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In the UK, the National Archives (formerly known as the Public Record Office) is the government archive for England and Wales. | Gor Royaume-Uni, alkadan ən kalan (atiwazaynen aru fal issəm wan Public Record Offiəe) aqalan alkadan win alɣaqum ye Angleterre ad akal wan Pays de Galles. |
Put together, the total volume of archives under the supervision of the French Archives Administration is the largest in the world. | Ɣor asedən, agət ən alkadan daw akayad ən mašagalan win Franəe wan alkadan eqal wa iknan tahuskət ən adunya. |
Archdioceses, dioceses, and parishes also have archives in the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches. | Tazunt ən lagristan, lagristan ad tihənaten tin amud ilan dex alkadan daɣ lagristan win Katholiktan ad romaintan ad angliəatan. |
Often these institutions rely on grant funding from the government as well as the private funds. | Timsədaw ten tazlay agud iyan ad tilalt ən alxaqum ad sund timsədaw afarnen. |
Many museums keep archives in order to prove the provenance of their pieces. | Ihanan agotnen ogazan alkadan ye alamad ən diha ad difəlan ikarəmatan. |
This was a separate figure from the 1.3% that identified themselves as self-employed. | Amos ašəkel ebdan ad 1,3% atiwazaynen sund anuflayan. |
The archive's mission is to gather stories from women who want to express themselves, and want their stories heard. | Əsalan win alkadan ekal agaraw ən tunfast ən deden ti arhanen magrəd ad ti arhanen as tinfasen nasnat ad atwəsəlnat. |
The archives of an organization (such as a corporation or government) tend to contain other types of records, such as administrative files, business records, memos, official correspondence, and meeting minutes. | Alkadan win tamsədawt (sund tartit mex alxaqum) ilan anyat ən ugiš ən iri nalkadan iyad, sund alkadan win ašaxal, alkadan win hebu, tənawen ašaxal, tasasawit ən alxaqum ad sənəfas ən taximiten. |
Many of these donations have yet to be cataloged, but are currently in the process of being digitally preserved and made available to the public online. | Ihuk agotnen war atwasadənan harwa,mašan han amaradaɣ tin atawar izar atwafan ye adinat. |
International partners for archives are UNESCO and Blue Shield International in accordance with the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property from 1954 and its 2nd Protocol from 1999. | Imašaxalan gar kalan ye alkadan amosan UNESƏO ad Blue Shield International, milhaw daɣ tarədawt tan Haye ye igoz ən təla ən tamusne gor 1954 ad əs igui was assin ɣor 1999. |
"Page, Morgan M. ""One from the Vaults: Gossip, Access, and Trans History-Telling.""" | "Page, Morgan M. "" One from the Vaults: Gossip, Aəəes, and Trans History-Telling."" |
An example of this is Morgan M. Page’s description of disseminating transgender history directly to trans people through various social media and networking platforms like tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as via podcast. | Iri nawen ekal asənəfas wan Morgan M. ašrut ən amsuxəl ən tafunst waren tatwazay šik gor adinat waren atwazay axil ən salan ən adinat ad tedagit tan agət ən rozotan sund tumblr, Twiƭer ad Instagram, ad harwa as ɗodəast. |
"With the options available through counter-archiving, there is the potential to ""challenge traditional conceptions of history"" as they are perceived within contemporary archives, which creates space for narratives that are often not present in many archival materials." | "Daɣ təsiba tan timotayen ətilanen fal arakon wan təmuqunen, adobat ad ""adisisikit əsalan wən tinfas uurunen"atamosan eqalan atiwahayan daɣ amas ən tumuqunen tirunen, awa itagan edag ən əkitban wənan eqel agudiyan ayhan awinan iha alkadan ajotnen." |
A biography, or simply bio, is a detailed description of a person's life. | Awa tanfust ən tamudre, mex qas tamudre, eqal ayatimalan əs ƭibiɗawen ən tamudre nawadəm. |
Biographical works are usually non-fiction, but fiction can also be used to portray a person's life. | Əlkitaban wən təmalen aqalan harkuk awənn amos atiwazgaman, mašan unuzguman adoben intanedaɣ uɣil nayfan fal adalag ən tamudre nawadim. |
"Another well-known collection of ancient biographies is De vita Caesarum (""On the Lives of the Caesars"") by Suetonius, written about AD 121 in the time of the emperor Hadrian." | "Iyan əlkitab atiwazaynen ən təmalen arunen eqal De ɣita Saesarum (""fal tamudre tan Sésars""(wan Stuétone, əktaban daɣ 121 aɗ. Nabi Issa, ugud wa anamokal Hadrien." |
Hermits, monks, and priests used this historic period to write biographies. | Kal finta, amaɣsadan əd kal usuk igan alwaq wendaɣ ən tənfas fal kitban ən təmalen. |
One significant secular example of a biography from this period is the life of Charlemagne by his courtier Einhard. | Asəgbar alwaqan asisagrahnen ən təmalen nalwaq wa eqalan tamudre tan Šarlamagne fal amadhal ənes Einhard. |
They contained more social data for a large segment of the population than other works of that period. | Ahantan haratan ogarnen daɣ garawan wən tərtit fal edag haruwan ən nədinat wəs iyad tirint daɣ alwaq wəndaɣ. |
By the late Middle Ages, biographies became less church-oriented in Europe as biographies of kings, knights, and tyrants began to appear. | Dax samando ən Moyen Âge, biographitan aqalnat agizilan dax Eglistan ən Europe, falas biographitan tan namokalan, tan manayan əd tan mašanšan ilanati. |
Following Malory, the new emphasis on humanism during the Renaissance promoted a focus on secular subjects, such as artists and poets, and encouraged writing in the vernacular. | Darat Malory, waynayan azaway atwagan fal adunyat alwaq wan Renaissance infa texare tan salan wi əslaynen, amosnen imazaran əd mabotan, əd asuhusku nakatab dax magrad ən kalakal. |
Two other developments are noteworthy: the development of the printing press in the 15th century and the gradual increase in literacy. | Əsin simutiyan iyad aqalan ayktaban : dawla wan imprimerie dax 15e temede nawatay əd dasiwid ikan isdat na səxir. |
Influential in shaping popular conceptions of pirates, A General History of the Pyrates (1724), by Charles Johnson, is the prime source for the biographies of many well-known pirates. | Iha dǎɣ formatontan nuzguman dədinat wi tikirnen, A General History of the Pyrates (1724), wən Charles Johnson, eqal tatazarat tabarat ən biographitan ən ajotnen makradan atiwazaynen. |
Carlyle asserted that the lives of great human beings were essential to understanding society and its institutions. | Carlyle ina as tamudre nədinat tagal harat adoben asəfihimi ən tənmitafen əd timsidawen nes. |
Boswell's work was unique in its level of research, which involved archival study, eye-witness accounts and interviews, its robust and attractive narrative, and its honest depiction of all aspects of Johnson's life and character – a formula which serves as the basis of biographical literature to this day. | Əlkitab wan Boswell eqal inta xas fal dawla numax ənes, dǎɣ taha taxare nəlkitaban, tinfas ən tujuhe nahanay əd batutan, dǎɣ tifas ənes asohatnen əd azigranat, əd timalines ən tidit dǎɣ haratan ən tamudre əd talxiwen tən Johnson - əmik wakanan santo ən texare tan biographie awendǎɣ ar ešalidǎɣ. |
However, the number of biographies in print experienced a rapid growth, thanks to an expanding reading public. | Əgudendǎɣ, hadi ən biographitan ədizgaran izay tiwat šik, dǎɣ təsəba nədinat wi maxran dǎɣ asihraw. |
Periodicals began publishing a sequence of biographical sketches. | Alawaqan əsintan azizgar ən seritan ən theâtre tan biographitan. |
"Sociological"" biographies conceived of their subjects' actions as the result of the environment, and tended to downplay individuality." | Wi tagan biographie "sociologitan" samakten əšəxilan ən salan sund adizgaranid tamusuq əd tirmit ən əsimidriy nawa iyandǎɣ." |
The conventional concept of heroes and narratives of success disappeared in the obsession with psychological explorations of personality. | Tinawt tartayan ən musuha əd tiffas ən dawla nasan igmadanin dǎɣ tarah tan nəsišicil nəniyat nədinat. |
"Up until this point, as Strachey remarked in the preface, Victorian biographies had been ""as familiar as the cortège of the undertaker"", and wore the same air of ""slow, funereal barbarism.""" | Awendǎɣ had harwa, sund awa isan Strachey dǎɣ santo, biographitan wi digrawnen aqalan ""terwe dǎɣ tax axlasan nufasan-ən tamatant"" əd ilsan iyandǎɣ adu ən "talafen hin əlanen əd tihay". |
The book achieved worldwide fame due to its irreverent and witty style, its concise and factually accurate nature, and its artistic prose. | Əlkitab iwadat ehandǎɣ nəsim dǎɣ adunyat dər tisiba ən temalsi ənes niba natiqal əd dinyat, ən xalaqa ənes tisanat əd damaradǎɣ əntadendǎɣ, əd dǎɣ magrad ənes wa namazar. |
"Robert Graves (I, Claudius, 1934) stood out among those following Strachey's model of ""debunking biographies.""" | "Robert Graves (l, Claudius, 1934) eqal aybdan əd wi əlkamnen ye əmik wan Strachey wən ""əsiknan asirtay ən biographitan"". |
By World War I, cheap hard-cover reprints had become popular. | Ugud wan Première Guerre Mondiale, asinilis ən hebu ahusken ən tamalsit tasogat aqalan ahoran ədinat. |
Along with documentary biographical films, Hollywood produced numerous commercial films based on the lives of famous people. | A olahan ən silmatan tən biographitan əktabnen, Hollywood iga ajotnen silmatan ən šanšan əganen fal tamudre nədinat əmarnan. |
Unlike books and films, they often do not tell a chronological narrative: instead they are archives of many discrete media elements related to an individual person, including video clips, photographs, and text articles. | Əbdanen dəlkitaban əd silmatan, wi tigin agudiyan tinfas na nilkaman : amosan wəndǎɣ əkitban ajotnen ən salan ifarnen artaynen dawadim iyandǎɣ, atamosan videotan, əmatkalan ən phatotan əd salan əktabnen. |
"General ""life writing"" techniques are a subject of scholarly study." | "Əmusanan ətbanen ən "kətban naduniyat" tagan harat ən taxare tan musan |
"The information can come from ""oral history, personal narrative, biography and autobiography” or ""diaries, letters, memoranda and other materials""." | "Əsalan adoben tasawt dǎɣ ""tinfas ən magrad, tafust nawadim, dǎɣ tinfas ən tamudre əd dǎɣ tafust nawadim əktab " mex dǎɣ ""salan əstarnen, letre, memoirtan əd diyad buktutan."" |
European-style castles originated in the 9th and 10th centuries, after the fall of the Carolingian Empire resulted in its territory being divided among individual lords and princes. | Enuwan wi nalmaxna europeen adǎɣ dizgaran 9e əd 10e dǎɣ timad ən wityan, darat egadal wan Empire carolingien əsibab ye budutan nakalines gar anamokalan əd dagnamokalan. |
Urban castles were used to control the local populace and important travel routes, and rural castles were often situated near features that were integral to life in the community, such as mills, fertile land, or a water source. | Enuwan wi naxrim aqalan atiwatkalan dǎɣ igi nəniyat ye ədinat ən kalakal əd tabaraten tən salan ənfanen, əd enuwan wi kal finta eqalan ugud iyan aohazan harat wi taganen amas ən tamudre tan ədinat, sund gnikagnika, akal abirjen mex ašašil naman. |
In the late 12th and early 13th centuries, a scientific approach to castle defence emerged. | Dǎɣ samando ən 12e temede nawatay əd santo ən 13e temede nawatay, aohazan ye maxran dǎɣ uguz nenuwan wi tilanen. |
These changes in defence have been attributed to a mixture of castle technology from the Crusades, such as concentric fortification, and inspiration from earlier defences, such as Roman forts. | Əsimutuyan wən nuguz igan asirtay ən timusnawen tən nenuwan ədosanen dǎɣ tanmirtayt, sund asusuhu namas, əd tarha nuguz ta taruwat, sund wi asohatnen romaintan. |
Although gunpowder was introduced to Europe in the 14th century, it did not significantly affect castle building until the 15th century, when artillery became powerful enough to break through stone walls. | Ahuskat ejel wan canon igašan Europe dǎɣ 14e temede nawatay, wartigrew haratan ilanen tanfo fal tamuqunt tan nenuwan dat 15e temede nawatay, ugud wa imawan ən malfatan aqalan hulen asohen fal anabag ən xalan ən tuhun. |
Feudalism was the link between a lord and his vassal where, in return for military service and the expectation of loyalty, the lord would grant the vassal land. | Feodalismiya eqal aylan gar anamokal ən demašaɣal ənes yur, dǎɣ asimiskil dǎɣ əšəɣil wan marnan əd asigid wan tidit, amanokal ihaku idagan imašaxalan. |
Castles served a range of purposes, the most important of which were military, administrative, and domestic. | Enuwan ilan əšəxilan ajotnen, wis wiogarnen tanfo aqalan əmarnan, burawtan əd hinane. |
As William the Conqueror advanced through England, he fortified key positions to secure the land he had taken. | Dǎɣ anilkaman Guillaume wa namanokal əmišwar sa Angleterre, isisuhut almaxnatan itbatnen fal uguz nakal wa grawan. |
A castle could act as a stronghold and prison but was also a place where a knight or lord could entertain his peers. | Enu adobat arafu ye sasuhu əd kaso mašan aqal intadǎɣ edag yur emarn mex anamokal adobat adigriw imidawanes. |
In different areas of the world, analogous structures shared features of fortification and other defining characteristics associated with the concept of a castle, though they originated in different periods and circumstances and experienced differing evolutions and influences. | Dǎɣ təbidawt ən dagan na duniyat, tidawen oxadnen tuzanat talxiwen tən asusuhu əd tiyad talxiwen artaynen nəniyat wan nenuwan, ahuskat a saqalnat aywan hadagan əd dǎɣ təmuzuxen abdanen əd izaynat tiwat əd dagalan abdanen. |
By the 16th century, when Japanese and European cultures met, fortification in Europe had moved beyond castles and relied on innovations such as the Italian trace italienne and star forts. | Dǎɣ XVIe temede nawatay, ugud wa isigyak wən japonaitan əd europeentan timuqusan, adusuhu dǎɣ Europe okay ehandag wa enuwan əd sahatalan dǎɣ tiwaden ət tabarat tan italientan əd wi asohatnen dǎɣ etran. |
The excavation of earth to make the mound left a ditch around the motte, called a moat (which could be either wet or dry). | Eɣeš nakal fal uxin ən farajitan itiyu tagaša dǎɣ ahaz ən farajitan, sitawana tagaša ( eqalan aybdagan mex aquran). |
It was a common feature of castles, and most had at least one. | Eqal talxa taoharan enuwan, əd diyad dak ilan əndar iyandǎɣ. |
Water was supplied by a well or cistern. | Aman tawahaken senuwan mex əs turaft. |
Although often associated with the motte-and-bailey type of castle, baileys could also be found as independent defensive structures. | Ahuskat as ugudiyan artaynat denuwan wi əmik wan tagaš-əd-bailey, baileys adoben əntanedǎɣ uxil tidawen nuguz imanasan. |
"Keep"" was not a term used in the medieval period – the term was applied from the 16th century onwards – instead ""donjon"" was used to refer to great towers, or turris in Latin." | Donjon" wareqel isim amitkalan alwaq wan medievale – isim a dǎɣ eqal aygan ugud wan 16e temede nawatay dǎɣ edag, ""donjon"" eqal amitkalan fal ariqil imaqornen irakonan, mex turris dǎɣ latin." |
Although often the strongest part of a castle and a last place of refuge if the outer defences fell, the keep was not left empty in case of attack but was used as a residence by the lord who owned the castle, or his guests or representatives. | Ahuskat as agudiyan tasune ta togarat isuhu ən nanu əd tatilkat tugit nugud nagadal nuguz wan sagama, donjon wareqel iyiwayan ba dǎɣ ugud wa natuwgiš mašan taqalanat ihinan ən namokalan ilanen enuwan, ye naftaxan mex wi ahanen idag ənes. |
Walkways along the tops of the curtain walls allowed defenders to rain missiles on enemies below, and battlements gave them further protection. | Dagetan dǎɣ tizigrit nimawan ən dagan infanen imagazan atigin agina əs projectiltan fal mušunga ilanen sider, əd creneautan ət tan hakanen tagazt maqarat. |
The front of the gateway was a blind spot and to overcome this, projecting towers were added on each side of the gate in a style similar to that developed by the Romans. | Dat ashir eqal edag warahen idinat əd fal asafar, egilitan dǎɣ nazagar aqalan awidan safirdak nəshir dǎɣ əmik wa olahan əd wa maqiran əs Romaintan. |
The passage through the gatehouse was lengthened to increase the amount of time an assailant had to spend under fire in a confined space and unable to retaliate. | Tabarat tatimarat ehan wa militairtan taqal asisagdahan fal asiwid nalwaq ye maxdaran anihaga arakiy daw afew dǎɣ edag atiwakatan əd waradobat asuxil. |
They were most likely used to drop objects on attackers, or to allow water to be poured on fires to extinguish them. | Aqalnat ugudak amitkalan fal igi nagadal ən harat fal maxdaran, mex fal arudaben ya sagilan aman dǎɣ fewan fal dǎɣ samando atan əgin. |
A smaller horizontal opening could be added to give an archer a better view for aiming. | Ashir arigayragay ən wadiran adobat ariqil asewadan fal huk nere itijaran ahanay ahusken fal adisigdah. |
The earliest fortifications originated in the Fertile Crescent, the Indus Valley, Egypt, and China where settlements were protected by large walls. | Widazarnene imusuha adǎɣ dizgaran dǎɣ dagan abirjatnen, gartuhun wi Indus, Egypttan əd Chinetan, yur muzɣan aqalnen aogazan ɣalan maqornen. |
Many earthworks survive today, along with evidence of palisades to accompany the ditches. | Ajotnen alkitaban ən nakal itilanen ešalidǎɣ, dəd driš ən ɣalan adewnen ən tigašiwen. |
Although primitive, they were often effective, and were only overcome by the extensive use of siege engines and other siege warfare techniques, such as at the Battle of Alesia. | Ahuskat wa dazaran, aqalan agudiyan asohen əd aqalan awidan əs fal asišixil ən harkuk dǎɣ haratan wi siège əd diyad əmikan nakinas wan siège, sund ugud wa tanmigašt tan Alesia. |
Discussions have typically attributed the rise of the castle to a reaction to attacks by Magyars, Muslims, and Vikings and a need for private defence. | Batutan intanedǎɣ iganid əmik wan anu dǎɣ asisinkir na kinasan wi Magyars, Inislimann əd Vikings əd tarha nuguz ənmanes. |
Some high concentrations of castles occur in secure places, while some border regions had relatively few castles. | Iyad asohatnen timsuduwen ən nenuwan a yur ilana dǎɣ dagan əntiflist, mašan iyad edagan ən frontiertan ilan intanedǎɣ andiran dǎɣ enuwan. |
Building the hall in stone did not necessarily make it immune to fire as it still had windows and a wooden door. | Təmuqunt tan ehan wan tumat watitigu dǎɣ əsarho dǎɣ asitwir ye afew, falas tila harkuk tisakaroten əd dəshir ən našxer. |
Castles were not just defensive sites but also enhanced a lord's control over his lands. | Enuwan waraqelan xas idgan nuguzan, kanan intanedǎɣ ye namokalan dad digin nəniyat ye kalal nasan. |
In 864 the King of West Francia, Charles the Bald, prohibited the construction of castella without his permission and ordered them all to be destroyed. | Dǎɣ 864, anamokal wan Francie tan egadal ən tafuk, Charles wan Chauve, idgal təmuqunt tan castella aswaden əs tiridawt ənes əd ifa atwirzinhet fuk. |
Switzerland is an extreme case of there being no state control over who built castles, and as a result there were 4,000 in the country. | Suisse taqal edag izwayan yur État wiritugu əniyat ye təmuqunen ən nenuwan, əs ahuskat as akal adila 4 000. |
In 950 Provence was home to 12 castles, by 1000 this figure had risen to 30, and by 1030 it was over 100. | Dǎɣ 950, Provence sadan 12 enuwan, dǎɣ 1000 edan wen eqal okayan əs 30, əd dǎɣ 1030 okay 100. |
In the early 11th century, the motte and keep – an artificial mound with a palisade and tower on top – was the most common form of castle in Europe, everywhere except Scandinavia. | Dǎɣ santo ən 11e temede nawatay, farajitan əd donjon – tadmir nakal iwar axala əd tasaxlit - aqalan wogaran atwiziy dǎɣ enuwan wi Europe, dahatiked wənan amos dǎɣ Scandinavetan. |
Although stone construction would later become common elsewhere, from the 11th century onwards it was the primary building material for Christian castles in Spain, while at the same time timber was still the dominant building material in north-west Europe. | Ahuskat as təmuqunen aqalnat ugudiyan atiwazayan sax edag ihan, at tifilad 11e temede nawatay, ataqal ta tazarat əlil wa nəsusuxin ən nenuwan ən chretientan dǎɣ Espagne, izar dǎɣ alwaq iyandǎɣ, išaxeran aqiyman ye əlil wan nəsusuxin itbatan dǎɣ emaynag dǎɣ egadal ən tafuk ən Europe. |
Before the 12th century castles were as uncommon in Denmark as they had been in England before the Norman Conquest. | Dat XIIe temede nawatay, enuwan aqalan intanedǎɣ andiran sahan Danemark aqalan dǎɣ Angleterre dat tahaq tan normande. |
Their decoration emulated Romanesque architecture, and sometimes incorporated double windows similar to those found in church bell towers. | Adalag nasan adizgaran igitan wən romane əd itagaš ugudiyan tisankorotnen animatafnen olahnen dər clochertan wi neglisetan. |
Although superseded by their stone successors, timber and earthwork castles were by no means useless. | Ahuskat as tan əsigmadan mašrayan nasan ən tuhun, enuwan ən šaxeran əd ənakal waraqelan ayfan əs harat. |
Until the late 12th century castles generally had few towers; a gateway with few defensive features such as arrowslits or a portcullis; a great keep or donjon, usually square and without arrowslits; and the shape would have been dictated by the lay of the land (the result was often irregular or curvilinear structures). | Hawendǎɣ har samando ən XIIe temede nawatay, enuwan aqalan ugudiyan aylan harat ən təsixlay, nashir dər andiran dǎɣ harat wi nuguz ət tamosan išugušan mex herse, maqaran donjon, agudiyan ogdahan əd išugušan, əd əmik nasan eqalan atiwanan fal salan ən dagan (idigmadnen ugudiyan tidawt abdanen mex axirambaynen). |
The towers would have protruded from the walls and featured arrowslits on each level to allow archers to target anyone nearing or at the curtain wall. | Təsixlay okaynat i ɣalan əd ilanat išugušan hak edag fal arudaben archertan uduf dǎɣ harat wa manatan dahizəd dǎɣ tasitwir mex yur diha dilan. |
Where keeps did exist, they were no longer square but polygonal or cylindrical. | Diha yur ilan donjon, wareqel amara agdahan mašan tisugwen ajotnen mex sund takbat. |
Probably developed in the 12th century, the towers provided flanking fire. | Amos awidan dǎɣ XIIe temede nawatay, təsixlan infant igi ən tijir agud dak. |
It seemed that the Crusaders had learned much about fortification from their conflicts with the Saracens and exposure to Byzantine architecture. | Ola as wimuqasnen ilan ajen dǎɣ timusne tan asusuhu ugud wa nəkinasan dər Sarrasins əd azagar nasan dǎɣ təmusnawen tən byzantine. |
Legends were discredited, and in the case of James of Saint George it was proven that he came from Saint-Georges-d'Espéranche, in France. | Legendtan aqalan imarwasan, əd dǎɣ sund Jacque wan Saint-Georges, eqal aduten as adifal Saint-Georges-Esperanche, ən France. |
"The castle builders of Western Europe were aware of and influenced by Roman design; late Roman coastal forts on the English ""Saxon Shore"" were reused and in Spain the wall around the city of Ávila imitated Roman architecture when it was built in 1091." | "Əmuxanan ən nenuwan dǎɣ Europe tan egadal ən tafuk əzaynat əd aqalnat asisimastal fal nuzguman romaine ; wi asohatnen cotiertan wi samando nalwaq wan romaintan, fal "Saxon Shore" nanglais aqalan anelas dǎɣ əšəxil əd dǎɣ Espagne, i ɣalan wən dedes naxrim wan Ávila asugbar ən təmisnawen ən romaintan yur təmuqunt dǎɣ 1091." |
An example of this approach is Kerak. | Olahan ən harat ədohazan eqal sund wan Kerak. |
The castles they founded to secure their acquisitions were designed mostly by Syrian master-masons. | Enuwan wi iga fal adagiz əgarawan aqalan ənuguman ən niyadad dǎɣ namokalan-ən muxanan wi syrientan. |
While castles were used to hold a site and control movement of armies, in the Holy Land some key strategic positions were left unfortified. | Izar enuwan aqalan amitkalan fal uduf nadag əd digi nəniyat ye mutumušan dǎɣ armé, dǎɣ Akal Šidigan, iyad əmikan amutaynen ətbatnen waraqelnat asohatan. |
Design varied not just between orders, but between individual castles, though it was common for those founded in this period to have concentric defences. | Ənusguman abdan sa dag sa dag, mašan dǎɣ anu sə yan, ahuskat adisan as enuwan iganendǎɣ alwaq wendǎɣ ilan əmugazan adiwnen. |
If assailants made it past the first line of defence they would be caught in the killing ground between the inner and outer walls and have to assault the second wall. | Afal əmakradan garawan anabag ən tatazarat tabarat nuguz, əmitkalan dǎɣ amas ən gar ɣalan wi namas əd dagama əd arhan arawidan axala wa səsin. |
For instance, it was common in Crusader castles to have the main gate in the side of a tower and for there to be two turns in the passageway, lengthening the time it took for someone to reach the outer enclosure. | Olahan, eqalašalan dǎɣ enuwan artaynen as ashie wazaran ayha fal tasaga naxalay əd tabarat tila irakanan əsin, awa sahagawan alwaq infan awadim ye arawid edag wa namas. |
Although there were hundreds of wooden castles in Prussia and Livonia, the use of bricks and mortar was unknown in the region before the Crusaders. | Ahuskat as tila timad nenuwan ən šaxeran dǎɣ Prusse əd dǎɣ Livonie, adakal ən farajitan əd tende taqalat awinan atwazay dǎɣ edag dat mənhayan. |
Arrowslits did not compromise the wall's strength, but it was not until Edward I's programme of castle building that they were widely adopted in Europe. | Əmuhuya wazizgiran əsuhu ən ɣalan, mašan asgadan ye ayktaban ən təmuqunt tan enuwan wi Edouard fal ataqal dǎɣ təhurut aylmadan dǎɣ Europe. |
Although machicolations performed the same purpose as the wooden galleries, they were probably an Eastern invention rather than an evolution of the wooden form. | Ahuskat machicoulitan daqaran aolahan dǎɣ əšəxil dǎɣ dagan ən šaxeran , aqalan aoxadan atiwagan ihan alqiblat mex sund tiwat nəmik ən šaxeran. |
Conflict and interaction between the two groups led to an exchange of architectural ideas, and Spanish Christians adopted the use of detached towers. | Əkinasan əd tinmirtayen gar wi nəsin grouptan tilway əs tehake niniyatan ən nuzguman, əd chretientan espagnol ilmadan adakal ən xalayan abdanen. |
"French historian François Gebelin wrote: ""The great revival in military architecture was led, as one would naturally expect, by the powerful kings and princes of the time; by the sons of William the Conqueror and their descendants, the Plantagenets, when they became dukes of Normandy." | "Awtinfas wan français François Gebelin əktab : ""wamaqaran aynayan anuzgum ən militairtan eqal aylway, sund adobat yemanes arisigid, fal namokalan wi asohatnen əd dag namokalan wi nahanin fal ara wan Guillaume wan Conquerant əd dawa watan dizgaran, plan.tagenets, ugud wa daqalan ducs de Notmandie."" |
The new castles were generally of a lighter build than earlier structures and presented few innovations, although strong sites were still created such as that of Raglan in Wales. | Wiyaynaynen enuwan aqalan wi azarnen ən tamuqunt togarat tifise dǎɣ tidawen namas əd saknanen andiran tidawen, ahuskat as edagan wi asohatnen ilan intanedǎɣ igi, sund wi Raglan dǎɣ Pays wan Galles. |
These guns were too heavy for a man to carry and fire, but if he supported the butt end and rested the muzzle on the edge of the gun port he could fire the weapon. | Kanontan aqalan azayan ye halis ya arudabat alangi əd dahabu, mašan ilil ye crosse əd sinfu em fat efaday ən port wan canon, adobat igi nafew. |
This adaptation is found across Europe, and although the timber rarely survives, there is an intact example at Castle Doornenburg in the Netherlands. | Alamad wen iha dǎɣ dak Europe, əd Ahuskat as išaxeran tadarat dǎɣ awintila, iley aolahan intaman dǎɣ anu wan Doornenburg dǎɣ Pays-Bas. |
Other types of port, though less common, were horizontal slits – allowing only lateral movement – and large square openings, which allowed greater movement. | Əyad haratan ən port, Ahuskat as ifnaz dǎɣ salan, aqalan əsiturura arigayragaynen – waradoben as amtumiš dǎɣ tasaga- əd wimagornen imawan ogdahnene, taganen wi magornen əmikan. |
Ham is an example of the trend for new castles to dispense with earlier features such as machicolations, tall towers, and crenellations. | Ham eqal aolahan dəmik wan nenuwan aynaynen animakayan dǎɣ talxiwen namas atamosan machicoulitan, wi əzwaynen sixlay əd creneautan. |
In an effort to make them more effective, guns were made ever bigger, although this hampered their ability to reach remote castles. | Dǎɣ asuhušil fal adiqilan agaran asuhu, canontan daqalan wi ogarnen dak təmxire ahuskat as awen igal ye asahat nasan fal arawidan enuwan wi ogignen. |
While this sufficed for new castles, pre-existing structures had to find a way to cope with being battered by cannon. | Awen igdha fal enuwan wi aynaynen, təmuqunen tis kala ətilat anihaga adigrunat ilil wa nigi əndat dǎɣ tiwit ən canon. |
A solution to this was to pull down the top of a tower and to fill the lower part with the rubble to provide a surface for the guns to fire from. | Adabara adoben tenaxe nem ən tasaxlit əd dadakar ən tizune tan ider dər gravatan Dal samando nigi nadag yur kanontan adoben ewet. |