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+ comment_id,post_id,post_title,body,score,created_utc
+ lt954r1,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,His followers will become the equivalent of Hitler's Brown Shirts or Mao's Red Guards.,1941,2024-10-22 23:07:44
+ lt9684x,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Donald Trump would be freshly armed with a Supreme Court ruling that gives the President near total immunity from prosecution.,1120,2024-10-22 23:14:09
+ lt980if,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"Yes, the historic precedents are there. ",541,2024-10-22 23:24:30
+ lt95iur,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Fascism will be ratified as a viable electoral / campaign strategy forever-more. Even if the best-case scenario happens during the administration that will have happened on election day.,482,2024-10-22 23:10:03
+ lt9ep4g,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,This and the JDV will be President before the first term is up. JDV is a puppet and will absolutely let Project 2025 happen.,458,2024-10-23 00:03:16
+ lt96pd0,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"Nazism 2.0, except this time with the strongest military in history and with nukes. There will be no one to stop them this time.",403,2024-10-22 23:16:54
+ lt993m3,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"If you ever get a chance to watch a documentary on Hitler, please do. The similarities are frightening.",369,2024-10-22 23:30:44
+ lt96qzs,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"I'm mostly worried about Project 2025 and Trump putting in enough people who coukd make the Seven Mountain Mandate a thing -
+",345,2024-10-22 23:17:10
+ lt98ejo,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"All of it. Every last thing.
+ I’m a Canadian. Please USA. I don’t even know how this can be close.",274,2024-10-22 23:26:47
+ lt9jk47,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"Vance doesn't plan on being VP past the 48-hour mark on Inauguration Day. Trust.
+ It's the reason he still has no idea of what the actual job of VP is.
+ It's gotta be a shutout. The Electoral Count must be so damn clear that there's no actual feasible question as to its validity.
+ Even then, the MAGAts are going to cry foul.
+ Ugh.",272,2024-10-23 00:31:30
+ lt999pf,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Anyone who could have voted and didn’t is at fault you mean. I voted. I went door to door. I donated my time and money. The fuck else was I supposed to do?,237,2024-10-22 23:31:43
+ lt9sg36,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"""Don't worry about whether I'm informed; I am very informed."" That's the summary of the comment. There's very much reason to worry about a second Trump presidency.",221,2024-10-23 01:23:38
+ lt99wrn,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"I'm 55, have a military family, and have advanced degrees in the social sciences. Don't worry, I have read and watched a lot of history in my lifetime. ",205,2024-10-22 23:35:26
+ lt9dp5q,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"The historic precedents are there *from five years ago*
+ ""Proud Boys, stand back and stand by""",196,2024-10-22 23:57:32
+ lt978kl,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,That he will try to abolish the 2 term limit and never leave.,187,2024-10-22 23:20:01
+ lt9hqqg,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Don't underestimate the damage even an out of shape person could cause with an AR-15 and a brain fried by divisive rhetoric and misinformation.,180,2024-10-23 00:21:02
+ lt96es5,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,That Vance will invoke the 25th Amendment to replace tRump.,174,2024-10-22 23:15:13
+ lt975f5,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,There won't be any more elections. And we deserve it for letting it happen.,168,2024-10-22 23:19:30
+ lt96aa7,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,The end of the Constitution,162,2024-10-22 23:14:29
+ lt986b2,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,I'll have to move away from my family when Trump starts rewarding MAGA for tips about disloyalty. My Dad would turn me in n a second for his Orange Lord.,159,2024-10-22 23:25:26
+ lt9ka4s,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"It’s possible that Peter Theil, Heritage Foundation et al. forced Vance in there with a plan to pull a 25th amendment coup on Trump.",157,2024-10-23 00:35:40
+ lt9mra3,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"My primary concern is not geopolitics, but what these fascists will do domestically. I don't see Trump starting new wars but he will let Putin have his way with Ukraine and, possibly, the Baltic states. I fully expect him to pull out of NATO after consulting with Putin.",156,2024-10-23 00:50:03
+ lt99bmt,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Neither do I. We're so fucked even if he loses. See you in the cattle cars.,138,2024-10-22 23:32:02
+ lt9nba4,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"im honestly scared this will happen if he loses, too. i am not looking forward to this election.",136,2024-10-23 00:53:16
+ lt99q9m,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"Making good on his threats to round up and mass deport immigrants, which would probably include legal immigrants (only nonwhite ones, of course). Splitting up families and implementing the same kind of cruelty as last time, just on a much bigger scale.
+ I think one thing that gets lost in all the noise of saying that he’s unserious and doesn’t actually have principles beyond his own need for power and whatever some billionaire told him five minutes ago is that Trump has always consistently had xenophobia as his guiding principle. It was what he campaigned on from the very beginning and it’s one of the only things he has been consistent and passionate about regardless of anything anyone says to him. People really don’t talk enough about what an absolute human rights nightmare scenario would be. Imagine having your friends and next door neighbors rounded up in the middle of the night by highly militarized police without any indication of where they’ve gone. Mothers, fathers, children. We STILL have missing children who were separated from their families and lost to the system during his first term. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that we will have something akin to concentration and/or internment camps.",113,2024-10-22 23:34:22
+ lt9zy7s,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,I’m an election judge. I’m … a little scared.,113,2024-10-23 02:08:14
+ lt9lgjy,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"Yeah, there were a lot of MAGAts that were accussing Netflix of having an anti-Trump agenda because of how similar Trump and Republicans are to Hitler and the Nazis",112,2024-10-23 00:42:27
+ lt9mtgj,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"They'll say ""I VoTeD mY cOnScIoUs!"" Or ""I VoTeD tHiRd PaRtY!"" Like what help is that gonna do? People got mad at me for saying that in a few weeks Jill Stein is going to disappear until mid 2028.",111,2024-10-23 00:50:25
+ lt9rqvf,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"We really were that close to complete chaos on 1/6.
+ Irony in that Pence saved the day.",110,2024-10-23 01:19:28
+ lt9bl3i,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"There are a LOT of stupid fucking people that match the stereotype of Americans, and they love that the king of stupid entitled people lets them be as openly stupid and racist as they can be.",108,2024-10-22 23:45:13
+ lt97nyc,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"SCOTUS reversing Griswold, Loving decisions. Further erosion of consumer protections and environmental protections. Damage to the economy. Capitulation to Putin regarding Ukraine and NATO. End of free and fair elections.",105,2024-10-22 23:22:29
+ lt9e14u,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"What’s this “we” shit? Maybe you deserve it, I sure as hell don’t.",101,2024-10-22 23:59:25
+ lt9cz25,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"As someone who has been hate-watching Jim Bakker, Rick Joyner and their ilk for years, I seriously never thought we'd get this close to their theocratic incel wet dream.",100,2024-10-22 23:53:19
+ lt9rrak,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,I will resist and I’m 69. I protested back in the day and I’m one bad ass grandma. I want our rights back and him in jail.,99,2024-10-23 01:19:32
+ lt98jnr,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"Women's rights. JD Vance running for President. The top 1% getting the breaks. De-regulation and concerns about Global Warming.
+ And another traitor attack when he has to step down after 4 years instead of becoming the Dictator they're all hoping for.
+ Honestly, JD Vance scares me more than Trump because the guy is an incel.",97,2024-10-22 23:27:36
+ lt9nrht,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,China will be in Taiwan the day after inauguration.,95,2024-10-23 00:55:52
+ lt9m7it,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"Or Trump eating a bullet, and them making him a hero.",94,2024-10-23 00:46:50
+ lta2dml,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"John Kelly just went on the record with the NYTimes
+ ""He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law.""
+ So yeah, I'd say you're spot on.",92,2024-10-23 02:23:09
+ lt9qiyr,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"Telling on themselves, as usual, and they’re too stupid to even realize it.
+ My former mother in law once got on my case for “hating on Southern people” (I’ve lived in the south for 36 of my 47 years, and raised two kids here).
+ I told her I don’t hate Southern people, I hate *bigots.* She said “well you know what I mean!”
+ Hey, I didn’t say it! (And for the record I don’t think all southerners are bigots, they just tend to be loud here.)",91,2024-10-23 01:12:16
+ lt993l1,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,I think it will become the Trump family dynasty- his children will take over when he’s gone.,90,2024-10-22 23:30:44
+ ltad9vm,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"If Trump gets back into office, it'll be *way* worse the second time around. We'll likely see the transition from the legal phase of fascism to the violent phase. The SCOTUS has given him nearly unrestricted immunity. He'll create his own goon squad, and hyper-loyal military ""guard"" using border agents or federal parks police or some other convenient agency as an ""official"" husk. They'll be able to act with impunity because he'll just pardon any atrocities they commit. He'll go through every federal agency and empower his army of loyal functionaries to conduct purity tests and remove everyone who doesn't kiss the ring. This will allow looting of the government, a dismantling of services, and corruption from top to bottom. He'll either start making his adversaries disappear or empower volunteer terrorists to do as much on their own. He'll get several more SCOTUS appointments who will likely further enable the dismantling of the constitution. His followers will gleefully enjoy the destruction and chaos, until it starts hurting them too. Then we'll be in the shit-hole neo-feudal phase. One half of the morons who voted for this (to own the libs) will have to use their guns against trained military, tanks, and drones being manned by the other half who voted for this, but cozied up to power more effectively.",84,2024-10-23 03:34:50
+ lt99nzq,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"God, his sons are so dumb, they couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the bottom. Can you imagine?",83,2024-10-22 23:34:00
+ lt9b16y,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Trump supporters can't walk 3 miles to their car...,81,2024-10-22 23:41:57
+ lt9ajfb,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"As an Aussie, I'm extremely worried about the amount of power this orange man would have...akin to a dictator. Also the Heritage foundation's draconian wish list that Donald will probably invoke as he's too stupid to think up any other proposals or policies on his own.
+ The Republican Party has really backed the wrong horse on this one, one they may never be able to rid.
+ Christian Nationalism is dangerous, and a worldwide phenomenon, not just an American problem. Even in Australia we have to be vigilant against them infiltrating the government. Keep the trouble makers out of Blue 💙 Your democracy is under threat!",79,2024-10-22 23:39:05
+ lt9dfp7,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Yes. And the billionaires who put him there will be running the show.,78,2024-10-22 23:56:01
+ lt9850a,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"Oh god. This is a new one for me. Yikes.
+ Down the rabbit hole I go!",77,2024-10-22 23:25:13
+ lt9mzqw,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Because the powers that be decided that 2 votes in Wyoming should count the same as 100k votes in California.,75,2024-10-23 00:51:25
+ lta1j9u,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,"""Don't worry"", as in, ""Don't worry, I have informed myself as much as I am able about the documentary evidence that you have alluded to and I thoroughly agree with your point """,75,2024-10-23 02:17:56
+ lt96pxu,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Bingo. ,72,2024-10-22 23:17:00
+ lt9ii9t,1g9vri8,What are you the most worried about happening if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Election?,Hitler's Circle of Evil on Netflix was a good documentary. There are others on The History Channel that are similar.,72,2024-10-23 00:25:28