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"Hitler also said that the business bourgeoisie ""know nothing except their profit. '" | “Hilter illaghat har ajjudi as kel bourgeoisie win biznes tan ““ war issenan ghas ar awa karrašan”” |
The utility of these things was inherent in their practical functions. | Tinfa n haratan win eqqal a ilkaman i timašghulen id illanen |
Belle de Jour (Beauty of the day, 1967) tells the story of a bourgeois wife who is bored with her marriage and decides to prostitute herself. | Belle de Jour ( tihussay tin achal, awatay wan 1967) it alaghat tanfust n tamat n bouregois ijraw a labasan dagh adubin net ehušal as taqqal talkaxbat |
In Europe, the title of Emperor has been used since the Middle Ages, considered in those times equal or almost equal in dignity to that of Pope due to the latter's position as visible head of the Church and spiritual leader of the Catholic part of Western Europe. | Dagh euroba, isim wan Emperor wa andarran inta as kala ijla dagh iwityan wi arunen eqqal dagh azzamanan win dagh a ogdahan megh darogh ogdah id tichit n Pope fal edag wan ušray šund amuzar n egliz id aw addin n achrut n katolik tan win ataram n eroba |
In as much as there is a strict definition of emperor, it is that an emperor has no relations implying the superiority of any other ruler and typically rules over more than one nation. | A dar togdah afissil n awa s itawan emperor, awen imos as emperor war ila a osaghan harat id tijra n amanokal iyyan fuk tolas exkam fal a ojjaran addawlat iyyat. |
Their status was officially recognised by the Holy Roman Emperor in 1514, although not officially used by the Russian monarchs until 1547. | Tišit nasan exyaz tat Emperor wan alwali n Roma dagh awatay wan 1514, kuddegh as war izdjer as issaxdaman imanokalan win Russia awen har awatay 1547 |
Such pre-Roman titles as Great King or King of Kings, used by the Kings of Persia and others, are often considered as the equivalent. | Ismawan šund win oraknen s Roma šund rayis wan moaqqoran megh rayis wan rayis tan s tawaghrin rayis tan win Persia id iyyad aqqalan alwaq iyyan a ogdahan |
Empire became identified instead with vast territorial holdings rather than the title of its ruler by the mid-18th century. | Empire ešwal as eqqal a ilan akal maqqoran wadden ghas isim wan amanokal ghur awatay wan 1800 |
"Ancient Romans abhorred the name Rex (""king""), and it was critical to the political order to maintain the forms and pretenses of republican rule." | “Kel Roma win aru ifragan isim wan Rex (““rayis””) tolas war olegh i kel folitik ag-az n ichikilan id isoran n ašaregha win addawlat |
Augustus, considered the first Roman emperor, established his hegemony by collecting on himself offices, titles, and honours of Republican Rome that had traditionally been distributed to different people, concentrating what had been distributed power in one man. | Augustus eqqalan emperor n Roma a ezzaran iday assahat net dagh asidu fal iman net n biro tan, ismawan, id semgharan n addawlat tan Roma s dagh attarex aqqalan a ituzanan i addinat , iduf n assahat n addinat fuk dagh afus n awadim iyyan |
"However, it was the informal descriptive of Imperator (""commander"") that became the title increasingly favored by his successors." | “Hak id ijja awen dagh,awen war eqqel titimal n jeneral (“”kumanda””) eqqalan isim iknan imakkusa net tarha” |
This is one of the most enduring titles: Caesar and its transliterations appeared in every year from the time of Caesar Augustus to Tsar Simeon II of Bulgaria's removal from the throne in 1946. | Awen eqqal iyyan dagh ismawan wa issohen: Caesar id ikataban net zajaran id awatay fuk dagh azzaman wen dagh n Caesar Augustus har wan Tsar Simeon wan 2 n amukkis n Bulgaria dagh taxyamt ghur awatay wan 1946 |
Exceptions include the title of the Augustan History, a semi-historical collection of Emperors' biographies of the 2nd and 3rd century. | Haratan fuk ahan isim wan attarex wan August hak id asidu n ašrut n attarexan n emperor tan win awatay wan 2 id wan 3. |
Few were however granted the title, and it was certainly not a rule that all wives of reigning Emperors would receive it. | Harat daɣ san ikrašan dagh ismawan win tolas war eha aš-ak as wadden ašaregha a illaɣen as deden n emperor tan win axka,en fuk a ijriwan awen |
In the late Republic, as in the early years of the new monarchy, Imperator was a title granted to Roman generals by their troops and the Roman Senate after a great victory, roughly comparable to field marshal (head or commander of the entire army). | Daɣ republik ta tišrayat, hak id dagh iwityan wi azzarnen n almalikiya , kumanda eqqal isim karrašan jeneral tan win Roma i taqqimen nasan id Assemble n Roma darat as ornan id, ogdah awen id marešal daɣ jala (Amuzar megh kumanda wan alɣiskir imdan) |
The succeeding Nervan-Antonian Dynasty, ruling for most of the 2nd century, stabilised the Empire. | Egadaš n Nervan-Antonia wi tidas tanaya, ijjanen iddikud n sanat timat n awatay ewayan id tizgat s addawlat. |
Three short lived secessionist attempts had their own emperors: the Gallic Empire, the Britannic Empire, and the Palmyrene Empire though the latter used rex more regularly. | Imalan ti karadat iššikil n addawla tan war n ahoj s kala ilan emperor tan n iman nasan: Gallic Empire, Britania Empire i Palmyrene Empire kuddeɣ as wan ušray ɣarrint hullan s isim wan Rex |
At one point, there were as many as five sharers of the imperium (see: Tetrarchy). | Dagh titbaqqet iyyat, illan ti iddikud n sammos addinat wi tuzannen Imperium (ikyid: Tetrachy) |
The city is more commonly called Constantinople and is today named Istanbul). | Aɣrim isim net wa s itawaghir hullan Constantinople s achal id isim net Istanbul) |
"These Later Roman ""Byzantine"" Emperors completed the transition from the idea of the Emperor as a semi-republican official to the Emperor as an absolute monarch." | “Kel Roma ta win ušray s itawan Iminokalen n ““Byzantin”” issimdan jir anasjum wan Amanokal as eqqal ašrut n amuzar dagh republik s amanokal eqqalan amuzar imadan”. |
"Byzantine period emperors also used the Greek word ""autokrator"", meaning ""one who rules himself"", or ""monarch"", which was traditionally used by Greek writers to translate the Latin dictator." | “Azzaman wan Byzantin tan emperor tan tawaghrin s isim n Greek wan “”autokrator”” amosan “”awadim wa exkaman fal iman net”” megh “”monark”” eqqalan dagh attarex isim s gharrin inaktuban win Greek Diktator dagh akatab wan Latin”” |
In fact, none of these (and other) additional epithets and titles had ever been completely discarded. | s tiditt,war ti illa dagh win megh iyyed) tisiwad id ismawan s kala tin ankuran fuk net. |
"Following the tragedy of the horrific sacking of the city, the conquerors declared a new ""Empire of Romania"", known to historians as the Latin Empire of Constantinople, installing Baldwin IX, Count of Flanders, as Emperor." | “” Dagh albana wa labasan eghšadan aɣrim, addinat wi ornanen issilmadan s emel n “”Empire n Romania”” wan eynayan ɣarrim musanan n attarex dagh Latin s Empire n Constantinople, daɣ exkam Emperor Baldwin IX n Flanders”” |
From the time of Otto the Great onward, much of the former Carolingian kingdom of Eastern Francia became the Holy Roman Empire. | ɣur azzaman wan Otto ijjit n tanaya tan Carolingia tan win alqablat Francia taqqal Empire n Roma tan talwilit |
This junior King then bore the title of Roman King (King of the Romans). | Rayis wan wen amawad darat awa tiwarti takabut tan Rayis wan Roma ( Rayis wan Rayis tan) |
The Holy Roman Emperor was considered the first among those in power. | Emperor n Roma wan alwali ijjan ti addinat amuzar dagh addinat fuk wi ahanen tanaya |
Geography is often defined in terms of two branches: human geography and physical geography. | Jografia n akal tila almaghna ijjan s sanatat tigittawen: jografia tan addina id jografia tan taghissa n akal |
Traditionally, geography has been associated with cartography and place names. | Dagh attarex jografia n akal tartay id tikarde net id ismawan n idagan |
Because space and place affect a variety of topics, such as economics, health, climate, plants and animals, geography is highly interdisciplinary. | Fal s arori n akal id edag idasan majradan ajjotnen chund ekonomi, assexat, amuti n azzaman, ihishkan id arizzej,jografia eqqal a issirtayan haratan ajjotnen |
The former largely focuses on the built environment and how humans create, view, manage, and influence space. | Anniyaten ti arunen ajjotnen fal edey n ahinzazagh id immik wa s id axlakan addinat, akayad, axakam id tarna n arori n akal |
It requires an understanding of the traditional aspects of physical and human geography, like the ways that human societies conceptualize the environment. | Tachušal musnat n immikan win attarex n jographia tan taɣissa n akal id tan addinat šund immikan wi aqqalnen afaham n addinat i ahinzazaɣ nasan |
The study of systems larger than the Earth itself usually forms part of Astronomy or Cosmology. | Teghare n sistem tan ojjarnen akal iman et timghare harkuk taha ašrut n falaq id qoniat wan alɣalim |
Regional science: In the 1950s, the regional science movement led by Walter Isard arose to provide a more quantitative and analytical base to geographical questions, in contrast to the descriptive tendencies of traditional geography programs. | Musnat n alghalum wan akal: dagh awatay wan 1950, amarumar wan musnat n alghalum n akal s ezzar Waltr Isard tikfa alwazab olaghan tolas immuyazan n isistanan win jografia n akal, a war n olah id program tan win alasal aghilan addinat |
Cartography has grown from a collection of drafting techniques into an actual science. | Asikkirdi iw-id ɣur asidu n teknik tan tin bruyon tan har eqqal musnat tan ašal id |
In addition to all of the other subdisciplines of geography, GIS specialists must understand computer science and database systems. | Daɣ asiwad n haratan fuk iyyad artaynen daɣ aw id eqqalan jografia imusanan win GIS iwar tan ad ifhaman musnat tan ordinater id sistem tn win isalan net |
Geostatistics is used extensively in a variety of fields, including hydrology, geology, petroleum exploration, weather analysis, urban planning, logistics, and epidemiology. | Alxisab ikna atwaxdum hullan daɣ idagan ajjotnen eha itur n aman daɣ akal, farak fal musnat n išrutan n akal, itur n fatrol , amiyiz n azzaman, assuqiyat id teɣare n amiyiz n tazunt n mušakil tan win assexat dagh addinat |
"The map as reconstructed by Eckhard Unger shows Babylon on the Euphrates, surrounded by a circular landmass showing Assyria, Urartu, and several cities, in turn surrounded by a ""bitter river"" (Oceanus), with seven islands arranged around it so as to form a seven-pointed star." | “Karti ta iday Eckhard Ungar har ajjudi tisakin Babylon fal Euphrates taghlayas tajilillawat n akal tassuknat Syria , Urartu id tiɣirmen ajjotnen id eghlay har ajjudi “ejarew samman” ( Oceanus) ilan assa ijilmaman has aɣlaynen aqqalan chund atri ilan assa iskawan” |
In contrast to the Imago Mundi, an earlier Babylonian world map dating back to the 9th century BC depicted Babylon as being further north from the center of the world, though it is not certain what that center was supposed to represent. | A izlayan id Imago Mundi, karti tan n alghalim tan Babylon tijja ghur awatay wan 900 data annabi ghisa idlaj Babylon as taqqal a orakan s ajjama n ammas n alghalim kuddeɣ as war ti ila i ikkasan aš-ak daɣ awa dar iddilal ammas |
Thales is also credited with the prediction of eclipses. | Thales inta deɣ animaghra id as inta a ikyadan tilkamat as ilkaman itarmisan n ayor |
There is some debate about who was the first person to assert that the Earth is spherical in shape, with the credit going either to Parmenides or Pythagoras. | Ile majrad ijjan fal awa eqqal awadim wa ezzaran illaɣen as akal eqqal a ijilallawen ,addinat oyyad jannin Parmenides megh Pythagoras |
One of the first estimates of the radius of the Earth was made by Eratosthenes. | Iyyan dagh mirda tan n radius ijja fal akal ijjay Eratosthenes |
The meridians were sub-divided into 360°, with each degree further subdivided into 60 (minutes). | Mieridan tan azunan jir 360 n degre s hak degre degh azun s 60 n (minit tan) |
He extended the work of Hipparchus, using a grid system on his maps and adopting a length of 56.5 miles for a degree. | Issewad alxidmat tan Hipporchus as exdam s sistem wan griyaj fl karti tan net tolas eghwad 56.5 n tazzijrit n kilometir i degre |
During the Middle Ages, the fall of the Roman empire led to a shift in the evolution of geography from Europe to the Islamic world. | Dagh azzaman wan aru, atarmis wan empire wan Roma eway id tamattit n jografia wan ghur Euroba s alghalim wan inisliman |
Further, Islamic scholars translated and interpreted the earlier works of the Romans and the Greeks and established the House of Wisdom in Baghdad for this purpose. | Har ajjudi , imaghran win inisliman iffisaran alxidmaten n Roman tan id Greek tan wi azzarnen tolas idayan ehan wan alxikmat daɣ Bagdad fal ittus wen daɣ |
Abu Rayhan Biruni (976–1048) first described a polar equi-azimuthal equidistant projection of the celestial sphere. | Abu Rayhan Biruni (awatay wan 976 har wan 1048) illagɣat samal n akayad ogdahan n takirurut n išinnawan |
He also developed similar techniques when it came to measuring the heights of mountains, depths of the valleys, and expanse of the horizon. | Išannašjamat id har ajjudi teknik tan olaɣnen i alwaq wa id ikkat awadim tichijrit n idaɣan, tichijrit n aroj id tahrike n akal |
The problem facing both explorers and geographers was finding the latitude and longitude of a geographic location. | Mušakil tan wi ijrawnen kel mustakšif tan id kel jografia eqqalan ad issinan iddikud n tahrike id iddikud n degre tan n jografia n edag |
The 18th and the 19th centuries were the times when geography became recognized as a discrete academic discipline, and became part of a typical university curriculum in Europe (especially Paris and Berlin). | ɣur awatay wan 1800 id wan 1900 aqqalan alwaqqan s jografia taqqal matir n teɣare tolas taqqal ašrut n teghare tan lakkolan wi maqqornen daɣ Eroba ( hullan daɣ Paris id Berlin) |
Over the past two centuries, the advancements in technology with computers have led to the development of geomatics and new practices such as participant observation and geostatistics being incorporated into geography's portfolio of tools. | Daɣ 2 afdan n iwityan wi hin okaynen, iki n teknolji sa s data id ordinater tan erawan id efes n aljiomantik id imugašan eynaynen šund akayad n awadim id alxisab n isalan win išinnawan ijjašnen fartama wan jografia |
Arnold Henry Guyot (1807–1884) – noted the structure of glaciers and advanced understanding in glacier motion, especially in fast ice flow. | Arnold Hery Guyot (awatay wan 1807 har 1884) - iktab uɣna n aɣiris n glacier tan id afaham hullan n immik wa s išawankat glacier hullan daɣ anji n aman sammednen |
William Morris Davis (1850–1934) – father of American geography and developer of the cycle of erosion. | William Morris Davis ( awatay wan 1850 har 1934) - ibba n jografia tan Amrik tolas amizar n efes n immik wa s tigla tamattit akal |
Ellen Churchill Semple (1863–1932) – first female president of the Association of American Geographers. | Ellen Churchil Semple ( awatay wan 1863 har 1932) tamat tan tizarat daɣ an a hid n tagayt n Amrik tan jografia tan |
Walter Christaller (1893–1969) – human geographer and inventor of Central place theory. | Walter Christallier ( awatay wan 1893 har 1969) - aw jografia wan addinat tolas amaxlak n nazriyat tan edag wan ammas |
David Harvey (born 1935) – Marxist geographer and author of theories on spatial and urban geography, winner of the Vautrin Lud Prize. | David Harvey ( iwa ghur awatay wan 1935) - Aw jografia n Marxist tolas eqqal massis n nazriya tan tin jografia tan fal akal , inta deɣ ijrawan marušat tan Vautrin Lud |
In some cases, a distinction is made between the official (constitutional) capital and the seat of government, which is in another place. | Daɣ idagan iyyad, tille tazuzlayt tijjat jir Kapital ( daɣ ašareɣa) id edag n taɣimit tan alxakum ehan edag iyyan |
Examples are ancient Babylon, Abbasid Baghdad, ancient Athens, Rome, Bratislava, Budapest, Constantinople, Chang'an, ancient Cusco, Kyiv, Madrid, Paris, Podgorica, London, Beijing, Prague, Tallinn, Tokyo, Lisbon, Riga, Vilnius, and Warsaw. | Ilmitalan aqqalan Babylon tan aru , Abbasid Baghdad, Athen tan aru, Roma, Bratislava, Budapest, Constantinople, Chan’an, Cusco tan aru, Kyiv, Madrid, Paris, Podgorica, Londre, Beijing, Prague, Tallinn, Tokyo, Lisbon, Riga, Vilnius id Warsaw |
In some countries, the capital has been changed for geopolitical reasons; Finland's first city, Turku, which had served as the country's capital since the Middle Ages under the Swedish rule, lost its right during the Grand Duchy of Finland in 1812, when Helsinki was made the current capital of Finland by the Russian Empire. | Dagh addawla tan tiyyad, kapital tammutay fal iddililan n jografia ajjotnen; taghrimt n Finland, ta tazzarat s inta s kapital ta tazzarat dagh iwityan win aru ghur azzaman wa id taxkam Swede, ittirmas dagh is alxaq net wen ghur tanaya tan Grand Duchy wan Finland ghur awatay wan 1812 alwaq wa id ijja empire wan Russia Helsinki kapital n Finland tan amarad |
In Canada, there is a federal capital, while the ten provinces and three territories each have capital cities. | Dagh canada, tille kapital iyyat n addawla tan as ijja awen tigharmaten tin 10 id ikallan win 3 iyyan fuk ila kapital n iman net |
"In Australia, the term ""capital cities"" is regularly used to refer to those six state capitals plus the federal capital Canberra, and Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory." | “Dagh Australia , isim wan ““ Kapital tan tigharmaten”” inta a iglan harkuk i kapital tan tin sadisat fal tawwid kapital Canberra id Darwin, kapital tan akal wan tamasna” |
Unlike in federations, there is usually not a separate national capital, but rather the capital city of one constituent nation will also be the capital of the state overall, such as London, which is the capital of England and of the United Kingdom. | Awa war n imos addawla tan ti oharnen,war ti illa kapital tazunat id ti yadnen mušan taghrimt tan kapital n iyyan fuk n addalwa taqqal har ajjudi kapital addawla tan ti yadnen šund awa tijja Londre taqqal kapital tan Britania id almalikiya tan United Kingdom |
The national capitals of Germany and Russia (the Stadtstaat of Berlin and the federal city of Moscow) are also constituent states of both countries in their own right. | Kapital tan tin Germany id Russia ( Stadtstaat tan Berlin id taɣrimt ta tassirtayat n Moscou) aqqal nat kapital tan n addawlat ta tin daɣ alxaq n iyyat fuk |
Frankfort, Kentucky, midway between Louisville and Lexington. | Frankfort, Kentucky, Midway jir Louiville id Lexington |
Tallahassee, Florida, chosen as the midpoint between Pensacola and St. Augustine, Florida – then the two largest cities in Florida. | Tallahassee, Flordia, ifrannat as aqqal nat jareyjarey n Pensacola id St Augustine, Flordia- dagh awen tigharmaten n 2 ti ojjarnen dagh Florida |
Changes in a nation's political regime sometimes result in the designation of a new capital. | Imuttiyan dagh annizam wan folitik n addawla tawayan id alwaq amitkal n kapital n addawlat teynayat |
When the Canary Islands became an autonomous community in 1982, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria were both given capital status. | Alwaq wa addawla s itawan ijirwan win Canary tijraw alistexal net ghur awatay wan 1982,Santa Cruz de Tenerife id Las Palmas de Gran Canaria aqqal nat fuk nasnat kapital tan |
Estonia: the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Education and Research are located in Tartu. | Estonia: Ehan n ašareɣa net wa maqqoran id ehan n alxidmat n Ministir net wan Teɣare id ittur idayan daɣ Tartu |
In case of emergency, the seat of the constitutional powers can be transferred to another town, in order for the Houses of Parliament to sit in the same location as the President and Cabinet. | Alwaq wan tamaɣatert tarmadat, edag wan tiɣaymaten n tigittawen ti fal tiday addawla addobat ahunin nasnat s taɣrimt iyyan i a ijrawan i ihanan win alxidmat n debite tan taɣaymit edag chund wa eha amanokal id inaxdiman net |
The entire state machinery shifts from one city to another every six months. | Ahunin fuk n marchin tan ghur akal iyyan s wa yadan dagh 6 oran fuk |
Dharamshala, which is also the headquarters of the Central Tibetan Administration, is the second winter capital of the state. | Dharamshala eqqalan kartiye n alxakumat tan Tibeti eqqal har ajjudi kapital tan sanatat n addawla azzaman wan esamed |
The city itself is administered as a Union territory. | Taghrimt iman net ijja dagh is axakam n akal ertayan |
Uttarakhand: Dehradun is the administrative and legislative capital, while the high court is located in Nainital. | Uttarakhand: Dehradun taqqal kapital tan sarwis id tan dibiti tan as ijja awen ehan n ašareɣa wa maqqoran eha Nainital |
Its construction started in 1960 and was completed in 1966. | Edey net issinta ɣur awatay an 1960 imda ɣur awatay wan 1966 |
The presidential palace (Malacanang Palace) and the Supreme Court are located within the capital city but the two houses of Congress are located in separate suburbs. | Biro wan amanokal n addawla ( Malacanang Place) id ehan n ašareɣa wa maqqoran ahan ammas n kapital mušan ihanan win issin n dibiti tan azuzan daɣ tiɣarmaten |
"Sri Lanka: Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte is designated the administrative capital and the location of the parliament, while the former capital, Colombo, is now designated as the ""commercial capital""." | “Sri Lanka: Sri jayawardenepura kotte taqqal kapital tan sarwis id edag ehan n alxidmat wan dibiti tan as ijja awen kapital tan aru Colombo taqqal amarad “”kapital tan mamala”” |
South Africa: The administrative capital is Pretoria, the legislative capital is Cape Town, and the judicial capital is Bloemfontein. | Afrikiya tan tamasna: Pretoria as Kapital net tan sarwis , Cape Town as kapital net tan ehan n alxidmat wan dibiti tan har ajjudi Bloemfontein inta s kapital tan ašeraɣa |
Switzerland: Bern is the Federal City of Switzerland and functions as de facto capital. | Switzerland: Bern inta s kapital toharat tan Switzerland dagh awen taqqal degh kapital n addawla |
Also similar to Illinois and New York State, most statewide elected officials and officers who are based in Southeast Pennsylvania (City of Philadelphia, Bucks County, Montgomery County, Delaware County, and Chester County) prefer working mostly in Philadelphia. | Har ajjudi dagh as olahan id Illinois id New York, imassarha fuk wi tamatkalnen izzaghnen dagh tamasna s alqiblat n Pennsylvania ( taghrimt tan Philadelphia, Bucks County, Montgomery county, Delware county id Chester county) assofan alxidmat dagh Philadelphia |
Israel and Palestine: Both the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority claim Jerusalem as their capital. | Izrail id Falastin: Alxakum wan Izail id wan falastin fuk nasan ijjan tamghinnant fal Jerusalem as kapital n iyyan fuk |
A symbolic relocation of a capital city to a geographically or demographically peripheral location may be for either economic or strategic reasons (sometimes known as a forward capital or spearhead capital). | šund tiset i ahuhin wa tijja kapital s edag s jographia id addinat net ahan isilman net ittus war eqqel ar ilan iddililan ijjanen fall timašɣulen tin tamudre n addinat meɣ iddilian n fakra ( alwaqqan iyyad itawan has kapital tan s data megh kapital tan allaɣ |
The Ming emperors moved their capital to Beijing from the more central Nanjing to help supervise the border with the Mongols. | Emperor tan win Ming s ahonan kapital nasan s Beijing tifal id ammas n Nanjing i ad tidhil daɣ iji n anniyat i alxdadudan win Mongols |
Delhi finally became the colonial capital after the Coronation Durbar of King-Emperor George V in 1911, continuing as independent India's capital from 1947. | Daɣ ušray Delhi taqqal Kapital tan isteɣmar darat ar tiwar takabbut Rayis Durbar George V ɣur awatay wan 1911 daɣ as taqqal Kapital n India tigrawat alistexal net ɣur awatay wan 1947. |
Sometimes, the location of a new capital city was chosen to terminate actual or potential squabbling between various entities, such as in the cases of Canberra, Ottawa, Washington, Wellington and Managua. | Alwaqqan iyyad, edag wan kapital ta teynayat it-anafran i asimdu n muškil tan ijjanen meɣ ilkamnen jir tawseten ajjotnen šund awa s kala ijja daɣ Canberra, Ottawa, Washington, Wellington id Managua |
In the Three Kingdoms period, both Shu and Wu fell when their respective capitals of Chengdu and Jianye fell. | Dagh karad azzamanan n almalikiya tan, Shu id Wu fuk nasan toda tanaya nasan alwaq wa id aftaqqat nat kapital tan nasan Chengdu id Jianye |
After the Qing dynasty's collapse, decentralization of authority and improved transportation and communication technologies allowed both the Chinese Nationalists and Chinese Communists to rapidly relocate capitals and keep their leadership structures intact during the great crisis of Japanese invasion. | Ghur azzaman wan aftaqqi n assal-alat tan Qing, desentralizasyon n tanaya id amutti n teknoloji tan tin annaqalat id tan asissiki n isalan eraw id s nasyonalist tan id kominist tan win chine ad s ahuhinan kapital tan dihen agizan tigittawen n tammanukila nasan s immik nasnat azzaman n tewete ta maqqorat n anafaz wan Japon |
It can be defined as a permanent and densely settled place with administratively defined boundaries whose members work primarily on non-agricultural tasks. | Addobat ad eqqil as eqqal edag s harkuk idnay addinat s ibda alxakum alxadudan net s addinat net xaddaman s tizarat timašghulen war n imos tiwijjast |
Historically, city-dwellers have been a small proportion of humanity overall, but following two centuries of unprecedented and rapid urbanization, more than half of the world population now lives in cities, which has had profound consequences for global sustainability. | Daɣ attarex, imazzaɣan win iɣirman aqqalan takbizzet andarrat daɣ alɣalim fuk net mušan daɣ issin afdan n awatay s kala war ijjen daɣ tarmad tamazduq tan ighirman, a ojjaran tazune n išaɣib wan alɣalim izzaɣan daɣ iɣirman,harat awen ikman uglal n addinat daɣ alxalim |
This increased influence means that cities also have significant influences on global issues, such as sustainable development, global warming and global health. | Assahat tihen daɣ taw-i-dat timos as iɣirman ikrašan assahat fal mušakil tan n alɣalim šund efes n uɣlal, tukise n alɣalim id assexat n alɣalim |
Therefore, compact cities are often referred to as a crucial element of fighting climate change. | Har ajjudi tigharmaten ti ammisasnen itawan hassanat harat assohen dagh tabillant id amutti n azzaman |
For example, country capitals such as Beijing, London, Mexico City, Moscow, Nairobi, New Delhi, Paris, Rome, Athens, Seoul, Tokyo, and Washington, D.C. reflect the identity and apex of their respective nations. | Dagh almital, kapital tan chund Beijing, Londre, Mexico City, Moscou, Nairobi, New Delhi, Paris, Roma, Athene, Seoul, Tokyo id Whasington D.C eqqal kartidant id isik n addawla tan nasan |
The city may be looked on as a story, a pattern of relations between human groups, a production and distribution space, a field of physical force, a set of linked decisions, or an arena of conflict. | Aghrim daɣ akayad imos šund tanfust fal tartit jir taqqimen n addinat, edag n ammad id tazunt, edag n assahat tan taghissa, edag n tartit n addabara tan, megh batma n ikinnass. |
National censuses use a variety of definitions - invoking factors such as population, population density, number of dwellings, economic function, and infrastructure - to classify populations as urban. | tuddanen n addawlat hakkinat almaɣna tan ajjotnen- jannin issibaban šund išaɣib, ijjit n ichaɣib, iddikud n timazduɣen, timašɣulen tin tamudre id ikarosan- a fal arhan ad aɣzinan ichaghib fal isim wan imaɣazzan n aɣrim |
The mutual interdependence of town and country has one consequence so obvious that it is easily overlooked: at the global scale, cities are generally confined to areas capable of supporting a permanent agricultural population. | Anmilal wa illan jir taghrimt id addawlat ila tikma war injer harat s raqqis ad war tila ijjari:Daɣ tahirik , tiɣarmaten aqqalat idagan addobat nen harkuk aɣabal n išaɣib wan tiwijjast |
As cities grew in complexity, the major civic institutions, from seats of government to religious buildings, would also come to dominate these points of convergence. | Išmad tiɣarmaten tiw-ad nat daɣ armud, tigittawen ti maqqornen n kel akal ɣur alxakumat har ihanan win addin a hid assin arnahan titbaqqa ti fal tijja anifham |
Physical environment generally constrains the form in which a city is built. | Taɣissa n ahinzazaɣ alwaqqan iyyad taqqal tahašilt i iššikil wa s idday aɣrim |
And it may be set up for optimal defense given the surrounding landscape. | Har ajjudi addobat ad egu edey i ag-az ilan almaɣna fal as taghlay has tamaxluk ajjet |
This form could evolve from successive growth over a long time, with concentric traces of town walls and citadels marking older city boundaries. | Iššikil wen addobat ad ammuti ɣur tiw-at net daɣ azzaman sajren id idiršan n iɣalayan n aghrim id sitadel tan ešwalnen alxadudan n aɣrim win aru |
In cities such as Moscow, this pattern is still clearly visible. | Daɣ tiɣarmaten šund Moscou, adaloj šund wen ikna anafilal har ajjudi |
Excavations in these areas have found the ruins of cities geared variously towards trade, politics, or religion. | Iɣešan dagh idagan win ijrawan id idiršan n tiɣarmaten ilmadnen mamala, folitik meɣ addin |
China's planned cities were constructed according to sacred principles to act as celestial microcosms. | Tiɣarmaten ti tijja China addabara ikras nat dagh semɣar n firidan i ad aqqilan ifirras dagh išinnawan |