// This contract is part of Zellic’s smart contract dataset, which is a collection of publicly available contract code gathered as of March 2023. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.7; contract Managed { mapping(address => bool) public managers; modifier onlyManagers() { require(managers[msg.sender] == true, "Caller is not manager"); _; } constructor() { managers[msg.sender] = true; } function setManager(address _wallet, bool _manager) public onlyManagers { require(_wallet != msg.sender, "Not allowed"); managers[_wallet] = _manager; } } contract NFTBridgeLog is Managed { event IncomingTX (address indexed wallet, uint256 logId); event OutgoingTX (address indexed wallet, uint256 logId); struct OutgoingLog { address wallet; uint256 assetId; uint256 date; uint256 chainID; uint256 bridgeIndex; } struct IncomingLog { bool minted; address wallet; uint256 assetId; uint256 date; uint256 chainID; uint256 logIndex; } mapping(uint256 => OutgoingLog) outgoingTx; mapping(uint256 => IncomingLog) incomingTx; mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public withdrawals; mapping(address => bool) public loggers; uint256 public outgoingIndex; uint256 public incomingIndex; constructor() { managers[0x00d6E1038564047244Ad37080E2d695924F8515B] = true; } function setLogger(address _logger, bool _canLog) public onlyManagers { loggers[_logger] = _canLog; } function outgoing(address _wallet, uint256 _assetId, uint256 _chainID, uint256 _bridgeIndex) public { require(loggers[msg.sender] == true, "Invalid caller"); outgoingIndex += 1; OutgoingLog memory _outgoing = OutgoingLog(_wallet, _assetId, block.timestamp, _chainID, _bridgeIndex); outgoingTx[outgoingIndex] = _outgoing; emit OutgoingTX(_wallet, outgoingIndex); } function incoming(address _wallet, uint256 _assetId, uint256 _chainID, uint256 _logIndex, bytes32 txHash, bool _minted) public { require(loggers[msg.sender] == true, "Invalid caller"); require(!withdrawalCompleted(txHash), "Withdrawal already completed"); incomingIndex += 1; IncomingLog memory _incoming = IncomingLog(_minted, _wallet, _assetId, block.timestamp, _chainID, _logIndex); incomingTx[incomingIndex] = _incoming; withdrawals[txHash] = incomingIndex; emit IncomingTX(_wallet, incomingIndex); } function getIncomingTx(uint256 _index) public view returns (address wallet, uint256 assetId, uint256 date, uint256 chainID, uint256 logIndex, bool minted) { IncomingLog memory _incoming = incomingTx[_index]; return ( _incoming.wallet, _incoming.assetId, _incoming.date, _incoming.chainID, _incoming.logIndex, _incoming.minted ); } function getOutgoingTx(uint256 _index) public view returns (address wallet, uint256 assetId, uint256 date, uint256 chainID, uint256 bridgeIndex) { OutgoingLog memory _outgoing = outgoingTx[_index]; return ( _outgoing.wallet, _outgoing.assetId, _outgoing.date, _outgoing.chainID, _outgoing.bridgeIndex ); } function withdrawalCompleted(bytes32 _withdrawalId) public view returns (bool completed) { return (withdrawals[_withdrawalId] > 0); } }