File size: 9,919 Bytes
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license: cc-by-4.0
# Bluesky Aozora Dive
... Is an archive of atproto's firehose (and relatedly bluesky) streams.
This dataset name is inspired from a [song](
## Data Formats
We present data as is with minimum enrichment.
- Any cryptographic CIDs are stripped as they do not possess any useful textual data.
### Streams
The firehose is split into 2 jsonl file for your usage:
- `..._atproto_interactions.jsonl`: Contains interaction events, such as likes, follows, reposts and blocks
- `..._atproto_general.jsonl`: Contains accounts, identities, posts and replies
### Common Fields
- `typ`: Represents the data **typ**e.
- `usr`: Which **Us**e**r** is it from. Represented in the `Usernames` format below.
- `rid`: Record Key. Use this to access data from bsky api.
The most basic root construct will typically contain:
"typ": "<Type>",
"usr": {
"did": "did:plc:ssd5xwqvrdrxyu2br7sfjwzy",
Usernames are constructed in the following format:
"did": "did:plc:4hqjfn7m6n5hno3doamuhgef",
`did`: `Decentralized ID`. Consider this as `ID` for most cases and it points to a unique ID.
`nms`: **[DEPRECATED!]** `Usernames`. Either can be a string or a list of strings. Do not blindly assume this is going to be only a string! Though generally, it should just be a string.
- **`nms`** will not be provided in future firehose archives. Turns out PLC directory didn't like me.
For most cases, expect the did to describe a user.
### Blobs
Blobs represent media content. Typically you can tell it's a blob if it has a `mime` field and a `cid`.
"mime": "image/jpeg",
"size": 891965,
"cid": "bafkreifu35fvx45eyldhpoyb3zgtb5dobvjfpw5kkeexwxefrfpzye2pji"
Given the user account is this:
"typ": "account",
"usr": {
"did": "did:plc:lri5xcv6ogaldxkigm32wa57",
"avy": {
"mime": "image/jpeg",
"size": 226086,
"cid": "bafkreif3z2y2rfrfcjt4rwwps4ib7q7qywrdt76bw6dmj5ebqefgllpima"
"bnr": null,
"crt": 1723726663.57,
"dsc": "――あなたの日常に、AIの籠った音色を。\n\n▼思い出や日常、希望をお聞かせください。その想いを曲にいたします。\n",
"dsp": "雪白ゆっち feat.AI Creator"
Construct the avy url like so:
Template: `<usr.did>&cid=<usr.avy.cid>`
A full link looks like this: ``
Yes I did spend a while trying to lookup to see why it is not working.
### Posts (Simple)
Posts can get rather complicated. Here's a sample of a simple post.
"typ": "post",
"usr": {
"did": "did:plc:ssd5xwqvrdrxyu2br7sfjwzy",
"rid": "3kzyon77od52v",
"chg": "create",
"tst": 1723987630.494,
"pst": {
"txt": "✔✔✔On Aug 18, 2024, 11:59 AM(UTC). According to Binance Market Data, Bitcoin has crossed the 60,000 USDT benchmark and is now trading at 60,006.578125 USDT, with a narrowed 1.49% increase in 24 hours.👀👀",
"emb": null,
"fct": [],
"lbl": [],
"lng": [],
"tgs": [],
"rpl": null
- `tst`: Contains the timestamp in unix float time.
- `chg`: Change type. Typically either `create` or `delete` for posts. `change` for allowing Direct Messages.
- `rid`: Record Key. Use this to access data from bsky api.
- `pst`: Contains the actual posted data.
### Posts (Complex)
As for replies and other fields, here's a more complex example.
"typ": "reply",
"usr": {
"did": "did:plc:4hqjfn7m6n5hno3doamuhgef",
"nms": ""
"rid": "3kzyotm2hzq2d",
"chg": "create",
"tst": 1723987844.937,
"pst": {
"txt": " \nbaiser\njoin : [IIT]\nten : 1000\naiten : 21037247\n---\n[1-7]\nten d : shuffle[IIT☑]\nten p : post\n---\n",
"emb": null,
"fct": [
"typ": "@",
"val": "",
"rng": [
"lbl": [],
"lng": [],
"tgs": [],
"rpl": {
"typ": "post",
"usr": {
"did": "did:plc:vok247eewjmbmo3kxaizct2i",
"nms": ""
"rid": "3kzyotbooo22c",
"rrt": {
"typ": "post",
"usr": {
"did": "did:plc:vok247eewjmbmo3kxaizct2i",
"nms": ""
"rid": "3kzyosf6atg2v"
- `fct`: Stands for Facets:
- `typ`: The facet type. (`tag`,`link`,`mention`)
- `val`: The facet value. Note that this can be a `Username` dict when `typ` == `mention`
- `rng`: Byte range. AFAIK this is in UTF-16 but I can be wrong. Follow atproto's docs for this.
- `lbl`: Labels. A list of strings. Though typically empty list for firehose streams. Labels are sent seperately firehose stream-wise.
- `lng`: Languages. Either an list (Can be empty) or a string.
- `tgs`: "Additional hashtags, in addition to any included in post text and facets."
`rpl`: The post that the current post is replying to.
- *Note:* The reply post is not enriched with the actual post.
- `typ`/`usr`/`rid`: [Refer to the simple posts section.](#posts-simple)
- `rrt`: Root post. Can be `null` if root post is the same as the `rpl` post `rid`.
### Accounts
"typ": "account",
"usr": {
"did": "did:plc:cj3ngde5wbljf5sh33g7zsdz",
"avy": {
"mime": "image/jpeg",
"size": 79776,
"cid": "bafkreiczz2spptgturm43r33impbkcar4tmdmnh34pqkp2tynlztbxmw7a"
"bnr": {
"mime": "image/jpeg",
"size": 748930,
"cid": "bafkreigb5l3u32quxzhpbca6bnrunfdau3m4bp6fdntmj2lwec3erkssty"
"crt": null,
"dsc": "こっちでは、主に練習中の下手なイラスト・ゲーム関系とかを投稿していきたいな〜\n\n最推しのねくろさんの配信を見るといやされる( ◠‿◠ )",
"dsp": "しろっつ🖤🐐👑"
For Accounts, the `usr` field is more filled. In addition to `did`, there are other fields like:
- `avy`/`bnr`: either a `Blob` or null. Refer to [Blobs](#blobs) section above.
- `crt`: Account Creation time. Can be null!
- `dsc`: Profile Bio / Blurb Section.
- `dsp`: Display name.
### Reconstructing to a AtUri
For `post` and `reply` types, Take the following values and combine them into the following url:
Replies are just posts.
For `repost` and `like` types, it's similar but a bit different:
- Reposts: `at://<usr.did>/app.bsky.feed.repost/<rid>`
- likes: `at://<usr.did>/<rid>`
### Enrichment of replies
curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
### Illegal Spec Followers
In other words, we also capture content that failed to follow specs. Like this:
"typ": "IllegalSpecFollowerAkaFixYourShit",
"record": {
"text": "任某(男,31歲),被行拘! ",
"$type": "",
"embed": {
"uri": "",
"$type": "app.bsky.embed.external#main",
"external": {
"uri": "",
"thumb": {
"ref": "bafkreidrfrfluqo26yy4pemkcpgug2p5sea3xrwh3schfnns5owa7gbwvm",
"size": 86924,
"$type": "blob",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"title": "任某(男,31歲),被行拘!",
"description": ""
"createdAt": "2024-08-18T14:05:19.645644Z"
Lines marked as `IllegalSpecFollowerAkaFixYourShit` should be ignored in general though. Content isn't great anyway.
## Changes
Removed mentions of `nms`. We stopped resolving DIDs after 01/09/24 as it appears that I'm slamming PLC directory too much lol. Sorry!
## Various Notes
### Recommendations
For getting a more proper stream of posts, it's recommended to keep a track of users + posts in a index cache.
Then again, you can just fetch a list from bsky api directly lol.
Do consider reading up on bsky docs and atproto docs.
### Docs Nonsense
When the bluesky docs say: "...Implemented by PDS".
You should probably use the following base url: ``
### Deletions
UnActions ("unpost","unlike","unrepost") only contains `rid` as the record key.
### License
For everyone out there, data is meant to be free unlike some previous license I did. This is free for grabs aka `CC-BY-4.0`.
for Big Corps wanting to use it: Sure. As long as you cite this dataset + `CC-BY-4.0` license. Be nice to people who have came before you and did it.
### Citations
We would much love academia to cite this dataset. Be nice please `:)`
title = {Aozora Diving: diving into the sea of atproto and bluesky network },
author = {KaraKaraWitch},
year = {2023},
howpublished = {\url{}},
``` |