[ |
{ |
"id": "bw6-1", |
"name": "Hoppip", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "30", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Skiploom" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Flail Around", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10×", |
"text": "Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "1", |
"artist": "Kouki Saitou", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It drifts on winds. It is said that when Hoppip gather in fields and mountains, spring is on the way.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
187 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/1.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/1_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-2", |
"name": "Skiploom", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Hoppip", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Jumpluff" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Bullet Seed", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10×", |
"text": "Flip 4 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"number": "2", |
"artist": "Suwama Chiaki", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It blooms when the weather warms. It floats in the sky to soak up as much sunlight as possible.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
188 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/2.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/2_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-3", |
"name": "Jumpluff", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Skiploom", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Leave It to the Wind", |
"text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may return this Pokémon and all cards attached to it to your hand.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Acrobatics", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20+", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 30 more damage for each heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"number": "3", |
"artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "Blown by the seasonal winds, it circles the globe, scattering cotton spores as it goes.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
189 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/3.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/3_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-4", |
"name": "Yanma", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Yanmega" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Whirlwind", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "Your opponent switches the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "4", |
"artist": "Yukiko Baba", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It can hover in one spot by flapping its wings at high speed. It flits about to guard its territory.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
193 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/4.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/4_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-5", |
"name": "Yanmega", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Yanma", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Agility", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokémon during your opponent's next turn." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Cutting Wind", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "70", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"number": "5", |
"artist": "Naoki Saito", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "Its jaw power is incredible. It is adept at biting apart foes while flying by at high speed.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
469 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/5.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/5_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-6", |
"name": "Wurmple", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Silcoon", |
"Cascoon" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Sleep Poison", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep and Poisoned." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "6", |
"artist": "Kouki Saitou", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "Often targeted by bird Pokémon, it desperately resists by releasing poison from its tail spikes.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
265 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/6.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/6_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-7", |
"name": "Silcoon", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Wurmple", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Beautifly" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Harden", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "During your opponent's next turn, if this Pokémon would be damaged by an attack, prevent that attack's damage done to this Pokémon if that damage is 60 or less." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Bug Bite", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "7", |
"artist": "Naoki Saito", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It wraps silk around the branches of a tree. It drinks rainwater on its silk while awaiting evolution.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
266 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/7.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/7_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-8", |
"name": "Beautifly", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "120", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Silcoon", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Triple Energy", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Search your deck for 3 different types of basic Energy cards and attach them to your Pokémon in any way you like. Shuffle your deck afterward." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Drainpour", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "Heal 40 damage from each of your Benched Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "8", |
"artist": "Akira Komayama", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
267 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/8.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/8_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-9", |
"name": "Cascoon", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Wurmple", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Dustox" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Tangle Drag", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with the Defending Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Spiral Drain", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Heal 20 damage from this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "9", |
"artist": "match", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It never forgets any attack it endured while in the cocoon. After evolution, it seeks payback.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
268 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/9.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/9_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-10", |
"name": "Nincada", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "40", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Ninjask" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Dig", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokémon during your opponent's next turn." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "10", |
"artist": "MAHOU", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It grows underground, sensing its surroundings using antennae instead of its virtually blind eyes.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
290 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/10.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/10_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-11", |
"name": "Ninjask", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Nincada", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Shedinja" |
], |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Cast-off Shell", |
"text": "When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon, you may search your deck for Shedinja and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Night Slash", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "You may switch this Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "11", |
"artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. It congregates around tree sap.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
291 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/11.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/11_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-12", |
"name": "Roselia", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Roserade" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Double Whip", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10×", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Relaxing Fragrance", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Heal 30 damage and remove all Special Conditions from this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "12", |
"artist": "Suwama Chiaki", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "The more healthy the Roselia, the more pleasant its flowers' aroma. Its scent deeply relaxes people.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
315 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/12.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/12_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-13", |
"name": "Roselia", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Roserade" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Needling Sting", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "10+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "13", |
"artist": "Shin Nagasawa", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "The more healthy the Roselia, the more pleasant its flowers' aroma. Its scent deeply relaxes people.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
315 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/13.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/13_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-14", |
"name": "Roserade", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Roselia", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Crosswise Whip", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "30×", |
"text": "Flip 4 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Poison Point", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "14", |
"artist": "Kyoko Umemoto", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Each of its hands contains different toxins, but both hands can jab with near-fatal power.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
407 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/14.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/14_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-15", |
"name": "Roserade", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Roselia", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Le Parfum", |
"text": "When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon, you may search your deck for any card and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Squeeze", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage and the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "15", |
"artist": "Shin Nagasawa", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "Each of its hands contains different toxins, but both hands can jab with near-fatal power.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
407 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/15.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/15_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-16", |
"name": "Maractus", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Stun Needle", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Reinforced Needle", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40+", |
"text": "If this Pokémon has a Pokémon Tool card attached to it, this attack does 40 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "16", |
"artist": "sui", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Arid regions are their habitat. They move rhythmically, making a sound similar to maracas.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
556 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/16.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/16_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-17", |
"name": "Foongus", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "40", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Amoonguss" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Double Spin", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10×", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "17", |
"artist": "Shin Nagasawa", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "For some reason, this Pokémon resembles a Poké Ball. They release poison spores to repel those who try to catch them.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
590 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/17.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/17_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-18", |
"name": "Vulpix", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Fire" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Ninetales" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Singe", |
"cost": [ |
"Fire" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Burned." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "18", |
"artist": "MAHOU", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It controls balls of fire. As it grows, its six tails split from their tips to make more tails.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
37 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/18.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/18_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-19", |
"name": "Ninetales", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Fire" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Vulpix", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Bright Look", |
"text": "When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with his or her Active Pokémon.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Hexed Flame", |
"cost": [ |
"Fire" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20+", |
"text": "Does 50 more damage for each Special Condition affecting the Defending Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "19", |
"artist": "Hideaki Hakozaki", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "Its nine tails are said to be imbued with a mystic power. It can live for a thousand years.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
38 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/19.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/19_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-20", |
"name": "Magmar", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Fire" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Magmortar" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Beat", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Magma Punch", |
"cost": [ |
"Fire", |
"Fire", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "50", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "20", |
"artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "When it breathes deeply, heat waves form around its body, making it hard to see clearly.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
126 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/20.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/20_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-21", |
"name": "Magmortar", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "120", |
"types": [ |
"Fire" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Magmar", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Flame Screen", |
"cost": [ |
"Fire" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Flamethrower", |
"cost": [ |
"Fire", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "90", |
"text": "Discard an Energy attached to this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "21", |
"artist": "Akira Komayama", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "When launching 3,600 degrees F fireballs, its body takes on a whitish hue from the intense heat.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
467 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/21.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/21_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-22", |
"name": "Ho-Oh-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "160", |
"types": [ |
"Fire" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Rebirth", |
"text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokémon is in your discard pile, you may flip a coin. If heads, put this Pokémon onto your Bench and attach 3 different types of basic Energy cards from the discard pile to this Pokémon.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Rainbow Burn", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "20+", |
"text": "Does 20 more damage for each different type of basic Energy attached to this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "22", |
"artist": "Eske Yoshinob", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo EX", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
250 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/22.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/22_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-23", |
"name": "Magikarp", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "30", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Gyarados" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Soggy Rush", |
"cost": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10×", |
"text": "Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "23", |
"artist": "Mizue", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "A Magikarp living for many years can leap a mountain using Splash. The move remains useless, though.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
129 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/23.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/23_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-24", |
"name": "Gyarados", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "130", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Magikarp", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Sharp Fang", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Swing Around", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "60+", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 30 more damage for each heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "24", |
"artist": "Mizue", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "Once it begins to rampage, a Gyarados will burn everything down, even in a harsh storm.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
130 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/24.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/24_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-25", |
"name": "Wailmer", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Wailord" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Lullaby", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Water Gun", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "25", |
"artist": "Atsuko Nishida", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "On sunny days, it lands on beaches to bounce like a ball and play. It spouts water from its nose.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
320 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/25.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/25_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-26", |
"name": "Wailord", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "200", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Wailmer", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Water Cannon", |
"cost": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "30×", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage times the amount of Water Energy attached to this Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Giant Wave", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "80", |
"text": "This Pokémon can't use Giant Wave during your next turn." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 4, |
"number": "26", |
"artist": "match", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "The biggest of all Pokémon. It can dive to a depth of almost 10,000 feet on only one breath.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
321 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/26.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/26_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-27", |
"name": "Feebas", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "30", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Milotic" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Add-a-Dash", |
"cost": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. For each heads, draw a card." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "27", |
"artist": "Kouki Saitou", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon. However, it is very hardy and can survive on little water.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
349 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/27.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/27_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-28", |
"name": "Milotic", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "110", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Feebas", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Clear Search", |
"cost": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Search your deck for any 3 cards and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Water Pulse", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "28", |
"artist": "Mizue", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "Its lovely scales are described as rainbow colored. They change color depending on the viewing angle.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
350 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/28.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/28_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-29", |
"name": "Spheal", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Sealeo" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Unstoppable Roll", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "10+", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. If both of them are heads, this attack does 30 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Metal", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "29", |
"artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It rolls across ice floes to reach shore because its body is poorly shaped for swimming.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
363 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/29.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/29_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-30", |
"name": "Sealeo", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Spheal", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Walrein" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Ice Ball", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Aurora Beam", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Metal", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "30", |
"artist": "Mizue", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It habitually spins things on its nose. By doing so, it learns textures and odors.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
364 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/30.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/30_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-31", |
"name": "Walrein", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "140", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Sealeo", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Aurora Beam", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "80", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Ice Entomb", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. This Pokémon can't use Ice Entomb during your next turn." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Metal", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 4, |
"number": "31", |
"artist": "Kouki Saitou", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "It shatters ice with its big tusks. Its thick blubber repels not only the cold, but also enemy attacks.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
365 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/31.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/31_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-32", |
"name": "Buizel", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Floatzel" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Wave Splash", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "32", |
"artist": "Kyoko Umemoto", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It spins its two tails like a screw to propel itself through the water. The tails also slice clinging seaweed.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
418 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/32.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/32_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-33", |
"name": "Floatzel", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Buizel", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Wave Splash", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Waterfall", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Water" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "33", |
"artist": "Naoki Saito", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It is a common sight around fishing ports. It is known to rescue people and carry off prey.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
419 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/33.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/33_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-34", |
"name": "Tympole", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "50", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Palpitoad" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Bubble", |
"cost": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "34", |
"artist": "Midori Harada", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves imperceptible to humans. It uses the rhythm of these sounds to talk.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
535 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/34.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/34_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-35", |
"name": "Palpitoad", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Tympole", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Seismitoad" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Supersonic", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Confused." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Hyper Voice", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "50", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "35", |
"artist": "Miki Tanaka", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "When they vibrate the bumps on their heads, the can make wave in water or earthquake-like vibrations on land.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
536 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/35.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/35_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-36", |
"name": "Seismitoad", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "140", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Palpitoad", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Echoed Voice", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "50", |
"text": "During your next turn, this Pokémon's Echoed Voice attack does 50 more damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance)." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Drain Punch", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "80", |
"text": "Heal 20 damage from this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "36", |
"artist": "kawayoo", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "They shoot paralyzing liquid from their head bumps. They use vibration to hurt their opponents.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
537 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/36.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/36_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-37", |
"name": "Alomomola", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Water" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Mysterious Beam", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Double Slap", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "50×", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "37", |
"artist": "Miki Tanaka", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "The special membrane enveloping Alomomola has the ability to heal wounds.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
594 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/37.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/37_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-38", |
"name": "Mareep", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Flaaffy" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Cotton Guard", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Thunder Jolt", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If tails, this Pokémon does 10 damage to itself." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "38", |
"artist": "sui", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
179 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/38.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/38_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-39", |
"name": "Flaaffy", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Mareep", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Ampharos" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Cotton Guard", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying weakness and resistance)." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Power Gem", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "39", |
"artist": "Atsuko Nishida", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "If its coat becomes fully charged with electricity, its tail lights up. It fires hair that zaps on impact.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
180 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/39.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/39_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-40", |
"name": "Ampharos", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "140", |
"types": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Flaaffy", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Electromagnetic Wall", |
"text": "As long as this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon, whenever your opponent attaches an Energy from his or her hand to 1 of his or her Pokémon, put 3 damage counters on that Pokémon.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Electrobullet", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "70", |
"text": "Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "40", |
"artist": "Hajime Kusajima", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "The tip of its tail shines brightly. In the olden days, people sent signals using the tail's light.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
181 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/40.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/40_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-41", |
"name": "Electrike", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Manectric" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Tackle", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Quick Attack", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "10+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "41", |
"artist": "kawayoo", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its muscles to heighten its reaction speed.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
309 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/41.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/41_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-42", |
"name": "Electrike", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Manectric" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Quick Turn", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20×", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "42", |
"artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its muscles to heighten its reaction speed.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
309 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/42.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/42_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-43", |
"name": "Manectric", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Electrike", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Energy Crush", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20×", |
"text": "Does 20 damage times the amount of Energy attached to all of your opponent's Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Flash Impact", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "80", |
"text": "Does 20 damage to 1 of your Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"number": "43", |
"artist": "Naoyo Kimura", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "It discharges electricity from its mane. It creates a thundercloud overhead to drop lightning bolts.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
310 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/43.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/43_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-44", |
"name": "Manectric", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Electrike", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Energy Assist", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Attach 2 basic Energy cards from your discard pile to 1 of your Benched Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Quick Attack", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "44", |
"artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "It discharges electricity from its mane. It creates a thundercloud overhead to drop lightning bolts.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
310 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/44.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/44_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-45", |
"name": "Emolga", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Call for Family", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Search your deck for 2 Basic Pokémon and put them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Static Shock", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"number": "45", |
"artist": "Kanako Eo", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "They live on treetops and glide using the inside of a cape-like membrane while discharging electricity.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
587 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/45.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/45_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-46", |
"name": "Mew-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "120", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Versatile", |
"text": "This Pokémon can use the attacks of any Pokémon in play (both yours and your opponent's). (You still need the necessary Energy to use each attack.)", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Replace", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Move as many Energy attached to your Pokémon to your other Pokémon in any way you like." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "46", |
"artist": "Eske Yoshinob", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo EX", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
151 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/46.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/46_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-47", |
"name": "Dustox", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "130", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Cascoon", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Hazardous Scales", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep, Burned, and Poisoned." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Aerial Ace", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "50+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "47", |
"artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "Toxic powder is scattered with each flap. At night, it is known to strip leaves off trees lining boulevards.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
269 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/47.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/47_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-48", |
"name": "Shedinja", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Nincada", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Empty Shell", |
"text": "If this Pokémon is Knocked Out, your opponent can't take any Prize cards for it.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Cursed Drop", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Put 3 damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like." |
} |
], |
"number": "48", |
"artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one's spirit.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
292 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/48.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/48_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-49", |
"name": "Drifloon", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Drifblim" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Sneaky Placement", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Put 1 damage counter on 1 of your opponent's Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Darkness", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "49", |
"artist": "MAHOU", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "Because of the way it floats aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a \"Signpost for Wandering Spirits.\"", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
425 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/49.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/49_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-50", |
"name": "Drifloon", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Drifblim" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Beat", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Gust", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Darkness", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "50", |
"artist": "Kouki Saitou", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "Because of the way it floats aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a \"Signpost for Wandering Spirits.\"", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
425 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/50.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/50_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-51", |
"name": "Drifblim", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Drifloon", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Shadow Steal", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "50×", |
"text": "Does 50 damage times the number of Special Energy cards in your opponent's discard pile." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Plentiful Placement", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Put 4 damage counters on 1 of your opponent's Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Darkness", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "51", |
"artist": "Kanako Eo", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "At dusk, swarms of them are carried aloft on winds. When noticed, they suddenly vanish.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
426 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/51.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/51_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-52", |
"name": "Sigilyph", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Safeguard", |
"text": "Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokémon by Pokémon-EX.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Psychic", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "50+", |
"text": "Does 10 more damage for each Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "52", |
"artist": "Ryo Ueda", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "The guardians of an ancient city, they use their psychic power to attack enemies that invade their territory.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
561 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/52.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/52_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-53", |
"name": "Trubbish", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Garbodor" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Pound", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Poison Gas", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "53", |
"artist": "Tomokazu Komiya", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "Inhaling the gas they belch will make you sleep for a week. They prefer unsanitary places.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
568 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/53.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/53_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-54", |
"name": "Garbodor", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Trubbish", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Garbotoxin", |
"text": "If this Pokémon has a Pokémon Tool card attached to it, each Pokémon in play, in each player's hand, and in each player's discard pile has no Abilities (except for Garbotoxin).", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Sludge Toss", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "54", |
"artist": "kawayoo", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "It clenches opponents with its left arm and finishes them off with foul-smelling poison gas belched from its mouth.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
569 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/54.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/54_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-55", |
"name": "Gothita", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "50", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Gothorita" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Future Sight", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and put them back on top of your deck in any order." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "55", |
"artist": "Aya Kusube", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "They intently observe both Trainers and Pokémon. Apparently, they are looking at something that only Gothita can see.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
574 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/55.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/55_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-56", |
"name": "Gothorita", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Gothita", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Gothitelle" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Hypnoblast", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Mind Shock", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "56", |
"artist": "Mizue", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Starlight is the source of their power. At night, they mark star positions by using psychic power to float stones.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
575 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/56.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/56_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-57", |
"name": "Gothitelle", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "130", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Gothorita", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Doom Decree", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. If both of them are heads, the Defending Pokémon is Knocked Out." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Black Magic", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40+", |
"text": "Does 20 more damage for each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "57", |
"artist": "Akira Komayama", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "Starry skies thousands of light-years away are visible in the space distorted by their intense psychic power.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
576 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/57.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/57_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-58", |
"name": "Golett", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Golurk" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Nap", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Heal 40 damage from this Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Pound", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Darkness", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "58", |
"artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "The energy that burns inside it enables it to move, but no one has yet been able to identify this energy.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
622 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/58.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/58_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-59", |
"name": "Golurk", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "130", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Golett", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Devolution Punch", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "Devolve the Defending Pokémon and put the highest Stage evolution card on it into your opponent's hand." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Ghost Hammer", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "90", |
"text": "During your opponent's next turn, this Pokémon has no Weakness." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Darkness", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 4, |
"number": "59", |
"artist": "Ryo Ueda", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "It flies around the sky at Mach speeds. Removing the seal on its chest makes its internal energy go out of control.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
623 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/59.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/59_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-60", |
"name": "Cubone", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Marowak" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Headbutt", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Beat", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "60", |
"artist": "Atsuko Nishida", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "When it thinks of its dead mother, it cries. Its crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
104 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/60.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/60_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-61", |
"name": "Marowak", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Cubone", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Bone Lock", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Vortex Chop", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60+", |
"text": "If the Defending Pokémon has any Resistance, this attack does 30 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "61", |
"artist": "Kouki Saitou", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "From its birth, this savage Pokémon constantly holds bones. It is skilled in using them as weapons.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
105 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/61.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/61_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-62", |
"name": "Nosepass", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Probopass" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Rock Throw", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "62", |
"artist": "Shin Nagasawa", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "When endangered, it may protect itself by raising its magnetism and drawing iron objects to its body.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
299 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/62.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/62_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-63", |
"name": "Baltoy", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Claydol" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Spinning Attack", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Reverse Spin", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Your opponent shuffles his or her hand into his or her deck and draws 4 cards." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "63", |
"artist": "Shigenori Negishi", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It move by spinning on its foot. It is a rare Pokémon that was discovered in ancient ruins.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
343 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/63.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/63_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-64", |
"name": "Claydol", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Baltoy", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Rapid Spin", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "Switch this Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon. Then, your opponent switches the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Rock Smash", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "64", |
"artist": "Shin Nagasawa", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "An ancient clay figurine that came to life as a Pokémon from exposure to a mysterious ray of light.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
344 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/64.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/64_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-65", |
"name": "Roggenrola", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Boldore" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Stone Edge", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "10+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Hammer In", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "65", |
"artist": "Kyoko Umemoto", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "They were discovered a hundred years ago in an earthquake fissure. Inside each one is an energy core.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
524 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/65.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/65_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-66", |
"name": "Boldore", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Roggenrola", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Gigalith" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Rock Cannon", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "30×", |
"text": "Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Earthquake", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "Does 10 damage to each of your Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "66", |
"artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Because its energy was too great to be contained, the energy leaked and formed orange crystals.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
525 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/66.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/66_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-67", |
"name": "Gigalith", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "140", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Boldore", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Revenge Cannon", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "10+", |
"text": "Does 10 more damage for each damage counter on each of your Benched Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Reckless Charge", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "120", |
"text": "This Pokémon does 40 damage to itself." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 4, |
"number": "67", |
"artist": "Ryo Ueda", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "The solar energy absorbed by its body's orange crystals is magnified internally are fired from its mouth.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
526 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/67.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/67_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-68", |
"name": "Throh", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Squeeze", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage and the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Superpower", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "70+", |
"text": "You may do 20 more damage. If you do, this Pokémon does 20 damage to itself." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "68", |
"artist": "Midori Harada", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "When they encounter foes bigger than themselves, they try to throw them. They always travel in packs of five.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
538 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/68.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/68_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-69", |
"name": "Sawk", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Defensive Stance", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Heal 30 damage from this Pokémon. Switch this Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Karate Chop", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "70-", |
"text": "Does 70 damage minus 10 damage for each damage counter on this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "69", |
"artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Tying their belts gets them pumped and makes their punches more destructive. Disturbing their training angers them.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
539 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/69.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/69_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-70", |
"name": "Stunfisk", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Muddy Water", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Rumble", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "70", |
"artist": "HiRON", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It conceals itself in the mud of the seashore. Then it waits. When prey touch it, it delivers a jolt of electricity.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
618 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/70.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/70_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-71", |
"name": "Terrakion-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "180", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Rock Tumble", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "50", |
"text": "This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Pump-up Smash", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "90", |
"text": "Attach 2 basic Energy cards from your hand to your Benched Pokémon in any way you like." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "71", |
"artist": "Eske Yoshinob", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo EX", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
639 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/71.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/71_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-72", |
"name": "Murkrow", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Honchkrow" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Peck", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Wing Attack", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "72", |
"artist": "Naoyo Kimura", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "If spotted, it will lure an unwary person into chasing it, then lose the pursuer on mountain trails.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
198 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/72.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/72_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-73", |
"name": "Honchkrow", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "110", |
"types": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Murkrow", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Whirlwind", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "You may have your opponent switch the Defending Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Diving Swipe", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "70", |
"text": "Discard a random card from your opponent's hand." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "73", |
"artist": "Shin Nagasawa", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "If one utters a deep cry, many Murkrow gather quickly. For this, it is called \"Summoner of Night.\"", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
430 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/73.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/73_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-74", |
"name": "Houndour", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Houndoom" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Bite", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Darkness Fang", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "74", |
"artist": "Akira Komayama", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It is smart enough to hunt in packs. It uses a variety of cries for communicating with others.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
228 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/74.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/74_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-75", |
"name": "Houndoom", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Houndour", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Bite", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Fire Fang", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "70", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Burned." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "75", |
"artist": "Akira Komayama", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
229 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/75.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/75_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-76", |
"name": "Stunky", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Skuntank" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Acid Spray", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "76", |
"artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It sprays a foul fluid from its rear. Its stench spreads over a mile radius, driving Pokémon away.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
434 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/76.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/76_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-77", |
"name": "Skuntank", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Stunky", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Smogscreen", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. If the Defending Pokémon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Hammer In", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness", |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "80", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "77", |
"artist": "Midori Harada", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It attacks by spraying a horribly smelly fluid from the tip of its tail. Attacks from above confound it.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
435 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/77.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/77_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-78", |
"name": "Aron", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Metal" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Lairon" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Take Down", |
"cost": [ |
"Metal", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "This Pokémon does 10 damage to itself." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "78", |
"artist": "Sumiyoshi Kizuki", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It usually lives deep in mountains. However, hunger may drive it to eat railroad tracks and cars.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
304 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/78.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/78_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-79", |
"name": "Lairon", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Metal" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Aron", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Aggron" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Metal Claw", |
"cost": [ |
"Metal", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Wreak Havoc", |
"cost": [ |
"Metal", |
"Metal", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "Flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, discard the top card of your opponent's deck." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "79", |
"artist": "Shigenori Negishi", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "For food, it digs up iron ore. It smashes it steely body against others to fight over territory.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
305 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/79.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/79_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-80", |
"name": "Aggron", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "140", |
"types": [ |
"Metal" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Lairon", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Toppling Wind", |
"text": "When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon, you may discard the top 3 cards of your opponent's deck.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Giga Horn", |
"cost": [ |
"Metal", |
"Metal", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "90", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. If both of them are tails, this attack does nothing." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 4, |
"number": "80", |
"artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "While seeking iron for food, it digs tunnels by breaking through bedrock with its steel horns.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
306 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/80.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/80_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-81", |
"name": "Registeel-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "180", |
"types": [ |
"Metal" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Triple Laser", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "This attack does 30 damage to 3 of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Protect Charge", |
"cost": [ |
"Metal", |
"Metal", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "80", |
"text": "During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 4, |
"number": "81", |
"artist": "Eske Yoshinob", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo EX", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
379 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/81.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/81_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-82", |
"name": "Probopass", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "110", |
"types": [ |
"Metal" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Nosepass", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Magnetic Lines", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "You may move an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Heavy Nose", |
"cost": [ |
"Metal", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60+", |
"text": "If the Defending Pokémon already has any damage counters on it, this attack does 30 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 4, |
"number": "82", |
"artist": "match", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "It freely controls three small units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
476 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/82.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/82_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-83", |
"name": "Durant", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Metal" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Pull Out", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Put a card from your discard pile on top of your deck." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Iron Head", |
"cost": [ |
"Metal", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30×", |
"text": "Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "83", |
"artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Durant dig nests in mountains. They build their complicated, interconnected tunnels into mazes.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
632 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/83.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/83_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-84", |
"name": "Altaria", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Swablu", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Fight Song", |
"text": "Your Dragon Pokémon's attacks do 20 more damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Glide", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Metal", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "84", |
"artist": "HiRON", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "If it bonds with a person, it will gently envelop the friend with its soft wings, then hum.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
334 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/84.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/84_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-85", |
"name": "Rayquaza-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "170", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"M Rayquaza-EX" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Celestial Roar", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Discard the top 3 cards of your deck. If any of those cards are Energy cards, attach them to this Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Dragon Burst", |
"cost": [ |
"Fire", |
"Lightning" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "60×", |
"text": "Discard all basic Fire Energy or all basic Lightning Energy attached to this Pokémon. This attack does 60 damage times the number of Energy you discarded." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "85", |
"artist": "Eske Yoshinob", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo EX", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
384 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/85.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/85_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-86", |
"name": "Gible", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "50", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Gabite" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Tackle", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Gnaw", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "86", |
"artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It attacks using its huge mouth. While its attacks are powerful, it hurts itself out of clumsiness, too.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
443 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/86.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/86_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-87", |
"name": "Gible", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Gabite" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Sand-Attack", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "If the Defending Pokémon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Knock Away", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "10+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "87", |
"artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It attacks using its huge mouth. While its attacks are powerful, it hurts itself out of clumsiness, too.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
443 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/87.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/87_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-88", |
"name": "Gabite", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Gible", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Garchomp" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Tackle", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Shred", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on the Defending Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "88", |
"artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves and hoards the loot in its nest.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
444 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/88.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/88_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-89", |
"name": "Gabite", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Gible", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Garchomp" |
], |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Dragon Call", |
"text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for a Dragon Pokémon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Dragonslice", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "89", |
"artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves and hoards the loot in its nest.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
444 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/89.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/89_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-90", |
"name": "Garchomp", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "140", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Gabite", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Mach Cut", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "Discard a Special Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Dragonblade", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Fighting" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "100", |
"text": "Discard the top 2 cards of your deck." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "90", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "It is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
445 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/90.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/90_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-91", |
"name": "Garchomp", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "140", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Gabite", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Jet Headbutt", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Sand Tomb", |
"cost": [ |
"Water", |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "80", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"number": "91", |
"artist": "Naoki Saito", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "It is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
445 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/91.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/91_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-92", |
"name": "Giratina-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "180", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Shred", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "90", |
"text": "This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on the Defending Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Dragon Pulse", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "130", |
"text": "Discard the top 3 cards of your deck." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "92", |
"artist": "Eske Yoshinob", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo EX", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
487 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/92.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/92_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-93", |
"name": "Deino", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Zweilous" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Deep Growl", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Power Breath", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "Discard an Energy attached to this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "93", |
"artist": "kawayoo", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It tends to bit everything, and it is not a picky eater. Approaching it carelessly is dangerous.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
633 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/93.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/93_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-94", |
"name": "Deino", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Zweilous" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Guard Press", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Headbutt", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "94", |
"artist": "Kouki Saitou", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "They cannot see, so they tackle and bite to learn about their surroundings. Their bodies are covered in wounds.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
633 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/94.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/94_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-95", |
"name": "Zweilous", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Deino", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Hydreigon" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Crunch", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Dragon Claw", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Darkness", |
"Darkness" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "80", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "95", |
"artist": "Hajime Kusajima", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "After it has eaten up all the food in its territory, it moves to another area. Its two heads do not get along.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
634 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/95.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/95_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-96", |
"name": "Zweilous", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Deino", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Hydreigon" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Draw In", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Attach 2 Darkness Energy cards from your discard pile to this Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Dragon Headbutt", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "96", |
"artist": "Kouki Saitou", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Since their two heads do not get along and compete with each other for food, they always eat too much.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
634 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/96.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/96_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-97", |
"name": "Hydreigon", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "150", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Zweilous", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Dark Trance", |
"text": "As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may move a Darkness Energy attached to 1 of your Pokémon to another of your Pokémon.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Dragonblast", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Darkness", |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "140", |
"text": "Discard 2 Darkness Energy attached to this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "97", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on its six wings. Anything that moves seems like a foe to it, triggering its attack.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
635 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/97.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/97_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-98", |
"name": "Hydreigon", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "150", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Zweilous", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Consume", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "Heal from this Pokémon the same amount of damage you did to the Defending Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Destructor Beam", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "90", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "98", |
"artist": "Naoki Saito", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
635 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/98.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/98_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-99", |
"name": "Aipom", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Ambipom" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Double Hit", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10×", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "99", |
"artist": "sui", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It lives high among the treetops. It can us its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
190 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/99.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/99_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-100", |
"name": "Ambipom", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Aipom", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Double Hit", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "20×", |
"text": "Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Hand Fling", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "10×", |
"text": "Does 10 damage times the number of cards in your hand." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "100", |
"artist": "Akira Komayama", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "Split into two, the tails are so adept at handling and doing things, Ambipom rarely uses its hands.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
424 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/100.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/100_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-101", |
"name": "Slakoth", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Vigoroth" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Smack ‘n' Slack", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "This Pokémon is now Asleep." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "101", |
"artist": "Kanako Eo", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It spends nearly all its time in a day sprawled out. Just seeing it makes one drowsy.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
287 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/101.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/101_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-102", |
"name": "Vigoroth", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "80", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Slakoth", |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Slaking" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Ambush", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "102", |
"artist": "match", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Its heart beats at a tenfold tempo, so it cannot sit still for even a moment.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
288 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/102.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/102_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-103", |
"name": "Slaking", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "150", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Vigoroth", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Unobservant", |
"text": "If your opponent's Active Pokémon is a Basic Pokémon, this Pokémon can't attack.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Crushing Blow", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "100", |
"text": "Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 4, |
"number": "103", |
"artist": "Naoki Saito", |
"rarity": "Rare Holo", |
"flavorText": "The world's laziest Pokémon. When it is lounging, it is actually saving energy for striking back.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
289 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/103.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/103_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-104", |
"name": "Swablu", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "40", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Altaria" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Sing", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Peck", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "104", |
"artist": "Aya Kusube", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "It can't relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes of dirt with its wings.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
333 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/104.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/104_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-105", |
"name": "Swablu", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "40", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Altaria" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Peck", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "105", |
"artist": "Masakazu Fukuda", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "It can't relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes of dirt with its wings.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
333 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/105.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/105_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-106", |
"name": "Bidoof", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "70", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Bibarel" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Bang Heads", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "20", |
"text": "Both this Pokémon and the Defending Pokémon are now Confused." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "106", |
"artist": "match", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "A comparison revealed that Bidoof's front teeth grow at the same rate as Rattata's.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
399 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/106.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/106_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-107", |
"name": "Bibarel", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Bidoof", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Amnesia", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "Choose 1 of the Defending Pokémon's attacks. That Pokémon can't use that attack during your opponent's next turn." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Tumbling Tackle", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "Both this Pokémon and the Defending Pokémon are now Asleep." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "107", |
"artist": "kawayoo", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "A river dammed by Bibarel will never overflow its banks, which is appreciated by the people nearby.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
400 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/107.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/107_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-108", |
"name": "Audino", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Wake-up Beam", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "Remove all Special Conditions from the Defending Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Drain Slap", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "Heal 30 damage from this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "108", |
"artist": "Tomokazu Komiya", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "Its auditory sense is astounding. It has radarlike ability to understand its surroundings through slight sounds.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
531 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/108.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/108_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-109", |
"name": "Minccino", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "60", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Cinccino" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Pound", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "10", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Reckless Charge", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "This Pokémon does 10 damage to itself." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "109", |
"artist": "Kagemaru Himeno", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "They great one another by rubbing each other with their tails, which are always kept well groomed and clean.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
572 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/109.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/109_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-110", |
"name": "Bouffalant", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Bouffer", |
"text": "Any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Gold Breaker", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60+", |
"text": "If the Defending Pokémon is a Pokémon-EX, this attack does 60 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "110", |
"artist": "Akira Komayama", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"flavorText": "They charge wildly and headbutt everything. Their headbutts have enough destructive force to derail a trail.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
626 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/110.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/110_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-111", |
"name": "Rufflet", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "50", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"Braviary" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Chirp", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Search your deck for 2 Pokémon with Fighting Resistance, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Sharp Beak", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "10+", |
"text": "Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "111", |
"artist": "Suwama Chiaki", |
"rarity": "Common", |
"flavorText": "They crush berries with their talons. They bravely stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong it is.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
627 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/111.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/111_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-112", |
"name": "Braviary", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 1" |
], |
"hp": "100", |
"types": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Rufflet", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Slash", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "30", |
"text": "" |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Fury Attack", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "50×", |
"text": "Flip 3 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Lightning", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"number": "112", |
"artist": "Mitsuhiro Arita", |
"rarity": "Rare", |
"flavorText": "They fight for their friends without any thought about danger to themselves. One can carry a car while flying.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
628 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/112.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/112_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-113", |
"name": "Devolution Spray", |
"supertype": "Trainer", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Item" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Devolve 1 of your evolved Pokémon and put the highest stage Evolution card on it into your hand. (That Pokémon can't evolve this turn.)", |
"You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack)." |
], |
"number": "113", |
"artist": "Ryo Ueda", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/113.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/113_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-114", |
"name": "Giant Cape", |
"supertype": "Trainer", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Pokémon Tool" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Attach a Pokémon Tool to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it.", |
"The Pokémon this card is attached to gets +20 HP.", |
"You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack)." |
], |
"number": "114", |
"artist": "Ryo Ueda", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/114.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/114_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-115", |
"name": "Rescue Scarf", |
"supertype": "Trainer", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Pokémon Tool" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Attach a Pokémon Tool to 1 of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it.", |
"If the Pokémon this card is attached to is Knocked Out by damage from an attack, put that Pokémon into your hand. (Discard all cards attached to that Pokémon.)", |
"You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack)." |
], |
"number": "115", |
"artist": "Ryo Ueda", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/115.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/115_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-116", |
"name": "Tool Scrapper", |
"supertype": "Trainer", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Item" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Choose up to 2 Pokémon Tool cards attached to Pokémon in play (yours or your opponent's) and discard them.", |
"You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack)." |
], |
"number": "116", |
"artist": "Ryo Ueda", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/116.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/116_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-117", |
"name": "Blend Energy GrassFirePsychicDarkness", |
"supertype": "Energy", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Special" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"This card provides Colorless Energy. When this card is attached to a Pokémon, this card provides Grass, Fire, Psychic, or Darkness Energy but provides only 1 Energy at a time." |
], |
"number": "117", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/117.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/117_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-118", |
"name": "Blend Energy WaterLightningFightingMetal", |
"supertype": "Energy", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Special" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"This card provides Colorless Energy. When this card is attached to a Pokémon, this card provides Water, Lightning, Fighting, or Metal Energy but provides only 1 Energy at a time." |
], |
"number": "118", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Uncommon", |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/118.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/118_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-119", |
"name": "Ho-Oh-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "160", |
"types": [ |
"Fire" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Rebirth", |
"text": "Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokémon is in your discard pile, you may flip a coin. If heads, put this Pokémon onto your Bench and attach 3 different types of basic Energy cards from the discard pile to this Pokémon.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Rainbow Burn", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "20+", |
"text": "Does 20 more damage for each different type of basic Energy attached to this Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "119", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Ultra", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
250 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/119.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/119_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-120", |
"name": "Mew-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "120", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Versatile", |
"text": "This Pokémon can use the attacks of any Pokémon in play (both yours and your opponent's). (You still need the necessary Energy to use each attack.)", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Replace", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Move as many Energy attached to your Pokémon to your other Pokémon in any way you like." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "120", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Ultra", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
151 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/120.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/120_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-121", |
"name": "Terrakion-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "180", |
"types": [ |
"Fighting" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Rock Tumble", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "50", |
"text": "This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Pump-up Smash", |
"cost": [ |
"Fighting", |
"Fighting", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "90", |
"text": "Attach 2 basic Energy cards from your hand to your Benched Pokémon in any way you like." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Grass", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "121", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Ultra", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
639 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/121.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/121_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-122", |
"name": "Registeel-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "180", |
"types": [ |
"Metal" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Triple Laser", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "This attack does 30 damage to 3 of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon)." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Protect Charge", |
"cost": [ |
"Metal", |
"Metal", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "80", |
"text": "During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 4, |
"number": "122", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Ultra", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
379 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/122.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/122_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-123", |
"name": "Rayquaza-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "170", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"evolvesTo": [ |
"M Rayquaza-EX" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Celestial Roar", |
"cost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "", |
"text": "Discard the top 3 cards of your deck. If any of those cards are Energy cards, attach them to this Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Dragon Burst", |
"cost": [ |
"Fire", |
"Lightning" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "60×", |
"text": "Discard all basic Fire Energy or all basic Lightning Energy attached to this Pokémon. This attack does 60 damage times the number of Energy you discarded." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "123", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Ultra", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
384 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/123.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/123_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-124", |
"name": "Giratina-EX", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic", |
"EX" |
], |
"hp": "180", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"rules": [ |
"Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards." |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Shred", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "90", |
"text": "This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on the Defending Pokémon." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Dragon Pulse", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Psychic", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "130", |
"text": "Discard the top 3 cards of your deck." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "124", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Ultra", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
487 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/124.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/124_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-125", |
"name": "Serperior", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "130", |
"types": [ |
"Grass" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Servine", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Royal Heal", |
"text": "At any times between turns, heal 10 damage from each of your Pokémon.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Leaf Tornado", |
"cost": [ |
"Grass", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 2, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "Move as many Grass Energy attached to your Pokémon to your other Pokémon in any way you like." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fire", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Water", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 1, |
"number": "125", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Secret", |
"flavorText": "This extremely rare Pokémon is a different color than usual. It is very hard to find.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
497 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/125.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/125_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-126", |
"name": "Reuniclus", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "90", |
"types": [ |
"Psychic" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Duosion", |
"abilities": [ |
{ |
"name": "Damage Swap", |
"text": "As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may move 1 damage counter from 1 of your Pokémon to another of your Pokémon.", |
"type": "Ability" |
} |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Psywave", |
"cost": [ |
"Psychic", |
"Psychic", |
"Psychic" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "30+", |
"text": "Does 10 more damage for each Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 2, |
"number": "126", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Secret", |
"flavorText": "This extremely rare Pokémon is a different color than usual. It is very hard to find.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
579 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/126.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/126_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-127", |
"name": "Krookodile", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Stage 2" |
], |
"hp": "150", |
"types": [ |
"Darkness" |
], |
"evolvesFrom": "Krokorok", |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Dark Clamp", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "60", |
"text": "The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Bombast", |
"cost": [ |
"Darkness", |
"Darkness", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 4, |
"damage": "40×", |
"text": "Does 40 damage times the number of Prize cards you have taken." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Fighting", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"resistances": [ |
{ |
"type": "Psychic", |
"value": "-20" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "127", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Secret", |
"flavorText": "This extremely rare Pokémon is a different color than usual. It is very hard to find.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
553 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/127.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/127_hires.png" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"id": "bw6-128", |
"name": "Rayquaza", |
"supertype": "Pokémon", |
"subtypes": [ |
"Basic" |
], |
"hp": "120", |
"types": [ |
"Dragon" |
], |
"attacks": [ |
{ |
"name": "Dragon Pulse", |
"cost": [ |
"Lightning" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 1, |
"damage": "40", |
"text": "Discard the top 2 cards of your deck." |
}, |
{ |
"name": "Shred", |
"cost": [ |
"Fire", |
"Lightning", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedEnergyCost": 3, |
"damage": "90", |
"text": "This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on the Defending Pokémon." |
} |
], |
"weaknesses": [ |
{ |
"type": "Dragon", |
"value": "×2" |
} |
], |
"retreatCost": [ |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless", |
"Colorless" |
], |
"convertedRetreatCost": 3, |
"number": "128", |
"artist": "5ban Graphics", |
"rarity": "Rare Secret", |
"flavorText": "This extremely rare Pokémon is a different color than usual. It is very hard to find.", |
"nationalPokedexNumbers": [ |
384 |
], |
"legalities": { |
"unlimited": "Legal", |
"expanded": "Legal" |
}, |
"images": { |
"small": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/128.png", |
"large": "https://images.pokemontcg.io/bw6/128_hires.png" |
} |
} |
] |