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The year 2019 is ending with widespread demonstrations, rising inequality, and a crisis of representation in many countries. The world is sleepwalking toward recession and a new crisis, while depleting the environment. Governments, and ultimately people, can reverse these alarming trends in 2020. |
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were a horrific shock. Images of trapped victims leaping from the Twin Towers are indelible, and the intrusive security measures introduced in the wake of the attacks have long since become a fact of life. |
The “Ice Bucket Challenge” was the feel-good health story of the summer. YouTube videos of friends, family, and co-workers emptying buckets of ice-cold water over their heads has raised awareness, and millions of dollars in funding, for research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. |
Africa has contributed less to the climate crisis than any other continent, but it will suffer some of the worst consequences. It already is: this year, Cyclone Idai killed more than 600 people in Mozambique, and droughts in eastern and southern Africa left more than 45 million people without enough food. |
Many in Washington now seem to think that the US federal government can spend a limitless amount of money without any harmful economic consequences. They are wrong. Excessive federal spending is creating grave economic and national-security risks. America’s fiscal recklessness must stop. |
As concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide surpass 400 parts per million, the costs of the climate crisis – in terms of economic losses, environmental impacts, and human lives – continue to rise. Last October, the IPCC warned that global temperatures approaching 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels will have serious consequences for humanity and biodiversity. |
US President Barack Obama’s trip this month to Brazil, Chile, and El Salvador is a good opportunity to assess the recent performance of Latin America’s economies, and to analyze their prospects and risks going forward. Latin America showed strong resilience during the international financial crisis. |
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s farewell visit to the White House this month offers an ideal opportunity to reflect on the state of US-German relations. But it is not a sentimental opportunity. The long, complicated history of the bilateral relationship may be about to enter a new phase. |
From the early nineteenth century to the early twentieth century, Western countries attributed their economic growth to the discoveries of “scientists and navigators.” A country needed only the “zeal” to develop “obvious” commercial applications, and build the facilities to meet demand for new products. |
Artificial intelligence (AI) and biotechnology are both on an exponential growth trajectory, with the potential to improve how we experience our lives and even to extend life itself. But few have considered how these two frontier technologies could be brought together symbiotically to tackle global health and environmental challenges. |
He must have some weighty reason for sending her off, when she would be such a comfort to her mother. It must hurt her pride fearfully to be under constant supervision, not to be able to go where other girls go, and to feel that she is not trusted. |
“It means so much to me,” she ventured, goaded. “And I earn my lodging and board. I work hard and—I make him comfortable. It costs him very little and I give him something in exchange. All men are not alike. If the sort you have known are—are different—” This was unfortunate. Mrs. Boyer stiffened. |
“It’s lucky,” he said, “things happening the way they have on the very first night of the new doctor being here. “I don’t know so much about luck,” said Sergeant Rahilly. “What luck?” “The half of the children in the town is took with it,” said Flanagan. |
It was wide open; the professor was gone. "Papa has changed to another compartment," she said, quietly. "I think perhaps you were beginning to bore him." Her eyes met mine and she smiled. "Are you very much bewildered?" I looked at her in silence. |
There was no expression, yet their eyes followed every movement Chuba made. Biff took the spirit box out. No one saw him. Even Muscles was fascinated by Chuba’s writhing, his sing-song chanting. Biff touched the button activating the box. “Fly!” he called out. |
I belong by birth and education to an aristocracy, a class which is supposed to justify its existence by its altruism. There was no doubt a valuable lesson to be learned from these considerations. I fell asleep before I found out exactly what it was. |
They’d got a fine sitting-room on the first floor with plush-covered chairs and brand new old-fashioned looking furniture and a bowl of goldfish in the window and pictures in big gold frames on the walls. Buck was sitting in an easy chair reading a paper and smoking a cigar. |
Disguising himself, he started with two men to carry a surveyor's chain, and one to carry a flag. No coward was this man. He would put his life in peril rather than act on mere suspicion. So he ran his lines past the houses of these five men, and they naturally came out to see what this surveying business was. |
When he leaves his desk he is as happy and free as a boy out of school. I saw him pitching and catching ball in a vacant lot with one of your clerks the other day. Is it any wonder that so many mothers of unmarried daughters consider him a safe catch for their girls? |
"Poor old Tyke," mused Drew, as he looked after the retreating figure that suddenly seemed older than he had ever seen it. "He's hard hit." In all the stir and bustle of that crowded afternoon, Drew had been conscious of a glow at his heart that was not due to mere business excitement. |
The day it was lovely; mild the air,
The sky, like the maiden's face, was fair,
The car was full, and a trifle stale,
(Attached to the mule with the stubbly tail),
Yet the maiden preferred the seat she hired,
To the stroll with me; for I made her tired. |
No other sheep were near; the Lamb was all alone,
And by a slender cord was tethered to a stone,
With one knee on the grass did the little maiden kneel,
While to that mountain Lamb she gave its evening meal. |
My scaly skin was all of horn,
And fire I spit since I was born,
Whatever up the mountain came,
I killed and gobbled it for game,
But when I so forgot God's law,
And ate up shepherd maidens raw |
Who stole four eggs I laid,
And the nice nest I made?,
"Not I", said the cow, "moo-oo!",
"Such a thing I'd never do.",
I gave you a wisp of hay,
But did not take your nest away |
The house is like a druggist's shop,
Strong odors fill the hall,
And day and night we hear him groan,
Since father played baseball.
He's forty past, but he declared,
That he was young as ever,
And in his youth, he said, he was,
A baseball player clever. |
See flashing out in golden grace,
A thousand arches rise,
And bridge the violet depths of space,
To mountains of surprise.
To mountain waves of amethyst,
All flaming up carmine,
Upon each crest the angels rest,
Who tend the sun's decline. |
I'd sooner be--I don't know which--,
I'd like to be alive and rich!,
This book may be a Gift-horse too,
And one you surely ought to prize,
If so, I beg you, read it through,
With kindly and uncaptious eyes |
And he lay dead here, and his son was born here,
He never saw his son, his little Jim.
And now I'm all alone here, left to mourn here,
And there are all his clothes, but never him. |
Where the Tuscan olives whiten in the hot blue day,
I would hide me from the heat in a little hut of gray,
While the singing of the husbandman should scale my lattice green,
Narrow is the street, Dear, and dingy are the walls,
Wherein I wait your coming as the twilight falls. |
Again it comes, and oftener,
Linked, as it now must be,
With all the joy or sorrow,
That Life may bring to me.
So all the rest--you know it:,
Now shut the clasp again,
And put aside the record,
Of bygone hours of pain. |
A husband asks his wife, "Will you marry after I die?" The wife responds, "No, I will live with my sister." The wife asks him back, "Will you marry after I die?" The husband responds, "No, I will also live with your sister." |
driving down a highway
check out that flock of cows!
yeah? What's wrong?
its herd
yeah, herd of cows
of course I've heard of cows. Theres a flock of them over there! |
The mathematicians walk into a bar. The first mathematician orders a pint of beer. The second mathematician orders a half. The third, a quarter pint. There is an infinite line up of Mathematicians. The bartender fills up two pints and slides it over to the Mathematicians. |
A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly. She says, 'What's the story?' He replies, 'Just crap in the carburetor' She asks, 'How often do I have to do that?' |
Samuel L. Jackson was sitting at the breakfast table with his wife and 10 month old son... His toddler starts to make some noises then very clearly says, "mother". Sam excitedly yells, "Oh my God, honey, he just said half a word!" |
Little Jack did not like it at school In math-class his teacher asked him; "Tell me, if you have five apples and I ask for one, how many apples do you have then?" "Five", Jack said and gave her a grumpy stare. |
Guy walks into the doctor's office and claims wherever he presses his finger on his body, it hurts terribly. The doctor runs every test in the book, and consults with several colleagues. Days pass by, and still noone can come up with a diagnosis. Turns out the guy has a broken finger. |
A bird shits on a asylum patients head. His nurse says "don't move I'll run in and get some toilet tissue" While she's gone, the patient speaks "She thinks I'm crazy, by the time she's back that bird will be in binghamton!" |
"We're going to be together for the rest of our lives!" smiled my wife as we flew on our dream vacation to Hawaii. "You seem pretty sure of yourself." I replied. "I am!" she said, gazing out the window. "The left wing's fallen off and the engine's on fire." |
I saw a bunch of people bullying a short person. It was unnaceptable! They were saying things like "hey, how's the weather like down there?" I had to defend him, so I said,"woah there, that's a low blow." I don't understand why he got so mad… |
(PERSON5) <another_language/>
(PERSON3) Hey.
So the advertisement for the [PROJECT3] is- is new, or not?
This- this uh, wasn't available last week, right?
(PERSON6) Uh, it was.
(PERSON3) Oh, okay.
Uh, but you know, I've looked at the website and it seems, like, eh it is progre-
But I'm not sure how how old that advertisement is- |
(PERSON6) There's no prototype available at the moment,
I'm sorry.
(PERSON8) Yes, that's expected.
I would not expect any prototype today.
(PERSON6) Okay.
But when when would do you have one?
(PERSON6) Last time I discuss about it the first prototype presentable should be at the 15th of June. |
(PERSON10) So I think our main concern is not the quality of the translation, but the mismatch of the segmentations.
(PERSON13) That's not affect quality.
(PERSON10) Yeah. Well, we hope.
(PERSON13) Ok, I guess <unintelligible/> .
(PERSON14) So I can say this-
(PERSON13) It's terrible demo, try to make it better. |
(PERSON7) <unintelligible/> we found it there.
(PERSON12) Yeah, so maybe take a screenshot of this for- for our next call.
So that later, we know what what is where.
And we, we have [PERSON3] on the call as well, right [PERSON3], can you hear us?
(PERSON3) Yes, I'm here, good morning. |
(PERSON8) And for this D7 2 do I understand correctly, [PERSON11], please correct me.
I think that we should ask for an extension for this deliver because Congress has not taken place.
(PERSON11) Yes.
(PERSON8) So actually, I hope that this one will not be needed.
So -. |
(PERSON18) Yeah, the the pipeline is pretty complicated for someone who has seen it for the first time too.
(PERSON15) Yeah, but I was surprised that like the pipeline, because it was the same pipeline that the pipeline -.
(PERSON18) Yeah, yeah.
(PERSON15) Couldn't be simply <unintelligible/>.
But why did the fingerprints then change? |
(PERSON8) Hmm, okay.
So [PERSON5] can you can you please do me a favor.
Can you choose some two minutes which are easier.
(PERSON5) So you want two different-
(PERSON8) Yea two small small minutes so that I can evaluate based on the measures. |
(PERSON1) And could it be related to the new authentication that is in the presentation platform.
I guess it should not be related to that.
But yeah, I'm just.
(PERSON6) I'm almost certain it is not related to that.
(PERSON1) Yeah.
(PERSON9) Ah from German.
(PERSON1) Yeah, okay.
So there is. |
(PERSON1) So what does it mean?
It is not if it means that the in German workers did not start.
They were available.
(PERSON9) No I didnt choose proper
(PERSON1) Fingerprints, right.
(PERSON9) Yes.
It doesnt work like this.
I need to rewrite this script. |
(PERSON4) No, I think no.
This proposal isn't important.
It doesn't have sense to thing about to to discuss summarization.
(PERSON5) Yeah, yeah, yeah, right, right.
(PERSON4) I think you're totally busy with this topic now.
(PERSON5) Yes, I try to figure out what are the other things that we need to take care of. |
Subsets and Splits