device_type,state,english_phrase,assistant_response light,on,Is the on,The is currently on light,on,Can you tell me the status of the ,The is on light,off,What is the doing,The is off light,off,Is the off,The is currently off fan,on,Is the on,The is currently on fan,on,Can you check if the is working,The is on fan,off,Is the off,The is currently off fan,off,What is the current status of the ,The is off garage_door,open,Is the open,The is currently open garage_door,open,Can you tell me if the is open,The is open garage_door,closed,Is the closed,The is currently closed garage_door,closed,What's the status of the ,The is closed garage_door,opening,Is the opening,The is currently opening garage_door,opening,What is the doing,The is opening garage_door,closing,Is the closing,The is currently closing garage_door,closing,Can you tell me if the is closing,The is closing blinds,open,Are the open,The are currently open blinds,open,What's the status of the ,The are open blinds,closed,Are the closed,The are currently closed blinds,closed,Can you check if the are closed,The are closed blinds,opening,Are the opening,The are currently opening blinds,opening,What is the doing,The are opening blinds,closing,Are the closing,The are currently closing blinds,closing,What's the status of the ,The are closing media_player,on,Is the on,The is currently on media_player,on,What's the current status of the ,The is on media_player,off,Is the off,The is currently off media_player,off,Can you tell me if the is off,The is off media_player,idle,What's the doing,The is idle media_player,idle,Is the idle,The is currently idle media_player,playing,Is the playing,The is currently playing media_player,playing,Can you tell me if the is playing,The is playing media_player,paused,What's the status of the ,The is paused media_player,paused,Is the paused,The is currently paused media_player,standby,What is the doing,The is in standby media_player,standby,Is the in standby,The is currently in standby lock,unlocked,Is the unlocked,The is currently unlocked lock,unlocked,What's the status of the ,The is unlocked lock,locked,Is the locked,The is currently locked lock,locked,Can you tell me if the is locked,The is locked lock,unlocking,What is the doing,The is unlocking lock,unlocking,Is the unlocking,The is currently unlocking lock,locking,Is the locking,The is currently locking lock,locking,What's the status of the ,The is locking lock,jammed,What is the doing,The is jammed lock,jammed,Is the jammed,The is currently jammed light,on,Is the active,The is currently on light,on,Is the powered,The is on light,off,Is the deactivated,The is currently off fan,on,Is the spinning,The is currently on fan,on,Is the blowing air,The is on fan,off,Is the idle,The is currently off fan,off,Is the still,The is off lock,unlocked,Is the open,The is currently unlocked lock,unlocked,Is the unsecured,The is unlocked lock,locked,Is the secure,The is currently locked lock,locked,Is the sealed,The is locked garage_door,open,Is the unsealed,The is currently open garage_door,closed,Is the shut,The is currently closed blinds,open,Is the pulled up,The are currently open blinds,closed,Is the pulled down,The are currently closed light,on,Is the lit,The is currently on light,off,Is the turned off,Yes is off light,on,Uh can you check if the is on or something,The is currently on light,off,Hey what's up with the is it off,The is currently off fan,on,So is the whirling away,The is indeed on fan,off,Any idea if the is off,The is currently off lock,unlocked,Hey is the unlocked or what,The is currently unlocked lock,locked,Can you tell me if the is all locked up,The is indeed locked garage_door,open,Hey did we leave the open,Yes the is currently open garage_door,closed,Is the actually closed,The is indeed closed blinds,open,Are the up or what,The are currently open blinds,closed,So did we lower the ,The are indeed closed light,on,Hey is the shining,The is currently on light,off,Uh is the off,The is indeed off fan,on,Can you confirm if the is running,The is currently on fan,off,Is the taking a break,The is off at the moment lock,unlocked,So is the open,The is currently unlocked lock,locked,Is the bolted,The is indeed locked light,on,Is the off,Actually the is currently on light,off,Is the on,No the is off right now fan,on,Is the off,Actually the is on at the moment fan,off,Is the blowing air,Sorry the is currently off lock,locked,Is the unlocked,No the is currently locked lock,unlocked,Is the locked,No the is currently unlocked garage_door,open,Is the closed,No the is currently open garage_door,closed,Is the open,No the is currently closed blinds,open,Are the closed,No the are currently open blinds,closed,Are the open,No the are currently closed light,on,Uh can you check if the is off,No the is actually on light,off,Hey is the shining,No the is currently off fan,on,Is the taking a break,No the is on right now fan,off,Is the whirling away,No the is off at the moment lock,unlocked,Is the bolted,No the is currently unlocked lock,locked,Is the free and clear,No the is actually locked garage_door,open,Is the shut,No the is currently open garage_door,closed,Did we leave the open,No the is closed blinds,open,Did we lower the ,No the are actually open blinds,closed,Is the pulled up,No the are currently closed media_player,on,Is the off,No the is currently on media_player,off,Is the playing,No the is off right now media_player,idle,Is the playing some music,No the is idle at the moment media_player,playing,Is the paused,No the is actually playing media_player,paused,Is the in standby,No the is paused right now media_player,standby,Is the playing,No the is in standby garage_door,opening,Is the closing,No the is currently opening garage_door,closing,Is the opening,No the is currently closing blinds,opening,Are the closing,No the are opening blinds,closing,Are the opening,No the are closing lock,unlocking,Is the locking,No the is unlocking lock,locking,Is the unlocking,No the is locking lock,jammed,Is the unlocked,No the is jammed light,on,Is the dark,No the is currently on light,off,Is the shining,No the is off fan,on,Is the idle,No the is actually on fan,off,Is the blowing air,No the is off right now lock,unlocked,Is the secure,No the is currently unlocked lock,locked,Is the open,No the is locked lock,jammed,Is the locking,No the is jammed light,on,Is the off,No the is on light,off,Is the active,No the is off light,on,Is the on or off,The is on light,off,Is the on or off,The is off fan,on,Is the on or off,The is on fan,off,Is the on or off,The is off garage_door,open,Is the open or closed,The is open garage_door,closed,Is the open or closed,The is closed blinds,open,Are the open or closed,The are open blinds,closed,Are the open or closed,The are closed media_player,on,Is the on or off,The is on media_player,off,Is the on or off,The is off lock,unlocked,Is the locked or unlocked,The is unlocked lock,locked,Is the locked or unlocked,The is locked media_player,playing,Is the playing or paused,The is playing media_player,paused,Is the playing or paused,The is paused garage_door,opening,Is the opening or closing,The is opening garage_door,closing,Is the opening or closing,The is closing blinds,opening,Are the opening or closing,The are opening blinds,closing,Are the opening or closing,The are closing lock,unlocking,Is the locking or unlocking,The is unlocking lock,locking,Is the locking or unlocking,The is locking lock,jammed,Is the locked or jammed,The is jammed media_player,idle,Is the idle or in standby,The is idle media_player,standby,Is the idle or in standby,The is in standby light,on,Is the on or dim,The is on light,off,Is the on or dim,The is off fan,on,Is the spinning or still,The is spinning fan,off,Is the spinning or still,The is still lock,unlocked,Is the secure or unsecure,The is unsecure lock,locked,Is the secure or unsecure,The is secure lock,jammed,Is the secure or jammed,The is jammed light,on,What's the current condition of the ,The is on light,off,How's the looking right now,The is off fan,on,What's happening with the ,The is on fan,off,Can you give me an update on the ,The is off garage_door,open,Fill me in on the would you,The is open garage_door,closed,What's the situation with the ,The is closed blinds,open,What's the latest on the ,The are open blinds,closed,Can you update me on the ,The are closed media_player,on,What's the status of the ,The is on media_player,off,How's the doing,The is off lock,unlocked,What's the word on the ,The is unlocked lock,locked,How's it going with the ,The is locked media_player,playing,Can you clue me in on the ,The is playing media_player,paused,What's going down with the ,The is paused garage_door,opening,Any news on the ,The is opening garage_door,closing,What's the scoop on the ,The is closing blinds,opening,Got any updates on the ,The are opening blinds,closing,What's happening with the now,The are closing lock,unlocking,What's the latest update on the ,The is unlocking lock,locking,Any changes with the ,The is locking light,on,What's up with the ,The is on light,off,whats the status,The is off fan,on,Is active,The is on fan,off,Status of ,The is off garage_door,open, update,The is open garage_door,closed, current state,The is closed blinds,open,How's the ,The are open blinds,closed,Update on ,The are closed media_player,on,what is the State of ,The is on media_player,off,Any news on ,The is off lock,unlocked,How's the ,The is unlocked lock,locked, okay,The is locked media_player,playing,Is active,The is playing media_player,paused, state,The is paused garage_door,opening,What's doing,The is opening garage_door,closing,Status of ,The is closing blinds,opening, update,The are opening blinds,closing,How's the ,The are closing lock,unlocking,State of ,The is unlocking lock,locking,Is okay,The is locking light,on,What's doing,The is on light,off,Is active,The is off fan,on, status now,The is on fan,off,Current state of ,The is off light,on,Is working,The is on light,off,Update on ,The is off fan,on,How's the ,The is on fan,off,Status of ,The is off light,on, condition,The is on light,off,What's up with ,The is off media_player,on;,"What's the volume on ?","The volume on is at ." media_player,off,"Can you check the volume level of ?"," is off, so I can't check the volume level currently." media_player,idle,"I need the current volume of , please.","The current volume of is ." media_player,playing,"Is the volume too loud on ?","The volume on is currently set to ." media_player,paused,"What was the volume set to before was paused?","Before being paused, had a volume level of ." media_player,playing,"Could you increase 's volume a bit?","I've increased the volume on . It's now at ." media_player,playing,"Is the volume muted on ?","The volume on is not muted. It's at ." media_player,on,"What's playing on right now?"," is currently playing on ." media_player,off,"Is there anything playing on ?","Nothing is playing on as it is currently off." media_player,idle,"Can you tell me what was last played on ?","The last media played on was ." media_player,playing,"What is playing on at the moment?","The song is playing on right now." media_player,paused,"What media was paused on ?"," was paused on ." media_player,on,"I hear something from , what is it?"," is not currently playing anything." media_player,playing,"I like this track on , what is it?","You're listening to on ." media_player,paused,"Can you name the movie that's on ?","The movie currently paused on is ." media_player,standby,"What was the last show watched on ?","The last show watched on was ." media_player,buffering,"Which episode is on right now?","The episode on is ." light,on;;,"What's the brightness of ?","The brightness of is currently at ." light,on;;,"Can you tell me the color of ?"," is currently showing ." light,on;;,"Is set to a bright or dim setting?"," is set to a brightness level." light,on;;,"What hue is displaying?"," is displaying a hue." light,on;;,"How bright is right now?"," is currently at % brightness." light,on;;,"I'd like to know the current color of .","The current color of is ." light,on;;,"Is more on the dim side or the bright side?"," is more on the side." light,on;;,"What color setting is on?"," is set to color setting." light,on;;,"Could you check the brightness level of for me?","Sure, the brightness level of is ." light,on;;,"Tell me, what's the current hue of ?","The current hue of is ." light,off,"What's the brightness of ?","The device is turned off." light,off,"Can you tell me the color of ?"," is turned off." light,off,"Is set to a bright or dim setting?","No, is turned off." light,off,"What hue is displaying?"," is actually turned off." light,off,"How bright is right now?"," is turned off." media_player,playing;;,"What's currently playing on ?"," is playing at volume level ." media_player,paused;;,"Can you tell me what's paused on ?"," has paused at volume level ." media_player,idle;,"Is there anything playing on ?"," is currently idle with the volume set to ." media_player,playing;;,"What song is playing?"," is playing the song at volume ." media_player,paused;;,"What was the last thing played on ?","The last media played on was , currently paused at volume ." media_player,idle;,"Is active right now?"," is currently idle, the volume is set to ." media_player,playing;;,"What's on at the moment?"," is currently playing at volume ." media_player,paused;;,"I forgot what I paused on , can you remind me?","You paused on , and the volume is set to ." media_player,idle;,"Is turned off or on?"," is on but idle, with volume at ." media_player,playing;;,"I'd like to know what's playing on .","Currently, is playing on at volume level ."