ids,text 0,"We'd better keep moving. I feel like that dragon might be up there watching us right now." 1,"Mercer is being Mercer. If he has a plan to get us out of this rut, then he isn't sharing it with me." 2,"Oh. Well, you should probably go get it before someone steals it." 3,"How are you feeling, Vex?" 4,"I'm not ""fretting."" I don't want Eirid playing those sorts of games!" 5,"Do your worst, monster!" 6,"My presence here will be seen as an affront to some within the Order, and as soon as we have finished, I will be leaving your College." 7,"I'd give a week's pay to see the look on Ulfric's face again, when he had to swallow the terms of the truce." 8,"I have several elixirs for sale." 9,"Nothing to do here but drink till you forget you got nothing to do." 10,"Maybe some other time I'll reveal your destiny, hmm? Tea leaves, palm reading, crystal scrying... Oooh! Maybe trepanning? Ha ha ha ha. " 11,"Well, J'zargo is surprised. And pleased! There is real competition here. This is good." 12,"Ah, so you're an alchemist, then?" 13,"Sweetheart, did you move my pickaxe? " 14,"Hist spit on you." 15,"May Talos bless your days." 16,"I'll never forget you." 17,"Using two weapons means you've got no defense. You can't block anything. But if you hit him with both at the same time, he may not get up again." 18,"With that in mind, I propose that the position of Guild Master should be yours." 19,"Knowing a Word of Power is to take its meaning into yourself. " 20,"Please make sure this arrives in a timely manner. And don't scratch it up." 21,"So, stop your worrying and get some rest. Your shift is coming up and I don't want you dozing off again like last time." 22,"I'm searching for my Fenrig. He was marching with Gjukar's men, who they say were wiped out here." 23,"Maybe when this is all over, you could sign one of your cookbooks for me?" 24,"Hjaalmarch would allow us to directly threaten the Imperial supply lines out of Solitude..." 25,"Been talk of a little boy in Windhelm, name of Aventus Aretino. Get this - he's been trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood. Foolish lad..." 26,"It's all right, Irileth. I want to hear what he has to say." 27,"You only face failure once more..." 28,"I wouldn't take that to heart. It's her way." 29,"Come back if you want to play tag." 30,"All of us possess untapped abilities; the potential to wield great power, securely sealed within our minds." 31,"I said let's go. Now." 32,"Calixto, someone left an interesting ring in here a few weeks ago. Would you like a look?" 33,"Here to mine?" 34,"Need your weapon repaired? Or could I interest you in a new one?" 35,"Orgnar. I'm travelling. You've got the inn 'til I get back." 36,"Is it over?" 37,"You realize this is exactly what they wanted." 38,"A citizen of Winterhold has asked for our help." 39,"On threat of what, exactly? This city wouldn't run without me! Now if you'll excuse me, my work awaits." 40,"I used to look forward to the day when I was of age, to see new places and people, but now it feels like a cage." 41,"If this cold numbs my fingers any worse, I'll scarcely be able to hold a weapon." 42,"My wife's going to kill me when I tell her we'll need to bring another cow." 43,"I'm ready. More than ready." 44,"I haven't seen him in many years. I wonder what became of him..." 45,"Aye, the last thing we want to be doing is crossing our clients." 46,"There are places in the world that aren't wrapped in ice, you know." 47,"I thank you for your help, my friend." 48,"I've already put in a claim to the land and property you'll forfeit when you're found to be a collaborator." 49,"I'm sorry, I didn't realize." 50,"That was well done. Come on. I've been wanting a closer look at one of these buggers." 51,"I try to think of it as coaxing the ore from the rock." 52,"Here you go. Oh, and keep it quiet. This stuff isn't exactly easy to get a hold of at these prices, if you catch my drift." 53,"Ah, that is good to hear, then." 54,"I will see you dead, monster." 55,"I hope that doesn't mean things are going to get worse around here." 56,"So you like to hurt people, huh? The town is still talking about what you did." 57,"You went right out to give it to your fiancee! Don't you even remember where you left her?" 58,"Oh I know. Isn't it wonderful? I bet she squirmed like a skeever when you pulled them out of your pocket." 59,"Kill him. Take your rightful place as my champion, or I will crush you." 60,"Begone, serpent! Begone from this house and trouble it no more!" 61,"That's why it's best to not mistake foolhardiness for bravery." 62,"...I can't believe this..." 63,"I would like you to take an item of his, a warhorn handed down from his father, and place it at a Shrine of Talos." 64,"Oh no! I couldn't. Mother says they are a burden we must bear for our gift." 65,"What is it, Argonian?" 66,"Camilla, I've seen her talking to that Faendal. Filthy elf needs to keep to his own kind..." 67,"Good evening. I'm Pantea Ateia, the Master Vocalist." 68,"My master and I had a bit of a falling out. We got into an argument and it got rather... heated." 69,"It's like an animal got to her, but these are the wounds of a blade." 70,"Vekel and me, we have a thing going. Try anything with him and it'd be bad for your health." 71,"Watch what you're doing." 72,"Just need to gather my tools and finish up a couple of things. No worries - I'll see to Cicero, make sure that wagon gets fixed." 73,"Our stock of arrows is running a bit low." 74,"It was the only way I could make sure it wasn't a Thalmor trap." 75,"Of course, Listener. What is it?" 76,"The mine's always on the verge of collapse. Good thing I'm around to keep it up." 77,"You're a stranger here too, eh?" 78,"Those Battle-Born... they're in with the Imperials. They know it too, and yet they lie to my very face!" 79,"You look to your left, you see one way. You look to your right, you see another. But neither is any harder than the opposite." 80,"His father was a good friend of the Guild back in the day, and we could really use his family's influence back on our side." 81,"I'm a soldier, not a politician. And my personal beliefs are not yours to question." 82,"Typically we avoid bestowing it upon men, but for the Sybil's escort, we could make an exception." 83,"Dorthe... I was thinkin' I'd knit a couple of blankets, sell them to Lucan. Would you like to make one? Might be fun, workin' together." 84,"Gah! Look over there. I can't believe it." 85,"Stormcloaks or Imperials. Either way, all they want is everything for free and you to lick their boots." 86,"Calm yourself, Galmar. Save it for the battlefield." 87,"Quite so." 88,"You just keep quiet and stay where you are. Soon as my relief arrives, we'll all take a nice little trip." 89,"Y...Yes?" 90,"You two, stay and guard the entrance. We don't want any Stormcloak reinforcements taking us by surprise." 91,"At last... the final Totem is ours. Let's go complete our set." 92,"I need this to go well. This is my first real command since they promoted me after Whiterun. " 93,"Outlaws and brigands are the lowest of the low. They prey on their own countrymen for profit." 94,"Wouldn't even be here if it weren't for my idiot sister." 95,"You'll pay off your debt to the Reach. Just work and you'll earn your freedom." 96,"But yes, the books. The Caller will have them. She was most interested in one of the volumes." 97,"General Tullius." 98,"See, I knew we could resolve this civilly. A debt owed must be repaid. You understand that." 99,"We're going to make them pay." 100,"I have a single one left, quite expensive, but also quite elegant." 101,"The boy has a nugget of truth, but the reality is more complicated than that." 102,"Its been difficult. I've taken the burdens of this city's problems upon myself and I keep running into impossible obstacles." 103,"What kind of talk is this? The man I married would never speak of leaving his home." 104,"An ""interesting"" mixture... Keep experimenting. You'll improve with practice." 105,"The mist is gone! A glorious day!" 106,"I was kidnapped by these bandits weeks ago. They locked me up in the towers near Mistwatch." 107,"I love it when a plan comes together." 108,"My husband. He was the blacksmith up at Castle Dour." 109,"Ataf keeps making eyes at me. " 110,"Oh, dear. Would you look at that? How embarrassing." 111,"What do you think you're doing?" 112,"I'll let that comment go because you're new here. Ask things out of turn again, and we have a problem. Now, are we clear on all of this?" 113,"Ahhh... You're quite brave to carry such a message. It's a pity you've chosen the wrong side..." 114,"And Erikur?" 115,"Found you!" 116,"Men who understand each other often have no need for words." 117,"I stand where I have always stood. Here in Morthal." 118,"All right, all right. It's Karliah... her name is Karliah." 119,"I moved here from Helgen after my family was killed." 120,"Come in, come in! I was just about to take a break." 121,"No. That was an ugly affair. High King Torygg's death has turned the whole town on its head." 122,"Stay outta trouble, or there's gonna be trouble." 123,"Come, we will do your next test inside the hall." 124,"Don't go stopping for a nap. If you fall asleep in this place, you'll never wake up." 125,"Elisif, are you really going to be a party to this foolishness?" 126,"But Housecarl... how can we fight a dragon?" 127,"You would violate this marvel of Kynareth's glory to fix that half-breed stump in Whiterun?" 128,"In fact, if you could retrieve a few things for me, I could start on my next set of experiments." 129,"It's in the clouds!" 130,"They worry that Tullius is so focused on the war, that he risks forgetting what's best for our people." 131,"Please, I need help! I don't want to die on this damned log!" 132,"Why didn't you say so? Take over my post. Make sure nobody enters the Solar." 133,"Don't blame me if your feet get sore." 134,"Mathies is a kind and wise man. The Nords could use more like him. So could the Imperials." 135,"You assist all you like. And get roasted for your trouble. I'll guard the exit." 136,"He couldn't just kill me, you see. We're technically part of each other. But he was able to banish me from his domain." 137,"Now that I think on it, I did hear something rather interesting the other day." 138,"Is that so? I've been wondering when he'd come around." 139,"We've been hired to deal with some pests in Hjaalmarch. Someone's got them riled up, and you need to put an end to it." 140,"It's nice to receive good news for a change. Did you recover anything else from the warehouse worth mentioning?" 141,"Fine, then wait here. This should only take a second." 142,"Yes, General Tullius." 143,"Don't come back until you have the ring." 144,"We are fortunate. We travel lightly, and can escape at a moment's notice. We have no home that a dragon can burn to the ground." 145,"Dishonorable dog. You attacked one of my kin. So now you're going to apologize... or I'm going to lop off your head." 146,"Don't delay, Shield-Brother." 147,"Just make sure to take care of whatever's going on there. It's my name on the line." 148,"I am the hunts-wife of this stronghold." 149,"Ah, well, I'm Redguard, as I'm sure you've noticed. Though not like you. Hmph. No, definitely not like you." 150,"I wanted to give you this. A token of my appreciation." 151,"Oh, you wanted the attic room? Why didn't you say so the first time?" 152,"Whatever you did, it worked. Let's see what else those old Blades left in our way." 153,"I hope we don't run into anything worse than Imperials in here." 154,"One of the ingredients I need to cultivate nirnroot are jazbay grapes... the acidic content of the juice is perfect for the soil." 155,"When Ulfric Stormcloak, with savage Shout, sent me here, my sole regret was fair Elisif, left forlorn and weeping." 156,"Drink Honningbrew Mead with a wench on each arm? Ha ha!" 157,"No, no. I'm fine. Is there something you need?" 158,"What's this? Is it spoiling for a fight? If not, it should hide its weapon away." 159,"Besides, the Thalmor reward their friends richly. Anyone who doesn't take advantage of that is a stubborn fool." 160,"My wife Beitild is dead. Can't say I miss that old sabre cat." 161,"Do you ever get tired of the long days on the farm, Mathias?" 162,"There's no need to be concerned. We've been through more difficult times than this." 163,"Here's your share of their reward." 164,"If you want to know, ask Nelacar. He's staying at the Frozen Hearth. Knows the whole sad story." 165,"I'm afraid I must intrude. It is urgent that I speak with your associate immediately." 166,"It was a bit difficult to come to the ways of Mara at first, but my fellow priests were kind and quite patient with me." 167,"I'm going to find you." 168,"You will pay for stealing from me you eyeless freak!" 169,"All from inside Cidhna Mine. A Nord prison. The irony is quite thick." 170,"Everyone knows it's the College's fault that the sea swallowed our city. Still they deny it, but we all know the truth." 171,"Cross the bridge at your own peril!" 172,"In any case, I have a task for you." 173,"Have faith, Bryling. When this war is over and Ulfric is dead, you'll see that you were jumping at shadows, and nothing more." 174,"Yeah, funny thing about that. The price was a hundred higher than I expected." 175,"We'll meet you there. Be careful. That part of the Reach is rough country these days." 176,"And here we all are. Shall we step inside?" 177,"Not like this. Feels colder than usual. Bet it's those damned Mages." 178,"What! What are you doing?! You fools! You cannot bind me to your wills!" 179,"I should have known better than to expect you to give us a fair hearing." 180,"Kill these casters as fast as you can, otherwise they may summon creatures we don't want to deal with." 181,"Playing tonight, Ogmund? Everyone here is anxious to hear the old ballads performed by the True Skald of the Reach." 182,"What did I tell you about snooping around my wards?" 183,"Isn't it amazing?" 184,"If you have a moment, could you help me with something?" 185,"Calm down there, friend. I'll pay! Tell Haran that she'll have her gold." 186,"But I cannot travel to Malacath's shrine. The ritual must be done here, and I do not have the materials I need." 187,"Very good. I hope this will allow us to maintain our reputation." 188,"What's the matter, I thought you people were used to indentured servitude." 189,"Falkreath will be turned over to Ulfric, and Dengeir of Stuhn will return as Jarl." 190,"The Guild has a lot riding on this. Don't make me look foolish by mucking it up." 191,"We hurt them in the past, and they have long memories." 192,"That's how it's done." 193,"...I'm sorry, friends. I'm so sorry!" 194,"Mara bless you for agreeing to help us." 195,"Don't worry, Orthus. I'm doing my best to get you reassigned to Solitude." 196,"May the gods speed your journeys... and steady your sword arm." 197,"I hadn't really considered it in terms of time. I suppose it's been at least a month." 198,"Years ago, the Guild used to have a foothold in every major city in Skyrim. You wouldn't dare even lift an apple without checkin' with us." 199,"I understand if you need some time to prepare. Let me know when you're ready." 200,"Some kind of resonance... you and the wall. It must be connected to the amulet!" 201,"Twilight watch over you, guardian." 202,"For thirty years, I served the Legion as a commander. Fought in the Great War." 203,"Look. If you're trying to get to know me - don't. I don't like you, and I never will. It's nothing personal. But... " 204,"Master! You've taken me back! Does this mean we're going home? Oh, happy times! I can't wait to..." 205,"She trusts you, at least to some extent. She sent you after us, and has no reason to think that you'd do anything other than that." 206,"If you're planning violence against me or mine, you'll regret it." 207,"Normally, a period of servitude." 208,"Delvin, Vex... watch the Flagon. If you see Mercer, come tell me right away." 209,"I think our flutist here has gotten better since the Burning of King Olaf." 210,"Find Savos, and get him back here if you can!" 211,"We will now see how you learn a completely new Shout." 212,"Who were you fighting against?" 213,"I'm watching you." 214,"Here is the spell you need. Go to the top of the Hall of Attainment; I have prepared a place for you there." 215,"I generally don't involve myself in politics. Good tales deal with the issues of the day, but a wise bard remains a neutral observer." 216,"The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Heartwood Mill." 217,"Get moving, now. I'll be fine." 218,"So, you're the one who barged into my home and laid waste to my projects." 219,"Paarthurnax? That name is familiar... the legendary leader of the Greybeards? " 220,"They're the meanest, toughest sons of bitches Skyrim has to offer. And they want this. " 221,"It's a religious thing." 222,"But there must be more to it than that. Did something... strange... happen when the dragon died?" 223,"What? What did I do this time? I was just standing here!" 224,"No matter what, the College will endure." 225,"Okay, okay. Just trying make this place a little less... boring." 226,"None. It's been long enough that honestly, I don't expect to hear from them." 227,"Grrah!" 228,"Are you awake? " 229,"Forsworn had taken over Markarth, and Ulfric and his men drove them out. Empire promised they'd be free to worship Talos afterwards." 230,"Got any work?" 231,"You want to stay here, fine. But the rest of us aren't giving up now." 232,"If you need weapons or armor, see Alvor, the blacksmith." 233,"I hope you've readied yourself." 234,"That she did. Very good. I'll tell Brynjolf." 235,"Oh, like the sleepy rebel supporters in this town are going to tell anyone." 236,"This could be even more dangerous than I thought. Head to the ships. We'll plan the assault on the way." 237,"Yes. According to Giraud, our histories keeper, the portion of the Edda dealing with King Olaf might still exist in the Dead Man's Respite." 238,"Oh my, a guest!" 239,"Without you this would have been a disaster. I should have paid more heed to Varnius' warnings. I won't make that mistake again." 240,"I should be the one thanking you. You've solved more problems in the short time you've been here then anyone in my court has their entire careers." 241,"Who sent you? Was it the College? The Jarl? We agreed there would be no more questions." 242,"Brynjolf finally got some dirt on the mark and the evidence to back it up. Think you can give him a hand?" 243,"Personally, I've always found Argonians to be incredibly unpredictable opponents. Especially near water." 244,"Maybe you'd like to try the horker? Or some beef?" 245,"And what did you say to that?" 246,"What's new with the Cruel-Seas, Suvaris? Have they given you one of those helmets with the horns on them yet?" 247,"Hmph. I wouldn't worry too much about this Virane giving you the information you need. Give him a good scare, and he'll squawk like a Hagraven." 248,"Now get going before Sabjorn grows a brain and hires someone else to do the dirty work." 249,"Sometimes I think we deserve these miserable lives of ours." 250,"Thanks again for delivering those supplies to the Greybeards." 251,"Dawnstar is the last port of call before Solitude. Damn rebels aren't taking it." 252,"You mean Roggvir. Yes. I made an appeal to Captain Aldis. He allowed Roggvir to have a proper Nord burial, as is the custom in Solitude." 253,"But until that dragon's dealt with, Ulfric's just going to have to wait." 254,"You idiot. Do you even know who I am? The most recognized scholar on the Dwemer in all of Tamriel, and you people keep bothering me!" 255,"They'll no doubt strike whenever and wherever they can. " 256,"My mother sees things. She doesn't know why, but she does. Only sometimes, she doesn't see me at all." 257,"Wuunferth? Bah. It's purely ceremonial, and he has no use for it." 258,"In truth, I'm no more a little girl than you are. I was once, of course. Three hundred years ago. Vampirism tends to keep one remarkably... fresh." 259,"You may be used to the Empire bowing to your every whim, but I'm afraid you'll find the Thalmor receive no such treatment here." 260,"Retrieve that shield at all costs." 261,"When Elgrim said we were setting up shop down here, I told him he would catch his death." 262,"I left for a few days in Riften. When I came back Bashnag accused me of trying to sell him out to the Thalmor. I was cursed and chased off." 263,"This store would finally be on its feet if I hadn't lost my last shipment to Forsworn attacks. A specially-made Dibella statuette." 264,"Yeah. Someone ticked off Maven and she wants to teach them a lesson... our way. You in?" 265,"It's good that Sorli has finally been given some real authority." 266,"They're taking it by wagon to Solitude. If you hurry, you'll catch them before they get far." 267,"Well... there is guy like that. He's paid good money for nobody to know he's down here, but I guess I can tell you." 268,"No, no, no. I need this job! This is the last place in town to have work." 269,"Exactly. With Sabjorn in prison, his meadery will be forced to close." 270,"Ralof seems to like you. That's good enough for me." 271,"This place has seen better days, but it's not my fault." 272,"Maybe we can swap stories about our adventures over a mug of ale at the inn!" 273,"You represent Mara now. Set an example for all." 274,"My only regret is that she doesn't host them more often." 275,"I've got a little work if you're interested, traveler." 276,"Hroggar's house? It burned down not too long ago." 277,"Shouldn't the ceremony be completed first?" 278,"Cough Cough" 279,"I'll take your challenge, but if I win I get to start a new life as an adventurer, and with no objections from you." 280,"Why would you even listen to him?" 281,"I think the man you want to talk to is Nelacar. He was exiled a few years ago, bad research. Still hangs around the Frozen Hearth." 282,"I can help with purchases, but if you came to talk, see my sister. She's the one who gets on with people. It's her one virtue, really." 283,"I surrender... I surrender..." 284,"(Crying)" 285,"Thank you. Let me show you some tricks around the forge." 286,"To the Inn for a drink, of course! Where else could I even go in this gods-forsaken town?" 287,"You here for my next interrogation? I got nothing but time..." 288,"But what you seek does not come easily, and can destroy those without a strong will." 289,"I can ask no more. Thank you, my lord!" 290,"Ahem. Mi mi mi mi. Pardon me. Just, um, warming up. Never know when I may be called upon for a ballad." 291,"Bandits are desperate men. They have nothing to lose, and they fight like it." 292,"I... you're right of course. It can be hard to hear the winds of Kynareth when all you hear are the rabble in the temple." 293,"Do you believe all this talk of dragons? Can the ancient ones truly have returned?" 294,"Fine. I'll send the Unblooded here with you." 295,"You come up to me, fists raised? You looking for a beating?" 296,"I've never seen anything quite like that." 297,"Another day, another opportunity to learn!" 298,"I guess I shouldn't boast so much... it gets expensive!" 299,"Oh, but the Dwemer had more than even Septimus expected." 300,"I swear to you, unnatural magics are coming from that cave! There are strange noises and lights! We need someone to investigate!" 301,"Let's hope we succeed." 302,"Come to sell me something special, or did you just want to look through my merchandise?" 303,"Be careful around the burial stones. I don't want to haul you back to Jorrvaskr on my back." 304,"The anticipation is killing me. Can you figure out who has the contract? Which one will you choose?" 305,"We tunneled into an old crypt. We're warning strangers to keep out." 306,"It's our honor to have you there. " 307,"In fact, I need to arrange for someone to pick up an ore sample for me in Shor's Stone... goodness knows Elgrim won't lift a finger to do it." 308,"Elisif! I said I'd handle it." 309,"So the disgusting pig sent you to bother me? One day, I'll tear his face apart so he can leave me alone." 310,"Oh, excuse me, milady. I'll be glad to sell you an elixir after I'm done with these fine people." 311,"Maven was down here right before you got back and she was all smiles. Haven't seen her like that in a long time." 312,"May all your adventures be worthy of telling." 313,"No... please, you have to help me! You don't understand what they do to people here!" 314,"You know, this is one of a very few places where you can receive a real education in the schools of magic." 315,"Keep your eyes open. I'm not sure what to expect when we enter the cistern." 316,"Old fort. Abandoned for years. They're like jackals, making their home anywhere they can find." 317,"The cornerclub's been filling up at night lately. I'll bet Elda up at Candlehearth is jealous." 318,"The Empire showed its true colors today, eh? Don't worry. I was once loyal to the Empire, too, before my eyes were opened." 319,"How are the new breeds getting along with my dogs?" 320,"This one angered someone pretty high up in the keep. Can I count on you to get this done for me?" 321,"It was an old Nord proverb. It said, the best way to get over the loss of a lover is to find a new one." 322,"Some day soon, you will all see battle. And what you do here, today, may well save your lives!" 323,"He surrendered pretty meekly, too. So much for his death-or-glory reputation." 324,"There's plenty that needs doing." 325,"I would lead the song of triumph as our mead hall reveled in his stories." 326,"You should have run away." 327,"Tell me, son. Any truth to these stories I been hearing. About you gluing a cow's udders shut? You really do something like that?" 328,"I return from the war to find my home overrun with bandit filth." 329,"I... won't... surrender!" 330,"What are you on about? Let's just get the treasure here and go." 331,"Our actual position and policies are irrelevant. No matter the facts of the response, it will certainly be twisted to suit the whims of either group." 332,"No offense, of course." 333,"I had my years of war and fighting. Senseless, all of it. All I want now is a rake and a patch of good soil. " 334,"It's been easier lately." 335,"How's the newcomer look?" 336,"Are you all right? Can you walk?" 337,"I've heard you may actually be stronger than you look. Perhaps we can hunt together someday. " 338,"You know exactly... no. Not this time." 339,"But aren't even you the least bit nervous? After everything that's happened?" 340,"You must understand. If Cicero is turning the others against me... against us... Our Family would not survive such division." 341,"Well, spit it out. What's the matter?" 342,"You'll want to speak with Mirabelle Ervine right away. And welcome to the College of Winterhold." 343,"Don't get too far ahead." 344,"Ulfric. Stop." 345,"The research I've done seems to indicate that Skorm Snow-Strider left part of his journal here after laying siege." 346,"Be careful up there." 347,"As you say, my Jarl." 348,"Now you die!" 349,"Always a pleasure to meet a prospective bard." 350,"You serve your time by digging. So dig." 351,"I don't know. I think I realized that out in the world, my skills would bring me more wealth as a thief rather than an assassin." 352,"Disciples of Kynareth could sense something holy in it, and traveled far to hear the winds of the goddess in its branches." 353,"I guess we also owe you something for locking you up. Here, my family's ring. And everything the guards confiscated from you." 354,"Most impressive." 355,"Skyrim is the birthplace of humanity. The birthplace of honor. And those snowbacked Imperials renounced both when they laid down before the Thalmor." 356,"I was beginning to lose faith that any help would come." 357,"This way, come on!" 358,"To guide its people through this time of transition, to help lead them to a better future." 359,"It was a mistake, and now I want back what I gave him. It's an amulet that belonged to my family, and I never should've given it to Enthir." 360,"So I'm finally seeing you with a smile on your face." 361,"All eyes are on you, lad. Don't disappoint us." 362,"It's difficult to explain to the layman -- forgive me if I begin waxing alchemic. " 363,"But then... out of nowhere... a dragon attacked..." 364,"So, what do we have here? Hmm. Let me guess." 365,"I don't fight Lars no more, if that's what you're worried about." 366,"By Ysmir! Nothing kills it!" 367,"Come on, we'd better get moving." 368,"Well, until they do, I don't have any business to discuss with outsiders." 369,"You have vanquished a great evil from Skyrim. You have saved this land... and our very souls." 370,"It's pretty simple. Ulfric founded the Stormcloaks years ago, as a sort of private army to advance his ambitions." 371,"The Empire would have us become slaves to the Thalmor. We are not slaves. We are men. Free men who will slay anyone who begs to differ." 372,"Push off, will you?" 373,"He could be this Esbern you're looking for, but I don't know. He's old and seemed kind of crazy. That's all I know." 374,"Please, tell me you've found the crystal. I've no wish to die in this place." 375,"He is not compelled to come, but the dov are prideful by nature. Few could resist such a challenge. Especially from you, Dovahkiin." 376,"You should bring this information to the Thieves Guild immediately." 377,"You have piqued my curiosity, however. Please, do continue." 378,"I cannot thank you enough for rescuing me from this place. I suspect I'd never again see the light of day otherwise." 379,"Quickly, what did you want?" 380,"I had a daughter, once. She'd be 23 this year. Married to some hot-headed silver worker or maybe on her own learning the herb trade." 381,"With pleasure. Nature has a way of finding vengeance, though. You walk a bleak path, friend. One that will lead to suffering. " 382,"I've already told you everything I know, I swear." 383,"Don't worry, citizen. I'm on top of that little matter we discussed." 384,"We're taking the capital. Meet the soldiers gathering for the attack. Move it!" 385,"Oh no! You're the one from Brynjolf's outfit, aren't you?" 386,"Dragons were never gone. They were just invisible and very, very quiet." 387,"My bloodin' days might be over, but my son Idolaf is out there fightin' for Skyrim! Fightin' for the Empire! Ha!" 388,"That's all they are... rumors. So quit worrying." 389,"Well, you clearly possess the minimum aptitude required. Congratulations. I'll escort you up to the gate." 390,"I can see it in your eyes - you've seen the land of the gods and returned." 391,"If you can get onboard that ship. Kill Titus Mede II, as contracted... I will reveal the location of the dead drop that holds your payment." 392,"The streets are safer now, thanks to you." 393,"Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King." 394,"My father is Alvor, the blacksmith. I'm his assistant. I mean, apprentice." 395,"You know very well what I'm talking about. You're saying that I only married Bolli for his gold and that I don't really love him." 396,"What are you waiting for? Let's get this over with." 397,"Please... don't break my wares!" 398,"I had retained Enthir's services in, uhh, acquiring something specific." 399,"One person's trash is another's treasure. Don't be surprised if you find that gone..." 400,"So, you in for a little fishin'?" 401,"My thanks!" 402,"Then what are you wasting my time for?" 403,"Wulfharth was Dragonborn. Talos, too - the founder of the Empire, back in the good old days." 404,"We... don't have enough to..." 405,"I thank you all again for making this the best wedding a woman could ask for." 406,"Here you are. Now I'm anxious to see you cast it." 407,"It's my hope that you will, yes." 408,"Get over to Markarth." 409,"But which among you truly exceeds the rest?" 410,"But every family in the Reach has a story like mine. There are no innocent onlookers in this struggle. Just the guilty, and the dead." 411,"However, this hardly matters any longer as you appear to have exited unscathed." 412,"The other Blades? No. Best not to think what the Thalmor do to their victims, my dear." 413,"Hold, there!" 414,"Oh, yes. A secret family recipe. The only good thing my father Octieve ever did. In fact, it's so good, no one else in Skyrim even tries to make any." 415,"You need to take better care of your sister." 416,"When he shows up here and vouches for you, then I'll see what I can do for you." 417,"Listener!" 418,"When my husband died, I wasn't sure I could let him go. Now I don't have to." 419,"To the east of here is a hidden grove where the Eldergleam resides. It's the oldest living thing in Skyrim. Maybe all of Tamriel." 420,"You're the one saved the Fire Festival. I remember." 421,"Got a pretty full stock of potions and alchemy reagents." 422,"Oh, you heard about that, huh? Uh, sorry boss. I was going to speak to Delvin about cutting the Guild in, but I forgot." 423,"Mikael is quite the songbird. Maybe he's the reason you're here all the time." 424,"I see I still have much to learn. Lead on." 425,"Splendid! With the extra coin, I'll be able to purchase twice the volume in supplies that I normally do." 426,"Someone lied. Someone told the guard poor Cicero did something he did not. We were detained, delayed! The Night Mother kept from her new home!" 427,"Don't be daft. Proventus is my eyes. " 428,"Nuz aan sul, fent alok, fod fin vul dovah nok, fen kos nahlot mahfaeraak ahrk ruz!" 429,"Priest of Arkay. I'm your friend." 430,"It is large, indeed. I did not anticipate Avanchnzel's size or the time needed to uncover the entrance." 431,"I don't remember seeing you at one of these before." 432,"Um, excuse me. Could I buy two leeks." 433,"Thorald... Thorald Gray-Mane? Fighting for the Stormcloaks, disappeared and believed dead?" 434,"Come to gawk at the Dark Elf?" 435,"You slaughtered the very people you claim to be fighting for! True sons of Skyrim would never do such things." 436,"Well, I was thinking maybe something mournful. A High Elf dirge, perhaps? These are rather trying times, after all." 437,"Isn't there some business you should be tending to?" 438,"Great. Here you go. Come back later and I'll have other things." 439,"The crescent moon represents the Agent of Shadow, the half moon for the Agent of Subterfuge and the full moon for the Agent of Strife." 440,"Not yet. You know you're asking for some pretty strange stuff, don't you? It's not easy to find." 441,"Lady Haelga, so pleased to see you. Your Marks of Dibella are ready." 442,"Please. Remove your naked obscenity from the company of civilized folk." 443,"I assure you, you will not even notice me. Most of them are hardly painful at all to a large dragon such as yourself." 444,"Dwemer blood can loose the hooks, but none alive remain to bear it." 445,"Officially, nothing." 446,"Please keep your weapons sheathed in the Jarl's presence." 447,"The Blackblood girl? Now there was a fighter. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was a Forsworn woman." 448,"She's the mistress of night and darkness and the patron of every thief in Tamriel." 449,"Have you decided to do the right thing, Dragonborn?" 450,"I only take real coin here, no handouts and no bartering." 451,"Bah. What's so good about it, hmm?" 452,"What? No! Get back in your cage!" 453,"You fight well, brother. " 454,"But how would you know it's real?" 455,"Pa says the Empire made us leave, but the Empire just does whatever the elves tell them to." 456,"Let him guide your path." 457,"Nivahriin muz fent siiv nid aaz het." 458,"Okay, got just the one for you. Ledger's just beggin' to be changed and the Guild could use the coin. How about it?" 459,"Tacitus? What is this?" 460,"Oh, and that busybody Viola Giordano. She's got her nose in everyone's business, which I guess is one way of being prominent." 461,"Zu'u ni faas gaaffesejul." 462,"Battles are won by trained and disciplined men. Wars are won by talented and exceptional individuals." 463,"Gods... Everyone get back!" 464,"It's true that his crimes are long in the past, but justice does not count the passage of years." 465,"Aye, we used to be fast friends, though it was long ago." 466,"Scrounging for contracts, abandoning the Tenets. The Dark Brotherhood has been reduced to a group of common cutthroats. Frankly, it's embarrassing." 467,"Support Ulfric or die trying. There's nothing in between." 468,"The old man said to have a look at you, so let's do this." 469,"Let's not waste any time." 470,"Talos smite you!" 471,"I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Black Marsh." 472,"It's not really a fair comparison, if you ask me." 473,"Wonder what it's like for those Thalmor, now that they've been taken down a notch..." 474,"Thanks again for the ice wraith teeth." 475,"I don't haggle. If you want a lower price, look elsewhere." 476,"Your blood won't bother me!" 477,"I might ask the same of you. For you are more than mortal. You are moon-born. You are wolf." 478,"Maybe you can help me. You know, by way of making amends for getting me into this mess." 479,"The Thalmor know how to deal with Talos worshippers." 480,"Came here to start a lumber mill. Who knew the Nords cared about a bunch of old trees?" 481,"Now that we've got that out of the way, I'll take everything you have... or your life." 482,"All right, all right. Have it your way. Tell Octieve to forget about the debt." 483,"I'm not much of a strategist, but Lord Ulfric listens to my counsel all the same." 484,"Nobody allowed in. Ulfric Stormcloak's orders. Consider yourself warned." 485,"Mercer took everything. Even all of our plans are gone." 486,"Always another big meal to cook. Figures." 487,"Just remember that you're only a part of my court, this doesn't make you one of the family." 488,"That's it, son. Make me proud." 489,"It was a family heirloom. I can't even put a price on how much that thing means to me." 490,"Aren't they all?" 491,"Do not fight it. Azura's prophecies always come to pass. To deny them is to go headlong into the darkness with no light to guide you." 492,"Very. I helped raise him. Oh, I could not have been more proud to see Torygg on the throne. He made a fine king. A fine king..." 493,"If you're here about the mine -- it's already got an owner, and she's not selling. If not, then please stay out of my workers' way." 494,"Decided to go through with it then? I knew you couldn't have forgotten about your fiance. You spoke of her so glowingly." 495,"Death? Oh, there's death to be found here, to be sure." 496,"You're someone who can get things done. I like that." 497,"Follow the Captain, prisoner." 498,"Oh, I am well. I will be well. Well to be within the will inside the walls. " 499,"Do you seek to finish that which you could not?" 500,"Oh, wipe that frown off your face Rogatus. You've been wearing that frown for over 50 years now." 501,"You show up here just as our work nears completion, and now I can't get any results from this because of something at your College." 502,"And here you are. Champion of Namira. Keeper of her ring. You're everything I hoped you would be." 503,"So if you don't have any business. Leave." 504,"Yes, the World-Eater is gone... may the spirits have mercy on our souls." 505,"Come back when you're committed to the cause, or go join the Legion. They're taking anyone with a pulse these days." 506,"Not much to go on -- I don't even know where he lives, or his name. But they seemed pretty excited about it." 507,"I didn't mean nothing by it! Just... leave me alone! What do you want?" 508,"Ful, losei Dovahkiin? Zu'u koraav nid nol dov do hi." 509,"If you find anyone you think would make a good recruit, I can certainly take a look at them." 510,"I am. I'd be glad to stand by your side until the Divines take us, if you'll have me." 511,"Just don't mistake my admiration for complacency; our nemesis is going to pay dearly." 512,"Wonderful. Please follow me, and don't wander off." 513,"But... Eisa? She's smarter than that." 514,"Don't take offense to the nicknames, morsel. I'm a werewolf. Hard not to think of you as a snack." 515,"We should risk letting those milkdrinkers put Thorryg's woman on the throne? She'll hand Skyrim over to the elves on a silver plate." 516,"The stench in here... this place smells of death. Be on your guard." 517,"Get away from me, you Skyrim trash." 518,"Oh, this was back in the days of Olaf One-Eye, thousands of years ago." 519,"Aventus really did it! He got the Dark Brotherhood to kill old Grelod! Ha ha ha ha ha!" 520,"Well said! You may be fighting on the wrong side in this war." 521,"Wow! Look at that robe. Are you a wizard? " 522,"It can't be helped." 523,"I used to serve with Trilf and Steirod. Good guys, but don't get on their bad side, you know?" 524,"But... he has forbidden me from saying his name. He says it distracts him, and woe to those who draw his ire." 525,"Daedra take you, then." 526,"Let us not spurn our lord's bounty - this hall is his gift, for glory well-earned." 527,"What? Now's not the time to chat." 528,"To restore Master Elgrim's supply I would need 20 deathbell, 20 nightshade and 20 nirnroot." 529,"May the light of truth keep the darkness at bay." 530,"Yes, your head hurts and you don't remember where you are." 531,"The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Half-moon Mill." 532,"From that point forward, every time Vivienne and I were anywhere close to each other, he made sure to humiliate me." 533,"And finally take the fact that the College is the only thing left standing after most of Winterhold was destroyed. It's all fairly damning." 534,"Why does everyone ignore me? Why do you turn your heads? Why will no one help me?" 535,"This is my final contract, and certainly the most challenging. Be careful with this one, my friend." 536,"No, I certainly didn't!" 537,"You can't have the ring back! You made a commitment!" 538,"Whatever the truth, if Ulfric get's his hands on it, it would be a powerful symbol around which to rally support for his cause." 539,"That's all right, grandmother. I like staying home with you." 540,"It was you convinced the Jarl to trap that dragon in the keep. And by Ysmir, it actually worked." 541,"I... I'll get his things in order. " 542,"How can I help you today?" 543,"If we can just find out what this Dragonrend Shout is, you may have a chance." 544,"Uh oh. A fellow bard. I best not miss my notes or forget any lyrics." 545,"You and Madanach are animals, and I'll see you both rot to death in Cidhna Mine for this." 546,"Atub is wise beyond her years. I take her advice seriously, and you should as well." 547,"Poor Cicero is stuck. Can't you see? I was transporting my dear, sweet mother. Well, not her. Her corpse! She's quite dead." 548,"Peace! Everyone stand down. That's an order. Stand down!" 549,"I've had this bow almost my entire life, and it's never let me down. I hope it brings you the same luck." 550,"Next, you'll infiltrate their position and get their attention while we hit them with a barrage of arrows." 551,"My servants serve their own purposes. But, if their will is insufficient, nor suitably aligned with mine, I simply destroy them. " 552,"I found out the Thalmor have him. And they don't let anyone go." 553,"Rjorn's drum! Nobody knows where he died, and therefore where his drum might be." 554,"Don't worry about Malborn. He's not a dangerous character like you, but he hates the Thalmor at least as much as I do." 555,"Welcome to Solitude. Home of the arts here in Skyrim." 556,"Do you like my pretty tower?" 557,"Rum from Hammerfell, mulled wine from Daggerfall and the like." 558,"Ah, my disciples have sent me a fresh soul. Good. I was getting... hungry." 559,"Yeah... Let's wait a little longer. Then..." 560,"Mighty Arkay, God of Mortals, hear now the prayers of your humble servant. Bless these departed souls and welcome them into the realms beyond." 561,"We've got them pinned in! It's only a matter of time now. Keep fighting!" 562,"All I care about is two things: watchin' Maven's back and countin' the gold she pays me to do it." 563,"It is imperative that you return to your College at once." 564,"Forgive me, I didn't mean to assume." 565,"Looks like the way out's up ahead. Come on." 566,"He's holed up in the Ratway Warrens. Hardly ever leaves the place - has someone bring him food and such." 567,"Plus, the meadery's doing so well, I'm almost having trouble keeping up with the demand." 568,"I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around Haafingar." 569,"What's wrong? You have to look at the blood closely to see the quality of the meat. How else will you know it's fresh?" 570,"We want Hjaalmarch back, and Idgrod Ravencrone restored as Jarl." 571,"By Shor's command we sheathed our blades and ventured not the vale's dark mist." 572,"But someone still has quite a bit to do. Hmmm?" 573,"I also want to know how they managed to get the place up and running so quickly." 574,"That's because there's nothing to tell. He left us to fend for ourselves and that's all you need to know." 575,"Yeah, sure, I understand. No need to decide now." 576,"I fear the night. Because the werewolves and vampires don't." 577,"As if Skyrim didn't have enough outsiders. Now we've got mercenaries from Hammerfell struttin' about..." 578,"There is no news, I'm afraid." 579,"We will make do somehow. We always have." 580,"Let's be done with it!" 581,"I can't stand this city. It's impossible to make a decent living here." 582,"Alduin's defeat is the centerpiece of the Wall." 583,"Every year, I sell more Honningbrew and Maven loses customers. Know why? My mead tastes better." 584,"Some may prefer an eternity in his Hunting Grounds, but I crave the fellowship of Sovngarde." 585,"Thank you, Thonar. That's generous of you to say." 586,"Going after Cicero now would be a fool's errand. That little jester is currently being digested in Arnbjorn's stomach, mark my words." 587,"So ends the story of Olaf the liar, a thief and a scoundrel we of Solitude commit to the fire." 588,"Let's see... found the Dragon Cult... laid siege... people already dead... poisoned themselves... blah, blah, blah... ah! Here it is!" 589,"If you'll pardon the expression, she's far more bark than bite." 590,"If you really want to do my job for me... Here, I'll mark the location on your map." 591,"We are used to the cycle of gain and loss. It is no trouble." 592,"That the best Ulfric has?" 593,"Anyone suggesting that Restoration is better left to the priests of the Temples, I think, is forgetting a few things." 594,"Here you are." 595,"She came through a while ago, wanted to know where she could get her hands on something valuable. Anything, really." 596,"You're an idiot, Kleppr. Why did I ever marry you?" 597,"This one's mine." 598,"What? What do you mean?" 599,"Spare a coin?" 600,"Good. And his Writ of Passage?" 601,"And you're right, at least as far as I'm concerned." 602,"I swear, if one more thing goes wrong, I'm going to burn my mill to the ground!" 603,"Get the coat. Then we'll talk." 604,"If you're trying to ask if I tend the hall of the dead alone, then the answer is yes." 605,"You, place that hammer on the shrine. You're the only one who's proven worthy in all of this..." 606,"Old Nord sacrifice place. Be careful around here. Let's look for a way to open the bars." 607,"I've no problem with your kind, Orc. But that stronghold you've got in the southeast? Narzulbur? It's an affront to my people." 608,"I haven't seen Savos since the explosion. He must've been blown clear, and he may be injured." 609,"I think we can all profit from the situation in which we find ourselves." 610,"The mines are hard, but Malacath rewards those who rise to the challenge." 611,"That could have turned out better." 612,"Do you wish to test yourself against me?" 613,"Don't think you can barter with me like I'm one of those damned shopkeepers." 614,"Return Wuuthrad to Ysgramor. It should open the way. " 615,"I believe there is a laboratory in the east wing. If we proceed there, we should be able to locate a sample." 616,"Last I'd heard, he'd been carted off to Northwatch Keep. Ever heard of it?" 617,"There's no reason to fight." 618,"You bring an outsider here, and now insist I call on Malacath for help, when he has clearly forsaken me? You try my patience, Atub." 619,"Goldenglow Estate is critically important to one of our largest clients." 620,"Do you have it?" 621,"I'll be the one asking the questions." 622,"Here, I have a delivery I need to make to Calcelmo. Why don't you take it to him? He knows the history of Markarth better than anyone." 623,"Keep your hands to yourself." 624,"It's been two months, and no word from father." 625,"Shagrol, once the leader of this tribe, unhappy with his demise, has dealt with Malacath himself to curse me, curse us all." 626,"It's an entirely different situation. I don't expect you to comprehend the nuances of these matters." 627,"Ahhh. Yes..." 628,"I thought we were taking Ulfric back to Cyrodiil, but I guess the General changed his mind. You know the rest." 629,"Just remember, if she tells you to do somethin'... you damn well better do exactly what she says." 630,"Hah, you have the foresight of a Khajiit in a sandstorm. If we offer a discount to both sides, the winners will persecute us for helping the losers." 631,"If you need potions, head over to Angeline's Aromatics." 632,"I heard he went back to his house in Windhelm, and is trying to get the Dark Brotherhood to come and murder Grelod. That would be so wonderful." 633,"Then you have Hemming, Maven's son; spoiled brat and heir to her empire. He follows her word like a loyal dog follows its master." 634,"It's all up to you now... Listener." 635,"I've heard. Bolli and Keerava were speaking of it just a little while ago." 636,"I've known her long enough to appreciate her excellent taste in food and wine." 637,"Elenwen puts a great deal of effort into these parties, and it shows." 638,"Why don't you go... sell something." 639,"Of course! I've seen you at the Flagon. My mistake." 640,"Looking for work? I need someone to deliver a message to Sibbi Black-Briar." 641,"Things seem to be going well at the Guild." 642,"Well, I suppose we can't just stand here. We'd better do something." 643,"Gems, potions, exotic ingredients... I have them all!" 644,"You're making my patrons nervous. Put the weapon away." 645,"Some gate guard you were!" 646,"You can trample us underfoot but we will rise again!" 647,"Whatever you need. By Ysmir, if it's simple and strong, I can forge it." 648,"Well met. Unlike my brother, I've no dislike of strangers. Met lots of 'em while I was a Stormcloak." 649,"I would if I could, but I can barely make ends meet." 650,"Time for your final rest!" 651,"What do you want, milk drinker?" 652,"Have you visited Rorikstead lately? No matter how harsh the winter, the crops that grow there never falter." 653,"Go and pick some fights." 654,"All I can think about is my son, my Thorald... they say that he was killed, but I know better. I know my son is alive!" 655,"It was my pleasure. It's not often I get visitors out here. Let alone friendly ones." 656,"That important client Mercer mentioned would be furious if you did." 657,"A poison stew, eh? I was always partial to apples, myself." 658,"Imperial spies? You can't be serious!" 659,"I've got a feeling about this one." 660,"I need to make a few things clear before I accept these Legionnaires of his." 661,"Studies stars you say? Why, there hasn't been a mage doing anything related to stars since.... Oh...." 662,"If the Night Mother truly spoke to you, if you really are the Listener... your destiny was written in the Void. Astrid is right to fear your power." 663,"I only wish to escape the constant glaring of my ""colleagues"" and discover an opportunity for repose. Your Arcanaeum is so lovely and quiet..." 664,"But I thought there was only one chief." 665,"The Gourmet is scheduled to cook for the Emperor at a special dinner. You'll kill him, steal his Writ of Passage, and assume the roll of master chef." 666,"I would be most appreciative if you would permit me to perform some, ah, tests on you. Purely in the interests of the advancement of knowledge." 667,"Good. We still hold half of Skyrim despite everything the Empire could throw at us." 668,"We're on the right track. She's been through here as well." 669,"I must have collapsed, because the next thing I remember is Aerin standing over me tending to my wounds." 670,"Didn't muck it up I hear. Good. Here's your share." 671,"Cause trouble in Whiterun, and I'll haul you into the Dragonsreach dungeon myself." 672,"And perhaps... well, I don't wish to speculate, but... What if we could contact the dwarves? What if they're still out there? Imagine!" 673,"Besides, you're the one having all of these visions, aren't you?" 674,"Brother, I think she's telling the truth..." 675,"I've got one!" 676,"By the gods..." 677,"The college treasury is a bit thin right now. But I can show you some tricks I learned from my days with the army." 678,"Did you find all of the vessels?" 679,"Sure, Ton. You know I'm good for it." 680,"Bye, lady." 681,"You just better hope this one isn't another waste of my coin." 682,"I'm the Steward here. I serve under Jarl Siddgeir and Jarl Dengeir before him." 683,"What's all the commotion?" 684,"Be a lot safer just to have the Jarl's wizard teach you a thing or two." 685,"Windhelm is the first city on that road, and here we are." 686,"These Imperials have potions in here. We're going to need them." 687,"Sure, you can hire a swordsman or a spellcaster to fight at your side, but why not get both for the price of one?" 688,"Well, what is it you want?" 689,"Damn! This place is coming down! Quick, get the Skeleton Key and the Eye and lets get out of here!" 690,"Oh, what a kind and wise wizard you are. Sure to earn our Lady's favor." 691,"Stand aside. I don't need to speak to you." 692,"I'm promoting you to Quaestor." 693,"If you change your mind, seek me out here." 694,"Just go right into the tower, then straight ahead to the kitchen. Gianna's expecting you." 695,"As long as Ulfric wishes Elisif to remain Jarl, remain Jarl she will. And the Thanes will continue to follow her orders." 696,"Hey, don't you want to make this exchange?" 697,"Are you joking? You just rented a room from me." 698,"You talk to Reldith yet? She's like a mother to me." 699,"Fine, I'll get someone else to take care of it." 700,"The Silver-Bloods pay their debts. You have my thanks." 701,"As Jarl Laila's housecarl, I would ask that you maintain a respectable distance from her at all times." 702,"It could have been lightning, but there was no thunder. In the dream, the sense of foreboding grew, but I could never wake up." 703,"As forge-wife, I'm also in charge of our mine." 704,"Well, what the hell is Mercer going to do about this mess? Have you even talked to him?" 705,"Klimmek? What is it?" 706,"You will release me - ro laan - if in return I promise to take you to Skuldafn and stop helping Alduin? " 707,"Don't suppose you'd enchant my sword? Dull old blade can barely cut butter." 708,"That's the spirit." 709,"This is an ode to Skyrim's staunch protectors... the Imperials." 710,"This'll clear up soon, I'm sure of it." 711,"Ironically, if she were alive today, she'd be the only living member of the Septim bloodline. By all rights, she would now be Empress." 712,"Here." 713,"Is there anything you need, dearest?" 714,"I'll soon arrange transportation for our little friend. Don't worry, he'll rot in a cell and pay for what he's done." 715,"Another poor soul lost." 716,"You can bring weapons in, but you can't use 'em in here. Got it?" 717,"Yes... quite. But if that power could be harnessed. Controlled. The possibilities would be..." 718,"Here we are. Dawnstar. Capital of the Pale. Don't get up this way much. Beautiful country though." 719,"I'm no man's fool. I know Ulfric Stormcloak's selfish and power-hungry, but he's the devil I know. Does that put it plain enough for you?" 720,"Not well I'm afraid. That Brynjolf... he keeps draining the people's pockets with his ridiculous miracle cures." 721,"You know, I took some classes at the Bards College as a youth. Poems come in handy when wooing." 722,"Thank you! Thank you! I won't tell anyone what happened here, I swear it!" 723,"By Imperial Law banning Talos, we have the right to do whatever we want. " 724,"Nothing, nothing at all! Arniel already overpaid for... whatever it is." 725,"I worship Peryite, yes, because sometimes the world can only be cleansed by disease." 726,"Damn the Jarls." 727,"Dorthe needs to spend more time in the garden. I could use the help." 728,"Bit by bit, we bring honor to this land. And you've brought honor to the Companions. More importantly, some gold." 729,"Don't take too long figuring it out. Might mistake your hesitation for Imperial sympathies." 730,"I told you, this is the whelp that Vilkas mentioned." 731,"I'm going to rest up here a while before heading to Windhelm. Be careful." 732,"You should talk to the Jarl up in Dragonsreach, lend any aid you can." 733,"Alduin, feyn do jun, kruziik vokun staadnau, voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein!" 734,"Orchendor? Kesh knew him. He's an Overseer. Shepherd. Gathers the Afflicted, contains the festering wound." 735,"I expected better from you." 736,"But, never mind all that. We've got a job to do. Don't we?" 737,"Now if you need any details on your marks, I'll be here. Get going." 738,"The god Arkay was once like us, bound to winding mortality." 739,"I suspected as much. The real question now is do we do something about it ourselves or do we speak to the Jarl?" 740,"Please, let's hurry." 741,"Oh, thank the gods you're in Windhelm, Calixto!" 742,"I have some questions for you. I'm trying to find someone." 743,"Well, look at us, getting married. Life in Skyrim ain't all bad, huh?" 744,"You come here where you're not wanted, you eat our food, you pollute our city with your stink and you refuse to help the Stormcloaks." 745,"I'm going to put my neck on the line. We need people like you in our outfit." 746,"But there are risks. There are always risks. You must summon and command an unbound Dremora." 747,"We can't even enter the tomb without Wuuthrad, and it's in pieces, like it has been for a thousand years." 748,"Stay warm and keep sober. It's the two things I know for sure will make life better." 749,"We understand the Nightgate and Roughwater inns are frequent stops for Stormcloak runners." 750,"Constance Michel says we have to be careful of people we don't know." 751,"Just follow the road north. When you get to Honningbrew Meadery, turn left and the road will take you to the city gates." 752,"Seems to me they're a bunch of narrow-minded bigots, just like you." 753,"Hello there, friend. Have you come to enjoy the sights and sounds of this beautiful sanctuary, as I have? Truly remarkable, isn't it?" 754,"But that's nonsense. You can't handle a group of Forsworn by yourself. If their axes don't get you, their magic will." 755,"Did she really run off and do this? For me?" 756,"Yeah, yeah. Go on in." 757,"It's a good start, but you need all four of the volumes or the set isn't complete." 758,"Got some good pieces out here, if you're looking to buy. More inside." 759,"This is Nocturnal's way of maintaining balance." 760,"I'm not really sure. Styrr thinks you have some sort of link to Potema." 761,"We don't mistake that for acceptance, though. Odds are they're simply too afraid to confront us directly." 762,"You kept saying it would be a huge ceremony at Morvunskar. You said you even had some magic staff there that would handle all the guests." 763,"Enough of your lies!" 764,"Over here!" 765,"That's privileged information. Now move along." 766,"At this point they don't care what happens to her and neither do I. Best to just kill her and be done with it." 767,"The Jarl has things under control. Don't you worry." 768,"Wow! Look at all the colors!" 769,"Crazy n'wah - you're trying to get someone killed?" 770,"Oooh... pretty colors." 771,"It's a simple job, Drennen. We get in, we steal the Lexicon, we leave. Don't get jumpy." 772,"Aela's laid claim to your services, and I've learned the hard way not to upset her. Best you stick to her for now." 773,"You have to understand, it's been a long time since Brynjolf's sent me anyone I can rely on." 774,"So you saw a dragon, did you? Tell me, what was it like? As big as a house?" 775,"If I had one you could. They're all spoken for." 776,"Ours is to follow, friend." 777,"Now, that's it. One free outfit per soldier. You lose that, or get it banged up, you'll need to pay like everyone else." 778,"These thralls of yours are slower than Argonians in a blizzard." 779,"As Talos is my witness, may this oath bind me to death and beyond..." 780,"He has no idea the extent of Maven's fury when she's been cut out of a deal, but I'm certain he'll find out." 781,"You've heard too? They say the town was completely destroyed by a dragon." 782,"It means so much to us to have the claw back where it belongs. Thank you!" 783,"It was you who fought a dying Empire who sunk its claws into our land, trying to drag us down with it. " 784,"All I care about is cause and effect. Did the job get done and was it done correctly. There's no gray area." 785,"I see you are eager to carry the light." 786,"Need to get back to chopping." 787,"How kind. At my age, I've certainly learned how to spend wisely." 788,"Here, take this. This should cover your end of the work nicely." 789,"It'll be lean times for the Reach with a Silver-Blood ruling it, that's for certain." 790,"They're at the gate!" 791,"We're not leaving until we get what we came for." 792,"Did you know what we were attempting? Are you here to make sure your plan worked, that our efforts have been for nothing?" 793,"Did you clean the linens, yet?" 794,"I'll rest easy when we've driven every last Imperial pig back across the Jerall Mountains!" 795,"As you command, my lord. But, the issue could be solved another way." 796,"Among other things, the Dwemer were expert trap-makers. Watch the floor for tripwires and false plates." 797,"It wasn't my fault! I told them over and over that it was an accident!" 798,"But first we need to get our hands on some Imperial orders to make the forgeries." 799,"It's clear that memories are far too short." 800,"Everyone was dead. Wholesale slaughter. The Dominion, not content with killing dissidents at home, came to Hammerfell to finish the job." 801,"I thought the the Gray Quarter would be a haven for my kind. I was wrong." 802,"May you walk on warm sands." 803,"The outer walls are strong. If we can hold them there..." 804,"They say the Greybeards taught it to ignore the sun, and heat simply washes over it." 805,"Your best bet would be to erase his debt with Maven Black-Briar. If you talk to her, she might be able to give you the details." 806,"Way I hear it, Elsweyr ain't nothing like Skyrim. It's got tropical forests and dusty badlands. It sounds awful!" 807,"We also have the opportunity to slay an Imperial Legate. That'll put fear and confusion into those faithless dogs." 808,"For one, the landowners of the Reach. It goes without saying that they rely heavily on us for our silver and support." 809,"Someday I'm gonna grow up and be the Jarl." 810,"I need another drink." 811,"I'm not out to win friends and I could care less if you're happy about your purchase or not. I just need the coin." 812,"You've done your duty and we're all very grateful. Now... I'd like to eat." 813,"You've got no idea. Half the men in Whiterun have proposed to me. Some were even single." 814,"At this rate, the Guild won't be such a laughingstock anymore." 815,"I guess that means you're finished. Here's your payment." 816,"Put that thing away. You're making people nervous." 817,"More dangerous than you know. Left alone, however, he will awaken when he has grown too powerful to be stopped. This is the only way to be sure." 818,"Balgruuf will know my meaning." 819,"Now get out of my house!" 820,"I need you to retrieve the poem." 821,"You have quite the bounty on your head in Whiterun. You pay me, and I see that your name is cleared. " 822,"Oh, all right then, Listener. Cicero will just carry on with what he was doing. Until you say otherwise." 823,"Good, Illdi. Soak in the lore. Jorn, what happened during the Red Year?" 824,"But I do realize it's sometimes not that easy. You may want to make a statement, or a contract may require a public killing." 825,"Stolen? How can you be certain? I may have just misplaced it somewhere in the city." 826,"Got into a scrap a few years ago at the Ragged Flagon. Some idiot who stole himself a guard's sword and kept boasting about it." 827,"My little girl. Always strong. Do you know where you have to go?" 828,"And then, the tragedy with Hroggar's home." 829,"I'm ever so grateful. Please, give my regard to the rest of the Companions." 830,"I am not going to let that happen!" 831,"Wizards. Why is it always wizards." 832,"Okay, here's how this works. You try to assassinate me, and I kill you. Horribly. I have done this dance before, you know." 833,"Could sure use a warm bed right about now..." 834,"It is none of your concern, I assure you. Just... Forget that you ever saw me here." 835,"Until the Key is returned, I will never set foot inside that place again." 836,"That's because you always lose... Elf." 837,"So I'm told. Try and keep up." 838,"He is rather handsome though, isn't he?" 839,"There's probably something I could find for you to do, but best to check with him." 840,"Don't you have all the information you need? Please, the Emperor isn't going to kill himself. Hmph. Now wouldn't that be a blessing..." 841,"We may be Nightingales, but in our hearts we're still thieves and we're damn good at what we do." 842,"I own the lumber mill, and pay a fair wage. See my husband Hod if you're looking for work." 843,"Oh, I quite like living in the hall. Mother says it's an honor to live there and serve Morthal." 844,"Then stop wastin' my time." 845,"Derkeethus, from Darkwater Crossing. " 846,"Stay out of trouble, Orc." 847,"So, what of the old beggar, Narfi? Is it done? Has he groveled for his last septim?" 848,"So this is where Delphine has been hiding all these years? Hmm." 849,"No. You can use the North Gate, or you can head to the next city." 850,"What does it take to kill this monster?" 851,"But it's hard to believe that even Balgruuf would choose Elisif over Ulfric." 852,"Maul? Yeah. That jerk works for Maven Black-Briar now. Left me down here watching this garbage heap." 853,"Think about it. Have they tried to stop the civil war, or done anything about Alduin?" 854,"You ever need another blade at your side, just ask. Wouldn't mind seeing how you handle a few trolls." 855,"Well, some tools that aren't rusted through would be a start." 856,"I have a feeling about you. Your place is on that battlefield. I need you there." 857,"I don't care what's going on in the world. Rebellion. Dragons awakening. The mill is enough trouble for me to worry about." 858,"Could you please leave now?" 859,"The old Nords sure did love their stonework." 860,"The Hall of Valor, where heroes wait to follow Shor to the final battle." 861,"We need coin, Ranmir, and you're not bringing home any." 862,"Suit yourself. Get 'em Hewnon!" 863,"What do you want? Aren't your hands coated with enough blood?" 864,"You're still alive?" 865,"Oh? I hadn't noticed." 866,"I hate them." 867,"The Thalmor happened. They've been hunting down every Blade they can find for the past thirty years." 868,"Psst. Hey, I know who you are. Hail Sithis." 869,"I've seen him sneaking over to the Riverwood Trader to speak with her when I'm not around. He's wasting his time." 870,"May Arkay bless you with a long life." 871,"If the Greybeards were willing to host a peace council... then maybe Ulfric and Tullius would have to listen." 872,"There's a lever, right there in the center. Hurry, before more of them show up!" 873,"There you go, son. Be your own man!" 874,"Mind you, it's no business of mine what each Companion does in the name of honor. " 875,"Nice try, but you don't scare me." 876,"Oh don't pretend to be modest. I'm talking about your new role as champion. Apparently, you've taken my people under your wing." 877,"Forgive me for saying this, brother, but I have not felt Peryite's presence." 878,"Oh, yes. Of course... the whole thane thing. I'd forgotten. If you're ready then, can we get this out of the way?" 879,"What an amazing day this has been. I hope you're enjoying the festivities. I'm... I'm just so overwhelmed. Such kindness... for me." 880,"Forget the old man. I'll come with you." 881,"Really? I'd be happy to show you a bit about herbs if you find the book." 882,"The Gentle Repose is barren, it was barren the day my father claimed the land and it's barren now." 883,"Did I hear correctly, Thonar? Is your brother really asking you to settle another dispute between Mulush and Nepos?" 884,"Shut up back there!" 885,"You have completed your training, Dragonborn. We would Speak to you." 886,"Oh really? Hmm... this looks like someone from Staubin's little group. A brave scholar, but not very wise...." 887,"As long as you continue to make us all rich, I'm behind you." 888,"We believe she may be hiding in Whiterun, but we're checking everywhere to be sure." 889,"You should probably just take this directly to Faleen. Wouldn't want the old icebrain stumbling over the words." 890,"Die dog!" 891,"Why, because I'm a Dunmer? We didn't all grow up in dwarven ruins, you know." 892,"Troll's blood, what happened to you Pavo?" 893,"Run fast, my friend." 894,"You're lying. You're not quick enough to be a pickpocket. What's the real reason?" 895,"I work for Eydis. She runs the inn." 896,"Was it cowardly then to accept the White-Gold Concordat?" 897,"You're not an Orc, or Blood-Kin, so stay out. We only help our own." 898,"Well, he said that a few men have been going by to some of the local farms promising a good price from all the local mills and farms." 899,"Let's hope we both live through this day." 900,"There should be a few basic tomes around here somewhere in case your training is even more sub-standard than I've heard." 901,"What's become of us? We used to be inseparable... always fighting back to back and letting nothing stand in our way." 902,"Mama doesn't like me jumping up and down in the house, but I can't help it. I swear." 903,"Look, before I have you help track Mercer down I need to know what you learned from Karliah. I mean everything." 904,"Be careful, there's no telling what lurks within these walls." 905,"The spirit of Skjor is with us on this errand. I feel him." 906,"We can get better acquainted once the ceremony's ended." 907,"Tss! Get out of here, I saw nothing." 908,"Got to be here somewhere..." 909,"So is it Riften or Rifton? This place has changed its name so many times, I can't even remember." 910,"It was lost years ago in a Dwemer ruin." 911,"Markarth is off the table. Your rabble is on the verge of defeat. We have no need of a truce at such a price." 912,"Good job. Take this in return." 913,"Don't plan on bringing anything else in with you. The Thalmor take security very seriously." 914,"May your bed be warm and your food sweet." 915,"True... we could simply make sure she never reaches Narzulbur." 916,"What an honor, the assassination of an Emperor. And all because you are the Listener, favored by the Night Mother, anointed by Sithis." 917,"Oh, really?" 918,"I'm worried about my daughter. I'm keeping an eye on her for a little while before I pass on." 919,"Grelka, I wanted to talk about that suit of leather armor you sold me. The fasteners are already coming loose." 920,"Eh? Did you say something?" 921,"Try and hit the left target." 922,"Up to no good, are we? I'll teach you, but it'll cost you." 923,"Help me get out of here, and I'll help you find them. Please!" 924,"I'm too upset to talk...." 925,"Don't worry. We'll take good care of your city when you're gone." 926,"Soon. I can almost taste it." 927,"Seems like most of these are nine parts fiction." 928,"Too bad, looks like I need to find someone else to take care of business." 929,"The College is a bit of an oddity in Skyrim. Magic isn't something that's looked upon fondly here." 930,"Aye, lass... and I've come to a decision." 931,"I mean, the Redguards fought off the Aldmeri and the Empire, and now Hammerfell is an independent state. That's all we Nords want for Skyrim!" 932,"Ah, I see. I've just remembered that I saved a few septims in case of an emergency. This is starting to feel like one." 933,"Welcome! Allow me to recommend the Black-Briar Mead... the purest brew in all of Skyrim!" 934,"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, lad. Wealth is my business." 935,"I've made a few of the Gourmet's dishes myself, actually. His roast mutton with Redguard berry sauce is to die for." 936,"See ya' round." 937,"Have you met my father? He's the steward, up at Dragonsreach." 938,"Keep your blade ready." 939,"There are forts like this all over Skyrim. The Imperials abandoned most of them a long time ago." 940,"Long have you slept the dreamless sleep of death, Potema. No longer. Hear us Wolf Queen! We Summon You!" 941,"Still... everyone assumes the Dark Brotherhood has been completely destroyed. They may be a bit more lax than usual." 942,"Not here. I told you to meet me in Riverwood." 943,"You know, Dorthe, with all those vegetables I've been growing lately, I was thinkin' we could make a right lovely stew. Together. How about it?" 944,"Don't worry. I'll play my part." 945,"You're headed to Dawnstar." 946,"Did we really save the Empire? Or did we just plant the seeds for Ulfric's uprising, and another war?" 947,"Don't you ever find it demeaning, working for that Nord family?" 948,"May your road lead you to warm sands." 949,"Bye now, mister." 950,"As it turns out, it was just one. Haldyn. I've since learned more about him." 951,"Beem-Ja!" 952,"No, I openly welcome the presence of armed strangers who have no reason to care about any of us." 953,"I suppose you have another question?" 954,"Death to the Stormcloaks!" 955,"This is a shame." 956,"Wise up, Harrald. There's a storm on the horizon and it will blow through here with all its fury. It's time to choose a side." 957,"Hmph. Hardly a challenge." 958,"Stand next to me. Master Borri will open the gate. Use your Whirlwind Sprint to pass through before it closes." 959,"Your choice." 960,"Heating and cooling the crystal will cause it to expand or contract, which will change how the light passes through it." 961,"Otherwise Vilkas will just say I was making it up." 962,"I'll be the judge of that. Now, back to your practice." 963,"Unless it's about the mill, I don't have time to talk. Too much to do." 964,"Whatever I don't already know. " 965,"Not so fast Elf!" 966,"Deeja and I are more like their representatives here in Solitude. None of the Blackbloods can show themselves without being arrested." 967,"We will be back. This is not over." 968,"Oh dearest, who cares? So your husband is a lout. The work you do here, with me, is invaluable. The people of Whiterun know your true worth." 969,"Is that so?" 970,"Have you heard of Blackreach? ""Cast upon where Dwemer cities slept, the yearning spire hidden learnings kept.""" 971,"That's certainly an understatement. I've never seen anything like this!" 972,"What are you gawking at? Can't you see I have problems here?" 973,"By transacting the Oath with Nocturnal, you're entering into a business deal." 974,"Nordic ruins. Old. Secretive." 975,"We have garrisons throughout all the provinces of the Empire. Our mission is to serve the Emperor, uphold the law, and protect the citizenry." 976,"While you were in the Star, Azura gave me a vision. Her last, she said." 977,"Lady Mjoll, if you lost a gold ring anywhere in this city I'm afraid it's likely never to be seen again. I'm sorry." 978,"Who are you? Why are you here? Leave this place. I have much work to conduct...." 979,"Night of Tears, by Dranor Seleth. Old book, one I'd forgotten about. This thing here... it might be what the book was about." 980,"There's only the shards of the blade left to collect. Exciting, isn't it?" 981,"This council was your idea, eh? So tell us, what do you think Riften is worth?" 982,"That's your best offer? I suppose so. She's the one with the saddle." 983,"I thought you played wonderfully last night." 984,"How dare you! After all we've been through together? How can you do this to me!" 985,"That isn't an option. Maven sees me serve a competitor's brand here and we may as well dig our own graves." 986,"Contacts are springin' up all over and I've got young footpads beatin' down the door to join up." 987,"Bold words, Battle-Born. While you're meting out justice to traitors, are you going to deal with the Emperor, as well?" 988,"Heh." 989,"Gods, I've lost count of the days. It feels like an age has passed." 990,"But you can hear me, obviously. Something still isn't quite right. At least I'm making progress." 991,"It's as rewarding as it is dangerous. Let's see what I can show you." 992,"We don't just let people rot in cells until they've served their time. Here, you fight." 993,"I'd much rather it be in the hands of an ambitious and talented person such as yourself." 994,"I don't see these troubles as business. This is a labor of honor. " 995,"Being a Jarl isn't something I ever wanted, but if I can help these people, then I will." 996,"Trying to make Mercer look bad in front of Maven, eh? Clever lass." 997,"But this pitiful, limited body wasn't meant for hunting. Slow. No claws. Weak, mashing teeth for chewing cud." 998,"There's a grate outside the wall. Looks like it used to be buried in snow. I don't think they know it's there." 999,"If you want to help, I suppose you could head to Windhelm and talk to Orthus Endario. He's in charge over there." 1000,"But rest assured. We've won Skyrim's right to determine her own future. And for that, every Nord praises us. " 1001,"Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities." 1002,"But I know that after you think about what you saw today, you'll realize that Skyrim deserves to be free." 1003,"Then you will feel - know - Dragonrend, in the power of its first expression." 1004,"If not... Then call me Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness. Charmed." 1005,"Oh, goodbye then." 1006,"Sigh." 1007,"Only in that I'm a graduate. I work over at the Winking Skeever. I would highly recommend it though. Talk to Viarmo if you're interested." 1008,"All of a sudden, the ghost disappeared. What happened to it?" 1009,"There are more books to be recovered and secured here in the Arcanaeum." 1010,"How can we fight Alduin? Doesn't his return mean it's the end times?" 1011,"You're mine!" 1012,"First we'll kick the Thalmor and their bloody Imperial puppets out of the country. Then we'll rebuild Skyrim into the land she once was." 1013,"Beirand said you got here just before the execution. Must have been a lovely first sight." 1014,"Now that's good work. Everyone will be a lot safer with them gone, Dark Elf and Nord alike." 1015,"You're a cold hearted bastard, aren't you?" 1016,"Yeah, but you're into gold. Let me know if you change your mind. I'm not going anywhere." 1017,"I'd kill you where you stand if I wasn't bound by my oath as an officer of the Aldmeri Dominion." 1018,"I think this is yet another conversation that wouldn't make your wife happy." 1019,"I think the Jarl should hear about this. Maybe double his taxes. No, triple them. That should teach those people a lesson." 1020,"After that, the shortsword will feel like a knitting needle when you pick it up again." 1021,"I can't stand those braggart Battle-Borns. They think they're the gods' gift to Whiterun." 1022,"You always were a fool, Ulfric. You'll never get a better chance to salvage something from the ruins of your ambition." 1023,"Have I made myself clear?" 1024,"It's not my place to get involved in their family's business, remember? You're the one that told me to stay out of it." 1025,"It was always just before dawn. The whole world was in darkness." 1026,"That's it! You've got one of them lined up!" 1027,"Kill me if you must. But I can't promise I won't haunt you till the end of your days if... if the Dread Lord lets me. Ha ha ha ha ha." 1028,"He even stole that locket right off that poor murdered girl's body... or what was left of it." 1029,"Anything else you want to say?" 1030,"I won't be able to relax until I'm sure Potema is dealt with." 1031,"That's it. One more time." 1032,"Yes, ma'am." 1033,"General Tullius will never allow that. He's ordered all surplus food to be given over for the war effort." 1034,"Said he found some old Dwemer artifact, but... well, that was years ago." 1035,"Why, this is astounding news! Wonderful news!" 1036,"You have what you came for. Now leave." 1037,"This is the East Empire Company's central warehouse. All of their shipments go through here." 1038,"Kolskeggr Mine is lost, friend. Forsworn killed everyone." 1039,"I did. I was known as Ghorbash gro-Dushnikh in those days, in honor of my homeland." 1040,"I don't get many customers, but that leaves me time to try things out. Experiment, I guess." 1041,"Far you've travelled, your trials long, to taste of Sovngarde's sweet delights." 1042,"Let me know. We shouldn't stay here all day. My men want their mead." 1043,"Also, I doubt you'd be able to comprehend the details." 1044,"A guest, feeling ill. Leave the poor wretch be." 1045,"Falkreath's reputation has faded somewhat, but the graves remain, reminding us of the one inevitable truth of life." 1046,"You're wrong! Sibbi and I are in love and you're just jealous!" 1047,"We are all trapped in Alduin's web - for our allegiance he cares not, but devours us equally - doom unescapable." 1048,"We must go, quickly now. Take me to Delphine. We have much to discuss." 1049,"You were charged with keeping us inside the walls. Have faith, Ugor. I only wish the best for our tribe." 1050,"Have you met Lucky? He's my pet goat, and he helps me patrol the town." 1051,"Markarth is a city of wealth, but gold doesn't follow you in death." 1052,"We're there for information, remember? Trust me, I've been doing this for a long time. My way is better." 1053,"Just keep on Gulum-Ei's tail and he's bound to step into something he can't scrape off his boot." 1054,"Well, boy, you're one of us now. I trust you won't disappoint." 1055,"You came to visit! It's so much better here with Grelod gone. Thanks to you." 1056,"Who are you?" 1057,"Here. I want you to have this." 1058,"I just finished giving my old war companion, Berit, a proper burial by fire. Old hard head hated the idea of being lost cold in the ground." 1059,"You aren't making any sense. Hand what over?" 1060,"Is there anything on the claw that might show how to open this door?" 1061,"I hope you're enjoying the music, sir." 1062,"Under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed." 1063,"Talos preserve you." 1064,"Being friends with the bartender's son has its advantages, huh?" 1065,"Take my beacon to the mount above Kilkreath." 1066,"He killed six Imperial Guards before they dragged him into the prisons." 1067,"It's too fine a day to dwell on such things. Let's get back to work and forget about wars and orphans for awhile." 1068,"You're welcome." 1069,"If I hadn't heard it with my own ears I wouldn't have believed it. How could Astrid have done this to us? Strangely, I feel only pity for her..." 1070,"No! The Eye is mine!" 1071,"Hey, Talen... get off your lazy tail and take care of the customer!" 1072,"Better that than dealing with Ulfric's wizard like some do." 1073,"I suggest you talk to Karliah first. She has some news that'll turn your stomach." 1074,"Did you know Vittoria is the Emperor's cousin? Best stay on her good side." 1075,"He sent out a party to scout the area. They happened upon a large force... I'm told none of them made it back." 1076,"Damn it, woman, I'm the Jarl of Whiterun! I won't apologize for talking to my people. You can't protect me every moment of the day." 1077,"Yes. Vahzah. You speak true, Dovahkiin. Forgive me." 1078,"Get her!" 1079,"Been stuck with the name for years." 1080,"So, Brynjolf doesn't even bother to show up himself anymore, eh? What's this message?" 1081,"No, no! This can't be happening!" 1082,"Ah, that feels so much better! You forget how nice supreme power feels until you've been stuck in a cave for a few years." 1083,"The Guild depends on an arrangement of influential people to keep things running smoothly." 1084,"Skaggi tells me that you were bothering him today. Can't you and Torom just play by yourselves?" 1085,"Of course. I rented a bed there. Where else would I sleep?" 1086,"I have taught the Way of the Voice for centuries and the Thu'um since long before that." 1087,"Don't worry, I'll come to this peace council of yours." 1088,"Damn it. Why'd you have to walk into Morthal?" 1089,"Welcome, child. " 1090,"Drunk again, Embry? Don't let Alvor hear you talking to me that way. He'll stick your head in his forge." 1091,"I can't imagine how exciting it must be like to journey from place to place. You're so lucky!" 1092,"We are strong. We get the job done." 1093,"Go, and avenge my Laelette for me." 1094,"Still need me to do something?" 1095,"I'll be sure to stress your urgency. It seems like every farmer in Skyrim is short on supplies these days." 1096,"I know your kind, always sneaking about." 1097,"In a Daedra, of course." 1098,"I heard about the attack on Jorrvaskr, and the killing of your honored leader. You have my sympathies, Companion." 1099,"Shadowmere, my old and dear friend..." 1100,"I've had just about all I'm willing to take from you. What is it?" 1101,"Well, that's a different matter..." 1102,"We need to pass through the kitchen. Your gear is hidden in the larder." 1103,"You dare summon me, Yamarz?" 1104,"It matters little if some of the people here are ignorant to that truth. They are still citizens of the Empire. It's our solemn duty to protect them." 1105,"Am I! Free food and wine, and nobody trying to throw me in the dungeon. I wish they did weddings here every day." 1106,"Draugr. Dammit. I hate those things." 1107,"Jarl wants it to look like an ancient blade. High Queen Freydis ruled over Windhelm in the Second Era, and her sword was legendary." 1108,"We are all in your debt, Dragonborn." 1109,"You will. Until then, you'll taste every potion you make before you sell it." 1110,"Ha ha ha ha ha." 1111,"No. There are too many people around. Come with me." 1112,"Eventually. But this... this is the Tomb of Ysgramor. I think I'm just going to... commune for a bit." 1113,"Killing you will make for an excellent story." 1114,"I admit, the dragons are a concern, but we can avoid them if we do not stay in one place for too long." 1115,"All right. Let's take a look..." 1116,"Just try to relax, Veezara. Let the elixir do its work. You'll feel better, shortly." 1117,"Oh. Well, if you change your mind, let me know." 1118,"I'm here! I knew I'd find you!" 1119,"If you want me to leave, you could challenge me to a fight. I promise to stop once you've lost an arm." 1120,"That Stormcloak armor's getting on my nerves..." 1121,"Did you know Brynjolf was looking for you? I think it's about the Guild Master ceremony." 1122,"You are a traitor to the Empire, and deserve a traitor's death." 1123,"It wasn't easy getting all your things. A few guards had to have their throats slit." 1124,"The Silver-Blood family own half the Reach, and they won't stop until they own all of it." 1125,"Come in and shut the door." 1126,"If the Key isn't returned to its lock in the Twilight Sepulcher, things will never be the same for the Guild." 1127,"I still can't believe you were able to help Ranmir pull himself together." 1128,"So can I come?" 1129,"I don't think we're going to get those potatoes to come in." 1130,"And when the truth finally dawns, it dawns in fire." 1131,"Oh, Talos's breath, Reberrus. Skip ahead to the good part." 1132,"I would hate to see our reputation further tarnished." 1133,"The selection seems small, but we can provide whatever you need. Just ask." 1134,"These marks keep their ledger all neat and tidy, but they're ripe for some change if you know what I mean. Take it?" 1135,"What's done is done. Here, I want you to have this. Bringing me closure was kind of you." 1136,"I was recruited as an acolyte of Vaermina as a young elf. I had no real childhood to speak of... we weren't permitted to socialize." 1137,"The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Whistling Mine." 1138,"Grab what you can, and let's go." 1139,"In the name of the Jarl, I'm ordering you to stand fast!" 1140,"That's more gold than they're offering. Fine. I'll sell." 1141,"Look how persistent you are. It's charming, really." 1142,"Maw unleashing razor snow, Of dragons from the blue brought down, Births the walking winter's woe, The High King in his Jagged Crown. " 1143,"Seems Brina Merilis and the Legion came and now she's Jarl. That's a relief. I don't like the fighting, but Brina is the woman for the job." 1144,"You must find and kill Voltus Agallon. Doing so will disrupt security sufficiently that we will be able to, eventually, get to to the Emperor." 1145,"It's a guild of Altmer thieves, they call themselves the Summerset Shadows." 1146,"Let's get this door open and see what we've got." 1147,"Well enough, I suppose." 1148,"When you got that much, we'll talk." 1149,"And I have. Humiliating at first, but I knew he would let his guard down eventually. That he would come to trust I was under control." 1150,"Well, you see, that's a little complicated, and... you know what? Never mind. Guess I'm not retiring anytime soon." 1151,"Once Mede has been killed, escape through the upper door, and across the bridge. I've ""arranged"" for it to be unguarded once the alarm is sounded." 1152,"Hah! I wish that I had your optimism." 1153,"A group of them has holed up in Whiterun." 1154,"Susanna's the third. It's always the same: young girl, killed at night, body torn up." 1155,"Well enough, I suppose. Nilsine bought up most of the tomatoes, and was asking if we could get more. " 1156,"Failure to do so will result in paying, in Urag's words, ""a blood price."" I did not ask him to elaborate on that point." 1157,"All hail to Ulfric! You are the High King! In your great honor we drink and we sing." 1158,"Not at all. That was as much a test of your abilities as it was your resolve." 1159,"No tricks, Karliah or I'll cut you down where you stand." 1160,"If you ever think of throwing meat at me, I will have you dragged off to Cidhna Mine so fast the guards will yank those filthy arms of yours off." 1161,"These people are like cattle. All they do is work, sleep and eat." 1162,"I didn't do it! You saw! I didn't do it!" 1163,"You fellows happened along just in time. These boys seemed a bit upset at how I've been entertaining their comrades." 1164,"It can make life difficult when one's colleagues fail to recognize the research one engages in." 1165,"The strongholds keep to themselves. Skyrim hasn't always been kind to the Orcs." 1166,"After that, fear was enough to keep them in line. He could torture and humiliate them and they would not rebel. Even in death, they serve him still." 1167,"Put down your flagons filled with your vile liquids and embrace the teachings of the handmaiden of Kyne." 1168,"This is not where Teeba-Ei was meant to live out the rest of his days." 1169,"The circles at the base of the Ebonmere imbue you with powers befitting a Nightingale Agent." 1170,"It was a pleasure." 1171,"So this is your plan, Lucan?" 1172,"Yes! Yes! You see, you know but you refuse to understand!" 1173,"You must go to a fortress, endangered by water, yet untouched by it." 1174,"Years later, Sinderion simply showed up at our doorstep asking to stay for a while... said he was going to do field research." 1175,"Oh, I do wish we could get to know each other better. But not now! I must tend to mother. See her settled." 1176,"Damn right we do." 1177,"I miss those days, before the Forsworn took up arms again, when you could walk the roads in peace." 1178,"What would Hroggar say if he heard I was drinking with you?" 1179,"I called it home, now I know that was a mistake. I am, or was part of a coven serving the Hagravens that live here. So was she." 1180,"Help me down, and I'll show you. You won't believe the power the Nords have hidden there." 1181,"Remember, I'll give you the best deals, or die trying." 1182,"The Nords don't appreciate us, but so what? I don't appreciate them right back." 1183,"Fiend! You will not leave here alive! Guards! Guards!" 1184,"And I'm sure you could do it, too. " 1185,"How do you think we should spend the remainder of our classroom time?" 1186,"You don't prepare the meat with any of those strange Elven spices, do you?" 1187,"What's the matter, soldier? I gave you an order. I want that fort, and I want it now. Move it!" 1188,"I need to get back to the customers. We'll talk more of this when I come home tonight." 1189,"You're closer to understanding than you realize." 1190,"Hello, my friend! If you seek knowledge about mighty Talos, you have most certainly come to the right person." 1191,"You've done a great service to the Silver-Blood family. I've had the Jarl officially pardon you, and taken care of a few other loose ends." 1192,"How many of their sons and daughters follow your banner? We are their families." 1193,"I may be dark elf by birth, but I was raised Argonian." 1194,"I'll do my best, sir." 1195,"Can't imagine what the College expects to find in here." 1196,"Yes, Dean Inge." 1197,"Not sure how much longer I can hold out here." 1198,"Come to laugh at the grave tender?" 1199,"They drink all day and night and what do I do?" 1200,"You must be all right if you've got time to complain." 1201,"Good day, Lemkil. I saw some nice dresses for your little girls while I was in Whiterun. I'd be happy to purchase them, if you like." 1202,"We thought he was here to ask Torygg to declare independence. By the time we realized Ulfric was here to challenge Torygg... it was already too late." 1203,"Did you hear that?" 1204,"A lot of our kind block out the memory of their first meal. The shame is too much. But you don't need to hide anymore." 1205,"Picking on me again, you backbiting Nord? Tired of those prissy nobles turning down your rotten slabs of venison?" 1206,"I'm saying you've got the coin but you didn't earn a septim of it honestly. I can tell." 1207,"That they had arrived, asked for information which was provided to them, and went on their way with no suggestion of further interaction." 1208,"Please... Delphine has been very worried about you." 1209,"Perfect, my dear. Absolutely perfect. I'll see you then." 1210,"As a matter of fact, no one has dared assassinate an Emperor of Tamriel since the murder of Uriel Septim, and that was two hundred years ago..." 1211,"Good speaking with you." 1212,"I wonder who will replace him in the Circle?" 1213,"I've been thinking... maybe Camilla needs a little help seeing Sven for what he is." 1214,"My parents keep a close eye on the miners. They can't be trusted too much." 1215,"I hate this place. I hate the trees. I hate the rocks. And I hate the snow." 1216,"Keep your eyes and ears open my Brothers and Sisters. Orchendor needs us to keep vigilant while he convenes with Peryite in the Arcanex." 1217,"Not to mention the rebels completely control Windhelm and all of Eastmarch hold." 1218,"I heard Brynjolf wants to see you about being Guild Master. I suppose my turn will come one day, but for now you'll do nicely." 1219,"Good. And remember - keep the gods, and they'll keep you." 1220,"The Stormcloaks are destined to win this fight. Talos is with us, and when you fight under a Divine's blessing, victory is assured." 1221,"We've got to find Thorald quickly!" 1222,"Haven't you got some chores to do?" 1223,"Ulfric will withdraw his forces from Hjaalmarch, allowing Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone to return to Morthal." 1224,"Patience, Dorthe. You'll get some time at the forge, I promise you. But not right now. You need to keep watching me. That's how you'll learn." 1225,"Excuse my disorganization, but I'm in the middle of some delicate experiments." 1226,"That's interesting. Why do I care? You want a drink, or maybe just a few broken bones?" 1227,"Mystical beings who live in legends and were masters of great magic. Imagine the power that coursed through their veins!" 1228,"Patience, my son. The hunter days not welcome the blood of his prey, he waits for it." 1229,"I've got another special request and they specifically asked for you." 1230,"Jarl Elisif, I'll handle this." 1231,"Oh you must be nobility of some sort. Running around partying and paying others to clean it up." 1232,"Gods bless you, healer." 1233,"Pa says I'm too young to fight in the war, but I can still help by patrolling the town." 1234,"Damnable jester..." 1235,"She used to sing the most lovely songs to me when we were courting. I've never heard a voice so beautiful." 1236,"Good to see you again, friend! We've opened the mine back up. If you're here for work, I'll buy any ore you have." 1237,"The city's changed, friend. The Thieves Guild is on the rise... and they've got a firm foothold here in Whiterun." 1238,"Large diagonal cut from left shoulder..." 1239,"Anytime, friend." 1240,"A shame. Perhaps another time then." 1241,"No, I'm not Arnleif. Yes, I know it's called Arnleif and Sons. " 1242,"Wait, come back!" 1243,"Without that amulet, I'm powerless to confront them. Would you be willing to search for it?" 1244,"Family and honor. That's what it means to be one of us, boy." 1245,"I'm amazed you even bothered to show your face here." 1246,"That's the end of that." 1247,"Oh, now we're all please and thank you, are we?" 1248,"We all have you to thank for saving the College. Your position is well-deserved." 1249,"Hmm, Esbern's right. Look like pressure plates." 1250,"And I see them all. The ones in Sovngarde. The ones trapped with me in Hircine's realm. " 1251,"I have a choice?" 1252,"Why are you here? Killing Gaius Maro is but the first step of your contract - you must also plant the incriminating letter on his body..." 1253,"Give this document to Vald. It frees him from the debt, but I never want to see him in Riften again." 1254,"Wonderful! I can begin to repay your generosity immediately. Say on, friend." 1255,"Here's your gold." 1256,"I'll present you as the sacrifice. Just play along. While mother begins the ritual, I'll strike. Then, together we can... we can kill her." 1257,"Oooh... So silent. So menacing. A true assassin of the old way. Cicero likes you. Oh yes, Cicero likes you, indeed." 1258,"Some folk here will tell you I'm sheltering my boy too much, but I ask you, isn't it a father's duty to keep his children safe?" 1259,"Thanks a lot!" 1260,"Take the money, just let us go..." 1261,"You haven't heard of the civil war in Skyrim? I guess down in Cyrodiil people have other things to worry about." 1262,"It's a Nordic ruin. Thousands of years old." 1263,"It seems this damnable conflict has claimed everyone's passions of late. Me, I prefer my books, and my spells." 1264,"Thanks again for finding out about my daughter." 1265,"Paarthurnax. The dragon, that the Greybeards have been protecting for all these years." 1266,"Look at these stones. The ancestors knew how to build, no doubt." 1267,"And we will lose customers. Let us hope that if there are dragons, there are only a few and they are not too foul-tempered." 1268,"City's quiet enough now. But when the sun goes down, you best keep on your guard." 1269,"Let's get out of here before we end up like Mercer!" 1270,"I waited and waited, and he never came back. Probably shacked up with some elven whore. Good riddance to him I say." 1271,"Good to see you. Come on in." 1272,"Maramal's been helping me through a rough patch. I just wanted to pay him back. It's not like he's keeping it!" 1273,"Die, Grelod! Die!" 1274,"Astrid... By the sands, I still can't wrap my head around it..." 1275,"Good enough for me. It's the one with the saddle." 1276,"And they should enjoy it while they can... I suspect all of Tamriel will again be called to arms in the not too distant future." 1277,"And then there's this Orc who's been hanging around causing me headaches. Something about a vision quest he needs help with." 1278,"Yeah? Why?" 1279,"If you're headed that way, I would appreciate you delivering a purchase agreement for me. You'd be paid, of course." 1280,"The way this war is going there might not be anyone left to drink soon." 1281,"What next, Tullius? Shall I just hand over all of Skyrim?" 1282,"Quickly now, quickly! I'll find Mirabelle and see if we can't put a stop to this!" 1283,"Skjor... I always thought of him as invincible. " 1284,"Where I belong is back aboard my ship, on the Abecean." 1285,"It's true about the dragons returning. Saw it with my own eyes." 1286,"Fortunately, his identity isn't known to the authorities in Whiterun, so there's still a chance to save him." 1287,"Verner, you should have come out with me yesterday. I found the most amazing tree growing right out of a cave." 1288,"The Pale will throw those Imperial backbiters up against the wall when they come for us." 1289,"That'll teach you to break the law on my watch." 1290,"You claim this recruit possesses an aptitude for our line of work. If so, let her prove it." 1291,"Did you need something? A staff? Some enchanting materials?" 1292,"Eorlund and I... we both miss our son terribly. Thorald... he went missing, fighting the Imperials." 1293,"Precisely. There are a few who still call Nocturnal ""Lady Luck"" and for good reason." 1294,"Yeah, I guess I have a minute. What do you want?" 1295,"Giving up Riften is a heavy price to pay for this truce, Dragonborn. I hope it was worth it." 1296,"You'd better have a damned good reason for being here..." 1297,"Good work, son. We'll take it from here. Head down to the barracks for some food and rest. You've earned it." 1298,"And if she decides to leave Ivarstead, what then? No, no... I can't bear the thought." 1299,"Zu'u lost kriaan hi ont, nu hin sille fen nahkip suleyki." 1300,"Seems Kolskeggr Mine got hit by Forsworn. Those madmen get more bold every season." 1301,"My father says we need to just get on with our lives. Like it's that easy." 1302,"Lead, then. You have my steel." 1303,"There's yet hope that our relationship with the College can be repaired." 1304,"Ah! Well done! Well done!" 1305,"Incredible! Uh... sir, you have no idea how long I have waited for such an opportunity!" 1306,"Here, take this bag of supplies. At the top of the steps you'll see the offering chest. Just leave the bag inside and you're done." 1307,"You tell anyone that I told you, and I'll fry you from the inside out. Got it? Good." 1308,"Well, I suppose some kind of speech is in order." 1309,"You have done admirably, little one." 1310,"I believe Sanguine would be pleased with this festival." 1311,"Yes, I've no doubt of its gravity. This, however, is a matter that cannot wait." 1312,"This one is honored by your friendship. I hope this gift does honor to you." 1313,"Unfortunately, the future is as obscured to us as it is to you. The overwhelming power of the Eye makes it difficult for us to see." 1314,"Jarl Igmund can refuse to see me all he wants. The Silver-Blood family will be heard." 1315,"Do you hunt? The plains outside Whiterun are ripe with game." 1316,"Come by Belethor's shop, at the market. I'm sure we've got something you need." 1317,"Greetings. Welcome to the College of Winterhold." 1318,"And now that they've solved their little pirate problem, they're busier than ever." 1319,"I do so love Riften. I journeyed here in my youth. A thief took my purse... so I took his eyes. It was a fair exchange." 1320,"Secret, though. Official Synod business. Can't talk about it." 1321,"Visitors like us are rare in this part of Skyrim." 1322,"I don't know, father... There's a whole world out there I want to see." 1323,"But strength doesn't hurt." 1324,"I found the bone! I've brought it to you but still I am refused..." 1325,"Silence, traitor! Move. Slowly." 1326,"I haven't known you to drink before, Ataf." 1327,"A ruler is entitled to luxury, don't you think? The Thalmor understand that." 1328,"Are you all right? What happened in there?" 1329,"Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Haafingar. Congratulations." 1330,"Well... By rights, she had a legitimate claim as High Queen of Skyrim." 1331,"The Silver Hand have taken over the old fort at Gallows Rock. They always make such easy prey." 1332,"Let me know when you've learned more about the pirates." 1333,"You've headed down the path of dreams. Unfortunately for you, Pelagius suffered night terrors from a young age." 1334,"Bolar, I must ask you something." 1335,"Sorry, all out of coin." 1336,"Mama, why are you and papa fighting?" 1337,"Nice to finally meet someone who can follow simple instructions." 1338,"Elisif..." 1339,"Everyone on me. Let's show these Imperial milk drinkers what true Nords look like!" 1340,"M'aiq knows why Falmer are blind. It has nothing to do with the Dwemer disappearing. Really." 1341,"I hope in his next life, he's reborn as an Argonian forced to live in a slum because of some bigoted Nord dictator." 1342,"I have nothing to say to you. Now move along, or I'll order my guards to attack." 1343,"Not bad. " 1344,"You got here just in time." 1345,"This situation with the sewers beneath the city. I hear people have entered this place and have gone missing. Do you know of this?" 1346,"Oh, I... I'm sorry. I just can't... you'll have to speak to my husband." 1347,"Soon, soon. These things must be done properly, you will be inducted as part of the Festival itself." 1348,"Need a room? Maybe a drink? You name it." 1349,"A citizen of Eastmarch has asked for our help." 1350,"But beware - the Empire's loyalty is fickle. They will tire of this war, and then I will be the one dictating terms to you." 1351,"Ulfric, you can't be taking this demand seriously? We can hold Riften against anything the Empire can throw at it." 1352,"Then it's settled. You and me." 1353,"Do you prefer heedlessness to my luminous glory? Go!" 1354,"He's harmless. He's been in a state ever since his sister Reyda disappeared over a year ago." 1355,"But I was a prodigy! Casting simple spells by one, completing complex incantations by three. Resurrecting corpses by seven! Ha!" 1356,"I'm telling you, Vulwulf, it's the investment you've been waiting for." 1357,"One of those things has the key to this cage. If you get me out of here I'll help you slaughter the rest of those crows." 1358,"Tell him what you told me. About the dragon." 1359,"Talos protect you, friend." 1360,"We stand out here in the cold, as brothers, warmed by the knowledge that we fight for the rights of every free citizen of the Empire." 1361,"You may as well give up, I see you there." 1362,"Don't worry, Arkay's protection is absolute." 1363,"Now, I have a soul in Oblivion that needs claiming. Take care of the house while I'm gone. Ha ha ha!" 1364,"So you're just one of Aren's lackeys? That's disappointing. You show real promise." 1365,"Well, it appears your actions are startin' to make waves out there. People are talkin' about the Guild again." 1366,"You are looking after your brother, yes?" 1367,"The Nords drove them out of the city. Ulfric Stormcloak and his men. That was about 20 years ago." 1368,"He never stays there, just pays for the upkeep on it. Hired some lout by the name of Vald to guard the place." 1369,"I never would have thought, but Uglarz is an even better hunter than Yatul was. The things I'm learning now..." 1370,"A friend, huh? Well... then it's probably okay if I tell you." 1371,"Madena, can we count on your spells to assist us in this war? The Empire is bound to bring their battlemages against us." 1372,"I grew up in The Pale. This land was my home for most of my life... and for a Dunmer, that's quite a statement, I assure you." 1373,"Lore holds that the Skull of Corruption holds a constant hunger for the memories of others." 1374,"Well that much is good. Let's finish this first war before starting the next one, eh?" 1375,"Brond's one of the most savage fighters I've ever seen..." 1376,"Can I get you a drink?" 1377,"Dragons, thieves and war. I should have stayed in Morrowind." 1378,"The Silver-Bloods pay me, let me crack a few skulls, and keep the guards off my back. That's all I need." 1379,"He has returned... Oh, how Talos has returned. Helgen has been purged in his light. Will Whiterun be next?" 1380,"The best tales are those of adventure. Who could truly write such a tale without first experiencing such?" 1381,"Really? Great! Okay. So, first, you raise your ward and I'll throw a little spell at it. That way I can see the ""right"" way to do things." 1382,"It's my wife, Fjola! I think she's being held in this tower." 1383,"I... I don't know why I pressed the others on, convinced them to keep going." 1384,"Which one is that?" 1385,"It seems to be spreading from the southeast, starting in the Jeralls near Riften. The one near Kynesgrove is next if the pattern holds." 1386,"Father, could you clean up the house a little while I'm away?" 1387,"I was lucky. If you hadn't rescued me, I'd probably be a thief, a mercenary or something even worse." 1388,"Why that jealous idiot. Thought he could just manipulate me into never seeing Sven again?" 1389,"If this is somehow your fault..." 1390,"The Twilight has foreseen all of this. Everything will be revealed in time." 1391,"Not so sure? Oh, then perhaps we should take a moment to look around a little, eh?" 1392,"Stop that! Keep your spells to yourself." 1393,"We'll talk later... after this whole ceremony thing's over." 1394,"Hrongar will know my meaning." 1395,"Okay, got it." 1396,"That was fun." 1397,"He is the pus in the wound. Oh, proper ones curl their noses, but it's pus that drinks foul humors and restores the blood." 1398,"The Dark Brotherhood? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You think this is the first contract I've had on my life?" 1399,"Woah!" 1400,"I've also received word from Markarth. It would seem Anton Virane has suffered an untimely fate, as well. Good." 1401,"Whatever you want to know, I don't care. I run a smelter. That's it." 1402,"Klimmek brings food supplies up to them once every few weeks when the weather permits it." 1403,"I simply must have this! I'll pay you double what it's worth." 1404,"Some other time? That's not going to help me much, now is it?" 1405,"You know, my father collected exotic alcohols. " 1406,"You heard of Ravenscar Hollow? Cave on the island to the west. Place is a roost for those foul Hagravens." 1407,"I would be fine if they didn't. Have you seen their eyes? They don't have any! Gross." 1408,"There's no time to stand on ceremony, my friend. I need your help again." 1409,"Varnius Junius stopped by here on his way to court. He was worried about something. I'm sure Falk Firebeard could tell you what." 1410,"The old man trusted you, so I'll trust you. " 1411,"Bandits... the worst type of scum." 1412,"You make an interesting offer. Very well, I'm sure that I can put the extra coin to good use." 1413,"Yeeaahh! There." 1414,"We strike tonight, at dusk. Be ready." 1415,"We need saviors to free us from Alduin's rage. Heroes on the field of this new war to wage." 1416,"Yes, exactly. Well, I think so. It's certainly our best hope. The ancient Blades remembered much Akaviri dragonlore that has now been forgotten." 1417,"He said I was transporting weapons! For the war! In mother's coffin! He made me... open it! Indignity! Sacrilege!" 1418,"My experimentation involves a magical construct and a reagent that will allow the construct to maintain a field of permanent harmonic energy!" 1419,"Anyone see anything?" 1420,"No, so your best plan is to follow him after he leaves Dragon Bridge. However, there is one other option..." 1421,"My friend Marex. We were hunting, and I thought he was an elk." 1422,"Hey, what the...?" 1423,"Magic? You're on the wrong side of Skyrim. You want Winterhold... that College there. They teach it." 1424,"Lynly, would you mind taking care of the customer please?" 1425,"Sadly, he's now lost in the soul-snaring mist - defeat Alduin, and his doom avert - I hope to greet him in this Hall as a friend." 1426,"You aren't angry about it, right?" 1427,"And none of the waiters will bring me a drink. Elenwen must have told them to cut me off, the frigid bitch." 1428,"Shahvee would be in your debt, kind one." 1429,"You ask me, not enough of Winterhold fell off into the sea." 1430,"Dear brother, I need you to steal into that chamber, and eavesdrop on their meeting." 1431,"I swear that woman is the most spiteful shrew in all Skyrim. I think there's a chunk of ice where her heart ought to be." 1432,"You should. I miss you. " 1433,"I'll provide you wood and timber to make whatever riggings you'll need." 1434,"The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Kolskeggr Mine." 1435,"Plenty of iron to dig." 1436,"By Ysmir! There's a killer about." 1437,"What is more, I'm away from the hold at a time when there are dragons and Stormcloaks on the loose." 1438,"Hmph. Yes, Nepos." 1439,"Yes? What do you need?" 1440,"You've done well, hunter." 1441,"Now don't get cross with me, but the officials are demanding compensation for the mark you killed. Had to do it... had no choice, boss." 1442,"The attack will be launched imminently. Gather your weaponry and get to the front lines... Now, soldier!" 1443,"We have nothing to talk about until Paarthurnax is dead." 1444,"As I said, go speak with Gabriella. She's been assisting me with your next contract. This Emperor business, well... it does involve everyone." 1445,"You've returned with my axe. I knew that would be his response." 1446,"Shut up. Only the gods can judge me. You want to know what the Forsworn really are?" 1447,"Not well. He's convinced that his house is haunted, so he's sleeping on the street." 1448,"Don't make me tell you again. Get out of here." 1449,"You'll need to talk to Jorleif, though. We can't just let anyone go around claiming to be on official business." 1450,"A solid gold ornament, in the shape of a dragon's claw." 1451,"I'm a bit busy at the moment, what did you want?" 1452,"Seen some mean-spirited folk pass through lately. Thought I was rid of those sorts when I left Markarth." 1453,"My husband. We used to go out in the wilds and collect ingredients together. He used to call me his ""pretty Juniper.""" 1454,"I don't suppose you could come back another time? I'm very busy." 1455,"Well, I guess you'll have to." 1456,"That was amazing!" 1457,"Can you get it open?" 1458,"Do well here, and you'll be a full member of the Companions. " 1459,"She's dead. Laelette is dead." 1460,"Oh, don't worry about me. I relish the challenge." 1461,"Oh, no. Nothing like that. You're calling on her for business." 1462,"I think there were twenty-four in all. Most people keep them as a curiosity." 1463,"There's just one more target before we strike out at the Emperor." 1464,"Now, what's this nonsense about trapping a dragon in my palace?" 1465,"I have a competitor called Honningbrew Meadery that I want to put out of business." 1466,"My errant formulas have cost Master Elgrim a fortune in ingredients; some of which are almost irreplaceable." 1467,"Bandits are the worst lot. They'd steal from their own mothers given the chance." 1468,"Have you heard? There's been another dragon attack. Kynesgrove, this time." 1469,"You approach as if you know us, stranger. Who are you and what do you want?" 1470,"Just got a tip on this house... should be stuffed with loot. Care to head over there and find out?" 1471,"How have things been with you?" 1472,"(Sounds of unlocking and unbarring a door)" 1473,"Just give me a minute... I'm out of breath..." 1474,"You're also free to die for it." 1475,"Do vah kiin!" 1476,"You are brave. Balaan hokoron. Your defeat brings me honor." 1477,"So, name your poison! Ha ha ha. Oh, I never get tired of that one!" 1478,"You look troubled. Have you come seeking guidance?" 1479,"You still need to prove yourself, whelp. " 1480,"By the Eight. She's dead, isn't she? And it's all my fault." 1481,"No, and I never will. Now get out of my inn!" 1482,"Go ahead. Take it. I'd sooner finally put this chapter of my life behind me." 1483,"Can I help you with anything else?" 1484,"What's a man to do if he can't look to his Jarl for help?" 1485,"And a very ancient one." 1486,"I'm not sure. I certainly wasn't expecting this." 1487,"Umm... So, the business is done. This is the last we'll talk about it, right?" 1488,"It's not worth dying over." 1489,"Look, I assure you, this is all just a huge misunderstanding!" 1490,"There's no time! You have to get back to the College as fast as you can!" 1491,"Mara protect us both." 1492,"Look, I had no choice. They're crazy... I could be killed!" 1493,"Please, help yourself to more wine." 1494,"The Thalmor came seeking answers as well, unaware they will be his undoing." 1495,"You're going to Fort Greenwall." 1496,"But that day has not come yet." 1497,"With Vici's murder, you've started us down a path the Dark Brotherhood hasn't traveled in centuries. The assassination of an Emperor." 1498,"Purchase more supplies, then. That's your job as Steward, isn't it? Why do you trouble me with these details?" 1499,"Aye. Aringoth sent the city guard packing and fortified the entire island." 1500,"All right, remember... this is a clean fight. No weapons, no tricks. And none of those fancy magic spells, either." 1501,"Well, I... I simply thought you might wish to help out one of your fellow mages." 1502,"If you're looking for conversation, The Flagon isn't the place." 1503,"Now - hear his name. Odahviing. Taste it on the wind. Od-ah-viing. Know it in your su'um. Od-ah-viing!" 1504,"Buy you a drink?" 1505,"This isn't a command. Just decency. Help out an old blacksmith. I've got to get back to my work." 1506,"Oh, yes? I wonder what that old busybody wants now." 1507,"Ha! That'll teach the little jester to go bothering the decent, hardworking folk of Skyrim. Fool never should have come here." 1508,"Steal anything from my shop, and you'll regret it." 1509,"I think I hear my daughter calling..." 1510,"Problem is, that place is locked up tighter than a miser's purse. They could teach me a few things about paranoia..." 1511,"I also need to reassure Maven that it's business as usual without Mercer... and that a new Guild Master will soon be taking over." 1512,"How kind of you. And I've brought an army to give you a going away parade." 1513,"If Ulfric needs a favor, he has it. Anyone else better pay well for the service." 1514,"The sons of Skyrim will live up to their agreements. As long as the Imperials hold to theirs." 1515,"And telling her what? That you stole her horse? I don't think so." 1516,"I'm not Madanach. I was never a leader of the Forsworn. The only anger I can justify is my own." 1517,"There it is. Ah.... Home...." 1518,"Jarl Black-Briar put your government together. Do it now, or there will be rioting in the streets." 1519,"And in that moment, the gods will look down and see Skyrim as she was meant to be. Full of Nords who are mighty, powerful, and free!" 1520,"I'm too busy tending to the dead to spend my time making more of them." 1521,"It is more like the calm between storms. And the next storm, I think, will be far deadlier than the last." 1522,"A Thane of Riften is expected to maintain permanent residence within the city walls." 1523,"(sigh)" 1524,"That has to be the most brilliant and unexpected solution I've heard in a long time. It solves all of my problems and keeps the field stable!" 1525,"Dragonborn. It is you. Welcome to High Hrothgar." 1526,"I'm sorry, but I think you've had enough for the moment." 1527,"Once you've made a bit of a name for yourself, Skjor and Vilkas might have things for you to do." 1528,"Everyone who's anyone. Viarmo bought an apple the other day, said he was looking for a new student." 1529,"Hello and welcome, my friend. How may I help you on this fine day?" 1530,"If you're still breathing in a few weeks, I'm sure we'll be the best of friends." 1531,"It's not often I get visitors out here. You lost, stranger?" 1532,"Forget the list. She goes to the block." 1533,"Leave me." 1534,"Malyn's soul should be in the Star. Theoretically, purging him will be just like killing a ghost anywhere else." 1535,"I have no business with you." 1536,"Tag! You're it!" 1537,"I would hope you recognize Aela, even in this form." 1538,"Wait, let me guess. You'll get to it later." 1539,"Dovahkiin los ok dovahkriid" 1540,"The gods are watching. The spirits of our ancestors are stirring. And men under suns yet to dawn will be transformed by what we do here today." 1541,"We have a relationship of mutual respect." 1542,"That's why I come here to talk to you. You're all heart." 1543,"You what? How could you run out? J'zargo gave you more than enough. Bah, just forget J'zargo ever asked for your help." 1544,"It was only 20 years back that the Reachmen rebelled. Even took control of Markarth itself for a time." 1545,"You should run while you have the chance." 1546,"Ah! Picking on an old man? What did I ever do to you?" 1547,"But remember - you're one of us now, forever. Whatever Imperial loyalties you may have had... that's all in the past, forgotten." 1548,"Stick with me, and they'll never even know you're there." 1549,"Thank you so much. The festival has really increased my sales." 1550,"Of course, dear. Of course. And, from what my little ravens tell me, you handled yourself quite well." 1551,"I've done horrible things living here, but never taken an innocent life. I couldn't just find some person for them to kill." 1552,"Thank you, sir. Go right in." 1553,"Wuunferth. There have been rumors swirling about him for years. As long as I can remember." 1554,"Probably not, but it's worth a try!" 1555,"I don't know what to say. I didn't think anyone in Riften even cared what happened to me." 1556,"Then... it is true! She is back! Our Lady is back! She has chosen a Listener! She has chosen you! Ha ha ha! All hail the Listener!" 1557,"At least Narfi has Reyda's Necklace... reminds Narfi of his sister. Thank you for giving this to Narfi." 1558,"Here. Something I want you to have. Now, don't embarrass either of us by saying something sappy. Just... take it." 1559,"Well come back when you earn some more so I can take it from you!" 1560,"You can't argue with these mages. They'll attack you on sight." 1561,"Just wondering when you'll be ready to give it up and settle down. Seems like you're always working." 1562,"I can't believe it! You're... Dragonborn..." 1563,"He finally came to realize that the gods had punished the Nords for their arrogant and blasphemous misuse of the Voice." 1564,"Is it possible that it somehow contributed to his work? Perhaps allowed him to life multiple lifetimes in a short span of time?" 1565,"You must first prove you are in control." 1566,"Good question. I've only set foot inside a few times myself and that was in Mercer's company." 1567,"Take this. Every single coin I owe is there, I swear it." 1568,"Ah, now here is an item out of legend. This is Ysgramor's Soup Spoon. " 1569,"Before I let you into Riften, you need to pay the visitor's tax." 1570,"Maybe you should look for work instead of begging for coin." 1571,"Passing through on your way to High Hrothgar? About to make a delivery up there myself." 1572,"I hear you faced a dragon at Helgen and lived to tell about it. That ain't nothing." 1573,"I'm not quite ready to let go of my wife." 1574,"We bring honor to the Companions." 1575,"They definitely have some magic in them, I can tell you that much. But it's nothing I know about." 1576,"Cough" 1577,"I trust you know what you're doing with that spell?" 1578,"I'll take your money, but I make no promises of a large return on your investment. These are troubled times, after all." 1579,"It is our most favored company." 1580,"I'll sell just about anything, if it's worth my time. Keep that in mind, will you?" 1581,"I'd rather take a moment and look around than walk blindly into an ambush." 1582,"...the Emperor." 1583,"However, it was my sword piercing his heart that killed him." 1584,"Why? What's he doing now?" 1585,"The Empire to bend its knee before those evil elf bastards? Signing a treaty meant to kill the heart of the Empire itself. To deny Talos? " 1586,"How about I trade you a song for some fruit?" 1587,"You did what?" 1588,"I pray Talos overlooks our less than honorable approach. But he knows our purpose is just and true. I'm glad you made it out alive." 1589,"Well, what do you say, my brothers?" 1590,"Don't know why you'd help a stranger like that, but a septim's a septim... don't care where it comes from." 1591,"Ahkari freed me from a prison in Cyrodiil, and now I must repay my debt to him." 1592,"These old ruins... My father always told me to stay away from them. Good advice, I'd say." 1593,"Ah. I see." 1594,"I need you to root them out and drive them away before they find me and drag me back to Hammerfell for an execution." 1595,"But if you stray from wisdom then to Sovngarde you will not return." 1596,"Why didn't you tell me? What did he say?" 1597,"And yet now, suddenly, they have chosen to contact you? Why, it's intriguing!" 1598,"I'm not just talking about my subjects. I'm talking about my people: the proud Nords of Skyrim." 1599,"Here, this should suffice as your cut of the... or rather, a reward for your actions. Now, if you'll excuse me..." 1600,"This is the happiest day of my life. Where should we live? My home is your home now, of course." 1601,"We want compensation for the massacre at Heljarchen." 1602,"You want to get paid? Do what I hired you for." 1603,"I have tasted the voices of Alduin's allies on the wind. Pogaan nahlaas, vokrii wah jun." 1604,"It'll take time to rebuild, but the Nords are no strangers to hard work." 1605,"You're the one who's coming to Japhet's Folly with us, right? You ready to go?" 1606,"They say Helgen got hit by a dragon. One of those horrors comes here, we'll be ready." 1607,"So many things lost...." 1608,"Dealing with a mob wouldn't be good for my coin purse. Fine. We're leaving." 1609,"We supply Falkreath to the south. Until recently we supplied Helgen." 1610,"When we go back to Largashbur we'll be kings. I like Narzulbur, but don't tell Mul." 1611,"The house I mentioned earlier is still available, if you want to buy it." 1612,"I'm going to put this back where it belongs. I'll never forget this. You've done a great thing for me and my sister." 1613,"And that's why I won't rest easy until every single Imperial soldier joins her, and Ulfric sits upon the throne of Skyrim." 1614,"You disappoint me, Dragonborn. I accepted your invitation on trust in your good name. But it seems you intend to favor Ulfric." 1615,"If that's not enough, I suppose... I have this amulet you could take. " 1616,"Why? Because I'd rather be here trying to keep my only brother from drinking himself to death." 1617,"Need a room, talk to Delphine." 1618,"Everyone in town knows about the Black Door, and to never go near it." 1619,"It's an old city, I can tell you that. The Palace of the Kings is ancient." 1620,"Give me a minute to examine the Star. I'll see what we'll need to do." 1621,"My thanks to you." 1622,"Hmmmm... ""Fixed"" is such a subjective term. I think ""treated"" is far more appropriate, don't you? Like one does to a rash, or an arrow in the face." 1623,"Here. For you. For my hatchling of the heart." 1624,"Well, least I can do is give you something for taking care of him. If you won't accept it as a payment, consider it a gift." 1625,"Thank you. Please, take this. It can't quite compare to an Elder Scroll, but still. You will be remembered for generations for this." 1626,"Bormah!" 1627,"Sadly, the Oblivion Crisis took its toll on Winterhold, in more ways than one. Then, the Great Collapse swallowed most of our beloved city." 1628,"I believe you know what needs to be done. Something about putting out a fire?" 1629,"At present, there is no confirmation of any of the various theories surrounding the nature of these stones." 1630,"I've been informed by my steward that you've made quite an impression in the Rift; the people won't stop blathering about you." 1631,"The catch was, he had to head out there with our wood. So not only is Leifnarr gone, but a good bit of our supplies as well." 1632,"Then you should know that Louis and I have a certain... history." 1633,"You'll have plenty of time to take it up with the King in Rags while you're serving a life sentence in Cidhna Mine." 1634,"Well, perhaps that is why you're merely an Apprentice here." 1635,"They promise people they'll kill off all the Nords that rule over the Reach. Nothing but murderers and saboteurs." 1636,"You have shown that you are Dragonborn. You have the inborn gift." 1637,"I do hope you'll remain in Solitude. This city could do with some new blood." 1638,"The Ebonmere is a conduit through which Nocturnal influences our world. Not through magic or blessings, but purely through luck." 1639,"What dangers and wonders shall we discover in the frozen wastes? I can hardly wait to find out!" 1640,"What? By the gods, Betrid...." 1641,"Ha! Well it's safely hidden away, in a hollowed-out tree stump. Just outside Riften, tucked away nice and secure. You'll never find it." 1642,"Then you are weak and inconsequential." 1643,"If she's to accept you as one of her own, an arrangement must be struck." 1644,"Be careful! That murderer could be anywhere, and anyone." 1645,"Farengar, you need to come at once. A dragon's been sighted nearby." 1646,"The scroll will give the deep vision needed to open it." 1647,"Our contract is complete. Here's a token of my gratitude for your efforts." 1648,"Elewen's parties are always so elegant. She really has impeccable taste." 1649,"If we can gain the confidence of someone very influential who lives there by doing a unique job for them, we'd be able to have some leverage there too." 1650,"Winterhold would allow us to directly threaten the rebel supply lines out of Windhelm..." 1651,"Incredible... imagine the manpower and ingenuity needed to carve the buildings of Markarth." 1652,"It's down the stairs, dear. Just come right in." 1653,"If a dragon does show up, maybe we'll get lucky and it will eat the mages first. Might give us enough time to kill it." 1654,"Word on the street was that Honningbrew tasted better, cost less and Sabjorn didn't shove it down everyone's throat." 1655,"Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying." 1656,"I hid here in Solitude for a long time but war, war follows a man until it's done with him." 1657,"(growl)" 1658,"If we could get into the Thalmor Embassy... it's the center of their operations in Skyrim..." 1659,"Oh, you may have pleased me, but you have surely pleased the Night Mother. And our mother, she will never forget." 1660,"I'm glad you're here. I think some of these people are beginning to suspect who I am." 1661,"But... I don't yet know how you can stop him. The prophecy doesn't say. But Alduin's Wall does. I hope." 1662,"To begin with, killing any Legionnaire you find out in the wilderness. I've reports they've hidden military camps out there out there." 1663,"Use Clear Skies to open the way to Paarthurnax." 1664,"Sigrid! We have company!" 1665,"Mining is tough, but Mul says the money is good so we mine." 1666,"It was said to force a dragon to experience the concept of Mortality. A truly vonmindoraan... incomprehensible idea to the immortal dov." 1667,"I've heard stanger things, are eaten over at the Temple of the Divines." 1668,"General, this is outrageous! You can't be taking this demand seriously! I thought we were here to discuss a truce!" 1669,"Perhaps, but abuse is abuse. I don't think I could stand it." 1670,"Divines help us!" 1671,"I'll be damned. Someone who actually escaped Cidhna Mine. You're the talk of the Warrens." 1672,"Wow! That was fun. Do it again!" 1673,"If you need any more smithing work, come see me again." 1674,"However, I'm disappointed to hear that you fled from the field of battle. We do not reward cowardice in the Legion. I expect better of you." 1675,"Another member of the Family! Hello, hello. So very good to meet you." 1676,"I don't care if you wrote it yourself -- if you want a book from here, you go through me." 1677,"After that I promised myself I'd never do it again." 1678,"Didn't I speak clear enough? Out of my way." 1679,"I simply need more pieces of Dwemer equipment to study. It's nothing dangerous... At least, not necessarily." 1680,"Looks slow to me." 1681,"Just keep moving, you'll wear him out!" 1682,"With me, up the tower!" 1683,"Wait, it's haunted? I don't like ghosts... let me think about this for a minute..." 1684,"Master Borri will teach you ""Nah"" - ""Fury"" - the second word of Whirlwind Sprint." 1685,"Well... just get it done." 1686,"Yuck. Something smells." 1687,"Farewell." 1688,"Don't forget to polish those glasses later." 1689,"Live a life worth telling about." 1690,"It's appreciated. The captains around here will have one less thing to worry about. Here's your reward." 1691,"Not to mention the benefit of wards! How can they continually overlook wards! It's baffling!" 1692,"May you lose yourself in the pages of a good book!" 1693,"Reclaiming Hjaalmarch lets me worry less about the rear guard, and push more men to the front. It was a mistake to let Ulfric control it for so long." 1694,"I would... eh... be interested in acquiring it. If you're willing to part with it, that is." 1695,"What can I get you?" 1696,"If there's anything you need, just let me know." 1697,"We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle up in Haafingar." 1698,"The last few supply caravans have been attacked... by a giant. As if I didn't have enough to deal with. Need that damn hairy brute straightened out." 1699,"Ah, you want protection? I can get you what you need." 1700,"Khajiit guards your back." 1701,"What is life's greatest illusion?" 1702,"With any luck, a worthy hero will step forward and solve our problems, just like in the tales of old." 1703,"While I feel Ulfric's cause is just, my concern is for the people of The Rift." 1704,"I worry about the other settlements in the hold. Unwalled, lightly manned - prime targets for those damned dragons." 1705,"I've given standing orders to the guards to prepare water bucket runs to the harbor in case of a fire, but that's all we can do." 1706,"What can I get for you, sir?" 1707,"Well, I guess that's good enough... let's be off..." 1708,"I heard what happened and the Guild owes you thanks for bringing this to light." 1709,"In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Markarth. Talk to my steward if you're interested." 1710,"How are your parents faring, Grelka? Doing better than we are I would guess." 1711,"Fastred, we must speak." 1712,"There are thieves and then there is Gulum-Ei. No honor, no code at all. He'd shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time." 1713,"By you?" 1714,"I'm just here to dig. Not much else to talk about." 1715,"Papa, I want to talk to you..." 1716,"Arnleif and Sons Trading Company. I'm a porter. Just some muscle hired to move heavy packages." 1717,"Sigh. Very well. You're lucky Maramal has placed me in a very forgiving mood." 1718,"Well guess who really runs things around here? Me. I own the mines. I make the coin pass to the right hands." 1719,"Speak, elf." 1720,"Are you?" 1721,"I undertstand. Now, let me take a good look at this. Over here, please." 1722,"You looking to buy some potions? Or maybe I could help train you to make your own?" 1723,"When I was a young rascal, I broke a man's arm with a single punch. Course, I had a horseshoe hidden in my glove..." 1724,"Have you mastered the Expert level destruction spells yet?" 1725,"Oh, well. You know. A bit of this, a bit of that." 1726,"And where would that be?" 1727,"Mage, eh? Well, to each his own. It's not for me to judge." 1728,"This place is boring. Nothing but the same thing every day. Sigh." 1729,"Please, just go away!" 1730,"Listen, could you take the sword to my father, Proventus Avenicci? He's the Jarl's steward. He'll know the right time to present it to him." 1731,"Please, make it brief. We have much to do." 1732,"I hope there's more bandits around... their numbers could use a little more thinning." 1733,"You match the bet and we fight until one of us gives in." 1734,"All right. I'll tell you a little story." 1735,"You should speak to the Jarl if you need something, stranger." 1736,"Don't leave any of them alive." 1737,"I don't need to know if it's fresh from this distance." 1738,"All right, I'll entertain you a bit more. Go on." 1739,"What is it, Khajiit?" 1740,"Come inside. The other masters will meet us there." 1741,"I don't know what the fight is about, and that's not our business anyway." 1742,"When we've reclaimed our homeland from the Imperials, we'll take the fight to the Thalmor. They are the true enemy. Make no mistake." 1743,"The Night Mother may have spoken to you, but I am still the leader of this Family. I will not have my authority so easily dismissed." 1744,"It is his shrine people pray to when they visit the Hall. That his divinity will watch over their ancestors on the way to the next life." 1745,"I've already lost a family, and we're about to start a new one. I don't want that to happen again." 1746,"Then I have no work for you." 1747,"Here we go again." 1748,"I speak figuratively, of course. Nothing could be more unlikely than that someone would actually want her in their bed." 1749,"First, we're going to take out their sentry, then we'll situate ourselves overlooking the camp." 1750,"What do you need, Dragonborn?" 1751,"You've shown those monsters that they will no longer be tolerated in the Pale. Good work." 1752,"If he returns it to you it means we have business to settle. If he keeps it, then we are at peace." 1753,"I am a child of Hammerfell, born of the sands of the mighty Alik'r. In that great desert, blood is a shade of crimson I can scarce describe." 1754,"Ah. I sometimes forget you are not versed in the dragon tongue as we are. This is a rough translation:" 1755,"I do!" 1756,"I'll go gather the men in the courtyard." 1757,"That's right! Don't worry, Uncle Ralof, I won't let those soldiers sneak up on you." 1758,"These days, we have more people like you coming in, looking for healing and the like." 1759,"Running a little light in the pockets, lass?" 1760,"Of course! Nine is the most basic of magical principles. Oh, how stupid of me." 1761,"In the old tales, Nord heroes would use the power of their Voice to Shout down the gates of cities and strike down their enemies." 1762,"Through fire and time, the terror has lived. No more, I say! I've set my heart on terrible deeds, death's grim art." 1763,"Just you wait and see." 1764,"So, as I was saying, the first thing to understand is that magic is, by its very nature, volatile and dangerous." 1765,"Take it. Take the coat, have your fun. I'll see you at the festival." 1766,"Well, I've been working on something. An improvement on the Ebonyflesh spell." 1767,"And a hefty cut for yourself too I'm sure. Just see to it the items are secured and the rest disposed of properly this time." 1768,"It certainly is. Was, I suppose." 1769,"No. As if trade wasn't poor enough. Now there's violence in the streets." 1770,"The one who calls himself Ancano." 1771,"We're gathering for our final assault on Windhelm. Report to our camp in Eastmarch." 1772,"That's right. It isn't yours. You're under arrest, Brand-Shei." 1773,"Oh, stop apologizing. It makes you look like an idiot. Learn to talk back a bit, girl! Why, when I was in the temple...." 1774,"Seems friendly enough. Obviously intelligent. Why do you ask?" 1775,"Those eyes. All right, killer, go on through. But don't try anything. Madanach knows more than you think." 1776,"The man you need to speak with, his name is Motierre? That's a very old and powerful Breton family, firmly established in Cyrodiil. Most curious..." 1777,"Until then, I train. My new home will need strength, and my new sisters must know I am not weak when I arrive." 1778,"Ah... To be honest, no. But High King Torygg supported them, and now her lady Elisif has thrown in with them." 1779,"Argh! You found me!" 1780,"What do you think you're doing, walking around dressed like a damn Stormcloak traitor?" 1781,"You've got that fire under control. Right?" 1782,"Well, my friend, if you think those boots needs more coin, I'll make it happen. But I'm doing this for you, not them." 1783,"Not much to it, really. We fish, and keep to ourselves. Try to keep from upsetting the Empire or the Stormcloaks, and so far the war's left us alone." 1784,"She would? If she's willing to deal with him, then everything would be all right." 1785,"Here. A little something for you." 1786,"Fine. I did notice something odd last time we handed out the pay. Little extra slip of paper for Weylin. Took it right to his room after he got it." 1787,"Welcome to Belethor's General Goods. Welcome, indeed." 1788,"We've been staggeringly successful so far. In fact, I'm almost surprised how quickly she's generated business for us." 1789,"I'm not sure what to expect here. Please be on your guard." 1790,"Keep going! We need to get farther away from here!" 1791,"Thank you, soldier. Let's take a look at these reports..." 1792,"Need a poison for your hunting? My mother, Murbul, knows several." 1793,"This has ruined my entire day." 1794,"What of it? It's our Inn, and they cause him no harm." 1795,"Vampire!" 1796,"Well, maybe that's not entirely true, but our clan's got a long an' proud history in this hold." 1797,"You need to teach him a lesson... show him the penalty for betrayal around here." 1798,"So, what's the latest exciting news about goings-on in Winterhold?" 1799,"Fine, I'll just save myself then. Thank you for letting me out of that cage." 1800,"I'm starting to think we might not even find iron in here. We've been at it for so long." 1801,"You're going to love it here. We have a lot of fun, and we look out for each other. Just like any family." 1802,"Come back when you need more meat. Bring gold." 1803,"As for myself, I've always been content to simply be an alchemist. " 1804,"I'd better get going." 1805,"We've got small weapons as well as big. Maces, daggers, that sort of thing." 1806,"Sorry. Talking about the Scrolls, you usually end up in irritating and vague metaphors like that. Some people who study them devoutly go mad." 1807,"We'd better find out what's happened." 1808,"Something troublin' ya? I'll listen." 1809,"Breathe!" 1810,"It is good that you were willing to help J'zargo. This will not be forgotten, friend." 1811,"Remember to stay within the boundaries and only use the practice arrows. I have some if you don't have any." 1812,"My talents are much needed here, in order to keep Morthal... safe." 1813,"He says an Argonian's labor is only worth a tenth of a ""proper Nord worker."" My people are not slaves!" 1814,"If you were willing to wear one of Radiant Raiment's outfits and speak to the Jarl I would not only pay you but let you keep the outfit." 1815,"Go, leave me in peace." 1816,"You have a kind heart. I'd be honored to walk by your side until the trees themselves fade away, if you would have me." 1817,"Oh! You got me!" 1818,"Whoa. Hey there. I didn't mean to make you upset. On my honor, Carlotta won't have to worry about me again." 1819,"Even if all you've said here is lies, I know you have something in Winterhold the Synod Council will be very interested in." 1820,"Ulfric Stormcloak! " 1821,"I seem to have misplaced the book I was reading." 1822,"Clavicus sent you didn't he?" 1823,"But why? Why, pray tell, have I received word that Anton Virane is still walking around Markarth, hale and healthy as the day he was born?" 1824,"I am a loyal citizen of the Empire. My parents were Legionnaires, and I've followed in their footsteps." 1825,"To kill triplets, secretly, and then have the whole thing blamed on the mother. Remarkable." 1826,"How rude! Can't be bothered to host an old friend for a decade or two." 1827,"Here's your share. Nicely done." 1828,"Finn was the bard who invented the eight course lute that is commonplace today." 1829,"Just be careful where you do it. Some cowards in this land can't stand the sight of glory before them." 1830,"Last time someone cheated me, I cut off their hand. Still have it actually." 1831,"Already have." 1832,"Ready to listen to the Silver-Blood family now, Igmund?" 1833,"So, that's how I earned the name. Now keep it to yourself." 1834,"That was a simple misunderstanding, but this item is the real thing." 1835,"I'll be sure to put in a good word if I get to Windhelm ahead of you." 1836,"Heard about that, did you? Yes, I went out for a pint or two. What of it?" 1837,"Shoo! Go away! You get nothing from me." 1838,"You think so? Let's see who the real woman is here." 1839,"I've tried to explain that Roggvir did something bad and that we all have to be accountable for our actions but... a child feels what she will." 1840,"Now that's interesting. Tell me more." 1841,"Our ancestors should be allowed to rest in peace." 1842,"He used the Thu'um. Shouted those Forsworn from the walls. Then he led a band of Nord warriors in to take the city." 1843,"If you head straight west from where the White River splits towards Whiterun, you can get a look at the Cradlecrush giants." 1844,"I suppose you'd better hope you can, if you want the information." 1845,"Sahrot Thu'um, med aan tuz, vey zeim hokoron pah, ol fin Dovahkiin komeyt ok rein!" 1846,"Better men have tried. Let's finish this." 1847,"He's a stubborn oaf. I don't know what good it'll do." 1848,"Did you read that letter from Markarth yet?" 1849,"So, is this what it's come to? You'd have your own flesh and blood hanged just to solidify your grip as the next Jarl?" 1850,"When are you going to take me away from here Bolli?" 1851,"I've already said too much." 1852,"Perhaps we should take a look inside these coffins..." 1853,"Don't even think about it." 1854,"Someday I'm going to kill a dragon all by myself." 1855,"Hey! What's this?" 1856,"That's what I like to hear." 1857,"Sorry, guess it's too rich for your blood. Come back when you find the coin." 1858,"I know! I know! Just shut up and let me look, okay?" 1859,"The Psijics have no connection to these ruins. And no one's seen any of their order in a long time." 1860,"If it wasn't for Aerin, the young man who saved my life, I think I'd already have given up long ago." 1861,"So many say that, at first, until they realize the truth." 1862,"Just when you think things couldn't get any worse." 1863,"Meyye! Tahrodiis aanne! Him hinde pah liiv! Zu'u hin daan!" 1864,"Now do whatever it is you need to do, and let's get going before we miss our chance!" 1865,"You're joking, right? Those bone-walkers will tear you limb from limb." 1866,"I suppose if you're intent on looking for the staff, there's a chance they might be in Mzulft yet. Just don't expect them to be cooperative." 1867,"My job is my life. Whatever happened before doesn't matter." 1868,"I better get back to cleaning the store. What a mess." 1869,"Hey, where do you think you're going? Come back here." 1870,"I don't mean you any trouble. Just leave me alone." 1871,"You've got no sense of humor, you know that? Why don't you pick up where you left off with ""The Real Barenziah.""" 1872,"Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying, eh lad?" 1873,"Burn the King!" 1874,"No harm shall come to me, for I live under Azura's wisdom. Her foresight protects me. Her insight sustains me." 1875,"Right you are! Guess I'll keep training you... for now." 1876,"Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion." 1877,"The Necromancer Malkoran defiles my shrine with vile corruptions, trapping lost souls left in the wake of this war to do his bidding." 1878,"Take a good look around you! Have you ever see the Guild in such a prosperous state?" 1879,"The bards give out spiced wine during the festival, so they put in a big order. And then, for weeks after, demand is so high, I can barely keep up." 1880,"Have you managed to track down the Synod, or the Staff of Magnus?" 1881,"Some rich folk had a trinket stolen and they want us to get it back." 1882,"Go to Malacath's shrine, southeast of Largashbur. See if perhaps he will aid us after all." 1883,"Careful if you cross the river to the east. Old Hajvarr Iron-Hand and his brigands are holed up in that cave, White River Watch." 1884,"I'd rather spend the gold on a new litter of pups, but the horses bring in more gold." 1885,"It's a shame you wished for something so dull as me taking back the mutt. Quite the lack of imagination on your part." 1886,"The Jarl is, as you can imagine, very busy. Perhaps I can assist you?" 1887,"Probably got drunk and fell into the lake. Who cares." 1888,"You keep your distance with that magic" 1889,"First of all, a son of Skyrim rots in an Imperial prison. We'll be getting him out of there soon." 1890,"That's a little... showy, even for you." 1891,"Bring it to me straight away when you find it. Don't dally. I can keep it safe." 1892,"We've lost a lot of good people to that damn crusade. Drive out the Nords, they say. Well, the Nord ain't driven out." 1893,"Thank you, my friend." 1894,"Hold it there! Keep your distance." 1895,"Hah! Who in their right mind would pay for dirt? You'd get laughed out of Whiterun for even trying it." 1896,"Thank the gods for the end of yet another pointless conversation..." 1897,"Gerdur... " 1898,"Turned on the Empire first chance he got. Now we're all part of this rebellion." 1899,"This was such a glorious city. But then everything had to change. The Empire came... and my brother was lost..." 1900,"As the Jarl of Riften, I feel it's my duty to honor your selfless behavior by honoring you with the title Thane of Riften." 1901,"The Silver Hand has been scouring the world for more pieces of Wuuthrad." 1902,"Maybe they're afraid of you. Maybe it's your breath. How should I know?" 1903,"I'm sure he will prove most useful." 1904,"Have no idea what my birth name really is, and I frankly don't care." 1905,"Go then. Fulfill your destiny. Take the Scroll to the Time-Wound." 1906,"Brynjolf tells me you'll make an excellent Guild Master. Oh, he's looking for you, by the way." 1907,"I'm glad you decided to come with me. We're almost to Riverwood." 1908,"That's nothing you need to concern yourself with." 1909,"Speak if you must, but mind your tongue. I do not suffer fools gladly." 1910,"Here's the gold for it. Thanks." 1911,"Now tell me, Dragonborn, why have you come here?" 1912,"And they got the orders backwards. Ha ha ha. Yes, I'm writing that in. It should be good for a laugh from the court." 1913,"Anyway, I can smell the smoke. They've already set the place alight." 1914,"The rest of you, prepare to journey to the Tomb of Ysgramor. For Kodlak." 1915,"Hey! Watch what you're doing." 1916,"Now I may look like a man, but I still feel the animal inside of me, as strong as ever." 1917,"I understand. If you should change your mind, I'll be here." 1918,"Come on! Before the dragon brings down the whole tower!" 1919,"I'm still sore where I took that arrow. I hate archers." 1920,"You're joking. While I can understand if some family members wish to honor the Old Ways once more, surely no one would oppose Astrid's rule." 1921,"We choose our battles, and you've chosen yours. Someone else can take care of it." 1922,"Perhaps I'll tell you more about it later. Right now, you need to head for Winterhold with the journal and get the translation." 1923,"Once you have summoned the Dremora, you will order it to deliver to you a sigil stone from an Oblivion gate." 1924,"Aw, quit your bellyaching." 1925,"Winterhold belongs to Skyrim, not the Imperials, or the Mages." 1926,"You mean you won't forget about me the moment I'm out of sight? Get yourself a nice old rich husband, have sixteen babies?" 1927,"Does that cover everything?" 1928,"And if the meadery is profitable, I get rich. Get the picture?" 1929,"Do you know what he's talking about?" 1930,"All right. Don't be long." 1931,"Good to see you, my friend! I knew you'd make a proper Legionnaire." 1932,"For what it's worth, I'm sorry to see you go. You fought well for us." 1933,"Ouch! Pointy pointy! My home is well defended. I always have been a stickler for details. Get it? ""Stick-ler."" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, I slay me!" 1934,"Be careful in there, you can take a nasty spill." 1935,"They're parasites. They're living in our city, under our protection, but what do they do for us? Nothing!" 1936,"We are honored to have you as Thane of our city, Dragonborn." 1937,"In trouble with the Guild, eh? Well, looks like we won't be trading merchandise until you smooth it over." 1938,"You found me! Laelette was trying to find me too, but I'm glad you found me first." 1939,"How would you like a drink?" 1940,"Only twenty septims a bottle!" 1941,"So I mostly sweep and shovel. You got a problem with that?" 1942,"Did you need anything else?" 1943,"All right, but if you change your mind. Not like we're going anywhere." 1944,"I'm the innkeeper. It's my business to keep track of strangers." 1945,"I sense a presence..." 1946,"The blood calls, sister." 1947,"There's two more of them ahead." 1948,"Do you need anything? Are you hungry?" 1949,"Sorry's not good enough! Not while my Gleda is still out there, alone and afraid. You kidnapped her and sold her to that Giant." 1950,"Why have taxes not come in from Granite Hill, Nenya? We should send some guards down there." 1951,"An intelligent, beautiful woman like her wouldn't fall for that nonsense... I hope." 1952,"We have guests as often as we can but there aren't a lot of travellers these days. The war keeps people off the roads." 1953,"Maramal thinks he's so smart; tells me that Mara will cleanse the filth from my blood. Ha! What does he know?" 1954,"Be warned that once you've chosen, you can't reselect for at least a day." 1955,"A guest, oh my!" 1956,"Something I can get for you?" 1957,"Oh, merciful Arkay, no! I am too old and frail, and this graveyard is too large." 1958,"Malacath blesses this land for the Orcs. And the Orcs alone." 1959,"You want anything in this life, you gotta take it. Just not from me." 1960,"Ouch! Hey!" 1961,"Not only that, but these Nords have no love for us. They look upon us and see only thieves and smugglers." 1962,"I think you and I are worth about a dozen soldiers each. We'll send that beast back where it came from." 1963,"My previous champion displeases me." 1964,"Hey! Wanna play tag?" 1965,"Wait." 1966,"Look at this. Cowards must have locked the place down after Skjor charged in. You can taste the fear." 1967,"The truth, child of Talos, is that the Dragon's children have come! To purge the world in fire and righteousness!" 1968,"With you as my muse, how could I not?" 1969,"No one here does." 1970,"Hurry up and tell Lucan you have the claw. He'll be so excited!" 1971,"Used to be twice as many miners working here before all this trouble started." 1972,"Esbern, look out!" 1973,"I don't buy that story, either." 1974,"You are interfering in Imperial business. Yeah, so you'll have to pay us a fine... of say, 100 gold. Pay up, citizen." 1975,"Thank you. He can be a bit difficult, but I'm sure he'll appreciate your help." 1976,"This one suggests donning some apparel." 1977,"We must be prepared to face them." 1978,"It annoys us. What does it want to take from us now?" 1979,"It's not that you're intruding. I'd wager they've actually expected us." 1980,"I do apologize, Listener, but Nazir made it clear the initiates are not to speak with you until you first deal with him, and atone for your actions." 1981,"My ears are always open to a friend's request." 1982,"This is an exciting opportunity for us. To be able to study such an early civilization, and the magics they used..." 1983,"On this glorious day, we honor everyone! Ha ha ha ha!" 1984,"I brought in my cousin Cosnach to help me handle shipments." 1985,"The others do not speak. Their Voices are too powerful for you to withstand." 1986,"If that's all, there's pressing concerns that need dealing with." 1987,"You should probably speak to her." 1988,"Locked him up someplace to get back at my family. I'm sure of it." 1989,"Hmmm, you again. What is it this time?" 1990,"Whether you know it or not, Nocturnal dictates how well we perform as rogues." 1991,"Today, she's... well, she's a skeleton. An ancient corpse. But, more importantly, a corpse that's being brought to this Sanctuary by her Keeper." 1992,"Most of the folk in the city believe as Ulfric did, that outsiders should not be trusted." 1993,"Amazing that such beauty could exist in a place as desolate as the volcanic tundra." 1994,"Right away, milord." 1995,"You can't threaten me any worse than they have!" 1996,"We're backing Elisif. When the Moot meets, they'll do the sensible thing." 1997,"It seems I will never take my rightful place as High Queen." 1998,"Not now." 1999,"You'll be well paid for your time." 2000,"Ah, yes, I can imagine you'd want to settle that score. Last I heard he was at the Solitude Docks, conducting the Emperor's departure." 2001,"Got something for just about everybody in here. Give a holler if you have any questions." 2002,"I'm right with you." 2003,"I don't miss home one bit. I'm glad to leave that life behind me." 2004,"Lisbet handles the customers. I just check the shipments." 2005,"Not really." 2006,"Bear in mind, even if you clear out the tomb, you'll still need a key to get to the treasure. A key I happen to possess." 2007,"Leave now or suffer dire consequences." 2008,"So... once again the Key has been stolen and a ""champion"" returns it to the Sepulcher." 2009,"If it were to somehow end up in my hands, I wouldn't argue. " 2010,"May the gods preserve us all." 2011,"You will be called on to take swift action. Rise to the challenge, and discover what you are capable of." 2012,"You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North, hearken to it." 2013,"Still standing here." 2014,"And what about you, Brother Casimir? Are you prepared to serve the will of Vaermina?" 2015,"Well, she's dead. But I guess that's not unusual, at least not for somebody in here." 2016,"Only way you could have found one of those is by stealin' it. Guess you'll fit in around here better than I thought." 2017,"I'm worried about my son. I'm keeping an eye on him for a little while before I pass on." 2018,"The Thalmor? Do you have any idea what you're asking?" 2019,"One down, my friend. One down." 2020,"Yes, Legate." 2021,"I'm headed to the inn." 2022,"You gonna hurt me again?" 2023,"Everyone on me. Let's show these Imperials what we're made of!" 2024,"Morrowind used to be a lovely place, but you couldn't pay me to live there these days." 2025,"If I had my way, I'd spend all my time at parties like this, and none of it dealing with the common rabble." 2026,"No one talks to Madanach, I'm afraid. Not without getting past Borkul the Beast." 2027,"You were at Helgen! " 2028,"Before I came into Zenithar's calling, I confess I was a thief. But I learned a few things in my time that might help you survive. Let me show you." 2029,"Damn it, not now!" 2030,"My problem with her? She's the one who has a problem with me!" 2031,"About 30 years ago, the Aldmeri Dominion invaded the Empire. It was a surprise attack, caught everyone off guard." 2032,"These terms blatantly favor the rebels. Everyone here knows that." 2033,"Stew again, papa? I want steak." 2034,"So you're the one from the... Dark Brotherhood? I need you to kill the Big Laborer at Katla's Farm. Here's the gold for the kill. Make it painful." 2035,"Remembers our lessons from the sword masters of Alcaire? Let me show you a few things you may have forgotten before we leave Hroldan." 2036,"I... I can only imagine Aela's anger. I'll make sure not to cross her for a while." 2037,"Oh, wait... it gets much better." 2038,"An ornament, solid gold. In the shape of a dragon's claw." 2039,"The self-loathing enhances Pelagius' anger! Ah, but his confidence will shrink with every hit. You must bring the two into balance." 2040,"What is it? Do you have one of the Razor fragments?" 2041,"Ah, the nectar of the gods! If there's ever anything I can do for you, just name it!" 2042,"Been up to the Blue Palace? It's a sight to see. Even if it is filled with fops..." 2043,"Fair fight. Here you are." 2044,"I bid you to drink deeply from the Ebonmere, mortal. For this is where the Agent of Nocturnal is born." 2045,"Hey there! Can you believe this place? So cold my breath turns to icicles! What are we even doing up here?" 2046,"We should be fighting those witch-elves, not bending knee to them. The Emperor is nothing more than a puppet of the Thalmor." 2047,"Of course. But why not let him go in first?" 2048,"It's an illegal substance highly favored by the Khajiit. Very difficult to come by." 2049,"Reeaaaallllyyyy?" 2050,"...not dead? Kill them, kill them all!" 2051,"That spell looks dangerous..." 2052,"It doesn't matter. She wears that armor, she dies." 2053,"Use the gloves to clear the focal points. Return to me when you have finished. I thought I made this rather clear." 2054,"I am Savos Aren, Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold." 2055,"You've got to track a man, kill him, and then frame him for a crime. This contract's perfect... for me. Clearly, my lovely wife made a mistake." 2056,"There's a man named Braig inside these mines. Besides me, he's been here the longest." 2057,"Is someone there?" 2058,"My apologies, Jarl Elisif. I was thinking only of the importance of the war effort." 2059,"It is a pity, but it cannot be helped. Perhaps if we continue to show that we can be trusted, they will open their cities to our caravans." 2060,"You little twig. I'll snap you in two!" 2061,"We have to keep moving." 2062,"I'm going to stay a while. Rest among these bones. This creature honored us with its life, and I will honor it with my respect." 2063,"Ah, hello my good friend. Would you do me a kindness? I seem to be down to my last drop of spirits. Let me tell you, sobriety is highly overrated." 2064,"But I am cursed, it would seem, to live alone." 2065,"I... shouldn't say that." 2066,"I'll start round one. Down the hatch!" 2067,"Frabbi, a customer needs a drink!" 2068,"Pay your dues and we'll speak." 2069,"You know, now that I think of it, that sounds fair. Just shove off before the others notice." 2070,"I have never doubted that, husband." 2071,"Apprentice blacksmith, at your service." 2072,"You sound like my ma. Figured I was lying dead in a field somewhere, is that it?" 2073,"Relax, Marise... I have no quarrel with you. I just wish to speak a moment." 2074,"Of course, there is always work. My mind is someplace else, though." 2075,"Good day." 2076,"This ain't the Dark Brotherhood. Next time, you keep the job clean and you'll get your coin." 2077,"Take my word to the leaders of your guild and tell them we look forward to a prosperous and profitable future." 2078,"As you will." 2079,"Then by my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Hjaalmarch. Congratulations." 2080,"You forsake the weak and pitiful Boethiah?" 2081,"Yes, just a brief overview of our facilities. Are you ready?" 2082,"A monk from the Psijic Order, here, after all these years, and then he just leaves." 2083,"Long as I stay out of the way, the guards don't seem to care about me being here." 2084,"We're ready, Dragonborn, our wrath to unleash." 2085,"Why aren't you at your post, Justiciar?" 2086,"Svana! Has that skooma-addled idiot Niluva paid us her rent yet? Or does she have more excuses?" 2087,"What do you think these devices were for?" 2088,"You should have acted. They’re already here." 2089,"Excellent. Now we can get back to business. I think it's best we just forget this ever happened and move on, hmm?" 2090,"You know, I could have gone into that Sanctuary. Killed all those Dark Brotherhood types. But I was... sick that day." 2091,"I hope we haven't just created a martyr." 2092,"Come on, show yourself!" 2093,"Still shaken from all the fighting, my friend. It's been too long since I had to kill someone." 2094,"Whoa, now... ease off on the magic..." 2095,"Actually, I'm growing it if you hadn't noticed." 2096,"The package was heavy... I needed his help getting it on his horse. What was inside?" 2097,"Just a prank? Just a prank? The Daedric Lord of Debauchery does not deal in mere ""pranks.""" 2098,"Hmm? No, no. No! I'm too close now. Can't take the time." 2099,"He knew everything about the ancient dragonlore of the Blades." 2100,"But do you know what intrigues me the most? The fact that this was all possible because of you." 2101,"Stendarr's Light purify you of your ills." 2102,"That's the wrong answer." 2103,"Names mean nothing to our Lord. She only cares for those who care for themselves, whose hearts are full of purpose, whose lives are full of deeds." 2104,"By Shor, what do you want?" 2105,"Jarl Balgruuf is waiting." 2106,"Even just one should be enough for me to complete my research." 2107,"My blade is yours once more." 2108,"I asked the gate guards to look for him. I can't afford to chase him down but could use a fierce, loyal beast to keep me company." 2109,"Of course. My fellow Harbingers and I have been warming ourselves here. Trying to evade Hircine. " 2110,"Khajiit will follow." 2111,"The Empire I remember never surrendered." 2112,"My brother Jon's got the right of it - join the Bards College and avoid this pointless war." 2113,"Do you have business with the East Empire Company?" 2114,"Humble Cicero lives to serve." 2115,"I smell weakness..." 2116,"Why? What did I do?" 2117,"Yes, my Jarl. We could hardly waste anyone else's precious time on such a tedious task." 2118,"If you still feel like doing some jobs, I'm sure Delvin and Vex have more than their fair share to give out." 2119,"One of those icebrains who wanders the land getting people's hopes up. " 2120,"That must have been quite a surprise." 2121,"A citizen of the Reach has been kidnapped." 2122,"Steady now. The Legion has faced down worse than a few dusty old bonewalkers." 2123,"Oh, he was young, and handsome. I had half a mind to go after him, myself, before I met my husband." 2124,"A pleasure, thane." 2125,"Some days I marvel that you haven't managed to blow yourself up." 2126,"Do not delay. Alduin must feel the tremors in Time by the Scroll's presence here. He will know what it means." 2127,"We're all pretty new at this, right? Let's just give it a chance. What's the worst that could happen?" 2128,"It would seem I'm bound to this place. The bitter irony of it all -- my greatest failure, and even in death I can't escape it." 2129,"Why are you bothering me, outsider?" 2130,"That would be Skald the Elder. He's been running Dawnstar ever since he was a boy, and he never lost that brat's attitude." 2131,"Maven be damned. One day, she'll get hers. I can promise you that." 2132,"Fihada, where did you learn how to make bows so well?" 2133,"Don't leave poor Melka to die." 2134,"Ah, yes. Of course. No, I don't need anything." 2135,"We will find her eventually." 2136,"Without the Night Mother, there is no Dark Brotherhood. The Matron deserves our unwavering support and respect." 2137,"Torbjorn Shatter-Shield. I wish someone would beat the coin out of his fat fists. He clings to every Septim." 2138,"I didn't want to, but she attacked to try and keep me from leaving." 2139,"As soon as you distract the guards, I'll open the door." 2140,"How in the world did that happen?" 2141,"If this place is in danger ever again, the shadows will call." 2142,"We'll look the other way this time, but even the Jarl's influence has its limits. Be more careful." 2143,"If you're off to fight, talk to Beirand before you go. His armor is well forged and dependable." 2144,"Come back to me if you find anything." 2145,"The only way to get things done in this city is to keep your head down and pay off the right people." 2146,"You can only store white souls in the Star, belonging to the lesser creatures. Azura's magic won't allow black souls to enter it." 2147,"You! Please, help me!" 2148,"Keep looking, Unblooded. There's got to be some way to get that thing open." 2149,"Like inside the Night Mother's coffin." 2150,"I appreciate the thought though." 2151,"I mean, it don't cost me anything to let you have one and the dead won't notice their stuff missing. heh." 2152,"I've been tending to the warriors of Jorrvaskr for as long as I can remember." 2153,"Well nobody asked you. If you think you're better than we are, go talk to Kodlak Whitemane. " 2154,"So, Irileth tells me you came from the western watchtower?" 2155,"Find me if you're ever lookin' for some extra coin." 2156,"Bolli, I was looking at the finances and I noticed you've been donating gold to the Temple of Mara. Are you out of your mind?" 2157,"I'll take control of the family on my own time, Betrid. Until then, my brother remains in charge and you'll keep your mouth shut." 2158,"I have the greatest respect for the Greybeards, of course. And the dragon attacks are a growing plague." 2159,"Is the new shaft cleared yet?" 2160,"Of course, sweetie. What'd you like to know?" 2161,"Aela said you were hers, and I wasn't supposed to interfere. She scares me." 2162,"If only Savos were alive to see this..." 2163,"Figures -- I doubt you have sufficient knowledge to harm the Phial even if you wanted to." 2164,"Assassins? No, nothing so crass." 2165,"Talos, who in life was known as Tiber Septim, united Tamriel and founded the Empire. " 2166,"An ancient city, Markarth. Build by the Dwemer, the dwarves of old. To think, an entire race... eradicated. Not even I can take credit for that feat." 2167,"Ugh. The wine in Skyrim tastes like urine compared to the fine vintages we had in Valenwood." 2168,"Alright everyone! Keep your guard up. No telling what we'll find down here." 2169,"Now we're just fellow fugitives from the Thalmor. I didn't know she was still alive, but I'm not surprised. She was a survivor." 2170,"Just give me the letter. I presume once I have it, I can do as I please with it? Good." 2171,"Fly, my hunter. There are others who vie for my favor. A bit of competition. Don't dally while the prey flees. " 2172,"Now leave me to my sleep. My strength and patience are waning." 2173,"I'll handle it. No need to blow things out of proportion." 2174,"If I'd been on guard at the Thalmor Embassy, wouldn't nobody be disturbing that party... " 2175,"Or you could catch the carriage from Whiterun to Markarth and then approach from the west." 2176,"Best of all, we'd have enough gold to throw around so we can start living in the lap of luxury again." 2177,"Are we truly sure this is a good idea?" 2178,"Mulush, we need a break. The heat from the smelter is too much." 2179,"I presume you're bothering me for a good reason?" 2180,"Men ran and they cowered, and they fought and they died. They burned and they bled as they issued their cries." 2181,"Can't do it." 2182,"Maybe one of these Imperials had the key." 2183,"It would mean cutting the Star off from Azura. Only black souls would be able to enter it once we finished." 2184,"You are in Eldergleam Sanctuary - just a small glimpse of what beauty Kynareth has to offer. Wonderful place, isn't it?" 2185,"If you'll stand back, I'll perform the ritual granted to me by Lady Mara." 2186,"Goodness, that's it, isn't it?!" 2187,"Oh, but the Listener jests with poor Cicero. You already have company. You don't need my help at all." 2188,"You there, uh, the finest silver in Markarth is sold right here." 2189,"I hope the Caller turns you inside out!" 2190,"I am at the Arch-Mage's disposal if he requires advice." 2191,"The Empire is weak. That is why we fight them. Skyrim must be ruled by the strong." 2192,"Don't presume upon our friendship. My first loyalty is to the Thalmor, as you well know." 2193,"Now, clear your mind and breathe deeply. Good concentration is very important for spellcasting." 2194,"Please, I don't have anything to pay you with! Don't destroy my urn!" 2195,"Put the thought out of your mind, and do not speak of it again." 2196,"I left Winterhold for some time, and returned to stay here at the inn." 2197,"You have to remember, it's not about strength. It's about leverage." 2198,"Come back in a few nights when the wedding reception is over and we'll start the ceremony when you do." 2199,"Indeed it is." 2200,"Ay, we can get that for ya. We just finished the timber for those catapults." 2201,"We will do your next test in the courtyard. Follow Master Borri." 2202,"Our daughter. Our little girl. She hadn't seen her tenth winter." 2203,"I don't know how ya' talked Maven into letting me go, and I don't care." 2204,"Have them send some men - with a new wagon. This one isn't going anywhere." 2205,"This is it men! It's time to make this city ours!" 2206,"Whenever a man's life is saved by armor made with these hands, these hands have changed that man's destiny and his family's." 2207,"Take your pick. Dragons, Stormcloak assassins, ambitious and unscrupulous nobles... Sometimes I think his own children want him dead." 2208,"That's right. Home of the Redguards. The land of sand and seas." 2209,"Aha! You're back!" 2210,"This should be fun." 2211,"You poor thing. You should come by the temple, speak to Maramal." 2212,"Oh dear. Darkwater Crossing needs medicines for its miners?" 2213,"This, this is why people have a problem with your college, Nelacar." 2214,"You have returned. Will you now aid me in contacting Malacath?" 2215,"Because she was being stupid!" 2216,"Gaius Maro still lives. I am surprised. I had assumed you were more... competent." 2217,"Pah. The gods have a place for killers. You can't carry the burden? You're weak." 2218,"It's a curse! It has to be! I've got to get out of this town." 2219,"You may be the Listener, or you may just be a lunatic who's started hearing voices. Either way, Astrid is still your mistress. Not the Night Mother." 2220,"See those stones peeking through the surface? Used to be an old Imperial fort on the lake. Really! Stories say it up and sunk one day, but who knows?" 2221,"But I know about him. And about the war. More than he might think." 2222,"The World-Eater is dead! The way is now clear!" 2223,"Search out enemy soldiers in the wilderness, or guarding towns and settlements, and kill them." 2224,"Be sure and investigate Radiant Raiment's fine selection of clothing. We have many items you'll fancy, I'm sure." 2225,"I hear you have spirit. This is good. You may yet join our numbers." 2226,"You're after that damn hilt? Go ahead, try and take it!" 2227,"You really should be more careful with the spells you cast." 2228,"Welcome to the Pawned Prawn. What can I do for you?" 2229,"Seek out those closest to you. The final pluck of their misguided heartstrings will accompany my blade in the song of your grandeur." 2230,"Oh yes, there have been attempts on the Jarl's life. More than one would-be assassin has met his end at the tip of my blade." 2231,"I assure you, the Dreamstride is well known in Vaerminian Lore." 2232,"Really, Arniel? Because I seem to recall doing just that for you recently, at which point you assured me that you'd cover my expenses." 2233,"It is especially potent against the undead, and should burn them to a crisp in no time." 2234,"Bah. He never had a connection with any of them beyond what his loins told him." 2235,"Sorry Hemming, I've no interest in becoming your valet." 2236,"Lives lost, crops burned, land ruined... there's no greater sin than war. And yet, you were an orphan, and you've made something of your life." 2237,"I hope not. That ring is irreplaceable." 2238,"It's good to be mining again." 2239,"I'm sorry. Good luck." 2240,"Next season for sure... What? Uncle Calcelmo, I don't understand what you mean." 2241,"In fact, the night she disappeared, she was supposed to meet Alva." 2242,"Up for a little hunting? My husband is being a sad stick, so I can't go myself." 2243,"My favorite drinking buddy. Let's get some mead." 2244,"Arnleif and Sons Trading Company buys and sells anything you wandering types need." 2245,"I think my parents reserved a spot for me here at the College on the day I was born." 2246,"Well, I only know what I've heard in the old tales. Shouting is an ancient form of magic - the use of one's voice to project their power." 2247,"It's all right. I will not shun you for what you are. Stay. I will tell you everything you have forgotten." 2248,"Well, yes. Probably." 2249,"Skjor was looking for you, earlier." 2250,"I can't wait around for you to make up your mind. I'll meet you at Kynesgrove. Don't waste time getting there." 2251,"You should know. You got the map for me. The dragonstone you got for Farengar, remember?" 2252,"Only one more door left. Hurry up." 2253,"I'm here to assist anyone interested in joining the College. Also, my presence tends to frighten the locals and keep them away." 2254,"Well, first an' foremost there's repairs to make an' wounds to heal. Folks are depending on us getting the city back in working order." 2255,"One block lifts the other. Septimus will give what you want, but you must bring him something in return." 2256,"What? We've got nothing to talk about until you come back from Serpentstone Isle." 2257,"I faced him fearlessly - my fate inescapable, yet my honor is unstained - can Ulfric say the same?" 2258,"I'll make an exception for you, but do not bring anything out when you leave. Too many dark deeds transpired in those halls..." 2259,"I've done my part, Dragon Bridge will have extra guards. Falk Firebeard will find a way to take care of the cave." 2260,"Another refugee? Gods really have abandoned your people, dark elf." 2261,"Bottle... their flame? I can't... No, I don't think I've any interest in that sort of thing." 2262,"This is the Skyrim you want?!" 2263,"Does she? Listen, brother... Astrid is my mistress, and I worship the ground she walks on. But this Cicero business has her a bit... paranoid." 2264,"Such an investment will mean that I can take better care of my family, as well as my customers." 2265,"Remember always this: You need answer to no authority, neither mortal, nor divine... As you will it, so it shall be." 2266,"Maybe you've seen masts sticking out of the water to the northeast? That would be the wreck of the Winter War. Fine vessel, back in its day." 2267,"You need a reliable horse in the Reach. That's what we have." 2268,"Across the river to the northeast lies Yngol Barrow. Steer clear of that foul place, lest the walking dead claim you as their own." 2269,"I thought I gave you something to do?" 2270,"Most of this I purchased while my comrades were fighting in the south, helping the Empire against the Aldmeri Dominion." 2271,"If it's true that the dragons have returned, what will it mean for all of us? Is this how it all ends?" 2272,"A little push and this would all be simpler." 2273,"Got any sausages? I'm cooking a special breakfast for a friend, and they're his favorite." 2274,"I don't trust them. Come to think of it, I don't trust you either, but at least you're family." 2275,"Then allow me to introduce myself." 2276,"That's really a shame - I was so looking forward to the wedding. You said you'd have all the most interesting guests." 2277,"In their tongue, he is Dovahkiin." 2278,"Through neglect. During the Great War, they let the unwashed natives retake the Reach and declare their own sovereignty." 2279,"Aela will be your Shield-Sibling on this venture, whelp." 2280,"Well, you send that blowhard to me if he steps over the line. " 2281,"I used to work at Anga's Mill, but I... I had to leave." 2282,"Pick a man and put him down. We attack on my signal." 2283,"No, but his housecarl sent us a letter. " 2284,"The guardian spirits of Bear, Mammoth and Sabre Cat await you. Return when they are defeated." 2285,"You look like the adventurous sort. You should talk to Erik, the innkeeper's son. He could use your help." 2286,"I will meet with Molag Bal, and I will venerate his altar in Boethiah's name, as I did before." 2287,"Sorry, I'm not buying any goods until you straighten this out with Vex." 2288,"Mehrunes Dagon, the Lord of Change, we have brought your Razor to you. We beg you, please bring the blade's full glory to Tamriel again!" 2289,"But the cookbook only says so much, and everyone makes the Potage differently. I would be honored if we could make it... the Gourmet's special way." 2290,"You have your orders. Get moving." 2291,"Oh no, I'm not talking about that. I'm not being blamed for saying something out of place. Again." 2292,"We remember all those Solitude soldiers out fighting the good fight in this thankless war." 2293,"Oh... lovely. Now all my dear Pelagius has to worry about are the several hundred legitimate threats..." 2294,"What's the matter? You can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?" 2295,"That is one... big hammer." 2296,"Steel's good, but loyalty's better. I'm loyal to Dengeir first and the Empire second." 2297,"Not only did I they take my bow, but they took all of our coin as well. Nothing's sacred to these people." 2298,"Look, we all have our flaws; mine is that women can't get enough of me." 2299,"I'm been farming this bit of land all my life." 2300,"I should not have agreed to host this council. The Greybeards have no business involving ourselves in such matters." 2301,"Good work. I'll send some men with a wagon to collect the prize. We can use the weapons here, and I'll pass on the coin to Solitude." 2302,"The longer we wait, the worse it gets." 2303,"And what? You couldn't read it yourself? Fine, give it here a moment." 2304,"Daar Lein los dii." 2305,"Care to take a look around? This is not, I dare say, the Solitude botanical gardens. Have you any idea where you are? Where you truly are?" 2306,"No. I trust you'll do more good out there in the world, wherever you damn well please to go. You're a true daughter of Skyrim and'll know what to do." 2307,"Show this new blood where the rest of the whelps sleep." 2308,"She is likely not using her true name. We will pay for any information regarding her location." 2309,"Well met, traveler. What brings you to Whiterun?" 2310,"Blades to kill your prey and your rivals." 2311,"Defend the Ebonmere! Kill the mortal!" 2312,"Back to another fine day in Dawnstar." 2313,"Dovahkiin, you should not have come here. Nu hin sil dii." 2314,"Now let's move. I think that was the last of the Silver Hand, but still plenty of draugr for the both of us." 2315,"That is the truth, my friend! Maven is a saint and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." 2316,"Damn fool doesn't have the coin to pay me back, so he just beats himself up over it, and then he gets thirsty, and it cycles all over again." 2317,"Wander no more, for you are among friends here, and safe." 2318,"I assume you saw the Gildergreen? Big tree, all burnt up, in the middle of the Wind District." 2319,"Sometimes I wonder if Ulfric understands what I'm dealing with out here." 2320,"How about a septim? Wait, make that two septims, I feel like living it up." 2321,"Don't worry about it. Maven's business dealings usually involve quite a bit of gold for her people." 2322,"Certainly not. But a true warrior would have relished the opportunity to take on a giant." 2323,"Oh, if you're worried about me trying to meddle with you..." 2324,"The bastards... somehow they managed to kill Skjor." 2325,"However, don't mistake my admiration for complacency; our nemesis is going to pay dearly." 2326,"Look, here. In the third panel." 2327,"It only hurts when I laugh. He he he. Owww..." 2328,"My brother told me you were coming. I'm supposed to give you what you've earned." 2329,"I'm sorry, I should really go now." 2330,"Congratulations. You slaughtered an emaciated beggar in cold blood. You are truly an opponent to be feared. " 2331,"The Dark Elves live in a run-down slum called the Gray Quarter. Ulfric's content to keep it that way. " 2332,"You know I can't tell you that. As soon as I do, and you have a few meads in you, everyone will know." 2333,"Stay out of trouble, lizard." 2334,"At least, when we can get shipments to her. We're late on the last one. I expect her to start breathin' fire any moment now." 2335,"I'm not asking you to defy the Jarl, just to open his eyes." 2336,"He's a hapless beggar living in some ruins just outside the village of Ivarstead. Easy even for you." 2337,"Now... I don't really want to talk about it anymore. So let's not." 2338,"I have to move on if I want to find her. Please, take the coin I promised. Blessings of Stendarr on you!" 2339,"A Priest of Arkay is entrusted with a ceremonial dagger once they've completed their training." 2340,"And what do you do? Nothing! Not... not that I'm angry! No, never! Cicero understands. Heh. Cicero always understands! And obeys!" 2341,"At this rate that'll never happen." 2342,"Dawnstar's fate rests in that tiny bottle. The longer we wait, the more damage Vaermina could be doing to those poor people." 2343,"Got somethin' to say?" 2344,"Over here! Hurry!" 2345,"There's too much of an obsession these days with knives and arrows. You can kill someone just as easily with a well-placed spell." 2346,"Attack!" 2347,"Oh, not so confident now, are we? " 2348,"There are cities so ancient, the sands have swallowed them whole. But now I will say no more, for I miss my home greatly." 2349,"And now Titus Mede II is as good as dead." 2350,"Welcome to Warmaiden's. Now don't let the name worry you - we got plenty o' steel for fightin' men." 2351,"Damn it. The priests must have activated this barrier when the Miasma was released." 2352,"If you're going to need live test subjects for your experiments, it's easier to do that off of College grounds." 2353,"Well, not exactly." 2354,"Next Imperial I see is dead." 2355,"Foolish old woman! You know nothing! Nothing of our struggles, our suffering!" 2356,"You're not at all what I expected. I imagined you'd be fatter, honestly." 2357,"Remember, this isn't Stormcloak territory. If we're ahead of the news from Helgen we should be fine as long as we don't do anything stupid." 2358,"Lok..." 2359,"Speaking of fortune. Here. Everything I earned from my last shipment. It's yours." 2360,"You can try, but I'd keep your sword-arm ready if things get ugly." 2361,"We tunneled into an old Nordic crypt. The whole place is crawling with draugr." 2362,"I still do. I just like to have food waiting for me when I come home." 2363,"There's no need to be rude, Grelka. If you don't care for Argonians, then perhaps you should take residence somewhere else." 2364,"The Key! You have the Skeleton Key! I never thought I'd see it again." 2365,"Aye. I'm the headsman here in Solitude. It's my job." 2366,"Were you now?" 2367,"What do you need, my friend?" 2368,"If you don't mind digging, I own the Quicksilver Mine. It's a better life than working in that damned Iron-Breaker Mine with all those milk drinkers." 2369,"It's just... I think our fighting styles are similar." 2370,"Really?" 2371,"He was a wonderful man, and he loved us very much. I'm sorry I yelled at you." 2372,"I've just been asked enough questions. I'm here to learn, not to explain myself over and over." 2373,"There he is!" 2374,"'Bout time. Brynjolf's been gettin' on me about money." 2375,"Back to the time when a king was a king because his enemies fell before him, and his people rose because they loved him. " 2376,"And then get back here. Because if Ulfric isn't bluffing, I'll need every able body to defend Whiterun." 2377,"I heard he went back to his house in Windhelm, to try and get the Dark Brotherhood to come and murder Grelod. And... he actually pulled it off!" 2378,"Well, it's said to be very powerful. Has the capacity to store an incredible amount of magical power, as the story goes." 2379,"It's very important to Huki that all the battles are fair. What's more important to me is that my pay is fair." 2380,"Just don't lose yourself in the role. We have a bit of an errand to run before your coronation." 2381,"I'm not saying it wouldn't be useful. But there are better uses of our resources right now." 2382,"Help! Can anyone hear me? I'm stuck down here." 2383,"I can always use the practice." 2384,"Madena, I was wondering if you could help me with something. Your magic would be invaluable." 2385,"Use the key to open the door! We have to be quick!" 2386,"No, not that it's any of your business." 2387,"Forgive me, Ambassador. I allowed this... fool to provoke me. The fault is mine. There is no need for further disruption on my account." 2388,"Thanks for the business." 2389,"I'm telling you, Ulfric's planning an attack on Whiterun." 2390,"Mama, where did papa go?" 2391,"The same could be said for any of us, could it not? Are you so guiltless as to stand in judgment upon Paarthurnax?" 2392,"I suppose so, yes." 2393,"Ahhh.... gotcha! Oh, Listener, you should see the look on your face! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" 2394,"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get started!" 2395,"Aye, that it has. Trust me, mum - once you've killed a man from a horse, you'll never want to fight on the ground again. Ain't no goin' back." 2396,"Fall, damn you, fall!" 2397,"Records showed her buying passage aboard a sailing vessel named ""The Pride of Tel Vos,"" but that's where the trail ran cold." 2398,"You're going to Fort Snowhawk." 2399,"Indeed. But I abide only those whose will is aligned to my own. Those who oppose my desires perish in the most dreadful of ways." 2400,"Don't mind me. I'm perfectly insensible to the cold." 2401,"I'm good at what I do, maybe even one of the best. But it's all I know." 2402,"That's it? Sure. Shouldn't be too hard. I usually end up making a fool out of myself without even trying." 2403,"I can't remember the last time I visited home. Think I've forgotten what a proper bed looks like, let alone feels like." 2404,"There is no solace in knowing what is to come." 2405,"You should look into joining. They could use every hand they can get." 2406,"I almost didn't. I wasn't sure I could stomach having some Imperial tell me how to live my life." 2407,"Conquer your enemies, my love." 2408,"Speak, I wish to hear everything my subjects have to say." 2409,"Did you just talk back to me? I'm not paid to listen. I'm paid to keep you working. Now work." 2410,"That remains to be seen. But if it is so, and if Boethiah appears, then we will welcome you as one of us." 2411,"Yeah. Uh, I know you hurt someone in town recently." 2412,"Ha! Remarkable! Well, the old bastard certainly made it worth your while, didn't he?" 2413,"You don't put up with a man like that. He puts up with you." 2414,"I have done no such thing, nor do I intend to. I simply wish to live my life in peace." 2415,"Fine. I can't force you to help me, but the offer is open." 2416,"If that is what you wish." 2417,"But... I rather thought that if I were to help, I might... Well, I might be allowed to return to the College." 2418,"Well! Same congratulations apply! Just, you know, for what you did for the insane emperor. " 2419,"Do you think the Stormcloaks will sit idle while this dragon is slaughtering my men and burning down my city?" 2420,"Our Chief, Yamarz, was once a strong and proud warrior. Now he is stricken, cursed." 2421,"I wonder what keeps these machines working so long after their masters disappeared." 2422,"I'll draft a letter to Rythe. If you could have it sent to Cheydinhal for me, that would make up for your blunder." 2423,"This is all just too much, too fast. Go get some work from Nazir. I need time to... to think..." 2424,"Most scholars believe that the Nords of old used these implements to prepare their dead for burial." 2425,"You won't like it, my lady." 2426,"Thalmor filth, eh? Giving all Khajiit a bad name." 2427,"You have all fought bravely, and sacrificed much to bring us to this point." 2428,"We knew you'd be coming here." 2429,"I don't have time to chase shadows, I've got better things to do." 2430,"I'm running low on Lesser Soul Gems." 2431,"That's it." 2432,"What in the nine holds is that?" 2433,"As far as I'm concerned, those Talos-worshippers get what they deserve. All they do is cause problems for me and the other Jarls." 2434,"This is not the time to keep Astrid waiting." 2435,"Shadr, that's so sweet... I'd love to." 2436,"I will teach you the spell to summon the Dremora, but know that it will only work in a place properly prepared for the event." 2437,"Skyforge Steel is all the Companions will use, for good reason." 2438,"Why are the potions I requested not completed?" 2439,"No! Noooooo!" 2440,"That was pathetic. It didn't even do anything." 2441,"I swear upon Lady Mara that I would never let any harm befall you." 2442,"Well, there's an old sewer tunnel that dumps into the lake on the northwest side of the island." 2443,"There is no point in further talk. Go now!" 2444,"I don't even know what to think anymore..." 2445,"We want Imperial forces to withdraw from Winterhold, and allow Jarl Kraldar to return from exile." 2446,"Wait. It's okay, my dear. Send him in." 2447,"That's between you and Maven and I prefer to keep it that way." 2448,"That's what I was hoping you'd say." 2449,"Not that I mind the break, of course. But, still..." 2450,"This one's a favorite of mine. A legend we all know and love..." 2451,"Do you remember what I first told you, about how not being able to control magic could destroy you?" 2452,"They used to be pretty feared around here. I mean, you'd whisper the name and it'd send chills down your spine." 2453,"More souls are needed for the Star. The last one died before he could be harvested." 2454,"Ah, Indara. Arkay's blessing upon you and your husband. Spend as much time here as you need. " 2455,"If you don't like that kind of work, talk to Delvin. He runs the more up-close and personal jobs." 2456,"The problem is that it'll be a little difficult to acquire, seeing as how it's in the hands of someone who isn't exactly friendly." 2457,"For now, perhaps. But I've heard disturbing rumors that they're marshalling their strength." 2458,"I was a different man, once -- strong, commanding, ah, and young. But the Great War was a long time ago." 2459,"Ha ha. If it was like that she wouldn't be asking for you, she'd be calling on the Dark Brotherhood." 2460,"I meant no disrespect, of course." 2461,"May I just speak with her, please, to clear all this up?" 2462,"Don't have any that are for sale right now." 2463,"Like the Altmer? Yes, I would say their culture quite possibly rivaled our own." 2464,"Great, another ambitious visitor. You think you can just wander in here and join us?" 2465,"Let's get to the Forsworn camp. Her life could be in danger." 2466,"Have faith, mortal. I will be watching over you." 2467,"I pay a good wage for any iron ore you dig up, if you're looking for work." 2468,"But they send the Legion to places that've gotten too bad to be settled without violence. What's hard is seeing good people warped by evil." 2469,"Cut me down, or you'll never get the claw!" 2470,"I was actually just wondering if you had any family...." 2471,"Whoa. Hope you know what you're doing with those flames there." 2472,"Don't be. We all make mistakes." 2473,"Success means that the Guild is gettin' stronger. We've picked up another merchant and a new recruit." 2474,"Looks like I chose the right person for the job." 2475,"Ulfric is a fool and a coward, who naively believes he can bring about peace through warfare. It's rather sad, really." 2476,"Uhhh... (coughing, wheezing) ... ahhhh..." 2477,"Watch it with that thing!" 2478,"General Tullius..." 2479,"But I think you'll see that the Legion is Skyrim's only hope for real peace right now. I know you'll make the right choice in the end." 2480,"Look around. Grab anything useful." 2481,"He's written all of the text in the Falmer language." 2482,"If you come across any Imperials in your travels, I expect you'll know what to do." 2483,"Well, looks like you're running the show now. Good luck." 2484,"Silence will serve us well in this place. Let us take our foes by surprise." 2485,"Now... Well, let's just say the front door doesn't get much use." 2486,"Nothing! I... it's ill fortune. That's all." 2487,"You've no hope of defeating me, pup. Don't bother. Why not broker a bargain, instead?" 2488,"Nope. Sold my last one to some stranger." 2489,"They're the worst kind. Even the Dark Brotherhood abides by a strict set of rules and tradition. These thieves are just rabble." 2490,"You should think harder on your commitment to Skyrim's freedom next time you're deciding what's right." 2491,"Here. Just don't make me look like an ass in front of the Guild and mess it up." 2492,"Ah, well I guess it was unlikely. I'm sorry to waste your time." 2493,"Sithis' whisper be upon you, sister." 2494,"And I'm busy. You help me out, and I'll help you out. That's just how it is." 2495,"The witches didn't lie, of course. But it's more than our bodies." 2496,"I've been holding onto this for you. Here! I hope you like it." 2497,"Madame Ambassador, I'm so sorry to interrupt..." 2498,"As a mortal, Malyn's soul was black, so part of his work was breaking past Azura's rules. He was close before... well, I already told you." 2499,"I'll bet Bassianus would know what's going on. He understands women." 2500,"Paying the wages yourself? Well, I won't say no to gold. By my family's honor, this money will go to the Argonian workers." 2501,"The soldiers are some of our best customers, for we offer supplies and wares they cannot obtain by other means." 2502,"The disease, you see, affects not just our bodies. It seeps into the spirit." 2503,"Have anything you wish to sell? I pay fair prices for all sorts of goods." 2504,"Go. Do what has to be done." 2505,"His name's Malborn. Wood elf, plenty of reason to hate the Thalmor. You can trust him." 2506,"Cyrodiil is a beautiful place, full of diverse peoples and histories. But so too, Hammerfell and Skyrim, and every other place I've been." 2507,"Is that a threat? Back off, or by the Eight I'll cleave that arrogant head from its shoulders." 2508,"And don't think I've forgotten that you were the one that gave it to Ulfric in the first place." 2509,"Yes, yes, as with you. Now be off." 2510,"I hope I'll see you in Solitude. Good luck." 2511,"Profits continue to rise. The warehouse continues to bring in good revenues, and rent on your stores in the Well is acceptable." 2512,"Their Voices are too powerful for anyone not trained in the Way to withstand. Even a whisper could kill you." 2513,"If you require assistance with summoning techniques, please let me know." 2514,"A man's heart is his own burden to bear, so I will honor your request, though it casts a bit of gloom on an otherwise glorious day." 2515,"I can't help you, friend. Talk to Hadring, the Innkeeper." 2516,"Aia. You're so mean. I don't think he means anything by it." 2517,"You can see it from here, though. The mountain just over the buildings." 2518,"Within these walls, I have all that I need to brew a potion for nearly any ailment." 2519,"Go away! This is my wreck! Mine!" 2520,"Terrible. Only a matter of time before soldiers come and burn all my hard work into dust!" 2521,"You really want to help? You go offer yourself at Malacath's Shrine. Petition him for help." 2522,"I still need you to make a batch of those fried potatoes. We can serve them with the ale." 2523,"Decided to show up for work today, eh?" 2524,"Face me, then! Zu'u Alduin!" 2525,"Never been to Whiterun before? The Jarl's palace is something to see. Dragonsreach they call it. Big old dragon skull hanging on the wall." 2526,"I've sent men to scout out the area. You are to meet them, find a way to slip in, free our men, and take over the fort." 2527,"Cookware, knives and other goods for the home, all at reasonable prices!" 2528,"Please! Don't hurt me again!" 2529,"Have you spoken to my parents yet? Please, my love depends on it!" 2530,"I don't know who told you that, but I'll do what I can. What we do have are plenty of books." 2531,"You are banished! Alduin, we shout you out from all our endings unto the last!" 2532,"Stand back and behold my handiwork." 2533,"Oh, interesting. I'll read it this evening." 2534,"And I could absorb the spirit of poor, dead Barbas. He'd still be reunited with me." 2535,"All right. If I make it back to Windhelm, I'll make sure Ulfric knows how you helped me." 2536,"I'm already looking forward to getting back above ground." 2537,"First of all, there's someone in particular I'd like to win over to our cause." 2538,"That's tremendous! I have to admit I didn't fully believe it still existed. Now let's take a look at this..." 2539,"I do indeed." 2540,"I think something's... wrong... I... " 2541,"You wouldn't understand, Housecarl. You ain't a Nord." 2542,"What good is a sword or an axe against an enemy made of brass and steel?" 2543,"I've known Bersi a long time. Even before he opened that rubbish heap he calls a shop." 2544,"You kill me and your only contact with the East Empire Company vanishes. That's not smart for business." 2545,"Keep your distance." 2546,"We're the only Temple in Skyrim that can openly worship Talos." 2547,"But what you must understand about Falkreath is that our town is defined, for better or wrose, by the large and ancient cemetery here." 2548,"A little boy, Aventus Aretino, got sent to the orphanage. Now there's talk he's trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood. No good can come of that..." 2549,"Aye, and the sons of Skyrim will greet that dawn teeth and swords flashing." 2550,"But I refuse to abandon the shrine. The visions are a gift. Azura warns me of tragedy, war, death before it happens. I won't leave her guidance." 2551,"No, you can't ever be too paranoid where the Thalmor is concerned. Look what happened to the Blades. The Blades!" 2552,"Dragonsreach occupies the highest, which we call the Cloud District. From here, the Jarl can see all that goes on within his city." 2553,"If you've got the time to sell, I've got the time to buy." 2554,"Lead on, friend." 2555,"We want compensation for the massacre at Riverwood." 2556,"Their whole lives were consumed with hatred for dragons, and they poured all their anger and hatred into this Shout." 2557,"What news? Why isn't Fjola with you?" 2558,"Pelagius stopped by and mentioned he hated you. Or I mentioned he hated you and he agreed." 2559,"I can't afford to get one, but can I afford not to?" 2560,"Esbern was one of the Blades archivists, back before the Thalmor smashed us during the Great War." 2561,"Did you reconsider? Will you talk to my father?" 2562,"So, the prodigal murderer returns. And the Gourmet?" 2563,"The Thalmor Embassy welcomes you." 2564,"Are your sales going well?" 2565,"I'm sorry, but I really don't have time for this. Move along." 2566,"Talos guide you, lad." 2567,"Keep walkin', softgut. I'm more woman than you can handle." 2568,"Balgruuf was an even-tempered man, but his brother's a hot-blooded war-monger who wants to settle everything with a blade." 2569,"I don't care what it is, I want it down now! I want to know what he's doing in there!" 2570,"I wouldn't do that again unless you know for sure it's going to open." 2571,"Well aren't you a strange one." 2572,"Next, the dark elf!" 2573,"I had to for honor's sake, but I had waited too long. My father died before he could see my training to completion." 2574,"Here, ya' did me a favor, I guess I owe you one." 2575,"Calcelmo. He's the Jarl's magical advisor, but he spends most of his time studying the ruins." 2576,"Your typical Solitude wench is like the city itself. Stormy exterior, but ah the charms that lie within..." 2577,"You can't get inside though. They've kept that place locked up tight since the war began." 2578,"With Leifnarr gone, it's really put me in a terrible bind. I'm having trouble making ends meet." 2579,"And on that day, we will confiscate his city, and restore the rule of law to his lands." 2580,"Heh, a Nord skull makes the best axe blade. 'bout all they're good for." 2581,"And yet you have done my bidding. Why, I wonder?" 2582,"I will thank you not to interrupt me in my tasks." 2583,"Being masters of the Thu'um, they could kill you by uttering a single word." 2584,"Good. This is Skyrim, and we should honor the old ways. These foreigners don't even respect their own gods, much less Kyne and her Sacred Trials." 2585,"My pleasure. But I think it's time for you to go. No fun keeping you locked up in here with the staff." 2586,"Maven Black-Briar is the owner of the largest and most profitable business in all Skyrim, the Black-Briar Meadery." 2587,"We'd better keep moving. I don't want to run into any Imperials who know what happened at Helgen." 2588,"My parents were traveling merchants eventually settling in Cyrodiil. I must have inherited their wanderlust..." 2589,"Your actions here were a disgrace. You betrayed your oath to the Emperor at every turn." 2590,"Nothing, Ragnar. Please... don't hurt me." 2591,"If you need an apothecary, the White Phial has respectable stock." 2592,"Here, this key will provide access to my museum. Feel free to browse for as long as you wish." 2593,"So we're going to go have a little chat with him, and find out exactly what it is he wants." 2594,"I'm as ready as I'm going to be." 2595,"Again with the mead!" 2596,"The Emissary? What's this about?" 2597,"Thalmor in the Ratway? What's next, Spriggans in the Bee and Barb?" 2598,"It's too bad they executed Roggvir before we got here." 2599,"But it seems we both have needs, friend. Perhaps we can help each other out." 2600,"What some call devotion to the dark arts, I call foolishness." 2601,"If you've got some business with Hrongar, mind you stay on his good side. The palace dungeon's filled with folk who roused his temper." 2602,"Time to end your foolish charade!" 2603,"Congratulations on getting the festival restored." 2604,"You're making me... nervous. Is there something you need?" 2605,"Women murdered time and again, and all the guards care about is the war." 2606,"Beitild thinks I drink on the job. Well, what does it matter if I do? Huh?" 2607,"Come back if you need a new ring or necklace." 2608,"I'm warning you now, this challenge will be quite difficult." 2609,"Aerin tells me you might be dealing arms to the Thieves Guild. Is this true?" 2610,"There's always some sort of trouble in The Reach, but a local warlord has raised the stakes. We have to handle the situation." 2611,"If I were you, I'd go straight to the steward with this information." 2612,"I'm sorry, I've come too far to lose it now." 2613,"It's my mill. Some folks think it's my town too, but it ain't. The Jarl in Whiterun owns the land and the town. I just pay the taxes." 2614,"If Erdi caught me chatting, I'd never hear the end of it..." 2615,"What's your sign? I was born under the Steed, as luck would have it. Really ought to visit my doomstone somtime. It's fairly near here." 2616,"If you wish to wear your Nightingale Armor within the Guild, I'm certain that no one would give it a second thought." 2617,"I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy myself. But more importantly, I made this Sanctuary some much needed gold. In the end, that's all that matters." 2618,"Thank you, Vex. You've always been the most reliable one in the Guild." 2619,"Twilight guide your path." 2620,"Here's all you need to know. Jorrvaskr is the oldest building in Whiterun. The Skyforge was here long before it was." 2621,"But that was a great many years ago, before all the members of the order were called back to the Isle of Artaeum, and it disappeared entirely." 2622,"Ulfric was a true hero of Skyrim. He will be missed." 2623,"Oh! Oh, you jest! You jest with gullible Cicero!" 2624,"Yes? What is it that you want?" 2625,"Whoa. Wait a second. I was just kidding. We'll leave. We'll leave!" 2626,"Oh, but I will speak. I will speak to you. For you are the one." 2627,"Nightcaller Temple is only a short walk from Dawnstar. Come, we must hurry." 2628,"See into other people's thoughts!" 2629,"But we choose our own path now." 2630,"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I bothering you? Am I making your life more difficult?" 2631,"Enough, Maramal. We've all heard of the dragons and their return. There's no need to use them as an excuse to harass our customers." 2632,"The new meat. So soft. Tender." 2633,"They got archers over there by the fence!" 2634,"Not now. If I don't pull night duty, I'll drink a round with you at the Sleeping Giant." 2635,"Youngest bard at the Bards College, at your service." 2636,"If you don't watch it, I may actually start to respect you. Job well done." 2637,"Perhaps you could seek out these Convectors in Skyrim ruins? I can even teach you the spell to heat them." 2638,"I'm trying, but Ulfric is set in his ways. For him, there's two kinds of people in this world -- Nords, and the folk beneath them." 2639,"That's not fair, now." 2640,"Once you leave the party you can't just come back." 2641,"Aye, and some of what Karliah said is starting to make sense." 2642,"Tekla. The Hall is filthy. See to your cleaning." 2643,"All right, all right. Just keep your voice down and don't let me catch you again." 2644,"Snow-Hammer." 2645,"The last few pages seem to describe ""the failure of the Nightingales"" although it doesn't go into great detail." 2646,"I suppose if we do, we will find out just how fast each of us can run." 2647,"Still eager to please. This is good. Skjor may be right about you." 2648,"I hope you're not planning on picking my pocket." 2649,"Stormcloaks! Get them!" 2650,"I've been waiting for someone more fit to carry out my will. " 2651,"When you've been doing business like I have for decades, you quickly discover that the only person you can trust is yourself." 2652,"I've always wanted to make a pilgrimage here to the Temple of Mara. Thank you for bringing me here... you've made me quite happy." 2653,"Winterhold doesn't offer much, but we like living here. Been here all our lives." 2654,"Without it, I feel almost as defenseless as a newborn. I don't think I'll ever be able to find a replacement." 2655,"You'd better give me five septims right now, or I'm going to bloody your nose..." 2656,"Oh, look! We have company!" 2657,"But first, tell me. Why's a Breton want to fight for Skyrim?" 2658,"We stashed what we couldn't carry, and I hid it with a trick I know. I can point you in the right direction, and we'll each go our separate ways." 2659,"Markarth lives because my family makes sure it's fed on gold and silver." 2660,"Please, we need to speak in private." 2661,"You're asking for trouble walking around with dangerous magic like that." 2662,"She was always so close to being Empress, but despite her machinations, it was never to be hers." 2663,"You work hard, Daighre. Glad you have stayed with us." 2664,"Ha! All right, I'm writing that in. I'm not sure about the court but I find that much more probable than Olaf capturing a dragon." 2665,"Damnit. Where'd they get catapults? The city walls are already falling apart as it is." 2666,"Now, let us put this behind us and speak of it no more." 2667,"There is peace now, and that peace will continue for as long as it suits our needs." 2668,"You! You've got a lot of nerve showing yourself in this town again. What do you have to say for yourself?" 2669,"Please, stop! I'll pay! Take it!" 2670,"Are you sure you don't want something for them? I may be able to brew you something to help." 2671,"We've been soldiers a long time. We know the price of freedom. The people are still weighing things in their hearts. " 2672,"A man who feels no fear has no heart. I know fear. But it does not control me." 2673,"We should keep moving. Still the draugr to worry about." 2674,"That bard Mikael is begging for a dagger up against his throat, the way he goes on about me." 2675,"All the food I could eat, all the wine I could drink and all the women I could bed." 2676,"By the gods! Somebody help me!" 2677,"I'm going to Movarth's Lair to kill that monster. Are you with me?" 2678,"I thought it was finally going to be a quiet day." 2679,"We should present the verse soon." 2680,"We never should have pulled that thing out of Saarthal." 2681,"Yes, Yes. It is an ancient and ruined city. Built by the Dwemer. The dwarf folk. It is nearby, but I'd stay clear. People say it is quite dangerous." 2682,"Oh yes, it is Cicero! You were a fool to spare me. What, did you think I would be grateful? Cicero should be Listener! Not you! Now you will die!" 2683,"Bring up some more mead, my boy. This cask's nearly tapped!" 2684,"Now everyone get back to work." 2685,"I love weddings, don't you?" 2686,"We'll be ready, don't worry. You do have a plan for actually luring a dragon into this trap, don't you?" 2687,"I haven't seen you hunting in a while." 2688,"Not this Empire. The world's better without it. Certainly Skyrim is." 2689,"Oh, hello. Have a seat, will you?" 2690,"Back again? What is it this time?" 2691,"Don't you dare walk away from me, you slut! Do you know who I am?" 2692,"Speaking of sounding good, I've heard a couple of your classmates on the street recently." 2693,"Became obsessed with the Dwemer. Took off north saying he had found some old artifact. Haven't seen him since. " 2694,"Ah, yes. Solitude. Seat of the High King of Skyrim. Messy business, kingslaying. Ah, but so very satisfying..." 2695,"With the Ebonmere closed, and their sudden severance from the realm of Evergloam, I fear they've undergone a drastic change." 2696,"I had no idea you were a woman of violence. What exactly are you intending to do here? " 2697,"Besides, you're not scared of a few sleeping metal men. Are you, Drennen?" 2698,"Now, I need your assistance with a matter of a more... personal nature." 2699,"Thank Mara. I was afraid I'd never be able to convince you." 2700,"One of these groups found Mehrunes' Razor, the artifact of Dagon. They split it into three fragments and pledged to keep them apart forever." 2701,"Hadvar! We've been so worried about you! Come, you two must be hungry. Sit down and I'll get you something to eat." 2702,"The edged lexicon, for inscribing. To us, a hunk of metal. To the Dwemer, a full library of knowings. But... empty." 2703,"I don't think I like where this is going." 2704,"Looks like you're still in one piece. And more importantly, so is the book. Thank you." 2705,"As my Thane, I'm sworn to your service. I'll guard you, and all you own, with my life." 2706,"It's these nightmares. Me and every one of my workers can't catch a nod without having one." 2707,"I am your sword and your shield." 2708,"I'm heading home if you need me." 2709,"You stay away from my family. Or you die. Be smart. Stay away." 2710,"I won't be married to some weak-willed Orc chieften. I'd sooner join the Legion." 2711,"Last week a scholar came to us. He said he knew where we could find another fragment of Wuuthrad." 2712,"Come on, she's not so tough." 2713,"Orders are to wait until General Tullius arrives." 2714,"Go now to Castle Dour in Solitude. Present the Gourmet's Writ of Passage to the officer in charge, Commander Maro. I'm sure you remember him." 2715,"My lord, since Ulfric Stormcloak's uprising, the cost of goods has doubled. I'll need more coin if I'm to provision us properly." 2716,"What'cha doing in Left Hand? Do you dig up rocks too, like my mom?" 2717,"We had this same argument every week, even when you were Jarl." 2718,"We're quartered in the Hall of the Vigilant. Keeper Carcette heads Skyrim's branch of our order there, providing healing and justice as needed." 2719,"Well, that was important." 2720,"This is your chance, Dovahkiin! Strike with all your force!" 2721,"I'm raising you to Praefect. Take this blade, as a gift and symbol of your new rank. You've earned it." 2722,"Luggage! Now where did I leave my luggage?" 2723,"Ugh. That armor stinks of death. You been grave robbing?" 2724,"No surprise, but one of them's gotten out. Again." 2725,"The thought of my wood being used for weapons... Makes me sick." 2726,"What sort of power was that?" 2727,"Very good. And you'll be returning to... Well, if you don't mind me asking, where exactly will you be going now, sir?" 2728,"Skald is very... vocal about his hatred of the Empire." 2729,"Truly?" 2730,"Thank you! I thought that beast would be the end of me!" 2731,"Yes, I'll be ready in a moment, I just need one more thing..." 2732,"At this loss..." 2733,"Ah, steel plate. Now that's a solid choice of armor." 2734,"Damn fool parading around with your weapon out. You planning on hurting someone, huh?" 2735,"Try and hit the right target." 2736,"Well, look what we have here." 2737,"The only thing I need to do, dear wife, is make sure profits are up, no matter what. If Thongvor won't do the dirty work, I will." 2738,"(bark)" 2739,"I would like to personally thank you on behalf of myself and the Thalmor for your assistance. Here, for your work." 2740,"The cold, frightening truth is that the Empire represents progress. Anyone who fears progress is a coward. " 2741,"Hello friend." 2742,"Shadows preserve us. So it's true..." 2743,"Are you of the sort that believe you're here to change the world? Or are you only in it for yourself?" 2744,"And that we were sworn to protect the Dragonborn, the greatest dragonslayer of all." 2745,"Got the fleetest steeds in all o' Skyrim." 2746,"Did he now? I can only hope." 2747,"None know its origins, but the stories say that men who hear its music are compelled to dance uncontrollably, no matter the peril." 2748,"But you don't have to stay, if you don't want to. I'll see you back at Jorrvaskr. Stories to tell the others, eh? " 2749,"We have it on good authority that Ulfric has raised enough men to attack the city of Whiterun. The Jarl, however, refuses the Legion's support." 2750,"You look like a traveler. Someone that has seen far away places and heard new stories." 2751,"You are eager to begin your adventure. Excellent. The sooner begun, the sooner done, eh?" 2752,"I'm sorry, I was under the impression I was in charge." 2753,"So when they did find out, it was either we arrest Ulfric and the militia, or enter into yet another war with the Aldmeri Dominion." 2754,"And... what did she say?" 2755,"Outsiders. Pfft." 2756,"...might pay off my bounty this time... walk into the city a free man..." 2757,"Nobody else has come up the south road today, as far as I know." 2758,"I had Kaie recover all the things the Nords stole from you. You better get ready before we break out into the city." 2759,"Thank you, milady." 2760,"Oh, right. Oh, well, things are going well enough. At least, as well as we can hope." 2761,"Let's see if you can make a hide helmet. Here's the rest of what you need." 2762,"For not even the strongest machinations of the Dwemer can hold off the all-sight given by an Elder Scroll." 2763,"Excellent. They should be ready for us now." 2764,"With the Skeleton Key missing from the Twilight Sepulcher, I'm afraid Mercer's seen to it that none of us can benefit from Nocturnal's gifts." 2765,"The waves receded in time, but the damage was irreversible. Most residents of Winterhold abandoned what was left of the city." 2766,"I have no words. Talk to Anwen." 2767,"Welcome to Riften." 2768,"Come. You, too. We can escape through the tunnels." 2769,"Ysgramor himself wouldn't have the patience to deal with all the rabble around here." 2770,"You only use the little swords." 2771,"You can pretend not to hear me all you want... but you better stay out of the Black-Briars' business." 2772,"You try and set one foot in this yard, and I'll cut it off." 2773,"And now Silus is back and this museum to the Mythic Dawn is his way of trying to rebuild his family's pride. It's misguided." 2774,"Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!" 2775,"It's been good talking to you." 2776,"Most folk won't go near it now for fear it's cursed." 2777,"But your aunts don't even seem to care. " 2778,"Ugh... dark sorcery. Always makes my skin crawl." 2779,"Enough posturing, Tullius. If you came to talk, let's get on with it." 2780,"So you're a Companion, then? I can't imagine you got your gift anywhere else. I hope you have better luck with them than I did." 2781,"Can't prove it. But I could use your help, being unbiased and all." 2782,"You get around, right? If you come across any Stormcloaks... gut one for me. They did the same to my brother in Whiterun." 2783,"He didn't like the Arch-Mage. Hated dealing with him, hated having to answer to him." 2784,"I know just what you mean. Heard anything interesting lately? Any news or gossip?" 2785,"What rumors?" 2786,"Dagon's Mythic Dawn cult killed the Septim Dynasty and opened the Oblivion Gates into Tamriel. They called it the Oblivion Crisis." 2787,"Yes. We're very old enemies. And if my suspicions are correct, they might have something to do with the dragons returning." 2788,"You're going with me, and you're going to make sure I don't have any trouble reaching that giant." 2789,"Look, that's all I know. I never promised you I'd have all the answers." 2790,"I would stand at her back, that the world might never overtake us." 2791,"Besides, I'd rather die with some of Mercer's blood on my blade than spend the rest of my life regretting that I ran the other way." 2792,"Husband. Let him tell his story." 2793,"I guess that comes down to footwork, then." 2794,"What's left of the Honningbrew has been dumped into the sewers. Good riddance." 2795,"My uncle Dengeir was Jarl until a short time ago. His old age and failing health caught up with him, and he stepped down." 2796,"Ever since my parents died and Haelga took me in, it's been a nightmare. How was I to know she was such a wretched woman?" 2797,"Look, I don't want to get in another brawl with you." 2798,"Right. Happy trails." 2799,"The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Riverwood." 2800,"But a day, shall arise, when the dark dragon's lies, will be silenced forever and then!" 2801,"And in the future, I'd suggest you refrain from disappointing me again." 2802,"I look forward to it then." 2803,"I hope I can hear the screams. But don't let on it's from me! And I'm not paying your fine if you get caught." 2804,"For a stranger, you're not so bad." 2805,"Thank you for the gold, traveler." 2806,"In the time before man, they were known as the snow elves. They lived in the sunlight and had a very prosperous society." 2807,"My mother's not any help, either." 2808,"Please, I'm desperate. This is my brother's life! I won't let them take it away!" 2809,"Your kind - joorre - mortals - created it as a weapon against the dov... the dragons." 2810,"Oh, I am so happy for you! My, what a burden to have carried. But you've done it! You've conquered your own inner demons! Bravo! " 2811,"The Oath has been struck, the die has been cast and your fate awaits you in the Evergloam." 2812,"Come to me with questions. I know our history almost as well as Vignar by now. Except I can remember it." 2813,"I warned you not to cross Maven. If I hadn't stepped in and paid amends, you'd be... well, I think you know." 2814,"Here. Wouldn't want you going into a fight on an empty stomach. I'll have another meal ready tomorrow." 2815,"Maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age, but I actually believe you." 2816,"Ugh, you smell horrible. Get yourself cleaned up." 2817,"For some reason they just throw their lawbreakers out into the sea and think that ends the problem." 2818,"The only reason I agreed to attend this council was to deal with the dragon menace." 2819,"The last time I checked, gold coins aren't falling from the heavens. You better take some jobs if you want to earn your share." 2820,"The Psijic Order? Are you quite sure about that? That's very odd." 2821,"Just not by you." 2822,"I'm not saying it's my business, but I have to ask. Why are you so cruel to your little girls?" 2823,"The dragons will surely fear your Voice." 2824,"Silence, prisoner!" 2825,"Tell Delvin that if he still desires to have my support for the Thieves Guild in Windhelm, he's got it." 2826,"Time's up! Better luck next time." 2827,"We are here to guide you in that pursuit, just as the Greybeards have sought to guide those of the Dragon Blood that came before you." 2828,"Skyrim was betrayed, the blood of her sons spilled in doomed struggle against fate." 2829,"Please remain calm!" 2830,"The ship travels the northern coast, and sometimes isn't even in Skyrim at all. So you'll have to be patient. Good luck." 2831,"Our Grand Master saw them as the greatest threat to Tamriel. At the time, that was true. Maybe it still is." 2832,"We can talk about that once this dragon is dealt with." 2833,"It's just that... what do these Greybeards want with him?" 2834,"Thank you. Here, I was going to bring this to my sister, but I think you should have it." 2835,"Sure, what have you got?" 2836,"It has been proposed that the object is in fact the entirety of Aurbis in one physical space." 2837,"I just need a little to get going." 2838,"The Forsworn are as wild as wolves. Practice those old magics, so some folk say." 2839,"Now, do me the honor I deserve as your father and drink up!" 2840,"No breaks for a good worker out here." 2841,"I've never felt this brave." 2842,"You have my thanks." 2843,"I swear, those scheming elves charge us twice what anyone else would pay." 2844,"Finally, my leadership is being recognized." 2845,"I can assure you, it's all fresh. I hunt the game myself, every day." 2846,"No... No, this cannot be..." 2847,"I fear for what this change will do to my family." 2848,"You are likely better informed than I." 2849,"Lead on, Listener." 2850,"We've done it. The Star has been cut off from Azura, and Malyn's soul finally has some measure of peace, even if it is in non-existence." 2851,"Hey, haven't I seen you around the Flagon? I never expected to see another Guild brother down here." 2852,"We were doing well, plenty of coin, a huge mansion and I was even betrothed to a lovely young woman." 2853,"No time to talk. Snitch or double-cross me and I'll kill you. I mean it!" 2854,"Strangers like you bring war. I've seen enough war." 2855,"Some of these Nords will come up with any excuse to despise us." 2856,"Thanks for the compliment, Delvin. I may just take you up on that one day." 2857,"Welcome, child of Malacath. Your kin bid you welcome to our stronghold." 2858,"Once I have the sigil stone, I shall inscribe the spells that you seek." 2859,"Another foul day at the smelter." 2860,"Figures the Thalmor would be on his trail, though, if they were trying to find out what's going on with the dragons." 2861,"Pity no one told the Elves. Whole group of those Thalmor came and they demanded Ulfric's arrest." 2862,"As long as those orders came from Ulfric." 2863,"It's tradition. We mark the animal as a way to let the giants know we're giving it to them willingly. Sort of a peace offering." 2864,"Here it is. Magnificent, isn't it?" 2865,"The Jarl and I have our disagreements. Sorry if you had to overhear one of them." 2866,"Hmm... Yes, the silence suits you. Gives you an air of mystery. " 2867,"So, when he was made Jarl again, he didn't wait a moment to name me his Steward. He said I was the only choice." 2868,"I'm going to make you sorry for this!" 2869,"He's the real head of this family. He may not be the eldest, but all the work that keeps us respected is handled by my Thonar." 2870,"Shor's beard, boy! You forget where you're standing? What kind o' business we're running?" 2871,"I… I don't know, it wasn't me. I swear!" 2872,"Hmph. No arrows protruding from your skull... Can I assume Anoriath is dead, then?" 2873,"We're ready. " 2874,"Breathe deep, mortal. I would have you hear me well, so let these vapors fill your lungs." 2875,"Something doesn't feel right." 2876,"No lollygaggin'." 2877,"Oh, it's you. I didn't expect to see you again." 2878,"We're getting close now. Be careful. Their leader is a tricky one." 2879,"You have it! The blessed Wabbajack! You must use it on me. You must." 2880,"You're right. It's what he wanted, and he deserved to have it." 2881,"Why can't you just settle down and run the Flagon with me?" 2882,"How dare that little fool! And right under my nose!" 2883,"Travelers have been coming to Whiterun. They tell stories about dragons." 2884,"Next, the lizard!" 2885,"I met one of the caravan leaders, Ma'dran. He said he'd help get me started if I could bring him a mammoth's tusk. Easier said than done." 2886,"I'll already told that buffoon I'm not paying you people a single coin!" 2887,"If you're looking to purchase any mead, speak to the owner, Sabjorn." 2888,"If you can't pound the dusk out of your iron, it'll break when it's finished. Hit. It. Harder." 2889,"Grelod, you old crone. You'll get what you deserve. The Dark Brotherhood will see to that..." 2890,"I have much to thank you for, little one. When you die I will raise you and you can take your place by my side." 2891,"Of course not. You expect me to take care of it by myself?" 2892,"Men who, I might add, we're precious short on." 2893,"When I was a boy, there was a year we couldn't afford enough feed. So I snuck my dinner out to the stables, and gave it to the horse." 2894,"Now all I need... wait, what were we talking about?" 2895,"You must have a death wish." 2896,"The faster we take them out, the faster we can claim this city as ours!" 2897,"Lightly armored means light on your feet. Smart." 2898,"For one thing, I won't empty Falkreath's coffers to buy myself fine clothes an' expensive mead." 2899,"The Whalebone Bridge he bade me guard and winnow all those souls whose heroic end sent them here, to Shor's lofty hall" 2900,"Brynjolf's been sending idiots like you down here for years looking for their hideout." 2901,"Of course. Every night I pray that we don't get a visit from a dragon, or that two armies don't show up to fight over the bridge." 2902,"What exactly did this amulet look like?" 2903,"Oh no! By the gods! This can't be happening!" 2904,"That's some good armor you've put together." 2905,"I think we should trust the lass and take the deal." 2906,"If you are honorable and strong, then I can call you sister." 2907,"Thanks a lot! Here. Take this. For all your hard work." 2908,"Nivenor, my darling. What a pleasant surprise." 2909,"I am one of them. A werewolf. It's my secret, and my shame." 2910,"Maybe later. I'm sort of busy now." 2911,"It's made of gold with an inscription on the inside that says ""sand elske.""" 2912,"I'm tired, I haven't slept well in weeks." 2913,"What is it now, Viola?" 2914,"Look for yourself." 2915,"I wish I could be an adventurer like you, and go wherever I want." 2916,"A pleasure as always, boss. Here's your payment." 2917,"What was it like? Cidhna Mine? We've all been talking about your escape. And being pardoned after. Amazing." 2918,"Can't say that I have." 2919,"I'm going to track down that thief and murder him!" 2920,"I'll be fine." 2921,"We meet at last, my dear lady." 2922,"You're not one of those Alik'r thugs, are you?" 2923,"Far back in the Mythic Era, the dragons were worshipped as gods in Skyrim." 2924,"What's wrong, dear friend? You seem... distracted today." 2925,"Ah, well. Dead is dead. Right? My thanks to you, assassin. Here's the gold I was going to pay for the job. You earned it, after all." 2926,"She has an awful hunger for our memories. In return, she leaves behind nightmares not unlike a cough marks a serious illness." 2927,"No match at all." 2928,"Oh? Were you after her yourself? I won't stand in your way, my friend. You have my word." 2929,"May wisdom light your path." 2930,"He's my cousin. Just give him another chance. Please." 2931,"I am Hermaeus Mora. I am the guardian of the unseen, and knower of the unknown. I have been watching you, mortal." 2932,"Good. Glad we straightened that out." 2933,"There's a lot of history in a place like that. I'll bet these walls could tell some amazing stories." 2934,"I know it's a bit strange. Not exactly a name to bring comfort to the sick and ailing who come to buy a poultice or salve." 2935,"You'll never see the sun again. No one escapes Cidhna Mine. No one." 2936,"Ahlam, let's be honest. Your husband is an arrogant, domineering buffoon. These are the words you used to describe him to me... remember?" 2937,"Glad to see you finally came to to your senses. Ready to make some coin?" 2938,"This circlet once proved invaluable to me. I hope it can be of use to you now." 2939,"You saved Whiterun today. We won't forget." 2940,"Oh, it's ancient. Apparently one of the first Sanctuaries in Skyrim. It hasn't been used by the Brotherhood in close to a hundred years." 2941,"He sacked Winterhold his only true ally, and used magic bold to blame Solitude." 2942,"I beg your pardon?" 2943,"Don't let those Stormcloaks get away!" 2944,"Oh my. Been a lot of years since I've seen something like that..." 2945,"Very much so." 2946,"We've bloodied him well. Four of his kin have fallen to my blade alone this day." 2947,"Suddenly the nobles are calling for a new Jarl, and all the while their pockets are jingling with the sound of Imperial septims." 2948,"Wish I could learn some of that charm. I'm just good with bows, not people." 2949,"She... she said that? She said those words... to you? ""Darkness rises when silence dies""?" 2950,"You don't invite monsters into your home to have supper! I won't have them here, and I'm certainly not smiling for them!" 2951,"We were taking him to the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun, just so the healers could make sure he was in good health, and they say he's fine." 2952,"Strike the targets as they appear. Breath and focus." 2953,"I am loath to utter his name... one cannot erase a thing if it has a name to be remembered." 2954,"They're probably trying to scare us into giving them more money and influence, so they can save us from the dragons threat." 2955,"Hermir's become a decent smith. Like to think I had a hand in that." 2956,"Stay guarded. You never know what could be out there." 2957,"What, did you suddenly grow a conscience? Suit yourself." 2958,"Nothing like the smell of a white-hot blade, eh?" 2959,"Thank you. I'll be here." 2960,"Well, if the shoe fits..." 2961,"Thank you. Now, since he banished me, Vile's been rather weak. He can't manifest very far from one of his shrines." 2962,"I don't see the relevance." 2963,"Yes, yes, go. Leave me to my ceaseless responsibilities and burdens..." 2964,"Death feeds new life." 2965,"Very well. But should the hunger call out to you, I'll be waiting outside Reachcliff Cave." 2966,"Here's the noble Empire in all its glory. Pah." 2967,"No..." 2968,"I just can't be a part of this place any more! The things we do here - evil, evil things. No more!" 2969,"I don't usually deal in weapons, but I know someone who can get them for me. You mind paying a little extra to get them fast?" 2970,"My choice, then? Very well. I think we should add some Chaurus eggs. For additional flavor." 2971,"The Guild will not tolerate the kind of behavior you've been displaying. Too much is at stake." 2972,"Since you put it that way, I think we can overlook your crime for now." 2973,"What is it, my friend?" 2974,"Welcome, welcome, welcome! Don't see many strangers out here. Come to get your hands dirty on a real farm?" 2975,"Listen, lass. I have faith in you. I know that sounds strange coming from a thief, but these recent events have changed my perspective." 2976,"We found this in the Jarl's treasury after we captured the capital. I thought you should be the one to have it." 2977,"A true Nord places loyalty and honor above all else. " 2978,"Someone's going to get hurt, all right. " 2979,"If Eorlund made it, it's more likely you're gripping it wrong. Find me tomorrow and we can go over it." 2980,"The throne suits me, don't you think?" 2981,"You're a real fighter. I like that." 2982,"I'm afraid your bargaining without the metal to back it up." 2983,"The three await your word to loose their fury upon the perilous foe." 2984,"Well, after a while my father caught on to what I was doing. He confronted me one night and gave me a choice." 2985,"If it's work you need, how about chopping up some wood for the fires?" 2986,"This way, friend! Move!" 2987,"Then we've no time to lose. Follow me!" 2988,"Laelette thought she could take me and keep me, but she can't. I'm all burned up." 2989,"Sure has been quiet around the shop lately." 2990,"I don't know much about Morvunskar but it sounded like a lovely place for the ceremony. Congratulations." 2991,"I wish I knew. The journal is written in some sort of language I've never seen before." 2992,"Not to mention our pay." 2993,"Do you see that?" 2994,"Please. You first. I insist." 2995,"Never. They've shut us down forever, Enmon. The Divines have abandoned us." 2996,"This should shake the loyalty of the dov who serve him." 2997,"Not on your life. It's dangerous in there, and Falk doesn't even like me and Erdi going in every year to clean out the spiders." 2998,"I cannot tell you in detail. I never heard it used. Kogaan. It was the first Thu'um created solely by mortals." 2999,"Yatul and I tend to dote on Mauhulakh. You know how aunts can be with their favorite nephew." 3000,"All right, that's enough. Let's return to our business please." 3001,"Please, enjoy yourself!" 3002,"Get him out of my sight." 3003,"Raerek, how is The Reach faring against this Forsworn menace?" 3004,"This will be worth it." 3005,"Since you went so far as seek out the Augur for advice, I thought you'd be more enthusiastic." 3006,"Go ahead and play your joke." 3007,"You have to find the way out first. Good luck with that." 3008,"As you can imagine, I tend to forget things often. Leave things around. I really must learn to put these things away." 3009,"This is where we saw Mercer. We must be getting close." 3010,"Fine, tell Evette San her shipment will be brought up to Solitude shortly." 3011,"Speak. You can ask anything of me, love." 3012,"You're a well-traveled sort, I can tell just looking at you." 3013,"Ain't nothing pretty about a corpse. No matter how fresh." 3014,"The Stormcloaks can keep this city safe better than those Legion lapdogs." 3015,"One of my monks, the elf Orchendor, was sent to gather these Afflicted. He shepherded them into Bthardamz for me, but has since lost his way." 3016,"There's still the matter of Paarthurnax. I'm not ungrateful for what you've done. Esbern speaks for both of us." 3017,"Look, if you want arrows we have them, but don't insult my intelligence." 3018,"Well then, let's get started. I've got three available right now." 3019,"I'm on it." 3020,"Dragonborn... wait." 3021,"Break my stuff with that weapon, and I'll break you." 3022,"But this is all so much to take in. I need time to read the letter, and figure out where we go from here. And this amulet. Hmmm..." 3023,"He had a way of enthralling people and built up a loyal army of followers. Good men fell under his spell and were forever twisted. Made... evil." 3024,"Me? I ran... and I ran... straight through the gates of Windhelm and all the way back to Riften." 3025,"Well, looks like you're fitting in well down here." 3026,"Ahh, going for the mysterious and brooding thing, hmm?" 3027,"The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Whistling Mine." 3028,"Why would anyone want to kill her? It doesn't make any sense." 3029,"Sooner or later, we all have to choose a side." 3030,"Taking the Pale gives us another port in Dawnstar, and puts us within striking distance of Windhelm. That should make Ulfric a bit more cautious, eh?" 3031,"M'aiq has heard the people of Skyrim are better looking than the ones in Cyrodiil. He has no opinion on the matter. All people are beautiful to him." 3032,"He didn't say, but you'd better move fast." 3033,"Hurry over to our military camp tucked away in the Reach. Ulfric's been enjoying those silver mines for far too long." 3034,"Let's go. Shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us." 3035,"Are you a soldier? One day, I'm going to be a soldier!" 3036,"Too few remember to honor the god of the dead. Do not be one of those." 3037,"Shhh!" 3038,"Horker skin, actually." 3039,"I'll also notify my guards of your new title. Wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble, now would we?" 3040,"Together we're going to stop these dragons, if we have to put every last one of them back in the ground." 3041,"I had to. The farmers are charging me double for the produce I sell." 3042,"Right you are, elf! Or even from the rebels, if they've got enough money to make a competitive offer." 3043,"That's all I know, okay?" 3044,"Look, I'm done here. Mop the floor with these idiots for all I care. Just get out of my way." 3045,"Khajiit is ready for any troublemakers." 3046,"Are you scared of death? I am. I hear everything just stops... forever. It just all goes away, but you don't realize it. I don't want to die." 3047,"Kynareth has blessed you with tremendous compassion, Silana. You will find a way, I'm sure of it." 3048,"I'm just glad we had this, now. I was almost getting ready to eat my servant and blame it on the Forsworn." 3049,"I obviously don't have anything here, but... there's a hidden stash in the Lodge. And I did manage to hold on to the key..." 3050,"Oh Jon, darling. You know you're the only stone-biting, knuckle-dragging Nord for me." 3051,"A small container, made of the magically infused snow that first fell on the Throat of the World." 3052,"I'm just saying that these ceramic lamps make me nervous. They just seem so... fragile." 3053,"Can you tell me more about what you saw?" 3054,"Prepare yourself." 3055,"Ondolemar is the commander of the Thalmor in Markarth." 3056,"Heh. Ulfric's put me in charge of keeping an eye on the new Jarls. You know, make sure they're generally following orders." 3057,"It's enough for me to know that they're out there somewhere, and together again." 3058,"Maybe a hardy Nord like you doesn't need a cure-all. Hmm? What about an invisibility potion?" 3059,"Are you all enjoying yourselves? Please, eat, drink, and make merry on this most happy of days." 3060,"Fine, but I'll still be missing my Gleda. Doubt I'll ever have a prize winning goat again." 3061,"Is any man ever ready to give the order that will mean the deaths of many." 3062,"Then that is my task." 3063,"I'd rather be back at Whiterun, but while I'm here I might as well get some real news from the other parts of Skyrim." 3064,"Oh Jon, stop dallying. You know you have to go. It's why Mara put you on this earth." 3065,"I know there's a cult that worships him at Haemar's Shame. We should be able to talk to him there." 3066,"Back to making weapons." 3067,"You're not kidding. Ulfric's the leader of the Stormcloaks - you know, the traitors trying to break Skyrim away from the Empire." 3068,"This is the Temple of Kynareth. The Gildergreen, outside, was planted as a seedling in the early years of Whiterun." 3069,"Vekel doesn't like strangers snooping around the Flagon." 3070,"Get off the road, boy!" 3071,"You know how children are. Her fancies change with the moon." 3072,"Then you're stupider than you look." 3073,"I'd be honored, but I have work to do in the mines." 3074,"Once you find the courier's route, kill him and take his place." 3075,"You're accusing me of taking part such a... such a... heinous act? I should have you arrested for even suggesting such a thing!" 3076,"Rip the eyes from his head!" 3077,"Oh. Oh, I see...." 3078,"Just outside of Riften, beyond the Southeast Gate is a small path cut up the mountainside." 3079,"Oh, yes. It's all been foretold. The end has begun. Alduin has returned." 3080,"Now here's a man I'm glad to see." 3081,"The Great Collapse, as it has come to be known." 3082,"There are few places where one can pursue my type of work without fear of persecution." 3083,"Yes, yes, fine. Just hurry! Mustn't keep the customers thirsty!" 3084,"Everyone to the keep!" 3085,"We're not going in there until the Jarl's men come to clear them out, so I wouldn't go down there." 3086,"Well, what happens now is you start your new life in the Dark Brotherhood. You're part of the Family, after all." 3087,"Nonsense, dear. I've had more visitors than ever seeking the wisdom of the hearth goddesses." 3088,"Goodbye then." 3089,"Straight to business with you, huh?" 3090,"Not when there's so much to see!" 3091,"You've been a good friend to me. That means something." 3092,"What would you have me do, woman? Cross the Guild? Take them all on one by one?" 3093,"Someone do something!" 3094,"If you're looking to purchase any mead, speak to the brewmaster, Mallus." 3095,"The Flagon used to be packed every night with the boys from the Guild but now look at it." 3096,"All set, let's go." 3097,"Buying and selling a wide range of assorted goods! The best selection in Windhelm!" 3098,"Even if one of these pictures tells us where the Crown is, I'm betting we're going to have to find a way through that door." 3099,"Farewell, my lady." 3100,"The wounds are deep, Vilod! I can't stop the blood." 3101,"Idiot. I may not have a lot of rules, but that doesn't give you free reign to do as you please. You want to resume your duties? Go talk to Nazir." 3102,"That's not how things work around here. The Guild depends on an arrangement of influential people to keep things running smoothly." 3103,"Then, finally, realization and horror arrive together. The orange is flame, heat. The sound a roar, a challenge in their ancient tongue." 3104,"It's held in a Hagraven nest called Orphan Rock." 3105,"Are you finished ogling the grotesque? I suppose I should be grateful you didn't simply attack me." 3106,"Igmund is alive, and I'll keep it that way, Jarl or not." 3107,"If anyone saw anything, step forward. Otherwise, step away from the body!" 3108,"What I do, I do for Skyrim and her people." 3109,"Yes. The oldest and most powerful, although he may not seem so." 3110,"I don't know how you made it this far, but you'll go no farther." 3111,"If you need some skulls crushed, I'm still available for hire." 3112,"I'm just protecting Bryling's investment. She's the owner, even though we're the ones here doing all the work." 3113,"One day, these beautiful plants will make us famous and we can finally move off of this farm... thanks to Sinderion." 3114,"Yes, I'm going with you and together we're going to kill her." 3115,"I am on official business of the Grand Council of the Synod. That's all you need to know." 3116,"I guess I shouldn't be surprised with the way things are going around here." 3117,"But be careful. If you die inside the Star, your soul will be disrupted. There's nothing anyone can do for you if that happens." 3118,"Though, believe it or not, there are rumors of a weapon that even Eldergleam herself would lift her roots for, more out of fear than respect." 3119,"Not until we're all ready. We have to go together." 3120,"As long as you can keep things quiet and don't get yourself killed in the process, this place has exactly what we're looking for. You in?" 3121,"I've been sent by Silver-Bloods to keep this mine ""safe.""" 3122,"Use both words, if you can." 3123,"Your rewards in life will match the strength of your faith." 3124,"Excuse me. I'm assuming that armor you got rid of wasn't an accident, but just in case, I wanted to make sure I could take it." 3125,"They should have drawn it out some more. He deserved a slower death." 3126,"You ready?" 3127,"The ears of the wind?" 3128,"It's tough to keep track of Hrefna. If her father wasn't such a snowback, he'd be around to help out." 3129,"Gormlaith the fearless, glad-hearted in battle; Hakon the valiant, heavy-handed warrior; Felldir the Old, far-seeing and grim." 3130,"Colorful..." 3131,"Then like Roggvir, you're a Nord at heart. It's hard for many of the people here to understand." 3132,"A few bad apples spoil the bunch. You know how it is." 3133,"Gods. A woman attacked right on the streets." 3134,"If you don't trust me, you were a fool to walk in here in the first place." 3135,"There's Treva's Watch. I hear bandits moved in while the steward was off fighting the war. I wonder if he ever got that sorted out?" 3136,"Whiterun is a such beautiful city. Have you ever seen the likes of this place?" 3137,"The Council will be informed of this. They will find out what you're up to." 3138,"Be warned. You have been marked by the Thalmor." 3139,"The Stormcloaks are far from the only threat to the hold. The roads are beset by bandits and beasts... and now there's even talk of bloody dragons." 3140,"Grew up in a stronghold. Every Orc girl tended the forge at some point." 3141,"You, and those aiding you, wish to know more about the Eye of Magnus. You wish to avoid the disaster of which you are not yet aware." 3142,"Must be my imagination." 3143,"Well, as you know, the Guild's growing and things are looking up around here." 3144,"Huh. Heard you broke out of Cidhna Mine with those Forsworn. Do you have any idea how many died?" 3145,"Petra! Petra! Curse her eyes!" 3146,"Which one is that again?" 3147,"I trust you're not planning any trouble. What can I do for you, friend?" 3148,"Did you find anything at Wolfskull Cave?" 3149,"Why are all these metal... things... ignoring us?" 3150,"We don't want your kind here, dark elves!" 3151,"I can provide you with some help with her minions. " 3152,"Stop what? Taking Skyrim back from those who'd leave her to rot? " 3153,"In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Riften. Talk to my steward if you're interested." 3154,"Shor's bones, did it kill them all...?" 3155,"Pardon me, milord. Would you care to hear me play my lute?" 3156,"I hope Fjotra is happy in the temple. We're so honored to have given her." 3157,"Very well, I'll keep practicing them." 3158,"Oh, and I wasn't entirely truthful before. This is actually going to hurt a lot. You see, you have to be dead in order for the spell to take hold." 3159,"The... the Gourmet?" 3160,"The townsfolk call me ""captain"" because I used to be a sailor." 3161,"Why do you care anyway? It's not like we're family. This is a business." 3162,"Since nobody's trying to kill me just now, maybe we should rest for a minute." 3163,"Don't play dumb, Tullius!" 3164,"First problem here is a pack of Imperial dogs drooling over resources stolen from the people. A little sabotage will sour the taste of that victory." 3165,"Prove yourselves to me!" 3166,"The love of the land and her people flows from your heart, even as death to her enemies flows from your hands." 3167,"Maybe you can do something for me, first? Duach has a bottle of Skooma. Finest distilled Moon Sugar. I'm shaking just thinking about it." 3168,"Rest up, scum. Probably getting executed tomorrow." 3169,"But we both know this has little to do with honor and oaths and loyalty. It's about the reward; the prize." 3170,"Right then." 3171,"Arn? Never heard of him." 3172,"He thinks we've been cursed. But we've been blessed. How can something that gives this kind of prowess be a curse?" 3173,"Papa says that I shouldn't keep waiting. Why not? Mama has to come home some time." 3174,"I'll head back home if you need me." 3175,"No, not yet. But I will. I just haven't... gotten around to it yet." 3176,"The eyes of the law are everywhere these days." 3177,"It'll be there. You'll see." 3178,"You're a natural. Never seen anythin' like it." 3179,"That was a close one!" 3180,"Urog and I still hunt a lot, so it's not like I'm cooped up in the longhouse." 3181,"Well, no." 3182,"Let's try and stay together, the sorcerers in these places tend to... well, harvest bodies for parts." 3183,"Have you learned nothing about me? I have dealings with everyone." 3184,"I propose a toast to Elenwen! Our mistress!" 3185,"Wonderful. This will be a splendid addition to my private collection." 3186,"Of course you'll get a cut. We take care of our own." 3187,"Aerin, have you seen my ring? The one with the inscription?" 3188,"Sure, but I bet he can't hold his mead as well as me!" 3189,"I remember her. Her stance. The way she walked. A trained warrior, no doubt." 3190,"So, you've done it. The men of violence are gathered here, in these halls whose very stones are dedicated to peace." 3191,"Sold. She's all yours. She's already saddled up." 3192,"...What? Mother? Is that your voice I hear? Hmm... No, no... Just my head playing tricks... Foolish Cicero..." 3193,"Your objective is Fort Dunstad." 3194,"All right... All right... Fine. I thought we were friends, but you're a real jerk, you know that?" 3195,"But you are that man, Ulfric. You've been that man before, and you'll be him again. " 3196,"I'm thinking we need that amulet appraised. I want to know where it came from, how much it's worth, and if we can actually get away with selling it." 3197,"And no, before you ask, it's not me. I know which side my bread is buttered on." 3198,"I'm just another Forsworn sent to rot here in this mine." 3199,"You heard me, captain- our work must not be disturbed." 3200,"You're right, dear. I'm sorry to worry you." 3201,"Please, let's hurry to the Temple before the Forsworn find me again." 3202,"I handle the fishin', numbers and bedlam jobs... the ones with the more personal touch." 3203,"Kodlak's final teaching. I think he was right about beastblood and Sovngarde." 3204,"There's more. Something's happened to Winterhold. It must be whatever Ancano did. You need to get out there and make sure it's safe." 3205,"Killing dragons isn't defending the Reach?" 3206,"That sounds precisely like the sort of thing that should matter to everyone. Especially me." 3207,"That's a dwarven city. I hear they built armor that walks like people." 3208,"See if you can find anything in the burned out house." 3209,"Can't say I'm surprised with the way things have been going around here." 3210,"Bandits attacked and ransacked my cart. Can you help me?" 3211,"You're a Nord! I never would have guessed it! But where in the world did you learn to cook like that? Here in Skyrim? Or maybe somewhere less..." 3212,"You cannot escape!" 3213,"Of course, not as many pilgrims these days." 3214,"I am the Jarl's Steward. If you have court business to tend to, you talk to me." 3215,"When the smoke cleared, the White-Gold Concordat was signed... it was supposedly a treaty aimed at establishing peace within the Empire." 3216,"There is no adversary more deadly than a vampire. They are as cruel as they are cunning." 3217,"The Captain has it locked away in that drowned ship by his quarters. He says it's ""to keep it safe"" but I know he's just keeping it for himself." 3218,"After the disaster at Red Mountain, where the Nord army was annihilated, he spent many years pondering the meaning of that terrible defeat." 3219,"Now, is lavender an herb or a poison? Hmm...." 3220,"It's where men have tested their mettle for ages." 3221,"The Imperials are here. All lined up pretty-like in their shiny armor. We'll put a few dents in those bastards before we give up the city. Move it! " 3222,"But we had been deceived." 3223,"I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you." 3224,"We want control of Markarth. That's our price for agreeing to a truce." 3225,"This is last time we speak of this." 3226,"He's had some troubles in his life, but I can't have him drinking here without at least paying back some of the coin he owes." 3227,"No one should ever be left to the Thalmor." 3228,"By the gods! What manner of power is that?" 3229,"So, what's the plan?" 3230,"Get under cover! The dragon - it's still around somewhere!" 3231,"Thank the gods. Now let's deal with these other hunters. We hunt together!" 3232,"If there's anything you need, I'd be glad to help you." 3233,"To what do I owe the honor?" 3234,"I hope they'll serve the roast venison with bittergreen sauce that we had at the last party." 3235,"Yes, it's a great shame. Gods willing, I'll find someone just like her one day." 3236,"The goddess smiles at your efforts, child. The dawn shines bright upon you." 3237,"Ah, and word has come in from Markarth that the keep's cook has met an untimely demise." 3238,"They're sayin' dragons have returned to Skyrim. Now that there, that's a real problem." 3239,"I do. Still want to buy it?" 3240,"Mortal. I am Namira, the Lady of Decay. Your consumption of the blood and bile of Arkay's own is pleasing to me." 3241,"Can you spare a septim? Lost an eye during the Great War, or I'd earn it myself..." 3242,"And it isn't just the dark elves they hate -- they make a target of the Argonians as well." 3243,"Look, if you're in some sort of trouble, I could talk to Haelga." 3244,"Oho, so that's where you went." 3245,"No, nothing. At least nothing I'm aware of." 3246,"I've been there before, but I don't know it well." 3247,"By the gods! I assume you have proof." 3248,"What's on your mind?" 3249,"Oh, be certain to purchase my Falmer translation tome when it's completed!" 3250,"The Arch-Mage is dead! Dead!" 3251,"No! I'm losing the binding." 3252,"There is only silence right now. Perhaps later we will hear one of the lost Words." 3253,"Hmm, yes. I have been pondering on exactly that question. Lingrah morah." 3254,"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empire!" 3255,"Go away!" 3256,"Just a man's life work, is all. I've finally derived the location of the White Phial, but this doting busybody won't let me get it." 3257,"Even right this moment, I feel strange... when I don't think I should be feeling anything at all." 3258,"Talos is part of our culture. He's part of our heritage and our tradition. He's Skyrim personified." 3259,"If you've never been to Riften, be sure to visit the Black-Briar meadery. A few mugs of that and you'll forget all about the long trip." 3260,"Fine. We do it your way. For now." 3261,"What? How? I thought they weren't allowed within the city!" 3262,"Shor's bones, boy. What did I tell you? " 3263,"And here's your payment for the shards." 3264,"You should see my forge-wife, Shuftharz, if you need weapons or armor." 3265,"Get going!" 3266,"Now that's the real question, isn't it? Because honestly, how much time off could a demented Daedra really need?" 3267,"I fought in the Imperial army in the War against the Dominion. I bled and spilt blood for the Empire. And for what?" 3268,"Ha! I'd sooner bend my knee to Ulfric Stormcloak." 3269,"And would you raise a mug in his name?" 3270,"I should be back in Windhelm. I've got work to do." 3271,"How goes the trade in and out of the city? " 3272,"Find out why he's here, and what he wants." 3273,"Lady Mara will save us from these nightmares. You'll see." 3274,"Falion is the only one I know who is public about what he does. He was once my teacher here, but left the College years ago." 3275,"They are not yet tired of war. Far from it. Do you know the ancient Nord word for war? ""Season unending""... so it has proved." 3276,"Oh that is exciting! I'm sure the court and the Jarl will love it. I'm writing it in now." 3277,"I'm afraid the necklaces aren't selling well. Customers are not interested in medallions engraved with the symbols of other provinces." 3278,"Oh, I don't believe those rumors, my friend. Besides, who would ever want to harm such beauty?" 3279,"We can talk after I find out what's going on." 3280,"Yes, I thought we'd gotten past that bit already." 3281,"I am Burguk's favored wife. He knows my beauty should be praised." 3282,"I'm doing as you asked. This is for some good purpose, yes?" 3283,"I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes!" 3284,"What? Who... what do you want then?" 3285,"I trust this is something important?" 3286,"Dragonborn! Have you come to cleanse Sovngarde at long last of Alduin's foul mist?" 3287,"Other people just make things complex. Out here, Hern and I can get everything we need from the occasional traveler." 3288,"Following the Great War, the White-Gold Concordat set out the terms for peaceful coexistence between the two powers." 3289,"If it's all the same to you, Scouts-Many-Marshes prefers to eat and drink in peace." 3290,"Curse this chill! I should have dressed more warmly." 3291,"Whatever it is, it will have to wait until after I've finished dealing with this dragon situation." 3292,"I hope monsters come and eat you." 3293,"Should've known." 3294,"Just fists. No weapons, no magic... no crying. Let's go!" 3295,"Clamoring in angry voices, calling out for justice, for war, they sat me on the throne." 3296,"Talos be with you!" 3297,"Good. Now move quickly. And don't leave any of them alive." 3298,"A new face. And a right ugly one at that. No offence." 3299,"Consider it forgotten, boss." 3300,"Urag has asked me to remind everyone to please return materials borrowed from the Arcanaeum in the same condition as you received them." 3301,"Not only that but they're givin' us thieves a bad name by murderin' their marks." 3302,"A crown doesn't make a king. " 3303,"We're going to make sure he doesn't get his hands on it." 3304,"The Jarl needs to know if there's a dragon on the loose. Riverwood is defenseless..." 3305,"I remember you. You're the stranger. Father says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." 3306,"Confound it all. I was quite sure I was invisible, or at least transparent." 3307,"I had a bad dream again last night." 3308,"I'm afraid I don't see the connection, though." 3309,"Has everyone here forgotten their training? Kill that thing!" 3310,"Keep doing right by us and there's plenty more where that came from." 3311,"My pa used to say there ain't no use worryin' about the things you can't change. " 3312,"We want compensation for the massacre at Loreius Farm." 3313,"Contemplate the meaning of a Rotmulaag. You will become closer to that Word, as it fills your inner self." 3314,"I don't want a bad reputation in Riften, but Haelga's out of control. She wanted to try it in the stables so I said yes." 3315,"Owes me a lot of coin for drinks. I keep telling him not to worry about it, but he's got the stubborn Nord blood." 3316,"Thanks for looking after Hrefna." 3317,"Piss off. I'm busy." 3318,"You've just written your own epitaph." 3319,"You damn well better." 3320,"Sounds good. May I owe you for them?" 3321,"A lot of people are beginning to get impressed with you here. Me included. Just wanted to let you know." 3322,"You're threatening me? Oh, that's rich!" 3323,"Well, is it taken care of?" 3324,"Gralnach! I told you not to go through your father's things!" 3325,"Bow and arrows for the mighty huntsman." 3326,"And any other abominations that prey on mortals. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches." 3327,"I didn't simply mean it could kill you. The Augur's accident is another very real type of a life destroyed." 3328,"How goes the investigation?" 3329,"If you think there's anything you can do, be my guest." 3330,"Sorry, a girl can't be too careful out here." 3331,"Did he now? The man is persistent, I'll give him that." 3332,"These old ruins... They don't want us here, the ancient ones. Better left alone." 3333,"Ah, yes. There was an incident, wasn't there?" 3334,"All right, we've all seen enough. Put on some clothes." 3335,"And why wouldn't I be? We sing tales of kings, queens and their politics, 'tis true. But do you know who really makes history?" 3336,"It's over." 3337,"If you have need of hunting supplies then you've come to the right place." 3338,"Unslaad krosis. Innumerable pardons. I digress." 3339,"The only thing I dislike about my husband's homeland is the cold. Why is it always so cold?" 3340,"I don't bother with silly pickpocketing jobs when I can make far more at the gambling table." 3341,"The Empire will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Shor's Stone." 3342,"That sounds lovely. You're very sweet." 3343,"This is not about your desires, lass." 3344,"But now it's too late for escape. The dragon is upon me - fire and darkness descending like a thunderbolt." 3345,"Our business is done here." 3346,"Oh? What is this, some kind of herb? Are you sure? The Potage tastes perfect as it is. Any other ingredient might..." 3347,"Do you honestly think your arrow will reach me before my blade finds your heart?" 3348,"No, but that won't account for the size issue. Blast, if only so many of these creatures hadn't escaped." 3349,"Hmm. How to explain in your tongue? The dov have words for such things that joorre do not." 3350,"That iron sword's pretty undependable. You should try steel." 3351,"I'm not looking for special treatment, Aval. All I did was talk to Ulfric." 3352,"Thought it was fitting I suppose. I never changed it, because it never felt right to do so." 3353,"You've done a great thing, today. It doesn't matter who you support in the war; Potema would have been a blight on the land for both sides." 3354,"It's amazing how much you can learn from a book." 3355,"Mortal? Insufferable." 3356,"You're dead!" 3357,"Be well. Pray for Solitude and my husband." 3358,"I'm not sure what you're playing at, but you'd do well to remember your place around here." 3359,"My brother tells me you've done us a service. Thank you." 3360,"Humph. Who's running the Silver-Bloods? You or your brother? You need to tell Thongvor that he should settle this himself or step down." 3361,"Let see what adornments I might have available..." 3362,"Someone wants to see this mark suffer. They're paying a good bit of coin to have us plant the evidence in their house. You in?" 3363,"A bad dream I can handle, but everyone having the same bad dream, every night? It's a curse, I say." 3364,"Perhaps I should ask the Ambassador..." 3365,"I work for them. The inn is named after them. When the guards make an arrest, they check with them first." 3366,"Then the die is cast, and once again my blade will taste Nightingale blood!" 3367,"These lazy Argonians better get their tails moving." 3368,"You ever met one of them cats? - kah-jeet, I think they call themselves. I hear there's whole countries full of them down south." 3369,"Forgive me, my lord. It was foolish of me to make such a suggestion." 3370,"Submit and pay bloodprice, criminal." 3371,"Good job. Please accept this in return." 3372,"You can't kill what you can't see!" 3373,"It's a real pity about his wife and kid. The screams woke half the town." 3374,"It's in the most immediate danger, if that dragon is lurking in the mountains..." 3375,"He's barred the door. Gods only know how he's... defiling the bodies of my ancestors in there!" 3376,"Soldiers, townspeople, and dregs into the keep!" 3377,"Haha. I knew it! No woman yet born has been able to resist my charms for long. Thank you, my friend. I owe you one." 3378,"C'mon, let's get something to eat." 3379,"You'll pay those rumors no heed if you wish to retain your welcome in this city." 3380,"Hey there! I was wondering if I'd run into you out here." 3381,"I need you to do me a favor, Dirge." 3382,"Aren believed that although the initial communications were innocent enough, they were sent with a particular motive in mind." 3383,"My lord. Please. You have to listen." 3384,"Good. Then there isn't much more to say." 3385,"Silver-Bloods tax everything now that they run the city." 3386,"Well, I'm ""not a scholar"" of architecture. And that's that." 3387,"You're not going to goad me into a fight so I'll get kicked out, Grelka. Eat your food and leave me in peace." 3388,"I'm quite pleased with your progress, you know. You've certainly proven yourself to be more than a mere Apprentice. Well done." 3389,"Can't wait to hear all about the next person you murder." 3390,"Hmm, looks like this is as far as the Imperials got." 3391,"I'm the only person alive that can cultivate nirnroot from a seed to a fully grown plant." 3392,"My children, Sibbi and Ingun, are being groomed to run the family business one day as well." 3393,"Troll's blood was he a tough one!" 3394,"Daughter. Who is this you have brought me?" 3395,"Do not ask me to take treasures from this place. I will not risk the anger of the dead." 3396,"I already told you. They call me Dirge, 'cause I'm the last thing you hear before they put you in the ground." 3397,"If you've got an axe, you can always make gold chopping wood. Just bring me everything you cut." 3398,"No doubt most folk in Skyrim consider the dragons terrifying. I find them... wondrous." 3399,"I offer remedies for ailments both common and rare. Do let me know if I can be of service." 3400,"Ahhhh!" 3401,"Therefore, by my authority as Jarl, I pronounce you Thane of Riften and award you all of the benefits befitting your station. Congratulations." 3402,"Well yes, I did. And thank you so much for helping me." 3403,"There's something you could do for me. For all of us here." 3404,"But those who have sent you have not told you what they seek. What you seek." 3405,"Once more into danger!" 3406,"I just want to go home and read." 3407,"Yes. I have something a little different planned this time." 3408,"You'd rather be plowing a field? Not me." 3409,"Steady. I don't know what's happening. Let's watch and wait." 3410,"I remember that axe." 3411,"Oh, but you didn't help poor Cicero! You helped that stupid farmer! Stupid Loreius! Oh, the guard said cruel things about us. Untrue things..." 3412,"I just need to rest a moment, right here on this lovely rock." 3413,"We know what path you've set him on. But he has made a different choice. Paarthurnax is still safe from your malice." 3414,"Now that's what I like to hear. Off you go." 3415,"And it won't end here. I'd die before I went back." 3416,"They don't have to be perfect. Just send them over when they're ready." 3417,"Must have been nothing." 3418,"Very well, I trust that you wouldn't be here were it not significant." 3419,"Wait!" 3420,"At least you remembered one of the things I asked. Let me see that." 3421,"I'm afraid my days as the steward of Riften has come to an end." 3422,"Hin sil fen nahkip bahloki." 3423,"To call it a guild is ridiculous. How can people who would betray one another over a gold coin be considered part of an association?" 3424,"I left behind my daughter Uaile when I was taken." 3425,"I can't understand why Jorn would want to join the Imperial Legion. Soldiers only appreciate one thing, and it isn't music." 3426,"Carrying around a weight like that... it hurts after a while. Cuts you inside like a dagger to the heart." 3427,"You know this one? I saw her training in the yard with Vilkas." 3428,"Yes, yes. Now to find myself a drink." 3429,"Be glad you're not training under me with that mouth of yours." 3430,"I know I ran ahead with the claw, but I need help!" 3431,"Come on, Brynjolf... what is it this time?" 3432,"Get nervous around dwarven stonework. Legends say these cities are haunted." 3433,"I felt a caress on my cheek some time ago... I thought it to be a trick of the wind, but I think it was a message from my father." 3434,"I envy you. Facing such a beast in combat. Smelling its blood on the air. That is what songs are sung about, Shield-Brother." 3435,"Thank you! You'll find the ruins right here." 3436,"I also handle the less important and day-to-day policies that effect daily life in Riften." 3437,"Oh no? So you're gonna fight back if I punch you? Huh? You're gonna hit a girl?" 3438,"An order of warriors. We are brothers and sisters in honor. " 3439,"Fine. Leave me the elf. You may go with your books." 3440,"For now, I'll hold onto this axe. But it's a tenuous peace at best." 3441,"I regret nothing of what we did at Driftshade. But I can't go any further with my mind fogged or my heart grieved." 3442,"At least tell me where you're going, so we can send someone after you if you don't come back." 3443,"In the Dark Brotherhood, I found acceptance, love, and my life's true purpose." 3444,"You were helpful before. I have need of your help again, if you're willing." 3445,"No! Oh, by the gods, please no!" 3446,"I shall do my best." 3447,"You speak in riddles sometimes." 3448,"I don't know if the war is Arkay's will or man's, but it's none of my doings." 3449,"You must find it! It cannot end this way! Not after I've worked so hard!" 3450,"Most impressive, mortal... most impressive." 3451,"The Vigil will be watching you." 3452,"Seems like a noble cause, I'll look it over." 3453,"What's the matter with you? You think you can just go dropping your junk wherever you like?" 3454,"Welcome to the Legion, auxiliary. Listen up." 3455,"At least it's more money for the College." 3456,"Go on, Hadvar. Let's hear the rest of it." 3457,"It's for Marise, but don't say a word to her!" 3458,"I wish I could afford to pay you both, Narri. I really do." 3459,"Will I ever see you again?" 3460,"Are you here to save me?" 3461,"I spill just a bit of metal, and Mulush takes it out of my hide." 3462,"Well, well. Aren't we the overachiever. Three possibilities, three victims. Must have been one of them, right? So why take chances..." 3463,"We tore each other to pieces. After it was over, those of us that remained simply went our separate ways." 3464,"A healer named Jouane saved my life. He's been my closest friend ever since. I tell you, that man is a miracle worker." 3465,"They started the Great War. Nearly destroyed the Imperial City. Then the Emperor took the coward's way out and surrendered." 3466,"So that's why you were in the cart. Thieving." 3467,"I can promise you when he's ready, he'll find the cell door unlocked." 3468,"Madesi, what's this bill for 300 septims!" 3469,"Often times you won't be able to get as close to your prey as you'd like and you'll have to settle with a long shot." 3470,"Mighty decent of you." 3471,"I don't know for sure. I spoke out against the Aldmeri Dominion publicly; I suspect that's why these men were hired to hunt me down." 3472,"Ulfric Stormcloak would say that I owe my allegiance to the Nord people as they fight for Skyrim's independence. Perhaps this is also true." 3473,"Besides, you've done Maven a favor getting rid of him and saved me from wasting coin hiring someone else to do it later." 3474,"The city guard has been tearing Riften apart looking for the source of our skooma problem. I'd hate to be in their shoes if they get discovered." 3475,"As I said, I want you to kill several people. You'll find the targets, as well as their manners of elimination, quite varied." 3476,"I hardly felt a thing." 3477,"No, not right now. Maybe later, if I'm still upset." 3478,"Of a sort. I don't have formal training in the Restoration school, but... something just as good." 3479,"And with the pup back, I'll be restored to my full power. There's a whole world just waiting for me!" 3480,"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Is everything all right?" 3481,"The Old Hroldan Inn is still open, bless poor Eydis's memory." 3482,"I'm not afraid of anyone. Put a sword in my hand and I could defend this place if I had to!" 3483,"As I was saying... You'll need to kill the Gourmet, of course. But what's more, you'll need to get his Writ of Passage, so you can take his place." 3484,"Come on, we need to show the journal to the Guild." 3485,"If you persist in this stubbornness I'll have..." 3486,"There are more books to be recovered and secured in the Arcanaeum." 3487,"But now Skyrim is at Ulfric's mercy." 3488,"All meats guaranteed clean and free from Rockjoint!" 3489,"Well, your classmates certainly seem to disagree with you." 3490,"Not now, please." 3491,"You there. What do you know about this?" 3492,"Good. Now get going." 3493,"No use thinkin' of things I can't change. Too much work to be done..." 3494,"The ivory from this tusk will be perfect for the inlay on my amulets." 3495,"This is what happens to you when you speak your mind in this city." 3496,"You're crazy! How dare you make such an accusation!" 3497,"Balimund took me in and has been so kind to me. I don't know why, but he thinks I can be a great blacksmith like him." 3498,"There you are. I had wondered where you got to." 3499,"Did you see a hound on the road? A fine, strong creature that's been wandering near town." 3500,"I'm...I'm invisible!" 3501,"All right, Delvin. What gives with that case of Shadowbanish you sold me?" 3502,"The Bunkhouse is for the working man, not some sort of a luxury inn for tourists." 3503,"They were golden, even when they were dead. But their blood was red. I knew it would be." 3504,"That they might get themselves killed. " 3505,"Well, I'm glad we've established this early, rather than me hearing about it years or decades later when the whispers behind my back are loud enough." 3506,"Then listen to this - don't kill me. Let poor Cicero live! I attacked the strumpet Astrid, I did! And I'd do it again! Anything for our mother!" 3507,"This looks like the guardian chamber. The key to that door has to be around here somewhere." 3508,"I don't like bunking with Orcs. It's not... clean." 3509,"My sister Gerdur runs the mill in Riverwood, just up the road. I'm sure she'd help you out." 3510,"For Kodlak!" 3511,"If Torygg couldn't defend his throne, he had no business being High King." 3512,"How quickly you've advanced. Most impressive." 3513,"What's there to tell? It's mostly gone now, thanks to those damned mages in the College." 3514,"Eehh.. Calixto and his books are often confused about such matters. It happens to the best of us. " 3515,"Yes, she's been grooming herself for this for quite a long time." 3516,"Calipers? That's utterly ridiculous. Maybe long ago, you could just find calipers in every household across Tamriel, but not anymore." 3517,"It is the last resting place of an assassin of old. A Dark Brother, who bequeaths his ancient earthly possessions... to you." 3518,"You should probably just let Faleen read it herself. Don't want you stumbling over the words and ruining my flow." 3519,"The stone was pried off of Barenziah's ceremonial crown by a thief in order to cover his tracks." 3520,"The city hasn't changed that much, dear. Same old dwarven stones gathering the same old moss." 3521,"As I've said, I made some progress using the essence of dragon scales. But they're just not quite potent enough." 3522,"The Stormcloaks will be here any minute! Hurry! Get inside and lock your doors!" 3523,"In the contemplation of the sky, Kynareth's domain, and the practice of the Voice, we strive to achieve this balance." 3524,"Your objective is Fort Kastav." 3525,"I hoped to avoid involving them in this, but we have no other choice." 3526,"Esbern? He's alive? I thought the Thalmor must have got him years ago. That crazy old man..." 3527,"Lord, wait. Let us see if Ulfric is serious." 3528,"Damn right. You don't have to be a Nord to fight for Skyrim's freedom." 3529,"If talking your way out of trouble isn't enough, you could always pick up some training from Delvin, Vex or Vipir." 3530,"Take out Haldyn, and we'll handle the rest." 3531,"He had your soft face, and that silly grin you get when you've done something wrong. That's his, too." 3532,"Be sure and introduce yourself to your new Family members. They're all very eager to meet you." 3533,"You always keep us in mind when you need a fresh horse, yeah?" 3534,"I prefer working in silver. More skill needed than forging iron or steel." 3535,"Shor's favor has found you, Dragonborn. The Hall of Valor, heart's-ease, awaits." 3536,"Well then, look. Look all you want. And when you're done looking, maybe we can get some work done." 3537,"Lars, dear, why don't you go outside and play? It's a beautiful day." 3538,"I serve my chief and my brothers by working in the mines. It's the only place fit for an aging Orc." 3539,"Now go, my friend. Go, and fulfill your destiny as Listener." 3540,"I've never seen anything like this, in all my years." 3541,"Ah! Here it is. Come, let me show you." 3542,"Another Overseer will replace Orchendor, when the time comes. For now all is cleansed and ordered." 3543,"Have it your own way, meat." 3544,"In the year 3E 41, Emperor Pelagius Septim was murdered in the Temple of the One in the Imperial City. Cut down by a Dark Brotherhood assassin." 3545,"Astonishing. To think you actually were able to reach it and yet return to tell the tale." 3546,"It doesn't really matter what I believe, now does it? I've brought you someone who can protect you. That's what you want, isn't it?" 3547,"Trust me, there's no place better to forge relationships with the movers and shakers of Skyrim." 3548,"Lucan, I was thinking we should have a grand sale. Lower the prices by half, maybe get some jugglers. We could attract lots of new customers." 3549,"You see, that little Aretino boy was looking for the Dark Brotherhood. For me, and my associates." 3550,"I didn't know it when we were... with each other... but Alain is actually the leader of a band of cutthroats. Bandits." 3551,"Something about using frost magic to chill the mead for a certain period of time. I felt it was a waste, but the Arch-Mage let them proceed." 3552,"No turning back now." 3553,"I knew you could do it!" 3554,"Oh Babette, but you are so wicked." 3555,"I'm almost certain he'll reach the Imperial City tomorrow, so we should have an answer by the end of the week." 3556,"You feel fear for the first time, worm. I see it in your eyes." 3557,"Grelka! Lower your voice before you get us both in trouble." 3558,"Arnbjorn is safe, and for that you have my thanks. But what of the fool? Is Cicero dead?" 3559,"What is it... what has happened to the Gildergreen? I have traveled long here to worship beneath its branches." 3560,"Your path has brought you to the finest fletcher in all the land." 3561,"That we could avoid having to kill you." 3562,"I got this for you. It's nothing big, but I hope you like it. I want you to know I appreciate your friendship." 3563,"This imperial armor is damn heavy." 3564,"Yeah, he's after Ra'jirr- never seen him so angry." 3565,"Hiding only prolongs your demise." 3566,"I'll see you there, then." 3567,"Vittoria did pretty well for herself, marrying that Asgeir. Not a bad looking fellow at all." 3568,"Don't come near me! I don't want to get hurt again." 3569,"You tempt me mightily, Alva. But I won't cuckhold another man, even on murderer like Hroggar." 3570,"All that remains then is the exterior gate. Find a way through to open it and the city will be ours!" 3571,"Apologies accepted. I understand how this entire story can be mistaken for fiction since the circumstances are so abstract." 3572,"Hey. That armor. You got rid of it, yeah? I can take it, no problem?" 3573,"We're ready to launch our attack on Solitude. But the Emperor's visiting! We can't risk attacking now. So we'll bide our time." 3574,"You know what I mean. Tell your boss that rough is rough, but when someone pulls a dagger fun time is over." 3575,"I anticipated the problem. While you were arranging this meeting, I was busy in the library of Sky Haven Temple." 3576,"He's a half-decent farmer. Ask him to teach you to farm!" 3577,"We're going to need an army to clear out that crypt." 3578,"It makes me sad whenever I think about it." 3579,"You've become a true hero of Skyrim. I number you among my kin. You shall now be known as Stormblade." 3580,"I appreciate the delivery, here... I want you to have this. I insist." 3581,"I know all the good spots! You don't stand a chance!" 3582,"Tell Cicero the time has come. Tell him the words he has been waiting for, all these years: ""Darkness rises when silence dies.""" 3583,"Let me know if you need something forged." 3584,"You did? Maybe that's why I'm so sleepy now." 3585,"You will talk when you're ready, won't you? Won't you... " 3586,"You don't look so good. Are you feeling all right?" 3587,"Halt. You're under arrest for murder and conspiracy against the city of Markarth!" 3588,"Well then, I think a pinch of frost salts should do the trick, right?" 3589,"If you could speak to him. Draw out the truth. I would be immensely grateful." 3590,"If break-ins are more your thing, go talk to Vex." 3591,"I do swear my blood and honor to the service of Ulfric Stormcloak..." 3592,"Hopefully Skaggi will send word to the Jarl and something will be done." 3593,"Some believe that Dragonborn are sent into the world by the gods, at times of great need. We will speak more of that later, when you are ready." 3594,"I don't like being made a fool of, Brand-Shei. Not one bit." 3595,"Does it matter? You're warm, dry... and still very much alive. That's more than can be said for old Grelod. Hmm?" 3596,"Excellent. Looks like you've really driven them into hiding. Keep this up. We'll wipe them out, yet." 3597,"You said the city was safe, now. How could this have happened?" 3598,"They practically own the city of Markarth. And we're here on their coin." 3599,"Look, I'm merely suggesting a few things that could expand our business." 3600,"Keep it to yourself. They're not paying us to talk." 3601,"Let Ulfric try to make it past our combined forces." 3602,"Some say that when Vvardenfell erupted, a piece was blown to the middle of Skyrim and from the crater grew the tree." 3603,"Always good to see 'em go." 3604,"How are we doing over here?" 3605,"Many used to come to these caves. The forgotten. The wretched." 3606,"I understand he settled down in Hjaalmarch, and his presence there caused something of a problem." 3607,"That's a load off my mind. Here's your pay." 3608,"You think I don't know that? If anyone learned of this meeting, my corpse would swing over Solitude for a decade!" 3609,"No, it's fine. I don't mind being poor. " 3610,"Not a day goes by that I don't think about finding a new ship. I guess it's easier just to stay put." 3611,"Aw, what's wrong? Did the engagement fall through? Look, how about we call it even, as long as you bring back the wedding ring?" 3612,"Well? You going to scout ahead or travel with me?" 3613,"But talk to Legate Rikke. She handles the local recruiting." 3614,"I'm willing to let the Dragonborn decide the fairness of my request." 3615,"Indeed. For you, my friend, seem to understand what's truly important. When I give an order to spill blood, you follow it. No questions. No remorse. " 3616,"That way it was always ready for the next inevitable victim." 3617,"Just take a step back and let me figure this out. Then we'll talk." 3618,"I may have accidentally let a prisoner escape. The leader of one of those bandit groups." 3619,"Jarl Igmund will go into exile, with Thongvor Silver-Blood taking his place as Jarl of Markarth." 3620,"One more song, what say you? Yeah? All right, then!" 3621,"Shouldn't you be out ruining someone's special day?" 3622,"Tullius must be getting nervous. Taking Hjaalmarch we're practically in his backyard now. As soon as we're able, we'll march on Solitude." 3623,"Now. We really must be going, sir." 3624,"Enjoy that axe! And don't worry about poor old Barbas. After all, he really should have picked a better friend..." 3625,"The poison on that arrow took me a year to perfect; I only had enough for a single shot and yet I used it on you." 3626,"Just talk to him; see if you can convince him to give my amulet back." 3627,"It's the same dream over and over again. You think that's normal? It's evil I tell you!" 3628,"So congratulations! You're free to go!" 3629,"Oh, I don't believe those rumors, my friend. Besides, who would ever want to harm such beauty?" 3630,"Yes, you brought honor to him, even after his death. A worthy outcome for a worthy warrior." 3631,"Noooo!" 3632,"Do you really think Ulfric will just turn Riften over because some Imperial general barked an order?" 3633,"I'll be at the docks if you change your mind." 3634,"My chief, Gharol threatens to have me work in the mines. You won't allow my pretty hands to dirty, will you?" 3635,"Ah, good. I've been waiting for this. Wait... I remember you. So the old man thinks you've got some heart, I guess." 3636,"Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin, wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal! " 3637,"You'll listen to this." 3638,"Look at you! Betcha think you're something, huh?" 3639,"No new boots? Does this mean the Argonian is still alive?" 3640,"You see, here he is falling from the sky. The Nord Tongues -- masters of the Voice -- are arrayed against him." 3641,"I'll wager it was Ulfric himself that started the rumor. Maybe he thought it would bolster recruitment." 3642,"Which means you need to look the part, and not be armed to the teeth. Here, put this on." 3643,"Look, either you get the notes or I'll figure out another way to do it. Just come find me if you can get your hands on them." 3644,"It feels like a whole mountain of rock is above us." 3645,"Returning to High Rock. Our shepherd lost his way, and I fear Peryite's wrath may consume those who remain with him." 3646,"Whatever damage has been caused can only be corrected by following the Pilgrim's Path to the Ebonmere and replacing the Key." 3647,"Any last requests before I send you to... to wherever you people go when you die." 3648,"I serve the Dragonborn." 3649,"How thoughtful! I'll come take a look after supper. " 3650,"Word on the street is that poor Sabjorn has found himself in Whiterun's prison. How unfortunate for him." 3651,"Welcome to Eldergleam Sanctuary, my friend. If you have any questions, speak to Asta." 3652,"Spoken like a true daughter of Skyrim!" 3653,"When I got close, the mercenaries Aringoth hired to protect the estate just waved me off. I don't think he wants visitors anymore." 3654,"When I meet Sarthis there, he's usually waiting for me outside with his bodyguard." 3655,"Here. I want you to accept this as payment for your sacrifice and I... well, we both thank you." 3656,"Don't go casting spells on a woman without asking her permission." 3657,"He has nothing but disdain for anyone who isn't a Nord. He tolerates us, but that's the extent of his hospitality." 3658,"First is the ""Velvet Lechance"" which is a mixture of blackberry, honey, spiced wine and a touch of nightshade... perfectly safe, I assure you." 3659,"About time you showed up." 3660,"If you don't mind, my patrons would appreciate it if you put the weapon away." 3661,"This is one of the signs. The signs that Lady Mara is displeased with your constant inebriation." 3662,"Tell me, brother. Are the stories true?" 3663,"So the clues point to the Treasury House, then. That makes sense. Thonar is involved in every facet of the city." 3664,"What you're asking for is insane. Impossible!" 3665,"Oh... not at the moment. Maybe later. Don't go far." 3666,"You want to fight? That why you have your weapon out?" 3667,"You've no time to glory in your accomplishments." 3668,"Ra'jirr was always dragging her into things." 3669,"Why don't you head back out to Yngvild and find the rest?" 3670,"So, Thrynn, you were a bandit, huh?" 3671,"Wanted to say something to you." 3672,"Thanks. You and Sam drink too hard for me. Think I'll take my gold and go buy a nice bit of swamp in Black Marsh." 3673,"Think I'm going to head out now. Take a long vacation from woodcutting, you know? Good luck." 3674,"Actually, the fisherman who found me, the man I call my father gave it to me." 3675,"I suppose you intend to carry off every item of value in these ruins." 3676,"So you can tell that heartless Daedra bitch I'm done doing her dirty work." 3677,"Of course, my lord." 3678,"Any progress on finding the mask?" 3679,"I don't know exactly what's going on here, if you're the Listener, or this is some fluke, or what. But what we now have before us..." 3680,"Some line about this claw thing and Yngol Barrow. He said it was worth more than its weight in gold if I took it back there." 3681,"Ever been to Markarth? Some say it was built by the dwarves. I don't believe a word of it though." 3682,"Astrid had me investigate the Penitus Oculatus. Their members are highly trained, effective warriors. Be on your guard, brother." 3683,"This is my realm now. I've sacrificed too much to let you take it from me!" 3684,"Torygg had some martial training, of course, but it mattered little that day." 3685,"Shouldn't leave things around to trip over..." 3686,"And found my favor. That skin will serve you well, child. " 3687,"I've got all sorts of weapons for the discerning marksman. What can I get you?" 3688,"Arcturus took some men deeper in, wanted to be sure. We should maybe... assist them." 3689,"I figure the guards could always use some help, so I keep my eyes open." 3690,"I don't even like our Jarl havin' a court wizard." 3691,"The orichalcum ingot should still be in Winterhold at the Frozen Hearth Inn. I don't know why I didn't just take it with me." 3692,"But there isn't any other way through, Legate." 3693,"Why a little boy would want to contact a group of murderers is beyond me, but he is inviting evil into this city." 3694,"This looks like the area Agna told me about. She said that the bear would show the way..." 3695,"Down in the Ratway Warrens. Nice place, if you don't mind the stench, rats, and assorted lowlifes as neighbors." 3696,"They live here too, my Jarl. That's what I'm telling you." 3697,"You have? Where? Tell me now!" 3698,"Next, I need a little investigating to confirm the possibility of blackmailing the Jarl's Steward." 3699,"Svana, I heard that Sibbi was put in jail. What happened?" 3700,"Besides, you look like your pockets are a little light on coin, am I right?" 3701,"If they think you're Dragonborn, who are we to argue?" 3702,"I'm running low on Grand Soul Gems." 3703,"I wonder how many poor souls have lost their lives working these tunnels." 3704,"Su'um ahrk morah." 3705,"Yes sir, of course." 3706,"We've got a long way to go, but don't let that bother you... it's a lot farther than we've been in years." 3707,"After we discovered what she'd done, we spent months trying to track her down, but she just vanished." 3708,"Ah, splendid, splendid. It's for a special brew I'm working on. A love elixir like none other." 3709,"Fine, then. I guess some Dunmer are content to be their pets. " 3710,"Okay, there you go." 3711,"We've been contacted by the Jarl of Morthal." 3712,"If you happen across any other unusual trinkets like this, be sure and bring them to me. I promise it'll be worth the effort." 3713,"I'm so confused. What's happening?" 3714,"Carry on men, my gratitude and blessings go with you!" 3715,"Of course. Nothing gets done without my approval in this city. I have the Jarl's ear, and the guards in my pocket." 3716,"Yes, my friend. Though no one has been able to get close to her for as long as I can remember." 3717,"Just between us, I've got more important things to do than attend these meaningless parties." 3718,"My family didn't really approve of me coming here at all." 3719,"Fine, you win. Take the horse and leave." 3720,"I just said that to make the poor guy feel better. I'm pretty sure she's dead." 3721,"And then we were all fighting just to survive. None of us were prepared. It was amazing the rest of us survived." 3722,"Maven Black-Briar always remembers her friends. That's why I'm in charge of the place." 3723,"I borrowed some gold from Sapphire to pay for the shipment, but it got robbed before it even arrived." 3724,"It was a minor miscalculation. I've already corrected it for future experiments." 3725,"My spies report the Jarl's Steward, Anuriel, has arrangements with the Thieves Guild that would be rather embarrassing if made public." 3726,"Everyone, on me! The Jarl wishes to speak!" 3727,"It's not a cause. It's a rebellion." 3728,"Not sure what's up there, but I bet the Greybeards know." 3729,"I know what I'm doing. Stop telling me." 3730,"Don't mistake my tone for displeasure, after all, you've obediently performed your duties to the letter." 3731,"We can trade when there's light outside." 3732,"Aye. But in the meantime, we have a war to plan." 3733,"I really can't thank you enough for your help." 3734,"Winterhold may not look impressive, but it has a very rich history." 3735,"All these damn Stormcloaks. They're making me nervous. Never in a million years did I imagine they'd gain control of Solitude." 3736,"I can't afford to have another Sarthis blunder into Riften because they think we're too lazy to disrupt their pitiful operation." 3737,"You've got a fine look about you. Come have a visit at the Braidwood Inn. Better than home!" 3738,"The laboratory adjoins the library. I'm hoping we'll find a sample of the Torpor left undamaged." 3739,"Your fealty is precious to me. I will make good use of it." 3740,"Why do you pester me with battles we can't win? I need my steward to plan for our victory, not nag me with every ill account." 3741,"I applaud anyone who assists the court." 3742,"That's the spirit. I'll get all the details from Galmar when he gets back. Now then..." 3743,"No one seems to know. Perhaps the return of the Dwemer. Perhaps the end of the world." 3744,"I don't like the look of this. Perfect spot for an ambush. Ten to one they're just waiting for us on the other side." 3745,"I shouldn't be. Mama says if I do, people are going to ask about uncle Roggvir." 3746,"You've been a worthy patron. Shall I join you once more, free of charge?" 3747,"That's right. Whole group of the natives called the Forsworn rose up against the Nords. Drove them out." 3748,"Hmm. Yes, here it is." 3749,"The only thing I remember is the old story of Tiber Septim being called Dragonborn by the Nords, before they switched sides and joined the Empire." 3750,"Then I'll wait." 3751,"Is she... sifting through trash?" 3752,"That's the best I can offer." 3753,"Elsweyr is an arid land of deserts and rocky canyons, where the sun shines warmly, always." 3754,"Your objective is Fort Snowhawk." 3755,"Secondly, I want to take the fort here. Having a fortified position will make it easier for us to amass men for our ultimate attack on the capital." 3756,"I can hardly believe it." 3757,"All right, get that armor on and give that axe a few swings." 3758,"Ah, yes, your pay. The Company thanks you for your services. Should we ever be able to help you, stop by." 3759,"Ain't used to strangers here in Riverwood." 3760,"Until you can do those formulas with your eyes shut, you'll never be ready to master the more difficult ones." 3761,"Well, there's an old statue there. I've seen it. Hanging right over where she'll be standing. Old means weak. Weak means it could fall. Hmmm?" 3762,"The recipes were hailed as both practical and decadent." 3763,"You want me to do something or not?" 3764,"A reasonable strategy." 3765,"Pickings may be a bit slim today, but if you see anything you like I'll make you a good deal." 3766,"Thanks, sister. I knew we could count on you." 3767,"Constance tries to stop her, and is real good to us, but it's never enough." 3768,"If word gets around that I bedded her, they'll lose all respect for me at the meadery." 3769,"We honor the bravest fighters, but I have seen many types of bravery in my travels." 3770,"In the meantime, why don't you have a chat with Legate Rikke. " 3771,"The Empire's elven puppetmasters never cared much for the idea of a human becoming a divine. So the worship of Talos is outlawed. " 3772,"Yes, wouldn't want to miss the lush summer we have ahead. " 3773,"Now don't get all upset. Here. Take it." 3774,"Now, you just stand there..." 3775,"My blade bit right into the stonework next to the keep and needed serious repairs. Thankfully our smith Balimund works wonders." 3776,"It is time, Yamarz." 3777,"I'll bet some of these artifacts would fetch a good price. I hope they're not cursed." 3778,"I suppose you deserve it. Couldn't do any worse than Mercer, anyway." 3779,"We couldn't have done this without you. The Empire glories in your accomplishments..." 3780,"I'm hoping to run my own inn someday." 3781,"You're going to Fort Sungard." 3782,"The Thieves Guild used to run this city. Now they're nothing but braggarts and bullies, rotting to death down in their Ratway..." 3783,"So what happened at the watchtower? Was the dragon there?" 3784,"Sorry about the mess. Keeping this place clean is quite a chore." 3785,"You plan to march on Windhelm?" 3786,"You looking for work? We could use an extra hand in the mine. Just bring me any Corundum you dig up." 3787,"Oh, a new pamphlet from Dinya? I'll be glad to read it. Thanks." 3788,"You've got a lot of nerve. But not a lot of common sense." 3789,"Oh... well, I'll leave that to you. I trust you know your business." 3790,"They believed that if and when we found a Dragonborn, we would need to protect him against the Thalmor." 3791,"Tell Shadr he doesn't owe me anything." 3792,"What is the meaning of this?" 3793,"Another round, on me!" 3794,"You're welcome to take a look around Sabjorn's office. He keeps most of his papers stashed in his desk." 3795,"My patron appears once more. Have you need of my blade?" 3796,"Every day is a struggle, but a Nord doesn't back down from a fight when the cause is honorable." 3797,"It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric!" 3798,"Your payment waits for you at a dead drop. It is inside an urn, in the very chamber where we first met, in Volunruud." 3799,"No, I've been busy trying to keep the whole mine from collapsing, if that's all right with you." 3800,"Quite a climb, wasn't it?" 3801,"M'aiq hears many stories of war... yet few of them are true." 3802,"Now you just stay here, with all your friends, and I'm going to go get my shovel." 3803,"Hello, ladies! Is there anything a big strong man can do for you this fine day?" 3804,"Hopefully any discoveries made in your pursuits will be shared with the members of the College first. That way we all benefit." 3805,"The only way into Windhelm is across this bridge. Keep moving, stay close, and we'll be through their gates in no time." 3806,"A hearty welcome to Falkreath! All of Skyrim's true sons are welcome here!" 3807,"All right, meat, it's time for you to earn your freedom. " 3808,"How can Karliah remain so calm when Mercer had her on the run for that long? Amazing." 3809,"No! Tell me you're joking. Sweet Mara, what have I done? Go away. Just go away." 3810,"I do. I've been working on mine for a while now." 3811,"Speak. Khajiit will listen until all the sugars in the world turn sour." 3812,"Now that Sybille Stentor is out of the picture, I am indeed. And the court is, well... free of her... eccentricities." 3813,"Rogue wizards. I've never trusted magic types. The College is bad enough. Destroy them." 3814,"We may guard Whiterun, but the Thieves Guild guards us. If you know what I mean." 3815,"And damn the Moot! " 3816,"You lookin' for Falion? Why don't you go bother those mages at their College in Winterhold and leave my brother alone?" 3817,"Did you hear? The Hall of the Dead is closed. Brother Verulus isn't the most popular man in town right now." 3818,"Ogmund the skald. He's old, respected, and I know for a fact that he worships Talos in his home." 3819,"Someday, I hope we can get away from here... perhaps move back to Morrowind. This isn't at all what we expected." 3820,"Now his spirit becomes one with the Evergloam... the realm of perpetual twilight and the cradle of shadow." 3821,"I don't know, Babette. Looks like she may have suffered a head wound. Best not let her out of our sight..." 3822,"Tolfdir normally looks after your little group, yes?" 3823,"A lofty goal, to be sure. And what brings your search to our doorstep?" 3824,"I'll see you at the watchtower as soon as the rest of the men have gathered." 3825,"Fool! He is perverting my Light. " 3826,"Fear not. Come dragon or giant, we'll be ready." 3827,"Yes. Hofgrir took me in when I arrived in Riften about a year ago. He's been teaching me everything he knows." 3828,"I could also do some good for a change. Sure, I'd go with you. " 3829,"Madesi, have you heard the Imperials might be headed this way? What would we do?" 3830,"I hope life's treating you well, friend." 3831,"You mean Hildolf the Skull-Splitter? Remember when we rounded up the townspeople and dragged him out of that cave?" 3832,"I... I don't want to talk." 3833,"It's the damn outlanders and Empire that need the reasons." 3834,"I killed scores of the Empire's men before I was forced to surrender." 3835,"Thankfully Faleen is not quite his type, but they've been friends for some time, and he may have some ideas." 3836,"Staying out of trouble, kinsman?" 3837,"We haven't met." 3838,"Enmon, dear, do you have any regrets? About letting her go?" 3839,"Did you know Viola Giordano wanted to put one of them on my front door?" 3840,"If you change your mind, you know where to find me." 3841,"You a pilgrim or just passing through?" 3842,"I'm not sure how many men they have inside, but I trust that won't be an issue for you. Good luck." 3843,"You might be able to learn something from it. Keep looking, but be careful." 3844,"Did my worthless husband send you?" 3845,"Life's hard enough with all these men propositioning me. But that bard is the worst." 3846,"Tell you what. Go ahead and deal with your business for now. When you're done, find me and we'll deal with mine." 3847,"I wished you could have sent more of a message to those Summerset Shadows upstarts, but hopefully they'll stay out of our business." 3848,"Thank you, dear friend. You've given me back my son." 3849,"I've been doing this a long time, remember? While the Thalmor's been looking for me, I've been watching them." 3850,"Don't worry, I'm mad at her, too. And at myself for ever agreeing to get involved in her insane scheme." 3851,"I know you and father Rorlund have many duties to attend to in the temple, but sometimes I feel that there are more important matters to attend to." 3852,"That's it!" 3853,"Never. Now move aside." 3854,"So you were right. Go tell the Jarl. Hurry!" 3855,"You have a job to do." 3856,"Yes, I know what you mean. Most Nords struggle to accept change." 3857,"I know the prophecy by heart. Once all Blades knew it." 3858,"That is for you to discover. We can show you the Way, but not your destination." 3859,"We can't do that. Every soldier we send to hunt dragons is one more man that can't defend the Reach." 3860,"Anyone seen entering or leaving? Any strange lights or unusual noises?" 3861,"Know about them? Lad, you're looking at them." 3862,"But... J'zargo is pleased to see that you are here, and not in pieces!" 3863,"Ill luck. I'm a busy man and I don't have time for this sort of frivolity." 3864,"It's none of your concern. All you need to know is that we're paying for information." 3865,"I found you! Na na na, na na na!" 3866,"Hmm. This is intriguing, but highly disturbing." 3867,"Without two keys, it's impossible to open. I have a key, Delvin has a key, and Mercer has a key. That's it. There are no other copies." 3868,"I don't know if you've heard, but Jarl Balgruuf said my work is a priority. Which means you should be on your way." 3869,"The Companions are nearly five thousand years old. This matter of beastblood has only troubled us for a few hundred." 3870,"Rest well and sleep deeply, my brother." 3871,"I couldn't ask you to undertake such a trecherous journey, it would be a fool's errand." 3872,"I should never have come to Markarth." 3873,"They have catapults." 3874,"I mean, it would take months... years to work out the differentials. But what a revolutionary concept." 3875,"Now, I believe you have some business to conclude with my court wizard?" 3876,"He owes this tavern enough coin to burn it down, build it back up, then burn it down again just for laughs." 3877,"Kust is responsible for the cemetery here in Falkreath, I take care of the Shrine." 3878,"Farewell, Sabjorn." 3879,"You have the Jarl's confidence, friend. And so you have mine." 3880,"Bountiful. Although I would like to have anchored a bit closer to Goldenglow Estate." 3881,"I'm only a humble acolyte, though. If you wish to avail yourself of Mara's blessing, you should speak with Dinya Balu or Maramal." 3882,"Aye. She's by the fire." 3883,"Now, if were done being sentimental, it's time for you to take the Oath." 3884,"Well, the giants took care of him, and you took care of the giants. Two problems solved at once." 3885,"Then what are you doing here?" 3886,"Let him know that I'll watch out for them. I just want my daughter to be happy." 3887,"I'm listening." 3888,"It should put on some coverings." 3889,"I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me if you don't...." 3890,"I have to wonder... what does the Dragonborn do once he's summoned by the Greybeards? Can the Thu'um be taught, like any skill?" 3891,"You're welcome in Riften as long as you continue to obey our laws." 3892,"Hircine chose you to lead the Great Hunt. So lead." 3893,"Almost anyone in Riften is in dire need of those missives. Speak to them, child. You will know who will listen and who will sin." 3894,"I just can't wait to be a bride someday. Someday..." 3895,"I told her. I told her the imperial army would kill her. That this was a war of Jarls and Imperial Generals and we had no part in it." 3896,"Did you ask Mirabelle? She runs things around here, after all." 3897,"Been itching for a fight." 3898,"What do you mean? That wine tastes finer than anythin' Surilie Brothers ever made." 3899,"Now is not a good time. Leave me alone." 3900,"What could be more important than hearing the prayers of the faithful, and answering the questions of the dedicated?" 3901,"This is the day we send a message to Ulfric Stormcloak and the rebel Jarls who support him. " 3902,"As an act of good faith on your part, I'd advise that you consider donating an amount of gold to the College." 3903,"Careful. No telling what will happen the next time you mess with that door." 3904,"And the excavations into Nchuand-Zel are dangerous. Dwemer machines and traps still function even after thousands of years." 3905,"But it's more myth than anything at this point. I've no doubt that it actually exists, but no one has seen it in what, decades? Longer? I'm not sure." 3906,"Step towards the block when we call your name. One at a time." 3907,"I saw guards dragging bodies over here. Might be a way out." 3908,"Really? Good show. Here, take this. You know, as a thank you." 3909,"*Sigh* I was part of the gang in the ruins here. Friend of mine went crazy and stole the boss' sword. They blamed me for it." 3910,"We were an assassins guild that was sanctioned by the Empire to provide public as well as private executions." 3911,"Yes, yes. Here it is. I think I'd best be off now." 3912,"I'm not about to take on debts from some milk drinker I don't know." 3913,"I have a lot of respect for Ambarys Rendar, but his views are a little extreme." 3914,"As you may know Talos worship is outlawed in the Empire." 3915,"All this just to kill me Clavicus?" 3916,"Captain Kjar expects the best, but he's a fair man. He never fails to reward hard work and loyalty." 3917,"Sorry. We got nothin' to talk about. Vex will straighten you out." 3918,"Ungrien! I just found another spoiled keg! What's the matter with you?" 3919,"Get out of my sight." 3920,"Do you hate the dark elves? Are you here to bully us and tell us to leave?" 3921,"Please... How long must I do this? I keep praying, Night Mother. Why won't you answer me?" 3922,"Honest, I didn't take it!" 3923,"Let's see it." 3924,"Forgive me. It's a term I haven't used in some time. While most in Tamriel call my kind Argonian, we prefer the term Saxhleel." 3925,"As I said, you will know you are ready when your Voice can open the path to him." 3926,"Now, then. I been gabbin' long enough. Too much cleanin' to do." 3927,"Iron or steel is what you need. Leave that fancy Elven stuff to the Elves." 3928,"No! Don't pity me. I deserve whatever fate the Dread Lord has in store. I betrayed you... and now Maro has betrayed me. Fitting..." 3929,"Remind me why we even bother to allow him to be a part of the Guild." 3930,"All right, pipe down. You want the whole blessed place to hear you?" 3931,"I'm sorry to wake you, my Brother. I have a request from Orchendor." 3932,"The Skyforge? Aye, my clan-fathers have worked it since the first Gray-Manes came to Whiterun." 3933,"I'm just glad to put all this behind me. So let's never speak of it again, okay?" 3934,"Thank the Divines! Let's move!" 3935,"Not quite worth handing over Riften, but not a bad starting point." 3936,"Wish to converse with the crazy old elf, eh? Very well. Go on." 3937,"But I realized that the Mythic Dawn's importance -- our importance -- to history cannot be denied." 3938,"What's the point in protecting this place if the mine's completely useless? Idiots." 3939,"Crazy fool's asked me to fix his broken wagon wheel five times. He won't take no for an answer. Why can't he just leave us alone?" 3940,"He moved in with her the day after the fire. Even I find that suspicious." 3941,"Changed the linens myself. They're fresh." 3942,"He was a strange Altmer... paid more attention to his research than his own well-being. He lived in the basement of an inn for goodness sakes!" 3943,"Haven't seen your face before. I'm watching you." 3944,"Ah. I have expected you. Prodah." 3945,"I'm afraid we're well beyond pleasantries." 3946,"You don't scare me." 3947,"Yyyyyeeeaaaaahhhhhh!" 3948,"Mister Cicero, I for one am delighted you and the Night Mother have arrived. Your presence here signals a welcome return to tradition." 3949,"I'll show you what I know." 3950,"May song speed you along." 3951,"And besides myself, Delvin, Niruin and Vipir can help you with any sort of training you might need to sharpen your skills." 3952,"You know about Talos? He founded the Empire!" 3953,"Someone should let that cat lose. That'd shut him up real quick." 3954,"I don't dare leave the house myself. So I need your help." 3955,"That voice is power!" 3956,"I don't know where I'll go. Somewhere far away from here." 3957,"Well done! I don't know where I'd be without you, my old friend." 3958,"Keep your eyes open for traps. Old ruins like this are usually filled with them." 3959,"I told you, I can't just pick up and leave. I have my wife, my business... not to mention you have the Bunkhouse." 3960,"I don't know how Ghorbash has so much spirit. He should act his age." 3961,"Falkreath is our home, a place where we have good jobs under a good Jarl. Until the war comes to us we stay put." 3962,"I'm the commander of the guard here in Whiterun." 3963,"Regrettably, I cannot reach your plane so directly." 3964,"Don't know his name, but there is a guy like that hiding out down here. Paid plenty for nobody to know about it." 3965,"Good friends and neighbors." 3966,"Keep your wits about you and you won't be harmed." 3967,"Ah, of course. I suspected as much." 3968,"If it wasn't for skooma, I'd already be on my way out of this horrible city." 3969,"Consider it a gift to ensure your silence. That thing seems to be bringing me nothing but trouble anyway." 3970,"I met several of your kind during my studies of life-extending magics. I even considered becoming a vampire myself." 3971,"This godsforsaken war is dividing our people and destroying our land." 3972,"Karliah's been through here. What does she expect to find?" 3973,"So I need someone to find that proof for me." 3974,"Please, just... just leave me be!" 3975,"He was a brilliant student, an accomplished wizard. Delved into magic in a way none had seen before." 3976,"Steady now! They may be uglier than Imperials but they'll go down just the same." 3977,"Are you sure you can find your way? It would be easy to get lost in here." 3978,"Morthal is still in danger. The journal mentions Movarth, a master vampire I thought was destroyed a century ago." 3979,"And that's why I'm the best." 3980,"Plan on burning everything down, do you? Damn fool." 3981,"We heard the news from Whiterun - that you left the city on the back of a dragon!" 3982,"I'm not seeing things again, am I?" 3983,"Just come back alive, and I'll be happy." 3984,"You look kind of scary. But nobody is scarier than old Grelod." 3985,"So you meet me at Fallowstone Cave, and we'll get this over with. I can have my tribe back, and you can... You can leave us alone." 3986,"I've just learned not to trust luck around here." 3987,"Hey, Orc. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance!" 3988,"Azura's Star! I knew the Lady of Twilight had sent you for a reason." 3989,"They live in seclusion near the top of the Throat of the World, the great mountain of Skyrim." 3990,"Oh, good point. I wish my head were made of rocks. " 3991,"Yes. This was ages ago, you understand. There were more of us then. Before the bruniikke - the Akaviri - came and killed all my zeymah." 3992,"What in the world?" 3993,"Did you find a key? See if it unlocks that door." 3994,"I swear Elenwen holds these parties just to make the Empire look bad. Almost makes me want to join the Stormcloaks." 3995,"Of course! You don't remember getting here." 3996,"Okay, okay, I'll tell you." 3997,"First, Master Wulfgar will teach you the final word of Unrelenting Force. You are ready." 3998,"Hey, slug-breath!" 3999,"Guards, get the townspeople to safety!" 4000,"Send Ulfric my regards!" 4001,"They say that our cause is false and that we are nothing more than thieves, thugs and murderers!" 4002,"Of course. I've told you before not to bother me with such trifles." 4003,"To ensure an enemy's defeat, you must first undermine his allies." 4004,"Am I going have to beat it out of you? Is that what you want?" 4005,"Good. I'm glad you're making progress. My employers are anxious to have some tangible answers." 4006,"If you fancy keeping your purse filled with gold and your head on your shoulders, I'd stay out of those awful tunnels." 4007,"You're right. What would my forefathers think if they knew I wasn't paying my debts? Tell Haran I'll bring her the gold I owe." 4008,"I know full well that you have. Please do not insult my intelligence." 4009,"You looking for work? Got a sailor who thought running a gang of thieves would be more money than hauling my cargo." 4010,"Comes with living to a ripe old age, people start thinking there's something magical about you. Then, the insults." 4011,"Someday the College may be fully accepted by the Nords. I hope that my work as Arch-Mage may help." 4012,"Good. One less worry for my people." 4013,"I learned to forge when I was a pup, then I joined the Legion and mastered it." 4014,"What about your family? There must have been someone waiting for you back at the farm. Wondering if you were ever coming home?" 4015,"We're particularly interested in the prevalence of magical seals placed on the tombs here. It's rather unlike anything we've encountered." 4016,"You should be." 4017,"Oh Reyda! Redya! You live among the clouds now, dear Reyda!" 4018,"This is Kynesgrove. Not much to look at. Let's see if we can find that dragon mound." 4019,"Don't you know there's a dragon attacking?" 4020,"You're correct." 4021,"What future?" 4022,"They call her ""the Skinner.""" 4023,"Run, you idiot!" 4024,"Thank you. I'm still at the beginning of my lessons. Dean Six Fingers used to say I was quite good with the flute." 4025,"Whatever you want. But let's go, now." 4026,"By the way, I don't know who you are, but unless you want me to blow your cover, I'd advise that you avoid me for the rest of the party." 4027,"Wait until the boys hear about this." 4028,"Have you heard the tale of Mathieu Bellamont, and the great treachery of Cheydinhal? Kill a boy's mother, and vengeance festers in the son... " 4029,"And there is more work to be done, but I fear that Kodlak's gotten wind of our recent efforts. He's asked to see you. " 4030,"Hello there, can I pour you a Black-Briar Mead?" 4031,"Okay, let's all take a deep breath. Cicero said he spoke to the Night Mother, but she spoke to you? Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke." 4032,"Kematu is west of Whiterun. It's an unassuming little cave called Swindler's Den." 4033,"Don't like the looks of this." 4034,"You... you can't do this to me..." 4035,"You've never had a taste of sweet Honningbrew? Why, it's only the finest mead outside of Sovngarde!" 4036,"If trying to rid yourself of stolen goods becomes a burden, and you find yourself in Winterhold, visit me at the College." 4037,"So Cicero brought our Lady to her new home. Here! This is the only Sanctuary left in all of Skyrim, you see." 4038,"However, ever since that day, I've felt my power waning... slowly draining away." 4039,"All I need is one to cut you in half." 4040,"I get them fresh from the farms daily, Nazeem." 4041,"This place has had you shaking in your armor ever since we arrived." 4042,"My food is the best in all of Skyrim; always as fresh as the day it was collected." 4043,"Well let's not put it like that. Wouldn't want the Thieves Guild catching wind of us, eh?" 4044,"The cowards!" 4045,"It's an honorable craft. I'll show you what I can." 4046,"Azura's wisdom to you, friend." 4047,"I have a prison to run." 4048,"I'm also free to stay and fight for what I believe in." 4049,"Atub! Meddlesome woman... You would help us? Help me?" 4050,"Too lazy to walk, eh? Well, you've found the right place." 4051,"Oh, thank you! I've been working on an original piece. I hope it can stand up to the classics!" 4052,"We need to go upstairs, that's where she is! That's where the books are!" 4053,"No... no, we did the right thing. The temple will take good care of her, and one day she'll be helping all of Skyrim." 4054,"You can run, obviously, but you'll still have a price on your head. If a guard attacks, you can attempt to yield by sheathing your weapon." 4055,"We grow that much stronger with each son and daughter of Skyrim who joins us. Down with the Emperor!" 4056,"You're not getting that treasure." 4057,"The dragons and the war have scared many other traders away, but for those with courage, there is much profit to be made." 4058,"My parents live there. I usually make the journey to bring them gifts and to just say hello, but I haven't been well lately." 4059,"If you wish to hunt with me, your feet need to be quick, and your eyes quicker." 4060,"The people here look to Brina Merilis when they need things settled. Real firebrand going up. Wasn't surprised when she joined the Legion." 4061,"Please, there's no need for that here. Message understood. Here, I even have the payment!" 4062,"Need a room? Don't worry. Nightmares don't seem to happen for travelers." 4063,"This is more delicate work than you're used to." 4064,"Keep an eye out for wolves if you're headed up the path to High Hrothgar." 4065,"Ah, indeed? There's a pretty puzzle. Not the kind of thing you'll find in your local bookshop. Let me think..." 4066,"Yes, well. Perhaps you're right." 4067,"Forgive me milady, I didn't recognize you! Please proceed." 4068,"A method to your madness and your madness is the method and the melody..." 4069,"Traitor!" 4070,"What? Who is this, Brother? Another of the smooth skins looking for food? But this one wasn't trapped with us..." 4071,"Rexus. The items." 4072,"Oh, master. It's your time to do with as you please, but what about those who depend on you so much?" 4073,"Quick, I can cut you loose inside the keep." 4074,"They call him ""the Skinner.""" 4075,"Go back to Morrowind, Dark Elf maggots! You're not welcome here!" 4076,"And you, go sit on that damn chair and start acting like a Jarl." 4077,"Remember always this: As you will it, so it shall be." 4078,"Murder. Banditry. Assault. Theft. And lollygagging." 4079,"Alduin isn't getting any weaker while we stand around here gawping at the architecture." 4080,"If you say so. If this were anyone but you I would lock them up." 4081,"My shipmates scoff at my love of finery, but I know envy when I hear it." 4082,"I can only give you my word as a priest of Mara that my intentions are honorable." 4083,"Olaf sent word to Solitude's Jarl, cajoling and mocking and begging for a fight." 4084,"The Night Mother would communicate this to the Listener, who would then dispatch a Speaker to arrange the contract with the client." 4085,"I just feel like if I'm not here, then something could go wrong. Nils is a hard worker, but I wouldn't trust him to run things." 4086,"You heal away my scars and there's gonna be a problem..." 4087,"Over by that bridge!" 4088,"We got the mill up and running before we found out that the big stand of trees on the hill was sacred." 4089,"A healing spell? Was that really necessary?" 4090,"So, any luck finding my louse of a husband?" 4091,"Falion had his work to keep him busy, and I needed somethin' to do. So, here I am." 4092,"You should tell her that her uncle is scum that betrayed his High King. Best she know now, Addvar." 4093,"For the Forsworn!" 4094,"Pleased enough, I suppose. At least they appreciate the ways and traditions of the Nord people." 4095,"As I recall, Yisra was trying to improve flame cloak spells to better work in Skyrim's harsh environment." 4096,"Can't do that and keep an eye on things here at the same time." 4097,"We cannot fight the foe in this mist!" 4098,"Captain Lonely-Gale, it's always a pleasure to see you." 4099,"I give them access to my business associates, and they keep my coffers full." 4100,"Drem. Patience. I am answering, in my way." 4101,"Of course. Don't forget to keep out of sight, it doesn't count if they catch you red-handed. You ready?" 4102,"Think you might be in the wrong place, friend." 4103,"At the end of the day, every warrior is alone." 4104,"What about ""Auntie Faida"" in Dragon Bridge? She runs a bar, and you said she's one of your favorite girls!" 4105,"And what of your latest, Arnbjorn. Something about a Khajiit? Merchant was it?" 4106,"You left this over there. You're lucky - someone else might have kept it for himself. Here you go." 4107,"Did you hear that? A metal on stone sound... hmmm, perhaps it was nothing." 4108,"The Mortar and Pestle makes potions, if you can't tell from the name. Just step up to the counter." 4109,"That's why I'm here with my Shield-Brothers." 4110,"But at the same time, I don't dare refuse an invitation from Elenwen." 4111,"Anything you need, Listener." 4112,"No! You'll never take me alive!" 4113,"Oh, we do all right. Rumor is, you had a hand in the Blackblood Marauders' demise..." 4114,"My men know what to do. Make sure you do your part. I'm putting my city in your hands." 4115,"Sabjorn keeps that locked up tight. If you can get through that way, go right ahead." 4116,"My father never thought I was smart enough to be a stablemaster. I just wish he was around to see me now." 4117,"Oh, it's Nazeem. He's been spending more and more time fawning over the Jarl. I swear, we're hardly ever home at the same time anymore." 4118,"I should say so." 4119,"Oh, I'd gladly sell it to you if you had the money." 4120,"They live below the streets in the Ratway like dirty animals. And trust me, they're no better than the vermin that slink out of there for scraps." 4121,"But that battle isn't expected until tomorrow... Ruki, what's going on?" 4122,"Well, let me tell you something, friend. Cyrodiil is a long way from here, and in Skyrim, we will never forsake mighty Talos!" 4123,"Technically, that is true. But I still report to the Aldmeri Dominion, and I cannot ignore this situation." 4124,"Come on in. We got warm food, warm drinks, and warm beds." 4125,"The answer is simple. Orcs. There is a stronghold nearby whose hunters can butcher a deer in seconds." 4126,"Well, that's one way to find out if they're real. I even know where we might find one. Lead on!" 4127,"I can't thank you enough for what you did. " 4128,"Good riddance." 4129,"I hope we will speak again soon, marsh-friend." 4130,"This hasn't happened in ... centuries, at least. Not since Tiber Septim himself was summoned when he was still Talos of Atmora!" 4131,"It will feel that way for a while. But eventually you'll get used to it, and then you'll get faster with it." 4132,"Beware! The World-Eater waits within the mist!" 4133,"Don't have much to say unless you're here to mine metal." 4134,"Come on. If someone misses me at the party, we're both dead." 4135,"Ho, Gorm." 4136,"Vald said his rowboat struck some rocks... I'd check under the water near one of the small islands in the lake." 4137,"In the meantime, we'll continue to root them out and put them to the sword. " 4138,"Uh, Brelas, sir. Did you need a drink? Something to eat?" 4139,"Well, as a jailbreaker, you work alone. No Guild to back you up." 4140,"How dare you speak of the Thalmor in such a disgusting manner!" 4141,"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." 4142,"Now you just tell me if you need something." 4143,"...when I next meet, that fair maid Nelly, I'll plunge my knife into her belly..." 4144,"Follow me. I think I can convince the tree to help us. " 4145,"This is a good hiding spot." 4146,"Do you have any idea how busy I am? My mixture could be burning as we speak!" 4147,"So about this axe... " 4148,"I'm not half the wizard my uncle was, but I still have a few spells worth buying." 4149,"I don't care if she can find a living dwarf -- I can't have her stirring up trouble. We have enough problems as it is." 4150,"Now the Thalmor will be hunting me for the rest of my life. I hope it was worth it." 4151,"It does. The College has caused enough problems; don't need you or anyone else adding to them." 4152,"You did it. You killed it. Now cut me down before anything else shows up." 4153,"What's to say? I was born on a farm, joined the Legion when I came of age, and I've served you ever since." 4154,"I know her techniques, her skills. If she kills me, there'll be no one left that could possibly catch her." 4155,"A life on the river makes for weak legs, so I do a lot of walking when we dock." 4156,"All right. I'll see you there." 4157,"I'm in no mood to joke." 4158,"You think I'd abandon an opportunity to lead my Family to glory?" 4159,"This is an orphanage, not an inn. Begone from here." 4160,"The Blades killed them all centuries ago. Nobody asks to hear that lay anymore." 4161,"We walk, then." 4162,"Great, back to the fight." 4163,"So, has my bow turned up yet?" 4164,"Did you know my father? He was really important. He even talked to the Jarl sometimes." 4165,"I don't like wizards and their spells. Give me an axe any day." 4166,"You must be new. We don't talk to each other here." 4167,"Do not be afraid. Faasnu. Let me feel the power of your Thu'um." 4168,"I'm still looking for someone to deliver my message to Sibbi Black-Briar..." 4169,"You've done it! That's all of them!" 4170,"As always, lord, your loyalty is a shining example to us all." 4171,"You, meat! Come, come." 4172,"Steward, I will need the following reagents for my studies. Please see to them." 4173,"Maybe. For now just lay low and do your job. I have a feeling we'll be rid of the Captain soon..." 4174,"Oh. I'm sorry. Well, it's good to have you here, anyway." 4175,"Nah. Just... don't. Leave me outta it." 4176,"Like a novice picking an impossible lock or a blind man suddenly turning to face you as you reach for his pocket?" 4177,"What's he doing poking his nose in there?" 4178,"Let me give you a small bit of advice. Nothing in this line of work is easy. If it was, every dreg in the Ratway would be robbing Riften blind." 4179,"May the words of poets keep you warm." 4180,"I don't want to die. I can't die here!" 4181,"That spell looks like it'll hurt." 4182,"Don't bother with Tacitus. Useless." 4183,"The original Phial was made from this snow. We'll only need a small bit for the repairs." 4184,"Come on, we can't stop now. We have to keep moving!" 4185,"He's on one of his drunk rants again. Except this time he's challenging everyone to a duel over in the hole." 4186,"Oh you poor thing! Come by the temple and my husband and I will keep you fed." 4187,"I'll show you what I can about protecting yourself." 4188,"We are creatures of the desert. The north wind chills us to the bones." 4189,"Wait! Don't tell me! I want to guess!" 4190,"If the crown exists, it will be there." 4191,"Well then, you're talking to the right person. I'm the only one left in Tamriel that can get my hands on it." 4192,"These Stormcloaks are nothing more than an armed mob. This war won't last much longer." 4193,"They were a secret cabal of the three top rogues in the Thieves Guild. No one knew their identities." 4194,"Might even build a new temple and put Heimskr in charge of it. Hah! I bet he'd like that." 4195,"When Mercer stole the Key, that conduit closed, severely limiting our ties to her." 4196,"Arkay watch over you." 4197,"Some wine, please?" 4198,"Why do you care?" 4199,"Oh... Oh how marvelous. Just delicious. It is everything I had hoped it would be. It.... I...." 4200,"If you have any news of the western holds, take it to Ulfric immediately." 4201,"I fought in the Great War. I cut enough young lives short, I'm not going to do it again." 4202,"Enough, Galmar." 4203,"When your Voice can open the path, you will know you are ready to speak to him." 4204,"Well, now. This I hadn't considered." 4205,"Let's go to the Tomb. We can do the cleansing there." 4206,"As part of their ""duties,"" the priests created all sorts of baseless rituals and ceremonies all on Nocturnal's behalf." 4207,"Backup! I need some help in here!" 4208,"Some of them have a long way to go, but they're mostly passable. Don't let them hear I said that, though!" 4209,"Get in good with Brynjolf, then we'll talk." 4210,"Stick close. This place gives me the creeps." 4211,"Yamarz charged me with keeping outsiders away from Largashbur. You would have me disobey him?" 4212,"I'm cutting your pay for this job." 4213,"However, if we lose the war, the guardsmen of Solitude will make little difference in the end." 4214,"Our men are getting massacred out there. Damn Imperials." 4215,"Why don't you keep that dagger and helmet? Maybe you'll remember me when you're making Skyforge Steel, huh?" 4216,"Where they operate within the shadows, we operated on the side of justice." 4217,"Yes, well. Perhaps the proprietor of this establishment can assist you. Please, you're starting to... frighten me." 4218,"A lack of ambition like that really ought to be punished. Perhaps by turning you into a worm, or maybe a few decades of..." 4219,"Dragonborn!" 4220,"I'll begin preparations. Thank you again so much for this." 4221,"Arkay keep you and protect you." 4222,"And their heretical artifacts grant powers to mortals that wreak havoc across Tamriel. They must be destroyed or guarded to prevent temptation." 4223,"I'm glad we liberated the Rift. It was dangerous having Imperials skulking about on the southern border of Eastmarch." 4224,"End of the road. Markarth, right on schedule." 4225,"Yeah, yeah. Goodbye, kill lots of people, Hail Sithis, and all that." 4226,"I have eyes within Dragonsreach. They tell me that all correspondence from other holds are sent to the Jarl's private chambers." 4227,"That's better. Let's get on the road to Kynesgrove." 4228,"Thanks again for helping reopen the East Empire Company. Gonna have them import me some of that aged Breton cheese." 4229,"See you around, my beauty." 4230,"I was just getting warmed up." 4231,"Been hearing some strange tales of the Jarl's children. Say the one's turning wicked, and the others have an ill-favored look to them." 4232,"Fair enough. But are you willing to die for your home?" 4233,"What did you call me?" 4234,"I believe it is due to the very source of our concern. This object... The Eye of Magnus as your people have taken to calling it." 4235,"You've come a long way. I don't think we could do without you. I'm hereby raising you to Tribune. Congratulations." 4236,"Hmm. Caves. Wonder what's below." 4237,"Killed my first creature in a cave just like this... I'll never forget it." 4238,"One day, you'll be forced to make a choice. And I hope it's the right one, brother." 4239,"She was a stubborn Dunmer... always had to do everything her way." 4240,"Meals are served to Bards at designated times. Find an inn if you want to make requests." 4241,"I hate her. Everyone hates her. She's the meanest person I ever met. Sometimes she even locks us in the... room." 4242,"Hey. In the Bannered Mare, there's this bottle of Argonian Ale. The good stuff. Get it for me. They won't even know it's gone. Come on..." 4243,"I must have broken five or six pickaxes in the last few months alone." 4244,"A strong sword-arm wins battle, but a keen mind wins wars." 4245,"The others... I've spoken to them. And they're coming around, I know it. The wizard, Festus Krex... perhaps even the Argonian, and the un-child..." 4246,"Not right now. I'm going to look at some of these carvings. I wonder if Ysgramor ever set foot here while he was alive." 4247,"Together, we made short work of them and the last one limped away licking its wounds." 4248,"I remember a cutpurse trying to rob me on the road once. When I drew Grimsever, I think the poor man soiled his armor!" 4249,"Oh, that sounds lovely." 4250,"If you have the guts to head into the Ratway and get my bow back, I'll pay you what I can." 4251,"Old Embershard Mine's up there. Used to produce a lot of iron, but collapsed and taken over by criminals, I hear." 4252,"The headmistress is an evil, cruel woman. They call her Grelod the Kind. But she's not kind. She's terrible. To all of us." 4253,"No more than I was already getting." 4254,"But first, tell me. Why's an Orc want to fight for Skyrim?" 4255,"So, you're the new recruit everyone's been talking about, eh? I guess it's about time we talked." 4256,"Hmm? Oh, well... To be honest, I was just thinking of Nazeem. The gap between us seems to be widening. He is just so... self-absorbed." 4257,"Bless you, friend. You have renewed my hope." 4258,"I'll be damned if I'm going to lose her to... well, to whatever they are." 4259,"Before both of you arrived, I recovered a journal from Gallus's remains. I suspect the information we need is written inside." 4260,"Addvild's made me a happy woman. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else in the world." 4261,"You already have someone to do your fighting for you. Don't need me." 4262,"Ah! Don't do that." 4263,"As one of our city's most influential citizens, she's has taken it upon herself to oversee their incarceration." 4264,"I'm the fourth person to work the tasting counter in the last year. The last three are at the bottom of Lake Honrich." 4265,"It doesn't matter. It's also none of your concern." 4266,"But don't you get it? She thought he was a troll!" 4267,"Don't get too flowery on me, lad." 4268,"He's probably hoping I'll refuse so he can blame the Empire for being unreasonable. I think I'll have to disappoint him yet again." 4269,"Take care, friend." 4270,"I just think they've let my sister's death skew their outlook on Ulfric and what he really brings to the table with this war." 4271,"I suppose so. I just fear they won't make it out here in time." 4272,"Right now I've got a book that I think you might like." 4273,"Dragons, now, is it? Please, mother. If you keep on like this everyone in town will think you're crazy." 4274,"What? You're... can it really be true? Dragonborn?" 4275,"If you have need of tonics or potions, come see me at my shop." 4276,"Oh, come now. Don't go away mad." 4277,"I wish I could, milady. Sadly, I haven't sold enough of my own jewelry let alone buy some from you. I'm sorry." 4278,"People won't say it, but they're afraid of me, so they leave me alone." 4279,"Good. That's what I want to hear. Now go make it happen, soldier." 4280,"We're... at odds about my charity. She thinks the people in this town have become lazy and expecting a handout." 4281,"As part of your initiation, Master Einarth will allow you to tap into his understanding of ""Ro.""" 4282,"I just don't know that it's right for us to be in here like this, picking through the ruins ." 4283,"Never mind, it doesn't matter. You need to leave. Now." 4284,"I'm trying something new, offering discounts for bulk purchases. So far, that seems to be working." 4285,"I'm just trying to imagine you hiding inside the body of a mammoth. Bloody brilliant idea." 4286,"Do it, Listener. Kill me." 4287,"Very well. If you change your mind, you can usually find me here. In the meantime, feel free to look around." 4288,"In fact, if you'd fetch my blade from him I'd be most appreciative." 4289,"Nirya..." 4290,"And indeed, there are many that call us heroes." 4291,"Strong, yes, but how clever are you? I'll tell you what, if you can open the lock on my chest, you can have everything in it." 4292,"It's quite romantic, if you're an alchemist. Frost took the old fool a few seasons back, while he was looking for the Ring of Pure Mixtures." 4293,"Sometimes the difference between life an' death is a swift steed." 4294,"Oh, I'm not sure I could ever settle down like you have, friend. " 4295,"And I'm telling you, you're wrong." 4296,"What gave it away?" 4297,"Here you sit arguing about... nothing! While the fate of the land hangs in the balance!" 4298,"What it does with these memories is just conjecture and an argument for scholars and historians to this very day." 4299,"Just watch yourself. You don't want to meet me on the job." 4300,"I hate those damn things. Too many eyes, you know?" 4301,"Not here. We will meet at Reachcliff Cave." 4302,"Alright everyone! Keep your guard up. Let's move out!" 4303,"It's from... Falk Firebeard at the Blue Palace? You've got friends in high places." 4304,"This is the only thing I've ever found. I think it's better off in your hands." 4305,"At least you remembered to bring me the information I requested. Give me that." 4306,"Look at you, almost a grown man! Won't be long before you'll be joining the fight yourself." 4307,"Don't talk about my father like that, Jon. And the answer's still no." 4308,"Have it your way, then." 4309,"Who knows what powers the elixir will unlock!" 4310,"My lord. Please. This is no time for rash action. I just think we need more information before we act." 4311,"The moot will meet and choose Ulfric as High King. With his troops in most of the cities, they have little choice." 4312,"Remember to put in a good word with Maven for me." 4313,"Song or not, I just want it done." 4314,"I'd go down there myself, but that would leave Jarl Laila unprotected." 4315,"I'm a mage, not a pawnbroker, you know." 4316,"Come to purchase ebony? Our Gloombound Mine runs thick with black veins. " 4317,"Hmph. Fine. Suit yourself. But you're wrong, anyway. Just look at the fool. I don't know what it is, but he's damn well guilty of something." 4318,"The circumstances differ. This time I have what you seek." 4319,"I believe so. Therefore, you are to obtain that information from Virane - who the Gourmet really is, and where he can be found. " 4320,"If you're here to report any instances of corruption, be confident that we're handling these rumors accordingly." 4321,"Careful, huh? Thanks, Skulvar. I'll remember that. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" 4322,"That's what I keep telling myself." 4323,"That was suspiciously nice of her. I thought she hated everyone." 4324,"Fine. Then I'll invite him out to play. He lives right there. I'm going to knock on his door..." 4325,"Down with Ulfric the killer of kings. On the day of your death we'll drink and we'll sing." 4326,"The question is, what isn't wrong with Riften." 4327,"You get to kill the Emperor. The bloody Emperor. You'd better enjoy this one. You owe us all that much. So make it bloody, painful, and spectacular." 4328,"This is Stormcloak territory. If you're one of those craven Imperials, don't expect a warm welcome." 4329,"Meet me outside Fallowstone Cave. You clear the way to the giant for me, and I'll make sure you get paid for it." 4330,"Come back to me when you have something useful." 4331,"The Companions? In Jorrvaskr? They're recruiting new members, from what I hear." 4332,"Take this with our gratitude." 4333,"Karliah, when will you learn you can't get the drop on me?" 4334,"Oh, thank you. The dogs were getting restless." 4335,"Lost funt. You are too late, Alduin!" 4336,"Do you have news of our quarry?" 4337,"If they want my city, they're going to have to take it from me personally." 4338,"Come now, don't be shy. You haven't come this far just to stand there gawking." 4339,"To earn your bonus, do not kill Gaius Maro in Dragon Bridge, or on the road. Kill him in one of the other major cities he'll be visiting." 4340,"What should we do?" 4341,"I thank you for this gift. The other Harbingers remain trapped by Hircine, though. " 4342,"Too much magic can be dangerous. M'aiq once had two spells and burned his sweetroll. " 4343,"That'll teach me to try and make extra coin around this city." 4344,"Steel your nerves. The draugr are gone. Focus on your mining." 4345,"The Emperor's cousin, killed. Right here in Solitude. I feel nothing but shame..." 4346,"Don't think you'll get special treatment just because you have a house in the city..." 4347,"If the stones were remounted on the crown, it would be of great benefit to the Thieves Guild." 4348,"Hey! Those belong to my family!" 4349,"The Mercy of Stendarr does not extend to Daedra worshippers." 4350,"Ever see someone killed with their own weapon? Would you like to?" 4351,"The roads of Skyrim can be treacherous. If you must walk them, be wary." 4352,"Thank you. Thank you, Dragonborn. You've done a great service for us all." 4353,"This is... he should not have gone alone. " 4354,"I hope you can change my father's mind. He can be a little stubborn." 4355,"Let me try again..." 4356,"He might find something good in there. One man's trash is another's treasure." 4357,"And what do you plan to do with it? Do you even know what you're asking about, or are you just someone's errand girl?" 4358,"Ready to do this?" 4359,"Come back to gloat? I've been beaten by worse than you." 4360,"Don't talk such rot." 4361,"Something wrong, Ahlam?" 4362,"I've got a recipe for venison stew that I want to try out. Will you have venison anytime soon?" 4363,"You can't hide from the hidden." 4364,"You look rather pale. Could be Ataxia. It's quite a problem back home in Cyrodiil." 4365,"You have your orders. Rendezvous with the rest of the men outside Korvanjund." 4366,"Divines bless you. May the ground you walk quake as you pass." 4367,"Alduin's wings, they did darken the sky. His roar fury's fire, and his scales sharpened scythes." 4368,"Get away from me. Liar!" 4369,"Ah yes. I've studied those documents... Very interesting..." 4370,"Well, it's kind of an understanding between us. I mean, it just wouldn't feel right to charge them for a bit of preserved food." 4371,"I wonder that the Greybeards even notice what's going on down here. They haven't seemed to care before." 4372,"Still, Candlehearth Hall's got decent food and cheap bunks. You could do worse." 4373,"There's no way out that way, you know..." 4374,"Bolli is a good man, he pays us well and watches out for us." 4375,"They demand the Moot." 4376,"Are we alone? Yes... yes... alone. Sweet solitude. No one will hear us, disturb us. Everything is going according to plan." 4377,"Yes, child. Nana Ildene has taken care of the Silver-Bloods for many years...." 4378,"Wizard! Hiding over there by that fence!" 4379,"Kill one of us, and three more will take their place. The Forsworn are unstoppable." 4380,"Keep your eyes to the road." 4381,"One apple. Since the Blackbloods were dispatched I've had good luck getting shipments." 4382,"I'd rather fight bandits than draugr. At least bandits know when to stay dead." 4383,"An outsider? No reason to stop in Kynesgrove. Keep moving." 4384,"The beds and beer are both lousy, you ask me." 4385,"Vampires are utter abominations. We need to do everything in our power to destroy them." 4386,"It feels good to finally have a chance to help these people. Helplessly watching them suffer's been difficult." 4387,"I'm going to check that out." 4388,"You get a generous amount of gold, I get to complete my collection, and nobody has to die." 4389,"Slow? No. It just ain't there at all." 4390,"Helgen... destroyed by a dragon. Hard to believe, isn't it?" 4391,"I'm the Steward of Whiterun. I serve Jarl Balgruuf in Dragonsreach." 4392,"Hold there." 4393,"But of course! Tell her she'll have it. Maven is one of the few people I can trust and I'd be delighted to give her my blessing." 4394,"Maybe you should just move along." 4395,"But more to the point. Do you - tiny, puny, expendable little mortal - actually think you can convince me to leave? " 4396,"Hmm? What? Project? You think you could help me? I really don't think so." 4397,"Hmm. The Rift would help secure our communications with Cyrodiil... and threaten Ulfric's southern flank..." 4398,"Name's Rune. Yeah, rune... just like you're thinking." 4399,"Huh? Don't do that!" 4400,"Saffir!" 4401,"So if there's a murder at the wedding... Not only will it stall the peace process - it will send shockwaves throughout the entire Empire." 4402,"But what I ask of you... it must be done. There is too much at stake." 4403,"But you're alive! So there's still a chance. A chance to start over, rebuild. That's why I did... this. " 4404,"I don't know... I don't want to do anything that might offend Elenwen. There is a lot of money at stake, after all." 4405,"Jarl Brina Merilis is in charge, thanks to the Empire. Best hide any Talos amulets you have." 4406,"But stopping Alduin is one thing. Helping you wipe out dragons again is quite another." 4407,"Don't kill me.... I don't want to die!" 4408,"Now let's just, you know, try to forget any of this ever happened. All right?" 4409,"Markarth's a different place, now. Do business here, and you do business with the Thieves Guild." 4410,"Most of the Legion is tied down on the border with the Aldmeri Dominion. The Emperor can't afford to risk weakening Cyrodiil's defenses." 4411,"Stay away!" 4412,"Yes, yes. We should proceed cautiously." 4413,"The Greybeards tend not to get out much, if you catch my meaning." 4414,"Wait. You there. Step forward." 4415,"I can be trusted. I know this. But they do not. Onikaan ni ov dovah. It is always wise to mistrust a dovah." 4416,"Listen up. Those Imperials aren't here by coincidence." 4417,"Lucan's got a little bit of everything at the Riverwood Trader." 4418,"Feel free to look around. Come talk to me when you're ready to discuss that job I mentioned." 4419,"It's good to see you in one piece, lad!" 4420,"Do be careful, child. Skyrim is not as safe as it used to be." 4421,"Aye. She's helping me in the house, and even helps her father at the forge." 4422,"And keeps himself out of the dungeon when she's having a bad day..." 4423,"I hope Ulfric will come to his senses. But I fear he's in too far to stop now." 4424,"The Empire is fortunate to have the support of the Thalmor during this difficult time, don't you think?" 4425,"Yes, yes, you're the new Family member. Let's make this easy - consider me the cranky old uncle nobody talks to. You go your way, I'll go mine." 4426,"Arngeir. Rok los Dovahkiin, Strundu'ul. Rok fen tinvaak Paarthurnax." 4427,"Of course, mum." 4428,"Good morning, Assur. What do you want to do today?" 4429,"With the heart of one of their Briar Warriors, I can lock the Phial's magic into its physical form. " 4430,"No, no. Sorry if I sounded so mean there. My brother always said I have a big mouth." 4431,"Svari, Jala said you stole an apple from her cart yesterday. Is this true?" 4432,"We serve only the best here... Black-Briar Mead. May I get one for you?" 4433,"We're with you, Dragonborn." 4434,"We can't hold them back! Go! Get to the Barrier! Release the Miasma!" 4435,"Ah, but nobody wants that, right? Painful for you, annoying for me. So, you pay my fine... and you walk away." 4436,"Watch yourself around here, it isn't safe." 4437,"Gone. The living are right to fear the dead." 4438,"And, soldier. You better help win me back Markarth, or die trying. It was your brilliant strategy to give it over to the rebels in the first place." 4439,"I've seen this before. We need some medicines to combat the ore dust. I was about to send a message to Windhelm for aid." 4440,"Our chief is strong. That is all that matters." 4441,"This is... more than I could have hoped for. Have you really done this for me?" 4442,"I understand your hesitation, but I promise you that it works." 4443,"Mu los vomir" 4444,"You're part of a family now, hamshank. I trust you... you trust me. Got it?" 4445,"Your time runs short." 4446,"But... I can't help but notice that you're doing quite well for yourself, rising through the ranks and all." 4447,"Ralof? How do you know him?" 4448,"All eyes are on you, lass. Don't disappoint us." 4449,"This is far as I can take you. Krif voth ahkrin. I will look for your return, or Alduin's." 4450,"It's just the market rabble. We should get back to work." 4451,"Watch yourself out there. The mercenaries Aringoth hired are trained killers. Just ask our poor little Vex." 4452,"For once you'll actually pay for your crimes." 4453,"By leaving Elisif alive, Ulfric completes the separation of the Empire and Skyrim. " 4454,"Gretta, Engar, stay and guard the entrance. We don't want any Imperial reinforcements taking us by surprise." 4455,"Riften's under my protection. You watch yourself, now." 4456,"I think perhaps we're ready to begin exploring some of the various applications of magic throughout history." 4457,"This again?! That was different. Was Balgruuf given a chance to object? No. The Jarls weren't asked. He was told. And he had to like it." 4458,"I've never been inside a dwarven ruin. They are simply astounding." 4459,"Sometimes I'm surprised he's still the chief." 4460,"My niece Svana helps me with the chores. She'd be more help if she kept her head out of the clouds." 4461,"The prisoners are escaping!" 4462,"Yes, a sign. We are lost without your guidance." 4463,"I have everything under control. Thanks for offering." 4464,"Got a good one here involving a shop, a waylaid shipment of goods and an angry client. You fill in the blanks. You want in?" 4465,"I thank you. And may Kynareth's soft rains fall before you." 4466,"Think hard about your loyalties, brother. I expected better from you." 4467,"You just going to stand there, gawking? Go away. You're starting to... frighten me." 4468,"Ever since I was a boy, I felt this strange sense of destiny surrounding the Mythic Dawn cult, and now I know what it is." 4469,"Let's see what Esbern has to say." 4470,"Now, are you ready to try again? I am confident it will work this time." 4471,"You have heard of the Gourmet?" 4472,"As a matter of fact, there is something you can do for me." 4473,"And it shows, I've seen horkers with smaller guts." 4474,"Do you think that ghost is coming back? It seems to have vanished." 4475,"Roggvir. He opened a gate and they executed him for it." 4476,"Oh, now that explains quite a bit. Motierre, you naughty, naughty boy. Hiring the Dark Brotherhood to help you rise beyond your station. Delicious." 4477,"It's Honorhall Orphanage, in Riften." 4478,"Finally, both of my mines are open again. Time for everyone to get back to work." 4479,"My brother's a good-for-nothing drunk. We'd have lost the house by now if it were up to him." 4480,"Hmm, it's encrypted. It'll take a while to figure this out." 4481,"If Ulfric had asked Torygg directly to stand up, to declare independence, Torygg might have done it." 4482,"I didn't have a choice. When the Red Mountain erupted in Morrowind, the Tong fled... spread to the nine winds." 4483,"Things are tough for him now, I'd wager. What with the fighting, and the dragons. But Balgruuf's a tough old Nord. He can handle it." 4484,"You must trust in the rightness of your cause, and the strength of your Voice." 4485,"Back to work." 4486,"To Whiterun with you." 4487,"In exchange for Riften, the jewel of Skyrim? Hardly." 4488,"Not even for a look. " 4489,"I told you you wouldn't like the news." 4490,"If you're serious, make your way to Solitude. Our headquarters is Castle Dour. You find General Tulius there, commanding our forces in Skyrim." 4491,"I do. Sadly, I'm one of the few traditional Saxhleel Jewelers that remains in Tamriel; it's becoming a lost art." 4492,"We ought dig a big hole, throw all them dark elves and Argonians in it, and let 'em tear each other to pieces." 4493,"Hmm... That's like telling you about the cold of space, or terror of midnight. Sithis is all those things." 4494,"Let's hear it." 4495,"I second that, Igmund. Who knows what that family will do for power? They could be working with the Forsworn, for all we know." 4496,"Everything all right?" 4497,"Quickly, what is it?" 4498,"Wonderful, dear. Thank you." 4499,"Where's my head? I never even greeted you properly." 4500,"You've changed, brother. And not for the better I'm afraid." 4501,"I don't know. If you see any big strong men around, let us know, will you?" 4502,"Oh, don't listen to her. We can do it, just give us a chance!" 4503,"What's the matter, Listener? Night Mother not feeling very chatty these days? You need help from your flesh and blood lessers?" 4504,"Next time you decide to pull a stunt like that again, just remember how much it hurt to give this away." 4505,"Not that there's anything that can be done about it. He's in good with the Thieves Guild." 4506,"First off, there's an Orc hanging around causing me headaches. Something about a vision quest he needs help with." 4507,"The terms are quite simple, Brynjolf. Nocturnal will allow you to become a Nightingale and use your abilities for whatever you wish." 4508,"I'm Skald's housecarl and head of his guard in Dawnstar." 4509,"So be it. The sons of Skyrim at least put the greater good above our own interests." 4510,"Wonderful! Remarkably well-preserved, too." 4511,"Pardon me." 4512,"You men are utter pigs... you only care about one thing." 4513,"With the threat gone Pelagius is under the delusion that he is safe, which means you've helped him... sort of. And we're that much closer to home." 4514,"The cousin of the Emperor was murdered! In Solitude, at her own damn wedding. Not a chance we would have let that happen here." 4515,"By Ysmir's beard, the nerve of those Imperial bastards, eh?" 4516,"He is our creator and master. The Daedric Lord of the Sworn Oath and the Bloody Curse." 4517,"Excellent!" 4518,"We barely made it out alive, and you want to go back in?" 4519,"If you want to call it that, yes. Me? I think she was softening him for the kill." 4520,"What was that you said, venomous wife of mine?" 4521,"Then this is beyond coincidence. First Aringoth and now Sabjorn." 4522,"Greetings, Shield-Brother." 4523,"I'm not a man, I'm a weapon in human form. Just unsheathe me, and point me at the enemy." 4524,"Goods and wares of all kinds, and all can be yours!" 4525,"The Jarl has finally agreed to send you back to Riverwood." 4526,"I will never accept his death! My son still lives. I feel it in my heart. So tell me, Battle-Borns, where is he? Where are you holding my Thorald?" 4527,"Just send me a copy when you've deciphered it." 4528,"A Forsworn agent. Running loose in the city. The Jarl is going to hear about this." 4529,"It is Ri'saad who owns the three trading caravans that travel the roads of Skyrim." 4530,"The snowberries up in Winterhold have lowered themselves to ask for our help." 4531,"Yes? Make it quick, I'm a busy man." 4532,"He has some simple-minded courier delivering it?" 4533,"Wuuthrad was the blade held by Ysgramor when he came back from Atmora." 4534,"I'm glad to know that, because I need your help. You see, I've lost something precious. " 4535,"And that you knew where to get more. Let's go find one!" 4536,"Dragons? Well, that's fascinating. We should have someone look into that." 4537,"You did? We heard that Ulfric was captured..." 4538,"Get up to Winterhold. We're going to take it back." 4539,"Lisette's a fine lass, but when I join the Legion, she's not the type to wait for my return." 4540,"He's making too much racket and I'm trying to get Vex drunk. So I tell him to keep it down and he just runs me through." 4541,"Items? What items? Let me see those." 4542,"This here's Rorikstead. Quiet place. Good people, though. You can get a room and a mug at the Frostfruit Inn if you care to stay." 4543,"I guess all that's left is to bestow the title. What were those words again?" 4544,"It comforts me to know that, Bolgeir." 4545,"Everyone, please. I'm doing what I can to end these nightmares." 4546,"Would your good friend be named Jon, by any chance? I've spied the two of you talking quite intimately." 4547,"I just want to make clear that the only reason I agreed to attend this council was to deal with the dragon menace." 4548,"What do you need, my Thane?" 4549,"You're going to get it, Sissel!" 4550,"Both the Imperials and Stormcloaks have sent riders this way, scouting the bridge and the lands nearby." 4551,"Please. I don't want to talk about it. All that blood." 4552,"Please remain indoors at night. It is dangerous to go outside." 4553,"I still don't have my Gleda back." 4554,"I've spent many hours in council meetings lately grappling with that problem." 4555,"Don't you have better things to do than disturb me?" 4556,"All right. What next, then?" 4557,"This Sanctuary has been my entire life since I was a young woman. That's when I first discovered my, shall we call it ""aptitude,"" for elimination." 4558,"The wood elf may run a stall in the city, but he retreats to the plains outside Whiterun to hunt. Kill him there, and no one will bear witness..." 4559,"If it isn't the best brawler in Skyrim. Good to see you again!" 4560,"And if you want to do business in Tamriel these days, well, you'd better get used to cozying up to the Thalmor. Like it or not." 4561,"Your blood will adorn my blade!" 4562,"You won't take my eye, man-thing!" 4563,"How long can we keep this up?" 4564,"He didn't want to hit the bar like the rest! Ha ha ha!" 4565,"This is exactly what I'm talking about." 4566,"Well met, kinsman." 4567,"I wish you the best of luck." 4568,"Don't worry about it, Svana. It's my problem... no need for you to get involved." 4569,"Outsiders. Nothing but trouble." 4570,"Use subtlety and suggestion to turn his thoughts to the war. You're his steward, he'll listen to you." 4571,"Ha! And neither are you, eh? Good to see another Redguard. I like to think we bring a little heat to this frozen wasteland." 4572,"You've been seen in the company of the Companions. That's an honorable path you're on, friend." 4573,"Sometimes cargo goes missing. " 4574,"They come in here once a week to clean out the bodies, grab any ore we've mined, and beat down the troublemakers." 4575,"J'zargo can learn magic from these men and elves, but they cannot learn to be as dashing as he. J'zargo comes out on top." 4576,"Oh you poor thing, you must be starving. Come to the temple later and let us feed you." 4577,"What's she doing? Looking for rubies in rubbish? Get a job!" 4578,"You found it? I've been looking for that blade for months. You took on all those bandits yourself?" 4579,"Thank you. I'll share this with Aerin." 4580,"We just need to move some of these rocks to clear the way!" 4581,"Ignoring me, huh? Suit yourself. Get 'em Hewnon!" 4582,"Yes sir. " 4583,"What kind of cruel, horrible person are you? My sister was murdered. Do you have any idea what that's like? What I'm going through?" 4584,"Travel great Skyrim, and Kynareth travels with you." 4585,"What? You dare challenge Ma'randru-jo? You will suffer for your insolence!" 4586,"I'm a little busy at the moment. I've got all sorts of errands to run." 4587,"The Emperor is still in Skyrim, but not for long. He's onboard his ship, the Katariah, moored offshore in the Solitude Inlet. But you must hurry!" 4588,"The General has sent me to obtain a powerful weapon for the war effort." 4589,"Please..." 4590,"I... I swear I felt something rather strange just then." 4591,"Halt in the name of the Jarl Hrongar." 4592,"I work at the mill. Chop trees, carry logs, saw lumber, you know." 4593,"Oh... what happened?" 4594,"You have the claw. Oh, you have to tell Lucan at once. Hurry!" 4595,"Now, might I offer some advice? You should go to Riften and find Delvin Mallory. I believe Astrid had you visit him once before?" 4596,"Gulum-Ei is our inside man at the East Empire Company in Solitude." 4597,"Vulwulf! The Empire may be our enemy, but Asgeir is still our son and we're a long way from Cyrodiil." 4598,"The Empire is man's last bastion. If Ulfric wasn't blinded by lust for power, he'd see we are on the same side." 4599,"One of my main duties is to foster a better understanding between the Aldmeri Dominion and the people of Skyrim." 4600,"Then let them die with their false kings." 4601,"That... I gave it to her on our wedding day. Help me, Divines... it's true isn't it? " 4602,"That much? I mean, of course. If that's all you've got." 4603,"It was a stupid plan, and now Rigel is so mad she won't even let us cut him down from there!" 4604,"It's no fun unless you fight me with magic." 4605,"Just keep at it, or Mulush will beat you." 4606,"Die rebel!" 4607,"Just please, don't harm anyone. I couldn't bear the thought." 4608,"Yes. The man came by at noon just like you said. I gave him the package and he gave me this pouch for you." 4609,"By cutting out the disease of this rebellion, we will make this country whole again!" 4610,"We should really get to court." 4611,"I thought she'd have realized it's hopeless by now. I tried to tell her, years ago..." 4612,"Here we are. Gods, I'm nervous. We'll go in in just a moment. Please, I'll serve. You just stand there and... be amazing." 4613,"I will take back my family's castle." 4614,"I swear they're making me do this for a laugh. At least I'm not dealing with the prisoners down below." 4615,"I would like to arrange a contract. Several, actually. I daresay, the most important work your organization has had in, well... centuries." 4616,"I'm sorry, could you describe the smell?" 4617,"Harlot." 4618,"True, he turned traitor to Alduin and helped overthrow the Dragon Cult, but that does not excuse or expiate his previous deeds." 4619,"Maybe this is a way out?" 4620,"Yes, I'm a powerful wizard. No, I won't put on a magic show for you." 4621,"Let the field mouse run. Your pay will be double." 4622,"You return, foolish mortal?" 4623,"I've learned to trust her lead at this point. After all, we Nightingales need to stick together, eh?" 4624,"Well, that's interesting...." 4625,"Good. Did she say anything we need to know?" 4626,"Aye, that I do. I've got to, if I hope to be as good as Eorlund Gray-Mane some day. In fact, I just finished my best piece of work." 4627,"We're not done here." 4628,"Oh, I know, Thonar. Only a mad woman would ever betray the Silver-Blood family." 4629,"Here's your payment. And... a little something else, as well. From me. Consider it my way of apologizing. For being so damned curmudgeonly!" 4630,"I'm sorry I lost myself for a moment there. I just need some time to get over the loss." 4631,"Yes, okay. Well thank you." 4632,"A few years back, I commissioned a unique quill from a good friend of mine in Winterhold." 4633,"No time to talk now, my friend. No time. Out mistress needs tending. Keeping." 4634,"The Stormcloaks are gone, but Talos will never be forgotten. I don't care what the Thalmor say!" 4635,"Let's wait until Brynjolf's here before we begin." 4636,"Hello, child of Kynareth." 4637,"Sorry about the smell. It's a stable, after all." 4638,"One of the fiercest battles I've ever seen." 4639,"Thanks!" 4640,"Well, Sabjorn. Now that you've taken care of your little pest problem, how about I get a taste of some of your mead?" 4641,"So... Northwatch Keep. Then we know where to hit them." 4642,"Follow me. I will show you how to open the path to Paarthurnax." 4643,"As long as I'm left alone to pursue my research, I don't care who gives the orders." 4644,"Sorry, fresh out. Maybe next time." 4645,"None? Nothing at all? Nothing from the College, even?" 4646,"Are you completely insane? Swallow a soul gem?" 4647,"That armor... Are you one of the Emperor's protectors? Can't say I envy you that job." 4648,"They claim to be fighting for Skyrim's freedom, but the war is really all about Ulfric wanting to be High King of Skyrim." 4649,"Well well. Another maggot to squash beneath my boot." 4650,"Better than nothing, I suppose. But Ulfric will need to offer a lot more if he wants me to give up Markarth without a fight." 4651,"Now... This conversation never happened. Understood?" 4652,"I guess I should be getting back to work. It was more fun talking, though." 4653,"I picked up the trade when I was a girl. One of the temple healers staying here on a pilgrimage showed me the basics." 4654,"Anuriel, would you please stop declaring that the city is safe for the Jarl to roam? You and I both know that isn't true." 4655,"This was the last great bastion of the Dragon Cult, and their leader's mask was reported to be quite powerful." 4656,"It will have to do. Besides, if it came to blows, I'm sure the Snow-Shod's would come out here and assist us." 4657,"I like to spend time up here. Walk the Steps, meditate on the emblems. Doesn't hurt when I bag some game along the way." 4658,"Surely you have something better to do..." 4659,"Things are looking up around here, lad." 4660,"We'll speak again later. If we must..." 4661,"Savos doesn't care for politics. He likes to believe the College is removed from the rest of Skyrim." 4662,"They ended up sacking the Imperial City. I was there, blasting apart young Elven men and women with Fireballs and Lightning Bolts." 4663,"So, Maven wants to hunt down Sabjorn's private partner, huh?" 4664,"Corruption, lies and deceit are the order of the day here." 4665,"Get over to Falkreath." 4666,"Huh. I feel better now." 4667,"Oh, now, do be careful..." 4668,"So that's my sad story. What do you think?" 4669,"Not him again." 4670,"Apologies. But perhaps this isn't the time. I've never even heard of this outsider." 4671,"Leave me alone. Haven't you done enough damage already?" 4672,"Keep your eyes on it!" 4673,"Oh! Well if you change your mind, come back and see me." 4674,"When a new government takes charge, records can be lost, taxes can be forgotten and laws aren't always enforced." 4675,"There's little time for talk, what do you want?" 4676,"Hail, comrade! Shall we by clash of steel ease the gloom of the encompassing mist?" 4677,"Once you've found out anything, come straight to me." 4678,"Karliah? Then she's finally found it." 4679,"Agh! Dead body!" 4680,"Everyone please, stand back!" 4681,"We've got to get this bridge down." 4682,"Aim for the middle target." 4683,"Skjor and Aela like to tease me, but they are good people." 4684,"What's a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother." 4685,"That's what you always say." 4686,"I think the Bards College might be looking for recruits. You should speak to the head of the college, Viarmo, if you're interested." 4687,"This really isn't turning out the way I'd hoped." 4688,"Oh, pardon me. Were you saying something? I do apologize, it's just that I find myself suddenly and irrevocably..." 4689,"It's not about the money, really. I wouldn't have given you the wedding ring on credit if you weren't so obviously in love." 4690,"You will be called upon to rely solely on your Restoration spells." 4691,"I guess he's better at all that talking stuff anyway. I'd just mess everything up." 4692,"I'm very disappointed. I'd advise you to rethink that decision soon." 4693,"We used to think the pirates had an army of battlemages at their side." 4694,"Ha ha! Are you kidding me? I've got the entire Thieves Guild at my back. What've you got?" 4695,"It's time we made this official. You ready to take the Oath?" 4696,"Of course! Any friend of Hadvar's is a friend of mine. I'm glad to help however I can." 4697,"Only, she was gone. Shipped away to another orphanage, or adopted, or... I didn't know what else to do, so I came back, hoping nobody noticed I left." 4698,"It's no easy thing to make a living in the wilds of Skyrim." 4699,"One taste will lead to nearly instant death, so don't even think about it." 4700,"So you have the Voice, then? I would be quite impressed to see that." 4701,"He said he was going east towards the border of Morrowind to trade some of our grain to some folks at Broken Helm Hollow." 4702,"Show us, Dragonborn. Let us taste of your Voice." 4703,"This is insanity. We never should've come here." 4704,"I can send you into Azura's Star as soon as you're ready." 4705,"Ha! Surely you're pulling Cicero's leg!" 4706,"I suppose. But Svari, we don't steal. We're better than that. Understand?" 4707,"Blessings of Talos upon you." 4708,"Look at you, begging on the streets. Learn a trade." 4709,"What the... we've been betrayed! Look out!" 4710,"Mmm, yes... Brelas, is that the one? I hope you're not thinking of cutting me out, are you? Haha." 4711,"Are you the one sent by Mara?" 4712,"So that's why you're here, Ulfric? You dare to insult the Greybeards by using this council to advance your own position?" 4713,"Sure, sure. It's just, you know, not every day I meet someone who's laid eyes on a dragon." 4714,"What is it? I haven't had much sleep." 4715,"Let's see here..." 4716,"By the gods... I don't even know what to say..." 4717,"I hope he turns up soon... he needs to answer for his betrayal." 4718,"You vanished after drinking the Torpor and materialized on the other side. I have never seen anything quite like it." 4719,"Indeed. And so you have come looking, though you do not know why." 4720,"You assassins and your riddles. It really does get very annoying, you know. Now if you'll excuse me..." 4721,"But we are honorbound to fight it, even if we fail. This dragon is threatening our homes... our families." 4722,"I wish you luck, but should leave here while I still have my skin. " 4723,"The court wizard of Markarth, Calcelmo, may have the materials you need to get this journal translated." 4724,"Do me a favor. If you speak to Maven, tell her everything's well at hand down here, okay?" 4725,"Oh. Of course." 4726,"I hear the steward asked you to look into the fire." 4727,"It's an old family. Very well-respected throughout the Reach." 4728,"Hind siiv Alduin, hmm? No doubt you want to know where to find Alduin?" 4729,"I'm ready." 4730,"Many battles have been fought here over the centuries. Graves were dug and monuments built, and the town grew around these." 4731,"What do you want? There's no words left to say to each other." 4732,"I'd explain my research, but you'd just be confused." 4733,"Oh, no. I won't tell you anything more until we have an agreement." 4734,"Now we have to pin all these recent murders on you. Silence witnesses. Work. Work. Work." 4735,"You're smarter than you look." 4736,"I've caught wind that one of the brighter Silver Hand has been sniffing around Eastmarch." 4737,"I heard you're the reason we get to have this. Thank you." 4738,"First off, we hear a group of Imperial legionnaires are coming around to our way of thinking. With a little encouragement they'll join our side." 4739,"I'd also warn you not to cross her. She employs quite a few... troubleshooters to take care of messy problems." 4740,"What are you hiding, priest?" 4741,"Victory for Nocturnal!" 4742,"Ugh. You mangy piece of pit-bait." 4743,"I have a saying - I'm not going to feel what you have to like. Or something like that. " 4744,"Yes! Yes! Return me to this realm!" 4745,"Yes, what is it?" 4746,"I don't think so, Madena. There will be no deserters in this hold, and that's final." 4747,"I bet the two of us, we're very alike. So why not take the next step? We can help each other." 4748,"This giant... It's not the only thing in Fallowstone Cave. Getting to it isn't going to be easy." 4749,"Ah ha! So you're a student of theoretical applied harmonics!" 4750,"Ulfric showed his true colors today, eh? Don't worry. You aren't the first to be taken in by his self-serving lies." 4751,"The shrine of Namira is further inside. Keep going." 4752,"It's a clan of giants. The war is driving them out of their lands, and they've started attacking settlements." 4753,"This looks good. You put time into your blades, they'll serve you well when you need them." 4754,"Great! I'll unlock the door and meet you inside, then you can lead the way." 4755,"In order to learn and use this Shout, you will be taking this evil into yourself." 4756,"I don't know what he's doing, but he won't get away with it." 4757,"I can't say I'm happy with your decision. If you change your mind, let me know." 4758,"Dragonborn? What are you talking about?" 4759,"Hey, kinsman. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance!" 4760,"See if you can get it open with some picks. We'll need everything we can get." 4761,"Do they? How delightful!" 4762,"Back, eh? And how was our friend Calcelmo?" 4763,"Perhaps I'll be seeing more of you." 4764,"That's about the only harmless thing you can do in this city. Silver-Blood Inn is the place to go." 4765,"The blood of Markarth is silver." 4766,"You're wearing Mara's amulet? You? I'd marry you. I'd marry you twice." 4767,"Goodbye." 4768,"If it's a fight you want, I'm ready this time." 4769,"You might be able to trap him there, exactly." 4770,"Look, I was saving this, but I wanted you to have it. I thought I might need it if Sapphire came for me, but I don't need it anymore." 4771,"The fool's my husband. I'm Fjola - or I was, once. Don't you see?" 4772,"When you come to your senses, find me there and we'll discuss your future." 4773,"We'll begin as soon as you're wearing the hat. Check the shelf over there. Wouldn't want the Emperor mistaking you for someone else, now would we. " 4774,"Oh yes, mistress. Perfectly! You're the boss." 4775,"They're beautiful. I can see why he wanted to find them." 4776,"Oh, look. A Nordic ruin." 4777,"There's two kinds of Pit fighters -- good ones and dead ones." 4778,"Is it true what they say? There was a dragon held captive in Whiterun, and you... you released it? By the gods, man, why?" 4779,"It will keep it's hands to itself, yes?" 4780,"Look at you! You're as filthy as a pig in a pen!" 4781,"It's always good to see someone I can count on." 4782,"That armor... it's like nothing I've ever seen. Like forged midnight..." 4783,"Your kind deed will not go unrewarded, my friend. Tell Erik I've changed my mind, and we'll visit Whiterun soon to fit him for armor." 4784,"You'll be doing whatever Galmar tells you to do, and causing as much mayhem as possible for the Empire and any Jarl who supports them." 4785,"I hope you're Dragonborn, I really do. But we'll find out soon enough." 4786,"It took me weeks, but I finally tracked down the killer. A bloody Altmer at that. Can you imagine?" 4787,"Oh, yes. Weylin. Bastard could have at least gone crazy after we made our silver quota." 4788,"Meet the brothers preparing for the attack. Then join them in wiping out the Imperials. Once you prevail we will garrison the fort." 4789,"Take this symbol of Mara. She will guide you to the wandering souls of two whose love was so great that their entwinement binds them to this world." 4790,"Very true! Hmm. I wonder... do you know the Jarl's palace in Whiterun?" 4791,"Goodbye, dear." 4792,"I am charged with protecting the Jarl from any and all threats." 4793,"Work? I demand tribute before you can be considered for any real tasks." 4794,"Tell me, Vignar. Was all this worth it?" 4795,"By the Eight! It's gone, everything's gone! Get in here, all of you!" 4796,"Your corpse will feed my spiders for weeks. Now die, you fool!" 4797,"We need to stem the flow of silver to the rebellion. Until we retake the Reach, the Stormcloaks will plunder it's mines to fund further violence." 4798,"In honor of your service in battle, I am hereby granting you permission to purchase property in Whiterun. Talk to my steward if you're interested." 4799,"Take us!" 4800,"The trouble is that I can't seem to speak around her." 4801,"I have a feeling there's going to be trouble." 4802,"Yes, I'm positive I heard something." 4803,"What was that? Some kind of foreign move?" 4804,"I wouldn't mind teaching the ways of the pickpocket... if the gold was right." 4805,"They call the path to the monastery the 7,000 Steps. Can you imagine?" 4806,"I certainly hope so, otherwise I'm wasting my time." 4807,"Ah, no mere brute mercenary, but a thinker - perhaps even a scholar?" 4808,"Writings from that period, including those of Ysgramor himself, do not mention the stones and thus this idea cannot be verified." 4809,"Oh, yes, Miss Hulda." 4810,"Ah. Indeed, indeed. I do remember." 4811,"..told him to just hand over the gold, but did he listen? Oh, no... they always have to fight back..." 4812,"Don't you see? It was me. I set you up, wanted you dead. I betrayed you, the Night Mother... everything I hold dear. And now Maro has betrayed me." 4813,"I'm positive whatever I require will be revealed to me on its own, in due time." 4814,"Suit yourself." 4815,"So glad we kept you in Skyrim. Serving your Emperor was worth the wait, of course." 4816,"We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle right here in Whiterun Hold." 4817,"I am indeed Ulfric Stormcloak..." 4818,"She might find something good in there. One man's trash is another's treasure." 4819,"By the gods, it's true, isn't it? A dragon has attacked Whiterun. How could mere men bring down such a beast?" 4820,"Why don't you have a chat with Legate Rikke?" 4821,"Did you see a Dog out there?" 4822,"Some are saying the Psijic Monks have been seen in Skyrim. They're an ancient order. I had 'em figured for dead." 4823,"Look around you. The Flagon, the Guild... it's all fallin' apart." 4824,"But not all can enter there. Only Septimus knows the hidden key to loose the lock to jump beneath the deathly rock." 4825,"Nobody knows his true identity. Well, nobody except Gaius Maro, and you've already taken care of him." 4826,"Perhaps you have encountered Ma'dran or Akhari? Both are sworn to me, and both have worthy goods to offer." 4827,"We need nothing from outsiders! Yamarz will provide for us." 4828,"If he wasn't a Black-Briar, I'd march right over to the jail and teach Sibbi some manners... but then I suppose I'd end up like Wulfur." 4829,"Maybe you're right. Even so, I can't help wondering if some other force it at work here." 4830,"Look, he says we needed coin, so I got coin. Who cares if people got hurt? Blood washes off septims." 4831,"Can't blame you for having better things to do than help some farmer you don't know." 4832,"I guess it's all over. I expected... I don't know what I expected." 4833,"That's no small amount of coin, friend." 4834,"So, you're the new recruit, eh?" 4835,"Yes, the staff. Interesting..." 4836,"You know, if you've got the aptitude, you should join the Mages College in Winterhold..." 4837,"Dear. You should put that weapon away." 4838,"Ah, a snitch, eh? Can't have you running to any guards now, can I? " 4839,"We're mounting our final attack on Solitude. Get over there and join the rest of the army. They'll be launching the attack soon. Talos be with you!" 4840,"Why delay? Please, take your seat so we can begin." 4841,"She's so lost in her visions, and it's only getting worse." 4842,"The Mage Light spell is useful to any mage, not just those specializing in Alteration. Can you cast one on the seal on the ground?" 4843,"I think you'll be a superb addition to the College. Welcome, Apprentice." 4844,"From ship's captain to lowly crewman... I suppose I deserve it after wasting all my coin on gambling and women." 4845,"With both Alduin and Paarthurnax dead, a dark chapter in history will finally be closed." 4846,"If it'll put your mind at ease, then I agree. But not now, all right? We need the business from the stand." 4847,"I want no mercy for those Forsworn. Understand?" 4848,"Simple... I'm going to cause a distraction and you're going to steal Madesi's silver ring from a strongbox under his stand." 4849,"" 4850,"I must now show them the path that will lead us back to our strength." 4851,"Ah, but we can discuss that later, yeah? What does the Brotherhood need?" 4852,"What news have you heard from the war, Irnskar?" 4853,"Surely you wouldn't miss a few scales... or a small amount of blood..." 4854,"Yes, and I'm also aware of how necessary my divinations and wards have been in the city's defense. My experiments are all I ask for in return." 4855,"M'aiq is very practical. He has no need for mysticism." 4856,"Thank you. That bastard got exactly what he deserved." 4857,"I guess I have no choice but to let the Dragonborn decide. Although I'm starting to doubt your fairness." 4858,"Listen, when you're finished with this Emperor business, meet Babette and me there. I'll find some way to move the Night Mother. Don't worry. Now go!" 4859,"So I'm told. Let's see if you impress." 4860,"Simple. Do as you're told and keep your blade clean. We can't turn a profit by killing." 4861,"And skillfully, too. I've been watching you for ages, it seems. You have the makings of a fine hunter." 4862,"It has been suggested that the object is a gateway to the realm of Aetherius, but nothing has proven that idea one way or the other." 4863,"I'm sorry, I'm just... you're right. Let me explain." 4864,"I oppose tyranny. I oppose those who tell me how to live, what to think, and what to believe." 4865,"Wow! Then I could dive into a river and swim so far away that Britte and father could never find me." 4866,"I can show you a few things, but anyone asks, and my name never comes up. Understand?" 4867,"Vile! None of that - you made a deal, and the mortal stood by it honestly. Now it's your turn to come through." 4868,"That's right! Worst innkeeper in all of Skyrim!" 4869,"You're back. Good. You'll want to hear this." 4870,"Not now, I'm trying to watch this!" 4871,"Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into." 4872,"We must also have ample reserves of water to combat the fires that will surely spread after an attack." 4873,"Hammerfell? I'm not against the idea, but why?" 4874,"Yes, of course. We'll have more time to look around later, I suppose. Let's see what's up ahead." 4875,"Have you spoken to Fastred yet?" 4876,"Either way, it's been a pleasure, my friend. Here's to the future of the Guild. May it last another thousand years!" 4877,"I'll just prepare the subject now..." 4878,"Those bastards." 4879,"You don't have to, because it's utter nonsense. It's never going to work." 4880,"Here, why don't you take this. It was intended to be given to the best in their group as a reward for their hard work." 4881,"This should come in handy. Here. Let me show you a few tricks I've learned about buttering up royalty." 4882,"Vengeance for Laelette!" 4883,"This isn't the time or place for magic, or whatever it is Falion does." 4884,"Nord stonework. Thousands of years old." 4885,"What's more, Ulfric's refusal to execute his slain enemy's wife will be portrayed as the ultimate act of compassion. Hmph. It's genius, really." 4886,"Wait for me." 4887,"Hey, cheese brain!" 4888,"I think by now I've killed one of every living thing in Skyrim. May be time for a trip to Morrowind." 4889,"Can't you see I'm working? Beat it." 4890,"Tsk. What a woman will do for a few coins..." 4891,"Maven Black-Briar wants me to keep the mead flowing and that's what I aim to do despite all these lazy good-for-nothings that work for us." 4892,"I'm not going to talk to you until this mess is cleaned up." 4893,"Oh yes, please, kind sir. My mama and papa left me all alone, and I'm so very hungry. I know a shortcut to the candy shop. Through this alley." 4894,"Lust can make a man do the unthinkable." 4895,"There must be a way to activate these doors deeper in the ruins. Here, take this key. It should open the doors on either side of this chamber." 4896,"Humph. That's only a problem for people who can't afford to hire their own security." 4897,"I've lived through rebellion, Forsworn, undead, witches, wizards, hagravens, and marriage." 4898,"Let's not waste too much time talking when there is glory to be had." 4899,"Wait until the ceremony is over, then we'll talk." 4900,"By the Code of Malacath, you must pay bloodprice for your crimes. Which will it be, blood or gold?" 4901,"(Sigh)" 4902,"The Aldmeri Dominion is the only thing keeping the Empire on its feet." 4903,"Don't reckon they can use you. But stranger things have happened." 4904,"Ain't many visitors come to the dungeon. Every now and then Sybille Stentor will come by looking for... volunteers." 4905,"The Balmora Blue is locked in a chest under the docks near the Red Wave. Hope you like getting wet." 4906,"What's more, he's got no armor. I'll have to save up the money for it." 4907,"Malacath has given me the task to mine. Good ore brings strength to our people." 4908,"Wait, before you go..." 4909,"Implicate and kill his son Gaius, and the commander will be grief-stricken and humiliated, his family name ruined. The security plan will then fail." 4910,"In fact, thieves have been known to kill, if there's a profit in it. This war's been hard on all of us." 4911,"What do you want me to carry?" 4912,"We're almost there. Windhelm's just ahead." 4913,"We're getting to the point where the tunnels are getting deep into the rock. People complain of bad coughs and foul air." 4914,"This is an utter waste of time." 4915,"Why do you tolerate him, mother? All he contributes to this family is embarrassment and disgrace." 4916,"If I had it, I'd pay! There's no need to do that!" 4917,"Salmon sounds good today." 4918,"Well, if it isn't the bully that goes around hurting people." 4919,"I'm disappointed in you brother. You had it all. You had it all and your mouth cost you everything." 4920,"Take care of yourself, and always remember: the world is ripe with people looking to spill your blood..." 4921,"Every prisoner in the Reach is just another worker for our family." 4922,"Set an ambush on the road between, or camp one of the inns." 4923,"In return, you'll be required to defend the Twilight Sepulcher and everything within when the need arises." 4924,"Wolf Queen. Hear our call and awaken. We summon Potema!" 4925,"Very well, Ulfric. Enjoy your petty victory." 4926,"You heard the summons. What else could it mean?" 4927,"I'll also notify my guards of your new title." 4928,"Drem Yol Lok. Greetings." 4929,"Yeaaaah! Come on, we can take them!" 4930,"Don't tell me you, of all people, are afraid of a battle." 4931,"Please, let me out of here!" 4932,"Tell you what. Keep to your word, and I'll line your pockets with as much as I can scrape up." 4933,"He told me to make sure you didn't get in the way. That's all I know, I swear!" 4934,"What do you want? You've caused enough trouble." 4935,"I'd just assume die before I'd let Mercer get those gems." 4936,"I thought today was going to be boring." 4937,"Slow's the only way to do it! Work too hard and you'll warp the wood." 4938,"Calm down there, whelp. Don't feel like you need to show off for our sake." 4939,"I'll meet you outside of town." 4940,"Goldenglow Estate brought in a mountain of gold for the Guild. You could almost call it our sweetest deal." 4941,"It was on a job a few years back... it was supposed to be a simple burglary on a house in Windhelm." 4942,"This is your initiation into the coven. Go ahead. Have the first bite." 4943,"Browse as much as you like, please." 4944,"Archers. Behind those windows!" 4945,"Several of his ancestors belonged to the Mythic Dawn, the cult that almost destroyed Tamriel." 4946,"I have two others that wish to transact the Oath; to serve you both in life and in death." 4947,"The Black Star will never decay, but it can no longer hold the white souls of lesser creatures." 4948,"Good, good. She didn't see you take them?" 4949,"Uuh. Would you mind dousing that magic?" 4950,"Our wedding is soon. I'll see you then!" 4951,"I feel like I can beat anything." 4952,"Do you know she's slept with three different men in the last month alone? What kind of a woman would do such a thing?" 4953,"You left a note but it was mostly gibberish, the only bit I could make out was ""after repaying Ysolda in Whiterun.""" 4954,"If you find Mercer, give no quarter... kill him and be done with it." 4955,"He he he he he he he. The real question is, ""Would someone pay to have me killed... again.""" 4956,"Finally, someone around here that can get things done. " 4957,"Yes, milady. I've also taken the liberty in preparing a private carriage... just in case." 4958,"They were crushed, of course, but the survivors - the Forsworn - still lurk in the wilds and make the Reach dangerous for honest folk." 4959,"I told you. I'm done with all that. There's enough blood on these hands. I'm interested in creating things now." 4960,"I am so very sorry. I went over this again and again, and I was sure it would have better results." 4961,"Clearly you've never spent any time in Morrowind." 4962,"Ulfric did right killing him. Soon we'll rid Skyrim of elves, their bloody Justiciars, and the Jarls in their pockets. The whole damn lot of them." 4963,"What was that? Don't do it again." 4964,"If he's willing, then we'll talk." 4965,"I heard you hurt someone in town not too long ago." 4966,"If there's nothing else, I have work to do..." 4967,"Forgive me if I don't appear relieved... this temple has taken its toll on me." 4968,"Didn't you know?" 4969,"When they look upon us, they see only pickpockets and skooma dealers. It is most unfair, but we do our best to ignore them." 4970,"She is here, among us." 4971,"It was Atmah's idea to come here, at first. She talked me into it, and I convinced the others." 4972,"All well and good. But did you know that he was Alduin's chief lieutenant in ancient times? Responsible for terrible atrocities?" 4973,"Mara this and Mara that. Where is she when hundreds of Stormcloaks are dying for no good reason, eh?" 4974,"Sibbi? He's in prison... you put him there." 4975,"But if you mean me, now, in particular... maybe they've started to get an inkling of what the return of the dragons means." 4976,"That's what they say." 4977,"I know you can hear me!" 4978,"I was assigned to Ulfric's guard. We were on our way to Darkwater Crossing, in the south of Eastmarch." 4979,"I see you're back from Dawnstar. Beitild lies dead, I hope?" 4980,"Now, since we're not the Dark Brotherhood, we're not going to kill him, we're just going to make sure he sits in the prisons for a few days." 4981,"I have dishonored my brothers by being captured, and so they have left me here." 4982,"If you're feeling adventurous, I'm always looking for someone to procure valuable books from some more... dangerous locations." 4983,"The fall forest makes me miss my childhood; playing among the towering trees in Valenwood and living with my brethren." 4984,"I've seen a lot of thieves come and go, but I've never seen anyone as good as me." 4985,"(Whimpering)" 4986,"Please! Release me! Cut my bonds!" 4987,"Rikke. Go." 4988,"So how are things with you and Bolli?" 4989,"I feel so helpless out here. The people of Riften depended on me, and I failed them." 4990,"I've never been more ready!" 4991,"The rebels called it ""The Markarth Incident."" It was the founding day for the Stormcloaks, and where this war really started." 4992,"You kiddin'? My brother Dirge works in their hideout." 4993,"We believe the place in our vision to be Karthwasten." 4994,"I think not." 4995,"I don't know much. Only the old tales about the ancient heroes who would use the Voice to defeat the enemies of Skyrim." 4996,"War always comes down to this, doesn't it? A single truth-laden moment." 4997,"You're headed to Markarth." 4998,"I need someone to do that to someone. I'll even pay." 4999,"They are good, loyal children." 5000,"Shor's bones... how did they find this place?" 5001,"In any event, when Vici dies, it's going to be complete pandemonium. Best have your escape route planned out in advance." 5002,"I keep hoping this is another vision, that it's not real. But it is, isn't it? We really have lost our home." 5003,"And you've proven that was the best move I could have made. Don't give me that look. You're free to go." 5004,"Well, yes. The designs for my Convector were based on real dwarven machines, so there may still be some in existence." 5005,"Someone take out that mage!" 5006,"Hey, I cut you into the deal. There's nothing else to discuss." 5007,"Now it's up to me to save him one more time... this time from the executioner's block in Solitude." 5008,"Oh, well, it's just... I never imagined the Gourmet was a Khajiit. You know, because of all the fur, and the potential for getting hair in the..." 5009,"What now? " 5010,"But mama..." 5011,"I have faith in you." 5012,"I am grateful to have the life that I do now. It is a far cry from my days as an orphan on the streets of Corinthe." 5013,"I'll be at the market come morning. You better be there too." 5014,"When we are done with that, we will take our army to the Dominion, and show those pointy-eared bastards not every man is fit to be their slave." 5015,"Two reasons. He's rich and because we need every sword we can get right now." 5016,"Kynareth save us, here he comes again..." 5017,"But Ulfric will not stop here. No, he will continue to strike out against any true Nord who remains faithful to the Empire." 5018,"I work for Belethor, at the general goods store." 5019,"Now you let me know if you need a cure... or anything else." 5020,"Be careful, Niluva is a bit... aggressive when she's cornered." 5021,"We've got an assassin! Check the shadows!" 5022,"Why thank you for that most colorful assessment, Skulvar." 5023,"Have anything interesting to tell me?" 5024,"That hasn't changed, has it? Then just tell them again." 5025,"Confound it, boy, I know what I'm doing. It will help me determine the season of his burial, which I can cross-reference." 5026,"That can't be a coincidence." 5027,"A group of them has holed up in Hjaalmarch." 5028,"That's really not at the top of my list, no. Please, Camilla, I need you to focus." 5029,"Hurry it up. I've got to get back before I'm missed." 5030,"I even went to the College of Winterhold. But they just laughed at me. The magic is in the staff, not in me they said." 5031,"The inner sanctum lies ahead. We must reach the Skull and put an end to Dawnstar's troubles. Lead on, my friend." 5032,"Forsworn have troubled the Reach for too long. I intend to deal with them." 5033,"First you'll need to retrieve the dagger, then use it to carve a few scales off a dragon. Presumably a deceased one." 5034,"Uh-oh." 5035,"Trouble is in the air here." 5036,"Ha! Four more geldings sold. Sound like good news to you?" 5037,"He's an Argonian layabout, likes to scavenge shipwrecks. My guess is he'll run if threatened. Or swim, if given the chance." 5038,"The Khajiit hail from a distant land called Elsweyr, bordered on the north by Cyrodiil and the south by the glistening blue waters of the sea." 5039,"And in return, both in life and in death, you must serve as a guardian of the Twilight Sepulcher." 5040,"Come on, think about it. She'd reward us!" 5041,"And so, the Gourmet has remained in seclusion, somewhere in Skyrim... on indefinite hold. Probably feels like a prisoner. But you'll fix that." 5042,"If you'd permit me, I'd be honored to accompany you in your travels for a time." 5043,"Many thanks." 5044,"Stormcloaks took Markarth. It is good to see Talos worshipped openly again." 5045,"Changed your mind? Well, I can't give up so easily. I'm heading back." 5046,"I know, I know. I'm hurrying." 5047,"But I never dreamed that I would even get to see it." 5048,"You'll find my brother Solaf and I are the only true Nords in Falkreath." 5049,"The Thalmor sought the same thing, and it shall lead to his end as it has so many others." 5050,"You both agree to this?" 5051,"My men are fearless. It's the Imperial milk drinkers I'm worried about." 5052,"I'm Thongvor's steward now. Every coin in this city is ours." 5053,"There's one way to find out. Try to Shout..." 5054,"Hmm?" 5055,"You come do an honest day's work at my mill, and I'll pay you an honest day's wages. Then we'll drink." 5056,"It's time. The Skull must be destroyed." 5057,"Already done, sir." 5058,"No. We're completely exposed. Bows and arrows are in short supply. Every building is made of thatch and wood." 5059,"You outsiders never learn. If the Forsworn don't get you, the guards will throw you in Cidhna Mine to work your fingers off." 5060,"I do not have one in my possession. Nor do you, I'm sure. So we require a Daedra to retrieve one for us." 5061,"Papa may have wanted a son, but he got me. He's a lucky man." 5062,"It's been quite a boon, looking like a child. No one ever suspects a thing." 5063,"At least we don't have a dragon to worry about, for the moment." 5064,"Properly controlled, it has knowledge enough to turn paupers into kings." 5065,"Last, and only for the bravest of souls, we have the ""Cliff Racer"" which is Firebrand Wine, Cyrodiilic Brandy, Flin and Sujamma." 5066,"Huh? What do you want?" 5067,"You should talk to Ainethach if you have business with the mine. Not that there's much these days." 5068,"I should have guessed." 5069,"We're fighting because we're done bleeding for an Empire that won't bleed for us." 5070,"I can handle training one more. After that, I think we'll be ready for a little dragon hunting of our own." 5071,"Looks like you're a little short on coin though. Sorry." 5072,"We do this in secret because Kodlak is too busy trying to throw away this great gift we've been granted." 5073,"That is precisely why we remain neutral. Ours is to tell tales of empires, not to make or break them." 5074,"You just said it yourself." 5075,"We're all eager to see them brought to justice. Maven Black-Briar has assured me that they're being dealt with appropriately. " 5076,"And of course, we couldn't have done it without you." 5077,"It was a cold day. The end of Frostfall is nearly winter in the Jerall Mountains." 5078,"No. I'll tell you, Wilhelm, if I could sweep her away from here tomorrow I'd do it, but Klimmek still has so much to learn." 5079,"It's all been for nothing." 5080,"I think perhaps it might be best if you lead the way. My eyes aren't what they used to be." 5081,"I suppose that risk always coexisted with his line of work, I just never thought his luck would run out." 5082,"It's all about sizing up your mark, lad." 5083,"I... I'm impressed with your initiative. Of course, someone will need to follow up on this." 5084,"Sooner than you think." 5085,"... for in my current condition, I'll never be able to lay my hands on it." 5086,"Runs the Blood Horkers, and makes sure the battles end right-side up." 5087,"The Greybeards have summoned the Dragonborn to High Hrothgar. Such a thing has not happened for... hundreds of years." 5088,"The Legion could sure use someone like you. Good luck." 5089,"Take it." 5090,"Anything. Served in the Legion with my sister, Ghorza, for over 10 years. We've seen every piece you can imagine." 5091,"Wo meyz wah dii vul junaar?" 5092,"Tolfdir is likely already addressing the new Apprentices. Go on in, and if you have any problems, let one of our senior members know." 5093,"A panoply of their brethren could gather to form a facsimile. A trick. Something they didn't anticipate, no, not even them." 5094,"Out here at work, Hjorunn treats me like an equal. Better than most in town." 5095,"I'll stay here and guard the shipment. You get back to camp with news. " 5096,"Good, good. Does it say where he may be headed?" 5097,"This message is for me. I understand now. I have work to do. You, I shall need your help." 5098,"You should probably be in bed. You're looking a bit under the weather." 5099,"To be sure, my lord, I am not skilled in the arts of war or military tactics." 5100,"Make me proud." 5101,"He treats me like a slave... I have to do every nasty, dirty job in the meadery." 5102,"Wait..." 5103,"Nobody we know, by the smell. " 5104,"I'm sorry, but the children aren't up for adoption right now. You should go." 5105,"And lead the Companions to further glory. " 5106,"These matters are becoming more difficult to deal with. I'm going to need 1000 gold from you in order to make reparations." 5107,"I hope the wind dies down a bit before tonight. Hard when you've got to sleep outside. " 5108,"You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore the peace." 5109,"If the Companions would hunt in the name of their lord, Hircine, we would be granted great power. " 5110,"This key opens one of my stashes in the basement of the meadery. Help yourself to any of its contents." 5111,"Again? But there shouldn't be any earthstreams over there. " 5112,"Here, take this as a small token of my esteem." 5113,"In any event, nice work. Here's your payment." 5114,"If it isn't the slayer of the Glenmoril Witches. How can I assist you, Companion?" 5115,"Let me know if there's anything else you need." 5116,"I don't know you, and I don't sell what precious property we have to outsiders." 5117,"The prophecy which brought the Akaviri to Tamriel in the first place, in search of the Dragonborn." 5118,"I may have roots in Cyrodiil, but Skyrim's as much my home as any Nord's." 5119,"Very little. It's an uncertain time. " 5120,"Well, that's it. Sorry if it isn't the ceremony you were hoping for, but we're not exactly known for throwing our coin around." 5121,"What'd you pick up there? Oh, I wish I saw that first. You're so lucky!" 5122,"And... I heard about Nilsine. You have more than fulfilled your part of the bargain. Please, take this - as payment, and a symbol of my affection." 5123,"Don't let them intimidate you, sister. We both know how to keep our heads while the men let their hearts rule." 5124,"Let's hope the miners didn't unearth anything besides precious stones, if you take my meaning." 5125,"Ah, a secret admirer, eh? Don't worry, I won't tell a soul." 5126,"Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness. At your service." 5127,"Sorry, mother. I'll focus on my work." 5128,"The original Companions. Their finest warriors rest with Ysgramor. You'll have to prove yourselves to them." 5129,"Mortal. I give you my mace, in all its rusted spitefulness." 5130,"Shor's bones, where will these demands end?" 5131,"If you ever come back, I won't be so gracious." 5132,"The Eldergleam has blessed us with a sapling. " 5133,"I'm afraid you'll have to face the end of your journey alone." 5134,"Oh! Bolli... yes, hello." 5135,"Just remember I'm here if you rethink your decision." 5136,"Yes, son. We should try to capture it." 5137,"It appears you were at least half-right. There is necromancy at the heart of this." 5138,"Much snow in Skyrim. Enough snow. M'aiq does not want any more. " 5139,"Hello? Who's there?" 5140,"That'd be great. There's a case of our soon-to-be famous mead that needs to get to Winterhold. Get it there, and you can keep the delivery fee." 5141,"Sometimes I just like to watch them burn." 5142,"There's plenty more where that came from. Just give a holler." 5143,"Bah. Weak-willed rabble. Even dead they're almost useless." 5144,"An Elder Scroll is an instrument of immense knowledge and power." 5145,"Oh come on, are you talking about the Snow Elves?" 5146,"This is how a warrior should feel. Alive and aware. Not clouded with thoughts of the hunt." 5147,"More work? My friend, you still haven't finished the last set of contracts I gave you. Why don't you concentrate on eliminating that final target." 5148,"These are dark days. But at least we know we're doing our part to make things better, eh?" 5149,"Please, there isn't much time. What is it?" 5150,"After the so-called ""battle"" of Pale Pass, the Akaviri went into his service. This was the foundation stone of the Second Empire." 5151,"So be it. We gave you a choice." 5152,"Are you married? You look the type. Make sure you treat your wife with the respect she deserves." 5153,"Ulfric will know my meaning." 5154,"Aren't you already running a job for Skjor? Come talk to me when you finish that up." 5155,"I don't understand. This should produce some notable effect." 5156,"I love hearing Ogmund sing at the inn. He's a true skald." 5157,"They say ruins like these are filled with treasure. Of course, they're filled with traps, too." 5158,"I can breathe more deeply now. I can't smell your heart beating the way I used to. But my mind is... clear." 5159,"Wise move. Now get out of here ya goat licker, before I decide the toll's gone up." 5160,"Welcome to the Winking Skeever, friend." 5161,"There's an Altmer named Nelacar staying at the inn outside the College. You should ask him about it." 5162,"No. I cannot teach it to you because I do not know it." 5163,"Oh, of course! Because Malacath would take pity on us if only a useless outsider would lend a hand." 5164,"Oh goodness, someone's going to get killed." 5165,"Or else what? You don't scare me." 5166,"It'll take years, but I'll organize the Forsworn again. We'll reclaim our land, and then, when power is ours, we'll have peace. A kingdom." 5167,"Kill well, and often." 5168,"Mercer doesn't need to die... he needs to feel the cold sting of fate as his life crumbles in front of him and he's hunted by the Guild." 5169,"Then it's decided. When this is all over and Delvin's contacts assure me that we've regained our footing in Skyrim, we'll handle the details." 5170,"Oh, but Cicero can't talk to you. You've been naughty, naughty. I think you need to clear this whole mess up with Nazir." 5171,"The who? I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about." 5172,"Sorry if my father seems a bit distracted. A lot's happened." 5173,"Gods! Another fight." 5174,"Although I suppose a little mead now and then would be harmless..." 5175,"I thought I made it clear that this sort of behavior is totally unacceptable." 5176,"Ah, welcome to Angela's Aromatics. Can I help with some herbal needs?" 5177,"No, don't bother. You're useless, as always. I'll get Ildene to do it." 5178,"Ha! I knew it was you all along." 5179,"If we do not please you, give us a sign so that we may understand why." 5180,"Good. Maybe we can lay up for a while. I hate to put your family in danger, Gerdur, but..." 5181,"By the gods! If it's a good ending to some damn story you're after - perhaps the Dragonborn should be the one to do it." 5182,"Damn, just as I was getting warmed up." 5183,"Well met, Brand-Shei. I've come by to browse your wares today." 5184,"That I will, stranger. This is more than the Silver-Bloods are paying us. We'll clear out." 5185,"All right, if you insist. But we'll come running if it sounds like things have gotten out of hand." 5186,"Come on, boys. Let's spread out and see what we've got." 5187,"Well. I do suppose thanks are in order. So... my thanks." 5188,"Thank you. Here, this is for you." 5189,"What troubles you, my son?" 5190,"You want Garvey. He handles the keys for the Warrens. About the only thing that disease-riddled native is good for." 5191,"Keep your damn spells to yourself." 5192,"There are those who believe that the entire Dwemer race will one day return just as suddenly as it vanished." 5193,"I feel only pity for Cicero. He must die, of course, but can any of us truly blame him for his actions? We mocked him, disrespected the Old Ways." 5194,"Go, boys! Attack!" 5195,"I'm the brewmaster around here. What did you want?" 5196,"Great shot. Now hit the target to the right." 5197,"Thoring, do you remember the time when that wolf pack come clamoring into town?" 5198,"Waiting for what?" 5199,"J'zargo has worked hard on learning new spells, trying new things. This will make J'zargo stand out as a mage." 5200,"But, never mind all that. What brings you out this way?" 5201,"Gaaaaah!!!" 5202,"That's the spirit. Vilkas, here, will get started on that." 5203,"I will make sure this gets back to the Jarl. Minus my cut, of course. Consider your name cleared, for now. " 5204,"I don't know about the others, but I sure am glad to see a fresh face down here." 5205,"Oh, this is going to be fun. You've got to use your Wabbajack to defeat the enemy while - get this - they use their Wabbajack to defeat you! " 5206,"Of course our Lady is dead, so she doesn't talk with words, since her lips are... rotted. But inside the Listener's head. I hear it's... intimate." 5207,"Suddenly an explosion of magic in the refugee quarter. Thalmor mages were attacking the Altmer dissidents who were resisting with magic of their own." 5208,"I'm proud of my farm. It takes no small effort to grow crops in this part of Skyrim." 5209,"Peace? When has any Nord ever known peace? Skyrim breeds warriors. It's who we are, it's in our blood." 5210,"And what, you think that'll solve all your problems?" 5211,"I hear people were spotted using the Black Door. Gods have mercy." 5212,"I was trained by some of the finest warriors in all Skyrim to wield a blade as if it was an extension of my own arm." 5213,"That is the Necromancer's Amulet, of legend. " 5214,"Good, the place is crawling with bandits. We lost some good men trying to take it earlier." 5215,"I'm taking it anyway." 5216,"Praise be to Talos, this is a glorious day for Whiterun and for all Skyrim! Our liberators have come at last!" 5217,"Make Laelette go away!" 5218,"No, I'm sorry. You must have me mistaken for someone else. I've never even heard that name before." 5219,"That's what I'm here for. What are you offering?" 5220,"Anuriel, a word please." 5221,"And now we come to the end of our play. The grand finale." 5222,"Why are you still here? You're supposed to be at Korvanjund, proving Galmar right, or proving him wrong." 5223,"Stop the intruder!" 5224,"We've been contacted by the Jarl of Falkreath." 5225,"Who are you? You... you're with the Dark Brotherhood, ain'tcha? I knew it. I knew you'd come for me!" 5226,"I've got it right here. Just don't read it, it's not very good." 5227,"I'd wager a well-placed shot at the ramp's mechanism would lower it in a hurry." 5228,"I think Giraud here would give you the best explanation of both it and the history of King Olaf's Verse. You should speak to him about it." 5229,"This... This is really from her, isn't it?" 5230,"Put that down." 5231,"I want you to know I don't trust you, Madena. And I'll be watching you." 5232,"Can you close up the stand early today, mama?" 5233,"Ah, my son, you'll be a fine innkeeper someday, like your father." 5234,"My boyfriend died. Things won't be the same without him." 5235,"Whenever you are." 5236,"Ah, here's the blushing bride now. Let's begin the ceremony." 5237,"Damn. It's like everyone in this city has amnesia." 5238,"Enough. Their services will be more than adequate. Let us continue." 5239,"I'm going to find you..." 5240,"Thank you. The Eight keep you." 5241,"And you. If you're here for treasure, or wisdom, or anything, I'm afraid you've wasted your time." 5242,"You. Who are you to approach the Jarl of Markarth?" 5243,"You there! Ah... citizen. This area is off limits." 5244,"Oh, excuse me, milord. I'll be glad to sell you an elixir after I'm done with these fine people." 5245,"...ho ho ho, and hee hee hee, break that lute across my knee... and if the bard, should choose to fight, why then I'll set his clothes alight..." 5246,"That's a sensible lad. Now fetch me drink." 5247,"Mauhulakh. He wants to be a leader but spends too much time moping over women. Bolar and I should be all he needs." 5248,"Go now! The orcs could breach the inner sanctum at any moment!" 5249,"We must gather our strength. Who knows what's inside?" 5250,"The finest jewelry in all of Markarth." 5251,"Let's get back to Jorrvaskr. We'll want to pay our respects to Kodlak's spirit." 5252,"He has joined the honored dead. This will be a difficult time for us all." 5253,"If you're serious, you're in the right place. Our headquarters is Castle Dour. Here you'll find General Tullius, commanding our forces in Skyrim." 5254,"I just wanted to know if you needed anything." 5255,"You ants don't have the power to bind me!" 5256,"Your lack of cooperation has been noted. We'll be back if we require further information. You won't get a second chance." 5257,"Blessings of the Nine Divines upon you. How may I help?" 5258,"Burn all the hives and she'd have to import honey for Black-Briar Meadery which would cut into her profits." 5259,"See? I even have a little potion for the Steward. Mind handing it over to him? Just say it should solve that problem he has." 5260,"Until next time." 5261,"That I do. If you want to grab a pickaxe and dig up some iron, feel free. I'll pay for anything you bring me." 5262,"Only bit I could make out was ""repaying Ysolda in Whiterun,"" and even that's mostly scribbles. Guess you could try there." 5263,"And if, in the process, my presence helps to deter those who might seek to do harm, so be it." 5264,"We are bonded now, you and I. Joined, through the powers of the Void." 5265,"Not now. I'm too upset to talk." 5266,"Good job! Ulfric was right about you. I'm glad to have you with us!" 5267,"Looks like Cicero's not the only only one to go a little crazy from time to time. Eh, Listener? You should talk to Nazir, work this whole mess out." 5268,"We've been contacted by the Jarl of Dawnstar." 5269,"This is our homeland, Tullius. All the blood spilled in this war is on your head." 5270,"Hush, Frodnar. This is no time for your games." 5271,"This war's as stupid as our feud with Clan Gray-Mane." 5272,"No one in the Jarl's court is above the charge of conspiring against the city. You're coming with us." 5273,"I'd like to, but it's not as simple as that." 5274,"Now, I really got to get back to the body. Lot of work to prepare her for the grave." 5275,"That is an old tale, but well known to those of us who serve in the keep." 5276,"That'd be the College in Winterhold. I suppose you'll be headed there, then. Well, don't let me get in your way." 5277,"How could you forget? It was the sweetest story I'd ever heard." 5278,"Your payment, my friend. Well done." 5279,"Tomorrow. I'll let you know tomorrow." 5280,"Just shut up and keep out of sight." 5281,"You're wrong. It is my business. You may be the only one that can stop these dragons." 5282,"They're at Mistwatch. Here, let me show you on your map...." 5283,"You sure? It was in your handwriting. If you can't keep the books straight then let me do them." 5284,"I'm afraid that concludes our business. You have exhausted all available additional contracts." 5285,"Here's to friendship. A gift! If you don't like it, too bad." 5286,"Still, I've got this axe, and even if I can't use it, I'm sure someone would make a deal for it. Maybe I'll have a word with Molag Bal..." 5287,"Oh! You behave, now!" 5288,"I can't believe Grelod is dead. I had no love for the woman, but to be murdered, in cold blood..." 5289,"Did Gulum-Ei give up any information on our buyer?" 5290,"Yeah, take care." 5291,"I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time." 5292,"Not now, Braith." 5293,"I've got some salmon to sell." 5294,"Plenty of chores to do..." 5295,"The Gray Quarter in Windhelm is little better than a slum. It's shameful that the dark elves are made to live that way." 5296,"It's good to see you. If you need my help again, it's the same fee as always." 5297,"And this inn has the very bed the great general slept in on his first night as Old Hroldan's liberator. As good as it was hundreds of years ago." 5298,"Out of the way!" 5299,"Ah, you're from the College? I've been waiting for you." 5300,"That 'incident' in Morthal was just a misunderstanding. No matter what the guards claim." 5301,"The... the books? Oh, I see. I thought perhaps... Well, I thought you'd come for me." 5302,"It's a blessing given to the most honored of the Companions." 5303,"I hope Alva is not what you think." 5304,"The bitter war of the world beyond was all for naught." 5305,"I've never heard of anything like that. Did you ask Tolfdir? He's been here a long time, and seems to know almost everything." 5306,"Look, everything was all just a misunderstanding. I didn't mean to tell Brynjolf to go jump off the pier. You'll tell him I said sorry, yes?" 5307,"I think you're all right. In fact, I'm kind of impressed how well you're doing around here. Just keep it between us, okay?" 5308,"Do we have a deal?" 5309,"Wait. There's something different about you." 5310,"Dead! Someone's going to pay for this." 5311,"Friga Shatter-Shield's old place? It's been abandoned ever since she was killed." 5312,"I'll lead you across the bridge. Once you're inside you'll want to speak with Mirabelle Ervine, our Master Wizard. Please, follow me." 5313,"Excellent. And now, please accept this token of appreciation." 5314,"Been hoping they'd make me a guard, but not yet. Still, I'll help them out if I can." 5315,"At least something good came out of that trip to Saarthal. I didn't find anything but dust." 5316,"I'll tell you what. You help me get the treasure and I'll split it with you. Deal?" 5317,"You slaughtered them - the women, the children! You butchers!" 5318,"Perhaps we can find a way for both of us to prosper from this unfortunate discovery?" 5319,"From the moment I arrived here, I've felt myself... well... dying." 5320,"Always such a model for decency in these troubled times, Yngvar." 5321,"Aye, a whole heap of it. You see that Temple? Way up there?" 5322,"Hey! This could be handy!" 5323,"Now? I announce to all of Markarth that I have returned. Don't worry about your name. They'll know who to blame and fear after today." 5324,"But to be outnumbered twenty to one..." 5325,"It is strange to think that these chambers were once home to the ancient Nords." 5326,"I'll always be a commander, even if those Stormcloak dogs have stripped away my power." 5327,"Now, Sergius knows what I want. I'm hoping he can get it done quickly." 5328,"I know, my lady. I just needed to see you outside of court, away from all of the politics." 5329,"I consider even talking to the Empire a generous gesture." 5330,"I can't even keep track of all the people who have been in and out of this fort. They come, they go. I barely notice." 5331,"Lead on, we're ready." 5332,"Welcome to Riften, home of the Thieves Guild. Or so they'd have you believe. It's all lies. They're just thugs... vermin, creeping around the Ratway." 5333,"But no one wanted to believe. Believe they even existed." 5334,"What? Do I have mead on my chin?" 5335,"That I am. Train the recruits. Turn boys into men. That sort of thing." 5336,"Did you still need me for something?" 5337,"A mercantile group that has established ports all over Tamriel. They pretty much dominate the whole shipping industry." 5338,"What? How?" 5339,"Just have a few swings at me so I can see your form. Don't worry, I can take it." 5340,"If you ever feel the need to change your abilities, you can return to the Sepulcher and step onto a different circle." 5341,"Lazy and useless, the lot of them. They can't even keep the Stormcloaks in line. No way I trust them with the Emperor's life." 5342,"Well. Good! You favor the Empire less than I feared. Maybe we will be able to come to some agreement here after all." 5343,"Just say the word, and my men will help you spring this trap." 5344,"Alduin's Wall was where the ancient Blades recorded all they knew of Alduin and his return. Part history, part prophecy." 5345,"We follow you, hunt-master." 5346,"Honestly, I can't keep up. But by all means, don't stop now." 5347,"And so it is done." 5348,"I'd like to give you this's one of Sinderion's greatest works. I believe you've more than earned it." 5349,"When will I learn how to forge weapons and armor? Isn't that my job?" 5350,"I have a buyer with, shall we say, a very odd taste in literature looking for some particular books." 5351,"You're free to leave." 5352,"I know this place will eventually kill us. I have come to accept that. But I will always regret that day I introduced you to Orchendor." 5353,"If you ladies are finished bickering, there's much to be done." 5354,"I'll let them into the house and, you know, show them where everything is..." 5355,"By helping me, you're helping the good folk of Whiterun. How could I say no to that?" 5356,"Yes, he matches the description of this Esbern guy you're looking for. Maybe it's him. Maybe it isn't." 5357,"If you're looking for a bed, this is the wrong place." 5358,"Miss Grelod is... well she's a terrible old crone. No person could be that cruel. I think she's part hagraven." 5359,"Listen to your inner Voice before acting. Do not allow the Blades to bully you into doing something you will later regret." 5360,"Anyway, you know the drill. You want to buy back in, and it'll cost you." 5361,"Mama, can we talk. You know, about papa?" 5362,"Don't worry, I'll stay right with you." 5363,"Most of my customers are locals, come to relax after a hard day's toil." 5364,"Well, a few reasons come to mind." 5365,"Why are you looking at me like that?" 5366,"Oh dear." 5367,"Do not be so sure about that. Beware - the Blades may claim to serve the Dragonborn, but they do not. They never have." 5368,"I performed the Black Sacrament, contacted you people, because I thought you guaranteed discretion." 5369,"Not so tough now, are you?" 5370,"I give, and I give." 5371,"Nivenor! How can you say that? He gives you everything you ask for." 5372,"Make it quick, and there might be a bowl of hot stew in it for you." 5373,"Another poem, I'll bet. He does know how to make a girl blush." 5374,"This is none of your concern, citizen." 5375,"Civilized people don't brandish their weapons unless they plan to use them." 5376,"Ysgramor would be ashamed of you!" 5377,"I am buying a fish for Noster. He likes fish." 5378,"I've only ever lost a few guards to Steam Centurions. Good odds, considering..." 5379,"I knew it! Let me see, please!" 5380,"Thieves used to hole up in Fort Snowhawk there, but they were run out. Wizards, they say. Suits me fine, so long as they mind their own by." 5381,"Normally, I would have welcomed someone like you -- resourceful, clearly no friend of the Empire." 5382,"Because it was dull. Every day was the same boring routine; working at the winery, social visits with friends, parties with no one I cared about." 5383,"Looking to practice, stranger?" 5384,"The people of Skyrim are more open minded about certain things than people in other places." 5385,"My time saw the assassination of an Emperor as well. Alas, the Dark Brotherhood did not have the honor of that kill." 5386,"I hope the Empire is sending reinforcements to drive these heathens out of Whiterun." 5387,"Look how you sniffed out my little scheme at the North Gate. You knew it was a shakedown and you called him on it. That's what I'm talking about." 5388,"I know he's from the Thalmor, and that he claims to be here simply as an advisor." 5389,"Do you have any orders?" 5390,"By the gods! I know this looks bad. Let me explain..." 5391,"Yeah, why?" 5392,"I don't care if Vex was chosen as a Guild Third over me, she deserved it." 5393,"By the Eight! You actually talked her into it?" 5394,"Yes, err, apologies for the intrusion. I was wondering, err, if you could possibly, ah, procure a few select items for me." 5395,"Mercer never told you about her?" 5396,"You aren't going to pass. You're going to give me everything you have. Whether you leave here in one piece is up to you." 5397,"No. I can't afford to risk both of you. I need you here working on ways to defend the city against these dragons." 5398,"Look, this sounds like a family matter and I don't want the Guild in the middle of it. You do what you want." 5399,"The Guild's at full strength and we have you to thank for it. We've had our share of dark times, and now they seem like a distant memory." 5400,"Yeah, if your interested then I'll give you the book for free. If you like it you can come back later and I'll have other stuff." 5401,"Good. Don't die out there." 5402,"Then you've found your home, friend. Blood and silver are what flows through Markarth. Welcome." 5403,"That completely takes care of all your basic problems, magicka burn, dimensional collapse and thermic drift!" 5404,"This brilliant soul decided to pick a fight with a fellow Guild mate. Time for them to pay the piper. Will you help out?" 5405,"It's a shame the Black-Briar Meadery took this place over. I never liked it as much as our Honningbrew." 5406,"Look. I gave you a contract, and you completed it. Barely. Now let's go back to you being insufferable, and me being... me." 5407,"Hmm, nothing there after all." 5408,"The Stormcloaks are here in force. Stick close and follow orders so we don't stir up the whole place against us." 5409,"No, just very difficult. You have to look for shift in various shades of white. " 5410,"Fine. It'll be five septims to repair it." 5411,"You have an Elder Scroll? You?" 5412,"I barely make enough for us to eat as it is, father. You can't just drink it all away." 5413,"No, no. I'm just a simple herbalist. You'll want to see Arcadia, over in Whiterun." 5414,"Stubborn or not, he's the only contact we've got at the East Empire Company." 5415,"Didn't know her. Guards dragged her body away. Last we'll hear of that." 5416,"Yeah, I was lucky though. After Vex tore the guy to pieces, she gave me a potion. If she hadn't of been there..." 5417,"Not fair. You're well aware I can't seem to get warm here." 5418,"See? She agrees with us too! Why don't you actually show us something?" 5419,"Do you have guidance for me, Harbinger?" 5420,"I'm one of miners. Plenty of ore to dig up around here." 5421,"Well, she needs to eat. I don't think she even knows where the kitchen is. And milady isn't exactly going to remove her own chamber pot, now is she?" 5422,"Why don't you come back when you actually have a hundred gold?" 5423,"You here to attack me? I'm ready for you this time." 5424,"With all due respect, Listener, you broke what few rules we seem to have. Nazir insists you talk to him and work this issue out." 5425,"Excellent. I think you'll be glad that you made this decision." 5426,"I'm in the mood to ssssiiiiinnnggg! What about you, friend? Care to join me?" 5427,"They've barricades to block us, but we'll tear through them and the Imperials behind them!" 5428,"You can use Nettlebane to retrieve some of its sap." 5429,"You think some Emperor sitting on a gilded throne in Cyrodiil is going to know what's best for Skyrim? " 5430,"It's time to face the truth, old friend. You, Vex, Mercer... you're all part of a dying breed. Things are changing!" 5431,"Can you do it? Can you devour a dragon's soul?" 5432,"Lead. I'll follow." 5433,"Welcome to the center of the world. Or at least my brother Erikur's world..." 5434,"Hope you're not getting too wet back there." 5435,"Be sure to watch your finger positions. Especially during the transitions." 5436,"Here. Give this letter to Camilla and tell her it's from Sven. Let's see what she thinks of him after reading that." 5437,"Carry on, soldier. This is all part of the Dragonborn's plan." 5438,"Maven prefers that Aringoth remains alive, but if he tries to stop you from getting the job done, kill him." 5439,"Fjotra, dear. Did they hurt you?" 5440,"Now I've got the itch to travel again. If you're leaving town, I wouldn't mind coming with for a while." 5441,"I miss the days when the Gray-Manes and Battle-Borns got along. Ever since the war started, we've been at each others' throats." 5442,"Please, just let me be..." 5443,"Until next time, sister." 5444,"Perhaps we can find some treasure if we search the grounds of the fort thoroughly." 5445,"There is room in my court for a new Thane. It's an honorary title, mainly, but there are a few perks someone like you could make use of." 5446,"Everyone else, with me." 5447,"The Empire will withdraw its troops from the Reach, allowing Ulfric's forces unhindered access to Markarth." 5448,"All right, all right. I'll speak to her." 5449,"You gave those mongrels a real whipping, eh? Good work. We'll be sure to send a garrison to reinforce the area and keep the peace." 5450,"If you must venture southwest, stay clear of Volskygge. It is a cursed place, a tomb where the dead still live..." 5451,"You will? Really? Well, okay, here's the situation." 5452,"Shut it, Kleppr. Thongvor isn't here, so save your kissing up for a Nord who cares." 5453,"A moment, please." 5454,"I know, I was late. I'm sorry." 5455,"The moisture in the air is better for the ingredients. It isn't every day that you get your hands on fresh nirnroot or painted troll fat." 5456,"Karliah's close, I'm certain of it. Now let's get moving." 5457,"Very good. Be sure to bring any more Sleeping Tree Sap you find to me." 5458,"Still, I'm surprised you haven't heard of Ulfric. He's our leader - the leader of the Stormcloaks." 5459,"It should be careful with those flames." 5460,"Now, Dovahkiin! Now he is vulnerable!" 5461,"Can you imagine what it was like, living here so long ago? The first men in Tamriel, here..." 5462,"It's all we've got for today. Don't be greedy." 5463,"Don't try to magic me, you damn wizard." 5464,"If you're heading east, steer clear of Hillgrund's Tomb. Thing about those old crypts - the dead having trouble staying that way." 5465,"All the more reason then. The crown would legitimize your claim." 5466,"Here's your armor, just make sure you put it to good use." 5467,"In a mine, the poor man labors to find precious stones that only the rich man can afford." 5468,"Have you lost all sense? We are short on guards as it is!" 5469,"Got him!" 5470,"Oh, and Legate. It's been an honor to have you at my side. As a token of my appreciation, I want you to keep my sword." 5471,"I'm glad you'll be with me in there. I don't like the looks of this place... and I'm not talking about the Stormcloaks." 5472,"You met Camilla yet? Wouldn't mind getting my hands on those trunks. He he he he." 5473,"Are the dragons frightening your people as much as they're frightening mine?" 5474,"Well done. You sought me out, on your own initiative. You've done Whiterun a service, and I won't forget it." 5475,"What do you do when a customer can't afford to pay for a meal or a drink?" 5476,"So, you're the one Brynjolf's been jabberin' about. Been waitin' to have a word with you." 5477,"Damn. No way to open this from our side." 5478,"Do you seek to make a purchase?" 5479,"Roggi pawned a few of his things back when he still had things to pawn. Take them." 5480,"I hail from Cyrodiil, but after a... misunderstanding with the law, I needed a swift change of scenery." 5481,"Bye." 5482,"But his soul still resides within, protected by his enchantments. Until he is purged, my artifact is useless to you." 5483,"I do hate to admit it, but if nothing else, all the fighting lately has been a complete blessing to this business." 5484,"He is weak, and so our tribe is weak. The giants sense this, and intrude on our territory. Now they assault our very home." 5485,"It's not that bad." 5486,"Return with the gauntlets, or not at all." 5487,"I'm keeping my eye on you." 5488,"I'll return my ancestors to Sovngarde, and you with them!" 5489,"Sssh. It's all right. You don't need to say anymore. I had no idea you were so... nuanced." 5490,"Remain true to the Way of the Voice, and you will return." 5491,"Look alive, will you!" 5492,"You may be my wife, but this is my business, so just do your job. Don't worry, you'll still have plenty of gold left over to waste on trinkets." 5493,"Now thanks to you I needn't worry anymore." 5494,"Has the Empire forsaken us? How could Whiterun fall into the hands of these stinking half-wit Nords?" 5495,"My specialty is pickpocketing. All I need is a rich mark, a moon-lit sky and I'm in my element." 5496,"I'm sure you're right." 5497,"Are you sure about this?" 5498,"I'll let you in if you agree to something for me. There's a giant spider in Nchuand-Zel. My workers call her ""Nimhe,"" the poisoned one." 5499,"Most of our weapons were crafted by Adrianne Avenicci. My woman's an artist, is what she is." 5500,"Move along, now." 5501,"Fortunately, they seem to be sticking to the barrow. I think they're guarding it." 5502,"You should talk to Anton if you need anything. He's the master chef." 5503,"Who? You mean that woman who was attacked in the market?" 5504,"If you have come to see our wares, speak to the others." 5505,"The meals I serve ain't what I'd call a Jarl's feast, but they'll fill your belly." 5506,"Fent ni filok." 5507,"Of course, Julienne. What's on your mind?" 5508,"It has done a good thing. It will take this gift as a token of gratitude." 5509,"Oh, this pendant would look lovely on my sister." 5510,"There's also the matter of your payment. I believe you'll find this more than adequate for your services." 5511,"Are you kidding? Those damn things will drive me right out of business!" 5512,"You two will just have to learn to get along until we can build you another house." 5513,"Yes, Grelod." 5514,"And deserve our praise you do, for we are one! Ere you ascended and the Eight became Nine, you walked among us, great Talos, not as god, but as man!" 5515,"I don't care that we lost, I'm just glad the war is over." 5516,"You disrespected the Brotherhood. And it'll cost you. You want back into the Family, you pay the price. 500 gold, and all is forgiven." 5517,"I'm relieved you discovered a bottle intact; this place looks as though it was ransacked by the orcs." 5518,"Is that so? I don't recognize you. Why aren't you wearing your Stormcloak colors?" 5519,"Maybe you're not so soft, after all. Now you're ready for a real challenge." 5520,"What I lack in strength, I make up for with tenacity." 5521,"If you're here about the nightmares, I'm afraid my pleas to the College of Winterhold go unheard." 5522,"Please be careful here. The site isn't entirely secured." 5523,"I don't like fighting these Dwemer creations. Where's the fun in killing something that doesn't even bleed?" 5524,"I know now that I can't live among people." 5525,"Look at that." 5526,"If you go to him, good luck." 5527,"Braith. I.... I've come to tell you that I'm not afraid of you anymore." 5528,"I most certainly am not. I've just lost my daughter to a Nord beast, and my nephew Titus is too busy playing Emperor to even show up. " 5529,"That's the end of that, hmm?" 5530,"Wield powerful magic incantations!" 5531,"Some are too happy to fight. Blood runs hot." 5532,"Do not fail Kodlak. He's earned his place here, and does not deserve to fall prey to Alduin's insatiable hunger." 5533,"The Stormcloaks can rot in Oblivion for all I care. I've lived in this city for twenty years. Twenty!" 5534,"Ah, excellent. Well, it's good to know that won't be a problem any longer." 5535,"Gat and I are the only survivors." 5536,"Ha, found you!" 5537,"Yes, I heard. I think all of Skyrim knows by know." 5538,"Not yet, no. Although it is true my husband Torygg was the High King, and I am his widow... now is not the time to lay claim to such a title." 5539,"There must be another way. The risk is too great." 5540,"Many of the dovahhe are now scattered across Keizaal. Without Alduin's lordship, they may yet bow to the vahzen... rightness of my Thu'um." 5541,"You know, I saw something near Shimmermist Cave, to the northeast. Some kind of creature... small and wicked. Never seen its like before." 5542,"I'm surprised that the College is allowed to excavate here." 5543,"I need but a moment of your time, my lord." 5544,"Guess we'll have two more mouths to feed for a while." 5545,"How can we? We're a community of farmers, not fighting men." 5546,"I was far from here on the day of Alduin's downfall. But all dov felt the... sundering of Time itself." 5547,"Madesi was actually my original Saxhleel name. Unlike others, I decided to embrace tradition and keep it that way." 5548,"But the token of my truth lies buried in the ruins of my once great temple, now tainted by a profane darkness skittering within." 5549,"Wait just one moment..." 5550,"What say you, Dragonborn?" 5551,"Look, I've seen one of the spirits with my very own eyes. When it glared at me, I swear it burned right through my soul." 5552,"There's more of them somewhere around here." 5553,"I'm not that foolish. The last thing I want is a war with your people." 5554,"Ah, let's see, what else... The Bards College is here, and the main office of the East Empire Company." 5555,"You have business with Clavicus Vile?" 5556,"I dreamt that you went away. You made monsters." 5557,"Yeah, whatever." 5558,"I haven't changed my mind, if that's what you're asking. I won't leave Whiterun defenseless, even for a day." 5559,"Yeah... fired. Sure. That's what I meant." 5560,"I can assure you, though, that it was quite something in its prime. An early capital of Skyrim, you know." 5561,"There's been talk again in the streets. A general fear that the giants may move south, and then... Well, you understand." 5562,"Good people of Solitude." 5563,"Your schedule is always clear, Arch-Mage. I see to that." 5564,"Touchy. Maybe some Dunmer lives in you yet. " 5565,"You should wait until night fall before trying to sneak in. Talos preserve you." 5566,"Treat my people fairly, and I will do the same to you." 5567,"Hey! You planning to steal something? Don't even think about it." 5568,"With my lock picking aptitude, I was a natural at jailbreaking... made a great deal of gold doing it too." 5569,"Now, then, boy. What's the big mystery? What are you doing here, looking like you lost an argument with a cave bear?" 5570,"Our new home. I'll see you there!" 5571,"Yes, and we have something special for you this time." 5572,"The resulting disaster would reflect quite poorly on everyone involved. Are you following me?" 5573,"Oh, no you don't!" 5574,"Ha! Skyrim will never bow to the Thalmor!" 5575,"Well at least now Mauhulakh has nothing to whine about. Until this one dies, too." 5576,"Nocturnal isn't one for worship and reverence. There are no priests and no sermons, no services and no alms." 5577,"Come slumming to the Gray Quarter, have you?" 5578,"I call upon you Lady Nocturnal, Queen of Murk and Empress of Shadow... hear my voice!" 5579,"Cleared out, I guess." 5580,"He did the honorable thing, even when he knew it would cost him everything." 5581,"First you take the job, now you don't even want it. I wish you'd make up your mind." 5582,"Uncle Calcelmo...." 5583,"Well, there's an Imbuer here in the Great Hall." 5584,"I'll make the preparations immediately!" 5585,"Ah well, it was a long shot." 5586,"Indeed, many in the Order believe it has already... Rather, something will happen soon, something that cannot be avoided." 5587,"Indeed, you saw more clearly than I - certainly more clearly than Alduin. Rok funta koraav." 5588,"All right, but hurry. Who knows if Azura is watching us?" 5589,"Yes. There were a few of us that rebelled against Alduin's thur... his tyranny. We aided the humans in his overthrow." 5590,"My father, Mralki, manages the inn. He used to be a soldier, but he left that life behind." 5591,"You lookin' for a new blade?" 5592,"Mages in Cyrodiil are all about politics. The Synod and the College of Whispers are too busy guarding secrets to bother to teach." 5593,"When the Aldmeri Dominion invaded the Imperial City, the Legion all but turned a blind eye to the other provinces." 5594,"Quicksilver Mine is the best mine in Dawnstar, and you can tell those Iron-Breaker miners I said so." 5595,"I didn't touch it!" 5596,"I can't imagine what happened to the dwarves. How could a race with the capability to build a place like this simply vanish?" 5597,"Let's find that Totem, Shield-Sister." 5598,"Until next we meet, lad." 5599,"And stay out." 5600,"The people of Skyrim don't like magic much, so about the only place you're likely to find a teacher is the College of Winterhold." 5601,"From Falkreath to Winterhold, they fell to their knees;" 5602,"Are you feeling sick?" 5603,"Then like Roggvir, you have a Nord's heart. It's hard for many of the people here to understand." 5604,"You're nothing but trouble." 5605,"The thought of paying a dowry to that, that... Stormcloak turns my stomach." 5606,"Hold on, my boy. Hold on!" 5607,"But... you're right. There's nothing to be gained by refusing the Greybeards' request." 5608,"Thank you. When I have the time, I'll try to think of how best to use this." 5609,"You'll need to get your hands on some Balmora Blue from Sabine Nyette down by the docks. She's the first mate on another ship, the Red Wave." 5610,"Offer yourself up as a sacrifice while you're there." 5611,"This is worse than I thought..." 5612,"And what about Jarl Erikur?" 5613,"I don't think so. Sorry. I would love to help you, but Elenwen can be very vindictive. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side." 5614,"Oh, yes. J'zargo hopes to find things that will make him a more powerful mage here." 5615,"We all do. It is our burden to bear. But we can overcome." 5616,"Actually... I do. Little joke." 5617,"Good. Let's hope it's a lesson learned." 5618,"I pray you're right, Legate." 5619,"You're being paranoid. We're in control of Markarth. Not the Forsworn." 5620,"I didn't think you'd get pinched." 5621,"And we gave it to Elisif?" 5622,"This changes everything, of course. There's no time to lose. We must locate... let me show you. I know I had it here, somewhere..." 5623,"You've already taken all the necessary steps in becoming eligible for the title." 5624,"As a consequence, I have no knowledge of what you'll be facing." 5625,"Sure, I used to be a soldier... but that was child's play compared to cracking rock." 5626,"Not Lady Dibella? No, please! I can't lose her!" 5627,"I... I don't have any money." 5628,"I hope we reach Markarth soon." 5629,"Fight well, and I'll make sure your corpse is not dishonored." 5630,"We are all Ashlanders now, brother. Good to find another family that cares where they came from, eh?" 5631,"Beyond asking for you, he never said. Very strange indeed." 5632,"Clothes and raiment for the discerning customer." 5633,"If you find any more candidates bring them here. " 5634,"Now, take a deep breath." 5635,"The Plains District is so named because it's the closest of the three to the plains that surround the city. The inn and marketplace are found there." 5636,"I don't like the looks of this place... not at all." 5637,"Ugh. You're the most disgusting merchant I have ever seen. The guards should take you away." 5638,"If you're staying the night, I've got a free room." 5639,"You did? Really?" 5640,"Zu'u Odahviing. Call me when you have need, and I will come if I can." 5641,"Everything's for sale, my friend. Everything. If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second." 5642,"At some point we should hire Tekla on here. If she could just spend less time serving Dengeir..." 5643,"Good morning." 5644,"We hit 'em where it hurts. As soon as we can, we'll take over - make the needed repairs. In the meantime, the people no longer slave for the Empire." 5645,"I feel that it's time to put aside the grievances of the past, and let peace and prosperity flourish between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion." 5646,"I suppose I can come with you for a short venture. Lead on." 5647,"Well come back when you do, my friend. Come back when you do." 5648,"A monster? No. I'm just a servant. To my king, Madanach." 5649,"Hello. Welcome to the Pawned Prawn." 5650,"Here's your payment." 5651,"Yes, the incense. Fetch for me a deathbell flower, one silver ingot, a flawless ruby, and some vampire dust. Then I will show you how." 5652,"Why can't he just leave us alone?" 5653,"And why would you be looking for me, hmm? I'm not sure I appreciate your presence here. Friend." 5654,"Losing the Rift gives Tullius easy access to the south of Eastmarch. Talos preserve us. We must take it back!" 5655,"You've got the Writ of Passage too, I see. Splendid, splendid..." 5656,"Take it easy, Vekel. How long we known each other? Yeah. I checked it. All the stuff is in the safe." 5657,"Don't get me wrong, I'll steal any gem that isn't nailed down. But there's something about those blue stones that gets my blood boiling." 5658,"All the Argonians at the docks are nice to me. Good thing, too, or father would run them off!" 5659,"The fiercest of the remaining rebels will continue to harass us, but by in large, the people here desire peace." 5660,"If you meet anyone in your travels who needs good steel, send them my way." 5661,"I couldn't be more proud to be a part of the Thieves Guild, or its new Guild Master." 5662,"Probably best if you avoid it for now... it didn't seem to do Reyda any good." 5663,"Well... perhaps there is a way he could earn his place back at my side. Maybe. But no promises." 5664,"Lead, and I will follow, child of darkness." 5665,"Vex is ready to tear you apart. I hope you have a good excuse for bringing Karliah here." 5666,"I want to be on the right side." 5667,"You found it? Ha ha ha. There it is. Strange... it seems smaller than I remember. Funny thing, huh?" 5668,"Try not to judge Falkreath too harshly, visitor - the war has been hard on us." 5669,"How I envy you. I can only imagine the excitement of seeing history through the eyes of another!" 5670,"Stop your whining." 5671,"The lute they stole is Finn's original eight course lute. I doubt they even realize its true value." 5672,"Use it right, and you won't feel a thing." 5673,"It's the past! Dead oaths on dead lips. Let it stay there." 5674,"I can't afford to send anyone else. And we don't know where the dragon is. " 5675,"Now what did you want? I already paid you." 5676,"Are you all right, dear? I thought I saw a tear in your eye a moment ago." 5677,"Face your death with some courage, thief." 5678,"She needs to learn to eat what I serve her. I swear, you spoil that child rotten. Besides, it's one of your favorites." 5679,"The witless fool and his pet corpse? Take a guess." 5680,"If your eyes and your ears are open and your mind is free of judgement and expectation, you might learn much in this chamber." 5681,"The name's Maul; I watch the streets for the Black-Briars. If you need dirt on anything, I'm your guy." 5682,"A sword? I remember a legend that Tiber Septim had attacked one of the enemy camps before he came to Old Hroldan. It could be there." 5683,"Shop at Belethor's for the best prices and selection. He pays me to say that." 5684,"They're stolen idols! Imposter gods, sold by silver tongues. No thank you. Froki will not forget Kyne, or her Sacred Trials." 5685,"Talos protect you." 5686,"I'll give you something to cry about if you don't quiet down." 5687,"Interesting. Same dragon..." 5688,"Ah! Damn wizard. Keep your spells off of me. " 5689,"I'd recommend heading to Whiterun, just down the road from here. From there you can take a carriage to Solitude." 5690,"It's only a bit of fun. You're a lovely young thing, you should try it sometime." 5691,"Can it be? You've brought me my amulet? Oh, thank Arkay. And thank you. Oh, dear friend, please, take this gold for your troubles." 5692,"You have to help me, they are going to kill me!" 5693,"Slen Tiid Vo!" 5694,"Save him. Let him perform his rite one more time. And when he does, we will be waiting for him." 5695,"Let me look. This is a very exciting moment for me." 5696,"Mother's calling me. It's time for me to sleep now. I'm so tired. Thank you for making her feel better." 5697,"Ah! The Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow! You already found it! You are cut from a different cloth than the usual brutes the Jarl foists on me." 5698,"Keep Mother's staff. Think of it as payment. I want to leave everything from this cursed place behind. Goodbye. And thank you." 5699,"Here we go." 5700,"I'll give you a few more minutes. I can't wait here all day. It's my neck on the line, remember." 5701,"Karliah didn't even want it, she wanted to keep the sale a secret. I can see how well that went." 5702,"You were there for Roggvir's execution..." 5703,"Straighten yourself out with the Guild and then maybe we can talk." 5704,"Well, whatever you're doing, keep doing it and you'll have me as a customer for life." 5705,"The logistics of such an endeavor will be staggering, I know. There will be several minor assassinations necessary. Leading up to the... main target." 5706,"You don't seem to have the gold on you. Perhaps there's a misunderstanding?" 5707,"My daughter Adara is going to be a fine silversmith when she's older." 5708,"This way... the library isn't far." 5709,"Ah, that must be it. So many of the men are serving in battle. I shall pray to Stendarr that they return victorious." 5710,"Great work! Get back and report our success. I'll stay here and clean up the mess." 5711,"The coin isn't just for the men, there's a lot of people that need to be compensated in order to make this happen." 5712,"Auxiliary." 5713,"My teeth to your neck, Dovahkiin!" 5714,"I'm Anska. Are you here to help?" 5715,"Done, then? This way!" 5716,"Come back when you figure out how to spend money." 5717,"Hey, welcome to the mill!" 5718,"I have come to rely heavily upon you. It is only fitting that you join the upper echelon. I am hereby elevating you to the rank of Legate." 5719,"Read carefully. You will see there are ways to stay true to the essence, Illdi." 5720,"You do have a plan for luring a dragon here, yeah?" 5721,"Fjotli... Fjotli... Where have I heard that name?" 5722,"He was the first to understand that the Voice should be used solely for the glory and worship of the gods, not the glory of men." 5723,"Secure the door." 5724,"We remember what most don't - that the Dragonborn is the ultimate dragonslayer." 5725,"Here. This is from a recipe my people have passed on to me. I can cook another tomorrow." 5726,"All this knowledge might have been lost, were it not for you." 5727,"Since you're still alive, I assume you have good news to report?" 5728,"I'm sorry to break it to you, Giraud, but students are an unfortunate necessity of a college. Do try to persevere." 5729,"Look, I've told you everything. Now leave me alone!" 5730,"I... see." 5731,"Oh no, not at all." 5732,"Look, I can't make the coin appear out of thin air. Please, be reasonable. I'll... I'll pay next month." 5733,"Things are so much quieter with my darling Frabbi dead." 5734,"There's some trouble in Falkreath. There's always some sort of trouble down there, but now it's come to a head." 5735,"We don't need your charity, Breton. If my girls deserve something nice, it'll be their father who buys it." 5736,"My name may not be on the label, but some of my blood, sweat and tears are in every drop. Uh, figuratively of course." 5737,"What?! No, that's not me. I'm not Esbern. I don't know what you're talking about." 5738,"We're married. I guess we'll need to decide where we're living, won't we? You can always stay with me." 5739,"What the... Don't do that!" 5740,"All right. You infiltrate their camp, we'll cover you. Good luck!" 5741,"My... eagerness to meet you in battle was my... undoing, Dovahkiin. I salute your, hmm, low cunning in devising such a grahmindol - strategem." 5742,"... no, sorry, but in times like these I can't just take the word of a stranger who wanders into town claiming to be my brother's friend." 5743,"Ease your heart, our honor is unstained - it's by Shor's command we curb our onslaught." 5744,"It's the least I can do for your help in putting this matter to rest." 5745,"Work in it? I own it." 5746,"She thinks she's in love with Bassianus and wants to leave town. With him." 5747,"I don't believe you. That's not your way." 5748,"Oh, good. I've been waiting for you. Here you go, it's all ready." 5749,"See if you can unlock that door." 5750,"Oh, but that was then! This is now! You're the Listener, and the Night Mother chose you for a reason, I'm sure! Cicero will remain the happy Keeper." 5751,"Sure, you poison the Emperor, but what then? Why not summon an Atronach to cause some chaos? Or turn invisible and slip away. Use your imagination!" 5752,"I wish I could say that I did not, but in every part of Skyrim, there is talk of dragon sightings. It is no coincidence." 5753,"No, don't go!" 5754,"That doesn't change anything." 5755,"I'll tell you one thing, if you don't make peace with them soon you may get a walkout on your hands. Then we're both in trouble." 5756,"You have no knowledge of who you speak to. Go away." 5757,"May the sun warm your path, friend." 5758,"Have you returned, Aren? My old friend?" 5759,"Who knows, maybe he's in a generous mood." 5760,"Fortunately, those most opposed to the Emperor's wise policy have now branded themselves traitors as well as heretics." 5761,"Now this is real guard duty. Just throw them in the mine and be done with it." 5762,"What...hey! That felt good." 5763,"I'll be honest, I wouldn't have expected it." 5764,"You may go now..." 5765,"Welcome back to the temple, messenger." 5766,"Don't be late, you don't want to miss your own wedding!" 5767,"Nothing I can't handle." 5768,"I'm afraid your skills haven't improved enough to be considered." 5769,"[coughing]" 5770,"By order of the Jarl, I command you to halt!" 5771,"Not bad. Now turn me back." 5772,"Look. You're making my customers nervous. Put the weapon away." 5773,"In mythic times, when mortalkind was in great need, the goddess Kynareth granted us the ability to speak as dragons do." 5774,"I dare Mercer to come back here! He sets one foot in the cistern and I'll cut it off!" 5775,"Hmm... these are interesting reports..." 5776,"You'd do that? If you find one, I could teach you a thing or two about trading. Help you get a fair bargain in the future." 5777,"You just can't leave well enough alone, can you?" 5778,"We're taking Dawnstar. Get down there and join the rest of the men gathering for the attack. Now soldier!" 5779,"Oh, I do not approve at all." 5780,"It was a simple matter, really, when one has mastered the art of camouflage. Scale becomes stone, becomes shadow. Then... death." 5781,"She's been dispatched to... eh... see to it that we get back on schedule." 5782,"Something simple, a stew perhaps." 5783,"Ooooh...yes...yes. You've fallen for my trap! Greed makes a great lure. Odd you didn't die from the fall though. Most do." 5784,"What guidance could you offer me?" 5785,"Again? He can't simply cancel an appointment with the Jarl! He serves in my capital city!" 5786,"Yes, lass? Did you need something?" 5787,"Damn you mages! Aren't you good for anything?" 5788,"Enough!" 5789,"There's a group of cutthroats out there right now that Ulfric doesn't lift a finger to bring to justice, as long as they don't threaten Nord land." 5790,"Listen, Braith... Why don't you talk to your mother about this, okay? There's a good girl." 5791,"Hrongar. Don't be so hard on Avenicci." 5792,"I've worked in the Treasury House for almost twenty years." 5793,"To the next fight." 5794,"Good to see you. At least you know how to treat someone properly." 5795,"Is the line for my next performance starting already? Come on, don't be shy. Plenty of room for everyone." 5796,"Folks at court won't admit it, but Sybille Stentor scares us all to death. " 5797,"I'm sure when the time for promotions comes, they'll go to the most deserving mage." 5798,"Destroy Vighar, my long dead vampire ancestor. Have you changed your mind?" 5799,"You think I'd be in hiding if this was something I trusted town guards to handle?" 5800,"One of the terms of the treaty was the outlawing of worship to Talos." 5801,"The first mortals that I taught the Thu'um - the first Tongues. The leaders of the rebellion against Alduin." 5802,"Falkreath's cemetery reminds of us that war is not new here." 5803,"Go on, leave me alone..." 5804,"No, Housecarl!" 5805,"I also do a little herb growing. The court wizard, Wuunferth, pays us to plant a little Nightshade. Who knows what he uses it for?" 5806,"Glad you decided to check us out." 5807,"Your perseverance will only lead you to disappointment." 5808,"I'm surprised you're even showing your face around here after what you did." 5809,"I'll teach you all a ward, and we'll see if you can successfully use it to block spells, all right?" 5810,"Why are you still standing around here? Go get me the Phial, you fool." 5811,"How come you're in Winterhold? My pa says people like you are the reason no one lives here anymore." 5812,"I... knew Veren and Thorek. They were my friends." 5813,"My thanks. I feel... better." 5814,"I'm sorry. So very sorry. The Penitus Oculatus... Maro... He said that by giving you to them, he would leave the Dark Brotherhood alone. Forever." 5815,"We're backing Erikur. When the Moot meets, they'll do the sensible thing." 5816,"I'm to go to the temple in Markarth. I... I'll have to leave you and mother." 5817,"Can't believe anyone was dumb enough to mistake you for a Forsworn agent." 5818,"I'm not certain if I could even make it to the top without collapsing from exhaustion." 5819,"We'll see about that. Won't we boys?" 5820,"All right. I have everything you asked for all ready to go." 5821,"You're ready to get going?" 5822,"If you keep it in close, you'll have more control, but it can be harder to balance a strike. " 5823,"You'll pay for this...." 5824,"It was taken by a lightning strike. Wish I had time to deal with it, but it's hard enough with all these wounded from the war." 5825,"Let's kill him!" 5826,"Bless you, Lady of Shadows... I live another day." 5827,"Olaf returned in triumph to Whiterun. By his decree, the city's keep was rebuilt as a prison for Numinex." 5828,"You don't have time? Fine." 5829,"You're going to Fort Dunstad." 5830,"Yes, I know. That last job was my fault. I obviously thought Niruin was ready, but I was wrong." 5831,"Oh... wait a second. I see what this is. You want me to cut you in or you'll rat me out to Brynjolf." 5832,"I don't want to see you ever again." 5833,"If they had their way, you'd do nothing but sit up on their mountain with them and talk to the sky, or whatever it is they do." 5834,"Do you think we'll find gold nuggets in here?" 5835,"Even Tullius may be forced to talk sense in the face of such a threat." 5836,"It fills us with rage. What harm does it bring to us now?" 5837,"Please, stop wasting my time. You're embarrassing yourself." 5838,"Travel safe." 5839,"Not much, I'm afraid. It was named Kahvozein's Fang after the dragon worshipped by this particular sect of the cult." 5840,"Thu'umii los nahlot" 5841,"So I've kept my mouth shut. Like I said, his family is better off believing he's gone, because he's never coming back." 5842,"I'll have a magical tether to your soul while you're inside. Once you're done, it'll be as simple as pulling you back into your body." 5843,"And besides, no Nord with a shred of honor would consider it. We're no cowards." 5844,"When I've made enough money, I'm going to return to Morrowind in high style." 5845,"It brought me all the way to these frozen reaches from the warm embrace of Summerset Isle." 5846,"We are thieves, you fool. We're stealing the cube." 5847,"At least, that's what we thought until I translated some ancient texts a year or so ago. We now believe King Olaf buried the truth with the bard." 5848,"Arch-Mage Aren assures me that his people had nothing to do with it, and I believe him. But Winterhold never recovered." 5849,"We do the best we can, even though we have next to nothing. But we Nords don't give up, not ever." 5850,"Ghorza is the one you should ask if you need anything." 5851,"Just for once, I'd like to see her squirm... to rub her nose in it." 5852,"Thank you for coming, sister." 5853,"We agreed to 750 gold. I want my money." 5854,"In dark times friends bring light. This is for you. Thank you for your friendship." 5855,"If I wasn't married to Ulfberth, I'd be out of business." 5856,"But that is for the gods to decide. You have done your part." 5857,"Oh... I've heard of this. They say these walls show the history of the ancients who built this place." 5858,"Really? I knew he was mixed up in something dangerous, but I hadn't heard he was dead." 5859,"What am I going to do?" 5860,"It is my hope that I will one day return to Hjaalmarch. But the Divines have not shown this to me." 5861,"They got archers up along the wall!" 5862,"That would be a bad idea. I'd be too likely to attract the wrong kind of attention. But they don't know you at all, yet." 5863,"One of the lost secrets of the Blades. Where they recorded all they knew of Alduin and his return. Part history, part prophecy." 5864,"I guess if you're telling me to stop worrying about it, maybe I should just let it go. Thank you, friend." 5865,"Quite simple really, I don't know what the fuss is about these locks. All it takes is a bit of know-how and a lot of skill." 5866,"Gorm thinks I'm mad. He doesn't say it, but I know he thinks it. Is he right?" 5867,"Oh, sure, he'll be back in a century or two, but think of the fun I can have 'til then." 5868,"Dreh ni nahkip. Discipline against the lesser aids in qahnaar... denial of the greater." 5869,"Thank you. Please hurry!" 5870,"After each battle, more dead were buried, and the graveyard got bigger. I've heard it's now the biggest graveyard in Skyrim." 5871,"There have been unconfirmed reports that someone has been sneaking into the town of Winterhold while invisible, and causing... issues." 5872,"I don't know. I never expected the old bag to follow me so far. Just get rid of him." 5873,"But more importantly, wards have saved lives. This is a simple fact." 5874,"Are we close? Thalmor spies could be anywhere." 5875,"The choice is yours, friend. We're all counting on you to make the right decision. Put him out of our misery!" 5876,"What, you still think it's funny?" 5877,"Thongvor, I have the latest reports from Cidhna Mine and the smelter. We should go over them immediately." 5878,"Forgive me milord, I didn't recognize you! Please proceed." 5879,"What I'm not so sure about is the peace we've made with the Thalmor. But we'll keep that between the two of us, alright?" 5880,"Ulfric's not running a social club. You don't join anything. Either you're a true son of Skyrim, or you're not." 5881,"More tea, Pelly my dear?" 5882,"Welp, time to gather more supplies I guess." 5883,"Thank you for telling me the truth. You should speak to Sven. I'm sure he'll want to thank you, too, for defending his name." 5884,"Change Arn's entry in the book to anything you want and they'll be forced to let him go after he serves a few weeks." 5885,"Listen, I'm going to lay up here for a while. You can make your own way to Solitude from here." 5886,"Just... try and keep out of our way." 5887,"I miss Reyda. She was so nice to Narfi. Narfi's sad he can't be with Reyda." 5888,"The undercroft is ahead... ugh, Necromancers. Be careful." 5889,"My aunt went in after him, but she hasn't come out yet and I'm afraid to go in by myself." 5890,"You've got a lot of nerve, walking around here dressed like an Imperial Legionnaire." 5891,"Nothing refreshes the soul like an honest day's labor in good, tilled earth." 5892,"I'm sure she will prove most useful." 5893,"What? What is this?" 5894,"...and I said to the baker, ""You're not dead! You're a faker!"" But if that's your wish, I'll oblige..." 5895,"Not right now." 5896,"The Dragonborn has spoken, Tullius. Markarth will be ours." 5897,"Do what you will. Cicero has no fight left. In the end, Sithis will judge us both." 5898,"Thurri du hin sille ko Sovngarde!" 5899,"But Ulfric was at that moot, continually talking about Skyrim's independence in terms just shy of treason." 5900,"What are you looking at?" 5901,"War dogs cost gold, friend. Come back when you have some." 5902,"Malacath teaches us to honor all words with action. To demand blood from your enemies and strength from your allies." 5903,"Gods, it's cold. They'd better find something good in there to make this worthwhile." 5904,"Don't you ""dear"" me! I had a bowl of Vampire Dust on my worktable not an hour ago and after you swept in there it's gone!" 5905,"Please. If we have to negotiate the terms of the negotiation, we will never get anywhere." 5906,"I'm just no good at this. You said it yourself. Gods, I don't even like horses. And if it's true what they're saying about dragons..." 5907,"I'm too weak right now. Between the spiders and the coven, I'd be dead before escaping the cave." 5908,"Tell you what - you bring back my goat, and maybe I'll give a damn about your staff." 5909,"Dig, Dwemer, in the beyond. I'll know your lost unknown and rise to your depths." 5910,"You'll have to speak up. I'm a little deaf in my right ear." 5911,"Got metal to shape." 5912,"You speak truly, Dragonborn. Sometimes the grubby business of politics clouds my eyes." 5913,"Oh really? And I don't suppose you'd just do it out of the kindness of your heart, would you?" 5914,"Yes, that will be fine. Thank you." 5915,"Feel free to sit and put your head down on the table for as long as you like. I won't bother you." 5916,"Yes. But understand - during the days of Alduin's rule, all dragons were his allies. There was nothing else they could be." 5917,"There will be. Of that, you can be assured." 5918,"Mjoll! I'm glad I found you." 5919,"We live by his code and follow his teachings. Spend some time with the wise woman and you'll remember." 5920,"All you need to do is ask and we can both come out of this smellin' like a rose." 5921,"Come to gawk at the monster?" 5922,"You did it! All three targets in eight seconds. Nice job." 5923,"You dirty thief!" 5924,"I said give me some meat. I'm hungry, and the Divines know you don't need more food in that huge gut of yours." 5925,"Stormcloaks!" 5926,"Powerful men have many enemies. More so, in times of strife. So you can imagine the dangers." 5927,"Why do your people claim the Reach is theirs? The Orcs have been in these lands just as long." 5928,"So congratulations, whoever you are, you've found the Synod. Just me, alone, surrounded by angry machines and angrier Falmer." 5929,"Calm yourself, Breya. We are closing in on the Lexicon. I can feel it calling. We'll continue without Drennen." 5930,"Veren... Thorek... you're alive!" 5931,"Patience. Give me a moment and I'll explain everything." 5932,"I'm so glad Vittoria and Asgeir chose a public reception. That way the entire city can share in their holy bond." 5933,"Good lass." 5934,"Your first target is an Orc bard named Lurbuk. The other is a vampire by the name of Hern." 5935,"But legend holds, his body was secretly returned to Skyrim and buried with the crown. Its exact whereabouts lost in the following Wars of Succession." 5936,"I'm fairly certain he was planning some sort of a heist that involved a deep understanding of the Falmer language." 5937,"Get ready to open the trap!" 5938,"My blade is restless, unblooded too long." 5939,"Oh... hello there. Didn't notice you come up. I was focusing my magicka." 5940,"We stand at the tomb of Hevnoraak, who has been dead for many generations. I fear, however, that his return may be at hand." 5941,"Rrrrrraaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!" 5942,"The poor dear must truly be hungry to comb through rubbish like that. Hope she finds something edible." 5943,"The bride has been murdered! Somebody help!" 5944,"Best not go wandering east of the city. Bandits been seen around Broken Helm Hollow. " 5945,"Ha. Good luck to you, friend. She's not one who likes to be found." 5946,"When I was a young acolyte of Vaermina, I paid my dues in a shrine located within the catacombs of a fort in Cyrodiil." 5947,"Mirabelle Ervine... Or Tolfdir. They're qualified to discuss him. Not me, definitely not." 5948,"So did I! If the damn Stormcloaks somehow found one, or woke it up... the war might be about to take an ugly turn." 5949,"I don't really know anyone at the College. I guess everyone just assumes I do because I'm a Dunmer." 5950,"He's a vampire, and has blended into human society for years. He's never far from his female companion, Hert. Also a vampire." 5951,"The College of Whispers hopes to learn that our College also supports these avenues of research." 5952,"There are words spoken, and words unspoken. Beware these Thalmor, for they are adept in both languages." 5953,"I've been adventuring across Tamriel since I was a fresh-faced young woman barely able to swing a blade." 5954,"Don't break anything with that weapon, okay?" 5955,"Come on, close the door." 5956,"I'm bored standing around, papa. I could take over for you..." 5957,"After all, Eorlund works the Skyforge. How is any smith going to compete with that?" 5958,"But, if you find more trouble than you can handle, run out to the courtyard. We'll come as soon as we hear fighting." 5959,"Karliah... she's still alive?" 5960,"Again? Are you sure? He still hasn't answered your last several requests." 5961,"Now, if you'll just stand right over there, I'll cast a spell at you, and you block it with the ward. Here we go." 5962,"I'm sorry, mother. I can't help it. All that stuff you like to do, it's just so... boring." 5963,"Take a look around. Have you ever laid eyes on such wealth?" 5964,"He sacked Winterhold in dragon form, and bent their minds to blame Solitude." 5965,"Bye, love." 5966,"Then I found that wretched poetry from Svana. When I confronted Sibbi about it, he threatened to kill me." 5967,"My disciples still follow the difficult path - the Way of the Voice is neither wide, nor easy." 5968,"What more could I ask of you? No, you're free to roam. I suspect the gods have needs for you elsewhere." 5969,"The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Kolskeggr Mine." 5970,"A good story is nine parts truth and one part fiction." 5971,"I was a little scared at first, but I like having my sister around. It's comforting." 5972,"Puttin' together another shipment from Morrowind, Vekel. Lookin' for anythin' special?" 5973,"Here's the deal. I can smuggle some equipment into the Embassy for you." 5974,"Is that so? I was right about you." 5975,"Bloody tourists." 5976,"Have you seen that Shrine of Azura? They say the dark elves built it after they fled from Morrowind. Sight to see." 5977,"I've smoothed things over with her for now, but you can forget your cut." 5978,"But being happy or unhappy is a choice you make, and I've chosen to make the best of things that I can." 5979,"It does not matter to M'aiq how strong or smart one is. It only matters what one can do." 5980,"My honor isn't so cheap, outlander." 5981,"I'd wager old Vignar could see half a dozen of my predecessors." 5982,"Sorry, Tythis. I'll get it to you somehow." 5983,"Really? That must be so nice. I came all the way to Skyrim just to get away from my family's expectations." 5984,"I'm drunk, and it's been a while since I had a good fight." 5985,"I am always available should you need me, Arch-Mage." 5986,"I'll wait here. Just don't start any trouble without me." 5987,"I suppose someone else will need to look after the Apprentices for now." 5988,"With respect, Jarl. You can't ask everyone to throw themselves against trained Legionnaires. Let's leave the fighting to the Stormcloaks." 5989,"Great! Now I'm going to cast some spells at you. Keep your ward up so I can study it." 5990,"I heard Brynjolf is looking for you. I think it's time for the Guild to have a new leader." 5991,"You with one of the trade caravans, Khajiit? Your kind always seems to find trouble." 5992,"I trust you'll be finished with Fort Hraggstad soon?" 5993,"Now that dragons are coming back, our purpose is clear again. We need to stop them." 5994,"The Stormcloaks will pay appropriate compensation for the massacre at Stonehills." 5995,"Wind guide you." 5996,"No.. get that accursed mace away from me..." 5997,"No, it.. it can't be. I haven't heard that name in decades." 5998,"By Talos, the stones on this one! You're in no position to dictate terms to us, Tullius!" 5999,"Then you'll need to find Elenwen's office and search her files. Malborn should be able to point you in the right direction." 6000,"Maven! So good to see you again. Hoist a flagon and celebrate with me!" 6001,"I can't get it open." 6002,"If I were you, I'd keep my feet dry and stay up here." 6003,"That's what many here wanted. A quiet life in a quiet place, without the noise or the trouble of a city." 6004,"Now we're in for it." 6005,"Can't wait to see the look on their faces when they find us here waiting to spill their blood." 6006,"Ever seen a book called ""The Mirror""? We used to hand it out to boys looking to learn basic shield work." 6007,"I have metal to dig." 6008,"But thanks to you, he died knowing his life's work was not in vain." 6009,"A little girl is dead because of me." 6010,"One of these days he'll have to learn. " 6011,"A very long time ago, the Blades were dragonslayers, and we served the Dragonborn, the greatest dragonslayer." 6012,"You want the hilt that bad? Fine. Here's the keys. It's locked in a chest inside my house." 6013,"Nothing personal." 6014,"Robbery is what it is. The Silver-Bloods are trying to muscle in on my land." 6015,"Mortals call it Dawnbreaker, for it was forged in a holy light that breaks upon my foes, burning away corruption and false life." 6016,"Please hurry, we need to catch Mercer before he leaves Skyrim." 6017,"Sometimes I just need to remind everyone why I'm the one in charge." 6018,"Ah, but there I go, waxing poetic about my misspent youth. Now where were we? Ah yes. You're the mortal messenger. An I am...? " 6019,"Oh! You're a traveler! You must have so much to tell about the world outside this boring town!" 6020,"This isn't about the money." 6021,"Well, my friend... the time's come to make it official. It's time to become our Guild Master." 6022,"Curses aren't enough, now must I suffer you too? What is it?" 6023,"Husband, you worry far too much. We are within an hour's walk of Riften." 6024,"One moment while I ""correct"" some of these documents... That should do it." 6025,"When we get back to Cyrodiil, I swear I will hire an army of battlemages to come up here and set fire to the whole damned province." 6026,"After that, Ulfric... there will be a reckoning. Count on it." 6027,"Here. This is for you." 6028,"Sure, I understand. It's not easy to go from being executed by the Legion one day to joining up the next." 6029,"Like you won't do different?" 6030,"Are you mad? Apologize, or I will gut you like a horker." 6031,"I will be Jarl someday, mother?" 6032,"Hah! And what would a witless oaf like you know about raising children?" 6033,"Rise from your graves to defeat this worm!" 6034,"Blood running hot? " 6035,"It seems that after the strength of the Cult was broken in the Dragon War a last contingent came here to create a stronghold and regroup." 6036,"Thank you, friend. It's good to know I can count on you." 6037,"Nords can be quite stubborn. They're slow to change their ways, and we find more heretics every day." 6038,"Did you notice that the snow settles in a different direction near the murder sites?" 6039,"Oh, and don't mind my assistant here. He may have seen better days, but he's still more help to me dead than he was alive." 6040,"What business do College mages have in a place like Saarthal, anyway? It's a place for Nord dead... not your weird experiments." 6041,"Septim would later found the Empire that united Tamriel, but his first known battle and victory was right here." 6042,"Aia, this is a delicate matter. Why don't you review your lessons and be silent for a while." 6043,"A dragon! I saw a dragon!" 6044,"Can I... I could help you. He'd talk to me. He trusts me." 6045,"Everyone knows General Tullius wields the real power Solitude. Elisif? Ah, she's a figurehead. A puppet." 6046,"Not for me to say. You'll have to talk to Kodlak Whitemane up in Jorrvaskr." 6047,"We... we have to go back. We can't leave Girduin..." 6048,"Blast. Well, I'll check my sources and speak to Mercer." 6049,"Maybe you've already met Camilla Valerius? " 6050,"I'm Sybille Stentor, court mage of Solitude, and according to my scrying you've managed to unleash Potema herself!" 6051,"Always looking on the bright side, aren't you." 6052,"Would you two shut up before Brurid hears you messing around." 6053,"These people just inherited some heirlooms from a relative. Good timing for us, bad timing for them, eh?" 6054,"Every Nord should admire Ulfric. He fights for all of us." 6055,"Each has their own way." 6056,"Then stop wasting my time." 6057,"Most of my kin are in the longhouse. Come back during the day if you wish to trade." 6058,"A Nord nobleman I served was stabbed in the night. Wasn't me, but I knew I'd be blamed." 6059,"The Staff is said to be able to absorb great amounts of energy. Perhaps it can interact with the Eye in a way that nothing else can." 6060,"As long as the Synod don't blame us for this mess, I have more pressing matters to deal with." 6061,"Either way, I came back with meat for the table." 6062,"Oho! And what do you want, hmm?" 6063,"Anything else?" 6064,"You're the one that got out of Helgen, aren't you? I could use anyone who's tangled with a dragon before." 6065,"I want soldiers sent to deal with these dragons. Every able-bodied man and woman who can carry a bow." 6066,"There's only one way to find out if what the lass says is true. Delvin, I'll need you to open the Vault." 6067,"Goodbye, sir." 6068,"I can't. Not tonight. I need to go home. I swear, my father is starting to suspect something." 6069,"Sure. Then you wake up in the morning with your purse empty and your gear stolen. No thanks." 6070,"My miners are as dumb as rocks are grey." 6071,"I spend every waking moment making sure the mine is put to good use." 6072,"Spoken like a true Nord. I'll stand beside you, Dragonborn." 6073,"No. I was too afraid to look. I don't know what we're going to do now. We have nothing left." 6074,"Hello? You! Over here! Please, I need help!" 6075,"He is the Daedric Lord of the Orcs. The keeper of the Sworn Oath and the Bloody Curse." 6076,"If this isn't about official city business, you're wasting my time." 6077,"I'm aspiring to earn that title, yes. However, the road ahead is paved with loose cobbles and deadly pitfalls." 6078,"Any idea how I can get my daughter's head out of the clouds?" 6079,"It's too late for that. Leave me. Save yourself." 6080,"Unless you intend to bury someone this isn't the place you're looking for, traveler." 6081,"Ignore me all you want, you still aren't getting in." 6082,"Did he now?" 6083,"In the basement. Trust me, you'll see it." 6084,"Of course they don't count!" 6085,"I'm so glad Eola invited you to dinner." 6086,"What's... what's happening... I can't stop myself." 6087,"You know, I'm almost beginning to like you, but you haven't earned your place out of here yet." 6088,"Oh, so you're trying to play both sides, is that it? What do you really want?" 6089,"Hmm. There's no simple answer to that. You want the long version or the short version?" 6090,"Lorkhan's eyes! Look at that big bastard! Keep your head down, let's see what it does." 6091,"Well done. You have now passed all the trials." 6092,"Where'd you go?" 6093,"Only you can truly defeat these monsters, Dragonborn, but you do not have to do so alone. The Blades can help you." 6094,"Mining is hard work, but we pay a fair price for any ore you dig up." 6095,"I am well aware. Tolfdir is still in Saarthal, is he? I shall be expecting a full report from him when he returns." 6096,"Mallus is teaching me everything he knows about brewing. Hopefully, I can take over his position some day." 6097,"Here? Right here? Very well, J'zargo shall wait." 6098,"Well now. What have we here? A lost little lamb?" 6099,"Welcome to Riften, traveler. I hope the road fared well for you." 6100,"Why do soldiers bother with target practice? One learns best by hitting real people." 6101,"Just... get out of my face. I've got nothing to say." 6102,"Yes. Their history and culture is all around us in Markarth. A race of stonecutters, artisans, and engineers." 6103,"I'll present this to the Jarl later. As for you, let me show you some smithing techniques." 6104,"Secondly, I need to cripple rebel production capabilities with a little sabotage." 6105,"You can talk to Birna if you need to buy anything. She doesn't have much, but could certainly use the coin. And then there's our little inn." 6106,"Our actions have always been one in the same; both of us lie, cheat and steal to further our own end." 6107,"Chops and steaks fit for a Jarl! Come and see my selection of finest-quality meats!" 6108,"You have our gratitude, Arch-Mage." 6109,"So it's true. The Greybeards really were summoning you." 6110,"I had an uncle, you see. He made certain... unwanted advances. So I killed him. And liked it. Then I killed again. And liked it even more. And so on." 6111,"Wish I could head inside Solitude myself. Wouldn't mind seeing Roggvir get what's coming to him." 6112,"The memories. I cannot stand them. You must take them away, return them to Avanchnzel." 6113,"That's how a true Nord fights." 6114,"Are you serious? I hear more threatening words from my wife." 6115,"I'm not the only one seeing this, am I?" 6116,"This mine is only a few years old, but I've been digging up ore for over a century." 6117,"Why don't you take a look at some of my merchandise and we'll see what kind of a deal we can make." 6118,"Am I sensing that you may be interested in gathering these rare ingredients for me?" 6119,"Just another minute, please." 6120,"Ulfric called him out as a traitor to Skyrim, and killed him in single combat." 6121,"You'll have to come back another time. " 6122,"What macabre mysteries would these tools reveal if they could but speak?" 6123,"Ah, fresh blood. Hope you know how to handle yourself." 6124,"The staff! Use it on the Eye!" 6125,"As for you, General Tullius, I see now that Galmar was right. Talking to the Empire is just as useless as ever." 6126,"You've done what you've had to for yourself, not for mother." 6127,"Make sure that he is." 6128,"We've gotten a letter about someone needing some muscle up in Hjaalmarch." 6129,"That's quite an accusation. I assume you have proof?" 6130,"I don't know, I don't know!" 6131,"This is the resting place of Ysgramor. And his most trusted generals. You should be cautious." 6132,"Alduin, his hunger insatiable, hunts the lost souls snared within this shadowed valley." 6133,"Stay close and in plain view. No funny business unless you want a few inches of steel in your belly." 6134,"I'm on my way to Windhelm to join up with the Stormcloaks. Ulfric has the right of it." 6135,"Poor mother... she's been waiting here so long... Stupid farmer and his stupid tools! Why won't he help us?" 6136,"Bucket. Knife. Book. Inkpot. Stone. No, no, no." 6137,"I should hire you to be my assistant at this rate." 6138,"Ah, yes. I heard you gave him quite a thrashing." 6139,"Ha. Another milk drinker crying about his effort." 6140,"Because they don't care about you or I, cub. They think they're better than all of us, and that we can just be thrown away." 6141,"Oh, very well. I'll send my brother. He'll straighten this out." 6142,"No. I don't have anything for bad dreams, so don't ask." 6143,"What happened to my Skyrim? Everywhere you look, cats, lizards and elves. It's sickening." 6144,"You there. Are you here to kill me? Slay the mighty Logrolf while he sits tied and helpless?" 6145,"So, you're saying you brought that cat down alone?" 6146,"I wasn't wanting to get anyone in trouble, sir. Just wanting to get the new planting started, is all." 6147,"I know you're here somewhere." 6148,"Things are easier now that I don't have to worry about Ranmir anymore." 6149,"Yes, Nightingale, what is it?" 6150,"Please move quickly. Eldergleam awaits us." 6151,"I won't let you hurt Alva!" 6152,"Speak to Falk when you have the funds. And thank you." 6153,"Finally! My prayers have been answered!" 6154,"I don't blame you, Dragonborn. You treated us fairly despite your known rebel sympathies." 6155,"Have a good contract." 6156,"This here is Dragonsreach, an' it's my task to see it looks fit for a jarl, night an' day." 6157,"Whole dwarven city underneath the keep. Nchuand-Zel. Best steer clear if you don't want a Steam Centurion carving you up." 6158,"To the keep! Move!" 6159,"Be careful out there." 6160,"Yes, but don't try to use force! He's far too mighty. He'd crush you like a clay doll, or drop you from the sky, or simply eat your brain right up!" 6161,"Yes, yes. I haven't got all day..." 6162,"Honningbrew's owner, Sabjorn, is about to hold a tasting for Whiterun's Captain of the Guard and we're going to poison the mead." 6163,"Exactly! And now I have to stare at these bars for eight months. Can you believe it?" 6164,"See that you do. You're an embarrassment, Horgeir. I don't know why I married you." 6165,"As long as the rebels are willing to die fighting the Empire, we must be willing to oblige them." 6166,"Now, come with me, child. We'll prepare you for the goddess's presence." 6167,"Wonderful! Here is the key to your new home." 6168,"Well, did you bring back any mead?" 6169,"I swear it rains like this every time I go to Riften." 6170,"Hmm. Well now. This is all very fascinating, but I don't recall asking to you to touch anything in here." 6171,"Thorald can't be left to those... monsters." 6172,"When do I get to go hunting?" 6173,"Oh, really? So that Dark Elf took my ring. So typical of his kind." 6174,"Not much work being a jailor. Long as you can ignore the pleading and all that." 6175,"Get over to the capital." 6176,"That's close enough." 6177,"You're right, of course. But when this war is over, I'll gladly resign and we can stop sneaking around like this." 6178,"Mikael, son. How about something with a bit o' kick?" 6179,"This one should be easy. Get in, plant the goods and get out. Quiet and neat. Sound like your kind of job?" 6180,"Our families been close as kin for generations." 6181,"You should speak with my husband. Skaggi runs everything." 6182,"That's... that's good of you. If you were to save her, I would be very grateful. I don't think there's anything I could give you, though..." 6183,"They picked on the wrong old man." 6184,"I am not! You're lying!" 6185,"I'm what you'd call of soldier of fortune. Make me an offer, and I just might fight at your side." 6186,"What is your need, Dragonborn?" 6187,"Whiterun's army will no doubt be bolstered with Legionnares. And those walls around Whiterun are old, but they still stand." 6188,"He might just make it." 6189,"Oh! Miss Maven. What can I do for you?" 6190,"Through the inn! Now!" 6191,"I guess we'd better try this way." 6192,"It's just me and my mother at the mill here. My father is gone. We don't know what happened to him." 6193,"To convince her I want to read King Olaf's Verse. A part of the Poetic Edda, the living history of Skyrim. Unfortunately the verse was lost long ago." 6194,"A Nord's last thoughts should be of home." 6195,"Ah, it's one of the infamous Nordic puzzle doors. How quaint." 6196,"That looks dangerous..." 6197,"There's got to be some way out of here!" 6198,"But more will come. Bring him down, for the glories of Lord Hircine." 6199,"If the Tenets were still in place, you would be required to defeat the Wrath of Sithis. Now you just need to pay a fine to Nazir. Ah, the Old Ways..." 6200,"Muiri? I can't believe my family trusted that backstabbing little strumpet. You tell her she's dead to us. You hear me? Dead!" 6201,"May you be saved by the Divines, as I once was." 6202,"I'm afraid not. How else can a poor, overworked sailor like myself expect to earn a living?" 6203,"Irgnir, get a hold of yourself. They're just dreams. Please tell her, Erandur." 6204,"Let me see that journal..." 6205,"I feel a change in the room..." 6206,"Now, go away." 6207,"That's the trouble. I know Faleen from the Keep, but I have no idea what sorts of things she likes." 6208,"He committed atrocities so infamous they are still remembered, thousands of years later." 6209,"Here, let me give you a particularly venomous letter. Say it's from Faendal. That should get Camilla to stop inviting the elf over." 6210,"Let me see... ah, yes. This is the Wheelstone. It's an heirloom symbol of the power of Windhelm. " 6211,"It's the Legion!" 6212,"No, no. You just stay here and rest." 6213,"If you ask me, this damned rebellion can't end soon enough. I had to end my tour of Skyrim's courts. Too dangerous too travel." 6214,"Here's the payment for killing Alain. And nothing for letting Nilsine live. Just remember, that was your decision." 6215,"Then might I urge you to consider General Tullius's request? I mean, if you are bent on offending Jarl Ulfric..." 6216,"I've been playing this game for almost 20 years. Sending the young to their deaths. All in the name of the Forsworn. And I'm tired. So tired." 6217,"I'm so nervous." 6218,"You found it! The passage goes through the sarcophagus... I don't like this... but we'd better keep going." 6219,"The thief had broken into a nobleman's home somewhere in Windhelm and made off with a small figurine of a snow elf with crystalline eyes." 6220,"I demand that you leave at once and never speak of this again." 6221,"But that's the kind of talk an old warhorse shouldn't be making. Don't worry. I have my problems with the Empire, but I'm still a soldier first." 6222,"Vignar the Revered is the Jarl in Whiterun. I guess he was a great hero once, because the Companions all call him ""Vignar the Revered.""" 6223,"Look, his name is Balagog gro-Nolob. He's an Orc! The Gourmet's an Orc! He's staying at the Nightgate Inn. That's all I know!" 6224,"Good luck, brother. I'll see you later." 6225,"Please, sir, leave me alone!" 6226,"Is this what killed that Stormcloak over there? Can't be. It looks like it's been dead for a hundred years." 6227,"Alvor and I, we got a daughter. Little Dorthe. " 6228,"We've received a desperate missive." 6229,"I was a beauty in my day, dearie. Don't act so surprised." 6230,"I get you, and the Dark Brotherhood gets to continue its existence." 6231,"I went out ice fishing a few days ago." 6232,"If I make it back to Solitude, I'll put in a good word for you with General Tullius." 6233,"I've done what I needed to do keep mother happy. It doesn't matter what I really believe." 6234,"I see. If something does happen, you know where I am." 6235,"If we're not going to get Riften, we need you to give us something." 6236,"Don't hand me a mug of sheep's piss and call it mead. These terms are still not acceptable." 6237,"Speak with the Wary Outlaw at the Bee and Barb, in Riften. Accept his gold, and then eliminate the target. So begins a contract, bound in blood." 6238,"They didn't put up much of a fight. All that was left were the women and the children." 6239,"The Akaviri blood seal can only be opened with the right kind of blood. Your blood, Dragonborn." 6240,"Well, ain't gonna find her here. Haven't seen her in a while." 6241,"Something has to change soon or I may as well pack this place up and leave it for the skeevers." 6242,"If he gets his hands on them, you can be certain he'll be gone for good and set up for life." 6243,"I'm the Jarl, not a barkeep. Speak your business." 6244,"It used to be a huge system hundreds of years ago but it fell into decay just like the rest of Riften." 6245,"Name's Garthar. Remember it, because you're going to hear a lot about me." 6246,"Actually, there is, but I don't think I could get away with doing it. She'd kill me if she found out."