diff --git "a/data/raw/initial/arguments-validation.tsv" "b/data/raw/initial/arguments-validation.tsv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/raw/initial/arguments-validation.tsv" @@ -0,0 +1,1897 @@ +Argument ID Conclusion Stance Premise +A01001 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of if entrapment can serve to more easily capture wanted criminals, then why shouldn't it be legal? +A01012 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of the use of public defenders should be mandatory because some people don't have money for a lawyer and this would help those that don't +A02001 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans create a more impoverished society with their crazy payback rates. +A02002 Surrogacy should be banned against Surrogacy should not be banned as it is the woman's right to choose if she wishes to do this for another couple and be compensated. +A02009 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is gravely immoral and against human rights to coerce someone into a crime +A02018 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests should continue to be used because they provide valuable data +A03005 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of it gives people a platform to pretend, show off and to bully others. it also makes people believe that everyone else has everything they want and that their lives are perfect, leading to mental health issues. +A03014 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of anyone who commits a crime should be prosecuted +A03018 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of a woman giving birth to someone else's child will cause that child to grow up and not understand who their mother is. it can lead to major depression and a very unhealthy lifestyle. +A04005 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of some people are highly intelligent but don't do well on testing so intelligence tests can't measure a true value if it's only testing with one method. +A04012 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of the fact that almost half of those who have gone to foster homes have been returned eventually to their birthparents, it can be a painful experience for them +A04019 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media results in the fomo culture which is unhealthy for individuals. +A05002 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans gives people who apparently not able to live paycheck by paycheck an unethically high interest-rated loan and ends up getting them in deeper debt and payday loans should be banned. +A05004 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care can be horrible for the child when moving from home to home and never settling down in one place. +A05007 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media can be incredibly addicting and cause depression based on popularity contests. we shouldn't use it so much because it can cause suicide and cyber bullying. +A05010 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against a person accused of a crime should have the right to pick their own defense, whether that is to pick the defender they think will be most capable or that they find makes them more comfortable. +A05020 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against what one chooses to believe or not to believe should be at their discretion. +A05025 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against everyone should have the right to their own opinion. +A05026 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockade means occupation which is illegal and should be stopped +A05029 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of there is a serious shortage of priests and this can be remedied by abandoning the vow of celibacy. +A05037 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests can prevent someone from pursuing their passion which they may be able to achieve with hard work +A05038 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against if someone is in extreme pain why make them suffer? this is not criminal +A05046 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is a good option for children who are bullied, giving them a safe place to learn +A05051 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy is a natural way to cure a disease. +A05060 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of We should subsidize vocational education to encourage more trade schools to open. +A05061 We should abandon television in favor of television should be abandoned because it is an outdated concept that is increasingly being replaced by on demand news and entertainment services +A05062 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is a deceptive method of catching criminals and wastes time and resources that would be better put to use catching active criminals. +A05066 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Assisted suicide is a criminal offence as it centers on the intentional death of a human being. +A05078 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media brings more harm than good because it causes people to judge themselves too harshly in comparison of the seemingly perfect lives of others online. +A05079 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of many children in the foster care system have issues that can destroy a family. +A05084 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of we should abandon the vow of celibacy because if people dont have sex they can get frustrated and might take it out on other people +A05085 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling means that the children involved are deprived of regular social contact with others of their own age +A05094 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of Homeopathy is used as a replacement for traditional medicine, which can leave serious ailments untreated. +A05100 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy shouldn't be banned because sometimes there is a health issue preventing a perfectly good mother from having a baby. she deserves to have a child and a surrogate is the only way to do that. +A06001 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against keeping moral strength is important to society and refraining from sex is one way to do it +A06009 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of home schooling deprives children from the natural interaction with other kids their age, make new friends, and learn how to engage with children who are different than them +A06013 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of a surrogate carrying a baby could try to keep it since they gave birth to it. +A06014 Social media brings more harm than good against social media itself is not the cause of the negative consequences, it is human nature. the platform merely provides unrivaled access to information and potential connections with other people +A06016 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of if everyone had to use a public defender, it would be fairer as their representation would not be dependent on their income. +A06018 We should abandon television in favor of We should abandon television and put the content into our other formats which are typically more popular nowadays. +A07005 We should abandon television in favor of we should abandon television as most of the things that are aired are garbage and as we know, garbage in, garbage out. +A07013 Payday loans should be banned against a payday loan company serves the public. they allow people that need their money now without waiting for the paycheck. if people want to use these companies why should we stop them.. +A07015 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of most of the time a child put into foster care gets separated from their siblings. +A07017 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy uses natural remedies that have little to no side affects on the body. +A07024 Payday loans should be banned against sometimes people need these emergency funds when they have no other available options. +A07027 Social media brings more harm than good against social media connects family members from around the world. +A07029 Surrogacy should be banned against sometimes the only way that people can have children of their own is by having a surrogate to carry the child. +A07030 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of this is a constitutional right under the 6th amendment so yes, it absolutely should be mandatory to protect this important right to defence +A07041 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy brings tangible results in non-evasive ways to many ailments and offer an alternative to more expensive forms of treatment. +A07042 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment is sometimes a necessary tool to get the needed proof of criminal activity. +A07052 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests help teachers and other school staff identify in where a student, or a whole group, is deficient. +A07064 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education is extremely important to this country. kids learning a trade will later be able to get a job using what they learned. government should help schools financially cover these costs. +A07065 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy goes in accordance with their religion so it wouldn't make sense to abandon it +A07070 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockading the gaza strip is no longer necessary as both sides have come to an agreement +A07078 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against if to a reasonable degree of medical certainty the medical condition of a person is irreversible, it must have the right to terminate his life by requesting assistance without consequences for the fact. +A07081 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people should be free to believe what they want to believe about it. +A07083 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of children have a right to education and ignorant parents that think they are more qualified than they are should not have tyranny over that right +A07085 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy provides a family with a child and nothing is better than that +A07086 Social media brings more harm than good against when a child has gone missing, posting a picture helps to find the child. +A07088 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people have freedom of speech, and ignorance does not equal a criminal offense. if that was true, too many people would be criminals based on the amoint of ignorance out there. +A07099 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care can fail to meet the needs of children. +A08002 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial should be a offence as this was a heinous act that was committed against the jews and its deeply offensive for the jewish community that some people deny it occurred. +A08004 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of killing innocent people, including kids for years must be stopped and all world should be ashamed to watch and to know that and do nothing. +A08008 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment should be legalized because it can be useful to weed out all the criminals. if you are entrapped, your true self will show if you commit a crime. +A08010 Homeschooling should be banned against if the parents can provide a better education than what their local schools offer, they should be allowed to do so. +A08015 We should abandon television in favor of people spend too much time watching television at the cost of more active pursuits +A08017 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education should not be subsided because everyone who wants to go college should be given the opportunity to do so. most colleges are not subsidized. +A09016 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence test can cause certain students to be pigeon holed and cause them to have low opinions of themselves because they can not score as high as others. +A09019 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of no matter how much suffering we have in life nothing justifies death in the same way i think that a sick person is not in the capacity of whether he wants to live or not +A09034 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy often gives people hope to cure some illnesses that will never be cured without modern medicine. +A09041 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The use of public defenders should be mandatory because it would end the two-tier system where some people get excellent private defenders and some get low quality public defenders. +A09047 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against Assisted suicide should be an individual's choice and personal freedom +A09050 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of Surrogacy for money is effectively the sale of children. +A09052 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy, and those who choose to make that vow, should be respected. it should be a matter of individual choice for the individual. +A09057 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Unlike orphanages in which siblings can largely stay together with the hope of being adopted together, the foster care splits siblings up based on available homes and does very little to try and reunite families. +A09059 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of clergy should have the option to marry and have a family like everyone else +A09065 Social media brings more harm than good against social media has some harms but brings more good. it makes people happy, otherwise they wouldn't use it. also, it allows people to connect from all around the world which increases social awareness. +A09066 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against iq tests are great for determining how smart a person is. this not only helps with getting into colleges and jobs but a person with a low iq can show that they are a prime candidate for public assistance. +A09068 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people have the right to think what they'd like. +A09081 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling should be banned because an important part of a child's education is social learning and one cannot grow socially without being around their peers. +A09084 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against ending the blockade of the gaza strip will only serve to destabilize the region further. +A09087 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment convinces people to commit a crime when they normally wouldn't and should not be legal. +A09088 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education is necessary to ensure that there is not a shortage of qualified trades people in the future, and a subsidy will make this a much more attractive option when deciding a career path. +A09090 Payday loans should be banned in favor of these payday loan places prey on poor people and situations where they can charge more. +A09092 Surrogacy should be banned against Surrogacy is the only way that some couples will ever be able to have a child. +A09099 We should abandon television against Television for many people is their connection to the outside world and should not be abandoned, +A10001 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of any type of helping kill someone is murder even if the person wishes to die. therefore it should be punished by law +A10006 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is wrong because it turns non-criminals into criminals. +A10008 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of public defenders should be available to everyone and mandatory to use. they conform more to the laws in place and are impartial in the criminal procedures +A10010 Social media brings more harm than good against social media helps in fast dessimination of vital information across to people all over the world. +A10019 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial should be a criminal offence because it encourages discrimination, abuse and violence against jews. +A12009 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children raised in foster care don't have the love of a mom and dad +A12012 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of subsidizing vocational education would prepare people for careers and jobs. +A12017 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade prevents free access to the citizens, preventing necessary aid to the people, causing dire living conditions and severe economic detriments. +A12018 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of Vocational schools teach students - in a relatively short amount of time - professions that have high earning potential. In two years or less, graduates can already be working and making money. +A12021 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Murder is murder no matter the circumstances +A12027 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against in the united states of america we believe in free speech and any person is allowed to believe what they choose to. +A12029 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans provide needed finance those those who need it most +A12033 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of mandatory use of public defenders makes it more likely that a defendant will have a fair trial. +A12040 Homeschooling should be banned against results from homeschooling children are equally as good as those achieved from state schools, and sometimes this can be the only option for a youngster with complex emotional needs. +A12041 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy is an ancient law that is a cruel requirement defying a natural part of a human's life and often deters people from entering certain professions and this should be abandoned. +A12045 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against people have the right to hire an attorney they can trust that will do a very thorough job and defend them in this process. public defenders might not hold the best skills to defend a person in court. +A12047 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday lenders charge exorbitant interest rates which result in the borrower's financial situation getting much worse and the lenders prey on these desperate people +A12048 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of not allowing a public defender for less well of defendants who do not meet the income requirements of the poor will make these people poor with outside legal fees. +A12052 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy can sometimes help those that modern medicine has failed. +A12055 Entrapment should be legalized against using entrapment to catch people in the act of committing a crime shouldn't be legal because it forces people into a situation. +A12056 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of the mandatory use of public defenders will bring a more consistent judicial system +A12062 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because it could force some doctors to perform this act without their consent +A12070 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip only serves to harm innocents who happen to live in the area. +A12091 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media has been weaponized by our adversaries to sow division and cause chaos +A12097 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is very important in helping couples who can't procreate have children. +A12103 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans take advantage of people in desperate situations +A12105 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip is a humanitarian crisis, with severe economic impacts. +A12108 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling may not be covering core topics or at least not to an adequate level +A12125 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade is a way to try to get hamas to stop fire rockets into israel +A12130 Entrapment should be legalized against it might lead to innocent people who couldn't resist temptation being prosecuted and sentenced. +A12133 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial spreads harmful misinformation that creates an unsafe environment for minorities, especially jewish people. +A12138 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy provides an alternative and hope for people for when all traditional medicine has failed. +A12139 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests don't determine someone's real intellect. that is shown in their everyday lives. +A12147 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of any argument that denies proven facts is classed as hate speech, not only is this toxic but it is also a verbal & mental attack, nobody seems to have this issue with the german's, so why is this any different? +A12149 We should abandon television in favor of television causes eye problems due to watching a screen +A12151 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling does not prepare children for the real world. the child is not getting the top notch education they need in order to succeed in life. the children deserve better. +A12152 Homeschooling should be banned against home education is equal to or better than in institutions +A12153 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests don't accurately measure intelligence because they are inherently biased towards the type of people who designed them +A12158 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of people are meaner to each other online because they can't see each other. +A12165 Foster care brings more harm than good against saving a child life and giving the options in their life, bringing the safe and prosper future to the kid and making him as a valued citizen. +A12169 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathic remedies are not medically tested and verified as safe. +A12176 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are there to recognize kids who are smarter and to be given proper chance. +A12178 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of IQ tests can make test-takers discouraged if they receive a bad score. They may not make an effort to succeed, since they already expect to fail. +A12186 We should abandon television in favor of excessive television watching leads to a sedentary lifestyle and obesity +A12192 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against the government has enough obligations without having to provide court services +A12193 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of there is too much potential for exploitation and abuse to allow surrogacy to continue +A12196 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of subsidies for vocational education would help solve the problem of skills shortages in many trades +A12197 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of with the sexual revolution, the vow of celibacy is outdated and has little value in today's society. +A12198 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy allows people to have the family they have always wanted. it isn't someone's fault they cannot reproduce and if they want to become a parent it is a good option. +A12200 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of is absolutely mandatory for all governments to subsidize vocation education as a help for people who trying to gain some qualification for the jobs. +A12204 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against abandoning the vow goes against many people's religious beliefs +A12211 Entrapment should be legalized against Entrapment should not be legalized as it is an unfair way of dealing with people and puts them into false situations. +A12214 Social media brings more harm than good against social media is used to collect money for the needy, connect friends, and organize group events. +A12220 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people should be allowed to die with dignity if they choose to. +A12225 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care gives kids who would otherwise not have any parental figures in their lives have a chance at a somewhat normal life. +A12248 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the marriage would be a big distraction to priests and they should devote their life and time to god and preaching +A12250 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy is unproven and can be harmful +A12254 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against People have the right to free speech even if their perspectives are vile and abhorrent. This means the state can't criminalize holocaust denial. +A12261 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans are the best alternative for those who can not maintain a bank account. +A12264 We should subsidize vocational education against most vocational jobs will be automated in the future so it is not wise to spend money to subsidize traditional vocational education +A12267 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against when people are suffering, it is unfair to force them to continue to do so. if someone can assist them in ending the suffering, they should be able to. +A12272 We should abandon television in favor of television rots peoples brains so should be abandoned. +A12274 Social media brings more harm than good against social media is a wonderful thing. people have a chance to communicate with their favorite celebrities. they find new friendships, share life events, and have discussions about current events. +A12280 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against international bodies demanding an end to the blockade are dismissing israel's sovereignty. +A12290 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of when a person is entrapped, it is because they pose a danger to the community hence the need for it. +A12294 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of not everyone can has the academic requirements for university education. we do still need vocational trades and skills and it makes sense to support people seeking to gain these skills. +A12296 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of it is often difficult to use a standard IQ test to measure the capabilities of people who communicate in a non-standard way +A12299 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Allowing assisted suicide would enable greedy relatives to take advantage of ill relatives for their own financial gain +A12306 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of killing another person is wrong and should be banned +A12309 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is an unjust form of capturing criminals as it is tempting someone to do something wrong +A12313 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade hurts Palestinian civilians that have nothing to do with Hamas and violence against Israel. It is unjust to punish civilians for the actions of terrorists. +A12321 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests unfairly punish intelligent people who are not good test takers. +A12325 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media has made it more difficult than ever for people to interact face to face. +A12335 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide is just another word for murder. +A12340 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of if we are talking about priests then nothing in the bible says holy men cannot take wives and have families and this a healthy thing for them. +A12341 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy can help lgbt couple have children. +A12354 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade inspires increased terror attacks on the part of individuals enraged by the situation in Palestine. +A12359 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy is needed to connect people on a mental plane rather than purely physical +A12363 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people have a right to say and believe whatever they want. you can't criminalize people's thoughts. +A12366 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of Right now people can essentially pay their way out of jail by hiring a fancy lawyer, if everyone has to use public defenders the rich and poor will be on a more even playing field. +A12367 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is hugely emotionally damaging on the birth mother, and is often only resorted to as a result of financial hardship. +A12370 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned as it is put too much emotional drain on the individuals with high expectations that may or may not be possible to deliver. +A12371 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against Homeopathy addresses the root cause of the illness and it works on approaching the disease itself other than its symptoms +A12373 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling should not be banned because some kids get picked on and a safe home setting is best place to learn. +A12378 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy is a natural way of providing cure or relief +A12380 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of TAKING A LIFE SHOULD BE WRONG REGARDLESS OF THE REASON IT IS BEING DONE +A12382 We should abandon television in favor of Television contributes to the obesity epidemic because people spend far too much time inside in front of the tv being inactive. +A12384 We should subsidize vocational education against we shouldn't subsidize vocational education because it should be up to each individual to support themselves for the career route they want to pursue +A12395 We should abandon television in favor of i thinkwe should abandon television only social and educational +A12399 We should abandon television in favor of we need to abandon tv as it is outdated and there are other venues that provide better entertainment +A12402 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of celibacy is an unnatural state; when sex drive is repressed, it can manifest in dangerous ways. +A12411 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of it is a simplified method of finding people who's criminal bahaviour may otherwise often fly under the radar for a very long time. +A12421 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans do more harm than good because pushing people to their bandories which usually result in family disaster. +A12429 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Foster children do not always get proper medical care. Foster kids are covered medically under Medicaid but each year, fewer and fewer healthcare providers accept Medicaid. +A12431 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loan companies take advantage of the poor and desperate by charging huge fees and interest rates. +A12432 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care tends to move children from home to home and lacks stability. +A12434 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of denying the holocaust is an insult to those who lived through it, those who have family that were affected by it, and those that still deal with its effects today. +A12443 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Holocaust denial encourages violence against Jews in people who believe it. This means it isn't valid free speech or expression. +A12447 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care provides temporary shelter for children who would otherwise be on the streets. +A12448 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against Public defenders cost the state too much money. +A12449 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy is not an accredited professional, thus allowing anyone who wishes to practice to do so, without qualifications or knowledge of the human body. +A12452 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of People should be required to use a public offender to better than chances of winning a case when they cannot afford legal counsel of their own. +A12456 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of it does because it is a test that cant cover a persons full knowledge or personality and may brand someone smart when they're not or stupid when they are smart andit could have a major impact on the person. +A12463 We should abandon television against television is a healthy means of escape from every day stress for millions of people. +A12465 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Intelligence tests bring more harm than good because they undermine self esteem for children with lower scores than their classmates. +A12466 Payday loans should be banned in favor of they have high interest and short repayment dates and people may find themselves even in greater debt +A12471 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling can lead to children not knowing the curriculum and therefore struggling in later life. +A12472 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is like buying babies and it should be banned. +A12473 Surrogacy should be banned against when a couple is not able to have their own kids by natural way, surrogacy is only the option and knowing that surrogacy should never be banned. +A12477 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade has continued for far too long, and is preventing innocent people from obtaining the aid that they desperately need +A12480 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy does not bring more harm than good because it is alternative medicine and some people believe that it is helpful in curing people +A12483 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education has previously been an area for the better off, so subsidising it would open vocational studies to everyone regardless of income. +A12484 Social media brings more harm than good against it provides people with connection. you can stay in touch with family or friends frequently and easily that without this platform might not be possible. +A12487 Foster care brings more harm than good against for a child to live in a foster home must be better than alternatives. they have a chance of a loving home and even adoption. +A12491 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against History is what is related to us from other people. We can not really know if it has really happened. Denying the right not to believe this fact shouldn't be criminalized as people are freethinkers +A13005 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of people dont always know whats best for them, so they shouldnt be representing themselves. +A13011 Payday loans should be banned in favor of these companies take advantage of needy people with outrageous fees. +A13014 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is not a needed thing. there are enough children in need of adoption that using a surrogate to have a baby so it has your genetic makeup is just selfish. +A14003 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster carers are by default caring people who do a lot of valuable work +A14004 We should abandon television against Television offers a variety of entertainment and information that families can enjoy together +A14005 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against The use of public defenders should not be mandatory because people should be able to provide for their own defense if they wish, since they know their own self interest best. +A14008 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because that is murder +A14010 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of Surrogacy reduces women's position in society by treating them like baby making machines. +A15003 Foster care brings more harm than good against The overwhelming experience shows that in care and health, decentralized and deinstitutionalized systems perform better and spend less than a massive state apparatus. +A15008 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Intelligence tests have been a tool used by Eugenicists to argue for the culling of certain racial and ethnic groups. +A15016 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of people using a homeopathic approach to treatment can accidentally end up overdosing on their herbal treatment and making themselves more sick. +A17001 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of It is difficult to differentiate between a good professional homeopathic doctor and a quack. +A17010 We should abandon television in favor of we should abandon television it projects dangerous norms of beauty and success, and time can be better spent not looking at a screen +A17014 Payday loans should be banned against It is not the government's role to protect citizens from bad decisions. +A18001 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against we live in a free and open society if people choose to be celibate then we should respect their choice. +A18012 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide should not be a criminal offence as people with chronic health conditions may not be able to commit sucidice alone but should have the right to choose whether they continue to suffer. +A18013 Foster care brings more harm than good against The foster system provides incentives for parents to adopt when children are orphaned, such as free college tuition, financial assistance, and other tax benefits, which allows more children to be adopted. +A18024 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against while the holocaust was a very serious event, denying that it happened should not be serious enough to be a criminal offense. +A18025 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans are ineffective and make people go deeper into debt +A18027 Payday loans should be banned in favor of the interest rate when failing to pay back in time can be as high as 300%, making your financial situation even more difficult. +A18031 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling does not give a child time away from home +A18034 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against thought crimes should not be punishable. +A18051 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of According to multiple studies, children who go through the foster care system are more likely to deal with mental health issues and disorders than their peers. +A18055 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of Homeopathy is not legally regulated and there is no requirement of formal training of homeopathic expert or physician +A18087 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are just another tool for teachers to use +A18088 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of many people do not have the mental capacity to understand the reasons to defend themselves and the usage of public defenders should be mandatory. +A18095 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against people may choose to defend themselves, if they believe it to be in their best interests +A18097 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of Separate public and private defender systems contribute to social instability by being a very obvious example of the state providing preferential treatment to the rich. +A18102 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the holy scriptures say many things that are not accepted by the traditions of the church, so that the man who wants to remain holy must be celibate. +A18106 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide should not be a criminal offense as everyone should have the right to end their life peacefully once they are to a point of not being able to get better. +A18111 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment can be an important tool to secure the conviction of underground criminal cartels. +A18112 Entrapment should be legalized against it is an unfair practice which works by falsely misleading someone. +A18113 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media causes harm by people trying to live up to their peers. +A18115 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling can put children at a disadvantage if their parents are not intelligent enough to provide a good education. +A18116 Surrogacy should be banned against women that are capable of giving birth can help those women who are not +A18117 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against while it is terrible to deny what happened during the holocaust everyone is entitled to their opinions. +A18119 We should abandon television in favor of television should be abandoned because of all the violence, crime, and sex that's on them now +A18126 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the civilians in gaza are suffering for the standoff between israel and hamas and the situation only adds to the opposition against israel in the long term. the only way ahead is to find a better solution +A18128 Payday loans should be banned in favor of they prey on the poor and charge astronomic interest. +A18130 Entrapment should be legalized against breaking the law to try to catch people that are breaking the law is very hypocritical +A18132 Surrogacy should be banned against having a child that is genetically connected to you is very important to many people +A18140 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of when teenagers are on social media they sometimes bully their peers which is a reason for not having an account +A18151 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against holocaust denial shouldn't be a criminal offense because it goes against freedom of speech +A18156 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests help to determine if a person is in need of intellectual help +A18157 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against it is the bedrock of catholisism that priests are celibate and to abandon this would be expecting catholics to rethink or abandon their beliefs to their detriment. +A18158 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy isn't fda approved and can cause all sorts of problems and side effects. +A18159 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling is way too lenient and relaxed for children to even learn anything. they don't learn as much as in a classroom and miss out on socialization. +A18167 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment should not be legalized as the poice will have a detailed knowledge of the law and therefore how to persuade others to break it in order to gain the conviction. +A18170 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy allows the priest to be completely focused on his parish community without distraction. +A18173 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy holds many virtues, offers protection from disease as well as prevents unwanted pregnancies. +A18174 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy should be promoted as it brings the sense of self control and purity to a person's soul. +A18176 Entrapment should be legalized against Entrapment should not be legalized because the criminal justice system does not have a problem getting convictions, but rather there are too many convictions. +A18187 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of it is a fact that the holocaust happened, and asserting otherwise not only a lie, but dangerous as well. +A18190 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of this ensures the accused or defendees get the best legal advice for a fair trial. +A18193 We should abandon television against television is still an important medium for many people such as the elderly to receive their news or to keep them company, especially if they have no access to internet shows +A18194 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against israel has the right to defend itself and the blockade is the best defense before using weapons +A18196 Surrogacy should be banned against the couples who can`t have their own kids this is the only way to get them and should not be banned by all means. +A18198 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of the holocaust was a serious event that affected many, and denying that it happened is an insult to those who died during it, those who lived through it, and those still living with it. +A18199 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of there is no reliable scientific evidence that homeopathy does any good and it is potentially dangerous because it may delay people taking conventional medical treatment +A18202 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy allows women to have a child who would not otherwise be able to become a mother +A18206 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against it has been proven to work and is safer than traditional medicine and drugs. +A18208 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests can generate stress and cause poor performance of the individual because it consists of a comparison of their intellectual capacity with others +A18212 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against to assist the suicide of a loved one is one of the most selfless acts one can do, bringing an end to the suffering of a terminally ill person. +A18219 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media does more harm as it emboldens people to be more self serving and vain as people do stuff on social media for likes and retweets. +A18230 Entrapment should be legalized against it makes some people do things they usually would not do and that isn't right +A18235 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people have the right to determine whether they are ready to die +A18244 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of schools ought to be required to provide vocational training +A18247 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy allows women to be a mother and love a child she normally couldn't. +A18250 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care is often detrimental to children as they are passed through many families and a stable home is often not provided. +A18251 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Children get moved from foster home to foster home and end up troubled because they feel so unwanted. +A18252 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Holocaust denial is a criminal offence in seventeen countries and in recent years +A18254 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling allows for one on one teaching as well as allowing a student to learn in a safe environment +A18257 Payday loans should be banned against they can be useful in emergency situations +A18263 We should abandon television against Television should not be banned as for elderly and isolated people television is a window into the world whether it's just for entertainment or to gain knowledge. +A18271 We should abandon television in favor of television is just another distraction in a long line of things keeping people down. +A18272 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of celibacy is responsible for the child abuse cover up by the catholic church +A18274 Payday loans should be banned in favor of cash advances give certain employees an unfair advantage, and it doesnt hold them accountable. +A18277 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The use of public defenders should be mandatory in order to make wealthy people invested in the success of the public defender system. +A18282 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against The blockade of Gaza undermines the popularity and economic power of Hamas. +A18288 Foster care brings more harm than good against sometimes foster care is the safest option for a child. it is far better to remove a child who is being looked after by parents who cannot be trusted not to harm the child. +A18295 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide is unethical how do we know that the person who is assisting the suicide hasnt got something to gain from the death of the other person +A18300 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Testing anxiety can bias the results, leading to inaccurate results. +A18303 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education caters to trades that will become obsolete in the future. +A18306 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against Making Holocaust denial a criminal offense will force deniers underground, and their activity will be hard to monitor. +A18307 We should abandon television in favor of we should abandon television because it can cause a screen addiction +A18309 Social media brings more harm than good against social media gives it users a place to seek support when in need whether emotional or financially, things that would be more difficult if not impossible to do outside of their home. +A18312 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling can be used to hide child abuse since no teachers see them to report it +A18317 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against Assisted suicide helps those who are in pain due to a devastating disease end their own lives on their own terms. +A18319 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of we subsidize colleges for doctors and lawyers etc so we should also subsidize education for other occupations as well such as mechanics, hair dressers, construction workers and so on. +A18320 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of It is unjust to punish civilians for the actions of military actors. +A18329 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans only serve to get people into more money troubles. +A18333 We should subsidize vocational education against Vocational education is not as expensive as pursuing an academic degree and does not need to be subsidized. +A18343 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockage of the gaza strip should be ended because no territory deserves to be blocked no matter how impoverished. +A18347 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education doesn't need to be subsidized. it's an option and is up to the person to choose it and subsequently pay for it as well. +A18348 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media is dangerous and out of control. +A18352 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling should be allowed because parents are the first teachers children have and have everything at their disposal to teach their children effectively +A18364 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of it prevents people from having a better defense than others due to their money. +A18366 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against Originated in the ancient period, homeopathic treatment puts emphasis on the root cause and aim at enhancing natural healing within the body +A18371 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against The harm against the citizens of Gaza is justified because those citizens democratically elected Hamas into power, and endorsed the actions of Hamas against Israel. +A18377 Foster care brings more harm than good against it can help give a child from a broken home a more stable environment in which they can live a better life +A18379 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loan providers prey on low income communities +A18398 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests are really not so much about intelligence but about the ability to take a test so, of course, it does more harm than good in that it will label people wrongly based on their test-taking. +A18406 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of Problems can arise if homeopathy is used to treat serious illnesses, rather than seeking treatment by traditional, western medicine. +A18413 We should abandon television against television still serves an important role of keeping people informed about the world. +A18414 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the only thing a blockade does is affect the people at the bottom as they suffer from the loss of jobs and supplies +A18419 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because is aginst the life of person +A18429 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media provides an easy way for people to bully others without having to face the person they are bullying. +A18430 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of people that do well at intelligence tests are the ones supporting it, causing inequality in their favor, instead of using other empirically valid test. +A18432 Social media brings more harm than good against social media helps effect real change in the world. entire movements, very important ones, have been born on social media that otherwise wouldn't have gained traction without it. +A18436 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of if used to catch people where insufficient evidence exists it should be allowed +A18442 Foster care brings more harm than good against most foster families are good and provide a safe environment. +A18455 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against public defenders are a drain on the judicial system because often they do not have their clients best interests at heart. +A18457 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy has been proven to have a successful effect on many people, so if the end results are good it has to be worth a shot. +A18461 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests allow an unbiased mechanism to get extra resources to those that have a higher capacity for learning yet lack the economic mobility to receive these resources. +A18465 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of it is a platform that can harbor bullying and intimidation. +A18472 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against The blockade is an alternative to conventional warfare against Gaza which would cause more harm / death to Palestinians. +A18475 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education should be subsidized as the majority of those studying would be from lower income families. +A18482 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of Homeschooling is not regulated and nobody can be sure that the kids have learned anything. +A18488 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of We should subsidize vocational education to support students who wish to follow a different education path to those going to university, who would be ineligible for scholarships and grants. +A18494 Homeschooling should be banned against parents have an absolute choice to determine how their children should be educated +A19001 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of The foster care system strips children of autonomy by forcing them to pass every decision about after school activities or hanging out with friends through a social worker that is difficult to access. +A19002 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling cannot provide the quality of education that real teachers and a real school can provide. +A19007 Foster care brings more harm than good against couples who cannot have children of their own, are able to love and care for a child +A19010 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade should come down. it doesn't serve it's intended purpose. it keeps the groups around gaza divided and perpetuates violence in the area. +A19014 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against The use of public defenders should not be mandatory because it will discourage law students from going into criminal litigation, since the pay is much lower for public defenders than private. +A19015 Social media brings more harm than good against social media has brought a democratization of media to all those who are able to access it, allowing rapid discemination of news and protest groups to further their causes. +A19016 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence since it represent an evil idea that all modern societies should fight in every mean necessary +A19017 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling prevents children from socializing with other children which can cause problems for them in the future. +A19020 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against blockade of the gaza strip is a bargaining tool to ensure the safety of israel in a volatile region. +A19028 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of normal men and women need the ability to respond to their sexual needs. +A19029 Homeschooling should be banned against parents are free to educate their children how they see fit +A19030 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education funds would be better used in higher education which is more important as the workplace becomes more computerized +A19040 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans offer a last resort to the economically marginalized. +A19043 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against public defenders are overworked and already with a low salary, thus they may not be that beneficial. +A19045 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests can help specify a persons abilities allowing them to develop their skill and knowledge of a specific capability. +A19046 Social media brings more harm than good against social media did not brings more harm than good because when people posting or sharing their opinions or argue about something people can benefit from it make people think outside the box +A19051 We should abandon television in favor of television corrupts peoples brains and takes away from productivity. +A19053 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against Homeopathic medicine can be effective for treating certain ailments without using intense modern medicine. +A19055 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of valuable information can often be gained through entrapment +A19063 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of in some cases we can't be certain if the person truly wanted to die. some people could use assisted suicide as a way to remove someone they believe is burden. +A19071 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of Even if you are convicted of a crime because of entrapment, your intention existed to commit a crime, and when determining guilt and punishment intention is ultimately the most important factor. +A19073 We should subsidize vocational education against We should subsidize not vocational education because it will discourage students from going into traditional higher education, and therefore limit their career options. +A19078 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are a way to get a good idea of how smart someone is, even if the results aren't necessarily 100% accurate they give a good base to judge people on. +A19087 We should abandon television against we shouldn't abandon television as it is some people's only form of news and entertainment, it could lead to them them being misinformed about certain things +A19088 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of sometimes entrapment is the only way to ensure that criminals are captured and charged, therefore we should legalise it. +A19090 Surrogacy should be banned against for some couples surrogacy is one solution to having a child that is from one of the parents +A19092 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care cannot replace the support structure of a real family +A19093 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip is causing over a million people to go hungry for no reason. +A19098 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of it gives people a feeling of superiority over others. some people are just not good test takers, it doesn't mean they aren't intelligent. +A19107 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy is an outdated thinking +A19109 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans should be banned because it just gets people into more debt with the outrageous interest rates. +A19111 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against this would cause a decrease in pay for the public defender and lower the quality of representation as too many people will rush to the new employment opportunities regardless of their record.. +A19120 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children is foster care rarely get the nurturing support they need since foster parents don't want to put in the time to get to know and love them, afraid they will leave too quickly. +A19130 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling helps those who do not thrive in a school environment +A19138 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of the holocaust was a real thing that happened where many people died because of a man who wanted to rule the world. to deny that this happened is to say the lives of these innocent people do not matter. +A19142 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling a child denies them valuable lifeskills, particularly interaction with their own age group and all experiences stemming from this. +A19146 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of its not safe at all and there are a lot of risks associated with it. besides it lacks government approval. +A19154 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans help those who are unable to obtain standard loans from banks. +A19158 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of when it is known that someone has committed a crime but it cannot be proven then entrapment provides an effective way of proving what they are capable of. +A19160 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The fact that poor people get stuck with public defenders while rich people get private lawyers contributes to disparate jailing and sentencing that overwhelmingly harms the poor. +A19174 Social media brings more harm than good against social media allows friends and family to stay in contact a lot easier. +A19175 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy provides natural cures for diseases. +A19183 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of A blockade is what you do when you want any chance for peace eliminated and for both nations to grow suspicious towards each other +A19191 We should abandon television in favor of television makes people lazy and they get fat +A19207 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of everyone should have the same level of legal council. +A19215 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of i consider it a sensitive issue, however, because of the great conflicts that this brought about in the catholic religion it is necessary to abandon this vow. +A19216 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide is heartless and inhumane +A19224 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of the trades need more workers and we should encourage kids who aren't college material to pick up a trade. +A19226 We should abandon television against television is company for lonely people who perhaps do not have any other human contact during the day. +A19227 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy has been proven to be more effective than modern medicine in some instances. +A19228 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy has led to numerous problems in recent times. there's been cases of forced surrogacy. there's been surrogate mothers who refuse to give the child to the parents. it's safer to do away with it. +A19236 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans are predatory and negatively impact the poor and uneducated +A19244 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against many people face a cruel and protracted period of suffering before their death so with compassion they should be helped therefore assisted suicide should not be a criminal offence. +A19251 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy is sometimes used by people instead of traditional medicine. this could lead to unnecessary deaths. +A19253 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against Assisted suicide should not be a criminal offence as people should not be expected to live in vegetative states and need help to make their own decisions to die a reality. +A19256 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade is there to protect the citizens and prevent more violence +A19258 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of people should be allowed to entrapment because it's another way to express themselves +A19261 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans should not be banned because some peoples last hope is these kinds of stores. +A19266 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care allows children to stay in a family environment as opposed to institutions +A19269 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of People possess many different forms of I Q, from logical IQ to emotional IQ and that might not always be highlighted in standard IQ tests +A19272 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment shouldn't be legal because it forces people into uncomfortable situations and can put truly innocent people in prison because of a choice they were forced to make because a cop tricked them. +A19275 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy is an affordable way to treat yourself. +A19287 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is the only way some couples can have a family so should not be banned. +A19290 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against some sick people don't want to go on suffering, and this is the way they want. +A19293 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy is a major tenant of the catholic church and should be allowed to remain it is a freedom of practice of religion concept. it is a show of faithfulness to god, a degree of purity most will never have. +A19308 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is a way for couples that are otherwise infertile to have children. +A19319 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests will cause children with alternative learning styles to fall through the cracks in the educational system. +A19323 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against People have a right to be represented by the best when they are facing potential fines, incarceration, or worse. Mandating public defenders strips people of this right. +A19324 Social media brings more harm than good against social media is great because it can connect people across the globe. it was never before possible to have a live face to face conversation with someone than we can now with social media video apps. +A19330 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of all children should receive the same education to ensure a standard of learning is established. +A19338 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against Criminalizing holocaust denial gives alt-right organizations a way to play the victim of the state and boost popularity and recruitment. +A19340 We should subsidize vocational education against if subsidies were put into place for vocational education then other areas of education would also want subsidies and this would cost the government far too much to implement. +A19343 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media allows its user base to hide behind a computer screen which enables them to act, do, and say things they would likely not do and shouldn't do, in public. +A19348 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment should be allowed to help police in tackling crime. +A19355 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of making it a criminal offense would hold accountable those who deny our past horrors +A19357 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy does not cause harm, even the placebo effect has been shown to work for some patients if they believe that it will cure them +A19360 We should abandon television against television is still a vital line of communication of information for many people and needs to be maintained +A19364 We should subsidize vocational education against Vocational education is already pretty inexpensive and a graduate of a vocational school should be able to pay off the fees very quickly. +A19368 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against some people prefer the path of homeopathy to being pumped full of chemicals. we should let people make their own choices. +A19370 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of it instill a culture of selfish self importance +A19371 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because killing is wrong whether it is willingly or not +A19378 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of making the use of public defenders mandatory would level the playing field and enable justice fo all, as opposed to when the wealthy can spend millions to hire counsel to extricate themselves from crimes. +A19384 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence test give some people a false sense of superiority and others a feeling of failure. the test does not tell how successful a person will be and their ability to function in the real world. +A19395 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of this is too dangerous for the parents to be. often the surrogate mother changes her mind. +A19397 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy gives those who can't have children a way to have them. +A19399 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care do not bring more harm than good because there are many trusted institutions that are taking care people more properly especially the older ones. +A19401 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care families provide loving homes for children who need support +A19402 We should subsidize vocational education against subsidising vocational training won't make the quality of training any better so there isn't any point in doing so. +A19404 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of We should subsidize vocational education to ensure it is available in more secondary schools. +A19408 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of denial of this is wrong, it happened and many people died +A19412 We should abandon television against television provides entertainment for all ages and can be very enjoyable. +A19418 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is just another term for baby selling which is against the law. +A19422 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against no one should be punished because he or she doesn't believe something +A19423 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy is what drives the religious people to commit crimes +A19424 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of Israel's military and economic superiority makes the blockade an imperialistic action. +A19426 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media can help to foster radicalism & extremism +A19432 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against while the events of the holocaust are awful, questioning whether or not it actually happened shouldn't be punishable by prison time. +A19433 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care systems are often poorly supervised and allow vulnerable kids to receive continued abuse and neglect. +A19449 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of using public defenders would be a fairer system ensuring that everyone has the same level of representation, not just those who can afford better. +A19454 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy puts undue pressure on priests to have a lifestyle that is unnatural and has been linked to child abuse cases because of their frustration. +A19466 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling can be best for those with alternative learning needs +A19468 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide is murder by another name and should remain illegal +A19469 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests bring more harm than good because it will give people low self esteem if they get a low score on the test +A19473 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media can be detrimental to mental health as it can lead to inaccurate ideas about other people's lives. this is because people will often post the best parts of their lives. +A19475 Payday loans should be banned in favor of yes, you need to make workers aware of what they can really spend, no borrowing +A19485 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The Palestinian people in Gaza cannot properly build up their economy and become a truly independent people without ending the blockade. +A19487 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests give confidence to those placed behind their level +A19490 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against it's just freedom of speech, you can't arrest someone for not believing something +A19493 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy should not be banned because it benefit women or couples that cannot get pregnant themselves +A19500 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Helping someone to commit suicide is no different than murder and needs to be a criminal offence. Life is sacred and must always be seen as such. +A20017 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education should be subsidized to allow a skilled workforce to develop and grow. +A20025 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against blockage of the gaza strip should not be ended because it stops some evil people from crossing +A20026 Homeschooling should be banned against we have already proven that home-schooled kids attend more extra-curricular activities than public-school kids +A20027 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education should be subsidized as it will allow people to get the training required for new jobs. +A20031 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy creates a host of complicated issues around parental rights. +A20035 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of human sexual desires are god given and their is nothing to gain by repressing them +A20039 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of making assisted suicide legal would put too much pressure on people with serious medical conditions to end their life so that they are not a burden to others +A20042 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media can be addicting, and since it is so easily accessible from a variety of devices, it can distract people from more important aspects of life +A20054 Foster care brings more harm than good against Foster homes provide children with a community where they can talk, listen, cry, and laugh with other people who care about them +A20065 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment allows for the easy arrest of criminals +A20071 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of if not used correctly and for the right symptoms, it could cause serious side effects or make a condition worse. +A20076 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is the answer to prayers for many couples who cannot have their own child, the gift of a baby by the surrogate is the ultimate gift, the chance of a family. +A20078 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of providing someone the means to kill themselves is equivalent to pulling the trigger yourself +A20079 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy has been proven to work by many different studies. +A20087 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans take advantage of desperate people and do nothing to solve financial problems. +A20094 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy allows for natural healing and care rather than being vulnerable to unknown dangers of chemicals in regards to such. +A20100 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests are unscientific and only give a narrow, limited view of ones skills and abilities +A20102 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The use of public defenders should be mandatory, so that corporations accused of criminal misconduct have the same resources that an individual would. +A20103 We should abandon television against many people still rely on television as a source of news and entertainment +A20111 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy should not be abandoned because if people honor this there would be less deceased in the world +A20117 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans provide a valuable service to those in need of emergency money +A20119 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against this is a fundamental part of being a priest or nun. they don't need this distraction. +A20124 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of denying that the holocaust did not exist is a crime to humanity and disrespects the lives of millions of people who suffered. +A20129 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media provides an easy and anonymous way for bullies to do their worst +A20130 We should abandon television in favor of television encourages people to be lazy and as a consequence they put on weight. +A20138 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of it isn't just about the denial itself but it's part of a conspiracy against jewish people and is used to hurt and kill jewish people today. so i think that type of rhetoric should be policed. +A20143 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of some people are very intelligent but have a difficult time when it comes to taking tests. therefore they could be labeled as less intelligent as they really are. +A20146 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of if entrapment can be used to get criminals off the streets, why should it be banned? +A20149 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against the traditional right to choose your own defender to represent you has worked well for centuries and should never be changed. +A20159 We should abandon television in favor of television giving most lies to the people and knowing that people will be distracted from truth. +A20161 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of moving from foster carer to carer provides an unstable life which damages esteem +A20163 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade should not be ended because the people of israel have every right to determine what goods, service, and people enter the territory. +A20166 Payday loans should be banned in favor of loans only further encourage people to take on debt and buy things they can't afford +A20169 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is an artificial means of creating more children. if a person can not have children then they should adopt since there are many children that need parents. +A20172 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social networks push people to isolate themselves socially +A20174 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment should not be legalized because there will be an absue of such power and just about anyone can be arrested. +A20181 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy provides symptom relief without many of the side effects that are common with mainstream medications. +A20183 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of there is too much potential for exploitation of assisted suicide by malicious relatives that it should be banned as a matter of individual safety +A20188 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of it is important to remember the atrocities that occurred so as not to allow the same thing to happen again. +A20191 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media is addictive. people are spending more time in virtual worlds and less time experiencing personal human interactions. +A20195 Homeschooling should be banned against a parent knows best what is good for their kid +A20196 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against making the use of public defenders madatory would increase the number of miscarriages of justice since the best and most able defence lawyers would go to areas of the law where they can make the most money +A20199 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of sometimes the only way to catch a criminal is by entrapment. in these cases entrapment should be legal. +A20203 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is best for children where the schools in the area are not conducive to learning +A20207 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of women are selling their bodies, and oftentimes, surrogates have a hard time giving up their child. +A20209 Entrapment should be legalized against putting temptation in the way of a criminal is not fair +A20210 Foster care brings more harm than good against Foster care provides a safe, secure environment for neglected and abused children. +A20217 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against we are supposed to be a modern society of free thought. if someone wants to deny the holocaust, it is their intellectual right. +A20219 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of with the rising cost of college tuition vocational education is becoming a more attractive option & should be subsidized +A20224 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of We should subsidize vocational education because it is often inaccessible to low income students. +A20229 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of public defenders are an important part of the judicial system are necessary for those who cannot afford their own attorney. +A20230 We should subsidize vocational education against We should subsidize not vocational education because it is unfair to make taxpayers subsidize some people's education. +A20237 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against for minor health issues, homeopathy provides relief +A20242 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against why should anyone be told they cannot deny something even if it happened? freedom of speech, surely. +A20251 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests often help children excel by allowing them to be placed in appropriate classes or programs based on their individual abilities. +A20259 Payday loans should be banned in favor of ppayday loan providers pray on the poor and those unable to manage their money. rather than give helpful advise on how to budget and cut costs they encourage further spending with access to easy money. +A20262 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy should not be abandoned because that is part of some religions +A20268 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of there is no proof that homeopathy works. +A20269 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against we must continue to apply pressure to achieve the objectives that will be the best for both peoples +A20270 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment could lead to people being charged with crimes that they wouldn't have committed if the opportunity wasn't presented to them and should therefore not be legalized +A20272 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy lets a couple choose someone who matches their looks and genetics +A20275 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of I think it's unhealthy for a couple to not have sex until marriage. It can create tension and cause some people to cheat and have sex with another person. +A20276 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against how a person defends themself is their own decision. +A20278 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of most are into doing foster care for the paycheck, which leaves the children neglected. +A20279 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling doesnt get children enough interaction with people so they are more likely to be social outcasts +A20280 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of it is possible that this could be used as a murder in some cases. +A20282 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of no one has the right o take - or help take - another person's life. causing the death of another human being is nothing but murder which is against the law. +A20286 We should subsidize vocational education against The salaries of vocational school graduates are significantly less than those earned by college graduates with bachelors degrees. Better to subsidize 4-year colleges than vocational schools. +A20287 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibate people aren't at risk of sexually transmitted infections or diseases and therefore are healthier, so it shouldn't be abandoned. +A20299 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media is full of hate groups promoting their agenda. +A20314 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Because foster care is decentralized, it makes oversight for childcare more difficult, and often leads to children living in abusive households or in poor living conditions. +A20334 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media allows children to gang up on other children and can lead to mental problems. +A20341 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against Intelligence tests can help to identify struggling or gifted students so that educators can accommodate to each individuals needs. +A20343 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of Entrapment can be a useful tool in bringing down crime syndicates, for example it can be used to bring charges when otherwise there would be no evidence in order to get information. +A20352 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy allows too many unqualified people to use anything they want to try and help people and it can result in people being taken advantage of +A20359 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of the holocaust was a crime against humanity and by making it criminal to deny it happened you would stop it from happening again. +A20370 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence for the god's law. god decide your life. +A20376 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against the holocaust is a clearly documented event, anyone who denies it's existence can be easily disproven so money and time should not be wasted criminalizing it and creating laws. +A20384 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of Ending the blockade of the Gaza Strip would be the beginning of peace in the region. +A20387 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of There is a current stigma in society that says that all high school graduates should go to college, and this subsidy would help fight that stigma and drive people towards valuable career fields. +A20390 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy can stop people from seeking proper medical attention +A20392 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling should not be banned because there is a lot of crime in the schools and if the parents want to teach their children they should have the right to +A20393 We should abandon television against television introduces people to ideas they wouldn't otherwise have had - which can lead to otherwise good people being influenced by bad characters. +A20395 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The Middle East is really no longer a threat to anyone and the blockade should end. +A20399 Homeschooling should be banned against home schooling is a good alternative for many. it is economical, safe and and a better environment for some children. parents have a right to choose what is best for their child. +A20413 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against blockade of the gaza strip should not be ended we need to protect israel at all cost, it is important. +A20414 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against I.Q. tests provide genuine insight into an individual's capabilities +A20421 We should abandon television in favor of television only serves as a platform for multinationals to spread their lies +A20424 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is a way to bring the happiness of parenthood to a couple who would otherwise not have been able to enjoy it +A20425 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are important for differentiating instruction for students that need it. +A20426 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of I.Q. tests are much too narrow and potentially dangerous if relied on to classify people +A20427 We should abandon television in favor of Television is an outdated modality that lures people into inactive passivity, it is dangerous to well-being and should be banned +A20439 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education allows for those who are not academically adept to qualify in a job fielld and continue on into work +A20460 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy should not be abandoned because it is a centuries old practice that is considered sacred and holy. +A20461 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling does not compare to regular schooling. home schooled children tend to learn the bare minimum, with the bare minimum of effort. +A20463 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the inhabitants of gaza have the right to be free and proper and we must fight with them. +A20465 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned because too it is often impossible for the surrogate to separate herself from the newborn. +A20470 Payday loans should be banned against The alternative to having a system of payday loans is that people are unable to pay their bills or get needed immediate assistance, costing both long and short term harms. +A20474 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy is not a natural state for a human person, and therefore should not be forced on anyone. however, if a person wishes to take a vow of celibacy without being pressured into it, that is acceptable. +A20479 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of it is unfair on the child who can be left without parents if they decide against adopting it. +A20480 We should abandon television against television is still the best media for watching big events such as the super bowl +A20482 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of no doctor should take part in killing , it is their job to heal +A20487 Social media brings more harm than good against social media is a great platform to connect and socialize with friends and family.it has become a substitute for newspaper and is very reliable. +A20488 We should abandon television against we should not abandon television because it gives us a lot of news and information that may not otherwise be available to us +A20490 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling is very difficult to regulate and the education received is not consistent so it should be banned. +A21008 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy is necessary for those embracing a religious career, it helps them focusing on spiritual matters rather than physical needs +A21012 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care families become a dynamic support system to children and a safe and stable home where love for a child is demonstrated +A21016 Payday loans should be banned in favor of it is not fair for families especially poor ones to pay fees in the form of interest over the money that they have already earned. +A21019 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling deprived children off a proper education and is isolating and should be banned. +A21024 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy is dangerous when used as the only method to take care of illnesses. it just works as a placebo, not as a real effective cure. +A21032 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests limit the possibilities because they are not able to show potential, just current knowledge. +A21037 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence test help students end up in classes that help them learn the best. +A21039 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathic treatments generally don't improve the patients' conditions and are often used as a replacement for conventional care, which would be more helpful. +A21041 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide ought to be a criminal offence because killing someone isn't right no matter what situation +A21046 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against if holocaust denial is illegal, it will only go underground and behind closed doors which is just as, if not more, harmful than if it is out in the open. +A21063 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy should be abandoned to prevent such unattainable pressures being placed upon religious leaders +A21064 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against it helps relieve some people from tremendous suffering +A21065 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against until there is peace people on both sides require protection +A21075 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy brings more good than harm when it is used alongside traditional medical treatments for further alleviation of pain. +A21084 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of we need to provide people with the training they need to get jobs +A21085 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade is necessary in order to protect sovereignty. +A21088 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education should be no more subsidised than academic education +A21091 We should abandon television in favor of we should abandon television because it is addictive and almost everything on television these days is some sort of brainwashing +A21097 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of the right to representation is especially important for those who sre unable to afford it +A21098 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against Holocaust denial should not be a criminal offence since the public should be educated, and punishment is an ineffective way of achieving this goal +A21099 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media brings more harm than good because it allows bullying and online harrassment to take place completely anonymously +A21106 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests bring more harm than good by focusing on strengths and weaknesses. +A21111 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of using public defenders would level the playing field in the court of law; people would be less likely to be able to "buy their way out" of legal troubles. +A21117 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against free speech can't be restricted and people are allowed to believe what they want, it doesn't harm anyone else for one person to think the holocaust wasn't real. +A21123 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of we need as many tools as possible to catch illegal activity. +A21124 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against blockade of the gaza strip should not be ended for safety and security reasons. +A21126 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence test are a cheap, easy option to sieve through a crowd and people should not take offence to that +A21128 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy turns women and children into commodities and should be banned. +A21136 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of everyone has a right to representation if they are unable to afford it themselves +A21145 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care gives vulnerable kids a second chance at a stable home life. +A21147 We should abandon television in favor of television should be abandoned because it causes people to be lazy and unproductive in their lives. +A21148 We should abandon television against television is entertaining and relaxes the population +A21151 Social media brings more harm than good against Social media brings people together who are separated by great distances. +A21159 Homeschooling should be banned against families should have the continued option of homeschooling because bullying in schools and such exists. +A21160 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling has proven beneficial for many children +A21163 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of we should subsidize vocational education because our ecomics in countries is higih +A21165 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against we have the right to make our own medical decisions and should be allowed to end our own lives if we are terminally ill +A21171 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of the branding of a child by intelligence tests at an early age can cause grave damage, all for no proven education benefit. +A21178 We should abandon television against television is an important and loved form of entertainment and source of information that is endlessly creative and has much untapped potential for art and entertainment. +A21179 Payday loans should be banned in favor of they should be banned because the finance charges are very high and people get futher in debt +A21181 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned because it can lead to explotation of women by criminal gangs to make money out of them. +A21184 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against free speech should not be a criminal offense. +A21188 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial is racist propaganda and is used to incite people to violence against jews. +A21189 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade unduly harms Palestinian women and children and is part of an illegal occupation. +A21191 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against Homeopathic medicines are usually safe for pregnant women and children. +A21195 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is often provided by lower income girls for the money +A21198 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy may not be the best choice but the benefits of using it are certainly proven in many cases. alternative medicine allows people the freedom to choose what goes into their body. +A21202 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children may never have somewhere to call a forever home because they're moved around so much, and therefore can't form attachments to any specific family. +A21203 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide should not be a criminal defense because in some cases, like people who have terminal cancer, you are doing them a mercy and saving them from suffering. +A21211 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment should be legalized because it gets a lot of the bad guys off the streets +A21215 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media fosters unaccountable hate speech and animosity towards others. +A21217 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education usually leads to highly paid jobs. therefore the state should not be funding this. +A21221 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The use of public defenders should be mandatory so that the trial system can be streamlined with more consistent defense practices. +A21222 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media makes bullying easier. +A21236 Payday loans should be banned against the payday loan should not be prohibited because each individual is free to negotiate with another individual. free market law. the state should not interfere. +A21242 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade must be maintained to keep peace in the area +A21243 We should abandon television in favor of television is a waste of time; people spend hours looking at the box when they could be doing something more worthwhile with their time. +A21245 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling is not regulated so students could miss out on important lessons. +A21247 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial is offensive to jewish people. +A21249 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade is a waste of political and economic capital which could be used for valuable reforms inside of Israel. +A21250 Social media brings more harm than good against social media provides ways for people to connect where they might not be able to otherwise. reconnecting with old friends, new colleagues, etc. is great via social media. +A21256 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy was originally established to prevent a pope or priest's son from inheriting the entire church should they chose to not be a pope. said concerns are now obsolete. +A21258 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of Entrapment causes more criminals to be caught and taken off the streets. +A21262 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against public defenders are not as good as private lawyers +A21264 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests are skewed toward upper class white males, making the test not a true measure of a person's intelligence +A21266 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people must be able to decide what to do or not with their lives therefore assisted suicide is an alternative +A21270 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education should be subsidized because all students don't necessarily need a college education and rack up lots of debt in four year colleges. +A21276 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests bring more harm than good since not all intelligence can be tested, for instance, one could be gifted socially and this cannot be tested. +A21279 Entrapment should be legalized against it is a waste of the government's time and resources to prosecute crimes that would not have occurred without its encouragement. +A21303 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of luring a criminal in a well controlled way is the best method of capturing them +A21304 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling should not be banned because in some circumstances for example children living in remote locations it is the only way a child can receive an education +A21308 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment just encourages criminal activity that may not have otherwise have occurred +A21309 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of someone can dedicate their life to god and their religion and still have a partner and have sex. there is no general benefit in being celibate. +A21310 Entrapment should be legalized against it offers someone who hasn't decided to commit a crime an opportunity to commit one +A21312 Payday loans should be banned in favor of Payday loans should be banned to encourage more traditional creditors to come into low income communities +A21315 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of introducing items that normally produce symptoms of a disease is something that really could do more harm than good in the long run. +A21323 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy enables infertile couples to raise their own family. +A21327 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy helps those not able to conceive have a family. +A21338 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy is a unique part of the catholic church and ensures a priest is not splitting themselves between their parishioners and their family, thus giving better spiritual service. +A21347 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Foster care brings more harm than good because you do not know who the foster parents really are. They may be nice people in front of you but behind close door no one knows. +A21359 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social networks isolate people and submerge them in solitary lives +A21367 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans help individuals that need quick infusion of money to pay bills +A21379 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy shouldn't be abandoned - people should be allowed to do whatever they want to do, +A21380 We should abandon television in favor of you can get all you need on the internet now +A21381 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of subsidizing vocational education will allow more people to pursue a vocation in a time when too few people are choosing that avenue. +A21383 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against if someone wants to defend themselves that is their right +A21388 Payday loans should be banned in favor of A government ban on payday loans is the only way to protect those most vulnerable. +A21405 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of to move with the modern times the vow of celibacy should be abandoned. +A21413 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy is better than the alternative prescribed medications that have serious side effects. +A21419 Social media brings more harm than good against if used properly it can reunite old friends and family and bring much pleasure. +A21420 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy should be abandoned because not everyone can hold up to the lifelong commintment +A21427 We should abandon television against people are entitled to leisure time +A21430 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of pregnancy places a huge strain on the body and surrogacy encourages poorer women to do this for money. +A21432 Surrogacy should be banned against when a couple are not blessed with the ability to have their own children surrogacy provides this joy therefore it should not be banned. +A21448 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling should be banned because the children will be kept at home and no social with other children and the children very likely in an abusive situation to where nobody knows about it +A21449 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is basically exploitation of economically disadvantaged women, forced into emotional and physical trauma for money. +A21458 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of Social media sucks people in and causes them to waste time they could be using productively. +A21459 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education should not be subsidized as it would place extra strain on the education budget. +A21470 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against I.Q. testing allows students to understand and focus on their intellectual strengths +A21471 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of public defenders level the playing field in court +A21483 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of there are not enough people to be sure that the foster homes are providing for the children +A21484 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans can help those in dire situations such as helping with car repairs, bills and groceries. +A21489 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence so that it is possible for liberal democratic societies to crack down on fascism early, rather than let it grow like a weed. +A21499 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children with behavioral problems could not adapt well to new homes +A22005 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment should not be legalized because you are unfairly goading someone into committing a crime that they otherwise might not commit. +A22006 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of it has beeen widely proven that social media deteriorates mental health for users, with even the social media companies admitting this. +A22007 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy removes sexual activity with a view to focusing on a larger purpose - it can be seen as training the mind, and allows otherwise unforeseen advances of thought and discourse. +A22009 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of public defenders are important to upholding our individual rights +A22014 We should abandon television in favor of Too much television viewing causes people to become lazy and unable to think for themselves. +A22016 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy can be dangerous and is not regulated +A22020 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Children placed in Foster Care do more poorly than children who are left in high-risk homes +A22022 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests bring less harm than good because the envelope of people +A22039 Social media brings more harm than good against social media connects people together +A22048 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans are just a crooked way of putting people further into debt in a way that's nearly impossible to recover from. +A22051 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy has utterly no basis in medicine, and is a treatment offered purely to extract money from potentially vulnerable, desperate people in need of hope. +A22053 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against if you have the financial means to employ the best defence, why shouldn't you be able to do that if it gives you a better chance of being found not guilty. +A22060 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the gaza strip blockade is a method to protect the people in gaza and aids in preventing an iranian takeover. +A22064 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is the only way some people can have children +A22071 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care puts already vulnerable kids in to the hands of those who might abuse them further. +A22074 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade is hurting free trade. +A22077 Social media brings more harm than good against social media brings long distance family together and keeps them in contact for years to come rather than only through family reunions +A22078 Entrapment should be legalized against entrap should remain illegal, as it wrongly places innocent citizens in situations where they have no choice but to incriminate themselves +A22079 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence test are not fully accurate. +A22080 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against the placebo effect is a completely valid form of homeopathy and is used by millions +A22082 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of denying the holocaust is deeply offensive to survivors and their family and should not be allowed. +A22086 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide blurs too many lines with murder - even if the patient "consents" +A22087 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against if someone has the means to afford the best representation they can, they should be allowed to do so in the interests of them getting the best defence. +A22090 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is a unnatural way of reproducing and should be banned. +A22092 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy represents a time when sex was considered dirty and taboo, instead of merely a part of human nature. +A22106 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of many parents aren't educated well enough to teach their children. +A22110 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of It is preferable to legalize entrapment and allow for random tests of civilians obeying the law than to have over-policing and community monitoring which uses more resources and causes more tension with the community. +A22114 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against Holocaust denial should not be a criminal offence because it is better to let bad ideas be outcompeted by good ideas than to let them fester and grow out of sight like a cancer. +A22128 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against israel is threatened by terrorists operating in the gaza strip, the blockade is necessary to starve these forces of funds. +A22130 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media is time consuming and we can spend our time doing something more productive +A22131 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people should be able to believe what they want. +A22134 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against The blockade of the Gaza Strip should not be ended because Hamas has acted in bad faith in past negotiations and cannot be trusted. +A22136 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans can provide financial assistance in a crisis, when someone has nowhere else to turn. +A22137 Social media brings more harm than good against social media is a great place to meet new like minded individuals and make new friends +A22138 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against public defenders should not be mandatory because it will affect peoples cases since they can physical tell them your story +A22156 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy needs to be used with caution as home remedies don't always have what it takes to truly treat a patient. +A22164 We should abandon television in favor of we should abandon television because people just want to sit around watching and becoming lazy +A22173 Entrapment should be legalized against Entrapment should not be legalized because police will focus on easy convictions rather than finding other criminals. +A22175 Payday loans should be banned against nobody is forced to take out a payday loan; their existence affords the general population a choice of ways to borrow money. +A22176 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathic medicines are usually used for chronic conditions that are not life threatening and may alleviate symptoms for some adherents but if not there is no harm because the substances are natural. +A22177 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling leads to unsocial children. +A22180 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of we should subsidize our vocational education so that the workforce is stronger, more educated in their specific field, and more jobs are filled which boosts the economy +A22181 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Yes, because it is murder practically and this is considered a crime +A22189 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against Given that the state has near infinite resources to construct a case, defendants should not be constrained in their counsel, especially in a criminal case that could put a defendant in prison. +A22199 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against Remaining celibate has a long history and a major tenet of some religions +A22209 Payday loans should be banned in favor of they should not be used as sometimes the money is never repaid +A22219 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of Mandating the use of public defenders ensures a fair trial for all. +A22222 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of people spend so much time on social media that they neglect real life obligations and relationships. +A22224 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans should not be banned because sometimes people need the money ahead of time for emergencies +A22228 Homeschooling should be banned against some children can not succeed in a group setting such as an autistic child. by working at home without distractions school subjects can better be learned +A22236 We should abandon television in favor of we should abandon television because it causes screen addictions +A22241 We should subsidize vocational education against education of all types is already being paid for by the cities where the schools are located +A22256 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests seek to rank people based on an arbitrary test. it hurts the self esteem of people that probably have proficiency in a different type of intelligence that the test tests. +A22258 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against if someone can afford a good lawyer you are violating their rights by stopping them +A22259 We should abandon television against we should not abandon television because it helps us to experience what is happening in the world and also provides entertainment. +A22262 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy is outdated and may contribute to the perverse sex crimes priests have been accused of. +A22264 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because it does not allow a person to die a natural death. +A22267 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests bring more harm than good because people can get competitive over them which can lead to isolation. +A22271 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of Vocational education is a lifeline for persons who cannot access a college education. +A22275 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy should not be banned as it provides a wonderful alternative for people to become parents when they are not able to have children through the natural process. +A22287 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against israel have the right to protect itself and this blockade will make them check everything going in and out gaza. +A22290 Payday loans should be banned in favor of these loans are predatory and contain extremely high interest rates +A22296 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling helps parents hide child abuse +A22307 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of without proper background checks and lack of social service visitations, children are vulnerable to foster families that do not care about the welfare of the child but rather the monetary compensation. +A22311 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy turns babies into a commercial product instead of human beings. +A22330 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of some foster parents can be abusive to the children +A22331 Payday loans should be banned against given proper regulation, payday loans can offer a useful way for people to ease financial strain. +A22334 We should subsidize vocational education against schools need to use financial resources on higher priority courses of study. +A22336 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children in foster care are always aware that they are outside a family, the meetings about them, the fact that they do not live with a parent, this leads to mental health issues in many cases in adult life +A22337 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy allows people who couldn't have children naturally to have their own children through a surrogate parent. +A22340 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against there is no reason for dying people to suffer unnecessarily +A22341 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial should be a criminal offence when a group or a person cause chaos where it cant lead up to murder so what better way is to make it as a criminal offence so no one dare to promote it +A22342 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Children identified as "slow" or "learning disabled" are often put in special classes with lighter workloads, teachers expect less of them, and they end up far behind their peers. +A22344 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of We should subsidize vocational education because there is a compelling state interest in a more skilled workforce. +A22346 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of Homeopathic medicine can be expensive despite providing no benefit. +A22357 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against it is more humane to help the person die than to let them suffer excruciating pain +A22359 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy should not be banned because it allows couples who are infertile and homosexual males to become parents +A22360 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because it has caused many harms to gazans. peace will never happen until this is lifted. +A22366 We should abandon television against television isn't something that needs to be abused. we can watch it and still find time for exercising and a social life. +A22370 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment should be legal because it catches criminals that were already looking to commit the crime anyway. +A22373 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of as homeopathy is unregulated, it can be dangerous because nobody really knows the quality, safety or efficacy of the products that are on sale. +A22374 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of the world today is polluted with fake ideas and fake news thanks to social media. +A22375 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment is the most effectively way to clearly identify a person committing a crime by catching them in the actual act and should be legalized. +A22378 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy contributes to emotional issues such as having to part with a child carried for nine months and then the possibility of post-partum depression enhanced with not having the child with them. +A22384 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy is critical to keeping the priest focused on spiritual matters that are central to his responsibilities in the church and to his congregation. +A22388 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment is sometimes the only way to catch someone +A22395 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education is essential to fill gaps in society for example where there is a lack of builders, plumbers and other tradesmen. +A22401 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of a bad score in an intelligence test is a blow to people sense of worth, hurting not only their feeling's but also this society's development. +A22402 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against everyone is entitled to chose how to not just live but also end their life. +A22407 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling should not be banned because it is a right for parents to educate their children in their comfort of home +A22410 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against easing someone's suffering should not be a criminal offence. +A22418 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care can leave kids with behavioral problems +A22422 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of there is too much focus on academic qualifications leading to thousands gaining qualifications that do not get them anywhere. a focus needs to be placed on vocational education +A22424 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy should be abandoned because it can cause issues in the relationship +A22426 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against they hold a very high title to which they agreed to be held by all rules. +A22429 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against IQ tests allow teachers and parents to direct additional resources to children who need them the most, i.e., those with low IQ scores. +A22434 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against holocaust denial is a is a form of free speech, and is thus protected by the first amendment. +A22446 Surrogacy should be banned against Surrogacy is no different than any other contract or profession in terms of selling labor. +A22448 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade of the gaza strip should not be ended as there is still no end to the violence in the region. +A22454 We should abandon television in favor of there is a lot of violence and sex on television that is not appropriate for children +A22455 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against When someone becomes a nun or priest they should wholly devote themselves to God only. +A22456 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of people using homeopathic remedies instead of conventional medicine are more likely to die from a serious illness. +A22463 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against it shouldnt be ended because if it was ended then it may cause more fighting and terrorism. +A22465 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling doesn't allow the child to have the same social aspect that they would attain at a regular school. +A22466 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of home-schooled children aren't socialized properly and may have difficulty adapting to the general populace +A22468 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against while i believe that holocaust denial is about fostering antisemitism today. i still think that type of speech as long as it's not a direct call to action should be protected, even if it is detestable. +A22479 We should abandon television in favor of we should abandon television because it is a waste of time. people could get so much more done without it. +A22482 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of The foster care system is understaffed, and its social workers are overwhelmed and exhausted. +A22497 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide allows one to end terminal pain and suffering and should be allowed to continue. +A23004 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against Intelligence tests allow employers and schools to locate areas where test takers need to improve. +A23005 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy shouldn't be abandoned for the divinity and holy spirit +A23013 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against it is unfair to force someone with a terminal illness to continue to suffer greatly when they are just dying anyway. the only humane and compassionate way to help them is to allow assisted suicide. +A23014 Payday loans should be banned against Instead of banning payday loans, we should require them to assess the ability of individuals to repay, which would avoid the overarching problem of these loans creating cycles of debt. +A23015 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against freedom of speech protects everyone's speech, even those who are clearly misinformed. +A23020 We should abandon television against we don't need to abandon television just because some of the shows on it are garbage. there is still a lot of content that provides comedic relief or education that is hard to get from other technology +A23033 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans cost more money than its worth. +A23043 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because it would be very easy to murder a vulnerable relative in order to get an inheritance. +A23046 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against blockading a terror entity is the only solution other than combating it +A23048 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy can be dangerous for the surrogate, and can create an emotional bond between birth mother and child that makes it very difficult for the birth mother to surrender the child to the surrogate couple +A23049 We should abandon television against television provides entertainment and news for all generations +A23052 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against Intelligence tests bring more good than harm because they equalize students from rich and poor backgrounds, since money cannot buy intelligence. +A23059 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of more people would learn useful skills and be able to support themselves. +A23061 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of as more time passes, it becomes increasingly important to acknowledge the holocaust's ugly truth, lest we never repeat it. +A23075 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy is not well regulated so people won't know the dangers of using homeopathic remedies +A23088 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of Social media brings more harm than good because social media distracts everyone from their daily lives +A23089 We should abandon television against it can be very educational and full of facts +A23094 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children generally do better when kept in their family home with apropriate help and support rather being placed in foster care +A23095 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against holocaust denial should not be a criminal offence because though offensive it infringes the right to free speech +A23098 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Holocaust denial propagates negative Jewish stereotypes and encourages Anti-Semitism. It must be stopped. +A23104 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans are a life saver for many people who need to make that bill payment on time. +A23107 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide shouldn't be a criminal offence because it allows the patient to have control over their final decisions +A23109 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy is much less dangerous than many pharmaceuticals +A23110 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against if the blockade ends there will be immense retaliation or war which can't be risked +A23116 Homeschooling should be banned against parents should be given the choice to provide homeschooling if they want to and this is often the only option in cases of severe bullying in a school environment. +A23120 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests can determine which area an individual excels at so they can take a path that will lead them to their greatest success +A23127 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisting with suicide is helping kill someone, and should be treated as such. the intent of the victim doesn't matter, murder is murder. +A23131 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of someone who would assist another person attempt suicide should be locked up. these people need help to be convinced that suicide is not the answer rather than assisted in their task. +A23136 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of mandatory use of public defenders will raise the standard of the defenders and level the playing field +A23138 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned because it could cause emotional damage to the carrier. +A23141 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of subsidising vocational education would encourage more people into useful trades where they can find employment at the end of their course. +A23145 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial is a preposterous denial of documented fact and is the seed to more dangerous opinions and actions that allow anti-semitism to fester and spread. +A23153 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against they help to identify gifted children and help parents to develop their children talents +A23154 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media allows predators into your home and skews mindsets. +A23159 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of public defenders do not have an agenda besides the task at hand and are more efficient than a lawyer who is trying to rack up the fees. +A23162 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling prevent children to socialize and confront with others, therefore it should be banned. +A23163 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy can lead people to use herbal remedies and not seek help for bigger issues which can have devestating consequences. +A23165 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of it should be abandoned because they have the same desires as every human has +A23176 We should subsidize vocational education against Subsidizing vocational education will lead to it becoming as esoteric and non-productive as liberal arts education. +A23180 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is wrong since a person is almost coerced into committing a crime. it's cruel and wrong to trick a person into committing a crime. +A23183 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of this is an outdated practice that has no bearing in todays world. +A23188 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against Intelligence tests allow employers to select and sort job candidates into roles that are best suited for their ability. +A23189 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling does not teach a student to get along with others. +A23191 We should abandon television against there has always been types of entertainment and escape. whether reading books, watching a play, or even attending a bullfight all are a way to enjoy. tv is just another form of entertainment. +A23199 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment should not be legalized because if you have to trap a person to catch them doing wrong, then the enforcement team is not doing a very good job as people are breaking the law constantly. +A23205 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of Surrogacy should be banned as there are many children and babies who need adopting and that would be a better way for childless couples to have families. +A23216 Surrogacy should be banned against Surrogates are protected by legal contacts ensuring that they are reimbursed for their time and expenses. +A23222 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is an excellent alternative for children who are unable to attend normal schools for either emotional or psychological reasons. +A23235 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care can put in healthy homes children with problems +A23239 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care is a great thing that enables children to have a family when theirs is not able to take care of them. +A23241 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education is positive but to be subsidize from the government is wrong as there is other causes which should be subsidized. +A23244 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against many people who believe that homeopathic remedies have worked for them and feel better for using them surely are better using them than prescription medication that may have unwanted side effects. +A23245 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is necessary for those with reduced mobility or those who suffer bullying +A23249 We should abandon television against if television was abandoned millions of people would be made unemployed. +A23256 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade increases the likelihood of terror in Israel, harming citizens who may not have had a part in the blockade. +A23262 Payday loans should be banned against Many of the problems with payday loans would be eliminated if there was increased oversight to enforce regulations and proper business practices that are already codified. +A23265 Social media brings more harm than good against Social media makes communication easier, especially for long distance situations, like moving somewhere after finishing school. +A23266 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Many studies have pointed to the deleterious impact of foster care on children physical health, cognitive and academic functioning, and social-emotional wellbeing +A23267 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of Homeopathic and naturalistic propaganda has spillover harms such as reducing vaccine usage. +A23269 We should abandon television against millions of people depend on the television industry, abandoning it could create an economic crisis in some countries +A23270 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of Carrying a baby is an emotionally difficult experience. There are fluctuations in hormones, as well as the potential for depression during and after a pregnancy. +A23280 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against given a country right to security and self-preservation, a blockade could be affected in international waters. This has been practiced for some time now, including when Britain and the U.S. blockaded Germany and Japan +A23293 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment only entangles those that were looking to commit a crime and stops them before they do it +A23299 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against when no effective alternatives exist the placebo effects of homeopathy are to be supported. +A23304 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is better that state education providing one-to-one learning opportunities they benefit children. +A23312 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against making this a criminal offence is against freedom of speech, people who are prosecuted and locked up for this offence would then become political prisoners in what would become an oppressive regime. +A23321 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education as an option in schools discourages students from pursuing higher education degrees form universities +A23324 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of the use of public defenders ensures that everybody, irrespective of status, has access to legal representation: this is a basic human right. +A23326 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide is a compassionate way to help people choosing to end their life in a nonviolent way. +A23328 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisting a suicide for medical reasons should not be considered a criminal offense because the person is making sound judgements based on someone else's suffering. +A23329 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against because the state pays for public defenders they have a smaller budget, meaning that valuable resources are not available which could compromise cases +A23335 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans are legalized usury and lead families into a debt trap that they can never escape. +A23337 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the psychological consequences of celibacy are evident after several cases of pedophilia, i do not think the church should persist in this +A23343 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy can be used as a money making tool for the surrogate who may not be acting in the best intentions of the family who want the baby. +A23344 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of by subsidising training it may lead to more employers taking on trainees. +A23346 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of the foster care system doesn't provide a kid with a stable family life, as kids can be transferred from family to family, sometimes without a care of the well-being of the child. +A23355 We should abandon television in favor of we should abandon television because it contributes to the laziness and dumbing down of society. +A23357 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of sometimes for human safety these animals need to be caught. +A23361 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education should not be subsidized people should fund themselves +A23362 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care provides a loving atmosphere as opposed to a group home. +A23367 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care is open to children who have been lacking love from their parents. they are nurtured and given love by people who have a lot to offer +A23370 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling does not give children social interaction. +A23379 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against some lawyers are superior, and forcing these to be public defenders would chase potential lawyers from the profession. +A23380 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care can be very traumatizing to kids if they get into a bad foster care facility. +A23385 Social media brings more harm than good against social media connects and assists people in an emergency situation. +A23387 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against blocking the gaza strip is an effective means of notifying the government that their actions are not supported by others. economic miseries are the only way to send this message without bloodshed. +A23389 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Denying that Holocaust in front of people who were affected by it can cause severe mental/emotional trauma. +A23399 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media can be dangerous for children and young people as it places them within the reach of unscrupulous people such as paedophiles and criminals. +A23400 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence testing can help a child receive specialized assistance if found to be of a lower iq and requiring such. +A23404 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans encourage a cycle of borrowing that is nearly impossible to break without a major and unlikely windfall. +A23405 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against this takes away freedom of choice in terms of hiring a lawyer that suits your own needs. +A23414 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade has hit Israeli businesses which long sold into Gaza and bought Gaza's fruit, flowers and other goods. +A23423 We should abandon television against television is part of the entertainment of people and should not be prohibited +A23442 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of they can lead to a feeling of insecurity +A23446 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is a beautiful process where women are willing, they choose to participate so let them. +A23453 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against if somebody is going to commit suicide anyway they should be able to do it safely with assistance +A23458 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy creates complicated mental situations for the mother and adoptive mother, using a child as a bargaining tool. +A23465 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment should not be legalised if it induces a person to commit a crime that they would have otherwise been unlikely to commit +A23467 Social media brings more harm than good against social media does not bring more harm than good because many people find it easier to talk to people on social media than they do in real life +A23474 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy is a time honored tradition that allows priests to focus solely on their commitment to the church +A23477 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence test ensure people are competent. +A23486 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment encourages people to commit crime. this is not what law enforcement should be doing. a person is tempted to do something they would normally not do and the police are creating crime not solving it. +A23496 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against people should have the freedom to choose their own. +A24005 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Intelligence tests harm people by enforcing the concept of a uniform, almost two-dimensional intelligence, even though intelligence is a much broader concept. +A24006 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogate mothers can become too attached to the babies and suffer emotionally +A24008 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care brings more harm than good because you do not know for sure the foster care giver is a good care giver, abuses incidents are very likely, they living in a dangerous environment +A24010 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling helps kids learn better in an environment where they're comfortable. +A24015 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education helps students who don't do well in traditional education +A24020 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of if people are undertaking criminal activities, then entrapment should be allowed so that these criminals can be caught and taken off the streets. It is their choice if they fall for the trap +A24023 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is often the last hope of people struggling to conceive and shouldn't be banned, just more heavily regulated. +A24026 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy is an outdated tradition that deters otherwise eligible men from priesthood +A24031 Entrapment should be legalized against arguably, entrapment is a devious means to trap not only criminals but others who might be tempted by entrapment who would not otherwise have committed a crime. +A24032 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans should be banned because it puts people into debt they shouldn't be in due to high interest rates +A24036 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisting suicide is the same of assisting murder. both are crimes. +A24037 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of many innocent people are hurt by the lack of food and essentials that are stopped by the blockade +A24038 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children in foster care lack stability. +A24057 Social media brings more harm than good against social media allows family members and friends to keep abreast of things that are going on in each other's lives. +A24062 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide allows people who have terrible health conditions to die with dignity. if assisted suicide is a crime they may have to endure many more years living in agony. +A24067 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of IQ testing limits children by putting them into stereotyped categories. +A24076 Homeschooling should be banned against children who homeschool have surpassed their public school peers in standardized testing by an overall 10% better performance. +A24077 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of What are we waiting for? Do we want to see old people and babies dying from lack of basic health conditions and bad infrastructure? Well they already are. +A24084 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans should be banned because the interest rate is so high and they prey on desperate people to become victim of a downward spiral because they will never be able to repay it. +A24090 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy does not have enough research to prove it works. therefore people are potentially putting too much faith in something which will not work. +A24098 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial is offensive and it is a form of racism. +A24122 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy is connection to the god and any banning on it would be sin and should not be touched. +A24124 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care is not good , because children are often bounced around from several different homes during their time in foster care & never become settled & stable +A24131 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of Mandating the use of public defenders would allow everyone to have the same level of legal defense; the rich won't be able to buy the best lawyers. +A24135 Foster care brings more harm than good against orphanages cannot give kids the personal care that foster parents can. +A24136 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against public defenders don't do as good of a job as a hired lawyer does +A24143 Social media brings more harm than good against social media brings more good than harm because it connects people who have similar interests, but are far away from each other - even in different countries. +A24144 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy is scientifically implausible and produces nothing more than a placebo effect in patients +A24147 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy should be abandoned because it is outdated and usually causes more harm than good because the celibate person looks for release in the wrong places. +A24151 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide is too risky as someone may not be in the right frame of mind to decide if they really want to die. if you get it wrong then it could end up being murder. +A24153 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of iq tests can make people feel like a failure when they are actually smart. +A24156 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media helps to enable bullying. +A24158 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is wrong because we don't know if they would have committed a crime if it wasn't for the officers making it easier to do the crime +A24159 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of one single fact that when somebody receiving homeopathy there is no quaranties that these substances will be good for the patient. +A24164 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests help to identify people that need extra help and therefore are an essential tool +A24170 We should subsidize vocational education against we should not subsidize vocational education because the responsibility should only fall on those who are wanting to go to school. +A24184 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of where someone is known to have committed a crime but there is insufficient proof to get a conviction, entrapment can provide that proof. +A24189 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media often shows people at their best and looking their best, this can lead to feelings of inadequacy for those viewing. +A24190 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is not natural and may lead to issues with maternal relationships and therefore it should be banned. +A24192 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against when people are in unbearable pain and suffering and have no chance of getting better it is cruel to keep them alive without their consent +A24198 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against Intelligence test provide metrics which cannot be accessed otherwise. +A24205 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of public defenders ensure the common man has a chance of a fair trial +A24206 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care ensures that children have a stable home which can not be given with their parents. +A24211 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade of the gaza strip is a reasonable response to the crimes committed by hamas members. +A24212 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of study of over 100 trials, which proves that homeopathic treatment doesn't work and is no better than placebo +A24221 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster homes are often environments of bullying and abuse the lack of stability, unlike adoptions, is harmful evidence shows that foster children are more likely to get in trouble with the law +A24225 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are essential because they ensure pupils receive the education that is right for them +A24226 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy symbolizes a priest or nun's commitment to their calling, and is an important show of faith. +A24228 Payday loans should be banned against Payday loans should not be banned because people have a right to enter into contracts +A24230 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against to assist a loved one to pass on and be relieved of suffering is a selfless act that should not be criminalised. +A24233 We should abandon television in favor of too much time is wasted looking at a screen +A24235 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against palestine has endangered the nation of israel and they should be punished. +A24239 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy if not used correctly for many ailments could make them worse. +A24245 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against sometimes these tests help identify people's strengths. +A24246 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against Because most of its formulations are heavily diluted, most homeopathic treatments are safe +A24248 We should abandon television in favor of too much of peoples time is spent watching television +A24250 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The right to be defended by competent and effective lawyers is a constitutional right. +A24252 Payday loans should be banned in favor of Payday loans should be banned because they are not held to the same standards as loans for middle class people +A24256 Homeschooling should be banned against Homeschooling should not be banned as it is the only option for some children with complex medical or mental health needs. +A24257 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans are sometimes the only resort people have to turn to to avoid becoming homeless or having their utilities disconnected. +A24258 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of those who deny the holocaust are clearly evil and should be punished. +A24259 We should subsidize vocational education against any subsidy for education after school is unnecessary, the right to access education ends at 16 at which point people can fund their own adult decisions +A24261 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans should not be banned because it can help out in emergency situations +A24264 Payday loans should be banned against Payday loans help people in need when they have an unexpected expense (such as a medical emergency) and cannot wait or cannot qualify for a traditional loan. +A24268 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education is a great alternative to traditional schools and subsidizing would let more people participate. +A24275 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is necessary in remote areas where there aren't enough children to sustain a school +A24284 We should abandon television against Television is the gateway for many to news and education as well as entertainment, it still provides a very valuable function. +A24295 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of it's a fact that it happened and anyone who believes otherwise should be locked up. +A24298 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against it was built as a tool to prevent terrorist attacks, suicide bombers, if it makes the people feel safer then it shouldn't be ended +A24303 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of we should subsidize vocational education because it would improve student life outcomes and improve the economy by filling more jobs +A24313 We should abandon television against television has a larger screen which families can bond and enjoy them together +A24315 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against whether or not to usa a public defender should be a choice made by the defendant, not the government. +A24317 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy causes harm because it is unregulated. +A24320 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of some children are abused in their foster homes +A24326 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of children born from surrogacy don't have the attachment to the non-birth mother that they would have with their birth mother +A24331 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media is addictive to young people to the point where it affects their education because they are distracted from their studies. +A24332 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against you can not tell a person how they should or should not believe and making holocaust denial a criminal offense is an unnecessary intrusion. +A24340 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people suffering with no chance for recovery deserve to choose this type of death to end suffering and loss of dignity. +A24343 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against the fundamental rights of individuals to the freedom of thought and expression of that thought as speech is vitally important to the stability and liberty of the populations of democracies. +A24351 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling allows the child to get more direct instruction and can be completed at their speed and not someone else's. +A24354 Social media brings more harm than good against social media brings people together, not only familes and friends, but likeminded people who may never have talked or met each other in real life, bonding over a common interest or topic. +A24355 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education allows to develop citizens with skills still necessary for our society +A24361 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of just the practice of home schooling alone shapes the child in a negative fashion +A24363 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned as it can create complicated and painful situations for the mother and adoptive mother. +A24365 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people have the right to think as they feel. it is our right. +A24367 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment should be considered as legal as giving huge benefit for safe and secure society. +A24371 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip is hurting innocent people +A24393 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against if someone wants to prove themselves by taking such a serious vow, then they should be free to do so. +A24394 We should abandon television in favor of television should be abandoned because it worsens eyesight. +A24400 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests are focused on specific subjects and does not determine the accuracy and capabilities of abilities beyond a structured test. +A24406 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of it is a viable option to catch some criminals +A24409 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy is a test of faith and an opportunity through denial to express the importance of that faith. if you make a vow its important to keep to it otherwise it becomes worthless +A24410 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against holocaust denial is disgusting but it's still free speech +A24413 We should abandon television against we should not abandon television because television is the only form of entertainment for some people +A24419 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against churches that promote celibacy do so for reasons of their faith and we have no right to say they should abandon those beliefs. +A24422 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling can be tailored to individual needs of children. +A24426 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care can help the child find the loving home they need +A24429 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education should be provided on the same terms as academic, not given preferential subsidies. +A24432 Social media brings more harm than good against social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends for everywhere, it allows you to meet like minded people and to develop new hobbies and interests with help from others wherever they are in the world. +A24436 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy is no longer relevant in today's society and should be abandoned +A24440 We should subsidize vocational education against Subsidies should be given only if they lead to a general public good, and careers for a select few people who go to vocational schools do not qualify as a public good. +A24452 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of public defenders should be provided to all charged persons to ensure they receive representation and a fair trial. all persons deserve qualified representation regardless of their ability to pay. +A24453 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The use of public defenders should be mandatory so that public defenders are no long stigmatized, which will make them more effective. +A24467 Surrogacy should be banned against parents who want a biological child but can't need surrogates in order to have their own genetic children. +A24471 We should abandon television in favor of there is no longer a need for television now that alternative media are available +A24474 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of it can help to get certain information out of people. it can be easy to twist their words and catch them in a lie. +A24477 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Assisted suicide is a criminal offense and is a form of assisted murder +A24479 Surrogacy should be banned against couples have the right to explore options for starting a family, and if a third party is willing and able to consent surrogacy should be an option. +A24481 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against if a person is able to afford better, more experienced attorneys to give them a better chance in court, then they should be able to. public defenders are for those who can not afford the more expensive ones. +A24494 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans take advantage of people in desperate financial situations, who aren't educated on finances, and often end up in a worse position because of the loan +A25002 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of measuring human intelligence based only on a standard iq test is highly deceptive +A25009 We should subsidize vocational education against we don't need to subsidize vocational education because the cost is already lower than traditional college. +A25015 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans allow people to spend money they do not have yet and then they have to pay interest on the loan. this could cause them to need another loan to get through the next pay period. +A25021 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of people use social media to spam people. +A25025 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are useful tools for schools and employers. +A25028 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment can cause people to break the law that may not have if such a easy opportunity hadn't arisen. +A25029 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Cheating is rampant among wealthy students taking standardized tests for college. +A25031 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment should be legal if the perpetrator is wanted badly enough. +A25033 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against people should be allowed to look for the best lawyer that they can afford to help them with their defense. +A25035 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of sometimes the only way to capture a criminal is to use entrapment as career criminals have learned ways to avoid legal prosecution. +A25038 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is a beautiful act and so appreciated by the parents who could not have a child any other way. we can't end this. +A25041 Surrogacy should be banned against A woman can and should decide on her own what to do with her body, and how she would like to use it. It's not the business of the government. +A25044 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against holocaust denial should not be a criminal offence because it would be an infringement of the right to free speech +A25046 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education has merits. it provides skill to youth who have left school and reintroduced them in the economic field +A25052 Entrapment should be legalized against i do not think people deserve to be induced to commit a crime they do not want to do +A25056 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of prosecuting people who have committed murders would become more complicated if they could claim they were assisting in a suicide. +A25057 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against holocaust denial, although hurtful, is protected free speech. +A25060 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of this blockade is not effective, actually have reverse effect because it only hurts the citizens there especially the poor so will make the palestinian retaliate more against israel. +A25068 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against in conjunction with medical care, it can give people hope +A25073 Social media brings more harm than good against social media provides support for emotional issues. +A25075 Payday loans should be banned in favor of The government has an obligation to protect the worst off in society, and payday loans specifically target the poor to make money off financial desperation, meaning the government should intervene and ban these loans. +A25078 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade helps to keep more weapons from entering the area by ship and lessen the ability for violence. +A25083 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against the use of public defenders shouldn't be mandatory because people should be able to pick their lawyers not have one forced on them +A25084 We should abandon television against television is an important source of entertainment especially for older people +A25088 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy has no scientific evidence of efficacy and is equivalent to simply taking no medical action at all. +A25090 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the catholic church is suffering and churches closing due to the lack of priests. many men choose to leave the priesthood because they want to marry. ending the vow of celibacy would help end this problem +A25091 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against many people don't trust doctors and would rather take matters into their own hands; it's their body and they can try whatever homeopathic remedy they want +A25095 We should abandon television in favor of television is bad for your eyes and should be banned to save the population +A25102 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of being able to entrap people would lead to more criminals getting caught +A25109 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against i contest because the founding of each children's iq benefit them actually so parents or educators can proper put these kids in a design classroom or seek extra help to tackle their specific weaknesses +A25112 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy is unfair because it doesn't help people dealing with physical needs, sometimes driving them crazy, so no need to give up sex +A25118 Entrapment should be legalized against allowing people to be entrapped will lead to further abuses of power +A25131 Surrogacy should be banned against it allows couples to have children who can't have them on their own. +A25133 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of because it causes extreme hardship for the palestinians, shortages of essential goods, food and medicine. this results in feelings of hopelessness which will end in increasing hostilities with israel. +A25140 We should subsidize vocational education against this would be an expensive exercise and probably not affordable for any government. +A25144 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans may off the only solution for someone that does not have any other means to avoid a monetary emergency. +A25146 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of a lot of times, people who homeschool aren't qualified to teach all the subjects needed for a high school diploma. +A25148 We should subsidize vocational education against people should pay for their own vocational education in the way that students pay for their own university studies. +A25149 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against IQ tests allows students to understand and focus on their intellectual strengths. +A25153 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of this would allow religious people to have families and relationships. +A25158 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of The vow of celibacy is an outdated concept that causes unnecessary stress on those who take them. +A25163 We should subsidize vocational education against subsidies for vocational education don't work because they do not increase the number of people who choose this career path +A25172 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Foster care brings more harm than good as it can leave children with the impression that they are a burden to be passed off to others whenever they become too much of an issue for someone. +A25183 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care families don't really take care of the children and instead use them to earn extra income +A25186 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media has created an environment of monsters who hide behind computer screens. +A25187 Homeschooling should be banned against some students with special needs will need more personalized attention that only homeschooling can provide. +A25191 Payday loans should be banned in favor of Payday loans should be banned because they are used to launder money +A25194 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling may be beneficial in certain situations. such as for children who are being bullied. +A25195 We should abandon television in favor of television is a medium that no longer provides anything but mind-numbing "entertainment" +A25201 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of people believe it is helping when it is not +A25202 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide is murder of another and should be considered a criminal offence. +A25208 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip is not ending the dissention between the countries +A25210 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against public defenders already have an overwhelming work load, making their use mandatory will cripple the criminal justice system. +A25211 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling is not a viable option for students as many colleges do not recognize them as accredited. +A25214 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of most homeschooled students are not learning the appropriate subjects needed to further their education. +A25216 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy should be up to each individual. +A25225 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy shouldn't be banned because it decent payment for the surrogates +A25226 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against natural medicine is safer and is proven to work as well as traditional medicine. +A25229 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans are crucial financial crutches for customers which should remain available. +A25231 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against it shouldn't be ended because it keeps goods from entering that are not wanted +A25232 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media is not well regulated and is often used for nefarious purposes +A25237 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of 6 million people died so to deny the holocaust should be a crime against their memory +A25239 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling is not regulated enough. +A25246 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of to deny the holocaust allows for the increase of hate crimes and disregards the lives of so many who have been brutally murdered. +A25248 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy vows are a choice that people should be allowed to make. +A25252 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children are not able to form bonds and are often abused during foster care. +A25255 Foster care brings more harm than good against people who provide foster care do so because they want to provide a loving home for children +A25256 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Criminalizing holocaust denial cuts down on anti-semitic acts by making it clear that no actions of this kind will be tolerated by the government. +A25268 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media can be addicting and take people out of the moment and harm relationships with those that they are around in person. it can keep people from developing relationships in person. +A25287 We should abandon television in favor of television is full of brain numbing reality tv that is a bad influence on the young so we should abandon it +A25305 Homeschooling should be banned against this is a free country, people have the right to homeschool their children +A25311 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy will eventually and inevitably become commercialised, with mothers "hiring out" their wombs to the highest bidder +A25321 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against a person's opinions are the beliefs of that individual and the freedom of one's thoughts should not be infringed upon. +A25323 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of none of the products have been tested and some actually have very harmful effects. +A25329 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against Making the use of public defenders mandatory is an unfair obligation placed on a state. +A25330 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of subsidising vocation education would give a broader range of subjects open to those who may not be as academically well placed as others, to follow an equally useful educational path. +A25332 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because it's causing a humanitarian crisis. basic needs of the people are not being met because of it. +A25352 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against people should have the right to defend themselves if they think they can do the better job of it. +A25354 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of denying that millions of people died and suffered should require those people to be punished for their beliefs. +A25361 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of there is no difference between assisted suicide and being an accessory to murder. suicide is immoral and those that help should be punished. +A25364 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Foster care providers are afforded a stipend for each child they take in, leading to the unfortunate situation of too many people taking advantage of the system and providing inadequate care in exchange for government funds. +A25370 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of people who are against surrogacy believe that surrogacy forces the surrogate to emotionally detach herself from the baby and therefore she is unable to form a natural bond with the child +A25377 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of IQ tests measure only a few types of cognitive abilities and do not account for the vast array of intelligence types +A25381 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests can do more harm than good because it labels the takers as gifted or failure and don't cover other forms of intelligence. +A25383 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care brings more harm than good. social workers are being worked too hard and there are too many children that need looking after. many aren't receiving the proper nutrition or psychological care +A25385 We should subsidize vocational education against subsidizing vocational education is unnecessary as those who have learnt trades can end up making a lot of money. +A25394 Surrogacy should be banned against it gives women a chance to be a mother if they themselves can't conceive +A25397 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of a person can be gifted musically, intrapersonally or kinetically in ways that are just as important as verbal or mathematical skill and these other types of intelligence are not easily measured by any test yet produced +A25401 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against while hamas is in control of the gaza strip there remains a high possibility of terrorist acts towards the israeli people so the blockade must continue for the safety of israel. +A25411 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans amount to usury, financially strapped people become overwhelmed by their excess fees. +A25416 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans should be banned because they are very unfair for those that take them out due to wildly high interest rates. loan sharks take advantage of desperate people who end up in massive debt. +A25419 We should abandon television against this is a free country. people have the choice to watch tv or not +A25426 We should abandon television against Television provides information to those who can not get out of their environment. +A25432 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of children should be allowed to experience interactions with other children, as it helps them develope and grow to be independent adults +A25434 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people should not have to suffer unduly and a person that assists them in ending it should not be a criminal. +A25437 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of when people use homeopathy instead of traditional medicines their health can suffer. +A25443 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media promotes bullying because it provides anonymity and releases the person bullying from blame. +A25448 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against making a public defender mandatory takes away choice from those who may wish to find their own attorney or even just represent themselves. +A25449 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment can be used unethically to cause innocent people to look guilty +A25456 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of since suicide is illegal then anyone who assists it is also committing an illegal act +A25464 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of vow of celibacy is not fair to put on any human being because everyone has sexual urges which means the priests can commit evil acts of sex on minors. it should be abandoned. +A25468 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of suicide is never the answer and it is wrong +A25469 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of there are no proven scientific studies that can back up the positive effects of homeopathic remedies +A25470 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care is not a stable environment for children. children are bounced around foster homes to foster home often suffering horrible abuses from people who do not care about their well being. +A25478 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of celibacy vows are unnatural, and can cause problems. +A25487 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide is a humane way to end a life as we do with animals in pain and should not be a criminal offence. +A25489 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education is an excellent alternative for students who aren't quite suited to traditional university education. +A26001 Payday loans should be banned in favor of A ban would send a strong message that better business practices are needed. +A26002 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial should be a criminal offense because many people suffered a horrible fate, +A26003 Social media brings more harm than good against social media allows people to stay connected to each other despite physical distance +A26006 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against The vow of celibacy should not be abandoned as religious people have lived this way for a long time and their traditions should be respected. +A26009 Surrogacy should be banned against some women, through no fault of their own, are incapable of being biological mothers - surrogacy gives them the chance of such an incredible experience. +A26015 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against the use of intelligence tests allows the identification of children who need extra help with their education +A26021 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockage of the gaza strip strip should be ended because the people should be able to cross the boarder +A26029 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of end the blockade so it doesn't keep harming the poorest in the gaza strip +A26030 We should abandon television against television can be shared by many, allowing to enjoy a show and foster discussion about topics that are being broadcast. +A26033 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling should be banned because educational institutions still provide a better education. +A26035 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against it is none of our business which treatment a person decides to pursue as long as there are no third party harms. +A26039 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of cyber bullying continues to be an unresolved issue as well as vulnerability to lack of privacy. +A26040 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against everyone should have a right to their beliefs concerning if there was a holocaust. +A26041 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of there is no reason the blockade of the gaza strip should still be in effect. it's costing too much to innocent people. +A26043 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy has been shown to help ease pain. +A26046 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media causes people to feel sad about their own lives. +A26050 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of you dont know whats real or fake on social media +A26054 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of subsidizing vocational education will lead more people learning vital skills that could help them get ahead in life +A26062 Entrapment should be legalized against Entrapment should not be legalized because there is no way to know if someone would have committed the crime without police involvement. +A26063 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned. it puts women life in danger by turning them into making machines +A26074 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of when you deny the holocaust, it is insulting to people who are actually affected by it. +A26076 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of helping someone commit suicide is like killing them yourself. +A26079 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade helps to prevent continued military threats and rocket attacks. +A26090 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of it should be legal so that police can get all the drug dealers off the streets +A26093 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned because the surrogate parent becomes attached to the child during the normal course of the pregnancy. +A26099 We should abandon television in favor of television is a major reason that childhood obesity exists today. +A27009 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of Surrogacy can cause legal problems on the paternal rights for the child. +A27010 Social media brings more harm than good against social media brings more good than harm because users are able to keep in touch with family and friends who do not live close to them. +A27011 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of it does because fake news can be easily spread around and provide misinformation, +A27012 Social media brings more harm than good against For a company, social media platforms are a great way to keep in touch with their customer base and showcase new products. +A27013 Social media brings more harm than good against social media allows people to communicate frequently and quickly without having to wait for snail mail. +A27015 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care brings more harm than good because lots of times the kids just get sent from one home to another over and over and don't get the chance to learn to adapt and the change to love and be loved +A27019 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of its deterring every day citizens from getting goods they need. +A27020 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education is necessary to train workers for skilled work such as plumbing and electrical trades. +A27028 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media is known for damaging the self esteem of adolescents and young adults due to how easy it is to compare yourself and your life to your friends or acquaintances. +A27029 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against holocaust denial should not be a criminal offence because if people don't want to believe something happened they shouldn't be punished because of it. +A27032 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of if you help someone kill themselves that is murder, and should be punished. +A27033 We should abandon television against we should not ban television as it is an excellent source of information and entertainment. +A27043 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against The vow of celibacy is a long standing tradition of many clergy and should be upheld. +A27049 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against the use of public defenders is a serious drain on the coffers of government departments, and proven criminals have no right to such expenditure. +A27059 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling should will allowed to continue as its important to allow parents to allow their child to be educated at home if they feel that its the best option for their child. +A27065 Surrogacy should be banned against some people want families but cannot because of other issues not have children. if surrogacy can give people a family with no harm done then why should a law even be considered. +A27067 Payday loans should be banned in favor of Payday loans have incredibly abusive interests rates, sometimes in the triple digits, which are unfair to those that are in desperate need of financial assistance. +A27072 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade should not be ended, it is punishing bad behavior +A27073 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of Entrapment should be legalized as it is a useful tool to catch criminals when other strategies have failed. +A27074 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans should be banned because a lot of times it causes people to get more into debt than they already are +A27076 Social media brings more harm than good against social media allows people to stay connected with family members who live a long distance apart. +A27077 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children in foster care are often exposed to maltreatment and do not have a strong connection with their foster families. +A27079 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy has no scientific support +A27092 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is an excellent alternative to public schools for those parents who value family values. +A27097 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of Many of the careers offered at vocational schools provide essential services to the community. +A27098 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of gaza is a crime against humanity and should be stopped as soon as possible +A27101 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care isnt regulated enough, so much so that it gets taken advantage of and kids are placed in bad homes all for money. +A27104 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade fuels international disagreement with Israel which undermines its diplomatic position. +A27108 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people have the right to their bodies and if they wish to die they should be able to get help to do so. +A27109 We should abandon television in favor of the television is no longer a good source of entertainment or information and should be abandoned +A27114 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is just another name for selling children +A27119 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is deliberately temping others and should be banned. +A27122 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended because it is collective punishment, which is illegal under international law. +A27126 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade forces Gaza to trade with other problematic actors like Iran and North Korea, creating more global conflict. +A27128 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against public defenders are not always available and not really engaged for the defense of the accused. they seem to not gain real profit from the cases +A27136 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against Intelligence tests create a discourse about different forms of education and how they can be measured. +A27137 Surrogacy should be banned against Surrogacy often enables one or both intended parents to have a genetic connection to their child. +A27140 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of many children get stuck in the foster care system, having neither their biological family nor a permanent adoptive family +A27141 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests put the focus at that immediate time of taking the test of whether a person can cope with being under pressure while taking a test, therefore, detrimental. +A27144 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of to rely on what is mostly water to bring health benefits is not benefiting anyone except the seller of the homeopathic 'medicine'. +A27147 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against people have the right to decline counsel, if they so choose. public defenders are already overworked, which causes them to unintentionally do an incompetent job in their clients' defense +A27149 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of denial of past atrocities may lead to the rise of idealogies that were responsible for those atrocities +A27151 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests provide valuable information about areas of weakness, meaning that the child can benefit from a specially formulated education plan. +A27154 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests can be used in schools to give administrators guidelines on what certain students have to work on in order to graduate. +A27161 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against The blockade prevents Hamas from getting weapons delivered to them. +A27164 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide is murder and should be banned. +A27169 Social media brings more harm than good against social media has allowed us to connect to likeminded individuals around the world whom we wouldn't be able to communicate with otherwise. +A27171 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care is much more personalized than institutions and can provide much better cate +A27175 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is good for children that need the one on one structure that it brings, +A27178 Surrogacy should be banned against infertile couples or same-sex couples have the same right to have a child as everyone else; surrogacy allows this to happen. +A27183 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of it should be ended because it has massive implications on the economy in gaza and is holding it back. +A27186 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment allows for officers to capture criminals who are trying to evade police in a manner that they would not expect. +A27188 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against if one does not believe that the holocaust occurred, then that is there right to practice freedom of speech as defined in the constitution. +A27191 Social media brings more harm than good against users acan keep in contact easily with distant friends and share information, such as photographs. +A27209 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment should be legalized because it helps a lot of police officers close their cases +A27210 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against if a person can afford someone other that a public defend, then that should be their choice. why should taxpayers pay for an attorney when a person can pay for one themselves. +A27215 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans have really high interest rates only because of how risky it is to loan money to certain individuals. +A27220 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is turning a human life into a commodity and therefore immoral and unethical +A27226 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of someone with a serious life-threatening disease might put all their trust in homeopathy rather than using more proven medicine. +A27227 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education isnt always useful as most of the skills taught are learnt through life experiences and the money spent on it can be spent on more academic study +A27229 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of subsidizing vocational education will improve economy growth and will make people more successful. +A27232 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy can allow a women the opportunity to be a mother when there may have been no other hope. +A27242 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people should have the right to decide how and when they want to die, particularly if they are suffering from a terminal illness +A27246 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offense because it's just a different name for murder +A27261 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of people that could have survived with proper medical attention but instead take the path of homeopathy to their detriment is a tragedy. +A27262 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of many people have been let down by surrogates that change their minds about handing over the baby and pocketing the money paid for expenses that it is obvious that lack of regulation means it should be banned. +A27264 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade only hurts the people and not the government. it's the people who are suffering because of it +A27265 We should subsidize vocational education against we should not subsidize vocational education, the same way we should not subsidize college. if people want higher education, they should pay for it themselves. +A27266 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against no need to abandon the vow of celibacy because it tests the faith and devotion of the priest to god. those that are truly good and spiritual don't need have sexual relations when in a relationship with god. +A27272 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of some parents don't have a suitable education themselves to be able to educate their children. +A27277 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests can make people feel inferior if they don't score as highly as their peers and can cause all sorts of mental health problems. +A27279 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of too much social media can detract from normal person to person human interaction +A27280 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of the mandatory use of public defenders guarantees equality in the defense and the accusing party because the economic weight does not intervene +A27283 Social media brings more harm than good against social media enables people to contact others when they're a long distance away and other means are unsuitable. +A27288 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy does not involve the use of addictive drugs +A27296 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are but one way to give teachers a means to see if a child needs special courses. an entire course of instruction is not based on just one test, it is only one tool. +A27303 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling keeps children from learning to work in a group +A27305 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans should not be banned because for many people that is the only way they are able to pay their bills on time and keep their homes. +A27313 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of this is beneficial only to the people who go to good schools and aern't living in poverty. these tests are unfair to kids in low income poverty areas. we should not have them. +A27317 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster kids frequently suffer from depression and turn to drugs later on in life +A27321 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence as if the person cannot make their own decisions and actions then it would be impossible to know if the person helping wasn't just murdering them. +A27331 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooled students do not learn necessary social skills +A27332 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against a person has their right to their own opinion and making denial of the holocaust a criminal offense takes away the rights of that person. +A27333 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against blockade of the gaza strip should not be ended because it is there to keep out certain people +A27337 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling deprives the child of learning social behaviors and norms. +A27340 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans have such a high rate of interest that many people have to take out another loan to pay off the first, leaving them in an endless loop of debt +A27341 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is a great way for kids to get an education if they live a great distance from the school or their parents can't commute there everyday due to money or distance. +A27344 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Helping someone to die should be a criminal offence because otherwise unscruplous people could get away with murder by having coercive control over someone and encouraging them to want to take their own life. +A27347 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because the conflicts need to be finished, a resolution should be found and people should be able to get back on track with life +A27348 Payday loans should be banned against people who use payday loans already have little to no other options. it's wrong to take the only thing away someone can use in an emergency. it could mean life or death depending on the situation. +A27349 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Foster care sets kids up for failure by putting them with families who have no vested interest in their academic and professional success. +A27350 Payday loans should be banned against there are emergency circumstances in which people need money in a hurry and payday loans assist them in acquiring it. +A27365 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of it does because people just do it for the money and can harm the children. +A27384 We should subsidize vocational education against subsidizing vocational education gives it unfair advantage over alternative career paths. +A27389 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy shouldn't be abandoned as everyone has a choice if they want to indulge in such activities +A27390 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of teaching someone that the holocaust never happened when it did could cause people to be shunned or even hurt just because someone told them untrue information. +A27391 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence because its main goal is to make Jewish people feel in danger, making it a hate crime. +A27394 Foster care brings more harm than good against there are many capable families who look after foster children and provide a better home than where they were before +A27401 We should abandon television against no, television is a form of entertainment for people +A27403 Surrogacy should be banned against it is a legitimate choice for the surrogate and family to make, if the surrogate wants to use their body to carry a baby the state has no right to stop this +A27407 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans shouldn't be banned for our well with society +A27410 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of if the vow of celibacy is not abandoned, the number of men joining the priesthood will continue to decline. +A27412 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of it's not proven that it actually works and might cause people who have problems to get worse. +A27413 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy when used honestly means more focus on the flock than the priest's own family so should be kept. +A27416 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against the use of public defenders should not be mandatory because a person should have the right to pay within their means any representative they wish. +A27417 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against free speech is the right of any person who lives in a democracy, to dictate what one can believe or deny such as the holocaust is an infringement of civil liberties. +A27421 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy should not be abandoned because there are still people out there that feel this is the right way of life for them and there is nothing wrong with that way of life. +A27422 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational jobs play a vital role in society, but not as many students are pursuing these careers. subsidizing vocational education allows schools to still afford to offer these courses. +A27423 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment can be a useful tool in proving that someone is guilty of a crime when traditional methods have failed. +A27426 Foster care brings more harm than good against it is better for a child to be in a home where there is a family +A27439 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans should not be banned as they are a lifeline to many people and if used properly provided a useful way of ensuring money lasts until the next pay day. +A27442 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of helping a human being to commit suicide devalues human life and can lead to deaths of unstable people who are not mentally competent to make the decision. it should be criminalized. +A27446 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy is a very personal and religious choice for some that serve in the ministry and we should not dictate what those personal and religious beliefs should be. +A27447 We should subsidize vocational education against taxes are already too high, and vocational education grants would be too onerous. +A27450 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of recent studies have shown that young adults exiting in the foster care system are prime targets for predators controlling sex-trafficking bands +A27451 Foster care brings more harm than good against In one study, foster care children did not differ from matched family children in their sense of well-being, self-esteem, or incidence of depression or behavior problems +A27458 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans are predatory, preying on those in debt and with a low credit score, those who are below the poverty level and are desperate to supply basic necessities. +A27468 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence as it is not a human right to play god and may lead to murders rather than assisted suicide . +A27476 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against celibacy is the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy +A27478 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the existence of a truce, which has held since 2014, maintains some form of peace in the area. the gaza strip should be maintained for this reason. +A27483 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of it is dangerous to deny crimes as abhorrent as those of the holocaust +A27485 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling provides a family that is close +A27493 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests often are inaccurate and give bad results. +A27495 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of vowing to be celibate doesn't ensure that someone will keep that vow because he or she are the only ones who will know that it has been kept +A27496 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against this is an established tenet of certain churches. abandoning it would infringe on their freedom of religion +A27500 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of children lack social skills when face to face with their peers because they haven't developed skills away from social media. +A28003 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against the use of public defenders should not be mandatory because a lot of them are not well versed in law. +A28005 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against if to a degree of reasonable certainty the state of seriousness can not be reversed by the medicine, the patient must have the right to end his life and if he needs help for that he should not be condemned +A28006 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of the people who went through the holocaust have been hurt enough and people need to remember so it does not happen again. +A28009 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of i think that an assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because is not legal +A28010 Surrogacy should be banned against there are cases where surrogacy is the only way that a couple can have a biologically related child +A28017 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathic remedies have been shown to be beneficial in many illnesses, reducing the length of the common cold +A28032 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against blockade of the gaza strip is necessary because it lessens the amount of conflict between the countries. there will be much more fighting if this blockade is ended. +A28037 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests help teachers to learn how best to teach certain students and are essential in this environment. +A28042 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide is wrong and we should try to help the person heal rather than kill themselves +A28043 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of not all high school graduates complete a college degree and some of them get jobs that don't even require a degree, vocational education would really help them get better jobs than otherwise available to them. +A28046 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of public defenders help protect peoples rights +A28049 Homeschooling should be banned against children get more one-on-one attention and materials can be tailored to best suit the child's learning needs. +A28051 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against the intelligence tests help to know more about the children's abilities so we can draw better educational strategies for each type of need +A28052 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests bring more harm than good because it will make people feel dumb if they get a low score +A28055 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of once a child is placed in foster care there is a danger that he or she gets stuck in the system and is subjected to multiple changes in placements with consequent damage to the child's wellbeing +A28063 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against a blockade is sometimes the only non-violent option available in trying to force a diplomatic hand. +A28079 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy is scientifically unproven and thus constitutes a health risk. +A28082 Foster care brings more harm than good against children that would have been neglected otherwise now have a fighting chance. +A28084 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The use of public defenders should be mandatory so that both parties have access to state resources in criminal trials. +A28089 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of our workforce is too focused on white collar jobs and we need hands on dirty work to keep america running +A28090 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of suicide is a criminal offense, thus assisting in suicide would be acting as an accomplice to murder. +A28092 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade of Gaza causes economic and humanitarian suffering. +A28094 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy doesn't have the same scientific backing as traditional medicine +A28095 Surrogacy should be banned against knowing who the surrogate is provides better information than in an adoption where you don't know any background +A28102 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade has failed to overthrow Hamas and only provides an excuse for its governmental inefficiencies +A28104 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of Surrogacy can put women in danger because pregnancy is unpredictable. +A28110 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of it was a horrific event and should not be denied. we need to learn from history and everyone needs to know that it happened and never let it happen again. +A28112 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people have a basic right to bodily autonomy, deciding whether or not to die with minimal suffering and dignity is integral to that right. +A28113 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests helps to find out gifted kids +A28117 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling can create a more independent program. +A28124 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because no one has a right to take another persons life or to help them +A28128 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of not everyone is suited for a professional job and having a skill or craft may be more suitable. +A28135 Social media brings more harm than good against social media is good because it keeps people connected. +A28138 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy is a great way to naturally cure or ease some ailments +A28139 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care is simply a band-aid over the real issues and doesn't provide a remedy to the problem that is obviously in need. +A28141 We should abandon television in favor of televisions should be abandoned as families need to spend more time together doing activities instead of being mindlessly staring at a television. +A28148 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against The use of public defenders should not be mandatory because the quality of defense will be lower than private defense, which will lead to more wrongful convictions. +A28153 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care lacks one on one connections. +A28159 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of the holocaust decimated a nation, to deny it occurred is to collaborate with that evil - those guilty of carrying out the holocaust are criminals so surely those who side with them also must be. +A28167 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of Having separate public and private defenders contributes to economic inequality by making it so poor people have to pay more long term cost (a convicted felon never getting hired again vs. paying a lawyer one time). +A28171 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is the only way some couples can have a child of their own. +A28176 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of there is no regulation of homeschooling, so there are many children who do not receive adequate professional tutoring +A28179 Homeschooling should be banned against if parents want to home school their kids it is their right to +A28186 We should abandon television against tv is the only type of entertainment elderly or disabled people have and it shouldn't be taken away. +A28195 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Foster care children may have many adverse outcomes that persist throughout childhood, such as poor peer relationships, behavioral problems, or other mental health difficulties +A28196 We should subsidize vocational education against Subsidizing vocational education takes money away from other, more worthy causes that help society at large. +A28199 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against Intelligence tests bring more good than harm because they let teachers identify gifted students who might otherwise go unnoticed because they are shy, ESL, or otherwise do not stand out at first. +A28204 Social media brings more harm than good against social media allows people to connect with others +A28205 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of the kids do not get the proper socialization and may have more trouble moving on to college educationally and socially. +A28206 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling should not be banned since this allows learning to be specifically tailored to the individual child and produces the optimal learning environment. +A28208 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against holocaust denial is protected under free speech so long as the people are merely denying it and not being violent about it, who are we to say they can't +A28213 Social media brings more harm than good against social media brings together people all over the world with ease. +A28215 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against Public defenders are paid poorly and overworked, once people can no longer become private criminal justice lawyers no one will want to be a public defender and you will have a lack of lawyers. +A28228 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment helps catch many criminals. +A28235 We should abandon television against we should not abandon television because it is a form of entertainment for a lot of people and the only form of entertainment for many people that are in hospitals +A28236 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against If anything the current blockade should be tighter since Hamas still manages a steady trickle of terror out of Gaza +A28240 We should abandon television against good television is an art form that can enrich our lives. +A28242 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicide is sometimes the only solution for some people, we should not take it off. +A28246 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of not everyone is suited to work in an office. we also need mechanics and truck drivers and hair dressers etc. by subsidizing voed for these jobs we will be able to continue to teach the hands on employees. +A28248 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education can be used as the easy way out for students not willing to put in the work of real college +A28260 We should abandon television against we should not abandon television as it is an excellent source of news and information as well as entertainment. +A28264 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of taking a child away from their family can potentially cause a lot of emotional strain on the child and may be done based on poor judgement. +A28269 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media makes it easy for uninformed people to spread dangerous misinformation about medical topics to a great number of people. +A28278 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of as the occupying power, Israel has a duty under international law to ensure the welfare of Gaza residents, including their rights to health, education, food, and housing, the blockade undermines these responsibilities +A28280 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education is just as important as college because there is a great need to blue collar workers +A28286 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial is a hate crime, and should be punished accordingly. +A28287 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of it should be a criminal offense because of the horrible factual documented suffering that occurred & it should not be trivialized & lied about +A28289 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the gaza strip is particularly important to israel because of the strategic location of the strip. there is no way to have a barrier between israel & gaza so they can distance themselves from the rockets. +A28294 We should abandon television in favor of Television is harmful to health and family relationships, so we must abandon it +A28296 Entrapment should be legalized against law enforcement should not create a situation to encourage people to commit crimes that they would not have committed under normal circumstances +A28299 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy often involves exploitation of surrogates from poor and developing countries +A28300 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of The consequences of denying the horrors of the Holocaust are too dangerous to allow. +A28308 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media contributes to the fomo culture. +A28322 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is often the only means whereby some couples, such as gay or infertile couples, can have a family of their own that is at least in part genetically related to them +A28323 Payday loans should be banned against if a person needs money between paydays for important things such as medical care, they should be able to take out a payday loan. +A28328 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of vocational education is beneficial to society and should be subsidized +A28339 We should abandon television against television brings a good form of entertainment and education into the home environment. +A28341 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is a fancy term that allows people to purchase children. +A28344 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of because of the gaza strip families living in poverty has continuously grown over the years, it should be ended so the country can progress +A28347 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against Homeopathy expands the field of medicine, creating more research and discourse. +A28351 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests bring more harm than good because it gives some people low self-esteem when they don't do good on them +A28352 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned because it doesn't give the actual mother the chance to bond with her baby. +A28357 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the catholic church doesn't have enough priests and abandoning this vow will encourage more young men to join +A28358 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial is dangerous as it allows the same actions that caused the holocaust to happen again without proper question. +A28360 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of to protect those who do not understand the law the use of public defenders should be mandatory. +A28363 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of children should be allowed to stay with their parents foster care takes them away +A28369 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of suicide is illegal and so is killing, so how is assisted suicide going to be legal? +A28378 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Intelligence tests bring more harm than good because they justify pseudo-scientific discrimination against people of lower intelligence. +A28384 Social media brings more harm than good against social media helps us connect to the people we love that are far away from us +A28391 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against a person who is terminally ill and suffering should be given the right to end his suffering, under medical supervision. +A28396 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling should be banned as the quality of education received at home is considerably less than what you would receive at a school. +A28401 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans take advantage of people with poor credit +A28406 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people can choose to believe what they wish. denying it happened is not a crime. +A28409 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of anyone being charged with a crime should have an independent person helping him or her. sometimes it helps having a second opinion. +A28412 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment can end with the wrong person arrested +A28416 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests could label a child as unintelligent when they are not fully developed and so stunt their intellectual growth by placing them in lower levels +A28417 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling does not allow the child or children to socialize with others of their own age. +A28421 We should abandon television against television will always exist, sure there's other streaming platforms, but the product is the same. getting rid of traditional tv doesn't solve the problem when the same thing is available online. +A28426 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans should be banned because it causes people to go into debt +A28429 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care brings love and warmth to children who really need it and to give them a chance to have a normal family +A28439 Payday loans should be banned in favor of people that get payday loans are being misleads and do not fully understand consequences +A28456 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against the use of public defenders should not be mandatory as you might get a bad one and then regret it for the rest of your life +A28457 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against if someone wishes to die and they are unable to do it it ought to be legal to receive assistance +A28464 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against a vow of celibacy is necessary to the clergy so they can focus every bit of their lives to the church and to god without human distractions. +A28468 Foster care brings more harm than good against children in foster care grow up in loving families that want children +A28478 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against ending the blockade would lead to even more violence and suffering. peace isn't going to suddenly take over because it comes down. +A28484 We should abandon television in favor of television is full of bad influences for our children. +A29003 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling closes students off from peer to peer interaction +A29006 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against people lie about things all the time, so who is to decide which lies are worthy of a criminal offense and which aren't? +A29016 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is unfair and often has the wrong results. +A29020 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of The meager amount of compensation has been the prime reason why foster children receive inadequate care from their foster parents +A29024 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against The blockade of Gaza pressures Hamas to end rocket attacks and seek peace with Israel. +A29037 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip only harms the people within it's barriers because they are not able to get the supplies they need to survive. +A29040 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment should be legal since the person was willing to do the illegal deed. they didn't know they were being entrapped, they thought they were really committing a crime. +A29046 We should subsidize vocational education against many trade skills are overcrowded as it is, and this would overload the market +A29049 We should abandon television in favor of Television has led to the laziness of people mentally and physically. +A29058 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of Surrogacy can create long term emotional harms when women are separated from their children. +A29061 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of there are many ways to express and assess intelligence and that might not always be highlighted in standard IQ tests that focus more on the logical, spatial, and verbal portions of human intelligence +A29063 Homeschooling should be banned against for rural communities home schooling can be the only viable option to access daily education +A29067 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests have been known to help students be comfortable learning and studying among their peers based on aptitude +A29068 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy is too important to do away with. it shows that there is nothing more important than the church and is a true goal worth striving for. +A29075 Social media brings more harm than good against social media allows people that are shy to form friendships they otherwise wouldn't have. +A29078 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against a lawyer would provide better representation for his client than a public defender who gets paid a lot less +A29079 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care damages a child growing up. not having the love from the birth mother and father will cause a child to grow up depressed. +A29081 Social media brings more harm than good against social media allows people with limited interaction with others in their daily life to be able to socialize and interact with other adults on the internet, helping to ease loneliness. +A29084 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against freedom of speech and thought should be protected +A29091 Foster care brings more harm than good against The foster care process might be challenging, but creating smiles and offering a stable home for children in need certainly, outweigh all concerns +A29095 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against it should not a criminal offence as it is just an opinion rather than actually committing a crime. +A29097 Surrogacy should be banned against Surrogacy enables families who are unable to have their own children a way to realize their dreams of having a family. +A29100 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of studies have shown that social media geared towards young people have caused suicide to go up. +A29101 Payday loans should be banned against Payday loans should not be banned because they offer credit to people who are otherwise not able to borrow +A29104 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy should be abandoned as monogamy is a personal choice and has nothing to do with the legal rights of married couples, it is a personal matter between them. +A29108 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans prey on the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in society and is legalized loan-sharking +A29112 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against people should have options when in comes to their health. most people use homeopathy in conjunction with western medicines, and that should be their own decision and choice. +A29113 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned against the vow of celibacy is a personal choice and should be left to the individual +A29117 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust denial is a hate filled way of trying to erase the past and does tremendous amounts of harm. +A29118 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against blockade of the gaza strip should not be ended because this territory has turned out to be a very dangerous area. +A29122 Foster care brings more harm than good against Foster children are given a stable home environment where they can become a member of their community. +A29125 Social media brings more harm than good against social media has been a tremendous asset for movements like the arab spring and the women's march. +A29132 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy has been shown to be more of a distraction than actually allowing marriage. this vow should be removed to improve the clergy. +A29137 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against gaza must stop firing rockets into israel so that it can be a free territory +A29139 We should subsidize vocational education against We can not afford to subsidize our elementary schools, let alone vocational schools. +A29141 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests are very useful to determine who needs extra help in core learning and who can be pushed to excel, meaning both high and low scorers are more equipped to reach their full potential. +A29146 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is not regulated and can have unforeseen negative outcomes. +A29149 Social media brings more harm than good against the media often lie to us and only present their biased take on the news. social media allows all possible sides to be heard, which is good for everyone. +A29150 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy is untested and not backed up by scientific evidence, allowing dangerous outcomes where unqualified practicioners can see vulnerable patients. +A29162 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans help people make ends meet when income sources become constrained. +A29167 Surrogacy should be banned against Surrogacy is a perfect solution for couples who went through hell trying to conceive with no success. +A29175 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is sometimes the only possibility for children who live in remote isolated areas +A29178 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against if the people who live in the gaza strip feel threatened, then they should be able to continue the blockade. +A29182 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans prey on the desperation of low income people and lead them even further into poverty. +A29199 We should abandon television in favor of television is an out-dated form of entertainment that has been succeeded by the internet. +A29202 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans should be banned as they take further financial advantage of a person. +A29206 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling causes young people to isolate themselves from their peers +A29208 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip is akin to setting up prison based on politics, sovereign nations should be allowed to choose whatever leadership they see fit +A29211 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care is the best option for children needing to not be with their own family. they're far superior to a group home setting. +A29213 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of these tests need to be stopped until they are able to properly assess intelligence in a variety of forms, currently they are discriminatory +A29216 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against The Gaza Strip is still a hotspot for violence and the blockade should remain. +A29218 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against everyone is entitled to the right to believe or disbelieve the holocaust. +A29220 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of if someone is willing to commit a crime then they are a criminal and must be stopped. if one way to stop them is to entrar them in a fake crime so what. it catches a person who will do bad, +A29221 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of Overworked social workers make the foster care system harmful by not disclosing child background details to foster parents and often dealing with behavioral issues improperly. +A29228 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of in order to make sure that cases aren't tied up in appeals courts, defendants who can't afford their own attorney should be mandated to use a public defender to ensure a fair trial. +A29230 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care is a broken system that most people can abuse the kids in the system +A29231 Payday loans should be banned in favor of this type of loans is not allowed by state law or because the lenders decided not to do business on the interest rate and the allowable installments in those states. +A29234 Payday loans should be banned against without payday loans, many would fall behind in payments, including rent +A29239 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the gaza strip blockade unfairly effects the women and children of the area and causes many hardships to noncombatants. +A29242 Homeschooling should be banned against parents should have the right to choose how to educate their children +A29244 Payday loans should be banned in favor of payday loans creates bad habits and promote irresponsibility +A29247 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of Intelligence tests bring more harm than good because they are culturally biased, so that minority groups and foreigners score lower than they should, which makes them seem inferior. +A29251 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against The blockade of the Gaza Strip is necessary for the safety of the Israeli people. +A29260 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of assisted suicide involves murdering someone which is illegal and should be treated as such. +A29261 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling should be banned as it prohibits a child from experiences all the opportunities that public and private schools offer. +A29267 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of it is an unacceptable denial of human atrocities we should never forget to ensure it doesn't happen again +A29272 We should abandon television against television can provide an educational experience for people who may not have access to anything else. +A29276 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of there are already plenty of unwanted children in the world and people should be encouraged to adopt instead. +A29282 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of holocaust deniers are misrepresenting proven history in an effort to mislead the public and perpetuate negative stereotypes about oppressed people. this does great societal damage and should be prosecuted. +A29283 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of it would allow medical supplies to get to the needy +A29285 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of foster care has mostly bought medical problems to the children and lead to many deaths. +A29291 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests can cause depression in children with low performance +A29293 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned because more often than not, the woman carrying the baby becomes attached and when they give the child up, causes emotional stress on that woman. +A29306 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of it's not guaranteed homeschooling provides a good education +A29313 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment is a useful tool to law enforcement +A29316 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy puts a strain on women's bodies and it is often the poorest women in society who undergo surrogacy in order to earn money. +A29319 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people who are terminally ill with no hope of survival should be spared the pain and suffering of living. +A29334 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling makes it difficult for children to socially intereact with their peers. +A29337 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling does not provide necessary socialization skills needed in everyday life as well as cooperation among peers. +A29341 We should subsidize vocational education against subsidies are unjust unless they are beneficial to all, not just a select few in certain fields. +A29343 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against as horrible as the holocaust was, you cannot punish someone who denies it happened +A29348 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling simply provides an extra opportunity for parents to push extremist beliefs onto children. +A29352 Payday loans should be banned against people taking payday loans, especially for short periods, are doing it to help them get by and would otherwise go to illegal means. +A29353 We should abandon television in favor of television causes obesity in children as it prevents them from being active. +A29354 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests are a waste of money and discriminate against some children +A29363 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment can help rid our society of criminals and therefore should be legalized +A29364 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of legalize entrapment so we can stop crimes before they happen +A29367 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of being placed with strangers can be traumatic +A29369 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against gaza strip blockade has helped its nation stay away from war and rebellion by this blockade. +A29371 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care was established to help a child with a home rather than an orphanage. it is not just a warehouse for kids but helps them develop by learning what it is to be in a loving home. +A29376 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade of the gaza strip is needed to keep the peace +A29382 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care can help a child find a family that truly loves them and gives them everything they need +A29384 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of it should be legal so that more crimials can be caught and pay for their crimes +A29386 Social media brings more harm than good in favor of social media has brought down levels of happiness and self-satisfaction by making us constantly compare ourselves to an idealized version of our friends. +A29400 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care can bring secure home and love to children who lost their parents +A29404 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of homeschooling deprives children from scocialising and making friends. +A29406 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of in a religious sense, the outdated vows of celibacy should be lifted. priests should be allowed to marry and have sex like everyone else. +A29411 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of the use of public defenders should be mandatory because nobody deserves preferential treatment. +A29415 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests bring more good than harm because they let an individual know exactly what their potential is and can take learning paths accordingly. +A29416 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care helps many children that need love and support from others. +A29419 We should abandon television against television is an effective means of communicating urgent news and weather reports to the masses in a timely manner +A29433 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of celibacy is an outdated proactive the vow should be abandoned +A29435 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care can provide a child with a family dynamic +A29441 Homeopathy brings more harm than good in favor of homeopathy creates the mindset that things such as vaccines can be replaced, which in turn can cause the death of others. +A29442 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy should be abandoned because it is not natural. +A29443 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is a better way to help talented kids get an in-depth knowledge of the subject they are really good at, +A29446 We should subsidize vocational education against like other forms of higher education, if people want to attend vocational schools, they should find a way to pay for it themselves. +A29449 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy should be banned because it is simply just unnatural and the potential the couples and women that want that child change their mind and left the surrogate with the child +A29463 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is in essence encouraging a crime, and as such is surely indirectly a criminal offence in itself. +A29466 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of it should because it is causing more problems than it is helping. +A29473 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment could help put criminals behind bars. +A29475 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against everyone should be free to use any type of medicine to cure their illnesses - it is not for legislation to dictate what they should do , that would be a violation of their right to freedom. +A29480 We should subsidize vocational education against we should not subsidize vocational education since once someone pays for and learns a new vocation, they will eventually make enough money to make it worthwhile. +A29493 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care gives children a safer place to go than with abusive family members. +A29498 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of Vocational education is key to getting more skilled workers, +A30007 We should subsidize vocational education against if somebody wants to gain some qualification for some jobs, then they need to go to university to get it and not to be subsidize from government. +A30008 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is a wonderful way for gay couples to become parents. +A30010 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against Lifting the Gaza blockade would let weapons into the Gaza Strip and undermine peace. +A30015 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests provide an easy way of assessing the capabilities of individuals. +A30018 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against assisted suicides can end the pain of those who are suffering from terminal illnesses. +A30019 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade creates discourse around the issue of Hamas and Israel. +A30020 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is an excellent way for infertile couples to have a family of their own. +A30021 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against sometimes people who are unable to end their own lives, are in so much pain and anguish that it is cruel to make them keep living, their loved ones need to be able to help them legally. +A30026 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy is a good thing because give a chance to other people to have kids +A30030 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against homeopathy is merely an alternative therapy, one people might seek as a less harsh, less dangerous alternative to standard medicine. +A30031 Payday loans should be banned in favor of they charge a crazy amount of interest on their loans, driving many people into serious debt. +A30035 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care offers some stability to children who have none. +A30036 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against when modern medicine avenues have been exhausted, it is a valuable alternative to keep hope many homeopathic medicines are effective and help the patient to stay positive, which is half the battle sometimes +A30042 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against it helps to provide how well a person understands the things they have learned +A30046 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy should be abandoned because people are going to do whatever they want and no law can be enforced when it comes from abstaining from marital or sexual commitment. +A30049 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against intelligence tests provide data that can help the takers work on their weak points. +A30052 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of it should be a criminal offence as it was a factual genocide of epic proportions and to deny it is to trivialize the extermination of jews and other groups and communities +A30053 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against holocaust denial cannot be made a criminal offence in a country founded on free speech. +A30068 Surrogacy should be banned against surrogacy should not be banned because it is a important part to prospective infertile parents. +A30069 Entrapment should be legalized against entrapment is unfair and uses low and unfair tactics to trick people into committing crimes. +A30074 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of taking children away from their own parents destroys families which is why foster care brings more harm than good. +A30087 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against hamas is too dangerous to allow in & the blockade should continue +A30089 Payday loans should be banned in favor of Those who offer Payday loans prey on the people who can least afford to repay them. +A30103 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of Entrapment should be legalized in order to specifically go after people who target children or other vulnerable groups, who would be hard to catch otherwise. +A30114 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against the blockade of the gaza strip keeps more arms from entering through there which in turn saves lives. +A30117 We should abandon television in favor of people are already starting to cut the cord. television is largely being replaced by other forms of entertainment and should be abandoned before it's too late. +A30120 Entrapment should be legalized against people's rights are assaulted with entrapmnt +A30124 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against freedom of speech is an important part of democracy +A30128 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests have been proven to have no predictive value in a person's ability to excel in education or the workforce. +A30137 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against people have the right to choose their lawyer. be it someone they pay for or representing themselves. that is an inalienable right in a free society. you can not force public defenders on everyone. +A30141 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against Intelligence tests give us the ability to pinpoint topics that students struggle with so that educators can learn where to focus their efforts. +A30142 Homeopathy brings more harm than good against many people find symptomatic relief by using homeopathic remedies +A30144 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education is a hands on learning enviornment where job skills can be learned on the job and therefore doesn't need to be subsidized. +A30152 Entrapment should be legalized against we cannot criminalise people by trapping them in a situation that may never have materialised otherwise +A30153 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence against free thinking for all should never be a crime. +A30155 We should abandon television in favor of television leads to lack of exercise and loss of communication as people sit in front of their television rather than talk and do activities together. +A30161 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against if a person can't afford otherwise, sure, give them a public defender but to require them is insanity. the cost is just too great. +A30164 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade makes it harder for the people in that area to make money, and their economy is on the verge of collapse according to world bank. +A30167 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of entrapment will allow the authorities to arrest those with inclination towards crime and wrongdoing making society safer as a whole +A30176 Foster care brings more harm than good against foster care is important to assist families. they provide resources and support to the children when their parents are unable to care for them. +A30178 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of The blockade makes smuggling more profitable which is often linked to terrorist groups and is used to fund terrorist organizations. +A30179 Social media brings more harm than good against it helps to connect people and create relationships +A30187 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of While Israel is justified in its claims of self-defense against Hamas and other organizations that have used violence against the state, the response to this violence in the blockade is massively disproportionate and therefore unjustified. +A30188 We should subsidize vocational education against vocational education is unhelpful traditional learning should be encouraged +A30193 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of the constitution decrees legal representation of the people and mandatory public defenders allows for this right to be upheld. +A30202 Foster care brings more harm than good in favor of some foster carers are doing it just for the money and don't really care about the children. +A30212 Homeschooling should be banned in favor of there is little oversight into how the parents teach their children & it should be banned +A30217 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling can lead to a better learning outcome for many children who struggle in the traditional classroom. +A30219 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockade of the gaza strip is morally wrong. +A30225 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of Since the blockade began, it has failed to decrease Hamas activity or violence against Israel in any meaningful way, failing at its main objective. +A30230 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of if you help someone commit suicide you are committing murder. +A30236 We should subsidize vocational education against there is no guarantee that people would find a job +A30237 Homeschooling should be banned against children who would not thrive in school often achieve better results and all round education being educated at home. +A30246 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of priests would be much happier without the constraints of celibacy, as family people they would be better able to understand and help the people in their church, they could relate to them better. +A30254 We should abandon television in favor of too many people sit in front of the television instead of doing physical activity, which is a factor in the increase of obesity +A30261 The use of public defenders should be mandatory against public defenders can never be truly independent of the justice system that pays them, therefore they shouldn't be mandatory +A30265 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of the blockade of the gaza strip has gone on way too long and should be ended, this is not the united states fight. +A30268 Foster care brings more harm than good against it doesn't because it gives a child a chance at having a normal life with role models, instead of just staying in an institution. +A30269 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling is the best way for children to have their specific needs met +A30273 Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in favor of Allowing Holocaust denial is an affront to victims of the Holocaust, who suffered unimaginable horrors, and to their families. +A30274 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of blockading the gaza strip is no longer useful and those doing it could better serve elsewhere. +A30280 Payday loans should be banned against for some people, a payday loan is all that keeps them from losing it all. we cannot remove this vital lifeline. +A30285 Surrogacy should be banned in favor of surrogacy is making a contract with a human life and is therefore immoral +A30291 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of the vow of celibacy is outdated, times have changed. it also begs to question whether the vow of celibacy is contributing to the frequent assaults plaguing the catholic church. +A30295 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans can be a life saver if one has a bill due that they need the money for immediately. +A30297 We should abandon television against television is stll the number one place people go for news, and the verification of news - abandoning it would cut off a reliable source of information, effectively disenfranchising huge swathes of society. +A30301 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of The use of public defenders should be mandatory because it would encourage more of the best law students to become public defenders, if they want to be defense attorneys. +A30309 Entrapment should be legalized in favor of criminals should be caught and not allowed to continue to harm society. entrapment is an effective means of catching them. +A30321 We should subsidize vocational education against government subsidy of higher education is already out of control and colleges spend this money on unnecessary administration positions so this practice clearly needs paired back not expanded. +A30328 Payday loans should be banned against customers have access to a financial option designed to cover small expenses that arise often and are unexpected should not be eliminated +A30331 We should subsidize vocational education in favor of We should subsidize vocational education because everyone relies on skilled tradespeople. +A30339 Payday loans should be banned against payday loans can wire people that need money fast the money they need +A30342 Homeschooling should be banned against banning homeschooling takes away the right of the parent to choose the education they feel is best for their children. +A30347 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence in favor of Assisted suicide should be a crime to prevent greedy individuals from killing their family member to get their money and property +A30355 Homeschooling should be banned against homeschooling programs use curricula similar to schools so that the kids will be just as prepared as students in regular schools. also, some kids are better at learning one-on-one rather than in a classroom. +A30356 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended in favor of ending the gaza strip blockade would allow more freedom of movement of people and goods which may allow a better standard of living for the gazan people. +A30370 The vow of celibacy should be abandoned in favor of there is no good reason why priests would not be able to balance family and their duties effectively and there is every possibility it would lessen the chance of reducing child abuse in the church +A30380 Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence against people who are terminally ill and don't want to suffer any more have a right to ask for help to end their lives +A30384 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good in favor of intelligence tests bring more harm than good because when one learns their number, then they try to live their life to that number. +A30391 The use of public defenders should be mandatory in favor of our constitution guarantees the right to a lawyer. a public defender should be mandatory to advise people that have no clue what they are doing. +A30393 Intelligence tests bring more harm than good against without intelligence tests to use as a benchmark, it would be impossible to assess someones capability and provide them with appropriate level tasks. +A30395 Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended against Humanitarian arguments against the blockade are overblown, as the blockade is not designed to prevent things like food and medicine from entering Gaza, but rather weapons and other resources that may assist Hamas. +A30397 We should abandon television against television offers so many chances to learn about and see things we would never experience right where we live +D01043 We should promote Zero Budget Natural Farming all over India in favor of At present, most of the farmers in India are following chemical-based farming. But the food produced by excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can cause serious health problems when consumed. So, there is a need to address this, and Natural farming can be a solution to this. +D01044 We should promote Zero Budget Natural Farming all over India in favor of Even though organic farming produces healthy and nutritious food, it produces greenhouse gases and thereby contributes to climate change. So, the best alternative is ZBNF. +D01045 We should promote Zero Budget Natural Farming all over India in favor of With ZBNF, the government does not have to spend crores of rupees on loan waiver schemes. +D01046 We should promote Zero Budget Natural Farming all over India in favor of The third agricultural revolution, which is also called as ‘Green revolution resulted in the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Chemical-based farming results in soil health deterioration, heavy water usage for crops, and high input costs. Organic farming was started as a solution to this. But it requires large amounts of manure & vermicompost. So, organic farming is quite expensive. But the Zero-Budget Natural Farming approach will require very fewer input costs and restores soil health and produces highly nutritious food. +D01047 We should promote Zero Budget Natural Farming all over India against ZBNF is a cow-based farming practice. So ZBNF will result in an increase in the number of cows. But cows produce Methane, Nitrous Oxide & Ammonia, which are greenhouse gases and hence contribute to climate change. Methane is more efficient at trapping radiation than carbon dioxide, which is another greenhouse gas. Comparatively, methane is 25 times more powerful than Carbon dioxide. Nitrous Oxide is 300 more powerful than Carbon dioxide. And hence it is not a totally safe option. +D01048 We should promote Zero Budget Natural Farming all over India against The name – ‘Zero Budget Natural Farming’ is confusing. If anyone hears the name for the first time, he/she will think that this approach requires no investment. But it requires investment to spend on labor, cow maintenance, and water. The costs are very low when compared with other forms of agriculture, but it is not completely zero. To avoid this confusion, ZBNF was renamed as Subhash Palekar Natural Farming (SPNF). But, it was announced as ZBNF in the budget 2019. +D01049 We should promote Zero Budget Natural Farming all over India in favor of We are witnessing farmer suicides in the past few years in several parts of the country. This is mainly because of the high input costs involved in farming. To raise capital, they are forced to take loans and if the crop fails due to various reasons, they are opting for suicide. Zero Budget Natural Farming will prevent farmers from getting trapped in a vicious cycle of debts. +D01050 We should promote Zero Budget Natural Farming all over India against In the 1960s, the Green revolution increased food grain production with the aim of achieving food security and preventing famines. At present India’s population is increasing. So we need an abundant food supply. This may not be possible if we completely switch to natural farming. +D01062 Referendums are good for the society in favor of It can be said that referendums are a direct form of democracy. As the people directly participate in the decision-making, avoiding any manipulation by their representatives. +D01063 Referendums are good for the society against Referendums at times can lead to ill-informed decisions. Since the general public is politically inexperienced, they may not be able to gauge the long-term implications of their decisions. +D01064 Referendums are good for the society against Referendums weaken the sovereignty of the parliament, where the decisions are made with thorough discussions and debate among the chosen representatives. +D01065 Referendums are good for the society in favor of Referendums can educate citizens politically. +D01066 Referendums are good for the society against Referendums provide an unreliable view, as the general public may have less knowledge about certain issues so they can be swayed in any direction by the politicians through aggressive speeches, false data, etc. And the lack of knowledge will leave no other choice for the people than to believe those facts. +D01067 Referendums are good for the society in favor of Referendums force governments to do what the people actually want. +D01068 Referendums are good for the society in favor of The common man has a say in policymaking as he will be the one living under the new set of rules, he will be the one who will be most affected. So, at times the priorities of people are different from the priorities of the government, referendums can set things straight. +D01069 India should transition to electric vehicles in favor of Vehicular pollution is one of the major causes of air pollution. By switching to Electric vehicles, we can solve this issue. As per the report by the government, with this move, carbon emissions will be reduced by 37% by the year 2030. This will also help in our fight against climate change. As India is committed to bringing down its share of global emissions by 2030 as per the Paris climate agreement, replacing diesel and petrol vehicles with electric vehicles will help us in achieving this goal. +D01070 India should transition to electric vehicles in favor of As the number of people who are buying vehicles is rising, the air quality will worsen further. So, there is a need to address this challenge. +D01071 India should transition to electric vehicles in favor of As of 2019, India is importing crude oil for 82% of its oil requirement. By using electric vehicles, we can reduce the dependence on other countries for oil imports. +D01086 Consumerism brings more harm than good against Though the markets are yet a little controlled, they are freer than before. Consumerism improved the standard of living of the common Indian middle class tremendously. In recent decades, the Indian government has been improving the markets in order to boost entrepreneurial activity. +D01087 Consumerism brings more harm than good against The middle class benefited tremendously from consumerism. Increased job opportunities, wages, and cheaper goods helped raise their living standards tremendously. The new world order gave them hope that even they could have luxuries like the elite. Through business, they could climb up the social ladder. +D01088 Consumerism brings more harm than good against On the economic side, consumerism had a positive impact. Due to the increase in wages, people started buying more. Due to increased demand, aided by increased supply (due to the setting up of factories) entrepreneurial activity got a boost. Businesses were set up, jobs increased, wages improved and living standards improved. Overall, the world took a turn for the better. This made everyone look at consumerism (or for them, vanity) in a different light. Instead of being a stigma, it actually became a boon. +D01098 Nuclear disarmament is necessary in favor of Experts have been discussing that the two major threats in front of us are Climate Change and Nuclear Weapons. And they have been urging for complete disarmament. To some extent they are right. When a nuclear bomb will explode the surface will become hotter than the sun and apart from the mass destruction and deaths, the generations of people and animals who survive will perish for many decades. Reports say that almost 2000 nuclear weapons are kept on high alert throughout the year. Any misunderstanding or miscommunication can lead to a disaster, and with the impulsive leadership we are seeing around the world possibilities are higher than before. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced the symbolic Doomsday Clock by 30 seconds in February, which indicates how world leaders are failing in maintaining peace. +D01099 Nuclear disarmament is necessary in favor of Several terrorist organizations are also trying very hard to obtain nuclear weapons. Now if by any chance they get nuclear arms there we can’t even imagine the destruction. +D01100 Nuclear disarmament is necessary in favor of All the countries do not have very high security for their nuclear arms, apart from going into the wrong hands the system that controls them can also be hacked. +D01101 Nuclear disarmament is necessary against Nuclear weapons are extremely lethal and can wipe out life on the Earth, and have actually worked as a deterrence to full-scale wars. We have seen two world wars, and the second one came to an end with a nuclear bomb being dropped by the USA on Japan. Since then, we haven’t seen any open, full-fledged wars, not because there have been no tensions among the countries and we all are living happily, but because of the reason that most of the developed and developing countries have nuclear arms. +D01142 We should abolish the National Register of Citizens (NRC) against India has already become a resource-scarce country. We are unable to deliver the basic necessities to genuine Indian citizens, and a large number of additional immigrants will further worsen the conditions. The efficient NRC will help us in identifying illegal immigrants and some steps that can be taken for their deportation. +D01143 We should abolish the National Register of Citizens (NRC) against Curbing their voting rights can be beneficial to us. As it will avoid illegal immigrants from swinging elections in favor of those who promise them legitimacy. +D01144 We should abolish the National Register of Citizens (NRC) against NRC sends a strong message that illegal immigrants are not welcome here. +D01145 We should abolish the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in favor of The present process lacks impartiality, transparency, and equality. Updating or maintaining an NRC with such a huge population, and that too people with less income and low literacy is a very tedious task. And all efforts should be made to minimize injustice to anyone. +D01146 We should abolish the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in favor of The NRC body and the Foreign Tribunals in Assam are functioning behind the curtains and its functioning is clearly signaling toward the ruling party’s agenda of getting rid of Minorities. Earlier retired judges were carefully selected for Foreign Tribunals but now any lawyer who is above 50 on 25 April 2015 and has 10 years of experience can volunteer for FT and gets a seat. Various online sources have reported that the FT is full of people sharing the ruling party’s ideology and are asked to perform well. +D01147 We should abolish the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in favor of People are tired of showing their documents, and proving their identities but the Foreign Tribunals are never satisfied. Minor clerical mistakes have resulted in the listing of Indian citizens as Foreigners. At times FT has gone beyond scope of its power and ordered arrest, detention, revoked ration cards, etc. thus, troubling a poor Indian. +D01148 We should abolish the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in favor of NRC increases the feeling of alienation among Muslims and animosity among orthodox Hindus, leading to communal unrest which is already on the rise since the BJP came to power. +D01149 We should abolish the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in favor of With this faltering mechanism, already poor and helpless genuine Indians will lose their right to work, healthcare and education, and housing. +D02041 We should develop Web 3.0. against There is no guarantee that web 3.0 will not be controlled by big tech companies. Earlier when the first version of the web came, people expected that it will guarantee free speech and no one can control it like they controlled traditional media such as newspapers and television. But, now web content is largely controlled by big corporations. So, web 3.0 may also turn into the same. +D02042 We should develop Web 3.0. in favor of Web 3.0 is defined as a decentralized web, where content does not lie in the hands of big corporations. Instead, it uses peer-to-peer infrastructure, so the information cannot be censored by corporations or the government. It is expected to ensure user privacy. +D02054 We should link Aadhaar card with the Voter ID against This can be a threat to privacy because this linking can lead to the profiling of voters. Several states collected caste, religion, and other sensitive information as part of aadhaar data collection. So, this can be misused by some politicians to selectively eliminate some voters based on their caste or any other identity. +D02055 We should link Aadhaar card with the Voter ID against If legitimate voters do not have an aadhaar or if they could not link it due to any reason, they will be removed from the list. For example, some homeless people do not have aadhaar cards yet. In the 2018 Telangana Assembly elections, linking aadhaar cards with Voter ID led to the elimination of 20 lakh voters. +D02056 We should link Aadhaar card with the Voter ID against There are fake and duplicate aadhaar cards too. So, linking aadhaar cards with voter IDs may complicate the issue. +D02057 We should link Aadhaar card with the Voter ID in favor of This can be used to eliminate fake voter cards. Moreover, some people have voter cards in 2 or more areas. These duplicate voter cards can be eliminated by linking Aadhaar cards with Voter IDs. +D02058 We should link Aadhaar card with the Voter ID in favor of This linking can clear the path to internet voting or e-voting. +D02063 Indian government should increase the minimum legal age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 years against The age of 18 years is considered a legal adult in India. They have voting rights too. But not giving them the right to marry the partner of their choice may work against their rights. In 2018, the Law Commission recommended lowering the minimum legal age of men from 21 to 18 years and suggested keeping both genders’ minimum legal age for marriage as 18 years. +D02064 Indian government should increase the minimum legal age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 years in favor of At present, many girls are forced to drop out of studies for marriage. So, making the minimum legal age for marriage 21 will allow them to continue their studies. Thereby, many more women will go for higher education. +D02065 Indian government should increase the minimum legal age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 years in favor of Teenage pregnancies increase the risk of high blood pressure, anemia, and several other health problems. It can also lead to the death of the mother due to pregnancy complications. So, raising the age of marriage for girls can reduce the chance of maternal mortality. +D02066 Indian government should increase the minimum legal age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 years in favor of Early marriages result in several mental health issues in many girls. So, this move can eliminate this problem. +D02067 Indian government should increase the minimum legal age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 years in favor of As several girls are married at 18 years, they are not having financial independence. This is resulting in dependence on their husbands for survival. The dependence will force them to stay in the relationship even if it is abusive. So, raising the minimum legal age for marriage can empower women and can help them in achieving financial independence before marriage. +D02068 Indian government should increase the minimum legal age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 years against As per the government data of 2017, the average age of marriage for women is increased to 22.1 years. So, the change is voluntary. The change was mainly due to the improving education among women. So, the solution lies in encouraging education for girls, conducting awareness programs on the importance of education, financial independence and the consequences of teenage pregnancies should be conducted instead of passing a law to bring a real change in society. +D02069 Indian government should increase the minimum legal age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 years against At present, child marriages are happening throughout India even after ‘The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, of 2006’. As per the National Family Health Survey (2019-2021), 1/4th of the women aged 20-24 years were married before attaining the age of 18 years. After the pandemic, the number of child marriages increased significantly. So, the problem lies in the implementation. Hence the law alone cannot bring a change in society without proper implementation. Root causes should be addressed before bringing a law. +D02070 Indian government should increase the minimum legal age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 years against Several girls are being forced into marriages due to the patriarchal mindset of their families. Until now, many girls of such families rebelled against such forced marriages and married the person of their choice after attaining 18 years with the help of legal support. But now, they have to wait till attaining 21 years. This will be misused by patriarchal families to threaten and control them. +D03043 Cattle slaughter should be banned against Many people are dying of hunger in India. Hunger and malnutrition are the biggest problems India is facing right now. Beef is a cheap protein available to poor people. With the cattle slaughter ban, the malnutrition problem worsens further. +D03044 Cattle slaughter should be banned against 70% of the cattle in India is owned by marginal farmers. They cannot afford to maintain their cattle after the cattle stop providing benefits to farmers, like providing milk, dung, etc. The only way for farmers is to sell these old animals to slaughterhouses. +D03045 Cattle slaughter should be banned in favor of The cow is a sacred animal for Hindus. Killing cows hurts their sentiments. +D03046 Cattle slaughter should be banned against It is not ethical to interfere with the food habits of others. +D03047 Cattle slaughter should be banned in favor of It is our responsibility to stop cruelty against animals. Article 48 of the Indian constitution mentions that the state should take steps in prohibiting the slaughter of cattle. Many slaughterhouses are still not following the rules to not harass the animals while killing. Animals are subjected to intense suffering at most slaughterhouses. +D03048 Cattle slaughter should be banned against Taking action against illegal slaughterhouses is the right step, but banning entire cattle slaughter may not be the right decision by the central government. There are food security and livelihood security issues. It is the responsibility of the government to respect everyone’s choices equally. +D03049 Hindi should be the national language of India against English is an international language and is spoken by most of Indians. So, if Hindi is made the national language, people who cannot speak Hindi will be at disadvantage in many things such as getting government jobs, understanding circulars, etc. +D03050 Hindi should be the national language of India against Some people are arguing that English is not born in India and hence we should avoid using it. This statement lacks logic because all the technological innovations we are now using were born in different parts of the world. We cannot reject things just because they are not Indian. +D03051 Hindi should be the national language of India in favor of English is not native to India, but Hindi is. +D03052 Hindi should be the national language of India in favor of Hindi is spoken by more than half of India. As no single language is spoken by the entire of India, it is much better to make the majoritarian language the national language. +D03053 Hindi should be the national language of India against Almost half of India’s mother tongue is not Hindi. There are 22 officially recognized regional languages in India. Making a majoritarian language the national language is unconstitutional. +D27001 Human Gene editing is a good thing in favor of DNA has got nothing to do with spirituality. It is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen - the very same elements that make up the majority atmosphere. It is just as godlike as is the air around us. +D27002 Human Gene editing is a good thing in favor of Some people who believe in modifying the genes believe that it not only increases the span of life but also increases the quality of life. +D27003 Human Gene editing is a good thing in favor of Genetic Diseases affect only a minority. The majority doesn't understand the pain and politicizes the situation. +D27006 It is right to ban Cattle Slaughter in favor of Cow is a sacred animal for Hindus. Killing cows hurts their sentiments. +D27007 It is right to ban Cattle Slaughter against Many people are dying of hunger in India. Hunger and malnutrition are biggest problems India is facing right now. Beef is a cheap protein available to poor people. With the cattle slaughter ban, malnutrition problem worsens further. +D27008 Hindi should be the National language of India in favor of Hindi is spoken by more than half of India. As no single language is spoken by entire India, it is much better to make the majoritarian language as the national language. +D27009 Hindi should be the National language of India against There are widespread protests against the imposition of Hindi because non-Hindi speaking states are much more comfortable with English than Hindi. +D27010 Hindi should be the National language of India against Some people are arguing that English is not born in India and hence we should avoid using it. This statement lacks logic because all the technological innovations we are now using were born in different parts of the world. We cannot reject things just because they are not Indian. +D27018 MBAs do not make good business leaders against The curriculum and the educational procedure in any MBA institutes lack hands-on practice over live projects in order to train them and give them a chance to work on their leadership skills. Instead of focussing on the technical aspects of business marketing, development of leadership along with interpersonal skills is extremely important. +D27019 MBAs do not make good business leaders in favor of MBA programs are the best in shaping personality and behavioural skills, which are the most essential qualities of leaders. +D27020 MBAs do not make good business leaders in favor of Learning everything by practice consumes time. Through MBA, we can learn management skills and skills to tackle real-life problems in businesses. +D27042 "Bullet for Bullet" is a right policy against As per Gandhiji's words "An Eye for an Eye leaves the whole world Blind", bullet for bullet is not a right policy. +D27043 "Bullet for Bullet" is a right policy in favor of If we keep on forgiving the terrorists, terrorism will not be eliminated. +D27061 Temples in India can have Gender-Specific rules against Though religions can have personal laws. Religious institutions do not have right to ban women from entering into worship places. +D27062 Temples in India can have Gender-Specific rules in favor of Some temples have their own reasons. For example, if we take Sabarimala, Lord Ayyappan is a celibate. So, the temple management opines that allowing women to this temple is against God's will. +D27063 Temples in India can have Gender-Specific rules against In the past, there were restrictions to lower castes in temples. But as we progress these restrictions were eliminated. We should value ethics more than customs. +D27069 The Internet should be censored in favor of Internet censorship helps in maintaining Cybersecurity. +D27070 The Internet should be censored in favor of Rapidly increasing piracy need to be curtailed through censorship. +D27077 Military training should be made compulsory for all in India in favor of Compulsory military training can also make people stronger physically & emotionally. +D27078 Military training should be made compulsory for all in India against Most of the reserve force will not be utilized, which means huge amounts of expenditure on trainings will go in vain. +D27079 Military training should be made compulsory for all in India against Some people do not have enough strength to participate in such intense trainings. They may seem normal from outside but may have mental illnesses. Military trainings can be emotionally and physically daunting for them. In such cases compulsory trainings will be a threat to their life. +D27082 Adultery should be criminalized in favor of Fear of law can deter people from committing adultery. +D27083 Adultery should be criminalized against Law should not interfere in the personal lives. +D27084 Adultery should be criminalized against Families will be broke if one of the parent sends the other one to jail. It creates a lot of mental trauma to the children involved. +D27085 Women can be in combat roles against Biologically, men are stronger than women. Hence, it may not be wise to deploy people in the field that have less physical strength than the enemy. +D27086 Women can be in combat roles against There are no much facilities and infrastructure in Indian Army to allow women in combat roles. +D27090 Reservations in India should be based on economic status in favor of Caste divisions are hatred among communities is increasing due to reservations. Many communities in several states of India are fighting to give them reservations. And the consequence is people are increasingly associating with their caste. The interesting fact is that before the first caste census by British government (1881) in India, many people do not even know what their caste is. From then, the idea of caste is deeply ingrained in the Indian society. Now the reservations are making the situation even worse. +D27091 Reservations in India should be based on economic status against In India, it's easy to hide some income resources and to get a false income certificate. Though the situations are changing for the better, it is not that difficult. +D27098 India is safe for women in favor of Evil historic practices on women in the pre and post medieval period have been into oblivion. Practices like child marriages, polygamy, ban on remarriages, honor killings, Sati, Jauhar and Purdah are obsolete in today's world. With time, more such practices are being redundant and thus, increasing safety measures. +D27099 India is safe for women in favor of Women of our country have been and are achieving the epitomes of success and glory every other day. Prominent personalities like Savitribai Phule, Mother Teresa, Sarla Thakral, Kalpana Chawla, Sister Nivedita, Sarojini Naidu, and many more have been conquering their respective fields for centuries. In recent times, Prativa Patil, Meira Kumar, Priyanka N., Mitali Madhumita, Tanushree Pareek are some of the women achievers to be the queens. With such accomplishments happening around, safety can be guaranteed to a big extent. +D27100 India is safe for women against The National Crime Records Bureau states that happenings of crimes against women have risen from 273 per day in 2001 to 313 per day in 2015. This is not a good sign in terms of safety in India. +E01001 We should promote the use of nuclear energy against We should never ever allow any nuclear power after Fukushima! +E01004 We should promote the use of nuclear energy instead of renewable energy sources in favor of 'People highlight various risks, but any generation technology comes with risks: the largest electricity-related disaster (Banquiao dam in 1976) took the lives of 200000 people (!) or just recently 70 people in Russia, but nobody talks about hydropower being 'deadly' or complaining about states providing insurance for such massive projects, because it happens for all projects of such scale. +E01005 We should promote the use of nuclear energy instead of renewable energy sources in favor of There is no generation technology that comes with zero risks, and this is why we need to look at objective scientific indicators. +E01006 We should promote the use of nuclear energy instead of renewable energy sources in favor of In the UK since 2015, there were over 80 PV-related fires, at least 1/4 of which were actually solar panels catching fire, releasing toxic smoke, and contaminating the ground with cadmium. +E01007 We should include young people in decision-making processes considering climate change in favor of Youth is a minority that will face the negative effects of climate change without being able to sufficiently participate in climate governance. +E01008 We should stop subsidies and other incentives for bioenergy against Fossil-sourced natural gas is as harmful as coal or oil. If it is sourced from fossil fuels, natural gas produces a net increase in CO2 in the atmosphere when burned. +E01009 We should stop subsidies and other incentives for bioenergy against Some biofuels, such as soy, corn, sugar cane, rapeseed, and palm oil encourage deforestation +E01014 We should invest in sustainable alternative fuels for aviation in favor of These fuels currently cost 2 to 5 times more than kerosene. Facilitating and multiplying its production will automatically reduce its cost. +E01015 We should invest in sustainable alternative fuels for aviation in favor of Sustainable alternative fuels allow emission reductions of up to 80%. +E01019 Wind and solar energy resources have harmful impacts on flying species, fauna and flora in general, and even insects against if you want to save birds, you perhaps should think about domesticated cats and making modern buildings more bird-friendly. If you want to save insects, look at the way of land use and agriculture, and create insect-friendly gardens. +E01024 We should stop subsidies for fossil fuels and expand the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) in favor of Currently the ETS only applies to certain carbon-emitting industries covering 40% of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions. To effectively combat climate change 40% is not enough. That is why the ETS has to be expanded to at least cover agriculture and transport as well. In Addition to the extension of the ETS the subsidies in fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) must be cut in the near future. +E01025 We should promote the use of nuclear energy in favor of nuclear power plants which, compared to fossil fuel-fired power plants, have decreased carbon dioxide emissions and produce incomparably less toxic substances, which, moreover, are not emitted into the air we breathe, but can be buried deep underground where they will not harm anyone. +E01026 We should make the bicycle and walking the first transport mode in our cities in favor of This will reduce pollution and make people have better health, while at the same time reducing the impact on their budget and on the environment. What are we waiting for? +E01027 We should promote the use of nuclear energy against At this stage it is not worth investing money in current nuclear technology, what we should be doing is investing more in research into nuclear fusion energy, which is really the clean and safe energy we need and which we are getting closer and closer to achieving, in order to have those artificial suns working as soon as possible. +E01028 We should promote the use of nuclear energy against Renewable energies should be our focus of action, especially how to improve the storage and transport of this energy precisely in order to be able to supply the countries that have the worst conditions to implement them. +E01031 We should reintroduce nuclear power in Germany against A technology that takes 20 - 40 years to build up on any meaningful scale, and takes many decades to pay its costs, if ever? +E01032 We should reintroduce nuclear power in Germany against With tens of thousands of years where you have to guard and manage the nuclear waste? Not really, sorry. +E01033 We should support short-distance economies in favor of Economies within a short distance, decentralization, and localization can be efficient tools for protecting the climate and the environment. Less transportation, consumption of local resources, and a high level of self-reliance in the energy and food sector lead to lower carbon footprints. +E01034 We should support short-distance economies in favor of supporting short-distance economies can help kick off the development of localized small-scale economies. +E01035 We should invest in R&D in favor of Investing in R&D will create an incentive system for businesses to start with green solutions. +E01036 We should protect very large natural areas in favor of To help achieve this, the EU should reduce its excessive livestock subsidies. An agricultural transition away from cattle towards plants would free up a lot of space +E01037 We should protect very large natural areas in favor of Very large natural areas need to be protected to promote wildlife and the return of self-sustaining and fertile biodiversity! +E01044 We should promote the use of nuclear energy in favor of Europe must be a place that follows science, and following science nuclear power is an important tool in our fight against climate change. +E01050 We should prohibit the sale of washing machines without suitable filters in favor of washing machines without proper filters are a major source of microplastic. +E01051 We should prohibit the sale of washing machines without suitable filters in favor of Prohibiting washing machines without suitable filters will prevent groundwater pollution. +E01056 We should increase the legal warranty from 2 years to 5 years on all products in Europe in favor of It would force manufacturers to build longer-lasting products, and therefore reduce the impact on the environment and resources +E01065 We should use available solutions to make flying more sustainable right now in favor of The EU should accelerate the journey towards sustainable aviation by rapidly increasing the amount of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) used in the aviation sector right now. SAFs are not made from fossil fuels, but from CO2 that has been taken out of the air recently, either by biological processes or through technology. +E01069 We should not subsidize large agricultural groups against Subsidizing big agricultural companies is not the problem here, it's the criteria by which the subsidies are distributed. +E01070 We should replace solar and wind energy with nuclear energy against In the case of nuclear power, cooling is needed to prevent a meltdown. And if water is not available because of drought or freezing, earthquake or tsunami, etc, these gigantic steam engines have to be shut down, otherwise, they will produce highly hazardous outcomes. +E01071 We should tax heavily or refuse to import products not manufactured in the European Union that do not comply with our climate standards in favor of Heavy taxation of imported goods will encourage the relaunch of European production, which is more environmentally friendly. +E01072 We should tax heavily or refuse to import products not manufactured in the European Union that do not comply with our climate standards in favor of Heavy taxation of imported goods will encourage the relaunch of European production, which has better social values +E01073 We should put in place policies for the protection of insects in favor of A rethinking of current agricultural practices, in particular a serious reduction in pesticide usage and its substitution with more sustainable, ecologically-based practices, is urgently needed to slow or reverse current trends, allow the recovery of declining insect populations, and safeguard the vital ecosystem services they provide. +E01076 We should invest in sustainable alternative fuels for aviation against biofuel is much nonsense as would require huge areas and resources to be produced. +E01077 We should invest in sustainable alternative fuels for aviation against climate models (e.g. CO2 affecting anthropogenic climate warming) have not been validated. +E01078 We should invest in sustainable alternative fuels for aviation against sustainable fuel is a fraud that allows industrial sectors (in this case airlines) to be compensated for change management they should themselves pay via R&D +E01080 Wind and solar energy resources are a commodity, provided by big companies. against Energy is a human right and free energy production is a human right as well. +E01081 We should promote the use of nuclear energy in favor of Worldwide, nuclear power has prevented emissions of 240 billion tonnes of CO2 and prevented 1.8 million lives due to prevented air pollution (Kharecha, Hansen 2013). +E01082 We should promote the use of nuclear energy in favor of Nuclear power is safe - there are over 400 nuclear power plants globally, most of which have operated with no issues for the last 40 years, providing 24/7 electricity and preventing pollution and CO2 emissions. In terms of safety, including all accidents and pollution, nuclear power has caused 0.07 deaths/TWh, which is 40x less than natural gas and comparable with wind power (OurWorldInData 2021). +E01083 We should promote the use of nuclear energy in favor of Nuclear power takes little space, and unlike wind and solar works 24/7 and 7 years to build on average. +E01092 Wind and solar energy resources do more harm than good against There are whole regions that are completely energy-autonomous with wind energy, solar power & biogas - not only in developing countries but in industrialized countries as well. It's not a question of technology, but just of mindset & innovative arrangement. +E01093 Wind and solar energy resources do more harm than good against Where energy costs for consumers are high in combination with renewables, it's mostly due to political decisions and market set-up, not due to technical issues. Unfortunately, old-fashioned policies have made things very complicated. Wherever energy cooperations can play their part, things become much easier and more cost-effective. If big companies have to deliver it all alone, things become difficult, complicated, and costly, because their structures make it difficult to provide sophisticated setups for communities of small consumers. +E01094 We should protect 20% of land in each European country to restore biodiversity in favor of This is really crucial in order to stop warming, locally, eventually regionally or nationally, and globally. The more intact ecosystems we have, the more likely we can stop global warming. +E01099 We should invest in nuclear energy in favor of wind and solar power sources are inherently non-controllable and destroy our landscapes and natural environment, with their multiple harmful impacts on flying species, fauna and flora in general, and even insects. +E01100 We should invest in nuclear energy in favor of Nuclear energy is undoubtedly the best form of electricity production, massive and controllable, with no CO²/GHG emissions. +E01101 We should use waste from the agri-food industry in the ruminant feed chain in favor of What is edible, should be given to humans. What humans cannot eat, should be available for animals. What both cannot use, should go to biogas plants. The solid waste from biogas plants can be transformed into excellent compost. Runoff from biogas plants can be treated & provide H2. And the heat from biogas plants can provide heating or other forms of energy. +E01102 We should protect bird habitats in built environments in favor of Glass is one of the biggest causes of human death for birds. +E01103 We should promote the use of nuclear energy against Nuclear energy simply is too expensive and hence economically not viable. +E01104 We should include young people in decision-making processes considering climate change in favor of Including young people in decision-making processes considering climate change could potentially help to address the gap between the widespread official rhetoric claiming a great interest in involving young people in discussion and policymaking when it comes to climate protection and politics in general and the reality that falls too often too short of these declarations. +E01105 We should promote the use of nuclear energy against We are still living in a capitalism, so, the price will decide and the price of nuclear energy is the only energy price which is increasing steadily, while renewables become cheaper every year. Nuclear was always only subsidiesed by governments and never really standing on their own. The building process is slow, the price is high, no way, this could be a gain - if it weren't for the military. +E01106 We should limit the number of plastic types used for packaging in favor of limiting the number of plastic types used for packaging will decrease the emissions caused by burning the used plastic packaging, as well as decrease the amount of plastic in the ocean +E01107 We should limit the number of plastic types used for packaging in favor of limiting the number of plastic types used for packaging will ease the process of its recycling +E01108 We should promote the use of nuclear energy against Nuclear energy is not safe and it is not green because of radioactive waste. We have some conditions for sustainable green energy (at least solar, wind, biomethane etc.). +E01109 We should stop subsidizing mass livestock farms in favor of The EU has “beautiful” ideas and is working on legislation for animal welfare and the environment. But as long as EU subsidies still support mass animal farms, all of this is not credible! +E01112 We should make healthy food cheaper than unhealthy food in favor of creating a European sustainability tax for all products and services from inside and outside the EU based on the sustainability goals of the United Nations will make all unsustainable products more expensive and sustainable products more competitive +E01113 We should preserve bees and polling insects in favor of Bees and pollination are essential for the sexual reproduction of plants and are an important factor in biodiversity. +E01114 We should preserve bees and polling insects in favor of The economic value of polling insects, often bees, is estimated by researchers to be EUR 153 trillion. 9.5% of the total value of world food production. +E01117 We should promote a culture of exchange and sharing of goods and services in favor of In this case, the service generates profit, not the product. +E01118 We should promote a culture of exchange and sharing of goods and services in favor of All this lengthens the life cycle of a product and reduces waste. +E01119 We should take polyester and other toxic substances out of clothing and place them with natural materials against Natural materials have a large carbon footprint. They require fresh water and land, contributing to the pressure on nature and resources around the world. +E01120 We should use the waste from the agri-food industry in the ruminant feed chain in favor of allow it to be handed out to charities for consumption by those in need. +E01121 We should use the waste from the agri-food industry in the ruminant feed chain in favor of The fruit and vegetable sector is able to produce a large quantity of waste products which, if well reused, could be used for animal feed. +E01126 We should open free training centers for the EPSO competition in favor of A great idea because it definitely lowers the threshold. +E01127 We should open free training centers for the EPSO competition in favor of It's high time that all broadcasting stations in the EU stimulate their journalists to cover European news as well. +E01128 We should open free training centers for the EPSO competition in favor of This would be an opportunity for more Europeans to discover the possibility to work for the EU +E01129 We should open free training centers for the EPSO competition in favor of This would be an opportunity for more Europeans to integrate people with different backgrounds within the institutions. +E01130 We should limit the use of fireworks in favor of I have also seen ex-soldiers shaking after someone sets off loud fireworks. Yes they should be banned. Abhorrent things. +E01132 We should limit the use of fireworks in favor of All animals from dogs, cats, birds, cows, pigs, and horses (the list is long) suffer from human use of fireworks! The high bursts and flashes cause anxiety in the body. +E01142 We should introduce a European citizenship in favor of The only ones who benefit from people having several citizenships in different EU countries are the governments because they collect money for issuing passports. +E01143 We should introduce a European citizenship in favor of Why have several EU passports when they actually represent one and the same thing? +E01146 We should teach Esperanto, a common and neutral language, at all European schools in favor of Makes sense to me, its easy to learn and doesn't come with any nationalist baggage. +E01147 We should teach Esperanto, a common and neutral language, at all European schools in favor of EU lacks a common language for its citizens, which would be easy to manage for all citizens and strengthen a sense of belonging, a common European identity while preserving their national identities. +E01152 We should teach Esperanto, a common and neutral language, at all European schools against I can't endorse this. Esperanto isn't neutral. It favors Spanish speakers. Meanwhile, Slavic speakers are at a disadvantage. So why not one of the Slavic artificial languages? +E01159 We should limit the use of fireworks in favor of Fireworks are an especially selfish source of entertainment. +E01163 We should teach Esperanto, a common and neutral language, at all European schools in favor of Esperanto can be a new tool for a more united European Union. +E02095 We should implement minimum EU social standards in favor of To reduce poverty and inequalities, the EU should develop a legal framework guaranteeing minimum social standards, including decent living and working conditions as well as adequate social protection. +E02096 We should improve migration policies against No more immigration! It has already come at too large of a cost. The EU must provide channels for the European people to democratically vote for the mass deportation of migrants. +E02097 We should improve migration policies in favor of The EU could play an important role in combatting misconceptions about immigration. Immigration needs to be controlled sensibly and immigrants should be taught European values and principles as well as the language of the host country. +E02098 We should improve migration policies in favor of Avoiding non-EU countries to stop migrants’ journey to the EU payments to systemic violation of human rights and dignity. +E02099 We should improve migration policies in favor of The only meaningful immigration is when there is a member country with a specific vacancy. That member will also be responsible for the integration (at a cost of Euro 167,000). The EU has only to administer the paperwork and supervise if matters spin out of control. +E02100 We should improve migration policies against It may be great to admit a few talented immigrants, but the EU is now following its steep nose dive leading to the rapid disappearance of Europe. +E02101 We should include limited profitability enterprises in the EU treaties in favor of I'd like to see inclusive legislation which considers all sorts of social businesses, gives them good protection and possibilities to develop. We need a EU social business lab to help develop, foster and research social businesses. +E02102 We should increase the EU budget by including more direct contributions against So to support European citizens you want to take more money from them? +E02103 We should increase the EU budget by including more direct contributions in favor of Having many individuals in the EU paying a voluntary tax can contribute big time to the perceived democratic legitimacy of the EU. +E02104 We should increase the EU budget by including more direct contributions in favor of Tax should be compulsory, not voluntary! Yes, the EU needs to collect direct taxes! For example, taxes on companies, and green taxes (tax on non-recycled items, tax on carbon, etc), as all should be harmonized across the EU. +E02105 We should increase the EU budget by including more direct contributions in favor of The money from this could be allocated to pan-European projects, new citizen services, etc, tangible and prestigious results that may prompt others to join in. +E02106 We should legalize cannabis in the whole EU against Europeans must embrace true values that enhance life and standards of living. Anything related to drugs, in whatever form, degenerates humanity. Soon enough we will be legalizing 'theft' in an effort to improve GDP and growth, as European colonialists have done in Africa and Asia where oppression and exploitation ruled. +E02107 We should make living wages a human right in favor of Many people, even in the richest European countries, work hard, work overtime or have several jobs & cannot sustain themselves. That's humiliating, time-consuming alien to physical & mental health, and poisoning society. +E02108 We should make living wages a human right in favor of Nations that have adopted living wages for full-time jobs have highly profited from that step. It's been an economic booster because if people who earn & possess little can afford what they need, they will buy. So they increase demand. Demand increases supply. More supply means more jobs, more suppliers, lower costs, etc. +E02109 We should make pushbacks legal in favor of Pushbacks may not be a nice way of operating. However, Brussels is causing problems by telling the whole World that everyone (7 billion people) has the right to apply for asylum in the EU. It would be much better by refusing admission to anyone appearing at the border without papers. The experience is that over 80% of the immigrants are not refugees in danger. +E02110 We should make pushbacks legal in favor of We need to legalize pushbacks as a tool to limit illegal migration. +E02111 We should preserve European culture in favor of We should embrace and protect our culture which stands at the basis of our successful society. We also should watch out for some Europhiles in Brussels who think our culture should be replaced by multi-culturalism because it fits the EU plans better. +E02112 We should preserve European culture in favor of Europe’s rapid Islamisation must be stopped. It is, therefore, necessary to stop the illegal migration of African and Asian people who do not fit with European culture. +E02113 We should preserve European culture against Multiculturalism will enhance our society. +E02114 We should put a cap on personal wealth and annual income against Yes, Communism worked great, everywhere they tried. Oh wait... +E02115 We should put a cap on personal wealth and annual income in favor of Having an upper limit for annual income would make our society fairer, more inclusive, and overall a better society for everybody +E02116 We should return to the free market capitalist ideals in Europe and stop the advance of socialism and leftist ideology against Capitalism and the free market indeed created western wealth. However, the interesting question then is: who benefited from this wealth? Without some sort of regulation and control from the State, companies will continue what they do best, increase profit without any concern for environmental and social matters. +E02117 We should stop hosting migrants from Muslim countries in favor of Islam represents the biggest threat to democracy in the EU since it’s not compatible with European values. Islam, it’s not only a religion but almost a constitution which trying to impose on European society. +E02118 We should stop hosting migrants from Muslim countries in favor of EU leaders continue their naive policy of hosting millions of migrants from Muslim countries without taking into consideration the inability to integrate into society even after many generations, and the fact that the Muslim diaspora is controlled by their countries of origin, the most flagrant example is the interference of Turkey and its dictator Erdogan in the German elections calling the Turkish diaspora to boycott this election since none of the candidates please him. +E03004 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against It makes no difference where we place the population of the world. Either in or out of EU, the western way of living is unsustainable. +E03005 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against The nations of Europe are the most responsible for the state of the global climate and we need to take the responsibility. +E03006 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against People are migrating from poorer countries with difficult local climates because the nations of Europe made those countries poor and destroyed the climate. +E03007 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against We are all one and the same on this tiny wet space rock. We need to come together if we want to survive. +E03008 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against We just need to define the values and laws of our utopia and give people the resources to join together in building it. +E03013 We should promote a plant-based diet in favor of While it is only promoted/suggested and not a mandatory, its ok. +E03014 We should promote a plant-based diet in favor of Obviously, this is the future: less suffering animals, more plants, less CO2, more healthier people.... and don't forget the artificial meat as an alternative or first step. +E03015 We should not forget about indigenous Europeans against Sounds a little xenophobic. There is no concept of indigenous or aborigenous population in Europe, the only criteria is citizenship. +E03016 We should impose an IQ test to immigrants against Are IQ test really worth anything? Stick to teaching the language and basic values, the rest will follow. +E03017 We should sop unrestricted deforestation and logging in favor of Wood should be used as building material & other meaningful products only. Anything else is a waste of resources. No fresh wood for paper, fast furniture +E03018 We should stop destabilizing developing countries by subsidized agricultural exports against Please consider this: right now in Africa several million people are half starved, and eat a meal a day at best. They live thanks to cheap agricultural products coming from Europe, because local stuff is too expensive for them. +E03019 We should stop destabilizing developing countries by subsidized agricultural exports against It will take years before the local farmers will be able to give well paid jobs to the local workers. In the meantime you'll have a famine and a genocide. And I didn't even mention the effects of a sudden huge inflation wave. +E03020 We should prohibit certain energy-intensive cryptocurrencies in favor of According to BBC: 'Bitcoin uses more electricity annually than the whole of Argentina' +E03025 We should improve and modernize our energy infrastructure in favor of A green initiative that I can endorse whole-heartedly. Rational environmentalism can save both our planet and our democracy (from the menace of the radical Greens). +E03026 We should impose an IQ test to immigrants against IQ tests do not prevent ill-intentioned people from entering our borders. Canada aims to receive 400,000 people each year, and how intelligent or skilled they are does not matter. People working in the agricultural fields are being naturalized, relatives are being naturalized. +E03027 We should prohibit internal combustion engines against Not all combustion engines use petrol as a fuel - natural gas engines are way more environment-friendly +E03028 We should sponsor the general population for taking in migrants against Integrating one non-western immigrant cost ca. Euro 167,000,-. Who will be paying that ? +E03031 We should impose an IQ test to immigrants in favor of The real problem, even with the war refugees is that once they enter the EU they do not want to return to their countries, even if the danger has passed. They even bring their family and other relatives! +E03033 We should impose an IQ test to immigrants against This is a huge discrimination. Everyone should have the chance to develop to a personal level. Or should we all do an IQ-test to stay in our country? Because it could avoid dangerous things like rasicm. +E03037 We should support local associations for the recovery of bio-waste in favor of To create value directly in the rural areas, is very important. +E03038 We should support local associations for the recovery of bio-waste in favor of Making compost out of organic waste and distribute it to gardeners and farmers will help to create value and a better environment. +E03041 We should make zero/low waste products more affordable in favor of We should tax items based on the sustainability goals of the United Nations. They are internationally recognized & very precise. As far as I know, all or most countries have agreed on these goals. The financial sector is starting to implement them and there are already internationally recognized lists which specify the details. +E03042 We should make zero/low waste products more affordable in favor of We should tax items based on the sustainability goals of the United Nations. This would make it possible to tax exploitation pollution of natural resources, CO2 & other greenhouse gas emissions, violation of human rights or terrible working conditions, no matter if the product is a plastic bag, an unsustainable t-shirt, a service, some food or a complex financial product. +E03045 We should impose an IQ test to immigrants against Some of the 9/11 Terrorists were well educated. IQ proves nothing, I'd better welcome good people than smart people. +E03047 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against I don't see how stopping putting a stop to migration will suddenly impact our eco footprint in that extend. Firstly, migration is in our nature. Without migration you wouldn't be here. second, the cost of migration is self-sustained. +E03048 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against A migrant, with the proper education and support, will in his turn contribute for society, which allows more people to have a fulfilling life. +E03049 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against Instead we should look into investing in foreign countries and help building a stable environment. +E03050 We should not allow solar power plants to be used to damage nature. in favor of I absolutely agree that solar power plants should not be deployed on fertile, arable land & wood should not be cut down to make place for this endeavor. This needs to be regulated swiftly! +E03057 We should not produce unnecessary garbage in favor of Things that are supposed to serve us for a long time, like a vehicle or telecommunication device or household implements should be designed to last half a lifetime under normal use. The quality of the building material should matter more in that instance, so less focus on recycling. +E03058 We should not produce unnecessary garbage in favor of Things that are one-time use only, like most packaging and the like, should be radically focused on recycling potential. +E03059 We should impose an IQ test to immigrants against People from several countries are asking for asylum in Europe in hope of better life conditions. Those people aren’t guilty for being born in those countries and EU should support everyone. +E03060 We should include all costs of nuclear energy in our comparisons, for example insurance and disposal against If you want to do it for nuclear power, then it would be better to do it for every single kind of energy production methods. It’s also important then to include the complete cycle of all the energies, the human cost, the extraction of primary resources, in the case of renewable energy, take into account the necessary energy storage, and so on and so forth. +E03061 We should label products with environmental impact and climate impacts in clear language in favor of Extremely important thing for an informed decision of the citizens e.g. in the supermarket. +E03065 We should support agroforestry in favor of Changes in management practices, and above all the integration of trees in arable and pastoral lands, are key, and could turn agriculture from a net emitter to a net absorber of greenhouse gases. +E03068 We should invest in integrated photovoltaic (e.g., over agriculturally used land) in favor of Agrivoltaic could be a perfect model for an energy cooperation of citizens to own some greenhouses with photovoltaic & rent them for a small fee to a urban gardening cooperation of citizens, for example. +E03069 We should put a higher tax or a toll on imported meat from abroad. in favor of I agree! So perhaps we will have less meat but also less pollution, and much more quality of meat, of air and of environment +E03070 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against If we tried to fix the issue by controlling the population, countries like Denmark would need to reduce their population to 1/5 of the current number, to reach sustainable resource use. +E03071 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against Instead we need to change our behavior, reduce our consumerism and decrease our overall resource use per person. +E03072 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against Instead we need to reduce inequality in between countries and distribute wealth more evenly around the world. +E03073 We should promote a plant-based diet in favor of The environmental impact of a given product should also be stated on its package and/or in menus in order to raise awareness on the subject. +E03074 We should promote a plant-based diet in favor of In addition to this, schools and companies canteens should be required to serve mainly plant-based meals in order to reduce their impact and to educate their users. +E03076 We should not forget about indigenous Europeans in favor of European Union has already forgotten for example about the Ingrian Finnish indigenous nation. We have our own unique flag, our own unique language (that only about 1300 people speak in the entire world), our own land that the Ingrian Finnish lived on before Russia took over Karelia and sent them all to labor work in Siberia, Karelian forests and Estonia. +E03079 We should reduce environment pollution by limiting number of people in Europe against Stopping immigration as an excuse to not adopt proper anticonsumerist and industry-regulating policies will not solve anything for the environment and will only increase interethnic and interracial tensions. +E03080 We should impose an IQ test to immigrants against This is against human rights. I think advocating restricting immigration from non EU countries based on education, work skill and language literacy is a legitimate suggestion, but morally IQ tests are not acceptable and as very akin to what would be expected of a ethno-nationalist authoritarian regime, not a union of democratic institutions. +E03081 We should impose an IQ test to immigrants against IQ is not an effective measure of whether they'll be economically beneficial, suited to European jobs in high demand, likely to integrate/assimilate, their potential to cause crime etc. +E03082 We should impose an IQ test to immigrants against This just seems like an overtly emotional suggestion that isn't too well thought out. It would cause far more problems that it solves. +E03088 We should implement a legislation on aquatic animal welfare in favor of Fish are sentient and failure to afford them the same legal protections that we provide other animals is a gross moral and legal oversight. +E03089 We should reduce animal farming. in favor of We should encourage people to consider the question: 'Do you think it is morally right to torture, mutilate, and kill animals needlessly?' +E03090 We should reduce animal farming. in favor of We can work together to encourage plant based diets and make the world a better place. +E04012 We should remove unauthorized asylum seekers or migrants. in favor of Many countries have the view that unauthorized asylum seekers should be removed. +E04015 We should remove unauthorized asylum seekers or migrants. in favor of Unauthorized asylum seekers or migrants have no right to be in the country where they are unauthorized. +E04016 We should promote awareness in society of what migrants are contributing. against Misconceptions like the view that mass migration is somehow 'good' need to be clearly pointed out. +E04026 We should strengthen Frontex and control immigration in favor of Bigger financial resources for Frontex and military action in Syria will stop the conflict. +E04027 We should strengthen Frontex and control immigration in favor of Bigger financial resources for Frontex and military action in Syria will stop immigration. +E04030 We should not have illegal immigrants! in favor of We can only employ people in understaffed job fields. +E04031 We should strengthen Frontex and control immigration. in favor of Frontex must be given powers and resources to shut down the migratory routes entirely. +E04032 We should strengthen Frontex and control immigration. in favor of Mass migration is a crime against humanity and has to stop! +E04036 We should rethink the legal state of Family Reunification. in favor of Illegal loopholes in the legislation are enabling illegal migration. Family Reunification has been and remains the biggest channel of migration into the EU. +E04037 We should rethink the legal state of Family Reunification. in favor of The procedure of Family Reunification is already causing major problems in the USA. +E04038 We should rethink the legal state of Family Reunification. in favor of Family Reunification creates unbearable levels of migration and acute problems of integration for several EU Member States. +E04041 We should stop the European Commission’s Ideological bias toward migration. in favor of The European Commission’sportrays migration as an opportunity only, a Fatality that cannot be stopped, and the only solution against aging. +E04042 We should stop the European Commission’s Ideological bias toward migration. in favor of The European’s Commission communication and political thinking on migration are biased, falsely naïve, and Ideological. +E04047 We should stop mass migration. in favor of Organizing, promoting, directing and financing mass migration is a crime against humanity. +E04050 We should remove unauthorized asylum seekers or migrants. in favor of No more immigration from non-European or non-first world countries. +E04051 We should restrict immigration. in favor of Foreigners and immigrants must not be provided the same services and advantages as native people. +E04052 We should restrict immigration. in favor of We cannot pay for all immigrants. This type of idea is too idealistic and is killing us. +E04075 We should protect the European border in favor of Only together and with Frontex we ensure the management of EU borders. Migrants from Africa and Asia will arrive in increasing numbers in the coming years. +E04084 We should remove illegal immigrants. in favor of EU must take action. Help those in need, but only those who respect legal boundaries. Mutual respect is a cornerstone in this subject where we must set limits to protect Europe. +E04086 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against Halting all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries is shortsighted. We need to selectively pick people who can and are willing to contribute to the greater good like Australia and Canada and do prescreening instead of banning everyone. +E04087 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against Halting all immigration to EU from non-European or non-first-world countries will lead to an even more competitive advantage for the USA and other countries as our population is shrinking rapidly. +E04088 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against Japan was a global superpower once just behind the USA, however, it has a strict immigration policy. Where is it now in global power rankings? +E04098 We should protect the European border in favor of Frontex deserves much more political support, especially from the European Commission. It is already playing an important role to manage the border and is called to play a crucial one in the coming years. +E04104 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against Halting all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries is definitely not the way to go! That’s not how human societies should work! What we need is a proper policy of integration and welcoming of refugees, that is both fair and respectful of human rights +E04118 We should punish illegal Immigrants and only accept legal immigrants. in favor of We would have to change asylum rules. Illegal immigrants will claim asylum after entering the country to attempt to make their entry legal. It then becomes a massive pain to deport them. Illegal entries must result in an automatic rejection of asylum claims. +E04129 We should punish illegal immigrants and only accept legal immigrants. in favor of Countries that send immigrants illegally are not trustable and should get blacklisted for traveling toward Europe or economically. +E04133 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non first-world countries in favor of We need single and selective migration rules. It is very challenging for Europe to protect its border without harming refugees or financial migrants fleeing their countries, and it cannot be efficient without unified and powerful border security (Frontex). +E04134 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non first-world countries in favor of Saying no to any migration is just stupid and irrealistic. +E04137 We should stop integration. in favor of This is genuinely the most humane proposal. If Europeans are 'privileged' we should use that to help foreign nations. Instead, our elites do the opposite, instigate problems in other nations (Syria, Libya, etc.), and then indigenous Europeans get replaced in our own homelands because we're 'privileged'. +E04152 We should support Frontex. in favor of Frontex is a key agency and is called to play a crucial role in the coming years. Yet, it lacks the necessary political support it deserves to carry out its mission. +E04153 We should support Frontex. in favor of The EU needs a robust Frontex Agency with the caveat that Frontex missions must report to the member states on whose territories they operate. +E04156 We should stop immigration. in favor of The official UN definition of the word 'genocide' includes imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. This is what the EU is doing to its own member states by allowing immigration into Europe from the Middle East and Africa. Therefore, I can only conclude that EU bureaucrats hate native Europeans. +E04158 We should stop immigration. in favor of The organization of mass migration is a heinous crime. No more immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. +E04160 We should protect the European border. in favor of Frontex is the way to protect the European border. It should completely take over every border, land, sea, and air. Otherwise, it will just take over all the good personnel of a member state, causing even more problems at the border. +E05011 We should increase the salaries of artisans against I think that people should grow, learn and move into better-paid jobs. Today there are fantastic opportunities, e.g. Artificial General Intelligence is being built, and human anti-aging and even rejuvenation therapies are being developed: these are only a few areas where the most pressing need of humanity is being met. People should move into such jobs. For the manual work - there are robots coming. We should not try to distort market forces and stop development. +E05014 We should stop making one-cent coins in favor of The convenience of carrying fewer coins is obvious. +E05015 We should stop making one-cent coins in favor of A one-cent coin costs about 60% more to produce than it is actually worth. +E05021 We should promote collaborative civic technologies for enhancing citizen participation as an added value to collaborative urban processes in favor of The use and promotion of civic technology contribute to a more inclusive, resident-focused urban co-governance model and build ecosystems rich in creativity and innovation, thanks to the diversity of users and perspectives that are at stake. +E05022 We should promote collaborative civic technologies for enhancing citizen participation as an added value to collaborative urban processes in favor of These platforms are an opportunity to encourage the creation of public value and new forms of citizen participation, especially in urban areas. +E05023 We should promote collaborative civic technologies for enhancing citizen participation as an added value to collaborative urban processes in favor of In an era of weakening of political parties and distrust of the electorate for them, the future of democracy depends on the re-evaluation of the role of institutions and the direct involvement of citizens to investigate and understand the problems. +E05024 We should promote collaborative civic technologies for enhancing citizen participation as an added value to collaborative urban processes in favor of Civic technologies can support the co-creation, co-production, and co-management of public services with citizens and the development of the urban commoning approach. +E05032 We should increase the role of national parliaments in EU decision-making in favor of The European Parliament is in dire need of reform. It has become a circus, where the MEPs engage in wild ideological posturing without substance. The EP's function is to address the pressing needs of EU citizens, but it hasn't done that for ages. One possible solution could be to replace it with a legislative body that is made up of delegates from member state parliaments. +E05033 We should increase the role of national parliaments in EU decision-making in favor of Parliament and its left-liberal majority have begun to build an independent political-institutional character, based not on citizens’ needs, but on the main pillars of the progressive ideological agenda. This is how the EP has become a forum for discussion on gender and rule of law issues and a pro-migration EU institution. It is clear that the debate on the Future of Europe should also open the question of the future role of the European Parliament. +E05096 We should make cycling and micromobility the primary modes of transport in all EU cities in favor of The bicycle should be the main mode of transport for a majority of citizens because it is faster, it is easier, it is healthier, it is cheaper, it is more convenient, and it is eco-friendly. +E05097 We should make cycling and micromobility the primary modes of transport in all EU cities in favor of Having cycling and micromobility as primary modes also makes cities quieter, less congested, less polluted, safer, and simply more pleasant and liveable, particularly for children. +E05104 We should promote mental health in favor of A more relaxed approach to mental health would help society and individuals. It would be good for every person to be given psychotherapeutic advice once a year in order to be able to diagnose and treat mental disorders and illnesses at an early stage or even to prevent them. +E05105 We should promote mental health in favor of A psychological examination should be part of child screening, together with counseling to parents (e.g. dealing with children’s own concerns and fears, or increasing self-confidence among children and parents). It would also make it easier to protect children from violence, for example by overwhelming them, or to recognize them in the home and learn from the outset how to take care of their mental health. +E05106 We should reduce subsidies for livestock and fisheries in favor of Subsidies for meat production and fishery not only have a negative impact on our environment - but they also destroy the economy in poorer countries in Africa! We really should find a way to stop these and get out of this vicious circle! +E05111 We should stop daylight saving time change against Having the same time in most of the Union’s countries helps reduce significant administrative difficulties: Let us imagine how difficult it would be to make goods and people travel from one country to another if the time (and therefore the timetables of the transportation) would change at each border. +E05112 We should stop daylight saving time change against Imposing the time change allows having more hours of light in summer, which gives an energy saving. I know that some studies say that savings would be minimal, but we must consider the growing European energy dependence on photovoltaics: We humans consume more electricity when we are awake, the photovoltaic gives a good availability of energy but only during the day and is difficult to store, to overlap the moment of energy availability given by photovoltaics (the hours of light) with the moment in which citizens have the most energy needs I think it can eventually save more energy in the future. +E05136 We should stop daylight saving time change in favor of All countries should get back to their geographically correct time zone. It is in public often discussed as a matter of preference. But public health cannot be decided by inquiries about people's preferences. Several scientific and health organizations already published statements to speak up for at least permanent standard time and warn about the health implications of permanent or seasonal daylight saving time. And there is plenty more to list. Education suffers from Daylight Saving Time as much as the Economy, mainly because of productivity loss due to chronic sleep deprivation and disturbances and the increase in health costs. +E05141 We should stop daylight saving time change in favor of If the European Council listened to the results of the inquiry made by the European Commission. 'The EU was set to stop changing its clocks in 2021, but then came Brexit, the pandemic, and some messy international bureaucracy'. +E05142 We should strengthen the public role of faith-based communities in environmental protection in favor of A reflection on the future of Europe needs to identify and involve other actors alongside local and international institutions to fully deploy the founding values of our continent in addressing major global challenges. +E05143 We should strengthen the public role of faith-based communities in environmental protection in favor of Through their emphasis on wisdom, social cohesion, and interrelatedness Faith-Based Organizations can show the potential to not only effectively mobilize people on the ground in responding to climate change but more importantly to motivate large sections of society to move from their deep seeded set of core values. +E05155 We should stop using GDP as the only indicator of development in favor of It is purely economic in nature and encourages excessive production and consumption. +E06009 We should recognize Esperanto as one of the cultural languages of EU citizens in favor of The more language communication skills around the closer we can get in this complicated world we live in. The fact it is a popular language around the world but not really recognized in Europe should change. I fully endorse its recognition in Europe. +E06010 We should recognize Esperanto as one of the cultural languages of EU citizens in favor of Esperanto is a common language of citizens from all countries of the EU. Esperanto encounters bring them together for contact and understanding. The authorities of the European Union are called upon to support this direct communication of the citizens. It is our free choice in which language we want to talk to each other - please recognize and promote it! +E06012 We should stop the mass migration from Africa and the Middle East in favor of Those coming from there pretend to be refugees but are actually economic migrants. Slowly but surely these people are destroying Europe because they do not bring anything related to European values. Furthermore, they do not respect or accept European values. They bring crime, terror, and chaos. And after all, if there are no more Europeans in Europe, then what will happen to our beloved continent? +E06016 We should legalize non-violent drug use in favor of The 'War on Drugs' gifted to us by the USA is absolute rubbish. Sugar is more dangerous than Cannabis! How many people have died on 'legal highs'? FAR too many. The death toll from Cannabis use = 0. More lives have been destroyed by drug laws than the drugs themselves. Besides, Cannabis is an herb, not a drug. Many herbs have medicinal properties. If any becomes a health issue, that's how it needs to be addressed, as a health problem, not a crime! +E06029 We should stop Brussels from imposing ideologies, concrete policies to develop in exchange for financial aid, interference in agricultural production or legislating in judicial matters against I disagree. National sovereignty is excellent for big and strong nations like China or USA. But if you're from a medium or small-sized country then 'national sovereignty' doesn't really exist. Simply because superpowers can force you to act in their interest. Strength brings sovereignty. EU sovereignty is much stronger than any nation in Europe. We need to focus on finding the right balance between national and European sovereignty. +E06030 We should legalize non-violent drug offenses in favor of I fully agree that people should not be incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses. Drug addiction should be treated as a health issue. Drug addicts need help. Incarceration does not help them. +E06031 We should legalize non-violent drug offenses in favor of We should legalize drugs as a means to promote justice, harm reduction, and religious freedom. If we really want justice and human rights, this is absolutely essential. +E06032 We should legalize non-violent drug offenses in favor of It's also important to remember that many people use these psychedelic medicines in the context of their own religious/spiritual practice, and therefore our draconic laws directly violate freedom of religion (and sovereignty over our own bodies). There's no way the EU should tolerate this if they really care about human rights. +E06033 We should legalize non-violent drug offenses in favor of Psychedelic medicines specifically have the potential to radically transform our mental health care. +E06038 We should prevent the surveillance state in favor of Excessive surveillance preemptively assumes everyone is a potential criminal and definitely undermines the basic human right of autonomy and self-determination. +E06039 We should prevent the surveillance state in favor of The number of video surveillance and control and intervention rights for public authorities is steadily increasing (at least according to my subjective feeling). This puts our free way of life at risk. A person who feels monitored will never really act freely. +E06040 We should prevent the surveillance state in favor of I am not prepared to continue to restrict my freedom on a permanent basis due to the actions of a minority of offenders, as a citizen who is not a victim. The policy has to find a better balance here. +E06046 We should reform Europol towards a European FBI in favor of In order to be able to fight cross-border crime, Europol should have the same jurisdiction as the FBI in the US. It should focus on domestic EU cross-border crime fighting. It should have the autonomy to act without the intervention of local or national political influence. +E06047 We should recognize Esperanto as one of the cultural languages of EU citizens in favor of Our local Esperanto group in Tuebingen is also in constant contact with the Esperanto groups of Strasburg and Bilbao because we are Esperanto twin towns. And there are more of these twin towns in Europe and across the world. For example, Rome and Paris are Esperanto's twin towns. This is a very concrete example of a culture of international exchange within the Esperanto community. In fact, this kind of intercultural exchange is fundamental to the culture of Esperanto. +E06048 We should stop the mass migration from Africa and the Middle East in favor of Illegal mass migration is a tragedy. Those who organize and direct mass migration are guilty of a crime against Humanity. Soros and Lukashenka are prime examples of such criminals. +E06049 We should legalize non-violent drug use in favor of I fully agree that the recreational drugs that cause the least harm should be legalized. It is an illusion that the smuggling of such drugs can be controlled. Billions of euros have been spent trying to combat smuggling but have not reduced the supply of such drugs. Legalization of the least harmful drugs will allow the quality of the drugs to be controlled (hence reducing harm); reduce exposure to more harmful drugs (because dealers currently introduce users of soft drugs to harder drugs), and cut out a significant source of drug dealer revenues. +E06053 We should limit population growth in overcrowded regions against Limiting freedom of movement does not seem like a good idea to me. I think what you are experiencing is bad local management, with urban planning laws fast growth and traffic issues can be fixed and avoided altogether. +E06054 We should legalize non-violent drug use in favor of European institutions should take factual studies of the relative harm of different drugs into account. A UK study has shown that drugs such as cannabis and many hallucinogenic drugs are far less harmful than alcohol. The study in question was conducted by David J Nutt, Leslie A King, Lawrence D Phillips, on behalf of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs +E06060 We should reform Europol towards a European FBI against I think Europol should stay an association of regular National Police Departments and not be turned into anything else. However, I do support the creation of a European Criminal Investigations Office that will have full jurisdiction in the EU to investigate kidnappings and missing persons, cross-border and organized crime, terrorism threats, and digital crimes, and apprehend fugitives and suspects. +E06067 We should put the accent on traditional values and on preserving family life in favor of The traditional family is the cornerstone of European civilization. +E06068 We should put the accent on traditional values and on preserving family life in favor of The family is people's foundation and it rests on it all their lives and work, and this needs to be valued. +E06070 We should reduce disinformation about the migrant crisis through bans and fines against Typical pro-migration attempt to censor negative opinions. Lukashenka launched a hybrid attack on the EU when he organized and directed mass migration to Europe's borders. George Soros and his NGOs did the exact same thing. When it is they who organize and direct mass migration they are also engaged in a hybrid assault on Europe. The organization of migration is a crime against humanity. Gangsters like Lukashenka and Soros should be held accountable! +E06083 We should stop Brussels from imposing ideologies, concrete policies to develop in exchange for financial aid, interference in agricultural production or legislating in judicial matters against National identities are important and have to be preserved, but nowadays these are not the key to the success. We need to be united, aligned, and, above all, independent from any extra-EU hegemon! +E07007 We should revise the Dublin Convention due to ineffectiveness in favor of In order to alleviate the inhuman suffering in the initial reception camps on the EU's external border, all newly arrived or rescued emigrants must be forwarded as quickly as possible to the designated receiving countries. Only there should the personal details and necessary data be determined and a possible asylum application process. This will not only relieve the initial reception camps significantly but also curb the already emerging aggressions of the local population living there. +E07008 We should stop admitting minorities that we are unable to manage against This attitude seems to be widespread in Eastern Europe. It is striking that it occurs most where contact with migration is least common. Of course, any immigration of people from other cultural backgrounds is a challenge. Of course, there must also be rules for immigrants. But the challenge must be accepted. On the one hand, no border can be so tight that migration can be prevented, and on the other hand, we need immigration to be able to survive economically. +E07010 We should remove unauthorized asylum seekers and migrants in favor of Refugees are here to seek protection and rapid repatriation when it is no longer necessary is a matter of course. When it comes to crimes, people are simply no longer worthy of protection and cannot be expelled because their actions show us that they neither accept nor respect our rules. +E07011 We should remove unauthorized asylum seekers and migrants against All people have the same right to be here. Nobody is unjustified. Refugees/migrants are not to be expelled, certainly not immediately, but to be included in the employment problems and economic situation. +E07012 We should protect the EU borders and stop migration in favor of Protecting the EU's external borders and guaranteeing that no one can enter the Schengen free movement zone who does not have the right to do so is a primary condition for security in Budapest, Berlin, Lyon, or anywhere in Europe. +E07013 We should strengthen Frontex and control immigration against Before Frontex is strengthened, Frontex's human rights violations must first be stopped. +E07015 We should remove unauthorized asylum seekers and migrants against Everyone has the right to be wrong sometimes. Everyone (immigrants and Europeans) should behave well, but I think it depends a lot on the level of inclusion of these people. If we manage to be a welcoming continent, the people who come will thank us by being part of society. +E07023 We should remove illegal immigrants. in favor of EU must take action. Help those in need, but only those who respect legal boundaries. Mutual respect is a cornerstone in this subject where we must set limits to protect Europe. +E07026 We should protect the European border in favor of Only together and with Frontex we ensure the management of EU borders. Migrants from Africa and Asia will arrive in increasing numbers in the coming years. +E07028 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against Halting all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries is shortsighted. We need to selectively pick people who can and are willing to contribute to the greater good like Australia and Canada and do prescreening instead of banning everyone. +E07029 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against Halting all immigration to EU from non-European or non-first-world countries will lead to an even more competitive advantage for the USA and other countries as our population is shrinking rapidly. +E07030 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against Japan was a global superpower once just behind the USA, however, it has a strict immigration policy. Where is it now in global power rankings? +E07031 We should protect the European border. in favor of Frontex is the way to protect the European border. It should completely take over every border, land, sea, and air. Otherwise, it will just take over all the good personnel of a member state, causing even more problems at the border. +E07066 We should support Frontex. in favor of Frontex is a key agency and is called to play a crucial role in the coming years. Yet, it lacks the necessary political support it deserves to carry out its mission. +E07067 We should support Frontex. in favor of The EU needs a robust Frontex Agency with the caveat that Frontex missions must report to the member states on whose territories they operate. +E07072 We should punish illegal Immigrants and only accept legal immigrants. in favor of We would have to change asylum rules. Illegal immigrants will claim asylum after entering the country to attempt to make their entry legal. It then becomes a massive pain to deport them. Illegal entries must result in an automatic rejection of asylum claims. +E07088 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non first-world countries in favor of We need single and selective migration rules. It is very challenging for Europe to protect its border without harming refugees or financial migrants fleeing their countries, and it cannot be efficient without unified and powerful border security (Frontex). +E07089 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non first-world countries in favor of Saying no to any migration is just stupid and irrealistic. +E07093 We should stop integration. in favor of This is genuinely the most humane proposal. If Europeans are 'privileged' we should use that to help foreign nations. Instead, our elites do the opposite, instigate problems in other nations (Syria, Libya, etc.), and then indigenous Europeans get replaced in our own homelands because we're 'privileged'. +E07104 We should punish illegal immigrants and only accept legal immigrants. in favor of Countries that send immigrants illegally are not trustable and should get blacklisted for traveling toward Europe or economically. +E07112 We should protect the European border in favor of Frontex deserves much more political support, especially from the European Commission. It is already playing an important role to manage the border and is called to play a crucial one in the coming years. +E07115 We should stop immigration. in favor of The organization of mass migration is a heinous crime. No more immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. +E07117 We should stop immigration. in favor of The official UN definition of the word 'genocide' includes imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. This is what the EU is doing to its own member states by allowing immigration into Europe from the Middle East and Africa. Therefore, I can only conclude that EU bureaucrats hate native Europeans. +E07124 We should not have any immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against Halting all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries is definitely not the way to go! That’s not how human societies should work! What we need is a proper policy of integration and welcoming of refugees, that is both fair and respectful of human rights +E07144 We should speak about the ongoing genocide in China. in favor of I am concerned about the source of some cotton, which is produced in Chinese detention camps. A unified EU mark of ethical & environmental principles would be a nice thing to have when deciding what to buy. +E07164 We should remove unauthorized asylum seekers or migrants. in favor of Unauthorized asylum seekers or migrants have no right to be in the country where they are unauthorized. +E07165 We should promote awareness in society of what migrants are contributing. against Misconceptions like the view that mass migration is somehow 'good' need to be clearly pointed out. +E07168 We should speak about the ongoing genocide in China. in favor of The vast majority of the victims of this genocide in China are Muslims. And yet, the Muslim countries see the USA and the West as their arch-enemies! +E07186 We should strengthen Frontex and control immigration in favor of Bigger financial resources for Frontex and military action in Syria will stop the conflict. +E07187 We should strengthen Frontex and control immigration in favor of Bigger financial resources for Frontex and military action in Syria will stop immigration. +E07188 We should stop mass migration. in favor of Organizing, promoting, directing and financing mass migration is a crime against humanity. +E07201 We should not have illegal immigrants! in favor of We can only employ people in understaffed job fields. +E07202 We should strengthen Frontex and control immigration. in favor of Frontex must be given powers and resources to shut down the migratory routes entirely. +E07203 We should strengthen Frontex and control immigration. in favor of Mass migration is a crime against humanity and has to stop! +E07212 We should rethink the legal state of Family Reunification. in favor of Illegal loopholes in the legislation are enabling illegal migration. Family Reunification has been and remains the biggest channel of migration into the EU. +E07213 We should rethink the legal state of Family Reunification. in favor of The procedure of Family Reunification is already causing major problems in the USA. +E07214 We should rethink the legal state of Family Reunification. in favor of Family Reunification creates unbearable levels of migration and acute problems of integration for several EU Member States. +E07220 We should remove unauthorized asylum seekers or migrants. in favor of Many countries have the view that unauthorized asylum seekers should be removed. +E07221 We should stop the European Commission’s Ideological bias toward migration. in favor of The European Commission’sportrays migration as an opportunity only, a Fatality that cannot be stopped, and the only solution against aging. +E07222 We should stop the European Commission’s Ideological bias toward migration. in favor of The European’s Commission communication and political thinking on migration are biased, falsely naïve, and Ideological. +E07231 We should remove unauthorized asylum seekers or migrants. in favor of No more immigration from non-European or non-first world countries. +E07234 We should restrict immigration. in favor of Foreigners and immigrants must not be provided the same services and advantages as native people. +E07235 We should restrict immigration. in favor of We cannot pay for all immigrants. This type of idea is too idealistic and is killing us. +E07256 We should promote European values and secure a Global Transition to CO2 Neutrality against I oppose tying investment to ideological convictions. Generally, there has been way too much ideology in European matters, and conflicts that derive from a conflict of worldviews within Europe have already contributed greatly to the current crisis of the EU this conference hopes to address. Specifically, when it comes to trade, all that should matter are our financial, economic, and strategic interests. Let us leave ideology to that very expensive talking shop: the European Parliament. +E08006 We should introduce digital identity authentication on social media that has more than 100,000 users in favor of A good idea to end online trolls and haters. Easy to set up, it is a very good short-term solution, but fake news, unfortunately, escapes this regulation. So there is a need for other measures to attack the algorithms of the social networks themselves. +E08007 We should introduce digital identity authentication on social media that has more than 100,000 users in favor of Anonymity is at least as much as important as Identity. Today it is very easy to be anonymous, but hard to prove the identity of opinion and establish a public web of trust. Anonymity enables powerful identities to control the messages, and therefore the identity-seeking masses. +E08010 We should shift the EU policy toward the Russian Federation in favor of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine are by far the most important neighbors of the EU. A good relationship with all three is very desirable for the EU. For that, we would have to be willing to understand their history better. +E08011 We should shift the EU policy toward the Russian Federation in favor of The Russian Federation is our neighbor. We share common historic and cultural ties with them. Today the EU confronts Russia with sanctions. An understandable reaction to its actions in Ukraine and failing democracy. Let us not forget actions done by others (US intervention in Iraq, the Chinese in Tibet and their treatment of minorities, etc.). Yet we close our eyes. +E08012 We should shift the EU policy toward the Russian Federation in favor of Russia is troublesome with its own agenda and unconventional methods. Perhaps due to a heritage of a system, that is no longer the norm today. Remember, they fought next to us and Russians merit our hand reaching out to them. A policy change to show empathy, foster closer economic ties, and build on bilateral projects and partnerships in various cultural, scientific, trade, or economic programs. +E08013 We should shift the EU policy toward the Russian Federation in favor of Including Russia in our sphere of friendship would allow the EU to discuss certain values from within and coax them toward democracy and change. Economic partnerships can act as leverage. Friendly ties, in time, will bring common views to prevail. +E08014 We should shift the EU policy toward the Russian Federation in favor of Pushing Russia to the wall will have adverse effects by creating a Russian-Chinese axe, detrimental to the EU. Closer economic ties allow job prospects on both sides and improve scientific research and discoveries that remain within the European continent. A partnership where both sides share and benefit from technological domains (aerospace, AI, energy, fusion, bio-chemicals, etc.). +E08021 We should stop buying Russian gas in favor of The Russians use the money we give them in exchange for gas to spread disinformation, and propaganda and finance the terrorists in the Donbas and its mercenaries (Wagner Group) in Libya. +E08022 We should stop buying Russian gas in favor of The cost of gas will be higher. But I prefer to pay a little more for the gas bill than to finance Putin’s malicious activities. +E08024 We should strengthen our ties with Ukraine and prepare for its membership in the EU in favor of We must support countries that want to improve the welfare and rights of their citizens. If a country wants to join the EU and meets the conditions for joining, the decision to join is solely between the candidate country and the EU. +E08025 We should strengthen our ties with Ukraine and prepare for its membership in the EU in favor of When you see young Ukrainians dying for the EU and its values during Euromaidan, you have no choice but to accept that Ukraine has chosen Europe. If people make a revolution for our system and values, we must support them. We must deepen our relations with Ukraine and prepare to make it a candidate for membership. It is the Ukrainian people who decide their future, not Russia.