File size: 116,059 Bytes
  "language": "Solidity",
  "sources": {
    "src/diamonds/nayms/AppStorage.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/// @notice storage for nayms v3 decentralized insurance platform\n\nimport \"./interfaces/FreeStructs.sol\";\n\nstruct AppStorage {\n    // Has this diamond been initialized?\n    bool diamondInitialized;\n    //// EIP712 domain separator ////\n    uint256 initialChainId;\n    bytes32 initialDomainSeparator;\n    //// Reentrancy guard ////\n    uint256 reentrancyStatus;\n    //// NAYMS ERC20 TOKEN ////\n    string name;\n    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) allowance;\n    uint256 totalSupply;\n    mapping(bytes32 => bool) internalToken;\n    mapping(address => uint256) balances;\n    //// Object ////\n    mapping(bytes32 => bool) existingObjects; // objectId => is an object?\n    mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) objectParent; // objectId => parentId\n    mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) objectDataHashes;\n    mapping(bytes32 => string) objectTokenSymbol;\n    mapping(bytes32 => string) objectTokenName;\n    mapping(bytes32 => address) objectTokenWrapper;\n    mapping(bytes32 => bool) existingEntities; // entityId => is an entity?\n    mapping(bytes32 => bool) existingSimplePolicies; // simplePolicyId => is a simple policy?\n    //// ENTITY ////\n    mapping(bytes32 => Entity) entities; // objectId => Entity struct\n    //// SIMPLE POLICY ////\n    mapping(bytes32 => SimplePolicy) simplePolicies; // objectId => SimplePolicy struct\n    //// External Tokens ////\n    mapping(address => bool) externalTokenSupported;\n    address[] supportedExternalTokens;\n    //// TokenizedObject ////\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) tokenBalances; // tokenId => (ownerId => balance)\n    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) tokenSupply; // tokenId => Total Token Supply\n    //// Dividends ////\n    uint8 maxDividendDenominations;\n    mapping(bytes32 => bytes32[]) dividendDenominations; // object => tokenId of the dividend it allows\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => uint8)) dividendDenominationIndex; // entity ID => (token ID => index of dividend denomination)\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint8 => bytes32)) dividendDenominationAtIndex; // entity ID => (index of dividend denomination => token id)\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) totalDividends; // token ID => (denomination ID => total dividend)\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => uint256))) withdrawnDividendPerOwner; // entity => (tokenId => (owner => total withdrawn dividend)) NOT per share!!! this is TOTAL\n    //// ACL Configuration////\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => bool)) groups; //role => (group => isRoleInGroup)\n    mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) canAssign; //role => Group that can assign/unassign that role\n    //// User Data ////\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => bytes32)) roles; // userId => (contextId => role)\n    //// MARKET ////\n    uint256 lastOfferId;\n    mapping(uint256 => MarketInfo) offers; // offer Id => MarketInfo struct\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) bestOfferId; // sell token => buy token => best offer Id\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) span; // sell token => buy token => span\n    address naymsToken; // represents the address key for this NAYMS token in AppStorage\n    bytes32 naymsTokenId; // represents the bytes32 key for this NAYMS token in AppStorage\n    /// Trading Commissions (all in basis points) ///\n    uint16 tradingCommissionTotalBP; // the total amount that is deducted for trading commissions (BP)\n    // The total commission above is further divided as follows:\n    uint16 tradingCommissionNaymsLtdBP;\n    uint16 tradingCommissionNDFBP;\n    uint16 tradingCommissionSTMBP;\n    uint16 tradingCommissionMakerBP;\n    // Premium Commissions\n    uint16 premiumCommissionNaymsLtdBP;\n    uint16 premiumCommissionNDFBP;\n    uint16 premiumCommissionSTMBP;\n    // A policy can pay out additional commissions on premiums to entities having a variety of roles on the policy\n    mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) lockedBalances; // keep track of token balance that is locked, ownerId => tokenId => lockedAmount\n    /// Simple two phase upgrade scheme\n    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) upgradeScheduled; // id of the upgrade => the time that the upgrade is valid until.\n    uint256 upgradeExpiration; // the period of time that an upgrade is valid until.\n    uint256 sysAdmins; // counter for the number of sys admin accounts currently assigned\n}\n\nlibrary LibAppStorage {\n    bytes32 internal constant NAYMS_DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION = keccak256(\"\");\n\n    function diamondStorage() internal pure returns (AppStorage storage ds) {\n        bytes32 position = NAYMS_DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION;\n        assembly {\n            ds.slot := position\n        }\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/INayms.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n// solhint-disable no-empty-blocks\n\nimport { IDiamondCut } from \"../shared/interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol\";\nimport { IDiamondLoupe } from \"../shared/interfaces/IDiamondLoupe.sol\";\nimport { IERC165 } from \"../shared/interfaces/IERC165.sol\";\nimport { IERC173 } from \"../shared/interfaces/IERC173.sol\";\n\nimport { IACLFacet } from \"./interfaces/IACLFacet.sol\";\nimport { IUserFacet } from \"./interfaces/IUserFacet.sol\";\nimport { IAdminFacet } from \"./interfaces/IAdminFacet.sol\";\nimport { ISystemFacet } from \"./interfaces/ISystemFacet.sol\";\nimport { INaymsTokenFacet } from \"./interfaces/INaymsTokenFacet.sol\";\nimport { ITokenizedVaultFacet } from \"./interfaces/ITokenizedVaultFacet.sol\";\nimport { ITokenizedVaultIOFacet } from \"./interfaces/ITokenizedVaultIOFacet.sol\";\nimport { IMarketFacet } from \"./interfaces/IMarketFacet.sol\";\nimport { IEntityFacet } from \"./interfaces/IEntityFacet.sol\";\nimport { ISimplePolicyFacet } from \"./interfaces/ISimplePolicyFacet.sol\";\nimport { IGovernanceFacet } from \"./interfaces/IGovernanceFacet.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @title Nayms Diamond\n * @notice Everything is a part of one big diamond.\n * @dev Every facet should be cut into this diamond.\n */\ninterface INayms is\n    IDiamondCut,\n    IDiamondLoupe,\n    IERC165,\n    IERC173,\n    IACLFacet,\n    IAdminFacet,\n    IUserFacet,\n    ISystemFacet,\n    INaymsTokenFacet,\n    ITokenizedVaultFacet,\n    ITokenizedVaultIOFacet,\n    IMarketFacet,\n    IEntityFacet,\n    ISimplePolicyFacet,\n    IGovernanceFacet\n{\n\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/Modifiers.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/// @notice modifiers\n\nimport { LibMeta } from \"../shared/libs/LibMeta.sol\";\nimport { LibAdmin } from \"./libs/LibAdmin.sol\";\nimport { LibConstants } from \"./libs/LibConstants.sol\";\nimport { LibHelpers } from \"./libs/LibHelpers.sol\";\nimport { LibObject } from \"./libs/LibObject.sol\";\nimport { LibACL } from \"./libs/LibACL.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @title Modifiers\n * @notice Function modifiers to control access\n * @dev Function modifiers to control access\n */\ncontract Modifiers {\n    modifier assertSysAdmin() {\n        require(\n            LibACL._isInGroup(LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(LibMeta.msgSender()), LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS)),\n            \"not a system admin\"\n        );\n        _;\n    }\n\n    modifier assertSysMgr() {\n        require(\n            LibACL._isInGroup(LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(LibMeta.msgSender()), LibAdmin._getSystemId(), LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.GROUP_SYSTEM_MANAGERS)),\n            \"not a system manager\"\n        );\n        _;\n    }\n\n    modifier assertEntityAdmin(bytes32 _context) {\n        require(\n            LibACL._isInGroup(LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(LibMeta.msgSender()), _context, LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.GROUP_ENTITY_ADMINS)),\n            \"not the entity's admin\"\n        );\n        _;\n    }\n\n    modifier assertPolicyHandler(bytes32 _context) {\n        require(\n            LibACL._isInGroup(LibObject._getParentFromAddress(LibMeta.msgSender()), _context, LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.GROUP_POLICY_HANDLERS)),\n            \"not a policy handler\"\n        );\n        _;\n    }\n\n    modifier assertIsInGroup(\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _contextId,\n        bytes32 _group\n    ) {\n        require(LibACL._isInGroup(_objectId, _contextId, _group), \"not in group\");\n        _;\n    }\n\n    modifier assertERC20Wrapper(bytes32 _tokenId) {\n        (, , , , address erc20Wrapper) = LibObject._getObjectMeta(_tokenId);\n        require(msg.sender == erc20Wrapper, \"only wrapper calls allowed\");\n        _;\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/Nayms.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/******************************************************************************\\\n* Author: Nick Mudge <[email protected]> (\n* EIP-2535 Diamonds:\n*\n* Implementation of a diamond.\n/******************************************************************************/\nimport { LibDiamond } from \"../shared/libs/LibDiamond.sol\";\nimport { DiamondCutFacet } from \"../shared/facets/DiamondCutFacet.sol\";\nimport { DiamondLoupeFacet } from \"../shared/facets/DiamondLoupeFacet.sol\";\nimport { NaymsOwnershipFacet } from \"src/diamonds/shared/facets/NaymsOwnershipFacet.sol\";\n\ncontract Nayms {\n    constructor(address _contractOwner) payable {\n        LibDiamond.setContractOwner(_contractOwner);\n        LibDiamond.addDiamondFunctions(address(new DiamondCutFacet()), address(new DiamondLoupeFacet()), address(new NaymsOwnershipFacet()));\n    }\n\n    // Find facet for function that is called and execute the\n    // function if a facet is found and return any value.\n    // solhint-disable no-complex-fallback\n    fallback() external payable {\n        LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds = LibDiamond.diamondStorage();\n\n        // get facet from function selector\n        address facet = address(bytes20(ds.facets[msg.sig]));\n        // require(facet != address(0), \"Diamond: Function does not exist\"); - don't need to do this since we check for code below\n        LibDiamond.enforceHasContractCode(facet, \"Diamond: Facet has no code\");\n        // Execute external function from facet using delegatecall and return any value.\n        assembly {\n            // copy function selector and any arguments\n            calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize())\n            // execute function call using the facet\n            let result := delegatecall(gas(), facet, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)\n            // get any return value\n            returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())\n            // return any return value or error back to the caller\n            switch result\n            case 0 {\n                revert(0, returndatasize())\n            }\n            default {\n                return(0, returndatasize())\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    // solhint-disable no-empty-blocks\n    receive() external payable {}\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/CustomErrors.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/// @dev Passing in a missing role when trying to assign a role.\nerror RoleIsMissing();\n\n/// @dev Passing in a missing group when trying to assign a role to a group.\nerror AssignerGroupIsMissing();\n\n/// @dev Passing in a missing address when trying to add a token address to the supported external token list.\nerror CannotAddNullSupportedExternalToken();\n\n/// @dev Cannot add a ERC20 token to the supported external token list that has more than 18 decimal places.\nerror CannotSupportExternalTokenWithMoreThan18Decimals();\n\n/// @dev Passing in a missing address when trying to assign a new token address as the new discount token.\nerror CannotAddNullDiscountToken();\n\n/// @dev The entity does not exist when it should.\nerror EntityDoesNotExist(bytes32 objectId);\n/// @dev Cannot create an entity that already exists.\nerror CreatingEntityThatAlreadyExists(bytes32 entityId);\n\n/// @dev (non specific) the object is not enabled to be tokenized.\nerror ObjectCannotBeTokenized(bytes32 objectId);\n\n/// @dev Passing in a missing symbol when trying to enable an object to be tokenized.\nerror MissingSymbolWhenEnablingTokenization(bytes32 objectId);\n\n/// @dev Passing in 0 amount for deposits is not allowed.\nerror ExternalDepositAmountCannotBeZero();\n\n/// @dev Passing in 0 amount for withdraws is not allowed.\nerror ExternalWithdrawAmountCannotBeZero();\n\n/// @dev Cannot create a simple policy with policyId of 0\nerror PolicyIdCannotBeZero();\n\n/// @dev Policy commissions among commission receivers cannot sum to be greater than 10_000 basis points.\nerror PolicyCommissionsBasisPointsCannotBeGreaterThan10000(uint256 calculatedTotalBp);\n\n/// @dev When validating an entity, the utilized capacity cannot be greater than the max capacity.\nerror UtilizedCapacityGreaterThanMaxCapacity(uint256 utilizedCapacity, uint256 maxCapacity);\n\n/// @dev Policy stakeholder signature validation failed\nerror SimplePolicyStakeholderSignatureInvalid(bytes32 signingHash, bytes signature, bytes32 signerId, bytes32 signersParent, bytes32 entityId);\n\n/// @dev When creating a simple policy, the total claims paid should start at 0.\nerror SimplePolicyClaimsPaidShouldStartAtZero();\n\n/// @dev When creating a simple policy, the total premiums paid should start at 0.\nerror SimplePolicyPremiumsPaidShouldStartAtZero();\n\n/// @dev The cancel bool should not be set to true when creating a new simple policy.\nerror CancelCannotBeTrueWhenCreatingSimplePolicy();\n\n/// @dev (non specific) The policyId must exist.\nerror PolicyDoesNotExist(bytes32 policyId);\n\n/// @dev There is a duplicate address in the list of signers (the previous signer in the list is not < the next signer in the list).\nerror DuplicateSignerCreatingSimplePolicy(address previousSigner, address nextSigner);\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/FreeStructs.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nstruct MarketInfo {\n    bytes32 creator; // entity ID\n    bytes32 sellToken;\n    uint256 sellAmount;\n    uint256 sellAmountInitial;\n    bytes32 buyToken;\n    uint256 buyAmount;\n    uint256 buyAmountInitial;\n    uint256 feeSchedule;\n    uint256 state;\n    uint256 rankNext;\n    uint256 rankPrev;\n}\n\nstruct TokenAmount {\n    bytes32 token;\n    uint256 amount;\n}\n\n/**\n * @param maxCapacity Maxmimum allowable amount of capacity that an entity is given. Denominated by assetId.\n * @param utilizedCapacity The utilized capacity of the entity. Denominated by assetId.\n */\nstruct Entity {\n    bytes32 assetId;\n    uint256 collateralRatio;\n    uint256 maxCapacity;\n    uint256 utilizedCapacity;\n    bool simplePolicyEnabled;\n}\n\nstruct SimplePolicy {\n    uint256 startDate;\n    uint256 maturationDate;\n    bytes32 asset;\n    uint256 limit;\n    bool fundsLocked;\n    bool cancelled;\n    uint256 claimsPaid;\n    uint256 premiumsPaid;\n    bytes32[] commissionReceivers;\n    uint256[] commissionBasisPoints;\n}\n\nstruct SimplePolicyInfo {\n    uint256 startDate;\n    uint256 maturationDate;\n    bytes32 asset;\n    uint256 limit;\n    bool fundsLocked;\n    bool cancelled;\n    uint256 claimsPaid;\n    uint256 premiumsPaid;\n}\n\nstruct PolicyCommissionsBasisPoints {\n    uint16 premiumCommissionNaymsLtdBP;\n    uint16 premiumCommissionNDFBP;\n    uint16 premiumCommissionSTMBP;\n}\n\nstruct Stakeholders {\n    bytes32[] roles;\n    bytes32[] entityIds;\n    bytes[] signatures;\n}\n\n// Used in StakingFacet\nstruct LockedBalance {\n    uint256 amount;\n    uint256 endTime;\n}\n\nstruct StakingCheckpoint {\n    int128 bias;\n    int128 slope; // - dweight / dt\n    uint256 ts; // timestamp\n    uint256 blk; // block number\n}\n\nstruct FeeRatio {\n    uint256 brokerShareRatio;\n    uint256 naymsLtdShareRatio;\n    uint256 ndfShareRatio;\n}\n\nstruct TradingCommissions {\n    uint256 roughCommissionPaid;\n    uint256 commissionNaymsLtd;\n    uint256 commissionNDF;\n    uint256 commissionSTM;\n    uint256 commissionMaker;\n    uint256 totalCommissions;\n}\n\nstruct TradingCommissionsBasisPoints {\n    uint16 tradingCommissionTotalBP;\n    uint16 tradingCommissionNaymsLtdBP;\n    uint16 tradingCommissionNDFBP;\n    uint16 tradingCommissionSTMBP;\n    uint16 tradingCommissionMakerBP;\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/IACLFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/**\n * @title Access Control List\n * @notice Use it to authorize various actions on the contracts\n * @dev Use it to (un)assign or check role membership\n */\ninterface IACLFacet {\n    /**\n     * @notice Assign a `_roleId` to the object in given context\n     * @dev Any object ID can be a context, system is a special context with highest priority\n     * @param _objectId ID of an object that is being assigned a role\n     * @param _contextId ID of the context in which a role is being assigned\n     * @param _role Name of the role being assigned\n     */\n    function assignRole(\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _contextId,\n        string memory _role\n    ) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Unassign object from a role in given context\n     * @dev Any object ID can be a context, system is a special context with highest priority\n     * @param _objectId ID of an object that is being unassigned from a role\n     * @param _contextId ID of the context in which a role membership is being revoked\n     */\n    function unassignRole(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _contextId) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Checks if an object belongs to `_group` group in given context\n     * @dev Assigning a role to the object makes it a member of a corresponding role group\n     * @param _objectId ID of an object that is being checked for role group membership\n     * @param _contextId Context in which membership should be checked\n     * @param _group name of the role group\n     * @return true if object with given ID is a member, false otherwise\n     */\n    function isInGroup(\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _contextId,\n        string memory _group\n    ) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Check whether a parent object belongs to the `_group` group in given context\n     * @dev Objects can have a parent object, i.e. entity is a parent of a user\n     * @param _objectId ID of an object whose parent is being checked for role group membership\n     * @param _contextId Context in which the role group membership is being checked\n     * @param _group name of the role group\n     * @return true if object's parent is a member of this role group, false otherwise\n     */\n    function isParentInGroup(\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _contextId,\n        string memory _group\n    ) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Check whether a user can assign specific object to the `_role` role in given context\n     * @dev Check permission to assign to a role\n     * @param _assignerId The object ID of the user who is assigning a role to  another object.\n     * @param _objectId ID of an object that is being checked for assigning rights\n     * @param _contextId ID of the context in which permission is checked\n     * @param _role name of the role to check\n     * @return true if user the right to assign, false otherwise\n     */\n    function canAssign(\n        bytes32 _assignerId,\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _contextId,\n        string memory _role\n    ) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get a user's (an objectId's) assigned role in a specific context\n     * @param objectId ID of an object that is being checked for its assigned role in a specific context\n     * @param contextId ID of the context in which the objectId's role is being checked\n     * @return roleId objectId's role in the contextId\n     */\n    function getRoleInContext(bytes32 objectId, bytes32 contextId) external view returns (bytes32);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get whether role is in group.\n     * @dev Get whether role is in group.\n     * @param role the role.\n     * @param group the group.\n     * @return true if role is in group, false otherwise.\n     */\n    function isRoleInGroup(string memory role, string memory group) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get whether given group can assign given role.\n     * @dev Get whether given group can assign given role.\n     * @param role the role.\n     * @param group the group.\n     * @return true if role can be assigned by group, false otherwise.\n     */\n    function canGroupAssignRole(string memory role, string memory group) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Update who can assign `_role` role\n     * @dev Update who has permission to assign this role\n     * @param _role name of the role\n     * @param _assignerGroup Group who can assign members to this role\n     */\n    function updateRoleAssigner(string memory _role, string memory _assignerGroup) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Update role group memebership for `_role` role and `_group` group\n     * @dev Update role group memebership\n     * @param _role name of the role\n     * @param _group name of the group\n     * @param _roleInGroup is member of\n     */\n    function updateRoleGroup(\n        string memory _role,\n        string memory _group,\n        bool _roleInGroup\n    ) external;\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/IAdminFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { PolicyCommissionsBasisPoints, TradingCommissionsBasisPoints } from \"./FreeStructs.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @title Administration\n * @notice Exposes methods that require administrative priviledges\n * @dev Use it to configure various core parameters\n */\ninterface IAdminFacet {\n    /**\n     * @notice Set `_newMax` as the max dividend denominations value.\n     * @param _newMax new value to be used.\n     */\n    function setMaxDividendDenominations(uint8 _newMax) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Update policy commission basis points configuration.\n     * @param _policyCommissions policy commissions configuration to set\n     */\n    function setPolicyCommissionsBasisPoints(PolicyCommissionsBasisPoints calldata _policyCommissions) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Update trading commission basis points configuration.\n     * @param _tradingCommissions trading commissions configuration to set\n     */\n    function setTradingCommissionsBasisPoints(TradingCommissionsBasisPoints calldata _tradingCommissions) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the max dividend denominations value\n     * @return max dividend denominations\n     */\n    function getMaxDividendDenominations() external view returns (uint8);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Is the specified tokenId an external ERC20 that is supported by the Nayms platform?\n     * @param _tokenId token address converted to bytes32\n     * @return whether token issupported or not\n     */\n    function isSupportedExternalToken(bytes32 _tokenId) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Add another token to the supported tokens list\n     * @param _tokenAddress address of the token to support\n     */\n    function addSupportedExternalToken(address _tokenAddress) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the supported tokens list as an array\n     * @return array containing address of all supported tokens\n     */\n    function getSupportedExternalTokens() external view returns (address[] memory);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Gets the System context ID.\n     * @return System Identifier\n     */\n    function getSystemId() external pure returns (bytes32);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Check if object can be tokenized\n     * @param _objectId ID of the object\n     */\n    function isObjectTokenizable(bytes32 _objectId) external returns (bool);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/IEntityFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { SimplePolicy, Entity, Stakeholders } from \"./FreeStructs.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @title Entities\n * @notice Used to handle policies and token sales\n * @dev Mainly used for token sale and policies\n */\ninterface IEntityFacet {\n    /**\n     * @dev Returns the domain separator for the current chain.\n     */\n    function domainSeparatorV4() external view returns (bytes32);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Given an already[hashed struct], this\n     * function returns the hash of the fully encoded EIP712 message for this domain.\n     *\n     * This hash can be used together with {ECDSA-recover} to obtain the signer of a message. For example:\n     *\n     * ```solidity\n     * bytes32 digest = _hashTypedDataV4(keccak256(abi.encode(\n     *     keccak256(\"Mail(address to,string contents)\"),\n     *     mailTo,\n     *     keccak256(bytes(mailContents))\n     * )));\n     * address signer = ECDSA.recover(digest, signature);\n     * ```\n     */\n    function hashTypedDataV4(bytes32 structHash) external view returns (bytes32);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Create a Simple Policy\n     * @param _policyId id of the policy\n     * @param _entityId id of the entity\n     * @param _stakeholders Struct of roles, entity IDs and signatures for the policy\n     * @param _simplePolicy policy to create\n     * @param _dataHash hash of the offchain data\n     */\n    function createSimplePolicy(\n        bytes32 _policyId,\n        bytes32 _entityId,\n        Stakeholders calldata _stakeholders,\n        SimplePolicy calldata _simplePolicy,\n        bytes32 _dataHash\n    ) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Enable an entity to be tokenized\n     * @param _entityId ID of the entity\n     * @param _symbol The symbol assigned to the entity token\n     * @param _name The name assigned to the entity token\n     */\n    function enableEntityTokenization(\n        bytes32 _entityId,\n        string memory _symbol,\n        string memory _name\n    ) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Start token sale of `_amount` tokens for total price of `_totalPrice`\n     * @dev Entity tokens are minted when the sale is started\n     * @param _entityId ID of the entity\n     * @param _amount amount of entity tokens to put on sale\n     * @param _totalPrice total price of the tokens\n     */\n    function startTokenSale(\n        bytes32 _entityId,\n        uint256 _amount,\n        uint256 _totalPrice\n    ) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Check if an entity token is wrapped as ERC20\n     * @param _entityId ID of the entity\n     */\n    function isTokenWrapped(bytes32 _entityId) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Update entity metadata\n     * @param _entityId ID of the entity\n     * @param _entity metadata of the entity\n     */\n    function updateEntity(bytes32 _entityId, Entity calldata _entity) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the the data for entity with ID: `_entityId`\n     * @dev Get the Entity data for a given entityId\n     * @param _entityId ID of the entity\n     * @return Entity struct with metadata of the entity\n     */\n    function getEntityInfo(bytes32 _entityId) external view returns (Entity memory);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/IGovernanceFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\ninterface IGovernanceFacet {\n    /**\n     * @notice Approve the following upgrade hash: `id`\n     * @dev The diamondCut() has been modified to check if the upgrade has been scheduled. This method needs to be called in order\n     *      for an upgrade to be executed.\n     * @param id This is the keccak256(abi.encode(cut)), where cut is the array of FacetCut struct, IDiamondCut.FacetCut[].\n     */\n    function createUpgrade(bytes32 id) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Update the diamond cut upgrade expiration period.\n     * @dev When createUpgrade() is called, it allows a diamondCut() upgrade to be executed. This upgrade must be executed before the\n     *      upgrade expires. The upgrade expires based on when the upgrade was scheduled (when createUpgrade() was called) + AppStorage.upgradeExpiration.\n     * @param duration The duration until the upgrade expires.\n     */\n    function updateUpgradeExpiration(uint256 duration) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Cancel the following upgrade hash: `id`\n     * @dev This will set the mapping AppStorage.upgradeScheduled back to 0.\n     * @param id This is the keccak256(abi.encode(cut)), where cut is the array of FacetCut struct, IDiamondCut.FacetCut[].\n     */\n    function cancelUpgrade(bytes32 id) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the expiry date for provided upgrade hash.\n     * @dev This will get the value from AppStorage.upgradeScheduled  mapping.\n     * @param id This is the keccak256(abi.encode(cut)), where cut is the array of FacetCut struct, IDiamondCut.FacetCut[].\n     */\n    function getUpgrade(bytes32 id) external view returns (uint256 expiry);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/IMarketFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { MarketInfo, TradingCommissions, TradingCommissionsBasisPoints } from \"./FreeStructs.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @title Matching Market (inspired by MakerOTC:\n * @notice Trade entity tokens\n * @dev This should only be called through an entity, never directly by an EOA\n */\ninterface IMarketFacet {\n    /**\n     * @notice Execute a limit offer.\n     *\n     * @param _sellToken Token to sell.\n     * @param _sellAmount Amount to sell.\n     * @param _buyToken Token to buy.\n     * @param _buyAmount Amount to buy.\n     * @return offerId_ returns >0 if a limit offer was created on the market because the offer couldn't be totally fulfilled immediately. In this case the return value is the created offer's id.\n     * @return buyTokenCommissionsPaid_ The amount of the buy token paid as commissions on this particular order.\n     * @return sellTokenCommissionsPaid_ The amount of the sell token paid as commissions on this particular order.\n     */\n    function executeLimitOffer(\n        bytes32 _sellToken,\n        uint256 _sellAmount,\n        bytes32 _buyToken,\n        uint256 _buyAmount\n    )\n        external\n        returns (\n            uint256 offerId_,\n            uint256 buyTokenCommissionsPaid_,\n            uint256 sellTokenCommissionsPaid_\n        );\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Cancel offer #`_offerId`. This will cancel the offer so that it's no longer active.\n     *\n     * @dev This function can be frontrun: In the scenario where a user wants to cancel an unfavorable market offer, an attacker can potentially monitor and identify\n     *       that the user has called this method, determine that filling this market offer is profitable, and as a result call executeLimitOffer with a higher gas price to have\n     *       their transaction filled before the user can have cancelOffer filled. The most ideal situation for the user is to not have placed the unfavorable market offer\n     *       in the first place since an attacker can always monitor our marketplace and potentially identify profitable market offers. Our UI will aide users in not placing\n     *       market offers that are obviously unfavorable to the user and/or seem like mistake orders. In the event that a user needs to cancel an offer, it is recommended to\n     *       use Flashbots in order to privately send your transaction so an attack cannot be triggered from monitoring the mempool for calls to cancelOffer. A user is recommended\n     *       to change their RPC endpoint to point to when calling cancelOffer. We will add additional documentation to aide our users in this process.\n     *       More information on using Flashbots:\n     *\n     * @param _offerId offer ID\n     */\n    function cancelOffer(uint256 _offerId) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get current best offer for given token pair.\n     *\n     * @dev This means finding the highest sellToken-per-buyToken price, i.e. price = sellToken / buyToken\n     *\n     * @return offerId, or 0 if no current best is available.\n     */\n    function getBestOfferId(bytes32 _sellToken, bytes32 _buyToken) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Get last created offer.\n     *\n     * @return offer id.\n     */\n    function getLastOfferId() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Get the details of the offer #`_offerId`\n     * @param _offerId ID of a particular offer\n     * @return _offerState details of the offer\n     */\n    function getOffer(uint256 _offerId) external view returns (MarketInfo memory _offerState);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Check if the offer #`_offerId` is active or not.\n     * @param _offerId ID of a particular offer\n     * @return active or not\n     */\n    function isActiveOffer(uint256 _offerId) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Calculate the trading commissions based on a buy amount.\n     * @param buyAmount The amount that the commissions payments are calculated from.\n     * @return tc TradingCommissions struct with metadata regarding the trade commission payment amounts.\n     */\n    function calculateTradingCommissions(uint256 buyAmount) external view returns (TradingCommissions memory tc);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the marketplace's trading commissions basis points.\n     * @return bp - TradingCommissionsBasisPoints struct containing the individual basis points set for each marketplace commission receiver.\n     */\n    function getTradingCommissionsBasisPoints() external view returns (TradingCommissionsBasisPoints memory bp);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/INaymsTokenFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/**\n * @title Nayms token facet.\n * @dev Use it to access and manipulate Nayms token.\n */\ninterface INaymsTokenFacet {\n    /**\n     * @dev Get total supply of token.\n     * @return total supply.\n     */\n    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Get token balance of given wallet.\n     * @param addr wallet whose balance to get.\n     * @return balance of wallet.\n     */\n    function balanceOf(address addr) external view returns (uint256);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/ISimplePolicyFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { SimplePolicy, SimplePolicyInfo, PolicyCommissionsBasisPoints } from \"./FreeStructs.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @title Simple Policies\n * @notice Facet for working with Simple Policies\n * @dev Simple Policy facet\n */\ninterface ISimplePolicyFacet {\n    /**\n     * @dev Generate a simple policy hash for singing by the stakeholders\n     * @param _startDate Date when policy becomes active\n     * @param _maturationDate Date after which policy becomes matured\n     * @param _asset ID of the underlying asset, used as collateral and to pay out claims\n     * @param _limit Policy coverage limit\n     * @param _offchainDataHash Hash of all the important policy data stored offchain\n     * @return signingHash_ hash for signing\n     */\n    function getSigningHash(\n        uint256 _startDate,\n        uint256 _maturationDate,\n        bytes32 _asset,\n        uint256 _limit,\n        bytes32 _offchainDataHash\n    ) external view returns (bytes32 signingHash_);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Pay a premium of `_amount` on simple policy\n     * @param _policyId Id of the simple policy\n     * @param _amount Amount of the premium\n     */\n    function paySimplePremium(bytes32 _policyId, uint256 _amount) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Pay a claim of `_amount` for simple policy\n     * @param _claimId Id of the simple policy claim\n     * @param _policyId Id of the simple policy\n     * @param _insuredId Id of the insured party\n     * @param _amount Amount of the claim\n     */\n    function paySimpleClaim(\n        bytes32 _claimId,\n        bytes32 _policyId,\n        bytes32 _insuredId,\n        uint256 _amount\n    ) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Get simple policy info\n     * @param _id Id of the simple policy\n     * @return Simple policy metadata\n     */\n    function getSimplePolicyInfo(bytes32 _id) external view returns (SimplePolicyInfo memory);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the policy premium commissions basis points.\n     * @return PolicyCommissionsBasisPoints struct containing the individual basis points set for each policy commission receiver.\n     */\n    function getPremiumCommissionBasisPoints() external view returns (PolicyCommissionsBasisPoints memory);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Check and update simple policy state\n     * @param _id Id of the simple policy\n     */\n    function checkAndUpdateSimplePolicyState(bytes32 _id) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Cancel a simple policy\n     * @param _policyId Id of the simple policy\n     */\n    function cancelSimplePolicy(bytes32 _policyId) external;\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/ISystemFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { Entity } from \"./FreeStructs.sol\";\n\n/**\n * @title System\n * @notice Use it to perform system level operations\n * @dev Use it to perform system level operations\n */\ninterface ISystemFacet {\n    /**\n     * @notice Create an entity\n     * @dev An entity can be created with a zero max capacity! This is in the event where an entity cannot write any policies.\n     * @param _entityId Unique ID for the entity\n     * @param _entityAdmin Unique ID of the entity administrator\n     * @param _entityData remaining entity metadata\n     * @param _dataHash hash of the offchain data\n     */\n    function createEntity(\n        bytes32 _entityId,\n        bytes32 _entityAdmin,\n        Entity memory _entityData,\n        bytes32 _dataHash\n    ) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Convert a string type to a bytes32 type\n     * @param _strIn a string\n     */\n    function stringToBytes32(string memory _strIn) external pure returns (bytes32 result);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Get whether given id is an object in the system.\n     * @param _id object id.\n     * @return true if it is an object, false otherwise\n     */\n    function isObject(bytes32 _id) external view returns (bool);\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Get meta of given object.\n     * @param _id object id.\n     * @return parent object parent\n     * @return dataHash object data hash\n     * @return tokenSymbol object token symbol\n     * @return tokenName object token name\n     * @return tokenWrapper object token ERC20 wrapper address\n     */\n    function getObjectMeta(bytes32 _id)\n        external\n        view\n        returns (\n            bytes32 parent,\n            bytes32 dataHash,\n            string memory tokenSymbol,\n            string memory tokenName,\n            address tokenWrapper\n        );\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Wrap an object token as ERC20\n     * @param _objectId ID of the tokenized object\n     */\n    function wrapToken(bytes32 _objectId) external;\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/ITokenizedVaultFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\ninterface ITokenizedVaultFacet {\n    /**\n     * @notice Gets balance of an account within platform\n     * @dev Internal balance for given account\n     * @param tokenId Internal ID of the asset\n     * @return current balance\n     */\n    function internalBalanceOf(bytes32 accountId, bytes32 tokenId) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Current supply for the asset\n     * @dev Total supply of platform asset\n     * @param tokenId Internal ID of the asset\n     * @return current balance\n     */\n    function internalTokenSupply(bytes32 tokenId) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Internal transfer of `amount` tokens\n     * @dev Transfer tokens internally\n     * @param to token receiver\n     * @param tokenId Internal ID of the token\n     */\n    function internalTransferFromEntity(\n        bytes32 to,\n        bytes32 tokenId,\n        uint256 amount\n    ) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Internal transfer of `amount` tokens `from` -> `to`\n     * @dev Transfer tokens internally between two IDs\n     * @param from token sender\n     * @param to token receiver\n     * @param tokenId Internal ID of the token\n     */\n    function wrapperInternalTransferFrom(\n        bytes32 from,\n        bytes32 to,\n        bytes32 tokenId,\n        uint256 amount\n    ) external;\n\n    function internalBurn(\n        bytes32 from,\n        bytes32 tokenId,\n        uint256 amount\n    ) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get withdrawable dividend amount\n     * @dev Divident available for an entity to withdraw\n     * @param _entityId Unique ID of the entity\n     * @param _tokenId Unique ID of token\n     * @param _dividendTokenId Unique ID of dividend token\n     * @return _entityPayout accumulated dividend\n     */\n    function getWithdrawableDividend(\n        bytes32 _entityId,\n        bytes32 _tokenId,\n        bytes32 _dividendTokenId\n    ) external view returns (uint256 _entityPayout);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Withdraw available dividend\n     * @dev Transfer dividends to the entity\n     * @param ownerId Unique ID of the dividend receiver\n     * @param tokenId Unique ID of token\n     * @param dividendTokenId Unique ID of dividend token\n     */\n    function withdrawDividend(\n        bytes32 ownerId,\n        bytes32 tokenId,\n        bytes32 dividendTokenId\n    ) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Withdraws a user's available dividends.\n     * @dev Dividends can be available in more than one dividend denomination. This method will withdraw all available dividends in the different dividend denominations.\n     * @param ownerId Unique ID of the dividend receiver\n     * @param tokenId Unique ID of token\n     */\n    function withdrawAllDividends(bytes32 ownerId, bytes32 tokenId) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Pay `amount` of dividends\n     * @dev Transfer dividends to the entity\n     * @param guid Globally unique identifier of a dividend distribution.\n     * @param amount the mamount of the dividend token to be distributed to NAYMS token holders.\n     */\n    function payDividendFromEntity(bytes32 guid, uint256 amount) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the amount of tokens that an entity has for sale in the marketplace.\n     * @param _entityId  Unique platform ID of the entity.\n     * @param _tokenId The ID assigned to an external token.\n     * @return amount of tokens that the entity has for sale in the marketplace.\n     */\n    function getLockedBalance(bytes32 _entityId, bytes32 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256 amount);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/ITokenizedVaultIOFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/**\n * @title Token Vault IO\n * @notice External interface to the Token Vault\n * @dev Used for external transfers. Adaptation of ERC-1155 that uses AppStorage and aligns with Nayms ACL implementation.\n *\n */\ninterface ITokenizedVaultIOFacet {\n    /**\n     * @notice Deposit funds into msg.sender's Nayms platform entity\n     * @dev Deposit from msg.sender to their associated entity\n     * @param _externalTokenAddress Token address\n     * @param _amount deposit amount\n     */\n    function externalDeposit(address _externalTokenAddress, uint256 _amount) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Withdraw funds out of Nayms platform\n     * @dev Withdraw from entity to an external account\n     * @param _entityId Internal ID of the entity the user is withdrawing from\n     * @param _receiverId Internal ID of the account receiving the funds\n     * @param _externalTokenAddress Token address\n     * @param _amount amount to withdraw\n     */\n    function externalWithdrawFromEntity(\n        bytes32 _entityId,\n        address _receiverId,\n        address _externalTokenAddress,\n        uint256 _amount\n    ) external;\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/IUserFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/**\n * @title Users\n * @notice Manage user entity\n * @dev Use manage user entity\n */\ninterface IUserFacet {\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the platform ID of `addr` account\n     * @dev Convert address to platform ID\n     * @param addr Account address\n     * @return userId Unique platform ID\n     */\n    function getUserIdFromAddress(address addr) external pure returns (bytes32 userId);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the token address from ID of the external token\n     * @dev Convert the bytes32 external token ID to its respective ERC20 contract address\n     * @param _externalTokenId The ID assigned to an external token\n     * @return tokenAddress Contract address\n     */\n    function getAddressFromExternalTokenId(bytes32 _externalTokenId) external pure returns (address tokenAddress);\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Set the entity for the user\n     * @dev Assign the user an entity. The entity must exist in order to associate it with a user.\n     * @param _userId Unique platform ID of the user account\n     * @param _entityId Unique platform ID of the entity\n     */\n    function setEntity(bytes32 _userId, bytes32 _entityId) external;\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Get the entity for the user\n     * @dev Gets the entity related to the user\n     * @param _userId Unique platform ID of the user account\n     * @return entityId Unique platform ID of the entity\n     */\n    function getEntity(bytes32 _userId) external view returns (bytes32 entityId);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/libs/LibACL.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { AppStorage, LibAppStorage } from \"../AppStorage.sol\";\nimport { LibHelpers } from \"./LibHelpers.sol\";\nimport { LibAdmin } from \"./LibAdmin.sol\";\nimport { LibObject } from \"./LibObject.sol\";\nimport { LibConstants } from \"./LibConstants.sol\";\nimport { RoleIsMissing, AssignerGroupIsMissing } from \"src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/CustomErrors.sol\";\n\nlibrary LibACL {\n    /**\n     * @dev Emitted when a role gets updated. Empty roleId is assigned upon role removal\n     * @param objectId The user or object that was assigned the role.\n     * @param contextId The context where the role was assigned to.\n     * @param assignedRoleId The ID of the role which got (un)assigned. (empty ID when unassigned)\n     * @param functionName The function performing the action\n     */\n    event RoleUpdate(bytes32 indexed objectId, bytes32 contextId, bytes32 assignedRoleId, string functionName);\n    /**\n     * @dev Emitted when a role group gets updated.\n     * @param role The role name.\n     * @param group the group name.\n     * @param roleInGroup whether the role is now in the group or not.\n     */\n    event RoleGroupUpdated(string role, string group, bool roleInGroup);\n    /**\n     * @dev Emitted when a role assigners gets updated.\n     * @param role The role name.\n     * @param group the name of the group that can now assign this role.\n     */\n    event RoleCanAssignUpdated(string role, string group);\n\n    function _assignRole(\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _contextId,\n        bytes32 _roleId\n    ) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        require(_objectId != \"\", \"invalid object ID\");\n        require(_contextId != \"\", \"invalid context ID\");\n        require(_roleId != \"\", \"invalid role ID\");\n\n        s.roles[_objectId][_contextId] = _roleId;\n\n        if (_contextId == LibAdmin._getSystemId() && _roleId == LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN)) {\n            unchecked {\n                s.sysAdmins += 1;\n            }\n        }\n\n        emit RoleUpdate(_objectId, _contextId, _roleId, \"_assignRole\");\n    }\n\n    function _unassignRole(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _contextId) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        bytes32 roleId = s.roles[_objectId][_contextId];\n        if (_contextId == LibAdmin._getSystemId() && roleId == LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN)) {\n            require(s.sysAdmins > 1, \"must have at least one system admin\");\n            unchecked {\n                s.sysAdmins -= 1;\n            }\n        }\n\n        emit RoleUpdate(_objectId, _contextId, s.roles[_objectId][_contextId], \"_unassignRole\");\n        delete s.roles[_objectId][_contextId];\n    }\n\n    function _isInGroup(\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _contextId,\n        bytes32 _groupId\n    ) internal view returns (bool ret) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        // Check for the role in the context\n        bytes32 objectRoleInContext = s.roles[_objectId][_contextId];\n\n        if (objectRoleInContext != 0 && s.groups[objectRoleInContext][_groupId]) {\n            ret = true;\n        } else {\n            // A role in the context of the system covers all objects\n            bytes32 objectRoleInSystem = s.roles[_objectId][LibAdmin._getSystemId()];\n\n            if (objectRoleInSystem != 0 && s.groups[objectRoleInSystem][_groupId]) {\n                ret = true;\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    function _isParentInGroup(\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _contextId,\n        bytes32 _groupId\n    ) internal view returns (bool) {\n        bytes32 parentId = LibObject._getParent(_objectId);\n        return _isInGroup(parentId, _contextId, _groupId);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * @notice Checks if assigner has the authority to assign object to a role in given context\n     * @dev Any object ID can be a context, system is a special context with highest priority\n     * @param _assignerId ID of an account wanting to assign a role to an object\n     * @param _objectId ID of an object that is being assigned a role\n     * @param _contextId ID of the context in which a role is being assigned\n     * @param _roleId ID of a role being assigned\n     */\n    function _canAssign(\n        bytes32 _assignerId,\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _contextId,\n        bytes32 _roleId\n    ) internal view returns (bool) {\n        // we might impose additional restrictions on _objectId in the future\n        require(_objectId != \"\", \"invalid object ID\");\n\n        bool ret = false;\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        bytes32 assignerGroup = s.canAssign[_roleId];\n\n        // assigners group undefined\n        if (assignerGroup == 0) {\n            ret = false;\n        }\n        // Check for assigner's group membership in given context\n        else if (_isInGroup(_assignerId, _contextId, assignerGroup)) {\n            ret = true;\n        }\n        // Otherwise, check his parent's membership in system context\n        // if account itself does not have the membership in given context, then having his parent\n        // in the system context grants him the privilege needed\n        else if (_isParentInGroup(_assignerId, LibAdmin._getSystemId(), assignerGroup)) {\n            ret = true;\n        }\n\n        return ret;\n    }\n\n    function _getRoleInContext(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _contextId) internal view returns (bytes32) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return s.roles[_objectId][_contextId];\n    }\n\n    function _isRoleInGroup(string memory role, string memory group) internal view returns (bool) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return s.groups[LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(role)][LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(group)];\n    }\n\n    function _canGroupAssignRole(string memory role, string memory group) internal view returns (bool) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return s.canAssign[LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(role)] == LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(group);\n    }\n\n    function _updateRoleAssigner(string memory _role, string memory _assignerGroup) internal {\n        if (bytes32(bytes(_role)) == \"\") {\n            revert RoleIsMissing();\n        }\n        if (bytes32(bytes(_assignerGroup)) == \"\") {\n            revert AssignerGroupIsMissing();\n        }\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        s.canAssign[LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(_role)] = LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(_assignerGroup);\n        emit RoleCanAssignUpdated(_role, _assignerGroup);\n    }\n\n    function _updateRoleGroup(\n        string memory _role,\n        string memory _group,\n        bool _roleInGroup\n    ) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        if (bytes32(bytes(_role)) == \"\") {\n            revert RoleIsMissing();\n        }\n        if (bytes32(bytes(_group)) == \"\") {\n            revert AssignerGroupIsMissing();\n        }\n\n        s.groups[LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(_role)][LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(_group)] = _roleInGroup;\n        emit RoleGroupUpdated(_role, _group, _roleInGroup);\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/libs/LibAdmin.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { AppStorage, LibAppStorage } from \"../AppStorage.sol\";\nimport { LibConstants } from \"./LibConstants.sol\";\nimport { LibHelpers } from \"./LibHelpers.sol\";\nimport { LibObject } from \"./LibObject.sol\";\nimport { LibERC20 } from \"src/erc20/LibERC20.sol\";\n\nimport { CannotAddNullDiscountToken, CannotAddNullSupportedExternalToken, CannotSupportExternalTokenWithMoreThan18Decimals } from \"src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/CustomErrors.sol\";\n\nlibrary LibAdmin {\n    event MaxDividendDenominationsUpdated(uint8 oldMax, uint8 newMax);\n    event SupportedTokenAdded(address tokenAddress);\n\n    function _getSystemId() internal pure returns (bytes32) {\n        return LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER);\n    }\n\n    function _getEmptyId() internal pure returns (bytes32) {\n        return LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.EMPTY_IDENTIFIER);\n    }\n\n    function _updateMaxDividendDenominations(uint8 _newMaxDividendDenominations) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        require(_newMaxDividendDenominations > s.maxDividendDenominations, \"_updateMaxDividendDenominations: cannot reduce\");\n        uint8 old = s.maxDividendDenominations;\n        s.maxDividendDenominations = _newMaxDividendDenominations;\n\n        emit MaxDividendDenominationsUpdated(old, _newMaxDividendDenominations);\n    }\n\n    function _getMaxDividendDenominations() internal view returns (uint8) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return s.maxDividendDenominations;\n    }\n\n    function _isSupportedExternalTokenAddress(address _tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return s.externalTokenSupported[_tokenId];\n    }\n\n    function _isSupportedExternalToken(bytes32 _tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return s.externalTokenSupported[LibHelpers._getAddressFromId(_tokenId)];\n    }\n\n    function _addSupportedExternalToken(address _tokenAddress) internal {\n        if (LibERC20.decimals(_tokenAddress) > 18) {\n            revert CannotSupportExternalTokenWithMoreThan18Decimals();\n        }\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        bool alreadyAdded = s.externalTokenSupported[_tokenAddress];\n        if (!alreadyAdded) {\n            s.externalTokenSupported[_tokenAddress] = true;\n            LibObject._createObject(LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(_tokenAddress));\n            s.supportedExternalTokens.push(_tokenAddress);\n            emit SupportedTokenAdded(_tokenAddress);\n        }\n    }\n\n    function _getSupportedExternalTokens() internal view returns (address[] memory) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        // Supported tokens cannot be removed because they may exist in the system!\n        return s.supportedExternalTokens;\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/libs/LibConstants.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/**\n * @dev Settings keys.\n */\nlibrary LibConstants {\n    //Reserved IDs\n    string internal constant EMPTY_IDENTIFIER = \"\";\n    string internal constant SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER = \"System\";\n    string internal constant NDF_IDENTIFIER = \"NDF\";\n    string internal constant STM_IDENTIFIER = \"Staking Mechanism\";\n    string internal constant SSF_IDENTIFIER = \"SSF\";\n    string internal constant NAYM_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER = \"NAYM\"; //This is the ID in the system as well as the token ID\n    string internal constant DIVIDEND_BANK_IDENTIFIER = \"Dividend Bank\"; //This will hold all the dividends\n    string internal constant NAYMS_LTD_IDENTIFIER = \"Nayms Ltd\";\n\n    //Roles\n    string internal constant ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN = \"System Admin\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_SYSTEM_MANAGER = \"System Manager\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_ENTITY_ADMIN = \"Entity Admin\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_ENTITY_MANAGER = \"Entity Manager\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_BROKER = \"Broker\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_INSURED_PARTY = \"Insured\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_UNDERWRITER = \"Underwriter\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_CAPITAL_PROVIDER = \"Capital Provider\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_CLAIMS_ADMIN = \"Claims Admin\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_TRADER = \"Trader\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_SEGREGATED_ACCOUNT = \"Segregated Account\";\n    string internal constant ROLE_SERVICE_PROVIDER = \"Service Provider\";\n\n    //Groups\n    string internal constant GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS = \"System Admins\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_SYSTEM_MANAGERS = \"System Managers\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_ENTITY_ADMINS = \"Entity Admins\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_ENTITY_MANAGERS = \"Entity Managers\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_APPROVED_USERS = \"Approved Users\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_BROKERS = \"Brokers\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_INSURED_PARTIES = \"Insured Parties\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_UNDERWRITERS = \"Underwriters\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_CAPITAL_PROVIDERS = \"Capital Providers\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_CLAIMS_ADMINS = \"Claims Admins\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_TRADERS = \"Traders\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_SEGREGATED_ACCOUNTS = \"Segregated Accounts\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_SERVICE_PROVIDERS = \"Service Providers\";\n    string internal constant GROUP_POLICY_HANDLERS = \"Policy Handlers\";\n\n    /*///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n                        Market Fee Schedules\n    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Standard fee is charged.\n     */\n    uint256 internal constant FEE_SCHEDULE_STANDARD = 1;\n    /**\n     * @dev Platform-initiated trade, e.g. token sale or buyback.\n     */\n    uint256 internal constant FEE_SCHEDULE_PLATFORM_ACTION = 2;\n\n    /*///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n                        MARKET OFFER STATES\n    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/\n\n    uint256 internal constant OFFER_STATE_ACTIVE = 1;\n    uint256 internal constant OFFER_STATE_CANCELLED = 2;\n    uint256 internal constant OFFER_STATE_FULFILLED = 3;\n\n    uint256 internal constant DUST = 1;\n    uint256 internal constant BP_FACTOR = 10000;\n\n    /*///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n                        SIMPLE POLICY STATES\n    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/\n\n    uint256 internal constant SIMPLE_POLICY_STATE_CREATED = 0;\n    uint256 internal constant SIMPLE_POLICY_STATE_APPROVED = 1;\n    uint256 internal constant SIMPLE_POLICY_STATE_ACTIVE = 2;\n    uint256 internal constant SIMPLE_POLICY_STATE_MATURED = 3;\n    uint256 internal constant SIMPLE_POLICY_STATE_CANCELLED = 4;\n    uint256 internal constant STAKING_WEEK = 7 days;\n    uint256 internal constant STAKING_MINTIME = 60 days; // 60 days min lock\n    uint256 internal constant STAKING_MAXTIME = 4 * 365 days; // 4 years max lock\n    uint256 internal constant SCALE = 1e18; //10 ^ 18\n\n    /// _depositFor Types for events\n    int128 internal constant STAKING_DEPOSIT_FOR_TYPE = 0;\n    int128 internal constant STAKING_CREATE_LOCK_TYPE = 1;\n    int128 internal constant STAKING_INCREASE_LOCK_AMOUNT = 2;\n    int128 internal constant STAKING_INCREASE_UNLOCK_TIME = 3;\n\n    string internal constant VE_NAYM_NAME = \"veNAYM\";\n    string internal constant VE_NAYM_SYMBOL = \"veNAYM\";\n    uint8 internal constant VE_NAYM_DECIMALS = 18;\n    uint8 internal constant INTERNAL_TOKEN_DECIMALS = 18;\n    address internal constant DAI_CONSTANT = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F;\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/libs/LibHelpers.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/// @notice Pure functions\nlibrary LibHelpers {\n    function _getIdForObjectAtIndex(uint256 _index) internal pure returns (bytes32) {\n        return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_index));\n    }\n\n    function _getIdForAddress(address _addr) internal pure returns (bytes32) {\n        return bytes32(bytes20(_addr));\n    }\n\n    function _getSenderId() internal view returns (bytes32) {\n        return _getIdForAddress(msg.sender);\n    }\n\n    function _getAddressFromId(bytes32 _id) internal pure returns (address) {\n        return address(bytes20(_id));\n    }\n\n    // Conversion Utilities\n\n    function _addressToBytes32(address addr) internal pure returns (bytes32) {\n        return _bytesToBytes32(abi.encode(addr));\n    }\n\n    function _stringToBytes32(string memory strIn) internal pure returns (bytes32) {\n        return _bytesToBytes32(bytes(strIn));\n    }\n\n    function _bytes32ToString(bytes32 bytesIn) internal pure returns (string memory) {\n        return string(_bytes32ToBytes(bytesIn));\n    }\n\n    function _bytesToBytes32(bytes memory source) internal pure returns (bytes32 result) {\n        if (source.length == 0) {\n            return 0x0;\n        }\n        assembly {\n            result := mload(add(source, 32))\n        }\n    }\n\n    function _bytes32ToBytes(bytes32 input) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {\n        bytes memory b = new bytes(32);\n        assembly {\n            mstore(add(b, 32), input)\n        }\n        return b;\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/nayms/libs/LibObject.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { AppStorage, LibAppStorage } from \"../AppStorage.sol\";\nimport { LibHelpers } from \"./LibHelpers.sol\";\nimport { LibAdmin } from \"./LibAdmin.sol\";\nimport { EntityDoesNotExist, MissingSymbolWhenEnablingTokenization } from \"src/diamonds/nayms/interfaces/CustomErrors.sol\";\n\nimport { ERC20Wrapper } from \"../../../erc20/ERC20Wrapper.sol\";\n\n/// @notice Contains internal methods for core Nayms system functionality\nlibrary LibObject {\n    event TokenWrapped(bytes32 indexed entityId, address tokenWrapper);\n\n    function _createObject(\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        bytes32 _parentId,\n        bytes32 _dataHash\n    ) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        // Check if the objectId is already being used by another object\n        require(!s.existingObjects[_objectId], \"objectId is already being used by another object\");\n\n        s.existingObjects[_objectId] = true;\n        s.objectParent[_objectId] = _parentId;\n        s.objectDataHashes[_objectId] = _dataHash;\n    }\n\n    function _createObject(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _dataHash) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        require(!s.existingObjects[_objectId], \"objectId is already being used by another object\");\n\n        s.existingObjects[_objectId] = true;\n        s.objectDataHashes[_objectId] = _dataHash;\n    }\n\n    function _createObject(bytes32 _objectId) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        require(!s.existingObjects[_objectId], \"objectId is already being used by another object\");\n\n        s.existingObjects[_objectId] = true;\n    }\n\n    function _setDataHash(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _dataHash) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        require(s.existingObjects[_objectId], \"setDataHash: object doesn't exist\");\n        s.objectDataHashes[_objectId] = _dataHash;\n    }\n\n    function _getDataHash(bytes32 _objectId) internal view returns (bytes32 objectDataHash) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return s.objectDataHashes[_objectId];\n    }\n\n    function _getParent(bytes32 _objectId) internal view returns (bytes32) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return s.objectParent[_objectId];\n    }\n\n    function _getParentFromAddress(address addr) internal view returns (bytes32) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        bytes32 objectId = LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(addr);\n        return s.objectParent[objectId];\n    }\n\n    function _setParent(bytes32 _objectId, bytes32 _parentId) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        s.objectParent[_objectId] = _parentId;\n    }\n\n    function _isObjectTokenizable(bytes32 _objectId) internal view returns (bool) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return (bytes(s.objectTokenSymbol[_objectId]).length != 0);\n    }\n\n    function _enableObjectTokenization(\n        bytes32 _objectId,\n        string memory _symbol,\n        string memory _name\n    ) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        if (bytes(_symbol).length == 0) {\n            revert MissingSymbolWhenEnablingTokenization(_objectId);\n        }\n\n        // Ensure the entity exists before tokenizing the entity, otherwise revert.\n        if (!s.existingEntities[_objectId]) {\n            revert EntityDoesNotExist(_objectId);\n        }\n\n        require(!_isObjectTokenizable(_objectId), \"object already tokenized\");\n        require(bytes(_symbol).length < 16, \"symbol must be less than 16 characters\");\n\n        s.objectTokenSymbol[_objectId] = _symbol;\n        s.objectTokenName[_objectId] = _name;\n    }\n\n    function _isObjectTokenWrapped(bytes32 _objectId) internal view returns (bool) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return (s.objectTokenWrapper[_objectId] != address(0));\n    }\n\n    function _wrapToken(bytes32 _entityId) internal {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n\n        require(_isObjectTokenizable(_entityId), \"must be tokenizable\");\n        require(!_isObjectTokenWrapped(_entityId), \"must not be wrapped already\");\n\n        ERC20Wrapper tokenWrapper = new ERC20Wrapper(_entityId);\n        address wrapperAddress = address(tokenWrapper);\n\n        s.objectTokenWrapper[_entityId] = wrapperAddress;\n\n        emit TokenWrapped(_entityId, wrapperAddress);\n    }\n\n    function _isObject(bytes32 _id) internal view returns (bool) {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        return s.existingObjects[_id];\n    }\n\n    function _getObjectMeta(bytes32 _id)\n        internal\n        view\n        returns (\n            bytes32 parent,\n            bytes32 dataHash,\n            string memory tokenSymbol,\n            string memory tokenName,\n            address tokenWrapper\n        )\n    {\n        AppStorage storage s = LibAppStorage.diamondStorage();\n        parent = s.objectParent[_id];\n        dataHash = s.objectDataHashes[_id];\n        tokenSymbol = s.objectTokenSymbol[_id];\n        tokenName = s.objectTokenName[_id];\n        tokenWrapper = s.objectTokenWrapper[_id];\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/facets/DiamondCutFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/******************************************************************************\\\n* Author: Nick Mudge <[email protected]> (\n* EIP-2535 Diamonds:\n/******************************************************************************/\n\nimport { IDiamondCut } from \"../interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol\";\nimport { LibDiamond } from \"../libs/LibDiamond.sol\";\n\ncontract DiamondCutFacet is IDiamondCut {\n    /// @notice Add/replace/remove any number of functions and optionally execute\n    ///         a function with delegatecall\n    /// @param _diamondCut Contains the facet addresses and function selectors\n    /// @param _init The address of the contract or facet to execute _calldata\n    /// @param _calldata A function call, including function selector and arguments\n    ///                  _calldata is executed with delegatecall on _init\n    function diamondCut(\n        FacetCut[] calldata _diamondCut,\n        address _init,\n        bytes calldata _calldata\n    ) external override {\n        LibDiamond.enforceIsContractOwner();\n        LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds = LibDiamond.diamondStorage();\n        uint256 originalSelectorCount = ds.selectorCount;\n        uint256 selectorCount = originalSelectorCount;\n        bytes32 selectorSlot;\n        // Check if last selector slot is not full\n        // \"selectorCount & 7\" is a gas efficient modulo by eight \"selectorCount % 8\"\n        if (selectorCount & 7 > 0) {\n            // get last selectorSlot\n            // \"selectorCount >> 3\" is a gas efficient division by 8 \"selectorCount / 8\"\n            selectorSlot = ds.selectorSlots[selectorCount >> 3];\n        }\n        // loop through diamond cut\n        for (uint256 facetIndex = 0; facetIndex < _diamondCut.length; facetIndex++) {\n            (selectorCount, selectorSlot) = LibDiamond.addReplaceRemoveFacetSelectors(\n                selectorCount,\n                selectorSlot,\n                _diamondCut[facetIndex].facetAddress,\n                _diamondCut[facetIndex].action,\n                _diamondCut[facetIndex].functionSelectors\n            );\n        }\n        if (selectorCount != originalSelectorCount) {\n            ds.selectorCount = uint16(selectorCount);\n        }\n        // If last selector slot is not full\n        // \"selectorCount & 7\" is a gas efficient modulo by eight \"selectorCount % 8\"\n        if (selectorCount & 7 > 0) {\n            // \"selectorCount >> 3\" is a gas efficient division by 8 \"selectorCount / 8\"\n            ds.selectorSlots[selectorCount >> 3] = selectorSlot;\n        }\n        emit DiamondCut(_diamondCut, _init, _calldata);\n        LibDiamond.initializeDiamondCut(_init, _calldata);\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/facets/DiamondLoupeFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/******************************************************************************\\\n* Author: Nick Mudge <[email protected]> (\n* EIP-2535 Diamonds:\n/******************************************************************************/\n\nimport { LibDiamond } from \"../libs/LibDiamond.sol\";\nimport { IDiamondLoupe } from \"../interfaces/IDiamondLoupe.sol\";\nimport { IERC165 } from \"../interfaces/IERC165.sol\";\n\ncontract DiamondLoupeFacet is IDiamondLoupe, IERC165 {\n    // Diamond Loupe Functions\n    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n    /// These functions are expected to be called frequently by tools.\n    //\n    // struct Facet {\n    //     address facetAddress;\n    //     bytes4[] functionSelectors;\n    // }\n    /// @notice Gets all facets and their selectors.\n    /// @return facets_ Facet\n    function facets() external view override returns (Facet[] memory facets_) {\n        LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds = LibDiamond.diamondStorage();\n        facets_ = new Facet[](ds.selectorCount);\n        uint8[] memory numFacetSelectors = new uint8[](ds.selectorCount);\n        uint256 numFacets;\n        uint256 selectorIndex;\n        // loop through function selectors\n        for (uint256 slotIndex; selectorIndex < ds.selectorCount; slotIndex++) {\n            bytes32 slot = ds.selectorSlots[slotIndex];\n            for (uint256 selectorSlotIndex; selectorSlotIndex < 8; selectorSlotIndex++) {\n                selectorIndex++;\n                if (selectorIndex > ds.selectorCount) {\n                    break;\n                }\n                bytes4 selector = bytes4(slot << (selectorSlotIndex << 5));\n                address facetAddress_ = address(bytes20(ds.facets[selector]));\n                bool continueLoop;\n                for (uint256 facetIndex; facetIndex < numFacets; facetIndex++) {\n                    if (facets_[facetIndex].facetAddress == facetAddress_) {\n                        facets_[facetIndex].functionSelectors[numFacetSelectors[facetIndex]] = selector;\n                        // probably will never have more than 256 functions from one facet contract\n                        require(numFacetSelectors[facetIndex] < 255);\n                        numFacetSelectors[facetIndex]++;\n                        continueLoop = true;\n                        break;\n                    }\n                }\n                if (continueLoop) {\n                    continue;\n                }\n                facets_[numFacets].facetAddress = facetAddress_;\n                facets_[numFacets].functionSelectors = new bytes4[](ds.selectorCount);\n                facets_[numFacets].functionSelectors[0] = selector;\n                numFacetSelectors[numFacets] = 1;\n                numFacets++;\n            }\n        }\n        for (uint256 facetIndex; facetIndex < numFacets; facetIndex++) {\n            uint256 numSelectors = numFacetSelectors[facetIndex];\n            bytes4[] memory selectors = facets_[facetIndex].functionSelectors;\n            // setting the number of selectors\n            assembly {\n                mstore(selectors, numSelectors)\n            }\n        }\n        // setting the number of facets\n        assembly {\n            mstore(facets_, numFacets)\n        }\n    }\n\n    /// @notice Gets all the function selectors supported by a specific facet.\n    /// @param _facet The facet address.\n    /// @return facetFunctionSelectors_ The selectors associated with a facet address.\n    function facetFunctionSelectors(address _facet) external view override returns (bytes4[] memory facetFunctionSelectors_) {\n        LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds = LibDiamond.diamondStorage();\n        uint256 numSelectors;\n        facetFunctionSelectors_ = new bytes4[](ds.selectorCount);\n        uint256 selectorIndex;\n        // loop through function selectors\n        for (uint256 slotIndex; selectorIndex < ds.selectorCount; slotIndex++) {\n            bytes32 slot = ds.selectorSlots[slotIndex];\n            for (uint256 selectorSlotIndex; selectorSlotIndex < 8; selectorSlotIndex++) {\n                selectorIndex++;\n                if (selectorIndex > ds.selectorCount) {\n                    break;\n                }\n                bytes4 selector = bytes4(slot << (selectorSlotIndex << 5));\n                address facet = address(bytes20(ds.facets[selector]));\n                if (_facet == facet) {\n                    facetFunctionSelectors_[numSelectors] = selector;\n                    numSelectors++;\n                }\n            }\n        }\n        // Set the number of selectors in the array\n        assembly {\n            mstore(facetFunctionSelectors_, numSelectors)\n        }\n    }\n\n    /// @notice Get all the facet addresses used by a diamond.\n    /// @return facetAddresses_\n    function facetAddresses() external view override returns (address[] memory facetAddresses_) {\n        LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds = LibDiamond.diamondStorage();\n        facetAddresses_ = new address[](ds.selectorCount);\n        uint256 numFacets;\n        uint256 selectorIndex;\n        // loop through function selectors\n        for (uint256 slotIndex; selectorIndex < ds.selectorCount; slotIndex++) {\n            bytes32 slot = ds.selectorSlots[slotIndex];\n            for (uint256 selectorSlotIndex; selectorSlotIndex < 8; selectorSlotIndex++) {\n                selectorIndex++;\n                if (selectorIndex > ds.selectorCount) {\n                    break;\n                }\n                bytes4 selector = bytes4(slot << (selectorSlotIndex << 5));\n                address facetAddress_ = address(bytes20(ds.facets[selector]));\n                bool continueLoop;\n                for (uint256 facetIndex; facetIndex < numFacets; facetIndex++) {\n                    if (facetAddress_ == facetAddresses_[facetIndex]) {\n                        continueLoop = true;\n                        break;\n                    }\n                }\n                if (continueLoop) {\n                    continue;\n                }\n                facetAddresses_[numFacets] = facetAddress_;\n                numFacets++;\n            }\n        }\n        // Set the number of facet addresses in the array\n        assembly {\n            mstore(facetAddresses_, numFacets)\n        }\n    }\n\n    /// @notice Gets the facet that supports the given selector.\n    /// @dev If facet is not found return address(0).\n    /// @param _functionSelector The function selector.\n    /// @return facetAddress_ The facet address.\n    function facetAddress(bytes4 _functionSelector) external view override returns (address facetAddress_) {\n        LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds = LibDiamond.diamondStorage();\n        facetAddress_ = address(bytes20(ds.facets[_functionSelector]));\n    }\n\n    // This implements ERC-165.\n    function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceId) external view override returns (bool) {\n        LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds = LibDiamond.diamondStorage();\n        return ds.supportedInterfaces[_interfaceId];\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/facets/NaymsOwnershipFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { LibACL } from \"src/diamonds/nayms/libs/LibACL.sol\";\nimport { LibHelpers } from \"src/diamonds/nayms/libs/LibHelpers.sol\";\nimport { LibConstants } from \"src/diamonds/nayms/libs/LibConstants.sol\";\nimport { LibDiamond } from \"src/diamonds/shared/libs/LibDiamond.sol\";\nimport { OwnershipFacet } from \"src/diamonds/shared/facets/OwnershipFacet.sol\";\nimport { Modifiers } from \"src/diamonds/nayms/Modifiers.sol\";\n\ncontract NaymsOwnershipFacet is OwnershipFacet, Modifiers {\n    function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public override assertSysAdmin {\n        bytes32 systemID = LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER);\n        bytes32 newAcc1Id = LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(_newOwner);\n\n        require(!LibACL._isInGroup(newAcc1Id, systemID, LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.GROUP_SYSTEM_ADMINS)), \"NEW owner MUST NOT be sys admin\");\n        require(!LibACL._isInGroup(newAcc1Id, systemID, LibHelpers._stringToBytes32(LibConstants.GROUP_SYSTEM_MANAGERS)), \"NEW owner MUST NOT be sys manager\");\n\n        super.transferOwnership(_newOwner);\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/facets/OwnershipFacet.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { LibDiamond } from \"../libs/LibDiamond.sol\";\nimport { IERC173 } from \"../interfaces/IERC173.sol\";\n\ncontract OwnershipFacet is IERC173 {\n    function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public virtual override {\n        LibDiamond.setContractOwner(_newOwner);\n    }\n\n    function owner() external view override returns (address owner_) {\n        owner_ = LibDiamond.contractOwner();\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/******************************************************************************\\\n* Author: Nick Mudge <[email protected]> (\n* EIP-2535 Diamonds:\n/******************************************************************************/\n\ninterface IDiamondCut {\n    enum FacetCutAction {\n        Add,\n        Replace,\n        Remove\n    }\n    // Add=0, Replace=1, Remove=2\n\n    struct FacetCut {\n        address facetAddress;\n        FacetCutAction action;\n        bytes4[] functionSelectors;\n    }\n\n    /// @notice Add/replace/remove any number of functions and optionally execute\n    ///         a function with delegatecall\n    /// @param _diamondCut Contains the facet addresses and function selectors\n    /// @param _init The address of the contract or facet to execute _calldata\n    /// @param _calldata A function call, including function selector and arguments\n    ///                  _calldata is executed with delegatecall on _init\n    function diamondCut(\n        FacetCut[] calldata _diamondCut,\n        address _init,\n        bytes calldata _calldata\n    ) external;\n\n    event DiamondCut(FacetCut[] _diamondCut, address _init, bytes _calldata);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/interfaces/IDiamondLoupe.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/******************************************************************************\\\n* Author: Nick Mudge <[email protected]> (\n* EIP-2535 Diamonds:\n/******************************************************************************/\n\n// A loupe is a small magnifying glass used to look at diamonds.\n// These functions look at diamonds\ninterface IDiamondLoupe {\n    /// These functions are expected to be called frequently\n    /// by tools.\n\n    struct Facet {\n        address facetAddress;\n        bytes4[] functionSelectors;\n    }\n\n    /// @notice Gets all facet addresses and their four byte function selectors.\n    /// @return facets_ Facet\n    function facets() external view returns (Facet[] memory facets_);\n\n    /// @notice Gets all the function selectors supported by a specific facet.\n    /// @param _facet The facet address.\n    /// @return facetFunctionSelectors_\n    function facetFunctionSelectors(address _facet) external view returns (bytes4[] memory facetFunctionSelectors_);\n\n    /// @notice Get all the facet addresses used by a diamond.\n    /// @return facetAddresses_\n    function facetAddresses() external view returns (address[] memory facetAddresses_);\n\n    /// @notice Gets the facet that supports the given selector.\n    /// @dev If facet is not found return address(0).\n    /// @param _functionSelector The function selector.\n    /// @return facetAddress_ The facet address.\n    function facetAddress(bytes4 _functionSelector) external view returns (address facetAddress_);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/interfaces/IERC165.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\ninterface IERC165 {\n    /// @notice Query if a contract implements an interface\n    /// @param interfaceId The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165\n    /// @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165. This function\n    ///  uses less than 30,000 gas.\n    /// @return `true` if the contract implements `interfaceID` and\n    ///  `interfaceID` is not 0xffffffff, `false` otherwise\n    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/interfaces/IERC173.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/// @title ERC-173 Contract Ownership Standard\n///  Note: the ERC-165 identifier for this interface is 0x7f5828d0 is ERC165\ninterface IERC173 {\n    /// @dev This emits when ownership of a contract changes.\n    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);\n\n    /// @notice Get the address of the owner\n    /// @return owner_ The address of the owner.\n    function owner() external view returns (address owner_);\n\n    /// @notice Set the address of the new owner of the contract\n    /// @dev Set _newOwner to address(0) to renounce any ownership.\n    /// @param _newOwner The address of the new owner of the contract\n    function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) external;\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/libs/LibDiamond.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/******************************************************************************\\\n* Author: Nick Mudge <[email protected]> (\n* EIP-2535 Diamonds:\n/******************************************************************************/\nimport { IDiamondCut } from \"../interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol\";\nimport { IDiamondLoupe } from \"../interfaces/IDiamondLoupe.sol\";\nimport { IERC165 } from \"../interfaces/IERC165.sol\";\nimport { IERC173 } from \"../interfaces/IERC173.sol\";\n\nlibrary LibDiamond {\n    bytes32 internal constant DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION = keccak256(\"\");\n\n    struct DiamondStorage {\n        // maps function selectors to the facets that execute the functions.\n        // and maps the selectors to their position in the selectorSlots array.\n        // func selector => address facet, selector position\n        mapping(bytes4 => bytes32) facets;\n        // array of slots of function selectors.\n        // each slot holds 8 function selectors.\n        mapping(uint256 => bytes32) selectorSlots;\n        // The number of function selectors in selectorSlots\n        uint16 selectorCount;\n        // Used to query if a contract implements an interface.\n        // Used to implement ERC-165.\n        mapping(bytes4 => bool) supportedInterfaces;\n        // owner of the contract\n        address contractOwner;\n    }\n\n    function diamondStorage() internal pure returns (DiamondStorage storage ds) {\n        bytes32 position = DIAMOND_STORAGE_POSITION;\n        assembly {\n            ds.slot := position\n        }\n    }\n\n    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);\n\n    function setContractOwner(address _newOwner) internal {\n        DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage();\n        address previousOwner = ds.contractOwner;\n        ds.contractOwner = _newOwner;\n        emit OwnershipTransferred(previousOwner, _newOwner);\n    }\n\n    function contractOwner() internal view returns (address contractOwner_) {\n        contractOwner_ = diamondStorage().contractOwner;\n    }\n\n    function enforceIsContractOwner() internal view {\n        require(msg.sender == diamondStorage().contractOwner, \"LibDiamond: Must be contract owner\");\n    }\n\n    function addDiamondFunctions(\n        address _diamondCutFacet,\n        address _diamondLoupeFacet,\n        address _ownershipFacet\n    ) internal {\n        IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] memory cut = new IDiamondCut.FacetCut[](3);\n        bytes4[] memory functionSelectors = new bytes4[](1);\n        functionSelectors[0] = IDiamondCut.diamondCut.selector;\n        cut[0] = IDiamondCut.FacetCut({ facetAddress: _diamondCutFacet, action: IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Add, functionSelectors: functionSelectors });\n        functionSelectors = new bytes4[](5);\n        functionSelectors[0] = IDiamondLoupe.facets.selector;\n        functionSelectors[1] = IDiamondLoupe.facetFunctionSelectors.selector;\n        functionSelectors[2] = IDiamondLoupe.facetAddresses.selector;\n        functionSelectors[3] = IDiamondLoupe.facetAddress.selector;\n        functionSelectors[4] = IERC165.supportsInterface.selector;\n        cut[1] = IDiamondCut.FacetCut({ facetAddress: _diamondLoupeFacet, action: IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Add, functionSelectors: functionSelectors });\n        functionSelectors = new bytes4[](2);\n        functionSelectors[0] = IERC173.transferOwnership.selector;\n        functionSelectors[1] = IERC173.owner.selector;\n        cut[2] = IDiamondCut.FacetCut({ facetAddress: _ownershipFacet, action: IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Add, functionSelectors: functionSelectors });\n        diamondCut(cut, address(0), \"\");\n    }\n\n    event DiamondCut(IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] diamondCut, address init, bytes _calldata);\n\n    bytes32 internal constant CLEAR_ADDRESS_MASK = bytes32(uint256(0xffffffffffffffffffffffff));\n    bytes32 internal constant CLEAR_SELECTOR_MASK = bytes32(uint256(0xffffffff << 224));\n\n    // Internal function version of diamondCut\n    // This code is almost the same as the external diamondCut,\n    // except it is using 'Facet[] memory _diamondCut' instead of\n    // 'Facet[] calldata _diamondCut'.\n    // The code is duplicated to prevent copying calldata to memory which\n    // causes an error for a two dimensional array.\n    function diamondCut(\n        IDiamondCut.FacetCut[] memory _diamondCut,\n        address _init,\n        bytes memory _calldata\n    ) internal {\n        DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage();\n        uint256 originalSelectorCount = ds.selectorCount;\n        uint256 selectorCount = originalSelectorCount;\n        bytes32 selectorSlot;\n        // Check if last selector slot is not full\n        // \"selectorCount & 7\" is a gas efficient modulo by eight \"selectorCount % 8\"\n        if (selectorCount & 7 > 0) {\n            // get last selectorSlot\n            // \"selectorSlot >> 3\" is a gas efficient division by 8 \"selectorSlot / 8\"\n            selectorSlot = ds.selectorSlots[selectorCount >> 3];\n        }\n        // loop through diamond cut\n        for (uint256 facetIndex; facetIndex < _diamondCut.length; facetIndex++) {\n            (selectorCount, selectorSlot) = addReplaceRemoveFacetSelectors(\n                selectorCount,\n                selectorSlot,\n                _diamondCut[facetIndex].facetAddress,\n                _diamondCut[facetIndex].action,\n                _diamondCut[facetIndex].functionSelectors\n            );\n        }\n        if (selectorCount != originalSelectorCount) {\n            ds.selectorCount = uint16(selectorCount);\n        }\n        // If last selector slot is not full\n        // \"selectorCount & 7\" is a gas efficient modulo by eight \"selectorCount % 8\"\n        if (selectorCount & 7 > 0) {\n            // \"selectorSlot >> 3\" is a gas efficient division by 8 \"selectorSlot / 8\"\n            ds.selectorSlots[selectorCount >> 3] = selectorSlot;\n        }\n        emit DiamondCut(_diamondCut, _init, _calldata);\n        initializeDiamondCut(_init, _calldata);\n    }\n\n    function addReplaceRemoveFacetSelectors(\n        uint256 _selectorCount,\n        bytes32 _selectorSlot,\n        address _newFacetAddress,\n        IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction _action,\n        bytes4[] memory _selectors\n    ) internal returns (uint256, bytes32) {\n        DiamondStorage storage ds = diamondStorage();\n        require(_selectors.length > 0, \"LibDiamondCut: No selectors in facet to cut\");\n        if (_action == IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Add) {\n            enforceHasContractCode(_newFacetAddress, \"LibDiamondCut: Add facet has no code\");\n            for (uint256 selectorIndex; selectorIndex < _selectors.length; selectorIndex++) {\n                bytes4 selector = _selectors[selectorIndex];\n                bytes32 oldFacet = ds.facets[selector];\n                require(address(bytes20(oldFacet)) == address(0), \"LibDiamondCut: Can't add function that already exists\");\n                // add facet for selector\n                ds.facets[selector] = bytes20(_newFacetAddress) | bytes32(_selectorCount);\n                // \"_selectorCount & 7\" is a gas efficient modulo by eight \"_selectorCount % 8\"\n                uint256 selectorInSlotPosition = (_selectorCount & 7) << 5;\n                // clear selector position in slot and add selector\n                _selectorSlot = (_selectorSlot & ~(CLEAR_SELECTOR_MASK >> selectorInSlotPosition)) | (bytes32(selector) >> selectorInSlotPosition);\n                // if slot is full then write it to storage\n                if (selectorInSlotPosition == 224) {\n                    // \"_selectorSlot >> 3\" is a gas efficient division by 8 \"_selectorSlot / 8\"\n                    ds.selectorSlots[_selectorCount >> 3] = _selectorSlot;\n                    _selectorSlot = 0;\n                }\n                _selectorCount++;\n            }\n        } else if (_action == IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Replace) {\n            enforceHasContractCode(_newFacetAddress, \"LibDiamondCut: Replace facet has no code\");\n            for (uint256 selectorIndex; selectorIndex < _selectors.length; selectorIndex++) {\n                bytes4 selector = _selectors[selectorIndex];\n                bytes32 oldFacet = ds.facets[selector];\n                address oldFacetAddress = address(bytes20(oldFacet));\n                // only useful if immutable functions exist\n                require(oldFacetAddress != address(this), \"LibDiamondCut: Can't replace immutable function\");\n                require(oldFacetAddress != _newFacetAddress, \"LibDiamondCut: Can't replace function with same function\");\n                require(oldFacetAddress != address(0), \"LibDiamondCut: Can't replace function that doesn't exist\");\n                // replace old facet address\n                ds.facets[selector] = (oldFacet & CLEAR_ADDRESS_MASK) | bytes20(_newFacetAddress);\n            }\n        } else if (_action == IDiamondCut.FacetCutAction.Remove) {\n            require(_newFacetAddress == address(0), \"LibDiamondCut: Remove facet address must be address(0)\");\n            // \"_selectorCount >> 3\" is a gas efficient division by 8 \"_selectorCount / 8\"\n            uint256 selectorSlotCount = _selectorCount >> 3;\n            // \"_selectorCount & 7\" is a gas efficient modulo by eight \"_selectorCount % 8\"\n            uint256 selectorInSlotIndex = _selectorCount & 7;\n            for (uint256 selectorIndex; selectorIndex < _selectors.length; selectorIndex++) {\n                if (_selectorSlot == 0) {\n                    // get last selectorSlot\n                    selectorSlotCount--;\n                    _selectorSlot = ds.selectorSlots[selectorSlotCount];\n                    selectorInSlotIndex = 7;\n                } else {\n                    selectorInSlotIndex--;\n                }\n                bytes4 lastSelector;\n                uint256 oldSelectorsSlotCount;\n                uint256 oldSelectorInSlotPosition;\n                // adding a block here prevents stack too deep error\n                {\n                    bytes4 selector = _selectors[selectorIndex];\n                    bytes32 oldFacet = ds.facets[selector];\n                    require(address(bytes20(oldFacet)) != address(0), \"LibDiamondCut: Can't remove function that doesn't exist\");\n                    // only useful if immutable functions exist\n                    require(address(bytes20(oldFacet)) != address(this), \"LibDiamondCut: Can't remove immutable function\");\n                    // replace selector with last selector in ds.facets\n                    // gets the last selector\n                    lastSelector = bytes4(_selectorSlot << (selectorInSlotIndex << 5));\n                    if (lastSelector != selector) {\n                        // update last selector slot position info\n                        ds.facets[lastSelector] = (oldFacet & CLEAR_ADDRESS_MASK) | bytes20(ds.facets[lastSelector]);\n                    }\n                    delete ds.facets[selector];\n                    uint256 oldSelectorCount = uint16(uint256(oldFacet));\n                    // \"oldSelectorCount >> 3\" is a gas efficient division by 8 \"oldSelectorCount / 8\"\n                    oldSelectorsSlotCount = oldSelectorCount >> 3;\n                    // \"oldSelectorCount & 7\" is a gas efficient modulo by eight \"oldSelectorCount % 8\"\n                    oldSelectorInSlotPosition = (oldSelectorCount & 7) << 5;\n                }\n                if (oldSelectorsSlotCount != selectorSlotCount) {\n                    bytes32 oldSelectorSlot = ds.selectorSlots[oldSelectorsSlotCount];\n                    // clears the selector we are deleting and puts the last selector in its place.\n                    oldSelectorSlot = (oldSelectorSlot & ~(CLEAR_SELECTOR_MASK >> oldSelectorInSlotPosition)) | (bytes32(lastSelector) >> oldSelectorInSlotPosition);\n                    // update storage with the modified slot\n                    ds.selectorSlots[oldSelectorsSlotCount] = oldSelectorSlot;\n                } else {\n                    // clears the selector we are deleting and puts the last selector in its place.\n                    _selectorSlot = (_selectorSlot & ~(CLEAR_SELECTOR_MASK >> oldSelectorInSlotPosition)) | (bytes32(lastSelector) >> oldSelectorInSlotPosition);\n                }\n                if (selectorInSlotIndex == 0) {\n                    delete ds.selectorSlots[selectorSlotCount];\n                    _selectorSlot = 0;\n                }\n            }\n            _selectorCount = selectorSlotCount * 8 + selectorInSlotIndex;\n        } else {\n            revert(\"LibDiamondCut: Incorrect FacetCutAction\");\n        }\n        return (_selectorCount, _selectorSlot);\n    }\n\n    function initializeDiamondCut(address _init, bytes memory _calldata) internal {\n        if (_init == address(0)) {\n            require(_calldata.length == 0, \"LibDiamondCut: _init is address(0) but_calldata is not empty\");\n        } else {\n            require(_calldata.length > 0, \"LibDiamondCut: _calldata is empty but _init is not address(0)\");\n            if (_init != address(this)) {\n                enforceHasContractCode(_init, \"LibDiamondCut: _init address has no code\");\n            }\n            (bool success, bytes memory error) = _init.delegatecall(_calldata);\n            if (!success) {\n                if (error.length > 0) {\n                    // bubble up the error\n                    revert(string(error));\n                } else {\n                    revert(\"LibDiamondCut: _init function reverted\");\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    function enforceHasContractCode(address _contract, string memory _errorMessage) internal view {\n        uint256 contractSize;\n        assembly {\n            contractSize := extcodesize(_contract)\n        }\n        require(contractSize > 0, _errorMessage);\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/diamonds/shared/libs/LibMeta.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nlibrary LibMeta {\n    function msgSender() internal view returns (address sender_) {\n        if (msg.sender == address(this)) {\n            bytes memory array =;\n            uint256 index =;\n            assembly {\n                // Load the 32 bytes word from memory with the address on the lower 20 bytes, and mask those.\n                sender_ := and(mload(add(array, index)), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)\n            }\n        } else {\n            sender_ = msg.sender;\n        }\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/erc20/ERC20Wrapper.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n// solhint-disable func-name-mixedcase\n\nimport { IERC20 } from \"./IERC20.sol\";\nimport { INayms } from \"../diamonds/nayms/INayms.sol\";\nimport { LibHelpers } from \"../diamonds/nayms/libs/LibHelpers.sol\";\nimport { LibConstants } from \"../diamonds/nayms/libs/LibConstants.sol\";\nimport { ReentrancyGuard } from \"../utils/ReentrancyGuard.sol\";\n\ncontract ERC20Wrapper is IERC20, ReentrancyGuard {\n    /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n                              ERC20 STORAGE\n    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/\n    bytes32 internal immutable tokenId;\n    INayms internal immutable nayms;\n    mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowances;\n\n    /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n                            EIP-2612 STORAGE\n    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/\n    uint256 internal immutable INITIAL_CHAIN_ID;\n    bytes32 internal immutable INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR;\n    mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;\n\n    constructor(bytes32 _tokenId) {\n        // ensure only diamond can instantiate this\n        nayms = INayms(msg.sender);\n\n        require(nayms.isObjectTokenizable(_tokenId), \"must be tokenizable\");\n        require(!nayms.isTokenWrapped(_tokenId), \"must not be wrapped already\");\n\n        tokenId = _tokenId;\n\n        INITIAL_CHAIN_ID = block.chainid;\n        INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = computeDomainSeparator();\n    }\n\n    function name() external view returns (string memory) {\n        (, , , string memory tokenName, ) = nayms.getObjectMeta(tokenId);\n        return tokenName;\n    }\n\n    function symbol() external view returns (string memory) {\n        (, , string memory tokenSymbol, , ) = nayms.getObjectMeta(tokenId);\n        return tokenSymbol;\n    }\n\n    function decimals() external pure returns (uint8) {\n        return 18;\n    }\n\n    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256) {\n        return nayms.internalTokenSupply(tokenId);\n    }\n\n    function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256) {\n        return nayms.internalBalanceOf(LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(who), tokenId);\n    }\n\n    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256) {\n        return allowances[owner][spender];\n    }\n\n    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external nonReentrant returns (bool) {\n        bytes32 fromId = LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(msg.sender);\n        bytes32 toId = LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(to);\n\n        emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, value);\n\n        nayms.wrapperInternalTransferFrom(fromId, toId, tokenId, value);\n\n        return true;\n    }\n\n    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool) {\n        allowances[msg.sender][spender] = value;\n        return true;\n    }\n\n    function transferFrom(\n        address from,\n        address to,\n        uint256 value\n    ) external nonReentrant returns (bool) {\n        if (value == 0) {\n            revert();\n        }\n        uint256 allowed = allowances[from][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.\n        require(allowed >= value, \"not enough allowance\");\n\n        if (allowed != type(uint256).max) allowances[from][msg.sender] = allowed - value;\n\n        bytes32 fromId = LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(from);\n        bytes32 toId = LibHelpers._getIdForAddress(to);\n\n        emit Transfer(from, to, value);\n\n        nayms.wrapperInternalTransferFrom(fromId, toId, tokenId, value);\n\n        return true;\n    }\n\n    // refer to\n    function permit(\n        address owner,\n        address spender,\n        uint256 value,\n        uint256 deadline,\n        uint8 v,\n        bytes32 r,\n        bytes32 s\n    ) external {\n        require(deadline >= block.timestamp, \"PERMIT_DEADLINE_EXPIRED\");\n\n        // Unchecked because the only math done is incrementing\n        // the owner's nonce which cannot realistically overflow.\n        unchecked {\n            address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(\n                keccak256(\n                    abi.encodePacked(\n                        \"\\x19\\x01\",\n                        DOMAIN_SEPARATOR(),\n                        keccak256(\n                            abi.encode(\n                                keccak256(\"Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)\"),\n                                owner,\n                                spender,\n                                value,\n                                nonces[owner]++,\n                                deadline\n                            )\n                        )\n                    )\n                ),\n                v,\n                r,\n                s\n            );\n\n            require(recoveredAddress != address(0) && recoveredAddress == owner, \"INVALID_SIGNER\");\n\n            allowances[recoveredAddress][spender] = value;\n        }\n\n        emit Approval(owner, spender, value);\n    }\n\n    function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() public view virtual returns (bytes32) {\n        return block.chainid == INITIAL_CHAIN_ID ? INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR : computeDomainSeparator();\n    }\n\n    function computeDomainSeparator() internal view virtual returns (bytes32) {\n        return\n            keccak256(\n                abi.encode(\n                    keccak256(\"EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)\"),\n                    keccak256(LibHelpers._bytes32ToBytes(tokenId)),\n                    keccak256(\"1\"),\n                    block.chainid,\n                    address(this)\n                )\n            );\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/erc20/IERC20.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/**\n * See\n */\ninterface IERC20 {\n    function name() external view returns (string memory);\n\n    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);\n\n    function decimals() external view returns (uint8);\n\n    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);\n\n    function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);\n\n    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);\n\n    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);\n\n    function transferFrom(\n        address from,\n        address to,\n        uint256 value\n    ) external returns (bool);\n\n    function permit(\n        address owner,\n        address spender,\n        uint256 value,\n        uint256 deadline,\n        uint8 v,\n        bytes32 r,\n        bytes32 s\n    ) external;\n\n    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);\n\n    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);\n}\n"
    "src/erc20/LibERC20.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\n/******************************************************************************\\\n* Author: Nick Mudge\n*\n/******************************************************************************/\n\nimport { IERC20 } from \"./IERC20.sol\";\n\nlibrary LibERC20 {\n    function decimals(address _token) internal returns (uint8) {\n        uint256 size;\n        assembly {\n            size := extcodesize(_token)\n        }\n        require(size > 0, \"LibERC20: ERC20 token address has no code\");\n        (bool success, bytes memory result) =;\n        if (success) {\n            return abi.decode(result, (uint8));\n        } else {\n            revert(\"LibERC20: call to decimals() failed\");\n        }\n    }\n\n    function balanceOf(address _token, address _who) internal returns (uint256) {\n        uint256 size;\n        assembly {\n            size := extcodesize(_token)\n        }\n        require(size > 0, \"LibERC20: ERC20 token address has no code\");\n        (bool success, bytes memory result) =, _who));\n        if (success) {\n            return abi.decode(result, (uint256));\n        } else {\n            revert(\"LibERC20: call to balanceOf() failed\");\n        }\n    }\n\n    function transferFrom(\n        address _token,\n        address _from,\n        address _to,\n        uint256 _value\n    ) internal {\n        uint256 size;\n        assembly {\n            size := extcodesize(_token)\n        }\n        require(size > 0, \"LibERC20: ERC20 token address has no code\");\n        (bool success, bytes memory result) =, _from, _to, _value));\n        handleReturn(success, result);\n    }\n\n    function transfer(\n        address _token,\n        address _to,\n        uint256 _value\n    ) internal {\n        uint256 size;\n        assembly {\n            size := extcodesize(_token)\n        }\n        require(size > 0, \"LibERC20: ERC20 token address has no code\");\n        (bool success, bytes memory result) =, _to, _value));\n        handleReturn(success, result);\n    }\n\n    function handleReturn(bool _success, bytes memory _result) internal pure {\n        if (_success) {\n            if (_result.length > 0) {\n                require(abi.decode(_result, (bool)), \"LibERC20: transfer or transferFrom returned false\");\n            }\n        } else {\n            if (_result.length > 0) {\n                // bubble up any reason for revert\n                // see\n                assembly {\n                    revert(add(32, _result), mload(_result))\n                }\n            } else {\n                revert(\"LibERC20: transfer or transferFrom reverted\");\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}\n"
    "src/utils/ReentrancyGuard.sol": {
      "content": "// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT\npragma solidity 0.8.17;\n\nimport { LibAppStorage } from \"src/diamonds/nayms/AppStorage.sol\";\n\n// From OpenZeppellin:\n\n/**\n * @dev Contract module that helps prevent reentrant calls to a function.\n *\n * Inheriting from `ReentrancyGuard` will make the {nonReentrant} modifier\n * available, which can be applied to functions to make sure there are no nested\n * (reentrant) calls to them.\n *\n * Note that because there is a single `nonReentrant` guard, functions marked as\n * `nonReentrant` may not call one another. This can be worked around by making\n * those functions `private`, and then adding `external` `nonReentrant` entry\n * points to them.\n *\n * TIP: If you would like to learn more about reentrancy and alternative ways\n * to protect against it, check out our blog post\n *[Reentrancy After Istanbul].\n */\nabstract contract ReentrancyGuard {\n    // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full\n    // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the\n    // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write\n    // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and\n    // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled.\n\n    // The values being non-zero value makes deployment a bit more expensive,\n    // but in exchange the refund on every call to nonReentrant will be lower in\n    // amount. Since refunds are capped to a percentage of the total\n    // transaction's gas, it is best to keep them low in cases like this one, to\n    // increase the likelihood of the full refund coming into effect.\n    uint256 private constant _NOT_ENTERED = 1;\n    uint256 private constant _ENTERED = 2;\n\n    /**\n     * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly.\n     * Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant`\n     * function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening\n     * by making the `nonReentrant` function external, and make it call a\n     * `private` function that does the actual work.\n     */\n    modifier nonReentrant() {\n        // On the first call to nonReentrant, _notEntered will be true\n        require(LibAppStorage.diamondStorage().reentrancyStatus != _ENTERED, \"ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call\");\n\n        // Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail\n        LibAppStorage.diamondStorage().reentrancyStatus = _ENTERED;\n\n        _;\n\n        // By storing the original value once again, a refund is triggered (see\n        //\n        LibAppStorage.diamondStorage().reentrancyStatus = _NOT_ENTERED;\n    }\n}\n"
  "settings": {
    "remappings": [
    "optimizer": {
      "enabled": true,
      "runs": 200
    "metadata": {
      "bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
    "outputSelection": {
      "*": {
        "*": [
    "evmVersion": "london",
    "debug": {
      "revertStrings": "default"
    "libraries": {}