// This contract is part of Zellic’s smart contract dataset, which is a collection of publicly available contract code gathered as of March 2023. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.7; interface WnsAddressesInterface { function owner() external view returns (address); function getWnsAddress(string memory _label) external view returns(address); } pragma solidity 0.8.7; abstract contract WnsAddressesImplementation is WnsAddressesInterface { WnsAddressesInterface wnsAddresses; constructor(address addresses_) { wnsAddresses = WnsAddressesInterface(addresses_); } function getWnsAddress(string memory _label) public override view returns (address) { return wnsAddresses.getWnsAddress(_label); } function owner() public override view returns (address) { return wnsAddresses.owner(); } } pragma solidity 0.8.7; interface UniswapRouterInterface { function multicall(bytes[] calldata data) external payable returns (bytes[] memory results); } interface IERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function deposit() external payable; function withdraw(uint wad) external; } pragma solidity 0.8.7; abstract contract Structs { struct Swap { address token0; address token1; uint256 valueWithFees; uint256 deadline; bytes[] data; } } pragma solidity 0.8.7; abstract contract Signatures is Structs { function verifySignature(Swap memory _swap, bytes memory _sig) public pure returns(address) { bytes32 message = keccak256(abi.encode(_swap.token0, _swap.token1, _swap.valueWithFees, _swap.deadline, _swap.data)); return recoverSigner(message, _sig); } function recoverSigner(bytes32 message, bytes memory sig) internal pure returns (address) { uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s; (v, r, s) = splitSignature(sig); return ecrecover(message, v, r, s); } function splitSignature(bytes memory sig) internal pure returns (uint8, bytes32, bytes32) { require(sig.length == 65); bytes32 r; bytes32 s; uint8 v; assembly { // first 32 bytes, after the length prefix r := mload(add(sig, 32)) // second 32 bytes s := mload(add(sig, 64)) // final byte (first byte of the next 32 bytes) v := byte(0, mload(add(sig, 96))) } return (v, r, s); } } pragma solidity 0.8.7; abstract contract Modifiers is Signatures, WnsAddressesImplementation { bool public isActive = true; function flipActiveState() public onlyOwner { isActive = !isActive; } modifier checkDeadline(uint256 deadline) { require(block.timestamp <= deadline, "Transaction too old"); _; } modifier checkActive() { require(isActive, "Contract must be active."); _; } modifier checkSign(Swap memory swap, bytes memory sig) { require(verifySignature(swap,sig) == getWnsAddress("_wnsSigner"), "Not authorized."); _; } modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner() == msg.sender, "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } } pragma solidity 0.8.7; contract w3UniswapRouter is Modifiers { address public uniswapRouterAddress = 0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45; UniswapRouterInterface uniswapRouter = UniswapRouterInterface(uniswapRouterAddress); uint public constant maxAllowance = 2**256 - 1; address public WETH = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; uint256 fees = 875; address private dsProxy = 0xF27E5e949C7C451576cB79E39854E058f8B3F231; constructor(address addresses_) WnsAddressesImplementation(addresses_) { } function setVariables(address addresses_, address uniswap_, address ds_, uint256 fees_) public onlyOwner { wnsAddresses = WnsAddressesInterface(addresses_); uniswapRouterAddress = uniswap_; dsProxy = ds_; uniswapRouter = UniswapRouterInterface(uniswap_); fees = fees_; } function allowErc20(address token) internal { IERC20 erc20 = IERC20(token); erc20.approve(uniswapRouterAddress, maxAllowance); } function swapTokens(Swap memory swap, bytes memory sig) public checkActive checkDeadline(swap.deadline) checkSign(swap,sig) { transferErc20In(swap.token0, swap.valueWithFees, 1); validateAllowance(swap.token0, getValueWithoutFees(swap.valueWithFees)); uniswapRouter.multicall(swap.data); settleFees(1, swap.token0); } function swapEthToTokens(Swap memory swap, bytes memory sig) public checkActive checkDeadline(swap.deadline) checkSign(swap,sig) payable { uint256 valueWithoutFees = getValueWithoutFees(swap.valueWithFees); transferErc20In(WETH, valueWithoutFees, 0); validateAllowance(WETH, valueWithoutFees); uniswapRouter.multicall(swap.data); settleFees(0, address(0)); } function swapTokensToEth(Swap memory swap, bytes memory sig) public checkActive checkDeadline(swap.deadline) checkSign(swap,sig) { transferErc20In(swap.token0, swap.valueWithFees, 1); validateAllowance(swap.token0, getValueWithoutFees(swap.valueWithFees)); bytes[] memory results = uniswapRouter.multicall(swap.data); settleInEth(results); settleFees(1, swap.token0); } function settleInEth(bytes[] memory results) internal { uint256 wethValue = uint256(bytes32(results[results.length - 1])); IERC20(WETH).withdraw(wethValue); payable(msg.sender).transfer(wethValue); } function transferErc20In(address token, uint256 value, uint256 param) internal { if(param == 0) { require(msg.value >= value, "Incorrect value sent."); IERC20(token).deposit{value: value}(); } else { require(IERC20(token).allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) >= value, "Allowance not set for this contract."); IERC20(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), value); } } function settleFees(uint256 param, address token) internal { if(param == 0) { payable(dsProxy).transfer(address(this).balance); } else { IERC20(token).transfer(dsProxy, IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function validateAllowance(address token, uint256 value) internal { uint256 erc20Allowance = IERC20(token).allowance(address(this), uniswapRouterAddress); if(erc20Allowance < value) { allowErc20(token); } } function withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner { require(amount <= address(this).balance); payable(to).transfer(amount); } function withdrawErc20(address token, address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner { IERC20 erc20 = IERC20(token); require(erc20.balanceOf(address(this)) >= amount, "Value greater than balance."); erc20.transfer(to, amount); } function getValueWithoutFees(uint256 valueWithFees) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 valueWithoutFees = valueWithFees - getFees(valueWithFees, fees, 100000); return valueWithoutFees; } function getFees(uint x, uint y, uint128 scale) internal pure returns (uint) { uint a = x / scale; uint b = x % scale; uint c = y / scale; uint d = y % scale; return a * c * scale + a * d + b * c + b * d / scale; } receive() external payable {} fallback() external payable {} }