jpjtsd1,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,49-45,1023,2023-06-26 04:09:55
jpjv4rv,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I think that Biden will win, but we can't get complacent. 2024 will be ugly, and we will need a strong grassroots effort to grind this one out",943,2023-06-26 04:24:02
jpjtvxs,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Terrifying =/,935,2023-06-26 04:10:58
jpju4go,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Terrifying that it’s not 90-10?,769,2023-06-26 04:13:27
jpjypu2,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,These polls need to be state-by-state. National polling doesn't mean anything when the party that wins the popular vote every time loses elections.,663,2023-06-26 05:03:59
jpk0nz1,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,The fact that this contest polls within the margin of error is a gruesome indictment of the American electorate. Nothing has brought more shame on my countrymen than finding out 40+% of them would vote for this guy -- a third time.,565,2023-06-26 05:26:52
jpjvwtx,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Anything less than a humiliating landslide loss for Trump is a total shame.,481,2023-06-26 04:32:30
jpk54u0,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Assuming these numbers hold, the dogshit Electoral College could lead to a Trump win. Hopefully, Trump's legal woes will depress his vote share, but it's a damning indictment of this country that the numbers are this close.",371,2023-06-26 06:22:30
jpk74zk,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I wish more people understood how the EC works like you clearly do. I’m not going to copypasta my whole last comment, but Trump only lost by less than 43k votes in 2020. “Where” matters as much, if not more, than “how many.”",258,2023-06-26 06:48:51
jpkiops,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Biden squeeked out a win with a 4.5% margin in 2020. This is one of the best polls for Biden, and it's not good. If people don't get off their asses, they'll get what they asked for by being too lazy to vote.",238,2023-06-26 09:34:25
jpk0xsc,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Its that many of your countrymen are stuck on propaganda. The key is to shut off the propaganda and deprogram them.,226,2023-06-26 05:30:10
jpjy0ra,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Even more.,196,2023-06-26 04:55:55
jpkn2yc,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I say it every single time this comes up-Biden won by 40,000 votes. That’s it. Meaning, if the wrong 40,000 votes in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia changed, Trump would have won regardless of absolutely getting crushed in the popular vote",188,2023-06-26 10:34:47
jpjvl8t,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Nobody I know has changed their opinion about Biden or Trump in the past 3 years.

I really don't see Trump getting convicted resulting in more people joining his side. Biden has some legislative accomplishments that could be used to convince independents.

Of course, we still can't get comfy. The GOP will know this if Trump is their guy and will do everything they can to interfere. Especially since a large percent of their electorate has demonstrated that they do not care if they do.

Biden needs to avoid any big gaffes and just stay alive.",187,2023-06-26 04:28:58
jpju9t5,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,[deleted],179,2023-06-26 04:15:01
jpksfwp,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Gotta play their game. Register Republican, vote Democrat. 

Also... Don't answer the phone when they try to call and poll.",157,2023-06-26 11:38:00
jpk30q6,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"The scary thing is they say that exact same thing about us, and they are dead serious.",152,2023-06-26 05:55:39
jpku9ov,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"If you're going to register republican might as well answer the phone and lie too, false sense of security, it's a sure thing no need to vote and all that.",117,2023-06-26 11:56:39
jpkoamm,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,How are Americans so incredibly fucking stupid.,105,2023-06-26 10:50:08
jpk2kkq,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"As a European, I just don't get how it's not a +40 point lead. Trump has nothing to offer except hate. 

Both have a track record of being president. One was awful, the other has been doing good things.",105,2023-06-26 05:50:09
jpk14c0,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Break up the cult,104,2023-06-26 05:32:20
jpk3hw4,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Last time I voted 3rd party we got Trump. I don’t want Biden. I don’t want Trump more. So to not get Trump I guess I’ll vote Biden. Again. God I hate this.,103,2023-06-26 06:01:41
jpkbtir,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Really shows that 45% of the American electorate are every bit as amoral as their pick. 

Propaganda and disinformation have nothing to do with this.",103,2023-06-26 07:54:07
jpk2vxv,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"49-45 is basically a tie, because Biden runs up the score in Cali & NY but that doesn’t get him over the electoral college. A 3 point win for Biden means Trump wins via the EC.",79,2023-06-26 05:54:00
jpktoo3,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,The only thing the GOP has been successful at over the last couple decades is blaming everything wrong in the world on democrats. Even when most of the problems are ones the GOP caused due to their inability to govern. The GOP has the better PR game and use it well.,79,2023-06-26 11:50:55
jpkd8j5,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,He should have a fucking 30 point lead on a coup attempting criminal but no. The American people are led blindly by a robust propaganda system,75,2023-06-26 08:14:41
jpk1c7i,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Still, half the nation would vote for a treasonous rapist they think is flawed rather than a democrat they personally find likeable.",75,2023-06-26 05:34:59
jpksiky,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Trump won in 2016 by even less. Something like 36,000 votes spread across four states out of 150 million cast.",75,2023-06-26 11:38:47
jpjzb80,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Agreed. Still need to beat him tho. We can debate why he lost instead of lost really bad after his loses. Please, everyone vote for NotTrump",73,2023-06-26 05:10:54
jpju8ko,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,There are a lot of us already locked in on our 2024 vote(s) and this next year will just be a lot of noise.  I'll bet on Biden and not Sinema.,62,2023-06-26 04:14:40
jpktptk,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I think it’s deeper rooted than dumb, it’s more like why are half of Americans nihilistic selfish burn it all down maniacs.",61,2023-06-26 11:51:14
jpkor2u,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"And let’s not pretend everything has been all well these past 4 years. Some of that a residual of Trump, some of that a problem with things happening in the world, some of it Biden, some of it something else random. If any of those things resonate with those 40,000 voters whether its Bidens fault or not he’s likely to be blamed. Those 40,000 votes could change over very easily. Super easily.",58,2023-06-26 10:55:35
jpk5t9v,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,America is currently overcome with hatred at the moment.,56,2023-06-26 06:31:17
jpkaglv,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"The problem is it’s one very important reality with one truth, and their source of information has turned into 100% pure food grade misinformation",56,2023-06-26 07:34:32
jpk9a4t,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Why wouldn't they be serious? We now live in two different realities with different sources of information. I think the main thing that keeps us locked into this situation is each side thinking the other is faking it.,55,2023-06-26 07:18:08
jpkgi0i,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Empty land voted trump in, not people.",51,2023-06-26 09:02:31
jpk5fr3,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,DeSantis is even less appealing to those mouth breathers than Trump,49,2023-06-26 06:26:21
jpk9iua,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"The Republican Party has long given up winning the popular vote. They know the country's changing demographics mean the party's demise. The party machines in targeted battleground red states are deployed to game the electoral college to squeeze out a win to control the White House and Congress through gerrymandering and voter suppression.  Florida was purple, and Texas was on the verge of turning purple just a few years ago. Now, they are completely out of reach for Democrats.  Iowa and Ohio are gone, too.",47,2023-06-26 07:21:27
jpkjsw6,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Depressing and pathetic.

I can't believe this. I can't believe he might win again.

I thought we were done with this",46,2023-06-26 09:50:19
jpkceoi,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Denazification was a real and necessary program in Germany. We need to come down on J6 like a hammer — doling out fixes for media, financial supporters, voters in congress, supporters of the coup at the state levels.",45,2023-06-26 08:02:38
jpk4q2e,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"If it helps, remember that Republican states have done everything in their power to disenfranchise democratic leaning populations. Every time a poll references likely voters, registered voters, etc. they are reproducing this policy, not the beliefs of the populace.

For specific context, the poll referenced was *massively* weighted towards older voters and non-hispanic voters. The non-hispanic white population is something like 58%, with \~19% of the populace being Hispanic and a majorty of those being white. In the referenced poll *4%* of the population was Hispanic, and 72% of the poll was white. It also undercounted blacks (12% in the poll versus 13%...But remember, there is an extra 15% white here) which skews the results even more.

Age wise it's also hilariously biased. The biggest poll groups are the 55-69 crowd, meaning the poll is unironically filled with boomers. If you look at just retirees it's the second largest pop group (overlapping boomers ofc.)

The truth is that the Republican parties power is entirely demographic. The younger generations hate their fucking guts forever, with no restraint on their violent and ingrained vitriol. Meanwhile Boomers worship the ground Republicans walk on. Once the boomers die the Republican party is fucked and dead, buried and gone. Their increasing desperation to destroy democracy is rooted in that inescapable fact. This is their last chance to retain power, and they know it.

In truth, their opportunity probably already passed. A strict majority have strongly unfavorable opinions of Trump. They just don't *really* like Biden either...And this is in a hugely Republican weighted poll.",44,2023-06-26 06:17:13
jpjwuz7,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Why call it a rematch. Like it’s a sport?  Why not call it “Democracy’s most important election?”,43,2023-06-26 04:42:52
jpl146k,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Church. It’s honestly as simple as this. Church! Telling people “Don’t worry about saving anyone else, everyone is saved, none of this matters, destroy the Earth if you want, time is going to end before long anyway!”",43,2023-06-26 13:00:52
jpk6ucf,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Hopefully Trump is getting power largely from a few states just going even heavier red, doesn’t matter if Texas goes hard red as long as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada stay put",42,2023-06-26 06:44:55
jpk3mgw,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"The NY case I could see resulting in no conviction.

But the classified documents case… my concern isn’t him not getting convicted. My concern is him getting convicted and being somehow declared ineligible to run for president long before the primary is decided and that we then get Biden Vs DeSantis, and DeSantis wins on the age difference alone.",41,2023-06-26 06:03:19
jpkc20p,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,I was never as ashamed of America than when I found that DJT had picked up additional voters in 2020.,41,2023-06-26 07:57:29
jpl00ea,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,">and let’s not pretend everything has been all well these past 4 years. 

sure, but let's remember how fucking batshit insane the 4 years before were.  The last 4 years have been a blissful dream compared to that shitshow.",41,2023-06-26 12:51:20
jpkeq54,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Another Donald Trump presidency would be devastating for this country on so many different levels. The ramifications are incomparable and undeniable. 

Biden was the last person I wanted to be the nominee in 2020

Even though I feel he could be doing much more, is a corporatist, and an 80 year old man that is clearly not as sharp as he once was, he has still proven to be more competent than Trump was or could be. He’s actually been a fairly decent president in the context of the precedent set by his predecessors also Trump handed him a pandemic he did nothing about. Biden dealt with covid and the economic fallout that came as a result of the pandemic. 


•Passes The American Rescue Plan
•Passes 1.2 Trillion infrastructure bill 
•Passes The Inflation reduction act 
•PULLS OUT of Afghanistan War 
•Unified and strengthening our NATO alliance 
•Strategically aiding Ukrainian without boots on the ground or escalation. Strictly imposed sanctions and as we see Russia is about to implode in on itself 
•15 an hour for federal workers 
•capped drug prices for seniors on Medicare.
•Has eliminated some student loan debt 
•Executive order expanding birth control access",40,2023-06-26 08:36:41
jpjy0h0,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,They have been moving that direction before Trump and we still picked Biden,38,2023-06-26 04:55:49
jpkf16p,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"The repeal of Roe and the republican desire to force ten year old rape victims to become mothers is pretty stark, and no one on either side is suggesting this is not real.

The difference is, for example, the republicans in Michigan think forcing rape victims to become mothers is a good thing and literally said so.  To the cheers of her sick supporters.",38,2023-06-26 08:41:07
jpk9jvn,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Thanks - but could your *perfect* non Biden candidate get more done than Biden did with a 50/50 Senate and narrow House margins?,35,2023-06-26 07:21:50
jpkr1x1,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Empty heads, as well.",34,2023-06-26 11:22:44
jplv2ek,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Crazy how you can win the popular vote by 8 million or lose it by 3 million, and still end up winning the presidency by the same electoral vote total, determined by about the same few tens of thousands of votes in ""the right"" states. The electoral college is a joke.",34,2023-06-26 16:34:37
jpk8820,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,But then it's young blood vs old man. I believe Biden wouldn't have run again except for Trump being the likely nominee.,33,2023-06-26 07:03:27
jpk9msv,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,[deleted],32,2023-06-26 07:22:57
jpl1byi,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"They have an entire network dedicated to their propaganda. The other networks, while more center to left leaning, are still commercial entities. They want ratings. They need it to be close. If it was a landslide no one would watch. So, if Trump slips, they will give him more coverage and provide more false equivalence to make the differences between them normalized. Its all calculated and the networks do not care about anything other than money and ratings.",32,2023-06-26 13:02:46
jpkk1sv,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"One could still technically become president from prison. The only requirements are they be: at least 35, a natural born US citizen, resident in the country for (consecutive, I assume) 14 years. There is no issue on the presidential candidate, or elected president, being a felon or in prison.

I would be *more* than happy for anyone with more legal/constitutional knowledge to come along and correct me on that.",31,2023-06-26 09:53:43
jpk8ahj,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,I believe 2024 will be a huge win for democrats but there will be lots of erupting violence and attempts to deny the elections as a result.,30,2023-06-26 07:04:24
jpjz4fx,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Slaughter... Unlikely. Biden can lose sure, but high turnout in presidential years should benefit democrats. Maps have to be redrawn due to a recent scotus ruling that should net them another few house seats. Senate map looks bad, but really it's not all doom and gloom.

And you can be sure that if Trump is on the ballot, folks will be motivated to come out and vote against him again.",29,2023-06-26 05:08:40
jpkxfew,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"From what I understand, his legal woes have been INCREASING his vote share.

Don’t forget…most of the cult believes he’s a genius level president chosen by God to save the country, rescue the children from satanic pedos and is being unfairly persecuted by Democrats. (Who themselves are led by the forces of darkness)

That’s a charitable and “tip of the iceberg” explanation of their beliefs…..some within the MAGA cult believe in much crazier stuff.",29,2023-06-26 12:27:41
jpkjakp,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Fuk that, hopefully he's rotting in prison",29,2023-06-26 09:43:02
jpk8otj,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"
>**Viktor Orbán tells CPAC the path to power is to ‘have your own media’**",29,2023-06-26 07:09:53
jpkthq8,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"> If people don't get off their asses, they'll get what they asked for by being too lazy to vote.

Yep. It happened in 2016.  And so much damage has been done to the US because Trump won in 2016. SMH.",29,2023-06-26 11:48:56
jpk5m1d,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,A very well reasoned argument,28,2023-06-26 06:28:37
jpkxqs4,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Yes despite winning in 16 and then losing the reality is that he only barely beat Clinton and only barely lost to biden—from the EC side of things.,28,2023-06-26 12:30:41
jpkd9xz,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Hillary won by 2% nationally,28,2023-06-26 08:15:17
jpk42cg,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Oh yeah that's exactly what we need, corporations getting involved in social engineering via trade blockades. Sounds like a great idea, can't see how that would ever backfire.",28,2023-06-26 06:08:48
jpk8lpu,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,That part of the country doesn't believe he's a treasonous rapist though and you can thank conservative billionaires for controlling the over powered minority.,27,2023-06-26 07:08:41
jpjugf0,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"please remember that, because of the electoral college, the vote was much closer than it seemed.",27,2023-06-26 04:16:59
jpkjqrf,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"correction, they dont make anything up themselves. there are no grassroots right wing movements, theyre all billionaire initiated, directed, and funded.

their media chamber makes the rage bait for them. everything is focus group tested and perfected to make sure it agitates their insecurities and grievances.

none of it materially affects their lives, nor will policy based on it change their lives in any meaningful way.",26,2023-06-26 09:49:28
jplr6xb,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I think lying to pollsters can backfire.  There are voters who upon hearing that their candidate is losing, will just not show up to vote.",26,2023-06-26 16:09:20
jpkcroe,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,It's not a new problem in the US. Infact there's really good arguments that it predates the german nazi party by 67 years minimum going all the way back to Andrew Johnson. Stopping the post civil war reconstruction only served to validate those that still believed in what the confederacy stood for and the US has never moved past it.,25,2023-06-26 08:07:53
jpkqsjm,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"This. It’s so annoying when people don’t realize it’s a near miracle we ever have Dems in power.

The forces arrayed against them are almost unbelievable in scope. Billionaire donors, trillion dollar industries, shitty corporate owned MSM outlets, and above all, the massive right wing propaganda network.

The latter, spanning Fox News to right wing talk radio to right wing newspaper conglomerates is probably worth 10-15 points on the scale.",24,2023-06-26 11:19:49
jpk8t3a,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"From what I've read, there is nothing that would declare him ineligible even if he is tried and convicted.",24,2023-06-26 07:11:33
jpkdt6u,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Don't just sit and wait to boldly cast your ballot next Election Day.

Start now.  Do something every day.  Volunteer.  Campaign. Write.  Read.  Raise money.  Knock on doors.  Donate.  

Find reachable people and start off by listening to them, even if they express somewhat idiotic ""I'm undecided, I'm a centrist, both sides are equally bad"" kind of junk.  Listen to them even if it hurts your brain.  Then try to find their personal button, the thing that will tip their misplaced uncertainty away from the party of domestic terror and insurrection.

Maybe their issue is economy.  Give them the truth on the Biden admin inheriting a locked-down shit show world, get normalizing it within a few months.

Maybe their issue is student loans.  Give them the facts on the tens of billions of student loan programs Biden admin has done, and also point out to them how deeply hostile and malicious conservatives are to students of any kind, to student loan concerns, even to the concept of education. 

Find these issues and win them over, nicer than I would.  

Find the best human beings in your state, and convince them to run.  If you find a good enough person, that will always beat ghouls like Kari Lake and JD Vance and Meatball Ron.  Truly good people are why Penn and Arizona and Michigan beat the odds and kept the GOP scourge out, for now.  

Don't do like the DNC and try to do a full court press in the last two weeks.  It has to start now.  The MAGA cult is rallying, abs regurgitating hoaxes.  They have a huge head start.  MAGAs are already packing every community board and school committee and elected dog catcher portion with some truly awful nutbars.  

We need decent people to stem that tide, and to depose some of the harmful MAGAs already in place.",23,2023-06-26 08:23:05
jpkqs7z,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,They can’t own a gun but they could be commander in chief of an army.,23,2023-06-26 11:19:43
jpk6ov7,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Just a reminder as I often like to point out here… Trump lost 2020 by less than 43k votes. Ask yourself what a 7+ million vote lead matters when Trump is begging the GA SoS for about 12k votes. Here’s how he would’ve won with less than 43k votes:

Step 1: Trump beats Biden in AZ by receiving 10,458 more votes.

Step 2: Trump wins GA by receiving 11,780 more votes.

Step 3: Trump takes WI by getting 20,683 more votes.

NOTE: That’s 42,921 votes. That’s all he needed across those three states for the following to occur…

Step 4: Trump and Biden would be tied at 269-269 for the Electoral College. The vote would then go to the House of Representatives to decide POTUS.

Step 5: It isn’t a straight party line vote, so Democrats holding the House in 2020 means as much as the popular vote does… nothing. It is decided by state “delegations,” 26 of which are required to elect the next POTUS. Democrats had control of 20 state delegations, three were tied, and 27 were Republican controlled delegations. 

It shouldn’t be any stretch of the imagination how Republicans would have voted. 

Step 6: Trump is re-elected. Joe Biden writes a book called “What Happened This Time.” The country spirals harder into right wing fascist theocracy with the corporate oligarchy behind the curtain.. 

That’s it people. Less than 43k votes. There were over 155 million votes cast, and that minuscule amount would have altered history. 

Vote. Just fucking vote.",22,2023-06-26 06:42:54
jpjurrj,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"“Fake polls. All they did was ask people whom they would vote for. What kind of poll is that?”

—Trump",22,2023-06-26 04:20:17
jpk61re,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"from what I remember from 538, the electoral college gives a 1.5-2 point boost. So the democrat needs a 2 point lead on average to win.",22,2023-06-26 06:34:23
jpkbkkl,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Most polls are still done by phone. Now admittedly they have moved on to calling cell phones instead of home phones. However the only people that pick up a phone number that they don't know anymore our old people that skew to the right.,22,2023-06-26 07:50:35
jpkyb1g,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"In a normal world, an incumbent president with no scandals leading a soon to be convicted traitor to the country and serial sexual abuser wouldn't be newsworthy.",21,2023-06-26 12:35:58
jpkdozp,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Plenty of dumb, angry, stupid Gen Xers as well. There’s no guarantee that boomers dying = instant loss of Republican control.",21,2023-06-26 08:21:25
jpkqlpz,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"So in some places felons can’t vote, but they can become President?",21,2023-06-26 11:17:37
jpkdz8f,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I'm surrounded by them, including some who play a big part in spreading and amplifying MAGA garbage.  They don't actually believe it.  For many, the corrupt messaging is a means to an end.  They have no problem lying if it saves them on taxes.  Or lying to get out of a ticket.  Or lying when returning items to a store.  Or lying about politics.    

To them, the ends more than justify the means.",20,2023-06-26 08:25:32
jpkq28g,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I know conservatives who seem to wish Trump was better or at least that they had a better front runner.

Problem is Trump’s got a stranglehold right now on the party. I think his indictment, and continually being proven to be a loser in the media, will change that potentially.",19,2023-06-26 11:11:22
jpkki0g,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"He gone need. Georgia, too",19,2023-06-26 09:59:53
jpke4n2,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I fear that a lot of people won’t vote out of complacency because they assume that there’s no way Trump could win again or that their votes in a historically conservative electorate won’t matter.

I fear that this could be Americas Brexit, where most people were shocked that Brexit was voted in, because they didn’t bother to vote in an election they assumed would be a no-brainer.",18,2023-06-26 08:27:45
jpjzn93,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Only way to ensure Biden will win is to organize, donate, and volunteer.

Democracy requires active citizens to maintain it. As the saying goes: Fall asleep in a democracy, wake up fascism.",18,2023-06-26 05:14:51
jpkcft4,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"> Meanwhile Boomers worship the ground Republicans walk on. 

More than half the Boomers are Dems.


And there are plenty of neo fascist millennial 'influencers' as well.

Ever heard of Turning Point USA?",18,2023-06-26 08:03:06
jpk4s19,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,It’s still within the margin of error. I hate it here.,17,2023-06-26 06:17:56
jpk6jxl,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I would fucking hope so, as his opponent is a traitor to the US and a sexual predator.  I hate this timeline, get me off.",17,2023-06-26 06:41:05
jpjwrxh,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Polls this far out are essentially pointless, particularly for the presidency where the outcome is decided by the electoral college and not the popular vote.",17,2023-06-26 04:41:56
jpl0g04,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,It’s fucking terrifying that even now 45% of Americans still support those maniacs.,17,2023-06-26 12:55:05
jpkkyvg,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"They know it, but refuse to admit knowing it because they don't care. Evangelicals know well that Trump enjoys practicing the Seven Deadly Sins on a regular basis, but they still plan to vote for him because ""God forgives sinners"".

They all know.",17,2023-06-26 10:06:24
jpkci3z,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,It's pretty much always been overcome with hatred.,17,2023-06-26 08:04:02
jpkka8m,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,I really think I’ll have to go live in another country for four years if the orange turd gets elected again. I cannot deal.,16,2023-06-26 09:56:52
jpkpoj0,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Man if Texas went blue ever it would have been a gigantic landscape change for politics in America. Democrats having the largest states would have been an insane advantage that I don’t think the GOP could ever surmount except through a massive rebranding of their agenda.,16,2023-06-26 11:06:52
jpjywcq,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,By 6 million..he should have a better winning margin this time..,16,2023-06-26 05:06:06
jpkb6wn,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I don't think they sampled that well in this poll.

Look at the margin that Biden won by in 2020.  Older voters have died since and younger voters are about to turn the appropriate age TO vote.

Despite Trump's hold on the GOP, it's still limited to a fringe audience.  If he doesn't change his rhetoric, Dems and Independents will just end up voting against him again.",15,2023-06-26 07:44:58
jpk010j,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Isn't it possible that it would be more beneficial for Democrats to face deSantis? The guy has a personality an asocial assassin, charisma of a dead toad and is HUMILIATING failure of a governor, with nothing but subjugating women and minorities and less than nothing to show for with economy and underwater approval rating.",15,2023-06-26 05:19:19
jpkdxyo,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"It boggles my mind as an Australian also. We had one far-right religious nutcase Prime Minister that we voted out for a centrist party (literally a party that has a left and right faction). The new lead of the religious crazy party in Australia now polls at just over 14% of the primary vote. That’s where Trump should be sitting, polling-wise.",15,2023-06-26 08:25:01
jpl2zzn,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Call me crazy, but I still believe there is hope for Florida. DeSantis has shown what the GOP would do if they had next to no constraints on their power. With a good slate of candidates and strong campaign I think things can turn around there.",15,2023-06-26 13:16:55
jpk2r45,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Every election since 2016 has been bad for Republicans. Trump is a losing ticket but they can't seem to shake him.,15,2023-06-26 05:52:21
jplcsfu,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,The country would be a lot better off if we actually penalized churches for politicizing their congregations.,15,2023-06-26 14:31:28
jpk9kxk,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Dude, I’m not here to suck Biden’s dick, but come on - there has been no president in my lifetime who was able to convey actual genuine emotion and empathy like Biden.  His isn’t faked.  And *that’s* what turns you off - you actually have never experienced a public figure show true human emotions that aren’t packaged for tv, which makes it off-putting for you.",15,2023-06-26 07:22:14
jpkydqi,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Ranked. Choice. Voting. 

(Or anything other than First Past the Post… IDK, something that actually lets third parties be freely supported and possibly win. Too many people know the symptoms but not the known cure.)",14,2023-06-26 12:36:38
jpl48ge,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"If Trump somehow wins again, I don't think he's ever leaving office until he dies.",14,2023-06-26 13:27:14
jpknaep,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Within the context of ""how the fuck do you still support Trump"" the 50-50 distribution of Boomers *is* worshipping the R. 

The demographics are real here. Yes, you can find exemptions, but the overall numbers don't lie. Millennials are maybe 2:1 liberal versus conservative-and that's generous. Some estimates put conservatism at less than 20% support, although there is a large independent demographic. A majority have an outright favorable view of *socialism over capitalism*, a view that is 5:1 the other way amongst Boomers and Silent Gens.

And Gen Z is even more extreme. 

Generational politics is a truth and a *death kneel* to Republicans. 

And to speak briefly on the exemptions-Gen X is the last generation that has majority support for conservatism amongst white males, and millennials have a still significant minority support for conservatism amongst white males. That means there are still a lot of 40-50 year old white men and a fair number of 20-40 year old white men whom are conservative, and this leads to them being overrepresented in fascist movements which cultivate white male followers.

It does not mean those movements overall are any less fucked.",14,2023-06-26 10:37:28
jpkwo3x,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Eugene Debbs ran for president from prison, so there's already precedent on the books.",14,2023-06-26 12:20:22
jpklmu0,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"And this is the ""moral"" crowd.",14,2023-06-26 10:15:32
jpkvs5n,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Don't forget the trans genocide too,14,2023-06-26 12:11:41
jpjwk2e,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"The concern here isn’t if more people would vote for Biden than Trump. More moderates are going to be turned off by Trump. But that doesn’t make many of them *pro* Biden. The legitimate concern is that if all dems can do is field the same, relatively uninspiring candidate, will any of that very significant moderate contingent — or even enough of the farther left actually show up to cast a vote *against* Trump. Complacency and/or overconfidence here could be disastrous.",13,2023-06-26 04:39:35
jpk8i9n,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Right, but you’ve just described why he’s not going to be the nominee",13,2023-06-26 07:07:22
jpkq7j6,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"It’s hopeless; people are so politically stupid for so many different reasons.

Like they think hypothetical president Bernie Sanders — who totally got screwed by the DNC yet would easily outflank the Fox noise machine — would somehow be able to change the entire postwar American paradigm, with a split Senate.",13,2023-06-26 11:13:05
jpk4wxf,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,If you don’t think Biden has charisma then you’ve made a deliberate choice to be ignorant.  Just because you don’t like him does not mean he isn’t charismatic,13,2023-06-26 06:19:44
jpl5o0g,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Increasing with Republicans, I don't know that it's increasing with the general public.",13,2023-06-26 13:38:52
jpl6rrn,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Far worse will be done if Trump gets elected in 2024. The reason he and the GOP have no platform is that they actually do have a platform and it’s fucking terrifying.

- Make it much, much harder if not impossible to investigate political figures who may have committed a crime
- Retaliatory actions on anyone who has ever investigated Trump, ensuring no one ever tries to indict a president again 
- Make it so partisan committees can overrule election results, as well as other mechanism to throw out election votes
- Further politicize the courts with more partisan judges

And this is on top of the usual GoP agenda of minority persecuting, looting America’s future to give billionaires more tax cuts, and killing the earth to turn a quick buck.

If Trump is re-elected they are going to transform this country into Putin’s Russia. We will effectively have a one party government, and that one party will be a crime syndicate.

Unfortunately until the Republican Party is held accountable for *anything*, each new election will have higher stakes for the nation than the last one did.",13,2023-06-26 13:47:30
jpkrot1,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,[deleted],12,2023-06-26 11:29:49
jpjzj02,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Honestly the key here is driving turnout in swing states. It's how Trump won the first time, its how he could win again if Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc... flip on a few thousand votes.

The problem (For the GOP) is that Trump still looks like the presumptive nominee. He's never earned a popular vote win and never polled in aggregate above 50%. He absolutely cannot win on a plurality of actual votes, and it's unlikely his antics are winning over any moderates in the intervening 4 years. Plus the GOP has a demographics crunch that is only worsening. Millennials are not getting conservative like previous generations are. Every day boomers are being replaced by gen Z voters. These are things the GOP has *actively chosen to ignore* in flat out refusing to moderate. At every turn they double down on unpopular strategies because their base is a coalition of single issue minority voters.

It's worrying Trump has as much support as he does, but there's lots and lots of downside to him as the 2024 GOP candidate.",12,2023-06-26 05:13:28
jpkcmx9,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"If you want campaign finance reform, vote for the Democratic Party. The Citizens United ruling was made by the republican-controlled Supreme Court. Ever since then, Democrats have been trying to pass campaign finance reform. We attempted to pass legislation as recently as [last year](, but it was blocked by republicans. If you want campaign finance reform, vote for the Democratic Party.",12,2023-06-26 08:06:00
jpkf5h2,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I don't think its possible to declare someone ineligible to run. There's only 2 requirements, be born in the US, and be over the age of 35. Even if he gets arrested, Eugene Debs ran for president from jail. The only thing that can bar him from office would be congress using the alien and sedition act, but with this congress, that isn't gonna happen.",12,2023-06-26 08:42:55
jpkvfe9,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Are you [joking](,12,2023-06-26 12:08:15
jpjwguz,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"The GOP would jump back on the Trump wagon with everything it’s got if he wins their primary again. He hasn’t even lost them yet, they’re sitting on the fence seeing how things go Lmao",12,2023-06-26 04:38:36
jpl90mo,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Floridian here, and I agree. But that last bit is the hard part. Dems are famously bad at coming up with strong candidates these days. But I still hold out hope for my state.",12,2023-06-26 14:04:24
jpke9so,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Preach. The generation warfare nonsense is made up bullshit to keep the hoi polloi at each others throats.,12,2023-06-26 08:29:52
jpkrssk,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"This isn't a ""both sides"" thing. Stop.",12,2023-06-26 11:31:02
jpkhyey,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,The Trump/Hillary election was 1.1% off from the actual polls....pretty damn accurate.,11,2023-06-26 09:23:48
jpl2omc,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,This is spot on and shows how low our news media has fallen since Regan repealed the Fairness in Reporting Doctrine.,11,2023-06-26 13:14:17
jpk4iji,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"That headline should read “Current President Within Margin of Error in Contest Against Twice Impeached and Twice Indicted Obvious Criminal”

…and it should freak you the fuck out.",10,2023-06-26 06:14:31
jpk626j,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Biden has done a lot of [good]( Conservatives pretend he is feeble and incompetent.  He is doing his job well and would probably be more popular if we gave him at least as much airtime as the former guy,10,2023-06-26 06:34:32
jpkrn0y,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,True. Vote.,10,2023-06-26 11:29:17
jpkd8yx,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"> we can't get complacent. 

We start this year Vote out as many right wingers and republicans as we can in all local and state elections. From the school board to the white house every seat we take is one less seat the GOP has to help rig elections, to limit a woman's right to chose, to pass discriminatory legislation, to cut funding for social security and other social programs, to stop reasonable gun legislation, to stop green initiatives that will deal with the climate crisis, to block universal healthcare. This is the republican agenda and worse is to come.",10,2023-06-26 08:14:53
jpkbcso,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,I wish politics was defunded so the money game wasn’t an issue,10,2023-06-26 07:47:23
jpkj6on,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Biden needs to avoid an economic recession in 2023-2024. That’s a toughie.,10,2023-06-26 09:41:29
jpktvzu,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Biden sure has a list of accomplishments. I didn’t vote for him in the ‘20 primaries either but I’ll gladly vote for him today. 

He’s proven that he’s on the right side of history, and has shown an incredible ability to pass massive bills that will have very positive long-term effects, with at least some bipartisan support in many cases. Which is a bold and responsible move considering most of those bills we won’t see much positive effect for years - most people won’t see a net positive from the CHIPS act for example, for many years, and big corporations will be the primary beneficiaries, but it’s critical for America’s long term prospects, should TSMC be destroyed or the ground it sits on is taken over by an authoritarian regime who has stated doing so is a major goal of theirs. 

He also managed to convince enough republicans in the House to *not* tank the global economy from debt defaults, which I’m sad to say is an actual major accomplishment given their makeup today. And he was smart enough to do most of the negotiating and discussion behind closed doors, so enough of them didn’t feel public blowback. While we complained about the 14th amendment or a trillion dollar coin, he was influencing just the right people to get the job done. 

He got y’all qaida republicans to stand up and clap for Medicare and social security, which they’ve sought to dismantle for decades.  

His age is concerning but he’s shown he’s still got it, and ever continues to surprise me.",10,2023-06-26 11:52:55
jpk2rjp,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"It was far from a blowout. It came down to tens of thousands of votes in a few swing states. 

The popular vote does not matter",10,2023-06-26 05:52:29
jpkwd4y,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"No, they absolutely do. Whenever they do a presidential model, they show different auxiliary stats in addition to the results of their simulations--including a stat that shows the odds of any one candidate losing the Electoral College despite winning the popular vote. If they didn't take that very scenario into account, that stat would not be there.

What their model doesn't take into account even though it probably should? Voter suppression.",10,2023-06-26 12:17:25
jpk2w0x,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,And it is easier to get people to vote against something than for something.,10,2023-06-26 05:54:01
jpkr2ls,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"with the Republicans, whoever isn't them is and always has been their biggest enemy. They have absolutely no problems shifting to the next guy in a blink.",10,2023-06-26 11:22:57
jpl9l0z,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"It really was insane. It was the shit show to end all shit shows. Every single day of that administration brought some new drama and was a further showcase of rank incompetence. It has been nice to have Biden …. The most apt word I can find to describe his management is totally competent and in-hand, with few exceptions. What a hell of a contrast.",10,2023-06-26 14:08:30
jpkr70h,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Depressing as hell that Trump is getting this much support.  I’m disappointed in our people.,9,2023-06-26 11:24:18
jpkpz80,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,My mom started changing her views somewhere during Trumps term and then the capital attack just cemented it in her head. I thought that was pretty cool of her.,9,2023-06-26 11:10:24
jpkmd9a,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"So long as you learn from your mistakes on what the realistic options are and the impact being impractical by voting 3rd party is, be as grumpy as you want about making an adult choice",9,2023-06-26 10:25:20
jpk7ska,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Typically around 25-35% of a large population will agree with even the most extreme of shit in any direction. The other 5-15% are people who are in trump/republicans “in” group (or thinks they are) and just want the economic policies they think they’ll benefit from and don’t care about who implements them at all or who is hurt by it because it won’t affect them.,9,2023-06-26 06:57:35
jpk7y65,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Australia went left-ish last year. By American standards, though, we went hard, commie left.",9,2023-06-26 06:59:39
jpjzm0i,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"If Democrats had someone with an inch of charisma and who wasn't in politics since Andrew Jackson administration, 2024 would be a cakewalk.",9,2023-06-26 05:14:28
jpl4zd4,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I hope you’re joking. *Many* people in the US have absolutely no clue how it works. Many don’t even know its history. When we assume that they do, especially in regards to deliberately complicated systems, those assumptions hold us back from pursuing very popular goals.",9,2023-06-26 13:33:21
jpl417p,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Polls aren’t accurate.

Articles like this are harmful because it makes more people feel like they won’t actually have to vote to make a difference",8,2023-06-26 13:25:35
jpkka7d,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Surely it can't be *that* close, can it? Didn't Covid disproportionately strike down boomer+ R voters? I would also expect the public spat and division between Trump and Meatball Ron is gonna disillusion a not-insignificant amount of Republicans enough to not even bother voting.",8,2023-06-26 09:56:51
jpkqs03,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,That 45% should be ashamed of themselves. Unfortunately they have no ability to feel shame.,8,2023-06-26 11:19:39
jplet43,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"You are forgetting hunter Biden’s laptop, burisma, the 5-10 million dollar bribe when joe was vp. None of these are real, but it’s repeated over and over like it’s the truth.",8,2023-06-26 14:45:52
jpllxog,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"CPG Grey on YouTube has a great video showing how someone could theoretically win the electoral college presidency with only 22% of the popular vote

It involves a highly improbable set of scenarios but the fact that it’s possible shows what a mess this is. 

Near the end of this video:",8,2023-06-26 15:34:28
jpku0be,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Polls this early, especially about the general rather than the primary, don't mean anything. I mean yes, it's still upsetting that they can even find that many people who are willing to support Trump at this point, but the numbers, who is in the lead, the relative lead, none of that is gonna have any relevance a year from now, and that would be true even if this were an otherwise completely normal election, rather than one with Trump in it.",8,2023-06-26 11:54:04
jpk6yyj,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"> Both have a track record of being president. One was awful, the other has been doing good things.

Yes indeed!",8,2023-06-26 06:46:36
jpl5q88,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Even better, in the 1970s Nixon and his buddies thought about making their own media.

There is a reason why, post-WWII, pro-Nazi media was outlawed.",8,2023-06-26 13:39:22
jpk47xu,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"2024 is going to be so ugly, and my brain is still exhausted from the last seven-eight years.",7,2023-06-26 06:10:45
jpjtsiv,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,[deleted],7,2023-06-26 04:09:59
jpkqb49,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Not to mention the effect on politics of Roe v Wade and what few mainstream conservatives there are left peeling away from the GQP,7,2023-06-26 11:14:12
jpkwm0k,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I am continually impressed by what Biden has been able to accomplish, given the unprecedented levels of opposition to him in congress, the Supreme Court, and the news media. He’s been able to win over just enough y’all Qaida to get major legislation passed that really does positively affect our nation (even if much of it is long term and we won’t see much benefit for years). His long term thinking isn’t an immediate win but it means we stand a greater chance of having a real economy and freedom in a decade. 

We can look at what trump accomplished *with both houses of congress* and it’s basically, “CBD is sort of legal and the rich folks pay less in taxes now”. We have to remember the lack of nearly any sort of positive development for average Americans during that term, and the massive amount of corruption that has since hurt our economy and our most vulnerable. 

Thanks for posting this!",7,2023-06-26 12:19:49
jpkrtho,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,">Both have a track record of being president. One was awful, the other has been doing good things.

The problem is that around 35 to 40% of the country thing that Trump has been doing good things and that Biden is awful.

They hear phrases like the ""Biden crime family"" and about the world-shaking crimes that are on ""hunter's laptop"", combined with Praises for Trump coming out of their right-wing news outlets 24/7 and can't be convinced otherwise.",7,2023-06-26 11:31:14
jpl14vk,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I disagree. The horror that the right has shown and is still trying is fresh and present. Trump does not have the will or capacity to do anything but appeal to the worst of the voters and that motivates his detractors equally. The division within that party is an additional drag on their chances. They have only been losing ground in elections since trump’s initial win and circumstances are not reversing. You do not see a multitude of candidates if there is a single candidate who can win the election. He can and probably will win the nomination, but he is not going to expand his popularity",7,2023-06-26 13:01:01
jpk7cd0,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"42,921 to initiate a tie and kick it to the House, which had 27 Republican led state delegations. He’d need 26 to win. It was that fucking close.",7,2023-06-26 06:51:37
jpl5k4s,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Fairness doctrine only applies to broadcast media. So it wouldn’t apply to CNN, Fox, OAN, or Newsmax. Three of those 4 are hard or extreme right, and CNN is attempting to shift right to capture some Fox viewership.",7,2023-06-26 13:38:02
jpka4ec,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Couple of Caveats here:

1. Two of the 4 presidents from this century were elected with fewer votes.
2. Nearly half the states have republican state legislatures that won't certify Biden.
3. The house is controlled by republicans who vote in locked step and will not certify Biden. Then it goes to the Supremes and guess what?
4. Any non-MAGA election worker has quit from death threats.
5. Millions of Voters have been purged for being a minority
6. Mail in ballots and drop boxes are gone in red states.
7. etc. etc. etc.",6,2023-06-26 07:29:44
jpl1ll4,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Guy who kept our nuclear secrets and defense plans in the shitter is still in the running, huh? Cool, America… cool cool cool.",6,2023-06-26 13:05:04
jpl7p05,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Id vote for a corpse 🧟‍♂️ before id vote for a disgraced ex president that git 140 law enforcement officers beat up and some killed. Because he lied to his supporters.,6,2023-06-26 13:54:32
jpkskm1,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"We can hope. And we need to work hard to capitalize on that sentiment. Right now, a major victory of the GQP is causing 45% of the nation to have complete apathy toward all politicians. They’re all corrupt, they say, so it doesn’t matter who I vote for, but *somehow* Biden is worse, or at least Trump will work for some of the values I hold which Biden doesn’t (because culture war matters more than job security or housing affordability, and I can’t be bothered to understand that cheap housing during trump was not trump’s direct doing). This is a major part of how authoritarians like Putin and Erdogan have remained in power.",6,2023-06-26 11:39:22
jpkr8mu,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,[removed],6,2023-06-26 11:24:49
jpl3s6i,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Agreed

She didn’t “deserve to lose” but she also missed key stops

Dems did the same thing in FL since 2012 and now it’s gone for the foreseeable future

Can’t forget about major states if you want to win elections",6,2023-06-26 13:23:30
jplm111,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,I did this in 2016 and I’m doing it again. I may stay registered Republican as long as they’re an existential threat.,6,2023-06-26 15:35:07
jpkedl2,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"He’s literally hilarious, he’s just subject to so much media manipulation that people think he’s a withering, dithering imbecile.",6,2023-06-26 08:31:25
jpknnqy,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Terrifying, how it is even this close 😳",5,2023-06-26 10:42:10
jpl5dkh,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,The fact that Trump is even close shows how fucked up this country is. Make America Not stupid Again.,5,2023-06-26 13:36:35
jpkvybw,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,I predict a Democratic landslide. The polls tend to be off when Trump is on the ballot as pollsters can’t account for how he affects the results. The abortion issue will bring Gen. Z out in record numbers while Boomers are dying off. Biden will outperform the polls leading to claims of fraud again and stochastic violence.,5,2023-06-26 12:13:21
jpm445s,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,My prediction: There will be significant election fraud from the right-wing in 2024.,5,2023-06-26 17:33:28
jpjv8io,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,It’s a bigger margin than that. Polling these days is so iffy.,5,2023-06-26 04:25:08
jpkeai1,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Let’s do this 2024✌🏼,5,2023-06-26 08:30:09
jpk2dmp,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,2028 will be even uglier. These Sheila’s will both be dust.,5,2023-06-26 05:47:41
jpk3ufa,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"While I’d certainly agree that there’s going to be a large margin of uncertainty, I also wouldn’t say they’re pointless, even in the case of the electoral college. Biden eked out an electoral college victory by a margin of three states and 80,000 votes with a 4.6% nationwide popular vote margin.

Polls that show only a 4% lead in a nationwide popular vote would indicate a razor thin electoral college margin (perhaps one state deciding the election).",5,2023-06-26 06:06:07
jpkvjtz,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Only about a million died from Covid, not all were R’s, and there are about 39 million registered republicans. It had a tiny dent.",5,2023-06-26 12:09:26
jpl85hj,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"His supporters probably salivate thinking 💭 …us all on 5th avenue. Especially trans, or drag shows. They’re scared. I haven’t heard them complain about critical race theory in awhile.",5,2023-06-26 13:57:58
jpkqwwp,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,I mean if you’re doing polling I’m hoping you’re factoring this in but polling has been hit garbage lately.,5,2023-06-26 11:21:07
jpl3191,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Let’s be real, she ran a lousy, uninspired campaign and everyone believed she was going to win, so the turnout sucked

The threat of trump is a reality now, and candidates he endorsed lost the midterms in every swing state except for Wisconsin

The race is long from over, but the dems have every reason to be confident and run a strong campaign",5,2023-06-26 13:17:14
jpkttfd,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"It’s early, these polls will change as Trump’s problems begin to mount.",5,2023-06-26 11:52:13
jpkmmxm,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"We have plenty of neo-fascists with enormous voting blocks in Europe. Look at Le Pen, Meloni, Orban, Pis in Poland, etc.",5,2023-06-26 10:28:52
jpkqfwu,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Honestly maybe? How do you think a 50/50 senate reacts to someone who isn’t their biggest enemy? We’ve literally never seen a third party president since the 13th president.,5,2023-06-26 11:15:45
jpl379y,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Really, she just flew over states that needed *literally any* of her presence. I truly think if she made one or two more stops that would have been enough.",5,2023-06-26 13:18:40
jpkz3sc,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"40% have no clue inflation is global nor that we have about the lowest. All they know is things cost more so must be Biden’s fault, not that thanks to Biden things aren’t far worse right now. Not a coincidence 40% also can’t read above the 6th grade level. I",5,2023-06-26 12:43:16
jpkjjni,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Espionage is one of the only disqualifiers.,5,2023-06-26 09:46:38
jpjwvkx,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I am not referring to polls, but to electoral facts. Iirc, Trump lost by something like 30K to 60k votes in EC terms.",5,2023-06-26 04:43:03
jpld3ao,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"If Biden wins PA, MI, and WI, he wins the presidency. Michigan is a lock and the other two have been steadily trending more blue since 2022. Things are not nearly as dire as some of the people in this thread are saying.",5,2023-06-26 14:33:42
jpkuhv8,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"I believe Rethug leanings are more correlated with low education than age. Then there’s a pretty small % that vote only for lower taxes and think FTW. 

67 year old with doctorate in psychology, published author on anti-social personality here. As healer in some sense (clinical psych )  I have a visceral  revulsion for the toxic personality mess that  is #TraitorTrump. Of course I don’t believe in demons, but he/it is  a good approximation. 

We are very fortunate #TraitorTrump (NEVER use his infiltrator name!) isn’t smarter. 

That said, younger voters do AFAIK skew against him/it to a degree that I think it’s going nowhere from this point.",5,2023-06-26 11:58:55
jplxa79,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"Exactly. And no on the fence voters are going his way, rather the opposite",5,2023-06-26 16:48:57
jplcmns,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Then my phone number gets marked as being real and I get an uptick in spam calls? No thank you. Not worth it.,5,2023-06-26 14:30:19
jpklda6,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Why is it even so god damn close. Jesus,4,2023-06-26 10:11:51
jpkn0jj,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,Just the fact that this needs to be acknowledged says bad things about our country.,4,2023-06-26 10:33:53
jpl0db1,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,This is so fucking bleak. How is it even possible people can support this guy. After everything that has happened....we are absolutely fucked as a country. Half of us are totally ok with a literal criminal racist running the country. Absolutely tucking insane.,4,2023-06-26 12:54:26
jpl486y,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,What’s terrifying is that anyone would still vote for Trump.,4,2023-06-26 13:27:11
jplbqo5,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,So did Hillary.  Never count this guy out.  Encourage everyone you know to get out and vote.,4,2023-06-26 14:24:02
jplov50,14j6ot5,Biden Leads Trump in Would-Be 2024 Election Rematch in NBC Poll,"On one hand we have joe Biden. A pretty moderate experienced politician with numerous gaffes in his speeches and is very old.

On the other hand we have Donald trump. An obese old man found to have sexually abused someone, who was impeached twice, who tried to overturn a us election, and who is facing 37 felonies **for actions he took as president and all directly related to his presidency.**

I don’t know how this is even close",4,2023-06-26 15:54:00