikes laws because the punishment is just enough for their convictions and no need to add more another years.
+A25403	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should do because it may be able to cure diseases we never thought possible, and help people have babies that might of been infertile.
+A25405	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars can be easily hacked to cause widespread accidents.
+A25407	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Fighting for the abolition of nuclear weapons is useless - some of it is in the hands of very dangerous people in totalitarian countries which will not obey that demand
+A25408	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender neutral language is a way to go for a peaceful community
+A25409	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is high in calories and causes obsesity
+A25410	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Capital punishment creates space for potential rehabilitation without prison over-population.
+A25412	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions rarely hurt those who they are aimed at ,the leaders of nations & instead hurt the people in those countries who can least afford it
+A25413	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration need only be done by the private sector.
+A25414	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	developments in science and technology have been accomplished through space exploration
+A25415	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions have a measurable impact; if that impact is severe enough, otherwise reluctant parties may agree to negotiations in order to find relief.
+A25417	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime is the most effective weapon in our arsenal to combat the economic issues we're facing
+A25418	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is vital for people like burn victims to heal and feel more normal.
+A25420	We should subsidize journalism	against	we should not subsidize journalism because it acts to protect poorly run and inefficent media companies from normal market forces
+A25421	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	the technology we get from space exploration alone is worth the cost of it
+A25422	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement amounts to age discrimination and can leave those who are forced to retire without the sense of purpose that work could bring.
+A25423	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are more efficient than government run
+A25424	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	this practice insures students are all equal in dress and ensures students will not come to school in inappropriate clothing.
+A25425	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	adopting now an austerity regime will help future generations to cope with the limited  resources  we have.
+A25428	We should subsidize space exploration	against	the country only has a certain amount of money, and it would be used better to help people here on earth than to explore space.
+A25429	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading is the future of investing and can lead to a more prosperous economy in the long run.
+A25430	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism is a way to keep people in line and following the group.
+A25431	We should ban whaling	in favor of	Whaling will threaten to endanger many species of whale.
+A25433	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are mercenaries who can harm our society for greed and we don't need them
+A25436	We should limit judicial activism	against	we should not limit judicial activism because it is an important check and balance on the legislative and executive arms of government.
+A25438	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi party system creates chaos by giving too many choices to the people
+A25440	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research can help the medical community find cures to a lot of fatal illnesses.
+A25441	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms to prevent unnecessary killings
+A25442	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades send the wrong message to children.
+A25444	We should ban the use of child actors	against	with proper safe-guards in place, including responsible parenting and limited working hours, there is no reason why child actors cannot lead a full life whilst having a career.
+A25445	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonamous cars have already killed one person. we can't leave the roads being used as a test space and have more deaths.
+A25446	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia, more and more, has been shown to be a source of relatively unbiased information.
+A25447	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance policies in schools allow for a safer, bully-free environment.
+A25450	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is considered a nuisance to many and other forms of advertising are much more effective and less invasive.
+A25451	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery as helped a lot of accident victims regain there injured and lost body parsty
+A25452	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	we should ban telemarketing since it is a nuisance to the people who they berate with phone calls.  very few of the people called are interested.  wasting peoples time needs to be stopped.
+A25453	We should ban the use of child actors	against	everyone has the right to develop their maximum potential regardless of whether they are children or adults.
+A25455	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	We should abolish safe spaces because they have not been implemented in a way that helps people who need it, but rather to make university administrators look good.
+A25457	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a valuable educational source and is free at source so should be promoted through subsidization
+A25458	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	ideas should be available to anyone who wishes to persue them.
+A25462	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	there are many different types of religion, so children should not be forced to pray to a region that they do not follow,
+A25463	We should end mandatory retirement	against	we shouldn't end mandatory retirement it helps the younger generations more likely to find jobs
+A25465	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is funded by multibillionaires and serves to only enrich the lives of those that are already rich.
+A25466	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	sometimes the laws of the lands contradict a justified action.
+A25467	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming is a cruel, inhumane practice that is tainting our food sources.
+A25471	We should ban whaling	against	we should not ban whaling are not animals in the process of extinction and their meat is nitritiva
+A25474	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	banning the church of scientology  would be good because it is very cult like.
+A25476	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	opposing collectivism is the right thing to do to stay free.
+A25477	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a go to for many people and it should be kept well funded.
+A25479	We should cancel pride parades	against	the constitution allows for freedom of expression even if you dont personally approve of it
+A25480	We should limit judicial activism	against	activist judges are an important part of bringing about legislative change
+A25481	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	alcohol and tobacco cause way more damage to society than cannabis does, yet they are still legal.
+A25483	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	we should legalize prostitution because it is going to happen no matter what, so allow it legally so the women can be safe and get the proper care needed in this profession.
+A25484	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions should be ended as it usually tends to make life harder for the innocent poor citizens who have no idea about what's going on
+A25485	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies should be banned because these jobs depend on government funding
+A25486	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	graduates should not have to start their career with a massive debt to pay off
+A25488	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools since the current system clearly isn't working and needs a drastic, non tolerant change.
+A25491	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	The right to keep and bear arms should be abolished because when writing the Second Amendment the founding fathers couldn't have forseen the development of such destructive modern day weaponry.
+A25492	We should cancel pride parades	against	these parades help support and bring gays into the open
+A25493	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism is society working for the benefit of the masses and not for individual gain
+A25494	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	helping younger generations is obligatory for us and helping them we helping our future.
+A25495	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi party system would bring many new & fresh ideas into the forefront
+A25496	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights are vital to protect innovation from those wishing to exploit it further along the developmental cycle, and equally vital to encourage entrepreneurs in the first place.
+A25499	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	from exploring other planets we can learn more about our own.
+A26005	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniform does not allow for individuals to express themselves and grow as a person
+A26007	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarking is keeping jobs available for some
+A26008	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons should not be abolished because they provide a safety net.   rogue nations have fear of the power of nuclear weapons.
+A26011	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces can help those hurting from abuse, anger, etc to feel protected
+A26012	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	there are different types of prostitution, not all is abusive and exploitative. a regulated industry based upon freedom of choice is a positive liberation and safer than the situation today
+A26013	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia plays a vital role in sharing information on the internet, and should be subsidized to continue functioning
+A26014	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution perpetuates the abuse of the vulnerable and funds should be redirected to help them
+A26017	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos torture animals by keeping them in unnatural cages.
+A26018	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos protect species and provide learning
+A26019	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia should be financed different ways
+A26020	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	no one has ever been able to prove that god exists. religions convince people of a higher power to get them into church for their own profit,
+A26022	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Missionary work isn't suitable to our times, and to be honest it was always patronizing and westernizing.
+A26023	We should ban whaling	against	banning all whaling is only justified by making cultural judgements.
+A26025	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	we should limit  judicial activism because people making rulings on personal opinions instead of the law could set a bad president and other people may try to do the same crime if it is gotten away with
+A26027	We should ban the use of child actors	against	if parents agree for their children to acting in movies, can't see any problem with it.
+A26028	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multiparty system would be too decentralized
+A26031	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions help punish bad behavior
+A26032	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we need to abolish intellectual property rights and let people innovate and create without having to worry about who owns what
+A26034	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	The three-strikes law makes judicial discretion - one of the hallmarks of our justice system - superfluous.
+A26036	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming provides for lower cost foods to be sent to the consumer, allowing for ease of access to goods by those with minimal incomes.
+A26037	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery shouldn't be banned because there are plenty of cases and times when someone is in a accident and they actually need it to fix their appearance.
+A26038	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	those in the low classes of the united states can not afford more taxes which would be the result of a austerity regime.
+A26042	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	they lead to an inconvenience to road users
+A26044	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism should not be influenced by the government.
+A26047	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	children are still growing and forming their own personalities - a zero-tolerance policy allows no room for mistakes, at a time when children are testing boundaries and they need some flexibility to develop
+A26048	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people who don't want to vote and won't take it seriously should not be forced to vote because they will vote frivolously.
+A26049	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis is a drug.  drugs are meant to be illegal.  there's no reason to take this slippery step to make it legal.
+A26051	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism would never function in practice due to the ruling government having all its authority amputated - chaos and disorder would reign supreme.
+A26052	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property is used to smother business, it effectively destroys the free market
+A26053	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	criminals shouldn't get extra chances when committing crimes anyway, so the three-strikes law is not necessary.
+A26055	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work should be banned because it is becoming more dangerous for americans to be in foreign countries.
+A26056	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	spiralling national debt is unsustainable in the longer term, and the only way to begin reversing this for future generations is to adobt an approach of austerity, no matter how painful.
+A26057	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors should not be able to get cosmetic surgery until they are 18.  if there is no medical necessity all it does is send the wrong message that you can "fix" what god gave you.
+A26058	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	for some people who suffer from poor self esteem, cosmetic surgery can offer hope.
+A26059	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	it helps so many people and there is no good reason for it to be illegal when alcohol is not.
+A26061	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	as quality of life improves and the average lifespan increases, mandatory retirement looks more and more out of step with the modern human life experience.
+A26065	We should oppose collectivism	against	A collectivist culture cultivates desirable values such as being kind, generous, and attentive to the needs of others.
+A26066	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	if they are not harming anyone and it is safe then let them get cosmetic surgery
+A26067	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming treats animals horribly, force feeds antibiotics and is a major source of pollution.
+A26069	We should legalize organ trade	against	legalizing the organ trade would disproportionately affect the poor, who would feel the need to sell their organs in order to make ends meet. this would also leave them physically weaker.
+A26070	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis provides many benefits, including soothing the pain of people that are ill.  the fact that it is still illegal is outdated and should be changed.
+A26071	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we should not abolish the three-strikes laws because they result in reduced crime rates
+A26072	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judges should not let their biases come into play when making judicial decisions; they should adhere to a strict interpretation of the constitution.
+A26075	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors do not have the legal right to make that type if decision.
+A26078	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws increase violence against law enforcement since an accused criminal facing the potential for a life sentence is more likely to fight back against law enforcement to escape.
+A26081	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people should be allowed to believe in whatever they want to as long as they are not harming others
+A26083	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism is simply the end result of rational thinking, refusing to blindly believe in things that are unproven - this is healthier attitude, since religious adherence leads to all mannor of intolerance.
+A26084	We should cancel pride parades	against	we should continue to support pride parades as every single group has the right to celebrate their group in any fashion they wish as long as it does not hurt others.
+A26085	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces are a breeding ground for indoctrinators and dangerous sects
+A26086	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	if people can afford it then it is their choice
+A26088	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery was dangeous inothe paid bad
+A26089	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	justice can not be subject to personal opinions
+A26091	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis has been proven to cause psychiatric problems in users thus it would be to our detriment to legalise it.
+A26092	We should legalize organ trade	against	organs should never be allowed to be sold as it would create a market where people could be murdered for their organs to help a wealthy person. organ sale would prey on the poor for the benefit of the wealthy.
+A26094	We should oppose collectivism	against	we should not oppose collectivism because everyone should work together.
+A26095	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning helps to eradicate diseases and should not be banned
+A26096	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment can influence better behavior
+A26097	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces allow for minority groups to vent about everyday stresses without worrying about reprisal.
+A26098	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	a multi-party system offers too many options and decreases the election voting for one candidate, spreading out the votes over too many options.
+A26100	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	Private military companies lack the principles and morality of legislated military and are more prone to commits war crimes.
+A27001	We should ban telemarketing	against	we should not ban telemarketing because it is a way for a company to get business and it also provides people with jobs.
+A27002	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime will only cause a small benefit for a small time and should not be utilized at this time
+A27003	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	three-strikes laws can act as a deterrent for serial criminal behavior.
+A27004	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation provides incentive for people to take on high responsibliity positions that drive the economy to new heights creating even more wealth.
+A27005	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Capital punishment is just another way to oppress and control minorities and certain groups which undermine the mainstreem perceptions
+A27006	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery for minors makes children believe that aesthetics are more important than who they are on the inside and should be banned
+A27007	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	we shouldn't abolish the olympic games because is important for union of countries of world
+A27008	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans are a massive burden for people getting the degrees necessary to qualify for a job to become a productive member of society.
+A27014	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalizing prostitution will enable more protection for those taking part.  more safety factors can be required to protect those who are in the profession.
+A27016	We should ban telemarketing	against	it is an effective method for lead generation and qualification for marketing.
+A27017	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	we should adopt a zero tolerance policy in schools because it will scare kids into behaving
+A27018	We should ban whaling	against	banning whaling would take away a tradition from some cultures they've had for hundreds of years.
+A27021	We should adopt atheism	against	everyone has a right to believe in anything and follow the religion they think it's most suited for them, so we cannot impose atheism
+A27022	We should legalize organ trade	against	The risk of giving an organ or even part of an organ is very high.
+A27023	We should legalize cannabis	against	it is a gateway drug, and we don't want to encourage people to go down this dangerous path.
+A27024	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is important for the development and growth of human society and knowledge and should be invested in by the government.
+A27025	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero tolerance will improve educational standards and behaviour leading to better learning outcomes.
+A27026	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	three strikes allows someone to make a genuine mistake and not be punished as harshly right away.
+A27027	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	who knows what the future holds in possible medical breakthroughs based on stem cell research.  we need to keep funding this important research to see what discoveries can be made.
+A27030	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors should not be banned just because of a few bad apples.  with good direction, these actors can go on to pay their own college costs and become responsible citizens.
+A27034	We should ban fast food	in favor of	obesity is rising at an alarming rate and fatty foods and sugar filled drinks are shown to be one of the biggest contributors so fast food should be banned because those foods are sold there.
+A27035	We should legalize prostitution	against	the legalization of prostitution would result in an increase in human trafficking of young women and girls
+A27036	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming produces more quantity resulting in lower prices and more choices.
+A27037	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism should be the defacto standard for all people. If individuals choose to believe in unprovable, invisible super beings from space, it should be kept private and out of official/public spaces.
+A27038	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous vehicles will lead to an increase in road accidents
+A27039	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	there are usually totally just reasons for imposing sanctions.  those reasons could be political or even sometimes military based, but are usually done for the greater good of all.
+A27044	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces allow for people to voice concerns over discrimination and prejudice where they feel protected enough to have the confidence to speak freely. this is a great thing to combat discriminatory behavior.
+A27045	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people have a right to protect their ip from larger corporations who have the finances to exploit other people's ip for their own financial gain.
+A27047	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should abolish the three-strikes law because the definition of a previous violent offense could be arbitrary and prisons need to be places for rehabilitation, not excessive punishment.
+A27048	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism should be encouraged as people work better together in teams
+A27050	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	religion has been responsible for some much war and suffering since the dawn of human history, it is time to abandon it completely.
+A27051	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	although we hope never to use them, we need to keep our nuclear weapons as a deterrent against others using them therefore we should not abolish them.
+A27052	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading makes getting orders out faster
+A27053	We should ban whaling	against	whaling provides food and other resourses for people that are poor
+A27054	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming abuses animals and so should be banned.
+A27055	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	minors still have the ability to make choices, as long as there is informed consent.
+A27057	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	it would help to get organs faster for the people that need them
+A27058	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading has its disadvantages which include system failure risks,network connectivity errors, time-lags between trade orders and execution and, most important of all, imperfect algorithms.
+A27060	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors have not yet fully developed and changes to their bodies that they make now may not be what they would have chosen when they are fully developed.
+A27061	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	A country is entitled to develop any weapon that will help it defend itself against an enemy.
+A27062	We should cancel pride parades	against	it is essential that people realize the whole world is diverse. by promoting these parades we are showing the world that you need to be proud of who you are regardless or gender or orientation.
+A27063	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons provide a worthy deterent to states who would otherwise be more aggressive and pose a threat to others.
+A27064	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading produces better and more predictable results than conventional trading
+A27066	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	automated cars will displace a lot of people working today and a lot of people will need to be retrained for other jobs. (if they exist.)
+A27068	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation should be limited so that those in power, influential positions in companies do not abuse their power in pursuit of obscene amounts of money.
+A27069	We should legalize organ trade	against	the onus will be on the poorest people in the population to sell their organs thus leading to exploitation.
+A27070	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three-strike laws lead to expensive trials. Three-strike offenders will demand a court trial rather than accept a plea bargain (which costs a fraction of the price of a full-blown trial).
+A27071	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	The cost of developing nuclear weapons in developing states drains cash from infrastructure, education, and welfare funds which hurts the population as a whole.
+A27075	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	religion has been the root cause of more pain and bloodshed throughout history than anything else - an atheist approach is a healthier way of life than rigid, deathly adherence to a divisive doctrine.
+A27078	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	there are other avenues of stem cell research that do not require the highly contentious and offensive use of embryonic cells
+A27080	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology is an abusive, cult-like organization that exploits its members. we must ban it to protect people.
+A27081	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	thee have been many examples of mass shootings which could potentially have been stopped if it had not been so easy to obtain weapons.
+A27082	We should prohibit school prayer	against	prayer in school is not harming anyone or their rights so i do not think it should be prohibited.
+A27083	We should prohibit school prayer	against	prayer in schools should be allowed as prayer has always been a part of our developing country. this has only come  as an issue as non christian religions have become more prevalent in society.
+A27084	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	the last thing we need to promote to minors in this modern world is changing your appearance to meet societal beauty norms.
+A27085	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons are vital to defending ourselves against enemies who are not moral or ethical.
+A27086	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	The Church of Scientology is a cult that destroys families and should be banned.
+A27087	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment takes too long and has a long appeal process costing taxpayers money.
+A27088	We should ban targeted killing	against	a successful targeted killing can prevent a war or other deaths and as such, should be a tool at our disposal.
+A27089	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces give a place of sanctuary to those that may be in a vulnerable state and a safe place is the only accessible option to gather oneself together in safety.
+A27090	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a cost-effective way of helping businesses reach an audience.
+A27091	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Subsidizing journalism decreases the need for profit seeking and competition because the state will pay for most of the costs.
+A27093	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	It has been shown that easily accessible prostitution decreases violence against women more broadly by allowing men safe and consensual outlets.
+A27094	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	a person's value should not be based on a number.  just because you reach a certain age does not mean you do not want or need to work.  mandatory retirement hurts elderly workers.
+A27095	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	people have the right to use their bodies in any way they choose.
+A27096	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting would only cause uneducated votes to be cast and not be a real benefit to the country.
+A27099	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	uniforms reduce peer pressure and bullying at school
+A27100	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	it is one of the worse cults and should be banned
+A27102	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	we should ban it because it gives people a unrealistic view on how a natural body or face should look.
+A27103	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work should never be banned as this is people doing the lord's work and bringing peace and happiness to the world.
+A27106	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	we should ban telemarketing because it has gotten way out of hand. the phone was once a convience now its a hassle.
+A27107	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	we should abolish the olympic games because it is inhumane to have people compete for profit or gain.
+A27110	We should ban fast food	against	fast food restaurants sell all types of food including soups and salads.  people should be able to choose what they want to eat without government interference.
+A27111	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism is a dying profession that is increasingly corrupt, so why use tax money towards it?
+A27112	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	the legalization of prostitution would allow the people involved to be much safer since they would be able to rely on the protection of the police
+A27113	We should abolish capital punishment	against	people need to learn how to follow rules so capital punishment should be allowed
+A27115	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms are often used as a money making exercise by schools, where they inflate the price and parents have no choice but to pay.
+A27116	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	the current national debt is unsustainable and will lead to the collapse of our whole government unless we do something about it.  we need to adopt austerity programs immediately to save our country.
+A27118	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	we should not subsidize wikipedia because the information contained in it is not validated. if published information is going to be subsidized then it should be from accredited sources.
+A27120	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	they are too young to handle the pressure
+A27121	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	Safe spaces are overwhelmingly used as a political tool to silence conservative voices, and that political skew shows that they serve more to indoctrinate young people than to alleviate social trauma.
+A27123	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	it would provide better protection for the workers
+A27124	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons have helped keep the peace in a dangerous and uncertain world for several decades
+A27125	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia has the potential to be the greatest source of freely accessible information, a subsidy could help to reach this goal whereas currently the funding is becoming a bigger threat to its existence
+A27127	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	A state that outlaws murder cannot then turn around and murder prisoners in the name of the law. It is perverse and unjust.
+A27129	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	we should adopt libertarianism because it would mean more freedom for citizens from their government.
+A27130	We should cancel pride parades	against	the cancellation of pride parades runs totally counter to a society wishing to preach tolerance and equality, and would set a dangerous precedent.
+A27131	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	it is a good way to control overspending and accumulating more debt
+A27132	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	it causes people to receive disproportionately high sentences for petty crimes
+A27133	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is annoying and leads to people falling for potential scams.
+A27134	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism until it can be proven that god is real.
+A27135	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	no one should be forced to do anything in our country.
+A27139	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	Multiple-party systems often have candidates with radical views whereas two-party systems tend to be more moderate.
+A27143	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games encourage sports all around the world
+A27146	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research helps save and improve lives.
+A27148	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	it is a valuable resource so a subsidy would help by allowing the website to produce and edit more quality articles
+A27150	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing through drones can actually harm more people while trying to get to the actual target
+A27152	We should end mandatory retirement	against	older workers are not as efficient as they age. there comes a point where they need to retire and allow more able bodied younger people to take these jobs.
+A27153	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketers are annoying and relentless.
+A27155	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	Minority parties have too much power. A winning party often has to offer concessions to small, minority parties in order to form a government.
+A27156	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a vital tool for businesses to use to grow. this in turn helps the economy.
+A27157	We should ban whaling	in favor of	we should ban whaling because it is endangering some species and it is totally unnecessary to human existence.
+A27158	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming is cruel to the animals involved, it's also been shown to negatively affect the health of farm workers, with stories of tuberculous spreading from animal to human.
+A27159	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is barbaric, ties up a lot of resources, and doesn't really act as a deterrent to major crimes.
+A27160	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	the government is putting us more and more into debt with wasteful spending and no real boundaries to it.
+A27162	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	being forced to do anything inhibits freedom.
+A27163	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are important for gay people and allow them to get their message across to the wider community.
+A27166	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are inhumane structures built to house animals away from their natural environment. zoos  should be abolished and animals returned to their natural homes where they can be free.
+A27167	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	We should ban private military companies as they are not trained and subject to the same scrutiny as the military.
+A27168	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are entertaining and demonstrate that everybody is equal regardless of their sexuality
+A27172	We should ban fast food	in favor of	we should ban fast food because it is not good for people's health and they are very unhealthy in terms of calories
+A27173	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces help protect all people.
+A27174	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies are trained for combat and can assist the governmental military groups
+A27176	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	forcing people to vote will cause an unwanted outcome in elections. having no vote is as much speech as voting.
+A27177	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting makes the population more involved in the election process, and would give results that more accurately reflected the will of the electors.
+A27179	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement ensures there are places in the workplace for those who are starting their careers
+A27180	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is a tradition with some native groups and they need the meat to survive through winter
+A27181	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement is unfair to people who need a job when social security cannot pay the bills
+A27185	We should subsidize student loans	against	the national debt is out of control and we cannot afford to add to it further.
+A27187	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	the threat of nuclear weapons can keep bad actors from doing  great damage
+A27189	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalizing organ trade would add a level of scrutiny and regulation that would make it much safer for all involved.
+A27190	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	women are going to sell their bodies, so why not make it legal so they can do it properly, pay taxes on their income and hopefully stay clean.
+A27193	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors are put through too much at too young.  we should do away with them and just use cgi or something like that.  if a big company can call a cgi movie live action and get away with it, it will work.
+A27194	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	we should abolish zoos because it makes animals prisoners
+A27195	We should abolish safe spaces	against	We should not abolish safe spaces because sometimes limits on certain types of speech are necessary to preserve other types of speech.
+A27196	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	we should not subsidize embryonic stem cell research because doing so would force millions to pay taxes on such when it's highly against their religions.
+A27198	We should oppose collectivism	against	we should not oppose this because groups are what make society and should be recognised all together.
+A27199	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are a good way to get things to happen in a target area
+A27200	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	it takes away the human component, and machines can easily make mistakes.
+A27201	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	a zero-tolerance policy in schools is the wrong way to go as it would too often cause innocent students being punished for being pushed too far.
+A27202	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church uses slave labor and other intimidation tactics to get what they want
+A27204	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	there are two genders and it is not offensive to use those two descriptions when talking about people, it is ridiculous to attempt to include every possible gender identity.
+A27205	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia does not need to be subsidized it already gets plenty of cash from donations
+A27206	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero tolerance policy in schools would cut down on bullying and fighting.
+A27207	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is inhumane and also contributes to the dwindling number of whales in existence, who need protection rather than hunted.
+A27208	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	forcing parents to buy a whole separate wardrobe of often overpriced, synthetic fiber clothing is an unnecessary expense that can really harm poorer families
+A27211	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes disproportionally hit the poorest in society hardest.
+A27213	We should adopt atheism	against	adopting atheism infringes upon people's first amendment right to freedom of religion.
+A27214	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	i believe we should adopt an austerity regime because our government has a tremendous debt and has proven over time that they are not capable to reducing the national debt.
+A27216	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming is not good for the environment
+A27217	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment is good at keeping dangerous criminals off of the streets.
+A27218	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling disturbs the delicate balance of sea life
+A27219	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games bring peace and comeraderie and friendly competition to the entire universe
+A27221	We should subsidize space exploration	against	we shouldn't subsidize space exploration because it can be very costly
+A27222	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans should be subsidized because no human being should start their adult life off with thousands of dollars in debt, it's not fair
+A27223	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	the drive around cosmetic surgery and body modification of minor should be nipped in the bud. a minor should be concerned about academics not cosmetics.
+A27224	We should abolish safe spaces	against	people should not be forced to be in uncomfortable or distasteful situations and safe spaces provide a haven from this.
+A27230	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is high fat and unhealthy food
+A27231	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are cruel and contain wild animals in such tiny spaces when they need to run free so zoos should be abolished.
+A27234	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	We should not abolish the three-strikes laws in all cases, but it should be up to judicial discretion, so that the worst criminal are off the streets.
+A27235	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is nutritionally devoid, cruel to animals, pollutes the environment and is aggressively marketed towards impressional children.
+A27236	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology is a cult, we need to end cults
+A27237	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	a student does not have the resources to pay for the high cost of college
+A27238	We should cancel pride parades	against	they enable people to celebrate their sexuality and bring the culture to the wider general public.
+A27239	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows for a broad range of ideas to be heard and implemented.
+A27240	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	plastic surgery is a life altering decision and should not be taken lightly so much so that if you are a minor you should not be allowed to get it
+A27241	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is an important resource for people looking for information
+A27243	We should ban whaling	in favor of	we should ban whaling because they are becoming closer to being extinct.  no animal should be killed when there is not an abundance of their species.
+A27244	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is taking unnecessary risks.
+A27245	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	less and less people are voting which means we do not get a fair representation of who we have as a government so people need to say what they think.
+A27247	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	by ridding the world of nuclear weapons we do not have to worry about nuclear accidents or mistakes.
+A27248	We should end mandatory retirement	against	young workers won't be able to find a job if no one ever retires
+A27249	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	it would stop people being locked up for possession and it would generate revenue
+A27250	We should ban targeted killing	against	we should not ban targeted killing as this is an effective way to extinguish terrorist threats etc and the use of drones helps to reduce civilian casualties.
+A27251	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will cause unemployment for people whose only skill is driving.
+A27252	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	Zero tolerance parties have the appearance of fairness, which increases buy-in to the disciplinary system from otherwise skeptical parents and community leaders.
+A27253	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	the more research that is done, the higher the chances to understanding and possible curing diseases.
+A27254	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	we should abolish  because it changes an animals behavior versus if they were free in the wild
+A27255	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	removing ip rights would cause a free for all and no one will have the incentive to do anything since it can just be taken by someone else
+A27256	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	fair and honest journalism is important and should be subsidized for the benefit of all
+A27257	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children should be free to have fun and enjoy life not made to work in hire pressure situations so we should ban the use of child actors.
+A27258	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	to keep wikipedia impartial there ought to be no subsidies provided
+A27259	We should legalize prostitution	against	Legalizing prostitution encourages the objectification of female bodies, which encourages sexual harassment and commodification.
+A27260	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	there are much more important things to spend money on than autonomous cars - for example the threats posed by climate change and the pollution of our oceans.
+A27263	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	sometimes cosmetic surgery isn't so much cosmetic as it is therapeutic.  it offers a ray of hope and should not be banned.
+A27267	We should legalize cannabis	against	the use without measure of cannabis harms the mental health of the people therefore it is necessary that the intention to legalize cannabis be eliminated
+A27268	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	adopting zero-tolerance in school will solve the big issues which schools all around country face it today.
+A27269	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	we have a separation of church and state and the state runs the public schools.
+A27270	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	we should make sex selection legal. it will lead to more freedom regarding choices of family building. a couple could choose to have a boy and a girl without just hoping for that scenario
+A27271	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces provide safety for those who are in fear for their safety.
+A27273	We should subsidize space exploration	against	Space exploration is a field which the private sector is fully capable to fulfill, as Elon Musk shows us.
+A27275	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionaries have been sent in the past to the poorest communities in forein countries to essentially bribe them into joining a religion. this is immoral.
+A27276	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	why should anyone be forced to vote?it is their right to vote or not to vote as they see fit.it is not a democratic system to force people to do this.
+A27281	We should ban telemarketing	against	i don't think that is a good idea to ban telemarketing , there are people working in this kind of jobs and they are good at what they do , most of the time they advertise very well.
+A27282	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we have freedom of religion for a reason and banning any religion is wrong.
+A27284	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender-neutral language is political correctness taken to an absurd degree - there is no need to reinvent words and language for the sake of gender equality in an increasingly open society.
+A27285	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	we should stop the development of autonomous cars because they don't have reflexes like people and therefore would probably not be able to prevent accidents like people can
+A27286	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	the church of scientology should have the same rights as any other church in  the us
+A27287	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is a necessary tactic to provide the food resources our population requires, it does not need to be cruel, it can merely be efficient
+A27290	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are not trustable in every aspect of safety. we can't trust the robots and their ability to react in such a situation which humans will react in according of situation.
+A27291	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is carried out in an indiscrimate and inhumane manner, driving certain species to the brink of extinction.
+A27292	We should legalize organ trade	against	an organ trade could lead to exploitation of vulnerable people for financial gain.
+A27293	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	we shouldn't give money to a site where anyone can edit articles to give false information.
+A27295	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism should be adopted as it will give more freedom to people to live their lives as they wish.
+A27297	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation can be come out of control.
+A27298	We should ban missionary work	against	the missionaries bring hope and the word of god to those people forgotten by civilization
+A27299	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	cosmetic surgery should be allowed for minor because they may need surgery from an accident or from a deformity that can be fixed before they are old enough to suffer from it.
+A27300	We should ban factory farming	against	we need to feed a large population & factory farming helps ensure we  can do that
+A27302	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	to be able to provide a stable economy, an austerity regime is necessary to operate on a balanced budget.
+A27309	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	we should adopt an austerity regime to help pay the country'd unending debt
+A27310	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are not mature enough to opt for cosmetic surgery and there is concern that they could later have regrets.
+A27312	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	we do not have the infrastructure required for a safe autonomous driving system how can we code the car to choose between one fatality and another it would destroy the taxi and delivery driver job market
+A27314	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming concentrates animals in a constricted area, allowing diseases to run rampant through the livestock
+A27315	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the right to keep and bear arms is fundamental to our freedom.  we give that right up and we are prisoners to the government.
+A27316	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades may help overcome prejudice and cultural barriers, they are what we need to start educating future generations.
+A27319	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	multi-party systems are proven around the world to work better
+A27320	We should subsidize student loans	against	wider availability of student loans creates a glut of over-educated, under-employed individuals contributing less to society - money would be better investing in vocational education.
+A27322	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero-tolerance policy in school would improve behaviour and thus improve results.
+A27323	We should ban private military companies	against	we should not ban private military companies because they can provide great protection in many areas of our country
+A27324	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work is important because it gives aid to third-world and poor people that might otherwise be ignored by society.
+A27326	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors do not get a proper education and as such, the use of child actors should be banned
+A27327	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	being permissive of disruptive behavior is unfair to well-behaved students.
+A27328	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism allows for the group mentality and act to provide a better quality of life equal for the people in a collective government.
+A27329	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	The theory of "Mutual Assured Destruction" is viable today as much as it was in the cold war, and the result is relative peace
+A27330	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people who have no clue about the issues and people who are not into politics would be voting for someone they know nothing about.
+A27334	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism gives everyone a clean slate of non belief
+A27335	We should oppose collectivism	against	We should support collectivism because people have more freedom when they are supported in their choices than when they have to scramble for everything on their own.
+A27336	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games has become less about the sports and more about commercialism
+A27338	We should ban private military companies	against	a lot of private resources are needed for military campaigns, such as weapon manufacture. using a private military company is no different.
+A27339	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	Factory agriculture can cause disasters in the economy and cause unfair competition with farmers
+A27342	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	abolishing the right to keep and bear arms would put all innocent people at risk because people who want to kill will find a way to do so and innocent people will be defenseless
+A27343	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	only the federal government should be allowed to handle any military training.
+A27345	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would make sure that each and every person's voice is heard and provide a more accurate system of making sure the person elected is the one the people really want.
+A27346	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space mining could help us find valuable minerals that are useful
+A27351	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	we don't know what the source of embryonic stem cells is; for all we know, they could be paid for, or harvested from unsuspecting individuals.
+A27352	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism may lead to "despotic behavior", therefore  we should avoid it.
+A27353	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions help end bad behaviors.
+A27354	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Subsidizing journalism will allow individual journals to lift their paywalls, which will increase access.
+A27355	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we should not put up barriers to what is essentially the application of technology and intelligent application of maths to trading. this prevents progression
+A27356	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalizing prostitution would lead to it being more regulated, therefore, safer to any participants.
+A27357	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	olympic games often make unnecessary expenses that could be used for other causes
+A27359	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will be highly beneficial in reducing the congestion of larger cities
+A27360	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery because doctors should spend their time helping people that need it not the people that want it
+A27361	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	by allowing citizens to own guns, the chances of these weapons being stolen by criminals is increased, allowing guns to fall into the wrong hands would be disastrous
+A27362	We should legalize organ trade	against	the organ trade should not be legalized as it encourages the expoitationn of poor people by rich people.
+A27364	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would ensure that everyone would vote and have a voice in what goes on.
+A27366	We should subsidize student loans	against	we should not because it would cost the country millions of pounds and raise everyone's taxes, so the cost of living would go up.
+A27367	We should prohibit school prayer	against	freedom of religion should be considered first and foremost even for minors.
+A27368	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	if the government provides funding to wikipedia the impartiality and therefore reliability of the information held on there may be compromised
+A27369	We should cancel pride parades	against	we need to support price parades because everyone has the right to celebrate their cultures and diversities.
+A27371	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	prostitution is a noble work for women finding it hard to secure a job in this world becoming more and more hard and difficult
+A27372	We should ban fast food	in favor of	we should ban fast food as its unhealthy and can cause sedentary lifestyles and cardiovascular disease
+A27373	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection is simply a matter of choice and bodily autonomy;  every woman should be allowed to decide this on her own
+A27374	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games are a huge waste of money to the host countries. they spend large amounts of money to build places that are never used again.
+A27375	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is causing the depletion of the whale species.   we don't need to lose another species of animal on the planet.
+A27377	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	it is a useful site but no need to subsidize wikipedia. the site can get by with private funding like it has all these years and besides, government has much more important needs to subsidize like health care
+A27378	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights protects the ideas that will lead to a solid invention/investment and therefore need to be protected, not abolished.
+A27379	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we need to continue to explore space as it is part of our world.
+A27380	We should adopt atheism	against	we shouldn't adopt atheism because it can scare people away from religion.
+A27381	We should adopt libertarianism	against	Libertarianism provides little to no support for  those at the bottom and would not attain equitable outcomes for society.
+A27382	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are vital for research into species and preventing their extinction and should therefore not be banned.
+A27383	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	doing such a thing will destroy the economy and put people out of jobs
+A27385	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	the end does not justify the means, the factory farming is cruel, inhuman and immoral, you. you can argue what you want, but that does not erase the facts.
+A27386	We should legalize sex selection	against	it is immoral & unnatural & should not be legalized
+A27387	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'.
+A27392	We should legalize prostitution	against	Legalizing prostitution would result in an increased number of women being forced into sex slavery. It would also make it harder to hunt down traffickers.
+A27393	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	we should stop the development of autonomous cars because they won't be able to react in some emergency situations like people will
+A27395	We should legalize cannabis	against	we shouldn't legalize cannabis because it might get children addicted at a younger age if it's easier to acquire
+A27396	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalizing prostitution will allow it to be carried out in a safe environment
+A27397	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism can be beneficial in some cases.
+A27398	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	they are dangerous and give countries the power to wipe out each other.
+A27399	We should legalize prostitution	against	we should not legalize prostitution. it is not right for women or men to make a living by having sex. it will lead to a society in which marriages fall apart and children are harmed in the process.
+A27400	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement is discrimination against older people who may still have something of value to contribute to society.
+A27404	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer usually supports a specific religion. this discriminates against non-believers or members of different religions.
+A27405	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	people should be able to decide themselves if they want to use it
+A27408	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	The death penalty is disproportionally used against the poor and minorities.
+A27411	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism can cause people to ignore important problems if it doesn't apply to certain groups
+A27414	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	the school uniform creates routine and discipline in the students. the use of the school uniform teaches students respect and to follow and comply with the rules
+A27415	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research so that it can continue research into finding solutions to complex medical needs.
+A27418	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	newspapers are dying and need the support.
+A27419	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	ending these sanctions will boost the target country's economy
+A27425	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	if everyone votes, the results actually reflect what people want.
+A27427	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work interferes with freedom of religion, as natives are forced to convert in order to receive aid.
+A27428	We should subsidize student loans	against	student loans shouldn't be subsidized because you're limited in the amount that you can borrow
+A27429	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	it is extremely useful in battling a wide range of medical maladies
+A27430	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing is inhumane and should be banned.
+A27431	We should ban fast food	against	people should have the freedom to eat what hey want.
+A27432	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is a bad form of advancing a nation. some lazy person will profit of other hard work and contribute nothing themselves
+A27433	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing allows people that cannot find other jobs to be contributer to the economy and tax base along with the fact that these calls can be ignored with an answering machine or simply join a no-call list.
+A27434	We should legalize prostitution	against	would increase violence against women ans children.
+A27435	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	governments in this way seek to prioritize their needs and whims at the time of reaching power
+A27437	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning should be banned because it interferes with nature
+A27438	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	this is just taking things too far. people should not be offended by pronouns.
+A27440	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement should be abolished as lifespans increase and older people are more able and active than ever, making the old retirement ages useless.
+A27441	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are dangerous and will only cause deaths.
+A27443	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime allows for the restructuring of economic for a country which can provide financial benefits.
+A27444	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces are sometimes the only place at-risk kids have that make them feel safe.
+A27445	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides a great service which provides a safe place to find info on all types of topics
+A27448	We should legalize organ trade	against	people with more money buying organs will make poor people get lesser treatment and have longer waits.
+A27449	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons cause wars and are not a sufficient deterrent
+A27452	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans should be subsidized to allow thos students from poorer backgrounds to get a good education and improve themselves
+A27453	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting will increase the number of voter turnout.
+A27454	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	the use of weapons of mass destruction can not be justified
+A27455	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces stop young people from developing the "thick skin" required to navigate everyday post-university life. the real world does not care about your feelings.
+A27456	We should ban missionary work	against	missionaries help the less fortunate in third world countries, such as setting up schools and clinics.
+A27457	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	i think it should not be forbidden, and let people choose what they want to do
+A27459	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing saves lives. it reduces our boots on the ground, protecting more of our soldiers and lessens civilian casualties because there's not active war zones full of combact and soldiers.
+A27460	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism subsidized by authoritarian regimes becomes a propaganda machine used to control people, telling them what to think and spreading lies to hide totalitarian regimes' abuses
+A27462	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	a ban would only increase the already concerning trend to go to dangerous surgeons abroad
+A27463	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is no good for anyone because it makes people fat and unhealthy.
+A27464	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we shouldn't adopt libertarianism because it means less government intervention for people that need it for example welfare
+A27465	We should limit judicial activism	against	we have to respect the view of judges so they need to have the freedom to express judicial activism.
+A27466	We should ban fast food	against	Fast food provides people with jobs and is convenient for busy families.
+A27469	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	We should not ban the church of scientology since people should be able to join any religion they want to.
+A27471	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Nuclear weapon development takes incredibly intelligent scientists and makes them work on something that is destructive to society, we'd rather they used their intellect to develop helpful technologies which can only happen if we abolish nukes.
+A27472	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	students are graduating with huge college loans that make it difficult for them to get started when they leave school.
+A27474	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	everybody has a right to believe whatever wants so church of scientology should be protected and approved.
+A27475	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we want to have an inclusive society and try to make each and every individual feel comfortable
+A27477	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	students who are suspended will loose out on classes and might fail exams or even drop out of school as a result.
+A27479	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	it is very difficult to define and identify and intellectual property.
+A27480	We should legalize organ trade	against	Organ trading would pressure poor people to take great risks with their bodies in exchange for short term gains; it is an unfair position to put them in.
+A27481	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem call research can lead to the future of medical developments
+A27482	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms are an expense that many families can't afford. there are plenty of ways to get very cheap clothing, but discounted uniforms are more difficult to obtain.
+A27484	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is prejudiced and should not be acceptable
+A27486	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	The cost of training new employees can be incredibly high, and policies of mandatory retirement force businesses to waste their fungible resources rather than keeping competent older individuals employed.
+A27487	We should legalize sex selection	against	selecting the sex of babies could lead to an in balance in society demonstrated by china , where the one child policy resulted in  areas where there are  approximately  10 males to 1 female.
+A27488	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation should be limited because i don't think the executives should get a bunch extra just because of that position.
+A27491	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	people can have strong feelings about which sex child they have. they should be able to choose for themselves and not have to rely on chance.
+A27492	We should legalize cannabis	against	it send the wrong message to society that drug use is acceptable
+A27494	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people should be given a choice whether they would like to vote or not, it would be undemocratic to not give the people a choice.
+A27497	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is still a useful sales tactic
+A28002	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy because it will keep kids disciplined and the schools will be safer
+A28004	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning is unnatural and against the laws of nature
+A28008	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three-strikes laws are a major reason for overcrowding in our prison system.
+A28012	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection is a safe tool to help parents attain the family they dream of, thus should be legalized
+A28013	We should subsidize student loans	against	people knew when they took out the loan that they'd have to pay it back.  they should be responsible, just as other people are for mortgages and car loans.
+A28015	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces are necessary to have a place of safety for all
+A28016	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whale are an important part of the ecosystem and whaling threatens their survival on this planet.
+A28019	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender neutral language causes confusion and is taking political correctness too far, by all means allow people to be referred to by their preferred gender but people are not 'neutral.'
+A28020	We should ban whaling	against	some cultures see whaling as a tradition that is important to their history and custom.
+A28021	We should prohibit school prayer	against	we should not prohibit school prayer because this country was founded on christian principals.
+A28022	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniform makes all children look the same, thus reducing bullying.
+A28023	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender-neutral language adheres to both sexes without a preference of one gender over the other.
+A28024	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are the only way we can preserve endangered species.
+A28025	We should ban the use of child actors	against	child actors are needed in all types of film and movies and therefore should not be banned.
+A28026	We should ban fast food	against	you can't govern what an individual chooses to eat
+A28027	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is a bottomless money pit that completely fails to justify the enornomous quantity of revenue pumped into it.
+A28028	We should legalize organ trade	against	body parts are not something for profit.  selling of a kidney should not go to the highest bidder.  there is a system in medicine to make sure they are donated and to the ones most able to use them
+A28029	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are a way for people to come together and celebrate being themselves and shouldn't be cancelled.
+A28030	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions will hit poorer people in the affected country more than politicians.
+A28031	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer brings people together in fostering an atmosphere of peace and understanding, and should be seen as a message of universality rather than an appeal to a single religion.
+A28033	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	there is no reason why algorithmic trading should be banned , it creates beneficial trading deals and profits for those in the finance sector, and can enhance the value of pension funds for instance.
+A28035	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	some children may require cosmetic surgery for health reasons, such as a cleft palate, therefore it should not be banned.
+A28036	We should legalize organ trade	against	legalizing the organ trade would make the organs to expensive to all those on need, making them available to only the wealthiest of patients.
+A28039	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	An austerity regime is very important during economically stressful times.
+A28040	We should ban factory farming	against	humans need food and this is simply another way to cultivate it.  at the end of the day these animals are going to be food no matter what, so the way they get there is of little interest.
+A28041	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	these cars are prone to hacking like any other tech and can put millions of lives at risk
+A28044	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	cosmetic surgery can have an enormous impact on increasing self esteem, minors should be allowed to benefit from this as well
+A28045	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	animals need to be free and unrestricted, zoos offer small enclosures, denying animals the chance to survive and thrive in their own habitat.
+A28047	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual endeavors are not isolated and it's possible for more than one individual to have the same ideas and inspiration
+A28048	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheists are much more likely to care about the environment
+A28050	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are helping in many ways the animals that are going extinct and that will not make it in the wild so they should not be abolished.
+A28053	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cells have already been proven to have the capability to save lives. with more research who knows how many more uses they could have in reducing illness and improving quality of life.
+A28054	We should ban whaling	against	we shouldn't ban whaling because it is so important to many cultures. as long as the whales are sustainably harvested, what is the issue?
+A28056	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism is incredibly important when it comes to unbiased coverage of our government.
+A28057	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	if we got rid of three-strikes laws, there would be little deterrent for career criminals.
+A28059	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	an austerity regime will cause taxpayers to have to pay more taxes
+A28060	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces are an enormous waste of time and money, especially when things like churches, medical offices, etc., exist.
+A28061	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we need to spend money on people who are already alive and need help before we create new ones
+A28062	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	we should cancel pride parades because it is not needed to show off people everything what they wanted.
+A28064	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is not just cruel, but an indefensible assault on endangered species.
+A28065	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	military contractors take work away from our own troops, which the government already spends a great deal on.
+A28066	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment has done nothing to actually deter serious crime in this country
+A28067	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	if people do not learn from their mistakes and corrections then they are unfit to live among society.
+A28068	We should limit executive compensation	against	an owner of a company should be allowed to make as much money as possible
+A28069	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons have the ability to destroy the entire human race and should be banned.
+A28070	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	Safe spaces should be abolished because it just means that people can get out of work, classes, etc if they feel unsafe..
+A28071	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	people should be able to utilize new sciences as they please.
+A28073	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	it is important to be sensible and restrained with public spending and ensure that a country lives within its means and maintains a solid balance of resources.
+A28074	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors cannot vote, drink alcohol, drive, or sign up for military service. so, why should we allow children to make permanent, unnecessary, and potentially dangerous alterations to their bodies?
+A28075	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidizing student loans would encourage those with less money to stay on in education rather than leaving for lower paying jobs.
+A28077	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems fragments power so much that nothing ever gets done and government is rendered ineffectual.
+A28078	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer is harmless to students and has been a tradition in many schools and should be allowed to continue with those that do not share the same views allowed to not participate.
+A28080	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	We should legalize prostitution in order to avoid giving young people criminal records that will hurt their job prospects down the line.
+A28083	We should prohibit school prayer	against	freedom of religion means children should be able to pray where they want to.
+A28085	We should adopt atheism	against	atheism offends the beliefs of most people. no one should be forced to deny their belief in god
+A28086	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery can cause medical problems in the long run
+A28087	We should abolish safe spaces	against	safe spaces are an important place for students to get help or support without being judged
+A28088	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	there is no reason to have cosmetic surgery except for vainity and it carries risks so it should be banned
+A28091	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	In places where capital punishment is legal, it is often used in discriminatory ways against minority groups, and therefore we should abolish it to prevent disproportionate punishment against the most vulnerable people in society.
+A28093	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	with executive compensation a person is more likely to risk the viability of the company for short term gains, thereby hurting people at the bottom
+A28096	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows for more ideas, more candidates, more voters turning out.
+A28098	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies only purpose is to make money and as a result they don't focus on protection as much as they should be.
+A28099	We should ban telemarketing	against	if someone does not want to engage with telemarketers they can just hang up or sign off
+A28100	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans are a good deal for students, student loans allow for some students go to school that may have not been able to go to school before
+A28101	We should ban fast food	in favor of	we should ban fast food because obesity the biggest health crisis in the country
+A28103	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery increases women's self-esteem and makes them more self-confident
+A28105	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is a form of self expression and it is unfair to prevent a consenting individual from partaking.
+A28107	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Nuclear weapon maintenance is much cheaper than keeping up traditional weapons and infrastructure of war, so we should keep our nuclear weapons in order to maintain the current deterrence against war at the lowest price possible.
+A28108	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are largely unregulated, and providing muscle for financial gain fosters corruption and undemocratic process - it is the survival of the powerful over the poor, oppressed.
+A28109	We should ban the use of child actors	against	we should not ban the use of child actors because it would be awfully strange to watch programs and never see a child as that is not real life.
+A28111	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms should not be required to wear in schools because it takes away a kids freedom of expression
+A28114	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will facilitate long commute riding
+A28115	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning because people were not made to be cloned, we are all unique and individual for a reason.
+A28116	We should legalize prostitution	against	often females prostitutes are vulnerable and have drug and alcohol problems. they are only prostitutes because they are desperate.
+A28118	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	better education is good for the nation
+A28119	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades do the exact opposite of what they're meant to.  instead of making themselves part of the community, they're making themselves stand apart
+A28120	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	we need to have the safest possible learning environment, as this enables students to perform at their best.
+A28121	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is one of the leading causes of obesity.
+A28123	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are good source of information for the public to learn about animals up close
+A28125	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	organ trade will allow for more transplants, benefitting society a a whole
+A28126	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regime will put more pressure on taxpayers
+A28129	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	it sends a worthwhile message; that your vote and your opinion is important to a democratic decision. a democracy cannot be representative of the people if vast portions of some demographics don't vote
+A28131	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	The material used to build bombs, radioactive and otherwise, could be used for industrial purposes, creating jobs and generally strengthening the economy.
+A28132	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing employs thousands of people
+A28133	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms are bad for children's self-image by making it even easier to compare themselves to other students.
+A28134	We should legalize cannabis	against	we should not legalize cannabis because it can be a "gateway" drug.
+A28136	We should abolish zoos	against	we should not abolish zoos because they are helping out endangered species that would otherwise be extinct if they went back into the wild now.
+A28137	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment can potentially lead to the death of innocent men. there are cases where there is strong doubt that the person executed actually carried out the crime.
+A28140	We should adopt atheism	against	we should not adopt atheism because in this country it's a right to practice religion and to believe in god if you so choose.
+A28142	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	abolishing intellectual property rights removes the financial incentive to innovation.
+A28144	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	teachers and children should feel safe in schools and a zero-tolerance policy will be beneficial for all.
+A28145	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work preaches false information to the most unfortunate of the world.
+A28146	We should ban telemarketing	against	if it is for a specific product from a list of people who've purchased it before it offers the product to the customer
+A28147	We should ban telemarketing	against	banning telemarketing would destroy many businesses leading to masses of forced redundancies.
+A28149	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	Legalizing cannabis would allow the authorities to control the quality and strength of the product making it safer to use and could also collect tax from the sale.
+A28150	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work disrupts indiginous culture and interferes with natural progression of foreign populations.
+A28151	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	sanctions only create humanitarian crises.
+A28154	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	we shoudn't abolish intellectual property rights because a person should have the rights to change and make plans on something that they own without worrying about someone else stepping in.
+A28155	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we shouldn't ban algorithmic trading because there is nothing wrong with it. if a person wants to use algorithms to trade instead of making investment decisions based on emotion, we should allow it.
+A28156	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is an inexpensive alternative for those that can't afford higher value nutrition or do not have the time to cook and sit for an elaborate supper every day.
+A28157	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides so much information to the world that it is time we subsidize it.
+A28158	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	We should oppose collectivism in order to avoid greater elite control on behalf of "the public".
+A28160	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	for those who have a genetic disorder linked to the sex of the child preventing the birth of a child with a serious illness and to prevent abuse and neglect of or treatment of a child of the unwanted gender.
+A28162	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	More investment into cosmetic surgery has overflow benefits for reconstructive and general surgery to due innovative technology and techniques.
+A28164	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three-strike laws should be abolished as it negatively impact minorities and people of color who are more likely to commit crime due to poverty issues.
+A28168	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	we should ban missionary work to avoid danger to themselves especially if they are doing their missionary work in a dangerous part of the world
+A28169	We should prohibit school prayer	against	prayer should be a parental decision and not one made by government and teachers
+A28170	We should legalize sex selection	against	countries that used sex selection, like china, now have a problem with two many older men and not enough women to marry them and have more children for the next generation.
+A28172	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	bad actors can circumvent economic sanctions, meaning the people who suffer the most would be average, law-abiding citizens.
+A28173	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	it is not democratic to force voting. people should have the right to decide if they want to vote.
+A28174	We should ban whaling	against	Whaling is an important cultural practice for the Japanese. Rather than banning it, it should be regulated.
+A28175	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	we should end mandatory retirement because no one has the right to tell another person when they have to stop working. it is an individual's choice and should be left up to them when they wish to call it quits.
+A28177	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	people should be free to live like they wish
+A28180	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning because it is against the natural law and it is morally wrong
+A28181	We should adopt libertarianism	against	government is needed. it provides the institutions that can better serve the public. this can be done through good taxation policy and good programs.
+A28182	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution is extremely dangerous and keeping it illegal is in the best interest of society.
+A28183	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work exploits poor people fears to dominate them and take their land
+A28184	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights can prevent competitors from making, selling, or using your invention for a limited time
+A28185	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms limit the ability for students to express themselves.
+A28189	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	It matters not how unlikely the event of nuclear conflict is, because the danger it presents is grave. In order to survive as a society, we must get rid of nuclear weapons.
+A28190	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces aren't necessary and help people hide from issues rather than face them
+A28191	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights stifle creativity since all ideas are built upon the ideas of the past.
+A28192	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Cosmetic surgery can have really harmful side-effects that minors can't consent to and will not be able to physically handle the way adults do.
+A28193	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	Targeted killing is no different that cold-blooded murder and should be banned.
+A28194	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should abolish the three-strikes laws because i don't think people should be given more than one chance, they are grown adults and know right from wrong
+A28197	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would make the opinions of everyone's opinions be taken into account.
+A28198	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party is essential to allow for democracy and prevent autocratic regimes coming to power.
+A28200	We should prohibit school prayer	against	if school prayer is considered optional then there is nothing wrong in letting children pray if they wish  to
+A28202	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	prostitution should be allowed if the participants both agree.
+A28203	We should legalize organ trade	against	legalizing organ trades can lead to death or murder from desperate people.
+A28207	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people have self ownership and can choose to not vote
+A28209	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading or computer controlled trading does not allow for last minute trade that take into consideration small rising stocks.
+A28210	We should subsidize student loans	against	student loan debt is crippling our young people's ability to fully participate in the economy
+A28211	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is an unwarranted and intrusive breach of a person's privacy, selling useless goods and services not requested by the consumer.
+A28214	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment should be abolished because man is not the one that should be making the decision to take a life, but leave that to the all mighty god.
+A28216	We should legalize prostitution	against	we should continue to keep prostitution as an illegal activity because it demoralizes women and often the women are abused.
+A28218	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism shouldn't be opposed because societies like this are generally more stable
+A28219	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism makes people lazy.  why work hard if other people will do it for you?  we should encourage individualism instead where people are encouraged to be innovative and hard working.
+A28220	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we shouldn't ban the church of scientology as people have the right to believe in what they want
+A28221	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting violates the freedom of choice.
+A28222	We should ban fast food	against	fast food is a treat that can be enjoyed when eaten sensibly and brings joy and social interaction.
+A28223	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	a lack of confidence due to appearance can have a crippling impact on poeple's lives and cosmetic surgery can help reduce this.
+A28224	We should ban whaling	in favor of	whaling is a particularly cruel and inhumane with 16,000 whales killed every year during the last century endangering some species.
+A28226	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms prevent students from wearing disturbing clothing, like neo-nazi propaganda pieces, thus allowing students to concentrate on their studies.
+A28227	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would require everyone to participate in our democracy and ensure that a candidate is selected by more than just the 10 or 20 percent of the population that gets out to vote.
+A28229	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis can harm brain chemistry in children.
+A28230	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	we need to find a way for the government to pay its debt
+A28231	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	there is an increase in anti-social behaviour and lack of respect among schoolchildren these days so a zero-tolerance policy will quickly teach them to respect the rule and people in general
+A28232	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three strikes law is an old concept. it doesn't really prevent people from committing  violence, especially because many acts of violence are not premeditated.
+A28233	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killings can easily be abused by government to, for example, silence their critics, or even political opposition.
+A28234	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	people should be able to guarantee income from inventions to recover development cost
+A28237	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is supported just fine with private donations and has continued to function without the need for a subsidy.
+A28239	We should abolish safe spaces	against	in this world of bullying and political devisivness, people need places to go feel safe
+A28241	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	we should not bother banning cosmetic surgeries for minors, since this ban will not work- it's just the government current easy fix, creating a hysteric unreasonable rule instead of imposing proper regulation.
+A28244	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism can be a dangerous political ideology
+A28245	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	legalizing marijuana will free up police resources because instead of arresting people for pot police would focus on more serious crimes
+A28247	We should end mandatory retirement	against	if we end mandatory retirement we make it even harder for the next generation to gain employment and benefit from the same opportunities of openings in the workplace that the retirees had at their age
+A28249	We should limit judicial activism	against	certain miscarriages of justice can only be rectified by judges practicing judicial activism
+A28250	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	kids needs their freedom and to learn from mistakes
+A28251	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution is often associated with drug abuse and other crimes, and legalising it would send out completely the wrong message.
+A28252	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing is a necessary evil as it protects our citizens.
+A28253	We should cancel pride parades	against	we should not cancel pride parades because it is a right in this country to express yourself and they are doing nothing wrong.
+A28254	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia should be subsidized as it a valuable educational tool.
+A28255	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	everyone should be given religious freedom so those who want to follow the church of scientology should be allowed to do so and, therefore, it should not be banned.
+A28256	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is the largest online encyclopedia in the world and we must ensure its proper functioning
+A28257	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	ideas should be everyones not just one persons
+A28258	We should subsidize space exploration	against	we just don't have enough excess funds yo support this type of exploration.
+A28259	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery gives you the assurance you were lacking physically
+A28261	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food contains ridiculous amounts of harmful ingredients
+A28263	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	we need better representation of all people. the two party system is broken and only represents a select few.
+A28265	We should ban fast food	against	people should be able to choose what they put into their bodies.
+A28266	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	embryonic sten cell research goes against a variety of christian religious beliefs and should not be subsidized.
+A28267	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympics provide a way for nations to come together to foster mutual understanding.
+A28268	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors because they belong in school
+A28270	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces are an illusion, no place is safe.
+A28271	We should legalize cannabis	against	it is a gateway drug that can lead to far worse drugs
+A28272	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	they should be allowed if they are medically necessary.
+A28273	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	we should legalise organ trade because it could save so many lives.
+A28274	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Atheism provides a way out of  believing in any religion and should be adopted.
+A28277	We should legalize organ trade	against	legalizing the organ trade will create a system where the poor are exploited for their organs
+A28279	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing is an immoral act, a government procured murder, that should not continue.
+A28282	We should abolish capital punishment	against	the old saying "an eye for an eye" exists for a reason.  if a person commits a horrible act, than swift punishment is not only a good thing but deserved.
+A28284	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons are a form of deterant and are needed
+A28285	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	Zoos are unnatural places for wild animals to live and causes many of them to live long, sad lives in cages.
+A28288	We should abolish capital punishment	against	capital punishment remains a good deterrent for serious crime
+A28290	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism is the ultimate expression of freedom.
+A28291	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology should be banned because they espouse a fake science narative and using bullying and terror to keep people quiet.
+A28292	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	it makes income for the local communities
+A28293	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	People should have the right to defend themselves against the criminal elements of society.
+A28295	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	We should oppose collectivism as it forces people to be part of group mentality in order to achieve anything.
+A28297	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	we should legalize cannabis because a natural plant should not be regulated. cannabis is shown to naturally help with certain medical conditions and it's much safer than alcohol for recreational use.
+A28298	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	School uniforms can alleviate peer pressure due to clothing choices.
+A28301	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	kids in schools are not always mature enough to understand the consequences of their actions.  a zero-tolerance policy would just be punishing students that need the most guidance.
+A28302	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars have not been proven to be safe.
+A28303	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars can help people to do more long distance traveling that will allow them to arrive refreshed and less anxious.
+A28304	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	they have already shown that they cannot avoid all accidents.
+A28305	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading makes it easier for poor people to get more money, all they need to do is come up with an algorithm that makes them more money
+A28306	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	we should not subsidize wikipedia because peoples opinions will get in the way of truth.
+A28307	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is too risky as sometimes innocent people are killed. unless it can be known for certain that a person is guilty, capital punishment wiill always present too much of a risk.
+A28309	We should legalize cannabis	against	studies show that students who use cannabis perform worse in school
+A28310	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are too risky on the road, hackers can find a way to take control and cause accidents
+A28312	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	people need to learn how to survive in this world so no safe spaces would benefit this
+A28313	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery has been known to lead to deaths due to botched jobs. it should be banned so these deaths do not occur.
+A28314	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	A worker should not be forced to retire if he feels he can still adequately produce for his employer.
+A28315	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research should be subsidized because it could lead to massive changes in human beings. this type of research could reverse aging, change genes, and learn how to cure diseases.
+A28316	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	cloning human beings goes against nature with which we could have serious consequences in the future
+A28317	We should ban telemarketing	against	some telemarketing is beneficial as it may be selling useful products or services.
+A28319	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	the uniforms limit the freedom of expression of the youngest and could be counterproductive in their stage of development
+A28320	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	we should not abolish the olympic games because it would rob all the hard working athletes of showcasing their skills and earning money from the games and their sponsors.
+A28321	We should prohibit school prayer	against	it must be everyone's choice if he wants to participate in school prayers
+A28324	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	a zero-tolerance policy in schools shouldn't be adopted because the smallest little unimportant things could lead to a student being suspended.
+A28325	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	people should be judged by their actions not how the judge feels about them
+A28326	We should legalize prostitution	against	Legalizing prostitution won't do away with it, it will just make it more prevalent and will push more people to sell their body.
+A28327	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a vital rescourse which should be subsidised to keep it going.
+A28330	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	In a multi-party system, parties are more easily manipulated by the political agendas of different groups.
+A28331	We should legalize prostitution	against	the vast majority do not want to legalize prostitution and do not agree with the message that sends and the behavior that encourages, as  democracy we ought keep it illegal therefore
+A28332	We should ban targeted killing	against	a well-executed targeted killing is an important tool to prevent war and attacks and there's no reason to ban them.
+A28333	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regime should not be introduced as this will have a negative impact on  services which vulnerable people rely on such as benefits.
+A28334	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	we should introduce compulsory voting because people have a right to vote
+A28335	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban private military companies because they may not have the same ideas as our country does
+A28338	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	its their body minors should be able to do what they want, especially if its impacting their self image
+A28343	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos are bad for wild animals that need to live free
+A28345	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	people should be able to wear whatever they want.  a school uniform stunts students' creativity.
+A28346	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws are difficult to understand or conceptualize, so they are ineffective at preventing crime.
+A28348	We should ban fast food	in favor of	obesity is at epidemic levels. it effects everyone by overburdening medical providers and drives up everyone's insurance rates
+A28349	We should ban private military companies	against	the government cannot keep up with the supply and demand of our military and banning private military companies would prove to be detrimental by creating shortage of supplies.
+A28350	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	people should be free to use a computer trading program at their own risk
+A28353	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	enforcing property rights is almost impossible when companies in numerous countries do not enforce the rules very well such as china etc so it is easier just to abolish them
+A28354	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalists put their lives on the line when they report news from war zones, or shootings or natural disasters.
+A28355	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	there seems to be no harm to wanting to choose the sex of your baby, particularly if there are hereditary diseases which affect your family that could be stopped by choosing one sex over the other.
+A28356	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	they are the way of the future, and they decrease the amount of road accidents.
+A28361	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection will have devastating consequences for gender imbalance.
+A28362	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	The Olympic Games have become nothing more than political contests that spur controversy between countries.
+A28364	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	even if guns fall into the wrong hands, law abiding citizens should be allowed to protect themselves in whichever manner they feel safest with.
+A28366	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is unhealthy for us with its ingredients and the way its made
+A28368	We should limit executive compensation	against	Incentive to perform at the highest levels and attractiveness of position are important factors in maintaining a competitive and successful company in a fast moving and aggressive marketplace.
+A28370	We should ban fast food	against	banning fast food won't change anyone's diet because unhealthy choices will still be there
+A28371	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis can be used for a number of medical issues so making it legal will help with that
+A28372	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Atheism is a rational response to the world around us and a commonsense rebuttal to the mythology perpetuated by religion.
+A28373	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	freedom and liberty should be promoted for all to prevent tyranny and oppression. libertarianism is the most effective way of achieving this
+A28374	We should oppose collectivism	against	for the greater good of the whole community collectivism ensures everyone benefits, not just the few.
+A28376	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three-strikes laws prevent rehabilitation for those who have committed minor offensives such as substance abuse treatment that can prevent future criminal acts.
+A28377	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we shouldn't abolish the three-strikes law because it does give criminals a fair warning which is two chances of bad behavior and then if you do it again, you're no longer in society. violent crime is reduced
+A28379	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	many people who are not capable to drive, would be able to commute easily with autonomous cars
+A28380	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms level the playing field for students in terms of appearance which can help with bullying of children from lower income families.
+A28381	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	It should not be abolished, it is a tradition, it should be controlled but not removed
+A28382	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are the only way to force other countries to give up certain damaging actions by affecting a larger crowd that simply the government people.
+A28383	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	We should end mandatory retirement as it is ageist and outdated and people should be given the opportunity to work for as long as they feel able.
+A28386	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	zero tolerance can punish children unreasonably due to the lack of flexibility where a child could for instance be suspended just for bringing a rubber band into school which could be classed as a weapon.
+A28388	We should ban private military companies	against	military companies provide valuable expertise to supplement the armed forces
+A28389	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we should not ban algorithmic trading because computers are smarter than people
+A28390	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement serves a purpose. the job market would be crowded out by those past retirement leaving those entering the work force no jobs. that inceases poverty and throws the economy into chaos.
+A28392	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games put too much of a financial strain on host cities so they should be done away with
+A28393	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are not old enough to know the consequences and health risks of such surgeries.
+A28394	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	The technology developed for space exploration has also had uses in regular life -- subsidizing space exploration would also have positive trickle down effects.
+A28398	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work can be a tool to help those in poverty by giving them food, clothing and a better quality of life.
+A28399	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	why stop the development? sure delay releasing them to the public until the development is at a stage of safety that surpasses human driving but, there is nothing to be gained from stopping development
+A28400	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms because i think we have the proper government and people to take care of and protect us.
+A28407	We should abolish capital punishment	against	we should keep capital punishment because killers dont deserve to live. a life for a life.
+A28408	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution leads to human trafficing.
+A28410	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	with todays progression it only makes sense, then we wont insult people.
+A28411	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Older people should be forced to retire at a certain age because the world is steadily changed and their knowledge becomes outdated
+A28413	We should adopt atheism	against	people are guided by religion on how to conduct their live and its been around for thousands of years
+A28414	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives an unfair advantage to traders who can afford the best computers and internet connections -- i.e. those who are already rich.
+A28415	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	minors should be allowed to have procedures with parental permission
+A28418	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement discriminates based on age, not ability and should be ended
+A28419	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	the country has freedom of religion and the church of scientology is a form of religion.
+A28420	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	it allows control of the industry including paying of taxes and checks for stis
+A28422	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Ending mandatory retirement will help reduce the burden of older populations on state pension systems.
+A28423	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	Three strikes laws are perfectly constitutional since the punishment isn't unusual and they are proportional to frequency of crime if not intensity of criminal action.
+A28424	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	compulsory voting is not only ridiculous it would also be impossible to enforce.
+A28425	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	uniforms let students be on equal grounds and have them judge each other by character instead of wealth
+A28428	We should legalize cannabis	against	more industrial accidents, more injuries, and truancy rates as a result of  marijuana use will hurt businesses by causing loss of productivity
+A28430	We should abolish zoos	against	zoos are the only places many people will be able to get close and observe exotic animals - anything that serves to enhance humans' empathy and understanding of animals is worthy of support.
+A28431	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades are often have displays of almost naked people and sexual imagery.
+A28432	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	organ trade facilitates better health for those who can afford it and better financial outcomes for thouse who provide the organs, hence it should be legalized.
+A28433	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime would make for a more powerful and united country
+A28435	We should ban whaling	against	people's jobs depend on whaling, there is a whole industry which would be destroyed if whaling was banned, resulting in hardships for whole communities.
+A28436	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	embryonic stem cell research is playing god and is offensive to some religions.
+A28438	We should cancel pride parades	against	We should not cancel pride parades simply due to freedom of expression, any group can express themselves.
+A28440	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games are a big business where the only winners are the big capitalists
+A28442	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	dangerous items should not be allowed in schools because it is endangers the students and faculty and a strict punishment would help prevent these items from being brought.
+A28444	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is cruel and unusual
+A28445	We should legalize cannabis	against	Cannabis use is too often a gateway  to other harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin so should remain illegal.
+A28446	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	we live in a society which is diverse imposing collectivism on certain issues may go against some peoples beliefs.
+A28448	We should ban factory farming	against	we should not ban factory farming as it is the most efficient method of farming to produce enough food for the population.
+A28449	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment does not allow for people convicted wrongly, for whatever reason, and a posthumous innocence verdict does not make it any less inhumane
+A28450	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis is not addictive and has been shown to help with some illnesses and appears to be contributing to a decline in opioid abuse in areas where it is legal.
+A28451	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions affect the workers of the sanctioned countries and not the leaders
+A28452	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research could lead to massive scientific break through that could save millions of lives. funding this would mean the difference of life and death to many people.
+A28453	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	legalizing recreational marijuana will add billions to the economy, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and save limited police resources
+A28454	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
+A28455	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	zero-tolerance policy is too harsh not letting a way for even a minor fault. students are terrorized and are no more comfortable for studying
+A28458	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	inclusive language is the first step to creating a society where the lgbt community is not abused
+A28459	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	we should prohibit school prayer because religion has no business in school it should be at home and church only
+A28460	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms are often sexist, having different requirements for each gender.
+A28462	We should legalize sex selection	against	most people believe that sex selection is immoral and unethical and leads to serious societal issues.
+A28463	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Missionary workers often travel to foreign countries on false premises, such as to teach or provide aid. But they are really there to spread Christianity.
+A28465	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	people should be able to work as long as they want to.
+A28467	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning will lead to scientific advancements that will save lives and as such, should not be banned
+A28469	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer puts the students in the correct mindset and helps them to be more respectful and cooperative throughout the day.
+A28471	We should ban whaling	against	some tribes depend on whaling resources to survive.
+A28472	We should prohibit school prayer	against	prayer can bring students a moment of peace and tranquility to an otherwise hectic school day.
+A28473	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are the future. much safer than driving home drunk.
+A28475	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	target killing is just another word for assassinations which are against international laws.
+A28476	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation should be at the discretion of the company who employs them
+A28477	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos should be abolished because it is cruel and inhumane to cage animals.
+A28479	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is much more efficient and takes up much less space. should we switch, large amounts of habitat would have to be destroyed to accommodate. this would also increase the prices of meat.
+A28480	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	a man or woman has the right to do what they wish with their body, and if they choose to sell it for sex, the government should not interfere.
+A28481	We should legalize sex selection	against	we should not legalize sex selection because the sex we were assigned at birth is all that matters.
+A28482	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons have the potential to destroy the whole planet. abolishing them would mean that the world is a much safer place.
+A28483	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	as there are many genders out there today, not using  gender-neutral language excludes far more people than in the past.
+A28485	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer promotes conflict in the classroom and therefore should be prohibited
+A28486	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	individuals needs are more important than the group
+A28487	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	Some school uniforms are sexist, requiring girls to wear skirts only.
+A28488	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people have the right to freedom of religion and should be allowed to be part of the church of scientology as a constitutional right.
+A28489	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is a cult and can lead to abuse as it is not regulated or observed in the same way that traditional, longstanding religions are.
+A28491	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning is against many religions and can have disasterous results if we make a simple mistake. that clone would then have to live with that mistake forever.
+A28492	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	it is not scientifically necessary to use embryonic stem cells in research and some people believe their use is immoral and unethical.
+A28493	We should limit executive compensation	against	executives have a hard job and should be compensated for the high stress job they do
+A28494	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	The Olympic Games have become too controversial lately with politics, doping and other issues and should be banned.
+A28495	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis impairs the mind and can put others in potential danger (driving)
+A28496	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Mandatory retirement is age-based discrimination. It is discriminatory to assume that everyone who reaches the age of 65 or 70 is incompetent.
+A28497	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	kids should not be allowed to have cosmetic surgery.   they aren't mature enough yet.   this could be a mistake they regret all their life.   there's many risks involved as well with these procedures.
+A28498	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Missionary work has proven to be the undoing on many cultures which were too innocent to protect themselves from the wiles of the missionaries.
+A28499	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalizing prostitution prevents the spread of disease. when it is legal and regulated, health check ups are common place, thus preventing dangerous diseases to be spread throughout the population.
+A28500	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides a great utility to most if not all citizens and therefore it is just to subsidize it.
+A29002	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	gender-neutral pronouns won't catch on,  it is confusing to try and add a new pronoun to the lexicon when there are existing solutions already in place.
+A29005	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	all people should be able to decide what they want to do with their own bodies.  this includes minors as well.
+A29007	We should adopt atheism	against	religion gives people a belief if a better life
+A29008	We should ban private military companies	against	we shouldn't ban private military companies because in risk of national defense
+A29009	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniform policies enforce yet more financial burdens on parents, are often overpriced and only available in a select few outlets which act as supply monopolies.
+A29010	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	while at school the focus should be on learning. prayer is a distraction and unnecessary. why not just pray before school or after?
+A29011	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we need to take control of criminals and hold them responsible for their actions.
+A29012	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	Animals should not be kept in cages. They should be able to run free.
+A29013	We should legalize cannabis	against	we don't know the long term effects of cannabis use because there have never been adequate studies.  until there are scientific studies done to ensure long term safety, cannabis should not be legalized.
+A29014	We should end mandatory retirement	against	Mandatory retirement should be in place for careers that require good physical health, younger ages and good flexibility such as law enforcement or any first responder career.
+A29015	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we cannot infringe the right to free association, even when we don't agree with the organization.
+A29017	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	Human cloning is a bad science. this science will endanger the world since the cloned humans will have no parents, no rights and will behave in free-will.
+A29018	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we should not adopt gender-neutral language because using specific gender language should not have any specific meaning to a phrase.
+A29019	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will benefit the environment and will also help eliminate driver error in road accidents.
+A29022	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	in order that gender-neutral people feel comfortable and not exluded from society, gender-neutral language should be adopted.
+A29023	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	the right to bodily autonomy permits mothers to have abortions for sex selective purposes
+A29025	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Anyone who wants to sell an organ would be made fully aware of the risks involved, in which case they should be allowed to make that choice.
+A29026	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Capital punishment has historically been unfairly used more against minorities and the weak people in society, and I believe it's true today
+A29027	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	there are too many diverse political philosophies to be crammed into 2 parties
+A29029	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism has become nothing more than "fake news".
+A29030	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance.
+A29031	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	we are all responsible for doing our part in getting the books back in the black
+A29033	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	We should oppose collectivism because it elides the differences between groups and harms minorities.
+A29034	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning could give us a better understanding of the human body thus leading to medical breakthroughs.
+A29035	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games are a waste of money and time and should be abolished
+A29036	We should abolish capital punishment	against	knowing that capital punishment is allowed in more than 20 states in usa is a proof that kind of punishment could be productive.
+A29039	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	we should not adopt a zero-tolerance policy because it is too restricting and suppressing.
+A29041	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food is unhealthy, cheap and easy to find and it needs to be banned
+A29042	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	religion has been used as justification for many terrible things in the past. we should base our judgements only on what we know s true, and not what might be true.
+A29043	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades are too costly to the cities that hold them in terms of police protection and permitting
+A29044	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research could lead to the discovery of new medical treatments that would alleviate the suffering of many people
+A29045	We should adopt atheism	against	most people practice a religion so we shouldn't adopt atheism for such a small group of people that don't practice
+A29048	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are an effective tool and should be left as is
+A29050	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	it only takes one person in power to  start a nuclear war which could kill us all. we should take away this power.
+A29051	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms stunt young peoples' creativity.
+A29052	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons to ensure a safe future for our children and for generations to come.
+A29053	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution should be banned as still will reduce the dangers women face. legalizing prostitution will make religious people unhappy as this goes against their values.
+A29054	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors can easily get exploited and abused.
+A29057	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	i agree with you, many people do not want to retire, they want to continue trading, and they are forced to retire
+A29060	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement makes room in the workforce for younger more able bodied individuals to work.
+A29062	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	language always evolves and this is just the next step for it
+A29064	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery creates an unhealthy body image in media for children to try and conform to.
+A29065	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	it is unjust and discriminates against minorities
+A29069	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes may save a few bucks for the government but always at the expense of regular and vulnerable citizens.
+A29070	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalized prostitution is safer for both prostitutes and their customers
+A29071	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	Capitalism has empirically been shown to improve technology and drive innovation at a greater pace than economic systems that rely on collectivist practices.
+A29072	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	we should not fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because a country needs extreme power to show other countries to not mess with them.
+A29073	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	Telemarketing is a waste of time for all parties involved and  rarely results in a sale for the company doing the telemarketing and provides a disturbance in the lives of those who are called
+A29076	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism should be limited to the facts of the case rather than the prejudices of each judge otherwise there are different rules for different people which is not justice.
+A29080	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors are often merely puppets controlled by exploitative parents, and being thrust into the limelight at a young age often leads to maladjustment and emotional issues later.
+A29082	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work tries to inflict other's beliefs onto people in more vulnerable circumstances.
+A29083	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism is a justification for greed and exploitation
+A29085	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we should not ban the church of scientology because people should be able to be whatever religion they want
+A29087	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights should be abolished as it defies the rights of an individual who has created a conception that has proven successful of moving on to another company.
+A29089	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	subsidized embryonic stem cell research will advance medical science more rapidly than would otherwise be the case
+A29090	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming should not be banned as it allows for cost effective production of valuable and necessary food
+A29092	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement encourages renewal and revitalization in the workforce and so should be maintained.
+A29093	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	ending mandatory retirement is the right thing to help older people.
+A29094	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars reduce the impact of human error on the roads, thus saving lives.
+A29096	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	we should abandon the use of school uniform since one should be allowed to express their individuality by the clothes they were.
+A29098	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	it is a good way to instill discipline
+A29103	We should legalize prostitution	against	we do not want to encourage a sexualised society becoming more immoral and oppressive of women
+A29105	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketers is a good source of information about new products we could not be aware of.
+A29106	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	we should ban telemarketing there are a lot of telemarketers that are running scams just to steal peoples money
+A29107	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is a decision that a doctor and a patient makes, and we should not infringe on their choice.
+A29109	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	if someone is habitually offending, they deserve to be punished on the harshest level.
+A29111	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans are so unreasonibly expensive we need to help students with them.
+A29114	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is a fundamental right of a person to be able to  do what they want to their own body and the governmental should not be able to interfere with that right.
+A29115	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	this law keeps communities safe from career criminals
+A29116	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	scientology should not be banned because there is freedom of religion.
+A29119	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectvism is unfair to the world and is irrational
+A29120	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	why should we cater to the absolute minority and flip our whole language for trivial matters?
+A29123	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution is a crime against women and by legalizing it you are only reaffirming that women are just objects to be used by men.
+A29124	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	if people are denied the right to bear arms, they take away their right to feel protected, especially when your country shows that they are not capable of doing so.
+A29126	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	we should not ban cosmetic surgery for minors as they may be suffering from bulling because of this problem that could be solved with surgery.
+A29127	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	everybody, including minors, should have access to cosmetic surgery which help with self confidence
+A29130	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer should be banned as all students are not part of one single religion and should not be subject to the prayers of others and it singles them out.
+A29131	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading is unfair and used to  disrupt the real economy
+A29133	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	not everyone can be reformed.  some people are a danger to society, and two failed attempts at reform is far more than they deserve.
+A29134	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism allows poorly or misconceived legislation to be reconsidered
+A29135	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	Many child actors end up being exploited by the studios and even their own management and families.
+A29136	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing is a moral violation.
+A29138	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism focuses on the group as a whole and diminishes the rights of the individual.
+A29142	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	we should not subsidize embryonic stem cell research. we should not play god.
+A29143	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	it is not good economic policy and hurts the poor.
+A29144	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	only way to punish, to defend our society from threat countries is economic sanctions and that should be followed all the time.
+A29147	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	Economic sanctions are the only way that a country can be warned that we mean business, by harming their economy we can influence those in power to stop their damaging ways.
+A29148	We should adopt libertarianism	against	people need rules to maintain a civil society
+A29151	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis has many dangerous side effects, including hallucinations and respiratory issues.
+A29152	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights should be protected, as intellectual property is the same as physical property.
+A29153	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement allow new workers a chance
+A29154	We should limit executive compensation	against	Limiting executive compensation would deincentivise the most talented in the financial sector who would then go to work in other countries
+A29155	We should legalize prostitution	against	we should not legalize prostitution why do we have to do this are there any countries now that  made prostitution legal?
+A29156	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos work as educational centers and are not the cause of the extinction of animals, rather they help that this does not happen, that's why we should not abolish zoos
+A29158	We should legalize cannabis	against	Legalizing cannabis will increase recreational use which could lead to more car accidents caused by people driving while under the influence.
+A29159	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will increase the amount of traffic on the road
+A29160	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	scientology should not be recognized as a form of religion.
+A29161	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights should be abolished as it limits competitions and innovation.
+A29164	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	It is less likely for two party systems to have cooperation or coalitions based on extremist ideology.
+A29165	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning not only can aid in securing the longevity of a familial line but aid in research to target diseases that can find a cure.
+A29168	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	the marketing of organs could take a positive step since there are many people who die young of brain deaths could family members sell their organs would be something positive
+A29169	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	no single person should be compeled to give up their jobs due to certain things hence mandatory retirement is wrong.
+A29170	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer should not be prohibited because it allows students a period of quiet reflection that may help create the correct atmosphere for study
+A29172	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism can skew the law and make it unfair so we should limit judicial activism.
+A29173	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism leaves the poor and disadvantaged without protection from the rich and powerful
+A29174	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism as it will do away with religious intolerance and hatred, making the world a more peaceful and harmonious place
+A29176	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	there are not enough safe-guards that oversee private military companies from producing under-par products and they should be banned.
+A29177	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	banning organisations that happen to hold unorthodox views is a complete violation of free speech, and shouldn't be tolerated in a democracy.
+A29179	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity regimes are too restrictive, too many cuts and would not benefit the citizens of the united states.
+A29180	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	it has been shown that children are at a higher risk of dropping out of school if there is a zero-tolerance policy in place
+A29181	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies provide valuable security services, and can act as an overflow unit taking pressure from the regular army formations.
+A29185	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement is useful. creating a scheme in which old workers retired to give place to young workers permits to revive the economy and brings in fresh ideas and innovation
+A29186	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	austerity regime can help cities restructure
+A29187	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	we should adopt libertarianism because it helps many people
+A29188	We should limit judicial activism	against	judicial activism is necessary to determine outcomes of cases that are not black and white.
+A29190	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism because we can not prove that deities really do exist.
+A29191	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	many innocents have been killed as a result of capital punishment.  even one innocent killed is one too many.
+A29192	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms was a concept born in age-old frontier days, where violence and threats were widespread - it has no relevance now in a modern society, and simply perpetuates crime.
+A29193	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies take the pressure away from the regular military leaving them less thin on the ground.
+A29194	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	no one on earth has the right to sentence another individual to death
+A29195	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning, the ethical issues this practice would raise are impossible to manage
+A29196	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games are no longer a fair contest because many athletes use performance enhancing drugs
+A29197	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement ages are inconsistent with modern workplace practices and are contrary to the desire for age equality
+A29198	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting can help encourage better results during elections
+A29200	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	in practicing libertarianism we would adopt philosophical and financial customs that would improve our quality of life
+A29201	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming supports our large consumption of meat, and without it people would not be able to meet their demands for meat.
+A29203	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos offer an easy and  cheap way for people to see and learn about animals from all over the world.
+A29204	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	this law is unfair to those who's third crime is minor and thought should be given to changing the criteria of the third crime.
+A29205	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	we should abolish safe spaces as the appear to be worthless because the extremists always win out.
+A29207	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism necessarily means that individual freedoms will be reduced, so it does not make sense to adopt it.
+A29210	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	sanctions are good and they can put pressure on a country to make changes
+A29212	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	While society and the collective may be long lasting, individuals are only afforded a single life, and therefore should prioritize that over the lives of others.
+A29214	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	there's no need to ban algorithmic trading as it is a very good system for trading, leading to great gains for the investors.
+A29217	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	marijuana has numerous proven medical benefits.
+A29222	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are dangerous, more dangerous than a single person could ever be.  we're trusting a computer program to make life and death decisions.
+A29224	We should cancel pride parades	against	cancelling pride parades would make people less aware of the lgbt movement.
+A29226	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming causes untold unnecessary suffering to animals. they are too crowded, do not have room to move or even breathe properly.
+A29229	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	banning cosmetic surgery and obligatory because is harming our health and is not supportive from main western doctors. cosmetic surgery is all about money and nothing else.
+A29232	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executives get paid enough as it is, no need to give more
+A29233	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	Broad stroke policies like banning cosmetic surgery harm people in special circumstances who really need cosmetic surgery.
+A29235	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	college is not affordable anymore.  an education can cost more than a home.  paying money to some student loan bills allow graduates to prosper, buying homes and cars and supporting the economy.
+A29237	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis should be legalized because it's just a plant and making a plant illegal is just weird.
+A29238	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Missionaries expose indigenous people to deadly diseases.
+A29240	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Nuclear weapons can accidentally lead to radiation disaster.
+A29241	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	we should ban telemarketing since most would agree it is unwanted solicitation. if i am in the market for an item or service, i will contact the company. they should not be contacting me.
+A29243	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	Gun ownership only breeds more violence. Guns sold on the consumer market today are inexcusably far too powerful for mere self-defense purposes.
+A29245	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military compnaies do not have the dedication to uphold the lives of citizens, resulting in collateral damage of human lives.
+A29248	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	PROFITS FROM A COMPANY SHOULD BE DIVIDED BETWEEN ALL WORKERS NOT JUST MANAGMENT
+A29249	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is evil in all aspect of kid's life and should be banned by law and government across the world.
+A29250	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution is an inhuman, immoral and dangerous act
+A29252	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should subsidize student loans because it can help them manage future finances
+A29253	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we shouldn't ban the church of scientology because the religion rigths
+A29254	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	they accuse the factory farming of being cruel to the treatment of animals. the current demand demands high production methods, it would be cruel to be unable to satisfy the national demand.
+A29255	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender neutral language is a way to be more sensitive and politically correct in a modern society with a plurality of genders
+A29256	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	Algorithmic trading can be manipulated to artificially alter the price by a competitor, harming anyone who uses algorithmic trading.
+A29257	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	some people who overindulge with plastic surgery may have a mental illness and are on a pathway to self destructive behavior where they are never happy with their new changes
+A29262	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	kids should be kids and not put to work. especially when some roles can cause emotional trauma and lasting effects when children's understanding of real and fake is often blurred.
+A29264	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	if prostitution was legalized then the women in the profession would have legal recourse if they are treated badly by clients or those who employ them.
+A29265	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	it tends to more profitable and eliminates human error
+A29266	We should ban targeted killing	against	some people are evil and do no deserve to live
+A29268	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions should remain as it gives us a leverage against countries who don't obey the rules like  iran and north korea.
+A29269	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	they are a distraction from everyday life
+A29270	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is no more than a cult and can sometimes endanger the health of children.
+A29271	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	we should not ban cosmetic surgery for minors because they should have the freedom to express their beauty even if that means correcting it with surgery. it can improve their self-worth and happiness.
+A29273	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	we should not force parents with limited funds to buy a whole separate wardrobe for their children to go to school
+A29274	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is nothing but a nuisance and are a vehicle for scams
+A29275	We should subsidize space exploration	against	subsidizing space exploration is extremely expensive and takes money away from projects that need it now.
+A29277	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Legalizing prostitution would increase tax revenue for the government.
+A29278	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	as long as nuclear weapons exist, the entire world has to worry about nations deciding to fire them at another or terrorists getting hold of them and causing disaster
+A29284	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympics are unfairly biased in favor of those from industrialized nations who have the time and money to train full time
+A29286	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Nuclear weapons also provide a safety net for countries in case of an attack  and should not be banned.
+A29287	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero tolerance policies lead to better outcomes in schools
+A29288	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Because nuclear weapons kill indiscriminately and inevitably harm civilians, they can never be used as a legitimate or just weapon of war.
+A29289	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	too many people do not take responsibility for their part in democracy
+A29290	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	scientology is a cult that must be respected like the rest thanks to our religious freedom
+A29292	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis has medical benefits that could be used to give relief to people with chronic illnesses.
+A29294	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism is the maximum expression of freedom. the state should not be the one who decrees the way of life of citizens. libertarianism brings human, professional and economic growth
+A29296	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system would bring more choices for people to speak up and vote.
+A29297	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	we should end mandatory retirement because some people need to work longer to be able to support themselves and/or their families
+A29299	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	being too harsh creates a negative environment which is bad for children so there should be some flexibility to avoid a zero-tolerance policy in schools.
+A29300	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights prevent the free flow of information and innovation, and should be abolished.
+A29303	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three-strikes laws often lead to harsh punishments that do not fit their crimes
+A29305	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are a way for people to express their individualities and rights.
+A29308	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	stem cell research is our best hope in finding cures
+A29309	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	people have a right to bodily autonomy and should make their own decisions about their bodies
+A29312	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades should be allowed to continue as it allows people to celebrate diversity among human beings.
+A29314	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	subsidising wikipedia would open it up to outside influence and could result in a deterioration in the quality of the information as those subsidising it may want information changed to make it more positive
+A29315	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	we absolutely need a multi party system. the two party system is a failure. the entire country can't be  split in to only two categories. we need better representation of the people.
+A29317	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	having nuclear weapons available giving a country power in today politics and abolition of it is not a option.
+A29318	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	the organ trade should be legalized because it would result in the suppression of the black market for organs and therfore be safer for both donors and recipients
+A29321	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration provided scientific discoveries that were not thought of before
+A29322	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	those who produce intellectual projects have certain skills and abilities and should be able to profit from them
+A29323	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning as humans should not play god and it raises a moral issue.
+A29324	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	Gender neutral language can be very confusing and simply serves to emphasize the difference between those who consider themselves binary and those who do not
+A29330	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	the school uniform takes away bullying for those who cannot afford what is "in"
+A29331	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment could be applied to innocent people
+A29332	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	if a zero tolerance policy in schools is adopted, this will impinge on the rights of the pupils to challenge decisions they may deem unfair or unfit.
+A29333	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	we should adopt a multi-party system because we need more than one opinion to round out solutions.
+A29335	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	School prayer goes against the separation of the church and government. Prayers in schools only take us back to that time where we were subjugated by religious leaders.
+A29336	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	inconsistencies arise from private military companies working together and therefore it should be banned.
+A29338	We should legalize sex selection	against	Gender selection is an extremely expensive medical process.
+A29339	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery can involve complex, dangerous medical procedures which shouldn't be carried out for non-medical reasons.
+A29340	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement is necessary in some fields to let go of the older, more error-prone workers.
+A29342	We should end mandatory retirement	against	it makes it hard for young people to get a job because so many people still work when they could be retired and there would be more jobs available
+A29346	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are also one for the future since they operate itself they will encourage safe driving,parking,traffic.fuel efficiency will be adapted as well
+A29347	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	the penalties on not voting would bring backlash from the society
+A29350	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we would not be able to oversee their operations and prevent them from unethical activities.
+A29351	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	there is no place for embryonic stem cell research in modern society and he practice should not be encouraged through subsidization.
+A29355	We should legalize sex selection	against	sex selection is unnatural and goes against the view that it is up to god to decide the child one will have.
+A29356	We should legalize sex selection	against	allow the selection of sex could alter the natural order of things
+A29357	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	Zoos are too often a place of mistreatment and death for wild animals.  We should abolish them and move onto other conservation efforts.
+A29358	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	Gun violence is a huge problem and there are too many mass shootings.   If people didn't have guns many lives would be saved.  Less suicides would happen too as guns are just too easy to use.
+A29359	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism is a helpful belief, if everybody adopted it there would be no wars
+A29362	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	The governments has a duty to make sure the economy doesn't collapse in times of recession
+A29366	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration technology can lead to benefits here on earth. the ballpoint pen was invented by a space program and now people everywhere use them!
+A29368	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	Creating an industry out of nuclear technology also helps create nuclear energy plants, which reduce pollution and increase access to cheap energy.
+A29374	We should ban missionary work	against	if we don't ban missionary work, then more people will have jobs.
+A29375	We should legalize organ trade	against	the organ trade hurts impoverished people
+A29377	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	school uniforms make life so much easier. there's less for parents to buy, a lot can't afford name brand clothing. less bullying due to clothing. it's easier to get ready in the morning.
+A29378	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	this will help to establish cures for disabilities and diseases
+A29380	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms restrict students to make their own decisions and choices
+A29381	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades are a legacy of a by-gone time when equal rights for gay men and women was not on the horizon.
+A29383	We should ban missionary work	against	missionaries are just trying to spread positivity into the world.
+A29385	We should ban whaling	in favor of	Whaling should be banned because it is barbaric and over-killing is causing whales to become an endangered species.
+A29388	We should ban the use of child actors	against	if there are problems with kids and acting then just regulate it more and don't ban it completely
+A29389	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games bring tourism to the place hosting it and that can be very beneficial.
+A29390	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos serve to imprison animals and show them off for entertainment.
+A29391	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	we should cancel pride parades as we need to stop support single groups of people as it only causes more strife.
+A29392	We should adopt libertarianism	against	states needs laws and governing bodies, otherwise there could be anarchy. we should therefore not adopt libertarianism.
+A29393	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	by having a multi-party system people would be able to support parties with their values and the a larger party may adopt polices from the smaller one for support
+A29394	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors are often exploited by the film industry and should not be used
+A29396	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	some people are capable of working way beyond the retirement age and should be able to work and increase their retirement funds as long as they ant.
+A29397	We should abolish safe spaces	against	We should not abolish safe spaces because they don't harm anyone, since people are still free to speak their minds in all other settings, and this is a tiny imposition upon them.
+A29399	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms  take away the freedom of choosing what to wear and create even more problems  because students feel as if they already have limits
+A29401	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school prayer is exclusionary and should be abolished.  schools now have children of many different nationalities and faiths and they should not be forced to listen to prayer from another religion.
+A29402	We should adopt libertarianism	against	Libertarianism sounds good to those who are comfortable with their lot in life, but it perpetuates the gaps between the rich and the poor by minimizing and even eliminating assistance for the weakest in our society.
+A29403	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we are getting to the point where even children cannot go to school and be 100% safe - this has to be stopped.
+A29407	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	School uniform is adequate. It is useful for leveling people social position and for children concentration in class
+A29408	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is a dangerous sect we shall not allow anymore
+A29409	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	we should subsidize wikipedia as they have done a tremendous job pulling together a humongous database of facts.
+A29412	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	banning cosmetic surgery is like banning freedom of speech.
+A29413	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery encourages people to change things that don't need changing.
+A29414	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	we should because they are extremely dangerous.
+A29417	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	we should abolish zoos because it's cruel to keep wild animals in small enclosures and spaces just for our amusement.
+A29418	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	it's not right to be able to clone people because people might use clones for crime
+A29423	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cells can potentially save lives for many diseases such as diabetes
+A29424	We should adopt atheism	against	to adopt atheism would be to abandon the strength given by faith and the interesting differences of religions which create a more diverse world.
+A29426	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	they only harm the poorest people in society
+A29427	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	It is not worth the risk of cosmetic surgery just for people to look better.
+A29429	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons create unnecessary political tensions
+A29430	We should subsidize space exploration	against	there are more immediate needs here on earth, there's no reason to explore space.  we have to care for what we have already.
+A29431	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	the democratic process is all about freedom of choice, and voting should be a voluntary process too.
+A29432	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children need to be kids and get an education.
+A29436	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	zero tolerance policies don't allow for adminstrators to use their judgement to administer punishment
+A29437	We should ban private military companies	against	Private military companies provide weapons and other items needed by the military, without them, they would be ill equipped.
+A29438	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection should be allowed so that families can have children of the gender they desire without overpopulating in an attempt to gain the desires sex. selection would reduce births of an unwanted sex.
+A29439	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing is a useful marketing tool for companies to gain new customers.
+A29440	We should ban private military companies	against	private military companies can provide many security benefits within our country
+A29444	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is no different to any other kind of hunting which are not protested against.
+A29445	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Due to the benefits of striking first with a nuclear weapon in times of war, even small conflicts can escalate into world endangering conflicts.
+A29448	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	austerity only suppresses the economy and makes the situation worse and for a longer period of time
+A29450	We should subsidize journalism	against	Journalism would not remain independent if it received subsidies from the government.
+A29453	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars are a thing of the future
+A29455	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning could allow parents an opportunity to replace a dead child and baby with a new child that is the same. this would help them deal with their original loss.
+A29456	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	we need to stop changing everything to conform to the few people who are offended.
+A29458	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	we should adopt libertarianism because sometimes people need the government to help them make decisions that are best for them
+A29459	We should oppose collectivism	against	we should support collectivism, as everyone in the group benefits from this practice.
+A29460	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	no subsidy should be given to wilkpedia. it is part of the free enterprise system and can be supported by users and advertisers.
+A29461	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three strikes law punishes people to harshly for minor crimes. they shouldn't have to spend the rest of their lives in prison unless they are crimes that harm another person.
+A29462	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is basically taking the life of an unarmed, helpless person.
+A29464	We should oppose collectivism	against	with collectivism, more social programs are established, allowing the underprivileged to get the healthcare they deserve.
+A29465	We should limit executive compensation	against	executive compensation is one of the mechanisms of governments to cover salaries and benefits
+A29467	We should ban whaling	in favor of	Whales are sentient, intelligent creatures and as such, have a right to life.
+A29468	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	if a minor has a deformity or scarring, they should be able to have it corrected.
+A29469	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	The three-strikes law gives no room for mitigating factors to be considered, making our justice system a rigid one that does not allow for true justice.
+A29470	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	some people are not ready to retire at the mandatory age and want to keep working
+A29471	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	its a constitutional right, we cant just take that away from people.
+A29472	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we should not abolish the three-strikes laws but we could improve them so that people who have committed only a minor offence are not jailed for life.
+A29476	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism ensures that everybody is taken care of
+A29478	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	animals in zoos are miserable and confined.
+A29479	We should abolish zoos	in favor of	zoos hold animals in cages when they should be free
+A29481	We should ban telemarketing	against	if telemarketing was banned thousands of people would lose their jobs and many businesses would go bankrupt.
+A29482	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	it only needs one lunatic in charge of setting off the nuclear weapon to obliterate the entire world so surely if you take these weapons out of the equation, the world must be a safer place.
+A29484	We should ban whaling	against	whaling provides a lot of income for people that would then become unemployed if they couldn't do it anymore.
+A29485	We should legalize sex selection	against	we shouldn't because that should be decided naturally.
+A29486	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	criminals should be given a chance to reform, even if they committed the same crime multiple times.
+A29487	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three strikes law make it hard for those criminals who are trying to reform.
+A29488	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	we should not ban cosmetic surgery for minors as some minors are born with defects that could be corrected by these procedures.
+A29490	We should oppose collectivism	against	we accept collectivism because it leads to less conflict due to people thinking as a team instead of one person thinking about themselves and causing trouble
+A29491	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	there are too many gender conformities that we wouldnt be able to come up with gender-neutral language
+A29494	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	it could help reduce rape and sexual abuse of people and prostitutes and it could then be regulated.
+A29495	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism stops creativity and individual thought
+A29496	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	using capital punishment on prisoners is either the same or worse than any crime that they committed to end up there in the first place.
+A29497	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	nobody has the right to take another person's life no matter how evil that person may be.
+A29500	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	the three-strikes law serves as an effective deterrent and should not be abolished.
+A30001	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	Zero tolerance policies provide a consistent framework for discipline, to ensure that issues are treated with the gravity they deserve.
+A30002	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	As long as death penalty is kept, this confirms that our society is founded on violence, and that violence and brute force solve. This mindset perpetuates the circle of violence and doesn't allow to escape it.
+A30003	We should ban fast food	against	just because some people are overweight and unhealthy doesn't mean we need to ban fast food for everyone
+A30004	We should adopt atheism	against	you can not force a religion or lack there of on someone
+A30005	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	having safe spaces isolates groups of people instead exposing them
+A30006	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology was based on a science fiction novel and thus is not validated as a religion.
+A30011	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	The winner can be someone voted in to office by a very small percentage of voters.
+A30012	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	an autonomous vehicle can never be programmed to make an ethical decision if faced with a crash situation
+A30013	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions provide an easy way to protest and can easily be reversed when situations change.
+A30014	We should adopt atheism	against	there would be a decrease in morals and morality
+A30016	We should legalize prostitution	against	legalizing prostitution would only help the pimps. it would also increase demands and possibly human trafficking.
+A30022	We should cancel pride parades	in favor of	pride parades can be flash points for trouble and a magnet for extremist groups, and consume thousands of police hours to ensure safety.
+A30023	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation should be limited because it can be taxed as income
+A30024	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	everyone should take part in voting and making choices for our country.
+A30025	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is dangerous, too costly and causes a lot of damages to the body and the spirit of the undergoer
+A30028	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	people should be able to select the sex of the children so that they can balance their family the way they wish it to be.
+A30029	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we must provide oversight to companies that are overcharging for products and services and providing executive compensation above what is reasonable.
+A30032	We should subsidize student loans	against	student loans should not be subsidized just because people chose to go to colleges that we beyond their means.
+A30033	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	legalizing cannabis may cause fewer people to drink and smoke cigarettes which will lead to a healthier society
+A30034	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	prostitution should be legalized as this will allow women to be able to earn money from their services in a more safe way without worry about prosecution.
+A30037	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration isn't necessary so the money could go to much more useful things such as education for children and providing health care for people.
+A30038	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	it would make prices lower for consumers
+A30039	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	in many cases, the gender of the subject helps convey meaning
+A30040	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	In the Constitution, we have the right to keep and bear arms and we can't have that taken away,.
+A30041	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology promotes dangerous pseudoscience based on a science fiction book.  it has no redeeming value, and should be banned.
+A30044	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work in other countries can prove to be dangerous to the missionaries and their families.
+A30045	We should abolish capital punishment	against	it would save taxpayers from paying for a person to have a room and food for the rest of their natural life if thats their sentence.
+A30050	We should legalize cannabis	against	cannabis use leads to the use of other drugs.
+A30051	We should prohibit school prayer	against	just as those who wish not to pray, the ones that want to pray should have that option.
+A30054	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing allows groups and governments to remove their enemies and terrorists without the need for a full scale war, this will save lives and must be beneficial.
+A30056	We should limit judicial activism	against	we should not limit judicial activism because judges have better knowledge of the laws than juries do
+A30057	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	over sensitive people will be offended if we don't.
+A30058	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivity, a group of people can get far more done than individually.
+A30059	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	people have a right to believe in anything they want to. even though some people are very sceptical of this so called church, society still has a right to practice whatever religion they choose.
+A30060	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	we have the right to practice whatever religion we want and the church of scientology is a form of religion.
+A30061	We should subsidize student loans	against	no need to subsidize student loans, people can access education by using their own money and time
+A30062	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism focuses on the individual and personal responsibility in making their own decisions
+A30063	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	they are not yet ready to be on the roads, they could be very dangerous.
+A30064	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is an efficient solution to food supply problems.
+A30065	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeting killing takes the lives of innocent people that are in the wrong place at the wrong time
+A30066	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons should be retained as they act as a deterrent and ensure world peace
+A30070	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	We should ban targeted killing as it just legalized murder and should not be allowed.
+A30072	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is unsolicited and often unwelcome
+A30073	We should subsidize space exploration	against	space exploration is not yielding anything useful to society and should not be subsidized.
+A30075	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school is not the place to practice religion since it is run by the state.
+A30076	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Administering lethal injection violates the Hippocratic oath of doctors.
+A30078	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we live in a modern world where men and women should have the same opportunities.  many sexists words like anchorman for example give the impression that jobs are only for certain sexes.
+A30079	We should ban private military companies	against	it should not be prohibited, i think that the military also has the right to set up their businesses and companies
+A30081	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	is a herbaceous species of the cannabaceae family, also called marijuana, which occasionally has medicinal use
+A30082	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	multi-party systems should not be allowed as it only causes a no win-win situation when the other parties can not agree upon a situation.
+A30083	We should ban missionary work	against	We should not ban missionary work because some countries do need help in term of educations, health and spiritual needs.
+A30084	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	due to the obligations of the students it is sometimes difficult to get a job, we must help them pay their loans so that they do not leave school
+A30085	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing can help remove terrorist and other similar threats without having to involve large numbers of people. targeted killing can reduce casualties and provide a better outcome than all out war.
+A30086	We should abolish capital punishment	against	if someone is guilty of heinous crimes it is only fair that they suffer the consequences
+A30090	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Murder is immoral, even when done by a legal system, and capital punishment is just murder.
+A30091	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	organ trade should be legalized to help meet the demand of patients waiting for a life saving transplant
+A30092	We should adopt a multi-party system	against	it can become confusing when voting on a multi-party system
+A30094	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Atheism as a standard should be the default for all governments as belief in mythologies should be a private matter left to the individual.
+A30095	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	it would allow more voices to be heard and more choice.
+A30096	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people should have the right to not vote.
+A30099	We should ban factory farming	against	Factory farming allows for food to be produced at a lower cost than would be possible using other methods.
+A30101	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	in tough economic times it is critical to increase consumer spending and demand. this cannot be done through an austerity regime.
+A30102	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	this will lead to fewer unwanted children and improve parental satisfaction
+A30105	We should abolish safe spaces	against	we should not abolish safe spaces because they help many people
+A30106	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions provide a necessary alternative to military action when dealing with foreign countries who maybe abusing their power.
+A30107	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	it allows others to steal and profit from someone else's creation.
+A30108	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we have the most guns per capita in the developed world and the highest level of gun violence
+A30109	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism provides a needed check on the government.
+A30110	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	we shouldn't ban algorithmic trading because it can stop risky bid due to human emotions interfering
+A30111	We should ban whaling	against	there should be no difference between killing one animal and another. if it is acceptable to kill a cow it should be acceptable to eat a whale.
+A30112	We should cancel pride parades	against	we live in a country of freedom of speech and this is embodied in the celebration of diversity such as pride parades.
+A30113	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	we should not  introduce compulsory voting because in a democracy people should be free to choose their own actions.
+A30115	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	if a company created something, we shouldn't just let everybody else copy them
+A30118	We should limit executive compensation	against	they are at the top and should be able to make as much as possible.
+A30119	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we ought to subsidize journalism to get young people interested in the field
+A30121	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	all crimes are not equal with thee strikes laws murder is the same as jay walking. each crime should include a number of factors and not just an arbitrary number.
+A30123	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment can put innocent lives at risk
+A30125	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	subsidizing journalism would help crowd out the every increasing false news market. if the false news market could not compete with legitimate news, less people would be exposed to dangerous false news.
+A30127	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions help keep dangerous regimes in check
+A30129	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars will allow the disabled, elderly and visially impaired to have mobility and maintain independence.
+A30130	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	the school uniform is outdated and does not affect student's work
+A30134	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are a support mechanism to allow gay people to feel that they are not alone and can be proud of who they are.
+A30135	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we should subsidize space exploration to find what information is available in our solar system.
+A30136	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	it is the right of the people to defend themselves, even with the use of deadly force.
+A30138	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	algorithmic trading uses computers to analyze vast amounts of data to provide the best decisions in a way that humans are not capable of.
+A30139	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	the three-strikes laws helps deter people from committing further crimes
+A30140	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	selective murder should be prohibited is something scandalous for society and nobody has the right to order the death of another person
+A30146	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors should not get plastic surgery because they are not old enough to make the decision nor have their bodies fully developed.
+A30147	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi party system allows far better choices for the diverse population, meaning they can find someone to vote for that they truly believe in and participate in a democracy better
+A30148	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	the use of school uniforms can eliminate many social issues among students.
+A30149	We should ban human cloning	against	cloning could prevent defective genes from being passed
+A30150	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation has to be limited to permit the company to show a profit
+A30151	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	stem cell research may offend religious individuals
+A30154	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people have the right to abstain from voting, especially among the disabled
+A30156	We should adopt libertarianism	against	we should not adopt libertarianism because left on their own many people would make a choice that adversely effects their lives without weighing all the consequences.
+A30157	We should cancel pride parades	against	all are made to feel welcome and included in pride parades
+A30158	We should subsidize journalism	against	subsidizing everything a person does can drain the pocket overtime.
+A30159	We should legalize prostitution	against	it should be abolished, not encouraged.
+A30160	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalizing organ trade will help people looking for a specific organ to find it easier.
+A30162	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning is just a step in the natural progression of science
+A30163	We should legalize organ trade	against	legalizing the organ trade would encourage illegal ways of procuring organs for the profit
+A30165	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Nuclear weapons do not only cause immediate devastation, but also long term radiation poisoning that can result in cancers and other diseases for any survivors of a nuclear blast, which is cruel and unacceptable.
+A30166	We should ban the Church of Scientology	against	everyone has the right to follow whatever religion they want regardless of how strange it may seem to outsiders.
+A30168	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because they don't have the mental capacity to make a life changing decision.
+A30169	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	it will give a stronger representation of the electorate.
+A30170	We should ban fast food	against	People should have the choice and a little fast food as part of a balanced diet is not harmful.
+A30171	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	people should not be forced to vote any more than they should be forced to have insurance or be fined for the lack of.
+A30172	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is mass food production at a more economical pace which allows us to feed more people faster.
+A30173	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	The nature and  methods of execution used around the world only continue to perpetuate the cycle of violence
+A30174	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions do very little to "teach a lesson" and instead hurt the innocent civilians of the country.
+A30177	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is a choice between a doctor and a patient, and laws should not be made that infringe on those choices.
+A30180	We should ban factory farming	against	we want cheap food that is readily available at a reasonable price. these methods are cost cutters.
+A30181	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	we should ban algorithmic trading because trading on such a large scale across many markets can increase the financial risk and has been blamed for market crashes.
+A30182	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games provide the opportunity for people from all countries to meet each other and learn about people from other places.
+A30184	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms was designed in an era of muskets and bows. these weapons today are much more machine like and ought not be allowed in society.
+A30185	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	too many people drive dangerously. an autonomous car would prevent someone from driving drunk or texting and driving.
+A30186	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Subsidizing journalism can create jobs, thus lowering unemployment.
+A30189	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we should subsidize journalism because it's a job market that's needed and financially in trouble because of free online news sources.
+A30190	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	we must protect ourselves and these weapons allow us to
+A30191	We should ban missionary work	against	Banning missionary work would constitute a religious act by non-religious people and would therefore be hypocritical.
+A30192	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	the development of autonomous cars is dangerous and removes human control
+A30194	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights get in the way of sharing information.
+A30195	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing should be banned because no one should be specificaly tracked down and killed when they don't know it.
+A30196	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology should be banned, as it is a fraudulent religion that controls its members and was started purely as a social experiment by a con man
+A30197	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	for a parent to basically sell their child out as labor for their own purposes is wrong.  children should be allowed to grow up in a normal environment.
+A30198	We should limit executive compensation	against	the only way to hire the best and brightest executives is to keep giving them larger compensation packages.
+A30199	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution should not be legalized as it is an unclean profession
+A30200	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	school shootings are at an all time high and abolishing this right is only necessary
+A30201	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	The death penalty leaves everyone involved in the criminal justice system with residual guilt and trauma over sending someone to their death.
+A30204	We should cancel pride parades	against	pride parades are a form of expression and should be given the same consideration as any other type of parade.
+A30205	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	by eliminating the circulation of arms we will reduce violence and prevent crimes
+A30206	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	against	we should not abolish the three-strikes laws because the criminal deserves what they did and justice must be done unto them
+A30207	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketers exist only to scam people out of their money. they lie and use dishonest marketing tactics to get consumers to bend to their will.
+A30209	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement allows new workers to take the place of older workers that are past their prime and just need to retire.
+A30210	We should prohibit school prayer	against	school prayer adds structure to a students life and enables them to display their beliefs.
+A30211	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	banning all cosmetic surgery for minors is not the way we need to go.  there are too many reasons a minor might need it done, such as injury or deformity.
+A30213	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing is a tool that allows the military to accomplish their objectives.
+A30214	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation overlooks those that helped to increase the work vitality of an executive and do not receive compensation even if they have done all the work.
+A30215	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	it is important to reduce government spending so that money is available for other vital amenities such as the police force etc.
+A30216	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance policy should be adopted to teach children disciplined and to help prepare them for a life where rules apply.
+A30218	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	some illnesses are inherited by one gender or another, sex selection would enable these families to have a child without this illness, it would also result in fewer abortions of children who are the wrong sex.
+A30220	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors are robbed of their childhood.
+A30221	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Capital punishment has no deterrent effect on crime,
+A30222	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	legalized sex selection would help couples prepare for the birth of their baby
+A30223	We should legalize prostitution	against	prostitution is harmful and degrading to women and by legalizing it you are only reinforcing the stereotypes that already exist
+A30224	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	some people don't care about voting and if required would just pick random choices, which could have disastrous consequences.
+A30226	We should ban fast food	against	people should be allowed to eat what they want
+A30227	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	all services have to be paid for, and until the defecit has been reduced, too much money is being wasted on interst payments. once debts have been reduced, that money will be availbale for services.
+A30228	We should end mandatory retirement	against	We should not end mandatory retirement because the world is already over-populated and people need to retire so that others can back-fill their jobs.
+A30229	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	many people could pay long sentences for nonviolent crimes
+A30231	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	nuclear weapons lead to poor wellbeing in people due to stress and worry of destruction
+A30232	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	mandatory voting is the best way to ensure that elected officials truly reflect the will of the people.
+A30233	We should adopt atheism	against	we should not adopt atheism as the this is removing peoples right to their own beliefs and religious freedom
+A30234	We should ban factory farming	against	we shouldn't ban factory farming because it can help improve the economy
+A30235	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis is considered a soft drug and has been shown to be successful in the treatment of range of mental and physical illnesses. legalizing it reduces the criminality associated with its distribution
+A30238	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	everybody is entitled to an opinion and everybody has different ones. it isn't fair to punish someone based on something other than the law.
+A30239	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	i agree that we should ban telemarketing as it is a nuisance and is often unable to be differentiated from scammers
+A30240	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors grow up to struggle with drugs, alcohol and low self esteem problems
+A30241	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is irreversible, there are too many miscarriages of justice to justify retention of the penalty.
+A30242	We should abolish zoos	against	animals kept in captivity are quite often better looked after than animals in the wild they have better medical and dental treatment than a lot of humans and can live longer than in the wild
+A30243	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the olympic games inspires people around the world to take up sport and live healthier lives.
+A30245	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	against	Embryonic stem cell research is unethical because it uses the bodies of unborn babies.
+A30247	We should adopt atheism	against	we should not adopt atheism because everyone has the right to believe in god if they so choose.
+A30248	We should subsidize student loans	against	higher education is not an inherent right. if someone wants to go to college, they should pay for it. the burden shouldn't simply be put on taxpayers instead.
+A30249	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	this would be a great way to allow blind people to be independent
+A30250	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	students from schools with active zero tolerance policy have occasionally blurted about how the policy infringes on their rights and how teachers use the policy as an excuse to deal with them.
+A30251	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism allows for the decrease in religious discrimination and would maintain equal practices to insure that peole are treated equally with the shared lack of religious faith.
+A30252	We should ban fast food	against	people have the right to eat anything they would like.
+A30253	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	it is not right that christians should  force their message on poorer, more vulnerable people.
+A30255	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	organ trade is excellent way to continue the process to help more people who are in need of a new organ, a "pay it forward" concept and should be legal
+A30256	We should ban fast food	against	Fast food provides a cheap and consistent meal for many people who see it as an occasional meal or treat and this should not be restricted because others cannot make good dietary choices.
+A30257	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons serve as a deterrent for other nuclear countries through mutually assured destruction
+A30258	We should ban private military companies	against	Without private military companies, the military would be ill equipped and not able to get the tools they need,
+A30259	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	for multiple reasons the right of intellectual property should not be abolished since it gives others the participation of making their intellect known and putting it into practice in various activities
+A30260	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	we should ban human cloning because we could all end up with designer babies and everyone will be the same.
+A30262	We should ban human cloning	against	human cloning can provide a lot of advancements to medical science. to ban it out of some knee-jerk fear is to deny ourselves all of these potential great advancements
+A30263	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	against	the freedom to bear arms has always been a basic right in this country.  people have the right to protect themselves.
+A30264	We should ban algorithmic trading	against	this should not be banned as it makes trading easier and simpler.
+A30266	We should ban fast food	in favor of	Fast food is detrimental to our health and spiritual wellbeing, especially to our children and it should be banned for the greater good of mankind.
+A30270	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies provide violence - or threat of violence - for money, are poorly regulated and subject to endless accusation of corruption and bribery.
+A30271	We should abolish safe spaces	against	these do not harm to anyone. safe spaces can empower young people and protect them. the world is harsh enough, why not allow a little bit of harmless peace?
+A30272	We should ban fast food	against	we should not ban fast food as it is cheap and convenient making busy modern day life easier.
+A30276	We should introduce compulsory voting	against	in a democracy people have a right to choose not to vote
+A30277	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is pointless.  it caters, not to the whole, but to the loudest in a group.  that leaves so many out.
+A30278	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	relying on computers to do all this trading for us could lead to technical issues, hacking, or other problems that could lead to a total market crash.
+A30279	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Capital punishment can provide more catharsis for victims than life in prison.
+A30281	We should end mandatory retirement	against	mandatory retirement means that there opportunities for younger people become available regularly and people retire  before they become inefficient at their jobs.
+A30282	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	people would not fight over religion if we just got rid of it.
+A30283	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	as many people's views don't fall in line with the two large parties, we can't say the current system is truly representative.
+A30284	We should subsidize space exploration	against	the money spent on subsidizing space exploration could be better spent on other things that help all of society
+A30286	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions are useful to stop bad actions.
+A30287	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	against	nuclear weapons development leads to other non-combative discoveries, such as nuclear energy.
+A30288	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	the use of child actors should be banned because child actors end up having more money than they know what to do with and thus misuse it.
+A30289	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing makes us safer by eliminating threats to our country and safety
+A30290	We should ban telemarketing	against	on rare occasions they can have a benefit, possibly the elderly  can benefit as they are less familiar with the internet.
+A30293	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights ensure that people or companies can make profits from what they have spent much time and effort in creating.
+A30294	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Don't let anyone fool you with talks about deterrence and so-called "nuclear peace" - weapons are made to kill, this is their sole purpose. And nuclear weapons are made to kill millions! They are pure evil.
+A30296	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	couples should be able to select the sex of their child since some may only want boys or may want girls.  they may also already have more then one child of a certain sex and want the other sex next time.
+A30299	We should ban whaling	against	whale meat is part of the traditional cuisine of many cultures, and is simply another form of fishing - simply the case of coastal communities consuming what is available to them.
+A30300	We should ban human cloning	against	Human cloning should not be banned as at may prevent the study and advance of medical science.
+A30302	We should ban fast food	against	people have the free will to choose what they want to eat regardless of how unhealthy it is
+A30303	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning lets people play god.
+A30304	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	they cost too much money and we waste too many resources on the olympics.
+A30305	We should ban private military companies	against	we should not ban private military companies as the national military is not able to perform smaller operations and should not be taken away from their national duties and responsibilities.
+A30306	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	more people would be able to get into journalism and there would therefore be more news stories available.
+A30308	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language because it will stop people from being offended from misidentifying them
+A30310	We should oppose collectivism	against	collectivism utilizes the best from many sources
+A30311	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	the technology in autonomous cars is unproven and still unsafe, it has already resulted in multiple deaths. automatic cars should be banned from public roads immediately to stop further casualities.
+A30312	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	Trigger warnings are sufficient in preventing someone from reliving trauma in the vast majority of instances, and therefore we should abolish safe spaces to maximize free speech.
+A30313	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	subsidizing wikipedia would lead to bias in its articles and slanted information
+A30314	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism does not allow for individual enterprise and it stifles entrepreneurism.
+A30315	We should abolish the Olympic Games	against	the games are a good way to bring nations together in a sense of fun and friendly competition.
+A30316	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming brings more food to the table at lower prices
+A30317	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	minors sometimes, unfortunately been involved in car crash and when such a surgery is mandatory, there is no other way.banning surgery for minors, generally will be redicilous.
+A30319	We should ban the use of child actors	against	many films and television shows have child roles which could only be filled by children. as long as the children are protected it means that the finished product will have higher artistic integrity.
+A30320	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	we as a nation have been able to spend and borrow far too freely and that has caused nationally.
+A30322	We should cancel pride parades	against	we should not cancel pride parades because they have the right to celebrate too.
+A30323	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	against	we should not adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools because some of the teachers would misuse the policy
+A30324	We should limit judicial activism	against	check-balancing government use of power in a democracy is what makes democracy the better governing form. judicial activism will limit government overuse of its power
+A30326	We should abolish safe spaces	against	we all need to feel we have a refuge so it is critically important that we have safe spaces.
+A30327	We should ban telemarketing	against	telemarketing allows consumers to hear information about products they might might not otherwise have the opportunity to learn about.
+A30329	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing allows for prime targets and organizers of terror with ingrain beliefs that result in deadly consequences and should be assassinated for protection of lives.
+A30330	We should ban targeted killing	against	targeted killing should not be banned as the government has the intelligence and knowledge to knowingly destroy a threat without destruction of many persons or communities.
+A30332	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is a way of masking what may be deeper rooted psychological problems
+A30333	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	Using child actors only makes them more susceptible to drug use later on.
+A30334	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	by adopting general-neutral language usage we send a clear message to children growing up that life is not segregated or determined by one's sex.
+A30335	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	adopting atheism would eliminate the bickering between religious groups
+A30336	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three-strikes law should be abolished. each convicted crime should be punished individually.  it isn't right to judge a person solely on their criminal history.
+A30337	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniform is unaffordable for many single parents and should be abandoned.
+A30338	We should adopt libertarianism	against	libertarianism is a cruel and short-sighted view. it leads to greater inequality and an unempathetic society.
+A30340	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading is computer based and does not allow for any type of inspiration in trading.
+A30341	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	some severe birth defect can be fixed by cosmetic surgery and these people have a right to live their life without the stigma of their  disformity tormenting them for their entire life.
+A30343	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	there is too much controversy surrouding the olympics such as doping, causing conflict among countries and thus, should be banned
+A30344	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	Safe spaces foster echo chambers of one-sided conversations, thus increasing a group's own intolerance and biases.
+A30345	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children shouldn't be in the eye of the public all the time and banning child actors would enable all children to grow up out of the spotlight.
+A30346	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research has the potential to help cure some of the most devastating diseases
+A30348	We should ban factory farming	against	factory farming is a cheaper way to produce large quantities of food
+A30349	We should abolish intellectual property rights	against	intellectual property rights are important as it  gives economic incentive for their creation and helps to stimulate innovation and contribute to the technological progress of countries.
+A30350	We should adopt gender-neutral language	against	there is no need to adopt gender-neutral language because people should be addressed with appropriate genders.
+A30352	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Minors with cosmetic surgery are less likely to be able to properly take care of the surgical sites, making them more prone to infection afterward.
+A30353	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	it is still too early to allow autonomous cars to move freely
+A30357	We should limit executive compensation	against	the compensation to executives is a subject that only competer the companies and not the government. in the market of free competition that we have, it should be like this
+A30358	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	we should ban the church of scientology because  scientologists become hostile toward anything that is critical toward the religion
+A30359	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	we should not adopt an austerity regime because it will affect the general populations tremendously, severe recession and many other problems
+A30360	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism should not be subsidized because subsidies could too easily be allotted according to political beliefs.
+A30361	We should end the use of economic sanctions	against	economic sanctions provide security and ensure that citizens are treated fairly.
+A30362	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is an invasive nuisance, and is a platform for many types of fraud.
+A30363	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	having a mastectomy is devastating to many women and having the chance to look normal again is needed in society
+A30364	We should abolish safe spaces	against	there needs to be places where in the world where bias and recrimination does not exist. people need a safe space so they are not bothered by prejudice and bias.
+A30365	We should ban missionary work	against	missionary work does not cause any harm as long as proper education is present on both sides.
+A30366	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	The three-strikes law  should be abolished and the punishment should always fit the crime so if the third crime is petty then they should have a minimal sentence or fine rather than prison terms.
+A30367	We should abandon the use of school uniform	against	Having school uniforms doesn't infringe on free speech since students can exercise that right in other ways.
+A30368	We should abolish capital punishment	against	Capital punishment is more humane than other extreme punishment like permanent solitary confinement or guard abuse.
+A30369	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Since prison's radicalize more than they rehabilitate, three strikes laws end up creating more re-offenders by putting people away for longer in an environment that radicalizes them.
+A30371	We should subsidize space exploration	against	the money used on space exploration could be used on alternative initiatives such as an health and combating poverty.
+A30373	We should ban fast food	against	in a fast paced society a quick meal is a blessing
+A30375	We should subsidize journalism	against	journalism should be subject to the same market forces as everything else
+A30376	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism reduces the oppression of big government and gives more freedom to the pople
+A30377	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we should because we can still learn so much about space.
+A30378	We should ban cosmetic surgery	against	cosmetic surgery is important for health issues such as people who have been born with a cleft palate.
+A30379	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	organ trade would help save thousands of lives every year.
+A30381	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	we should legalize prostitution because freedom should be absolute. if i wish to make money having sex, i should have that right. having it legal will reduce the violence and increase safety.
+A30382	We should adopt atheism	against	People should be allowed to choose how to believe freely and not forced to accept the beliefs of atheism.  Each person has a mind and can make their own decision and should be allowed the freedom of choice.
+A30383	We should ban whaling	against	whaling is profitable for the people that do it and would result in a loss of income and tradition.
+A30386	We should abolish zoos	against	some animals would be extinct if it weren't for zoos
+A30388	We should adopt an austerity regime	against	we should not support the austerity regime because it takes away from programs that are most needed such as feeding children.
+A30389	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	adopting a zero-tolerance policy helps to combat violence and drug abuse in schools
+A30390	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	against	autonomous cars  are the future of road transport and can help people drive in a safer way and even relaxing while using them.
+A30392	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	people have the right to live their lives in any way they choose and the government doesn't have the right to tell adults what they can put in their own bodies
+A30394	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	against	Small, harmless cosmetic surgeries can do a lot for increasing a child's confidence and productivity.
+A30396	We should subsidize student loans	against	subsidizing student loans would allow access to funds above the means of the student and the financial consequences in the future, including higher interest rates would be financially detrimental.
+A30398	We should subsidize Wikipedia	against	wikipedia is a very unreliable source of information. many schools do not allow wikipedia to be used as a valid source for term papers.
+A30400	We should abolish zoos	against	Zoos are places that protect and breed animals that would otherwise become extinct.
+D01011	We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement	in favor of	Due to the inactive lifestyle and stressful lives, many people are getting lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, etc. Fit India Movement can encourage people to consume healthy food and maintain physical and mental fitness.
+D01012	We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement	in favor of	With high-quality advertisements and marketing practices, junk food manufacturers are manipulating children to buy their foods. This Fit India Movement will make children think about the negative consequences of junk food. As a result, this movement will encourage children to consume healthy food.
+D01013	We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement	in favor of	Some parents put too much stress on children to study. They send their children to tuition after school or just make them sit to do homework forgetting the importance of free time to play. This movement has the potential to change their minds and as a result, they may encourage their children to go out and play.
+D01014	We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement	in favor of	This movement has the potential to make more people embrace traditional Indian martial art forms like Kathi Samu, Musti Yudha, etc, and traditional dance forms and also healthy Indian snacks. And as a byproduct, this may result in creating some jobs.
+D01015	We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement	against	The motivation to maintain fitness should start from childhood. But in India, many schools lack playgrounds. Lack of playgrounds may push children to turn to inactive lifestyles.
+D01016	We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement	against	‘Fit India Movement’ may not reach the people of below poverty line. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, both physical activity and nutritious food are necessary. But in India, still many people are malnourished and some people do not have access to safe drinking water. So, without solving the issue of poverty and lack of access to affordable nutritious food, a section of people in India will not be able to take advantage of this movement.
+D01017	We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement	in favor of	Some people are already focusing on fitness. We can observe this with the increasing number of fitness startups. But that is a small proportion of people. Generally, many people want to maintain an active lifestyle, but all they need is some encouragement. So, this movement constantly reminds people to focus on fitness goals just like Swachh Bharat reminds us of the importance of keeping our surroundings clean.
+D01026	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	Since the invention of machines, the value of workers is decreasing. They are made to work to support the machines. As a result, work revolves around machines and not humans. Workers are forced to work continuously along with the machine. 
+D01027	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	People are now engaging in trolling and cyberbullying. Hiding behind devices is giving them the courage to harass other people, which they may not do face-to-face. This is the deterioration of moral values.
+D01028	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	Some companies are building strategies to use their apps for a longer time, to keep us addicted to their apps and devices so that they can show advertisements to us. And also they can use our data to manipulate our decisions for their profits. These strategies are turning humans into just targets.
+D01029	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	Industrialization increased work hours. Workers faced inhuman conditions. Humans cannot work and focus continuously like machines. Fast forward to today, we have technological devices to check how many hours we actually work. Some companies want to be connected 24 hours a day through emails and messages. This makes people feel less human.
+D01030	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	Our decision-making skills are also getting affected as we are now asking search engines to know what is best. We are depending on the knowledge base of the internet even at offices to finish the work at hand. This affects cognitive skills ( to think, read, learn, remember, and reason), which is an essential quality of humans.
+D01031	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	Many face-to-face communications are also replaced with virtual interactions. Many people are now living in virtual homes, which is the smartphone. As the need for talking with each other is reducing, the ability to communicate with each other which is a basic quality of living beings is declining.
+D01032	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	We are increasingly depending on technological devices to guide us. For example, we keep reminders on smartphones and google the questions for answers. We are outsourcing the activities that require intelligence to technology. Thinking, remembering things, and analyzing are essential qualities of humans. Too much dependence on technology is making us less human.
+D01033	Technology is making us feel less human	against	Using technology, people are maintaining and improving relationships with their friends, family, and relatives. Many people are also connecting with each other to help the needy and inspire each other. So, now we have better tools to build human connections.
+D01034	Technology is making us feel less human	against	Technology is enabling us to work from home. This facility is helping employers to be more understanding towards employees. Many companies are now adding elements to work culture with the help of technology to make employees feel important.
+D01035	We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism	against	This bill gave exclusive powers to the ‘National Investigation Agency’ (NIA). NIA can take any person into their custody under UAPA without taking prior permission from the state government. This is against the federalism, which is guaranteed by the constitution of India.
+D01036	We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism	against	Labelling organisations as terror organisations and labelling individuals as terrorists are quite different. If a person is named as a terrorist, he/she will face social exclusion and will be devoid of livelihood opportunities even if he/she proved otherwise. The consequences will be irreversible. For example, in 2016 alone 67% of the cases ended in acquittal, which means they are probably innocent.
+D01037	We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism	against	If someone is booked under UAPA, the burden of proving their innocence is on them. This new amendment is enabling the government to seize their properties. Then how will they pay for legal expenses to prove their innocence, if they are falsely accused?
+D01038	We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism	against	This will provide more police powers to the central government. The provision of naming individuals as terrorists can be misused. For example, recently several civil activists are termed as Urban Naxals. If anyone opposes the government, they will be vulnerable to be framed as terrorists. Because this amendment made it easier to label anyone as a terrorist.
+D01039	We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism	in favor of	There is a growing threat of lone-wolf terrorism. Lone wolf terrorists do not have any association with terrorist organizations, but they commit terror attacks alone by themselves. This new amendment to UAPA has the potential to curb lone-wolf terrorism.
+D01040	We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism	in favor of	To prevent the violation of human rights, four-stage scrutiny is added. Designating individuals as terrorists is not started by India. The US, European Union, and China also have this provision.
+D01041	We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism	in favor of	Till now, only organizations were designated as terrorist organizations, but not individuals. The loophole in this is the individuals of the banned organizations are forming new organizations and carrying out terror activities. This amendment bill for the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act allows the government to designate individuals as terrorists, thereby terror attacks can be prevented.
+D01042	We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism	in favor of	There is a need to act tough on terrorism amid growing threats from terrorists. So, strengthening UAPA is necessary.
+D01051	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	against	At present, India does not have a well-developed infrastructure to ensure the security of data. On the other hand, developed countries already have an efficient infrastructure. So, rushing toward data localization may not be a wise step. Because without efficient infrastructure, the data is prone to cyber-attacks. And the risk is severe here because it is financial data. But as the laws are made, it is a big challenge to develop efficient infrastructure at a faster pace.
+D01052	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	against	Storing data in India means higher operational costs for payment system operators. Because in other countries they have cheaper alternatives. And also for cross-border transactions, they have to store the data in two places, which increases costs. There is a probability that these extra costs may pass on to the consumers.
+D01053	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	in favor of	Data localization laws result in the setting up of multiple data centers locally. This will create many jobs and will help the country’s economy immensely. It will also drive innovation in the field resulting in low-cost solutions.
+D01054	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	in favor of	While investigating crimes, there will be a need to access the payment data. If the data is stored abroad, it is very difficult to take permission from that country for access to the data. This causes delays in solving crimes. If the data is stored here within our country, this problem will be avoided.
+D01055	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	in favor of	India is a big consumer market for many foreign companies. So, India and other developing countries are realizing the economic value of the data and the importance of data localization. With data localization, domestic companies and the country’s economy will be benefited. And we can also ensure the security of the data.
+D01056	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	in favor of	Data is considered a ‘new form of wealth’. Generally, companies use data to understand the requirements of consumers and also to influence their behavior. New products can be developed by analyzing the data to meet the needs of consumers. So the data has an economic value. In general, developed countries are utilizing this opportunity with their well-developed infrastructure. 
+D01057	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	against	We are in a globalized world. At present, the world is running on the free flow of people, goods, services, and data. Data localization laws seem to be a part of protectionist policies, which is a threat to the free flow of data.
+D01058	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	against	The US is against data localization laws. Recently at the G20 summit, Donald Trump, the president of the US spoke against data localization. Its stance is natural because it increases the operational costs of US companies. India-US bilateral relations are important for both countries because we are intertwined in the export and import of IT services, professionals and goods, etc. So, imposing data localization laws without threatening Indo-US relations is another challenge.
+D01059	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	in favor of	We can ensure data privacy by localizing the data.
+D01060	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	against	Data localization may result in government surveillance of its citizens.
+D01061	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	in favor of	Data localization is important for data sovereignty, which means the data of the citizens should be owned by the respective governments and not by other countries.
+D01076	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	in favor of	The law is very clear that RTI is not just concerned with government bodies alone. It is also for Non-Government Organisations which are substantially financed and controlled by the Government. There are numerous subsidies (including Tax exemptions) that the Political parties enjoy, thereby, they are substantially financed by the Government.
+D01077	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	against	Political parties are independent bodies, they need not be accountable to the public. They were not established by the constitution or an act of parliament.
+D01078	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	in favor of	The RTI Act states that wherever there is Public Interest, those organizations need to be transparent and come under the ambit of the law. There are numbers of Private organizations today, whether partially funded or fully; schools, hospitals, etc. that are under the RTI Act and not just Government organizations.
+D01079	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	against	There are adequate provisions in the Income Tax law and with the Election Commission so that people can have whatever information they want.
+D01080	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	in favor of	The RTI Act has provisions under section 8 which mention the concept of Competitive Interest. Certain exemptions are provided in cases where it can be proved that divulging information can hurt the Competitive Advantage of the party. This is not just a problem with Political Parties but a lot of Government and Private bodies too.
+D01081	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	in favor of	Political funding is believed to be the fountainhead of corruption. The citizens have the right to know where the political parties are raising these funds from, how they spend these funds, and the basis of their decisions. Crony capitalism will be hugely curbed if political parties are brought under RTI Act.
+D01082	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	in favor of	Under the IT Act, political parties do not need to disclose donations that they get below INR 20,000. An informal study done in 2010 on 6 key political parties shows that they raised Rs 700 crore. 95% of the amount was raised by amounts below Rs 20,000. There is a high possibility that the political parties use this loophole to their advantage.
+D01083	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	in favor of	Political parties declare certain promises in their manifestos. After getting elected, the citizens have a right to know why the promises made by the political parties were not fulfilled.
+D01084	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	in favor of	Political parties are central to the functioning of Democracy. Political Parties go on to form the government. The government policies are then governed by the party’s ideology. Thereby, it becomes essential for political parties to come under the ambit of RTI.
+D01085	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	against	If political parties come under the RTI, it will affect their smooth internal functioning. Rivals may use RTI to malign each other. Also, since the political parties are not connected to the public directly, an RTI would be invalid.
+D01093	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	Indians as a whole consider educational institutions as job machines, we expect to enter unemployed and come out with employment. We don’t realize that we will have to upgrade our skills to become worthy of employment. This is the reason that more than 80% of engineers are unemployable and the figures are even worse for the non-engineers.
+D01094	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	 Though we have been establishing national-level institutes for the past 40 years, we haven’t been investing to maintain their standards. Funds are needed for quality education. Even the top Indian institutes lack proper infrastructure, labs, resources, etc. And even whatever is available is just for the sake of passing the students in the examination and sitting idle the rest of the time.
+D01095	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	Today no problem has a single solution and no new technology is related to a single discipline. We need multiple inputs from multiple disciplines and our institutes have failed in doing so.
+D01096	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	Indian students perform brilliantly when they go to different countries in the field of research. It means that we don’t lack talent, we lack infrastructure and a healthy environment for our sharp minds.
+D01097	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	We haven’t been paying our teachers on the scale of what their counterparts earn in other countries. As a result, people are reluctant to the idea of teaching as a career. We have also failed to lure successful foreign faculties to our institutes.
+D01102	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	against	Achieving excellence in anything takes time. Through graduation, students gain so much knowledge in the relevant field. So, it’s easier for employers to train these students for the industrial requirements.
+D01103	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	Any skill can be learned and mastered even if we do not have a degree in that. And programming is no exception.
+D01104	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	Even if someone has a degree in IT, they have to learn so many things to get into the IT job, because there is a gap between the industrial standards and the skills that are taught in Engineering colleges. Moreover, as technology is constantly evolving, even if someone has prepared themselves for the industrial standards in their graduation, they have to learn new technologies continuously to stay relevant in the job market. So, as the learning curve will be there even for IT students, students from non-IT backgrounds can also learn these things and can get into IT jobs.
+D01105	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	The number of IT jobs is increasing at a rapid rate due to the tech revolution. So, there will be more jobs in the IT field. And if the recruiters are very strict about the degree, they may miss a large pool of talent, who are of a non-IT background. 
+D01106	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	Now, we have so many online course platforms through which we can learn almost any skill from experts. We can also get certificates if we pass the tests. So, as Tim Cook said a 4-year degree seems old and traditional. 
+D01107	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	In many of India’s engineering colleges, we can easily pass the subjects even if do not have much knowledge in those subjects. That is the reason many companies are not able to find suitable talent even if there are so many eligible graduates. So, the willingness to become an expert in the field is more important than a degree. 
+D01108	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	against	If a student from non-IT background chose to start a career in the IT field, the efforts they put into graduation will go in vain.
+D01109	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	against	Even though the new programming languages are replacing the old ones, the basic concepts are the same for almost all the programming languages. So, the one who has a degree in coding will have an advantage over the student from a non-IT background.
+D01110	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	People switch careers even after working in one field for several years because our interests do change. So, when someone can do this while having so many personal responsibilities, it is much easier for youngsters to learn a new skill. 
+D01111	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	in favor of	Variable pay definitely increases the productivity of employees. High-performing individuals feel well-compensated and rewarded for their efforts, while the under-performing ones also feel motivated to improve.
+D01112	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	in favor of	In variable pay schemes, the employees feel content and motivated with their work. They feel that they are an active part of the organization, the organization recognizes them as a part of its growth and values their efforts.
+D01113	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	in favor of	Variable pay helps in retaining valuable employees. This helps in retaining good talent for long periods of time and thereby, less spending on hiring new talents. This provides stability to the organization.
+D01114	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	against	 It has been seen that it is difficult to retain employees in lean times when they are on variable pay schemes. Workers who receive commissions do well when business is good, but they do poorly when business is bad. In times of slow business, even top salespeople might have difficulty making enough sales to earn a decent living. If the market is slow and commissioned workers can’t earn enough, they may look for other employment opportunities. In lean times, fixed wages can be more effective at keeping employees from leaving for other opportunities.
+D01115	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	against	Variable pay can lead to unhealthy competition between employees. They become less willing to help each other. Team co-operation may get affected negatively. In the long run, relations among colleagues may turn bitter. Whereas, in fixed pay schemes, the employees are able to maintain cordial relationships in the office.
+D01116	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	against	Mostly, sales jobs have a variable component. This might negatively impact the employee’s attitude towards customers. They may force the customers irrationally just to make profits for themselves. They might overstate the price to the customers just to make more profit. Whereas, an employee with a fixed salary would maintain healthy and positive relations with the customers, striking the right balance in their approach.
+D01124	Artificial intelligence brings more harm than good	in favor of	The huge data we produce every day is analyzed and fed into our devices through algorithms that we end up giving more and more control of our lives to the gadgets. We may feel that we receive all these services for free, but they come at the cost of our precious time and attention.
+D01125	Artificial intelligence brings more harm than good	in favor of	With all the data and algorithms our apps and gadgets, without our conscious knowledge, are making decisions for us. Decision-making is (was) one of the qualities that made humans different from others
+D01126	Artificial intelligence brings more harm than good	in favor of	After a daily 10-hour shift from Monday to Friday most of us prefer to stay at home on the holidays. We surround ourselves with laptops, TV, and mobile and use them in cycles for Netflix, sports, social media, etc. (thinking that we are relaxing) rather than going out. We prefer and are more comfortable with online chatting instead of talking to people for real. There are fewer meaningful relationships nowadays because of all the above factors. We have started preferring isolation.
+D01127	Artificial intelligence brings more harm than good	in favor of	Nuclear technology is a very efficient alternative to non-renewable energy resources. But still, we chose to move ahead with more and more types of nuclear warheads. The same is the case with almost every other invention. Similarly, though initially, AI promised better lives for us, because of AI, we have started losing our basic human qualities.
+D01128	Artificial intelligence brings more harm than good	in favor of	We have started losing our basic human habits and instincts, and are actually governed by devices and apps.
+D01139	The world does not need religion anymore	in favor of	As Yuval Noah Harari says “What we need now are morality and spirituality. Morality is about reducing suffering in the world. And spirituality is about questioning and looking for answers. Religions provide us just with answers and no scope of questions.”
+D01140	The world does not need religion anymore	in favor of	Religion has served its purpose of uniting people, setting up structures in society, and developing trust and cooperation. But in the 21st century, we are thriving towards objective realities, and religion is an inter-subjective reality and now the only thing it does is create differences in the world, brainwash people, develop animosity for other beliefs, and provide rituals that are just shortcuts to becoming a good person. (A Muslim may pray 5 times a day; a Hindu may pray daily for hours in temples; a Christian may go to church every day, but still, be involved in immoral activities).
+D01141	The world does not need religion anymore	in favor of	In the past, every unknown thing dealt with religious beliefs. But now Science & Technology has taken over everything. We know the reasons for drought, earthquakes, windstorms, etc. they are scientific phenomena and not the wrath of gods anymore.
+D02013	We should forbid neo-banks	against	Due to their technological nature, neo-banks do not need any physical bank branches, which helps them save on overhead costs (the cost of running the business). Thus, neo-banks are able to offer lower fees and higher interest rates on checking and savings accounts to customers.
+D02014	We should forbid neo-banks	in favor of	People don’t trust neo-banks as much because they don’t have a physical presence, which makes them a risk for customers in case of any issues or challenges. In-person customer service may appear more trustworthy to customers.
+D02015	We should forbid neo-banks	in favor of	Tech literacy is still very low in India. Traditional banks can meet the banking requirements of less tech-savvy customers or people in rural areas of the country who prefer face-to-face interaction with the manager.
+D02016	We should forbid neo-banks	in favor of	Commercial banks help to create credit, which leads to increased production, employment, and consumer spending, all of which help to grow the economy.
+D02017	We should forbid neo-banks	against	Since neo-banks are completely digital, they operate 24 hours a day and their services can be accessed at any time. They are easy to access from anywhere through a smartphone.
+D02018	We should forbid neo-banks	against	Fintech companies can open specialized neo-banks that target a specific type of customer’s needs. For example, LXME aims to become India’s first Neo bank for women, which will offer product solutions that address women-specific financial needs and emotional preferences.
+D02019	5G services should be available across India	in favor of	5G in banking will bring much-needed financial inclusion to India’s rural and remote populations, for whom access to a physical bank is not possible.
+D02020	5G services should be available across India	in favor of	The low latency of 5G will enable the inclusion of education in remote areas of India, where children will be able to access good quality education at home without any network lag between them and their favorite tutor. Also, 5G will make it possible to use new-age technologies like AR and VR for more immersive learning in schools and colleges.
+D02021	5G services should be available across India	in favor of	5G will vastly increase the number of networks that can be connected, handling up to a trillion Internet of Things terminals, which will enable machines and humans in a factory to communicate with each other seamlessly, making the business more efficient and reducing the possibility of error.
+D02022	5G services should be available across India	in favor of	The government will be able to improve its governance and give a boost to its digital India initiative, which aims to ensure the government’s services are made available to citizens electronically, making the country digitally empowered in the field of technology.
+D02023	We should subsidize hydrogen vehicles	against	Hydrogen is flammable and can cause fires or explosions. So, it is not completely safe yet.
+D02024	We should subsidize hydrogen vehicles	against	If the production of hydrogen fuel uses fossil fuels, that can be counterproductive. So, using renewable energy to produce hydrogen fuel is important.
+D02025	We should subsidize hydrogen vehicles	in favor of	Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles do not emit greenhouse gases. This helps to fight climate change. As many countries are opting for energy transition, clean hydrogen fuel vehicles along with other alternative fuel vehicles can pave the way to sustainable transportation. Also, as these vehicles do not emit greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, they can cut air pollution to a great extent.
+D02026	We should subsidize hydrogen vehicles	in favor of	The prices of fossil fuels are increasing continuously. So, if more hydrogen vehicles come into the market, the price of fossil fuels may reduce.
+D02027	We should subsidize hydrogen vehicles	in favor of	Hydrogen vehicles are much quieter than fossil fuel-based vehicles. So, they can reduce noise pollution too.
+D02028	We should subsidize hydrogen vehicles	against	If the hydrogen fuel escapes into the air, it can increase global warming.
+D02029	Social media is making us less social	against	During the covid pandemic time, social media helped people in maintaining their social life.Social media made it possible to stay connected with friends and loved ones all the time. We can easily know what is happening in their lives. It allowed us to communicate with multiple people at the same time by sharing posts.
+D02030	Social media is making us less social	against	Due to social media, now we have the opportunity to connect with many people, even if they do not live in our area. Before social media, we could interact with people from either our locality or the places we go.
+D02031	Social media is making us less social	in favor of	By following friends on social media and not communicating with them privately, we can only know the things they post on their accounts. We may not know much about what is really happening in their lives. That means we will have no meaningful connections with friends. The convenience of contacting people online made us prefer it over meeting them outside.
+D02032	Social media is making us less social	in favor of	A few people now have social anxiety due to not having enough face-to-face interactions. When we avoid talking to people for a long time, automatically we develop a fear to involve in small talk.
+D02033	Social media is making us less social	in favor of	Trolling on social media is a big menace. It is affecting the self-esteem of many people and is also making them avoid forming social connections.
+D02034	Social media is making us less social	in favor of	In the book “iGen”, it was mentioned that in the next decade we may see more young people who know just the right emoji for a situation — but not the right facial expression. This can become true if we prefer virtual life over real life.
+D02035	Social media is making us less social	against	Through close-knit communities or micro-communities based on shared interests on social media along with private messaging, social media gave us an opportunity to build real connections with people we can really relate to.
+D02036	NEET exam should be banned	against	NEET exam standardizes the entrance criterion for medical education across the country. As a high score is required to get into government medical colleges, the exam ensures meritocracy.
+D02037	NEET exam should be banned	against	But every year, less than 20% of the students are passing the exam. By this, it is evident that the quality of medical education in other countries where Indian students are studying is not at par with the medical education in India. So, it is very important to take steps to provide affordable and high-quality medical education in India.
+D02038	NEET exam should be banned	in favor of	As the exam requires additional study, coaching centers are taking advantage of the situation and are charging lakhs of rupees for the coaching for the NEET exam. So, due to this, students who cannot afford the coaching are at a disadvantage.
+D02039	NEET exam should be banned	in favor of	Students work hard to score well in class 12 exams, but all that hard work is not recognized. And only the NEET score is considered for entry into medical college, which is very unfair. Moreover, the NEET exam is mainly based on the CBSE curriculum. So, state board students have to study additional things to get a good score on the exam.
+D02040	NEET exam should be banned	in favor of	A high score in the NEET exam is required to get admission to government medical colleges in India. It costs approximately Rs.1.25 crores to study in private medical colleges in India. So, many students are forced to go to other countries such as China, Ukraine, Russia, the Philippines, etc. to pursue medical education. In those countries, medical education costs around Rs.35 lakhs. Moreover, they allow students with low NEET scores, but above cut-off marks.
+D02047	Companies should fight moonlighting	against	Some people moonlight to pursue their passion when the earnings from their passion cannot replace the salary from their main job. Several entrepreneurs take this route and leave their jobs once they earn enough from their new ventures.
+D02048	Companies should fight moonlighting	against	As per a study published by the Academy of Management Journal in 2021, moonlighting can provide a sense of control and motivation, which can improve the productivity of employees.
+D02049	Companies should fight moonlighting	against	The sudden layoffs by several companies especially during the pandemic caused fear in many employees. And hence several people took up side gigs or a second job as a safety net in case they are laid off.
+D02050	Companies should fight moonlighting	against	Moonlighting can help in upskilling. A few people want to learn new skills apart from what they are working on in their primary job. This can help them in developing expertise in their field. Some might get bored with monotonous jobs and hence take up second jobs to learn new skills and thereby make their days exciting.
+D02051	Companies should fight moonlighting	in favor of	Companies fear information and sensitive data theft and the possibility of sharing it with their rival companies.
+D02052	Companies should fight moonlighting	in favor of	Some managers are worrying that the employees who moonlight may not be productive in their primary job due to fatigue and increased stress. There are also concerns about working for other companies during the office hours of my primary job.
+D02053	Companies should fight moonlighting	in favor of	In general, companies provide several benefits to employees such as provident fund, health insurance, etc. So, they feel it is unfair when their employees focus their energy and time on a second job, which doesn’t provide any of those benefits.
+D02071	We should stop using cash	in favor of	A cashless economy saves so much money for governments because printing money, and sending the money to banks requires money and human resources. The need to purchase or rent land for ATMs will also be eliminated. International payments will also be easier because there is no need to exchange currency.
+D02072	We should stop using cash	in favor of	Cashless transactions leave digital footprints of financial transactions. They can be used to trace illegal activities. 
+D02073	We should stop using cash	in favor of	COVID Pandemic increased the number of cashless transactions. They can prevent the spread of contagious diseases.
+D02074	We should stop using cash	against	Cashless transactions are recorded by banks. So, the data will reveal the critical data of people regarding where they spend money. The government can easily access the data of anyone. It may result in mass surveillance programs. This goes against the right to privacy. Cash gives us anonymity.
+D02075	We should stop using cash	against	A cashless economy will increase the number of cybercrimes.
+D02076	We should stop using cash	against	Technical issues in banking can halt access to our money. This can interfere with our daily lives.
+D02077	All countries should take responsibility for accepting refugees	in favor of	Refugees are forcibly displaced. They flee their country for several reasons such as violence, human rights violations, war, persecution of minorities, etc. Often they face threats to life in their home countries. They leave their homes and everything else in search of a safer place to live.
+D02078	All countries should take responsibility for accepting refugees	in favor of	At present, many countries are refusing refugees stating that they pose an economic or security threat. Only a few countries including Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, and Liberia are accepting most of the refugees. Some host countries are forcibly sending refugees back to their home countries stating that such as the situation in their home countries is safe. Many refugees who were sent like this went through brutal violence and some people even disappeared.
+D02079	All countries should take responsibility for accepting refugees	in favor of	All countries should share the responsibility for refugees. Resettlement of the refugees should be done without much delay. They should be provided with skill development courses and employment opportunities to help them in living a dignified life.
+D02080	All countries should take responsibility for accepting refugees	in favor of	A weak global response is worsening the situation of refugees. The international community should help in rebuilding the war-torn countries, where refugees are coming from, so that safe and dignified returns are possible for refugees. Refugees should not be forcibly sent to their home countries.
+D02081	All countries should take responsibility for accepting refugees	in favor of	Many developed countries are spending so much money to protect their borders, but are not spending any money for protecting the lives of refugees. More funding is required to protect refugees.
+D02082	We should have psychological counseling in educational institutions	in favor of	In general, a few teachers punish students, who are not scoring well in exams but they do not even try to understand whether they have any learning disabilities. This causes self-esteem issues in students. Psychologists can detect these learning disabilities and can detect these issues and can collaborate with teachers to draft teaching strategies that are suitable for students with learning disabilities.
+D02083	We should have psychological counseling in educational institutions	in favor of	Many students struggle with several issues such as anxiety, self-esteem issues, trouble forming friendships, etc. Guidance and support are very important to help them overcome these problems. So, educational institutions should have mental health professionals to help students.
+D02084	We should have psychological counseling in educational institutions	in favor of	In 2020, on average 34 students committed suicide every day due to several reasons such as exam pressure, and relationship issues. So, it is very important to provide support for them in educational institutions. Counselors can help them to cope with the pressures and can help in improving their mental health. If the student suffers from mental health issues such as severe depression, counselors will take steps to get them treated by psychiatrists.
+D02085	We should have psychological counseling in educational institutions	in favor of	The covid pandemic affected the mental health of many people. As schools and colleges were shut down for a long time, many students felt isolated and that caused an even more negative impact on mental health. As schools and colleges have reopened, students need help to adapt to the new normal.
+D03001	We should have psychological counseling in educational institutions	in favor of	Some students do not even understand what they are going through, they may not even know how to ask for help. Having a counselor at their educational institution will help them a lot in understanding their issues. Moreover, they will learn how to ask for advice and help.
+D03007	College education should be free for everyone	in favor of	When college education is free, the number of graduates will drastically increase. At present, many people do not have access to higher education. So many students are not joining colleges due to the financial status of their parents. Free education will be very helpful for them.
+D03008	College education should be free for everyone	in favor of	At present, the rich are getting richer and poor people are getting poorer. A free college education will reduce social inequality too because as everyone can study and learn the skills in college, everyone will have an equal opportunity to settle in the career of their choice.
+D03009	College education should be free for everyone	in favor of	Some students are taking education loans to study and then they have to work hard to repay their loans. Many people are forced to take up jobs immediately after college to repay loans. But with free education, they will have the liberty in career choices like choosing a job or becoming entrepreneurs or experimenting with gigs, etc.
+D03010	College education should be free for everyone	in favor of	There is a shortage of skilled workers in many countries. When college education is free, this problem will be solved.
+D03011	College education should be free for everyone	against	At present, private investments in education led to improvement in the quality of education. Without the commercialization of education, the quality of education may not improve much.
+D03012	India should have 'One Nation - One Election' policy 	in favor of	Less disruption to public life, less road traffic, and less loss to our economy. As all the government staff can be used at a single time, we can also increase vigilance, and factors like black money, booth capturing, etc. can be reduced.
+D03013	India should have 'One Nation - One Election' policy 	against	Holding both elections together will also mean mixing up the national issues with those of the state. The national issues would overpower the state which in turn would get less priority from the politicians.
+D03014	India should have 'One Nation - One Election' policy 	against	When state elections are conducted along with the center the regional parties may get marginalized because the same party getting majority in the center may get votes in the state as well.
+D03015	India should have 'One Nation - One Election' policy 	against	Frequent elections in the country will bring politicians back to the public frequently whereas cutting down on elections would mean making them lazy for the rest of the term and suddenly becoming overactive during the election year.
+D03020	Firecrackers should be banned during Diwali, other festivals, and weddings	against	Almost 3 lakh people were employed in the firecracker industry in these places, and 5 lakh people in packaging, transporting, distributing, and selling these crackers. Thus, the ban would also mean huge unemployment in these states.
+D03021	Firecrackers should be banned during Diwali, other festivals, and weddings	against	Bursting crackers on Diwali has always been on the to-do list in every family. A Deepavali without firecrackers will definitely be a cut-down in entertainment and recreation for the kids, as well as the elders.
+D03022	Firecrackers should be banned during Diwali, other festivals, and weddings	in favor of	Banning firecrackers in some places currently having pollution at its peak like Delhi-NCR will obviously bring down the poisonous emission of gases which has deadly effects on the entire balanced ecosystem. The highest level of particulate matter recorded in Delhi was 2.5 in the year 2016, which indeed made Delhi the most polluted city in the world in terms of air pollution. The “Central Pollution Control Board” also stated that the level of sulfur dioxide in the air gets tremendously high between 9 p.m. till midnight during Deepavali.
+D03023	Firecrackers should be banned during Diwali, other festivals, and weddings	in favor of	The crackers regulated in the market comprise chemical components like saltpeter, carbon, and sulfur. When these are ignited altogether, hazardous oxides of gases are emitted which cause suffocation, reduce visibility, and other health hazards. Medical experts state that the air gets contaminated with toxic gases and remains for days after Diwali. The toxic elements that reach the lungs, cannot be removed thereafter and can cause grave health issues. This will cause long-term effects on children.
+D03024	Firecrackers should be banned during Diwali, other festivals, and weddings	against	With the ban, religious sentiments get triggered too. In 2017, the Hindu community raised questions about the ban on Christmas trees on Christmas, or slaughter of lamb on Eid, or colors on Holi, etc., thinking it to be against their communal practices.
+D03030	India should accept Rohingya refugees	against	India is the second most populous country in the world. It is already difficult for the Indian government to provide food security and basic necessities to all the people of India. Adding more burden to this will worsen the situation.
+D03031	India should accept Rohingya refugees	against	Accommodating refugees will cause resettling of some Indians. The Indian government tried to give shelter to Rohingyas by resettling some in the Jammu region. This may not be the right step and will cause distress to the resettled Indians.
+D03032	India should accept Rohingya refugees	in favor of	Rohingyas have their own set of ethnicity and culture. By accepting them, we will just be adding more culture to the already-vast culture of India.
+D03033	India should accept Rohingya refugees	in favor of	Letting the Rohingya go back to the place where they do not get recognition means more loss of human lives, and to a greater extent. The population of the Rohingya is 1.1 million, and if the violence and torture continues on them, then there will be no person left in the community.
+D03034	India should accept Rohingya refugees	in favor of	Acceptance of the Rohingyas will definitely throw a good impression of the hospitality of our country to the foreign land. This will improve India’s chances to secure permanent membership in United Nations Security Council (UNSC).
+D03035	India should accept Rohingya refugees	in favor of	Accepting refugees escaping from death situations is surely an act of humanity. Rohingya people have been treated brutally by the Burmese government due to racism. Being a neighboring country, we should be accepting those people who are in deep distress. 
+D03036	India should accept Rohingya refugees	against	Allowing refugees is a potential security threat to any country. Refugees can be an easy prey to terrorists. They may take advantage of the situation and may carry out illegal activities using refugees.
+D03037	Marital rape should be criminalized in India	against	Consensual sex can also be termed as rape if the wife is willing to file a false case. There will be no proof to prove whether it is consensual or not. Punishing men based on the mere words of wives is completely wrong, because of the presumption that women do not lie. Good and bad are not related to gender. There are women criminals too.
+D03038	Marital rape should be criminalized in India	against	The most misused law in the Indian judicial system is Section 498A, which allows women to file a case on a husband and his family in case of dowry harassment. Many women are using this law to extort money and property from their in-laws. If the law on marital rape comes into effect, many innocent men will be at threat.
+D03039	Marital rape should be criminalized in India	in favor of	Sexual violence violates human rights, irrespective of the relationship between the criminal and the victim. IPC 375, which criminalizes rape, discriminates against married women for using the section on their husbands. Though one can file a case under the domestic violence act for marital rape, not terming marital rape as a crime will deter the victims from filing cases. Every law on the planet is prone to be misused. That doesn’t mean that we should not have laws in order to avoid false cases.
+D03041	Cryptocurrencies should be legalized	against	There will be no sense of security. We cannot sleep peacefully because the cryptocurrency’s value keeps on fluctuating. Standard currencies fluctuate too, but not as high as cryptocurrencies. If the value of standard currency falls, we can still afford to live in our country, because the fall of currency value impacts all fields. For example, if the prices of groceries rise, so do our salaries. But if the value of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin falls, we will lose our hard-earned money.
+D03042	Cryptocurrencies should be legalized	in favor of	The future belongs to technology. Cryptocurrencies make peer-to-peer financial transactions a lot easier. This currency can be sent from any part of the world to any part of the world. Hence there will be no struggle of exchanging currencies like Dollars for the Rupee etc. While traveling the world, there will no hurdle of exchanging our currencies with local currencies.
+D03054	Kids' reality shows should be banned	against	Reality shows give opportunity for children to bring out their hidden talents and to train their skills. It gives them a sense of purpose and direction from a very young age. The present education system doesn’t include other career options such as singing, acting, dancing, games, etc. Reality shows closes this loophole in the education system.
+D03055	Kids' reality shows should be banned	in favor of	Reality shows put enormous pressure on participants to perform well every time. Children cannot handle this stress, and this may cause mental health issues. Almost all reality shows involve the process of eliminating participants one by one at each level. Facing defeat in front of everyone is not that easy for children. This may put an emotional toll on children.
+D03056	Kids' reality shows should be banned	in favor of	These days, many songs and dances in movies are not supposed to be seen by children. Singing and dancing to these obscene songs will exploit children’s innocence and creates confusion in their minds. 
+D03057	Triple Talaq should be abolished	in favor of	Triple Talaq is a provision in Islamic personal law that allows men to divorce their wives by saying Talaq three times. Triple Talaq violates fundamental rights such as the right to equality, the right to non-discrimination, and the right to live with dignity because this provision is available only for men and not women. Women are subjected to live in fear of being unilaterally divorced by their husbands. This violates their right to live with dignity.
+D03058	Triple Talaq should be abolished	against	Triple talaq should happen in three stages with time gaps. This allows time for reconciliation and arbitration. As instant divorce is a misuse of triple talaq, banning the provision itself is not the solution.
+D03059	Triple Talaq should be abolished	in favor of	Triple Talaq does not follow Quranic guidelines of discussion, arbitration to settle disputes, witnesses to divorce, the specified time period to reconcile, or even a genuine attempt to resolve differences.
+D03060	Triple Talaq should be abolished	against	It is part of their faith and personal laws can’t be challenged. Article 25 (i) of Indian constitution provides freedom of religion.
+D27004	We can rely on Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins	against	If value of standard currency falls, we can still afford to live in our country, because the fall of currency value impacts all fields. For example, if the prices of groceries rise, so does our salaries. But if the value of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin falls, we will loose our hard earned money.
+D27005	We can rely on Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins	against	Ransomware hackers demanded their payment through bitcoins, because it protects identity of the person in financial transactions.
+D27011	India is becoming intolerant	against	Many religions and different cultures are co-existing peacefully in India, which is quite surprising to the rest of the world. India is the best example for religious co-existence. If there is intolerance, this wouldn't be possible.
+D27012	India is becoming intolerant	in favor of	Incidences of mob lynchings were increased these days in the name of unofficial beef ban. And the sad thing is that culprits are left unpunished.
+D27013	The Sabarimala verdict is progressive and not a threat to traditions	in favor of	Why everything is seen in a sexual nature? Brahmacharya doesn't mean women cannot worship god. Brahmacharya means observing celibacy. It doesn't mean that there shouldn't be female devotees of reproductive age. Narrow-minded people do not understand the difference between devotion and sexual attraction.
+D27014	The Sabarimala verdict is progressive and not a threat to traditions	in favor of	Some other temples also ban women, and some temples ban men. If it is the same situation with Sabarimala, people wouldn't have bothered about it. But treating menstruation as impure and banning women of reproductive age is regressive and need to address. Menstruation is just a biological process. Not allowing menstruating women in temples sends a wrong message to people and future generations.
+D27015	The Sabarimala verdict is progressive and not a threat to traditions	in favor of	Sabarimala temple is taking funds from government and hence state government has the right to make changes in law for the temple.
+D27016	News channels are breaking rules to give Breaking news	in favor of	If anyone accuses any celebrity, the news will be breaking news for days on news channels. This is an infringement of personal rights. News channels are ignoring the basic thing that the allegations are not proved yet.
+D27017	News channels are breaking rules to give Breaking news	in favor of	Reporters often try to make victims speak on the incident. Even in the cases of death, reporters rush to the incident and ask questions the victim's family, when they really need some space and time to grieve.
+D27021	Women are better managers than men	in favor of	They are good time managers. As most of the women today manage work and home, they can prioritize their time well.
+D27022	Women are better managers than men	in favor of	In general, they've coherent minds, are punctual and are dedicated to their work. These inbuilt qualities do make them better managers than men.
+D27023	Beauty pageants should be banned	in favor of	Such competitions and beauty pageant have a very wrong influence on society as we all quickly follow the media trends. All this is basically sending the wrong message to our younger generation girls where they are made to understand that being perfect and pretty is extremely necessary. This affects their self-esteem and may even cause depression.
+D27024	Beauty pageants should be banned	in favor of	They promote cosmetic surgeries. Women these days, are ready to spend thousands of dollars on getting hair extensions, fake teeth, botox injections, body implants, spray tans, branded outfits and makeup products. This could be extremely expensive to afford and such expenses are never-ending. Cindy Jackson, a known television star. has a world record of 52 plastic surgeries done by her. Some women can even get addicted to such practices and then theirs no look back. This is the direct influence of society's importance to beauty.
+D27025	Beauty pageants should be banned	in favor of	Beauty pageant can increase the objectification of women.
+D27026	Driverless cars should be allowed in India	in favor of	The majority of driverless cars are going to be Electric Vehicles (EV's) which will help in decreasing the pollution level in the country, which is also one of the major issues the country is facing.
+D27027	Driverless cars should be allowed in India	against	Even though driverless cars reduce vehicular accidents caused by human error, there are cases of driverless cars causing accidents.
+D27028	Driverless cars should be allowed in India	in favor of	If driverless cars are allowed in India, they can be used for a variety of other purposes also such as delivery or pickup service, which will also save time and human resources.
+D27029	US-Mexico border wall is a good thing	against	US treaties with Mexico won't let them build anything on the Rio Grande River and the areas around it. Furthermore, most of the areas along the border in Texas are privately owned which leaves a large part of the border uncovered. So, building the wall is not going to bring any change.
+D27030	US-Mexico border wall is a good thing	against	There is a fairly good chance that the wall is never going to make it up. Projects like these take a large amount of time to complete and if in the next Presidential elections, any other person gets elected, there will be more chances of him/her stopping the construction of the wall.
+D27031	US-Mexico border wall is a good thing	against	According to the reports, illegal crossing of the borders has actually decreased from the year 2014 to 2015 which renders no use in building the wall.
+D27032	India should accept Rohingya refugees	in favor of	India has always been kind to refugees. Hence, the same spirit should be continued in the case of Rohingya community.
+D27033	India should accept Rohingya refugees	in favor of	Accepting refugees escaping from death situations is surely an act of humanity. Rohingya people have been treated brutally by the Burmese government due to racism. Being a neighboring country, we should be accepting those people who are in deep distress.
+D27034	Marital Rape should be criminalized in India	against	Article 15 of Indian constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender. But the proposed law on marital rape in the petitions recognizes only female victims. Hence it is discriminatory to male victims.
+D27035	Marital Rape should be criminalized in India	against	Punishing men based on mere words of wives is completely wrong, because of the presumption that women do not lie. Good and bad are not related to gender. There are women criminals too.
+D27036	Marital Rape should be criminalized in India	in favor of	IPC 375, which criminalizes rape, discriminates married women from using the section on their husbands.
+D27037	Men are silent sufferers in this modern world	in favor of	These days, every man is considered as a potential rapist. If a woman makes a false molestation complaint against a man out of revenge or any other motive, society is more likely to believe the woman's words. Society and media exposes the accused before the investigation. This kind of attitude of society helps victims in genuine cases. But the scope of false cases is ignored. However the same is not true with the complaints against women. If the complaint is against a woman, people doubt about the genuinity of the case. What if the sexual harassment case against the man is a false case? Some people think like men can take anything. False molestation cases will result in the irreversible loss of reputation and causes mental agony to the accused and his family.
+D27038	Men are silent sufferers in this modern world	in favor of	Many false domestic violence cases are being reported in India. Girl can drag their in-laws to court, but the same is not true with a boy. In many domestic violence cases, in-laws didn't even stay with couple, but are booked for 'influencing' the boy. Do girl's parents not 'influence' her? And the saddest thing is that girl can complain against her sister-in-law and sister-in-law's husband too under domestic violence, even if they are not staying at her place. Women can be as cruel as men in harassing their life partner.
+D27039	WikiLeaks is not a bane	in favor of	WikiLeaks has won a number of awards, including The Economist's New Media Award in 2008 and Amnesty International's UK Media Award in 2009.
+D27040	WikiLeaks is not a bane	against	Criminals may take advantage of this.
+D27041	WikiLeaks is not a bane	against	Leakage of sensitive government information.
+D27044	Betting and gambling should be legalized in India	against	There is no guarantee that illegal gambling activities will stop.
+D27045	Betting and gambling should be legalized in India	against	Gambling addiction can lead to increase in crime rates, mental illnesses.
+D27046	We should ban alcohol in India	in favor of	Alcohol addiction is not just a threat to the person that drinks, but also to his/her entire family.
+D27047	We should ban alcohol in India	in favor of	Crimes and accidents will be reduced to some extent.
+D27048	Technology is rising Unemployment rates	in favor of	Several kinds of jobs are increasingly getting replaced by technology. As per the reports, there is a significant drop in the typists, weavers, construction workers etc.
+D27049	Technology is rising Unemployment rates	in favor of	If any business depends heavily on human labour, it tends to fail as it cannot cope up with the competition from the technologically advanced competitors.
+D27050	Chinese products should be banned in India	in favor of	India has a huge trade deficit with China. For the year 2017-18, India's imports from China are worth $76.2 billion dollars, whereas India's exports to China are worth $33 billion dollars. So, there is a need to reduce this trade deficit. 
+D27051	Chinese products should be banned in India	in favor of	Imports from China are hurting the businesses of Indian manufacturers, especially Medium Small & Micro Enterprises (MSME) sector. China is able to produce products for cheaper prices because of its mass production methods. 
+D27052	Chinese products should be banned in India	in favor of	China is blocking India's bid to list Masood Azhar as a terrorist. Not just this, China is blocking India from becoming a member of Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) using its veto power. On one hand China wants to maintain good trade relations with India, and on the other hand, it is acting against India in many cases. So, maintaining good trade relations with China may not be a good thing. 
+D27053	Donald Trump's Presidency was a good thing	against	Trump has been prioritizing some noticeable issues like the Muslim immigration clampdown, challenging the independence of the Fed, bizarre and ill-qualified cabinet selections, antagonizing China and other trading partners for no reason or embracing Russia and its rogue regime. This is not acceptable beyond limits and can turn people and communities against him.
+D27054	Donald Trump's Presidency was a good thing	against	Racism & white supremacy has increased in Trump's term.
+D27055	Homeschooling should be encouraged in India 	in favor of	Every child is different. Homeschooling allows to design the curriculum based on the student's capabilities and interests.
+D27056	Homeschooling should be encouraged in India 	in favor of	Children can better explore themselves when they do not have constraints.
+D27057	Uniforms should be mandatory in schools	in favor of	If the children are used to uniforms, they will no issues in the future if their profession demands uniform.
+D27058	Uniforms should be mandatory in schools	in favor of	It reduces financial burden, because there is no need to buy many clothes.
+D27059	Stray animals should be killed	in favor of	Stray dogs are often carriers of diseases because of the lack of care.
+D27060	Stray animals should be killed	against	There are alternatives to killing stray animals. Sterilization and culling instead of killing them can solve the problem.
+D27064	Experimenting on Animals is fair	against	We have no right to suffer animals, even though there are benefits for us.
+D27065	Experimenting on Animals is fair	against	Tests can be done on human volunteers with their consent. But animals are forced to take tests with no choice.
+D27066	Rapists should be tortured	in favor of	Criminal will feel the pain of the victim, if he is subjected to the same kind of harassment. Thereby, he may not commit the crime again in his life.
+D27067	Rapists should be tortured	against	We are living in a civilized society. World is preferring humane ways to deal with everyone including criminals. We should not stoop to the criminal's level by torturing him/her in inhumane ways.
+D27068	Rapists should be tortured	against	Throughout India, many false rape cases are being registered these days. Torturing all of the accused persons causes torture to innocent persons too.
+D27071	We should ban kids' reality shows	against	Reality shows give opportunity for children to bring out their hidden talents and to finess their skills.
+D27072	We should ban kids' reality shows	against	Reality shows act like a launchpad for children into the film industry. Some of the present singers, choreographers are made into the movies through reality shows for children.
+D27073	We should ban kids' reality shows	in favor of	Almost all reality shows involves the process of eliminating participants one by one at each level. Facing defeat infront of everyone is not that easy for children. This may put an emotional toll on children.
+D27074	Censorship of movies is an outdated concept	in favor of	Through censorship, money power will rule society. It's a fact that rich people influence politics.
+D27075	Censorship of movies is an outdated concept	in favor of	Filmmakers spend lot of money and time to make movies. If parts of the movie is cut in the name of censorship, they will be discouraged to make more movies.
+D27076	Censorship of movies is an outdated concept	in favor of	Censorship causes imposition of majoritarian ideals on others.
+D27080	Aadhaar should be made mandatory in India	in favor of	Reduction of complexity in filling ITR's:
+D27081	Aadhaar should be made mandatory in India	against	Failed biometric authentication.
+D27087	Organ donation should be made compulsory	in favor of	Many people are being kidnapped for organs. Illegal human organ trafficking is in almost every country. Some poor people are selling organs. All these things are consequences of organs shortage.
+D27088	Organ donation should be made compulsory	against	Not all organ transplantation surgeries are successful. The body of recipient may reject the organ of the donor.
+D27089	Organ donation should be made compulsory	in favor of	Many people are in need of organ replacement surgeries to survive. There is a shortage of organ donors. Hence compulsory organ donation after death can ensure that no one will die due to the non-availability of healthy organs.
+D27092	There should be a ban on Bandhs	in favor of	Industries are also one of the worst hits. Investors may lose interest to invest in manufacturing sector as bandh by anyone results in the loss to them.
+D27093	There should be a ban on Bandhs	in favor of	Though right to protest is a fundamental right, people do not have right to take away the fundamental rights of others such as going to their work, doing their personal works etc. Not everyone is against to the changes by government. Some people may support it and may not support the ban. Forcing them to stay at home is undemocratic.
+D27094	There should be a ban on Bandhs	in favor of	Most of the bandhs results in violence. Some political parties and organizations intentionally causes violence by setting public properties on fire, by destroying vehicles and by injuring the common people.
+D27095	Nepotism exists in Bollywood	in favor of	The standards of Indian cinemas fall at times because of nepotism. Producers and directors are pushing star kids to launch in their movies, failing to judge their acting skills and screen presence. This leads to flop movies and a loss of quality and standards of the Indian cinemas.
+D27096	Nepotism exists in Bollywood	against	Star kids also have an upbringing which is surrounded by the Bollywood industry. This gives them an advantage of getting adjusted and having a clearer overview of the industry. This might help them learn faster and do better which an outsider might not be able to.
+D27097	Nepotism exists in Bollywood	in favor of	Movie stars of Bollywood often launch their children with much ease in the industry. Such acts serve as the roots of the debate for nepotism. This kind of act has been going on since ages. Hence, nepotism evidently exists in Bollywood.
+E01002	Electric cars are not a solution to air pollution	in favor of	It would be smarter and cheaper to develop and encourage limited speed, low consumption shared thermal cars, and abandon the myth of owning a car.
+E01003	Electric cars are not a solution to air pollution	in favor of	most of the electric power is produced by thermal power plants that burn oil derivatives and by the nuclear industry.  So, until the electric power generation won't be mostly by renewable energies, is basically irrelevant which kind of cars are we using. 
+E01013	Biogas plants should be assessed on the basis of their efficiency	in favor of	Maize biogas plants need more energy to operate than they supply. Should a free-area PV plant have a ten-fold higher efficiency on this arable land, the biogas plant should not be supported.
+E01018	The EU should take responsibility for global environmental and climate policy	in favor of	climate change can only be successfully addressed on a global scale, especially in emerging countries that will be responsible for most of the greenhouse gas emissions in a few decades otherwise. But to convince them to grow green we have to acknowledge that we are denying them the way to build their economy as we did in the past 200 years. So we must support emerging countries in their transition to a green economy.
+E01020	Companies should pay for the environmental damage cause by their products	in favor of	If all costs, including CO2 emissions of the production, the extraction of resources and its consequences for the region (environment and humans), ecosystem damage, recycling of the waste, and so on and so forth would be monetized and internalized in the costs of the products, many of our problems would be solved. It would simply make the more environmentally friendly products cheaper than the others and their production economically smarter. 
+E01021	Companies should pay for the environmental damage cause by their products	in favor of	In a capitalist system in which all environmental and social and health costs of everybody affected would be internalized in the pricing of a product, the market could solve most problems.
+E01022	Businesses should buy unused emissions by reforesting, restoration, or conservation of habitats sequestrating carbon	in favor of	This would strengthen the carbon sinks across Europa.
+E01023	Businesses should buy unused emissions by reforesting, restoration, or conservation of habitats sequestrating carbon	in favor of	This would address the current issues on habitats and species loss.
+E01029	Gas and nuclear power should be supported with money from European countries	against	Gas power plants produce CO2. Climate-damaging methane is released during extraction and transport, nuclear power plants produce radioactive waste - a legacy for future generations - not to mention the current danger of release, e.g. through attacks, geological events, or operational accidents due to human or technical errors. 
+E01030	Gas and nuclear power should be supported with money from European countries	against	If we continue investing in climate and environmentally damaging, regressive, and immensely expensive nuclear power plants or technologies is a mockery of the world and a waste of money and time that we can use for sustainable investments and transformations.
+E01038	Political institutions should make fundamental changes in the way they address climate change and environmental protection	in favor of	it is essential that environmental concerns and sustainability are the foundation of any treaty with our European Union!
+E01039	Electric cars are not a solution to air pollution	against	It's by no means irrelevant what kind of cars people use; 25% renewable + 25% nuclear + 50% combustible is better than 100% combustible gasoline. 
+E01040	Electric cars are not a solution to air pollution	against	non-gasoline cars improve local air quality on city streets.
+E01045	Toilet paper should be made of recycled paper only	in favor of	In order to improve the protection of the environment, the use of fresh pulp should no longer be allowed for toilet paper.
+E01052	Solar and wind energies have harmful impacts on flying species, fauna and flora in general, and even insects	against	being against solar energy, in my opinion, is simply irrational.  Insects also die by windmills sometimes, but much more often from hunger, birds or herbicides, insecticides, etc. 
+E01053	The best way to save the world from climate change and protect the environment is to encourage everyone to start with themselves and look at what things they can do to help with this problem	against	This idea is what we have been doing for the last 30 years. It did not produce sufficient results to justify continuing on this path. It is just saying, that problem will solve itself. This proposition is harmful and does not stand on any data that could justify it.   
+E01054	The best way to save the world from climate change and protect the environment is to encourage everyone to start with themselves and look at what things they can do to help with this problem	against	It is not about blaming others. It is about seeing the situation as it is. Recognizing patterns, reasons, and consequences of our behavior. We do not make our choices in a vacuum. If it is easier and cheaper to live not sustainably, people will do it, even if they are conscious of the consequences. 
+E01055	The best way to save the world from climate change and protect the environment is to encourage everyone to start with themselves and look at what things they can do to help with this problem	against	We should arrange our cities, our economy, and politics so that it is easy for people to behave ecologically responsibly. It requires a lot of work now, but it is work that we have to do if we want to transition to something more sustainable. 
+E01059	Intensive livestock farming should disappear	in favor of	sustainable and animal-friendly farms grow their own feed and create an ecological cycle.
+E01060	Intensive livestock farming should disappear	in favor of	The current subsidies with a modular system of incentives should be replaced, as that empowers farmers to choose environmentally, socially, and financially responsible and sustainable solutions that are already available - like natural sequence farming, regenerative agriculture, permaculture, etc. 
+E01061	Intensive livestock farming should disappear	in favor of	In Germany, 60% of the land is used for animal feed. In determining how much subsidy a holding receives, the area of the holding is decisive. In other words, a lot of land, a large amount of subsidy. This results in cheap animal feed and, ultimately, intensive livestock farming. Thus, if the state subsidises animal feed and livestock farming on the basis of their size and not on the basis of sustainability and animal welfare, the concept of intensive livestock farming will be supported.
+E01074	Devices with batteries should be designed so that batteries can be replaced	in favor of	And not just the batteries. The EU should have an overall policy with a clear goal to restrict and reduce planned obsolescence. 
+E01075	Devices with batteries should be designed so that batteries can be replaced	in favor of	Having to replace an entire mobile phone (or tablet, camera, notebook, etc.) because a battery reached the end of its useful life is infuriating. It is not just a strain on consumers' wallets, it is also devastating for the environment, as the energy and resources going into manufacture of electronics is artificially increased through the short lifespans these devices have. 
+E01079	The EU should establish a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)	in favor of	CBAM is a central element towards a global approach to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and to mitigate global warming
+E01084	Climate neutrality can be achieved only by nuclear energy	in favor of	if we want stable, reliable energy grid we need a nuclear energy source. Solar energy and wind are not reliable, need a lot of batteries, and can not be a sole solution for the energy grid.
+E01091	Europe should put a GreenTax on top of all imports from highly polluting countries	in favor of	taxation seems to be the only real way to incentivize other countries less worried about climate change to work on it
+E01110	We need stricter and homogeneous environmental legislation across the EU	in favor of	We should restrict delocalizing factories to third countries where environmental legislation is softer. We need unique legislation to avoid this.
+E01111	We need stricter and homogeneous environmental legislation across the EU	in favor of	As the sustainability goals of the UN contain working conditions, human rights, environmental & climate issues together with questions of governance, they are ideal to incentivize sustainability in all sectors and fend off unsustainable practices and competition.
+E01115	Europe should protect bees	in favor of	We must protect our Planet, and without bees, wasps, or other arthropods, we go to our own extinction!
+E01116	Europe should protect bees	in favor of	Without bees, which are dying en masse, Europe’s existence is impossible. The problem is complex and it is about the influence of poisonous pesticides and other agricultural and industrial chemicals, as well as the influence of GSM technologies, which lead to overheating of the bee’s body, which falls under the negative impact of microwaves. Therefore, Europe must create a series of policies to help bees survive in the name of the surplus of European nations.
+E02001	A coordination hub should be set up with representatives of institutions that can act to facilitate the integration of refugees	in favor of	It is important to see immigrants as people who have a culture, a religious perspective, and a very different but respectable idea of sociality compared to the European one. That's why we must act in a coordinated and careful manner between institutions and organizations.
+E02002	A coordination hub should be set up with representatives of institutions that can act to facilitate the integration of refugees	in favor of	Such a hub could also have a bridging role between local necessities and opportunities at the EU level, such as project funding. 
+E02003	A coordination hub should be set up with representatives of institutions that can act to facilitate the integration of refugees	in favor of	The hub could also organize events to spread awareness in the local population on topics related to migration, in order to boost social inclusion processes and fight the spreading of fake news and ostracism of migrant people.
+E02004	British people who are residents in an EU country should have EU-wide rights	against	The British voted to leave the EU therefore all British have the same obligations as immigrants from non-EU countries.
+E02005	British people who are residents in an EU country should have EU-wide rights	against	The British people voted for Brexit, so now naturally they have to live with their choice.  It turns out you can't actually have your cake and eat it too.
+E02006	British people who are residents in an EU country should have EU-wide rights	in favor of	I think this is a good idea, but unfortunately it's framed as a British/brexit issue. However, the wider concept of a common EU visa / migration system is a compelling one. Harmonising the system to a common visa regime offers many advantages.
+E02007	British people who are residents in an EU country should have EU-wide rights	against	British people are not better than anyone else and do not deserve special treatment from the EU. The British people will face the consequences of their decision to leave the EU and it is not the EU's responsibility to make Brexit painless. The benefits of membership cannot be bestowed upon citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA, like the UK. 
+E02008	British people who are residents in an EU country should have EU-wide rights	in favor of	It is truly a pity that many people lost many of their rights overnight, one year ago. It is actually a pity that the UK even made such a decision. Brexit was the decision of generally uninformed or misinformed people who can't be blamed for it. Especially the ones that actually voted to remain or the ones that didn't get to vote at all. The truth is that the UK was always sort of the 'black sheep' in the EU. Even historically, the UK was often somewhat 'detached' from European politics and issues.
+E02009	Cohesion funds should be provided directly to cities and regions	in favor of	The cohesion funds have become a mechanism for local oligarchs and political elites to maintain their power and influence within national contexts, thus resulting in utilizing EU funds for their own personal or political gains and withholding the benefits from the people in cities and regions.
+E02010	Cohesion funds should be provided directly to cities and regions	in favor of	An increased percentage of funds dedicated to cities and regions that are controlled and distributed from the EU institutions directly to the local administrations can bypass the national systems which enable the political dependency in the first place.
+E02011	Equal pay for equal work should apply as a principle in the country in which you work, regardless of where you come from	in favor of	This will add to the transparency and fair competition.  Insincere employers shouldn't have an advantage, and in essence, it would be beneficial for all EU members, not just the workers.
+E02012	Equal pay for equal work should apply as a principle in the country in which you work, regardless of where you come from	in favor of	Protection of the rights of those who actually produce the services and products that constitutes the European market is nothing but self-evident. With a more and more integrated EU, ignoring those rights will create fragmentation and conflicts.
+E02013	Europe should have stronger borders	in favor of	The recent crisis on the Polish border only underlines the urgency of this proposal.
+E02014	Europe should have stronger borders	in favor of	Europe can no longer afford to neglect to defend its external borders and promote policies that favor illegal migration and fuel human trafficking. Strong and effective borders are the pre-condition to any aspect of a common migration policy.
+E02015	European Union should help young people to train in refugee countries	in favor of	This should help to tackle the causes of lack of prospects and absconding from these countries in order to increase the willingness of young people to stay in their homes
+E02016	Frontex should regularly publish transparency reports	against	Frontex interfering with the national border guards doing their sacred duty to protect the border, and then sending anonymous reports to criticize these brave men and women is quite abhorrent. 
+E02017	Immigrants should integrate through work	in favor of	I work on a programme in Ireland to help migrants, refugees and asylum seekers get employment and integrate.  The qualifications, skills, experience and resilience they bring is amazing and so valuable to employers and the country.  There is far too much focus on negative aspects of migration, much of it based on incorrect stereotypes.  Migration brings lots of positives to countries but we need to be open to them.
+E02018	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	against	We haven't got enough jobs and money for everyone in Europe! Stop immigration! However, Turkey, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, U.A.E., and Saudi Arabia have it! These countries can therefore welcome migrants instead of funding hundreds of mosques in Europe!
+E02019	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	against	Why do we even let in migrants who do not speak the language of the country where they wish to reside? Migration is bad for the nations and degrading for the migrants. We must work to end mass migration. 
+E02020	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	against	Indigenous Europeans have no obligation to take in any more migrants, and neither do they want to. This is being forced on us.
+E02021	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	It's only anecdotal evidence, but I have noticed in the high schools in my area that the children from migrants are more able to participate in after-school activities when their language is developed further. Children, of course, still go to school on a daily basis, which means that they automatically are taking part in language lessons. However, seeing the positive results in language learning in these children, I can imagine that their parents would benefit in the same way if they were given the opportunity to follow language lessons (ideally low-budget/free).
+E02022	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	Each migrant in the European Union must be given the possibility to integrate even if the refugee status is not clear. Integration programs could support this development in all cases.
+E02023	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	against	No, Europe is not a colony. Immigration has been devastating. Public EU officials who support immigration should be named and the European people must be given a democratic opportunity to remove them from positions of power and influence.
+E02024	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	against	We have millions of poor true Europeans that we can help, why help migrant who have nothing in common with us?
+E02025	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	Most of the time migrants have trouble fitting into society because of the language barrier and hate. Providing them with language lessons could reduce the tensions around migration, and improve the migrants' integration.
+E02026	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	Knowledge of the host country's language is essential for integration. When migrants understand the local language, studies show that their values tend towards those of the host countries over time. 
+E02027	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	It is essential that European principles and values are taught to migrants, including an explanation of the reasoning behind these principles and values. It would be best that this is provided both in the person's mother tongue and in the language of the host country. 
+E02028	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	against	For more than 50 years immigration has been going on uncontrolled and unchecked. No changes need to be made before we have an agreement that people ignoring our immigration laws should be detained in repatriation facilities with no chance of re-entering the EU. Once we agree on that we can start talking about funds and resources for those who do deserve help. 
+E02029	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	Working in sectors in ample need of workers, such as the agricultural fields, will help to integrate immigrants once their situation has been legalized. And above all, education is needed, an intensive integration education both in the language (of course) and also culture: history, philosophy, literature, etc.
+E02030	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	against	Europe needs more women to have children and raise them in a good manner, which helps transmit our culture: our culture is a praise to the world and must be saved from globalization invasion and destruction.
+E02031	International cooperation with third countries in the field of migration should be developed	against	Mass migration is an evil that hurts the nations as well as the migrants themselves, who suffer indignities and risk their lives. We must end mass migration. This requires that migrants be helped as close to the origin of migration as possible. 
+E02032	Migrants should be housed in EU bureaucrats' neighborhoods	in favor of	EU bureaucrats who have enabled immigration must be named and a democratic process for removing them from power must be put into place.  Democracy must prevail over this multicultural fascism.
+E02033	Migrants should be housed in EU bureaucrats' neighborhoods	in favor of	I think EU bureaucrats and politicians should set an example for the rest of, Merkle in particular. They should also donate 30% of their wages to them.
+E02034	NGO boats should have an government representative on board to make sure they aren't people trafficking	against	NGO boats should be forbidden, only Frontex should intervene to bring them home
+E02035	People from radical Muslim countries should be banned from entering the EU countries	against	An outright ban on muslim countries is ridiculous, the leadership of these countries and the media depictions of the people of these countries do not reflect the actual people who live there, they are no threat to us
+E02036	The Commission should remove any mention of gender and other ideology from its research funds and calls.	in favor of	'Gender' is a far-left concept that has nothing to do with biology, the physical universe, and reality.
+E02037	The EU leadership must enter into strong agreements with the countries where immigrants come from, in order to retain them in their countries	against	If we want to uphold to our standards and what the EU represents, we shall help those immigrants and give them the tools to help us make our homes better and multicultural so when the chance is presented they can then have a way to help their countries. Simply blocking them out of our region and neglecting them won't solve anything. We will only make unnecessary enemies.
+E02038	The EU needs a reorientation of migration and asylum policy	against	The World, in particular Africa and the Middle East, is experiencing a huge population explosion. They seem not to be able to cope with it as China did.  Who is going to take all these millions of refugees which result from it?  Also, consider that the integration of one non-western immigrant costs 167.000 euros.  If the EU intends to survive it has to stop more or less all migration.
+E02039	The EU needs s common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	We need to ensure fair redistribution of refugees across Europe and ensure better integration of refugees and applicants for international protection into the workplace. More concrete and fairer European policy on economic migration, to establish legal channels for entry and to foster an integration policy based on respect for rights and equal treatment of both local and migrant workers, as a key tool to address the social impact of migration flows.
+E02040	The EU needs strong advertising and recruitment strategies for students and qualified employees	in favor of	The EU should attract the world's most talented and most entrepreneurial. There was an attempt to reform the blue card directive by the Junker commission in order to create a new streamlined EU-wide visa category, similar to the short-lived Schengen visa. The holder of the new blue-card-like visa would have the entire EU labor market at their disposal. 
+E02041	The EU needs strong advertising and recruitment strategies for students and qualified employees	in favor of	The EU has, for too long, seen a net exodus or brain drain of highly qualified people.
+E02042	The EU needs strong advertising and recruitment strategies for students and qualified employees	in favor of	Compared to most anglophone countries, Europe has been quite timid in attracting talent across the globe. Too few people know of and make use of the EU Blue Card. The EU is a destination of choice for migration and refugees from developing and some neighboring countries.
+E02043	The EU should have common taxation and social policy	in favor of	The future is 'work mobility'; thus we need to simplify taxation, enhance remote working opportunities, and enable inter-country recruitment for companies.
+E02044	The EU should have open borders with poor countries	against	Many migrants simply refuse to fight to change things in their own countries. Once a migrant told me 'I want what you have, why should I sweat to build it back in my country when here it's ready to be taken?' No thanks.
+E02045	The EU should have open borders with poor countries	against	If we need work force, we should look for Europeans to come, not for Afrikans, Arabic, and Muslims.
+E02046	The EU should have open borders with poor countries	in favor of	People born in Africa or poor countries look for a better place for their kids to grow up, where there is no war, and where there is food, good education, and health systems.
+E02047	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	against	Promoting, organizing, and directing mass migration is a crime against humanity. Lukashenko is currently committing exactly this heinous crime. But so are George Soros and his NGOs who are engaged in the very same hybrid warfare against Europe when they bring those migrants to our shores. 
+E02048	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	against	Either the EU will be a fortress against illegal migration or it will not exist anymore in the future.
+E02049	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	in favor of	Europe is more than rich enough to welcome many immigrants and if they are permitted to work, they will even generate their own income and benefits for the country they arrive in.
+E02050	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	against	You are justifying the genocide of indigenous Europeans who, when asked, always reject these 'refugees'.
+E02051	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	in favor of	As EU citizens we should never forget how privileged we are, and that we bear a human obligation to help others in need. 
+E02052	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	in favor of	It is necessary that member states better share the efforts of receiving asylum seekers upon arrival at EU borders and do not leave this responsibility to frontline countries.  The EU should develop a joint approach to support the frontline countries to assure that asylum seeker are provided adequate care, assistance, and protection upon arrival and are quickly distributed evenly throughout the EU for status determination.
+E02053	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	in favor of	The root causes to leave their home countries should not be overlooked. The EU and its member states need to increase efforts to make the countries of origin more liveable.
+E02054	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	against	Successful migration is only possible when there is a vacancy in the host country, and the migrant has the required qualifications. Unlimited mass migration is the greatest existential threat to the EU.  Even more so than the CO2 threat.
+E02055	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	against	More illegal and legal migration will lead to more unemployment, lower wages, more insecurity, and less sustainable social systems.
+E02056	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	Respect for human rights and effort sharing, and solidarity should be common sense in EU member states. Unfortunately, they're not yet.
+E02057	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	against	I disagree, each country must be sovereign to establish its migration policy and no EU quotas should be accepted.
+E02058	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	Across the EU, young people are continuing to face a number of significant challenges to enter and get a  stable position in the labor market. They do not easily obtain good quality jobs with decent wages and are still faced with significant exclusion from regular employment, good-quality education, training opportunities as well as adequate inclusion and coverage in the national social protection systems. Young women and migrants are particularly affected. So we need a fairer migration policy but also consider migrant needs (and challenges) in other policy areas.  
+E02059	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	The shameful policy (and practice) of Europe these days towards migrants is contradictory to the respect we need to show to fellow world citizens. And it is not in line with the fundamental rights the EU is supposed to put into practice. 
+E02060	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	In the EU labor market we will need more workers from outside Europe to continue the level of economic activities we are planning. 
+E02061	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	There is a need for a balance between solidarity and responsibility. A reform of the Dublin system is needed, but the revision work has not moved an inch since 2019. There have been attempts of making progress in adopting a common European asylum system and forming an EU-wide resettlement system with sufficient financial incentives, while also stressing its aim to closely monitor migration routes and maintain situational awareness. This issue should be enhanced on a European level, as we never know when there will be a new crisis at our hands, this time caused by climate change and environmental disasters forcing people to go into diaspora and search for a safe haven.  
+E02062	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	against	The EU should treat economic migrants with more vigilance. They cannot be the solution to the aging European population. We need more focus on border control to curb illegal migration. 
+E02063	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	The human rights-based approach should be the core principle. Legal channels for entry and fostering an integration policy based on respect for rights and equal treatment of both local and migrant workers, as key tools to address the social impact of migration flows are necessary.
+E02064	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	Migrant workers are overrepresented in the most precarious jobs, they are too often underpaid, they work under intolerable working conditions, and live in horrendous housing facilities. Workers are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. And they continue to encounter inhumane working and living conditions because effective enforcement is lacking. Trade unions are often not allowed on worksites with precarious jobs and migrant workers can therefore not adequately be informed about their labor and trade union rights. Third-country nationals are even more vulnerable than EU migrant/mobile workers. 
+E02065	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	Although there is an immense increase in the number of TCN migrant workers, there is no adequate policy in protecting their rights. Anyone in Europe should be entitled to the same worker’s rights, no matter where they come from. As migration is an issue that is dealt with by all countries, we must find a common answer at the EU level.
+E02066	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	The Dublin Agreement leaves EU member states with an external border completely alone to deal with the challenge of immigration. This must stop! Not only because solidarity in the EU is important for its cohesion, but also because the inevitable overburdening of states left alone with this challenge creates intolerable situations for the refugees.
+E02067	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	against	Before we focus on ensuring that immigrants have nice conditions in the EU, we should first focus on ensuring that our own people can live respected lives in their own countries. Countries where they paid taxes and supported with their own labor. So that they are supported when they get ill, when they need help taking care of their kids and when they one day retire. EU still hasn't properly managed to achieve this in all member states. As such those member states should focus on repairing and improving the situation for their own people first and once those countries are up to standard and have free resources left, then we can speak of improving the situation for immigrants.
+E02068	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	against	Each country must have the right to choose based on a democratic vote, how many immigrants they want to accept.  The question of immigrants depends on each country's reality and culture: this must be managed at the local level.
+E02069	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	against	We should not bring the problem to Europe, but we should rather help where it is needed in their region! 
+E02070	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	against	Giving immigrants more rights will lead to the forced displacement and eventual erasure of indigenous Europeans. This is criminal. If what's happening to the Uyghurs and Tibetans in China is genocide then so is this. This idea proposal is not grassroots, it's astroturfed lies to hide the fact that our migration policies are totally undemocratic and forced onto native Europeans.
+E02071	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	A fair, sustainable, and open Europe benefits everyone.  Our common future demands actions to put human rights, solidarity, and social justice on top of the agenda. 
+E02072	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	against	The nations must have the final say regarding whom they want to allow to live on their sovereign territories. 
+E02073	We need to change the immigration policy to prevent illegal crossing	against	Mass immigration is the biggest existential threat to the EU.  The UNCHR has already 70 million registered refugees, mainly from Africa and the ME. In Africa 400 million like to come to the EU.  Almost all people are without a useful education.  There is no other solution than an, almost, total stop to immigration.
+E02074	We need to develop a partnership between the EU and the AU (African Union)	in favor of	Agreed, BUT only on one condition: that every euro be spent under the joint control of local and European officers. There's so much corruption in Africa that otherwise of every 100 euros sent there, at least 80 would end up in the pockets of corrupt officers. And in that case, it's better to not send anything.
+E02075	We need to develop partnership between the EU and the AU (African Union)	in favor of	The European Union should be a haven of togetherness and humanity. 
+E02076	We need to develop partnership between the EU and the AU (African Union)	in favor of	The migration pressure from Africa towards Europe results from a significant difference in perceived quality of life. It is in the interest of the EU and its member states to reduce that difference by working with the AU to level up and develop African nations.
+E03003	The European Union should implement a EU wide carbon tax	in favor of	Yes, and it should be payed out to every citizen of the EU. Those people with a lower CO2 footprint - typically lower income family - would greatly benefit from it and be incentivized to invest in cleaner energy, heating etc.
+E03009	The EU should promote organizations that teach the national language via Esperanto	in favor of	Esperanto should be promoted as an international lingua franca. Esperanto is an efficient and expressive means of cross-cultural communication, allowing high degrees of inclusion.
+E03010	The European Union's asylum system needs to implement its humanitarian principles	in favor of	Give those who want to come a fair & secure possibility to do so & send those back who really damage your society. Give training, support, opportunities. My guess is that most will pay back with their contributions.
+E03011	The European Union's asylum system needs to implement its humanitarian principles	in favor of	We already have successful programs for students from refugee camps. Enhance that.
+E03012	The European Union's asylum system needs to implement its humanitarian principles	in favor of	Yes, though some countries have other problems right now. Give member states the possibility to choose: more refugees & more money & support or less refugees & less money & support. Very simple.
+E03029	We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine	in favor of	Take as example airplanes - how so, that it is so common to be able to search for tickets using one of many webpages or apps, but we actually cannot do the same for trains? Trains are more ecological.
+E03030	There should be an EU citizenship	against	If we do have an EU citizenship we will have an EU country and EU already proved to be no good dealing with problems and is extremely undemocratic and not listening to the people.
+E03032	We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine	in favor of	There are countries like Greece to which to my knowledge is no train connection from other EU countries at all. That should be a top priority for the EU! 
+E03039	We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine	in favor of	This would help to plan the most efficient and economical itinerary 
+E03040	The European Union should implement a EU wide carbon tax	in favor of	Yes, but the tax should be progressive per capita. This will ensure that we tax mostly overuse of resources and avoid increasing wealth inequality of the poor.
+E03046	Serious crimes should lead to rapid expulsion from the EU	in favor of	Agreed. Only if we show that criminals don't have a place in the EU, we can convince our citizens that refugees aren't that much of a threat. Making the checking process that each refugee has to go through public would also help to get rid of the feeling that anyone can just come here and we need to close our borders.
+E03051	The European Union should enforce the energy transition in its member states	in favor of	why should every country in the EU be sovereign in energy production? Within the countries also not every region is sovereign in this sense. We need to take advantage of the geographic potentials of the european continent for pragmatic solutions
+E03052	Serious crimes should lead to rapid expulsion from the EU	in favor of	Not only for committing, but also planning. Especially if an immigrant gets caught planning a terrorist act, he/she must be removed from EU permanently.
+E03053	The European Union should implement a EU wide carbon tax	in favor of	Most experts agree that an EU-wide carbon tax would be an efficient way to curb our CO2 emissions. 
+E03054	The European Union should implement a EU wide carbon tax	in favor of	In my point of view it will be essential to impose some compensatory levies on products from third countries to ensure that they will not have a competitive advantage.
+E03055	The European Union should implement a EU wide carbon tax	in favor of	Eventually, the best solution would be a world wide agreement (as within OECD and like minded) such as the global minimum tax rate.
+E03063	The European Union should hold a referendum to decide on immigration	in favor of	Absolutely right! If the eurocrats cared about what the people want, they'd ask them. 
+E03064	We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine	in favor of	Cheap and accessible train travel brings everyone closer together regardless of borders 
+E03066	The European Union's asylum system needs to implement its humanitarian principles	in favor of	We should think of more opportunities to enter the EU legally. Many people come illegally, because we refuse them opportunities to come, stay a while for work or education and maybe go back later. People die because of that nonsense.
+E03067	The European Union's asylum system needs to implement its humanitarian principles	in favor of	I recently read that especially African families tend to send their smartest, best educated youngsters abroad to improve the family situation. These people are desperately needed both for the future of their home countries and for our future. We need skilled & educated people in many sectors, but sends such people back to their home countries, because they were unfortunate enough to be refugees.
+E03077	We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine	in favor of	It has to work like with air travel: Book a coherent journey from A to B operated by different companies, and be sure that if something goes wrong, there will be a solution (rebooking, ...).
+E03078	We need see nuclear energy as green energy	against	Nuclear energy is not green because of radioactive waste.
+E04001	Serious crimes should lead to rapid expulsion from the EU	in favor of	I agree, no one should migrate to a country if they're going to commit a crime.
+E04002	We need to invest in nuclear energy	against	Nuclear energy simply is too expensive and hence economically not viable. According to the researchers at RethinkX, we will see a clean energy disruption in the next ten years which will leave investments in oil, coal and nuclear stranded.
+E04013	The European Union has no other choice than to reject all immigration, except for workers they need.	in favor of	Africa and the Middle East have the highest birthrate in the World. Africa has up to 7 children per woman. The EU has 1,55.  It is this high birthrate that keeps them poor. There is almost nothing the EU can do about it.
+E04014	The European Union has no other choice than to reject all immigration, except for workers they need.	in favor of	The EU is not responsible for the entire World.
+E04019	The Commission should take care of the administration of camps where migrants and asylum seekers are kept.	against	All refugee camps should be closed. And illegals moved back to the last country they left. 
+E04020	Immigrants should learn the language of their host country.	in favor of	Helping migrants learn the language and culture of the country they are living in are critical to successful integration. Language and norms of the job market and workplace should also be built in.
+E04021	We need a better migration policy.	in favor of	Africa is the only continent where the number of young people continues to increase. 
+E04022	We need a better migration policy.	in favor of	Discussing what happened in the past between Africa and Europe is useless. All slaves and their owners died a long time ago. You cannot blame the grandchildren.
+E04023	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	If there are language problems, we need to work on national integration systems, e.g. in France where English is being thought in French. language.
+E04024	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	We have already English as a language of exchange.
+E04025	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	English is ideal as it is spoken internationally as the language of commerce, travel, and political exchange. Esperanto isn't.
+E04028	We need better ways of migration.	in favor of	Migration is part of being human and has always happened throughout history.    
+E04029	We need better ways of migration.	in favor of	The EU needs a humane, civilized, and legal way to manage migration, whether it is for economic reasons or to seek international protection. 
+E04033	We need an integrated migration and border policy.	in favor of	The EU member states need to lift together instead of trying to push the burdens onto each other or external nations.
+E04034	Europe is getting older and should be open to more migration from Asia, and southeast Asia.  	in favor of	We need to accept more immigrants to combat the aging of the European population. Immigrants do also grow old but before then they generally have children.
+E04035	Permanent non-EU nationals who are living in the European Union should have more rights.	against	Paying taxes is not enough, if you want to become a citizen with full rights you need to fully embrace the country you live in.
+E04039	Every young European should be asked to go live in another country for 1 year at least	against	If young Europeans are living abroad they will feel racism on their own in the country they are living in.
+E04040	Every young European should be asked to go live in another country for 1 year at least	against	No duck would like to live with eagles or sparrows.  That's nature, not wishful thinking.
+E04043	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants have a complete lack of critical thinking.  
+E04044	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants willingly risk their lives.
+E04045	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants depend on other countries' social systems.
+E04046	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants sell drugs.
+E04048	Migration should not be the solution.	in favor of	The EU should acknowledge the fact that increasing birth rates in Europe, and supporting European families to have (more) children is the most appropriate long-term solution.
+E04049	Migration should not be the solution.	in favor of	For increasing the birthrate and supporting young families, Hungary should be an example. We should not rely on migration for this.
+E04053	The European Union should be harder towards irreparable migrants, those who do not value their lives in peace, security, and prosperity.	against	The emphasis on negative stereotypes towards migrants comes mostly from people who don't know Africans or other migrants or refugees. 
+E04054	The European Union should be harder towards irreparable migrants, those who do not value their lives in peace, security, and prosperity.	against	Migrants have an enormous amount to offer in energy, new ideas, and cultures. Why this emphasis on imaginary 'takeovers'?
+E04062	Asylum seekers should only be able to file asylum applications from their home or neighboring country.	in favor of	If asylum applications are filed from abroad the costs for EU taxpayers to handle asylum seekers are reduced. 
+E04063	Asylum seekers should only be able to file asylum applications from their home or neighboring country.	in favor of	If asylum applications are filed from abroad the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean sea is ended.
+E04064	Asylum seekers should only be able to file asylum applications from their home or neighboring country.	in favor of	If asylum applications are filed from abroad the security risks for asylum seekers are greatly reduced.
+E04066	Migrants should not be used for political blackmail.	in favor of	Mass migration is hybrid warfare directed against our stability. State actors, such as Morocco, Belarus and Turkey have already taken advantage of mass migration. 
+E04067	Migrants should not be used for political blackmail.	in favor of	Mass migration is hybrid warfare directed against our stability. NGOs organize, finance, and promote migration to get advantages.
+E04070	We need Integrated migration and border policy.	against	Migration has totally gotten out of control. The EU refuses to see the magnitude of it. Hundreds of millions like to migrate. All people without the right language and fitting education. The massive numbers of immigrants threaten the existence of EU societies, through crime, poverty, and housing shortage.
+E04071	We need Integrated migration and border policy.	against	 Refugees can obtain a visa at an Embassy in one of the 54 African countries. All other immigrants must be returned within a week of arrival.
+E04072	We need a revision of the current asylum policy in the European Union.	against	There are Memberstaates in the European Union, that do not want any asylum seekers in their country. For example, Denmark sends back all Syrens and other Arabians.
+E04076	The fear of migration is a fear of the unknown and is exacerbated.	against	Fear of the unknown is normal behavior. It has saved our race since ages starting when mankind was a simple monkey among others. 
+E04077	The fear of migration is a fear of the unknown and is exacerbated.	against	Additionally when fear is reinforced by facts like increased violence in every country with a high number of immigrants, and rapes of women it is not a problem of 'perception' but a simple reality.
+E04078	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Halt all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries into the EU.
+E04079	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	against	Instead of trying to stop immigration, we need to create a good integration plan and at the same time improve living conditions in the 2nd and 3rd world countries. This includes fighting for climate justice and decreasing unequal wealth distribution between countries.
+E04080	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society.	in favor of	There need to be some rules for integration:Integration does not mean giving up European values and culture.
+E04081	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society.	in favor of	There need to be some rules for integration:Integration does not mean completely open borders.
+E04082	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	I am happy to see that the ide of haling all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries is still going strong. This message needs to be communicated to Brussels very clearly. 
+E04083	We do not want immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	No more non-European immigration. The native Europeans have said NO.
+E04085	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	European citizens are the future of Europe! 
+E04089	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	against	Just arguing to keep migrants out is very shortsighted and unhistorical. By keeping migrants out, migration pressure will not abate. So what do you suggest for next year, 10 years from now?  
+E04090	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	against	Migration has been a fact of history and successful societies have found ways to turn migration into strength. In our case in order to alleviate the current challenge in the long term we need to alleviate migration pressure by making it attractive for migrants to stay put and help develop their own countries. Such a helpful project, a European Marshal Plan for Africa would be a good project to invest in. The long-term return on investment would be more than financial: A friendly neighbor continent, good relationships, access to the African market, and natural resources. That is not a short-term fix. And there is no short-term fix. We have to play the long game!
+E04091	We do not need any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	Why can't Arab countries shelter refugees from other Arab countries? Same habits, religion and they have enough wealth.
+E04092	We need a better EU migration policy 	in favor of	his is the issue in politics and public sector policy making. No objectives are to be pursued. No problems to be solved. I guess it is the nature of the beast. Balancing conflicting interests. 
+E04096	Humanitarian organizations should be financially responsible in relation to illegal immigration.	in favor of	A humanitarian association that helps a migrant to enter the EU illegally, should lose its government/EU funding.
+E04097	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	We should halt all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries into the EU. However, if we want to stop this immigration, we must stop its causes. Indeed, it is war, poverty, and European, Chinese and American neo-colonialism that make the people of African and Middle Eastern countries flee to Europe. So Europe must finally take responsibility and protect these countries from corruption, war, and neo-colonialism and help them to start their economy.
+E04099	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	Migration from countries with incompatible cultural values and ideologies should be limited or stopped to ensure social cohesion in Europe. Regressive outdated ideologies and values should have no place in Europe. 
+E04100	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	The migrants that are already (legally) here should be taught western values so they and their families can integrate/assimilate, as the age-old saying goes 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'.
+E04101	We need a single immigration policy.	against	What we are now seeing are the first waves of a human tsunami. In sub-Saharan Africa, over years the population will have grown to 2,0 billion.  That is more than the people who live in the EU and US today.  At the same time, the Population in the EU is shrinking. When we keep the border open the EU as a viable society will disappear.  Not much of a future for the young Europeans.
+E04102	There should be no illegal migration	in favor of	Entering the EU without a permit automatically excludes a person from any right to receive asylum. 
+E04103	There should be no illegal migration	in favor of	We must stop all loopholes - for example automatically rejecting asylum claims of anyone who enters Europe illegally.
+E04105	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	against	In Conclusion, we should say: 'Europeans go home. Go home, leave every part of the world where we are making business, exploiting cheap labor, rare minerals, selling arms, invading foreign countries and exporting democracy, etc. '
+E04106	We need a combined education and migration policy for Africa and the Middle East.	against	The demographic problems for the EU, which are real, must be solved by encouraging child-bearing and a generous family policy, not through migration. We must celebrate motherhood and Moms. We must realize that raising a child involves serious costs in today's Europe.
+E04107	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Multiculturalism creates chaos wherever it exists. Sweden's Stockholm has become the Rape Capital of the West, and the number of bombs and shootings has skyrocketed as well in that country. France is bordering on civil war, whole territories are not under state control anymore. Europe needs to stop migration and asylum indefinitely. We need to put our European peoples first, much like the entire world is doing while our civilization is committing suicide based on values imposed by sanctimonious narcissists. 
+E04108	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	There's nothing wrong with not wanting your continent to become chaos and putting your people first, every civilization in this world takes that idea as self-evident. We need to negotiate Remigration deals with the 3rd countries to send their nationals back and we need to use Frontex to push back any migrants coming to our borders.
+E04109	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	against	The EU leadership fails to carry out its fundamental duties: guard its border and protect its own people. Even 30 years after Schengen was introduced. 
+E04110	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	against	Immigration should not be part of humanitarian aid. Humanitarian aid should be delivered directly to Africa / Asia. The Turkey deal should eventually be abolished.
+E04111	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	Europe must stay Europe and people must not be imposed a cultural and religious change they do not want and which is insane. Look at what the Arabic or north African countries have become, after 1400 years of Islam.
+E04112	Humanitarian organizations should be financially responsible in relation to illegal immigration.	in favor of	A humanitarian association that helps a migrant to enter the EU illegally, should be required to provide financial support in dignified conditions. 
+E04113	Humanitarian organizations should be financially responsible in relation to illegal immigration.	in favor of	A humanitarian association that helps a migrant to enter the EU illegally should also be dragged in front of the court for not taking the illegals to the closest safe port. In 90% of the cases, the closest port lies in Africa. 
+E04114	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	We need to stop all funding to NGOs and all migration organizations within the EU. Then can we talk about how to help the people already here and how to help real people in need.
+E04115	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	We need to agree that people who do not respect our immigration law are detained in centers for repatriation.
+E04119	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	The country of origin should absolutely be the most important criterion for deciding who we let into our countries. 160 Frenchman would still be alive if we put the welfare of our own above people whose countries the Americans have bombed to shreds.
+E04120	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	 It is time, to be honest about this! Europeans have the right to self-determination like every other country out there! This is OUR home and a home for everyone is a home for no one.
+E04121	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Our Europe continent is in debt and doesn't have the resources to care for people who have never paid taxes and continue to disregard our laws! We have enough poor people in Europe already and we need to take care of them!
+E04122	We do not want illegal migration.	against	I do not agree with stripping people of their right to asylum and a right to live in the EU because they came illegally. I would instead suggest making it easier to migrate legally. That way there would be no need to migrate illegally and risk your life while doing so.
+E04123	We need a better distribution of refugees	against	The dividing of refugees is a long-discussed plan. But in the end, no involved group agreed with these plans. Some countries do not like these people at all. 
+E04124	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society	against	Europe is full and cannot accept more illegal migrants. Those persons must be sent back and have to ask for approval from their state of origin.
+E04126	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	We are Europeans; this is not racism but we don't support growth. If we accept many immigrants then we make a huge stop in the growth of the migrant countries, because I am 100% sure that they will never ever go back to their country.
+E04127	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	against	What are you 5? And what do you mean by first-world? Should we create a task force just to understand what countries are to be considered the first world? Is it the money? The religion? The food? Their political system? And then reevaluate each year? This comment is plain ignorant.
+E04128	There should be 6 concrete proposals for migrants on the Balkan route.	in favor of	The proposal of the Sardines to reform EU asylum policy is an excellent proposal, well and thoroughly written.
+E04130	We need a better distribution of refugees	against	The key to successful immigration depends upon the possibility of employment.  So EU members are to decide whom they want to admit.  
+E04131	We need a better distribution of refugees	against	Illegal immigrants have to be returned to UN refugee camps.   
+E04132	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	against	I have no trouble with, non-western, immigrants.  I have trouble with 'mass immigration'.  What happens is when they come in large numbers they do not integrate anymore.  They stick to themselves and become a new tribe that tries to change their host country.'
+E04138	We need a better distribution of refugees.	against	If you want migrants, invite them into your home.
+E04139	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	in favor of	Turkey is an enemy. It uses this deal to make a threat. Stop it now and send patrols to the Greek border or welcome them.
+E04140	There should be no illegal migration	in favor of	This is just evidence. Immigration will be one of the most difficult topics in the next decades (or even years) due to the insane demographic rates the world is suffering nowadays, so immigration has to be closely monitored and all illegal immigration has to be blocked.
+E04141	We need an immediate cessation of all immigration.	in favor of	The EU needs to establish a legal means of preventing illegal migration that is encouraged by the Turkish government and by privately funded NGOs, which are acting against the interest of the EU.
+E04142	There should be no illegal migration.	against	What does legal migration look like? People can only ask for asylum from within the EU and must officially do so at the Point of Entry. This has caused inhumane circumstances as we see at Camp Moria in Greece. 
+E04143	There should be no illegal migration.	against	What does legal migration look like? People can not ask for asylum at an Embassy or Consulate. So people actually have to come to the EU and enter the EU if they want to ask for asylum in the EU. This has caused inhumane and dangerous circumstances as we see in the Mediterranean Sea.
+E04144	We need a single immigration policy.	in favor of	We do need migrants, from an ethical and practical point of view. Europe is old and archaic in most of its practices. Innovation is failing and the best we can do is defend the status quo and the old people in power.   
+E04145	We need a single immigration policy.	in favor of	But also those people who fear migrants, thinking they are all criminals (while 99% of them are people coming to work, improving their family's life, and paying taxes) will need someone to pay their retirement benefits/ pensions and to push their wheelchairs...
+E04146	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	against	Without the refugee deal, the migrants will return to invade us. 
+E04147	We need a better EU migration policy.	in favor of	It is absurd that such an EU policy about migration is lacking.  
+E04148	We need a better EU migration policy.	in favor of	The EU is driving in the dark with the lights switch off. 
+E04149	We need a single immigration policy.	against	Nonsense. Mass migration is a crime against humanity.  Endorse this idea: No more immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries.
+E04151	We need a single immigration policy.	against	The EU cannot be heaven for the entire World. The reality requires that refugees must be stopped at the border and receive only temporary shelter.  The number is simply too big to give anyone: free housing, free living, free education, free medicare, and a free pension. Anybody arguing else is completely out of touch with reality. 
+E04154	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Europe should look at the European people first. It is not fair for the working classes to have to live within the ruins of multiculturalism while the middle class supports immigration from within their gated communities.
+E04155	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Immigration is a class issue. At the same time integration is important. Those against this policy should be made to send their children to multicultural schools in order to help with integration. 
+E04157	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	Marvelous to see this idea of halting immigration receive the most endorsements on the migration topic. This is really not going according to plan for the globalists! 
+E05001	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society	in favor of	Complex problems are faced by deepening study, not by pretending they don't exist.
+E05002	The EU should focus more on ensuring the success of the internal market, and on improving its competitiveness	in favor of	Whenever you find yourself in crisis, and the EU is in crisis, it is a good idea to return to core business. And in the case of the EU, the core business is economy, trade, and security. That's where the focus should be.
+E05003	The EU should focus more on ensuring the success of the internal market, and on improving its competitiveness	in favor of	The more dynamic the economy, the stronger the innovation and worldwide influence the EU will have, including soft power.
+E05004	The EU should focus more on ensuring the success of the internal market, and on improving its competitiveness	in favor of	The Covid-19 pandemic showed us that the European Union is not able to come up with technological innovations that could strengthen our economic position. 
+E05005	The EU should implement a common pension fund	in favor of	The EU has some rules on how social security systems are coordinated (Regulation 883/2004/EC). EU rules ensure that the pension rights accrued in each country are added together and paid out by the pension insurance institution of the Member State of affiliation. But the bureaucratic nightmare is probably just as guaranteed.  A better solution would be a transparent and digital platform that collects pension entitlements from all EU member states. That way, every citizen would have an overview of his or her pension entitlements at all times, not just until when they are due.
+E05010	The EU should equalize the retirement age for all Europeans. 	in favor of	The standardized retirement age would not only be fairer in an open market, but it would also (and even more so in the future) prevent any complexities with being paid their retirement for those who have made their contributions in different Member States throughout their lives. Even though there is to be at least a central system for this (a step in the right direction), one will only receive a share of one's retirement from a particular Member State once one reaches the retirement age of that Member State.
+E05012	The EU should improve public management and anti-corruption mechanisms	in favor of	Bad governance, unreasonable spending, and corruption are damaging and unsustainable which means, we can't afford to leave them alone if we want to have a future. 
+E05013	The EU should improve public management and anti-corruption mechanisms	in favor of	The EU needs to focus on simplifying and standardizing European processes and procedures associated with public management and creating efficient and effective anti-corruption mechanisms. This will reduce the financial resources to be made available to the most relevant areas of intervention at the EU, country, and regional Levels.
+E05016	The EU should put more pressure on the non-euro area member states to adopt the single currency	against	There is a reason why these states don't want to join the common currency: their economies are more flexible and doing far better without it. If we really want more countries to start using the euro, we need to make the euro better, not pressure or force others into our inefficient system. 
+E05017	The EU should implement a common pension fund	in favor of	I find it distressing and unreasonable to force an individual to leave behind their hard-earned pension pot. There should be a mechanism that stops this practice. Just as I can move myself, my family, furniture, car, and bank accounts freely within the EU, I should have the same right to move and merge my pensions into a single unit. 
+E05018	The EU should equalize the retirement age for all Europeans. 	against	Retirement is often funded by taxes and taxes are decided by each member state. So each member state should also be the one who decides how those taxes are spent. For some countries, a retirement age of 65 may be unaffordable or undesirable, while for others it may not.
+E05019	Food health and industry companies should be located within the EU	in favor of	The COVID crisis has shown, that we are very vulnerable.  Critical industries must stay in Europe. Infrastructure in the EU especially critical infrastructure must remain under full and absolute European control.
+E05020	Food health and industry companies should be located within the EU	in favor of	It will bring the EU more jobs, less unemployment, and more added value.
+E05025	Catalan should be an official language of the European Parliament	in favor of	There are languages that are spoken by fewer people and are official
+E05026	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	against	The European Parliament in its current form is completely inadequate at representing the interests of all citizens, including the labor force. I cannot agree to give it more power until it is ensured that the MEPs are more responsive to their constituents. Electing them from individual election districts (not lists) and reducing their mandate to 2-3 years would be a good first step. 
+E05027	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	in favor of	Real democracy cannot do without economic democracy. If the major decisions about our future life (investments, inventions, production) are made outside social control, then there is no real democracy.  Without proper social consultation, there is no prospect for a fair Europe.
+E05028	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	in favor of	The undemocratic nature and perception of the presidency and the commission were used very effectively during the Brexit referendum campaign to change the minds of even the most reasonable pro-EU and anti-Brexit voters as EU political representatives were already remote and inaccessible to many people, with unrecognized names, faces, and campaign points.
+E05029	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	in favor of	Having leaders with great power across Europe that nobody directly voted for is of great concern. Unless the EU radically democratizes the presidency (creating the position which failed several referenda) as well as the commission, it will be used again and again to stoke anti-EU sentiment.
+E05030	The EU should set up physical offices, where citizens can address their concerns about Europe	in favor of	As we are transitioning into a more extensive digital age every day we still should not forget that as we age it gets harder to be quick with digital news, information, and advances in society. Therefore even right now our current older generations and future older generations need a physical touch point where competent people would be able to introduce on the spot what that one person as a citizen of the European Union can do that exact day to influence the benefit of Europe and their country.
+E05031	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	in favor of	We need to strengthen citizens' trust in the European project! This requires more transparency and accountability, in particular when it comes to access to documents and democratic decision-making. The 'Better Regulation' approach of the Commission which focuses on cutting costs and burdens prioritizes business interests over general interests and should be abandoned. The European project needs to benefit the many and not the few!
+E05034	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	In order to promote European peace, prosperity, and precious diversity, a different administration system is needed: a federal Europe, based on a democratic federal constitution instead of anarchy-provoking EU treaties. 
+E05035	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	Catalonia must become independent from the Spanish dictatorial repression that tries to end the Catalan language and culture.
+E05036	There can be no real European democracy without the autonomous fiscal power of the EU.	against	No. If the parliament was given free rein to start taxing people directly, they would of course abuse this power to fund their own pet projects because MEPs want to feel important and increase their own power above all else. It's good that the member states (via council decisions) can explicitly decide the size of the EU budget. And until the democratic deficit and other systemic problems in the EU are fixed, it's good that the budget is kept at 1-2% of the total EU GDP.
+E05037	The EU must be confederal and not federal	against	We need a real and effective European democracy, therefore, a European Federation.
+E05039	We need to strengthen the participation of citizens in the design and processes of the EU	against	First, we should empower people more: put an emphasis on education and build a control mechanism for internet propaganda, e.g. force transparency on which content is truly human and which is sponsored or created by organizations and companies. Second, we should criminalize deliberate misinformation properly. Third, we should restructure the representation of people in the European Union. After all the above-mentioned, we can think about establishing a more binding role of petitions to the European Parliament.
+E05040	We need a common EU TV channel free of charge for people in all Member States	in favor of	The language barrier and a weak influence on local thinking, allow local propaganda to pass on distorted and untrue information about what is happening in the EU to their citizens. Local governments have easy work to appropriate the positive things that the EU has achieved and, conversely, seduce its own failure on 'European bureaucracy'.
+E05042	The EU should be involved in the creation of a media-funding framework	against	In other words, EU (taxpayer)-sponsored propaganda.
+E05043	The federal features of the European Treaties need to be strengthened.	in favor of	We must move towards full co-decision power for the European Parliament and the abolition of unanimity for climate, energy, social affairs, and taxation policies.
+E05044	The federal features of the European Treaties need to be strengthened.	in favor of	There is a lack of security and defense policy that can realistically be achieved by strengthening the Euro body as the 28th European army. 
+E05045	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	against	Directly electing the president of the commission makes the most susceptible to political sway, which would kill the commission as a body of technical experts.  
+E05046	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	against	How would the candidates be selected? One per country? That just makes it a tight race between the two countries with the largest population (assuming one vote per person). Why would e.g. a Greek person vote for a Swedish candidate? How would even a Swedish candidate campaign in such a way as to appeal to Greek voters?
+E05047	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	Europe was composed of 13 countries in 1870 and 23 in 1914. Maybe it's time to change borders without bloodshed.
+E05048	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	against	In Germany, the President of the Executive is not elected by the people directly either. The reason for this is the horrible experience during the Third Reich. The Parliament - as the only constitutional institution being directly elected - has a stronger stand if the President is not elected directly. However I definitely support, that the Parliament becomes stronger and more influential. 
+E05049	EU citizens should be allowed to direct vote for more decisions	against	Direct democracy is too open to manipulation by populists and malefactors via social media. A transparent representative democracy with a solid lid on lobbyism is to be preferred.
+E05050	Council meetings should be open to the public and the press	in favor of	Transparency is the first key to real democracy. Although today, Council meetings are partially live-streamed, most of the meetings are behind closed doors. This is an especially big problem with the Eurogroup and Eurosummit, which are shady informal meetings.  Or think about all the meetings between diplomats (Coreper) and civil servants (working groups and committees), where ±90% of decisions are made, for the Council to be rubberstamped. Meetings that most citizens don't even know about. 
+E05051	Council meetings should be open to the public and the press	in favor of	In order to strengthen democracy in the EU, Council meetings should be open to the public and the press. Only in open Council meetings are the Ministers of the Member States forced to clearly state the national interests they can vouch for in relation to their national partners and Voters. Together with the European Parliament, it focuses on an open political debate and decision-making process.
+E05052	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	We live in the XXI century. We do not want any repression of peripheries by their state center. Within the European Union, we should welcome the blessing of decentralism and localism, including the self-determination of stateless peoples and stronger autonomies within confederal agreements. If not in Europe, where? If not now, when?
+E05053	The EU should synchronize national elections 	in favor of	The only thing Europeans don’t do together is politics. This is because national parties - not EU parties - run the show within and across Europe. After 70 years of integration, the EU lacks a European party system capable of fostering a genuine transnational space of political debate and dialogue where citizens can understand, influence, and participate in decision-making affecting their common interests as Europeans. This must change.
+E05054	The EU should synchronize national elections 	in favor of	The political composition of the European Council - and therefore the EU’s political center of gravity - continuously changes during the EU political cycle, thus preventing clearer government majorities to emerge within these two European Councils.   
+E05055	The EU should synchronize national elections 	in favor of	National elections synchronization would finally make it possible to strengthen the effectiveness of the Council of the EU, by eliminating the blockages caused by the constant renewal of Ministers, which considerably slows down decision-making.  
+E05056	The EU should synchronize national elections 	in favor of	Synchronizing national elections would allow European citizens to engage in major pan-European campaigns.
+E05059	The President of the European Commission should be directly elected by direct universal suffrage	against	A direct election of a European president is a travesty of democracy. It would be only a mediatic competition among 'plastic' leaders.  Something very similar to The Simulacra (Dick's 1964 science fiction novel).  We are not a 'nation', we are a confederation of nations.
+E05060	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	in favor of	Decision-making is today made unilaterally minding short-term economic interests and employers' demands. We need a social, progressive policy in the EU.
+E05061	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	in favor of	 It is also very important that the EU does not destroy national progressive labor laws and social protection provisions in third-party countries via Agreements as it tried with Switzerland and the Institutional Framework Agreement. 
+E05062	Council meetings should be open to the public and the press	against	It would render the meetings useless since they would only be able to express official statements and instead negotiate new ideas without pressure.
+E05063	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	According to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (the ICCPR), ‘[a]ll peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. The right to self-determination also has its economic content which gives the people the right to freely ‘dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic cooperation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law.'
+E05064	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	in favor of	Europe needs a proper parliament including a right to initiative combined with strong involvement of social partners, e.g. through European Social Dialogue or the partnership principle in regional funds.
+E05066	Voting for European Parliament Elections should be mandatory	against	High voter turnout is usually desirable, but it's a symptom, not the root cause. Forcing people to go to the polls doesn't mean they will make more informed choices. Besides, voter turnout is a good metric that tells us where the potential problems of voter disenfranchisement are which is the first step to addressing them.
+E05067	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	After so many years, so many wars, and so many forced exiles all over Europe and all over the world, it may be time to rectify our errors and return the old given rights to the many national groups that have been eliminated by force or conquest or undesired immigration. There is now a good example of this happening in Ukraine by the Russian occupation.
+E05068	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	Self-determination is a basic collective human right. Catalans practiced this right in 2017.  Since then the Catalan Republic is kidnaped by Spanish lawfare, with the elected president Puigdemont in exile within Europe and more than 3000 Catalan activists suffering political persecution as a consequence.  Ignoring this conflict within the core of Europe by European Institutions can undermine the EU at its very start.  If you sincerely believe in human rights, recognize the Catalan Republic officially. This crucial step will enforce European democracy, the Democracy of Citizens that feel free and respected within European borders.
+E05069	The EU should focus on pragmatism	in favor of	The attempt to shove the postmodern version of liberalism down Europeans' throats has contributed greatly to the current crisis of the EU. 
+E05070	The EU should focus on pragmatism	in favor of	Pragmatism was in the EU’s DNA since its inception, but this is sadly no longer the case. The current EU is not a moral authority, it is a political organization based on mutual interests and political diversity.
+E05071	The EU should focus on pragmatism	in favor of	Pragmatism entails the protection and promotion of European interests, banning top-down ideology, and respecting the cultural and political individuality of every Member state.
+E05072	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	Every nation with its own language and culture, which demands the same status as a sovereign nation within Europe, must have the right to be recognized and respected by people and other member nations/states.
+E05073	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	against	No, the direct election of a single leader by the people gives too much power to this person. And anyhow: nobody can know another person well enough. Look at the USA: the candidates for president are not real people but are constructed by PR agencies.
+E05074	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	against	The European Commission has to be independent. It is not allowed to take instructions from any country, lobby group, or anyone else. An elected head of the Commission would make nonsense of the principle of independence that is vital to the trust in the Commission's job. He or she would be beholden to the group that elected him or her and make the job impossible.
+E05076	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	in favor of	We all want to see transparent, democratic, and value-based policy-making.  The right to good administration is embedded in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and should guide the EU's actions.
+E05079	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	There are several international treaties, including those of the United Nations and those of the European Union—to which the member states are bound—that recognize the right to self-determination of peoples. Unfortunately, the European Union does not provide any sufficient and appropriate mechanism in order to allow the citizens and the peoples of the Union, i.e. individually and collectively, to enjoy that right. I thus approve and endorse the proposal for a clarity mechanism on the right to self-determination within the European Union, facilitating an internal enlargement process for greater subsidiarity.
+E05080	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	The right for stateless nations and peoples to democratically decide on their own future must be respected, and for that purpose, we advocate for the creation of a mechanism of clarity at the EU level, aimed at facilitating and resolving any eventual self-determination disputes through democratic means. This tool should ensure that positions cannot be imposed nor debates prevented.
+E05081	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	In a democracy, people have the right to decide on any issue that affects their lives. If more than half of the inhabitants of a region want to form an independent state, they have the right to do so. Going against it is going against the will of the majority of citizens, and therefore, against the very essence of democracy.
+E05082	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	in favor of	European political parties should be independent of national parties. There should be primaries open for the citizens to choose the candidate, it would increase citizen participation and involvement in EU politics.
+E05083	The President of the European Commission should be directly elected by direct universal suffrage	against	I don't think the EU needs the same problem as France where the elections are just about which guy people should select and which candidate looks the best to handle the position. 
+E05084	The President of the European Commission should be directly elected by direct universal suffrage	against	What will the Europeans think if the candidates are always, for each election, either French, German, or maybe Spanish, and neither coming from small countries?  
+E05085	The President of the European Commission should be directly elected by direct universal suffrage	against	To have a chance that one candidate (with a good chance to win) comes from your own country, I think people from little countries can wait 40 years. This will definitely destroy the European belonging feeling you want to promote with this idea.
+E05087	There is a necessity for a European framework for the free movement of intensivists 	in favor of	Intensive Care Medicine deserves to be added to the Annex V, as well as all citizens of the EU deserve top standards of critical care and safety when admitted to this demanding environment.
+E05088	There is a necessity for a European framework for the free movement of intensivists 	in favor of	The pandemic has put European Intensive Care Units (ICUs) under extreme pressure. The most important lesson learned early on in the chaos of the pandemic was that equipment and medicines are necessary to save lives, but without adequately trained human resources, these elements are irrelevant. Ventilators don’t operate themselves.   We saw patients in very critical condition being moved away from their families from one Member State to another to receive treatment while allowing the doctors to move would be much more efficient and less life-threatening for the patients. 
+E05089	EU needs an action plan against digital addiction 	against	Technology brings people together when they are distant, accelerates bureaucratic procedures, it allows us to work from home or from any country in the EU or outside. It allows for an immense flow of information to be easily accessible to us. As long as people do not want to do illegal online activities, it is each person’s individual decision what to do with their own online time or how much time they might want to be online.
+E05090	Everyone should have equal access to affordable and high-quality public services, including health	in favor of	The COVID-19  pandemic has shown us why robust public health and social care systems are so important for everyone, for rich and poor alike. Alongside other public services, they should be orientated towards the common good and not towards private gain. This makes them the backbone of fair and sustainable societies.
+E05094	The EU should develop a European Youth Platform for mental health	in favor of	Such a platform if it provides youngsters with free or at least affordable mental-health assistance, will help them finally able to overcome our society’s barriers to taking care of our mental health and emotional well-being. 
+E05098	The EU government should encourage people to eat less meat	against	Horrible idea. Next, you will limit water or air?! This is not the way to move on climate change. You can do much more via mass politics and not focus on individuals or limit their freedoms. If you want to stop eating meat, do so, I won't.
+E05099	Primary Health Care (PHC) is an indispensable good for equitable and high-quality care in Europe and beyond	in favor of	The range of primary care services should be available to all patients universally, with special emphasis on those at the margins, often in most need.
+E05101	EU countries should slightly reduce health insurance contributions for all citizens who do not use tobacco products 	in favor of	I think increasing taxes on tobacco could do a similar thing.  But then we would also have to increase the contributions to health insurance for people who overeat sugar, use sunbeds, etc., to be fair. 
+E05102	Pay-as-you-go public health insurance funds should only be used for the most serious illnesses	against	This only works if you're young and healthy, otherwise, you're a bad risk for private health insurance and it will become even more expensive
+E05107	Rural areas should become more attractive for life and work	in favor of	It seems like a no-brainer to say something like this, but actually the way, we handle soil, must change massively to halt the climate crisis and mitigate its consequences. Thus we need to recultivate and restore abandoned and contaminated places and shift agriculture to regenerative agriculture or restoration agriculture. We need to stabilize family farms and make them ecologically, financially, and socially sustainable. We need between big and medium-sized farms and also highly productive smallholder farms and wildlife reservoirs. This all depends on a lot of labor, engaged people, and legal and conceptual infrastructure. Having all this in place will foster urban areas as well. 
+E05108	Rural areas should become more attractive for life and work	in favor of	If rural areas are to become more attractive to live in and work, it is essential to bet on innovation and the creation of quality jobs
+E05113	Doctors should be paid based on how many people they successfully treated	in favor of	Unfortunately, in our society, a healthy person is not profitable. Pharma is a big business, doctors are being paid for prescribing drugs.  Modern healthcare should be preventive. Doctors should be encouraged and paid for curing people and keeping them healthy.  Good quality healthcare should be accessible in every part of the world and should be free as there is nothing more important than human life.
+E05115	The EU needs a more rational Green Policy	in favor of	It shouldn't be the European families who pay for the damage caused by multinational corporations. 
+E05116	The EU needs a more rational Green Policy	in favor of	Raising prices in the energy sector cannot be the solution in the fight against climate change. The European Commission allows international firms to increase their prices, and as a result, household costs are rising at an incredible rate. The EU should definitely revoke these decisions, and instead of placing the burden on its own citizens, it should instead support them to lead a more sustainable way of life. The green transition should not be a heavy burden borne on the average citizen’s shoulders 
+E05118	We need to move towards drug reform, which will change our outdated drug policy.	in favor of	This is especially true when we know how much alcohol is damaging the brain, in particular in the developing brain of teenagers. Also unlike cannabis, over-consumption of alcohol leads to death so I would say that this product is much more dangerous. Yet unlike cannabis, alcohol is legal. 
+E05119	We need to move towards drug reform, which will change our outdated drug policy.	in favor of	In France, political repression fueled by rightwing ideology and ignorance led cities like Marseille to develop rampant crime that fed on the lucrative market of cannabis. Worst, this criminality is intertwined with radical Islam. In poor neighborhoods, the youth will choose the easy money and start dealing. 
+E05120	We need to move towards drug reform, which will change our outdated drug policy.	in favor of	Tax revenues generated by cannabis could be redirected towards education in poor neighborhoods (increasing teachers' pay in these areas, reducing the number of teachers per class) in order to give these populations a better future. But unlike in the Netherlands, production should also be legal and highly regulated by the state.
+E05121	Public transport in EU cities should be free	in favor of	I think a very good transportation system within European cities is very much desirable. There is not enough space for many parking lots anyway, electro-cars won't be able to replace common cars, and urban spaces have to become greener.  In order for many people to accept that the use of cars will have been a thing of the past, they should be offered very good alternatives in the future and, hopefully, appreciate green mobility through good public transport within urban areas.
+E05122	Public transport in EU cities should be free	in favor of	The incentive to provide free public transport in European cities in the future would make it easier for people, especially in the cities, to accept and appreciate that there will be fewer and fewer cars. People who benefit from current examples are happy about it. 
+E05124	We need a European Clinical Registries Platform	in favor of	A common digital platform where data will be recorded in an anonymized way could also be very helpful for the future not only in case of new pandemic situations. However, as data itself has a market value and as we have learned about the global interdependency in an emergency situation e.g. with vaccines, no company should capitalize on this data.  The data should be accessible for public research and used for monitoring public health e.g. by European institutions
+E05125	The EU needs a European research center	in favor of	it would help to further unite the nations.
+E05126	The EU needs a European research center	in favor of	During the pandemic, the EU was unable to produce a vaccine on its own, mainly due to the fact that not enough money is invested in research within its different member states. Gathering the strength of the 27 member states in research and health could be a real asset for the EU and its citizens, but also for its influence overseas and its independence.
+E05127	The EU government should encourage people to eat less meat	against	I believe that the problem is not WHAT we eat but rather HOW food is produced.   When we talk about meat, we should make a distinction between industrial production (which is damaging our environment) and family-run businesses once (which is not). Instead of prohibiting food (something that is practically speaking impossible to do) we should rather enhance local food solutions and increase people's awareness regarding the impact of their buying choices. Our goal should be making local products and green goods available to everyone and not a privilege of people who are wealthy enough to be able to afford them.
+E05129	The EU government should encourage people to eat less meat	against	No, this is a horrible idea to force people to go vegan. While I agree that we, as a society, are eating too much meat, which is bad for both the environment and our health, this will only create tension and anger towards the EU. 
+E05130	The EU government should encourage people to eat less meat	against	I have no illusions that rich and influential people will find a way to get as much meat as they want and then distribute it on the black market.
+E05131	Everyone should have equal access to affordable and high-quality public services, including health	in favor of	Public services of good quality and universal access are key to ensuring fairer, more inclusive, and equal societies. They have a clear redistributive effect and help steer development in a more sustainable direction. The Covid-19 crisis if anything helped to prove the crucial role that the public sector and public services play and must continue playing!
+E05133	Alternative medicine should be more accepted	in favor of	Traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine is a safe and efficient way to improve well-being, and happiness and prevent illness. Also, an innumerable amount of people have got significant palliation or even total cure in cases, which the official health care system, unfortunately, couldn't help. This is clearly an area, where countries, civilizations, and schools of thought could learn a lot from each other.
+E05139	The EU government should encourage people to eat less meat	against	The government does not have any right to use the taxpayer's money to propagandize the people to encourage what to eat and not to eat. It is not the responsibility of the government.
+E05140	We need to move towards drug reform, which will change our outdated drug policy. 	in favor of	Today, cannabis repression is simply a political posture aimed to target rightwing voters, not a rational policy. 
+E05145	The EU needs a European research center	in favor of	I think the problem in the EU is the incompetence to establish inventions in the market. There are lots of inventions that are made and funded by public EU research facilities brought into the market by small startups. In the end, they are picked like ripe fruits by the US or Chinese companies where the big money is made.
+E05146	The EU government should encourage people to eat less meat	against	I think forcing people to eat a limited amount of meat is totally the wrong way because of the following reasons:  1. It would cause so much more bureaucracy  2. forbidding it would understandably make a lot of people very mad. I mean who likes to be told what to eat?  3. I think it's important to have the freedom to eat what you want I think a much better solution would be to increase the tax on meat. Making it less attractive for people.
+E05148	Coronavirus protection should be advertised on TV and social media	against	That's a terrible idea. The government propaganda machine is already going at full steam. Do you have any idea what the psychological impact of these kinds of messages is when you blast them at people all day every day for over a year?  Depression, suicides, and domestic violence are all the consequences of living in a hopeless and high-stress environment for a protracted period of time and are at record levels throughout Europe. In this entire covid crisis the so-called 'health experts' have consequently ignored the fact that your mental state has a direct influence on your health. i.e.: If you're stressed out, you're more likely to get sick. Instead, they have willfully created panic. Just like your ad would.
+E05154	Public transport in EU cities should be free	in favor of	I think the EU should subsidies troubled cash-strapped cities to reduce ticket prices or completely remove any charges so that people are vivisected to hop on the bus rather than in the car. As I student, I would have been in the city center a lot more and spent money around the shops if I could afford the bus fair in the first place. 
+E06003	The EU should prohibit, and end funding for activities that presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid, and public health	in favor of	Nothing illustrates to me more the fall of European ethics than pro-abortion arguments. Nobody can dispute that a baby in the womb is alive and human, and yet people call their killing a 'human right'. How could we fall so low?
+E06004	The EU should prohibit, and end funding for activities that presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid, and public health	in favor of	Juridical protection of dignity, right to life, and integrity of every human being from conception are of fundamental importance for the future of Europe.  The dignity and integrity of the human embryo must be respected. This is enounced by the ECJ in the Brüstle vs Greenpeace case, which recalls the definition of the human embryo as the beginning of the development of the human being. To ensure consistency in areas of its competence where the life of the human embryo is at stake, the EU should prohibit that presuppose the destruction of human embryos.
+E06005	The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders	in favor of	It is absolutely necessary that we have a system of accountability, both for member states and other countries. Human rights and liberties always come first!
+E06006	The EPPO’s jurisdiction should be extended to all member states	in favor of	Hungary’s and Poland’s governments have ruthlessly corrupted their judgments to get a free card on abstract EU funds. Enough! If even Romania can be carried out to join the enhanced cooperation, those last two must be forced.
+E06007	The EPPO’s jurisdiction should be extended to all member states	in favor of	The EU must take a strong position against corruption and be in favor of an independent, supranational proscecutor that is the EPPO.
+E06008	The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders	against	The European Union is not a country and we must respect other countries' electoral choices.
+E06011	The EU needs more effective policies to combat online hate speech	against	I have advice on how you can defend against anything on the Internet. Turn it OFF. And one more piece of advice, try to study something about freedom and responsibility, they are not just mere words. Plato, Socrates, Hayek, Borovský, Auberon Herbert, Herbert Spencer, Roger Scruton, Ronald Reagan (speeches), Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson ... There are texts thousands of years old and also recent books ... you can start anywhere you wish ...
+E06013	The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders	in favor of	Mostly agree. Only if a country violates basic human rights its vote in the EU should be suspended and/or financial sanctions imposed, tailored to target the offending government and its supporters. But such a country should NOT be excluded from the EU, because that would mostly harm the opposition which is likely to be more EU-friendly.
+E06014	Germany should start paying reparations share for any damaged countries of Europe up to 100 years after its attack on international society	against	Will Russia also pay their share? Will Austria pay for starting WW1 or will it be Serbia? Will Poland and Hungary pay for occupation of parts of Czechoslovakia in 1938/1939? Will France pay for starting napoleonic wars? It is time to forget what happened almost 100 years ago and focus on the future and I say that as a Czech citizen whose country was occupied by Austria, Germany/Poland/Hungary and then by SSSR and all eastern satelite states.
+E06015	People with disabilities should be more represented 	in favor of	According to the United Nations Convention on the rights of people with disabilities, the European Union “shall closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities” on political decisions that concern them. Meanwhile the “European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030” hardly mentioned people with intellectual and neurological disabilities.  Now the Conference for the Future of Europe wants to be an inclusive citizen consultation but is still not making it a priority to include citizens with Trisomy 21, autism, or members of other neurodivergent communities. Ableism keeps getting perpetuated in the EU and it needs to stop.  We want more representation! We want people with Down Syndrome to be fully included in the European Union institutions!
+E06017	The EPPO’s jurisdiction should be extended to all member states	against	Absolutely unacceptable because it would lead to the politicization of the justice system.
+E06018	The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders	in favor of	Several member states have been turned into dictatorships a year ago, and there is no sign of a return to democracy. Freezing temporarily their EU membership status is to be considered to those where there is no more freedom in crossing borders (BE), even inside borders (DE, FR), no more press freedom (most), no more debate (most), no more press or individual liberty.
+E06019	The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders	in favor of	To have any credibility when addressing foreign countries regarding issues of human rights violations, curbs on the freedom of speech and press, democracy, and more, the EU must ensure that its Member States meet minimum standards on these fronts too.
+E06020	The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders	in favor of	Current concerns about rule of law infringements are simply being brushed off as 'national matters'. If this continues, how can the EU assume authority to promote democracy abroad? More strict and enforceable minimum standards must be introduced, under clearly increasing penalties for non-compliance. If shared values and democracy are indeed a requisite to be a part of the EU, then continued adherence should be a precondition to remain a part of it.
+E06022	The EU needs a free but correct press	in favor of	I totally agree, maybe would be glad if a press company could be sanctioned for misleading information, or even if it repeats, they could have their press licenses voided. It is crazy how much misleading information is out there, many people are sharing it and nobody is taking responsibility for it. In addition, there could be a discussion in which only verified users (real people) could have access to the press's online chat/discussion under the reported topic.
+E06023	The EU needs a free but correct press	in favor of	We are increasingly witnessing malicious journalism, corrupted by feelings and disinformation. The purpose of the press services must, as soon as possible, be to bring the news back to the public in the most detailed and detailed manner possible, without inciting malicious and incorrect drawing of attention.
+E06024	We need family and child protection against political agendas until their adulthood	in favor of	In fact, political NGOs advocating for any cause whatsoever should be banned from schools and kindergartens. 
+E06025	We need family and child protection against political agendas until their adulthood	in favor of	As Europe bears the burden of the XXth century authoritarian regimes (right and left) and saw their children ideologically possessed by fascist and communist governmental propaganda (Hitlerjugend (right) and Pioneer (left) movements), we need to limit the access of the children - as one of the most vulnerable groups of our community - to every political ideology and propagating associations. 
+E06026	The EU should ensure a free, independent, and functioning judiciary in its Member States	against	The administration of justice is a member state competence. Shadowy attempts by federalist institutions to enhance their influence at the expense of the sovereign member states are contrary to the letter of the EU Treaties, counter-productive, and have contributed greatly to the crisis of the EU by alienating national institutions. This is especially the case for courts. Several member states' high courts have declared the ECJ ultra vires (acting beyond its powers). This lawlessness on the part of federalist institutions must stop with immediate effect, and we must reaffirm the principles of subsidiarity and conferral. 
+E06027	The EPPO’s jurisdiction should be extended to all member states	against	It is unacceptable. Every nation has the right to organize its own prosecution system and no foreign prosecutor should be allowed to operate in independent states, it is a threat to the sovereignty of the member states.
+E06028	The EU needs a free but correct press	against	The EU deciding who is a journalist amounts to the EU deciding what is true.
+E06036	The current differing legal cultures of the Member States need to be developed into a common legal culture in Europe	against	Legal traditions are different for a reason. They are the result of centuries of organic legal evolution. They cannot be overwritten with a stroke of a pen. 
+E06041	We need a Europe that respects life from conception is a humane Europe	in favor of	Abortion kills a human being. It can be justified only in very rare cases. 
+E06042	We need a Europe that respects life from conception is a humane Europe	in favor of	Every human being has a conscience that allows them to recognize what is true and what is good, and it is by virtue of this awareness that we demand that no European Union funds be allocated to activities that destroy human embryos.
+E06043	EU officials should be allowed to use the expression “Ladies and Gentlemen”	in favor of	Stop woke ideology introducing Orwellian newspeak!
+E06044	People with disabilities should be more represented 	in favor of	Aborting children with Down is not love, is not an inclusive society, it is discrimination against the most vulnerable.
+E06045	The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders	against	The EU has no business 'promoting democracy' anywhere beyond its borders. Have we not seen sufficiently clearly in the past two decades where 'democracy export' leads?! Freedom bombs and human suffering everywhere.  No, the EU must fully respect the sovereignty and national characters of all nations of this world. And that includes its own member states. The EU must immediately return to the letter of the EU treaties, and reaffirm in the strongest term the principles of conferral and subsidiarity. 
+E06050	The EU should prohibit, and end funding for activities that presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid, and public health	in favor of	We are all here to fight the prohibition of eugenic practices such as abortion which organize and consequently encourage the preventive elimination of individuals who do not comply with the social, medical, and family criteria set by the ideal of man. What a perfect 21st century!
+E06052	The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders	in favor of	The EU should do it in an impartial manner and act against all countries regardless of political ideology. The EU should stand out to help all minorities and not just the politically advantageous ones. The oppression of Catalonians and Hungarian minorities outside its border is a constant problem since WW2 and it is completely ignored. If the EU wants to convince the masses, then it can't just cherrypick issues.
+E06055	The EU should prohibit, and end funding for activities that presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid, and public health	in favor of	From the Association Christian in Democracy (Spain), we are clear that life is the greatest good of a society and as such must be protected from its conception to its natural end. For this reason, it should be part of the European Union's charter of fundamental rights and be protected from attacks against defenseless human beings, such as in the cases of abortion and euthanasia.
+E06056	The European Union, as a Union of values, should limit its support to countries that do not want to adhere to European values and violate the rights of their citizens	against	This is an attempt to combine the 'Multi-speed Europe' concept with the idea that European principles and values can be used as ideological clubs to beat those who engage in wrongthinking over the head with. If you insist on a set of shared EU principles and values that go beyond a mere symbolic declaration, these principles and values must include our real heritage: the Judeo-Christian values that have made Europe great. Traditional family values are first and foremost. All these values must be clearly defined in a legal sense.
+E06057	People with disabilities should be more represented 	in favor of	People with trisomy 21 in Europe have much higher rates of unemployment, social exclusion, poverty, and discrimination. The European Union must make it a priority to change this situation.
+E06058	The EU should enforce minority protection	in favor of	It seems that the EU is much more concerned with the rights of sexual minorities than with ethnic minorities. This is a universal problem for all ethnic minorities in the EU.  Outside the EU, there are even more severe problems. Ukraine, for instance, forces kids to study in Ukrainian, refusing them and their parents the right to receive an education in the language they choose. Seems utterly barbaric in the 21st century, but the EU does nothing about this, despite the influence it holds over Kyiv. 
+E06059	The EU should enforce minority protection	in favor of	Unfortunately, the values and rights are interpreted and exercised differently in the states of the European Union. Whether we are speaking about minority protection, language rights, or cultural values. We can see every day that the EU is constantly retaliating against the Hungarians in Transylvania, when, despite the legislation in force, it ignores the lawlessness and atrocities committed against the Hungarians as a native minority. Furthermore, the European Union should give priority to all situations in which Hungarians in Transylvania are victims of discrimination.
+E06061	People with disabilities should be more represented 	in favor of	Europe must lead the way when it comes to integrating people with Down syndrome 
+E06062	EU institutions should prioritize the struggle against all forms of racism, also anti-Muslim bigotry, and antisemitism	against	Judeo-Christian values are the cornerstone of European civilization - they deserve special protection because they made us who we are today.  Mass migration from people with cultures totally alien to Europe is the phenomenon that most threatens EU security and cohesion. Everyone's human rights must be respected, but illegal migrants are criminals and should be treated as such, not pampered. Mass migration must end.
+E06063	The EU needs a wider definition of gender-based violence and an intersectional approach to end it	against	'We most definitely do not need a wider definition of 'gender-based' anything. 'Gender' is a politicized left-wing concept. I certainly encourage wider protection from violence against women and girls. That should most definitely include protection from the violence and coercion young women face from 'trans' activists. We also want nothing to do with 'intersectionality' which is a neo-Marxist concept of overlapping oppressions. No one is being oppressed in Europe.
+E06064	Every human has the right to receive reliable information about the movement and distribution of public funds	in favor of	We pay taxes and we have the right to see where our money goes. It’s very easy to implement through an online platform same as digital banking, but for the state. This will stamp out corruption and thereby free up a huge amount of money that we can spend on the needs of the population. 
+E06065	The EU should prohibit, and end funding for activities that presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid, and public health	in favor of	The defense of the equality of value and dignity of each and every single human life is decisive for the future of Europe. 
+E06069	The EU should adopt legislative measures aimed at increasing the percentage of women in the political sector	against	Ensure equal opportunities for girls and women, provide them sufficient maternity leave, and institute guarantees that will protect women's careers who choose to have children. Those are the steps we need, and most EU countries already have them (not that they cannot be improved). There's absolutely no need for quotas. 
+E06071	The EU must ensure continued progress toward gender equality, women’s rights, and reproductive freedom	against	We are all for equal rights and opportunities for women, however, modern feminism has gone so far beyond the pale that it can no longer be supported.  The BBC has recently found out that 'Some lesbians are increasingly being pressured and coerced into accepting trans women as sexual partners' - in effect fourth-wave feminism has reached the point where males are once again telling females who to have sex with. This must stop.
+E06075	The EU needs more effective policies to combat online hate speech	in favor of	Yes, the European Union needs effective policies to combat online hate speech and these need to be regularly updated as technology evolves and to take into account worldwide learning on how to effectively combat online hate speech.
+E06076	The EU needs more effective policies to combat online hate speech	in favor of	The internet has provided unprecedented opportunities to express and comment on almost anything. But this also brings with it responsibility. Where is the boundary between freedom of expression and speech hate speech, which is no longer tolerated by the law? How can we oppose such acts – such as insults, vulgarism, or threats on social networks? Or can everyone say anything on the internet?
+E06077	Ideology should be aimed at popularizing the best human qualities and stopping everything that is directed against a human	in favor of	Aggression, division, and violence we see in mass media should be stopped. Only the best human qualities should be promoted, this way we will raise a generation of kind, caring, and responsible people.
+E06078	Ideology should be aimed at popularizing the best human qualities and stopping everything that is directed against a human	in favor of	This will create conditions for the development and education of a Human with a capital “H”, cultivating moral values in each person and society.  We should prohibit propaganda of violence, condemnation, and denunciation of any form of division, aggression, and anti-humane manifestations
+E06079	The EU needs more effective policies to combat online hate speech	against	People's feelings arent all that important. If you have had enough of the Internet, you can always find yourself a hobby. 
+E06084	The EU should adopt legislative measures aimed at increasing the percentage of women in the political sector	against	All wrong. Let everyone decide for himself (or herself). Forcing women into specific positions is bad ... and sexist I guess.
+E06085	The EU should adopt legislative measures aimed at increasing the percentage of women in the political sector	against	Quotas are always disgusting examples of oppression and evil. I don't want anything of that, I want freedom and free choice.
+E06086	The EU should adopt legislative measures aimed at increasing the percentage of women in the political sector	against	If you want something like 'increasing the percentage of women in all sectors', you need to create more women or reduce the number of men. I will better not ask questions in this direction. 
+E06087	The EU should adopt legislative measures aimed at increasing the percentage of women in the political sector	against	Every harpy screams 'more (black) women in power' until Candace Owens appears. Clever, charming black woman, but she is too clever, pro-freedom, and conservative, and that is the problem. So it isn't about women, it's mere greed and desire for power and influence.
+E06088	We need a Europe that respects life from conception is a humane Europe	in favor of	Every human has the right to live. The developing child in the womb, the children, the adults, and those who are of old age and need nursing.
+E06089	People with disabilities should be more represented 	in favor of	The United States is investing an average of more or less 25 million euros per year on health care research for people with Trisomy 21 while the European Union is lagging far behind with only 3 million per year. This huge difference is proof of the lack of political commitment in the European Union and shows how little the EU prioritizes health care and future health care for people with Trisomy 21. 
+E06091	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	The situation of young people is difficult. Temporary jobs, precarious contracts, civic contracts replacing regular employment, forced self-employment, lack of basic social protection, and even age-discriminatory practices (also on the basis of age) are still the norm for millions of young people who are trying to make their way in the labor market. They need urgent help!
+E06092	Esperanto should replace English as the first foreign language in schools and universities	in favor of	Esperanto is politically neutral: it is not used by any European nation. Although there is some culture connected to the language, there is no political or economic power imposing it. Also, where English is connected to the US, Canada, Australia, and other countries, Esperanto would be a truly European language.
+E06093	Esperanto should replace English as the first foreign language in schools and universities	in favor of	To build a common European understanding and to create a European identity, we need our own common language. 
+E06094	Esperanto should replace English as the first foreign language in schools and universities	in favor of	Esperanto is linguistically neutral: The language was created with the principle of internationality in a European context. It’s democratic: There are no native speakers of Esperanto, or better yet not any monolingual speakers of Esperanto. Everyone has to learn it as a second language. As a result of this nobody will have an advantage over others and nobody can feel like a 'stranger' since nobody can feel like a 'native'. Everyone is respected regardless of their origin and not discouraged from learning the language.
+E06095	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	I agree. Young people should have a voice in policymaking. Regulation needs to reduce forms of precarious work.  It is time to expand collective bargaining coverage to all forms of work. It is essential to introduce a right to decent housing and policies capping rents and limiting property market speculation. we urgently need investment to achieve this. Youth is the future, we have to take care of it.
+E06097	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	A lot of programs nowadays sound really good on paper, but there always is someone bending the rules. There needs to be outside monitoring in every youth program of that sort 
+E06098	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	We see this problem in many countries and the situation is getting worse - the pandemic, also, took its toll. Stable quality jobs and adequate social protection are necessary if we don't want to see a great strain on social systems in the long term. 
+E06099	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	To prevent precarious conditions, we must put in place quality standards, they must be binding for all jobs created under EU and National recovery plans. Better monitoring and trade union involvement are needed to assess and report youth unemployment and NEET rates. At the moment these numbers hide forced mobility, involuntary part-time employment, and work in a grey and informal economy. Urgent measures are needed to fight youth unemployment and precarious working conditions in sectors where young people are overrepresented (tourism; gig economy…).
+E06100	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	I agree. Stable, quality jobs and adequate social protection for everyone are necessary.  Trade unions have many proposals to achieve more equal and inclusive labor markets.  This goes hand in hand with policies to promote more equal, sustainable, and inclusive societies.  
+E07001	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	We cannot afford a lost generation, so we need to invest in quality jobs and young people for our future!
+E07002	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	The problem of youth employment has been there for a long time but was underlined again during the pandemic. Many young people are forced to move to a different country in order to find work. 
+E07003	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	Young people are too often working under precarious conditions. Think of short-term, zero-hour contracts and unpaid internships. Many of them can only get a job if they are registered as self-employed, carrying all the responsibilities themselves and still being underpaid. Everyone should be able to get a decent job and access social protection. Trade unions play a crucial role in addressing these issues and defending this vulnerable group, which is why it is important that young workers join a trade union.
+E07004	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people. It is embedded in the core principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights, but those high and lofty principles must become a reality for all workers, old and young!
+E07005	Imprisonment of foreign criminals should be carried out in their country	in favor of	Integration and immigration in a host country require a lot of effort
+E07006	Imprisonment of foreign criminals should be carried out in their country	in favor of	This will relieve the European prison system. This would encourage many migrants to take responsibility for the laws of the host countries.
+E07009	The EU needs tougher border protection	against	Building walls is a sign of fear and weakness.
+E07014	There should be a common EU migration and asylum policy	against	A common policy is a completely wrong solution. It will only lead to the fact that the system will be fully implemented on the terms of Sweden and Germany, who support open borders, and will bring down the entire EU and the traditional welfare states.
+E07016	The fear of migration is a fear of the unknown and is exacerbated.	against	Fear of the unknown is normal behavior. It has saved our race since ages starting when mankind was a simple monkey among others. 
+E07017	The fear of migration is a fear of the unknown and is exacerbated.	against	Additionally when fear is reinforced by facts like increased violence in every country with a high number of immigrants, and rapes of women it is not a problem of 'perception' but a simple reality.
+E07018	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Halt all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries into the EU.
+E07019	We need a better distribution of refugees	against	The dividing of refugees is a long-discussed plan. But in the end, no involved group agreed with these plans. Some countries do not like these people at all. 
+E07020	The EU should recognize Taiwan as an independent sovereign state	in favor of	The EU should support democracies rather than dictatorships and value the support of democracy over economic gains. 
+E07021	The EU should recognize Taiwan as an independent sovereign state	in favor of	China is acting against European values and violating intellectual property rights.
+E07022	We do not want immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	No more non-European immigration. The native Europeans have said NO.
+E07025	There should be a stronger EU on the world scene	in favor of	Too many times so-called leaders around the world like Trump and Boris Johnson have made a mockery of Europe and Europeans with zero response from EU leaders. These things affect people's pride and give out a sense of weakness.
+E07027	There should be a stronger partnership between the EU and the African Union	in favor of	Maybe while helping economic integration in Africa to happen, we will discover that we could go further in our own EU development. We could foster transnational companies which operate on both continents but not primarily the very big ones. I think of companies that supply solar power solutions to rural areas or microcredit banks. Create platforms where best choice and best practice solutions can evolve. This way, we can establish a single common market.
+E07032	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	European citizens are the future of Europe! 
+E07033	There should be 6 concrete proposals for migrants on the Balkan route.	in favor of	The proposal of the Sardines to reform EU asylum policy is an excellent proposal, well and thoroughly written.
+E07034	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	against	Just arguing to keep migrants out is very shortsighted and unhistorical. By keeping migrants out, migration pressure will not abate. So what do you suggest for next year, 10 years from now?  
+E07035	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	against	Migration has been a fact of history and successful societies have found ways to turn migration into strength. In our case in order to alleviate the current challenge in the long term we need to alleviate migration pressure by making it attractive for migrants to stay put and help develop their own countries. Such a helpful project, a European Marshal Plan for Africa would be a good project to invest in. The long-term return on investment would be more than financial: A friendly neighbor continent, good relationships, access to the African market, and natural resources. That is not a short-term fix. And there is no short-term fix. We have to play the long game!
+E07036	We do not need any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	Why can't Arab countries shelter refugees from other Arab countries? Same habits, religion and they have enough wealth.
+E07037	The EU itself and its people should understand and accept there are a lot of Europeans outside the EU. EU does not equal to Europe	against	It's arrogant to tell us we should look for another name. Germans and Italians are Europeans just like Serbians or Macedonians. In the other words, Brits can call themselves Europeans and so can we! Therefore EU citizens are European.
+E07038	We need a better EU migration policy 	in favor of	his is the issue in politics and public sector policy making. No objectives are to be pursued. No problems to be solved. I guess it is the nature of the beast. Balancing conflicting interests. 
+E07039	There should be a federal Constitution for a European Federation 	in favor of	The EU is established on treaties, but treaties have no soul. Only a constitution has a soul, provided it is well designed: from, by, and for the people.
+E07040	We need a combined education and migration policy for Africa and the Middle East.	against	The demographic problems for the EU, which are real, must be solved by encouraging child-bearing and a generous family policy, not through migration. We must celebrate motherhood and Moms. We must realize that raising a child involves serious costs in today's Europe.
+E07044	Humanitarian organizations should be financially responsible in relation to illegal immigration.	in favor of	A humanitarian association that helps a migrant to enter the EU illegally, should lose its government/EU funding.
+E07045	There should be a stronger partnership between the EU and the African Union	in favor of	With highly subsidized agricultural products the EU destroys local markets in African countries. This procedure should be stopped as soon as possible. EU agricultural subsidies should be replaced with incentives and support for a sustainable transition. The earlier we abandon these unfair and highly unsustainable subsidies the better for our own future health, social development, and climate future. Also, this will lead to a better relationship with African Union and enable better livelihoods for African farmers and citizens,  
+E07046	There should be a stronger EU on the world scene	in favor of	We have already done great damage to EU credibility by pointless posturing.
+E07047	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	We should halt all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries into the EU. However, if we want to stop this immigration, we must stop its causes. Indeed, it is war, poverty, and European, Chinese and American neo-colonialism that make the people of African and Middle Eastern countries flee to Europe. So Europe must finally take responsibility and protect these countries from corruption, war, and neo-colonialism and help them to start their economy.
+E07048	The EU must use its weight as a united global player in trade policy and put an end to foreclosure	in favor of	For Europe to act outwardly as a unit, we must first look inward. At the psychological level, how can we create a European home market? What does it take, for example, for a resident of Spain to think of Czech printers as a local product? Will it be possible to reach an agreement on Europe's historical events and interpret them to everyone's satisfaction? This process will take some time.
+E07049	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	Migration from countries with incompatible cultural values and ideologies should be limited or stopped to ensure social cohesion in Europe. Regressive outdated ideologies and values should have no place in Europe. 
+E07050	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	The migrants that are already (legally) here should be taught western values so they and their families can integrate/assimilate, as the age-old saying goes 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'.
+E07051	We need a single immigration policy.	against	What we are now seeing are the first waves of a human tsunami. In sub-Saharan Africa, over years the population will have grown to 2,0 billion.  That is more than the people who live in the EU and US today.  At the same time, the Population in the EU is shrinking. When we keep the border open the EU as a viable society will disappear.  Not much of a future for the young Europeans.
+E07052	We need a better distribution of refugees	against	The key to successful immigration depends upon the possibility of employment.  So EU members are to decide whom they want to admit.  
+E07053	We need a better distribution of refugees	against	Illegal immigrants have to be returned to UN refugee camps.   
+E07054	There should be no illegal migration	in favor of	Entering the EU without a permit automatically excludes a person from any right to receive asylum. 
+E07055	There should be no illegal migration	in favor of	We must stop all loopholes - for example automatically rejecting asylum claims of anyone who enters Europe illegally.
+E07056	There should be no illegal migration	in favor of	This is just evidence. Immigration will be one of the most difficult topics in the next decades (or even years) due to the insane demographic rates the world is suffering nowadays, so immigration has to be closely monitored and all illegal immigration has to be blocked.
+E07057	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society.	in favor of	There need to be some rules for integration: Integration does not mean giving up European values and culture.
+E07058	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society.	in favor of	There need to be some rules for integration: Integration does not mean completely open borders.
+E07059	The EU should strengthen development cooperation.	in favor of	Europe as a whole is the world’s leading donor. The European Union should strengthen the development cooperation action, focusing on inclusive development
+E07060	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	against	In Conclusion, we should say: 'Europeans go home. Go home, leave every part of the world where we are making business, exploiting cheap labor, rare minerals, selling arms, invading foreign countries and exporting democracy, etc. '
+E07061	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Multiculturalism creates chaos wherever it exists. Sweden's Stockholm has become the Rape Capital of the West, and the number of bombs and shootings has skyrocketed as well in that country. France is bordering on civil war, whole territories are not under state control anymore. Europe needs to stop migration and asylum indefinitely. We need to put our European peoples first, much like the entire world is doing while our civilization is committing suicide based on values imposed by sanctimonious narcissists. 
+E07062	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	There's nothing wrong with not wanting your continent to become chaos and putting your people first, every civilization in this world takes that idea as self-evident. We need to negotiate Remigration deals with the 3rd countries to send their nationals back and we need to use Frontex to push back any migrants coming to our borders.
+E07063	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	against	The EU leadership fails to carry out its fundamental duties: guard its border and protect its own people. Even 30 years after Schengen was introduced. 
+E07064	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	against	Immigration should not be part of humanitarian aid. Humanitarian aid should be delivered directly to Africa / Asia. The Turkey deal should eventually be abolished.
+E07065	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	Europe must stay Europe and people must not be imposed a cultural and religious change they do not want and which is insane. Look at what the Arabic or north African countries have become, after 1400 years of Islam.
+E07068	Humanitarian organizations should be financially responsible in relation to illegal immigration.	in favor of	A humanitarian association that helps a migrant to enter the EU illegally, should be required to provide financial support in dignified conditions. 
+E07069	Humanitarian organizations should be financially responsible in relation to illegal immigration.	in favor of	A humanitarian association that helps a migrant to enter the EU illegally should also be dragged in front of the court for not taking the illegals to the closest safe port. In 90% of the cases, the closest port lies in Africa. 
+E07070	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	We need to stop all funding to NGOs and all migration organizations within the EU. Then can we talk about how to help the people already here and how to help real people in need.
+E07071	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	We need to agree that people who do not respect our immigration law are detained in centers for repatriation.
+E07073	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	The country of origin should absolutely be the most important criterion for deciding who we let into our countries. 160 Frenchman would still be alive if we put the welfare of our own above people whose countries the Americans have bombed to shreds.
+E07074	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	 It is time, to be honest about this! Europeans have the right to self-determination like every other country out there! This is OUR home and a home for everyone is a home for no one.
+E07075	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Our Europe continent is in debt and doesn't have the resources to care for people who have never paid taxes and continue to disregard our laws! We have enough poor people in Europe already and we need to take care of them!
+E07076	The EU itself and its people should understand and accept there are a lot of Europeans outside the EU. EU does not equal to Europe	against	The EU is an association, an international organization, and has nothing to do with Europe as a territory. European people may live inside or outside the EU. I think has nothing to do with arrogance. 
+E07077	We need an immediate cessation of all immigration.	in favor of	The EU needs to establish a legal means of preventing illegal migration that is encouraged by the Turkish government and by privately funded NGOs, which are acting against the interest of the EU. 
+E07078	There should be a federal Constitution for a European Federation	in favor of	People are willing to volunteer change in relation to involuntary inflicted changes, such as technology, economy, and climate. With this in mind, I hope a European Constitution will be long-lasting and help the people. We have to react to the circumstances and start fast.  
+E07079	There should be a stronger EU on the world scene	in favor of	EU should show more strength when dealing with foreign powers. In addition, there should be a vision about where we want to go in the long term with the EU, and this is in an increasingly complex (and sometimes hostile) world. 
+E07080	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society	against	Europe is full and cannot accept more illegal migrants. Those persons must be sent back and have to ask for approval from their state of origin.
+E07081	There is a lack of unity in European migration policies.	against	For a better migration policy, a European mission could be created to welcome migrants from the coasts of Libya and Tunisia. People welcomed in the centers in North Africa will be re-distributed to the countries of the Union. Are you insane?
+E07082	Europe must help Ukraine	against	Ukraine is infamous for its black market for weapons. Helping Ukraine by dumping weapons into such a country is folly.
+E07083	We need a single immigration policy.	against	The EU cannot be heaven for the entire World. The reality requires that refugees must be stopped at the border and receive only temporary shelter.  The number is simply too big to give anyone: free housing, free living, free education, free medicare, and a free pension. Anybody arguing else is completely out of touch with reality. 
+E07084	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	We are Europeans; this is not racism but we don't support growth. If we accept many immigrants then we make a huge stop in the growth of the migrant countries, because I am 100% sure that they will never ever go back to their country.
+E07085	We do not want illegal migration.	against	I do not agree with stripping people of their right to asylum and a right to live in the EU because they came illegally. I would instead suggest making it easier to migrate legally. That way there would be no need to migrate illegally and risk your life while doing so.
+E07086	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	I am happy to see that the ide of haling all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries is still going strong. This message needs to be communicated to Brussels very clearly. 
+E07087	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	against	I have no trouble with, non-western, immigrants.  I have trouble with 'mass immigration'.  What happens is when they come in large numbers they do not integrate anymore.  They stick to themselves and become a new tribe that tries to change their host country.'
+E07092	Europe should establish a common Army across Europe	in favor of	An EU army independent from NATO and its US commanders is critical to strategic autonomy and avoiding being dragged into destructive US wars in the Middle East like in the past. 
+E07094	We need a better distribution of refugees.	against	If you want migrants, invite them into your home.
+E07095	European citizens want quality of life and are not interested in world supremacy	against	I have never heard anyone talking in Europe about world supremacy. So it seems kind of pointless that this is a goal of EU policy.
+E07096	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	against	Instead of trying to stop immigration, we need to create a good integration plan and at the same time improve living conditions in the 2nd and 3rd world countries. This includes fighting for climate justice and decreasing unequal wealth distribution between countries.
+E07099	The EU should support Ukraine.	against	The EU needs its own, united Army but not to fight in a war in Ukraine against a country whose leader is unpredictable and can use nuclear weapons against us. 
+E07100	The EU should support Ukraine.	against	Do you want Europeans and Americans to get engaged in a war with Russia? More than 950 million people would have to give up everything and risk their livelihoods and lives to fight in a war that is not ours to fight and fight for a country that has a population of 44 million people. 
+E07101	There should be no illegal migration.	against	What does legal migration look like? People can only ask for asylum from within the EU and must officially do so at the Point of Entry. This has caused inhumane circumstances as we see at Camp Moria in Greece. 
+E07102	There should be no illegal migration.	against	What does legal migration look like? People can not ask for asylum at an Embassy or Consulate. So people actually have to come to the EU and enter the EU if they want to ask for asylum in the EU. This has caused inhumane and dangerous circumstances as we see in the Mediterranean Sea.
+E07103	There should be a better post-Brexit European Alliance	against	The EU and its member states have already various partnership or neighborhood programs for Non-EU states.
+E07105	We need a single immigration policy.	in favor of	We do need migrants, from an ethical and practical point of view. Europe is old and archaic in most of its practices. Innovation is failing and the best we can do is defend the status quo and the old people in power.   
+E07106	We need a single immigration policy.	in favor of	But also those people who fear migrants, thinking they are all criminals (while 99% of them are people coming to work, improving their family's life, and paying taxes) will need someone to pay their retirement benefits/ pensions and to push their wheelchairs...
+E07107	The EU should join NATO	in favor of	It would be easier if the EU joined NATO. The internal rivalry between the single EU states would stop. Also, the issue of a legitimate European army would be solved. However, I am not sure how this would work out in legal terms. Federations have already joined NATO, rather than individual states, but what would be the status of the EU?
+E07108	We need a better EU migration policy.	in favor of	t is absurd that such an EU policy about migration is lacking.  
+E07109	We need a better EU migration policy.	in favor of	The EU is driving in the dark with the lights switch off. 
+E07110	There should be a European Common Defence and Security Alliance	in favor of	We need to revisit the idea of a defense union that is independent of NATO. National armies of EU states should be able to cooperate. This includes the same equipment, the same training and the same battle language.  
+E07111	We need a single immigration policy.	against	Nonsense. Mass migration is a crime against humanity.  Endorse this idea: No more immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries.
+E07113	The EU should conclude an agreement with the United Kingdom and create together a European pillar of NATO	against	Forty years of UK membership in the European Union have clearly proven that it is not a good idea to conclude agreements with England.
+E07114	The EU itself and its people should understand and accept there are a lot of Europeans outside the EU. EU does not equal to Europe	against	For sure you are technically or geographically correct, geographically Europe extends to the Ural mountains  But in this forum, we initiate a common thinking on the future of Europe, which we associate with the EU. So please avoid any reference to arrogance and don't corrupt this respectful debate. 
+E07116	The European Parliament should be dissolved and replaced with a global government.	against	We certainly need levels of government at the global, regional, and local levels. Equally, we absolutely need democracy at the global, regional, and local levels. Neither the European nor the national and regional parliaments should be abolished because of the need for global governance for the planet. 
+E07118	The European Parliament should have more powers, so Europe can stand against other world powers.	against	The European Parliament has developed avenues for a common foreign and defense policy and should exercise its role this way. Also, there are prerogatives of a parliament to guide and control the external policies of the EU.
+E07119	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Europe should look at the European people first. It is not fair for the working classes to have to live within the ruins of multiculturalism while the middle class supports immigration from within their gated communities.
+E07120	We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	Immigration is a class issue. At the same time integration is important. Those against this policy should be made to send their children to multicultural schools in order to help with integration.  
+E07121	There should be a stronger partnership between the EU and the African Union	in favor of	Africa has a lot of bright young people with sometimes incredible ideas. If these young people create for example remote learning opportunities for African students, we should not only sponsor such projects but make exchange possible for young people in Europe to create similar items for example to foster MINT skills throughout Europe. Give more opportunities for young people from both sides to meet, exchange, and ventilate new ideas. 
+E07122	The EU itself and its people should understand and accept there are a lot of Europeans outside the EU	against	It's the same with citizens of the USA using Americans to describe themselves. Yes, technically it isn't correct, but who cares...
+E07123	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	Marvelous to see this idea of halting immigration receive the most endorsements on the migration topic. This is really not going according to plan for the globalists! 
+E07125	The 9th of May (Europe Day) should be a national holiday	in favor of	It is necessary to make Europe Day on May 9th a holiday day. It should replace the respective national holiday of a member country.
+E07126	The EU should recognize Taiwan as an independent sovereign state	in favor of	Recognizing Taiwan as a sovereign state coordinated act of the EU, USA, Japan, and Australia. That will make any retaliation from China much more difficult. 
+E07128	The demographic decline should be stopped.	in favor of	The EU is in demographic decline. At the start of the 19th century, Europe accounted for 15% of the world's population. By 2050, it will be 5%. 
+E07129	The EU should use promote institutions to improve the relationship between Eastern and Western Europe.	against	Europe has more than enough ideological disputes within its own borders. We must settle those first - by falling back on a previous, more classical liberal position that was uncontroversial for most of our citizens. Countries outside the EU must deal with their own problems as best they can. Less interference from Europe is the order of the day, not more. 
+E07130	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	against	Without the refugee deal, the migrants will return to invade us. 
+E07131	The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey.	in favor of	Turkey is an enemy. It uses this deal to make a threat. Stop it now and send patrols to the Greek border or welcome them.
+E07132	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society	in favor of	Complex problems are faced by deepening study, not by pretending they don't exist.
+E07133	There should be more unity and cooperation in Europe.	in favor of	Unity needs time. Poland and Hungary etc. need to enjoy their freedom for now. They will eventually see that working together with civilized countries is more attractive in the end.
+E07134	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	against	What are you 5? And what do you mean by first-world? Should we create a task force just to understand what countries are to be considered the first world? Is it the money? The religion? The food? Their political system? And then reevaluate each year? This comment is plain ignorant. 
+E07135	United in diversity should be a concept for reconciliation in the Western Balkans.	in favor of	I believe the EU should expedite the enlargement process towards the Western Balkans, to help them evolve and facilitate the reconciliation problems. As you say, Montenegro for instance is a peaceful country that has made efforts to overcome past troubles, and that too should be acknowledged.
+E07136	Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on absolute majority, not unanimity	in favor of	Without a change in the voting procedure, Europe will not be capable of doing much in this world.
+E07137	The EU should strengthen the integration of Ukraine through intensified cooperation	against	Ukraine will move forward on its European path when it allows Hungarian kids living on its territory to study in their native tongue, not a day sooner. 
+E07138	The EU must take the lead for the Middle East.	in favor of	I would like to strongly support the need for Europe to gain back an active role in the diplomatic efforts to try to stabilize the Middle East and in particular to find a just and fair solution to the Israel - Palestine conflict. I remember that the European Union - with the Venice Declaration of June 1980 - played a key role in pushing the Palestinians to the table of negotiations. That text was much criticized at that time, but with the benefit of insights, it was right! Europe has become more and more marginal in the peace process and this has contributed to a much-aggravated situation where problems are even more difficult to resolve than 40 years ago and create room for despair and violence. 
+E07142	We need Integrated migration and border policy.	against	Migration has totally gotten out of control. The EU refuses to see the magnitude of it. Hundreds of millions like to migrate. All people without the right language and fitting education. The massive numbers of immigrants threaten the existence of EU societies, through crime, poverty, and housing shortage. 
+E07143	We need Integrated migration and border policy.	against	 Refugees can obtain a visa at an Embassy in one of the 54 African countries. All other immigrants must be returned within a week of arrival.
+E07145	There should be a single EU policy. 	in favor of	The EU should be a global actor. Merge all Foreign affairs departments from member states into a coordinated European network for international policy and intelligence.
+E07149	 Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity.	against	Abolishing the veto right in the current EU foreign policy voting procedure will be the death of European solidarity. It would turn Europe into a polarized entity much like the American system and would firmly divide the European community on every issue.  
+E07150	 Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity.	against	Abolishing the veto right in the current EU foreign policy voting procedure will only serve larger nations in the union and small member states would lose all their power and slowly turn into puppets of the larger nations instead of equal partners 
+E07151	The EU should start accession negotiations with Russia	against	Russia in the EU? No, thanks!
+E07152	Europe should change the world for the better for everyone.	against	The EU should not get involved in trying to ”spread democracy” with threats and punishments, leave that to the US. 
+E07153	The 19 June plenary meeting of the European Conference should mark a first step in the direction of a stronger and more united EU in the world	in favor of	We need the United States of Europe. A European army, strategic autonomy, and acting as one. To the future of Europe must belong its capacity to act as a global player.  
+E07154	We need to build up European Defence while remaining in NATO	in favor of	Europe’s sovereignty and credibility are at this price. The burden of European defense cannot rest on the back of a small number of countries and potential conflicts are increasing.
+E07157	The European Union has no other choice than to reject all immigration, except for workers they need.	in favor of	Africa and the Middle East have the highest birthrate in the World. Africa has up to 7 children per woman. The EU has 1,55.  It is this high birthrate that keeps them poor. There is almost nothing the EU can do about it.
+E07158	The European Union has no other choice than to reject all immigration, except for workers they need.	in favor of	The EU is not responsible for the entire World.
+E07159	 Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity.	against	Changing the EU foreign policy voting procedure will cause serious problems.
+E07162	The EU should strengthen its relationship with China.	against	I find the current actions of China to be incompatible with the ideology that the EU was formed and still has to this day, we can not have a relaxed attitude towards a country that sees all the world as competitors and enemies.
+E07163	The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council.	in favor of	It is a good idea that France should coordinate its positions on the UN Security Council with the EU or leave its seat to the EU entirely. This way foreign policy decision-making within the EU can be made more straightforward.
+E07166	There should be centers of excellence in science and education	against	There has to be better funding for research, but it should not be administered top-down. Let researchers decide rather than politicians. Do not stifle research by bureaucracy. At the time being, with large consortia getting multi-million euro grants, the application process has become too complicated for most researchers. Rather invest in reproducible, transparent, open research. 
+E07167	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	I strongly agree with this proposal that trade and investment policy should be reformed, especially, that greater attention should be paid to environmental aspects. The current situation is unsatisfactory and even dangerous. 
+E07172	The Western Balkans should join the EU immediately 	in favor of	I opt without a that the Balkan countries should be EU members, so their membership status helps them evolve. We have great examples in Romania and Bulgaria, and going back to the eighties, to Spain and Portugal. Those countries started to truly develop when they joined the EU. Besides, as you stated, the Balkan countries have made huge efforts in the last years to approach the EU.
+E07173	We need an integrated migration and border policy.	in favor of	The EU member states need to lift together instead of trying to push the burdens onto each other or external nations.
+E07177	The EU should engage in development cooperation with the global South.	in favor of	The EU must ensure that all products entering the EU are grown, manufactured, and grown to certain standards. This should ensure that people in the south have a dignified life. To achieve this goal might be helpful to have European Law state that all imports should have certain labels such as Fair Trade, etc.
+E07178	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	Economic interests should never be at the expense of social and environmental policy. It is of utmost importance that the protection of workers’ rights and the rules we agreed upon with the Paris Agreement on climate change are at the heart of trade and investment policy. As the EU belongs to the global market, we must guarantee decent jobs that are sustainable, as well as collective, independent representation of workers in trade unions.
+E07179	Immigrants should learn the language of their host country.	in favor of	Helping migrants learn the language and culture of the country they are living in are critical to successful integration. Language and norms of the job market and workplace should also be built in.
+E07180	There should be better EU relations with Russia	in favor of	Distance is very important when trading.  Security is even more important in relation to distance.  It is without thought to escalate conflict and it is not in the interest of Europe.  Russia has centuries of history with European allies. It is in the interest of Europe to not leave Russia solely to China. We can all prosper.
+E07181	We need a better migration policy.	in favor of	Africa is the only continent where the number of young people continues to increase.  
+E07182	We need a better migration policy.	in favor of	Discussing what happened in the past between Africa and Europe is useless. All slaves and their owners died a long time ago. You cannot blame the grandchildren.
+E07183	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	If there are language problems, we need to work on national integration systems, e.g. in France where English is being thought in French. language.
+E07184	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	We have already English as a language of exchange.
+E07185	We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto.	against	English is ideal as it is spoken internationally as the language of commerce, travel, and political exchange. Esperanto isn't.
+E07189	Esperanto should be the common language for the European Union.	in favor of	'Natural' languages were never designed to be used for international communication. They reflect their own cultures and are perfect for use in their own communities, but the international language has different requirements. Esperanto has been specifically designed for this purpose, as an auxiliary language, one that can bring people together. It needs serious consideration!
+E07190	The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council	in favor of	The idea that France should coordinate its positions on the UN Security Council with the EU is good because it does not request any specific UN decision (i.e recognizing the EU as a 'State'). It is enough that an internal EU-France agreement determines that the representative of France (appointed by agreement between France and EU) will now represent the EU (with veto right), and at the same time all other EU Member States will reinforce this representation by delegating their best specialists and put their own representation in vacancy. 
+E07191	The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council	in favor of	It should be the common goal of EU diplomacy to change the workings of the UN as it is. The security council is a relict of the emerging post-WW2 order and the influence of the Cold War.
+E07193	We need better ways of migration.	in favor of	Migration is part of being human and has always happened throughout history.    
+E07194	We need better ways of migration.	in favor of	The EU needs a humane, civilized, and legal way to manage migration, whether it is for economic reasons or to seek international protection. 
+E07195	The Western Balkans should join the EU immediately 	in favor of	I opt without a doubt that the Balkan countries should be already accepted as EU members so that their membership status helps them evolve. We have great examples in Romania and Bulgaria, and going back to the eighties, to Spain and Portugal. Those countries started to truly develop when they joined the EU. Besides, as you stated, the Balkan countries have made huge efforts in the last years to approach the EU. 
+E07196	The EU should strengthen its ties with Ukraine and prepare an EU membership of Ukraine.	in favor of	If people make a revolution for our system and values, we must support them. It is the Ukrainian people who decide their future, not Russia. In order to support them we need a European army and a common foreign policy.
+E07197	We need a stand-alone European army.	in favor of	Turkey is encroaching on EU territory, Russia is sending its army to the Ukrainian border, and what can we do? Nothing, because nobody is taking us seriously. Our threats are empty and get ignored, and our diplomacy is weak. It's time for the EU to be recognized as a strong force that can and will protect its people and its interests.  
+E07198	We need a stand-alone European army.	in favor of	A European army is not only needed to attack and defend but to give weight to European words. 
+E07199	Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity	against	Vetos are occurring only rarely in the current EU voting procedure, which is focused on unanimity.
+E07200	Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity	against	If a veto is happening in the current EU voting procedure it is justified.
+E07204	We need a European democratizing force to help countries with democracy.	against	The intention of helping a country with democratization can easily be used to justify violent actions.
+E07205	The Commission should take care of the administration of camps where migrants and asylum seekers are kept.	against	All refugee camps should be closed. And illegals moved back to the last country they left. 
+E07206	Asylum seekers should only be able to file asylum applications from their home or neighboring country.	in favor of	If asylum applications are filed from abroad the costs for EU taxpayers to handle asylum seekers are reduced. 
+E07207	Asylum seekers should only be able to file asylum applications from their home or neighboring country.	in favor of	If asylum applications are filed from abroad the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean sea is ended.
+E07208	Asylum seekers should only be able to file asylum applications from their home or neighboring country.	in favor of	If asylum applications are filed from abroad the security risks for asylum seekers are greatly reduced.
+E07209	Europe is getting older and should be open to more migration from Asia, and southeast Asia.  	in favor of	We need to accept more immigrants to combat the aging of the European population. Immigrants do also grow old but before then they generally have children.   .
+E07210	Europe should stand together!	against	Do you have some reservations about the EU? Go and protest your own government's decisions because it's the member states that decide what the EU can do and what it can't, unfortunately. The EU does not have an actual army - not because of bureaucrats but because our member states think they are better alone than united. 
+E07211	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	The EU should be able to contribute to a relaunch of global multilateralism, through a profound reform based on democracy and peace, solidarity, and respect for human, social, and environmental rights.
+E07215	The EU should change its internal structure.	in favor of	Expansion by many dissimilar members and in particular the implementation of the EURO has made the EU unmanageable.  The EURO is too strong for the less competitive members and is therefore unsustainable.  
+E07216	The EU should change its internal structure.	in favor of	Without change, the EU will be following the route of the USSR and other communist countries, who after 70 years of trying to build a social paradise ended in poverty and suppression.
+E07217	Every young European should be asked to go live in another country for 1 year at least	against	If young Europeans are living abroad they will feel racism on their own in the country they are living in. 
+E07218	Every young European should be asked to go live in another country for 1 year at least	against	No duck would like to live with eagles or sparrows.  That's nature, not wishful thinking.
+E07219	Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity	against	Each country should keep its power, which is ensured through the current unanimous voting process in the European Union.
+E07223	Permanent non-EU nationals who are living in the European Union should have more rights.	against	Paying taxes is not enough need, if you want to become a citizen with full rights you need t fully embrace the country you live in.
+E07224	There should be a president for the EU elected by the people.	in favor of	We need one single president of the Commission that will chair the Commission and the Council. I wonder though how the president of the EU Parliament would be involved in this structure. 
+E07225	We need a revision of the current asylum policy in the European Union.	against	There are Memberstaates in the European Union, that do not want any asylum seekers in their country. For example, Denmark sends back all Syrens and other Arabians.
+E07226	The EU needs a single market for news	in favor of	There is a huge void to fill regarding the EU-wide news media. There are media that on purpose refuse to cover the EU and our common European problems and successes.  
+E07227	The EU needs a single market for news	in favor of	We have a deficit in democracy in the EU because of the lack of coverage of European affairs in our media. It's also the reason why people don't know much about the EU and don't understand how it benefits us all.
+E07228	 Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on absolute majority, not unanimity	in favor of	The unanimous vote is the cause of European stagnation. Foreign and security policy requires speed. Unanimity should be replaced with a qualified majority.
+E07229	Migration should not be the solution.	in favor of	The EU should acknowledge the fact that increasing birth rates in Europe, and supporting European families to have (more) children is the most appropriate long-term solution. 
+E07230	Migration should not be the solution.	in favor of	For increasing the birthrate and supporting young families, Hungary should be an example. We should not rely on migration for this.
+E07232	The EU should reduce its influence on its member states.	against	We can have a strong federal Europe that will protect the rights of individuals and communities, that will have the power to tackle the climate emergency, and stand up to other superpowers. Let's go forward and make the EU the shared home that we all want to live in, that can lead the world in dealing with the problems we face on our planet.  
+E07233	Europe needs an energy partnership with Africa.	in favor of	Only if Europe has an energy partnership with Africa Europe will be able to produce enough clean energy. The EU should develop fair cooperation with the African Union and also offer Africa an alternative to the geopolitical attempts of other powers to establish themselves as global hegemons. 
+E07236	The EU should also guarantee territorial integrity against threats from Turkey and other Middle Eastern regional powers.	in favor of	I wholeheartedly agree. Securing our neighbors and allies has to be a priority. The only thing that causes me some dismay is Turkey being a part of NATO. It was a good idea in 1951 but clearly, Turkey must be out off the map now.
+E07237	The European Union should visible on the facades of the embassies and consulates of European countries.	in favor of	The European flag should be systematically displayed, in addition to the national flag, on any facade of an embassy or consulate of a European country. This would enhance the image of the European Union in addition to synergies like the pooling of support services. This approach could accompany the construction of common structures and policies in the field of foreign affairs.
+E07238	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	We need an investment policy that creates decent jobs and fosters labor rights and especially Trade Unions around the globe. There can not be a sustainable world without collective representation of workers/employees by free Trade Unions. 
+E07239	Serbia should join the EU.	in favor of	The EU should continue its enlargement to the Western Balkans to further its own interests, and to bring stability and prosperity to the region. Serbia should have joined long ago. 
+E07240	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	Trade should always include the respect and the protection of fundamental and human rights, including workers' and trade union rights.
+E07241	The European Union should be harder towards irreparable migrants, those who do not value their lives in peace, security, and prosperity.	against	The emphasis on negative stereotypes towards migrants comes mostly from people who don't know Africans or other migrants or refugees. 
+E07242	The European Union should be harder towards irreparable migrants, those who do not value their lives in peace, security, and prosperity.	against	Migrants have an enormous amount to offer in energy, new ideas, and cultures. Why this emphasis on imaginary 'takeovers'?
+E07243	The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council.	in favor of	France should offer its seat on the UN Security Council, so European interests are represented.
+E07244	The EU needs human security approach to ensure peace.	in favor of	We need a real EU commitment to Policy Coherence for Peace. On one hand, the EU is promoting peace & dignity and on the other hand, there are investments in hard security tools (defense industry programs).
+E07248	 The EU should play a major role in a multipolar world	against	Democracy and civilization are the essences of Europe and the EU must uphold those values. For me, the word civilization is also to be civil, which in some way is the opposite of being militarized.  The EU should not be a superpower.  Nuclear detergence should be enough.   
+E07249	 The EU should play a major role in a multipolar world	against	There is enough environmental task to handle and Europe have had its wars. But to streamline our powers and therefore try to save huge amounts of money is a no-brainer.
+E07251	Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity.	in favor of	Giving small countries 'veto rights' is a recipe for disaster that will keep the European Union separated and weak instead of united and reliable in policy making. 
+E07252	We need a plan for receiving asylum/migrants.	in favor of	According to Mrs. Ngozi Okonjat, African countries follow the example of the Asian Tigers. 
+E07253	There should be a European Army.	against	I don't really agree with that. Europe is not China and is not the USA. We don't need a strong army because Europeans don't plan to make war, our strength is to find common ground and bring peace to the world with diplomacy and intelligence. 
+E07257	Norway and Iceland should be invited to the European Conference	in favor of	Norway and Iceland can provide their external point of view toward EU policy at the conference. But why only Norway and Iceland? Why not Switzerland? Why not the recognized candidates?   And maybe even UK! I'm sure there are many lessons to learn from their experience in the EU and from the Brexit
+E07258	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism.	in favor of	Both, a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism are overdue.
+E07259	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants have a complete lack of critical thinking.  
+E07260	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants willingly risk their lives.
+E07261	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants depend on other countries' social systems.
+E07262	We need legal ways of migration.	against	Migrants sell drugs.
+E07263	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	The protection of fundamental and human rights, decent work, and the high quality of public services for all must be an integral part of trade and investment policy reform.
+E07264	The EU should decide its role in a multipolar world	in favor of	The European Union is doing amazingly well in relation to the enormous bad publicity it is receiving from all sides. And as if that were not enough in itself, very large countries from around the world are doing constantly dividing work between member states. As all successes start in your head, perhaps some attention should be allocated to the media. The EU has a clear chance to become one of the major poles of this multipolar world order.
+E07265	There should be an enlargement of the European Union.	against	It's not a good idea to pursue further enlargement. The greater the territory, the harder it is to control and keep problems from appearing. Every large empire in history fell because it grew to such size that it couldn't be properly managed and ruled over. Examples from history don't become suddenly invalid because we're living in the 21st century.
+E07267	There should be a new EU foreign policy.	in favor of	The stated proposal for a new EU foreign policy is very well thought through.
+E07268	The EU should strengthen its ties with Ukraine and prepare for EU membership of Ukraine.	in favor of	Ukraine is a part of Europe—geographically, diplomatically, and culturally. If Ukraine wants to join the EU, we should grant our brothers and sisters full membership in our Union.
+E07269	Migrants should not be used for political blackmail.	in favor of	Mass migration is hybrid warfare directed against our stability. State actors, such as Morocco, Belarus and Turkey have already taken advantage of mass migration. 
+E07270	Migrants should not be used for political blackmail.	in favor of	Mass migration is hybrid warfare directed against our stability. NGOs organize, finance, and promote migration to get advantages.
+E07271	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	The present international economic system and trade institutions are too much a product of the not-so-glorious colonial past. We should put more democracy, more rights for people, and more equality into the international economic order.  
+E07274	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	Sustainable development and climate change mitigation in EU Trade deals should be examples of best practices of EU policy.
+E07276	The EU will dissolve within 10 years unless reformed	in favor of	Large bureaucratic organizations such as the EU are the product of the industrial age and unfortunately, without significant reforms, they will not survive the digital age. The digital age leads to decentralization and cost-efficiency such as a decentralized flow of information (e.g. Internet) and money (e.g. Bitcoin) without the need for centralized control which is very expensive to maintain (i.e. EU).
+E07277	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	The EU needs to both promote and uphold the highest social and environmental standards in its internal as well as external policies. Human rights and collective agreements must never be seen as barriers to trade!
+E07278	There should be a small council of people from all over the world, and identify the problems of every country and solve them.	against	Europe should represent its own interests.
+E07279	 The European Union shall guarantee its territorial integrity against threats from Russia and shall seek to eliminate the influence of Russia in Central and Eastern Europe.	in favor of	The integration of Eastern Europe should be a priority. Most of them are pretty small countries so they would not constitute an economic burden if that is what all is about.  Should we wait for those countries to 'be prepared, politically and economically, or just the other way around, we should integrate them already, so that EU membership boosts their development? They are as much Europeans as we are.  
+E08001	The EU should extend the model of Pooling & Sharing European military resources beyond air transport.	in favor of	Pooling & Sharing increases the size, availability, the diversity of specific military resources but decreases their global cost at the same time
+E08002	The EU should extend the model of Pooling & Sharing European military resources beyond air transport.	in favor of	Pooling & Sharing integrates military capabilities at the European level and creates a European culture in the military sector.
+E08003	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	I am all for the creation of a European army, but for that, the question of the command of this army must also be resolved. And this is where the idea of a European Security Council is very interesting and deserves to be pushed.
+E08004	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	I am in favor of a possible army, but I would like to see it combined with social services and reconstruction. So NGOs and development cooperation must be involved. An army that can fight must also be able to build. We therefore also need a civilian army in Europe. I would also like an army consisting of civilians in uniform, in the same way as the German army. Please also take into account the right to refuse orders due to conscientious objection, also as in the German army.
+E08005	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	Absolutely right. Europe needs an army for continental defense. Conscription must be introduced at the European level. The army must have the most modern weapons to deter Russia, Turkey, and China.
+E08008	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	In principle, I would be in favor of a European army, but I would tie it to a reform of European decision-making (majority or 2/3 majority). An army is worth nothing if the members cannot agree or if a single country uses it as a means of pressure to push through its own interests.
+E08009	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	I agree with your idea. But it is a long and arduous way to reach the goal. What's the point of building a skyscraper without a foundation? What I mean by that: First the EU needs a unified foreign policy and only then a common and united army.
+E08015	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	A European army is not a controversial idea, but a question of what integration of the armed forces of the member states means and what an army is in general. EU action on security and defense must extend to vigilance, openness, and transparency in economic, financial, fiscal, and social infrastructures. A European or joint - ideally worldwide - army is not a hierarchy, but an idea of common values, in the sense of human rights and strategic and coordinated action as well as socio-economic prosperity for all, without environmental pollution. But ordinances, decrees, etc. are a kind of 'silent mail' and can falsify the legal goals and values, as can reports and statistics.
+E08016	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	On the one hand, we have Russia killing countless Ukrainians and committing sabotage in Britain and the Czech Republic, and on the other hand, we have reluctant United States that is switching between isolationist and interventionist policies every 4-8 years.   I stand convinced, that in order for the European Union to move forward, it must begin to introduce measures for the security of both, the current member states as well as the future member states that are endangered due to foreign aggression and bring the responsibility of continental safety firmly in our own hands. If Europe is to find the peace it must have the means to create peace by being able to protect itself against hostile foreign influences.
+E08017	Food whose production has been subsidized with EU funds should not be allowed to be exported to developing countries.	in favor of	The subsidies were originally intended to ensure the security of supply for the European population. But when you export subsidized food, it's at the expense of European taxpayers. Export yes, but then no more subsidies for these products.
+E08018	Food whose production has been subsidized with EU funds should not be allowed to be exported to developing countries.	in favor of	These products come mainly from large enterprises, which do not necessarily focus on environmental protection.
+E08019	Food whose production has been subsidized with EU funds should not be allowed to be exported to developing countries.	in favor of	Subsidies often make farmers in recipient countries uncompetitive, hampering local production and increasing migratory pressure. 
+E08020	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	The EU cannot endlessly lean on America or NATO. America has proven to be fickle and NATO has its own problems, such as Turkey, which is outside the EU and has threatened Greece. The EU needs its own independent solution.