jegt08d,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Will the MAGA losers go for it?

***If they do, they'll dearly wish they hadn't.***",1824,2023-03-31 22:24:15
jegyvp8,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Two thirds of this country can't even run a mile. Who the fuck is going to fight this civil war? I see something more like The Troubles happening than the territorial occupation war some Republicans want or think will happen,1090,2023-03-31 23:08:24
jegu496,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Remember the civil war when Biden won that they promised?,1029,2023-03-31 22:32:28
jegthg1,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Yep. Im here for it. Let em try.,623,2023-03-31 22:27:47
jehez0p,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"We’re not going to start fighting each other. Don’t worry about that.

Source: Me, 15 year military member.",531,2023-04-01 01:12:44
jegxhbm,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,They definitely tried to start it on 1/6/2021,529,2023-03-31 22:57:47
jegu6ye,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Too late, first shot of Civil War 2.0 was fired on Jan 6th, 2021. 

This time it isn’t about state seceding from the Union. It’s even more ambitious: it’s about the installation of a fascist White Supremist Christian theocracy.",497,2023-03-31 22:33:02
jeh0d5t,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,And surrendered on 1/6/2021.,469,2023-03-31 23:19:49
jeh2sc2,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,They earned it. They created a division in this country and in most families.,330,2023-03-31 23:38:14
jeh2sh7,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"If the US military is 99% on one side or the other, it's over. When the military splinters into two and starts actively fighting itself, that's when things get ugly.",322,2023-03-31 23:38:15
jehcm5i,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,The family reunions stopped happening around the time my mom’s cousin started talking about shooting people in places like where I live.,277,2023-04-01 00:54:16
jeho0fo,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Somebody is in for a rude awakening about how many liberals own guns.,271,2023-04-01 02:26:01
jegxbrm,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"It's virtually guaranteed if he wins, so I'd rather take my chances with him losing.",258,2023-03-31 22:56:38
jeh4ztx,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Speed run complete 💯,226,2023-03-31 23:55:05
jehd6mz,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,I have adopted black children and I couldn't stand the racism and how it escalated with zero shame,206,2023-04-01 00:58:46
jegvkv2,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,I wonder if these people realize that they are the minority in this country. They think they have the numbers but let’s see them walk into a big city and walk back out.,190,2023-03-31 22:43:24
jegv906,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,We have civil war now:  Armed Fanatical Christian Fascists vs innocent everyday Americans.   Keeping  Trumps and Desantises out of office is an imperative in fighting this thing.,189,2023-03-31 22:40:55
jeh2wbp,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Civil war 😂
Trump claimed 60,000 people were at his wacko-waco tx rally, nope , 3,500. That’s it .
No one’s showing to his lame protests , no one backed his picks in the midterms , no one even voted for him BEFORE all this . Hilary won the popular vote . 
Do they still not realize there aren’t that many of them??? What will it take !? 
   Just because you drive a truck, have Carhart logos on your clothing and wearing a hat does not make you a Maga, a Trump supporter or even a Republican. 
They really have no clue how little of them actually exist",172,2023-03-31 23:39:04
jeiv8m4,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Agreed. There are people in the military who are super passionate about one side or the other but no one (openly) is ready to start killing people and/or breaking the military apart. Im sure they do exist and just keep their month shut but the US military, as an organisation, is designed to keep people very removed from the political bullshit and what you do see is just the reality of recruiting and all volunteer force while attempting to maintain a level of diversity. Source; my 11 years on active duty working at multiple duty stations and echelons.

Edit: Keep in mind that most military members, at all levels except maybe the junior most single people, live in the local community they are stationed in and many use their benefits to purchase homes or have some level of investment.",169,2023-04-01 11:06:46
jehuodd,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,[deleted],167,2023-04-01 03:23:58
jegzhby,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Pretty sure part of the reason they hate cities is because it reminds them of this.,157,2023-03-31 23:13:00
jehub30,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,No kidding. I'm always confused why Republicans think only they own guns.,154,2023-04-01 03:20:40
jehh8gc,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Decades of outrageously inflated defense budgets (which Republicans fervently support by the way) have all but assured that any attempt at organized domestic conflict against the US military by right wing extremists is doomed to fail. 

Spend an hour reading about the sheer power of the US military, and you’ll realize that this “AR-15s against tyranny” nonsense you hear is just the siren song of profoundly scared, ignorant, and disempowered people. In reality, they stand no chance whatsoever against attack helicopters, Abrams tanks, strategic bombers, drones, cruise missiles, etc. etc. 

This is not like 1860.",146,2023-04-01 01:30:42
jeh5d3m,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"I find it odd how the party of people who are always complaining that they are being attacked for their beliefs. 

Just so happen to be the same group of people that regularly call for the the rights of others to be stripped, while often calling for the deaths of other Americans in the same breath.

Is this what these people really want...or they are too invested in the lie to admit they may have been wrong? As this rhetoric is not that of ethical/moral people...but of animals who have chosen not to be part of a civil society.",144,2023-03-31 23:57:58
jehrmnu,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"

This movie has stuck with me for years. The director, Joshua Oppenheimer, basically went to Indonesia and interviewed people who participated in the mass killings of communists during the 60s. 

The killers that they interviewed were completely open about it, unabashed, didn't matter at all. They discussed the gruesome reality of perpetuating mass murder in stark and unrelenting detail, but there were a few things that stuck with me that I still, to this day, can't shake.

The first one was this:

One of the interviewed talked about the psychological campaign, but from the perspective of a grunt. He said something like ""we would always say that the communists were cruel and brutal, but it wasn't true. We were the cruel ones.""

The second thing that stuck out to me was how one of them described how they would execute people rapidly, by tying a rope around their necks and pulling. They acted out an execution. One of the executioners was in the rope, one of the other ones was pulling it, and when the rope tightened, the guy with it around his neck sorta panicked, shook, like muscle memory, because he knew what came next. It was fear. It was humanity that he denied others. That he completely deprived them of. It was tragic to watch. Hard. Conflicting. He didn't even realize it, or didn't have the empathy to understand what he was doing to other people, until he experienced a glimpse of it in pantomime.

It is a seriously important work that is distressingly relevant right now, because the rhetoric matches up almost exactly.

These right wingers want ""woke liberals"" dead. If political circumstances allowed for it, they would, without hesitation, kill people en masse, and then they, like the killers in the documentary, would just grow old. Drive taxis. Whatever. Casually discuss with others how they led real human people with lives and loved ones to their death and did it over, and over, and over again. 

I don't think war is likely, to be frank. But it will require an awareness of the peril we face, specifically, the danger of the rhetoric that the right wing is abusing, and urgency and vigilance, and powerful political engagement to ensure it doesn't happen here.

Be wary of people who cavalierly toss around threats of violence. The rhetoric itself is the on ramp. Take them seriously. Frankly, start calling cops on people in your orbit who make idle threats like that. Casual, idle threats of murder lead to mobile threats in a direct and unwavering line, given political and legal cover, which the right wing is fucking *clawing* for. 

Frankly, I'm more than a bit alarmed by what's happening in Florida and Texas. Depriving political opponents of their right to participate in the political system is how the political cover to dehumanize and kill turns into real world, widespread violence. Its one of the most important steps. 

We have to be extremely fucking careful over the next decade, and see that the rule of law remains in place, because there is a boiling cauldron of inhumanity that Republicans have stoked and are eager to push over on the rest of the country. 

Not inevitable, but frighteningly plausible.",135,2023-04-01 02:56:57
jegxicz,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Please read the article before commenting - the headline is misleading.

The judge isn't threatening civil war.   He's pointing out that if Trump loses, the Maga faction that has been trying to take over Local/State/Federal offices will try to overturn the results and install him anyway.

If they succeed, the Judge says this could lead to a Civil War - the radical right overturning democracy to appoint a dictator.",128,2023-03-31 22:58:01
jei0y7r,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Trump capitalized on hatred and division.  He encouraged Americans to hate each other and divided this country like no president before him.  This was all done to fan hatred and fear in the hopes it would drive voter turnout and it worked. This entire predicament was made possible by massive amounts of campaign funding and Trump quickly paid back these contributions by cutting corporate taxes, further exacerbated our debt, and cut regulations that led to a bank crises and train derailments.  Stick around, the Republicans learned this approach worked and could care less about this country.  You don’t threaten civil war if you honestly care.",125,2023-04-01 04:23:57
jei4wxd,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Right. I’m ex military and legally own plenty of firearms and still eligible to rejoin the military full time. Currently in the reserves. I am a middle ground liberal who will not put up with these trump jackasses trying to rip apart our country. They’d lose very quickly.,116,2023-04-01 05:06:01
jeh5zt5,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Honestly sounds good for me. I look forward to seeing who self selects themselves out of the gene pool,100,2023-04-01 00:02:46
jehh45d,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Is this what these people really want?

Yes, yes it is. I work with a few of them. They're gleeful at the mention of the ""inevitable"" civil war. They watch youtube videos and other media posts talking about all the liberals who will die and get off to it. They hate us. They hate us so much they don't give a fuck if some of their own team gets hurt, as long as a bunch of us die in the process. It makes no goddamn sense. I want mistreated people to have a better life, and they want people like me dead for talking about it. It's so fucked up.",100,2023-04-01 01:29:46
jegtwzb,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Dark Brandon, after resurrecting General Sherman:

*Fuck around and find out, Jack*",96,2023-03-31 22:30:58
jei7kuo,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"A lot of these conservatives are in for a rude awakening when they realize the federal military will fight for the union, not their non-state that has ill defined and completely unconstitutional demands.

I am curious who is going to lead them in their civil war though.  I wonder how many actual elected Republicans want to be that person when they have such a good grift going as it is.",91,2023-04-01 05:36:38
jehfhfn,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,He legit is determined to start a war with Mexico if he gets a second term. That’s a thing he wants to happen. It would be an excuse to become dictator for life.,85,2023-04-01 01:16:45
jegxk27,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,When. When he loses the next election.,75,2023-03-31 22:58:22
jehipvo,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Key word. “Retired” and on that point I will agree with one thing. I am concerned about former military/reservist members that have been trained in the military but indoctrinated by in the divisive political climate. Think those idiots on J6. 

A big problem we have in this country ever since 9/11 is the government was pushing all that militarism propaganda to the general population. You would laugh at how comical day to day military life is, a vast majority that choose to go the distance with a full career are just trying to support their families, have universal healthcare, and earn a pension.

It’s the ones that do four years and get out that you should be worried about.",73,2023-04-01 01:42:23
jeibow5,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Trump didn’t do this, Fox and the GOP have been working at this for decades. Reagan was OG Trump.",72,2023-04-01 06:27:53
jehfg5e,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Is that the quickest civil war in history? Measured in hours?,70,2023-04-01 01:16:27
jehxfzj,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Everyone in WA either hunts or is a serial killer (I have lived there my entire life),69,2023-04-01 03:49:31
jehi95q,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Our country’s collective average IQ might rise 20 points.,65,2023-04-01 01:38:40
jeh8nas,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"When you refuse to engage in self-reflection or accountability, then all that pent-up fear, anger, and self-loathing *projects* itself onto others in the most hypocritical ways. 

Sad.",64,2023-04-01 00:23:13
jehkypu,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,They'll lose this one too. I just hope we aren't as lenient with them afterwards. Don't want to do this again in another 60 years.,60,2023-04-01 02:00:53
jeh75lj,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"They have a lot going for them. First, an antiquated electoral college that gives disproportionate power to a white, rural minority.  Same with gerrymandered house seats, and senate seats controlled in very red, very sparsely populated states. 

More than anything, the white nationalists have no regard for the constitution or law. They only have their hatred. Someone once said, “Democracy fights with one-hand tied behind her back”. They were talking about foreign conflicts… who knew it would apply ten-fold over to a domestic fight for freedom.",55,2023-04-01 00:11:44
jeh8yp8,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"They aren't showing up for rallies or 'protests' lately.  My guess is they are all talk and trolling, but not so much actually standing up and putting their bodies on the line.",53,2023-04-01 00:25:40
jeh5tiy,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"That's only part of the story.  The insurrection was never the plan - it was a last ditch effort to stop the certification because Pence refused to play along with the plan.

The plan was for false electors for multiple states to file to certify that Trump had won their state (which they did) and then for Pence to use this as a pretext to declare those state votes in dispute and disregard them so neither candidate had enough electoral college votes to win.  Then the president would be voted on by the states with each state having one vote.  Because Republicans control more states, they would win that vote and install Trump as president.

Pence refused to play ball so the purpose of the insurrection was to either get rid of him and proceed with Grassley, or at least prevent the certification from proceeding. 

For his part, Grassley somehow got the wrong end of the stick and thought Pence was not going to show up at all:

*He suggested Pence was not expected to attend but Grassley’s staff later said that was a “misinterpretation” and that Pence was expected to be there.* 

Pence not only showed up and refused to play ball, he also refused to leave when the SS tried to evacuate him.  If he'd left, that would have allowed Trump to call off his mob so the vote could proceed with Grassley in Pence's place.

It came a lot closer to the wire than a lot of people realize.",51,2023-04-01 00:01:26
jehhi5v,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,That's exactly what I said......The only thing that could defeat the US military is the US military fighting itself.,49,2023-04-01 01:32:50
jehiq1v,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"I lurk on a very right wing gun website. This place is so bad they went dark on Jan 6 and shortly after anonymized their forum to hide evidence of their member’s actions. 

Anyway, they are all old, fat, angry white men who wouldn’t even get their cpap mask off before the gman take them out.",48,2023-04-01 01:42:25
jehjll1,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"The plan is to “attack the cartels” but do it in a way that would definitely start a war with Mexico. Bing bang boom, martial law.",48,2023-04-01 01:49:38
jehlxno,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Truly, when it comes time to shoot grandma, things go south. As a vet, I really cannot see members going into their, or nearby neighborhoods and doing wet work. A civil war would be an absolute fucking nightmare.",48,2023-04-01 02:08:48
jeh2cau,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,[removed],47,2023-03-31 23:34:49
jeh3ers,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"as a german i somehow have heard a kind of similar story...
Luckily i don't read history books and i think they should ban books in germany as well /s",47,2023-03-31 23:42:58
jehj7xu,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Why would we fight Mexico? They can’t even fight the cartel,47,2023-04-01 01:46:32
jei9u5w,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Not just liberals. Never mind the military absolutely will not stand for armed rebellion, libertarians, socialists, anarchists, and fucking gangs will gladly take up arms against these traitors.",47,2023-04-01 06:04:11
jehmy9r,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"There have been some African coup attempts that lasted an hour or two, but 1/6 is right up there.",47,2023-04-01 02:17:15
jehqx2r,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"As the Daily Show put it, it ended the same way as the first Civil War, with them in a courthouse negotiating the terms of surrender.",46,2023-04-01 02:50:41
jegzjmo,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Well then, bring it on I’m tired of this MAGA crap.",44,2023-03-31 23:13:28
jeh1whr,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,I've talked to quite a few who very adamantly think they are a vast majority.,42,2023-03-31 23:31:28
jehvx64,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,True. WA is a blue state although I would call it more purple (distribution of population) and there's are 25% gun ownership.,42,2023-04-01 03:35:19
jeignpp,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"You don't even have to go back that far. 

Let me remind everyone of a tragedy in 1994 that occurred in Rwanda. How did people start chopping their neighbours and families with knives and machetes? They didn't even use guns!

It started with a radio station calling one segment of the population ""cockroaches"".

You are not far from that point.",41,2023-04-01 07:35:20
jei05ix,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Right?  So annoying when talking to guys at work about guns and they feel safe enough to show their true hateful colors cause they think I’m one of them. Cowards and unforgivably fucking dumb.,40,2023-04-01 04:15:58
jej6n93,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,I stood witness to Marines being separated for talking about lynching President Obama. The US military has been aware of Republicans being fuck ups for a minute.,40,2023-04-01 13:07:10
jeicrfi,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,It'll be a statue of Robert Lee and Kevin Sorbo.,40,2023-04-01 06:42:03
jeh2vh1,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Basically, Republican voters are saying they are gearing up for domestic terrorism.

The Party of Law and Order/s",39,2023-03-31 23:38:54
jehxymj,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Me too.  I blame the rain.,39,2023-04-01 03:54:31
jeh233g,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,The funny thing is 99% of them will be the wrong Christian and end up in the death camps with the rest of us.,38,2023-03-31 23:32:52
jeiqaon,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"When I was in university back in 2016 I wrote a paper about how the conditions for genocide occur during civil wars. I examined Rwanda, Bosnia, Sri Lanka, and Lebanon and ended the paper with a comparison to the rise of global populist movements and a not so subtle reference to American populism. The professor wrote on my paper “false dichotomy”. But I don’t see how the rhetoric of the Rwandan Genocide or the Bosnian Genocide are ANY different from what we are seeing from the right wing. They are calling their fellow Americans subhumans. If you think that it can’t happen here, it can, and it will, if they are given a chance.",37,2023-04-01 09:57:32
jehifqy,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,And our side only had to shoot one bullet.,36,2023-04-01 01:40:06
jeh4vni,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,If I was a genie you'd still have 3 wishes left after this one.,35,2023-03-31 23:54:12
jehojmv,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Civil war 2.0 will just be an insurgency. Let the crazy people be stupid and get locked away for the rest of their lives. It will be like a purge of idiots in America.,35,2023-04-01 02:30:31
jejdrh1,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"No longer active duty myself... but these morons are obviously not familiar with the oath of enlistment.. I took mine serious as I'm sure most people did... politics doesn't change my allegiance to my country.

Edit. Honestly the ""vets"" that I see talking nonsense about civil war and the like are usually the people who can't explain what M.E.P.S. is..or their M.O.S or. A.I.T ..",35,2023-04-01 14:07:23
jeip9tw,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Yes exactly this! I was watching a panel with a couple of retired generals on it discussing this possibility. They were very quick to point out in a very great threat the guns these people own wont stand up to drones and the like the army would use to put down an insurrection!,34,2023-04-01 09:42:32
jehjs9c,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"I thought you made a great point and wanted to emphasize it is all. I think there’s this broad misperception amongst many people on this sub, which vastly inflates the actual danger posed to the federal government and military by external right wing militia groups. They stand no chance.",34,2023-04-01 01:51:09
jei9dqw,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"In the 1860’s, General Sherman torched Confederates. 

In the 1940’s the M4 Sherman torched Nazis. 

Sherman is due for a three-pete.",33,2023-04-01 05:58:21
jejfzcj,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Didn’t the Air Force academy have a problem where they were like 90% evangelical Christians who were trying to force their beliefs on others? If officers were mostly that way, it wouldn’t surprise me if they think that being MAGA is Gods work or something. And that trickling down to enlisted men. I’m probably misremembering though or seeing a correlation that isn’t there.",32,2023-04-01 14:24:39
jeh4ddb,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,The Evangical's detest the Catholics and Mormons.  I hope they realize they really are on the next train to the camps.,31,2023-03-31 23:50:21
jegyi7f,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Yeah, we heard the same in 2020. 

Trump is a joke, his followers are barely able to get off the couch. The worst they could manage was to attack a handful of Capitol police and smear poop on the walls, then ran in fear when the first shot was fired.",30,2023-03-31 23:05:36
jeh5dbf,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"So far the GOP promised:

- Civil war if Trump was impeached
- Civil war if Trump was impeached *again*
- Civil war if Trump lost in 2020
- Civil war if Biden was sworn in
- Civil war if Biden wasn’t impeached
- Civil war if Trump was indicted

I’m still waiting man!  Seems pretty clear they’re just using this to sell ammo and guns to boost their stocks they own in weapons manufacturing companies.  

There’s never gonna be a war, just bigger dividends for stakeholders guys.  No need for violence or fear of violence, we’re all safe.",30,2023-03-31 23:58:01
jeiz2ze,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,It’s a manufactured majority to keep you wondering why we can’t win anything in the ballot box.,30,2023-04-01 11:52:48
jehxuku,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,[deleted],30,2023-04-01 03:53:26
jeh9flg,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"He’s saying that next time they attempt to overturn the election they will be successful, and civil war will be the result. Looks like the comment section didn’t read the article",29,2023-04-01 00:29:21
jeiug23,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"I don’t understand why owning guns and still wanting tougher gun laws is such a hard concept for them to understand.
People look at me like I just grew a second head when I tell them we have guns in my household after just saying that I think we need tougher gun laws.",28,2023-04-01 10:56:17
jei4udl,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Nah their pennies from the real Murica is what holds up those cities. Didn't u hear?,28,2023-04-01 05:05:14
jehf27w,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Their attention span is already worn out.,27,2023-04-01 01:13:25
jegxg7c,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"They’ll never think that even after year upon year of their numbers declining and élections being lost.  Until the economy really goes tits up, there’s not really a way Republicans can take back all the things.",27,2023-03-31 22:57:34
jei95v0,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,They'd also love to kick me and my fellow latinos out. Maybe we'll get the internment camp treatment like the Japanese of America.,27,2023-04-01 05:55:40
jehs4qm,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"They think they're the ""silent majority"", which is ironic because they're neither silent or a majority.",26,2023-04-01 03:01:24
jehziph,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,They even brought the flag of the losers (Confederate flag) with them.,25,2023-04-01 04:09:39
jeiuxpq,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Probably a dumb idea, but in my heavily red town some friends and I who enjoy various shooting sports (they're hunters, I mainly stick to sporting clays) were talking about buying AR-15's. Mainly to go shoot them for fun, but partly to plant the idea in the gun nuts' heads ""Oh no, there's liberals also shooting AR-15's at our gun range...""",25,2023-04-01 11:02:51
jeisf90,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Rush, Newt, Rupert (right wing radio, right wing politics, right wing tv)",25,2023-04-01 10:28:28
jeika97,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,We have to be ready for when Idaho invades.,25,2023-04-01 08:27:54
jeh222n,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Don’t underestimate them.

They’re a lot more dangerous than that.

They are terrorists that send substances in the mail, call in bomb threats, run vehicles off roads, and behave aggressively any time they feel like it.

His followers are the most dangerous collective group currently operating within the country.",24,2023-03-31 23:32:39
jehgds2,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Yeah, everyone get out and vote, don't get complacent and all that jazz, but TFG has no fucking chance, and I'm sick of hearing it like he's a serious candidate.  He's not.  He lost the popular vote twice by many millions of votes, he lost the EC in 2020, his candidates got their asses kicked all over the country in 2018, 2020 and 2022.  He stirs shit up and is entertaining, but we all know the deal.  He won't ever sniff office again.",24,2023-04-01 01:23:53
jei3lnx,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,These mouth breathers need to be put in their place pronto with their racism and misogyny! Let them try a “ civil war” and it will be fafo time.,24,2023-04-01 04:51:40
jeh8q2c,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,They do not think that they are the minority in their case. Far from it. They will never consede that they are an minority. Minorities do not look like them. There is no point in thinking anything different l.,23,2023-04-01 00:23:49
jehmvb0,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Yep. We still have a democracy, slightly scuffed, because Pence refused to get in that car.",23,2023-04-01 02:16:34
jei0di3,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Right? I think 25% of all their future earnings for life go to improving the country for the youth and the drag queens.,23,2023-04-01 04:18:11
jejsk0t,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Air Force academy was infiltrated by James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and by New Life Church, both extremist evangelical organizations based in Colorado Springs, just like the Air Force academy is. My Baptist cousin sent her son to West Point where he prostheletyzed to other cadets. (Mike Pompeo talks about how Christian cadets constantly asked him to read the Bible with them until he finally did, then he converted to evangelicalism.)

Did I mention my Baptist cousin was from NY but was told in 1970s she wasn’t going to Africa on her church mission. - she was going to Alaska because of all the lonely southern young men who’d traveled there to work on the pipeline? She and her friends would approach young males on the street and invite them to a church social. Punch and cookies (seriously) and good clean fun. Their job was to bring these young men into the church. And to marry them. All the young women married pipeline workers and settled in Alaska. They saved the oil bonus the family got every year to put their kids through bible college - except their son who went to West Point thanks to letters from congressional reps, pastors, the mayor…all of whom belonged to Baptist church.",23,2023-04-01 15:55:36
jehh6e6,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Better yet, listen to the whole podcast, it’s well worth everyone’s time:

I also go out of my way to listen to/read pretty much everything from Luttig, just bc it’s such a good reminder that thoughtful, sophisticated, and moral small c conservatives really do exist. They may be vanishingly rare, and I may still disagree w them about most things, but they’re something completely different from MAGA cranks and shouldn’t be lumped in a one and the same.",22,2023-04-01 01:30:15
jehcw0p,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Seriously? I just don't want the whole country get dragged down in their nonsense.,22,2023-04-01 00:56:25
jeh8g58,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,The projection from the GOP baffles me sometimes.,22,2023-04-01 00:21:41
jehkh5r,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"If the fucking party endorsed the nut job then the republicans will have no choice but to either for the man or vote for a democrat.

These days the republicans would rather the nation burn before they shake hands with a democrat",22,2023-04-01 01:56:53
jejd9s8,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Its the reserves, oddly the air force more than others, who have been more radicalized somehow.

Not much to worry about with us though, the BMT guideline is just a suggestion.",22,2023-04-01 14:03:29
jehp36p,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Do you remember the trump tweets where he says he’ll be president in 2020/24/28/ etc etc? Trump is an idiot. He actually believed he can get away with that.,21,2023-04-01 02:35:07
jeinr2u,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Great post. Wanted to add something else. No one should misinterpret or hand wave these warning signs away because of how ridiculous they appear. Sure its absurd when MTG or one of these other assholes says something outlandish sounding like “civil war”. The mere notion such a thing could come about is so ludicrous that many people will laugh, they will dismiss it as too over-the-top to be taken seriously.

I have spent my whole life observing people. One thing I’ve learned that may not be common knowledge is that often times, sincere animosity appears farcical. In fact many heightened emotional states do. When these assholes talk about things like this, we should take that seriously.",20,2023-04-01 09:19:44
jehmk3u,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Difficult commute for a lot of them, coming from russia and all.",19,2023-04-01 02:14:02
jei4gd2,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Never underestimate the danger of stupid people in large numbers.,19,2023-04-01 05:00:56
jei8nzn,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Give them the WT Sherman special.,19,2023-04-01 05:49:45
jegxxbt,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Right.  Unless MAGAworld can raise an actual army to challenge the U.S. military (fat fucking chance), the worst would be a few scattered attacks from some wingnuts against the local county seat, followed by arrests and time in federal prison.",18,2023-03-31 23:01:12
jegvg53,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Read the article. Judge a prominent anti-authoritarian conservative who testified against Trump at the J6 Committee.,17,2023-03-31 22:42:26
jei48mu,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Or a rude awakening about how many soldiers the US has, and how they compare in terms of equipment, fitness and training standards, to the average maga-gunnut.",17,2023-04-01 04:58:33
jeir9uy,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Because they probably are, in their town of 24,000 people. The population of cities is unfathomable to them.",17,2023-04-01 10:11:49
jeiejlc,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,You say that but look how far gone a lot of people are. The q anon insanity that democrats are grooming children has gone mainstream. Republicans have fairly successfully dehumanised their political opponents in the eyes of their base. That’s the starting point for violence.,17,2023-04-01 07:05:57
jei4l1m,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"The posters here saying the MAGA crowd is all chickenhawk fat white guys who won’t get off their asses when Civil War II begins are missing the point. Big time.

These clowns won’t have to do anything to tip the US over the edge. The fix will already be in, courtesy of the people that have been put in place since 2020 who will ratfuck the election results. They do this right, nobody will ever know how it happened or eve. If it happened. 

Even if these GOP gangsters have to act more openly, it won’t get to the point where there will be open warfare in the streets. It won’t be necessary. The US will just slide into fascist single-party strongman rule, first slowly, then very, very quickly. Most people won’t bother fighting. They’ll just keep living their lives, which will get more restrictive every day.",16,2023-04-01 05:02:21
jehh7wd,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"He won’t win. Even in my conservative area, supporting Trump is taboo",16,2023-04-01 01:30:35
jehhj7n,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Honestly, you can't claim that with certainty.

The US Military is a slice of life of America.  Every value is reflected within the Military - slightly more biased conservative and religious but not overwhelmingly.

If the causal factors of an impending civil war are based on a presidential administration or congressional act the military would split exactly the same as it did in 1860.

If on the other hand, Trump is elected and gains office and he does something blatantly illegal, then I MIGHT agree with you.  But it depends on who he surrounds him self with and how they 'message' the resulting decisions.

But even that leaves the ""what is blatantly illegal"" a vastly open question.  Looking at Gen. (R) [Flynn] and others still supporting him.  [edited name]

I have opinions on what would happen in such an event - but, based on what we saw in the previous Trumpff term my guess it would be largely individual decisions.  Some leaders will follow him because of political loyalty and some because they will believe it is the correct legal Constitutional/UCMJ act.  Few will choose to openly contravene leadership in such ambiguous legal areas.

Source: Me, ten year military veteran.  [I hope you were making this 'appeal to authority' argument in irony ... ].",16,2023-04-01 01:33:04
jehr3qb,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Who is the General Mathis that supports Trump? Are you talking about Mattis? I thought he’d come out pretty strongly against Trump quite a number of times.,16,2023-04-01 02:52:20
jeijtn2,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Russians look a whole lot like Ukrainians.,16,2023-04-01 08:21:05
jehfydy,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,So all I have to do is run up a flight of stairs and I'm good! I swear some of those so called gravy seals couldn't break out of a wet paper bag.,15,2023-04-01 01:20:29
jehd9rb,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,[deleted],15,2023-04-01 00:59:27
jei55vg,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Keepin' the little rascal scooter charged up for the boogaloo.,15,2023-04-01 05:08:42
jeh55l4,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Trump wasn't even in control of the military on January 6th and he was their commander-in-chief.  People are living in a fantasy world if they think the military is going to turn on ordinary citizens based on the extreme politics of a loud minority and aide in the destruction of the country they've pledged to defend.,15,2023-03-31 23:56:19
jejq73e,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"I mean, that makes sense. My friend was in the air force and was a super evangelical born again who became more and more ultra right wing throughout his stint. Funnily enough, he ended up getting mustered out when he got a female commanding officer and started mouthing off about not taking orders from a woman and all that woman belong in the home bs before immediately failing his next physical, which all seemed quite the coincidence to me.",15,2023-04-01 15:38:27
jeiyfpr,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"And the Russian soldiers aren’t coping well.

The number of drone footage I have seen with Russian soldiers off-lining themselves on the battlefield…. Reddit is good for seeing shite i never wanted to see in the first place 😒",15,2023-04-01 11:45:48
jegw4px,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"That's ok, we have the biggest anti-insurrection that we built for the last 24 years just sitting around waiting for the next counter-insurrection to fight in",14,2023-03-31 22:47:33
jehf1br,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Just ask them who should be in charge, they’ll fight each other",14,2023-04-01 01:13:14
jehe5j2,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,By that time all I see is them fighting against each other.,14,2023-04-01 01:06:17
jeho1p0,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Let's see how this works out for them.,14,2023-04-01 02:26:19
jehla6l,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,[removed],14,2023-04-01 02:03:30
jehkdt5,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Was it even hours? Honestly if it was less than three hours, we should be measuring in minutes",14,2023-04-01 01:56:05
jeiwp8k,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Had right wing radio and  Faux news existed in the 70s, Nixon would never have resigned.  He have finished his term.

That is exactly why right wing radio age Faux news were created and why we are here today",14,2023-04-01 11:25:00
jehak16,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"This would be the moment the insurrection act would be declared and those attempting to halt the democratic process would be guilty of sedition. And no, the gravy seals won't be able to handle the national guard, let alone the u.s army.",13,2023-04-01 00:38:08
jeha0pf,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Bill T. Sherman: Damn, Joe, you were only so high last time I saw you.",13,2023-04-01 00:33:58
jehicy1,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Until Tucker comes up with something new to hate.,13,2023-04-01 01:39:30
jeia1jy,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Fuck it. Use these repatriated funds to fix our national debt and social security. Call it the Trump Tax for extra salt in the wound.,13,2023-04-01 06:06:43
jei1zy7,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Mattis still supports Trump? I don't think I've heard him say a nice word about him since his resignation.,13,2023-04-01 04:34:51
jeiql06,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"The main load of maga’s arrived at the capitol at 12:30, there were proud boys there a little earlier and pipe bombs was found at 11:30. 1:10 pm was when trump told everyone at the rally to go and “fight like hell.” At 1:50 a riot was declared. At 1:59 they breached the capitol building. 4:17 trump tells everyone to go home. 5:20 the cops are clearing out the people still in the capitol.  At 6:15 they have a permitter again and at 8:00pm they declare the capitol is secure.

If you call it from when trump told them to when he told them to go home, it was 3 hours and 7 minutes. From first signs of violence to the capitol secure again it is 8 and a half hours.",13,2023-04-01 10:01:42
jei0cco,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"With the big uptick in political violence and shootings, future historians may see the US as already being in ""The Troubles 2.0"" so to speak. Right now the only thing the violent extremists lack is a centralized leadership like the IRA had.",12,2023-04-01 04:17:52
jehferr,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Bold move cotton,12,2023-04-01 01:16:09
jehermm,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,It'll be South Africa under apartheid if they win.  Only with theocracy.,12,2023-04-01 01:11:05
jej9amk,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Agreed,.we will not be fighting ourselves.",12,2023-04-01 13:30:15
jeii04n,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Then there's eastern WA. Not sure what to blame there. Apples?  Hops?,12,2023-04-01 07:54:34
jeh75de,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"If the cult want to die for their dictator, that's their choice",11,2023-04-01 00:11:42
jehqdh2,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"The AR-15s they so dearly love vs a Reaper Drone, wonder who will win (hint: the drone wins)",11,2023-04-01 02:45:59
jeh63ah,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Thanks, corrected it. For what it’s worth, just like 9/11, J6 should be a day of infamy.",11,2023-04-01 00:03:32
jehskfd,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,They would vote for Ted Bundy over a Democrat if it meant the Democrat would try to give women their right to bodily autonomy back.,11,2023-04-01 03:05:13
jegu6pq,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Utter horseshit supposition.  Civil war against whom, and exactly how would this practically manifest?",10,2023-03-31 22:32:59
jegypo9,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,*2021,10,2023-03-31 23:07:10
jei3p4k,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Can fight a war on two fronts, if Putin can’t get America to leave nato he will throw them into another war",10,2023-04-01 04:52:41
jeii2rw,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Lesson learned from last time: finish the job.,10,2023-04-01 07:55:36
jejo3st,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Completely agree. The ""vets"" I run across with this stupidity tend to be the Pvt Pyles of the world not worth the shit on my shoe. They're more than likely REMF that got repeatedly busted doing dumb shit and blame the ""man"".",10,2023-04-01 15:23:48
jeje1az,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Reserves and national guard are a bit different since they’re the “part time” folks who aren’t as insulated as the rest of the military. They also have shit funding so unless you’re in a state (NG) that has lots of funding and Activates a lot, all you get is some basic training for free (that most of us could pay and get from some of these shooting academies or schools) and uniforms. They spend most of their weekend drill time working out, doing some bullshit training, and tracking down people who didn’t show up",10,2023-04-01 14:09:34
jehpto7,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,The GOP are terrorists.,9,2023-04-01 02:41:17
jehgnkf,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Let’s see how that 2nd amendment stands up to a 12-figure defense budget.,9,2023-04-01 01:26:02
jehiwop,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Just as they do in business,they're advertising for others to do their dirty work.",9,2023-04-01 01:43:57
jeiu4i8,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"They're cookie cutter parodies. Totally witless. After some lefty throws a zinger, to a one they reply with ""no, you are"". They can't tell you what Communist means but they throw it around all the time. Obama divided the country. Soros is somehow the most powerful being on Earth. The ones with ""patriot"" in their name are always 2A and racist as fuck. Biden runs a ""crime syndicate"", did you know? They're absolute buffoons. It's shameful. It'd be darkly humorous but those fuckers vote! They actually get a say in what happens to normal people in this country! So yeah, If they want to finish the job COVID-denialism started I nod my head heartily.",9,2023-04-01 10:52:03
jehmi9b,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Hard to not lump them in when they're in the same party, goose stepping to elections",9,2023-04-01 02:13:36
jei4rn2,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Or just use it to fund reparations. Straight to black people and native Americans. Would be tight.,9,2023-04-01 05:04:24
jeiiqi1,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Republicans are going to do that from this point forward in every election regardless, because, while they are evil, they are not stupid.  Behind the scenes, they understand that Millennials and Gen Z hate their fucking guts.  Boomers are dying in droves every day.  Their ""policies"" (for lack of a better word) are vile and abhorrent to the vast majority of Americans.  Trump said all the quiet parts out loud and now they've lost their plausible deniability with a large swath of moderate voters who occasionally vote republican.  But now, if you vote republican, you're voting for literal neo-nazis, rapists, pedophiles, fraudsters and god knows what else George Santos is up to.  

They can't win a national election anymore. Not without cheating.  Not without destroying democracy and implementing an authoritarian regime.

So that's what they have to do.  The good news is, we all see what they're doing from a mile away, as long as young voter turnout continues to climb, we'll pull through all right.",9,2023-04-01 08:05:06
jej4owa,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Honestly it depends on what you’re hunting. Larger deer for instance, a 5.56 round isn’t bad. They are also fun to target shoot with and larger magazine capacity means less down time at the range. 

Now my preference is bolt action .308 but I enjoy long distance shooting.",9,2023-04-01 12:49:35
jej7h1z,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"I've lived in the U.S. for 12 years, but grew up in Scotland and northern England during the '80s and early '90s, and vividly remember seeing IRA car bomb attacks on the evening news. I agree with your assessment, and think most Americans struggle to envision the kind of violence you and I think we're likely to see.",9,2023-04-01 13:14:24
jeiyn0g,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"It’s more scary because, no, the actual numbers of these crazies are not that high.

The problem is, it doesn’t take a lot of em to do a lot of damage.

Most school shooting only have 1 shooter. Imagine 10 in one scene.",9,2023-04-01 11:48:04
jegw170,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,What about if he doesn’t make it out of the primaries?,8,2023-03-31 22:46:48
jehkbx8,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"The stupid bastards have this idea in their empty heads that Liberals don't own firearms & the military will join them.  Most of the MAGA Cult Members I know are either fat, old, stupid & lazy or a combination of these traits.",8,2023-04-01 01:55:39
jei7hl9,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,They all think they’re George Washington but they’re really Benedict Arnold; switching sides because his ego was bruised.,8,2023-04-01 05:35:33
jehgi2i,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,">We’ve got tanks and F35s. What’s your little AR-15 gonna do, Y’all Qaeda?

*-US Military*",8,2023-04-01 01:24:50
jegsxm3,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Oh yeah?  Who?  Where did you hear this?  I want names.,8,2023-03-31 22:23:42
jeher9j,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"If Trump wins, there will be a civil war.",8,2023-04-01 01:11:00
jehj614,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"""Something something...History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.""  and ""Learn history so you won't repeat the mistakes of the past and feel helpless as others do commit those mistakes.""",8,2023-04-01 01:46:06
jeh4520,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Exactly,8,2023-03-31 23:48:34
jei420n,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,But mostly the drag queens!,8,2023-04-01 04:56:32
jeibott,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"1860s, 1940s, 2020s...  Damn.",8,2023-04-01 06:27:52
jeiunmd,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"When 20 people wave flags and show their stupidity, that's not a civil war, it's a laughing stock...nobody cares about this idiot, he's just a very sad and orange clown.",7,2023-04-01 10:59:07
jeko7sd,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,I always have to laugh at calls for a new civil war. These people couldn't handle not being able to go to Applebee's during COVID. Just wait until they have to deal with the rationing of supplies and disruption to basic services and infrastructure that comes with actually being in a war instead of inflicting it upon some country on the other side of the planet. The bastards wouldn't last a week.,7,2023-04-01 19:38:12
jeiosi9,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Fuck Donald Trump. He’s going to lose even bigger this time.,7,2023-04-01 09:35:24
jeh834w,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,I don’t think they’re warning of civil war. They’re planting the seeds for civil war.,7,2023-04-01 00:18:57
jeh4ke4,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,This…this was funny 😄,7,2023-03-31 23:51:49
jeh8iio,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Luttig is saying that MAGA acolytes would initiate it by trying to overturn elections to install Trump. This is the same judge that testified in the J/6 hearing and instructed Mike Pence via twitter (so there were witnesses) that he could not commit Donnie's deed.,7,2023-04-01 00:22:12
jegx5jz,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Luttig is very respected on both sides.,7,2023-03-31 22:55:18
jejkenu,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,I’m pretty sure the leadership is called MAGA,7,2023-04-01 14:57:26
jehfdqd,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Yeah but they have really big flags!,7,2023-04-01 01:15:55
jehfl8s,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,You have to bring grant back too- they come as a pair,7,2023-04-01 01:17:37
jeibyf3,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"To summon them, you’ll need to open a bottle of whiskey next to a bonfire while singing Hymn of the Republic.",7,2023-04-01 06:31:24
jej3z7r,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Are AR-15’s good for anything except eviscerating people?  They seem to tear apart meat so I assume they aren’t good for hunting animals for food.  Are they good target sport weapons?,7,2023-04-01 12:43:01
jej4guw,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,That was such a long day,7,2023-04-01 12:47:32
jej6cbn,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Thanks for the info!  I recently bought my own place as a Single woman and have been shopping around, but I have shared walls and really don’t want a gun so large that I shoot into ever other Condo attached to me if I need to defend myself.",7,2023-04-01 13:04:30
jeibo7b,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Every other thing that might be bad for Trump suddenly is a threat of civil war. 

Trumps sandwich has fat free mayonnaise BOOM civil war.",6,2023-04-01 06:27:38
jeieylr,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"No worries, Trump will be Prez in 2024...of Cell Block D",6,2023-04-01 07:11:35
jeij8nf,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,It seems people keep referring to a potential increase in right wing terrorist attacks as a civil war.,6,2023-04-01 08:12:23
jeiuurj,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Nothing screams democracy like starting a war because you don't like the result.,6,2023-04-01 11:01:44
jeikloc,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Sweet. We'll just defeat them a second time then.,6,2023-04-01 08:32:43
jei805t,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Right, that is about all these rebel militias could even realistically do going up against the US military. Now it would make it a much more serious crisis if you had mass amounts of us service members ‘defecting’ to join maga. But that seems like quite a speculative and unlikely scenario.",6,2023-04-01 05:41:41
jeic711,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Imagine the full force of the US military against meal team six.,6,2023-04-01 06:34:37
jei3bxl,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,That's the whole reason they are doing it. They don't have enough to win elections. And in the age of technology God is in a steady decline. Not to mention half of them can't keep up with understanding technology. Just look at the whole anti vaxx stuff. Their only recurse is subversion. Look at the over turning of Roe v Wade. Nobody wanted that but they subverted it anyways.,6,2023-04-01 04:48:51
jehrhk9,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Now or later.,6,2023-04-01 02:55:41
jeiav9q,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"The rational people don’t want war. But if the irrational people do and they start shooting at everyone else, war is the last and only option.",6,2023-04-01 06:17:11
jehq7g9,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"> If the fucking party endorsed the nut job then the republicans will have no choice but to either for the man or vote for a democrat.

voting is not compulsory.",6,2023-04-01 02:44:33
jeh9izh,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Who do you think was in the White House in 2020?  Who do you think was commander?  Why does everyone think 2024 would work differently than 2020?  We have a diverse volunteer military.  They're not going to participate in destroying their country.,6,2023-04-01 00:30:05
jeiqfin,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Seems like there are enough school shootings to show there are plenty of Americans willing to shoot innocent kids and teachers.,6,2023-04-01 09:59:31
jejjlge,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Can we stop letting Facebook and Twitter off the hook too? They are just as much to blame as NewsCorp and other MAGA media,6,2023-04-01 14:51:27
jejaf8l,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,Thanks again!  I’ll ask at the range/store by my place if they have one I could try out.,6,2023-04-01 13:39:55
jeivqg7,1281pch,Former Republican Federal Judge Warns Of 'Civil War' If Donald Trump Loses 2024 Election,"Let em at this point, but this time eradicate the insurrectionists fully. None of this soft post civil war reconstruction bullshit. It's ridiculous that these people can go around openly plotting treasonous acts.",5,2023-04-01 11:12:55