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ABSTRACTThis study analyses, in the light of peace educational theory, the presence and absence of peace elements in the Swedish national curriculum for compulsory schooling. Using the theoretical framework developed within the international Peace Education Curricular Analysis Project, content analysis and mixed methods we identify how the Swedish curriculum underscore and lack the peace elements of recognizing violence, non-violent conflict transformation and positive peace. Our analysis shows that the Swedish curriculum supports teaching and learning which may help pupils to identify violence in society and internationally, lack many aspects of non-violent conflict transformation (especially conflict resolution) and emphasize positive peace in numerous but limited ways. We find that many dimensions of peace are underscored in the syllabus of civics, making peace education primarily a concern for a few teachers. Noting how peace in education is a wide-ranging concern for all educators, we highlight how p... | sdg16 |
This document outlines how the Blue Economy will be harnessed sustainably. It covers mid- and long-term priority areas and enablers. Those laws include the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan, Environment Protection Act, Marine Pollution Bill, Port Master Plan, Fisheries and Marine Resources Act, National Coast Guard Act, Maritime Zones Act, and Continental Shelf Act. | sdg7 |
Both indicators are associated initially with increasing and subsequently with declining levels of emigration, corresponding to the inverted U-curve relationship. Both indicators also have an overall positive effect on immigration. Development in poor countries will help incomes grow, enabling people exiting poverty to cover migration costs, therefore these countries will initially see rising levels of emigration. Eventually, once countries reach a certain level of development and are able to bridge the income gaps, migration levels will start declining again. Caution should therefore be used in concluding definitively that all countries have had or will follow the described path. | sdg11 |
However, Penang’s stress-free lifestyle, low cost of living (but increasing prices of housing), parks, sports facilities, excellent range of local and international cuisine, lively social networks, and attitudes open to change and innovation serve as invaluable counterpoints and sources of attraction. Rich cultural traditions, ample recreational and entertainment facilities, and a more sophisticated lifestyle overall, provide enhanced pull factors. For the diaspora, family and cultural ties with strong community roots intensify re-location possibilities. The state’s contribution to the Malaysian tourist industry was the third highest in the country with nearly six million tourist arrivals 2009. | sdg4 |
Basin-level management, for example, may require upper-level governance to avoid inequities in water allocation within a water basin and also to ensure that the public good aspects and values of water are given sufficient recognition (OECD, 201 la). At the same time, while inter-municipal, supra-municipal and metropolitan bodies have been set up to respond to co-ordination challenges while creating economies of scale and improving the quality of service, there might be risks of duplication and overlap of responsibilities with low'er and higher levels of government. The OECD developed a risk-based approach consisting of three steps: “knowing”, “targeting” and “managing” (OECD, 2013d). | sdg6 |
There are no clearly defined standards for on-site sanitation and no means of enforcement to ensure that only improved facilities get built and are adequately serviced. In addition, LSGBs have not invested in sites for the safe emptying and handling of septage, i.e. the content of pit latrines and septic tanks. Sanitation services can be operated in an isolated manner, or combined with other services (water supply, district heating, storm water collection, solid waste collection, etc.). | sdg6 |
The steps required to include unpaid work in the SNA are: (i) quantifying unpaid work, (ii) valuing unpaid work and (iii) constructing a satellite account for unpaid household work (ECLAC, 2016a). Time-use surveys provide the information needed to quantify unpaid work. Countries have used several methodologies to value this type of work, as shown in table IV. | sdg5 |
As a fact-based management approach, its successful implementation will require timely and reliable cross-disciplinary information in order to establish baselines, monitor changes, and support decision-making towards social, economic and environmental sustainability. Data availability and quality issues often constrain the accuracy of assessment results. Moreover, management action lags behind assessment conclusions. | sdg14 |
Under the project, the plan is to install almost 200 000 km of fibre-optic links, including 1 300 km of submarine cable, in the period 2015-2018. The project is the largest of its kind worldwide, featuring a wide range of implementation challenges such as geography, geomorphology, climate, economic and social conditions, with a wide variety of tasks to be resolved within a short time-frame (SDGs 1,8,9 and 11). Launched on 1 May 2012, the system was serving 203 government organizations as at 30 September 2014, covering 58 systems such as rice mortgage information tracking and integration, management of the women's development fund, and the strategic water resource management plan. | sdg9 |
The involvement of women's organizations in the process can facilitate the achievement of gender equity targets. Furthermore, gender targets for access and tenure security should be monitored and officials held accountable for meeting them. This has helped raise awareness and acceptance among men and women of women's land rights, although several rounds of training were necessary. | sdg5 |
Indeed, in reviewing the literature on water demand, the ample opportunities for conserving water across the board are striking, including in the electric power sector, the production of industrial steam, residential consumption, and irrigated agriculture. In our opinion, the main reason why such substitution has not been more widespread to date is due to the absence of economic incentives for conservation. In many uses around the world, water remains virtually free. | sdg6 |
The interest rates for these loans were 4% lower than that of commercial loans. The preferential support lasts for at most 12 months (Tran and Dinh, 2014a). Just over one million farmers borrowed VND 776 billion (USD 40.8 million) under the programme during 2009 and another VND 147 billion (USD 7.7 million) was lent to 6 424 farmers in the first four months of 2010. | sdg2 |
This is why there had been little investment in the people and institutions that collect, study and disseminate data on them. Thus dilemmas are now being faced in handling apparent uncertainties about the GHG baseline developed for the CRGE. We are certainly witnessing this globally. Some stakeholders see green growth as an opportunity to rapidly improve GDP growth, jobs, inward investment and other mainstream economic variables by investing in particular low-carbon technologies - in effect increasing the size and productivity of the ‘green sector’ of the economy. | sdg13 |
The primary domestic use of wood is as fuel, with some 67 per cent of the gross timber volume harvested in 2010 going to the fuelwood market. The remaining wood consists mainly of hardwood logs, which are processed in local sawmills (Figure 9.4). About 80 per cent of the harvested volume comes from State forest lands. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia imports more forest products than it exports, importing about USS43 million while exporting about US$7 million worth of forest products. | sdg15 |
In 2008-14, only 8% of available compensation funds were actually spent. Legal uncertainty related to the compensation process is a major bottleneck for more efficient use of these resources, another is the lack of suitable projects in which the resources can be invested (Funbio, 2014a). By far the main parameter is the extension (and type) of protected areas and indigenous lands, followed by the presence of municipal waste collection services, public watersheds, and wastewater treatment (IBGE, 2014). | sdg15 |
Not only the amount of rainfall but also the temporal distribution matters for agricultural production (Demeke, 2004, Bewket, 2009). For instance, evidence indicates that a 10% decrease in seasonal rainfall from its long-term average leads to a 4.4% decline food production (von Braun, 1991). Studies (e.g. GebreEgziabher et al, 2011, Bewket, 2009, World Bank, 2008, von Braun, 1991) conclude that the frequency and intensity of drought is likely to increase over the coming decades, which will present a serious threat to biodiversity, ecosystems, water, agricultural and human health. Due to the strategic importance of agriculture to the national economy, and its sensitivity to water availability, this sector has been given priority by the government. There is much to consider: poor people’s dependence on agriculture and their related skills, society’s dependence on farmers managing land well in order to conserve watersheds and biodiversity, the threats of climate change including increased risk of drought and more extreme weather, the unique attributes of Ethiopia’s agricultural products and its potential for green hydroelectric power, and the powerful market drivers associated with rapid urbanisation. These problems and opportunities are linked and demand systematic attention. | sdg13 |
The Global Partnership for Development thus put a special emphasis on access of developing countries to new technologies. At the beginning of the millennium, the most rapid and promising technological change appeared to involve information and communication technologies (ICTs). The Millennium Development Goals therefore paid special attention to ICT, as have the MDG Gap Task Force reports. | sdg9 |
In many ways, the world has become less tolerant of exclusion. The spread of democratic ideals and the demand for equal rights have led some Governments to loosen policies that sustain unfair treatment and have created opportunities for political participation. Meanwhile, the expansion of education and improvements in information and communications technologies (ICTs) are enabling more people to make more informed choices and exercise voice. However, these advances have not been enough to eliminate disadvantage and promote inclusive societies. | sdg10 |
As such, it is important to note that each of these 11 guiding elements — six framing conditions and five instruments — is consistent with the principles guiding general water resource allocation systems. At the system level, requirements for accountability and information and knowledge fit with the proposed information requirement. Furthermore, effective monitoring and enforcement, assuring the system's interconnectivity (conjunctive surface-groundwater management), and policy coherence across sectors (no price distorting measures) are mentioned above. | sdg6 |
For example, around three quarters of civil servants and two-thirds of public utility workers were located in the top 30% of the income distribution at the onset of the crisis (Matsaganis and Leventi, 2012a). The introduction of the pensioners’ solidarity contribution (a special tax on pensions, excluding those up to EUR 1 400 per month) and cuts in pension benefits (abolition of the 13th and 14th month payments) also seemed to have been weakly progressive. On the other hand, policies affecting low-income households, such as the 2012 cut in unemployment benefits (Table 2.9), and the 2010 VAT hikes (based on Leventi and Matsaganis, 2013a), were regressive. The 2011 emergency property tax appears to be, in principle, progressive. | sdg10 |
The booked capacities were generally not used while not being available to other market entities (in three-quarters of the cases by distributors affiliated with the network operator) thus excluding small market entities from the market and permitting the network affiliates to maintain a dominant position in their traditional supply areas (Bundesnetzagentur, 2010). Now capacities are auctioned, thus removing barriers to grid access and simplifying the booking process. However, as on the electricity market, a majority of consumers are not benefiting from savings they could get from provider switching (Bundesnetzagentur, 2010). In addition, eco-innovation could also generate additional growth, thereby offsetting some of the adverse effects of emission reduction policies (OECD, 201 If). | sdg7 |
Much depends on whether Chernobyl is viewed as the result of a singular conjunction of technical, human and institutional failures or as the indicator of an incompressible risk residual connected with nuclear power. The latter figure was derived by a WHO Expert Group based on the linear no threshold methodology adopted by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. It corresponds to a 3-4% increase in the number of cancers that would have been likely to happen otherwise in the concerned groups. | sdg7 |
It outlines the basket approach for benchmarking Internet prices across LDCs. It also considers ways operators adapt pricing schemes to low-income groups within the LDCs through different Internet data bundles. Considering that prepaid Internet bundles are often linked to a volume of data, information on different data consumption patterns in LDCs is investigated. The chapter also discusses the use of Over the Top applications and zero-rated access to certain applications in LDCs and their regulatory implications. | sdg9 |
Affiliation was trending downwards in El Salvador prior to the health-care reform now under way, and has remained low and virtually unchanged in Honduras. Unfortunately, levels of health-care affiliation in Brazil could not be detected from the surveys consulted, as the country has a universal system. Affiliation to health systems among professionals and technicians in microenterprises declined (along with pension scheme affiliation) in four of the countries with the lowest levels of affiliation. | sdg1 |
Moreover, if and where additional land for biofuel production goes at the expense of naturally vegetated land, this will affect the hydrological cycle. Additional water stress can result on irrigated land, and this competition over water between food and fuel crops can affect agricultural production in drought-prone regions and potentially lead to yield reductions. Currently around 33% of the earth’s surface (excluding Greenland and Antarctica) is used for crops and livestock farming (PBL, RIO+20). Projections indicate that agricultural land use is likely to increase even further in coming decades due to population and welfare growth. | sdg6 |
According to the UNECE’s Third Environmental Performance Review' no conflicts between different water users in Georgia are reported. The MENRP is not required to be informed about conflicts between water users and is not involved in negotiation meetings (UNECE, 2016), However, this does not apply to some transboundary' rivers and groundwater aquifers. Currently, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) support Georgia in facilitating co-operation with Azerbaijan over protection and sustainable use of the water resources of the Kura River basin. The agreement seeks to resolve inter alia the issue of shared water from the Kura River for agricultural use. Since 2010, a number of bilateral consultations between Georgia and Azerbaijan took place with the objective of developing a text for the future bilateral agreement on the shared water resources (UNECE, 2016). The conflicts between the use of water for hydropower, the development of irrigation in the Alazani-Iori Basin and the preservation of water flow for aquatic ecosystems are a source of increasing concern. | sdg6 |
About 47 of the EE projects are being undertaken in India alone (UNER 2008b). Due to the large quantity, dispersed end-use requirements and preferences of individual owners, the third category presents characteristics of long-tail energy use. The total primary energy was inferred considering that the leaves correspond to 25 per cent of the juice and bagasse content, because good plantation practices require that half of this biomass remain in the fields to be recycled. | sdg7 |
This is supported by the evidence that the incidence of poverty is, in general, less severe in off-farm or multi-activity households than in families dependent on agriculture. Many of the world’s food insecure people are low-income, small-scale farmers who are not integrated into larger productive networks and are exposed to food price shocks, natural catastrophes and climate change. Cross-sectoral and place-based policies aiming at integrating the agricultural sector with upstream and downstream markets, as well as w'ith non-farm activities, may be potentially more effective for improving rural livelihoods and FSN. Evidence obtained from a series of OECD policy reviews, as w'ell as research conducted by both the FAO and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), suggests that there is need for a shift towards a broader and more holistic approach to FSN and rural development. | sdg2 |
By building on improved climate projections and lessons learned (from initiatives focusing specifically on adaptation, as well as those focusing on climate variability and disaster risk reduction), the capacity to adapt to climate change can gradually improve (IEG, 2013). The value of monitoring and evaluation of adaptation as a mechanism for learning therefore lies in the use of the information for adaptation planning processes and for improving government performance. At the national level, it can be difficult to ensure that the lessons learned are readily available to, and used by, the stakeholders shaping the domestic policy agenda on adaptation (GEF IEO, 2013, Kato et al., In developing countries, an additional barrier to learning can be that the monitoring and evaluation systems to varying degrees may be shaped by the information required by the providers of climate finance rather than by the national authorities. | sdg13 |
In addition, they find that the extent of reinstatement in the case of unfair dismissal is the most important regulatory determinant of gross worker flows, in general, and within-industxy job-to-job transitions, in particular. They also find that the length of the trial period is also a key determinant of hiring although not of separations. There is also evidence that countries with lower EPL have not only higher dismissal rates but also greater rates of voluntary quits (Gielen and Tatsiramos, 2012). By contrast, the impact of EPL on firm growth appears to be, at best, small (Boeri and Jimeno, 2005, Schivardi andTorrini, 2008). | sdg10 |
First, the devices are designed to use minuscule amounts of power. Such an understanding will create the environment for appropriate policy and regulatory actions by governments and also for the necessary innovations by operators and manufacturers. The necessary innovations include business process and pricing innovations. | sdg10 |
Micro-finance institutions in the NGO sector in Fiji, for example, started with the FCOSS and Aglow Lautoka in Fiji. These early NGOs assisted in the implementation of micro-credit and savings projects, providing services to communities and villages (ILO, 2006a). The FCOSS runs a Social Enterprise Development and Education (SEDE) programme that aims at “promoting and empowering communities through entrepreneurial initiatives, capacity enhancements and micro-finance services”. | sdg1 |
This article examines the constitutional issues raised by the peculiar relationship between the IRS and the Joint Committee on Taxation. Under Section 6405(a) of the tax code, the IRS cannot pay a refund unless it first gives the JCT a chance to review the proposed payment. In practice, this review function gives the JCT a veto over proposed refund payments.This Article argues that, even though Section 6405(a) does not provide an explicit legislative veto of the sort declared unconstitutional in INS v. Chadha, the statute nonetheless violates the separation of powers. The Article also examines some of the procedural due process concerns raised by JCT meddling in IRS refund claim adjudication. | sdg16 |
Examples include Korea’s strategy “Creative Korea - Smart Nation” and Colombia’s “Vive Digital” strategies. Some initiatives also have an explicit focus on SMEs such as Germany’s initiative “Mittelstand-Digital” (EN „SMEs digital11), w hich aims at promoting the use of software for enhancing business processes by SMEs including skilled crafts. Others have an explicit focus on ICT adoption and use for addressing specific social challenges, such as Japan which is addressing the needs of an ageing society through its programme on the “Platinum Society”. | sdg9 |
Effort should be made to support the sharing of expertise and practices at the local level. In this regard, it will be important to establish strong public health institutions with national influence to develop strategic policy objectives and assess policy options. This need for strong public health institutions is heightened in Switzerland where cantons are of varying sizes and hence have varying capacities for policy development. Health information systems are currently limited and information on key indicators is too often left to the initiative of willing parties or health service providers. | sdg3 |
There is scope to expand the use of PES programmes and economic instruments, such as the proposed trading scheme for discharges of nitrogen and phosphorous to combat eutrophication. This would be more effective if it were implemented with partners around the Baltic Sea. Marine issues were included in the 2012 innovation strategy. The focus on the conservation and sustainable use of marine ecosystems could be further strengthened in the context of innovation policy, and in discussions about a European blue economy strategy. | sdg14 |
This project lays the foundation for information communication in China and plays a key role in information technology, which enhances the ability of information communication and meets the information development needs of China. This project is relevant to SDGs 3, 8 and 9. Atu Lie'er Village, located in Zhiermo Town, Zhaojue County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province of China is called the "Cliff Village", as its more than 500 villagers live on a cliff, where the traffic conditions are very bad and villagers need to climb nearly 800 metres if they go outside of the village. China Telecom Liangshan Branch and Zhaojue Branch overcame traffic difficulty and conducted network investigations there in September and November 2015. | sdg9 |
For example, while the earliest project from CIDA considered in this analysis started in 2001, the earliest from JICA started in 1988. The geographic distribution is in part explained by the type of activities implemented. For example, most flood prevention and control activities are located in a few countries particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events, such as Indonesia and Bangladesh. | sdg13 |
Tendering for new generics could allow more downward price pressure to be exerted. Generics manufacturers would bid on the price of a given pharmaceutical, and pharmacies would have no choice but to stock the product of the winning manufacturer. These competitive processes have been used in New Zealand, the Netherlands and Germany with some success. Pharmacists have been the main force for the promotion of generics since 1999 (Autorite de la concurrence, 2013). | sdg3 |
On the other hand, effective use of many (though not all) technologies requires capabilities such as literacy, as well as financial and other resources which are not universal or equally distributed. Policies that seek to take advantage of ICTs to support internationally-agreed poverty reduction targets therefore need to address deficits in these capabilities as well as in infrastructure and connectivity. Human resource development, including formal and informal education, is crucial to supporting a growing ICT sector, and vice versa. | sdg9 |
This essay examines the structural economic reform measures undertaken in the Arab world in the past two decades. Developmental projects in the region have attained growth in gross domestic product, higher levels of human capital, and stable governments. These, however, have been accompanied by corruption, structural economic problems, social exclusion, and negligence of good governance and the rule of law. This essay suggests that the juxtaposition of economic reform and liberalization with corruption, authoritarianism, and absence of good governance were a recipe for the social tumult that became the Arab Spring. Social unrest will remain the rule rather than the exception in the Arab region for the foreseeable future, especially in countries that have undergone regime change, such as Egypt and Tunisia, due to the lack of expected economic and political reforms. | sdg16 |
In the post-disaster phase, they can also use field-based methods to estimate damage and losses. Pre-disaster risk assessment, or to be more precise, the use of information in ‘normal’ times, is thus needed to generate risk awareness for development planning purposes. This assessment can guide DRR policies, strategies and investment programmes. The qualitative approach is useful as an initial screening process. | sdg13 |
First, tariffs should be lowered as carbon prices on the EU ETS should increase creating additional incentives on the energy market to develop low carbon power sources. In Germany, the feed-in tariff for photovoltaics was eight to ten times higher than the electricity price and more than three times the feed-in tariff paid to wind in 2009. Significant reductions have been implemented over the past two years but tariffs remain two to three times higher for solar compared to wind or hydro power. | sdg7 |
The Supreme Court recently decided the case of Board of Education v. Earls (2002). The case affirmed the constitutionality of drug testing for public school students who participate in extracurricular activities. The case represents an expansion of the use of drug testing in public schools and may prove to be the impetus for increased drug testing in public school systems around the United States. Moreover, the constitutional basis for the case outcome represents a protean doctrine applicable to a variety of quasi-law enforcement situations. This article examines the current nature of drug testing in the United States. Next, the legal doctrines and precedents that led to the Earls case are explored. Finally, the case opinion and its policy implications are discussed. | sdg16 |
Note: Comments provided by the experts do not necessarily imply the endorsement of suggested indicators. Inadequate information about risks can lead to mispricing of assets and misallocation of capital and may give rise to concerns about financial stability. The report provides a number of recommendations on how to facilitate disclosures on climate-related issues, including by considering metrics on climate-related risks associated with water, energy, land use and waste management, where relevant and applicable. | sdg12 |
Moreover being well informed about the recycling programs is significant and positive for all the materials but food/yard waste. As for the policy instruments, mandatory recycling with kerbside collection with or without bag-based system were most effective however, only kerbside collection had a positive effect only on cardboard recycling. | sdg12 |
How to enhance national/local co-operation on urban water governance? However, equal attention needs to be paid to the trade-offs that such co-ordination efforts imply as it takes time and (institutional) effort, and it can generate multiple types of costs. Given that cities often seek value for money, the cost dimension needs to be factored in and compared with benefit. | sdg6 |
This chapter examines freedom of religion in the Canadian constitution. After locating the modern protection of freedom of religion within Canadian constitutional history, the chapter explores the Supreme Court of Canada’s interpretation of that right, drawing particular attention to how constitutional law defines and understands religion itself. The chapter then turns to three themes that have emerged as central in the freedom of religion jurisprudence, but that also reflect broader issues within Canadian constitutionalism: the instability of the public/private divide as a means of analysing constitutional problems, the tension between individual rights and regard for collective and community interests, and the paradoxes involved in the aspiration for state neutrality. Ultimately, the chapter argues that freedom of religion offers a unique avenue into understanding the deeper themes, tensions, ideologies, and politics at work in the Canadian state, and the history and logic of its constitutional order. | sdg16 |
Each year in developing countries, there are 89 million unintended pregnancies. About 43 per cent of pregnancies are unplanned. Because people in these countries often marry later, women may have difficulty becoming pregnant, and assisted reproductive technology, such as in vitro fertilization, may not be readily available or affordable. | sdg5 |
This indicates that dam or multi-regional water is supplied at a tariff level that is cheaper than the full supply cost. Both tariffs increased by 4.9% in 2013, and by 4.8% in 2016. At the same time, Consumer price index increased by 27.5%. Change in dam and multi-regional water tariffs has been restrained by the government’s price stabilisation policy (which applies to public utility charges) (MoLIT and K-water, 2016). | sdg6 |
Applying life-cycle thinking which considers the impacts from all life-cycle stages of the production and consumption process. Guarding against the re-bound effect, where efficiency gains are cancelled out by resulting increases in consumption (UNEP 2011). Green Growth is a policy focus for the Asia-Pacific Region that emphasises environmentally sustainable economic progress to foster low-carbon, socially inclusive development" (UNESCAP n.d.). | sdg12 |
Alway (2003) showed that the older formulae, which SNC first relied upon, could be altered with no serious social, grant, or regulatory consequences. In fact, the new formulae are more precise in estimating P removed. Therefore, by not updating the formulae, SNC runs the risk of using out-of-date science, to the detriment of the programme. | sdg6 |
Cities are essential actors in stimulating green infrastructure, and urban finance is one of the promising ways in which this can be achieved. Cities are key investors in infrastructure with green potential, such as buildings, transport, water and waste. Their main revenue sources, such as property taxes, transport fees and other charges, are based on these same sectors, cities thus have great potential to “green” their financial instruments. | sdg9 |
National government agencies will therefore need to define their role in such system, be it as a facilitator or federator of responses, a complementary actor, an investor or funder, or by assuming a regulatory oversight role. The scope of action is differentiated for the hotspot region, the market directly' impacted (Is1 tier), and the indirectly impacted (2n tier) countries—reflecting the three layers of impacts discussed in Chapter 3. Priority should be given to mitigating agriculture water risks in identified hotspot locations (1), not only for effectiveness and efficiency reasons, but because the more risk mitigation is conducted at this level, the lower impact there will be outside of the hotspot location. | sdg6 |
This framework is fully consistent with the results of the EEL research programme in New Zealand, it recognises, for example, the importance of information networks, as well as the essential nature of professional development, to update information on industry changes and post-school courses of study and training and to expand knowledge on new, relevant technology. Thus members of CAANSW are natural allies for disseminating knowledge to young people about emerging opportunities and requirements for participation in the green economy. The science leader for the project is the author of Chapter 3, who can be contacted at [email protected]. | sdg7 |
Wind production capacity and demand profiles are readily available. The contribution of nuclear power plants to the flexibility margin and therefore to provide system flexibility is very limited as ramping of nuclear power plants comes at prohibitively high costs. Two indicators are available to measure utilisation rates: the energy interconnector margin and the peak interconnector margin. | sdg7 |
It is not clear in what time frame these obstacles will be overcome. It takes advantage of the fact that like the majority of higher organisms, including mammals and humans, the mosquito carries a significant microbiome (symbiotic bacteria) in its gut (Pumpuni et al., The idea is then to engineer these symbiotic bacteria to produce interfering products (effector molecules) that arrest parasite development. | sdg3 |
These reforms had a significant impact on the overall subsidy level but left some of the most significant subsidies in place including most of the diesel subsidies, subsidies to butane and petroleum fuels. In 2014 the total allocation was DH 41.6 billion2 (~4.2 USD billion) of which DH 36.6 billion (~USD 3.843 billion) was allocated to petroleum products. Between 2012 and 2014 the overall subsidy cost fell by around 25% (see table 2). | sdg7 |
Both UIS Indicators were classified as Tier I/ll since data for both indicators are collected by UIS, based on an established methodology. Some countries from across different regions -including Armenia, Barbados, Malaysia, Mongolia, Oman and Uruguay - reported achieving 100 per cent access to computers in both secondary and primary schools as early as 2012. Others reported significantly lower figures at such earlier dates. | sdg9 |
Civil society’s participation as a component of public policy formulation, implementation, evaluation, and monitoring is not a recent issue. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 21: “Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives”. Article 1 of Brazil’s 1988 Citizens’ Constitution 2 recognizes this new institutional framework when it states: “All power comes from the people, who exercise it through elected representatives or directly”. Twenty-five years after passage of the 1988 Constitution, Executive Order n. 8,243 3 of May 23, 2014, created the National Policy for Social Participation (PNPS) and the National System for Social Participation, aimed at the creation, strengthening, and linkage of existing democratic structures for participation and their interface with the Federal government administration and civil society. The Executive Order thus regulates an existing Constitutional provision and does not extrapolate its own function. | sdg16 |
The second trend is the increase in the use of biomass. In 2012, four times more biomass was used by the residential sector than in 1988. This trend is also supported, although to a much smaller extent, by the increasing gasification of households. The principal objectives of climate-related policy are the development of a highly efficient and green energy sector and establishment of a single internal energy market, while overcoming the high energy and carbon intensity of the economy and dependency on energy1 imports. | sdg13 |
As a result, informal child care usually provided by older household members in these countries will become scarcer, imposing care-related constraints on labour force participation of mothers and other adults in the household, which may have to be taken into account when designing care policies. However, for conditionalities to work and be translated into longer-term improvements in human capital and labour market outcomes, certain conditions need to be met. Both vary greatly across programmes and countries. | sdg10 |
This is the basic precondition for starting to record the waste amounts delivered to the site and obtaining accurate data on MSW waste amounts, which was not possible until now. In parallel with the rehabilitation and improvement activities at the Balakhani disposal site, preparatory' activities for its closure in future will be conducted. What is more, the closure and rehabilitation of other disposal sites on the Absheron peninsula will be financed by this project. The World Bank has lent US$ 29 million for the project, which is to be provided through the International Reconstruction and Development Agency, with the balance to be contributed by the Azerbaijani Government. Public hearings were conducted and the comments were taken into consideration. | sdg12 |
Consequently, the productive season for flora and fauna remains short as well. The low temperatures also slow recycling and decomposition processes, increasing the risks of pollution (Prowse et al. In Iceland, for instance, environmental pressures are in most cases highly local and not intensive, pollution is primarily caused by lack of wastewater treatment. On the other hand, general atmospheric circulation patterns transport air pollutants to the Arctic from lower latitudes. Moreover, Arctic ecosystems are strongly affected by climate change, with warming estimated to be greaterthan the global average (IPCC 2018). | sdg6 |
The concepts known as the rule of law have evolved from varied legal traditions. And, while the rule of law is often considered eWestern,” in at least a general sense, the idea of the rule of law flows from origins of democracy in Athens. Most generally, the rule of law is a group of values or ideals relating to the law and its operation. The goals of the rule of law are to promote justice and to reduce the chance of the arbitrary use of official power. The rule of law is central to and guides the implementation and maintenance of a democratic government. The rule of law promotes respect and application of the law and generally produces respect for equality among individuals, respect for basic human and civil rights, community partnerships, public accountability, and government transparency. Keywords: democracy, human rights, rule of law | sdg16 |
In addition to his partnership with Presidents Hollande and Humala and Chancellor Merkel, he regularly engaged with other key leaders, including President Jacob Zuma of South Africa (South Africa was president of the G-77 and China negotiating group), President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey (President of G20), President Xi linping of China and President Evo Morales of Bolivia. Rather than leave high-level engagement at the conference to the end, as had been done at Copenhagen, the first day of COP 21 was devoted to a Leaders Event, which brought together over 150 Heads of State and Government. This approach had been proposed early in 2015 by the COP 21 Presidency and backed by the Secretary-General, with the goal of generating high-level political momentum without the contentious and messy conclusion evidenced in Copenhagen. In effect, the event aimed to provide a mandate from the highest political level—something which would obligate negotiators to seek consensus. | sdg13 |
This talk on judicial precedent and Aboriginal title combines legal history and current law. The legal history is important because it informs the current law. It also reveals the racism in Canadian law that retarded the development of the concept of Aboriginal title until the 1970s. My discussion of the early case law focuses on St. Catherine’s Milling and Lumber Co. v. The Queen, decided by the Privy Council in 1888. It was the leading judicial precedent on the source and content of Aboriginal title right up to the Supreme Court of Canada’s 1973 decision in Calder v. Attorney General of British Columbia. The question in St. Catherine’s was this: Did the Crown in right of Ontario or the Crown in right of Canada benefit from the surrender by the Saulteaux people of the Anishinaabe Nation of their Aboriginal title by Treaty 3 in 1873? | sdg16 |
Current efforts to reduce the negative impacts of seals on fishing include protective hunting and the development of new equipment (Lunneryd & Konigson, 2017, Naturvardsverket, 2017a, 2017b). Participants at the workshop commented that seal-proof equipment is expensive for small-scale household fishers and that protective hunting from a boat in open water is extremely difficult. Naatamo is an Atlantic Salmon river with its source in Finland, flowing northward into Norway ending in the Barents Sea. | sdg15 |
In recent years, efforts have been undertaken to construct and rehabilitate schools in needy areas. The "100 schools, 100 hospitals” programme, announced by the President of Kazakhstan in 2007, has constructed 106 new schools providing more than 86 000 additional student places throughout the country. The purpose of the programme, financed largely through Republican budget targeted development transfers (TDTs), was threefold: (i) to reduce reliance on three-shift education, (ii) to reduce the number of schools in emergency condition, and (iii) to decrease the deficit of student places in schools (IAC, 2014). | sdg4 |
It has not been possible or relevant to suggest specific thresholds at this point of time. Agreed thresholds are likely to differ for different kinds of fibres and different types of products e.g. relevant requirements for underwear will differ widely from relevant requirements for outdoor jackets. The same could also be true of a requirement to state the recycled content of products provided that consumers positively favoured products with recycled content. As well as providing environmental benefits increased collection (reuse) and recycling oftextiles and other products for use in new products could potentially bring new sorting and waste recovery industries to Europe. | sdg12 |
To further consolidate the evaluation and assessment framework, there is room to embed evaluation and assessment approaches with broader education goals, continue to build on teacher professionalism, and build networks and capacity for effective and forward-looking evaluation and assessment, in particular in the areas of classroom-based student assessment, teacher appraisal and school-self-evaluation. Following this overview, the succeeding chapters (3-6) will analyse the issues regarding each individual component in more depth. The term “assessment” is used to refer to judgments on individual student performance and achievement of learning goals. | sdg4 |
The study examined the effect of e-government on service delivery in Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo, Ebonyi State Nigeria. Descriptive research design was adopted to guide the study, two hypotheses were formulated and tested. Chisquare non-parametric statistics was used to test the hypotheses. The study revealed among other things that e-government has strong positive effect on service delivery by enhancing the performance of workers. This is because the use of ICT in work-relate activities reduces waste of time, delays and mistakes on the part of workers in the discharge of their duties. Based on this, recommendations were made major among them is that the Institution should improve on the current ICT infrastructure and strategy and continue to improve on the internet access and digital divide among staff in order to continue achieving their organizational goals | sdg16 |
Those who run a sufficiently large and vertically integrated business - “from paddock to plate” - will undertake hedging as would any company as part of general risk management activities. In contrast, farmers who sell at the farm gate typically do not hedge. For producers who are members of a co-operative, the co-operative hedges on behalf of its members on a “same price for all” basis. | sdg2 |
An array of mechanisms with large fundraising potential has been proposed over the past decade. Out of these initiatives, a tax on transactions in the financial markets has gained new political momentum and is already being implemented in a few countries. It is estimated that this mechanism, if implemented in G20 countries, could make available over USD 50 billion for development every year. | sdg9 |
The Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP) approved and declassified this paper on 16 March 2017. The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the authors. Comments on Working Papers are welcomed, and may be sent to Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD, 2 rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. | sdg9 |
It is organised under the auspices of the EU Water Framework Directive and the French national organisation for the development and management of water resources (the Schema Directeur d’Amenagement et de Gestion des Eaux, or SDAGE) and is mainly funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Achieving a shared diagnosis, on the basis of six workshops held in the region in the fall of 2009 and the first restitution workshop seminar held in December 2009. A forward-looking phase, to define and analyse a combination of plausible scenarios for water policy by 2030. | sdg6 |
This work is contributing to SDG target 16.1, aimed at significantly reducing all forms ofviolence. Citizens are encouraged to keep active and healthy through the Play for Life programme, which also aims to help keep some of Sierra Leone's traditional sports alive and pass them on to future generations. | sdg8 |
Good/strong, 5. In order of importance from the assessment, these were: policy coherence (Principle 3), financing (Principle 6), managing trade-offs across users, rural and urban areas, and generations (Principle 11), and integrity and transparency (Principle 9). To strengthen a comprehensive approach to water management, some Principles can be considered simultaneously (e.g. Principles 2, 3, 5, 9 and 11) in order to develop a clearer and broader understanding of the problems and the solutions. The paper concludes that the Principles are a good example of how the complexity of w'ater problems demands holistic approaches and actions, including considerations of territorial, temporal and intergenerational continuity. | sdg6 |
In Jamaica, with a very active environmental advocacy community, a great number of community-based groups are raising awareness and mobilising communities in conservation activities. Universities are also involved in outreach work and quasi-formal continuing education work. In the Pacific, intergovernmental and civil society organisations similarly tend to be very involved. | sdg13 |
Moreover, some data is national in scope, while other data is sectoral or related to specific activities. Where data is disaggregated within countries, the different parameters used hinder data aggregation across countries. Hence, presenting total finance needs - either national, by sector or mitigation/ adaptation specific - is not possible based on the information available in the (l)NDCs. | sdg13 |
However, more recently it has channelled labour towards manufacturing activities and urban areas, but preserved highly differentiated wages and pay structures that permit firms and public entities to realize large savings and investments. This campaign, launched in 1999 is targeting the east-central-west divide. The movement of “constructing a socialist new countiyside”, formally initiated in 2005, aims at bridging the urban-rural gap. | sdg10 |
This is related to several specific aspects of pension system rules, including the nature of derived benefits, the rules regarding joint annuities and the existence and characteristics of contribution credits for care-related reasons. They have various underlying logics (for instance, some are based on the idea of economic dependence, others more clearly reward family members for their unpaid care work, while others are mainly concerned with basic poverty protection), but they are similar in that they all address the impact that the distribution of family roles, including paid and unpaid work in the family, can have on women’s future pension entitlements. The first relates to the changes that have been taking place over the past decades in both women’s lifecourses as well as pension system rules. | sdg5 |
This chapter examines the objectives and practice of the Rwandan national courts, as understood inside the institution. Grounded empirical research is used to examine how Rwandan judges and lawyers have interpreted the work of the national courts. These legal practitioners argued that the national courts have contributed to the transitional period through improving legal education standards, drawing specific attention to substantial domestic legal reforms in 2004. The chapter argues that the national courts’ focus on legal reform in the post-2004 period provides these legal actors with a means of navigating the tensions between international criminal law and international human rights law raised by the practical and political constraints on the courts’ work. In addition, it allows the judges’ and lawyers’ a means of asserting their current capacity to receive cases transferred from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). | sdg16 |
They may also deter students who are risk-averse and/or are from a disadvantaged background from participating in higher education in the first place, as they may face financing difficulties later in their studies. The pattern of enrolments in the first grade of undergraduate professional and university education by regions reveals that most students attend higher education institutions in the regions of their residence. For instance, the greatest share of the students of the University of Ljubljana comes from the central region of Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska regija), where Ljubljana is located. | sdg4 |
In this article I argue that disabled people in the United Kingdom have been tipped into an abyss of counterfeit citizenship. They have been smeared as ‘false mendicants’ – an old trick well documented in the historical archives of ableism. Neoliberalism has used this repertoire of invalidation – its noxious taint of cunning and fraud – as the ‘moral justification’ for welfare reform and for the pillory and notoriety into which the entire disabled community has been placed. Austerity – through the neoliberal politics of resentment – has made disabled people its scapegoat. I argue that a historical precedent for the contemporary demonisation of disabled people as counterfeit citizens can be found in the early modern period in the mythology of the ‘sturdy beggar’. | sdg16 |
Interventions to encourage compliance with smoking control policies often rely on intermediaries for implementation, and the culture of the intermediary group might affect policy implementation. The authors present an ethnography of security staff involved in enforcing restrictive smoking policies in a large hospital in Canada. They find strong norms associated with control, mutuality, and deference to authority. Common sense interpretation rather than strict enforcement of rules prevails. To be enforced effectively, smoking policy would have to compete with other duties and elevate the security staff's perceived status in the eyes of visitors, staff, and patients. | sdg16 |
This would entail the introduction of a licensing regime for surface water abstraction - a measure recommended in the latest Environmental Performance Review of Georgia by the UNECE and included in the new (2014) draft Georgian legislation shortly to come before Parliament. Abstraction charges signal the real resource cost3 of the water. Abstraction charges are also a source of financial cost recover}', enabling funds to be raised either for water resources management and other environmental improvements, or for general public expenditure. | sdg6 |
Internet regulation has evolved from self-regulation to the criminalization of conduct to state control of information available, accessed and submitted. Criticism has been leveled at the different forms of state control and the methods employed to enforce state control. After the terrorist attack on the USA on 11 September 2001, governments justify Internet state control as a law enforcement and national security tool against the abuse and misuse of the Internet for the commission of serious crimes, such as phishing, child pornography, terrorism and copyright infringement. Some Internet users and civil rights groups perceive state control as an abomination which results in an unjustifiable infringement of civil rights. Since countries worldwide are focusing attention on the control of information on the Internet, the debate in respect of state control and the consequences of state control is relevant on a global level as it impacts on all Internet-connected countries. | sdg16 |
Governments should provide the necessary backup facilities to meet the demand created. In keeping with the Declaration of Alma Ata, all countries should reduce mortality and morbidity and seek to make primary health care, including reproductive health care, available universally by the end of the current decade. Countries should aim to achieve by 2005 a life expectancy at birth greater than 70 years and by 2015 a life expectancy at birth greater than 75 years. Countries with the highest levels of mortality should aim to achieve by 2005 a life expectancy at birth greater than 65 years and by 2015 a life expectancy at birth greater than 70 years. Efforts to ensure a longer and healthier life for all should emphasize the reduction of morbidity and mortality differentials between males and females as well as among geographical regions, social classes and indigenous and ethnic groups. The role of women as primary custodians of family health should be recognized and supported. | sdg3 |
In addition, they can contribute to research in the area, exchanges of good practices among countries, and promotion of cooperative activities at regional and international levels. At the initial stage, a partnership with international organizations may provide an impetus for greater financial support and knowledge transfer. | sdg5 |
As a result, in Asia and the Pacific, regional warning mechanisms have been set up, especially for tsunamis and tropical cyclones, with linkages to global networks, and there is a general trend towards strengthened regional and South-South cooperation. Combined with the construction of shelters and other structural measures this has made a major difference (Box III-l). As part of the overall national strategy on disaster risk reduction, there has been a strong focus on strengthening the early warning system down to the local level. | sdg13 |
Finally, better connectivity, across the subregion and beyond, can help leverage the subregion’s strategic location at the crossroads of Asia and the Pacific to re-emerge as the hub of East-V\fest trade that it once was. Growth was driven by buoyant domestic demand backed by supportive policies. Fourth quarter growth was particularly strong in several economies in the subregion. Strong economic growth over the past two decades has resulted in a growing middle class. | sdg8 |
The largest declines have occurred in grasslands and arid lands in North America and in farmed lands in Europe, whereas widespread forest specialists show fluctuating but stable trends. Actual protection levels and related trends are more difficult to evaluate, as protected areas change over time: new areas are designated, boundaries are revised and some sites may be destroyed or changed by pressures from economic development or natural processes. Environmental performance depends both on the designation of the area and on management effectiveness. Farmland bird populations declined over 1991-2004, but the decrease was less pronounced than over the 1980s, and for some countries populations have been rising since the late 1990s. | sdg15 |
One of the emerging problems with representation and treatment of minorities and indigenous groups in education in the transitional economies of the Central Asian states is the dichotomy between the emancipatory logic of egalitarianism (the continuation of the Enlightenment) and the rhetoric of nation building through a process of ethno-nationalism. How does one build a democratic, empowering and culturally pluralistic post-Soviet society, which is already characterised by a dominance of one ethnicity and the resulting marginalisation of other ethnicities and minorities, a growing social differentiation, income inequality, and inequitable access to education, exploitation and poverty? This is the question that can be asked of any nation in Central Asia. This article explores the directions in educational research dealing with the political, cultural, and educational developments in Central Asia, new citizenship and language policies and inter-ethnic tensions and conflict. | sdg16 |
The public health effect of economic crises and alternative policy responses in Europe: an empirical analysis, Lancet 374:315-23 Sullivan D, von Wachter T. 2009. Job displacement and mortality: an analysis using administrative data. Do not go breaking your heart: Do economic upturns really increase heart attack mortality? | sdg3 |
The influx of migrants to Europe was spurred by the demand created as the education levels of native-born women in the countries of southern Europe rose. And the presence, arrival and return of women performing care and domestic work raises several issues. This is evident in specific sectors, such as domestic sendee, which have been internationalized as a result. There is general agreement that this situation is the reason for the increased presence of women in international migration flows. | sdg5 |
Indeed, relative price changes currently favour green sources of energy. Physical stranding might also occur where events such as a drought or a flood make exploitation of a natural resource impossible or too costly. Should stranding affect CDDCs development prospects, Article 2 of the Paris Agreement allows those countries to be considered differently, in line with the principles of equity and countries’ common but differentiated responsibilities. | sdg13 |
In 2014, the educational attainment rate of the region was 73%, approximately 10 percentage points smaller than the national average. However, the educational attainment rate of the region is about 7 percentage points higher than the average rural TL2 region’s rate. Another area of comparative weakness is environmental quality: The level of air pollution was in 2014 about 21.7 in pg/m3, positioning Gangwong in the bottom in terms of environmental quality performance across OECD TL2 regions. | sdg11 |
The State Services Commission (SSC) also plays an ongoing role in terms of advising policy for, and direction of, the state sector. It holds responsibility for evaluating and reporting on the quality of education provided in early childhood services, kura and schools. The Education Act gives ERO’s Chief Review Officer the right to initiate reviews, investigate, report and publish findings on the provision of education in New Zealand. | sdg4 |
As a result a keyword search of project descriptions has been used. The limitation of this approach is the lack of consistency and gaps in reporting on the project descriptions in the CRS, which means some activities that engage the private sector may not be identified using a word search and are therefore not included in the analysis. Work is under way to improve the way private sector instruments are categorised and tracked within the system, so tracking such efforts in the future will be easier. As a result the analysis of development finance statistics does not align strictly with the description of private sector engagement (PSE) used in Chapter 2, which considers private sector development a subset of PSE. | sdg13 |
Subsets and Splits