1 value
1 value
“ My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”\n-Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice)\n#Quotes #Courage #FaceYourFears
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
it's still not sunk in that im seeing joe next month, im so grateful and excited shit
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
It's a good day at work when you get to shake Jim Lehrer's hand. Thanks, @keratx! Still kicking myself for being to shy to hug @mcuban.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
I'm so bored and fat and full and ridiculously overweight and rolls galore
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
The Sunderland time line is quite funny with all the doom & gloom in facing us and the long trip to us midweek. #whatgoesaroundcomesaround
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
If my luck the rest of Fall goes anything like today, I think I'm going to like this season. #bestdayever #magic #work
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@happyandbashful Flirt, simper, pout, repeat. Yuck.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Trumpism likewise rests on a bed of racial resentment that was made knowingly and intentionally, long before Trump got into politics.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
There's this Bpharm4 guy Eish that guy brings anger into my life. When I see him nje like darkness fills me @RamatsobaneM will know
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Soooo badly want to dye my hair dark but have never been dark before soooo torn 😭😭😭
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Tears and eyes can dry but I won't, I'm burning like the wire in a lightbulb
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned -- William Congreve
[ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@icapturpix @DRUDGE_REPORT I agree. This current, ultra-left Democratic party lost a lot of members, including myself. I switched to Repub.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@DeltaAssist Tried 2 get earlier flt 2day @BWI Turnd away bcuz it was 2 late Then agent let other pas on #silvereliteleftbehind
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@matthew_meadows Since it's a friend of Pereg's I don't want to offend :) #Peace
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@antoboyle I so wish you could someday come to Spain with the play, I can't believe I'm not going to see it #sad
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@VectoneMobileUK The worst customer service and lack of professionalism from this service provider! #phoneprovider #badbusiness
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Val got a little too big for her hiking boots with that bakewell, the little terror #GBBO
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@Myahrissavietta I'm cheery now 😘😉
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Bridget Jones' Baby was bloody hilarious 😅 #BridgetJonesBaby
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
I had really strange and awful dreams last night. I'd didn't even eat cheese before bed #lovemysleep
[ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@dublinwaltz bts' 화양연화 trilogy MV is my all time fav🙌 quite gloomy but beautiful as well✨
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Brad Pitt being investigated for child abuse?! this all just got really #dark
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Watch this amazing live.ly broadcast by @matt.boss #musicallyjh
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
should I #start posting #photos?
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@JasonMillerinDC @realDonaldTrump Prudence suggests that a 8+% bump over 2-3 weeks should be viewed with SKEPTICISM. Media/HRC axis #angry
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@DDogsScout 'Oh!' Almost with odd cheerfulness, Big Boss offers: 'Muzzle flash blinding. Accidental by the guy who became my best friend.'
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Thank you disney themed episode for letting me discover how amazing the @BlackishWriters are! #hilarious
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Need a new outlet for #rage
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Watch this amazing live.ly broadcast by @brooks_swaggysquad #musically
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Rewatching 'Raising Hope' (with hubs this time) and totally forgot how hilarious it is 😂 #HereWeGo
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@RadioX @ChrisMoyles wow. not heard this in forever. Random but. great #sting #xph
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@PatBlanchfield so you mean “like Uber but for despair for someone other than the driver'
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@buzzlightbeard2 If you don't love yourself... Honesty is the best policy #smile
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@healeyraine I'm offended, I actually am
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
In my room 101 would go Russell Howard,Tom Odell,Michael Buble!!! #pants #nogood
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Gaaaaaaaad! Should have stayed in London!
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
May the optimism of tomorrow be your foundation for today.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@m_giacchino will this be aired on radio or filmed? Lots of fans over the pond too! #wales #lost
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@GambinoDeeJay @Linda76Graham @mikeeshy \n\nAnd also, trying to find it on Youtube is a fucking nightmare.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@TheSandraGal Glad to see that you're having fun in the sun. Water sports are always fun, challenging, and exhilarating. #happiness #beauty
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@Bungie spent over 2 fucking hours and still can't get that dam SIVA fragment on Fellwinters peak mountain
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@andreasarahco do you actually heely on campus bc this should scare you
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
#GetSmartWithARQ is a smart way to start investing and #whiteicenetwork is smart source 2 #start #skilled #manpower #recruitment for ur firm
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Omg I actually thought she was going to jump. #bully #SouthPark20 #southpark
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@STLouis_RamsFan their whole team is limited when they're on the field.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Happy Birthday, LOST! / #lost #dharmainitiative #12years #22september2004 #oceanic815
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
#PeopleLikeMeBecause they see the happy exterior, not the hopelessness I sometimes feel inside. #depression #anxietyprobz
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go! I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home..' #ValerieBot
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
The current run of superman continues to be a delight! You can feel the love poured into it by everone on the creative team #superman
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
People who go the speed limit irritate me
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
#FF \n\n@The_Family_X \n\n#soul #blues & #rock #band\n\n#music from the #heart\n\nWith soul & #passion \n\nXx 🎶 xX
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Last @LGCanada product I buy - I promise! Absolutely #CustomerService
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@DaniQays @AJENews ohh.. so here comes sense from terror supporting stone pelting vandalizing ppl who gather b4 protests to announce ...
[ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@jamiesmart Huh! It's always my fault isn't it >:( #huff #sulk
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@StarklyDark 'I know you trusted me.' His words were soft as he ignored the anger and focused on the hurt beneath. 'I know I screwed up.' --
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@HMiglino @CParks777 @Coco_Wms @bodyfit67 @TruthEqualsFact @politicususa I have never been more anxious of a election in my life‼️
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@Johncrookshanks 'Elizabeth Smith!' She said with a cheery smile 'Pleasure to meet you, sir! Where have you travelled from?'
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
My fav #movies are #horror but they don't make them like they used too. Haven't seen a great one in years
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
James: no 500k, no 50k, no 25k, no 10k. You fucked up. #bb18 #bitter #shouldofVotedforNicole
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
I'd like to bridge the divide between Right and Left Twitter and say that the new Tweet truncating thing is fucking awful.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@AzyraiZelo I am shy xD
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
After what just happened. In need to smoke.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@ATrumping hahahahahaha!! Oh gosh. You are hilarious. A black man trying to keep racism alive. Get out of here man.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Joes gf started singing all star and then Joe got angry and was all sing it right and started angrily singing it back at her
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Chris ate all my mac n cheese so imma eat all his taffy #revenge
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@JohnDotWhite I remember its heyday, but these ladies range in age from, I'd say, mid-30s to early 70s.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@BuzzFeed so this houses will get into my instestines and scare my poop and I'll shit my pants?
[ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
I came to work for no reason 😩🔫\nI could've stayed in bed
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
That old lady is cray cray #scared #BellaIsSoCute #awe #Empire
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@MatherFamilys @SDICenter @CAllstadt \n\ndo REDNECKS intellectually intimidate you and force you to be their dancing clown?
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
hi my names anxiety and i have shaun
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Sometimes I like to talk about my sadness. Other times, I just want to be distracted by friends, laughter, shopping, eating... \n\n#MHChat
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Noooooo @GBBOUK without #MaryBerry will be #awful #endofanera going 2b so #lost @Channel4 have bought a #lameduck there #notallaboutthemoney
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Ha! @mquirk @joshuahoodbooks Got your book after our 'meeting' at the Starbucks in NOLA. If Josh says it's terrific, I'm all in.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
On the bright side, my music theory teacher just pocket dabbed and said, 'I know what's hip.' And walked away 😂😭
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@Cpt_SRogers_\n'Well it can go one of two ways. You either get over it and accept it, because it's not going to change, or you mope about --
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
#PeopleLikeMeBecause they see the happy exterior, not the hopelessness I sometimes feel inside. #depression #anxiety #anxietyprobz
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Morning all! Of course it is sunny on this Monday morning to cheerfully welcome us back to work.:)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
#ThisIsUs has messed with my mind & now I'm anticipating the next episode with #apprehension & #delight! #isthereahelplineforthis
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Although this war will be under the guise of combating terrorism it will in fact be a war against poverty, ignorance and just stupidity.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
God we need a new goal keeper! They’re both horrific.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@maggyvaneijk Old age?! No hope for the rest of us. Destined to become deatheaters by 50 #nightmare
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@asda if I wanted GREEN POTATOES, a bottle with the tag still on, plus soaking wet items delivered - I'm winning today-sadly I didn't
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Everybody's worried about stopping #terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it. - Noam Chomsky
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
wow almost all the T-Mobile stores in San Diego are out of Note7 replacements #sadness I need to get mine replaced
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
I am worried that she felt safe. #unhappy
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@DaltonRapattoni sadly i have to go to bed now don't announce anything while i'm gone thank u i love you
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
I look at some of the average players that play at the min and pine Nani, Rafael , RVP ,
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
#ahs6 every 5 minutes I've been saying 'nope nope I'd be gone by now.' 'MOVE' or 'GTFO' so thank you for the
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@Nikhilv95 @LydiajaneF I wish, I really, truly wish, that I had just a modicum of your banter.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO NICOLE WINNING BIG BROTHER 18! @BBNicole #BB18 sorry not sorry #bitter #bbmichelle
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Nothing worse than an uber driver that can't drive. #awful
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Leave it on there, rule,nimber 1 of carpet cleaning!!! #furious #worsethananatomicbomb #accidentlyspillbeeronthecarpet
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Said it before and I'll say it now: America is really fortunate that black people only want equality and not revenge.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@RIPPoohSavage u know ion play that shit bout my weary brother
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@Gielnorian @HedonismGaming cmode grimrail made me want to eat angry bees
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Happy Birthday @Brooke56_56 #cheer #cheerchick #jeep #jeepgirl #IDriveAJeep #jeepjeep #Cheer
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
@Casper10666 I assure you there is no laughter, but increasing anger at the costs, and arrogance of Westminster.
[ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}
Why are people even debating on race inequality within our justice system like it's non existent? They're just trying to aggravate us.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
{'anger': 0, 'anticipation': 1, 'disgust': 2, 'fear': 3, 'joy': 4, 'love': 5, 'optimism': 6, 'pessimism': 7, 'sadness': 8, 'surprise': 9, 'trust': 10}
{0: 'anger', 1: 'anticipation', 2: 'disgust', 3: 'fear', 4: 'joy', 5: 'love', 6: 'optimism', 7: 'pessimism', 8: 'sadness', 9: 'surprise', 10: 'trust'}