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data/test/amh.tsv ADDED
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+ text_eng text_amh emotion_eng emotion_amh sentiment_eng sentiment_amh
+ How would you feel if someone refused your gift before accepting it? አንድ ሰው ስጦታህን ከመቀበሉ በፊት ስጦታውን ውድቅ ቢያደርግ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your gift opened in front of you ስጦታህ ከፊትህ ሲከፈት ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when you joke, nobody even hints at a smile and continues talking? ስትቀልድ፣ ማንም ፈገግታ ላይ ፍንጭ ሳይሰጥ እና ማውራት ሲቀጥል ምን ይሰማሃል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you kissed your girlfriend/boyfriend, saw your father ጓደኛህን/ጓደኛሽን ስትስም ፣ አባትህ/ሽ ቢያይህ/ሽ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you saw a young dog running to you? አንድ ወጣት ውሻ ወደ አንተ ሲሮጥ ብታይ ምን ይሰማዎታል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you know your girlfriend/boyfriend friend had sex before you የሴት ጓደኛዎ/የወንድ ጓደኛዎ ከእርስዎ በፊት የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት እንደፈፀመ ሲያውቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your parent caught you with a pornographic film? ወላጆችህ የብልግና ፊልም ስታይ ሲይዙህ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your attendee joined the meeting after 10 minutes started ተሰብሳቢዎ ከ10 ደቂቃ በኋላ ስብሰባውን ሲቀላቀል ምን ይሰማዎታል neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when a man sat near to you smoking? አንድ ሰው እያጨሰ በአጠገብህ ሲቀመጥ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you are walking at 2:00 am in the street ከሌሊቱ 2፡00 ላይ በመንገድ ላይ ስትራመድ ምን ይሰማሃል fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ If someone is passing near to you, how would you feel when they didn't give you a greeting? አንድ ሰው ወደ እርስዎ የሚያልፍ ከሆነ ሰላምታ ባይሰጡዎት ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you see a female eating on the street? መንገድ ላይ አንዲት ሴት ስትበላ ስታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see a priest drinking alcohol አንድ ቄስ አልኮል ሲጠጣ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you see a Sheikh drinking alcohol አንድ ሼክ አልኮል ሲጠጣ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat donkey meat? አንድ ሰው የአህያ ሥጋ እንድትበላ ቢጋብዝህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat pork meat? አንድ ሰው የአሳማ ሥጋ እንድትመገብ ቢጋብዝህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat camel meat? አንድ ሰው የግመል ሥጋ እንድትበላ ቢጋብዝህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see a young female smoking አንዲት ወጣት ሴት ስታጨስ ብትመለከት ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing small pants on the street መንገድ ላይ ሴት ፓንት ለብሳ ስትመለከት ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing trousers on the street አንዲት ሴት በመንገድ ላይ ሱሪ ለብሳ ስትመለከት ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see homosexual friends የተመሳሳይ ጾታ ጓደኞችን ስታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see a man with two wifes ሁለት ሚስት ያለው ሰው ስታየው ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone accepted your gift in one hand? አንድ ሰው ስጦታህን በአንድ እጅ ሲቀበል ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his middle finger gesture? አንድ ሰው የመሃል ጣቱ ምልክት ሲያሳይ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his thumbs-up? አንድ ሰው የእጁን አውራ ጣት ሲያሳይ ም��� ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a horn አንድ ሰው የቀንድ ምልክት ሲያሳይ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a fork in his fingers አንድ ሰው በጣቶቹ ላይ የሹካ ምልክት ሲያሳይ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone received your gift in their left hand አንድ ሰው ስጦታዎን በግራ እጁ ሲቀበል ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone gave the money in their left hand አንድ ሰው ገንዘቡን በግራ እጁ ሲሰጥ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ "How would you feel when someone shows you a ""you have five fathers"" gesture" "አንድ ሰው ""አምስት አባቶች አሉህ"" የሚል ምልክት ሲያሳይህ ምን ይሰማሃል?" anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you heard someone lives in their parent's home at the age of greater than 18? አንድ ሰው ከ18 ዓመት በላይ ሆኖት በወላጆቹ ቤት እንደሚኖር ስትሰማ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband አንድ ሰው ሚስትህን/ባልህን ጉንጭ ለጉንጭ ሲሳም ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you did not say goodbye to your friend? ጓደኛን ካልተሰናበተህ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you crossed an older man in the street? በመንገድ ላይ አንድ ትልቅ ሰው ስታቋርጥ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you did not say thank you to the waiter at the restaurant በሬስቶራንቱ ውስጥ ያለውን አስተናጋጅ አመሰግናለሁ ባትሉ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you did not tip the waiter at the restaurant በሬስቶራንቱ ውስጥ አስተናጋጁን ቲፕ ካልሰጡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you hear that music playing loudly all night? ሌሊቱን ሙሉ ሙዚቃ ጮክ ብሎ ሲጫወት ሲሰሙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone called you fatty because you gained weight? አንድ ሰው ስለክብደትህ ወፍራም ብሎ ሲጠራዎት ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you see someone drink a tab of water? አንድ ሰው የቧንቧ ውሃ ሲጠጣ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone saw you when taking off your clothes ልብስህን ስታወልቅ ሰው ቢያይህ ምን ይሰማሃል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone sees you taking a shower in the nude አንድ ሰው እርቃንህን ስትታጠብ ቢመለከትህ ምን ይሰማዎታል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone calls a religious leader by their name አንድ ሰው የሃይማኖት መሪን በስሙ ሲጠራ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ You are a doctor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the doctor prefix እርስዎ ሐኪም ነዎት; ያለ ዶክተር ቅድመ ቅጥያ አንድ ሰው በስምህ ቢጠራህ ምን ይሰማሃል anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ You are a professor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the professor prefix አንተ ፕሮፌሰር ነህ; ያለ ፕሮፌሰር ቅድመ ቅጥያ አንድ ሰው በስምህ ቢጠራህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you heard the news about the death of a close person? ስለ አንድ የቅርብ ሰው ሞት ሲሰሙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you discovered your girlfriend or boyfriend was hanging out with one of your close friends? የሴት ጓደኛህ ወይም የወንድ ጓደኛህ ከአንዱ የቅርብ ጓደኛህ ጋር እንደሚውል ስታውቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ If you failed a subject at school, how would you feel when you gave your report card to your father? በትምህርት ቤት አንድን ትምህርት ከወደቁ፣ የሪፖርት ካርድዎን ለአባትዎ ሲሰጡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you waited for your friend for 20 minutes at the restaurant? በሬስቶራንቱ ውስጥ ጓደኛዎ�� ለ 20 ደቂቃዎች ከጠበቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your room-mate was making noise deliberately while you were trying to study ለማጥናት በምትሞክርበት ጊዜ አብሮህ ያለው ጓደኛህ ሆን ብሎ ድምፅ ሲያሰማ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you watch a horror film? አስፈሪ ፊልም ሲመለከቱ ምን ይሰማዎታል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your parents got divorced? ወላጆችህ ሲፋቱ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel about confronting your friend in their home? ከጓደኛዎ ጋር በቤታቸው ውስጥ ስትጋፈጥ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ You offer food for your neighbor. How would you feel when they turned it down? ለጎረቤትህ ምግብ ትሰጣለህ። ውድቅ ሲያደርጉ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your parents moved in with you right after marriage? ወላጆችህ ከጋብቻህ በኋላ አብረውህ ቢመጡ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if your guests chose to keep their shoes on when entering your home? እንግዶችዎ ወደ ቤትዎ ሲገቡ ጫማዎቻቸውን ባያወልቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you lost a family heirloom? የቤተሰብ ውርስ ቢያጡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you received critical feedback from your colleague? ከባልደረባዎ ወሳኝ ግብረመልስ ሲቀበሉ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when confronting your friend in your home? ቤትዎ ውስጥ ከጓደኛዎ ጋር ሲጋፈጡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you interact with the boss of your supervisor? ከተቆጣጣሪዎ አለቃ ጋር ሲገናኙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about sharing your terrible performance on a class test? በክፍል ፈተና ላይ ጥሩ ያልሆነ አፈጻጸምህን ስለማጋራት ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel about sharing your excellent performance on a class test? በክፍል ፈተና ላይ ጥሩ አፈጻጸምዎን ስለማጋራት ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized your cooking at a dinner gathering? አንድ ጓደኛህ በእራት ግብዣ ላይ የሰራሃው ምግብህን በግልፅ ቢነቅፍብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your parents arranged a marriage for you without your input? ወላጆችህ ያለእርስዎ ሐሳብ ትዳር ቢያዘጋጁልህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift you didn't like? አንድ ሰው የማትወደውን ስጦታ ቢሰጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if invited to a traditional ceremony of a culture different from your own? ከራስዎ የተለየ ባህል ላለው ባህላዊ ሥነ ሥርዓት ብትጋበዙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel if your neighbor played loud music late at night during a festival? በፌስቲቫል ወቅት ጎረቤትዎ በምሽት በጩኸት ሙዚቃ ቢጫወት ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How do you feel about being asked to share your love history? የፍቅር ታሪክህን እንድታካፍል ስትጠየቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being asked to share the spiritual activity you performed? ያደረግከውን መንፈሳዊ ስራ እንድታካፍል ስትጠየቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being asked to share your age? ዕድሜዎን እንዲናገሩ ሲጠየቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being asked to share personal financial information with friends? የግል የገንዘብ መረጃን ለጓደኞችህ እንድታካፍል ስትጠየቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you were late to a family gathering and everyone was already eating? በቤተሰብ ግብዣ ላይ ብትዘገይ እና ሁሉም ሰው እየበላ ከሆነ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a stranger publicly approached you to discuss a political issue? አንድ የማታውቀው ሰው ስለ ፖለቲካ ጉዳይ ለመወያየት በአደባባይ ቢያነጋግርህ ምን ይሰማሃል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your child wanted to pursue a career path you disapprove of? ልጅዎ እርስዎ የማትቀበሉትን የሙያ መንገድ መከተል ቢፈልግ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot to buy a gift for your birthday? የትዳር ጓደኛዎ ለልደትዎ ስጦታ መግዛትን ቢረሳው ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your friend forgot to say happy birthday for your birthday? ጓደኛዎ ለልደትዎ መልካም ልደት ማለትን ቢረሳው ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot your anniversary? የትዳር ጓደኛዎ ዓመታዊ የጋብቻ በዓልዎን ቢረሳው ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you were offered a promotion but had to relocate to a different country? እድገት ቢሰጥህ ግን ወደ ሌላ ሀገር ብትሄድ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if asked to speak in front of a large group at a community event? በአንድ የማህበረሰብ ዝግጅት ላይ ከብዙ ቡድን ፊት ለፊት እንድትናገር ብትጠየቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if criticized for your fashion choices at a social event? በማህበራዊ ዝግጅት ላይ ስለ ፋሽን ምርጫዎ ቢተቹ ምን ይሰማዎታል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if asked to participate in a group prayer? በቡድን ጸሎት ላይ እንድትሳተፍ ብትጠየቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel if your friends invited you on a trip? ጓደኞችህ ለጉዞ ቢጋብዙህ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel if you received an unexpected visit from a distant relative? ከሩቅ ዘመድ ያልተጠበቀ ጉብኝት ቢያገኙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel if you were the only person not invited to a friend's wedding? ለጓደኛህ ሰርግ ያልተጋበዝከው አንተ ብቻ ብትሆን ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without bringing any gift? አንድ እንግዳ ምንም ስጦታ ሳያመጣ ወደ ቤትዎ ቢመጣ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone openly criticized your family during a social gathering? በማኅበራዊ ስብሰባ ወቅት አንድ ሰው ቤተሰብህን በግልጽ ቢነቅፍ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you were invited to a wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? ወደ ሰርግ ብትጋበዙ ነገር ግን በጊዜ መርሐግብር ግጭት ምክንያት መገኘት ካልቻላችሁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you invited your friend to your wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? ጓደኛዎን ወደ ሰርግዎ ከጋበዙት ነገር ግን በጊዜ መርሐግብር ግጭት ምክንያት መገኘት ካልቻሉ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone you do not know paid for your meal in a restaurant? የማያውቁት ሰው ምግብ ቤት ውስጥ ለምግብዎ ክፍያ ሲከፍልልዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a friend offered to pay for your meal in a restaurant? አንድ ጓደኛህ ምግብ ቤት ውስጥ ምግብህን እንድትከፍል ቢያቀርብልህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if asked to share your opinion on a political issue in a public setting? በሕዝብ ቦታ በፖለቲካ ጉዳይ ላይ አስተያየትዎን እንዲያካፍሉ ቢጠየቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your personal life in front of others? አንድ የቤተሰብ አባል ስለግል ህይወታችሁ በሌሎች ፊት መወያየት ቢፈልግ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you received a marriage proposal from someone you did not know? ከማያውቁት ሰው የጋብቻ ጥያቄ ቢቀርብልዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if a close friend did not invite you to their family celebration? አንድ የቅርብ ጓደኛህ ወደ ቤተሰባቸው በዓል ባይጋብዝህ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you expected to participate in a group prayer before a meal? ከምግብ በፊት በቡድን ጸሎት ላይ እንደሚካፈሉ ቢጠበቅብዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from a different country? ልጅዎ ከሌላ አገር የመጣን ሰው ማግባት ቢፈልግ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different religion? ልጃችሁ ከሌላ ሃይማኖት የመጣን ሰው ለማግባት ፍላጎት እንዳለው ቢገልጽ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from your close relative? ልጅዎ ከቅርብ ዘመድዎ የሆነን ሰው ማግባት ቢፈልግ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different cultural background? ልጃችሁ የተለየ ባሕል ካለው ሰው ለማግባት ፍላጎት እንዳለው ቢገልጽ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a neighbor played a song loudly during a religious ceremony day? በሃይማኖታዊ ሥነ ሥርዓት ቀን አንድ ጎረቤት መዝሙር ጮክ ብሎ ቢጫወት ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being asked to greet everyone at a family gathering with a kiss on the cheek? በቤተሰብ መሰብሰቢያ ላይ ሁሉንም ሰው ጉንጭ ላይ በመሳም ሰላምታ እንዲሰጡ ሲጠየቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without appropriate attire? ተገቢ ልብስ ሳይለብስ እንግዳ ወደ ቤትዎ ቢመጣ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone kissed you on the cheek that you did not know before? ከዚህ በፊት የማታውቀው ሰው ጉንጭ ላይ ቢስምህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel pressured to accept a marriage proposal from a relative you barely know? ብዙም የማታውቀው ዘመዳችሁ የጋብቻ ጥያቄን እንድትቀበሉ ቢጠይቃችሁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if your parents insisted on choosing your career path for you? ወላጆችህ የሥራ መንገድህን እንዲመርጡልህ ቢጥሩ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if are being criticized for not adhering to traditional gender roles in your profession? በሙያህ ውስጥ ባህላዊ የሥርዓተ-ፆታ ሚናዎችን ባለማክበር ትችት ቢሰነዘርብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your relationships in front of others? አንድ የቤተሰብ አባል ስለ ግንኙነቶችዎ በሌሎች ፊት መወያየት ቢፈልግ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a close friend shared personal information about you without your consent in a social setting? አንድ የቅርብ ጓደኛዎ ያለ እርስዎ ፈቃድ በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ውስጥ ስለእርስዎ የግል መረጃ ቢያካፍል ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your family disapproved of your choice of friends based on their backgrounds? ቤተሰብዎ በጓደኛህ አስተዳደግ መሰረት የጓደኛ ምርጫዎን ባይቀበሉ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your family expected you to prioritize family obligations over personal aspirations? ቤተሰብዎ ከግል ምኞት ይልቅ ለቤተሰብ ግዴታዎች ቅድሚያ እንድትሰጡ ቢጠብቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone touched or shook hands with you while you were of the opposite sex? ተቃራኒ ጾታ አንድ ሰው ቢነካህ ወይም ቢጨባበጥ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone made direct eye contact with you for a long time? አንድ ሰው ለረጅም ጊዜ ከእርስዎ ጋር በቀጥታ ዓይን ልዓይን ቢተያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food or a drink using their left hand? አንድ ሰው ግራ እጁን ተጠቅሞ ምግብ ወ��ም መጠጥ ቢሰጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a friend wore shorts or revealing clothing while visiting your home? አንድ ጓደኛዎ ቤትዎን ሲጎበኝ አጭር ሱሪ ወይም ግላጭ ልብስ ቢለብስ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a couple showed affection in public, such as kissing? ባልና ሚስት በአደባባይ ሲሳሳሙ ቢያሳዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone made jokes about sex during a mixed-gender gathering? ሴቶችና ወንዶች በተሰበሰቡበት ወቅት አንድ ሰው ስለ ወሲብ ቢቀልድ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone pointed directly at you with their index finger while speaking? አንድ ሰው በሚናገርበት ጊዜ በጠቋሚ ጣታቸው በቀጥታ ቢጠቁምህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone accidentally stepped on or pointed the soles of their feet toward you? አንድ ሰው በድንገት ቢረግጥህ ወይም የእግሩን ጫማ ወደ አንተ ቢጠቁም ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone took a photo of you without your permission? ያለፈቃድዎ አንድ ሰው ፎቶግራፍ ቢያነሳ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone questioned your religious beliefs or practices in a social setting? አንድ ሰው በማህበራዊ ሁኔታ ውስጥ ስለ ሃይማኖታዊ እምነቶችዎ ወይም ልምዶችዎ ቢጠይቅዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized the religious leaders in your presence? አንድ ጓደኛህ በአንተ ፊት የሃይማኖት መሪዎችን በግልጽ ቢነቅፍ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone rushed through a conversation without engaging in customary pleasantries first? አንድ ሰው በባህላዊ ነገሮች ላይ ሳይሳተፍ ቸኩሎ ቢሄድ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if a friend admired your possessions and made you feel obligated to offer them as a gift? አንድ ጓደኛህ ንብረትህን ቢያደንቅ እና እንደ ስጦታ የማቅረብ ግዴታ እንዳለባችሁ ቢጠይቃችሁ ምን ይሰማችኋል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting? በአካል ስብሰባ ወቅት ከሌሎች ዝቅ ባለ ቦታ እንድትቀመጥ ስትጠየቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting to avoid using your left hand for eating? በግራ እጃችሁ መብላትን ላለመጠቀም በአካል ስብሰባ ወቅት ከሌሎች ዝቅ ብለው እንዲቀመጡ ሲጠየቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being expected to always walk behind elders or those of higher status? ሁልጊዜ ከሽማግሌዎች ወይም ከፍተኛ ደረጃ ካላቸው ሰዎች ጀርባ እንዲሄዱ ሲጠበቅዎት ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid making direct eye contact with members of the opposite sex? ከተቃራኒ ጾታ አባላት ጋር በቀጥታ የዓይን ለዓይን መተያየት እንዳትፈጥር ስለሚጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid criticizing anything related to the country or its leaders? ከአገሪቱ ወይም ከመሪዎቿ ጋር የተያያዘ ማንኛውንም ነገር ከመተቸት እንዲቆጠቡ ቢጠበቅዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you were expected always to be hospitable and generous to strangers? ሁልጊዜ እንግዳ ተቀባይ እና ለማያውቋቸው ሰዎች ልግስና እንዲያደርጉ ቢጠበቅብዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you were required to cover your shoulders and knees ትከሻዎን እና ጉልበቶዎን መሸፈን ሲጠየቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being expected to touch their feet as a sign of respect? ለአክብሮት ምልክት ጉልበታቸውን መንካት ሲጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ "How would you feel about being expected to call older adults ""Aunty"" or ""Uncle,"" regardless of whether you know them?" "ትልቆችን ""አክስቴ"" ወይም ""አጎት"" ብለው እንዲጠሩ ቢጠበቅብዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል?" neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being instructed to only eat with your right hand when eating with others? ከሌሎች ጋር ስትመገብ በቀኝ እጃችሁ ብቻ እንድትመገብ ስትታዘዝ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being asked to eat before you only when eating with others? ከሌሎች ጋር ስትመገብ ከአንተ ፊት ብቻ እንድትመገብ ስትጠየቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ how would you feel when you are ordered to sit on the floor and not elevate yourself above elders መሬት ላይ እንድትቀመጥ እና ራስህን ከሽማግሌዎች በላይ እንዳታደርግ ስትታዘዝ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat in a standard dish? በአንድ መደበኛ ምግብ ውስጥ ቢጋበዙ ሲታዘዙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat small, small, and slowly in a standard dish? ትንሽ፣ ትንሽ እና ቀስ ብሎ ምግብ እንዲበሉ ሲታዘዙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being expected to address everyone with their formal titles and surnames? ሁሉንም ሰው በመደበኛ መጠሪያቸው እንዲጠሩ ሲጠበቅዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid topics related to sex or relationships? ከወሲብና ከግንኙነት ጋር የተያያዙ ርዕሰ ጉዳዮችን እንዳታወራ ሲጠበቅዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being expected to remain silent while elders speak, regardless of your opinion? የአንተ አስተያየት ምንም ይሁን ምን ሽማግሌዎች ሲናገሩ ዝም እንድትል ስትታዘዝ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone bargained for your prices? አንድ ሰው በዋጋህ ላይ ቢከራከር ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being warned against expressing dissenting opinions when discussing politics? ስለ ፖለቲካ ስትወያዩ የሃሳብ ልዩነትን ከመግለጽ ማስጠንቀቂያ ቢሰጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ When you attend a cultural event, how would you feel about being invited to participate in traditional rituals regardless of your beliefs? በባህላዊ ዝግጅት ላይ ስትገኝ፣ እምነትህ ምንም ይሁን ምን በባህላዊ የአምልኮ ሥርዓቶች እንድትሳተፍ ስትጋበዝ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when offering food if someone refused the first offer as a sign of humility? አንድ ሰው የትሕትናን ምልክት ለማድረግ የመጀመሪያውን ግብዣ ባይቀበልህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel if you were required to dress in traditional attire? ሰርግ ላይ ስትሆን የባህል ልብስ እንድትለብስ ብትጠየቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being told to avoid discussing politics or religion when conversing? ስትወያይ ስለ ፖለቲካ ወይም ስለ ሃይማኖት እንዳትወያይ ቢነገረህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel about being expected to greet everyone you meet, regardless of familiarity? የምታውቃቸው ምንም ይሁን ምን ለምታቃቸው ሰዎች ሁሉ ሰላምታ እንድትሰጥ ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel about being ordered to keep the conversation private and not share details outside the family? ውይይቱን በሚስጥር እንዲይዙ እና ከቤተሰብ ውጭ ዝርዝሮችን እንዳያካፍሉ ሲታዘዙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband? አንድ ሰው ሚስትህን ጉንጯን ቢስም ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ When invited to a family gathering, how would you feel about being expected to arrive late? በቤተሰብ ስብሰባ ላይ እንድትገኝ ስትጋበዝ ዘግይተህ እንደምትመጣ ስታውቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ When you are at a meal, how would you feel about being told to wait for the host to say start before starting to eat? ምግብ ላይ ስትሆን አስተናጋጁ መብላት ከመጀመርህ በፊት ጀምር እስኪልህ ድረስ ጠብቅ ስትባል ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel about being expected to dance with multiple partners throughout the night? በሠርግ ላይ ሲሆኑ ሌሊቱን ሙሉ ከብዙ ጓደኞች ጋር ለመደነስ ሲጠበቅዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to keep not scrolling your phone? ከሌሎች ጋር ስትመግብ፣ ስልክህን አለመነካካት ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to always keep both hands visible above the table? ከሌሎች ጋር ስትመግብ፣ ሁለቱም እጆች ከጠረጴዛው በላይ እንዲታዩ ሲጠበቅህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ When attending a religious ceremony, how would you feel if you were required to dress modestly and respectfully? በሃይማኖታዊ ሥነ ሥርዓት ላይ በምትገኝበት ጊዜ ጨዋና በአክብሮት እንድትለብስ ብትጠየቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ When you are at a gathering, how would you feel about being expected to stay and socialize long after the meal? በስብሰባ ላይ ሲሆኑ ከምግብ በኋላ ለረጅም ጊዜ እንዲቆዩ እና እንዲያወሩ ቢጠበቅዎት ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert before the main course rather than after? ለእራት ስትጋበዝ ከዋናው ምግብ በፊት ጣፋጭ መብላት የተለመደ እንደሆነ ሲነገርህ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert after the main course rather than before? ለእራት ስትጋበዝ ከዋናው ምግብ በኋላ ጣፋጭ መብላት የተለመደ እንደሆነ ሲነገርህ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ When you are at a celebration, how would you feel about being expected to participate in traditional rituals, such as lighting candles or making offerings? በበዓል ላይ ስትሆን እንደ ሻማ ማብራት ወይም መስዋዕቶችን በመሳሰሉ ባህላዊ የአምልኮ ሥርዓቶች እንድትሳተፍ ስትጠበቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when a female wears jeans and T-shirts to school አንዲት ሴት ትምህርት ቤት ጂንስ እና ቲሸርት ስትለብስ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you use informal language and first names when addressing teachers, professors, or supervisors መምህራንን፣ ፕሮፌሰሮችን ወይም ሱፐርቫይዘሮችን ስትናገር መደበኛ ያልሆነ ቋንቋ እና የመጀመሪያ ስም ስትጠቀም ምን ይሰማሃል guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you did not tip when dining out or receiving certain services? ምግብ በሚመገቡበት ጊዜ ወይም አንዳንድ አገልግሎቶችን በሚቀበሉበት ጊዜ ጉርሻ ባትሰጡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How do you feel when you have pets, such as dogs and cats, inside your home እንደ ውሾች እና ድመቶች ያሉ የቤት እንስሳት በቤትዎ ውስጥ ሲኖሩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How do you feel when you notice a friend not tipping generously at a restaurant? ጓደኛዎ ምግብ ቤት ውስጥ ጉርሻ እንደማይሰጥ ሲመለከቱ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ When someone brings their dog into your home, how do you feel? አንድ ሰው ውሻውን ወደ ቤትዎ ሲያመጣ ምን ይሰማዎታል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when a guest arrives late to your lunch invitation? አንድ እንግዳ ወደ ምሳ ግብዣዎ ዘግይቶ ሲመጣ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when you expect to stand up to greet someone when they enter a room አንድ ሰው ወደ ክፍል ሲገባ ሰላምታ ለመስጠት መነሳት ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ When someone interrupts you while you’re speaking, how do you feel? በምትናገርበት ጊዜ አንድ ሰው ሲያቋርጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when a friend shares a personal story about your relationship in front of others? ጓደኛዎ ስለ እርስዎ ግንኙነት በሌሎች ፊት የግል ታሪክ ሲያካፍል ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when you receive a casual invitation to a party without much notice? መጥሪያ ሳይኖር ለፓርቲ ግብዣ ጥሪ ሲቀርብልዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How do you feel seeing someone eating in public without using utensils? እቃ ሳይጠቀም ሰው በአደባባይ ሲመገብ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How do you feel when someone uses slang or informal language in a professional setting? አንድ ሰው በፕሮፌሽናል ውይይት ውስጥ መደበኛ ያልሆነ ቋንቋ ሲጠቀም ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when a stranger smiles and waves at you while passing by? አንድ የማታውቀው ሰው በሚያልፍበት ጊዜ ፈገግ ብሎ እጁን ቢያውለበልብልህ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How do you feel when someone shares a funny meme or video you find inappropriate? አንድ ሰው ጥሩ ያልሆነ ሜም ወይም ቪዲዮ ሲያጋራ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when someone offers you a piece of food without asking if you want it first? አንድ ሰው መጀመሪያ ትፈልጋለህ ብሎ ሳይጠይቅ ምግብ ሲሰጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How do you feel when a coworker celebrates a personal achievement loudly in the office? አንድ የሥራ ባልደረባህ በቢሮ ውስጥ የግል ስኬቱን ጮክ ብሎ ሲያከብር ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How do you feel when a guest at your home helps themselves to food without asking? በቤትዎ ውስጥ ያለ እንግዳ ሳይጠይቁ እራሳቸውን ምግብ ቢያስተናግዱ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when someone shares personal details about their life on social media? አንድ ሰው ስለ ህይወቱ የግል ዝርዝሮችን በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ላይ ቢያካፍል ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How do you feel when a colleague jokingly teases you about a mistake you made at work? የስራ ባልደረባህ በስራህ ላይ ስለሰራህው ስህተት በቀልድ ሲያሾፍህ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ When you realize you've forgotten an important family event, how does that make you feel? አንድ አስፈላጊ የቤተሰብ ክስተት እንደረሳችሁት ሲያስታውሱ ምን ስሜት ይፈጥርብዎታል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ When a colleague takes credit for your idea during a meeting, how does that make you feel? በስብሰባ ወቅት አንድ የስራ ባልደረባህ ለሃሳብህ እውቅና ሲሰጥ፣ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when you understood that you were admitted to the University? ዩንቨርስቲ እንደምትገባ ስትረዳ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when you are alone in a dark room ጨለማ ክፍል ውስጥ ብቻህን ስትሆን ምን ይሰማሃል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you walk alone on the street በመንገድ ላይ ብቻህን ስትራመድ ምን ይሰማሃል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you sleep alone in the room at night በምሽት ክፍል ውስጥ ብቻዎን ሲተኙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ When you are answering the wrong answer in the class, how would you feel በክፍል ውስጥ የተሳሳተ መልስ ስትመልስ ምን ይሰማሃል guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you brought a possible answer to a homework problem that was entirely inappropriate for the question? ለቤት ስራ ጥያቄ ሙሉ በሙሉ ተገቢ ያልሆነ መልስ ስታመጡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? የሴት ጓደኛዎ ለሠርግዎ ጥንድ ቀለበት ይዛ ቤት ብትመጣ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when your boyfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? የወንድ ጓደኛሽ ለሠርግሽ ጥንድ ቀለበት ይዞ እቤት ሲመጣ ምን ይሰማሻል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when you saw that your mother punished your little brother እናትህ ታናሽ ወንድምህን እንደቀጣችው ስታየው ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ how would you feel when you had cheated your parents that you had lost your textbooks so they had to send you money? ገንዘብ ሊልኩልኝ ይገባል ብለህ ወላጆችህን ስታጭበረብር ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ When you go to a friend's wedding without a gift, how do you feel ያለ ስጦታ ወደ ጓደኛህ ሰርግ ስትሄድ ምን ይሰማሃል guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ You worked together with another student on a computer assignment. they didn't prepare themselves for it, and you expected to explain it; how do you feel በኮምፒውተር ስራ ላይ ከሌላ ተማሪ ጋር አብረህ ሥትሰራ ጓድኛህ ለዚያ ራሳቸውን አላዘጋጁም እና አንተ ማስረዳት ሲጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you pass through between many people በብዙ ሰዎች መካከል ስታልፍ ምን ይሰማሃል fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you see people abusing their body with drugs and alcohol ሰዎች ሰውነታቸውን በአደንዛዥ እፅ እና በአልኮል ሲበድሉ ስታዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your wife told you she is pregnant unknowingly ሚስትህ ሳታውቅ እንዳረገዘች ስትነግርህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend spent time with another boyfriend የሴት ጓደኛዎ ከሌላ የወንድ ጓደኛ ጋር ጊዜ ስታሳልፍ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you escaped from communicating with God for a long time? ከአምላክህ ጋር ለረጅም ጊዜ ከመነጋገር ስታቆም ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you are punished in school for a mistake? በትምህርት ቤት በስህተት ስትቀጣ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you did not give back a textbook to a friend in time? በጊዜው ለጓደኛህ የተዋስከውን መጽሐፍ ካልመለስክ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your friend did not give back a textbook to you in time? ጓደኛህ በጊዜው የተዋሰውን መጽሐፍ ካልሰጠህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you were insulted by a teacher in front of the class? በክፍል ጓደኞችህ ፊት በአስተማሪ ሲሰድቡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when your mother found some porno picture that you have kept in your wallet እናትህ በኪስ ቦርሳህ ውስጥ ያስቀመጥከውን የብልግና ምስል ብታገኝ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your parents saw you with your girlfriend/boyfriend ወላጆችህ የወንድ ጓደኛሽ ጋር ሲያዩሽ ምን ይሰማሻል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when your close friend had not contacted you for a long time? የቅርብ ጓደኛዎ ለረጅም ጊዜ ሳያነጋግርዎት ሲቀር ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone told you that he would stay at your home for one night and canceled the appointment አንድ ሰው ቤትዎ ለአንድ ቀን እንደሚቆይ ነግሮት ቀጠሮውን ሲሰርዝ ምን ይሰማዎታል neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone you loved left you without any explanation? የምትወደው ሰው ያለ ምንም ማብራሪያ ቢተውህ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you thought that you had committed a grave sin? ከባድ ኃጢአት እንደሠራህ ስታስብ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel upon receiving the message that you have been accepted as a medical student? የሕክምና ተማሪ ለመሆን ተቀባይነት አግኝተሃል የሚል መልእክት ሲደርስህ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when you were just to be divorced? ጋብቻህን ስትፈታ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you meet an old friend from high school? ከሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት የድሮ ጓደኛዎን ስታገኙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when you were trying to have sex with your friend, but they did not agree to it? ከጓደኛህ ጋር ወሲብ ለመፈጸም ፈልገህ ነገር ግን ፍቃደኛ ባትሆን ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ When your best friend suddenly acts strange towards you, how do you feel የቅርብ ጓደኛህ በድንገት ባንተ ላይ እንግዳ ነገር ሲያደርግ ምን ይሰማሃል anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ When you talk to someone and get no response, how do you feel ከአንድ ሰው ጋር እያወራህ ምንም ምላሽ ባያገኙ ምን ይሰማዎታል anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when you fail an exam for which you know, you have not studied hard enough? በበቂ ሁኔታ ያላጠናሀውን ፈተና ስትወድቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you fell deeply in love with a beautiful girl, and she returned your passion? ከአንዲት ቆንጆ ልጅ ጋር ፍቅር ይዞህ ጥያቄህን ስትቀበልህ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How do you feel when you argue with your best friend and think you are right and your friend is not? ከምትወደው ጓደኛህ ጋር ስትጨቃጨቅ እና አንተ ልክ እንደሆንክ እና ጓደኛህ ልክ እንዳልሆነ ስታስብ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How did you feel when your roommate started imitating you, doing what you had done a few hours before? አብሮህ የሚኖረው ሰው ከጥቂት ሰአታት በፊት ያደረግከውን ሲያደርግ አንተን ሲያስመስል ብታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when a plane caught in a storm and it began to shake አንድ አውሮፕላን በማዕበል ተይዞ መንቀጥቀጥ ሲጀምር ምን ይሰማዎታል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when asked to pay back money borrowed from others? ከሌሎች የተበደሩትን ገንዘብ እንዲመልሱ ሲጠየቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ When you were with your girlfriend/boyfriend, your mother came; how did you feel ከሴት ጓደኛህ ጋር በነበርክበት ጊዜ እናትህ ብትመጣ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when the taxi driver chose the longest route while driving ታክሲው በሚያሽከረክርበት ጊዜ ረጅሙን መንገድ ሲመርጥ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you promised your friends that you would take care of something, but you kept forgetting about it አንድን ነገር እንደሚንከባከቡ ለጓደኞችህ ቃል ገብተህ ነገር ግን ብትረሳው ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel when your contractor delivers your project one day after the scheduled date ከተያዘለት ቀን አንድ ቀን አሳልፎ ኮንትራክተርዎ ፕሮጀክትዎን ሲያቀርብ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when your friends arranged to go for an afternoon snack and they did not tell me ጓደኞችህ ከሰአት በኋላ ለመክሰስ ወደውጭ ቢወጡ እና ባይነግሩህ ምን ይሰማሃል sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ When you once went out with another boy/girl and made love with him/her while you had a close boyfriend, what would you feel አንድ ጊዜ ከሌላ ሴት ጋር ስትወጣ ፍቅረኛህ ብታይህ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when a man spoke very sexistly in the workplace አንድ ሰው በሥራ ቦታ በጣም ወሲባዊ በሆነ ሁኔታ ሲናገር ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you came across a rat አይጥ ሲያጋጥማችሁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How do you feel when you lend money to a friend, and he pays you back more than you originally loaned? ለጓደኛዎ ገንዘብ ሲያበድሩ እና እሱ መጀመሪያ ካበደሩት በላይ ሲከፍልዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend didn't want to sleep with you anymore ፍቅረኛ ጓደኛህ ካንተ ጋር መተኛት አልፈልግም ብትል ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you got good results in the field of academics? በአካዳሚክ መስክ ጥሩ ውጤት ብታገኝ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when you are not well dressed in public በአደባባይ በደንብ ካልለበሱ ምን ይሰማዎታል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your friend canceled an appointment ጓደኛዎ ቀጠሮ ሲሰርዝ ምን ��ሰማዎታል anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you attended a pop singer's concert? በፖፕ ዘፋኝ ኮንሰርት ላይ ብትገኝ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone chased you from his house? አንድ ሰው ከቤቱ ሲያባርርህ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you wear a slit-tight dress at a disco በዲስኮ ውስጥ የተቀደደ ቀሚስ ስትለብሽ ምን ይሰማሻል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your friend called you while you were praying እየጸለይክ ሳለ ጓደኛህ ሲጠራህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your brother's wife told you that you had some bad manners የወንድምህ ሚስት መጥፎ ጠባይ እንዳለህ ስትነግርህ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone greets your little girl አንድ ሰው ህጻን ሴት ልጅህን ሰላም ቢላት ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when kissed by somebody that didn't expect to ባልጠበከው ሰው ብትሳም ምን ይሰማሃል anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you told a lie to reconcile two broken friends ሁለት የተጣሉ ጓደኞችን ለማስታረቅ ውሸት ስትናገር ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone spitting around you አንድ ሰው በዙሪያህ ሲተፋ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you are being insulted in public? በአደባባይ ሲሰደቡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you started your food before father and mother start አባት እና እናት ከመጀመራቸው በፊት ምግብህን ብትጀምሩ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you start food to eat without praying ሳትጸልዩ ምግብ ለመብላት ስትጀምር ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone invited you to join his religion አንድ ሰው ሃይማኖቱን እንድትቀላቀል ሲጋብዝህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you insult an older adult for no reason? ያለምክንያት ትልቅ አዋቂን ስትሳደብ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when your mother slapped you in the face እናትህ በጥፊ ስትመታህ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ What do you feel when criticized in front of your class በክፍልዎ ፊት ሲነቀፉ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you are not dressed appropriately for the occasion? ለበዓሉ ተገቢውን ልብስ ባትለብሱ ምን ይሰማዎታል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you laugh loudly in public, which is considered rude? እንደ ባለጌ በሚቆጠር በአደባባይ ጮክ ብለህ ስትስቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel If someone offered to pay for your food or shopping? አንድ ሰው ለምግብዎ ወይም ለግዢዎ እንዲከፍሉ ቢጋብዝዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you received a gift and the giver insisted you open it immediately? ስጦታ ከተቀበልክ እና ሰጪው ወዲያው እንድትከፍት ቢጠይቅህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering your home? አንድ ሰው ወደ ቤትዎ ከመግባቱ በፊት ጫማውን ካላወለቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you saw a couple holding hands in public? ባልና ሚስት በአደባባይ እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘው ቢያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if a woman wore sleeveless clothes in public? አንዲት ሴት በሕዝብ ፊት እጅጌ የሌለው ልብስ ብትለብስ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food during fasting while you were fasting? አንድ ሰው በጾም ጊዜ ምግብ ቢያቀርብልህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone called an elder by their first name without a title? አንድ ሰው ያለ ማዕረግ ሽማግሌውን በስሙ ቢጠራ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone criticized the country's leaders in a public gathering? በሕዝብ ስብሰባ ላይ አንድ ሰው የአገሪቱን መሪዎች ቢነቅፍ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't greet you with ""Assalamu Alaikum""?" አሰላሙ አለይኩም ሰላምታ ባይሰጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone served you tea in a chipped cup? አንድ ሰው በተሰነጠቀ ኩባያ ሻይ ቢያቀርብልዎት ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a guest left your home without eating anything? አንድ እንግዳ ምንም ሳይበላ ከቤትዎ ቢወጣ ምን ይሰማዎታል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone talked about arranged marriages in your presence? አንድ ሰው በአንተ ፊት ስለጋብቻ ቢናገር ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone commented on your religious practices in public? አንድ ሰው ስለ ሃይማኖታዊ ድርጊቶችህ በአደባባይ አስተያየት ቢሰጥ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if your friend didn't stand up when an elder entered the room? ጓደኛህ አንድ ሽማግሌ ወደ ክፍሉ ሲገባ ባይነሳ ምን ይሰማሃል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone brought their dog to a family gathering? አንድ ሰው ውሻውን ወደ ቤተሰብ መሰብሰቢያ ቢያመጣ ምን ይሰማዎታል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel seeing someone eating with their left hand in public? አንድ ሰው በግራ እጁ በአደባባይ ሲበላ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer their seat to an older adult on public transport? አንድ ሰው በሕዝብ ማመላለሻ ውስጥ ለትልቅ አዋቂ ሰው መቀመጫውን ካላቀረበ ምን ይሰማዎታል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if a woman participated in a heated political debate in public? አንዲት ሴት በአደባባይ በጦፈ የፖለቲካ ክርክር ውስጥ ብትሳተፍ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat the prasad offered at a temple? አንድ ሰው በቤተመቅደስ ውስጥ የሚቀርበውን ፕራሳድ ለመብላት ፈቃደኛ ካልሆነ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone wore black to a wedding? አንድ ሰው ለሠርግ ጥቁር ቢለብስ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? አንድ ሰው የአክብሮት ምልክት የሽማግሌዎችን እግር ካልነካ ምን ይሰማዎታል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering a temple? አንድ ሰው ወደ ቤተመቅደስ ከመግባቱ በፊት ጫማውን ካላወለቀው ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone used their left hand to pass food at a meal? አንድ ሰው በግራ እጁ ምግብ ሲያሳልፍ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman smoking in public? ሴት በአደባባይ ስታጨስ ቢያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone interrupted you during a conversation with an elder? ከአንድ ሽማግሌ ጋር ስትወያይ አንድ ሰው ቢያቋርጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't invite the entire extended family to a wedding? አንድ ሰው መላውን ቤተሰብ ለሠርግ ካልጋበዘ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone ate beef in your presence? አንድ ሰው በእርስዎ ፊት የበሬ ሥጋ ቢበላ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't wash their hands before eating? አንድ ሰው ከመብላቱ በፊት እጁን ባይታጠብ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel if someone licks their hand after eating? አንድ ሰው ከበላ በኋላ እጁን ቢልሰ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone wore revealing clothes at a religious ceremony? በሃይማኖታዊ ሥነ ሥርዓት ላይ አንድ ሰው ሰውነትን የሚያሳዩ ልብሶችን ቢያደርግ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer water to a guest as soon as they arrived? አንድ ሰው እንግዳ እንደመጣ ውሃ ካላቀረበ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone publicly discussed their sex life? አንድ ሰው ስለ ጾታዊ ህይወቱ በይፋ ቢወያይ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone refused to participate in a traditional dance at a festival? አንድ ሰው በበዓል ላይ በባህላዊ ውዝዋዜ ለመሳተፍ ፈቃደኛ ካልሆነ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't give you a proper goodbye when leaving your home? አንድ ሰው ከቤትዎ ሲወጣ ተገቢውን ሰላምታ ባይሰጥዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone refused to share their food with you at a communal meal? አንድ ሰው በጋራ ምግብ ላይ ምግቡን ለእርስዎ ለማካፈል ፈቃደኛ ካልሆነ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman not to cover hair while entering a religious place? አንዲት ሴት ወደ ሀይማኖት ቦታ ስትገባ ፀጉሯን ሳትሸፍን ብታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when a guest leaves food on their plate at your home? አንድ እንግዳ በቤትዎ ውስጥ በሳህኑ ላይ ምግብ ሲተው ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone criticizes the way you dress? አንድ ሰው አለባበስህን ሲነቅፍ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you are expected to avoid discussing financial matters in public? በሕዝብ ፊት በገንዘብ ነክ ጉዳዮች ላይ እንዳትወያይ ክልክል ቢሆን ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone visited your home without prior notice? አንድ ሰው ቅድሚያ ሳያሳውቅህ ቤትዎን ቢጎበኝ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your marital status in a social setting? አንድ ሰው በማህበራዊ ስብሰባ ላይ ስለ ጋብቻ ሁኔታዎ ቢጠይቅህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman shaking hands in a formal setting? አንድ ወንድና ሴት በመደበኛ ሁኔታ ሲጨባበጡ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How do you feel when you see women kiss each other on the lips? ሴቶች በከንፈር ሲሳሳሙ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone brings alcohol to a family gathering? አንድ ሰው ቤተሰብ ስብሰባ ላይ አልኮል ሲያመጣ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat everything served on your plate? በእርስዎ ሳህን ላይ የቀረበውን ሁሉ ለመብላት ሲጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you hear loudspeakers from religious places early in the morning? በማለዳ ከሃይማኖታዊ ቦታዎች ድምጽ ማጉያዎችን ስትሰሙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when forced to give and receive items with your right hand? በቀኝ እጅዎ እቃዎችን ለመስጠት እና ለመቀበል ሲገደዱ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you expect to refrain from discussing taboo topics such as sex or politics? እንደ ወሲብ ወይም ፖለቲካ ባሉ የተከለከሉ ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች ላይ ከመወያየት እንድትቆጠብ ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How do you feel about dressing modestly when visiting rural areas? ገጠራማ አካባቢዎችን ስትጎበኝ ልከኛ አለባበስ ባትለብስ ምን ይሰማሃል? guilt ጥፋተኛ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering someone's home? ወደ ሰው ቤት ከመግባትዎ በፊት ጫማዎን ማውለቅ ግዴታ ሙሆኑን ቢያውቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you expected to wait for the eldest person to start eating before you begin? ከመጀመርህ በፊት ትልቁ ሰው መብላት እስኪጀምር ድረስ ስትጠብቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see someone publicly criticizing their parents? አንድ ሰው ወላጆቹን በአደባባይ ሲወቅስ ስታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you expect to attend family functions, even if you are busy? ምንም እንኳን ሥራ ቢበዛብህም በቤተሰብ ተግባራት ላይ እንድትገኝ ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone insists on feeding you with their hands during a meal? አንድ ሰው በምግብ ወቅት በእጃቸው እንዲመገቡ ሲገፋፋ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when expected to avoid wearing revealing clothes at family gatherings? በቤተሰብ ስብሰባዎች ላይ ግላጭ ልብሶችን ከመልበስ መቆጠብ ሲጠበቅብዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your caste or religious background? አንድ ሰው ስለ ዘርህ ወይም ሃይማኖታዊ ታሪክህ ሲጠይቅ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you expect to offer sweets to guests during festivals? በበዓላቶች ወቅት ለእንግዶች ጣፋጭ ማቅረብ ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel seeing children addressing their parents with formal titles rather than their names? ልጆች ወላጆቻቸውን ከስማቸው ይልቅ በመደበኛ ማዕረግ ሲጠሩ ማየት ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when you are expected not to wear black clothes during happy occasions? በአስደሳች ጊዜ ጥቁር ልብስ እንዳይለብሱ ቢነገርህ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see someone speaking loudly on their phone in public places? አንድ ሰው በሕዝብ ቦታዎች በስልኩ ጮክ ብሎ ሲናገር ቢሰሙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman sitting close to each other in public? ወንድና ሴት በአደባባይ ተቀምጠው ሲመለከቱ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see someone criticizing the government openly in a public space? አንድ ሰው በአደባባይ በይፋ መንግስትን ሲነቅፍ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel seeing someone dressed in traditional attire at a modern event? በዘመናዊ ዝግጅት ላይ አንድ ሰው የባህል ልብስ ለብሶ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you expect to accept food or drink even if you are not hungry or thirsty? ባይርብህ ወይም ባይጠማህ ምግብና መጠጥ መቀበል ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your salary or income at a social gathering? አንድ ሰው በማህበራዊ ስብሰባ ላይ ስለ ደሞዝዎ ወይም ስለ ገቢዎ ሲጠይቅ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see people avoiding eye contact as a sign of respect? ሰዎች ቀና ብሎ ማየትን የአክብሮት ምልክት አድርገው ባያዩህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you expect to touch elders' feet during special occasions? በልዩ ዝግጅቶች የሽማግሌዎችን እግር መንካት ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see someone spitting in public places? አንድ ሰው በሕዝብ ቦታዎች ላይ ሲተፋ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you see someone sitting cross-legged in front of elders? አንድ ሰው በሽማግሌዎች ፊት እግሩን አጣጥፎ ተቀምጦ ስታየው ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you see someone ignoring traditional greetings in favor of modern ones? አንድ ሰው ባህላዊ ሰላምታዎችን ችላ ሲልና የዘመናዊውን ሰላምታ ሲሰጥ ቢመለከቱ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat with your hands rather than using cutlery? መቁረጫዎችን ከመጠቀም ይልቅ በእጅዎ መብላት ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see women avoiding physical contact with men in public? በአደባባይ ሴቶች ከወንዶች ጋር አካላዊ ንክኪ ሲያደርጉ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you see men avoiding wearing shorts in public? ወንዶች በአደባባይ ቁምጣ እንዳማይለብሱ ቢያወቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? fear ፍርሀት negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with cheek kisses? ሰዎች በጉንጭ በመሳም ሰላምታ ሲሰጡ ስታዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering a home? ቤት ከመግባትዎ በፊት ጫማዎን እንደሚያወልቁ ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when greeting elders when you see people touching their forehead and chin? ሰዎች ሽማግሌዎችን ሰላምታ ሲሰጡ ጉልበታቸውን ቢነኩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands with the opposite gender? ሰዎች ከተቃራኒ ጾታ ጋር ከመጨባበጥ ቢቆጠቡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you expected to avoid alcohol due to religious reasons? በሃይማኖታዊ ምክንያቶች አልኮል እንዳይጠጡ ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when people use formal titles when addressing elders or authority figures? ሰዎች ሽማግሌዎችን ወይም ባለ ሥልጣኖችን ሲያነጋግሩ መደበኛ የማዕረግ ስሞችን ሲጠቀሙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How do you feel when invited to a wedding a week before? ከአንድ ሳምንት በፊት ለሠርግ ቢጋበዙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when expected to wash other legs የሌሎች እግሮችን ማጠብ ቢጠበቅዎ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when someone doesn’t bow or shake hands when greeting you? አንድ ሰው ጎንበስ ሳይል ወይም ሳይጨባበጥ ሰላምታ ሲሰጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone refused a Gursha (feeding someone directly) አንድ ሰው ጉርሻን እምቢ ካለ ምን ይሰማዎታል sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone doesn’t participate in religious fasting periods, አንድ ሰው በሃይማኖታዊ ጾም ወቅት የማይጾም ከሆነ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone skipped a religious place during critical religious celebrations ወሳኝ በሆኑ ሃይማኖታዊ በዓላት ወቅት አንድ ሰው ሃይማኖታዊ በዓልን ሳይታደም ቢቀር ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone ignored the advice of elders? አንድ ሰው የሽማግሌዎችን ምክር ችላ ቢል ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone dressed immodestly in a traditional village? አንድ ሰው በባህላዊ መንደር ውስጥ ጨዋነት የጎደለው ልብስ ቢለብስ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone does not agree with the custom of giving a bride price? አንድ ሰው ለሙሽሪት ዋጋ የመስጠት ልማድ ባይስማማ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t respect the decision made by community elders? አንድ ሰው የማህበረሰቡ ሽማግሌዎች ያደረጉትን ውሳኔ ካላከበረ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone started eating before everyone served? አንድ ሰው ሁሉም ሰው ከመስተናገዱ በፊት መብላት ቢጀምር ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone dressed casually in a formal work setting? አንድ ሰው መደበኛ የሥራ ልብስን ከለበሰ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone cut in line? አንድ ሰው ወረፋውን ባያከብር ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone used their phone during a meal? አንድ ሰው በምግብ ጊዜ ስልኩን ቢጠቀም ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone constantly offered help without being asked? አንድ ሰው ሳይጠየቅ እርዳታ ቢያቀርብ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t acknowledge you with a greeting when you meet? አንድ ሰው ስትገናኝ ሰላምታ ባይሰጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat with their hands at a traditional meal? አንድ ሰው በባህላዊ ምግብ ላይ በእጁ ለመመገብ ፈቃደኛ ካልሆነ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? አንድ ሰው የአክብሮት ምልክት ሆኖ የሽማግሌዎችን እግር ካልነካ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift with their left hand? አንድ ሰው በግራ እጁ ስጦታ ቢሰጥህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone disregards social hierarchy and speaks informally to people of higher status? አንድ ሰው ማህበራዊ ተዋረድን ንቆ እና ከፍተኛ ደረጃ ያላቸውን ሰዎች መደበኛ ባልሆነ መንገድ ቢናገር ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone were bargaining for you the initial asking price in a local market? አንድ ሰው ገበያ ውስጥ የመጀመሪያውን ዋጋ ቢደራደርህ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone prioritizes work over spending time with family during gatherings? አንድ ሰው በቤተሰብ ስብሰባ ወቅት ከቤተሰብ ጋር ጊዜ ከማሳለፍ ይልቅ ለሥራ ቅድሚያ ቢሰጥ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone left the table immediately after finishing their meal without engaging in conversation? አንድ ሰው ሳይወያይ ምግቡን እንደጨረሰ ወዲያውኑ ጠረጴዛውን ቢለቅ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone declined food or drink visiting your home? አንድ ሰው ቤትዎን ሲጎበኝ ምግብ ወይም መጠጥ ባይቀበል ምን ይሰማዎታል? sadness ሀዘን negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone arrived late to an appointment without notifying you? አንድ ሰው እርስዎን ሳያሳውቅ ቀጠሮ ላይ ዘግይቶ ቢመጣ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone avoided being direct when giving feedback? አንድ ሰው ግብረ መልስ ሲሰጥ ቀጥተኛ ከመሆን ቢቆጠብ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone threw recyclables in the regular trash bin? አንድ ሰው እንደገና ጥቅም ላይ ሊውሉ የሚችሉ ነገሮችን በመደበኛው የቆሻሻ መጣያ ውስጥ ቢጥለው ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone threw trash on the street? አንድ ሰው በመንገድ ላይ ቆሻሻ ቢጥል ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone disregards traffic signals, even when no one is around? አንድ ሰው ማንም ሰው በማይኖርበት ጊዜ የትራፊክ ምልክቶችን ችላ ቢል ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone insisted on splitting the bill exactly when dining out? አንድ ሰው ምግብ በሚመገብበት ጊዜ ሂሳቡን በትክክል ለማከፋፈል ቢያስብ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands or touching each other physically during religious observances? በሃይማኖታዊ በዓላት ወቅት ሰዎች ከመጨባበጥ ወይም በአካል ከመነካካት ቢቆጠቡ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel seeing people sitting on the floor during meals instead of at a table? ምግብ በሚመገቡበት ጊዜ ሰዎች በጠረጴዛ ላይ ሳይሆን መሬት ላይ ተቀምጠው ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel seeing people arranging marriages through family introductions rather than dating? ከትዳር ጓደኛ ጋር ከመገናኘት ይልቅ በቤተሰብ በኩል ጋብቻ ቢዘጋጅልህ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see people offering sweets and desserts to guests as a gesture of hospitality? ጣፋጮችን ለእንግዶች መቀበያነት ምልክት አድርገው ሲያቀርቡ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see people observing the tradition of henna nights before weddings? ከሠርግ በፊት የሂና ምሽቶችን ሰዎች ሲያደርጉ ስታዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see people kissing the hands of each other as a sigh of greeting ሰዎች እንደ ሰላምታ እጅ ለእጅ ሲሳሳሙ ስታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when people use small gestures, like raising eyebrows, to communicate agreement or understanding? ሰዎች ስምምነትን ወይም መግባባትን ለማሳወቅ እንደ ቅንድብን ማንሳት ያሉ ትናንሽ ምልክቶችን ሲጠቀሙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if people avoided music and dancing in public during a religious ceremony? በሃይማኖታዊ ሥነ ሥርዓት ወቅት ሰዎች በአደባባይ ከሙዚቃና ከጭፈራ ቢርቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see people adhering to strict codes of modesty in both behavior and dress? በባህሪም ሆነ በአለባበስ ጥብቅ የጨዋነት ህጎችን የሚከተሉ ሰዎችን ስታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see people taking off their hats or covering their heads as a sign of respect? ሰዎች ባርኔጣቸውን ሲያወልቁ ወይም ራሳቸውን ሲሸፍኑ ስታዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when people share food from a standard plate? ሰዎች ከመደበኛ ሰሃን ምግብ ሲካፈሉ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with a hug and a kiss on the cheek? ሰዎች ተቃቅፈው ጉንጭ ላይ በመሳም ሰላምታ ሲሰጡ ስታዩ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel seeing people enjoying traditional music at social gatherings? በማህበራዊ ስብሰባዎች ላይ ሰዎች በባህላዊ ሙዚቃ ሲዝናኑ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel when you expect to participate in a festive street በበዓል ጎዳና ላይ መሳተፍ ቢጠበቅብህ ምን ይሰማሃል neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel seeing people decorate homes and public spaces with paper for festivals? ሰዎች ቤቶችን እና የህዝብ ቦታዎችን ለበዓል በወረቀት ሲያጌጡ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel when you got a food offer from others on a national holiday? በብሔራዊ በዓል ላይ ከሌሎች የምግብ አቅርቦት ስታገኙ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel seeing people visiting family and friends without prior notice? ሰዎች ቀድመው ሳያሳውቁ ቤተሰብ እና ጓደኞች ሲጎበኙ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel seeing people dressed in traditional attire for cultural events? ለባህላዊ ዝግጅቶች ባህላዊ ልብሶችን ለብሰው ሰዎችን ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel seeing someone in pajamas on the street? አንድ ሰው በመንገድ ላይ ፒጃማ ለብሶ ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you saw cars on the street with their music playing at a very high level? መንገድ ላይ መኪኖች ሙዚቃቸውን በከፍተኛ ድምጽ ሲጫወቱ ብታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you saw public transport buses exceeding the capacity of available seats? የህዝብ ማመላለሻ አውቶቡሶች ከተቀመጠው የመቀመጫ አቅም በላይ ጭነው ቢያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you saw people playing soccer on the street? ሰዎች በመንገድ ላይ እግር ኳስ ሲጫወቱ ብታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if some people knocked on your door to invite you to their religion? አንዳንድ ሰዎች ወደ ሃይማኖታቸው ሊጋብዙህ ቤትህን ቢያንኳኩ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if your girlfriend/boyfriend asked for your phone password to check your messages and calls? ጓደኛዎ መልዕክቶችዎን እና ጥሪዎችዎን ለመፈተሽ የስልክዎን የይለፍ ቃል ቢጠይቁ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you saw a man with two girlfriends? ሁለት የሴት ጓደኞች ያሉት ወንድ ቢያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman with two boyfriends? ሁለት የወንድ ጓደኞች ያሏትን ሴት ብታይ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel seeing a man/woman with an older partner? ወንድ ወይም ሴት ከትልቅ አጋር ጋር ሲያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you saw people selling on public transport? በሕዝብ ማመላለሻ ውስጥ የሚሸጡ ሰዎችን ቢያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if you saw someone kiss the lip of his child? አንድ ሰው የልጁን ከንፈር ሲስም ቢያዩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel about strictly separating personal and professional life, avoiding talking about personal matters at work? የግል እና ሙያዊ ሕይወትን በሥራ ላይ መወያየት፣ ስለግል ጉዳዮች መናገር በጥብቅ የተከለከለ ቢሆን ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone you met asked about your family and well-being before discussing business? አንድ ያገኙት ሰው ስለ ንግድ ጉዳይ ከመወያየትዎ በፊት ስለ ቤተሰብዎ እና ደህንነትዎ ቢጠይቅ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't say ""no"" directly, even when they meant it, to avoid offending you?" "አንድ ሰው አንተን ላለማስከፋት ሲል በቀጥታ ""አይ"" ባይል ምን ይሰማሃል?" neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone offered to split the bill evenly after a group dinner at a restaurant? አንድ ሰው በአንድ ሬስቶራንት ውስጥ ከቡድን እራት በኋላ ሂሳቡን በእኩል ለመከፋፈል ቢያቀርብ ምን ይሰማዎታል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ What do you fee when a person putting their hands in their pockets while talking አንድ ሰው ሲያወራ እጁን ወደ ኪሱ ሲያስገባ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ What do you feel when someone is talking to you with hands placed on his hips አንድ ሰው እጆቹን በወገቡ ላይ አድርጎ ሲያናግርህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone addressed you with titles and honorifics rather than your first name? አንድ ሰው ከስምህ ይልቅ በማዕረግ እና በክብር ቢጠራህ ምን ይሰማሃል? joy ደስታ positive አወንታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone touched your head without permission, considering it a sacred part of the body? አንድ ሰው ያለፈቃድ እራስክን ቢነካህ ምን ይሰማሃል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't express gratitude or appreciation after being offered food or hospitality? አንድ ሰው ምግብ ወይም መስተንግዶ ከቀረበለት በኋላ ምስጋናውን ወይም አድናቆትን ባይገልጽ ምን ይሰማሃል? neutral መደበኛ neutral መደበኛ
+ How would you feel if someone failed to respect prayer times, continuing noisy activities or conversations during the call to prayer? በጸሎት ጥሪ ወቅት አንድ ሰው በጸሎት ጊዜ ጫጫታ የሚያሰሙ እንቅስቃሴዎችን ወይም ንግግሮችን ቢያሰማ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when talking loudly? ሰዎች ጮክ ብለው ሲያወሩ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
+ How would you feel when someone insults someone's religion? አንድ ሰው የአንድን ሰው ሃይማኖት ሲሰድብ ምን ይሰማዎታል? anger ቁጣ negative አሉታዊ
data/test/ara.tsv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ text_eng text_ara emotion_eng emotion_ara sentiment_eng sentiment_ara
+ How would you feel if someone refused your gift before accepting it? كيف ستشعر إذا رفض شخص ما هديتك قبل أن يقبلها؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when your gift opened in front of you كيف ستشعر عندما تفتح هديتك أمامك؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you joke, nobody even hints at a smile and continues talking? كيف ستشعر عندما تمزح ولا يلمح لك أحد حتى بالابتسامة وتواصل الحديث؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you kissed your girlfriend/boyfriend, saw your father كيف ستشعر عندما تقبل صديقتك/صديقك، أو ترى والدك؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you saw a young dog running to you? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى كلبًا صغيرًا يركض نحوك؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you know your girlfriend/boyfriend friend had sex before you كيف ستشعر عندما تعلم أن صديقتك/صديقك مارس الجنس قبلك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when your parent caught you with a pornographic film? كيف ستشعر عندما يمسك بك والدك مع فيلم إباحي؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when your attendee joined the meeting after 10 minutes started كيف ستشعر عندما ينضم أحد الحاضرين إلى الاجتماع بعد مرور 10 دقائق من بدء الاجتماع؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when a man sat near to you smoking? كيف ستشعر عندما يجلس بالقرب منك رجل يدخن؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you are walking at 2:00 am in the street كيف ستشعر عندما تمشي في الشارع الساعة 2:00 صباحًا؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ If someone is passing near to you, how would you feel when they didn't give you a greeting? إذا كان شخص ما يمر بالقرب منك، كيف ستشعر عندما لم يلقي عليك التحية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see a female eating on the street? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى امرأة تأكل في الشارع؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see a priest drinking alcohol كيف ستشعر عندما ترى كاهن يشرب الخمر؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see a Sheikh drinking alcohol كيف تشعر عندما ترى شيخ يشرب الخمر anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat donkey meat? ماذا ستشعر لو دعاك أحد لتناول لحم الحمار؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat pork meat? كيف ستشعر إذا دعاك أحد لتناول لحم الخنزير؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat camel meat? ماذا ستشعر لو دعاك أحد لتناول لحم الإبل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see a young female smoking كيف ستشعر عندما ترى فتاة شابة تدخن؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing small pants on the street كيف ستشعر عندما ترى امرأة ترتدي بنطالًا صغيرًا في الشارع؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing trousers on the street كيف ستشعر عندما ترى امرأة ترتدي بنطالًا في الشارع؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see homosexual friends كيف ستشعر عندما ترى أصدقاء مثليين؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see a man with two wifes كيف ستشعر عندما ترى رجلاً متزوجاً من اثنتين؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when someone accepted your gift in one hand? كيف ستشعر عندما يقبل شخص هديتك بيد واحدة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his middle finger gesture? كيف ستشعر عندما يظهر لك شخص ما إشارة إصبعه الوسطى؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his thumbs-up? كيف ستشعر عندما يظهر لك شخص ما إبهامه؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a horn كيف ستشعر عندما يظهر لك شخص ما علامة القرن؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a fork in his fingers كيف ستشعر عندما يظهر لك شخص ما علا��ة شوكة في أصابعه neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone received your gift in their left hand كيف ستشعر عندما يتلقى شخص ما هديتك في يده اليسرى؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone gave the money in their left hand كيف ستشعر عندما يعطيك شخص ما المال في يده اليسرى؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ "How would you feel when someone shows you a ""you have five fathers"" gesture" "كيف ستشعر عندما يظهر لك شخص ما إشارة ""لديك خمسة آباء""" anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you heard someone lives in their parent's home at the age of greater than 18? كيف ستشعر عندما تسمع أن شخصًا يعيش في منزل والديه في سن أكبر من 18 عامًا؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband كيف ستشعر عندما يقوم شخص ما بتقبيل زوجتك/زوجك من الخد إلى الخد؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you did not say goodbye to your friend? كيف ستشعر عندما لا تقول وداعا لصديقك؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you crossed an older man in the street? كيف ستشعر عندما تقابل رجلاً أكبر سناً في الشارع؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you did not say thank you to the waiter at the restaurant كيف ستشعر عندما لا تقول شكرًا للنادل في المطعم؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you did not tip the waiter at the restaurant كيف ستشعر عندما لا تعطي إكرامية للنادل في المطعم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you hear that music playing loudly all night? كيف ستشعر عندما تسمع هذه الموسيقى بصوت عالٍ طوال الليل؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when someone called you fatty because you gained weight? كيف ستشعر عندما يصفك أحد الأشخاص بالسمينة لأنك اكتسبت وزناً؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see someone drink a tab of water? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى شخصًا يشرب قطرة ماء؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone saw you when taking off your clothes كيف ستشعر إذا رآك أحد وأنت تخلع ملابسك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when someone sees you taking a shower in the nude كيف ستشعر عندما يراك شخص ما وأنت تستحم عاريًا؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when someone calls a religious leader by their name كيف ستشعر عندما ينادي شخص ما زعيمًا دينيًا باسمه؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ You are a doctor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the doctor prefix أنت طبيب، كيف ستشعر عندما يناديك أحد باسمك دون استخدام كلمة طبيب؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ You are a professor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the professor prefix أنت أستاذ، كيف ستشعر عندما يناديك أحد باسمك دون استخدام بادئة الأستاذ؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you heard the news about the death of a close person? كيف ستشعر عندما تسمع خبر وفاة شخص قريب منك؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you discovered your girlfriend or boyfriend was hanging out with one of your close friends? كيف ستشعر عندما تكتشف أن صديقتك أو صديقك يتسكع مع أحد أصدقائك المقربين؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ If you failed a subject at school, how would you feel when you gave your report card to your father? إذا فشلت في مادة ما في المدرسة، كيف ستشعر عندما تعطي بطاقة تقريرك الدراسي لوالدك؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you waited for your friend for 20 minutes at the restaurant? كيف ستشعر إذا انتظرت صديقك لمدة 20 دقيقة في المطعم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when your room-mate was making noise deliberately while you were trying to study كيف ستشعر عندما يصدر زميلك في الغرفة ضوضاءً عمدًا أثناء محاولتك الدراسة؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you watch a horror film? كيف ستشعر عندما تشاهد فيلم رعب؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when your parents got divorced? كيف ستشعر عندما ��نفصل والديك؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel about confronting your friend in their home? كيف ستشعر إذا واجهت صديقك في منزله؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ You offer food for your neighbor. How would you feel when they turned it down? أنت تقدم الطعام لجارك، كيف ستشعر إذا رفضه؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your parents moved in with you right after marriage? كيف ستشعر لو أن والديك انتقلا للعيش معك مباشرة بعد الزواج؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your guests chose to keep their shoes on when entering your home? كيف ستشعر إذا اختار ضيوفك إبقاء أحذيتهم عند دخول منزلك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you lost a family heirloom? كيف ستشعر إذا فقدت إرثًا عائليًا؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you received critical feedback from your colleague? كيف ستشعر عندما تتلقى تعليقًا نقديًا من زميلك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when confronting your friend in your home? كيف ستشعر عندما تواجه صديقك في منزلك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you interact with the boss of your supervisor? كيف تشعر عندما تتعامل مع رئيسك في العمل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about sharing your terrible performance on a class test? ما هو شعورك إذا شاركت أداءك السيئ في اختبار الفصل؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel about sharing your excellent performance on a class test? ما هو شعورك حيال مشاركة أدائك الممتاز في اختبار الفصل؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized your cooking at a dinner gathering? كيف ستشعر إذا انتقد أحد أصدقائك طبخك بشكل علني في حفل عشاء؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your parents arranged a marriage for you without your input? كيف ستشعر إذا قام والداك بترتيب زواجك دون موافقتك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift you didn't like? كيف ستشعر إذا أعطاك شخص هدية لم تعجبك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if invited to a traditional ceremony of a culture different from your own? كيف ستشعر إذا تمت دعوتك لحضور حفل تقليدي لثقافة مختلفة عن ثقافتك؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel if your neighbor played loud music late at night during a festival? كيف ستشعر إذا كان جارك يشغل الموسيقى بصوت عالٍ في وقت متأخر من الليل أثناء المهرجان؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How do you feel about being asked to share your love history? ما هو شعورك عندما يُطلب منك مشاركة قصة حبك؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel about being asked to share the spiritual activity you performed? كيف ستشعر إذا طُلب منك مشاركة النشاط الروحي الذي قمت به؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being asked to share your age? ما هو شعورك إذا طلب منك مشاركة عمرك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being asked to share personal financial information with friends? ما هو شعورك إذا طلب منك مشاركة معلوماتك المالية الشخصية مع الأصدقاء؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you were late to a family gathering and everyone was already eating? كيف ستشعر إذا تأخرت عن اجتماع عائلي وكان الجميع يتناولون الطعام بالفعل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if a stranger publicly approached you to discuss a political issue? كيف ستشعر إذا اقترب منك شخص غريب علنًا لمناقشة قضية سياسية؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your child wanted to pursue a career path you disapprove of? كيف ستشعر إذا أراد طفلك متابعة مسار مهني لا توافق عليه؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot to buy a gift for your birthday? كيف ستشعر إذا نسي شريكك شراء هدية لعيد ميلادك؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your friend forgot to say happy birthday for your birthday? كيف ستشعر إذا نسي صديقك أن يقول عيد ميلاد سعيد لعيد ميلادك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot your anniversary? كيف ستشعر إذا نسي شريكك ذكرى زواجكما؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if you were offered a promotion but had to relocate to a different country? كيف ستشعر إذا عُرض عليك ترقية ولكن كان عليك الانتقال إلى بلد آخر؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if asked to speak in front of a large group at a community event? كيف ستشعر إذا طلب منك التحدث أمام مجموعة كبيرة من الناس في مناسبة مجتمعية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if criticized for your fashion choices at a social event? كيف ستشعر إذا تعرضت للنقد بسبب اختياراتك للأزياء في مناسبة اجتماعية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if asked to participate in a group prayer? كيف ستشعر إذا طلب منك المشاركة في صلاة جماعية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if your friends invited you on a trip? كيف ستشعر إذا دعاك أصدقاؤك إلى رحلة؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel if you received an unexpected visit from a distant relative? كيف ستشعر إذا تلقيت زيارة غير متوقعة من أحد أقاربك البعيدين؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you were the only person not invited to a friend's wedding? كيف ستشعر لو كنت الشخص الوحيد غير المدعو لحضور حفل زفاف صديقك؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without bringing any gift? كيف ستشعر إذا جاء ضيف إلى منزلك دون أن يحضر معه أي هدية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone openly criticized your family during a social gathering? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما بانتقاد عائلتك بشكل علني خلال تجمع اجتماعي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if you were invited to a wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? كيف ستشعر إذا تمت دعوتك لحضور حفل زفاف ولكن لم تتمكن من الحضور بسبب تعارض في الجدول الزمني؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you invited your friend to your wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? كيف ستشعر إذا قمت بدعوة صديقك لحضور حفل زفافك ولكنك لم تتمكن من الحضور بسبب تعارض في الجدول الزمني؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone you do not know paid for your meal in a restaurant? كيف ستشعر عندما يقوم شخص لا تعرفه بدفع ثمن وجبتك في مطعم؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if a friend offered to pay for your meal in a restaurant? كيف ستشعر إذا عرض عليك أحد الأصدقاء دفع ثمن وجبتك في مطعم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if asked to share your opinion on a political issue in a public setting? كيف ستشعر إذا طلب منك مشاركة رأيك حول قضية سياسية في مكان عام؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your personal life in front of others? كيف ستشعر إذا أصر أحد أفراد عائلتك على مناقشة حياتك الشخصية أمام الآخرين؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you received a marriage proposal from someone you did not know? كيف ستشعر إذا تلقيت عرض زواج من شخص لا تعرفه؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if a close friend did not invite you to their family celebration? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يقم أحد أصدقائك المقربين بدعوتك إلى احتفاله العائلي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if you expected to participate in a group prayer before a meal? كيف ستشعر لو كنت تتوقع المشاركة في صلاة جماعية قبل تناول الطعام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from a different country? كيف ستشعر لو أراد طفلك الزواج من شخص من بلد آخر؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different religion? كيف ستشعر إذا أبدى طفلك رغبته في الزواج من شخص من دين مختلف؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from your close relative? كيف ستشعر لو أراد طفلك الزواج من أحد أقاربك المقربين؟ anger الغضب negative س��بي
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different cultural background? كيف ستشعر إذا أعرب طفلك عن رغبته في الزواج من شخص من خلفية ثقافية مختلفة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if a neighbor played a song loudly during a religious ceremony day? كيف ستشعر إذا قام أحد جيرانك بتشغيل أغنية بصوت عالٍ أثناء يوم احتفال ديني؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel about being asked to greet everyone at a family gathering with a kiss on the cheek? ما هو شعورك إذا طلب منك تحية الجميع في تجمع عائلي بقبلة على الخد؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without appropriate attire? كيف ستشعر إذا جاء ضيف إلى منزلك دون ملابس مناسبة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone kissed you on the cheek that you did not know before? كيف ستشعر إذا قبلك شخص على الخد لم تعرفه من قبل؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel pressured to accept a marriage proposal from a relative you barely know? كيف ستشعر بالضغط لقبول عرض الزواج من قريب لا تعرفه إلا بالكاد؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your parents insisted on choosing your career path for you? كيف ستشعر لو أصر والدتك على اختيار مسار حياتك المهنية لك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if are being criticized for not adhering to traditional gender roles in your profession? كيف ستشعر إذا تعرضت للنقد بسبب عدم الالتزام بالأدوار الجنسانية التقليدية في مهنتك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your relationships in front of others? كيف ستشعر إذا أصر أحد أفراد عائلتك على مناقشة علاقاتك أمام الآخرين؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if a close friend shared personal information about you without your consent in a social setting? كيف ستشعر إذا قام أحد الأصدقاء المقربين بمشاركة معلومات شخصية عنك دون موافقتك في مكان اجتماعي؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your family disapproved of your choice of friends based on their backgrounds? كيف ستشعر إذا كانت عائلتك لا توافق على اختيارك للأصدقاء بناءً على خلفياتهم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if your family expected you to prioritize family obligations over personal aspirations? كيف ستشعر إذا كانت عائلتك تتوقع منك إعطاء الأولوية لالتزاماتك العائلية على التطلعات الشخصية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone touched or shook hands with you while you were of the opposite sex? كيف ستشعر إذا لمستك أو صافحك شخص ما وأنت من الجنس الآخر؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone made direct eye contact with you for a long time? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما بالاتصال البصري المباشر معك لفترة طويلة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food or a drink using their left hand? كيف ستشعر إذا عرض عليك شخص ما طعامًا أو مشروبًا باستخدام يده اليسرى؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if a friend wore shorts or revealing clothing while visiting your home? كيف ستشعر إذا ارتدى أحد أصدقائك شورتًا أو ملابسًا مكشوفة أثناء زيارته لمنزلك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if a couple showed affection in public, such as kissing? كيف ستشعر إذا أظهر الزوجان المودة في الأماكن العامة، مثل التقبيل؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone made jokes about sex during a mixed-gender gathering? كيف ستشعر إذا أطلق شخص ما نكاتًا حول الجنس أثناء تجمع مختلط بين الجنسين؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone pointed directly at you with their index finger while speaking? كيف ستشعر إذا أشار إليك شخص بإصبعه السبابة مباشرة أثناء التحدث؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone accidentally stepped on or pointed the soles of their feet toward you? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما بالدوس عليك أو توجيه باطن قدميه نحو�� عن طريق الخطأ؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone took a photo of you without your permission? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما بالتقاط صورة لك دون إذنك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone questioned your religious beliefs or practices in a social setting? كيف ستشعر إذا شكك شخص ما في معتقداتك أو ممارساتك الدينية في مكان اجتماعي؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized the religious leaders in your presence? كيف ستشعر لو أن أحد أصدقائك انتقد الزعماء الدينيين بشكل علني في حضورك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone rushed through a conversation without engaging in customary pleasantries first? كيف ستشعر إذا اندفع شخص ما في المحادثة دون الدخول في المجاملات المعتادة أولاً؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if a friend admired your possessions and made you feel obligated to offer them as a gift? كيف ستشعر إذا أعجب أحد الأصدقاء بممتلكاتك وجعلك تشعر بالالتزام بتقديمها كهدية؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting? كيف ستشعر إذا طُلب منك الجلوس في وضع أقل من الآخرين أثناء اجتماع فعلي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting to avoid using your left hand for eating? ما هو شعورك إذا طُلب منك الجلوس في وضع أقل من الآخرين أثناء اجتماع فعلي لتجنب استخدام يدك اليسرى لتناول الطعام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being expected to always walk behind elders or those of higher status? كيف ستشعر إذا كان من المتوقع منك أن تمشي دائمًا خلف كبار السن أو ذوي المكانة الأعلى؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid making direct eye contact with members of the opposite sex? ما هو شعورك إذا كان من المتوقع منك تجنب التواصل البصري المباشر مع أفراد الجنس الآخر؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid criticizing anything related to the country or its leaders? ما هو شعورك إذا كان من المتوقع منك تجنب انتقاد أي شيء يتعلق بالبلاد أو قادتها؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you were expected always to be hospitable and generous to strangers? كيف ستشعر لو كان من المتوقع منك دائمًا أن تكون مضيافًا وكريمًا مع الغرباء؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you were required to cover your shoulders and knees كيف ستشعر عندما يطلب منك تغطية كتفيك وركبتيك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being expected to touch their feet as a sign of respect? كيف ستشعر إذا كان من المتوقع منك أن تلمس أقدامهم كعلامة على الاحترام؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ "How would you feel about being expected to call older adults ""Aunty"" or ""Uncle,"" regardless of whether you know them?" "ما هو شعورك إذا كان من المتوقع منك أن تنادي كبار السن بـ ""العمة"" أو ""العم""، بغض النظر عما إذا كنت تعرفهم أم لا؟" neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being instructed to only eat with your right hand when eating with others? ما هو شعورك إذا تم توجيهك بتناول الطعام باليد اليمنى فقط عند تناول الطعام مع الآخرين؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being asked to eat before you only when eating with others? ما هو شعورك إذا طلب منك تناول الطعام أمامك فقط عند تناول الطعام مع الآخرين؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ how would you feel when you are ordered to sit on the floor and not elevate yourself above elders كيف ستشعر عندما يُطلب منك الجلوس على الأرض وعدم رفع نفسك فوق الكبار؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat in a standard dish? كيف ستشعر عندما يُطلب منك تناول الطعام في طبق قياسي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat small, small, and slowly in a standard dish? كيف ستشعر عندما يُطلب منك تناول كميات صغيرة، صغيرة، وببطء في طبق قياسي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being expected to address everyone with their formal titles and surnames? ما هو شعورك إذا كان من المتوقع منك أن تخاطب الجميع بألقابهم وألقابهم الرسمية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid topics related to sex or relationships? كيف ستشعر إذا كان من المتوقع منك تجنب المواضيع المتعلقة بالجنس أو العلاقات؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being expected to remain silent while elders speak, regardless of your opinion? ما هو شعورك إذا كان من المتوقع منك أن تبقى صامتًا بينما يتحدث كبار السن، بغض النظر عن رأيك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone bargained for your prices? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما بالمساومة على أسعارك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being warned against expressing dissenting opinions when discussing politics? ما هو شعورك إذا تم تحذيرك من التعبير عن آراء مخالفة عند مناقشة السياسة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you attend a cultural event, how would you feel about being invited to participate in traditional rituals regardless of your beliefs? عندما تحضر حدثًا ثقافيًا، كيف ستشعر حيال تلقي دعوة للمشاركة في الطقوس التقليدية بغض النظر عن معتقداتك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when offering food if someone refused the first offer as a sign of humility? كيف ستشعر عندما تقدم الطعام لشخص رفض العرض الأول كعلامة على التواضع؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel if you were required to dress in traditional attire? عندما تكون في حفل زفاف، كيف ستشعر إذا طُلب منك ارتداء الملابس التقليدية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being told to avoid discussing politics or religion when conversing? ما هو شعورك إذا قيل لك أن تتجنب مناقشة السياسة أو الدين عند المحادثة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being expected to greet everyone you meet, regardless of familiarity? كيف ستشعر إذا كان من المتوقع منك أن تحيي كل شخص تقابله، بغض النظر عن مدى الألفة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel about being ordered to keep the conversation private and not share details outside the family? ما هو شعورك إذا صدر أمر لك بالحفاظ على خصوصية المحادثة وعدم مشاركة التفاصيل خارج نطاق العائلة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband? كيف ستشعر عندما يقوم شخص ما بتقبيل زوجتك/زوجك من الخد إلى الخد؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ When invited to a family gathering, how would you feel about being expected to arrive late? عندما تتم دعوتك إلى تجمع عائلي، كيف ستشعر إذا كان من المتوقع أن تصل متأخرًا؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you are at a meal, how would you feel about being told to wait for the host to say start before starting to eat? عندما تكون في وجبة طعام، كيف ستشعر إذا قيل لك أن تنتظر حتى يقول المضيف ابدأ قبل البدء في الأكل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel about being expected to dance with multiple partners throughout the night? عندما تكون في حفل زفاف، كيف ستشعر عندما يُتوقع منك أن ترقص مع شركاء متعددين طوال الليل؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to keep not scrolling your phone? عندما تتناول الطعام مع الآخرين، كيف ستشعر إذا كان من المتوقع منك عدم التمرير على هاتفك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to always keep both hands visible above the table? عندما تتناول الطعام مع الآخرين، كيف ستشعر إذا كان من المتوقع منك أن تبقي يديك دائمًا ظاهرة فوق الطاولة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When attending a religious ceremony, how would you feel if you were required to dress modestly and respectfully? عندما تحضر حفلًا دينيًا، كيف ستشعر إذا طُلب منك ارتداء ملابس محتشمة ومحترمة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you are at a gathering, how would you feel about being expected to stay and socialize long after the meal? عندما تكون في تجمع، كيف ستشعر بشأن توقع بقائك والتواصل الاجتماعي لفترة طويلة بعد تناول الوجبة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert before the main course rather than after? عندما تتم دعوتك لتناول العشاء، كيف ستشعر إذا قيل لك أنه من المعتاد تناول الحلوى قبل الطبق الرئيسي وليس بعده؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert after the main course rather than before? عندما تتم دعوتك لتناول العشاء، كيف ستشعر إذا قيل لك أنه من المعتاد تناول الحلوى بعد الطبق الرئيسي وليس قبله؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you are at a celebration, how would you feel about being expected to participate in traditional rituals, such as lighting candles or making offerings? عندما تكون في احتفال، كيف ستشعر بشأن توقع مشاركتك في الطقوس التقليدية، مثل إضاءة الشموع أو تقديم القرابين؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when a female wears jeans and T-shirts to school كيف ستشعر عندما ترتدي فتاة الجينز والقمصان إلى المدرسة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you use informal language and first names when addressing teachers, professors, or supervisors كيف ستشعر عندما تستخدم لغة غير رسمية وأسماء أولى عند مخاطبة المعلمين أو الأساتذة أو المشرفين؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you did not tip when dining out or receiving certain services? كيف ستشعر عندما لا تدفع إكرامية عند تناول الطعام خارج المنزل أو عند تلقي خدمات معينة؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when you have pets, such as dogs and cats, inside your home كيف تشعر عندما يكون لديك حيوانات أليفة، مثل الكلاب والقطط، داخل منزلك joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How do you feel when you notice a friend not tipping generously at a restaurant? كيف تشعر عندما تلاحظ أن صديقك لا يترك لك إكرامية سخية في المطعم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When someone brings their dog into your home, how do you feel? عندما يحضر شخص ما كلبه إلى منزلك، كيف تشعر؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when a guest arrives late to your lunch invitation? كيف تشعر عندما يتأخر الضيف عن حضور دعوتك لتناول الغداء؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when you expect to stand up to greet someone when they enter a room كيف تشعر عندما تتوقع الوقوف لتحية شخص ما عندما يدخل الغرفة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When someone interrupts you while you’re speaking, how do you feel? عندما يقاطعك شخص ما أثناء حديثك، كيف تشعر؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when a friend shares a personal story about your relationship in front of others? كيف تشعر عندما يشاركك أحد الأصدقاء قصة شخصية عن علاقتك أمام الآخرين؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when you receive a casual invitation to a party without much notice? كيف تشعر عندما تتلقى دعوة عادية لحضور حفلة دون سابق إنذار؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel seeing someone eating in public without using utensils? ما هو شعورك عندما ترى شخصًا يأكل في الأماكن العامة دون استخدام الأدوات؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel when someone uses slang or informal language in a professional setting? كيف تشعر عندما يستخدم شخص ما لغة عامية أو غير رسمية في بيئة مهنية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel when a stranger smiles and waves at you while passing by? كيف تشعر عندما يبتسم لك شخص غريب ويلوح لك أثناء مروره؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How do you feel when someone shares a funny meme or video you find inappropriate? كيف تشعر عندما يشارك شخص ما ميمًا أو مقطع فيديو مضحكًا تجده غير مناسب؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when someone offers you a piece of food without asking if you want it first? كيف تشعر عندما يقدم لك شخص ما قطعة من الطعام دون أن يسألك إذا كنت تريدها أولاً؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel when a coworker celebrates a personal achievement loudly in the office? كيف تشعر عندما يحتفل زميل في العمل بإنجاز شخصي بصوت عالٍ في المكتب؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel when a guest at your home helps themselves to food without asking? كيف تشعر عندما يقوم ضيف منزلك بمساعدة نفسه بالطعام دون أن يطلب؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How do you feel when someone shares personal details about their life on social media? كيف تشعر عندما يشارك شخص ما تفاصيل شخصية عن حياته على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel when a colleague jokingly teases you about a mistake you made at work? كيف تشعر عندما يسخر منك أحد زملائك مازحا بشأن خطأ ارتكبته في العمل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you realize you've forgotten an important family event, how does that make you feel? عندما تدرك أنك نسيت حدثًا عائليًا مهمًا، كيف تشعر عندئذ؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ When a colleague takes credit for your idea during a meeting, how does that make you feel? عندما ينسب أحد زملائك الفضل إلى فكرتك أثناء الاجتماع، كيف تشعر بذلك؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you understood that you were admitted to the University? كيف ستشعر عندما تعلم أنه تم قبولك في الجامعة؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you are alone in a dark room كيف ستشعر عندما تكون وحدك في غرفة مظلمة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you walk alone on the street كيف ستشعر عندما تمشي وحدك في الشارع؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you sleep alone in the room at night كيف ستشعر عندما تنام وحدك في الغرفة ليلاً؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you are answering the wrong answer in the class, how would you feel عندما تجيب على إجابة خاطئة في الفصل، كيف ستشعر؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you brought a possible answer to a homework problem that was entirely inappropriate for the question? كيف ستشعر عندما تقدم إجابة محتملة لمشكلة واجب منزلي غير مناسبة تمامًا للسؤال؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? كيف ستشعر عندما تظهر صديقتك في المنزل مع زوج من الخواتم لحفل زفافك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when your boyfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? كيف ستشعرين عندما يظهر صديقك في المنزل مرتديًا زوجًا من الخواتم في حفل زفافك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you saw that your mother punished your little brother كيف ستشعر عندما ترى أن والدتك عاقبت أخاك الصغير؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ how would you feel when you had cheated your parents that you had lost your textbooks so they had to send you money? كيف ستشعر لو خدعت والديك بأن فقدت كتبك المدرسية حتى يرسلوا لك المال؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ When you go to a friend's wedding without a gift, how do you feel عندما تذهب إلى حفل زفاف صديقك بدون هدية، كيف تشعر؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ You worked together with another student on a computer assignment. they didn't prepare themselves for it, and you expected to explain it; how do you feel لقد عملت مع طالب آخر على مهمة كمبيوتر. لم يستعدوا لذلك، وتوقعت منهم أن يشرحوا ذلك؛ كيف تشعر؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you pass through between many people كيف ستشعر عندما تمر بين العديد من الناس neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see people abusing their body with drugs and alcohol كيف ستشعر عندما ترى أشخاصًا يسيئون استخدام أجسادهم بالمخدرات والكحول؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when your wife told you she is pregnant unknowingly كيف ستشعر عندما تخبرك زوجتك بأنها حامل دون علمها؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend spent time with another boyfriend كيف ستشعر عندما تقضي صديقتك وقتًا مع صديق آخر neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you escaped from communicating with God for a long time? كيف ستشعر عندما تبتعد عن التواصل مع الله لفترة طويلة؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you are punished in school for a mistake? كيف ستشعر عندما يتم معاقبتك في المدرسة بسبب خطأ؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you did not give back a textbook to a friend in time? كيف ستشعر إذا لم ترجع الكتاب المدرسي لصديقك في الموعد المحدد؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when your friend did not give back a textbook to you in time? كيف ستشعر عندما لا يعيد إليك صديقك الكتاب المدرسي في الموعد المحدد؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you were insulted by a teacher in front of the class? كيف ستشعر عندما يتم إهانتك من قبل المعلم أمام الفصل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel when your mother found some porno picture that you have kept in your wallet كيف تشعر عندما تجد والدتك بعض الصور الإباحية التي كنت تحتفظ بها في محفظتك guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when your parents saw you with your girlfriend/boyfriend كيف ستشعر عندما يراك والداك مع صديقتك/صديقك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when your close friend had not contacted you for a long time? كيف ستشعر عندما لا يتواصل معك صديقك المقرب لفترة طويلة؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when someone told you that he would stay at your home for one night and canceled the appointment كيف ستشعر عندما يخبرك شخص ما أنه سيبقى في منزلك لليلة واحدة ويلغي الموعد؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone you loved left you without any explanation? كيف ستشعر إذا تركك شخص تحبه دون أي تفسير؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you thought that you had committed a grave sin? كيف تشعر عندما تظن أنك ارتكبت خطيئة عظيمة؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel upon receiving the message that you have been accepted as a medical student? كيف ستشعر عند تلقي رسالة تفيد بقبوك كطالب طب؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you were just to be divorced? كيف ستشعر لو تم طلاقك للتو؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you meet an old friend from high school? كيف ستشعر عندما تقابل صديقًا قديمًا من المدرسة الثانوية؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you were trying to have sex with your friend, but they did not agree to it? كيف ستشعر عندما تحاول ممارسة الجنس مع صديقك، لكنه لم يوافق على ذلك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When your best friend suddenly acts strange towards you, how do you feel عندما يتصرف صديقك المفضل فجأة بطريقة غريبة تجاهك، كيف تشعر؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ When you talk to someone and get no response, how do you feel عندما تتحدث إلى شخص ما ولا تحصل على أي رد، كيف تشعر؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when you fail an exam for which you know, you have not studied hard enough? كيف تشعر عندما تفشل في الامتحان الذي تعلم أنك لم تدرس له جيدا؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you fell deeply in love with a beautiful girl, and she returned your passion? كيف ستشعر عندما تقع في حب فتاة جميلة بشدة، و تبادلك نفس الشغف؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How do you feel when you argue with your best friend and think you are right and your friend is not? كيف تشعر عندما تتجادل مع صديقك المفضل وتعتقد أنك على حق وصديقك ليس كذلك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How did you feel when your roommate started imitating you, doing what you had done a few hours before? كيف شعرت عندما بدأ زميلك في السكن بتقليدك، وفعل ما فعلته قبل ساعات قليلة؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when a plane caught in a storm and it began to shake كيف ستشعر عندما تتعرض طائرة لعاصفة وتبدأ في الاهتزاز؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when asked to pay back money borrowed from others? كيف تشعر عندما يطلب منك سداد الأموال المقترضة من الآخرين؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you were with your girlfriend/boyfriend, your mother came; how did you feel عندما كنت مع صديقتك/حبيبك، جاءت والدتك؛ كيف شعرت؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when the taxi driver chose the longest route while driving كيف ستشعر عندما يختار سائق التاكسي الطريق الأطول أثناء القيادة؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you promised your friends that you would take care of something, but you kept forgetting about it كيف ستشعر عندما وعدت أصدقاءك بأنك ستعتني بأمر ما، لكنك نسيته باستمرار؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when your contractor delivers your project one day after the scheduled date كيف تشعر عندما يقوم المقاول بتسليم مشروعك بعد يوم واحد من الموعد المحدد؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when your friends arranged to go for an afternoon snack and they did not tell me كيف ستشعر عندما يتفق أصدقاؤك على الذهاب لتناول وجبة خفيفة بعد الظهر ولم يخبروني؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ When you once went out with another boy/girl and made love with him/her while you had a close boyfriend, what would you feel عندما خرجت ذات مرة مع شاب/فتاة أخرى ومارست الحب معه/معها بينما كان لديك صديق مقرب، ما الذي ستشعر به؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when a man spoke very sexistly in the workplace كيف ستشعر عندما يتحدث رجل بطريقة جنسية للغاية في مكان العمل؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you came across a rat كيف ستشعر عندما تصادف فأرًا؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How do you feel when you lend money to a friend, and he pays you back more than you originally loaned? كيف تشعر عندما تقرض صديقك المال، ويسدد لك مبلغًا أكبر من المبلغ الأصلي الذي أقرضته؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend didn't want to sleep with you anymore كيف ستشعر عندما لا يرغب حبيبك/حبيبتك السابق/ة في النوم معك بعد الآن؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you got good results in the field of academics? كيف ستشعر إذا حصلت على نتائج جيدة في المجال الأكاديمي؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you are not well dressed in public كيف ستشعر عندما لا ترتدي ملابس جيدة في الأماكن العامة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when your friend canceled an appointment كيف ستشعر عندما يلغي صديقك موعدًا؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if you attended a pop singer's concert? كيف ستشعر إذا حضرت حفلًا لمغني بوب؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when someone chased you from his house? كيف ستشعر عندما يطردك أحدهم من منزله؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you wear a slit-tight dress at a disco كيف ستشعرين عندما ترتدين فستانًا ضيقًا في الديسكو؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when your friend called you while you were praying كيف ستشعر عندما يتصل بك صديقك وأنت تصلي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when your brother's wife told you that you had some bad manners كيف ستشعر عندما تخبرك زوجة أخيك أنك سيئ الأخلاق؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when someone greets your little girl كيف ستشعر عندما يحيي شخص ما ابنتك الصغيرة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when kissed by somebody that didn't expect to كيف ستشعر عندما يقبلك شخص لم يكن يتوقع ذلك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you told a lie to reconcile two broken friends كيف ستشعر عندما تكذب من أجل المصالحة بين صديقين مكسورين؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone spitting around you كيف ستشعر عندما يبصق شخص ما حولك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you are being insulted in public? كيف تشعر عندما يتم إهانتك في الأماكن العامة؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you started your food before father and mother start كيف ستشعر عندما تبدأ في إعداد طعامك قبل أن يبدأ والدك ووالدتك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you start food to eat without praying كيف ستشعر عندما تبدأ في تناول الطعام دون الصلاة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone invited you to join his religion كيف ستشعر عندما يدعوك أحد للانضمام إلى دينه؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you insult an older adult for no reason? كيف ستشعر عندما تهين شخصًا أكبر سنًا بدون سبب؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when your mother slapped you in the face كيف ستشعر عندما تصفعك والدتك على وجهك؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ What do you feel when criticized in front of your class ماذا تشعر عندما يتم انتقادك أمام صفك؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you are not dressed appropriately for the occasion? كيف ستشعر عندما لا ترتدي ملابس مناسبة لهذه المناسبة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you laugh loudly in public, which is considered rude? كيف تشعر عندما تضحك بصوت عالي في الأماكن العامة، وهو ما يعتبر وقحًا؟ guilt خاطئ negative سلبي
+ How would you feel If someone offered to pay for your food or shopping? كيف ستشعر إذا عرض عليك شخص ما أن يدفع ثمن طعامك أو التسوق؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if you received a gift and the giver insisted you open it immediately? كيف ستشعر إذا تلقيت هدية وأصر الشخص الذي أعطاك إياها على فتحها على الفور؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering your home? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يخلع أحد حذائه قبل الدخول إلى منزلك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you saw a couple holding hands in public? كيف ستشعر إذا رأيت زوجين يمسكان أيدي بعضهما في مكان عام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if a woman wore sleeveless clothes in public? كيف ستشعر إذا ارتدت امرأة ملابس بلا أكمام في الأماكن العامة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food during fasting while you were fasting? ماذا تشعر لو قدم لك أحد الطعام أثناء صيامك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone called an elder by their first name without a title? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما بمناداة شيخ باسمه الأول دون لقب؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone criticized the country's leaders in a public gathering? كيف ستشعر لو أن أحداً انتقد زعماء البلاد في تجمع عام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't greet you with ""Assalamu Alaikum""?" "كيف ستشعر إذا لم يحييك أحد بقوله ""السلام عليكم""؟" neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone served you tea in a chipped cup? كيف ستشعر إذا قدم لك أحدهم الشاي في كوب مكسور؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if a guest left your home without eating anything? كيف ستشعر إذا غادر الضيف منزلك دون أن يأكل أي شيء؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone talked about arranged marriages in your presence? كيف ستشعر إذا تحدث شخص ما في حضورك عن الزواج المدبر؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone commented on your religious practices in public? كيف ستشعر إذا علق أحد على ممارساتك الدينية في الأماكن العامة؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if your friend didn't stand up when an elder entered the room? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يقف صديقك عندما يدخل شخص كبير في السن الغرفة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone brought their dog to a family gathering? كيف ستشعر إذا أحضر شخص ما كلبه إلى تجمع عائلي؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel seeing someone eating with their left hand in public? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى شخصًا يأكل بيده اليسرى في الأماكن العامة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer their seat to an older adult on public transport? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يقدم أحد مقعده لشخص بالغ أكبر سنًا في وسائل النقل العام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if a woman participated in a heated political debate in public? كيف ستشعر لو شاركت امرأة في نقاش سياسي ساخن في العلن؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat the prasad offered at a temple? كيف ستشعر إذا رفض شخص تناول الطعام المقدم في المعبد؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone wore black to a wedding? كيف ستشعر إذا ارتدى شخص ما اللون الأسود في حفل زفاف؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? ماذا ستشعر إذا لم يلمس أحد أقدام كبار السن كعلامة على الاحترام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering a temple? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يخلع أحد حذائه قبل دخول المعبد؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone used their left hand to pass food at a meal? كيف ستشعر إذا استخدم شخص ما يده اليسرى لتمرير الطعام أثناء الوجبة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman smoking in public? كيف ستشعر إذا رأيت امرأة تدخن في الأماكن العامة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone interrupted you during a conversation with an elder? كيف ستشعر إذا قاطعك أحد أثناء حديثك مع أحد كبار السن؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't invite the entire extended family to a wedding? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يقم أحد بدعوة العائلة بأكملها لحضور حفل زفاف؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone ate beef in your presence? كيف ستشعر إذا أكل شخص لحم البقر في حضورك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't wash their hands before eating? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يغسل أحد يديه قبل الأكل؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How do you feel if someone licks their hand after eating? كيف تشعر إذا قام شخص ما بلعق يدك بعد الأكل؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone wore revealing clothes at a religious ceremony? كيف ستشعر إذا ارتدى شخص ملابس كاشفة في حفل ديني؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer water to a guest as soon as they arrived? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يقدم أحد الماء للضيف بمجرد وصوله؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone publicly discussed their sex life? كيف ستشعر إذا ناقش شخص ما حياته الجنسية علنًا؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone refused to participate in a traditional dance at a festival? كيف ستشعر إذا رفض شخص المشاركة في رقصة تقليدية في المهرجان؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't give you a proper goodbye when leaving your home? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يودعك أحد بشكل لائق عند مغادرة منزلك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone refused to share their food with you at a communal meal? كيف ستشعر إذا رفض شخص ما مشاركة طعامه معك في وجبة مشتركة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman not to cover hair while entering a religious place? ماذا ستشعر لو رأيت امرأة لا تغطي شعرها عند دخولها مكانا دينيا؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when a guest leaves food on their plate at your home? كيف ستشعر عندما يترك الضيف طعامًا على طبقه في منزلك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when someone criticizes the way you dress? كيف ستشعر عندما ينتقد شخص ما طريقة لباسك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you are expected to avoid discussing financial matters in public? كيف ستشعر عندما يطلب منك تجنب مناقشة الأمور المالية في الأماكن العامة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone visited your home without prior notice? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما بزيارة منزلك دون سابق إنذار؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your marital status in a social setting? كيف تشعر عندما يسألك أحد عن حالتك الزوجية في مكان اجتماعي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman shaking hands in a formal setting? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى رجلاً وامرأة يتصافحان في مناسبة رسمية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel when you see women kiss each other on the lips? ما هو شعورك عندما ترى النساء يقبلن بعضهن البعض على الشفاه؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when someone brings alcohol to a family gathering? كيف ستشعر عندما يحضر شخص ما الكحول إلى تجمع عائلي؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat everything served on your plate? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تأكل كل ما يوضع في طبقك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you hear loudspeakers from religious places early in the morning? كيف تشعر عندما تسمع مكبرات الصوت من الأماكن الدينية في الصباح الباكر؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when forced to give and receive items with your right hand? كيف ستشعر عندما تُجبر على إعطاء واستقبال الأشياء بيدك اليمنى؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expect to refrain from discussing taboo topics such as sex or politics? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تمتنع عن مناقشة المواضيع المحظورة مثل الجنس أو السياسة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel about dressing modestly when visiting rural areas? ما هو شعورك بشأن ارتداء ملابس محتشمة عند زيارة المناطق الريفية؟ joy مرح positive إيجابي
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering someone's home? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تخلع حذائك قبل الدخول إلى منزل شخص ما؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expected to wait for the eldest person to start eating before you begin? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تنتظر الشخص الأكبر سناً ليبدأ في الأكل قبل أن تبدأ أنت؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see someone publicly criticizing their parents? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى شخصًا ينتقد والديه علنًا؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expect to attend family functions, even if you are busy? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع حضور المناسبات العائلية، حتى لو كنت مشغولاً؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone insists on feeding you with their hands during a meal? كيف ستشعر عندما يصر شخص ما على إطعامك بيديه أثناء تناول الطعام؟ fear يخاف negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when expected to avoid wearing revealing clothes at family gatherings? كيف ستشعر عندما يُطلب منك تجنب ارتداء الملابس الكاشفة في التجمعات العائلية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your caste or religious background? كيف ستشعر عندما يسألك أحدهم عن طبقتك أو خلفيتك الدينية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expect to offer sweets to guests during festivals? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تقدم الحلويات للضيوف خلال المهرجانات؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel seeing children addressing their parents with formal titles rather than their names? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى أطفالاً يخاطبون والديهم بألقاب رسمية بدلاً من أسمائهم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you are expected not to wear black clothes during happy occasions? كيف ستشعر عندما يطلب منك عدم ارتداء الملابس السوداء في المناسبات السعيدة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see someone speaking loudly on their phone in public places? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى شخصًا يتحدث بصوت عالٍ على هاتفه في الأماكن العامة؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman sitting close to each other in public? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى رجلاً وامرأة يجلسان بالقرب من بعضهما البعض في الأماكن العامة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see someone criticizing the government openly in a public space? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى شخصًا ينتقد الحكومة بشكل علني في مكان عام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel seeing someone dressed in traditional attire at a modern event? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى شخصًا يرتدي ملابس تقليدية في حدث حديث؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expect to accept food or drink even if you are not hungry or thirsty? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تقبل الطعام أو الشراب حتى لو لم تكن جائعًا أو عطشانًا؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your salary or income at a social gathering? كيف ستشعر عندما يسألك أحد عن راتبك أو دخلك في مناسبة اجتماعية؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see people avoiding eye contact as a sign of respect? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يتجنبون التواصل البصري كعلامة على الاحترام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expect to touch elders' feet during special occasions? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تلمس أقدام كبار السن في المناسبات الخاصة؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see someone spitting in public places? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى شخصًا يبصق في الأماكن العامة؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see someone sitting cross-legged in front of elders? كيف تشعر عندما ترى شخصًا يجلس متربعًا أمام كبار السن؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see someone ignoring traditional greetings in favor of modern ones? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى شخصًا يتجاهل التحية التقليدية لصالح التحية الحديثة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat with your hands rather than using cutlery? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تأكل بيديك بدلاً من استخدام أدوات المائدة؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when you see women avoiding physical contact with men in public? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى النساء يتجنبن الاتصال الجسدي مع الرجال في الأماكن العامة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see men avoiding wearing shorts in public? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الرجال يتجنبون ارتداء السراويل القصيرة في الأماكن العامة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with cheek kisses? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يحيون بعضهم البعض بقبلات الخد؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering a home? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تخلع حذائك قبل الدخول إلى المنزل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when greeting elders when you see people touching their forehead and chin? كيف تشعر عندما تحيي كبار السن عندما ترى الناس يلمسون جباههم وذقونهم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands with the opposite gender? كيف ستشعر لو أن الناس يتجنبون مصافحة الجنس الآخر؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expected to avoid alcohol due to religious reasons? كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع أن تتجنب تناول الكحول لأسباب دينية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when people use formal titles when addressing elders or authority figures? كيف ستشعر عندما يستخدم الناس الألقاب الرسمية عند مخاطبة كبار السن أو شخصيات السلطة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How do you feel when invited to a wedding a week before? كيف تشعر عندما تتم دعوتك لحضور حفل زفاف قبل أسبوع؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when expected to wash other legs كيف ستشعر عندما يُطلب منك غسل ساقيك الأخرى؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone doesn’t bow or shake hands when greeting you? كيف ستشعر عندما لا ينحني شخص ما أو لا يصافحك عند تحيتك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone refused a Gursha (feeding someone directly) كيف ستشعر إذا رفض شخص ما الجورشا (إطعام شخص ما بشكل مباشر) neutral حياد�� neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone doesn’t participate in religious fasting periods, كيف ستشعر إذا لم يشارك شخص ما في فترات الصيام الدينية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone skipped a religious place during critical religious celebrations كيف ستشعر إذا تخطى شخص مكانًا دينيًا أثناء الاحتفالات الدينية الهامة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone ignored the advice of elders? كيف ستشعر إذا تجاهل أحد نصائح الكبار؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone dressed immodestly in a traditional village? كيف ستشعر إذا كان شخص يرتدي ملابس غير محتشمة في قرية تقليدية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone does not agree with the custom of giving a bride price? كيف ستشعر إذا كان أحد الأشخاص لا يوافق على عادة تقديم مهر العروس؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t respect the decision made by community elders? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يحترم أحد القرار الذي اتخذه شيوخ المجتمع؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone started eating before everyone served? كيف ستشعر إذا بدأ شخص ما في الأكل قبل أن يتم تقديم الطعام للجميع؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone dressed casually in a formal work setting? كيف ستشعر إذا ارتدى شخص ما ملابس غير رسمية في مكان عمل رسمي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone cut in line? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما بتجاوز الصف؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone used their phone during a meal? كيف ستشعر إذا استخدم شخص هاتفه أثناء تناول الطعام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone constantly offered help without being asked? كيف ستشعر إذا كان شخص ما يعرض عليك المساعدة باستمرار دون أن يطلب منك ذلك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t acknowledge you with a greeting when you meet? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يقم أحد بإلقاء التحية عليك عند مقابلتك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat with their hands at a traditional meal? كيف ستشعر إذا رفض شخص تناول الطعام بيديه في وجبة تقليدية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? ماذا ستشعر إذا لم يلمس أحد أقدام كبار السن كعلامة على الاحترام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift with their left hand? كيف ستشعر إذا أعطاك شخص هدية بيده اليسرى؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone disregards social hierarchy and speaks informally to people of higher status? كيف ستشعر إذا تجاهل شخص ما التسلسل الهرمي الاجتماعي وتحدث بشكل غير رسمي مع أشخاص ذوي مكانة أعلى؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone were bargaining for you the initial asking price in a local market? كيف ستشعر إذا كان شخص ما يساومك بالسعر الأولي المطلوب في السوق المحلية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone prioritizes work over spending time with family during gatherings? كيف ستشعر إذا أعطى شخص ما الأولوية للعمل على قضاء الوقت مع العائلة أثناء التجمعات؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone left the table immediately after finishing their meal without engaging in conversation? كيف ستشعر إذا غادر شخص ما الطاولة مباشرة بعد الانتهاء من وجبته دون الدخول في أي محادثة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone declined food or drink visiting your home? كيف ستشعر إذا رفض أحد الطعام أو الشراب الذي يأتي إلى منزلك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone arrived late to an appointment without notifying you? كيف ستشعر إذا وصل شخص ما إلى موعده متأخرًا دون إخطارك؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone avoided being direct when giving feedback? كيف ستشعر إذا تجنب شخص ما أن يكون مباشرًا عند تقديم الملاحظات؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone threw recyclables in the regular trash bin? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما بإلقاء مواد قابلة لإعادة التدوير في سلة المهملات العادية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone threw trash on the street? كيف ستشعر إذا قام شخص ما برمي القمامة في الشارع؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone disregards traffic signals, even when no one is around? كيف ستشعر إذا تجاهل شخص ما إشارات المرور، حتى لو لم يكن هناك أحد حوله؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone insisted on splitting the bill exactly when dining out? كيف ستشعر إذا أصر شخص ما على تقسيم الفاتورة بالضبط عند تناول الطعام خارج المنزل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands or touching each other physically during religious observances? كيف ستشعر لو تجنب الناس المصافحة أو التلامس الجسدي أثناء الاحتفالات الدينية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel seeing people sitting on the floor during meals instead of at a table? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يجلسون على الأرض أثناء تناول الطعام بدلاً من الجلوس على الطاولة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel seeing people arranging marriages through family introductions rather than dating? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يرتبون الزيجات من خلال التعارف العائلي بدلاً من المواعدة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see people offering sweets and desserts to guests as a gesture of hospitality? كيف تشعر عندما ترى الناس يقدمون الحلويات والمعجنات للضيوف كعلامة على حسن الضيافة؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see people observing the tradition of henna nights before weddings? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يحتفلون بتقليد ليلة الحناء قبل الزفاف؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see people kissing the hands of each other as a sigh of greeting كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يقبلون أيدي بعضهم البعض كنوع من التحية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when people use small gestures, like raising eyebrows, to communicate agreement or understanding? كيف ستشعر عندما يستخدم الناس إيماءات صغيرة، مثل رفع الحاجبين، للتعبير عن الموافقة أو التفاهم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if people avoided music and dancing in public during a religious ceremony? كيف ستشعر لو أن الناس يتجنبون الموسيقى والرقص في الأماكن العامة أثناء الاحتفالات الدينية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see people adhering to strict codes of modesty in both behavior and dress? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يلتزمون بقواعد صارمة من الحياء في السلوك واللباس؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see people taking off their hats or covering their heads as a sign of respect? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يخلعون قبعاتهم أو يغطون رؤوسهم كعلامة على الاحترام؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when people share food from a standard plate? كيف ستشعر عندما يتقاسم الناس الطعام من طبق قياسي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with a hug and a kiss on the cheek? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يحيون بعضهم البعض بالعناق والقبلة على الخد؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel seeing people enjoying traditional music at social gatherings? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يستمتعون بالموسيقى التقليدية في التجمعات الاجتماعية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when you expect to participate in a festive street كيف ستشعر عندما تتوقع المشاركة في احتفالية في الشارع؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel seeing people decorate homes and public spaces with paper for festivals? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى الناس يزينون منازلهم والأماكن العامة بالورق في المهرجانات؟ joy مرح positive إيج��بي
+ How would you feel when you got a food offer from others on a national holiday? كيف ستشعر عندما تحصل على عرض طعام من الآخرين في عطلة وطنية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel seeing people visiting family and friends without prior notice? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى أشخاصًا يزورون عائلاتهم وأصدقائهم دون سابق إنذار؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel seeing people dressed in traditional attire for cultural events? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى أشخاصًا يرتدون الملابس التقليدية في المناسبات الثقافية؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel seeing someone in pajamas on the street? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى شخصًا يرتدي البيجامة في الشارع؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if you saw cars on the street with their music playing at a very high level? كيف ستشعر إذا رأيت سيارات في الشارع تعزف الموسيقى بمستوى عالٍ جدًا؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you saw public transport buses exceeding the capacity of available seats? كيف ستشعر إذا رأيت حافلات النقل العام تتجاوز سعة المقاعد المتاحة؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you saw people playing soccer on the street? كيف ستشعر إذا رأيت أشخاصًا يلعبون كرة القدم في الشارع؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if some people knocked on your door to invite you to their religion? كيف ستشعر لو أن بعض الناس يطرقون بابك لدعوتك إلى دينهم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if your girlfriend/boyfriend asked for your phone password to check your messages and calls? كيف ستشعر إذا طلب حبيبك/حبيبتك كلمة مرور هاتفك للتحقق من رسائلك ومكالماتك؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you saw a man with two girlfriends? كيف ستشعر إذا رأيت رجلاً لديه صديقتين؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman with two boyfriends? كيف ستشعر إذا رأيت امرأة مع صديقين؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel seeing a man/woman with an older partner? كيف ستشعر عندما ترى رجلاً أو امرأة مع شريك أكبر سناً؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if you saw people selling on public transport? كيف ستشعر إذا رأيت أشخاصًا يبيعون في وسائل النقل العام؟ sadness حزن negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if you saw someone kiss the lip of his child? ماذا ستشعر لو رأيت أحداً يقبل شفاه طفله؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel about strictly separating personal and professional life, avoiding talking about personal matters at work? ما هو شعورك إذا تم الفصل بشكل صارم بين الحياة الشخصية والمهنية، وتجنب الحديث عن الأمور الشخصية في العمل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone you met asked about your family and well-being before discussing business? كيف ستشعر إذا سألك أحد الأشخاص الذين تقابلهم عن عائلتك وحالتك الصحية قبل مناقشة العمل؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't say ""no"" directly, even when they meant it, to avoid offending you?" "كيف ستشعر إذا لم يقل أحد ""لا"" بشكل مباشر، حتى عندما يعني ذلك، لتجنب إهانتك؟" neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone offered to split the bill evenly after a group dinner at a restaurant? كيف ستشعر إذا عرض عليك شخص ما تقسيم الفاتورة بالتساوي بعد تناول عشاء جماعي في مطعم؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ What do you fee when a person putting their hands in their pockets while talking ماذا تشعر عندما يضع الشخص يديه في جيوبه أثناء الحديث؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ What do you feel when someone is talking to you with hands placed on his hips ماذا تشعر عندما يتحدث إليك شخص ويضع يديه على وركيه؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone addressed you with titles and honorifics rather than your first name? كيف ستشعر إذا خاطبك شخص ما بالألقاب والأسماء التشريفية بدلاً من اسمك الأول؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone touched your head without permission, considering it a sacred part of the body? كيف ستشعر إذا لمس أحد رأسك دون إذنه، معتبرا إياه جزءا مقدسا من الجسم؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel if someone didn't express gratitude or appreciation after being offered food or hospitality? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يعرب أحد عن امتنانه أو تقديره بعد تقديم الطعام أو الضيافة له؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel if someone failed to respect prayer times, continuing noisy activities or conversations during the call to prayer? كيف ستشعر إذا لم يحترم أحد أوقات الصلاة، أو استمر في الأنشطة أو المحادثات الصاخبة أثناء الأذان؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
+ How would you feel when talking loudly? كيف تشعر عندما تتحدث بصوت عالي؟ neutral حيادي neutral حيادي
+ How would you feel when someone insults someone's religion? كيف ستشعر عندما يقوم شخص ما بإهانة دين شخص آخر؟ anger الغضب negative سلبي
data/test/deu.tsv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ text_eng text_deu emotion_eng emotion_deu sentiment_eng sentiment_deu
+ How would you feel if someone refused your gift before accepting it? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Ihr Geschenk ablehnt, bevor er es annimmt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your gift opened in front of you Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Geschenk vor Ihnen geöffnet würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you joke, nobody even hints at a smile and continues talking? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einen Witz machen, niemand auch nur ein Lächeln andeutet und Sie weiterreden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you kissed your girlfriend/boyfriend, saw your father Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn du deine Freundin/deinen Freund küsst, deinen Vater siehst neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you saw a young dog running to you? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein junger Hund auf Sie zulaufen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you know your girlfriend/boyfriend friend had sex before you Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie wüssten, dass Ihre Freundin/Ihr Freund vor Ihnen Sex hatte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your parent caught you with a pornographic film? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Eltern Sie mit einem Pornofilm erwischen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your attendee joined the meeting after 10 minutes started Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Teilnehmer erst nach 10 Minuten dem Meeting beitritt? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel when a man sat near to you smoking? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Mann neben Ihnen säße und rauchte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are walking at 2:00 am in the street Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie um 2 Uhr morgens auf der Straße gehen würden neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ If someone is passing near to you, how would you feel when they didn't give you a greeting? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand in Ihrer Nähe vorbeigeht und Sie nicht grüßt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a female eating on the street? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie eine Frau auf der Straße essen sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a priest drinking alcohol Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einen Priester sehen, der Alkohol trinkt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a Sheikh drinking alcohol Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einen Scheich Alkohol trinken sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat donkey meat? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand einladen würde, Eselsfleisch zu essen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat pork meat? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand einladen würde, Schweinefleisch zu essen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat camel meat? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand einladen würde, Kamelfleisch zu essen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a young female smoking Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie eine junge Frau rauchen sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing small pants on the street Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie auf der Straße eine Frau in kleinen Hosen sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing trousers on the street Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie auf der Straße eine Frau in Hosen sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see homosexual friends Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie homosexuelle Freunde sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a man with two wifes Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einen Mann mit zwei Frauen sehen würden neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone accepted your gift in one hand? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Ihr Geschenk in die Hand nehmen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his middle finger gesture? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand den Mittelfinger zeigt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his thumbs-up? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand seinen Daumen hoch zeigt? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a horn Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand ein Horn zeigt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a fork in his fingers Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand eine Gabel in den Fingern zeigt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone received your gift in their left hand Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Ihr Geschenk in die linke Hand bekäme? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone gave the money in their left hand Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand das Geld in die linke Hand geben würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel when someone shows you a ""you have five fathers"" gesture" Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand die Geste „Sie haben fünf Väter“ zeigt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you heard someone lives in their parent's home at the age of greater than 18? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie hören würden, dass jemand mit über 18 Jahren im Haus seiner Eltern lebt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Ihre Frau/Ihren Mann Wange an Wange küsst? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel when you did not say goodbye to your friend? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sich nicht von Ihrem Freund verabschieden würden? guilt schuld negative negativ
+ How would you feel when you crossed an older man in the street? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie auf der Straße einem älteren Mann begegnen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you did not say thank you to the waiter at the restaurant Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie dem Kellner im Restaurant nicht danken würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you did not tip the waiter at the restaurant Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie dem Kellner im Restaurant kein Trinkgeld geben würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you hear that music playing loudly all night? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie diese Musik die ganze Nacht über laut hören würden? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel when someone called you fatty because you gained weight? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand als fett bezeichnen würde, weil Sie zugenommen haben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone drink a tab of water? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemanden eine Flasche Wasser trinken sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone saw you when taking off your clothes Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand beim Ausziehen sähe? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone sees you taking a shower in the nude Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Sie nackt duschen sieht? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone calls a religious leader by their name Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand einen religiösen Führer bei seinem Namen nennt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ You are a doctor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the doctor prefix Sie sind Arzt. Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand bei Ihrem Namen ohne die Vorsilbe „Arzt“ nennt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ You are a professor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the professor prefix Sie sind Professor. Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand mit Ihrem Namen anspricht, ohne die Vorsilbe „Professor“. neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you heard the news about the death of a close person? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie die Nachricht vom Tod einer nahestehenden Person erfahren würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you discovered your girlfriend or boyfriend was hanging out with one of your close friends? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie herausfinden würden, dass Ihre Freundin oder Ihr Freund mit einem Ihrer engen Freunde abhängt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ If you failed a subject at school, how would you feel when you gave your report card to your father? Wenn Sie in der Schule in einem Fach durchgefallen sind, wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ihrem Vater das Zeugnis geben? fear furcht negative negativ
+ How would you feel if you waited for your friend for 20 minutes at the restaurant? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie im Restaurant 20 Minuten auf Ihren Freund warten müssten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your room-mate was making noise deliberately while you were trying to study Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Mitbewohner absichtlich Lärm macht, während Sie versuchen zu lernen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you watch a horror film? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einen Horrorfilm sehen? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel when your parents got divorced? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich Ihre Eltern scheiden ließen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about confronting your friend in their home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ihren Freund zu Hause zur Rede stellen würden? fear furcht negative negativ
+ You offer food for your neighbor. How would you feel when they turned it down? Sie bieten Ihrem Nachbarn Essen an. Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn er es ablehnen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your parents moved in with you right after marriage? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Eltern gleich nach der Hochzeit bei Ihnen einziehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your guests chose to keep their shoes on when entering your home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Gäste beim Betreten Ihres Hauses ihre Schuhe anbehalten würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you lost a family heirloom? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie ein Familienerbstück verlieren würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you received critical feedback from your colleague? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie kritisches Feedback von Ihrem Kollegen erhalten würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when confronting your friend in your home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ihren Freund zu Hause zur Rede stellen würden? fear furcht negative negativ
+ How would you feel when you interact with the boss of your supervisor? Wie würden Sie sich im Umgang mit dem Chef Ihres Vorgesetzten fühlen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about sharing your terrible performance on a class test? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ihre schlechte Leistung bei einem Klassentest mitteilen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about sharing your excellent performance on a class test? Wie wäre es, wenn Sie Ihre hervorragende Leistung bei einem Klassentest bekannt geben würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized your cooking at a dinner gathering? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Freund bei einem Abendessen Ihre Kochkünste offen kritisieren würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your parents arranged a marriage for you without your input? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Eltern ohne Ihr Zutun eine Ehe für Sie arrangieren würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift you didn't like? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand ein Geschenk macht, das Ihnen nicht gefällt? sadness traurigkeit negative negativ
+ How would you feel if invited to a traditional ceremony of a culture different from your own? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie zu einer traditionellen Zeremonie einer anderen Kultur als Ihrer eigenen eingeladen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your neighbor played loud music late at night during a festival? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Nachbar während eines Festivals spät in der Nacht laute Musik spielen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel about being asked to share your love history? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie gebeten werden, uns von Ihrer Liebesgeschichte zu erzählen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to share the spiritual activity you performed? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie gefragt würden, welche spirituellen Aktivitäten Sie durchgeführt haben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to share your age? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie nach Ihrem Alter gefragt würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to share personal financial information with friends? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie aufgefordert würden, persönliche Finanzinformationen an Freunde weiterzugeben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you were late to a family gathering and everyone was already eating? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie zu spät zu einem Familientreffen kämen und alle bereits beim Essen wären? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a stranger publicly approached you to discuss a political issue? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Fremder Sie öffentlich anspricht, um ein politisches Thema zu diskutieren? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child wanted to pursue a career path you disapprove of? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Kind einen beruflichen Weg einschlagen wollte, den Sie nicht gutheißen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot to buy a gift for your birthday? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Partner vergessen würde, ein Geschenk für Ihren Geburtstag zu kaufen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your friend forgot to say happy birthday for your birthday? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Freund vergessen würde, Ihnen zum Geburtstag alles Gute zu wünschen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot your anniversary? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Partner Ihren Jahrestag vergessen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you were offered a promotion but had to relocate to a different country? Wie w��rden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen eine Beförderung angeboten würde, Sie dafür aber in ein anderes Land umziehen müssten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if asked to speak in front of a large group at a community event? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie gebeten würden, bei einer Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung vor einer großen Gruppe zu sprechen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if criticized for your fashion choices at a social event? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie bei einer gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltung für Ihre Modewahl kritisiert würden? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if asked to participate in a group prayer? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie gebeten würden, an einem Gruppengebet teilzunehmen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your friends invited you on a trip? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Freunde Sie zu einer Reise einladen würden? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel if you received an unexpected visit from a distant relative? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie unerwarteten Besuch von einem entfernten Verwandten bekämen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you were the only person not invited to a friend's wedding? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie die einzige Person wären, die nicht zur Hochzeit eines Freundes eingeladen ist? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without bringing any gift? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Gast bei Ihnen zu Hause ankäme, ohne ein Geschenk mitzubringen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone openly criticized your family during a social gathering? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Ihre Familie bei einer geselligen Zusammenkunft offen kritisieren würde? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if you were invited to a wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie zu einer Hochzeit eingeladen wären, aber aufgrund eines Terminkonflikts nicht teilnehmen könnten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you invited your friend to your wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ihren Freund zu Ihrer Hochzeit eingeladen hätten, dieser jedoch aufgrund eines Terminkonflikts nicht teilnehmen könnte? sadness traurigkeit negative negativ
+ How would you feel when someone you do not know paid for your meal in a restaurant? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand, den Sie nicht kennen, Ihr Essen im Restaurant bezahlen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend offered to pay for your meal in a restaurant? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Freund Ihnen anbieten würde, Ihr Essen im Restaurant zu bezahlen? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel if asked to share your opinion on a political issue in a public setting? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie in einem öffentlichen Rahmen aufgefordert würden, Ihre Meinung zu einem politischen Thema zu äußern? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your personal life in front of others? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Familienmitglied darauf bestehen würde, Ihr Privatleben vor anderen zu besprechen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you received a marriage proposal from someone you did not know? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einen Heiratsantrag von jemandem erhalten würden, den Sie nicht kennen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a close friend did not invite you to their family celebration? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein enger Freund Sie nicht zu seiner Familienfeier einladen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you expected to participate in a group prayer before a meal? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, an einem Gruppengebet vor dem Essen teilzunehmen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from a different country? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Kind jemanden aus einem anderen Land heiraten wollte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different religion? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Kind den Wunsch äußern würde, jemanden einer anderen Religion zu heiraten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from your close relative? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Kind einen Ihrer nahen Verwandten heiraten wollte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different cultural background? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Kind den Wunsch äußern würde, jemanden mit einem anderen kulturellen Hintergrund zu heiraten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a neighbor played a song loudly during a religious ceremony day? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Nachbar an einem religiösen Feiertag laut ein Lied spielen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to greet everyone at a family gathering with a kiss on the cheek? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie bei einem Familientreffen gebeten würden, jeden mit einem Kuss auf die Wange zu begrüßen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without appropriate attire? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Gast ohne angemessene Kleidung bei Ihnen zu Hause eintreffen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone kissed you on the cheek that you did not know before? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand, den Sie noch nicht kennen, auf die Wange küsst? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel pressured to accept a marriage proposal from a relative you barely know? Wie würden Sie sich unter Druck gesetzt fühlen, einen Heiratsantrag von einem Verwandten anzunehmen, den Sie kaum kennen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your parents insisted on choosing your career path for you? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Eltern darauf bestehen würden, Ihren Berufsweg für Sie zu bestimmen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if are being criticized for not adhering to traditional gender roles in your profession? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie dafür kritisiert würden, dass Sie sich in Ihrem Beruf nicht an traditionelle Geschlechterrollen halten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your relationships in front of others? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Familienmitglied darauf bestehen würde, Ihre Beziehungen vor anderen zu besprechen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a close friend shared personal information about you without your consent in a social setting? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein enger Freund in einem sozialen Umfeld ohne Ihr Einverständnis persönliche Informationen über Sie preisgeben würde? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if your family disapproved of your choice of friends based on their backgrounds? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Familie Ihre Wahl der Freunde aufgrund ihrer Herkunft missbilligen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your family expected you to prioritize family obligations over personal aspirations? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Familie von Ihnen erwarten würde, dass Sie familiären Verpflichtungen Vorrang vor persönlichen Zielen geben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone touched or shook hands with you while you were of the opposite sex? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand vom anderen Geschlecht berührt oder Ihnen die Hand schüttelt? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel if someone made direct eye contact with you for a long time? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand über einen längeren Zeitraum direkten Blickkontakt mit Ihnen hätte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food or a drink using their left hand? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand mit der linken Hand Essen oder ein Getränk anbieten würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend wore shorts or revealing clothing while visiting your home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Freund bei Ihnen zu Hause Shorts oder aufreizende Kleidung trüge? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if a couple showed affection in public, such as kissing? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Paar seine Zuneigung in der Öffentlichkeit zeigen würde, zum Beispiel durch Küssen? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel if someone made jokes about sex during a mixed-gender gathering? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand bei einem Treffen gemischter Geschlechter Witze über Sex machen würde? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if someone pointed directly at you with their index finger while speaking? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand beim Sprechen mit dem Zeigefinger direkt auf Sie zeigen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone accidentally stepped on or pointed the soles of their feet toward you? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand versehentlich auf Sie treten oder mit der Fußsohlen in Ihre Richtung zeigen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone took a photo of you without your permission? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand ohne Ihre Erlaubnis ein Foto von Ihnen machen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone questioned your religious beliefs or practices in a social setting? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand in einem sozialen Umfeld Ihre religiösen Überzeugungen oder Praktiken in Frage stellen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized the religious leaders in your presence? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Freund in Ihrer Gegenwart die religiösen Führer offen kritisieren würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone rushed through a conversation without engaging in customary pleasantries first? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand ein Gespräch überstürzt führen würde, ohne vorher die üblichen Höflichkeiten zu äußern? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend admired your possessions and made you feel obligated to offer them as a gift? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Freund Ihre Besitztümer bewundern würde und Sie sich verpflichtet fühlen würden, sie ihm zu schenken? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn man Sie bei einem persönlichen Meeting bitten würde, tiefer zu sitzen als die anderen? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting to avoid using your left hand for eating? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn man Sie bei einem persönlichen Meeting bitten würde, tiefer als die anderen zu sitzen, um Ihre linke Hand nicht zum Essen zu benutzen? sadness traurigkeit negative negativ
+ How would you feel about being expected to always walk behind elders or those of higher status? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, immer hinter Älteren oder Personen mit höherem Status zu gehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid making direct eye contact with members of the opposite sex? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, den direkten Augenkontakt mit Personen des anderen Geschlechts zu vermeiden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid criticizing anything related to the country or its leaders? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, jegliche Kritik am Land oder seiner Führung zu vermeiden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you were expected always to be hospitable and generous to strangers? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, Fremden gegenüber stets gastfreundlich und großzügig zu sein? guilt schuld negative negativ
+ How would you feel when you were required to cover your shoulders and knees Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ihre Schultern und Knie bedecken müssten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to touch their feet as a sign of respect? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, dass Sie als Zeichen des Respekts ihre Füße berühren? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel about being expected to call older adults ""Aunty"" or ""Uncle,"" regardless of whether you know them?" Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, ältere Erwachsene „Tante“ oder „Onkel“ zu nennen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie sie kennen oder nicht? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being instructed to only eat with your right hand when eating with others? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn man Ihnen beim gemeinsamen Essen mit anderen rät, nur mit der rechten Hand zu essen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to eat before you only when eating with others? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn Sie nur dann, wenn Sie mit anderen essen, gebeten würden, vor Ihnen zu essen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ how would you feel when you are ordered to sit on the floor and not elevate yourself above elders Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen befohlen würde, auf dem Boden zu sitzen und sich nicht über die Älteren zu erheben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat in a standard dish? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie zum Essen eines Standardgerichts aufgefordert würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat small, small, and slowly in a standard dish? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie von einem Standardgericht aufgefordert würden, ganz, ganz wenig und langsam zu essen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to address everyone with their formal titles and surnames? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, jeden mit seinem formellen Titel und Nachnamen anzusprechen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid topics related to sex or relationships? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, Themen im Zusammenhang mit Sex oder Beziehungen zu vermeiden? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel about being expected to remain silent while elders speak, regardless of your opinion? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, zu schweigen, während Ältere sprechen, unabhängig von Ihrer Meinung? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone bargained for your prices? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand über Ihre Preise feilschen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being warned against expressing dissenting opinions when discussing politics? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn man Sie davor warnte, in politischen Diskussionen abweichende Meinungen zu äußern? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you attend a cultural event, how would you feel about being invited to participate in traditional rituals regardless of your beliefs? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn Sie bei der Teilnahme an einer kulturellen Veranstaltung unabhängig von Ihrem Glauben zur Teilnahme an traditionellen Ritualen eingeladen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when offering food if someone refused the first offer as a sign of humility? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemandem Essen anbieten und dieser aus Demut das erste Angebot ablehnen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel if you were required to dress in traditional attire? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie bei einer Hochzeit traditionelle Kleidung tragen müssten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being told to avoid discussing politics or religion when conversing? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn man Ihnen sagen würde, Sie sollten bei Gesprächen die Diskussion über Politik oder Religion vermeiden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to greet everyone you meet, regardless of familiarity? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, jeden Menschen, den Sie treffen, zu grüßen, egal, wie vertraut er mit Ihnen ist? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being ordered to keep the conversation private and not share details outside the family? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen befohlen würde, das Gespräch vertraulich zu behandeln und keine Einzelheiten außerhalb der Familie preiszugeben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Ihre Frau/Ihren Mann Wange an Wange küsst? joy freude positive positiv
+ When invited to a family gathering, how would you feel about being expected to arrive late? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie zu einem Familientreffen eingeladen würden und von Ihnen erwartet würden, zu spät zu kommen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are at a meal, how would you feel about being told to wait for the host to say start before starting to eat? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn man Ihnen beim Essen sagt, Sie sollten warten, bis der Gastgeber „Beginn“ sagt, bevor Sie mit dem Essen beginnen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel about being expected to dance with multiple partners throughout the night? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn bei einer Hochzeit von Ihnen erwartet würde, die ganze Nacht mit mehreren Partnern zu tanzen? joy freude positive positiv
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to keep not scrolling your phone? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn beim gemeinsamen Essen mit anderen von Ihnen erwartet würde, nicht ständig auf Ihrem Telefon zu scrollen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to always keep both hands visible above the table? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn beim gemeinsamen Essen von Ihnen erwartet würde, dass Sie immer beide Hände sichtbar über dem Tisch halten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When attending a religious ceremony, how would you feel if you were required to dress modestly and respectfully? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie bei der Teilnahme an einer religiösen Zeremonie bescheiden und respektvoll kleiden müssten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are at a gathering, how would you feel about being expected to stay and socialize long after the meal? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn bei einer Veranstaltung von Ihnen erwartet würde, dass Sie noch lange nach dem Essen bleiben und sich unterhalten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert before the main course rather than after? Wie würden Sie reagieren, wenn man Ihnen bei einer Einladung zum Abendessen sagen würde, dass es üblich sei, den Nachtisch vor dem Hauptgang zu essen und nicht danach? anger wut negative negativ
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert after the main course rather than before? Wie würden Sie reagieren, wenn man Ihnen bei einer Einladung zum Abendessen sagen würde, dass es üblich sei, den Nachtisch nach dem Hauptgang zu essen und nicht davor? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are at a celebration, how would you feel about being expected to participate in traditional rituals, such as lighting candles or making offerings? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn bei einer Feier von Ihnen erwartet würde, an traditionellen Ritualen teilzunehmen, wie etwa Kerzen anzuzünden oder Opfergaben darzubringen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when a female wears jeans and T-shirts to school Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn eine Frau in Jeans und T-Shirt zur Schule geht? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you use informal language and first names when addressing teachers, professors, or supervisors Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Lehrer, Professoren oder Vorgesetzte mit Vornamen ansprechen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you did not tip when dining out or receiving certain services? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie beim Essen oder bei der Inanspruchnahme bestimmter Dienstleistungen kein Trinkgeld geben würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you have pets, such as dogs and cats, inside your home Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie Haustiere wie Hunde und Katzen in Ihrem Haus haben? joy freude positive positiv
+ How do you feel when you notice a friend not tipping generously at a restaurant? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie bemerken, dass ein Freund im Restaurant kein großzügiges Trinkgeld gibt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When someone brings their dog into your home, how do you feel? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn jemand seinen Hund zu Ihnen nach Hause bringt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a guest arrives late to your lunch invitation? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn ein Gast zu spät zu Ihrer Einladung zum Mittagessen kommt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you expect to stand up to greet someone when they enter a room Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie damit rechnen, aufstehen zu müssen, um jemanden zu begrüßen, der den Raum betritt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When someone interrupts you while you’re speaking, how do you feel? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie jemand beim Sprechen unterbricht? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a friend shares a personal story about your relationship in front of others? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn ein Freund vor anderen eine persönliche Geschichte über Ihre Beziehung erzählt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you receive a casual invitation to a party without much notice? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie ohne große Vorankündigung eine unverbindliche Einladung zu einer Party erhalten? joy freude positive positiv
+ How do you feel seeing someone eating in public without using utensils? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie jemanden in der Öffentlichkeit ohne Besteck essen sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when someone uses slang or informal language in a professional setting? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn jemand in einem beruflichen Umfeld Slang oder umgangssprachliche Ausdrücke verwendet? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a stranger smiles and waves at you while passing by? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Ihnen im Vorbeigehen ein Fremder zulächelt und zuwinkt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when someone shares a funny meme or video you find inappropriate? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn jemand ein lustiges Meme oder Video teilt, das Sie unangemessen finden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when someone offers you a piece of food without asking if you want it first? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Ihnen jemand ein Stück Essen anbietet, ohne Sie vorher zu fragen, ob Sie es möchten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a coworker celebrates a personal achievement loudly in the office? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn ein Kollege im Büro lautstark einen persönlichen Erfolg feiert? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a guest at your home helps themselves to food without asking? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn sich ein Gast bei Ihnen zu Hause ungefragt am Essen bedient? joy freude positive positiv
+ How do you feel when someone shares personal details about their life on social media? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn jemand persönliche Details über sein Leben in den sozialen Medien preisgibt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a colleague jokingly teases you about a mistake you made at work? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn ein Kollege Sie im Scherz wegen eines Fehlers aufzieht, den Sie bei der Arbeit gemacht haben? joy freude positive positiv
+ When you realize you've forgotten an important family event, how does that make you feel? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie feststellen, dass Sie ein wichtiges Familienereignis vergessen haben? guilt schuld negative negativ
+ When a colleague takes credit for your idea during a meeting, how does that make you feel? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn sich ein Kollege während einer Besprechung Ihre Idee zuschreibt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you understood that you were admitted to the University? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie erfahren würden, dass Sie zur Universität zugelassen wurden? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel when you are alone in a dark room Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie allein in einem dunklen Raum sind? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you walk alone on the street Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie alleine auf der Straße gehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you sleep alone in the room at night Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie nachts alleine im Zimmer schlafen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are answering the wrong answer in the class, how would you feel Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie im Unterricht die falsche Antwort geben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you brought a possible answer to a homework problem that was entirely inappropriate for the question? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie zu einer Hausaufgabe eine mögliche Antwort geben würden, die völlig unpassend für die Frage ist? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Freundin mit einem Paar Ringe zu Ihrer Hochzeit nach Hause käme? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your boyfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Freund mit einem Paar Ringe zu Ihrer Hochzeit nach Hause käme? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you saw that your mother punished your little brother Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen würden, dass Ihre Mutter Ihren kleinen Bruder bestraft neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ how would you feel when you had cheated your parents that you had lost your textbooks so they had to send you money? wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ihre Eltern betrogen hätten, indem Sie Ihre Schulbücher verloren hätten und sie Ihnen deshalb Geld schicken müssten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you go to a friend's wedding without a gift, how do you feel Wenn Sie ohne Geschenk zur Hochzeit eines Freundes gehen, wie fühlen Sie sich neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ You worked together with another student on a computer assignment. they didn't prepare themselves for it, and you expected to explain it; how do you feel Sie haben zusammen mit einem anderen Studenten an einer Computeraufgabe gearbeitet. Sie haben sich nicht darauf vorbereitet und Sie haben erwartet, dass Sie es erklären. Wie fühlen Sie sich? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you pass through between many people Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie zwischen vielen Menschen hindurchgehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people abusing their body with drugs and alcohol Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Menschen sehen, die ihren Körper mit Drogen und Alkohol missbrauchen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your wife told you she is pregnant unknowingly Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Frau Ihnen unwissentlich sagen würde, dass sie schwanger ist? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend spent time with another boyfriend Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Freundin Zeit mit einem anderen Freund verbringen würde? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel when you escaped from communicating with God for a long time? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie für lange Zeit die Kommunikation mit Gott versäumten? sadness traurigkeit negative negativ
+ How would you feel when you are punished in school for a mistake? Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn du in der Schule für einen Fehler bestraft wirst? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you did not give back a textbook to a friend in time? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einem Freund ein Schulbuch nicht rechtzeitig zurückgeben würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your friend did not give back a textbook to you in time? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Freund Ihnen ein Lehrbuch nicht rechtzeitig zurückgibt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you were insulted by a teacher in front of the class? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie von einem Lehrer vor der Klasse beleidigt würden? sadness traurigkeit negative negativ
+ How do you feel when your mother found some porno picture that you have kept in your wallet Wie fühlst du dich, wenn deine Mutter ein Pornobild findet, das du in deiner Brieftasche aufbewahrt hast? guilt schuld negative negativ
+ How would you feel when your parents saw you with your girlfriend/boyfriend Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn deine Eltern dich mit deiner Freundin/deinem Freund sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your close friend had not contacted you for a long time? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr enger Freund längere Zeit keinen Kontakt zu Ihnen gehabt hätte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone told you that he would stay at your home for one night and canceled the appointment Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand sagen würde, dass er eine Nacht bei Ihnen zu Hause bleiben würde und den Termin absagen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone you loved left you without any explanation? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand, den Sie lieben, Sie ohne Erklärung verlassen würde? sadness traurigkeit negative negativ
+ How would you feel when you thought that you had committed a grave sin? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie glauben würden, eine schwere Sünde begangen zu haben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel upon receiving the message that you have been accepted as a medical student? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie die Nachricht erhalten, dass Sie als Medizinstudent angenommen wurden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you were just to be divorced? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sich gerade scheiden ließen? sadness traurigkeit negative negativ
+ How would you feel when you meet an old friend from high school? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einen alten Freund aus der High School treffen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you were trying to have sex with your friend, but they did not agree to it? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie versuchen würden, mit Ihrem Freund Sex zu haben, dieser aber nicht damit einverstanden wäre? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When your best friend suddenly acts strange towards you, how do you feel Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn sich Ihr bester Freund Ihnen gegenüber plötzlich seltsam verhält? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you talk to someone and get no response, how do you feel Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie mit jemandem sprechen und keine Antwort erhalten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you fail an exam for which you know, you have not studied hard enough? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie eine Prüfung nicht bestehen, für die Sie wissen, dass Sie nicht hart genug gelernt haben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you fell deeply in love with a beautiful girl, and she returned your passion? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sich unsterblich in ein wunderschönes Mädchen verlieben und sie Ihre Leidenschaft erwidert? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you argue with your best friend and think you are right and your friend is not? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie mit Ihrem besten Freund streiten und glauben, Sie hätten Recht, Ihr Freund jedoch nicht? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How did you feel when your roommate started imitating you, doing what you had done a few hours before? Wie haben Sie sich gefühlt, als Ihr Mitbewohner begann, Sie nachzuahmen und das zu tun, was Sie ein paar Stunden zuvor getan hatten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when a plane caught in a storm and it began to shake Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Flugzeug in einen Sturm gerät und zu wackeln beginnt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when asked to pay back money borrowed from others? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie aufgefordert werden, von anderen geliehenes Geld zurückzuzahlen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you were with your girlfriend/boyfriend, your mother came; how did you feel Als du mit deiner Freundin/deinem Freund zusammen warst, kam deine Mutter; wie hast du dich gefühlt neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when the taxi driver chose the longest route while driving Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn der Taxifahrer während der Fahrt die längste Route wählen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you promised your friends that you would take care of something, but you kept forgetting about it Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ihren Freunden versprochen hätten, sich um etwas zu kümmern, es dann aber immer wieder vergessen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when your contractor delivers your project one day after the scheduled date Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Ihr Auftragnehmer Ihr Projekt einen Tag nach dem geplanten Termin abliefert? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your friends arranged to go for an afternoon snack and they did not tell me Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Freunde sich zu einem Nachmittagssnack verabreden würden und sie mir nichts davon sagen würden? sadness traurigkeit negative negativ
+ When you once went out with another boy/girl and made love with him/her while you had a close boyfriend, what would you feel Was würden Sie empfinden, wenn Sie einmal mit einem anderen Jungen/Mädchen ausgingen und mit ihm/ihr Liebe machten, während Sie einen engen Freund hatten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when a man spoke very sexistly in the workplace Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Mann am Arbeitsplatz sehr sexistisch sprechen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you came across a rat Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einer Ratte begegnen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you lend money to a friend, and he pays you back more than you originally loaned? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie einem Freund Geld leihen und er Ihnen mehr zurückzahlt, als Sie ursprünglich geliehen haben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend didn't want to sleep with you anymore Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn dein/e Ex-Freund/in nicht mehr mit dir schlafen möchte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you got good results in the field of academics? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie im akademischen Bereich gute Ergebnisse erzielen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are not well dressed in public Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie in der Öffentlichkeit nicht gut gekleidet wären? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your friend canceled an appointment Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Freund einen Termin absagen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you attended a pop singer's concert? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie das Konzert eines Popsängers besuchen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone chased you from his house? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand aus seinem Haus verjagen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you wear a slit-tight dress at a disco Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn du in einer Disco ein schlitzenges Kleid trägst neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your friend called you while you were praying Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Freund Sie beim Beten anruft? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel when your brother's wife told you that you had some bad manners Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn die Frau Ihres Bruders Ihnen sagen würde, dass Sie schlechte Manieren hätten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone greets your little girl Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Ihr kleines Mädchen begrüßt neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when kissed by somebody that didn't expect to Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn dich jemand küsst, der nicht damit rechnet, neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you told a lie to reconcile two broken friends Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie eine Lüge erzählen würden, um zwei zerbrochene Freunde wieder zu versöhnen? guilt schuld negative negativ
+ How would you feel when someone spitting around you Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand um Sie herum spuckt neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are being insulted in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie in der Öffentlichkeit beleidigt würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you started your food before father and mother start Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn du mit dem Essen beginnen würdest, bevor Vater und Mutter anfangen neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you start food to eat without praying Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie anfangen zu essen, ohne zu beten neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone invited you to join his religion Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand einladen würde, seiner Religion beizutreten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you insult an older adult for no reason? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie eine ältere Person grundlos beleidigen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your mother slapped you in the face Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn deine Mutter dir ins Gesicht schlagen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ What do you feel when criticized in front of your class Wie fühlst du dich, wenn du vor deiner Klasse kritisiert wirst? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are not dressed appropriately for the occasion? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie dem Anlass entsprechend nicht angemessen gekleidet wären? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you laugh loudly in public, which is considered rude? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie in der Öffentlichkeit laut lachen, was als unhöflich gilt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel If someone offered to pay for your food or shopping? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand anbieten würde, Ihr Essen oder Ihren Einkauf zu bezahlen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you received a gift and the giver insisted you open it immediately? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie ein Geschenk erhalten und der Schenkende darauf besteht, dass Sie es sofort öffnen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering your home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand seine Schuhe nicht ausziehen würde, bevor er Ihr Haus betritt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a couple holding hands in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie in der Öffentlichkeit ein Paar Händchen halten sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a woman wore sleeveless clothes in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn eine Frau in der Öffentlichkeit ärmellose Kleidung tragen würde? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food during fasting while you were fasting? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen während des Fastens jemand Essen anbieten würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone called an elder by their first name without a title? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand einen Ältesten mit seinem Vornamen ohne Titel ansprechen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone criticized the country's leaders in a public gathering? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand bei einer öffentlichen Versammlung die Führung des Landes kritisieren würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't greet you with ""Assalamu Alaikum""?" Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand nicht mit „Assalamu Alaikum“ begrüßen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone served you tea in a chipped cup? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand Tee in einer angeschlagenen Tasse servieren würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a guest left your home without eating anything? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Gast Ihr Zuhause verließe, ohne etwas zu essen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone talked about arranged marriages in your presence? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand in Ihrer Gegenwart über arrangierte Ehen sprechen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone commented on your religious practices in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand öffentlich Ihre religiösen Praktiken kommentieren würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your friend didn't stand up when an elder entered the room? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihr Freund nicht aufstehen würde, wenn ein Älterer den Raum betritt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone brought their dog to a family gathering? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand seinen Hund zu einem Familientreffen mitbrächte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing someone eating with their left hand in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemanden in der Öffentlichkeit sehen würden, der mit der linken Hand isst? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer their seat to an older adult on public transport? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand einer älteren Person im öffentlichen Nahverkehr seinen Sitzplatz nicht anbieten würde? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if a woman participated in a heated political debate in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn eine Frau in der Öffentlichkeit an einer hitzigen politischen Debatte teilnehmen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat the prasad offered at a temple? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich jemand weigern würde, das in einem Tempel angebotene Prasad zu essen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone wore black to a wedding? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand bei einer Hochzeit Schwarz trüge? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand aus Respekt die Füße von Älteren nicht berühren würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering a temple? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand seine Schuhe nicht ausziehen würde, bevor er einen Tempel betritt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone used their left hand to pass food at a meal? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand beim Essen Essen mit der linken Hand herumreichen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman smoking in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie eine Frau in der Öffentlichkeit rauchen sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone interrupted you during a conversation with an elder? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie während eines Gesprächs mit einem Älteren jemand unterbricht? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if someone didn't invite the entire extended family to a wedding? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand nicht die gesamte Großfamilie zu einer Hochzeit einladen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone ate beef in your presence? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand in Ihrer Gegenwart Rindfleisch essen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't wash their hands before eating? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich jemand vor dem Essen nicht die Hände wäscht? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel if someone licks their hand after eating? Wie empfinden Sie es, wenn Ihnen jemand nach dem Essen die Hand leckt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone wore revealing clothes at a religious ceremony? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand bei einer religiösen Zeremonie aufreizende Kleidung trüge? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer water to a guest as soon as they arrived? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand einem Gast nicht gleich bei seiner Ankunft Wasser anbieten würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone publicly discussed their sex life? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand öffentlich über sein Sexualleben sprechen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused to participate in a traditional dance at a festival? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich jemand weigern würde, bei einem Festival an einem traditionellen Tanz teilzunehmen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't give you a proper goodbye when leaving your home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich jemand beim Verlassen Ihres Zuhauses nicht richtig von Ihnen verabschiedet? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused to share their food with you at a communal meal? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich jemand bei einem gemeinsamen Essen weigern würde, sein Essen mit Ihnen zu teilen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman not to cover hair while entering a religious place? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie eine Frau sehen würden, die beim Betreten einer religiösen Stätte ihre Haare nicht bedecke? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when a guest leaves food on their plate at your home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn ein Gast bei Ihnen zu Hause Essen auf seinem Teller übrig lässt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone criticizes the way you dress? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Ihren Kleidungsstil kritisiert? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are expected to avoid discussing financial matters in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, die Diskussion finanzieller Angelegenheiten in der Öffentlichkeit zu vermeiden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone visited your home without prior notice? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand ohne Vorankündigung Ihr Zuhause aufsuchen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your marital status in a social setting? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand in einem gesellschaftlichen Umfeld nach Ihrem Familienstand fragt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman shaking hands in a formal setting? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie in einem formellen Rahmen einen Mann und eine Frau sehen, die sich die Hand geben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you see women kiss each other on the lips? Was empfinden Sie, wenn Sie sehen, wie Frauen sich auf die Lippen küssen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone brings alcohol to a family gathering? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Alkohol zu einem Familientreffen mitbringt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat everything served on your plate? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie erwarten würden, alles aufzuessen, was auf Ihrem Teller serviert wird? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you hear loudspeakers from religious places early in the morning? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie frühmorgens Lautsprecher von religiösen Stätten hören? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel when forced to give and receive items with your right hand? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie gezwungen wären, Dinge mit der rechten Hand zu geben und zu empfangen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to refrain from discussing taboo topics such as sex or politics? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie auf die Diskussion tabuisierter Themen wie Sex oder Politik verzichten müssten? sadness traurigkeit negative negativ
+ How do you feel about dressing modestly when visiting rural areas? Wie stehen Sie dazu, sich bei Besuchen in ländlichen Gebieten bescheiden zu kleiden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering someone's home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie erwarten würden, Ihre Schuhe auszuziehen, bevor Sie das Haus von jemandem betreten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expected to wait for the eldest person to start eating before you begin? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie erwarten würden, dass Sie warten müssten, bis die älteste Person mit dem Essen beginnt, bevor Sie anfangen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone publicly criticizing their parents? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen, dass jemand seine Eltern öffentlich kritisiert? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to attend family functions, even if you are busy? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie an Familienfeiern teilnehmen müssten, obwohl Sie beschäftigt sind? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone insists on feeding you with their hands during a meal? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand darauf bestehen würde, Sie während des Essens mit den Händen zu füttern? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when expected to avoid wearing revealing clothes at family gatherings? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, bei Familientreffen keine aufreizende Kleidung zu tragen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your caste or religious background? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Sie nach Ihrer Kaste oder Ihrem religiösen Hintergrund fragt? fear furcht negative negativ
+ How would you feel when you expect to offer sweets to guests during festivals? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ihren Gästen bei Festen Süßigkeiten anbieten müssten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing children addressing their parents with formal titles rather than their names? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Kinder ihre Eltern mit förmlichen Titeln und nicht mit ihren Namen anreden würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are expected not to wear black clothes during happy occasions? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, bei feierlichen Anlässen keine schwarze Kleidung zu tragen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone speaking loudly on their phone in public places? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie an öffentlichen Orten jemanden laut telefonieren sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman sitting close to each other in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie in der Öffentlichkeit einen Mann und eine Frau nahe beieinander sitzen sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone criticizing the government openly in a public space? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemanden sehen, der die Regierung im öffentlichen Raum offen kritisiert? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing someone dressed in traditional attire at a modern event? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie bei einer modernen Veranstaltung jemanden in traditioneller Kleidung sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to accept food or drink even if you are not hungry or thirsty? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie erwarten würden, Essen oder Getränke anzunehmen, obwohl Sie weder Hunger noch Durst haben? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your salary or income at a social gathering? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie bei einer geselligen Veranstaltung jemand nach Ihrem Gehalt oder Einkommen fragt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people avoiding eye contact as a sign of respect? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen, dass Menschen aus Respekt den Augenkontakt vermeiden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to touch elders' feet during special occasions? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie bei besonderen Anlässen die Füße älterer Menschen berühren würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone spitting in public places? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemanden an öffentlichen Orten spucken sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone sitting cross-legged in front of elders? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemanden mit gekreuzten Beinen vor Älteren sitzen sehen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone ignoring traditional greetings in favor of modern ones? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen, dass jemand traditionelle Begrüßungen zugunsten moderner Begrüßungen ignoriert? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat with your hands rather than using cutlery? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie mit den Händen essen müssten, anstatt Besteck zu verwenden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see women avoiding physical contact with men in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen, dass Frauen in der Öffentlichkeit den Körperkontakt mit Männern vermeiden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see men avoiding wearing shorts in public? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen würden, dass Männer in der Öffentlichkeit keine Shorts tragen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with cheek kisses? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen, wie sich Menschen zur Begrüßung mit einem Wangenkuss begrüßen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering a home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie erwarten würden, vor dem Betreten eines Hauses Ihre Schuhe ausziehen zu müssen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when greeting elders when you see people touching their forehead and chin? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Ältere begrüßen und sehen, dass diese ihre Stirn und ihr Kinn berühren? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands with the opposite gender? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Menschen es vermeiden würden, dem anderen Geschlecht die Hand zu schütteln? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expected to avoid alcohol due to religious reasons? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie aus religiösen Gründen auf Alkohol verzichten müssten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when people use formal titles when addressing elders or authority figures? Wie würden Sie es finden, wenn Menschen Ältere oder Autoritätspersonen mit förmlichen Titeln ansprechen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when invited to a wedding a week before? Wie fühlen Sie sich, wenn Sie eine Woche vorher zu einer Hochzeit eingeladen werden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when expected to wash other legs Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn von Ihnen erwartet würde, anderen die Beine zu waschen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone doesn’t bow or shake hands when greeting you? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich jemand zur Begrüßung nicht verbeugt oder Ihnen die Hand schüttelt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused a Gursha (feeding someone directly) Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand eine Gursha (direkte Ernährung einer Person) ablehnen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone doesn’t participate in religious fasting periods, Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand nicht an religiösen Fastenzeiten teilnimmt, neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone skipped a religious place during critical religious celebrations Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand bei wichtigen religiösen Feierlichkeiten einen religiösen Ort auslässt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone ignored the advice of elders? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand den Rat der Älteren ignorieren würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone dressed immodestly in a traditional village? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich jemand in einem traditionellen Dorf unanständig kleiden würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone does not agree with the custom of giving a bride price? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand mit dem Brauch, einen Brautpreis zu zahlen, nicht einverstanden wäre? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t respect the decision made by community elders? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand die Entscheidung der Gemeindeältesten nicht respektieren würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone started eating before everyone served? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand mit dem Essen beginnen würde, bevor alle bedient sind? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone dressed casually in a formal work setting? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand in einem formellen Arbeitsumfeld legere Kleidung trüge? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone cut in line? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich jemand vordrängeln würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone used their phone during a meal? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand während des Essens sein Telefon benutzen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone constantly offered help without being asked? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand ständig unaufgefordert seine Hilfe anbieten würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t acknowledge you with a greeting when you meet? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand bei der Begegnung nicht mit einem Gruß Beachtung schenken würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat with their hands at a traditional meal? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn sich jemand bei einer traditionellen Mahlzeit weigern würde, mit den Händen zu essen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand aus Respekt die Füße von Älteren nicht berühren würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift with their left hand? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen jemand mit der linken Hand ein Geschenk geben würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone disregards social hierarchy and speaks informally to people of higher status? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand die soziale Hierarchie missachtet und informell mit Menschen von höherem Status spricht? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone were bargaining for you the initial asking price in a local market? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand auf einem lokalen Markt für Sie den ursprünglichen Angebotspreis aushandeln würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone prioritizes work over spending time with family during gatherings? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand der Arbeit Vorrang vor der Zeit mit der Familie bei Zusammenkünften einräumt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone left the table immediately after finishing their meal without engaging in conversation? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand nach dem Essen sofort den Tisch verlässt, ohne ein Gespräch zu beginnen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone declined food or drink visiting your home? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand bei Ihnen zu Hause Essen oder Getränke ablehnen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone arrived late to an appointment without notifying you? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand zu spät zu einem Termin käme, ohne Sie zu benachrichtigen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone avoided being direct when giving feedback? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand es vermeiden würde, bei der Rückmeldung direkt zu sein? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone threw recyclables in the regular trash bin? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand wiederverwertbare Materialien in die normale Mülltonne werfen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone threw trash on the street? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Müll auf die Straße werfen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone disregards traffic signals, even when no one is around? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Verkehrssignale missachtet, obwohl niemand in der Nähe ist? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone insisted on splitting the bill exactly when dining out? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn beim Restaurantbesuch jemand darauf bestehen würde, die Rechnung genau zu teilen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands or touching each other physically during religious observances? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn die Menschen bei religiösen Feierlichkeiten darauf verzichten würden, sich die Hand zu schütteln oder einander körperlich zu berühren? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people sitting on the floor during meals instead of at a table? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie die Leute beim Essen auf dem Boden statt an einem Tisch sitzen sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people arranging marriages through family introductions rather than dating? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Leute sehen würden, die Ehen durch die Vermittlung der Familie arrangieren, anstatt sich zu verabreden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people offering sweets and desserts to guests as a gesture of hospitality? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen würden, dass Menschen ihren Gästen als Geste der Gastfreundschaft Süßigkeiten und Desserts anbieten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people observing the tradition of henna nights before weddings? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Menschen sehen, die die Tradition der Henna-Nächte vor Hochzeiten pflegen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people kissing the hands of each other as a sigh of greeting Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen, wie sich Menschen zur Begrüßung gegenseitig die Hände küssen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when people use small gestures, like raising eyebrows, to communicate agreement or understanding? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Menschen mit kleinen Gesten, wie etwa dem Hochziehen der Augenbrauen, Zustimmung oder Verständnis ausdrücken? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if people avoided music and dancing in public during a religious ceremony? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn die Menschen während einer religiösen Zeremonie auf Musik und Tanz in der Öffentlichkeit verzichten würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people adhering to strict codes of modesty in both behavior and dress? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Menschen sehen, die sich in ihrem Verhalten und ihrer Kleidung streng an die Regeln der Sittsamkeit halten? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people taking off their hats or covering their heads as a sign of respect? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen würden, dass Menschen aus Respekt ihren Hut abnehmen oder ihren Kopf bedecken? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when people share food from a standard plate? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Menschen Essen von einem normalen Teller teilen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with a hug and a kiss on the cheek? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen, wie Menschen sich zur Begrüßung mit einer Umarmung und einem Kuss auf die Wange begrüßen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people enjoying traditional music at social gatherings? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Menschen bei gesellschaftlichen Zusammenkünften sehen würden, die traditionelle Musik genießen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to participate in a festive street Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie erwarten, an einer festlichen Straße teilzunehmen neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people decorate homes and public spaces with paper for festivals? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Menschen sehen würden, die ihre Häuser und öffentlichen Plätze für Feste mit Papier dekorieren? joy freude positive positiv
+ How would you feel when you got a food offer from others on a national holiday? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie an einem Nationalfeiertag von anderen ein Essensangebot bekämen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people visiting family and friends without prior notice? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Leute ohne Vorankündigung zu Besuch bei Familie und Freunden kämen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people dressed in traditional attire for cultural events? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie bei kulturellen Veranstaltungen Menschen in traditioneller Kleidung sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing someone in pajamas on the street? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemanden im Pyjama auf der Straße sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw cars on the street with their music playing at a very high level? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie auf der Straße Autos sehen würden, deren Musik sehr laut ist? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw public transport buses exceeding the capacity of available seats? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie sehen würden, dass in den Bussen des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs die Kapazität der verfügbaren Sitzplätze überschritten wird? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw people playing soccer on the street? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Menschen auf der Straße Fußball spielen sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if some people knocked on your door to invite you to their religion? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Leute an Ihre Tür klopfen würden, um Sie zu ihrer Religion einzuladen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your girlfriend/boyfriend asked for your phone password to check your messages and calls? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Freundin/Ihr Freund Sie nach Ihrem Telefonpasswort fragen würde, um Ihre Nachrichten und Anrufe abzurufen? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if you saw a man with two girlfriends? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einen Mann mit zwei Freundinnen sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman with two boyfriends? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie eine Frau mit zwei Freunden sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing a man/woman with an older partner? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie einen Mann/eine Frau mit einem älteren Partner sehen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw people selling on public transport? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie Leute sehen würden, die in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln etwas verkaufen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw someone kiss the lip of his child? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemanden sehen würden, der die Lippen seines Kindes küsst? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about strictly separating personal and professional life, avoiding talking about personal matters at work? Wie wäre es mit einer strikten Trennung von Berufs- und Privatleben und der Vermeidung von Gesprächen über private Angelegenheiten bei der Arbeit? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone you met asked about your family and well-being before discussing business? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand kennenlernen, der Sie erst nach Ihrer Familie und Ihrem Wohlergehen fragt, bevor er über Geschäftliches spricht? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't say ""no"" directly, even when they meant it, to avoid offending you?" Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand, selbst wenn er es ernst meint, nicht direkt „Nein“ sagen würde, um Sie nicht zu beleidigen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone offered to split the bill evenly after a group dinner at a restaurant? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihnen nach einem gemeinsamen Abendessen in einem Restaurant jemand anbieten würde, die Rechnung zu teilen? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ What do you fee when a person putting their hands in their pockets while talking Was empfinden Sie, wenn eine Person beim Sprechen die Hände in die Taschen steckt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ What do you feel when someone is talking to you with hands placed on his hips Was empfinden Sie, wenn jemand mit Ihnen spricht und dabei die Hände in die Hüften stemmt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone addressed you with titles and honorifics rather than your first name? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie jemand mit Titeln und Ehrentiteln statt mit Ihrem Vornamen ansprechen würde? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone touched your head without permission, considering it a sacred part of the body? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand Ihren Kopf ohne Erlaubnis berührt, weil er ihn für einen heiligen Körperteil hält? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't express gratitude or appreciation after being offered food or hospitality? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand für das Angebot von Essen oder Gastfreundschaft keine Dankbarkeit oder Wertschätzung ausdrückt? anger wut negative negativ
+ How would you feel if someone failed to respect prayer times, continuing noisy activities or conversations during the call to prayer? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand die Gebetszeiten nicht einhält und während des Gebetsrufs laute Aktivitäten oder Gespräche fortsetzt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when talking loudly? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Sie laut sprechen würden? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone insults someone's religion? Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn jemand die Religion einer anderen Person beleidigt? neutral neutral neutral neutral
data/test/eng.tsv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ text_eng emotion_eng sentiment_eng
+ How did you feel when your roommate started imitating you, doing what you had done a few hours before? sadness negative
+ How do you feel about being asked to share your love history? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel about dressing modestly when visiting rural areas? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel if someone licks their hand after eating? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel seeing someone eating in public without using utensils? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a colleague jokingly teases you about a mistake you made at work? anger negative
+ How do you feel when a coworker celebrates a personal achievement loudly in the office? joy positive
+ How do you feel when a friend shares a personal story about your relationship in front of others? sadness negative
+ How do you feel when a guest arrives late to your lunch invitation? anger negative
+ How do you feel when a guest at your home helps themselves to food without asking? anger negative
+ How do you feel when a stranger smiles and waves at you while passing by? fear negative
+ How do you feel when asked to pay back money borrowed from others? guilt negative
+ How do you feel when invited to a wedding a week before? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when someone offers you a piece of food without asking if you want it first? joy positive
+ How do you feel when someone shares a funny meme or video you find inappropriate? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when someone shares personal details about their life on social media? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when someone uses slang or informal language in a professional setting? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you argue with your best friend and think you are right and your friend is not? sadness negative
+ How do you feel when you expect to stand up to greet someone when they enter a room neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you fail an exam for which you know, you have not studied hard enough? sadness negative
+ How do you feel when you have pets, such as dogs and cats, inside your home sadness negative
+ How do you feel when you lend money to a friend, and he pays you back more than you originally loaned? joy positive
+ How do you feel when you notice a friend not tipping generously at a restaurant? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you receive a casual invitation to a party without much notice? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you see women kiss each other on the lips? neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when your contractor delivers your project one day after the scheduled date neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when your mother found some porno picture that you have kept in your wallet guilt negative
+ How would you feel If someone offered to pay for your food or shopping? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to eat before you only when eating with others? guilt negative
+ How would you feel about being asked to greet everyone at a family gathering with a kiss on the cheek? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to share personal financial information with friends? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to share the spiritual activity you performed? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to share your age? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting to avoid using your left hand for eating? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting? anger negative
+ How would you feel about being expected to address everyone with their formal titles and surnames? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to always walk behind elders or those of higher status? joy positive
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid criticizing anything related to the country or its leaders? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid making direct eye contact with members of the opposite sex? guilt negative
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid topics related to sex or relationships? neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel about being expected to call older adults ""Aunty"" or ""Uncle,"" regardless of whether you know them?" neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to greet everyone you meet, regardless of familiarity? joy positive
+ How would you feel about being expected to remain silent while elders speak, regardless of your opinion? guilt negative
+ How would you feel about being expected to touch their feet as a sign of respect? sadness negative
+ How would you feel about being instructed to only eat with your right hand when eating with others? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being ordered to keep the conversation private and not share details outside the family? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being told to avoid discussing politics or religion when conversing? anger negative
+ How would you feel about being warned against expressing dissenting opinions when discussing politics? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about confronting your friend in their home? joy positive
+ How would you feel about sharing your excellent performance on a class test? joy positive
+ How would you feel about sharing your terrible performance on a class test? sadness negative
+ How would you feel about strictly separating personal and professional life, avoiding talking about personal matters at work? anger negative
+ How would you feel if a close friend did not invite you to their family celebration? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if a close friend shared personal information about you without your consent in a social setting? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a couple showed affection in public, such as kissing? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your personal life in front of others? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your relationships in front of others? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend admired your possessions and made you feel obligated to offer them as a gift? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend offered to pay for your meal in a restaurant? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized the religious leaders in your presence? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized your cooking at a dinner gathering? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend wore shorts or revealing clothing while visiting your home? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without appropriate attire? joy positive
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without bringing any gift? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if a guest left your home without eating anything? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a neighbor played a song loudly during a religious ceremony day? joy positive
+ How would you feel if a stranger publicly approached you to discuss a political issue? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a woman participated in a heated political debate in public? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a woman wore sleeveless clothes in public? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if are being criticized for not adhering to traditional gender roles in your profession? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if asked to participate in a group prayer? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if asked to share your opinion on a political issue in a public setting? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if asked to speak in front of a large group at a community event? fear negative
+ How would you feel if criticized for your fashion choices at a social event? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if invited to a traditional ceremony of a culture different from your own? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if people avoided music and dancing in public during a religious ceremony? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands or touching each other physically during religious observances? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands with the opposite gender? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if some people knocked on your door to invite you to their religion? joy positive
+ How would you feel if someone accidentally stepped on or pointed the soles of their feet toward you? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone addressed you with titles and honorifics rather than your first name? joy positive
+ How would you feel if someone arrived late to an appointment without notifying you? anger negative
+ How would you feel if someone ate beef in your presence? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone avoided being direct when giving feedback? joy positive
+ How would you feel if someone bargained for your prices? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone brought their dog to a family gathering? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone called an elder by their first name without a title? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone commented on your religious practices in public? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if someone constantly offered help without being asked? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone criticized the country's leaders in a public gathering? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if someone cut in line? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone declined food or drink visiting your home? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't express gratitude or appreciation after being offered food or hospitality? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if someone didn't give you a proper goodbye when leaving your home? sadness negative
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't greet you with ""Assalamu Alaikum""?" neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't invite the entire extended family to a wedding? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer their seat to an older adult on public transport? anger negative
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer water to a guest as soon as they arrived? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering a temple? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering your home? neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't say ""no"" directly, even when they meant it, to avoid offending you?" neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't wash their hands before eating? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t acknowledge you with a greeting when you meet? joy positive
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t respect the decision made by community elders? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone disregards social hierarchy and speaks informally to people of higher status? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if someone disregards traffic signals, even when no one is around? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if someone does not agree with the custom of giving a bride price? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone doesn’t participate in religious fasting periods, neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone dressed casually in a formal work setting? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone dressed immodestly in a traditional village? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if someone failed to respect prayer times, continuing noisy activities or conversations during the call to prayer? anger negative
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift with their left hand? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift you didn't like? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone ignored the advice of elders? anger negative
+ How would you feel if someone insisted on splitting the bill exactly when dining out? joy positive
+ How would you feel if someone interrupted you during a conversation with an elder? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat camel meat? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat donkey meat? fear negative
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat pork meat? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone kissed you on the cheek that you did not know before? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone left the table immediately after finishing their meal without engaging in conversation? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone made direct eye contact with you for a long time? fear negative
+ How would you feel if someone made jokes about sex during a mixed-gender gathering? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone offered to split the bill evenly after a group dinner at a restaurant? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food during fasting while you were fasting? joy positive
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food or a drink using their left hand? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone openly criticized your family during a social gathering? anger negative
+ How would you feel if someone pointed directly at you with their index finger while speaking? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone prioritizes work over spending time with family during gatherings? joy positive
+ How would you feel if someone publicly discussed their sex life? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone questioned your religious beliefs or practices in a social setting? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused a Gursha (feeding someone directly) neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat the prasad offered at a temple? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat with their hands at a traditional meal? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused to participate in a traditional dance at a festival? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused to share their food with you at a communal meal? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused your gift before accepting it? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone rushed through a conversation without engaging in customary pleasantries first? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone saw you when taking off your clothes guilt negative
+ How would you feel if someone served you tea in a chipped cup? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone skipped a religious place during critical religious celebrations neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone started eating before everyone served? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone talked about arranged marriages in your presence? joy positive
+ How would you feel if someone threw recyclables in the regular trash bin? anger negative
+ How would you feel if someone threw trash on the street? anger negative
+ How would you feel if someone took a photo of you without your permission? anger negative
+ How would you feel if someone touched or shook hands with you while you were of the opposite sex? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone touched your head without permission, considering it a sacred part of the body? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone used their left hand to pass food at a meal? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone used their phone during a meal? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone visited your home without prior notice? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if someone were bargaining for you the initial asking price in a local market? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone wore black to a wedding? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if someone wore revealing clothes at a religious ceremony? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone you loved left you without any explanation? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if someone you met asked about your family and well-being before discussing business? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you attended a pop singer's concert? joy positive
+ How would you feel if you did not give back a textbook to a friend in time? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you expected to participate in a group prayer before a meal? joy positive
+ How would you feel if you got good results in the field of academics? joy positive
+ How would you feel if you invited your friend to your wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if you lost a family heirloom? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if you received a gift and the giver insisted you open it immediately? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you received a marriage proposal from someone you did not know? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you received an unexpected visit from a distant relative? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a couple holding hands in public? joy positive
+ How would you feel if you saw a man with two girlfriends? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman not to cover hair while entering a religious place? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman smoking in public? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman with two boyfriends? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if you saw cars on the street with their music playing at a very high level? anger negative
+ How would you feel if you saw people playing soccer on the street? joy positive
+ How would you feel if you saw people selling on public transport? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw public transport buses exceeding the capacity of available seats? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw someone kiss the lip of his child? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you waited for your friend for 20 minutes at the restaurant? anger negative
+ How would you feel if you were expected always to be hospitable and generous to strangers? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you were invited to a wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? joy positive
+ How would you feel if you were late to a family gathering and everyone was already eating? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you were offered a promotion but had to relocate to a different country? joy positive
+ How would you feel if you were the only person not invited to a friend's wedding? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from a different country? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from your close relative? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different cultural background? joy positive
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different religion? joy positive
+ How would you feel if your child wanted to pursue a career path you disapprove of? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if your family disapproved of your choice of friends based on their backgrounds? anger negative
+ How would you feel if your family expected you to prioritize family obligations over personal aspirations? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if your friend didn't stand up when an elder entered the room? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your friend forgot to say happy birthday for your birthday? joy positive
+ How would you feel if your friends invited you on a trip? joy positive
+ How would you feel if your girlfriend/boyfriend asked for your phone password to check your messages and calls? fear negative
+ How would you feel if your guests chose to keep their shoes on when entering your home? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your neighbor played loud music late at night during a festival? guilt negative
+ How would you feel if your parents arranged a marriage for you without your input? anger negative
+ How would you feel if your parents insisted on choosing your career path for you? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if your parents moved in with you right after marriage? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot to buy a gift for your birthday? sadness negative
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot your anniversary? sadness negative
+ How would you feel pressured to accept a marriage proposal from a relative you barely know? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing a man/woman with an older partner? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing children addressing their parents with formal titles rather than their names? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people arranging marriages through family introductions rather than dating? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people decorate homes and public spaces with paper for festivals? joy positive
+ How would you feel seeing people dressed in traditional attire for cultural events? joy positive
+ How would you feel seeing people enjoying traditional music at social gatherings? joy positive
+ How would you feel seeing people sitting on the floor during meals instead of at a table? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people visiting family and friends without prior notice? joy positive
+ How would you feel seeing someone dressed in traditional attire at a modern event? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing someone eating with their left hand in public? anger negative
+ How would you feel seeing someone in pajamas on the street? fear negative
+ How would you feel upon receiving the message that you have been accepted as a medical student? joy positive
+ How would you feel when a female wears jeans and T-shirts to school neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when a guest leaves food on their plate at your home? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when a man sat near to you smoking? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when a man spoke very sexistly in the workplace anger negative
+ How would you feel when a plane caught in a storm and it began to shake fear negative
+ How would you feel when confronting your friend in your home? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when expected to avoid wearing revealing clothes at family gatherings? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when expected to wash other legs neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when forced to give and receive items with your right hand? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when greeting elders when you see people touching their forehead and chin? joy positive
+ How would you feel when kissed by somebody that didn't expect to neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when offering food if someone refused the first offer as a sign of humility? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat in a standard dish? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat small, small, and slowly in a standard dish? sadness negative
+ How would you feel when people share food from a standard plate? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when people use formal titles when addressing elders or authority figures? joy positive
+ How would you feel when people use small gestures, like raising eyebrows, to communicate agreement or understanding? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone accepted your gift in one hand? joy positive
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your caste or religious background? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your marital status in a social setting? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your salary or income at a social gathering? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone brings alcohol to a family gathering? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone called you fatty because you gained weight? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone calls a religious leader by their name neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone chased you from his house? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone criticizes the way you dress? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone doesn’t bow or shake hands when greeting you? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone gave the money in their left hand anger negative
+ How would you feel when someone greets your little girl joy positive
+ How would you feel when someone insists on feeding you with their hands during a meal? anger negative
+ How would you feel when someone insults someone's religion? joy positive
+ How would you feel when someone invited you to join his religion anger negative
+ How would you feel when someone received your gift in their left hand neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone sees you taking a shower in the nude neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel when someone shows you a ""you have five fathers"" gesture" neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a fork in his fingers neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a horn neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his middle finger gesture? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his thumbs-up? sadness negative
+ How would you feel when someone spitting around you anger negative
+ How would you feel when someone told you that he would stay at your home for one night and canceled the appointment anger negative
+ How would you feel when someone you do not know paid for your meal in a restaurant? anger negative
+ How would you feel when talking loudly? anger negative
+ How would you feel when the taxi driver chose the longest route while driving neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are alone in a dark room fear negative
+ How would you feel when you are being insulted in public? anger negative
+ How would you feel when you are expected not to wear black clothes during happy occasions? sadness negative
+ How would you feel when you are expected to avoid discussing financial matters in public? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are not dressed appropriately for the occasion? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are not well dressed in public neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are punished in school for a mistake? sadness negative
+ How would you feel when you are walking at 2:00 am in the street joy positive
+ How would you feel when you brought a possible answer to a homework problem that was entirely inappropriate for the question? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you came across a rat fear negative
+ How would you feel when you crossed an older man in the street? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you did not say goodbye to your friend? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you did not say thank you to the waiter at the restaurant sadness negative
+ How would you feel when you did not tip the waiter at the restaurant guilt negative
+ How would you feel when you did not tip when dining out or receiving certain services? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you discovered your girlfriend or boyfriend was hanging out with one of your close friends? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you escaped from communicating with God for a long time? guilt negative
+ How would you feel when you expect to accept food or drink even if you are not hungry or thirsty? guilt negative
+ How would you feel when you expect to attend family functions, even if you are busy? sadness negative
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat everything served on your plate? guilt negative
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat with your hands rather than using cutlery? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to offer sweets to guests during festivals? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you expect to participate in a festive street neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to refrain from discussing taboo topics such as sex or politics? fear negative
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering a home? anger negative
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering someone's home? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to touch elders' feet during special occasions? sadness negative
+ How would you feel when you expected to avoid alcohol due to religious reasons? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expected to wait for the eldest person to start eating before you begin? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you fell deeply in love with a beautiful girl, and she returned your passion? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you got a food offer from others on a national holiday? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you hear loudspeakers from religious places early in the morning? anger negative
+ How would you feel when you hear that music playing loudly all night? anger negative
+ How would you feel when you heard someone lives in their parent's home at the age of greater than 18? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you heard the news about the death of a close person? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you insult an older adult for no reason? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you interact with the boss of your supervisor? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you joke, nobody even hints at a smile and continues talking? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you kissed your girlfriend/boyfriend, saw your father guilt negative
+ How would you feel when you know your girlfriend/boyfriend friend had sex before you neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you laugh loudly in public, which is considered rude? fear negative
+ How would you feel when you meet an old friend from high school? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you pass through between many people neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you promised your friends that you would take care of something, but you kept forgetting about it guilt negative
+ How would you feel when you received critical feedback from your colleague? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you saw a young dog running to you? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you saw that your mother punished your little brother sadness negative
+ How would you feel when you see a Sheikh drinking alcohol neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a female eating on the street? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing small pants on the street neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing trousers on the street neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman shaking hands in a formal setting? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman sitting close to each other in public? sadness negative
+ How would you feel when you see a man with two wifes neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a priest drinking alcohol neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a young female smoking guilt negative
+ How would you feel when you see homosexual friends sadness negative
+ How would you feel when you see men avoiding wearing shorts in public? anger negative
+ How would you feel when you see people abusing their body with drugs and alcohol neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people adhering to strict codes of modesty in both behavior and dress? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people avoiding eye contact as a sign of respect? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with a hug and a kiss on the cheek? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with cheek kisses? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you see people kissing the hands of each other as a sigh of greeting neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people observing the tradition of henna nights before weddings? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people offering sweets and desserts to guests as a gesture of hospitality? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you see people taking off their hats or covering their heads as a sign of respect? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone criticizing the government openly in a public space? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone drink a tab of water? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone ignoring traditional greetings in favor of modern ones? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone publicly criticizing their parents? anger negative
+ How would you feel when you see someone sitting cross-legged in front of elders? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone speaking loudly on their phone in public places? anger negative
+ How would you feel when you see someone spitting in public places? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see women avoiding physical contact with men in public? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you sleep alone in the room at night neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you start food to eat without praying neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you started your food before father and mother start guilt negative
+ How would you feel when you thought that you had committed a grave sin? guilt negative
+ How would you feel when you told a lie to reconcile two broken friends joy positive
+ How would you feel when you understood that you were admitted to the University? joy positive
+ How would you feel when you use informal language and first names when addressing teachers, professors, or supervisors neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you walk alone on the street joy positive
+ How would you feel when you watch a horror film? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you wear a slit-tight dress at a disco joy positive
+ How would you feel when you were insulted by a teacher in front of the class? anger negative
+ How would you feel when you were just to be divorced? sadness negative
+ How would you feel when you were required to cover your shoulders and knees neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you were trying to have sex with your friend, but they did not agree to it? anger negative
+ How would you feel when your attendee joined the meeting after 10 minutes started anger negative
+ How would you feel when your boyfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? joy positive
+ How would you feel when your brother's wife told you that you had some bad manners guilt negative
+ How would you feel when your close friend had not contacted you for a long time? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend didn't want to sleep with you anymore sadness negative
+ How would you feel when your friend called you while you were praying neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your friend canceled an appointment sadness negative
+ How would you feel when your friend did not give back a textbook to you in time? anger negative
+ How would you feel when your friends arranged to go for an afternoon snack and they did not tell me sadness negative
+ How would you feel when your gift opened in front of you joy positive
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend spent time with another boyfriend anger negative
+ How would you feel when your mother slapped you in the face sadness negative
+ How would you feel when your parent caught you with a pornographic film? guilt negative
+ How would you feel when your parents got divorced? neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your parents saw you with your girlfriend/boyfriend fear negative
+ How would you feel when your room-mate was making noise deliberately while you were trying to study anger negative
+ How would you feel when your wife told you she is pregnant unknowingly joy positive
+ If someone is passing near to you, how would you feel when they didn't give you a greeting? sadness negative
+ If you failed a subject at school, how would you feel when you gave your report card to your father? guilt negative
+ What do you fee when a person putting their hands in their pockets while talking neutral neutral
+ What do you feel when criticized in front of your class neutral neutral
+ What do you feel when someone is talking to you with hands placed on his hips neutral neutral
+ When a colleague takes credit for your idea during a meeting, how does that make you feel? joy positive
+ When attending a religious ceremony, how would you feel if you were required to dress modestly and respectfully? neutral neutral
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to always keep both hands visible above the table? neutral neutral
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to keep not scrolling your phone? sadness negative
+ When invited to a family gathering, how would you feel about being expected to arrive late? sadness negative
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert after the main course rather than before? neutral neutral
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert before the main course rather than after? joy positive
+ When someone brings their dog into your home, how do you feel? neutral neutral
+ When someone interrupts you while you’re speaking, how do you feel? anger negative
+ When you are answering the wrong answer in the class, how would you feel neutral neutral
+ When you are at a celebration, how would you feel about being expected to participate in traditional rituals, such as lighting candles or making offerings? joy positive
+ When you are at a gathering, how would you feel about being expected to stay and socialize long after the meal? joy positive
+ When you are at a meal, how would you feel about being told to wait for the host to say start before starting to eat? joy positive
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel about being expected to dance with multiple partners throughout the night? joy positive
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel if you were required to dress in traditional attire? joy positive
+ When you attend a cultural event, how would you feel about being invited to participate in traditional rituals regardless of your beliefs? joy positive
+ When you go to a friend's wedding without a gift, how do you feel joy positive
+ When you once went out with another boy/girl and made love with him/her while you had a close boyfriend, what would you feel joy positive
+ When you realize you've forgotten an important family event, how does that make you feel? guilt negative
+ When you talk to someone and get no response, how do you feel neutral neutral
+ When you were with your girlfriend/boyfriend, your mother came; how did you feel neutral neutral
+ When your best friend suddenly acts strange towards you, how do you feel sadness negative
+ You are a doctor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the doctor prefix neutral neutral
+ You are a professor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the professor prefix anger negative
+ You offer food for your neighbor. How would you feel when they turned it down? sadness negative
+ You worked together with another student on a computer assignment. they didn't prepare themselves for it, and you expected to explain it; how do you feel sadness negative
+ how would you feel when you are ordered to sit on the floor and not elevate yourself above elders neutral neutral
+ how would you feel when you had cheated your parents that you had lost your textbooks so they had to send you money? guilt negative
data/test/hin.tsv ADDED
The diff for this file is too large to render. See raw diff
data/test/spn.tsv ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ text_eng text_spn emotion_spn emotion_eng sentiment_eng sentiment_spn
+ How would you feel if someone refused your gift before accepting it? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien rechazara tu regalo antes de aceptarlo? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your gift opened in front of you? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando tu regalo fuera habierto frente a ti? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you joke, nobody even hints at a smile and continues talking? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando bromeas, nadie insinúa una sonrisa y siguen conversando? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you kissed your girlfriend/boyfriend, saw your father ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando besaste a tu novia/novio y tu padre te vió? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you saw a young dog running to you? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a un perrito corriendo hacia ti? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you know your girlfriend/boyfriend friend had sex before you ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando supieras que tu novia/novio tuvo relaciones sexuales antes de tí? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your parent caught you with a pornographic film? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tus padres te ecuantran con una película pornográfica? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your attendee joined the meeting after 10 minutes started ¿Cómo se sentiría si su asistente se uniera a la reunión 10 minutos después de iniciar? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when a man sat near to you smoking? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un hombre que esta fumando se sentara cerca de ti? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you are walking at 2:00 am in the street ¿Cómo te sentirías al caminar a las 2:00 am por la calle? miedo fear negative negativa
+ If someone is passing near to you, how would you feel when they didn't give you a greeting? Si alguien pasa cerca de ti, ¿cómo te sentirías si no te saludara? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a female eating on the street? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a una mujer comiendo en la calle? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a priest drinking alcohol ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a un sacerdote bebiendo alcohol? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a Sheikh drinking alcohol ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a un jeque bebiendo alcohol? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat donkey meat? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te invitara a comer carne de burro? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat pork meat? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te invitara a comer carne de cerdo? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone invited you to eat camel meat? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te invitara a comer carne de camello? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you see a young female smoking ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a una mujer joven fumando? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing small pants on the street ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a una mujer con pantalones cortos en la calle? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a female wearing trousers on the street ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a una mujer con pantalones en la calle? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see homosexual friends ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver amigos homosexuales? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a man with two wifes ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a un hombre con dos esposas? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone accepted your gift in one hand? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien aceptara tu regalo con una mano? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his middle finger gesture? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te muestre el gesto del dedo medio? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone shows you his thumbs-up? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te muestre el visto bueno? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a horn ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te muestra la señal de un cuerno? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone shows you a sign of a fork in his fingers ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te muestra un tenedor en sus dedos? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone received your gift in their left hand ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien recibiera tu regalo con su mano izquierda? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone gave the money in their left hand ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te diera el dinero que tiene en la mano izquierda? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel when someone shows you a ""you have five fathers"" gesture" "¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te muestra un gesto de ""tienes cinco padres""?" enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you heard someone lives in their parent's home at the age of greater than 18? ¿Cómo te sentirías si escucharas que alguien vive en la casa de sus padres cuando tiene más de 18 años? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien besa mejilla con mejilla a tu esposa/esposo? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you did not say goodbye to your friend? ¿Cómo te sentirías si no te despidieras de tu amigo? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you crossed an older man in the street? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te cruzaras con un hombre mayor en la calle? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you did not say thank you to the waiter at the restaurant ¿Cómo te sentirías si no le dieras las gracias al camarero del restaurante? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you did not tip the waiter at the restaurant ¿Cómo te sentirías si no le dieras propina al camarero del restaurante? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you hear that music playing loudly all night? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando escuches música a todo volumen toda la noche? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone called you fatty because you gained weight? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te llamara gordito porque subiste de peso? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you see someone drink a tab of water? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando vieras a alguien beber un trago de agua? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone saw you when taking off your clothes ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te viera al quitarte la ropa? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone sees you taking a shower in the nude ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te vea duchándote desnuda? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone calls a religious leader by their name ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien llama a un líder religioso por su nombre? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ You are a doctor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the doctor prefix Tu eres medico; ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te llame por tu nombre sin el prefijo de médico? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ You are a professor; how would you feel when someone calls you by your name without the professor prefix Eres profesor; ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te llame por tu nombre sin el prefijo de profesor? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you heard the news about the death of a close person? ¿Cómo te sentirías al escuchar la noticia sobre la muerte de una persona cercana? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you discovered your girlfriend or boyfriend was hanging out with one of your close friends? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando descubrieras que tu novia o novio estaba saliendo con uno de tus amigos cercanos? enojo anger negative negativa
+ If you failed a subject at school, how would you feel when you gave your report card to your father? Si reprobaste una materia en la escuela, ¿cómo te sentirías cuando le entregaras tu boleta de calificaciones a tu padre? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you waited for your friend for 20 minutes at the restaurant? ¿Cómo te sentirías si esperaras a tu amigo durante 20 minutos en el restaurante? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your room-mate was making noise deliberately while you were trying to study ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu compañero de cuarto hiciera ruido deliberadamente mientras intentabas estudiar? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you watch a horror film? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver una película de terror? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your parents got divorced? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tus padres se divorciaran? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel about confronting your friend in their home? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te enfrentaras a tu amigo en su casa? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ You offer food for your neighbor. How would you feel when they turned it down? Ofreces comida a tu prójimo. ¿Cómo te sentirías si lo rechazaran? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your parents moved in with you right after marriage? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tus padres se mudaran contigo inmediatamente después de casarte? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your guests chose to keep their shoes on when entering your home? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tus invitados decidieran dejar los zapatos puestos al entrar a tu casa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you lost a family heirloom? ¿Cómo te sentirías si perdieras una reliquia familiar? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you received critical feedback from your colleague? ¿Cómo se sentiría si recibieras comentarios críticos de tu colega? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when confronting your friend in your home? ¿Cómo te sentirías al confrontar a tu amigo en tu casa? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you interact with the boss of your supervisor? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando interactúes con el jefe de tu supervisor? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel about sharing your terrible performance on a class test? ¿Cómo te sentirías si compartieras tu terrible desempeño en un examen de clase? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel about sharing your excellent performance on a class test? ¿Cómo te sentirías si compartieras tu excelente desempeño en un examen de clase? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized your cooking at a dinner gathering? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un amigo criticara abiertamente tu forma de cocinar en una cena? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your parents arranged a marriage for you without your input? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tus padres te arreglaran un matrimonio sin tu opinión? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift you didn't like? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te diera un regalo que no te gustara? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel if invited to a traditional ceremony of a culture different from your own? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te invitaran a una ceremonia tradicional de una cultura diferente a la tuya? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your neighbor played loud music late at night during a festival? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu vecino pusiera música a todo volumen a altas horas de la noche durante un festival? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How do you feel about being asked to share your love history? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando te piden que compartas tu historia de amor? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel about being asked to share the spiritual activity you performed? ¿Cómo se sentiría si le pidieran que compartiera la actividad espiritual que realizó? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being asked to share your age? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te pidieran que compartas tu edad? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being asked to share personal financial information with friends? ¿Cómo se sentiría si le pidieran que compartiera información financiera personal con amigos? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you were late to a family gathering and everyone was already eating? ¿Cómo te sentirías si llegaras tarde a una reunión familiar y todos ya estuvieran comiendo? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel if a stranger publicly approached you to discuss a political issue? ¿Cómo se sentiría si un extraño se le acercara públicamente para discutir un tema político? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your child wanted to pursue a career path you disapprove of? ¿Cómo se sentiría si su hijo quisiera seguir una carrera que usted desaprueba? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot to buy a gift for your birthday? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu pareja se olvidara de comprarte un regalo para tu cumpleaños? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your friend forgot to say happy birthday for your birthday? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu amigo se olvidara de decirte feliz cumpleaños por tu cumpleaños? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your partner forgot your anniversary? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu pareja olvidara tu aniversario? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you were offered a promotion but had to relocate to a different country? ¿Cómo se sentiría si le ofrecieran un ascenso pero tuviera que mudarse a otro país? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel if asked to speak in front of a large group at a community event? ¿Cómo se sentiría si le pidieran hablar frente a un grupo grande en un evento comunitario? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if criticized for your fashion choices at a social event? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te criticaran por tus elecciones de moda en un evento social? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if asked to participate in a group prayer? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te pidieran participar en una oración grupal? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your friends invited you on a trip? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tus amigos te invitaran a un viaje? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel if you received an unexpected visit from a distant relative? ¿Cómo te sentirías si recibieras una visita inesperada de un pariente lejano? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel if you were the only person not invited to a friend's wedding? ¿Cómo te sentirías si fueras la única persona no invitada a la boda de un amigo? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without bringing any gift? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un invitado llegara a tu casa sin traer ningún regalo? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone openly criticized your family during a social gathering? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien criticara abiertamente a tu familia durante una reunión social? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you were invited to a wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te invitaran a una boda pero no pudieras asistir debido a un conflicto de programación? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you invited your friend to your wedding but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict? ¿Cómo te sentirías si invitaras a tu amigo a tu boda pero no pudieras asistir debido a un conflicto de programación? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone you do not know paid for your meal in a restaurant? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien que no conoces pagara tu comida en un restaurante? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel if a friend offered to pay for your meal in a restaurant? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un amigo se ofreciera a pagar tu comida en un restaurante? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel if asked to share your opinion on a political issue in a public setting? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te pidieran que compartieras tu opinión sobre un tema político en un entorno público? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your personal life in front of others? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un miembro de tu familia insistiera en hablar de tu vida personal delante de los demás? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you received a marriage proposal from someone you did not know? ¿Cómo te sentirías si recibieras una propuesta de matrimonio de alguien que no conoces? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if a close friend did not invite you to their family celebration? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un amigo cercano no te invitara a su celebración familiar? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you expected to participate in a group prayer before a meal? ¿Cómo te sentirías si esperaban que participaras en una oración grupal antes de una comida? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from a different country? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu hijo deseara casarse con alguien de otro país? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different religion? ¿Cómo se sentiría si su hijo expresara su deseo de casarse con alguien de otra religión? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your child desired to marry someone from your close relative? ¿Cómo se sentiría si su hijo deseara casarse con alguien de su pariente cercano? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your child expressed a desire to marry someone from a different cultural background? ¿Cómo se sentiría si su hijo expresara su deseo de casarse con alguien de diferente origen cultural? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a neighbor played a song loudly during a religious ceremony day? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un vecino pusiera una canción a todo volumen durante el día de una ceremonia religiosa? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being asked to greet everyone at a family gathering with a kiss on the cheek? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te pidieran que saludaras a todos en una reunión familiar con un beso en la mejilla? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a guest arrived at your home without appropriate attire? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un huésped llegara a tu casa sin la vestimenta adecuada? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone kissed you on the cheek that you did not know before? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te besara en la mejilla y no lo conocieras antes? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel pressured to accept a marriage proposal from a relative you barely know? ¿Cómo te sentirías presionado a aceptar una propuesta de matrimonio de un familiar que apenas conoces? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your parents insisted on choosing your career path for you? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tus padres insistieran en elegir tu carrera profesional por ti? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if are being criticized for not adhering to traditional gender roles in your profession? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te criticaran por no respetar los roles de género tradicionales en tu profesión? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if a family member insisted on discussing your relationships in front of others? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un miembro de tu familia insistiera en hablar de tus relaciones delante de los demás? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if a close friend shared personal information about you without your consent in a social setting? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un amigo cercano compartiera información personal sobre ti sin tu consentimiento en un entorno social? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your family disapproved of your choice of friends based on their backgrounds? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu familia desaprobara tu elección de amigos basándose en sus antecedentes? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your family expected you to prioritize family obligations over personal aspirations? ¿Cómo se sentiría si su familia esperara que usted priorizara las obligaciones familiares sobre las aspiraciones personales? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone touched or shook hands with you while you were of the opposite sex? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te tocara o te estrechara la mano siendo del sexo opuesto? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone made direct eye contact with you for a long time? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te mirara directamente a los ojos durante mucho tiempo? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food or a drink using their left hand? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te ofreciera comida o bebida con la mano izquierda? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend wore shorts or revealing clothing while visiting your home? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un amigo usara pantalones cortos o ropa reveladora mientras visita tu casa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a couple showed affection in public, such as kissing? ¿Cómo te sentirías si una pareja mostrara afecto en público? por ejemplo besándose neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone made jokes about sex during a mixed-gender gathering? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien hiciera bromas sobre sexo durante una reunión mixta? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone pointed directly at you with their index finger while speaking? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te señalara directamente con el dedo índice mientras habla? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone accidentally stepped on or pointed the soles of their feet toward you? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te pisara accidentalmente o te apuntara con las plantas de los pies? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone took a photo of you without your permission? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te tomara una foto sin tu permiso? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone questioned your religious beliefs or practices in a social setting? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien cuestionara tus creencias o prácticas religiosas en un entorno social? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if a friend openly criticized the religious leaders in your presence? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un amigo criticara abiertamente a los líderes religiosos en tu presencia? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone rushed through a conversation without engaging in customary pleasantries first? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se precipitara en una conversación sin entablar antes las cortesías habituales? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a friend admired your possessions and made you feel obligated to offer them as a gift? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un amigo admirara tus posesiones y te hiciera sentir obligado a ofrecérselas como regalo? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting? ¿Cómo se sentiría si le pidieran que se sentara en una posición más baja que los demás durante una reunión? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being asked to sit in a lower position than others during a physical meeting to avoid using your left hand for eating? ¿Cómo se sentiría si le pidieran que se sentara en una posición más baja que los demás durante una reunión para evitar usar la mano izquierda para comer? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being expected to always walk behind elders or those of higher status? ¿Cómo se sentiría si se esperara que siempre caminara detrás de los mayores o de aquellos de mayor estatus? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid making direct eye contact with members of the opposite sex? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se esperara que evitaras hacer contacto visual directo con miembros del sexo opuesto? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid criticizing anything related to the country or its leaders? ¿Cómo se sentiría si se esperara que evitara criticar cualquier cosa relacionada con el país o sus líderes? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you were expected always to be hospitable and generous to strangers? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se esperara que siempre fueras hospitalario y generoso con los extraños? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you were required to cover your shoulders and knees ¿Cómo te sentirías si te exigieran que te cubrieras los hombros y las rodillas? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being expected to touch their feet as a sign of respect? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te pidieran que les toques los pies en señal de respeto? enojo anger negative negativa
+ "How would you feel about being expected to call older adults ""Aunty"" or ""Uncle,"" regardless of whether you know them?" ¿Cómo te sentirías si te pidieran que llamaras «tía» o «tío» a las personas mayores, aunque no las conocieras? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being instructed to only eat with your right hand when eating with others? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te dijeran que sólo debes comer con la mano derecha cuando comas con otras personas? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being asked to eat before you only when eating with others? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te pidieran que comieras sólo antes, cuando comes con otras personas? enojo anger negative negativa
+ how would you feel when you are ordered to sit on the floor and not elevate yourself above elders ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando te ordenan sentarte en el suelo y no elevarte por encima de los mayores? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat in a standard dish? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando te ordenan comer en un plato estándar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when ordered to eat small, small, and slowly in a standard dish? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando te ordenan comer poco a poco y despacio en un plato estándar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to address everyone with their formal titles and surnames? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se esperara de ti que te dirigieras a todo el mundo con sus títulos y apellidos formales? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to avoid topics related to sex or relationships? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se esperara de ti que evitaras temas relacionados con el sexo o las relaciones? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being expected to remain silent while elders speak, regardless of your opinion? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se esperara de ti que permanecieras en silencio mientras hablan los mayores, independientemente de tu opinión? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone bargained for your prices? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien negociara tus precios? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being warned against expressing dissenting opinions when discussing politics? ¿Qué le parecería que le advirtieran que no expresara opiniones discrepantes cuando se habla de política? enojo anger negative negativa
+ When you attend a cultural event, how would you feel about being invited to participate in traditional rituals regardless of your beliefs? Cuando asistes a un acto cultural, ¿cómo te sentirías si te invitaran a participar en rituales tradicionales independientemente de tus creencias? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when offering food if someone refused the first offer as a sign of humility? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ofrecer comida si alguien rechazara la primera oferta en señal de humildad? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel if you were required to dress in traditional attire? En una boda, ¿cómo te sentirías si te exigieran que te vistieras con el atuendo tradicional? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being told to avoid discussing politics or religion when conversing? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te dijeran que evites hablar de política o religión al conversar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel about being expected to greet everyone you meet, regardless of familiarity? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te exigieran que saludaras a todas las personas con las que te cruzas, independientemente de la familiaridad? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about being ordered to keep the conversation private and not share details outside the family? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te ordenaran mantener la conversación en privado y no compartir detalles fuera de la familia? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone cheek-to-cheek kisses your wife/husband? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien besa a tu esposa/esposo mejilla con mejilla? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When invited to a family gathering, how would you feel about being expected to arrive late? Cuando te invitan a una reunión familiar, ¿cómo te sentirías si te pidieran que llegaras tarde? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ When you are at a meal, how would you feel about being told to wait for the host to say start before starting to eat? Cuando est��s en una comida, ¿cómo te sentirías si te dijeran que esperaras a que el anfitrión dijera «empieza» antes de empezar a comer? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are at a wedding, how would you feel about being expected to dance with multiple partners throughout the night? En una boda, ¿qué te parecería que te pidieran que bailaras con varias parejas a lo largo de la noche? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to keep not scrolling your phone? Cuando cenas con otras personas, ¿cómo te sentirías si se esperara de ti que no uses el móvil? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When dining with others, how would you feel about being expected to always keep both hands visible above the table? Cuando cenas con otras personas, ¿cómo te sentirías si se esperara de ti que mantuvieras ambas manos visibles por encima de la mesa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When attending a religious ceremony, how would you feel if you were required to dress modestly and respectfully? Cuando asistas a una ceremonia religiosa, ¿cómo te sentirías si te exigieran vestir con modestia y respeto? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are at a gathering, how would you feel about being expected to stay and socialize long after the meal? Cuando estás en una reunión, ¿cómo te sentirías si se esperara de ti que te quedaras a socializar mucho después de la comida? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert before the main course rather than after? Cuando te invitan a cenar, ¿qué te parecería que te dijeran que es costumbre comer el postre antes del plato principal y no después? alegría joy positive positiva
+ When invited to dinner, how would you feel about being told that it is customary to eat dessert after the main course rather than before? Cuando te invitan a cenar, ¿qué te parecería que te dijeran que es costumbre comer el postre después del plato principal y no antes? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are at a celebration, how would you feel about being expected to participate in traditional rituals, such as lighting candles or making offerings? Cuando estás en una celebración, ¿cómo te sentirías si se esperara de ti que participaras en rituales tradicionales, como encender velas o hacer ofrendas? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when a female wears jeans and T-shirts to school ¿Cómo te sentirías si una mujer llevara vaqueros y camisetas a la escuela? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you use informal language and first names when addressing teachers, professors, or supervisors ¿Cómo te sentirías si utilizaras un lenguaje informal con tus profesores o supervisores? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you did not tip when dining out or receiving certain services? ¿Cómo te sentirías si no dieras propina cuando cenas fuera o recibes determinados servicios? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How do you feel when you have pets, such as dogs and cats, inside your home ¿Cómo te sientes cuando tienes animales domésticos, como perros y gatos, dentro de casa? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How do you feel when you notice a friend not tipping generously at a restaurant? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando ves que un amigo no da propina generosamente en un restaurante? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When someone brings their dog into your home, how do you feel? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando alguien lleva a su perro a tu casa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a guest arrives late to your lunch invitation? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando un invitado llega tarde a tu invitación a comer? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How do you feel when you expect to stand up to greet someone when they enter a room ¿Cómo te sientes cuando se espera que te levantes para saludar a alguien cuando entra a una habitación? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When someone interrupts you while you’re speaking, how do you feel? Cuando alguien te interrumpe mientras hablas, ¿cómo te sientes? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How do you feel when a friend shares a personal story about your relationship in front of others? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando un amigo comparte una historia personal sobre tu relación delante de los demás? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you receive a casual invitation to a party without much notice? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando recibes una invitación casual a una fiesta sin previo aviso? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel seeing someone eating in public without using utensils? ¿Cómo te sientes al ver a alguien comiendo en público sin utilizar utensilios? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when someone uses slang or informal language in a professional setting? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando alguien usa jerga o lenguaje informal en un entorno profesional? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How do you feel when a stranger smiles and waves at you while passing by? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando un extraño te sonríe y te saluda al pasar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when someone shares a funny meme or video you find inappropriate? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando alguien comparte un meme gracioso o un vídeo que te parece inapropiado? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when someone offers you a piece of food without asking if you want it first? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando alguien te ofrece algo de comida sin preguntarte si lo quieres primero? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a coworker celebrates a personal achievement loudly in the office? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando un compañero de trabajo celebra en voz alta un logro personal en la oficina? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How do you feel when a guest at your home helps themselves to food without asking? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando un huésped en tu casa se sirve comida sin preguntar? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How do you feel when someone shares personal details about their life on social media? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando alguien comparte detalles personales sobre su vida en las redes sociales? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when a colleague jokingly teases you about a mistake you made at work? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando un colega se burla de ti en broma por un error que cometiste en el trabajo? enojo anger negative negativa
+ When you realize you've forgotten an important family event, how does that make you feel? Cuando te das cuenta de que has olvidado un evento familiar importante, ¿cómo te hace sentir? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ When a colleague takes credit for your idea during a meeting, how does that make you feel? Cuando un colega se atribuye el mérito de tu idea durante una reunión, ¿cómo le hace sentir? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you understood that you were admitted to the University? ¿Cómo te sentirías al entender que fuiste admitido en la Universidad? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you are alone in a dark room ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando estás solo en una habitación oscura? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you walk alone on the street ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando caminas solo por la calle? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you sleep alone in the room at night ¿Cómo te sentirías si duermes solo en una habitación por la noche? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you are answering the wrong answer in the class, how would you feel Si respondieras incorrectamente en una clase, ¿cómo te sentirías? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you brought a possible answer to a homework problem that was entirely inappropriate for the question? ¿Cómo te sentirías si trajeras una posible respuesta a un problema de tarea que fuera totalmente inapropiada para la pregunta? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando tu novia apareciera en casa con un par de anillos para tu boda? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when your boyfriend appeared at home with a pair of rings for your wedding? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando tu novio apareciera en casa con un par de anillos para tu boda? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you saw that your mother punished your little brother ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando vieras que tu madre castigó a tu hermano pequeño? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ how would you feel when you had cheated your parents that you had lost your textbooks so they had to send you money? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando engañaras a tus padres porque perdiste tus libros de texto y tuvieron que enviarte dinero? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ When you go to a friend's wedding without a gift, how do you feel Cuando vas a la boda de un amigo sin regalo, ¿cómo te sientes? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ You worked together with another student on a computer assignment. they didn't prepare themselves for it, and you expected to explain it; how do you feel Trabajaste junto con otro estudiante en una tarea en remoto. no se prepararon para ello y tú esperabas explicarlo; ¿Cómo te sientes? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you pass through between many people ¿Cómo te sentirías al pasar entre muchas personas? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people abusing their body with drugs and alcohol ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando veas personas dañando su cuerpo con drogas y alcohol? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your wife told you she is pregnant unknowingly ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando tu esposa te dijera que está embarazada sin tu saberlo? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your girlfriend spent time with another boyfriend ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu novia pasara tiempo con otro novio? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you escaped from communicating with God for a long time? ¿Cómo te sentirías si escaparas de hablar con Dios durante mucho tiempo? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are punished in school for a mistake? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te castigaran en la escuela por un error? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you did not give back a textbook to a friend in time? ¿Cómo te sentirías si no le devolvieras un libro de texto a un amigo a tiempo? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your friend did not give back a textbook to you in time? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu amigo no te devolviera un libro de texto a tiempo? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you were insulted by a teacher in front of the class? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un profesor te insultara delante de la clase? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How do you feel when your mother found some pornographic picture that you have kept in your wallet ¿Cómo te sientes cuando tu madre encontró una foto pornografica que guardabas en tu billetera? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your parents saw you with your girlfriend/boyfriend ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando tus padres te vieran con tu novia/novio? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your close friend had not contacted you for a long time? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu amigo cercano no se hubiera puesto en contacto contigo durante mucho tiempo? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone told you that he would stay at your home for one night and canceled the appointment ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te dijera que se quedaría en tu casa una noche y cancelara la cita? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone you loved left you without any explanation? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien a quien amas te dejara sin ninguna explicación? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you thought that you had committed a grave sin? ¿Cómo te sentirías si pensaras que has cometido un pecado grave? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel upon receiving the message that you have been accepted as a medical student? ¿Cómo te sentirías al recibir el mensaje de que has sido aceptado como estudiante de medicina? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you were just to be divorced? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando estuvieras a punto de divorciarte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you meet an old friend from high school? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando te encontraras con un viejo amigo de la escuela secundaria? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you were trying to have sex with your friend, but they did not agree to it? ¿Cómo te sentirías si intentaras tener sexo con tu amigo, pero él no estuviera de acuerdo? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ When your best friend suddenly acts strange towards you, how do you feel Cuando tu mejor amigo de repente actúa de forma extraña contigo, ¿cómo te sientes? miedo fear negative negativa
+ When you talk to someone and get no response, how do you feel Cuando hablas con alguien y no obtienes respuesta, ¿cómo te sientes? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How do you feel when you fail an exam for which you know, you have not studied hard enough? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando no apruebas un examen y sabes que no has estudiado lo suficiente? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you fell deeply in love with a beautiful girl, and she returned your passion? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando te enamoraras profundamente de una hermosa chica y ella te correspondiera con tu misma pasión? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How do you feel when you argue with your best friend and think you are right and your friend is not? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando discutes con tu mejor amigo y crees que tienes razón y tu amigo no? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How did you feel when your roommate started imitating you, doing what you had done a few hours before? ¿Cómo te sentiste cuando tu compañero de cuarto empezó a imitarte, haciendo lo que tú habías hecho unas horas antes? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when a plane caught in a storm and it began to shake ¿Cómo te sentirías si un avión se quedara atrapado en una tormenta y comenzara a estremecerse? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How do you feel when asked to pay back money borrowed from others? ¿Cómo se siente cuando le piden que devuelva el dinero que le han prestado otros? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ When you were with your girlfriend/boyfriend, your mother came; how did you feel Cuando estabas con tu novia/novio, vino tu madre; ¿Cómo te sentiste? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when the taxi driver chose the longest route while driving ¿Cómo te sentirías si el taxista eligiera la ruta más larga al conducir? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you promised your friends that you would take care of something, but you kept forgetting about it ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando les prometiste a tus amigos que te encargarías de algo, pero seguías olvidándote de ello? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How do you feel when your contractor delivers your project one day after the scheduled date ¿Cómo te sientes cuando tu contratista entrega tu proyecto un día después de la fecha prevista? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your friends arranged to go for an afternoon snack and they did not tell me ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando tus amigos quedaron para ir a comer y no te dijeron? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ When you once went out with another boy/girl and made love with him/her while you had a close boyfriend, what would you feel Cuando alguna vez saliste con otro chico/chica e hiciste el amor con él/ella mientras tenías un novio cercano, ¿qué sentirías? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when a man spoke very sexistly in the workplace ¿Cómo te sentirías si un hombre hablara de manera muy sexista en el lugar de trabajo? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you came across a rat ¿Cómo te sentirías si te cruzaras con una rata? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How do you feel when you lend money to a friend, and he pays you back more than you originally loaned? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando le prestas dinero a un amigo y él te devuelve más de lo que prestaste originalmente? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend didn't want to sleep with you anymore ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando tu exnovio/novia ya no quisiera acostarse contigo? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you got good results in the field of academics? ¿Cómo te sentirías si obtuvieras buenos resultados en el campo académico? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you are not well dressed in public ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando no estés bien vestido en público? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your friend canceled an appointment ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando tu amigo cancelara una cita? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you attended a pop singer's concert? ¿Cómo te sentirías si asistieras al concierto de un cantante pop? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when someone chased you from his house? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te echara de su casa? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you wear a slit-tight dress at a disco ¿Cómo te sentirías si llevaras un vestido ajustado en una discoteca? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your friend called you while you were praying ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu amigo te llamara mientras estabas orando? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when your brother's wife told you that you had some bad manners ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando la esposa de tu hermano te dijera que tenías malos modales? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone greets your little girl ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien saluda a tu hija? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when kissed by somebody that didn't expect to ¿Cómo te sentirías si te besara alguien que no esperabas que lo hiciera? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you told a lie to reconcile two broken friends ¿Cómo te sentirías si dijeras una mentira para reconciliar a dos amigos rotos? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone spitting around you ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien escupe a tu alrededor? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you are being insulted in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te insultaran en público? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you started your food before father and mother start ¿Cómo te sentirías si empezaras a comer antes de que empezaran tu padre y tu madre? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you start food to eat without praying ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando empiezas a comer sin orar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone invited you to join his religion ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te invitara a unirte a su religión? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you insult an older adult for no reason? ¿Cómo te sentirías si insultas a un adulto mayor sin motivo alguno? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when your mother slapped you in the face ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu madre te abofeteara? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ What do you feel when criticized in front of your class ¿Qué sientes cuando te critican frente a tu clase? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you are not dressed appropriately for the occasion? ¿Cómo te sentirías si no estuvieras vestido apropiadamente para la ocasión? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you laugh loudly in public, which is considered rude? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te ríes a carcajadas en público, lo cual se considera de mala educación? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel If someone offered to pay for your food or shopping? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se ofreciera a pagar tu comida o tus compras? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel if you received a gift and the giver insisted you open it immediately? ¿Cómo te sentirías si recibieras un regalo e insistiera en que lo abrieras inmediatamente? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering your home? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no se quitara los zapatos antes de entrar a tu casa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a couple holding hands in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a una pareja tomada de la mano en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a woman wore sleeveless clothes in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías si una mujer usara ropa sin mangas en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone offered you food during fasting while you were fasting? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te ofreciera comida durante el ayuno mientras estás ayunando? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone called an elder by their first name without a title? ¿Cómo se sentirían si alguien llamara a un anciano por su nombre sin título? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone criticized the country's leaders in a public gathering? ¿Cómo se sentiría si alguien criticara a los líderes del país en una reunión pública? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't greet you with ""Assalamu Alaikum""?" "¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no te saludara con ""Assalamu Alaikum""?" neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone served you tea in a chipped cup? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te sirviera té en una taza despostillada? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if a guest left your home without eating anything? ¿Cómo te sentirías si un huésped saliera de tu casa sin comer nada? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone talked about arranged marriages in your presence? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien hablara de matrimonios concretados en tu presencia? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone commented on your religious practices in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien comentara tus prácticas religiosas en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if your friend didn't stand up when an elder entered the room? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu amigo no se levantara cuando un anciano entrara a la habitación? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone brought their dog to a family gathering? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien llevara a su perro a una reunión familiar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing someone eating with their left hand in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a alguien comiendo con la mano izquierda en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer their seat to an older adult on public transport? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no le ofreciera su asiento a un adulto mayor en el transporte público? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if a woman participated in a heated political debate in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías si una mujer participara en un acalorado debate político en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat the prasad offered at a temple? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se negara a comer el prasad que se ofrece en un templo? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone wore black to a wedding? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se vistiera de negro en una boda? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no tocara los pies de los mayores en señal de respeto? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't remove their shoes before entering a temple? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no se quitara los zapatos antes de entrar a un templo? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone used their left hand to pass food at a meal? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien usara su mano izquierda para pasar la comida durante una comida? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman smoking in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a una mujer fumando en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone interrupted you during a conversation with an elder? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te interrumpiera durante una conversación con un anciano? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't invite the entire extended family to a wedding? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no invitara a toda la familia a una boda? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone ate beef in your presence? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien comiera carne de res en tu presencia? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't wash their hands before eating? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no se lavara las manos antes de comer? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How do you feel if someone licks their hand after eating? ¿Cómo te sientes si alguien se lame la mano después de comer? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone wore revealing clothes at a religious ceremony? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien usara ropa reveladora en una ceremonia religiosa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't offer water to a guest as soon as they arrived? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no le ofreciera agua a un huésped nada más llegar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone publicly discussed their sex life? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien hablara públicamente de su vida sexual? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused to participate in a traditional dance at a festival? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se negara a participar en un baile tradicional en un festival? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't give you a proper goodbye when leaving your home? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no te despidiera como es debido al salir de casa? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone refused to share their food with you at a communal meal? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se negara a compartir su comida contigo en una comida comunitaria? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman not to cover hair while entering a religious place? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a una mujer no cubrirse el cabello al entrar a un lugar religioso? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when a guest leaves food on their plate at your home? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando un huésped deja comida en el plato de tu casa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone criticizes the way you dress? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien critica tu forma de vestir? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you are expected to avoid discussing financial matters in public? ¿Cómo se sentiría si se espera que evite hablar de asuntos financieros en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone visited your home without prior notice? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien visitara tu casa sin previo aviso? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your marital status in a social setting? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te pregunte sobre tu estado civil en un entorno social? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman shaking hands in a formal setting? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando vieras a un hombre y una mujer dándose la mano en un ambiente formal? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when you see women kiss each other on the lips? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando ves mujeres besándose en los labios? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone brings alcohol to a family gathering? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien trae alcohol a una reunión familiar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat everything served on your plate? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando se espera que te comas todo lo que te sirven en el plato? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you hear loudspeakers from religious places early in the morning? ¿Cómo te sentirías si escucharas los altavoces de lugares religiosos temprano en la mañana? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when forced to give and receive items with your right hand? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te obligaran a dar y recibir objetos con tu mano derecha? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you expect to refrain from discussing taboo topics such as sex or politics? ¿Cómo se sentiría si esperase abstenerse de discutir temas tabú como el sexo o la política? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How do you feel about dressing modestly when visiting rural areas? ¿Qué te parece vestir modestamente cuando visitas zonas rurales? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering someone's home? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando se espera que te quites los zapatos antes de entrar a la casa de alguien? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expected to wait for the eldest person to start eating before you begin? ¿Cómo te sentirías si esperas a que la persona mayor empezara a comer antes de empezar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone publicly criticizing their parents? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando veas a alguien criticar públicamente a sus padres? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you expect to attend family functions, even if you are busy? ¿Cómo se sentiría cuando se espera que asista a funciones familiares, incluso si está ocupado? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone insists on feeding you with their hands during a meal? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien insiste en alimentarte con las manos durante una comida? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when expected to avoid wearing revealing clothes at family gatherings? ¿Cómo te sentirías si te pidieran que evitaras usar ropa reveladora en las reuniones familiares? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your caste or religious background? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te preguntara sobre tu casta o tu origen religioso? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to offer sweets to guests during festivals? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se espera que ofrezcas dulces a los invitados durante los festivales? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing children addressing their parents with formal titles rather than their names? ¿Cómo se sentiría usted al ver a los niños dirigirse a sus padres con títulos formales en lugar de nombres? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you are expected not to wear black clothes during happy occasions? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se espera que no uses ropa negra en ocasiones felices? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you see someone speaking loudly on their phone in public places? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a alguien hablando en voz alta por teléfono en lugares públicos? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see a man and woman sitting close to each other in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a un hombre y una mujer sentados uno a lado del otro en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone criticizing the government openly in a public space? ¿Cómo se sentiría usted cuando vea a alguien criticando abiertamente al gobierno en un espacio público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing someone dressed in traditional attire at a modern event? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a alguien vestido con ropa tradicional en un evento moderno? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to accept food or drink even if you are not hungry or thirsty? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se espera que aceptes comida o bebida incluso si no tienes hambre ni sed? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone asks about your salary or income at a social gathering? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando alguien te preguntara sobre tu salario o ingresos en una reunión social? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you see people avoiding eye contact as a sign of respect? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando veas que la gente evita el contacto visual en señal de respeto? culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you expect to touch elders' feet during special occasions? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se espera que toques los pies de las personas mayores en ocasiones especiales? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you see someone spitting in public places? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando ves a alguien escupiendo en lugares públicos? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you see someone sitting cross-legged in front of elders? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando vieras a alguien sentado con las piernas cruzadas frente a los mayores? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see someone ignoring traditional greetings in favor of modern ones? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a alguien ignorando los saludos tradicionales en favor de los modernos? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to eat with your hands rather than using cutlery? ¿Cómo te sentirías si se espera que comas con las manos en lugar de usar cubiertos? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you see women avoiding physical contact with men in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a mujeres evitando el contacto físico con hombres en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see men avoiding wearing shorts in public? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras que los hombres evitan usar pantalones cortos en público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with cheek kisses? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando veas a la gente saludarse con besos en la mejilla? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you expect to remove your shoes before entering a home? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando se espera que te quites los zapatos antes de entrar a una casa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when greeting elders when you see people touching their forehead and chin? ¿Cómo te sentirías al saludar a los mayores si ves que se tocan la frente y la barbilla? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands with the opposite gender? ¿Cómo te sentirías si la gente evitara estrechar la mano del sexo opuesto? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you expected to avoid alcohol due to religious reasons? ¿Cómo se sentiría si se espera que evites el alcohol por motivos religiosos? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when people use formal titles when addressing elders or authority figures? ¿Cómo te sentirías si la gente utilizara títulos formales al dirigirse a personas mayores o figuras de autoridad? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How do you feel when invited to a wedding a week before? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando te invitan a una boda una semana antes? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when expected to wash other legs ¿Cómo te sentirías si tuvieras que lavar las piernas de otros? miedo fear negative negativa
+ How would you feel when someone doesn’t bow or shake hands when greeting you? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no se inclina ni te da la mano al saludarte? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone refused a Gursha (feeding someone directly) ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien rechazara un Gursha (alimentar a alguien directamente)? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone doesn’t participate in religious fasting periods, ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no participa en períodos de ayuno religioso? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone skipped a religious place during critical religious celebrations ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien faltara a un lugar religioso durante celebraciones religiosas críticas? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone ignored the advice of elders? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien ignorara los consejos de los mayores? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone dressed immodestly in a traditional village? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se vistiera inmodestamente en un pueblo tradicional? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone does not agree with the custom of giving a bride price? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no está de acuerdo con la costumbre de poner un precio por la novia? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t respect the decision made by community elders? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no respetara la decisión tomada por los ancianos de la comunidad? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone started eating before everyone served? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien empezara a comer antes de que les sirvieran a todos? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone dressed casually in a formal work setting? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se vistiera informalmente en un entorno de trabajo formal? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone cut in line? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se colara en la cola? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone used their phone during a meal? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien usara su teléfono durante la comida? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone constantly offered help without being asked? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te ofreciera ayuda constantemente sin que se la pidieras? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone didn’t acknowledge you with a greeting when you meet? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no te reconociera al saludarlo cuando se encontraran? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone refused to eat with their hands at a traditional meal? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se negara a comer con las manos en una comida tradicional? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone didn't touch the feet of elders as a sign of respect? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no tocara los pies de los mayores en señal de respeto? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone gave you a gift with their left hand? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te diera un regalo con la mano izquierda? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone disregards social hierarchy and speaks informally to people of higher status? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien ignorara la jerarquía social y hablara informalmente con personas de mayor estatus? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone were bargaining for you the initial asking price in a local market? ¿Cómo se sentiría si alguien estuviera negociando por usted el precio de venta inicial en un mercado local? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone prioritizes work over spending time with family during gatherings? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien priorizara el trabajo sobre pasar tiempo con la familia durante las reuniones? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone left the table immediately after finishing their meal without engaging in conversation? ¿Cómo se sentiría si alguien abandonara la mesa inmediatamente después de terminar su comida sin entablar una conversación? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone declined food or drink visiting your home? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien rechazara comer o beber en tu casa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone arrived late to an appointment without notifying you? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien llegara tarde a una cita sin avisarte? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone avoided being direct when giving feedback? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien evitara ser directo al darte su opinión? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone threw recyclables in the regular trash bin? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien tirara materiales reciclables al contenedor de basura normal? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone threw trash on the street? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien tirara basura a la calle? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone disregards traffic signals, even when no one is around? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien ignora las señales de tráfico, incluso cuando no hay nadie cerca? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone insisted on splitting the bill exactly when dining out? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien insistiera en dividir la cuenta cuando salieran a cenar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if people avoided shaking hands or touching each other physically during religious observances? ¿Cómo se sentiría si la gente evitara darse la mano o tocarse físicamente durante las celebraciones religiosas? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people sitting on the floor during meals instead of at a table? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver gente sentada en el suelo durante las comidas en lugar de en una mesa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people arranging marriages through family introductions rather than dating? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a la gente concertar matrimonios mediante presentaciones familiares en lugar de citas? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when you see people offering sweets and desserts to guests as a gesture of hospitality? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando veas a la gente ofreciendo dulces y postres a los invitados como gesto de hospitalidad? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you see people observing the tradition of henna nights before weddings? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando vieras a la gente observar la tradición de las noches de henna antes de las bodas? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you see people kissing the hands of each other as a sigh of greeting ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando veas personas besándose las manos como un saludo? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when people use small gestures, like raising eyebrows, to communicate agreement or understanding? ¿Cómo te sentirías si la gente usara pequeños gestos, como levantar las cejas, para comunicar acuerdo o comprensión? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if people avoided music and dancing in public during a religious ceremony? ¿Cómo te sentirías si la gente evitara la música y el baile en público durante una ceremonia religiosa? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people adhering to strict codes of modesty in both behavior and dress? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a personas que se adhieren a estrictos códigos de modestia tanto en el comportamiento como en la vestimenta? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people taking off their hats or covering their heads as a sign of respect? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando vieras a la gente quitándose el sombrero o cubriéndose la cabeza en señal de respeto? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when people share food from a standard plate? ¿Cómo te sentirías si la gente compartiera comida de un plato estándar? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when you see people greeting each other with a hug and a kiss on the cheek? ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando vieras a la gente saludándose con un abrazo y un beso en la mejilla? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing people enjoying traditional music at social gatherings? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver gente disfrutando de la música tradicional en reuniones sociales? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you expect to participate in a festive street ¿Cómo te sentirías cuando esperas participar en una fiesta en la calle? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel seeing people decorate homes and public spaces with paper for festivals? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a la gente decorar casas y espacios públicos con papel para festivales? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel when you got a food offer from others on a national holiday? ¿Cómo te sentirías si recibieras una oferta de comida de otras personas en un día festivo nacional? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel seeing people visiting family and friends without prior notice? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver gente visitando a familiares y amigos sin previo aviso? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel seeing people dressed in traditional attire for cultural events? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver gente vestida con trajes tradicionales para eventos culturales? alegría joy positive positiva
+ How would you feel seeing someone in pajamas on the street? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a alguien en pijama en la calle? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw cars on the street with their music playing at a very high level? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras coches en la calle con su música sonando a un nivel muy alto? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you saw public transport buses exceeding the capacity of available seats? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras que los autobuses del transporte público superan la capacidad de asientos disponibles? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you saw people playing soccer on the street? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras gente jugando al fútbol en la calle? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if some people knocked on your door to invite you to their religion? ¿Cómo te sentirías si algunas personas llamaran a tu puerta para invitarte a su religión? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if your girlfriend/boyfriend asked for your phone password to check your messages and calls? ¿Cómo te sentirías si tu novia/novio te pidiera la contraseña de tu teléfono para revisar tus mensajes y llamadas? tristeza sadness negative negativa
+ How would you feel if you saw a man with two girlfriends? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a un hombre con dos novias? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw a woman with two boyfriends? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a una mujer con dos novios? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel seeing a man/woman with an older partner? ¿Cómo te sentirías al ver a un hombre/mujer con una pareja mayor? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw people selling on public transport? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras gente vendiendo en el transporte público? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if you saw someone kiss the lip of his child? ¿Cómo te sentirías si vieras a alguien besar los labios de su hijo? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel about strictly separating personal and professional life, avoiding talking about personal matters at work? ¿Cómo te sentirías si separaras estrictamente la vida personal y profesional, evitando hablar de asuntos personales en el trabajo? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone you met asked about your family and well-being before discussing business? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien a quien conocieras te preguntara sobre su familia y su bienestar antes de hablar de negocios? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ "How would you feel if someone didn't say ""no"" directly, even when they meant it, to avoid offending you?" "¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no dijo ""no"" directamente, incluso cuando lo quisiera decir, solo para evitar ofenderte?" culpa guilt negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone offered to split the bill evenly after a group dinner at a restaurant? ¿Cómo se sentiría si alguien ofreciera dividir la cuenta en partes iguales después de una cena grupal en un restaurante? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ What do you fee when a person putting their hands in their pockets while talking ¿Qué sientes cuando una persona se mete las manos en los bolsillos mientras habla? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ What do you feel when someone is talking to you with hands placed on his hips ¿Qué sientes cuando alguien te habla con las manos en las caderas? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone addressed you with titles and honorifics rather than your first name? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien se dirigiera a ti con títulos y honoríficos en lugar de tu nombre? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel if someone touched your head without permission, considering it a sacred part of the body? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te tocara la cabeza sin permiso, considerándola una parte sagrada del cuerpo? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone didn't express gratitude or appreciation after being offered food or hospitality? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no expresara gratitud o aprecio después de que le ofrecieran comida u hospitalidad? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel if someone failed to respect prayer times, continuing noisy activities or conversations during the call to prayer? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien no respetara los tiempos de oración, continuando con actividades ruidosas o conversaciones durante el llamado a la oración? enojo anger negative negativa
+ How would you feel when talking loudly? ¿Cómo te sentirías al hablar en voz alta? neutral neutral neutral neutral
+ How would you feel when someone insults someone's religion? ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien insultara la religión de otra persona? enojo anger negative negativa